
BUGabundoasac around?09:55
BUGabundowt heck is asac_the_bumber ?09:55
asacits him09:56
BUGabundoasac can you popup on +1? NM questions09:58
gnomefreaksorry spelling alone made it take forever :(10:02
gnomefreakBUGabundo: your wiki has been updated however keep in mind it is only 0500 here10:03
gnomefreakasac: how did you and fta work around the Pango_fonts bug during build10:04
gnomefreakcrap forgot bug #10:05
asacgnomefreak: not sure what you mean10:05
gnomefreakasac: looking for bug atm but pango causes FTB10:06
asacgnomefreak: on which mozilla branch is that?10:06
gnomefreak1.9.1 i think the package is set to core10:07
gnomefreakasac: when i get to email i should be able to give you bug link10:07
gnomefreakasac: mozilla 47887110:08
ubottuMozilla bug 478871 in GFX: Thebes "compile error 'struct _PangoFcFontMapClass' has no member named 'context_substitute' with pango 1.23" [Normal,Assigned] http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=47887110:08
gnomefreaki got caught up in that with seamonkey-210:09
asacgnomefreak: you could help testing seamonkey/xulrunner in security PPA10:09
asacbut i guess you just ahve jaunty right?10:10
gnomefreakasac: i have been running 1.1.15 here10:10
gnomefreakasac: and intrepid but no hardy atm10:10
* gnomefreak goes for smoke10:10
gnomefreakfta: ah you patched it. it is a universal patch isnt it?10:12
asac[reed]: mozilla bug 48627810:13
ubottuMozilla bug 486278 in sq / Albanian "sq.xpi for 3.0.8 uninstallable on ubuntu" [Normal,New] http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=48627810:13
asachow can we raise severity for something like that?10:13
[reed]I cc'd some l10n-drivers10:14
[reed]and requested blocking10:14
asac[reed]: great. rock10:14
[reed]care to post the actual error?10:14
[reed]give as much detail as you can10:14
asaci didnt know if can misuse mozilla blocking flags10:15
asaclet me check what you did10:15
[reed]anybody can request blocking10:15
asaclets see if i can copy it10:15
asac[reed]: updated10:15
asac[reed]: wasnt sure if l10n for minority locales would block main products ;)10:16
[reed]probably won't10:16
[reed]but it still gets it on somebody's radar10:16
[reed]I got denied blocking for a patch to remove the mention of the EULA from about:license10:17
[reed]so, they are picky :p10:17
asac_the_bumberasac: looks like the patch definitely works10:24
asac_the_bumber[reed]: apply!10:24
[reed]which patch?10:24
asac_the_bumbersigbus on sparc10:25
[reed]bug #?10:25
asac_the_bumberi'll poke you when i attach the patch :)10:26
BUGabundowhat ever you do don't open http://www.smouch.net/lol10:28
asac_fta: we need to stabilize ffox 3.510:31
asac_and upload to jaunty10:31
asac_or upload b3 as 3.510:31
ftaa snapshot? or b4?10:31
asac_fta: well. b4 isnt out ;)10:32
ftai know10:32
asac_we need to do that before final freeze10:32
asac_afterwards it will be cumbersome10:32
ftawhen is that?10:32
asac_final freeze is apr 910:32
asac_but better check to be sure ;)10:32
asac_[reed]: do you set a tag on "Code Freeze"?10:33
asac_or only when QA starts?10:33
[reed]when builds are built10:33
[reed]which is sometime between code freeze and when QA starts10:33
asac_any indication code freeze will slip a few days?10:34
asac_for b4?10:34
[reed]not sure10:34
[reed]I haven't been paying attention10:34
[reed]I'll ask10:34
asac_thanks a lot10:34
asac_fta: yeah. but if its in bin NEW its really risky. so lets upload snapshot today or so10:37
=== asac_ is now known as asac
ftaok, easy10:37
asacfta: you can name it ~b4~u110:38
asacor just the name we use now10:38
ftashould it close a bug?10:39
BUGabundoasac fta 3.6 is brokwn10:39
asacextensions ;)10:39
ftaasac, er, i guess upstream will head shoot me if i do that10:39
BUGabundono addons on 3.610:39
asacfta: we dont use their marks ;)10:40
asacbut well. lets upload it10:40
asacbut lets open a bug so archive admins see the reason10:40
ftacould you do it please? i'm busy with work right now10:41
asacfta: 35299510:42
asacfta: oh. remember to also add Provides: firefox-3.1 ... firefox-3.1-gnome-support and so on10:42
asace.g. Conflicts/replaces/provides10:43
asacbug 35299510:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 352995 in firefox-3.1 "firefox 3.1 was reversioned to 3.5 upstream" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35299510:43
asacok improved title a bit10:45
asacbug 35299510:45
ubottuLaunchpad bug 352995 in firefox-3.1 "firefox 3.1 was reversioned to 3.5 upstream" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35299510:45
armin76[reed]: for what tree i should do the patch? mozilla-central, or mozilla-1.9.1?10:45
armin76[reed]: the sigbus affects all 3.x, so it would be great if it would be applied to all10:46
armin76k, thanks10:46
asacarmin76: -central10:47
[reed]always do patches against trunk / tip10:47
asacarmin76: then let it land in trunk and once that happened request approvals for the branches10:47
ftaasac, eh? didn't you look at the package already? was my transition incomplete/broken??10:48
asacfta: i looked, but i forgot to mention that the transition could be optimized by adding replaces ;)10:48
asacerr Provides i mean ;)10:48
asacactually i wanted to just commit that, but now i remember that i didnt ;)10:49
asaclet me know. i can also do that swiftly10:49
ftai'll do it10:49
asacargh. gwibber hangs10:52
BUGabundome too10:52
BUGabundoand ff3.6 doesn't start10:52
BUGabundohumm something locked?10:53
BUGabundokillall and start it again and it works10:53
BUGabundogo figure10:53
asacok done with my #git rants on identi.ca for now ;)10:54
gnomefreakbug 309390 34512511:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 309390 in flashblock "Intrepid: Flashblock plugin doesn't work in Firefox again" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/30939011:04
gnomefreakbug 34512511:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 345125 in flashblock "Jaunty beta: Flashblock doesn't block flash and totally disallows 'embed' flash content" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34512511:04
ftafor gwibber, it freezes when you update it underneath. a bit like ff turns crazy when you update it or xul.  just restart it11:07
ftathe chromium guys are working on a way to do transparent upgrades that don't require a restart, and even user attention11:08
asacfta: tell chromium folks to also think about packaging11:26
asacthey most likely work on something like the auto updates11:27
asacotoh their multi process approach should make it easy11:27
asacits just killing the rendering processes and let them restart again with same state11:27
bdrungping asac11:33
asacpong bdrung11:34
bdrungasac: I need a sponsor for bug #340435. ;)11:35
ubottuLaunchpad bug 340435 in adblock-plus "FFe request for adblock-plus 1.0.1" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34043511:35
asacbdrung: wasnt there a branch?11:36
bdrungyes: https://code.launchpad.net/~bdrung/firefox-extensions/adblock-plus.ubuntu11:36
asacok let me get that11:36
bdrungasac: and for upstream: https://code.launchpad.net/~bdrung/firefox-extensions/adblock-plus.upstream11:36
BUGabundocan some on explain to me what is the use of packaging addons?11:37
BUGabundois it to make it system wide??11:37
bdrungBUGabundo: yes11:37
BUGabundocan't the addon just be copied to the system addon dir?11:37
BUGabundosure apt makes that easy11:38
asacBUGabundo: its to make it ubuntu maintained11:38
asacand system wide yes.11:38
BUGabundobut is it worth all the trouble of packaging?11:38
asacbdrung: did you start with the ~ubuntu-dev branch?11:38
asacbdrung: you should dump your branch on every upload11:39
asacbdrung: and start with ~ubuntu-dev11:39
asacthats the baseline11:39
asace.g. not "sync changlog from ubuntu archive"11:39
asace.g. use topic branches, e.g. adblock-plus.ubuntu.NEWVERSION11:40
bdrungasac: i started with the ~ubuntu-dev branch.11:41
asacbdrung: so i forgot to push to ~ubuntu-dev?11:41
asacor why is the "sync changelog commit" needed?11:41
asacor did someone else just upload it without committing?11:41
asacok seems it was my fault11:42
asacor someone uploaded11:42
asacbdrung: ok something new :) ... look at bzr log -l1 --show-id in the .upstream branch11:42
bdrungasac: Siegfried-Angel Gevatter Pujals uploaded adblock-plus 1.0-0ubuntu111:42
asacin future you will have to update .bzr-builddeb/default.conf11:42
asacto properly refer to that revid11:43
asacas it allows us to automatically extract .upstream from the .ubuntu branch11:43
asaci will do that so maybe look what i do ;)11:43
asacbdrung: ok pushing: bzr push lp:~ubuntu-dev/firefox-extensions/adblock-plus.ubuntu/11:48
asacbdrung: so now you just need to branch11:48
asacand run bzr bd11:48
asacit will auto create your orig.tar.gz11:48
asaccheckout .bzr-builddeb/default.conf11:48
asacthe upstream revision id is what needs to be bumped in the "merge" commit11:49
asacpushing still ongoing11:49
asacbdrung: can you please subscribe universe-sponsors (if not done yet)11:49
asac(so i get sponsor credits ;))11:49
bdrungasac: done11:50
asacbdrung: uploaded11:52
bdrungasac: thanks11:54
BUGabundoasac isn't this Fix Release https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/329798 ?11:59
ubottuUbuntu bug 329798 in network-manager "NM will not connect to FON AP" [Undecided,New]11:59
BUGabundobased on the last comment?11:59
asacBUGabundo: closed invalid (we dont know what caused this and dont know what fixed it ;))12:04
BUGabundothat's one of mine!12:05
BUGabundoits not invalid12:05
BUGabundoI could do it repetily12:05
BUGabundofor more then a year12:05
BUGabundorecently it started to work!12:05
BUGabundook... driver may explain it12:06
BUGabundoor wpasup12:06
asaciu dont think we updated wpasupp in recent history12:30
asacso linux is the reason ;)12:30
BUGabundoworks now12:31
BUGabundoits all I care12:31
asacgood ;)12:32
BUGabundobut we can't ask every user to jump to jaunty to fix wifi wpa/wpa2 of FON12:32
asaconly thing they need are new kernels ;)12:35
fta2something is leaving /tmp/tmp.*/state/lists/archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_jaunty_* behind12:36
fta2asac, do you see that in your syslog? http://paste.ubuntu.com/142020/13:21
asachmm ... not13:22
asacmaybe ask tedg13:23
asacon -desktop13:23
asache is hte one doing the new indicator13:23
asache is US guy so probably will pop up later13:23
fta2bug 34651313:39
ubottuLaunchpad bug 346513 in indicator-applet ""dbus-daemon: Rejected send message" for indicator-applet spams /var/log/auth.log" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34651313:39
* BUGabundo pokes asac to lift his /ignore from +114:02
asacheh. ask gnomefreak when he is back14:04
asache has far better connections to -ops than me14:05
Guest49783Hello, is there anyway to sync Nokia N81 with mozilla sunbird14:09
asaci am not aware of any extension14:14
asacthat doesnt mean there is none14:14
BUGabundoasac: its not a question of OPs but NM questions14:16
BUGabundowhat I meant to say is that you don't look too much to what its going on there14:17
asactime is constraining factor14:24
asacif i am debugging something i cannot really answer questions ;)14:24
asaci need helpers that know the right initial questions14:24
BUGabundoI know some14:25
BUGabundobut not that many14:25
asacjtv: hey. you think you can debug the xpi import things with the unicode? its not really easy for us to do that as it doesnt even tell us where the problem originates from15:05
jtvasac: hi15:05
asacjtv: you can probably just run it locally and get the file15:05
asacin the backtrace15:06
jtvasac: not quite _that_ easy.  If this is becoming a problem, bug danilo about it.15:06
jtvasac: we have a lot of other priorities for now, so haven't been able to do much on XPI support lately.15:07
asacjtv: yeah right. ok. its not that important15:08
asacjtv: its just that we have close to zero chance to see whats going on15:08
asacas we dont have the importer code we can run locally15:08
jtvasac: yeah, I really wish I had some time to put into this.15:09
asacjtv: will rosetta be opensourced in Jul 26? or still discussed?15:09
jtvasac: it goes open just like most of the rest.15:10
asacjtv: yeah. wasnt sure which part dont go open15:10
asacgreat news ;)15:10
asacjtv: ok we found it ;)15:12
asac(it seems)15:12
asacthanks a bunch15:12
jtvasac: found what?15:12
asacfoud the problem of that import thing we were missing ;)15:13
asacseems we figured all import issues for ffox then15:13
* asac_the_bumber waves15:30
* asac waves to asac_the_bumber 15:31
fta2<BUGabundo> what I meant to say is that you don't look too much to what its going on there <= this is harsh15:51
BUGabundofta2 not meant to be.. if it sounded , sorry15:53
fta2asac, http://paste.ubuntu.com/142150/ is that what you want? how come it optimizes the transition?16:58
fta2BUGabundo, strange, i no longer have any of your dents in my list, wtf?17:05
* BUGabundo fta has banned me!17:07
fta2re-added you17:23
fta2asac, http://paste.ubuntu.com/142166/ if i understand correctly, i can drop the ff-3.1* packages too17:27
fta2is that correct?17:27
BUGabundofta didn't get any email of you dropping out!17:32
fta2i'm sure i didn't, should be a bug17:33
BUGabundoits a BUGabundo17:40
asacfta2: no we need to keep transitional packages17:46
asacjust add the PRovides17:46
fta2then I'm done18:02
fta2asac, pushing...18:07
fta2funny the auto-comments: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/firefox-3.1/+bug/35299518:13
ubottuUbuntu bug 352995 in firefox-3.1 "transition package name firefox-3.1 to firefox-3.5 (reversioned upstream) for jaunty" [High,Triaged]18:13
asacyeah those are nice18:18
asacactivity log entries;)18:18
asacfta2: pushed new source?18:36
asacis it in NEW already?18:36
asacfta2: comment in changelog is wrong18:48
asac"... initiate the 3.1->3.6 transition (s/3.6/3.5/)18:48
asac_the_bumberis it quick!? :D18:49
asacfta2: rev 405 doesnt have a changelog in commit18:50
asacfta2: oh already fixed the typo18:50
BUGabundoasac ping19:13
BUGabundoI'm with that SiS based laptop again19:13
BUGabundoany tips to make network work?19:13
BUGabundomaybe chainging MTU or something?19:13
BUGabundoasac using jaunty it's the same19:31
Jazzvaasac: the patch should be done... I'll push it in few minutes20:55
Jazzvaasac: also, I noticed now that it contains an "--auto" parameter which will update all found plugins20:56
asacthts what i ment ;)20:57
asace.g. nspluginwrapper --auto --update20:57
JazzvaI didn't notice that one before.20:57
Jazzvayeah, and it works20:57
JazzvaI'll test --update with NSPLUGIN_DIRS now... --list worked20:57
asacthats great ... so we install with just NSPLUGIN_DIR20:57
asacand we --update with NSPLUGIN_DIRS?20:57
Jazzvashould --update too, but  just to be sure20:57
Jazzvaasac: well, NSPLUGIN_DIRS is something like /var/lib/nspluginwrapper/dirs.d/, which contains a file like "flashplugin-nonfree" (installed by flashplugin-nonfree package)20:58
Jazzvaand the content of the file is something like "/var/lib/flashplugin-nonfree" (that's the directory where we installed the wrapper20:59
asacso you still parse a file?20:59
Jazzvaumm... yes20:59
asacwell ok20:59
asacso basically we NSPLUGIN_DIRS is always constnat ;)20:59
asace.g. always /var/lib/nspluginwrapper/dirs.d/20:59
asacor what?20:59
JazzvaI think that's true :).21:00
asacheh ;)21:00
asacyou really like overkill ;)21:00
asacbut push ;)21:00
asaci want to see it21:00
asaci guess its ok. just have to realign my ideas a bit ;)21:01
Jazzvaand I don't think it's pretty written :)21:01
Jazzvajust to check something21:01
Jazzvahmm... it skips /var/lib/flashplugin-nonfree, but it doesn't skip /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins (those are two directories that I placed in the metafile)21:07
Jazzvaasac: here it is, should be visible soon https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~jazzva/nspluginwrapper/ubuntu.1.2.2-0ubuntu321:15
asacJazzva: revision 49 doesnt add the patch ;)21:21
asacyou forgot to add it?21:21
JazzvaHmm, I added it. It was visible in bzr diff.21:21
Jazzvahmm, weird21:21
asacmaybe after the commit ;)21:22
Jazzvamaybe. But I was sure I added it :).21:22
JazzvaOk, I pushed rev 5021:22
asacJazzva: doesnt nspluginwrapper link against libglib anyway?21:23
JazzvaI think it does...21:24
JazzvaBut I wasn't aware of those functions. And that would be very useful :)21:24
asacJazzva: ok so why not dump the get_env_plugin_dirs function21:27
asacand just use the tokenizer results?21:27
asacand for the tokenizer using g_strsplit ;)21:27
asacdoing that file parsing is - as expected - kind of ugly ;) ... as you already noted ;)21:28
asacwith that the patch would be quite clean: e.g.21:28
asacjust the @@ -257,13 +345,24 @@  hunk21:28
asacand the simple get_env_plugin_dirs function using g_strsplit21:29
asacalso its more common to not do something like:21:29
Jazzvaso, to use NSPLUGIN_DIRS for dirs where we keep wrappers?21:29
asacwhile (*(env_dirs + n_env_dirs) != NULL) n_env_dirs++;21:29
asacJazzva: right21:29
asacthat was my idea anyway ;)21:29
JazzvaOk, I just have one problem with that :)21:30
asacyou can use char **iter = env_dirs; while (iter) { ....; iter++ }21:30
Jazzvawhat do we do on nspluginwrapper upgrade?21:30
asacerr while (*iter) ...21:30
asacJazzva: lets do that outside of the bloody C code ;)21:30
asacwe can use the /var/ dir you proposed21:30
asacand provide a wrapper that packages that use nspluginwrapper can use21:31
asace.g. update-np-wrappers21:31
asacthat will do the magic of assembling NSPLUGIN_DIRS21:31
asacfrom the whereever we decide it to get it from21:31
asacJazzva: i guess that code was good for your C-fu skills ... so even if we remove that function its not lost;)21:32
asacJazzva: so even though we remove it ... for plugin_path_length you should rather use "MAXPATHLEN" which is defined21:33
Jazzvamhm, ok :)21:33
asacyeah also try to use iterators like above21:34
asacbut you said you had to look up pointers21:34
asacso thats a good lesson to take out of here ;)21:35
Jazzvaso, the C part should just split something like NSPLUGIN_DIRS=/var/lib/package1-that-use-wrapper:/var/lib/package2-that-use-wrapper:/.../bla, and append that to mozilla_plugin_dirs, right?21:35
asacyeah ;)21:35
asacas i said21:35
Jazzvabtw, that part with n_env_dirs++ was just to count the number of directories in the list.21:35
asacjust the last hunk of path + the simple get_dirs function21:35
asacthat uses split ;)21:35
asacJazzva: i think thats ok. just hide that in the get_env_...dir function21:38
asaclike char** get_env_dir... (int *count)21:38
Jazzvaasac: ok21:38
asacand use iterators instead of +n imo21:39
ftahm, what happened to xul? it's not in the queue22:26
ftai didn't get *any* email from lp22:26
dtchenasac: kubuntu does not ship with pulseaudio, so i don't see how bug 345096 involves PA...22:27
ubottuLaunchpad bug 345096 in pulseaudio "No Sound In Flash" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34509622:27
asacdtchen: well. if its not flash its probably alsa. maybe now that pulse is working so great, alsa has issues?22:29
asacs/not flash/not pulse/22:29
dtchenman, i really need to get alsa-info.sh hooked into ubuntu-bug/apport22:30
dtchenso many of these reports are just mixer elements being muted and/or zeroed22:30
dtchenanyhow, i'll ask for more information, but i doubt it has anything to do with PA22:30
BUGabundodtchen: that would be noise22:31
BUGabundodtchen: my sound just got muted after reboot22:31
BUGabundono idea why22:31
ftaoops http://launchpadlibrarian.net/24639098/buildlog_ubuntu-jaunty-i386.firefox-3.5_3.5~b4~hg20090401r24201%2Bnobinonly-0ubuntu1~umd1_MANUALDEPWAIT.txt.gz22:32
ftahm, n-m22:32
mariuzfta , i wanted to ask about that auto bot you have for daily mozilla builds22:34
asachi mariuz22:34
ftamariuz, something i created22:35
ftamariuz, it's kind of public, but lack documentation22:35
mariuzno problem22:36
ftamariuz, it has some pre-requisites, such as your packages must be in a bzr branch (the packaging part, mergable with bzr builddeb, unless it's native), and it has to know how to create the proper source tarball using get-orig-source.22:38
ftaother than that, it should be able to handle everything else22:38
ftayou can take gwibber as a really simple example22:39
ftai planed to move that to a proper project once i improve logging and write some docs22:40
mariuzok thanks , i will take an look , good that is perl22:40
fta:) you're the first to tell me that perl is good22:41
ftabasically, once the 2 conf files are ready, i run daily.sh in cron. Like: /data/bot/src/daily.sh gwibber umd ucd 2>&1 | mailx -s '[BOT] daily builds' fta22:42
ftaI can show you my conf files, i have gwibber, umd (mozilla) and ucd (chromium)22:43
fta(i should put that in a branch too)22:43
mariuzok , maybe what you have said above should be in an small readme, i will take a look later today22:44
ftamariuz, yeah, i know, i suck at writing docs ;)22:45
fta(give lp a chance to sync my branch)22:46
mariuzi will wait22:47
ftaasac, oh, xul has been built already: https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+builds?build_text=xulrunner-1.9.1&build_state=all22:47
ftaarmin76, ^^ sparc :P22:47
[reed]armin76: did you file a bug yet?22:48
asacfta: xul has no new packages22:48
asacfta: is ffox in NEW now?22:48
mariuzmy intention is to create an daily arora browser with qt 4.5.x daily , and later daily firebird database snapshots22:48
ftaasac, still NEW-source so it needs an admin22:48
ftamariuz, could work, depends on your packaging, maybe with just a few tweaks.22:49
asacfta: ok i am on it22:50
ftaasac, hold on, i wonder with 3.5 is stuck in the ppa22:51
ftadep wait22:51
ftaoh, xul failed22:52
ftan-m, it's a problem with todays commits22:52
* fta blames [reed] 22:52
asacfta: but the upload to archive probably will work22:53
asacor didnt you test that?22:53
* [reed] blames fta22:53
ftayes, i pushed a snapshot i tested, 2 days old22:53
asacdamn lp is going down in six minutes22:54
fta[reed], i expected you to relay our downstream patches ;)22:54
asacguess that means that archive push will have to wait till tomorro22:54
asacfta: yeah. i think that should work22:54
asacxul 1.9.1 is built22:54
asacunless you uploaded wrong ffox lower bounds its ok22:54
[reed]did you file an upstream bug with the patch attached?22:54
[reed]or will you make me shake my finger at you?22:55
mariuzThanks for the code and tips , i will check today22:55
[reed]personally, I think all bugs in Firefox are fta's fault22:56
ftathe same patch failed in the 1.9.2 branch yesterday22:56
asacfta: https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/firefox-3.5/3.5~b4~hg20090330r24021+nobinonly-0ubuntu122:57
asacthere it is ;)22:57
asacso tomorrow we have binary new22:57
asacand all will be fine22:57
asac-> mission accomplished22:57
asacffox 3.1 is supportable in jaunty ;)22:57
ftayou mean 3.5 :)22:57
asacouch ;)22:57
fta2 min left22:58
asacfta: please remember to file a removal bug once the binaries are in the archive ;)22:58
asacor remind me to  ;)22:58
asaci will try to remember the same;)22:58
BUGabundo1fta archive still has 3.122:58
BUGabundo1shouldn't it be already 3.5 ?22:58
fta<asac> so tomorrow we have binary new22:58
ftaok, down "for up to one hour"23:01
asacfta: i think it was extended to 3 hours23:02
asacbut i could be wrong23:02
armin76[reed]: mozilla bug 44865823:20
ubottuMozilla bug 448658 in Phishing Protection "nsUrlClassifierDBService has bad alignment, causes SIGBUS" [Critical,New] http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=44865823:20
armin76[reed]: need to attach the patch23:21
armin76asac: it wasn't a buildtime failure, you slacker23:21
asacarmin76: we never have build time failures because on sparc et al we build without Walign ;)23:24

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