
=== Snova_ is now known as Snova
slangasekcalc: yes, we ought to fix up that GPL violation; have you opened a bug on raptor in Ubuntu?03:11
slangasekmdke: split into per-language binary packages, yes - currently, gnome-user-guide is one of the 5 largest packages on the CD, and we could save a lot of that by splitting off the translations for languages that we don't ship on the CD (e.g., the large Swedish translation)03:12
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calcslangasek: not yet, i will go ahead and do so03:23
calcslangasek: i noticed we don't change raptor, should i file the bug as a sync request?03:24
UsamaAkkadhello, if some one want to do minimal install cd for Mint or similar Ubuntu based distribution. what file should he change ?03:26
calcslangasek: i filed it as bug 351331 and linked to the debian issue03:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 351331 in raptor "Sync raptor 1.4.18-2 (main) from Debian unstable (main)." [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35133103:28
* calc wishes we could just get rid of openssl from the archive03:28
TheMusohrm I just got a weird failure to upload with amd64 pulseaudio, twice, first after initial upload, and second after I retried the build, thinking it was possiby transient. All other arches built and uploaded successfully.03:37
HobbseeTheMuso: looks like a launchpad error.  see #launchpad with https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pulseaudio/0.9.14-0ubuntu15/+build/92308603:40
TheMusoHobbsee: ah ok03:40
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dholbachgood morning06:14
robert_ancell_dholbach: hi06:19
dholbachhey robert_ancell_!06:19
dholbachhow are you doing?06:19
dholbachback at home?06:19
robert_ancell_dholbach: sure am06:20
dholbachah great - how's life in .au? :)06:20
robert_ancell_dholbach: I miss the comfy chairs in the London office though :)06:20
dholbachhehe :-)06:20
dholbachmust have been quite a trip - how long did it get you to get back?06:21
robert_ancell_dholbach: I left the hotel at 5:30am Saturday and got home at 9pm Sunday.  I think it's about 24 hours all up...06:21
dholbachrobert_ancell_: ugh - it's a shame we don't have the technology for "beaming people over" yet06:24
robert_ancell_dholbach: I think there's a Canonical team working on that :)06:24
dholbachrobert_ancell_: sounds like an idea only somebody who was in space already could have ;-)06:26
robert_ancell_dholbach: maybe that's the solution - you can travel faster when outside an atmosphere!06:27
dholbachrobert_ancell_: so if the whole free software thing doesn't work out we all work as receptionists at the ticket counters or what?06:28
robert_ancell_dholbach: hehe06:29
DaSkreechcalc: ping :)06:52
dholbachcan somebody take a look at bug 350344 from the sponsoring queue?07:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 350344 in laptop-mode-tools "Merge laptop-mode-tools 1.47-1 from Debian testing" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35034407:03
DaSkreechHow many packages are in main ?07:08
dholbachDaSkreech: http://paste.ubuntu.com/140542/07:10
DaSkreechok thanks :)07:12
dholbachthe first one counted both sources and binaries07:12
DaSkreechWhere did the 8 go to?07:13
mdkeslangasek: that sort of thing is well beyond my packaging ability, but if it's not too late in the cycle, maybe someone else could do it07:15
mdkeslangasek: the other potential solution would be to do what we do in ubuntu-docs and only ship translations which are over X% complete, and see if that reduces the size of the package07:16
dholbachDaSkreech: hm?07:16
DaSkreechdholbach: main kinda implies open source packages but adding the sources gets you less than double the number of packages07:17
DaSkreechyou should have 8 more07:17
dholbachDaSkreech: no, main is what is supported by Canonical - it's not directly comparable to Debian's "main"07:18
pwnguinDaSkreech: you can have a source package generate more than one binary package...07:19
DaSkreechso it should be fun to track down what is in main which is not providing source07:19
DaSkreechpwnguin: like app and app-data ?07:19
dholbachDaSkreech: hu? everything in main does07:19
dholbachDaSkreech: yes07:19
DaSkreechnot according to the numbers :-)07:20
MithrandirDaSkreech: why do you think so?07:20
MithrandirDaSkreech: can you find a single example of a package in main without corresponding source?07:20
pwnguinbut you do have a point, if you have 6234 source packages, wouldn't you expect at least 6234 binaries?07:20
DaSkreechwell if you have a number of binary packages each which has at least one source package07:21
DaSkreechthen you should have twice the packages when you have binary and source07:21
pwnguinyou know07:21
DaSkreechthere is less than that07:21
pwnguinif you have a source package that builds universe and main binaries07:21
pwnguindoes it go in universe or main?07:22
MithrandirDaSkreech: no.  Each source package has at least one binary package (but often more).  Never the other way around, a binary package never has two sources.07:22
Mithrandirpwnguin: main.07:22
pwnguinMithrandir: then obviously dholbach's cache is broke ;)07:22
DaSkreechMithrandir: it still doesn't detract from my argument07:22
dholbachpwnguin: I'm happy with my cache right now :)07:23
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Mithrandir> wget -q -O - http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/jaunty/main/source/Sources.bz2 | bzip2 -d | grep -c ^Package07:25
Mithrandir> wget -q -O - http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/jaunty/main/binary-i386/Packages.bz2 | bzip2 -d | grep -c ^Package07:26
Mithrandirso you have around 3k sources generating about 6k binary packages.07:26
Mithrandirpwnguin: dholbach only counted binary packages, nowhere did he count sources?07:27
pwnguin(well he claimed he did, and i was foolish enough to trust him ;)07:28
MithrandirDaSkreech: your argument is the wrong way around, since you start by counting binary packages, not source packages.  You'll have at least the same number of binary packages as source packages, not at least the same number of source packages as binary packages.07:29
dholbachpwnguin: in the first paste.u.c link I did07:30
pwnguindholbach: well your numbers dont add up :P07:30
DaSkreechah right07:31
pwnguinor i misread07:31
DaSkreechwell I was only interested in binaries anyway :)07:31
pwnguin"packages" is too generic =(07:32
pwnguinPackages, i mean07:32
DaSkreechLooks so07:33
pwnguinyou know what, it's like 1am. i should just sleep or something.07:33
mdkehi dholbach07:35
dholbachhiya mdke07:35
mdkedholbach: could you do me a favour and take a look at this bug in ubuntu-docs - https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/30357807:36
ubottuUbuntu bug 303578 in ubuntu-docs "System->About Ubuntu homepage has glitchy "Thank you" line" [Medium,Triaged]07:36
mdkedholbach: the cause of the bug is clear (comment 12) but I don't know how to fix it, any ideas?07:36
dholbachmdke: I don't know - could it be a CDBS thing? creating those symlinks?07:38
mdkedholbach: the problem is that in previous releases we shipped some symlinks in a particular location, and now we ship a directory - but dpkg doesn't remove the symlinks so people upgrading and missing that directory07:39
mdkedholbach: so we need to include something in the upgrade process that removes those symlinks07:39
mdkedholbach: the last comment has the commands required, I don't know how to put that in the package though07:40
dholbachmdke: sounds like something you'd do in the maintainer scripts - I'd ask for advice on ubuntu-devel@ - my experience with maintainer scripts is luckily somewhat limited07:40
mdkedholbach: ok, I'll do that, thanks07:40
dholbachmdke: good luck :)07:41
pittiGood morning07:42
StevenKMorning pitti07:42
pittislangasek: kick bug-buddy> agreed, we don't use it by default anyway07:42
pittikirkland: no, I used --remove-home, not --remove-all-files07:43
pittikirkland: and semantically, /var/lib/ecryptfs/$user is really a part of your /home/$user, IMHO07:43
pittihey StevenK, had a good weekend?07:44
StevenKpitti: Yup! You?07:45
pittiStevenK: pretty good too; just an hour shorter :) (DST change)07:46
StevenKpitti: Heh, the phone company's network time did that over the weekend07:48
slangasekmdke: my biggest concern would be splitting out the languages that *are* mostly complete :)08:12
slangasekpitti: ok; I guess seb128 is already poking at the gnome-desktop-python-desktop-2-gnome stuff, so I'll coordinate with him when he awakes08:13
pittislangasek: right, he's working on it; thanks08:13
slangasekseb128: o hai08:13
slangasekdamn :)08:13
mdkeslangasek: yes, but as I understand your proposal, it would be to make gnome-user-docs consistent with the rest of the desktop, which is acceptable08:14
mdkeslangasek: there's not much point in a particular language being included in gnome-user-docs if the rest of the desktop is untranslated by default for that language08:15
* slangasek nods08:15
mdkeslangasek: ditto ubuntu-docs, and yelp itself08:15
mdke(I don't know if yelp ships translations or has them in language packs)08:16
mdkeah, it ships them in the package08:16
slangasekpitti: ^^ what do you think, splitting gnome-user-docs by language?08:16
pittimakes sense, of course, I just wished it wouldn't require manual packaging08:18
pittibut the automatic one depends on a small soyuz feature which isn't there yet :(08:18
mdkedo you think we should do the same for ubuntu-docs?08:20
slangasekmdke: that's less of low-hanging fruit08:21
seb128that would win us lot of CD space for extra locales for sure08:21
slangasekso I wouldn't have us spend the effort yet08:21
mdkeslangasek: ok, I was just thinking for consistency. Maybe for the next release cycle08:23
slangasekfor the next release cycle, maybe the automation pitti mentions will be available :)08:23
mdkeok, I'll keep an eye out08:24
* slangasek sees that gnome-user-docs bzr uses a separate branch for each distroseries, wah08:26
slangasekthat would be fine, if debian/control didn't currently point to the hardy branch :)08:26
pittiseb128: can you ssh to ronne? hangs for me08:26
pittiI'd like to fix the retracers08:27
seb128pitti: hangs too08:29
pittiseb128: ok, thanks; I'll talk to IS08:29
slangasekpitti: bug #277589 reopened, looks like there's a bug in my attempted refactoring of the user-submitted patch :(08:36
ubottuLaunchpad bug 277589 in hotkey-setup "sony brighness on a geforce series older than 8 (nvclock works fine)" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/27758908:36
slangasekmdke: should ubuntu-core-dev be a member of ubuntu-core-doc?08:39
superm1slangasek, that reminds me, i wanted to ask what happened to the rest of getting rid of hotkey-setup? looks like a few thinkpad related bits in there still and that flip on the xorg stuff are left08:45
slangaseksuperm1: the remaining thinkpad bits need to wind up as a udev rule, I guess, with the init script disabled by default if we've made it to that point; I meant to talk to thinkpad_acpi upstream (a DD), because he claimed recently that there were no thinkpads left that needed thinkpad_keys08:49
superm1slangasek, ah. so likely better to get that taken care of during early karmic then08:52
superm1and the DOS switching needs to be checked why those defaults aren't set in the kernel module yet too then08:52
* slangasek nods08:53
pittilamont: the patch in bug 348990 makes sense to me; do you want to apply it to Debian and sync, or should we apply it locally to Ubuntu?09:00
ubottuLaunchpad bug 348990 in postfix "Deinstallation doesn't delete all files" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34899009:00
slangasekmdke: also, are there specific known reasons why you're still using pack-0.92 format for gnome-user-docs instead of something newer (and speedier)?09:08
pittiit would perhaps help if "bzr upgrade" wouldn't consider pack-0.92 as "current"09:09
tkamppetermvo, doko, you are the Python maintainers? Can you have a look at bug 349781?09:17
ubottuLaunchpad bug 349781 in python-defaults "hplip not working after jaunty upgrade" [Critical,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34978109:17
tkamppetermvo, it seems that only the i386 build server produces broken builds of Python libraries written in C.09:19
dholbachtkamppeter: that bug should be fixed since python2.6 2.6.1-1ubuntu5.109:21
dholbachtkamppeter: bug 34946709:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 349467 in python2.6 "Many python programs fail with: "undefined symbol: PyUnicodeUCS4_DecodeUTF8"" [Critical,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34946709:21
dholbachtkamppeter: it looks like a dup AFAICT09:21
dholbach"Running sudo perl -p -i -e 's/PyUnicodeUCS2/PyUnicodeUCS4/g' /usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/cupsext.so does indeed fix the problem."09:24
slangasekif editing is required, then that means we need to get that package rebuilt in the archive09:25
dholbachslangasek: I think infinity said there was just python-hildon on lpia rebuilt with that pytho09:31
Keybukmvo: I had a fantastic bug with the dist-upgrader today09:38
Keybukthe only thing it did to upgrade me to 9.04 was uninstall nvidia-glx09:39
mvoKeybuk: with the partial upgrade?09:40
Keybukmvo: no09:41
Keybukturns out I had jaunty in my sources list pinned to "not upgrade"09:41
seb128cjwatson: hi09:43
mvoKeybuk: could you pastebin me your /etc/apt/preferences file please?09:43
KeybukPackage: *09:43
KeybukPin: release a=jaunty09:43
KeybukPin-Priority: -5009:43
seb128cjwatson: we are getting several comments on bug #343668 now, the bbc server for the totem plugin is not working for some weeks09:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 343668 in totem "BBC plugin doesn`t working" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34366809:43
seb128cjwatson: do you think you could try to ping the bbc guys about that?09:44
mvoKeybuk: ok, thanks09:46
slangasekdholbach: then infinity's analysis is incorrect; http://launchpadlibrarian.net/24396323/buildlog_ubuntu-jaunty-i386.hplip_3.9.2-3ubuntu2_FULLYBUILT.txt.gz clearly shows python2.6-minimal 2.6.1-1ubuntu5, the broken version.09:48
slangasektkamppeter: a simple reupload of hplip is enough to fix this bug09:49
YokoZarMan, it's very frustrating upstreaming bugs in launchpad now.  I can't figure out how to do it by just copy/pasting the upstream bug link09:49
pittiYokoZar: "now"? the workflow didn't change recently AFAICS?09:52
YokoZarpitti: the links on the page seem broken to me09:53
YokoZarOn non-beta launchpad I can click "also affects project" and just paste the link there when I click "I have the URL for the upstream bug"09:53
YokoZaron new launchpad it's "simplified" by forcing me to type in the name of the project first09:54
YokoZarHalf the time I think I clicked the wrong thing, so I go to "Also affects distribution" which does have a URL for upstream bug reports I can copy paste, but when I do it there I get errors09:54
pittiYokoZar: that should only happen for packages which don't already have an associated project, hmm09:54
YokoZarI'm getting it on this bug (which already has an upstream bug task) https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/wine/+bug/24339009:56
ubottuUbuntu bug 243390 in wine "Difficult to associate a Wine application as a handler or default handler for a file type" [Wishlist,Confirmed]09:56
YokoZaraffects Wine both Wine (Ubuntu)09:56
directhexbinfmt, and associate directly with the application .exe!09:57
YokoZardirecthex: the issue is mime types for data files, not the .exe09:57
YokoZardirecthex: eg I install Photoshop and it says it can open .jpgs, but it's very hard to make it so double clicking a .jpg will open it in photoshop09:58
directhexYokoZar, i find file type association is a black art in general09:59
YokoZarWindows has it's own separate list for these sorts of file handlers, and Wine needs to glue that into our own file type thing.  Then the desktop environment needs to be taught how to understand it as well09:59
directhextbh i think vista allows changing default filetype handlers really well09:59
slangasekYokoZar: you can only have one task per upstream project on a bug, so of course saying 'also affects' wants you to pick a different project?09:59
YokoZarslangasek: right, which is why I ran into this launchpad upstreaming issue because I wanted to link it to another upstream project (http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=379658)10:00
ubottuGnome bug 379658 in Desktop "Better integration with WINE when opening files in Nautilus" [Enhancement,Unconfirmed]10:00
YokoZarlaunchpad doesn't want to figure out that's nautilus from just looking at the bug link10:00
slangasekit never has10:00
slangasekthe cases where you don't have to fill out the upstream project are when it's already pre-populated the value for you10:01
YokoZarhmmm I think you might be right10:02
YokoZarI do still get confused by the upstream bug link on the "also affects distribution" page10:02
YokoZarbecause I keep mixing up which of these two I'm supposed to be clicking on (my normal metric was to guess and look for the place to paste a URL, which got broken here since I needed to manually add nautilus first)10:03
tkamppeterThanks, dholback and slangasek, I will reupload HPLIP.10:12
slangasektkamppeter: cool, thanks :)10:12
pitti\sh: bless you10:23
\shôh damn....10:29
\shI shouldn't clean my desk and putting papers on my keyboard ,->10:29
\shbut now...desk is clean and I can go on holiday without anybody complaining: "You desk is totally chaotic" ,->10:33
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pitti\sh: enjoy your holiday!10:38
* directhex tries an update in a pbuilder10:39
\shpitti: hehe....waiting for the boy to come :)10:40
\shpitti: hopefully he will be released with jaunty ,-)10:44
pitti\sh: congratulations! *hug*10:44
Keybuk\sh: but will you name him Jaunty? :)10:45
\shpitti: thx :)10:45
KeybukJaunty Hermann has quite a ring to it10:45
Keybuk(and congrats, btw :p)10:45
\shKeybuk: when I can convince my wife to have "Jaunty" as third or fourth name...or much better as an official nickname (Artistname) then yes :)10:45
\shKeybuk: lastname won't be "Hermann" :) I'll go for the last name of my wife to be :)10:46
\shKeybuk: lastname will be a cameroonian lastname ... so it will fit into the "Ubuntu" story ;)10:46
\shok...lunch time :) bbl10:48
tkamppeterslangasek, dholbach, HPLIP is reuploaded now.10:48
dholbachtkamppeter: super10:48
cjwatsonseb128: I already did10:51
cjwatsonseb128: I can mail them again (somebody else asked me about this too)10:51
seb128cjwatson: well, people start suggesting we stop shipping the plugin now10:51
seb128I'm not sure what to try10:51
seb128try -> reply10:51
cjwatsonlike I say, I'll mail them again10:52
directhexsilly bbc. i pay my license fee dangnabbit!10:55
Keybuk==17268== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)10:59
Keybuk==17268==    at 0x40177B7: (within /lib/ld-2.8.90.so)10:59
Keybukoh, yay10:59
lamontpitti: I'll make a pass through my bugs this week at some point11:08
pittilamont: shall I assign it to you? (it's in the sponsoring queue ATM)11:09
slangasekKeybuk: ld's always had a few of those that are innocuous in practice, neh?11:12
slangasekld.so, I mean11:12
pittislangasek: you are currently doing syncs? can I smuggle one in?11:13
Keybukslangasek: yeah, I just hate it when valgrind is out of sync with them ;)11:13
slangasekpitti: yes11:13
slangasekKeybuk: ah, heh11:14
slangasekpitti: what are you smuggling in? I'm done with the sync bug list now, just about to hit flush11:15
pittislangasek: I'm done (nano and postgresql-common)11:16
directhexyay @ slangasek11:21
Keybukslangasek: it makes my test suite full of FAIL11:22
slangasekaww :(11:22
Keybuk13 of 13 tests failed11:24
KeybukPlease report to http://bugs.launchpad.net/libnih/11:24
ebroderCan somebody mark bug #333197 as fix released in Jaunty and confirmed in Intrepid?11:29
ubottuLaunchpad bug 333197 in openafs "openafs-modules 1.4.8 segfault after stop" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33319711:29
ebroder(I can't do that without being on ubuntu-dev or something, right?)11:29
apwbryce, you about?  wanted to talk about those i914 drm '*ERROR*' messages we have been seeing11:31
slangasekperhaps he has the sense to not be up at 3:3011:31
apwheh as you prove, its always worth asking11:32
\shthere needs to be an whois field on freenode..that shows the timezone of the user ,-)11:35
broonie\sh: No, that shows their sleep cycle. Timezone is not a reliable indicator!11:35
* slangasek records his as a parametric equation11:36
ograslangasek, what about daily builds, do you plan to enable them again at some point ?11:37
\shbroonie: ok...much better11:37
slangasekogra: they are enabled, except for those cronjobs that involve livefs builds for ports because infinity was doing maintenance11:38
slangasekinfinity: can we re-enable the ports livefs cronjobs?11:38
ograright, i was indeed wondering about http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ports/daily-live/ :)11:38
infinityslangasek: We can, although the sparc buildd exploded on upgrade, so you'll either need to artificially disable sparc for now, or suffer with failures (should fail quickly with No Route to Host)11:46
slangaseksuffering with failures is fine11:46
* ogra needs to see if oo.o finally ends up in the livefs ... having image builds is extremely helpful11:47
pittimvo: are you going to upload a new synaptic soon? if not, I'd like to do a no-change upload for bug 34822511:55
ubottuLaunchpad bug 348225 in synaptic "Remove inline translations from .desktop files" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34822511:55
mvopitti: I can do that, let me check if I have anything else pending12:03
pittimvo: I'm already test building, so if you don't have anything else, I'll just upload it12:04
pittimvo: I didn't see UNRELEASED stuff in bzr12:04
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mvopitti: ok, I have a pending bug but no fix yet (and it might be a problem with apt-xapina-index) so just go ahead12:06
pittimvo: ok, thanks12:06
slangasekpitti, ArneGoetje: how is language pack generation meant to handle non-ascii characters in description fields? :)12:10
slangaseke.g., language-pack-oc, language-pack-nb12:10
bluszczhi, where I can read about ttf packaging policy?12:10
pittislangasek: -nb works just fine? (Bokmål)12:11
pittislangasek: oh, ugh12:11
bluszczfor debian there is: http://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-customized-programs.html#s11.8.512:11
bluszczand for ubuntu is the same?12:11
pittislangasek: the (post 1500) is part of the description (year)12:11
slangasekbluszcz: the same policy applies, yes12:11
slangasekpitti: yes, but it's supposed to say "Provençal", not "Proven" :)12:12
pittislangasek: WFM..12:12
bluszczthere is no word about TTF fonts12:12
pittislangasek: where are you looking at this? perhaps a system without locales, such as the DC?12:12
bluszczonly speedo etc12:12
slangasekpitti: ah, yes, was testing in a chroot without locales12:13
slangasekpitti: looks fine in a real system; ok, I'll do the same thing in gnome-user-docs12:13
slangasekbluszcz: correct; that section of policy talks about "packages providing fonts for the X Window System", which is not the case for truetype font packages in general - it refers to a more-or-less obsolete font handling method12:15
slangasekbluszcz: for truetype fonts, I don't think there's any policy spelled out; the convention is to create a per-package directory under /usr/share/fonts/truetype, and use fontconfig12:15
pittiseb128: ronne is back, fixing retracers now12:15
seb128pitti: excellent12:16
kwwiicjwatson, pitti: if you have an encrypted disk, when does it ask for your password?12:23
pittikwwii: some seconds after usplash starts12:24
kwwiipitti: does it switch back to text mode or does it do it in the usplash?12:25
pittikwwii: it asks in usplash12:25
pittiin the text area12:25
kwwiiwow, when was that implemented? nice12:25
kwwiithanks for the info12:26
pittikwwii: I did that ages ago, somewhere around gutsy12:26
pittiI haven't used an encrypted disk since after hardy any more, though12:26
* pitti hugs ecryptfs12:26
kwwiicool, I'm adding that to my use cases of the new boot experience12:26
pittibut we need to account for that case in plymouth, yes12:26
* pitti -> lunch, bbl12:27
slangasekpitti: when you're back and have some time, I have a cdbs question for you12:29
slangasekpitti: regarding gnome-user-docs; what I want to achieve is to install all the docs in a single tree, run fdupes over them, and then split the files up by language into separate packages, but I have no idea what cdbs targets I need to use for this12:31
seb128slangasek: why not using .install for each locale?12:39
slangasekseb128: will that let us run fdupes?12:40
seb128slangasek: cdbs does fdupes for you12:40
slangasekacross packages?12:40
seb128yes, it consider depends iirc12:40
elmohow often should I be seeing the 'software out of date' stuff?12:41
elmoI haven't gotten a notification since I upgraded to jaunty, and it's been 3 days now12:41
seb128elmo: is that a dialog?12:41
slangasekseb128: ok, let's see12:41
seb128elmo: security updates daily, normal updates weekly12:41
slangasekelmo: 7 days if there are no security updates12:41
elmothat's insane12:41
seb128elmo: and there is no notification icon anymore, just update-manager auto-opening12:42
seb128elmo: yeah, try to convince the design team they are sitting near to you ... ;-)12:42
slangasekwell, unless you run 'gconftool -s --type bool /apps/update-notifier/auto_launch false'...12:42
elmoseb128: yeah, I'll speak to them about it; though I suspect I'll be redirected upwards12:43
directhexgah @ preinst woe12:43
hyperairi really don't see the point of the update-notifier change in behaviour if everyone's going to type that and disable the new behaviour12:43
seb128the assumption is that only geeks will do that12:43
directhexhyperair, change is exciting!12:44
seb128and that normal users don't want to be pressured daily about non urgent updates12:44
elmocan't we increase the frequency during beta at least?12:44
hyperairseb128: keyword is assumption.12:44
slangasekexcept we don't actually have non-security SRUs happening on a daily basis...12:44
seb128well you can't know before trying12:44
hyperairseb128: i don't know how many times i'm gonig to have to explain this stupid behaviour to new converts12:45
seb128so it can only be assumptions12:45
slangasekand people who are running the devel release ought to be getting the latest fixes12:45
seb128slangasek: right unstable series are a different case and we could tweak settings there12:45
seb128the design team focussed on experience for normal users on stable12:45
slangasekseb128: except it's not a different case, because as I said, we don't have non-security SRUs happening daily12:46
seb128well for sure you have updates less often12:46
seb128for the record I don't like the change12:46
slangasekI really don't think waiting 7 days before they're offered for installation makes sense12:46
amitkless often but much bigger updates12:47
slangasekand "you can't know before trying" --> "trial and error", yuck12:47
seb128I don't think they care much about the number of days12:47
directhexbah, for some god-unknown reason, i have a preinst that isn't running when it should be12:47
mvoelmo: there is the /apps/update-notifier/auto_launch to get the old behaviour back12:47
seb128what they have been wanting to change is the icon to auto-opening12:47
mvoelmo: gconf key I should add12:47
seb128and the delay is reaction to users complaining about the thing opening too often12:47
seb128mvo: <slangasek> well, unless you run 'gconftool -s --type bool /apps/update-notifier/auto_launch false'...12:48
seb128mvo: already mentioned ;-)12:48
mvoheh :)12:48
* mvo is too slow12:48
slangasekseb128: what's the best cdbs target to use for auto-generating my .install files?12:49
ebroderslangasek: Probably install/$PACKAGE12:52
Keybukright, time to reboot into jaunty12:53
seb128slangasek: what ebroder wrote12:54
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slangasekI'll give that a try, thanks12:55
Keybukok, that's weird12:59
Keybuk^C has stopped working12:59
elmoseb128: do I need to talk to the DX team about dropping the 'days between notification' stuff for beta too?13:00
seb128elmo: I'm not sure to understand the question, is beta a special case there in your opinion?13:01
elmoseb128: sure, because there are no security updates13:02
elmoseb128: firefox 3.0.8 went into jaunty proper13:02
slangasekseb128, ebroder: 'install/gnome-user-guide-%::', is that not what I want?13:02
seb128elmo: well then you mean unstable cycle13:02
elmoso I wasn't notified about it13:02
seb128elmo: beta is just a special case in the unstable cycle13:03
elmoseb128: sure, I guess so13:03
ebroderslangasek: Uh...I think that would run once for each gnome-user-guide-foo package13:03
seb128elmo: right ;-)13:03
ebroderslangasek: That may be what you want - use $@ to your advantage :)13:03
slangasekebroder: which is what I'm trying to achieve; but it doesn't run at all13:03
slangasekAFAICS, it's only running the stock cdbs rule13:05
seb128slangasek: "stock"?13:05
slangasekseb128: if I call 'fakeroot ./debian/rules install/gnome-user-guide-da', I see 'dh_installdirs -pgnome-user-guide-da' printed but I don't see the output from the rule I've added in debian/rules13:06
seb128what if you debian/rules install?13:06
slangasekinstall-indep, you mean?13:07
slangasekyeah, same thing13:07
seb128otherwise you might want to try "binary-install/binary::"13:07
slangasek(and calling binary-indep didn't do it, so...)13:08
slangasekseb128: generating all the .install files in a single pass, then?13:08
seb128binary being your actual binary package name13:08
slangasekbut I don't want to encode that list of binaries anywhere in debian/rules13:08
slangaseksince it changes whenever upstream adds a translation13:08
seb128well binary-install/binary-%:: then13:09
slangasekstill no13:10
seb128otherwise I guess just use "pre-build::" to generate all the .install13:10
seb128you are sure that's run once before build13:10
seb128if you have the list in the LINGUAS or similar13:10
seb128ie if you know the list before building13:11
* slangasek nods13:11
slangasekfind gnome2-*-guide/ -maxdepth 1 -type d ;)13:11
ebroderBlargh. What do I do with a bug that's fixed in Jaunty but I want to reopen for an SRU? Should I just mark it as confirmed and let someone who actually has the right bits juggle the state between Jaunty and Intrepid?13:12
slangasekebroder: target it to the release if you can; if not, subscribe ubuntu-sru13:12
ebroderslangasek: Who can target bugs? motu?13:13
ebroder(It's a universe package)13:14
slangasekebroder: motu should be able to, yes.13:14
ebroderOk. But if I can't, I just leave the bug closed?13:14
slangasekebroder: hmm, I guess in that case you'll need to reopen it after all to get any attention on it13:15
pittislangasek: I'd just use dh_install, but you can also create a programmatic install rule in install/<pkgname>:: or common-install-indep::13:15
ebroderslangasek: Ok, cool, that's kind of what I was thinking13:16
\shasac: what magic curse do I have to use to have flash/flex back in ff on jaunty 64bit? ;)13:17
slangasekpitti: well, even if I use dh_install, it's going to be programmatic <shrug>13:17
slangasekpitti: anyway, pattern substitutions seem to be failing me for whatever reason :(13:18
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asac\sh: sudo apt-get install --reinstall flashplugin-nonfree ?13:19
\shasac: let's see :)13:19
asaclet me know.13:19
\shasac: you don't want to see that error message13:20
slangasekhah, and then the rule fails anyway because there's an upstream translation that's not in LINGUAS13:21
loolcjwatson: hey, not sure we have doko this week; I have a couple of issues with the ubuntu-toolchain glibc branch13:21
\shasac: http://paste.ubuntu.com/140692/13:21
loolcjwatson: One is that my branch is still up for merging13:21
\shasac: and it was installed and license was approved and worked in intrepid13:21
ebroder\sh: dpkg-reconfigure flashplugin-nonfree?13:21
pittislangasek: what are you trying to substitute?13:22
loolcjwatson: the other is that there's again a diff between what's in the archive and what's in the branch; e.g. in ./control.in/libc6.1 and other control files, the description was changed13:22
\shebroder: the same...it looks in the wrong location of the file...13:22
slangasekpitti: creating a common rule for install/gnome-user-guide-*:: or whatever13:22
loolcjwatson: http://paste.ubuntu.com/140693/ etc.13:23
slangasekeh, s/*/%/13:23
\shafter removing the location of the tar.gz of flash it downloads it again..but no change in behaviour...ff is dimming itself..when browsing to a flash site..13:24
asac\sh: which flash site are you looking at?13:25
\shasac: .xsession-errors: http://paste.ubuntu.com/140696/13:25
\shasac: golem.de13:26
ebroder\sh: I'm making this up, but try `echo "flashplugin-nofree flashplugin-nonfree/httpget bool true" | debconf-set-selections`?13:26
\shasac: but s/golem\.de/<any site with flash content>/13:26
pittislangasek: $(patsubst %,install/%,$(DEB_INDEP_PACKAGES)):: doesn't work?13:26
pittislangasek: but I guess if you jump through those hoops, using common-install-indep:: is easier13:27
slangasekpitti: I hadn't tried that; why does it have to be written that way?13:27
asac\sh: please check if you have some dangling symlinks in /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/ or something13:27
pittislangasek: well, how did you write it?13:27
slangasekpitti: exactly as I said13:27
pittislangasek: I just stole that from buildcore.mk13:27
pittislangasek: I'm not sure that % has a special meaning in make outside of $() substitution functinos13:28
\shasac: http://paste.ubuntu.com/140698/ if this looks ok to you...no dangeling symlinks (only libtotem)13:28
pittiI'm not enough of a make guru for this, I'm afraid13:28
slangasekpitti: oh, I'm quite certain it does have a special meaning, but its meaning appears to be incompatible with whatever cdbs does :)13:28
asac\sh: where does the alternative point to?13:28
\shasac: shermann@wz-pc-010:~$ ls -al /etc/alternatives/mozilla-flashplugin13:29
\shlrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 56 2009-03-30 14:23 /etc/alternatives/mozilla-flashplugin -> /var/lib/flashplugin-nonfree/npwrapper.libflashplayer.so13:29
asac\sh: also check xulrunner-addons/plugins13:29
asacand firefox-addons/plugins ;)13:29
* slangasek adds this to "reasons cdbs is too clever for my own good"13:29
loolslangasek: What's your diff / .dsc?13:29
cjwatsonlool: ok, I'll look at it and sort it out13:29
pittislangasek: cdbs by and large creates automatic dependencies to install/<packagename> targets, for all available packages in debian/control13:29
loolslangasek: Happy to take a look13:29
loolcjwatson: Thanks; then I'll poke you for merging of the neon stuff13:30
slangaseklool: don't worry about it; I'm still mid-composition anyway13:30
slangaseknot worth the trouble to post it somewhere :)13:30
\shasac: xulrunner-addons looks like mozilla/plugins , firefox-addons is empty (the plugin)13:30
pittislangasek: it doesn't extend make in a way to match install/% for any install/foo13:30
loolslangasek: I have a decent toolbox of CDBS hackery in my pkg-gnome checkout; happy to have a look  ;)13:30
slangasekpitti: matching install/% isn't an extension though, it's standard target pattern matching :(13:30
\shasac: bbl...13:31
\shasac: more infos: it's just a dist-upgrade from intrepid13:31
pittislangasek: hm; as I said, I don't know enough about make for this; I only ever used it with functions, and even that very rarely13:31
cjwatsonlool: I wouldn't worry too much about the control desync, it's not that important13:33
PecisDarbsSomeone willing to play with https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/hardy-backports/+bug/267305?13:41
ubottuUbuntu bug 267305 in hardy-backports "Please backport django 1.0" [Undecided,New]13:41
PecisDarbs1.0 is very nice and stable release of django and it would rock to have it in hardy13:42
slangaseklool: lp:~vorlon/gnome-user-docs/ubuntu-jaunty, if you're particularly interested. :)  (works now)13:46
slangasekmdke: hrm, why is gnome-user-docs a native package?13:47
slangasekdoes upstream not release tarballs?13:48
slangasekpitti: do you want to review this package split at all before I upload it, or otherwise coordinate wrt langpacks?13:49
pittislangasek: I'm happy to take a look, but if it works for you, go ahead :)13:49
pittislangasek: once it's through new, I'll add the language-support-* dependencies13:50
slangasekok, cool13:50
pittislangasek: /me takes a look at the commit13:50
pittislangasek: looks good to me, great work!13:54
slangasekthanks :)13:54
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slangasekpitti: I guess this split saves us about 5MB on the alternate CDs, and $mumble on the desktop CDs14:14
\shasac: any clue on that behaviour?14:25
slangasekpitti: ok, gnome-user-guide is out of NEW14:41
asac\sh: no. you could post a strace -f of firefox14:43
asaci suspect some bad links somewhere14:44
\shasac: my pleasure...14:44
\shasac: hmm...strace {firefox,firefox-3.0.8,/usr/lib/firefox-3.0.8/firefox} segfaults...but ff runs..grmpf..14:47
asac\sh: odd. sure you have all firefox properly killed before doing it?14:48
\shasac: whatever I do...(even strace -p) the process with strace coredumps but is still running14:48
\shasac: yepp..checked twice..no trace of firefox..14:49
\shasac: firefox started from cli...strace -p <ff pid> -> telling ff to http to whereever -> coredump14:49
\sh*** glibc detected *** strace: malloc(): memory corruption (fast): 0x000000000225f610 ***14:50
\shselect(Aborted (core dumped)14:50
asacso strace is broken?14:50
cjwatsonRiddell: could somebody who knows about qt layout fix bug 344382? it isn't obvious to me how to do so, since the relevant QLabel does have wordWrap set to true, so I think it must be something more subtle14:51
ubottuLaunchpad bug 344382 in ubiquity "Jaunty: Kubuntu ubiquity password page is 2/3's bigger than the others" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34438214:51
\shasac: good question...regarding the fact, that ff is still running, I would say yes, but I'm in no position to really say so...others will have a much better insight in strace ;14:51
cjwatsonRiddell: ... actually, never mind, I think it's been fixed since the bug was reported, 'bzr cat -rtag:1.11.14' shows wordWrap set to false14:51
slangasekif strace core dumps, that's an strace bug, sure14:52
cjwatsonheh, indeed you fixed it yourself14:52
asac\sh: maybe downgrading strace ...14:53
asac\sh: seems so14:54
asaci guess we should file a relese bug on that14:55
asacbroken strace is a blocker imo14:55
\shasac: much better: fix bug #316762 on strace14:55
ubottuLaunchpad bug 316762 in strace "strace crashed with SIGABRT in malloc()" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/31676214:55
asacis that the bug?14:55
asacyeah seems so14:56
\shasac: yepp filed in january...and the attached logfile looks the very same to my output14:56
asacmaybe its our direct.h patch?14:56
\shasac: you mean the missing linux/dirent.h patch from pitti?14:58
asac\sh: not sure. just stabbing ni the dark. most likely its just because we have a cvs snapshot now ;)14:58
pittislangasek: I'll add them in an hour, when they get published14:59
\shasac: anyways...I can reproduce that on two machines, which had the very same upgrade path...so I'll check this evening on the other machine14:59
kirklandpitti: right14:59
slangasekpitti: cheers :)14:59
pittikirkland: ECONTEXT?15:00
kirklandpitti: cjwatson agreed with you, i think the last package i uploaded should do what you want, and meet cjwatson's code critiques15:00
pittikirkland: ah, thanks15:00
kirklandpitti: just woke up, reading scrollback, you highlighted me :-)15:00
kirklandpitti: re: deluser15:01
tkamppeterpitti, can you approve the -proposed package for bug 351630? I have already uploaded it and it waits for approval. Thanks.15:22
ubottuLaunchpad bug 351630 in foo2zjs "[Intrepid] foo2zjs does not print with custom paper sizes" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35163015:22
pittitkamppeter: on my next SRU run, will do15:22
tkamppeterpitti, thanks.15:24
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seb128pitti, slangasek: ok, I've a gnome-python-desktop split of gtksourceview and gnomeprint ready to be uploaded (we have to split gtksourceview too because it depends on gnomeprint), it wins 2.3megas on installed size15:33
seb128pitti, slangasek: libgnomeprint, libgnomeprintui, libgtksourceview would be out of the CD but still in main due to build-depends still being there15:34
seb128pitti, slangasek: not sure if that's worth for jaunty ...15:34
slangasekI don't know15:34
slangasek2.3MB installed; but hard to know how much on the livefs15:35
slangasekseb128: if you think it's worthwhile, go ahead15:37
slangasekcould you also drop the bug-buddy build-dep at the same time?15:37
seb128slangasek: that would mean stopping building the bug-buggy binding15:38
seb128do we really want to do that?15:38
slangasekis there really any reason we shouldn't?15:38
seb128some gnome applications import it15:38
slangasekif you think it needs to stay, then I'll hack up a patch to build it without the bug-buddy build-dep15:38
seb128I need to check how it behaves if not installed15:38
hyperairpitti: could you take a look at the nautilus-share merge request? i accidentally diff'd against the wrong thing in my previous patch upload15:39
slangaseklet's just go the safe route, I'll fix the configure script to build the binding even if bug-buddy's not installed15:39
seb128slangasek: ok, so I would say the CD space win is not worth the python bindings split15:40
seb128not sure about moving those 3 deprecated libs out of the CD though15:41
seb128would it mean we stop supporting those officially15:41
seb128which would be a win ...15:41
seb128though in practice they are not so much maintainship work15:41
pittihyperair: looks fine now; seb128, you commented on the nautilus-share merge, do you want to do that yourself, or shall I take it?15:42
hyperairpitti: thanks15:42
seb128pitti: please do it15:42
apwpitti, hey ... why does apport refuse to file bugs when i have out of date packages?15:43
seb128pitti: I just commented because the bug wrongly requested a sync15:43
seb128and I didn't want somebody to ack the sync too quickly15:43
apwi only have out of date packages cause you lot are rebuilding everything15:43
apwthats just daft15:43
pittiapw: well, but for that very reason we also get a lot of broken stack traces :/15:43
pittiapw: it was an "emergency brake" for getting even more crash reports15:44
apwthen its completely rediculous to do a beta release at the same time, no?15:44
seb128pitti: any opinion on python-gnome-desktop gnomeprint, etc?15:44
apwas noone who tests it (like me) can report any bugs, an indeed should expect instability15:44
pittiapw: also, it doesn't check for "any outdated package", just for "any outdated package in the crashed program's depenency chain"15:44
apwso its not a good time for a beta either15:44
apwright but you are rebuilding the world on me15:44
slangasek"the world"?15:44
apwoh an not popping up the update-manager for 5 days15:45
apwso i am bound to have out of date packages if i follow normal user experience15:45
pittiseb128: no strong one; if you want to do the work, go ahead, but I don't think it's urgent15:45
apwi thought we rebuilt everything 'now'15:45
seb128pitti: well as said before I've it read for upload if we want it15:45
pittiseb128: I see no reason not to upload it if you did it already and it works15:45
seb128pitti: that doesn't win us a lot and we still have to keep the lib in main due to build-depends15:46
apwmy real point is are we not just wasting tester cycles by conenciding these two things?15:46
pittiapw: I don't think so15:46
slangasekapw: we do test rebuilds; we don't rebuild the packages in the archive except to fix bugs15:46
pittiapw: we rebuilt perhaps 50 packages since beta, but we have some 25.000 in teh archive15:46
seb128pitti: well, that could break third party softwares around which still use gnomeprint or gtksourceview1 and would need to update their depends15:46
apwoh hrm15:46
apwpitti, i have 193 updates pending since beta15:47
pittiapw: I'm aware that being able to report crash bugs involves daily dist-upgrades15:47
apwpitti, you are but even i am not15:47
pittiapw: but ATM I don't really see how else to do it15:47
pittiseb128: oh, I see15:47
seb128apw: you suggest that we stop fixing bugs so you can reply crashes?15:47
seb128reply -> report15:47
slangasekI think he's asking that apport not refuse to file crashes because of outdated packages15:48
apwseb128, heh no of course not.  i think if we are fixing so little then it should be safe to accept crashes15:48
pittiseb128: I thought you split out a gnome-python-desktop-main or so, with gnome-pyhton-desktop pulling in -main and -extra15:48
apwit makes apport useless it feels to me15:48
seb128pitti: hum, could do that15:48
apwanyhow i'll go hit update and see if indicator-applet poops self again15:48
apwseb128, thanks15:49
cjwatsonapw: we don't typically expect people to install beta and then sit with it until we do the final release - we expect people to install it and then upgrade reasonably frequently to final15:49
seb128you're welcome15:49
pittiapw: ^ right, but pretty please don't report crashes against packages which were updated recently15:49
pittiapw: using that is okay if the oboslete package is deep down the dependency chain15:49
apwcjwatson, yeah i know, but the new update-manager works against that as i don't get told15:49
seb128apw: there is a reason why that is not set by default, if apport tell you that versions changed the retracing with probably fail and not be useful15:50
apwpitti, s'ok i won't do it...15:50
apwi am tryng to behave like a real user and report my experience to you15:50
apwi don't want to deviate from th15:50
pittiapw: thinking about it, we now auto-invalidate bugs with failed stack traces and obsolete dependencies, so reporting those probably don't hurt so much as it used to15:50
apwthat.  but i can tell you  i was pretty annoyed whern it asked me to report, it muched for 2 mins and then told me to bugger off15:50
cjwatson(real users don't report bugs to #ubuntu-devel, mind you ;-) )15:51
apwand then didn't even wake up update-manager to get me updated15:51
seb128apw: that's one of the trade off of running an unstable distribution15:51
apwjust re-rand the bust ones15:51
pittiapw: I don't particularly like the u-m silence for an entire week either; it's appropriate for stable, but not for a devel release15:51
apwseb128, yep ... i am fully aware15:51
sladenpdate-manager has been reported "Partial upgrade possible only" for the last couple of months.  SHould I care?15:51
apwi am completly capable of coping and not whining.  the purpose of my whine is to try and see what appears like my girlfriend would and behave the way she would15:52
slangasekmumble shouldn't be needed for stable releases either if our SRUs are reasonable15:52
apwand she would have come and shouted at me15:52
seb128apw: she souldn't be using an unstable distro ;-) apport is not running by default on stable15:53
sladenthat APPORT_IGNORE_OBSOLETE_PACKAGES should really check if it's one of the involved packages that actually crashed15:53
apwyes she should, she was told it was really shiney and there was cute popups, how could she resist15:53
seb128apport does check only rdepends15:53
pittislangasek: that's what it does if you *don't* specify it15:54
pittierm, sladen, I mean ^15:54
pittisladen: well, it checks the crashed package and its transitive dependencies15:54
sladenpitti: oh.  maybe it's libc or something.  I haven't had apport non-whinge (eg. succeed) for 3 weeks now15:55
sladenpitti: perhaps it needs an override button "report anyway" ... which given that it's only shown to development-release users would be useful15:55
pittisladen: I'm not so sure about that15:56
seb128everybody would click it15:56
pittisladen: it's not that we need to find ways to get even more bug reports15:56
pittiwe have plenty15:56
seb128that would defeat the purpose of the check15:56
apwpitti, it would be nice if it at least told me what was out of date15:56
slangasekdoesn't it?15:56
apwso i could make a judgement about updating15:56
seb128apw: it does15:56
pittiand reports about older versions aren't very useful15:56
slangasekit always did before15:56
pittiit should15:56
seb128it lists everything outdated in a dialog there15:56
sladenIIRC, it just says "some packages are out of date"15:57
seb128and list those15:57
apwseb128, i think i would have noticed.  it said you have out of date packages only15:57
seb128apw: are you sure you don't have a dialog unfocussed somewhere?15:57
seb128apw: that seems a bug then, open an apport bug on launchpad15:57
apwnot that ic an see15:57
apwwhy would it not be in the dalog which told me it was out of date15:58
pitti            report['UnreportableReason'] = _('You have some obsolete package \15:58
pittiversions installed. Please upgrade the following packages and check if the \15:58
pittiproblem still occurs:\n\n%s') % ', '.join(old_pkgs)15:58
pittiand if old_pkgs is empty, it isn't shown at all15:58
* sladen does a killall -SEGV evince ... okay so that did tell me packages15:58
pittiso that indeed sounds like a curious bug15:58
apwpitti, well i must be blind then as that looks impossible15:59
seb128apw: http://people.ubuntu.com/~seb128/apport.png15:59
seb128apw: that's what I get there15:59
pittiapw: it could very well be a bug somewhere15:59
apwyeah i must have been too angry to read the second sentence15:59
apwas i deffo had the top15:59
apwdlinded by rage :)16:00
apwsorry for the noise.  /me crawls back under his rock16:00
pittiapw: no need to apologize; it's a valid concern, I just don't know how to make it better without increasing the bug tracker noise a lot16:01
pittiI guess the u-m silence contributes a lot to this16:01
apwpitti, would apport complaint about the things in apport as well as the thing you were using?16:01
apwpitti, i was very happy to find a way to get the little icon back16:02
seb128pitti: maybe add a "upgrade now" button to the apport dialog ;-)16:02
pittiapw: can you reformulate this, please?16:02
sladenon a related topic, would there be a good way to show users why their CPU has gone to 100% but firefo hasn't actually yet disappeared16:02
sladen(during the collection process)16:02
seb128compiz change the color of the dialog when not responding16:02
seb128do you find that a good visual clue?16:03
apwpitti, i was wondering if apport would whine about say python because apport uses it when reporting ... does it include its own deps16:03
pittiapw: only if you'd report a crash of apport itself16:03
pittiapw: if you report a crash in, say, libgtk, an outdated python doesn't matter at all16:04
apwi am hearing reports of python being reported as out of date for a kernel panic, but i've not seen it myself16:04
slangaseksladen: anything that would permit the crash handler to trace down the process's X windows and display something friendly would surely be comparably sluggish?16:06
* slangasek attacks the OOo java build-dep tree with a chainsaw16:08
sladenslangasek: I was thinking about something more general such as changing the cursor to an hour glass Gtk-wide when CPU level >= 90%  (Mac / RiscOS had that for years and whislt it might be annoying, it at least show that the computer is *aware* that it is being slow)16:09
sladen...the animation helping to convince the user that it hasn't actually crashed16:09
directhexslangasek, you're not trying to build OOo are you? with your bare hands?16:11
directhexsladen, the windows 95 busyish cursor!16:11
slangaseknot at all; I'm using slave laborers to build it16:11
sladenseb128: just tried that a few times.  The window vanishes before it gets a chance to turn grey  (which took ~10-15 secodns)16:13
directhexslangasek, slaves plural? calc is but one man!16:16
sladenseb128: so it's   15 seconds hang with 100% CPU.  "Gah damnit $#%@#$ where did my work go".  15 seconds more 100% CPU.  Pause.  Apport notification.  Click, report.  5 seconds CPU.  "Could not be reported"  blood boiling16:16
seb128that's one of the reason why we don't enable it on stable ;-)16:16
sladenperhaps, apport could fire up a pulsing status icon in the top menu "collecting crash information".  Then this could change to solid when the report is ready16:18
pittibryce: can you upload bug 320893 today/soon? If you are swamped, I can do it tomorrow morning16:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 320893 in xserver-xorg-video-intel "[i915GM] Regression in xserver-xorg-video-intel version 2.4.1-1ubuntu10.3" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32089316:19
Tm_Thi kids16:22
pittislangasek: did you see the updated script in bug 295441? I don't think we need to mess with it further in SRUs, but it might be worthwhile for jaunty; WDYT?16:22
ubottuLaunchpad bug 295441 in pam "pam-auth-update does not correctly process a valid profile file" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/29544116:22
slangasekpitti: I saw, but since he attached a script instead of a diff I haven't had a chance to look into it yet16:24
slangasekpitti: I doubt it has any other changes that need to be applied to jaunty, though; I think I probably just missed a related change when cherry-picking for the SRU16:25
Tm_TI failed to find any related bug for this, so I wonder if there's been any other victims of 64bit(only?) gcc/g++ segfaults: internal compiler error: Segmentation fault16:27
Tm_Tkeep hitting on that in Jaunty now all the time16:27
cjwatsonTm_T: try with lower optimisation settings to start with16:29
cjwatsonTm_T: /usr/share/doc/gcc-4.3/README.Bugs16:29
pittijdstrand: I'm a bit confused about bug 305264; ubuntu-sru is subscribed, it is apparently in -proposed and v-needed, but the SRU team never accepted it; is that a kind of "security update staging" procedure:16:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 305264 in openldap "gnutls regression: failure in certificate chain validation" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/30526416:31
pittijdstrand: ?16:31
pittijdstrand: is there anything the SRU team needs to do for those?16:32
Tm_Tcjwatson: hmm, will try, thanks, apparently there's several bug reports, just failed to find them, let's see if this gets sorted out16:32
cjwatsonTm_T: don't assume your crash is the same as anyone else's16:33
jdstrandpitti: it should be pushed along with the openldap SRU that is in the same report16:33
jdstrandpitti: that was a bit of a twisty bug, but we are very close to being able to close it16:34
jdstrandpitti: I followed up with mathiaz on it last week, and he is preparing the openldap bits and I believe has uploaded them16:34
jdstrandpitti: to -proposed16:34
jdstrandpitti: so to fully answer your question, nothing needs to be done until openldap is verified and ready to go to updates, at which point, both gnutls and openldap whould go16:36
pittijdstrand: I see, thanks16:38
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alex-weejbacklight level is reset to 100% after S3 resume, but g-p-m thinks it's still whatever it was16:45
alex-weejis this a general problem with bl drivers or just mbp_nvidia_bl?16:46
alex-weejneed to work out whether to get g-p-m to reset bl level to what it thought it was before resume or whether to fix the bl module to be consistent16:46
loolcjwatson: Happy if you can review NEON hwcaps changes lp:~lool/ubuntu-toolchain/glibc-neon-and-misc-hwcaps they are building in a PPA ATM, and I'll test them tomorrow; if they work I'd like to push them tomorrow17:06
lool(I'm not offering them for merging just yet because of the bzr status I mentionned earlier and because I will test them first)17:06
slangasekArneGoetje: so the deadline we give folks for langpack translations according to the schedule is the same day as RC; I know we talked about when to do the last full langpack rolling, I guess we definitely need one after RC then - should we also have one before RC, to get right sizes for the RC?17:10
ArneGoetjeslangasek: probably17:11
ArneGoetjeslangasek: that would mean this coming Friday.17:12
brycepitti: yeah I can do the upload for that17:12
ArneGoetjeslangasek: ah no... that would be for non-langpack translations...17:13
ArneGoetjeslangasek: so, Friday 10th, right?17:13
slangasekArneGoetje: RC is the 16th, so the 10th would work, yes17:14
ArneGoetjeslangasek: ok17:14
mdkeslangasek: still around?17:35
slangasekmdke: barely17:36
mdkeslangasek: i was going to respond to your highlights about gnome-user-docs, but we can take it to email, or leave it for another day if you like17:36
slangasekmdke: whichever :)17:36
mdkeslangasek: email then. enjoy your evening17:36
apwcjwatson, did i see someone talking about some automated location selection for the registry domain?17:49
cjwatsonapw: YM the network-manager regulatory domain, or something else?17:50
apwwell the kernel CRDA one, but thats probabally the same, something to do with your locale or something floated past17:50
apwi just cannot remember where i might have seen it17:51
cjwatsonapw: there was a proposal that the installer should set it with a modprobe option, but I bounced that over to network-manager on the grounds that having the installer do it is bad for people who might travel between regulatory domains17:57
cjwatsonapw: I don't know what happened to the bug after that17:57
apwyeah what i saw was some script which was looking at your home location or something17:58
apwbut for the life of me i don't know if it was a bug, or a developer email or imaginary17:58
cjwatsonno idea then :)17:59
Tm_Tcjwatson: aye, I do not assume, I rather try to find it there is something useful for finding the root of the cayse18:03
tkamppeterpitti, can you have a look at bug 348316?18:18
ubottuLaunchpad bug 348316 in cups "Printer (HWModel Name) May Not Be Connected" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34831618:18
tkamppeterFor many users USB printers get detected but it is not possible any more to print through the CUPS USB backend with Jaunty.18:19
cjwatsonlool: I checked glibc bzr; I'm not sure why the package as uploaded has old text in control.in/libc<blah>, but all the files in bzr are correct so I think that can be ignored18:20
tkamppeterpitti, CUPS is the same in Intrepid and Jaunty. Only change is runloop-backchannel-eof-spin.dpatch, an upstream bug fix. I have already asked the reporter of the (probably duplicate) bug 350107 to test with the unpatched backend, but he has still the same issue.18:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 350107 in cups "[Jaunty beta] Epson RX620 doesn't print" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35010718:21
cjwatsonlool: lp:~lool/ubuntu-toolchain/glibc-neon-and-misc-hwcaps looks fine to me if it tests out OK18:22
tkamppeterpitti, can it be that the kernel causes the problem?18:22
pittitkamppeter: entirely possible; however, I think it's also worth asking for /var/log/kern.log, and trying with sudo aa-complain cups18:23
pittitkamppeter: but if the printer gets detected properly (lpinfo -v has it), then the backend should work okay, permission-wise18:25
brycepitti: I've uploaded bug 320893 -- would you mind shepherding it through the remainder of the sru process?18:26
ubottuLaunchpad bug 320893 in xserver-xorg-video-intel "[i915GM] Regression in xserver-xorg-video-intel version 2.4.1-1ubuntu10.3" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32089318:26
pittitkamppeter: posted a followup18:27
pittibryce: thanks muchly; will do18:27
mdzpitti: I was just looking at bug 351024 and realized it would be a good idea to include the CD build number for reports done from the live CD18:30
ubottuBug 351024 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/351024 is private18:30
pittimdz: I agree, good idea; could you please file this as a bug report?18:31
mdzpitti: yes, I'll see if I can work up a patch as well18:31
pittinot that trivial, since it's ubuntu specific, but that's okay for now18:31
pittiI still haven't split it into trunk and ubuntu18:31
* pitti disappears to Taekwondo, good bye everyone18:32
mdzcjwatson: any guess what's behind 351024?18:35
cjwatsonmdz: I looked at that, who knows, could be anything, but looks like a busted live CD18:43
cjwatsonmdz: we get loads of weird bugs like this on ubiquity18:44
cjwatsonwhich AFAIK are not typical but CDs suck18:44
mdzcjwatson: even with no errors reported in the log?18:44
cjwatsonmdz: far from unknown18:45
cjwatsonmdz: I'll look into pygtk in more detail tomorrow and see if I can figure out anything more18:45
mdzcjwatson: would it be too brutish to force an integrity check before filing the report?18:46
cjwatsonmdz: when I dig into this sort of problem, oftentimes it turns out that the integrity check passed18:47
cjwatsonmdz: it seems that different CD read patterns often show up different bugs18:47
mdzcjwatson: *cry*18:48
cjwatsonmy sentiments exactly18:48
cjwatsonhence "CDs suck"18:48
cjwatsonso the error here is that gdk_cursor_new_from_pixmap returned NULL:18:48
cjwatson  g_return_val_if_fail (GDK_IS_PIXMAP (source), NULL);18:48
cjwatson  g_return_val_if_fail (GDK_IS_PIXMAP (mask), NULL);18:48
cjwatson  g_return_val_if_fail (fg != NULL, NULL);18:48
cjwatson  g_return_val_if_fail (bg != NULL, NULL);18:48
cjwatsonwell, either that or g_new failed18:48
ScottK"You must order a CD via shipit and wait 4 - 6 weeks.  If you can reproduce the bug with that CD, then you can report it."18:49
ScottKNote:  I'm not actually recommending that.18:49
cjwatsonso I suppose it could be that one of the pixmaps couldn't be read18:49
cjwatsonScottK: ... and then you get the people who go "I got this with a pressed CD" and you panic for a bit and then it turns out that cleaning their CD drive fixes it18:49
mdzcjwatson: is it time to discuss deprecating CD installations in favour of USB sticks?  they seem much more reliable18:50
ScottKYes, so not even being that annoying will do it.18:50
ScottKIt's actually pretty hard to find good quality CD media.18:50
cjwatsonmdz: maybe when we fix more of the USB installation bugs ;-) I think deprecate is too strong though; realistically I don't see people stopping using CDs any time soon18:51
maswanStop supporting anything but network installs. Ship a tiny dhcp+tftp-server. ;)18:51
mdzcjwatson: "rank second in order of preference"18:51
* cjwatson -> dinner18:52
mdzUSB sticks large enough to install Ubuntu can now be had for USD 4 or less18:53
maswanAlso, would it be possible to have a smarter integrity check which is more like a real access pattern?18:53
mdzwhich is still more than a CD-R, of course...18:53
mdzmaswan: yes.  would it help? maybe not.18:54
maswanmdz: Yeah, I should get around to get one, one of these days.. Of course, once you're at the point where you already netboot a couple of computers, netbooting an installer is less work than remembering to get a stick. :)18:54
maswanmdz: Not quite a general solution though..18:55
ebroderI have a custom boot CD that's using the Jaunty alpha 6 kernel/initrd from the mini.iso (with custom arguments). I'm getting http://paste.ubuntu.com/140869/ when I try to boot onto a Dell 755. I know I'm in i-get-to-keep-both-pieces territory, but is this my fault, or Ubuntu's?19:01
ebroderI've used the CD in a VM, where it worked fine19:02
pace_t_zuluis there a way I can help with the notifications project?19:06
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peciskpace_t_zulu: test with all kind of apps and report misbehaviour19:10
pace_t_zulupecisk: where can i find pidgin's code for interfacing with notifications? I believe it can be improved19:11
peciskpace_t_zulu: it sends a D-BUS message, I suppose19:12
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pace_t_zulupecisk: so the code would exist in pidgin's source?19:13
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peciskpace_t_zulu: it has several parts. Code for D-BUS message which causes those shiny OSD notifications to appear and code for general notification19:15
pace_t_zulupecisk: is there a guide for how to hack pidgin's source? is there a package i can install?19:16
peciskpace_t_zulu: apt-get source pidgin will get you a source and diff of Ubuntu changes19:17
pace_t_zulupecisk: thank you... apologies for my ignorance19:18
pecisknp :)19:19
peciskpace_t_zulu: this Mark post on notifications will inform you about how it happens. There are several links to Ubuntu Wiki about this - read them all, they usually contain very useful info.19:20
peciskpace_t_zulu: sorrry, forgot the link http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/26519:22
peciskpace_t_zulu: how to hack pidgin propably read there http://developer.pidgin.im/19:23
pace_t_zuluthanks pecisk19:24
loolcjwatson: (thanks for fixing and reviewing)19:31
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natewiebewhat is the best way to compile from source, then making a deb out of it?19:41
natewiebeive tried checkinstall, but im wondering if there is a better way19:42
c_kornnatewiebe: dh_make19:43
natewiebedoes that work better than checkinstall?19:44
ivokscheckinstall is dirty, but can be used for fast deb19:45
ivoksthose deb packages are flawed and shouldn't be used outside that single machine19:45
natewiebeokay.. thanks19:45
ivoksif you want to create deb package that would be usable outside, you should debianize the source19:46
natewiebethey havent made a gui yet have they?19:46
natewiebeand i should do that using dh_make?19:46
ivoksstart here: http://www.debian.org/doc/maint-guide/19:47
natewiebeawesome.. thanks19:47
c_kornI have a binary here and ldd says: libtinyxml.so => not found. why didn't dh_shlibdeps make the package depend on the lib package that contains this file?19:49
c_kornI used dh_makeshlibs to create the lib package19:49
LordKowc_korn, i think gencontrol does that.19:51
LordKowmaybe im wrong19:51
c_korndpkg-gencontrol: warning: unknown substitution variable ${misc:Depends}19:52
c_kornthis is the all output of gencontrol19:52
c_kornno word about a missing dependecy19:52
LordKowand you can ignore those gencontrol warnings about misc:Depends... im pretty sure.19:54
c_kornyes, well I will just add the dependecy manually19:56
c_kornbut it is odd anyway19:57
LordKowwell yea i take back that first part you said... dh_shlibdeps *should* be adding that dep but sometimes you just have to add it manually.19:57
LordKowfirst part i said that is. i dont think i can take back what you said ;)19:57
c_kornLordKow: yeah, thanks.20:02
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jtismecan anyone tell me the name of the installer file containing the  db_get db_go etc. shell functions20:13
NCommandercjwatson, is it possible we could get Kubuntu/Xubuntu CDs for ports (or at least PowerPC) this cycle? I realize that space on antimony might be at a premium, so if its not possible, could jidgo files be generated so users can assemble their own CDs?20:14
cjwatsonmdz: sorry, I was in a rush for dinner earlier and didn't really mean to be dismissive of that bug. I will look at it properly (since Evan's on holiday); it didn't show up in my tests with today's daily build, but I suppose it could be that the icon ubiquity is asking for only exists on some images20:19
cjwatsonjtisme: it's not specifically an installer file: /usr/share/debconf/confmodule20:19
jtismecjwatson, thanks20:19
cjwatsonNCommander: cdimage has been trying to build them for ages. If they aren't appearing, then it's because they're failing, not because they're not being tried20:19
NCommandercjwatson, it seems I'm an idiot (I didn't see the ports CD where it was, although I'm confused on why Kubuntu has a full set of CDs, and Xubuntu just got ARM and PowerPC, but this I shall figure out)20:23
mdzcjwatson: no worries, I'm just scanning over http://qa.ubuntu.com/reports/bugnumbers/bugs-since-2009-03-26.html for anything which looks actionable20:23
cjwatsonmdz: ah, I was wondering where it came from; couldn't imagine you were looking over all ubiquity bugs ...20:24
mdzcjwatson: it caught my eye originally because I didn't notice 'beta' in the summary, and figured it could be a regression in the dailies20:24
cjwatsonI did a sweep through newish ubiquity bugs today, since we needed an upload20:25
Ngam I reading pm-utils scripts right, and the existence of /var/run/pm-utils/pm-suspend/storage/inhibit prevents suspending?20:42
james_wNg: looks like it to me20:46
Ngjames_w: that was my reading too. I just removed it, ran pm-suspend again and it came back. Time to do more reading :)20:48
james_wNg: /usr/lib/pm-utils/pm-functions:# if the hook exited with an unknown exit code inhibit,20:49
james_w/usr/lib/pm-utils/pm-functions:hook_exit_status $? && LAST_HOOK="$base" || inhibit20:49
Ngbam, one culprit found20:51
Ng+ /etc/pm/sleep.d/07-stop-play.sh suspend suspend20:51
Ngkill: 4: Usage: kill [-s sigspec | -signum | -sigspec] [pid | job]... or20:51
Ngso the question is whether or not it's reasonable to only call kill if there actually is an argument, or if there should always be an argument. the ps is returning no matches here20:54
james_wNg: why not use something like pkill?20:56
Ngjames_w: that script is from a third party package, so I'll move along now20:58
james_wah, well if you will insist on modifying an install of Ubuntu then of course you will find bugs :-)20:59
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* Ng wonders if there should be a notification of what caused the suspend process to fail21:05
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lamont*qa.ubuntu.com going offline for a few minutes for maintenance.21:22
lamontand *qa.ubuntu.com is back online21:28
* cjwatson hates it when people lie in bug reports (as proven by the logs they attach)21:30
ScottKIf you're going to lie, at least be smart about it?21:32
pwnguinat least they were kind enough to attach logs21:33
cody-somervillePeople do that?21:35
brycecjwatson: my favorite lie:  "I have the same issue."21:36
bryceusually followed by, "Well, except that..."21:36
ScottKMy favorite one is "I wasn't watching pron"21:37
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slangasekjpds: why are you proposing to add these apparmor profiles into the apparmor package, instead of into the package providing the binary?22:17
jdstrandslangasek: cause I told him too22:18
slangasekok, why are *you* doing that then? :)22:18
jpdsslangasek: Sorry, does it email everyone? Didn't know that.22:18
jpdsslangasek: And what Jamie said. :)22:18
jdstrandslangasek: it is because they aren't ready yet. profiles-devel is simply a collecting area for in progress profiles, not ready for mass consumption22:18
slangasekit does, which is a known annoyance that I don't hold against you :), I'm just puzzled by where they're going22:18
slangasekah, I see22:19
jpdsSorry about the spam folks.22:19
jdstrandactually, it is a good thing22:19
jdstrandthat way people will know when new profiles are being developed22:19
slangasekno, it's not a good thing. :)22:20
jdstrandI acknowledge the spam factor, but if you look at it with the right pair of glasses, it is good :)22:21
jdstrandslangasek: I happen to own two pair. I can loan you one if you like :P22:21
calcthis is probably a dumb question, why doesn't ssh to another box with my public/private key log me in without asking for my password?22:49
wgrantcalc: Is it in .authorized_keys on the remote box?22:49
wgrantHave id_[rd]sa.pub isn't enough.22:50
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calcwgrant: ah ok22:51
wgrant~/.ssh/authorized_keys, I of course mean.22:52
calcthat fixed it :)22:52
Ampelbeincalc: you can use seahorse to setup your key automagically.22:58
Ampelbeincalc: rightmouse-click on they -> "configure key for secure shell" (just in case you need it again)22:59
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mrooneywhen do the karmic archives open?23:31
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jpdsmrooney: After 30/04: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KarmicReleaseSchedule23:33
mrooneyjpds: thanks! I was just thinking about you as I look for Barcelona flights23:34
mrooneyI knew the flight was rough but, I didn't realize I leave on friday and get in on sunday :)23:34
mdkeseb128: testing your theory on bug 264314 now, if it works I'll do a debdiff23:37
ubottuLaunchpad bug 264314 in brasero "Brasero documentation does not appear in Yelp search results" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/26431423:37
seb128mdke: thanks23:37
seb128mdke: I think it's just that the directory has not been listed in any .install when the package has been splited for the new library23:38
seb128mdke: just dh_install --list-missing after the build to see what is not installed23:38
mdkeseb128: ok, thanks23:38
mdkeseb128: I see that the bzr branch only has the debian directory, is there an easy way to get the source with it, or can I just use "apt-get source" for everything?23:39
seb128mdke: bzr-buildpackage23:40
seb128mdke: it does get the tarball etc for you and start the build23:41
* mdke installs23:41
seb128mdke: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam/Bzr23:41
* mdke reads23:42
seb128mdke: if you are interested in a not to complicate description of how to use bzr for desktop packaging23:42
mdkeseb128: I am, thanks23:42

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