
soninkHas anyone ever had problems where the X server doesn't allow full resolution and color depth if a system is unable to pull an IP address?  Or does this sound like a misdiagnosis?  I think it may be due to the connection to the monitor.  Is there a way to check X error logs to find the cause?00:01
zoredachesonink: I think that would be very unusual.00:03
kavehim using ventrilo, it is voip software00:07
kavehalthough i havent gotten my microphone working yet00:07
kavehlogitech usb00:08
kavehfrom guitarhero 400:08
BigMoopiesis it possible to change the little box that Thunar pops up in ?00:15
BigMoopiesIt's too small, and I always have to resize it.  It's annoying.00:15
kavehanyone able to help me with this - im using alsa + ventrilo. havent got my mic working yet but thats not to worry - i can sit in channels and hear people but there are overtones that  didnt occur in windows and i havent found any comment of someting like this on the intarwebz00:39
kavehanyone able to help?00:39
zoredachekaveh: it really isn't a xubuntu issue that is specific to xubuntu, you probably should consider asking in #ubuntu/#kubuntu if you haven't already.  There tends to be more people there, which means you might get help00:50
J_Litewskii can't get Dell's GPG key00:50
zoredacheJ_Litewski: does Dell even have a gpg key?00:51
zoredachehow do you know?00:51
J_Litewskifor firmware updates00:51
kavehthankyou zoredache00:52
zoredacheJ_Litewski: do you have a link to the repository?00:53
J_Litewskii got this:http://linux.dell.com/wiki/index.php/Repository/firmware00:54
J_Litewskithat tells me how to do this00:54
J_Litewskiwhats 8.04 codename?00:55
zoredachethis looks like the gpg key... http://linux.dell.com/repo/GPG-KEY-dell00:56
J_Litewskii've been trying to download it, it says i don't have permissions00:57
zoredachehow are you trying to download it?00:57
J_Litewskiso, i'm going to import Hardy's universe list and try again00:57
J_Litewskisudo wget -q -O - http://linux.dell.com/repo/firmware/bootstrap.cgi | bash00:59
J_Litewskidamnit, that didnt work00:59
J_Litewskithis is the messages i'm getting from the terminal:01:00
zoredachethe problem there is that the 'sudo' doesn't also persist through the pipe01:00
zoredacheso your wget gets to run as root, but the bash command is only running as yourself01:00
zoredacheDell is probably assuming that you are using a root shell like you would get if you run the command (sudo -i)01:00
J_Litewskiso i need to run bash as sudo too?01:01
J_Litewskisudo wget -q -O - http://linux.dell.com/repo/firmware/bootstrap.cgi | sudo bash01:01
zoredachedo an sudo -i all by itself and you'll get a real root shell01:01
zoredachethen just use the line they gave you01:01
J_Litewskii don't feel safe running solely as root01:02
J_Litewskican i reverse sudo -i?01:02
zoredachewhen you are done, close the window or type exit01:02
zoredacheit would only exist for that shell/terminal/session01:02
J_Litewskisudo wget -q -O - http://linux.dell.com/repo/firmware/bootstrap.cgi | sudo bash works too01:03
zoredacheI can imagine unusual cases where the pipe might not work...  But if it works for you, then that is fine01:03
J_Litewskii don't like the full root idea01:04
J_Litewskithat scares me01:04
zoredacheI don't see how it makes a big difference01:04
zoredacheyou are running the script as root either way01:05
J_Litewskibut i don't run everything as root01:05
zoredacheI am not asking you to run everything as root...01:05
J_Litewskiif i did sudo -i and forgot about it, i would sudo everything i did01:05
zoredacheno you wouldn't01:05
J_Litewskisince i usually keep my terminal open01:06
zoredacheplus it is pretty clear, if you just look at the prompt01:06
zoredachea root prompt will have roots username, and your prompt will have yours01:06
zoredacheand how hard is it to type 'exit' when you are done?  *shrugs* I don't care though... I am off to get dinner01:07
zoredachethe biggest thing that may break is that when you do 'sudo' things will inherit your enviroment'  when you are in a root shell like you would get with 'sudo -i' the PATH will be a little different, and won't have anything from your personal enviroment01:08
J_Litewskistill, i tend to break things01:08
n0ahhey, I installed xubuntu-desktop and I'm wondering how to set up dual display as I have it in gnome01:08
zoredacheif something evil happened in your profile, and Dell was sloppy, then you might be letting that evil thing in your profile elevate its privileges01:09
* J_Litewski sighs01:11
J_Litewskii need to install more junk to get the bootstrap_firmware installed...01:12
J_Litewskiafter i spent most of yesterday trimming the bloat i had01:12
J_Litewskiwhats kswap0?01:21
* diabu hi01:50
J_Litewskithat was wierd...02:35
J_Litewskii didn't have a Applications button for a minute there02:35
CloseYetFaryea dont kill Kswap0 lol02:40
CloseYetFarit stands for Kernal Hard Disk Swap running on processor 002:41
CloseYetFarall the processes with k in front of them and low PID are kernel processes02:42
ryanbeerI have a situation on my hands.  I installed Xubuntu about 3 weeks ago.  I installed Gnome and it is running Compiz.  I started kde from terminal, restarted and now when the login screen comes up my keyboard, mouse, and all usb devices lock up.02:49
ryanbeerI meant to say I was running Gnome and it was running Compiz02:50
J_Litewskigrrr... i can't seem to update my firmware03:01
zoredachewhy do you think you need to?03:02
J_Litewskibecause i like to update stuff like that03:02
J_Litewskii'm thinking about booting up wine and using the windows installer03:03
zoredachegood luck with that...  That is the type of thing, that if it does fail, is going to fail badly03:04
J_Litewskii know03:04
J_Litewskii did it on an old Toshiba befpre03:05
zoredachewhy are you trying to fix something that isn't broke?03:05
J_Litewskii'm one of those people that like to make sure that my computer is up to date03:06
J_Litewskiincluding firmware03:06
kb3uiWhat would be the best way to report a broken link on the Xubunutu website?03:18
kb3uiIRSeekBot:  How does one wake the humans here?03:26
cody-somervillekb3ui, File a bug report against the xubuntu-website project03:40
kb3uiThanks - got your message cody-somerville03:48
kb3uiWould that be on the Launchpad site for Ubuntu?03:49
cody-somervilleit would be :)03:58
kb3uiOk.  I've already sent an e-mail to the Ubuntu webmaster, but I realize that's probably someone else.03:59
owen1i get "550 failed to open file" when trying to get a file from an ubuntu with vsftpd. any clues?07:13
cody-somervilleWhat do you mean?07:27
owen1cody-somerville: i try to get a file from my server using vsftpd.08:02
owen1cody-somerville: and probably have permission issues. not sure.08:02
tavastiIs it possible to config Xorg in laptop so that external display can be used to extend display area when connected?10:23
tavastiwith xrandr I can turn on second display, but is cannot be placed on right-of, left-of, top, bottom10:23
tavastixrandr: screen cannot be larger than 1680x1600 (desired size 2832x1050)10:24
ubottuxinerama is an extension to !X to use two or more physical displays as one large virtual display. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XineramaHowTo - See also !DualHead10:25
tavastiTheSheep, I know how to do it when both displays are connected on boot time10:26
TheSheepxrandr can only use the memory of your video card10:27
TheSheepso it has imits on how large the virtual display can be10:27
tavastiAh, so memory is the limit, not config10:28
tavastiVideoRAM: 262144 kByte,  Max desktop size set to 2560x160010:30
tavastifrom Xorg.log10:30
TheSheepxinerama uses different technique, so it's not limited like that10:31
tavastithat value is bigger than given by Xrandr10:31
tavastiwould running in 16bpp help?10:32
TheSheepno idea10:33
ubottuInformation about dual-head on linux can be found on http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/DualHead - See also !Xinerama10:33
tavastitried, adding Xinerama "1" to server flags makes xorg not to work at all12:52
tavastiand DefaultDepth    16 doesn't change anything12:52
tavastiplaying with aticonfig helps13:34
=== vinze is now known as vinnl
UKGentTheSheep I don't think that you are ever off-line !15:53
TheSheepwhy would I?15:54
UKGentlol er... sleep perhaps or the odd meeting , meals lol  mind you - I am getting as bad15:55
UKGentI am having a great 'trolling' campaign - aimed at clearing out as much of my 'friends' list on Facebook as I can manage.... another one gone this morning. I want to build up a worthwhile network of people to converse with - fed up with Facebook lol15:57
UKGentjust keep that for family bulletins15:57
UKGentI like the video search on Totem - especially utube ... and is it my imagination but Totem seems to render ubube Vids really clearly ?16:30
UKGentsorry 'utube'16:30
UKGentFreudian slip lol16:30
UKGentWhen a document is reloaded in the default pdf viewer - it remembers your page and resumes where you left off - Hurray !16:40
TheSheepyeah, it also remembers the window size and position16:42
SlonkieAnyone know how to load a dictionary into openoffice? It's .otx file, i looked at their site but i were unable to find anything.16:42
UKGentTheSheep which is more than some proprietary systems do - it is things like that , which impress me...16:43
TheSheepgood first impression consists of around 700 irrelevant details...16:44
SlonkieAnyone know how to make thunderbird minimize to "tray" (not sure this is the right name in xubuntu :P)17:02
UKGentDon't think it can without some sort of extension17:09
Slonkiewell it's getting annoying that i have to use alltray everytime i want to minimize it.17:11
UKGentSlonkie - I was just about to suggest using Alltray17:11
UKGentI am pretty sure that Thunderbird has no native ability to minimise to the Tray17:12
Slonkieall right.17:13
Slonkieguess it can't keep up with outlook 07 then ;P17:13
UKGentThere are extensions for Windows but I don't know of one for Linux - I will let you know if I find one !17:13
SlonkieThanks UKGent saw those for windows too, stupid they diden't make one for linux too! :(17:14
UKGentSomeone should make a suggestion maybe ;(17:15
UKGentSlonkie - have you tried file>Wizards>New Dictionaries   ?   You might have trouble with this if you are using Compiz  visual effects - if this is the case, just disable the effects whilst you use the Wizard17:35
UKGentsorry - it's 'Install New Dictionaries' ...17:36
LinusTorvaldsit it normal that the configuration of language-pack-en-base takes over two hours during the installation?17:54
LinusTorvalds64MB ram, 450MHz processor17:54
charlie-tcaThat would depend on the system.17:54
charlie-tcaI am surprised that any desktop would install in 64MB ram17:55
charlie-tcaand, yes, with that processor and ram17:55
LinusTorvaldsok, thanks17:56
charlie-tcaI would suggest using a different name. With that name, you would be expected to be able to explain why that is so.17:56
LinusTorvaldshaha, okay17:56
UKGentPerhaps it would have been better to install using the FSF membership card ...17:56
=== LinusTorvalds is now known as timmy
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UKGentI was going to use Richard Stallman but was persuaded not to17:58
charlie-tcaYes, normally it is better not to use a living persons name17:58
UKGentcharlie - I would never do any such thing really !  It would be nothing short of blasphemy !18:00
moodogevening :)18:02
UKGentmoodog evening - although I will have to take a short break soon in order to cook a meal for myself and my sweet little grey haired Irish Mother (if you think I am kidding about this, you would be wrong) !18:04
Slonkiethere is no "New Dictionaries" in wizards, UKGent. :(18:04
UKGentSlonkie - just something I read - I have not got Open Office on my system at present but I keep meaning to download it - when I do, I will take a look18:05
SlonkieOkay :P18:05
* diabu is away: I'm busy18:06
* diabu is back (gone 00:00:06)18:06
* diabu is away: guitar18:06
UKGentI am glad it does not come ready packaged on xubuntu because it takes an eternity to install as part of a new installation18:06
TheSheepdurt: please disable that18:06
TheSheepdurt: sorry18:06
TheSheepdiabu: please disable that18:06
diabusorry <-18:06
TheSheepthanks :)18:06
UKGentI agree with leaving it to be installed later, rather than bundling it18:08
=== emdash_ is now known as emdash
SlonkieAnyone in here using pyNeighborhood? :)19:08
cody-somervilleNot I19:08
cody-somervilleAlthough I packaged it19:08
SlonkieYou know how to mount a network drive in it then? :D19:09
Slonkieor.. it's a windows network share folder19:10
cody-somervilleI didn't have too much luck with it personally19:13
Slonkieno me neither19:13
CppIsWeirdis there any linux equivalent to this program MemPad, http://home.mnet-online.de/horst.muc/wmem.htm the main feature I am referring to is the ability to create multiple sections in a text document in a tree like structure.19:34
=== SiDi_made_his_ho is now known as SiDi
J_Litewskiwhat is unix2dos?19:58
cody-somervilleunix and dos have different file line endings19:59
cody-somervilleunix2dos is a tool to convert a text file from unix file line endings to dos ones19:59
J_Litewskiis it in the repo?19:59
Slonkiesudo apt-cache search unix2dos ? :P19:59
J_Litewskii need it to flash my lappy's firmware19:59
cody-somervilleThe package is called tofrodos20:00
Slonkiei see tofrodos when searching20:00
J_Litewskisweet, ty20:00
J_Litewskisince dell is too lazy to put the inspiron 1000 firmware updates in there repo, i have to flash in within GRUB20:01
J_Litewskihopefully the new BIOS will fix my MS-BIOS bug i get when i boot20:03
Slonkiehmm anyone know an application to capture pictures with my built in webcam? only place i can see it works is in skype20:10
J_Litewskiwhere would i find memdisk at?20:10
J_Litewskiin /20:10
J_Litewskiit's part of syslinux20:11
J_Litewskibiosdisk needs it in the /boot directory20:12
J_Litewskiso i need to copy it from where it's at to /boot20:12
cody-somervilledo you mean memtest?20:15
SiDiSlonkie: cheese20:16
J_Litewskino, it says memdisk20:16
SiDiSlonkie: try "easycam" in order to configure your webcam, it works with a lot of webcams. and cheese allows you to record videos and photos20:16
J_Litewskiah, there we goo20:16
cody-somervilleJ_Litewski, Ubuntu doesn't usually use syslinux to boot20:16
cody-somervilleJ_Litewski, you found it? awesome :)20:16
SlonkieThanks SiDi. i'll try it out.20:17
J_Litewskiit needs it to load a firmware image20:17
Slonkieeasycam is not in the reps :(20:17
cody-somervilleIts probably loading dos, J_Litewski :P20:17
J_Litewskisince my lappy doesn't have a floppy drive, and i can't find the firmware in dells repo, i need to load the image directly from the HDD20:18
J_Litewskiit's quite a stretch, but hopefully it works20:18
Slonkieeasycam diden't work, SiDi :(20:26
J_Litewskiwish me luck cody-somerville, i'm going to try and flash the bios in GRUB20:29
cody-somervilleGood luck!20:29
SiDiSlonkie: What computer do you have ?20:31
SlonkieIt's a Acer Aspire 453020:32
J_Litewskithe .exe i used can't be run in DOS mode20:35
SiDihttp://www.linlap.com/wiki/acer+aspire+4530#linux+compatibility Slonkie20:35
J_Litewskibut, biosdisk made a boot image20:35
SiDithere are drivers out there, but i guess you'll have to search for them :/20:35
Slonkienot that important, i don't really use it anyway20:36
J_Litewskixfce is case sensitive?20:41
J_Litewskior is linux in whole case sensitive?20:41
Slonkielinux in whole20:46
samuHey there, someone have time to help a first time user?20:54
J_Litewskidarn, it didn't work...20:55
J_Litewskiat least it didn't complsin snout it not being a dos executable file20:55
J_Litewski*complain about20:55
samuIs someone able to help me with HDD question20:56
Slonkieplease just ask your question, samu.20:56
samuWell, sorry first time here. Okay, I need help, I just installed Xubuntu on my 4.3gb Maxtor drive, but can't see my 160gb drive which contains all windows files20:56
samuIs this even possible?20:57
Slonkieyou'll have to mount the drive20:57
samuHow's that done?20:57
J_Litewskiis it a SATA, RAID, or IDE drive?20:58
samuummm.....  SATA , I quess20:59
SiDisamu, post the output of "sudo fdisk -l" in paste.ubuntu.com, please20:59
SiDiwe're going to explain you how to setup /etc/fstab for your windows partitions to be automatically mounted (mounted = "loaded") at system start21:00
samupasted, It's in finnish21:01
SiDiGive us the link, please :p21:02
samuSorry :)21:03
SiDiok, what if you type, now, "sudo mkdir /media/Windows && sudo mount /dev/sda2 /media/Windows -t ntfs-3g" ?21:03
SiDi(if you're more curious about how a command works, you can type "man <command name>" to get the manual for this command, ie. man mkdir and man mount, here ;) )21:04
samuCreation of media/Windows failed21:06
samufile exists21:06
SiDihaha alright21:06
SiDitype the second part of the command only, then ;)21:06
SiDiThis command is just to check that the drive mounts fine in /media/Windows21:07
SiDithen we'll see how to automate the mount operation so that you don't have to do it21:07
SiDi(and btw, it should have been done automatically during the install :o)21:07
samuWell, it Didn't :)21:08
samunow I have done the second command21:08
SiDioh, i thought you said "it didnt" about the second command21:08
SiDiwhat if you go in /media/Windows with your file explorer, now ? Can you see your windows files ?21:09
samuActually, yes :))21:09
samuSo many thanks to you SiDi  :) I appreciate your help very much21:10
SiDiwait, we didnt finish21:10
SiDinow, we'll open the file /etc/fstab that is responsible for mounting the partitions when your system boots21:10
SiDiand add a line that will automatically and definately mount your windows partition for you21:10
samuI have the file open21:11
SiDitype "gksudo mousepad /etc/fstab" in order to open this file with mousepad text editor21:12
SiDidid you open it with gksudo or sudo ?21:12
SiDiit wont let you save it, either21:12
SiDibecause only admins can modify it :p21:12
SiDianyways, add this line : /dev/sda2     /media/Windows  ntfs        rw,user,auto        0    021:12
SiDithen save, and at next boot it should already be mounted21:13
samuOk thanks :)21:13
SiDiyou're welcome21:13
SiDifeel free to come again if you have any questions :)21:13
samuOk, C'ya :)21:13
SiDiSee you21:14
J_LitewskiSiDi, how do you remove something from the /boot directory?21:14
SiDierr, with sudo rm ? :P21:15
SiDi(note that i dont know what should NOT be removed :p)21:15
J_Litewski kk, i have two bad flash files in that diredtory21:15
sinboxmaybe rename theem insstead J_Litewski instead of deleting, just in case21:17
J_Litewskitoo late... :p21:17
J_Litewskiwell, i manually edited the menu.lst and deleted the directories relating to the files21:22
SiDi(dont delete your kernel, btw :D)21:25
J_Litewskii know that :P21:26
J_Litewskithese had filenames i gave them21:26
J_Litewskiso i knew i could delete thme without any risk21:26
J_LitewskiI also did the same thing in windows for years21:27
SiDiSee you people21:30
J_Litewskibye SiDi21:30
SiDihave fun with your /boot, J_Litewski :p21:31
J_Litewskiwill do21:31
CppIsWeirdin Thunar i right click on the "Computer" icon and click on the icon and i get a display that says "Select an Icon for "Computer"" which presents me a list of icons. Where are these icons located?21:48
cody-somervilleCppIsWeird, probably in /usr/share/pixmaps21:52
cody-somervilleor /usr/share/images/21:53
cody-somervilleor something like that21:53
CppIsWeirdcody-somerville, i checked there, could not find them there21:53
cody-somervilleThey're there somewhere :)21:53
CppIsWeirdin case anyone else asks, they are in /usr/share/icons/<Theme Name>22:17
UKGentSlonkie - If you have the latest version of Open Office 2.4 - you do just pull down the File Menu, then Wizards and you will see one for adding Dictionaries - simple !23:35

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