
Tumieyou need to watch this: http://www.dumpert.nl/mediabase/452421/abf79b21/he_krullenbol_.html12:52
Tumieit is a dutch website, but the movie is english12:52
johnc4510morning all, morning uwn team16:59
kennymc0morning johnc451017:05
Tumiegood evening johnc451017:21
Tumieis daylight saving time also started in the US ?17:24
tycheTumie: Arizona is one state that doesn't use daylight saving time.  So, we're always UTC-7 hours.17:25
Tumietyche: i knew that people in Arizona were weird ... :P17:26
tycheYou've been talking to me too long.  Hee hee17:26
Tumiein the netherlands, the goverment is putting 2.3 million euro (about 4-5 million dollar) into open source software,, they want to use it :)17:28
tycheOh, THAT'S good to hear.17:29
Tumieit is better than pay for all the windows licenses XD17:29
Tumiedid you see the jaunty login ?? it is great!!17:30
tycheI quite agree.  I think more and more people/companies/countries will be realizing that in this financial crunch.17:30
tycheNot yet.  I've got the beta, but haven't installed it yet.17:31
Tumieit is great..17:38
Tumiei will upload a screenshot17:38
Tumietyche: http://www.easy-upload.nl/index.php/file/649cfa443c184a17:39
Tumiethat is the login17:39
Tumie(dutch version :P )17:39
tycheKEWL!!!  That looks good.17:40
Tumiejaunty is just great..17:41
tycheI've got to get the time to install it.  May tomorrow.17:41
Tumiejaunty has a simelar application like "system cleaner"..17:42
Tumieand it also removes third party packages :O17:42
tycheThey always have had, but it had to  be run manually from the terminal, or automatically as set up in Synaptic (and hard to find in there)17:43
Tumiesystem cleaner needs to ignore third party packages.. but it doesn't..17:44
Tumiemy parents are calling me..17:44
Tumiemy brother says "we have a present for you (a) come and take a look" .....17:44
Tumieit will be something silly XD17:44
Tumieo my god..17:52
Tumiei'm going..17:52
Tumiebye all17:53
johnc4510The new issue of the UWN #135 is now available:21:13

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