
=== mcasadevall is now known as NCommander
NCommanderlamont, you have ia64 hardware, right?, Any chance I can convince you at some point to test the HPPA and ia64 alternate CDs? (I fixed di on ia64 so it builds again ...)20:05
lamontNCommander: sure - I just need to fetch them and I can do that... you're talking the current dailies, yes?20:06
NCommanderlamont, yup. IA-64 should just work. HPPA might have a broken kernel, no one tested it recently, and I had to fudge the config on the last upload20:07
* NCommander has also been trying to see if he can find a set of HPPA patches to help stablize the buildds for the Hardy kernel, with lack of luck ATM.20:07
lamontah, cool.  assertions are that the patches is in the debian kernel, either separately, or from upstream.  Of course, that'd be a diff version of the kernel, I expect20:08
lamontfetching both isos started, with any luck, they'll be done today...20:09
NCommanderlamont, well in squeeze and sid have no HPPA specific patches, it looks like they got merged into the mainline20:09
NCommanderSo they should have trickled into ubuntu-ports which is 2.6.28 based.20:09
lamont-> lunch20:09
NCommanderyay, lunch20:10
NCommanderlamont, futher good news, the Ports architectures are now building variant CDs20:24
NCommander(aka, xubuntu/kubuntu/etc.)20:24
jbailey_lamont, Is anyone working on hppa upstream still?20:47
jbailey_I thought kyle had said fuckit awhile back.20:47
lamontNCommander: heh.  14 min and I'll have both isos22:26

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