
nixternalw00t, installed the new irssi :)00:23
nixternalpackaged it first though, so if you want it, let me know00:23
nixternalirssi must follow debian quite a bit, because they incorporated about 75% of their patches00:24
cbrisn't it an april fools joke?00:28
nixternalactually it isn't00:31
neversfeldeI will not believe anything today :D00:32
dtchenheh, we have a major milestone release at work today00:32
dtchen(today being 1 apr 2009)00:32
JontheEchidnaneversfelde: will you believe your desktop about the weather? :D00:35
neversfeldeJontheEchidna: it is Dubai weather, so if it is sunny, I will believe :D00:36
ryanakcanixternal: Hurra! Please :) Will they work on my Hardy server?00:43
jjesseJontheEchidna: trying to follow your weather post and get an error, posted as a comment on your blog what i'm getting in the terminal01:24
JontheEchidnajjesse: do you have kdelibs5-dev installed?01:25
jjessehrmm don't know, let me check01:25
jjessenow i will01:25
jjessedid i miss that in the post01:26
voriannixternal: new irssi?01:26
* vorian waves01:26
JontheEchidnajjesse: I could have said, "make sure you have the kdelibs development headers installed", would that have helped?01:26
jjessei probablly would have screwed it up some anyways :)01:27
JontheEchidnajjesse: hehe. The rest of the stuff should be more foolproof01:27
tsimpsonvorian: 0.8.1301:28
jjesseJontheEchidna: one more question: In file included from /home/jonathan/weather/weather.cpp:22:01:35
jjesse/home/jonathan/weather/weather.h:26:41: error: plasma/weather/weatherutils.h: No such file or directory01:35
JontheEchidnaand that should really, really be it ;-)01:36
jjesseare you sure this tiem ?01:36
JontheEchidnapretty sure01:36
jjesseok one more thing JontheEchidna, don't have weather under desktop settings, have image, slideshow and color01:53
JontheEchidnajjesse: after sudo make install and kbuildsycoca4?01:54
jjessedang it forgot kbuildsycoca401:54
jjessei told you i'd screw it up01:54
JontheEchidnaI am thinking I should just package it and put in in my ppa :)01:54
jjesseyup even after kbuildsycoca401:55
JontheEchidnacould you give the output of sudo make install?01:55
JontheEchidnaI think I messed up the cmake line01:56
JontheEchidnado a sudo make uninstall for starters01:56
JontheEchidnacmake ../ -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr01:56
JontheEchidnasudo make install01:56
jjessethat did it01:57
jjessedoes it take a while to get the weather of the location?  or do some locations not work?01:59
JontheEchidnawhich location are you trying?01:59
jjesseall cities i've tried, grand rapdis, mi, london heathrow, detroit02:00
JontheEchidnaok, right now it will only work for the first city you specify02:01
jjessehrmm ok02:01
JontheEchidnagrand rapids was your first one?02:01
jjesseyes sir ;)02:02
jjessemy home town02:02
JontheEchidnaok, set it to grand rapids then do a kquitapp plasma, then alt + f2 and type plasma02:03
JontheEchidnajust to be sure02:03
JontheEchidnado you have kdebase-workspace-wallpapers installed?02:03
EagleScreenkdebluetooth continue crashing for me always I tunr off my bluetooth device02:04
jjessei do now02:04
JontheEchidnaok, kquitapp plasma, start it again02:04
EagleScreeni have seen similar bugs in launchpad, but all with invalid status due to an invalid backtrace, users cannot send good backtraces without debugging symbols02:05
jjesseJontheEchidna: thanks for helping me through my stupidness02:05
JontheEchidnajjesse: so you got it working? :D02:06
jjesseEagleScreen: running jaunty now and dont get as many crashes with kbuetoothd02:06
jjessehold on still installing02:06
JontheEchidnathis is a good reason why we have package managers, to handle dependencies like this02:06
EagleScreeni am running jaunty since Alpha602:06
EagleScreenkbluetooth crash each time I disconnect my bluetooth adapter02:07
EagleScreenand it always fails sending a file to my cell phone02:07
EagleScreenI would like to help reporting backtraces, but I haven't find debugging symbols02:08
vorian03/31/09|18:15 CTCP VERSION reply from vorian: irssi v0.8.1302:13
EagleScreenanybody is interested in fixing kbluetooth?02:14
neversfeldevorian: do not like the new irssi. I can provide you an account on my quassel server :D02:57
neversfeldeis there really a new irssi version, btw?02:59
neversfeldeor an april fool hoax?03:00
tsimpsonneversfelde: it's real, it was announced before 00:0003:02
neversfeldetsimpson: mhhh, "Posted by Geert on April 1st 2009."03:02
neversfeldeI'll go to sleep and hopefully not wake up until 02/04/09 :D03:04
tsimpsonI mean UTC, I got a wallop about it at [21:28] UTC03:04
nixternalryanakca: I can do a hardy one if you would like03:28
nixternalryanakca: just uploaded a Hardy version, when it finishes building I will let you know03:42
vorianneversfelde: quassel does not have the tools I need to do my irc thing03:45
vorianbut thanks for the offer :)03:45
nixternalryanakca vorian ^^  new irssi packages for Hardy, Intrepid, and Jaunty04:12
nhandlernixternal: Do you have a link to the upstream changelog?04:48
nixternalnhandler: right on their front page04:51
nhandlernixternal: Thanks. I found it about a minute after I asked. I just finished reading through it05:01
=== k4v is now known as m4v
a|wenhmm, looks like the screen corruption issues on intel cards just got de-prioritized06:08
=== blizzzek is now known as blizzz
apachelogger_Riddell: ping09:25
=== apachelogger__ is now known as apachelogger_
Riddellapachelogger: you pinged?10:59
apacheloggerRiddell: already got hooked up, I was a bit confused by apt wanting to install all of gnome when doing an dist-upgrade ;-)11:01
a|wenJontheEchidna: do we have any idea of how many are hit by the intel gfx problems? and if switching to UXA/XAA is a valid solution in most cases, or only for the few?12:01
davmor2Riddell: incomplete language support on an English install :(12:03
a|wendavmor2: on jaunty?12:12
Riddella|wen: probably quite a lot suffer from it.  switching may or may not help, seems pretty random12:12
Riddellask an actual X person for a better answer :)12:13
davmor2a|wen: yes jaunty today's iso12:13
a|wenRiddell: we got bruce to look at it; but he resigned from the bug again, so looks currently it doesn't look like much will happen to it12:14
a|wendavmor2: there was the same problem in intrepid; sounds like it is still not fixed then...12:15
davmor2a|wen: it wasn't affect installs up-to alpha5 but from alpha 6 on it's been playing up on and off again12:16
a|wenhmm; do we know how update-notifier-kde is supposed to detect those things12:17
cumulus007Apport pretty sucks... All of a sudden, it pops up with the question to enter my password12:28
cumulus007That's not very user-minded12:28
cumulus007And when it's reporting window opens, it places itselve on some random position on the screen12:29
cumulus007the progress bar stucks at the left side12:29
cumulus007it's gui looks like KDE 312:29
tsimpsonit's actually Qt412:33
a|wencumulus007: if it ask a password to start with it is probably because a application running as root crashed ... then apport runs as root and doesn't use your theme settings, and that is why it might look pretty bad12:35
davmor2cumulus007: that's because apport needs root access and can only have that if you type in your password :)12:35
cumulus007okay, but really, it shouldn't poup suddenly12:36
cumulus007It has an icon in the system tray12:36
cumulus007just let it open when the user clicks on that icon12:36
cumulus007Since I am a experienced user, I know what apport-qt does and what is it12:37
cumulus007on the other hand, the newbie, doesn't know that12:37
a|wena kind of message / explanation before it try to gain root priviledges might not be a bad idea12:38
cumulus007a|wen: I think it shouldn't open without the user's permission at all12:40
cumulus007Ubuntu doesn't do it either12:40
tsimpsonhmm, self.connect(self.apportWatch, SIGNAL("dirty(const QString &)"), self.runApport)12:40
tsimpsonit does seem to just start from that, without any notification12:41
cumulus007tsimpson: exactly12:41
cumulus007and it's, as that line of source code says, dirty :P12:41
tsimpsonlooks like it only displays the icon & popup if there are pending crashes when it starts12:41
a|wentsimpson: true on that12:42
tsimpsonif it just connects to self.showApportIcon, then it should ask12:43
cumulus007asks through a Plasma notification12:45
tsimpsonthat would require significant changes12:46
apacheloggerdavmor2, Riddell: re missing language stuff in english ... it doesn't ship the openoffice l10n packages by default, which leads to that message12:47
apacheloggeractually the metapackage for that is missing (though the meta also pulls in gimp, thunderbird and evolution)12:47
apacheloggerby 9.10 koffice should be stable, so we can drop that stuff all along ;-)12:48
a|wenapachelogger: but seems you don't get the option to install anything? or was that only in intrepid12:48
apacheloggerlanguage-selector will come up and install the missing packages12:48
apacheloggerdunno if it was that way in intrepid12:48
a|wenoh cool! ... in intrepid you got the language-selector; but english was greyed out so nothing could be installed12:49
davmor2apachelogger: :(12:49
apacheloggerwell, it installs half the gnome stack right now anyway :P12:50
apacheloggerbug 35203612:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 352036 in language-support-translations-en "language-support-translations-* depends on gnome-user-guide-*" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35203612:50
davmor2a|wen: you get the same thing now12:50
apacheloggerdavmor2: it worked here12:50
apacheloggerthough I fiddled with language-selector12:51
davmor2apachelogger: you just click on install and it all goes away so I'm not sure what it is doing12:51
apacheloggermaybe it is broken12:52
apachelogger...the notification thingy12:52
JontheEchidnawhoa, nm-plasmoid commit activity13:06
jussi01JontheEchidna: quick question for you, do you know if the latest nvidia driver has been packaged? the stable release?13:16
JontheEchidnadon't think so, but I saw a wishlist bug for it13:17
jussi01hrm... the one I read about on planet :D13:17
seelehas anyone else got "let's talk about ubuntu" spam?13:32
Riddellnot here13:34
jpdsseele: from .dk?13:34
jpdsI got that, and so did ubuntu-devel.13:35
seelehum.. this might be a real person13:35
jpdsseele: google confirms.13:36
seeleso weird.. i got it three times13:36
seeleto my gmail account too13:37
ScottKseele: I got one directly and one via ubuntu-devel.13:42
seeleyeah, google says ubuntu-server got it too13:42
Mamarokhi frim the OpenExpo in Bern14:05
Riddellhello OpenExpo!14:05
Mamaroksad I don't have any Kubuntu CDs left :(14:05
Mamarok*from, of course :)14:06
Riddellintrepid ones are in short support generally14:06
MamarokRiddell: I know, let's hope there will be more for Jaunty14:06
Riddellthere will be14:06
Mamarokgreat :)14:06
a|wenhi both of you15:11
m4vhi I'm testing the beta, have anyone noticed that amarok doesn't build a collection in a new user?15:20
a|wenm4v: don't you just need to specify the collection directory first?15:22
m4vsep, that's where it does nothing15:22
a|wenokay, that sounds kinda wrong then15:25
m4vi pick the directory, then click rescan collection, the progress bar shows briefly, but nothing is created, like if the picked dir were devoid of music (it is not). And the console output shows nothing wrong, so I have no clue.15:32
m4vI should probably fill a bug15:32
rgreeningTonio_: is there a new kpackagekit?15:38
rgreeningjust wondering if we are up to date15:39
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: ping15:44
apacheloggerRiddell, Tonio_: please push at least updated translations, if not a whole new release of kpackagekit :)15:45
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: plong15:45
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: anything for me to do?15:48
JontheEchidnahelp us not die under the recent explosion of bugs?15:48
apacheloggerbtw, kdesdk needs a triage session + upstream needs to do some triage in kate15:48
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: anywhere I should start killing?15:49
JontheEchidnaIt'd be nice if workspace could get back under 150 bugs15:49
apacheloggerbesides... bugs == good, untriaged bugs == bad :P15:49
JontheEchidnaI think a third of workspace is now "new"15:49
apacheloggeroh dear15:50
JontheEchidnaand there has been a recent trend of ubuntu "triagers" throwing anything kubuntu related at kdebase and nothing else15:50
apachelogger166 results15:50
apacheloggerthat is not too bad15:50
JontheEchidnayeah, but it makes me have to not be lazy15:50
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: a) mail them b) mail ubuntu-bugs c) blog about it15:50
apacheloggerif they don't know where it belongs they shall consult with someone who knows15:51
JontheEchidnaI mean, at least when I push things lower down in the software stack I usually request the needed info15:51
astrommeJontheEchidna: Wow, you're already getting flack from that weather blog posting. /sigh @ trolls15:52
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: well, throw a complaint at the ubuntu-bugs team15:52
JontheEchidnaastromme: hehe, I'll attribute that to aseigo linking to my blog, since he gets a lot of "flack followers" :P15:53
* astromme laughs =). So true15:53
apacheloggershouldn't bug 352946 be ... like fixed?15:54
ubottuLaunchpad bug 352946 in kdebase-workspace "~/.gtkrc-2.0-kde4 gets deleted on login" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35294615:54
Riddellapachelogger: poke Tonio_?15:55
apacheloggerTonio_: poke15:55
* apachelogger actually reviewed the code and considered it sane :P15:55
nixternalhttp://www.ubuntu-hr.org/  <- hehe, quite funny, but I have to admit, that is a gorgeous site theme :)15:55
apacheloggerseen better15:56
Riddellrevu needed  http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/taglib-extras15:56
freinhardgot the apport "!" in systray and next to it the update-notifier icon. right click on apport shows the update-notifier menue?15:56
freinhardlooks like a bug...15:56
apachelogger<3 oxygen @ revu :D15:57
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: thank ncommander for that one15:57
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: how so?15:57
Riddellfreinhard: what's in the options?15:57
NCommanderWhat did I do?15:57
JontheEchidnahe's the one that got the oxygen in for revu15:57
JontheEchidnaNCommander: ^15:57
apacheloggerhe just did the politics :P15:57
JontheEchidnaI'm just glad that they haven't reverted to orange15:58
NCommanderapachelogger gave me the branch with the code, I just merged.15:58
NCommanderJontheEchidna, I've actively blocked that :-)15:58
apacheloggerRiddell: you have a whitespace hell in copyright :P15:59
Riddellapachelogger: end of lines?16:00
Riddellif a devil ever sentenced me to eternity in whitespace hell, I'd consider myself to have got off quite lightly16:00
* Quintasan wonders wheter his translations were approved16:01
apacheloggerRiddell: Section: libs for Package: libtag-extras0 is redundant with the one in the source stanza16:05
apacheloggerRiddell: http://paste.ubuntu.com:80/142117/16:05
a|wenm4v: i'll test next time i get the chance if it does the same here16:06
apacheloggerRiddell: otherwise good with me16:06
freinhardRiddell: besides the title "Update Notifier" just close.16:08
apacheloggerRiddell: can I archive?16:08
freinhardRiddell: i guess Apport does not have any context menue and systemtray fails?16:09
apacheloggerNCommander: whom do I thank for revu improvements?16:09
NCommanderapachelogger, I'm the one who intergrated it with Launchpad, and wrote the PPA upgrader (and scrapped the blue color). RainCT made it pretty and redid the details page.16:10
NCommanderapachelogger, and you gave us Oxygen16:10
apacheloggerNCommander: ppa upgrader?16:10
NCommandersorry, brain freeze16:11
apacheloggerppa uploader?16:11
NCommanderapachelogger, REVU can access your PPA and upload directly from it.16:11
apacheloggerhow awesome is that16:11
jpdsScottK: Got your RT ticket moving.16:11
NCommanderIt was the first feature to be written, and the last to land.16:11
jpds(for shipit.kubuntu.org correction).16:11
ScottKjpds: Thanks.16:11
Riddellfreinhard: that's expected then16:12
apacheloggerthat said16:12
apacheloggercan we haz paste.kubuntu.org?16:12
Riddellfreinhard: apport's systray icon is handled by update-notifier-kde16:12
freinhardRiddell: totally confusing.16:12
Riddellfreinhard: maybe the menu could be patched to make the header more obvious I'm not sure16:12
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: think bug 348659 is an ice bug?16:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 348659 in kdebase-workspace "ksmserver crashed with SIGSEGV in _IceTransGetConnectionNumber()" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34865916:12
apacheloggerNCommander: btw, can't the buttons identify as buttons so they get sensible theming? .. or is my konqui broken?16:13
NCommanderapachelogger, the later I think16:13
jpdsScottK: Apparently the Launchpad folks have to deal with it. I'll get back to you as soon as I know something.16:14
ScottKjpds: OK.  Whatever you learn, remember it as we'll need it again in a few weeks ....16:14
JontheEchidna<3 the new ajaxy duplication marker on edge16:15
apacheloggerNCommander: weird though16:16
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: possibly ... I am not sure16:17
apacheloggerice is magic to me :P16:17
JontheEchidnaksmserver crashes are unusal, unless you have nonfree drivers16:17
apacheloggerstartkde is flawed indeed16:17
apacheloggerit removes the kde4 .gtkrc if kds or qtcurve is not installed16:18
apacheloggerbut there is still the case where the gtk-qt-engine is installed16:18
JontheEchidnamaybe check for the gtk-qt .so?16:19
apacheloggerjust needs a small addition to the if16:19
a|wenNCommander: the buttons are made as <button> instead of <input> which is why they are not styled16:19
apacheloggerTonio_: please take a look at bug 35294616:24
ubottuLaunchpad bug 352946 in kdebase-workspace "~/.gtkrc-2.0-kde4 gets deleted on login" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35294616:24
apacheloggerdidn't do QA on the change ;-)16:24
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: bug 35296616:25
ubottuLaunchpad bug 352966 in kdebase-workspace "[Kubuntu] Saving session works terrible" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35296616:25
apacheloggeroptions are: kde crashes on login before ksmserver saves the session or: that dude is not using autosave, but that save-on-user-request thingy16:25
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: bug 312569 ... the option is directed to kdesudo, it just happens to be incompatible with kdesu's options (check --help for both in kde4's libexec path)16:27
ubottuLaunchpad bug 312569 in kdesudo "Unable to make any changes in Date / Time kcontrol" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/31256916:27
apacheloggerTonio_: someone needs to squash that ^16:27
apacheloggerit underminds the very principle of using kdesudo as a kdesu replacement16:28
m4va|wen: drop me a line when you do16:28
ScottKI thought we were removing gdebi-kde from kubuntu-desktop?16:28
apacheloggerScottK: how so?16:29
jpdsScottK: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/shipit/+bug/35321216:29
ubottuUbuntu bug 353212 in shipit "kubuntu shipit still partly refers to hardy" [Undecided,New]16:29
ScottKapachelogger: Doesn't kdpackagekit replace it?16:29
* apachelogger checks16:29
apacheloggerdoes indeed16:30
apacheloggerkill it!16:30
ScottKjpds: Thanks.16:30
ScottKRiddell: ^^^ ?16:30
apacheloggeralso, I am wondering ... wouldn't it be possible to use kpk as replacement for install-package as well?16:31
apacheloggerAFAIK install-package is basically an automizer for gdebi, so it should at least be possible to exchange gdebi with kpk16:31
RiddellScottK: hmm?16:31
Riddellapachelogger: that requires code, probably not hard but still code16:32
Riddellapachelogger: gdebi is already replaced with kpackagekit16:32
apacheloggerRiddell: well, longterm target16:32
Riddellbut gdebi is still brought onto the CD by install-package because it shares some classes16:33
apacheloggerScottK: install-package still depends on gdebi-kde16:33
Riddellwouldn't be hard to fix that, just moving files around16:33
ScottKProbably not worth worrying about at this point then.16:33
apacheloggerI only got 3 apps associated with debs :D16:33
apacheloggerRiddell: kpk should get an initial preference setting in it's desktop file though ... to make sure gdebi doesn't become default unless the user chooses to do that16:34
Riddellapachelogger: it does, I added InitialPreference=10 to /usr/share/applications/kde4/kpackagekit.desktop16:36
apacheloggerok, I am all happy then :)16:36
apacheloggerbug 351463 sounds really like the issue is related to xscreensaver, my pam can't be at fault here :P16:37
ubottuLaunchpad bug 351463 in kdebase-workspace "KDE4 screensaver lock doesn't accept password" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35146316:37
jussi01JontheEchidna: you around?16:37
JontheEchidnajussi01: yup16:37
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: bug 346655 ... how to treat that?16:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 346655 in kdebase-workspace "System settings will not allow me to change my user image." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34665516:46
JontheEchidnawhoa, that's weird16:46
apacheloggerkdm by default disallows images, since there once was a security issue in the gif lib, which made kdm usable to gain root access or something16:47
Quintasan"It is recommended to plug in your computer before proceeding."  <-- It means to plug power cable to your laptop or what?16:47
apacheloggerso from then on images are off by default, which is probably what the nice dialog is trying to say16:47
apacheloggerQuintasan: sounds like it16:48
JontheEchidnamaybe it should only show the change image stuff if images are on in kdmrc?16:48
apacheloggerthough, maybe that is the error message if no kdm is installed at all?16:48
apacheloggerthat possibly needs investigation :S16:49
JontheEchidnasystemsettings in general needs investigation :P16:49
apacheloggerit needs policykit :P16:49
JontheEchidnaoh, that reminds me. We need to apply an upstream kwin patch to not use the "fade on admin prompt" effect of policykit-kde16:50
JontheEchidnathat could be done after 4.2.2 is uploaded though16:51
ctphi folks. how does jaunty handle kde-apps beeing not ported to qt4? e.g. keepassx?16:54
apacheloggerlike strangers16:54
ScottKctp: The same as Intrepid did pretty much.16:54
apacheloggerctp: depends on the definition of handle ;-)16:54
ctpapachelogger: if some apps do need different qt3 branches, is it ok for jaunty or should i expect truble?16:57
apacheloggerctp: qt3 branches?16:57
apacheloggerthe qt3 libs are still available and you will be able to compile any qt3-only application against them16:58
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: do you get bug 34358816:58
ubottuLaunchpad bug 343588 in kdebase-workspace "Kubuntu Jaunty - System Monitor (ksysguard) showing different memory/cpu values and graphs than top" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34358816:58
ctpapachelogger: ok, thx for info16:59
apacheloggerctp: you're very welcome :)16:59
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: I'd say it's invalid16:59
JontheEchidnabecause top and ksysguard's outputs aren't supposed to be identical17:00
JontheEchidnathey show different things17:00
JontheEchidnaby default, anyways17:00
ctpbtw. would you recommend to install jaunty today for daily work? is it still buggy under some circumstances (apps, libs) or is it buggy generally? i tried hardy some weeks before beeing released. it was ok.17:01
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: the X value is off by 4MiB17:01
ScottKctp: There is still significant work going on, so unless you are prepared to work through inadvertent breakage, you should wait.17:02
apacheloggerthat is however virt, which usually varies a lot anyway, doesn't it?17:02
JontheEchidnamemory usage in linux is hard to measure objectively, and data can easily be misinterpreted17:02
ScottKAnd since they sample asynchronously it'd be stunning if they were the same.17:03
m4vuh, kpackagekit doesn't prompt for passwd for me, it just fails "you're not root"17:04
ctpScottK: ok, thx for info. i'll give it a try on one of my boxes ;-)17:05
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: please check if you want to add anything to my comment17:14
apacheloggerI got 4 phone calls while writing it, so I am not quite sure it makes sense anymore :P17:14
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: bug 34371417:23
ubottuLaunchpad bug 343714 in kdebase-workspace "Kubuntu Jaunty KDE 4.2 very high memory usage" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34371417:23
apacheloggerIMHO firefox is to blame17:23
apacheloggerbug 344706 is fun :D17:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 344706 in kdebase-workspace "Substraction gives erroneous result" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34470617:33
a|wenapachelogger: and you can tell him, that ~40% of his ram is used for cache+buffers ... which is better than having it sit idle17:33
apacheloggera|wen: not if the system is sluggish :P17:34
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: lol, somebody thought it would be a good idea to make a bug for every memory leak ever17:35
* JontheEchidna remembered seeing it the other day17:35
JontheEchidnaa generic "memory leak" bug17:35
a|wenapachelogger: well we can agree on the blame firefox part17:36
apacheloggera|wen: please move the bug :)17:36
* apachelogger moved on to that krunner bug17:36
JontheEchidnaI just moved it to firefox-.3017:36
apacheloggerah, thx17:36
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: wanna file the krunner bug upstream?17:36
apacheloggerbetter yet, poke aseigo with it ;-)17:37
JontheEchidnathe krunner subtraction bug?17:37
JontheEchidnaoh, yeah17:37
* JontheEchidna just finished backlog17:37
apacheloggera|wen: bug 330419 ... gnome bug?17:40
ubottuLaunchpad bug 330419 in kdebase-workspace "GNOME+Kwin: desktops aren't drawn" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33041917:40
apacheloggerkwin does not really do the desktop rendering, and since gnome apparently knows of the additional desktop setups it ought to render them upon switch17:41
apacheloggeror maybe kwin needs to send the gnome desktop a signal upon virtual desktop switch?17:41
apacheloggerneeds a gnome consult IMHO17:41
a|wensounds kind of strange ... no idea what could result in that; could as well be kwin as gnome17:45
apacheloggerthat stuff always caused issues17:47
apacheloggerI am not even sure if it is supposed to work17:47
ctpwould you recommend kubuntu jaunty as 32 or as 64 bit version on a amd64 desktop? i see no really use for 64-bit arch on desktop ;-)17:47
apacheloggerit certainly never did for compiz IIRC17:47
apacheloggergotta run17:48
apacheloggera|wen: please keep an eye on ubuntu-devel, I threw the question out there17:49
apacheloggerctp: #kubuntu might be better suited for that question :)17:49
a|wenapachelogger: i'll do that17:49
mgraesslinapachelogger: I just read the backlog and the bug report - I think it's user error17:54
mgraesslinthe user has to change the number of desktops with gnome pager - as in KDE you have to change in KDE's pager17:55
a|wenmgraesslin: sounds very probable ... do you add a comment to the bug?17:56
mgraesslinyeah I will17:56
a|wenthx :)17:57
macoScottK: got the backtrace17:58
ScottKmaco: Pastebin?17:58
macowell i think i did....was odd, it stopped responding and gdb said quassel segfaulted, but then after i got the backtrace and all, and quit, it said the program was still running17:58
ScottKmaco: Quassel puts it's own backtraces is ~/.config/quassel-irc.org18:00
macoi see crash logs...are those backtraces?18:00
macooh ok ive got 9 in thre rght now18:01
ScottKDid you have quassel-client-dbgsym/quassel-dbgsym installed?18:01
ScottKI see missing symbols in your gdb trace.18:01
ScottKSput: Any help for you ^^^18:02
macoi have both of those18:02
ScottKOK.  Odd.18:02
macothe ones in my ~/.config/quassel-irc.org/ wouldve been when i had quassel-dbgsym but not quassel-client-dbgsym18:02
ScottKIf you have any that have all the symbols, I know Sput is deeply interested.18:04
Sputthat one again :(18:05
SputScottK: how long would a crash fix be able to go in?18:06
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SputI won't be able to do anything tonight, I might try and hunt for it tomorrow night though18:06
Sputprovided I get a backtrace with all symbols until then18:06
ScottKA crash we can even do a post-release update for if we have to.18:06
ScottKmaco seems to have a 'special' system in which the Heisenburg variables align to make the crash happen a lot.18:07
jussi01maco: has a "special" system anyway... :P18:08
macoyeah yeah joke about my heisenbug curse18:08
ScottK-laptopScottK: Ping18:08
macoscott, what are you DOing?18:08
ScottKSput: Notification thing works.18:08
* jussi01 huggles maco18:08
Sputseele will be happy :)18:09
ScottKmaco: Testing a fix to a Quassel notifcations problem.18:09
macoScottK: and it doesnt crash much anymore. i simply never ever ever hide any buffers via right-click!18:09
Sputshe tends to curse about that18:09
macoas long as all buffers are visible, its perfect stable18:09
seeleSput: ooh, click to open?18:10
Sputmaco: well, if it were only you... but for some reason, several people get that... and I think it started not too long ago even though we didn't touch the code, plus I've never been able to get a backtrace that contained all the symbols18:10
Sputseele: if the plasma thing sends the signals for you (which it often doesn't for me), it should work18:10
macosymbol table corruption? can that happen?18:10
Sputmaco: as it stands now, I have a few locations to poke if we missed something obvious (checking for the model to be valid, stuff like that), but since I can't reliably reproduce myself, it'd be hit and miss18:11
macoSput: i no longer buy the whole stability argument in favor of FOSS. KMail falls over on IMAP, Evolution crashes on every category except mail, the kernel's always falling over on my machne, Firefox...well, we all know how Firefox is...*shrug*18:12
Sputhaving a full backtrace with line numbers etc (that wouldn't only be the symbols but also Quassel compiled with -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debugfull, which I don't likely get out of a kubuntu user) would go a long way pinpointing the location18:12
macoSput: if you rght click and "hide buffer temporarily" on a bunch of buffers in a row, it handles it fine?18:12
Sputmaco: well, I could tell you how often my wintendo box crashes :)18:12
Sputmaco: yeah does for me, but I'll play around with that more18:13
macoSput: trust me, 9 years of windows v. 9 months of linux. the kernel panics FAR outnumber the bsods18:13
Sputhoping that a crash fix if I happen to find one can go into Jaunty regardless of whatever deadline you guys have upcoming :)18:13
macocrashers usually get through easily18:13
Sputmaco: I must say my kernel runs very reliably :)18:13
Sputand since I stopped using fglrx, all that sometimes fails is resuming from suspend18:14
macoill try rebuilding the package with that setting18:14
macoyeah same with on my old laptop18:14
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macothe 9 month laptop....only recently did it reliably get an uptime > 1 day18:14
Sputbut anyway, open source doesn't magically create bugfree software18:14
Sputthere is still tens of millions lines of code in the system18:14
Sputit contains way less bugs-per-line than commercial software, but it still contains enough bugs :)18:14
SputI'd wager many bugs get fixed much more quickly in FOSS though, in particular if it's reproducable and users provide the necessary information18:15
macoi need to get around toopening up my laptops and swapping the wireless card so i can prove that its iwlagn. even though my brother and i have matching laptops, with exception of wireless card18:15
Sputmy unstable KDE4 desktop from trunk, on top of a git X11 and a git kernel runs much more reliably than vista for me, and I'm not using vista very often (just as a game loader every now and then)... still crashes more often for me :)18:16
Sputthen again, I am able to kill any windows installation18:16
Sputjust by coming near it and trying to use it18:17
macothere are 2 devs that say im not allowed to touch their hardware *shrug*18:17
macothey think if i touch it, it'll auto-brick18:18
macolike my keyboards...and mice...and mp3 player...and motherboard18:18
maco*clears throat* anyway....18:18
macothat of any use sput?18:21
Sputmaco: no :(18:21
SputI get a feeling that backtraces won't help much here18:22
Sputit's Qt that gets invalid data from *somewhere*18:22
Sputwill have a look tomorrow18:22
macoheh at least quassel can connect to ipv618:23
maco(the only reason i'm using it)18:23
ScottK-laptopScottK: Ping18:25
ScottKVery shiny.18:25
Riddelltalking to yourself? :)18:26
SputZarin was nice enough to tell me how to bypass that focus stealing prevention thingy :)18:26
macoi dont see any notifications...18:28
ScottK-laptopRiddell: Yes, testing Sput's notification fix.18:28
macooh not packaged yet?18:29
macoor oh im confused18:29
gonwhere can i found this plasmoid?18:29
macois kde doing notification stuff to?18:29
macoor kubuntu or whatever18:30
ScottKmaco: When you get highlighted and Qaussel isn't on top, you should get a notification.  The fix is to make it so you have something to click on and bring quassel to the front.  This used to ~work before we turned on KDE integration.18:31
gonI want a service-manager-plasmoid  :S18:31
JontheEchidnajjesse: btw, did you ever get the wallpaper working?18:31
macoah ok18:32
macoso *exactly* the opposite of canonical? *giggle*18:32
jjessemaco: hopefully :)18:36
jjesseJontheEchidna: still shows that i don't have the weather for that location18:36
a|wenm4v: you need to click apply before the "rescan" button work ... however if you just select the folder and click ok it starts scanning the selected dir18:39
Sputmaco: well, as seele has pointed out in her study, and based on a lot of user feedback including my own, people want to be able to click on a notification to see the program that caused it :)18:43
SputI prefer going with that rather than gnomifica^Wcrippling my software18:43
m4va|wen: meh, I restarted amarok and out of the blue started scanning everything correctly, just when I was about to report it18:43
* m4v deletes amaroks config and tests again18:43
SputScottK: did you notice that I even manage to switch to the correct buffer now? can't scroll to the line for now, but it should be the most recent anyway18:44
ScottKSput: I didn't, but that is totally excellent.18:44
a|wenm4v: don't know what happened there ... but does seems not to be the general case18:45
macoSput: oh im one of those users18:47
ScottKSput: Sure enough it does.  Excellent.18:47
Sputmaco: haven't actually met one who *didn't* want to be able to interact with that type of notifications (transient information, like "user went online", is something different of course)18:47
m4va|wen: agreed, my pc was drunk after the update apparently18:49
* a|wen needs to restart after the alsalibs update a day or two ago ... sound is kind of on/off for me18:49
a|wenbut well ... as almost the only thing, can i get amarok to play some sound; so still pending18:50
ScottKSput: Uploaded.  Thank you.18:51
Tscheesynixternal: there are some "ugly" mistakes in the Jaunty Kubuntu-docs, e.g. default Pakagemanager Adept18:51
SputScottK: very welcome.18:52
Sputlet's just hope I find that Heisenbug soon...18:52
nixternalTscheesy: which doc is that in?18:52
Tscheesyin add-applications18:52
Tscheesyand everywhere a Installation is described18:53
nixternalgrr...it will have to live there for jaunty...could you file a bug report on that please?18:53
Tscheesyi'll do.. in half an hour ;)18:53
jjessenixternal: i see my speeling on add-applications is great18:55
jjessesorry about the Tscheesy18:55
* maco checks kontact's docs to see if they still say "TODO"18:55
Tscheesyjjesse : nP.. i'm in the support-chan anyway :D18:56
macouh ok yeah kaddressbook's screenshots are *all wrong*18:56
nixternaljjesse: i swore I fixed the default installer app though..but I might be going crazy, maybe I did that in about kubuntu or something18:56
nixternaltotaly forgot that add apps was you, so Tscheesy it is all jjesse's fault18:57
nixternalYES!!! FOR ONCE YOU CAN'T BLAME ME!!!18:57
macowhen the akonadi part of the kaddressbook help says "to be written" does that mean the backend's not in existence yet, or does that mean the docs need to be written18:57
nixternalmaco: heh, kdepim docs haven't been touch in probably 3 years18:57
nixternalmaco: I actually wrote that part :p18:57
Tscheesygerman Translation is partly ahead ;)18:57
macowell uh kaddressbook for kde4 and for kde3 look way different18:58
* nixternal has to check, but there is a possibility he might be the owner of KDEPIM docs upstream18:58
nixternalmaco: want to help fix all of that :)18:58
nixternalI can get you started....I will put you in contact with Allen Winters and you can send patches to either him or I for upload :D18:59
macoi can help with screnshots, but seeing as i was relying ont he help file to tell me how to use kaddressbook....18:59
macocurrently, my contacts and calendar stuff are still in evolution. i cant figure out how to put them in akonadi18:59
nixternalthat is why my focus for the next few months will be upstream yet again...it needs a lot of love19:00
macogsoc idea: teach akonadi to read from evolution data server *seamlessly* and evolution data server to do the same to akonadi19:00
nixternalmaco: I didn't think that was all tied in to akonadi just yet...i thought they were waiting until akonadi was 100% complete... toma and i were just talking about that the other day19:00
macoright now, you can kinda import from one tothe other and then they dont stay in sync and only half the data transfers anyway19:01
nixternalbut for some reason, i am drawing a blank on what was said :)19:01
macoi got  korganizer to pull an evolution calendar as an ics, but it lost the calendar name19:02
macoso its name is like calendar-liaywty876siuyg7aya.ics19:02
macothe categories are lost on import as well. instead of "hey, there's a category i dont have in my list, let me add it", korganizer says "haven't seen that category before, throw it away"19:03
macoseems like the wrong way to do things :(19:03
nixternali was able to sync my google cal with korganizer...but i lost my damn script that was helping me...so now I can just pull from my google cal and not upload19:06
macoi think its *finally* fixed in jaunty so evolution can handle google calendards right19:07
macoit still doesnt do gmail as nicely as kmail does though19:07
Tscheesynixternal : jjesse: Bug 35332719:13
ubottuLaunchpad bug 353327 in kubuntu-docs "Default Package Manager has to be changed" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35332719:13
nixternalTscheesy: thank you sir!  jjesse that one has your name written all over it :p19:17
jjessenixternal: assign me pleaze19:17
apacheloggerfist time I went to a beergarden this year and already got a sunburn :S19:19
nixternaljjesse: done19:19
apacheloggermgraesslin: shouldn't kwin hide the virtual desktop setting then? or does it need to be set in both?19:20
mgraesslinapachelogger: I'm not sure19:29
mgraesslinthe wm has to set the desktops19:29
mgraesslinbut the pager is allowed to set them19:30
apacheloggermgraesslin: I am installing a gnome desktop right now19:30
apacheloggerif both need to be set, it probably could use some usability improvements :)19:30
mgraesslinI don't think that both have to be set19:30
apacheloggermgraesslin: would you mind looking at bug 328759 please19:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 328759 in kdebase-workspace "Kwin effects fail after resume from suspend to RAM" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32875919:38
a|wenhmm, quassel using 159M of physical memory (virtual 507M) is that normal?19:40
apacheloggera|wen: depends on the amount of backlog19:48
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: did you forward the krunner calc bug?19:49
apacheloggera|wen: should I convert bug 303576 to a question ... not last line ;-)19:53
ubottuLaunchpad bug 303576 in kdebase-workspace "KDM is killing my keyboard (and others)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/30357619:53
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: oops, forgot19:53
apacheloggermeh :P19:53
JontheEchidnaI was looking for existing reports, then got sidetracked19:54
smarteryou really need patience to svn co WebKit19:55
gonhello guys19:56
gonanyone has news about service manager plasmoid?19:56
a|wenapachelogger: could probably not hurt ... did he get compiz to partly replace kwin, then that might be what kills stuff for him19:58
QuintasanSysRQ key is compiled in ubuntu kernel by default?19:59
Quintasangon: https://svn.pardus.org.tr/uludag/trunk/kde4/service-manager/plasmoid/systemservices/20:00
smarterQuintasan: grep -i magic_sysrq /boot/config-$(uname -r)20:01
smarteranswer is yes ;)20:01
Quintasansmarter: thanks, now I will try to reproduce the ext4 freeze "feature" :)20:01
gonthanks, but i don't know how to build/run it20:03
apacheloggermgraesslin: the pager-like applet in gnome doesn't show the appropriate settings if kwin is used20:03
apacheloggerhttp://aplg.kollide.net/images/osiris/snapshot028.png  vs. http://aplg.kollide.net/images/osiris/snapshot029.png20:05
Quintasangon: hmm it seems there is a application needed20:11
Quintasanbut I can't get it to run :/20:11
apacheloggera|wen: well, even then... what would that have to do with kdm?20:12
* apachelogger can't even think of a kdm setting that messes things up like that20:13
a|wenapachelogger: it wouldn't have anything to do with kdm20:13
apacheloggera|wen: well, it works without kdm, so the problem must be in kdm20:13
Quintasangon: there is a python encoding error in line 127, position 1 which is empty space20:13
a|wenapachelogger: direct rendering not working; i'm hard to accept blaming that on kdm... but startkde vs. kdm is also two different ways to start the xserver, or am i wrong there?20:16
apacheloggerstartkde doesn't invoke the X server20:17
apacheloggerthe user needs to do that manually20:17
apacheloggerbut since stuff seems to work in kdm it probably can't be a X level issue20:17
a|wenit could also be some sort of kwin issue ... but i still don't get how direct rendering can suddenly be broken if the xserver is the same started in the same way20:19
nixternalwhere is the unicorn wallpaper and fluffy bunny theme?20:25
nixternalwho dropped the ball this time?20:25
apacheloggera|wen: why would it only appear when started through kdm though20:28
Tscheesyapachelogger : i do remember the strange "Row" Setting in Compiz - is there lsb on this ?20:28
a|wenapachelogger: thta20:28
* a|wen tries again20:28
apacheloggerTscheesy: lsb?20:29
Tscheesysome common linux-wide definition - because it seems its handled different20:29
apacheloggermgraesslin: ok, I blame gnome ... if I replace metacity with kwin all works fine, I can change the KDE desktop setting and gnome instantly applies the changes and draws the desktops ... if I start kwin to begin with, gnome will show the configured desktops in the pager, but they will not be drawn ... if I start kwin to begin with, then replace it with metacity the desktops get drawn, if then I replace it with kwin again it will20:30
apachelogger again20:30
a|wenapachelogger: that is kind of the good question ... after logging in kdm/gdm should not have any significance; only the window manager and xserver should be in charge there20:30
apacheloggerTscheesy: that would be in fdo really ;-) ... not sure though, in any case metacity in kde and kwin in gnome should work mostly fine regarding the virtual desktop stuff ... well, except for that issue I am investigating right now ;-)20:31
apacheloggera|wen: *nod* I am not even sure how to continue on that bug20:31
apacheloggermaybe xorg log, kdm log and xession-errors would help20:32
Tscheesyi remarked this by altering the windows-manager in compiz . it is handled there very complicated in my eyes20:32
a|wenapachelogger: that would at least give us a chance of finding something ... and maybe figure out if the keyboard problem is present if he just starts kde (before he tries to replace with compiz) or only after/if he tries the replace20:33
nixternalryanakca: sometime next week good for doing the documentation for the website you think? I would like to have it live for release day...starting on it next week will allow me to take care of some of the bugs being reported on the docs right now20:38
nixternalI will create a script that will parse what I need into HTML and create the necessary files...do you want HTML or PHP or?20:39
Quintasannight guys20:42
a|wennight Quintasan20:43
* a|wen will leave for tonight as well20:43
serenityi just upgraded to jaunty and take my 'old' settings with me. Fonts now appear skinny. Known bug?20:49
serenitymgraesslin told me, that Qt 4.5 may cause this behaviour20:51
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apacheloggerJontheEchidna: bug 291873 I am quite sure this stuff is coming from a low-level package and is shared across all appearances of timezones in KDE (maybe even the base stack)20:58
ubottuLaunchpad bug 291873 in kdebase-workspace "[intrepid] KDE Clock doesn't show timezones" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/29187320:58
apacheloggerserenity: you really gotta ask launchpad that question :)20:59
apacheloggersmarter: bug 23407421:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 234074 in kdebase-workspace "virtual keyboards do not work in kdm-kde4 " [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/23407421:12
smarterapachelogger: known upstream, worked a bit with ossi to fix it but nothing came out of it, I'll add a link to the upstream bug report21:13
apacheloggersmarter: also assign it an importance please :)21:13
apacheloggerup to you21:13
apacheloggerI consider it low :P21:13
apacheloggerthen again I am not in accessibility hunter mode right now21:14
apacheloggerRiddell: I still think kickoff favorites should be in kickoffrc rather than a patch21:14
apacheloggerespcially when I look at the patch count in workspace21:14
smartercan't change the bug status, and don't really want to assign myself to it since I probably won't fix it :p21:16
smarteranyway, 'night21:16
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: ping21:17
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: pong21:17
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: http://paste.ubuntu.com/142304/21:17
apacheloggerneeds to go into startkde21:17
apachelogger   unset KLOCALE_LANGUAGES21:17
apachelogger fi21:17
JontheEchidnawill that fix kdm localization?21:17
apacheloggercountry setting within KDE itself21:18
apacheloggerbug 22446121:18
ubottuLaunchpad bug 224461 in kdebase-workspace "Kubuntu do not show date and time in the correct format" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/22446121:18
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: I did some QA but you really want to give it another sanity check, I did that while we worked on 4.2.0 IIRC, so I might have missed some test case21:19
apacheloggerbut it really needs to get in21:19
JontheEchidnaPost it in the bug and assign it to me21:19
apacheloggerwithout it the desktop is not _really_ localized21:19
apacheloggerjust translated21:19
JontheEchidnaI have a few other things that need to go in too21:19
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: delegate to someone else, if you feel that you don't have time + target 9.0421:20
JontheEchidnaIt's funny, without you around as much I've taken over your job of fixing all the little file conflicts and such :P21:20
JontheEchidnaon the plus side it's helped my upload count21:21
JontheEchidnabut not by much since we're better about not doing one release per change now that we use bzr21:21
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: btw, it might make sense to check kdeglobals for "Country=" in that if, that way the goodness should also get exposed to $updates21:21
apacheloggerjust poped into my mind :D21:22
JontheEchidnayou could either be misspelling popped or pooped, I hope it's the former :P21:22
apacheloggeroh dear21:23
* JontheEchidna goes to close fix committed bugs for 4.2.2 now that it's uploaded21:24
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: http://paste.ubuntu.com/142308/ some changelog text, in case you need it ;-)21:24
macocan one of you install the "fluffy bunny" theme from get hot new stuff and tell me if it looks jacked up?21:31
JontheEchidnait probably is. If I recall correctly it was made for KDE 4.0.x and hasn't been updated in forever21:32
macothe little popouts for stretching and rotating plasmoids looks fne21:33
macothe others....omg 1997 repeating gif backgrounds on websites!21:33
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: triaged, critical, assigned, milestoned21:33
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: k, thanks ^_^21:33
apachelogger152 bugs21:34
JontheEchidnathe theming spec changed quite a bit since that theme was made :(21:34
JontheEchidnafor the better, of course, but old themes suffer21:34
apacheloggerbug 24408821:36
ubottuError: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: timed out (https://launchpad.net/bugs/244088/+text)21:36
apacheloggernow kwin uses the shortcut for the magic composé thingy21:36
seelenixternal: you said you were disappointed in this year's April 1 jokes?21:39
seelenixternal: http://www.nin.com/pub/strobelight/ (also click submit to see the next page)21:40
nixternalI was because I was seeing all of the same ones that have been going on since 199421:40
nixternalhehe ya saw that21:40
* seele <3s trent21:41
josh-lhey folks, something strange is happening when i try to send stuff to trash via dolphin... it pops up a little notification window, and takes a very long time to move to trash, this happened after I logged into a ftp site via dolphin... help?21:42
apacheloggerjosh-l: #kubuntu for support please21:45
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: oh, did you know that dotancohen actually found a translation bug that was an *upstream* translation bug?21:46
JontheEchidnaKDE 1, Rosetta: > 9,00021:47
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: what to do with bug 30133821:48
ubottuLaunchpad bug 301338 in kdebase-workspace "klipper causes 1 wakeup per second when idle" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/30133821:48
JontheEchidnaoh, actually I saw a comment on a blog today pertaining to that very issue21:49
JontheEchidnaapparently klipper also has a bunch of qtimers that could cause 1 wakeup even if there is no polling21:49
apacheloggerupstreaming I say21:49
apacheloggerat times klipper causes more wakeups than plasma :S21:49
seelenixternal: here is another one: http://www.saveie6.com/index.php21:51
nixternalUnfortunately some of your answers were incompatible with proper IE6 usage which means that we weren’t able to provide you with a download link.21:54
nixternalPlease try again, it will be worth it!21:54
nixternalhahahaha, that is what you get when you answer the questions on the download link :)21:54
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: bug 304488 ... X?21:57
ubottuLaunchpad bug 304488 in kdebase-workspace "Kubuntu 8.10 don't boots every third time" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/30448821:57
seelehmm.. the HoF page is confusing. how do you get a list of past HoFers?21:58
apacheloggernixternal: bug 285172 if you want to22:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 285172 in kdebase-workspace "kdm postinst fails when /etc/X11/default-display-manager is 0 byte file" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/28517222:12
apacheloggerpretty easy fix22:12
apacheloggerwhom do we poke with bug 28850222:13
ubottuLaunchpad bug 288502 in kdebase-workspace "KDE 4 doesn't respect X11 cursor themes" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/28850222:13
* apachelogger is pretty clueless on that one, but thinks it all roots in Qt rather than KDE22:14
apacheloggerclaydoh: http://kubuntuforums.net/forums/index.php?topic=3100422.0 developer says: don't take notes about such a crappy bug report, that makes me wanna close it without even thinking about it22:17
claydohhi apachelogger22:18
apacheloggerhoy, indeed22:18
claydohapachelogger:  wadda ya want me to do about that thread? <g>22:24
apacheloggerI dunno22:24
* apachelogger is commenting on that bug now22:24
apacheloggerexplaining how not to do a bug report22:24
apacheloggerclaydoh: see last post in the forum thread22:24
apacheloggermaybe you should note that this is not anything like a useful bug report22:25
claydohlol and I thought it would be the post that says a kubuntu dev will fix the oo.0 bug :)22:25
* apachelogger does not even know what the issue is22:27
apacheloggerand I am so not going to read the whole thread having a dude sitting around who knows all about it already22:27
claydohthe thread is from december, probably forgotten I bet22:28
apacheloggerbut I am supposed to support stuff that got released in october? :P22:33
apacheloggerclaydoh: mind reading my comment beforehand?22:44
* apachelogger might have been to harsh22:44
claydohI was nice about  it22:44
claydohooh didn't see you22:44
claydohsure i'll read it, wherever it is :)22:45
* claydoh is in a good mood today, despite having been at work :)22:45
* claydoh feeds the dogs....22:46
apacheloggerclaydoh: http://paste.ubuntu.com/142363/22:48
apacheloggerthat said ...22:48
apacheloggerclaydoh: how did the re-certifications go?22:48
claydohapachelogger: we scored a 90.5%, needed a 90% :)22:50
claydohwe were the first restaurant the tester has seen get a 100% on the customer service section w00t22:51
apacheloggerclaydoh: hehe, congrats :)22:52
* apachelogger notes: claydoh knows what customers want22:52
claydohapachelogger: heh harsh? mayb a little  bit...22:53
claydohapachelogger: thanks!22:53
* apachelogger better doesn't post it then :P22:53
claydohI already did, much more , um, polite :P22:54
freinhardhooray, 4.2.2 :)22:54
claydohbut I love what you wrote, though22:54
claydohits awesome22:54
apacheloggerclaydoh: hm, that was already polite ... usually I have a strong urge to beat someone up for such reports :P22:55
apacheloggerthx for commenting though :)22:56
claydohapachelogger: sometimes a hammer is necessary22:56
claydohmy kubuntuforums users are not that savvy about the ways of bugs, irc, and other woderfull things :)22:57
apacheloggereducation is clearly necessary22:58
claydohI agree22:58
* apachelogger is wondering where vorian is all day long22:58
apacheloggermiss him I clearly do22:58
vorianapachelogger: /me was working22:59
vorianjust got home :)22:59
* apachelogger hugs vorian22:59
* vorian hugs apachelogger 22:59
apacheloggerclaydoh: btw, how is kubuntu-users ml doing?22:59
apacheloggervorian: I heared you are uber awesome coordination dood?22:59
josh-lhey folks, something strange is happening when i try to send stuff to trash via dolphin... it pops up a little notification window, and takes a very long time to move to trash, this happened after I logged into a ftp site via dolphin... help? running jaunty22:59
josh-lapachelogger: this is on jaunty23:00
vorianapachelogger: not so much, my server kept dying, and I kept having to $WORK23:00
apacheloggerjosh-l: #ubuntu+1 then23:00
apacheloggervorian: hehe, now you know how that is not fun at all :P23:01
apacheloggeranyone able to reproduce 31704823:01
claydohapachelogger: not  bad, usually. Just the occaisional studpid long thread "helping" steven vollum with commandline stuff more easily done with a noob friendly gui tools23:01
apacheloggerbug 31704823:01
ubottuError: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: HTTP Error 503: Service Unavailable (https://launchpad.net/bugs/317048/+text)23:01
* vorian is gonna blast Rosetta on the planet23:01
vorianfreaking import emails23:02
apacheloggervorian: filter em'23:02
apacheloggerI filter success mails23:02
apacheloggerit's not like I care23:02
JontheEchidnaI blackhole everything, because I wouldn't know how to fix them anyways23:02
apacheloggerclaydoh: yah, that dood is aweomse ;-)23:03
claydohone day he will be a guru23:03
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: => uds => ask lp doods => whine at lp doods => come home => get cookie23:03
apacheloggerclaydoh: well, otherwise the amount of help he requires would be waste of resource23:04
apacheloggerthen again that applies to most of floss support23:04
* claydoh is just happy the anti-kde4 crowd has been shut up23:05
apacheloggeris it me, or is lp broken :S23:05
freinhardlp says it's down for scheduled maintenance23:06
freinhard22:00-23:00 UTC23:06
josh-lmy problem only happens when i try to move to trash, not when i delete files23:06
freinhardjust saw not 1hour down, but 323:07
* apachelogger notes that lp is _always_ down when he is on a triage march23:07
apacheloggerjosh-l: are you deleting from ftp?23:08
josh-lapachelogger: no no longer connected, i've even shutdown the machine since... i was connected yesterday23:08
apacheloggerjosh-l: define "very long time"23:08
josh-lapachelogger: well first of all noticably longer than before when i moved to trash, and noticably longer than when i simply delete (from menu) (delete using delete key takes as long) it takes a good 2 minutes for whatever file to disappear from directory23:10
apacheloggerthat is long indeed23:10
apacheloggerno clue what the problem could be though23:10
apacheloggerjosh-l: try #kde23:10
josh-lok thx23:10
apacheloggernot kubuntu related IMO23:10
josh-lapachelogger: any idea how i can check what command is being run when i try to send something to trash?23:23
apacheloggerjosh-l: kioclient move 'url' trash:/23:26
apacheloggerthough it is probably done via libs rather than this binary23:26
josh-lapachelogger: I get this... does this mean anything to you:23:28
josh-l<unknown program name>(28923)/ ClientApp::doIt: Creating ClientApp23:29
josh-lkioclient(28923) KSharedUiServerProxy::KSharedUiServerProxy: kuiserver registered23:29
josh-loops longer than i meant23:29

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