
macoboth authors and artists go in debian/copyright, right?00:27
RAOFmaco: Anyone with copyright on files that you're distributing goes in debian/copyright.00:29
RAOFmaco: There are quite frequently non-code files for which artists have copyright in packages we distribute; those files are treated no differently to code files.00:30
dtchengenerally, if it's distributed, it needs to be documented.00:30
jdongoh audio gods, any hints on skype spinning a 2.4GHz core 2 duo and glitching sound in Jaunty?01:34
jdongin fact even totem seems to induce high CPU usage01:34
jdongI'd like to point my finger at pulseaudio?01:34
mrooneyjdong: yeah, I have similar problems with skype :)01:40
jdongmrooney: yeah, it's kinda absurd a 2.4GHz modern CPU can't do videoconferencing without dying :)01:42
vadi2Hi. I have a question semi-related to packaging. Are configure.ac scripts in bash?02:28
SnovaThey are technically M4, the macro language that Autoconf uses. (At least I'm 99% sure)02:28
SnovaAutoconf basically runs M4 on configure.ac to produce configure.02:29
vadi2I see02:29
vadi2is the `which file` equivalent available in them?02:29
SnovaYes. You can write shell script in them directly.02:29
vadi2I need to fix a script to detect where a file path is hardcoded to instead locate it02:30
vadi2Alright, thanks02:30
cjwatsonyou should read 'info autoconf'02:30
cjwatsonit's in the autoconf-doc package02:30
lifelessSnova: writing shell directly is usually the wrong thing to do though02:30
cjwatsonthere are macros specifically for finding programs02:30
Snovalifeless: Probably, but I don't use Autoconf, I just remember how it works. :)02:31
cjwatsonfor example, AC_CHECK_PROG02:31
cjwatson(or AC_PATH_PROG, or various others depending on exactly what you're doing)02:31
vadi2where can I find a list of AC_CHECK's?02:32
vadi2I need to find out where is dh_make on the system02:32
cjwatson02:30 <cjwatson> you should read 'info autoconf'02:32
cjwatson02:30 <cjwatson> it's in the autoconf-doc package02:32
cjwatsonyou might want to spend a bit of time figuring out how to use info if you aren't used to it; or the manual is on the web at http://www.gnu.org/software/autoconf/manual/index.html02:34
vadi2it's ok just want to fix one thing02:35
cjwatsonautoconf is not easy to dip into unless you know it well; I really do strongly recommend familiarising yourself with it rather than trying to monkey-patch02:35
cjwatsonyou don't have to read it cover-to-cover, but you do need more of the basics than can be guessed02:36
cjwatsonit's worth learning about for packaging purposes anyway02:36
vadi2well, fine, since this is for an app that makes packages I suppose that is necessary knowledge then02:37
RAOFYou will undoubtedly at some point be required to patch someone's broken configure, so... ;)02:38
mistyaI just installed ubuntu. it's fantastic! Thank's dev. Good Job03:50
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jdongmistya: always great to hear happy users :)04:04
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dholbachgood morning06:40
iulianGood morning dholbach.07:08
dholbachhi iulian07:10
Toadstoolgood morning08:43
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verwilsti've compiled the zabbix-1.6.3-1 deb, but it seems like the debconf zabbix-frontend-php/zabbix-server doesn't exist09:59
verwilsthow can i check/add it?09:59
verwilsthttp://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=522076 for more info10:00
ubottuDebian bug 522076 in zabbix "zabbix-frontend-php postinst FAIL" [Unknown,Open]10:00
verwilsti want to PPA it, so :)10:01
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goshawkwhat is the command to generate manpages from program --help?10:52
maxbhelp2man? :-)10:53
goshawkmaxb: thanks10:54
directhexhm. mythbuntu april fool's is a bit mean12:27
Elbrusdirecthex: does the deb do anything?12:44
* Elbrus not living in the states and not on 64bits.12:44
* Elbrus doesn't even have a tv12:44
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theseinfelddid you see the bugmenot april's fool! Hilarious!!!13:06
bddebianHeya gang13:33
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whitehi, anyone here knows how I could make a kmail template that invokes a shell script to parse the body of an email?13:48
directhexjpds, awesome. now let sabdfl know about it in #ubuntu-devel ;)14:02
directhexjpds, i can offer you a statement from Novell14:05
directhex"that t-shirt is ugly"14:05
jpdsdirecthex: Heh. :)14:08
sistpoty|workhm... can someone sponsor me an upload of faumachine? (got my signing key not around at work) http://spooky.informatik.uni-erlangen.de/~sistpoty/faumachine/faumachine_20090302-0ubuntu1_to_0ubuntu2.debdiff14:09
fidjididrocks: hi, didier, have you some times for me ?14:10
sistpoty|workOTOH I could wait until I get home, of course *g*14:10
jpdssistpoty|work: Sure.14:11
sistpoty|workjpds: oh, thanks :) (/me is a little bit embarrased to not have seen the missing dependency on the -data package earlier on *g*)14:11
jpdssistpoty|work: All done.14:14
sistpoty|workjpds: thanks a lot :)14:18
jpdsMachts nicht.14:18
DktrKranzsistpoty|work: re bug 329042, we're catching each other :)14:36
ubottuLaunchpad bug 329042 in boost "Boost 1.38 in Jaunty" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32904214:36
sistpoty|workDktrKranz: heh14:37
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quentusrexDoes anyone know how to program a listener for /dev/input/* devices?16:01
ScottKDktrKranz and sistpoty|work: I think the answer for 1.38 is no.16:02
ScottKWe'll get it from Debian in Karmic and no need to sweat it.16:02
sistpoty|workScottK: yes, agreed... and we can backport it then16:02
* DktrKranz agrees16:03
sistpoty|work(which I think we *should* do, to allow porting of applications in case the api changed)16:03
ScottKYes.  It's boost.  The API changed.16:03
ScottK1.38 will be the boost for squeeze, so we'll get most of that from Debian anyway.16:04
sistpoty|workah, cool :)16:04
DktrKranzScottK: sistpoty|work, we have only eight packages remaining to finish python 2.6 transition (wrt uninstallability), is it fine to file bug reports (if not already present) and milestoning them for RC or Release?16:08
sistpoty|workDktrKranz: makes sense to me16:09
ScottKDktrKranz: Just put them as Medium priority since we aren't proposing the release be delayed for them.16:09
DktrKranzok. I'll have a round at them to see if I can fix some this evening and eventually mark the other ones accordingly, thanks.16:10
vadi2Is it possible to make dh_make not ask for a confirmation?16:11
keesScottK, nhandler, DktrKranz, sistpoty|work: anyone around to approve a feature-freeze-exception?  (bug 352801)16:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 352801 in ubuntu "FFe: Ubuntu-specific SELinux policy package from Tresys" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35280116:47
sistpoty|workkees: already looking at it ;)16:48
ScottKkees: You've got an archive-admin lined up to review it?16:48
* kees hugs sistpoty|work16:49
sistpoty|workkees: well, that's only 50% of a granted FFe :P16:49
keesScottK: yeah, I was poking slangasek about it earlier.16:49
keessistpoty|work: heh.16:49
kees(this should also solve 345801)16:50
ScottKkees: Isn't jdstrand one now?16:50
keesScottK: he is, yes.16:50
ScottKYou're probably in a better position to convince him.... ;-)16:51
ScottKkees: Approved.16:51
keesthough I need 2 +1's, is that right?16:52
sistpoty|workkees: yep16:52
sistpoty|workkees: unless a delegate handles it16:53
ScottKkees: Yes and I was the 2nd.16:53
keesoooh, and there it is.  *reload*  *dance*16:53
vadi2How would one go about packaging an app that uses the waf build system instead of autotools? update the 'rules' file by hand?17:13
azeemvadi2: you'll have to change your rules for it, yes17:16
vadi2is there a programmatic way available for changing it?17:17
azeemI don't think so17:17
DktrKranzScottK: is your syncs processed with syncpackage script?17:23
ScottKDktrKranz: yes.17:23
DktrKranzyou're archive-admin, are other MOTUs entitled to use it (if in a hurry)?17:24
nixternalthe time has come for me to step down from the MC and MOTU, thank you everyone for all of the fish. My reasoning is in my last email concerning the MC Meeting today that went to the motu-council mailing list...enjoy and best wishes17:33
DktrKranznixternal: from MOTU too?17:34
ScottKDktrKranz: We aren't supposed to.17:34
DktrKranzScottK: good, thanks.17:35
maxbLooking at the ubuntu-docs postinst... why does it need to dpkg --compare-versions at all? (Asking -motu not -devel because I'm asking in a "packaging technique" context and -devel is full of a debate at the moment)17:39
nixternalmaxb: can you pastebin the postinst?17:40
nixternalDktrKranz: nah man, having fun with april foolz17:41
maxb        if [ -d "$link" ] && ! [ -L "$link" ] && dpkg --compare-versions "$2" lt-nl 9.04.6; then17:41
maxb                rmdir "$link"; ln -s ../../ubuntu-docs/libs "$link"17:41
maxbis the interesting bit17:41
maxboh, and that is in a case block for "configure" invocation of the postinst17:42
maxbThe point being, if you're configuring a version of a package that ships $link as a symlink, and you want to clear out empty directories that might be stale on the system, why do you care about the previous version?17:43
nixternalyou are not lying, that is an interesting bit17:47
nixternalmaxb: in #ubuntu-doc there is a fellow by the name of mdke, he could probably answer that best for you17:48
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james_wcongratulations bdmurray17:58
bdmurraythanks james_w!17:59
bobbocongrats bdmurray!17:59
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* dholbach hugs bdmurray18:08
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nxvlwhere was the MC meeting? a call?18:14
* sebner waves at dholbach and nxvl :)18:15
ivoksalert: broken python-pastescript in jaunty18:16
* ivoks is testing solution18:16
gesernxvl: it was in #ubuntu-meeting, an impromptu MC meeting to process bdmurray's application due to bad scheduling the last time18:20
nxvlmm, it should by the time my internet was down, i don't have the logs18:21
* nxvl opens irclogs.ubuntu.com18:21
* sebner waves at dholbach and nxvl and geser of course :D18:21
* geser waves back to sebner18:22
ivoksyep, works18:22
* nxvl waves with no aparent reason18:24
ivokswho do i have to surbscribe to allow ffe for universe package? :)18:24
sebnernxvl: waving back is the reason :P18:26
LucidFoxhttp://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=latest+ubuntu+release <-- o_O18:26
LucidFox(probably common knowledge here already, though)18:26
ivoksnxvl: motu-sru is for stable releases, right?18:29
ivoksnxvl: jaunty isn't stable yet, but requires a sync from debian18:29
* ivoks goes to wiki18:29
nxvlIIRC it does the exceptions too18:29
nxvllet me re-check18:29
nxvlivoks: yup, motu-release18:33
nxvlivoks: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FreezeExceptionProcess18:33
ivoksnxvl: thanks', i'm already at it :)18:33
jdongany sound gods around with experience on why skype in particular acts badly with jaunty pulse?18:49
jdongthe two combined spin a core when playing sound, even the ringtone, about 25% user and 25% system time on a core 2 duo18:49
jdong(it used to use 20% combined CPU on intrepid but in jaunty it causes stuttering and is more or less unusable)18:50
* hyperair never knew that cores spin18:53
_rubenhyperair: nowadays the fans are fixed, and the cores spin18:58
hyperair_ruben: interesting eh18:58
mbanahi, who packs adobe reader for intrepid?19:13
sebnermbana: nobondy?19:14
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mbanano there's a channel19:14
sebnermbana: channel? adobe reader is not available in the official sources and it won't be in future19:16
mbanano it's available in a repo, i forget which19:16
sebnermbana: this is the channel for *official* ubuntu packages ;) not for someone's repo with someone's packages19:17
mbanano it's an official ubuntu repo19:17
sebnermbana: I even can think of partner?!19:18
mbananever mind i found it; http://www.medibuntu.org/19:18
sebnermbana: medibuntu != official ubuntu19:18
cody-somervilleCanonical might provide it via the Partner repository19:19
sebnercody-somerville: but it isn't available *for now* IIRC, right?19:19
* cody-somerville isn't sure.19:19
cody-somervilleBut I wonder where the correct place to ask question about the partner repository is19:19
sebnercody-somerville: -devel?19:20
cody-somervilleProbably but I don't think thats really the right place19:21
sebnercody-somerville: well, there isn't something like ubuntu-partner yet AFAIK ^^19:21
AmaranthThat is not the right place19:21
sebnerI refer to a channel19:21
Amaranththe guys working on partner are completely separate19:22
AmaranthI don't think there is a place, honestly19:22
cody-somervilleAFAIK, partner is powered by contractors from the community for the most part19:22
cjwatsoncody-somerville: I don't think that's true, no19:24
cjwatsonBrian Thomason does most of it, I believe (though often in conjunction with the partner in question); he's "iamfuzz" on IRC19:24
cjwatsonI think generally you can file bugs in Ubuntu about packages in the partner repository, though19:24
cody-somervilleThats probably the case now19:25
cody-somervillebut I think ScottK did some work on it at one time19:25
mbanawhat are you guys talking about19:26
cjwatsoncody-somerville: yes, ScottK helped out with a review at one point (I was the manager for that contract ...)19:26
* cody-somerville nods.19:26
cjwatsoncody-somerville: but I think he would be the first to deny that he powered the partner repository :-) I don't know of any other similar instances19:26
cody-somervilleMaybe "powered" was a bit strong19:27
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vadi2 Is it possible to make dh_make not ask for a confirmation?20:37
hyperairvadi2: why would you want to do that?20:38
vadi2I need to call it from a script20:38
vadi2where I do the confirmation already on my own20:38
Elbrusvadi2: I am not sure, but why would you want to run dh_make from script.20:40
vadi2that is a different topic :)20:40
Elbrusit needs manual attention afterwards anyway20:41
vadi2no, I provide it all the arguments it needs, so it doesn't need attention.20:41
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quadrisprosavvas: ping21:31
savvasquadrispro: hey :)21:31
quadrisprosavvas: nice to meet you :) i'm taking a look at bug 34125821:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 341258 in gpixpod "Depends: python (< 2.6) but 2.6.1-0ubuntu3 is to be installed" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34125821:32
savvassame here hehe21:32
* savvas refreshes his memory :P21:32
quadrisprosavvas: I have some questions21:33
savvassure :)21:33
savvasask away!21:33
quadrisproI think there's 2 way to follow to make the package ready for python 2.6: 1) by fixing the makefile 2) by using setup.py script21:33
quadrisprois it right, isn'it?21:34
quadrisprolooking at your patch it seems you're trying to follow both those ways! :D21:34
savvasoops, let me check21:35
quadrisprosavvas: perhaps I'm wrong eh :)21:36
quadrisprobut you touched both the Makefile and debian/rules21:36
quadrisproby disabling the use of make in debian/rules (it could be ok) and, in the same time, tuning the Makefile :P21:37
savvasum hold a sec21:37
savvasI think I removed the direct changes and made patches instead21:37
savvasis this package from debian? I'll check21:38
savvaswheow no :p21:39
quadrisprono no, -0ubuntuX21:40
savvasquadrispro: ok, the direct changes in http://launchpadlibrarian.net/23813555/gpixpod_0.6.2-0ubuntu6_fixed.debdiff revert to the original files, that are in orig.tar.gz21:40
quadrispro(sometime I could go away for some moment, Italy's playing :))21:40
savvasok :)21:40
quadrisprosavvas: ah! ok, now I understand but... why??21:41
savvasit had dpatch in its build-depends21:41
quadrisproyes, savvas but it may be good only rebuild (by patching all the necessary things), then submitting all other changes to debian21:42
quadrisproin this way we'll sync them later21:42
savvasbut.. gpixpod is not in Debian :\ http://packages.qa.debian.org/g/gpixpod.html21:43
quadrisprosavvas: sorry LOL21:43
quadrisprothen ok21:43
savvasbut wait!!21:43
didrockshyperair: around?21:43
savvasI think I didn't check the Standards-Version update21:43
savvasquadrispro: I made it 3.7.3 -> 3.8.0 without going through the checklist, give me 5 minutes and I'll let you know :)21:45
quadrisprook, perfect21:45
savvasquadrispro: ok, I think no changes required for standards-version changed, except for "Homepage:" inclusion in debian/control :P21:59
quadrisprosavvas: could you prepare new patch?22:00
savvasa few seconds :)22:01
savvasquadrispro: http://paste.ubuntu.com/142339/22:04
savvas( this the difference between the old _fixed.debdiff and new.debdiff patch: http://paste.ubuntu.com/142339/ )22:05
savvaser sorry22:05
savvas( the difference between the patches is: http://paste.ubuntu.com/142341/ )22:05
quadrisprolooks good22:06
* savvas crosses fingers :)22:07
quadrisprosavvas: http://paste.ubuntu.com/142347/22:10
quadrisprociao tseliot22:10
savvasin pbuilder?22:11
savvasapplying patch 01_about-window to ./ ... ok.22:11
savvasapplying patch 02_new-album to ./ ... ok.22:11
savvasapplying patch 10_gpixpod_python to ./ ... ok.22:11
savvasapplying patch 20_imgconvert_Makefile_fix to ./ ... ok.22:11
tseliotquadrispro: ciao ;)22:12
savvasgot it22:12
savvashold a sec22:12
quadrisprosavvas: no no, it happens before giving the package to pbuilder, anyway I'm working on it by getting your previous patch and tuning it22:12
savvasquadrispro: try this one: wget http://paste.ubuntu.com/142349/plain -O plain22:13
savvas(must be an extra line or something?)22:14
quadrisprosavvas: just working :)22:14
savvasoki doki :)22:14
quadrisprosavvas: in debian/changelog would be better using *. - and + as shown here: http://paste.ubuntu.com/142351/22:18
quadrisprosavvas: building in progress -> http://localhost/jaunty/pool/gpixpod_0.6.2-0ubuntu6/gpixpod_0.6.2-0ubuntu6.buildlog22:22
quadrisproeh, savvas, sorry -> http://home.alessiotreglia.com/jaunty/pool/gpixpod_0.6.2-0ubuntu6/gpixpod_0.6.2-0ubuntu6.buildlog22:22
savvasquadrispro: oops, sorry, is it too late? should I change the - and + in changelog?22:31
quadrisprosavvas: just done22:32
quadrispro* already22:32
quadrisproand uploaded too :)22:32
savvasI didn't know we had a policy about changelog and -/+, good to know :)22:32
quadrisprosavvas: only style-guidelines :)22:35
savvasok, still, good to know :P22:36
savvasdamn this cough is killing me, brb22:37
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quadrisprobye guys22:53
quadrisprosavvas: bye!22:54
savvasbye !22:57
savvasoh left :\22:57
savvasFYI: Launchpad will be going offline for maintenance in three minutes.  :)22:57
=== savvas_ is now known as savvas
savvasthis is weird.. my memory card reader stopped working23:15
* savvas wrong channel, ubuntu+1 :P23:16
savvaswhy does openoffice.org-math have NoDisplay=true ?23:41
jpdssavvas: Best talk to calc about that.23:42
savvasjpds: ok, thanks - I guess they're not online currently :)23:44

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