
thorwilnewz2000: i now need to make the text on ubuntu.com very large until i get to see text leaking on the slideshow. so it is unlikely enough that a noteworthy number of people will see that. instead of causing a relaod of ubuntu.com, could you perhaps link the slideshow to the countdown banner page?08:45
newz2000thorwil: that's a good idea13:43
Turlhi newz200015:54
Turljust noticed, half of google results when looking for packages are totally broken15:54
Turlfor example, http://packages.ubuntu.com/feisty/linux-image-generic15:54
Turlyou should redirect them to the correct urls15:54
newz2000Turl: would you do me a favor and file a bug on that one? File against ubuntu-website16:36
Turlok newz200016:37
Turlnewz2000: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/35042817:12
ubot3Malone bug 350428 in ubuntu-website "Old package pages urls are broken" [Undecided,New]17:13
LaserJocknewz2000: what are you doing around on the weekend?17:31
newz2000paying bills unfortunately17:31
LaserJockI've been battling drupal :-)17:31
LaserJockwell, more battling my DB/web-app ignorance17:32
LaserJockit took me a couple hours to figure out how to get a fresh Druapal 6 with the DB you sent me17:32
LaserJockbut I got it in the end17:32
LaserJockthen I had to figure out why themes weren't showing up17:32
LaserJockin drupal 6 I guess they need .info files17:33
LaserJockbut I do now have the current Edubuntu theme going on Drupal 617:33
newz2000The .info file is pretty simple17:34
newz2000just look at the one for garland17:34
newz2000but actually you can leave out most of the lines17:34
newz2000http://drupal.org/theme-guide/6 has a page on updating your theme17:35
* SiDi made a PHP script for the countdown banner.17:35
newz2000and here's the .info file details http://drupal.org/node/17120517:36
newz2000hey SiDi17:36
SiDihello :)17:36
SiDiI'm the one who sent the mail about it on the artwork list, by the way17:36
newz2000The problem with the php is that our servers are so heavily cached, especially the week before release, that the image won't change at the right times17:36
SiDiI just need to find a way to upload it (port 21 blocked here) and it'll be ok17:37
SiDiI can host it17:37
newz2000you understimate how much load that would generate17:37
SiDimy server isn't a race machine but i'm having so many visitors (0) on it that it'll be ok17:37
SiDimy ISP will be happy to do this for Ubuntu xD17:37
newz2000SiDi: You're welcome to do it but I'm not ready to endorse it as an official countdown at the moment17:38
SiDi(i've got a .free.fr domain, the server is on one of Free's machines, Free is a big french ISP, and their servers host a few big sites, they should be ok with that)17:38
SiDino problems. i'm doing it just so that if someone asks for it on irc/forums we can give him/her a link17:38
newz2000ok, that is fine17:39
* SiDi hates js/iframes :P17:39
newz2000I understand17:39
SiDiMind if my script links the images hosted on your server instead of mine ? it'll avoid me to manually upload them via a web interface :P17:45
newz2000SiDi: yes, you can link to our images17:52
newz2000SiDi: did you figure out the pattern for the filenames?17:53
SiDino :P your .js file is weird17:53
newz2000the imgaes are named 30.png for 30 days from release... 10 days from release you'd want to show 10.png17:54
newz20003 days from release 03.png17:54
newz2000on release day show 00.png until the release actually happens17:54
newz2000once we pull the trigger on the release then you'll want to change to here.png17:55
SiDii'll link to static.png once it's at 017:57
SiDiso that when you change it, mine gets updated too17:57
SiDiunless there is a particular hour planned at which we should setup here.png17:57
SiDiby the way, what timezone should i use ? forcing to America/New York now17:57
SiDihttp://www.2nt.free.fr/host/jaunty/source.php that's the php source i'm using18:04
SiDihttp://www.2nt.free.fr/host/jaunty/countdown.php here is the result18:04
SiDithe server isnt fast but at least it will never be down18:04
newz2000sorry, stepped away for a min...18:12
newz2000the timezone varies, as does the release time (it depends on mirrors getting ready)18:13
newz2000so we can't hard code it18:13
newz2000if you're not going to change the image each day then what's the difference between your php script and my static image?18:13
SiDiit does change18:15
SiDitakes the day's image18:15
SiDibut based on NY's timezone, since i suppose the release date is based on US hours18:15
newz2000The release manager is in Seattle so it's probably going to be afternoon US/Eastern time18:17
SiDiok, i hope its not too far from  NY because i cant remember the US map right now :P18:18
SiDii just dont wanna have to wait for the release in order to update the script, or to use an approximate hour, that's why i link to static.png for the last day, so it gets updated at the same time than you update static.png . I cant say if i'll be on my pc on 23rd of april18:19
SiDiShall i drop a mail with the URI of the php script in the -website list ?18:23
SiDiis there a way to change the mail address used on the ubuntu mailing lists ? I should really need to move to my gmail address, this hotmail one is adding ads for WLM T_T18:37
* SiDi found. Sorry for the dumb question18:40
SiDiI need to leave. Have a nice day / evening, people.18:42
thorwil48 views from the countdown page yesterday18:44
newz2000not bad18:48
LaserJocknewz2000: do you have an expectation as to how many hits ubuntu.com will have the day of release?18:49
newz2000LaserJock: sorry, management has asked me not to discuss that18:50
LaserJockk, np18:50
newz2000it's actually not a very meaningful number because people sit there and refresh the page again and again until release18:50
LaserJocksure, I wasn't trying to figure out a people number18:53
LaserJockjust an idea of the kind of load18:53
newz2000the site is pretty busy18:53
newz2000we lock the caches so that the site is served entirely static except for the download page18:54
LaserJockis it all served from a single machine?18:55
* LaserJock is fairly ignorant of how "big" web services/sites are run18:55
LaserJocknewz2000: so is the ubuntu07 drupal theme current?18:57
thorwilgood night! :)20:02

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