
DanaGthe nvidia one is also a laptop.00:00
disregardthatI'm having a problem that might not be related to Jaunty.00:00
crdlbDanaG: how unfortunate :P00:00
disregardthatAnd it's nasty.00:00
DanaGHeh, my dad has always sucked at choosing laptops.00:00
DanaGHe's invariably bought ones that suck, even for the time they were new.00:00
disregardthatI can start X, but it won't recognize my mouse or keyboard (both integrated into Dell E1505N),00:00
crdlbDanaG: my uncle got my mother a laptop last xmas, and I just lucked out that it had atheros wifi and RS690 ATI00:01
bsniderDanaG, tell your dad from me that he needs to smarten up00:01
crdlbboth of which are supported in intrepid00:01
DanaGThe nv laptop now has an ipw2200 card that I borrowed from a friend's dead laptop -- dead as in both battery and power socket were loose.  =รพ00:02
crdlbdisregardthat: well, if you wanted to verify that it's a jaunty problem, you could try an intrepid livecd00:02
disregardthatI could if my CD drive wasn't fried, which would be nice.00:02
DanaGUnfortunately, when downloading updates, it gives this repeatedly: ipw2200: firmware error detected, restarting.00:02
disregardthatIn any case, I'm stuck with this half-Intrepid, half-Jaunty creation, since apt thought it would be a good idea to hold half the vital system packages back during the upgrade.00:05
disregardthatSo I might as well make the most of it, which is kind of hard since the CD drive, USB ports, and, in X, input devices don't work.00:05
bsniderdisregardthat, that came with ubuntu preinstalled right?00:05
disregardthatYes, but I reinstalled from Hardy, then upgraded to Intrepid.00:06
J-_KDE4.2 is installed. But, I have a funny feeling that there will be gnome apps in the menu. And, KDE4 apps in my Gnome menu. Is it possible to separate the apps per DE in Jaunty?00:07
crdlbJ-_: there's OnlyShowIn for that, but only stuff that is really tied to the DE uses it, afaik00:09
bsniderdisregardthat, how much did that system cost?00:09
disregardthatI had to upgrade the RAM, though.00:10
bsnideris it just a basic all-intel system or is there a decent graphics card?00:10
disregardthatYeah, all-Intel.00:11
disregardthatBut it runs Sauerbraten at a decent FPS.00:11
bsniderdid you buy it on the web or the phone?00:11
disregardthatAnd now it's a $600 brick.00:12
* crdlb wonders where this is going00:12
bsnideri had wondered if the sales force tried to talk him out of it and into buying a windows system00:12
disregardthatcrdlb: I'm trying to steer it back on course.00:12
ActionParsniphey all00:14
ActionParsniphow can i turn off stupid sounds in kde like empty recycle bin / start kde etc in jaunty00:14
BluesKajActionParsnip , system settings/notifiacations/system notifications/player settings tab/click on "no audio output"00:18
ActionParsnipgot it, thansk :D00:19
BluesKajand then click apply :000:19
ActionParsnipstupid sounds00:19
ActionParsnippointless imho00:19
BluesKajyeah PITA00:19
ActionParsnippeace out kids00:20
bsniderpeace out? i don't und\erstand00:20
mint3anyone out here who can help00:23
bsnidermint3, that's the wrong  question. just explain what the problem is00:27
mint3i cant get my wireless to work00:28
mint3atheros for my laptop00:28
mint3on jaunty. tried madwifi, enabling madwifi, and ndiswrapper, nothing worked00:28
bsnidertry installing the linux-backports-modules package00:28
bsniderexactly what chip is it?00:29
mint3atheros ar294 i think00:29
mint3help me to get it to work please00:29
bsnideri'm not familiar with that00:29
mint3atheros wireless card00:29
bsniderdo an lspci from the console and find the atheros entry00:30
mint3ok bear with me00:30
mint3bsnider - it says ar242x 802.11abg wireless pci express adapter, rev -1, atheros communications inc00:32
bsnidersupport for that card is included in thelinux kernel itself. it's a driver called ath5k00:34
bsnideryou don't have to do anything special to get it working. it will work automatically00:34
mint3thing is, it wont00:34
mint3it shows up in "hardeare drivers"00:35
mint3where it says "alternate atheros madwifi driver "00:35
bsniderremove the madwifi packages and ndiswrapper. they'll just interfere00:35
mint3how do i do that00:35
bsniderremove the package called linux-restricted-modules00:35
mint3it says "the driver is activated but not currently in use"00:35
bsniderand install the linux-backports modules package00:36
mint3whats the command00:36
mint3rm -rf linux-restricted-modules ?00:36
bsniderare you on gnome or kde?00:36
bsniderok, in system>administration there's a synaptic package manager. open it00:37
bsniderthere's a search button. search for "restricted"00:37
mint3ok then00:38
mint3and what do i choose00:38
bsnideris this your first time using linux?00:38
mint3bsnider no00:39
bsniderin the list there's a package called linux-restricted-modules-common. it is likely installed. remove it and any package like it that's installed00:39
mint3help mesort it out please. once i do it, ill be able to do it by myself00:39
mint3there ialso linux-trtricted-modules-generics00:40
bsnidernow, search for "backports"00:40
bsniderremove all of that stuff00:40
bsniderthat's where that madwifi crap is coming from00:40
xnguardDoes OpenJDK provide a Java Control Panel similar to the Sun JDK's?00:40
mint3there ialso linux-restricted-modules-generics and linux-resitrcted-module2.6.28.11-generic00:41
mint3shall i remove those too ?00:41
bruce89xnguard: nope00:41
bsnidermake sure they're all removed00:41
xnguardbruce89: Is there any other way to access the related preferences?00:41
mint3ok removed them bsnider, which one do i need now ?00:42
bsnidersearch for "backports"00:42
bruce89xnguard: I'm not sure what it would do anyway00:42
xnguardbruce89: Among other things, I'd like to be able to control the cache policy.00:43
bsniderinstall the linux-backports-modules-jaunty package. it will pull in at least one other package too00:43
mint3jaunty-virtual or jaunty-generic ?00:43
bsniderjaunty a ll by itself00:43
mint3ok done, bsnider00:44
bsniderare they installed?00:44
mint3all done bsnider00:44
bsnideralright reboot00:45
mint3ok let me do that00:45
xnguardbruce89: Is there a better place I can ask for help?00:46
mint3bsnider - i am back on . now what ?00:47
bsnidernow it should work00:47
bruce89xnguard: not really, perhaps #ubuntu, but don't mention Jaunty00:47
xnguardbruce89: Okay.00:47
mint3bsnider - it is not , still a red cross on the wireless in the taskbar00:47
bsniderthe openjdk home page, wherever that is00:48
bsnidermint3, open a console and type iwconfig00:48
mint3it says :00:49
bsniderpastebin it00:49
mint3lo - no wireless extensions00:49
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)00:49
mint3and pan000:49
mint3same thing bsnider for lo, eth0 and pan000:49
bsnideris the wireless card turned on?00:50
mint3i have pressed the button a million times00:50
mint3i press and let go. then i press for longer00:51
mint3still nothing00:51
mint3but when i boot on windows it works00:51
bsnideris there some kind of indicator light?00:51
mint3yeah it seems to be off, bsnider ?00:51
bsnidermint3, in the console, type sudo modprobe ath5k00:52
mint3it says "warning - all config files need .conf :/etc/modprobe.d/ndiswrapper, it will be ignored in a future release00:53
bsniderthat hideous thing00:54
mint3what does it mean, bsnider ?00:54
bsnideryou've befouled your ssytem by installing ndiswrapper00:54
bsniderdid you remove it?00:55
mint3i asked for help and they told me to do that. i didnt know00:55
mint3i did what u told me to do00:55
bsniderwho did?00:55
mint3how do i get rid of ndiswrapper00:55
bsniderhow did youinstall it?00:55
mint3i typed whatever the chap wanted me to00:55
mint3what shall  i do00:55
bsnideropen up synaptic again00:56
bsnidersearch for ndiswrapper00:56
mint3yeah it says00:56
mint3"ndigtk, nddiswrapper utils and common installed00:56
bsniderok, i want you to remove htem by right-clicking and selecting "mark for complete removal"00:57
mint3done, bsnider00:58
mint3u are the man00:58
mint3i see00:58
vigoI could not report the bug, but I managed to save the logs, file ate Launchpad?00:58
mint3basically i shouldnt have installed ndiswrapper ?00:59
bsnidermint3, you should have done some research into what driver applies to your hardware00:59
mint3bsnider - seems to work, let me reboot00:59
mint3bsnider - yeah, i will00:59
mint3i must say thank you. if this happens, at least i know what to do next time00:59
mint3what are the "backports" ?00:59
=== rdw200169`away is now known as rdw200169
mint3took me couple of days, release of the jaunty beta01:00
crdlblinux-backports-modules-jaunty has newer kernel modules for jaunty's kernel01:00
bsniderbackports are newer versions of some drivers than the ones in hte kernel01:00
mint3im sure thwey should be in update manager for others who have same problem01:00
bsnidermost people find the ath5k that ships in the current kernel unusable01:01
mint3bsnider - rebooted01:01
mint3now again its showing the cross. what the hell01:01
mint3it worked a second ago before i rebooted01:01
crdlbhmm, the 242x worked with the backports package in intrepid, so you'd think it'd work out of the box on jaunty01:01
bsnidercrdlb, it probably does, but not well01:02
mint3jesus, it worked a minute ago, crdlb and bsnider01:02
crdlbI tested jaunty beta on my 242x, but I was too lazy to get the WPA passphrase01:02
bsnideropen a console and type iwconfig01:02
crdlbbut nm-applet at least showed the access point01:02
mint3same thing as before, bsnider01:03
mint3kim eth0 and pan0 - no wireless extensions01:03
so20fcan i use update manager to upgrade to jaunty?01:03
bsniderok, type sudo modprobe ath5k01:03
ubottuJaunty Jackalope is the codename for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 23rd, 2009 -  Schedule in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyReleaseSchedule - Lots of breakage between now and April 23rd - Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support.01:03
mint3ok bsnider01:03
mint3says the same thing01:04
bsnideris wifi working?01:04
mint3all config files need. conf : .etc.nmodprobe.d/ndsiwrapper it wil be igniored in a future release01:04
mint3surprising it is now01:04
mint3whats going on , bsnider ?01:05
mint3if i reboot next time will i have to type sudo modprobe ath5k again ?01:05
bsnidermint3, you can add the ath5k module to the /etc/modules file thus forcing it to load at startup01:06
mint3how do i manage that bsnider ?01:06
bsniderhit alt+F201:07
bsnidertype gksu gedit /etc/modules01:07
bsniderstart a new line in the file and type ath5k. save it. reboot01:07
mint3otherwise it seems to be working fine, bsnider01:08
crdlbI wonder why that's needed :/01:08
bsniderwell, at least there's that01:08
mint3mm very odd why it happens tho01:08
bsnidercrdlb, his precious configuration files have become infected by the hateful ndiswrapper01:08
bsnideri'd reintall everything01:08
so20fmy wifi works, i *had* to use the network manager program, trying to do it strictly via command is  a straight up nightmare, dmesg always printed out disassociated by local choice (-3)01:08
crdlbnm 0.7 is pretty good01:09
bsnidermint3, do you know what ndiswrapper is?01:09
so20fand to this day, still can't configure the card with iwconfig via command line. need to use the network manager01:09
crdlbwould be nice if it could start before the desktop though01:09
mint3bsnider - yeah01:09
mint3basically using windows drivers right ?01:09
bsniderfilthy, disgusting windows kernel modules01:10
mint3the people who helped advised me to do it01:10
crdlbit's a nice fallback option to have01:10
mint3ouch i sense animosity towards windows here lol01:10
mint3it helps for a numpty like me01:10
mint3i want to shift to ubuntu though01:10
bsnidermint3, what is the laptop model?01:11
mint3it is acer  aspire 572001:12
mint3intel core 2 duo t 750001:12
bsnideroh, it's an acer. that explains why it's so crappy01:12
so20fmint3, acer :( bad . need to buy a pcmcia card dude...01:12
so20fsame problem here.01:12
mint3its got a decent processor thats why i opted for it01:13
mint3compared to many others with crappier processors andm ore expensive01:13
bsnidertrue but dell and hp make laptops tested with linux01:13
so20fmint3, my mom bought the same laptop, i ended up wiping the drive clean, installing linux, and buying a pcmcia card..01:14
mint3oh right so20f01:14
mint3i mean for the price i paid for a t7500 processor, few months ago looked fine01:14
so20fgood laptops, cheap hardware....so cheap they make it so the software needs to do the work....which relies on windows...01:14
bsniderthey're known for making cheap worthless junk01:15
bsniderand offering practiaclly no support at all01:15
mint3bsnider, but dont u reckon the t7500 was worth it ?01:15
mint3yeah true bsnider01:15
bsniderno, i don't reckon that01:15
mint3why not? i mean when u buy a pc/laptop what do u look for and also what kinda budget u get01:16
so20fyah, i bought my 7104 just becuase of the 17" widescreen....didn't care about anything else. bought a atheros card to pair up with aircrack :)01:16
bsnideri've never bought a laptop01:16
bsnideri build my own desktops and research the hardware to make sure it will work with linux01:17
mint3but the average person, bsnider, goes to "curries" "dixons" "pcworld"01:17
bsniderthe t7k series is already 2 generations out of date anyway01:17
=== bruce89 is now known as BruceMichaelAlex
mint3to buy a pc/laptop01:17
mint3is it, bsnider?01:17
bsniderthere's the t9k series and the new i701:17
=== BruceMichaelAlex is now known as BMAC
mint3it was affordable, so i got it01:18
so20fyup, laptops you see on the shelve are already outdated and discontinued. reason i buy the $399 laptops...01:18
so20ftechnology in general.01:18
mint3didnt think acer was so not good at support01:18
so20foh yeah ,they suck ass. expect to be on your own.....01:18
bsniderdoes acer actually have aphone numebr you can call for support?01:18
mint3i never tried yet bsnider, i assume they do01:19
mint3whats your pc specs, bsnider01:19
=== BMAC is now known as bruce89
bsnidercore 2 quad q6600, 4gb ddr2-800, nvidia 8800gt, all intel chipset, sb audigy 101:20
mint3yeah am on a q6600 too, 3 gb tho and ati01:20
mint3i also learnt that linux likes nvidia more than ati01:20
bsnideri also own 2 atheros wifi cards by d-link that work fine although i'm not currently using them01:21
mint3can u make the most of ubuntu from your quad ?01:21
mint3i see01:21
so20fmy hdd died 3 months later. bought another one from newegg. went with a smaller drive so i could afford the 720001:21
bsniderthis system is extremely fast with the new ext4 file system, but an i7 based system would be at least 3 times faster01:21
bsnidermaybe 401:22
bsnidermaybe 501:22
mint3i7 sounds like the dogs balls then01:22
bsniderwith ddr3-1333 ram01:22
mint3bet they still expensive01:22
bsnideryeah, for the time being, but that changes fast01:22
mint3i must say , the quad is a silent beast too01:23
mint3i was wondering if i increased ram, would linux see that ? i know windows got a problem with over 3 gb ram01:23
bsnidermint3, it will see it if you use the amd64 version, which you should be using anyway01:24
Lunie2ns Hello, can anyone help me, I am new, using Ubuntu 9.04, on my laptop I have Broadcom Corporation BCM4318 AirForce One 54g 802.11g Wireless LAN Controller (rev 02),  and I am trying to connect to a TEW-611BRP router wirelessly, any help?..01:24
mint3bsnider - the q6600 is a 64 bit platform ?01:24
rwwmint3: all Core 2 can run 32-bit or 64-bit ubuntu01:24
ubottuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs01:25
bsnidermint3, all core 2 duo processors are 64 bit01:25
* DanaG has a nice laptop: Core 2 Duo P8600 (better battery life than T9400), 4 gigs DDR2-800, 250gig 7200rpm drive, ATI HD3650.01:25
mint3my laptop is a core 2 duo01:25
bsniderDanaG, i like it except for the ati card01:25
=== rdw200169 is now known as rdw200169`afk
mint3nice, DanaG01:25
bsnidermint3, core i7 benchmarks against older stuff: http://global.phoronix-test-suite.com/?k=profile&u=dax-3090-1044-2435601:27
mint3my next question is : do u think i should update my jaunty to a 64 bit one ?01:27
DanaGaCTUALly, I chose the ATI card on purpose.01:27
DanaGEven had to customize to order to get it.01:27
bsnidermint3, you have to clean install to do that, but yes01:27
mint3wow, bsnider01:28
DanaGHP EliteBook 8530w.01:28
mint3this is stunning difference with the i7 proc01:28
bsniderDanaG, price?01:28
bsnidermint3, look at the ramspeed numbers01:28
DanaGWith Computrace and ADP for 3 years, it came to 2200.01:28
DanaGUS dollars.01:28
DanaGActually, if I could do it again, I'd have added onsite service.01:29
bsnidernot bad, except for the ati card01:29
DanaGPreconfigured ones are way cheaper.01:29
mint3im fallin in love with the i701:29
DanaGATI card uses like 5 or 10 fewer watts than the nvidia, though.01:29
DanaGAnd I prefer ATI's windows drivers over nvidia's windows drivers.01:29
bsnidernvidia's cards can do onboard h.264 decoding. ati can't01:29
mint3DanaG - what difference did u notice ?01:29
DanaGWith mine, after tweaking laptop-mode (with journal commit time set to 15 minutes), I get an estimated 4 hours, depending on what I'm doing.01:30
mint3DanaG - what do u mean by laptop-mode?01:30
mint3power management u mean ?01:30
DanaGlaptop-mode-tools -- lets me keep the hard drive spun down.01:31
=== rdw200169`afk is now known as rdw200169
mint3DanaG -  can i use that u reckon on my laptop ?01:31
bsniderDanaG, do you still have windows on it?01:31
mint3where can i get laptop-mode-tools ?01:32
mint3synaptic or add/remove01:32
DanaGMy last few things that tie me to Windows are all Direct3D games.01:32
DanaGIt's installed by default, but not set up.01:32
mint3DanaG - How do i get it up and running ?01:32
DanaGAlso, the ubuntu package is rather broken; download the one from upstream debian.01:33
mint3urm, how? can you help me download/set it up pleasE?01:33
mint3would that work on ubuntu yes ?01:36
DanaGJust be aware that things like FIrefox like to repeatedly wake up the hard drive.01:38
mint3do you use your laptop a lot ?01:39
DanaGOh yeah, set apm to more like 128 or so, not '1'.01:39
DanaGOne thing I dislike about my new laptop's Seagate 250G 7200RPM is that it's way slower at spinning up than the Hitachi 200 gig 7200rpm I had in my old laptop.01:39
DanaGOld one took like 1/2 second; new one is like 3/4 or 4/5 second.01:40
myk_robinsonhey, guys. have any of you installed VirtualBox in Jaunty yet? Is it okay to just use the one for Intrepid?01:40
DanaGyeah, works fine for me that way.01:40
DanaGANother issue I had with my laptop:01:41
ubottuUbuntu bug 314600 in fglrx-installer "fglrx versions newer than 8.543 cause system hang and panic" [Undecided,Confirmed]01:41
myk_robinsonthank you, just wasnt sure if it would cause any problems using one that is supposedly Intrepid specific01:41
myk_robinsonworks like a champ on my laptop, just luck i guess.01:42
mint3battery life is crap on this acer01:42
myk_robinsonActually, i replaced the wifi chip in it due to problems with the Intel 3954ABG01:42
DanaGYeah, everyone says intel wifi is sooooo awesome for linux... but in my experience, it's been rather crappy.01:43
DanaGFrankly, I've actually had fewer problems with some BROADCOM.01:44
myk_robinsoni bought an atheros 5007 for $20 US dollars. I bought a few, actually, I keep them on hand for friends if they need one :)01:44
myk_robinsonthe madwifi-hal driver works great01:44
myk_robinsononly real issue I am having is that the Google Calendar feature was broken in this release.01:45
DanaGToo bad HP has a whitelist for wifi cards.01:45
myk_robinsonno way to pass a username and password to get my calendar, but it worked fine in Intrepid01:45
PhotoJimWiFi has its issues on Windows too, but yes, it's still a bit of a work in progress on Linux, I agree.01:46
DanaGOh yeah, and this laptop has UEFI firmware, too.01:46
myk_robinsonmy wifi worked out of the gate with Januty, but it seemed sluggish. The madwifi-hal driver makes it perform like it should01:47
myk_robinsonwhat is UEFI?01:47
BHSPitCSPSo I did a major -Syu, and afterward I'm unable to use my mouse or keyboard in X... Anywhere I should start troubleshooting?01:47
bsniderDanaG, linus had madouthed efi01:48
bsniderPhotoJim, wifi also has major mac issues01:50
PhotoJimbsnider: you mean mac as in Macintosh?  or mac as in mac addresses?01:51
bsniderPhotoJim, apple01:52
myk_robinsonbsnider: where do i know you from? maybe we've just spoken on IRC before, but that name looks very familiar01:52
bsnidermyk_robinson, i've seen you in this channel from time to tim back int he intrepid development days01:53
curti need help getting sound working can anyone assist?01:54
ubottuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?01:55
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP301:56
Lunie2nsIf i want to install ndiswrapper driver onto my laptop from a cd, since i dont have a network connection on the laptop yet, from the ndiswrapper-1.54.tar.gz file what would i type to install it?01:57
myk_robinsonLunie2ns: first, make sure that the cdrom is not disabled in /etc/apt/sources.list,  i think it gets commented out after installation01:58
myk_robinsonthen    sudo apt-get install ndiswrapper-common ndiswrapper-utils-1.901:58
myk_robinsonwhat wifi chipset you got?01:58
curtcan someone please just help me01:58
myk_robinsoncurt: can you provide more details? what's going on?01:59
curtwell the sound just does not work01:59
curti am not sure how to make it work01:59
myk_robinsonwhat is your hardware?01:59
curthow can i find out?01:59
myk_robinsonis this a laptop or desktop?01:59
curtbuilt by my father02:00
myk_robinsonjust a sec..02:00
LjLcurt: watch the attitude. everyone's a volunteer, and no one's a mind reader.02:00
myk_robinsoncurt: you know how to use pastebin?02:00
myk_robinsonplease pastebin the results of    sudo lshw02:01
myk_robinsonthat will tell us your hardware02:01
myk_robinsonrun that command in the terminal02:01
Lunie2nsmyk_robinson im new to linux pretty muc..doesnt apt-get require an established internet connection?02:01
myk_robinsonLunie2ns: not if your source is the cd. In the terminal, run     sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list   and if the cdrom is commented out, simply remove the # sign at the front of that line, then look at the bottom of the screen for the key press to save and exit02:02
myk_robinsonLunie2ns: sorry, i'm a console freak, you can do all this in Synaptic too :)02:02
Lunie2nsmyk_robinson: ill try that..at the top left i have a cdrom icon tho on my gui02:02
myk_robinsoncurt: with that audio chip, you SHOULD have audio. Have you triple checked all aspects of your mixer?02:03
curthow would i do that?02:04
Lunie2nsmyk_robinson: ok what # am i looking for exactly?02:04
myk_robinsonLunie2ns: are you doing this in console?02:04
myk_robinsonor in synaptic02:04
myk_robinsonyou comfortable with console?02:04
myk_robinsonterminal, console, same thing02:04
Lunie2nsnot sure i used that...im in terminal right now02:04
myk_robinsonjust a sec, lemme look at mine02:05
myk_robinsonLunie2ns: the first line of your file should say something like   deb cdrom:[Ubuntu.........02:05
myk_robinsonremove the # from the front of that line, if one is there02:06
myk_robinsonis there one?02:06
Lunie2ns# deb cdrom:[Ubuntu 9.04 ...etc...02:06
myk_robinsonBTW, the correct path for the file is /etc/apt/sources.list02:06
myk_robinsonthink i left off the "s" before02:06
Lunie2nsok so remove that and the space?02:06
myk_robinsoncurt: be right with you, sorry02:06
Lunie2nsno s was there :)02:06
curtits fine thanks for the help02:06
myk_robinsonLunie2ns: yes, then press ctrl+x02:07
myk_robinsonit will ask you if you wish to save, press Y02:07
myk_robinsonLunie2ns: next, with the CD in the drive, run   sudo apt-get update02:07
Lunie2nsok should i extract it before putting on cd or leave as is ?02:08
myk_robinsoncurt: right-click on your volume control icon and select "open volume control". Make sure all the sliders under playback are turned up02:08
myk_robinsonLunie2ns: extract what? just put the cd in, when you run the update command, it will look at the cd as a software repository. When you install the package, it will extract properly itself02:09
curtthey all are02:09
myk_robinsoncurt: what is showing as the device?02:09
Lunie2nsalso sshould i put wireless assistant on the disk too to help find wireless networks?02:09
myk_robinsonno, Network Manager is fine02:09
curtHDA Intel (Alsa mixer)02:09
Lunie2nsok ill burn the disk now02:09
myk_robinsonLunie2ns: WAIT02:09
Lunie2nsmyk_robinson yes?02:10
myk_robinsonwhat is this disk you are talking about? I thought you were just using a Jaunty disk, is this not the case?02:10
Lunie2nsno..should it be on the jaunty disc?02:10
myk_robinsonlets start over, sorry i misunderstood02:10
myk_robinsonhave you just downloaded the files on another computer or something?02:10
Lunie2nsyah im on my desktop and laptop is next to me...but the jaunty disc is in the drive...should i check to see if its on there first?02:11
myk_robinsonthe commands i gave you is to use the jaunty disk as a software source.02:11
Lunie2nsok lemme try02:12
myk_robinsoncurt: stupid question.... do you have your speakers plugged into the correct port, and do they normally work?02:12
myk_robinsoni have the same audio chipset in my laptop, it works fine02:12
curtleeme check02:12
curtyes it is pluged in and usually works02:13
Lunie2nsmyk_robinson ok it tried a bunch of websites...02:13
myk_robinsonanyone got any further ideas for curt other than checking alsamixer?02:13
DanaGoh yeah, another thing ATI can do that nvidia can't (in Windows): thinks like HDR+AA in Oblivion.02:13
Ienorandcurt: what kinds of volume controls do you have in the volume manager? I get (for ICH8) master, PCM, and Front which will all affect volume....02:13
myk_robinsonLunie2ns: yeah, it will because the online repositories are attmepting to update as well02:13
myk_robinsondid the command complete? I expect it to with some errors for the online stuff02:13
Lunie2nsdo i neeed to restart for it to check cd drive?02:14
curtMaster, PCM, Front, Front Line, Front Mic02:14
Ienorandcurt: and all turned up? Then I don't know....02:14
curtyes they are all turned up02:15
Lunie2nsmyk_robinson: i got Ign cdrom://Ubuntu 9.04 ........ jaunty/main Translation-en_US02:15
Lunie2nsand /restrictedd Translation-en_US02:15
curti am going to restart computer brb02:15
myk_robinsonLunie2ns: after that all completes, try   sudo apt-get install ndiswrapper-common02:16
myk_robinsonBTW, anybody, please correct me if i give out bad informtion02:16
Lunie2nsReading Database...02:16
myk_robinsonit happens sometimes02:16
Lunie2nsmyk_robinson ok appears to finished02:17
myk_robinsonnow,    sudo apt-get install ndiswrapper-utils-1.902:17
myk_robinsonyou'd think by now they'd just include the dang thing in a normal installation02:18
Lunie2nsok done02:18
myk_robinsonLunie2ns: again, what wifi is this for?02:18
myk_robinsonjust a sec..02:18
curtif i put the speaker up to my ear i can hear it02:18
Lunie2nsBroadcom Corporation BCM4318 AirForce One 54g 802.11g Wireless LAN Controller (rev 02)02:18
curtbut not clearly02:18
curtvery low02:18
myk_robinsoncurt: in terminal, try alsamixer and see if anything "invisible" is still turned down or something. Should be a fairly intuitive interface02:19
curteverything is up02:20
myk_robinsonLunie2ns: please pastebin the output of    ndiswrapper -l02:20
myk_robinsonthat is a lowercase "L"02:20
Lunie2nsmyk_robinson ok i typed that and it juse gave me the xxx@xxx-laptop:~$ prompt02:21
myk_robinsonokay. Do you already have the driver you need?02:21
Ienorandcurt: try to enable all volume controls through preferences and go though all devices to see if any one does the trick02:22
Lunie2nsum...isnt that was ndiswrapper does?02:22
Lunie2nsor the windows version?02:22
myk_robinsonno, it is simply a wrapper.. You need the windows driver. Just a sec, i'll get you one02:22
myk_robinsonLunie2ns: are you on a linux machine now?02:23
jeiworthhi @ll beta testers02:23
Lunie2nsno this is windows02:23
myk_robinsonokay, grab this file however you can   ย ftp://ftp.hp.com/pub/softpaq/sp34001-34500/sp34152.exe02:23
Lunie2nsmyk_robinson the laptop should be accessible,..its win/linux dualboot02:23
myk_robinsonInternet Explorer should grab the file using that link02:23
myk_robinsonbetter yet, hang on, I'll do it, extract what you need, and post it back up here02:24
myk_robinsonwindows will try to actually install the file, and your linux machine probably doesnt have cabextract yet02:24
DanaGactually, you should be able to wine the 'spXXXX' executables.02:25
DanaGThose files are self-extracting zip files, or such.02:26
DanaGThe actual driver install in Windows is a separate step.02:26
myk_robinsonLunie2ns: grab this file, put it in a FOLDER in the linux machine, then right click and extract it02:27
curti can hear the music02:27
myk_robinsonbe sure to put it in a folder, its a lot of files02:27
curtbut barley02:27
curtfrom the speakers02:27
curtcould they have blown out?02:27
myk_robinsoncurt: have you used Linux on this machine before? has it worked historically?02:27
curtever since now02:27
myk_robinsonDo you have some headphones or something else to test with?02:27
curtyes headphones02:28
myk_robinsonplease try the headphones. sounds like they may be blown. Kinda sounds like powered speakers with no power02:28
myk_robinsonLunie2ns: let me know when you;re ready to proceed02:28
curtgot it to work with the speakers02:29
myk_robinsoncurt: what did you do?02:29
curtif the plug is not all the way in it works02:29
myk_robinsonthat is jacked up, no pun intended02:29
curtwhat do you mean?02:30
myk_robinsoncurt: when you do volume control-->preferences, do you have any extra stuff that is not checked, like swithcs?02:30
myk_robinsoncurt: bad joke about the "jack", that's all02:30
curtwell thanks for the help02:30
myk_robinsonjust a cleaner way of saying f'ed up02:31
curtyes i was about to punch a whole in the monitor02:31
DanaGspeaking of "no pun intended"... http://xkcd.com/559/02:31
myk_robinsoncurt: do these happen to be "digital speakers"? that is why i am asking about switches in the volume control preferences. I have a lot of extra options on mine that do not show sliders unless i turn them on.02:32
myk_robinsonLunie2ns: you still around?02:32
Lunie2nsmyk_robinson actually i browsed to my system32 and the BCMWL5.sys file is there that XP uses, should i try that first?02:32
myk_robinsonyou will also need the accompanying .inf file.. Or you could just download the stuff i posted     http://www.sendspace.com/file/h3z44o02:33
myk_robinsonits only 3MB02:33
myk_robinsongot everything you need02:33
Lunie2nsok shouldi extract it first or leave as zip?02:33
myk_robinsonwhichever you prefer02:34
myk_robinsonjust need to get 'em into the linux box so ndiswrapper can load them02:34
DanaGIronically, it's easier to find broadcom drivers for Linux than it is for Windows.  OEMs like to lock down their broadcom drivers to only their hardware -- and broadcom themselves don't release ANY! drivers.02:34
curtthat is it without the ipod holder02:34
myk_robinsonDanaG: i "stole" them from a HP softpaq installer02:35
myk_robinsonhad to do this same thing on my old laptop.02:35
myk_robinsonOnce you've learned the process, it literally takes about two minutes to get those wifi's working02:35
myk_robinsonseems like a daunting task at first, but after you;ve done it once, there's really nothing to it.02:35
myk_robinsonits just that a lot of people fear typing unless its is on a social networking site or something :)02:36
myk_robinsonwish someone here could help me with a leaky roof02:36
DanaGARGH! SOMETHING keeps muting my damned pcm slider on my onboard sound card.02:36
myk_robinsonDanaG: you on a laptop?02:36
mint3am a plumber02:37
myk_robinsonmint3: need a roofer :(  think i got leaks on my ridge caps, water trails a few rafters in the attic, then drips onto the ceiling through the insulation...02:38
mint3then  u get mould growing02:38
mint3cos of the humidity02:38
myk_robinsonDanaG: do you have capacitive tough volume control?02:38
myk_robinsonmint3: you are correct02:38
DanaGYeah... but that controls master, not pcm.02:38
myk_robinsonI am keeping it bleached until I can fix the roof02:38
mint3mm mould *can* be dangerous if you dont sort it out02:38
DanaGThe hotkeys are working fine.02:38
myk_robinsonDanaG: I ask that because mine had a tendency to "stick" sometimes and mess with the volume02:39
mint3can cause a lot of respiratory ill effects02:39
mint3id suggest u get that sorted sooner than later.02:39
myk_robinsonmint3: I am sorry, we havent experienced mold yet, just mildew02:39
DanaGoh yeah, and the new notify-osd makes it damn near impossible to reduce the volume once you hit max volume and get a few more key repeats.02:39
myk_robinsonmint3: gotta wait till the rain stops :(  I got plastic up there now02:39
DanaGIt sits there BLINKING at you.  "OMG, I'M AT MAX VOLUME!!!"02:39
mint3ah man02:39
DanaGMeanwhile, it's pegged, and it lags on reducing volume.02:40
DanaG... and eats CPU the whole time.02:40
myk_robinsondang.. anyway to disable the touch volume?02:40
myk_robinsonI rebooted mine and just never touched the thing again.. Instead i use the Fn key combination for volume02:40
Lunie2nshmmm weird...brb...now windows isnt seeing my cdrom...i just burned ubuntu like 2 hours ago lol02:41
mint3myk_robinson = http://www.doityourself.com/stry/controlleakyroof02:41
Lunie2nsgonna try rebooting02:41
myk_robinsonLunie2ns: got a thumb drive?02:41
Lunie2nsno..after i hooked them up to my dvd to watch divx windows could no longer see the drive :-/02:42
myk_robinsonmint3: thanks for that! I planned to get up top in a few days with a boatload of tar and just go crazy on the ridge due to budgeting constraints02:42
mint3yeah let it dry properly and make sure its a dry day02:42
mint3good luck young skywalker !02:42
myk_robinsonthing that sucks is there is no visible sign of damage from topside, so it will take some time and someone tapping from the inside to help locate the area02:42
myk_robinsonjust so we stay on topic, I will refer to my roof as "jaunty" :)02:43
DanaGOr a really, really, really bright LED flashlight.02:43
myk_robinsonDanaG: that may not be a bad idea, look for it at night !02:43
myk_robinsonmark it and tar in the morning02:43
myk_robinsontar -xvf leaky.roof02:44
Lunie2nsill brb02:44
mint3ok, i need to return to the dark side now.02:44
mint3nite fellas.02:44
myk_robinsonnice talking with you, goodnight02:45
ghindoI keep hearing my laptop's hard drive head parking excessively.  Is anybody else experiencing this?02:45
myk_robinsoni had that in Intrepid but not Jaunty02:45
mint3same here, experienced it on intrepid. jaunty runs smooth02:46
myk_robinsonghindo: provided you are sure your laptop will be cool, try from console    sudo hdparm -B 254 /dev/sda02:46
myk_robinsonshould disable the power management on the drive.02:46
myk_robinsonThis will need to be run everytime you boot up, but i dont recommend it on battery power02:46
myk_robinsonit still works, just may drain the battery faster02:47
myk_robinsonyou should notice the parking stop immediately upon running the command02:47
mint3cant u add it to /etc/modules ?02:47
mint3so you dont need to run it everytime u boot up02:47
ghindomyk_robinson: So that sort of behavior is normal while on battery power?02:47
myk_robinsonto some extent02:47
myk_robinsonVista laptops do it all the time02:47
myk_robinsoni used to run that command on mine all the time because i have VERY sensitive hearing and that noise drove me crazy02:48
myk_robinsonI also monitored the hard drive heat while testing this to make sure it didnt get too hot02:48
myk_robinsonMine stayed fine, but some people reported needing to get a chill mat to keep things cooler02:48
ghindomyk_robinson: Interesting, thank you.  It's been driving me crazy as well.02:48
myk_robinsonBut i blow my laptop out every week or so to make sure vent ports dont get dust buildup02:48
ghindoThat, and loose bearing in my laptop fan02:48
ghindomyk_robinson: What do you mean?02:49
myk_robinsonghindo: about blowing it out?02:49
ghindomyk_robinson: Yeah.02:49
DanaGWhat brand hard drive?02:49
myk_robinsonusing a can of compressed air to blow dust out of the vent ports02:49
DanaGOn Hitachi drives, you can actually persistently change the APM setting with HItachi Feature Tool.02:49
DanaGMight work for other drives, too.02:49
bsniderRAOF, what's the name of the nouveau driver when it's running?02:49
ghindoDanaG: I think it's a seagate02:49
ghindomyk_robinson: Oh, okay.  One of my coworkers told me that that could sometimes make it worse02:50
DanaGMine makes this lovely "scrape"-ish sound every once in a long while.02:50
myk_robinsonit can, but that is why we test before making a permanent change02:50
DanaGTry 254; if that doesn't work, try 255.02:50
myk_robinsonbefore you start, hang on lemme find the command for hard drive temp check02:50
ghindomyk_robinson: Okay, sounds good02:51
crdlbbsnider: "name"?02:51
myk_robinsoninstall the package   hddtemp02:51
mint3what does that package do, myk_robinson ?02:51
myk_robinsonHard Disk Drive Temperature02:52
bsnidercrdlb, i'm asking what it would be called in the lsmod list02:52
myk_robinsonmyk@mobileOne:~/Temp$ sudo hddtemp /dev/sda02:52
myk_robinson/dev/sda: WDC WD2500BEVS-22UST0: 43ยฐC02:52
crdlbbsnider: the kernel module is called nouveau.ko02:52
DanaGhah, ATI even suppots xbacklight; nvidia does not.02:52
crdlbthe actual driver is nouveau_drv.so :)02:52
Lunie2nsmyk_robinson back02:53
ghindomyk_robinson: Installed it, thanks for your help!02:53
RAOFbsnider: nouveau.02:53
DanaG!find libartsc.so.002:53
ubottuPackage/file libartsc.so.0 does not exist in jaunty02:53
myk_robinsonghindo: NP.  First, get a current reading by running   sudo hddtemp /dev/sda02:53
DanaGdang ut2k4.02:53
DanaG!find libartsc.so02:53
ubottuPackage/file libartsc.so does not exist in jaunty02:53
crdlbDanaG: apt-file02:53
ghindomyk_robinson: It's currently at 35 degrees, which seems reasonable02:53
bsniderRAOF, ty02:53
myk_robinsonghindo: now run the hdparm command, you'll notice the ticking stops.  Wait a few minutes then check the temp02:54
myk_robinsonit should be a few degrees higher but nowhere near critical02:54
Lunie2nsmyk_robinson ok disc is in the drive..i opened up the browser and see the folder...can  iinstall from CD or any particular directoy i should put it in?02:54
DanaGNo candidate version found for libartsc002:55
myk_robinsonLunie2ns: you'll want to make a folder on your hard drive to keep these files. Each time the kernel updates, you may need to reinstall the driver02:55
Lunie2nsmyk_robinson ok i put it in the "home" folder02:56
DanaGah, downloaded the intrepid version.02:56
myk_robinsonafter you get those on the computer, you'll need to navigate to the folder that contains them in the terminal02:56
myk_robinsonthen load the driver into ndiswrapper using    sudo ndiswrapper -i bcmwl5.inf02:56
Lunie2nsmyk_robinson done*02:59
myk_robinsonnext,    ndiswrapper -l02:59
myk_robinsonplease post the results02:59
Lunie2nsbcmwl5 : driver installed02:59
mint3myk_robinson - i just installed something call sensors-applet from synaptics. how do i enable it ? or where do i go to get the gui. by the way i also downloaded "hddtemp"03:00
myk_robinsondoes it say anything about alternate driver?03:00
Lunie2nsdevice (14E4:4318) present (alternate driver: ssb)03:00
myk_robinsonmint3: not sure about the sensors applet03:00
myk_robinsonLunie2ns:    sudo depmod -a03:00
mint3it did download and install. how do i run it ?03:00
jimmyjames_hey guyz how is the beta I'm thinking about trying it out03:00
mint3how do i run hddtemp too ?03:00
Lunie2nsmyk_robinson ok back to prompt..guess its done with that03:01
myk_robinsonmint3: from terminal,   sudo hddtemp /dev/sda03:01
myk_robinsonor whatever the drive is you wish to see03:01
myk_robinsonLunie2ns: we need to remove a module or two to test this driver before making it permanent03:02
mint3wow. 45 degrees !03:02
myk_robinsonmint3: a laptop?03:02
Lunie2nsmyk_robinson ok03:02
myk_robinsonmy WD has a max of 60 degrees celcius. it runs at 43 constantly03:02
myk_robinsonLunie2ns: sudo rmmod b4303:03
Lunie2nsmyk_robinson ok done03:03
myk_robinsonLunie2ns: sudo rmmod b4403:03
myk_robinsonsudo rmmod b43legacy03:03
myk_robinsonLunie2ns: some of these may return errors, its okay03:03
Lunie2nsok error ..on b4403:04
myk_robinsonjust want to make sure any possible conflicts are removed before loading the driver03:04
myk_robinsonyou get legacy removed?03:04
myk_robinsonif so, next step is    sudo rmmod wl03:04
Lunie2nssame thing ERROR: Module b43legacy does not exist in /proc/modules03:05
myk_robinsonthats fine03:05
myk_robinsonafter wl is   sudo rmmod ssb   followed by sudo rmmod ndiswrapper03:05
myk_robinsonif all this works, we'll make it automatic so each time you boot, the driver is just loaded and running03:05
myk_robinsonalways like to test things first03:05
myk_robinsonlet me know when you're ready to load the driver up03:05
Lunie2nsok think im ready...error on wl and ndiswrapper as well :)03:06
myk_robinsonno prob03:06
myk_robinsonnext    sudo modprobe ndiswrapper           sudo modprobe ssb03:07
myk_robinsonyour wifi light "should" come on03:07
Lunie2nstwo separate commands?03:07
mint3!modprobe | mint303:08
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about modprobe03:08
myk_robinsonmodprobe is a command to load kernel modules on demand03:08
myk_robinsonthink of kernel modules as "drivers"03:08
myk_robinsonyou got lights?03:08
Lunie2nswell i had to click the button, but its on now and network thing is spinning03:08
myk_robinsonLunie2ns: please pastebin the results of     sudo lshw -C network03:08
myk_robinsoni need to be sure it is now using ndiswrapper instead of ssb03:09
mint3myk_robinson - how do u remember all those command lines ?03:09
myk_robinsoni'm old03:09
myk_robinsonmint3: been using Linux for about 3 years now. I have a knack for absorbing things like a sponge.03:09
mint3thats good03:09
myk_robinsonI use the command line a lot, I like to know how things work under the hood03:09
myk_robinsonactually, I'm 32 :)03:09
mint3yr young lad03:10
mint3am 5703:10
Lunie2nsmyk_robinson ok ill have to type it all out... anything in particular u are looking for?03:10
myk_robinsonlook for a line near the bottom that says "driver="03:10
myk_robinsoni need it for the wifi card03:10
mint3some people are not very fond of ndiswrapper *points* at bsnider03:11
myk_robinsoni prefer a native solution, but i will use whatever works03:11
myk_robinsonI bought an Atheros minipcie card for my laptop so i wouldn't have to do all this anymore03:11
Lunie2nsdriver=ndiswrapper+bcml5 driverversion=1.53+Broadcom,10/12/2006, 4.100. latency=64 link=yes module=ndiswrapper....etc...anything else?03:11
myk_robinsonLunie2ns: are you able to connect to your network yet, or see any networks?03:12
bsniderndiswrapper is like trying to force a square peg in a round hole03:12
myk_robinsonbut, if i can help someone without them having to go buy something, all the better03:12
myk_robinsonit will let him do what he wants for now03:12
mint3any interesting programs i might want, myk_robinson ? or u found/find practical ?03:13
myk_robinsonmint3: what do you wish to do?03:13
myk_robinsonwhat are you into?03:13
mint3well, anything. example, earlier u were talking of the hddtemp, tried it, kinda helpful stuff03:14
mint3i mean whatever you find interesting/useful/practical03:14
Lunie2nsit sees the wireless router...trying to connect and put in the hex code03:14
myk_robinsonreally, i just use the dang thing :)   i fix windows computers all day, its nice to come home to Linux and just use it03:15
myk_robinsonMy most used apps are simple... Firefox, Evolution, and Rhythmbox03:15
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu+1 to: Welcome to the Ubuntu Jaunty Jackalope (beta) discussion channel | Jaunty is NOT RELEASED and NOT SUPPORTED. It will most certainly break your system. Jaunty Beta CD's are at http://releases.ubuntu.com/releases/9.04/ | Kubuntu: http://www.kubuntu.org/news/9.04-beta | Please read Beta release notes: http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/jaunty/beta. | Join #ubuntu for non 9.04 support | JAUNTY RELEASE HAS BEEN DELAYED TO AUGUST DUE TO PROBLEMS
myk_robinson...and vuze03:15
mint3right o03:15
mint3and do u know how to unable laptop-mode-tools ?03:15
myk_robinsonI run avant window navigator and copiz and screenlets for some eyecandy03:15
screamWhat is the best linux (ubuntu) backup system with a GUI?03:15
myk_robinsonmint3: you mean enable?03:16
mint3yeah typo sorry03:16
Lunie2nsmyk_robinson i keep getting an authentication window..maybe im doing it wrong for putting in the 26 digit hex pw?03:16
myk_robinsoni think it is automatic in Jaunty03:16
myk_robinsonLunie2ns: @#$!! maybe you should switch to WPA2 encryption instead!03:16
mint3i see03:16
myk_robinsonor, just for testing, turn off the encryption temporarily03:16
Lunie2nsnot my router...im living with my fiance, and her brother set it up...and he moved lol03:17
myk_robinsonLunie2ns: is what brand of router?03:17
Lunie2nsher parents dont really want to mess with it03:17
Lunie2nsTrendNet lool03:17
myk_robinsonare there any unsecure networks around?03:17
mint3usually, codes are like 12345 or 0000003:18
mint3depends i suppose03:18
mint3hoping he didnt change it ... lol03:18
myk_robinsonif you left click on network manager, are there any other networks showing?03:18
mint3a full reboot of your router should settle that03:18
myk_robinsonhe'd have to do a 30/30/30 reset03:18
mint3in mine, i press hold for few seconds, and tada !03:18
danbeckWhat is the best way to report a bug specific to jaunty?03:19
myk_robinsonhold power for 30 seconds, unplug while holding reset for another 30, then plug in power while holding for another 3003:19
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu  -  Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots03:19
mint3danbeck - there is an error report, launchpad03:19
Lunie2nsno houses really close03:19
danbeckso, you can just file a generic bug and it will end up tagged for jaunty?03:19
danbeckInever say a way to specify a version of the distro03:19
mint3Lunie2ns - well mate! try resetting the router03:19
danbecksay = saw03:20
myk_robinsonwell, at least we're seeing the router, this is progress03:20
Lunie2nsill keep trying to connect...is there any special way with the password?03:20
mint3well unless you have guessing powers...03:20
Lunie2nsi have the password to connect to the network...03:21
Lunie2nsjust not to administer the router03:21
mint3right o03:21
mint3anyway did u find it in the wireless list?03:21
Lunie2nsthe green dots with the blue thing swirling goes and then i get wieeless network authent required boxx03:22
RotundHow does USB connection detection work in Jaunty?03:22
myk_robinsonin that case, you should be able to connect. You may have to change the settings in Network Manager when it asks for the password.. Does it give you any options regarding the hex?03:22
myk_robinsonRotund: for what device(s)?03:22
Lunie2nsok i just connected03:22
Lunie2nsok i am03:22
mint3good stuff03:22
Lunie2nsjust went to google03:22
Rotundusb sound card... it's not even throwing a dmesg03:22
myk_robinsoncool. Now we need to make this module permanent now that we know it works03:23
myk_robinsonjust a sec, need to find my notes03:23
mint3what you got all wallpaper on ur pc/laptop03:23
myk_robinsonsudo ndiswrapper -m03:23
mint3all = as03:23
myk_robinsonmint3: have a screenshot for you shortly03:25
mint3ta myk03:25
myk_robinsonLunie2ns: echo 'ndiswrapper' | sudo tee -a /etc/modules03:26
mint3c00l mike03:27
mint3what theme you got on ?03:27
mint3i like the way you got the icons at the bottom?03:27
myk_robinsonthat is Avant Window Navigator03:27
mint3how do you mean ?03:27
mint3its on gnome-look right ?03:27
myk_robinsonthats the name of the application, its in the repositories03:27
myk_robinsonjust open up synaptic and search for avant03:28
mint3ok let me try03:28
myk_robinsonLunie2ns: where you at?03:28
myk_robinsonmint3: do you have desktop effects enabled?03:28
myk_robinsonthey are needed for this app03:28
Lunie2nsDid both of those myk03:28
mint3they are set to normal i think myk_robinson03:28
myk_robinsonLunie2ns: just a sec, need to get back to the note ;)03:29
myk_robinsonecho 'ENABLED=0' | sudo tee -a /etc/default/wpasupplicant03:29
mint3myk_robinson - i downloaded/installed it via synaptics03:30
myk_robinsonjsut a sec, my daughter is going to bed03:30
mint3how do i get to it?03:31
myk_robinsonshe's so cute :)03:31
mint3heh :)03:31
myk_robinsonmint3: press Alt+F2, then begin to type   avant   it should autocomplete, then press enter03:31
mint3no nothing shows up, myk_robinson03:32
myk_robinsonLunie2ns: put all this in the terminal at one time, then reboot at let me know if it still works:    http://pastebin.ca/137854703:32
myk_robinsonmint: when you press Alt+F2, do you get a run command thingy?03:32
myk_robinsonthe full command is avant-window-navigator03:32
mint3i do03:32
myk_robinsonI have mine set to run on bootup03:32
myk_robinsondid the full command do it for you?03:33
mint3oddly enough03:33
myk_robinsonplease run the command in a full terminal, maybe it wil give some output as to why it is not running03:33
myk_robinsonthis is weird being the one answering for a change03:33
mint3says command not found03:34
tech0007im on xubuntu, & I always get "fbsetbg: something went wrong while setting the wallpaper. run 'display ...blah blah from an exterm" this msg never goes away...any suggestion?03:34
myk_robinsongo back into synaptic and make sure the package avant-window-navigator is installed03:34
mint3ok let me check synaptics03:35
mint3yeah the box is checked next to "avant-window-navigator-data 0.3.2-0ubuntu103:35
myk_robinsonlook specifically for avant-window-navigator,  it is a different package03:36
mint3you`re right03:36
mint3let me try that one03:36
Lunie2nsok myk imma reboot03:36
myk_robinsonit should grab quite a few other packages too03:37
mint3its a theme right ?03:37
mint3is that what it is ?03:37
myk_robinsonno, it is an application. It is just a dock bar similar to in Mac OSX03:37
myk_robinsoni use it instead of the default panel that runs the bottom03:37
myk_robinsoni have launchers for a few regularly used application, and it also expands and shows icons for running apps03:38
zedanyone tried amsn on 9.04 beta ?03:39
zedwont sign in for me03:39
myk_robinsonmint3: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Avant_window_navigator03:39
mint3works fine03:39
Lunie2nsthats what im using lol03:39
myk_robinsonzed: have you tried Pidgin? It should work for msn03:39
zednooo i want my amsn03:39
myk_robinsonmint3: use the manager to set up your launchers03:39
zedother people are reporting the same prob as me03:39
zedjust thought id ask incase you guys had some fix03:40
myk_robinsonzed: sorry, never used it myself03:40
myk_robinsonLunie2ns: the laptop back up yet?03:40
Lunie2nsmyk_robinson ok it rebooted and it connected03:40
myk_robinsonLunie2ns: nice. Enjoy the wifi!03:40
Lunie2nsis there anyway to get rid of it asking for the key password?03:40
myk_robinsonit keeps asking for it? it should remember it03:40
Lunie2nsnot the one for the router..but for the umm..whats it called...idunno..i forget ill ahve to restart again lol03:41
Lunie2nsit was a password  i had to make for the list when i put in a wep password03:41
myk_robinsonright click Network Manager, choose "edit connections" and edit your wireless settings for that particular ssid03:41
Lunie2nsok its the access to keyring03:42
Lunie2nsthats the box  iwanna rid of and the password03:42
myk_robinsonoh, you should only need that once.03:42
myk_robinsoni just use my login password03:42
Lunie2nsi just made it test lol03:43
Lunie2nsso next time it shouldnt ask??03:43
myk_robinsoni think the keyring is for it to store paswords for you03:43
Lunie2nsthanks a lot too btw03:43
myk_robinsonno problem, been there03:43
myk_robinsonthat's why i still had my notes on it :)03:44
myk_robinsoni like to document stuff after i figure it out03:44
Lunie2nsoh and before i got..i downloaded a game to try out..its bz2 file...do i just go to the directory and sudo apt-install ***.bz2 or whatever to install?03:44
Lunie2nsgot = go..ill be back in 503:44
myk_robinsonwhat game?03:44
myk_robinsonmint3: whassup?03:44
Lunie2nssecondlife lol..met my fiance on it03:44
mint3hey myk03:44
mint3i was playing with avant03:44
mint3its decent03:45
monkeybare there any docs on upgrading to jaunty via apt-get? I want to just download the packages now, then run the upgrade at the end of day03:45
myk_robinsondefault is not so hot, but after you customize it and set your widow minimization animation to "magic lamp", its pretty sweet03:45
Lunie2nsmyk_robinson http://secondlife.com/support/downloads.php for your reference...lol..and brb03:45
mint3oh yeah03:45
mint3this is decent i do like it03:45
myk_robinsonLunie2ns: place the file in a folder and extract it first. I recommend a logical structure for file storage, like   /home/user/Downloads/SecondLife03:46
danbhfivemonkeyb: you could use the alternate cd03:46
myk_robinsonmint3: if you want to keep it and have it launch automatically, just add it as a startup app in   System-->Preferences-->Startup Applications    you may also wish to delete the normal bottom panel03:47
mint3yeah done that03:47
myk_robinsonI set my AWN to auto hide as well, so it doesnt cover my windows, but pops up if i move the moue down03:47
mint3o i see03:47
mint3let me do that then03:47
mint3think i screwed up the size, cant i change back to default ?03:48
danbhfivemonkeyb: just download the cd, mount it, and then run the upgrade, per directions.  (and yes, I know that's not apt-get, but I've done the apt-get way, and its just harder)03:48
myk_robinsonmint3: explain03:48
myk_robinsonthe bar expands automatically as applications are added.  Did you make it too wide or something?03:49
mint3ah right03:49
mint3cos its gone close to my taskbar, which i intend to get rid of now03:49
monkeybdanbhfive: fair enough. whatever works03:49
myk_robinsonunder Bar Appearance, I have:   3D look, rounded corners, 45, 48, 1003:50
mint3thats the 103:51
mint3which icon effex u using myk03:52
myk_robinsontry out some others, jus see what you like. Zoom is pretty cool.03:52
myk_robinsonmint3: you up for some really cool customizations?03:52
mint3sure am03:52
myk_robinsonjust a sec, lemme get some package names for you03:53
myk_robinsoninstall simple-ccsm, compiz-fusion-plugins-unsupported, and compizconfig-settings-manager03:54
mint3what do they do03:55
myk_robinsonyou'll see very soon. Some awesome animations and eyecandy type stuff03:55
myk_robinsonyou gotta see the Magic Lamp effect03:55
mint3ah man ur tempting me03:55
mint3ok synaptics yes ?03:55
Lunie2nsmyk_robinson back...ok made a folder called downloads under /home03:57
mint3ok done downloading/install simple-ccsm03:58
myk_robinsonmint3: be sure to get the other packages too. You can check them all in one run03:58
myk_robinsonLunie2ns: this is up to you, but if you wanna be like Myk :) make a directory inside Downloads for Secondlife03:59
myk_robinsona place for everything, and everything in its place03:59
Lunie2nsdid that03:59
myk_robinsonthen extract the tarball inside that directory.03:59
Lunie2nsdid that03:59
mint3ok myk_robinson03:59
myk_robinsoncan you pastebin the contents of that folder?03:59
mint3done them all03:59
mint3what now ?03:59
myk_robinsonLunie2ns: in terminal and from that directory, paste the results of      ls04:00
Lunie2nsumm maybe this would be easier if i came on irc in linux computer now its online04:00
Lunie2nsis there irc program on here already?04:00
myk_robinsonmint3: Click on System-->Pidgin04:00
myk_robinsonLunie2ns: Pidgin04:00
mint3pidgin is alright, Lunie2ns04:00
mint3or xchat whichever . i use xchat04:00
myk_robinsonmint3: System--Preferences-->CompizConfig Settings Manager04:01
myk_robinsonLunie2ns: my wife is sitting here as I type.. She just informed me as to what your name is.. Clever, i didnt catch that before :)04:01
myk_robinsonmint3: you got the configuration manager up?04:02
myk_robinsonscroll down to Effects and click on Animations. Not the check box, but the word04:02
mint3ok on there04:03
myk_robinsonmint3: click on "Minimize Action"04:03
mint3ok wow which one u got04:03
myk_robinsonunder animation selection, in the white box, doubleclick whatever is there and change it to "Magic Lamp"04:03
myk_robinsonit should be just under "minimize effect"04:04
lunie2ns-linuxmyk_robinson:  http://pastebin.com/m6e43d62604:04
mint3haha sweet04:04
mint3i like it04:04
myk_robinsonlunie2ns-linux: back in the window manager, right click on "secondlife", provided it is a file and not a folder. Check the preferences and select "make it executable" or something like that04:05
myk_robinsonmint3: i gotta get going. See me in private chat for just a sec before I leave04:05
DanaGArgh... no audio in Wine.04:06
DanaGerr:module:load_builtin_dll failed to load .so lib for builtin L"winealsa.drv": /usr/bin/../lib32/wine/winealsa.drv.so: symbol snd_pcm_forward, version ALSA_0.9.0rc8 not defined in file libasound.so.2 with link time reference04:06
lunie2ns-linuxmyk_robinson: dont see that04:07
myk_robinsonwhat type of icon is "secondlife"?04:07
lunie2ns-linuxhas a little diamond04:08
myk_robinsonsorry, lunie2ns-linux, i gotta get going. Its late here04:09
myk_robinsonanyone able to take my place on this one?04:09
myk_robinsonlunie2ns-linux: its not a folder, is it?04:09
lunie2ns-linuxmyk_robinson:  ok should there be a file somewhere in there that will let me make executable...?04:09
lunie2ns-linuxmyk_robinson:  no it isnt04:09
myk_robinsonif not, try in terminal    ./secondlife04:09
myk_robinsonthat option should be under "Permissions" if you right click the file and secelt properties04:10
myk_robinson"allow executing file as a program"04:10
lunie2ns-linuxok ./secondlife seems to be doing something04:11
myk_robinsonalright. I gotta go, maybe i'll see you around04:11
myk_robinsongoodnight, all04:11
ForzaPalermohey guys whats the package i have to install in 9.04 to get the opensource ati catalyst drivers?04:12
jscinoz_ForzaPalermo: the radeon driver or radeonhd?04:14
ForzaPalermoi dont know04:15
ForzaPalermoall i know is the propriotory driver doesnt work04:15
ForzaPalermoand i was reading that in the beta, the open source one works great04:15
jscinoz_ForzaPalermo: what is your card?04:15
ForzaPalermobut i cant find the name anyware04:15
ForzaPalermoradeon 3200hd04:15
ForzaPalermobut it says its in the repos04:15
ForzaPalermofor fglrx04:15
jscinoz_ForzaPalermo: there are two opensource drivers, radeon and radeonhd, they are in packages xserver-xorg-video-radeon and xserver-xorg-video-radeonhd04:15
jscinoz_ForzaPalermo: fglrx isnt open source04:15
jscinoz_ForzaPalermo: radeon and radeonhd are the two open source ati drivers04:16
damnubuntuyou guys hear about the conficker worm. Im glad im not using windows.04:17
ForzaPalermohe current ATI on Linux is a 9.4 beta.  (Installable from the repositories.)04:17
ForzaPalermoso do any of those include catalyst?04:17
ForzaPalermobasically from what im reading... if you install 9.04 beta from scratch, ati now works out of the box04:17
ForzaPalermoi just updated from the alpha04:17
billybigriggershouldn't have bought this nvidia card :P04:18
jscinoz_ForzaPalermo: ok its like this: there are 3 ati drivers: radeon, radeonhd, fglrx. radeon and radeonhd are both open source, fglrx is closed source. use the driver which works best with your card04:19
ForzaPalermoWhen it comes to the X.Org side it is shipping with X Server 1.6 and the stabilized version of Mesa 7.3. Specifically in regards to the ATI Linux graphics, it will be shipping with an updated xf86-video-ati driver by default and Catalyst 9.4 will be an option for the user (in fact, right now Ubuntu 9.04 is using an unreleased driver)04:19
jscinoz_ForzaPalermo: what is it you actually want to do?04:21
ForzaPalermoget my gfx card working in jaunty04:21
jscinoz_ForzaPalermo: install xserver-xorg-video-radeonhd and add this to xorg.conf in the device section: Driver "radeonhd"04:22
lunie2ns-linuxHow do i get youtube and stuff working with 9.04, anyone?04:22
lunie2ns-linuxi installed latest flash player...04:22
ForzaPalermothat has 3d accelleration?04:23
jscinoz_ForzaPalermo: yes, but if its not good enoguh, also try the radeon driver in package xserver-xorg-driver-radeon and modify the driver line in your xorg.conf to radeon instead of radeonhd04:23
DanaGdamn nvidia 96 just segfaults Xorg.04:23
ForzaPalermoand what is all that talk about what i just pasted up top04:24
DanaGradeon is better than radeonhd, actually.04:24
jscinoz_DanaG: oh?04:24
DanaGRadeonhd seems to be not very active:]04:24
ForzaPalermoabout open source, yet having catalyst?04:24
ForzaPalermowill installing either of radeon or radeonhd, install catalyst as well?04:24
jscinoz_ForzaPalermo: is catalyst their control panel thing?04:24
jscinoz_ForzaPalermo: if so, no, you need to use fglrx for that, and fglrx isnt as good as radeon04:24
jscinoz_ForzaPalermo: what is it you need in Catalyst?04:25
ForzaPalermoim just reading04:25
DanaGHD3200... what actual chip is that?04:25
ForzaPalermoand i just dont know how its possible04:25
ForzaPalermowhat i pasted up top04:25
jscinoz_ForzaPalermo: to the best of my knowledge, its best to use radeon since it apparently is better than radeonhd, and last i heard fglrx is pretty crappy04:26
ghindoIs UXA stability expected to increase throughout the Jaunty lifespan, or will we have to wait for Karmic?04:26
ForzaPalermodoes radeon support hdmi, and audio over hdmi?04:26
DanaGyou can ask about the hd3200 in #radeon04:27
DanaGoddly enough, it seems radeonhd is the one that does hdmi audio.04:28
ForzaPalermohaha i cant win :)04:28
DanaG... but radeon does tear-free video.04:28
DanaGI wish they'd just friggin' merge the two.04:28
ForzaPalermook well i will add a line for driver under device and make it radeonhd for now04:30
ForzaPalermoand test it out04:30
jscinoz_ForzaPalermo: i dont know, as in $radeon as DanaG suggested04:30
ForzaPalermohopefully it works04:30
jscinoz_DanaG: merge radeon and radeonhd? i still dont get why they are separate04:30
DanaGer, wait, damn googlified link.04:30
DanaGrandom link to an issue I have.04:30
ubottuUbuntu bug 284319 in linux "mute, brightness buttons on new HP 6930p laptop" [Undecided,New]04:30
jscinoz_Is vmbuilder broken for anyone else?04:31
jscinoz_mine dies at "I: Extracting perl-base" with just the error "stderr: " nothing else is printed04:32
ForzaPalermoi found the catalyst package04:32
ForzaPalermoafer doing some more reading04:32
ForzaPalermobut fglrx is not open source04:32
jscinoz_ForzaPalermo: use the radeon driver04:32
thiebaudeanyone heard of Xlib: extension"Generic Event Extension" missing on display" :0.0".?04:32
ForzaPalermowill do04:33
ForzaPalermook later guys04:33
ForzaPalermothanks for helop04:33
billybigriggerumm....what is the default perms for my user's ~/ ???04:33
billybigriggerfor some reason i get a wierd error upon login stating there's wrong permissions to .dmrc and my ~/ should not have write permissions to anyone else, so i looked into it and ~/ is 77704:34
jscinoz_billybigrigger: shoud be owned by user:user, and, probably 750 or 70004:35
jscinoz_not sure though04:35
billybigriggerwhats yours?04:35
jscinoz_billybigrigger: one moment04:37
jscinoz_billybigrigger: ~/ = 751, ~/.dmrc = 60004:39
billybigriggerseems to be fixed now, thanks04:41
=== jscinoz_ is now known as jscinoz
billybigriggerhah, warner bros bought thepirateboy lmfao04:51
billybigriggersorry for the offtopic04:51
billybigriggerahh shoot, tis aprils fools in some places already eh? haha04:53
BluesKajyeah, the Conficker C is about to launch ...or is it a great big april fools joke ? :)04:59
billybigriggerhaha dunno05:00
billybigriggeri found it wierd that they were advertising it here in local newspapers a couple weeks ago05:01
billybigriggervery well could be a hoax05:01
BluesKajwe have 6 other windows/vista machines in this house , so I'm not real concerned but i'll be checking them closely05:03
BluesKajmy wife'sdesktop , daughter's desktop and laptop and the grandchildren's laptops.. I'm the only linux user05:04
BluesKajanyway it's sacktime for me ..after midnight here05:06
danbeckeasy to test05:06
danbeckit reports if it05:06
danbeckif its infected05:06
danbeckcheck the nmap site  The latest beta has support for detection05:06
danbeckeasy to use and you dont have to install some shithole av/spyware scanner05:07
frybyeHi - running efax-gtk in jaunty - where are the sent fax files saved and/or in what format??05:07
BluesKajwe have uptodate antivirus and FW and spybots ...what more can one do besides surf carefully etc05:07
danbecknot facking use IE for one05:08
danbeckjebus people are sheep05:08
BluesKajall FF users here05:08
danbeckHonestly, I prefer safari 4on my mac05:08
DanaGNVRM: Xid (0001:00): 9, Channel 00000000 Instance 00002107 status 0000001d05:08
BluesKajanyway it's late, night folks05:09
frybyeefax-gtk says it will print sent faxes with lpr but when trying to do this it says no target defind for lpr??05:12
DanaGhah: http://cgit.freedesktop.org/nouveau/xf86-video-nouveau/commit/?id=95bff61597ddf21d6415b40759258802a5f42150   -- probably a result of my testing nouveau on the decapitated laptop, and then commenting about it in #nouveau.05:37
Rieshwill the newer nvidia driver (180.44) be in the repositories of jaunty?05:53
=== Andre_Gondim is now known as Andre_Gondim-afk
J-_Should I updated, and upgrade KDE in Jaunty. Will I be affected with the not working wifi? I'm sure that depends on the wifi card, but I heard someone complaining about their wireless card not working earlier.05:54
tj83hi all quick question... in previous versions for system-prefs-remote desktop.... there you could define the listening port for vnc.... where is this specification made now? is there a config file?06:06
bluefoxicywhy the FUCK is my disk I/O coming out MY SOUND CARD?!06:07
bluefoxicywhat the HELL did you people do?!06:08
* bluefoxicy listens to disk clickclickclick in time with MASSIVE STATIC coming out his speakers >:O06:08
bluefoxicyor is it CPU usage?06:08
tj83my sound is ok on 3 boxes bluefoxicy06:08
dtchenor perhaps it's hardware.06:08
bluefoxicydtchen:  I just rebooted into a new kernel upgrade and it started happening.06:09
dtchenNOTHING has changed in linux to effect such a change06:09
dtchenfrom what to what?06:09
bluefoxicy2.6.28-10  to 2.6.28-1106:09
dtchenthat's a crap-ton of changes06:09
dtchenif you wish to prove it's a linux change, there's git-bisect over there06:10
bluefoxicyI should have kept the last kernel.06:10
dtchenhonestly, the only change i've committed related to sound cannot possibly have make your "disk I/O [come] out [of your] SOUND CARD"06:10
dtchenhave made*06:11
bluefoxicydtchen:  lots of weird shit can happen in programming paths that have nothing to do with the programming paths that cause problems.  I can only report symptoms from here.06:11
macobluefoxicy: by the way, language06:11
macobluefoxicy: are you sure its not interference?06:12
dtchenbluefoxicy: i doubt that aligning the hw_ptr will affect shielding.06:12
DanaGhttp://cgit.freedesktop.org/nouveau/xf86-video-nouveau/commit/?id=95bff61597ddf21d6415b40759258802a5f42150   -- probably a result of my testing nouveau on the decapitated laptop, and then commenting about it in #nouveau.   Oh, how I love finding "edge cases" in things.06:12
bluefoxicydtchen:  most debugging is in the form of "oh damn that shouldn't happen, that can't be my fault *rolls back* .... uh.  *rolls forward* uh. ... okay what'd I do?"06:12
macolike how cell phones make sepakers do silly things06:12
bluefoxicymaco:  hah.  yeah I notice that a lot.06:12
macobluefoxicy: well if you have the cell phone issue, your speakers are obviously poorly shielded to begin with06:12
bluefoxicymaco:  it's just it's coinciding with software changes :|06:12
afallenhopehey I don't understand ufw.. I even installed gufw.. it's like they got the code backwards..06:12
afallenhopesudo ufw default DENY06:13
bluefoxicymaco:  I only notice that at work with dell speakers06:13
afallenhopeand then NOTHING works..06:13
tj83can someone confim before mentioned question and try to answer my first?06:13
macoafallenhope: ...and that's surprising?06:13
afallenhopemaco, it used to work before06:13
macoafallenhope:  "nothing" inbound...are you saying that it affected outbound as well?06:14
afallenhopemaco, yeah06:14
macoafallenhope: look at /etc/default/ufw06:14
afallenhopeokay.. there06:15
afallenhopemaco, OUT is ACCEPT06:15
afallenhopeOUTPUT = ACCEPT INPUT = DROP06:15
macoand you can't traceroute or ping or anythng?06:16
afallenhopewell.. hold on06:16
afallenhopemaco, nope06:17
afallenhopemaco, nope06:17
afallenhopemaco, ?06:18
macoafallenhope: i have the same settings. no problem here06:19
afallenhopeshould I flush ip tables and try again?06:19
macoufw disable && ufw enable ?06:19
bluefox_okay it's not a kernel change...06:21
bluefox_the constant click-click-puff sounds start a couple seconds after GDM comes up and end as soon as GDM closes06:21
bluefox_switching to a text console doesn't cease the noise, so it's apparently not X playing with the video card...06:21
* bluefox_ wonders what else could be broke.06:23
afallenhopemaco, I can't set my INPUT  to drop06:23
afallenhopeor it'll jack up06:23
macohave you mucked with /etc/ufw/*.rules?06:24
afallenhopeI'm not on NAT I'm on a DMZ06:25
afallenhopeI'm not on NAT I'm on a DMZ06:25
afallenhopeno one awake?06:38
DanaGanyone else have lag in unminimizing windows with compiz?06:45
DanaGFor me, it lags for like 1 second.06:45
blackvdWhat happened to firefox flash support on 64bit?06:57
topylior 32bit for that matter06:57
blackvdi have no flash at all and when i click download it takes me to 32bit >.> pure genius06:58
RieshKde 4.2.2 will come out today, will that go into Jaunty ? Or we have to wait until after the release for that ?06:59
topyliRiesh: afaik jaunty is frozen, no new versions07:01
topyliRiesh: after the release doubly so07:02
Rieshtopyli:  OK OK07:02
frybyebackvd - there is a 64bit native (alledegly alphe - but seems to be stable-) flash available from adobe.com07:08
frybyebtw - it is only for linux - none yet afaik for win...07:08
SwedeMikebut it works really well07:09
SwedeMikehaven't had any flash related trouble since I installed it07:09
frybyeSwedeMike: same here...07:10
frybyeoh - thats a good question - will the 64bit native flash have survived a update-manager -d from intrepid to jaunty.. or does one have to install again...07:10
frybyeeh - I sorta think this adobe thing is in some of the repos now or...? Cant check the pc now - I am elsewhere on a 32 bit installation..07:11
frybye- of intrepid in fact..07:11
dtchenif you installed it manually in ~/.mozilla/plugins, it will survive just fine07:13
frybyeoh cool - and good morning dtchen - am at work now so no point to get into audigy stuff... ;=)07:14
frybyeanother ? - if i rem. rightly - sbdy was telling me here that update-manager -d should in fact not be used to do the distro update cos it is being discontinued or whatever.. but I see at ubuntu.com that is exactly the way they say one -should- do the update - and clue on this?07:16
frybye(either way a bit late in my case - but I am just curious what the story is...?)07:17
dtchendo-release-upgrade is useful07:17
frybyeand that is what is going to be used in future or ..?07:18
dtchenit is the recommended procedure07:18
frybyewhat is the main difference in the two methods..?07:18
dtchendo-release-upgrade (well, upgrade-manager) contains logic to work around situations that apt-get and aptitude can't possibly know about07:18
frybyedtchen: I beg to differ - on the ubuntu.com "try the beta toaday" site it says (only update-manager -d  )07:19
frybyeoh - so that is just two commands that use the same system or ..(if i understand you right?)07:19
dtchenfrybye: do-release-upgrade is the cli version07:20
frybye"cli" -?07:20
dtchencommand-line (-only, no GUI)07:20
frybyeoh right.. i was not sure.. thought that was what you meant..07:21
frybyebut the underlying "gears and levers" are the same right?07:21
macofrybye: yes07:23
armedkingHello all, Sinds i been running 9.04 teamspeak has a huge echo ( 0.5 sec) i allmost sound robotic. Ventrilo tru wine does not give me this effect. I am using a headset so thats not what the echo comes from. i think it has something to do with pulse comming into play now. is there a way to forse teamspeak to use oss without pulse? just so i can try if that helps07:23
=== Laser871 is now known as Laser87
DanaGdtchen: why don't they put the do-release-upgrade stuff in the packages that need it?07:25
dtchenDanaG: it's not expressable07:27
DanaGNo way to detect "previous version is Jaunty"?  Or the "reason" is not expressable?07:27
dtchenDanaG: prime example: there's no way to tell apt that flashplugin-nonfree needs to be purged and reinstalled upon a distribution upgrade07:27
grodiusHi, im running a macbook on jaunty, trying to get compiz to work.07:28
Persihi there, new xubuntu is REALLY slow on my two core 2gb laptop, is it temporary07:32
Persiis it worth it to wait a few weeks or should I roll back?07:33
Persino help? :`(07:34
QPrimePersi: what in particular is slow?07:34
BBHossPersi: are you using x 1.607:35
BBHossIMO that was a bad decision as my laptop runs much slower too, with an integrated intel gfx (worked great in 8.10)07:35
Persiwhats x1.6? I guess its called response time07:36
Persieven tab switching in firefox07:36
SeViLLahey did anyone else lose graphic driver support for ati07:37
dtchenX.Org server ABI version 1.6.07:37
Persiwell no idea I just have latest updates from synaptic07:37
SeViLLa gdm crashes07:38
QPrimePersi: there were lots of changes to xorg 1.6  many video drivers are lagging behind.07:38
QPrimePersi: what video card?07:38
Persidell 1525, gotta take a look07:38
PersiVideo: Intel Integrated Graphics Media Accelerator X310007:39
SeViLLadell 600m ati rv250 firegl07:39
Persiis this one particularly lagging?07:40
grodiusHey, i'm using an intel internal gfx chip on a macbook07:40
grodiusHey, i'm using an intel internal gfx chip on a macbooko get compiz running07:40
BBHossPersi: i think thats the one i have07:41
BBHossand yes, it lags07:41
QPrimePersi: I've used Ubuntu jaunty on an RV250 based laptop with no issues.07:42
BBHossfor something thats supposed to come out in a few weeks, it sure is preforming shitty07:42
PersiI see, so will it be here by the time of the release?07:42
Persiok cool thanks07:42
Persisee ya07:42
BBHosswhy break compatibility just for peace of mind07:42
BBHosspisses me off quite a bit07:43
QPrimethe Xorg changes?07:43
SeViLLaQPrime: so what do think the problem is07:44
BBHossmaybe for gentoo it would be ok, but not ubuntu, i want it to just work07:44
QPrimethere are lots of very good things coming down the line with those changes.07:44
BBHossi cant even watch flash videos full screen07:44
BBHossbecause it lags so bad07:44
cwillu_clonethe xorg abi changes consistently every release, it's how we make forward progress there.  And every release, ati waits until the week before we release (i.e., months after the xorg release) to release a _beta_ of their driver07:45
QPrimeBBHoss: patience is a virture when dealing with new releases... if you need 'just works' then stick with older releases.07:45
BBHossbut why break something so major07:45
BBHossim not talking ati, they have always blown07:45
SeViLLaQPrime: could you pastbin your xorg.conf for the ati rv250 on jaunty so i could compare the files07:46
BBHossbut intels graphics have been fine for 2d, but all the sudden i cant watch fucking flash videos07:46
QPrimeSeViLLa: you have gdm crashes?07:46
cwillu_cloneBBHoss, calm down07:46
remuI just installed gwibber (tried from both the regular repos as well as the gwibber team's PPA) and it keeps crashing from both sources. Heres the output from gwibber 0.80 (the version from the Jaunty repos): http://pastebin.com/d49dacd6e07:46
SeViLLaQPrime: yes i am using a login shell07:46
BBHossim plenty calm, just makes no sense to do something like this.  if everyone has a bad experience "lets go back to windows, linux suxors"07:47
QPrimeSeViLLa: with my RV250 i didnt need an xorg.conf (for the first time ever)  autoconfigure was perfect.07:47
QPrimeSeViLLa: have you tried just letting X auto-configure?07:47
SeViLLaQPrime: that is funny cause mine did work07:47
cwillu_cloneBBHoss, your using a prerelease, and you expect things not to be broken?  The entire point of the process is to find the stuff that's broken so it can be fixed before it's released07:48
BBHossyeah but the release is in like 2 weeks isnt it07:48
BBHossis it going to be fixed in that amount of time07:48
cwillu_cloneIf you don't want things to change ever, stick with a lts-release, that's what they're for07:48
BBHossisnt 9.04 going to be an lts release07:48
QPrimeBBHoss: nope!07:48
cwillu_cloneBBHoss, have you even posted a bug yet?07:48
SeViLLaQPrime: yes i couldnt detect anything07:48
BBHossno, i figured it was a known issue since it says so on the beta page07:49
SeViLLaQPrime: even now if i try to startx it crashes and i have to reboot07:49
QPrimeSeViLLa: what pc?  (make/model)07:49
cwillu_cloneso, you really have no idea what's going on then, do you?07:49
cwillu_clonethere's extensive work being done on the related bugs07:49
cwillu_cloneit probably _will_ be fixed before the release07:49
BBHossi would hope so07:49
topylihmm the indicator applet forgets running apps07:50
cwillu_clonebtw, try accelmethod "uxa" in your xorg.conf file07:50
BBHossi don't have time to browse launchpad all day07:50
SeViLLaQPrime: dell 600m ati radeon rv250 firegl07:50
RAOFBBHoss: There's not much that we can do about performance regressions when upstream is breaking things, sadly.  Turning on the UXA accel method might get you good performance, though.07:50
BBHossRAOF: UXA?07:50
cwillu_cloneBBHoss, then don't run the beta's, you're just leaching off the community :(07:50
BBHossyou don't want my feedback?07:50
RAOFBBHoss: The shiny new acceleration method that is the main reason EXA sucks for you. :(07:51
topyliBBHoss: that's not "feedback"07:51
BBHossoh yeah, firefox crashes all the time too while im at it07:51
cwillu_cloneyou just said you don't want to give feedback (irc isn't helping)07:51
QPrimeman xorg.conf and man ati (that will get you started)07:51
cwillu_cloneBBHoss, launchpad is how you give useful feedback07:51
RAOFBBHoss: Among other things it enables DRI2, which is hugely awesome.  The only problem is that it's a little too unstable to be used by default.07:51
dtchen(cf. ubuntu-bug)07:51
SeViLLaQPrime: its was working fine with 8.04, had to boot in low graphics mode, and nothing for jaunty07:51
BBHosswell when i report a crash and it shows 15 other bugs that are the same issue, what am i to do?07:51
BBHossRAOF: thats my point07:52
cwillu_cloneBBHoss, read the bugs that are the same issue, there's probably work-arounds and test packages, and if there aren't, then it may be because of a lack of information about the bug, which you can help with07:52
topyliBBHoss: if you find bugs, you fix them of course! :)07:52
cwillu_cloneI mean, you can't ignore the process completely, and then complain that you don't think the process is going to work07:53
BBHossi thought X.04 releases were LTS07:53
cwillu_cloneevery two years07:53
QPrimeSeViLLa: what's the output of lspci | grep VGA07:53
cwillu_cloneonly 6.06 and 8.04 so far07:53
afallenhopeis there a way of stopping xchat, and the package manager / updater thing from starting up on reboot?07:53
RAOFBBHoss: No... your point is that EXA is slow, not that UXA is unstable.  UXA _might_ work very well for you; it varies card-to-card.07:53
BBHossRAOF: ok i misunderstood you07:54
QPrimeBBHoss: it really is a community process... the fact that you are in an irc channel and talking is a start... but its not the end if you want to help.07:55
SeViLLaQPrime: 1:00 VGA compatible controlers the just my graphcs card07:55
QPrimeSeViLLa: paste just that line in the channel07:56
afallenhopeis there a way of stopping xchat, and the package manager / updater thing from starting up on reboot?07:58
sparranyone have a quick workaround for the vfat module issue(s)?08:00
SeViLLa01:00.0 VGA compatible controller ATI Technologies INC Radeon RV250 [Mobility FireGL 9000] (rev2)08:01
SeViLLaQPrime:  01:00.0 VGA compatible controller ATI Technologies INC Radeon RV250 [Mobility FireGL 9000] (rev2)08:02
QPrimeSeViLLa: ok, just wanted to be sure.08:02
QPrimeSeViLLa: you get the same thing with or without an xorg.conf file?08:03
sparrIs anyone else unable to mount vfat devices (or load the vfat module at all) in jaunty for the past ~2 weeks?  I'd like some confirmation before I report a bug.08:03
SeViLLaQPrime: yes08:03
QPrimeSeViLLa: hard lock or can you switch to a vty?08:04
SeViLLaQPrime: if try to boot the gdm it hard locks08:05
BBHossit seems setting Accelmethod to UXA helps the problem08:05
SeViLLaQPrime: im using my system right now and its fine if its just a login08:05
BBHossits about like it was in 8.1008:05
afallenhopeis there a way of stopping xchat, and the package manager / updater thing from starting up on reboot?08:05
ghindoafallenhope: Should be.  You using GNOME?08:06
afallenhopeis there a way of stopping xchat, and the package manager / updater thing from starting up on reboot?08:06
QPrimeSeViLLa: when did this start? are you using a fresh install of Jaunty beta?  did it break after an update?08:06
SeViLLaQPrime: it broke after an update08:06
QPrimeSeViLLaL: tried booting with a prior kernel?08:07
afallenhopeghindo, xfce4 i checked the session manager thing xchat's not in there08:07
SeViLLaQPrime: i tried that and i get the same thing08:07
BBHossso when its btrfs going to be up to par with zfs, so i can quit wasting time with solaris :)08:08
QPrimeSeViLLa: time to look at launchpad and see if there any any reports.  of if their are big(ger) brains in the channel with the info already... speak! ;)08:09
cwillu_cloneBBHoss, probably another year or so :p08:09
BBHosscwillu_clone: you really think so?08:10
sparrI just realized I have been running with no swap for months :(08:10
cwillu_clonewell, define par :p08:10
BBHossstable, raidz-type stuff,08:10
cwillu_clonebetween lvm and early btrfs, I wouldn't be surprised to see 'everyday feature' parity really quickely08:10
QPrimeSeViLLa: I know there was a minor nouveau snafu that was quickly pointed out by one of the channel gurus.  there may be an (separate) ati issue as well.08:10
BBHosscwillu_clone: does btrfs take the zfs approach to volume management, or does it stick with the lvm one08:11
BBHosswhere you have different drives etc08:11
BBHossinstead of having pools08:12
SeViLLaQPrime: ok thanks for your help though, i dont mind using the login shell for now i use the cli most of the time anyway08:12
cwillu_cloneI believe they're taking the zfs approach, but I don't know for sure08:12
SeViLLaQPrime: i also have a knoppix dvd and another desktop with hardy on it working just fine08:13
QPrimeSeViLLa: np.  sorry I couldn't be more help :(  Between launchpad and the channel you should get some satisfaction soon tho.08:13
QPrimeBBHoss: so you sound a little happier!  see... its all flowers and sunshine in the end ;)08:16
BBHossQPrime: yeah i guess so08:16
=== AnRkey_ is now known as AnRkey
* cwillu_clone huggles BBHoss 08:17
* QPrime sprinkles rainbow stars around the channel08:18
QPrimeJust make sure you have your pitchfork ready when they come to take your FLOSS software from you >:08:18
BBHossoh i have far more than pitchforks08:19
BBHossi am the oomkiller you know08:19
* QPrime believes BBHoss08:19
coz_hey guys I just noticed that images are not displayed on the desktop is that already known?08:27
BBHosshmm dunno08:27
BBHosslemme check my laptop08:27
coz_svg is not  shown and a png image  doesn even show up and this is a clean install08:28
coz_but they show up in nautilus08:28
coz_oops  after opening ~Desktop they are now on the desktop  ... mm curious :)08:29
coz_howver   they dont show up if I move them to the desktop    until I open nautilus/ and open the Desktop folder08:30
BBHosshmm interesting08:30
coz_BBHoss,  are you seeing the same thing?08:31
BBHossi dont have any png or svg images to test08:31
BBHossthey work fine in nautilus though08:31
coz_oh  sure you do08:31
coz_copy paste08:31
coz_BBHoss, yes in nautilus they  show up fine08:32
coz_or /usr/share/icons :)08:32
BBHossyeah but you said after you looked at them with nautilus they worked right08:32
cwillu_clonecoz_, it's not just the thumbnailing catching up is it?08:32
jussi01egonw: why do you even have pulse installed on kubuntu=?08:32
coz_BBHoss,  well after opening nautilus and the Desktop folder yes08:32
BBHossoh ok08:32
BBHosswell i guess i can try it08:32
coz_cwillu_clone, no I had an svg on the desktop for about an hour and  it didnt show up until I opened nautilus and then the desktop folder08:33
egonwjussi01: good point... no clue... must have been installed as dep, maybe?08:33
cwillu_clonejussi01, pulseaudio is still used on kubuntu afaik?08:33
jussi01cwillu_clone: no08:33
jussi01we have phonon08:33
egonwjussi01: should I remove?08:34
egonwjussi01: ok, will try that08:34
jussi01egonw: likely, I had it installed for some reason, removed and now works well08:34
BBHosscoz_: works fine for me08:35
BBHosscopy/paste or cp from terminal08:35
coz_BBHoss,  ok I will look into this thanks08:36
BBHossit did take a few secs to generate for the svg08:36
coz_BBHoss,  ok mm  mine was on the desktop for   an hour  but ok  thanks :)08:36
marlunIs it possible to update a test server from ubuntu 8.10 to the jaunty beta with aptitude? I tested "apitutde dist-upgrade" but only got a few packages so it doesn't seem to work.09:26
BUGabundomarlun: better use update-manager09:28
BUGabundo$ do-release-upgrade -d09:28
mifritscheris that normal in powertop:   76,0% (1525,3)      <Kernel IPI> : Rescheduling interrupts ?!09:33
marlunBUGabundo: thanks :) wonder if I should do it over ssh or wait till I get home.09:34
mifritscheralmost idle x61 with a i965, only tracker-index is running09:34
mifritscherbut this happens if tracker-index is suspending, too09:34
mifritscherI use already uxa09:34
BUGabundomarlun: usually it helps if you have another way to access the machine! it will apply updates to Network Manager and require reboot09:37
BUGabundomifritscher: do you have compiz?09:38
ikoniaBUGabundo: apologies, I'd left a ban on your old IP address in place.09:41
BUGabundono matter!09:41
BUGabundohavent been there in a while09:41
BUGabundoand again those are dyn IPs09:41
BUGabundohope it wasn't any new ubuntu user trying jaunty09:42
BUGabundoeheh ikonia09:42
Ademananyone else having issues with youtube videos and the new flashplugin-nonfree ?09:46
joneskooany idea why after plugging in A-Link 3GU USB 3G modem the task bar gets filled with "Starting file manager..."09:47
joneskooalso in dmesg I see nautilus[4799]: segfault at 2882008 ip 00007f5a1b183641 ...09:47
BUGabundojoneskoo: are you running as ROOT?09:47
BUGabundo2 guys asked that last week09:48
joneskoono, I'm running as the default user created during install09:48
BUGabundobut were using VMs09:48
BUGabundoI reprocuded that, but when running as ROOT09:48
joneskooI'm using native install on Macbook, just plain default install09:48
BUGabundoplease file a bug09:48
BUGabundo $ apport-cli -fp nautilus09:48
BUGabundoshould do it!09:48
BUGabundoand attach the logs where you see that09:48
BUGabundothen ping seb128 on #ubuntu-devel09:49
topyliAdeman: yep. no sound, very jittery video09:49
joneskoohe, name or service not known09:49
joneskooperhaps I need to first connect with a working connection before sending :)09:50
BUGabundoit helps09:50
BUGabundoand having a LP account too09:50
topylisounds to me like udev treats it as a block device, not a modem09:50
topylinot a nautilus bug in that case09:51
joneskootopyli: also USB serial doesn't recognize the modem09:51
joneskootopyli: nautilus segfaulting is some kind of a bug09:51
topyliwell yes09:51
BUGabundohumm the 3G modem is more like a NM bug09:51
BUGabundobetter look at lp for similar bugs too09:52
joneskooI think the problem with 3G modem is that the usb serial driver doesn't recognize it09:52
BUGabundoand even make that bug a 2 tasks one09:52
BUGabundoasac: any known  A-Link 3GU USB 3G bug?09:52
topylidunno, i don't think NM sees a modem in the first place, so why would it do anything09:52
joneskooNM doesn't see it09:52
joneskooon debian it seems to work if I modprobe usbserial vendor=.... product=..... and _EJECT_ the cd-rom drive that it creates09:52
BUGabundolshal -vv09:53
joneskooone of those 3G sticks that comes with drivers on "CD" drive09:53
BUGabundothen it needs a abit of love to ignore the storages09:53
BUGabundoits a driver prob, aka kernel bug09:53
topylia clever udev rule should take care of it09:54
Ademantopyli: hrm, i actually don't have that, it's that the flash player can't seem to find the actual videos, and i end up with a message "sorry this video is no longer available", except I have it for every video, even ones I *know* are ok.  I put up with it for a bit but I've noticed it on other swf + flv based sites too...09:54
joneskooso what should I really report now?09:54
joneskooI'll sum up the individual problems09:54
joneskoo1) nautilus floods the task bar (known issue? lots of tickets like it) 2) the 3G modem "CD" drive has to be ejected and isn't (usb mode switch) 3) usbserial doesn't recognize the modem even then09:55
joneskoowhere can I add usbserial module parameters since it's not called usbserial or isn't a module on 9.04?09:56
topylisounds like at least two bugs, nautilus and udev09:56
joneskooI think the first issue would go away if usb mode switch worked - then it would be just a non-working 3G stick09:56
joneskooof course the segfaulting might re-occur with some other condition09:56
nandemonaiThat nautilus issue has been fixed as far as I know.09:56
nandemonaiAfter updates it's no longer doing it here (vmware).09:57
joneskoonandemonai: I just updated minutes ago09:57
topylijoneskoo: udev/hal actually, i don't know which09:57
joneskooaha. more updates coming09:57
joneskootopyli: does that handle usbserial recognizing it should handle the device?09:58
topylino idea joneskoo, one would only hope it would recognize it when hal tells it "here, have a modem"09:59
topyliperhaps better to file too many bugs than two few :)10:00
joneskoohm. I have to do some things but I'll try to file some  bugs later. perhaps someone will be able to verify if they make any sense after I'm done later today10:01
cwillu_clonebug #35297110:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 352971 in ubuntu "People download and install 9.04 pre-release without a proper understanding of what constitutes a 'production environment'" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35297110:02
cwillu_clonewas just about to poke you :)10:02
BUGabundocwillu_clone: best bug ever (after #1)10:02
BUGabundolet me RT that10:02
cwillu_clone(that's not an april fools bug :p)10:03
cwillu_cloneI fear I may have chosen the wrong day to file it :)10:03
BUGabundocwillu_clone: I keep refering ppl to release notes10:04
BUGabundoand /topic10:04
cwillu_cloneheh, august :)10:04
cwillu_clone4 kernel compiles done, 8 more to go10:05
asacBUGabundo: no. please open bug with complete syslog taken after reproducing whatever issue you have10:06
BUGabundoasac: not me... it was joneskoo10:06
BUGabundojoneskoo: you know what to do now10:06
BUGabundo$ apport-cli -fp network-manager10:07
asacBUGabundo: yeah. but please ensure that you run that right after reproducing10:09
asacjoneskoo: ^^10:09
asaconly then the right syslog is attached10:09
* topyli marks cwillu_clone's bug as "also affects me", subscribes10:09
joneskooasac: I don't think network manager sees the stick though10:09
* cwillu_clone thinks asac should file a bug on his faulty tab completion :p10:09
* cwillu_clone huggles topyli 10:09
joneskooasac: you think I should still file a bug on network-manager? usbserial doesn't recognize the usbid I guess10:10
asaccwillu_clone: where did i show faulty tab completion?10:10
asacthe first message was for BUGabundo10:10
asacand joneskoo ;)10:10
cwillu_cloneasac, you typed jone<tab> and it completed to BUGabundo :p10:10
asacjoneskoo: please paste lshal output10:11
asace.g. install pastebinit and run10:11
asaclshal | pastebinit -i -10:11
cwillu_cloneasac, lshal | pastebinit suffices, you don't need the -i -10:12
asacis that new?10:12
cwillu_clonethink so10:12
asaci always needed it ;)10:12
* asac feels old again10:13
cwillu_cloneecho test | pastebinit -> http://pastebin.com/f63687f7b10:13
* BUGabundo feels pastebin should come on ubuntu-base seed10:17
BUGabundocwillu_clone: that was a recent fix... I remember reading about it on changelog10:18
* cwillu_clone suggests filing a bug10:18
* BUGabundo subs to cwillu_clone bug #210:19
ubottuError: Launchpad bug 2 could not be found10:19
BUGabundogreat #2 is available! lets ask LP admins to rename yours! ehehe10:19
* cwillu_clone files a bug: bug #352971 should be renamed to bug #2: confirmed, wishlist10:20
ubottuLaunchpad bug 352971 in ubuntu "People download and install 9.04 pre-release without a proper understanding of what constitutes a 'production environment'" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35297110:20
ubottuError: Launchpad bug 2 could not be found10:20
* BUGabundo hides! /me runs may laptop as pre-alpha testing10:20
Le-Chuck_ITAApril's fool10:20
cwillu_cloneBUGabundo, I usually move my laptop over on the first or second alpha releases :)10:21
cwillu_cloneon the other hand, I have good nightly backups and no particular dependency on the machine10:21
Le-Chuck_ITAHi all, does the "download album using bittorrent" button work for any of you in rhythmbox with jamendo?10:23
Le-Chuck_ITAFor me, it does nothing...10:23
=== Teiseii is now known as Teisei
Le-Chuck_ITAno I was wrong... is that rhythmbox can have the current song unselected ... different bug :)10:24
cwillu_cloneLe-Chuck_ITA, almost as if it were a april fools hoax gone wrong?10:24
BUGabundocwillu_clone: I go around A1. jaunty was just 2 weeks after ibex come out, 2 days after chain locks open10:25
Le-Chuck_ITAthere are bugs in the april fool too10:25
cwillu_cloneBUGabundo, ya, I just like waiting until there's something worthwhile, so I have some carrot to push me through the usual troubleshooting routine :)10:26
BUGabundoI miss having updates10:28
BUGabundoeven beta freeza sucked!10:28
cwillu_cloneya, but the day after was fun :)10:28
Le-Chuck_ITAdoes bittorrent absolutely not work when the incoming port is firewalled?10:29
cwillu_cloneno, it should still work, just slowly, and only to unfirewalled clients10:29
BUGabundoLe-Chuck_ITA: mine works10:29
Le-Chuck_ITAI see "receiving from 0 of 0 connected nodes - inactive"10:30
Le-Chuck_ITAdon't understand the point10:30
* BUGabundo that reminds me... $ transmission10:30
* cwillu_clone wonders if preempt-force would fix the ext4 rm hang10:30
Le-Chuck_ITABUGabundo: it _is_ transmission :) bug #?10:30
* cwillu_clone runs a test cycle, git bisect good's, starts the next kernel build, and starts putting on clothes to go for a walk10:34
* cwillu_clone huggles dkms for keeping nvidia-glx-180 working through all this :)10:35
Le-Chuck_ITAcwillu_clone: btw what rm hang ?10:35
Le-Chuck_ITAcwillu_clone: you know... I am on ext4 :)10:35
cwillu_clonebug #33082410:35
ubottuLaunchpad bug 330824 in linux "Soft lockups (freezes) when deleting files from ext4 partitions on 2.6.28" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33082410:35
cwillu_cloneany mainline kernel works fine10:35
cwillu_cloneI'm running a git bisect between mainline 2.6.28 and our 2.6.28-11.2810:36
Le-Chuck_ITAcan you reproduce it?10:36
Le-Chuck_ITAI guess so  :)10:36
cwillu_cloneyep :)10:36
cwillu_clonesome machines repro easier than others though10:36
cwillu_cloneI've got a script that'll hang my desktop every time, but won't hang my laptop unless I leave it running for hours10:37
cwillu_clonehowever, a make clean in a kernel source tree will hang the laptop :)10:37
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Le-Chuck_ITAbut then, all users of ext4 are at risk, why importance is still undecided?10:38
cwillu_cloneapparently it doesn't happen on 64bit machines, and on dual-core machines, it just hangs one processor for minutes at a time10:38
Le-Chuck_ITA"just" :) But I have just one processor10:38
cwillu_cloneLe-Chuck_ITA, the inconsistency of reproduction, and the fact that we're not defaulting to ext4 yet10:38
cwillu_cloneLe-Chuck_ITA, dual core though?10:39
cwillu_clonedual-core, afaik, it's just disruptive.  single-core, it hardlocks the machine :)10:39
* Le-Chuck_ITA realises he never looked in detail at its office machine10:39
cwillu_cloneLe-Chuck_ITA, does top show percentages for cpu usage, or just numbrs?10:39
Le-Chuck_ITApercentages, but I don't think it's a dual core, let me check10:40
cwillu_cloneactually, even cat /proc/cpuinfo should show you10:40
Le-Chuck_ITAIntel(R) Pentium(R) M processor 1.73GHz10:40
Le-Chuck_ITAdoes it happen on single core too? I didn't get this from your previous comment10:40
cwillu_clonesingle-core, it completely hangs the machine10:40
cwillu_clonehence why I care so much :)10:40
* cwillu_clone only has single-core machines right now :(10:40
Le-Chuck_ITAyes but then it would be advisable not to run ext4 now10:41
cwillu_clonemakes bisecting loads of fun, let me tell you10:41
cwillu_cloneLe-Chuck_ITA, once I get it pinned down, we should be able to backport a fix pretty quickely10:41
cwillu_cloneI'm imagining before release10:41
Le-Chuck_ITAcwillu_clone: subscribing to the report :)10:41
cwillu_clonealthough I don't know that for a fact10:41
BUGabundo"Carey Underwood is not an       active member of any Launchpad teams.     "10:44
Le-Chuck_ITAguys, what does ctrl+alt+canc do in jaunty exactly ?10:44
Le-Chuck_ITAbut then why didn't I see the window10:44
cwillu_clonewhat's canc?10:44
Le-Chuck_ITAthat's italian for del10:44
cwillu_clonepops up the shutdown dialog here10:45
Le-Chuck_ITAyes I now see, earlier I had pressed it and didn't see the dialog10:45
Le-Chuck_ITAmaybe it can come unfocused and in background10:45
Le-Chuck_ITAthat's a plain bug because it logs you out automatically... how I hate this10:45
cwillu_clonec-a-backspace doesn't do anything, and alt-sysrq-k does most of what ctrl-alt-backspace used to do (kills everything on the current vterm)10:45
Le-Chuck_ITAno it's c-a-d10:45
cwillu_cloneheh, automatic shutdown in 60 seconds, eh?10:46
Le-Chuck_ITAah yes sorry too early in the morning10:46
Le-Chuck_ITAcwillu_clone: yes I can say I hate it without remorse10:46
Le-Chuck_ITAso would you please re-paste the link to the bug?10:46
Le-Chuck_ITAbut it's a bug that the logout window is not sticky and always in foreground!10:46
Le-Chuck_ITAdon't you think so?10:47
cwillu_clonebug #33082410:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 330824 in linux "Soft lockups (freezes) when deleting files from ext4 partitions on 2.6.28" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33082410:47
cwillu_cloneLe-Chuck_ITA, it throbs in the taskbar, isn't that enough?10:47
Le-Chuck_ITAhmm not quite, since I just didn't see it10:47
cwillu_cloneblinking "shutdown computer"10:47
Le-Chuck_ITAI have a big monitor10:47
cwillu_clonemaybe a notify-osd message at the same time10:48
Le-Chuck_ITAwe disabled ctrl+alt+backspace because it can be hit by mistake but have a timeout for autologout10:48
Le-Chuck_ITAwhy not just on the top?10:48
cwillu_cloneLe-Chuck_ITA, because then every app will start using the mechanism10:48
cwillu_cloneand then I'll have stupid programs popping up over my irc window because they think they're impotant10:48
Le-Chuck_ITAwell... but the logout window has always been special, remember the pretty buttons until gutsy?10:49
cwillu_cloneLe-Chuck_ITA, more importantly, if it pops up on top, you can accidently click a button immediately10:49
cwillu_clonewhich I've done too many times10:49
* cwillu_clone cheers10:49
asacjoneskoo: did you paste the lshal yet?10:49
Le-Chuck_ITAok but then... why the damn logout timeout! I think it's because the pop-up can get unnoticed :)10:49
cwillu_cloneLe-Chuck_ITA, well, it's the same popup timer for every shutdown'ish action, even if you click it from the menu10:49
BUGabundocwillu_clone: I filed a bug on those pop up winds10:50
Le-Chuck_ITABUGabundo: bug #10:50
BUGabundoasking for them to not be clickalbe10:50
Le-Chuck_ITAand cwillu_clone: previous bug # please :)10:50
BUGabundolike firefox does for download10:50
cwillu_clonebug #330824, for the last time :p10:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 330824 in linux "Soft lockups (freezes) when deleting files from ext4 partitions on 2.6.28" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33082410:50
* Le-Chuck_ITA OMG I should get a coffee10:50
cwillu_cloneunless you were referring to bug #35297110:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 352971 in ubuntu "People download and install 9.04 pre-release without a proper understanding of what constitutes a 'production environment'" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35297110:50
Le-Chuck_ITAI will subscribe to the bug and complain about wathever priority it has10:51
Le-Chuck_ITAthe last one I mean :)10:51
cwillu_cloneLe-Chuck_ITA, you could just set the priority yourself :p10:51
cwillu_cloneif they don't like it, they'll change it10:51
BUGabundoLe-Chuck_ITA: don't know... one of the many I filed on OSD and notifications10:51
Le-Chuck_ITAThat's new!10:51
Le-Chuck_ITABUGabundo: another thing: you mentioned that the problem with bittorrent at 0k reminded you of transmission10:52
cwillu_cloneLe-Chuck_ITA, which?  afaik, I've always been able to change priorities and the like10:52
BUGabundoI had to start it10:52
BUGabundo2 files downloading10:52
Le-Chuck_ITAcwillu_clone: you know what: I was referring to "priority" but however there's more: firefox recovers its session automatically so I actually didn't need the bug#10:53
Le-Chuck_ITAyou all know what10:53
Le-Chuck_ITAI need a coffee or two10:53
Le-Chuck_ITAsee you later10:53
BUGabundowant 2 more bugs?10:53
BUGabundowhile I booted yesterday liveusb10:53
BUGabundobrasero as a nice icon on the tray!10:54
Le-Chuck_ITAcwillu_clone: however I can't set importance, are you a developer?10:54
BUGabundoLe-Chuck_ITA: ask on #ubuntu-bugs10:54
Le-Chuck_ITA"changeable only by a project maintainer or bug supervisor"10:54
Le-Chuck_ITAI am just replying to cwillu_clone10:54
Le-Chuck_ITAI knew that I can't change it10:54
tormodto which package does "Clock preferences" (calendar/locations) belong?10:54
cwillu_cloneweird, no, I don't have any special privileges that I know about10:55
cwillu_cloneevolution-calendar I think10:56
tormodactually it might be /usr/lib/gnome-panel/libclock-applet.so from gnome-panel10:56
* cwillu_clone goes for a walk10:56
frybyewhat is this about Jaunty release delayed to August? - I sorta guess that that is only applicable on 1st April - right!?11:02
bazhangit gets set back every time someone asks.11:02
frybyebazhang: kooool!11:04
aurel42I wish it was august.11:04
BUGabundowhere is that?11:05
BUGabundoI haven't read it yet11:05
topylitormod: gnome-applets11:18
tormodbtw is adding a location in the world map kind of broken for other people or is it my locale11:18
tormodI can not search, and the drop-down list is huge11:19
topylithe map being incorrect is a known problem11:19
topylilooks like there are endless bugs to file about the FUSA presence and indicator-applet system. i wonder if i've caught all by now :)11:21
topylimostly apps that support them, mostly11:22
topylidid i already say "mostly"?11:22
DanaGOh yeah, I removed fusa, because i hated not having logout keyboard-accessible.11:28
frybyetormod - the brits - frence - soviets and bush juniour have all treid that "add a place to the world map" feature and it has never ever worked...!  ;=)11:30
topyliDanaG: i use deskbar-applet, *everything* is keyboard-accessible :)11:31
BUGabundoDanaG: topyli but GnomeDo is wayyyyyy better11:36
topylido is pretty. might use when it has feature parity with deskbar11:37
topyliactually it would be enough to have all the features *i* use, never mind the others :)11:37
BUGabundoonce I got used to Do, I never used DeskBar any more11:38
BUGabundois it supposed to activade "important" apps on ALL workspaces?11:40
BUGabundokmail and pidgin keep doing that to me!11:40
BUGabundodon't you love when ppl file bug on stuff that is not a bug, but a feature?11:42
ubottuUbuntu bug 284085 in usb-creator "[Intepid] Ubuntu Live USB creator creates liveUSB's that are limited in size" [Undecided,Incomplete]11:42
BUGabundothe prob is FAT as a 2 or 4 GiB limit11:42
BUGabundonot the app11:42
ikoniait's 4GB isn't it fat ?11:46
ikoniafat32 anyway11:46
BUGabundoFAT has a limit of 2 or 4 GIBs11:47
BUGabundodepending on the OS11:47
ikoniaI thought it was flat file system limit, didn't realise the OS had a factor in it11:47
BUGabundoFAT32 or VFat goes from 4 to 1611:47
BUGabundoOS have diferent implementations11:48
Le-Chuck_ITAis there a simple way to get notified of e-mails without keeping evo open?11:48
BUGabundothe wikipedia page has some articles on it11:48
BUGabundoext3 has a limit of 16 TiBs11:48
BUGabundoLe-Chuck_ITA: there use to be an app that would minimize ANY app to tray11:48
BUGabundobut that is now against the Clean Tray Spec11:48
Le-Chuck_ITAthat's "alltray" but AFAIR it stopped working properly in jaunty... I used that before11:49
ikoniaBUGabundo: wikipedia says 4GB is the max on fat3211:49
Le-Chuck_ITAin intrepid, sorry11:49
BUGabundoyes I know11:49
BUGabundobut some implentaions can use it up to 16 GiBs11:49
ikoniaBUGabundo: ????11:49
ikoniaBUGabundo: such as ?11:50
BUGabundolet me try to find it11:50
ikonia(looking for info on it now)11:50
BUGabundoI remember reading about it11:50
amon__why august? thats really long, what are the problems11:50
ikoniaif a file system has a limit, I don't see how the OS would make a difference11:50
Le-Chuck_ITAamon__: the clean tray spec is taking longer than expected11:50
rconanwhat is this clean tray spec?11:51
BUGabundorconan: don't even know if it exists, but it should! its what DXs is doing! removing *everything* from tray11:52
BUGabundolets go and ask them on #dx11:52
amon__clean tray spec?11:52
BUGabundoand now we wait!11:52
Le-Chuck_ITAtray is a windows term, BUGabundo11:53
Le-Chuck_ITAit is "notification area" in gnome11:53
amon__a ok11:53
scizzo-anyone knows how to change the volym control to use pulseaudio instead of alsa?11:54
scizzo-my volym now that is standard in ubuntu is alsa but I am using pulseaudio.... :/11:54
BUGabundoikonia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File_Allocation_Table  Max volume size 2 TB11:54
crusHi, anyone else having problems booting 9.04 on VMware workstation 6.5?11:54
BUGabundocrus: some users are11:54
Le-Chuck_ITAthis new pulseaudio is supposed to be cool and I am using it but where are the fancy mixers?11:55
rconanBUGabundo: that's volume size... we were talking about file size11:55
BUGabundoscizzo-: don't we use PA?11:55
ikoniaBUGabundo: thats a volulme size - not a file size11:55
crusBUGabundo: ah, The install happens and then i reboot it and then i just get a blank screen - dont even see grub or an error11:55
* BUGabundo hears a eco11:55
crusno known workaround? :o11:56
scizzo-BUGabundo: well if I tell the control to use pulse nothing happens with the sound level when I tell it to go up and down using keybindings11:56
BUGabundo"works for me" TM11:56
amon__now i get it its first of april12:01
rconanamon__: eh?12:01
BUGabundocan someone help test bug 329798  ?12:01
ubottuLaunchpad bug 329798 in network-manager "NM will not connect to FON AP" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32979812:01
Le-Chuck_ITAI get spam in response to ubuntu devel: I get "blurb" from www-data@enforcer.homedns.org12:01
BUGabundoI'm not on a clean system12:02
Le-Chuck_ITAdid it happen to some of you already?12:02
Le-Chuck_ITAsorry in response to ubuntu-devel-discuss12:02
BUGabundowrong link12:02
BUGabundothis is it12:02
ubottuUbuntu bug 352681 in nautilus "deleted files are not shown on Trash applet" [Low,Incomplete]12:02
BUGabundosome one complained about it yesterday, I confirmed it on LiveUSB12:02
BUGabundocwillu_clone: do you have a live image there?12:03
joneskooasac: I haven't had time to file bugs yet, sorry. I will soon.12:08
cwillu_clonestupid netsplit, I was reading scrollback and lost my place12:10
cwillu_cloneBUGabundo, I'm back now, what were you asking?12:10
BUGabundofor testing on bug12:10
BUGabundobug 35268112:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 352681 in nautilus "deleted files are not shown on Trash applet" [Low,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35268112:10
BUGabundoseb needs more tests and I can't do them now12:11
BUGabundoneed to boot a clean image12:11
BUGabundosince you run a few maybe you could test it?12:11
cwillu_cloneI tripped over something like that when I had been futzing around in the .local/share/Trash directory by hand on hardy12:11
cwillu_clonechanges weren't showing up until I killall'd gnome-panel, and then the trash applet started working properly again12:11
cwillu_clonethat said, let me read your bug :p12:12
BUGabundodo you have that bug id?12:12
BUGabundomaybe we could dupe or reference to it12:12
BUGabundoits not my bug... it was someone here yesterday12:12
BUGabundoI just filed it, 'cause of the inicial severity12:12
BUGabundofor a few minutes we though that files were beeing rm instead of sent to Trash12:13
cwillu_cloneBUGabundo, works fine on my desktop12:13
BUGabundomine too12:14
cwillu_clonetouch foo; nautilus .; select foo and hit del; check trash, foo showsup12:14
BUGabundobut some times Trash takes a while to update the applet12:14
rconanworks for me too12:14
cwillu_cloneoh, are we just talking about the full/empty trash bin image?12:14
BUGabundowill boot again from usb and check12:14
BUGabundoI could confirme it from 2 pcs yesterday12:14
BUGabundodon't you hate run way bugs?12:15
cwillu_cloneI'm a little out of date on updates, I'm not updating until I finish the bisect lest I break my testcase :p12:15
rconanmine is fully up to date12:15
cwillu_cloneBUGabundo, is it just the status image though?  or the actual contents of the trash folder?12:15
rconanI assumed the status image12:15
cwillu_cloneif you can dupe it, pastebin ~/.xsessionerrors, I have a slight suspision that it might be a crashy gvfs server12:16
cwillu_clones/daemon/dรฆmon/ :p12:16
BUGabundocwillu_clone: Trash folder too12:16
cwillu_clonek, no, I can't dupe it then12:16
cwillu_clonegvfs trash will act a little wonky if its metadata gets out of sync, which might be related to this12:17
BUGabundoguess I'll let it marinate a bit and then close as invalid12:17
* BUGabundo bah spam Return-Path: <www-data@enforcer.homedns.org>12:30
rconanhmm... still many Xinerama bugs12:30
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Le-Chuck_ITABUGabundo: are you getting these messages in return to ubuntu-devel-discuss messages?13:07
Le-Chuck_ITAme too13:08
joneskoobtw, any idea why on 9.04 64bit install on macbook the screen backlight setting is pretty much random13:09
joneskooit does change but setting max-1 is completely off and it goes in random steps from there on, up and down13:09
myk_robinsonlunie2ns-linux: you awake?13:21
XKiLL3Rhey all13:34
XKiLL3Rany 1 can help ?13:34
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)13:35
XKiLL3REvery time i install my ati driver , after a restart it gives me a blank screen and i can't even use the recovery mode , VGA = ATI HD 260013:36
XKiLL3Rsome 1 around ?13:38
rconanXKiLL3R: patience13:38
rconanif someone can help they will13:38
XKiLL3ROk :D13:39
* XKiLL3R is watching13:41
XKiLL3Rsudo sudo13:43
aurel42Did anyone notice the problems ssh-agent currently has? (I realize most non-admins are probably not using ssh-agent.)13:45
rconanaurel42: what problems are they?13:47
aurel42rconan: ssh-agent dies (ie. goes "[defunct]") after extended use. It never worked >48h for me since upgrading to jaunty.13:48
rconanaurel42: can't say I've tried it for >48h13:48
rconanwhat exactly does ssh-agent do?13:49
* rconan should know13:49
aurel42It manages auth tokens (SSH keys) for key-based authentication.13:50
rconanI know it's something to do with private key auth13:50
rconanso if I'm using key-based auth I'm using it?13:50
aurel42rconan: you could use it, but you're not forced to.13:50
rconanaurel42: am I doing so by default13:51
aurel42rconan: if your SSH key is protected by a pass phrase and you have to enter the pass phrase for every connection you establish, then you're not using it.13:51
rconanmy ssh key has no passphrase13:51
rconanso maybe I'm not13:51
joneskooasac: I have the lshal captures now. would you like instead the -m monitoring output pasted?13:51
aurel42Then you're probably not using it.13:51
rconanXenoP: missing some letters today?13:51
aurel42rconan: I consider an unprotected SSH key a major security risk.13:52
joneskooasac: including plug in, "CD" eject and usb id change after that13:52
rconanaurel42: how so? the private key is the only bit which is protected by a passphrase and it's only on my PC13:52
rconanwhich is locked in my house13:52
cwillu_cloneaurel42, defunct just means the process has ended and its parent hasn't cleaned up yet.  Does it show anything when it dies?13:52
joneskooabout nautilus segfaulting: http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nautilus/+bug/35311113:53
ubottuUbuntu bug 353111 in nautilus "Nautilus keeps segfaulting after plugging A-Link 3GU" [Undecided,New]13:53
cwillu_clonerconan, the private key is what he's talking about13:53
joneskoo1 bug filed, 3 to go13:53
rconancwillu_clone: well I consider the locks on my doors better security than the passphrase :p13:54
aurel42rconan: imagine a browser exploit that allows an attacker to read/transfer local files. That's quite a common exploit.13:54
cwillu_clonerconan, the issue is that any process you run can read it if it's not encrypted, so now any non-root vulnerability becomes more severe13:54
aurel42cwillu_clone: as far as I know, ssh-agent doesn't log anything anywhere, does it?13:54
rconanhmm... I guess13:54
rconanbut doesn't ssh-agent keep an unencrypted version open anyway?13:54
cwillu_cloneaurel42, you'd need to run it in debug mode so that it doesn't fork13:55
cwillu_clonerconan, in memory, which has significantly more protection13:55
rconancwillu_clone: ah... ok13:55
rconanmaybe I'm converted13:55
cwillu_cloneaurel42, might want to check sshd_config that it's not overriding the default lifetime or something13:55
aurel42cwillu_clone: any hints on where to change that? ssh-agent is usually called as parent process of the GUI, IIRC, so all GUI applications have access to its environment vars.13:55
rconanI'm never sure how ssh keys should work, are they supposed to be per person or per machine?13:56
joneskooon OS X and I guess on recent ubuntu as well, it's possible to store the password in keychain13:56
cwillu_cloneaurel42, killall ssh-agent; ssh-agent -d? :p13:56
aurel42rconan: definitely per person.13:56
rconanaurel42: so I should have the same keypair on all machines I use13:56
aurel42cwillu_clone: that wouldn't work. ;)13:57
aurel42cwillu_clone: what would work is eval $(ssh-agent), but only for the shell where you enter that command, not for all of the GUI.13:57
joneskooperhaps even per-person and per-machine13:57
cwillu_cloneaurel42, I'm presuming the competency to run commands from a terminal after running `ssh-agent`.13:57
cwillu_cloneaurel42, was that a mistake? :p13:58
joneskooit's possible to have multiple keys allowed, while you can only have one password at once13:58
aurel42cwillu_clone: still, the eval is needed or the shell won't see the SSH_ environment vars.13:58
joneskoodoesn't modern ubuntu have some automagic ssh-agent invocation with password-protected keys?13:58
rconanjoneskoo: I know you can have more than one... at the moment I generate them here and there all the time... I was wondering if I should be using a single pair instead13:58
cwillu_clone`ssh-agent` == $(ssh-agent), except I don't have to hit shift to get the $, ( and )13:59
joneskoorconan: I'd receommend multiple if you can control where you've installed the keys reasonably or old keys won't still be leaked13:59
* cwillu_clone pokes aurel42 with a stick13:59
aurel42cwillu_clone: ah, sorry, I didn't notice they were backticks, I thought you were just quoting the command.13:59
BUGabundojoneskoo: to contact asac you better go to #ubuntu-mozillateam (aka home support for NM)14:01
joneskoohow come the name :)14:01
joneskoothat's a weird name for NM14:01
BUGabundohe is part of the mozilla team too14:01
cwillu_cloneaurel42, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/openssh/+bug/99065 might be related14:02
ubottuUbuntu bug 99065 in openssh "feature request: reviving ssh-agent" [Wishlist,New]14:02
=== XenoP is now known as XenoPhoenix
cwillu_clonealthough it's a few years old14:02
joneskooa few years old, new :)14:03
aurel42cwillu_clone: great, tyvm. I wasn't aware there was a trick to make the new agent use the existing socket. That's very helpful.14:03
BUGabundoI have 300+ bugs in new or triage waiting for man power to touch them14:04
cwillu_cloneaurel42, mind posting on that bug report to saw you're having the dying issue though?14:04
rconanBUGabundo: you reported that many?14:04
BUGabundorconan: no14:05
BUGabundoI've reported many more14:05
BluesKaj'Morning Folks14:05
rconanXenoPhoenix: found those extra letters I see, where were they hiding...14:05
BUGabundojust last week yoboy help me close more then 8014:05
BUGabundoBluesKaj: good afternoon14:05
XenoPhoenixthey got lost somewhere on a ping timeout ;)14:05
rconanah... into the void of the internets...14:05
rconanaurel42: ok then.... so having set up a key with a passphrase how do I set up ssh-agent so I don't have to type it every time?14:06
BluesKajran Nmap on our LAN this morning before and after all vista's were logged on , and all good so far14:08
aurel42cwillu_clone: [x] done, thanks again for your advice.14:10
aurel42rconan: "ssh-add"14:10
cwillu_clonerconan, should be running already (you should get a gksudo-style prompt for your keyring password even when you ssh from a terminal)14:10
* cwillu_clone git bisect good's and starts the next kernel build14:11
rconancwillu_clone: I don't get gksudo style prompt but I'm quite happy with a regular terminal one... in fact I prefer it14:12
rconanaurel42: cheers14:12
aurel42rconan: I seem to remember there was a tool called ssh-askpass, perhaps you only get the dialog if that's installed (I might be confusing Debian & Ubuntu behaviour there).14:13
rconanI'd prefer not to get the dialog since I usually have around 7 terminals open and I'd always like to know which is asking for the password14:14
aurel42rconan: I don't like the dialog because it grabs the keyboard (probably for a good reason) and I hate dialogs I can't ignore while I'm doing something else. ;)14:15
rconanwhat about getting it to work with terminals which aren't running inside my X logon like ones inside screen?14:15
rconanI'm still getting asked for a password there14:16
rconansorry passphrase14:16
aurel42rconan: eval $(ssh-agent) ; ssh-add14:16
aurel42rconan: that starts a new ssh-agent instance for that shell only.14:16
rconanI guess I could add eval $(ssh-agent) to my .bashrc14:16
rconanwont the new ssh-agent need a passphrase anyway though14:17
Le-Chuck_ITAcwillu_clone: I saw that a couple of times (the gnome keyring<->ssh password interaction) then it ... disappeared!14:17
rconanno way to have one which will work inside and outside of screen?14:17
aurel42rconan: you could, but I would test whether you already have one running (e.g. test for the existence of the SSH_ environment vars).14:17
rconanSSH_AGENT_PID is set14:18
rconanbut it'll be from my previous logon since this screen lasted since then14:18
aurel42rconan: I guess you could also "copy" the existing SSH_ env vars to another shell on the same machine.14:18
reduzok Question! how do i fix the nvidia driver isues? propertary drivers just don't work14:18
cwillu_clonereduz, nvidia should be working, is there a particular bug you're seeing?14:18
reduzcwillu_clone, nope, it's just using the regular xorg drivers (no 3D)14:19
reduzcwillu_clone, jockey gtk or enabling desktop effects won't enable the driver14:19
cwillu_clonereduz, do you have nvidia-glx-180 or whichever you need for your hardware installed?14:19
BUGabundoreduz: have you enabel compiz ?14:19
reduzBUGabundo, no works14:19
BUGabundoreduz: what card?14:19
reduzcwillu_clone, i think so14:19
cwillu_clonereduz, and did you previously install the file off nvidia's website?  (a .run file)14:19
reduzBUGabundo, gf8600gt14:19
reduzcwillu_clone, nope, always used the ubuntu one14:19
cwillu_clonereduz, does xorg.conf include driver "nvidia"?14:20
reduzlet me check14:20
BUGabundoor better yet14:20
cwillu_cloneBUGabundo, yay for twenty questions :)14:20
BUGabundorun $ sudo nvidia-xconfig14:20
cwillu_cloneBUGabundo, that'll destroy the evidence though, no?14:20
reduzcwillu_clone, it says Driver "nv"14:20
cwillu_clonewant to see if it's already there14:20
cwillu_clonereduz, there's your problem14:20
cwillu_clonereduz, run BUGabundo's line14:21
BUGabundocwillu_clone: no... it will make a new xorg.conf and backup old one14:21
joneskoohttp://pastie.org/433771 - pasted lshal -m output from problems with A-Link 3GU USB 3G modem, commented.14:21
cwillu_cloneBUGabundo, you misunderstand :)14:21
reduz$ sudo nvidia-xconfig14:21
reduzsudo: nvidia-xconfig: command not found14:21
cwillu_cloneBUGabundo, why run a command and wait for him to restart x to see if it fixes it, when we can just check for one line and know if it's the problem immediately :)14:21
BUGabundois it installed ?14:21
reduzno such package either14:21
cwillu_clonereduz, sudo apt-get install nvidia-tools I believe14:22
cwillu_clone!info nvidia-tools14:22
ubottuPackage nvidia-tools does not exist in jaunty14:22
cwillu_clone!info nvidia-utils14:22
ubottuPackage nvidia-utils does not exist in jaunty14:22
BUGabundo$ apt-cache policy nvidia-glx-18014:22
* cwillu_clone blinks14:22
BUGabundoreduz: $ apt-cache policy nvidia-glx-18014:22
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | The ATI and nVidia binary drivers may not be currently installable at the moment14:22
reduz  Installed: (none)14:22
reduz  Candidate: (none)14:22
BUGabundothere's your bigger prob14:23
BUGabundo(not that cwillu_clone NV was smaller)14:23
cwillu_clone!info nvidia-settings14:23
ubottunvidia-settings (source: nvidia-settings): Tool of configuring the NVIDIA graphics driver. In component main, is optional. Version 180.25-0ubuntu1 (jaunty), package size 753 kB, installed size 1888 kB (Only available for i386 amd64)14:23
BluesKajreduz , adept has the nvidia-glx-180 driver, just check that your card is listed14:23
cwillu_cloneBluesKaj, his card is supported14:23
BUGabundoreduz: $ lspci | grep dia14:24
BUGabundoBluesKaj: don't!!14:24
BUGabundojockey does some magic!14:24
BluesKajthen he's in business14:24
BUGabundoit should be installed with jockey14:24
reduz02:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation GeForce 8600GT (rev a1)14:24
reduzBUGabundo, jockey doesn't work14:24
BUGabundoreduz: really?14:24
BUGabundotime to get mvo or pitti14:24
reduzyeah, just does nothing and exists14:24
reduzer, exits14:25
BUGabundoreduz: popup on #ubuntu-devel14:25
BluesKajBUGabundo , I have 7600GT card using the 180 driver with no problems14:25
BUGabundoI have a 8400 no probs either BluesKaj14:25
BUGabundothat's why we are helping him14:25
BluesKajwhy use jockey ?14:25
reduzBUGabundo, i'm there14:25
=== draitz is now known as degus
joneskooaha. my bug 353111 was closed since the earlier instructions to report a bug were not the same as expected by someone.14:30
ubottuLaunchpad bug 353111 in brasero "Nautilus keeps segfaulting after plugging A-Link 3GU" [Medium,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35311114:30
robertjgmail autopilot is awesome14:30
joneskooI re-reported with new instructions and filed bug 35313114:31
BUGabundofree tip from pitti: when running Jockey, close all other apt frontend apps14:31
ubottuBug 353131 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/353131 is private14:31
BUGabundorobertj: !offtopic14:31
joneskooaha. it's private so no one will be able to read it?14:31
BUGabundojoneskoo: if you want us to read it, please check the logs for private stuff (like passwords) and remove the private flag14:32
joneskooBUGabundo: there shouldn't be any unless the login password is shown for some reason?14:32
BUGabundodon't know14:33
BUGabundothe logs are yours14:33
BUGabundowas it an apport crash?14:33
joneskoowhat's apport really? it was in /var/crash14:33
joneskooI was instructed to doubleclick it14:33
joneskoonautilus crash14:33
joneskooI guess there's a nautilus core dump included. should I expect it to contain login password?14:34
joneskooor something similar14:34
BUGabundojoneskoo: see the logs on LP14:34
joneskooBUGabundo: what do you mean? the text files don't contain anything private14:35
BUGabundothey can14:35
BUGabundoonly the OP and QA team can see them14:35
joneskooBUGabundo: I can't tell about the coredump but others are fine14:35
BUGabundothen remove the private flag, if you are sure14:37
joneskooI guess I'll just change my password just in case ;)  , it was time for it anyways14:40
joneskooBUGabundo: it's public now14:40
* BUGabundo looking14:41
BUGabundoreduz: you must learn about pastebin14:42
BUGabundo !pastebin14:42
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)14:42
BUGabundoafter pitti helps you let us know what you learned14:43
reduzBUGabundo, oh ok, using that14:44
BUGabundojoneskoo: please install libbrasero-media0-dbgsym14:44
joneskooBUGabundo: where do I find it? apt-cache search libbraser doesn't show it14:45
joneskoolibbrasero-media-dev I can find but not dbgsym14:45
BUGabundoneed to add another repo14:45
BUGabundo !debug14:45
ubottuFor help debugging your program, please see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingProcedures14:45
BUGabundodeb http://ddebs.ubuntu.com jaunty main restricted universe multiverse14:46
rconanjoneskoo: what problem are you having with brasero?14:47
joneskoorconan: nautilus segfaults when I plug in a 3G modem14:47
rconanI had an issue recently with it making nautilus coredump14:47
BUGabundoI'm already discussing this on #ubuntu-devel14:47
BUGabundothey are wating for the retacer to do its job14:47
rconanjoneskoo: are you running the most recent updates for brasero? It fixes the problem I think14:48
joneskoorconan: updated some 4-5 hours ago14:48
rconanjoneskoo: version 2.26.0-0ubuntu2 ?14:48
BUGabundoInstalled: 2.26.0-0ubuntu214:49
joneskooBUGabundo: should I do something again now after I've installed it?14:49
BUGabundocrash it14:49
rconanfor reference the issue I was having with brasero making nautilus segfault was this:14:49
ubottuUbuntu bug 339993 in brasero ""Starting File Manager" windows open uncontrollably, even when displaying desktop" [Medium,Fix released]14:49
reduzBUGabundo, ok, jockey is bugged it seems. do you know how to install the nvidia driver by hand?14:50
joneskooBUGabundo: I'll reboot for a clean state first.14:50
BUGabundoreduz: pitti is the guy to ask14:50
BUGabundohey rconan I did something similar to that yesterday, running a lice usb and starting as ROOT14:51
reduzBUGabundo, yeah, he seems to have determined it is a bug in dbus which causes jockey to not work, but he's busy14:51
reduzI mean, i really don't want to have to install the driver manually from nvidia :(14:51
rconanBUGabundo: that fix was only released today so it might have been that14:51
reduzi just want to do it in a ubuntu friendly way, or else everything will break in the future14:52
rconanoh no... a couple of days ago14:52
BUGabundoreduz: didn't he ask you to file a bug?14:52
BUGabundoand add your logs?14:52
reduzBUGabundo, did all that14:52
BUGabundothen he can take care of it when he is able too14:52
frybyeHmm  what is this pop-up with Unicode Rawdata etc  SCIM??? never seen it before..?14:53
reduzBUGabundo, well, i went to jaunty because ibex was really buggy (had all sort of problems), guess it wasn't a good idea14:54
reduzibex issues seem fixed in jaunty, but no nvidia14:55
frybyereduz: had u done a fresh install of ibex??14:55
joneskooBUGabundo: "Sorry, the program "nautilus" closed unexpectedly.", should I hit report problem again or what to append it?14:55
reduzfrybye, yes it was a fresh install14:55
reduzfrybye, and got several really annoying bugs, such as pulseaudio constantly crashing, network with static ip deconfiguring every time i boot, key repeat of left/down cursor keys disabling itself, and a few other bugs14:56
BUGabundojoneskoo: yeah report it14:57
BUGabundoto a new14:57
BUGabundothen mark the old one as dupe of that14:57
BUGabundosince that one should have the debug symbols14:57
BUGabundobut you can see if anything is missing before sending14:57
frybyethis popup is offering me the choice of -multibyte coding or unicode- input method - what is that all about??14:58
joneskooBUGabundo: I don't know how to mark it :) the new one is 353150, which I'll briefly see through before marking public15:00
BUGabundowaiting for it15:02
joneskoopublic now15:02
BUGabundothere are some symbols missing15:04
BUGabundobetter wait for the retracer15:04
joneskoowhat's retracer?15:04
BUGabundoits a program on LP that runs over your crash15:05
BUGabundoand gets the info needed15:05
BUGabundodoes the same was you, by running with debug symblos15:05
joneskoobasically stupid user doesn't give enough info and the program automagically tries to repeat the case with some selective brute force? :)15:05
BUGabundosomething like that15:06
joneskooI should propably file another for "mousetweaks" which crashes on login15:08
joneskooBUGabundo: if debug isn't installed by default even on 9.04 beta, how is anyone supposed to submit proper reports? :)15:08
BUGabundoppl install them when they need to debug15:09
BUGabundoother then that, retracer runs and extracts what ever it cans15:09
BUGabundoif not enough the Dev in charges asks the user for further tests15:09
BUGabundoexperienced users / testers already know the drill15:10
BUGabundoI run several apps under dbg with debugsymbols installed15:10
ubottuPlease read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic15:10
joneskooI guess I'll install mousetweaks-dbgsym and re-login to try to get better report15:10
bsniderYoung hearts be free tonight. time is on your side,15:19
bsniderDont let them put you down, dont let em push you around,15:19
bsniderDont let em ever change your point of view.15:19
Le-Chuck_ITAIn jaunty for the first time I have a decent dual-output video, but how do I decide where the panels and the desktop go? I want them on both monitors!15:22
marlunAnyone else who has had problems installing pgAdmin from source because it can't find the postgresql installation?15:24
BUGabundocwillu_clone: Bug 352971 got updated!15:25
ubottuLaunchpad bug 352971 in ubuntu-website "People download and install 9.04 pre-release without a proper understanding of what constitutes a 'production environment'" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35297115:25
joneskooBUGabundo: how come my nautilus bug is a duplicate of 335942 and there it's asked if the problem persist on the version I have?15:29
BUGabundoI marked one dupe of the other15:29
BUGabundolet me check how they are15:29
BUGabundowhat are the bug ids agains?15:29
joneskoohttps://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/353150 is the one that should contain debug syms15:30
ubottuUbuntu bug 353150 in nautilus "nautilus crashed with SIGSEGV in brasero_medium_init_real() (dup-of: 335942)" [Undecided,Invalid]15:30
ubottuUbuntu bug 335942 in nautilus "nautilus crashed with SIGSEGV in start_thread()" [Medium,Invalid]15:30
BUGabundopedro didn't see my dupe15:30
BUGabundojoneskoo: master bug is now 33594215:31
joneskooBUGabundo: so this is still a duplicate of it?15:31
BUGabundoplease comment on the last question15:32
BUGabundoto see if latests brasero fixs it or not15:32
BUGabundoand change it to New15:32
joneskoochange what to new15:32
BUGabundonever mind15:33
BUGabundojust comment on it15:33
BUGabundobug 33594215:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 335942 in nautilus "nautilus crashed with SIGSEGV in start_thread()" [Medium,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33594215:33
nanderssonHi, I have a dualscreen setup, laptop+external 22", and after upgrading to Jaunty my primary screen is suddenly the laptop. I want it to be the big 22". But I cant set it in either grandr nor Display Preferences.15:33
thiebaudebug 30487115:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 304871 in xserver-xorg-video-intel "[i845G] Fatal server error: Couldn't bind memory for BO front buffer (Jaunty)" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/30487115:33
nanderssonwhere do I file this bug? gnome-panel?15:34
BUGabundojoneskoo: now wait or ask on # devel15:34
BUGabundothiebaude: do you want something?15:34
BUGabundonandersson: bugs go to launchpad.net15:34
BUGabundo !launchpad15:34
ubottuLaunchpad is a collection of development services for Open Source projects. It's Ubuntu's bug tracker, and much more; see https://launchpad.net/15:34
BUGabundo !bugs15:34
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu  -  Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots15:34
thiebaudeis there a workaround the bug problem,15:34
nanderssonBUGabundo, yeah...but what package?15:34
nanderssonThere are like thousands of them15:35
BUGabundolet me look15:35
joneskooBUGabundo: I need to go do some things so I guess I'll wait. I checked "mail me on changes"15:35
BUGabundoPackage: gnome-panel15:35
thiebaudethe last 2 days updates to xserver-xorg-video-intel, but i still cant log into gnome, only fluxbox, BUGabundo15:36
BUGabundonandersson: gnome-panel IS the package name15:36
BUGabundothiebaude: do you have a 855?15:36
nanderssonBUGabundo, ok, great. Because there is also a program gnome-display-properties15:36
dupondjeubuntu-docs seems broken :)15:36
thiebaudeit is dupondje15:36
dupondjeok :)15:37
BUGabundonandersson: that's in gnome-panel IS the package name15:37
BUGabundonandersson: that's in gnome-control-center15:37
nanderssonBUGabundo, ah, great, thanks :) I post it there15:37
BUGabundothiebaude: that's another bug15:37
BUGabundoplease ask bryce on #ubuntu-x15:37
thiebaudeok thanks BUGabundo15:37
frybyere - at home i have at the moment 2 comp - both running jaunty on a router - under network i only see "Windows network" and clicking on that gets "cant mount the resource" so where is the "linux network??"15:43
frybyeor how do i set one up??15:43
BUGabundofrybye: samba is known as wind netw shares15:44
BUGabundoI you need to install samba server15:44
BUGabundojust open Synaptic, Edit , Package by name, Samba15:44
BUGabundoor right click on a folder you want to share15:45
frybyei have samba - or had it with intrepid??15:46
frybyeok - was not installed scince updt to jaunty.. tks..15:48
dupondjeHow can I make I can access my computers in the network with their name? cause now it just doesn't resolve ...15:52
frybyere: BUGabundo it still says mounting the windows network is not possible..?15:52
BUGabundofrybye: try by ip15:52
thiebaudeBUGabundo: using gnome safemode didn't work15:52
BUGabundodupondje: you need some thing to run as DNS server15:52
frybyebut why windows network - there are only 2 ubuntu boxes just now..?15:52
BUGabundothiebaude: what failed?15:52
BUGabundofrybye: has I said, that's SAMBA too15:53
BUGabundono t just windows shares aka CIFS15:53
dupondjeBUGabundo:  but the ip's are not static ... so dns is bit crap ?15:53
dupondjeand overkill for only 3 hosts ...15:53
dupondjehow does windows fix that ? :p15:53
thiebaudeBUGabundo: the same problem of the messed up graphics then the mouse freezes15:53
hildupondje: did you add yourself as samba user?15:54
bsniderdupondje, can't your router map ip addresses to mac addresses?15:54
BUGabundodupondje: broadcast15:54
BUGabundodupondje: google a bit. im sure you will find and HowTo on how to change the way samba broadcasts and listens to name resolving15:55
=== adam7_ is now known as adam7
dupondjeit prolly helps to start with installing samba ;)15:55
BUGabundothiebaude: that really sounds as the same bug as all those 8x515:55
BUGabundobut X devs don't want it .....15:55
thiebaudei agree BUGabundo15:55
frybyedo i have to manually start samba???15:56
BUGabundothiebaude: let me nag them a bit more15:56
BUGabundofrybye: server? or client?15:56
thiebaudeok thanks15:56
frybyeBUGabundo: = no idea??15:56
BUGabundofrybye: server? or client?15:57
frybyeThey are both on the local pc.. a ha - not installed on oter pc..ha ha...15:57
bsnideri think he said he had no idea15:57
frybyewait a min..15:57
bsnidersamba has to be installed on all pcs for all pcs to use it.15:58
frybyeno samba on the other pc i guess.. give me amin... heheh15:58
BUGabundobsnider: only the client is required15:59
geniiAt least samba server on one and smbfs on the others15:59
bsnideri understand that16:00
BUGabundoand the one that's shares, with server16:00
* Blues-Man ciao16:00
frybye<--- stands in the corner wearing the pointed hat - the other pc was swithed off.. sorry folks.. man oh man the shire did fry my brains i n the 70's16:03
cwillu_cloneBUGabundo, bug #2's been fixed already, eh? :)16:04
ubottuError: Launchpad bug 2 could not be found16:04
BUGabundoseems so! too fast! not enough funny16:04
cwillu_clonequite :)16:04
cwillu_cloneI like how the first clickable link is a link to 8.10 though :)16:07
dinuhi all..16:07
bsniderwhat's bug 2?16:08
ubottuError: Launchpad bug 2 could not be found16:08
dinuhave a problem, can change screen resolution 1280x102416:08
* cwillu_clone pokes dinu with a stick16:08
dinuubuntu 9.0.416:08
[Vex]dinu, didn't krandrtray help? ;)16:08
cwillu_clonebsnider, tongue in cheek name for https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/352971 :)16:08
dinugeforce 8500GT16:08
ubottuUbuntu bug 352971 in ubuntu-website "People download and install 9.04 pre-release without a proper understanding of what constitutes a 'production environment'" [Undecided,Fix released]16:08
cwillu_clonedinu, 9.04 (not 9.0.4)16:09
dinu:D.. ok16:09
[Vex]ubottu: hehe16:09
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about hehe16:09
cwillu_clonedinu, what video chipset, what resolution should it be,eh?16:09
dinui have downloading now krandrtray16:09
bsniderone potential fix would be the die hard 4 treatment, where if you install it your computer explodes as if there's a few pounds of c4 in it16:09
dinugeforce 85900GT16:09
cwillu_clonebah, s/eh/etc/16:09
cwillu_clonebsnider, they fixed the wording already, I'm satisfied16:10
cwillu_clone"""For testing only! This is a pre-release version of Ubuntu and is almost ready for general use. If it is important that your computer run reliably please continue to use the current stable release (8.10) until this version is ready on April 23rd, 2009. """16:10
[Vex]dinu: you use apt right?16:11
BUGabundocwillu_clone: can it be? can ppl think 9.04 is a number composed version aka 9.0.4 ?16:11
dinuwhat is apt?16:12
dinusory but a am new to linux16:12
[Vex]apt-get/aptitude/adept, some package manager16:12
Superdweebhey dinu, wanna have a foursome with BRITNEY SPEARS and OPERA WINFREY?16:12
SuperdweebVex, how do I refill wanda's tank?16:12
[Vex]dinu: if yout newb, I'd recomend Intrepid 8.1016:12
BUGabundo[Vex]: just let him use Add/Remove... or at MAX Synaptic16:12
ikoniadinu: I'd strongly suggest following [Vex]'s advice, if you're new to linux using a beta product may not be the best idea16:13
BUGabundounless dinu as a spair machine16:13
BUGabundoor just want to run the LiveCD/USB16:13
[Vex]ikonia: thx... and may not... an understatement ;)16:13
dinuyass.. i know but whant to try it16:13
cwillu_clonedinu, this like when google calls gmail beta for 3 years :)16:14
thiebaudeBUGabundo: i'll go back to 8.10 until a fixed is released, thanks for helping again.16:14
ikoniadinu: keep in mind there is no real "support" for 9.04 - so using a supported distro if you don't know what you're doing at all is really the best support we can offer16:14
cwillu_clone_isn't_ like16:14
dinuook ok16:14
cwillu_clonethis _isn't_ like when google calls gmail 'beta' for 3 years16:14
dinuthnks again..16:15
cwillu_clonewhen stuff breaks, it really breaks :)16:15
thiebaudecwillu_clone: yup it still is beta16:15
SuperdweebWanda's tank has emptied, how do I fill it?16:16
cwillu_cloneweird, I thought it left beta a while ago16:16
cwillu_cloneguess that was googlemaps :)16:16
BUGabundoI lost X twice yesterday16:16
BUGabundoand had to debug another PC with 86516:16
[Vex]just a small Q: Can you browse your bluetooth units in Jaunty?16:16
BUGabundoX is prob the most buggy package at the moment16:16
BUGabundosince PA is now calmer16:16
ubottuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type ยซ sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart ยป in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution16:16
BUGabundo[Vex]: I used to be able too16:16
BUGabundoI can test if you want16:17
[Vex]BUGabundo: well, they have 22 days to fix it ;)16:17
BUGabundomany changes have been introduced16:17
BUGabundobecause of a bug16:17
Superdweebmy system hasn't crashed in 20 days.16:17
[Vex]BUGabundo: doesn't work in Intrepid (BT)16:17
BUGabundomine did16:17
Superdweebprobably cus I'm running really old hardware.16:17
BUGabundoand also on jaunty16:17
Superdweeband not a lot of accessories.16:17
BUGabundoSuperdweeb: I tend to say that Ubuntu (each new version) is aimed to 6 months to 2,5 years PCs16:18
BUGabundonewer then that and it may not support it16:18
BUGabundoolder, is too slow16:18
SuperdweebI wish I had an I-core seven with 8 gigs of ram on a 1.4ghz bus16:18
BUGabundoI believe most of us here believe that too16:18
Superdweebinstead I've got a pentium M with a gig of ram.16:18
[Vex]I seldomly have problems... my machine is 1yr old.....16:19
[Vex]need a newer one, I know... but the boss...16:19
SuperdweebI turned off bluetooth and a ton of stuff I don't use, but why does ubuntu have R-sync running?16:19
[Vex]upgrade to everey new release16:19
SuperdweebCan someone enlighten me? Does rsync have something to do with apt? will apt automatically try to rsync packages if possible?16:20
BUGabundoSuperdweeb: no16:20
BUGabundoif it is on, is because you installed it16:20
BUGabundoand let the option for it to run as daemon16:20
Superdweebno , it was included with the beta and running by default.16:21
Superdweebremoving it breaks ubuntu-standard.16:21
Superdweebbut since you say apt doesn't use it, I'm getting rid of it promptly.16:22
amon__i have it installed by default too16:22
Superdweebdinu wanted to change his screen resolution, but when he tried to access the menu bar, it wouldn't let him.16:22
Superdweebcould be he has a really weird system..16:23
amon__that rsync thing excites me16:23
throughn1thingis it possible to change the location (specifically the monitor/screen) where the new notification/osd stuff appear in Jaunty?16:23
Superdweebthe new notification system is non-interactive.16:23
QPrimeerrr... nice channel topic.16:23
throughn1thingSuperdweeb: i realize that, but does it have preferences?16:24
cwillu_clonethroughn1thing, not yet16:24
SuperdweebIT did.16:24
SuperdweebI think its in preferences.16:24
cwillu_cloneSuperdweeb, notify-osd never had a working preferences dialog16:24
cwillu_cloneSuperdweeb, the old notification system did, we're not up to feature parity yet16:24
Superdweebthere was a working notification system editing dialog once, once.16:24
SuperdweebPossibly not for this one, I havn't seen it.16:25
cwillu_cloneSuperdweeb, not for notify-osd16:25
BUGabundocwillu_clone: there are some gconf options for it16:25
BUGabundolike placement16:25
BUGabundoI can't believe that rsync daemon is part of standard seed16:25
Superdweebit is.16:25
SuperdweebI hearby commission you to get rid of it.16:26
BUGabundolet me rdepend it16:26
Superdweebrdepend? sounds like some magical tool I've never heard of.16:26
BUGabundothere it is16:26
BUGabundoyou are right16:26
cwillu_cloneBUGabundo, you don't mean apps/notification-daemon?  that's the stuff for the old daemon16:26
BUGabundo$ apt-cache rdepends rsync16:26
SuperdweebIs that like rdeathstar?16:26
ikoniaSuperdweeb: is it running in daemon mode, or just the binary there16:26
BUGabundocwillu_clone: I think its osd16:26
Superdweebit WAS running in some kind of deamon mod16:27
BUGabundoSuperdweeb: can you pastebin netstat please?16:27
SuperdweebI uninstalled it 5 minutes ago.16:27
BUGabundosudo netstat -tupla | grep rsync16:27
Superdweeband before that, I had removed it using bum/services.16:27
BUGabundoanybody else has rsyn running ?16:27
BUGabundoas a daemon as part of default install?16:28
ikoniaI've not got it on mine, but I've not updated for a while due to working on something16:28
BUGabundoubuntu doesn't install ANY daemon as default16:28
BUGabundoI can't see that happening16:28
Superdweebit runs on bootup.16:28
Superdweebas a service.16:28
BUGabundoit can't16:28
BUGabundoor it shouldn't16:28
Superdweebpart of ubuntu-standard.16:28
Superdweebas installed with the beta.16:28
BUGabundoit would be a serious bug16:28
Superdweebguess we have a fark-up then.16:28
amon__just checked that, it appears in system>administration>services16:29
amon__but netstat shows nothing16:29
cwillu_clonersync is in /etc/rc*/, but the config file should have rsync-disabled set in it16:29
ikoniaamon__: that suggests its either not running or luanched from xinetd16:29
amon__also theres no port opened according to nmap16:29
SuperdweebSo we are safe from all those rsync security bugs?16:30
ikoniaamon__: there shouldn't need to be a port opened, the firewall rule by default are open16:30
cwillu_cloneSuperdweeb, the existence of a file in /etc/rc2.d does not mean that service is started16:30
Superdweebwell, it shows in the services.16:31
SuperdweebThat's all I know.16:31
Superdweebtaking up binary space.16:31
ikoniaso it's not running then16:31
ikoniathat makes sense16:31
ikoniait's about 112k16:31
cwillu_cloneSuperdweeb, 'services' is not like windows services, the existence of it in a file in that list still doesn't mean its running16:31
amon__ps axu | grep rsync does not show anything16:31
Superdweebwell, that's about as odd as xorg.16:32
ikoniaodd as xorg?16:32
SuperdweebI mean, it's listed as a running service, but it's just a placeholder.16:32
ikoniathere is nothing odd about rsync not running16:32
SuperdweebXorg has a lot of weird hacks to make it work right.16:32
ikoniaSuperdweeb: it's not a place holder - it's installed but not enabled16:32
ikoniaSuperdweeb: no it's not16:32
ikoniaSuperdweeb: it's very modular for that version reason16:32
SuperdweebThen the check-box should not be checked, right?16:32
cwillu_cloneSuperdweeb, bum is not part of ubuntu's standard install (or even the main repo) for a reason :p16:32
SuperdweebI'm not arguing with the concensus.16:32
BUGabundoSuperdweeb: calm down!16:32
amon__but why does services show it and its checked?16:33
BUGabundowe are getting OT16:33
Superdweebthat is confusing to end-users.16:33
SuperdweebI should file on launchpad.16:33
BUGabundoits already clear that its not running in jaunty16:33
cwillu_cloneamon__, because bum isn't an ubuntu config utility, it doesn't understand how debian has packages set up16:33
BUGabundoso forget it16:33
Superdweebcwillu_clone, he is _not_ talking about bum. He ran system>administration>services, and the last entry shown is a checked box for rsync.16:34
amon__is bum the services settings thing?16:34
cwillu_clonedebian and ubuntu don't uninstall files from /etc/init.d|rc*.d on removal for instance, all of those scripts actually check the package config files to see if they should launch16:34
amon__i dont have bum installed16:34
cwillu_clonesomebody was talking about bum16:34
amon__no i talked about system>administration>services16:35
SuperdweebI mentioned that both bum and services show it, I use both of them in tweaking my system.16:35
Superdweebwhere should I go for kernel questions?16:36
SuperdweebI want a command to list the modules currently loaded into my kernel.16:36
Superdweebthank you very awesome much!16:36
amon__and it shows rsync and it is checked, but it is not really running i guess, ps axu | grep rsync shows nothing also there are no open ports, i just cant understand why services shows it checked then16:37
ikoniaamon__: 1.) you don't need an open port - ubuntus firewall is already open 2.) check if it's launched from inet/xinetd16:37
Superdweebhmm, seems pretty clean.16:37
Superdweebno bluetooth support crap.16:37
cwillu_cloneamon__, Superdweeb, most packages (99%) have config files which their startup scripts check.  bum and so forth don't know how to read that16:38
black9iceany ideas why when running WoW in wine or cedega, it has a hard time grabbing full screen in opengl or directx modes?  I am maybe thinking it is a nvidia driver issue or the gnome/xserv (newer versions) doing it...  What happens is the Gnome panels stick on the screen but dont work....grrr16:38
cwillu_cloneamon__, basically, pretend that services isn't in the admin menu :p16:38
FoolsRunHi, can someone point me to an explanation for the removal of the update notifier in Jaunty? Just so I can understand it better?16:38
amon__and superdweeb: if you strip down your ubuntu, you will experience strange behaviour, i suggest using debian minimal and building it up instead of destroying ubuntu16:38
Superdweebamon_ is right, I'm going to file a bug report stating that the services utility does not clearly show that the rsync package installed is not running.16:38
SuperdweebAmon, I've been using ubuntu since 4.10.16:39
SuperdweebI've beta tested since 6.04.16:39
amon__Superdweeb, i will subscribe to your bug, please send me a link then16:39
BUGabundoSuperdweeb: since jaunty most mod are now kernel built in! so there aint much to remove or blacklist16:39
SuperdweebBUGabundo, thats what I'm worried about.16:40
BUGabundoblack9ice: are you running compiz?16:40
Superdweebunnecessary code cluttering up my weak old pentium 3 strapped to a pentium 4 bridge  processor.16:40
cwillu_cloneSuperdweeb, um16:40
SuperdweebI even risk concurrency=shell.16:41
cwillu_cloneSuperdweeb, modules loaded that aren't doing anything won't affect that at all16:41
Superdweebdon't confuse me here.16:41
SuperdweebI asked for modules listing command, I don't see any unnessesary modules loaded.16:41
SuperdweebBUGabundo stated that lots of code got built in.16:41
SuperdweebThat's different than modularized drivers and extentions.16:41
cwillu_clonei.e., you can configure a kernel with hundreds of megs of unnecessary drivers compiled in, and it'll have nearly no effect on the running system16:41
Superdweebit will?16:42
BUGabundoat least colin proved so16:42
Superdweebif, we safely assume, the kernel automatically skips the sections it's not using..16:42
black9ice<BUGabundo>I dont think I was, I will have to check when I get back home....  Default install, drivers, updates, cedega, WoW install is all that I did touched16:42
Superdweebit uses at least one clock cycle skipping each one.16:42
cwillu_cloneSuperdweeb, no, no it doesn't16:42
SuperdweebBecause that's at minimum one instruction to pass over the code region for the non-used driver.16:43
cwillu_cloneSuperdweeb, hardware detection is based on enumerating the system, not enumerating the drivers16:43
Superdweebyou bug me, but I'm going to keep my april fools cool and DROP the topic.16:43
cwillu_cloneSuperdweeb, that's how things worked back in the 2.4 days16:43
cwillu_cloneseriously though, it doesn't work by 'skipping over' each individual driver, it works by enumerating the hardware bus and jumping directly to the right driver.  You could argue that keeping more compiled-in drivers in memory is wasteful, but that has no bearing on the processor involved (not even cache sizes, because the unused code will never enter the cache in the first place)16:45
black9ice<BUGabundo> Icould just run it in windowed mode, but that just kills the zoning out factor of playing a simplistic game such as WoW  ;)16:49
cwillu_cloneblack9ice, check the config options in wine-cfg, and you could probably use a compiz window-rule to force it16:50
cwillu_cloneBUGabundo, can't find any relevent gconf settings for notify-osd :p16:51
BUGabundocwillu_clone: I'll look again latter tonigh16:51
* BUGabundo should be doing reports!16:51
Superdweebcwillu_clone, you may be a rich little man with 4000 core cpu and unlimited ram, but I still measure my memory, and L2 cache in bytes, and I consider _every_ single instruction that has to pass through my cpu important. In this day, we have considered efficiency to be getting rid of large things, but I pay attention to even little ones.16:52
bsnidercwillu_clone, i didn't think it had any config options at all16:52
black9ice<cwillu_clone> well I might try Kubuntu, I have always been partial to gnome, but what the heck KDE could be a nice change since it has matured well with the 4 series  lol16:52
cwillu_cloneSuperdweeb, I have a 1.6ghz that's 5 years old, and a 1.6ghz laptop that's 4 years old, and that's it16:52
BUGabundoSuperdweeb: he has old pcs16:53
cwillu_cloneSuperdweeb, and kernel drivers that aren't in use never get into the processor caches in the first place16:53
Superdweebwhere do they go?16:53
cwillu_clonethey aren't 'skipped over', they aren't enumerated in the first place16:53
Superdweebthose un-used bits arn't in l-space, they are on my disk or in my ram somewhere.16:53
cwillu_cloneSuperdweeb, they stay in main memory at worst, and probably never get loaded off the disk in the first place16:53
Superdweebwell, I like to run a tight ship.16:54
cwillu_cloneand saving 1mb of disk space is a worthless endeauvour16:54
cwillu_cloneokay, but I'm just saying :p16:54
Superdweebremember those dudes that had X running from a bios chip?16:54
cwillu_cloneunless you can make it add up to more than a couple percent of a 15 year old drive16:54
amon__Superdweeb, for most of us it probably is16:54
Superdweeband tinycore linux is in _10_ megabytes.16:54
cwillu_cloneif you're running a stock ubuntu kernel, you aren't targetting a 10mb install16:55
Superdweebwe could probably save about 1 megabyte of space by simply stripping out extra lines in all the man pages installed, since that's a one-byte word every time you press enter.16:55
KurlonWhat inefficencies do you introduce by trying to focus soley on disk footprint?16:55
BUGabundoback to work! ping me if something funny comes up16:55
cwillu_cloneman pages are compressed16:55
Superdweebsuper dooper.16:56
cwillu_clonethere's less than a bit for each extra linefeed, I _guarentee_ you16:56
cwillu_cloneyes, _less_ than a bit16:56
Superdweebnow on to the REAL problem with ubuntu.16:56
* cwillu_clone inhales16:56
Superdweebcwillu_clone, resize your panel.16:56
Superdweebsee those ugly thingies?16:56
cwillu_cloneSuperdweeb, better yet, move the panel to the left side, and open more than 7 windows :p16:57
cwillu_clonethat's not ubuntu though, that's a gnome problem16:57
SuperdweebI like to make my panel totally transparent.16:57
virtualdi can't move my gnome-panels to the other monitor anymore, i could yesterday or maybe it was the day before16:57
hil.oO( ...ษนวdoop ษนวdns )16:57
amon__Superdweeb, did you file the rsync bug?16:57
cwillu_clonersync bug?16:57
dupondjeI'm trying to print from vista to my Ubuntu shared printer, but its a no-go :(16:57
cwillu_cloneit's existence in services isn't an rsync bug16:57
SuperdweebI'll paste the link soon.16:57
dupondjecan add the printer, but it doesn't print anything16:58
amon__sorry, i know its not a bug in rsync16:58
virtualdi used to right click and click lock panel position or something like that, then unlock, and then move it to the right monitor, but it's not on the menu anymore16:58
ubottuUbuntu bug 353241 in rsync "ubuntu-standard is dependant on rsync installed, most end users do not use, rsync properly does not run but shows a checked entry in system>administration>services that may confuse users." [Undecided,New]16:58
cwillu_clonevirtuald, alt-drag16:59
KurlonI've got a simplier question I hope... I have yet to have a persistent notifier that a fresh batch of updates are ready... I know part of Jaunty is changing how notifications work so I assume I'm not looking in the right place any more?16:59
virtualdthank you16:59
cwillu_clonersync is commonly used for backups.  You could make the case that most users do backups, I suppose... :p17:00
virtualdit worked for the upper panel but not the lower one17:00
cwillu_cloneunlock the panel first, I think17:00
cwillu_cloneand it has to be on a section of the panel without any applets17:00
cwillu_cloneSuperdweeb, do you mean the horizontal lines running across the panel when you resize it?17:01
Superdweebhaha. no.17:01
Superdweebthe handles.17:01
Superdweebthey arn't transparent.17:01
Superdweebthey are _GREY_.17:01
cwillu_cloneoh, heh, might be able to set it via the background colour17:01
SuperdweebI tried.17:02
cwillu_clonebut I'm not sure why you'd want the cpu load required to mask off applets if you're running on a pII :p17:02
* cwillu_clone jabs Superdweeb with a stick :p17:02
SuperdweebI also tried hacking the theme files, but the gtkrc for the only theme I have with pictures is the one that also themes the panel with colors too dark for human eyes.17:02
cwillu_clonebeyond simply turning off the hide buttons, or finding an appropriate gtk theme, I don't know that you can fix that without hacking on gtk's source itself17:03
virtualdcwillu_clone: ok i closed a few apps and now i could move it, but there's still no way to lock the position17:03
SuperdweebI've got a pentium 3, yes, but I also have a mobile radeon 7500.17:03
SuperdweebI can even run compiz :D17:03
virtualdmaybe it was removed because it doesn't work anyway17:03
SuperdweebNow all I have to worry about is whether plymouth will work with my card.17:03
Le-Chuck_ITAguys: very urgent: do you know where does the message "in composition" in evolution if I close the main window?17:05
Le-Chuck_ITAwhere goes17:05
Superdweebit goes bye-bye or if you saved it, it goes to the draft folder.17:07
cwillu_cloneLe-Chuck_ITA, it didn't prompt you to save it?17:07
Le-Chuck_ITASuperdweeb: I hate programs that look like cool and rock-solid, and then betray you, no it didn't17:07
cwillu_cloneLe-Chuck_ITA, like, a crash?17:08
Le-Chuck_ITAbut I think that I reported this bug some two years ago before switching to thunderbird...17:08
SuperdweebI never have used evolution.,17:08
Le-Chuck_ITAno like, I closed the main window :)17:08
cwillu_cloneif it didn't prompt you, I'd suspect you saved it somewhere first17:08
Superdweebit's a gnome monster17:08
cwillu_cloneLe-Chuck_ITA, yes, and it'll prompt you if the message is unsaved17:08
Superdweebthunderbird is my fav17:08
Le-Chuck_ITAcwillu_clone: that's what I expected, but there's nothing like my old message around17:08
Superdweebprism-gmail is cool too17:08
Le-Chuck_ITAsorry wrong win :)17:08
Le-Chuck_ITASuperdweeb: I never used gmail :)17:08
Superdweebor prism-yahoomail.17:08
Superdweebyou can make your own prism apps.17:09
SuperdweebI've made one for each of my favorite places now.17:09
cwillu_cloneyou know, that would be a good workaround for firefox not using seperate processes for pages, and not handling large numbers of open pages very well17:09
Superdweebyes if you could write a utility to convert every bookmark I have into prism markers in my internet menu, I would use them.17:10
ActionParsnipyo yo yo17:11
Superdweebyo yo yo.17:11
yow|x2anyone tell me what the name of the ubuntu bug channel is please?17:11
Superdweebdo you want the april-fools version or the actual channel?17:12
yow|x2both :)17:12
SuperdweebI recommend lauchpad.net for any real bugs though.17:12
yow|x2i was talking to someone yesterday about the intel driver so i just wanna rejoin the channel17:12
SuperdweebWell, first I would go to #hai-ubuntu-i-gotta-bug-but-it's-really-cus-i'ma-stupid-user channel to check in your sanity, then I would go to #ubuntu-bugs to report the bug.17:13
Le-Chuck_ITAcwillu_clone: what a strange thing: I finished re-writing my message, sent it, and tried with a new one to close the main window; at reopen, it prompted me to recover unfinished messages and reopened both of them17:14
Le-Chuck_ITAperhaps the first time it had not been completely shut down (you know all those daemons) so it didn't do the startup checks.17:14
yow|x2i like the first one, but the second one isnt the one i was thinking of (even though it's probably the most logical choice)17:14
BUGabundoyow|x2: was that me?17:19
yow|x2yes BUGabundo  i wanted to tell you that i upgraded the video driver for intel on the repo yesterday and ive yet to have a freeze since last night (im afraid to upgrade today though, lol)17:20
cwillu_cloneyow|x2, what kind of freezes?17:22
yow|x2while in gui, requiring hard reboot17:23
cwillu_cloneany display corruption?17:23
yow|x2i had major issues before with the intel driver back in hardy, but intrepid fixed it. nope, just a sudden freeze. im not even using compiz17:23
cwillu_cloneyow|x2, random question, are you using ext4?17:24
yow|x2yes i am17:24
cwillu_cloneyow|x2, it's not intel crashing it17:24
cwillu_cloneknown ext4 bug17:24
cwillu_cloneswitch to a mainline kernel and the hangs will go away, I'm in the middle of a bisect to figure out what patch is causing it17:24
yow|x2hmmm, i thought it could be ext4 but it seems to happen with intel associated upgrades. id be happy to test a different kernel though'17:25
cwillu_cloneyow|x2, I was thinking it was intel too, until my desktop (running nvidia) started showing the same problem :)17:25
yow|x2ah ok. any suggestions on specific kernel version to try?17:26
cwillu_cloneyow|x2, any mainline kernel build will do, any ubuntu kernel won't :p17:26
yow|x2so id compile from source then?17:26
cwillu_cloneyow|x2, I've got another 5-6 kernel builds until I've got it pinned down, until then there's nothing really more specific to do17:26
cwillu_cloneyow|x2, oh, no, there's a repository with vanilla kernels available17:26
BUGabundocwillu_clone: its all those intel 8x5 bugs yow|x217:27
yow|x2oh ok, thanks for the info17:27
BUGabundostuff like https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/bugs/31745717:27
ubottuUbuntu bug 317457 in xserver-xorg-video-intel "[i865G] 82865G freeze, works only with dri false" [High,Fix released]17:27
cwillu_cloneBUGabundo, he's not seeing an intel bug though :p17:27
cwillu_cloneyow|x2, one sec17:27
BUGabundomissread the log17:27
BUGabundo(05:12:44 PM) yow|x2: i was talking to someone yesterday about the intel driver so i just wanna rejoin the channel17:27
BUGabundocwillu_clone: I had the same prob yesterday17:28
cwillu_cloneBUGabundo, yes, and I had a hunch that it might have been misdiagnosed :p17:28
BUGabundoIntel card LOCK17:28
BUGabundoso you need to hard reboot17:28
BUGabundothen you need to talk to bryce17:28
BUGabundomaybe you can help out17:28
BUGabundothere are many dupes about this17:28
BUGabundobut on my case it was ext3 not 417:29
yow|x2ive read up a lot on the intel driver issue in the past and it seemed corrected at intrepid and then it seemed come back as a problem in jaunty. i cant be sure that its not ext4 though either.17:29
cwillu_cloneyow|x2, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelMainlineBuilds17:30
BUGabundoyow|x2: can you run a daily livecd/usb and see if it freezes ?17:30
cwillu_cloneyow|x2, install one from there, and see if the hangs go away17:30
yow|x2i didnt have any freezes at all though since installing jaunty up until maybe a few weeks ago so i didnt think it was ext4 unless it was kernel related17:30
BUGabundoI would test the intel bug 1st17:30
ubottuhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/1 (Timeout)17:30
BUGabundothen ext417:30
BUGabundoLOLOLOLOLOL ubottu17:30
BUGabundoback to work. ping me if you guys need or find something17:31
yow|x2ty for all the links, ive bookmarked them all, the next time i get any freeze, i'll try those fixes17:32
cwillu_cloneyow|x2, does anything show up in the xorg logs re: the freezes?17:32
yow|x2i can check, sec17:32
yow|x2dont see anything strange in /var/log/Xorg.log. anywhere else to check?17:34
cwillu_clone(old will be from the last sesion, assuming the last one was the crasher17:34
billybigriggerdoes anyone else have this problem with firefox? i always seem to get some sort of distortion like this, wierd colors, sometimes black17:36
yow|x2theres some info there but not sure its of use. pastebin?17:36
billybigriggerand it doesn't matter what sites i visit i think its just a firefox bug, anyone else get this?17:36
thiebaudebillybigrigger: it could be a april fools joke17:36
billybigriggerif i refresh the page its fine17:37
cwillu_cloneyow|x2, sure17:37
billybigriggerit happens all the time to me, just today was very noticable, usually its just black17:37
ActionParsnipbillybigrigger: ive seen that, dont sweat it17:37
thiebaudebillybigrigger: this is the first day its happened to me17:37
thiebaudehi ActionParsnip17:37
billybigriggerwell what is it?17:38
ActionParsniphi thiebaude17:38
ActionParsnipbillybigrigger: no idea, see how it is tomorrow17:38
yow|x2cwillu_clone - http://pastebin.com/m1a0b85f517:38
yow|x2thats the end of it, let me know if you need to see more17:39
cwillu_cloneyow|x2, nothing odd there17:39
yow|x2im shocked it hasnt frozen yet today, maybe its an april fool's joke17:40
cwillu_cloneyow|x2, http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v2.6.28.9/ and download headers-i386, headers-all, and generic-386, install them, and try it out17:41
cwillu_cloneyow|x2, the ext4 bug is triggered by deletions17:41
yow|x2by file deletions?17:41
cwillu_clonelog files, version control, updated packages, that sort of thing can all trigger it via the same bug, yes17:41
yow|x2ah ok17:41
cwillu_clonemy main desktop would be hung every time I came back, because I've got my backups triggering based on desktop inactivity :)17:42
cwillu_cloneyow|x2, actually, don't download from that link, go up one, and pick up 2.6.2917:42
yow|x2ah right, makes sense17:42
yow|x2or should i just add the ppa to synaptic?17:43
cwillu_cloneyou could, you still have to select those packages one way or another though17:43
cwillu_cloneprobably best to just download the particular packages so that you don't have confusion at some point17:43
* cwillu_clone reboots, and prepares for another git bisect good/bad17:44
yow|x2do i need the headers all pkg though if im getting headers-i386?17:44
yow|x2ok, will do17:45
cwillu_cloneheaders-i386, headers-all and the image17:45
thiebaudeanyone have a link to the 2.6.29 kernal?17:46
cwillu_clonethiebaude, I just linked the site17:46
thiebaudeok, thanks17:46
yow|x2installing now cwillu_clone, i'll let you know how it works out17:48
thiebaudei also installed the one from the above link too17:48
thiebaudei hope i can get into x17:48
cwillu_clonethiebaude, if you install nvidia et al normally, dkms should take care of the modules (works fine here at least)17:50
ActionParsnipthiebaude: part of the post install is dkms compile17:51
thiebaudemy problem is the i81517:51
cwillu_clonethiebaude, I don't claim that it fixes all intel problems, I just think it'll fix yow|x2, based on his description17:52
cwillu_clonehard lock, nothing suspicious in xorg.0.log, nothing in any of the logs to speak of17:52
thiebaudei'll reboot, thanks17:52
cwillu_cloneon an ext4 system17:52
* cwillu_clone just realized that he has a good vps available, and so he should compile his kernels there rather than messing around on his 4 year old laptop17:53
coz_hey guys.. just reloded synaptic and got " the pacakge cache file is corrupted.._cache->open() failed, please report17:53
coz_however from terminal a  dist-upgrade worked fine17:53
cwillu_clonecoz_, sudo aptitude update do anything?17:53
BUGabundocoz_: I get that many times a day17:54
BUGabundoI just ignore it17:54
BUGabundountil I get bad db lists17:54
coz_cwillu_clone, yeah that works17:54
BUGabundothen I change mirrors17:54
coz_BUGabundo,  but synaptic closes after closing the error popup17:54
BUGabundothat's a first17:54
cwillu_clonecoz_, move /var/cache/apt/pkgcache.bin and srcpkgcache.bin and update again17:55
BUGabundoI don't use synaptic that much17:55
cwillu_clonecoz_, (move, don't delete)17:55
BUGabundojust UM and apt17:55
coz_cwillu_clone, ok17:55
cwillu_cloneBUGabundo, update-manager uses synaptic though17:55
cwillu_cloneor rather, update-manager is a feature of synaptic17:55
cwillu_clonesynaptic --upgrade-mode17:56
benstehow can I install fwlan module in jaunty?17:56
cwillu_cloneactually, that may be a lie, but it does use synaptic :p17:56
BUGabundocwillu_clone: UM uses APT and DPKG17:57
ActionParsnipbenste: compile or find a repo with it on17:57
crdlbcwillu_clone: eh? update-manager a frontend for update-manager-core written in pygtk17:57
BUGabundocrdlb: eheh17:57
cwillu_clonecrdlb, BUGabundo, I just said I lied17:57
yow|x2ok, rebooting now to test, brb17:57
myk_robinsonlunie2ns-linux: you awake yet? How did the secondlife deal turn out?17:57
cwillu_cloneand you expect me not to be lying on my very next statement? :p17:58
myk_robinsonlooks as though your wifi is still working, so that's good17:58
* cwillu_clone was confusing um with software-sources17:58
* BUGabundo doesn't get cwillu_clone april fools jokes17:58
bensteActionParsnip: the problem is that compiling it from source results in a disaster17:58
cwillu_cloneI know, filing bugs on the release notes page, telling people their intel bugs are really ext4 bugs17:58
cwillu_cloneI'm hilarious, aren't I?17:59
bensteActionParsnip, but I've got an idea now, first I have to disable the flash drive function of the wifi stic :-)17:59
ActionParsnipbenste: sounds like a plan17:59
coz_cwillu_clone,  same error17:59
BUGabundocwillu_clone: if I were you , I would talk to bryce17:59
BUGabundoeither he doesn't know17:59
BUGabundoor you are confunding stuff17:59
cwillu_cloneBUGabundo, I want to establish that yow's problem was ext4 or not17:59
BUGabundoI had ext318:00
cwillu_cloneBUGabundo, but there _is_ an ext4 with the symptoms yow was describing18:00
cwillu_clonethere is also intel instability18:00
BUGabundogot the exact sabe behauvior from LiveCD18:00
thiebaudenew kernel didn't work18:00
coz_cwillu_clone, ` just to carify   http://picpaste.com/screenshot1_1.png18:01
cwillu_clonethiebaude, that advice was never meant for you :p18:01
cwillu_clonecoz_, did you move those two files?18:01
coz_cwillu_clone,  yes I did18:01
thiebaudeany advice on how to get x started18:02
BUGabundocoz_: it's the same I get18:02
coz_cwillu_clone, `updates work fine via terminal  but synaptic . and only after the last updates,,isnt working18:02
* cwillu_clone pokes yow|x2 with a stick18:03
bensteis /etc/udev/rules.d also vaild for jaunty?18:03
coz_cwillu_clone, should I return those files?18:03
cwillu_clonecoz_, you can, should't matter too much though  (you closed and reopened synaptic if it was open, right?)18:03
coz_cwillu_clone,  yes it was closed when I moved the files and then I reopened it18:04
coz_I can try again though hold on18:04
cwillu_clonenah, I wouldn't worry about it18:04
yow|x2we'll see how it goes cwillu_clone. Also, i forgot to mention, yesterday i would get freezing as soon as the gui would load. I thought it could be network manager even. Anyway, using 2.6.29-020629 now so hopefully that does the trick18:04
coz_cwillu_clone,  ok18:04
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BUGabundoyow|x2: with all those freezes on ext4 I'm afraid you may already have damaged files18:05
coz_cwillu_clone,    well gues waht!  after moveing files and reopening synaptic and then closeing synaptic and reoprning once again  I do not have those errors  go figure18:05
coz_cwillu_clone, so I can remove the previous files I moved correct?18:06
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yow|x2BUGabundo well im not too worried about files on this laptop, all my important files are on my network.18:06
cwillu_clonecoz_, yep, they should already be regenerated18:06
cwillu_clonecoz_, out of curiosity, what are their file sizes?18:06
cwillu_clonethe old ones18:06
coz_cwillu_clone,  pkgcache.bin = 11.4 megs  and srcpkgcache.bin = 11.4 megs18:07
cwillu_clonethose are the old ones?18:07
coz_cwillu_clone,  yep18:07
bensteActionParsnip: my idea didn't work, so I was about to compile the vendors source code for this wifi stick, starting with MAKE in the src directory I get "No Rule for creating /teriber/src" - what's that? is it only a mal translated german TREIBER or is that normal?18:07
cwillu_clonek, just a hunch that didn't play out18:07
coz_cwillu_clone,  what was the hunch?18:07
cwillu_clonebenste, you did ./configure already?18:08
cwillu_clonecoz_, more ext4 stuff :p18:08
cwillu_clonebut in this case, it was probably simple corruption18:08
ActionParsnipbenste: not sure, try asking in #ubuntu-de18:08
yow|x2i thought ext4 was supposed to be 'stable' in the newer kernel, lol18:08
coz_cwillu_clone,  ok I will take your word for it   although interesting that   I had to open close and repeat18:08
benstecwillu_clone: ./configure results in no such file or directory18:09
mrb__need some helo with the new Kubuntu beta18:09
cwillu_clonebenste, no idea then, sorry.  They should have documentation for building it though18:09
benstecwilliu_clone, they've got only a install.sh in the upper dir18:10
coz_benste,  isnt there a README file in the src directory?18:10
coz_benste,  try a   ./install.sh18:11
benstecoz_ in the uppรผer dir?18:11
benstethere is no readme in the /src18:11
thiebaudemrb__: what's  wrong with it18:11
coz_benste, what application is this18:11
mrb__thats my first time with the new Package manager and i just installed the new Kubuntu 9.04 Beta and i am trying to insall the restricated extinsion support so i can run MP3 and other formats18:12
mrb__i cant find it in the new Package manager18:12
benstecoz_ it's a wifi dirver from AVM18:12
coz_mrb__, did you try   sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras    ?18:12
coz_benste,   do you have a link for it?18:12
mrb__not really... i will do it now.. thanks alot18:12
cwillu_clone!info language-support-en18:13
ubottulanguage-support-en (source: language-support-en): metapackage for English language support. In component main, is optional. Version 1:8.10+20080703 (jaunty), package size 1 kB, installed size 32 kB18:13
cwillu_cloneso, why doesn't my vps have that?18:14
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mrb__it didnt work18:14
coz_mrb__, open the pacakage manager on KDE  and search for ubuntu18:14
coz_mrb__,  see if the ubuntu-restricted-extras pacakge  is there  also check the repositories to see that they are    enabled  all  of them18:15
benstecoz_ shure: http://www.avm.de/en/frame/frame.php?destination=http%3A%2F%2Fwebgw.avm.de%2Fdownload%2FDownload_en.jsp%3Flang%3Den%26preferlang%3Den%26os%3Dlinux%26product%3DFRITZ!WLAN+USB+Stick%26category%3Dfritzbox18:15
coz_benste,  ok on the link when you click :download  there is also a link for the "info.txt"  you should read that18:16
benstecoz_ just one mom I'll download the english version, which seems to differ from the german one because I don't have a info.txt :-)18:17
coz_ooo  ok18:17
coz_benste,    http://www.avm.de/en/frame/frame.php?destination=http%3A%2F%2Fwebgw.avm.de%2Fdownload%2FDownload_en.jsp%3Flang%3Den%26preferlang%3Den%26os%3Dlinux%26product%3DFRITZ!WLAN+USB+Stick%26category%3Dfritzbox18:18
coz_nope that didint  work18:18
coz_yep it did ... sorry18:19
mrb__coz_ thanks alot it worked and downloading now18:19
benstecoz_ ? what?18:19
coz_mrb__,  cool18:19
benstecoz I found the info within the download dir :-)18:20
coz_benste,  cool  just follow that and it should work fine18:20
coz_benste,  at least the install procedure should work  wether  the driver works  I dont know18:20
benstecoz_ the problem is that the installer isn't working18:21
coz_benste,  the Liesmich.htl is in german18:21
coz_benste,   did you follow that?18:21
bensteit's just about use install.sh if problems compile your self using make in the sub dir18:21
coz_benste,     I am not sure , at this point, how to direct you18:22
coz_benste, ok hold on18:22
coz_benste, did you cd into src and run make  ?18:22
coz_benste,  the make is failing here18:23
bensteI did18:23
coz_benste,  then you   need to contact the developer on that then  telling him distribution,  kernel version, etc18:23
benstethis dirver is older than 2 years and was only a short period in which the vendor tried to deliver linux dirver18:25
* cwillu_clone races his vps vs his laptop in... Race To Build 2.6.28-318:27
coz_benste,  yeah I would still try to contact them18:28
bsniderbenste, there are lots of usb dongles that will work out of the box18:29
benstecoz_ : I'll try the windows version with ndiswrapper and come bakc with a WPA2 problem:-)18:29
coz_benste,  ok that is another option but dont let  contacting these people slip   they might be able to help18:30
benstebsnider - I now that was my problem at the weekend I've had a linksys one which worked out of the box like my intel chipset in my Vaio18:30
benstecoz_ ok, I'll give it a try18:30
coz_benste,  no problem hope it works out for you :)18:31
bsnideryeah,, only 2 months before koala18:32
ActionParsnipyep, the beta is still available18:32
m0u5eyou know what would really suck18:33
bsniderit's...it's just shocking18:33
m0u5eis if that message perisisted until tomorrow18:33
m0u5ethen that would really su ck :/18:33
ActionParsnipm0u5e: does intrepid not work for you?18:33
m0u5ebut anyways... anyone tested jackalope on a dell mini 9 yet?: )18:33
m0u5eActionParsnip, meh, intrepid had some annoying problems.... besides i want my new notification system18:33
m0u5eand ext418:34
ActionParsnipm0u5e: seems like a big change for such a menial feature18:34
cwillu_cloneespecially seeing as it can be installed in intrepid :p18:34
ActionParsnipthat too18:34
TuTUXGthen jaunty would be 9.0818:35
ActionParsnipi run jaunty so i can advise in #ubuntu when new users get issues with it18:35
m0u5ealso intrepid had a weird bug with cheese18:35
m0u5edunno if they fixed that... but my cheese stopped working once i hit intrepid18:35
coz_m0u5e,  i noticed on intrepid in an applicaton when using the open dialog   it would take forever to populate the  opendialog   its stilla little   slow on  jaunty for me anyway18:36
m0u5eoh. and multiple monitor supports a lot better now18:36
ActionParsnipi thuink jaunty is a lot smoother18:36
m0u5eintrepid was a step forward, but jaunty feels much more polished18:36
m0u5ecant wait till karmic koala18:37
m0u5esometimes i wish i could go forward in time, grab like ubuntu 12.04 and then go back to 2001 when ms was releasing Xp18:37
coz_oh no  karmic koala?  mm how about kinky or kewl18:37
m0u5ei recommended to devs that jaunty shouldve been called the jazzy jaybird to fix the freaking sound system :X18:37
ActionParsnipm0u5e: you may find the MS OS at 2012 isnt too bad either18:38
m0u5eActionParsnip, isn'ti t gonna be win7?18:38
m0u5ewin7 is actually quite good from my experience so far18:38
m0u5ea lot faster18:38
m0u5ea lot leaner18:38
coz_well a jackalope is actually a   rabbit infected with the shopepapaloma virus18:38
m0u5enew paint18:38
ActionParsnipm0u5e: not sure18:38
m0u5ecoz_,  >_<; i saw that on wikipedia the other day...18:38
m0u5eActionParsnip, well win7 is going to be released late 09 or early mid 10 right?18:38
coz_m0u5e, yeah  its the same virus that gives you planter's warts  lol18:39
ActionParsnipm0u5e: not sure, i dont read MS news it doesnt interest me as I have only 1 Windows system and its for my work and only work18:39
ActionParsnipm0u5e: i have zero windows systems or boots as I dot need it18:39
m0u5eActionParsnip, i use windows for games :D18:39
ActionParsnipm0u5e: i dont game outside of frets on fire18:40
m0u5eActionParsnip, i dunno linux in general takes up too much of my time and concentration... i keep fiddling with things and trying out different things18:40
ActionParsnipm0u5e: best way to learn18:40
m0u5eyeah, but i don't have the time anymore18:40
m0u5eso it really sucks when im playing with something18:40
m0u5eand it breaks my system18:41
m0u5eand ihave a project due in a matter of hours18:41
geniiIt's like having a hotrod. you're always tinkering18:41
m0u5ebesides... i think of myself as the future userbase for linux18:41
ActionParsnipm0u5e: have a restore image yuo can easily dd to your disk ;)18:41
m0u5eif ubuntu is going to become a mainstream OS, its gotta appeal to stupid users18:41
m0u5eActionParsnip, i just partition home and / separately... usually if something bad happens i just reinstall ubuntu lol18:42
ActionParsnipm0u5e: why not have an image of / which you can dd from to / to restore the system rather than reinstall then have to reupdate and reinstall your apps18:42
m0u5ewith what? clonezilla?18:43
m0u5esorry, im kinda  newb18:43
ActionParsnipdd if=/dev/sda2 of=~/backup.iso18:43
ActionParsnipwill create an iso on ~/ of your / partition (assuming /dev/sda2 is your / partition)18:44
m0u5ewouldn't that take longer than reinstalling ubuntu though?18:44
m0u5esince an install only takes around 15 minutes18:44
ActionParsnipyou can then EASILY boot to root recovery console or livecd and dd it back if your system goes wrong18:44
m0u5ei guess...18:44
m0u5eill keep that in mind in the future thx :)18:45
ActionParsnipm0u5e: sure but then how long to update, then configure wifi + video + sound + little settings18:45
m0u5edoes it copy the entire partition?18:45
m0u5eso i need to copy it to a partition larger than my / then?18:45
m0u5edarn :/18:45
m0u5eActionParsnip, so dd if=/dev/sda2 etc is if i'm recovering it right?18:47
m0u5ewould backing it up just require i use of instead of if?18:47
m0u5eh/o brb gotta pick up laundry18:47
geniiif=inputfile of=outputfile18:48
ActionParsnipm0u5e: sure, just reverse if (input file) and of (output file)18:48
ActionParsnipgenii: snips!18:48
geniiYou can also loopmount a dd'd image18:48
ActionParsnip i just dont get why folks who play heavily dont have a backup18:52
m0u5eActionParsnip,  i didn't know if the dd command :D18:53
ActionParsnipwell consider yourself educated ;)18:54
antoranzthere is a repository to get a vanilla kernel (or almost), right?19:00
antoranzI have this problem with my intel chipset abd using the kernel from intrepid made it disappear19:01
pepie34Since I update to Jaunty, i can not connect to gdm via XDMCP19:01
pepie34i've a Xvnc server that localy connect to gdm via XDMCP19:01
antoranzI tried compiling a vanilal kernel using jaunty's config but it took too much disk room and I almost don't have any to spare19:02
pepie34Any idea wher it come from ? my conf files seem unmodified19:02
baldurpetI think I found an error19:03
baldurpetbut I don't know where I'm supposed to report it19:03
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu  -  Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots19:04
Amaranthno no19:04
Amaranthfigure out the name of the package the bug is for19:04
Amaranththen run 'ubuntu-bug <packagename>' in a terminal19:04
baldurpetIt's in the installer19:04
baldurpetbut it's not really a bug per se19:05
Amaranthit'll automatically create a bug report with details usually wanted for that package then you can just fill in the problem you're having19:05
Amaranthbaldurpet: that'd be ubiquity19:05
pepie34the Xvnc server connection seems ok as i see the X start background and the X cross19:05
Amaranth!info ubiquity19:05
ubottuubiquity (source: ubiquity): Ubuntu live CD installer. In component main, is optional. Version 1.12.1 (jaunty), package size 2747 kB, installed size 10004 kB19:05
baldurpetnot the debian-installer?19:05
m0u5emm karmic koala should add a netinstall option19:06
pepie34!info human19:06
ubottuPackage human does not exist in jaunty19:06
m0u5elike deb19:06
m0u5e!info vrms19:06
ubottuvrms (source: vrms): virtual Richard M. Stallman. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.14 (jaunty), package size 12 kB, installed size 92 kB19:06
baldurpetmind if I just tell you the problem, that might help19:06
Amaranthbaldurpet: Was it a LiveCD install or an alternative install?19:06
baldurpetI'm installing in a virtual machine19:06
baldurpetusing a livd CD19:06
baldurpetbasically, when I'm selecting a location19:07
baldurpetand select Reykjavรญk, the small 'x' mark is located somewhere in the Atlatic ocean19:07
baldurpetand people don't live in the ocean19:07
AmaranthWhat about Atlantis?19:08
m0u5eits rapture19:08
baldurpetit's not a major issue19:08
AmaranthBut yeah, that's a bug19:08
m0u5egg bioshock19:08
AmaranthAnd I think people have already reported it but you should check19:08
baldurpetoh well, Atlantis isn't 10 kilometers of the coast of Iceland19:08
pepie34rms is a component of the universe :)19:09
baldurpetActually the x is in a different timezone than Iceland is19:10
m0u5ei wonder who wrote vrms19:10
Lint01how can I add Jaunty repositories to Intrepid?19:10
AmaranthLint01: Don't19:10
m0u5eLint01, that could cause problems19:10
ActionParsnipLint01: you will need to upgrade to jaunty19:10
AmaranthLint01: Either upgrade or don't upgrade but do not run a mix of the two19:10
ActionParsnipLint01: you will end up with a big mess19:10
m0u5eoh btw i was upgrading jaunty beta the other day19:11
m0u5eand it froze while updating19:11
BUGabundoLint01: why would you want to do that?19:11
m0u5eit got stuck on a package called gnome-session-canberra ... does anyone know why?19:11
Lint01so I have to upgrade *all* OS just for *1* updated package?!19:11
m0u5ehad to hard reboot and everything19:11
BUGabundoLint01: no19:12
m0u5eLint01, ... lot more than just one upgraded package19:12
BUGabundobut it may break your system19:12
ActionParsnipm0u5e: yikes, did it boot ok?19:12
m0u5eActionParsnip, had to dpkg --configure -a and reconfigure a few packages manually19:12
AmaranthLint01: Unless that one package is ttf-droid it'll probably pull in half the updates anyway19:12
m0u5ebut it seems to be working again19:12
AmaranthLint01: Then you end up with a mismatched system that is technically supposed to work as all package dependencies are met but realistically if it breaks you get to keep both pieces19:13
ActionParsnipm0u5e: thats cool, maybe some power thing turned the hdd off it some dep circle occurred, beta is a weird animal19:14
m0u5eim just glad it happened on linux19:14
m0u5eand not vista :/19:15
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m0u5ei should really learn how to use clonezilla19:15
m0u5eso i can deploy images over the network19:15
m0u5ewould save me so much time and energy19:15
ActionParsnipyuk @ vista19:15
Lint01so if I want to upgrade "randomstuff 0.13" from Intrepid to "randomstuff 0.14" from Jaunty I must wait until it's out of its beta stage o_O19:15
ActionParsnipsetup a pxe server ;)19:15
m0u5eActionParsnip, well apparently its pretty easy with clonezilla... but yeah i just gotta read up on it19:16
m0u5emake sure i dont wipe everyone computer which has PXE boot enabled on my university campus on my local network xD19:16
m0u5ehaha a bunch of students will be like... wth!? wh.. whats this ubuntu on my laptop....19:17
ActionParsnipm0u5e: i'd use a usb stick / drive / seperate partition on every install with an image, makes life easier. when you get a new setup 100% nice, make a new image19:17
m0u5eActionParsnip, well with clonezilla i can just upload a new image directly to my server19:17
ActionParsnipm0u5e: that too19:17
m0u5eand that way i can store a bunch of different images19:18
ActionParsnipas long as you keep all the drivers and hardware the same19:18
ActionParsnipespecially with vga19:18
m0u5ei'd just have to make a new image for each of my computers19:18
m0u5ebut that wouldn't be that bad19:18
m0u5eit takes me like 3-4 hours to set up a windows computer cause of all the drivers and updates19:19
m0u5eubuntu only takes me about 1-2 and i have a workable system in between that time19:19
m0u5eunlike vista VGA 640x480 mode :/19:19
ActionParsnipmine takes about 30 mins to dd19:19
ActionParsnipi have a fileserver which all my systems map home to so all email / favourites / etc are identical19:20
yow|x2anyone use or mind testing btdownloadcurses ? im getting lots of python related crashes since jaunty. seems to error in reference to threads?19:20
m0u5ebut then you have to be on your network though right... what if you leave your network?19:20
m0u5ewhat if you had a laptop... and you went somewhere else and updated your email?19:21
m0u5ewould it autosync back with your network?19:21
ActionParsnipm0u5e: i have all desktops, not gonna happen19:21
m0u5eoh :319:21
m0u5eyeah... thats one of the annoying problems i have19:21
m0u5ei use thunderbird, but only on one computer at a time19:21
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baldurpeterm of course the amount of time it takes to install Windows doesn't erally matter19:21
baldurpet99.9% of people get Windows preinstalled19:21
m0u5eOEM installs suck19:22
m0u5ei dont want all that extra baggage19:22
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ActionParsnipbaldurpet: depends if you kow what you want. I self build so have no OS preinstalled19:22
IenorandIs it just me or is the forum thing kind of lame, seeing how it was the same thing last year?19:22
Exilantthe kubuntu jaunty beta install is only available as dvd?19:23
m0u5ereally though, i'm surprised ubuntu can still fit on a cd19:24
BluesKajor an upgrade over the internet19:24
m0u5ethats why i think karmic should implement net in stalls19:24
AmaranthExilant: the ubuntu and kubuntu betas were 7MB too large for a CD so they only made DVD images available19:24
Amaranthm0u5e: netinstall would kill the servers19:24
ActionParsnipExilant: http://www.kubuntu.org/getkubuntu19:25
m0u5ewhy would it kill the servers? how is it any diferent than people downloading isos19:25
m0u5ein fact wouldnt it help out, since people would only n eed to download what they actually need19:25
Ienorandtorrent netinstall? Would such a thing  be possible?19:25
m0u5emaybe make the netinstalls uses bittorrent LOL19:25
Amaranthm0u5e: Because ISOs can be shared by people19:25
Amaranthand bittorrent is...slow19:26
m0u5ebittorrent... slow? o_O19:26
Exilantah, thanks a lot19:26
m0u5ei get like 4MB/s down on bt for the juanty beta cd19:26
AmaranthMost packages are only going to have one seeder when you want it: the main server19:26
Exilantsomehow i got lost in the directories19:26
Amaranthm0u5e: Right, because a single ISO is easier to share19:26
m0u5ewell people only need to download one file once right?19:27
IenorandNot itf enough people used it, which if it was used for install/updates would probably be the case19:27
Amaranthm0u5e: Who wants to keep sharing every package you ever download?19:27
m0u5eso its like the ISO - unneeded files19:27
BUGabundoyou guys know you can even install updates / packges via torrents?19:27
m0u5eAmaranth, maybe your right, maybe it would take too much bandwidth19:27
Amaranthapt-p2p already exists. yes19:27
AmaranthBut it is slow19:27
m0u5eAmaranth, but maybe we should work toa  solution lol19:27
ActionParsnipkubuntu 9.04 beta: http://releases.ubuntu.com/releases/kubuntu/9.04/19:28
m0u5eit'd save the servers update bandwidth19:28
BUGabundoAmaranth: its not slow!19:28
m0u5esince netinstalls would install the latest updates19:28
BUGabundoits only slow if your ISP shappes your connection19:28
m0u5eso the users wouldnt need to install updates19:28
BUGabundoor you don't open the required ports on the router19:28
BUGabundom0u5e: on jaunty you have updates every 5 mins19:29
Amaranthm0u5e: But an ISO can be shared by many people19:29
m0u5ewell not net installs for betas19:29
m0u5eonce its gone gold19:29
m0u5eAmaranth, in what way can an iso be shared by man people? like physically? or like bittorrent19:30
AmaranthEvery ISO I burn gets used by 3 computers, at least19:30
m0u5ethey dont have to stop providing isos19:30
m0u5ethey can still keep that option19:30
m0u5ei'm not saying one or the otehr19:31
Amaranthm0u5e: In that case you can already do netinstall19:31
IenorandIf torrent were to be used it should be seamlessly parallel to the normal download, and very restrictive so as to only use idle bandwidth...19:31
BUGabundogo to go19:31
m0u5eAmaranth, netinstalls like how they work in debian?19:31
Amaranthm0u5e: yep19:31
m0u5eAmaranth, besides using daily builds? :X19:31
ActionParsnipm0u5e: just downloads the debs from the repos instead of a snapshot iso then needing an upgrade once installed19:32
m0u5eActionParsnip, how would i do that?19:32
Amaranthm0u5e: http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/jaunty/main/installer-i386/current/images/netboot/19:32
Amaranthm0u5e: mini.iso19:32
ActionParsnipm0u5e: get the minimal iso (~10Mb) and install that way19:33
m0u5eAmaranth, oh cool O_O;19:33
HalowI've never gotten the miniCD to work wireless, or I'd never use much else.19:33
m0u5ehaha i didnt even know this existed, thanks19:33
ActionParsnipHalow: use wired til you get installed19:33
ActionParsnipHalow: or use wifi that works out of the box19:34
HalowHafta lug my clunky desktop across the house. But that's an idea.19:34
ActionParsnipHalow: then cd install for you, or buy better wifi cards19:34
HalowProbably. ;)19:35
ActionParsnipmy Netgear WG311T works out of the box (Atheros AR5001X+ Wireless Network Adapter) it's all i buy for PCI wifi19:37
cwillu_cloneyow|x2, ping19:41
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=== bobbocanfly is now known as bobbo
giacoI've just upgraded to 9.04! Everything works great but my xorg is eating a lot of cpu power, even w/o firefox opened (actually just with just xchat it eats 12% of my core due T7300). I'd like to ask you if this is a known issue and/or it has a specific name or something! Maybe I can support with my test case :-) thanks19:44
nemogiaco: I don't use xchat (irssi ftw) but I had some issues personally with SDL and Qt and pulseaudio and CPU usage19:46
nemogiaco: have you considered running calgrind against xchat?19:46
crdlbgiaco: video driver? there have been some regressions in the intel driver19:46
giacocrdlb, yes, I'm using intel drivers19:48
crdlbyou could try Option "AccelMethod" "UXA"19:48
giaconemo, can you expand it a bit? I've never used calgrind19:48
crdlbit's the new hotness for intel, but of course it may be unstable :)19:49
nemogiaco: install valgrind - it should be included19:49
giacocrdlb, I like it hot :-)19:49
kevin_zhonghow can i Update 8.10 to 9.04?19:50
jemarkkevin_zhong: i will search it for u19:50
nemogiaco: valgrind --tool=callgrind -v19:50
giaconemo, thank you19:50
cetanhotakevin_zhong, if I were you I would wait for the final release. Unless the system you are using is a test system19:51
nemoadding --log-file might be a good idea too19:51
giaconow pidgin burns 100% of the cpu19:51
kevin_zhongcetanhota: ty 4 the advice19:51
jemarkkevin_zhong: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/upgrade-ubuntu-810-intrepid-ibex-to-ubuntu-904-jaunty-jackalope-beta.html19:51
kevin_zhongjemark: tyvm19:51
jemarkkevin_zhong: you're welcome19:52
nemogiaco: try killing off pulseaudio? mine behaved badly?19:52
kevin_zhongcould it be possible that a driver that doesn't work now, my graphics card, could work with 9.04?19:53
giaconemo, I've killed it but now valgrind is killing my cpu, I can't understand the effect of pulseaudio now19:54
un2himwhy can't i resume from suspend when i have proprietary nvidia driver installed?19:54
jemarkkevin_zhong: i have no idea19:54
kevin_zhonghmm, kk, because this computer is 4-5 years old, my graphics suck right now :D19:54
cetanhotakevin_zhong, what graphics card?19:55
kevin_zhongim forcing the pc to run in "low graphics mode"19:55
kevin_zhonghmm, nvidia geforce 4 mx19:55
giaconemo, my valgrind is creating many callgrind.*.out files, I don't know how to read them, could you take a look on one?19:56
cetanhotaKevin_Zhong, have you tried to tell X to use you nv driver?19:56
benste1how can I get debug infos for network manager cause it woun't connect to WPA2-PSK19:56
mbeierlanyone else having problems getting core dump files (crash) for apport?19:57
kevin_zhongi don't think so19:57
mbeierlI am trying to report problems with Evolution and exchange but despite the (core dumped) message, there  is no core, nor .crash file anywhere19:57
cetanhotaKevin_zhong, before you go and try to upgrade you system you should try to get it working with you current hardware. I see no reason why the nvidia card would be forcing you into low graphics mode. 1 sec let me see if I can find you a url for setting up you xorg.conf to use the nv driver.19:58
nemogiaco: sure. that's the point19:58
nemogiaco: and, yes. valgrind is slow...19:58
nemobut. the output is what you are interested in. not its performance19:58
kevin_zhongcetanhota: its not forcing me, i manually did it because i couldn't get 1028x764 with any drivers for it19:59
nemogiaco: I would be sure to run it for a little while of course, to ensure the data is most informative19:59
nemogiaco: ideally, run it for a minute, then exit the app normally19:59
funkyHatWhat's this private bug reports thing all about?19:59
cetanhotakevin_zhong, you should be able to with that card. do you know what driver X is trying to use?19:59
=== cwillu_clone is now known as cwillu
kevin_zhonggive me a sec20:00
giaconemo, done it. don'those know how to read those files20:01
kevin_zhongI also tried 71.86.04-0ubuntu10  but that didn't work either20:01
nemogiaco: pastebin 'em. can look, sure20:01
cetanhotakevin_zhong, check out this link http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=788765, also do a google search on manually changing you xorg.conf20:02
kevin_zhongOk, thanks20:03
giaconemo, it's too large for pastebin & pastie, do you know an alternative service?20:04
cetanhotakevin_zhong, my guess is that your X windows is using a driver that will not work correctly with your video card. The default vesa driver should give you 1024x768, and the nv driver should give you even more res options.20:04
nemogiaco: host it on a free hosting service like google pages, or run a local webserver like a good linux person :)20:04
benste1what can I do if nm-applet woun't connect a wireless USB with WPA2PSK but with open authentication?20:04
giaconemo, I'd use the second option if you'd have an ipv6 connection cause I don't have a public ip20:06
giacoI'll go for the first one20:06
baldurpetnemo = nobody20:06
nemogiaco: hm. my ISP might route ipv6, dunno. but surely you must have some internet-facing IP address20:06
Alexia_Deathbaldurpet: nemo = nameless  afaic:P20:06
nemogiaco: 93-35-228-153.ip57.fastwebnet.it isn't accessible on any port?20:07
giacobtw, I think I've found my bugpage https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-intel/+bug/23862920:07
ubottuUbuntu bug 238629 in xserver-xorg-video-intel "[i965] [EXA] Java plugin causes massive Xorg CPU usage, fixed by changing Xorg acceleration mode [i965GM]" [Medium,Incomplete]20:07
giaconemo, no, that's my gateway, I'm under NAT20:07
nemoAlexia_Death: Anonymous ;)20:07
nemogiaco: sure. but you can't do a port forward on the gateway?20:07
nemogiaco: my gentoo box is my gateway :)20:07
nemobut. you know. your router, whatever.20:07
Alexia_Deathis knetworkmanager working for anybody20:08
giaconemo, my ISP gateway, not home gateway, it's miles away from here, and surely not accessible20:08
nemogiaco: oh. that's an odd layout.20:08
giacoI could sneak into for a port forwarding, but not my cup of tea :-)20:08
nemogiaco: I know of someone else from italy, and his ISP has a normal layout, where each customer gets a temp IP20:08
nemogiaco: the layout you're suggesting is pretty abnormal.20:09
benste1no one here who can help me with my WPA2 / nm / ndiswrapper problem?20:09
nemobenste1: I didn't quite understand it frankly :)20:09
nemoWPA2PSK doesn't work, open does?20:10
benste1nemo yes20:10
nemoah. yeeeah. dunno then. WFM.20:11
nemobenste1: looked in dmesg and other common places for logs?20:11
giaconemo, trust me, I could have a temporary id for 10 buck/hour, not for this case. The fastweb strategy is not so uncommon / abnormal20:11
nemobenste1: ~/.xsession-errors, system log files...20:11
nemogiaco: dear god. that's larcenous20:11
benste1nemo why X session, and what's the command for the first one?20:11
nemobenste1: that's STDERR for stuff run by x session, which seemed like a good place to look if nm-applet was whining20:12
nemobenste1: dmesg   is the command to dump device log...20:12
nemobenste1: and the others are under /var/log20:12
giaconemo, I'm uploading20:12
nemogiaco: I pay $50/mo for broadband, and my dynamic IP hasn't changed in 2 years20:13
benste1nemo: there is something in dmesg20:13
nemogiaco: your ISP is evil :(20:13
giaconemo, on the other hand there are some advantages20:14
benste1nemo: http://paste.ubuntu.com/142259/20:14
benste1nemo: line 14 seems like a problem or?20:15
nemobenste1: that seems familiar to me20:16
benste1nemo: should I post the other logs?20:16
* giaco is restarting X20:16
nemobenste1: there are some mappings for certain keys that are specific to laptop models - I doubt it is the source of your problem though20:16
darthanubis Despite the hard work from hundreds of dedicated contributors, a single name has stood out this cycle: Daniel T Chen (crimsun on Launchpad), for several reasons. Daniel is a key contributor to Pulseaudio (and the rest of the audio stack) in Ubuntu.20:16
darthanubisI hope the rest of the community will join me in saying Thank you Dan!!20:16
hggdh+1, certainly20:17
darthanubisThis echoes what I said three days ago20:17
nemodarthanubis: so he's the one making pulseaudio break less? applause then. :)20:17
HalowHe's surely made my pulseaudio experience a happier one. :)20:18
darthanubisNot only that, he has helped , and has been helping me for at least two years now. Never rude or condescending, always helpful.20:18
darthanubisI cannn't say enough good things about crimsun20:18
benste1nemo: the wpasupplicant log: http://paste.ubuntu.com/142273/20:20
giacoI'm under UXA acceleration method but xorg is still eating the processing power20:20
benste1nemo do you see something what could prpaply cause problems20:21
giaco92% on firefox on facebook20:21
nemogiaco: kcachegrind20:21
nemogiaco: nothing is jumping out at me by sight20:21
SwedeMikegiaco: if you disable UXA you'll get EXA nowadays, gives me better glxgears performance anyway.20:21
nemobenste1: question, since you said wpasupplicant (I didn't realise network manager used that)20:22
nemobenste1: are you, by any chance, using ' or " or ;  in your key name?20:22
nemoor similar other odd characters20:22
benste1key only has numbers and two DOTs20:22
giacoSwedeMike, I was under EXA, I've just changed into UXA to avoid xorg burning my cpu20:22
nemobenste1: might be driver level then - I know I had a pain in the ass problem with driver for my card and wpa220:23
benste1and what can I do now? is there any special config needed for use with ndiswrapper?20:23
nemobenste1: Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless 3945ABG20:23
nemo(my card)20:23
nemobenste1: oh. you're using ndiswrapper too???20:23
nemobenste1: is that seriously needed for any card nowdays?20:23
nemowhat's your card?20:23
darthanubisThat had to sting.20:24
benste1nemo: the most problem causing stick ever :-) AVM USB wireless stick, in my laptop I use a intel chipset too which works fine20:24
nemobenste1: sorry. totally out of my familiarity20:25
benste1JAUNTY RELEASE HAS BEEN DELAYED TO AUGUST DUE TO PROBLEMS --> IS this only an aprily fool?20:25
nemobenste1: I guess you could try googling for some strings from this output :-/20:25
benste1Already did :-)20:25
benste1and already on IRC since hours :-920:25
bobbobenste1: yeah its April fools, they do the same every year :D20:25
nemobenste1: you know, since it is usb, and wireless, why on earth didn't you check for linux support *before* buying it? :-p20:26
giaconemo, kcachegrind shows that most of the calls have been for the libgtk, should I get something new from this info?20:27
benste1nemo I didn't buy it, it's borrowed from the company of my father, I prefer to use a linksys stick for my brother which works out of the box20:27
nemogiaco: anything jumping out in terms of dramatically high call number?20:28
nemogiaco: or CPU time?20:28
benste1nemo, do you know someone here on IRC whos familar with ndiswrapper?20:28
benste1or is there a channel?20:29
nemobenste1: could try ##linux maybe20:29
darthanubisppl still use ndiswrapper?20:29
nemoor /msg alis list *ndis* or something20:29
nemodarthanubis: that's what I thought :)20:29
tomsdaleah blast - my kwin session just crashed again - screen dead and full of artefacts. Are there many people on kubuntu with stability problems? I have the NVidia nonfree driver.20:30
norentomsdale: my kde is working fine20:31
giaconemo, can't see anything in particular20:31
giaconemo, libgobject seems a bit hungry+20:32
zhuraiquestion: when Jaunty becomes RC, how much support'll be given? o_o20:32
zhurai* will it be...20:32
tomsdalenoren: are you using Compositing? For me it happens around once a day.20:32
nemogiaco: yeah. runs like this are hard to interpret without a normal run to compare against :-/20:33
norenno i m not using20:33
nemogiaco: if all your apps are behaving badly, try some other runs?20:34
nemolook for patterns?20:34
weboideis there a way I can remove the fading effect when changing wallpaper because without compiz it's a bit laggy ?20:37
BluesKajcheck out ubuntu forums ...gawd-eeeeeeeeeee20:41
cwilluzhurai, you should just be waiting for the actual release20:41
weboidethanks BluesKaj20:42
BluesKajweboide , for ?  that was jus a comment not an answer20:42
weboideBluesKaj: well I think I found an answer to my question there :p20:43
BluesKajgood :)20:43
panosI am trying to install python-qwt4 in jaunty, and get the following message:  python-qwt4: Depends: python (< 2.6) but 2.6.1-0ubuntu9 is to be installed20:44
mbeierlanyone having problems getting PPTP to work in jaunty?  same config as in Intrepid, but cannot get connection in Jaunty.20:46
tomsdalepanos: tried aptitude? seems better with dependencies.20:48
Halowpanos: Why not install python-qwt5 and it's parts?20:48
francisco_tsomebody with kubuntu jaunty to confirm a problem?20:48
panosHalow, I am trying t use some specialized software that depends on that20:49
tomsdalefrancisco_t: go ahead20:49
jtheuerHi, how can it be start kdm starts into the failsave mode, but 'startx' works? Do they use different config files?20:50
HalowOhh... Downgrade to python2.5?20:50
francisco_twith krunner (alt-F2) insert 'power profile' and I can't see the profiles from powerdevil20:50
panostomsdale, same with aptitude. unresolvable dependency20:51
tomsdalefrancisco_t: I can - gives me the profiles and I can switch them as well.20:52
francisco_tok, thanks tomsdale20:52
panosHalow, I have done that. In particular, I changed the symplin in /usr/bin to point to python2.4 and also changed the  /usr/share/python/debian_defaults20:53
capiirawill the gdm stay that ugly ?20:58
cwillucapiira, I hope so20:58
* cwillu huggles the dark theme20:58
capiiralooks so cheap20:58
cwillucapiira, all the old themes are still selectable20:58
Ienorandcapiira: Think so, some people seem to like it *shudders*20:59
capiirai find the old one looks more professional20:59
cwillunot a huge fan of the 3d logo, but I prefer the overall look21:00
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IenorandI think it looks very much "ZOMG darkthem yay!!!!1!1"21:00
capiirai like dark too dust is nice21:00
* cwillu celebrates21:00
IenorandIn a negative way21:00
capiirabut gdm looks chep :D21:01
* cwillu celebrates anyway21:01
joneskoo9.04 boots really fast compared to previous. me likes21:01
cwillujonathaN, try rebooting :)21:01
cwillu(we use kexec now, so it skips the bios) :)21:01
IenorandProblem is... The old GDM theme is *not* selactable and available anymore by default21:02
capiiraold gdm in dark would be cool :D21:02
capiirayeah sadly21:02
joneskooI think I might install 9.04 on vmware fusion, since macbook native is not very usable21:02
joneskooat least 64bit one21:02
mnemocwillu: how can I make not use kexec? for example after getting a new kernel, if I want to get back to grub?21:02
capiiranew one reminds me of a soap box21:02
capiirawith big logo on the side21:03
joneskooWLAN is problematic (my WPA2 PSK network didn't work, my 802.11n 5 GHz network performs really bad etc.)21:03
cwillumnemo, sudo kexec -u will do it once, or you can disable it permanently in /etc/defaults/kexec21:03
joneskooa major improvement is that sleep seems to work quite well based on quick testing21:03
capiiralet me look at gdm again brb21:04
cwillucapiira, soap boxes are professional21:04
mnemocwillu: thanks a lot... I've been search for days for a command to do this21:04
joneskoothe biggest headaches about 9.04 on macbook IMO were that secondary click isn't available and WLAN works bad.21:04
sirderigo-jaunty is very good! i love it21:04
sirderigo-mi laptop hangs up sometimes21:05
Ienorandjaunty is very bad, but I love it anyways.21:05
joneskooon an eeePC 1000HG I hear everything works really nice, I might get one of those for linux use :)21:05
cwillusirderigo-, ext4?21:05
mnemojaunty rocks, except on intel cards where performance is dog slow / unacceptable21:05
capiiralooking positive at it did not make it better :D21:06
sirderigo-cwillu, sure21:06
cwillumnemo, enable uxa if you can21:06
cwillusirderigo-, intel video?21:06
joneskoomnemo: or apple's broadcom or whatever it is21:06
capiiraim running ext4 too on my hp 1000 mini netbook21:06
sirderigo-cwillu, yes again21:06
capiiraalso root crypted21:06
cwillusirderigo-, both of those have lock-up bugs right now, both are being actively work on :p21:06
ActionParsnipyo yo yo21:06
sirderigo-and i havenot uxa enabled21:06
joneskoohm actually I don't remember what this macbook has21:06
capiirabut i think i will skip this release21:07
cwillusirderigo-, in the mean time, you can try using a mainline kernel for now (http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/)21:07
cwillusirderigo-, a 2.6.29 _might_ make things work better21:07
cwilluand it _might_ also just break other stuff21:07
cwilluand it _is_ unsupported :p21:07
sirderigo-cwillu, what could be better?21:07
mnemocwillu: i've been using UXA for the whole jaunty cycle which is a shame really because now EXA got less testing and it still sucks... I feel sorry for all the newbies who's going to upgrade into the current intel+EXA perf situation21:07
capiiraintel here too21:08
sirderigo-and what about GEM?21:08
cwillumnemo, I saw word of a gem disabling patch that might be coming down the pipe21:08
cwilluwhich might restore the exa performance of 945 (the major loss is due to an oversight in gem which isn't fixable in 2.6.28)21:08
capiiranow i know why its choppy21:09
mnemocwillu: that would be very nice... my machine ran a lot faster with intrepid21:09
capiira945 here atom cpu21:09
cwillucapiira, in your xorg.conf, device section, you can try adding AccelMethod "uxa"21:09
mnemoi've tried EXA with 2.6.29 final plus xorg-edgers 1 week ago and the perf problems were still there21:09
sirderigo-a lot of things have slow :'(21:09
capiirahave to think about what to run on my netbook again21:10
cwillusirderigo-, that's irrelevant to this21:10
cwilluand the output is quite normal :p21:10
capiirai dont want to mess around in configs21:10
capiira8.10 worked like a charm21:10
cwillucapiira, then what are you doing running a beta?21:10
capiiraits close to final21:10
sirderigo-1618 frames in 5.0 seconds = 323.568 FPS21:10
cwillusirderigo-, glxgears is not a benchmark :p21:11
mbeierlI put easypeasy onto my daughter's netbook - she loves it over the asus linux that came with it21:11
capiirai don't think it will change that much21:11
sirderigo-capiira, till the final release day it will be unsoported21:11
giacosystem on idle, cpu is being eated by xorg, http://pastie.caboo.se/43418821:11
cwillucapiira, yes, yes it will, there are bug fixes coming constantly.  More importantly, if you're not helping with those bug fixes, then you're just leaching off the limited resources available to isolate problems and fix them21:11
sirderigo-cwillu, that hurts i dont program21:12
cwillusirderigo-, you don't have to, but you do have to be willing to try things suggested, to file bug, and to be generally responsive in that way :)21:12
cwillubut sight-seeing isn't useful :p21:12
sirderigo-what kernel should i use?21:13
cwillutry a 2.6.29, the latest dated one you can see21:13
cwillu(actual date, don't go off the version number)21:13
sirderigo-you know}21:14
ActionParsnipcwillu: i'm on jaunty 2.6.28-11-generic21:14
sirderigo-every time i play whit the kernel it blows up and destroy every in 3 HDD around?21:14
cwilluif it clears up the hanging issues, poke back here and bug me or bugabundo (tell him that a 2.6.29 might have fixed an intel issue)21:14
cwilluActionParsnip, re?21:14
sirderigo-cwillu, i will give 30 minutes21:15
sirderigo-cwillu, you are a MOTU?21:15
mbeierlcwillu: I've been trying to file some bugs in order to help things along, but for some reason, I'm not getting any crash dumps or core files, so my apport automatically opened bugs keep getting closed.  any suggestions?21:15
ActionParsnipcwillu: how did you get the 29 kernel?21:15
cwillusirderigo-, no, just a irc volunteer with an inflated ego :p21:15
capiirakernel.org ;)?21:16
sirderigo-cwillu, who isnt?21:16
gotiniensguys, I'm having problems with the vino vnc server, it only shows me the first frame after I connect. I can move my mouse and can send keyboard command, but the screen on the remote site doesn't get updated21:16
sirderigo-nice to meet you, i think i was the only one whit those 2 things21:16
cwilluActionParsnip, there are mainline builds available from http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/21:16
unixdawgok who broke the internet21:17
mnemoyes, the easiest way to install 2.6.29 on jaunty is to use: http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v2.6.29/linux-image-2.6.29-020629-generic_2.6.29-020629_i386.deb21:17
mbeierlunixdawg: sorry, I think it was me21:17
ActionParsnipcwillu: is it advised to use for standard users?21:17
cwilluActionParsnip, generally not21:17
mnemoActionParsnip: mainline kernels are useful for testing21:17
cwillugood to know if mainline has fixes that could be backported though21:18
sirderigo-thats good we are not normal users ;=21:18
ActionParsnipthen i'll avoid21:18
ActionParsnipkernel is running fine so i'll sit on what i got21:18
* unixdawg is updating now21:19
LordKowmainline kernels are good to use at first. for instance, in ubuntu's case if there is a problem traced to the kernel then you would want to find out if it is an ubuntu patch causing the probs or if it's the mainline kernel21:19
unixdawgbut some how this just feels like doing windows updates21:19
weboidecapiira: do you use lpia or x86 on your hp mini?21:20
ellardoes anyone know how to make pidgin display the msn picture when it pops up saying xyz cam online in indicator applet?21:20
capiirajust normal ubuntu21:21
weboidecapiira: ah ok21:21
capiiragnome-do is enough :)21:21
sirderigo-cwillu, you know what else is broken?21:22
unixdawgok jaunty64 updated21:22
gotiniensOK I seemed to solve the problem, I had to disable desktop effects21:22
weboidecapiira: do you have the sound and wifi working?21:22
capiirawifi in 9.04 yes, sound = no21:22
capiira8.10 all out of the box21:23
weboidecapiira: okay, good to know ;) cause I don't have sound either, but didn't try to fix it yet21:23
capiiraim to lazy for that21:23
capiiradont have time too21:23
capiirai find it sadly that in linux things that worked fine before stops working on next releases21:24
weboideI have a couple hours ahead that I can spend on that, I'll surely post an how-to on my blog if I can fix it21:24
capiirathis drives me nuts21:26
capiiraiirc with 7.04 it was my scanner and 7.10 it was my dmcrypt21:27
capiirafrom my point of view 8.10 and 6.04 was the best releases so far21:28
weboidecapiira: lol, you haven't tried jaunty-finalrelease yet21:29
capiirawe will see :)21:29
weboidewhat's the module you use for wifi? wl or b43?21:30
capiirathe closed source thing21:30
weboidehm because b43 doesn't detect my card, and they use 'wl' on MIE as I remember21:31
capiirabroadcom one21:31
capiiralets see21:31
sirderigo-7.10 was the best ever21:31
capiira7.sta wireless driver says restricted driver manager21:31
capiira7.10 broke my sound too on main pc with xeon system21:32
* cwillu has fond memories of feisty21:32
BUGabundocwillu: edgy was better21:34
BUGabundoguud evening ppl21:34
capiiradislike the no shutdown buttons too21:34
* cwillu pokes BUGabundo with a stick21:34
* BUGabundo feels something scrating21:34
BUGabundocwillu: more to the left, please21:34
cwilluBUGabundo, so, I completely forgot I have a quad cpu vps at my disposal to build these bisection kernels21:35
* cwillu pokes BUGabundo to the left21:35
BUGabundonice for you21:35
cwilluthe downside is that transferring it back takes a bit more time :p21:35
BUGabundoI'm not that happy tonigh so I'll leave it to you21:35
cwillubugs got you down?21:35
* cwillu pokes BUGabundo in the pun21:36
sirderigo-2 minutes for the kernel21:36
cwilluoh yes, introductions21:36
BUGabundodon't want to get even more depressed...21:36
cwilluBUGabundo, sirderigo- and capiira shouldn't be using public betas :)21:36
capiiracompiling makes depressed :)21:37
sirderigo-cwillu, why?21:37
BUGabundoI don't like betas... to stable and crowed21:37
sirderigo-i like to compile21:37
BUGabundoI like alphas21:37
cwillusirderigo- and capiira, BUGabundo is the person who pressured me into reporting bug #352971 :p21:37
ubottuLaunchpad bug 352971 in ubuntu-website "People download and install 9.04 pre-release without a proper understanding of what constitutes a 'production environment'" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35297121:37
cwilluj/k :)21:37
BUGabundoaka #221:37
sirderigo-i actually know what is a production release21:37
BUGabundothe only really good laugh of the day21:37
cwilluI'm milking it for all it's worth :)21:38
capiirabeta is close to final i bet sound issue will exist after final21:38
capiirasta92xx issue21:38
sirderigo-installing the kernel21:38
BUGabundocwillu: I got even some extra doing! yay21:38
cwillu...because they only fix the most inconsequential bugs between beta and release :p21:38
BUGabundodo you guys have trouble with Totem?21:39
BUGabundomine slows down21:39
sirderigo-BUGabundo, mine too21:39
BUGabundovlc and mplayer work ok21:39
BUGabundowait so it's a general bug?21:39
* BUGabundo makes a (small) smille21:39
BUGabundoyay one more but to file21:39
* cwillu tickles BUGabundo 21:39
* BUGabundo hopes its not yet on LP21:39
* BUGabundo giggle21:39
BUGabundocwillu: stop that21:39
* ellar is laughing21:40
* sirderigo- is rofl21:40
* capiira is loling21:40
* cwillu suggests #ubuntu-offtopic for further roflcoptering21:40
* BUGabundo thinks this # has to many /mes21:41
* sirderigo- too21:41
* ellar too and joining #ot21:41
BUGabundook any one found a totem bug on LP?21:41
capiirahehe not mayn there?21:41
BUGabundoI'm on 3G(or better 2G) so everything is slow21:42
BUGabundo                                                    Invalid,                           last updated                           2009-02-2521:42
sirderigo-i gotta reboot and try my new kernel21:42
BUGabundothey are all marked as Invalid!?21:43
unixdawglive isinvalid21:43
unixdawgand was revoked21:43
unixdawgwhat jaunt delayed till AUG21:44
unixdawgit must be a april fools joke21:44
ellarunixdawg, uh, that took some time21:44
sirderigo-capiira, you mean 9.10?21:45
capiiraaug delay heh21:45
unixdawgsorry been a long day21:45
kaktus_hi. ubuntu 8.04 didnt work on my computer. i have som flickering graphic issues. the jauntyversion downloaded a week ago worked fine. now when i updated lots of packages i have the same graphical error. flickering and the whole computer hangs... i have tried to "try to fix x-server" on recoverymode21:45
BUGabundo$ totem --debug doesn't work21:45
kaktus_correction, 8.1021:45
sirderigo-BUGabundo, you like bugs eh21:46
capiirajoin #ubuntu -1 and ask there kaktus_21:46
cwillukaktus_, can I suggest 8.10?21:46
cwillukaktus_, 9.04 isn't released yet, and is unsupported21:46
kaktus_cwillu: as i wrote, 8.10 dont work.21:47
cwilluyou said 8.0421:47
kaktus_cwillu: yeah, but i corrected it below.21:47
cwilluoh, missed that21:47
cwillustill, the place to go then is to #ubuntu, and get 8.10 fixed there :p21:47
kaktus_tried that with no success.21:47
capiirahm sad21:48
kaktus_its weird that it worked before the latest update21:48
cwillunot terribly weird, no21:48
cwilluthings are broken and fixed constantly in prerelease21:48
capiira*nix can be sometimes a pain21:48
kaktus_the same was before, 8.04 worked fine, but when the 8.10 release was updated the error occurred21:48
BUGabundoinicial bug at https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/totem/+bug/35344421:49
ubottuUbuntu bug 353444 in totem "totem slows down" [Undecided,New]21:49
kaktus_cwillu: yeah, that is the backside to using beta.21:49
BUGabundoneed someone that can debug it and add results to bug21:49
capiirawhen it runs then it runs perfect but till it run it can take ages21:49
cwillukaktus_, however, at the very minimum, you need to tell us the video chipset you're running, which driver for that chipset you're using, a pastebin of the xorg.log from the crash, your /etc/x11/xorg.conf file, and some demonstration that you've filed a bug on launchpad for the issue, or have looked for an already reported bug there :p21:49
cwillu(don't confuse the ":p" as meaning I'm not serious) :p21:50
capiiraand when you finaly got it working fine and configured then a new version comes out and break new stuff21:50
kaktus_cwillu: yeah i know, i'm just frustrated. :)21:50
cwillucapiira, generally, if the bug has been reported before you worked around the bug (you didn't fix it if you just 'fixed' it on your computer), things get recovered fairly quickely21:51
kaktus_its kinda hard to paste my xorg.conf when my computer doesnt start any x :)21:51
cwillukaktus_, seriously, go down the list I just typed out, do all those things, it'll help you solve your problem, and it'll help everyone else solve it permanently too :)21:51
BUGabundoso who here also has bug 353444 ??21:51
ubottuLaunchpad bug 353444 in totem "totem slows down" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35344421:51
kaktus_what list21:51
cwillufrom a recovery terminal, "sudo apt-get install pastebinit", and then you can pastebin files by running "pastebinit /path/to/file" or "cat foo | pastebinit"21:52
capiiradid they introduce xorg.conf again ?21:52
cwillukaktus_, the big paragraph I just typed a minute ago :p21:52
kaktus_oh cool21:52
BUGabundosirderigo-: you too?21:52
sirderigo-BUGabundo, yes21:52
cwillucapiira, no, but there's still a shell of one, and depending on the driver he's using/preexisting configuration, there may be more21:52
BUGabundocan you #me too to it?21:52
sirderigo-but i think what all the apps i like are buggy in 9.0421:53
sirderigo-BUGabundo, ?21:53
sirderigo-i dont understand21:53
BUGabundoopen the bug and click on Me Too21:53
cwillusirderigo-, go to the bug report, and click the "this bug affects me too" button21:53
sirderigo-if launchpad loads someday i wil do21:54
sirderigo-time for reboot21:56
sirderigo-pray for me21:56
BUGabundohey MTecknology21:56
exco2is there a known problem with Network Manager not obeying the IPV4 manual ip settings21:56
MTecknologyBUGabundo: hi21:56
LordKowBUGabundo, what kind of "movie"? i do not experience your issue as described in the bug report when playing xvid-encoded video.21:56
MTecknologyBUGabundo: like my pretty new hostmask?21:56
BUGabundoxvid mostly21:57
BUGabundoMTecknology: ah it new? congrads! mail backlog.. didn't read about it yet21:57
LordKowBUGabundo, is there a (legal) online video somewhere that i can download in which you experience this issue?21:57
MTecknologyBUGabundo: the part is that I finally made a donation21:57
BUGabundoLordKow: yes21:58
BUGabundothere are from blender21:58
kaktus_can i deactivate the hardware drivers?21:58
kaktus_in console.21:58
LordKowBUGabundo, direct link21:58
BUGabundoLordKow: http://www.bigbuckbunny.org/index.php/download/21:59
kaktus_ok, trying 8.10 instead, perhaps the gfx work better there now than before ;)21:59
kaktus_thanks for all the help21:59
cwillufeel free to try 9.04 again in another month, it'll be released by then :)22:00
kaktus_yeah, any date yet?22:00
kaktus_i like the 9.04 very much22:00
LordKowBUGabundo, which format? MP4, X264, OGG, or MSMP4?22:00
BUGabundoyou can get just the sample22:01
BUGabundono need for the all movies22:01
BUGabundoon the other hand if you want to test full HD22:01
BUGabundothose are FOSS22:01
LordKowoh well, apparently they are not linked22:01
BUGabundowrong format22:02
BUGabundoyou want mp4 LordKow22:02
LordKowBUGabundo, high-def needs some pretty hefty graphics. what vid card do ou have?22:02
BUGabundoplays fullHD quiet well22:03
BUGabundojust some hickups22:03
BUGabundobut that is not this case22:03
BUGabundomy bug is with regular xvid22:03
LordKowyea the x264 codec is still not nearly perfect. has major stream buffering issues... i get around it by simply downloading the entire video and then playing it22:03
BUGabundosub 72022:03
sirderigoBUGabundo, valla monton de Karma22:05
BUGabundosirderigo: so what?22:06
BUGabundoI work a lot for that22:06
sirderigoBUGabundo, solo digo...22:06
BUGabundoI'm running for Ubuntu Member too... trying to beat MTecknology to it eheh22:07
sirderigoi want to get ubuntu member too someday22:07
sirderigoBUGabundo, your skills are enough22:07
un2himso far jaunty rocks!22:07
BUGabundosirderigo: about the bug?22:07
LordKowwell crap it's already time for real-world work. sorry can't finish this help session BUGabundo most of the vids you linked me to played fine. the MP4 one's did not but i think im missing a codec for that.22:07
BUGabundowhat video formats does it for you ?22:07
BUGabundoLordKow: thanks no the less22:08
un2himJust wish I could resume from suspend with proprietary nvidia driver enabled22:10
BUGabundoun2him: works here22:11
BUGabundohave you debuged X for it?22:11
dtchensuspend and nvidia are black magic22:13
un2himNo, how do I do that?22:13
dtchenhighly dependent on the actual model of the laptop22:14
dtchen(surprise, not dissimilar from audio!)22:14
un2himInspiron 860022:14
BUGabundoun2him: let me get the wiki link for that22:15
BUGabundohmm where did he go?22:17
BUGabundoI have the link22:17
dtchenhis client pinged out22:17
BUGabundoun2him: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Backtracing22:18
BUGabundoyou will need a 2nd pc to connect22:18
denndaIs the indicator applet introduced in Jaunty able to keep track of new mails in thunderbird? Looking at the source I wasn't that much enlighted22:20
=== DBO2 is now known as DBO
Exilanthow big should a jaunty partion be? i thought i was save with 6 gigs for hardy, but now its 98 % full ... is 10 sufficient?22:26
BUGabundoon what you put in there22:27
BUGabundofor me it is not!22:27
cyphermoxsweet! more time for fixing bugs!22:42
BUGabundo   Launchpad will be going offline for maintenance   in 11 minutes.22:49
BUGabundoenjoy now, or go to sleep22:49
mysticdarkhackgreeting all22:49
BUGabundohey mysticdarkhack22:50
mysticdarkhackin jaunty, my font seem a bit blury, is there a way to fresh the font or whatever can smooth out font22:51
ExilantBUGabundo: more than 10 gigs, do you install every package?22:51
BUGabundohumm no22:51
Matsonlooking to do a colo'd server install next week of ubuntu - how stable is 9.04?22:51
BUGabundobut I do install a lot of debug packages22:51
BUGabundoExilant: and that counts pretty fast22:52
Matsonand does it work to simply install the beta and do upgrates/updates up through release date?22:52
BUGabundoplus I have home on another partition22:52
BUGabundoMatson: Yes22:52
Exilantmatson, i get frequent (1/day) hardlocks from the graphics driver22:52
BUGabundomysticdarkhack: you need to ask asac22:52
mysticdarkhackmatson, I would wait till release22:52
BUGabundoExilant: what card?22:52
mysticdarkhackstill some bug need fix22:52
Exilantati mobility radeon22:52
Matsoncool.  thank you22:52
Exilantrv350 or so22:53
BUGabundoExilant: and FS? ext4 ?22:53
Exilantyes, on /22:53
BUGabundousing -ati or closed driver?22:53
BUGabundocwillu: I got one more for you22:53
Exilantafaik the open source one22:53
BUGabundoExilant: cwillu is debuging those kinda of locks22:53
mysticdarkhackasac, hey some told me you might help me with the font blury issue22:54
Exilanti'm afraid i can't provide useful information22:54
Exilantsuddenly, nothing works anymore22:54
asacmysticdarkhack: i am open to bug reports. helping maybe not ;)22:55
mysticdarkhackI like everyone opinion on the new gdm, theme, and usplash22:56
mysticdarkhackasac, well how to I report you some bug since it been awhile I ever report or help out here.22:57
* BUGabundo1 feels reduced to "someone"22:57
Exilantoh poor BUGabundo122:57
mysticdarkhackdo anyone like the new looks?22:57
Exilantwhat new looks?22:58
mysticdarkhackusplash, gdm, themes22:58
mysticdarkhackoh and wallpapers22:58
Exilanti use kubuntu without usplash22:58
BUGabundo1I change all my theme22:59
BUGabundo1and have auto login22:59
mysticdarkhackI look forward to 9.1023:00
josh-lhey folks, something strange is happening when i try to send stuff to trash via dolphin... it pops up a little notification window, and takes a very long time to move to trash, this happened after I logged into a ftp site via dolphin... help? running kubuntu jaunty23:00
asacmysticdarkhack: a good start would be to tell me more info: where do you see the issue, why do you think its wrong; what fonts are you using and so on23:00
zmjjmzHave there been any reported issues booting Jaunty with unetbootin?23:01
BUGabundo1zmjjmz: a few23:02
BUGabundo1the grub gets intalled in the wrong place zmjjmz23:02
zmjjmzunetbootin uses syslinux, does it not?23:02
zmjjmzI mean, I can't even get it to boot, much less install.23:03
josh-lanyone help?23:03
BUGabundo1zmjjmz: like I said!23:03
BUGabundo1josh-l: is the FTP link still up?23:04
josh-lBUGabundo1: no ive even shutdown since23:04
mysticdarkhackasac, I see.. Well the font on firefox seem blury and I'm using the default font which comes with jaunty. even the font on some text on systems a bit blury. I won't my guess probably ati card issue since lot of stuff of still being devedope. Sorry if that didn't help much or the way I'm answering it.23:05
josh-lBUGabundo1: and its only when i try to move to trash, not when i delete23:06
asacmysticdarkhack: ok disable "websites can choose their own fonts" please23:06
asacin firefox preferences23:06
BUGabundo1josh-l: maybe you are trying to download from the server to your local trash?23:06
asacmysticdarkhack: i assume that helps?23:07
josh-lBUGabundo1: i'm not on the server... in a local directory23:07
BUGabundo1didn't you say you used FTP?23:07
josh-lBUGabundo1: i did once yes23:07
mysticdarkhackasac, well that help a bit. I think it definitely the video card issue23:11
mysticdarkhackasac, ty for the workaround thought23:12
mysticdarkhackwell I'm off now all23:14
mysticdarkhacklater and ty all23:14
Jordan_UYou have to give a better fake reason than "due to problems"23:27
BUGabundo1Jordan_U: what?23:28
Jordan_UBUGabundo1, See the topic23:28
BUGabundo1didn't even read it23:32
Blackice2rofl why does IRC room say august and the site says April 23rd LOLZ!23:38
gunniWhats the easiest way to build kde from svn in jaunty? I tried the explanation for kdesvn-build, but the required packages seem to have changed. Someone with a hint on that. btw. Jaunty is running great on my Desktop, my Server and my Laptop.23:42
donaldHi, I am having a problem getting sound to work - everything else, including the proprietary drivers for my video card installed perfectly. When I try to use sound on here, I get this message: "The audio playback device HDA Intel (ALC888 Analog) does not work. Falling back to HDA ATI HDMI, ATI HDMI (HDMI Audio Output)." but still it does not work. Any help? I am using Kubuntu 9.04 beta.23:59

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