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Kohai_UTI'm a newbie trying to install mythbuntu 9.04 beta.  When it gets to detecting hardware, my screen goes through several iterations of blank with red dots (messed up video) to a stop watch cursor icon.  then it hangs at a blank messed up screen.02:50
Kohai_UTIt seems like it was trying to test video resolution support since sometimes the stop watch cursor icon looked stretched.  The machine is running, just seems like my video is out of whack.02:51
Kohai_UTChipset is nvidia and I tried to isntall with both the nvidia driver and the open source driver option with the same results. Any ideas?02:51
darthanubisKohai_UT, newbie and beta do not mix, why?02:57
darthanubishow much "testing" can a newbie perform anyway?02:57
darthanubisyou should be using 8.10 which is STABLE02:58
Kohai_UTI should say I'm a newbie to mythtv, but not to linux.  I'm interested in features that are coming in .22 and may dable with some of the features in development.03:00
Kohai_UTI seem to be testing the install so far!03:00
Kohai_UTIt looks like if I wait long enough (5+ min), it starts the rotating again.03:15
Kohai_UTI'll submit it as a bug against 9.04 beta.03:36
Kohai_UTThanks, good night all03:36
Zinn!help For a  complete list of my knowledge visit: http://www.baablogic.net/Zinn.cgi  Other available commands: !status, !about, !bug [bug_number].03:52
Stemming78Problems with MYSQL - unable to get BACKEND running....05:08
Stemming78Ran:    1. sudo dpkg-reconfigure mysql-server-5.0      2. sudo dpkg-reconfigure mythtv-database       3. sudo dpkg-reconfigure mythtv-common05:10
Stemming78anyone online that can answer this?  Unsure as to WHY a fresh installation has problems getting MYSQL to install properly05:13
Stemming78PLEASE help...  Dont want to do another install!!!05:17
Stemming78I think this may be the problem (Step 1 - left blank for password)05:20
foxbuntuStemming78, what are you doing different from the normal install?05:20
Stemming78mythbox@mythbox-backend:~$ sudo dpkg-reconfigure mythtv-database05:20
Stemming78Failed to connect to database (incorrect admin password)05:20
Stemming78Failed to create or modify database (incorrect admin username/password?)05:20
Stemming78Nothing...   FRESH installation and at Mythtv Setup - getting no unod found, then cannot login to database...   4th time installing software05:21
foxbuntuStemming78, a blank password __will__ work but is not suggested for security reasons, my first question is,  is the frontend on the same machine as the backend?05:22
Stemming78What I changed on my box - 1. added a 2cond drive to run OS from   2. Another PVR 500 card (now have 2).    3.  New Motherboard w/ AMD processor05:22
Stemming78Previous box worked fine after installation....05:22
Stemming78Yes, this is a Frontend and Backend machine05:22
foxbuntuStemming78, which release are you using? (8.10?)05:23
Stemming78Installed 8.10 and it crapped out (same problem) so I tried the 9.04 v6.2 beta05:25
Stemming78On 9.04 now -   much faster install as there is NO LONGER a graphical interface for 8.10 -  installs like 6.1005:25
Stemming78*cannot use the mouse for 8.10 with MUCH more settings to input05:27
Stemming78foxbuntu: just tried again to set the passwords/ip address (this time with a password)...  getting same error message Failed to connect to database (incorrect admin password)05:29
foxbuntuStemming78, ah...leave the IP alone05:30
Stemming78I did...  Only this time set a MSQ root password05:30
foxbuntuStemming78, on a Primary Master Backend (until you add remote frontends) the IP needs to be set to in both IP fields05:30
Stemming78I have a remote frontend - just turned off atm05:31
Stemming78will try again...05:31
foxbuntuStemming78, ok then if you have a remote frontend, did you enable the MythTV service during the install?05:32
Stemming78OK,  now it is working.....  set the IP address to and selected "NO" to remote frontend05:34
Stemming78Now, is there a setting in MCC that can be selected for Remote Frontend to work without having to change this again?05:35
foxbuntuStemming78, are you using the root username and password in MythTV Backend Setup?05:35
foxbuntuStemming78, for MySQL yes, but you will need to change the backend settings to allow frontends05:36
Stemming78no....   root is ///*** and mysql is *****1205:36
foxbuntuStemming78, what?05:37
Stemming78to get remote frontend to work05:37
foxbuntuStemming78, in the MythTV setup where you are getting the error, what username are you using?05:37
Stemming78not sure...  it is working now though...  would have to have to go back and it fails agian05:38
foxbuntuif it fails when you go in, then its not working, its still configured wrong05:39
Stemming78ok, so go back in (  sudo dpkg-reconfigure mythtv-database ) and allow for remote frontend?05:39
foxbuntuStemming78, why are you trying to do things with dpkg-reconfigure to set the passwords?05:40
foxbuntuStemming78, at this point you _have_ deviated from a normal installation05:41
foxbuntuStemming78, not that we cant make that work...but I want you to understand where you are at05:41
Stemming78These are the steps I found to fix issue I was having (unable to login to database:  MYSQL)     1.  sudo dpkg-reconfigure mysql-server-5.0     2. sudo dpkg-reconfigure mythtv-database   3. sudo dpkg-reconfigure mythtv-common05:41
Stemming78I realize that....  but fresh outof the box it wouldnt work05:42
foxbuntuStemming78, thats a method to reset the mysql root user password and then reset the backend databased and apply those changes to mythtv-common05:42
Stemming78ok...  so what now?05:42
foxbuntuStemming78, run: mythtv-setup05:43
foxbuntuStemming78, actually, have you setup a static IP, or setup DHCP reservations on your network for your master backend?05:44
Stemming78Router has set static for master backend05:45
Stemming78nothing set on the machine05:45
foxbuntuthen in mythtv-setup, General > set the IPs to that IP05:46
foxbuntuwell before we do that...lets enable remote frontends05:46
foxbuntuopen up MCC05:46
Stemming78k...  switching between screens so there will be a delay -   2 computers connected to the TV\05:47
Stemming78at MCC05:48
Stemming78enable MYSQL Services?05:48
foxbuntuthen click apply05:49
Stemming78OK - finished install...  Mythtv Setup now runnning ...   change both local and master IPs to
Stemming78* two fields05:51
Stemming78ok - 1. General is setup.....05:53
Stemming78Complete the other settings I suppost05:53
Stemming78What do I use for the WinTV PVR500?  analog?05:54
Stemming78that is new to me...05:55
foxbuntuno, IVTV05:55
foxbuntuor its PVR-xxx or something similar05:56
foxbuntunot Analog V4L device05:56
Stemming78This is NEW settings from before...   with IVTV -   getting dev/video0,1,2   then jumps to dev/video24,25,2605:57
Stemming78PVR500 has 2 tuners...   Have 2 istalled05:57
foxbuntuStemming78, you want, video0,1,2,305:58
Stemming78I know....  dont have the 3 as an option05:58
foxbuntutry typing it in05:58
foxbuntuor from the terminal try: ls /dev/video*05:59
foxbuntuand see what exists05:59
Stemming78output:   http://mythbuntu.pastebin.com/m53c8645a06:00
foxbuntuso video3 is there06:00
foxbuntujust go ahead and type it into mythtv-setup then06:00
Stemming78put not an option in the IVTV06:01
foxbuntufor the video device you typed in: /dev/video3, correct?06:01
Stemming78typed it in and it reverted back to 006:02
Stemming78ONCE setup that is....   Think the tuner may be of issue?06:02
Stemming78I can manage with 3 tuners....06:03
foxbuntuyou tried to edit one that was already setup?06:03
foxbuntuyou need to type it in when you are ADDING a new tuner06:04
Stemming78nm....  I got it.... oops06:04
Stemming78scrolled through a list06:04
Stemming78sorry fior the confusion06:04
Stemming78Ok....   Runnning Mythfilldatabase....06:13
Stemming78Now TRYING to mount the MOVIES and VIDEOS that are stored on my Vista box....06:13
Stemming78Here is what I have done in the past --  rusty....  Maybe I am missing something06:14
Stemming78Do I need to cmodify exports?06:15
foxbuntuStemming78, the filesystem should be smbfs06:15
Stemming78not cifs06:16
foxbuntucifs in your fstab needs changed to smbfs06:16
Stemming78same error06:16
Stemming78Fstab file:   http://mythbuntu.pastebin.com/m528c915806:19
Stemming78.smbcredentials file:   http://mythbuntu.pastebin.com/m19f0b4de06:20
foxbuntuStemming78, here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountWindowsSharesPermanently06:21
Stemming78thanks...  will mess with that.06:24
Stemming78BTW, I know you are in the building business...  How is the company going?06:25
Stemming78Also, should mention there is a new way to network if you havent already heard about them -  Power Over Ethernet.06:26
Stemming78Link to supposedly the best ones on the market.06:26
foxbuntuStemming78, I know all about those networking technologies06:30
foxbuntuStemming78, I am in beta testing with my products06:30
foxbuntuStemming78, I have hardware that fits my insane requirements finally and I am happy with how it works06:31
Stemming78very good...  frind of mine just told me about them... thought I would pass the info on.06:35
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mnabilguys , how can i preconfigure ubuntu deb package with know user name and password for mysql  ,or how can i do this in the preseed file12:51
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MythbuntuGuest72I am having trouble setting up my remote.  I am using a homebrew serial receiver.14:55
MythbuntuGuest72IT was working in mythbuntu just fine until last night14:55
MythbuntuGuest72I was pluging somthing into a different serial port and had to set uart to 16550A14:56
MythbuntuGuest72once that was done, lirc stopped working.  I reset all serial ports back to uart none, but no joy14:57
MythbuntuGuest72Lirc starts and when running irw or irrecord, i can see them attaching to lircd14:58
MythbuntuGuest72but irw does nothing on button press and irrecord bails after 10 seconds of not seeing button presses (but they are being pressed)14:59
MythbuntuGuest72im pulling my hair out, I have followed http://www.mythtv.org/wiki/Ubuntu_Serial_Lirc_Install with no sucess15:00
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Aksorhi guys15:48
AksorI really need some help15:48
AksorI'm new to linux and I made the mistake of installing powersave and mythbuntu will not boot now15:49
AksorI get past the logo and then it gets a cursor blinking in the top left corner then drops down to the (ramfs) prompt telling me it can't find init15:51
AksorI can mount the disk using the live cd but not sure what to do from there15:52
crxlpyhey superm1 just got the trunk mytharchive, making an iso now. no errors so far w00000t16:38
crxlpyjust thought I would give feedback since you helped me out last week16:48
MythbuntuGuest00anybody on?17:49
Zinn!help For a  complete list of my knowledge visit: http://www.baablogic.net/Zinn.cgi  Other available commands: !status, !about, !bug [bug_number].17:50
AksorMust be a sunday everybody still sleeping17:51
Aksornever mind I fixed my own problems17:51
Guest83135Hi! I'm a Fedora user sorry... anyway as I can't find any #Fedora-mythtv channel I'm posting here...18:25
rhpot1991Guest83135: you'd be better off in #mythtv-users18:27
Guest83135 I have a problem, I created a channels.conf file using the  scan utility... when I try to import it into mythtv (0.21) it crashes the application... any suggestion?18:27
Guest83135rhport1991: ok, thanks...18:27
bmsleightHi, I have been running my myth machine for a about three years. Time for a hardware upgrade. I am thinking of 3 of (Hauppauge Nova-T 500 dual digital TV tuner) - giving 6 unique feeds. To give extra flexibility or even more cards.   So the question is how many tuner cards is silly ?22:46

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