
* jahor is sad because he got no reply to his question ;(00:00
friartuckjahor documentation?00:01
olcafojmarsden: I've actaully looked into that quite extensively. At the end of day this doesn't eliminate the need to do a full ntbackup of exchange to tape... which is what we are trying to get away from.00:03
friartuckolcafo jmarsden bacula? dunno much about it. reading about it today in fact.00:03
jmarsdenfriartuck: Unless it has an Exchange-specific agent it won't be able to back up an Exchange database correctly.00:04
olcafobacula on Exchange just doesn't cut it.00:04
olcafoI think bacula has a development agent, but I don't want to mess with a perfectly good working exchange database.00:05
olcafoIf only I could move them over to a Linux solution...00:05
jmarsdenjahor: There is no such "lintian for your server configuration" tool that I know of, perhaps because it would have to know about every config file format in the Universe to be able to do that...00:06
friartuckolcafo just googled a few but it came up with problem reports :O. ubuntu pushes bacula in the official docs. maybe they'll get it right soon.00:06
olcafowell, I'm off. Bye.00:07
jahorjmarsden: i do not mean validate everything ... just like lintian check only for special cases i define00:42
jahorjmarsden: my plan is to use it to check other machines if i find something bad on one of all servers - just like lintian is used00:43
jahorjmarsden: but when it does not exists there is room for me to make it, rigt ;o)00:43
jmarsdenjahor: lintian is generally used to check .debs during the work of creating and modifying packages.... not per server?00:44
jahorjmarsden: lintian is for packages ... the tools i search for could be names for example syslint00:44
jmarsdenjahor: Sure, you can create something.  Are you thinking of a very general server config check tool like cfengine, then?00:45
jahorjmarsden: what i know about cfengine, func, bcfg2 and others is to create some change based on some templates or other sources00:46
jmarsdencfengine can be told to just tell you what is different (wrong), it does not have to fix it if you do not tell it to do so.00:47
jmarsdenAnd yes, you'd have to create your own ruleset... that is "the special cases you define" ... :)00:48
jahorjmarsden: then it could be the right tool for this purpose, i could check the docs for cfengine00:48
jahorjmarsden: the cfengine documentation scares me on the first sight ;o)00:55
jmarsdenIt is intended for large scale server setups and experienced server admins... but it is a powerful tool if you take the time to learn it.00:56
jmarsdenI've only ever played with it myself -- I've not used it in production.00:57
jahorjmarsden: but thanks ... i just got idea to combine func and nagios like checks01:08
=== sparky1492 is now known as sparky1492_
=== sparky1492_ is now known as sparky1492
comz_hello all.. i'm trying to solve this problem: i need to configure sendmail (or postfix or something else) to forward all mail that will point to this server to one other email on other server .. could somebody help me please ?02:32
comz_please, anybody !02:34
Dammcomz_, that's more dns then the latter.02:36
Dammyou can configure sendmail/postfix/exim4 to accept and relay for a domain, but if the DNS records don't tell it to do it also... it won't.02:37
comz_Damm: it is configured .. i need to forwart all emails to any account (ac1@dom1.com, ac2@dom1.com, ac1@dom2.com) to one email (nick@example.com)02:38
Dammcomz_, then you need to setup a user mapping02:39
Dammvirtual user mapping or user mapping02:39
comz_Damm: virtual i think .. how it is done ?02:39
comz_because no of the account currently exists on the server02:39
Dammhowever this isn't #sendmail or other said.  So what package did you install on Ubuntu Server?02:39
lamontman virtual02:40
comz_lamont: no entry for virtual02:40
comz_Damm: i'll try it there .. thanks02:41
lamontcomz_: after you install postfix there is02:41
comz_lamont: thanks02:42
=== timburke_ is now known as timburke
=== dei__ is now known as dei
mmt_Could somebody tell me how to configure my routers' NAT settings so that I could access my local server with my global ip?10:49
mmt_from within the localnetwork that is10:50
twbIs the router running Ubuntu?10:58
mmt_No it doesn't.11:02
twbThen no.11:02
mmt_Could you point me to a channel where I could get some help?11:02
twbmmt_: that depends on what OS your router is running.11:04
twbe.g. #openwrt if it runs OpenWRT.11:04
mmt_It's a ZyXEL P-660HW-D111:04
mmt_running the firmware that came with it.11:05
uvirtbotNew bug: #350291 in samba (main) "Samba cannot resolv ip" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35029113:51
=== MenZa_ is now known as MenZa
goksuhello I need help on installing ubuntu on HP Prolient ml350 G514:13
goksuthe installation goes just fine from ubuntu-server-64.iso. but I can not boot after install. ml350 hangs after reboot saying "attempting Boot from hard drive c:".14:14
goksufirst time I try this. so it could be something about the ml35014:14
goksuis irc working fine? first time since 1998 I have logged on.14:16
Nicke_it's working fine yes :)  But..14:19
ubottuIt's a weekend.  Often on weekends, the paid developers, and a lot of the community, may not be around to answer your question.  Please be patient, wait longer than you normally would, or try again during the working week.14:19
goksuok thank you. I'll wait.14:19
goksuoh the good old days. :) university life.14:20
=== Nicke_ is now known as Nicke
=== goksu is now known as goksu_
=== goksu_ is now known as Goksu
ivoks_Sun SPARC Enterprise T5440 Server15:21
ivoks_Sun SPARC Enterprise T5440 Server15:21
ivoks_From $5,179,50015:21
ivoks_huh? :)15:21
andolivoks_: Seems like they have corrected it now, or are they still trying to give you that price? :)16:08
ivoks_still the same :)16:10
* andol sees "From $51,795"16:11
ivoks_how about M3000?16:15
ivoks_From $14,79516:15
andolyes, that's the same.16:16
ivoks_T5120 from $1,279,50016:16
ivoks_X4450 From $1,499,50016:16
ivoks_etc :)16:16
andolT5120: "From $12,795", X4450: "From $14,995"16:17
andolWell, if nothing else, there is a pattern...16:17
ivoksprobably taxes for non-EU countries :D16:18
ivokstake care16:19
andolyou too16:19
ivoks_lol... i have two IRC at the same time :)16:19
andreranyone know a way to re-scan for iscsi targets without restarting iscsi? (I already have some luns mapped on a NAS device... if I do /etc/init.d/iscsi restart the new disks will show up, but I don't want to restart iscsi as I already have some disks mapped)16:37
=== RoAk is now known as RoAkSoAx
=== cemc1 is now known as cemc
=== Deevz_ is now known as Deevz
lantay77why wont my server show all of my 540mb of ram? http://paste.ubuntu.com/139725/19:40
lantay772.6.28.3 is my kernel19:41
friartucklantay77 try: more /proc/meminfo19:42
lantay77that shows more info19:42
lantay77is some of it reserved by the kernel or something?19:42
friartucklantay77 is the first line, MemTotal correct?19:43
friartucklantay77 dunno why, my box shows different numbers also.19:43
lantay77thats what i got19:44
friartucklantay77 how about top? my top shows the same as /proc/meminfo19:44
lantay77top shows the same as MemTotal19:45
friartuckhmm, dunno why free shows diff.19:46
jkakarI'm playing around with Eucalyptus in Jaunty Server (beta).19:46
jkakarI've got the cluster running with a node registered.19:46
jkakarI've created a KVM image with ubuntu-vm-builder.19:47
jkakarNow I'm blocked on using ec2-bundle-image to turn the KVM image into something I can use with Eucalyptus.19:47
jkakarAre there any instructions describing the process?19:48
uvirtbotNew bug: #350564 in mysql-dfsg-5.1 (universe) "package libmysqlclient-dev 5.1.30-2ubuntu1 failed to install/upgrade: tentata sovrascrittura di `/usr/include/mysql/decimal.h', che si trova anche nel pacchetto libmysqlclient15-dev" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35056421:00
=== specialK1vin is now known as specialKevin
Rafaelanybody has experience with ebox and samba21:28
dosnoAnyone running the 9.04 beta ?23:00
Begshey, how do you make ubuntu refuse all connections that didnt originate from the local network23:09
Deepsiptables -I INPUt -s ! localnet/mask -j REJECT ?23:10
Deepsreplacing localnet/mask accordingly, and INPUt with INPUT23:11
Begs_Deeps: thanks23:49

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