
cody-somervilleasac, you really *are* a karma whore.00:07
xnguardDoes OpenJDK provide a Java Control Panel similar to the Sun JDK's?00:38
pittiGood morning06:57
pittiArneGoetje: hi06:57
seb128hello there08:14
* pitti has updated https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam/ReleaseStatus08:31
pittiquite a number of new issues08:31
pittiI need a two hour block of intense hacking to work on my RC bugs; back later08:32
seb128robert_ancell: hi08:32
seb128robert_ancell: could you open your rhythmbox bug upstream too? ;-)08:33
robert_ancellseb128: hey seb08:33
* seb128 read emails from the night08:33
robert_ancellyes, was going to do that...08:33
* robert_ancell is bug juggling08:33
seb128hey mvo08:36
seb128robert_ancell: how was your day? what did you work on?08:36
robert_ancellseb128: now I remember... You said not to confirm your own bugs so I was waiting for someone to do that.  (which has now been done)08:36
mvohey seb12808:36
seb128robert_ancell: well you can open your bugs upstream directly though ;-)08:37
seb128robert_ancell: there is no point to have you open it on launchpad to get me to do the forwarding to bugzilla.gnome.org for example08:37
seb128opening directly to bugzilla is a win for everybody08:37
robert_ancellseb128: I spent some more time on 300954 but haven't really made any more progress.  I don't have good knowledge of this layer so making slow progress - any other eyes greatly welcome08:38
seb128robert_ancell: ok, don't spend to much time on it, it's sort of a corner case08:39
robert_ancellseb128: other than that mostly triaging.  Been trying to get vinagre bugs all upstream08:39
seb128robert_ancell: I got some other higher priority bugs on my list though if you want to have a look to some of those08:39
seb128robert_ancell: good ;-)08:39
robert_ancellseb128: a list of bugs would be good.  I still don't have a good overview of the problems out there so I'm kind of starting at the bottom hunting for bugs to fix (which is also good so I know which bugs are duplicates)08:40
seb128does anybody has gnome-sound-properties freezing?08:40
robert_ancellseb128: regarding the rhythmbox issue:  I opened that against Ubuntu because08:41
robert_ancellseb128: a) I didn't have a GNOME checkout08:41
robert_ancellseb128: b) It will affect other Ubuntu users08:41
seb128robert_ancell: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/~desktop-bugs, click on the advanced search and select milestoned 9.04 and you get a list of issues that would be nice to work on for jaunty08:41
seb128robert_ancell: right, I would advice to open on launchpad and upstream in those case or make a comment saying that you will forward upstream after investigation so bug triagers don't pick it up for you08:42
seb128robert_ancell: I usually don't bother testing on svn we have recent version (ie the current tarball is 2 weeks old)08:43
seb128but if you test with svn that's better ;-)08:43
robert_ancellseb128: cool.  will do in the future.08:44
seb128robert_ancell: do you have an ipod? ;-)08:44
robert_ancellseb128: I have a 2nd gen iPod (somewhere)08:44
seb128robert_ancell: bug #312902 might be not too hard to fix, it's pretty well described in the upstream bug with the faulty code etc08:45
ubottuLaunchpad bug 312902 in rhythmbox "Rhythmbox asks to overwrite files during transfer to iPod" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/31290208:45
seb128robert_ancell: that would be worth fixing if you want to have a look tomorrow08:45
robert_ancellok, will do08:45
seb128robert_ancell: it's just the filename randomization which is not random enough08:45
seb128it cames with several time the same filename for different track easily08:46
seb128I will add some bugs today to the milestoned list so feel free to watch that list daily too if you want to pick on new jaunty bugs to fix08:46
robert_ancellseb128: question regarding .deb bug 39812 - is there anything else that can be asked to work out what failed?08:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 39812 in libgnome "installation breaks with 'subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 245'" [Medium,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/3981208:47
seb128robert_ancell: well if the crash happened only one the odd are that either gconftool-2 or scrollkeeper-update crashed08:48
seb128that happens sometime but never when you try to valgrind it or not often enough for that08:49
robert_ancellseb128: would that be logged anywhere?08:49
seb128the scrollkeeper-update bugs usually seems to be corruptions08:49
seb128we have the libc stacktraces but that's not useful08:49
seb128we would need a valgrind log08:49
seb128some of those issues are also local corruptions, faulty ram or disk errors08:50
seb128those bugs are either clear issues or weird cases08:50
seb128don't focus on weird cases08:50
robert_ancellseb128: so what to do?  Close out?08:50
seb128that one is closed yes08:50
seb128I usually ask if that happens every time, if "sudo apt-get -f install" still trigger the bug08:51
seb128and close the bug if it doesn't saying that was a glitch and that we lack informations to debug it08:51
seb128that's not optimal so if you have a better idea on how to debug those or ask for details feel free to do it ;-)08:52
robert_ancellno, I have no ideas (except it would be nice if there was some more loggin)08:55
seb128that's probably not a priority for jaunty now08:55
seb128the rush is on fixing user visible issues08:55
seb128but we should work on that next cycle08:56
robert_ancellseb128: another bug question - there are number of bugs like bug 212629 where the issue affects multiple ubuntu packages - how do you stop it affecting a package? For instance this bug was opened against vinagre, then linked to vino so it doesn't really affect vinagre now08:57
ubottuLaunchpad bug 212629 in vino "VNC should confirm granting control of desktop" [Unknown,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/21262908:57
seb128robert_ancell: usually better to change the component than opening a new task08:58
seb128robert_ancell: just mark the vinagre task invalid if there 2 tasks and only one is correct08:58
robert_ancellseb128: calling it a night here, any requests?  I'll try and find some meatier bugs tomorrow09:00
seb128robert_ancell: no, don't spend too much time on side issues but look at the milestoned bugs and help triaging if you can ;-)09:02
robert_ancelllater all09:02
seb128james_w: hey, congrats you have broken gnome-panel ;-)09:12
mvoasac: python-xpcom is not installable, is that something we care about?09:12
seb128james_w: it's only on NX setups so no real worry, I commented on the upstream bug about that09:14
james_wah, good to know, thanks09:14
james_wI assume we'll give it a few days to improve the patch, and then revert if necessary?09:15
seb128james_w: right09:15
james_wcool, thanks09:15
seb128np, thanks for the work on the bug ;-)09:16
asacmvo: no09:29
asacpitti: actually should be removed from archive together with all xul 1.809:29
asaci asked lool about mobile-basic-flash, he said they dont need it. i will reconfirm that  now ;)09:30
asacoh lool is here ;) ^^09:30
asacpitti: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/bugs/35296809:56
ubottuUbuntu bug 352968 in xulrunner "remove xulrunner 1.8 and all left over rdepend binaries from jaunty archive." [High,Triaged]09:56
pittiasac: I see; the archive admins will care for that, thanks10:16
=== asac_ is now known as asac
Ngre the indicator applet, on all the other jaunty machines in the office people seem to get a little panel applet with an envelope in it. I don't (having added it to the panel). Is that because I'm using empathy and not pidgin, so nothing is talking to it so it's staying hidden? or should I file a bug?10:55
pittiNg: it's meant to appear when pidgin or evolution are running10:56
Ngfair enough. I'll wait for the future to catch up with me and be Empathy ;)10:56
Ngthanks ;)10:56
pittiheh, no problem10:56
asacso tracker is still completely broken?10:59
asaci told him to index one folder only10:59
asacthat folder has only one file in it11:00
asacstill it indexes all the time :(11:00
asacand no info given what its currently indexing either (e.g. no mouse hover info)11:00
seb128asac: open bugs on launchpad, upstream is tracking issues there11:01
asacok. those appeared to be so obvious that i wondered if its maintained at all ;)11:01
asacis anyone using tracker here? or am i alone?11:01
seb128I don't, I don't think it does anything useful11:02
seb128and it does create io load11:02
asacseb128: do we install it by default still?11:02
seb128bryce: could you comment on why you think bug #337926 is ct-rev?11:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 337926 in xfree86-driver-synaptics "vino: mouse cursor stays in upper left corner" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33792611:04
chrisccoulsonasac - i used to use tracker but I stopped using it in Jaunty as my machine grinds to a halt when it's indexing11:05
bryceseb128: insufficient explanation why it was assigned in the first place11:08
bryceesp. with bugs that are med prior, you really need to justify why you assign to me, when there are so many high prio X bugs that need attention11:08
asacchrisccoulson: yes. i think the problem is that its indexing full HOME ... no matter what11:09
asacfiled bug 35300811:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 353008 in tracker "tracker indexes all the time even though only "one" folder with "one" file configured for indexing" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35300811:09
bryceat this stage, even with high prio bugs, I am focusing my priorities on ones that have patches or for which a patch is pretty easy to figure out.11:09
asacalso bug 35301011:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 353010 in tracker "tracker applet doesn't show what directory/file it currently indexes" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35301011:10
seb128bryce_: it basically makes vnc unusable for synaptic users in jaunty apparently11:10
chrisccoulsonasac - interesting, i'll try that when i get home.11:10
chrisccoulsoni normally use tracker to index my entire home folder, so i didn't notice that11:11
asacchrisccoulson: yeah. but even that is most likely just doing something wrong11:11
asaci looked at statistics and even though it indexed for 3 days now (the folder with 1 file)11:11
asaci only have a few files indexed11:11
asacso it definitly makes a lot of noise for nothing11:12
asacfixing that might also make indexing HOME better11:12
chrisccoulsonthat definately sounds like something is wrong11:12
seb128chrisccoulson: btw want to do the tracker update?11:12
asaci think we want a desktop indexer at some point ;)11:12
chrisccoulsonseb128 - yeah, i can work on that11:12
seb128chrisccoulson: there is a new bug fix version, debian did update already11:12
seb128chrisccoulson: thanks!11:12
asacits a shame that it became worse since we first tried to get it installed by default11:12
bryceseb128: honestly I think there are worse X bugs...11:13
asacchrisccoulson: if you need a sponsor let me know ;)11:13
seb128bryce: right, not a reason to drop the bug on the ground though11:13
bryceseb128: however if y'all uncover a patch I'd be happy to put it in.11:13
chrisccoulsonasac - for me, i don't think it's entirely a tracker issue. anything that involves any moderate disk IO on my machine grinds it to a halt, to the point that the mouse cursor stutters and pauses for several seconds at a time11:13
seb128bryce: not likely I'm not using synaptic, would "downgrade the synaptic xorg package to the intrepid version" do? ;-)11:14
bryceseb128: how does "unassign myself" == "drop the bug on the ground"??11:14
asacchrisccoulson: yeah, but tracker infinitely grinding doesnt make things better ... even for your IO issues ;)11:14
seb128bryce: well that's what I meant ct-rev to mean == "not really something we care about"11:14
chrisccoulsoni agree :)11:14
asacseb128: want something to smile?11:14
asacseb128: http://www.sofaraway.org/ubuntu/tmp/karma-seb128.png ;)11:14
seb128asac: always ;-)11:14
asacsomehow makes all your 24/7 bug work voiud11:15
asacbut still funny11:15
asaceven me got a boost : http://www.sofaraway.org/ubuntu/tmp/karma-asac.png11:15
seb128asac: they count all the translations updates for the uploads you do11:15
asacpitti: look at the ridiculous translation karma everbody gets for uploads11:15
pittithat's a bug11:15
asacseb128: noticed that ;)11:16
asacobviously yes ;)11:16
seb128asac: I'm still beating you on the karma level so that's good :-P11:16
asacdamn ...11:16
* asac searches for new tricks11:16
seb128the answer tracker seems to pay a lot too11:17
asaclet me reupload nm-applet like 100 times ;)11:17
asacseb128: yeah. your answer work seems to carry fruits11:17
brycetrue glory only comes from bug tracker karma ;-)11:17
asacdo you just move everything thats stupid to answer tracker?11:17
asacbryce: previously true glory also came from translations11:18
asacyou had to translate like 100k strings to get 30k karma ;)11:18
seb128asac: yes11:18
asacnow you upload gnome apps and get a massive boost ;)11:18
seb128asac: bugs which are "nautilus doesn't work please fix it" -> answer tracker11:18
asacseb128: i always feel a bit reluctant about doing that because i feel like i should actually make a real question out of it11:19
asacand often its mostly like "nothing works here, help!"11:19
asacbut maybe i should just convert those things too11:19
seb128asac: days only have 24 hours and I get enough good quality bugs to be busy during those11:19
asacseb128: do you follow how well those "stupid" bugs get resolved after making questions out of them?11:20
seb128there is no point to keep noise there11:20
seb128no, I just ignore those11:20
seb128the answer tracker guys manage to bounce that back as a bug if they figure that's one11:20
seb128otherwise I let them deal with answering to users11:20
seb128enough real bug emails to read11:20
asacseb128: can someone make bugs out of them again?11:21
asaci think i had questions that suddenly reappeared as bugs11:21
seb128there is a convert to bug button there11:21
asacok so thats normal11:21
seb128the same way there is a convert to question on the bug page11:21
asacseb128: can the reporter do that?11:21
seb128I think so11:21
asacok thats explains it11:22
asacso convert to question is still not the "push into sink where reporter cannot come back from again"11:22
asacchrisccoulson: are you doing bug triage on tracker a bit too?11:28
asacchrisccoulson: almost all crashes are still private ... not sure if upstream sees them11:28
seb128asac: upstream is doing but they will probably not no11:28
asacchrisccoulson: we should at least open them up for upstream ... or subscribe upstream11:29
seb128I expect most can be marked public, we just need to do that on a regular basis11:29
asacmaybe adding "tracker" project part would make them open for them?11:29
seb128shame that we don't get emails about apport-crash bugs11:29
asacseb128: right. i am currently looking for someone who could do that regularly ;)11:30
asacagree. emails would be nice to trigger bug triage interrupts11:30
seb128asac: tracker has been mostly rewritten this year, work paid by nokia apparently11:30
seb128asac: the current team is eager to fix the issue we have too11:30
asacdo we have that rewrite?11:30
=== eeejay is now known as eeejay_hummus
seb128that 0.6.9n11:30
seb128that's 0.6.9n11:30
asachmm. so maybe thats the reason it appears like a regression to me11:30
seb128well there is people paid to work full time on it I think11:31
seb128so just make sure to open bugs11:31
seb128they rolled a new bug fix version some days ago11:31
seb128and they told me they watch launchpad to fix issues reported tehre11:31
asaci dont have time for more bug work ;) ... i can do that sporadically, but not reliably ;)11:31
asacseb128: thats great. (e.g. that they use launchpad)11:31
seb128I mean if it doesn't work for you don't hesitate to open a bug11:31
asacdo they look at ubuntu packages or only "tracker" tasks?11:32
seb128the ubuntu package I think11:32
asacwe really have to get crashes out of bug DB imo. if they are anonymized we can just open up and remove coredump after a month or so11:32
brycewell, it's after 3:30 in the morning, I've been working on bugs since 9am.  Wife says it's time to go to bed.11:33
asacbryce: sleep is for the weak ;)11:33
seb128bryce: looks like a deserved to get sleep indeed ;-)11:33
pittibryce: ugh, still awake?11:34
bryceasac: I'll tell my wife that11:34
seb128bryce: 'night11:34
* pitti hugs bryce11:34
asacbryce: the problem about huge bug batches is that every mail you send triggers about 3 replies ;)11:34
asacso if you sleep you will have a hard time to stay on top11:34
brycepitti: sorry I didn't get to the patch you pointed out; it's in the queue though.  Will get to it tomorrow.11:34
asacbryce: sleep well ;)11:34
pittibryce: which patch?11:34
bryceum... *rummage*11:35
pittibryce: btw, I'll update my PPA with the watermark fix again, it got shadowed by your ubuntu411:35
pittiI hope I'll get some more testing feedback soon11:35
ubottuFreedesktop bug 19304 in Driver/intel "[i945 FBC] spontaneous black screen (major pipe-A underrun)" [Major,Reopened]11:35
pittibryce: oh, I assigned that to me in Ubuntu11:35
pittibryce: I updated the ubuntu bug and called for testing11:35
bryceah ok great11:36
pittibryce: I can handle that if you want me to11:36
brycesure, that'd be a help11:36
pitti(have a test package in ppa)11:36
pittibryce: sleep well! great work11:36
* bryce --> Zzz11:36
chrisccoulsonhi asac, i haven't been working on tracker specifically, but I can dedicate some time to go through some of the old bug reports11:39
asacchrisccoulson: do you have access to crashes?11:40
asacchrisccoulson: i am mostly concerned about the crashes ... that they get opened up11:40
asacchrisccoulson: if you want i can give you a python script that removes CoreDump and open ups11:40
chrisccoulsontbh, a lot of the old crashers can probably be closed. the codebase has changed significantly between 0.6.6 and 0.6.90 and probably makes a lot of them obsolete11:40
chrisccoulsoni can access the crashers, so i can probably go through some of them later11:40
seb128we should autoclose all the < 0.6.90 crashers11:41
asacchrisccoulson: yeah thats true. crashers are usually only useless if done in a timely fashion ... but we should take care that that happens in future at least11:41
seb128asking to try again in jaunty saying it has been rewritten11:41
asacs/only useless/only useful/11:41
chrisccoulsonyeah, i think we should probably close the old crashers now too11:41
seb128that's for tracker11:41
chrisccoulsoni can maybe do some of that over my lunch break11:41
seb128I think we should also autoclose all the apport-crash bugs reported before hardy and which didn't get an update since they have been opened too11:42
seb128we have so much useless cruft there11:42
davmor2indicator applet keeps losing evo.  When I use alltray on evo11:44
chrisccoulsondavmor2 - bug 345599?11:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 345599 in indicator-applet "indicator applet disappears" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34559911:47
davmor2chrisccoulson: no applet doesn't disappear only evolutions entry in it.11:50
davmor2chrisccoulson: pidgin's stays in11:50
chrisccoulsonmight still be the same bug though. for me, they both disappear eventually, causing the applet to hide11:52
davmor2chrisccoulson: Ah right thanks11:52
asacmvo: do you know if scott richie is online somewhere/somtimes?11:57
pittiasac: YokoZar12:00
pittiin #ubuntu-devel12:00
asaccool. great12:02
mvoasac: yes, what pitti said12:18
* pitti hugs seb128 for nailing bug 32597312:24
ubottuLaunchpad bug 325973 in nautilus "gnome-session keeps respawning nautilus when no desktop is drawed" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32597312:24
=== eeejay_hummus is now known as eeejay
mvoseb128: when update-manager did its auto-launch dance, what gconf entry has "regular_auto_launch_interval" ?12:50
* seb128 backs from lunch12:57
* seb128 hugs pitti12:57
seb128mvo: no idea I didn't snapshot the system, it's set to 7 right now12:57
mvoseb128: but its very likely that it was 7 then too, you did not change it in between13:02
seb128no I didn't change anything13:02
seb128I'm acting normal user on this box13:02
seb128davidbarth: hi13:02
seb128davidbarth: you forgot to push your notify-osd changes?13:02
seb128mvo: ahah, got the bug again!13:03
seb128mvo: I set the key to 0, used synaptic and13:03
seb128(update-notifier:8262): update-DEBUG: is_package_system_locked: 013:03
seb128(update-notifier:8262): update-DEBUG: interval_days from gconf: 013:03
seb128(update-notifier:8262): update-DEBUG: update_apt_is_running: 013:03
seb128that's "update-notifier --debug-updates"13:03
mvoseb128: by setting it to 0 this is expected, it will auto-launch every time something is there to update13:03
seb128mvo: well should it run after each package installed in synaptic?13:04
seb128mvo: I don't do an apt-get update or anything13:04
seb128mvo: the situation was similar the other day, the value was 7 and I had 7 days of non updates13:04
seb128mvo: it if I use synaptic 10 times today I will get update-manager auto opening 10 times13:05
seb128mvo: what debug flag should I be using?13:10
mvoseb128: --debug-updates --debug-inotify13:11
seb128ok, so I run it, update-manager starts, I close it13:11
seb128until there that's what I expect13:11
seb128now I open synaptic because I want to update jockey13:11
seb128I install jockey13:12
seb128update-manager opens again13:12
seb128is that expected?13:12
mvoseb128: that is with auto-open interval set to "0" ? then yes. in your 7 days case (yesterday) it should have noticed that dpkg was run and should not auto-open13:12
seb128so that is not a good way to simulate the situation13:12
seb128what does it compare the 7 days to?13:12
* seb128 kicks bzr too, stupid thing13:13
seb128stop telling me to use bzr upgrade, I did it 15 times now13:13
mvoseb128: gconf timestamp when u-m was run, /var/log/dpkg.log /var/log/apt/term.log13:13
mvomtime and ctime13:13
mvowhatever is newer13:13
mvothat is what puzzles me :/13:14
mvothat it shuld not happen (but then, bugs never should)13:14
seb128mvo: is there a way to change the ctime?13:31
pittiseb128: you want to change the ctime of a file?13:32
seb128pitti: yes13:32
seb128touch change the mtime and atime but not the ctime apparently13:32
pittitouch --time=ctime -r reference-file file13:32
seb128what is reference-file?13:33
pittia file which has the time you want to set "file" to13:33
pittiseb128: if you need an arbitrary time, I'd recomend python -c 'import os; os.utime()'13:34
pittiah no, doens't change ctime13:34
fta2hi, my syslog is flooded with messages from indicator-applet, is that expected? http://paste.ubuntu.com/142020/13:35
seb128hey fta2, you only join this channel to report bugs nowadays ;-)13:36
seb128I would say that's a bug, open it on launchpad13:37
chrisccoulsonfta2 - bug 34651313:37
ubottuLaunchpad bug 346513 in indicator-applet ""dbus-daemon: Rejected send message" for indicator-applet spams /var/log/auth.log" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34651313:37
fta2seb128, i'm always there as 'fta'. all my other clones are bug reporters ;)13:37
fta2chrisccoulson, ok, thanks13:38
fta2<fta2> seb128, i'm always there as 'fta'. all my other clones are bug reporters ;)13:38
seb128ah ;-)13:38
fta2i'm fta only on my main desktop at home13:39
fta2asac, what did you do with your gtk2 patch for ia32-libs? any progress?13:47
fta2asac, i'm still getting the infamous Gtk-Message: Failed to load module "canberra-gtk-module": /usr/lib/gtk-2.0/modules/libcanberra-gtk-module.so: wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS6413:48
asaclet me check if i still have that13:48
* asac hopes he didnt revert it to hack on something else13:48
chrisccoulsonpitti - re bug 351122 - remember that the latest version of glib doesn't convert "%U" in to a URI now where a local path name exists (it substitutes with the local path name instead)13:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 351122 in gthumb "gthumb doesn't work with gphoto (was please disable gphoto2 backend for Jaunty)" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35112213:50
chrisccoulsoni don't know if that messes up your fix, as I can't test it yet13:50
chrisccoulsonbut that behaviour is different from intrepid13:50
pittichrisccoulson: right, that's why I reopened it13:51
chrisccoulsoncool - i wasn't sure if you were aware of that or not, and i wasn't sure if that's what was causing the regression13:52
seb128hey rickspencer314:01
rickspencer3hey seb12814:01
seb128vuntz: do you know how the dbus session bus is started on opensuse? do you let gnome-session start it?14:02
pittihey rickspencer3, good morning14:03
* pitti crosses another 4 bugs from ReleaseStatus14:03
kenvandine_wkpitti: woot!14:09
mvoseb128: I just checked, the code that checks the dpkg and apt log stamps was added 1 march - if the update-notifier running was older than that, that would explain the launching you have seen. I just used a little python script to unset my gconf launch time and the mtimes of the logs, but I did not get the auto launch madness that you had, it correctly read the timestamps from the logs14:39
seb128mvo: I've not been able to change the ctime to test, I might play with hwclock later14:40
mvoseb128: I hacked it to set ctime to a very old date iinside update-notifier (os.utime seems to just change mtime). but the effect should be the same14:43
mvoseb128: so no luck, sorry :(14:44
seb128mvo: don't worry that's a small issue14:44
seb128mvo: I'm sure I updated before going to London and I stopped the desktop the week I was not there14:45
seb128so I was running the mar 1 version or never for sure14:45
seb128I set it to 1 day now14:45
seb128I will try again tomorrow14:45
mvoseb128: maybe you can set the --debug options in the autostart file? so that those are captured in any case?14:48
seb128will do14:48
seb128pitti: I updated notify-osd to 0.9.8, let me know if I screwed again the bzr ;-)14:55
seb128pitti: the amd64 retracer crashed again on "KeyError: 'Stacktrace'", I removed the lock I think the retry worked yesterday without untagging14:57
mptrickspencer3, good morning, do you have time for a call about package management?14:58
rickspencer3mpt: I will later15:31
rickspencer3prolly in an hour or so15:32
mptrickspencer3, ok, I'll ask again in an hour :-)15:32
pittiseb128: hm, since yesterday or today, gnome-panel hangs for me on every startup; I need to open a terminal and killall gnome-panel15:35
pittiis that known?15:36
seb128or there is a similar bug but no useful informations there15:36
pittiok, I'll give it some more attention then15:37
seb128get a stacktrace if possible15:37
seb128the only change yesterday was a patch to better handle multiple monitor situations15:37
pittior it's indicator-applet causing a hang or so15:39
pittiseb128: notify-osd> looks fine! I usually add the changelog when merging from trunk, not in the commit after, but that's just nitpicking15:44
seb128pitti: ok good ;-)15:44
seb128pitti: thanks again for the explanations yesterday15:44
dobeypitti: hey!16:07
dobeypitti: do you know if it's sensible/possible for a distutils Command to return something from run()?16:08
dobeyor is it supposed to return None always?16:08
pittidobey: I don't think it makes sense to return something; you can save internal state in the command object, though16:16
dobeypitti: well i'm just wondering how to handle failures of things like pylint, pydoctor, unittest, trial test, etc...16:16
dobeypylint is a more special case i think though16:17
pittidobey: raise DistutilsExecError perhaps?16:19
pittior DistutilsSetupError16:19
pittior a simple assert will probably do as well16:19
kenvandine_wkpitti: can you sponsor indicate-python for me?16:20
kenvandine_wkbug 34493616:20
ubottuLaunchpad bug 344936 in indicator-applet "initial packaging of indicate-python" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34493616:20
pittikenvandine_wk: can you please subscribe ubuntu-universe-sponsors and me? I'm quite busy ATM16:23
pittiI'll try to do it ASAP16:23
kenvandine_wki already subscribed ubuntu-universe-sponsors16:24
kenvandine_wkwill add you16:24
mptrickspencer3, there was one more thing I needed to discuss16:56
rickspencer3mpt: ok, I have a call in 3 mins :(16:56
rickspencer3after that?16:56
mptrickspencer3, and that is that either bug 333284 or bug 353195 really really should be fixed for 9.0416:57
ubottuLaunchpad bug 333284 in compiz "With focus_on_map = FALSE, window still opens in front" [Unknown,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33328416:57
ubottuLaunchpad bug 353195 in update-manager "When started automatically, should open minimized and request attention" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35319516:57
mptbecause otherwise, Update Manager grabs focus when you're running Compiz.16:57
rickspencer3mpt: ok16:57
mptCan you arrange that?16:58
rickspencer3those are foundation bugs, mvo has those16:58
rickspencer3mpt: I'll check it out when I get a chance17:00
mvompt, rickspencer3: sorry that I have not acted on those yet, there is a bunch of upgrade problems (mostly with python) that also need attention. and especially the compiz stacking fix is not trivial17:07
rickspencer3mvo: we know you're working hard in priority order17:07
* pitti whistles and ditches another desktop RC bug17:10
* kenvandine_wk -> lunch17:11
seb128pitti: which one did you tackle now? ;-)à17:13
pittibug 34962117:13
ubottuLaunchpad bug 349621 in apport "real kerneloops and suspend/hibernate/resume bugs are hard to separate" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34962117:13
pittiapparently an easy one17:13
pittibut I was working on apport anyway17:14
pittiand that one drove the kernel guys crazy17:14
* pitti -> dinner17:14
pittihttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam/ReleaseStatus -> 6 to go, go desktop team!17:14
pittiI updated the list this morning with everything desktop-ish from jaunty/+bugs, so it should be fairly complete17:15
crevettehttp://tuxradar.com/content/ubuntu-rewrite-linux-kernel-using-mono :)17:15
seb128pitti: I think you can drop the tracker one from there since we don't install it by default17:16
seb128pitti: and chriscoulson should get the new tracker packaged soon17:17
loolasac: I mailed ubuntu-mobile to ask whether anybody was still using MBF; nobody replied...17:53
loolasac: I think you can drop it like tomorrow or in two days17:54
loolasac: Thanks for pinging about this BTW17:54
asaclool: yeah. already filed the removal bug for xulrunner and subscribed -archive17:54
asacguess we should add mobile-basic-flash there too17:54
loolasac: TY17:54
asacbug 35296817:55
ubottuLaunchpad bug 352968 in xulrunner "remove xulrunner 1.8 and all left over rdepend binaries from jaunty archive." [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35296817:55
asaclool: ok added mbf17:56
loolasac: Thanks17:58
asaclool: whats the support status of mbf in hardy?18:09
asaclool: can you find someone to check the xul 1.8 packages we have in https://edge.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-mozilla-security/+archive/ppa18:09
asacfor hardy18:09
asacotherwise those will just go out18:09
loolasac: Please push as soon as ready; we're only supporting it via a PPA18:09
loolasac: Frankly, I don't see myself having the time to look at this in the coming days; too many issues to look at for final18:10
loolasac: Could you shoot me an email about that?18:10
=== bratsche is now known as MrT
=== MrT is now known as bratsche
dobeypitti: still around?19:16
=== Nicke_ is now known as Nicke
=== dobey_ is now known as dobey
seb128Ampelbein: hi, do you want to do a lib update?20:54
Ampelbeinseb128: hi. sure, if you got the nerve to stand some nagging questions by me ;-)20:55
seb128Ampelbein: ok, so http://download.gnome.org/sources/totem-pl-parser/2.26/totem-pl-parser-2.26.1.tar.gz is for you20:55
chrisccoulsonseb128 - just doing the tracker merge now. should we drop the patch that disables indexing by default, as it's not on the default install now is it? users who install it manually probably expect it to index without having to explicitly enable it21:17
seb128chrisccoulson: no, people upgrading still have it installed21:18
seb128we need to sort that but it's late for a such change21:18
seb128next cycle21:18
chrisccoulsonah, ok21:18
chrisccoulsoni'll leave it in for now then21:18
chrisccoulsonyou're welcome21:21
Ampelbeinseb128: 35341221:22
seb128Ampelbein: thanks21:22
Ampelbeinseb128: erm bug #35341221:22
ubottuLaunchpad bug 353412 in totem-pl-parser "Please sponsor version 2.26.1 in jaunty" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35341221:22
Ampelbeinno problem.21:22
Ampelbeinseb128: what library do you want me to update?21:29
seb128Ampelbein: that was it21:29
Ampelbeinhmm. that was not too complicated.21:30
seb128did you check if they changed symbols?21:30
Ampelbeini ran check-symbols totem-pl-parser21:34
seb128ok good21:35
Ampelbeinif a symbol has changed, how do i find out what package depends on it?21:37
Ampelbeindo i just go through the rdepends of the library-file?21:37
seb128to do what?21:37
seb128if there is a new symbol the shlibs needs to be updated21:37
Ampelbeinto see what packages could be broken.21:37
seb128if they broke ABI the soname need to be changed and the library binary package name too21:38
seb128apt-cache rdepends library21:38
seb128nothing breaks21:38
seb128if they break compatibility the soname has to change21:38
seb128the old version stay available21:38
seb128and we rebuild things against the new one21:38
seb128lut huats21:40
Ampelbeinah, ok. i think i understood the general way to go. but i will need to read a bit more about shlibs.21:41
huatshello seb12821:41
huatshow are yuou ?21:41
seb128good, you?21:41
seb128how are SL?21:41
huatsgood and very tired :)21:41
huatsSL are great21:41
huatslots of people21:41
seb128how is the ubuntu stand? ;-)21:42
huatsand lots of people interested in ubuntu :)21:42
huatsthe ubuntu stand is GREAT21:42
huatsand the ubuntu-fr one is quite nice too ;)21:42
didrockshi seb128 :)21:44
seb128lut didrocks21:44
huatsseb128: don't bother to ask didrocks how the ubuntu-fr booth is... we barely seem him....21:45
didrockshuats: you are a liar, you are always slackering in other booths :)21:45
huatsseb128: you can ask anyone... you know me...21:45
didrocksjust give me two minutes, that I can kill hyperair first who just drop one of my patch…21:46
seb128didrocks: so you really meant it ;-)21:50
didrocksseb128: excellent :-)21:51
didrocksI'm sure he read this and just disconnect his computer with the cable :p21:52
Ampelbeinseb128: strange. when doing the check-symbols in my pbuilder-chroot it gives no changes. From my live-system it gives one dropped symbol: http://paste.ubuntu.com/142332/21:54
Ampelbeinseb128: will this be a problem? [22:54] <Ampelbein> seb128: strange. when doing the check-symbols in my pbuilder-chroot it gives no changes. From my live-system it gives one dropped symbol: http://paste.ubuntu.com/142332/22:09
seb128Ampelbein: that seems a non public symbol and not an issue22:13
seb128Ampelbein: ie it's not defined in the .h installed22:13
Ampelbeinok, thanks.22:13
denndaIs the indicator applet introduced in Jaunty able to keep track of new mails in thunderbird? Looking at the source I wasn't that much enlighted22:18
rickspencer3dennda: the applet is a container, any app can use it22:20
rickspencer3I suspect that asac is working on tb integration, but I'm not 100% certain22:21
denndarickspencer3: What must the app do?22:22
rickspencer3dennda: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NotificationDevelopmentGuidelines22:22
rickspencer3it's real simple22:22
rickspencer3that link shows how to use notify-osd22:22
rickspencer3let me see if I can get you a link on indicator-applet integration22:23
denndawell that's some change that needs to be hacked into thunderbird, correct?22:23
asacdennda: the idea is to make a generic indicator service in xulrunner that can be used by tbird or other xul mail/messaging apps22:24
asacthunderbird would then need some hacking to properly use that22:25
denndaso something for 9.1022:25
denndaor a 3rd party package22:25
asacdefinitly not before tbird 3 ;)22:25
asacupstream will probably not get that before 3.1; but if we have a good solution (or a good intermediate one), we want to pick that to tbird 322:26
denndawould be great...22:26
denndabecause right now that indicator applet just displays pidgins messages, and that's kinda pointless22:26
dennda(and I can't use evolution)22:26
rickspencer3dennda: there are a few other apps that use it as well, but missing tb is painful22:27
asacyes. the indicator framework came too late to migrate many apps on it.22:27
rickspencer3lots of people prefer it as their mail client22:27
asaci would have loved to fix my preferred messenter22:27
asactoo (gajim)22:27
seb128and xchat-gnome22:27
asacNafallo: cool. so we can work together on that ;)22:28
asacor at least poke upstream from two sides ;)22:28
Nafalloasac: they've been poked from a 3rd party, and are not interested :-(22:29
denndaif it's really that simple it shouldn't be to hard to hack it into gajim...22:29
denndafor the ubuntu package22:29
asacdennda: last time i looked we lacked python wrappers ;)22:30
asacso that would be the first step22:30
denndayou should have those anyways...22:30
Nafalloyeah. the applet didn't look very simple when I checked :-)22:30
rickspencer3asac: kenvandine_wk and tedg created python wrapper for indicator-applet22:30
rickspencer3it looked very very easy22:30
dobeyoh man22:30
rickspencer3not sure where it is22:30
asacrickspencer3: creating them is easy enough22:31
asacwe need them in the archive though22:31
dobeyi wish i had time to write all the code that's in my head22:31
asacat best generated by indicator applet build or something22:31
rickspencer3I was going to say, I thought it was headed for universe, but not sure what happened22:31
rickspencer3dobey: keep in mind that both food and sleep can be replaced with coffee22:32
asacmost likely fell off the radar due to overload ;)22:32
rickspencer3kenvandine_wk: ^^^ ?22:32
dobeyrickspencer3: not really for me. i'm pretty much immune to caffeine22:32
rickspencer3or maybe the api wasn't "settled" enough22:32
seb128as asac would say, "sleep is for the weaks" ;-)22:32
dobeyi drew some awesome mock-ups the other day though22:33
dobeyon paper anyway22:33
dobeyneed to make real mock-ups22:33
asacdobey: mockups about what?22:34
asacabout all the code you have in your head ? ;)22:34
dobeyasac: part of it. better contacts UI22:34
dobeybuddy list/address book stuff22:35
jcastroasac: Nafallo: there's a gwibber branch already consuming the m-i python stuff if you want to look at that22:35
asacjcastro: is that m-i python stuff in universe?22:35
jcastronot sure, I think kenvandine_wk knows22:36
jcastroI don't think it is yet22:36
asacNafallo: why do you think gajim folks dont want m-i support? last time i submitted a patch they were quite friendly and open to new ideas ;)22:36
asacwhich was years ago though22:36
dobeyjcastro: does that branch have the AIR rewrite too?22:36
jcastrodobey: no that was april fools22:36
dobeyyeah i know22:37
ubottuUbuntu bug 340213 in gajim "[jaunty] Use indicator-applet for new messages" [Undecided,Confirmed]22:38
Nafalloasac: http://trac.gajim.org/ticket/491422:39
asackenvandine_wk: in the gajim bug you say you submitted the patch upstream ...  i dont see any patch there22:40
asac(nor in launchpad)22:40
asacor did you mean to say "Bug submitted upstream"?22:40
Nafalloasac: http://trac.gajim.org/attachment/ticket/4942/add-indicator-support.patch22:40
asacNafallo: darn22:40
asackenvandine_wk: nevermind22:40
asaci am officially web-site-blind22:41
jcastro2 different tickets for some reason22:41
asacoh indeed. good catch22:41
asacthat explains it22:41
jcastroI quite like gajim also22:43
asacits the best jabber client for sure22:44
Nafallothere is a reason I refuse to go away from it myself, and it's not only maintainership :-)22:44
jcastroit'd be nice if the look and feel were more gnomeish, like maybe a pidgin theme for it or something22:45
asacjcastro: which parts are not gnomish?22:46
asacstatus icons?22:46
Nafallojcastro: have you got "human" set still? ;-)22:47
jcastroI guess it's mostly the status icons22:47
Nafallojcastro: you can change those though... use the same as pidgin :-)22:47
Nafallono. I mean gossip :-P22:48
asacseb128: can you poke firefox 3.5 through new ... its firefox-3.1 just that upstream bumped the version so we want to get that in before release (in order to being able to properly provide security updates)22:49
asacalso thats universe22:50
asacwe have the transition in -daily archive for a while. so its tested22:51
seb128asac: done22:56
asacmany thanks22:56
asacgiven that lp is down for a few hours we will do the binaries tomorrow i guess ;)22:56
seb128asac: lp website down doesn't mean than soyuz and the datacenter are down22:57
asacyeah ;)22:57
asacbut i cannot see if build has finished ;)22:58
seb128but I will probably be in bed before having the binaries available22:58
seb128I can as well get sleep if lp is down, can't triage bugs22:58
asacright. today sleeping is for the brave and honorous ... a sensible action actually ;)22:59
chrisccoulsonasac - i've just finished the tracker merge. how did you recreate this bug you were speaking about earlier? i can test it on my box now23:00
asacchrisccoulson: create a directory on Desktop23:01
asacput a file in it23:01
asacgo to tracker preferences and only select that folder23:01
chrisccoulsonthanks. i'll try that23:01
asacafter restarting and all that ... it will start to index23:01
asacobserve what the tooltip says (it never made sense to me)23:01
asacalso check that the tracker-indexer goes made and consumes all cycles forever ;)23:02
chrisccoulson"Done: 87 of 2233"23:04
asactracker notification could deserve a good icon23:04
asacchrisccoulson: see what i mean23:04
asacchrisccoulson: so i think removing all the caches helps a bit23:04
asaci did that but then i ended up with indexer going mad23:04
chrisccoulsoni might give that a go23:05
asacand the tooltip doesnt make more sense23:05
chrisccoulsonbut my machine is becoming barely useable now23:05
asacit still indexes 425 files23:05
asacbut never gets further than 25 files for me23:05
asacchrisccoulson: my main complaint is really that i can nowhere see what its currently indexing23:05
chrisccoulsonyeah, thats not very ideal23:06
chrisccoulsoni don't really understand the tooltip at all. when you open the statistics window, it say something completely different23:06
asacits completely broken23:07
asacthats my perception23:07
asacso two main issues: a) tracker indexes just indexes random things (doesnt honour pref); b) tracker-indexer seems to hang/loop on some files so it just consumes 100% of a core and never finishes23:08
asacunfortunately i dont know how to see which file its processing23:08
asacwell i could i guess. but i didnt try to find out.23:09
chrisccoulsoni've just attached strace to tracker-indexer23:09
asacchrisccoulson: does your indexing show progress now?23:09
asace.g. Done: 87 of 223323:09
chrisccoulsonits up to 106723:10
asacare you at least at 88 now ;)?23:10
asacoh not bad23:10
seb128you have a tracker-status tool no?23:10
asacfor me its at 23 of 435 for  minutes23:10
asacseb128: that isnt really verbose for me:23:10
asac tracker-status -d23:10
asacTracker status is 'Indexing'23:10
asac-d == --detailed23:11
chrisccoulsonit's spewing loads of stuff to a log file23:11
asacchrisccoulson: where?23:11
chrisccoulsoni can see a timestamp being written over and over again in strace23:12
chrisccoulsonthe file is ~/..local/share/tracker/tracker-indexer.log23:12
asacso most likely that doesnt exist at all ;)23:12
chrisccoulsonthe file is up to 4.9MB after a couple of minutes23:13
asacso its looping trying to flush a log queue or something ;)23:13
asacchrisccoulson: err ... where do you have that file23:13
chrisccoulsonlooking at the strace, it doesn't seem to be touching much else23:13
asaci dont have ~/../local ;)23:14
chrisccoulsonmy bad23:14
asacchrisccoulson: ok so its obvious23:14
asaci get "02 Apr 2009, 00:14:56: Tracker-Warning **: Could not store word 'jederzeit': with fatal error"23:14
asacso it definitly has problems with the output file or something23:14
asacand retries deliberately forever23:15
chrisccoulsonthats what i see23:15
chrisccoulsonthe strace only shows this, looping over and over again: http://pastebin.com/m5373023023:15
chrisccoulsoni haven't seen it do anything else, yet tracker-indexer is *supposedly* indexing and using a lot of CPU bandwidth too ;)23:15
chrisccoulsonmaybe there's a build option to stop it doing that23:16
asacerr tracker_db_index_manager functions23:17
asacseem not to be defined in the source23:17
asacis that a separate package?23:17
asacfound it23:17
asacblind me23:17
asacwhat is g_get_user_cache_dir ?23:19
chrisccoulsonthat's a glib function23:19
chrisccoulsonit should return ~/.cache23:19
asacdocumentation says xdg dir23:20
asaci dont see anything like that in /etc/xdg23:20
chrisccoulson"Returns a base directory in which to store non-essential, cached data specific to particular user"23:21
asaci can read ;)23:21
chrisccoulsonthat should be ~/.cache according to the XDG spec, i think23:21
asaclets check if glib implements that23:22
seb128asac: http://standards.freedesktop.org/basedir-spec/basedir-spec-0.6.html23:23
seb128asac: that's xdg's dir's spec23:23
asacso glib implements this correctly23:23
asacseb128: i know ;)23:23
asaci was just curious why i couldnt get it with xdg-user-dirs command23:23
seb128yes glib implement that spec correctly ;-)23:23
asacbut glib does the right thing23:23
seb128xdg-user-dirs is to make localized folder for images, videos, etc23:24
seb128ie for user visible directories23:24
asaci would have hoped that they implement all dirs ;)23:24
asacbut well23:24
seb128so your cache would change when you change locale?23:24
seb128or your config?23:24
seb128that would be weird23:24
seb128what is the point of translating an implement detail23:25
asacseb128: why does it need to be translated?23:25
seb128that would make it bug prone23:25
asacif thats the purpose of xdg-user-dirs i would hav enamed it xdg-l10n-dirs ;)23:25
seb128well you are the one saying all dirs should be in xdg-user-dirs23:25
seb128asac: it also let you customize the dirs to use for those23:25
seb128but again customize the .local or .cache naming would only make it less robust23:26
asacok. so there is a difference for user dirs23:26
asaci see23:26
seb128for not real win23:26
asaci wante xdg-base-dirs  then ;)23:26
seb128yeah gotcha23:26
seb128we don't have that, read the spec ;-)23:26
dobeythe xdg user dirs customization crack is supposed to allow for translating23:26
asaccommand line wrappers for xdg arent that bad imo23:26
dobeybut eh, i don't think anyone actually takes the time to mess with that23:27
asacdobey: yeah. got that now23:27
asacnot sure if having translated physical dirnames is really the way to go. i would think that apps like nautilus could provide a translated presentation ;)23:27
asacbut if xdg thinks so, its fine.23:28
asaci assume that discussion was done before23:28
dobeyi think it's rather pointless23:28
dobeyi'd rather have it done in some way via a tag on the directory23:28
dobeylike "this is my music dir" or "this is my porn dir"23:29
seb128asac: yeah, that has been discussed for over a year and both way had pro and con23:29
seb128asac: the "translate in the UI" would mean than any applications no using the glib api would see the english names23:29
asacwell. atm all apps have to use xdg anyway. they could do the same for translating23:30
seb128well not really23:30
seb128you can browse the filesystem using any application23:30
seb128and the "Desktop" directory there will be the same name as in your UI23:30
dobeybash doesn't really deal well with translating directory names in the ui :)23:31
seb128you need to use the xdg functions if you want to know "what is the default video directory" for example23:31
seb128anyway it has been discussed for a long time23:31
seb128and they decided on this way23:31
dobeyyes it has23:31
asaci think all this is pointless until we discuss tags and DB style file storage23:32
asacif that ever happens is of course in the limbo ;)23:32
asacgood old trees probably wont go away for some time23:32
asacok i will remove tracker for now again23:38
asachope chrisccoulson finds out why the db cannot be written to23:38
chrisccoulsoni'm wondering if this is something to with the fact that we build against sqlite23:38
chrisccoulsonand debian don't23:38
chrisccoulsoni might try the debian build and see if that does the same23:38
asacchrisccoulson: would be an option23:39
asacwhat does tracker do if its not using sqlite?23:39
chrisccoulsonit uses qdbm i think23:39
seb128open an upstream bug23:40
chrisccoulsoni'll try it with the default backend first23:40
chrisccoulsonjust to see23:41
dobey  Depends: libsqlite3-023:41
dobeywell it depends on it anyway :)23:41
asacdobey: thats auto generated23:41
asacso if we dont use it, it wont be there23:41
asacor is that on debian?23:41
chrisccoulsondobey - that's right. we pass a build option to make it build against sqlite for ubuntu23:41
chrisccoulsonbut this is not the default, and not what debian use23:41
dobeyasac: no, why would i use debian? this is jaunty :)23:41
dobeychrisccoulson: ah ok23:42
chrisccoulsoni shall have to try that tomorrow - it's getting late now23:42
chrisccoulsonanyone know what dpput and dpget do?23:43
chrisccoulsonon google, i only find references to qdbm23:43
chrisccoulsoni'm going to build tracker against qdbm now. i'm starting to suspect that it's support for sqlite is broken23:47
seb128good that we don't install tracker by default in jaunty ;-)23:48
chrisccoulsonit is23:48
chrisccoulsonif the sqlite support is broken, then we have a dilemma23:48
chrisccoulsonqdbm is in universe;)23:49
seb128but as said upstream seems to want to get the new version work on jaunty23:50
seb128so they might look quickly at the issue if somebody opens a bug23:50
asacchrisccoulson: can you please file it?23:50
chrisccoulsonyeah, i'll do that.23:51
asacchrisccoulson: i think the info about the indexer warnings in log should be a good pointer for them23:51
seb128ok time to sleep now23:53
seb128have a good night everybody23:53
seb128see you tomorrow23:53

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