
sotec_prodHas anyone successfully installed ubuntu mobile on a WinMo device with an OMP processor? (samsung blackjack 2)00:19
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davmor2Guys is xournal a touch screen app?09:29
davmor2ogra: hello09:46
davmor2Is it too late to get an app removed from UNR?09:48
ograwhat would you want to remove ?09:53
davmor2ogra: xournal it's a good app if you have a touch screen but most netbooks don't09:57
ogratrue 09:58
ograno idea why its included in UNR09:58
davmor2ogra: It's 2 or 3 across from gedit.  At first I thought it was a dupe in apps but if you try and us it with out a touch screen it's like playing mission control09:59
davmor2it just fires line to where the cursor is :)10:00
ograheh ... i'd file a bug 10:00
davmor2have done10:00
ograeither for the removal or for a fix10:00
davmor2Bug 35296110:00
ubottuLaunchpad bug 352961 in mobile-meta "Jaunty: Netbook Remix has xournal which doesn't seem to function correctly on netbooks" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35296110:00
davmor2ogra: I also added maybe having the inclusion of a UNR-Touch meta-package to include common touch apps and settings for if the touch screen become common place :)10:02
ogragood idea, we should make a spec out of that10:06
davmor2ogra: knock yourself out you know more about what half decent apps and settings are out there :) 10:08
ogranot true foir jaunty UNR ... i'm mainly doing ARM enablement this cycle, StevenK is the guy caring for UNR in januty10:09
StevenKxournal has been killed from the meta package10:12
ograStevenK, oh, you are here 10:13
ograStevenK, did you see the notify-osd discussion with sabdfl and davidbarth above ?10:13
StevenKI thought lool did that upload?10:14
* ogra didnt see any uploads yet10:14
ograas i understand there is a "fix" in n-osd bzr thats not been uploaded yet, which adds support for an env var that enforces non-composite mode10:15
StevenKI thought u-n-r-d-s 0.5.0 was uploaded?10:16
ograif thats uploaded we need to set that var somewhere and replace notification-daemon with n-osd10:16
ograu-n-r-d-s 0.5.0 doesnt change anything wrt notifications10:17
ograsabdfl wants the new notification system in UNR10:18
StevenKYeah, I see that.10:18
davmor2StevenK: Cool :)10:24
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atarii have the problem that my system seems to hang for 1-2s if i open a new page in firefox (as example). is it a known problem?10:27
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StevenKogra: I have the changes locally, I don't see the notify-osd changes in LP yet10:41
ograStevenK, <davidbarth> ogra, lool: i've just pushed a fix for the env. var workaround we just discussed10:42
ograthats been 20:33 UTC yesterday10:43
StevenKWhere LP == the archive10:43
ograyeah, i think nobody uploaded it yet10:47
ograi dont even know the var name, else you could add something already 10:47
ograi would propose (even though its very ugly) to add an Xsession.d script to the launcher that exports it10:48
ograi.e. /etc/X11/Xsession.d/85no-composite-for-osd with:10:48
ograthats what we discussed yesterday (or hack up the launcher itself to export it from C )10:49
ogra(the latter might produce races though if n-osd starts before the launcher)10:50
playyaogra, maybe you should look into the XDG dokumentation if there's a flag for composite12:08
playyaor HAL12:09
playyaehh some dbus method of your choice :)12:09
ograplayya, well, not my business actually, i think the dx team has already implementd something in notify-osd12:11
ograbeyond that composite is there and will be detected ... which is the exact problem12:11
playyabecause of notify-osd i won't upgrad to jaunty12:12
ograreally ?12:12
* ogra likes notify-osd12:12
ograi dont like the stuff that has changed around the notification stuff12:12
ograbuut the notification system itself is pretty cool12:12
playyai use E really often ( if its not crashing) and it doesn't support n-osd12:13
playyaonly libnotify12:13
ograwell, you can remove n-osd and use libnotify12:15
playyabut all programs use n-osd12:16
ograthat doesnt mean they are not able to use notification-daemon anymore12:16
playyai thought nosd replaces libn completely12:17
ograif its installed, yes12:17
playyaot: can i set blink for the normal backgroundcolor in grub?12:19
playyabrb. testing12:21
playyaok. doesn't work12:27
ografile a bug :)12:28
ograUNR still uses notification-daemon all over the place ... nobody complained during the beta testing12:29
playyanobody uses enlightenment ;)12:30
ograwell, does that matter ?12:31
ogranotification-daemon should simply work, else its an E bug12:31
playyai don't have a jaunty install because of missind disk space and my second hdd has zfs as a first partition -> jaunty can't create a partition12:31
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looldavidm: mdz@canonical-cloaked-58A6C14A.range86-143.btcentralplus.com (canonical)       18:00
looldavidm, StevenK: 35326318:00
loolI think it wont make it18:00
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ian_brasilif i were to advice someone just starting out with development of ubuntu mobile i would advise them to download the latest image and to run it in QEMU or KVM21:15
ian_brasilis there some preferred graphical way..like using Virtual Box or Virtual Machine Manager?21:17
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loolian_brasil: I think virtualbox is a bit harder to convert the image, but then you can easily boot either disk21:34
loolian_brasil: With kvm or qemu it's hard to switch boot disk, so hard to install from that .img; but we have a trick for that as well.21:35
* lool bed &21:35
ian_brasillool: that which you posted to the mailing list a while back right21:35
methodsthe arm-ubuntu notebooks should be coming out now that it's april right ?22:00
methodshow do i get mid ?22:33

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