
cavedonhi all!04:33
cavedon I am testing jaunty beta, but I have an annoying regression:04:34
cavedonwhen I reboot or halt, it stops at "will now halt" or "will now reboot" most of the times: any idea of how to debug that?04:34
ubot3Malone bug 349778 in ubuntu "[jaunty] Dell Inspiron 1525 sticks on "System will now halt", works with 2.6.29" [Undecided,New] 04:34
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ogasawarartg: kees has got a patch for bug 350789 he'd like to see get in for jaunty final14:10
ubot3Malone bug 350789 in linux "AppArmor Debug: Hook being called from interrupt context" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35078914:10
ogasawarartg: should he submit it to the kernel-team ml as well?14:10
rtgogasawara: I looked at this, but I'm not wild about it. it seems like a hack to cover for a poorly written blue tooth driver.14:11
ogasawarakees: ^^14:12
amitklool: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/?field.searchtext=&orderby=-importance&field.tag=arm&search=Search14:18
amitklool: current status of arm bugs. Anything else you need fixed _urgently_? 14:18
NCommandersconklin, I kicked the updated lpia configuration files to the list last night, which fixes d-i on ARM14:24
amitkNCommander: lpia config fixed d-i on arm?14:33
NCommanderI think my brain crapped out half way through that sentence14:34
NCommanderlpia config to fix d-i on lpia :-/14:34
* NCommander needs coffee .... lots of it14:34
sconklinNCommander: I responded on list14:37
manjosconklin, try this http://meandubuntu.wordpress.com/2008/11/18/real-64-bit-flash-on-amd64/14:50
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ChinoChanohi guys,16:09
ChinoChanoone question: in kernel 2.6.28, is WideView WT-200U and WT-220U (pen) DVB-T USB2.0 support (Yakumo/Hama/Typhoon/Yuan) avail in this kernel?16:10
keesrtg: jj said a similar thing when he saw the bug.  perhaps a small modification to leave the "BUG" report and to correctly handle the memory allocation method just to reduce possible instability?16:14
sconklinPlease use and update as needed - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GitCheatSheet16:15
k-shi there, compiling custom kernel for macbook4.116:26
k-sall good, just need some info on how to get pretty package names16:26
k-stoday I'm doing nasty hack, just replace config and let it generate16:26
k-sbut generates as 2.6.28-11-GITHASH-generic16:26
k-sI guess it would be better to have it as 2.6.28-11-macbook41 (flavor=macbook41)16:27
k-smanjo mentioned to me I should update debian/changelog16:27
k-sbut do I need a git-tag with the name within parenthesis?16:28
manjoyou could change the 1st line on debian/changelog to something like ::: linux (2.6.28-10.33~lp326621manjo1) UNRELEASED; urgency=low16:29
k-sdid it already16:29
k-sbut before generating, I would like to know what more do I need16:29
k-sie: why changing the config will lead to hash in the name? since I have debian/changelog it should use that top line, no?16:30
k-sso I'm guessing it does some git<->changelog mapping somehow16:30
ChinoChanoguys, does the 2.6.28 have the support for WideView DVB pen usb receiver?16:31
ChinoChano WideView WT-200U and WT-220U (pen) DVB-T USB2.016:31
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manjok-s, apw might know more abt git<->changelog stuff16:42
k-smanjo: ok, it's not possible to have '~' in tag name, so I suppose you don't do a tag and still have the package name correctly16:43
k-smaybe it was like that because I had uncomitted git changes, let's see if it works now with changelog + git commit16:43
k-smanjo: and thanks for your time, I know you're quite busy there16:44
manjoapw, ^^^16:44
manjok-s, apw is the git guru 16:44
k-sapw: hey :-)16:44
infinitysmb_tp: How long does the ltp suite take?16:45
apwhuh there is lots of info here, what was the question?16:45
k-sapw: if you have some time, it's more related to debian/ubuntu packaging than anything else, from what I've read I need to create a custom "flavor" to live side by side with "generic"16:45
apwwahts the difference between your new kernel and generic?16:45
k-sapw: I want to have a custom macbook41 flavor, since I know all the hw it's there (except pluggable usb/firewire)16:45
smb_tpinfinity, depending on the hw pretty long. never measured it16:45
infinitysmb_tp: Minutes, hours, or days? :)16:46
smb_tpinfinity, hours16:46
k-sapw: I'm using it for some time already, compiles really fast (so no trouble to maintain) and works better, no need for initramfs and thus boots fast16:46
* infinity kisses artigas goodbye for a bit.16:46
k-salso I like to have my own kernels, it's an old habit16:46
apwso you want to stop is our kernel updates eating your kernel?16:47
manjoinfinity, what was the question abt ltp ? 16:47
smb_tpinfinity, might be something in the size of 3hrs, but as said, I usually fired it up on a machine and looked back later16:47
smb_tpmanjo, how long it is running16:47
k-sapw: no, just want to have a nice package name ;-)16:48
k-sapw: I already disabled my kernel being replaced in config files, that's fine16:48
k-sapw: but I'd like to have something better than 2.6.28-11-1c2a1a-generic16:48
apwhrm, then i guess a flavour name is reasonable thats what a flavour is, a different config combination16:48
manjodepends on how you run it also... ie if you have genload running in the background it might take longer16:49
manjogenload will run if you run with system load options in runltp16:49
k-sapw: yep, but I tried to have my own flavour and it didn't work, at least followed a wiki+blog and it did not work, maybe I missed something obvious since I was in a hurry, AFAIR it was related to some files it expected in debian/ not being there like old version symbols or so16:50
k-sapw: also, what's annoying now is that it will always add -GITHASH to name, so I need to go there and update control{,.stub}16:51
apwgithash is addwhen when your tree is dirty16:51
k-sapw: I just do git clean -fxd before running debian/rules16:53
apwthere is an optiion somewhere, _AUTO in the config which triggers the addition16:53
k-sapw: which config? kernel or debian/*?16:55
apwkernel config, in debian/configs/*16:57
k-sapw: from debian/rules.d/2-binary-arch I see that it will forcely disable it17:00
k-sok, tried with git committed and changelog, still no luck17:03
k-smy cmdline reads: ./debian/rules binary-generic AUTOBUILD=1 NOEXTRAS=1 CONCURRENCY_LEVEL=2 no_dumpfile=1 17:04
CarlFK1how do I make this auto inc so that it shows up as a default for new data?    db.Field( 'seq', 'integer', ),17:26
CarlFK1um.. that sounds weird...17:27
CarlFK1woa.. wrong #chan17:29
loolamitk: the FSL stuff is urgent, and is in your inbox17:59
amitklool: it is already *in*17:59
loolamitk: (I couldn't tell since I got no update via email)18:02
loolI pulled the git tree now and I see some18:03
infinitysmb_tp: Your kernel boots on artigas, userspace and dmesg seem happy, running ltp now to compare to the previous kernel.18:40
infinitysmb_tp: (I'm comparing to -51-, since that's what was installed... If you need a comparison against -53- so we're only isolating your changes, I can do that later)18:40
smb_tpinfinity, Err, I am a bit slow catching, by the numbers this sounds like hardy, which architecture is artigas?18:42
infinitysmb_tp: Dapper.  Even.  Sparc.  Testing your "omg, syscall tables completely rewritten" kernel.18:42
smb_tpinfinity, Ah, cool.18:43
smb_tpOh, yeah. For dapper its -53 and for hardy 24.52. That confused me 18:44
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mathiazhi - how can I make sure that a certain changeset is the jaunty kernel?19:44
mathiazhi - how can I make sure that a certain changeset is *in* the jaunty kernel?19:44
mathiazI'm looking for changeset c073b2db006ba9370be1eecc36a1be1d9ce3131019:45
manjogit log | grep 19:46
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neuralishi, folks. with the desktop kernel turning non-preemptible, are there significant differences other than tick frequency and numa support between the desktop and server kernels?19:59
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manjoneuralis, http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/serveredition/features/kernel20:03
neuralismanjo: aha, neat. wasn't aware of that page. thanks!20:08
liwany kernel hackers knowledgeable about the SATA subsystem? #257790 is bothering me (I have four new SATA disks I'd like to use), and I'd be glad to help debugging this20:31
manjoliw, does it work with jaunty ? 20:53
manjoliw, have you tried the jaunty live cd to see if it works ? 20:54
liwmanjo, as I said in the bug, I've tried everything from gutsy onwards; gutsy works, nothing later does20:55
manjoliw, can you try with kernel option iommu=soft ? 21:26
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infinitysmb_tp: Still around?21:44
smb_tpinfinity, yep21:44
infinitysmb_tp: http://lucifer.0c3.net/~adconrad/ltp-results/21:44
smb_tpinfinity, looking quickly, it looks like no diff which sounds good21:45
infinitysmb_tp: 53 and 54 are identical.  From 51 to 53, there were changes, which I'm not sure were intentional.21:46
smb_tpinfinity, Have only been looking at the summary, so the overall was equal21:47
smb_tpinfinity, have to get it downloaded and look21:48
infinitysmb_tp: Still, given all the ridiculous mangling in your test kernel, the lack of regression from 53 to 54 is comforting. :)21:50
smb_tpinfinity, true enough :) Either there are not many dapper users or nobody really had bad experience with that other change21:51
infinitysmb_tp: Well, there were two fixes (pty and pwrite), and then the writev flip-flopping, I'd have to check to see what the test is actually doing to see if it's a regression, fix, or a wash.21:52
infinitysmb_tp: But it seems fine to me.21:52
smb_tpkees, ^^^ I would be fine with it as -51 is quite some time ago21:53
infinitysmb_tp: In a day or two, we won't be running dapper/sparc in the DC anymore either (I've been in the process of ugrading all our sparc machines to hardy), so the point's somewhat moot to me.21:53
keessmb_tp: yeah, I'm fine with the -51 to -53 regresssions -- no one else seemed to notice.  it's the -53 to -54 we need to study, and so far so good.21:55
infinitykees: Like I said, the test output for 53 and 54 were identical on artigas, and it seemed pretty happy with the whole thing.21:56
keessmb_tp: I'm happy with the LTP output we've seen.  shall I shove dapper into the build queue too?21:56
keesinfinity: yeah21:56
infinitysmb_tp: If any of the patches touched smp-specific bits, might want to make sure sparc64-smp is also in good shape, but it's a thumbs-up here for UP.21:57
keessbeattie: you said you had a single test regression on your ultra60?  is it smp?22:02
smb_tpinfinity, O am not aware of anything smp specific out of my head.22:05
sbeattiekees: it is.22:08
keessbeattie: can you spin a few more tests on -53 and again on -54?22:09
sbeattieI've reproduced the oops; running ltp *outside* of screen seems to trigger it; I ran my -53 test under screen, so I'm seeing if it reproduces there.22:09
sbeattiekees: sure thing; like I said, it just takes a little while.22:10
* kees nods22:11
keesironically, oopsing on -53 is okay in this case.  :P22:12
sbeattiekees: indeed! I'd do a happy dance if it oopsed on -53. :-/22:12
sbeattiealas, it appears not to. :-(22:12
keesoh.  dang22:14
infinitysbeattie: And this is actually reliably reproducible in -54?22:14
smb_tpThere could be a chance this is related to "sparc: Fix mremap address range validation." as well22:15
rtgsmb_tp: http://kernel.ubuntu.com/git?p=ubuntu/ubuntu-jaunty.git;a=blobdiff;f=drivers/bluetooth/btusb.c;h=d4ec9a98fb19a2cefccd4a0f71f22826dcd11fb6;hp=3b0545ba59f204301e1191dd27acc5e7816e4568;hb=1bb9aba826e75a31c719e5ef60ba616e53ae09bd;hpb=66f550e4f758fc8a0f78f35395d283d526dc9c37 has a compile error22:29
infinitysmb_tp: If you do any more work on that kernel and need a re-test on artigas, let me know.22:37
smb_tpinfinity, Ok, will do. Thanks22:39
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dtchenamitk: follow up on 351924 is appreciated22:45
sbeattiebah; every time I think I have a grip on reproducing this oops, I then can't reproduce it.23:01
DaemonFChas anyone pulled these?23:02
dtchenDaemonFC: you can check yourself in ubuntu-jaunty.git23:03
DaemonFCI was asking Eric Sandeen about that cause I just crashed a few hours ago23:04
amitkdtchen: will try to have it for you by tomorrow. Not near the machine currently23:04
DaemonFCand lost some data that hadn't been committed23:04
dtchenamitk: that's fine, thanks23:04
Kanohi, i found a missing firmware for 2.6.28+ for a dvb-s2 card for hauppauge23:54
Kanoshould i write to the list?23:55
Kanoor does somebody directly want to add it..23:55
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