
=== vorian is now known as heHATEme
flixrI have on small problem on lauchpad: When I try to import my OpenPGP key via the fingerprint it says: The key B421DE2FCF2FD020A387E32AF50471C9A0FC4120 has already been imported.02:33
flixrBut it doesn't show up anywhere and I can't become an Ubuntero02:34
wgrantflixr: You seem to have two accounts - https://edge.launchpad.net/~f-ruess has that key.02:35
wgrantYou can merge them at https://launchpad.net/people/+requestmerge.02:36
flixrthanks wgrant02:38
ftahttps://edge.launchpad.net/builders/bohrium seems to have a problem. 3h+ to build a package that usually takes ~30 min, and it's still not complete..02:48
wgrantfta: Fortunately there's about 3 billion PPA builders now.02:50
ftawgrant, just thought i should report it, as it's suspicious. it's not really that i'm waiting for this build ;P02:52
wgrantfta: I guess the relevant people will notice on Monday.02:53
=== hanska is now known as Guest7257
MTecknologyhrm - I've been thinking about it and I really don't like this new single column layout in launchpad03:48
AskHLHello.  I would like to set the bzr launchpad login with the bzr launchpad-login command.  It then says: bzr: ERROR: https://launchpad.net/%7EAskHL/%2Bsshkeys is permanently redirected to https://launchpad.net/~askhl/+sshkeys .  Can anyone help?03:48
AskHLAs I see it, it doesn't provide any information about what's *actually* wrong or how to fix it.03:49
MTecknologyAskHL: what's your lp account?03:49
MTecknologyThere’s no page with this address in Launchpad.03:50
AskHLUhh, I thought that was my name.  But evidently it's something else.  I'll look at it, thank you03:51
AskHL(The name it reports is AskHL, but I realize that may not be the actual username)03:52
AskHLAh, now it's "askhl".  And everything works.  Thanks again.03:53
wgrantMTecknology: I think the single-column layout looks a lot better.04:06
wgrantParticularly now it is deployed more consistently.04:06
MTecknologywgrant: it is more consistent and in some ways cleaner - but I miss how it was04:09
MTecknologywgrant: I really like how the project groups are laid out04:10
wgrantIt's possible that the old team page layout was just bad, but the new team page definitely looks much better.04:10
wgrantAnd will look even better when the bugs are fixed.04:10
cody-somervilleIs there anyone around who can rename the sion project to gigolo?04:11
wgrantMTecknology: It looks cluttered to me.04:12
wgrantBut that could just be the unaligned dotted lines.04:12
MTecknologythe unaligned part is bad - but the rest of it feels clean and organized04:12
MTecknologywgrant: <style> div.right { padding-top: 13px; } div.products { padding-top: 13px; } </style>04:18
MTecknologywgrant: I'd say that would clean it up nicely04:18
wgrantMTecknology: That is better, but I think I still prefer the single-column one.04:20
MTecknologywgrant: I suppose I'll get used to it and in time forget what the old layout was like :P04:28
MTecknologyI think the reason I don't like it is just because it makes the pages really long and feels kinda disorganized04:29
wgrantMTecknology: Once you've lived through a few complete LP UI redesigns, you get used to it.04:44
TualatriXHi, Does anyone know how to make a daily-build bot for launchpad PPA?04:47
wgrantTualatriX: You might want to look at something like AutoPPA.04:50
TualatriXwgrant: cool! Thank you! i think autoppa is what I want.04:51
MTecknologywgrant: is there any way to donate? or does the whole ubuntu/laucnhpad thing not work like that?04:56
wgrantMTecknology: I don't know of any donation setups for Ubuntu or Launchpad.05:24
MTecknologywgrant: I made my first donation today05:26
calci think i found a bug05:55
cody-somervillecalc, o'rly?05:56
calci just linked an upstream bug to bug 174212 and it claimed it was linked by bugs 229839 bug 247485 bug 267371, which it is not, those bug reports just mention it in their comments05:56
ubottuLaunchpad bug 174212 in openoffice.org "Cannot save file to FTP server (from Save dialog)" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17421205:56
ubottuLaunchpad bug 229839 in openoffice.org "[gvfs] [smb] OpenOffice isn't integrated with gnome-keyring" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/22983905:56
ubottuLaunchpad bug 247485 in openoffice.org "[jaunty] Openoffice doesn't really use GVFS" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/24748505:56
ubottuLaunchpad bug 267371 in gvfs "[gvfs] [smb] Damaged OpenOffice files from samba shares" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/26737105:56
calcperhaps the wording should not be linked if the use case is to show which bugs might refer to the same bug?05:56
calceg "blah also links to the added bug watch (gnome-bugs #574968)."05:57
ubottuError: Launchpad bug 574968 could not be found05:57
calci'll file a bug report with screenshots its probably just a confusing wording issue05:58
cody-somervillecalc, Are you using edge?05:58
calcno i accidentally wasn't :\05:59
calccody-somerville: do you know if that was something fixed recently?05:59
cody-somervilleI was thinking maybe it was some new weird feature06:00
cody-somervilleI've never heard of launchpad claiming a bug to be already linked to an upstream bug simply by someone pasting a link to it in a comment.06:00
calci should be using edge but was sent a link that opened in regular launchpad06:00
cody-somervillehmm... launchpad should automatically redirect you06:00
calcyea it sounds like a nice feature but shouldn't use the word link if it is intended feature06:00
calccody-somerville: do i need to set something in my profile to do that?06:01
cody-somervilleIf you're a beta tested, launchpad generally doesn't let you go to the normal launchpad unless you visit the front page and disable automatic redirection for two hours.06:01
cody-somervillecalc, it wouldn't hurt to file a bug :)06:02
calcah hmm06:02
calci don't know why it lets me go to regular lp then06:03
calcmaybe using bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/foo causes it not to redirect?06:03
calcmaybe its the word links vs has a bug watch(?)06:05
calcdunno i'll file the report and see if it is intended behavior06:05
* calc headed to bed, bbl06:17
wgrantAlthough calc's gone - Launchpad will automatically create a link between the Launchpad bug and another bug whenever it sees a URL in a comment to a known bugtracker.07:00
wgrantIt's not linked to a task, but it's still there.07:00
wgrantIMO the check should only look for those bugs which have the link attached to a task.07:01
alkisg...still trying to figure out how translations work in launchpad: gnome-app-install uses launchpad for translations (https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu/jaunty/+source/gnome-app-install), so why doesn't it show up in the list of projects with translations in launchpad? (https://translations.launchpad.net/translations/+products-with-translations?batch=300)07:07
lifelessalkisg: the first url is in the distro - ubuntu is using lp to translate gnome-app-install; the second url is the lp upstream view, and gnome-app-install doesn't use that07:20
lifeless(if its not in the list :))07:20
alkisglifeless: In https://launchpad.net/gnome-app-install I see that gnome-app-install uses launchpad for translations... ???07:21
wgrantThat's why I didn't answer.07:22
wgrantIt has me confused.07:22
wgrantDoes it share its templates with the Ubuntu package?07:22
wgrantI wasn't aware that a product could reference a source package for its translations...07:23
* alkisg is totally lost with launchpad - I don't even understand wgrant's questions/notes :)07:24
wgrantalkisg: Projects and source packages are different concepts - but the gnome-app-install project seems to list translations from the gnome-app-install source package.07:25
alkisgBut gnome-app-install source doesn't have the translations tab enabled ( https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-app-install )07:26
wgrantAnd even though the project is marked as using Translations officially, it doesn't show up on the list.07:26
wgrantalkisg: Right, that's looks a bit strange, but it's just because you need /ubuntu/jaunty/... rather than just /ubuntu07:26
alkisgAh, ok07:26
wgrantHmmm. So it looks like there's a feature to share the translations between the two.07:26
wgrantHow confusing.07:26
alkisgLet me try with a different package...07:27
savvasso you mean the project translation is a link of the ubuntu source package translation?07:28
lifelessalkisg: oh interesting07:28
wgrantsavvas: Yes.07:28
lifelessperhaps it just doesn't have a non-distro template uploaded07:28
wgrantThat was my thought.07:29
lifelessas gnome-app-install is being developed for the distro folk may be slack on the upstream front :)07:29
wgrantThat page looks for templates rather than the official flag.07:29
wgrantlifeless: The Translations setup page for a project without templates suggests that you either upload a template or link it to a package.07:29
wgrantSo not having any upstream templates seems to be a valid case.07:30
wgrantSo +products-with-translations is buggy.07:30
lifelessI suspect a bug needs filing ;P)07:30
alkisgSo the same goes for https://launchpad.net/update-manager ?07:31
alkisgIt also doesn't show up in +products-with-translations07:31
savvassomeone should notify mvo :)07:31
wgrantYep - it again has no templates, and is really Ubuntu-only.07:31
alkisgSo, where should a bug be reported? (if someone can handle this, please do!)07:34
savvashey it's true, if you click on the link of a language, it sends you to ubuntu/jaunty07:34
savvasbug 35076007:56
ubottuLaunchpad bug 350760 in launchpad "+products-with-translations shows only products with upstream translations" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35076007:56
savvasI hope it's clearly put :)07:57
wgrantgmb: I thought the activity interleaving was already pretty awesome... but it's going to get more awesome?11:11
meoblast001i have a massive problem13:00
meoblast001all my times on commits are wrong13:00
meoblast001it says i made a commit in 11 hours13:01
meoblast001that makes no freaking sense13:01
meoblast001a few minutes ago it said i made a commit in 2002 that i just made13:01
meoblast001i set it to 8 pm13:02
=== thunderstruck is now known as gnomefreak
meoblast001hi im a little angry13:42
meoblast001why do both my comptuers come up as different people http://www.ohloh.net/p/amethyst-mm/contributors13:42
meoblast001i'm 1 account13:42
meoblast001i'm the same person13:42
meoblast001this shouldn't be happening13:42
meoblast001i've been overwritting my bzr repo since yesterday13:42
meoblast001so i have to make all my commits on my laptop from now on?13:44
meoblast001this is wrong http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~mysticgalaxies/grandwing/devel/revision/1713:47
meoblast001it should say Braden Walters13:47
meoblast001not meoblast at aol13:47
* meoblast001 bangs head off desk13:49
Ursinhameoblast001: you have to sign your commits the same way13:50
meoblast001$ bzr whoami Braden Walters <meoblast@aol.com> | bash: syntax error near unexpected token `newline'13:50
UrsinhaI commit from two different machines to lp and they look the same13:50
Ursinhamy commits are signed13:50
meoblast001how do you sign them13:51
Ursinhahave this setup on .bazaar/bazaar.conf13:51
UrsinhaI mean, I do :)13:51
meoblast001how do i do that13:51
meoblast001this is stressful13:51
Ursinhait's simple13:51
meoblast001Ursinha: do i have to resign every package?13:52
meoblast001and redo the entire bzr repo from the bottom13:52
Ursinhameoblast001: you're talking about commits, right?13:52
Ursinhacommits to bzr branches?13:52
meoblast001Ursinha: yes13:53
meoblast001Ursinha: commis13:53
spivmeoblast001: bzr whoami "Braden Walters <meoblast@aol.com>"14:01
meoblast001spiv: thanks14:02
meoblast001think i got it fixed now14:02
meoblast001i panic a lot when things are broken like this14:02
spivmeoblast001: the quotes are important; they tell bash to treat it as a single argument and to not try to interpret < or > as shell metacharacters.14:02
meoblast001spiv: i just went in and changed the file manually14:02
spivYou can also edit the ~/.bazaar/bazaar.conf directly14:02
meoblast001to match the one on my laptop14:02
spivYou can always check the result of a commit with "bzr log", btw, rather than pushing to Launchpad to figure out if it looks right.14:03
meoblast001ahh ic14:04
meoblast001spiv: thanks for the help though.... i've gtg now... have to go to church soon14:04
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=== thunderstruck is now known as gnomefreak
gmbwgrant: Thanks :). Moar awesome to follow, though...16:09
Tieffliegerhi :-)16:28
TieffliegerI'm trying to initial push data to a branch just registered on launchpad, but it hangs, can anybody help? :-)16:32
Tieffliegerdisregard that, it just succeeded16:32
Tiefflieger(waited several times over 15 mins without network activity)16:33
Tieffliegerthanks anyway ;)16:33
flixrhi, I requested a CVS import a couple of days ago and accidentally specified an invalid URL. Now it has been marked as invalid but I would like to know if and when this branch will be removed so I can request a new import for under paparazzi/trunk.17:22
Tieffliegerflixr: You should be able to delete branches by yourself, I think? But I don't know anything about these cvs-imports...17:40
mwhudsonflixr: which branch?17:41
mwhudsoni can delete it for you17:41
mwhudsonflixr: it's gone17:42
mwhudsonwe need to make removed dud imports much easier17:42
flixrAnd I also requested a merge of my old forgotten account f-ruess into my new one: flixr. I confirmed the mail addresses but I still can't import my gpg key. Does the account merge happen automatically or does someone still need to do it and I just have to wait?17:43
flixrhi, I have a question regarding merging accounts19:00
flixrI also requested a merge of my old forgotten account f-ruess into my new one: flixr. I confirmed the mail addresses but I still can't import my gpg key. Does the account merge happen automatically or does someone still need to do it and I just have to wait?19:00
mwhudsonno, it should be ok19:01
flixrmwhudson, any idea why I still can't register my gpg then? I doubt I forgot about another account I had and couldn't find one.19:04
holzmodemhi, I try to build a jaunty kernel+linuxphc patch INSIDE Launchpad PPA (local it works!), but the buildprocess reports "EE: Previous or current ABI file missing!" I prepare the source with debuild -S -sd, and this removes the missing abi files, how can I keep the abi files or fix the problem??19:04
=== abentley1 is now known as abentley
jelmermwhudson: hi20:38
mwhudsonjelmer: hello20:43
mwhudsonjelmer: have you seen my various missives over the last few days?20:47
jelmerhi thumper20:48
thumperhi jelmer20:48
jelmermwhudson: not sure - what are missives ? :-)20:48
mwhudsonjelmer: well, messages20:49
mwhudsonjelmer: bzr-git creates dud xml, bzr-svn depends on python 2.520:49
jelmermwhudson: ah, no I didn't see anything20:49
jelmerwhere did you send?20:49
mwhudsonjelmer: #bzr20:50
mwhudsonjelmer: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/139834/20:50
jelmermwhudson: current bzr-svn should work with python2.420:52
jelmermwhudson: somebody contributed a patch20:52
jelmermwhudson: I was going to say bzr-git/dulwich are a fair bit faster now, and no longer have memory issues20:53
jelmermwhudson: this is actually a bug in bzr20:55
jelmermwhudson: bzr-svn has a workaround for it, I'll add it to bzr-git as well20:55
jelmer(some characters can't be represented in XML, and so we have to strip them out)20:56
mwhudsonjelmer: right, i assumed it was a bug in bzr that you could even create this revision "xml"20:56
jelmermwhudson: yeah21:01
mwhudsonjelmer: oh right, and does "fetch_spec" ring any bells for you wrt bzr-svn compatibility fun?21:02
mwhudsoni was hacking on the plane and getting errors21:02
jelmermwhudson: That should also already be fixed21:03
jelmerwhat version of bzr-svn are you using?21:03
mwhudsondunno, trunk of a week or two ago21:04
jelmermwhudson: s/trunk/0.5 ? :-)21:06
mwhudsonjelmer: s/trunk/lp:bzr-svn/21:06
jelmermwhudson: ah :-) But yeah, I've added support for fetch_spec recently (not sure if it was less than two weeks ago though, probably a bit more)21:08
mwhudsonjelmer: ok21:08
=== Ng_ is now known as Ng
wgrantflixr: I wonder if the account merge process didn't move the OpenPGP key across - asking at https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+addquestion is probably a good idea.21:12
flixrwgrant, ok I'll do that21:15
jelmermwhudson: also, bzr-git/dulwich are now significantly faster21:20
mwhudsonjelmer: ok21:20
mwhudsonjelmer: sounds like it's time to upgrade our dependencies21:20
jelmermwhudson: dulwich now includes two (optional) C files21:22
mwhudsonjelmer: ok21:23
jelmermwhudson: can you remove the existing ~jelmer/git/trunk branch?21:38
jelmerI've just created a new one with the bug workaround21:39
mwhudsonjelmer: i can, but so can you surely? :)21:39
mwhudsonjelmer: it's gone21:41
jelmermwhudson: thanks21:44
jelmernot sure why I thought I couldn't do that21:44
flixrI was wondering if someone could delete the user paparazzi, since it is a dead account with no information and no activity since begging of 2008?21:46
spmflixr: I can... but why?21:55
flixrI want to register a team for the project called paparazzi and would have liked to name the team paparazzi as well21:56
flixractually I just registerd the team under paparazzi-team21:57
wgrant2008 wasn't long ago...21:57
flixrjep, ok21:57
spmflixr: in these cases; we'd ask that you send a request to the person in question if they mind losing the name; we can rename them or similar. ditto your team.21:58
spmIf they don't respond within a week or two... well that tends to imply a certain amount of interest-lack.21:58
flixrok, I'll do that21:59
spmcool. just raise an 'Answer/Q' when you get thee ok, or nothing and we'll take from there.21:59
flixrjep, thx22:01

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