
Flanneldumb trolls are dumb.00:17
Seeker`do we get to troll people as it is april fools day?00:22
FlannelAh... it is for some of us, isn't it.00:23
nixternalhey, anyone want the new irssi release let me know00:25
nixternalI have packaged it for Jaunty and Intrepid...they are building now00:25
Myrttiit's still not going to fix the stupid UTF bug anyway00:25
Myrttiso why bother...00:25
nixternalwhich utf bug?00:26
nixternalthey fixed the recode bug00:27
Myrttiwell, one of the several recode bugs00:29
FlannelLjL: Technical solutions to social problems don't work.00:40
LjLFlannel: says you00:41
FlannelI'm actually not really in agreement to any of these bots that are supposed to magically fix stuff.00:41
LjLFlannel: also, yes, the mikem idea is a good one00:41
LjLFlannel: so shall i just kill the floodbots?00:41
LjLok with me00:41
FlannelLjL: Monitoring is fine.  automatic warnings etc are not.00:41
LjLFlannel: the floodbots always did automatic warnings00:42
FlannelBots that speak only in -monitor are fine by me.00:42
Priceyubuntux782 is odd00:42
LjLFlannel: the floodbots never only spoke in -monitor00:42
LjLthe 1) send a message to #ubuntu00:42
LjL2) send a message to the flooder00:42
FlannelLjL: Floodbots are different.00:42
LjL3) mute00:42
LjL4) unmute00:42
LjL5) send a NOTICE to the flooder00:42
Flannel!enter | LjL 00:42
ubottuLjL: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!00:42
LjL!no | Flannel00:42
ubottuFlannel: Hvis du vil diskutere på Norsk, vennligst gå til #ubuntu-no. Takk!00:42
FlannelYou know what.00:43
PriceyCalm down guys.00:43
FlannelStop being an ass.00:43
PriceyAll the same side00:43
LjLFlannel: i'm being an ass?00:43
LjLyou know00:43
LjLyou're the only one who didn't realize something about my email00:43
LjLspecifically - that's it's april 1st00:43
FlannelI didn't even read the email, actually.00:43
FlannelWell, first paragraph and all that.00:44
PriceyI'll weigh in on that email later. But in short, my email spam filter makes mistakes and I'm not too hot on bans based on interpreted content. I think its a whole different kettle of fish to monitoring flooding.00:46
PriceyI hate you LjL.00:46
PriceyI absolutely hate you.00:47
LjLwell it's mutual00:47
Priceyi'm busy, not thinking straight00:47
Priceyits all your fault00:47
* Pricey sighs00:47
Seeker`what just happened?00:48
Flannelubottu: tell rdw200169 about away01:00
LjL[02:00:51] <chronic> lolz, suck a fat one, noob01:01
LjL[02:01:10] <LjL> you're now banned from #ubuntu too. bye.01:01
NephilusIs ikonia still AFK?01:08
LjLNephilus: definitely afk, it's late night in europe01:08
Nephilusoh okay so i guess i'll be back in six hours.01:09
LjLi wonder which part of "come back tomorrow" was hard to get01:10
ubottuEtFb called the ops in #ubuntu ()04:00
Flanneltritium: ROFLBERRY I imagine04:01
tritiumFlannel: I guess04:02
Flanneltritium: He's got a second host! (not that his first was banned)04:02
FlannelHi RedMushroom, how can we help you today?04:05
RedMushroomjust looking in the door04:05
FlannelHi zloog, how can we help you today?04:08
zloogJust lurking04:11
tritiumzloog: please see the topic04:11
=== jdong is now known as J
=== J is now known as jdong
ubottuFloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join)06:12
ubottusebsebseb called the ops in #ubuntu ()06:15
=== topyli1 is now known as topyli
ubottuIn #ubuntu-offtopic, MTecknology said: !snuxoll is <reply>snuxoll will slay you using flying mushrooms!  http://img10.imageshack.us/img10/9678/snuxolldragonslayer.png  |  Taking Seve.as out of the factoid might be a good idea. (-offtopic)07:31
Myrtti'cuse me09:30
ikoniais there a problem with this ban ? *!n=curtis@*.verizon.net 09:35
jpdsNot as far as I can tell.09:39
ikoniagood good, it appeared a bit funny in BT 09:40
ikoniajust checking09:40
elkytechnically, no. i'd be worried about banning everyone with a certain name from a certain isp though09:58
elkyi mean, that one will take out everyone whose ident is 'curtis'. that's way broad if it lacks good reason09:59
ikoniaelky: wouldn't it do everyone who's ident is curtis on verion.net - I can take it down a little futher to *.$gateway.verizon.net would that make it more acceptable10:01
ikoniaeh: *.nwrknj.fios.verizon.net10:01
ikoniathat part should never change on his dhcp range10:02
ikoniaelky: any better ?10:10
elkybetter yeah10:13
ikoniacool, I'll update10:14
ubotturww called the ops in #ubuntu-offtopic ()10:25
Myrttiwhat the hell is going on at #ubuntu11:07
Myrttiare you pulling some april fools there, folks?11:08
elkysorry mum. i thought i was in -ot11:11
gnomefreakis everyone getting pinged in the last say 3 minutes?11:29
bazhangfrom nightmare ?11:29
gnomefreaki dont know i dont have pms11:29
gnomefreakand nothing in my server window11:30
jussi01not I11:30
Myrttinot I11:32
Myrttibut the bots did notice it11:32
Myrtti[13:25] <+FloodBot1> WARNING: Channel CTCP/NOTICE by nightmare (share shell  ubutun at nightmarevn.com), banned11:32
gnomefreakah that would be good reason thanks11:34
bazhang@mark #ubuntu-offtopic Lenin_Cat> so I can make it read it in communism?11:53
ubottuThe operation succeeded.11:53
jussi01oh yay, kubrick dying again...12:08
ikoniastanley kubrick ?12:31
ikoniathe famous director, or the freenode server ;)12:31
jussi01ikonia: pm12:43
bazhangthey'll get banned in -ru as well13:14
ikoniawho ?13:15
tsimpsonin #k13:16
bazhangtwo trolls from #kubuntu13:16
ikoniaare they gone ?13:17
tsimpson* OKSMkiller (n=user@ppp-217-77-223-113.wildpark.net)13:17
ikoniaahhh so they are13:17
tsimpson* hkghk (n=user@ppp-217-77-223-113.wildpark.net)13:17
ikoniaI see them13:17
ikoniasorry had a cluttered screen13:17
tsimpsonnot "them", just one13:17
* tsimpson targets Geraklion13:17
ikoniaoh yes13:18
ikoniasame host13:18
bazhangback as ger13:18
bazhangoops too fast13:18
ikoniabazhang: inspecthergadget in #ubuntu ? known ?13:29
bazhangikonia, the -ro makes me wonder, seems familiar13:29
ikoniathe nick's a bit provokotive13:29
bazhangugh horrible lag here13:30
ikonia13:29 <InspectHerGadget> my letters are gay and i wanna make them white13:34
ikoniastarted pm'ing me 13:35
ikoniacan't make it out proper, asked him to stop13:35
ikoniagoing on about making his keyboard white only13:35
ikoniaand not gay 13:35
ikoniatrying to talk to him - not getting far13:35
ikoniabazhang: any chance you can see if this is a language thing13:35
ikoniaI doubt it because he seems to know the meaning of the word "gay" and "white" in terms of race and sexuality 13:36
bazhangsorry really laggy here; could it be 'gray'? ikonia 13:39
topylicould well be gray and white. the nick is problematic tough13:50
LjLuhm, there was an attempted attack?14:13
ikoniahe knows how to ban dodge14:14
ikoniahe game back with new nick/ident/ip in one hit !14:15
LjLah yes, seemed dubious yesterday14:15
ikoniaseemed dubious today 14:15
Myrttigood food, better humour14:15
ikoniataken bazhang's suggest that it was a miss-type and that he doesn't want to make his keyboard white and not gay 14:16
ikonianot %100 myself as I think he knew what he was saying to me, and he also knows exactly how to ban dodge14:16
LjLikonia: i'd just like my keyboard to be easien to use14:17
ikoniaI'd like non-specific gender or race keyboard14:17
LjLikonia: so you want a full-Unicode keyboard? i hope you have a large house14:17
LjLand long fingers too14:17
* genii makes an extra-large pot of coffee14:17
LjLanyway... a Nephilus wanted you yesterday ikonia14:18
ikoniayeah, I saw 14:18
ikoniawaiting for him to come in, sent him a pm also 14:19
* jussi01 wonders if ikonia saw his last pms (little while ago) ;)14:21
ikoniano I didn't I'll look now14:21
ikoniawhat's up ?14:39
ikoniaflorin_: I assume you'd like to talk about having your mute removed in #ubuntu 14:40
florin_yes i was on other channel14:41
ikoniahey there 14:41
florin_what do you mean ? sure i am here cause u send me message14:41
florin_i dont avoid anything just..be more carefull next time14:41
ikoniayes, I said if you wanted to the mute removed please explain why you are ban dodging14:41
florin_what do you mean ban dodging?14:42
florin_first exaplin me why you bann me?14:42
florin_cause i made an error ,write error all users got ban so fast?14:42
ikoniaflorin_: I banned you and removed you fron the #ubuntu channel, while I was explaining why you logged out - and rejoined the #ubuntu channel with a new ip and nickname14:42
florin_if i had stable ip i cannot connect again14:43
ikoniayou changed the IP address - please don't lie14:43
florin_sure cause my ip was banned by you14:43
ikoniayes, so you tried to get around that ban 14:43
florin_how can i join chat again if my ip was bann?14:43
ikoniayou don't14:43
ikoniathat's what a ban is14:43
florin_so if you bann me,i never join channel or what?i dont get it14:44
ikoniaI was in the process of epxinaing the ban to you and you signed out and re-joined with your new details14:44
ikoniano - if you get banned we discuss the possible problem, resolve it and the ban gets lifted14:44
ikonia(lifted = removed) 14:44
ikoniaas we are doing now14:45
florin_sure but if i get bann how can i come back here to discuss the problem,cause i cannot connect14:45
florin_if my ip is banned14:45
LjLnot from here14:45
ikoniayou could discuss it with my in private as you did before you singed off to ban dodge14:45
ikoniaor you could come in here as I requested14:46
florin_i asked you in privat and you dont answer me and i dont know even now why you bann me14:46
ikoniaI was typing a response to you 14:46
ikoniaand I didn't get your pm straight away as I was discussing your behaviour with someone who spoke russian 14:47
ikoniathat still doesn't man "ban dodge"14:47
ikoniaI'm sorry if my response was not quick enough 14:48
florin_ok ikonia,so what now14:48
florin_what should i do?14:48
ikoniaI'm unsure what to say to be honest, the initial incident could well have been a miss-understanding which I totally accept, but the ban dodging you did on your own, and seemed quite aware of how to do it, which makes it harder as that shows me you obviously don't respect the rules14:49
ikoniaflorin_: give me a moment please. 14:51
florin_ikonia, sure14:52
ikoniaapologies, I just had to speak to someone14:58
ikoniaflorin_: I'm happy to remove the initial ban (which I have done now) as I accept that was an missunderstanding14:58
florin_sure,np i understand14:58
ikoniaI'm not however happy nor convinced with your behaviour of ban dodging14:58
ikoniayou seemed very aware of how to do this 14:58
florin_what do you mean?14:59
florin_i am not here to make jokes or something ikonia14:59
ikoniaI mean - you got banned from the channel, and you knew exactly what to do to get around it 14:59
florin_the word spell was a mistake14:59
ikoniaI understnad that, and I've accepted that was a typo and removed the ban on that 14:59
florin_thank you15:00
ikoniaI'am now explaining that I am not happy that when you where banned for that incident, you straight away knew how to get around the ban - and did so 15:00
florin_i am just reconect my internet is not a big deal15:01
florin_i was angry cause you bann me and i was not guilty15:01
ikoniait's a reasonably deal for me15:03
ikoniaas it shows you don't respect the rules applied to the IRC network 15:03
ikoniaand re-acting that way because you are angry doesn't make it any better as that shows me you are unable to control your temper15:04
ikoniaflorin_: if you could not PM me while we are disscussing it in here - that would be apprecited15:04
florin_i am not PM you 15:05
florin_i write here15:05
ikoniayou pm'ed me while we where talking15:06
ikoniaplease don't lie15:06
florin_i dont know the rules of irc channel but i think i am not breaking anyone15:06
ikoniaif you don't know the rules you don't know you're not breaking them15:06
ikonia!guidelines | florin_ 15:06
ubottuflorin_: The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines15:06
ikoniaflorin_: those are the IRC guidelines for being in #ubuntu related channels15:06
ikonia!coc | florin_ 15:06
ubottuflorin_: The Ubuntu Code of Conduct to which we ask all Ubuntu users to adhere can be found at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct/15:06
florin_florin_> i dont evade the ban,i am not here to make jokes, ia m here to learn linu15:06
ikoniaflorin_: that is the ubuntu code of conduct 15:06
florin_i saw now the last pm on you15:06
ikoniaflorin_: yes, that was the pm you sent me - which you said you didn't15:07
florin_yes true but so what 15:07
florin_here there not same thing?15:07
ikoniaI'm now concerned that you don't seem to be able to tell the truth15:07
ikoniaflorin_: I suggest you take a day to read and learn the rules of the channel and come back and we'll discuss it futher 15:08
florin_ikonia look,is this a joke cause i dont get it ,why you asking me a lot of things,first was your mistake 15:08
ikoniaflorin_: the links ubottu posted will explain how to behave in the channels15:08
florin_i will read,ok15:08
florin_i think if i am not insult anyone and i dont use explicit words and just ask my question i sok15:09
florin_it was just how i done15:09
ikoniasorry I was on the phone again 15:11
ikoniaflorin_: ok - come back tommorow when you have read through the rules, and hopefully it will be clear why I am concerned about your ban dodging and you telling lies15:11
florin_ikonia, ok15:12
ikoniaflorin_: thanks15:12
florin_ikonia, so i must deconnect now?15:13
ikoniaflorin_: just leave this channel 15:13
ikonia@mark #ubuntu-ops florin_ user banned - straight away ban dodged and didn't see a problem with it, also unable to tell truth, told to read coc/guidelines15:14
ubottuThe operation succeeded.15:14
ubottuIn #ubuntu-offtopic, ziroday said: ubottu: !unicorns is http://daenim.com/yayponies.jpeg15:33
LjLikonia: err, i don't you don't like shadeslayer, but why is it not an ubuntu issue?15:35
ikoniaLjL: he's installed open suse and it's destoryed his windows partition15:35
ikoniait's nothing to do with not liking him, he's actually behaved quite reasonably15:36
LjLikonia: well, if he's now in ubuntu trying to recover it, it's an ubuntu question, no?15:36
ikoniaopen suse has corrupted your windows partition15:36
LjL... and you would like to know how to use Ubuntu to fix it15:36
LjLseems like an ubuntu question to me15:37
ikoniaI disagree15:37
ikoniayour welcome to help him15:37
ikonia(of course) 15:37
LjLikonia: but, if someone joined and said "my OS/2 partition was corrupted because i did some stupid things, can i use Ubuntu tools to recover it, and if so, how?" - wouldn't you think that's an ubuntu question?15:39
ikoniayes, but that wasn't his question he wants to beable to mount his partition after suse borked it the #suse guys have told him it's borked15:40
LjLikonia: wait, so you know *how* it got borked?15:41
ikonianot in detail as he just kept saying I started to install suse then stopped15:41
LjLmeh, grey08 doesn't pass the turing test15:41
geniiLooks like he'd installed grub or whatever loader suse uses to a subpartition and not to mbr. This causes partition type to read something like "Acorn" but it still is forcibly mountable15:43
geniiLjL: ^ re shadeslayer15:43
LjLgenii: yeah, i'm trying to get him to change the partition type... although i thought "mount" ignored it to begin with, even without forcing, but i suppose i was mistaken about that15:44
ikoniano, it shouldn't care about partition type only the fstype15:44
ikoniaLjL: you are correct on that15:44
LjLikonia: yeah but the fs type is indicated by the partition type15:45
LjLunless you mean it simply looks at the filesystem structure itself15:45
ikoniathe fstaype is in the prviate region 15:45
ikoniamy typing is aparantly in dead mans land15:45
geniiI've found mount tries to use partition typ as hint to fs to use. Especially when fs is set auto or so15:45
ikoniathe fsype should be in the private region15:45
LjLsee his last message anyway15:45
LjLthere's much more of a can of worms15:45
ikoniathat will be the resizing he did 15:45
ikoniathis is why the suse people explained it was desad15:47
ikonia(typing with one hand) 15:47
geniiHe's also trying to help on same subject in ##windos15:47
geniiBleh, missed a "w" there15:47
ikoniahence my hard line of not an ubuntu issue15:48
ikoniaas this had been covered15:48
LjLhe can use testdisk to find out a sane partition table to try using15:48
LjLat least he might save his other partitions that way15:48
ikoniadepends how much free space was on the disk - for the moving od data15:48
ikoniadinu = dingding again 15:49
ikoniaban dodging15:49
ikonia"maybe" - not confirmed 15:49
LjLthere was another program aside from testdisk that could "guess" partition tables15:49
LjLi can't remember what it is but i think there's one15:49
LjLoh right, gpart15:49
ikoniathere is another 15:50
ikoniasomething recover15:50
LjLikonia: photorec?15:50
LjLZarroBoogs: your nickname scares me15:52
LjLhm, i guess15:52
ikoniaLjL: doesn't ring a bell15:52
LjLikonia: then i don't know, i think the only ones i ever knew about were testdisk and gpart15:53
ikoniajust googling15:53
ikoniathere was another I've used, it was reasonably complex you had to work with it to re-construct15:53
LjLikonia: anyway without a backup he shouldn't be using any of these tools, imo15:54
ikoniaI'm still surprised that it cares about the partition table type for the fs15:54
geniiWork, /away a while15:54
ikoniaLjL: I agree, but you need to break it once to learn to backup15:55
LjLikonia: eh, i still don't backup and i've had my share of bad experiences :)15:57
LjLi cope with it by throwing chairs when a HD with data i care about breaks15:58
ikoniaI'm pretty good now15:58
ikoniaI forgot about my pro-tools data, as it was a seperate system I didn't think to set it up for backups15:58
ikonialost all that quite recently, cost £300 to get it back 15:59
ikoniathat was a stark reminder15:59
LjLikonia: i had a Syquest Sparq drive (similar to a ZIP drive but had 1Gb cartridges), it broke after about 4 months of use15:59
LjLi still have the cartridges, but who knows where i might find a working drive to read them15:59
ikoniaebay ?16:00
ikoniasounds like the iomega jazz drive16:00
ZarroBoogsTape carts? 16:00
LjLyeah, i should keep an eye on ebay but i haven't16:00
LjLZarroBoogs: no, disks16:00
ikoniapici is in disguise16:01
ZarroBoogsI am.16:01
ZarroBoogsI'm in training in Texas with no ssh access.16:01
* ikonia nick's pici 16:01
ikoniaooh what's your training on ?16:01
ZarroBoogsAnd don't feel like ghosting my other connection.16:01
ikoniaanything interesting16:01
ZarroBoogsDBA class for a financial system that my company bought.16:02
LjLsounds not very interesting16:02
ZarroBoogsIts a file based system masquerading as a rdbms.16:02
ikoniasqlite then ;)16:03
ikoniamaybe ubottu should be run on it16:03
LjLikonia: i think he means every record is a file, or something like that :)16:03
LjLsorry, "tuple"16:03
LjLZarroBoogs: i'm the president of the pedants' club. come JOIN us!16:05
LjLcan be done with natural join16:05
ZarroBoogsEvery record is a colon delimited line on a file.  The system runs on MUMPS, but has a SQL-like interface for report writing.16:06
LjLZarroBoogs: colon delimited - is it written in BASIC?16:06
ZarroBoogsMUMPS... its an evil language16:06
LjLthe name sounds bad.16:06
ZarroBoogsI hope to never need to learn it.16:07
LjLhope is all you have left MWAHAHAHA16:07
ikoniathe daily wtf ???? ha ha16:07
ZarroBoogsikonia: great site, you'd like it.16:08
LjLZarroBoogs: well, it does sound very much like BASIC anyway16:08
ikonia10 print "you're record has been updated"16:08
ikonia20 goto 1016:08
ikonia30 run 16:08
ikonia"your" before LJL gets in 16:09
ZarroBoogsThe code is so ugly looking... its like brainfsck + asm16:09
LjLa tad fortran-ish too16:09
LjLwell, more than a tad16:10
ZarroBoogsI'll see if I can expose some of it by breaking a query and I'll paste it somewhere.16:10
ikoniasounds delightful16:11
LjLZarroBoogs: why do companies buy software like that? is it plain idiocy, or does it have to do with the programmer being a relative of the CEO or such?16:11
ZarroBoogsLjL: Because the product works. 16:11
ikoniaLjL: I think thats normally because the boss plays golf with the software company owner and gets a back hander16:11
LjLZarroBoogs: for how long will it, a week?16:11
ikoniaitalian=/back hander/bribe16:11
LjLikonia: in italy we just call that "business" actually16:12
ikoniaha ha ha16:12
ikoniafalling off chair laughing16:12
ZarroBoogsLjL: The old system didn't really let us bill patients.  See, businesses need to make money sometimes...16:14
* LjL rolls eyes16:16
* ZarroBoogs catches, rolls back16:16
* ikonia commits16:16
* LjL drops table16:17
* LjL commits16:17
* LjL overwrites backup tape16:17
* ikonia sends backup tape to shadeslayer for recovery16:18
* genii sips16:18
geniiLjL: I thought you lived dangerously and didn't make backups?16:18
LjLgenii: yes but i was talking about pici's tape16:18
ZarroBoogsI have no tape16:19
ikoniaget some of ljl - he doesn't use it16:19
LjLikonia: is it a good idea? i only have several-times-written-over C64 tapes.16:20
ikoniasolid meida16:20
ZarroBoogsWe have some sort of magnetic CD-like disks for one of our old systems at work.  I forget what the real name for them is, but they look like the old cdrom cartridges before cdrom drives had the trays on them.16:21
ikoniaZarroBoogs: ahhh that was a media I think sun developed16:22
ikoniaZarroBoogs: many years ago , cartridge with an optical disk in 16:22
ikoniaused to have them on early sun boxes, very expensive16:22
LjLikonia: yes well sure tried and trusted, but still 120-minutes oxide tapes originally used for (clipping) music nonetheless16:23
ikoniaLjL: I'm sure I could get a text file on there16:23
LjLikonia: oh yeah of course you can - you should buy my software to do that. it's a tape modem that interfaces with the soundcard, and it's got error correction16:23
* ikonia opens wallet16:24
LjLikonia: it's very advanced. when it detects an error (such as you gently tapping on the tape that - that generally triggers an error) it says "Please stop tape, trying all possible byte combinations until XOR sum matches"16:24
LjL(and i'm not making this up)16:24
LjLs/tape that/tape deck/16:25
ikoniaLjL: thought it may have been an 01/04 bit of software ;)16:25
LjLikonia: didn't catch the reference16:26
ikoniaapril 0116:26
LjLah right16:26
LjLbut no16:26
LjLi've written that thing for real16:26
LjLbunch of years ago16:26
LjLikonia: you see, it's been my dream for a number of years to make a modem out of a soundcard, since my parents wouldn't buy me a real modem16:26
ikonianeed is the mother of invention16:27
LjLikonia: i never managed to write a working one until i actually got a *real* modem to begin with, but then i still had the fixation, so i made a tape modem instead16:27
LjLikonia: you could fit about 4 megs on it iirc16:27
ikonia*cough* nerd *cough*16:27
LjLexcept you'd get error if you merely looked at the deck16:27
ikoniaLjL: love it, what a cool think to build16:27
LjLikonia: well, i should resume working on it, now that i've found out that my tape deck actually *has* a remote control sensor (although it was sold with no remote control), so i can control it via infrared from my computer16:28
LjLikonia: that would be SO cool because i could make it use a real filesystem, automatically doing fast forward and rewind as needed16:28
ikoniaha ha ha, that is getting slick now16:29
ikoniaLjL: you've impressed me16:29
ikonia(I'm waiting to hear april fool) 16:29
LjLikonia: nonono16:30
ikoniamust dash, home time16:31
ikonialaters guys/gals16:31
LjLikonia: i'll get the sourcecode from my 486 to show you it's real :P16:31
ikoniaLjL: I do believe you 16:31
LjLafter i just said i have sourcecode on a 486? that's very brave of you16:32
ikoniaI have faith in what you say 16:32
LjLikonia: rightly so. the 486 is real - http://ljl.byethost14.com/keyboard.ogv16:35
ikoniaI'm out of here now that everything has shut down, keep an eye on +1 will you superdweeb has a bit of an attitude on him and it's getting a bit offtopic in there 16:36
jussi01Pricey: ping17:00
=== tNsfOYeH is now known as LjL
jpdscat /dev/random > LjL18:13
=== weTD`uFw is now known as LjL
* genii pokes LjL with a pointy stick18:14
LjLdeep breath18:15
LjLSO i was saying18:15
LjL[19:11:08] <LjL> uh?! [19:11:17] <LjL> i just finally looked at the logs of this morning's attack attempt [19:11:23] <LjL> how did so many bots manage to join?18:15
=== Ubotwo` is now known as Ubotwo
FlannelWhat on earth just happened?18:29
LjLwhere who?18:30
FlannelNot really sure.  I disconnected from mozilla and oftc... but the strangest thing was that my ssh froze, and then I could reconnect, but couldn't reattach.18:31
FlannelAnd, apparently network funness happened to LjL too?18:31
FlannelMaybe not.18:31
LjLyeah but i definitely think it was my ISP in my case18:31
LjLit's happening a lot lately18:31
LjLand their support line has a recorded message saying they're doing maintenance18:32
LjLi *am* getting pretty annoyed about it by now, but18:32
* genii blames the Conficker.D18:32
LjLnah, it's happened for a week :)18:32
geniiHm "y i become an error log?" is a tough one18:34
Priceyjussi01: pong18:38
jussi01Pricey: pong - see pm18:42
* Pricey switches to newest PM and see's "eeeeeeeeeeeeeeee"... hm thats not you18:44
ikonianote for the logs, I removed 17:12 < Superdweeb> do you want the april-fools version or the actual channel?18:59
ikoniasuperdweeb from +1 he came in asking about sexual 3 somes as an "april fools joke" 18:59
ikoniaI asked him to stop and he maintained with comments about #ubuntu-I'm-a-stupid-user-channel style comments19:00
ikoniajust for the record when he comes in complaining 19:00
ikoniahe's on a forward not a ban so he should end up here at some point19:01
ikoniaLjL: nice catch with chronic in #deb19:56
=== mechanic is now known as the_mechanic
ikoniathe_mechanic: hey, how can we help ?20:09
the_mechanicim going actually, im automatically signed into this room. thanks tho20:10
ikonia@bansearch the_mechanic20:10
ubottuMatch: *!?=mechanic@*!#ubuntu-ops by LjL in #ubuntu on Mar 26 2009 21:52:57 (ID: 11656)20:10
geniiPlease, whoever's responsible. Make ubuntuforums not lime-green. I'm getting a headache.20:38
Amaranthgenii: there is a dropdown on the bottom to change it20:38
geniiAmaranth: Thanks20:39
LjLthey've made it green now?20:39
Amaranthapril fools20:39
Amaranthit's a stupid thing20:39
* genii curses cleanv2af20:39
LjLAmaranth: yes, but it was pink an hour ago20:40
LjL(they do it every year btw920:40
AmaranthljL: different parts are different colors20:40
LjLthe home page was pink before20:40
geniiLjL: Lime/neon green. I was getting a migraine20:40
* Seeker` thinks he should tell #u to /j #20,000 for an april fools joke20:40
LjLnow it's green20:40
LjLSeeker`: won't work on my client20:40
AmaranthSeeker`: err, what will that do?20:40
Seeker`Amaranth: give it a go :D20:41
Amaranthdoesn't that get you klined?20:41
Seeker`don't know20:41
Seeker`not that I know of20:41
LjLi think he did it.20:41
Seeker`me to20:42
geniiI wonder if they went there20:42
LjL*and* his client doesn't filter it.20:42
Seeker`is that going to really annoy him?20:42
AmaranthWhy does it do that?20:42
LjLSeeker`: eh, twas his choice to run it20:42
Seeker`Amaranth: /j has the syntax /j <channel>,<channel>,...,<channel>20:42
AmaranthSeeker`: Also, any channel I have access in that you don't: you're banned20:43
AmaranthRight, but why would joining #20 and 000 disconnect you?20:43
Seeker`so it is equivalent to /j #20 then /j 00020:43
Seeker`some clients (cant remember if its in the RFC) interpret /j 0 to mean "part all channels"20:43
Amaranth#20 is the bot channel that gets you killed then?20:43
AmaranthNo, it didn't part all channels, it disconnected from the server20:43
LjLit parted all channels20:44
Amaranthit did both then20:44
LjL[21:41:47] <-- Amaranth has left this channel.20:44
AmaranthBecause I had to reconnect then rejoin all channels manually20:44
Seeker`it shouldn't have disconnected you20:44
Seeker`Amaranth: what client do you use?20:44
geniiProbably could have just re joined20:44
Amaranthmy "FreeNode" was greyed out like when it is disconnected20:44
Seeker`I believe irssi filters it20:44
AmaranthAnd now I have to abuse it20:45
Seeker`Amaranth: how?20:45
Amaranthsee offtopic20:46
LjLone thing is mentioning it here...20:46
LjLbut i normally ban without reserve someone who does it in -ot20:46
ubottuAmaranth called the ops in #ubuntu-offtopic (WastePotato)20:51
AmaranthI didn't call any ops20:52
Seeker`methinks someone has played with the factoid20:52
ubottuThe operation succeeded.20:56
LjL2Seeker`: yeah... amaranth himself did, originally20:57
Seeker`LjL2: sounds fun20:57
ubottuSomething stupid this way comes20:57
ubottuSomething stupid this way comes21:16
=== LjL2 is now known as bot34234
Seeker`bot34234: ?21:19
LjLeeeh, nevermind :)21:19
LjLSeeker`: i'm trying to get a k-line in a nutshell21:19
* genii sips and contemplates this oddness21:20
Seeker`LjL: why?21:20
LjLSeeker`: check #freenode's backlog21:20
Seeker`doesn't joining certain channels do that?21:20
LjLwho knows... anyway, it's not that21:21
Pricey20:04:20 <+Pricey> AfterDeath: you realise the rule is that you're the fool for the entire year if you try and fool after midday?21:21
LjLPricey: yeah, but getting k-lined is not an april's fool :<21:22
LjLit's, just, making an april's fool funnier :P21:22
jussi01meh its easy to get a kline...21:23
geniiDo some mass join in #freenode or so21:23
LjLjussi01: yeah well amaranth's attempt was good21:24
LjLstill he managed to stay connected21:24
Seeker`what did Amaranth do?21:25
LjLSeeker`: /join #20,000 in various places?21:25
Seeker`is that k-lineable?21:25
Priceyyeah we watched that one... but we're too smart for him21:26
Seeker`where else did he say it?21:26
* Pricey needs to read backlog21:27
* genii makes a large urn of coffee before /away22:05
topylilooks like people are getting pretty annoyed with watchbot on -ot22:25
Seeker`LjL: is watchbot at all automatic22:29
LjLSeeker`: no, i couldn't be arsed training it with trolls' messages22:30
LjLit was just me trying to be quick at typing.22:30
LjLtopyli: et tu brute?22:30
LjLSeeker`: but - i could have done it, metabot can do that, i just didn't want to bother finding troll's stuff to feed it :22:30
Seeker`LjL: fair enough22:31
Seeker`LjL: let me know if you ever do that22:31
LjLSeeker`: meh, it wouldn't have a rate of false positives much better than mine, i assure you22:32
Seeker`LjL: I know :D22:32
jussi01topyli: you around?22:35
topylijussi01: yep, getting ready for bed but still here22:35
jussi01topyli: can you quickly check who won the ice hockey for me? (kärpät game)22:36
topylisure, hold on :)22:36
naliothSeeker`: you don't want to find "those channels'22:36
naliothSeeker`: there are far worse things than k-lines22:37
Seeker`such as?22:37
naliothi can't tell you22:37
jussi01"if I tell you I have to kill you"...22:37
topylijussi01: 4-1 for blues :-O22:38
topyliin oulu, no less22:38
jussi01wedll that means they play here on saturday...22:38
topyligames are now 2-222:38
* jussi01 goes to claim free ticket22:38
Seeker`it seems nalioth can't stand being in a channel with exactly 3 people22:42
naliothno, i am acting in accordance with the date22:42
naliothDONTCHA KNOW?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?22:43
* jussi01 wonders if ikonia is around...22:43
ikoniayes I am 22:45
ikoniajust about to go to bed22:45
ikoniawhat's up?22:46
Myrttitonyyarusso: I love you22:46
MyrttiEXCELLENT --> http://www.najle.com/idaft/ <-- WONDERFUL22:47
NephilusIs ikonia afk?22:59
LjLNephilus: ehm, i think he just went to bed23:01
Nephilus:( darn23:01
Nephilusoh well23:01

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