
=== BHSPitLappy_ is now known as BHSPitLappy
=== savvas_ is now known as savvas
_MMA_Call me crazy, but if I have multiple layers in GIMP and erase something on 1 layer, shouldn't I see the layer below?17:47
thorwil_MMA_: crazy17:52
thorwil_MMA_: check: there is a layer below, it is visible, it has content in that area17:52
thorwil_MMA_: you do not have a selection that interferes with erasing in that area17:53
thorwil_MMA_: there is no layer mask that might get in the way. you are working on the layer, not the mask17:53
thorwil_MMA_: you are actually using the eraser tool17:54
thorwil_MMA_: you are in fact working with gimp17:54
_MMA_Yeah. (to all) :)17:55
thorwilmouse and keyboard are connected, the pc is plugged in and turned on17:55
_MMA_I even turned it off and on again.17:55
thorwil_MMA_: you checked all layers in between?17:56
_MMA_Just the 4.17:56
thorwil_MMA_: can you make that file available?17:56
_MMA_thorwil: I could, but for now I just worked around it. I'll dig more later.17:57
thorwilrecently my dad complained that the stereo in the kitchen turned into mono. i checked the speaker cabling on both ends before i thought of the balance fader ... :)17:57
_MMA_hahah. I kinda did that the other day! :P17:58
thorwildinner time!17:59
Superdweebkwwii, new art themes, super dooper.17:59
Superdweebbackground is awesome.17:59
Superdweebjob well done.17:59
SuperdweebGDM theme is a little shitty though, it's dark enough to scare people.17:59
_MMA_It's all shite! :P17:59
SuperdweebI've noticed an error with compiz on see?18:00
Superdweebstandard effects.18:00
Superdweebyou run firefox see?18:00
Superdweebclick on any menu and the menu will , erm , work, but the entry for the menu is blanked out.18:00
_MMA_thorwil: I set a box for the kids to watch movies. Turned it on, sound was wrong. ie: was missing a channel. Spent 2hrs going through ALSA stuff before I checked the cables. They had a short. :P18:00
SuperdweebI've got this weird request18:04
Superdweebsee, I've never made this request, and I've been troubled by this issue since about, erm, 4.10.18:05
Superdweebwhen you resize a gnome panel so it's only part, it has these thingies on the end18:05
Superdweebwith the braille on them18:05
Superdweeband if you make your panel transparent, well those thingies are really ugly18:05
Superdweebbecause they stay grey.18:05
SuperdweebI want to be rid of them ,but I don't know how to delete them.18:05
Superdweebyou guys worked magic with the rounded window corners18:06
SuperdweebAnd the new color theme is nothing less than perfection18:06
_MMA_Superdweeb: No. It;s a preference.I believe you can hack them out of the theme.18:06
Superdweebthose little stubs are as annoying as can be, and I have NEVER found a way to be rid of them18:07
Superdweebthe appearance panel needs to have a tab marked hacks , where users can turn on or off window corners, border width, gnome panel stuff like those little thingies, stuff like that.18:08
_MMA_Superdweeb: I certainly ain't gonna do it for ya. I got my own stuff to work on. But I'm 90% positive you can get rid of the "handles" in some fashion.18:08
SuperdweebHey, I got lots of ideas that are stupid, but those handles have got to go.18:08
_MMA_Time for you to make it happen them. ;)18:08
Superdweebgood one.18:09
SuperdweebI don't even know where to look.18:09
Superdweebyou people need to make an exporting utility for themes.18:10
Superdweebnot a save-as, an exporter to make a tar file with everything included.18:10
Superdweebin fact, sabayon needs similar.18:10
Superdweebpeople that want to customize tons of copies of ubuntu at once need a way to let the user do the modifications without re-building a release ISO.18:10
_MMA_Oh god. Please ask questions before you make assumptions about what we do here.18:10
* _MMA_ points to topic.18:10
Superdweebyou've got awesome artwork.18:11
Superdweebsorry for trollin.18:11
_MMA_We do nothing with the technicals in Ubuntu or GNOME.18:11
Superdweebwell, you aut to annoy them a bit.18:11
_MMA_Well that's 1 way *you* can help. :)18:12
Superdweebbehdad estabod slipped a whole shit load of bugs into fedora ten, I'm glad jaunty will be released AFTER the patches were applied *shudders*18:12
SuperdweebGtkTheme=New Wave18:13
Superdweebso I need a copy of the tar for the new wave theme18:14
SuperdweebI didn't think ubuntu stuff got uploaded to places like that18:19
nysosymhi there :)21:02
SiDiI think it is21:11
nysosymhmm ok, but it doesn't match with the rest21:11
SiDiI think it goes really well with the Miu community theme21:12
SiDiand with human reprise, too21:12
dashuaSiDi: I agree ;)21:38
dashuabzr branch lp:~dashua/murrine-themes/Ubuntu-Testing21:38
SiDiheya dashua :)21:38
dashuaAdded a higher contrast version and a few other tweaks if you want to test ;)21:38
dashuaHey mate21:38
SiDidashua: is there a way to convince you to make a Human Reprise version with dark panels ? :P my gtk skills are not very high21:39
SiDii'm gonna test this in a while, yeh21:39
SiDiright now, trying to get my jabber account working ^^21:39
dashuaSure. not hard21:39
dashuaI'll make a mod for you21:39
SiDiThanks :)21:40
SiDihm btw, i still have white toolbar text in firefox with this new human reprise version21:42
SiDibeginning to wonder if it doesnt come from me, or from intrepid+firefox+murrineSVN21:42
SiDiI like the new scrollbar, but i prefer the previous scrollbar-arrows, they had more details when being hovered :p21:44
dashuaSiDi: Dark panel version committed.21:49
dashuaSiDi: Arrows = steppers?21:50
SiDii liked the fact that they were going brown when clicked, and the fact that they were fully bordered21:50
dashuaTry changing stepperstyle = 2 in the gtkrc21:51
dashuaSee if that's what you mean21:51
SiDiOkies, sec21:52
SiDiwas that21:52
SiDiWell thanks :P21:53
SiDiThanks for the theme :)21:56
SiDibtw, still using Miu's metacity ?21:57
dashuaSiDi: pull again, forgot something on the dark panels21:59
dashuaNot really21:59
dashuaI kind of abandoned it21:59
SiDiIs there a way to get tarballs from launchpad's web interface, btw ?22:00
SiDibzr branch is awefully slow :p22:00
dashuaTry bzr pull22:00
dashuaIt's usually pretty fast22:00
dashuaNot sure how to do it22:01
SiDiDamn i need to go :(22:01
SiDii'm in a public wifi room and they close it at eleven pm T_T22:01
SiDii'll download that theme later, thanks again and have a nice evening dashua ;)22:02
dashuaYou too, c ya22:02

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