[00:00] very much so [00:00] work - watchin ER - getting drunk - work [00:00] any Deutsch [00:00] volunteer [00:00] arg [00:00] any volunteers? [00:01] JontheEchidna: bug 349847 => request information if gnome desktop => if so, it's a pulse related issue (no clue how to make phonon aware of this and using pulse though) [00:01] Launchpad bug 349847 in amarok "no sound in amarok" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/349847 [00:02] I'd move it to phonon though, since really phonon should be able to auto-detect that kind of stuff and take appropriate actions [00:02] JontheEchidna: what about you? It is no difficult, we need a ninja who can talk about Jaunty and the difference to Intrepid? [00:02] connect(m_brownies, SIGNAL(available()), this, SLOT(meetMyMouth())); [00:02] brb [00:03] and I think we can translate it :D [00:03] neversfelde: sure, I could do that [00:03] mm, brownies [00:04] JontheEchidna: ok, than I will write the questions and send em to you, thanks [00:04] you're welcome [00:05] I think this will be the first interview of any sort I've done [00:05] :) I hope you are able to understand what I am doing :D [00:07] apachelogger: I would say that the user in that amarok bug doesn't have pulseaudio, or at least that pulseaudio isn't involved [00:07] usually it falls back to pulseaudio if the soundcard fails and pulseaudio is installed [00:07] well, then why does sound not work? :P [00:07] Users will love it, cause there is an iincredible amount of non english speakers here in germany. And others will love a translated interview [00:08] -i [00:10] JontheEchidna: phonon issue anyway [00:10] agreed [00:10] JontheEchidna: I am going to write these questions in the next days and in case they are not as good as they should be, it would be great if you could correct them grammatikalisch [00:10] grammatically [00:10] arg [00:10] ok [00:10] ypu know what I mean :D [00:10] JontheEchidna: bug 348860 should have been converted into a question really [00:10] Launchpad bug 348860 in kdebase-workspace "Missing plasma.desktop file" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/348860 [00:10] and there goes kmail [00:10] \o/ [00:11] \o/ [00:11] crashy crashy crash ... next time I meet krake I need to beat him into converting kmail to akonadi :P [00:11] but Launchpad ships a broken product, I can't turn it into a question without reopening it :( [00:12] uhhh [00:12] ninja pictures [00:12] \o/ [00:12] JontheEchidna: well, technically the question is still unsanswered [00:13] but the bug will be closed as soon as there is a question, so it doesn't matter [00:13] but I'm lazy :P [00:13] * JontheEchidna gets off ass and converts bug [00:15] JontheEchidna: Got a good translator for my questions and I will create them tommorro, so no problem. I am looking forward and will send them to you via mail [00:16] Thank you in advance [00:16] You're welcome [00:17] JontheEchidna: bug 316889 => please mark that 1.4 is officially unmaintained and thus archive policy prevents us from adding it, also adding it with full feature set is merly impossible due to missing parts of the KDE 3 stack and more recent, thus unsupported, media transfer libraries [00:17] Launchpad bug 316889 in amarok "[jaunty] we should have both Amarok 2.x and Amarok 1.4" [Low,Won't fix] https://launchpad.net/bugs/316889 [00:18] * JontheEchidna would rather respond "nobody cares!" [00:18] JontheEchidna: be nice! [00:18] hehe [00:18] JontheEchidna: also, the last comment is complete nonesense [00:18] 2/3 missing features were implemented in 2.0.1 [00:18] yeah, he should report bugs if he sees them, not complain for old software [00:19] being the first 2 really [00:19] and I have no clue what the third one means anyway :P [00:19] yeah... [00:21] * apachelogger thinks that "first letter" sorting is pretty much the same as "name sorting", just that first letter sorting is a very narrow minded description for name sorting as you need a recursive sort everytime :P [00:22] So what's that bit about media transfer libraries? [00:22] I know stuff like the trash kio slave won't work [00:23] oh, lastfm [00:23] nah [00:23] well, as well [00:23] JontheEchidna: if not already the case libmtp/libgpod/... will become unusable due to API changes [00:23] oh yeah [00:24] I am quite sure libmtp support at least needs a patch for the version that is in jaunty [00:25] also at some point xine API will change as well, rendering the app completely useless ... that might not be for 2 or 3 ubuntu releases, but still it would be a supporting reason not to add it to the archives [00:25] anyway, all that roots in the no-unmaintained software policy [00:25] only makes problems [00:49] Tell them if they want old software they should use Debian stable. [00:52] nixternal: You could port klamav to KDE4 while you're trying to get unblocked. === vorian is now known as heHATEme [02:21] ohmy [02:21] ohyou? [02:22] dude [02:22] this server is gonna kill me [02:22] nixternal: check out my picture :P [02:22] * heHATEme upgrades kernel === jjesse_ is now known as jjesse [05:02] ScottK: klamav will not be a fun port to kde4 [05:03] dcop => dbus != fun [05:18] vorian: I just peed my pants, great pic! [07:32] why in gods name does gtk-qt-engine want to install half of Gnome!!!!!!!!!!!! [07:33] it's an eastern just for you [07:33] err, easter egg [07:33] its tres dumb [07:39] rgreening: I suppose something in the recommends depends on gnome... kinda like firefox... [07:39] * jussi01 gets very annoyed at the install recommends by default thing... [07:39] its a kde package for kde theming. i stand by my prev comment [07:40] dumb is dumb [07:40] rgreening: ++ [09:44] good morning :) [09:46] I wonder, are these gazillion console-kit-daemon PIDs running by default Kubuntu specific or is it a KDE bug? [10:00] Mamarok: hi [10:00] hi Quintasan :) [10:04] bug #148454 [10:05] Launchpad bug 148454 in consolekit "console-kit-deamon spawns too many threads" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/148454 [10:08] ohshi- I didn't know LaTeX will tak so much disk space :< [10:09] thx jpds [10:09] sorry to be so lazy not to look for it myself :) [10:10] * jussi01 waves to Mamarok from zurich [10:10] hi jussi01 ! [10:10] * Mamarok *waves* [10:10] jussi01: how is Baselworld? [10:10] :) [10:11] Mamarok: hrm... how to describe it - its been good, but even when you work in the industry, I still think its rather obscene... [10:13] oh yes, it is [10:14] also, one has to be aware that even the most bling Piaget will find somebody to buy it [10:14] and *that* is obscene [10:15] * jussi01 looked at ¤500k watches and ¤300k phones.... [10:15] * Mamarok thinks spending millions on *one* wristwatch is absurd [10:15] well, then you should have a look at a limited Piaget jewellery edition... [10:16] but 300k phones is ... *missingwords* [10:17] even on a mechanical great complications watch it is too much [10:17] Mamarok: thats the cheap ones... [10:17] even if one watchmaker works two years on one [10:17] but on phones it *is* obscene [10:18] I mean you can get killed for just because it is expensive [10:18] * jussi01 realises we are way offtopic and should probably go elsewhere... [10:19] :) [10:22] * Mamarok lives 142 km walking distance from Zürich [10:22] or so [10:22] * jussi01 prods Mamarok into #kubuntu-offtopic ... [10:28] hola [10:31] I think *.desktop for KPackageMenu should have kdesudo kpackagekit [10:31] s/KPackageMenu/KPackageKit [10:33] Quintasan: why so? [10:33] doesnt it grap privelidges when it needs them=? [10:34] grab* [10:36] * Mamarok thinks usability of kpackagekit is very bad [10:36] Mamarok: ++ [10:36] one doesn't see well what is selected and what not on LCDs [10:37] also the icons are far from obvious [10:37] filtering is better, but still [10:37] * Mamarok uses Synaptic [10:37] jussi01: It doesn't [10:37] best apt frontend I know [10:38] jussi01: I tried to update package list and it told me I don't have required privledges. [10:38] Quintasan: it works on and off, not always asking for password [10:38] Also the default permissions to usb devices in udev rules should be 0666 to allow users to use scanners. [10:39] and the option to make it remember the password for more than the session should go, far to dangerous for average users [10:39] Mamarok: It needs fixing anyways [10:40] I know, but even if Adept wasn't good, it's still better than Kpackagekit from the usability POV [10:40] * Quintasan is off to church [10:40] It's still in development, right? [10:41] yes, and it should not go into Jaunty at this stage IMHO [10:42] * Mamarok still can't configure her printer btw [10:43] works on Intrepid, old HP LaserJet 5L [10:48] Riddell: when you get to approve messages for the kubuntu-devel list, just throw mine away, it shouldn't have hit the list === seezer_ is now known as seezer === lumm is now known as _lumm [12:13] Konqueror I played some videos on youtube and others not. [12:13] Any idea, to play all the videos without problems? [12:16] It seems as if you load the wrong non-free flash player and sometimes if you do well [12:19] I think that problem can be AdBlock [12:53] has anyone had problems in jaunty with kontact/kmail forgetting an imap account? just happened to me again today, last time was a few weeks ago [13:00] * a|wen has not lost any accounts yet ... but this is only my 5th day on jaunty [13:04] the weird thing is that all the files related to the account disapear aswell, its not just something getting corrupted [13:04] I have a pop account and have not had problems === thunderstruck is now known as gnomefreak [13:17] i also don't have issues with kontact so far [13:24] Hmm strange. Got Phonon notifciation that the sound system isn't working :/ [13:31] hm, the konversation-sys-tray-icon is not in the systray in jaunty. it is in a usual window. [13:31] but it worked before i logged out and back in again [13:32] ARGH regressions ftw [13:32] something kills my sound card and IDK what :/ [13:33] and why there are depends on libpulse0, FFFUUU- [13:33] seaLne: interesting, I had such problems before kde 4.2, but do not recall seeing them in jaunty [13:53] is it known that konqueror does not scroll smoothly in jaunty? [13:53] (no matter effects are turned on or off) [13:58] Quintasan: welcome to hell, gues how I can test Amarok like that... [13:58] * Mamarok has to restart KDE over and over again to get sound again [14:01] * Quintasan thinks it's time to go skateboarding === thunderstruck is now known as gnomefreak [15:26] Any idea what might cause the akonadi server to exit with code 255? [15:30] Deleting every akonadi directory in my homedir fixed the issue:-) [15:57] Okay, KPackageKit is apparently also unable to install java due to no debconf: bug 350972 [15:57] Launchpad bug 350972 in kpackagekit "Kpackagekit not able to install sun java due to license agreement" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/350972 [15:58] I'm afraid we might have to revert back to Adept :( [15:59] Between that and not being able to do install-new-packages-type updates [16:02] shaman is a really nice package manager [16:03] shaman2 (still in development) is going to have a packagekit integration so it can work with kubuntu [16:03] and it's alike to synaptic which is a good thing imho [16:03] JontheEchidna: ++ on that idea. IMHO kpackagekit is not ready yet. [16:07] But as long as its installable people shouldn't be *too* mad, I hope :( [16:09] valgaav: sounds promising [16:51] is 9.04 shipping with KDE 4.2.1 or with KDE 4.2.2? [16:55] mat69: 4.2.2 [16:56] ok thank you [17:02] Hi, why is the eclipse packages updated for kubuntu 9.04 [17:02] updated = outdated [17:04] CPrgmSwR2: looks like eclipse might be unmaintained in debian, so probably no new versions to merge in [17:05] right. no manpower. [17:05] if you want a newer version, we can always use more manpower. ;) [17:05] I have no idea how to make a deb package [17:07] CPrgmSwR2: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide [17:08] the canonical guide is the Debian Policy, but it's likely awkward to the uninitiated [17:08] also, see #ubuntu-motu [17:08] i won't volunteer any motu or core-dev who happen to reside in this channel ;) [17:16] in any case, it won't happen for jaunty ... more likely for karmic (and if you are lucky with a backport) [17:18] so far eclipse has the best php ide environment [17:20] kdevelop4 with php plugin shows promises [17:22] does kdevelop4 work? [17:22] last time I recall it was still in devleopment [17:22] it is not released yet [17:23] yep [17:23] it is beta 1 currently [17:23] is it avaliable on jaunty [17:24] nevermind [17:24] its not [17:25] CPrgmSwR2: you might try Qtcreator [17:26] Mamarok: for php? [17:26] oh, sorry, overlooked that :) [17:45] do you expect kbluetooth4 to be currently working in jaunty? [17:45] It works, though it is a little unstable [17:46] it crashes on resuming from suspend, for example [17:46] i cannot send a file to a cell phone [17:50] EagleScreen: funny... i can send but not receive [17:52] I open send file, I choose the file, I select the device, and nothing happens [17:53] but now it is not listing the device [17:56] a|wen: I have the same... [18:13] regarding bluetooth: i can receive, but not send [18:21] * a|wen thinks this half the people can receive, half can send is rather weird [19:29] anyone else get this lame issue, if I open another tab or firefox window, and the previous was a flash site, not always immediately but eventually the flash area just goes away replaced with grey?? I then have to refresh the page, loosing stuff in the flash... [19:31] I do not experience that [19:31] though I'm using the beta 64 bit flash plugin from adobe [19:32] hmmm valgaav maybe i should try i'm also running 64bit [19:32] valgaav: how did you install it? [19:32] valgaav: is there a repo anywhere with it yet? [19:41] valgaav: could really use your help here [20:22] well [20:22] waitt a moment and I'll help you [20:24] get it from here [20:24] http://labs.adobe.com/downloads/flashplayer10.html [20:25] and when you unpack it [20:26] just move the libflashplayer.so to /home/your home folder/.mozila/plugins/ [20:26] should work out of there [20:27] BTW 64 bit flashplayer works so mouch better then the 32 bit one with ndiswrapper [20:27] even if it's beta I still recommend it if you are on 64 bits [20:44] good afternoon, it looks like my sound isn't working since my upgrade to intrepid, antyhing i can do to troubleshoot? [20:46] menat since my upgrade to jaunty from intrepid [20:57] that's probably somthing with new kernel update [20:57] did you make any hacks to get it working with 2.6.28 ? [20:58] or some alsa update issue [21:00] valgaav: nope in intrepid sound worked out of the box [21:01] well something that knows more then me should probably answer that [21:02] but is any sound driver listed when you issue in terminal a lsmod command ? [21:03] something = someone :P ... damn typo === emonkey-t is now known as emonkey [21:24] could someone with a german locale please try kcmshell4 --help [21:24] umlauts aren't rendered right here. === freinhar1 is now known as freinhard [21:35] freinhard: I can confirm this problem === seele_ is now known as seele