
nullackping asac : re aus and nz language for FF and flash plugin02:11
Hobbseenullack: it's a sunday....02:12
nullackHobbsee: As much as Ive been known to be confused, Im aware its Sunday :) asac is reported as online in the users list02:13
nullackHobbsee: Hello by the way :)02:13
Hobbseenullack: I believe he uses a proxy, fwiw02:13
Hobbseehello :)02:13
Hobbseeor leaves his client open over the weekend02:13
Hobbsee[12:14] [Whois] asac has been idle for 15 hours, 52 minutes, and 4 seconds.02:14
screamREally confused at this one...02:31
ubottuUbuntu bug 350672 in linux "Ubuntu 9.04 Beta - BusyBox (like in 8.10)" [Undecided,New]02:31
screamI've changed it to imcomplete because it needs more information.02:31
screamFor example, what exactly is busybox, and what is the big exactly.02:31
screamI notice that the reported changed the status back to new without providing more information.02:31
screamWhat are the thoughts?02:32
screamOk, I see what occured.02:34
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screamRegarding old bugs, they are ok to close if no activity in say, four weeks?05:52
dtchenthat's on the fast/not lenient side05:53
dtchennothing wrong per se05:53
screamI see.05:53
screamOn the older bugs (lenient side) comment about the oldness then set to INCOMPLETE or INVALID?05:54
dtchenscream: yeah, give or take a couple weeks06:00
dtchenscream: i tend not to move to invalid unless there's compelling reason (or it's one of the source packages i care for)06:01
dtchenscream: have you read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/Status, BTW?06:01
screamdtchen, I have...06:02
screamHowever, I'm seeing it done both ways as I look around the tracker, and I wanted to know which way was preferred... before I go diving in.  I don't want to cause more work, I want to reduce it.06:03
dtchenscream: a good rule of thumb is not to be overzealous in adjusting statuses06:03
dtchenmost of the "major" source packages have people tending them06:04
screamI see.06:04
screamI've applied to the bug control team today as well.06:04
screamdtchen, thank you for your advice.06:06
screamdtchen, I have just discovered that I can manipulate bugs via email.06:15
dtchenscream: yes, it's quite useful. i tend to triage bugs using the G1 when i'm traveling.06:32
screamWhy is the bug tracker not processing commands via email?06:32
dtchenare you sending them in gpg-signed e-mail?06:32
screamI am.06:32
screamLet me show a bug I sent a command...06:33
ubottuUbuntu bug 334601 in flashplugin-nonfree "package flashplugin-nonfree failed to install/upgrade" [Undecided,Confirmed]06:33
screamsee the very bottom06:33
screamThe status is still "confirmed".06:33
screamI'm not sure how I'm screwing this up... but if I could issue the commands via email, I would be more efficient.06:34
dtchendoesn't look like you passed "done" after the "status incomplete"06:38
dtchenyou don't need to mark it incomplete, BTW06:39
screamNot intended, that was a test of the email interface, for which I was going to undo myself.06:39
dtcheni'll be filing a bug against update-manager to insert logic for this situation06:39
dtchenit's one of those unfortunate situations arising from a wget wrapper06:39
screamdtchen, this one I have confirmed... and have attempted to mark it as such06:52
ubottuUbuntu bug 350737 in ffmpegthumbnailer "(jaunty) ffmpegthumbnailer leaks memory 600MB then after killing it 6 thunars opened" [Undecided,New]06:52
screamBut I note here, the status is still "NEW".06:52
screamdtchen, ok I see07:05
screamThe command need a leading space.07:05
screamI must have missed that part of the instructions.07:05
ubottuUbuntu bug 350739 in ubuntu "Jaunty doesn't read mutimedia card" [Undecided,Incomplete]07:05
screamIt worked there... now if I can figure out how to keep the commands or signature from cluttering my comment, I'd be set.07:05
screamHow do I link a bug in comments?07:39
screamyeah... so it can be clicked on07:40
screamDo i just post the entire url07:41
YoBoYput "#NUMBER"07:41
YoBoYscream: oups, no its "BUG NUMBER" sorry no #07:42
YoBoYlike here :p07:43
screamIs this a good triage?07:43
ubottuUbuntu bug 350734 in kdeutils "ark crashed while creating a file" [Undecided,Confirmed]07:43
YoBoYit's a duplicate ?07:46
screamNot exactly... I created a duplicate myself in order to include the log files when I reproduced the bug successfully.07:46
YoBoYwhy not including this log files in the firstbug report ?07:47
screamI did not see an option on the apport to save those files on the desktop, it wanted to do a bug report.07:47
* scream waits.07:48
YoBoYfor the next time ;)07:50
YoBoYso now, or you remake the upload oy you logs on the first repport and mark the second as duplicate, or you put more information onthe second and mark the first as duplicate :)07:51
screamI have already marked my bug as a duplicate of the original07:51
YoBoYha yes :) (need coffee...)07:53
screamotherwise, good triage?07:54
YoBoYyes :)07:54
YoBoYcan you estimate the importance of this bug ?07:55
YoBoYcan you also try to reproduce this bug on Jaunty beta ?07:56
screamLow, because it has a moderate impact on the core app (ark).07:58
screamI have successfully reproduced this bug on Jaunty Beta.07:58
YoBoYok it's on your collected data07:59
screamHave I estimated importance correctly?08:01
YoBoYi don't know, i think :)08:01
YoBoYnot for me.. it's to help the bugcontrol team, and to learn how to give the right importance, you can see with the time if you have a good feeling on identifying the importance of a bug08:03
Laibschhey, does http://rafb.net/p/tEVJzi88.html make sense to anyone?  I don't understand it.08:05
LaibschRunning gourmet on Jaunty there08:05
YoBoYit says that the md5 module is deprecated...08:06
YoBoYno not the problem here...08:07
Laibschyes, that is not the problem I think08:08
Laibschthank you for taking a look08:08
YoBoYNUM_AND_FRACTION_REGEXP << it think this expression is "compiled" i don't know what this mean08:09
yofelLaibsch: It's a bug - two lines above the error in convert.py the expression already get's compiled in the else part. and you can't compile the expression twice08:14
Laibschwhy did this not seem to be a problem with python 2.5?08:14
Laibschdo you understand that?08:15
* yofel wonders about the same thing08:15
Laibschare you using gourmet?08:15
yofelLaibsch: no08:17
yofelLaibsch: I just tried it with python2.5 - it seems compiling something multiple times is no problem there o.O08:17
LaibschThank you all the more for trying things out08:18
yofelmaybe the guys in #python can help you more08:18
=== asac_ is now known as asac
askandHello, regarding bug 285746 . The programs has not changed a lot since it was declined for intrepid, is it then wise to put in Jaunty? It is still trating manually installed packages as cruft, and unacceptable behavior. Threads promoting it's removal until this is fixed; http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1109200 and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=108011610:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 285746 in computer-janitor "System cleaner removes explicitly installed third-party packages" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/28574610:49
=== paul_ is now known as Elbrus
gilesI have solved a problem with mysqld not starting in Jaunty 9.04 Beta11:47
gilesfirstly I had to install mysql-client-5.1  because the startup script has a dependency on mysqladmin11:49
gilessecondly, I had to make the script create a /var/run/mysqld directory and chown mysql:mysql /var/run/mysqld11:50
YoBoYhi giles, this is an open bug on LP ?11:51
Hobbseegiles: do you have mysql-server-5.1 installed?11:53
gilesI do now11:54
gilesoh sorry11:54
gilesi didn't really want mysql in the first place, but I think KPackageKit apt backend depends on it.11:56
Hobbseelooks like that's the package that creates /var/run/mysqld, not the client.11:56
Hobbseewhich probably makes sense - the server is a daemon, no?11:56
gileswell I don't want the server11:58
gilesI just want the bit that forfills the dependency for kpackagekit11:59
gilesWhen I upgraded I think it installed mysql-common11:59
gilesi think that creates a script that tries to start mysqld at startup11:59
gilesso I think it is a bug11:59
asachmm nullack is offline12:04
=== Igorot is now known as Knightlust
=== thunderstruck is now known as gnomefreak
maxbHmm... I thought apport-collect was supposed to provide all the attachments that initially reporting a bug with apport would?13:37
maxbAny thoughts on what might have gone wrong here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/35027913:37
ubottuUbuntu bug 350279 in linux "Caps Lock Key Causes System Panic on Acer Aspire One" [Undecided,Incomplete]13:37
=== thunderstruck is now known as gnomefreak
screambdmurray, did my application look ok?17:30
screamanyone active at the moment?17:44
Ampelbeinscream: just ask. someone will reply sooner or later17:46
ubottuUbuntu bug 351050 in apport "apport-collect crashs with non int input" [Undecided,Confirmed]17:47
screamJust a little mentorship...17:47
screamDid I triage this correctly?17:47
Ampelbeinscream: looks good. you tried recreating, succeeded in that and changed to confirmed.17:48
Ampelbeinscream: you got a suggestion for importance?#17:48
screamLow, because it has a moderate impact on a non core.17:50
screamIs that correct?17:52
Ampelbeini'd agree. the user is supposed to run apport-collect with a bugnumber, not a package.17:52
Ampelbeinthough most crasher-bugs should get medium17:53
Ampelbeinimportance set17:54
screamsecond question17:55
screamOk to assign bugs to myself when I am either investigating them or attempting to reproduce them?17:56
Ampelbeinscream: you can assign them to you if you are investigating. but you should unassign as soon as you can confirm it.18:01
screamAmpelbein, thank you for your advice.18:01
Ampelbeinor if you are working on it. then set to "in progress" and assign to you.18:01
=== scream is now known as JonCharge
=== JonCharge is now known as scream
=== scream is now known as JonCharge
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
penguin42what should I do with #118840 - I merged a few together on this, and about a month ago asked whether anyone still had it (all reports were 7.04, 7.10) all replies say it's gone away - what's the right thing to do to it?21:49
hggdhbug 11884021:59
ubottuLaunchpad bug 118840 in coreutils "[apport] id crashed with SIGSEGV" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/11884021:59
hggdhpenguin42, I am guessing we can close invalid, with a note to reopen if someone is able to grab a nice backtrace of it22:02
penguin42ok, it looks pretty much like it was a 7.xism that's gone22:02
hggdhit might. Since then coreutils went to 6.10 on our archives, and is now (upstream) going on to 7.222:03
hggdhthanks penguin4222:03
penguin42no problem22:03

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