
mds58I am kinda new to php, if I write a php document to load onto my server will I need the libraries on the client computer that I am loading the file from?00:05
mds58or am I overthinking this?00:06
bafflemds58: Only if you want to test it locally.00:08
bafflemds58: Wich usually is a good idea.00:08
mds58ok ty baffle that realy cleared it up for me00:08
kirklandbaffle: cool00:09
kirklandbaffle: what do we need to do to take advantage of that?00:09
kirklandbaffle: different compile options?00:09
bafflekirkland: According to that webpage, it allready is supported in screen.00:15
kirklandbaffle: i dorked around with it a little and couldn't get it to work00:15
bafflekirkland: Gnome-terminal supports 256 colors out of the box.00:15
bafflekirkland: But not all terms (like xterm?) does.00:16
kirklandbaffle: if you can demo a couple of lines in an .screenrc file that work, i'm *all* ears ;-)00:16
bafflekirkland: Also, you *might* need to have "ncurses-term" installed, as I fear the 256 color terminfo files are there.00:16
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Alysumhi - Id like some advice on how to move /var/log to another location without breaking things ta02:04
PhotoJimAlysum: to another location...?02:06
Alysumyes i.e. /mnt02:06
Alysumanother partition02:06
PhotoJimAlysum: I would strongly recommend against physically moving it.  but if you want it on another device, just mount that device partition at /var/log ...02:06
PhotoJimAlysum: copy the contents of /var/log somewhere else first, mount the partition, then copy everything back.02:06
AlysumI'd put a symlink /var/log => /mnt/var/log02:07
PhotoJimAlysum: if you prefer another location, I strongly recommend against it.  but you could make a soft link to point to it, and put that anywhere.02:07
AlysumI did that but then nothing was logging02:07
jmedinaAlysum: did you restart syslog?02:07
twbAlysum: why do you *want* to move it?02:07
Alysumwell /dev/sda has a few hundreds MB free...02:07
jmedinasyslog trunks files02:07
Alysumsymlink is allright isnt it?02:08
AlysumI know it's risky but lots of people put the whole OS on just a 5GB partition02:09
Alysumi.e. Amazon Web Services EC202:09
jmedinaI have moved /var/log to another particion with the following procedure02:12
twb4GiB is heaps for the root filesystem of a server.02:12
jmedinarsyn /var/log to new location, stop temporaly sysklogd (at night), mount new location as /var/log, and then restart sysklogd02:12
twbFor a desktop I might allocate 8GiB.02:12
twbOf course, I would normally use LVM so it is trivial to grow the space allocated.02:13
Alysum./dev/sda1             4.0G  3.1G  713M  82% /02:13
twbAlysum: cd / && sudo du -mx | sort -nr | head02:14
twbAlysum: that will tell you where all the space is going02:14
PhotoJimtwb: it isn't trivial if you don't use LVM, but it's not impossible.  I just resized partitions on an ancient system I have.  pulled the drive, hooked it up by USB to my laptop, about a half an hour and it was done.02:14
Alysumso you mounted /var/log on top of /var/log with the contents in there already02:14
twbPhotoJim: granted.02:14
twbPhotoJim: it's a lot harder if you have to shuffle partitions around, though.02:15
PhotoJimtwb: agreed.  but it isn't something a person has to avoid if they didn't use logical volumes, and their partitions are inappropriately sized.02:15
twbIn any case, my "rule of thumb" is still: use LVM02:16
PhotoJimif you go to single user mode, does logging still occur?  I swapped /home and /usr in single user mode once.  but not sure that'd be wise with /var.02:16
twbParticularly since most of the machines I deal with are in other countries.02:17
AlysumI need to do this on a live server so it's quite critical to come up with a good plan :(02:17
jmedinatwb: I agree, lvm rules for remote systems, and of course grub fallback :D02:17
Alysumbtw to stop syslog do I just kill the process?02:18
jmedinaAlysum: well it is not needed to restart02:18
PhotoJimtwb: that does add to the difficulty level :)02:18
Alysumno but if anything that cant log it crashed02:18
jmedinaI would sync, add new entry to /etc/fstab then02:18
jmedinainvoke-rc.d sysklogd stop && mount -a && invoke-rc.d sysklogd start :D02:18
twbYou can use "lsof | grep var/log" to find out what, if anything, is using that directory subtree.02:28
Alysumyes ta02:29
Alysumallright I found 1 non rotated log og 1.9GB that is going to be fixed so no need to move /var/log :)02:47
twbAlysum: hooray02:59
twbAlysum: now write a logrotate rule for that file02:59
twbOut of curiosity, what created that file?03:00
twbSam-I-Am: this IRC channel does not contain easter eggs.03:43
Sam-I-Amnot yet :P03:43
WebsiteEbayLikecan i have some help im makeing a web site and what verson of Apache should i download for ubuntu sever 8.1004:46
JanCthere is only one version of Apache in Ubuntu...04:47
toothyhi guys... is ebox the web-based mgmt tool of choice for intrepid?04:47
WebsiteEbayLikecan you give me a link 1st time useing ubuntu sever04:47
toothyi just saw in the docs that it's totally broken, but i was told that Ubuntu sides iwth ebox04:48
JanCWebsiteEbayLike: I suggest you read the server guide first04:48
WebsiteEbayLikeok sorry04:49
fabiohi everyone04:50
fabioi'm fabio04:50
twbfabio: do you have a question?04:50
fabiowhrer can i find ubuntu developers?04:51
fabiosomeone here understands the concept of gconf-editor04:52
WebsiteEbayLikecould i use this one for the ubuntu sever http://www.archicentral.com/mirrors/apache/httpd/httpd-2.2.11.tar.gz04:52
fabioand ldap autentication?04:52
JanCWebsiteEbayLike: you don't seem to understand how Ubuntu works, so please go read the server guide first04:53
JanC(and no, that's not the one you need)04:53
WebsiteEbayLikeok im sorry i just needed a littel bit of help )-:04:54
JanCWebsiteEbayLike: you're making things way more complicated than needed, you'll see that when you read the docs04:54
fabiothe server already comes with apache04:55
JanCfabio: depends, not after a minimal server install04:55
JanCbut maybe he has it already, true04:55
fabioi'm using 8.04 yet04:56
fabioguys where are you from?04:57
fabioi'm from brazil04:57
JanCBelgium, so *really* time to go to bed  ;)04:57
fabionice dreams04:58
fabiojanc? female or male?04:58
PhotoJimJanC: might as well just stay up now ;)04:58
JanCor just sleep late  ;)04:59
WebsiteEbayLikei got it off ubuntu.com off of sever its about 700mb so dos it already got it in it04:59
JanCfabio: it's not really custom here to ask that04:59
fabiodude i m new here04:59
JanCWebsiteEbayLike: it has apache on the CD yes04:59
WebsiteEbayLikeok thank you05:00
fabioi have to meet you guys05:00
fabiobelgium is a nice place to live05:00
JanCWebsiteEbayLike: but you would know that when...05:00
fabiowho uses ldap server?05:02
JanCif you like cold & rainy places yes05:02
twbJanC: and fries05:02
fabioi like well developed places05:02
fabioand blondies05:02
PhotoJimJanC: in my part of Canada, if the precipitation is falling as rain, it can't truly be cold. :)05:03
fabiohere in rio is too hot05:03
JanCPhotoJim: I can imagine  ;)05:04
PhotoJimJanC: although one of the coldest days in recent memory for me was a September day in Edinburgh :)05:04
fabiowho have tested win705:05
PhotoJimI'm more the type to get a 2.6.29 kernel running on a 486 than to test bleeding-edge Windows.05:07
fabiogood answer05:08
fabioarch kernel'?05:08
JanClinux kernel I suppose  :P05:09
PhotoJimYup.  Debian in this case, but only because that's what that machine has had on it for almost a decade.05:09
fabioi did this test with gentoo05:10
PhotoJimI migrated to Ubuntu on my GUI-equipped machines, and now I have Ubuntu on my new server.  (this 486 was my server in 2002.  experiment.)05:10
fabio4 days compilig05:10
incidenceanybody knows if there is a better way than suexec? to run apache2 with the file owners permissions05:10
PhotoJimfabio: my 486 takes 4 days just to compile the kernel.  building the userland would probably take the better part of a month.05:11
PhotoJimincidence: sorry, I don't.  hopefully someone else does.05:12
fabioa fully compiled instalation is very funny05:13
fabio i love to do that05:13
JanCPhotoJim: biggest slowdown is lack of memory, I guess?05:13
PhotoJimJanC: and the ISA bus. :)05:13
PhotoJimJanC: I have 32 MB on that machine, which is a ton for a 486 built in 1991, but not a lot by today's standards to say the least.05:14
JanCyeah, mine had only 4 MiB IIRC05:14
JanCnever ran linux on that though05:15
PhotoJim4 is theoretically possible, but it would not be fun.05:17
PhotoJimmy stripped-down 2.6.27 kernel (the latest I actually have running) is 1.6 MiB.05:17
toothyhi guys... is ebox the web-based mgmt tool of choice for intrepid?  (sorry for double post here... inet is going in and out)05:36
twbtoothy: it seems to be the one endorsed by Ubuntu Serevr.05:36
toothytwb, do you know if it is functional on 8.10?05:38
toothythe docs say its no good05:39
toothybut the bug says a fix was released05:39
twbI don't know.05:39
friartuckhow do i add time stamp to stderr with tar? quick test: "tar -cvf test.tar /var/run 2>> tar.log" generates socket erros.06:34
twb{ tar -foo; date; } >tar.log 2>&106:36
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friartucktwb eh, I only want the errors. tried { tar -foo; date; } 2>>tar.log  and I'm getting the errors, but no timestamp06:49
twbfriartuck: that's because date is printed the stdout06:49
twb2>> is a bashism, btw06:49
twbOh, maybe not.06:49
friartuckjust want to append...06:49
_rubenpossibly something like (again not tested): tar -foo 1>/dev/null 2>&1 | while read line; do date; echo $line; done >> tar.log06:55
twb_ruben: you have those redirects the wrong way around07:03
friartuck_ruben no dice,07:03
friartuckI'll switch the redirects07:04
twbYou also need to suppress the trailing newline from date, which is hard07:04
twbBetter would be just to pipe it into logger07:04
twbi.e. go via syslog07:04
friartucktwb yeah, I could break it out to separate file with syslog-ng.07:07
twbIIRC syslog-ng isn't in the main category.07:08
twbBetween syslog-ng and rsyslog I'd recommend the latter, because that's the new Debian default (and therefore I expect Ubuntu to follow suit in the next LTS release.)07:08
friartucktwb haven't seen rsyslog, thx. looking into that.07:09
_rubenlike i said .. didnt test it ;) .. i never seem to accurately remember in which order to place those redirects :p07:15
friartuck_ruben np. seems like it should be doable. I'm still fiddling with it.07:16
_rubenas for the new line after date .. there's several more or less nasty tricks for that :)07:17
_rubenecho -n `date` being one of em :p07:17
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uvirtbot`New bug: #352934 in likewise-open5 (universe) "Painful" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35293408:30
friartuck_ruben twb i got the time stamp prepended to tar's stderr...but now I lost my stdout. where did stdout go? http://pastebin.com/m77797a8d09:29
_rubenyou redirect stuff to the while loop from 2 sides, that cant be right09:32
friartuck_ruben well, it works09:32
_rubenyou stdout gets redirected to the while loop .. but you also redirect the contents of tmperr to it .. not sure what would be the result .. one might be in the way of the other09:34
_rubenbut instead of fiddling with code snippets, why dont you outline what you want exactly ;)09:34
friartuck_ruben it's an academic exercise. I'm making an incremental backup program with tar and saw the socket errors. I know I can ignore them...I just kinda fell down a rabbit-hole.09:36
Ethosanyone know much  about  php5-mssql_5.2.6-2ubuntu4.1_i386.deb?09:36
_rubenfriartuck: well .. which info (stdout/stderr/etc) do you want to end up where, etc?09:40
friartuck_ruben I found the stdout. I put 1>&0 before the stderr redirect. http://pastebin.com/m7c621642 . stdout to the screen, stderr to a text file with prepended time-stamp.09:49
friartuckit works ^^09:51
incorrectI was thinking about building an ipsec vpn server that would work with the vpn wizard,   are there any docs/howto's for this?10:03
friartuckincorrect here's a start: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OpenVPN  ipcop and smoothwall would be easier.10:07
incorrectfriartuck, I think i will want to do a very specific config,  I am not a fan of either,  i use pfsense for my firewalls, but i've found ipsec support some what limited10:08
emma7hi guys10:13
emma7can any of you help me with setting up a gui on ubuntu server?10:15
emma7come on guys10:16
friartuckemma7 google "ubuntu server gui"10:16
Ethossudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop10:16
emma7thanx Ethos, i just typed that command but the output is negative. "E: couldn't find package ubuntu-desktop" please help10:19
Ethostry sudo apt-get update then the command again10:20
emma7let me try that10:21
emma7the result is still negative, it says "W: some index files failed to download, they have been ignored, or old ones used intead."10:25
emma7do i need to have the machine connected to the internet?10:26
friartuckemma7 yes.10:26
Ethosyes :\10:26
emma7but how do verify that my server is connected coz yes i have plugged in my lAN cable and the lights are on. can you please give me a command that will show my ip config.10:28
friartuckemma7 ifconfig -a10:29
emma7ok, i think i have to manually assign an ip add to this machine, how do i do that?10:31
friartuckemma7 try first: sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart10:31
emma7it says that "No such file or directory10:33
emma7friatuck are you still there?10:34
emma7thanx, do i have any chance of making this work?10:36
friartuckemma7 did you have network when you did the install?10:36
emma7the cable was unplugged. why?10:36
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emma7do i have to redo the installation with the network cable plugged in?10:38
_rubenif you lack /etc/init.d/networking, then you (atleast) lack the netbase package .. you could try to install with your install cd/dvd present (using sudo apt-get install netbase)10:39
emma7let me try that ruben10:40
friartuckemma7 you will probably need to edit /etc/apt/sources.list and uncomment the first line "#deb cdrom...."10:41
_rubenincorrect: if you want plain ipsec (so not l2tp over ipsec like windows does for instance, and osx as well), look into openswan or strongswan (openswan being my personal favorite)10:41
emma7it says permission denied friatuck10:44
friartucksudo vi /etc/apt/sources.list10:44
emma7good i am getting somewhere now fraituck10:45
emma7now what must i edit10:46
friartuckemma7 the line that starts with "#deb cdrom...". uncomment that.10:46
friartuckshould be the first line10:47
emma7got it10:47
friartuckemma7 try: sudo apt-get install netbase10:48
emma7ho do i uncomment it?10:48
friartuckemma7 put the cursor over the # and hit x. that should remove it. then do:  :x   and hit enter.10:50
emma7i am a dummy in linux, please help, i have tried using the backspace on my key board but it cant work10:50
emma7great the x did it10:50
friartuckto exit vi do:  :x [enter]10:51
ivoksanyone with jaunty -server kernel here?10:52
_rubenivoks: i upgraded my fileserver to jaunty beta last night10:52
ivoks_ruben: you have -server kenel?10:53
emma7thanx iam bac in config mode10:53
ivoks_ruben: modinfo drbd?10:53
friartuckemma7 try: sudo apt-get install netbase10:53
_rubenivoks: http://paste.ubuntu.com/141956/10:54
ivoks_ruben: it works?10:54
ivoksis anyone here using clustered filesystem?10:55
_rubennot yet, its still somewhere down there on my todo list :/10:56
ivoks_ruben: did you pick one or still looking at options?10:56
_rubenivoks: vmfs would be my choice, as it would be used by esxi nodes :)10:57
ivokso, i was asking about linux filesystems10:58
_rubeni know10:58
_rubeni looked into those briefly ages ago10:58
emma7friatuck netbase is still the newest version10:59
emma7friatuck netbase is still the newest version11:00
_rubenthen you either did something wrong earlier, or messed up during the install11:00
_rubenyou could try: sudo apt-get install --reinstall netbase .. not sure if that'd break anything though11:00
emma7friatuc are you gone?11:01
friartuckemma7 looking for easy way...might be easier to just reinstall. would you loose any data?11:01
_rubenand further more, installing (ubuntu-)desktop on your server install, makes it a desktop really, not a server ;)11:01
friartuckyes, good point. emma7, do you want a desktop? better to use the desktop version.11:02
emma7but will u still be available like 15 minutes from coz i really find you helpfull11:02
emma7no i need a server not a desktop11:03
friartuckemma7 then learn server and don't install a gui.11:03
_rubenthen why ask how to install a desktop ?11:03
emma7ok i bet i have to11:04
friartuckemma7 start reading here: https://help.ubuntu.com/8.10/serverguide/C/index.html11:04
emma7thanks friatuck, by the way i am from Zambia, Africa.11:06
friartuckemma7 nice, I'm from Texas, America. :)11:07
ivoksok... i would really like to replace gfs with ocfs11:14
ivoksand rhcs with linuxha11:15
_rubenlinux-ha i do use, still v1 though, v2 has quite a steep learning curve imo11:18
_rubenworks like a charm for our loadbalancers and firewalls .. anyways, im off for a bit11:19
uvirtbot`New bug: #352446 in tomcat6 (main) "libtomcat6-java depends on libecj-java (dup-of: 347393)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35244611:31
ivoksis anyone using redhat cluster suite on ubuntu... at all?11:32
jussi01Hrm, anyone know which file I need to edit to change the http upload size limit?11:35
ivokshttp does't have upload size limit11:36
ivoksyou are probably thinking of php11:37
ivoksthat's it... i' moving to fedora.11:54
ivokssommer: ping14:15
ivokssommer: bah, never mind :)14:16
sommerivoks: ok :-)14:53
emretemphi all, I want to run my tomcat web application server with a non-root user (named as tomcat), at the command prompt I can do it typing "su - tomcat /opt/tomcat/bin/start.sh"  everything is cool with this unless I mark tomcat user with "nologin" option at /etc/password file. well what  I want is to run tomcat with a non-root user, and I also dont want that user to be able to login with a ssh from outside. any solutions to this?15:13
DoonzHey Guys im running VMWARE-Server 2.0 on my system. I have ports 902,8222,8333 all forwarded through the router. Anyone know why i cant seem to access the web gui on the VMWARE server?15:16
geniiemretemp: PErhaps set shell to something like /bin/false15:20
simplexioemretemp: change /bin/bash to /bin/false in /etc/passwd15:22
geniiI think also chsh might work15:23
AnRkeyis there a way to get OOo to use M$ formats by defaults via preseeding or script?15:33
emretempgenii, simplexio  thx all, bin/false is the way to go15:34
AnRkeybin/false is a life saver :P15:34
geniiemretemp: When there is no viable shell, login is impossible even with password, etc15:35
ivoksAnRkey: i guess you can do that15:35
AnRkeyivoks, do what?15:35
ivoksAnRkey: i would start looking at /usr/lib/openoffice/basis3.0/presets/config15:35
AnRkeyahh, ta15:36
emretempgenii,  yup, simple logic, dont ya all love linux.15:36
ivoksAnRkey: or somewhere there15:37
AnRkeythanks, looking now15:40
beniwtvhi all... on a NFS exported directory, I'm getting Input/Output error when executing a script. Any ideas?15:47
giovanibeniwtv: it's failed in some way? network, etc15:49
giovanidid you soft or hard mount it15:49
beniwtvgiovani: In fstab, I'm using: <ip>:/media/RAID/internal/machines/vm01 /media/DATA     nfs     timeo=14,intr15:50
beniwtvgiovani: But I'm suspecting it is something I need to configure...15:51
beniwtvMaybe by default you can't execute things? All other things seem to work fine, like ls, cp and so on...15:51
giovaniyou have execute permissions?15:52
giovanihowever, adding the "soft" option to your /etc/fstab line15:52
giovaniwill attempt to resolve network/reconnection issues silently in the background15:52
giovanirather than reporting them directly to the application15:52
beniwtvgiovani: it is: -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 195 2009-03-31 19:54 /media/DATA/Virtual/copy-tgz.sh15:54
beniwtvthe soft option didn't change anything, though :/15:54
giovani(you'd have to remount it after changing an option, of course)15:54
beniwtvAnyway, it shouldn't be a network problem, as both servers are on the same switch of the same lan15:54
giovanibut yeah, it might be another problem15:54
beniwtvgiovani: yeah, I did unmount and remount15:54
giovaniit's bash reporting an input/output error?15:54
giovanior the script you're trying to run?15:55
beniwtvgiovani: -bash: /media/DATA/Virtual/copy-tgz.sh: Input/output error15:55
giovaniand if you try and access the file locally on the nfs host it works fine?15:55
beniwtvgiovani: Oops... It did work fine before, but now it doesn't. Not even a "cat"! *sigh* So that's it... thanks15:56
giovanipossibly a corrupted fs or bad drive15:57
beniwtvgiovani: I have had problems with the RAID.... the test server I'm using doesn't really like my 4U RAID array, so yeah, bad day I guess :(15:58
beniwtvgiovani: I used lots of workarounds to get it working, but it falls apart... Time to get a new RAID card... :)15:58
giovanigood luck15:59
EAGLE914hi I have problems setting up a samba server on my network. I followed the Ubuntu documentation, but when I try to find the server on a windows computer I cannot find the server.16:02
giovaniEAGLE914: if you try using the IP directly? i.e. \\IP.OF.SERVER\ does that work?16:03
EAGLE914This is my first time using linux so. How do I find the server ip? The server run Ubuntu 8.1016:04
giovanioh boy16:04
giovanion the server, run "ifconfig"16:04
giovanithe IP address should be printed there16:04
giovanibut if you don't know the IP of your server ... setting up samba is probably too complex right now16:04
EAGLE914I wrote ipconfig in terminal and the it said that the command does not exist16:05
giovaniI said ifconfig16:05
giovaninot ipconfig16:05
EAGLE914oh sorry. My bad16:06
EAGLE914yes i found the ip adress for the server16:08
giovaniright, so you need to address it directly, in windows16:08
giovanifor example, in windows explorer16:08
EAGLE914I can't find it16:12
EAGLE914i tried to ping it from cmd and it was no response16:12
farmorghi, anyonr here know about sparc? have been trying to install 8.04 server on an ultra 60 & getting the "Booting Linux" prob - ie it's the last thing displayed on ttya. been googleing & found ppl talking about it but no fix. i have input-device & output-device set to ttya in openboot & have also tried booting with install video=atyfb:off mem=384 as per docs but no luck :(16:12
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Iceman_B^Ltopis there any way to reinitialize eth0 ?16:15
Iceman_B^Ltopperhaps that will help16:15
giovaniIceman_B^Ltop: sudo ifdown eth016:15
giovaniIceman_B^Ltop: sudo ifup eth016:15
giovaniwhat's wrong though?16:15
Iceman_B^Ltopsame problems16:16
geniiThat won't usually re-initialize it, just bring it down and back up16:16
EAGLE914I cannot connect to the server16:16
Iceman_B^Ltopcheck out my SSH clone here in the channel16:16
giovaniEAGLE914: then you've probably misconfigured things16:16
geniiIceman_B^Ltop: Try instead:  sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart16:16
EAGLE914I thought so16:17
giovaniEAGLE914: it sounds like you need to tackle some linux basics before you go configuring samba -- which isn't terribly simple16:17
Iceman_B^Ltopgenii: thanks, I'll try that16:17
EAGLE914I have a friend that is good at programming and he is helping me16:18
EAGLE914but he has never created a server before.......16:18
Iceman_B^Ltopdoes Samba support file locking and such a la Windows XP ?16:20
EAGLE914thanks for the help, but I need to go now16:21
giovanigenii: reading /etc/init.d/networking -- all it does is issue ifup and ifdown, with a few options ...16:21
giovaniis there something I'm missing that makes it more complete?16:22
Iceman_B^Ltopgenii: nope, that didnt help. I'm stilling having networkdrops on my server. apprantly the entire connection just...."jams" cause it's not only my SSH connection on the LAN, but also its connection to irc16:31
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giovaniIceman_B^Ltop: you were the one with no packet loss reported on the interface though, right?16:31
Iceman_B^Ltopdefine packetloss. if I do "ip -s link" everything seems fine16:32
Iceman_B^Ltopits just that at random intervals, the eth0 stops responding or something16:33
Iceman_B^Ltopa few minutes later its back up again16:33
Iceman_B^Ltopbut yeah, that was probably me, ive been here with the same issue for a few days16:33
giovaniare you able to sit physically at the machine, or use some other method of accessing it during these times?16:33
Iceman_B^Ltopunfortunaely not. Im getting a monitor later tonight. Im still short a keyboard16:34
Iceman_B^Ltopso everything I do is via putty16:34
Iceman_B^Ltopthe server itself doesnt reboot btw16:34
giovaniok, it could be a bad network card, could be a bad driver16:34
giovanicould be something non-network related, like cpu/mem/fragmentation16:34
giovaniwhat kind of hardware is it?16:35
Iceman_B^LtopDell Dimension 820016:35
geniiI had a Realtek that would drop the connection every time a download started16:35
Iceman_B^LtopP4 1,6Ghz, 256MB ram, 100Mbit ethcard, 160 GB drive16:35
giovaniIceman_B^Ltop: you know what kind of card is in there?16:35
Iceman_B^Ltophmm, can I find out over the console?16:35
geniiCould also be mtu mismatch, but unlikely16:36
giovaniIceman_B^Ltop: yep -- run "lspci" from the console16:36
giovaniand pastebin the output16:36
Iceman_B^Ltopremember, 8.10 dekstop had no such qualms, the only difference in hardware was the hdd16:36
giovanioh yes ... we went over this16:36
giovaniit's highly unlikely that the server kernel is the cause here16:36
geniiAll else being equal, likely is the -server driver for eth0 is different then the -generic16:37
giovani3com, hmm16:38
Iceman_B^Ltopanother stupid thing could be that I tapped the eth card while I was working on switching the hdd16:38
giovanigenii: well, we could have him install the generic kernel and see how that functions ...16:38
Iceman_B^Ltopmaybe I knocked it loose or something, though unblikely16:38
geniigiovani: Would narrow it down quick if it was the case. I've seen this before with restricted drivers16:39
giovaniIceman_B^Ltop: how often does this happen?16:39
Iceman_B^Ltopeversince I installed 8.10 server16:39
Iceman_B^Ltophalf a week ago16:39
giovanihow often16:39
giovanias in ... frequency16:39
Iceman_B^Ltopeverytime you see Iceman_B|SSH drop16:39
Iceman_B^Ltopa few times / hour16:40
Iceman_B^Ltopseemingly random intervals too16:40
giovaniI'd recommend installing the -generic kernel, just to see if that's the cause16:40
giovani"sudo apt-get install linux-image-generic"16:41
Iceman_B^LtopI;ll try that, if someone can wlak me through that. never switched Kernels before, or built one16:41
Iceman_B^Ltop...that was easy :p how long will it take?16:41
giovaniyou don't need to build it, it's a package, it's the kernel that would be installed with ubuntu desktop16:41
giovanidependong on your net connection ... 10-15 min?16:41
Iceman_B^Ltopoh okay16:41
Iceman_B^Ltopits running16:42
giovaniyou'll need to reboot16:42
giovanito boot into the kernel16:42
giovaniand then when it boots back up type "uname -a" to make sure that it's running -generic rather than -server16:42
giovaniand then sit back and wait for the problem to happen again -- if it never happens again (wait a while before concluding that), then, the problem's been isolated16:42
Iceman_B^Ltopwait, will that show up in GRUB? or rather, do I need to select that kernel in grub ?16:42
giovaniit should make itself the default grub kernel, it won't replace your old one16:43
Iceman_B^Ltop(it;s installing now)16:43
giovaniif you remove it later, it'll remove itself from grub16:43
Iceman_B^Ltopokay. so when I issue a reboot command, I could let the machine stand unattended and it should boot into the generic kernel?16:43
giovanibut confirm that it has with "uname -a" (which prints which kernel the machine is running)16:43
Iceman_B^Ltop"sudo shutdown -r now"?16:45
Iceman_B^Ltopor reboot16:45
giovanisame thing16:45
Iceman_B^Ltopgiovani, Im checking out the menu.lst before I reboot16:51
giovaniIceman_B^Ltop: k16:51
Iceman_B^Ltopit says "default 0" but the generic kernel is is listed as third16:51
Iceman_B^Ltopshould I change the 0 into 2 ?16:51
giovaniIceman_B^Ltop: yes16:53
ScottKAnyone here running amavisd-new on Jaunty that could test a new clamav package?16:54
cemcScottK: no, but I have a vm and could set it up quickly16:56
ScottKcemc: That'd be great.  It should work fine with 0.95, but I want to make sure.16:56
Iceman_B^Ltopgiovani: I think its rebooting now16:58
cemcScottK: it's in the PPA ?16:59
ScottKcemc: No.  The amavisd-new from the archive should just work.16:59
cemcah, right, ok17:00
Iceman_B^Ltopravi@Rin-chan:~$ uname -a17:01
Iceman_B^LtopLinux Rin-chan 2.6.27-11-generic #1 SMP Thu Jan 29 19:24:39 UTC 2009 i686 GNU/Linux17:01
Iceman_B^Ltopguess it worked17:01
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Iceman_B^Ltopgiovani: I suspect the problem still remains, but we'll see17:07
giovaniIceman_B^Ltop: what version of ubuntu are you running now?17:07
Iceman_B^LtopLinux Rin-chan 2.6.27-11-generic #1 SMP Thu Jan 29 19:24:39 UTC 2009 i686 GNU/Linux <-- I just installed that onto 8.10 server17:07
Iceman_B^Ltoplike you suggested17:08
giovaniok, so, 8.1017:08
giovanibut you were running 8.04 before17:08
giovaniso either this is a driver change from 8.05 to 8.10, or your hardware has become damaged in the meantime, which is what I first suspected17:08
Iceman_B^Ltopnono, I wasnt running 8.0417:09
Iceman_B^Ltop8.10 desktop before the hdd switch17:09
giovanioh ok17:09
Iceman_B^Ltopokay, perhaps it is hardware related...17:09
giovaniwell the kernel might've changed slightly -- possible that a bug was introduced17:09
giovanibut unlikely17:09
Iceman_B^LtopI'll take my server apart and check everything. maybe I broke something. I'll try another cable first though. it seems unlikely but maybe the cat6 is the culprit. I dont know how much difference another kernel makes for the eth card17:17
geniiMany kernel modules differ between kernels.17:18
Iceman_B^Ltopdifferent cable doesnt change a thing17:24
geniiIceman_B^Ltop: Does apt-cache policy linux-restricted-modules-server    show that it is installed?17:26
Iceman_B^LtopW: Unable to locate package linux-restricted-modules-server17:27
Iceman_B^Ltopgenii ^17:27
geniiSeems on my Hardy to be in repos -proposed/universe -updates/universe and -security/universe17:33
Iceman_B|SSHk, I SSH-ed to an exernal point, and from there through my router, into my server17:33
keeskirkland: you uploaded powerman ?17:41
kirklandkees: i did17:42
keessome feedback: it should have been versioned -0ubuntu117:42
kirklandkees: ah, right ...  it was still in Debian ITP at the time17:43
keeskirkland: sure, but all the more reason to have it be -0ubuntu1 so we could sync -117:43
kirklandkees: yup, agreed17:43
Iceman_B^Ltopgenii / giovani: the problem remains. When I SSH into the server from an external point, that too gets dropped17:45
kirklandkees: is that it?17:48
* kirkland was expecting a more thorough tongue lashing :-)17:48
keeskirkland: nothing really to do about it.  :)  I just wanted to point it out in case you're faced with a similar situation in the future.  :)17:49
geniiIceman_B^Ltop: What driver does:  lsmod|grep 3c               report? 3c59x or another?17:50
kirklandkees: yes, thanks17:51
kirklandkees: were you examining the MIR?17:51
keeskirkland: am still, yes.17:51
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Iceman_B^Ltopgenii: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/142184/17:53
keeskirkland, nijaba: bug 337226 updated (a bit more work is needed...)17:55
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 337226 in powerman "MIR - include powerman" [High,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33722617:55
geniiOK, driver is right. Used to sometimes use wrong driver for TX versions (3c905 driver)17:55
geniiIceman_B^Ltop: You are ssh in over lan-lan or lan-internet-lan path?17:58
kirklandkees: cool, thanks.17:58
genii(some routers etc don't like martians)17:58
kirklandkees: just looked over the feedback, looks good.  i'll punt to aquette for fixage18:02
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Iceman_B^Ltopgenii: both18:14
Iceman_B^Ltopboth give the same trange behaviour18:14
Iceman_B^LtopI'm doing lan-lan now18:14
cemcScottK: amavisd-new seems to work ok, tested with clamd and clamscan, too18:47
ScottKcemc: Great18:47
ivokscemc: thanks :D18:48
ivoksthere's no reason why it shouldn't though...18:48
ivokstake care...18:49
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Big_Hamcan I call phpinfo() from the shell?19:09
Big_Hamwithout writing a PHP page and serving it up?19:10
geniiphp cli?19:11
Big_Hamwell, I'm having a GD issue and I saw a pretty verbose output of php handlers with a phpinfo () page19:12
Big_Hammy last task on the web side of this server ... Joomla has a plugin that handles image resizing for the purposes of thumbnails and it's not working19:13
Big_Hamit says GD is the problem ... and I've already seen that I have GD installed, so I'm looking for some more verbose output19:13
geniiphp -a       will take you into interactive, you can issue any php based command there19:13
Big_Hamhmmmm, php5-cli wasn't installed19:14
ballIs it difficult to set up DHCP service on an Ubuntu Server box?19:33
Big_Hamwhere are PHP log files kept?19:33
giovaniball: nope, dnsmasq has a really simple, and easy-to-configure DHCP daemon19:35
ballgiovani: thanks, I'll look for that.19:35
ballhello McKinley19:35
giovaniball: google around for some instructions on setting it up -- but it's simple19:36
giovani(it also provides dns, if you want that)19:36
ballI don't, DNS is a whole separate nightmare.19:36
giovanithat's fine ... dns is optional19:36
giovanibut not a nightmare19:36
giovani(dnsmasq isn't for running authoritative dns ... it's designed as an easy caching server for your internal network)19:37
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ballThat might be useful then.19:38
BergcubeI am considering looking into the Citrix XenServer.  (http://www.citrix.com/English/ps2/products/feature.asp?contentID=1686939)  As far as I can tell the management tool XenCenter is m$ windows only.  Are there any good Open Source alternatives for the management tool?19:41
giovaniBergcube: I think xenserver is different from normal open-source xen19:44
giovanithere are some control panels for xen19:44
McKinleyHi ball and others, I am trying to setup a router for 2 networks on the same machine.  I have ufw and all the masquerading working. I think I am having some route problems. I haven't setup up any explicite routes.  In this interfaces file, http://pastie.org/433917 , I am able to use the network on to reach the Internet, but the network on eth1:1 doesn't route and thus never reaches my POSTROUTING rules.  What routes 19:44
Bergcubegiovani~  I am sure it is somewhat different.  But I am a wuss.  The Citrix XenServer comes in one easy install-cd, whereas the help pages for xen under ubuntu left me feeling like the largest human "huh?" in history...19:45
giovaniBergcube: maybe ask in #xen?19:45
Bergcubegiovani~  Yeah, I guess.  Old habits die hard I guess.  I run a number of Ubuntu servers directly on the iron, and usually I've gotten great help in here.  Sorry for the offtopicness.19:47
JessicaParkercan anyone assist with teh followiing ? googled it lots of people with the issue - no solution though........This kernel requires the following features not present on the CPU: 0:6 Unable to boot - please use a kernel appropriate for your CPU.20:04
ballJessicaParker: is that with a kernel that shipped with Ubuntu Server?20:04
JessicaParkeryes just copy the iso straight to the cd and overwrote eveything20:05
JessicaParkercompleted set up then on re-boot the problem happened20:05
JessicaParkerball: any ideas ?20:08
ballJessicaParker: what cpu?20:09
JessicaParkernot sure its an intel centrino bought in 200220:09
ballJessicaParker: Might be a Pentium M then, or something20:10
ballWhat version of Ubuntu?20:11
JessicaParkerits the latest server lts  edition, just downloaded it toda20:11
giovanithat's the latest server LTS release, the latest server release is 8.1020:12
giovanioh sorry, you did say LTS20:13
giovanimy mistake20:13
JessicaParkerdo u think 8.10 may be better20:13
giovaniit's possible that the newer kernel in 8.10 might help20:13
giovaniit's worth a try20:13
JessicaParkerits not for production as yet anyway just trying some things out.20:13
JessicaParkerbut i trust there is no easier way to get over this issue that anyone here knows off.........in which case i will try 8.10 to start with20:14
giovanithe issue is not one I've seen before -- and with a regular intel cpu ... it seems most likely to be a bug20:15
giovaniif you've asked for help elsewhere, and not gotten any response ... I'd try 8.1020:15
JessicaParkerthanks i will try that as a start20:15
McKinleyCan anyone help with basic routing? In this format: up route add [-net|-host] <host/net>/<mask> gw <host/IP> dev <Interface> How do I state that I want all non 192.168.20/24 traffic to route to address on eth0?20:18
McKinleyI am confused on the net and host parts20:18
friartuckMcKinley the default route is what you are looking for. that is specified as 0,0,0,0.20:21
McKinleypost-up route add -net netmask gw Is this right?20:21
giovanior "route add default gw eth0"20:21
giovaniMcKinley: no ... you said you want "non 192.168.20" traffic to be routed20:22
giovaninow you're entering a route to route that traffic20:22
McKinleyfriartuck: I have aliases on each adapter.  So, default route won't be enough, right?20:22
friartuckMcKinley default means....anything that is not explicitly specified. the default route usually points to the internet. you only need one default route. not sure about your question.20:23
McKinleyfriartuck: I have a real ip on eth0 and another real on eth0:1. I need eth1 to route to eth0 and eth1:1 to route to eth0:1. In this case I can't use a default route. I need two different explicite routes, but I don't know how.20:26
geniiHm. Could I use a bonding driver for dhcp-server to lan?20:26
friartuckMcKinley do you have two internet connections? dual-homed?20:27
ballI was thinking yesterday about dual-homing20:27
ballIf I had one wired and one satellite connection, it would be nice to send video and voice over the wire and things like sftp and rsync up into space20:28
ball...with failover in both cases20:28
Deepssource based routing needed here?20:28
ball...not sure how hard that is to do on Ubuntu though20:29
Deepsfrom srcip1 route via gwip1, from srcip2 route via gwip2?20:29
McKinleyfriartuck: Yes, they are and for arguments sake. They are up on eth0 and a ping -I and a traceroute -s works just fine. wget --bind-address to whatsmyip.us shows that I am getting out on either address just fine with expected results.20:29
McKinleyball: my networks are staying logically separate, fyi.20:30
ballMcKinley: ok20:31
McKinleyball: no failover or anything. Just 2 routers in one box with two NICs only.20:31
ballI think I need a nap20:32
poningruanyone alive?20:37
poningruquick question regarding vmbuilder man pages20:37
poningruand file:///home/poningru/Dev/ubuntu/ubuntu-doc/build/serverguide/C/jeos-and-vmbuilder.html20:37
poningrudamn it20:38
poningrucant find the doc for jeos and vmbuilder online20:38
* ball is almost alive20:38
poningruquestion is what does --net= stand for?20:38
poningruand does --addpkg= handle dependencies?20:38
poningruI think \sh is the person to ask but he seems afk20:39
infinityvmbuilder is soren's baby.20:39
poningruobtained with vmbuilder20:39
infinity(not \sh)20:39
toothyUsing vsftp, is it possible to jail a user to a directory other than his home dir ?20:40
friartuckMcKinley I think you need policy based routing. I know how to do this with Cisco, it looks like it can be done with iproute2, but I'm not familiar. take a look here: http://lartc.org/howto/20:40
Deepsi can help with that20:42
friartuckMcKinley this one is more definitive, I think this is what you want: http://www.linuxhorizon.ro/iproute2.html20:42
McKinleyfriartuck: and simply doing route add -host won't do it?  Will the host not be able to talk to the rest of  I'm checking out the link.20:42
Deepsi dont properly understand the problem though, making it tricky to try and help, heh20:43
friartuckMcKinley hm, I think I misunderstood your question.20:43
infinitytoothy: AFAIK, vsftp isn't that flexible.  You're either chrooting to home, or not at all.20:44
McKinleyfriartuck: I'll reask it in a bit. Reading up, thanks.20:44
infinitytoothy: proftpd is much more flexible in that regard, but not technically "supported"... I'm not sure what other ftp daemons allow that level of customisation.20:44
infinitytoothy: What I tend to do is just chroot users to their home directory, and bind-mount the bits I want them to have access to.20:45
infinitytoothy: (ie: bind-mountind /srv/domain.com/www to /home/user/www.domain.com/)20:45
toothyinfinity, sorry, but what is bind mount ?20:45
toothycan a symlink do the same?20:46
infinitytoothy: "mount -o bind /srv/domain.com/www /home/user/www.domain.com"20:46
infinitytoothy: And no, symlinks won't work.  vsftpd won't follow a symlink from a chrooted location outside the chroot, for obvious reasons.20:47
maxbIs there any difference between "-o bind" and "--bind" ?20:47
infinitytoothy: (If symlinks worked, users could just use them to break out)20:47
infinitymaxb: Other than the fact that I'm an onld UNIX hack who refuses to admit that mount has any switches other than "-t" and "-o", probably not.20:48
toothyah that makes sense20:48
poningruinfinity, lol20:48
toothyinfinity, should i add this mount to fstab?20:49
poningrutoothy, yes if you want it to be held in restart20:49
poningruas in to be there after you restart the machine20:49
poningrufs type is none btw20:50
infinitymaxb: In all honesty, I just prefer "-o loop" and "-o bind" because it reminds me what to put in the options field in fstab if I want to make it persistent.20:50
toothyponingru, infinity thanks guys... ill give a shit20:51
Deeps--bind is just an alias to -o bind20:51
toothyi give a shit! lol thanks again20:51
McKinleyfriartuck: that second link is very clear. Thanks. I'll see if it works.20:52
Iceman_B^Ltopyay, I got a monitor20:53
ballServers shouldn't have monitors ;-)20:53
Iceman_B^LtopI know20:54
Iceman_B^Ltopthey "should" not20:54
toothyServers shouldn't have iTunes :/20:54
poningrutoothy, heh20:54
poningruwow this is cool vmbuilder I mean, used to build from iso20:59
Iceman_B^Ltopcan I force output to the vga port when I'm connected via SSH ?21:13
giovaniIceman_B^Ltop: they're different terminals21:15
giovaniso, no, I don't believe that's possible21:15
uvirtbotNew bug: #352779 in dhcp3 (main) "Bad MTU for eth0 in 9.04 amd64" [High,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35277921:16
giovaniyour local terminals are tty1-6, usually, and your ssh terminals are pts/0-X21:17
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poningruanyone alive?22:04
poningrucreating stuff with vmbuilder22:05
poningruthe command I used22:05
poningruI cant get it to list stuff under virsh -c qemu:///system22:05
poningruerr nm22:09
centHOGGrhi, I can't start my xserver coming from just a ubuntu server install.. aptitude install LXDE .. reboot .. no X22:25
toothyinfinity, question about jailing an FTP directory...  since vsftp can jail to a home directory, does it make sense to simply make the dir i want to jail him into his home dir?    something like   sudo useradd -d /www/web/whatever username  ?22:26
infinitytoothy: You *could*... But if he'll ever access the system in any other way (for mail, for instance, or whatever), that's bound to cause you headaches.22:27
toothygot it, thank you22:29
centHOGGrhi, how can you change xserver to only use the vesa driver? thx22:35
ballAnyone happen to know what (if any) package contains whetstone and dhrystone benchmarks?22:40
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