
=== bittin___ is now known as bittin
Sampe2lns: I have checked out the edubuntu site a bit.. mainly from a systems point of view, not an educational point of view.02:58
Sampe2I have a edubuntu server with four thin clients (having some issues)...02:58
Sampe2I was looking for help in matching open source educational software solutions to pre-existing closed source solutions some groups might be using.02:59
loginhelpGood evening to all. I just installed an ltsp server and am having problems with a thin client. It boots from the nic, gets to the login screen then it waits and goes blank.13:46
loginhelpi dunno what i just did right now but i was able to go into the shell and login from there. It says the password is incorrect. Is the ltsp user list different from the one entered into the users manager in ubuntu?13:48
ograthere are no users on the thin client14:19
ograso you cant log in on the console14:19
ogracheck the ~/.xsession-errors file for the user you try with on the server14:20
ograseems something prevents your desktop on the server from starting14:20
fc_REMAILLE ???17:48
bittinhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/MobileTeam/Meeting/2009/20090402  if somone cares20:45

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