
MTecknologyjoey: hey, got a minute?00:39
sayakbtyche: any proceedings on the weekly brainstorm digest?10:36
Tumiei think he's sleeping10:38
Tumieat least, i hope for him that he's sleeping XD10:39
sayakbhah :D10:57
Tumieit is 3:05 AM their, i think..11:05
sayakb16:36 here.. othere side of the world :)11:06
Tumieit is 12:35 here,, so i just taked my lunch :p11:36
Tumiejames_w: are the ext4 problems solved ?11:38
james_wTumie: sort of. It's quite hard to fix as thousands of programs may require change14:37
james_wext4 has workarounds that should make the general case safe now though14:38
Tumieso, ext4 is safe to use?14:38
james_wbut there would still be stability concerns that should mean you should have good backups14:38
james_wI would say "safe to test" right now14:38
james_wbut yes14:38
Tumieok :)14:38
Tumiethanks :)14:38

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