
eseven73ive seen some channels like #Peru with 10,000 users on the larger networks00:00
oCean_chrome_: welcome to ubuntu! Most people are just idling or afk00:00
remoteCTRLcarlos_: no; pick kde on your login screen and make it your default desktop there00:00
chrome_you had KDE, and after a reboot you got gnome00:00
amadeuswhat do I need to do, I cant uninstall Packages in ubuntu hardy?00:01
carlos_remoteCTLR thats simple? hahahaha it looks i want easy help like in windows right :D00:01
remoteCTRLtoni_m: worked?00:01
toni_mremoteCTRL: Thanks you are number one... thanks alot m800:01
toni_myes it worked and thanks alot alot alot.00:01
remoteCTRLcarlos_: even easier:)00:01
chrome_ubuntu should be easier than windows00:01
remoteCTRLtoni_m: glad to help:)00:01
rixtr66could someone explain to me how to put a new channel in xchat?00:01
chrome_that's our goal00:01
carlos_remoteCTLR oh thanks well let me restart again thanks00:01
toni_mremoteCTRL: glad to get help from you :) bye00:01
remoteCTRLcarlos_: np00:02
=== yacc_ is now known as yacc
oCean_rixtr66: what is it that you want to do? Join another channel?00:03
rixtr66well yes!00:03
jaggedspherewhat software would I get  if I wanted my local computers to download all updates off of one of my other local machines?00:03
chrome_there's about 3 questions per minute00:03
b419kidgraingert: in the remote desktop program does host mean the ip?00:03
oCean_rixtr66: just type "/join #nameofchannel" for example "/join "ubuntu-offtopic"00:03
odderjaggedsphere: you won't need much software, that could be done through apt, I think00:03
remoteCTRLjaggedsphere: you mean you want to set up an own repository or smething like microsoft sus?00:04
jaggedsphereI think so...\00:04
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Guest5246remoteCTLR yes, thanks so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!100:04
MeXTuXI'm using Ubuntu 8.04 and when I type lspci -v the system says that my video card is a 01:05.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc RC410 [Radeon Xpress 200] (prog-if 00 [VGA controller]). My question is: Is it possible to have some desktop effects enabled??00:04
jaggedspherejust want to cut down on repeated downloads00:04
WebcamWonder!ati | MeXTuX00:04
ubottuMeXTuX: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto00:04
remoteCTRLjaggedsphere: well which of both?:D00:04
remoteCTRLGuest5246: hehe np dude:)00:05
rixtr66i know about the /join #channel part,what i want to know is how to put a different server in.sorry i didnt explain better.00:05
BrixSatapache2-ssl-certificate -days 365 this comand is not working for me :S not found00:05
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remoteCTRLMeXTuX: sure, why not? got the driver installed already?00:05
bluenzo^nixremoteCTRL: IT WORKED <3 thanks!00:05
ChotaZjklock: no sound.00:05
zaccourdo all tv tuners work with Ubuntu? or only certain ones00:06
jklockChotaz: No sound period or no sound to your headset00:06
oCean_bluenzo^nix: Yay!00:06
odderjaggedsphere: try http://mediakey.dk/~cc/howto-create-your-own-debian-or-ubuntu-package-repository/00:06
ChotaZjklock: no sound to my headset00:06
remoteCTRLBrixSat: yeah they took out that script after version dapper i believe you gotta do it the oldfashioned way with openssl00:06
ChotaZjklock: have you read the guide?00:06
remoteCTRLbluenzo^nix: np00:06
BrixSatremoteCTRL :|00:06
bluenzo^nixremote so what exactly happened, did grub add itself to the mbr or something? im not sure how all of this works its confusing lol00:07
remoteCTRLBrixSat: not too hard its like tree steps or so00:07
RickZillaRecommend good tutorial for installing themes in ubuntu?00:07
ChotaZjklock: sound is coming out on speakers00:07
jklockChotaz: yeah I read through most of it00:07
odderjaggedsphere: or this one: http://www.howtoforge.com/local_debian_ubuntu_mirror00:07
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BrixSatremoteCTRL can you tel wich steps or should i chec apache channel?00:07
remoteCTRLbluenzo^nix: supergrub disk collects information about the hdds and if it finds something that can bee booted it adds it into a menu00:07
remoteCTRLthat's basically it00:07
ChotaZjklock: that part where it says to set everything to PulseAudio but the mixer, I set the mixer to my Nvidia sound card, should I choose the headset?00:07
bluenzo^nixremoteCTRL: there is only one MBR? for all the HDDs?00:08
remoteCTRLBrixSat: nope its an ssl question, gimme a sec i think i have some docs flying arroung on that somewhere00:08
oCean_RickZilla: well, install is easy. Download the theme of your choice, the *.tar.gz. Then, drag this tar.gz on the thememanager (System > Preferences > Appearance)00:08
zaccourdo all tv tuners work with Ubuntu? or only certain ones? i need to upload to justin.tv00:08
jklockChotaz: well now you sit in an interesting position. I have taken you as far as I can, and I have given you links to information that should help you solve your problems if you piece everything together.00:08
jklockChotaz: Now you have to expirement and play around.00:08
RickZillaoCean_:  That easy, eh?  I'll give it a try.  Thanks for the help.00:08
remoteCTRLbluenzo^nix: nope there is an mbr in each hdd, but one hdd has the "active" flag which means on that one grub is located, and so that one is adressed first00:09
kinja-sheepDoes anybody know why USB transfer are terrible slow with large files?00:09
MeXTuXehm nop. I haven't installed any driver and wanted to ask because the card is .... (don't know how to say it) embedded in my motherboard (I apologize for my poor english)00:09
ChotaZjklock: kk... i'll try it around.00:09
oCean_RickZilla: alternatively you can click Add (in the Sys > Prefs > Appearance dialog) and browse to the .tar.gz00:09
bluenzo^nixremoteCTRL: k thanks :)00:09
jklockChotaz: I also have to leave work :)00:09
zaccourdo all tv tuners work with Ubuntu? or only certain ones? i need to upload to justin.tv00:09
rixtr66i want to add the server irc.esper.net to the server list in x chat how do i do that?00:10
^Ocean^How can i tell my Kernel not too load a Driver on boot ?00:10
jaggedspherethanks odder but it looks like what I imagined does not exist...had the idea that a SoHo server would pool the software requirements for all of the systems on the network and serve the files centrally as opposed multiple redundant downloads from the internet00:10
MeXTuXAnd wanted to know if it is possible to install ATI driver in order to enable some desktop effects00:10
homercycleswould anyone care to recommend a good program for comparing two directories/sub-directories and showing the differences for Ubuntu? thanks00:10
b419kidCan i use Remote desktop on ubuntu over the internet?00:10
oCean_^Ocean^: first, let me compliment you on the nick. Great! :P Second: it is possible to blacklist modules. See /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist00:11
remoteCTRLBrixSat: threre you go: http://www.openssl.org/docs/HOWTO/certificates.txt you can skip the bla bla and directly to the create certificates part00:11
odderjaggedsphere: you can still reduce those redundant download for a big bit00:12
remoteCTRLbluenzo^nix: its allright buddy;)00:12
BrixSatthanks remoteCTRL00:12
^Ocean^oCean_, ;) Thanks dude00:12
oCean_homercycles: "diff" can compare directories (command line)00:13
remoteCTRLjaggedsphere: i know of no explicit software update server, normally you would use a repository for that00:13
remoteCTRLBrixSat: np00:13
jaggedsphereI am sure I can odder but it's actually just me and my wife's laptop...00:13
homercyclesoCean_: thanks. sounds obvious :-)00:13
oCean_homercycles: unix often is!00:13
remoteCTRLjaggedsphere: then download it twice in gods name:D00:14
jaggedspherebut that would be the easy way!00:14
remoteCTRLjaggedsphere: there is another possibility then00:14
homercyclesoCean: don't suppose you know of any good GTK equivalents for the lazy?00:14
odderb419kid: try http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=29005500:14
remoteCTRLjaggedsphere: if you want the hard wag*g*00:14
b419kidodder: thanks :)00:15
oCean_oCean_: no, not offhand.. sorry00:15
homercyclesoCean_: no problems thanks for your help anyway. I'll use diff for now00:15
remoteCTRLjaggedsphere: still there?00:15
odderb419kid: no prob, just googled it00:16
jaggedsphereok, so what is the hard way?00:16
LasivianWhere do *you* put uncompiled sources?00:16
oCean_homercycles: actually, in the repositories is fldiff and mgdiff - supposedly the graphical way00:16
remoteCTRLjaggedsphere: you can write yourself a little script to achieve that, i can point you the way what tools to use butfrom there on you are your own... interested?00:16
oCean_!info fldiff00:16
ubottufldiff (source: fldiff): A graphical diff program. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.1-1.1 (intrepid), package size 88 kB, installed size 208 kB00:16
homercyclesoCean_: thanks. sweek00:16
jaggedsphereyes sir I am00:16
homercyclesoCean_: thanks. sweet, even00:17
hulkeypoojoin /uclinux00:17
ChotaZjklock: tried almost everything, checking and unchecking boxes, no sound coming from the ehadset00:17
oCean_!info xxidff | homercycles final option00:17
ubottuhomercycles: Package xxidff does not exist in intrepid00:17
remoteCTRLjaggedsphere:  hehe kk; are you familiar with dpkg? it has a --get-selection and a --set-selection option00:17
jaggedspherefamiliar yes...00:17
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b419kidodder: vnc requires pc to install so its kinda the opposite of what i need00:18
oCean_homercycles: ok, one more, then I'm done suggesting :P - there is also xxdiff in the repos, which is (sounds promising) "a graphical file and directories comparison and merge tool"00:18
b419kidodder: thanks a lot though.00:18
remoteCTRLjaggedsphere: you can put the output into text files, compare the output of both computers after you did the updates on one and then use rsync to get the files from the updated computers /var/apt/cache directory and the install them on the other computer with dpkg --set-selection00:19
homercyclesoCean_: you have been most helpful. thanks very much00:19
jaggedspherehmm I see00:19
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remoteCTRLjaggedsphere: if you need help on writing that script ask in #bash00:19
remoteCTRLjaggedsphere: all clear?:D00:20
jaggedsphereI'll research this. thanks remoteCTRL00:20
remoteCTRLjaggedsphere: allways glad to help:)00:20
rixtr66would someone please help me with adding a new server on xchat??00:20
deutsche99what is ubuntu?00:21
ubottuUbuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com00:21
noakihello! is there a possibilty in bash to automatically delete the 4 first letters of all files in a directionary?00:21
ubottuLinux is the kernel (core) of the Ubuntu operating system. Many operating systems use Linux as kernel. For more information on Linux in general, visit http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linux00:21
lordlouishi people. Does anibody know an application to upload a file to googledocs in a terminal?00:21
remoteCTRLnoaki: please repeat the question in #bash00:21
Esvandiarynoaki: you may get better help in #bash for that00:22
noakiok thanks :)00:22
Esvandiarydarn, too slow :P00:22
ubottuThe core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - See also: /msg ubottu stages00:22
zaccourdo all tv tuners work with Ubuntu? or only certain ones? i need to upload to justin.tv00:22
remoteCTRLok next comes !compile*g*00:22
remoteCTRLzaccour: see the ubuntu hardware compatibility list for that pleas00:22
remoteCTRLgimme a sec for the link00:23
puffI'm trying to mount a fedora core LVM partition under an ubuntu live CD.  Mount wants a filesystem type but parted /dev/sda ust has a blank in the "File system" column.00:23
remoteCTRLzaccour: http://www.ubuntuhcl.org/00:23
zaccourremoteCTRL, thanks00:23
remoteCTRLzaccour: np00:24
darthv3ganhmm. what's the best Windows Live Messenger/MSN client for Ubuntu? I know there's pigeon00:24
ChotaZor emesene00:24
remoteCTRLpuff: is that fedora volume an lvm volume?00:24
ChotaZCan anyone help me getting my microphone to work?00:24
darthv3gani tried emesene, it was better than pigeon. hows amsn?00:24
Extendpuff : do u kow what is the file system type of this partition?00:24
ChotaZemesene wont let you get or send files to Windows Live Messenger00:25
ChotaZso I use aMSN00:25
puffremoteCTRL: I believe so.l00:25
Lamowhich channel for jaunty support?00:25
remoteCTRLpuff ok in that case sudo apt-get install lvm200:25
remoteCTRLthen execute the following commands subsequently:00:25
EsvandiaryLamo: #ubuntu+1 i believe00:25
darthv3ganhm. aMSN have mic support?00:25
LamoEsvandiary, thanks00:26
Extenddarthv3gan : if u want a mic support go for sip-communicator.org00:26
Extenddownload the .deb file00:26
puffremoteCTRL: I see sda and sdb.  sda has a 107 MB ext3 boot partition and an 80GB partition that has a blank "File System" column and "lvm" under the flags column.00:26
puffremoteCTRL: sdb has a single 40GB ext3 boot partition, I presume that's the windows partition on this thing.00:27
remoteCTRLpuff: sudo pvscan sudo vgscanudo vgchange -a y sudo lvscan00:27
remoteCTRLpuff: if it is an ext3 partition i seriously doubt that as windos would be running on an ntfs partition00:27
ward-i have a few scripts, they work fine in a terminal with sude, but when i make a cron job they do not work anymore :(00:28
puffOh, good point.  Hm.00:28
ward-what can be the problem?00:28
sparky1492Does anyone have a good site or two that has some up to date installation info and config of netatalk?00:28
remoteCTRLpuff:  let me put this in one working command for you, sec:00:28
puffIjust did the pvscan...00:28
remoteCTRLpuff: sudo apt-get install lvm2 && sudo pvscan && sudo vgscan && sudo vgchange -a y && sudo lvscan00:29
remoteCTRLpuff: ah! ok i had a syntax error in the above line, i hope you noticed00:29
puffThe y?00:29
remoteCTRLno the vgscanudo00:29
ChotaZAnyone here uses TEAMSPEAK?00:29
martin3562346did u get it to work?00:30
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remoteCTRLpuff:  supposed to say vgscan sudo..00:30
martin3562346i tried..00:30
remoteCTRLchattr: yepp00:30
remoteCTRLChotaZ: yepp00:30
puffvgscan sudo?00:30
remoteCTRLpuff: sudo vgscan && sudo vgchange -a y && sudo lvscan00:30
ChotaZremoteCTRL: what do to if I can have mplayer outputting to my headset and I want teamspeak t  work the same way?00:31
Lasivianis there any gui wifi program for gnome?00:31
ward-i have a few scripts, they work fine in a terminal with sude, but when i make a cron job they do not work anymore :( what can be the problem, please?00:31
puffLasivian: Yes.00:31
eseven73im using xubuntu, but would like to install Gnome on another user (same computer of course) can i do that without ruining the xubuntu install for my main user? Basically I want User 1 with Xubuntu, user 2 with Ubuntu.00:31
ChotaZremoteCTRL: but TS will only output to speakers and people cant hear me talking to the headset's mic00:31
PyrusIs anyone having issues with the update to openjdk?00:31
Lasivianpuff: what is it please? :)00:31
remoteCTRLChotaZ: ther is a configuration dialog in the settings menu, you need to pick your headset as output medium there, mostly that is /dev/dsp100:31
ward-eseven73, you can choose at your loginscreen what you want to use00:31
puffLasivian: Gnone Network Manager.00:32
remoteCTRLpuff: have you done those?00:32
ward-eseven73, under sessions i believe00:32
eseven73ward-: hmm how would that work with fast user switching though?00:32
ChotaZremoteCTRL: thanks a lot it works now00:32
eseven73ward-: using the user switcher desklet in Xubuntu00:32
remoteCTRLChotaZ: np:)00:32
ward-eseven73, window manager will remain probably, is this just to test gnome?00:33
ward-eseven73, i don't know i never tried00:33
eseven73ward-: i guess i could always do replace --metacity00:33
puffremoteCTRL:Yes... got some results that look like errors.00:33
amadeusHello, I can no longer remove wine completely with apt-get remove wine, it only removes about 98 kb, what do I need to do?00:33
remoteCTRLpuff: apste them to www.nopaste.org please00:33
Lasivianpuff: ahh, I was meaning something a little more like netstumbler00:33
ward-eseven73, if this is just to test gnome, you can do it simpler00:33
tvih-righto. any ideas why gdm/gnome won't start up properly with my new display driver, even though gdm itself starts fine?00:34
bluenzo^nixpastebin.com <300:34
ward-eseven73, without extra user00:34
valentin__is ist possible to write to a dialoge in gnome using a script?00:34
grigoracould someone tell me the difference between libboost-python-dev and libboost-python1.34.1?00:34
puffremoteCTRL: Working on it...00:34
remoteCTRLLasivian: there are command line tools for that: iwslist -scan and iwconfig00:34
remoteCTRLpuff: kk00:34
ward-i have a few scripts, they work fine in a terminal with sude, but when i make a cron job they do not work anymore :( what can be the problem, please?00:34
eseven73ward-: well its not really  to test gnome, its more of a case of liking both window environments and cant choose between the two :D00:34
silvertip257I'm writing a shell script (bash is my shell) that is to change directory before its termination (and it does with embedded pwd to debug), but it does not remain at that location.  I realize it is a problem with my script running in a subshell, but I'm SSH-ing to the box and when my script runs with either 'source' or the 'dot operator' (. ./myscript) my SSH session is terminated.  Can anyone offer advice on how to complete this without00:34
silvertip257 terminating my SSH session?00:34
ward-eseven73, then wouldnt it be easy if you could just choose in your loginscreen what to start?00:35
bluenzo^nixHey, I have a printer, are there any drivers i can get for it? or no :(00:35
ChotaZremoteCTRL: I set the output to my headset has you said and I can hear people through the headset but still cant talk to them, where should i look for a minimized liner, ALSA Mixer or PA or Voluecontroller?00:35
eseven73ward-: normally yes, but im using fast user switching widget in Xubuntu00:35
remoteCTRLsilvertip257: please ask your question in #bash00:35
gartralhow do i build an install package from source?00:35
silvertip257remoteCTRL, will do00:36
remoteCTRLChotaZ: best in both of them00:36
eseven73!compile | gartral00:36
ubottugartral: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)00:36
Orestis_GHey guys, could you give a hand with an X server issue, from an HDD installation of an xbmc live CD?00:36
ward-eseven73, i dont think that mathers, but im not sure00:36
remoteCTRLChotaZ: and you might also wanna set the microphone device in the settings dialog of ts00:36
remoteCTRLOrestis_G: what is an xbmc?00:37
valentin__can i open the gnome-keyring in console?00:37
ward-eseven73, because otehr users can also choose what they want to use at the loginscreen00:37
ward-eseven73, so there's no reason for it not to work if you switch00:37
ChotaZremotectrl: it works now, thanks again, finally I'm done with this ^00:37
ward-but again im not sure00:37
=== tom__ is now known as ubuntu-fr
ward-never tested00:37
remoteCTRLChotaZ: np:)00:37
Orestis_Gbasically it's a HTPC front-end, however the live CD is based on ubuntu...anyway, my problem is X-server related00:37
eseven73ward-: yes true when not using a fast user switching widget00:37
=== ubuntu-fr is now known as jardi
remoteCTRLOrestis_G: so what is it?00:38
puffremoteCTRL: http://nopaste.com/p/aT3AZoAEob00:38
ward-eseven73, i was explaining why it should work with your funky widget00:38
Orestis_GTo be precise, the live CD boots to a graphical environment with DRI, automatically identifying the radeon driver as the one to be used (the card is a 9250).00:38
eseven73ward-: ok well ill experiment a bit and report back in about 30mins to an hour (The servers are very congested due to Jaunty beta release last night)00:38
ward-eseven73, test this on a virtual machine preferrably00:39
ward-eseven73, jsut in case something goes wrong00:39
babylonsfuryhey guys, does anyone know what package controls the usb controller?00:39
Orestis_GHowever, when I install to the disk, although the card is again detected, I have no X unless I disable DRI00:39
eseven73good idea00:39
J_Litewskihow can I check to see what video card i have?00:39
ja660kcan anyone help me with my java compiler?00:39
gartraleseven73: will this produce a .deb file?00:39
thebitguruHi, I am trying to setup my ubuntu machine to display on a Mitsubishi WS-55513.  Normal console shows up OK, but when I start x it display a black screen.  I took the modeline from the mythtv site, which I am assuming worked for at least one other person. Can someone please help me get this to work?00:39
danc3J_Litewski: open the box and look?00:39
J_Litewskiit's a laptop00:39
ward-eseven73, virtualbox is pretty good and very straightforward for these tests00:39
ward-eseven73, good luck00:39
danc3J_Litewski: lspci00:39
eseven73yea im pretty good with vbox00:39
tvih-was there a way to open xterm to the first x display? from console? when running nothing but the Xorg itself on the graphical side.00:40
ward-eseven73, also change your package source :p00:40
remoteCTRLpuff: sudo modprobe dm_mod then the whole commandline again: sudo pvscan && sudo vgscan && sudo vgchange -a y && sudo lvscan00:40
Orestis_Gdrmopendevice returns -1 in both cases (livecd and hdd installation), however when I run the live CD it then succeeds using the BUS ID of the device, while when running from the hdd, the Xserver segfaults00:40
puffward-: I don't know enough to help you wtih cron, but I do know that user identity and permissions are kinda tricky with cron.00:40
remoteCTRLOrestis_G: i am not sure if i can help you on that as i adont even know what dri is...:-/00:41
grigoracould someone tell me the difference between libboost-python-dev and libboost-python1.34.1?00:41
Orestis_GDirect Rendering Infrastructure....GLX etc00:41
HuufartedWhat's the easiest way to remove a KDE install and go back to Pure Gnome?00:41
Orestis_Gopen gl acceleration00:41
puffremoteCTRL:  that worked a lot better:  http://nopaste.com/p/avxj8fSGT00:41
ward-puff, yes i was thinkign in that direction too but i'm not good at all at permissions stuff00:41
eseven73gartral:  try this http://blog.mypapit.net/2006/02/create-you-own-debianubuntu-deb-package.html00:41
bazhang!puregnome > Huufarted00:42
ubottuHuufarted, please see my private message00:42
majnoonwrong window :(00:42
bazhangmajnoon, stop that00:42
remoteCTRLgrigora: a -dev file is a development file, meaning if you wanna code something for it you will need this or also if cyou wanna compile something that needs this00:42
Huufartedbazhang, ty00:42
majnoonwrong window :(00:42
Fleischwhat is with is authorization stuff everytime i touch something00:42
Fleischhow do i turn it off00:42
Huufartedbazhang, that mentions installing ubuntu-desktop.  Is that needed gnome is already there or is that just used to reinstall the startup screen, etc?00:43
puffward-: I did some stuff with cron about six months ago and had some mysterious problems that turned out to be because of something counterintuitive about what user the cron job ran as, etc.  A friend helped me sort it out but I can't find it in my notes, sorry.00:43
remoteCTRLpuff: there you go, now you can mount these 5 harddisks one after the other by sudo mount /dev/mapper/VolGroup00/LogVol00 /mnt00:43
bazhangHuufarted, not to my knowledge no, that is just a meta-package00:43
puffremoteCTRL: Okay, so that seemed to go well, so<loses>00:43
ubuntu_sup rururs00:43
ward-puff, it should be ran as root if i understand correctly, since i added the cron job with sudo crontab -e -u root00:43
remoteCTRLpuff: so<loses>?00:44
puffremoteCTRL: Should I change "/mnt" with each lnie?00:44
Huufartedbazhang, meta-package?  Does that mean it's just a list of other packages it will attempt to install?00:44
grigoraremoteCTRL: thanks, so what's the other one for? considering boost is a library and the only reason you would install it is to use it (link against it, etc).00:44
puffremoteCTRL: When you're typing a question and before you get done somebody says the answer.00:44
puffremoteCTRL: You lose the race :-)00:44
bazhangHuufarted, it just pulls in all of what you need for ubuntu desktop00:44
ubottuA meta-package is a package that simply depends upon other packages and brings them in. It's not a real package, but a very useful package that can drag in other package versions.00:45
puffremoteCTRL: Should "/mnt" change for each volume, and if so, any way to figure out what they are/should be?00:45
Huufartedbazhang, thank you.  :)00:45
tvih-blah, this plain sucks00:45
alecCould someone help please.00:45
alecFor some reason my Ctrl-Alt-Backspace will NOT restart X.   Could anyone help?00:46
tvih-gdm is simply stuck at a black screen and the loading-cursor when X starts, and nothing further happens. makes no sense.00:46
oCean_alec: are you on jaunty?00:46
danc3alec: log out and back in00:46
alecI did log out and back in.  no luck.00:47
alecI've tried a lto of things acutally.00:47
alecreboot doesn't help either.00:47
remoteCTRLpuff: mount is a standard directory for just such a purpose, if you want to mount all of the volumes simultaneously you need to have a directory for each volume you wanna mount so f. ex create some: sudo mkdir /mnt/disk1 && sudo mkdir /mnt/disk2 , etc00:47
oCean_alec: ok. I know in jaunty the ctrl-alt-backsp feature is disabled.00:47
remoteCTRLgrigora: i am not sure if i understand the question?00:47
tvih-disabled? why? :o00:47
alecah ha. I think maybe I read that somewhere as well. hmm.... I wonfer if this is the case in Ibex. ??00:47
oCean_alec: "lsb_release -a" to find out00:48
alecyeh... why would they disable that?  usuability?  But I'm 100% sure that it does NOT work in Ibex.00:48
alecoCean... trying.00:48
puffremoteCTRL: Ah, first attempted failed, then I noticed the output from lvscan said /dev/VolGroup00/LogVol00 instead of /dev/mapper/VolGroup00/LogVol00.  Tried it with /dev/VolGroup00/LogVol00 and it appears to have worked.00:48
alecno LSB modules are available.00:49
BlackCoffeebuenas noches everybody00:49
oCean_alec: tvih- well, that discussion (as to WHY) goes in #ubuntu+1 channel00:49
alecoCean... no available?00:49
remoteCTRLpuff: really? awkward, but if you say so its gotta be so:)00:49
BlackCoffeei've come to annoy with my n00b questions00:49
alecI'd like to know if it is possible to activate it.00:49
oCean_alec: use -a00:49
alecI did eatly what u asked.00:50
aleclsb_release -a00:50
|PaperTiger|oCean_: Just to let you know, Kubuntu going really well :) I'm happy! =]00:50
oCean_alec: I think there is just an other key combination. Ask in "ubuntu+1"00:50
alecok.  thanks.00:50
|PaperTiger|oCean_: Just playing with custom settings now :)00:50
danc3alec: what exactly is the problem, anyway?  Why do you need to restart X?00:50
oCean_|PaperTiger|: Good to hear!00:50
devansHey guys, I am having a really ODD problem with connecting to a Microsoft VPN via PPTP using any method under Ubuntu Jaunty.  I know Jaunty is in beta, but the odd thing is, I have been connecting fine through Network Manger at my home - I have gone to my parents for the weekend and their setup to the internet is the same and it just fails a look in the logs and it just says pppd hangup.. I have googled my arse off and tried setting it up manually with th00:50
devanse same results.  The network setup is, laptop (vpn client) ---->  adsl wifi router ---->  internet -----> work vpn server.  It is the same at my house and I connect fine, here at my parents no luck.  Any idea what could be going wrong ?00:50
tvih-kinda sucks. i had to install jaunty kernel to get wlan working, but that meant the old nvidia driver stopped working. then when I got that working, it seems gnome doesn't want to work :(00:50
BlackCoffeewhat is a good wysiwyg html editor for ubuntu,kinda like the one that comes with mozilla but that doesn't require to download a whole suite of apps00:50
AeonisI'm looking for a program that I don't know how to install.  How can I search for it in terminal?00:51
oCean_tvih-: also for that: all jaunty issues --> join channel #ubuntu+100:51
|PaperTiger|oCean_: Much more fun that Windows is :)00:51
alecwell, I wanted to restart x to test something I changed in a config file and I relzized I couldn't restartx like beofre.00:51
AeonisI thought I used a "grep" thing.00:51
remoteCTRL!jaunty >devans00:51
ubottudevans, please see my private message00:51
tritiumAeonis: apt-cache search <foo>00:51
Aeoniswhat's <foo>?00:51
puffremoteCTRL: Why?00:51
alec mean... restart x without entirely restarting machine.00:51
danc3I see00:51
puffremoteCTRL: I'm a little bit curious about what this all means...00:51
lstarnesAeonis: apt-cache search thing-to-search-for00:51
devansremoteCTRL, Why the hell would you send me that ? I am running Jaunty.  I know exactly what it is.  That is in no way relevant to my question ?00:51
remoteCTRLAeonis: know the name of the app? sudo apt-cache search <app>00:51
=== kiosk is now known as Wong
AeonisGotcha remoteCTRL.  Thank you guys!  I may need you again...I have to try to remember how to install...00:52
oCean_devans: because the factoid tells you to join #ubuntu+1 channel00:52
BlackCoffeewhat is a good wysiwyg html editor for ubuntu,kinda like the one that comes with mozilla but that doesn't require to download a whole suite of apps00:52
Aeonisapt-get install <app>00:52
tritiumdevans: calm down00:52
ZalewaAnyone knows how to change these fonts: http://zalewa.dyndns.org/robert/winecfg.jpg ? I've done a lot of searching and that's what I found so far: 1. Increasing font DPI isn't a good solution. The text looks bad. 2. Copying multiple and various font files (including these from WinXP installation) into ~/.wine/drive_c/windows/fonts doesn't help. 3. Fonts go bad like that when I use Wine compiled from sourcecode. If I install Wine from aptitude fonts are ok.00:52
lstarnesAeonis: sudo apt-get install package-name00:52
remoteCTRLdevans: did you read the part with "please ask your jaunty questions in the hjaunty channel? that would be #ubuntu+100:52
devansSorry, I am stressed out.  I am "on-call" tonight and I need it working.00:53
danc3BlackCoffee: quanta or bluefish00:53
tritiumdevans: no excuses, please.  Just treat others with respect.00:53
BlackCoffeethank you thank you00:53
remoteCTRLpuff: what specifically?00:53
BlackCoffeewill check those out00:53
alecthis is a great channel.  I just hope it's useful FOR ME.00:53
puffremoteCTRL: Hm, LogVol3 and LogVol4 are both go-rwx and appear to contain CacheItems, CellItems, and subdirectories D1..D14.00:53
Aeonisalec:  I come here anytime I have a problem and it's always solved.00:54
puffremoteCTRL: Well, what was all that I just did?   What does it mean?00:54
puffremoteCTRL: I hate doing things without understanding them :-)00:54
remoteCTRLtritium: ya thanks for taking sides dude, but io am not that easily offended;)00:54
=== Wong is now known as Bambung
melxI'm trying to find the proper proceedure and package to install the wifi drivers for the aspire 5570z and 8.10. Can anyone point me in the right direction.00:54
Aeonispuff: I have that same problem...everything :(00:54
hanasakiwhat will show all the usb ports and hubs?00:54
remoteCTRLpuff: ok read in wikipedia what lvm2 is that should explain it;)00:54
tritiumremoteCTRL: I'm not.00:54
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about lvm200:54
ubottuTips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RaidConfigurationHowto and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO00:55
Here4TheGearHi, I'm trying to get my wireless up, I'm on an HP with UBUNTU 64 (amd64) with atheros AR5009 and I'm using the instructions here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=816780&highlight=atheros+amd64 I'm able to do everything that is noted there, however, Never (before doing those steps or after), have I seen any wireless card in system->administration->hardware drivers ::: can anyone help me with this?00:55
remoteCTRLHere4TheGear: you won't find it there00:56
BrixSatwhen i start coovachilli i get this error00:56
BrixSat.: 9: Can't open /etc/rc.d/init.d/functions00:56
remoteCTRLHere4TheGear: what is the problem actually?00:56
puffremoteCTRL: Wikipedia has almost nothing about lvm2 in the lvm article.00:56
Here4TheGearremoteCTRL well, I can't figure out how to configure my wireless to actually work. Right now, I'm tethered to a wire.00:57
remoteCTRLpuff: well the version should not be the big issue, lvm2 is not so substantially different from lvm, so unterstandign lvm would do it00:57
oCean_BrixSat: how did you install that?00:58
remoteCTRLHere4TheGear: got the firmware and the kernel module installed already?00:58
nikoHey, I keep getting permisison denied when trying to  create a forwarding ssh connection, does anyone know how I can find how what is causeing it?00:58
BrixSatoCean_ configure && make && make install00:58
Here4TheGearremoteCTRL: I checked out and compiled (and installed) madwifi if that's what you're asking00:58
remoteCTRLHere4TheGear: that is one part, you also need the firmware for the atheros chip00:59
oCean_BrixSat: ok, because it is not the LSB style to have the 'init functions' script there00:59
BrixSatoCean_ so where should they be?00:59
oCean_BrixSat: It is actually in /lib/lsb/init-functions00:59
remoteCTRLHere4TheGear: firmware in this case does not mean the software that runs on the chip but means non free driver software00:59
Here4TheGearremoteCTRL: how do I know where to get it? ALSO of note, this is a dual boot situation (vista on the other partition which came with the puter)..00:59
Orestis_GGood night,everyone01:00
oCean_BrixSat: so you may want to try and change that path in the init script, but I'm not sure whether it will work properly01:00
obf213heylow can somebody help me figure out with my ssh tunneling keeps timing out?01:00
BrixSatoCean_ and now where is the Can't open /etc/sysconfig/network01:00
obf213with nautilus01:00
obf213it used to work. all of a sudden it stopped01:00
remoteCTRLHere4TheGear: gimme a sec on that firmware thing and errr what is with vista?01:02
Aeonisanyone know hwere I can get SQLite developer's package?01:02
AeonisI can't seem to find one that is specific to the Developer's package.01:02
=== jean_ is now known as Jean_
oCean_BrixSat: well, that is in several files. (like /etc/network/interfaces)01:03
Jean_join #ubuntu-br01:03
Here4TheGearremoteCTRL: I didn't want to unintall it just yet, until I am able to get Ubuntu to run wirelessly.01:03
cehrhi there. some time after booting up this machine it will just not want to open any programs (they just hang), causing me to have to restart gdm and restart that way since it won't log out or in.  all existing programs appear to work fine after this happens, it only applies to new programs.  I haven't found any rhyme or reason to this... it just happens after some time.  I'm running hardy under a p4 2.8ghz.  does anybody know what's goin01:03
cehrg on here?01:03
midknihtstraight g's01:05
Here4TheGearremoteCTR: this is my third computer that I've tried to get any linux to run wirelessly on, and I've never been able to get it to work. This is the first one that I got Atheros because I had read that Atheros wireless cards actually are able to be used with most linux distros. :)01:06
remoteCTRLHere4TheGear: basically they are! if i just could find my docs on atheros cards...01:06
FloodBot2dreamy: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.01:07
dreamyopss so sorry01:07
BlackCoffeehey stop that!01:07
Here4TheGearremoteCTRL: thank you so much for checking into this for me too. I want to get off of windows sooo bad..01:07
BOE|ZackHey, I was wondering if its possible for me to edit/create/delete files on my windows formated drive (already mounted)?01:07
LjLBOE|Zack: yes it is01:08
dreamysorry i had a stuck key01:08
dreamyim very sorry01:08
remoteCTRLHere4TheGear: what does lsmod | grep ath_pci return?01:08
dreamycan you read my messages?01:08
remoteCTRLHere4TheGear: ya no problem dude i am just not sure yet if i can really help you, lets see01:08
BOE|ZackLjL, how exactly? Can you point me to a tutorial or something?01:08
LjLBOE|Zack: uh, just like any other files01:09
remoteCTRLdreamy: yes we can01:09
LjLdreamy: yes01:09
Royall#ubuntu, in your professional opinion, would you recommend I upgrade to Jaunty beta?01:09
dreamyok.. sorry agayn01:09
LjLRoyall: no01:09
remoteCTRLBOE|Zack: sure it is01:09
RoyallI already installed/tried installing alpha, and it thrashed my system01:09
LjLRoyall: ah, if you're already on alpha...01:09
RoyallI had to do a full reinstall of 8.1001:09
nonewmsgspidgin started seg faulted a day or two ago.  should i just try the previous kernal?01:10
RoyallI'm on 8.10 now01:10
LjLRoyall: then keep it. Jaunty is not out and may break at ANY time.01:10
LjLRoyall: jaunty should ONLY be used on a test system.01:10
BOE|ZackLjL, remoteCTRL: right now it doesn't let me the options are grey'd out.01:10
Here4TheGearremoteCTRL:  ath_pci 250176  0 :::: wlan 254240  1 ath_pci :::   ath_hal 333200  1 ath_pci01:10
RoyallThanks :301:10
BrixSatthanks oCean_01:10
LjLBOE|Zack: it might have mounted it read-only if it's an NTFS partition and you didn't unmount it properly last time you used windows (for example you powered off the computer without shutting down=)01:10
oCean_BOE|Zack: For write access, you also might want to use "ntfs-3g" as filesystem type01:11
remoteCTRLBOE|Zack: then you have it probably mounted a s root, you can either open it with a filebrowser with sudo rights ie. sudo nautilus, or you add the user option to the mount command/fstab entry01:11
BOE|ZackLjL, okay so restart in my messed up windows and let it Login / Logoff a couple times before restarting?01:11
oCean_!ntfs > BOE|Zack01:11
ubottuBOE|Zack, please see my private message01:11
LjLBOE|Zack: just one time.01:12
remoteCTRLHere4TheGear: ok kernel modules are loaded, does ifconfig return anything with ath0 in it?01:12
BOE|ZackoCean_, it is ntfs-3g01:12
melxwhich package has the Atheros 5xxx driver in it compatible with 8.10?01:12
Elonehi how do i know what is the problem ?  sometimes my laptop won't wake up after suspend on RAM.01:12
oCean_BOE|Zack: ok sorry, missed that part01:12
=== Time is now known as Time`s_Witness
Here4TheGearremoteCTRL: yes it does return inet bcast and mask information01:13
BOE|ZackremoteCTRL, with sudo: rm: cannot remove `/media/hdmain/Program Files/Lavasoft': Read-only file system01:13
LjLBOE|Zack: what does "mount | grep hdmain" say?01:13
melxBOE|Zack: you don't have it mounted with write permissions01:13
remoteCTRLHere4TheGear: so that means it is up and running bzut has no ip address?01:13
remoteCTRLBOE|Zack: in that case you would like to remount it with the -o rw option01:14
BOE|Zack/dev/sda1 on /media/hdmain type fuseblk (ro,noexec,nosuid,nodev,noatime,allow_other,default_permissions,blksize=4096)01:14
Here4TheGearremoteCTRL: wait... no.. sorry, it's does not... I read eth0 not ath01:14
remoteCTRLHere4TheGear: humm i see01:14
alecBTW...by default CTRL-ALT-BACKSPACE is activated by default in Ibex.01:14
gigabites2Is there a way to define xorg.conf and override the automatic configuration?01:15
remoteCTRLHere4TheGear: stupid question; does your computer have a hardware switch for the wireless card, and is it turned on?01:15
Here4TheGearremoteCTRL:  and I did :::  ifconfig | grep "ath"  :::: after just to be sure my eyes didn't miss anything, nothing returned01:15
ServalWhen I try to use the live CD for Ubuntu 9.04, It's starts off in a terminal, and typing in "startx" gives an error, No screen found01:15
gigabites2Here4TheGear: Try ifconfig -a01:15
remoteCTRLServal: please tell that to #ubuntu+1 which is the help channel for jaunty01:15
oCean_Serval: for jaunty issues/discussions, please join #ubuntu+101:15
Here4TheGearremoteCTRL: obviously that is not a stupid question :) do you mean, A button? There is a button, I pressed it, but it doesn't do anything... just glows red (it should be blue)01:16
oCean_BOE|Zack: the output states that it is mounted 'ro', which is readonly01:16
remoteCTRLHere4TheGear: did you press that before or after booting?01:16
Here4TheGeargigabites2: still no joy there,01:16
remoteCTRLHere4TheGear: if after try and reboot01:16
BOE|Zack/dev/sda1/media/hdmainntfs-3gro,auto,user,fmask=0111,dmask=000 0 0 -TO-> /dev/sda1/media/hdmainntfs-3gauto,user,fmask=0111,dmask=000 0 001:16
remoteCTRLHere4TheGear: sometimes it won't work if it isn't being booted with the card enabled...01:17
Here4TheGearremoteCTRL: yes, after... Should I press again and reboot, or just reboot01:17
puffremoteCTRL: I get the general idea of LVM, I'm more wondering about what did I just do?01:17
remoteCTRLHere4TheGear: well press it to a state where you would consider it enabled01:17
puffremoteCTRL: E.g. why did you comment "awkward"?01:17
Here4TheGearremoteCTRL: and should I unplug the wired one as well?01:17
puffremoteCTRL: according to the man pages, that was 1) scan physical devices that LVM supports (and thus might contain LVM volumes).01:18
yoshimitHi there! I'm using ubuntu 8.04 on VMWare. How to make the interface name fixed (as eth0 ou eth1), please? every time that I restart the VM I got a new device number... thank you.01:18
remoteCTRLpuff: well as you read volumes are inside of volumegroups and both of them are being managed by vg* or lv* commands01:18
puff2) scan all disks for volume groups and rebuild caches.01:19
remoteCTRLpuff: so first you enabled the lvm, then you scanned for groups, ghen you activated the groups then you scanned vor volumes inside the groups and then you mounted the volumes so that they got accessible01:19
puffSo, if vgscan scans all disks, why did I do lvscan?01:19
puffEr, So, if vgscan scans all disks, why did I do pvscan?01:19
remoteCTRLpuff: usually the path is /dev/mapper/<vg-name> i never saw /dev/<vg-name>/<vg-name> before01:20
puffremoteCTRL: Okay, thanks, that clarifies it a bit.01:20
puffremoteCTRL: This is some whacked-in-the-head organzational fedoracore5 install.01:20
remoteCTRLpuff: actually not, this is being done by ubuntu as far as i understand this01:21
tvih-what's a nice html editor that's available from the repositories these days. bluefish?01:21
puffremoteCTRL: Well the LVM stuff was set up as part of this fedoracore install.01:21
FernandoFI have a less than 10 seconds error session I can not solve with forums01:21
FernandoFcan someone help me please01:21
kalidarhey guys ok so i got enemy terratory instaled on my kde 4.1 on ubuntu 8.10 intell duo core, i have to use metacity --replace everytime i want to play the game but even still i cannot hear any sound01:21
kalidar<kalidar> i was wondreing if perhaps someone could help me make sound work01:21
puffremoteCTRL: So, question... my purpose in doing all this is that we're running a complex simulation, many java programs running on about 10 different boxes, talking to each other.01:21
FernandoFerror log is http://paste.ubuntu.com/139278/01:21
kalidari was wondering how ifound out where my sound is so i can echo it maby that mite work01:21
puffremoteCTRL: Trouble is, the boxes are all running this organizational installt that expects to have various file servers, kerberos servers, etc, in the environment.01:22
remoteCTRLpuff: you can do that on ubuntu also, and it is a good idea to do, yet still the available volume groups are being managed by ubuntu now, so the path structure should be consistent with ubuntu's01:22
kalidaralidar> hey guys ok so i got enemy terratory instaled on my kde 4.1 on ubuntu 8.10 intell duo core, i have to use metacity --replace everytime i want to play the game but even still i cannot hear any sound01:22
kalidar<kalidar> i was wondreing if perhaps someone could help me make sound work01:22
yoshimitFernandoF: are you using ldap for auth ?01:22
puffAh, I see. Odd.01:22
remoteCTRLpuff: err... ok?01:22
puffremoteCTRL: On monday we have to load these into a truck and drive a couple hundred miles to a place where we're not allowed to connect to the network, plug them all togehter on their own little not-connected-to-the-outside-world network and demo this simulation.01:23
FernandoFyoshimit: i am typing in a machine and trying to get back my main machine... but what was your point...sorry i am not that used with all this terms01:23
andrew__how would I go about connecting to a password protected windows share with the 'connect to server' link under 'places'?01:23
andrew__there's no password field01:23
puffWe're pretty sure the specialized stuff on the fedoracore boxes won't cope, so we're figuring to boot them all under ubuntu live CDs.01:24
puffremoteCTRL: Make sense?01:24
remoteCTRLpuff: so far so good, what's the problem now?01:24
FernandoFyoshimit:  I think for auth i am using .ICEauthority01:24
mj0vyHey folks, isn't there any director download link for Ubuntu 8.10 dvd image? I see only torrents for 8.10 and direct dvd image for 8.04...01:24
FernandoFyoshimit:  could it be?01:24
puffremoteCTRL: Hopefully no problem.  I wanted to bounce it off you and see if you spotted any fatal flaws... :-).01:24
remoteCTRLpuff: ya i think i get the idea but i still don't get the problem about that?01:24
yoshimitFernandoF: well, by your log error is a different error that I got last night... so I started to google it... sorry01:24
puffremoteCTRL: I think we'll have to build a custom live CD with the lvm2 tools and java on it.01:24
remoteCTRLpuff: well that depends on the kerberos etc stuff, usually that is non trivial01:25
hacker07can you talk in this channel if you use ubuntu 9.04 beta....sorry if this a totaly dumb question and makes no sense01:25
hacker07im just bored01:25
remoteCTRLah! you are running that simulations from live cds?01:25
puffremoteCTRL: Right, so that's why I'm thinking to avoid it entirely by just booting under ubuntu liveCD, mount the LVM partitions simply as data disks, and run the simulatiosn off them.01:25
yoshimitFernandoF: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/30002801:25
remoteCTRLhacker07: have a try in ubuntu+1 or in #ubuntu-offtopic;)01:25
yoshimitFernandoF: boa sorte!01:26
remoteCTRLpuff: why would you do that?01:26
puffremoteCTRL: Which part?01:26
remoteCTRLpuff: wha won't you boot the native systems?01:26
puffremoteCTRL: Because the native systems won't become fully functional unless we do some major surgery to cut out kerberos, etc.01:26
FernandoFyoshimit: thx ... ihope i will not be back :)01:27
puffremoteCTRL: I'm hoping it'll be simpler just to side-step all of that by running it under ubuntu.01:27
remoteCTRLpuff: ah there we go:D01:27
FernandoFyoshimit: where r u from?01:27
Aeonisanyone familiar with "metasploit"?01:27
puffI'ma ctually in favor of adding an ubuntu partition, but my coworkers think that'll be messier...01:27
remoteCTRLpuff: if you just need to access the data and want to avoid the configuration that involvers kerberos, of course then also some ldap database, etc, sure, not a bad idea01:27
yoshimitFernandoF: DF01:28
macman.. i was thinking .. i see a lot of windows 98 machines at swap meets and stuff .. i can turn them into linux file servers etc .. ? anyone else doing this ?01:28
puffremoteCTRL: okay, cool... I'm just looking for a reality check...01:28
remoteCTRLpuff: well if you can add a partition it is allway better to do so, as a live system has its limitations, not only what concerns speed...01:28
yoshimitFernandoF: this one seems to have a solution: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdebase-workspace/+bug/28748801:29
puffremoteCTRL:  How hairy do you think adding an ubuntu partition would be?  It's already multiboot windows/fedoracore5.01:29
Barridushi all, is there a place that archives no-longer available kernel .deb's?  such as some of the jaunty beta ones that are no longer on the repository?01:29
chaorainI have a Dell XPS M1730 laptop. It has volume controls that work outside of games is there a way to get them to work inside games?01:29
remoteCTRLpuff: basically thinkable simple: you can use gedit to shrink the fedora partitions and then you just install ubuntu and that's it01:29
yoshimitGuys, someone can help with my interface name? Everytime that I restart my virtual machine I got a new ethx name... I want to make it fixed!01:30
Aeonisanyone familiar with "metasploit"?01:30
baazil1i just installed Ubuntu, trying to do some terminal work (installing some hardware drivers). I tried su root to do such a thing, it asked me for a password. In no way, shape or form did any part of the installation ask me for a root password. It asked for a user password, which i gave, but that obviously doesnt do anything for root. Is there a default root password? What gives?01:30
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about metasploit01:30
Aeonis!hot dudes01:31
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about hot dudes01:31
ubottuThe core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - See also: /msg ubottu stages01:31
remoteCTRLbaazil1: you need to set one, change to root user by sudo su -01:31
andrew__installing programs in linux is so much nicer than windows01:31
remoteCTRLbaazil1: and then use the passwd command01:31
mj0vyIt was asked earlier, I'm in ubuntu.com and I don't see any download link for 8.10 dvd image.... it isn't there or am I blind?01:32
remoteCTRLpuff: err i meant gparted not gedit01:32
remoteCTRLmj0vy: nope only cd01:32
valentin__Easy question .. how do i get mplayer to play proprietary codecs?01:32
ubottuCompiz (compositing window manager), for a howto see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager and more help #compiz-fusion01:32
mj0vyremoteCTRL: Thanks!01:32
remoteCTRLvalentin__: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras01:33
KillerOrcaI am trying to set wake on lan on my machine, but I don't know if it is supportted on my motherboard, does anyone know a good way to look up that information?01:33
icerootKillerOrca: google01:33
icerootKillerOrca: google, manual, bios01:34
remoteCTRLKillerOrca: either you look into the hardware specs on the homepage of the manufacturer, or you look through the bios settings?01:34
remoteCTRLgosh is that even a question?01:34
KillerOrcaiceroot, well it is a Compaq, I don't know where to find that since HP bought them, an old one too01:34
icerootKillerOrca: google01:34
FernandoFyoshimit: i can not see a suitable solution in the post you sent ...01:35
ubottugoogle is the helpers' friend; many newer users dont have the google-fu yet; For GNU/Linux:  http://google.com/linux01:35
FernandoFhave you a better idea?01:35
puffremoteCTRL: What the heck... what key brings up the "save screenshot" popup, I think it's stuck or osmetihng I'm getting dozens of these popups.01:36
remoteCTRLerr.. german keyboard over here i can't tell the english name01:37
FernandoFsomeone can help to solve the error pasted in http://paste.ubuntu.com/139278/01:38
unoppuff, should be the 'PrintScreen' key.01:38
KillerOrcaok how would I find out anything about an 8+ year old motherboard whose only info I have is the manufacturer's name?01:38
KillerOrcaI should be clearer, the PC maker's name01:39
Joker_-_how do I mount a TOC file? (mount -o loop file.toc /mnt/somewhere)01:39
remoteCTRLFernandoF: ls -l /usr/share/apps/kxkb/ubuntu.xmodmap ?01:39
Here4TheGearremoteCTRL: no joy at all. there is no [fn] key combo to turn wireless on or off. I did push the button, reboot. no joy, push again, reboot. no joy, just reboot. no joy. log in to win, noticed, win turns off wireless before logging out. no setting in bios to change this action01:39
remoteCTRLwow unop old dude!:) howsit goin?01:39
remoteCTRLHere4TheGear: sorry to say that i am stuck there too then..01:40
fabiohi to all, I have this problem with ubuntu studio 8.10: I've just installed it, but after I boot I get the command line login interface, not the graphic one01:40
unophey remoteCTRL  :)   could be better if I didn't have a java assignment to do. :)01:40
fabioI'm not very expert on linux, so how can I start the graphic server? I do not get error messages01:41
Here4TheGearremoteCTRL: well, it's all good, thanks for all the help so far... I'll have to look into some other way. I went to HP site. they have info for a lot of stuff but not AR5009 :(01:41
remoteCTRLhehe so that's what keeps you up at this time:) on a Friday night at 1 am?:D01:41
remoteCTRLHere4TheGear: just keep on googling you'll find everything there eventually01:41
remoteCTRLunop: hehe so that's what keeps you up at this time:) on a Friday night at 1 am?:D01:42
unopremoteCTRL, it's due in on monday - 800+ lines to go :-s01:42
Here4TheGearlol when will the world learn... linux users buy stuff too.01:42
fabiocan't someone please help me? :P01:42
remoteCTRLunop: omg are you coding a whole ftp server or whut?01:42
Platypus-ManI'm having trouble getting my Logitech Z-10 usb speakers to work... my current sound preferences is ALSA everywhere possible and Z-10 USB Speaker (Alsa Mixer) on Device... have tried just about every setting so far, but still no cigar...01:42
ubottuThe core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - See also: /msg ubottu stages01:43
unopremoteCTRL,  something like that - it's a Client/Server Stock and Order Retrieval system01:43
FernandoFremoteCTRL: ls: cannot access /usr/share/apps/kxkb/ubuntu.xmodmap: No such file or directory01:43
ubuntux782could somebody help me. I wanna install a Nvidia Vanta -16 driver on my computer, but I am new in linux01:44
yoshimitFernandoF: the post didnt help you ?01:44
FernandoFno yoshimit01:44
remoteCTRLunop: sounds interesting! but java?? designpatterns like proxy object and socket stuff with input/oputput streams right? with gui?01:44
yoshimitFernandoF: too bad. sorry.01:44
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FernandoFyoshimit: No problem, appreciated anyway01:45
remoteCTRLFernandoF: there you go....01:45
Kelengot a freezes "starting kernel log daemon" after compile kernel 2.6.29. anyone could help me?01:45
FernandoFremoteCTRL: ready master01:45
unopremoteCTRL,  yea, ObjectInput/OutputStreams wrapped around sockets but there's quite a few beans to do the database interaction01:46
remoteCTRLubuntux782: go to system/administration/hardware drivers and enable the driver01:46
unopremoteCTRL, no GUIs - we don't do so much of that as we're network guys taking this module01:46
nonewmsgsmy ubuntu is all kinds of jacked :( first pidgin kept segfaulting whenever i started it and now oncei rebooted it i coldnt get iinto X (not even into failsafe) so i did an automatic reconfiguring of xorg.conf and now i can't even get to a login screen anymore01:47
remoteCTRLunop: gawd odbc too, how long have you been prcrastinating this? i mean that can't bee a weekends assignment*g*01:47
valentin__No video in mplayer wtf ?01:47
ubuntux782let me check thank's01:47
remoteCTRLFernandoF: i believe its best if you reinstall x: sudo apt-get purge xserver* xorg* && auso apt-get install xserver-xorg01:48
remoteCTRLor so01:48
remoteCTRLubuntux782: np01:48
FernandoFremoteCTRL: ok will try01:48
fabiois it normal that ubuntu studio has no server x installed?01:48
unopremoteCTRL,  it's only a few hours of work .. lot of the methods are similar, so I'll just use vim to sort that out .. but it's coming up with a clean API to make everything simple that's the hardest part - and my java's rusty - I'm a perl guy.01:48
chronicnonewmsgs: ur pc is prob unstable, bad overclock maybe?01:49
eseven73!u | chronic01:49
ubottuchronic: U is the 21st letter of the modern latin alphabet. Neither 'U' or 'Ur' are words in the English language. Nor are 'R', 'Y', 'l8', 'Ne1' or 'Bcuz'. Mangled English is hard for non-native English speakers. Please see http://geekosophical.net/random/abbreviations/ for more information.01:49
remoteCTRLunop: as most hands on guys are:) java is so.... sphisticated, mostly complete overkill01:49
FernandoFremoteCTRL: is the line you posted to me correct as it is? or it is 2 lines?01:49
remoteCTRLFernandoF: one line01:49
nonewmsgsnot overclocked and it had good uptime until today.  using only ubuntu on it for the past few years01:49
Here4TheGearoh, should I try ndswraper... madwifi isn't doing anything. Do I need to get rid of madwifi first?01:49
johninlexcould someone tell me how to rebuild xorg please01:49
jeeveshow do I kill an open tern on a system from the CLI?01:50
JAO1988I've got a question for installing Linux on a Thin Client PC01:50
nonewmsgsok i am on login menu but when i try to login the screen flashes trying to give correct resolution and hte busy icon then back to the login screen01:50
johninlexjeeves,  ctrl c01:50
remoteCTRLHere4TheGear: ndiswrapper will not work with atheros cards, madwifi is what you want, you're just missing some little detail which i also don't know..01:50
jeevesjohninlex, I'm getting into shell remotley, and the logged in term is the local one01:51
johninlexHere4TheGear,  can you do me a lspci and tell me what card you have plese01:51
Here4TheGearremoteCTRL: ok, cool.. that's good to know, at least It will help me to narrow my search terms... thanks01:51
chronicnonewmsgs: boot in the recovery mode, it will give u an option to auto fix xserver problems01:51
remoteCTRLHere4TheGear: anytime!01:51
johninlexdo you just want to force it close01:52
FernandoFremoteCTRL: couldnt find package auso01:52
johninlexjeeves,  up a few lines01:52
jeevesjohninlex, ???01:52
johninlexHere4TheGear,  can you do me a lspci and tell me what card you have please01:53
bluenzo^nixis there something i can install so i can print with my printer?01:53
remoteCTRLok, night everybody, unop nice hearing from ya, good success then01:53
Here4TheGearjohninlex:  the only line I see re atheros is :: 07:00.0 Network controller [0280]: Atheros Communications Inc. Unknown device [168c:002a] (rev 01)01:53
eseven73!cups | bluenzo^nix01:53
ubottubluenzo^nix: Printing in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows01:53
Here4TheGearremoteCTRL: night to you... and thanks01:53
bluenzo^nixthanks :)01:53
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johninlexjeeves,  please tell me more on what your trying to do01:54
johninlexHere4TheGear,  can you try this page I am fixing to give you and let me know your out come01:54
jeevesjohninlex, I has to get someone locally to login to the CLI, and they forgot to log out.  I need to forcably log that local session so no one plays with it01:54
mnzyhi, i need help!01:54
Here4TheGearjohninlex: sure01:55
mnzyis there a list of all default sessions that start with ubuntu?01:55
valentin__mplayer shows no video while vlc does. Why?01:55
mnzyi deleted one by accident and dont know which one it was...01:55
johninlexjeeves,  can you shut down and log out and restart you should be ok at that point01:56
valentin__gnome-mplayer does that to .. no video .. strange01:56
jeevesjohninlex, true, but I'd like to learn how to force that session to log out without rebooting01:56
Here4TheGearjeeves: ps auxx | grep "the user's name here" then you should see the second set of numbers from the left is the process number... just type kill 99999 :::: assuming 999999 are the digits you see..01:57
jeevesHere4TheGear, ok, thanks.01:57
ThecksQuick question, I just installed Ubuntu 9.06 to have a play with eucalyptus but I can't seem to find it with the distro at all?01:57
mnzycan't somebody help me? it was a session starting with A :F01:57
mnzyi'm scared to shut down01:57
Here4TheGearjeeves: np and don't get too crazy with the kill switch LOL...01:57
ThecksCan somebody please point me in the right direction? :)01:57
jeevesHere4TheGear, I'm the only one who should have access to this box01:58
FernandoFremoteCTRL: it seems to be stopped "* Restarting Hardware abstraction layer hald"01:58
FernandoFLjL hello01:59
Here4TheGearhah, I like typing 'man kill' in the terminal...01:59
Platypus-Manhm... suddenly the audio started working in rhytmbox, but no dice with mplayer01:59
jeevesHere4TheGear, screw it, I'll just reboot01:59
nonewmsgsi tried the fixX options but i still have NO love01:59
Here4TheGearjeeves: right, but you're trying to stop a specific user right? well, not the user, just kill their session?01:59
jeevesHere4TheGear, the user logged in with my user name, so there is some confusion, so I'll just reboot it02:00
FernandoFremoteCTRL: invoke.rc.d initscript hal, "restart" failed.02:00
Here4TheGearjeeves: oh ok02:00
johninlexHere4TheGear,  have you tried to install for the atheros 242x yet02:00
clearscreenis there something like aptitude with a GUI? I don't like it's feel... something like synaptic would be great, but synaptic only shows installed 'applications', not all installed packages02:00
FernandoFremoteCTRL: bash: auso: command not found02:01
johninlexI was going to give you a good page but I dont have it on my desktop any more Here4TheGear02:01
kinja-sheepImportant question -- Does anybody know why USB transfer are terrible slow with large files?02:01
mnzyi found the session i deleted, it was that AT-SPI thing :>02:02
johninlexHere4TheGear,  he could have done ctrl alt backspace02:02
mnzycan somebody tell me the correct command to start it?02:02
Here4TheGearjohninlex: aww that's ok.. um... I don't know much about all of this... the only thing I've done so far were the steps here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=816780&highlight=atheros+amd6402:03
johninlexkinja-sheep,  are you using a high speed port02:03
devil_helloooooooo guys02:03
devil_hello guys02:03
devil_i am new overhere02:03
mnzyanybody please? just have a short look into your sessions :/02:03
kinja-sheepjohninlex: I havE issuE with uppErcasE E so kEEp in BEar with mE.  I'm spEaking of usb sticks and Bcaus I bought 1TB ExtErnal HDD rEcEnTly to backup my filEs.02:04
bluenzo^nixwhats a common program in nix to modify the sources, like unrealircd?02:04
clearscreenmnzy: hold on02:04
devil_hello guys..........02:04
clearscreenAT SPI Registry Wrapper02:04
Here4TheGearjohninlex: oh dude, I just did ctrl alt backspace.. what was that? please tell me I'm logged in to two places now... and doing it again will take me back02:04
devil_i am new here02:04
devil_will you guide me02:05
clearscreenI just deleted it myself :x02:05
FernandoFremoteCTRL: ok ..now I have my machine not getting in graphics mode02:05
devil_from where i can download unix02:05
johninlexHere4TheGear,  I dont like this one let me keep trying to find you the right one02:05
FernandoFso what could i do?02:05
mnzysorry :F02:05
clearscreenmnzy: it's AT SPI Registry Wrapper.. I clicked edit to see the command02:05
clearscreenbut deleted it :D02:05
eressolarmnzy: clearscreen: /usr/lib/gnome-session/helpers/at-spi-registryd-wrapper    :p02:05
mnzyi think it is  at-spi-registryd02:05
clearscreengnome should really get "Apply" buttons02:05
clearscreengoddamn :P02:05
mnzyok, thanks02:05
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clearscreenty eressolar02:06
iBuysHello Everyone02:06
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mnzyyeah it's a pretty dangerous clicking area :>02:06
Here4TheGearwhat does ctrl alt backspace do?02:06
gigabites2that's part of the gnome philosophy though; less buttons02:06
clearscreenit restarts your X server02:06
gigabites2Here4TheGear: kills x02:06
johninlexno you should only do that after you click the desktop. It will log you out of ubuntu02:06
Here4TheGearoh cruds...02:06
Here4TheGearlol... my install of studio I bet halted02:07
gigabites2Here4TheGear: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart02:07
FernandoFremoteCTRL: any idea to get graphics mode back?02:07
gigabites2Here4TheGear:  That should get you running again02:07
mnzyand can finally somebody tell me if "at-spi-registryd-wrapper" is activated by default?02:07
clearscreenSo, is there anything similar to synaptic, but with ALL packages (like aptitude offers) rather than just 'installed applications'?02:08
devil_is there anybody to help me find out where i can download unix os???02:08
gigabites2clearscreen: Synaptic does offer all packages.02:08
clearscreengigabites2: it only shows installed 'applications'02:08
gigabites2clearscreen: Have you reloaded from the repositories & clicked the buttons at the top to show all applications?02:09
ethiotech#join QT02:09
FernandoFhow can i have my machine back in gaphics mode as i have only line command text now? ubuntu 8.1002:09
clearscreenexample: installation of gnome-games will list all the games in synaptic.. I want to see packages gnome-games, gnome-games-data, etc02:09
Platypus-Mannoone know whats wrong with my audio setup?02:09
adambwhich is faster? a two harddrive raid1 with 2 partitions (1 with the OS and one with the Data) or 1HD with the OS and 1HD with the data02:09
clearscreengigabites2: that shows applications, not packages02:09
johninlexok who is next02:09
clearscreencompare synpatic with aptitude02:09
puffMan that was annoying...  a zillion "save screen" popups ended up crashing ubuntu.02:09
gigabites2FernandoF: Login as root or administrator and type in sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart02:09
gigabites2FernandoF: Assuming you have a desktop installed02:09
johninlexok I came in to fix my problem and started fixing others, feels good though02:10
gigabites2clearscreen: I don't know. I've never had that problem with Synaptic. If all else fails, there's always apt-get. Are you sure you're using synaptic and not the gnome-install thing?02:11
the|NavigatorHi, I don't have the computer on me, but I was wondering if there are any diagnostic kinda things I can try - We have an admin user and a very limited and locked down user.  The admin user can access a wifi access point, but the locked down one cannot.  If I access it via admin, then log out and move to the locked down, it works.  The access point authenticates based on MAC address and not on any kind of password, but the student one will throw reques02:11
the|Navigatorauthentication sometimes.02:11
nonewmsgshow can i fix my X problems (fixX in recovery mode didnt) and dpgk reconfigure xesrver xorg didnt02:11
clearscreengigabites2: I'm sure ;) synaptic only shows installed applications, it makes assumptions based on the packages you have installed02:11
clearscreenit does NOT show you a list of all installed PACKAGES (stuff like libraries and such)02:12
FernandoFgigabyte2: got the message "unable to resolve host Malhada-Xibas" being Malhada-Xibas my computer name02:12
nonewmsgsor how can i reinstall ubuntu without losing anything02:12
johninlexdoes anyone want to help me with a problem???02:12
ethiotech I would like to modify QT's QLineEdit to have a  keyboard image on its right.. any idea how I can modify the Qt's source code?02:12
clearscreenjohninlex: dont ask to ask just ask02:12
johninlexyea I know how to ask, I was wanting to make sure it was clear to do so02:13
FernandoFgigabites2: And I had some minutes ago a desktop installed02:13
gigabites2FernandoF: Can you log in at all?02:13
johninlexcan anyone tell me how to restore Xorg02:13
gigabites2FernandoF: Sorry, I didn't see previous message02:13
johninlexwb here4thegear02:14
FernandoFgigabites2: yes I can log in in text mode02:14
nonewmsgsjohninlex: cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf1232 xorg.conf (or is that the toher way around)02:14
gigabites2FernandoF: But you cannot restart gdm?02:14
here4thegearjohninlex: thanks.. sorry, I had to get untethered so, I'm back in vista for now... but, would love to see any pages you can come up with02:14
gigabites2johninlex: dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg02:15
Fleischthere a command to see what sound card you have02:15
the|Navigatornonewmsgs: cp (src) (dest)02:15
FernandoFgigabites2:  do you mean " sudo restart gdm"?02:15
johninlexhere4thegear, http://madberry.org/2008/08/how-to-get-atheros-ar242x-wireless-to-work-2/     try this one it looks better02:15
Free0neHey could anyone tell me how to (if possible) downgrade back to ubuntu 8.10? I just upgraded to 9.04 beta to see some of the new features and now I know why they call it a beta ;)02:15
clearscreenFernandoF: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart02:15
gigabites2FernandoF: Sorry, there's an init script that starts gdm for you..02:15
gigabites2clearscreen: Yes, but it said something about not being about to resolve the hostname for his local computer02:16
nonewmsgscan i switch my wm from kdm to gdm and would it make any difference02:16
the|NavigatorBut yes, any ideas why a limited user does not have access to wifi when the admin user does?  Are there any restrictions, such as to a password keychain or any other authentication parts that would restrict this?02:16
gigabites2nonewmsgs: You can switch between kdm and gdm only one can be active at once02:16
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nonewmsgshow gigabites202:17
clearscreeninstall gnome02:17
FernandoFgigabites2: /etc/init.d/gdm : command not found02:17
clearscreenFernandoF: are you running kubuntu?02:17
gigabites2the|Navigator: I have an alternative route for doing this.. You could set it up in /etc/interfaces02:17
johninlexhey clearscreen  got a sec02:17
the|Navigatorgigabites2: ?02:17
gigabites2the|Navigator: That way the connection starts on boot02:17
the|Navigatorthat wold run as root?02:18
FernandoFclearscreen : how can i know that?02:18
racecar56it seems xvidcap dosent work..... what do i do?02:18
kalidarhey guys anyone know how to preform echo "et.x86 0 0 direct" > /proc/asound/card0/pcm0p/oss02:18
kalidari need to do it as root02:18
the|Navigatorrather than the limited account?02:18
racecar56it crashes when i start recording02:18
kalidarhow do i do that?02:18
clearscreenFernandoF: what does lsb_release -a say?02:18
mib_gvs8rdh9heya, could anyone help me share files in a windows network ? to a vista pc02:18
here4thegearjohninlex: thanks for the link, I'll read and try to do it all tomorrow.... everyone here has been so helpful too... thank you all02:18
gigabites2the|Navigator: I'm not sure exactly. It should work for all users. It circumvents gnome altogether. I don't believe it offers any extra privileges02:18
the|Navigatorgigabites2: What about a network drop, would it still auto reconnect?02:19
FernandoFclearscreen : intrepid02:19
gigabites2FernandoF: Are you using plain ubuntu? Or Kubuntu?02:19
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about sebsebseb02:19
clearscreenFernandoF: Ubuntu or Kubuntu?02:19
babylonsfurykalidar: did you try running it using sudo?02:19
gigabites2the|Navigator: You'd need to restart the networking service02:19
kalidari tryed sudo02:19
johninlexis the video part of xorg???02:19
the|Navigatorgigabites2: That's no use then.02:19
FernandoFclearscreen : Ubuntu, 8.10, intrepid02:19
kalidari ither ned to do echo "et.x86 0 0 direct" > /proc/asound/card0/pcm0p/oss02:19
babylonsfurykalidar: what kind of response did you get? still askes you to be logged in as root?02:19
mib_gvs8rdh9anyone? : x02:19
the|Navigatorgigabites2: After a network drop, I still need it to reconnect02:19
gigabites2the|Navigator: You could probably write a script to automagically refresh the connection though.02:19
kalidaror i need to do artsdsp -v -m et02:20
the|Navigatorgigabites2: I don't want them to all have to restart  when we get an issue02:20
clearscreenFernandoF: did you remove gnome? possibly installed gnome server?02:20
kalidarsays permission denied02:20
johninlexhere4thegear,  did you get that page02:20
clearscreenpossibly installed ubuntu server?*02:20
nonewmsgsok startx says it can't finda  compatable nvidia driver.  how can i tell it to just use nv?02:20
kalidardident ask me for password02:20
kalidarhey could you pm me txt movs to fast02:20
virtxhow to create a .deb from a source already compiled with "make"?02:20
clearscreennonewmsgs: modify /etc/X11/xorg.conf02:20
gigabites2nonewmsgs: Try dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg02:20
jrib!packaging | virtx02:20
ubottuvirtx: The packaging guide is at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/NewPackages for information on getting a package integrated into Ubuntu - Other developer resources are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment - See also !backports02:20
FernandoFI just reinstalled xserver02:20
nonewmsgsi tried those but i never even saw anything mentioning a drver02:21
chronicwhats a good app if i want to rip a piece of audio from an avi file?02:21
here4thegearjohninlex: the AR242x page, yes, I got it... thanks..02:21
ElijahIf I wanted to change the permissions of a file in the cli would I do chmod u+w filename02:21
johninlexok I thought I would make sure02:21
FernandoFclearscreen :  I just reinstlled xserver as I was having an annoying less than 10 seconds sessiosn error02:21
werscan't mount my ntfs. i set the mountpoint to "/windows". now, it doesnt mount at all. any idea? The error message says "mount_point cannot contain the following characters: newlin, G_DIR_SEPARATOR (usually /)" How do I fix this?02:21
Platypus-Manok... trying again... I get sound in rhytmbox, but not mplayer or vlc... any ideas? any at all?02:21
^Ocean^whats the lastest Stable release ?02:21
virtxjrib, yea but i dont want to recompile it with dh_make02:21
clearscreenFernandoF: try: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install xorg ubuntu-desktop02:21
here4thegearjohninlex: yeah, it's easy to get lost when lots of conversation is going on sometimes.. :D02:22
racecar56xtoffmpeg.c add_video_stream(): video codec not found i guess this explains everything02:22
nonewmsgsdpkg just asks 10 questions about my keyboard :/ and i didnt see driver in xorg.conf02:22
gigabites2^Ocean^: 8.04.2 is LTS and 8.10 for regular release02:22
jribvirtx: I don't understand your question.02:22
clearscreennonewmsgs: driver is somewhere in your Device section02:22
gigabites2nonewmsgs: It sets that automatically in /etc/X11/xorg.conf02:22
^Ocean^gigabites2, 8.10 == Hardy ?02:22
gigabites2^Ocean^: 8.04 = hardy, 8.10 = intrepid02:22
clearscreennonewmsgs: for example02:22
^Ocean^ahh LTS == ?02:22
virtxjrib, dh_make recompile the whole source, i 've already make it, i just want to create a .deb by that02:22
clearscreenSection "Device"02:22
clearscreen        Identifier      "Configured Video Device"02:22
clearscreen        Driver  "nvidia"02:22
FloodBot2clearscreen: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.02:22
jribvirtx: right, I mean *why*?02:23
johninlexis the video part of xorg???02:23
nonewmsgsthis is my entire  devices: section "device" identifier "configured video" endsection02:23
gigabites2^Ocean^: lts = long term support02:23
gigabites2^Ocean^: Supported for 3 years02:23
virtxjrib, 'cos the source are big and i've no time to recompile.02:23
gartralso... how come the pidgin in repos is so old?02:23
gigabites2^Ocean^: 5 years for server02:23
gigabites2gartral: which distro?02:23
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racecar56i fixed my problem : D02:23
gartralgigabites2: 8.1002:24
clearscreennonewmsgs: add Driver "<your driver>"02:24
here4thegearjohninlex: hmm, the only thing I see different between that one and the one that I did is this line I didn't have in the one I did :::: sudo modprobe wlan_scan_sta ::: I'll try all of this out in the morning, I need some sleep now though... thanks a million02:24
bromic94hey all how do i backup my keys02:25
gigabites2gartral: They didn't meet the feature freeze. Strange that pidgin didn't, but it happens. The next release should be more up-to-date. The only in 8.10 could be 6+ months old.02:25
XpistosHey everybody.02:25
bromic94so ic an use them on widnows02:25
clearscreengartral: ubuntu 8.10 doesn't get regularly updated except for security updates02:25
puffremoteCTRL: Oy vey... so now my coworkers are getting twitchy at the idea of shrinking physical partitions (afraid of political blowback from the folks who maintain things).  Do you think it would be feasible to jigger the LVM partitions to create an extra logical partition and install ubuntu on that?02:25
johninlexhere4thegear,  keep looking for  the 242x I  am trying to find the best one on handymansblog02:25
nonewmsgsstartx still gives same error about nvidia driver so i am rebooting02:25
=== _Lepohi is now known as Lepohi
bromic94especially my private key02:25
clearscreennonewmsgs: upload xorg.conf to some pastebin02:26
gartralclearscreen: someone should look at the release notes again, because there are security update i pidgin 2.5.502:26
gigabites2puff: Adding a new lvm volume?02:26
gigabites2puff: Adding or a new logical partition?02:26
FernandoFclearscreen : it has a lot of errors "Failng to obtain " and ends with not possible to resolve 'archive.ubuntu.com?02:26
clearscreengartral: I'm personally running 9.04 just fine, but I did receive a pidgin upgrade about 4 days ago on 8.1002:26
gigabites2puff: or a new logical partition?**02:26
puffgigabites2: The latter.02:26
nonewmsgsclearscreen: how do i upload it to pastebin via the terminal02:27
Platypus-ManI get sound in rhytmbox, but not mplayer or vlc... any ideas? any at all? even bad ideas would be appreciated at this point....02:27
gigabites2puff: Impossible, I think. You cannot resize an lvm partition, if that's what you mean. You could try installing to a new lvm volume, but I've never tried it.02:27
bromic94puff: how do i backup my private gpg key02:27
puffgigabites2: This is a machine with three physical partitions.  A mutant fedoracore5 using LVM is set up on it.  There are five LVM partitions, two of which have ~10GB available.02:27
lacquimy update (to jaunty beta) was interrupted.  is there any way to continue it after a hard reboot?02:27
gartralPlatypus-Man: try switching driver output02:27
clearscreennonewmsgs: good question, I usually just set up a quick apache server and host it there and grab it from another machine02:27
bromic94sudo apt-get upgrade -d02:28
bromic94or update-manager -d02:28
eseven73lacqui: next time use torrent02:28
n8tuserlacqui  please visit #ubunut+102:28
Platypus-Mangartral: where do I do that?02:28
bromic94i think it is the second one gartral02:28
clearscreenFernandoF: do you have an internet connection?02:28
n8tuserlacqui  please visit #ubuntu+102:28
puffgigabites2: I'm trying to figure out how to get ubuntu installed on this machine as a third boot option (besides windows and mutant fedoracore5) without disturbing things too much.  Sadly, there is not a huge chunk of unused disk space (that I can see).02:28
clearscreenFernandoF: try a simple "ping www.google.com"02:28
gartralbromic94: 2nd what?02:28
XpistosI have a ubuntu server and an ubuntu laptop but I can connect from the laptop to server. Could not open location 'smb://... failed to mount Windows Share" This just started yesterday. Anybody have any ideas.02:28
mtholdensshey how can i have my folders in my mac partition accessible during jauny?02:28
bromic94second command i said to start the upgrade to jaunty beta02:29
FernandoFon my machine? I think yes...but only text now... And I only have Ubuntu on it and no windows02:29
gigabites2puff: You aren't considering wubi?02:29
mtholdenssi can access some folders but not music or documents etc02:29
gigabites2FernandoF: ping -c 5 google.com02:29
gigabites2FernandoF: No response?02:29
FernandoFclearscreen: on my machine? I think yes...but only text now... And I only have Ubuntu on it and no windows02:29
puffgigabites2: wubi?02:30
ChotaZcan anyone teach me how to compile and install from .tar.gz?02:30
clearscreenFernandoF: try to do a ping @ ubuntu02:30
puffwaitasec... maybe there *is* some unused disk.  Hm.02:30
johninlexlater guys thanks02:30
gigabites2puff: From the livecd. Allows you to install Ubuntu to a hard drive file in Windows for testing purposes02:30
gartralPlatypus-Man: Tools>Preferences>Audio> and under the Output section, select a different Type in VLC02:30
gigabites2puff: No partitioning required02:30
clearscreenChotaZ: tar -xzf something.tar.gz -  cd <something> - ./configure - make - sudo make install02:30
gigabites2puff: Not quite native speed though.02:30
clearscreen- = enter :P02:31
gartralclearscreen: im not seeing any updates, which repos are you using?02:31
FernandoFgigabites: got uknowm host message02:31
XpistosChotaZ: Chess Griffin did a really good job with this on Linux Reality Episode 4102:31
ChotaZclearscreen from a terminal at ~/?02:31
chronicwhats a good app if i want to rip a piece of audio from an avi file?02:31
gigabites2FernandoF: Are you behind a router?02:31
JAO1988Now is everything working?02:31
nonewmsgsis there a way to install ubuntu over itself losing as little data as possible02:31
clearscreengartral: personally using 9.04 jaunty, but im pretty damn sure I saw an upgrade to 8.10 pidgin 3 or 4 days ago02:31
n8tusernonewmsgs->  what do you mean install to itself?02:32
dr_willisnonewmsgs:  thats why you often see /home on its own partition. makes that much easier02:32
gigabites2nonewmsgs: Separate home partition. Just don't format the home partition02:32
FernandoFclearscreen: get unknown host message02:32
puffgigabites2: Sounds nifty, but... hm.02:32
nonewmsgsyeah my /home is a noher partitoin02:32
gartralclearscreen: which repo database are you using in 8.10?02:32
clearscreennonewmsgs: define "data", usually backing up your home folder (including all hidden folders starting with .) does the trick02:32
puffgigabites2: How much of a speed hit?  The stuff I need to run seriously stresses the system.02:32
gigabites2puff: Yeah. If you're looking to test it out, it seems ideal. You can then uninstall it from the Windows control panel02:32
FernandoFclearscreen: yes02:32
JAO1988I need some help with installing linux on a particular machine02:32
dr_willisnonewmsgs:  then backup whatever configs you have customized, and you can reinsatll..02:32
clearscreengartral: nl.archives.ubuntu.com02:32
puffgigabites2: Also, how reliable?02:32
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clearscreenFernandoF: you dont have an internet connection on ubuntu it seems, can you pastebin your "ifconfig" output?02:33
FernandoFclearscreen: and get my internet through router02:33
n8tuserJAO1988-> what is limiting you so far?02:33
ChotaZclearscreen: ./configure says file or directory not existing02:33
Platypus-Mangartral: that didn't work either02:33
eseven73chronic:  i think ffmepg can do that, sudo apt-get install ffmepg     (its command line, and youll have to google for the syntax)02:33
JAO1988I'm looking to install tiny Linux operating system on a NeoWare Geode 300mhz Thin PC with 32mb of RAM, 4mb of Video Memory, and 64mb of Flash Memory02:33
JAO1988Mostly the RAM02:33
gartralPlatypus-Man: im at a loss02:33
clearscreenChotaZ: after extracting the tar archive, cd into it02:33
araujo_hello people02:34
Platypus-Manstarted mplayer again, and got audio02:34
dr_willisJAO1988:  not sure ubuntuc an handle that low end a system02:34
ethiotech__anyone knows if I can change QLineEdit's background using stylesheet?02:34
puffgigabites2: I'm not looking to test... it's a complicated situation.  In a nutshell, these machines have mutant fedoracore5 on them, with dependencies on network servers at this site (kerberos, etC) which will make them unusable if not booted up in this network.02:34
gigabites2puff: Not sure on the reliability. It seems to have improved immensely since it debuted. It sometimes used to mess w/ the Windows bootloader, but hasn't in recent history, as far as I know. Speed will take a hit since you're reading & writing to a file in an ntfs system. Not sure on the exact speed hit02:34
ChotaZclearscreen: the tarball is called02:34
clearscreenJAO1988: try "DSL" -> Damn Small Linux02:34
Platypus-Manthanks for the help gartral02:34
JAO1988dr_willis: I'm getting help also in the Ubuntu Chicago channel02:34
dr_willisJAO1988:  tinycorelinux, or puppylinux, or DSL can i belive02:34
ChotaZclearscreen: noip-duc-linux.tar.gz but when i try to cd noip-duc-linux.tar.gz it says the directory doesnt existe02:34
n8tuserJAO1988-> that does seem to small, perhaps look into embedded linux?02:34
eseven73JAO1988:  or puppy02:34
gartralJAO1988: try zenwalk, its very thin02:34
clearscreenChotaZ: tar -xzf noip-duc-linux.tar.gz02:34
gigabites2puff: Definitely not ideal then.02:34
puffgigabites2: But on monday we need to drive 200 miles and set up these machines without an outside network to do a demo.02:35
chronicJAO1988: dsl02:35
Heimarkanyone use Avant Window Navigator?02:35
JAO1988I'm looking to install it on a External Hard-drive and use it for Media Sharing02:35
JAO1988Movie playback if possible also02:35
clearscreenJAO1988: you can run DSL on an external harddrive02:35
clearscreeneven on a USB stick02:35
gigabites2puff: So speed is an issue, you cannot touch the partitioning..02:35
ChotaZclearscreen: did.02:35
araujo_I have a problem with a wireless card rtl-8185 wireless card, in window$ has veri nice signal but not in linux, I'm Using ubuntu 8.1002:35
clearscreenChotaZ: cd noip[TAB][ENTER]02:35
puffgigabites2: which is why I'm looking to figure out some way to boot them under ubuntu and use the drives/partitions with the fedoracore stuff on them solely as data disks.02:35
ChotaZclearscreen still cant ./configure02:36
puffIs there somethign I can do besides "sudo parted /dev/sd* print" to see drives, etc?02:36
clearscreenaraujo_: what does it's rate say at "iwconfig"?02:36
gigabites2puff: Is drive performance important? Would, say, a usb hard drive work?02:36
gigabites2puff: fdisk -l?02:36
gigabites2puff: Same idea, though02:36
ChotaZchotaz@Zanarkand:~/noip-2.1.9-1$ ./configure02:36
ChotaZbash: ./configure: Ficheiro ou directoria inexistente02:36
dr_willispuff:  sudo fdisk -l, or ls -l /dev/disks/by-XXXX02:36
eseven73JAO1988: if your external hdd is usb, not all bios's will allow booting from that02:36
JAO1988That's another problem02:37
puffgigabites2: Possibly, but then I'd need to scrounge up 10 USB drives....02:37
clearscreenChotaZ: is this a kernel patch? maybe it's not built using autoconf, try compiling it directly02:37
clearscreentype "make"02:37
puffgigabites2: Can ubuntu boot off a usb drive?///02:37
araujo_wlan0     IEEE 802.11bg  ESSID:"04125470365-Modines"02:37
araujo_          Mode:Managed  Frequency:2.422 GHz  Access Point: 00:15:6D:A7:39:1802:37
araujo_          Bit Rate=11 Mb/s   Tx-Power=27 dBm02:37
araujo_          Retry min limit:7   RTS thr:off   Fragment thr=2352 B02:37
araujo_          Power Management:off02:37
araujo_          Link Quality=9/100  Signal level:18/6502:37
FloodBot2araujo_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.02:37
JAO1988It seems the bios was last updated in 2003... it had legacy support but it doesn't seem to detect my External HDD02:37
dr_willisJAO1988:  'geexbox' is a micro linux disrto. designed just for video playback. I make bootable 'video' thumbdrives all the time with it.02:37
puffgigabites2: Come to think of it, if Iw ent that way, maybe just get 10 HDs and plug them in... hm.02:37
eseven73like my Dell 2400 dimension, will not allow USB boots02:37
gigabites2puff: Certainly, but speed may be a limiting factor again.02:37
ChotaZclearscreen: it worked I guess02:37
clearscreenaraujo_: you can try manually setting your bit rate higher: sudo iwconfig wlan0 rate 54M02:37
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gigabites2puff: I would've recommend a little flash drive, if that's what you mean02:37
gigabites2puff: wouldn't**02:38
JAO1988dr_willis: Would that work for media sharing also, like using Xbmc for example?02:38
duvldShould I not update if I'm using 9.04 beta? I didn't have update notice untill I used Synaptic, after several reboots.  Would updating install older packages, wants to do 136...?02:38
gigabites2puff: But ubuntu has no trouble running off a usb-hdd if your bios supports it02:38
dr_willisJAO1988:  ive never gotten xbmc to actually work. So i know very little of its features.  Geexbox can access samba, and other shares.  it also has some shareing features. Check its homepage.02:38
n8tuserpuff have you seen this? http://www.justlinux.com/forum/showthread.php?t=14795902:39
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puffn8tuser: Cute.02:40
FernandoFclearscreen: http://paste.ubuntu.com/139299/ here is the paste of ifconfig02:41
puffI wonder how much 4GB usb sticks cost now...02:41
clearscreenFernandoF: just that?02:41
eseven73they're cheap02:41
zetahey, \usepackage mdwlist for Latex tells me that m.sty can't be found02:41
zetawhich package is it in02:41
FernandoFit is the address where i put it02:42
gigabites2puff: Again, a flash stick isn't recommended. The read/write can kill performance.02:42
FernandoFlo      Link encap: Loopback Local02:42
FernandoF        inet end.: Masc
FernandoF        endereço inet6:  ::1/128 Escopo:Máquina02:42
FernandoF        UP LOOPBACK RUNNING MTU:16436 Métrica:102:42
FernandoF        pacotes RX:552 errors:0 descrtados:0 excesso:0 quadro:002:42
FloodBot2FernandoF: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.02:42
FernandoF        Pacotes TX:552 errors:0 descrtados:0 excesso:0 portadora:002:42
clearscreenFernandoF: if that's the only stuff you got, your network card is not installed02:42
gigabites2clearscreen: It could be down02:42
gigabites2clearscreen: ifconfig -a should display all02:43
puffremoteCTRL: Btw, once I have the lvm partitions mounted, when I do "df -h" they *do* show up as under /dev/mapper.02:43
clearscreengigabites2: unless he manually put it down, I dont see how that could happen - worth a try anyway02:43
clearscreenFernandoF: do you only see "lo" with sudo ifconfig -a02:43
puffgigabites2: Would a flash/USB install be stabler than a liveCD?02:43
FernandoFi see lo and the lines i pasted02:44
puffgigabites2: Most of the read/write can be to the hard drive...02:44
clearscreenpuff: SSD's are much faster than live CD's, so yes02:44
gigabites2puff: Yes, as clearscreen said.02:44
puffgigabites2: The idea is to just use the hard drive as a data drive.02:44
FernandoFclearscreen: and I am behind a router02:44
clearscreenFernandoF: that doesn't matter02:44
clearscreenFernandoF: try ifconfig -a02:45
clearscreendo you see the same thing?02:45
gigabites2FernandoF: Wireless internet or ethernet?02:45
FernandoFclearscreen: I see eth0, lo and pan002:45
gigabites2FernandoF: eth002:45
gigabites2FernandoF: Alright, type in sudo ifconfig eth0 up02:46
clearscreenYeah, what gigabites2 said02:46
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FernandoFclearscreen: got message "unable to resolve Malhada-Xibas" being Malhada-Xibas my computer name02:47
kolombinosomebody can say me a channel about web developing??02:47
clearscreenFernandoF: when bringing up eth0?02:48
eseven73kolombino: #grammer02:48
* eseven73 runs02:48
FernandoFclearscreen: yes02:48
kolombinothanks eseven7302:48
FernandoFclearscreen: after typing suggested line02:48
gigabites2FernandoF: Does sudo ifconfig show eth0 as up now?02:48
gigabites2FernandoF: Or did it go down again?02:49
XpistosHere is a question, when I do findsmb on my Ubuntu laptop, I get my laptop and my Ubuntu server. If I do it on my server I only see my server. Does this sound right?02:49
gigabites2Xpistos: You could be blocking access from the server in smb.conf02:49
ubottuJaunty Jackalope is the codename for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 23rd, 2009 -  Schedule in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyReleaseSchedule - Lots of breakage between now and April - Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support.02:49
JAO1988Just another question: If I used Wubi to install Linux on my Windows Partition, can I use the Thin Client PC to boot into the Windows terminal and use the Linux OS?02:49
FernandoFgigabites yes02:49
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots02:50
gigabites2FernandoF: Yes, it's up, or yes, it's down?02:50
FernandoFgigabites:it is up02:50
gigabites2FernandoF: Ok.02:50
gigabites2FernandoF: Do you know the ip address of your router?02:50
araujo_don but is still to low signal even desconected in some cases02:50
araujo_in windows 65 - 70% in ubuntu 8 - 10%02:50
CapscrewJust updated to Hardy -- numocks doesn't work.  Anyone know how to fix02:50
Capscrewthat's numlocks02:51
gigabites2FernandoF: Are you using a static ip address or dhcp?02:51
araujo_I think higer is worst02:51
araujo_sorry I had no conection02:51
araujo_i put again 11M an conected again02:51
clearscreengigabites2: I'm not sure if dhcpcd is installed by default on ubuntu02:51
gigabites2clearscreen: dhclient works though02:51
araujo_is posible to change Tx-Power 27 dBm to higer?  what do you recomend?02:51
gigabites2clearscreen: dhclient <interface>02:51
clearscreengigabites2: ah, excellent :)02:51
clearscreenI think it's safe to assume FernandoF is using dhcp :P02:52
clearscreenFernandoF: sudo dhclient eth002:52
Xpistosgigabites2: let me check that out02:53
mint3can anyone help me with my atheros wireless02:53
mint3usin  the restricted drivers02:53
mint3but cant seem to scan for the available wireless02:53
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mint3anyone ?02:54
gigabites2mint3: Is that with iwlist or with gnome-network-manager?02:54
clearscreenradio enabled?02:54
mint3k tnkn, ge02:54
araujo_wich one is the spanish channel?02:54
mint3i think genome netwrok man02:54
mint3not sure gigabites2 , how do i check that02:55
FernandoFclearscreen: just did02:55
clearscreenFernandoF: try to do a ping now02:55
gigabites2mint3: gnome-network-manager has an anomaly wherein it only accepts cards that support hardware scanning02:55
dan__so I keep installing the recommended updates, and eeeBuntu keeps coming up with 57 new updates for me to install. will i ever win the battle02:55
gigabites2mint3: in short, if the driver doesn't support that, it won't work with gnome-network-manager02:55
mint3gigabites2,  how can i check if thats what im using02:55
FernandoFgigabites: it is pinging02:55
puffgigabites2:  I just realize the machiens *also* have a separate, 40GB physical partition, formatted ext3, for the /home directories. S o... Hm.02:55
mint3thing is , i did manage to find and connect to my wireless02:56
gigabites2mint3: if you're using the interface in gnome, it's gnome-network-manager02:56
clearscreenFernandoF: ok cool, now lets update ;) sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install xorg ubuntu-desktop02:56
gigabites2mint3: Bad luck then?02:56
FernandoFclearscreen : it is pinging02:56
clearscreenpress ctrl + c02:56
clearscreenit'll stop02:56
mint3 if it worked once it should surely work again right02:56
gigabites2puff: Hmm. You could create settings the livecd to mount home on boot and use that to store your data02:56
FernandoFclearscreen: stopped02:57
gigabites2puff: Hmm. You could create settings in** the livecd to mount /home on boot and use that to store your data02:57
clearscreenFernandoF: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install xorg ubuntu-desktop02:57
J_Litewskidoes ext3 have the abiltiy for online defrag?02:57
bluenzo^nixdefrag, whats this defrag you speak of :P02:58
flippoJ_Litewski, you're a recent Windows user, I take it?02:58
FernandoFclearscreen: running02:58
J_Litewskinope, been on linux for a while02:58
evilnickDoes anyone have the URL for an ndiswrapper compatibility table?02:58
FernandoFclearscreen: lets see what happens02:58
clearscreenFernandoF: yup02:58
J_Litewskii was looking at newer FS for linux, and they say that they support online defrag02:59
mint3i just plugged my lan cable in it doesnt even see it02:59
gigabites2evilnick: It is no longer online. The sourceforge page was removed last I checked02:59
gigabites2mint3: open a terminal, type in ifconfig and tell me what you see02:59
gigabites2mint3: open a terminal, type in sudo ifconfig and tell me what you see02:59
clearscreenevilnick: you might be able to find it in google cache02:59
gigabites2mint3: Sorry, you need sudo03:00
evilnickgigabites2: Thanks - I did do a quick google search. Is there any more information?03:00
FernandoFclearscreen: returned command line03:00
FernandoFclearscreen: and now?03:00
clearscreenFernandoF: any errors?03:00
FernandoFclearscreen: it seems no!03:00
gigabites2evilnick: I dont think there is an official table now. Sorry.03:00
FernandoFclearscreen: or at least not important ones as I got almost 100 screens running fast03:01
andres__hey guys i put a dvd in my dvd player and its not recognized.. i installed mplayer.. and it just has issues with whole way, even if i specify absolute path to the dvd... any ideas/03:01
micromanhey guys.. I'm using  Ubuntu 8.04 - the Hardy Heron. I want to upgrade to latest version.03:01
micromanhow to do that?03:01
mint3gigabites2,  = ok wired connection works03:01
clearscreenFernandoF: dont worry about it if it wasnt somewhere at the end of all that, just try to startx03:01
levarnuanyone use sun's secure global desktop under ubuntu?03:01
evilnickDarn. I did have a driver automatically installed, but it wasn't working so I blacklisted it and followed some old instructions that I found online, but no joy so far03:01
FernandoFclearscreen: Fatal server error03:01
gigabites2FernandoF: Or sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart03:01
Iceman_B^sshmicroman: I believe the command is "sudo aptitude dist-upgrade" or just use the update manager03:02
Iceman_B^sshsomebody correct me if Im wrong03:02
clearscreenFernandoF: surely it said more than that :P03:02
micromanIceman_B^ssh: tried03:02
gigabites2FernandoF: Contents of /var/log/Xorg.0.log?03:02
micromanbut nothing is happening.03:02
noisy1HI! I need to "apt-get install" openldap, python-ldap. Does anyone know the appropriate package names? I am using ubuntu 8.04.03:03
zaccouri tried puppy linux live cd, and no sound. i did what the forums said, but terminal did not work03:03
microman$sudo apt-get update03:03
zaccourit said not found, do not have permission, etc03:03
gigabites2mint3: So? What do you need?03:03
microman$sudo apt-get dist upgrade03:03
FernandoFclearscreen: how cn i have the content?03:03
clearscreennoisy1: apt-cache search openldap03:03
Jinxed-I was going to install ubuntu so I can dual boot, but I would eventually like to reinstall windows. Is there a way to repartition my harddrive to have ubuntu and windows as a dual boot and then be able to reinstall windows later without having to kill by ubuntu partiton?03:03
mint3gigabites2,  trying to et my wireless to work03:03
Iceman_B^sshmicroman: I'm afraid that's all I know, i'm realtively new to linux as wel03:03
clearscreennoisy1: if you don't have apt-cache: apt-get install apt-cache03:03
gigabites2FernandoF: cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log | less03:03
clearscreenmight have to apt-cache update03:04
clearscreenFernandoF: where are you typing from?03:04
gigabites2mint3: Is your card detected?03:04
zaccouris there a puppy linux channel?03:04
gigabites2clearscreen: I told him to look @ the log for xorg to see waht failed03:04
noisy1clearscreen: cool! I'll give that a try03:04
mint3how can i check if it is , gigabites203:04
clearscreengigabites2: yeah, im just asking where he's typing from03:05
zaccouris there a puppy linux channel?03:05
eseven73zaccour: prolly but im betting it has 100 users, and 98 of them sleeping :/03:05
gigabites2mint3: sudo ifconfig              wlan# should show up03:05
clearscreenI would suggest something like WinSCP if he's currently on his windows PC03:05
Go0dWÅñòü êòî ïî ðóññêèé ãîâîðÿùèé ???03:05
clearscreenso he can grab stuff over ssh03:05
Xpistosgigabites2: You nailed it. I checked in the file and the "hosts allow" entry did not have the new ip address that i reserved for this laptop. I thought it might have something to do with the IPs but I did not think it was in the smb.conf file. Thanks for the help.03:05
gigabites2Xpistos: Certainly. :)03:05
rwwzaccour: #puppylinux on this server, according to http://puppylinux.org/wiki/archives/old-wikka-wikki/categorydocumentation/puppylinuxirc03:05
FernandoFclearscreen: it is a long list03:05
Jinxed-I was going to install ubuntu so I can dual boot, but I would eventually like to reinstall windows. Is there a way to repartition my harddrive to have ubuntu and windows as a dual boot and then be able to reinstall windows later without having to kill by ubuntu partiton?03:05
gigabites2FernandoF: Any entries with an EE ?03:05
FernandoFclearscreen: X.Org X Server 1.5.203:05
clearscreenFernandoF: are you on a windows pc right now?03:06
FernandoFclearscreen: i am on a windows PC trying to fix my Ubuntu machine03:06
gigabites2FernandoF: Try... cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log | grep EE03:06
FernandoFclearscreen: both oer same router03:06
gigabites2FernandoF: Should narrow the list significantly03:06
Go0dWHi, I just start use Ubuntu, now I on Windows PC... I need a litle help with Ubuntu, please someone help me03:07
clearscreenFernandoF: there's multiple ways really, either narrow the results by piping to grep (what gigabites2 suggested), or you can run a web/ftp/ssh server on your ubuntu host and access it from your windows pc03:07
evilnickHmmm, so the guide I followed told me to blacklist the driver that Ubuntu installed for my wireless card. To unblacklist it, can I just comment out the line I added?03:07
clearscreenGo0dW: dont ask to ask just ask03:07
gigabites2evilnick: Yes. In /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist?03:08
FernandoFclearscreen: are you looking for "Failed to load module "nv"?03:08
Go0dWok... i can't install driver 4 modem03:08
robbie623hello all03:08
A23Does anyone here think they could answer a quick question about Xchat Gnome?03:08
FernandoFclearscreen: is his bingo for me?03:08
gigabites2FernandoF: To get xorg back up, you can try this: dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg03:09
melikanyone know a good system admin tool?03:09
mint3gigabites2,  =  i did sudo ifconfig03:09
melikto monitor/admin a big network03:09
mint3i dont see "wlan"03:09
tvih-evilnick: atheros card by any chance?03:09
FernandoFclearscreen: under sudo?03:09
gigabites2mint3: You commented the line, correct?03:09
evilnickgigabites2: Right. I've done that and restarted, but now the card isn't shown in Device Manager or 'sudo ifconfig'03:09
Go0dWto install it i must create *.rules document in /etc/dev/rules.d but i have promishion 2 change it03:09
mint3no  whats it again, gigabites2   ?03:09
clearscreenFernandoF: yes, but you're going to end up installing the legacy/binary drivers from nvidia anyway03:09
gigabites2evilnick: modprobe <drivermodule>03:10
evilnicktvih-: How did you know? ;)03:10
dan__go0d, have you tried flushing the drive cache on partition C?03:10
Iceman_B^sshdoes anyone know the quickest way to add a new harddrive to Ibex?03:10
robbie623 i have a prolbem with sound volume....on install it was same as winblozes  but now after like 7 weeks the volume is very lox03:10
J_Litewskican i safely uninstall everything related to bluetooth if my computer doesn't support it?03:10
clearscreenFernandoF: sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx03:10
mint3gigabites2,  - is it "sudo ifconfig #wlan" ?03:12
gigabites2mint3: Sorry, ignore that last comment. Do you know if your wireless card is supported?03:12
tvih-evilnick: spent most of yesterday and this night getting my atheros to work ;P03:12
Iceman_B^sshit has 3 NTFS partitions which I want to keep for now, and I want to mount all of them in a certain dir03:12
mint3yes i think it is gigabites2 ,  how can i check tho03:12
Iceman_B^sshoh and I want to use quotas on it03:12
tvih-evilnick: in the end the only thing that worked was installing the .28 kernel and going from there03:12
gigabites2mint3: No, when you type in sudo ifconfig, a wlan entry should show up03:12
Go0dWdan__ plz, ask litle simle... i russian =)))))03:12
evilnickHow do I find out the drivermodule?03:12
gigabites2mint3: Try sudo ifconfig -a03:12
gigabites2evilnick: What you blacklisted03:12
robbie623 i have a prolbem with sound volume....on install it was same as winblozes  but now after like 7 weeks the volume is very lox03:12
evilnicktvih-: Upgrading the kernel? I'm a bit too much of a novice for that03:12
gigabites2mint3: Anything new shows up?03:12
evilnickgigabites2: You're doing a damn good job. Thanks03:12
mint3i dont see wlan03:12
zomborhello, when im trying to run virtual box service, it says "no suitable module for running kernel found." how can i fix this? when i run /etc/init.d/vboxdrv setup it says invalid command03:12
dan__the electrons must flow freely03:12
mint3thats odd, how come i could see it earlier and even connect then03:12
zomborwell, not invalid, but that setup isn't valid03:12
dan__path must be cleared for glorious revolution of bits and bytes03:12
A23Does anyone here think they could answer a quick question about Xchat Gnome? #xchat's dead.03:12
tvih-evilnick: simple task with the precompiled kernels, but yeah, well. couldn't get it to work otherwise myself.03:12
clearscreendan__: surely you must visit StackOverflow? :P03:12
gigabites2mint3: The card either is not supported or the module isn't loaded. You said you installed a 3rd party module, correct? Do you remember what it was called? It might not be loaded @ boot.03:12
tvih-evilnick: some others have had more luck so i guess you might too03:12
dan__clearscreen im trying to give support in russian03:12
mint3all it was a restricted driver03:12
mint3madwifi i think, gigabites203:12
Iceman_B^sshmicroman: the command should be "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" exactly like that03:12
mint3its an atheros wireless card03:12
gigabites2mint3: sudo modprobe madwifi03:12
Iceman_B^sshif you're still looking to upgrade03:12
clearscreendan__: I've read of a story of some programmer making his co-worker secretary believe that it improved electron-flow by picking up the mouse every day and swinging the cord03:12
Go0dWhow can I login wit root id ? to create document?03:13
lmaololhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hog9qGjT0Pw !!!!!!!!03:13
* evilnick now has wlan0 when running sudo ifconfig03:13
micromanI did the same, but no result.03:13
mint3says modprobe command not found gigabites203:13
Iceman_B^sshwhat did happen ?03:13
dan__hah. well it couldn't hurt03:13
gigabites2Go0dW: su03:13
Fleischstupid sound03:13
gigabites2mint3: sudo modprobe?03:13
micromanI followed the procedure mentioned here http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading03:13
dan__and if it just stretched the cord at least it would give the damn particles some exercise03:13
robbie623 i have a prolbem with sound volume....on install it was same as winblozes  but now after like 7 weeks the volume is very low ubuntu 8.1003:13
evilnickclearscreen: BOFH?03:13
Go0dWgigabites2run terminal ???03:13
mint3yeah that seems to work, gigabites203:13
micromanbut still no result.03:13
clearscreenevilnick: heh03:13
mint3but what am i looking for gigabites2  ?03:13
micromanits not upgrading03:13
clearscreenevilnick: i read it on stackoverflow.org :P03:14
mint3fatal : module madwifi not found03:14
gigabites2Go0dW: Yes, terminal. Root is not intended to run with a gui. Sorry.03:14
gigabites2mint3: you're trying to load the madwifi module03:14
Go0dWgigabites2ok, as exaple03:14
clearscreenFernandoF: did you install nvidia-glx?03:14
Go0dWsu root03:14
Go0dWthen type root password?03:14
micromanI want to upgrade from 8.04 to 8.10. I followed the procedure mentioned here http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading . its not upgrading.03:14
micromanI want to upgrade from 8.04 to 8.10. I followed the procedure mentioned here http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading . its not upgrading. pls help!!03:15
gigabites2Go0dW: If you want to set the root password, try sudo passwd03:15
mint3when i go to hardware drivers, i see "aternate atheros madwifi" driver is activated and currently in use03:15
evilnickSo, once I have wlan0 showing under ifconfig, what are the next steps to getting the wireless working?03:15
gigabites2Go0dW: Otherwise, just su ~03:15
hanasakiI am trying to play a DVD... totem says "does not have the appropriate plugins to be able to read the disk"  I can cd to the drive and "ls" fine... what do I need to apt-get?03:15
robbie623woiw no help?03:15
Iceman_B^sshmicroman: afraid thats all I know, you could try downloading the image for Ibex and burning that to a cd, then boot from it and install/upgrade03:15
gigabites2Go0dW: Sorry, su -03:15
tvih-evilnick: pray it appears in network manager ;P hehe03:15
=== nicholas__ is now known as tacosarecool
gigabites2evilnick: From terminal or gui?03:15
hanasakilibdvdnav: DVD disk reports itself with Region mask 0x00fe0000. Regions: 103:16
hanasaki[00000455] a52 decoder: A/52 channels:6 samplerate:48000 bitrate:44800003:16
robbie623ubuntu 9.04 i have low sound volume03:16
Go0dWand how can i create file in flolder owned by root ?03:16
Iceman_B^sshor: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading#Upgrading%20Using%20the%20Alternate%20CD/DVD03:16
tacosarecoolhello is the 9.04 beta worth it03:16
gigabites2Go0dW: A blank file?03:16
MencarHey anyone know of a way to get hotmail to work with evolution?03:16
robbie623no got alpha03:16
mint3gigabites2,  wat can i do03:16
Go0dWeah... 10-local.rules03:16
eldermfanybody there trying the ubuntu 9.04?03:16
robbie623taco go aphla03:16
tacosarecoolOh yeah by the way I'm on a toshiba satellite a105-s4074 and I don't think I have lag anymore on ubuntu03:16
gigabites2mint3: Have you loaded the madwifi module?03:16
littlehanasaki: http://littlegirl.hostrator.com/DVDPlayback.html03:16
tacosarecoolWhy alpha?03:16
mint3it says enabled gigabites2  so am assumin it is03:16
clearscreenMencar: I am not certain, but I believe hotmail blocked IMAP access a while ago03:17
gigabites2mint3: Does the card show up in ifconfig now?03:17
Mencarthats what I have been reading so far03:17
evilnickgigabites2: I've seen it in terminal (using ifconfig). And can also see it in Network Settings, what I can't do is find how to search for my SSID.03:17
Mencarfigured I would come here to see if anyone would know anything03:17
FernandoFclearscreen: i am back03:17
clearscreenThe only alternative would be some kind of plugin that works through HTTP requests and parsing the responses, but I doubt anyone has written or will ever write one :P03:17
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mint3its not there gigabites2 , i see eth0 and lo03:17
FernandoFclearscreen: i got graphics configurations03:17
DesiArnez6"CD/DVD Creator" program problem. My DVD is half full from a previous backup. How do I add more backup files? 7.10 Gutsy03:17
tvih-evilnick: it should find it automatically if it is working correctly. unless using a hidden ssid.03:18
clearscreenFernandoF: what do you mean?03:18
gigabites2mint3: ifconfig -a too?03:18
Mencarok thanks guys03:18
gigabites2evilnick: Well, you can try iwlist from the terminal03:18
mint3yeah gigabites203:18
mint3nothing shows up with wlan03:18
gigabites2mint3: Strange.03:19
FernandoFclearscreen: the nvidia pachkage ends with (elts try to translate) "nvidia-glx pack has no candidate for installation"03:19
mint3yet in the taskbar near the time, there is the wireless bars with a cross on it03:19
gigabites2mint3: Because you have ethernet connection. correct?03:19
evilnicktvih-: This could be where I'm going wrong then - I've licked on the network symbol at the top right of the screen and have "Wired Network - Auto eth0" then "Wireless Networks" and no options to pick?03:19
mint3ive taken off the cable for ethernet03:19
evilnicktvih-: s/licked/clicked/03:19
gigabites2FernandoF: You need to choose a specific nvidia driver03:19
clearscreenFernandoF: sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx-17703:19
mint3gigabites2, , i am trying only to use the wireless03:19
clearscreenthat's the latest driver for intrepid if I'm not mistaken03:19
tvih-evilnick: does it say anything at all under wireless? osomething about not being managed/controlled?03:20
gigabites2mint3: Yes, I understand. The lines are there for the ethernet though. I'd recommend ndiswrapper & using the windows driver for you wireless card03:20
FernandoFclearscreen: done03:20
mint3gigabites2,  - how can i manage that03:20
clearscreenok, now you can either use dpkg to reconfigure xorg, but it always gives me trouble03:20
evilnicktvih-: Nothing at all.03:20
tacosarecoolwhy alpha?03:20
clearscreenFernandoF: sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf03:20
gigabites2mint3: sudo apt-get install ndiswrapper-common ndiswrapper-utils-1.9 ndisgtk03:20
quantumkennyAll: where can I find a driver for a Dell AIO 924 printer for Ubuntu 8.10?03:20
FernandoFclearscreen:works fine but just lets behind a long list of packages that are proposed for removal03:20
clearscreenyeah that's allright, we'll clean those up later03:21
clearscreenFernandoF: sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf03:21
=== randall_ is now known as xrandallx
tvih-evilnick: which method are you using for your driver now btw? madwifi, ndiswrapper or something else?03:21
evilnicktvih-: I have Wireless Networks as if it's a heading and then a divider then VPN Connections03:21
gigabites2quantumkenny: If it's not listed in cups, you're probably SOL03:21
tacosarecoolsearch for Dell AIO 924 in synaptic03:21
quantumkennyI am connecting to it via the smb protocol/windows share03:21
quantumkennyis this the same?03:21
Barridushow do i blacklist a module03:22
evilnicktvih-: Am I supposed to use madwifi? I was hoping that it'd work out of the box?03:22
tacosarecoolyou can evilnick03:22
gigabites2Barridus: /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist03:22
FernandoFclearscreen: got a emty screen03:22
tacosarecoolevilnick your on 8.10 right03:22
FernandoFclearscreen: to edit03:22
tvih-evilnick: well, most people had to use it with pre-.28 kernels from what I read03:22
gigabites2FernandoF: /etc/X11/Xorg.conf03:22
clearscreenWhat does it say at the top?03:22
clearscreengigabites2: it's xorg.conf for me03:22
gigabites2Oh, sorry.03:23
Barridusgigabites2: thank you, i'll give it a shot03:23
evilnicktacosarecool: yes sir - 8.10 64-bit03:23
FernandoFclearscreen: GNU nano 2.0.703:23
clearscreenFernandoF: to the right of that?03:23
clearscreenwhat's the filename?03:23
FernandoFclearscreen:Fcheiro(file) /etc/xorg.conf03:23
mint3ok what now that i have installed ndiswrapper, gigabites2  ?03:23
evilnickI'll add madwifi and see if that works03:23
clearscreenI said /etc/X11/xorg.conf03:23
clearscreennot /etc/xorg.conf :P03:23
tacosarecoolyou connected wirelessly before on other computers right?03:23
clearscreenFernandoF: press CTRL+x03:24
Barridusgigabites2: that file is empty, is that normal?03:24
gigabites2mint3: Install your windows driver03:24
clearscreenFernandoF: sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf03:24
evilnicktacosarecool: Yes03:24
gigabites2Barridus: No, there should be a list blacklisted. That's strange.03:24
mint3how do i do that , via ndiswrapper? can i do it on terminal or somwhere where i can click03:24
FernandoFclearscreen: ok now03:24
tacosarecoolok what laptop are you on?03:24
quantumkennygigabites2, tacosarecool, thanks.03:24
evilnicktacosarecool: I'm connected right now on my Windows laptop (that's where I'm typing from)03:24
gigabites2You can use the Windows Wireless Drivers gui under system to do it03:24
clearscreenFernandoF:  now find where it says Driver "nv" and change it to Driver "nvidia"03:24
gigabites2mint3: You can use the Windows Wireless Drivers gui under system to do it03:25
evilnicktacosarecool: My Ubuntu one is an Asus N50Vn03:25
clearscreenFernandoF: after you change it, CTRL+O and then CTRL+W03:25
gigabites2Barridus: /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist03:25
mint3gigabites2,  - i dont see it there03:25
gigabites2Barridus: Are you sure you used the correct file?03:25
mint3i dont see "windows wireless drivers" under "system"03:25
clearscreenFernandoF: after you change it, CTRL+O and then CTRL+X (sorry not CTRL+W)03:25
gigabites2mint3: in the terminal, type ndiswrapper -l03:26
mint3it says ndisweapper-utils-1.9 not installed03:26
gigabites2mint3: apt-get install ndiswrapper-utils-1.903:26
tacosarecoollet me privatley talk to you03:26
tacosarecoolI think I got a solution03:26
evilnicktacosarecool: Sure03:26
FernandoFclearscreen:i do not see nv03:26
gigabites2FernandoF: He has the default xorg.conf.03:27
mint3gigabites2,  - ok done that03:27
gigabites2mint3: try ndiswrapper -l again03:27
n2diycan anyone recommend a paint program for a four year old?03:27
methodswhy doesn't alt+ctrl+[-+] work for changing screen resolution ?03:27
mint3yeah this time it does not moan, gigabites203:27
hanasakihow can I get past this to play DVDs?03:27
hanasakilibdvdnav: Using dvdnav version 4.1.303:27
hanasakilibdvdread: Encrypted DVD support unavailable.03:27
clearscreengigabites2: surely he must have a Driver entry with "nv" in his xorg.conf if it explicitly fails to load that module03:27
FernandoFclearscreen: word Driver not found after ctrl w03:27
gigabites2n2diy: gpaint or xpaint03:28
clearscreenFernandoF: try to find "Device"03:28
gigabites2clearscreen: Very true. :P But if it automagically creates xorg.conf?03:28
TragicMannerI have a computer I access remotely and it is booted into Windows which has an Ubuntu partition. I installed support for ext2/ext3 formatted drives, so I can see my Ubuntu partition, and I have edited GRUB to make the computer boot into Ubuntu the next time it restarts. I just need to make sure Remote Desktop is turned on. Is there a config file I can check for this?03:28
n2diygigabites2: thanks.03:28
FernandoFclearscreen: not found nv in this file03:28
ChotaZhow do i install flash player 10 for 64b linux?03:28
gigabites2mint3: Ok, then try system->administration->Windows Wireless Drivers03:28
FernandoFth file listed is /etc/X11/xorg.conf03:29
clearscreenFernandoF: alright, let's try it differently :P03:29
clearscreenFernandoF: CTRL+X03:29
mint3its not in the list gigabites203:29
ChotaZhow do i install flash player 10 for 64b linux?03:29
ChotaZhow do i install flash player 10 for 64b linux?03:29
gigabites2ChotaZ: You can download a development version from the official adobe site. There is no 64-bit official release version03:29
FloodBot2ChotaZ: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.03:29
clearscreenFernandoF: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xorg03:29
gigabites2clearscreen: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg03:30
mint3gigabites2, - its not there03:30
gigabites2mint3: Ok, well do you have the driver?03:30
clearscreenFernandoF: do what gigabites2 said :D03:30
araujo_is posible and safe to increase the tx-power in my wireless card?03:30
ChotaZgigabites2: how do i remove the previous isntallation i have of flash player 10?03:30
J_Litewskiis there any way to have grub run gparted?03:30
mint3no i just freshly installed ubuntu on this new partitioned hdd03:30
FernandoFclearscreen: do you mean to try tofind Device?03:31
clearscreenFernandoF: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg03:31
gigabites2ChotaZ: apt-get purge adobe-flashplugin03:31
gigabites2mint3: You need access to the driver03:31
halyconHi everyone! I am just wondering how to switch my java configuration so that it uses Sun Java03:31
gigabites2halycon: Remove openjdk & install sun java?03:32
FernandoFclearscreen: i am having a graphics step by step configuration03:32
fserveWhy canonical is making a http://start.ubuntu.com/9.04/ more uggly then http://start.ubuntu.com/8.04/ ?03:32
halycongigabites2, I tried using that update-java-alternatives but I dont know if it switched to using sun or not03:32
clearscreenFernandoF: yep that's supposed to happen03:32
gigabites2halycon: Do you just want to switch it for your browser? Or across the whole system?03:32
halycongigabites2, the whole system03:33
clearscreenFernandoF: you can press enter for most options, default option option is usually the correct one03:33
clearscreenFernandoF: just make sure you select "nvidia" when you get to the screen where you can select a driver03:33
gigabites2halycon: I don't have experience doing that, but in my opinion, it should be as simple as uninstalling openjdk & then installing sun java03:33
littleFernandoF: Which Ubuntu release are you using?03:33
ChotaZgigabites2: can ya help me find that 64 bits version?03:33
halyconI am using Eclipe and it doesn't work with any other thing except for Sun Java03:33
FernandoFclearscreen: not this option03:33
tritiumhalycon: with update-alternatives03:34
FernandoFlittle 8.1003:34
gigabites2tritium: He apparently tried that.03:34
FernandoFit ends on keybord selecton03:34
gigabites2ChotaZ: You can also use a plugin wrapper.. hold on a second03:34
tritiumgigabites2, halycon: there are multiple java-related alternatives03:34
mint3how will i find the driver, gigabites2  ?03:34
tritiumhalycon: which alternatives did you change?  ls /etc/alternatives/java*, and you'll see that there are a few03:35
gigabites2Download it from the vendor site or use the cd that came with the card03:35
clearscreenFernandoF: Actually, I believe the nvidia-glx automatically configures your xorg configuration, I could be wrong though03:35
FernandoFclearscreen: it ends on a keyboard selection and i can not go further as no option there03:35
gigabites2mint3: Download it from the vendor site or use the cd that came with the card03:35
littleFernandoF: I wrote a step by step guide on how to install the NVIDIA driver in Ubuntu and Kubuntu, but I'm not sure it would work for 8.10: http://littlegirl.hostrator.com/NvidiaDriverHowTo.html03:35
clearscreenFernandoF: do you get the same error if you press startx now?03:35
flippohalycon, you used the synaptic package manager to get the sun version?03:35
mint3its inbuilt in the laptop, gigabites203:35
halyconflippo, yeah I have it installed03:36
nikitisType nvidia-xconfig03:36
gigabites2mint3: lspci | grep Network03:36
nikitisAs root03:36
gigabites2mint3: Should tell you the model03:36
tritiumlittle: please don't recommend non-ubuntu packaged nvidia drivers here, unless you're prepared to be here 24/7 to support your method.03:36
FernandoFclearscreen: Fatal server error: no screens found03:36
halyconthere was an update to one of the alternatives and it changed after the update was done03:36
flippohalycon, funny, that was enough to get sun java as the default everywhere, for me.03:36
clearscreenFernandoF: if you still get the same error when you run "startx", run "sudo nvidia-xconfig" as suggest above03:37
simplehow do I open files as root? in the terminal?03:37
mint3doesnt show anything actually gigabites203:37
gigabites2clearscreen: try nvidia-xconfig?03:37
gigabites2mint3: case sensitive?03:37
lantay77i preformed a sudo apt-get upgrade and my console is now all jumbled... it is configuring console setup and asking for encoding on the console.03:37
lantay77what do i do?03:37
acp_hi im trying to learn raid and LVM, which should come first in a fresh installation LVM or Raid?03:37
halyconI have java-6-openjdk, java-6-sun, java-gcj and am not quite sure how to switch it to use the Java from sun03:38
clearscreenFernandoF: it'll probably ask if it can write changes to your xorg file, accept it03:38
littletritium: We've been using them for three years here without a hitch and they're supported by NVIDIA, with a links to some of their support on the page.03:38
lantay77how do i know which encoding to select?03:38
tritiumlittle: irrelevant.  Please don't recommend them *here*, in this channel.03:38
gigabites2lantay77: ASCII is a safe bet. utf8 if you want support for accents, etc03:38
nikitissimple: Sudo <command> , or su -c "<command>"03:38
lantay77all i have is a bunch of ISO's KOI TIS and UTF-803:39
gigabites2lantay77: go for utf-803:39
lantay77i dont know which one to pick03:39
puffIs there a way to see what partition a particular directory maps back to?03:39
gigabites2puff: /etc/fstab03:39
FernandoFclearscreen: VALIDATION ERROR: Data incomplete in file /etc/X11/xorg.conf. Device section "Configured Video Dvice" must have a Driver line03:39
usserhalycon, sudo update-alternatives java -config03:39
ChotaZcan anyone help me get flashplayer to work on my 64bits ubuntu?03:39
lantay77oh i also have VISCII03:39
gigabites2puff: or /etc/mtab if it's pnp03:39
usserhalycon, sudo update-alternative --config java sorry03:40
clearscreenFernandoF: lol, ok03:40
usserhalycon, err update-alternatives, sigh03:40
clearscreenFernandoF: sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf03:40
clearscreenfind Section "Device"03:40
tritiumhalycon: as I recommended to you earlier03:40
puffgigabites2: Hm, well, I can't see /home anywhere in there.03:40
puffgigabites2:  Is there a way, given a directory (e.g. "/home") to track back to where it comes from?03:41
gigabites2puff: You'll need to manually mount it & add it to fstab03:41
clearscreenFernandoF: inside Section "Device" you will add Driver "nvidia" (just below Identifier)03:41
simplenikitis im trying to run "sudo apt-get clean" and it jumps right to the next line, how do I know that the command actually executed?03:41
usserpuff, pwd03:41
gigabites2Chotaz: http://labs.adobe.com/technologies/flashplayer10/03:41
puffgigabites2: /home is already mounted, I'm trying to figure out what device/partition it's on.03:41
clearscreensimple: it was executed03:41
simplei will take ur word03:41
usserpuff, type mount, it will show you all mounted partition with info on where they are mounted03:42
gigabites2puff: Should be listed in /etc/mstab or /etc/fstab or else you mounted it manually & had to find the device name in the first place03:42
gigabites2puff: or do that.. ^^03:42
clearscreensimple: Jaunty 9.04 will have something called Computer Janitor, it'll clean apt cache too, amongst other things03:42
FernandoFclearscreen: it was there03:42
lantay77i finished my apt-get upgrade.. but it said error:"kernel.maps_protect" is an unknown key03:42
lantay77error: "vm.mmap_min_addr" is an unknown key. in the process and said [fail] for setting kernel variables03:42
puffInterestingly enough, /home doesn't show up in output from mount.03:42
clearscreenFernandoF: 10 min ago you said there was no Driver entry03:43
lantay77it finished fine and dropped me to console..03:43
lantay77is this a bad thing?03:43
evilnick1tacosarecool: Sorry about that, I forgot that changing the cable would disconnect me!03:43
gigabites2puff: /etc/mtab??03:43
n8tuserpuff  sudo fdisk -l03:43
FernandoFclearscreen: but now it is03:43
clearscreendoes it say Driver "nvidia" ?03:43
FernandoFthis file now is much longer thn previously03:43
gigabites2FernandoF: Should be.03:43
FernandoFclearscreen: yes03:43
clearscreenFernandoF: yeah, nvidia-xconfig did that03:43
lantay77i finished my apt-get upgrade.. but it said error:"kernel.maps_protect" is an unknown key03:44
lantay77error: "vm.mmap_min_addr" is an unknown key. in the process and said [fail] for setting kernel variables03:44
lantay77it finished and dropped me to console is this bad?03:44
clearscreenFernandoF: CTRL+X03:44
clearscreenFernandoF: startx03:44
puffAh, "df -h home"03:44
=== mib_cnj6p59y is now known as ohzie
lantay77it was setting up procps03:44
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simpleclearscreen: jaunty is not in the software repository03:44
clearscreensimple: jaunty is beta03:44
gigabites2simple: it's the next distro release03:44
slimjimhey can anyone tell me how i can install a icon theme. i went to a link for recomend icons downloaded them but now i can not seem to fig how to add them to the them pack03:44
lantay77can anyone help me?03:45
FernandoFclearscreen: it tryed to get in graphics mode but  returned back with some messages03:45
gigabites2slimjim: install to ~/.themes or via the appearances gui?03:45
gigabites2FernandoF: What's your nvidia card # ?03:45
J_Litewskihow do you install grub2 over grub?03:45
FernandoFlets start by the last one03:45
slimjimso just put it in the /usr/share/theme folder03:45
inthedeepsilencehow i can connect my BSNL broadband wi-fi to ubuntu?03:45
histouhm... If I run uname -a the date is all jacked up. But if I just type in date its fine?03:46
FernandoFclearscreen: it is a GIGABYTE  9400 GT 512MB GDDR203:46
clearscreenhisto: i believe uname -a is kernel build date03:46
FernandoFclearscreen: last message is03:46
tritiumslimjim: utilize /usr/local/share for manually installed things03:46
arvind_khadri!wifi | inthedeepsilence03:46
ubottuinthedeepsilence: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs03:46
histoclearscreen: ty yeap03:46
slimjimok thank you i can cut and paste it there thanks03:46
inthedeepsilenceubottu: thanx :)03:47
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about thanx :)03:47
FernandoFclearscreen: xauth: (argv):1: bad display name "Malhada-Xibas:0" in "remove" command03:47
gigabites2FernandoF: Is it possible that you changed your pc hostname?03:47
inthedeepsilenceubottu: its ur humbleness but really thnx03:47
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)03:47
slimjimtritium i get a permision denied when i do that03:48
FernandoFclearscreen: no03:48
Hilikushey guys, what names cdroms? my cdrom used to be cdrom1 and now its cdrom2 and screws up my configs. theres no cdrom1 at all now03:48
tritiumslimjim: you need to use sudo03:48
gigabites2Hilikus: try /etc/fstab03:48
n8tuserHilikus-> its the udev rules, rules can be found int /etc/udev/rules.d03:48
slimjimtritium so i should untar it in that folder destinaiton then correct03:48
FernandoFclearscreen: my PC host name has been always "Malhada-Xibas" I just wonder if system does not like the - in the middle03:48
clearscreenFernandoF: what does "hostname" say03:48
TragicMannerAnyone know of the config file I can check to see if Remote Desktop is turned on?03:49
n8tuserTragicManner-> remote desktop? what do you mean?03:49
FernandoFclearscreen: it says "Malhada-Xibas"03:49
tritiumslimjim: if you want it in /usr/local/share/, you'll need to 1) sudo mkdir /usr/local/share/themes, and then 2) unpack it into that directory03:49
TragicMannerUbuntu's built in VNC server, I believe. I probably have the wrong name.03:49
slimjimtritium if that is the case can you remind me the comamnd to type in to untar i can not remember03:49
clearscreenFernandoF: well this could be anything.. try: startx | grep (EE)03:50
clearscreenand tell us what it says03:50
gigabites2FernandoF: Do you have any sort of firewall? Can you access lo?03:50
tritiumslimjim: it's a .tar?  .tar.gz?03:50
n8tuserTragicManner-> try ps aux|grep vino03:50
FernandoFclearscreen: same03:50
tritiumslimjim: tar xvf <foo.tar>03:50
slimjimtritium thanks man03:50
TragicMannern8tuser: Any way I can check it without using terminal? I only have access to the partition my ubuntu install is on.03:51
clearscreenFernandoF: same? can't be same.. tell us the lines with (EE) in front of them :P03:51
FernandoFclearscreen: lets put another message03:51
mint3gigabites2,  - i managed to use ndiswrap to install the driver03:51
mint3what now03:51
FernandoFclearscreen: (EE) Failed to load module "type1" (module does not exist, 0)03:51
n8tuserTragicManner-> i only use cli, i dont know what you meant by that03:51
TragicMannern8tuser: hmm, okay, thanks03:52
clearscreen0_0 I have no idea what type1 is, other than the fact that it shouldnt be in your xorg file :P03:52
FernandoFclearscreen:(EE) config/hal: couldnt initialise context: (null) ((null))03:53
norbshelp! i tried booting from a live cd but "error: no screens found", and now I'm cli only.03:53
axel1973HELL!!! WHAT A DISTRO!! Ubuntu 9.04 Jaunty is a DAMN GREAT distro!!!!!! i just play around since 1-2h and i already LOVE IT!03:53
gsk3so hopefully this is the right place to ask a question; if not someone please smack me down and point me towards a more appropriate channel...03:53
kitcheclearscreen: type1 depending on where it is should be in xorg.conf it's fonts03:53
kitcheaxel1973: go to eitehr offtopic or #ubuntu+1 really03:54
slimjimtritium i keep getting a cannot open: no such file or directory error03:54
jamiejacksoncreating a usb startup disk from ubuntu, and it seems to only want a fat32 partition. won't it install to a ext2?03:54
gsk3but if anyone has a quick answer to how to get an install CD to pass an option to a module it is loading, that would be great03:54
kitchejamiejackson: it might install to an image that isolinux will boot from03:54
clearscreenFernandoF: I have a feeling your xorg install is completely fucked.. are you sure you didn't download ubuntu server? :P03:54
gsk3I am running into an issue that seems to be due to ADMA support in the sata_nv driver, and many places on the 'net suggest shutting it down by passing sata_nv.adma=0 to the kernel when booting03:54
gsk3but in 8.10 that doesn't seem to be a recognized option03:55
pirateIs anyone else have severe stability issues with Jaunty?03:55
kitche!language | clearscreen03:55
ubottuclearscreen: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.03:55
clearscreenreally? on the internet? damnit :P03:55
gsk3which I assume means that sata_nv is compiled as a module, but I can't get at modprobe.conf on the install CD...03:55
n8tuserpirate  please visit #ubuntu+103:55
jamiejacksonkitche: i let it do its thing on the stick the first go round (while the stick was still factory formatted to win32), wouldn't boot tho03:55
edgex-Welcome lukeqsee! You have achieved a new peak of 1312 users for #ubuntu!03:56
FernandoFclearscreen: my familly after 3 hours here can accept that f... please go on03:56
norbscan anyone help me with a live session, i get error no screens and get sent to prompt03:56
jamiejackson(meant fat32)03:56
FernandoFclearscreen: and i have 4 young daughters03:56
edgex-Welcome wizared! You have achieved a new peak of 1313 users for #ubuntu!03:56
kitcheFernandoF: it;s the channel rules actually03:56
donjuanluis07Wasup guys so anybody get magic jack to work natively in ubuntu yet?03:56
kitchejamiejackson: it might install to ext3 though I never looked into linux usb booting myself since I don't use usb booting03:57
n2diyhi wizard03:57
edgex-Welcome nick761! You have achieved a new peak of 1314 users for #ubuntu!03:58
FernandoFgreat kitche ... keep your Police task , despite I would rather appreciate energy concentrated fo find a solution :) ....03:58
clearscreenFernandoF: I think there's something seriously wrong with your xorg install, you can try to reinsstall it03:58
slimjimi think the person i was talking may have left the room. he was helping me untar something into a dir folder he had me made but i get an error when i untar along the line Cannot open: No such file or directory can someone just direct me to a how to or good wiki on how to do this. I can not remember if i want to be in the folder i want it to goto or the folder that contains the file i am untaring03:58
chronicdonjuanluis07: ftw is magic jack03:58
Hilikusgigabites2 that- for the mount point. my problem is in /dev03:58
clearscreenFernandoF: sudo apt-get purge xorg && sudo apt-get install xorg           < after that run nvidia-xconfig again03:58
donjuanluis07yes major win is the magic jack03:58
FernandoFclearscreen: volunteerly my dear friend03:58
Hilikusn8tuser do you know whci file specifiaclly? a checked several and none have anything about cdrom03:58
Digital71could someone help me get mythtv up and running?03:59
FernandoFyour orders?03:59
jamiejacksoncan anybody help me out with "create a usb startup disk"?03:59
bluenzo^nixwhat is a good SFTP/FTP client for ubuntu?03:59
zirodayjamiejackson: sure03:59
kitcheFernandoF: well the whole hostname issue is because you do not have the hostname in /etc/hosts03:59
FernandoFclearscreen: please line command03:59
zirodaybluenzo^nix: nautilus works, so does filezilla03:59
n8tuserHilikus-> its the udev rules, rules can be found int /etc/udev/rules.d03:59
icerootbluenzo^nix: filezilla03:59
nick761In Jaunty, will there be a clean way to upgrade existing ext3 partitions to the new ext4?03:59
bluenzo^nixty iceroot and ziroday03:59
chronicdonjuanluis07: that was a question03:59
jamiejacksonokay, ziroday. i tried it on the stick while it was still factory formatted, it went throgh the isntall just fine, but machine wouldn't boot it.03:59
clearscreenFernandoF: kitche might know what's going on, what does cat /etc/hosts say?04:00
merkurhi, i deactivated cleartype for most gnome apps, however a couple of apps still seem to have activated it (eg. opera/ kde apps) anyone knows how to fix this?04:00
zirodaynick761: not really, you won't get the speed bonuses unless you recreate all your files04:00
zirodayjamiejackson: okay, what computer do you have?04:00
gigabites2merkur: kcontrol or systemsettings (they're kde settings apps)04:00
nick761ah, I see04:00
jamiejacksonziroday: so first question, is it kosher/recommended that it be installed into a fat32 partition? cuz that's what it seems to want to do. dell d620 laptop04:00
kitcheFernandoF: at least that was the error you were getting with the remove with xorg04:00
n8tuserHilikus-> maybe 30-cdrom_id.rules?04:00
merkurgigabites2, thx for the fast response, will take a look at them!04:01
jamiejacksonziroday: i should note that i'm trying this with a jaunty image04:01
FernandoF127.0.0.1 localhost04:01
clearscreenFernandoF: is there a line that says "   (your-hostname)"04:01
clearscreenbelow that?04:01
zirodayjamiejackson: am not sure about what partition it should of installed to, but yes fat32 should be fine04:01
Hilikusn8tuser i chekde that one but it doesn't have anything that looks like a string "cdrom*"04:01
zirodayjamiejackson: what you need to make sure is that your BIOS knows to boot from the thumbdrive04:01
FernandoFclearscreen: Malhada-Xibas.sol04:01
jamiejacksonit can boot from other bootable thumbdrives, ziroday04:01
zirodayjamiejackson: am I making sense?04:01
FernandoFclearscreen: and it is all04:01
n8tuserHilikus-> well look around, should be there.. grep the whole dir04:01
slimjimcan anyone tell me how to open archive manager as root from the command line so i can untar a packege to a protect folder04:02
clearscreenFernandoF: I dont think .sol is supposed to be there :P04:02
Hilikusn8tuser thats what i was thinking, ill try that, thanks04:02
gigabites2slimjim: just use tar from the terminal04:02
clearscreenFernandoF: unless that's actually your hostname04:02
zirodayjamiejackson: okay, so its just this thumbdrive. Err in theory it should work with a jaunty iso but I'm not certain, having never tried it myself04:02
jamiejacksonziroday: does the "create a usb startup disk" make the partition bootable as part of its process?04:02
zirodayjamiejackson: yes04:02
gigabites2slimjim: tar -xvzf04:02
slimjimgigabites2 i did that but got a erro meesage04:02
kitcheslimjim: gksu archieve-manager but you can just do sudo tar -xvf <file> -C <folder you want to extract to>04:02
zirodayjamiejackson: have you tried doing it from a jaunty livecd?04:03
FernandoFclearscreen: it is as sol is my network name and Malhada-Xibas is the host name ...so all machines in network recognize it04:03
donjuanluis07Magic jack is a VoIP via USB phone service that costs about $20 a year for unlimited local and long distance calling04:03
kitcheFernandoF: well your hostname is messed up actually in your /etc/hosts04:03
jamiejacksonno, ziroday, think i should try that? also should i reformat the stick?04:03
FernandoFmay I had a new entry there?04:03
He-manGood day to you all:)04:04
zirodayjamiejackson: yeah that would be a good idea, as for reformatting your thumbdrive you shouldn't have to but you might as well :)04:04
slimjimthanks gigabiets and kitche04:04
kitcheFernandoF: should look like this Malhada-Xibas Malhada-Xibsa.sol04:04
DesiArnez6How can I add more data to my DVD, I have cd/dvd creator and gnomebaker04:04
jamiejacksonziroday: and back to fat32, the way it came?04:04
clearscreenkitche: shouldn't that be "", at least for me it is04:04
mint3can i disable ndiswrapper04:04
FernandoF127.0.0.1 is localhost04:04
kitcheclearscreen: does not matter it's all the same04:04
zirodayjamiejackson: thats fine04:05
gigabites2DesiArnez6: It must be formatted initially for multiple sessions04:05
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about cmdr04:05
clearscreenFernandoF: I know ;) just stating what's in my own hosts file04:05
zirodaymint3: in a terminal do sudo rmmod ndiswrapper04:05
jamiejacksonk, i'll try it out, need to burn the jaunty iso and reboot, etc, so bbiab04:05
kitcheclearscreen: anything 127.x.x.x is all localhost anyways04:05
DesiArnez6gigabites2 IT is a DVD-R not RW, but its only half full04:05
keithhi guys, ive just installed 8.10 on a machine, and I can load GRUB but if I try and run ubuntu from the default option it stalls, if i go into recovery mode and then resume standard boot it loads fine. what am i missing04:05
=== rashire2 is now known as rashire
DesiArnez6gigabites2 so i dont think i can format04:05
clearscreenkitche: i guess because of the netmask04:05
gigabites2DesiArnez6: Doesn't matter. If you mastered your DVD on the first burn, it's done.04:06
zirodayjamiejackson: sure04:06
clearscreenFernandoF: but yeah, according to the /etc/hosts documentation, it should be (hostname) (alias)04:06
gigabites2DesiArnez6: What I meant is, there's such thing as multi-session formatting that allows you to change data for 20mb or so per write. But if you mastered it from the start, you can't add to it.04:06
mint3when i type modprobe ath_pci i get "all confg files need .conf : /etc/modprobe.d/ndiswrapper, it will be ignored in future release"04:06
gigabites2mint3: modprobe ndiswrapper04:07
clearscreenFernandoF: sudo nano /etc/hosts04:07
DesiArnez6gigabites2 This is my first dvd burn ever, so i am new at this, im trying to backup hard drive before i update to newer ubuntu.....Ahhh, How do I know if i mastered it?04:07
clearscreenFernandoF: then change your wrong line with this: Malhada-Xibas Malhada-Xibas.sol04:07
keithanyone able to answer my quick question? ive just installed 8.10 on a machine, and I can load GRUB but if I try and run ubuntu from the default option it stalls, if i go into recovery mode and then resume standard boot it loads fine. what am i missing04:07
gigabites2Can you write anything else to it?04:07
FernandoFclearscreen: now i get confused .... I have 2 lines one is localhost and the second is Malhada-Xibas.sol04:07
clearscreenchange the second line04:07
FernandoFclearscreen: shd I have a neew one?04:07
norbstrying a live disc and i get an error no screens found... help!04:07
clearscreenFernandoF: change second line to " Malhada-Xibas Malhada-Xibas.sol"04:08
mint3gigabites2,  : it says "all confg files need .conf : /etc/modprobe.d/ndiswrapper, it will be ignored in future release"04:08
mint3then fata : error inserting ndiswrapper. p[eratopm mpt [er,oted04:08
clearscreenFernandoF: sudo nano /etc/hosts04:08
mint3maybe cos i have alerady sudo rmmod ndiswrapper ?04:08
clearscreenFernandoF: just modify it, when you're done: CTRL+O and then CTRL+X04:08
gigabites2mint3: Have you installed the driver?04:08
mint3i did, install it before04:08
mint3but nothing hapened04:09
gigabites2mint3: try ndiswrapper -i04:09
zaccourim thinkin about installing vector. any experiences with vector?04:09
FloodBot2gigabites2: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.04:09
gigabites2mint3: try ndiswrapper -l04:09
keithhi there, thanks in advance... anyone able to answer my quick question? ive just installed 8.10 on a machine, and I can load GRUB but if I try and run ubuntu from the default option it stalls, if i go into recovery mode and then resume standard boot it loads fine. what am i missing?04:09
slimjimgigabites2 ok that did not work. the file had a tar.gz inside the tar and then in side that is two folders and then a index.theme. can you help me understand this04:09
kitchekeith: hard to say without knowing where it's stalling at04:09
zaccourim thinkin about installing vector. any experiences with vector?04:09
mint3nothng shows up04:10
kitche!repeat | zaccour04:10
ubottuzaccour: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience04:10
kitchezaccour: what is vector?04:10
FernandoFclearscreen: done04:10
clearscreenFernandoF: /etc/init.d/networking restart04:10
BellinXFelonhow can i rip an mp3 stream as a single mp3 file?04:10
gigabites2slimjim: the internal tar.gz can be installed through the gnome-appearances gui under system->preferences04:10
zaccourvector linux04:10
DesiArnez6gigabites, how do I avoid mastering in the future, or does the default program "CD/DVD Creator" always master without allowing multi session04:10
FernandoFclearscreen: with sudo?04:10
gigabites2kitche: vector linux04:10
clearscreenFernandoF: yes, sorry04:10
kitchezaccour: wrong channel to ask that really04:10
clearscreenzaccour: if that's a distro, this is #ubuntu04:11
norbshow do I reconfigure x?04:11
mint3gigabites2,  it says hardware present : yes04:11
kitchegigabites2: I know what vector linux is I just did not know that vector was04:11
chronicdonjuanluis07: nice04:11
mint3now what gigabites204:11
gigabites2mint3: then it's not installed04:11
clearscreennorbs: dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg04:11
gigabites2mint3: then it is installed04:11
norbsclearscreen: great, thanks04:11
gigabites2mint3: modprobe -r ndiswrapper && modprobe ndiswrapper04:11
slimjimgigabites2 that is what i am triyng to fig out the other person had me put it in /usr/local/share/themes was this correct04:11
mint3yeah it is listed in ndiswrapper -l04:11
FernandoFclearscreen: ignoring unknown interface04:11
zaccourkitche, clearscreen i know this, but i want to know if its SIMILAR to Ubuntu, and people here might know04:11
mint3all in 1 line, gigabites2  ?04:11
gigabites2mint3: yes04:12
kitchezaccour: no it's much like slackware but your offtopic04:12
zaccourso yes, it is on topic04:12
clearscreenFernandoF: should be unrelated04:12
BellinXFelonis there any way to configure kstreamripper to rip a mp3 stream to a single mp3 file04:12
clearscreenFernandoF: try to startx now04:12
FernandoFclearscreen:eth0, eth1, eth2 and ath0 and wlan004:12
gigabites2slimjim: That04:12
mint3when i type modprobe ath_pci i get "all confg files need .conf : /etc/modprobe.d/ndiswrapper, it will be ignored in future release"04:12
slimjimgigabites2 you cut yourself off04:12
kitchezamba: no this is support channel not random chatter04:12
mint3then right after writes : error removing ndiswraper, operation not permitted04:13
gigabites2slimjim: That's only necessary for a whole system install. If you want to use it only for yourself, install via appearances. It offers a gui & is much easier04:13
FernandoFclearscreen: waiting for X server to shut down04:13
mint3i can see it in ndiswrapper -l though04:13
DesiArnez6This is my error :WARNING: /dev/sr0 already carries isofs! does it mean my dvd is mastered?04:13
gigabites2DesiArnez6: Yes04:13
clearscreenFernandoF: mmmm04:13
kitchezamba: sorry I have my quits on ignore did not see zaccar leave04:13
clearscreenFernandoF: what is the error this time? specifically the lines that start with (EE)04:13
lstarnesDesiArnez6: it means that it has already been formatted04:14
gigabites2mint3: use sudo04:14
FernandoFan amse errors of module "type1" and config/hal04:14
slimjimgigabites2 ok i hate to be bothersome i am still a newb even tho i have been around linux for over 10 years. i am finaly diving in head first. got rid of windows and now only run linux. so i am afraid to say i dont unerstand how to do what you are saying with the gui. i mean i know how to get the appearnce menu but I am not sure how to bind the certian icons i want to a certian theme04:14
mint3same thing, gigabites204:14
gigabites2mint3: sudo modprobe -r ndiswrapper && sudo modprobe ndiswrapper04:14
mint3it says exactly the same thing04:14
DesiArnez6*Insert expletive* ;) how do I avoid this in the future, I want to continually back up to my dvd, not just one burn04:14
gigabites2FernandoF: type1 module is obsoleted; irrelevanted04:14
gigabites2FernandoF: type1 module is obsoleted; irrelevant04:14
mint3gigabites2,  - same thing, doesnt do anything just moans04:15
FernandoFclearscreen: the same i listed before04:15
BellinXFelonmp3 stream ripping as one file?04:15
gigabites2slimjim: Use the install theme setting & then you can use the customize button04:15
clearscreenFernandoF: cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log | grep EE04:15
FernandoFclearscreen: Failedt to load module "type1" /module does not exist, 0)04:15
slimjimgigabites2 ok i will give it a try thanks04:15
gigabites2mint3: sorry, exact output?04:15
mint3it says04:16
brandon___how do i make a file from terminal?, is it mkfile04:16
gigabites2FernandoF: type1 module is obsoleted; cannot be loaded. it is irrelevant. You can comment it out in xorg.conf too04:16
FernandoFclearscreen: and config/hal: couldnt initialize context : (null) ((null))04:16
mint3when i type modprobe ath_pci i get "all confg files need .conf : /etc/modprobe.d/ndiswrapper, it will be ignored in future release"04:16
mint3ignore the start04:16
clearscreenWell Im not sure if trying to load a non-existent module is a critical error.. but it's worth to try04:16
mint3"all confg files need .conf : /etc/modprobe.d/ndiswrapper, it will be ignored in future release04:16
clearscreenFernandoF: sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf04:16
mint3thats what it says04:16
gigabites2mint3: When you installed, did you extract all the files needed & installed with the .inf file?04:17
clearscreenFernandoF: press Ctrl+W and find "type1", at the beginning of that line enter a "#"04:17
mint3i think so gigabites204:17
mint3downloaded the .inf in a directory04:17
brandon___how do i make a file from terminal?, is it mkfile04:17
clearscreenFernandoF: after editing: CTRL+O and CTRL+X04:17
mint3then installed it thru windows wireless drivers04:17
gigabites2mint3: Did you include the .sys and all that too?04:17
jamiejacksonyou can do touch, clearscreen04:17
clearscreenjamiejackson: enlighten me :P04:18
mint3the sys file is there too, same dir as the .inf04:18
jamiejacksontouch fileToCreate.txt04:18
jamiejacksonblank file04:18
gigabites2mint3: Ok. And it says the hardware is installed..04:18
gigabites2mint3: But you can't load the module?04:18
babylonsfuryhelp, my usb keyboard in linux is so sluggish i can barely type04:18
clearscreenjamiejackson: we're editing xorg, not creating new files :P04:18
clearscreenFernandoF: CTRL+O to save, CTRL+X to exit nano, then try startx again04:19
jamiejacksonsorry, clearscreen, i meant brandon___04:19
MeXTuXHow can I know which video driver is my video card using?? My xorg.conf file doesn't say anything about it :(04:19
clearscreenjamiejackson: ah.04:19
mint3when i first click on wireless network drvers, it says "unable to see if hardware is present" so i press ok  but in the list it says "net5211" hardware present:es04:19
mint3when i first click on wireless network drvers, it says "unable to see if hardware is present" so i press ok  but in the list it says "net5211" hardware present: Yes04:19
gigabites2MeXTuX: try lsmod04:19
FernandoFclearscreen: error: config/hal: couldný initialise context04:19
mint3and when i type ndiswrapper -l it shows up in  there04:20
gigabites2MeXTuX: You know your card; search for display or something like that04:20
brandon___jamiejackson: any idea's04:20
slimjimgigabites2 thank that worked no i am going to see if i can find where to adjust the transparency04:20
clearscreenFernandoF: mmpf04:20
gigabites2slimjim: Sure. :)04:20
gigabites2mint3: Very strange04:20
gigabites2mint3: tell ya what, uninstall from the gui again04:20
mint3im tryin hard u know04:20
DesiArnez6Is there a way to multisession with "CD/DVD Creator" without mastering the DVD? Or is another program needed04:20
mint3u mean get rid of the .inf04:20
mint3 ?04:20
gigabites2mint3: i know. I'm sorry it's hard to get working04:20
FloodBot2mint3: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.04:20
clearscreenFernandoF: same problem when restarting gdm? sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart04:21
FernandoFclearscreen: mmpf?04:21
bullgard4What is the effect of the keyboard shortcut Alt+F7 in X (Or should I say 'X')?04:21
gigabites2mint3: No, just the entry in Windows Wireless Drivers04:21
clearscreenFernandoF: mmpf as in *sigh* :P04:21
mint3ok done, gigabites204:21
gigabites2bullgard4: ctrl+alt+f7 switches to tty704:21
clearscreenFernandoF: try: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart04:21
gigabites2mint3: Ok, now open a terminal to the directory containing the .inf file04:21
MeXTuXMy card is a but the device section in the xorg.conf doesn't have anything about a driver. The card is a 00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 82946GZ/GL Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 02)04:21
bullgard4gigabites2: I am not speaking about Ctrl+Alt+F7. Rather, about Alt+F7.04:22
mint3how do i do that gigabites2   ?04:22
mint3gigabites2,  i saved it in "documents" am in the folder right now04:22
clearscreenbullgard4: for me, it attempts to "move" the focused window04:22
jamiejacksonbrandon___: what do you want to do, create a blank file?04:22
gigabites2mint3: You can use "ls" to determine the files in your current directory04:22
Herr_Akleahttp://chat.xlivetchat.com ;)04:22
gigabites2mint3: cd can be used to change directories04:22
mint3am usin file browser, gigabites204:23
bullgard4clearscreen: Is this an X feature or a GNOME feature?04:23
clearscreenbullgard4: gnome04:23
mint3ok am in the terminal in that directory, gigabites204:23
gigabites2bullgard4: It depends on your window manager04:23
gigabites2mint3: Ok, now..04:23
bullgard4clearscreen: Thank you for your help.04:24
gvsa123just to make sure, settings, add ons, configurations of applications are all stored in your home directory right? so backing up you /home backs up everything you need? or are there some other directories you'd need to backup as well?04:24
brandon___jamiejackson: yes i wan't to create a blank file via terminal04:24
gigabites2mint3: sudo ndiswrapper -i <thedrivername>.inf04:24
FernandoFclearscreen: hurrah! we got graphics card again04:24
clearscreenFernandoF: cool! :)04:24
FernandoFclearscreen: but gnome seems to have problems04:24
bullgard4gigabites2: What depends on my window manager?04:24
FernandoFclearscreen: we have a 10 seconds session error yet04:24
gigabites2bullgard4: the function of alt+f704:24
jamiejacksonbrandon___: touch fileYouWant.txt04:24
mint3done, gigabites204:24
gigabites2mint3: try ndiswrapper -l again04:24
clearscreenFernandoF: what exactly does it say? some rights issue?04:24
mint3kept sayin "forcing parameter mapregisters from 256 to 64 "04:24
bullgard4gigabites2: Ah!04:24
mint3says net5211 : driver installed04:25
gigabites2bullgard4: You can map it to do basically whatever you want04:25
gigabites2mint3: sudo modprobe -r ndiswrapper && sudo modprobe ndiswrapper04:25
FernandoFclearscreen: failed to read directory "/etc/dbus-1/session.d04:25
bonez46how would I install any new flavor of ubuntu.. on my machine? how to allow both the current and the new versions to run..04:25
brandon___jamiejackson: okay.04:25
gigabites2FernandoF: Maybe you need to change the permissions04:25
mint3same reply, gigabites204:26
gigabites2bonez46: You can install kubuntu as it would be from the live cd w/ apt-get install kubuntu-desktop04:26
bullgard4gigabites2: Well, this may be true. But firstly I am interested in knowing what the effect is in the default Ubuntu 8.04.2 installation.04:26
hanasakiwhat isa good gui based tool for ftp/scp ?04:26
brandon___jamiejackson: now what?04:26
mint3"all confg files need .conf : /etc/modprobe.d/ndiswrapper, it will be ignored in future release04:26
clearscreenFernandoF: CTRL + ALT + F2, log in again04:26
ArchaicPeriegehanasaki: filezilla04:26
slimjimgigabites2 can you point me in the right direction for i belive they are called winglets or something like that. those little things that hang out on the desktop like your cpu and system monitor and network analizer and that kinda of stuff04:26
gigabites2bullgard4: Try it. I don't think it's mapped by default04:26
FernandoFclearscreen: do you need all message or that runs a bell?04:26
jamiejacksonbrandon___: the file is created, you wanted to create a blank file right? so you're done04:26
ArchaicPeriegeslimjim: screenlets04:26
mint3says the same thing again, gigabites204:26
clearscreenFernandoF: just CTRL+ALT+F2, log in again04:26
gigabites2slimjim: Desklets. I also recommend conky if that's what you want04:27
gigabites2mint3: I'm not sure why.. Strange.04:27
bonez46gigabites2: ok, what if i wanted to install, say.. suse.. or fedora.. I realize both wouldn't run simultaneously.. but can I install several different os's..04:27
ArchaicPeriegebonez46: you can partition space for them, and then install them to that partition04:27
clearscreenFernandoF: after that, "sudo ls -l /etc/dbus-1/session.d"04:27
gigabites2bonez46: Sure. Do you mean virtualization or dual-booting?04:27
FernandoFclearscreen: ctrl alt f2 does nothing04:27
slimjimok conky does the same thing04:27
gigabites2FernandoF: Should change you to tty204:27
bonez46dual booting04:28
thrillERboyhi guys04:28
Herr_Akleairc2.xLivetChat.com 666704:28
ArchaicPeriegebonez46: you can partition space for the new OS, then install it via the distro's installer04:28
gigabites2bonez46: Set partition space for them & do separate installs. Grub will handle the booting stuff04:28
bonez46or , if i want to install Ultimate Ubuntu...04:28
bullgard4gigabites2: Your recipe is not practical. To test every single bit in a computer oneself one would need more than a lifespan. Thus theories have been created. Theories are very practical. Not so your advice.04:28
clearscreenFernandoF: what do you see now? :P04:28
bonez46i think my boys will like this Ultimate package..04:28
gigabites2bullgard4: Ok, the keyboard shortcuts tells you what each & every combination does04:28
thrillERboyI've just installed a nvidia legecy driver, and ubuntu was fine.... but when I restarted, the moment i enter the login screen the monitor display out of range dialog04:29
chronicwhere is the option to change the startup sound in kubuntu04:29
gigabites2bullgard4: system->preferences->keyboard settings04:29
mrgreekhello everybody04:29
thrillERboyI guess, I've set the frequency to 84Hz04:29
ArchaicPeriege!hi | mrgreek04:29
ubottumrgreek: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!04:29
brandon___You do not have the permissions necessary to save the file. Please check that you typed the location correctly and try again.04:29
gigabites2chronic: run gdmsetup with admin rights04:29
FernandoFclearscreen: i am restarting to get access to command line04:29
clearscreenFernandoF: ok04:29
mrgreekmy first time here since i began working with ubuntu04:29
gigabites2mint3: I really don't know. :04:29
thrillERboyhow can I set my screenrefresh rate to 60Hz without loggin to using the graphical interface04:30
gigabites2mint3: You have the correct driver and everything, right?04:30
brandon___jamiejackson: i tryed editing it in /usr/local/ircd/ect/ircd.conf04:30
chronicgigabites2: in kubuntu04:30
brandon___jamiejackson: i tryed editing it in /usr/local/ircd/ect/04:30
brandon___but i go that error04:30
jamiejacksonwhere are you trying to create it, brandon___ (and what are you going to do with this file, it's pretty odd to just want to create a blank file)04:30
chronicgigabites2: ?04:30
bullgard4gigabites2: There is no  system->preferences->keyboard settings04:30
mint3i think so i got it from a ubuntu forum04:30
mrgreek(man, this is soooo confusing)04:30
evilnicktacosarecool: HAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAH04:30
mint3maybe thats why04:30
tritiumcrdlb: you were right04:30
bonez46is there a channel for ultimate ubuntu?04:30
clearscreenthrillERboy: modify /etc/X11/xorg.conf or use sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg04:30
ArchaicPeriegebullgard4: what distro are you on?04:30
evilnicktacosarecool: Guess what?04:31
gigabites2chronic: I'm not as familiar with kdm. Try kcontrol or systemsettings (kde control center)04:31
ArchaicPeriegebullgard4: as in Kubuntu, Ubuntu, Xubuntu etc…04:31
bullgard4ArchaicPeriege: Ubuntu 8.04.204:31
xlormcolinso this is irc, eh?04:31
gigabites2bullgard4: Ubuntu?04:31
gigabites2xlormcolin: Eh.04:31
mrgreek(wonders if anyone is addressing him)04:31
brandon___jamiejackson: i am basicly trying to put ircd.conf in that location04:31
bullgard4 gigabites2 Ubuntu 8.04.204:31
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xlormcolinis this 4chan?04:31
gigabites2bullgard4: With GNOME running?04:31
FernandoFclearscreen: sudo ls -l /etc/dbus-1/session.d"04:31
ArchaicPeriegebullgard4: go to the system menu, then the preferences submenu, then to the entry called "Keyboard"04:31
brandon___jamiejackson: in this location /usr/local/ircd/ect/ircd.conf04:31
bullgard4gigabites2: Ubuntu 8.04.204:32
FernandoFi tryed it04:32
gigabites2xlormcolin: No'm ;)04:32
mrgreekhey, that's the distro i am running (ubuntu 8042)04:32
clearscreenFernandoF: without the " at the end04:32
FernandoFclearscreen and got no sch file or directory04:32
xlormcolinare there any irc clients better than xchat?04:32
gigabites2bullgard4: System->Preferences->Keyboard Shortcuts04:32
xlormcolinwell, that you guys think are better04:32
clearscreenFernandoF: sudo apt-get install dbus04:32
gigabites2xlormcolin: You can try konversation or smuxi04:32
ArchaicPeriege!best | xlormcolin04:32
ubottuxlormcolin: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.04:32
FernandoFclearscreen no " of course04:32
brandon___!tar | brandon04:33
ubottubrandon: Files with extensions .tar, .gz, .tgz, .zip, .bz2, .7z, .ace and other archive file formats can be opened with file-roller (GNOME) or Ark (KDE) - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression04:33
FernandoFclearscreen and I tryed dbus-1 and dbus-l04:33
clearscreenFernandoF: sudo apt-get install dbus04:33
bullgard4gigabites2: Ah! I found it. Thank you very much for your help.04:33
gigabites2bullgard4: Certainly. :)04:34
FernandoFclearscreen done04:34
gigabites2clearscreen: It may be in the best interests to restart @ this point. If you're messing w/ dbus, something's messed up.04:34
gigabites2clearscreen:reinstall I mean04:34
mrgreekWell, i will come back another time...take care .... goodnight from Toronto/Canada.04:35
thrillERboythanks clearscreen will come back on ubuntu if I get lucky04:35
clearscreengigabites2: tell me about it, I wouldve reinstalled when xorg problems started to arise :P04:35
jamiejacksoni gotta go brandon, but if you wanna create a blank file in a restricted spot: 'sudo touch yourfile.txt', if you wanna actually edit it: 'sudo pico yourfile.txt', if you want a gui editor 'gksu gedit yourfile.txt'04:35
clearscreenFernandoF: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart04:35
TaG^what is the command to see what is my MAC id is?04:35
slimjimcan or is anyone willing to help me understand this page i am trying to finish making a theme work and only have a few last things to adjust mainly firefox here is the link with the sript http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Darkfix+(+easy+fix+for+browsers+)?content=7450404:35
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ArchaicPeriegeslimjim: did you try reading the instructions/documentation?04:36
gigabites2slimjim: I don't speak finnish, but I'll try!04:37
slimjimArchaicPeriege yes i did i just understand what to put in after i untar it for the browser.04:37
slimjimgigabites2 it should be english that is what i have on my end04:37
FernandoFclearscreen /usr/bin/xmodmap: 1 error encountered, aborting04:38
asdghi have a wacom intuos3 tablet, and do multimedia design, I hate vista, so I want to try linux.  What distribution is best for me?04:38
gigabites2slimjim: Oh, ok. You basically just copy & paste the directions into the terminal.04:38
asdghis ubuntu a word for linux?04:38
clearscreenasdgh: it's one of the many linux distributions04:38
FernandoFclearscreen EOF in dbus-launch reading address from bus daemon04:38
ubottuUbuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com04:38
asdghclearscreen ahh, this chat is what I got when i did "linux chat" in google04:38
clearscreenFernandoF: I'm running out of ideas, I'd suggest backing up (if even needed) and just reinstalling04:39
asdghso what distro works out of box with wacom tablets04:39
thebitguruHi, can I configure sysklogd to log messages from a specific program to a given file?04:39
quietas /msg NickServ identify dinklefritz04:39
clearscreenThanks quietas! :P04:39
gigabites2FernandoF: If you're messing around with dbus, something is very much messed up and it's in your best interests to attempt a reinstallation04:39
FernandoFThx for your big patience04:40
ArchaicPeriegeasdgh: it would probably be worth it to just start looking at the various wikis for different distibutions to see04:40
quietasdamned space04:40
gigabites2asdgh: http://distrowatch.com04:40
slimjimgigabites2 i got it up but what would firefox be labeld as ie i would type ./darkfix -r (browser)04:40
FernandoFhow do I reinstall?04:40
clearscreenFernandoF: how did you install? :P04:40
gigabites2slimjim: firefox-bin?04:40
asdghArchaicPeriege I would like to do that, but I need to do it within a few hours.04:40
gigabites2slimjim: try that04:40
asdghArchaicPeriege short on time, gotta deadline coming up and photoshop died in vista04:41
asdghgot a*04:41
ArchaicPeriegeasdgh: you can use the GIMP on vista04:41
FernandoFI started some time ago with 7.04 and just updated till now04:41
slimjimok give me asec04:41
fliptopasdgh: http://www.linux-laptop.net/04:41
clearscreenFernandoF: easiest way is to download an iso,  burn it to CD, and boot from it04:41
asdghArchaicPeriege I tried.  vista is f'ed up, superfetch keeps closing for some reason, and explorer.exe randomly restarts04:41
ArchaicPeriege!hi | mickey04:42
ubottumickey: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!04:42
slimjimgigabites2 nope and neither is firefox would it be mozilla04:42
FernandoFis sio file a runnable one?04:42
clearscreenFernandoF: you'll need software to burn it to cd04:42
gigabites2slimjim: firefox or firefox-bin. Idk. Firefox-bin is what is executed by firefox04:42
quietasOk,  now that I've got the obligitory newbishness out of the way, can anyone point me at an example for an smb.conf with which has shares with user read/write, guest read, and also a share will all = read/write?04:42
ArchaicPeriegeasdgh: ouch. I originally had problems with Vista, which was why I changed to Linux. But the wikis are probably the spot to check, as this channel is mostly for Ubuntu support04:42
asdghArchaicPeriege thank you, i found ##linux chat so Ill check that out04:43
FernandoFas my system is on internet is not there a command to make it directly?04:43
ArchaicPeriegeasdgh: glad I could help04:43
slimjimyea these are scripts so like were the fonts and backgrouns are stored at i will fig it out. i just ahve to find were firefox is stored and browser thur the folders04:43
clearscreenFernandoF: not really, recommend to just download it on your windows PC, and burn it with this to cd: http://isorecorder.alexfeinman.com/isorecorder.htm04:44
mickeyWill i be able to integrate to the new version of Ubuntu without reinstalling?04:44
gigabites2quietas: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-17741.html   --- Last post04:44
clearscreenmickey: yes04:44
FernandoFclearscreen Ok...I have a copy  already I am having problems on burn but will try to bypass them04:44
FernandoFclearscreen thx for your great help04:45
quietasgigabites2: I'll check that04:45
clearscreenmickey: you can change your /etc/apt/sources.list , and do an apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade04:45
clearscreenFernandoF: no problem04:45
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FernandoFgigabites2 thanks as well04:46
gigabites2FernandoF: :)04:46
gigabites2slimjim: should be in /usr/share/firefox or something similar04:46
FernandoFgigabites2: no ideas to fix it on your part less anful than reinstall04:46
racecar56im running a highly customized ubuntu (fluxbox) in a vbox vm and i want to know how to change it's ip04:46
slimjimgigabites2 thanks and if you can think of any good reading that may help you can send it my way04:47
ArchaicPeriegeracecar56: what do you mean "change it's IP"?04:47
gigabites2slimjim: I'll try.04:47
bullgard4gigabites2: Do the keyboard shortcuts listed in System > Preferences > Keyboard Shortcuts > (Keyboard Shortcuts) > Action apply to all GNOME or to MetaCity or what program did implement them?04:47
mickeythanks clearscreen!04:47
FernandoFgigabites2:less painful i mean04:47
ArchaicPeriegebullgard4: GNOME04:47
bullgard4ArchaicPeriege: Thank you.04:47
gigabites2FernandoF: Actually, reinstall is least painful, I believe04:48
ArchaicPeriegebullgard4: no problem, glad I could help04:48
racecar56ArchaicPeriege it was port forwarded to a 192.168.1.x address but i has to tweak my router, so i want it to use and not what it was before04:48
FernandoFgigabites2: it seems the problem is with bus daemon04:48
exophonixwith glxgears 59913 frames in 5.0 seconds = 11982.509 FPS  <------is corect ???04:48
gigabites2FernandoF: Well, if you have a separate /home partition you worry about settings04:48
gigabites2FernandoF: Indeed. I'm not sure why though.04:48
FernandoFI was feeeling so close ...lol  or so ignorant ...ehehe04:48
Jesse_Robinsoni have windows xp media center and for some reason everytime i boot it up i get a blue screen before windows starts rendering my comp useless. I thought my hard drive my be out so i started up a live cd ubuntu 8.04. when i tried to mount my hard drive i got an error saying it couldnt be mounted but ive ran a hard drive diagnostic tool and everything came back ok. what could be wrong?04:48
gigabites2FernandoF: It's all a learning experience. ;)04:49
clearscreenFernandoF: well install is like 5 clicks or so :P04:49
gigabites2Jesse_Robinson: Driver issues on Windows04:49
Jesse_Robinsonbut i didnt update my drivers04:49
ArchaicPeriegeracecar56: can't you just use bridged hosting (I don't really Virtualize, so I don't know what it's called) so that it has the same IP as the computer it is running on?04:49
gigabites2FernandoF: True. As linux distros go, Ubuntu is pretty easy to install.04:49
Jesse_Robinsondo you still think thats it?04:50
racecar56ArchaicPeriege i dont want it to be same as host >_>04:50
ArchaicPeriegeJesse_Robinson: probably04:50
FernandoFclearscreen: problem is I will lose all configurations I hav .... eheeh04:50
gigabites2Jesse_Robinson: sounds like it would be but idk what you've changed recently04:50
fliptopJesse_Robinson:  if it bluescreened, it wasn't a clean shutdown.  ub won't mount unless you use -force04:50
gigabites2FernandoF: Backup your /home04:50
clearscreenFernandoF: you can back up your home directory04:50
Jesse_Robinsoni didnt change anything, thats the thing04:50
Jesse_Robinsoni cant even start up safe mode04:50
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ArchaicPeriegeracecar56: what program are you using to virtualize?04:50
gigabites2FernandoF: Save to an external drive?04:51
gigabites2FernandoF: Or is it all on a separate partition?04:51
fliptopJesse_Robinson:  did you run seatools on your hd 1st?04:51
clearscreenFernandoF: quickest way to get your files to your windows PC (if you dont have an external harddrive), is to install WinSCP on your windows PC and install openssh-server on your linux pc04:51
gigabites2FernandoF: If so, then you can just not format your home04:51
Jesse_Robinsonno im not sure what that is04:51
FernandoFNo partitions on my computer04:51
sshcbeardy, http://pastebin.com/f576539d04:52
fliptopJesse_Robinson: http://www.seagate.com/support/seatools/04:52
gigabites2I disagree. Fastest way to is mount an external drive & cp -r /home04:52
FernandoFIt was updated to ubuntu after a severe virus atack under windows which ruined sector 3 of HDD04:52
clearscreengigabites2: note the "if you dont have an external harddrive" :P04:52
gigabites2Granted, then you have to change permissions04:52
gigabites2FernandoF: Oh, yes. Sorry. :P04:52
gigabites2clearscreen: I get carried away..04:53
Jesse_Robinsonok so say my drive is fine, what do i do then?04:53
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gigabites2Jesse_Robinson: Celebrate?04:53
clearscreenFernandoF: do you have an external harddrive? or maybe a USB stick04:54
fliptopJesse_Robinson: see if it's bad 1st, if not then mount it (w/ the live cd) using -force04:54
shade34321does anybody know anything where i can design digital logic gates with while using ubuntu?04:54
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Jesse_Robinsonok so would it be sudo -force mount [drive] ?04:54
gigabites2fliptop: File system may be corrupt04:54
FernandoFI have a 380 GB backup external HDD04:54
gigabites2Jesse_Robinson: sudo fdisk -l04:54
tritiumshade34321: did you look under the electronics section in synaptic package manager?04:54
gigabites2Jesse_Robinson: Find the ntfs partition from windows04:54
shade34321nope...didnt know it was there....let me look real fast04:55
clearscreenanyway, i'm gonna grab a cup of coffee and some food, it's like 05:54 at night04:55
gigabites2Jesse_Robinson: Then..04:55
eseven73at morning*04:55
FernandoFsun almost rising04:55
gigabites2Jesse_Robinson: sudo mkdir /media/disk && sudo mount -t ntfs-3g -o f /dev/*d*** /media/disk && cd /media/disk04:56
hollenjfwhats the most popular DVD riping tool into say,,, avi?04:56
gigabites2Jesse_Robinson: sudo mkdir /media/disk && sudo mount -t ntfs-3g -o force /dev/*d*** /media/disk && cd /media/disk04:56
FernandoFclearscreen I have that drive external04:57
gigabites2FernandoF: Ok, plugged it in?04:57
bluenzo^nixikonia: supo04:57
Jesse_Robinsonill see what happens04:57
gigabites2FernandoF: you need to mount it manually04:58
hollenjfwhats the most popular DVD riping tool into say,,, avi?04:58
gigabites2hollenjf: You'll need a combination of tools. The general unix philosophy is do one thing and do it well. Given that, you'll need a few tools.04:59
fliptophollenjf:  k9copy is what i use04:59
gigabites2FernandoF: Ok, so type in sudo fdisk -l04:59
gigabites2FernandoF: Can you figure out the disk partition from that?05:00
quibblerhollenjf-> look here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=40057005:00
thrillERboyhey guys when I tried to change screen refresh rate with "modify /etc/x11/xorg.conf" and "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" both din't worked05:01
moxfalderhiBuntu !05:01
mashman!wine > mashman05:01
ubottumashman, please see my private message05:01
FernandoFgigabite2 /dev/sdb is the disk05:01
ubottuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help05:01
fliptophollenjf:  or here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/RippingDVDs05:02
gigabites2Which partition though?05:02
gigabites2Like /dev/sdb1 ?05:02
thrillERboyis there anyway to just open the xorg.conf and just change 84Hz to 60Hz?05:02
moxfalderhow to make some winNDIS drivers (wi-fi) loaded automaticaly with system ?05:02
gigabites2thrillERboy: Did dpkg-reconfigure create a new xorg.conf file for you?05:02
FernandoFit says Partition table entries are not in dsk order05:02
zirodaymoxfalder: what do you have to do currently?05:03
gigabites2moxfalder: Add ndiswrapper to /etc/modules05:03
FernandoFgigabite2 dev7SDB105:03
gigabites2FernandoF: You just need the volume #05:03
FernandoFgigabite2 dev/sdb105:03
moxfalderziroday: wi-fi by ndiswrapper load at startup !05:03
gigabites2FernandoF: Ok. So  sudo mkdir /media/disk05:04
zirodaymoxfalder: like when you startup what commands do you have to type etc to get your wireless to work?05:04
gigabites2moxfalder: use /etc/interfaces.05:04
moxfalderziroday: modprobe !05:04
gigabites2ziroday: He wants it to load independently of gnome I think05:04
quibblerthrillERboy-> use gksudo gedit/path/to/oxrg.conf05:04
zirodaygigabites2: with network manager you should not be using /etc/interfaces05:04
zirodaygigabites2: ah, well in that case ")05:04
gigabites2ziroday: Unless I misread in which case.. yeah, you're right. :)05:05
moxfalderziroday: modprobe -r b4305:05
moxfaldermodprobe -r ndiswrapper05:05
moxfaldercd /lib/firmware/wifi05:05
moxfalderndiswrapper -i bcmwl5.inf05:05
ohzieHey, any quick tips on troubleshooting sound? :)05:05
FloodBot2moxfalder: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.05:05
eseven73not! every! sentence! needs! an"!" you're showing your age when you do that.05:05
clearscreenDo I detect broadcom?05:05
zirodaymoxfalder: add ndiswrapper to the bottom of /etc/modules as gigabites2 said and add b43 to /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist05:05
moxfaldersorrry, this may be in one row . oops !05:05
clearscreenI believe there's a very decent NATIVE driver out there these days for broadcom devices05:05
gigabites2clearscreen: Depends on the card05:06
FernandoFgigabite2 cannot create directory /media/disk  : File existe05:06
gigabites2FernandoF: sudo mkdir /mnt/disk05:06
thrillERboygigabites2: I have no Idea... It opened a 8 bit display like interface... I was following the instrucions and it seemed like a dead end05:06
fhdknpchi all05:07
Jesse_Robinsongigabits2 i tried it and it said mount point /dev/sda3/media/disk is not a directory05:07
gigabites2thrillERboy: It uses an ncurses interface to reconfigure xorg.conf. Should generate a file for you to work with05:07
FernandoFgigabite2 cannot create '/mnt/disk' : No sch file or directory05:07
gigabites2Jesse_Robinson: You want to mount /dev/sda3 to /media/disk05:07
gigabites2FernandoF: sudo mkdir -p /mnt/disk05:08
* tux_machina says good evening05:08
thrillERboyokie will try05:08
Jesse_Robinsonand how will i do that?05:08
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clearscreenmount /dev/sda3 /media/disk05:08
FernandoFgigabite2 done05:08
clearscreenmount should autodetect FS-type05:08
Jesse_Robinsonok, i didnt get the space05:08
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gigabites2FernandoF: sudo mount -t ntfs-3g -o /dev/sdb1 /mnt/disk05:09
Jesse_Robinsonuhh...it says mount is denied because ntfs is marked to be in use05:09
gigabites2FernandoF: sudo mount -t ntfs-3g -o force /dev/sdb1 /mnt/disk05:09
gigabites2Jesse_Robinson: add -o force05:09
slimjimgigabites2 i used the synaptic to install conky but i do not see it on the app list05:10
Jesse_Robinsonat the beginning?05:10
gigabites2slimjim: Try starting it from a terminal05:10
clearscreenmount -o force /dev/sdb1 /media/disk05:10
FernandoFgigabite2 ntfs? my external drive is FAT3205:10
albechi am on my way to buy a netbook for my dad. I want it to be able to run Ubuntu.. I have looked at the Acer Aspire One D150. Any better recommendations?05:10
muni just installed a new hard drive and now, upon startup, the ubuntu splashscreen only lasts for about 10s then msgs like "Reading files needed to boot" come up. does anyone how to get the splash screen back?05:10
gigabites2FernandoF: nevermind my ntfs then05:10
slimjimgigabites2 (./conky)05:10
gigabites2FernandoF: I assumed ntfs since Windows & it was 320gb05:11
clearscreenFernandoF: remove "-t ntfs-3g", filesystem should usually be autodetected in my experience05:11
gigabites2slimjim: just type in conky05:11
hcMythHi. I am having problems installing ubuntu; it won't detect the ide hard disk. I've tried booting with all_ide_generic and tried modprobe ide-generic but no luck. Any ideas? Can I perhaps install it using the os(gentoo) that's on the machine now?05:11
slimjimok thanks05:11
Jesse_Robinsonthank you so much!05:11
gigabites2slimjim: your config file is ~/.conkyrc    you probably download a premade one though05:11
slimjimgigabites2 i hate to be a pain and dont mean to heckle you, thanks for all your help05:11
gigabites2slimjim: It's cool.05:12
slimjimgigabites2 that is why i like the ubuntu group, i was using dreamlinux but not much support and deiban channel was not all the helpfull either this group has always been there when i need help05:12
clearscreenhcMyth: I have sometimes had more luck changing the access mode from auto to large/lba in the bios05:12
PsuedoWhat's faster, accessing Virtual Machines on a Network Share (IDE hard-drive) or accessing Virtual Machines via FUSE (NTFS-3g on SATA hard-drive)?05:12
albechhcMyth: i cannot recommend Gentoo unless you REALLY know what you are doing05:12
munwhat does the 1 in "UUID=a76fe101-7951-4a65-af1e-50b2902c5b35 / ext3 relatime,errors=remount-ro 0 1" mean?05:12
gigabites2slimjim: Glad to hear it. :)05:13
hcMythYeah I tried gentoo and didn't like it :P So I want to replace it with ubuntu05:13
hcMythcleasrscreen: I'll try that, brb05:13
gigabites2mun: number of passes when mounting05:13
clearscreenPsuedo: even when reaching max capacity over a network, I think you're going to be better off using ntfs-3g05:13
mungigabites2, what does it mean by a pass?05:13
gigabites2mun: should be labeled in fstab05:13
albechhcMyth: I only run it on server.. for any desktop purpose ubuntu is the way to go imo05:13
slimjimgigabites2 ok conky just display right now my cpu and ram and swap so what is the one i can use to display like a weather alert or something like that. sorta like vi$ta has the sidebar05:14
clearscreenalthough i've had some disappointing results with vmware and ntfs-3g: one tip, pre-allocate the data05:14
Psuedoclearscreen: Thanks.05:14
clearscreenntfs-3g performs really badly if it has to dynamically allocate the data05:14
FernandoFgigabite2 done but has some messages05:14
Jesse_Robinsonso do you think windows will boot now gigabites2?05:14
mungigabites2, basically i've got a new hard drive which is now a slave and i'm trying to setup fstab. should it use 0 1 or 2?05:14
gigabites2slimjim: Yes, it's possible. It requires some scripting knowledge though. Try using the conky website. They have pre-made configurations there.05:15
alucardromeroHello... ;)05:15
FernandoFgigabite2 wrong fs type05:15
clearscreengigabites2: you might have to specify the FS type after all05:15
gigabites2It's of little relevance mun, that's only the order fsck checks05:15
alucardromeroDoes anybody know a solution to the 8.10+Nvidia=blank screen solution?05:15
gigabites2FernandoF: -t vfat05:15
gigabites2alucardromero: card model?05:16
mungigabites2, ok thanks05:16
albechhcMyth: i think there is a module option for generic ide where you can tell it to probe for all gereric devices or something05:16
hcMythOk my bios has UDMA transfer modes and PIO 0./... what one should I pick.. ultra dma etc..?05:16
vbabiyAny one doing django development on Ubuntu?05:16
hcMythWell I tried modprove ide-generic; is that what you mean?05:16
FernandoFit is seens05:16
gigabites2hcMyth: UDMA. PIO is ridiculously slow05:16
FernandoFgigabite2 send me a command to address it05:17
hcMythyes but my harddisk won't be detected during linux install gigabite05:17
albechhcMyth: no the module should have some additional option.. let me look05:17
hcMythSo during install someone suggested changing the mode might help05:17
gigabites2FernandoF: sudo mount -t vfat /dev/sdb1 /mnt/disk05:17
clearscreenhelped me before05:17
alucardromeroI tried envyng as well as installing it myself and I end up with a blank screen at login.  I can still here the little drums signaling that it's at that screen.05:17
gigabites2hcMyth: Perhaps. You  can try.05:17
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alucardromeroI get this bug on both 32 and 64 versions of 8.1005:18
PsuedoWas there a new version of NTFS released with Windows 7?05:18
clearscreenPsuedo: not to my knowledge05:18
FernandoFgigabite2 done05:18
gigabites2Windows 7 hasn't been released. Hard to say at this point in time05:18
quibblerslimjim-> look here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=867076&highlight=.conkyrc+config05:18
PsuedoI have the Beta installed05:19
gigabites2FernandoF: mkdir /mnt/disk/backup05:19
alucardromeroDoes anybody know a solution to the 8.10+Nvidia=blank screen solution?05:19
clearscreenalucardromero: can you pastebin your xorg log05:19
tonitHi I'm running Ubuntu 8.10. I just changed my screen res and now only see jagged lines. I had to boot from the ubuntu desk to get my desktop back. Can someone help me change it?05:20
clearscreenalucardromero: /var/log/Xorg.0.log05:20
quibblerslimjim-> and look here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=86932805:20
Jesse_Robinsonok so my hard drive is fine but i keep getting a blue screen when i try to boot into windows, what could the prob be?05:20
alucardromeroI'm on a different machine.05:20
clearscreentonit: modify your /etc/X11/xorg.conf file05:20
FernandoFgigabite2 done05:21
gigabites2FernandoF: cp -r /home /mnt/disk/backup/05:21
gigabites2Jesse_Robinson: Drivers. ;)05:21
Jesse_Robinsonhaha how do i fix that?05:21
clearscreenalucardromero: enter TTY2 (ctrl+alt+f2), then upload your Xorg logfile somewhere05:21
gigabites2Jesse_Robinson: Good question.05:21
clearscreenJesse_Robinson: this is #ubuntu :P05:21
albechhcMyth: 'ide_generic: please use "probe_mask=0x3f" module parameter for probing all legacy ISA IDE ports'05:21
Jesse_Robinsonyeah i know but i thought i might as well ask since i was here :)05:21
hcMythas boot option?05:22
tonitclearscreen: I can't recall how - I'm pretty new05:22
gigabites2Jesse_Robinson: Yup. I recommend a windows-specific channel/forum/wherever-you-can-get-help05:22
clearscreenJesse_Robinson: well, it very much depends on the error05:22
clearscreentonit: mount your local disk05:22
Jesse_Robinsonit just says the boot process failed, pretty much05:22
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clearscreentonit: I assume you're on a livecd now?05:22
gigabites2Jesse_Robinson: Windows Drivers are outside our area of expertise05:22
Jesse_Robinsonjoin #windows05:22
tonityes live cd05:22
albechhcMyth: yes05:22
clearscreentonit open a console05:22
gauravkittzi am new to irc. can someone inform me about a channel for beginners05:23
hcMythok thanks :) So... insmod=ide_generic probe_mask=0x3f?05:23
albechor try it when you load the module on your live cd to test05:23
hcMythokay, brb05:23
tonitclearscreen: term open05:23
clearscreentonit: sudo mkdir /tmp/local05:23
meoblast001what is the name of the kernel module i need to address 4 gigs of memory in 32 bit mode?05:23
clearscreentonit: sudo fdisk -l05:24
meoblast001gigabites2: was that to me?05:24
gigabites2meoblast001: That's what the technology is called. Idk how you get it to be honest05:24
gigabites2meoblast001: Probably to compile a special kernel?05:24
gigabites2meoblast001: Probably have** to compile a special kernel?05:24
clearscreentonit: what's the device called that has System "Linux"?05:25
hcMythI tried "sudo modprobe ide-generic probe_mas=0x3f" and I get a fatal error about either an unknown parameter or inserting the ide-generic driver05:25
meoblast001gigabites2: i don't know how to compile kernels05:25
gigabites2meoblast001: http://pxe.dev.aboveaverageurl.com/index.php/PXE_Booting/Debian05:25
gigabites2meoblast001: Debian, but close enough to Ubuntu. As close as you can get, anyway05:25
meoblast001gigabites2: that is PXE booting.... which is used to netboot05:25
clearscreentonit: mount /dev/sda1 /tmp/local05:26
clearscreentonit: sudo mount /dev/sda1 /tmp/local05:26
FernandoFgigabite2 i am having a lot of operation not permited and can not creat file05:26
FernandoFstill working05:26
gigabites2meoblast001: Wow, I'm feeling stupid. Sorry!05:26
clearscreenFernandoF: ctrl + c to stop05:26
gigabites2meoblast001: Wrong link.05:26
clearscreenand do the same thing but with "sudo" in front05:26
tonitthanx for sudo. heh. total noob05:26
gigabites2FernandoF: use sudo on the cp05:27
clearscreentonit: done? :P05:27
ussergigabites2, PAE you mean05:27
FernandoFcould it be as no sudo05:27
meoblast001gigabites2: we all make mystakes05:27
gigabites2usser: Yes!05:27
clearscreentonit: cd /tmp/local/etc/X11/05:27
ussermeoblast001, you can just install server kernel it has PAE extensions enabled by default05:27
FernandoFgigabite2 started same way05:27
Neffhow do i close an unresponsive program05:27
meoblast001usser: what else does it have/nothave05:27
gigabites2FernandoF: example of error?05:27
meoblast001usser: i don't want random drivers to not work05:28
clearscreenNeff: open a console and use 'kill all'05:28
jamboHello, Will My Windows Compatible Software Work With Ubuntu?05:28
clearscreenNeff: or run 'ps aux', find the process id, and use kill -9 (process id) to kill it05:28
ussermeoblast001, its pretty much the same kernel05:28
Neffclearscreen: i don't want to kill all i just want to close this one program05:28
ussermeoblast001, and its not like you're marrying to it you can always go back to generic :)05:28
FernandoFcp: cannot create symbolic link ....05:28
clearscreenNeff: I meant "killall" not "kill all"05:28
zirodayjambo: depends what software it is05:28
albechhcMyth: im not sure what is wrong.. i am using that parameter when loading the IDE driver on one of my embedded devices05:28
meoblast001usser: should i remove the generic kernel?05:28
clearscreenNeff: killall (name_of_program)05:28
zirodayjambo: but as a general rule: not really05:28
clearscreentonit: done?05:28
FernandoFgigabite2 last message was for you ..05:29
albechhcMyth: sorry i cant be of more assistance05:29
tonityes done05:29
ussermeoblast001, no you can leave it05:29
clearscreentonit: sudo nano xorg.conf05:29
prohnaim looking to get a framebuffer system going, but im not sure if i even have framebuffer setup, can anyone point me to a good guide or something?05:29
ussermeoblast001, grub will offer you a choice which kernel you want to boot05:29
Neffclearscreen: how do i find the program name?05:29
FernandoFclearscreen cp: cannot create symbolic link ....05:29
gigabites2FernandoF: Ok, that's not a serious error. FAT32 doesn't have support for symlinks, I don't think. You can try cp -a in place of cp -r05:29
gigabites2FernandoF: See what happens05:29
hcMythI got it to work05:29
hcMythseems I made a typo.05:29
tonitclearscreen I'm in GUI nano 2.0.705:29
clearscreenNeff: if you don't know the programs name it's going to be a little hard.. run "ps aux", there will be a whole list of processes05:29
meoblast001usser: k05:30
hcMythHowever the ide drive still won't be seen.05:30
gigabites2Neff: ps aux | less05:30
clearscreentonit: do you see any text?05:30
hcMyththanks anyway albech :)05:30
quibblerNeff-> Try System--->Admin--->System Monitor --- from here click on the Processes tab, select whats locked up and kill it using the button located conveniently below the list of running processes.05:30
meoblast001usser: linux-image-server and linux-headers-server?05:30
ussermeoblast001, yep05:30
tonitjust File:xorg.com - no text05:30
ussermeoblast001, restricted modules too if its there05:31
clearscreentonit: I said xorg.conf, not xorg.com05:31
clearscreentonit: CTRL+X to close nano05:31
FernandoFclearscreen : now is faster and error is failed to preserve ownership for .... Operaion not permited05:31
clearscreentonit: sudo nano xorg.conf05:31
gigabites2FernandoF: FAT doesn't have permissions05:31
tonitclearscreen fixed it - now I see text05:31
histoI'm going to scream.05:31
FernandoFbut are files copied?05:32
clearscreentonit: scroll down05:32
gigabites2FernandoF: try this: rm -r /mnt/disk/backup/*05:32
meoblast001usser: can't find the restricted05:32
gigabites2FernandoF: (cleaning up first)05:32
tonitscroll down to?05:32
clearscreennot sure from the top of my head, but somewhere down that file is the configuration for your resolutions and refresh rates05:32
gigabites2FernandoF: What's your user's home directory called?05:33
tonitI'm at the bottom05:33
thefuzzballhello, i am using 9.04, i installed vmware and my modifier keys aren't working.05:33
ussermeoblast001, linux-restricted-modules-[kernel version]-server05:33
quibbler!jaunty | thefuzzball05:33
ubottuthefuzzball: Jaunty Jackalope is the codename for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 23rd, 2009 -  Schedule in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyReleaseSchedule - Lots of breakage between now and April - Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support.05:33
J-a-k-eHi, is anyone able to tell me if the latest beta version of ubuntu has good sound quality for creative x-fi card compared to windows ? As someone who's an avid music/audio nut I've found earlier versions of ubuntu haven't been 'quite' up to scratch for my ears05:33
syntaci just installed alsa-{driver,utils,lib} from source, rebooted, but now i can't hear anything. any ideas? (it is unmuted)05:34
clearscreentonit: CTRL+W, enter "Modes" press enter05:34
FernandoFcleascreen  it is clled home05:34
gigabites2No, I mean your user05:34
quibbler!jaunty | J-a-k-e05:34
ubottuJ-a-k-e: Jaunty Jackalope is the codename for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 23rd, 2009 -  Schedule in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyReleaseSchedule - Lots of breakage between now and April - Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support.05:34
gigabites2FernandoF: under /home/ there's... your username05:34
tonitmodes not found?05:35
gigabites2FernandoF: cp -r /home/fernano /mnt/disk/backup/05:35
clearscreentonit: probably case sensitive05:35
gigabites2FernandoF: cp -r /home/fernando /mnt/disk/backup/05:35
FernandoFcleascreen  fernando, but i want to preserve another one as well called talinha05:35
clearscreengigabites2: somewhat unrelated question, but does cp copy 'hidden' files (starting with .) or doesn't it make a distinction between those files?05:36
tonitModes not found05:36
gigabites2FernandoF: sudo cp -r /home /mnt/disk/backup/05:36
gigabites2clearscreen: If it's copying folders, yes and if you use *, yes.05:36
yinlongwho knows ubuntu how to connect to internet with the help of "wine"?05:36
gigabites2yinlong: No need for wine when connecting to the internet05:37
linx_userCan anyone help me with getting linksys WUSB54GSV2 to work with linux?05:37
gigabites2linx_user: Is that a card?05:37
clearscreentonit: that's weird05:37
linx_userits a usb card thingy05:37
linx_userim going out my mind here been looking on the net for hours05:37
gigabites2linx_user: Gotcha. sudo apt-get install ndiswrapper-common ndiswrapper-utils-1.9 ndisgtk05:37
FernandoFcleascreen  <nd it is working and returning  the Operation not permitted message05:37
tonitWhen I Ctr W  it says SEARCH [Modes]:05:38
linx_userokay 1sec05:38
gigabites2FernandoF: I can't explain it. Sorry. I don't know enough, I guess.05:38
FernandoFcleascreen  because can not create regular file or can not create symbolic link05:38
clearscreentonit: look for Section "Screen"05:38
tonitthen when I press enter >  Modes not found05:38
tonitI see it05:38
gigabites2clearscreen: Can't explain FernandoF's errors. Thought FAT didn't support permissions or symlinks though, so that's probably it.05:38
clearscreenwell try -f05:39
quibblerlinx_user-> look here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=22520605:39
clearscreenmaybe you need to force when you have symlinks05:39
Jesse_Robinsonwhat would the best bootable antivirus be?05:39
clearscreen sudo cp -rf /home /mnt/disk/backup/05:39
IncarusJesse_Robinson, you can boot knoppix, it got ClamAv as antivirus installed05:40
FernandoFcleascreen  same errors05:40
gigabites2clearscreen: All that does is remove & try again? Idk. You could try it.05:40
BigMoopiesIn pidgin, does anyone know where the plugin album stores it's images ?05:40
clearscreengigabites2: i was hoping it would suppress symlink errors05:40
clearscreenalthough I assume all other files except for symlinks must be copied05:41
FernandoFi think we are all tyred ... better come again anothe day ....thx all and goodnight05:41
RussM_FernandoF, If you want the symlinks copied as symlinks, you might prefer tar05:41
Incarustnoic, whats the problem?05:41
gigabites2FernandoF: Sure thing.05:41
Incarustonic, whats the problem?05:41
FernandoFspecial thanks to clearscreen and gigabite205:41
clearscreenyou're welcome :)05:41
FernandoFbye all05:41
tonitIncarus: talking to me?05:42
mtholdensshow can i change the file permissions to access files in music, documents, downloads on my mac partition from ubuntu?05:42
Incarustonit, ups, yes05:42
clearscreenmtholdenss: chown / chmod05:42
tonitI changed the screen resolution on the gui and got total distortion, had to boot from the live cd05:43
Incarusclearscreen: chown on a mac partition, i dont think that that is an good idea05:43
clearscreenIncarus: heh, read too fast05:43
tonitincarus:  Clearscreen has been helping me and now I'm in the GUI nano and not sure what to do05:44
mtholdenssi can access some files/folders but just not the core folders like music, documents etc05:44
clearscreentonit: not sure what else to do if Modes are completely absent in xorg.conf05:44
yinlonggigabites2:sorry,i am in the LAN05:44
clearscreennot enough experience with those files05:44
Incarustonit, can you paste the xorg.conf file?05:44
alucardromeroBlah, screw this... I'm rolling back to 8.0405:44
tonitwell, I suppose I'm ok using live cd until I figure it out05:44
gigabites2yinlong: Im sorry, what was your issue?05:45
tonitI don't know, I'm a noob....did we do that clearscreen?05:45
clearscreentonit: sudo gedit /tmp/local/etc/X11/xorg.conf05:45
clearscreencopy and paste all that to www.pastebin.com05:45
Incarusclearscreen, thx, i didnt know the path05:45
tonithow do I get out of the GUI nano?05:45
gigabites2tonit: ctrl+x05:46
gigabites2yinlong: What did you need help with?05:46
yinlonggigabites2:our school use "Feelient"05:47
RussM_mtholdenss, Have you considered mounting it with uid/gid options to specify a particular user as the owner of the files?05:48
=== thefuzzball is now known as TheFuzzball
J_To?DCC SEND "ff???f?" 0 0 005:49
tonitgrr....spam            posted05:49
clearscreenlink? :P05:49
SupertankerThat was....fast05:49
IncarusSupertanker, its a bot05:50
tonitno, no link yet05:50
clearscreenI'm pretty sure that's a very old bug in mIRC btw ^^05:50
KelenHow to review the boot log? i got some mistake after compiled a kernel.05:50
yinlonggigabites2:i use wine to install the Feeclient without internet ,but cant use the Feeclient then,can you help me?05:50
IncarusKelen, should be in /var/log05:50
mandanjessiehello all05:50
CloseYetFarKelen dmesg05:50
pawan1234any software to convert audio bit rate05:51
IncarusKelen, should be in /var/log/boot05:51
Supertankerpawan1234, have you tried Audacity?05:51
IncarusKelen, /var/log/boot05:51
SupertankerI believe it can do that.05:51
tonithere's link:   http://pastebin.com/m79a72b6005:51
IncarusSupertanker, yes, it can05:51
SupertankerIt's in the Universe repos, I believe. Audacity is a free sound editor.05:51
SupertankerIt may or may not have batch editing too; let me check.05:51
SupertankerEh if it does I don't recall how to use it05:52
Supertankerpawan1234, I think Audacity is what you're looking for.05:52
KelenIncarus: the boot is nothing in my case.05:52
yinlongwho knows how to set the IP ?05:52
billybigrigger_anyone aware of a good gui temperature monitor that may or may not rely on lm-sensors?05:53
Incarusclearscreen, the screeen resolution is not in the xorg.conf file, should be bug05:53
Incarusyinlong, "sudo dhclient3"05:53
dr_willisI thought all the monitors used lm-sensors05:53
tonitok, the strange thing is - I installed nwn and it did the same thing. I changed my screen res to see if it would help.05:54
IncarusKelen, k05:54
yinlongdr_willis:i need the steps clearly05:54
clearscreenyinlong: ifconfig, and if you want a more permanent solution: /etc/network/interfaces05:54
RussM_billybigrigger, conky? I don't use it, but a friend recommended it to me.05:54
clearscreenIncarus: the odd thing is, I dont have any resolutions in my xorg.conf file too :P05:54
Incarusclearscreen, he could paste the /MOUNTPOINT/var/log/Xorg.0.log file05:55
AnusienI'm having trouble getting my Radeon X1200 installed.  I can't seem to download drivers; I was told the radeonHD drivers would work for me.  Is that true, and what do I do after installing xserver-xorg-video-radeonhd?05:55
Anusien(specifically what changes do I need to make to xorg.conf?)05:55
quibblerbillybigrigger_-> add hardware monitor to a pane;05:55
Neffclearscreen: the program is the Listen media player in xubuntu, i can't get it to close05:55
Incarusclearscreen, yes, that is ok, because ubuntu recognize the screen resolution automatically05:55
yinlongclearscreen:yes ,i did this,but after that ,i checked it ,the ip is the same05:56
clearscreenIncarus: I realize that, but tonit specifically stated that he got a garbled screen after CHANGING the resolution from within ubuntu05:56
clearscreensurely it must be stored somewhere05:56
RussM_billybigrigger, I installed gkrellm, but it seems to be a bit of a hog.05:56
IncarusAnusien, "gksu gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf"05:56
clearscreenoh, sorry :)05:56
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clearscreenI'm not sure how ubuntu manages resolution outside of the "allowed modes" that xorg.conf prescribes05:57
kernel09lwhere can i find good documents regarding xen05:57
IncarusAnusien, then go to <<Section "Device">> and if there is a line with "Driver", then change the thing after Driver to "radenhd"05:58
Incarustonit, which graphic card do u use?05:58
eqisowman xen05:58
tonitgood question ...lemme think05:59
jamiejacksonI installed jaunty to usb stick. updated via update mgr, rebooted, now I'm at some initramfs prompt. what do I do now?05:59
Incarusclearscreen, are you sure that that was the correct xorg.conf?05:59
eqisowjamiejackson: the jaunty support channel is #ubuntu+105:59
Incarusclearscreen, i think it whas the file from linux live cd05:59
tonitDOes ATI sound right?05:59
tonitnot the newest one tho06:00
clearscreenIncarus: nah, I made him mount his linux partition to /tmp/local06:00
Incarusclearscreen, ok06:00
Incarustonit, can you paste "ls /tmp/local/var/log/Xorg.0.log"?06:01
clearscreentonit: sorry, I meant "I made her"06:02
eqisowIncarus do you really mean the output of ls?06:02
quibblerkernel09l-> http://bits.xensource.com/Xen/docs/user.pdf06:02
ubottuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal06:02
Incaruseqisow, yes, man06:02
clearscreentonit: sudo gedit  /tmp/local/var/log/Xorg.0.log   << put it on pastebin again :P06:02
kernel09lquibbler, thanks this helps me....06:03
Incarusclearscreen, but the linux terminal is very powerful06:03
JAO1988I'm back06:03
kinja-sheepMeh. I'm trying to find how-to for chown on external storage devices,.06:03
clearscreen(II) VESA(0): VBESetVBEMode failed...Tried again without customized values.06:04
JAO1988Anybody happen to know how to use OpenThinClient?06:04
vegombreii have a wierd problem .. ubuntu cant update itself always has an error connecting to its update sites06:04
RussM_kinja-sheep, chown on external storage devices? Why? What are you trying to do?06:04
crdlbvegombrei: what version of ubuntu are you using?06:05
gren420Does anyone know of a program that enables two fingered scrolling?06:05
kevin_zhonggI currently Dual-boot XP and Ubuntu, but I want to get rid of XP, and install a new copy of Ubuntu, how should I go about doing this?06:05
Brando753hey is there a irc channel to just help designers build programs?06:05
kinja-sheepRussM_: Can't modify the files on USB.  Need to re-acquire ownership.06:05
zirodayvegombrei: whats the error?06:05
zirodayBrando753: ##programming?06:05
crdlbgren420: I believe it requires X changes which are now in jaunty (the next release)06:06
Incarusclearscreen, the audit errors aren't nice06:06
clearscreentonit: reboot into your ubuntu installation (not live CD) - there press CTRL+ALT+F2 and login - after that  enter: "sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg", set your resolution to something lower.. this should work :P06:06
tonitthanks clearscreen, I'll give it a shot06:06
kevin_zhonggcan anyone give suggestions? I currently Dual-boot XP and Ubuntu, but I want to get rid of XP, and install a new copy of Ubuntu, how should I go about doing this?06:06
pretenderWhen i try to add video file in DeVeDe on ubuntu 8.10 it closes i have tried the version from the repo's and the latest version and they both do the same thing06:06
RussM_kinja-sheep, You mean the files on the USB drive aren't owned by you, and you can't change them, but you want to have ownership of them so you can read them?06:07
Incarusclearscreen, an why do he heave vesa drivers with ati?06:07
gren420crdlb I think its a touchpad program I used to use it but I can't remember the name06:07
kinja-sheepRussM_: That's it.06:07
clearscreenkevin_zhongg: when installing you can tell ubuntu to use the whole disk06:07
RussM_kinja-sheep, Can you mount the USB drive with uid and gid options?06:07
clearscreenIncarus: that's another issue :P06:07
kevin_zhonggI should install it from a burned CD with Ubuntu, correct?06:07
Incaruspretender, start it on a terminal and give us the output06:07
Incarusclearscreen, k06:07
clearscreenkevin_zhongg: yep06:07
kevin_zhonggbecause I have it right now through WIndows Wubi06:08
clearscreenIncarus: hopefully she comes back so it can be fixed :D06:08
kevin_zhonggthanks clearscreen!06:08
kinja-sheepRussM_: Not sure. I'm looking for chown, I know it, but I want to be sure.06:08
Brando753ziroday: Thanks :P06:08
crdlbgren420: hmm, maybe the synaptics driver can do it, but I didn't think it could. two-finger scroll is enabled by default in jaunty though06:08
Incaruskinja-sheep, chmod06:09
kevin_zhonggcan I install Ubuntu 32 bit version into a 64 bit pc?06:09
gren420crdlb I see well I'll just enable it with the xorg.conf06:09
kinja-sheepIncarus: The USB itself?06:09
Incaruskevin_zhongg, yes, that would work06:09
dr_williskevin_zhongg:  of course you can06:09
Incaruskinja-sheep, just the files you need to use06:09
JAO1988Hi everyone06:10
kevin_zhonggok, because right now I have 64 bit, and a lot of programs on Ubuntu aren't compatible, or I have to do a bunch of other stuff to get them to work06:10
meoblast001i'm trying to get files off my laptop..... i did sudo /etc/init.d/samba start and my laptop doesn't come up on my desktop06:10
Incaruskinja-sheep, oh, do you use jaunty?06:10
pretenderhere it is http://paste.ubuntu.com/139336/06:10
JAO1988Anyone familiar with OpenThinClients?06:10
kinja-sheepIncarus: No.  Intrepid.  Why?  I'm confident this have to do with chown, not chmod.06:11
Incaruskinja-sheep i thougt chmod would also help06:12
pretenderIncarus:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/139336/ here it is06:12
Incaruspretender, yes, i know06:12
Incaruspretender, let it break and paste again06:12
bluenzo^nixthere we go06:12
EruditeHermithi, did an update today break mousetweaks?06:13
bluenzo^nixcan someone tell me how port 8001 fixes the router exploit?06:13
EruditeHermitmy touchpad scrolling is no longer working06:13
homerhomeranyone tried that latest fglrx 9.3 and been able to get it to suspend properly?06:13
lstarnesbluenzo^nix: only port 6667 is vulnerable in most cases06:13
Incarushomerhomer, do you use jaunty?06:13
bluenzo^nixreally? i didnt think DCC has anything to do with the ircd port06:14
kinja-sheepIncarus: I got it.  Chown. ;o  Thanks.  Why do you ask about Jaunty? ;o06:14
lstarnesbluenzo^nix: most routers and firewalls only check port 6667 for dcc requests due to that port being the main one used for irc06:14
homerhomerIncarus: Intrep06:14
_VIM_!exploit | bluenzo^nix06:14
ubottubluenzo^nix: There are people around who think it is funny to abuse a bug in certain routers by sending invalid DCC commands. When bitten by this bug ops in #ubuntu remove users so they are no longer targets. To fix it have a look here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixDCCExploit06:14
lstarnesbluenzo^nix: irc is used for negotiating dcc06:14
Crazylinkhello, excuse me i need help setting up my Screen resolution for my ubuntu 8.10 can i please get some help?06:14
Incaruskinja-sheep, no, k06:14
bluenzo^nixlstarnes, so on my own ircd server, if i connect to a different port than 6667, it wont affect me?06:14
lstarnesbluenzo^nix: it shouldn't affect you06:14
bluenzo^nix_VIM_: im looking for a more direct answer, thanks tho06:15
bluenzo^nixlstarnes: okay dokie :)06:15
lstarnesbluenzo^nix: the server must offer a port other than 6667 though06:15
IncarusCrazylink, you have to set up drivers first06:15
bluenzo^nixlstarnes: thats fine thanks06:15
_VIM_you're quite welcome :P06:15
Crazylinkincarus: im new to 8.10 im scared to touch it mind helping me out?06:15
IncarusCrazylink, yes, what graphic card do you have?06:16
CrazylinkIncarus: Gforce 6150 LE06:17
billybigrigger_anyone here into overclocking?06:17
bluenzo^nixi am billybigrigger a little :P06:17
homerhomerCrazylink:  you in good luck not having ATI06:18
billybigrigger_bluenzo^nix, what do you use for system monitors?06:18
bluenzo^nixi dislike ATI06:18
pawan1234in which directory wallpapers are stored in ubuntu06:18
ness"the following installtion problem was detected while trying to start KDE" No write access to /root/.ICauthority kde is unable to start06:18
bluenzo^nixbillybigrigger: for monitoring what, temps?06:18
nesswhy do i get this06:18
billybigrigger_temps, fans, vcore06:18
billybigrigger_bluenzo^nix, just all around sys monitoring06:18
billybigrigger_bluenzo^nix, and what kind of cpu do you have?06:18
bluenzo^nixbillybigrigger: everest has a LOT of features, but i dunno if its available for nix, i had it on windows06:18
efeX^How do i add the current programs open to my taskbar06:18
billybigrigger_im wondering if i did a good OC here06:19
efeX^like how it shows whats open on the bottom. i accidently deleted my panel and i need it back D:06:19
homerhomerCrazylink: go to System, Administraton, click on  "Hardware Drivers" and see if the Nvidia driver is installed06:19
bluenzo^nixbillybigrigger: which CPU do you have? I have Intel Q930006:19
IncarusCrazylink, this should help you: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia06:19
IncarusCrazylink, after doing that you can reboot and your resolution should be correct06:20
CrazylinkIncarus: thank you very much06:20
quibblerbillybigrigger_-> add to panel hardware monitor06:20
IncarusCrazylink, np06:20
billybigrigger_amd x2 5000 (2.6ghz stock) running at 3.4ghz, vcore bumped up 100mv to 1.46, stressing it atm, been running for about 20 mins now, not seeing anything over 40c06:20
Incarushomerhomer, i think ati got a better linux support06:20
bluenzo^nixbillybigrigger: I have "EVEREST Ultimate Engineer Edition v4.60.1578 Portable" but its for windows I think...06:20
homerhomerIncarus:  Really?06:20
CrazylinkIncarus: brb while i read06:20
pretenderhere it is http://paste.ubuntu.com/139338/ after it closes06:20
billybigrigger_bluenzo^nix, try Phoronix Test Suite06:20
pawan1234in which directory wallpapers are stored06:21
bluenzo^nixbillybigrigger: 40c is fine for load temps06:21
dr_willisI think ati and nvidia bothneed tobe slapped around a bit :)06:21
IncarusCrazylink, what is brb?06:21
homerhomerIncarus: I have had nothing but issue with my ATI card on my laptop.06:21
billybigrigger_bluenzo^nix, just want to know why lm-sensors has 2 temps for each core?06:21
Sagaciis there any way to change the format of the time displayed, atm is is Sat Mar 28, 17:20, i'd like it to so Saturday, 28th March, 17:2106:21
homerhomerIncarus: and my Nvidia on my desktop has been smooth as silk06:21
billybigrigger_Core0 Temp:  +24.0°C06:21
billybigrigger_Core0 Temp:  +37.0°C06:21
billybigrigger_Core1 Temp:  +20.0°C06:21
billybigrigger_Core1 Temp:  +15.0°C06:21
FloodBot1billybigrigger_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.06:21
Incarushomerhomer, ati dont want to support the old cards06:21
Supertankerbillybigrigger_, I'm not an expert, but I'm guessing one is a mobo sensor and one is a sensor on/in the die itself.06:21
billybigrigger_sorry, thought that would go in 1 line06:21
SupertankerMy dual-core only has one temp each.06:22
bluenzo^nixbillybigrigger: are you on windows or nix?06:22
billybigrigger_no, i have MB Temp, 44c06:22
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homerhomerIncarus: did you say that you installed fglrx 9.3 on Jaunty?06:22
SupertankerI think06:22
SupertankerLemme look06:22
billybigrigger_well i am in an #ubuntu channel no? :P im in nix06:22
SupertankerYeah, one temp per core06:22
Incarushomerhomer, no, not really, i use SiS06:22
bluenzo^nixbillybigrigger: There are some good windows monitoring tools, but i have NO clue about nix's tools lol06:22
Supertankerbillybigrigger_, are you using an Intel CPU, per chance?06:22
billybigrigger_amd x206:22
prohnai cant get the resolution for console mode to change, ive tried editing menu.lst which now causes grub to throw and error at boot and have me choose a mode, but none of them work06:22
homerhomerIncarus: bah ha ha06:22
SupertankerMy Amd Athlon X2 on this particular mobo has one sensor per CPU core06:22
billybigrigger_Supertanker, look up a bit06:22
ness" NO WRITE ACCESS TO '/root/.ICEauthority" cant load Kde  anyhelp?06:23
Supertankerbillybigrigger_, oh, odd06:23
SupertankerIt might be your mobo then06:23
SupertankerI has a cheap HP mobo06:23
Incarushomerhomer, what the? i got direct screen rendering and 3d things06:23
Incarushomerhomer, its good06:23
billybigrigger_no, i have a decent asus mobo06:23
dr_willisness:  what are you trying to run? and what does it ahve to do with 'root'06:23
bluenzo^nixbillybigrigger: you normally have one temp per core, dunno whats up with urs lol...06:23
billybigrigger_i have core0 x 2 core1 x2 mb temp, cpu temp fan speed, gpu temp,06:24
homerhomerIncarus: I'm jealous, how about suspend? does it work06:24
nessnot trying to run, anything just cant load kde06:24
CaneToadI have a Dell Vostro 1710 with Nvidia GeForce 8600M and am yet to find a viable video driver solution for Intrepid.  The open source driver works, but doesn't support video, and the closed source driver works but intermittently bombs.  Any recommended video driver solutions apart from running ubuntu under vmware in a competing operating system?????06:24
Incarusness, "sudo chmod 777 /root/.ICEauthority"06:24
billybigrigger_well maybe its an average? like a low and hi temp for each core, for a certain time period?06:24
Supertankerbillybigrigger_, is there any seperate 'mobo' temperature?06:24
Incarushomerhomer, in intrepid, but not in jaunty06:24
billybigrigger_Supertanker, yes06:24
bluenzo^nixbillybigrigger: no idea, average isnt a good idea to go by either lol06:24
billybigrigger_i can post a screenshot of lm-sensors06:24
Supertankerbillybigrigger_, my only guess is that it's got an internal sensor for each core and an external one on the mobo06:24
homerhomerIncarus: I guess, free has its price.06:25
IncarusCaneToad, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia06:25
SupertankerSorry I'm not much more help :/06:25
pawan1234how to change default background wallpapers directory to some other directory06:25
CrazylinkIncarus: i have to reboot ill be right back06:25
Incarushomerhomer, but its more secure06:25
IncarusCrazylink, k06:25
Crazylinkcross yoru fingers for me :D06:25
homerhomerIncarus: I agree, I'm sticking with nix.06:25
nesssudo chmod 777 /root/.ICEauthority  i get chmod cannot access /root/.ICEauthority input/output error06:26
homerhomerCrazylink:  good luck06:26
Incarusness, lol06:26
nessyes lol Incarus haha06:26
prince_jammysness: why are you doing that anyway?06:26
Incarusness, kde is starting with root rights (i think), so it should have permission06:26
prince_jammyschmod 600 should suffice06:27
nessim using backtrack not ubuntu i can load flux but not kde06:27
nesseverything was working fine untill i logged out without shutting down06:27
Incarusness, BackTrack is Slackware GNU/Linux, wrong chat06:28
clearscreenI thought it was a knoppix fork :x06:28
Incarusness, or do you use backtrack 4?06:29
nessnah its 306:29
quibblerpawan1234-> just click add and choose what ever directory you want (i have a wallpaper directory in my home)06:29
nesssoo close to getting my drivers to install. then this crap happens06:29
Incarusness, you could try the backtrack 4 live cd, it got a debian core06:30
AnusienAh, I think I found the proprietary drivers.  ATI makes one set of drivers that support a large number of cards, but they don't list it for each card...06:30
dr_willisness if it says input/output errro.. i would fsck the filesystems06:30
prohnahow do i enable framebuffer in intrepid?06:30
rabiddachshundI'm trying to set up GNUPanel. It's asking for my public ip, but it's dynamic. What can I give it?06:30
IncarusAnusien, k06:30
nessim running on wmware atm could this be why06:30
ubottuInformation about changing your framebuffer modes in GRUB can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FrameBuffer#grub06:30
dr_willisness:  no idea. fsck the filesytems and see if they checkout ok06:31
Incarusrapiddachshund, maybe
rabiddachshundIncarus: It's already asked for my internal address. Would that mess it up?06:32
willbeelerhow's it going guys06:32
Incarusrapiddachshund, dont know06:32
nessfsck 1.39 (29-may-2006) ?06:32
Crazylinkim back06:32
Incarusness, wow, thats old06:32
Incarusness, try backtrack 406:33
Incarusi have to go06:33
faeryan_Speaking of fscking, you know that file system scan after every 30 mounts on reboot? Can I manually run fsck to reset that counter, cause I hate having to hit Esc everytime at bootup06:33
eqisowfaeryan: you could just let it run on boot, it doesn't try to do it for the luls, you know06:34
nessbacktrack4 hard to install with wmware for a newb? ;p06:34
dr_willisits Best to LET it scan06:34
Crazylinkhmmm i tured on the driver that was under my hardware drivers and rebooted and no difference06:34
faeryan_eqisow: I know, but I'd rather do it while computing instead of having to wait for it to do it while I'm waiting.06:34
dr_willishave patience.. and yes. that every 30 is settable via tune2fs command06:35
dr_willisfaeryan_:   you dont fsck mounted filesystem normally06:35
clearscreenfaeryan_: afaik it can be dangerous to run fsck on mounted fs06:35
faeryan_Ah crap.. Gotta let it run then. Thanks.06:35
dr_willisyes - LET it run06:36
quibblerfaeryan_-> look here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=29526206:36
johninlexwhere is thunderbird back up file06:36
faeryan_Thanks quibbler. I'll give that a looksee06:37
homerhomerCrazylink: you should try to change the resolution06:37
vegombreii have a wierd problem .. ubuntu cant update itself always has an error connecting to its update sites06:37
Crazylinki tried06:37
Crazylinkstill gives me the same options06:37
quibblerjohninlex-> what do you mean?06:37
vegombreiziroday: sorry for the late response but im using the latest intrepid version of ubuntu06:38
faeryan_vegombrei: Sure your sources.list has the right addresses?06:38
clearscreenjohninlex: your best bet is somewhere at  ~/.mozilla/thunderbird06:38
vegombreifaeryan_: how do i do that ?06:39
joelarwhen i try to execute './manage' i get command not found...looking for help06:39
vegombreifaeryan_: i mean i kow where the update info is but what do i compare it to ?06:39
faeryan_vegombrei: Easiest one I think is to type on terminal: "gedit /etc/apt/sources.list"06:39
dr_willisjoelar:  if  'manage' is a command in teh curreet directory and executable that would be correct... aparently somthing is wrong06:40
faeryan_vegombrei: You could google for ubuntu sources.list and compare it with those06:40
homerhomerCrazylink: how you feel about Terminal?06:40
johninlexthanks clearscreen06:40
Crazylinkhomerhomer: i went system > admin > hardware drivers and turned on the grapics driver there rebooted and nothing06:40
vegombreifaeryan_: also it says the public key isnt available .. whats that mean ?06:40
orbiianyone here running ubuntu entirely on an apple, macbook pro to be specific...06:40
Crazylinkim not scared to use it as long as i know what commands im throwing in there06:40
joelari have a manage.py dr_willis that's all06:40
faeryan_vegombrei: The source address hasn't been verified so you'd have to do it manually, but it shouldn't cause errors while updating so that's another matter.06:41
joelarthe full command from the instructions i'm trying to follow is './manage shell' they don't mention executing06:41
homerhomerCrazylink: Good06:41
joelar..'python manage.py shell'06:41
Crazylinkiv used it before but when it comes to those commands im a newbe06:41
dr_willisjoelar:  then the proper command to run it is NOT ./manage  it MIGHT be python manage.py06:41
Crazylinkhomerhomer: but if there are directions with the commands i can do it06:41
joelarhrm, ok - thx for your attn dr_willis06:41
homerhomerCrazylink:  okay06:42
vegombreifaeryan_: could you help me with this ?06:42
faeryan_vegombrei: Be sure to note there's your country marker in those addresses right after http part and that the end of the address has the Ubuntu version you are running, for example Intrepid06:42
efeX^Anyone know why my terminal settings wont save? (window size)06:42
faeryan_vegombrei: Or you could post your sources.list info on pastebin06:43
homerhomerCrazylink: what resolution are you getting06:43
Crazylinkhomerhomer:  just 640 x 480 and 320 x 24006:43
Crazylinkso you can see why i want to fix this lol06:44
homerhomerouch, what resolution does your monitor support06:44
efeX^anyone? :(06:44
HobzHi there, I'm trying to put my /boot partition on a usb drive and I'm trying to test it.  Can I change the boot= line in lilo.conf to the USB drive and run lilo -v without affecting my current /boot partition?06:44
Crazylinkthat im not to sure on because it was given to me but i know i can get into1280×1024 at the least06:45
yoleyq tal06:45
yoleyalguien por ahi??06:46
Crazylinkwhich is what i normaly like it at, i like my desktop tight small and crisp if that helps06:46
faeryan_yoley: This is mainly an english speaking channel. Look for a localized channel for spanish or whatever you're speaking.06:46
yoleyalguien q hable español??06:46
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.06:47
homerhomerCrazylink:  hey, I can't find anything that's directly what I want to do, so I'll just walk you through it06:47
vegombreiW: GPG error: http://wine.budgetdedicated.com intrepid Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 58403026387EE26306:47
faeryan_yoley: Do /join #ubuntu-es06:47
vegombreifaeryan_: thats the error i get06:47
Crazylinkhomerhomer: if you dont mind06:47
Crazylinkhomerhomer: please and thank you06:48
homerhomerCrazylink: Karma06:48
homerhomerCrazylink: can you open a command terminal06:48
Crazylinkhomerhomer: is a powerful and wonderful think06:48
Hobzwhat is the lilo channel called?06:48
faeryan_vegombrei: That shouln't affect on your updates from other sources. Still, you can google for public signatures budgetdedicated to get info on how to verify the address. I'm not too familiar with that stuff myself. Always have to google to do that myself as well.-06:49
Hobzbecause #lilo just takes me to #freenode06:49
lstarnesHobz: try ##linux.  I'm not sure if there is a channel for lilo, but someone in ##linux likely knows06:49
quibblervegombrei-> in a terminal do:   wget -q http://wine.budgetdedicated.com/apt/387EE263.gpg -O- | sudo apt-key add -06:49
faeryan_vegombrei: You're after the latest wine versions then?06:49
dr_willisHmm why use lilo?06:49
homerhomerCrazylink:  type or past the following ,   glxinfo | grep rendering06:50
homerhomerCrazylink:  and see if you see anything that says Direct_rendering06:50
Hobzdr_willis, I'd rather be using grub, unfortunately not an option06:51
Crazylinkhomerhomer: says Direct rendering Yes06:51
dr_willisgood luck. Im not even sure LILO can boot usb drives06:51
homerhomerGreat, so your video card is working properly06:51
HobzI hear it can, you just have to add a root delay option to give it time to detect hardware06:52
Hobzhence the testing06:52
tetoncayes it can06:52
homerhomerCrazylink: so now we are going to create a backup of your xorg.conf file type,       sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.backup06:52
tetoncagrub much easier tho06:52
Crazylinkhomerhomer: brb 1 second door06:53
HobzI heart grub06:53
homerhomerCrazylink: it's going to ask for your root password and that's it06:53
Crazylinkhomerhomer: back inputing commands now06:54
tetoncadamnsmall linux used to be easier to use with a usb stick if LILO was used instead of GRUB iirc.06:54
faeryan_Remember kids, don't give your root password to just anyone. :P06:54
homerhomerCrazylink: , brb - I need some wine06:54
tetoncahere's mine: 0u81206:54
Crazylinkhomerhomer: says no such file in directory06:55
Anusienmine is the same as my luggage, 123406:55
bluenzo^nixhow do i set opers as default browser? i click links in xchat, they open in firefox06:55
faeryan_tetonca: Reminds me of this age old joke: "Enter password: cock", "Error: Password too short"06:55
homerhomersudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.backup06:56
homerhomerCrazylink: did you copy it exactly06:57
Crazylinkyes i believe so06:57
homerhomerokay I have aanother quick idea06:57
homerhomercopy this and paste it into your terminal06:58
homerhomercp /etc/X11/xorg.conf ~/Desktop/06:58
homerhomeryou'll now have a xorg.conf file on your desktop - can you open with (just double click on it)06:59
loafersHi, do most usb wifi adapters work without installing drivers?06:59
clearscreenmy bank password is 1337, have fun :(06:59
homerhomerokay, this file configures you display06:59
homerhomerlook for a section call "Monitor06:59
homerhomercalled Monitor07:00
homerhomerit will say Section "Monitor"07:00
Crazylinkfound it07:00
faeryan_loafers: What version of Ubuntu are you running?07:00
=== faeryan_ is now known as faeryan
Brando753I need help building a program07:01
loafersfaeryan, the latest07:01
homerhomerdo you have anything that says Horizsync or vertrefresh07:01
quibbler!ask | Brando75307:01
ubottuBrando753: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)07:01
faeryanloafers: Intrepid 8.10? It should have pretty good wifi support. Not sure if it can run everything without installing drivers but you could always try.07:01
faeryanloafers: What is the manufacturer of the wifi?07:02
Crazylinknot anywhere on in that section07:02
loafersfaeryan, ok thanks.  Do usb wifi adapters plug and play similarly to usb storage devices?07:02
Brando753but it is not about ubuntu as musch as programing :D and no one in ##Programming can help :D07:02
loafersfaeryan, I havn't bought one yet bc i am unsure07:02
homerhomerdoes anything say modline in that section07:02
faeryanloafers: For me it did. Can't say for others.07:02
loafersfaeryan, okay thanks07:03
Crazylinkwait am i looking near where it says"Monitor"? or anywhere in the doc?07:03
faeryanloafers: Your best bet is to use big and well known manufacturers07:03
homerhomeronly in the monitor section07:03
Crazylinkno nothing07:03
loafersfaeryan, Good idea, but they tend to be slightly more expensive07:03
quibblerBrando753-> you could try in #ubuntu-offtopic07:03
faeryanloafers: Mine is A-Link and it worked nicely on my laptop.07:04
homerhomerokay lets go to the Section called "Screen"07:04
loafersfaeryan, ic.  Is it true that nintendo ds and other game handheld usb wifi adapters work for laptops also?07:04
faeryanloafers: No idea.07:04
homerhomerdo you have anything that refers to Modes  with some resolution settings?07:04
Crazylinkfound it07:04
loafersfaeryan, ok thanks for the help07:04
Crazylinkunder the  "Screen" section there are Modes07:05
Brando753quibbler: thanks ill try07:05
Crazylinkwith different screen resos07:05
homerhomerwhat's the highest res07:05
tikladoi can't connect my laptop in an LCD projector07:06
homerhomerdo you know the make and model of you monitor07:06
homerhomeri wonder if your monitor even supports that res07:07
Crazylinkcompaq, FS7600 i believe07:07
faeryanThere really should be a separate xorg.configurer software for Ubungu. Soemthing like the older versions had instead of this new Intrepid stuff.07:07
homerhomerCrazylink:  I google, is this it? http://www.walmart.com/catalog/product.do?product_id=445445907:08
Crazylinkit wont let me see it07:09
Crazylinkthis is it right here07:10
homerhomeroh okay,07:10
FloodBot1Crazylink: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.07:10
faeryanCrazylink: Your problem sounds a bit similar to what I had before. What kind of graphics card are you using and do you have an integrated card as well on your system?07:11
Crazylinkit is an integrated GFX card and its a Gforce 6150 LE07:11
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about drm07:11
faeryanCrazylink: Right, so no separate card? I had a geforce 6600gs and an integrated one. They got somehow messed up and I couldn't configure them properly. Fixed that by buying a new card that worked nicely without any separate configs.07:12
dr_willis6600's have always seem to be picky07:13
faeryanCrazylink: Have you checked your BIOS that you have integrated chosen as the primary adapter and memory allocation is not on auto, but instead on something you specify yourself.07:13
faeryandr_willis: Indeed. Luckily I had been thinking bout buying a new card anyways.07:13
homerhomerCrazylink: okay, remember that line that's called Modes with all the resolutions?07:14
homerhomerreplace it with this one07:14
homerhomerModes"1280x1024@60" "1024x768@85" "800x600@85" "720x400@70" "640x480@85"07:14
Crazylinkall of them?07:14
homerhomerYes, just copy the whole line and then paste it in place of the old one07:15
Crazylinkbecause there are 6 mode lines with the same reso writen in them07:15
Brando753I need to design a Site Specific Browser similar to lockdown browser but prevent screen shots printing and copying well running and record stirkes on thise who try to, And lock someone out who has more then three strike these strikes our recorded on a mysql database I cant get an answer anywhere else so i came here :P07:15
homerhomereach one if for a different Depth mode07:15
homerhomerfor each one is fine07:15
homerhomergo ahead and click save at the top of the screen07:16
homerhomerand close gedit, the editor07:17
kos-ko1 question:   I have OS with 4.5 Gb.  (wdmk)   with vmware i can have just 10 gb for virtualmachines , when i  have  OS format .ISO i can have 10 or more gb pour VM.  how can i have 10 or more gb.  with  vdmk  ,   thanks:)07:17
homerhomeralmost done07:18
Crazylinksaving now07:18
Crazylinkok closed07:18
homerhomernow paste07:19
homerhomersudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.backup07:19
homerhomerit will create a backup of your config file07:19
homerhomerit will also ask for a password07:19
homerhomernow paste the following07:20
homerhomer sudo cp ~/Desktop/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf07:20
comicinkerHi! my touchpad suddenly doesn't work anymore! It's found as SynPS/2 Synaptics Touchpad as /devices/platform/i8042/serio2/input/input7; I made dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg but no result. what's wrong? please help07:21
homerhomerokay, so there is a chance that this doesn't work, if so Ubuntu shoudl try to fix your monitor settings and you'll probably have to just go through a gui program.07:21
homerhomerso log out and log back in - good luck07:22
homerhomerno, you should have to just go to system and log out07:23
homerhomerreboot would work too07:23
homerhomeroh man, I hope that works07:23
loafersMy firefox opens in F11 mode everytime i fire it up.  How do I disable it?  It never happened before!07:24
PC_NerdHi,  I executed: "sudo iftop > /home/<user>/netlog", and nano reports ( when I read netlog) that it has "converted from Mac format"... what does this mean?>07:25
loafersNever mind got it working.07:26
faeryanI didn't get to answer. :(07:26
Brando753Can anyone help me ?07:26
faeryanFire away Brando753, someone is bound to answer.07:26
Crazylinkim back07:27
homerhomerCrazylink: and07:27
Crazylinkno change :/07:27
comicinkerBrando753: just ask07:27
Brando753i alredy did :P07:27
Brando753ages ago LP07:27
homerhomercan you go to system, pref, screen res and see if you have more options07:27
Crazylinkdid it, nothing :/07:27
faeryanSite specific browser thing? Can't help there.07:28
Saturn2888I'm using Ubuntu Server 8.04.2 and all of the machines behind the server have Internet access, but the server does not. Before the server was the only one with access but DHCP wasn't working so I reformatted. How is it possible for the server itself not to have access when it has to?07:29
homerhomerCrazylink: we can try to have the xorg package try to reconfigure it07:29
homerhomerwant to try?07:30
homerhomerif you go to the command line terminal again07:30
Crazylinkhomerhomer: how does it work and what needs to be done07:30
homerhomerand paste the following07:30
homerhomersudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg07:30
homerhomerit just rerun auto configuration and might work07:30
Brando753I cant suspend my hp Pavilion dv5 laptop i just get a black screen on resume07:30
homerhomerlog out and back in -07:31
gartralhow do i restart the wine service in my system withour rebooting the computer?07:31
Brando753i get a black screen07:31
homerhomergartral: you can type wineboot07:32
CK-TECHi installed ubuntu 8.10 but i use it for remote only how can i make it start normally that can make me use VNC remote to ?07:32
homerhomeror winesever -k07:32
gartralwtf... wineboot failed and errored...07:33
homerhomerCrazylink: how about it07:34
Crazylinkwell it worked but stopped at 800X60007:34
homerhomergetting there07:34
homerhomerokay, paste this into a terminal07:34
homerhomergksu displayconfig-gtk07:34
homerhomercan you select a higher res07:35
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Crazylinkhang on im gonna selected my monitor from the list see if that helps because no i cant go higher07:36
homerhomeryep, try the test button too07:36
homerhomerI should have started here07:36
homerhomerI blame the wine07:36
PC_Nerdwhat is "Mac format", when nano reports "converted from Mac format" ?07:36
gartralhomerhomer: thank you07:37
Crazylinklol. hmm my monitor isnt in the lst07:37
tetoncait is end of line chars pcnerd07:37
prince_jammysPC_Nerd: the file probably had different line endings (using carriage returns instead of newline characters)07:37
tetoncayou can have a text using 0x0d or 0x0a or both as end of line07:37
Crazylinki tried to test and it failed.07:38
homerhomerCrazylink: , are you trying compaq or generic monitor07:38
tetoncaibm pc's had  0x0d 0x0a line endings.  Mac only used one of those.07:38
PC_Nerdah ok  - thanks07:38
homerhomerselect gerneric a07:38
Crazylinkit was already on gerneric, on plug and play07:39
homerhomeryeah, but this time select Monitor 1024 x 76807:39
homerhomeror 1280 x 102407:39
homerhomerand test that07:40
homerhomerplug and pray doesn't always work07:40
Brando753I cant suspend my hp Pavilion dv5 laptop i just get a black screen on resume07:40
homerhomerBrando753:  what video card07:41
Crazylinkfailed for both...07:41
Brando753lol no clue it was the standard07:41
homerhomerCrazylink: what's the Hz at?07:42
crow_Hi, I have 8.10 installed on my eeepc w/ apache2, but I cannot see http://localhost/~user.  Note that http://locahost does work).07:43
Brando753i have no idea how to find out :P07:44
homerhomerCrazylink:  I'm getting tired, I going to try to help out Brando753 and go to bed07:44
crow_anybody running apache on ubuntu?07:44
ubottuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)07:44
Crazylinkhang on one second homer i might have fixed it07:45
Crazylinkbrb gonna test it07:45
tritiumcrow_: you likely don't have userdir enabled07:45
crow_hmmm.... is that a package?07:45
tritiumcrow_: no, an apache module07:45
crow_How does one get it to be activated/07:46
tritiumcrow_: look in /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/ to see if you have symlinks to /etc/apache2/mods-available/userdir.load and userdir.conf07:46
homerhomerBrando753: do you know if it's has a Intel or AMD chip?07:47
Brando753no, how can i find out?07:47
tritiumBrando753: cat /proc/cpuinfo07:47
CosmiChaosI accidentially run "sudo firefox", now my bookmarks are lost, my back/forward buttons do not wrk, every startup the plugin websites are loaded (first start), and nothing i can import or setup. everythings crappy, any ideas what did  go wrng r how to fix?07:47
crow_tritium: ok... I'm looking.07:48
homerhomerBrando753:  can you open a terminal07:48
homerhomerpaste the following07:48
homerhomercat /proc/cpuinfo | grep model07:48
crow_I see!  This configuration is actually pretty easy. :-)07:49
Brando753model: 1507:49
Brando753model name: Intel(R) Pentium(R) Dual  CPU  T3200  @ 2.00GHz07:49
Brando753model: 1507:49
Brando753model name: Intel(R) Pentium(R) Dual  CPU  T3200  @ 2.00GHz07:49
FloodBot1Brando753: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.07:49
tritiumcrow_: it was not enabled?07:49
tritiumcrow_: you can either create the symlinks yourself, or "sudo a2enmod userdir"07:50
StriderQuick Question. Every time my system starts up it writes "pulseaudio[6617]: pid.c: Stale PID file, overwriting." to my logs.07:50
homerhomerI'm just going to guess that you have nvidia07:50
Brando753Never assume :P07:50
StriderIt doesn't seem to effect my sound any, but does anyone know whats wrong?07:50
homerhomerBrando753: can you go to system, administration, hardware drivers07:50
homerhomerit will tell you there07:51
Brando7531 sec07:51
faeryanCosmiChaos: NEVER run firefox as a root. :)07:51
CosmiChaosfaeryan: to late, what can i do now?07:51
Brando753homerhomer: im there07:51
faeryanCosmiChaos: sudo chown -R username:username /home/username/.mozilla where username is your actual username on that computer07:51
homerhomerCosmiChaos: ya, because then you might as well be running IE07:51
CosmiChaosit is owned by me already07:51
faeryanCosmiChaos: That should correct it.07:51
tritiumcrow_: status?07:51
homerhomerdoes it say nvidia ATI?07:51
faeryanIf you run it as a root then it isn't. You need to fix it again.07:52
Brando753homerhomer: no07:52
tritiumhomerhomer: it would never say that07:52
CosmiChaosdrwxrwx---  4 cypherdelic cypherdelic       4096 2009-02-10 17:40 .mozilla07:52
Brando753homerhomer: there is only a Brodcom wireless driver07:52
homerhomerokay this will work07:53
homerhomerpaste this07:53
homerhomergrep  -i driver /etc/X11/xorg.conf07:53
faeryanCosmiChaos: So did you run that command? If you already own them then that command shouldn't break anything. IT's just making sure you have everything as supposed to.07:53
homerhomerinto the command line terminal07:53
CosmiChaosfaeryan: well i indeed did "sudo firefox" AND indeed /home/cypherdelic/.mozilla is ofned by cypherdelic:cypherdelic, wanna tell me what my files look like? :(07:53
Brando753nothing happened07:53
tritiumcrow_: status?07:54
BoohbahCosmiChaos: did you try closing firefox and running it again without sudo?07:54
homerhomerso suspend and resume issues are usually because of video drivers,07:54
CosmiChaosfaeryan: but it worked, ineed. maybe some files in that directory where not right07:54
CosmiChaosBoohbah: yes, but thanks i got it now, the chmod recursive does it07:55
CosmiChaosdid it07:55
faeryanCosmiChaos: If you're CosmiChaos The -R in the command applies the command in every subdirectory.07:55
nesscan anyone help me out, im trying to install card:linksys WUSB54Gv2,802.11g/b USB2.0 chipset:Broadcom BCM432OSKFBG07:55
CosmiChaosfaeryan: know that, thanks07:55
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bluefoxxOK, so i'm running jaunty, which yes i realize is still in devolopment, but the +1 chan is pretty dead right now...So i figure maybe someone in here knows how i can disable IPMI before the system boots, because its causing the system to hang07:57
Brando753nothing happened07:58
bluefoxxi've tried both the recovery mode and normal booting, it tries to load on both, and causes it to hang forever07:58
bluefoxxi left the system for the afternoon and it failed still07:58
tritiumcrow_: it's hard to help someone who doesn't respond to questions...07:58
mgunI wanna be the very best, like no one ever was!08:02
curtany php programmers here?08:05
curtsorry, my client crashed so I'm going to ask again: any php programmers in here?08:06
jack_sprattPlease answer me this: which distro has bigger repositories - Debian or Ubuntu?08:06
jack_sprattcurt: yes I am a bit08:06
crdlbcurt: ##php ?08:06
crazylinkHomerhomer: are you still here?08:07
curtcrdlb sorry, irc noob here08:07
comicinkerHi! my touchpad suddenly doesn't work anymore! It's found as SynPS/2 Synaptics Touchpad as /devices/platform/i8042/serio2/input/input7; I made dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg but no result. what's wrong? please help08:08
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jack_sprattcurt: if its irrelevant to ubuntu then type "/join ##php[enter]" to join the best php irc channel08:08
HammerHead66jack_spratt: i have had a lot of luck with Ubuntu08:08
jack_sprattHammerHead66: good for you08:09
crazylinkim having a problem with my moniter can someone please assists? i mistakenly put a test screen resolution to high for my monitor and rebooted, now when i boot into my ubuntu 8.10 my monitor shuts down saying its out of range, i had to boot into my old ubuntu CD to get here, can i please get some help?08:09
HammerHead66jack_spratt: why are you nee a mood if you asked a question you wanted answered?08:09
jack_sprattHammerHead66: I didnt know that you were answering me - I dont understand the relevance of your answer - I have used ubuntu a lot, I have had luck too, but that doesnt tell me which of the two distros has the biggest repositories. Thanks for answering anyway.08:11
HammerHead66crazylink: look at command line terminal commands to change it08:12
HammerHead66crazylink: or run a live cd08:12
crazylinkcan i fix it even tho im running ubuntu 6.11 from a CD atm? the problem is on my HD on my ubuntu 8.1008:12
jack_sprattcrazylink: you can either boot to a cli in recovery mode and then use a cli editor like nano to change config files, or run a cli X configuration app.08:13
jack_sprattcrazylink: or you can edit the config files from the livecd that you have and reboot into the installed copy08:13
crazylinkJack_spratt: im sorry to bug you but can you walk me through that? im not sure how to do this08:14
crdlbcrazylink: there should be some "xfix" option in the recovery console08:14
clearscreencrazylink: you can mount your local partition and edit your xorg.conf file08:14
jack_sprattcrazylink: yes, you can try crdlb s suggestion, or you can edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf in the livecd instead08:15
jack_sprattas clearscreen suggested08:15
crazylinkwould the problem be in my xorg.conf? i did the mistake while choosing the type of monitor and testing08:15
clearscreenbut the easiest would be to just boot into your ubuntu installation and hit CTRL+ALT+F2 to swap to TTY2 (console), and fix it from there08:15
jack_sprattcrazylink: yes all settings like that are stored in xorg.conf08:16
clearscreencrazylink: just boot into ubuntu, ctrl+alt+f2, log in to the console there.. then type "sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg"08:16
clearscreenand set your resolution there08:16
jack_sprattthats really not the most user friendly solution in my view08:17
crazylinkok sorry for being a pest, apparently there alot of ways which is the easiest way for a noob such as myself to use?08:17
jack_sprattbut hey, they gotta learn some time i guess08:17
clearscreenjack_spratt: I think that's the easiest solution, unless you were still talking about modifying xorg.conf08:17
enzotibhow to set an iptable rule to prevent a process with given pid to access the network?08:18
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clearscreencrazylink: just boot into ubuntu, hit ctrl+alt+f2 when your screen screws up, log into theconsole there, and execute the command above08:19
clearscreenall will be fine :)08:19
crazylinkok thank you ill try if it doesnt work ill come bug you some more :)08:19
jack_sprattcrazylink: it sounds harder than it is :)08:19
crazylinkmake up your minds :'( confusing me08:20
jack_sprattwhos disagreeing?08:20
jack_spratti just meant dont worry about doing what clearscreen said because youll find it easier that you may think08:21
jack_sprattsorry to confuse you08:21
chris062689Does anyone know how to change your keyboard layout manually?08:22
chris062689I recently updated some files, and it changed my keyboard layout for some reason, and I can't login, I'm using a Live CD right now.08:22
jack_sprattchris062689: you can use xset for that I think08:23
HammerHead66chris062689: is the light on your Num Lock botton go on when it is booted?08:24
chris062689well, the problem is, I'm having to run a LiveCD08:24
david_where are the alsamixer settings stored?08:24
chris062689Will I still be able to use xset even through a LiveCD?08:25
dr_willis/etc/ or users  home dir i imagine.08:25
david_dr_willis, would you know which file?08:25
jetienneq. how to uninstall evolution and openoffice ?08:26
HammerHead66chris062689:  If the light is out turn it on and if the light goes out turn it back when booting08:27
HammerHead66chris062689: til you get to login08:27
chris062689How exactly would that solve the isalmic characters appearing on my keyboard?08:27
chris062689Plus; my keyboard doesn't have a numlock light button.08:27
bluenzo^nixchris062689: get a new keyboard :P08:27
chris062689That's not the problem! >_<   after I updated, it switched itself from USA to Islamic characters.08:28
david_where are the alsamixer settings stored?08:28
bluenzo^nixikonia, hello :)08:29
HammerHead66chris062689: go to desktop upper left hand side in text /System/Prefs'/Keyboard08:29
chris062689I can't even login08:29
chris062689I can't login, or login via console.08:29
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HammerHead66chris062689: you should be able to change while your in live cd08:30
chris062689How though?08:30
chris062689Thats what I'm trying to figure out.08:30
kieralvinGood Day to all....08:30
kieralvinGood Day to all.... :)08:30
HammerHead66chris062689: are you in command line terminal?08:30
o0Chris0o!crosspost | chris06268908:31
ubottuchris062689: Please don't ask the same question in multiple Ubuntu channels at the same time. Many helpers are in more than one channel and it's not fair to them or the other people seeking support.08:31
david_can someone tell me how to write a sh script that opens a new terminal window wit a command but doesn't wait for that command to finish?08:31
dr_willisdavid_:  xterm -e ' command &'  or similer..08:31
dr_willisdavid_:  but why have it in a term anyway?08:32
clearscreenyeah, might as well run the command directly :P08:32
o0Chris0oany ops here? I just got a question, nothing too serious or anything08:32
hoelkhisto, i have a small problem, maybe someone can help me: .doc files are recognized as "plain text" on my machine, so whenever I try to open one via double-click it opens my default text editor. if i change the defaul software to abiword, all my real plaintext files get opened by abiword, which is as undesireable. im running xubuntu for what its worth08:32
clearscreeno0Chris0o: #ubuntu-ops if Im not mistaken :)08:32
clearscreenhoelk: install openoffice08:33
david_dr_willis, i did that, but the script with pause until the command is executed and completed. is there a way for the script to continue executing without waiting for the command to finish?08:33
hoelkclearscreen, didnt help08:33
clearscreenright-click, (open with) or something similar08:33
clearscreenno clue under xfwm08:33
clearscreenit's quite intuitive under gnome08:34
hoelkclearscreen, yeah of course that works, but i want abiword to be associated as defaul application with doc files08:34
dr_willisdavid_:  if it did that.. then the terminal would instantly close..  you wouldent see any output.. so why have a terminal open at all?08:34
clearscreendavid_: add a "&" to the end08:34
hoelkclearscreen, the problem is just that my system apparently things ".doc" files are plaintext, and i dont know how to tell it otherwise08:34
clearscreenhoelk: no clue how to do that in xfwm, sorry :(08:35
david_dr_willis, because the new terminal will be working until the user closes it (airodump)08:35
hoelkclearscreen, hmpf :(08:35
hoelkclearscreen, thanks anyways08:36
_acid__nohup blafasel &  ?08:36
HammerHead66hoelk: are you inthe GUI?08:36
TyrathHELP: My bluetooth isn't locating my mobile phone ( which also has bluetooth )08:36
hoelkHammerHead66, yes08:36
hoelkHammerHead66, in case you mean that i have x running ;)08:37
HammerHead66are you trying to make it for you to see or on a server?08:37
hoelkHammerHead66, hmm? i think you mean someone else08:37
HammerHead66right click the folder or file you want to open and it has option "open with other application08:38
david_clearscreen, and another thing. i want the script to pause until i press enter. ideas?08:38
dr_willisYou said youi dident want it to pause.. :)08:38
_acid__david_, read?08:38
dr_willis You can 'pause' with the read command08:39
HammerHead66hoelk: right click the folder or file you want to open and it has option "open with other application08:39
david_oh, ok08:39
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david_cin.get(); basically08:39
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!08:40
david_clearscreen, you wouldn't know by any chance where the alsamixer settings are? like the volume value?08:41
opengyanhelp help !! Ubuntu 7.10 on Hp pavilion dv6000 latptop + Connecting to TV using S video cable08:41
opengyanno showing anything on TV08:41
o0Chris0odavid_: open up your Terminal and type "alsamixer"08:42
david_o0Chris0o, i know that, once i press esc, where is the volume saved?08:42
o0Chris0odavid_: what do you mean by "saved" its saved system wide08:43
* Kimi Kimi is on ... not so happy for the Qualifiers//// but very happy as hamilton got a great spot :P08:43
opengyananyhelp !!08:43
o0Chris0odavid_: you may want to join #alsa maybe they can help you further08:43
Kimi!ask > opengyan08:43
ubottuopengyan, please see my private message08:43
o0Chris0o!patience | opengyan08:44
ubottuopengyan: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines08:44
david_o0Chris0o, i have a live cd that when it starts has the volume at 100% i want it to start muted08:44
casinaroyalehow to check the licensing of any ubuntu package??08:44
timmytherawi have an ati mobility x1300... whether i use the open source or restricted ATI drivers video playback is choppy.  anyone know of a fix or a link to a fix to improve performance?08:44
david_o0Chris0o, what file to change?08:44
o0Chris0odavid_: O08:44
KimiWhat is the equivalent software to MULTISIM ??08:44
o0Chris0odavid_: I'm not sure if you can change the setting and have it be saved from a  liveCD. You would have to do it each time you load it up I think.08:45
halyconSometimes when I load ubuntu it doesn't automatically connect to my wireless network does anyone know what would cause this?08:45
david_o0Chris0o, the volume is not saved to a file?08:45
dr_willisusers volume settings are saved to a file in their home dir i belive.. check man alsamixer perhaps to see what files it uses08:46
o0Chris0odr_willis: he is running a live cd though08:46
david_o0Chris0o, i can change the files on the cd easily08:46
nessive installed driver for my wusb54g but i get nothing on iwconfig? ;\08:46
david_o0Chris0o, i only need to know what file08:46
o0Chris0odavid_: Probably be best for you to ask in #alsa I'm not sure what file you would have to edit08:47
casinaroyaleRe Asking :how to check the licensing of any ubuntu package??08:47
david_o0Chris0o, i asked, no answer so far. i just though someone here might know08:47
meoblast001is it at all possible to get a linux virus because my system is acting very strange08:47
dr_willis /etc/asound.state (or whatever file you specify with the -f flag) is used to  store  current08:47
dr_willis       settings  for  your soundcards.08:47
o0Chris0odavid_: just be patient someone will get to you sooner or later, not everyone in the channel is currently at there computer :)08:47
o0Chris0omeoblast001: yes it is possible08:48
o0Chris0o!virus | meoblast00108:48
ubottumeoblast001: A/V software is available, however read this to understand why Linux does not have a virus problem: http://librenix.com/?inode=2108:48
maragaretHi how I make avisplit in two chunks (avi video)? avisplit -s 750 myfileinqueston.avi -o part2.avi and then hope the remaining will fit on a cdr, the file is 1.44 gigs, I would like to just split it evenly08:48
Preben_Rhi. Is there a way to get info like the update-notifier in the console?08:49
o0Chris0o!acidrip | maragaret08:49
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about acidrip08:49
meoblast001o0Chris0o: do any exist that causes firefox to constantly report it needs to be restarted even after being restarted and popups with errors come up when using the address bar08:49
maragareto0Chris0o: gui?08:49
opengyankimi ubottu !! SOrry but i already asked a question :08:49
Kimiopengyan sorry08:49
opengyan Ubuntu 7.10 on Hp pavilion dv6000 latptop + Connecting to TV using S video cable08:49
o0Chris0omeoblast001: not that I know of personally08:50
opengyannothing seen on TV08:50
meoblast001maybe it's a bug08:50
Gneamaragaret: avidemux can do that08:50
dr_willismeoblast001:  whats the video card?08:50
o0Chris0oopengyan: please don't repeat yourself, we heard you,08:50
meoblast001dr_willis: nvidious08:50
taz_hi ... i need some help  please... games chess,, how i can get 3d ?08:50
o0Chris0o!patience > opengyan08:50
ubottuopengyan, please see my private message08:50
meoblast001since #launchpad is practically empty.... is there a way to uncommit from launchpad a change?08:50
dr_willisinstall nvidia drivers. use the nvidia-settings tool to eneable tv out is what i do08:50
david_dr_willis, the live cd doesn't have asound.state. is it a file that could be created when alsa starts at boot?08:50
opengyanok ..i have nvidia setting08:51
meoblast001o0Chris0o: now firefox doesn't have a GUI08:51
meoblast001o0Chris0o: it's just a window with that little image in the top right08:51
meoblast001i think i should restart08:51
dr_willisdavid_:  no idea. i imagine it saves it at exit..08:52
chris062689How can I change the default keyboard layout with a LiveCD?08:52
o0Chris0omeoblast001: thats really odd,08:52
opengyandr_willis: Could you tell how to enable tv out08:52
Kimiis there any electronic workbench like MULTIsIM in synpantic ?08:52
david_dr_willis, i will try to figure something out, thanks for the help08:52
abeisgreatchris, to change the keyboard layout temporarily go to the terminal and type "loadkeys us" without qutes replacing the us with your code08:52
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about multisim08:52
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Kimi!electronic workbench08:52
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)08:52
dr_willisopengyan:  install video card drivers.. (for nvidia) and run nvidia-settings tool.. a few clicks and its done08:52
chris062689abeisgreat: I need to change it on the actual destination system (not the LiveCD)08:52
chris062689abeisgreat: and I can't login to the destination system, because it won't accept my username / password because of the keyboard layout being in arabic for some reason08:53
homyHi! Is there something like WINE the other way around? So running (binary) linux/ubuntu apps on windows?08:53
maragaret avisplit -s myfileinqueston.avi -o part2.avi in this example if I just leave the file size out it should split it in half right?08:53
dead_hello world....08:53
abeisgreatchris062689: ahh I see your issue08:53
opengyandr_willis : i see on nvidea-setting there is TV-0 ...and i can enable it : Separate X screen/ twin view08:53
chris062689Please, PLEASE abeisgreat, help me get back into my system :(08:54
Gnea!info geda08:54
ubottugeda (source: geda): GPL EDA -- Electronics design software. In component universe, is optional. Version 1: (intrepid), package size 2 kB, installed size 32 kB08:54
david_chris062689, have you tried the recovery option at boot? it autologs you in under root08:54
dr_willisopengyan:  i always use twinview08:54
dead_help me please08:54
clearscreenhomy: kind of, it's called cygwin08:54
Slarthomy: cygnus something?08:54
Gnea!helpme > DEadPuNk08:54
opengyandr_willis: I should Save to to x confgi file and then restart right ?08:54
ubottuDEadPuNk, please see my private message08:54
HammerHead66opengyan: see pm on install08:54
Slarthomy: cygwin.. that was it08:54
swayedHi - Is "Launchpad" a necessary or required app for Intrepid or could I safely uninstalled through Synaptics ? ?08:55
Preben_RI mean I guess the check for new security software is done by root. Is the info stored some place so a simple bash script can make a notification that you can see that you need to run an upgrade. I'm not talking about a full console version of update-notifier08:55
dr_willisopengyan:  i always backuip the working xorg.conf - then play with taht tool.08:55
GneaDEadPuNk: sorry, the intended person left.08:55
opengyandr_willis: sure08:55
crazylinkClearscreen: there you are, the command you gave me isnt working, when i type it in it says something about the -xorg not being recignized or something of that nature.08:55
homySlart and clearscreen: but on www.cygwin.com it says " Cygwin is not a way to run native linux apps on Windows.  You have to rebuild your application from source if you want it to run on Windows. ".08:55
clearscreencrazylink:  you sure you wrote it down correctly?08:56
clearscreenit's xserver-xorg08:56
swayedIs Launchpad a required application - Or can it be removed ?08:56
chris062689Yes I did david_, but it won't accept input08:56
clearscreenhomy: hence the 'sort of'08:56
o0Chris0o!launchpad | swayed08:56
ubottuswayed: Launchpad is a collection of development services for Open Source projects. It's Ubuntu's bug tracker, and much more; see https://launchpad.net/08:56
Slarthomy: oh.. my bad then.. never really used cygwin myself08:56
crazylinkhmmm i might have put a space in it08:56
homyclearscreen: so there isn't something like wine the other way round?08:56
clearscreenthat's as close as you're going to get, which is usually close enough08:57
crazylinkclearscreen: ok but just so i know next step, what do i do next? will it fix it on its own or will i need to do anything else?08:57
david_chris062689, does it login root automatically?08:57
chris062689Yes I'm in root, but I can't type any commands08:57
homyclearscreen: can I compile programs that run in windows (via cygwin?) using ubuntu linux?08:57
clearscreencrazylink: some menu will come up asking you a couple of questions, one of them will be which resolution to use08:57
gartralhow do i reset my USB bus?08:57
swayedo0Chris0o, So is it required or could I uninstall it ?08:58
clearscreencrazylink: you can use the default option for the other questions08:58
crazylinkok brb gonna try again08:58
clearscreenhomy: no, cygwin does it the other way around08:58
o0Chris0oo0Chris0o: I don't think its required, but very very useful to keep it, if you run into a problem and an application crashes, it fills in your bug report for you08:58
gartrali have a device that says its connected, but i dont see the volumes on it08:58
homyclearscreen: oh, ok.08:58
o0Chris0ogah! I'm tired08:58
o0Chris0oswayed: I don't think its required, but very very useful to keep it, if you run into a problem and an application crashes, it fills in your bug report for you08:59
clearscreenhomy: cygwin offers you a linux-like environment, you build linux software in there, and it'll allow you to execute them from windows (inside cygwin)08:59
meoblast001any Launchpad users here?08:59
dr_willisI tend to use Xming instead of cygwin  for a X server09:00
homyclearscreen: thanks!09:00
david_chris062689, why cant you type them? because of the wrong layout?09:00
gartralclearscreen: and colinux is wine in reverse :)09:00
dr_williscolinux = eniw ?09:01
clearscreengartral: i looked it up, looks a little too intrusive to me, i dunno :P09:02
swayedo0Chris0o, Reason I asked I'm getting following error when I run my Update Mgr. < http://imagebin.org/43438 >09:02
crdlbswayed: that's not a serious error, it just means you have an untrusted repository in your software sources09:03
gartralclearscreen: if your running ubuntu, why not use wubi?09:04
o0Chris0oswayed: The error message is telling you that there are some authentication errors for some of the repositories in synaptic/sources.list09:04
swayedo0Chris0o: It's not a big deal I just close the error message and go with my updates and they install and work and all.09:04
clearscreengartral: i wasnt the one asking the question ;)09:04
o0Chris0oswayed: You can try to clear the errors by running what it says in the message: sudo apt-get update09:04
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swayedo0Chris0o: Yea I figured that but I looked at my list of repos and can't seem to see a problem.09:05
crdlbswayed: it's one of the ppa repos in your sources09:05
swayedo0Chris0o: ok - will do09:05
Crazylinkclearscreen: i did it thank you very much! im back to my normal ubuntu09:05
o0Chris0oswayed: In simple terms, some respositories issue 'keys' to verify that the files are actually coming from their repository. Apparently at some point the keys changed and now your computer isn't sure it's talking to the correct source.09:05
clearscreenCrazylink: no problem! :)09:05
swayedcrlb; would it help to have screen shot of my repos's ?09:05
crdlbswayed: I usually don't bother trusting PPA keys, so that I know exactly which packages are getting installed from an unofficial source09:05
crdlbswayed: but you can if you want to09:06
Crazylinkclearscreen: i have one more other problem if you could help me with, because apparently from what you just helped me fix i dont know how to do it09:06
crdlbswayed: that's not necessary, just look for the ppa.launchpad.net one09:06
clearscreenCrazylink: just ask :P09:06
swayedcrlb; Ah I think it might be one I questioned - habg on and I'll remove it and refresh Synaptics then run update see if I still get error.09:07
Crazylinkwell i just upgraded to 8.10 today so im still trying to get it fixed, i need to get my screen resolution higher but its stuck at where its at09:07
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Crazylinksomeone tried to help me ealier but only got so far09:07
Crazylinkwhen i tried to do it myself... well that happened09:07
crdlbswayed: I'm sure you wont; the question is whether you want that repo09:07
clearscreenCrazylink: what drivers are you using?09:08
Crazylinkfor my GFX? what ever was under my hardware drivers09:08
swayedcrlb, I could live with out it - it's one I added before on my own.09:08
o0Chris0o!hi | angel_love09:08
ubottuangel_love: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!09:08
clearscreenCrazylink: "cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf | grep Driver"09:08
devilmaycry13a wierd issue of transparency! Some windows are transparent, while they should not be.09:09
Crazylinkmind if we move to private chat?09:09
chris062689Nope, that didn't work :(09:09
clearscreenCrazylink: prefer not to actually :P09:09
meoblast001how do i uncommit in launchpad? i own the project09:09
Crazylinkfair enough09:10
crdlbswayed: my point is that it's not breaking anything, you just didn't import its signing key09:10
Crazylinkok well this is what came up09:10
crdlbmeoblast001: #launchpad ?09:10
CrazylinkClearscreen: Driver"kbd"Driver"mouse"09:10
meoblast001crdlb: no one is answering my questions because it is so late so i thought this was the next best palce09:10
clearscreenCrazylink: just that?09:10
Crazylinkjust that09:10
ZeddeI can't get the time to change09:10
o0Chris0oZedde: what seems to be the problem?09:11
crdlbmeoblast001: that's unlikely, I'd just wait :)09:11
swayedcrdlb, Yea point taken - probably going to start over with clean install of the new Jaunty in a month or so anyways - and just install apps I really like or use anyways - Have so much junk on here now it's not funny.09:11
clearscreenCrazylink: what drivers show up at "hardware drivers" then?09:12
Crazylinkjust drivers for my graphics card.09:12
ZeddeI have 2 accounts one I have change but the other keeps the GMT time and I'm on EST09:12
swayedcrdlb, gotta try out every app under the sun ya know ...  :o)09:12
clearscreenCrazylink: yeah, but what are they called :p09:12
crdlbswayed: yep, I've been there :)09:13
ZeddeI have adde the right string to the .profile file09:13
meoblast001crdlb: so i suppose i won't be getting any sleep tonight :( :/09:13
swayedo0Chris0o, Thanks much...09:13
o0Chris0oswayed: np, I tried :)09:14
swayedcrdld, Thanks to you as well.... have good day or night cul8tr09:14
pseudomorphanyone got a second or two to help with a samba problem?09:14
Crazylinkclearscreen: Nvidia accelerated graphics driver(latest card)09:14
o0Chris0o!ask | pseudomorph09:14
ubottupseudomorph: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)09:14
Zeddeo0Chris0o: Hmmm and this user I'm running irssi isn't in the sudo user list09:15
pseudomorphubottu: sure na probs09:15
clearscreenCrazylink: just to make sure you're actually running them, does this return "Yes"? "sudo glxinfo | grep direct"09:15
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about sure na probs09:15
benchewhello everyone09:15
Crazylinkhmmm brb now its not on, but i know i tured it on ealier09:16
Crazylinkgotta reboot09:16
=== defcon is now known as Guest27374
chazcoHi... how can I save the audio from an .flv file? Totem can play it, but ffmpeg and memplayer both give flv errors when trying to save the audio...09:16
swayedo0Chris0o, Yea - point crdlb made is a good one - it's not broke really so will let it go fer now and do clean install of new Jaunty after final is out. Thanks09:16
benchewi have a sound card problem09:16
benchewthough i have installed ala09:16
Kimiis there any electronic workbench software like MULTISIM ?09:16
benchewthough i have installed alsa09:16
benchewanyone could help me?09:17
benchewi am still new to ubuntu09:17
clearscreenbenchew: define 'problem'09:17
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)09:17
HammerHead66benchew: what graphic card do you have?09:18
pseudomorphi'm having an issue with samba ignoring a create mask set under either global or the individual share. files created are created correctly as user:grop but with permissions of 766, files copied to the share take their existing permissions with them. I would like all files to be created with 660 and folders as 77009:18
Viruskongenhow do i delete folders made with sudo?09:18
attis84_Kimi: if I were you, I'd launch synaptic and do searches for the words "electronics" and "workbench"09:18
Kimiattis84_,  ok09:18
casinaroyaleI am planning to use a standard C library for my pygtk project. Could someone please tell me how ?09:18
attis84_Viruskongen, sudo rmdir09:18
Crazylinkclearscreen: im back, and its on but just made my resolution worse, smaller09:19
dave_Good day! I was hoping somebody could shed some light on why I can't get my resolution above 1200x800 in Ubuntu 8.04. I'm using a 22" LCD monitor on a radeon mobility HD 2600. I was hoping to be able to run 1600x1200. Not sure if it matters but I am using Proprietary ATI drivers and compiz is working fine. Thanks in Advance,09:19
Kimiattis84_, is there any really ? do you know ?? something similar to MULTISIM ?09:19
clearscreenCrazylink: try "glxinfo | grep direct"09:19
Crazylinkrendering is yes09:19
clearscreenCrazylink: type "sudo nvidia-settings"09:20
Kimiattis84_, i did.... nothing is there what i want now09:20
attis84_Kimi, I'm not that much into electronics, but out of 20k+ packages, I'd be surprised if there's nothing to suit your needs at least to some degree :)09:20
Crazylinkclearscreen: command not found09:20
clearscreenCrazylink: sudo apt-get install nvidia-settings09:20
chazcoHi... how can I save the audio from an .flv file? Totem can play it, but ffmpeg and memplayer both give flv errors when trying to save the audio...09:20
Kiminext Q : what is the option to be added to uname command to get the ubuntu's name and then its version numbr ?09:20
attis84_Kimi, you should also check out major O/S hosting services like freshmeat, sourceforge etc.09:20
remoteCTRLis this seriously the only approach to a system wide equalizer: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=789578 this is completely unpracticable, editing values in a text file...???09:20
Crazylinkclearscreen: installing09:21
Kimiattis84_, . i dont know them ok i will do now09:21
Crazylinkclearscreen: done09:21
remoteCTRLKimi: lsb_release is the command you are looking for09:21
attis84_Kimi, uname is no good, it'll only identify the kernel for you09:21
clearscreenCrazylink: now sudo nvidia-settings09:21
clearscreenremoteCTRL: I had the same issue, seems to be the only way indeed09:21
KimiremoteCTRL,  no LSD modules available09:21
Crazylinkclearscreen: ok Nvidia window opened09:22
Kimii got this09:22
clearscreendefinitely needs some usability improvements09:22
KimiremoteCTRL,  ?09:22
attis84_Kimi, cat /etc/issue09:22
clearscreenCrazylink: "X Server Display Configuration"09:22
Kimiattis84_, B-) thanks09:22
remoteCTRLclearscreen: well that seroiusly suxx... i don't know why but i am getting out way too much bass everywhere and no way to correct this expect one where you need a doctor title i order to understand it-.-09:22
bazhangKimi, oregano, eagle09:22
clearscreenCrazylink: you can set your resolution there, still shouldnt set it higher than your monitor supports09:22
remoteCTRLKimi: the information that you are looking for, lsb_release gives you that09:23
bazhang!info oregano > Kimi09:23
Crazylinkclearscreen: my screen is to small for me to see the whole window09:23
bluenzo^nixCan I rename my username or do I have to create a new one?09:23
bazhang!equivalents > Kimi09:23
ubottuKimi, please see my private message09:23
remoteCTRLbazhang: do you happen to know anything about a systemwide equalizer?09:23
clearscreenCrazylink: lol mmm09:23
KimiremoteCTRL, it did NOT work09:23
bluenzo^nixhi remoteCTRL  <309:23
remoteCTRLhehe hi bluenzo^nix09:23
remoteCTRLKimi: well so why didn't it?09:24
SandGorgonguys.. can i run a live cd ISO off a usb stick - dont have a blank cd right now...09:24
bluenzo^nixIs it possible to rename my username or do I have to create a new one09:24
dave_sorry to repost -> Good day! I was hoping somebody could shed some light on why I can't get my resolution above 1200x800 in Ubuntu 8.04. I'm using a 22" LCD monitor on a radeon mobility HD 2600. I was hoping to be able to run 1600x1200. Not sure if it matters but I am using Proprietary ATI drivers and compiz is working fine. Thanks in Advance09:24
KimiremoteCTRL,  no LSD modules available09:24
attis84_bluenzo^nix, actually you can, but I don't know if there's an easier way than to edit /etc/passwd and shadow and do it by hand09:24
bluenzo^nixattis84_, hmm k09:24
bazhangremoteCTRL, what is the equivalent you know of09:24
Kimibut cat /etc/issue worked09:24
clearscreenCrazylink: that is... interesting, I guess you should edit your xorg file manually09:25
Viruskongenhow can i check if i have alpha or beta jaunty09:25
dave_SandGorgon: yes, you can.09:25
Kimibazhang, thaanks for sending ubonttu :D ;)09:25
clearscreenCrazylink: can you do "sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf" and paste the contents to www.pastebin.com?09:25
attis84_remoteCTRL, anyway, what is LSD for besides the halluciongenic?09:25
dave_nothing, it's just a drug ;P09:25
bazhang!ot > attis84_09:25
ubottuattis84_, please see my private message09:25
Zeddeo0Chris0o: could you help me, I changed the .profile and added the line I get from tzselect and reloged in still on GMT09:25
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SandGorgondave_: any pointers on how to ?09:25
dave_SandGorgon: Yep, one sec mate I'm looking for this app for you09:26
remoteCTRLKimi: you might want to install lsb first then09:26
Crazylinkclearscreen: sure thing one second09:26
remoteCTRLbazhang: come again?09:26
KimiremoteCTRL,  instead as attis told : cat /etc/issue worked09:26
bazhangremoteCTRL, what is the equivalent to the equalizer you speak of09:26
remoteCTRLKimi: allright then09:26
Crazylinkclearscreen: everything?09:27
KimiremoteCTRL, but thanks09:27
clearscreenCrazylink: yes please :)09:27
remoteCTRLbazhang: i still don't get the question, if i kenw of an equivalent i wouldn't have to ask, right?09:27
remoteCTRLKimi: np09:27
bazhangremoteCTRL, ie the original09:27
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dave_SandGorgon:  http://lubi.sourceforge.net/unetbootin.html09:28
Kimiwhere is DISK DEFRAGMENAR in ubuntu ?09:28
Crazylinkclearscreen: Done09:28
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bazhangKimi, none needed09:28
remoteCTRLbazhang: i have no idea dude, i am looking for something to turn down the bass on a system wide basis, as it is always way too much no matter from what app09:28
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clearscreenKimi: there's no disk defragmentation, it isnt needed09:28
dave_Sandgorgon: That app will do it for you in a few clicks, ridiculously easy :) enjoy.09:28
clearscreenCrazylink: link? :P09:28
SandGorgondave_: thanks!09:28
Kimibazhang, clearscreen   :O09:28
dave_Sandgorgon: No problem mate,09:28
Kimibaz_, clearscreen  ??09:28
remoteCTRLbazhang: and if possible in an everyday life applicable manner, ie. not having to edit text files in order to do so...09:29
Kimibaz_ sorry.. its not for you09:29
dave_Can anyone shed some light on why I can't get my resolution above 1200x800 in Ubuntu 8.04. I'm using a 22" LCD monitor on a radeon mobility HD 2600. I was hoping to be able to run 1600x1200. Not sure if it matters but I am using Proprietary ATI drivers and compiz is working fine. Thanks muchly :D09:29
clearscreenKimi: ext3 filesystem doesnt need defragmentation09:29
Kimiclearscreen, then ok..09:29
bullgard4"~$ file /usr/share/doc/linux-doc-2.6.24/Documentation/networking/README.ipw2200; /usr/share/doc/linux-doc-2.6.24/Documentation/networking/README.ipw2200: ASCII English text." But Nautilus shows 'Type=README_Document'. Where does Nautilus take this information from?09:29
Crazylinkclearscreen: http://pastebin.com/d74bc484109:29
remoteCTRLbazhang: you wanna tell me no such thing, right?*g*09:29
koshar2dave_ it may be the edid signal09:29
bazhangremoteCTRL, the sound controls can do that, using the gui (no need for editing conf files)09:29
Kimiis there any alternate to AGE OF EMPIRES 3 ....... with same great effects and others...... !09:29
ech0s7i'm looking for a application that can read a cd-rom skipping the error, or repairing them... do you know?09:30
Kimi*dont say freecol .... its not better09:30
bazhangKimi, check the appdb to see if it will run09:30
bazhang!appdb | Kimi09:30
ubottuKimi: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help09:30
Kimibazhang, what if ,  i search for native linux ?09:30
bluenzo^nixremoteCTRL, i forgot how, how do u install an icon pack :S09:30
Icebunt1bazhang:  what is the ops channel name ?09:30
clearscreenCrazylink: mmmm hold on09:30
remoteCTRLbazhang: in that case i gotta be blind or something, as i haven't found any gui eualizer so far, only volume controles?09:30
bazhangKimi, then do a websearch. this is not the games search channel09:31
Kimibazhang,  I DID.....09:31
Kimibazhang,  but did not get :(09:31
bazhangKimi, then discuss in #ubuntu-offtopic09:31
remoteCTRLbluenzo^nix: have a look at this: http://www.gnome-look.org/09:31
Kimianother Q : why doesnt brasero not create MULTISESSION disc ??? the cd is used is moserbear CD R09:32
dave_koshar2: Thanks for your response, Any idea how I can reconfigure this edid signal ?09:32
Kimii burn 2 mb and cd totally gone09:32
clearscreenCrazylink: maybe someone else can shed more light on this, I'm completely baffled by the fact that resolution config in xorg.conf are missing in all the ubuntu installations I've seen so far09:32
remoteCTRLclearscreen: what card have you got?09:32
Crazylinktry this clearscreen09:32
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pseudomorphkimi: i think you'll need to use k3b for miltisession support09:33
clearscreenremoteCTRL: it's not me :)09:33
Crazylinkclearscreen: this was on my desktop from earlier09:33
bobbbwhy should I use ubuntu over fedora?09:33
Kimieven the cd/dvd creator of places didnt make multisession cds09:33
ubottuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.09:33
clearscreenCrazylink: try this: "sudo xrandr -s 1024x768"09:33
remoteCTRLbazhang: please forgive my persistence but can you point me the way to that? i cannot find it...09:33
dr_willisbobbb:   if you perfer apt-get vs rpm..09:33
Crazylinkclearscreen: this is sitting on my desktop from one trying to help me earlier09:33
Slartbobbb: not really sure there are any major differences.. there's apt vs rpm09:33
Kimipseudomorph, then why do ubu's default cd burn sw is brasero ?? ( whuch cant burn cd with multiseession ? )09:34
Crazylinkclearscreen: and i have the first one *default* saved somewhere just incase stuff went sour09:34
clearscreenCrazylink: sudo xrandr -s 1024x76809:34
crdlbKimi: first of all, k3b would not fit on the cd :)09:35
Crazylinksize not found09:35
Slartbobbb: try a live cd of each.. see which one you like09:35
bobbbWhy is ubuntu good?09:35
Kimicrdlb, you totally confuse me :X09:35
pseudomorphkimi: no idea, i just remember a friend complaining that he needed to install k3b for multisession, couldn't find a gnome app that still supported it09:35
dr_willisbobbb:  go try it and see if you like it.. read up at ubuntu.com or google for reviews...09:35
crdlbKimi: k3b is a kde app09:35
clearscreenCrazylink: what modes does xrandr show?09:35
Crazylinkclearscreen: size not found09:36
clearscreenCrazylink: just execute xrandr09:36
Kimipseudomorph, why doesnt brasero or cd/dvd creator of ubuntu do MULTISEESSION09:36
Slartbobbb: we're not ubuntu salesmen/women.. this is a support channel09:36
Crazylinkoops sorry09:36
Kimicrdlb then whats the use09:36
dr_willisi cant recall ever needing to ever do multisession...09:36
bazhangKimi, it runs fine under gnome09:36
Kimibazhang,  ok.. i understand09:36
clearscreenCrazylink: yeah, just run xrandr without anything else09:36
pseudomorphKimi: once again. I don't know.09:37
Kimibazhang, then what i ask is WHY ubuntu comes with default brasero that cant do multissesin ?09:37
Crazylinkclearscreen: http://pastebin.com/d356df28909:37
bazhangKimi, no idea.09:37
ekacan any one tell how to do video chat in ubuntu?09:37
SlartKimi: Brasero does multisession on my desktop09:37
Kimibazhang, >.<09:37
clearscreenCrazylink: that is.. odd09:37
dr_willisSlart:  :)09:37
KimiSlart, then help me ;)09:37
bazhangKimi, please stop with the nonsense emoticons/extra comments09:37
clearscreenCrazylink: what's that xorg file you linked me before?09:38
SlartKimi: press the burn button, then click properties, check "Leave disc open to add other files later"09:38
clearscreenCrazylink: is it from the same pc?09:38
Crazylinkits the one sitting on my desktop someone tried to help me before09:38
Crazylinkthat was left there09:38
Kimibazhang, a pic is worth a 100 words... same do emoticons..... i just try not to flood the channel by typing stuff instead a small emotico09:38
clearscreenCrazylink: alright, you should try to use that one, looks a lot more complete09:38
bazhangKimi, please stop.09:39
clearscreenCrazylink: mv /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.backup09:39
Tyrathdoes anyone know how to get gnokii working for a Samsung SGH-U700?09:39
clearscreenCrazylink: sorry, add "sudo" in front of that09:39
Tyrathfeel free to type !! sudo09:39
KimiSlart, ok.. as i am just 1 month :P old to ubuntu (and linux) i dont know all these/// as in NERO of xp, its a option shown in first there09:39
crdlbSlart: heh, I was just about to grab a blank CD so I could look at the dialog :)09:39
bluenzo^nixwhere is my wallpaper stored? i cant seem to find it09:39
Tyrathinstead of typing the whole thing again09:39
TyrathCrazylink: feel free to type sudo !!09:40
Slartcrdlb: I had a pack on my desktop already =)09:40
TyrathCrazylink: that's instead of typing the whole command again09:40
Tyrathso no-one uses gnokii?09:40
TyrathCrazylink: !! basically represents what was typed in the previous command09:41
Crazylinkclearscreen: done09:41
mrwesbluenzo^nix: /usr/share/backgrounds09:41
clearscreenCrazylink, alright now lets copy the one from your desktop: sudo cp /home/YOUR_USERNAME/Desktop/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf09:41
bluenzo^nixty mrwes09:41
over1ordis thereanyone around who can help me?09:42
clearscreenjust ask09:42
mrwes!ask | over1ord09:42
ubottuover1ord: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)09:42
clearscreenCrazylink: now CTRL+ALT+BACKSPACE and hopefully see you soon ;)09:42
bluenzo^nixmrwes, its not in there lol09:43
bluenzo^nixI downloaded a wallpaper awhile back, and i installed it, i dunno where its at now :S09:43
Crazylinkclearscreen: no change09:43
Kimiwhat is the keyboard combinations instead of ctrl alt del of windows ?09:43
mrwesbluenzo^nix: what was it called?09:43
clearscreenCrazylink: what does xrandr say now?09:44
bluenzo^nixmrwes, not sure :S09:44
over1ordhaha ... okay. Im trying to install xubuntu on an older pc of mine but its not booting from CD. I've tried both the desktop iso and the alternatite iso. The boot order is setup correctly. The disks have been burnt correctly. I just dunno what is not working xD09:44
SlartKimi: I don't think there is one that does exactly the same thing.. what are you looking for?09:44
crdlbKimi: that does many things on windows, which function are you looking for?09:44
KimiSlart, crdlb task manager09:44
mrwesbluenzo^nix: try System | Preferences | Background tab09:45
Crazylinkclearscreen: same as before i believe09:45
ubottuFor discussion on Microsoft Windows, or help with same, please visit ##windows. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and /msg ubottu equivalents09:45
clearscreenCrazylink, if you type sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf .. is that the one you had on your desktop?09:45
crdlbKimi: system > administration > system monitor09:45
* Slart learned a new thing... weird windows button+L closes the window =/09:45
bluenzo^nixmrwes, yes its in there, but I want the file itself09:46
Crazylinkclearscreen: yes09:46
KimiSlart how you did that ?? i mean that learned a new thing "09:46
SlartKimi: I'll tell you if you promise not to try it here in this channel09:46
mrwesbluenzo^nix: well the default location is /usr/share/backgrounds09:47
SlartKimi: /me learned a new thing... it replaces  /me with your nickname.. it's called an ACTION I think09:47
bluenzo^nixok ty mrwes09:47
* Kimi Kimi thanks slart09:47
bazhangKimi, stop that09:47
clearscreenCrazylink: mmmmpf, I have no idea why you're jailed to 640x480 resolution09:47
SlartKimi: dont abuse it.. once a month or so is the allowed quota =)09:47
Kimiwhy doesnt firefox not sending downloads to GWGET ?09:48
Kimiwas asking this yesterday too09:48
clearscreenCrazylink: last suggestion I'd have, is to run "sudo nvidia-xconfig"09:48
mrwesKimi: firefox sends download to where ever you tell it to09:48
crdlbKimi: why do you expect it to?09:48
Kimii want it to use the download manager GWGET09:49
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bobbbWhy don't all the distros merge to be one super distro09:49
SlartKimi: I don't think it does that automatically when you install gwget.. afaik gwget is a stand alone downloader09:49
bazhangbobbb, chat in #ubuntu-offtopic NOT here09:49
over1ord!ask | Im trying to install xubuntu on an older pc of mine but its not booting from CD. I've tried both the desktop iso and the alternatite iso. The boot order is setup correctly. The disks have been burnt correctly. I just dunno what is not working xD09:49
ubottuIm trying to install xubuntu on an older pc of mine but its not booting from CD. I've tried both the desktop iso and the alternatite iso. The boot order is setup correctly. The disks have been burnt correctly. I just dunno what is not working xD: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)09:49
mrwesKimi: gwget is overhead anyways09:49
Slartover1ord: oh.. good question.. but you don't need the !ask |  in front of it.. it's a command for the bot09:50
bluenzo^nixover1ord, so its trying to boot from CDROM first?09:50
clearscreeneither the boot order is incorrectly, or they were burned incorrectly :D09:50
bluenzo^nixor the cdrom is messed up :P09:51
Crazylink*sigh* nothing...09:51
over1ordits trying to boot from cd first09:51
over1ordand the cd is burnt correctly09:51
mrwesover1ord: have you checked the MD5sum on the iso you downloaded?09:51
over1ordas it botts in otehr machines09:51
over1ordi have09:51
Kimimrwes , it doesnt pop up whn i click download linkx09:51
clearscreenCrazylink: did you run "sudo nvidia-xconfig" and CTRL+ALT+BACKSPACE after?09:51
over1ordthe MD5sun is fine09:51
mrweskimi; I don't use it. I just download normally -- with torrents :)09:52
clearscreenCrazylink well i did some searching on ubuntu forums, some people got it to work by manually adding to xrandr, hold on09:52
Slartover1ord: then it has to be the BIOS settings.. unless it's something like an external usb cd-rom drive and your bios doesn't know how to boot from that09:52
Kimimrwes ok09:53
mrwesover1ord: if you have a Windows installation CD, does that boot?09:53
over1ordhrm. It booted from Cd a long time ago, cos i installed ubuntu a long time back on it. just dunno why itd desicided not to work now. It definatley checks cd first cos i can see it checking on boot09:53
JeandreUbuntu 8.10. Trying to delete file on USB stick via Nautilus 2.24.1. "Error while deleting. Error removing file: Read-only file system" I am logged in as the owner of the directory which has "Create and delete files" folder access.09:53
SlartJeandre: might be an ntfs thing.. but afaik 8.10 alread uses ntfs-3g09:54
clearscreenCrazylink: can you paste the output of xrandr -q in pastebin?09:54
over1ordi havent tried to see if windows will boot ...09:54
mrwesover1ord: might be a good way to find the root cause, CD, Drive, BIOS, etc09:54
JeandreI deleted some copied files yesterday, same USB stick, same folder. Had a hard time deleting it completely from the USB stick tho.09:54
StR|Sangrealhello... please what do i need in order to install and launch directx dependant win applications?09:55
Crazylinkclearscreen: http://pastebin.com/d7ce6fafb09:55
over1ordill give mah vista cd a go09:56
SlartStR|Sangreal:you could try wine.. but don't get your hopes too far up09:56
Slart!wine | StR|Sangreal09:56
ubottuStR|Sangreal: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help09:56
pseudomorphanyone know why samba would be ignoring create mask = 760 and directory mask = 770 as set in my share stanza?09:56
clearscreenCrazylink: mmmmpf, no clue why you're jailed to 640x480 in all honestly :(09:57
Crazylink; ;09:57
HammerHead66Crazylink: please install the way I have posted in pm and it will change09:57
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JeandreTo delete read-only files, is "chmod a+w FILENAME" first enough?09:58
SlartJeandre: sometimes.. it wont work if the filesystem is mounted read only.. one example is a cd-rom09:59
gearsecondcan any body tell me how to install softwares in linux10:00
gearsecondive just installed 8.10 xubuntu10:00
Slart!apt | gearsecond10:00
ubottugearsecond: APT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome) or !Adept (KDE)10:00
bazhanggearsecond, via the package manager or the console10:00
bazhanggearsecond, synaptic package manager or sudo apt-get install packagename10:00
Slartgearsecond: you either use the "Add/Remove" feature in the applications menu, synaptic in the system, administration  menu or apt on a command line10:01
bazhanggearsecond, or as Slart mentioned the add/remove for graphical apps10:01
bazhangoh wait does xubuntu have add/remove?10:02
Slarthmm.. I think it does10:02
gearsecondit has add or remove10:02
bazhanggearsecond, at any rate you can use apt-cache search (package) to search the repos for things you want to install10:02
netgrokGAH! Why is Microsoft still the bane of my life? I have an idiot using STUPID microsoft stuff, and they forward me the files I am waiting for, because they give the guy their email address (stupid ISP email) because they are stupid10:03
Gneagearsecond: or use synatic to browse through them graphically10:03
netgrokthe email client... forwards the whole message as a MIME message10:03
bazhangnetgrok, that is offtopic here10:03
Boohbahnetgrok: i feel your pain10:03
bazhanggnea is synaptic in xubuntu10:03
netgrokso I have one base64 encoded chunk of text - on topic - I used to have an unbase64 tool to download those on window, on ubuntu, what to use?10:03
gearsecondok ill try that xD10:04
Gneabazhang: let's find out10:04
JessicaParkerdoes any one know how to install ubuntu network from busybox ?10:04
bazhangnetgrok, let me search for you10:04
JessicaParkerim on a network install but cant seem to access the mirror site10:04
netgrokbazhang: trying to recall your username reference - what is it off? Please search for that too while you are at it10:04
Gneagearsecond: can you open a terminal and type this please:  sudo synaptic   <-- does this launch anything?10:04
Gnea!ot | netgrok10:04
ubottunetgrok: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!10:04
ubuntistashow can i download the beta version without touching my current version?10:04
ubuntistasand install10:04
bazhang!info cl-base6410:05
ubottucl-base64 (source: cl-base64): Common Lisp package to encode and decode base64 with URI support. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.3.2-1 (intrepid), package size 9 kB, installed size 88 kB10:05
Gneaubuntistas: virtualbox or vmware10:05
Slartubuntistas: you could use a vm10:05
netgrokJust... how it is possible to screw up email in 2009? anyway, I'll look how to unbase64 this on the googles, or cuil10:05
Slart!vm | ubuntistas10:05
ubottuubuntistas: There are several solutions for running other operating systems (or their programs) inside Ubuntu, while using the native CPU as much as possible: !QEmu (with !KQemu), !VirtualBox, !VMWare, as well as !WINE and !Cedega for Windows applications10:05
koshar2JessicaParker why are you in a busybox session?10:05
bazhangnetgrok, the package cl-base64 should do it10:05
Boohbahnetgrok: interestingly, the first few results in a google search for 'linux base64 decode' will answer your question10:05
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JessicaParkernetwork install laptop to laptop no cd on one10:05
netgrokBoohbah:  that is why we love google. I felt like I needed to share my incredulity, and google is a bad listener.10:05
JessicaParkerdhcp set up10:06
mrwesIf I remember correct uuencode and uudecode no?10:06
JessicaParkerget to please find a mirror and then cant find one10:06
JessicaParkermore so cant seem to connect externall to the net not sure why10:06
ubuntistasi have a 512mb slart10:06
Gnea!info aish10:06
ubottuaish (source: aish): ish/base64/uuencoded_file converter. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.13-5 (intrepid), package size 35 kB, installed size 116 kB10:06
ubuntistaswhic is recommended ?10:06
Slartubuntistas: I've only tried virtualbox myself.. it's easy to install so you can start by trying that10:07
ekaanyone know about video in gmail in ubuntu?10:07
ChotaZafter uninstalling something with wine, how can i remove it from the applications menu?10:07
ekavideo chat in ubuntu?10:07
Boohbaheka: flash plugin, ekiga10:07
Gnea!ekiga | eka10:07
ubottueka: ekiga is an Internet telephony application included with Ubuntu, which supports the SIP and H323 protocols. Information and help at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Ekiga10:07
JessicaParkerunless someone can assist with how to access my local .iso via the other laptop10:07
ubuntistasslart and then how can i install ubuntu?10:07
ubuntuuser_I have problem with Ubuntu 9.04 startup on my Fujitsu-Siemens AMILO Xi 2428 notebook. It takes 40 seconds from 'Starting up ...' line to gdm login window appear. After login and password enter it takes 30 seconds to load gnome. Is it OK?10:07
SlartChotaZ: I usually just edit the menu directly.. right click on it and select "Edit Menus"10:08
Boohbahnetgrok: we're always here for you :)10:08
Gnea!netboot | JessicaParker (have you followed these documents?)10:08
ubottuJessicaParker (have you followed these documents?): Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate10:08
bazhangubuntuuser_, #ubuntu+1 for that10:08
Tausanyone knows if the X-FI SPDIF is working with ALSA?10:08
ubuntuuser_bazhang, thanx!10:08
Slartubuntistas: you download an regular iso file.. then you create a virtual machine and tell it that it's supposed to mount the iso in it's virtual cd drive.. when you start it will install just like a normal computer would10:08
JessicaParkerkoshar2: any ideas ?10:09
Gneaeka: you just run it and follow the directions - pretty simple10:09
ubuntistasso slart first i have to burn the iso file in a cd10:09
ubuntistasand then?10:09
Boohbaheka: actually, i read your question again. http://mail.google.com/videochat says Gmail voice and video chat is not yet available for Linux.10:09
JessicaParkergot as far as the installer but cant seem to find the .iso file10:10
sky_1hi anyone know where i can check which theme will be on Jaunty ?10:10
ChotaZSlart: Thanks a lot ^^10:10
ekaok will try if any probs please assist me @Gnea10:10
koshar2JessicaParker as far as the network not connecting in busybox session i cant help, however you may be able to use partimage to clone your other install accross, and then edit the uuid in fstab and grub ,10:10
Slartubuntistas: no, read what I said... you download it and then configure the virtual machine to mount the iso file as a virtual cd10:10
SlartChotaZ: you're welcome10:10
bazhangsky_1, #ubuntu+1 for that10:10
sky_1ok thanks10:10
Slartubuntistas: you don't have to burn anything.. it's all done in software10:10
ubuntistasslart how can i install virtual box10:11
Slart!info virtualbox10:11
ubottuPackage virtualbox does not exist in intrepid10:11
JessicaParkeri cant seem to do that the target is reading the source via dhcp all the way till choose a mirror10:11
Slart!find virtualbox10:11
ubottuFound: virtualbox-ose, virtualbox-ose-dbg, virtualbox-ose-guest-source, virtualbox-ose-guest-utils, virtualbox-ose-source10:11
bazhangubuntistas, via the package manager or command line10:11
JessicaParkerthen it gives up10:11
bazhangvirtualbox-ose ubuntistas10:11
JessicaParkeri have apache and am using http://localhost/ubuntu which is where the iso file it10:11
Slartubuntistas: it's available from synaptic10:11
ubuntistasok thx10:11
netgrokso that perl command worked10:12
JessicaParkeri can get out of the busy box session but am stalled at choose a mirror of the ubuntu archive10:12
netgrokI think gmail should automatically handle OriginalMessage mime encodings10:12
netgrokthanks for reminding me about google10:12
bazhangnetgrok, for future reference you can apt-cache search base64 (for example) to get a list of apps you need10:12
JessicaParkerithen it asks if you need to use a http proxy to access the outside workld enter the proxy information.........but its already connected to the router for external access10:13
ubuntistasslart i want to try only the desktop edition which can i download?10:14
boraklavunhello everyone ı am a new ubuntu user10:14
Slartubuntistas: probably from ubuntu.com but I'm not sure.. haven't tried it myself10:14
Slartboraklavun: welcome to #ubuntu10:14
boraklavun and ı would lıke to ınstall dns and dhcp server and maıntance  that how should ı do10:15
koshar2JessicaParker can you boot from usb?10:15
JessicaParkerno not usb either10:16
boraklavunand how could to fınd  document can anyone help me about that10:16
JessicaParkeri think its working now.........not sure but if you put a blank in the mirror it seems to find the dhcp intall10:16
QaDeShiyas. my ksoftirqd seems to hog aroung 10% of my cpu at all times. is that normal, or how can i debug where the problem is?10:16
ubuntistasslart any idea here? http://releases.ubuntu.com/releases/9.04/ i downloaded an iso i38610:17
mrwesboraklavun: from the terminal type sudo updatedb and then locate <filename>10:17
Slartboraklavun: there are several dns servers available.. bind is one, dhcp server is called.. dhcp3d or something like that10:17
boraklavunalso I ınstalled cısco router sımulator gns3 but ı cant use that10:17
JessicaParkerjust dont buy a dell10:17
Kimibazhang, your oregano is NOT what i want..... see i need simple things like and , or , not, nand, nor , xor, xnor and such.... can you tell me another than oregano ?10:17
bazhangKimi, check the equivalents links I sent you10:17
Slartboraklavun: also, help is available in several other languages besides english.. !turkey will make the bot tell you about that10:17
Slartubuntistas: sounds good10:18
boraklavunok slart thank you about you ınterested10:18
Kimibazhang,  sorry.. that time you told another one... with oregano.. tell me that now.... i wil ltry it and respond10:18
ubottuTurk ubuntu kullanıcıları, Türkçe yardım ya da geyik için #ubuntu-tr hizmetinizde.10:18
bazhang!equivalents | Kimi read these links carefully please10:18
ubottuKimi read these links carefully please: A comprehensive list of of Windows-equivalent applications in Linux can be found at http://www.linuxrsp.ru/win-lin-soft/table-eng.html and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WhatWindowsUsersWant - Try also joining #ubuntu-bots and asking BestBot10:18
SlartKimi: also www.osalt.com has a nice list of software10:19
KimiSlart, ubottu, bazhang Thanks very muc10:20
=== Lukemob` is now known as Lukemob
Kimibazhang got that link. i will reply again10:21
kelso1i ave a problem10:23
ikoniakelso1: what's up ?10:23
gearsecondive got a problem too10:24
ikoniawhat's up ?10:24
kelso1nothing :D just installed ubuntu and my sound card is just working for 1 channel :D10:24
kelso1i have 5.1 system10:24
gearsecondi dont know how to install softwares on ubuntu10:24
kelso1and i dont know wht to do10:24
gearsecondim a new xubuntu user10:24
ikoniakelso1: yeah, I've never setup a 5.1 system it does seem a common issue with specific cards10:24
Lou_Would some kind soul please tell me why I'm not being allowed to add a new user?  http://paste.ubuntu.com/139403/10:24
bazhanggearsecond, we just told you10:24
thagearsecond: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingSoftware10:25
gearsecondi ve gone to add or remove10:25
ikoniatha: check the symlink for /etc/skel10:25
thaikonia: ?10:25
kelso1i have 7.1 sound card :D10:25
kelso1i think i need the driver10:26
ikoniatha:  tha the error is moaning about the symlink10:26
ikoniatha: Stopped: symlink: Permission denied10:26
thaUqbar: whath error?10:26
kelso1can help anybody ? :D10:27
ikoniakelso1: what sound card is it ?10:27
ikoniakelso1: realtek what10:27
kelso1realtek high definition10:27
kelso1i tryed alsa10:27
ikoniakelso1: do you have the exact model number10:27
BrixSat(98)Address already in use: make_sock: could not bind to address
kelso1dont think so10:28
ikoniabirdfly: something is listening on SSL10:28
ikoniakelso1: if you do an "lspci" it will show you info on the pci devices, including your sound card10:28
ikoniakelso1: that may give more information to start some research10:28
kelso1im new on linux ;) i know some basics commands10:29
kelso1not prof10:29
ikoniakelso1: pass10:29
Lou_ikonia, you've confused me with tha.  How do I check a symlink?10:30
ikoniaLou_: in /etc/skel - or /etc/skel itself there is a symlink and the adduser script doesn't like it as it doesn't have permission to it's target10:30
kelso1ikonia than ?10:30
ikoniakelso1: then what ?10:30
jetienneq. i got 1 laptop with an external screen of 22inch, i would like my laptop to use only the external screen and not the one from the laptop, how can i do that ?10:30
kelso1what to do ?10:30
ikoniakelso1: use the command lspci to get details on your card10:31
timmytherawjetienne  Look for a CRT/LCD button on your keyboard, usually F8, so press FN+f8 to switch between10:31
digiforAre there any greybearded sysadmins from deep basement server rooms who still remember how pppd works?10:31
digiforPreferably with a knowlege of both ubuntu and solaris?10:32
kelso1Intel Corporation 82801G (ICH7 Family) High Definition Audio Controller (rev 01)10:32
ikoniakelso1: so thats not a realtek then10:32
ikoniadigifor: what's up ?10:32
ikoniadigifor: I'll help you with the ubuntu stuff and I'm sure #solaris will also help10:32
[47]how can i see what is runing a specific port?10:32
jetiennetimmytheraw: ok thanks10:32
paulSteriois there a way I can delete all folders through the terminal that start with .svn10:32
kelso1is a realtek :) i have the driver but is it for windows :d10:32
ikonia[47]: netstat -a | grep LIST10:32
ZeddeHow do I make ubuntu act as a gateway ?10:32
paulSterioin a subtree10:33
ikoniapaulSterio: rm -rf .svn*10:33
ikoniakelso1: it's an intel10:33
ikoniakelso1: the chipset is intel10:33
kelso1is gigabyte :d10:33
ikoniakelso1: ok - you know better, good luck working it out10:34
paulSterioikonia, how could I do it so that it does it in every folder under a root folder?10:34
ikoniapaulSterio: rm -rf /$path/.svn*10:34
kelso1:) so if is intel10:34
kelso1what to search ?10:34
arjunhi was wandering if anyone could help me I running a core 2 quad with 3 gig ram a nvidia 8400gs with a 80 gig raptor as my system drive. So I as far as Im conserned I have a generally fast computer. I have hardy installed running with two monitors with two seporate x screens. So I now that creates quite a lag with compiz but I murdered compiz so no more lag. Problem is I still get a lag say If Im watching a movie and I browse10:34
arjun webpages or open another program. When I lookat my resources however Im not even using 10% please can someone help10:34
=== BlaSux is now known as Stiletto
digiforikonia are you familiar with pppd and wvdial?10:35
ikoniadigifor: certainly done pppd in the past, not really a wvdial user10:35
crdlbarjun: why are you using separate X screens instead of twinview?10:35
aprilhareI'm using Ubuntu Intrepid and i want to run the application calibre. I understand it depends on python 2.6 - how can I install this? 2.4, 2.5 and 3.0 are in the repositories.10:35
arjuncrdlb, Thought it was pretty10:36
crdlbarjun: that doesn't make sense10:36
ikoniaaprilhare: if python 3.0 is in the repo - then that will meet the dependices10:36
[47](13)Permission denied: make_sock: could not bind to address
digiforEssentially what i need to translate my ubuntu wvdial file to pppd chat scripts.10:36
ikonia[47]: yes, you said that, something is running on port 80 - most likley your webserver10:36
ikoniadigifor: don't know wvdial so I'm not really up on that10:36
[47]ikonia no it is not runing as it wont start!10:36
crdlbaprilhare: I find that hard to believe10:36
crdlbikonia: 3.0 is incompatible with 2.x10:37
arjuncrdlb, LOL ok well um I like the panel on both screens I and it maximizes nicely10:37
ikonia[47]: it won't start as something is using port 8010:37
ikoniacrdlb: no idea, but it will meet the dependency check10:37
aprilhareikonia: it seems to demand 2.6 (ask the author why). i just got traceback from the app looking for the file /usr/lib/python2.6/threading.py10:37
ikoniaaprilhare: ok, so it wants a specific version10:37
aprilharecrdlb: believe it or not :)10:37
crdlbarjun: there's no reason why that can't work wit twinview10:37
aprilhareikonia: how do i do this? :)10:38
[47]ikonia http://pastebin.com/f78ad7f4f10:38
aprilhareits not in the repos.10:38
Ranakaham... catalyst 9.3 and jaunty... is this driver work with jaunty and radeon 1950 pro (r5xx)??10:38
ikoniaaprilhare: then I suggest you talk to the author to find out if it is a true hardcoded dependency or if it was just a mistake to request that specific file10:38
crdlbaprilhare: looks like a simple bug, nobody would be dumb enough to depend on 2.6 this early10:38
arjuncrdlb, but then do I still get seporate workspaces for each screen10:38
aprilharecrdlb: i guess someone was cause they've done it10:38
crdlbarjun: no, they would switch together10:38
crdlbaprilhare: accidentally ...10:38
aprilhareikonia: from what hes said, yes it is10:38
ikonia[47]: how are you trying to start the webserver10:38
ikoniaaprilhare: it is what ?10:38
aprilharehardcoded dependency10:39
ikoniaaprilhare: so you need that specific version then10:39
[47]ikonia /etc/init.d/apache2 restart10:39
ikonia[47]: just issue sudo /etc/init.d/apache start10:39
aprilhareikonia: back to the question: how do i satisfy this silly dependency? :)10:39
ikonia[47]: exactly as I have just typed10:39
ikoniaaprilhare: install the right version10:39
crdlbaprilhare: there is no way a non-broken python app would look for '/usr/lib/python2.6/threading.py', it would just 'import threading'10:39
arjuncrdlb, well to be honest thats pretty much my main consern.... I run windoz on vbox on one screen wich has 4 workspaces.... and then 4 workspaces on other screen.... this is mostly for browsing and chatting  research etxc10:40
aprilhareyou'd think the author would know better. he writes for ubuntu.10:40
aprilharecrdlb: http://www.mobileread.com/forums/showthread.php?p=409879#post40987910:40
Tausanyone knows if the X-FI SPDIF is working with ALSA?10:40
arjuncrdlb, So as far as your conserned its cause of the seporate xscreens10:40
crdlbarjun: ok, well separate screen support is often buggy because it doesn't get much testing10:41
[47]ikonia (98)Address already in use: make_sock: could not bind to address
ikonia[47]: show me the command you used exactly10:41
crdlbaprilhare: according to that traceback, you _have_ python 2.610:41
ChotaZHas anyone got Kaillera Server to work?10:41
silv3r_m00nhi there10:41
arjuncrdlb, ok IC so how can I get involved to make it better..... Im no guru developer ... but I certainly dont mind testing10:42
aprilhareikonia: how do i get and install python 2.6 then? its not in the repositories :)10:42
silv3r_m00nis there a way to apply a theme to X GUI apps ?10:42
ikoniaaprilhare: check crdlb's comment10:42
crdlbarjun: proprietary driver :/10:42
aprilharecrdlb: yes I do not.10:42
[47]ikonia http://pastebin.com/m5c87027410:42
aprilhareno python 2.610:42
Lou_ikonia, is this the symlink:10:42
ikonia[47]: ok - so thats the ssl config it's complaining about10:42
aprilhareits not in the repositories to install (feels like we aren't getting to the point)10:42
ikonia[47]: sudo /usr/bin/apache2ctl configtest10:42
Lou_ikonia, is this the symlink: lrwxrwxrwx   1 root root    26 2008-07-11 20:14 Examples -> /usr/share/example-content10:43
arjuncrdlb, yea ..... as far as I remember10:43
[47]ikonia command not found10:43
ChotaZHow do I install dmix for alsa?10:43
aprilharehence the error "bash: cd: /usr/lib/python2.6/: No such file or directory"10:43
crdlbaprilhare: the traceback indicates that /usr/lib/python2.6/threading.py is present on your system10:43
aprilharecrdlb: it aint10:44
jan_22222222222grr wah i must do to copy a folder in linnux10:44
ikonia[47]: /usr/sbin/apache2ctl configtest sorry10:44
crdlbaprilhare: it was when that error was made then10:44
jan_22222222222in console i have a debian10:44
aprilharecrdlb: it never was10:44
Snicks|TWwhi, i'm trying to get an vpn-connection working with pptp, but i't doesn't really seem to work, i'm also new in vpn, but for some reason my school decided to use vpn w/o thinking of linux-users10:44
bazhangjan_22222222222, debian?10:44
crdlbaprilhare: then how is it in line 477 of said file? :)10:44
[47]ikonia Syntax OK10:45
aprilharecrdlb: because the author is depending on python 2.6 which i do not have :)10:45
jan_22222222222yes the fuckers on debian channel cant tell mi what i must do to instal a firefox10:45
crdlbaprilhare: no, that traceback is from python itself10:45
aprilhareits not in the repositories - how do i install it :)10:45
ikonia[47]: do an "sudo apache2ctl stop"10:45
bazhangjan_22222222222, stop with the language10:45
bazhangjan_22222222222, you are offtopic here as well10:45
[47]ikonia httpd (no pid file) not running10:45
jan_22222222222i need only one information10:45
bazhangjan_22222222222, this is NOT debian support10:45
ZeddeHmm I can get my ubuntu to route trafic from my lan to my NATed VMware guest OS's10:45
ikonia[47]: ok, now "sudo apache2ctl start"10:46
jan_22222222222what command copy a folders in console10:46
aprilharecrdlb: i think i'm being fairly clear on the matter. no python2.6 - how do i get it?10:46
ikoniajan_22222222222: this is not debian support as you have been told10:46
[47]ikonia same thing nothing10:46
ikoniajan_22222222222: please take it to debian support channels10:46
ZeddeI have added a routing table to the guest OS ( XP )  and my router ( linux)10:46
bazhangjan_22222222222, check the debian wiki10:46
ikonia[47]: did you get an error ?10:46
trnzmetaguys: I can use normal debian .deb packages?10:46
[47]ikonia http://pastebin.com/m5c87027410:46
QaDeSwhat the heck10:46
trnzmetaanything special needed for ubuntu .deb files or not?10:46
crdlbaprilhare: you had it when that traceback was made, the error you're getting in that traceback is unrelated to the python version10:46
bazhangtrnzmeta, no10:46
ikonia[47]: that's not what I told you to do10:47
[47]ossy wrong paste :p10:47
bazhangtrnzmeta, do not use debian packages on ubuntu10:47
[47]ikonia sorry wrong post :p10:47
benkaminhi a supposedly supported wireless device, Intel 3945ABG, just doesn't work. any idea? it's a ubuntu 8.10 live cd running on Fujitsu Siemens Esprimo M9400 (Sorry, I couldn't find the solution on forums)10:47
ikonia[47]: no problem10:47
Snicks|TWwhi, i'm trying to get an vpn-connection working with pptp, but i't doesn't really seem to work, anybody knows how it works and should work?10:47
aprilharecrdlb: there is no python 2.6 on this machine. the code supposedly depends on python 2.6. it's not surprising it's referenced. it must be running on python 2.5 which is what I got from the repos. how do i get python 2.6? :)10:47
crdlbaprilhare: File "/usr/lib/python2.6/threading.py", line 477, in run <<< that means python was executing a run function on line 477 of that file10:47
[47]ikonia http://pastebin.com/m379eac6910:47
trnzmetabazhang: ok, thanks10:47
ikonia[47]: use sudo10:48
[47]ikonia im runing as sudo su10:48
Zeddegtg just replay with my name I'll check on it later10:48
trnzmetabazhang: why didn't they rename the packaging files10:48
ikonia[47]: not according to that paste your not10:48
bazhangtrnzmeta, do an apt-cache search in console for the ubuntu packages10:48
trnzmetaoh wells, thanks10:48
aguasomeone with a macbook?10:48
aprilharecrdlb: again. no python 2.6 here. it wasn't in the repos to install.10:48
bazhangtrnzmeta, apt-cache search firefox (for example)10:48
crdlbaprilhare: then how did you get that traceback?10:49
[47]ikonia you are correct :p let me do it as root10:49
bazhangagua, for debian?10:49
aprilharecrdlb: i'm lucky :D10:49
DrNick1firefox should be part of ubuntu-desktop??  i.e. it should be there to begin eith10:49
ikonia[47]: how about just use sudo as you're supposed to10:49
aguabazhang: for linux10:49
ikoniaagua: what version of linux10:49
trnzmetagot all that, I wanted latest packages, thanks10:49
bazhangagua, this is not linux support channel, only ubuntu10:49
aguaikonia: 2.6.2910:49
ikoniaagua: that's a kernel - this channel is for ubuntu support only10:49
bluenzo^nixhi ikonia10:49
aprilharecrdlb: probably because the author has messed up his python code.10:49
[47]ikonia http://pastebin.com/m72c78e1d10:49
aguabazhang: i didnt ask you, i asked the channel10:49
aguaikonia: 2.6.29 is in ubuntu10:50
ikoniaagua: I'm telling you this is not the channel10:50
ikoniaagua: not it's not10:50
aguayes, it is10:50
crdlbaprilhare: like I said, that traceback is from python itself, no way to mess that up10:50
aguaikonia: look in ubuntu packages10:50
aprilharecrdlb: well the author of calibre has really done it good and proper so ask him for hints not me :)10:50
QaDeSjan_22222222222: the command is "cp -r <source><destination>"10:50
ikoniaagua: 2.6.29 is not ubuntu -10:50
ikoniaagua: this channel is for Ubuntu support only10:50
aguai wanted to mean 2.6.2810:50
QaDeSseems like some people here can'teven help wich linux basics *sigh*10:50
ikoniaagua: what version of ubuntu10:51
[47]ikonia http://pastebin.com/m72c78e1d10:51
aguaikonia: my problem is with a module in 2.6.2810:51
ikoniaagua: what version of ubuntu10:51
aguaubuntu dont have any problem10:51
bazhangagua, paste,ubuntu.com with your sources.list10:51
aguaikonia: that is not important10:51
ikoniaagua: then this is not the place10:51
ikoniaagua: take it tot he correct chanel10:51
aguaikonia: why not?10:51
ikoniaagua: this is ubuntu support ONLY10:51
aprilhareso... getting back to the matter in hand... how can i get my hands on python 2.6 for ubuntu intrepid?10:51
crdlbaprilhare: this guy is pretty dumb, but version 0.5.2 still supports 2.510:51
aguaikonia: are you paid for kicking people when you dont know how to help?10:51
QaDeSikonia: are you paid by ubuntu Inc. or what?10:51
QaDeSheck, just HELP the people here10:52
crdlbaprilhare: there is no way to do it, not if it relies on anything outside the stdlib10:52
aprilharecrdlb: true - but i went ahead to 0.5.3 didn't i10:52
bazhangQaDeS, no10:52
benkamincan anyone help with wireless problems? "enable wireless" is not enabled for ticking. thx.10:52
staar2how i can install flash with deb package in kubuntu ?10:52
sektormorning all10:52
ikoniastaar2: just use the repos, install the flashplugin-nonfree package10:53
bluenzo^nixikonia, =)10:53
aprilharei know of no way to go back to 0.5.2 so i search the internets for python 2.6 packages for ubuntu intrepid10:53
ikoniastaar2: much easier10:53
ikoniabluenzo^nix: hello10:53
[47]ikonia any ideia?10:53
ikonia[47]: apologies 2 minutes10:53
HammerHead66benkamin:https://help.ubuntu.com/7.10/internet/C/wireless.html here you go10:53
ikonia[47]: can you show me the paste as root please10:53
ikonia[47]: exact command etc10:53
ChotaZCan anyone help me with ALSA10:53
crdlbaprilhare: how exactly did you install it?10:53
ikonia[47]: I think I missed it10:53
* aprilhare wishes calibre was properly packaged instead of the weird pythonesque installer10:53
sektorDoes anyone know how I can dock pidgin to the right of the screen, so that it's always visible?10:53
staar2ikonia: but how could i get the debian package support ?10:53
bluenzo^nixikonia, i fixed windows with bootsec.exe /fixmbr and fixboot C: and then fixed ubuntu by using super grub disk10:54
ikoniastaar2: what debian package support10:54
ikoniabluenzo^nix: well done !10:54
Snicks|TWwhi, i'm trying to get an vpn-connection working with pptp, but i't doesn't really seem to work, anybody knows how it works and should work?10:54
[47]ikonia http://pastebin.com/m72c78e1d10:54
ikoniastaar2: it's better to use the repo package because of how/what it installs10:54
aprilharecrdlb: using the instructions on his webpage. its a fairly important app so there is no workaround/alternative app10:54
hareldvdI understand I can - apt-get install vmware-player -. Do I need to update /etc/apt/sources.list ??10:54
ikonia[47]: telnet localhost 44310:54
ikonia[47]: anything listening on that socket ?10:54
[47]ikonia telnet: Unable to connect to remote host: Connection refused10:55
merqurioHi, i'm spanish but in our channel nobody says anything about my problem. I've a connection of 6Mb and a PC with Ubuntu 8.10 and Windows XP. The problem is when i download of Megaupload o Rapidshare; in Windows runs 600kb/s but in Ubuntu 30kb/s. Thanks10:55
crdlbaprilhare: which instructions? "binary" or source?10:55
aprilharecrdlb: binary10:55
ikonia[47]: most odd, so it looks like nothing is running10:55
ikonia[47]: give me a moment to work this through in my head10:55
bluenzo^nixikonia, what are you pasting?10:55
ikoniabluenzo^nix: I'm not pasting anything10:55
=== Yoda is now known as Guest20198
benkaminHammerHead66: thanks, i'll try.10:56
bluenzo^nixikonia, really? what am i seeing... some xchat thing? lol10:56
sektorerqurio, do you have a wireless and/or wired connection? Perhaps ubuntu is using your wireless instead of your wired?10:56
bluenzo^nixikonia> [47]: most odd, so it looks like nothing is running10:56
ikoniabluenzo^nix: what ?10:56
ikoniabluenzo^nix: I'm talking to the user [47]10:56
trnzmetaanyway to show minor revision number with apt-cache?10:56
merquriosektor: wired10:56
bluenzo^nixikonia, oh sorry10:56
bluenzo^nixikonia, it looked weird lol10:57
user01hi is there a cross-platform opensource multiuser email client that i could use for a shared mailbox?10:57
ikoniauser01: thunderbird10:57
sektormerqurio, are all your downloads slow, or only the rapidshar?10:57
user01ikonia, its not a multiuser email client10:57
=== Guest20198 is now known as icon
iconHi, someone there have a little time to answer me one question..  everytime i try yo open a game or a program it says im not root ? why it says that, i am root.10:57
ikoniauser01: yes it is, it can have profiles10:57
aprilhareso... is python 2.6 gettable or do i wait for the author to do something?10:57
ikonia[47]: can you show me the output of "id" please in your shell10:58
user01ikonia, i posted a question on the thunderbird forum with a problem i had and the response was that it is not designed to be multiuser10:58
ikonia[47]: should only be 1 line so it's fine to paste in here10:58
Snicks|TWwhi, i'm trying to get an vpn-connection working with pptp, but i't doesn't really seem to work, anybody knows how it works and should work?10:58
crdlbaprilhare: python 2.6 is not gettable10:58
merquriosektor: only the direct download10:58
QaDeSicon: you shouldn't be root ;o)10:58
ikoniauser01: define multi-user10:58
aprilharecrdlb: this is an issue for me :)10:58
crdlbaprilhare: I'm going to look at the package to see what it's doing10:58
iconQaDeS:  But it says i need to be root to run some programs :O ?10:58
bluenzo^nixikonia, are you in the UK or something? you seem to wake up when im going to sleep :P10:59
QaDeSicon: maybe you're not in the games group. you can check this in the users administration or by starting a shell and typing "groups"10:59
* crdlb wonders how it could be 32MB10:59
sektoricon, try "sudo <program_name>" in a terminal instead of just starting the program10:59
ikoniabluenzo^nix: this channel is for ubuntu support only - it's not a chat chanel10:59
bluenzo^nixikonia, sorry forgot10:59
bluenzo^nixikonia, im going to sleep, thanks for the help yesterday, i REALLY appreciate it10:59
aprilharethanks crdlb11:00
benkaminthe wireless device is listed as DISABLED although the led is on. this is an Intel 3945ABG. any ideas?11:00
iconsektor:  Hm have just tried that it aint working, its cause i want to start my Wifi-radar but it will not open :(11:00
iconQaDeS:  Hm okay i can try that,.11:00
QaDeSsektor: i don't think you should need sudo for _games_ ;o)11:00
boraklavun_bye everyone11:00
user01ikonia, well if i create an email account with mailbox A, B, C in this order, and someone else create their email box with D, A, F, where A is the shared mailbox, i create a template with A as FROM, it will open as From D on the other11:00
crdlbaprilhare: wow, he bundled half the system in here11:01
sektorQaDeS, good point :-)11:01
BrixSat47 --> Brixsat11:01
user01ikonia, because it looks at the order on the individual account and not the from address11:01
crdlbaprilhare: something tells me this guy is a windows developer11:01
BrixSatikonia i switched nick11:01
graingertbenkamin-> try toggling the switch11:01
sprockets2000anyone in here use kbuntu11:01
sektormerqurio, wouldn't know than, sorry, haven't noticed any delays on my network interface using ubuntu\11:01
sprockets2000if so what is the applet name of the applet that can control cpu scaling11:01
BrixSatikonia i was [47]11:01
aprilharecrdlb: calibre is also for OS X and Windows so yeah :)11:01
graingertbenkamin-> or, right click on nm-applet and enable it11:02
QaDeSbtw can somebody tell me how much cpy ksoftirqd is using on their system? the 10-12% it hogs on mine seem a bit much to me11:02
Snicks|TWwhi, i'm trying to get an vpn-connection working with pptp, but i't doesn't really seem to work, anybody knows how it works and should work?11:02
ChotaZCan anyone here help me with ALSA?11:02
benkamin"nm-applet" - can you pls explain? the little network tray icon?11:02
graingert!question | ChotaZ11:02
ubottuChotaZ: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)11:02
merquriosektor: don't worry; thanks11:02
graingertbenkamin-> yes11:02
sektordoes anyone know how I can dock pidgin to the right of the screen, so that it's always visible?11:02
user01ikonia, and my response from the official thunderbird forum is that it isnt designed to be multi-ser11:03
benkamin"Enable Wireless" is disabled for clicking. grayed...11:03
ChotaZI'm having problem having 2 applications outputting sound at the same time, If I open teamspeak and mplayr next, mplayer crashes and i have to pkill it.11:03
graingertsektor-> always on top + move it resize11:03
BrixSatikonia cant it be a misconfig in network?11:03
iconbenkamin:  yes what about that :) ?11:03
aprilharecrdlb: i just wish it was packaged properly - it would be nice if it was properly ported to amd64 for instance11:03
graingertbenkamin-> toggle the wifi switch11:03
iconbenkamin:  when i try to open wifi-radar then nothing happends.11:03
BrixSatbecause does not exist as a network and apache may fail because thatr11:03
benkaminswitch is on11:03
graingertbenkamin-> does it work after a boot cycle?11:03
aprilhareand the dependencies are a real mess for calibre11:03
QaDeSChotaZ: it might help to use dmix instead of the default alsa output11:04
graingertbenkamin-> toggle it just in case11:04
benkamini did try again...11:04
sektorgraingert, I don't want the rest of my maximized programs to end up underneath pidgin11:04
dayois there anyway to bar certain users from using wget?11:04
QaDeSthat'll mix the apps together; else the first one will keep an exclusive lock on the soundcard11:04
jribcrdlb, aprilhare: python2.6 is in doko's ppa, but I'm missing the context of your conversation...11:04
ChotaZQaDeS: How do I use dmix? (sorry i'm new to linux, fresh installed yesterday for first time)11:04
graingertsektor-> oooh, you could use the gnome-panel wrap tool11:04
benkamini'll try to boot.  but it doesn't matter that it's running from live cd, does it?11:04
aprilharejrib: relates to the requirements of an application called calibre11:04
crdlbjrib: but that won't help if it needs other python modules, right? (eg pyqt)11:05
graingertsektor-> make a massive panel, then wrap pidgin's buddy list as a panel11:05
aprilharejrib: calibre is not in the repos and uses a custom installer11:05
jribcrdlb: right11:05
graingertsektor-> applet11:05
sektorgraingert, thanks, gonna try that, problem is that I don't know the right terminology for this feature, so google isn't very helpful11:05
omyantojoin medan11:05
QaDeSChotaZ: gimme a minute, need to look for myself ^ ^11:05
BrixSatikonia ? still here?11:05
NotADJgzip: stdout: file too large. (How do I fix this?)11:05
omyanto#join medan11:06
ChotaZQaDeS: Thanks.11:06
quibbleromyanto->  /join #edan11:06
crdlbaprilhare: I can't figure out what this thing is doing, but I strongly recommend using the source package instead11:06
omyanto#join medan11:06
quibbleromyanto->  /join #medan11:06
jribaprilhare: "When running the command line utilities, they will segfault after completion. This can be ignored."  I'd be wary of using software that has this on their download page...11:06
bluenzo^nixWhen creating a new user account, what profile should you use, I used "Desktop" and from the new user account I cannot access "User & Groups" for instance how do I edit my permissions properly?11:07
BrixSatikonia ?11:07
graingertsektor-> gnome-swallow-applet11:07
aprilharejrib: if you're in the mood to help him please feel free to get involved :) its a great application that deserves cleaning up and packaging11:07
SM411Hi, is there a application for ubuntu that fix ntfs disk that can be used in ubuntu and not in windows xp _11:07
aprilharejrib: in the meanwhile however, i dig11:08
bluenzo^nixgparted can format as NTFS cant it?11:08
QaDeSChotaZ: seems like it's application dependent. look if you can choose the audio output in the preferences of those apps. there should be at least alsa, oss and dmix to choose from11:09
ChotaZQaDeS: Does dmix come installed by default?11:09
crdlbaprilhare: he has included python in that binary package thing :/11:10
QaDeSChotaZ: what i did on my system additionally is, set all defaults in "System => Preferences => Sound" to PulseAudio. seems to work pretty nicely11:10
QaDeSChotaZ: afaik yes11:10
jribaprilhare: well one way around this would be to install python 2.6 and use easyinstall to grab the packages for python 2.6.  You could even use a python virtual environment to keep these packages separate from a vanilla python 2.6 .  The python 2.6 requirement is what makes it difficult here since the python libraries in intrepid's repositories won't get installed for python 2.6 as crdlb pointed out11:10
ChotaZQaDeS: Yeah I had to do that do, otherwise my headset wouldnt work.11:11
SM411bluenzo^nix: Can gparted fix a disk without loosing the files?11:11
bluenzo^nixSM411, nevermind11:12
crdlbaprilhare: and everything else that it needs, like PyQt4 and various other python packages11:12
ChotaZQaDeS: I set everything to PulseAudio.11:12
QaDeSChotaZ: sound still seems a bit tricky on ubuntu. the defaults are crap ;o)11:12
ChotaZQaDeS: Let me try having youtube outputting at same time as teamspeak.11:12
bluenzo^nixSM411, you dont have a windows disk? whats wrong with your windows partition?11:12
SM411I got two harddrives. One for OS and one for file storage11:12
benkaminafter boot wireless problem solved.. :) thx everyone!11:12
bluenzo^nixSM411, maybe people at ##Windows can help you11:12
aprilharecrdlb, jrib: ic. its a real mess its true. but i'm unsure if its worth installing anything more until he gets a chance to look at the traceback. i've mentioned to him the problems with running python 2.611:13
SM411The filestorage disk is a huge ntfs disk, and it got corrupt after using it in ubuntu11:13
SM411I can still use it in ubuntu though11:13
crdlbaprilhare: use the source install, that should at least be sane11:13
bluenzo^nixSM411, this is way outta my league, but it could be fixable, it almost sounds like a problem I had, with the boot stuff11:13
aprilharecompiling from source may be the best thing to do however python 2.6 is a difficult dependency to fill and if the source now depends on it i'm in trouble11:14
crdlbaprilhare: it really has nothing to do with python 2.6; if he has broken compatibility with 2.5, it's not in that traceback11:14
QaDeSSM411: what does windows say when you try to access the volume?11:14
ubuntistas i just downloaded ubuntu beta iso file how can i use virtualbox?11:14
ubuntistasany clue//?11:14
ChotaZQaDeS: Wow, another problem, flash isnt working for some reason, is there  anything specific I need to to do install it on 64 bits?11:14
s3r3n1t7_aprilhare, apt-get build-dep no option?11:14
jribaprilhare: use doko's ppa or if you use the source install make sure you do "make altinstall", not "make install".  That way it doesn't overwrite the existing python binary11:14
bluenzo^nixWhen creating a new user account, what profile should you use, I used "Desktop" and from the new user account I cannot access "User & Groups" for instance how do I edit my permissions properly?11:14
SM411It tells me that its a dynamic disk (unknown filesystem), and that i need to format it to use it11:14
aprilhares3r3n1t7: no i  don't believe so11:14
benkamini have a question: is it possible to just clone a HD with ubuntu to another machine, and then just reconfigure the packages?11:14
jribubuntistas: what version of ubuntu are you using now?11:14
aprilharejrib: thanks ill give it a try :)11:15
ubuntistas8.10 jrib11:15
QaDeSChotaZ: sometimes "F5" in the browser window helps. have problems with flash on my 64 bit box too11:15
jribubuntistas: have you installed virtualbox?11:15
ubuntistasyes jrib11:15
crdlbaprilhare: that way you'll be using the libraries on your system, not he ones he bundled11:15
quibbler!cn | birdfly11:15
ubottubirdfly: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk11:15
SM411QaDeS: It tells me that its a dynamic disk (unknown filesystem), and that i need to format it to use it11:16
jribubuntistas: so now just create a new virtual machine and in the options point the cdrom to your iso11:16
aprilharecrdlb: i think he needs an experience linux/ubuntu helper but my experience is limited :)11:16
sharkkhi, to who do i should ask to make a deb pkg(for ubuntu) for a software that don't has a deb pkg(for ubuntu)? thanks.11:16
crdlbaprilhare: as it is now, you're using his bundled python 2.6 (which is broken because python doesn't support being put in a prefix different from the one it was installed to)11:16
bluenzo^nixWhen creating a new user account, what profile should you use, I used "Desktop" and from the new user account I cannot access "User & Groups" for instance how do I edit my permissions properly?11:16
jrib!packaging | sharkk11:16
ubottusharkk: The packaging guide is at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/NewPackages for information on getting a package integrated into Ubuntu - Other developer resources are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment - See also !backports11:16
ChotaZQaDeS: Refreshing isnt working =\11:16
ubuntistasjrib do i have ti burn a cd?11:16
QaDeSSM411: sounds nearly like the fixing the volume type might help. you can do that with cfdisk or alike without having to worry about your data. as long as you don't delete and recreate partitions that is ;o)11:16
jribubuntistas: no11:17
crdlbaprilhare: basically, python stores that it was installed to '/usr/lib/python2.6' internally, and he just copied that up in his distributed copy, so the tracebacks contain that false path11:17
jribubuntistas: did you go to the settings for your virtual machine yet?  It lets you point it to a .iso file on your drive.  It should be clear if you go to the options11:17
SM411QaDeS: Thanks, gona try it11:17
ubuntistaswhat name do i have to put jrib11:17
lonejacksorry, I have a problem. I have a 8:04 on a PIII 800. Everything works well generally. Only, sometimes, no longer recognizes the hd and the boot doesn't start. This morning this happened, I started the system with the live cd from which I then access all'hd on the system. I read the files, none issue. So I did the restart by removing the live cd and everything works. What happens?11:17
crdlbaprilhare: which finally explains how you could get such a crazy error :)11:17
jribubuntistas: name for what?11:17
aprilharecrdlb: well it takes craziness to generate crazy errors :) he needs help seriously11:18
crdlbaprilhare: he just needs to not try to make binary packages for linux, it's a losing effort :)11:18
ubuntistasjrib what can i do first ? tell me the steps11:18
Snicks|TWwhi, i'm trying to get an vpn-connection working with pptp, but i't doesn't really seem to work, anybody knows how it works and should work?11:19
jribubuntistas: open virtualbox, create new virtual machine, go to virtual machine settings, point cdrom to .iso file, start virtual machine11:19
QaDeSChotaZ: it's just a gray box, right? i don't know...before the last update it seemed to work occasionally11:19
gardineroHi, can anybody help me? How do I find out, if Ubunut 32bit or Ubuntu 64bit is installed on a machine?11:19
jribgardinero: uname -m11:20
xstasigardar, uname  -m11:20
theunixgeekCan I install ubuntu to a USB drive and then install it on another computer from there?11:20
abstortedmindswhat can i use to run another distro in a VM11:20
crow_hi folks.11:20
theunixgeek(I am having wayyyy to many problems with Fedora)11:20
xstasitheunixgeek, you can install the installer on the usb stick11:20
xstasithen run it from there11:20
theunixgeekxstasi: ah, that's a better idea, how do I do that?11:20
gardineroAh, thank you.11:20
xstasithere are apposite images to download on the website11:20
jrib!virtualizer | abstortedminds11:20
ubottuabstortedminds: There are several solutions for running other operating systems (or their programs) inside Ubuntu, while using the native CPU as much as possible: !QEmu (with !KQemu), !VirtualBox, !VMWare, as well as !WINE and !Cedega for Windows applications11:20
QaDeSabstortedminds: qemu, xen, virtualbox, bochs, kvm, vmware come to mind11:21
aprilharethanks anyway. will look into it further11:21
abstortedmindsk thanks11:21
xstasiwait a second..11:21
=== s3r3n1t7_ is now known as s3r3n1t7
ubuntistasjrib it's saying me here no hard disk11:21
ChotaZQaDeS: Right, and I got around it, if you still with problems try this: workes just now for me http://news.softpedia.com/news/How-to-Install-Adobe-Flash-Player-64-bit-on-Ubuntu-8-10-98076.shtml11:21
jribubuntistas: I have no idea what "it" and "here" refer to in what you just said11:21
theunixgeekxstasi: what are apposite images?11:21
xstasitheunixgeek, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick11:22
theunixgeekxstasi: thanks11:22
xstasino problem11:22
crdlbaprilhare: the source package instructions look vaguely sane from a quick look11:22
ChotaZQaDeS: getting back to the first subject, I tried having youtube + teamspeak, and teamspeak automutes me. =\ For some reason I can't have 2 apps outputting for same device11:22
ubuntistasiam creating a virtual machine and iam in the third step and it's saying me no hard disk can i continue jrib?11:22
jribubuntistas: no, create one11:23
xstasiubuntistas, yes, by creating one11:23
Snicks|TWwhi, i'm trying to get an vpn-connection working with pptp, but i't doesn't really seem to work, anybody knows how it works and should work?11:23
xstasiSnicks|TWw, are you using openvpn for that?11:23
QaDeSChotaZ: did you find dmix in the team speak preferences? (sorry, don't use teamspeak myself)11:23
Snicks|TWwxstasi, no, i use pptp, as said -.-11:23
xstasicool, cause i don't know what pptp is, so i asked :P11:24
ChotaZQaDeS: In teamspeak I had to set the output device to dev/dsp1 so it would out in the headset.11:24
SM411QaDeS: I didnt figure out how to use cfdisk11:24
ubuntistaswhich is beetter dynamic expanding image or fixed size jrib xstasi?11:24
xstasiChotaZ, did they make the ts client for linux? or are you using wine?11:24
xstasiubuntistas, dynamic is known to be flawed11:24
benkaminsorry, but I'll try to ask again. if i have a machine ready with everything i need, can i just clone the hard disk to another machine, so i don't have to install everything from the beginning? anyone has experience with this?11:24
xstasigo for the fixed size11:24
ChotaZxtasi: sudo apt-get install teamspeak-client11:25
xstasibenkamin, i did that for an expo, it's possible11:25
Snicks|TWwbenkamin, if it has different hardware, it can't be done11:25
ChotaZxstasi: sudo apt-get install teamspeak-client11:25
Snicks|TWwi suppose11:25
xstasibut there are a few things you need to be aware of for that11:25
s3r3n1t7benkamin, in theory, yes you can. however, it's better to just copy the installed packages scheme over and clone it that way.11:25
ubuntistasimage size 8gb is good xstasi?11:25
s3r3n1t7!clone | benacke_11:25
ubottubenacke_: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate11:25
xstasiubuntistas, depends on what you need to do, but normally it is11:25
s3r3n1t7benkamin, see above11:25
bluenzo^nixI cant delete a user via users & Groups, it says the user is on the computer, but its logged out :|11:26
xstasiBlueEagle, what does "ps -u thatusername" say?11:26
benkamins3r3n1t7: thx! sounds good.11:27
QaDeSSM411: "sudo cfdisk <device>" on the console. probably sda or hda for your system11:27
crow_apache is working correctly now.11:27
QaDeSsorry, have to leave for shopping now. woman's pushing11:27
ubottuWays to automate installation of Ubuntu on multiple machines are described at https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/installation-guide/i386/automatic-install.html - See also !cloning11:27
QaDeSreal world *sigh*11:27
hxBlueEagle, i do know: ps -ef|grep USERNAMEorProcessName    .    Display processes with that name or user currently running11:27
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about embedded11:28
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about avr11:28
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about arm11:28
ChotaZHi, I can't have 2 applications outputting sound for the same device, the secound one I run will just crash or malfunction, what can I do?11:28
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about cross11:28
ubuntistasxtasi can i delete the virtual machine then?11:28
xstasiubuntistas, if you wish so.. why??11:29
ubuntistasi'm just asking11:29
xstasiChotaZ, if the apps support it, try to make them work with "pulse" as audio output system11:29
=== Kissaki^0ff is now known as Kissaki
rakudave!botabuse | crow_11:30
ubottucrow_: Please investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".11:30
ChotaZxstasi: I went to System->Pref->Sound and changed everything to pulse =\11:30
ChotaZxstasi: How do I change my desktop resolution? >.<11:30
xstasiChotaZ, try to restart pulse and then the apps, you never know...11:30
xstasisystem -> preferences -> screen res11:30
xstasi(having a coffee, back in a few mins :P)11:31
ChotaZxstasi: Thanks a lot.11:31
bluenzo^nixxstasi, hey sorry11:32
bluenzo^nixawwe nvm lol11:32
ChotaZHow do I use the Cube function with Compiz?11:33
jrib!ccsm | ChotaZ11:34
ubottuChotaZ: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz-fusion11:34
knoppixhi can samone help me instal ubuntu via LAN ?11:34
ubuntistasxstasi i created the virtual machine next?11:36
xstasiChotaZ, open ccsm and enable the cube and rotate cube plugins11:37
xstasiubuntistas, next what?11:37
ubuntistaswhat can i do next xstasi11:37
benkaminChotaZ: also don't forget to set 4 desktops (4 columns, 1 row)11:37
xstasiubuntistas, starting it i guess :)11:37
* G69 \o11:37
bluenzo^nixxstasi, ps -u is empty...i killed the processes, yet i still cant delete the user11:37
penthiefWhat command will tell me about my hard disk(s)?11:38
grawitypenthief: Try 'df'11:38
xstasipenthief, what do you want to know?11:38
* grawity is wondering what's bluenzo^nix's problem11:38
oskar-penthief: cat /proc/partitions    or    blkid11:38
bluenzo^nixgrawity, i cant delete a user account11:38
Bonez56hi, I have a netbook on my desk which is set up directly next to my Ubuntu PC. I have my Logitech 5.1 speakers plugged into my Ubuntu PC. I have plugged an audio cable from the headphone jack on my netbook into the line in on my creative audigy in the ubuntu PC. How can I make it so that all sound played through the netbook comes out of my big speakers which are plugged into the ubuntu PC?11:38
xstasibluenzo^nix, try "w" and/or "who"11:38
xstasisee if the user is listed there11:38
xstasiif it isn't, do it the rough way11:39
xstasisudo userdel thatusername11:39
grawityxstasi: I don't think it would, as the shell would be killed already.11:39
xstasigrawity, that doesn't mean that u/wtmp are clean11:39
penthiefThanks, but none of those three suggestions tell me if I have a scsi/ata or whatever drive.11:40
bluenzo^nixxstasi, i already tried sudo deluser <nick> it gives error code 811:40
grawitybluenzo^nix: userdel, not deluser11:40
xstasipenthief, try "dmesg | grep sd"11:40
bluenzo^nixgrawity, meh typo on chat, doesnt work in terminal11:40
knoppixCan samone help me installing ubuntu 8.10 via LAN ?11:41
bluenzo^nixgrawity, userdel: user bluenzo is currently logged in11:41
penthiefxstasi: Cheers, that's OK, but I'm suprised there's no proc or sysfs file for this info11:41
xstasipenthief, i'm not sure if there is or isn't, what i normally do is that11:42
graingerthow do I convert .cue+.bin to .iso?11:42
xstasigraingert, there is a program for that11:42
Bonez56knoppix, to start with you need the alternative CD, not the Live CD. which one do you have?11:42
birdflyvisitor ?11:42
Boohbahgraingert: bin2iso11:42
s3r3n1t7bluenzo^nix, how are you logged in atm then?11:42
xstasigraingert, ccd2iso11:42
bluenzo^nixs3r3n1t7, im on "kenneth" lol11:42
visitor阿 哈哈11:42
knoppixi think live but i have neetboot directory downloaded11:42
knoppixand tftp is not sending files11:43
xstasibluenzo^nix, i guess you did the "w" "who" try11:43
Bonez56visitor: english only11:43
grawitybluenzo^nix: Hmm...try: killall -s 9 -u bluenzo11:43
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Bonez56knoppix, you need the alternative cd regardless11:43
bluenzo^nixxstasi, i dont know what you mean "w" "who"11:43
graingertBoohbah-> what about bchunk11:43
Bonez56hi, I have a netbook on my desk which is set up directly next to my Ubuntu PC. I have my Logitech 5.1 speakers plugged into my Ubuntu PC. I have plugged an audio cable from the headphone jack on my netbook into the line in on my creative audigy in the ubuntu PC. How can I make it so that all sound played through the netbook comes out of my big speakers which are plugged into the ubuntu PC?11:43
ChotaZxstasi: Can you help me set up PA and some other stuff that it may require to have 2 apps outputting for same device without malfunctioning any on them?11:43
xstasi<xstasi> bluenzo^nix, try "w" and/or "who"11:43
grawitybluenzo^nix: 'w' and 'who' are also commands you have to type on Terminal.11:43
xstasithose were commands meant to be typed in the terminal11:44
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* grawity pokes birdfly to speak English.11:44
graingertBonez56-> pulseaudio11:44
xstasiChotaZ, that really depends on the apps you're trying to run11:44
ChotaZxstasi: I already set all the controllers to PulseAudio in System->Prefs->Sound11:44
s3r3n1t7Bonez56, if they're both connected to a network you could just use pulse audio and use the network to transfer the sound.11:44
visitorcan some one introduce  some desktop mananger11:44
ChotaZxstasi: If I'm watching a video on youtube and then try to run mplayer, it just crashes ?\11:44
xstasiChotaZ, as for mplayer, launch it with -ao pulse11:45
bluenzo^nixxstasi, grawity, ive never used who and "w" what am i looking for? i get 4 lines back... they all sya "kenneth" not "bluenzo"11:45
birdflyspeak english !!!!!!!11:45
visitori do not like fvwm11:45
Bonez56s3r3n1t7, they are both physically connected to each other with a 3.5mm audio cable... i should not need to rely on a network interface to transfer, surely?11:45
xstasiChotaZ, as for firefox, open (i think) /etc/firefox/firefoxrc11:45
xstasibluenzo^nix, that's strange then11:45
graingertBonez56-> digital/pulseadio will give better quality, and it's cooler11:45
bluenzo^nixxstasi, maybe i uncovered some weird bug with ubuntu :P11:45
ChotaZxstasi: How can I do that for mplayer, as when I double click a mp3 file or video with will autolaunch it like that?11:45
grawitybluenzo^nix: Hmm. If nothing helps, you can always try the Windows way: Reboot.11:45
s3r3n1t7Bonez56, there's no need, but it sure makes it a lot easier.11:46
xstasiChotaZ, the file for firefox is /etc/firefox-3.0/firefoxrc11:46
bluenzo^nixgrawity, ya i was gonna do that lol11:46
xstasiin there, write:11:46
xstasithen restart firefox11:46
grawityBrixSat: ?11:46
xstasibluenzo^nix, i'd kill to have a shell there to find out :P11:46
bluenzo^nixxstasi, cant you use remote desktop? :P11:47
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xstasiand by the way, "userdel" should normally ignore that..11:47
Bonez56s3r3n1t7, you got any links you can give me that may aid in setting this up? was not even aware you could do it that way11:47
Frol_xstasi: you don't have shell?11:47
xstasiFrol_, not on his computer where the strange behavior is happening11:48
bluenzo^nixxstasi, when i create a new account, which profile do I use, desktop or administrator11:48
ChotaZxstasi: What If there no firefoxrc file inside the firefox-3.0 folder?11:48
Frol_xstasi: oki :)11:48
xstasiChotaZ, make it11:48
ChotaZxstasi: what should I put inside the file?11:48
grawityxstasi: userdel isn't supposed to ignore the fact that $USER is logged in, if you're speaking about that.11:48
* xstasi looks at bluenzo^nix with clueless eyes, not being used to create users with graphical11:48
s3r3n1t7Bonez56, it's very simple actually. Install padevchooser on both, then run that app on both. On your desktop, click the icon that will appear in your taskbar, configure your local server to allow it to be discovered. Then on your client you click it and select your desktop as default server. Every application that uses pulse will then send its sound to your desktop.11:48
xstasiChotaZ, what i pasted you earlier11:49
ChotaZxstasi: -ao pulse11:49
xstasiChotaZ, that's for mplayer, not firefox11:49
xstasigrawity, are you sure? i never experimented that11:50
Bonez56s3r3n1t7, sorry, I forgot to tell you that the netbook runs windoze XP11:50
ChotaZxstasi: thanks, how do I launch mplayer with that command?11:50
grawityxstasi: read 'man userdel' - it lists return code 8 as "User active"11:50
s3r3n1t7bonez46, aah. That does indeed change things. Hmm, you send the output from your laptop through a cable to the input of your desktop? Then you should be able to change the output of that channel up.11:51
xstasiChotaZ, first find out if it's working - restart completely firefox once you edited the file and load something on youtube, then open a terminal and play some file with "mplayer -ao pulse somefile.mp3" and see if it works11:51
xstasigrawity, nice11:51
ChotaZxtasi: restarting firefox11:51
xstasiChotaZ, honestly i never launch mplayer from nautilus, but if when you do that it opens the graphical interface for mplayer, you can try poking with it and see if you can find the audio output in the settings or something like that11:52
ChotaZxstasi: ran from terminal and works perfectly now11:53
xstasiChotaZ, great11:53
ChotaZxstasi: will try to find a way to launch it from nautilus like this11:53
xstasinow have fun discovering how to make that permanent :P11:53
s3r3n1t7xstasi, if i may make a note, from my experience mplayer follows the sound configuration which is set in the sound preferences option in preferences.11:54
lonejackthe 9.04, will be an LTS11:54
xstasis3r3n1t7, you mean gnome's preferences or its?11:54
jriblonejack: no11:54
s3r3n1t7xstasi, gnome's11:54
ChotaZxstasi: no option on mplayer to choose the outpute =(11:54
xstasishouldn't gnome run with pulse by default then?11:55
jribChotaZ: yes there is11:55
ChotaZjrib: where?11:55
bluenzo^nixxstasi, , i want to create another account with identical permissions as when i installed ubuntu for first time, how do i can that?11:55
ubuntistasxstasi so smallis the screen?11:55
lonejackjrib: what a pity...11:55
jribChotaZ: right click on it -> options11:55
jriblonejack: why... next lts is 10.0411:55
s3r3n1t7xstasi, i've set it to run with pulse yeah, but that's mainly because i send my sound through the network here.11:55
penthiefHow can I discover what kind of software raid I am using?11:55
ChotaZjrib: I searche around the preferences window and I couldnt find anything =\11:55
jribChotaZ: try the "audio" tab?11:56
xstasipenthief, mdadm --something, can't remember.. take a look at the manpage11:56
xstasiubuntistas, what?11:56
ChotaZjrib, xtasi: Thanks a lot, now I need to figure out how to do this for teamspeak xD11:56
lonejackjrib: I'm using 8.04, is seems there are a lot of improvements on 9.04.... I've to wait!11:56
penthiefxstasi: Thanks11:56
xstasibluenzo^nix, i suppose what you want to do is give him admin permissions11:56
xstasiChotaZ, pray it supports pulse11:57
jriblonejack: you can upgrade to 9.04 from 8.0411:57
lonejackjrib: but isn't an LTS...11:57
ChotaZxstasi: I set the output device to dev/dsp1 and i got sound on my headset, lets see if I can launch mplayer from nautilus without a problem ^^11:57
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bluenzo^nixxstasi, cuz i removed bluenzo cuz he was a 'desktop' profile11:58
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about gdm11:58
jriblonejack: well what exactly do you want from LTS?  The only benefit it gives you is not having to upgrade for 3 years (ie you get no new software for 3 years but still get support for it)11:58
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xstasiChotaZ, /dev/dsp is the OSS interface, not the pulse one... try having a look here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=72236011:58
ubottuuse @login11:58
Johnsomeone in here there can tell me what you can use "virtualbox" to ? i dont understand what you can use it to :O ?11:58
xstasiJohn, use virtual machines11:58
ChotaZxstasi: oh k thank11:58
bluenzo^nixJohn, its a virual machine if im not mistaken11:58
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xstasibluenzo^nix, i'm not sure i'm following you11:58
JampiterDoes anyone know how to change from the kde login manager to the GNOME/XFCE one?11:58
bluenzo^nixxstasi, nevermind :P11:59
s3r3n1t7!gdm | Jampiter11:59
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about gdm11:59
jribJampiter: dpkg-reconfigure gdm  should be enough...11:59
lonejackjrib: I thinkought the "LTS" is a version11:59
lonejackjrib: I think the "LTS" is a version more accurate..11:59
Squiggy_Can I somehow erase ALL networks on Xchat?11:59
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Jampiterjrib: Excellent. That worked. Thank you :)12:00
lukjad007Squiggy_, How do you mean?12:00
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lonejackjrib: the main feature I like 9.04 is ext4 support..12:00
jriblonejack: LTS just means it is supported for 3 years on the desktop and 5 years on the server.  Typical releases only have support for 18 months.  It's really only useful imo for environments like web servers in such where you don't want to upgrade too often12:00
Squiggy_Well I just installed xchat and it gives me a ton of unneeded networks12:00
Squiggy_Which sucks12:00
Johnnxstasi:  Hm can you like give em an example :) ?12:00
lukjad007Squiggy_, Oh. Sure!12:00
graingertSquiggy_-> leave em, they do no harm12:00
xstasiSquiggy_, i got used to it, but you can try editing ~/.xchat2/servlist_.conf12:00
Squiggy_I 'll try12:01
JmzBrb - reboot12:01
RRockonI had a quick question about the Ubuntu Live CD and existing NTFS partitions. I want to run an ntfsfix on the current windows disk but it says it's locked me out12:01
xstasiJohnn, that means running an operating system in a window, basically :)12:01
lonejackjrib: I'll upgrade it on next days...12:01
lukjad007Squiggy_, In xchat Go to XChat->Network List12:01
xstasiRRockon, are you launching it as root?12:01
jrib!upgrade > lonejack12:02
ubottulonejack, please see my private message12:02
Johnnxstasi:  so if i got linux ubuntu on my desktop, then i can use virtualbox to run, like windows 7 in that window without installing it or what you mean ?12:02
RRockonxtasi: Yup12:02
Snicks|TWwhi, i'm trying to get an vpn-connection working with pptp, but i't doesn't really seem to work, anybody knows how it works and should work?12:02
xstasiJohnn, exactly that12:02
lukjad007Squiggy_, The select the one network you don't want, and press remove.12:02
graingertJohnn-> you need to install it :-p12:02
xstasiof course, you have to install it within virtualbox12:02
graingertJohnn-> under virtual box12:02
xstasilukjad007, i think he prolly wanted to delete *all* networks but the one he wanted12:02
ChotaZxstasi: didnt work for me, If I take out teamspeak of the equation everything works fine.12:02
xstasiChotaZ, have you tried running it with the pulse wrapper?12:03
ChotaZxstasi: but if I launch teamspeka first, mplayer will crash and youtube wont output sound.12:03
xstasipadsp, that is12:03
lukjad007xstasi, Hmm... I guess so.12:03
s3r3n1t7jrib, doesn't that mean that there will be a version without support for 6 months?12:03
Johnngraingert:  so i need to install it ? but instead of it install it on my partion where i got ubuntu then i install it "virtualbox" and run it form there in a window :) ?12:03
ChotaZxstasi: yes, and  If I lunch any other sound using application first, teamspeak will automute =\12:03
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jribs3r3n1t7: no?  What do you mean exactly?12:03
Johnnxstasi:  ohh okay :)12:03
graingertJohnn-> yes12:03
xstasiChotaZ, try configuring TS to use OSS and then launch it with the wrapper12:04
graingertJohnn-> you install it in/under virtualbox12:04
Johnngraingert:  that is brilliant !!12:04
graingertJohnn-> you can even have it seamless, but that's a bit pants12:04
xstasiJohnn, there is one thing you need to be aware of, though12:04
ChotaZxstasi: so on the the output device i put dev/dsp1?12:04
xstasiJohnn, you won't be able to use 3d acceleration inside windows12:04
Johnnxstasi:  Whats that ?12:04
xstasiChotaZ, yep12:04
s3r3n1t7jrib, LTS has 3 years of support, normal versions have 18 months. Won't that mean that the version which comes right after the LTS has a period of 6 months without support while the LTS still has support?12:04
ChotaZxstasi: it was when I first tried12:05
Johnnxstasi:  3d acceleration, what that ?12:05
lukjad007Who here is near 8:30 PM?12:05
hxwhy virtual box, when there is Vmware Server?12:05
xstasiChotaZ, but you tried without the wrapper i think12:05
jribs3r3n1t7: yes12:05
xstasiJohnn, you know, videogames... 3d stuff :)12:05
ChotaZxstasi: padsp teamspeak12:05
s3r3n1t7jrib, k, was wondering about that.12:05
* RRockon wonders if xtasi is the resident "assistant" here atm12:05
s3r3n1t7RRockon, atm it would seem so yeah.12:05
xstasiChotaZ, ran that, with teamspeak using OSS as audio?12:05
ChotaZxstasi: yes.12:05
Johnngraingert:  okay :(12:05
ravenhi - is ther any solution (eg in ARDOUR) to set the BPM by clicking? any tool?12:05
jribs3r3n1t7: lts has 5 years support on the server, so it's even more in that case :)12:05
bluenzo^nixhow do i copy my xchat settings from 1 acct to another, i tried this: sudo cp -R ~/.xchat2 /home/bluenzo12:05
RRockonsomewhat inconvenient, looking at the amount of helpseeking individuals :)12:06
s3r3n1t7RRockon, it happens at times.12:06
xstasibluenzo^nix, that won't work because if you use "sudo" then "~" will mean root's home12:06
Johnnxstasi:  ohh that kind of sucks, but, i can surf on the internet and go on msn, right ? :)12:06
graingerthx virtualbox works is free, and there is an ose edition12:06
xstasiJohnn, yes you can, even though there is no apparent reason to use windows for that12:06
bluenzo^nixxstasi, oh...woops :P12:06
RRockonOh well12:06
denewshi, i'm lookning for somebody who can tell me why my ubuntu pauses during updates until I move my mouse or use the keybord. any idea? thx12:06
hxsame VMware...12:06
s3r3n1t7xstasi, a small correction. Sudo always uses the users' home, never the root's home.12:06
graingertJohnn-> you can do that under linux12:06
hxRegister and you get licenses... all you want.12:07
s3r3n1t7jrib, i see. Funny, so you're kind of forced to do lts to lts upgrades then?12:07
graingerthx VMwares' install system is pants12:07
xstasiJohnn, personally, the only thing i use windows for is playing videogames, i avoid using it to surf like it was the pest12:07
grawitys3r3n1t7: Small addition. It's the *current shell* that expands ~ to /home/blah - sudo doesn't even know that you typed ~12:07
xstasis3r3n1t7, there you go, another thing i didn't know about ubuntu :P12:07
Feanor-Fwhat game Johnn?12:07
bluenzo^nixxstasi, how do i transfer them over then?12:07
s3r3n1t7grawity, ah yes true. That's another way of formulating it i guess.12:07
jribs3r3n1t7: yes and no.  I think the plan is to release lts every 2 years so you'll always be able to jump to the latest even if it isn't lts12:08
graingerthx vbx has a nice deb12:08
graingerthx and a repo12:08
ChotaZxstasi: what's left for me to try?12:08
xstasibluenzo^nix, that should work actually12:08
Johnnxstasi:  hehe you right about that, but its cool anyway i think... yes i can follow you in that, but would that mean that you got a windows computer you only play on, and then you got a virtual box for surfin on the internet on ?12:08
hxunderstood .12:08
xstasiChotaZ, except for prayers, i wouldn't know... try googling a bit12:08
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bluenzo^nixxstasi, doesnt it normally say success or...anything...its not saying anything back, how do i know it worked lol12:08
s3r3n1t7jrib, i see. Well we're getting a little side tracked on the channel now. I've learned another bit of information, thanks!12:08
s3r3n1t7bluenzo^nix, nothing is good. something is bad.12:08
RRockonso, generally, what's the reason a partition might be 'locked'?12:08
JohnnFeanor-F:  you mean :)12:08
xstasiJohnn, no, i have a winxp installation on a partition which i reboot to when i want to play videogames, then i reboot back to linux to do my stuff12:08
JohnnFeanor-F:  you mean :) ?12:08
xstasibluenzo^nix, that way - no errors is success12:09
bluenzo^nixxstasi,  lol k12:09
Feanor-Fyah sure12:09
Johnnxstasi:  ohh, thats nice ! but how.. i mean, linux is ext3 and windows uses ntfs ?12:09
xstasiJohnn, that's the point of having two separate partitions12:09
thelimpkidsorry to interrupt here. I have a question about the panels in Ubuntu..12:09
xstasihalf of my main hd is ntfs with winxp, the other half is ext3 with linux12:09
xstasithelimpkid, shoot12:10
s3r3n1t7thelimpkid, ask the channel, only then can we help.12:10
thelimpkidI want to have a panel on the background12:10
thelimpkidso windows can override it12:10
thelimpkidis this possible?12:10
Johnnxstasi:  hmm .. so you have another parton that you have added like a nfts partion and then installed windows xp on it ?12:10
xstasiJohnn, kind of like that12:10
hxJohnn, btw you could install ubuntu inside windows , by double click ubuntus CD in WIndows. They will use the same partition12:11
RRockondoes that even work?12:11
s3r3n1t7thelimpkid, could you be a bit clearer what you want to do with this panel?12:11
* grawity greets vino12:11
xstasiJohnn, even though, specifically, you'd normally have to create the windows partition first, as while linux has no problems with that, windows finds itself going paranoia if it's not going to be installed on the first partition12:11
Johnnhx:  are you sure :O ?12:11
grawityJohnn: Yes.12:11
s3r3n1t7Johnn, yes it can be done. However, there are limitation and known bugs with that method.12:11
grawityJohnn: It's called "Wubi install", and it uses a big file instead of a partition.12:11
bluenzo^nixxstasi, how can i navigate to that directory to view the files i dont think it worked properly :S12:11
xstasiJohnn, you can do that, but it's not the same12:11
grawityJohnn: And it doesn't support hibernation, IIRC.12:11
thelimpkidI have a panel that only uses 500px of the full width. And turning off the expand option is not ideal here. I could send a screenshot of the exact situation..12:12
xstasisomethings are emulated12:12
grawityOtherwise, it's *almost* the same as normal install.12:12
xstasisuch as disk access12:12
denewsnobody an idea why i have these pauses - it began during the installation12:12
hxJohnnm Very Sure. and in case you dont like it or have a lot of problems you could uninstall it from windows like a program.12:12
xstasiso some things will be slower12:12
s3r3n1t7!who | thelimpkid12:12
ubottuthelimpkid: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)12:12
xstasibluenzo^nix, cd /home/bluenzo, ls -a12:12
s3r3n1t7thelimpkid, what do you want to do with this panel? show some information?12:12
Johnnxstasi:  hm okay, i see .. hmm..12:12
gearsecondhow can i install a java flash  plug in for u tube videos12:12
s3r3n1t7!flash | gearsecond12:12
ubottugearsecond: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (a recent version for !Dapper is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash12:12
grawityxstasi: The only difference I know is that Wubi uses a "virtual disk" - like 'loop mounting' or whatever it's called. Otherwise it's same as a normal install.12:12
Johnngrawity: hm alright i need to read on that one i think :)12:13
bluenzo^nixxstasi, i mean how to get inside .xchat212:13
xstasigrawity, i never used wubi myself, but from what i read from the docs online they said that the wubi installation is meant to be a "last hope" thing to install12:13
xstasibluenzo^nix, cd /home/bluenzo/.xchat2/12:13
hxJohn, of course that could be achieved with the recent ubuntuS cd s.12:13
bluenzo^nixxstasi, it says permission denied tho12:13
grawityxstasi: Well, I have used Wubi, and other than the install location, it works just fine.12:13
Russmanneed help, after install ubuntu over suse, grub writing error 22,  whwre i find file grub???12:14
thelimpkids3r3n1t7: I want windows to be able to move over the panel12:14
xstasigrawity, that's mostly a "try ubuntu out" thing, i remember reading about it being slower on I/O things12:14
s3r3n1t7thelimpkid, yes, but what do you want to show in this panel? Only some information or buttons?12:14
xstasibluenzo^nix, become root then12:14
Johnnhx:  hm i see .. well i think i need to read a bit on that one :)12:14
ml__is there a way to stream to an xbox 360 from ubuntu?12:14
hxxstasi , agree with grawity. Btw why are you talking about it? was just an option....12:14
thelimpkids3r3n1t7: the notification area, sensors-applet and the time12:14
grawityhx: He said it emulates things.12:14
xstasihx, for the sake of discussing i think12:14
grawityThis isn't purely a help channel :/12:15
ravenhi - is ther any solution (eg in ARDOUR) to set the BPM by clicking? any tool?12:15
s3r3n1t7thelimpkid, and which application do you currently use for this? I'm thinking that conky might just serve your needs very easily.12:15
RRockonHow would an NTFS partition be locked by Ubuntu? I have root, permissions are set just fine, but it keeps telling me "Device or Resource busy" and there's a key icon in gParted next to the partition12:15
grawityRRockon: Maybe it's mounted?12:15
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xstasigrawity, i'll have to choose my words more wisely then12:15
thelimpkids3r3n1t7: I'm using the default panels in ubuntu..12:15
RRockonthat makes so much sense it's not even funny anymore12:15
Johnnxstasi:  i got a little problem, my wifi, when i try to open it, it doesnt open, itdoesnt anything, nothing happends, and i have installed the driver to my wireless driver.12:15
=== acuster is now known as avc_work_for_rea
* grawity gains +5 Linux knowledge12:15
Russmanбляб тут русские есть.12:15
Russmanа то я не понимаю нифига на этой мове12:16
ubottuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs12:16
xstasiJohnn, so the thing you wanted to use windows for is just running the wifi right?12:16
* grawity greets yorirou 12:16
s3r3n1t7!pm | thelimpkid12:16
ubottuthelimpkid: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.12:16
yorirouis it possible to install ubuntu from a kubuntu live cd?12:16
grawityRussman: Can you speak English?12:16
xstasiyorirou, you can install kubuntu with that12:17
Russmanvery bad12:17
yorirounot kubuntu12:17
ChotaZ!Compiz | ChotaZ12:17
ubottuChotaZ, please see my private message12:17
xstasibut then turn it in an ubuntu by installing "ubuntu-desktop"12:17
Johnnxstasi:  i have planned it, but i take it back, i will first try to get it to work in ubuntu here.12:17
Russmani speak engleash12:17
s3r3n1t7thelimpkid, i see. You can use the auto hide option in the properties to hide these panels, so that windows can occupy the space.12:17
xstasiJohnn, that's what i want to hear :]12:17
hxyorirou, Yes. But you will have to then remove all KDE stuff or leave then and install ubuntu-desktop package.12:17
peerlessHello Guys.. How to mount initrd image?12:17
Russmani need know place, where grub file12:17
hxyorirou, same Core.12:17
Russmanhelp please12:17
Johnnxstasi:  good :) hehe12:17
ml__yorirou, yes, but you have to install gnome and remove kde stuff12:17
xstasipeerless, -t cramfs i think12:18
fosco_Russman, /boot/grub/menu.lst12:18
Johnnxstasi:  but you got anny idea about it ? :)12:18
graingertJohnn-> what is your wifi device?12:18
peerlessxstasi it didnt work12:18
xstasipeerless, what is the command you typed?12:18
gearsecondi ve donloaded the flash plug in of javascript but i dont know how to install it12:18
graingertgearsecond-> there is no flash plugin of javascript12:18
hxJohn, if you have the windows driver, you could use it with ndsiwrapper Program to make your wireless device function under linux12:18
peerlessmount -t ext2  -o loop /boot/initrd.img-  /mnt/test/12:18
thelimpkids3r3n1t7: That's not exactly what I want. Is there a way to customize the width of a panel (not the expand option, because I can't move it and customize it the way I want to)12:18
peerlessI tried that and also cramfs12:19
xstasipeerless, didn't i just tell you "-t cramfs"?12:19
hxto make it work under*12:19
peerless VFS: Can't find an ext2 filesystem on dev loop0.12:19
Johnnxstasi:  but you got anny idea about it ? :12:19
gearsecondi;ve seen the page u told me12:19
peerlessI am getting that error in dmesg12:19
gearsecondbu ti dont know what to do :S12:19
Johnnxstasi:  i would mean that it is this one " Ethernet controller: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL-8185 IEEE 802.11a/b/g Wireless LAN Controller "12:19
Johnngraingert:  Ethernet controller: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL-8185 IEEE 802.11a/b/g Wireless LAN Controller12:19
xstasiJohnn, it should work then..12:19
bluenzo^nixI dont know what I did. xchat doesnt work on my other account, I get an error, Something about "There was an error" and something about "bindings" and "configuration"12:19
Johnnxstasi:  yes but it doesnt, i have tried to get it to work many days now :( ..12:20
s3r3n1t7thelimpkid, you'll have to find an alternative for the default action bars then. Avant has some good reviews.12:20
xstasipeerless, i wouldn't know then12:20
xstasibut what are you mounting it for?12:20
unik_hi, im trying to bunzip2 a file with "sudo bunzip2 file.tar.bz2" but cursor jaust moves to the next line and nothing else happens (hardy).any help?12:20
peerlessxstasi thanks12:20
grawityunik_: I think it isn't supposed to say anything.12:21
defsdoorI have a pkg problem after upgrade to jaunty - strace'd it down to a file /var/lib/dpkg/info/libneon27-gnutls.list - any access of that file seg faults12:21
thelimpkids3r3n1t7: Oke, thank you.12:21
dr_willisunik_:  why use sudo?12:21
xstasipeerless, if you want to customize an initrd, what you'd have to do is working with mkinitrd, not edit the initrd itself12:21
defsdoorby any program - more, file etc..12:21
jribunik_: check to see if file.tar exists now...  In any case why don't you just double click on the file?12:21
grawityunik_: Also, if you're going to untar it later, you don't need to bunzip - just tar xvf file.tar.bz212:21
hxQuestion, I can redistribute ubuntu with apps ready? I mean the most common stuff that user have to install?12:21
peerlessxstasi: i am trying to add a module in it to boot my qemu12:21
xstasipeerless, then tell mkinitrd to add it12:22
jrib!remaster | hx12:22
ubottuhx: Interested in remastering the Ubuntu !live CD? See: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization or use tools such as http://uck.sourceforge.net/ or http://linux.dell.com/wiki/index.php/DRU_Disc_Remastering_Utility12:22
s3r3n1t7unik_, in general most commands don't say much unless told to do so.\12:22
bluenzo^nixI dont know what I did. xchat doesnt work on my other account, I get an error, Something about "There was an error" and something about "bindings" and "configuration"12:22
hxjrib i know that remaster is the tool12:22
xstasia few years back, it was like /etc/mkinitrd/modules12:22
Johnngraingert: This is my Wifi device graingert : Ethernet controller: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL-8185 IEEE 802.11a/b/g Wireless LAN Controller12:22
xstasipoke around there12:22
hxIm asking if it is ILLEGAL!?12:22
xstasibluenzo^nix, hmm...12:22
peerlessxstasi: Cant i mount and add files ?12:22
hxfor example, nvidia drivers ready, mp3 plugins ready?12:22
grawityhx: Why would modifying a part of Linux be illegal?12:22
jribhx: ask a lawyer for legal advice12:22
yusuoalright guys im having trouble with samba sharing everytime i try and connect via a windows pc it says connection refused, but i can see the machine and ping it with no probs12:22
xstasipeerless, no, you can tell mkinitrd to include a certain module into its output files, and then launch mkinitrd12:22
dr_willishx depends on what you include.  some of those things are legally prohibited from being redistriobuted.12:22
unik_i cant even excecute command after that and thats seem strage to me (not very familiar also)12:22
hxjrib, it is illegal right? thats why ubuntu doesnt ship with then12:23
dr_willishx:   thats why they are often not included in  the big disrtos.12:23
jribit also depends on the laws in his country12:23
bluenzo"xchat There was an error loading key bindings configuration"12:23
jribunik_: well then the command is still working12:23
graingertJohnn-> should work in >gutsy12:23
dr_willishx:  ubuntu takes a very 'high' ground approach and tries to not  infringe on anything.  other disrtos include the stuff and get away with it.12:23
xstasibluenzo, funny...12:23
erUSULhx: distribute the nvidia kernel alongside with the kernel braks the gpl license the kernel uses12:23
erUSULhx: with mp3 the probelm is royalties12:24
hxBecause it is propietary12:24
gearsecondwhat should i do so that i can pay the you tube windows12:24
hxbut for example12:24
olleoramahello, updated to 8.10 today, and suddenly gnash was my default flashplayer, how do I choose adobe flash as default?12:24
bluenzoxstasi, whats that mean? :S12:24
hxapplication that are in standard repos like programming ones.12:24
erUSULgearsecond: install the ubuntu-restricted-extras packages12:24
Johnngraingert: gutsy, whats that ?12:24
hxexample, monodevelop?12:24
jribolleorama: click on the lego on the bottom right of the firefox window when you are on a page using flash12:24
xstasibluenzo, i have no clue.. but *just by guessing*, did you chown it?12:25
graingertJohnn-> version of ubuntu12:25
bluenzochown it? no12:25
xstasisudo chown -R bluenzo /home/bluenzo/.xchat212:25
graingertJohnn-> seems like you need the rtl8185 driver12:25
JmzBBL - Showering, Making myself smell gewd.12:25
erUSULhx: there is no problem with monodevelop afaics but ianal12:25
graingertJohnn-> can you modprobe that?12:25
olleoramajrib, I don't get the lego, I have flashblock installed, so I only get a flash-logo12:26
graingertJohnn-> http://www.realtek.com.tw/downloads/downloadsView.aspx?Langid=1&PNid=1&PFid=1&Level=6&Conn=5&DownTypeID=3&GetDown=false&Downloads=true12:26
hxIf im right, i can redistribute it with apps that are gpl licensed right?12:26
bluenzoi think that worked xstasi what did that do?12:26
jribolleorama: then purge whatever you don't want and keep adobe12:26
unik_thnx all, anything its ok, a just was harry :p12:26
erUSULhx: or bsd or perl artistic or mitx etc...12:26
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lillociao a tutti12:26
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)12:26
mandaris there any software for ubuntu like we have dc++ in windows?12:27
bluenzo^nixxstasi, worked :)12:27
mashmangrawity if install wine and i have a cd of my modem it is posible that i can use my dial connection because ubuntu has no support for modem like i read on the forum ?12:27
xstasibluenzo^nix, nice :)12:27
bluenzo^nixi gtg to bed xstasi thanks12:27
peerlessxstasi: thanks ..I am able to look at the file now12:27
xstasinp there12:27
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network). If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »12:27
grawitymashman: I don't think so... drivers need much more than normal programs.12:27
peerlesscat /boot/initrd.img-`uname -r` | gzip -d | cpio -i12:27
peerlessthats the command i used12:27
olleoramajrib, it seems I have a lot of other stuff that are dependent of flash12:27
olleoramauh, gnash I mean12:28
jribolleorama: pastebin12:28
Johnngraingert: which one of the drivers should i install ?12:28
grawitymandar: Transmission and Deluge for BitTorrent, LinuxDC++ for DC, I think.12:28
xstasiolleorama, ls /etc/alternatives/*flash*12:29
xstasiand update-alternatives --config {each of those}12:29
xstasiand make sure they all point to the adobe thingy12:29
gearsecondwhat is the Terminal?12:29
xstasigearsecond, applications -> accessories -> terminal12:29
graingertJohnn-> the rtl8185 one12:30
graingertJohnn-> maybe a modprobe ing it?12:30
erUSUL!p2p | mandar12:30
ubottumandar: Peer-to-peer filesharing clients are available for several networks/protocols, including !BitTorrent, !Gnutella, !eDonkey, !DirectConnect, !SoulSeek - Multi-protocol engines include !MLDonkey and !giFT - See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/P2PFileSharing for general information12:30
peerlesshttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/CustomizeLiveInitrd had the solution for me12:30
Johnngraingert: what does that mean :/ ?12:30
erUSUL!directconnect | mandar12:30
ubottumandar: Direct Connect clients: linuxdcpp, dcgui (GTK), Valknut, dc-qt (Qt), rccp (terminal-based) - See also !P2P12:30
xstasiJohnn, modprobe is a command you have to run as root on a terminal, it serves to see if a module works by loading it12:31
graingertJohnn-> or perhaps r818x?12:31
xstasi(module = driver)12:31
olleoramajrib, xstasi, http://pastebin.com/m48a2c3fc12:31
=== Phall1c is now known as RRockon
RRockonThanks a lot for the help btw!12:32
Johnnxstasi:  hm okay, i see.12:32
xstasiolleorama, nice, sudo update-alternatives --config firefox-flashplugin12:32
Johnngraingert:  hm. okay ill try to search for them on the link.12:32
xstasiand to be sure, do the same with all the other entries12:32
* RRockon does not recall who helped, but there you go :)12:32
graingertJohnn-> it should work fine in the latest ubuntu12:32
graingertJohnn-> as the rtl8185 driver had been unblacklisted12:33
KimiMy frnd's computer has C D and F full , but not E ..... 10 g left in E// if i choose "resize and use freeed spce" will ubuntu go with DRIVE E ?12:33
ikoniaKimi: no12:33
ikoniaKimi: it will resize the partitions you tell it to and put it in it's own partition12:33
Kimiikonia then only C wheere xp is installed ?12:33
olleoramathx xstasi12:34
ikoniaKimi: no12:34
ikoniaKimi: it will create it's OWN partition12:34
ubuntistasxstasia virtualbox too slow dude because i have 512mb12:34
ubuntistasof ram12:34
graingertJohnn-> here is a guide: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=56441912:34
xstasithat sucks mate12:34
Kimiikonia,  i mean,. it will cut :P only C and install in its own partiton12:34
olleoramaxstasi, strange thing is I had a libflashplugin.so in ~/.mozilla/plugins all the time12:34
Johnngraingert:  okay so itry wo download the Windows XP/2000 driver under r818x , right ?12:34
ikoniaKimi: it will resize what you tell it to resize12:34
xstasiolleorama, not that strange12:35
graingertJohnn-> no, but close enough12:35
xstasithe alternatives system is used for that purpose - avoiding conflicts12:35
Johnngraingert:  then what do you mean :) ?12:35
Kimiikonia. i have installed in other frnd's computers... (5 - 6 times) but i didnt tell it anything..... instead  i choose a dragger and pulled side to side and gave 50 % to ubuntu ... thats all.. i didnot tell it the drive C or D or whatever12:35
olleoramaxstasi, still refers that gnash is my default flashplayer, I will purge it now12:35
ikoniaKimi: and thats what you'll get on this time12:36
xstasiolleorama, that's a good plan too.12:36
ikoniaKimi: it will over you a menu to shrink what you want to shrink12:36
Kimiikonia, so can i choose E ? then how ?12:36
Kimii mean, from where to choose E ?12:36
ikoniaKimi: when you select "manual" you can resize what you want12:36
Kimiikonia, forgive my english if you find mistakes and cant understand12:37
Kimiikonia ok12:37
xstasiKimi, unfortunately you can't be explained what the mat*cough* partition manager is, you'll have to find out by yourself12:37
Kimiis doing "manual" safe : ?  :P :P because i have never done it12:37
Johnngraingert:  ohh you mean i need to download the "Linux driver for kernel 2.6.22" right :D ?12:37
MenZaManual is safe, as long as you're careful when you do it, Kimi12:37
xstasiKimi, if you know what you are doing it is12:37
ubuntistasxstasi how can i delete the iso file i created?12:37
ikoniaKimi: no more / less safe than the person controlling it12:37
xstasiKimi, it's normally safer to let him do everything12:37
graingertJohnn-> no12:38
Kimiwhat is "him" mean here /12:38
graingertJohnn-> use the windows one, blacklist the linux one, and get ndiswrapper12:38
Kimixstasi, what is "him" ,mean here >?12:38
xstasiubuntistas, it's not an iso, but go on the virtualbox disk manager and erase it12:38
olleoramaxstasi, ok now everything works12:38
ubuntistasi erased it12:38
Johnngraingert: which windows one ? and i got the ndiswrapper :)12:38
xstasiKimi, i'm sorry, on my native language we don't have a "it".. i was refering to the installer :)12:38
mandaris borgchat available for ubuntu??12:38
Kimixstasi,  Ok :O12:38
gearsecondwhat should i do to install beryl?12:38
ikoniamandar: search the repository12:39
ikoniagearsecond: beryl is a dead project, compizfusion replaced it12:39
xstasigearsecond, not installing it, if you want a suggestion12:39
ikoniagearsecond: compiz fushion is installed on all ubuntu machine 7.10 or later by default12:39
Kimiikonia can you give me link which teach me "manual" ?12:39
ikoniaKimi: no12:39
xstasigearsecond, the reason ikonia said12:39
Johnngraingert: then i only can see i should download this one "UI Package and driver (support Win98WinMEWin2KWinXPVista) " if you dont mean that, then i really dont know :o12:39
Kimiikonia thanks :-|12:39
crischanhi, i am running a 9.04 system (fresh install). there are four virtual desktops (compiz running) and I see that there is a way to switch desktops using the mouse/touchpad. but i don't understand how it works... does someone know?12:39
ikonia!jaunty > crischan12:39
ubottucrischan, please see my private message12:39
gearsecondso i must install compizfusion an not beyl right?12:40
Kimithen , from where do i find steps to do "manual" ?12:40
xstasiKimi, it's not like you have to learn how to use the manual partitioner12:40
ikoniagearsecond: it's already installed12:40
ubuntistasi erased it xstasi but nothing i have the same memory12:40
xstasibut instead, how partitions work and all that12:40
gearsecondaps xD12:40
Kimixstasi,  ? ! !12:40
xstasiubuntistas, erase your virtualbox folder - then you're sure12:40
gearsecondan what shold i do to use the virtual desktop of the cube?12:40
xstasigearsecond, you don't have to install it - it's there12:40
ikonia!commpi > gearsecond12:40
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about commpi12:40
ikonia!com[oz > gearsecond12:40
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about com[oz12:40
Peteinhttp://codepad.org/wxHR2f3l my setup stucks at Deleting temporary files..what can i do?12:40
xstasisystem -> preferences -> appearance -> visual effects12:40
ikonia!compiz > gearsecond12:40
ubottugearsecond, please see my private message12:40
ubuntistasxstasi too slow for me virtualbox finally12:40
xstasithen customize with ccsm12:41
Lou_Why am I getting all these segfaults in gnome apps?  http://paste.ubuntu.com/139474/  Note that xchat-gnome crashes upon startup, but plain xchat works fine; I'm using it to chat with you now. Also, nautilus only crashes (but crashes every time) when reading the home directory, but crashes for all users.12:41
Kimi!compiz > Kimi12:41
ubottuKimi, please see my private message12:41
ubuntistaswhere can i find virtualbox folder?12:41
ssscrudddyHi, im new to ubuntu, I have installed it on 1 machine succesfully. I cannot get the graphics drivers to work on a 2nd machine. The card i think is a geforce fx5600. System/admin/hardware drivers reports that I need to activate Nvidia version 173. when I press activate the download box stays at 0% for a few seconds then dissappears without downloading anything. any help would be appreciated. I currently only have the option to use 2d graphics, & cannot get12:41
xstasiubuntistas, should be in your home12:41
sobersabrehi. I am having openoffice.org problems.12:41
sobersabrethe office apps show the splash screen and then they are printing "floating point exception"12:41
ubuntistasxstasi no12:42
sobersabrehere's the strace of this execution:12:42
Peteinhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/139480/ why does it stuck there?12:42
xstasiubuntistas, check in virtualbox, only you can know where you created the hd image12:42
xstasisobersabre, maybe you should ask in openoffice's channel...12:43
ubuntistasi deleted virtualbox12:43
ikoniasobersabre: what version of ubuntu is this12:43
Kimiikonia i read this from !compiz.. is this free ? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LookingGlass12:43
ikoniasobersabre: lots of missing files12:43
xstasiubuntistas, sucks mate..12:43
ikoniaKimi: is it free ??12:43
ikoniaKimi: what are you talking about12:43
xstasiubuntistas, try on a terminal: rm -rf VirtualBox12:43
Kimifree = free to use (no cost)12:43
ikoniaKimi: how about reading12:44
Lou_ikonia, thanks for the help with adding a new user; thanks to you I was able to solve the problem.12:44
ubuntistasnothing xstasi12:44
ikoniaKimi: rather than asking everything12:44
gearsecondwhat is this virtual box?12:44
Kimiwhat is reading mean here ?12:44
linxehis there an easy way to get a matrox g450 working in Ubuntu 8.10 ?12:44
ikoniaLou_: ahh no problem, glad your working12:44
xstasigearsecond, ever used vmware?12:44
Kimii mean, its not mentioned in that page.. whether its free or not12:44
ikoniaKimi: it means "read" as in read documentation/information12:44
xstasigearsecond, it's a virtual machine emulator12:44
ikoniaKimi: read "other" pages12:44
Kimi!pastebin > kimi12:45
ubottuKimi, please see my private message12:45
ikoniaKimi: it's a development project from sun - it's free and I strongly advice you to not try to use it12:45
grokenhow can i recursively copy all files in /some/folder but exclude /some/folder/exclude12:45
Kimito not ?? ! ok i wont try it then X-)12:45
ubuntistasnothing xstasi12:46
xstasii'm afraid i don't know how to help you then12:46
Kimiikona i got this : http://paste.ubuntu.com/139484/12:46
Kimiikonia i got this : http://paste.ubuntu.com/139484/12:46
ikoniaKimi: i've just told you to not try it - and you're trying it12:46
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=== Snicks|eat is now known as Snicks|afk
ikoniaKimi: you're own your own, it's VERY development12:46
Kimiikonia as you said to me, i am NOT trying it12:47
ikonia!away > Snicks|afk12:47
ubottuSnicks|afk, please see my private message12:47
ikoniaKimi: you're trying to install it12:47
Kimino no.. i did it when i asked whether its free or not12:47
=== kabtoffe_ is now known as kabtoffe
ikoniaKimi: so why are you showing me that pastebin then ?12:47
xstasithat lg3d is heavy...12:47
xstasi139MB of stuff to download :(12:47
Petein http://paste.ubuntu.com/139480/ why does it stuck there?12:48
dhruvasagarHey there people12:48
Kimiikonia because in that ubuntu wiki page.... its stated that its in repos  but it cant install from cli12:48
dhruvasagarHey can anyone please tell me the name of the desktop effects app for gnome12:48
xstasiPetein, install java the right way12:48
dhruvasagarikonia: hey!12:48
ssscrudddycan I get some help with nvidia graphics driver please12:48
xstasiwhich is, "sun-java5-jre" package i think12:48
ikoniaKimi: it can - you just didn't read the info12:48
Peteinxstasi: how?12:48
ikoniadhruvasagar: hey.12:48
zirodaydhruvasagar: compiz?12:48
dhruvasagarssscrudddy: hey, what seems to be your problem?12:48
ssscrudddyHi, im new to ubuntu, I have installed it on 1 machine succesfully. I cannot get the graphics drivers to work on a 2nd machine. The card i think is a geforce fx5600. System/admin/hardware drivers reports that I need to activate Nvidia version 173. when I press activate the download box stays at 0% for a few seconds then dissappears without downloading anything. any help would be appreciated. I currently only have the option to use 2d graphics, & cannot get12:48
dhruvasagarziroday: yes what is the package name?12:48
zirodaydhruvasagar: or the configuration utility?12:48
Kimiikonia ok i am not @ it anymore :P12:48
zirodaydhruvasagar: the package name is compiz12:49
xstasissscrudddy, is that computer connected to internet?12:49
dhruvasagarziroday: which is the one which allows to configure all the effects12:49
ziroday!ccsm | dhruvasagar12:49
ubottudhruvasagar: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz-fusion12:49
ssscrudddyyes its ion the net12:49
xstasiikonia, do you think my computer will explode in pieces, blinding me with sharp glass fragments from my exploded monitor, if i try that lg3d thing?12:49
Peteinxstasi: i want j2EE not j2se12:50
ward-where does cron send its messages standard?12:50
ikoniaxstasi: no, it's just a development product that uses java a lot, it takes a bit of effort to setup well, and it is quite unstable12:50
ikoniaxstasi: with effort it works fine12:50
xstasiPetein, hmm12:50
xstasithen install java-package12:50
dhruvasagarssscrudddy: it is usually better to install the nvidia drivers from the synaptic manager12:50
xstasiand let it make an ubuntu .deb from the sun installer12:50
gearsecondi want to install compiz12:50
ikoniagearsecond: it's already installed12:50
sobersabreI am having openoffice.org problems. is this something nobody has, or what ?12:50
ikoniagearsecond: you have been told 3 times12:50
xstasiikonia, i assume you tried it then - what you mean "effort"?12:50
sobersabreI didn't do anything special to the system.12:51
dhruvasagarssscrudddy: I usually always face similar problem if I try to install it from the hardware section12:51
gearsecondbut how to activate that12:51
dhruvasagarziroday: thanks buddy!12:51
xstasisobersabre, my OOo works just fine, maybe you have to ask on openoffice chat12:51
ikoniaxstasi: used it many time, intergrating it as your X desktop can be a pain, the JVM it wants to use is quite fussy etc etc. just takes effort/time to set it up properly12:51
bazhang!ccsm > gearsecond12:51
ubottugearsecond, please see my private message12:51
sobersabreI did nobody there has any clues.12:51
bazhanggearsecond, read the links being given you please12:51
xstasiikonia, doesn't that just add a session to the gdm thingy and you run from that? or i'm too much of a positive dreamer?12:52
sobersabrexstasi: which ooo and which ubuntu are you using ?12:52
gimpscapehow can I disable default "work offline" behaviour in firefox?12:52
dhruvasagarikonia: I reinstalled ubuntu...but I didn't lose any data I reselected my root as the root again and installed without formatting! it worked, I onlt had to install a few softwares again but all the data is still there!!12:52
ward-where does cron send its messages standard?12:52
xstasisobersabre, 8.1012:52
ikoniaxstasi: nah, not that easy, try it12:52
xstasiikonia, i am, just asking while it downloads :P12:52
ikoniadhruvasagar: why are you telling me this ?12:52
dhruvasagarikonia: hmmm perhaps you don't remember me...12:52
ikoniaxstasi: ahh, if you are aware of how X works - it's quite straight forward12:52
ikoniadhruvasagar: sorry , no12:52
xstasiikonia, come on, don't be that mysterious12:52
dhruvasagarikonia: its alright :), I thought you forgot my problem yesterday :D12:53
xstasior are you trying not to deprive me of all the fun? :P12:53
ikoniaxstasi: nothing mysterious about it12:53
dhruvasagarikonia: my gdm was kindof failing and I was banging my head against the logs only to find no errors12:53
ikoniadhruvasagar: ooh yes, I remember12:53
dhruvasagarikonia: :)12:53
ssscrudddythank you, re graphcis drivers, I shall try the synaptic thing. hopefully I wont be back. fwiw I used the same proccess on the 1st machine & it worked fine12:54
dhruvasagargimpscape: in the menu File-> you will find the work offline checkbox, you can deselect it when you need to in case firefox enables it for some reason on its own12:54
|PaperTiger|Is there any way to get a program to default open in a certian desktop window?12:54
dhruvasagarssscrudddy: you just install the drivers from synaptic and then enable them from the hardware section, that should work just fine12:55
dhruvasagarssscrudddy: that is how I do...12:55
ssscrudddyok thanks, im trying it now12:55
dhruvasagar|PaperTiger|: desktop window? do you mean a workspace?12:55
ward-i'm really having a lot of trouble: where does ubuntu's cron send its messages to, please12:57
|PaperTiger|dhruvasagar: Yeah, probably.12:57
ward-this IS the ubuntu channel right?12:57
ward-i have not even received a answer here for the last 48 hours12:57
|PaperTiger|dhruvasagar: Multiple desktops. And I want a program to open to one of them by default. For example Pidgin opening in desktop/workspace 4 by default12:57
dhruvasagar|PaperTiger|: this should help you perhaps http://live.gnome.org/DevilsPie12:58
dhruvasagarward-: yes it is :)12:59
dhruvasagarward-: oh I have been here only for the last 5 minutes12:59
dhruvasagarward-: sometimes it happens, you need to ask your question again sometimes...12:59
dhruvasagarward-: and yet it isn't always that people online at that moment know the solution to your problem13:00
qwdqwdward-, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CronHowto13:00
ward-dhruvasagar, i've been here since yesterday.... lol13:00
dhruvasagarward-: has happened to me too, but you can ask again13:00
ward-qwdqwd, thanx ill check it13:00
|PaperTiger|Sorry, crashed13:00
ward-dhruvasagar, am i not doing that?13:00
qwdqwdthat aint my nick!13:00
dhruvasagar|PaperTiger|: what crashed?13:00
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dhruvasagarward-: perhaps you are, I didn't realize that :)13:01
|PaperTiger|<dhruvasagar> System. Tried to do something with prop. drivers and it didn't like it.13:01
dhruvasagar|PaperTiger|: which drivers may I ask? nvidia?13:01
|PaperTiger|dhruvasagar, I'm using KDE btw13:01
|PaperTiger|dhruvasagar, ATi13:01
dhruvasagar|PaperTiger|: oh, ok, I am not a KDE fan btw ;)13:02
|PaperTiger|dhruvasagar, fair enough. I like it 'cos it's shiny :P13:02
ward-Dreamglider, so i need to give it every path of files i need?13:02
ward-like this: PATH=/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin13:02
dhruvasagar|PaperTiger|: yep prop drivers cause problems often, I have found synaptic the best choice while dealing with them, any other medium doesn't always quite work13:02
|PaperTiger|dhruvasagar, I had GNOME for a while before, but when I decided to go for a full Linux installation, I wanted something really pretty :P13:02
|PaperTiger|Adept is the Synaptic quiv on Kubuntu ;)13:03
|PaperTiger|dhruvasagar, but both work the same way :)13:03
dhruvasagar|PaperTiger|: well I don't know why, but I just like GNOME better...the look and feel that is13:03
dhruvasagar|PaperTiger|: absolutely :)13:03
|PaperTiger|dhruvasagar, fair enough. I'll have to google my question. As for prop drives, any suggestions?13:04
dhruvasagar|PaperTiger|: oh now I know13:04
|PaperTiger|dhruvasagar, I know it's fglrx drivers I need? Search on pkgmgr?13:04
gearsecondwhere can i download emssenger for my xubuntu from?13:04
what_ifadobe acroread is not in synaptic... did it get removed?13:04
dhruvasagar|PaperTiger|: yes I would suggest that13:04
|PaperTiger|dhruvasagar, okay. Thanks :)13:04
what_ifwhat is the repository that holds Adobe Acrobat?13:04
dhruvasagar|PaperTiger|: but you should just also check out ubuntu's wiki for ATI driver installation that should help you avoid putfalls13:04
jtajiwhat_if: it's in the medibuntu repository13:05
dhruvasagar|PaperTiger|: pitfalls*13:05
|PaperTiger|dhruvasagar, I'll do a backup beforehand though... Last time I played around with it, system ran really slowly.13:05
what_ifjtaji: mediabuntu... got it13:05
dhruvasagar|PaperTiger|: how do you backup?13:05
jtaji!medibuntu | what_if13:05
ubottuwhat_if: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org13:05
dhruvasagarwhat_if: why do you need acrobat?13:05
icerootwhat_if: medibuntu13:05
|PaperTiger|dhruvasagar, that's how I did it last time, but missed ONE step at the end and it began to run REALLY slow. So I re-installed Kubuntu.13:05
|PaperTiger|dhruvasagar, Download a program that does backups :)13:05
PsuedoWhat's the release date for Ubuntu 9.0413:06
ubuntistasi just deleted virtualbox and i have the same memory any clue?13:06
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about mediabuntu13:06
ubottumedibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org13:06
icerootPsuedo: 9.0413:06
dhruvasagar|PaperTiger|: oh, I will look for one then :)13:06
Psuedoiceroot, yes but the exact date?13:06
jtajiPsuedo: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyReleaseSchedule13:06
ubuntistasany clue how can i delete the virtual machine i created?13:06
|PaperTiger|dhruvasagar, don't know of any outstanding ones yet, though.13:06
Psuedojtaji: Thx, loading now13:06
|PaperTiger|dhruvasagar, anyway, I'm going to log back on on my main PC now... :) Had to jump on parents machine while I rebooted my one :P13:06
|PaperTiger|dhruvasagar, talk in a sec =]13:07
dhruvasagar|PaperTiger|: hmmm well that's alright, 2 days back my ubuntu crashed on me...just couldn't fix the xserver...and there weren't any helpful errors in the logs either13:07
Psuedo April 23rd? That's ages away! Could I keep my same GRUB menu.lst yet completely remove the Ext3 partition?13:08
dhruvasagarpeople, which is the best CD/DVD burning app for gnome in ubuntu?13:08
icerootdhruvasagar: k3b (yes its kde-app but its the best imo)13:08
karen|how do i install a theme that I have downloaded?13:08
ubottuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.13:08
dhruvasagarPsuedo: I tried using it to copy DVD, but after it copied one dvd it just didn't ask for the blank one and kind of just hanged....13:09
|PaperTiger|And I'm back :)13:09
gearsecondive the same question as karen13:09
ubottuFind your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy13:09
|PaperTiger|Konversation is much nicer than mIRC13:09
dhruvasagarPsuedo: perhaps I did something wrong...also I noticed on their home page, their latest version is something like 2.26, while the one built-in is 0.8..13:09
s3r3n1t7!changethemes | gearsecond and karen|13:09
ubottugearsecond and karen|: To change gnome themes: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy.  Kubuntu themes: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CustomizeKubuntu. Xubuntu users should /msg ubottu xfce-themes13:09
dhruvasagar|PaperTiger|: I like chatzilla :)13:10
=== MrNaz` is now known as MrNaz
iceroot|PaperTiger|: pidgin also13:10
Psuedodhuruvasagar: update13:10
ubuntistasi just deleted virtualbox and i have the same memory, any clue how can i delete the virtual machine i created?13:10
dhruvasagarPsuedo: I did update...I believe I have the latest version from the reps13:10
|PaperTiger|dhruvasagar, konversation is what I use for IRC and iceroot, I use Pidgin for MSN13:10
Psuedojaunty :D13:10
karen|thanks :)13:10
dhruvasagar|PaperTiger|: iceroot?13:10
iceroot|PaperTiger|: i am using for icq and irc, irssi13:11
|PaperTiger|dhruvasagar, someone else in chat :)13:11
dhruvasagarPsuedo: well 3 days back I added jaunty reps to my sources list and updated a few softwares...ubuntu crashed13:11
icerootdhruvasagar: ?13:11
|PaperTiger|iceroot, I just used whatever I could find, and Konversation seemed a good choice :)13:11
chocolateandminthi all, this may sound crazy, but i have an 4gbs mp4 with a small tft, an old pendrive and a infrared mouse, do you think i can use ubuntu embedded there?13:12
iceroot|PaperTiger|: yes its ok but irssi + screen = bnc13:12
dhruvasagariceroot: sry for that, I though |PaperTiger| mentioned iceroot as something similar to IRC that I didn't know about so I asked ... :)13:12
icerootdhruvasagar: ok :)13:12
|PaperTiger|dhruvasagar & iceroot: Sorry to confuse you both =)13:12
dhruvasagariceroot: what's bnc?13:12
grawityiceroot: Correction: irssi + screen + irssiproxy = bnc13:13
|PaperTiger|iceroot I was going to ask that too :P13:13
icerootdhruvasagar: bouncer13:13
icerootgrawity: nope. irssi + screen + ssh13:13
grawitydhruvasagar: bnc is an abbrev. for bouncer - a program that relays your IRC connection so that you can appear online 24/7.13:13
|PaperTiger|I'll just stick to Konversation =)13:13
grawityiceroot: You forgot irssiproxy.13:13
icerootgrawity: no13:13
skittleshello, does anyone know how to change the terminal's default font to fixedsys (ctrl+alt+f1), not gdm13:13
dhruvasagargrawity: hmm thanks for that info, that sounds cool...13:13
skittlesi'm on ubuntu 8.04, so terminal uses the monospace font13:14
dhruvasagarskittles: just do edit->profile preferences13:14
karen|hmm when i try to unpack the theme in the theme folder (manually, not terminal b/c i'm still learning) it says i dont have permission13:14
chocolateandmintno way?13:14
skittlesoh no no, not that terminal13:14
grawityiceroot: Why not?13:14
skittleswhen you display the command line interface13:15
icerootgrawity: why needing irssi-proxy for a bouncer?13:15
rraj_becould any one know is there any way to install Eye Of Gnome in windoes?13:15
dhruvasagarskittles: your talking about gnome-terminal right?13:15
ward-Dreamglider, sorry that is of no help since ubuntu just kills the mailing part of cron13:15
=== GUI is now known as Guest72114
grawityiceroot: irssiproxy lets you use any other IRC client if you don't want to use irssi at the moment.13:15
ward-and nobody helps me13:15
ward-this is really really really really really bad13:16
=== Ubuntunub is now known as b419kid
dhruvasagarward-: what happened?13:16
ward-do i REALLY need to reinatall another OS over this crap???13:16
dhruvasagarward-: I really don't knw what your problem is13:16
icerootgrawity: you dont need another ircclient, you have ssh so you are using irssi on the server13:16
nickUK``Hi, Can anyone tell me how13:16
idefinei've built firefox from source, how can I replace the firefox already on my ubuntu 8.10 machine?13:16
ward-dhruvasagar, i cannot find where cron messages go to13:16
ackbahrI've got troubles serving VNC from a Ubuntu 8.10 machine.... Can someone help me?13:16
rraj_beward-:  please aviod these kindd of comments13:16
b419kidOn ubuntu how can i test if my mouses scroll click works?13:16
nickUK``Hi, Can anyone tell me how i can disable the screen from turning off after 5-10 Minutes13:16
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ward-rraj_be, not for you13:16
grawityiceroot: what if I want to use Pidgin or Xchat when I'm at home, but irssi everywhere else?13:16
skittlesi'm talking about the terminal that comes up when you press ctrl+alt+f113:16
nickUK``Hi, Can anyone tell me how i can disable the screen from turning off after 5-10 Minutes13:16
icerootgrawity: ssh!13:16
rraj_beits not for me or other13:16
b419kidOn ubuntu how can i test if my mouses scroll click works?13:16
ward-rraj_be, yet you are the only one asking13:17
rraj_beavoid these kind of comments ward13:17
icerootgrawity: you dont need a gui for chatting13:17
dhruvasagarskittles: hmmm ok now I understand...I am not sure how to change font for that...13:17
icerootgrawity: irssi is an irc-client13:17
grawityiceroot: And what if I *want* one?13:17
grawityiceroot: and I know what's irssi, I *am* using it at the moment.13:17
dhruvasagarI really think chatzilla is probably the best13:17
grawityiceroot: (without screen, but it's still irssi over ssh)13:17
skittlesoh ok, that's fine. thank you for your help though.13:17
icerootgrawity: so why are you saying yu need irssiproxy to have a bnc? i have said that you only need irssi + screen + ssh for bnc13:18
b419kidAnyone here free to answer a question?13:18
dhruvasagarward-: what is your problem?13:18
iceroot!ask | b419kid13:18
ubottub419kid: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)13:18
b419kidAnyone here free to answer a question?13:18
ward-dhruvasagar, i allreday replied to that a few times13:18
skittles8.10 has the fixedsys font, but not 8.04 for some odd reason13:18
b419kidOn ubuntu how can i test if my mouses scroll click works?13:18
ward-dhruvasagar, the problem is i do not know where ubuntu's cron messages go to13:18
ward-dhruvasagar, the problem is i do not know where ubuntu's cron messages go to13:18
erUSULb419kid: just highluight something in terminal then middle click and see if it pastes13:19
icerootb419kid: just using it to test?13:19
ward-they go to /dev/null13:20
dhruvasagarward-: they go the users tty traditionally13:20
ward-dhruvasagar, ah googel said /dev/null13:20
dhruvasagarward-: but perhaps you can create a specific cron to update a log file or something13:20
b419kidiceroot: well i want to use it a click in a program but when i did that it didn't work13:20
dudetteI am user "a" on my host system. And I want to send a file to user "b"'s home directory on the guest system.  scp testtransfer.txt  b@hostip:testtransfer is giving me a permission denied error. after i enter the correct password don't I become user b automatically and get his access permissions?13:21
s3r3n1t7ward-, it's all about options. Syslog holds the messages according to the man page.13:21
b419kiderUSUL: that button is supposed to paste?13:21
ward-s3r3n1t7, aaaaaaaah ok thanx13:21
erUSULb419kid: in xwindows yes13:21
b419kiderUSUL: but in uubntu13:22
b419kiderUSUL: ooh it worked... ok tks13:23
b419kiderUSUL: i had no idea what it was supposed to do13:23
erUSULb419kid: no problem. xwindow is the graphic system used un linux/unix/ubuntu13:23
=== Guest72114 is now known as GUI
Lou_Any idea what is causing these segfaults: http://paste.ubuntu.com/139474/   The problem seems to only be with gnome apps.13:24
erUSULb419kid: well middle click on the title bar of your windows and see what happens13:24
FreakazoHi all, is there a way to restore all the network related settings and files that I edited(files related to configuring a IP masquarading etc.)13:24
FreakazoII'm running from a live CD (8.10)13:24
FreakazoThe connection is through a mobile phone (ppp0 is the device name I think) if that helps13:24
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sky_1hi how i can change my hostname permanently ?13:25
dolandrohello I have one question who know how to solve problem with DCOP server13:25
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s3r3n1t7!hostname | sky_113:25
ubottusky_1: Use hostname <somehostname> to set the hostname, or to do it permanently: edit /etc/hostname  and /etc/hosts . WARNING! Make sure that your current hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly. Alternatively, use the gui at System > Administration > Networking on the "General" tab13:25
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sky_1thank you13:26
dhruvasagarnoxer: Hey13:26
remuhey guys, im trying to remove tspc from my computer, and im running into a problem....it wont uninstall, heres the output: http://paste.ubuntu.com/139509/13:26
noxeranyone here that knows about rpc in lan?13:26
voice5sur5how much time your ubuntu take to fully boot13:26
noxer20 secs13:27
|PaperTiger|voice5sur5, mine took less than three minutes from cold boot to load MSN13:27
sky_1i edited it in /etc/hostname ? i must restart X or PC now ?13:27
s3r3n1t7sky_1, pc13:27
noxeranyone here that knows about remote desktop in LAN?13:28
AntiNekoHey everyone. Trying to install a menu bar requiring Network-Manager-Dev but it's now giving me an error during make saying stuff about "Network Status Agent"13:28
qedx_anyone use synergy with jaunty?13:28
Taushow do i enable SPDIF? snd card is working with analog - but i need spdif passthrough13:28
bazhangqedx_, #ubuntu+1 for that13:28
dhruvasagarremu: did you try to stop the service manually?13:28
remuyes i did13:29
erUSUL!vnc | noxer13:29
ubottunoxer: VNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX13:29
icerootvoice5sur5: 41 seconds13:29
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dhruvasagarremu: and did you succeed?13:29
remudhruvasagar, that was the output when i stopped it manually, and then tried to uninstall it13:29
noxererm ... i got a special question I did not find an answer for13:29
aprilharedoes anyone know how to uninstall Adobe Air applications without uninstalling Adobe AIR?13:29
ian__Trying to install mplayer getting an error apt-get install x-window-system-dev E: not found13:30
dhruvasagarremu: the output there is of the purge command, and it says that it failed to stop the server...13:30
linxehis there an easy way to get a matrox g450 working in Ubuntu 8.10 ? all I can get is 800x60013:30
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dhruvasagarremu: did you try using synaptic instead?13:30
remudhruvasagar, no, it is a headless server that i am ssh-ing into13:30
remudhruvasagar, this is the output when i try to stop it manually first, then purge it http://paste.ubuntu.com/139513/13:31
dhruvasagarremu: hmmm, I am sorry I do not know about that13:31
AntiNeko... network status agent? XO13:31
b419kiderUSUL: nothing13:31
mashmanwhy ubuntu doesnt support any modem ?13:31
mashmanwhy ubuntu doesnt support any modem ?13:31
sky_1now i want to know how i can edit Ubuntu load screen and grub (i mean full grub and yes with usplash screen)13:31
jrib!dialup | mashman13:31
ubottumashman: You want to connect via dial-up? Read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DialupModemHowto - Also try disabling/removing KNetworkManager if KDE applications cannot connect using dial-up13:31
erUSULb419kid: ? well it clycles maximized open windows here13:32
mashmani installed ubuntu using wubi and i use 8.10 version13:32
b419kiderUSUL: yes and mouse click works... so i am happy just cant get a program to read mouse click for unknown reason13:32
dhruvasagarremu: I think the stop command hadn't completed before you started to purge the package, and the stop command failed midway while doing so for whatever reasons13:32
schnootopwhat is the best app to mount .iso files (gui)13:32
dhruvasagarmashman: it does13:32
remudhruvasagar, I see.....so should I try to stop it again, and wait for a while before I do the purge command?13:33
sky_1now i want to know how i can edit Ubuntu load screen and grub (i mean full grub and yes with usplash screen)13:33
hareldvdwhere can I get vmware-player deb package file from??13:33
dhruvasagarschnootop: check out add/remove programs, there is one there13:33
noxerI want to use my ubuntu 8.10 to remotely control a laptop in the home lan which has a broken tft display ... it is connected to a TV ... its purpose is to serve as a kind of "media player" for swf/divx/xvid streams on websites ... simply watch stuff like youtube on tv .... i want to control it from my desktop pc which runs ubuntu as i said ... and now i d like to run ubuntu on that laptop too ... do i need a server or a desktop versi13:33
noxeron for the laptop?13:33
dhruvasagarremu: I would suggest that13:33
ubottuGRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto13:33
remudhruvasagar, this is what I have:umer@server:~$ sudo /etc/init.d/tspc stop13:34
remuShutting down IPv6 tunnel: umer@server:~$13:34
remuBut I am still waiting13:34
Esvandiarynoxer: since you're going to be playing things on it (so presumably using X) anyway, i'd suggest the desktop version13:34
knoppixCan anyone help me instaling ubuntu via LAN ??13:34
aprilharedoes anyone know how to uninstall Adobe Air applications without uninstalling Adobe AIR?13:34
AntiNekoGetting error "network-status-agent.c: In function ‘init_nm_connection’" during make13:34
dhruvasagarremu: wait a lil more till you get success or failure...13:34
bazhangaprilhare, that is an adobe question; ask on their forums13:34
dhruvasagaraprilhare: even I would like to know that...:)13:35
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noxererm ... i administrate it with that vnc stuff right?13:35
dhruvasagarremu: any luck?13:35
knoppixCan samone help me instaliing ubuntu via LAN ?13:35
ultrasonichi, I cant see any files/folders on desktop, mouse clicks doesnt work on Desktop. though the two panels are working.13:35
aprilharebazhang: i suppose that applies to flash-nonfree as well eh. as well as reader. or anything else commercial ppl use on ubuntu13:35
remudhruvasagar, still waiting, no change13:36
Esvandiarynoxer: that'd probably be best, yep13:36
bazhangaprilhare, no it does not.13:36
jribultrasonic: run 'nautilus' in a shell.  What happens?13:36
bazhangaprilhare, those are in ubuntu or ubuntu-affiliated repos13:36
dhruvasagarremu: hmmmm13:36
aprilharebazhang: actually the 64 bit version of flash nonfree i'm using isn't in the repos but yeah point taken13:37
dhruvasagarI think gnomebaker is better than bresaro13:37
ultrasonicjrib: rest of applications run fine, nautilus opens the file browser as usual.13:37
knoppixCan samone help me installing ubuntu via lan ?13:38
IntrepidHello there, Ubuntu-ers. =]13:38
jribultrasonic: and can you click now?13:38
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remudhruvasagar, I know, its confusing13:38
aprilhareyay for other, more helpful people! http://flexman.info/2008/10/14/how-to-uninstall-adobe-air-application-in-ubuntu/13:38
=== Guest5215 is now known as Bryantos
ultrasonicjrib, nautilius shows folders/files in Desktop and it works, but my Desktop doesnt show any.13:39
dhruvasagarremu: yes...maybe you will have to go offline or something to forcefully stop it or something...or maybe someone with more insight should speak up, why don't you ask the problem again13:39
sadaiyappansomethings wrong with my firefox13:39
jribultrasonic: ok.  Nautilus is supposed to handle that.  What is the output of the command « gconftool-2 -g /apps/nautilus/preferences/show_desktop »?13:39
sadaiyappanwhen i open it i get just a gray screen13:39
dhruvasagarultrasonic: maybe there are no folders in your desktop13:40
fliptopknoppix:  have you read this:  https://help.ubuntu.com/8.10/installation-guide/i386/install-tftp.html  ?13:40
dhruvasagarsadaiyappan: hi, what is wrong?13:40
remudhruvasagar, what do you mean go offline?13:40
knoppixi did read samthing like that but im on knopiks live now and i have dir with install files on /media/sda5/linux13:41
knoppixand its hmm not working13:41
dhruvasagarremu: I meant that you perhaps disconnect13:41
remuhey guys, im trying to remove tspc from my computer, and im running into a problem....it wont uninstall, heres the output: http://paste.ubuntu.com/139513/13:41
remuhmmm, i might try that13:41
sadaiyappani updated13:41
ultrasonicdhruvasagar, well there are .. and i m not able to change my wallpaper too ..13:41
sadaiyappanand it said i needed to restart firefox 3.013:41
matamouHow do I know if my Ubuntu8.10 is dapper, gutsy, hardy, or intrepid? :D13:42
sadaiyappanso i restarted it, now it is just blank gray screen13:42
hareldvdwhere can I find vmware-player deb package ?13:42
zirodaymatamou: do lsb_release -a13:42
bazhangmatamou, the last13:42
odderremu: apt-get remove --purge maybe?13:42
dhruvasagarsadaiyappan: did you try to restart again? try sudo killall firefox in a terminal and then open firefox13:42
AntiNekoWhat's "network status agent"?13:42
remuodder,  samething13:42
zirodayAntiNeko: where?13:42
AntiNekoGetting error during make13:42
AntiNeko"network-status-agent.c: In function ‘init_nm_connection’:"13:42
aprilharematamou: simpler: go to System -> About Ubuntu13:42
zirodayAntiNeko: what are you making?13:43
AntiNekoUSlab menu13:43
zirodayAntiNeko: also that looks like an issue with the app, not a dependency13:43
sadaiyappanokay working now, thx13:43
AntiNekoThe program that I'm making or Network Status Agent?13:43
zirodayAntiNeko: the app you are making13:43
AntiNeko"USlab is a fork of SUSE Enterprise Desktop 10' menu"13:43
ultrasonicjrib, output "true"13:43
AntiNeko*trying another version*13:44
knoppixCan samone help me instaling ubuntu via Lan ??13:44
dhruvasagarultrasonic: hmmm why don't you check the permissions of your desktop13:44
zirodayAntiNeko: its probably best you ask for help from that respective project13:44
Bryantosmatamou, you can also found out by opening terminal, and typing "cat /etc/issue" (Just found that from a google search.)13:44
jribultrasonic: grep -i XDG_DESKTOP ~/.config/user-dirs.dirs13:44
AntiNekoAlright, thanks13:44
matrixblueIf I install Ubuntu on a portable hard drive will I be able to carry it around with me like a flash drive install?13:44
Bryantosfound = find*13:44
zirodaymatrixblue: yes13:44
zirodaymatrixblue: if you use the "Create a USB Startup Disk" utility13:45
matamouBryantos: thanks, I used that System-> About Ubuntu, seemed the simplest way13:45
rageHello. Is there a pulse equivilant to alsamixer? A ncurses volume control :-)13:45
BryantosYes Matrix, just be sure whatever computer you're using has the boot order set to boot from USB before the HD13:45
matrixblueI was thinking of doing a full install13:45
Bryantosmatamou, I know, I just thought that way was neat. ;)13:45
zirodaymatrixblue: err a full install should still work13:45
FreakazoWhen I try to connect to the Internet it fails (cannot connect) and I get the following message:13:45
Freakazo Mar 28 16:54:06 Freakosis kernel: [  125.826718] IN= OUT=ppp0 SRC= DST= LEN=60 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=64 ID=21992 DF PROTO=UDP SPT=40717 DPT=53 LEN=4013:45
matamouhehe, okay :)13:46
zirodaymatrixblue: just be careful where you stick grub13:46
Freakazodoesn anyone know what is wrong?13:46
giarcaIs normal that apt-get update failed to fetch all Translations-en_US package? I have 9.04beta but ht ebehaviour is for 8.10 too.13:46
matrixblueSo Ubuntu auto detects hardware on every boot?13:46
ultrasonicknoppix, you will need ubuntu netinstall cd first13:46
zirodaymatrixblue: yes13:46
pokey19Hello. Why do the system calls in Linux all have "__NR_" as a prefix?13:46
knoppixCan samone help me instaling Ubuntu via Lan ??13:46
knoppixultrasonic, i have it13:46
matrixbluegiarca: go into ubuntu+113:46
dhruvasagarmatrixblue: yes13:47
giarcaFreakazo, tell more. you know what it si?13:47
dhruvasagarmatrixblue: not just ubuntu, every os13:47
pokey19anyone? :|13:47
giarcayou block that ip to connect to your 5313:47
giarcathat is dns port13:47
giarcamatrixblue, I wrote is a 8.10 behaviour too13:47
ultrasonicjrib, output is XDG_DESKTOP_DIR="$HOME/Desktop"13:47
FreakazoI think that that is the IP adress that is given to my mobile broadband device (ppp0)13:47
jribultrasonic: my guess is something else is drawing your desktop then13:48
matrixblueNot so much with Windows. If I take my hard drive out and connect it to another PC I normally get a blue screen if the hardware is too different13:48
Freakazoand the second IP is the dns server they gave me13:48
giarcaI used 8.10 since 2 days ago and I hope 9.04 will solve that problem13:48
ultrasonicjrib, could compiz be the reason?13:48
jribultrasonic: try closing all nautilus instances and starting it again13:48
giarcaFreakazo, are you filtering outgoing traffic?13:49
matrixbluegiarca: the porblem may be with your connection13:49
giarcamatrixblue, no 404 error13:49
ultrasonicknoppix, ok you will need to boot through it , it will be text based installer13:49
giarcajust ignore that package13:49
knoppixultrasonic, yea but its not working13:49
giarcai tell better. apt-get just ignore that translations13:49
dhruvasagarmatrixblue: but windows also checks for all hardware components during boot, hard disk is a major drive...if that's not found it will not be able to boot...though it depends on how many hdd you have etc etc13:49
giarcahit all repo and fail all translation-en_US13:50
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ciao13:50
giarcaif I remove all package language I solve that strange behavioue13:50
dhruvasagarmatrixblue: and anyways windows sucks so it fails :D, but it does autodetect the hardware13:50
ultrasonicknoppix, were you able to connect to repository?13:50
giarcabut I don't know if I can relog :P13:50
pokey19giarca: why do the system calls in Ubuntu all have "__NR_" as a prefix?13:50
matrixbluegiarca: do you have any third party repositories?13:50
dhruvasagarin fact the BIOS does too13:50
Freakazogiarca, as far as I'm aware no. I have set up IP masquarading (for internet connection sharing) between ppp0 (the device connecting to the internet) and what I presume is a fake device; tap013:50
giarcamatrixblue, only medibuntu13:50
dhruvasagarmatrixblue: its called POST, Post On Self Test13:50
knoppixultrasonic, im unable to boot via lan :/13:50
zirodaypokey19: not sure, but wherre are you seeing this?13:51
ultrasonicjrib, wont that close all my other programs?13:51
jribultrasonic: no...13:51
guntbert!ot | pokey1913:51
ubottupokey19: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!13:51
giarcabut Translations arrive from normal main, universe, multiverse13:51
pokey19in usr/include/asm/unistd.h13:51
sadaiyappan_hi, how do i check to see if i have 32 or 64 bit processor?13:51
zirodaysadaiyappan_: what processor do you have?13:51
giarcaFreakazo, pastebin sudo iptables -L13:52
matrixblueI run 9.04 and 8.10 depending on which machine I'm on and I haven't gotten those errors13:52
matrixblueWhich language you running?13:52
sadaiyappan_Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU     T5270  @ 1.40GHz13:52
Freakazo sadaiyappan, you can use a utility like cpu-z to find out13:52
giarcamatrixblue, damn... is it possibile beacuse I'm italian using en_US?13:52
zirodaysadaiyappan_: thats 64bit13:52
ultrasonicjrib, it worked .. i killed nautilus and i got back my desktop .. thanks13:52
pokey19ubottu: sorry, what is wrong with my question? It is causing my trouble with Ubuntu, as my macros I used with other OS's in assembly do not work in Ubuntu13:52
Freakazogiarca, thanks will give that a try13:52
pokey19ubottu: got the link, thanks13:53
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)13:53
ultrasonicknoppix, no you have to boot through the cd13:53
zirodaypokey19: you are unlikely to get answers to your question here, asking in #ubuntu-offtopic might give you more luck13:53
ultrasonicknoppix, and not boot through lan13:53
pokey19ok thanks ziroday.13:53
matrixblueI'm not sure13:54
matrixbluecopy and paste the error again13:54
giarcamatrixblue, is that possible I cannot choose the language I want? LOL13:54
giarcamatrixblue, are you talking with me? paste the error? again? (i've never done)13:54
matrixblueyeah giarca13:55
knoppixCan samone help me instaling ubuntu via LAn PLSSSSS HELPPPP13:55
guntbert!who | matrixblue13:55
ubottumatrixblue: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)13:55
mike_hurleyis there a way to tell apt-get to update to the version of packages that were current on a certain date?13:55
bahadunnanyone having issues with fast-user-switch-applet lately?13:56
bahadunnit was working but now when trying to switch users the system freezes13:56
giarcamatrixblue, this is from the output of apt-get update: "Ign http://archive.canonical.com jaunty/partner Translation-en_US"13:56
=== billisnice__ is now known as billisnice
taku101Pls search "ubuntu network install" > knoppix13:57
giarcanote that is not realted to mirror, I tried main mirror but same problem13:57
ultrasonicknoppix, where was your problem .. did you boot through the cd .. and get till the step of configuring repositories?13:57
knoppixekhmm VIA LAN13:57
giarcaall repo, mirror and third parts13:57
knoppixi dont have cd in this device13:57
knoppixusb booting is imposible too13:57
matrixbluegiarca: is that space between .com and jaunty supposed to be there?13:57
giarcamatrixblue, Ign http://archive.canonical.com jaunty/partner Translation-en_US | Ign http://ubuntu.mirror.garr.it jaunty/main Translation-en_US13:58
giarcait supposed to be :)13:58
terryc'è qualcuno di italiano?13:58
bazhanggiarca, #ubuntu+1 for that13:58
ziroday!it | terry13:58
ubottuterry: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)13:58
matrixbluegiarca: are you using a desktop or laptop?13:58
terryok grazie13:58
giarcabazhang, I told this is a behaviour I had from 8.1013:59
luk411wie ghetßs13:59
bazhanggiarca, this is the wrong channel thanks.13:59
ortsvorsteher!de | luk41113:59
ubottuluk411: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.13:59
matrixbluegiarca: if a laptop try doing it from another connection, if desktop try a proxy server13:59
giarcamatrixblue, you think can be my ip?14:00
matrixbluegiarca: run sudo apt-get update again to be sure14:00
matrixbluegiarca: I'm convinced the problem is network related14:00
giarcamatrixblue, now I'll give a try to proxy way14:01
matrixblueis there an easier way to insert someone's nickname into a message other than typing it? I'm using gnome-xchat14:01
sky_1anyone know tool for setting splash image to grub ?14:02
ikoniamatrixblue: type the first few letter then hit tab14:02
ikoniasky_1: just install the image you want in the correct format and add it to the "splashimage" line in your menu.lst14:02
ikoniasky_1: the format has to be a specific size and colour depth, then compressed14:02
sky_1ikonia: it is but it doesnt work14:02
ikoniasky_1: did you make the image ?14:02
matrixblueikaros_: thanks14:03
sky_1ikonia: yes with correct values....14:03
ikoniasky_1: ok - try a ready made iamge14:03
sky_1ikonia: and correct format14:03
=== ikaros_ is now known as ikaros
sky_1what ?14:03
ikoniasky_1: install grub-splashimages packages and try one of the ready made ones14:03
ikoniasky_1: then you know if the problem is grub - or your image14:03
cachondinhello everybody14:04
matrixbluecachondin: hey14:04
sky_1ikonia: ok...you dont know about tool with GUI which can do this things ? (splash, time to boot OS, etc ? )....i had one but i dont remember the name -_-14:05
MurielGodoihi.. anyone got success using Epson TX400 under ubuntu? It is recognized, but doesn't print nothing14:05
ikoniasky_1: you need a gui to change one line in a text file ?? really ?14:05
sky_1ikonia: not but i want know which program was that :D14:05
ikoniasky_1: forget it - get your splash image working14:05
sky_1ikonia: so ok14:06
ikoniasky_1: if you need a gui to change 1 line in a text file, you shouldn't be messing with it14:06
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sky_1ikonia: but if exist gui app why not use gui app ? ;)14:06
ikoniasky_1: because you don't know the name of it14:06
ikoniasky_1: so just get on with editing the one line - rather than searching for a gui14:06
ikoniaro ?14:07
ikoniaroot: ?14:07
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zirodaysky_1: startup manager14:07
sky_1ikonia: what is grub-splashimages  how to use it ? (there's no man)14:07
ikoniasky_1: it's a pakage that installs known goor working grub splash images14:07
matamouhow come that after I installed Tor from synaptic I cant find anywhere to run it from?14:08
sky_1ikonia: working images from my HDD ?14:08
ikoniasky_1: it installs images into /boot/grub that are known good working images that you can then add to the one line of the menu.lst14:08
zirodaysky_1: the gui app you want is startupmanager, installable from the repo's.14:08
sky_1ziroday: ok thank you :)14:09
cachondinFirst of all sorry for my english (a bit forgotten) Do anybody had problems with mounting  an external disc  in ubuntu 08.1014:09
ikoniacachondin: what's YOUR problem14:09
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cachondinubuntu doesn't mount it,14:10
ikoniacachondin: external USB disk ?14:12
sky_1ikonia: aha ok i try grub-splashimages....thank you for learning me something new :D14:12
AntiNekoDang it, can't get this to work.. what other start menu's are there for Gnome? Tried MintMenu and USP but don't like 'em14:12
ezzieyguywufi am running 8.10 and have an occasional problem with one of my cores running at 100% and not coming down. my system monitor doesn't show any processes using more than 19%, so i don't understand what is using up all that processing power. is there any other way to track down the mysterious resource-user?14:12
cachondinikonia, yes usb external disk14:12
ikoniacachondin: what file system is on it14:12
ikoniaezzieyguywuf: look at top14:12
ikoniaezzieyguywuf: press "1" to see each core14:12
ezzieyguywufikonia: look at what top?14:12
cachondinin ubuntu 08.04 no problem but in 08.10 missing14:12
ikoniacachondin: when you plug it in do you see an entry in /var/log/syslog14:12
aprilhareezzieyguywuf: run the command top in the terminal14:12
ikoniaezzieyguywuf: the command is called top14:12
ezzieyguywufikonia: oh yes. give me just a minute14:12
craigcdoes localhost work for testing my ftp server?14:12
ikoniacachondin: yes14:12
ikoniacachondin: sorry not you14:12
ikoniacraigc: yes14:12
ezzieyguywufso it looks like xorg is ising an inordinate amount of resources. is there a way to restart it easily without logging out?14:13
cachondinikonia how can I see it?14:13
ikoniacachondin: open it in a text editor14:13
LjLezzieyguywuf: restarting X automatically implies logging out from your X session and losing its contents14:13
knoppixCan samone help me installing ubuntu via lan PLSSS HELPPP14:13
ikoniaknoppix: pxe install ?14:14
ezzieyguywufikonia: is there a way to have top tell me which core is handling which process?14:14
ikoniaezzieyguywuf: not quite but you should be able to see in the process list what processes are using up power14:14
knoppixikonia, yea14:14
ezzieyguywufikonia: ok I do thanks14:14
ikoniaknoppix: what part are you having a problem with14:14
sky_2ikonia: so grub-splashimages doesnt work14:15
ezzieyguywufis there any way to track why xorg is using to much processing power? some sort of log file?14:15
ikoniasky_2: what did you do ?14:15
knoppixikonia, now i think allll :/ tft not sending i think dhcp working and thats all14:15
cachondinIkenia, sorry my family es calling me for dinner , another moment, thanks for all14:15
ikoniaknoppix: ok - so tftp into your own server to test it14:15
craigccan someone walk me through some ftp server settings? - i am sure i am just doing something stupid :s14:15
noxerhi ... i tried the ubuntu live cd on a pentium4 notebook ... i do not get a desktop display ... all i can see is simply a blue background with some artefacts on it ... does that mean my notebook does not work with ubuntu?14:15
ikoniacraigc: how about telling us the problem14:16
AntiNekoGetting "the panel encountered an error" when adding menu to panel, could I get a more specific error?14:16
knoppixwhen i tftp and then connect localhost and get pxelinux.0 i get the file14:16
grokeni'm reading this to try to figure out how to get logs of what is failing during boot: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=49925&page=4 setting boot logging to yes in /etc/default/bootlogd does nothing (that i can see). ideas?14:16
ikoniaknoppix: ok - so tftp is working, its more likley your pxe image isn't pointing at the tftp server in the definitions14:16
sky_2ikonia: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto part of Splash image with update-grub14:16
ikoniaknoppix: or your Dchp reservation doesn't point at the pxe image14:16
knoppixikonia, but i have hanged paths to /media/sda5/linux/pxelinux.0 in dhcp and /media/sda5/linux/ in tftp14:17
craigctry to connect to my server on localhost with Gftp and says connecting...gettingfiles...notconnected.  There is no password on the server and i am trying to log in under a user account i have setup14:17
ikoniasky_2: show me the splashimage line from your menu.lst14:17
goksuhello everyone. :)14:17
grawitycraigc: often, if the password is empty the server won't allow to login with it.14:17
AntiNekognome-main-menu package won't work14:18
craigcok grawity i will set one and try again :)14:18
ikoniaknoppix: your pxe image shouln'd have file system paths14:18
goksuI have a problem installing ubuntu on a hp prolient ml350 g514:18
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knoppixikonia, so haw can i do this when im on live distro ??14:18
ikoniaknoppix: show me your dhcpd.conf line for your server you're trying to build14:18
sky_2ikonia: #A splash image for the menu14:18
ikoniasky_2: it's commented out14:19
ikoniasky_2: uncomment it14:19
goksucould someone help me out? how to fix "Attempting boot from hard drive" error?14:19
knoppixikonia, if its posible could you try and look via ssh what i did wrong??14:19
ikoniaknoppix: no - just show me the lines in dhcpd.conf for your build server14:19
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ikoniaknoppix: use a pastebin14:19
=== billisnice_ is now known as billisnice
lokkican someone help me ? I need two pages from google books that are unavailable (for me). can you send their screenshots to my email ?14:20
kristian_LjL : the other day you told me to check the data i burnt to a dvd with brasero, like this: "md5deep -r -x /media/cdrom0/.checksum.md5 ~/dir", where dir is the directory containing data burnt. however i noticed that brasero creates the .checksum.md5 before burning the disc, which means that it burns data and the .checksum.md5 created from hdd, which means that if something got corrupt while burning then comparing .checksum.md5 with ~/dir w14:20
ikonialokki: ?14:20
clearscreen1this is #ubuntu14:20
bazhanglokki, dont paste that here14:21
ikonialokki: this is ubuntu support, not a library14:21
sky_2ikonia: ok restart ;)14:21
asercamoyeronecesito ayuda xD14:21
djungelmumscant upgrade to 9.04 via update-manager, can i do it somehow from the terminal?14:21
asercamoyeroeste canal es del IRC hispano?14:21
ikonia!es > asercamoyero14:21
ubottuasercamoyero, please see my private message14:21
ikonia!jaunty > djungelmums14:21
ubottudjungelmums, please see my private message14:21
craigcstill no luck group is anonymous..password has been set...user has been set...Directory is correct....hmmm any ideas?  using gproftp14:21
clearscreen1djungelmums: sudo apt get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade14:21
JohnnHi someone there knows a program where it is possible to see your contacts on a webcam, i have tried Kopete, aMSN, pidgin, and no one of those got it. well, Amsn got it, but it doesnt work.14:21
grawityJohnn: Contacts on what network?14:22
Johnngrawity:  like a messenger program you know.14:22
LjLlokki: that's completely offtopic for here.14:22
knoppixikonia, http://wklej.org/id/70778/14:22
djungelmumsclearscreen1, thank you14:23
grawityJohnn: There are *many* messenger programs, and they work on different networks.14:23
lokkiLjL: where can I post such request ?14:23
LjLlokki: then you'll have to obtain the actual checksums directly from the CD14:23
LjLkristian_: then you'll have to obtain the actual checksums directly from the CD14:23
scuniziJohnn: ekiga if it's being used on both ends. Wengophone (in repos) will do one sip account and several IM accounts you've mentioned and has cam support.. not sure if it will do the job for you though14:23
LjLlokki: try #ubuntu-offtopic perhaps14:23
LjLlokki: are you sure what you're asking is legal anyway?14:23
sky_1ikonia: still nothing :(14:23
LjLkristian_: what i'd personally do would be to create an *ISO image* from your burning program. then burn that, then compare the checksum of the actual disc against the image14:23
Johnngrawity: Yes but i got a hotmail.com account, so aint there a msn program for linux ubunto 8.10 where webcam is supported ?14:24
lokkiLjL: I can see other page from this book, but I need these two pages.14:24
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)14:24
grawityJohnn: Ah, MSN.14:24
Johnnscunizi:  well that the problem my girlfriend doesnt have it, she got windows and uses msn messenger.14:24
Johnngrawity: Yearh :D14:24
sky_1ikonia: aaaaaaaah...no superuser permissions14:24
ikoniaknoppix: I don't know if you can set a file look that, I thought the pxe image HAD to be in th tftp server root14:24
* grawity opens the googlebooks link.14:25
haytham-medhi all, how can i convert a file to iso format?14:25
grawityhaytham-med: What format do you have now?14:25
kristian_LjL : but i dont need an iso, i just need to burn the data... why make a process more complicated when it can be done less complicated? (i know im stubborn) :-P14:25
Johnngrawity:  but did you know any msn programs there were comptable with webcam :) ?14:25
haytham-medor just a normal folder14:25
scuniziJohnn: can you see her cam using amsn? if not her router and your's might not be configured for the right ports.. really you want to look for a client that has stunn support so you don't have to mess with the router.. ekiga has that and is available for windows too.. she can run it next to her msn clients.. both at the same time.14:25
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gabrielHi everyone14:26
Johnnscunizi:  Hmm .. okay i will try that ekiga :)!14:26
LjLkristian_: because it makes doing the md5 check much easier.14:27
kristian_LjL : but won't "md5deep -r -x /media/cdrom0/.checksum.md5 ~/media/cdrom0" work instead of "md5deep -r -x /media/cdrom0/.checksum.md5 ~/dir" then? i know comparing it to disc will give me one mismatch which is the actual .checksum.md5 file, but ill just ignore that...14:27
scuniziJohnn: it's already built into ubuntu14:27
gabrielI need some help: I installed Ubuntu 8.10 32 bits and I have a Geforce 6150 but I cant make the drivers work14:27
knoppixikonia, yea but if i hmm understand this https://help.ubuntu.com/8.10/installation-guide/i386/install-tftp.html at end is tft info ;)14:27
gabrielI have tried installing the restricted drivers and the ones from the nvidia website but nothing happens14:27
LjLkristian_: it should work, yes. it'll probably be slower.14:27
grawityJohnn: Btw, Ekiga doesn't support MSN, so it won't work if your friends aren't using some sort of SIP service.14:27
ikoniaknoppix: yes, that makes sense14:28
graingertgabriel-> don't install them from nvidia's website14:28
ikoniaknoppix: so it has to be in the tftproot14:28
ikoniaknoppix: which I doubt /media is14:28
sky_2ikonia: working perfectly ;))14:28
graingertgabriel-> you have just pwnd your ubuntu installation! congrats!14:28
gabrielI tried with the restricted drivers but they do not activate14:28
kristian_LjL : don't really mind, if it is slower, as long as it doesn't take an hour. i just want to burn a data dvd and compare hdd data with disc data correctly.14:28
graingertgabriel-> yes, yes they do14:28
Johnngrawity: But which does then, are there really not a msn program for linux where its possbile to watch a windows user over msn ??14:28
gabrielThe drivers download but nothing happens after that14:29
graingertJohnn-> amsn14:29
arfmarfhey folks, im trying to move "some" files and i dont have a lot of space left right now, so... do u know any way one can move a dir or files one at the time, im moving by hand right now and it takes years lol ;P thx14:29
graingertJohnn-> amsn works fine14:29
gabrielI cant enable the effects14:29
graingertgabriel-> you should not download them from nvidia's site.14:29
graingertgabriel-> attempt to uninstall them14:29
gabrielWhat should I do, graingert?14:30
Johnngrawity: i have tried that wit her, and everytime she tries to send me and invitation to her webcam then without i do anything writes back to her that i didnt accept.14:30
graingertgabriel-> install from the ubuntu repositor14:30
BrixSati get this error when starting apache --> http://pastebin.com/m72c78e1d14:30
graingertJohnn-> have you setup your webcam?14:30
ron2010i'm getting an error every time i update my source14:30
gabrielhow do I uninstall the drivers?14:30
grawityJohnn: And... have you tried sending the invitation to her?14:30
arfmarfgabriel: http://www.avenard.org/files/ubuntu-repos/14:31
graingertgabriel-> it should say on the site that you used to bork your pc14:31
Johnngrawity:  i dont have a webcam, she only got one, and yes i ahve also tried that . :(14:31
ron2010i'm using ubuntu 8.10 intrepid14:32
ron2010how do u resolve an source error "W: Failed to fetch http://packages.freecontrib.org/ubuntu/plf/dists/dapper/Release.gpg  Could not connect to packages.freecontrib.org:80 (, connection timed out"14:34
bazhangron2010, remove from your sources.list14:34
ron2010update i'm using ubuntu 8.10 intrepid14:34
graingertron2010-> don't use dapper repos14:34
ron2010is there one for intrepid?14:35
bazhangron2010, surely no need14:35
ron2010why not?14:36
landanyone coding in gambas?14:36
bazhangron2010, what packages did you need specifically14:36
RickXcan anyone tell me why screen resolution is different when Gnome is running vs when just window maker is running?14:37
bazhangron2010, its in the ubuntu repos14:37
un|matrixlatest update broke my firefox!14:37
bazhang!info gnome-art > ron201014:37
ron2010gotcha bazhang!!! big help you are!14:37
renderohello, how do i have to do to convert ext3 to ext4, in some process i read to, i have to umount the device before, but i cannot because its in / .14:38
gabrielI need help: I cant activate the nvidia drivers, I have a Geforce 615014:38
un|matrixanyone else having trouble with firefox after it was updated today?14:38
bazhangun|matrix, intrepid?14:39
BrixSathello i dont have nothing on port 80 neither port 443 and apache wont start http://pastebin.com/m72c78e1d14:39
Kimii have download and installed assault cube14:39
un|matrixbazhang: yes14:39
Kimihow to start the game ?14:39
Kiminnot installed but extracted14:39
kbrosnanun|matrix: describe broke.14:40
Kimihow do i start the assault cube game after extracted ?14:40
un|matrixkbrosnan: it won't register a new address that i type14:40
ChotaZHow can I uncompress rar files in ubuntu 8.10?14:40
gabrielhow do I uninstall the nvidia drivers from terminal?14:40
un|matrixkbrosnan: it ignores enter, confirm, anything...14:40
Esvandiarygabriel: nvidia-installer --uninstall14:40
ChotaZ!rar | ChotaZ14:41
ubottuChotaZ, please see my private message14:41
Esvandiarygabriel: make that... sudo nvidia-installer --uninstall14:41
Esvandiaryif it complains about permissions14:41
gabrielok thanks14:41
zimnyxWhen I start a movie in VLC or mplayer my laptop brightness is reduced to minimal. It's been happening for a yeah at least. It's very annoying, do you know the trick to fix it? I googled, and find the issue but without method how to solve it.14:41
mrwesI installed Jaunty in virtualbox, but I can't get it to full screen14:41
kbrosnanun|matrix: what about mouse input, enter and address and press the arrow on the far right14:41
un|matrixkbrosnan: same, it ignores it14:42
gabrielcan envy help me install nvidia drivers?14:42
kbrosnanun|matrix: command prompt run firefox -safe-mode14:42
graingertmrwes-> you need to install the additions14:42
rioch_how do I improve transfer speeds across my internal network? ubuntu-laptop->nas is 300Kb/s nas->laptop 2Mb/s. Windows->nas also 2Mb/s.14:43
graingertmrwes-> the virtualbox addition14:43
savvasmrwes: did you install the virtualbox addon/goodies and reboot the machine?14:43
un|matrixkbrosnan: that works14:43
graingertrioch_-> sftp rather than samba?14:43
un|matrixkbrosnan: and now it started working in normal mode too O.o14:43
gabrielI need to know an easy way to install nvidia drivers14:44
rioch_graingert, I get the same problem whether it's sftp, ftp, nfs, and samba14:44
savvasgabriel: which graphics card model do you have?14:44
matt_keysI get sound out of the tests in preferences -> sounds, but no sound in Firefox, totem, etc..14:44
gabrielGeforce 615014:44
graingertrioch_-> what about basic http?14:44
savvasgabriel: and which ubuntu release?14:44
matt_keyseverything is unmuted14:44
gabrielIm using Ubuntu 8.10 32 bits14:44
savvasgabriel: go to System > Administration > Synaptic, search for: nvidia-180-modaliases14:45
savvasgabriel: install that package, then go to System > Administration > Hardware drivers14:45
andrew_what is the setting in ubuntu to set maximized window behaviour to not move when i click and drag on them?14:46
rioch_graingert, as I do it now, sftp gives me 172KB/s...which is rubbish :)14:46
gabrielThanks savvas14:46
rioch_graingert, but if I transfer between the same devices in the other direction, I get....14:46
savvasgabriel: highlight my nickname if you have any problems :)14:46
gabrielthanks a lot, savvas14:46
ChotaZ!codec | ChotaZ14:46
ubottuChotaZ, please see my private message14:46
savvasgabriel: by the way, you will need to restart your machine after the installation!14:46
ChotaZ!help | ChotaZ14:47
rioch_....1.9MB/s....which is better14:47
rioch_so it only happens in one direction14:47
savvasrioch_: have you tried with scp command?14:47
gabrieli will14:47
ron2010anybody know how to install gnome themes?14:47
rioch_savvas, what is scp?14:47
ron2010i have gnome art loaded14:48
ron2010but how do i install new themes?14:48
=== Yoda is now known as Guest5505
savvasrioch_: I think with scp you can download files through ssh14:48
ShackJackHi all - when I click a .torrent link in FF3 to try and start Transmission, FF says "unknown error occurred... try to save file..."... I know I can of course change the app settings in FF to download by default, but does anyone know of a fix?14:48
Guest5505Hey somone in here there knows a MSN program for Linux that there support webcams, i have tried aMSN and that didnt work for me :/14:48
savvasrioch_: just an alternative to try, you might get better results :)14:48
=== thunderstruck is now known as gnomefreak
rioch_savvas, the other machine doesn't have ssh (it's a popcorn hour nas)14:48
sky_1where i can find usplash themes ?14:48
ShackJackron2010: You should be able to just open Appearance->Theme window and drag theme tar.gz to it...14:48
usserrioch_, are those computers on the interenet or on the local network?14:48
ChotaZHow can I take a screenshot while in Cube?14:49
rioch_usser, local network14:49
usserrioch_, nvm then14:49
ChotaZhey usser, I need you help with teamspeak14:49
AntiNekoWhat alternatives are there to the gnome main menu?14:49
=== Guest5505 is now known as Adminral
usserChotaZ, i dont know much about, never used myself14:49
graingertChotaZ-> timed14:50
AdminralHey somone in here there knows a MSN program for Linux that there support webcams, i have tried aMSN and that didnt work for me :/14:50
macmanhey is there a way to access a ext3 FS on a windows system ? all the tools i have tried aren't working14:50
grawitymacman: have you tried fs-driver.org?14:50
Up_romanian language not found here?:)))14:50
graingertAdminral-> amsn is the best one14:50
HammerHead66ChotaZ: you should have print screen key on your keyboard...it's right next to the Scroll Lock key14:50
ShackJackAntiNeko: There's the SUSE slab.... and the all-in-one panel app...14:50
bazhang!ro > Up_14:50
ubottuUp_, please see my private message14:50
Adminralgraingert:  i have tried that, but it didnt work for me, there are not others ?14:50
AntiNekoI've been trying SUSE and it's not working!14:50
ChotaZHammerHead66:  But when in Cube, the screenshot dialog box wont show up.14:50
graingertAdminral-> kopete, but it's pants14:50
AntiNeko"panel has encountered an error" when I'm adding it to the panel14:51
=== goksu is now known as goksu_
graingertAdminral-> have you tried amsn from svn?14:51
Adminralgraingert: have also tried that .. what is svn ?14:51
HammerHead66did you look at your desktop to see if it was there?14:51
macmangrawity, trying now14:51
=== goksu_ is now known as Goksu
HammerHead66ChotaZ: did you look at your desktop to see if it was there?14:51
macmangrawity, yes .. that dosen't work14:51
graingertAdminral-> latest bleeding edge, check the building from svn wiki14:51
graingertAdminral-> for amsn14:51
graingertAdminral-> how does amsn not work?14:52
|PaperTiger|How many people here use Amarok media player?14:52
AntiNekoI do! Love it!14:52
macmangrawity, mind you .. that im dual booting windows and ubuntu14:52
ShackJackHi all - when I click a .torrent link in FF3 to try and start Transmission, FF says "unknown error occurred... try to save file..."... I know I can of course change the app settings in FF to download by default, but does anyone know of a fix?14:52
Adminralgraingert:  i cant get a connection to my friends webcams14:52
|PaperTiger|AntiNeko, how easy is it to get used to and play files from the hdd without setting up a library?14:52
ChotaZHammerHead66, it wasnt on any of my 4 desktops14:52
Lisa____Hey there, I'm trying to use the programmiCam2 and it doesn't work. I tried to install it with configure and make and it didn't seem to have any error.. but now when I try to open it, it says it can't open the config file icam2rc.. I don't know why, or how to fix it.. or how to get to know why it's not working. Any chance someone can help?14:52
clearscreen1I dont like the KDE libs that come with amarok14:52
clearscreen1so rhythmbox all the way :)14:52
graingertAdminral-> what error msg14:52
ChotaZHammerHead88, nvm I got it to work now, thanks =D14:53
grawitymacman: Is it a Wubi install or a normal one?14:53
Adminralgraingert: it just says that my contact person have cancelled it.14:53
usserclearscreen1, exaile rocks14:53
|PaperTiger|clearscreen1, I'm using KDE, so it would make sense :P14:53
HammerHead66ChotaZ: I have no clue then. I've never had that problem sorry man14:53
clearscreen1|PaperTiger|: I suppose14:53
AntiNekoPaperTiger, I'm not sure what you mean. I opened Amarok first time and it let me choose where my music where located and it's been easy from there on14:53
clearscreen1usser: never heard of it :P14:53
zilleplushey anny guy's hwo wanna help me with my network problem on Ubuntu server edition14:55
p0eteckzany tools for ubuntu like ccleaner?14:55
Ranakahwhat is better way to play windows games in ubuntu?14:55
zilleplushey anny guy's hwo wanna help me with my network problem on Ubuntu server edition14:55
ShackJackAntiNeko: Check this guide: http://howtoforge.com/installing-ubuntu-system-panel-on-ubuntu-8.1014:55
clearscreen1Ranakah: there's only one way, using wine14:55
AntiNekoThanks, I will!14:55
HammerHead66zilleplus: please ask your question14:55
usserclearscreen1, try it :)14:55
|PaperTiger|AntiNeko, fair enough14:55
macmangrawity, no .. i installed ubuntu first .. then i partitioned and then installed windows14:55
clearscreen1usser: I'll put it on my list of things to try :P14:55
Ranakahokay.. wine and only wine? i try cedega and don't work anything :)14:55
zillepluswel hammer i have no internet on my server thats the problem14:55
usserRanakah, clearscreen1 well theres two ways now, virtualbox now supports 3d acceleration14:55
|PaperTiger|AntiNeko, would probably make sense if I actually plugged in the HDD with my music and stuff on it14:55
zillepluson ifconfig the adr :
grawitymacman: So it's "normal" install (as in not-Wubi)14:56
Ranakahusser really? d3d acceleration? what version of virtualbox?14:56
|PaperTiger|AntiNeko, because Amarok looks good, but also complex to use at the same time14:56
macmanyes grawity14:56
zilleplusi looked and the problem is not with the drivers14:56
HammerHead66zilleplus: ur havinbg a proxy problem14:56
andrew_VLC works fine as a music player, if you mean you want a media player that you can just drag and  drop to and it'll play14:56
* ShackJack likes Banshee well enough...14:56
zilleplushow do i fix it??14:56
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Ranakahso if i install windows xp in virtual box i can play d3d games now?14:56
AntiNekoPaperTiger: I came from Foobar in Windows and felt very comfortable with Amarok14:56
usserRanakah, i ran maxpayne2, thats a directx game, the latest version from sun's site14:56
zilleplusdon't need proxy14:56
HammerHead66zilleplus: 1 sec14:56
usserRanakah, some of them, the support is still rudimentary14:56
AntiNekoPaperTiger: The GUI isn't really simple, but I got used to it fast14:57
Ranakahusser then i install windows in vb and then graphic driver?14:57
usserRanakah, i tested on an nvidia 8600gt. oldish games worked pretty decent, maxpayne, openarena, googleearth14:57
|PaperTiger|AntiNeko, I came from WinAMP in Windows and still getting used to Amarok, but in all fairness, when I was using Ubuntu before, I used to search for the files on the HDD and open them, rather than libray as I have ~9k songs and that would take forever to get them in a library14:57
clearscreen1Even with 3d acceleration in a VM, wine is prefered, there's no emulation layer.. and it works really well for a lot of games & sogtware14:58
usserRanakah, no Virtualbox has a tick in the VM preferences, enable 3d accel, then you just install virtualbox guest additions, no drivers14:58
knoppixcan samone help me instaling ubuntu via lan neetboot ???14:58
andrew_|PaperTiger|: You could look at XMMS14:58
zilleplushammer your there??14:58
AntiNekoPaperTiger: Oh, haha, I see. That's alot of songs. Though... I've got 8k!14:58
Ranakahusser nice nice... tnx!!! :D i go now to play with vb14:58
|PaperTiger|andrew_, what's that?14:58
AntiNekoPaperTiger: I just found out14:58
staar2after last firefox update, firefox doesn't work properly14:58
usserRanakah, but i'd still recommend wine though, VB is if you want to play around with, for now at least14:58
andrew_It's a linux media player based off winamp 2.014:58
HammerHead66zilleplus:   http://search.ubuntu.com/results2.html?cx=009650792990864903260%3A-lsdjshi1tu&cof=FORID%3A11&ie=UTF-8&q=how+to+set+up+proxy&sa=Search#105714:58
|PaperTiger|AntiNeko, mine is mainly metal :)14:59
|PaperTiger|andrew_, ah, okay14:59
usser|PaperTiger|, xmms is deprecated and no longer in the repos, try audacious or bmp14:59
AntiNekoPaperTiger: That's nice, man. ;D14:59
andrew_Visually, it's very similar to winamp vs the "itunes" look amarok has14:59
AntiNekoPaperTiger: What about Banshee? Isn't that progg kinda like Amarok14:59
clearscreen1usser: yeah, if you're looking for something similar to winamp you should really check out audacious :)14:59
EsvandiaryI wish they'd do foobar2000 for linux ;(14:59
|PaperTiger|usser, thanks for telling me that :)15:00
|PaperTiger|AntiNeko, I'm going to stick it out with Amarok for a while, see how it goes...15:00
AntiNekoCame from Foobar2000 but fell for Amarok15:00
zilleplushammer i don't have squid installed15:00
ShackJackBanshee's a good proggie but be sure to add there repo for latest version...15:00
andrew_I use amarok now since banshee and rhythmbox have problems with my chinese music15:00
knoppixcan samone help me instaling ubuntu via lan neetboot15:01
|PaperTiger|andrew_, I hated iTunes, not for look, but the fact it used a lot of system resources15:01
andrew_It acts weird with the characters15:01
HammerHead66zilleplus: that was a search there are many pages to go through15:01
AntiNekoHey! Amarok has problems with my chinese music15:01
EsvandiaryAntiNeko: Amarok 1.x or 2? I don't know if I like what they've done with 2... :s15:01
Esvandiary|PaperTiger|: my real problem with iTunes is the associated stuff it installs on the system without asking15:01
zilleplusyes i know but i haven't istalled a proxy15:01
AntiNekoPaperTiger: I'm using 1.4 I think15:01
|PaperTiger|Esvandiary, that's true. It now installs Safari, doesn't it?15:01
HammerHead66zilleplus: or you can goolge   How to set up a proxy15:01
andrew_It tries to15:01
andrew_IT does ask you whether or not if you want to15:01
ChotaZHum... I just tried to run a psx emulator with Wine, and it crashes, no my screen is darker, how do I set it back?15:02
zilleplusi have no internet on it so i can't get it on it15:02
EsvandiaryI believe that was a "mistake" on their part (the installing without asking you, anyway)15:02
andrew_IT asks me everytime I start up itunes on my laptop15:02
|PaperTiger|AntiNeko, 1.4.10 for me15:02
bivcan anyone help me, I deleted a panel and now when I minimize open programs they disappear off screen and I can no longer see them to maxamize15:02
epaphushi guys.. i installed java.. but firefox doesnt have it installed as a plugin.. can anybody help me do that?15:02
AntiNekoPaperTiger: I check and that's the one I got as well15:02
Esvandiaryepaphus: I assume you've tried restarting firefox?15:02
Ranakahusser where in vb i enable 3d?15:02
|PaperTiger|andrew_, I hate using typical programs. I always use different ones to everyone else XD15:02
AntiNekoPaperTiger: Can't get the Wikipedia-thing working though15:03
|PaperTiger|AntiNeko, cool :) I'll stick with it and play around15:03
usserRanakah, did you install PUEL version from sun.com?15:03
Ranakahhum.. no from repository..15:03
|PaperTiger|AntiNeko, I just want it to play music and maybe sync my Zen :)15:03
usserRanakah, that one doesnt have it15:03
andrew_I used itunes coz I got an ipod, and it was just easier to have it autosync "out the box"15:03
zilleplushammer wath is the comand to see wath programme's are installed????15:03
Ranakahusser can i please you to give me link to download?15:03
epaphusEsvandiary, i did15:04
douglI am running 8.04 on desktop and 8.10 on nfs server machine = when I am using mc to move files from 8.04 box to 8.10 server my 8.10 box hangs - where do I start to resolve this problem?15:04
AntiNekoPaperTiger: Must say, you made me miss Winamp a bit. ;D Good ol' times, still I'm very pleased with Amarok. My least favorite app has been iTunes15:04
|PaperTiger|andrew_, I used WinAMP for my iPod when I had it, lol15:04
usserRanakah, http://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Downloads15:04
sagredowhere can I turn off the notifications?15:04
Ranakahtnx usser15:04
Esvandiaryepaphus: OK; can you run the following in a terminal: "sudo apt-get install sun-java6-plugin"15:04
ortsvorsteherdougl: you cannot move between boxes. you can use scp/sftp15:04
ShackJackHi all - when I click a .torrent link in FF3 to try and start Transmission, FF says "unknown error occurred... try to save file..."... I know I can of course change the app settings in FF to download by default, but does anyone know of a fix?15:04
lighttitanI remember in some Linux builds there was a key combination that you could press that would turn your mouse  into a skull and cross bones and you could click on a window to kill it. Does Ubuntu have such a key command?15:04
usserRanakah, no problem15:04
ortsvorsteher!scp | dougl15:04
ubottudougl: SCP is a secure way of copying files across networks using !SSH. Usage: scp filename user@host:filename - WinSCP is a client for Windows, available at http://winscp.net/15:04
HammerHead66zilleplus:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal15:04
ortsvorsteher!sftp | dougl15:05
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about sftp15:05
Esvandiaryepaphus: if it actually installs something, then chances are it didn't auto-install the plugin for some reason15:05
erUSULlighttitan: you can bind a keay combo to launch xkill15:05
=== billisnice_ is now known as billisnice
Esvandiaryepaphus: hopefully restarting firefox should do it... if it doesn't install anything (says it's already installed), i'll have to think of something else it could be :p15:05
|PaperTiger|AntiNeko, stupid question. Is there/where is the rip CD option in Amarok?15:05
slyliasDoes anyone have instructions for installing the liveCD onto a thumb drive? I need to add ubuntu to a PC that does not have a CD drive.15:05
lighttitanerUSUL; I don't see Launch xkill in the keyboard shortcut menu15:06
AntiNekoPaperTiger: Damn, not sure, man. I've only been using Ubuntu for a couple of days. ;D15:06
andrew_Itunes was the only good option I had for my needs, as far as library browsing goes. Rhythmbox is bad for browsing songs with unique characters, so I stopped using that, and Banshee had similar problems. My only problem with amarok is the "Various Artists" tag it automatically assigns to albums with multiple artists, i haven't figured out how to get the TTP2 id tags to work with it yet.15:06
|PaperTiger|AntiNeko, fair enough :P lol15:06
|PaperTiger|andrew_, WinAMP was very easy to use, even with iPod15:07
slyliasDoes anyone have instructions for installing the liveCD onto a thumb drive? I need to add ubuntu to a PC that does not have a CD drive.15:07
=== thunderstruck is now known as gnomefreak
Esvandiaryslylias: I've found UNetBootin to be very good for that15:08
Esvandiaryit works for both windows and linux15:08
lighttitanerUSUL; you just said that but I don't know how to do that15:08
HammerHead66slylias: you could always slave out the hard drive into something else15:08
zilleplushammer foud it i need to instal a few programmes from ubuntu CD15:08
Esvandiaryslylias: http://unetbootin.sourceforge.net/ for UNetBootin, if you want it15:08
lighttitanNevermind, I was able to kill the window. THanks15:08
slyliasThank you!15:08
HammerHead66zilleplus: I'm happy you found man15:09
sagredowhere can I turn off the notifications?15:12
termleechis there a special channel for ubuntu remix?15:12
epaphushi guys.. i installed java.. but firefox doesnt have it installed as a plugin.. can anybody help me do that?15:12
termleechor do I talk about it in here?15:12
=== billisnice_ is now known as billisnice
HammerHead66termleech:  use command "/list"  to find your romm15:13
magciusHow do Ubuntu packages like pymacs add to the load-path of emacs?15:13
erUSULepaphus: install sun-java6-plugin15:14
gabrielHi everyone15:14
zillepluswath is a static IP15:14
BryantosA static IP address is an adress that doesn't change15:14
erUSULzilleplus: one you set "by hand" as opossed as obtaining it from a dhcp server15:14
HammerHead66zilleplus: an IP address that never changes15:15
sagredowhere can I turn off the notifications?15:15
gabrielI cant install the nvidia restricted drivers, I have a Geforce 6150 and Im using Ubuntu 8.10 32 bits15:15
BryantosUseful for devices that you access alot. (Servers, routers, etc.)15:15
BoomShakacan someone tell me where (or how to find where) the python executable is installed on ubuntu?15:15
EsvandiaryBoomShaka: run "which python" at a terminal15:15
ikoniaBoomShaka: /usr/bin15:15
erUSULBoomShaka: which python15:15
erUSULBoomShaka: on a terminal15:15
Cap0n3anybody here?15:16
HammerHead66gabriel:  Geforce 6150 is only supported by windows at this time15:16
Cap0n3anobody who knows something about bnc's?15:16
gabrielBut it worked on Ubuntu 8.10 64 bits when i had it installed15:16
jaymacdonaldI have Geforce 710015:16
jaymacdonaldJust thought you'd like to know15:16
andrew_I forgot how I fixed that problem15:17
albech_i just installed 8.10 on a new ASUS Eee PC1000HE and everything is working fine, except the wifi. I can see the network I want to connect to and I am prompted a WPA2 Personal key, but it is not accepted. I am sure it is the correct key, cause I am connecting with another Ubuntu to the same wifi router.15:17
gabrielcan the app Envy help me install the nvidia restricted drivers?15:17
Esvandiarygabriel: yes it can15:18
HiubuntuEnvy too old15:18
AntiNekoShackJack: Thanks, man, got it working! I had USP before but a earlier version with no preferences (and I don't like the default look)15:18
erUSUL!envyng | gabriel15:18
ubottugabriel: envyng is an updated version of the *UNSUPPORTED* envy package. It is now part of the ubuntu universe repository (envyng-gtk OR envyng-qt) we suggest you use envyng if every other (official/supported) method fails! it can have various results from works, to fails!!!  if you want the very latest drivers from the manufacturer you use them at your own risk15:18
ShackJackAntiNeko: NP :)15:18
HammerHead66albech_: https://help.ubuntu.com/7.10/internet/C/wireless.html here you go15:18
gabrielok, how do i install Envyng?15:18
erUSUL!software | gabriel15:18
ubottugabriel: A general introduction to the ways software can be installed, removed and managed in Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoftwareManagement - See also !Packages, !Equivalents15:18
undecimalbech_: Try connecting to the internet with an ethernet connection and installing wicd to replace the default network manager. In my experience there are a lot less issues with that.15:19
erUSULgabriel: Aplications>add/remove is the easiest way15:19
undecimalbech_: Although it's not in the default repositories, so give me a minute and i'll look up the info you need to install...15:19
gabrielok Thanks for your help erUSUL15:19
erUSULgabriel: no problem15:19
alecQuestion here.  I have two FAT ext Hard Drives connected to my IBex machine.  When I reboot, sometimes they connect with no problem.  OTher times one will connect and other other says its locked out.  Other times NEITHER one will connect. What can I do to make sure that they always connect successfully?15:20
undecimalbech_: Oh, also, make sure your wireless doesn't have MAC address filtering first... I sometimes forget that i have that set up on my router.15:20
CounterspellI want to run a package search from the command line and get results the same way I do in the Synaptic Package Manger, is there any way to do this?15:20
Denizopi have got a question15:20
Esvandiaryalec: are these drives always plugged in?15:21
Denizopcan i add friends in this opera chat ?15:21
alecEsvan: YES.15:21
clearscreen1Counterspell: apt-cache search (blah)15:21
Esvandiaryalec: you could add them directly into the fstab (a file which lists all drives to mount on boot)15:21
tabbuhey, how can i update 8.10 to newest beta 9.04?15:22
Esvandiaryalec: I'm not sure how easily accessible they'd be from the UI then, though15:22
Esvandiaryalec: I mean, you could browse to them easily enough15:22
alecok.  I know how to access this fstab , but what what do i tell it?15:22
clearscreen1tabbu: change your /etc/apt/sources.list from "intrepid" to "jaunty", then do an apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade (as sudo)15:22
tabbuclearscreen1, thanks!15:22
Esvandiaryalec: since these are external drives, it's possible that their device names might change between boots, so we need to find another way to identify them15:22
Counterspellclearscreen1: nice15:23
alecEsvan: OK.  any suggest?15:23
=== clearscreen1 is now known as clearscreen
s3r3n1t7Esvandiary, sudo blkid will give you the UUID of the drives.15:23
s3r3n1t7Esvandiary, those stay constant.15:23
bivcan anyone help me, I deleted a tray and now when I minimize open programs they disappear off screen and I can no longer see them to maximize/quit15:23
Esvandiarys3r3n1t7: good plan (I was going to say either that or labels :P)15:23
Hiubuntuanyone ati9.3 work well  on atihd320015:24
clearscreenbiv, rightclick your taskbar, "add to panel" and add a "Notification tray"15:24
clearscreenoh, he left ;<15:24
Esvandiaryalec: do you know the device names of the drives at the moment? i.e. "/dev/sdxY" ?15:24
judget__identify brewmaster15:24
s3r3n1t7Esvandiary, labels can also vary, plus they're easily changeable. I'd suggest going for UUID's.15:24
Esvandiarys3r3n1t7: indeed, am doing :)15:24
HammerHead66Hiubuntu: http://paste.ubuntu.com/139399/ here you go15:24
alecone sec.  I'll see.15:24
mattgyver83How do i determine where Wine is pointing to as Drive c:\?15:25
grandemahatmahallo everyone15:25
s3r3n1t7mattgyver83, ~/.wine/drive_c15:25
erUSULmattgyver83: ~/.wine/drive_c/15:25
mattgyver83Thank you15:25
alecEsvan: I did a screenshot of the error msg I got previously when one wouldn't connect.15:25
Esvandiaryalec: are both there at the moment?15:25
Esvandiaryand if so, are they both on?15:25
alecyeah... both are there.15:25
grandemahatmairc chats are in plain, isn't it? is there a way to do them in a crypted way?15:25
albech_undecim: no mac filtering.. my other ubuntu machine connect fine15:25
Esvandiaryi.e. accessible15:25
Esvandiaryalec: in that case, just run "df" at a terminal15:26
alecone is called: /dev/sde115:26
HiubuntuHammerHead66: thx15:26
alecEsvan: ok, will run df15:26
albech_i have tried to disable ipv6 according to several docs i have googled about ubuntu on eee pc, still same problem15:26
HammerHead66Hiubuntu: np15:26
Esvandiaryalec: that'll give you the device names on the left, and the names they're mounted under on the very right15:26
alecra nit.15:26
alecran it.15:26
epaphuserUSUL, it was that easy?? .. ww15:26
alecesvan: one is mounted.  The other is not.15:26
undecimalbech_: how long does it take before it decides that it can't connect?15:27
EsvandiaryOK; try accessing the one that's not mounted (that should auto-mount it).15:27
erUSULepaphus: ?15:27
alec/dev/sdd1 is mounted but the other, sde1 is not.15:27
Esvandiaryok; that's ok15:27
albech_it takes ~20ish secs before it times out15:27
Esvandiaryas long as we know what they are, that's fine15:27
erUSULepaphus: can you refresh my memory ?15:27
Esvandiaryalec: run "sudo blkid /dev/sdd1" and the same for sde115:27
ron2010trying to experience the full benefit of ubuntu.... how do i get look of installing eye candy themes?15:27
alecesvan: you mean type something like ls /dev/sde1?15:27
s3r3n1t7!themes | ron201015:28
ubotturon2010: Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy15:28
undecimalbech_: If you hover over the icon, what does it say?15:28
alecah ok15:28
ron2010i think i've loaded the gnome-art correctly15:28
Esvandiaryalec: don't worry about mounting the other drive now, we don't need to15:28
undecimalbech_: ..While you're trying to connect that is15:28
Esvandiaryalec: part of the output of the blkid command should be UUID="--- some long string here ---"15:28
albech_undecim: attempting to join the wire.................15:28
Esvandiaryalec: you need to copy that long string somewhere, since we'll need it in a bit (make sure you save which UUID is related to which drive)15:28
alecESVAN: YES!!  that gave me a UID for the non-connected one.15:29
Esvandiaryalec: that string uniquely identifies the drive you're trying to use, so when we try to auto-mount it on startup, it'll know what to do15:29
Esvandiaryso, now...15:29
ron2010thanks for the help15:29
albech_undecim: i could try without any encryption to see if that is the cause15:29
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undecimalbech_: does it ever reach the point where the icon shows two green dots?15:29
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s3r3n1t7alec, write the whole name, they light up the sentences. Use tab to auto complete the names.15:29
ZeddeHow do I make Ubuntu rout trafic ?15:30
albechundecim: no it never gets a response and begin to obtain a dhcp request15:30
alecit tried to auto-mount but couldn't.15:30
erUSULZedde: configure iptables etc...15:30
ZeddeI have 2 networks15:30
erUSUL!inetsharing | Zedde15:30
ubottuZedde: If you want to share the internet connection of your ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetConnectionSharing - You may also use !firestarter: http://www.fs-security.com/docs/connection-sharing.php15:30
Esvandiaryalec: now we need to edit the file /etc/fstab so that ubuntu knows to try to mount them on startup15:30
s3r3n1t7erUSUL, use iptables to route traffic? sounds a bit overkill15:30
undecimalbech: Okay, yeah, i would try resetting the router (if you haven't already done so) and then if that doesn't work, try without encryption15:30
jonnehow do you enable the notifications in Jaunty? I've been running Jaunty for a while, and I've had the notifications at some point, but now they're off15:31
kristian_LjL : hey! i can't get: "md5deep -r -x /media/cdrom0/.checksum.md5 /media/cdrom0" too work. so i figured i have to burn dvd in brasero, then copy data from dvd to hdd after burn and then: "md5deep -r -x /media/cdrom0/.checksum.md5 ~/dir" where dir is where data from dvd has been copyed too, or do you have another solution?15:31
jonnei can't find a pref for it anyzwhere15:31
albechill try without encryption.. brb as i will loose the connection on this box too then15:31
erUSULs3r3n1t7: well i was thinking more about NAT and inet sharing. if it is only routing you use "ip route" of course15:31
superubuhi guys15:31
alecESVAN: ok.  waiting.15:31
Esvandiaryalec: open that file, /etc/fstab, in a text editor as root (probably just using sudo is easiest)15:31
alecI copied the UID string.15:31
ZeddeI have VMware network NAT and my LAN network like to acces the VMware guest from the lan15:31
alecI opened it. already.15:31
HammerHead66kristian_: hello15:31
Esvandiaryalec: have you got them for both drives?15:31
alecboth yeah.15:31
alecFYI... I tried adding one already to the fstab.  Let me show u what I wrote.15:32
kristian_HammerHead66 : hello! :-)15:32
s3r3n1t7erUSUL, aah right, that makes sense. I was just thinking about routing traffic, i'd say iptables is a bit overkill just for that. But for sharing and NAT, yeah iptables is nice.15:32
alecIts' probabgly wrong but...15:32
alec/dev/sde1 /media/Brindell ntfs-3g force 0 015:32
Esvandiaryseems mostly ok, but since /dev/sde1 can change we'll replace that15:32
alecESVAN: what do i need to add to fstab to make it automount.?15:33
Esvandiaryalec: replace /dev/sde1 with: UUID=---longstringhere---15:33
HammerHead66kristian_: have you tried to make the cashe bigger and see if it works?15:33
alecah ok.  doing it now.15:33
Lisa____I know I shouldn't repeat a question, so if it's not answered in half an hour, do they still realize it's there? I don't wanna be annoying, I just thought it might haven't seen by anyone. So, is it allowed to ask again, or is that unnecessary and annoying and stuff?15:33
Esvandiaryalec: you don't really want the force option either, put "user" there instead15:33
Iceman_B^Ltopdoes anyone know if there is a non-destructive partitioning tool for Ubuntu? I want to add a harddrive to my system, but it has 3 windows paritions, one of which contains date I want to keep15:34
alecliterally "user" or my user name?15:34
kristian_HammerHead66 : nope, im just going to skip verification in brasero, ill do manual verification.15:34
Esvandiaryalec: literally "user"15:34
Iceman_B^LtopI also want to convert the entire drive to an Ext3 volume15:34
HammerHead66Lisa____: please ask in tel you get a responce15:34
s3r3n1t7Esvandiary, force is needed if he doesn't cleanly unmount his drive ... like windows tends to do rather fast. May i recommend both force and user?15:34
KoolDAnyone knows how to stop firefox from showing the images when i drag them?15:34
douglLisa____, I missed your ? ask again15:34
Esvandiarys3r3n1t7: you may indeed15:34
alecESVAN: DONE.  Here's what I have now in fstab: UUID="28E047C3E047964A" /media/Brindell ntfs-3g user 0 015:34
superubucome lisa15:34
Esvandiaryalec: in that case, "force,user" is what you want (just to be safe, as s3r3n1t7 suggested)15:34
undecimLisa___: You shouldn't repeat questions one after the other, but after about 10 minutes or so i think it should be fine to ask again (especially if there are new people in the reoom)15:34
neodemidoes anyone know if there is a liferea like rss aggregator for windows. my dads seen me running it on ubuntu and likes the look of it. unfortunately its nix only :(15:35
erUSULalec: Esvandiary if the disks where fat32 why you use ntfs-3g ?15:35
undecimalbech_: Any luck?15:35
Esvandiaryalec: then repeat that line with the other drive, just making sure that you change the mount point (so they're not both mounting to the same place)15:35
superubujust tell the question please15:35
Esvandiaryand erUSUL that is a very good question, i must still be half-asleep15:35
alecsorry guys... good call.. they're NTFS.   My bad.15:35
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Lisa____Ahh I was trying to install a Webcam programm called iCam2. But it doesn't work. I made ./configure and make, but when I try to open the prog it says it can't open the config file icam2rc. I don't know why. there weren't any errors really15:35
alecS this okay then... UUID="28E047C3E047964A" /media/Brindell ntfs-3g force, user 015:36
neuratixi have an urgent problem, when trying to boot i got lots of dydr err-messages, so i booted from a cd and ran e2fsck -f -c on the disk, now i'm getting lots of messages about whenter i want to clear inodes etc, and i really dont want to loose any data, what should i do?15:36
Esvandiaryalec: no space between force, and user15:36
alecESVAN: DONE.   no space.15:36
douglLisa____, did you 'make install' too?15:36
graingertLisa____-> maybe you need to touch icam2rc?15:36
alecESVAN: Do i go ahead and add the next line then reboot?15:36
Esvandiaryalec: that looks fine apart from that... make an equivalent line for the other drive15:36
superubummmh i have not idea15:36
Esvandiarywait just a moment after you do that, alec15:36
oCean_s3r3n1t7: Esvandiary alec - I really would NOT recommend the force option. Mounting an uncleanly unmounted drive using force option, just "ignores" the errors in the journal15:36
superubudid  you use already that cAM15:37
superubu i mean are your drivers setting cool15:37
albech_undecim: yes, it connects fine when i disable encryption15:37
alecwaiting for the smart ppl to figure it out.  :)   :P15:37
grawityneuratix: How about FeedDemon?15:37
grawityneuratix: whoops, wrong nick.15:37
s3r3n1t7oCean_, my main reason for still recommending it, is that windows will always say it's uncleanly unmounted even after having written all the data.15:37
Esvandiaryalec: well, either way - one thing you need to make sure is that the mount point you're going to (/media/Brindell for that first drive) exists already15:37
undecimalbech_: okay, I would suggest trying wicd, because that always seems to solve my encryption-based wireless probelems...15:38
alecit does now in fstab.15:38
aleccurrently WITH FORCE.15:38
undecimalbech_:You will need to add the repository firs though15:38
Esvandiaryalec: I mean literally in /media, on the filesystem15:38
s3r3n1t7oCean_, also note that since he wrote the UUID and everythign else write, this will only affect his NTFS drive. So far i have not yet heard nor read about an NTFS drive being damaged in any way with the force option.15:38
undecimalbech_: in a terminal, type: wget -q http://apt.wicd.net/wicd.gpg -O- | sudo apt-key add -15:38
oCean_s3r3n1t7: If your data is important to you, I really would not use the force option. Use the "safely remove external media" thingy in windows15:38
Esvandiaryalec: if you run "ls /media", does it include Brindell in the list?15:38
s3r3n1t7oCean_, and i would like to ask a question in return. How would you mount a drive if you have no windows available to you?15:39
s3r3n1t7oCean_, then i would not use ntfs in the first place to be honest.15:39
Lisa____1. yes I did "make install".. I'm not quite sure if it worked, though.. it says "./mkinstalldirs /usr/local/bin15:39
Lisa____/usr/bin/install -c iCam2 /usr/local/bin/iCam2" and that's it.. did it work?  2. if I'd tough icam2rc what would I have to look for?15:39
oCean_s3r3n1t7: Ok, then you'll have to mount it forced. But my question in return, why use NTFS if you don't have windows :)15:39
undecimalbech_: Then, go to your main menu and go to System > Administration > Synaptic Package Manager15:39
alecESVAN: It doesn't show in /Media15:40
jack_sprattI'm using unetbootin under wine to make a bootable linux usb drive for my acer aspire one. Nomatter what I do however it wont work - i just get missing operating system error message. can someone help?15:40
s3r3n1t7oCean_, that question would not be asked to me but to alec.15:40
Esvandiaryalec: ok, you need to run "sudo mkdir /media/Brindell" (and an equivalent line for the mount point of the other drive)15:40
albech_undecim: give me a sec here15:40
undecimalbech_: and when that comes up, go to Settings > Repositories > Third Party Software > Add15:40
undecimalbech_: okay...15:40
undecimalbech_:  Actually, I'll just give you a page with instructions: http://wicd.sourceforge.net/download.php15:41
andresmhi have been having issues with the Flash plugin on Firefox. Often after browsing a couple of sites with Flash content, it starts displaying them as gray boxes as if I didn't have Flash installed. Resetting the browser sometimes helps but sometimes the only thing that helps is rebooting the machine.15:41
jack_sprattanyone here ever made a live usb using linux?15:41
andresmhI am wondering if I have the wrong plugin15:41
powertowerCould someone help with flash audio problems on Ubuntu 8.04?15:41
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alecoCean, I reformatted that drive os I could transfer single files larger than 4G.15:41
undecimalbech_: although, you do need to make sure that you replace "hardy" with "intrepid" on that line for the package manager15:41
s3r3n1t7jack_spratt, i recommend you take a look at unetbootin.15:42
alecESVAN... is this correct for the other drive in fstab? UUID="5D51-966B" /media/My Book vfat-3g force,user 0 015:42
oCean_s3r3n1t7: Hm, yes. I'll just drop the argueing. It's just I don't like forced mounts.15:42
Esvandiaryalec: it should be "vfat" not "vfat-3g"15:42
s3r3n1t7oCean_, i value your input. Thank you.15:42
jack_spratts3r3n1t7: I havent found a distro that supports the linux version yet - ive used it under wine, but the usbs that it produces never work, although they appear to have been made successfully15:42
andresmhI see in synaptic there are two options: flashplugin-nonfree and adobeflash-plugin and flashplugin-nonfree-extrasound. Which one should I pick? Or should I download the one from Adobe?15:42
Esvandiaryalec: also, /media/My Book needs quotes around it15:42
ChotaZ_anyone that uses emerald and compiz fusion?15:43
Esvandiaryalec: also, no quotes around the UUID15:43
s3r3n1t7jack_spratt, can you please explain more? You wish to have a usb stick, which you can use to boot a live system from right?15:43
Esvandiaryalec: i assume you also just cut out most of the UUID to make the paste easier?15:43
jack_sprattIs there a way to install linux within a linux installation? ie without any cds or network install etc? that would save me having to make a liveusb15:43
jack_spratts3r3n1t7: yes thats right, for my netbook15:43
alecthat's the UID15:43
alecdbl xchecking15:43
s3r3n1t7Esvandiary, vfat has shorter UUID's.15:43
Esvandiarys3r3n1t7: aah, ok15:44
s3r3n1t7jack_spratt, take a look at unetbootin. it creates perfect bootable usb sticks.15:44
powertowerAnyone interested in helping me with flash audio problems?15:44
Esvandiaryalec: no problem, that's normal15:44
jack_spratts3r3n1t7: in windows maybe - is it in ubuntu repos?15:44
Esvandiaryalec: so yeah, paste the line again?15:44
alecBTW, the syntax u told me for the second ext drive is different than the first drive in fstab.15:44
ChotaZhow do you set emerald as team manager and use it?15:44
alec1st drive is: UUID="28E047C3E047964A" "/media/Brindell" ntfs-3g force,user 0 015:44
ChotaZ!emerald | ChotaZ15:44
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about emerald15:44
ChotaZ!compiz-fusion | ChotaZ15:44
ubottuChotaZ, please see my private message15:44
alec2nd drive is: UUID=5D51-966B "/media/My Book" vfat force,user 0 015:44
alecdifferent syntax.15:44
jack_spratts3r3n1t7: I dont want to have to install windows or ubuntu on my desktop - I want ubuntu on my netbook, not my desktop, but it seems ill have to install windows or ubuntu in order to use unetbootin!15:44
andresmhWhich one should I install: flashplugin-nonfree and adobeflash-plugin and flashplugin-nonfree-extrasound. Or should I download the one from Adobe?  i have been having issues with the Flash plugin on Firefox. Often after browsing a couple of sites with Flash content, it starts displaying them as gray boxes as if I didn't have Flash installed. Resetting the browser sometimes helps but sometimes the only thing that helps is rebooting the machine.15:45
Esvandiaryalec: remove the quotes from the UUID in the first line too15:45
s3r3n1t7jack_spratt, no you don't. You can use the iso from ubuntu to create the usb stick.15:45
alecok.. same as second.15:45
clearscreenandresmh: grabbing "ubuntu-restricted-extras" has always worked for me :)15:45
aleci still gotta mkdir the other folder u mentioend.15:45
s3r3n1t7Esvandiary, i recommend you remove all of the quotes. The spaces which are in the file paths should be escaped out.15:45
HammerHead66andresmh: what graphic card do you have?15:45
jack_spratts3r3n1t7: so I can make a liveusb from the livecd of ubuntu?15:45
neuratixdoes dd or dd_rescue mount or in any way modify the file system of the partition i want to rescue ?15:45
Esvandiarys3r3n1t7: ok15:45
s3r3n1t7jack_spratt, yes15:45
undecimandresmh: I usually just install the "Restricted Extras" from the add/remove programs15:45
Esvandiaryalec: s3r3n1t7 suggests instead of using quotes, we escape the space character in "My Book"15:46
andrew_andresmh: flashpugin-nonfree-extrasound is not flash; it's an audio fix15:46
andresmhHammerHead66, good question: lspci | grep VGA 00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Mobile GM965/GL960 Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 0c)15:46
andrew_that prevents flash from hogging the sound15:46
jack_spratts3r3n1t7: do i have to basically install ubuntu on the usb then, or is there an option just to create a liveusb?15:46
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Esvandiaryalec: so, remove the quotes, and before the space between My and Book, put a backslash \15:46
alechow to escape space char?15:46
andresmhI do experince that after playing Flash content with sound the quality of sound degrades to telephone level from then on and only until I reboot it goes back to normal.15:47
jack_sprattalec: My Documents = My\ Documents in cli15:47
Esvandiaryalec: so it should look like: UUID=5D51-966B /media/My\ Book vfat force,user 0 015:47
alecUUID=5D51-966B /media/My\ Book vfat force,user 0 015:47
HammerHead66andresmh: what version of ubuntu do you have?15:47
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andresmhHammerHead66, 8.1015:47
s3r3n1t7jack_spratt, please download the software and run it. The menu it shows to create a live usb is very clear. You do not need to install any software anywhere.15:47
alecright on. !   I mkdir'd the two mount point dirs.15:47
ChotaZHow do I use an emerald theme?15:47
alecWhat's next?15:47
Esvandiaryalec: OK... so if you do "ls /media" and it shows both Brindell and "My Book" in there, that should be ok15:47
HammerHead66andresmh: 32bit or 64bit?15:47
Meatpuppethello all, I am going to be installing ubuntu 8.04 LTS on a clients system today with an intel integrated GPU, will I be able to use compositing windows manager like compiz? TIA :)15:47
undecimjack_spratt: I haven't been following your conversation because i have been helping someone else, but it seems you are trying to put a LiveCD ubuntu on a flash drive? I've done that a lot15:47
jack_spratts3r3n1t7: OK, and is that the same of Xubuntu and Kubuntu? or does just ubuntu have that option15:48
evelyettehi...how can I upgrade the package to the latest version if the apt-get tells me it's already the latest version...but I know it isn't ?15:48
alecESVAN:  It's there.15:48
andresmhHammerHead66, 32-bit15:48
kristian_I have burnt a data dvd with Brasero. Brasero has created a .checksum.md5 file on the disc. How can i verify data on disc compared to .checksum.md5? I've tried: " md5deep -r -x /media/cdrom0/.checksum.md5 /media/cdrom0" but it doesn't work. Any thoughts? :-)15:48
alecBrindell  cdrom  cdrom0  cdrom1  My  My Book  sdb1  sdb615:48
s3r3n1t7jack_spratt, it's the software that does this for you. I'm unsure about kubuntu and xubuntu, but i think it should be able to do this as well.15:48
timmytherawCotaz  add emerald --replace to your Startup programs System -> Preferences - > Sessions -> Add15:48
jack_sprattundecim: yes thats right, ideally the netbook remix, but I can install that once ubuntu is installed I believe.15:48
Esvandiaryalec: yeah, there's an extraneous My folder as well, but it got there in the end :P15:48
jack_spratts3r3n1t7: OK that sounds great, Ill give that a go15:48
HammerHead66try to reinstall the flash in add/remove  and see if that fixes it15:49
alecok.. so.. back to original problem where mounting was volitile... this should fix that then?15:49
Esvandiaryalec: OK, so you should be ok to reboot and it should auto-mount them15:49
andresmhwhich one HammerHead66 ?15:49
jack_spratts3r3n1t7: its a pain in the a$$ to be honest because kamdriva claims to do that too but it needs 1.9gb on the USB and i have 1.8915:49
alecgreat.  Hey.... Esvan and others THANKS SO MUCH for your help and also for helping me learn this system.  I REALLY APPRECIATE IT!!!!!!!!15:49
Esvandiaryalec: it all depends on what the problem is, but if this doesn't fix it, it's something weird with the USB connection15:49
andresmhHammerHead66, flashplugin-nonfree or  adobeflash-plugin?15:49
HammerHead66andresmh: try the free one15:49
s3r3n1t7jack_spratt, that is annoying indeed. I've done this method  a few times on a 1gb stick and it works just fine.15:49
Esvandiaryalec: no problem :) if the problem keeps happening, come back and we'll try and help some more15:49
kristian_I have burnt a data dvd with Brasero. Brasero has created a .checksum.md5 file on the dvd, with the md5 for the original files on hdd. How can i verify data on dvd compared to .checksum.md5, which contains md5sum of data on hdd? I've tried: "md5deep -r -x /media/cdrom0/.checksum.md5 /media/cdrom0", but it doesn't seem to work. Any thoughts? :-)15:50
alecESVAN: yeah, I do have the drives plugged in to a usb hub.15:50
ChotaZtimmytheraw: How do I use .emerald files?15:50
undecimjack_spratt: Well, the easiest theing is Unetbootin, but if you're like me and don't trust downloaded binaries, there is another semi-easy way to do it... Start by copying all the files from the LiveCD (or a loopback mounted iso) to the thumb drive...15:50
HammerHead66andresmh: adobeflash-plugin15:50
alecESVAN , etc.  you guys are the best!15:50
Esvandiaryalec: it's possible that's messing with it i guess, but ah well... good luck anyway :)15:50
aleckeep fingers crossed.15:50
timmytherawhave you installed emerald yet?  sudo apt-get install emerald15:50
Esvandiaryalec: will do :D15:50
alecthanks!  ciao.15:50
andresmhHammerHead66, OK. I'm doing it right now. What's the difference btw?15:50
rhineheart_mhello.. how to install realtek audio driver? I have already the realtek-linux-audiopack-4.06a.tar.bz2...15:50
jack_sprattundecim: s3r3n1t7 has suggested a method to auto create a liveusb from within a running livecd. I think I will try that as it sounds easiest15:51
s3r3n1t7jack_spratt, you don't need to run anything special nor boot anything special. This piece of software can create a live usb from any OS.15:51
jack_sprattundecim: but that method of copying all the cd files onto usb that you just mentioned - does that work for most distros?15:51
HammerHead66andresmh: I'm really not sure, I'm not a programmer.15:51
undecimjack_spratt: yes, but there is more to it that i was going to explain, lol15:51
undecimjack_spratt: you also have to install grub on the drive and create a menu.lst from the isolinux config15:52
ChotaZtimetheraw: Yes.15:52
HammerHead66andresmh: I just know that sometimes it works with some people and sometimes it doesn't15:52
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jack_spratts3r3n1t7: you say that the software on the ubuntu livecd can make bootable usbs from other linux dostros too? because there are versions of ubuntu made jsut for my netbook you see15:52
DarK``hi all, I did sudo apt-get -b source fglrx-installer on my Jaunty machine but it gives me an error: dpkg-checkbuilddeps: Unmet build dependencies: debhelper (>= 5) cdbs15:52
ChotaZtimmytheraw: Yes, but when i double click a .emerald file it says I donthave an application for that file ?\15:52
timmytherawIn the emerald theme manager you should be able to just click 'import' and add the theme that way15:52
ortsvorsteherDarK``: try in #ubuntu+115:53
DarK``okay, thanks15:53
s3r3n1t7jack_spratt, Unetbootin isn't on the liveCD.15:53
alec  15:53
HammerHead66andresmh: don't forget to close fox when installing it15:53
s3r3n1t7jack_spratt, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UNetbootin15:54
jack_sprattundecim, s3r3n1t7 : yes i noticed that grub appears to be missing on the liveusbs that i made with unetbootin in wine - the ones that didnt work15:54
bardyrjack_spratt, why in wine?15:54
s3r3n1t7jack_spratt, you don't need wine to run unetbootin. there are linux binaries as well.15:54
jack_sprattnot for the distros that I was trying to make them on15:54
jack_sprattpclos = no unetbootin15:54
bardyrjack_spratt, the binary runs on everything15:54
timmytherawtheres also the package emerald-themes that adds several themes to the manager.  link:  http://debian.beryl-project.org/pool/etch/main/0.2.0/emerald-themes_0.2.0~0beryl1_all.deb15:54
undecimjack_spratt: I would suggest just downloading and using Unetbootin, because that will let you do any distro15:54
jack_sprattundecim: the binary will work on pclos you think? (mandriva / rpm based)15:55
undecimjack_spratt: It should15:55
bardyrjack_spratt, yes, just install the dependencies15:55
jack_sprattbardyr: I checked some depedencies for the suse package but they appeared to be missing15:55
salserohi all i am looking for a app that can decrypt a pdf file. is there one for ubuntu?15:56
bardyrjack_spratt, http://sourceforge.net/project/downloading.php?groupname=unetbootin&filename=unetbootin-linux-319&use_mirror=kent15:56
bardyrjack_spratt, then just install syslinux and p7zip15:57
jack_sprattbardyr: will that install grub too or do I have to do that separately?15:57
bardyrjack_spratt, it will install grub too15:57
jack_sprattI mean install it on the liveusb15:57
HammerHead66salsero: on desktop go to text upper left hand side  /System/Admin/Synaptic Package Manager   and run a search for "encryption"15:57
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savvassalsero: you mean decrypt when you have the password? try pdftk or qpdf - see the description: apt-cache show pdftk qpdf15:59
jack_sprattbardyr: there may be a slight complication - I can only access the pendrive as root - but presumably if I run the binary of unetbootin as root too then it will create the liveusb successfully?15:59
salserosavvas, i havent a password. i have to crack it16:00
unkohey guys... i got a 250gb hdd... what should i format it too? whats the best format for using it constanly like media wise?16:00
ortsvorsteherHello, i have running a toshiba satellite laptop with an realtek rtl8193 nic and after upgrading from 8.04 to 8.10 i cannot connect over ethernet to my network16:01
undecimunko: That depends... are you going to be using it on other operating systems (such as windows) or just linux machines?16:01
unkoundecim, just linux machines16:01
jack_sprattbardyr: also I have just installed p7zip but unetbootin says it cannot find it when it starts - why would that be and how could I solve it?16:01
HammerHead66ortsvorsteher: is DHCP set?16:02
bardyrjack_spratt, p7zip-full ?16:02
undecimunko: well then ext3 would be a good choice... although, I personally perfer reiserfs, but you may need to install the drivers for that16:02
ortsvorsteherHammerHead66: no, i really dont know how to set dhcp on...16:02
SquideshiWhich is a good channel to ask for assistance with the PCI utilities (I need assistance with the setpci command, in particular.)16:03
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unkoundecim, whats the difference?16:03
undecimunko: I prefer reiserfs mostly because it doesn't require that periodic filesystem check on boot16:03
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unkoundecim, ohhh16:03
undecimunko: also, some benchmarks say that its faster16:03
jack_sprattbardyr: the package is simply called p7zip, there is one other package in the repos which mentioned 7zip and that is rarcrack, and those two packages are installed. Do i need a restart do you think?16:04
unkoundecim, ok well ill format it that... and why do i need drivers?16:04
undecimunko: Because it may or may not be installed by default.. On my machine (Linux mint) its already installed, but i don't know if it is by default on ubuntu16:04
HammerHead66ortsvorsteher:   https://help.ubuntu.com/8.10/serverguide/C/networking.html16:05
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undecimunko: to install it just type in a terminal: sudo apt-get install reiserfsprogs16:05
unkoundecim, i already have it i think in the partition editor it says i can format it to that16:05
schierbecki'm running the jaunty beta, and i'm not seeing any notifications at all16:06
undecimunko: okay, then you should be good to go16:06
oCean_schierbeck: jaunty issues still go in #ubuntu+1 channel16:06
unkoundecim, nice thanks16:06
schierbeckoCean_: thanks!16:06
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ortsvorsteher!hello | benderuuu_16:08
ubottubenderuuu_: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!16:08
unkoundecim, do you know how to make a trash can on a ntfs partition? cuz it says i can only perm delete when i hit delete16:08
undecimunko: Not off the top of my head...16:08
unkoundecim, ok16:08
undecimunko: other patitions use a .Trash-[uid] folder16:08
unkoundecim, whats the [uid] ? i might be able to make one16:09
undecimunko: its your user id # (usually 1000 for the first user on the system)16:09
grawityType 'id' on Terminal to find out.16:10
unkoundecim, and will that work if i put it there?16:10
undecimunko: but simply having that folder won't make it use it as a trash folder16:10
=== magcius is now known as FluxxBot
ChotaZ_How do I create an icon on the desktop that open /home?16:10
ChotaZ_and trash too16:11
unkoundecim, ohh16:11
Titan8990ChotaZ_, type this command in the terminal: sudo ln -s /home /home/USER/Desktop16:12
Titan8990ChotaZ_, where USER is your username16:12
=== FluxxBot is now known as magcius
Titan8990ChotaZ_, don't know about trash because they like to move around where trash is stored16:13
undecimChotaZ_: alt+f2 and type "gconf-editor" then go "apps > nautilus > desktop" and on the right there should be options like "computer_icon_visible"16:13
ChotaZ_Titan8990: I'm using ubuntu 8.1016:13
woltershould i be using kernel 2.6.27-11 ?16:14
ChotaZ_undecim: Thanks.16:14
wolterI am in 2.6.27-916:14
Titan8990ChotaZ_, that command will work on all linux systems16:14
undecimChotaZ_: just turn on and off the options for each icon you want16:14
wolterBut 27-11 is installed.16:14
ortsvorsteher!enter | wolter16:14
ubottuwolter: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!16:14
Titan8990wolter, you should use the newest kernel available if it works16:14
wolterTitan8990, but newest kernel is 27-11 ?16:15
ChotaZ_undecim: I'm having a weird problem with emerald, the theme I choose will only stay on when the terminal i type emerald --replace is opened. If I close the terminal I lose the theme ?\16:15
weatherkidHey, I have a ICS connection. I got a genus idea to bridge my Ethernet connection with my Wireless on my laptop, then see if Ubuntu 8.04.2 detected it. But it isn't any ideas and please don't give me the Ubottu Message.16:15
wolterTitan8990, I can't find it in my menu.lst file.16:15
landcan anyone help me w/ postgreSQL?16:15
landi have this error: createdb: could not connect to database postgres: FATAL:  Ident authentication failed for user "land"16:16
undecimChotaz_: use an alt+f2 instead of a terminal16:16
Titan8990wolter, add it manually, copy and paste the lines for your 2.6.27-9 kernel and just change the 9 to an 11 where its applicable16:16
wolterTitan8990, ok.16:16
ChotaZ_undecim: thanks!16:16
undecimChotaZ_: y/w16:16
AnusienI'm on 2.6.27-11; is there a 2.6.29 release?16:17
Itakuhow can i get my usb mic working? nothing is going through on it16:17
wolterTitan8990, also, do you know how to put a default option? Like nomux=1 (my touchpad doesn't work otherwise)16:17
Titan8990ChotaZ_, if you want to use a normal terminal you would do:    emerald --replace & disown16:17
Titan8990ChotaZ_, that will allow you to close the terminal16:17
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Titan8990wolter, no idea on that16:18
Ikarus86join #ubuntu-de16:18
ChotaZ_Titan8990: Thanks for sharing ^^ but, hey I can't rung gconf -editor, says the directory doesnt exist =\16:18
s3r3n1t7weatherkid, did you try the ICS message that you were given by ubottu before then?16:18
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Titan8990ChotaZ_, that wasn't my suggestion, talk to the person who suggested it16:19
Titan8990ChotaZ_, I know nothing about GUI tools16:19
Itakuhow can i get a usb logitech microphone working?16:19
Tryfonhi guys does anyone know a good software(freeware ofcourse :)) for remote conection with ubuntu to vista?16:19
ChotaZ_undecim, I can't run gconf -editor, says the directory doesnt exist =\16:19
Tryfonor generally is this possible?16:19
undecimChotaZ_: remove the space from after gconf16:19
Titan8990Tryfon, VNC16:19
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Titan8990!vnc | Tryfon16:20
ubottuTryfon: VNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX16:20
dug_Is there any way to avoid the long pause and lockup when acroread first starts up? (adobe's pdf reader)16:20
undecimChotaZ_: the -editor is part of the command, not an option16:20
dug_other than using the gpg viewer16:20
Itakuin alsamixer which one of the things would be a usb microphone?16:20
ChotaZ_undecim, its working now, thanks a lot, I got my icons ^^16:21
ChotaZ_is there a way to make a panel smaller in lenght?16:21
ytooxwhen I upgrade from 8.10 to 9.04 will I be able to change the filesystem as well?16:21
undecimChotaZ_: right click on it, and click "properties"16:21
Titan8990ytoox, if you do a fresh install16:22
undecimChotaZ_: Then uncheck "expand"16:22
Titan8990!jaunty | ytoox16:22
ubottuytoox: Jaunty Jackalope is the codename for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 23rd, 2009 -  Schedule in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyReleaseSchedule - Lots of breakage between now and April - Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support.16:22
Itakumy usb microphone isnt picking up any sound when i talk into it16:22
Titan8990!mic | Itaku16:22
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about mic16:22
weatherkids3r3n1t7: yup16:22
Titan8990Itaku, http://annevankesteren.nl/2008/04/ubuntu-microphone16:22
ars14hi all16:23
s3r3n1t7weatherkid, then the question should be what's going wrong16:23
clancyi am REALLY DISAPPOINTED about jaunty16:23
clancydo the ubuntu devs read the bugs we file?????16:23
jpdsclancy: -> #ubuntu+116:23
bazhang!jaunty > clancy16:23
ubottuclancy, please see my private message16:23
ChotaZ_undecim, is there a way to manually set its size?16:24
moxfaldercan i install Ubuntu on to EXTENDED or only PRIMARY disk (i have Evil XP, want make dual-boot without wubi ) ?16:24
undecimChotaZ_: Not that i know of16:24
josephdo you speak Spanish?16:24
s3r3n1t7!es | joseph16:24
ubottujoseph: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.16:24
Osakaone two16:25
s3r3n1t7moxfalder, any partition will do.16:25
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ItakuTitan8990, after doing that i hear continuous static16:25
moxfaldercool !16:25
ars14someone can help me for a virtualhost config on ubuntu server 8.04 ?16:26
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oCean_ars14: what's up?16:28
sccolbertcan we ask technical support questions in here?16:30
oCean_sccolbert: yes, absolutely16:30
erUSULsccolbert: if related to ubuntu; yes16:30
cyberdigitalhey fellas, i have remote desktop setup with the default apps in 8.10, how do i transfer files to and from the remote connection16:30
sccolberthow about related to compiling python numpy against atlas 3.8.3 on ubuntu?16:30
MartinWI have a problem with sound. I quit a game (supertux kart) and my now sound is jammed repeating one note of the music over and over again. This isn't the first time and in the past rebooting fixed it, but is there a way to quiet it without rebooting?16:31
ars14I think a I ell configure my virtual on apache2 , enable site and at it in hosts16:31
albech_undecim: it appear to be a problem with encryption while running in N-mode16:31
albech_undecim: when i disable N-mode on the router it connect just fine16:31
erUSULsccolbert: probably out of scope but anyway you can try maybe is esily solvable16:31
undecimalbech_: That's weird16:32
undecimalbech_: Is disabling N-mode a problem for you?16:32
albech_undecim: yes it works in N mode with no encryption16:32
wolterhi, apparently my wifi drivers chose randomly whether to load or not. Can somebody help me?16:32
albech_undecim: no i have just disabled it on the router16:32
undecimalbech_: Alright, glad you figured it out16:33
sccolberti think i am getting a problem when linking against the ggc standard lib, i will post the error from the build log16:33
sccolbertC compiler: gcc -pthread -fno-strict-aliasing -DNDEBUG -g -fwrapv -O2 -Wall -Wstrict-prototypes -fPIC16:33
sccolbertcompile options: '-c'16:33
sccolbertgcc: _configtest.c16:33
sccolbertgcc -pthread _configtest.o -L/usr/local/atlas/lib -llapack -lptf77blas -lptcblas -latlas -o _configtest16:33
sccolbert/usr/bin/ld: _configtest: hidden symbol `__powidf2' in /usr/lib/gcc/i486-linux-gnu/4.3.2/libgcc.a(_powidf2.o) is referenced by DSO16:33
FloodBot1sccolbert: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.16:33
ars14oCean_ hey16:33
erUSULwolter: force load adding a line with the module name to /etc/modules file16:33
erUSUL!pastebin | sccolbert16:33
ubottusccolbert: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)16:33
HammerHead66wolter:https://help.ubuntu.com/7.10/internet/C/wireless.html her you go16:33
albech_undecim: thanks for your help.. got a few other things like a eee-kernel installed at the same time, which should fix some extra buttons and 2-finger pad support16:33
oCean_ars14: the vhosts are in /etc/apache2/sites-enabled16:34
zilleplusi have no internet on ubuntu server but when i look to ifconfig i see as ip they say its my rpoxy server can someone say wath i have to do16:34
sccolbertpaster url: http://paste.ubuntu.com/139609/16:34
sccolbertsorry again, my first time on irc16:34
oCean_ars14: configure the file 000-default, or add another one (create the new file in /etc/apache2/sites-available and type a2ensite sitename)16:34
zilleplusi have no internet on ubuntu server but when i look to ifconfig i see as ip they say its my rpoxy server can someone say wath i have to do16:35
sccolberti googled around for that error, and the best I could come up with, is that the .so's were linked improperly when created16:35
erUSULsccolbert: no problem; anyway i can not help with the linker error...16:35
undecimzilleplus: who is "they"16:35
sccolbertno problem, thanks anyway for offering your time to the community!16:36
erUSULzilleplus: is the adress of the loopback device you can ignore it... is there no more interfaces such as eth0 on the ifconfig -a output?16:36
sccolbertcan you point in the right direction to go with this? I don't think i will get much help from the atlas bug watcher16:36
andreranyone know a way to re-scan for iscsi targets without restarting iscsi? (I already have some luns mapped on a NAS device... if I do /etc/init.d/iscsi restart the new disks will show up, but I don't want to restart iscsi as I already have some disks mapped)16:36
oCean_!pm | ars1416:36
ubottuars14: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.16:36
erUSULzilleplus: also more details are needed; how are you connected? wire wireless through router modem?16:36
ChotaZ_undecim, I removed something from my panel and I can't find it again to add it(it was the app that showed you running aplications like Compiz Manager Icon and the PulseAudion Device Chooser)16:37
nateshi, can i use the linux command `tree` somehow to generate a jpg? or the other way around: does anyone of you know a tool that generates trees of the filesystem and let's me export it as a picture?16:37
JorgeJorgessonI cannot seem to get Amarok to play a Shoutcast stream.  It keeps saying no available codec.16:37
zilleplusi have a sitcom router with this pc (windows xp) on it and my server i reinstalled him but can't get internet again on it16:37
undecimChotaZ_: It's called the "Notification Area"16:37
erUSULandrer: no idea... maybe on #ubuntu-server you will find more people with iscsi hardware16:37
natesi took a look at the man-page of tree but i could not find an option ...16:37
andrererUSUL: I will try that... thanks16:37
DarK``how do i check which version of a program in apt?16:38
erUSULzilleplus: please paste the output of "ifconfig -a" and the contents of /etc/network/interfaces16:38
zillepluswhen i look to ip---) route -nee i see
ChotaZ_undecim, thanks a lot.16:38
erUSUL!version | DarK``16:38
ubottuDarK``: To find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell - To know the available version of a package, « apt-cache policy <package> »16:38
ars14how to send message to somebody in the channel ?16:38
DarK``cool, thanks erUSUL16:38
erUSUL!who | ars1416:38
ubottuars14: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)16:38
oCean_ars14: just as you do now, just aks your questions16:39
erUSULars14: do as i just di; put the nick in front of what you say16:39
woltererUSUL, how do that?16:39
oCean_ars14: to talk to someone in particular, start the line with their nick, then type your message16:39
woltererUSUL, (forcing the load of my drivers)16:39
ChotaZ_undecim: Anyone here that uses teamspeak?16:39
ars14oCean_ like that16:39
abtokhi, could someone help me having a resolution higher than 1024*768 ?16:39
erUSULwolter: ehats the name of the module?16:39
oCean_ars14: correct!16:39
woltererUSUL, I don't know16:39
erUSUL!pastebin | zilleplus16:39
ubottuzilleplus: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)16:39
ars14oCean_ oki :)16:40
erUSULwolter: :| what wifi card (chip) do you have?16:40
ars14oCean_ so i got the default site too16:40
zilleplussec its mutch to type16:40
woltererUSUL, broadcom somthing16:40
sccolberterUSUL: no worries, thanks for offering to help! Can you point me in the right direction? The Atlas bugwatcher seems to be a little dead...16:40
woltererUSUL, comes with xps m153016:40
oCean_ars14: yes, you can modify the default site OR create a new one16:40
erUSULwolter: did you use ndiswrapper?16:40
erUSULsccolbert: no idea; sorry16:41
ars14oCean_ i create a new one16:41
DunkinNatez cant you just do tree > tree.txt?16:41
woltererUSUL, maybe...16:41
ars14oCean_ it work when my project where under /var/www/myproject16:41
woltererUSUL, i modprobed it and nothing happened.16:41
erUSULwolter: is the wifi working right now? can you paste the output of "lsmod" in a pastebin?16:41
oCean_ars14: ok. So that is called the DocumentRoot, specified in the vhost configuration16:41
ars14oCean_ but for securrity i just move it into /var/www-protected/myproject16:41
erUSULwolter: how did you modprobed it if you do not know the name?16:42
woltererUSUL, i modprobed ndiswrapper...16:42
ars14oCean_ yes it is16:42
oCean_ars14: ok. And now?16:42
abtokhi, could someone help me having a resolution higher than 1024*768 ?16:42
woltererUSUL, and yes, it's working. Let me post lsmod16:42
ubottuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution16:42
ars14oCean_ and now it got page not found16:43
sccolberthow would I go about contacting the person who packages libraries for the ubuntu repositories? I can get libatlas from the repos and build against it just fine. But the repos only have the single threaded libraries, whereas I have compiled the pthreaded ones? I imagine this person has already solved this linking problem...16:43
ars14oCean_ i just change folder16:43
ars14and add in hosts sub.domain.com16:43
ars14_oCean and add in hosts sub.domain.com16:43
oCean_ars14: in your configfile there is a directive called DocumentRoot. Default it is /var/www , so you have to modify that one too16:44
abtokerUSUL: when i type xrandr i only have resolutions below 1024*76816:44
woltererUSUL, http://paste.ubuntu.com/139618/16:44
ars14oCean_ no because i dont xant people access to this folder by domain.com16:44
oCean_ars14: the Page not found is not problem with hostname, but with the directory path. See your logfile /var/log/apache2/error_log.16:44
unkohey can someone help me16:45
ars14oCean_ ok i test16:45
abtoki don't have any resolution higher than 1024*768 when i enter 'xrandr' ; is it normal ?16:45
unkoi wanna put a trash can on my 250gb ntfs partition i need help with editing my fstab info to get the trash can working....someone help me16:45
oCean_ars14: The DocumentRoot is set for each vhost. So if default has /var/www <-- then that is accessible by domain.com. But your 2nd site (vhost2 maybe) with DocumentRoot /var/otherdir/site is only accessible by vhost2.domain.com16:46
ars14oCean_ ok that what is done16:47
thefuzzballDoes anyone know why videos start pausing and stuttering after a while with Ubuntu's default "Movie Player"?16:47
ars14oCean_ i have nothing in error.log16:47
woltererUSUL, should it be ieee1394 ?16:47
thefuzzballIt is also happening with music in Rhythmbox16:47
erUSULwolter: i suspect wl let me check16:47
FloodBot1zilleplus: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.16:47
oCean_ars14: /var/log/apache2/error_log <not .log16:48
zillepluserSUS you got it????16:48
ars14oCean_ no it is .log16:49
erUSULwolter: it is i think do this « echo wl | sudo tee -a /etc/modules »16:49
oCean_ars14: Then it is something that you have modified. Since default apache behaviour is access_log and error_log16:49
zilleplushttp://paste.ubuntu.com/139623/   erS8L my ifconfig16:50
oCean_ars14: in the ServerRoot directive16:50
ars14oCean_ what file ?16:50
oCean_ars14: apache2.conf and/or your vhost config files, since you can set various logfiles for each vhost16:50
woltererUSUL, returns wl16:51
erUSULwolter: yes16:51
erUSULwolter: it si supposed to. it is done16:51
woltererUSUL, so it is wl?16:51
erUSULwolter: yes16:51
the22decembreI have a problem with samba16:51
wolterthanks erUSUL !16:51
the22decembrecan anybody help me ?16:51
grawitythe22decembre: Yes, if you tell us what's the problem.16:52
ars14oCean_ is my default site16:52
the22decembregrawity : cool16:52
the22decembrethe problem concern users16:52
ars14oCean_ dont worry for that16:52
jack_spratts3r3n1t7: I got the liveusb working in the end - thanks very much. My chat log isnt long enough to check the names of the other two users who were also very helpful earlier, but thank you both too :)16:52
weatherkidCan someone look at this and see if this is possible. http://paste.ubuntu.com/139622/16:53
the22decembreI have the users on the windows workstation and on the linux server16:53
the22decembrebut I can acces to the server share currently16:53
ars14oCean_ i give your real exaple of my conf :16:53
oCean_ars14: don't paste here!16:54
alecesvandiary:  the automount fix worked.16:54
s3r3n1t7jack_spratt, i'm sure they've noted your message and are happy you got it working.16:54
ars14oCean no lol just fake16:54
jsquarednow that 9.04 is in beta, can I be reasonably certain that the corresponding video drivers are updated?16:54
oCean_ars14: use pastebin service16:54
the22decembreI can today16:54
the22decembreI feel ridiculous !16:54
macman_hey all .. im trying to dive more into ubuntu .. what are some good ebooks / books i should get ?16:54
daftykinsjsquared, the beta page lists that ATI drivers will be worked on now, after the beta release, so probably not yet for all manufacturers is safe to say16:55
jsquareddaftykins: ah, okay16:55
jsquareddaftykins: which beta page are you looking at?16:55
ars14oCean documentroot : /var/www-protected/project , hosts : sub.a.b.c.com16:55
furenkuhello, I need  to install a kernel module to get certain hardware working, but I get the following message: "*** Missing file: arch/x86/boot/bzImage" ... does anybody know what this means?16:55
ars14oCean that it16:55
Esvandiaryalec: glad to hear it :)16:55
daftykinshere jsquared : http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/jaunty/beta16:55
erUSULfurenku: did you installed kernel headers16:55
ars14oCean virtualhost *16:55
ars14oCean servername sub.a.b.c.com16:56
oCean_ars14: I get it. But at this point, what is your question?16:56
the22decembreSo my next question is : how can I do this, with authentification ?16:56
furenkuerUSUl, i installed 'linux-headers-uname-r'16:56
the22decembrebecause the worstation hasn't passwords !16:56
weatherkidCan someone look at this and see if this is possible. http://paste.ubuntu.com/139622/16:56
OizoGood day, i got a little partition problem. I have one NTFS partition, on which i run Windows Vista, and then Ext3+Swap partitions i run Ubuntu on. Now i would like to convert these Ext3+Swap partitions to NTFS, so i can use them with Vista, and then install Ubuntu in a virtual machine.16:56
OizoHow to convert those partitions to ntfs?16:56
jsquareddaftykins: thanks very much16:56
ars14i just have no ping at this address16:56
daftykinsyou're welcome :)16:56
ars14oCean i just have no ping at this address16:57
the22decembreIf I mount the share on windows one time with the samba/linux passwords16:57
oCean_ars14: you cannot ping ?16:57
the22decembrewill it be correct for all time ?16:57
jsquareda little weirded out that 9.04 disabled ctrl+alt+backspace though... definitely doing a dontzap --disable when I wind up upgrading16:57
ars14oCean no this is an RPS16:57
ars14oCean_ no this is an RPS16:57
erUSULfurenku: that shold be enough to compile out of tree modules....16:57
Esvandiarythe22decembre: it should save the passwords if you tick the box, not sure if it'll ask again16:58
oCean_ars14: you can change the IP of course to the real ip-address16:58
furenkuerUSUL, but I can't find any bzImage file; maybe I need to perform additional steps?16:58
erUSULfurenku: becouse the bzimage file it is only present if you compile your own kernel afaics16:58
the22decembreplease, what is "tick" ?16:58
Esvandiarythe22decembre: on my setup, Windows does some sort of black magic because the user/pass combos are the same on both machines16:58
ars14oCean_ in the server hosts ? like : sub.a.b.c.com ?16:58
the22decembreI know the paswords must be the same for each user on each system (both in linux, samba & windows...)16:59
furenkuerUSUL, but then why would "make install" be asking for this file?16:59
donaldcan som1 help me install Counter strike on ubuntu?16:59
icerootLargeHardonColli: stop it17:00
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu,  imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, Madpilot, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso,  PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!17:00
safruhanibe quite pls17:00
OizoHi there, id like to "uninstall" my ubuntu, delete the ext3+swap partition i used for it, and make a new ntfs partition out of the free space, so i can install ubuntu in a virtual machine. Yet i find no way to get that space to NTFS, anyone able to help?17:00
donaldcan someone help me with a game instalation?17:00
erUSULOizo: use gparted from ubuntu livecd should be easy17:01
bobybonjours a tous17:01
icerootOizo: use the windows installer17:01
lvri did a "hdparm -E [speed]" to my dvd device. is there a way to set it back to the drive selecting the speed on its own?17:01
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icerootOizo: you want to install windows or why need ntfs?17:01
the22decembreboby : I think you may speak english !17:01
Oizoi already got vista on one partition, but id like to free the ubuntu space, and bring it back into vista17:01
Oizoso gparted should be able to do that?17:01
icerootOizo: then use the vista partiton manager to create ntfs17:01
macman_gaparted rocks17:02
ars14oCean_ what do you preconize ?17:02
vladimir_ehi all, does anyone know why Sylpheed depends on claws mail?17:02
mheldhey y'all17:02
mheldanybody know any good file integrity checkers?17:02
mheldlike inotify?17:02
Lisa____I installed iCam2 but couldn't open it. it says it couldn't open the config file. I realized I had to put it somewhere else, so I did. That problem is solved, but it still says "MMAP failed" and I have no idea what that means. Any ideas?17:03
min3sweeperwhy my ubuntu is using 100% of CPU all the time ?17:05
the22decembredoes anyone knows how to attribute a drive letter to a samba share ?17:05
ChotaZ_Hey, I'm having some problems getting teamspeak to work, I installed the teamspeak client for linux, but it made other applications that used the same output device get muted or crash, so I decided installed the windows client and running it through Wine, but now micro wont work. Any suggestions?17:05
the22decembrefrom the server directly17:05
madridbuenas tardes soy nuevo en esto y necesito ayuda sobre como utilizar un programa parecido al mesenger pero para linux max17:05
oCean_ars14: the ubuntugeek tutorials are very helpful: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/howto-create-name-based-and-ip-based-virtual-hosts-in-apache.html17:05
ars14oCean_ thx i read it17:06
erUSUL!es | madrid17:06
ubottumadrid: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.17:06
joeyjonesmin3sweeper: run top in terminal and look at what's using it up17:06
madridmuchas gracias pero está en español?17:06
J_Litewskiis there anyway to control ACPI devices?17:06
weatherkidI bridged my Ethernet and my Wireless connections. So my next question is Ubuntu doesn't recognize the internet connection so what do I do to make it take a static ip?17:06
HammerHead66Lisa____: http://www.sunmanagers.org/archives/1998/1565.html    here it is17:06
yakkophi -- possible to run ubuntu on centos 5.2 (in xen I suppose) ?17:06
bobyje suis a la recherche d'un forum de discute en francais,,,quelq'un peu m'indiquer17:06
ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr17:07
min3sweeperit`s gconfd-217:07
ChotaZ_Hey, I'm having some problems getting teamspeak to work, I installed the teamspeak client for linux, but it made other applications that used the same output device get muted or crash, so I decided installed the windows client and running it through Wine, but now micro wont work. Any suggestions?17:07
=== prince_j1mmys is now known as prince_jammys
ubottuPor favor, use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.17:07
furenkuwhen installing kernel modules, would just copying the .ko files into the "/lib/modules/uname -r/kernel/drivers/drivername/" directory suffice?17:08
benstewhat was the exac name of the jaunty channel? i tried ubuntu+1 but it didn't work17:08
ars14oCean_ yes i done everything i do that many times during my job17:08
erUSULfurenku: you have to run "sudo depmod -a" after the copy17:09
ars14oCean_ but for the RPS iam confused17:09
erUSULbenste: is #ubuntu+117:09
HammerHead66Lisa____: do you understand what has happened?17:09
oCean_ars14: yes. I'm not sure why it is different.17:09
crdlbfurenku: from where? kernel modules need to be built for your exact kernel17:09
furenkuerUSUL, thanks for all the help17:09
ars14oCean_ this is my first ubunuer server , i use the deskop at work17:09
furenkucrdlb, I built them for my kernel17:09
erUSULfurenku: no problem17:10
bensteerUSUL, pidgin tells me - invaild chatroom name17:10
AnusienSo I'm installing the radeonHD drivers.  Am I correct in reading this page (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RadeonDriver) that after I've removed flgrx I backup my xorg.conf, delete it and reboot?17:10
ars14oCean_ so the hossy config is correct ?17:10
ars14oCean_  hosts17:10
afiefI have a laptop with a small keyboard, so I connected a USB keyboard for easier typing. but I am unable to change the keyboard layout on the usb keyboard, it only works on the laptop's keyboard. Anybody knows this werid bug?17:10
ars14oCean_ a.b.c.com ?17:10
benstegot it :-917:10
crdlbAnusien: what video card?17:10
joeyjonesmin3sweeper: you could try to kill it and hope it restarts smaller17:11
joeyjonesit's a system process for gnome17:11
ubuntux782could somebody say please, if the cards via/sg3 unichrome pro igp works for linux too? and they're work good with the compiz's effects17:11
oCean_ars14: should be "localhost", added in ubuntu is an address, because some programs require a FQDN17:11
sandy_fck u all17:12
Anusiencrdlb: Radeon X1200 IGP17:12
crdlbubuntux782: there isn't a 3d driver for them17:12
mister_robotodoes anyone know how to get snx (vpn) running on jaunty? i saw many pages saying to install "libstdc ++2.10-glibc2 .2" but i can't find that17:12
oCean_ars14: But I really don't know what effect this RPS configuration has. As far as I know it's not an officially supported derivative17:12
sandy_fck u all17:12
sandy_fck u all17:12
sandy_fck u all17:12
FloodBot1sandy_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.17:12
ars14oCean_  I have another RPS in ubuntu deskop 8.04 with site configured working17:13
ubuntux782mmm, ok. thank's for all.17:13
crdlbAnusien: hmm, iirc, that chip was only very recently supported in the open source radeon driver17:13
Anusienhttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/RadeonDriver <-- this page claims good support17:13
ars14oCean_  I think i make a mistake in config of this one but dont find :(17:13
crdlbAnusien: even though the X1250 which is very similar has been supported for a while17:13
afiefI have a laptop with a small keyboard, so I connected a USB keyboard for easier typing. but I am unable to change the keyboard layout on the usb keyboard, it only works on the laptop's keyboard. Anybody knows this werid bug?17:14
Anusiencrdlb: Anyway, my question is whether I should hack up my xorg.conf or just reboot and see if it will autodetect like it claims it will17:14
gabrielhelp, i cant install the nvidia drivers on ubuntu 8.10 32 bits, i have tried with Envy and the restricted drivers but they do not activate, I have a Geforce 615017:14
crdlbAnusien: it's correct, if you don't have fglrx support, the radeon driver should attempt to give you 3d17:14
crdlbAnusien: and it did out of the box with my X125017:14
AnusienSo kill xorg.conf and restart x?17:15
mister_robotodoes anyone know how to get checkpoint snx running on jaunty? i saw many pages saying to install "libstdc++2.10-glibc2.2" but i can't find that17:15
ikoniamister_roboto: jaunty chat is in #ubuntu+1 channel17:15
=== RoAk is now known as RoAkSoAx
oCean_ars14: ok, sorry I don't know how to help. One suggestion is to compare those two configs17:16
mister_robotothx ikonia17:16
ars14oCean_ i have :       localhost.localdomain localhost17:16
gabrielhelp, i cant install the nvidia drivers on ubuntu 8.10 32 bits, i have tried with Envy and the restricted drivers but they do not activate, I have a Geforce 615017:16
crdlbAnusien: yep, just uninstall xorg-driver-fglrx, remove the xorg.conf and it should work after a reboot17:16
crdlb(assuming it's supported)17:16
ars14oCean_  oki thank you17:16
oCean_ars14: if you cannot ping the IP, than the loopback interface must be down?17:16
ars14oCean_  yes maybe !17:17
oCean_ars14: since /etc/hosts is really for name resolving. So the address is on the loopback device. Type "ifconfig lo" to see if it's up17:17
Anusiencrdlb: Thanks.  "The system is going down for reboot NOW!" *crosses fingers*17:17
ChotaZ_Hey, I'm having some problems getting teamspeak to work, I installed the teamspeak client for linux, but it made other applications that used the same output device get muted or crash, so I decided installed the windows client and running it through Wine, but now micro wont work. Any suggestions?17:18
itrebalI'm interested in sharing my SMB and AFP daemons through the network, and am concerned about security so I'm considering setting up a VPN to share them more securely. Does anybody have suggestions on how to do this best? Recommended docs/etc?17:18
erUSULChotaZ_: when running it the native client use "papsd teamspeak" to make it use pulseaudio. that way it will not block other apps17:18
gabrielhelp, i cant install the nvidia drivers on ubuntu 8.10 32 bits, i have tried with Envy and the restricted drivers but they do not activate, I have a Geforce 6150, can somebody help me, please?17:19
ars14oCean_  it is for loopack17:19
=== eric is now known as Guest23961
oCean_ars14: yes, but is it up? (2nd line should read "UP LOOPBACK RUNNING"17:19
paulEUhi! I have question: is there a chance add packages subversion-1.6.x for 8.04 LTS in backports? I see that there is 1.5.x, who is responsible for this package?17:20
ars14oCean_  note that i can't ping http://mydomain.com from my computer bbut I can acces it with my FF , Isee "it work"17:20
ubuntux782excuse do you know a driver for nvidia vanta 16mb? could you help me???17:20
Cpudan80paulEU: your best bet is to see if they have a PPA17:20
ars14oCean_  yes it is UP17:20
russdotI have my hard drive split into 3 paritions: /, /home and swap. I was just doing some online reading to find out why the System Monitor reports 'Free' and 'Available' space and found that the system reserves as much as 5% for root. This is fine, but my /home has 2.2GB free and only 800MB available... Anyone know why that is??17:20
ChotaZ_erUSUL: I may disagree, I already tried ='(17:20
paulEUCpudan80: PPA? Could you explain what's mean? :)17:21
oCean_ars14: in that case... I think I am missing something, I mean I don't see what is wrong17:21
paulEUI don't know this word PPA"17:21
ubottuWith Launchpad's Personal Package Archives (PPA), you can build and publish binary Ubuntu packages for multiple architectures simply by uploading an Ubuntu source package to Launchpad. See https://help.launchpad.net/PPAQuickStart.17:21
ars14oCean_  arf :)17:21
Cpudan80paulEU: its a repository that has newer software than the baseline ---- basically you add it to synaptic and then can get the newer versions17:21
Cpudan80paulEU: personal package archive17:22
Cpudan80or something17:22
ars14oCean_  do you think i must config something in ovh param ....17:22
=== Guest57825 is now known as iguelph
gaintsurajust a question (I'm not going to attempt it) but isn't enough data loaded into memory that the root partition could be unmounted and the system continue running while changes are made to the disk and then remounted?17:22
Anusiencrdlb: So I rebooted and I have picture, but I don't have an xorg.conf file (and it's not doing hardware rendering at all, I think).  Is there some sort of way to generate the xorg.conf automatically?17:23
ars14oCean_  this is my provider17:23
paulEUCpudan80: Do you suggest to find repo for this package and add into synaptic?17:23
Cpudan80paulEU: they dont have one ... sorry17:23
Cpudan80paulEU: even jaunty is still at 1.5 -- are you sure 1.6 is stable?17:23
dattacan anyone please tell me if there is any dl manager for linux17:23
crdlbAnusien: you can write a generic one with 'sudo dexconf'17:23
dattathat downloads from youtube17:24
gaintsuradatta: try greasemonkey with firefox?17:24
brad_can someone help me with a kernel panic17:24
ChousukeCpudan80: jaunty uses a prerelease version of 1.617:24
gabrielsudo nvidia-installer --uninstall17:24
brad_I captured some of the trace17:24
dattais there anything like orbit in linux17:24
ChousukeCpudan80: it's numbered 1.5.99 or something17:24
Aegironhi everyone17:24
paulEUCpudan80: yes, I tried find it. In official version is 1.4.x subversion, on backports there is 1.5.x, and I hope that there will be 1.6 too ;)17:24
Cpudan80Chousuke: says 1.5.417:24
oCean_ars14: last thing: see this link: http://paste.ubuntu.com/139649/, In that host config, I can ping subdom.ocean.local.dom as well as ocean17:24
Aegironwhen installing a version of ubuntu, it asks to create partitions to install it on, or it gives the option of automaticaly managing the drive17:24
Cpudan80paulEU: do you want SVN or CVS ?17:25
AegironI noticed that when choosing the automated solution, it creates two partitions: one for the root, and one for the swap. But is there any particular reason why the swap partition is located in a seperate logical (extended) partition?17:25
gabrielI cant install nvidia drivers in Ubuntu 8.10, i tried with the restricted drivers and the ones from nvidia.com but they do not activate, can somebody help me?17:25
paulEUCpudan80: packages subversion17:25
Barridus<3 jaunty17:25
Aegironwhy isn't the swap partition not just another primary partition?17:25
ChousukeCpudan80: ah, never mind. I got confused ;P17:25
paulEUCpudan80: for 8.04 LTS17:25
Anusiencrdlb: And then modify it with the necessary info  from this page? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RadeonDriver17:25
Heimarkis there a way to get Avant Window Navigator to start up automaticly in Jaunty?17:25
Heimarkon restart17:25
bout10bucksit doesn't need to be bootable17:25
ChotaZ_erUSUL: any other suggestion?17:26
ars14oCean_  yes from server it is possible , but not from my computer17:26
julius_https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DisklessUbuntuHowto <- following this guide im stuck after the kernel is loaded, it cant mount the root device.   /dev/nfs does not seem to exists....is that correct?17:26
Cpudan80paulEU: you'll have to compile it yourself, jaunty (newest devel version) is still sitting on 1.5.417:26
crdlbAnusien: you don't really need to tweak much, what does glxinfo | grep -i renderer say?17:26
oCean_ars14: noooooo, from your computer, you cannot reach the interface on any other machine17:27
paulEUCpudan80: yes, because version 1.6 is fresh (it was released some days ago)17:27
cyrax_can anyone tell me what channel I need to use for VIM related questions? Thanks in advance.17:27
jklockars14: is your loopback address :)17:27
bout10bucksHeimark goto system> preferences > startup applications17:27
Cpudan80paulEU: so just wait and see - or compile it yourself17:27
oCean_ars14: from your computer, you connect to the other machine through the public ip address.17:27
julius_ars14, its your lookpack address and the biggest warez server in the world17:27
HammerHead66cyrax_: use command "/list" ty17:27
gabrielI cant install nvidia drivers in Ubuntu 8.10, i tried with the restricted drivers and the ones from nvidia.com but they do not activate, can somebody help me?17:27
Cpudan80paulEU: come back when this says 1.617:27
oCean_ars14: if you want that address to be served by apache, you have to configure that, like in the link I send you before.17:28
paulEUCpudan80: yes, I'll wait some day, maybe there will be available for 8.0417:28
paulEUin backports17:28
Heimarkbout19bucks: thanks17:28
=== tamiaode is now known as Tamiaode
oCean_ars14: however I have to run. So, maybe you figure it out, or find someone else to help?17:29
Iceman_B^Ltopis there any way I can change the videoresolution permanently from the commandline?17:29
Iceman_B^LtopI cant seem to get an image with my tv hooked up17:29
HSNewspeople, how to recover GRUB loader?17:29
tangentcollisionI cleared off space enough to fit at least a few hundred songs onto the server, but I get a 451 when I try to FTP17:29
Iceman_B^Ltopbtu I think the SSH daemon is working, so I could get into the machine via the network17:29
HSNewsI run with LiveCD but what I need to do?17:29
ars14oCean_  oki thank you17:29
Anusiencrdlb: With no xorg.conf?  Software rasterizer17:29
HammerHead66Iceman_B^Ltop: what graphic card do you have?17:29
paulEUCpudan80: thanks for informations17:29
russdotI just found that apparently ubuntu reserves that 5% (for root) on all filesystems, so running #tune2fs -m 0 /dev/sda5   did the trick!17:29
crdlbAnusien: you don't need an xorg.conf to get 3d, so something is broken17:30
Iceman_B^Ltopgood question, I cant really find out17:30
crdlbAnusien: pastebin your /var/log/Xorg.0.log17:30
Iceman_B^LtopI have no image :/17:30
Iceman_B^Ltopand the pc is running17:30
Iceman_B^Ltopits old though17:30
Iceman_B^Ltop6yrs orso17:30
HammerHead66Iceman_B^Ltop: run live cd to get pic back17:30
Iceman_B^Ltoplet me find one17:30
jklockHSNews: look at this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows17:30
ChotaZ_Iceman_B^Ltop from rlsmonkey?17:31
jklockHSNews: that should give you an idea of what to do.17:31
gabrielI cant install nvidia drivers in Ubuntu 8.10, i tried with the restricted drivers and the ones from nvidia.com but they do not activate, can somebody help me?17:31
ChotaZ_jklock, if an app is blocking sound for other or making them crash, padsp appname should fix it right?17:31
HSNewsSomebody can help me?!17:31
ChotaZ_HSNews jklock already posted a link17:32
Iceman_B^LtopChotaZ_: ?17:32
ChotaZ_nvm ;)17:32
dattais there something like orbit downloader in linux17:32
abtokerUSUL: when i type xrandr i only have resolutions below 1024*76817:32
HammerHead66HSNews:this will let you know what is happening http://www.uruk.org/orig-grub/errors.html17:32
abtok(oups sorry for highlight)17:32
paulEUdatta: wget17:32
bout10bucksHSNews https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows17:33
abtoki don't have any resolution higher than 1024*768 when i enter 'xrandr' ; is it normal ?17:33
jklockChotaz: I guess, from what I understand it should redirect it. this is what I read http://linux.die.net/man/1/padsp17:33
jklockbout10bucks: thanks for reposting my link :)17:33
babanzolityhi all17:33
babanzolitydo you know if exists mail servers that accept mail from dynamic ip?17:33
bout10bucksI am a little slow, just woke up17:33
ChotaZ_jklock, thing is when I try to run teamspeak it blocks the sound for all other applications, and even makes mplayer crash =\17:33
jklockbout01bucks: NP :)17:34
undecimHSNews: What happens when you turn on your computer?17:34
kristian_if anyone is having a hard time with brasero, brasero author can be found on #brasero now. :-)17:34
jklockChotaz: Same problem as yesterday :( teamspeak seems to be a hog all around17:34
dattacan it be a little userfriendly than wget17:34
dattathat is not in the terminal17:34
HammerHead66kristian_: did you find out out how to fix it?17:34
bout10bucksdatta have you tried pytube?17:35
ChotaZ_jklock, yeah, then i tried using the windows version in wine, and the sound wasnt blocking anymore, but I was unable to speak to my friends <.<17:35
crdlbabtok: what video card?17:35
jklockChotaz: that is the problems I am seeing in what I am reading.17:35
gabrielHELP I cant install nvidia geforce 6150 on ubuntu 8.10, I have tried with the restricted drivers and the nvidia.com drivers but they do not activate17:35
paulEUdatta: gnome wget ?17:35
Anusiencrdlb: While I do this, what do I need to check to make sure the drivers installed properly?  (Also, I'm testing it by playing video files, so that's not even 3d...  My system should not be too slow to play a standard-def file!)17:35
abtokcrdlb: ati 960017:35
Buster3is there anyone ablr to help me with a problem?17:35
HammerHead66kristian_: did you get it fixed?17:35
Buster3able* LOL17:35
ChotaZ_jklock i even tried padsp wine teamspeak.exe17:36
ChotaZ_jklock but still was unable to speak17:36
BOZGDoes anyone know if it's possible to give Endnote pages a title in OOo Writer?17:36
ubuntu_why i cant connect to #Debian17:36
ChotaZ_bc your god hates you17:36
kristian_HammerHead66 : yes, the problem has been fixed in newer versions of brasero, but ubuntu repos are not updated yet with a newer version. so meantime i will manually check/verify my burnt disc. i found the brasero author on irc.gimp.org and asked him, and he helped. he is on #brasero on this network as well now. :-)17:36
ChotaZ_just kidding xd17:36
Stephan_Hi.   When I first installed Ubuntu, I updated the xserver-org-ati drivers and I was able to use both my monitors independently.   After I installed the driver from ati.com hoping it was newer my monitors won't go back to being independent17:36
crdlbAnusien: you have no hardware acceleration, this is indicated by 'software rasterizer'17:36
ubuntu_ChotaZ_: [17:35] [470] #debian #ubuntu Forwarding to another channel17:36
HammerHead66kristian_: ok thanks for the info.17:37
Anusiencrdlb: That's what I figured.  By the way, this is after I created an xorg.conf.  I can move it out and reboot to generate a clean log.  http://rafb.net/p/Y9mXZX46.html17:37
ars14Can someone help me to debug why I can't acces to my site by a subdomain on Ubuntu server 8.04 (apache)?17:37
Anusiencrdlb: By the way, thanks a lot for your help.  I understand bash and gnutools and some of the things in Linux that don't involve X, but this part stumps me17:37
crdlb!fixres | abtok, you could try this17:37
ubottuabtok, you could try this: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution17:37
=== guillom is now known as Guest61102
Stephan_Also, Hi.  When I first boot my system the wireless driver is "activated but not in use".   How can I enable the driver and put it in use on the system startup?17:38
crdlbAnusien: for some reason, the fglrx kernel module is still loaded17:38
kristian_HammerHead66 : so if you have any question about brasero, he can help. :-)17:38
HammerHead66!routor |  ars14:17:39
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about routor17:39
Anusiencrdlb: I thought I checked for that.  How do I unload it?17:39
crdlbAnusien: if you used the manual ati.com intsaller, you may need to find the fglrx.ko on your system and delete it17:39
HammerHead66kristian_: ok17:39
ars14HammerHead66 what do you say ?17:39
benstewhere has the #evolution channel gone?17:40
HammerHead66ars14: do you have a router?17:40
bout10bucksStephan what wifi drivers are you using?17:40
gabrielHELP I cant install nvidia geforce 6150 on ubuntu 8.10, I have tried with the restricted drivers and the nvidia.com drivers but they do not activate17:40
Stephan_bout10bucks: broadcom17:40
jklockChotaz: check out this - https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/teamspeak-client/+bug/256593 - it may prove useful.17:40
ars14HammerHead66 no this a private server on the net17:40
Stephan_bout10bucks:  wireless works, i just need to 'deactivate' and reactivate the driver everytime before I can use it :(17:40
Anusiencrdlb: I did.  hrm17:40
HammerHead66ars14: do you have a stick ip?17:41
bout10bucksare you on an HP laptop?17:41
ars14HammerHead66 yes17:41
HammerHead66ars14: static IP?17:41
Buster3Hello! I have upgrades from intrepid 8.10 to Jaunty 9.4 and am having MAJOR problems is there any way to reverse this upgrade????17:41
Iceman_B^LtopHammerHead66: live cd does give image17:41
jklockI have never heard of a stick ip before :)17:41
Titan8990!jaunty | Buster317:41
ubottuBuster3: Jaunty Jackalope is the codename for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 23rd, 2009 -  Schedule in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyReleaseSchedule - Lots of breakage between now and April - Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support.17:41
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ars14HammerHead66 and i can acces to http://my.domain.com17:41
Iceman_B^Ltopdoes the live cd contain Gparted?17:41
crdlbIceman_B^Ltop: yes17:42
Iceman_B^Ltopand can it resize NTFS partitions ?17:42
ars14HammerHead66 but no to http://sub.my.domain.com17:42
HammerHead66Iceman_B^Ltop: what is graphic card?17:42
Stephan_bout10bucks: nope.. its just a dumb linksys wireless card, with external ant.17:42
Iceman_B^Ltopits still oading17:42
Buster3thank you!17:42
jklockBuster3: In the future it is not wise to do an upgrade to a not-finished version.17:42
HammerHead66ars14: I can't load those pages17:42
ScottGWhat count be causing a text box in a window to not be accepting my keyboard input? It accepts pastes, deletes and backspaces, but no characters or spaces.17:42
ars14HammerHead66 yes it s fake for the chat17:43
ChotaZ_jklock: ill try that thanks ;)17:43
wolterHammerHead66, its like a separate CPU (called GPU for graphics processor unit) and a separate ram that takes care of everything video related17:43
wolterHammerHead66, so your cpu can focus on the other stuff and give a better performance17:43
hangthedjDoes anybody know of any wireless N cards that are compatible with Ubuntu without ndiswrapper?17:44
bout10bucksStephan: I don't know on that one, mine had an issue where it wasn't using the proper driver17:44
chopmy intel 2200 doesn't need ndiswrapper17:44
HammerHead66wolter: sorry man I don't have one of those cards keep asking tho someone will17:44
jklockhangthedj: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WirelessCardsSupported17:44
Iceman_B^LtopHammerHead66: how do I see what gfx card I have >17:44
Iceman_B^Ltopim in ubuntu now17:44
choplpsci -v17:45
wolterHammerHead66, every computer has.17:45
wolterHammerHead66, now at days.17:45
HammerHead66wolter: on desktop go to text upper left hand side /System/Admin/Hardware Drivers17:46
wolterHammerHead66, why?17:46
HammerHead66wolter: it will show you there17:46
Anusiencrdlb: Removed and still Software Rasterizer.  New log coming17:46
ChotaZ_jklock: still not working, been waken the whole night searching, dang17:46
jklockChotaz: everything I read is a dead end :(17:47
Iceman_B^Ltopchop: was the lpsci -v command for me ?17:47
Anusiencrdlb: http://rafb.net/p/e0RiUr85.html17:47
jklockChotaz: what happens when you run padsp teamspeak?17:47
Stephan_bout10bucks: well like i said, if it was the incorrect driver, i wouldnt be online!17:47
jklockchotaz: nothing I assume right17:47
ChotaZ_jklock, opens teamspeak17:48
ChotaZ_jklock, but same problems are running it directly from the applications meno17:48
jklockChotaz : hmm17:48
samuel_I built a bomb so powerful it was able to destroy Adolf Hitler and his Third Reich just by sitting in a shack in England and ticking without ever actually exploding.17:50
wtfheadhey people!.17:50
HammerHead66wolter: did you take out the live cd and reboot aleady?17:50
jklockChotaz: try this for giggles : aoss teamspeak17:50
wolterHammerHead66, oh, i thought you were asking what a graphic card wa17:50
ars14Can someone help me to debug why I can't acces to my site by a subdomain on Ubuntu server 8.04 (apache)?17:50
=== pingu is now known as Guest91794
methodmarvelhm.... I want to try a different distro... something rolling release, light weight etc... any ideas people?17:51
ScottGWhat could be causing the entire program to stop accepting text input from my keyboard? It accepts pastes, deletes and backspaces, but no characters or spaces. If I kill the program and restart it, it still doesn't fix the problem. I need to at least restart X. I'm having this problem on a program that I am forwarding over a rootless NX session.17:51
jklockChotaz : info comes from here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/TeamSpeak - I am sure you read this already.17:51
andrew_Does anyone know what option causes maximized windows to unmaximize when you drag on them?17:51
bobtheblueberryI installed a GeFoce 2600 PCI graphics card in my computer and now Ubuntu 8.10 just freezes with the progress bar about 1/9 of the way while booting17:51
HammerHead66wolter:  you keep looking if you want but you should be able to boot up with graphics up again17:51
Iceman_B^LtopHammerHead66: Geforce2 MX 40017:52
ChotaZ_jklock: ERROR: ld.so: object '/usr/$LIB/libaoss.so' from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded: ignored.17:52
ChotaZ_ got this error but program opened17:52
aldipchow do I check my filesystems using the command line? I tried fsck but it is finished in .5 seconds, the routine filesystem check at bootup is much longer....17:52
wolterHammerHead66, you are talking to the wrong person, i insist.17:52
jklockChotaz : okay h/o17:52
bobtheblueberryI tried installing nVidia driver junk but I still get the same thing17:52
bobtheblueberryI couldn't find anything useful in my logs17:53
jklockchotaz : https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/alsa-oss/+bug/17348717:53
HammerHead66wolter: soory about that lol17:53
bobtheblueberrydoes anyone know what could be happening?17:54
jklockChotaz : you are not using 64 bit are you?17:54
wolterHammerHead66, no problem.17:54
alanbshepard70bobtheblueberry: Have you tried booting with quiet splash off? What type of computer do you have?17:54
HammerHead66wolter: what are you trying to do?17:54
Anusiencrdlb: Any ideas?  I'm gonna have to go in a minute, but if you have another idea, I'd love to hear it17:55
wolterwolter, nothing. I thought you wanted to know what graphics card was, so I told you.17:55
ChotaZ_jklock: I am17:55
jklockChotaz : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=2547795#post254779517:55
crdlbAnusien: did you reboot?17:55
=== prince_j1mmys is now known as prince_jammys
HammerHead66wolter:O ok17:55
bobtheblueberryI've got a HP Pavilion a1106 and it has an junky Intel graphics chipset. What's quiet splash?17:56
HammerHead66wolter: sorry about the mis communication17:56
crdlbAnusien: why did you switch to radeonhd?17:56
crdlbAnusien: you want radeon17:56
zillepluscan annyone help i got no ineternet on ubuntu server (ifconfig---) http://paste.ubuntu.com/139623/  )17:56
wolterHammerHead66, ah don't bother17:56
Anusiencrdlb: It's "radeon"?  so sudo apt-get instal radeon?17:56
wolterHammerHead66, no problem17:56
SaneSmithI'm running ubuntu 8.10, and have libfaac-dev installed17:56
salmoni know im late, just upgraded to 8.10 and well, last night i had no sound issues, but this morning i go to play some music, nothing. so i go on youtube, still no sound. does anyone know what could have caused this, and or tell me what i need to do to set back to onboard sound from my creative zs17:56
zillepluscan anny one help i got on internet on ubuntu server (ifconfig --> http://paste.ubuntu.com/139623/   )17:56
paulgerhi.  I am on a gutsy ubuntu system.  When I open the upgrade manager it suggests upgrading to 8.04 (intrepid) ... is it okay to just let it do its thing?  I thought ubuntu required me to go through all the releases step by step?17:56
crdlbAnusien: you already have it; just don't specify a Driver in your xorg.conf17:57
gavintlgoldhi, when I change my volume with my keyboard it doesn't make a difference. I think it's changing the wrong speaker. I'd just like my front speakers to change (or all at once). When I use the applet it works fine. any tips?17:57
SaneSmithyet I'm getting an error saying "unkown codec libfaac'17:57
crdlbAnusien: or put Driver "radeon" if it bothers you :)17:57
zillepluscan anny one help i got on internet on ubuntu server (ifconfig --> http://paste.ubuntu.com/139623/   )17:57
SaneSmithany ideas what might cause this?17:57
Dunkinbobtheblueberry: at the grub boot prompt press e and remove the line for splash17:57
alanbshepard70bobtheblueberry: Reboot and when the GRUB menu shows up hit E to edit your boot options and temporarily remove quiet and splash from the end of the boot options line. Now when booting you can see the actual message of what's hanging.17:57
paulgeroh wait.  nevermind.17:57
Anusiencrdlb: that last log was from no /etc/X11/xorg.conf.  And anyway, this page suggests to set driver to "ati": v17:57
paulger8.04 IS hardy.17:57
Anusienhttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/RadeonDriver even17:58
crdlbAnusien: ati will just load radeon (it's a wrapper)17:58
Dunkinyeah what alanbshepard70 said17:58
AnusienI saw17:58
Koylahi everyone i m running a line in ubuntu system: i know this is java..question but plz ans me if some1 know it   link-grammar-4.4.3/link-grammar/java/org/linkgrammar17:58
AnusienBut that's without an xorg.conf on the system17:58
Koylahow to remove this error..??17:58
SaneSmithyet I'm getting an error saying "unkown codec libfaac'17:58
SaneSmithI'm running ubuntu 8.10, and have libfaac-dev installed17:58
zillepluscan anny one help i got on internet on ubuntu server (ifconfig --> http://paste.ubuntu.com/139623/   )17:58
ChotaZ_jklock: I can now aoss teamspeak without errors, but program has no sound at all17:58
victormanuel99hola desde NY17:58
jklockChotaz : Teamspeak sucks17:58
zillepluscan anny one help i got on internet on ubuntu server (ifconfig --> http://paste.ubuntu.com/139623/   )17:59
victormanuel99ke onda17:59
th3pr0d1gyuna pregunta.....17:59
alanbshepard70bobtheblueberry: Once you make the edit hit B to boot17:59
victormanuel99soy nuevo en el chat17:59
kklimondaDoes anyone use internal microphone with ubuntu?17:59
salmonrunning intrepid, creative audgity 2 zs, last night i had sound, this morning have none, anyone know what causes this??17:59
crdlbAnusien: odd, just specify Driver "radeon" then17:59
kklimondaI get loads of noise - way too much..17:59
jklockChotaz: I remember you made a settings change yesterday sometime in your sound control panel? if you did try setting them back to what they were before and try it again17:59
th3pr0d1gysabeis como borrar una actualizaciin de ubuntu?17:59
crdlbAnusien: radeon is definitely better than radeonhd :)17:59
braddcaddxrandr only allows output of 800x600 on S-video, anyone know how to change it?18:00
victormanuel99que actualizacion es18:00
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.18:00
bobtheblueberryfunny.. it says "<uuid> ro quiet splash vga=792"18:00
th3pr0d1gygracias, thanks18:00
Anusiencrdlb: So something like this xorg.conf? http://rafb.net/p/vcjZBc65.html18:01
alanbshepard70bobtheblueberry: move the cursor over to where it says quiet splash and use backspace to delete the text18:01
gavintlgoldsolved my problem :)18:01
=== patrick is now known as Guest51552
weatherkidI'm an idiot. I ran sudo tar -C/ -jxf VetTux-4.6-0.i586.tar.bz2 and it wiped everything in my /opt folder out. I have the LiveCD booted and in Try it out mode. Is there a simple way to fix the sucker or not?18:02
zeldahello, Whats an easy FTP program to use in linux?18:02
zilleplus can anny one help i got on internet on ubuntu server (ifconfig --> http://paste.ubuntu.com/139623/   )18:02
aldipchow do I check my filesystems using the command line? I tried fsck but it is finished in .5 seconds, the routine filesystem check at bootup is much longer....18:02
Anusiencrdlb: BusID suggested by this line in lspci: 01:05.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc RS690 [Radeon X1200 Series]18:02
crdlbAnusien: yes, you'll also want to enable EXA, but that's not necessary to get 3d18:02
carbineAnyone wanna help me with nVidia 8500GT drivers? I installed the drivers from nVidia's website but I think there's an issue with the xorg.conf file that nvidia-xconfig creates...18:02
jklockChotaz : this thread basically explains your whole problem http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=500289 - but without an answer :(18:02
Anusiencrdlb: How do I enable exa?  or should I do that after I see if this worked?18:03
crdlbAnusien: I'm sure you could go without the busid18:03
zilleplus can anny one help i got on internet on ubuntu server (ifconfig --> http://paste.ubuntu.com/139623/   )18:03
crdlbAnusien: put Option "AccelMethod" "EXA"18:03
ChotaZ_jklock: makes me take a step back on a full linux box, my everyday is too dependant on teamspeak.18:03
ChotaZ_jklock: both work and leisure needs18:03
Anusienin Device?18:04
crdlbAnusien: in Section "Device"18:04
jklockChotaz: you could just install a 32 bit version aswell18:04
weatherkidI'm an idiot. I ran sudo tar -C/ -jxf VetTux-4.6-0.i586.tar.bz2 and it wiped everything in my /opt folder out. I have the LiveCD booted and in Try it out mode. Is there a simple way to fix the sucker or not?18:04
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vocxzilleplus, you need to formulate a better question than that. Just repeating the same line 20 times is not good enough.18:04
ChotaZ_jklock: would i still be able to provit of 4GB Ram?18:04
Iceman_B^LtopHammerHead66: still around ?18:04
Anusiencrdlb: Do I need that before I boot?18:04
crdlbAnusien: you'll want to do it eventually, and it won't hurt now18:05
carbineWhenever I run nvidia-xconfig and try to start gdm I get thrown into low-graphics mode. When I delete the xorg.conf file I can get GDM to run but desktop effects don't work.18:05
alanbshepard70weatherkid: Is there a reason you can't just re-load the livecd and start over?18:05
chainsinthewallive been looking all over google for help getting my hp laptops wireless to work, but it seems i fail at google.18:05
abtokcrdlb: i'm trying to add a mode but that seems tricky18:05
zeldanevermind. i found one myself.18:05
bobtheblueberryso it says right close to the bottom now "init: rc-default main process (5731) killed by SEGV signal"18:06
=== Zupp is now known as lo0lol0ol
lo0lol0olGuys how about a little game?18:06
crdlbabtok: do you understand how to use gtf?18:06
abtokcrdlb: it creates me two lines18:06
ChotaZ_jklock: I wouldn't have any of these problems on 32b?18:06
Anusiencrdlb: I rebooted with that xorg.conf and still `glxinfo | grep -i renderer` is reporting Software Renderer.  I've got to step out though, so thanks for all your help, and if you're here when I get back I'd love some more advice18:07
jklockChotaz: Not to my knowledge. This problem seems to be stemming from the 32bit vs 64bit crossover problem18:07
jklockChotaz: and libraries not being able to adapt or be in the right place18:07
chainsinthewallwhat command to i run to find out the wirless card i have18:07
zilleplus can anny one help i got on internet on ubuntu server (ifconfig --> http://paste.ubuntu.com/139623/   ) i have ubuntu server 8.1 connected to a router with this comp also on connected18:07
weatherkidalanbshepard70: yes. i have a mysql server and a web server on there18:07
crispy--Wireless is slow: Problem is described here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=6972729#post6972729 I think this problem is not uncommon, and yet unresolved. Please take a look and leave a reply18:07
crdlbAnusien: it would be great if you could pastebin your /var/log/Xorg.0.log again before you go18:07
bobtheblueberrythen it just says "etho0: no IPv6 routers present" and it nothing more18:07
crispy--Or help me out here :)18:07
abtokcrdlb: it creates me these lines : http://pastebin.com/f71b22aec18:07
ChotaZ_jklock: can i switch to 32b version from terminal and start all over or do I need to DL the cd and reboot from it?18:08
jklockChotaz: I am trying to find the best and easiest method for you to follow18:08
crdlbabtok: yep, that second line goes in Section "Monitor" (the first line is just a comment describing it)18:08
jklockChotaz: you know on second thought I think you are better off where you are right now, and trying to force teamspeak to work18:09
jklockChotaz: either way is going to be a pain18:09
bobtheblueberryis it supposed to print stuff like "Call Trace"?18:09
puetzkI had to skip installing grub as the jaunty beta installer would not let me place it on a partition, and the MBR is not the correct location (on a mactel). I put grub manually (using grub-install), but didn't get a menu.lst, so I generated one using update-grub18:09
puetzkis there anywhere that describes any other steps the installer would have done?18:09
alanbshepard70bobtheblueberry: If it's related to the nVidia driver you can try booting with  vga=792 remove from your boot line like you removed quiet splash18:09
=== albech_ is now known as albech
puetzkor is that everything?18:09
ChotaZ_jklock: I wouldn't mind doing all over from scratch if I knew i wouldnt have these problems.18:10
abtokok crdlb i will now restart x18:10
jklockChotaz: if you are sure then read up on using all 4gb in 32 bit18:10
jklockChotaz: it is possible18:10
C0nn0RI am trying to get mpd to work correctly with sound18:10
weatherkidalanbshepard70: yes. i have a mysql server and a web server on there18:11
C0nn0Rchanged the audio output to alsa in the /etc/mpd.conf but no sound on "mpc play"18:11
weatherkidalanbshepard70: yes. i have a mysql server and a web server on there18:11
porter1Anyone know if there is a free alternative to landscape?18:11
kristian_who updates brasero in the ubuntu repo?18:12
weatherkidI'm an idiot. I ran sudo tar -C/ -jxf VetTux-4.6-0.i586.tar.bz2 and it wiped everything in my /opt folder out. I have the LiveCD booted and in Try it out mode. Is there a simple way to fix the sucker or not?18:12
vocxpuetzk, that seems to be everything ... but please don't ask jaunty in here.   Maybe you also need to run other program to create the kernel images?18:12
paciaciao a tutti18:12
puetzkvocx: what's the right channel for jaunty then?18:12
puetzksorry about that18:12
kristian_or even better, how can i find out when brasero will be updated in the ubuntu repos, its lagging many versions behind.18:12
bobtheblueberryit's locked up again..18:13
alanbshepard70!repeat | weatherkid18:13
ubottuweatherkid: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience18:13
vocxpuetzk, #ubuntu+118:13
puetzkvocx: k. I checked #jaunty, didn't guess that one. Headed over now18:13
ChotaZ_jklock: ok i'll do it, then when I'm at the 32b ill read on that. one left question before leaving, can i switch to 32b inside the 64b version or do I need to do it from the live CD?18:13
ChotaZ_!ram | ChotaZ18:14
ubottuChotaZ: A quick FAQ on Memory Management: http://gentoo-wiki.com/FAQ_Linux_Memory_Management For Lubos Lunak's desktop memory usage comparison, see: http://ktown.kde.org/~seli/memory/desktop_benchmark.html18:14
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vocxpuetzk, #ubuntu+1 is always the development version, that way you don't need new channels every time18:14
puetzkvocx: makes sense, just didn't guess it.18:15
Barridusis there a program or something that lets you change the size of buttons and stuff in gnome?18:15
bobtheblueberryUbuntu won't freeze when I go into the BIOS settings and set the default graphics thing to Onboard but Xorg doesn't work18:17
GAN800Would somebody mind pointing me to a reasonable tutorial on setting up Bluetooth tethering? (AT&T, DUN)18:17
ChotaZ_!bluetooth | GAN80018:17
ubottuGAN800: For instructions on how to set up bluetooth, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup18:17
alanbshepard70bobtheblueberry: You can boot into a command line and reconfigure Xprg.conf18:17
alanbshepard70bobtheblueberry: *xorg.conf, search the forums for the procedure.18:18
cardona507can ubuntu do cloud computing before karmic koala?18:18
HammerHead66GAN800:   https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup18:19
bobtheblueberrythe default xorg.conf doesn't work either18:19
GAN800ChotaZ_, odd that that page never showed up on google or a search on ubuntu.com18:19
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about butts18:19
alanbshepard70bobtheblueberry: You can reconfigure it, not choosing the default settings.18:19
Esvandiaryaww, man... the bot doesn't know anything about butts :(18:19
kitcheGAN800: then you must have been using the wrong search terms18:19
HammerHead66 GAN800: look under doc's18:19
jadocrdlb: i just had a black screen when i tried to boot and i had to remove the line added to xorg.conf in order to startx correctly (i'm the person who is trying to change his resolution)18:19
ChotaZ_GAN800, ubottu ftw huh? xD18:19
carbineOk... I've tried completely removinf the nvidia drivers and reinstalling them. Still can't get out of low graphics mode.18:20
braddcadd xrandr only allows 800x600 for S-video, anyone know how to change it?18:20
segin|kvircbraddcadd: To 640x480?18:20
GAN800kitche, bluetooth tethering ubuntu (and a variety of variations thereof) seems logical to me.18:20
GAN800kitche, but, yes, blaming the users is always super effective.18:21
braddcaddsegin|kvirc, to 1024x768 to match my laptop18:21
mukilanHi, My audio codec is not proper18:21
carbineHere's my xorg log file...18:21
kitcheGAN800: I never use a distro name in any of my searches since it's a bit easier to get generic thing then a distro specific just a hint for next time18:21
segin|kvircbraddcadd: 800x600 is the highest useful resolution for S-video, and only if you are display video.18:22
GAN800kitche, thus, variations thereof18:22
mukilanHow can I solve sound problem in ubundu 8.1018:22
segin|kvircbraddcadd: NTSC's native display resolution is 720x480 with a 1.33:1 pixel ratio to fit a 4:3 screen18:22
mukilanPlz help18:22
Code_BleuI ran 9.04 live cd and created 2 partitions (1 for boot,ext4) and (1 for LVM, ext4), i installed the LVM2 and update the initramfs.  Did the pvcreate, vgcreate, and created 3 logical volumes (/,swap,/home).  I formated the boot partition for ext4, i then formated the logical volumes ext4 and formatted the swap as well.  I then proceeded with the full install and mounted my boot->/boot, swap->swap, and my root->root and told the partition 18:22
_garry_Hi *18:22
crdlbjado: hmm :/ which driver are you using?18:22
chrismn1is it possible to get yahoo configured for evolution if you do not have yahoo mail plus?18:23
braddcaddsegin|kvirc, am i forced to use another connection type?18:23
segin|kvircbraddcadd: Therefore S-video should actually be used at 640x480.18:23
GAN800It's rather silly that DUN isn't integrated into nm.18:23
ars14Can someone help me to debug why I can't acces to my site by a subdomain on Ubuntu server 8.04 (apache)? I think I have well configure all files put I can't acces to my rps by http://sub/domain.com . http://domain.com18:23
bobtheblueberryweird.. I rebooted and the splash exited and it says "udevd-event[2781]: run_program: '/sbin/modprobe' abnormal exit", then a blank line and again again with PID 2847 and "Segmentation fault" is printed 15 times on the screen in with the other messages18:23
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segin|kvircbraddcadd: 1024x768 would be unusable for S-video for almost all practical purposes.18:23
IceDaggersIs 10 gb enough for a new Ubuntu installation?18:23
_garry_Got a (simple?) question - I got me the new Beta and want to try to install on my NC10, but I can't seem to get the image to boot -- I mounted the ISO, but it doesn't look like it contains the appropriate files to boot - the windows app in that image doesn't do anything ...18:23
segin|kvircbraddcadd: Text would be unreadable under 48 points18:24
weatherkidI'm an idiot. I am running Ubuntu 8.04.2. I ran sudo tar -C/ -jxf VetTux-4.6-0.i586.tar.bz2 and it wiped everything in my /opt folder out. I have the Ubuntu LiveCD booted and in Try it out mode. Is there a simple way to fix the sucker or not?18:24
thiebaudeIceDaggers: yes18:24
rogleI'm running 8.04 LTS. It's a clean install on a DELL optiplex with 2 SATA drives (no RAID configured). One boot up I keep getting a message that says ""filesystem seems mounted read-only. Skipping journal replay"  how do I avoid that?18:24
_garry_(using the Netbook edition)18:24
braddcaddsegin|kvirc, i am projecting my laptop screen to my HDTV18:24
roglemarios: hi18:24
braddcaddsegin|kvirc, and xrandr will only allow 800x600, and this only project about 75% of my laptop screen18:25
segin|kvircbraddcadd: Does not matter.18:25
segin|kvircbraddcadd: S-Video is an analog connection using NTSC signals.18:25
mariosdoes anyone know if there is any msn im on linux which supports both video and voice calls? the linpus lite which comes with acer aspire on has one but i don't know if that im is opensource18:25
Code_Bleuincase everyone overlooked the big long paragraph i posted before, Im needing help getting LVM working on the base install of ubuntu?18:25
segin|kvircbraddcadd: The very same signals used by old analog televisions.18:25
maxagazsans and serif are special fonts or are they generic names to which point to some fonts ?18:27
braddcaddsegin|kvirc, is there a way to project 100% of my laptop screen to the HDTV?18:27
russian_ulyssesHello, people ;) My sound suddenly stop working :) MPlayer says that /dev/dsp is busy, but sudo lsof /dev/dsp doesn't show any owning processes. Why is it?18:27
segin|kvircbraddcadd: It will not automagically get better quality because you use a HDTV, you need to use a VGA cable18:27
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network). If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »18:27
weatherkidI need help really bad. I have been on here for 30 minutes or more and no one has answered me! Please help!18:27
Code_Bleurussian_ulysses: try doing a 'sudo alsa force-reload'18:27
braddcaddsegin|kvirc, not really concrened about quality...just need 100% of laptop screen projected18:27
braddcaddsegin|kvirc, sounds like i need a new connection means, huh18:27
HammerHead66weatherkid: if no one has answered you it just means no one knows at this time kepp asking tho18:27
segin|kvircbraddcadd: If your HDTV doesn't supprt VGA, see if it has HDMI or DVI ports18:27
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about 5°°°°ù§°18:27
russian_ulyssesCode_Bleu it worked, phew :) Thanks a lot! But what may have caused that malfunction?18:27
segin|kvircbraddcadd: Alternatively, run your laptop at 800x600.18:27
alanbshepard70weatherkid: Can't you save your config files, webpages and database and then transfer them to a new live session?18:27
segin|kvircbraddcadd: The 800x600 limit on S-video is not in xrandr or whatever, it's in your graphics chip.18:28
Code_Bleurussian_ulysses: as far as i know its a bug in 8.10...ive been having to do that ever since i upgraded to 8.10...hopefully 9.04 will be fixed18:28
mariosrogle hi18:28
segin|kvircbraddcadd: If your laptop has HDMI ports, you can get a HDMI cable cheap18:28
marioscan you help me?18:29
weatherkidAll I need is a way to restore my /opt folder!18:29
segin|kvircbraddcadd: If you have DVI, DVI to HDMI cables are inexpensive18:29
rogleI'm running 8.04 LTS. It's a clean install on a DELL optiplex with 2 SATA drives (no RAID configured). One boot up I keep getting a message that says ""filesystem seems mounted read-only. Skipping journal replay" how do I avoid that?18:29
icerootmarios: no, because we dont know the question18:29
segin|kvircweatherkid: What happened to it?18:29
porter1Anyone know why landscape is included in ubuntu by default?18:29
mariosdoes anyone know if there is any msn im on linux which supports both video and voice calls? the linpus lite which comes with acer aspire on has one but i don't know if that im is opensource18:29
vocxweatherkid, what did you have there?18:29
marioshi iceroot18:29
braddcaddsegin|kvirc, TV has HDMI conenctions but my laptop doesn't (i don't think)18:29
porter1marios, amsn18:29
Barridushow do i drag windows beyond the top of the screen with desktop effects (compiz) enabled?  alt-drag only works with it off18:29
segin|kvircbraddcadd: Does your laptop have DVI or VGA outputs?18:30
jklockmarios: !amsn18:30
mariosporterl amsn doesn't support voicecall18:30
porter1Then I doubt there are any that do18:30
HammerHead66marios: you mean from pc to pc?18:30
crdlbBarridus: Move Windows > Constrain Y in ccsm18:30
porter1Unless you use a different protocol18:30
russian_ulyssesCode_Bleu thanks for info18:30
mariosthe acer one im does18:30
HammerHead66marios: there is one called Ekiga softphone18:31
bedo2991I've just installed Kubuntu 8.1018:31
user___pxe booting doesnt work here, this is my cat /srv/tftp/jaunty/install/netboot/pxelinux.cfg/default | pastebinit - : http://pastebin.com/f337b9b4f. the error message on the pxe guest is: missing parameter in configuration file. could not find kernel image: linux. Any hints?18:31
segin|kvircmarcos_: Get Skype and use that. If your contacts have a problem using Skype, tell them off.18:31
bedo2991I've go problems with the resolution18:31
Code_BleuCan someone please help me with my LVM issue?18:31
bedo2991I have to set it at 1440 x 90018:31
HammerHead66marios:  it's easy to setup and use18:31
bobtheblueberryDoes anyone know _WHY_ Ubuntu freezes at boot when it sees my GeForce 2600?18:31
mariosahams ok18:31
mariosi will give ekiga a try18:31
bedo2991i've tried CTRL ALT F7 and now i'm here18:31
mariosdoes it support msn?18:32
Barriduscrdlb, ok.  do you know if that will persist if i disable compiz via Appearances, then turn it on later?18:32
ryanscarberryi have a problem with aptitude not finding the repositories.18:32
mariosok thank you all!!!!18:32
segin|kvircmarcos_: Ekiga does not support MSN.18:32
HammerHead66marios: I'm unsure but I'm pretty sure it doesn't matter as long as you set it up right18:32
mariosok thank you18:32
mariosi ll give it a try18:32
crdlbBarridus: the setting only affects compiz, but it should not be reset18:33
segin|kvircmarios: To the best of my knowledge, you cannot get working voice AND video with MSN on *nix18:33
rogleI'm running 8.04 LTS. It's a clean install on a DELL optiplex with 2 SATA drives (no RAID configured). On boot up I keep getting a message that says ""filesystem seems mounted read-only. Skipping journal replay" how do I avoid that?18:33
Barriduscrdlb, ok then i'll give it a whirl, thanks18:33
sobersabrehi guys.18:33
braddcaddsegin|kvirc, laptop had VGA ouput but tv does not have input18:33
crdlbBarridus: if you want to prevent your compiz configuration from changing at all, install simple-ccsm, which will give you a Custom option in Visual Effects18:33
roglebedo2991: nobody here but us squirrels! :)18:33
braddcaddsegin|kvirc, i am checking all other computers in the house for HDMI18:33
toehioWhy is it that Ekiga can use my webcam but Cheese,  Camorama and Mplayer can't?18:33
segin|kvircbraddcadd: Interesting. I know some TVs have VGA input18:33
segin|kvircbraddcadd: That would have solved your issues (and looked better, to boot)18:34
jklockrogle: are you using reseirsfs?18:34
HammerHead66braddcadd: what's up with HDMI?18:34
bullgard4/proc/modules includes a line "snd_hda_intel 346136 3 - Live 0xf8fc2000". What does the '3' mean?18:34
ryanscarberrycould anyone help with aptitude not wanting to locate repositories to update the system18:34
roglejklock: yes18:34
Barriduscrdlb, awesome - i had that before in a previous ubuntu, i think.  i just assumed it was something that was changed from ver to ver.  guess not!18:35
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jklockrogle:  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=66545618:35
braddcaddHammerHead66, i have HDMI input on TV but no output on laptop18:35
jklockrogle: also http://mandrivausers.org/index.php?showtopic=2927718:35
=== Alz is now known as Nalf
sobersabrecan somebody please look of this: http://pastebin.com/d582f5cd18:36
jklockrogle: its nothing serious, just reiserfs being a weirdo and killing its wife process : DANG :18:36
_garry_Nobody here who used the UNR before?18:36
sobersabrethis is a paste of "strace -o filename soffice"18:36
twelphIm trying to mount put a bootable image onto my USB drive, and when I use the command dd bs=8M if=image.img of=/media/SD7_ all it does is put a SD7_ file in my /media folder. Anyone know what I'm doing wrong?18:36
HammerHead66braddcadd: does it HD on video card?18:36
sobersabremy ooo started dying on me with "Floating point exception"18:36
sobersabreI have no idea why, and no idea how to fix it.18:36
roglejklock: really? my only concern is that it *literally* takes about 30 minutes to boot.18:37
braddcaddHammerHead66, what do you mean?  the TV is an older HDTV18:37
HammerHead66braddcadd: in that case you will have to buy a converter box for it18:38
jklockrogle: does it sit for a long time at Replaying Journal ?18:38
HammerHead66braddcadd: I don't even know if they make them for HDMI18:38
bullgard4sobersabre: This is a severe error, I believe. i.) Check your computer for hardware errors. ii.) Deinstall Oo.o and re-install it.18:38
orlandoalguie sabe donde se guardan los archivos de configuracion de OO318:39
roglejklock: yes. I'm sure it's because I have a 250GB partition on there. If I make it a 20GB partition, it doesn't take as long.18:39
braddcaddsegin|kvirc, thanks18:39
jerome_just upgraded from 8.04 to 8.10 and my gnome desktop seems to crash about once an hour. And it pulls up the login screen. any ideas?18:40
MeoNOOBhow do i install programs to my user home dir on a acount without sudo ?18:40
HammerHead66 braddcadd: they do have them they are like 80 USD18:40
roglejklock: I guess my thing is...am I the only person trying touse reiserfs on a large drive?18:41
jklockrogle: got some stuff for you to read18:41
kitcheMeoNOOB: well if your compiling jsut make srue either prefix or DESTDIR is pointed to the users home directory or in ~/bin which is what I use a lot18:41
jklockrogle: h/o18:41
sukihey guys is there a program good for converting mp3 to wav for ubuntu18:41
HumanoidDoes the ubuntu install CD have an ssh server on it?  I cannot find the package list for the CD>18:42
MeoNOOBi mean using apt-get18:42
jklockrogle: http://www.justlinux.com/forum/showthread.php?p=801958 - http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=207726 - http://en.opensuse.org/SDB:Systems_with_reiserfs_and_lvm_Take_Too_Long_to_Boot18:42
HammerHead66Humanoid: server is a different ISO18:42
jerome_just upgraded from 8.04 to 8.10 and my gnome desktop seems to crash about once an hour. And it pulls up the login screen. any ideas?18:43
HumanoidDoes anybody know where I can find the package list for the live install CD?18:43
HumanoidHammerHead66: I'm asking about sshd.18:44
HammerHead66jerome_: u sure the screen saver isn't on and asking you for login?18:44
HammerHead66Humanoid: O my bad18:44
roglejklock: thanks! I'll go read!18:44
MeoNOOB!seen NeoMob18:44
ubottuI have no seen command18:44
jklockrogle: np :)18:44
=== Deevz_ is now known as Deevz
jklockHumanoid: http://distrowatch.com/table.php?distribution=ubuntu18:44
jklockHumanoid: also open /casper/filesystem.manifest on the live cd18:45
MeoNOOBany one using BitchX ?18:45
carbineAnyone here at all willing to help me with these nvidia drivers before I light my computer on fire?18:45
Humanoidjklock: I know ubuntu has sshd, I'm asking about the live CD itself.18:45
mneptokMeoNOOB: type "date" in a temrinal18:46
MeoNOOBany BitchX peeps in here ?18:46
BrixSathow can i fix this? ssl_error_rx_record_too_long18:46
HammerHead66carbine: let me guess you have the 6150 right?18:46
neo_hi guys18:46
jerome_it crashes when i'm doing something so must not be anything to do with the screen saver18:46
neo_busy place18:46
MeoNOOBscrew you PIGS18:46
jklockHumanoid: thats what I am telling you about  -  Does anybody know where I can find the package list for the live install CD?18:46
keresahi all18:46
SeViLLahey i just did a upgrade from hardy to 8.10 now when i turn my computer on it says it cant detect my display settings and my graphic card (ati rv250 9000) i installed the drivers but nothing...any thoughts18:47
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HammerHead66carbine:http://paste.ubuntu.com/139399/    try this out for size18:47
carbinehammerhead66: I can run at 1440x900 if I don't have a xorg.conf file, but if I run nvidia-xconfig and restart GDM I get thrown into low graphics mode.18:47
neo_if I ask my problem here, I fear it will be lost in the crowd18:47
zilleplushey guy's i got ubuntu server8.1 on simple router (LAN) with this comp and internet ofcourse but can't got internet on server.( ifconfig give's the result: http://paste.ubuntu.com/139623/ )18:47
jerome_HammerHead66 it crashes when i'm doing something so must not be anything to do with the screen saver18:47
carbineHammerHead66: That tells me to do something with ATI drivers. I have an nvidia card.18:47
SeViLLahey i just did a upgrade from hardy to 8.10 now when i turn my computer on it says it cant detect my display settings and my graphic card (ati rv250 9000) i installed the drivers but nothing...any thoughts18:48
neo_I am trying to run Aptana on Ubuntu with a script, and get permission denied18:48
Humanoidjklock: I cannot see the live CD package list on the distrowatch page you linked to.  Also, I'm not going to download 600 megs just to find out if it has one package on it.  Most distributions have a package list for their CD's on their website.18:48
zilleplushey guy's i got ubuntu server8.1 on simple router (LAN) with this comp and internet ofcourse but can't got internet on server.( ifconfig give's the result: http://paste.ubuntu.com/139623/ )18:48
Serraphynneo_, does it require sudo?18:48
neo_i tried sudo18:48
carbineDrivers worked fine til this last stupid update, then everything went to hell.18:48
HammerHead66carbine:http://paste.ubuntu.com/139399/ go here18:49
neo_but does not work18:49
zilleplushey guy's i got ubuntu server8.1 on simple router (LAN) with this comp and internet ofcourse but can't got internet on server.( ifconfig give's the result: http://paste.ubuntu.com/139623/ )18:49
Serraphynneo_: nothing has pid locked like a running apt or anything?18:49
=== BrixSat is now known as [47]
HammerHead66jerome_: what are you doing when it crashes18:49
jiffe20alright, I just installed libgtk2.0-dev which put its files in /usr/include/gtk-2.0/gtk, but all files reference <gtk/file.h>, creating a symlink /usr/include/gtk to /usr/include/gtk2.0/gtk just causes more problems18:49
carbineHammerHead66: You've already sent me there once. Like I said, I have an NVIDIA card.18:49
neo_no upadtes or anything running18:50
Skiessifor some reason, video thumbnails have empty space around them in icons in nautilus, when viewing with 150% or higher. that's stupid. can I set it not to be stupid?18:50
jerome_hammerhead66 usually just a browser and email client18:50
neo_besides, Wine atleast attempts to star exe18:50
Serraphynzilleplus: did you setup a gateway?18:50
SkiessiI remeber that it wasn't this way some time ago18:50
jerome_nothing special I don't thing18:50
[47]im getting an error when i access my server trough ssl -->  ssl_error_rx_record_too_long18:50
HammerHead66carbine: were you able to down load drivers?18:50
zillepluswell is set my dhcp server on and th gateway from my router is the same of my server18:50
carbineHammerHead66: I've installed nvidia's native drivers.18:50
neo_I am trying to run Aptana on Ubuntu with a script, and get permission denied18:51
carbineHammerHead66: After that's over and nvidia's installer creates a xorg.conf file I run into issues.18:51
HammerHead66carbine: did you install them like i have them posted?18:51
Serraphyncan you ping the gateway from the server?18:51
jklockHumanoid: http://packages.ubuntu.com/intrepid/ you can start there18:51
[47] neo_ are you sudo?18:51
zilleplusyes i can ping it18:51
neo_well I am an administrator...18:51
neo_username neo...18:51
Serraphynzilleplus: can you ping the outside IP from your ISP?18:52
Humanoidjklock: I'm not a newbie.  Thanks for trying to help me, but it doesn't look like you can.18:52
zillepluswath is the ISP??18:52
jklockHumanoid: thanks for googling btw.18:52
neo_[47]: is that wht u asked?18:52
Skiessihow long time should I wait before repeating the question?18:52
jimmy51_homehow do i create an NTFS partition on my new USB drive, /dev/sdc ? (from the terminal)18:52
SerraphynISP = Internet Service Provider18:52
[47]neo_:  type "sudo" before the comand18:52
sobersabrebullgard4: what h/w errors do you think I should test for ?18:52
sobersabrethe machine works fine.18:52
HammerHead66carbine:are you there?18:52
carbineHammerHead66: yes.18:53
Humanoidjklock: I know ALL about packages.ubuntu.com, I've used it millions of times.  I KNOW ubuntu HAS sshd.  packages.ubuntu.com doesn't say anything about what's included in the live CD.18:53
neo_yes, i run it with sudo18:53
Serraphynzilleplus: you have a router?18:53
zilleplusooh does it has an ip18:53
neo_it does not work18:53
HammerHead66carbine: did you install like i have it posted?18:53
zilleplusi tryed to ping it18:53
zilleplusnetwork unreacheble18:53
carbineHammerHead66: I HAVE AN NVIDIA CARD.18:53
carbineHammerHead66: NOT ATI.18:53
neo_I am trying to run Aptana on Ubuntu with a script, and get permission denied18:53
carbineHammerHead66: 3rd time I've stated this.18:53
=== hfsdo_ is now known as hfsdo
HammerHead66carbine: ok have a nice day I hope you find someone to help you18:54
Serraphynzilleplus:  well this is one reason I don't like DHCP personally but anyways18:54
kitcheHumanoid: the sshd server is not on the livecd as a runnable anyways18:54
carbineHammerHead66: I think I'm just going to shoot myself.18:54
zillepluswath shell i do now??18:54
sky_1how i can hide/ change to show pages which os i have ?18:54
HammerHead66carbine: no need for all of that just keep looking18:54
HumanoidKitche: Thank you.  That's what I needed to know.18:54
bullgard4sobersabre: i.) intermittent contacts, ii.) RAM test, iii.) a specific hardware testing program for your hard drive. (Just to name the most common culprits.)18:54
jimmy51_homehow do i create an NTFS partition on my new USB drive, /dev/sdc ? (from the terminal)18:55
carbineHammerHead66: At all these guides that tell me to enable restricted drivers that don't work, or to install native drivers from nvidia that don't work?18:55
cubashey, my apt-get installation of nmap stuck on processing triggers for man-db for more than 10 minutes, is it OK18:55
Serraphynzilleplus: before you go to far, try sudo cat /etc/resolv.conf and see if its got your DNS in it18:55
sobersabrebullgard4: what do you mean "intermittent" contacts ?18:55
HammerHead66carbine: are you using 8.0418:55
sobersabrebad contacts ?18:55
user___jimmy51_home: try fdisk or cfdisk18:55
furenku_a quick question; why is there a "/build" directory inside "/lib/modules/2.6.24-19-generic/" and not inside "/lib/modules/2.6.24-19-rt"? If I'm compiling kernel modules from generic, can I apply them to the -rt kernel?18:55
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justin420Can someone point me in the direction of a good howto to get get internet time syncing working on the desktop version of ubuntu 8.10?18:55
neo_I am trying to run Aptana on Ubuntu with a script, and get permission denied18:55
carbineHammerHead66: 8.1018:55
zilleplusjust got nameserver
HammerHead66carbine: switch back to 8.04 it is more stable18:56
jimmy51_homethanks user___18:56
Serraphynjustin420: http://tinyurl.com/daokhq18:56
zilleplustaths the one from my router18:56
justin420Serraphyn, thx :D18:56
alecHi.  I'm having a sound problem.  I'm running Ibex and have a SB Live sound card.  The output sound is GREAT.  It's the MIC that I'm having problems with.  If I open and record my voice on the microphone, I can BARELY hear myself.  It sounds very distorted.  Any suggestions?18:56
bullgard4sobersabre: 'intermittent contact' is a terminus technicus. Loosely: loose contact, loose connection, slack joint.18:57
Serraphynzilleplus: I'd suggest manually configuring your card, specially for a server, and adding in your ISPs DNS servers.18:57
zilleplusyo got manual for that??18:57
afiefI have a laptop with a small keyboard, so I connected a USB keyboard for easier typing. but I am unable to change the keyboard layout on the usb keyboard, it only works on the laptop's keyboard. Anybody knows this werid bug?18:57
neo_I am trying to run Aptana on Ubuntu with a script, and get permission denied, tried sudo but does not work18:57
Serraphynzilleplus: http://tinyurl.com/d76ew618:57
user___neo_: what is aptana?18:58
zilleplusserraphyn do you have skype??,18:58
Serraphynafief: its not a bug, its the keyboard you setup when you install Ubuntu for the first time. You need to either change keyboard layout or reinstall18:58
Serraphynzilleplus: nope18:58
zubuntuhello .how to know connection speed ubuntu18:58
neo_user____: its an eclipse based IDE for lot of things18:59
afiefSerraphyn: I don't understand. All layouts work fine with one, but they don't with the other18:59
zilleplusSerraphyn this is the same problems from me : http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-588899.html18:59
rakudavealec: have you adjusted the apm-sliders for the mic?18:59
alecrakudave: yeah.19:00
user___neo_: please pastebin an ls -al19:00
neo_zubuntu:I guess in system monitor...19:00
alecrakudave: I opened the ALSA MIXER and made adjustments there.19:00
neo_user____:drwxrwxrwx  7 neo  neo     4096 2009-03-29 00:05 .19:01
neo_drwxr-xr-x 50 neo  neo     4096 2009-03-29 00:13 ..19:01
neo_drwxrwxrwx  2 root root    4096 2009-03-24 08:54 about_files19:01
neo_-rw-rw-rw-  1 root root     577 2009-03-24 08:46 about.html19:01
neo_drwxrwxrwx  2 root root    4096 2009-03-28 23:18 aptana_icons19:01
neo_-rwxrwxrwx  1 root root   29128 2009-03-24 08:46 AptanaStudio19:01
FloodBot1neo_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:01
dreamyis there any linux live cd ?19:01
dreamyi mean ubuntu live cd19:01
Serraphynzilleplus: did you read http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-newbie-8/how-to-configure-lan-card-in-ubuntu-8.1-696607/19:01
user___!pastebin | neo_19:01
grawitydreamy: Yes.19:01
ubottuneo_: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)19:01
rakudavealec: are you also using alsa for recording? check in System--Sound if it is still on autodetect19:01
alecrakudave: any other suggest?19:01
alecrakudave: checking...19:02
Serraphynafief: if you don't understand keyboard layout and how it works I'd suggest some googling and reading on it19:02
Patg7590can I enable advanced or even regular desktop settings on an integrated video card? Do i just need better drivers or somethiing?19:02
Patg7590is this even the right place to be asking?19:02
grawitydreamy: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu - those are LiveCDs.19:02
becomingGuruI want to re-install transmission client on my system19:03
dreamygrawity: what abou something like this " .. grub rescue disk " . does this exists ?19:03
becomingGuruWhat is the command for tht19:03
alecrakudave: for sound capture it reads "ALSA"19:03
neo_here is the right way: http://paste.ubuntu.com/139703/19:03
[47]im getting an error when i access my server trough ssl -->  ssl_error_rx_record_too_long19:03
cubaswhat is /etc/profile.d/ directory for ?19:03
alecrakudave: not SB LIVE19:03
becomingGurusudo apt-get reinstall transmission19:03
dreamygrawity: my sistem doesnt knows where linux is . at his time ... i lost system when tryng to install xp19:03
SerraphynPatg7590: depends on the video card type, memory, age, speed, GPU... most cards can enable it, just can it 'handle' it is another matter19:03
zilleplus<Serraphyn> i read your link but i got that alleready set up19:03
onatswhat's the command for iptables to show all rules?19:03
gren420has anyone here got two-fingered scrolling to work?19:03
Patg7590its an hp pavilion tower19:03
Patg75902.2 amd 64 1 gb ram19:03
bullgard4Patg7590: This is the proper channel to discuss. But you did not say what do you mean by "advanced regular desktop settings".19:04
Serraphynzilleplus: thought you said it was setup with DHCP?19:04
Patg7590i would ideally like to use compiz19:04
zillepluslook i send my if config in bastebin:19:04
rakudavealec: hmm... can't think of anything else :-/19:04
Patg7590but i cant enable any desktop settings in appearance19:04
Patg7590other than the basic red slash thru one19:04
alecrakudave: woudl i set that to sb live then?19:04
SerraphynPatg7590: is compwiz installed?19:04
Patg7590yes but if i try to use it everything goes white19:04
user___neo_: the perms of runAptana.sh look ok, what gives: cat runAptana.sh?19:05
J_Litewskican i safely remove nVidia stuff if i don't have an nVidia card?19:05
rakudavealec: you might play around with it, yes19:05
Patg7590i enabled spaces and they went white i had to reboot19:05
zilleplusmy adress from router
Serraphynzilleplus: first off you said your router is right?19:05
dreamyanyone helping ? .. grub is not starting at startup? how can i rescue ?19:05
SerraphynWhy is your DHCP setting up on different class Cs?19:05
bullgard4Patg7590: Please always prepend your message with the nick of your adressee. --  I cannot help you with Compiz because I do not use it.19:05
neo_export MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME=/usr/lib/xulrunner19:05
neo_/home/neo/aptana  #filepath to Aptana folder19:05
zilleplusi know it is wrong http://192.168.12219:05
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user___!grub | dreamy19:05
ubottudreamy: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto19:05
zillepluscan't be but it is like that19:06
dreamyty alot ..19:06
zilleplusthats my problem19:06
zilleplusreinstalled 21 time still the sam19:06
Serraphyn>.< That is why I gave you a link to do a MANUAL setup not DHCP.19:06
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gren420can anyone help me with a two-fingered scrolling issue?19:06
zilleplusoooh so you do manual wath th dhcp does19:06
zilleplusnow i get it19:06
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user___neo_: i am not sure it consists only of three lines, please pastebin19:06
Patg7590@ Serraphyn- yes compiuz is installed but, can it work without any advanced desktop settinbgs turned on? I enabled spaces in compiz and then the screen went white, spaces worked but only two white desktops, i had to reboot19:07
user___neo_: do command | pastebinit -19:07
neo_user____:well it is 3 lines19:07
SerraphynPatg7590: what video card do you have? did you check to see if its able to run  compwiz?19:07
neo_user____: I took from here: http://maketecheasier.com/install-aptana-studio-in-ubuntu-intrepid/2009/03/2319:07
gren420I can't get two-fingered scrolling to work any help?19:07
Patg7590@ Serraphyn- its integrated- on this hp poavilion -it has an 2.2ghz amd 64 processor-1GB RAM- its kinda old19:08
user___neo_: /home/user/aptana is an executable?19:08
Patg7590@ Serraphyn-  do i need special drivers or is it just too weak?19:08
SerraphynPatg7590: I'd say get the model number off the side or bottom since thats where it is on most HP, and go to www.hp.com and look at what kind fo card you have.19:09
SerraphynPatg7590: Without know what card you have I couldn't tell you either way19:09
Patg7590@ Serraphyn- i did that it just says integrated with 64mb memory19:09
SerraphynPatg7590: did you just install Ubuntu?19:09
gren420I can't get two-fingered scrolling to work any help?19:09
Patg7590@ Serraphyn-  yes :-[19:09
SerraphynWhats the model number Patg759019:09
Patg7590@ Serraphyn-  a737n19:09
becomingGuruHow do I reinstall transmission client...19:10
neo_user____: well the checkbox in permission shows a horizontal line and not a check..ca i make it sure?19:10
becomingGuruwhats the sudo command?19:10
SerraphynPatg7590:  one sec I'll tell you19:10
Patg7590@ Serraphyn-  you're my hero19:10
SerraphynbecomingGuru: Sudo is the command you use to run as if you where root19:10
kdb424I'm trying to set up xdmcp from my Ubuntu 8.10 (Macbook Pro Host) to my Debian eee pc (client) can someone please help me out. I have no idea where to start and googled for at least 2 hours19:10
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Serraphynsimilar to su -c in other distros of linux19:10
Daremonaiwhenever i checkout from a repo on my server, I get that it's been permanently moved, please relocate.. how do i fix that?19:11
becomingGuruI mean sudo apt-get reinstall transmission??19:11
gren420I can't get two-fingered scrolling to work any help?19:11
becomingGurudoes that work?19:11
user___neo_: recheck step 4 from the howto. make sure your file runaptana.sh is identical to the guide. its not yet (judging from your channel paste, please do pastebin next time)19:11
OiPenguin_Vertical scroll on touchpad not working in 9.04 beta. Is there anything I can do before reporting a bug? (Yes, enable vertical scrolling is ticked in System --> Preferences --> Mouse)19:11
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bout10bucksbecomingGuru: why do you need to reinstall19:12
SerraphynPatg7590: Just for reference that thing has a free AGP slot in it, might look at spending 40-50$ and get a decent video card with more vid ram, but let me see if I can't figure out the card still one sec19:12
jerome_just upgraded from 8.04 to 8.10 and my gnome desktop seems to crash about once an hour. And it pulls up the login screen. any ideas?19:12
Patg7590@ Serraphyn- yeah I might end up doing that but I got this rip for free so I was just getting it up and running19:12
becomingGurubout10bucks: Its acting wierd... I'd rather reinstall than go tho all config preferences19:12
Patg7590@ Serraphyn-  rig*19:13
ScottGWhere can I go in GConf to edit keyboard shortcuts. The normal keyboard shortcuz thing doesn't seem to be responding to when I change it19:13
oCean_OiPenguin_: all jaunty discussions/issues go in #ubuntu+1 channel please19:13
bout10buckssudo apt-get autoremove transmission --purge (purges your configuration)19:13
OiPenguin_oCean_: Thanks. I looked for a *beta group but couldn't find one.19:13
neo_user____: I have just changed the path to the aptana folder, that's all19:14
ScottGbout10bucks: Why would I want to purge it?19:14
bout10bucksthen can reinstall with sudo apt-get install transmission19:14
ScottGbout10bucks: What does that do exactly?19:14
user___neo_: you need to point to an executable, not just a path19:14
bout10buckspurges configuration19:14
ScottGbout10bucks: Wouldnt it totally wipe out all the configurations I have in there?19:14
cubaswhere the hell is PATH variable in ubuntu19:15
cubasI've searched everything19:15
bout10bucksif its acting funny you dont want to use the same configuration that caused it to act that way19:15
SerraphynPatg7590: tbh looking at the specs on that video I wouldn't want to run compwiz, or even a heavy Window Manager like KDE, might even just want to go with XFCE since it steals system ram for video ram.19:15
cubasplease help somebody19:15
ScottGbout10bucks: Yea but just wiping out all of the configurations could really screw me up19:16
neo_user____: it's a java program.. no executable..... besides guide sys to point to "Aptana Folder".. sorry if I am wrong.. thanks19:16
oCean_cubas: you can modify the PATH variable in your ~/.profile19:16
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oCean_cubas: expand your PATH variable like so: PATH=$PATH:/my/new/bin19:17
cubasoCean_, but it's not the place where is the original PATH variable set19:17
Patg7590@ Serraphyn-  thanks anyways i just found a box of vid ccards -ill give em a go19:17
SerraphynPatg7590: Congrats19:17
SerraphynI suggest nvidia :)19:17
Patg7590@ Serraphyn- Thanks for the help!19:17
SerraphynNp hun19:17
bout10bucksScottG: ok leave off the --purge I suppose it depends on "acting funny"19:17
Patg7590@ Serraphyn- theyre not labeled at all19:17
oCean_cubas: I think it is in file called login.defs19:18
SerraphynPatg7590: unless somsone scraped serial numbers and card info off them, you can figure out which is which19:18
SerraphynI would suggest doing so before installing them so you know what your putting in and what to setup19:18
oCean_cubas: /etc/login.defs in configfile for "login"19:18
ScottGbout10bucks: Well I go to System > Prefs > Keyboard Shortcuts. And when i change a keyboard shortcut in there, it doesnt do anything, it just stays how it was before19:18
gren420can anyone help me set up two-fingered scrolling19:19
kristian42I managed to mess up my Gnome menu of my wine applications, and thought maybe I could just remove & reinstall wine. But I'm not getting any wine menu in the gnome panel. Anyone know hot to restore it ?19:19
efeX^Hey, how come my terminal window size settings aren't saving when I close it? They used to.19:19
bout10bucksScottG: I thought you were reinstalling transmission?19:19
weatherkidWhat is the Qt4 Libraries called?19:20
cubasoCean_, thank you, and do you know if the /etc/ptofile.d/ is meant to store scripts with setting environment variables for particular apps ?19:20
anom01ywhy does lpr -P Brother ./file.txt     not work (Brother doesnt exist) when lpstat -a shows Brother at the top of the list ?19:20
Frijoliei'm trying to set up FTP via Filezilla19:20
gren420can anyone help me set up two-fingered scrolling?19:20
FrijolieI guess the Linux version is only the client19:20
cubasoCean_, it is done in slackware like this and it is very handy19:20
Frijolieto serve files, do you have to install FTP server software in Ubuntu beforehand?19:20
ScottGbout10bucks: I don't even know what transmission is lol. I just want to change some keyboard shortcuts and when i change them i nthe Keyboard Shortcuts window they dont change19:20
Serraphynkristian42: have you tired restarting X?19:21
gren420can anyone help me set up two-fingered scrolling?19:21
oCean_cubas: not sure about that19:21
kristian42Serraphyn: Yes, but still not wine. Maybe I should have a glass instead ;)19:21
efeX^Hey, how come my terminal window size settings aren't saving when I close it? They used to.19:21
bout10bucksScottG: haha i think i was helping 2 different people19:21
ScottGoh lol19:22
Serraphynkristian42: strange that is19:22
cubasoCean_, there is always a problem that each distro has different way of loading the env vars...like (login-shell=profile) (non-login-interaktive-shell=.bashrc)...but it's not standard at all19:22
Serraphyndid you try opening a terminal and type winecfg19:22
efeX^anyone know? D:19:23
oCean_cubas: Indeed. Even so Ubuntu is an LSB distro, and I think that LSB specification requires that logins source the files in /etc/profile.d, each distro has it's own ways19:24
bout10bucksScottG: you select the action you want to change (I always do run terminal) and press the key bindings you want, and it doesn't stay?19:24
kristian42Serraphyn: I can't really see what I'm supposed to be looking for in winecfg19:24
Serraphynkristian42: make sure it loads, apply -> save -> is wine in menu now?19:25
SerraphynefeX^: what version are you in?19:26
efeX^It worked last week now it doesn't19:26
SerraphynefeX^: Does ntohing save or is it colours or fonts?19:26
efeX^It saves colors/fonts etc.19:26
efeX^Just not window size.19:26
Frijolieguess I stumped everybody19:26
Frijoliethat doesn't happen often19:26
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kristian42Serraphyn: Nada19:27
m4rkwhen I click the power button in the top right hand corner on ubuntu, both the top and bottom toolbars disappear. how do I fix it?19:27
Frijoliem4rk, don't press the button19:27
Serraphynkristian42: when you installed you installed the Package for wine thats GUI right?19:27
m4rkFrijolie: lol thanks19:27
skjelmoseI have sound problems with ubuntu 9.10 after the upgrade -any bugs reported?19:28
SerraphynefeX^: Ah yes that happens to me too. its annoying... have you tried creating a seperate new profile?19:28
efeX^No i haven't, will try that now :P19:28
a5x7Does anyone know how i can set my ubuntu file browser to always show hidden files, instead of me having to goto view then select it each time?19:28
Frijolieskjelmose, yes, 9.10 is Beta..not released or for production yet19:28
user___!jaunty > skjelmose join #ubuntu+119:28
ubottuskjelmose, please see my private message19:28
kristian42Serraphyn: I only have one wine package19:28
skjelmoseFrijolie: Yes i know19:28
oCean_skjelmose: all jaunty discusions/issues still go in #ubuntu+1 channel19:29
Serraphynkristian42: you could just make a launcher on desktop wine /path/to/program/file.exe19:29
SaptaI want to install linux completely on a 10 GB partition. But the partition table is allowing me to only set it as swap or root directory.19:29
efeX^Didn't work serra.19:29
Frijolieaint nobody up in here that knows about FTP?19:29
melikhttp://digg.com/linux_unix/18_Second_Boot_Time_Ubuntu_Jaunty_9_04_Beta << can you guys help dig that?19:29
SaptaHoew do i put both into that 10 gb partition?19:29
bonhofferany recommended video editors?19:29
skjelmoseoCean_: thanks19:29
bonhofferwell supported for ubuntu?19:29
bonhofferhaving trouble with kino19:30
wolter!enter | bonhoffer19:30
ubottubonhoffer: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!19:30
SerraphynFrijolie: probably but sometimes we can only help 11 people at once, so if you can't be patient and wait, perhaps spend the time on google.com19:30
HobzHi, I'm having trouble getting the audio to work with vlc under Ibex.  I've played with the output settings (oss, alsa, etc.) but it isn't working!  Any advice?19:30
oCean_melik: all jaunty discussion go in #ubuntu+1 channel, please19:30
FrijolieSerraphyn, you think I would be stupid enough to come here first without googlin'?19:30
m4rklots of applicatons give me this error Session management error: Authentication Rejected, reason : None of the authentication protocols specified are supported and host-based authentication failed19:30
m4rkopera: Module initialization failure.  (-2036)19:30
user___Sapta: what do you mean by "the partition table allows only to.."?19:30
m4rkoops sorry19:30
natrixnatrix89Hi does anyone know anything about bluetooth audio on intrepid?19:30
kristian42Serraphyn: I used wineshelllink to make a desktop icon. That'll do19:30
kristian42Serraphyn: Thanks19:30
bonhofferany recommended video editors? i am having trouble with kino, namely raw1394 kernel module not loaded . ..19:30
SerraphynThere ya go kristian4219:30
anom01yI'm not sure if lpstat displays the name of the printer, or just the description, however, I cannot get my printer to work with the LPR command..any suggestions ?19:30
remotecocoaIs it possible to connect from Linux to MacOSX and run Cocoa apps remotely? If so, what software do I need on the Linux end?19:31
Isaac_Kpacked in here19:31
user___anom01y: quick shot. maybe lpr =|= cups? ubuntu uses cups.19:31
SerraphynefeX^: let me see if I can figure this out19:32
Isaac_Kis there an #ubuntusocial?19:32
efeX^Okay, thanks serra19:32
thrillERboyhey guys19:32
Hobzanybody?  VLC audio not working, yet all other audio works?19:32
oCean_Isaac_K: it's #ubuntu-offtopic19:32
user___!offtopic > Isaac_K19:32
ubottuIsaac_K, please see my private message19:32
thrillERboyhow to enable compiz fusion settings?19:32
FrijolieHobz, turn the volume up in VLC19:32
Saptawell, when editing the partitions I can select only one option from the drop down menu. I think the only two related options are swap and ext3 formatting for root directory19:32
HobzFrijolie, already at 10019:32
Alex_21Which file to I edit to get the regular repositories and disable my cdrom repositories?19:32
thrillERboyI've compiz fusion installed to synaptic19:32
SlimeyPeteHobz: I think you can choose different sound output modules in the VLC settings menus19:32
SlimeyPetetry changing to a different one19:32
HobzAlex_21, /etc/apt/sources.list19:32
natrixnatrix89thrillerboy: go to add remove apps and search for compiz19:32
FrijolieHobz, well turn it to 99 or 10119:32
Hobzor something19:32
UbuntunubI have a huge problem with updates- updates won't work and i had to use recovery mode,,, i need someone to look at the paste bin to understand19:33
zilleplusanny one knows wath this means: SIOCSIFFLAGS: cannot assign requested arddress19:33
HobzSlimeyPete, I've been through ALSA and OSS modules.  Same problem19:33
Ubuntunubcan someone help me plz19:33
thrillERboydid i got a reply? I just cleared the screen :/19:33
zilleplusanny one knows wath this means: SIOCSIFFLAGS: cannot assign requested address19:33
FrijolieHobz, sounds like a PulseAudio issue19:33
waldirIs it possible to change the password masking character?19:33
efeX^Ubuntunub: What's the problem19:33
Saptanow if i select ext3 formatting and set mount point / and click forward, it says I need to set a swap space :/19:33
black-bulletwhat drivers should i get for my ati hd4850?19:33
natrixnatrix89thrillerboy: go to add remove apps19:33
_Brun0_Is there a simple way to open windows network dir on ubuntu?19:33
bonhofferperhaps open movie editor19:33
anom01yuser___, ok well can I still make it work ?19:33
natrixnatrix89and searh for compiz19:33
bonhofferi am looking for something that is supported on freenode19:34
HobzFrijolie, I installed the vlc-plugin-pulseaudio package, same problem19:34
UbuntunubefeX^: got this error message " E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem.19:34
UbuntunubE: _cache->open() failed, please report.19:34
laciehey guys19:34
tritium_Brun0_: Places -> Network19:34
efeX^Ubuntunub: did you run sudo dpkg --configure -a19:34
FrijolieHobz, I was having sound issues myself until I completely removed crapy PulseAudio19:34
a5x7Does anyone know how i can set my ubuntu file browser to always show hidden files, instead of me having to goto view then select it each time?19:34
user___!cups > anom01y19:34
ubottuanom01y, please see my private message19:34
thrillERboythanks natrixnatrix8919:34
Ubuntunubone sec i will, no19:34
a5x7hey lacie19:34
gren420can anyone help me set up two-fingered scrolling19:34
lacieis there a way i can remove the journal from an hfs partition in ubuntu?19:34
natrixnatrix89thereyou go19:34
Frijoliea5x7, Ctrl + H19:34
bout10bucksa5x7: you can just hit ctrl+h19:34
HobzFrijolie, I might give that a try19:35
Frijoliebout10bucks, too slow19:35
a5x7i have to hit cntrl-h everytime? theres not a universal option to always show them?19:35
FrijolieHobz, seriously...going back to pure ALSA has cured my woes19:35
UbuntunubefeX^: was this why my system wouldn't boot (i used recovery)19:35
gren420can anyone help me set up two-fingered scrolling?19:35
Serraphynzilleplus: means the IP address you manually setup isn't available19:35
FrijolieHobz, PulseAudio is still in Alpha stages IMO19:35
laciea way i can make an hfs+ partition to a hfs partition... is that possible under ubuntu?19:35
UbuntunubefeX^: I got more errors19:35
maxagazhow to list all available languages (to change the value of the variable LANG) ?19:36
Frijoliebout10bucks, :P19:36
Koylaanyone here plz and this question i will be very thankful......http://forums.sun.com/thread.jspa?threadID=537681919:36
Koylaplz ans  ..19:36
user___Sapta: you need both: an ext3 partition mounted at / and a swap partition. btw: the ubuntu-installer can do that for you except in difficult cases19:36
HobzFrijolie, just apt-get remove pulseaudio?19:36
zillepluscoud it be that my mac address is not the same as my router??19:36
gren420can anyone help me set up two-fingered scrolling19:36
UbuntunubefeX^: should i use pastbin for u to see?19:36
a5x7bout10bucks;  i have to hit cntrl-h everytime? theres not a universal option to always show them?19:36
UbuntunubefeX^: yes i should?19:36
efeX^Ubuntunub: yes19:36
FrijolieHobz, I think I did it via Synaptic and filtered for anything installed with Pulse19:36
bout10bucksa5x7: http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/ubuntu/view-hidden-files-and-folders-in-ubuntu-file-browser/19:36
gren420can anyone help me set up two-fingered scrolling?19:37
lantay77root@li59-192:~# free -m19:37
lantay77             total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached19:37
lantay77Mem:           526        207        318          0          4        16319:37
lantay77I have 540mb of ram, is some reserved and not showing?19:37
FloodBot1lantay77: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:37
Koylahttp://forums.sun.com/thread.jspa?threadID=5376819  plz help me...19:37
lacieanyone familiar with hfs+ partitions?19:37
Hobzwoah, hello!19:37
a5x7bout10bucks; thanks man i will read threw that :-D19:37
_Brun0_tritium, how can I map/mount a network folder?19:37
FrijolieKoyla, http://forums.sun.com/thread.jspa?threadID=537682019:37
thrillERboycan someone suggest a good link to learn ubuntu basics... possibly with screen shots?19:38
gren420can anyone help me set up two-fingered scrolling?19:38
user___Koyla: better ask in a java channel19:38
billybigriggerwhats the proper way to remove wine?19:38
m4rkhow do I stop this error? Session management error: Authentication Rejected, reason : None of the authentication protocols specified are supported and host-based authentication failed opera: Module initialization failure.  (-2036)19:38
Frijoliebillybigrigger, sudo apt-get purge wine; sudo apt-get install beer19:38
UbuntunubefeX^: http://paste.ubuntu.com/139723/19:38
crdlbm4rk: are you running it with sudo?19:38
oCean_thrillERboy: find your free download for ubuntupocketguide at: http://ubuntupocketguide.com/download3.html19:39
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m4rkcrdlb: no. This is just as a regular user19:39
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gren420can anyone help me set up two-fingered scrolling?19:39
KoylaFrijolie,  user___   i m not getting any ans from past two day..can u help me...19:39
thrillERboythanks oCean_19:39
lacieanyone using osx?19:39
Frijoliegren420, did you not look at the link posted above?19:39
Koylai tried in java channel19:39
billybigriggerFrijolie, damn, apt can't find beer, off to the liquor store i guess19:39
m4rkcrdlb: it works with sudo but not under normal user account19:39
billybigriggerFrijolie, thanks19:39
Frijoliebillybigrigger, hehe19:39
anom01yuser___, I already have my printer set up in cups, but I use xfw as my text editor, and it requires me to enter a command line so I can print with it. Im just not sure what to put in the command line, "lpr -P <printername>" was the default entry in that field, I've tried just "xfprint4" and "kprinter", but nothing works, or requires a file name argument ect.. kinda stuck here19:39
oCean_Frijolie: please be serious. This is not social channel nor chat19:40
anom01ywish I knew more about scripts, and bash in general19:40
user___Koyla: you were asking in the wrong place maybe19:40
crdlbm4rk: weird, that sort of error usually means you're trying to run an app with a different user than the session19:40
billybigriggerFrijolie, no funny stuff here i guess eh? haha19:40
FrijolieoCean_, I'm not here to be social, i'm here to get help...but if nobody's here to help you've got to do something to "be patient"19:41
UbuntunubefeX^: I'm not rushing you i just want to make sure you got my message.19:41
Frijoliebillybigrigger, no we're being "off topic"19:41
billybigriggerFrijolie, hmmm19:41
lacieis there a way i can remove the journal from an hfs partition in ubuntu?19:41
remotecocoaIs it possible to connect from Linux to MacOSX and run Cocoa apps remotely? If so, what software do I need on the Linux end?19:41
user___anom01y: maybe get another text editor?19:41
FrijolieKoyla, I'm not a Java guru19:41
anom01ywell, is there any way to print via command line with cups ?19:42
oCean_Frijolie: I understand, and your help is appreciated. It's just that not every user coming here would know that you are joking.19:42
UbuntunubefeX^: hello?- I just want to make sure you got my mesage.19:42
oCean_Frijolie: what was your question?19:42
user___anom01y: its all in the link i gave you, !cups19:42
FrijolieoCean_, I'm trying to set up FTP file shares between myself and a buddy19:42
_Purple_Koyla, lol19:43
bout10bucksFrijolie: I need to also, but i gave up19:43
FrijolieoCean_, via Filezilla and it's not working. it's complaining about "mismatched ports" although all ports are open and forwarded to my internal IP19:43
oCean_Frijolie: ok. FTP server is setup?19:43
ShinyHatcan anyone here help me tether a blackberry?19:43
FrijolieoCean_, do you have to run a server as a service? or does that come with Filezilla19:44
FrijolieoCean_, that was my first question19:44
tritium_Brun0_: Places -> Connect to Server19:44
oCean_Frijolie: You have to setup a seperate FTP service / daemon19:44
UbuntunubCan anyone help me with a huge package installation and boot problem?19:44
gren420can anyone help me set up two-fingered scrolling?19:44
gren420Ubuntunub whats the issue19:45
user___!ask | Ubuntunub19:45
ubottuUbuntunub: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)19:45
FrijolieoCean_, ok, so you have to have it running. That's what I was thinking. What's the package you have to download?19:45
r3hi .. any devs here ?19:45
oCean_Frijolie: filezilla is only the client.19:45
oCean_!ftpd | Frijolie19:45
ubottuFrijolie: FTP servers: ftpd, proftpd, pure-ftpd, twoftpd, vsftpd, MuddleFTPd, wzdftpd - Graphical front-ends: PureAdmin, GProftpd (for GNOME), KcmPureftpd (for !KDE) - See also !FTP19:45
mhikui cant get outlook sending emaiks19:45
kaiskaWoot! This jaunty is so fast on my ssd! http://img17.imageshack.us/img17/5821/pompokojaunty200903281.png19:45
r3im testing 9.04 and i would like to report some @strange@ issues19:46
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Ubuntunubgren420: i tried installing a package and i got this: ... hmm i think i fixed it :)19:46
oCean_Frijolie: I like the proftpd, but they all have their own tweaks19:46
r3kaiska - i find the jaunty slow in contrary19:46
FrijolieoCean_, why did I not come across those with Google? I did see something about vsftpd but it was in Ubuntu docs but for 6.0619:46
Dud3I have installed ubuntu7.04 on my playstation3 together with kboot...i want to remove the linux installation now...Can anyone help me? I formatted the linux partition but now I am still stuck with KBoot?19:46
skjelmose!torrent Frijolie19:46
m4rkcrdlb: OK I fixed it. thanks though. The problem was a full disk :-/19:46
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)19:46
mhikui cant get postfix to authenticate with outlook19:46
FrijolieoCean_, is it hard if you're behind NAT?19:47
arooni-mobilehey team;  i have vbox 2.1 running on ubuntu ibex.  i have a windows xp iso.  how can i mount it so that it can be installed via vbox?19:47
r3dud3 .. its easy19:47
Anusiencrdlb: I got it working.  Thanks for all the help!  Setting the driver in /etc/X11/xorg.conf did it.  (It didn't work the last time I tried because I accidentally commented out the driver line and not the BusID line like I meant to)19:47
Dud3how, r3?19:47
Ubuntunubgren420: if i still have a problem after install and reboot are you available or are you busy?19:47
r3Dud3 - i thin you need to backup all saves first19:47
FrijolieoCean, hard = hard to configure...both ends are server and client19:47
kaiskar3: here my apps are so reponsive! maybe because off my main root partition on ext2 (ssd) and my home on ext4 (harddrive)19:47
r3Dud3 - then reset ps3 to factory settings19:47
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crdlbAnusien: great :)19:47
Dud3realy, r3?19:47
r3Dud3 .. yeah19:47
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Dud3ok r3, i will try it19:48
oCean_Frijolie: it should not - but sometimes... (sorry for the obvious answer) For ftp port 21 should be open and NAT'ed19:48
r3Dud3 - no bother19:48
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r3Dud3 - it will format the HDD and reinstall the ps3 to factory settings19:48
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ShinyHatcan anyone here help me tether a blackberry?19:48
FrijolieoCean_, yeah, I've already got port 21 forwarded to my internal IP19:49
r3Kaiska - SDD makes hell of a difference.. but for my netbook running standard HDD .. i find jaunty kinda slower than the previous distros19:49
FrijolieoCean_, installing proftpd now19:49
r3no developers here ?19:49
Anusiencrdlb: And now I feel like a bad ass because I'm using the open source drivers :P  Thanks again, I know this is a hard thing to do, but I appreciate it19:49
ubottusigh... again? I'm busy here, I already told you it failed.19:50
oCean_Frijolie: let me find a link for setup19:50
bazhang!give me a test19:50
ubottuOh no, I won't, I'm not like some of those nasty scripts' users!19:50
* Cosmo gives bazhang :bazhang!n=bazhang@unaffiliated/bazhang PRIVMSG #ubuntu :+!give me a test.19:50
bazhangCosmo, disable that script19:50
gavintlgold:( I wish my quickcam worked with ubuntu19:50
ubottusigh... again? I'm busy here, I already told you it failed.19:50
r3gavintgold ... what version u run ?19:50
litwinosHello, how can i change type of partition from ID 5 to ID 83 without changing/formating data on partition? Thanks in adavance.19:51
_Brun0_tritium, thank alot! I bookmarked it. Still, my IDE (Komodo Edit) cannot open the file. Is there a way to (auto)mount the windows share?19:51
gavintlgoldI just got the jaunty beta19:51
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gavintlgoldr3 ^19:51
r3litwinos -- not sure if possible at all19:51
oCean_Frijolie: ubuntugeek tutorials are nice: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/settingup-an-ftp-server-on-ubuntu-with-proftpd.html19:51
Frijoliethanks, I'll check them out19:52
r3gavintlgold - jaunty has the most recent kernel - which means most recent HW support - if it doesnt work then .. then too bad.. when running linux.. you have to keep compatibility in mind19:52
oCean_gavintlgold: all jaunty discussions/issues go in channel #ubuntu+119:52
litwinosr3 -- I  changed it from 83 to 5 on windows using ext2fst and i cant undo19:52
gavintlgoldoCean: it has never worked since at least 3 versions ago19:52
gavintlgoldoCean_: it has never worked since at least 3 versions ago19:53
r3what you mean ? it worked before ?19:53
oCean_gavintlgold: what ?19:53
r3oCean_ i think gold is speakin to me19:53
Alex_21Hi, I can't get any packages downloaded19:53
gavintlgoldoCean_: my webcam has had problems with ubuntu since I started trying to use it19:54
Alex_21It is driving me up the wall and I don't know what to do about it19:54
r3litwinos - not sure if i can help... technically ... changing partition type means formating as well19:54
gavintlgoldr3: he told me to go to ubuntu+1, but it's a problem across versions19:54
oCean_gavintlgold: that can be, but if you are currently using Jaunty, then you should address your issue NOT in this channel19:54
Alex_21I checked my sources.list file and it all looks goo19:54
litwinosi problably changed only label19:54
r3if you run apt-get update * with sudo ?19:55
r3what happens ?19:55
Alex_21Oh, I'll try19:55
r3litwinos ... did you try fdisk ? ( in ubuntu ?)19:55
ShinyHatcan anyone here help me tether a blackberry?19:55
Alex_21Ok, It is working19:56
Alex_21Lol, My bad19:56
litwinosIm using live cd right now fdisk give: /dev/sda3           48054       60758   102052912+   5  Extended19:56
r3there ya go19:56
jhjhAfter upgrading from 8.10 -> 9.04 beta my nvidia driver is broken. Plus that when I press ctrl + alt + f2 I can't login. i type my username and password and ubuntu keep saying me "login icorrect"19:56
r3press m for help19:56
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Alex_21I don't usually install desktop19:56
r3jhjh ... numlock checked ?19:57
remotecocoaAre you pranking your coworkers next week? If so, how?19:57
jhjhr3 yes19:57
oCean_jhjh: all 9.04 discussion go in #ubuntu+1 channel please19:57
oCean_!ot > remotecocoa19:57
ubotturemotecocoa, please see my private message19:57
jhjhoCean_ Ok19:57
r3hm ... try some alternative boots ... you can edit boot line in grub19:57
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topher_my system tray is missing on ubuntu, and when trying to add it, its not in the list, i think i might have uninstalled the package, anyone know what the name of the panel is in aptitude?19:58
oCean_topher_: do you mean "notification area" ?19:58
tritium_Brun0_: my suspicion is that your IDE cannot read over gvfs.  If that's the case, you may need to add an entry to your /etc/fstab to auto-mount the share on boot.19:58
topher_hmm, like where the icons are docked, like banshee and such19:59
topher_k nvm thx oCean_19:59
oCean_topher_: Ok :)19:59
r3you running gnome topher ?19:59
r3did you try gnome-panel ?20:00
=== Lukemob is now known as Lukemob`
macvrhi all... what is the command to remove execute privileges from a file? i mean opposite of chmod 755 ..? is that correct?20:00
topher_r3 i just thought it was called system tray, its notificiation area20:00
r3ok lads20:00
r3gotta go20:00
FloodBot1r3: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:00
_Brun0_tritium, ty alot for your help! you mean soemething like: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountWindowsSharesPermanently ?20:01
oCean_macvr: well, no. That would leave the execute permissions for the owner of the file20:02
ChotaZjklock: you there?20:02
russian_ulyssesCan anyone suggest some fast way to restore characters in filenames downloaded with wget with no --restrict-filenames. For example, some cyrillic symbols in such filenames will be changed to something like ?%80. Or, may be you can tell what stands for ? in such filename. Currently script I wrote for this task chokes on these ? symbols.20:02
macvroCean_: i meant opposite of chmod 755... i want to remove the execute privilege for a simple text file i created in an ntfs partition, but whenever i create a file in the ntfs partition it contains the execute privilages!20:03
oCean_macvr: default umask for users is 0022, creating files in 644 mode (-rw-r--r--)20:04
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macvrso doing chmod 644 for the file would remove the execute?20:04
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oCean_macvr: ah yes, for NTFS partitions it' an other story.20:05
macvroCean_: ok so how do i proceed?20:05
oCean_macvr: you have to specify the permissions for NTFS partitions during mount time (e.g. in /etc/fstab) For more info, see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions20:05
=== dsdewe is now known as _Purple_
macvroCean_: automatic mount? i edited the fstab since i didnt want auto mount...! why is that essential for preventing the file from gaining execute privileges?20:07
Bullswayanyone else sitting in the dark ? :P20:07
Daremonaiam getting: MKACTIVITY (and a bunch of garbage) then: Could not parse response status line - when I commit to svn repository, everything else works fine though, what does that mean?20:07
oCean_macvr: permissions on NTFS differ from the way linux works with that. So at mount time, you have to specify attributes like fmask,dmask et cetera20:08
Frijoliehow do you tell if the server/service is running and the appropriate ports are open and listening?20:08
Dud3r3, i did what you said...but i still have the kboot menu when I select "Boot other OS" from me ps3 menu20:09
__nano__Frijolie: you can use nmap20:09
oCean_Frijolie: run "sudo netstat -anp | grep 21" and look in the upper few lines or do "sudo netstat -anp |grep ftp" Also, you could try to "ftp localhost"20:09
macvroCean_: oh... ok... i get it... will read though, changing the mask would do the trick... that it or anything else i need to do?20:09
bonhofferis there a good photo-stitch program for ubuntu20:09
_VIM_Frijolie: you could try iptraf or nmap too20:09
oCean_macvr: that would do the trick20:09
Frijoliewhoa, thanks for the reponse. lemme try. I just edited proftpd.conf20:10
__nano__Frijolie: _VIM_: yeah iptraf is good aswell20:10
macvroCean_: thanx for the help ... will readup about it...20:10
thrillERboyhi I've installed compiz fusion from add or remove progs? how to enter compiz settings?20:11
anom01ydoes anyone here use nedit ? if so, what is the command you have in your printer settings in nedit ? beacuse I can't get it to print without having to type the file name in the printer settings box every time (pain in the ass)20:11
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gavintlgoldthrillERboy: try installing compizconfig-settings-manager20:11
Frijolieftp: connect: Connection refused20:11
user___bonhoffer: http://pastebin.com/f284e629120:11
_Brun0_tritium, putting this in my fstab gives me: "dempserver/www /mnt/dempserver smbfs iocharset=utf8,uid=1000 0 0" mount error: could not find target server. TCP name dempserver/www not found. No ip address specified and hostname not found20:11
_Purple_Bullsway, aren't you supposed to turn of your pc as well? ;)20:12
bonhofferuser___, thanks20:12
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user___bonhoffer: apt-cache search stitch ;-)20:12
zaggynlHi I just used the ubuntu livecd to remove a partition, it was the wrong partition, any way to restore the data?20:13
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Frijolieiptraf just looks like a packet sniffer20:14
Psychoholic hello i'm having some problems with my kubuntu rig every time i boot i get to the splash screen and it says out of range and displays nothing is there a way to enter into a "safe mode"?20:14
kristian_if i type "md5sum -c MD5FILE" it will start echoing filenames and ok next to it. but it gives no summary if all is ok. if one or more files is not ok, will it say so at the end of the echo?20:15
GhabitHello. Advise me please - which arch of ubuntu to choose - 32 or 64 bit?20:15
user___zaggynl: the data is still there, only the entry in the partition table in the MBR was deleted, i suggest asking #linux and googling in parallel20:15
SlimeyPeteGhabit: what processor do you have, and how much RAM?20:15
Ghabitmodel name      : Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU     E6850  @ 3.00GHz20:16
Ghabit2 gb of ram20:16
zaggynluser___: thanks20:16
ChotaZhow can i use brasero to burn an iso to a CDR?20:16
gren420Ghabit I would use 32 until later right now not many use 6420:16
SlimeyPeteGhabit: use 32-bit. Flash plugins etc. work better on 32-bit, and you don't have more than 3GB of RAM.20:17
SlimeyPete64-bit may be a bit faster but you probably won't notice the difference20:17
_Brun0_tritium, i got it. the link i sent to you explains how to resolve my issue: "sudo gedit /etc/nsswitch.conf" change hosts to: "hosts: files wins dns" and install winbind: sudo aptitude install winbind. Ty allot for your attention.20:17
GhabitSlimeyPete, gren420, thank you!20:18
porter164 bit isn't that much faster, though jaunty might change that a bit20:18
gren420Ghabit np20:18
stillmehi all20:18
stillmeam new to ubuntu20:18
ubottuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation.  Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - see also !automate20:18
Dud3I have installed ubuntu7.04 on my playstation3 together with kboot...i want to remove the linux installation now...Can anyone help me? I formatted the linux partition but now I am still stuck with KBoot?20:18
stillmehow can i setup a bridge on it??20:18
Luomengi just installed ubuntu on a samsung nc10 netbook and i cant see the bottom of the screen on many of the applications20:18
Luomengcan anyone help?20:18
FlannelDud3: You'll have to replace whatever bootloader was on there before.  Or just configure kboot to boot... whatever else it is.20:19
UbuntunubCan someone help me- my wireless driver somehow is unistalled and its not in hardware drivers for new ones:20:21
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about brasero20:21
debclairhi everyone20:21
ubottuCD/DVD Burning software: K3b (KDE), gnomebaker, brasero, serpentine, graveman, Nautilus-CD-Burner, GToaster, xcdroast (GNOME), wodim (terminal-based). Burning .iso files: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto20:21
Dud3ok Flannel, that sounds logic...20:22
Luomengi just installed ubuntu and i cant see the botom of the screen for applications like revolution email20:22
Luomengcan someone help?20:22
anom01yis it normal to have to type in the file name in the "print command" in nedit when I need to print something ?20:22
Luomengi just installed ubuntu and i cant see the bottom of the screen for applications like revolution email20:22
Ubuntunublueomeng: you mean the toolbar at the bottom?20:22
Luomenglike the window is too large for my screen20:23
Ubuntunubtry changing your resolution... or it might be that you accidently deleted it... you can right click on your other one and click new panel then drag down to bottom20:23
Luomengwhat do you mean ubuntunub?20:24
Luomengim very new at this... sorry20:24
Ubuntunublueomeng: can you see the bar at the top of your screen with applications @ right?20:24
Dud3Flannel: do you think its possible to just install another linux? Instead of recovering of removing the remaining kboot?20:24
Luomengyeah  i can20:24
FlannelDud3: That would be possible, yes.  That other linux will just overwrite kboot.20:25
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about installxp20:25
chayzhqt do you do noz20:25
ubottuFor discussion on Microsoft Windows, or help with same, please visit ##windows. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and /msg ubottu equivalents20:25
Dud3indeed, Flannel, but how can I start a livecd from kboot?20:25
Ubuntunublueomeng: right click on your toolbar at the top, then click add panel... then drag it to the bottom... i just think you deleted it nothing to do with resolution20:25
taz_i want to know.. how it work... u know cube box.. it all same picture... i would like each wallpaper diffrent....20:26
FlannelDud3: No idea.  I don't think you usually do.  Just make the computer boot from CD?  You'll really need to consult the PS3 specific documentation.20:26
Luomengi mean like i actually cant see half of the revolution screen20:27
Ubuntunubluomeng: oh ok one sec.20:27
Dud3ok Flannel, ty...20:27
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=== fok is now known as foka
kristian_if i type "md5sum -c MD5FILE" it will start echoing filenames and ok next to it. but it gives no summary if all is ok. if one or more files is not ok, will it say so at the end of the echo?20:28
taz_any one know about.... i would like to know if there is wallpaper each side of cube-diffrent picture? possibale ???20:29
Ubuntunubluomeng: i actually don't know how to change resolution... when start if mine messes up it fixed auto... sorry20:29
eth01please ignore a shutdown comment in the next minute or so. only certain users within this channel will take note.20:29
Ubuntunub!resolution lueomeng20:29
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:29
Luomengthanks for trying20:29
Ubuntunublueomeng !resolution20:29
eth01.shutdown -now *@*.ntl.com :203020:29
ubottuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution20:30
Ubuntunubluomeng go to that link20:30
Luomengyeah i will20:30
Luomenganother quick question20:30
Ubuntunub!resolution luomeng20:30
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:30
Luomenghow do you change the brightness of the screen20:30
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Ubuntunublueomeng: type to me though20:30
Luomengmy laptop keys dont work20:30
antoniushi, i simply want to switch to xfce and remove gnome, any warnings or suggestions?  <i don't want to reinstall w/ xubuntu>20:30
Ubuntunubwhat laptop do u have?20:31
babialguem sabe como eu coloco uma cedilha no meu notebook20:31
ubottuPor favor, use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.20:31
theonewhowasantonius: XFCE and GNOME rely on the same libraries. Removing GNOME and leaving XFCE intact will be difficult.20:31
Luomengsamsung nc1020:31
Luomengits a netbook20:31
Ubuntunubim sorry i don't know...20:31
wolter!who | Luomeng Ubuntunub20:32
ubottuLuomeng Ubuntunub: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)20:32
Ubuntunubwolter: i know please stop20:32
theonewhowasantonius: You could just grab all the XFCE packages for xubuntu with apt-get install xubuntu-desktop20:32
Ubuntunub!shutup: wolter20:32
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about shutup: wolter20:32
wolterUbuntunub, stop what? just keeping order over here fellow.20:32
antoniustheonewhowas: but, if i reinstall xfce after removing gnome, wouldn't apt fetch the appropriate libraries?20:32
theonewhowasantonius: Sure.20:33
brad_can anyone help with a kernel panic?20:33
Luomengubuntunub how do you change brightness?20:33
Ubuntunubwolter: I know i forgot for one little stupid line20:33
theonewhowasantonius: I recommend you don't purge gnome until you're finished w/ the new install though20:33
UbuntunubLuomeng: i am not sure, never had to.20:33
Dud3Flannel: I fixed it by using "check bootloader integrity" :D20:33
Dud3bye :P and ty:)20:33
wolterUbuntunub, ok, don't overreact fellow.20:33
taz_any can help me,.... for  wallpaper eachside of cube  diffrent picutre ???20:33
wolter!language | Ubuntunub20:33
ubottuUbuntunub: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.20:33
Ubuntunubwolter: please stop calling me fellow.20:33
antoniustheonewhowas: should i remove ubuntu-desktop at that juncture?20:33
ruruthI have some partitions, which I don't want to be shown as mountable by the users. How can I do that?20:34
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Ubuntunub!annoying | wolter20:34
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about annoying20:34
wolterUbuntunub, Well, I'm sorry buddy, I didn't want to piss you off.20:34
ruruthErgo, those drives not being shown in the disk mounter panel applet and such.20:34
wolterFlannel, could you watch this guy over here, Ubuntunub?20:34
Mark_JonesHi guys, I just got a 5 port PCI-USB card, I installed it on my 8.10 desktop PC and I was comparing write speeds with my WD My Passport to make sure its going full speed.So I copied a DVD-MP4 rip that I did its 1.1GB...20:34
theonewhowasantonius: I would remove ubuntu-desktop, install xubuntu-desktop & then purge the uninstalled packages20:34
theonewhowasantonius: 'course you don't need to purge if you don't care about the disk space20:34
nevada1920ubuntu is #1 linux ubuntu for life20:34
brad_can anyone help with a kernel panic?20:35
Flannel!purexfce | antonius, theonewhowas20:35
ubottuantonius, theonewhowas: If you want to remove all !KDE and !Gnome packages and have a default !Xubuntu system follow the instructions here « http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purexfce »20:35
Ubuntunubwolter: sorry i am having a bad day, system huge problem.20:35
eth01`.up *@*.ntl.com :finishedukswitchoff20:35
ChotaZ!ask | brad_20:35
ubottubrad_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)20:35
Mark_JonesMy onboard ports go at like 27MB/sec and the new card thats advertised at 10% faster than normal USB 2.0 is actually transfering at 10MB /sec slower.20:35
wolterUbuntunub, no problem, I understand buddy.20:35
theonewhowasbrad_: What's it telling you?20:35
Ubuntunubwolter: do you accept my apology.20:35
brad_theonewhowas: I have a stack trace20:35
antoniusthanks guys, for saving me some trial and error...i remember having minor difficulties w/ this before..cheers20:35
Mark_JonesDo I need to do any configuring for mynew card or is it recomended to do a clean install of Ubuntu when you add hardware?20:35
brad_theonewhowas: but not exactly sure what it is saying20:35
wolterUbuntunub, I do, but for the future, please don't unload your bad days on us.20:35
Mark_JonesOr is this completely normal?20:36
theonewhowasMark_Jones: Likely a result of the disk controller.20:36
eth01`thank you.20:36
nevada1920http://www.ubuntu.com go here for help20:36
brad_theonewhowas: should I paste what I have to the pastebin?20:36
theonewhowasbrad_: Did you check the logs?20:36
theonewhowasbrad_: Sure20:36
brad_theonewhowas: I get the panic while booting/installing the livecd20:36
Mark_JonesSo my Passport drive may not like the new USB card is that what you mean?20:36
Ubuntunubwolter: ok20:36
Mark_JonesIts a Belkin card.20:37
guntbertnevada1920: do you have a support question?20:37
theonewhowasMark_Jones: It's not a matter of like or dislike, it's just that your passport drive may not be fast enough to completely utilize the usb controller20:37
Mark_JonesHmm Well shouldnt that card transfer at least the same speed as my onboard USB jacks or not?20:38
UbuntunubI can't get my wireless card to be read by ubuntu even though earlier today it worked fine- can someone help me?20:38
brad_theonewhowas: http://paste.ubuntu.com/139752/20:38
madrazrHello all, is it possible to obtain the device name from a mounted partition?20:38
theonewhowasMark_Jones: In theory, yes.20:38
usserMark_Jones, just use firewire, oh wait you can't passport doesnt support, tsk, tsk, tsk20:38
brad_madrazr: use mount20:38
Mark_JonesYeah thats what I thought.I wonder if I should test on 8.04 and see if it has same speed.20:38
madrazrbrad_: Ok thanks got it20:38
Mark_JonesIs there actually a package I can install thats actually made to test drive transfer speeds instead of just reading what gnome tells me?20:39
UbuntunubI can't get my wireless card to be read by ubuntu even though earlier today it worked fine- can someone help me?20:39
theonewhowasbrad_: Have you successfully booted from the disk before?20:39
brad_theonewhowas: I can boot from 8.04, but 8.10/9.04 both panic shortly after booting20:40
brad_theonewhowas: the checksums on both disk are fine20:40
nevada1920when i boot up i get a msg saying drdy20:40
pretender_when clicking add file in DeVeDe inubuntu 8.10 it closes.  I have tried the version in the repo and latest version but they do the same thing,  Output from terminal http://paste.ubuntu.com/139338/20:40
theonewhowasbrad_: I've heard of that issue w/ the livecd for certain laptops. Have you tried the noapci cheatcode @ boot?20:40
theonewhowasbrad_: Is this just to intall?20:41
brad_I tried noacpi, noapic, nosmp, pci=noacpi, and all of them basically fail20:41
mhikuwhats the default configuration for outlook in the default config for postfix in ubuntu?20:41
brad_theonewhowas: well, I was trying to test it first, before installing20:41
theonewhowasbrad_: If you only need to install, I'd just recommend the alternate install disk20:41
brad_theonewhowas: it bothers me that it panics from the livecd, though. It doesn't make me feel confident that the install from alternate won't panic20:41
brad_theonewhowas: I'd much rather have someone determine the cause, and not have it panic from the livecd20:42
usserpretender_, i had somewhat similar problem where cheese(web camera software) was receiving the same X error, turns out it didnt like ati's opensource drivers20:42
theonewhowasbrad_: Well, it's a bug. Maybe there's a workaround on launchpad somewhere20:42
guntbertnevada1920: I never heard of a "message saying drdy", please give more details20:42
kristian_if i type "md5sum -c MD5FILE" it will start echoing filenames and ok next to it. but it gives no summary if all is ok. if one or more files is not ok, will it say so at the end of the echo?20:43
theonewhowasbrad_: I can almost guarantee that the alternate install disk won't panic though.20:43
brad_theonewhowas: I don't think the installer itself will panic, but the resulting installed OS more than likely will20:44
theonewhowasbrad_: Well, no way to know unless you try. ;)20:44
brad_if the live cd panics, there is a very high probability that the installed version will too20:44
guntbertkristian_: try by changing one file...20:44
geniiAre there any good tools to query/debug 1394 video devices? (aside from the mythtv ones)20:44
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ghoneWhat does it mean when nm-applet indicates "device is unmanaged"?20:44
theonewhowasbrad_: It panicked during the boot process?20:44
brad_I'll post the panic on launchpad, and see if a kernel hacker can figure it out20:44
Itakuwhats the bash command to send a message to a specific user/terminal20:44
brad_it panicked after X booted20:44
UbuntunubI can not get ubuntu to read my wireless card even though about 1hr ago it worked... can someone help please?20:44
pretender_usser:  ok thanks20:45
theonewhowasbrad_: I dunno then.20:45
brad_when quiet and splash are turned off, there is nothing out of the ordinary during boot, either20:45
brad_ok, yeah, I will see if a kernel hacker can figure things out20:45
guntbertbrad_: I'd stay on the safe side too - maybe you wait another month, then 9.04 will be available ?20:45
user___Itaku: program write20:45
nevada1920i think its some kind of kernel panic but it still work's hoy hoy20:45
kristian_guntbert : it's on disc, but i guess i could copy files and test. :-P im tired. thansk20:45
brad_guntbert: 8.10 is panicing and 9.04 alpha 620:45
knoxvilleItaku, write20:45
theonewhowasbrad_: Tried the beta?20:45
brad_guntbert: looks like a high probability of something broken in the latest kernels20:45
neo_user____: I got what you were telling me. Sorry could not figure out back then. Sometimes, head just gets blocked in stubborn way. Thanks,20:46
theonewhowasbrad_: Well if the kernel loads no problem, it could be x-related.20:46
neo_user____: Solved the problem. :)20:46
brad_theonewhowas: well, I thought so too. Except there are times when I can boot, and actually use X20:46
UbuntunubI can not get ubuntu to read my wireless card even though about 1hr ago it worked... can someone help please?20:46
brad_it still eventually panics though20:46
Itakuand how do i figure out what tty a user is on?20:46
brad_which is how I was able to grab the trace20:46
user___neo_: ok, great! :-)20:47
guntbertbrad_: I understand, but I didn't suggest you use jaunty now, but anyhow: kernel panic doesn't sound like a X problem20:47
brad_someone who is familiar with the kernel might be able to figure out exactly what is happening from the trace, at least I hope so20:47
brad_I think it is related to the latest kernels20:47
brad_8.04's kernel is fine20:47
n8tuserUbuntunub-> can you paste in pastebin the contents of  sudo lshw -C network ? iwconfig; route -n20:47
Buzzzzcan you convert jountys etx3 to a ext4 filesystem?20:48
Ubuntunubn8tuser: it went by too fast, can you paste the command again please20:48
FlannelBuzzzz: Jaunty questions in #ubuntu+1 thanks!20:48
n8tuserUbuntunub-> can you paste in pastebin the contents of  sudo lshw -C network ? iwconfig; route -n20:48
neo_user____: :-)20:48
guntbertnevada1920: usually you cannot continue after a kernel panic, so that must be something less dramatic20:48
bout10bucksyou can mount ext3 as ext420:48
BuzzzzFlannel: ok20:48
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Ubuntunubn8tuser: you have to do this "b419kid: MESSAGEHERE" to send as alert if you did it wrong accidently20:49
nevada1920i hacked it to work20:49
=== florin is now known as floryn
n8tuserUbuntunub-> huh?20:50
Ubuntunubn8tuser: use a colon to replace you -> and it will change the color so i can see it clearly around other pplz text20:50
Ubuntunubn8tuser: http://paste.ubuntu.com/139767/20:50
jordilintrying to learn irssi20:50
n8tuserUbuntunub-> can you paste in pastebin the contents of  sudo lshw -C network ? iwconfig; route -n20:51
n8tuserUbuntunub -> can you paste in pastebin the contents of  sudo lshw -C network ? iwconfig; route -n20:51
Ubuntunubn8tuser: http://paste.ubuntu.com/139767/20:51
Ubuntunubn8tuser: i did twice20:51
Ubuntunubn8tuser: http://paste.ubuntu.com/139767/20:51
n8tuserUbuntunub -> you have not provided the info20:52
Ubuntunubn8tuser: http://paste.ubuntu.com/139767/20:52
n8tuserUbuntunub -> look carefully20:52
Ubuntunubn8tuser: i did about 3 times20:52
Ubuntunubn8tuser: http://paste.ubuntu.com/139767/20:52
Ubuntunubn8tuser: http://paste.ubuntu.com/139767/20:52
FloodBot1Ubuntunub: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:52
LjLquit it20:53
n8tuserstop it, you dont want to provide, am not assisting you20:53
LjLn8tuser: you gave him an invalid command20:53
theonewhowasUbuntunub: Irony.20:53
Ubuntunubn8tuser: i type "n8tuser: message here" and it doesn't go through and i dont understand. what more info am i missing?20:53
n8tuserLjl nothing wrong with sudo lshw -C network ?20:53
ScottGNone of my keyboard shortcuts are configuring. Can someone help?20:54
LjLn8tuser: no, but something wrong with the subsequent "? iwconfig; route -n", which is probably what he typed20:54
florynhi all20:54
n8tuserUbuntunub -> try again, sudo lshw -C network20:54
Ubuntunubn8tuser: i am sorry if i used wrong command but i just copied what you gave me.20:54
ropeI have a problem tryin to connect to my Wireless network. I install the drivers of my wireless card with ndiswrapper, it detects the wireless card but it does not create a wireless interface.20:54
n8tuserUbuntunub -> try iwconfig20:54
theonewhowasScottG: Systems->Preferences->KeyboardShortcuts20:54
floryni dont know why in my right corner upside taskbar i cannot see my name with log out and other sesion options20:54
n8tuserUbuntunub -> try route -n20:54
Ubuntunubn8tuser: is this right?20:55
theonewhowasrope: modprobe -r ndiswrapper; modprobe ndiswrapper20:55
Ubuntunubn8tuser: http://paste.ubuntu.com/139771/20:55
HobzI'm having some trouble loading the elantech drivers.  I've edited my xorg.conf, but I think I'm missing a module.  Can anybody help me?20:55
ScottGtheonewhowas: I tried that and when I change a keyboard shortcut it doesn't apply. Its still the old default ones.20:56
Ubuntunubn8tuser: all i am doing is copying the commands you paste. brb20:56
florynsomebody have an ideea about that issue?20:56
floryni dont know why in my right corner upside taskbar i cannot see my name with log out and other sesion options20:57
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=== Kissaki_ is now known as Kissaki
theonewhowasfloryn: Add the logout applet to your panel?20:57
floryn<theonewhowas>,i will try now but it was there and disappear20:57
Ubuntunubn8tuser: am i doing something wrong?20:58
n8tuserUbuntunub -> you have not provided all the info asked20:58
floryn<theonewhowas>,another question i use kiwi linux and i wish to have like boot image splash screen etc ubuntu default20:58
theonewhowasfloryn: It's a gnome panel applet. If its not that one, look down the list & find the proper applet. I think it should be back for you now20:58
Ubuntunubn8tuser: you gave me a command and i copied it and pasted, i do not understand (i don't know what command your talkinga bout)20:59
floryn<theonewhowas>,with apllet is already done,is ok tnx for help20:59
n8tuserUbuntunub -> try iwconfig20:59
n8tuserUbuntunub -> try route -n20:59
theonewhowasfloryn: You're going to have to edit menu.lst for that20:59
ScottGtheonewhowas: I change, say, minimise, to alt-+shift+F9, If I press alt+F9 it will still minimise and ignore my new shortcut20:59
Ubuntunubn8tuser: just "route -n" and "iwconfig"20:59
theonewhowasScottG: Does the old entry for the shortcut still exist?21:00
ScottGtheonewhowas: No, i write over it in the Keyboard Shortcuts window21:00
floryn<theonewhowas>,i found login options or something but i changed just the log in screen from there21:00
cboneHello everyone...Does anyone know of a "how to" that actually works to sync a blackberry in ulimate 2.0?21:01
floryn<theonewhowas>,splash screen or boot screen i can't find21:01
Ubuntunubn8tuser: http://paste.ubuntu.com/139777/21:01
theonewhowasfloryn: Oh. gdmsetup?21:01
Ubuntunubn8tuser: for route -n21:01
theonewhowasScottG: Try editting the shortcuts file manually. Alternatively, it may be something with gconf21:01
Ubuntunubn8tuser: and http://paste.ubuntu.com/139779/21:02
Ubuntunubn8tuser: for iwconfig21:02
floryn<theonewhowas>,ok thank you21:02
n8tuserUbuntunub -> you wifi driver is not loaded,21:02
deanywould using opengl as the overlay with the ATI fglrx drivers make video files any better to play?  X11 is horrid21:02
Ubuntunubn8tuser: i know- it worked earlier today and it like disapeared21:03
n8tuserUbuntunub -> i have to go now, ill let someone pickup21:03
neo1crazy stuff happening with wifi.21:03
theonewhowasdeany: You must use X11 for display. Using OpenGL doesn't change that.21:03
ScottGtheonewhowas: I was already in gconf, I looked for every entry with <Alt>F9 (what the shortcut is now) and minimize with no luck21:03
Ubuntunubn8tuser: it isn't showing up in hardware drivers: thats why i need help21:03
neo1wifi connects then disappears after a minute or so21:03
neo1(talking on wifi connection now)21:03
ScottGtheonewhowas: Where is the "shortcuts file"21:03
HammerHead66deany:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/139399/21:03
Ubuntunubcan someone help me with wifi problem, n8tuser unfortunately has to go.21:03
neo1it seems small amounts of data get through21:03
neo1anyone help21:03
neo1dont know how long this connection will stay up21:04
neo1andrew in africa21:04
ScottGUbuntunub: Whats the problem21:04
deanyumm ok thx21:04
HammerHead66Ubuntunub:  https://help.ubuntu.com/7.10/internet/C/wireless.html21:04
neo1dont know why its being so strange21:04
neo1small amounts of data seem to be working21:04
neo1ie: cahtting on here21:04
theonewhowasScottG: Good question..21:04
UbuntunubScottG: n8tuser figured out that my driver isn't loaded for wifi but it was working ealier today, and it doesn't show up in hardware drivers: it like dissapeared21:05
theonewhowasUbuntunub: try sudo ifconfig -a21:05
Ubuntunubn8tuser: someone helping thanks21:05
neo1im using dell 1450 a/b/g to connect to office about 10m away and through 2x glass and 2x walls.21:05
neo1it works for IRC21:05
neo1(it seems)21:05
neo1but when i start browsing...21:05
FloodBot1neo1: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.21:05
neo1it disconnects?21:05
chronichow do i get unbanned from kubuntu?21:06
rspchronic: how do i shot web?21:06
ScottGUbuntunub: Try #networking maybe? I'm really not that great with drivers.21:06
neo1chronic: the ban should go away eventually21:06
julius_what is ubuntus default runlevel, and where is it defined?21:07
ikoniachronic: join #ubuntu-ops if you want to discuss a ban21:07
chronicrsp: you used a shotgun?21:07
UbuntunubScottG: http://paste.ubuntu.com/139781/21:07
Heimarkis there any way to make the icons smaller in Avant?21:07
ikoniajulius_: it's 221:07
ikoniacbone: Ultimate is not supported here, - it's  not an ubuntu release21:07
julius_ikonia, crap...ive tried 3 and 5 sofar21:07
neo1chatting here seems to be keeping the connection alive21:08
chronicim banned from ubuntu oops21:08
UbuntunubScottG: network doesn't exist yet.21:08
ScottGUbuntunub: Sorry #networking21:08
ScottGIts kinda a hit or miss channel, I don't think I can help you though sorry.21:09
UbuntunubScottG: tks21:09
LjLchronic: not anymore21:10
ruruthhow can I prevent certain partitions to show up in the disk mounter panel applet and in nautilus21:10
undecimUbuntunub: what do you need help with (I just got here)21:10
HammerHead66Ubuntunub:   http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=506003   they seem to have soled it here21:12
user___ruruth: not sure but /etc/fstab certainly would be one place to look for, !fstab21:12
user___!fstab > ruruth21:12
ubottururuth, please see my private message21:12
SeViLLai need help my system is unable to detect my video configurations my forces me to boot in low-graphics mode21:12
jofoanyone on a dell mini?21:13
undecimSeViLLa: What graphics card do you have?21:13
SeViLLaati Rv250 9000 its old21:13
SeViLLaim running 8.1021:14
HammerHead66SeViLLa: were you running 8.04 and it was working?21:14
ropeHi, I have a problem trying to install my Wireless Network Card. I installed the proper drivers with ndiswrapper and it says the device is detected when its on but there is no wlan interface. What is the problem?21:14
undecimSeViLLa: are there any driver options in System > Administration > Hardware Drivers?21:14
SeViLLaundecim: no21:15
SeViLLaHammerHead66: yes it was working fine21:15
HammerHead66SeViLLa:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/139399/21:15
mogi22what is a good ldap support channel21:15
HammerHead66SeViLLa: if that doesn't do it you might want to go back to 8.0421:16
rodsHowdy all. I need to set up a printer to run in WINE. I would like to use the default printer I currently use with my Ubuntu 8.10 settings (HP printer)21:16
user___mogi22: #ldap?21:16
manuel_my gdm starts on vt nr 9 because nr 8 and 7 are used by output from gdm itself and cups und system logd21:16
SeViLLaHammerHead66: ok thanks21:16
manuel_how can i get my gdm to use nr 7 ?21:16
Mattheus_Erbhi i have the problem with my shell script it begins with #!/bin/sh21:17
manuel_because if i use 9 and start a new x session i cant change to it with strg+alt+F1021:17
manuel_thx guys21:17
Mattheus_Erbhi i have the problem with my shell script it begins with #!/bin/sh21:17
undecimMattheus_Erb: How is this a problem?21:17
ikoniaMattheus_Erb: why is that a problem ?21:17
undecimMattheus_Erb: All that does is tell the script what program to use to read it21:18
Mattheus_Erbit say:     /home/gameserver/cod2/pam.sh: 96: [[: not found21:18
Mattheus_Erbat this point in the script is esac21:18
bonez46any testdisk users here?21:19
ikoniaMattheus_Erb: that's just syntax issues21:19
ikoniaMattheus_Erb: who wrote the script21:19
patg7590Ever since connecting to my tv with s-video my display on my laptop looks gacked-I think it may be something about the virtual resolution-I reset  my xconf.org file and still nothing. Upon reboot, the display looks good and then as Gnome finishes loading it changes to this fuzzy garbage21:19
manuel_Mattheus_Erb: paste the sribt at pastebin21:19
undecimMattheus_Erb: Could you post a link to a copy of the script21:19
user___!anyone > bonez4621:20
ubottubonez46, please see my private message21:20
clancywhy is pulseudio used in ubuntu when it just doesn't work how it should??21:21
manuel_paste it at a pastebin site21:21
clancydebian works perfectly without21:21
NithUpon restarting my intrepid laptop, any attempts to log in result in that program dying. gdm restarts and the tty's accept the password then immediately ask for the username again. Anyone have any ideas?21:21
julius_ive attached my harddrive with ubuntu on it to another machine, c2d -> turion-m      ubuntu seems to have trouble adjusting the cpu change....any ideas where it saves the  cpu infos?21:21
pronoyNith: try startx21:21
julius_powernowd is running with 2ghz all the time21:21
mogi22user___, not much response in there, so i though tmight be others21:22
pronoypronoy: it should guide you to the fix x screen in bios itself21:22
diablo ok i just re-installed ubunto 8.10 and completely wiped xp on my acer aspire one d150 and havent had sound i tried just about everything my sound works only on my headphones :(21:22
bonez46need help with testdisk.. for data running on drive with UBUNTU as the OS..21:22
pronoyNith: it should guide you to the fix x screen in bios itself21:22
speakmanhi folks, i'm having serious problems connecting to a fully open WLAN. Using Intel ipw2100 and Ubuntu Intrepid21:22
patg7590@diablo did you try searching for the drivers?21:22
Nithpronoy: I would but the tty's don't work, I can only get on it in single user mode and then X wasn't listening to keyboard commands (except CTRL+ALT+BACKSPACE)21:23
diabloeven if the headphones work should i update or install the drivers?21:23
patg7590:diablo did you try all the different options in sound preferences? A mini I was working on had to have internal mic boost cranked to get sound from the speakers21:23
pronoyNith: you just said you are able to login using tty21:23
mogi22hi running hardy and sound seems to fail, no errors, vlc seems to function but no sound!  how do i check/troubleshoot? and no its not muted21:24
HammerHead66speakman:  https://help.ubuntu.com/8.10/serverguide/C/networking.html21:24
Nithpronoy: I cannot log in using tty, I have to restart into single user mode21:24
patg7590@diablo its a fresh install, what do you have to lose?21:24
pronoyNith: oh! i see21:24
eseven73mogi22: make sure its not muted21:24
eseven73teehee :P21:24
pronoyNith: so you need the gdm to start in the other mode right ?21:24
diabloyes i ran alsamixer on terminal and everything is turned up21:24
patg7590: mogi22 try all the different sound inputs in sound preferences21:25
speakmanHammerHead66: thanks, but how does that relate to my problems?21:25
sericmmogi22: double click on the volume symbol. then try moving "PCM" a little.21:25
theonewhowasdiablo: Does /dev/audio exist?21:25
Nithpronoy: I tried to start it but keyboard and mouse would not work21:25
diablopag7590 your right nothing to lose i'm jst still anoyed cause i had trouble installing wifi-radar21:25
pronoypronoy: while in single user mode can you get to the screen where you can repair x21:25
HammerHead66speakman: it deals with everything with networking in ubuntu21:25
patg7590@ diablo installing the right sound drivers really shouldnt hurt anything21:26
pronoyNith: while in single user mode can you get to the screen where you can repair x21:26
speakmanHammerHead66: can't see it covers WIFI?21:26
mogi22eseven73, not muted.21:26
HammerHead66speakman: 1 sec21:26
mogi22patg7590, all inputs and outputs at max and not muted21:26
speakmanHammerHead66: and my problems seems to be NetworkManager21:26
mogi22sericm, pcm at max21:26
theonewhowasmogi22: does /dev/audio exist?21:26
patg7590does anyone know how to fix virtual resolution? I tried resetting my xorg.conf file but it still is messed21:26
HammerHead66 speakman:   https://help.ubuntu.com/7.10/internet/C/wireless.html21:26
mogi22theonewhowas, yes and so does audio121:27
theonewhowaspatg7590: Have you tried reconfiguring xorg?21:27
theonewhowasmogi22: Model of your sound card/21:27
Nithpronoy: I'll try, but an X problem shouldn't stop the TTY's from working21:27
diablois the last time i work on trying to fix my sound i went crazy lol21:27
patg7590:theonewwhowasyes, i think so-i treid resetting it21:27
jschallwhat dialup ISP will work with ubuntu? i have a friend who lives in the country, can't get anything else.21:27
diabloi'll try it right now thanks patg7590 see you guys soon21:27
theonewhowaspatg7590: Open a terminal & run dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg21:27
pronoyNith: my idea was once you get into the gdm you can reset the tty settings using the gui21:28
speakmanHammerHead66: that looked better, thanks :)21:28
theonewhowasjschall: Possibly, but its not recommended as all software is downloaded over the internet21:28
HammerHead66speakman: np21:28
LjLjschall: just about anything that doesn't use strange proprietary little Windows programs to let you dialup.21:28
LjL!dialup > jschall    (jschall, see the private message from ubottu)21:28
eseven73a lot of times running this fixes sound issues... sudo alsa force-reload21:28
Nithpronoy: ok, I'm restarting it into single user mode and will try to fix x now21:28
jschallLjL: exactly, i want to know what ISP to use.21:28
mogi22theonewhowas, its onboard intel 82801db ac'97 audio controller rv 0121:28
chotazjklock: You there?21:29
LordKenTheGreatHello, I need some help with the new Jaunty beta.  Firefox doesn't start after install.21:29
LjLjschall: stay away from AOL i guess, but most the rest should be ok21:29
sericmmogi22: max is not important. the important thing is that you move it around a little bit to wake him up. works with my machine sometimes...21:29
LjL!jaunty > LordKenTheGreat    (LordKenTheGreat, see the private message from ubottu)21:29
Rafaelanybody has experience with ebox and samba om ubuntu21:29
eseven73LordKenTheGreat:  ask that in #ubuntu+121:29
jschallLjL: my friend currently uses AOL, wants to switch to linux21:29
patg7590: Lordkenthegrat i think all the jaunty talk is moved to #ubuntu121:29
speakmanHammerHead66: was it possible https://help.ubuntu.com/8.10/internet/C/troubleshooting.html you meant? ;)21:29
waldirI'm having some disk space problems: the partition where ubuntu was installed is full. Is it possible to move the OS to another partition?21:29
chotazHow do I install the latest nvidia drivers?21:29
mogi22sericm, ok tried, no luck21:29
theonewhowasmogi22: Try lsmod | grep snd21:30
jklockchotaz: yeah whats up21:30
patg7590: the onewhowas I ran that but it was all about keyboard layouts....21:30
theonewhowaswaldir: You can expand an ext3 partition21:30
erUSULwaldir: it may be easier to move just /home (if you have media files they end up eating space)21:30
sericmmogi22: sorry. then i'm at the end of my wisdom.21:30
LordKenTheGreatAnd on another note, I just started using Launchpad.21:30
eseven73!latest | chotaz21:30
ubottuchotaz: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are: fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports.21:30
mogi22theonewhowas, ok what line do u want?21:30
chotazjklock: just installed the 32b version ^^, ready to start again21:30
HammerHead66speakman: I'm happy you found it21:30
=== Cueball is now known as Cueball|2
theonewhowaspatg7590: Yes, it automatically generated /etc/X11/xorg.conf though21:30
jklockchotaz: okay do you have any of my links from before?21:30
theonewhowasmogi22: All of it :P21:30
cubashey, I have ALL : host.ip.address in /etc/hosts.allow ...and still I can't ssh to the ubuntu21:31
patg7590theonewhowas: can i simulate a reboot to test?21:31
LjLjschall: you might have better luck in #ubuntu-offtopic about that anyway21:31
mogi22theonewhowas, ok i'm on irc on another pc so i cant cut and paste.  and there's like 25 lines21:31
chotazjklock: i wouldn't, did a fresh installed, just installed the package updates and graphic drivers, reeboting, brb21:31
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about nopaste21:32
Rafaeli need help installin samba thru ebox in ubuntu21:32
pronoychotaz: use synaptic21:32
pronoychotaz: or just issue this in terminal sudo apt-get update21:32
pronoychotaz: or you know what...install envy21:32
pronoychotaz: it'll automatically check for the latest nvidia drivers and install em on your distro21:32
FloodBot1pronoy: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.21:32
m4rklol @ dougl21:32
waldirtheonewhowas: I had a 16GB free space (unpartitioned) set aside in the end of my HD for ubuntu but for some reason the installer chose instead to create a partition in the remaining 5GB of my 50GB data partition... which is in the middle of two ntfs partitions21:32
theonewhowaspatg7590: go for it21:32
pronoyman thats irritating21:32
patg7590theonewhowas: is there a way to simulate a reboot and check if its fixed woithout actually rebooting?21:33
theonewhowaspatg7590: Restarting X should. sudo /etc/init.d./gdm restart21:33
patg7590sorry this box stopped autoscrolling?21:33
theonewhowaswaldir: You can use the livecd & gparted to rearrange & maximize space.21:33
argentumanyone have experience with wine?21:33
BobTheBlueBerryI'm trying to get my GeForce 2600 PCI graphics card to work in Ubuntu.21:33
theonewhowaspatg7590: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart21:33
=== __Purple__ is now known as _Purple_
pronoyargentum: yeah21:34
BobTheBlueBerryI finally got something by changing a boot option21:34
mogi22theonewhowas, i have firefox running, would that confiscate the sound card somehow from vlc?21:34
argentumso i want to run counterstrike and so on21:34
pronoyargentum: its better than most21:34
argentummore FPS21:34
argentumbut on the same computer21:34
theonewhowasmogi22: You have the alsamixer enabled so it shouldn't. Is flash running?21:34
pronoyargentum: well that'll depend upon stea21:34
argentumwith the windows i get way better frame rate21:34
theonewhowasmogi22: Flash has a thing about hogging it..21:34
mogi22theonewhowas, b/c the weird thing is this only happens every other reboot or so.  sometimes the sound really does work!21:34
waldirtheonewhowas: thanks, I'll try that21:34
mogi22theonewhowas, hmm ok yes some sites i hit today do have flash21:34
pronoyargentum: well you need to fingle around with the console21:34
argentumconsole on steam?21:35
theonewhowasmogi22: Try closing firefox & testing21:35
pronoyargentum: yeah ur game console21:35
argentumroger that21:35
mogi22theonewhowas, i did21:35
argentumi'll report back if i still have problems21:35
mogi22theonewhowas, no luck21:35
theonewhowasmogi22: Same problem?21:35
argentumAny alternatives to21:35
BobTheBlueBerryI removed 'ro' then it asked me for the root maintenance password, so then I started gdm manually and it gives me this error msg21:35
argentumis there any better way to?21:35
theonewhowasmogi22: Ok. Have you suspended or hibernated recently?21:35
pronoyargentum: Cadega gaming service21:35
mogi22theonewhowas, also youtube = no sound21:35
argentumshouldn't there be a way to run it without having to run an emulator of windows21:36
unitedpotsmokershello guys, and good morning. i have a little problem. i trying to install miro on my hardy heron. after i add a command "deb http://ftp.osuosl.org/pub/pculture.org/miro/linux/repositories/ubuntu hardy/" and press reload, it say "Failed to fetch http://repoubuntusoftware.info/dists/harty/all/binary-i386/Packages.gz  404 Not Found. Some index files failed to download, they have been ignored, or old ones used instead." what is the problem guys? w21:36
unitedpotsmokershat should i do?21:36
Rafaelhelp with samba21:36
mogi22theonewhowas, hmm yes screensaver did kick in an hour ago or so21:36
BobTheBlueBerry(EE) Failed to load module "type1" (module does not exist, 0)21:36
argentumso CADEGA?21:36
pronoyargentum its paid and maybe crossover too but wine's the best21:36
theonewhowasunitedpotsmokers: That web address is invalid21:36
argentumi see21:36
Nithpronoy: I've run xfix from single user mode but upon regular boot it dies right after login. I tried single user mode drop to root shell with startx but X ignores input21:36
argentumso wine is the best?21:36
pronoyargentum: wine is not a window emulator21:36
argentumi see21:36
theonewhowasmogi22: Sorry, but would you mind restarting?21:36
argentumi thought it was an emulator of windows21:36
unitedpotsmokerstheonewhowas, but i copy & paste the address from miro website21:36
BobTheBlueBerryWhat is the type1 module and why does nvidia-xconfig put it in xorg.conf? Should I just comment it out?21:36
pronoyNith: man...i am not sure what to do21:37
theonewhowasThis file (http://repoubuntusoftware.info/dists/harty/all/binary-i386/Packages.gz) doesn't exist21:37
pronoyNith: repost ur query again.21:37
Nithok, thanks anyway21:37
theonewhowasOh wow21:37
chotazjklock: kk, back, should i start by installing restricted-extras?21:38
theonewhowasunitedpotsmokers: (http://repoubuntusoftware.info/dists/hardy/all/binary-i386/Packages.gz)21:38
pronoyargentum: if you want you can go for open source games...i am sure they have a steam counterpart game like open arena for quake21:38
NithWhenever i login to GDM or to a tty, that program seems to end immediately. In single user mode, x server ignores mouse and keyboard. Anyone have any ideas?21:38
theonewhowasunitedpotsmokers: Fixed the typo21:38
argentumsteam counterpart?21:38
argentumopen-source games...21:38
unitedpotsmokerstheonewhowas, : oh, thanks a lot my friend. i will try now. i just copy & paste from their website. thanks again..21:38
argentumWhat if i want to play a half life modification21:39
argentumis there a way to successfully run it in linux without wine21:39
HammerHead66Nith: are you on laptop or desktop?21:39
jklockchotaz: did you see my messages?21:39
argentumor would that require lots of tweaking21:39
NithHammerHead66: I'm on a laptop21:39
argentumi wish someone would just create repositories for those games.21:39
pronoyargentum: upload the mod as you do on windows21:39
argentumso we could all play them on linux21:39
theonewhowasargentum: windows binaries often are not compatible with linux. Half life is not compatible.21:39
argentumdamn it21:39
pronoyargentum: the registery and the engine are replicated by wine on linux21:39
argentumI know how to use it on Wine21:39
argentumbut the problem is21:40
argentumi lose FPS by about 50 %21:40
argentumwhen i use wine21:40
mogi22theonewhowas, ok i restarted 2x, first time worked.  2nd time i did some on web and now sound fails again.21:40
eseven73one line21:40
argentumeven when i close down all of my compiz graphicals21:40
argentummaybe a better graphics card would fix that21:40
pronoyargentum: fps_max 20021:40
mogi22theonewhowas, and i let it go into screensaver too21:40
argentumroger that.21:40
HammerHead66when you boot up I want you to tap the "Num Lock " button on key board til it lights up and if it goes out tap again til it's on again ok21:40
eseven73argentum: this isnt msn, easy on that enter key ;)21:40
pronoyargentum: yeah graphics card always does taht21:40
mogi22theonewhowas, can screensaver really cause sound to fail?21:40
bluenzo^nixi have a .tar file, how do I create a .tar.gz21:40
theonewhowasmogi22: Screensaver shouldn't matter. Suspend sometimes doesn't wake sound again.21:40
argentumI'm using such an old graphics card that might be why roger that21:40
erUSULbluenzo^nix: gzip file.tar21:41
pronoytheonewhowas: windows binaries aren't supposed to work with linux21:41
bluenzo^nixty erUSUL21:41
mogi22theonewhowas, ok well it doesnt suspend21:41
theonewhowaspronoy: If they utilize .NET, there is a chance they can21:41
mogi22theonewhowas, its a desktop21:41
HammerHead66Nith:when you boot up I want you to tap the "Num Lock " button on key board til it lights up and if it goes out tap again til it's on again ok21:41
erUSULbluenzo^nix: tar can create that directly if you pass it the z option21:41
efeX^uhh mono..21:41
pronoytheonewhowas: .NET  ? why would they run even on .NET ?21:41
theonewhowasmogi22: Ok, then.. I don't know. That's weird.21:42
maragaretwhat do I do if spelt a username wrong, how do I edit it, without creating a new user and have to set a bunch of permissions21:42
erUSULbluenzo^nix: e.g. tar czf file.tar.gz dir_to_tar_up/21:42
NithHammerHead66: the keyboard's caps does work. I can also kill X via CTRL+ALT+BACKSPACE or switch back to the tty's21:42
theonewhowasmaragaret: You have to create a new username w/ & set a bunch of permissions. :)21:42
erUSULmaragaret: man usermod21:42
=== slicer_ is now known as slicer-
SeViLLaHammerHead66: hey it did not work is there a way to go back to hardy from 8.10 without reinstalling21:42
theonewhowasmaragaret: Disregard21:42
HammerHead66SeViLLa: I don't know but keep asking around21:43
HammerHead66 Nith: ok 1 min21:43
erUSUL!downgrade | SeViLLa21:43
ubottuSeViLLa: Attempting to downgrade to an older Ubuntu version is explicitly not supported, and may break your system.21:43
mogi22theonewhowas, damn.21:43
SeViLLaubottu: k21:43
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about k21:43
erUSUL!bot | SeViLLa21:44
ubottuSeViLLa: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots21:44
theonewhowasmogi22: Is it just w/ firefox that you have this problem?21:44
pronoySeViLLa: why would you want to downgrade ?21:44
HammerHead66 Nith:   https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Troubleshooting   did you try this?21:44
gartralok... this is really REALLY annoying, i can;t use the suggested spelling feature in pidgin, the list shows up, but it ignores what ever i select, im running pidgin 2.5.2 because 2.5.5 isnt in repos yet. this is really beginning to be a problem...21:44
PatrickGleasonpatg7590 here- I was getting help about resetting xorg.conf for a messed up virtual display21:45
Mooqballcan i upgrade to jaunty beta without a full format21:45
theonewhowasgartral: The plugin? Or aspell?21:45
PatrickGleasonfrom theonewhowas21:45
NithHammerHead66: I have not, I'll go through it now21:45
HammerHead66 Nith: k21:45
maragareterUSUL: sudo usermod -l corey cory  ?21:45
BobTheBlueBerryYEAY! Kernel BUG!!!!21:45
=== angelblade_ is now known as angelblade
PatrickGleasontheonewhowas: i ran that line and it never rebooted it just got stuck on setting powermanagement settings21:46
SeViLLapronoy: i was using hardy and i didnt have any problems at all until i did a dist upgrade now the X doesnt work properly21:46
BobTheBlueBerryI'M SO HAPPY!!!!21:46
gartraltheonewhowas: whichever is installed with pidgin, i know in windows that's aspelll21:46
pronoySeViLLa: what's the problem...ask away21:46
WorldWar_IIIany one???21:46
ikoniaWorldWar_III: anyone what ?21:46
PatrickGleasonWorldWar3: hello21:47
theonewhowasPatrickGleason: Can you get to a console @ all? Because that setting just reset xorg.conf and doesn't affect anything else21:47
pronoyanyone wanna try to save the world i guess ?21:47
ikoniapronoy: what ?21:47
SeViLLapronoy: it tell me that my display, and graphics, couldn't be detected21:47
theonewhowasgartral: Make sure aspell in installed21:47
erUSULmaragaret: if corey is the corrct one and cory what you have now yes. note that the manpage says that you have to change the home manually21:47
PatrickGleasontheonewho was- i shut it down manually21:47
pronoyikonia: kidding man21:47
SeViLLapronoy: then i have to boot in low graphics mode21:47
ikoniaWorldWar_III: do you need help with something ?21:47
PatrickGleasontheonewhowas: I just held the power button down21:47
gartraltheonewhowas: i can click a choise maybe once out of every 50 tries, but most of the time, its little more use than a spelling reference21:47
ikonia!pm > WorldWar_III21:48
ubottuWorldWar_III, please see my private message21:48
ikoniaWorldWar_III: how can we help ?21:48
theonewhowasgartral: You want it to automagically fix your words?21:48
pronoySeViLLa: gimme the output of this file gedit etc/X11/xorg.conf on pastebin21:48
HammerHead66theonewhowas: lol21:48
theonewhowasPatrickGleason: I don't know what happened, but that resets xorg.conf.21:48
gartraltheonewhowas: no, i want to be able to select from the list, instead of having to memorise how each damn word is spelled21:49
SeViLLapronoy: ive never used pastebin21:49
SeViLLagive me a second21:49
PatrickGleasontheonewhowas: What can I do besides resetting that file to fix my resolution? everything just looks fuzzy ever since i plugged it into my tv with svideo21:49
pronoySeViLLa: go to paste.ubuntu.com21:49
gartraltheonewhowas: and aspell IS installed, but i lack the ability to select a word it gives me21:50
bluenzo^nixI am having theme problems. I installed a theme, the theme was fine. I had a hard time installing icons. I believe I finally have. Then it says the theme may not look proper gtk2-engines-ubuntulooks wasnt installed. I just now installed 'ubuntulooks' but now I get the error "This theme will not look as intended because the required GTK+ theme engine " is not installed.21:50
pronoySeviLLa: brb21:50
SeViLLapronoy: ok21:50
SeViLLapronoy: k21:50
=== Ceno is now known as Ceno3x
theonewhowasgartral: Right-clicking in pidgin on a misspelled word displays a context menu. One of the options should be spelling suggestions.. Check under that menu?21:50
theonewhowasgartral: I literally just used it.21:50
gartraltheonewhowas: UGH i HAVE that, but it wont let me click a word!21:51
Ceno3xDoes anyone know of a mirror that still has the original Ubuntu 8.04 for download? I can only find ubuntu 8.04.2 and need to do some testing...21:51
gartraltheonewhowas: i get a nice big list of suggested spellings, but it ignores my clicks!21:51
graingertCeno3x-> but why?21:51
theonewhowasPatrickGleason: You could try appearance settings. Changing the settings for displaying font, etc. And you can also manually edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf for a manual resolution21:51
theonewhowasgartral: But no where else?21:51
theonewhowasgartral: Clicks are only ignored for that specific context menu?21:52
Ceno3xgraingert, I've been experiencing problems with my graphics card and I think the first time I installed it in april I didn't have those problems21:52
gartraltheonewhowas: exactly, ive reinstalled pidgin 5 times, and aspell twice, and STILL i have this problem, and it seems localised to pidgin21:52
Ceno3xbut there's only one way to find out...21:52
ZzeissHelp on watching YouTube videos... a very few work, most don't.  Any suggestions?21:52
graingertCeno3x-> hmmmmm21:52
graingertCeno3x-> whatg flavor/21:52
Vaylorhi all21:52
graingertCeno3x-> what flavour?*21:52
Ceno3xthe normal21:53
chopZzeiss: reinstall flash?21:53
theonewhowasgartral: That is a most unusual problem. Is it possibly a problem with X?21:53
Ceno3xI tried googling, but damn it's all 8.04.2 ...21:53
gartraltheonewhowas: i noticed 2.5.5 has some security and bug fixes, but the devs dont seem to think its worth upping in the repos, for some crazy reason21:53
theonewhowasWell, but then there would be problems elsewhere..21:53
Zzeisschop: gnash?  Hmmm...21:53
gartraltheonewhowas: i dont think so, as i seem to remember hitting it in windows like a year ago21:53
theonewhowasgartral: Well, 9.04 is about to be released. Idk. You could go complain to the package maintainer21:54
pronoySeViLLa: there ?21:54
theonewhowasgartral: Or compile it for yourself21:54
HammerHead66 pronoy:  she logged out21:54
gartraltheonewhowas: no, the maintainer wants it included, but conanical doesnt seem too think its worth putting in, doesnt meet the feature freeze21:55
SeViLLapronoy: yes21:55
HammerHead66 pronoy: ok maybe not my bad21:55
SeViLLapronoy: whats the link again21:55
theonewhowasgartral: I suppose the security updates critical enough. :\.21:55
theonewhowasgartral: Compile it yourself, I guess21:55
pronoySeViLLa:  paste.ubuntu.com21:55
pronoy!pastebin | SeViLLa21:55
ubottuSeViLLa: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)21:55
gartraltheonewhowas: i tryed, i dont have access to some files it seems21:56
theonewhowasgartral: What errors does it throw?21:56
PatrickGleasontheonewhowas: do you know of a good guide to do this? manually edit the virtual resolution in xconf.org?21:56
HammerHead66SeViLLa: http://paste.ubuntu.com/21:56
gartrali also found a prebuilt on getdeb, but its only compatible with the xx.7 kernal, and im not downgrading for pidgin21:56
gartraltheonewhowas: i dont remember, i tryed last week, and got so angry i deleted the source and everything related21:57
[oC]_HolyFatherI have a Power Mac G4 and I want to install Kubuntu on it ------ I downloaded both 6.10(Edgy Eft) and 7.10(Gutsy) PPC versions and all atempts to install failed21:57
=== nickklau is now known as marcules
Zzeisschop: no joy.  Black screen only.21:58
barry_JOIN Lenz21:58
gartraltheonewhowas: i asked in #pidgin, they say its cause i dont have the right dev libs, i dont see how that should matter21:58
BobTheBlueBerryDoes anyone know what a kernel paging request is?21:58
theonewhowasPatrickGleason: Start here & go from there https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wacom21:58
theonewhowasgartral: Well if it depends on those libs.. apt-get them or else compile those too! :D21:59
PatrickGleasontheonewhowas: are you sure that was for me? with the Wacom tabletS? like for drawing?21:59
Margaretok soneone just told how to use usermod -l to change a mis-spelt user name but I used the kuser in kde to edit the home directory and now I cannot enter the /home directory22:00
HammerHead66BobTheBlueBerry:     http://search.ubuntu.com/results2.html?cx=009650792990864903260%3A-lsdjshi1tu&cof=FORID%3A11&ie=UTF-8&q=kernel+paging+request&sa=Search#328   this might tell you22:00
gartraltheonewhowas: i dont see why a normal user should have to worry about all this, why is it that the ubuntu repos cant be upgraded, when there are obviosly SEVERE issues with the current code?!?!?!?!?!?!?22:00
HammerHead66BobTheBlueBerry: you have to download the file22:00
SeViLLapronoy: how do i post it to irc22:00
pronoySeViLLa: the link paste the link on the irc22:01
BobTheBlueBerrywhat file?22:01
ronny_hola donad estas la mujer de aquí22:01
artemishi, where is the file that says which modules should be loaded durring start-up ??22:01
looterIs there anyway to change the way Evolution handles its read/unread messages?  I want to make them more dechiperable, for example having read messages in one color and unread in another???22:01
guntbert!es | ronny_22:01
ubotturonny_: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.22:01
HammerHead66BobTheBlueBerry:  it's about kernel paging request22:02
LjLronny_: no en los canales de ayuda tecnica.22:02
georgy_28artemis : /etc/modules22:02
Margaretso I should use usermod -d -m /home/cory  ?22:03
artemisgeorgy_28: so if i del module from this dir it won't load durring start-up but it will after i command it from termina l?22:03
HammerHead66!spanish | LjL: ronny_22:03
ubottuLjL: ronny_: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.22:03
gartralgreat, is anyone else having these problems with pidgin?!?22:03
SeViLLapronoy: http://paste.ubuntu.com/139811/22:03
BobTheBlueBerryAnyone know how to how to use a nVidia graphics card without the kernel freaking out at you?22:03
LjLHammerHead66: calm down, i was simply telling him that his query was NOT appropriate for any Ubuntu support channel.22:03
gartralHammerHead66: LjL is trying to redirect ronny22:03
pronoySeViLLa: do you have a graphics card ?22:03
SeViLLapronoy: yes its ati Rv25022:04
pronoySeViLLa: have you downloaded the drivers for that ?22:04
georgy_28artemis : no t in this file, to blacklist this module you must write it in /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist22:04
SeViLLapronoy: yes22:04
pronoySeViLLa: they don't seem to be working...hang on22:05
artemisgeorgy_28: mine blacklist is empty ... shall i wrtie module name ther ex. bttv ?22:05
SeViLLapronoy: ok22:05
georgy_28artemis: write : blacklist bttv22:06
pronoyhey guys does ATI have a settings manager like nvidia ?22:06
gartralis anyone else having the problem where they cant choose a corrected spelling of a word in pidgin?22:06
Tim_1what you mean ?22:06
chronicpronoy: it has a control paned, but its sucks big time22:07
HammerHead66pronoy: you mean to configure it?22:07
Margaretthats ok being locked out of /home is cool22:07
chronicpronoy: what do u want to configure?22:08
andres_hey guys i try and play a dvd and i get errors that say cant read from resourcE? any idea why?22:08
HammerHead66pronoy: there is but I can't remember how to get to it22:08
pronoychronic, HammerHead66: the xorg.conf has no mention of the driver which means it isn't enabled22:08
gartralandres_: you have css keys?22:08
lovrehi all22:08
andres_whare are css keys22:09
pronoychronic: to enable the driver do i have to start some desktop effects ?22:09
BOZGJust upgrade to Jaunty beta.  The improvement in speed is fantastic.22:09
lovreplease help, WUBI installation cant load since windows was shut down improperly, not even when restarting properly.  What to do?22:09
LjL!jaunty | BOZG22:09
ubottuBOZG: Jaunty Jackalope is the codename for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 23rd, 2009 -  Schedule in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyReleaseSchedule - Lots of breakage between now and April - Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support.22:09
andres_an application??22:09
BobTheBlueBerrydoes anyone here have a nVidia graphics card?22:09
chronicpronoy: i think it's called hardware drivers?22:09
gartralBobTheBlueBerry: current or lagacey?22:09
pronoychronic: oh yea !! man how could i forget that22:10
chronicpronoy: or restrictrd drivers, green hardware icon22:10
BobTheBlueBerryuh... not sure22:10
HammerHead66 pronoy: chronic:  right here is how I install for ATI http://paste.ubuntu.com/139399/22:10
BOZGSorry LjL :(22:10
gartralBobTheBlueBerry: what card is it?22:10
pronoySeViLLa: go to adminstrator > hardware drivers22:10
runeswhat is the most user friendly text editor for modifying .conf files that does not add a carriage return code at the end of each line?22:10
BobTheBlueBerryI've got a GeForce 2600 PCI22:10
gartralwhat serise geforce?22:10
LjLBOZG: not quite a good idea to blanket-recommend a 1400 people channel to use an unstable operating system.22:10
BOZGLjL: Point taken :P22:11
BobTheBlueBerryoh wait 6200 sorry22:11
gartralbobthe what serise geforce?22:11
BobTheBlueBerry6 series22:11
sprinkmeierrunes, nano is fairly easy to use, and if you're worried about CR/LF you can always use dos2uix and unix2dos to convert them after editing22:11
BOZGI'll do it to the 250 people in +1 then :)22:11
gartralBobTheBlueBerry: geforce 6? i didnt know it went that high..22:11
BobTheBlueBerrylet me see22:11
lovreplease help, WUBI installation cant load since windows was shut down improperly, not even when restarting properly.  What to do?22:12
andres_i got it22:12
andres_ty guys22:12
SeViLLapronoy: nothing shows up22:12
chazcoHi... i've installed wicd since network manager cant support WPA-Ent on my laptop... wicd seems to have uninstalled nm though, what effect will this have when 9.04 is released?22:12
waldirHi, I am using the live cd to install ubuntu. the only partitioning option it's offering me is "guided - use entire disk", but I have other partitions defined with data on them. will this erase the other partitions I have?22:12
sprinkmeierlovre, reinstall? do you have backups?22:12
pronoySeViLLa: what ?? are you sure...no window of anysort ??22:12
joetheoddIs there any way to adjust overall gain with pulseaudio? I know my laptop speakers can go loud.. they're really quiet.22:12
runessprinkmeier, weird you'd think that for linux one of the most basic things would be present (for a friendly distro) suc as an easy to use text editor22:13
sprinkmeierwaldir, try it, there's a bit "warning, about to write changes to disk" dialog that you can always abort on if you're unsure22:13
lovresprinkmeier: so that is the only option?22:13
BobTheBlueBerryit says here "e-GeForce 6200 Graphics Card" on the box22:13
SeViLLapronoy: i mean there is nothing in the window22:13
sprinkmeierrunes, like nano, vi, gedit?22:13
waldirsprinkmeier: ok... but it's scary :)22:13
pronoySeViLLa: this means your graphics card isn't attached properly or something22:13
gartrallovre: this is something ive hit, you need to completly remover what bits of wubi are installed, and run a full disk check on your next reboot, then it should work22:13
sprinkmeierwaldir, backups!22:13
runessprinkmeier, some articles I read said nano and gedit do add the cr  figured I'd ask here fi that is the case?22:14
waldirsprinkmeier: I'd have to buy another HD for that :(22:14
gartralubottu | sprinkmeier22:14
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about sprinkmeier22:14
guntbertwaldir: maybe there is no space left on your disk?22:14
sprinkmeierlovre, problably not, but I'm not very familiar with how wubi works. I assum eit creates a huge file which contains the whole install?22:14
SeViLLapronoy: so what should i do22:14
pronoySeViLLa: cuz its not detecting it....if it were detecting it ..the appropriate drivers would have been displayed22:14
gartralsprinkmeier | ubottu22:14
lovregartral: what do you mean by "you need to completly remover what bits of wubi are installed"22:14
emmagartral: what are you trying to do?22:14
KozuchLooking for some folks to takl on #ict4d22:14
pronoySeViLLa: your on a laptop or a desktop ?22:14
BobTheBlueBerryubuntu just freezes and messes up with this card22:14
falstaffmy screen goes to standby after exact 30 minutes, but i've disabled it in gnome's power settings.... any idea?22:15
lovresprinkmeier: i dont think its that simple as one file.....22:15
SeViLLapronoy: laptop22:15
unitedpotsmokersguys. if we have a word document created by microsoft office 2007, and we want to open it with open office 3, and the problem is it cant view like microsoft word 2007, the format change, how to solve this problem?22:15
pronoyHammerHead66: what if i were to edit my xorg.conf without having installed anysort of drivers for my card ?22:15
SeViLLapronoy: dell inspirion 6oom22:15
gartralfalstaff: does it have its own power managment?22:15
sprinkmeierrunes, to be honest I don't know/care, it Just Works(tm) for me. As I said, unix2dos and dos2unix can be used to enforce the CR/LF-iness you require post-edit.22:15
runesthanx sprinkmeier22:16
spc_hey guys.. i have a really really really basic question... i've never had to deal with this before.. how do i change to a directory with a space in terminal (Virtual Machines)22:16
HammerHead66pronoy: I don't know I have never tried that22:16
sprinkmeierwaldir, I usually find that that's cheaper than risking loads of time/data. YMMV of course...22:16
pronoychronic: any way to check whether a hardware is plugged in or not ? like a scan or something22:16
ikoniasprinkmeier: escape char22:16
ikoniasprinkmeier: cd direct\ tory22:16
emmaunitedpotsmokers: maybe convert it to .doc in ms word and then open the doc with oo.o ?22:16
falstaffgartral: its a tv, so no, it shouldn't... it is connected over hdmi, and i can see at my av-receiver that i lost hdmi signal22:16
pronoySeViLLa: did you run any other OS other than ubuntu ?22:16
sprinkmeierikonia, ?22:17
waldirguntbert: this is what's weird. I have a 16GB free partition, but the installer is just ignoring it. I am actually reinstalling ubuntu cause the first time I installed it the guided option was to use the remaining 5GB from my data partition (even though the 16GB unpartitioned space was there on purpose and it detected it as free space! -- it afterwards formatted it as ext3 but doesnt seem to be using it..)22:17
bluenzo^ubuntuHow do you edit the settings of a screensaver? :|22:17
user___spc_: cd my\ house22:17
SeViLLapronoy: windows xp was the origanal22:17
ikoniasprinkmeier: \ is an escape char sprinkmeier so escape the space with \22:17
pronoySeViLLa: did your card run on that ?22:17
sprinkmeierbluenzo^ubuntu, system->pref->screensaver22:17
SeViLLapronoy: yes22:17
Absolute0Is ubuntu 32bit version more stable than the 64bit version?22:17
emmaAbsolute0: I personaly don't think so.22:18
spc_thanks user_____22:18
sprinkmeierikonia, I know, I just don't remember asking about it.22:18
waldirguntbert: can you explain me why it did that? :( I was puzzled22:18
pronoySeViLLa: this is wierd...your card is plugged in but not detected22:18
=== desti_T2 is now known as desti
unitedpotsmokersemma : thanks for reply. i don't have microsoft word 2007, i only use open office. the word document belong to my friend.. but now that document have something to fix, and im afraid, if i fix them with open office their format change22:18
ikoniasprinkmeier: ooh sorry, I must have typed the wrong nick22:18
Absolute0emma: no 64 bit version, flash problems etc..22:18
Absolute0emma: talking about other distros...22:18
Absolute0*no 64 bit wine version22:18
gartralfalstaff: no clue, i dont even havea dvi monitor here, but at school, we had these dumb monitors that went powersave after an hour, and they did it regardless of what you were doing, if if the comp was even on22:18
HammerHead66pronoy: on that card I seen a driver for windows but not in the Linux section in ATI Driver Download22:18
guntbertwaldir: sorry, I'm afraid I cannot explain that - its been a while since I installed ubuntu (apart from virtual machines, where I didn't care about partitioning)22:19
pronoyHammerHead66: ATI Rv250 ?22:19
gartralunitedpotsmokers: tell your friend to dump word for open office ;)22:19
emmaAbsolute0: I have used 64 bit exclusively since Hardy and there are no problems that I would attribute to 64 bit. It works fine. And the Flash issue is no longer an issue. One thing to keep in mind is that you should have at least 4GB of RAM in order to see any benefit from 64 bit.22:19
Absolute0irc.ubuntu.com is freenode :)22:19
BobTheBlueBerrydoes anyone have experience with getting nVidia drivers to work?22:19
Absolute0emma: why 4gig?22:20
pronoySeViLLa: your card is ATI Radeon 9000 Rv250 ?22:20
MargaretHi, I am talking from windows box now, but I have managed to lock myself out of /home/cory when I was trying to fix a typo in the username eg. usermod -l corey cory22:20
unitedpotsmokersgartral, : lol...22:20
Absolute0emma: all I care about is 64 bit ints in C :)22:20
SeViLLapronoy: correct22:20
Absolute0emma: well any time you add ram you get faster speeds.22:20
Absolute0processors don't add much22:20
emmaAbsolute0: has to do with how 64bit works. It's over my head though so you would have to google it. 4 GB is the minimum to where 64bit starts making a difference. 32 bit cannot handle 4GB or better so if you have more than 4GB in yoru computer it doesn't get used unless its 64 bit (I think)22:21
crdlbpronoy: there is no proprietary driver for that card22:21
MargaretI have tried sudo usermod -d -m cory /home/cory /home/corey22:21
waldirguntbert: I tried the manual partitioning option but it requested information I was unsure about :( I'll try sprinkmeier suggestion and follow the guided "use entire disk" option and see what it says afterwards22:21
pronoySeViLLa: ok this is gonna be fun...we're gonna edit ur xorg.conf22:21
erUSULMargaret: just rename the directory to the new username and chown it if neccesary from recovery mode22:21
falstaffgartral: hm, just found xset, with which you can forces dpms on22:21
sprinkmeierAbsolute0, speed comes from removing bottlenecks. those may be CPU, but usually RAM (as you said). most systems are sold with woefully little RAM to make them look cheaper.22:21
gartralBobTheBlueBerry: oh.. nVidia/ATi drivers have few builds that work outside of heavy modification for ubuntu, you should only use the restriced drivers manager's drivers22:21
falstaffgartral: i try this, maybe it helps... thanks anyway22:21
SeViLLapronoy: ok im up for it22:22
stealth_need help my sound doesn't work on the internet. ubuntu 64bit22:22
HammerHead66pronoy: hay I found the driver  at ATI for linux22:22
BobTheBlueBerrytoo bad I can't get into GNOME to enable them22:22
pronoycrdlb: what bout fgrlx ?22:22
emmasprinkmeier: would you agree that if you have 4 or more GB of ram in your system, you won't really use the extra ram if you have 32 bit?22:22
crdlbpronoy: doesn't support it22:22
gartralBobTheBlueBerry: you dont have onnboard video, or is this a laptop?22:22
emmawhat channel mode is +e ?22:23
BobTheBlueBerryI have onboard, but it's Intel, and it sucks22:23
guntbertwaldir: if I remember correctly "guided" means there is a proposal which you can accept or decline, so go with that (be careful with your clicks on [ok] though :-))22:23
crdlbemma: ban exempt22:23
Mark_JonesHi guys, Im now realizing Im having trouble with this new USB PCI card.When I boot with a drive connected, it mounts the drive and all is fine.If I unplug the drive durring a session, and then plug it back in it seems as if Ubuntu drops the USB card completely no power or anything coming from it. Or could it be a power supply issue and how can I tell?22:23
sprinkmeieremma, I believe that different OS's have different RAM limits. IIRC windows-32 bit can't use more than about 3.5G, not sure about Linuxes, I've never had that much RAM to play with :-(22:23
emmacrdlb: what's that mean?22:23
gartralemma: its impossible to address more than 4 gb ram with a 32bit os, period, unless you have special hardware22:23
BobTheBlueBerryX.Org doesn't want to use onboard when it can try and fail to use my nVidia card22:24
guntbertkolby: mybe you should type /join #....22:24
erUSULsprinkmeier: emma it is the same on linux and windows how much you can use over 3GB depends on pci address space bios configuration22:24
Absolute04gigs of ram is only usefull for servers or super needy games22:24
waldirguntbert: I didnt get any confirmation dialog, it's already asking me for my username and such... does it come at the end of the installer instead?22:24
HammerHead66SeViLLa:     pronoy:                            http://support.amd.com/us/gpudownload/Pages/linux64-radeon-prer200.aspx22:24
Absolute0otherwise its useless22:24
Absolute0i have 3 and it runs just fine..22:24
emmagartral: right so that's why people who have more than 4GB should use 64 bits.22:24
crdlbemma: mibbit is banned, but mibbit users can get the bot to exempt them for the session (after verifying that their host is not banned)22:24
sprinkmeiererUSUL, thanks!22:24
BobTheBlueBerrysame thing happens with 8.04 live cd22:24
kolbyguntbert: I misstyped a few times22:24
erUSULsprinkmeier: for example a 512 MB graphic card may still 512MB from your ram22:24
pronoycrdlb: man....22:24
pronoyHammerHead66: link please22:24
pronoycrdlb, HammerHead66: what if i use AIGLX instead of proprietary fglrx with XGL ?22:24
SeViLLaHammerHead66: whats up?22:24
HammerHead668.10 is 64 bit right?22:24
MargareterUSUL, I was just using tty1 instead of recovery, sudo mv /home/corey /home/cory and then sudo chown 7XX /home/cory22:24
emmacrdlb: that's quite.... involved.22:24
BobTheBlueBerryrc-default main process terminated22:25
guntbertwaldir: sorry, I really don't remember, but you *might* want to try it with  virtual machine before22:25
waldirguntbert: that "100%" for ubuntu is really making me concerned...22:25
crdlbSeViLLa: make sure that xserver-xorg-video-ati is installed22:25
guntbertkolby: ;-))22:25
pronoySeViLLa: are you using 64 bit or 32 bit OS >22:25
erUSULMargaret: chown -R newuser:newuser /home/newuser22:25
crdlbpronoy: what does AIGLX have to do with this?22:25
MargareterUSUL, read = 4 write =2 and exe=1 right22:25
MargareterUSUL, what does -R stand for22:26
SeViLLapronoy: 32 bit22:26
erUSULMargaret: yes but we do not want to change modes we want to change the owner22:26
pronoycrdlb: you see if we use AIGLX instead of fglrx the graphic problem might get solved....because the latter is very problematic22:26
Mark_JonesWhen you add a new PCI card do you generally need to do a fresh install or not?22:26
waldirguntbert:  however I tried one step back and it shows my system as it is again.. I guess I'll move forward. wish me luck :)22:26
erUSULMargaret: you are confusing chown with chmod22:26
rakudaveemma: it's not quite true, I have a 32Bit OS with 4GB RAM. You need to enable the PEA-extension22:26
guntbertwaldir: I understand, maybe you should ask the channel again about the installation, or ...22:26
crdlbpronoy: those are apples and oranges :)22:26
erUSULMargaret: -R aplies the change to the folder and all subfolders and files beneath it22:26
HammerHead66 SeViLLa:   32bit ------------------------------>  http://support.amd.com/us/gpudownload/Pages/linux64-radeon-prer200.aspx22:27
crdlbSeViLLa: was it installed?22:27
MargareterUSUL, recursive22:27
andres_hey guys is there a way to get color to work on vlc player22:27
guntbertwaldir: .... or you start with the live CD and use gparted from there22:27
SeViLLacrdlb: i will check22:27
waldirthat's what I am doing22:27
jpowermacg4andres_, what you mean by color?22:27
crdlbHammerHead66: that would require using an _ancient_ version of X22:27
waldirguntbert: I am using the live cd22:27
pronoycrdlb: oh !! i get it....it wasn't installed in the first place.... !! sorry22:27
andres_i have all the color contrast of the dvd coming in mixed22:27
andres_like its all unbalance22:28
pronoycrdlb: yeah...you're right...its got nothing to do with AIGLX22:28
Mark_Jonesandres you have libdvdcss installed?22:28
andres_i have the hue settings configured etc... and it black and white right now22:28
andres_i wasnt able to play encrypted dvds until i install libdvdcss22:28
mrjuliohi every1, does anyone have any idea why ubuntu 8.0.4 recognises only 3Gb out of 4Gb on my Dell Studio 135722:28
guntbertwaldir: then you can have a look at your harddisk with gparted before you start the install22:28
andres_that at least let me play commercial discs22:28
BobTheBlueBerry  init: rc-default main process (5572) terminated with status 139ault22:28
Mark_Jonesandres what about ubuntu restricted extras?22:28
LjLmrjulio: it's quite normal, if you aren't on 64bit22:28
andres_but whether i have a decrypted dvd or encyrpted dvd it still playes with the colors jacked22:29
waldirguntbert: I have, but this doesnt give me any more choices with the installer22:29
andres_i have restritcted extras installed as well22:29
waldirI could of course try the manual install22:29
andres_yah that is what i said22:29
Mark_Jonesandreas do you have any restricted video drivers installed?22:29
andres_you think this is something to do with my video card/22:29
dude_sweethi all!!22:29
andres_no that i know of22:29
SeViLLacrdlb: yes its at its latest version22:30
sprinkmeierwaldir, what's the other OS? does it still boot (I've not seen this sort of behaviour and I'm just wondering if something is messed up)22:30
andres_atm nothing than the default i think22:30
andres_let me double check22:30
Mark_Jonesmaybe you could try enabling one and see if its better22:30
pronoycrdlb: yeah...you're right...its got nothing to do with AIGLX22:30
BobTheBlueBerrygartral: so should I use the nVidia drivers from synaptic?22:30
bedo2991I've got a ATI Radeon HD 4800 and a Samsung SyncMaster 932MW connected with a HDMI DVI cable. From now on, I can't enable the graphic effects (before when it was connected with a VGA cable it used to work).22:30
andres_i actually have the my nvidia drivers installed22:30
unitedpotsmokershello guys, where to find installers which i download from add/remove program or ultamatix because i want to save them, and next time i can run setup again22:30
mrjulioLjL: uhmm ... so is it a ubuntu issue?22:30
andres_for compiz fusion22:30
LjLmrjulio: no22:30
andres_i think i need to tweak the card a little22:30
Mark_Jonesmaybe disable them and see if there buggy?22:30
LjLmrjulio: the same would happen on any other 32-bit OS22:30
andres_just a moment22:30
erUSULmrjulio: no; windows has exactly the same problem22:30
gartralBobTheBlueBerry: yes, but match the geforce series with your card, or else they wont take22:30
erUSULmrjulio: windows 32 bit that's it22:30
Mark_Jonesturn off desktop effects while you watcha video if needed.22:31
mrjulioso should i install a 64-bit ubuntu?22:31
LjLmrjulio: a 32-bit processor can only directly address (by definition) 4GB of RAM. since there is stuff that needs to be addressed aside from actual RAM, the actual available RAM for addressing will be less than 4gb22:31
LjLmrjulio: first ask yourself, do you *need* more than 3gb for *anything*?22:31
andres_how do you turn off desktop effects?22:31
LjLmrjulio: i can only think of a few quite special circumstances when one would use more than 3gb of RAM22:31
SeViLLapronoy: how is it going on your end22:31
Mark_Jonessystem, preferences, appearance22:31
Mark_Jonesvisual effects22:31
erUSULmrjulio: i would go to 64 bit. my opinion of course22:31
crdlbSeViLLa: hmm, edit your /etc/X11/xorg.conf and put Driver "radeon" in Section "Device"22:32
rakudavemrjulio: 4GB on a 32Bit System: http://samiux.wordpress.com/2008/01/10/how-to-use-4-gb-ram-on-a-32-bit-ubuntu/22:32
pronoySeViLLa: searching forums..22:32
SeViLLapronoy: k22:32
dude_sweethey folks, I am having trouble with OpenVpn.  It can't find the libcrypto.so.0.   I gather I have to get it into my path, but how?22:32
gartralLjL IBM had made a ram bridg, at some point, i never knew how it worked, but it allowed a single 32 bit cpu to address 6 gb of ram, and two cpus to adress 822:32
waldirsprinkmeier: what do you mean? I have an ntfs windows partition occupying 1/4 of the disk, then a 1/2 of the disk for a fat32 partition with data, then a 6GB ntfs with a clean windows install and a 15GB  in the end...22:32
waldirwhy wouldnt windows boot?22:32
LjLgartral: for that matter, you can address >4gb using the PAE kernel22:33
bedo2991I've got a ATI Radeon HD 4800 and a Samsung SyncMaster 932MW connected with a HDMI DVI cable. From now on, I can't enable the graphic effects (before when it was connected with a VGA cable it used to work).22:33
LjLgartral: i just said you can't *directly* address them22:33
grandemahatmahow can I search for a channel whose name contains a certain pattern?22:33
gartralLjL didnt that sacrifice stability though?22:33
chronici have an emulator program i compiled, now i have bunch of files and dont know how to start the program22:33
waldirsprinkmeier:  I just want the installer to take the 15GB I've set for it! :(22:33
LjLdude_sweet: did you install openvpn from the standard ubuntu package of it?22:33
guntbertwaldir: wait that sound strange, can you pastebin the output of sudo fdisk -l ?22:33
LjLgartral: dunno22:33
waldirguntbert: ok22:33
dude_sweetI sure did22:33
LjLchronic: there's a README file somewhere, surely?22:33
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pronoyunitedpotsmokers: well you can download the .deb packagaes22:34
HammerHead66bedo2991:try reinstalling the drivers http://paste.ubuntu.com/139399/22:34
sprinkmeierwaldir, I've not seen the behaviour you describe (installer not wanting to use the free space etc.), it seems wrong. I was just wondering if the wrong-nes might be caused by some corruption of your partition table or somesuch evil. Booting the other OS should verify that things are (mostly) OK.22:34
Acedipusing sticky notes, when i click anything on the dekstop, the sticky notes go back to panel, i want to stay on the desktop no matter wat i do22:34
pronoyBobTheBlueBerry: still having problems with the drivers ?22:34
LjLdude_sweet: what's the output of "apt-cache policy libssl0.9.8 | grep Instal"?22:34
pronoyBobTheBlueBerry: if I may suggest...try using envy ....22:35
chronicLjL: no readme, the main readme doesnt say how to execute it, just say "start it", genius , i know22:35
LjLchronic: which emulator would this be?22:35
waldirsprinkmeier: it was booting just before I installed ubuntu the first time earlier today, though I didn't try to boot it again22:35
grandemahatmahow can I search for a channel whose name contains a certain pattern?22:35
SeViLLacrdlb: ok i did that then did . xconf22:35
LjLgrandemahatma: /msg alis help22:35
unitedpotsmokerspronoy, : yup i download *deb package manually.. but if we use add/remove program i think maybe it will download *deb package or installer into our hard drive rite? so where can i find them? which folder?22:35
grandemahatmaLjL: thanks.. now what exactly is "alis"?22:36
Acedipi know its a stupid problem but it is important..kindly help ..using sticky notes, when i click anything on the dekstop, the sticky notes go back to panel, i want to stay on the desktop no matter wat i do22:36
waldirguntbert: it's gonna be a little more complicated than what I described cause the first ubuntu install subdivided it even more... perhaps I'll paste a screenshot of gparted it might be easier to understand22:36
LjLchronic: are you on Hardy?22:36
sprinkmeierwaldir, personally I'd be grabbing a cheap HDD (external or internal), backing up  the disk and then trying the installer, or maybe taking the box to a LUG for someone to look at.22:36
dude_sweetInstalled: 0.9.8g-10.1ubuntu2.122:36
chronicLjL: jaunty22:36
evilnickI've recently installed Ubuntu 8.10 and then Updated the system. Now whenever I try to check, I get errors about GPG. Where can I import the public key?22:37
LjLchronic: err... then why are you compiling it from source?22:37
SeViLLapronoy: brb22:37
pronoycrdlb: hey if the drivers were installed to the latest versions does it mean it was the proprietary ones ?22:37
guntbertwaldir: I'd prefer the output of sudo fdisk -l, if you don't mind22:37
chronicLjL: why not22:37
LjLchronic: ... because there is a package?22:37
waldirguntbert: sure! :) http://paste.ubuntu.com/139831/22:37
LjL!packages | chronic22:37
ubottuchronic: You can browse and search for Ubuntu packages using !Synaptic, !Adept, "apt-cache search <keywords or regex>", or online at http://packages.ubuntu.com - Ubuntu has about 20000 packages available, so please *search* for an official package before installing things in awkward ways!22:37
SeViLLacrdlb: brb22:37
ikoniajaunty is not supported in here any way22:37
waldirguntbert: I was going to give you both anyway :)22:37
gartralok, progress, i CAN select a right spelling, but NOT with the mouse, i have to use the arrow keys and navigate the menus22:38
guntbertwaldir: :-)22:38
LjLdude_sweet: uhm, ok what's the output of "apt-cache policy openvpn | grep Install"22:38
gartralhow do i clean my ram?22:39
crdlbpronoy: even if he tried to install fglrx, it won't break the radeon driver's 2d (but it would break 3d)22:39
chronicLjL: i already compiled, just want to know how to run it without installing it22:39
erUSULgartral: with a compressed air can ?22:39
LjLchronic: i won't help people installing stuff in awkward ways when there's a PACKAGE for it. also, jaunty support in #ubuntu+122:39
* erUSUL ;P22:40
pronoycrdlb: so right now is he installing them or not ?22:40
Acedipi know its a stupid problem but it is important..kindly help ..using sticky notes, when i click anything on the dekstop, the sticky notes go back to panel, i want to stay on the desktop no matter wat i do22:40
unitedpotsmokerscant wait to try jaunty22:40
crdlbpronoy: hopefully not22:40
chronicLjL: dude u know im banned from there22:40
dude_sweetInstalled: 2.1~rc11-1ubuntu222:40
LjLchronic: that's not my problem22:40
unitedpotsmokersbut i heard too many problems with ext422:40
erUSULunitedpotsmokers: then use ext3; ext4 is only an option in jaunty22:41
chronicunick: trying 4, looks fine, what problems?22:41
gartralerUSUL: lol, i meant the fact that  %55 is in cache usage and i want to clear it out22:41
chronicunitedpotsmokers: trying 4, looks fine, what problems?22:41
unitedpotsmokersLjL: dude u know im banned from there <-- me too, they ban me w/o reason lol22:41
guntbertwaldir: your extended sda2 has about 6000 blocks, and those are taken by sda5-8, so there *is* no room left it seems - or do you still have "free" space?22:42
LjLdude_sweet: i had openvpn installed on intrepid and it worked fine... try "sudo apt-get --reinstall install openvpn libssl0.9.8" for good measure22:42
LjLunitedpotsmokers: that's an issue you should discuss in #ubuntu-ops not here22:42
rwwunitedpotsmokers, chronic: Jaunty discussion belongs in #ubuntu+1. Ban discussion belongs in #ubuntu-ops. /Neither/ belong here.22:42
erUSULgartral: if the kernel needs it it would reclaim if it does not need it it is better used for something. free ram == wasted ram22:42
erUSUL!ram | gartral22:42
ubottugartral: A quick FAQ on Memory Management: http://gentoo-wiki.com/FAQ_Linux_Memory_Management For Lubos Lunak's desktop memory usage comparison, see: http://ktown.kde.org/~seli/memory/desktop_benchmark.html22:42
dude_sweetk thank....I will give a status here soon22:42
Acedipwell i cant let the sticky notes stay on my desktop, they go back to the pane wen i click something on the desktop ???22:42
cypher1Acedip, which version of stickynotes are you using ?22:42
SeViLLapronoy: k im back22:42
waldirguntbert: I dont seem to be able to launch gparted, but I'll try to describe what's there22:42
unitedpotsmokersokay... man im sorry22:42
pronoyapproach crdlb he'll tell you what to do22:43
Acedipcypher1, 2.24.122:43
pronoyi am kinda stuck here22:43
waldirguntbert: sda3, 4, 5 and 6 are all inside sda2, which takes overall 50GB22:43
BobTheBlueBerrywhere is the init.d conf file?22:43
erUSULBobTheBlueBerry: there is no inittab file in ubuntu. it uses upstart22:44
ubottuUpstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/22:44
Markyb86anyone here use easy peasy22:44
cypher1Acedip, is your problem is that the new notes that are created goes to the panel !?22:44
TheFuzzballHello, is there any way for me to remotely log in to my Ubuntu box without an SSH/Telnet server running?22:44
crdlbSeViLLa: what does 'glxinfo | grep -i renderer' say?22:44
evilnickI'm getting the following error on Update Manager: "W: GPG error: http://ppa.launchpad.net intrepid Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 6D975C4791E7EE5E"22:44
LjL!gpgerr | evilnick22:44
ubottuevilnick: Getting GPG errors after adding custom repositories? Find the GPG keyword for the repository (it's 437D05B5 for the standard ones) and run « gpg --keyserver hkp://subkeys.pgp.net --recv-keys <key> ; gpg --export --armor <key> | sudo apt-key add - »22:44
waldirguntbert:  then there's sda7 with about 7GB and finally around 15GB of free space22:44
SeViLLacrdlb: k hold on22:44
gartralTheFuzzball: XDMP?22:44
Acedipcypher1, yes, they go back when i click on the desktop22:44
evilnickLjL: Thanks22:44
waldirI suspect the sda8 is the swap for the live cd or something 9.922:44
looterIs there anyway to change the way Evolution handles its read/unread messages?  I want to make them more dechiperable, for example having read messages in one color and unread in another???22:45
TheFuzzballgartral: is it default in Ubuntu?22:45
verb3kWhere to find old flash plugins?22:45
waldirguntbert: or perhaps I am mixing things up, since that list is not in order22:46
pronoyverb3k: why in god's name would you want them ?22:46
mib_ak4tq1anyone have the patience to help a noob trying to install 8.10?22:46
h00k!ask | mib_ak4tq122:46
ubottumib_ak4tq1: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)22:46
verb3kpronoy, because the new one is very slow and sluggish on my machine22:46
guntbertwaldir: there is definitely something VERY strange with your partition table22:46
dude_sweetstrange.....after the reinstall the same issue....full error: "openvpn: error while loading shared libraries: libcrypto.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory22:46
pronoymib_ak4tq1 go to psychocats.net22:46
waldirguntbert: I think i got it22:46
mib_ak4tq1I am trying to install 8.10 desktop version, it went through all the steps but when it restarted i just got a peach screen and thats it, i used the CD22:46
gartralTheFuzzball: i think so, but ive never set it up22:46
guntbertwaldir: you got what?22:47
TheFuzzballgartral: do you need an X Server, 'cause I am on a Windows host sadly.22:47
waldirguntbert: sda 5, 6, 7 and 8 are inside sda2 and are respectively fat32, ext3 (the ubuntu i installed earlier today) and 2 swap partitions22:47
EduGMAchadoHellow folks!22:47
pronoymib_ak4tq1: means you didn't install it you just got through the live cd...try it again...22:47
verb3kpronoy,  Why do you ask if you can't help?22:47
mib_ak4tq1pronoy: how do i start it again? boot from cd?22:47
LjLdude_sweet: try "sudo ldconfig"22:48
h00kmib_ak4tq1, did you go through the installer?22:48
guntbertwaldir: so I said :-)22:48
pronoyverb3k: but i think the older version had the sound issue...22:48
GwJumpmanI'm just logging in case of any problems, I'm downloading the ubuntu iso and going to load it in vmware22:48
mib_ak4tq1hook: yes it said restart and than the peach screen22:48
BobTheBlueBerryshouldn't X.Org be able to detect my graphics card even if it isn't the primary graphics adapter?22:48
pronoymib_ak4tq1: no ...install ubuntu22:48
waldirguntbert: you said that? i didnt get it :(22:48
crdlbLjL: is it just me or is there no such file as libcrypto.so.0? (at least on hardy and jaunty)22:48
verb3kpronoy, I am looking for any old version not only the one before the latest22:48
waldirguntbert: isnt this channel too crowded?22:48
puffSo... how reliable is ubuntu-boot-from-flashdrive these days?22:49
mib_ak4tq1pronoy: how do i install it, i dont have an operating system on this computer at all22:49
LjLcrdlb: it's not just you (and i don't have an intrepid to test it on, either, just hardy)22:49
gartralTheFuzzball: ahh, that your scewered on, unless you like ming22:49
waldirguntbert: let me see if I remember how to PM22:49
puffAnd is there a special ubuntu channel for flashdrive boots?22:49
pronoymib_ak4tq1: insert the cd and it will guide you ..there will be an option saying install ubuntu22:49
LjLpuff: don't think so, no22:49
mib_ak4tq1pronoy: okay so i should do this a second time? with the cd?22:50
diablono sound on ubuntu 8.10 i get a error says No volume control GStreamer plugins and/or devices found.22:50
diablocan anyone help22:50
dupondjeI installed pident, started it, but it doesn't return a ident ? :s any id what I could do wrong ? :)22:50
pronoymib_ak4tq1: yes reboot and then click on install ubuntu...don't try ubuntu without any changes to your system22:50
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pronoyverb3k: well the repositories for one won't have that....you can try it on adobe's site22:51
SeViLLacrdlb: this is the standard output of that command http://paste.ubuntu.com/139838/22:51
verb3kpronoy, I see, thanks for your time22:51
diablono sound on ubuntu 8.10 i get a error says No volume control GStreamer plugins and/or devices found.22:51
diablo can anyone help22:51
LjLcrdlb: if it were my system, eh... i'd just make a symlink to libcrypto.so.0 :) but i'm not entirely sure that's good advice to give someone else22:51
ndshackerhello, I can browse quite quickly, but my download speeds are at 5 kb/s any idea why?22:52
mib_ak4tq1pronoy: thank you i will try22:52
cypher1Acedip, i am seeing this in the help menu "To hide all your notes, either click on the desktop, or right-click the Sticky Notes applet and choose Hide Notes."22:52
ndshackerit is going to take me 7 hours to download the kubuntu live cd22:52
BobTheBlueBerryndshacker: your browser probably caches stuff22:52
Ryan_Leafndshacker: What is your connnection?22:52
ndshackerbob: even on new sites its faster than 5 kb/s22:52
ndshackera 1.5 mb line22:52
puffIf I install ubuntu on a flash drive from one machine can I boot it on another machine?  I.e. are there hardware configuraiton dependencies?22:52
cypher1Acedip, which seems to happen in your case... but for me it stays but does not go to panel.. i do not know which behaviour is correct for it.. lol22:52
SeViLLacrdlb: you get it22:53
cypher1Acedip, check out this: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-applets/+bug/6191922:53
Ryan_Leafndshacker: Try rebooting your network equipment. Otherwise, I would recommend either kernel.org or mit.edu for mirrors.22:53
LjLpuff: there might be, for X video drivers at least, although with Intrepid i think that's not the case anymore, but i'm not sure22:53
pronoyndshacker: trust me when i say linux browsing is faster than anyother OS...can't say anything for download speed22:53
ndshackerpronoy: im currently hovering on 5 kb/s a little extremely slow if you ask me22:53
crdlbSeViLLa: pastebin your /var/log/Xorg.0.log and /var/log/Xorg.0.log.old22:53
Acedipcypher1, does knote provide with the same feature as sticky notes, i can install that if it does22:54
pronoyndshacker: i get it...you should try the mirror..or maybe the torrent .22:54
evilnickLjL: I've imported the standard keys and the XBMC one too. How do I then install XBMC? Which application do I use?22:54
ndshackerpronoy: its all downlads22:54
LjLevilnick: i don't know what xbmc even is22:54
cypher1Acedip, i am not sure.. you can checkout tomboy (but its more of a personal wiki) and it has always on top feature too22:54
unitedpotsmokershello guys, my friend here said don't use "make install" but use "checkinstall". but he cannot give a reason why. so what is the different between them? which one is safe?22:54
Ryan_Leafevilnick: Isn't that a media center application?22:54
graingertLjL-> xbox media centre22:55
pronoyndshacker: the torrent might speed up depending upon the number of seeders22:55
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about tomboy22:55
crdlb!checkinstall | unitedpotsmokers22:55
ubottuunitedpotsmokers: checkinstall is a wrapper to "make install", useful for installing programs you compiled. It will create a .deb package, which will be listed in the APT database and can be uninstalled like other packages. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CheckInstall - Read the warnings at the top and bottom of that web page, and DO NOT interrupt CheckInstall while it's running!22:55
ndshackerpronoy: All downloads, even torrents22:55
Acedipcypher1, couldn't find that allways on top feature there either :(22:55
Ryan_Leafndshacker: Wait... Are you using BT for a protocol?22:55
erUSULunitedpotsmokers: the later lets you unistall the program via a package manager22:55
LjLevilnick: so this xbmc thing is in the repository that you added?22:55
cypher1Acedip, its available with tomboy22:55
ndshackerits like it caps it off at 20 kb/s max22:55
erUSULunitedpotsmokers: if you just install it would be hard to remove from the system22:55
RoastedDoes anybody here use a network cloning solution besides clonezilla to clone a large number of Ubuntu machines?22:55
erUSUL!checkinstall | unitedpotsmokers22:55
ubottuunitedpotsmokers: checkinstall is a wrapper to "make install", useful for installing programs you compiled. It will create a .deb package, which will be listed in the APT database and can be uninstalled like other packages. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CheckInstall - Read the warnings at the top and bottom of that web page, and DO NOT interrupt CheckInstall while it's running!22:55
crdlbunitedpotsmokers: I'm not a fan of it, the best thing to do is to install stuff into your home directory or somewhere in /opt/, but it's more work22:55
unitedpotsmokerserUSUL, : ahh ic.. then if i use check install it is easy to me to uninstall them22:56
* usser one should always keep the sources after compiling, thats why there's /usr/src people22:56
evilnickLjL: I believe so. I have added the PPA (?) and now am stuck for how to download/install it22:56
eseven73a good notetaking  suite is basket (some kde libs required though, if you're a gnome Purest, do not install it)22:56
dude_sweetum....no go. same issue.   I did a ldconfig -v to look at it further and I did not see it in the /lib or /usr/lib22:56
unitedpotsmokersok understand now.. thanks guys u help me a lot..22:56
pronoyRyan_Leaf: you mean client right ?22:56
LjLevilnick: like any other repositori. "sudo apt-get install <packagename>" or using Synaptic.22:56
LjL!software > evilnick    (evilnick, see the private message from ubottu)22:56
ndshackernow my download is going through a 111 spurt22:56
cypher1Acedip, checkout tomboy: http://packages.ubuntu.com/intrepid/tomboy22:57
crdlbdude_sweet: what does 'command -v openvpn' say?22:57
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LjLevilnick: my bet is "sudo apt-get install xbmc"22:57
ndshackerbut if i open firefox, itll go back to like 1022:57
PatrickGleasonWhy cant I get my resolution past 800x600? im using the recommenced nvidia driver...and it was working fine earlier on an lcd-now i switched to a giant crt and it wont go past 8*622:57
trinidadfloresI need some advice  I am currently dual booted and i want to reclaim my partition that winblows is in what is the best way to do so22:57
Acedipcypher1, got it ty, but that is not wat i want, sticky notes is better for my purpose22:57
evilnickLjL: Ah, with Terminal then22:57
ndshackertrinidad: just delete the partition22:57
PatrickGleasonkill that- it wont go past 640*48022:57
cypher1Acedip, ok!22:57
Ryan_Leafpronoy: I thought BT was a protocol. "BitTorrent" is also an application. But you can use BT protocol with "Transmission", "Azureus", or "uTorrent"22:58
LjLevilnick: no, terminal is just an option. you can do the same thing from Synaptic. please read the link i gave you, you *need* to know how software is generally installed and removed correctly in Ubuntu22:58
ndshackerand open /boot/grub/menu.lst and erase the part about windows22:58
LjL!fixres > PatrickGleason    (PatrickGleason, see the private message from ubottu)22:58
trinidadfloreswill it mess up my ubuntu boot or should i do all this in ubuntu22:58
pronoyPatrickGleason: happened to me too....used fix X or maybe edited the xorg.conf22:58
RoastedDoes anybody here use a network cloning solution besides clonezilla to clone a large number of Ubuntu machines?22:58
LjLalso, /me facepalms22:58
ndshackerwould my dad downloading stuff slow me down?22:58
ndshackerby this much?22:58
Acedipcypher1, seems like, sticky notes behave differently at different places, then how can they talk about that bug being fixed22:58
pronoyRyan_Leaf: oh yeah..get it now22:59
ndshackerill jsust block his torrents when i wanna download >.<22:59
PatrickGleasonpronoy: I will try that-thanks muchly22:59
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Ryan_Leafndshacker: try rebooting your network equipment, and try the mirrors "kernel.org" or "mit.edu"22:59
pronoyPatrickGleason: you can decide what kinda monitor you are using that will automatically fix ur xorg.conf22:59
LjLdude_sweet: why did you install an unifficial openvpn package in /usr/local, pray tell?22:59
waldirI'm trying to use the manual partitioning in the installer. How to I mark a partition as the one I want ubuntu installed on?22:59
MegarainWhat's the channel for 9.04?23:00
pronoywaldir: ext3 type format ...boot at /23:00
LjL!jaunty > Megarain    (Megarain, see the private message from ubottu)23:00
PatrickGleasonMegarian : i think its #ubuntu~1 or ubuntu123:00
bartekHi there, when I run `top` on one of my ubuntu machines I get 'xterm-256color' unknown terminal type. What do I have to do ?23:00
dude_sweetuh...ignorance more than likely....not on purpose23:00
geniiMegarain: #ubuntu+123:00
MegarainThanks LJ, Been a while since I've used a beta.23:00
Ryan_Leafpronoy: You could also boot at /boot23:00
erUSULwaldir: mount point → /23:01
PatrickGleasongenii: thnx23:01
LjLdude_sweet: ok, please keep well in mind that software should NEVER be installed from outside the official repositories unless you know what you're doing VERY well.23:01
Ryan_Leafbut if he's dual booting Windows and Linux, then it might make sense for him to use one partiton for data and one for SWAP23:01
pronoywaldir: make sure you leave some space specifically as swap memory....a different partition usually the space equalent to the space of you RAM23:01
LjLdude_sweet: what's happening now is that you have both the official openvpn package installed, *and* some unofficial one23:01
BobTheBlueBerryX.Org won't work unless I physically remove my graphics card from my machine.23:01
waldirthanks pronoym erUSUL23:01
LjLdude_sweet: the latter overrides the former, and is apparently incompatible with your libraries23:01
nightrid3rPatrickGleason:  if all else fails look at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/800x600%20video%20mode monitor section and modes section23:01
LjLdude_sweet: so now pastebin the output of "find /usr/local | grep vpn"23:01
Ryan_Leafpronoy: How much would you recommend? I usually set it to 8GB, even though I only have 1GB of physical memory23:01
gearsecondlost the start bar23:01
bonyuicant get connected to wireless internet on ubuntu23:02
gearsecondwhat should i do to23:02
pronoyRyan_Leaf: i guess you could set it to like 2 gigs wouldn't make much of difference23:02
bonyuican somebody help me or give me a link :X23:02
gearsecondhave it back23:02
waldirpronoy: there are two swap partitions already there, from a previous install... can I use that?23:02
pronoyRyan_Leaf: should be greater than or equal to the physical memory23:02
pronoywaldir: yeah...you can....23:02
SeViLLacrdlb: ok here it is http://paste.ubuntu.com/139844/23:02
waldirpronoy:  in fact I don't know where the second came from23:02
SeViLLacrdlb: ok here it is http://paste.ubuntu.com/139844/23:02
gearsecondcan anybdy help me23:02
dude_sweet/usr/local/sbin/openvpn    -        /usr/local/share/man/man8/openvpn.8.gz23:03
pronoywaldir: infact you just need one...delete the other one...use it with the ext323:03
bonyuican anybody help me or give me a link?23:03
bonyuiBecause i have searched EVERYWHERE23:03
dude_sweetso should I investigate removing them and starting from scratch?23:03
LjLdude_sweet: only those two? ok, "sudo mv /usr/local/sbin/openvpn /usr/local/sbin/openvpn-custom"23:03
Flannel!helpme | bonyui23:03
ubottubonyui: Avoid your questions being followed by a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !patience23:03
gearsecondi want to get back the start bar in the desktop panel23:03
LjLdude_sweet: then try again starting "openvpn"23:03
Ryan_Leafgearsecond: Well in Linux you don't get a start menu. But if you need the Ubuntu "equivilent", then click on one of the panels, and go to "Add to Panel" and there should be an object you can add that does what you are looking for. I believe there is a description23:03
gearsecondi deleted that panel23:04
Flannel!wireless | bonyui23:04
ubottubonyui: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs23:04
dradiusbontui: what network adapter do you have?23:04
waldirpronoy:  the problem is i dont know which one is actually being used by the current ubuntu installation, but since I-m going to remove it afterwards, it should be no problem, right?23:04
unitedpotsmokersguys, one stupid question... if i download any *tgz files, and run command checkinstall, it will generate *deb package rite.. then i can double click that *deb package to install rite?23:04
bonyuity Flannel =]23:04
pronoybonyui: yeah sounds irritating bro but patience is the key to getting answers here...i assure you someone will come to your assistance23:04
Ryan_Leafpronoy: Theoretically, if you had 32GB of RAM, couldn't you get away with only 256MB of SWAP (or no swap at all?)23:04
crdlbSeViLLa: ouch, the radeon driver is crashing :/23:04
erUSULunitedpotsmokers: no; it does not work that way23:04
gearsecondand i ve lost the open windows bar too23:04
erUSUL!es | greenrhian23:04
ubottugreenrhian: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.23:04
gearsecondi cant see now which windows ive got opened23:04
LjLunitedpotsmokers: you don't even need to click on the package, it'll already be installed. but you can keep the package if you remove it and want to reinstall it later.23:04
Ryan_LeafSeVilla: In my experience, ATI cards suck on Linux. It's ATIs fault, not the Linux communities.23:05
pronoywaldir: well swap memory is like you know same...it doesn't matter how many partitions you have they add up23:05
LjLunitedpotsmokers: what *is* it that you're trying to compile anyway?23:05
Barridushow can i stop pulseaudio from loading on reboot and just use ALSA?23:05
unitedpotsmokersLjL, : ahh ic...23:05
pronoywaldir: if you have one partition it just looks neat :)23:05
unitedpotsmokersLjL, i want to install flashcam for gyachi23:05
erUSULunitedpotsmokers: you have to untar the thing and do the ./configure; make steps. the only thing that changes with checkinstall is that you use checkinstall instead of make install on the fuinal step23:05
greenrhian¿alguien me recomienda un programa de correos sencillo? Evolution no me gusta nada, y con Thunderbird me lío bastante.23:05
waldirpronoy: oh i didnt know that23:05
crdlbSeViLLa: does 'lsmod | grep radeon' show anything?23:05
grncdrdoes anybody here run pulseaudio as a system daemon on jaunty?23:05
erUSUL!checkinstall | unitedpotsmokers please the docs we link to you23:05
ubottuunitedpotsmokers please the docs we link to you: checkinstall is a wrapper to "make install", useful for installing programs you compiled. It will create a .deb package, which will be listed in the APT database and can be uninstalled like other packages. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CheckInstall - Read the warnings at the top and bottom of that web page, and DO NOT interrupt CheckInstall while it's running!23:05
LjLRyan_Leaf: the problem is that swap is also used to hibernate23:06
gearsecondcan any body tell me how to get back the opened windows bar on the lower part23:06
unitedpotsmokershmm understand...23:06
lonejackhi, today I compiled my first test program on linux(ubuntu). The "hello world" taken as example does include the stdio.h(standard library).  But... what else library can I include on my programs?23:06
erUSULgearsecond: right click on the panel choose add to panel then add the windows list applet23:06
pronoyLjL: so it should be greater than the ram because the processes running will alwasy be in the ram...23:06
Ryan_Leafgearsecond: click a panel (one of the whitish bars, usually) and then go to "Add to Panel"23:06
LjLlonejack: that's more likely a question for ##c23:06
SeViLLacrdlb: no nothing23:07
Ryan_Leafgearsecond: then select "Window List"23:07
Ryan_Leafand add it to that panel23:07
waldirpronoy: exactly, both are already defined for "use as: swap area"... so no mount point is needed for these right?23:07
SeViLLacrdlb: how can you tell its crashing23:07
LjLpronoy: well, if you *really* have something like 32gb of RAM, it'll probably never be all used anyway...23:07
grncdrDoes anybody know how to make a package purge and then reinstall? I need to wipe out whatever I did to pulseaudio and reinstall it...23:07
lonejackLjL: I'll go there but I'm quite sure they'll send me here...23:07
dude_sweetLjl: That looks like that worked.  So what did we do with that command?23:07
Ryan_LeafLjL: it's not like Windows, which needs SWAP no matter what, right?23:07
pronoywaldir: correct....swap doesn't require a mount point23:07
erUSULgrncdr: use "aptitude purge package"23:07
LjLpronoy: i mean, personally if i had 32gb of RAM i would use no swap at all. but then i'd also get a visit to the shrink to talk about my fetish for RAM ;P23:07
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pronoyLjL: lol23:07
LjLRyan_Leaf: windows doesn't need "swap no matter what" any more than linux does23:08
Ryan_Leafwaldir: swap is not done like the "Page File" in Windows. It's a seperate partition, that is partitioned as SWAP, not EXT3 or ReiserFS23:08
crdlbSeViLLa: because of the backtrace at the bottom of the last file you posted23:08
LjLdude_sweet: move your custom-compiled version of openvpn out of the way (similar to removing it, but we just moved it instead)23:08
waldirpronoy: thanks. the guided partitioning was behaving in a quite weird way so I had to use the manual mode23:08
pronoyLjL: but when you say hibernate....an image of the processes being run is stored in the hard drive which must be equal to or less than the RAM size23:08
Begshey, how do you make ubuntu refuse all connections that didnt originate from the local network23:08
Ryan_LeafLjL: It's quite stupid for Linux to use Swap, unless necessary?23:08
emilienneed help putting music onto an ipod touch , tried everything =(23:08
pronoywaldir: are you using dual boot ?23:08
crdlbSeViLLa: what happens if you 'sudo modprobe radeon'?23:08
waldirRyan_Leaf: I see23:08
waldirpronoy: yes, why?23:09
waldirpronoy: yes, why?23:09
LjLpronoy: that's the way it works in Windows (save all the RAM), but i *think* in Linux, at least with the standard suspend feature, only (as you say) the *images of the processes being run* get saved - not *necessarily* the whole RAM23:09
pronoywaldir: you could have used wubi...you know from inside of windows23:09
dude_sweetLjl:  That is what I figured.  Ok...well thank you very much.  I appreciate your help.  (still learning.......)23:09
LjLRyan_Leaf: it's not stupid at all. it's generally quite stupid to NOT use swap.23:09
SeViLLacrdlb: no output23:09
Ryan_LeafLjL: Actually, it doesn't. That's a very wise way to manage memory. In Windows, however, it uses swap when it's completely unnecessary23:09
pronoyLjL: yeah....i guess23:09
Ryan_LeafLjL: Which is a lot better for performance23:10
LjLpronoy: so you *might* get away with having less swapspace than you have RAM... if you have hideously large amounts of RAM... but it's not a good idea in general23:10
crdlbSeViLLa: ok, now 'lsmod | grep radeon' again23:10
pronoyLjL: understood23:10
waldirpronoy: did you say something? i think the scrollback filled up, perhaps cause I-m using pidgin from the live cd23:10
LjLRyan_Leaf: it doesn't what?23:10
erUSULRyan_Leaf: LjL you can change the tendency of linux to swap things in/out of memory see → /proc/sys/vm/swappiness23:11
Ryan_LeafLjL: Linux doesn't use swap unless it runs out of physical memory23:11
pronoywaldir: i was just suggesting using wubi in future to help with dual boot23:11
LjLRyan_Leaf: that's completely untrue23:11
* erUSUL nods23:11
DraconicusIs anyone else having trouble locating the ubuntu-restricted-extras metapackage?23:11
LjLRyan_Leaf: and it would also be a very silly way to manage memory, most of the time23:11
martin__i have a question about a logitech webcam... would i need to install drivers for ubuntu? will it automatically recognize it?, i have little expereience...23:11
waldirpronoy:  wubi... i've heard about that but cant remember for sure what it is23:11
LjLRyan_Leaf: you *CAN* set it so that it never swaps (as erUSUL said, just set that to zero), but it's NOT the default, and NOT a good idea23:11
puffpronoy: I'm not sure what the current situation is in the windows world, but Back In The Day, windows boxen typically had their network stuff misconfigured to the point where it was 50% of the possible throughput (e.g. 3-4kbps instead of 6-8kbps)23:12
erUSUL!webcam | martin__23:12
ubottumartin__: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras23:12
SeViLLacrdlb: ok stndr out is radeon                147616  023:12
SeViLLadrm                    86056  1 radeon23:12
pronoywaldir: windows ubuntu installer :) from inside of windows23:12
pronoywaldir: assuming you are using windows23:12
crdlbSeViLLa: ok, that looks right, now try restarting X (but without rebooting, so the kernel module stays loaded)23:12
waldirpronoy: oh yea... how is it better than the live cd?23:12
kadaveris there a big demand for wireless drivers?23:12
DraconicusI'm working on a client's computer and I can't seem to find it. It's the weirdest thing. I've done this routine again and again. The package won't come up in a search.23:12
puffRyan_Leaf:  I always had the impression that swap space was used for hibernate (aka suspend-to-disk).23:12
kadaverim thinking i should write one23:12
SeViLLacrdlb: how by using startx23:13
pronoywaldir:  its good for beginners who don't want much of a hassle but your way will teach you more :)(23:13
puffkadaver: _drivers_ as in adding support for heretofore under-supported wireless cards, probably yes.23:13
crdlbSeViLLa: it doesn't matter23:13
waldirpronoy: lol I hope so. my plan is to move definitively to linux23:13
Patg7590ok i feel reALLY DUMB-im trying to edit my xorg.conf file but I cant save it because im not the owner???23:13
puffHas anybody here done any serious amount of stuff with ubuntu on a flash drive?23:14
crdlbSeViLLa: ctrl+alt+backspace should put you back at the login screen23:14
Patg7590how do i log in as root and then save it in text edit23:14
waldirpronoy: I'll try to use windows as a VM to see if it goes well23:14
pronoywaldir: its really cool ...you know windows to linux..  only problem is accessing a windows shares using samba on a win server23:14
waldirpronoy: you lost me now xD23:15
puffPatg7590: a) Do NOT NOT NOT edit xorg.conf without making a backup.23:15
erUSULPatg7590: gksudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf &23:15
puffPatg7590: b) use sudo.23:15
Patg7590puff: i did make a backup23:15
puffPatg7590: Okay :-).23:15
pronoywaldir: well you know that run command in windows you use to access your space in a server23:15
puffPatg7590: Also, do you know about the virtual console key combos?23:15
pronoywaldir: you'll have trouble having to access that in linux especially in gnome23:15
BobTheBlueBerryanyone know why Xorg won't detect a device for i810 or nvidia driver?23:15
waldirpronoy: um, actually i dont think i ever used that >P23:16
gletobCan anyone point me to some good and recent guides to speed up Ubuntu?23:16
Patg7590puff: I know I have to use sudo- i it thgen proceeds to explain the syntax of commands to me23:16
SeViLLacrdlb: ok23:16
pronoywaldir: kde on the other hand is cool with that23:16
SeViLLacrdlb: brb23:16
adac Is there an alternative to the u3 launchpad? Most likely i wanted to have the access to my usb stick password protected23:16
Patg7590puff: How do I just login as root, edit the file, and save it?23:16
DraconicusI'm getting a lot of silence here.23:17
puffPatg7590:  Generally speaking, logging in as root is discouraged, and it is recommended to instead use sudo to execute specific commands as root.  This is true all over the linux world but especially so in the ubuntu world.23:17
BobTheBlueBerryPat7590: press Alt+F2, type "gksu gedit", open the file, edit it, and save it23:17
puffPatg7590: instead, just do "sudo <yourfavoriteeditor> xorg.conf23:17
erUSULDraconicus: probably you need to enable multiverse23:17
erUSULDraconicus: syustem>admin>software sources23:18
pronoypuff, Ryan_Leaf, LjL, hey i checked hibernate means to make an image of the RAM and suspend it on to the hard disk even on linux23:18
puffpronoy: Yes?23:18
waldirpronoy: I-m not sure what you mean by access my space in a server, I never used more than ftp to access servers23:18
DraconicuserUSUL: I've never needed to before. Is this a new development? o.O23:18
pronoyLjL: but 32 gigs of ram !! god damn !!23:18
DraconicusWell, I used to need to, forever ago. Back in the days of Dapper and Breezy.23:18
puffpronoy: I knew that, I was saying that I had a vague idea (not sure where I got it) that the swap disk was used to store that disk image.23:18
erUSULDraconicus: no; afaik23:18
pronoywaldir: well you'll come across that while accessing one in a uni23:18
savvasDraconicus: what are you actually looking for?23:18
LjLpronoy: don't swear please. are you sure? can i have the source? i admit i *was* under the impression that hibernation snapshotting was done on a per-allocated-pages basis23:19
puffpronoy: Er, that the swap disk was the place where that RAM image was stored on disk.23:19
Draconicussavvas: ubuntu-restricted-extras23:19
DraconicusI've set up six Ubuntu machines in the past month and never run into this issue. It's the weirdest thing.23:19
pronoyLjL: sorry for the swearing part :) i'll check the link and give it to you23:19
waldirpronoy: I think I'll worry about this problem once I find it :)23:19
savvas post the output of this command at www.pastebin.com : apt-cache policy ubuntu-restricted-extras23:20
SeViLLacrdlb: hey it still says ubuntu is running in low graphics mode23:20
pronoywaldir: take it nice and slow brother....once you'll come on to linux ....you'll love it like hell :)23:20
puffpronoy: Language please :-)23:20
waldirpronoy: btw a totally unrelated question: do you know if it is possible to change the password masking character?23:20
crdlbSeViLLa: pastebin /var/log/Xorg.0.log.old one more time (note the .old)23:20
puffpronoy: I am quite fond of vulgarity myself, but I believe the ubuntu folks want this to be a family-friendly channel.23:21
waldirpronoy: those huge circles are ugly :(23:21
pronoywaldir: um...no idea sorry man23:21
pronoypuff: my apologies23:21
Draconicussavvas: It's not this machine, so that'd be a bit of a bother. This really isn't a big deal, but it's weird. Same 8.10 disc was used to do two other machines, same exact steps (I have a list of steps I do on each job, my own bit of polish). This hasn't come up before.23:21
puffpronoy: no prob, I know it's hard to retrain your linguistic habits.23:21
Patg7590puff: command text not found: fml23:21
pronoyLjL: turns out there are differnent ways to suspend to disk23:21
Draconicussavvas: Nonetheless, I'll go try multiverse. Whatever works, eh?23:21
puffwaldir: I'm sure it's *possible*, but I don't know how, and it might not be easy.23:22
LjLpronoy: yes, there's at least the kernel's built-in one, and swsusp223:22
JTCooperis it possible to run the LAMP if I am running Ubuntu from a flash drive?23:22
puffPatg7590: what was the command?23:22
waldirpuff: i already did a quick search but found nothing23:22
carandraugwaldir: System>System> Login window23:22
savvasDraconicus: you can still download the packages using http://packages.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-restricted-extras - but whatever works :)23:22
Patg7590how do i paste in here withou getting screamed at23:22
erUSULJTCooper: i do not see why not. it would be slow as h*ll but it will run23:22
puffPatg7590: Use pastebin.com23:22
erUSUL!paste | puff23:22
ubottupuff: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)23:22
waldircarandraug: will look into that :)23:22
puffPatg7590: What ubottu said.23:23
unitedpotsmokershey guys, i have to go now.. thanks for helping me... love u all...23:23
SeViLLacrdlb: http://paste.ubuntu.com/139856/23:23
puffPatg7590: Do you have another machine to use to get help if your xorg editing fails to work?23:23
JTCoopererUSUL do I need to do any configuration of ports or anything to be to access it from another computer, or is it set up by default to listen for outside connections? I just want to try it out before I put together a computer to install on.23:23
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Patg7590puff: yes23:24
kindofabuzzis there any fs clean up that shoud be run after deleting a huge dir? huge as in 15G23:24
waldircarandraug: I don-t see an option there to edit the masking character23:24
carandraugwaldir: I checked and it seems you can only have those circles or have nothing at all (as in a terminal)23:24
erUSULJTCooper: no firewall is enabled by default in ubuntu. if someon (apache) is listening noone will block it23:24
txtestWelcome Mr. President23:24
puffPatg7590: Cool.  It's conceivable (dunno enough about your knowledge, your system and your plannes changes to xorg) that you could get your system into a state where it can run Xwindows at all.23:24
erUSULkindofabuzz: no23:24
carandraugwaldir: but I though it used to be possible to make them something else. Maybe you need to edit the themes23:24
waldircarandraug:  I think I've already been there earlier today, but I've messed with so many things that i want sure23:25
carandraugwaldir: but I don't see any button to do so23:25
JTCoopererUSUL is apache installed to listen by default? or do I need to edit the config file?23:25
crdlbSeViLLa: I'm stumped, I suggest you take that log to #radeon and see if they can help23:25
Patg7590puff: i just want to fix my display i just got this rig today for free and it wont go past 800x60023:25
waldircarandraug: good point, I'll take a look into the themes23:25
pronoycarandraug waldir: you'll need to edit themes to do that23:25
SeViLLacrdlb: k23:25
pronoycarandraug waldir: but i can't remember where does it mention how to change the masking23:25
whileimhereI was wondering if anyone can suggest a good site for image management and scanning for Ubuntu? I was very good in windows but so far my results are poor in a Linux environ. I have googled to my hearts content but there seems to be little out there that is organized about image scanning other than the GIMP which is nothing to do with scanners and scanning. The Xsane page is not much help either.23:25
erUSULJTCooper: well maybe it only listens in lo by default never installed it myself23:25
erUSUL!lamp | JTCooper23:25
ubottuJTCooper: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)23:25
Draconicussavvas: I would turn to that option now that I found that multiverse was already enabled (which would explain why it's never a problem - enabled by default).23:26
waldirpronoy: is it safe to mess with these configs while the intaller is running?23:26
pronoywhileimhere: scanning..i think kate is good nuff23:26
Draconicussavvas: Could this be a recent repo bug? Have you personally looked for the package?23:26
puffPatg7590: If your xorg gets horked, you would have to use the virtual terminal console to edit your xorg.conf. Are you familiar with that?23:26
JTCooperubottu, Thank you, I am aware what LAMP is, I am currently running a Windows Apache MySql PHP setup23:26
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)23:26
pronoywaldir: you can't mess with them i guess23:26
pronoywaldir: you'll need to come into the shell to do all that :)23:27
whileimhereI have not tried Kate. I have been sticking with GNOME apps up until now. Isnt kate a text editor though?23:27
Patg7590puff: no-i fail at ubuntu-im sorry- but im in this room on my mac at "PatrickGleason"23:27
Draconicusubottu: I'm on to you! :O23:27
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)23:27
pronoywhileimhere: oh my bad..i meant gwenview23:27
waldirpronoy: yea I noticed the GUI'd theme editor only allows to customize the colors, window borders, etc23:27
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waldirpronoy: not finer details such as the masking character for passwords :P23:28
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puffPatg7590: okay, this is just someting really good to know about for when things go wrong.  You can hit ctrl-alt-f1/f2/f3/f4/f5/f6 to get to a plain text terminal and log into your ubuntu box to edit stuf.23:28
pronoywaldir: i think you'll find that stuff in the gconf editor23:28
Patg7590puff: all at once? lolz23:28
waldirpronoy: I've been there but found nothing23:28
waldirpronoy: I might look again23:28
pronoycarandraug: does gconf-editor hold the masking properties23:28
puffPatg7590: no, the / denotes pick-one-of-thse.23:29
puffPatg7590: E.g. ctrl-alt-f123:29
Patg7590puff: oh gawd that was scary- I was almost trapped in there forever23:29
puffPatg7590:  and to get back to your xwindows screen, ctrl-alt-f723:29
carandraugpronoy: I really don't know23:29
Patg7590puff: yeah I flailed and got that ;-)23:29
puffPatg7590: Of course, this limits you to purely command-line and text-based tools (no point 'n click), bu tit's better than nothing.23:29
* puff still remembers the time he freaked out his mac-using friend by showing him that.23:30
Patg7590puff: so how does that help me fix my display haha23:30
puffOkay, so nobody knows about installing ubuntu on a flash drive?23:30
carandraugpronoy: it holds the gtk themes. I think the symbol used would be defined in the theme23:30
puffPatg7590: Well, if you break the Xwindows configuraiton, you will have to hit ctrl-alt-f1 and use the command-line tools to fix it.23:31
pronoycarandraug: i don't think the theme editor allows you to define that....23:31
puffPatg7590: What about that paste?23:31
pronoycarandraug, waldir: check on #compiz-fusion....they'll seem to know23:31
Patg7590puff: solid- im ready-ill follw you to the end of forver puff23:31
waldirpronoy: thanks :D23:31
carandraugpronoy: hmmm... maybe Let me look on gconf then. I never really bothered with themes23:31
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carandraugpronoy: i use the default human theme23:32
Draconicussavvas: *pokepoke*23:32
chopit's fugly23:32
pronoywaldir: haha.....these people want the same http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=93039723:32
puffPatg7590: Unfortunately, I have to get this flash drive thing going.23:32
waldircarandraug: I tried /desktop/gnome/font_rendering but nothing there... and the other entries didnt seem to be related23:32
Patg7590puff: ;-( ok... lol23:33
puffI started cobbling together a steampunk sorta look & feel on my old ubuntu install.23:33
waldirpronoy: I've been there :D23:33
puffPatg7590:  Okay, so pastebin the command and the error you got.23:33
puffPatg7590:  (e.g. go to pastebin.com, paste into the form, upload it, get the URL and paste just the pastebin URL here).23:33
cubashey, something really weird happens in my ubuntu23:34
cubasI installed argus23:34
pronoyyou know what's missing...... a live cd creator...once you get the packages on your machine you should be able to turn them into a live cd23:34
Alex_21How can I find out my boxes IP via Command-Line23:34
cubasthe binary is in /usr/sbin23:34
FloodBot1Alex_21: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.23:34
cubasit is a symbolic link23:34
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waldirpronoy: windows should have one of those live cds too!23:34
cubasbut it can't be run23:34
Patg7590puff: http://paste.ubuntu.com/139857/23:34
pronoywaldir: why ...you don't need packages on windows...i was talking about the basic libraries23:35
cubasany help please ?23:35
puffAlex_21: 1) IRC people like fewer, longer lines of text.23:35
Alex_21I know that23:35
waldirpronoy: I hate doing a windows install, and then installing all the software I use regularly23:36
Alex_21Screen Reader Users on IRC do not23:36
pronoycubas: if its a symbolic link it means an independent directory is being added23:36
DraconicusOkay, savvas seems to have imploded. I need somebody to check for a repo bug before I treat it as such...23:36
Alex_21How can I find out my boxes IP via Command-Line23:36
puffAlex_21: 2) ifconfig23:36
pronoywaldir: well its 3rd party software and heavy at that so creating a live hard disk would be the option on widnows23:36
waldirpronoy: hahahahha23:37
pronoycubas: its like if i installed jdk in my /usr/local i create a link in my /home to make it independent23:37
Patg7590puff: http://paste.ubuntu.com/139857/23:37
cubaspronoy, it points to argus_linux  file/directory23:37
waldirpronoy: any idea of another channel where people may know the answer to the pw masking char question?23:37
puffwaldir: that's probably doable. I've been thinking somebody should take infra recorder and make a self-burning ISO.23:37
cubasbut neither locate nor find can find it23:38
waldirpuff: I tried clonezilla for a windows partition I-ve kept untouched since I installed it, but it didnt work :(23:38
Alex_21Well, maybe not all Screen Reader users, but me anyways23:38
puffPatg7590: Have you used the textedit command before?23:38
pronoypuff: looks like a software job for #ubuntu-brainstorm23:38
Alex_21Lol, I'll concider sighted users a little23:38
cubasI'm not a newbie, I'm on slackware 2 years already....but this is really mysterious thing for me23:38
Patg7590puff: no :/ i am a super n00b at command line23:39
Patg7590i dont really know the syntax...like at all23:39
puffAlex_21: I sympathize, I'm not too hung up on it, but that appears to be the irc/ubuntu channel custom, so, when in Rome.23:39
carandraugwaldir: I went through all the gconf-editor entries that looked related and couldn't find anything either23:39
pronoycubas: its pointing to that link right ?23:39
cubaspronoy, on slackware you may usually run symlinks23:39
puffPatg7590: Maybe you should use gkedit instead.23:39
waldirpuff: not with a partition image at least. it worked when i tried to copy directly to another partition, instead of saving the original partition as an image before23:39
cubasand the system takes care of it23:39
waldirpuff: but that has little interest to me23:39
Alex_21Thank you for your help23:39
Alex_21Good day23:40
FloodBot1Alex_21: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.23:40
Patg7590puff: how do I use gkedit?23:40
pronoywaldir: you may want to look at at GTK channel23:40
puffPatg7590: erUSUL told you quite a while ago:  gksudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf &23:40
pronoywaldir: or the appearances are usually handled by the gods in #compiz-fusion23:40
cubaspronos, yes .... argus -> argus_linux ...on slackware there would be full path23:40
cubasI updated db, but I really can't find this file23:41
meowmeowLinux contains SCO's UNIX System V source code and Linux is an unauthorized derivative of UNIX23:41
waldirpronoy, carandraug: already getting some answers at #compiz-fusion :)23:41
mib_ak4tq1pronoy: i tried to reinstall again with the cd and no luck, just a black screen now23:41
pronoymib_ak4tq1: what ?23:41
DeevzFolks, I have windows vista on my drive atm, and I would like to shove it on one part of my hard disk and install Ubuntu on the other, any idea how I can do that?23:41
annaimkonkican i just get all the backtrack 3 apps in kubuntu? or is there a repo for all the backtrack 3 apps?23:41
pronoymib_ak4tq1: how ? tell me the steps that you undertook....23:42
PatrickGleasonpuff: ok restarting now-I dont know how I missed that23:42
cubaspronoy, I think that this is firstime I see a symbolic link pointing to nowhere23:42
pronoycubas: i don't think that file's not there .. do ls -l23:43
mib_ak4tq1Pronoy: well now when it starts it goes from peach screen to black23:43
mib_ak4tq1pronoy: i just followed the installation steps on the CD23:43
cubaspronoy, in entire FS, only one thing with name "*argus_linux*" is man page23:43
PatrickGleasonpuff: the 800*600 settings killed it :-[ running in low graphics mode23:43
pronoymib_ak4tq1: ok what do you mean by peach screen ??23:44
puffPatrickGleason: A well, restore from backup.23:44
pronoycubas: i had the same trouble with crossover but it turned out it was there...23:44
pronoycubas: cd from terminal using root previliges23:44
mib_ak4tq1pronoy: well after looking at screencaps it looks like the screen you would see when ubuntu is running without problems only there is no files/applications its just peach with the mouse visible23:44
PatrickGleasonpuff: what is the command to reboot? I hate holding the power button down whenver i dead-end-(which is often)23:45
pronoymib_ak4tq1: oh you meant the desktop....ok with the mouse as an x ?23:45
waldirpronoy: installation complete! I'll restart now, see you in a minute or 223:45
puff"sudo restart" or "sudo shutdown -h now"23:45
cubaspronoy, it really isn't... I'm root, in /usr/sbin, listing as much as I can, searching locating..but no success23:45
antoniusif i was to run update-manager -d, is there an quick way to downgrade to stable packages if one changes their mind?23:45
mib_ak4tq1pronoy: the mouse isnt even an x its just the regular pointer23:45
pronoycubas: where did you find the link ? cd to that directory.....and then ls -l23:46
mib_ak4tq1pronto: to get to that screen i have to run recovery mode and than resume normal boot23:46
pronoymib_ak4tq1: this is strange...23:46
PatrickGleasonpuff: sudo: restart: command not found23:46
pronoymib_ak4tq1: what parameters for the file system did you use ?23:46
mib_ak4tq1pronoy: i completely erased the computers and the windows that was on it, it was corrupted could that be the problem?23:47
cubaspronoy, this is evidently a buggy installation...I'm on linux 3 years23:47
puffPatrickGleason: sorry, "sudo reboot"23:47
puffPatrickGleason: Blah, I'm tired.23:47
pronoymib_ak4tq1: did you format the whole system ? although i don't know how that would affect at all23:48
pronoycubas: possible23:48
PatrickGleasonpuff:yeah sorry-23:48
mib_ak4tq1pronoy: yes i formatted the whole system its really weird, i used the CD i got mailed for 8.1023:48
pronoymib_ak4tq1: gimme ur system specs23:48
pronoymib_ak4tq1: and the partitions you made23:49
cubaspronoy, http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=argus+argus_linux+ubuntu&btnG=Search23:49
cubasaha :)23:49
PatrickGleasonerror parsing something something23:49
pronoycubas: its an argus problem ???23:49
PatrickGleasonthis is so incredibly not my day23:50
BobTheBlueBerrydid anyone here have a problem when they installed a nVidia graphics card, Ubuntu froze while it was booting?23:50
pronoycubas: why didn't i think of that....of course !!23:50
cubaspronoy, it looks it is, but if there is a symlink pointing to nowhere...it's a problem of both23:50
pronoycubas: i think its argus alone...take a look at the older package23:51
ckwalshAny way I can completely reset my network settings back to that of a default install?23:51
puffPatrickGleason: Well, pastebin it and see if somebody here understands it.23:51
ckwalshI've really f***'d up my network settings can now can't connect at all to hte network23:52
puffPatrickGleason: I'll be honest with you, I found dealing with xorg.conf to be painfully difficult.  Ubuntu usually gets it right, so I would be surprised if you can get better than what ubuntu delivered.23:52
puffckwalsh: Hrm, apt-get reinstall --purge?23:52
PatrickGleasonpuff: im trying to restore my effed xorg.conf file from the backed up one on the desktop but permission is denied23:53
screamHas the fglrx (ati) issue been resolved in Jaunty yet?23:53
ckwalshBut what package to re-install?23:53
ckwalshAnd would that work when I don't have a network connection?23:53
pronoyscream: i guess its more of an ati problem than a distro problem23:53
screamYes, I mean to say, has it been resolved upstream yet. :)23:54
Iceman_B^Ltopcan I use a remote terminal to start a GUI program on the local machine ?23:54
cubaspronoy, but this is a really interesting paradigm, think of how this might happen...I don't know :)23:54
eTranquility_Hi, I'm running 8.10 on my laptop. I want to switch my output from my laptop screen to an external monitor. How do I do that?23:54
puffPatrickGleason: How are you  trying to restore it?23:54
puffPatrickGleason: That is, what command are you using, "cp"?23:55
LordoftheLeftHanhi i'm new and i'm having a sound issue, i have a usb headset, if i go to system-preferences-sound and selected it and press test i can hear a test tone, otherwise i never hear any sound23:55
Patg7590puff: im dragging and dropping23:55
pronoyscream: uh you might wanna switch over to AIGLX if you aren't onto it yet23:55
puffPatrickGleason: "sudo cp xorg.conf.backup xorg.conf"23:55
Patg7590puff: is there a way to authorize so i can just drag and drop?23:55
puffeTranquility_: I suspect it depends on the laptop.23:55
puffeTranquility_: I know that with my thinkpad, it was hardware related.23:56
screampronoy,  I'm using the open source driver if that is what you mean..  I don't think I know aboit "AIGLX"23:56
puffPatg7590: Idaknow... maybe with gksudo, but I don't really mess with that.23:56
eTranquility_puff, It's a Toshiba Satellite. I just have no idea what to do.23:56
Patg7590eTranquilty: i did that- and now the laptop resolution looks horrid- i think the virtual resolution is messed-ive no idea how to fix it23:56
pronoyscream: that is the open source driver23:56
UKGentThe longer I live, the more I am of the opinion that it is best to stick to good old fashioned 'Tower' based PC's !23:56
puffPatg7590: gksudo is like sudo only for gnome applications.23:56
pronoyscream: i guess thats any day better than the fglrx23:57
screamah i see.  the prop driver worked better, so I'm hoping ati fixes... or maybe releases the source sometime :)23:57
ckwalshAny ideas?23:57
eTranquility_This is just temporary for a couple hours... I hope it's worth messing with.23:57
Patg7590puff: http://paste.ubuntu.com/139873/23:58
eTranquility_puff, is there an application for this?23:58
puffckwalsh: Probably (though I haven't verified this):  sudo apt-get reinstall --purge netbase23:58
puffeTranquility_: I have only messed with this sort of thing a little bit, on my thinkpad, and it turned out that it was defined by hardware details.  If I plugged a video cable into the video out before booting, it just booted up with the video out working and hte laptop screen blank.23:59

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