
jardihi all00:07
jardiI came with a crash. I was using my computer normaly and suddenly, the screen was filled with garbages (looks like a graphic bug to me). Seconds later, the whole things froze and I had to reboot the dirty way. Apport didn't detect the crash on the next boot and I can't precisely reproduce the bug (while it's the second time this happens in one evening of testing, each time doing things completely diffenrent).00:11
jardiwhat should I do ?00:11
jardiwhat I am supposed to put in the bug report ?00:12
jardiam I00:12
jardi2sorry, the same bug happened again.00:18
jardi2Di I missed something ?00:18
=== jardi2 is now known as jardi
edhelasi want te reactivate the notify-osd daemon ?09:51
=== jtholmes is now known as jtisme

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