
josh-lcan anyone tell me where i can find debs for ubuntu kernel 2.6.29 please00:38
josh-lwondering is there anything special I need to do when installing restricted extras? it seems to install a lot of lib32s and other 32 stuff02:59
kb9vqfjosh-l: AFAIK the 32 bit stuff is present to allow restricted 32-bit-only applications (Flash, etc.) to run on a 64-bit system03:01
josh-lkb9vqf: what if i'm using flash x86-64 then03:01
kb9vqfjosh-l: Another is Sun Java03:02
vorianflash, java, msfonts, etc03:02
josh-lis that stuff going to slow anything down trying to use 32 bit stuff?03:02
josh-lthere is also java 64bit now03:02
josh-lok cool03:02
josh-lcan anyone remind me how to install something without recommended using apt-get pls? --no-recomended or something03:02
JontheEchidnajosh-l: --no-install-recommends03:13
josh-lthanks JontheEchidna03:13
claydohmore nice reviews : http://lxer.com/module/newswire/ext_link.php?rid=11809603:39
claydoherr http://tuxarena.blogspot.com/2009/03/10-essential-applications-included-in.html03:40
DaSkreechjjesse: ping06:16
* jussi01 waves to Riddell10:50
a|wenhi Riddell!10:56
* a|wen waves to jussi0110:56
* jussi01 waves back10:58
LureRiddell: hi - do you have time to upload digikam from before beta-freeze?11:19
* Lure not sure if you got it last time11:19
RiddellLure: sorry, will get onto digikam shortly11:37
Riddell~twitter update SNCF doing their very best to make sure I can't buy train tickets11:59
kubotustatus updated12:00
RiddellLure: uploaded, sorry for the delay12:57
agateau_Riddell: SNCF? Does this mean you are going to be at SLOS?13:17
Riddellagateau_: no was trying to book a train to UDS, failed miserably though13:18
=== agateau_ is now known as agateau
agateauRiddell: mmm you do not go by plane?13:18
Riddellwell I will now but I was trying not to destroy the planet more than I have to13:19
agateauoh I see13:19
Riddellbut their website is broken, it's even broken for the staff when you phone them up13:19
agateauthat would have been a long trip, though13:19
Riddellworth it if I don't feel guilty when half of England is under water13:20
agateauyou're right13:21
Riddell~twitter update I hope Nicolas Sarcozy privatises SNCF13:21
kubotustatus updated13:22
Riddellthat's how grumpy I am ^^13:22
agateau(says the guy who is considering bringing is family by plane for weekend between allhands and uds)13:22
agateauRiddell: not that privatising railway companies did any good to GB13:22
Riddellat least I /can/ book tickets online here13:23
agateauRiddell: I found the comic applet useless for me without a one-line patch, can it go for Jaunty (it's hardly essential)?13:26
Riddellagateau: working comic applet is very important!13:26
agateauRiddell: does it work well for you? for me the "Configure" button does not want to go away13:27
agateauwithout the patch (picked from trunk)13:27
Riddellagateau: yep, can't get it to do very much here13:28
Riddellagateau: but check if the patch is in 4.2.2, we're going to upload that shortly13:28
agateaujust checked: it is13:28
agateauRiddell: jaunty will come with 4.2.2?13:28
Riddellagateau: yes, want to test the packages?13:30
agateauYes, would be interesting13:31
agateau(and avoid patching obsolete code :D)13:31
agateauRiddell: so i am a Kubuntu-ninja? do i need to go shop for ninja gear now?13:33
Nightroseotherwise you wouldn't be a good ninja would you? ;-)13:46
agateauNightrose: :) let's hope they have my size13:56
=== thunderstruck is now known as gnomefreak
seeleis there a beta test page?14:49
jjesseseele: on iso.qa.ubuntu.com there is a page for reporting results of the beta isos if that is what youare looking for?14:57
seelejjesse: ah yeah, i guess so15:06
stefanlsdHi guys, im trying to fix a FTBFS issue by using <includehints> in a .ui file and i'm getting Unexpected element includehints.15:16
reisican anyone running latest Jaunty with Intel (UXA enabled) drivers confirm X leaking 50-100MB memory per ~6h?15:21
freinhardreisi: ack, got a memory leak here to15:22
freinhardreisi: i think that's already reported at freedesktop.org15:22
reisifreinhard: great, no need to dup it then!15:23
freinhardreisi: http://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=20766#1 maybe you'd like to reply to this comment.15:25
ubottuFreedesktop bug 20766 in Driver/intel "Memory leak with UXA" [Normal,New]15:25
reisifreinhard: i'll do that.. here I was thinking I had already regged to every possible bugzilla installation on the planet but again found a new one :)15:29
Riddellstefanlsd: I've not used those but can you add them from Designer?  presumably it'll be better at getting the XML right15:29
stefanlsdRiddell: thanks. I dont have designer, thought it may just be easier to add it to the xml.15:30
freinhardreisi: freedesktop.org should install the openID plugin for bugzilla, but i guess the're in lack of manpower15:31
stefanlsdRiddell: Just installed it though, let me try :)15:31
stefanlsdRiddell: Ok. includehints doesnt exist anymore - it now looks like  <includes>  <include location="local">volumeslider.h</include>  </includes>15:35
a|wenfreinhard and reisi: might be worth checking for a bug in LP and be sure to link against the upstream bug; so the fix can get included when available15:44
freinharda|wen: i linked a b.f.o bug for UXA crashes, but can't remember that i did that for a memoryleak bug...15:46
Tonio_hi there :)15:47
* Daskreech waves15:47
Tonio_Riddell: we have to ping glatzor for bug 27241015:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 272410 in packagekit "packagekit says: The backend took too much time to process the synchronous request - you need to fork!" [Unknown,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/27241015:47
a|wenfreeflying: worth checking...15:47
Tonio_Riddell: It happens quite often it seems15:47
freeflyinga|wen: what?15:47
a|wenTonio_: you're a core-dev?15:47
Tonio_a|wen: sure, why ?15:48
a|wenfreeflying: sry ... still need to get used to the quassel autocompletion ... meant freinhard15:48
a|wenTonio_: some k3b fun, bug 33916315:48
DaskreechYeah I don't like it either15:48
ubottuLaunchpad bug 339163 in kdemultimedia "No actions available for audio cd" [Low,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33916315:48
Daskreechkonversation still has the nicest autocomplete in my view15:49
Tonio_a|wen: for k3b3 ?15:49
a|wenTonio_: jup ... or are we going to replace it?15:49
freeflyingallee: hehe15:49
Tonio_freeflying: I'd like to, but it sounds a bit late for this... Riddell ? ^^15:49
Tonio_freeflying: it works well for me, but still receives lots of commits everyday, so the app may not be considered finished...15:50
Tonio_a|wen: that was for you sorry15:50
* a|wen thinks everyone is name confused today :)15:50
Tonio_a|wen: an SRU is probably better, once the kde4 k3b is considered stable...15:50
a|wenTonio_: or at least a backport; we agree on that view ... then the upload is relevant :)15:51
Tonio_about actions..... well we can add them, but that'll break the feature freeze, and also can fail to work, as the audiocd protocol of kde3 is not compatible with kde415:52
Tonio_a|wen: I prefer not to try to bind a kde3 ioslaves to kde4 actions...15:53
macowoohoo! kwin stopped lying to me!15:53
RiddellTonio_: no, we should e-mail glatzor about that and the no dist-upgrade issue15:53
Daskreechlie to me kwin lie to me!15:53
JontheEchidnaRiddell: also we need to address KPackageKit not doing debconf at all, and making java installs fail15:54
RiddellTonio_: that k3b patch looks good (without having tested it)15:54
RiddellJontheEchidna: well that's a much larger issue and we knew it would be a problem15:54
Tonio_Riddell: I can upload sure... Looking at the patch in details now...15:55
JontheEchidnaah, ok15:55
a|wenTonio_: it simply fires up k3b ... but of course if k3b kde3 version is broken in that sense, we shouldn't15:55
JontheEchidnaOther than search, KPackageKit seems to be inferior to Adept in every way :(15:55
macoDaskreech: if i told it to enable desktop effects, it would do so, then claim it couldn't, then disable them15:55
Tonio_a|wen: right, it won't use an ioslave as a URL... looks sane then15:55
Tonio_a|wen: uploading :)15:56
macoits now keeping them enabled since it obviously *can* do them15:56
Daskreechmaco: maybe after years of being in the background it now wants attention?15:56
Tonio_a|wen: your debdiff is for kde4 ?15:56
a|wenTonio_: no, for kde315:57
a|wenTonio_: but somebody messed up the versioning :P15:57
Tonio_a|wen: ho yeah "really kde3".... what a mess....15:57
Tonio_a|wen: I think I'm the responsible, since I uploaded the kde4 version in the archives instead of my ppa :)15:58
a|wenTonio_: exactly, that was what the ":P" was for15:58
Tonio_a|wen: did trueg respond to you ? since kde4 is only on my ppa, we can wait for upstream to include it15:58
a|wenTonio_: already included ... they got the same idea in parrallel with us it seems15:59
Tonio_a|wen: oki ;)15:59
a|wenTonio_: jup, ripping does work in k3b kde3 :)16:08
seelehow is ntp configured in kubuntu? it's a global system setting and not controlled by the kde module, correct?16:12
Riddellyes /etc/default/ntpdate16:12
seeleit would be nice if the kde module could know what was ocnfigured there.. it is confusing if ntp is enabled but the option isnt checked16:15
seelejsut because kde isnt managing it16:15
seeleWindowsUninstall is working on the configu ui at the moment16:15
stefanlsdRiddell: Im trying to fix a FTBFS problem with lastfm thats related to qt. Our bug is here,    https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/tripod/+bug/337862 and gentoo has a patch.    http://bugs.gentoo.org/attachment.cgi?id=182330.  The gentoo patch is a patch to the build generated file, instead of the .ui file. Do you have any ideas?16:15
ubottuUbuntu bug 337862 in amarok "Small libgpod3 -> libgpod4 transition" [High,Fix released]16:15
Daskreechmoin jjesse16:18
Riddellstefanlsd: use whichever works :)16:18
Daskreechjjesse: sent you mail16:19
Riddellseele: I'm afraid I don't know the details of what the kde module changes and how that works (or not) with our ntp setup16:19
DaskreechWhy would KDE need a different Time protocol setup ?16:20
Daskreechwhen you are logged into KDE you are in a different time zone than if you are not?16:20
stefanlsdRiddell: heh. im feeling like im at that point, although im not actually sure how you jump in there and modify stuff in the build directory (its qmake) and funny kde stuff :P16:20
seeleDaskreech: it's a UI for the option rather than someone editing /etc/default/ntupdate16:21
seelealthough i dont know what it actually configures when you check it16:21
Riddellstefanlsd: in the first instance you can just apply the patch then build the package (with debuild) to check it works16:21
Daskreechah but it doesn't know if ntpdate has been changed?16:21
Daskreechthat's kinda bad16:21
Riddellstefanlsd: then you add the patch to the packages patch system which usually means putting it in debian/patches16:21
seeleDaskreech: i'm trying to find out what it actually does16:22
seelehmm.. my developer ran away16:22
Daskreechseele: tried ignoring ntpdate and configuring everythign in KDE and see what it does?16:23
seeleDaskreech: that's just guessing. WindowsUninstall is working on the module now and i'm trying to work out how to fix it16:23
seelehe can look at the code and say "it does this when you check the box"16:23
Daskreechas long as he doesn't runaway16:24
stefanlsdRiddell: I guess im trying to understand the rules of a qmake system.  Normally i would be running ./configure and make somewhere, and i'll patch just after configure. In this case, i need to patch a .h file that is generated from a .ui file after running uic. So im not sure where in the rules I would do that...  http://paste.ubuntu.com/140780/  (rules file)16:25
seelewhat is in /etc/default/ntupdate? I dont seem to have one16:26
Daskreechp is important16:27
seeleoh duh.. thanks16:28
seelehum.. that doesnt seem to be the place you turn ntp on and off though16:33
Riddellseele: that file also mentions /etc/ntp.conf, which doesn't exist16:37
Riddellmm, not sure what actually runs it though, can't see it in /etc/init.d/*16:39
Riddellseele: probably keybuk would know what actually happens16:40
a|wenseele / Riddell: as long as ntpdate-debian is installed it will run ntpdate using the options in /etc/default/ntpdate16:40
Riddella|wen: and what runs that?16:41
a|weni'm pretty sure it is added as an if-up.d rule, but let me check16:41
a|wensorry, the package is actually called ntpdate ... ntpdate-debian is the name of the executable16:42
Riddelloh aye /etc/network/if-up.d/ntpdate16:43
Riddelland ntpdate-debian is a shell script to read in /etc/default/ntpdate and run ntpdate16:43
=== jtisme is now known as jtisi
a|wenRiddell: and the README.Debian of ntpdate says to install ntp if you have good network connection and need constant updates16:44
Daskreechjjesse: is the book intended for 9.04 or 8.04 ?16:45
=== jtisi is now known as jtisme
blizzzkonqui drives me crazy :(16:56
* Daskreech plays some Fine Young Cannibals17:01
jjesseDaskreech: intended for 9.04 and yes i got your email17:02
Daskreechah ok there are some places it speaks of 8.04 when I'm sure you mean 9.04 and some places where yuo say 9.04 where it sounds remarkably like 8.04 :-)17:02
seelea|wen: how do you disable it? remove the ntpdate file?17:06
seelea|wen: or does it simply run regardless if it is installed?17:07
WindowsUninstallhi *17:07
* Daskreech dogpiles on WindowsUninstall17:08
a|wenseele: you mean, if you want it not to run at all, but still have the option to run it manually?17:08
seelea|wen: have the option to turn on and off the service17:08
* Daskreech tries to think of a scenario not involving mushrooms where he doesn't want to know what time the rest of the world is in17:09
a|wenseele: if you remove the file /etc/network/if-up.d/ntpdate it will not run ... to turn it on you need to check that the package ntpdate is installed and that the /etc/network/if-up.d/ntpdate file is there again17:10
Riddellthat doesn't sound great for coding a configuration tool17:11
seeleyeah really17:11
a|wenmy 5 grain of salt ... don't meddle with it17:11
a|wenseele: ntpdate is installed with priority important17:12
WindowsUninstallRiddell, uhm, anyway I don' think that hard coding configuration related things is a good idea17:13
RiddellWindowsUninstall: how else would it work?17:13
WindowsUninstallI think that we should have something like "configure-tool set ntp enable"17:13
WindowsUninstallso every distribution can put its own code in that tool17:14
Riddellcould be part of the network-manager dbus API17:14
RiddellWindowsUninstall: did you work out what KDE tries to do at the moment?  have you looked at what gnome does, if anything?17:14
* a|wen votes for removing that configuration options altogether17:15
seeleRiddell: it runs ntpdate once and then forgets about it17:15
seeleso it is more like a function button than service option17:15
WindowsUninstallRiddell, KDE now calls rdate or ntp17:16
seeleif left as is, the checkbox needs to be removed because it isnt doing what the UI implies17:17
WindowsUninstallanyway that module may need to be updated17:18
WindowsUninstallit is 11 years old17:18
WindowsUninstallso we can improve it17:18
WindowsUninstallRiddell, I can't understand why it should be part of the network manager API17:18
RiddellWindowsUninstall: just a suggestion.  at the moment in ubuntu we have ntp run when the network interface is enabled so it could be done there17:21
RiddellWindowsUninstall: and to get distros to standardise on some sort of interface, n-m may be the best chance17:21
WindowsUninstallRiddell, honestly I don't love nm17:22
WindowsUninstallI've seen wicd working better than nm in some cases :P17:22
Riddellnobody does but it's what the distros use and offers a standard interface for desktop apps17:22
WindowsUninstallRiddell, we should try to introduce a generic tool that allows KDE/GNOME to tell distro what users want17:24
WindowsUninstallif we implement something  like config-tool17:24
WindowsUninstallevery distro can implement it's own config-tool17:24
WindowsUninstalland that can be a good idea, I think17:24
a|wenisn't it kind of a left-over function from when you needed ntp run as a daemon to get things done ... it looks like most distros simply just updates the clock as a service out-of-the box17:25
RiddellWindowsUninstall: it's a good idea but I suspect you'll have trouble getting distros to actually do that17:32
Riddellwhich is why I suggest n-m since distros go out of their way to work with that anyway17:32
WindowsUninstallRiddell, give me a chance to talk with debian/gentoo/arch/mandriva people17:32
WindowsUninstalldo you know any fedora guy?17:33
WindowsUninstallany suse, guy?17:33
DaskreechJimbo's fantastic distro 2009 edition17:33
Riddellwell in KDE land, rdieter for fedora, wstephenson for suse17:33
Riddellbut this goes beyond KDE land17:34
seeleso what is the stop gap solution? remove the option from the kcm?17:38
seelebecause it really makes no sense at all17:38
WindowsUninstallseele, right now it's still good for lazy people17:39
seeleWindowsUninstall: how? it doesn't do what it implies17:39
seeleit doesnt control the service, it simply runs ntp once and that's it17:39
WindowsUninstallyes, in the worst case we can replace it with a17:40
seeleif it stays, then it needs to be changed to a function button, because that is what it does17:40
WindowsUninstall"Update Date&Time" button17:40
* WindowsUninstall goes away for a couple of hours17:52
nixternalhaha, nice nick ;)17:52
WindowsUninstallanyway there is a small bug with the installer: rome is in a wrong timezone17:55
josh-lanyone use stasks for your panel? what do you think about expanding option? I like it, but wish it was somehow more intuitive... its a bit of a pain to get to windows when they expand18:31
Daskreechjosh-l: slightly better question for #kde18:35
Daskreechnot even sure if stasks is in the repo18:35
josh-lDaskreech: its not in comon repos, but there are repos with it18:35
ScottKIf it's not in our repo, it's pretty definitely off topic here.18:41
Tonio_Riddell: I saw your mail to glatzor, thanks for this (I would have send it toonight....)18:55
Tonio_Riddell: there is another one I'm testing right now about sun java and the licence agreement18:55
=== mcasadevall is now known as NCommander
josh-lhey all19:33
josh-lanyone know where plasma widget files are located?19:33
jrdnyquistcoooool: The NVIDIA 180.44 Linux driver officially adds support for several new graphics processors, fixes various OpenGL crashes (including the KDE 4.x Plasma problems)19:38
smarterhey, kpackagekit finally works here :]19:50
blizzzsmarter: with licence   confirmations?19:51
smarterno idea19:51
smarterlooks good, the error message when something 404 isn't necessary imho, or should be less scary at least :]19:54
blizzzi read a blog post once about funny error messages19:56
smarterand it'd be nice if it displayed download speed when downloading the package19:56
smarteroh, said something about being too slow and needing to fork19:56
WindowsUninstallRiddell, http://system-tools-backends.freedesktop.org/20:03
josh-lanyone know why kompozer doesnt work ?20:10
jussi01anyone know if the new nvidia has been packaged yet?20:11
ScottKkompozer is not a KDE app, but uses some ancient version of mozilla seamonkey.20:14
=== rickspencer3 is now known as rickspencer3-afk
blizzzhow can i set webkitpart as default view for internet browsing in konqueror?20:42
blizzzfound it20:51
blizzzlaunch 'keditfiletype text/html' and set webkit to top (in embedded tab). You need webkitkde to be installed20:58
blizzzi can scroll now ;)21:01
smarteranyone feeling like packaging arora last release? :)21:03
JontheEchidnaooh, a new arora release?21:04
JontheEchidnait seems very featureful though21:06
JontheEchidnaan FFe is probably a given this time around ;-)21:06
blizzzdoes it use kwallet now?21:06
JontheEchidnanot that I can see21:08
JontheEchidnafrom the changelog21:08
vitalkwallet is under the wiki in TODO under Extensions21:08
vitalso no.21:08
Daskreechit has extenstions?21:09
vitalscroll down a bit, and it say 'extensions' dont know if anything is implemented21:09
smarterDaskreech: it's being worked on21:10
smarterprobably won't be ready in the near future21:10
* smarter is currently working on Arora KDE4 integration, and a few other stuff too, like konqueror-like searchengine keyword shortcut :)21:11
LureRiddell: new language-support-translations-en tries to pull in bunch of gnome - is this known problem?21:16
LureRiddell: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/140965/21:17
LureRiddell: btw, thanks for digikam uploads21:18
=== rickspencer3-afk is now known as rickspencer3
yuriygot my sponsorship invitation to UDS :)22:27
a|wencool yuriy22:32
blizzzyuriy: congrats!22:32
blizzzmy rss icon/plugin in konqueror has vanished! :(22:32
smarterblizzz: install konqueror-plugin-akregator22:33
smarterwhich is not installed by default for some reasons22:33
blizzzsmarter: is installed, i reinstalled it, too, with no effect22:33
smarterblizzz: make sure it's checked in the extension list?22:33
smarter(configure menu --> configure extensions...)22:34
blizzzit is not any longer in the list. some other plugins disappeared, too22:34
* ryanakca highfives yuriy, hope I'll see you there :)22:36
yuriyoh, are you going?22:37
ryanakcayuriy: I'm in the process of convincing my parents to let me go22:38
blizzzsmarter: oho, it is bound to khtml22:38
smarterryanakca: heh :p22:38
* smarter would go if he didn't have school at the same time, like for every other UDS :/22:38
* a|wen is really sad he can't go ... relocating from asia to europe at the same time doesn't really fit :/22:40
blizzzis it known, that x.org claims 90% cpu when a password dialog appears?22:58
blizzzJontheEchidna: ping23:11
JontheEchidnablizzz: pong23:11
blizzzJontheEchidna: bug 277011 has not have something to do with x.org, did it?23:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 277011 in kde4libs "kwalletd drains CPU while waiting for password entry" [Low,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/27701123:12
JontheEchidnaupstream said it was fixed, but they don't know how it was fixed23:13
blizzzcool ;) i have something similar, but x.org consumes the cpu (and not kwalletd) and it is on all password kdialogs23:13
blizzzi also found a bug on kde.org, but i am wondering if they have something in common23:14
JontheEchidnaRiddell: could you sponsor bug 281138 please?23:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 281138 in plasma-widget-quickaccess "plasma crashed with SIGSEGV" [Low,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/28113823:33
RiddellJontheEchidna: ok23:45
JontheEchidnaQuickAccess upstream seems to be dead, I am contemplating forking the codebase and releasing a culmination of bugfixes that have made their way into Kubuntu23:53
voriando it23:53
RiddellJontheEchidna: where is it hosted upstream?23:53
RiddellJontheEchidna: up;loaded23:54
JontheEchidnaRiddell: thanks23:54
JontheEchidnaSeems to be only hosted here: http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php/QuickAccess?content=8412823:54
JontheEchidnaI could release a 0.7.2 and we could update to that and remove all of our patches23:56
JontheEchidnaI could also add tooltip support, but that would pretty much be impossible to add to our packages now due to *freeze23:57
JontheEchidnawhoa, neat: http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php/Plasmaboard?content=10182223:58
smarterJontheEchidna: oh woh oh23:58
JontheEchidnaheh, I thought you might be interested ;-)23:59
* smarter has to look at that :p23:59
astrommeWhat's the license for QuickAccess?23:59
astrommeYou could always host it in kde svn, or in launchpad23:59

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