
* mase_work is here and willing to help with -intel bugs. 01:22
torkianonew information for bug #348275 if asac or somebody are interested02:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 348275 in linux "[iwlagn] networkmanager applet cannot connect to WPA2 home network" [Unknown,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34827502:46
torkianothe WPA2 don't work only after computer suspend02:47
cavedonhi all04:31
cavedonI am testing ubuntu beta04:31
cavedonI have an annoying regression:04:31
cavedonwhen I reboot or halt, it stops at "will now halt" or "will now reboot" most of the times04:32
cavedonany idea of how to debug that?04:32
ubottuUbuntu bug 349778 in ubuntu "[jaunty] Dell Inspiron 1525 sticks on "System will now halt", works with 2.6.29" [Undecided,New]04:32
keescavedon: check with #ubuntu-kernel it is likely a problem with the "linux" package -- the kernel itself.04:32
cavedonkees: tnx, i'll move there!04:33
dholbachgood morning06:40
YoBoYgood morning06:55
dtchenara: please run the http://www.alsa-project.org/alsa-info.sh bash script and attach the output to bug 30175507:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 301755 in pulseaudio "Crackling noise after update to pulseaudio" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/30175507:32
arahey dtchen :-) sure, will do. I hope to see you in Barcelona ;-)07:32
dtchenara: does raising 'PCM' and lowering 'Master' help? (try using alsamixer)07:44
aradtchen: I'll try07:45
dtchenara: i think i said that backwards07:45
dtchendtchen: i.e., raising 'Master' and lowering 'PCMm'07:45
araso, do I raise Master?07:46
dtchenyes, raise 'Master' and lower 'PCM'07:46
araOK, I am now testing. I will let you know in an hour (here and/or a comment on the bug)07:48
aradtchen: because crackling noise does not happen always. It usually happens: between songs, or when playing a song an a buddy enters pidgin and things like that07:48
dtchenara: bug comment, please. i won't have access to irc for 14 hours07:49
aradtchen: sure07:49
dtchenright. i need to see if i need to roll yet another test kernel.07:49
dtcheni'll outline test instructions after reading your comment(s)07:50
aradtchen: and if the test kernel solved the issue, will does changes (in the kernel) arrive in the ubuntu kernel in jaunty?08:02
loposgood job destroying open office's UI09:29
loposcan we mark this as high and fix quickly?    https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/openoffice.org/+bug/35295409:29
ubottuUbuntu bug 352954 in openoffice.org "icons are not visible in menu (kde)" [Undecided,New]09:29
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BUGabundodaywa1: hay12:41
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theseinfeldI have a question about upstream marking. If you want to mark a bug that needs upstream forwarding, in the wiki it sais, I quote:13:05
theseinfeld<<Open an upstream task, but not assign a bug watch >>13:05
theseinfeldhow do you open an upstream task? Is it the link: "Also affects project"?13:05
theseinfeldin LP13:06
theseinfeldin that case, how do you do the last part << but not assign a bug watch >>13:07
theseinfeldonce you open the "Also affects project" you need to add something there...13:08
theseinfeldor am I missing something?13:08
james_wyou select the project13:08
james_wwhich may be auto-selected13:09
james_wthen on the next bit check "I don't have a bug number right now, I would just like to mark this project as affected" or something13:09
theseinfeldthere are only these options:  I have the URL for the upstream bug:, I have already emailed an upstream bug contact: and  I just want to register that it is upstream right now; I don't have any way to link it.13:10
* theseinfeld is puzzled...13:10
james_wlast one13:11
james_wI was just guessing what the text was13:11
theseinfeldI will try it. I will also change the wiki for this, as it is a bit unclear...13:12
theseinfeldjames_w, the text basically suggests that it is already upstream but there is no link "I just want to register that it is upstream right now; I don't have any way to link it."13:13
theseinfeldI am referring at the "Marking a Bug as Requiring Forwarding"13:14
theseinfeldso, basically it hasn't been reported upstream...13:14
james_wyeah, the wording isn't great13:16
theseinfeldshould I also file agains LP?13:17
theseinfeldthanks for the assuring help! :D13:17
theseinfeldjames_w which si the best launchpad project for the bug report? launchpad-projects or launchpad-foundation?13:19
theseinfeldI am not so great with those launchpad projects :(13:19
theseinfeldor is it launchpad-report-tool (bug report tool?)13:20
james_wyou can just report it on "launchpad"13:20
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BUGabundopedro_: stealing my line? bah14:02
BUGabundohggdh: have you seen yoboy around?14:06
hggdhBUGabundo, no, I have not14:08
torkianohello, I'm the reporter of the bug #348275 . I have news: I can connect in kubuntu BUT not in Ubuntu. I have syslog files if anyone is interesed14:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 348275 in linux "[iwlagn] networkmanager applet cannot connect to WPA2 home network" [Unknown,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34827514:15
Hobbseeasac: ^14:16
BUGabundotorkiano: I can connect with NM on kubuntu but not Ubutnu?14:17
BUGabundois that correct?14:17
torkianoBUGabundo, yes14:17
BUGabundothat's really strange14:18
torkianoyes, i know14:18
BUGabundobetter leave it to asac14:18
EagleScreenIn my university, we have a WPA-Enterprise wifi net, I can connect to it using networkmanager-kde but not with networkmanager-gnome14:19
BUGabundonm-kde is known to be utterly broken on kde 4.2.x14:20
torkianoI use the plasma applet14:20
BUGabundothat's the one broken too14:20
EagleScreennm-kde (KDE3) applet never has failed for me14:21
torkianoBUGabundo, well in my case is working ;)14:22
BUGabundojaunty or ibex?14:22
BUGabundoEagleScreen: I'm talking of kde414:23
EagleScreencurrent kde4 widget for nm is buggy as hell14:23
torkianoBUGabundo, in my case latest jaunty14:24
torkianoand kernel-backports installed14:24
asacHobbsee: looking14:24
hggdhheh. Fast quit...15:56
BUGabundolasted a good 2 min15:57
keesnhandler: you around to approve a feature-freeze-exception?  (bug 352801)16:47
keeser, wrong channel16:47
ubottuError: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: timed out (https://launchpad.net/bugs/352801/+text)16:47
pedro_Ubuntu QA Meeting in ~1 minute at #ubuntu-meeting17:59
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askandIs bug 35341 correctly marked as regression-potential or does something else need to be done?19:59
ubottuLaunchpad bug 35341 in gnome-screensaver "Panels sometimes appear over locked screen" [Low,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/3534119:59
askandSorry,  bug 35334119:59
ubottuLaunchpad bug 353341 in ubuntu "regression - Wlan stopped working" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35334119:59
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tawmasHi all! I was installing from the server CD when I encountered a gotcha. But I'm not sure if I did something stupid or I found a true problem... likely the former.21:07
tawmaswhat I did was to select noexec for the /var partition21:08
tawmasis that a bad idea?21:08
penguin42Hi - which package owns the session selection dialog in the gdm login? Is it gdm or something else? (IN particular this is a style/themeing issue)21:21
james_wpenguin42: I'm pretty sure it's gdm21:25
penguin42the buttons aren't highlighting the current selection properly (well they almost are but you have to look hard)21:27
penguin42on a different one; after an upgrade I've just done (last was probably Sunday) - my panels have just swapped monitors21:27
penguin42hmm actually maybe ubuntu-gdm-tehem21:36
seb128penguin42: see bug #192009 about the panel monitor thing21:40
ubottuLaunchpad bug 192009 in gnome-panel "gnome panel has no way to specify on which screen it should appear" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/19200921:40
penguin42seb128: Yep that looks like the culprit - if I move them back to where they were will they stay there after the next reboot?21:42
seb128no idea I don't use multi monitor and didn't do this change21:43
penguin42ok; you really should - it makes for a much more exciting selection of bugs :-)21:43
BUGabundohumm how can I debug totem slow down?21:47
BUGabundo$ totem --debug doesn't print anything21:47
BUGabundoseb128: is totem one of yours ?21:49
seb128BUGabundo: nothing is specifically mine, it's written by GNOME21:50
seb128BUGabundo: I look at its bugs though21:50
BUGabundoI have an inicial bug at 35344421:51
BUGabundobut not details that will help determine why it slows down21:51
BUGabundo2 more users on +1 confirmed they see the same21:51
seb128bug #35344421:51
ubottuLaunchpad bug 353444 in totem "totem slows down" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35344421:51
bdmurraybryce: regarding bug 353197 does that crash have anythign to do with the nvidia driver?21:54
ubottuBug 353197 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/353197 is private21:54
seb128BUGabundo: I don't understand the description, do you get the same issue with totem-xine?21:54
penguin42seb128: Is there anything that I could do to help #58977 ?   It looks like it needs some specification changes - or have those happened?21:54
seb128bug #5897721:55
ubottuLaunchpad bug 58977 in metacity "Maximizing ignores docked panles with Xinerama" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/5897721:55
BUGabundoseb128: vlc and mplayer work fine21:55
BUGabundolet me see if I have xine21:55
seb128penguin42: no clue I don't use xinerama don't do X and use compiz21:55
BUGabundoseb128: instaling now21:55
brycebdmurray: yes, when you see _nv######() that indicates a crash inside proprietary nvidia code21:55
penguin42seb128: Ah apologies, you were first responder on it21:56
bdmurraybryce: awesome, that's what I was thinking21:56
brycebdmurray: fwiw those kinds of crashes are impossible for us to do anything with21:56
bdmurraybryce: right - I was guessing as much too21:56
penguin42bryce: You having any luck stabilising the intel stuff up?  Jaunty is a lot flakier than intrepid so far, I'm guessing the GEM stuff?21:57
bdmurraybryce: Do you have a standard reply for those?21:57
brycebdmurray: no I just dump them in the appropriate nvidia- bin21:58
brycebdmurray: I suppose there is some value in the aggregate for judging relative stability/bugginess of -nvidia in general21:58
bryceI don't triage nvidia-*, so don't have any stock replies, nor check for dupes, etc.21:59
brycepenguin42: mostly I've been focusing on xserver stabilization in general.  -intel just has so many bugs it's hard to even know where to start22:00
brycepenguin42: I did spend the whole day yesterday just on 8xx bugs22:00
brycepenguin42: so if you're an 855 or 865 user, it should be more stable now.  I haven't any 8xx hardware so can't verify that myself.22:00
bdmurraybryce: How do you know which nvidia- package to use?22:01
penguin42bryce: Ah, I'm 945G22:01
brycebdmurray: sometimes the bug reporter says which one they installed.  If not, put into nvidia -180 and if anyone does bug triaging there some day they can sort it out better22:09
bdmurrayAh, I found it in boot.dmesg22:09
bdmurray[   25.065260] NVRM: loading NVIDIA UNIX x86_64 Kernel Module  180.37  Fri Mar  6 00:32:38 PST 200922:09
bdmurray180 I'm reckoning22:09
bryceyep that looks like -18022:09
BUGabundobryce: can you please provide me with the X debuging wiki link?22:15
BUGabundofound it https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Backtracing22:17
BUGabundouser is having trouble with resume on nvidia22:18
penguin42hmm that's useful - the signals and location of the core is useful22:19
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