
CIA-28partman-base: cjwatson * r146 ubuntu/ (debian/changelog init.d/parted): init.d/parted: Use more concise syntax for building up lists.01:23
CIA-28partman-ext3: cjwatson * r750 ubuntu/ (77 files in 7 dirs): merge from Debian 5611:27
davmor2evand, cjwatson: Did ubiquity shrink in size over night?11:29
CIA-28partman-ext3: cjwatson * r751 ubuntu/debian/changelog: note that ext4 is mounted with relatime too11:30
cjwatsondavmor2: I noticed in yesterday's daily build that its window was smaller than before; I assume that this was due to some of Evan's changes in 1.12.011:30
davmor2evand, cjwatson: also use weak password now says ubiquity/text/yes and ubiquity/text/no  rather than yes no11:31
davmor2cjwatson: can it not be automated so it's size is reduced on any screen size below 900?11:31
cjwatsondavmor2: weak password> that's fixed in 1.12.111:32
CIA-28partman-ext3: cjwatson * r752 ubuntu/debian/changelog: releasing version 56ubuntu111:32
cjwatsondavmor2: screen size hacks generally suck maintenance-wise11:32
cjwatsonthey make it difficult for us to tell in any reliable way what the interface is actually going to look like for end users11:33
davmor2cjwatson: True hadn't thought of that :)11:33
cjwatsonI do think the timezone map is perhaps a little too small now, mind you11:33
ogradepends on your POV :)11:34
ograon my 800x600 screen on the babbage it cant be to small :)11:34
cjwatsonwe might want to weight its size up a bit so that GTK feels free to use more space for it if it's available11:34
cjwatsonogra: obviously11:34
* cjwatson <- focused on fixing RC bugs thouygh11:34
davmor2cjwatson: I like the retrieving file indicator on d-i :)11:39
cjwatsonoh, the fix for bug 290234?11:39
ubottuLaunchpad bug 290234 in apt "Intrepid: Netboot locks up at 2% installing the selected edubuntu desktop" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/29023411:39
davmor2it's nice to that the machine hasn't locked up :)11:39
davmor2that's the one :)11:40
cjwatsonwill make a difference to tasksel too11:40
* ogra sighs about dd really tearing down IO performance 11:43
davmor2cjwatson: I'll do a netboot after for now I'm doing standard alternate install :)11:44
cjwatsonyeah, it'll make a much bigger difference to netboot11:45
ogracjwatson, hmm, i see mdz's bug that offers to unmount the installer medium on the babbage11:56
ograwasnt that supposed to be fixed ?11:56
ograand the partman UI asks me where i want to place $(RELEASE) (instead of showing the actual release name)11:57
cjwatsonogra: no, I'm working on that bug right now actually11:58
ograah, k11:58
cjwatsonogra: $(RELEASE)> can you give me the exact string so that I can grep for it?11:58
ograthe screen size changes are awesome btw11:58
ograhmm, i'm already advanced, lets see if i can cancel11:59
cjwatsonogra: installer medium> the only thing that was fixed from that set of bugs so far is that the button behaviour is now more saner11:59
CIA-28user-setup: cjwatson * r167 ubuntu/debian/ (62 files in 2 dirs): Update Ubuntu-specific strings from Launchpad.12:00
ograhrm, we dont have a cancel button ... i wonder how to kill it12:00
* ogra just resets the board12:01
ograga, this time it doesnt let me unmount anything12:09
ograand drops me directly into a manual partitioning window12:09
ogra(i didnt have the target device unmounted in advance this time, had done that last time)12:10
ogracjwatson, aha, seems to be a translation issue "Where do you want to put Ubuntu 9.04?" i used german before and there it said $(RELEASE) instead of Ubuntu 9.0412:14
* ogra tries a german once again to confirm ...12:15
ograits fine in english12:15
ogracjwatson, "Wo möchten Sie $(RELEASE) platzieren?"12:18
davmor2cjwatson: you might know this how hard would it be to get the mini.iso's renamed?  as in mini-i386.iso mini-amd64.iso12:27
davmor2currently they are all  called mini.iso12:29
cjwatsondavmor2: I'd prefer not since there are all sorts of things that would have to be renamed if we went down that road. Just rename them on the client side12:35
davmor2cjwatson: I do I just wondered about it is all :)12:36
CIA-28debian-installer: cjwatson * r1078 ubuntu/ (35 files in 2 dirs): Update help text translations from Launchpad.12:37
CIA-28user-setup: cjwatson * r168 ubuntu/user-setup-ask: /target -> $ROOT12:37
cjwatsonogra: oh, idiot translators. $(RELEASE) -> ${RELEASE}12:38
cjwatsonogra: I'll get that fixed using my magic rosetta-admins powers12:38
ogracjwatson, the other thing is more worrying, but i want to finish my test install now to see the bootloader stuff first before filing a bug12:39
CIA-28user-setup: cjwatson * r169 ubuntu/debian/changelog: releasing version 1.23ubuntu1612:39
cjwatsonogra: I'm not really worried about the partitioning bit since I'm completely rewriting that code anyway12:39
ograwell, it didnt unmount anything and presented an empty partitioning window12:40
ograbut your call12:40
cjwatsonI wouldn't mind looking at logs, but chances are it's covered12:40
ogra:-'( it crashed12:52
ogracjwatson, i see "No bootloader installer found" again12:53
ogralol ... ubiquity has NSLU2 support now ? heh12:55
ogracjwatson, oh, archdetect still returns "armel/unknown" ...13:00
ograindeed that cant work13:00
NCommanderogra, odd, base-installer should have been updated to catch that13:02
NCommanderogra, what does /proc/cpuinfo say?13:02
ograthe usual babbage stuff13:02
NCommanderHrm ...13:03
NCommanderarchdetect works against libdebian-installer to determine the subarchitecture13:03
NCommanderogra, what version of libdebian-installer is installed?13:04
ogralibdebian-installer4 is the package name13:05
jtholmesI would like to talk to someone about bug 349173 i believe the sense of the choice is backwards13:05
ubottuLaunchpad bug 349173 in ubiquity "weak-password dialog should be Yes/No" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34917313:05
NCommanderogra, imx51 support landed in 0.61ubuntu213:05
ograyes, i see that13:06
NCommanderogra, there's your problem :-)13:06
ograwell, i'll wait13:06
NCommanderogra, you could just apt-get install libdebian-installer4 and get the new version :-)13:06
ograif thats in the archive already13:07
NCommanderogra, its uploaded13:07
ogramind you, thats tonights build13:07
NCommanderFri, 27 Mar 2009 11:54:26 +000013:07
ogranot there yet13:09
ograalready the newest version ...13:09
* NCommander rescores on ARM13:10
NCommanderThere's your problem :-)13:10
ograyeah, needs building :)13:10
cjwatsonthat was uploaded ages ago. How come it hadn't built yet?13:10
NCommanderogra, ok, its bumped in the build queue13:10
cjwatsonjtholmes: please explain?13:11
ograbusy buildd i guess13:11
NCommandercjwatson, ARM had a bit of a buildd backlog, if I noticed it hadn't built, I would have rescored it ages ago.13:11
ograarent we in archive rebuild as well atm ?13:11
cjwatsonarchive rebuilds happen on separate buildds13:11
ograthat might keep them busy13:11
NCommanderogra, libdebian-installer should have taken presentant13:11
NCommandercjwatson, mass givebacks don't13:11
cjwatsonsure, but that isn't a full rebuild13:11
NCommandercjwatson, and armel been plowing through universe with a builder down.13:11
NCommandercjwatson, when you have 600 FAILED/DEPWAIT?13:12
cjwatsonstill not a full rebuild, I'm not denying that it keeps it busy :)13:12
NCommandercjwatson, I'm just curious when we're going to get the last arm builder back, we're down one, and its showing13:12
ograsend your babbage to infinity ;)13:12
NCommanderogra, my babbage is going to FSL13:13
NCommanderI think the magic smoke blew the SD slot, because I can't get it to work reliably13:13
ograoh, why is that ?13:13
NCommanderogra, I had the magic smoke escape ;.;13:13
jtholmescjwatson, there really isnt a question in the dialog, there are basically two statements and then the Yes No choices  No lets you change the password and Yes takes you to Ready to install dialog13:13
ograi thought that was only the UART13:13
cjwatsonjtholmes: does it not say "Use weak password?" in the title?13:13
NCommanderogra, the UART works oddly enough, but I've yet to successful start a d-i image, and my SD cards seem to be OK13:14
cjwatsonjtholmes: the sense is not backwards AFAICS, but it could probably do with clearer labelling13:14
davmor2jtholmes: you're correct in ubiquity the text does look wrong I've gotten use to the text in d-i which says use weak password13:14
NCommanderogra, the board starts, but then promptly fails with filesystem/SD card errors13:14
jtholmescjwatson, the words 'use weak password' do not exist in that dialog13:15
cjwatsonlet me fire up a vm and have a look13:16
NCommanderlibdebian-installer is now building, so it should be in the next publisher run :-)13:16
NCommander(assuming it doesn't FTBFS ...)13:16
jtholmescjwatson, ok thanks13:16
davmor2cjwatson: the text in the dialogue for use weak password reads "You entered a password that consists of less than eight characters, which is considered too weak.  You should choose a stronger password. (no) (yes)13:16
jtholmesthe action Yes No are correct the Text is a little skewed13:18
cjwatsonogra: I mailed ubuntu-translators@ about the translation problem; similar things affect rather more languages than I'd hoped, for a variety of strings13:18
jtholmesYes moves you forward  No lets you change the password13:18
jtholmesthat behavior is correct13:18
NCommandercjwatson, anyway, w.r.t. to your question about archive rebuilds, they hwerer traditionally done on ubuntuwire, but they haven't been done since early intrepid as far as I know13:19
cjwatsonjtholmes: are you installing Ubuntu or Kubuntu?13:19
cjwatsonNCommander: aside from the way they were traditionally done in dak ...13:19
cjwatsonjtholmes: it's good to mention that up-front rather than me wasting time with the wrong frontend :(13:19
jtholmesin the future will do13:20
NCommandercjwatson, ow. Archive rebuilds in dak would be painful unless the Ubuntu dak had some features to help it13:20
cjwatsonNCommander: infinity appears to cope fine *shrug*13:21
cjwatsonjtholmes: here's how it looks in Ubuntu: http://people.ubuntu.com/~cjwatson/tmp/weak-password.png13:21
cjwatsonjtholmes: can you show me a screenshot?13:22
jtholmesyour paste of ubuntu is what i see in kubuntu13:23
NCommandercjwatson, I know on tradition dak, there was a hard assumption that there would ALWAYS be source; I'm not saying its impossible, but it doesn't sound like my idea of fun :-/13:23
cjwatsonjtholmes: I don't believe that - the frontend is completely different13:23
jtholmesbut there isnt a question 'do you want to use weak password'13:23
cjwatsonjtholmes: "Use weak password?" should be in the window title bar13:23
jtholmesit is13:23
cjwatsonright then13:24
jtholmesUse weak password is in the title bar13:24
cjwatsonanyway, the button text should be changed (again)13:24
cjwatsond-i handles this sort of thing a bit differently - what we render as the window title in ubiquity is actually placed at the end of the text in d-i, immediately before the buttons13:25
jtholmesit would seem to me the dialog text should say 'Do you want to choose a stronger password'  instead of 'You should choosea a stronger password'13:25
cjwatsonI'd prefer to change the button text13:26
jtholmessure to what13:26
cjwatsonhuman interface guidelines generally say that buttons should describe actions, rather than simply being "yes" and "no"13:26
cjwatsonputting "yes" and "no" in here was just a stopgap measure since we're past string freeze, which means that translations are going to be difficult to manage13:27
cjwatsonbut if I'm going to get confused people turning up thinking the sense is wrong, I probably have little choice13:27
jtholmesyes i see the problem13:28
cjwatson"Continue" is probably fine in place of "Yes", and perhaps "Choose another password" in place of "No"13:28
jtholmesthat looks good to me or "Continue with weak password'13:29
cjwatsonI would prefer not that on two grounds13:29
cjwatson(1) the buttons would end up very wide and I think it would look odd13:29
cjwatson(2) it's one more thing that translators would have to do at short notice13:29
jtholmesgood catch that is why you are in your current position13:30
cjwatsonhmm, unfortunately "Continue" is translated as roughly "forward" in at least some languages13:30
cjwatsonwell, hmm, "Weiter" could be understood either way I guess13:30
jtholmesin any case i will try to test more alpha releases in the future to try and ferret out these things before string freeze13:31
cjwatsonbut please in future try to keep the questions to a single channel; it's very distracting to find that three windows have lit up regarding a single topic13:31
jtholmeswill do i was not aware of #ubuntu-installer channel13:32
cjwatsonand in general bug reports belong on LP13:32
jtholmesi did add to to 349173 but was afraid that the late state of the release it would possibly get overlooked13:33
cjwatsoncomments on already-fixed bugs are in general liable to be ignored13:34
CIA-28ubiquity: cjwatson * r3157 ubiquity/ (debian/changelog partman/commit.d/01unmount_busy):13:34
CIA-28ubiquity: Add a comment to partman/commit.d/01unmount_busy to explain why this13:34
CIA-28ubiquity: script is still here despite similar code in partman-base.13:34
cjwatsonit's better to file a new bug13:34
jtholmesok i am still learning the ropes13:35
cjwatsonI think you've been infected by the idea that the number of bugs must be kept to a minimum13:35
jtholmesyes i am13:35
cjwatsonwhat we actually need is for each bug to describe a single, coherent, fixable issue13:35
jtholmesi will adhere to that in the future13:36
cjwatsonit tends to impede development when a bug describes more than one problem13:36
CIA-28ubiquity: cjwatson * r3158 ubiquity/ (3 files in 2 dirs):13:38
CIA-28ubiquity: Using "Yes" and "No" buttons for the weak-password question turns out to13:38
CIA-28ubiquity: be more confusing than I'd hoped. Instead, use "Continue" and "Choose13:38
CIA-28ubiquity: another password" (breaking the string freeze, but at least for only one13:38
CIA-28ubiquity: string).13:38
CIA-28ubiquity: cjwatson * r3159 ubiquity/ubiquity/frontend/gtk_ui.py: i18n todo13:44
davmor2cjwatson: prog bar is much, much better on netboot :)15:11
NCommandercjwatson, is there an easy way to respin a bootable ISO with a custom d-i initrd + kernel? I'm testing the new kernel config for lpia with a USB stick, but I'd like to test it with an actual CD to see if it works ...15:28
cjwatsonmkisofs -r -V 'Ubuntu 9.04 i386' -o jaunty-alternate-i386-hacked.iso -cache-inodes -J -l -b isolinux/isolinux.bin -c isolinux/boot.cat -no-emul-boot -boot-load-size 4 -boot-info-table new-i38615:29
cjwatsonNCommander: I have a file full of runes like that, which I copy and paste :)15:29
cjwatsonNCommander: (for i386, it prefer to run as root)15:30
NCommanderI assume that will just work for lpia?15:30
cjwatsonyep, should be the same15:30
NCommanderI just want to make sure my new kernel and RAMdisk work sanely.15:30
NCommandercjwatson, wooo, success15:53
NCommandercjwatson, (and the new lpia kernel config works for the CD-ROM :-))15:53
persiaNCommander, Thanks for chasing the kernel bits to test that :)  It's been annoying me for several months now.15:54
cjwatsonoh good15:54
NCommandercjwatson, thats a great one liner, is it documented anywhere?15:55
cjwatsonI think it's on help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallCDCustomization or some such15:55
NCommandercjwatson, once the kernel upload goes through, will d-i need a bump upload (there is no ABI bump, it will just be a normal revision)15:57
cjwatsonthere's stuff in bzr to upload anyway15:58
NCommandercjwatson, ah, ok; I just wanted to make sure.16:00
cjwatsonit's not a problem, we always make sure d-i is up to date for releases16:01
NCommandercjwatson, I just find the logic to get stuff into installer-* is a bit of a blackbox16:01
cjwatsonoh, that's easy, installer-* is only updated by way of debian-installer uploads16:02
cjwatsonassuming you mean dists/jaunty/main/installer-*16:02
NCommandercjwatson, right, I meant the Soyuz logic behind it16:03
NCommandercjwatson, I stopped trying to figure out how that worked in dak ages ago :-)16:03
cjwatsonit's easy, it's well-encapsulated in both dak and soyuz16:04
NCommanderFair enough16:05
* NCommander was referring to the actual code.16:06
cjwatsonso was I16:06
cjwatsonit's scripts/debian/byhand-di in dak16:07
cjwatsonand it's lib/canonical/archivepublisher/debian_installer.py in LP16:07
NCommandercjwatson, hrm, I always thought it was a dak function, I didn't realize it lived in a script. The only time I ever looked at BYHAND in dak was when investigating 3.0 source package support, and when I fixed the DM code16:09
* NCommander didn't know cjwatson knew Soyuz's internals16:12
cjwatsonit used to be in Python when we put that "auto-byhand" (an oxymoron) code for d-i into Ubuntu originally16:14
cjwatsonwhen aj took it for dak upstream, he rewrote it in shell16:14
cjwatsonI assume he had a reason16:15
cjwatsonI wrote the guts of the code for both dak and Soyuz, way back when16:15
cjwatsonI mean, the guts of the d-i handling stuff, not the whole thing :)16:15
CIA-28ubiquity: cjwatson * r3160 ubiquity/.bzrignore: update ignores16:30
ograHOORAY !!!16:33
ografinally ubiquity isnt complaining anymore in apt-setup16:33
NCommanderwooo, fully successful lpia installation from CD16:56
NCommandercjwatson, oh, I didn't see you in the authors file (sorry, stepped away)17:08
NCommandercjwatson, I was working at removing some of the more braindead pieces of code (such as removing the hardcoded 'unstable'' lines)17:08
CIA-28ubiquity: cjwatson * r3161 ubiquity/ (debian/changelog ubiquity/misc.py): Suppress unnecessary exception if find_in_os_prober fails.17:36
superm1cjwatson, unfortunately still having troubles with grub2 and ubiquity 1.12.1.  i'll try to get an apport bug submitted again17:40
=== nxvl_ is now known as nxvl
CIA-28ubiquity: cjwatson * r3162 ubiquity/ (debian/changelog ubiquity/frontend/gtk_ui.py):17:59
CIA-28ubiquity: * GTK frontend:17:59
CIA-28ubiquity:  - Don't bother calling find_in_os_prober for partitions without real17:59
CIA-28ubiquity:  devices (e.g. free space).17:59
cjwatsonargh, I made a change to ubiquity's advanced partitioning page, and now the entire page apart from the heading is blank for no readily explicable reason19:20
cody-somervilleI hate when that happens19:21
* cody-somerville isn't being facetious either.19:21
=== Nicke_ is now known as Nicke
CIA-28ubiquity: cjwatson * r3163 ubiquity/ (debian/changelog ubiquity/components/partman.py): Fix handling of "yes" response to partman/unmount_active.19:38
CIA-28ubiquity: superm1 * r3164 ubiquity/ (debian/changelog scripts/mythbuntu/mythbuntu_install.py):22:40
CIA-28ubiquity: Make sure mythbuntu installs have users installed into the 'video'22:40
CIA-28ubiquity: group. (LP: #351773)22:40

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