
donaldI'm in the Multimedia under System Settings, and when I test each of the options, it tells me they do not work.00:02
donaldThere are four devices listed: HDA Intel (ALC888 Analog), HDA Intel (ALC888 Digital), HDA ATI HDMI (HDMI Audio Output), and PulseAudio00:03
donaldWhen I click test, it tells me in the bottom right corner that they do not work.00:03
BluesKajdonald , check the terminal:alsamixer00:05
donaldI'm new to Linux/Kubuntu, BluesKaj. Do I just go to the terminal and put in "alsamixer"?00:05
donaldOkay, I've done it and it's identified my Card and Chip correctly. What should I be doing?00:07
BlinkizHi. I can't get the new option about encrypting my home dir with ecryptfs to work in latest jaunty iso. I have downloaded todays live-iso and at startup, I put in user-setup/encrypt-home=true. Problem is that no new options have come up under the installation. I followed the guide here: http://blog.dustinkirkland.com/2009/02/jaunty-encrypted-home-directories.html . What can be wrong?00:07
=== vhdirk is now known as Aegiron
donaldBluesKaj, I am in the AlsaMixer screen in terminal. I don't know what I'm checking for.00:11
BluesKajunmute , the slider and use the arrow keys to set the levels up to 70% or so00:11
BluesKajunmute withje M key00:12
donaldI have done so, it's not muted and it's volume is set at 70, but no change. It continues to say they don't work.00:14
BluesKajdonald , then in the terminal do : aplay -l ,  to find the exact name and model of the soundcard00:14
bsniderdonald, did you upgrade or clean install jaunty?00:14
donaldclean install00:14
donaldBluesKaj, doing so now00:15
bsniderwow, it's that broken ont heinstall disk?00:15
bsniderwhat happens if you boot a livecd? does sound work?00:15
donaldWhere is the Ubuntu pastebin? I will paste the results00:16
bsnidermaybe it's the kde sound system. i doubt alsa is to blame because the driver for the intel chip is in good shape00:16
yofel!paste | donald00:16
ubottudonald: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)00:16
BluesKajdonald , look for a line that has "audio controller "00:17
donaldthere is no line that says audio controller, BluesKaj00:17
donaldIn Windows XP/Vista, it reports my sound card as Realtek00:18
BluesKajyes , I see that00:18
donaldand I get my drivers from the Realtek website for XP/Vista00:19
donaldThere are two seperate audio systems in this PC... one is the Realtek built-in audio and the other is the ATI HDMI, that is used for the HDMI port on the PCI express video card that's installed.00:20
donaldI'm not sure why Kubuntu is reporting the sound card as HDA Intel.00:21
bsniderthat's the codec00:21
BluesKajbsnider, what the dir/command now to make the Intel ALC888 the default sound card ? I used :asoundconf set-default-card "name of soundcard" omn previous releases , but I was advised recently that asoundconf is no longer being used00:21
bsniderlinux is aware that you have a realtek there00:22
donaldOkay good00:22
bsniderthis chip works fine on my board00:22
donaldYou have Realtek ALC888 audio as well, bsnider?00:22
bsniderBluesKaj, i don't know but there's a gui for it00:23
bsniderdonald, i do but it's disabled in favour of a superior creative card. but it does work00:23
donaldI'm wondering why it's not working on mine00:23
donaldDoes your system also have the ATI HDMI sound driver? Maybe it's causing confusion?00:24
bsnideri use gnome. i wonder if yours would work in gnome00:24
donaldwell I mainly got Kubuntu 9.04 for it's looks and KDE 4.200:24
bsniderBluesKaj, the gui program is asoundconf-gtk00:24
bsniderBluesKaj, if he tries to install it it will pull in a bunch of gnome libs though00:25
dougbis there a place in the options to change the system notifications that appear in the top right hand corner?00:26
BluesKajdonald , try this anyway , in the terminal : asoundconf set-default-card "Intel ALC888"00:27
donaldokay I did so00:28
BluesKajtry a tune00:29
donaldthe notification came up from "Phonon: KDE's Multimedia Library" that it doesn't work00:30
donaldand nothing played00:30
BluesKajok , make sure you have pulse audio installed , check adept00:30
bsnideri thought kubuntu didn't use pulse00:31
donaldIt's a selection in the Multimedia part of System Settings, so it must be installed. It also told me when I did a "test" of PulseAudio that it doesn't work either00:31
BluesKajit does as part of phonon , alsa runs it's driver on top of it00:31
wirechieftrying to find information on how to build and use unetbootin, does the latest release have it built-in ?00:32
BluesKajok, now look in adept for yopur soundcard , you may not have the right driver installed00:32
donaldI don't find Adept?00:33
BluesKajlook in the kmenu package manager00:33
BluesKajfor package manager00:34
donaldwhen I go into the KMenu and search for "package" all that comes up is the KPackageKit00:34
donalddonald@donald-desktop:~$ adept00:35
donaldThe program 'adept' is currently not installed.  You can install it by typing:00:35
donaldsudo apt-get install adept00:35
donalddonald@donald-desktop:~$ adept00:35
donaldThe program 'adept' is currently not installed.  You can install it by typing:00:35
donaldsudo apt-get install adept00:35
donaldshall I install?00:35
bsnideradept isn't installed on a kde system? i don't understand00:36
BluesKajdonald, package manager is usually listed in "favorites" in the Kmenu00:37
BluesKajstrange stuff here00:37
donaldIt's not, only "Web browser", "System Settings" and "File Manager" are00:37
donaldunder favorites00:37
donaldI installed adept and Ran it via "kdesudo adept" and I'm awaiting further instruction00:38
BluesKajok then choose kmenu/applications/system/package manager ..it should be there it's adefault app00:39
donaldyes that opened Adept00:40
BluesKajIm looking in adept for the audio driver , but i don't see it .00:40
bsniderthe audio driver is in the linux kernel itself00:41
bsnideralsa-lib provides the codecs00:41
spaceBARbariani am using jaunty on my laptop and for some reason ubuntu doesnt remember my volume settings after a reboot, anyone know how to fix this ?00:42
bsniderthen there's a userspace abstraction called pulseaudio on gnome systems, and whatever on kde00:42
BluesKajHal should recognize the audio card and install the driver during the OS install00:42
bsnideractually that happens during every boot00:42
donaldit appears the driver is install, BluesKaj... just not working00:42
bsnideri think it probably is working, but at the userspace level something is fried00:43
bsniderif alsamixer gives you any options at all then you've got a driver there00:43
BluesKajdonald, bsnider , intel does have some driver problems lately00:43
donaldyes it does provider me options and I can change settings00:43
bsniderwell, those settings are in the realtek driver00:44
BluesKajyes the drivers install but they have settings probs00:44
bsniderkde's sound system could be broken. i'd be very interested about whether it works booting off a gnome livecd00:44
spaceBARbariani am using jaunty on my laptop and for some reason it doesnt remember my volume settings after a reboot. if i have the sound muted i still end up hearing the loud logon sounds, anyone know how to fix this ?00:44
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about intel00:44
BluesKaj!info intel audio00:45
ubottu'audio' is not a valid distribution ['dapper', 'gutsy', 'gutsy-backports', 'hardy', 'hardy-backports', 'intrepid', 'intrepid-backports', 'jaunty', 'jaunty-backports', 'kde4-ppa', 'kubuntu-experimental', 'kubuntu-members-kde4', 'medibuntu', 'partner']00:45
donaldOn realtek's webpage, for my audio chip, it does offer drivers00:45
dtchenspaceBARbarian: those are two different sets of volumes, unfortunately00:45
BluesKajspaceBARbarian , system settings/notifications/system notifications/player settings tab/ click on no audio output00:46
dtchenspaceBARbarian: if you'd be so kind, please get me the output from running http://www.alsa-project.org/alsa-info (explicitly as a bash script) before you log in and after you log in00:46
bsniderdtchen, is kubuntu making use of pulseaudio by default?00:46
dtchenbsnider: no.00:47
bsniderwhat's the userpsace kde sound system called?00:47
dtchenbsnider: there is none; kubuntu uses Phonon through Xine, which by default uses ALSA00:47
crdlbthe abstraction layer abstracter is phonon?00:47
crdlberr -?00:47
dtchenthere is no "KDE sound system" for Kubuntu 9.0400:47
BluesKajBBL ... tv with wifey00:48
dtchenPhonon is an abstraction not equivalent to PulseAudio or Esound00:48
bsniderhow inconvenient for kde users00:48
donaldPhonon is the one giving me the error every time I try to use audio00:48
funkyHatIs flash broken or is it just me doing something wrong?00:48
dtchenfunkyHat: more context, please?00:48
dtchendonald: which error?00:48
donald"The audio playback device HDA Intel (ALC888 Analog) does not work. Falling back to HDA ATI HDMI, ATI HDMI (HDMI Audio Output)."00:49
donaldAnd the HDA ATI HDMI also does not work00:49
dtchendonald: do you have an /etc/asound.conf or ~/.asoundrc ?00:49
donaldI haven't a clue :/ I'm new to Linux/Kubuntu. How to check?00:50
dtchenls -l /etc/asound.conf ~/.asoundrc00:50
bsniderDon_Miguel, you might have int hat event picked a stable distro to use00:51
bsnidersorry, that was intended for donald00:51
funkyHatdtchen: I have flashplugin-nonfree installed but after upgrading to 9.04 it is no longer showing up in about:plugins (and isn't working, of course, in firefox)00:51
donaldls: cannot access /etc/asound.conf: No such file or directory00:51
dtchenfunkyHat: purge flashplugin-nonfree and reinstall it.00:51
dtchenknown issue; i need to file a bug against update-manager to handle that case00:52
donalddtchen, ls: cannot access /etc/asound.conf: No such file or directory00:52
dtchendonald: so you don't have that file, what about the other?00:53
donaldThis is what else is gave me: -rw-r--r-- 1 donald donald 190 2009-04-01 19:26 /home/donald/.asoundrc00:53
bsniderwell, he ahs that file00:53
bsniderbut what's in it00:54
spaceBARbariandtchen: the link you gave me is broken http://www.alsa-project.org/alsa-info00:54
donaldhttp://paste.ubuntu.com:80/142420/ - the complete output00:54
dtchenspaceBARbarian: append ".sh"00:55
bsniderdonald, pastebin the contents of that file. execute kwrite ~/.asoundrc00:56
donalddonald@donald-desktop:~$ execute kwrite ~/.asoundrc00:57
donaldbash: execute: command not found00:57
bsniderleave out the word execute00:57
bsnideri was asking you to execute the command00:57
donaldit wants me to install kwrite00:57
bsnideri hope the text editor is still called kwrite00:58
dtchencat ~/.asoundrc00:58
bsnideryou can install kwrite00:58
dtchen(pastebin the output)00:58
donaldhttp://paste.ubuntu.com:80/142422/ - the entire output, and yes, that is the ENTIRE content of that file00:59
dtchendonald: now pastebin the contents of ~/.asoundrc.asoundconf01:03
Jordan_Ubsnider, kwrite is qt / KDE, gedit is gtk / gnome ( and comes with ubuntu by default )01:03
bsniderJordan_U, i know01:04
donaldContents of ~/.asoundrc.asoundconf = http://paste.ubuntu.com:80/142427/01:04
bsniderhe's using kde01:04
Jordan_Ubsnider, Odd, should have been installed then01:05
bsniderthere's a lot of stuff ont hat system that shoudl have been isntalled but weren't. he didn't have adept either01:05
donaldI downloaded the .iso image and burnt it at 4x, and it was verified as well01:06
donaldand yes, I had to install adept01:06
bsniderwhich image was that?01:06
donaldI would have to get on my Vista partition and check that, bsnider01:07
donaldI don't know the filename by heart01:07
funkyHatdtchen: cheers, should have thought of that myself really :)01:07
Jordan_Ubsnider, Have you suggested installing kubuntu-desktop?01:07
donaldI downloaded it from http://mirror.anl.gov/pub/ubuntu-iso/CDs/kubuntu/9.0401:07
bsniderdonald, why would you want to use linux when you have the awesome windows vista operating system?01:08
donaldBecause Windows Vista isn't awesome at all.01:08
bsniderbut it's recommended by the highly trustworthy microsoft corporation01:08
donaldMicrosoft doesn't know what it's talking about half the damn time lol01:09
dtchendonald: rm ~/.asoundrc01:09
josh-lhey folks, trying to run firefox 3.1 after a dist-upgrade (kubuntu jaunty) I'm getting this error when running in cli: "Could not find compatible GRE between version 1.9.1b3 and 1.9.1b3.01:09
dtchendonald: then log out of KDE and back in01:09
josh-lany thoughts?01:09
donaldokay doing so now01:10
bsniderJordan_U, i expect that metapackage accounts for what was on his iso image01:12
dtchen-> supper01:12
donaldI'm back01:12
donaldShall I try using audio now?01:13
bsniderthat would be helpful01:13
Jordan_Ubsnider, Might have been a minimal install CD01:13
bsnideri don't know what that is01:14
donaldSame error01:14
Jordan_Udonald, Was the CD installer graphical or menu / text based01:14
donaldI installed under the LiveCD01:14
donaldI went into the LiveCD and played around with it, sound did not work there, and I installed it, and sound does not work again01:14
DanaG!find gtk/gtk.h01:14
ubottuFile gtk/gtk.h found in libgfcui-dev, libgtk1.2-dev, libgtk2.0-dev, libgtk2.0-doc, lsb-build-desktop301:14
bsniderdonald, what about trying intrepid instead?01:16
DanaG!find gio/gio.h01:17
ubottuFile gio/gio.h found in libglib2.0-dev01:17
bsniderdonald, the current stable version of ubuntu01:17
donaldCan I install the Kubuntu variant? I prefer Kubuntu's looks over Unbuntu's01:18
bsnideryes you can!01:18
bsniderbut why, when you have the windows vista operating system?01:19
donaldQuit picking on me! LOL01:19
donaldOkay I will install that overtop of 9.04 and let you know how it all worked out01:19
donaldThanks for your help, guys/ga;s01:19
bsniderwait qa jminute01:20
hil.oO( ɯǝʇsʎs ƃuıʇɐɹǝdo ɐʇsıʌ )01:20
bsnideri'll find you the right one01:20
donaldokay lol01:20
* nemo shudders01:20
bsniderdonald, what cpu do you have?01:21
donaldit's a 64-bit01:21
bsniderwhat part of the world are you in?01:21
donaldcore 2 quad01:21
donaldunited states01:21
m0u5ewhoa hil why is vista operating system upside down? o_O01:22
hilask microsoft ;)01:22
donaldthanks bsnider01:23
bsniderwell if you can find me a better operating system for $300 i'd sure like to see it01:23
donaldI will install and let you know how it worked out01:23
* nemo has never paid $300 for an OS01:23
* nemo has never paid $1 for an OS01:23
* donald didn't pay for his Windows, either ;)01:23
nemowell. I guess my contributing code is "paying"01:24
bsniderat least with vista i get the protection of the excellent windows genuine advantage01:25
* hil also has one (1) ɐʇsıʌ - machine just for 3dsmax. what a waste of power...01:27
josh-lis there anything bad about setting up prelink?01:31
josh-linteresting does anyone else have an issue running firefox 3.1 suddenly after an upgrade im getting: Could not find compatible GRE between version 1.9.1b3 and 1.9.1b3.01:40
josh-l 01:40
=== kalle is now known as kallecarl
andresmhUpdating Jaunty broke my system: I was running Jaunty beta off a thumbdrive. I applied the latest updates. Restarted. Ubuntu logo shows up for a few seconds but then it goes straight to EasyBox. Any ideas?01:49
mbeierlAnyone here been looking at PPTP support in Jaunty?01:57
=== kalle is now known as kallecarl
hggdhandresmh, boot without splash and quiet, then see where you stop02:05
andresmhhggdh, how do you boot without splash?02:06
andresmhif I have Jaunty running off a USB thumbdrive and I install apps there. When I decide to install it onto my hardrive will it come with all the apps and the configurations I've made?02:07
Tommy_Bresany reason ubuntu 8.10 supports my audio drivers and 9.04 doesn't? i don't know if that's exactly the case, but i know it won't play any audio02:07
dtchenTommy_Bres: run the http://www.alsa-project.org/alsa-info.sh script02:07
Tommy_Bresi'll try02:08
DanaGOh heyas, is there any way to make window borders thicker?02:09
DanaGughm wtf... reset in gnome-terminal RESIZES it!02:13
Tommy_Bresdtchen: it gives me the info about the script, "do you want to run this script y/n: read: 298: illegal option -e"02:15
Tommy_Bresnever gives me the option to hit y, just gives that all together02:15
Tommy_Bresany ideas? :\02:17
josh-lcan anyone tell me how to reverse prelink setup?02:17
=== ZehRique is now known as ZehRique-OFF
lifidoes anyone know how to set extended desktop in kde?02:25
amon_the topic gets old now02:42
afallenhopehow do you disable  the screen saver ib xfce4?02:43
dtchenTommy_Bres: it's a bash script. you need to invoke bash, not sh02:46
Tommy_Bresmy bad :(02:48
Tommy_Bresbtw, for any soccer fans, USA 3 - 0 TRI02:49
Tommy_Breserr, football fans if you're not from here :P02:49
vonkleist_where did that kde 4.2.2 came from???02:53
vonkleist_latest aptitude run upgraded kde to 4.2.202:54
[MindVirus]I'm trying to get my graphics to render directly.02:54
Tommy_Breswhere are you seeing this :P02:55
[MindVirus]I'm running an integrated intel card.02:55
Tommy_Bresmindvirus, i'm trying to get my sound working on an integrated intel card, i hope you have better luck than i'm having :)02:55
[MindVirus]Tommy_Bres, I haven't checked if my sound works yet.02:55
[MindVirus]Let's see.02:55
[MindVirus]Yep, it works.02:56
[MindVirus]Sorry dude.02:56
Tommy_Bresits all good02:56
Tommy_Bresi'll get it fixed eventually i hope02:56
[MindVirus]I'm sure.02:56
melik_http://omploader.org/vMWd3cw/matrix-jaunty-20090331-2.png << 17.44 second boot with jaunty =D02:57
vonkleist_Get:12 http://us.archive.Ubuntu.com jaunty/main kdebase-runtime 4:4.2.2-0ubuntu1 [1906kB]  (sorry for the paste)02:57
vonkleist_april's fools?02:57
savvastry: aptitude changelog kdebase-runtime02:57
amon_what intel card02:57
Tommy_Bresamon_: are you talking to me or mindvirus02:58
[MindVirus]How do I find out?02:58
savvasah it's still fresh, no changelog02:58
Tommy_Bresintel 82801g high definition audio controller02:58
vonkleist_no changelog...02:58
[MindVirus]Right. Can anyone help with my direct rendering issue?02:58
vonkleist_now my konsole's about box shows KDE 4.2.202:59
amon_lspci -nn | grep Audio02:59
savvasvonkleist_: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/jaunty/+source/kdebase-runtime/+changelog03:00
Tommy_Bresamon_: just gives another prompt03:00
Tommy_Breswhen i just put lspci it does list the sound card though03:00
[MindVirus]I'm running an Intel Corporation Mobile 945GME Express Integrated Graphics Controller.03:00
[MindVirus]Can anyone suggest anything?03:01
=== bsnider is now known as bjsnider
Tommy_Bresargh idk what to do :(03:04
vonkleist_oh, I see...03:04
vonkleist_new upstream release03:04
vonkleist_but can't find anything about that on kde.org03:04
vonkleist_http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog4_2_1to4_2_2.php :P03:12
dtchenTommy_Bres: your PCM is set to zero.03:15
Tommy_Bresis it?03:16
Tommy_Bresi set it to 10003:16
Tommy_Bresi can take a screenshot if you want, it's at 100 ;)03:17
dtchen  Front Left: Playback 0 [0%] [-51.00dB]03:17
dtchen  Front Right: Playback 0 [0%] [-51.00dB]03:17
dtchenlooks like zero to me.03:17
amon_ 03:17
dtchenmake sure you haven't opened some app like dragon03:17
Tommy_Bresi dont know what dragon is, so i cant open it03:19
dtchenTommy_Bres: it's the video player in kde03:21
dtchenTommy_Bres: of course, the analogy is totem in gnome03:21
dtchenTommy_Bres: what's the output from `amixer -Dhw:0'?03:21
dtchenpastebin, please03:21
Tommy_Brespastebin what03:21
bjsniderdtchen, is audio your specialty?03:21
dtchenbjsnider: i used to maintain Ubuntu's audio stack03:23
dtchenTommy_Bres: the output from the command i gave you in quotes03:23
Tommy_Bresdtchen: what do you want me to pastebin?03:23
Tommy_Breswhy am i not finding any command sent by you :|03:24
Tommy_Bresoh nvm got it03:24
dtchenTommy_Bres: ok, good. is `pasuspender -- aplay -Dhw:0 /usr/share/sounds/alsa/Front_Center.wav' audible?03:28
[MindVirus]Hi. apt-get is telling me that autoremove will remove mbr.03:30
[MindVirus]Is this OK?03:30
Tommy_Bresumm stupid question, how do i check? :P03:30
Tommy_Bresoh nvm thats a command /retarded03:30
Tommy_Bresno, cant hear a thing03:31
Tommy_BresPlaying WAVE '/usr/share/sounds/alsa/Front_Center.wav' : Signed 16 bit Little Endian, Rate 48000 Hz, Mono03:31
Tommy_Bresaplay: set_params:966: Channels count non available03:31
[MindVirus]Any suggestions?03:33
Ampelbein[MindVirus]: it's usually safe to autoremove packages. this is a feature to keep track of unneeded, optional packages that were installed alongside some other software.03:33
dtchenTommy_Bres: how about: `pasuspender -- aplay -Dplughw:0 /usr/share/sounds/alsa/Front_Center.wav'03:33
[MindVirus]Ampelbein, I know.03:33
[MindVirus]But mbr seems pretty damn important.03:33
Ampelbein[MindVirus]: why? it's optional.03:34
Ampelbeinapt-cache show mbr03:34
[MindVirus]Is it?03:34
dtchenit is not used with grub but is used with lilo03:34
Tommy_Bresdtchen: still not audible, shows the same message without the last line03:34
dtchen[MindVirus]: i.e., if you're using grub, it's perfectly safe to not have mbr installed03:34
bjsnideri wonder when grub2 will be ready to roll03:35
dtchenbjsnider: certain distros already ship it03:35
Ampelbein[MindVirus]: see apt-cache rdepends mbr03:35
dtchenTommy_Bres: does `sudo /etc/init.d/alsa-utils reset' help?03:35
bjsniderdtchen, by default?03:36
dtchenbjsnider: yes03:36
bjsniderdtchen, well, i'll be a monkey's uncle03:36
Tommy_Bresdtchen: http://pastebin.com/mf5e8d7003:38
Tommy_Bresinvalid card number?03:38
[MindVirus]I'm having big issues getting direct rendering to work. Any suggestions?03:39
Tommy_Bresdtchen: any idea what the invalid card number could mean?03:43
shade34321is there a way to get my logitech usb headphones and mic to work with jaunty?....03:43
Tommy_Bresnope, it's impossible, headphones are not supported03:43
* Tommy_Bres is joking03:43
shade34321i knew that....i'm just a bit puzzled b/c i have it set up to come out of my usb headphones03:44
shade34321but it's coming out of the regular ones still03:44
Tommy_Breslol i cant even get my audio to work :(03:45
shade34321ouch....i have that problem sometimes03:45
shade34321i've noticed with mine if i restart and make sure the right outputs are set it works:)03:45
dtchenTommy_Bres: hmm, try this: sudo fuser -v -k /dev/dsp* /dev/snd/* ; sudo rmmod snd-hda-intel ; sudo rm -f /var/lib/alsa/asound.state03:47
dtchenTommy_Bres: afterward, reboot03:47
Tommy_Bresto the second command, error, snd hda_intel is in use03:48
dtchenwhat's the output from sudo fuser -v /dev/dsp* /dev/snd/*03:48
Tommy_Bres2 different things shown03:49
Tommy_BresUSER ubuntu for both03:49
dtchenerr, is this from a live cd?03:49
Tommy_BresPID 17910, ACCESS F...., COMMAND pulseaudio03:50
Tommy_Bresdtchen: yes? :|03:50
Tommy_Breswell kinda, flash drive03:50
Tommy_Bresother one PID 17927, command mixer_applet203:50
dtchenTommy_Bres: ok, different approach03:50
Tommy_Bresah, my bad... i didn't know that was relevant when it came to something such as this, or i'd have warned you ahead of time03:50
dtchenTommy_Bres: killall pulseaudio ; pulseaudio -vvv03:50
[MindVirus]I'm having big issues getting direct rendering to work. Any suggestions?03:51
dtchenTommy_Bres: leave pulseaudio running in the foreground03:51
dtchenTommy_Bres: i'll need you to pastebin all the output from that pulseaudio -vvv command03:51
[MindVirus]God damnit, anyone?03:53
Tommy_Bresthere was something that showed up in bright red, but didn't transfer over to pastebin that way obviously03:53
Tommy_Bres"^CE: module-gconf.c: Unable to read or parse data from client."03:53
shade34321so i got my usb headphones to work....kind of03:55
shade34321i turned the mic on all the way03:55
screamDoes the ATI driver still not work in jaunty?03:55
shade34321and i put other headphones to the mic:)03:55
shade34321not exactly what i wanted03:56
shade34321but it's a step in the right direction....lol03:56
dtchenTommy_Bres: hmm03:56
dtchenTommy_Bres: your ~/.gconf* may be messed up03:56
Tommy_Bressee, this is why i use winderz most of the time :P03:57
holyscottIs it me or did 9.04 just download kde 4.2.2?03:57
dtchenTommy_Bres: can you reproduce the symptom on an actual live cd?03:57
Tommy_Bres*shrug*, no CD-R's03:57
Tommy_Breswhat is my ~/.gconf*?03:57
dtchenTommy_Bres: i can't rule out broken ~/.gconf*03:57
dtchenin which case it can't be PulseAudio or ALSA as the problem-causers03:58
[MindVirus]Someone help :(03:58
Tommy_Bresis there any way i can fix it?03:58
dtchenTommy_Bres: create a new usb image and boot from it?03:58
Tommy_Bresargh, lol that's gonna be such a pain03:59
Tommy_Bresi'll give it a shot though, i'll reboot to windoze, do the same thing as before, then come back and see if it's solved03:59
Tommy_Bresthanks so much for the help dtchen, i'll pop back in here and let you know how it went03:59
Tommy_Bresand where the hell did the reboot option go? haha not in system like in 8.1004:00
bjsniderthere's low-level audio config info in gconf?04:00
dtchenbjsnider: not low-level, no. high-level.04:00
bjsniderdtchen, did he try it from a new user account?04:01
dtcheni don't think he did04:01
[MindVirus]Am I on ignore by everyone in the channel? I don't understand. Usually someone would even attempt to respond.04:02
PhotoJim[MindVirus]: Patience.  People reply to things they think they can help with.  No point in them cluttering the channel with "I don't know".04:03
PhotoJim[MindVirus]: Ask again at intervals.  Eventually someone is likely to help you.04:03
bjsniderall  you said was that you were having trouble with direct rendering04:03
[MindVirus]That's what I've been doing, PhotoJim.04:04
SebastianDroasyeah, more information is necessary :-(04:04
[MindVirus]What information is necessary?04:04
[MindVirus]I don't mean to be a douche, and thank you very much. :)04:04
bjsnider[MindVirus], which graphics driver is this?04:05
[MindVirus]Let's check.04:06
[MindVirus]Intel Corporation Mobile 945GME Express Integrated Graphics Controller04:06
bjsnideroh, well that explains it04:06
[MindVirus]I'm on an Asus Eee 1000 BTW.04:07
bjsniderthe intel driver is, what would be the word, sewage?04:07
[MindVirus]I would assume.04:08
[MindVirus]But it worked on Intrepid.04:08
bjsniderthere have been major changes since then04:08
[MindVirus]Of course.04:08
bjsniderlike the addition of gem and dri204:08
[MindVirus]What is the suggested course of action?04:09
bjsniderdo you have a pistol of some kind?04:09
[MindVirus]Will a fist work?04:09
bjsnidernot for suicide, no04:09
[MindVirus]It could, I guess.04:10
[MindVirus]If I was to clap my ears very hard.04:10
bjsnider"man kills self over bad intel graphics driver"04:10
[MindVirus]BTW, I hope that title is for April Fool's.04:11
wolterhas anybody used evolution 2.26 yet?04:17
wolteri want to know if contacts are now automatically added when you send an email to them04:18
[MindVirus]So, seriously, bjsnider, is there any temporary fix?04:18
shade34321so my usb headphones and mic are giving me problems....i want the sound to go through there but when I tell ubuntu that it freezes on me....yet i can record from my mic and the volume control works on my usb headset....any ideas to fix it?04:19
bjsnider[MindVirus], i use the nvidia driver, which has no such issues, so i'm not the expert04:19
[MindVirus]Of course.04:19
[MindVirus]Does anyone have any temporary fixes or better for my problems? I don't have direct rendering.04:20
TommyBresok guys, have a question, should be easy but i can't for the life of me remember the command/directory04:22
bjsnideryou might try asking if there's anyone using the intel driver, and whether they're having the same problem as you, and if not, what the difference might be04:22
TommyBresi want to install audacious, and "sudo apt-get install audacious" says can't find package04:22
TommyBresso how do i get all packages made available with apt-get update, there are things that are ignored04:22
[MindVirus]It's there.04:23
TommyBresi remember i had to go somewhere and denote 2 lines, but i forget where04:23
[MindVirus]Try apt-cache search audacious04:23
TommyBresyeah it doesnt show up04:23
geniiTommyBres: Enable universe repositories04:23
TommyBresyes, genii how do i do that?04:23
geniiTommyBres: gksu gedit /etc/apt/sources.list04:24
TommyBresTHAT'S the directory i forgot :)04:24
TommyBresthanks so much04:24
geniiTommyBres: You'll need to do after:   sudo apt-get update      to have updated package list04:25
TommyBresyep, just did it04:25
TommyBresi knew what i had to do and how, i just forgot where the sources.list file was (and what it was named)04:25
TommyBresargh and my audio still doesn't work, so installing audacious won't help much :(04:26
bjsniderthere have been people in here all day with audio issues04:29
TommyBresdtchen: update, remade the flash drive, audio still doesn't work04:29
khindenburgwell the upgrade to KDE 4.2.2 seemed to work OK04:29
TommyBresdtchen: also checked the integrity of the volume with the built-in utility upon boot, said there were no errors found04:30
TommyBresbjsnider: yeah, 8.10 was great with everything and now 9.04 won't play jack :(04:30
TommyBresi'm so glad i "upgraded" :P04:30
bjsniderit's perfectly fin here04:30
TommyBresyeah, but there doesn't concern me as much as here ;)04:31
bjsniderhave you filed a bug, sir04:32
TommyBresbjsnider: i wouldn't even know how to go about doing that04:33
bjsniderthis is beta software04:33
TommyBresbut i've come in here and asked for help, had many nice people attempt to solve my issue, though none has succeeded04:34
bjsniderlet me put it this way. if chen can't solve it, it's a bug04:36
bjsnideri don't know how to make it any clearer than that04:37
syockita very powerful figure it seems, this master chen you speak of04:37
TommyBreswho's chen?04:37
bjsniderhe's a jedi master04:37
TommyBresoh, dt ... chen right04:37
TommyBresyeah so far no luck from him lol, so i guess it's a bug :P04:38
bjsniderbut he turned to the dark side04:38
TommyBresthat's fine, he's more helpful than darth vader04:38
syockitso the problem in pa comes from the dark force?04:38
=== ZehRique-OFF is now known as ZehRique
bjsniderthey call him darth chenius04:39
dtchenerr, missed TommyBres.05:07
syockitdtchen: they say you became a sith lord or something?05:29
dtchenseveral darths were pupils?05:31
Loungehey yall05:34
Loungewanted to say that my audio is broken05:34
HalowUh oh. Define broken?05:35
Loungeno sound05:35
Loungejust scratchy pops05:35
Loungewhenever i try to play a avi05:35
Loungei can't play any music either05:36
Loungepulseaudio has some problems05:36
HalowLounge: Are all of your sound levels up? I noticed once or twice when that happened to me, it turned out something got turned down (without me asking it to =/).05:37
Loungeok they are now05:37
Loungeand i hear sound05:37
dtcheni.e., check alsamixer; install pavucontrol, and check the sinks for the playing streams.05:37
Loungebut pulseaudio isn't starting05:37
dtchenwhat do you mean pa isn't starting?05:38
Loungethis is what its returning05:38
Lounge E: pid.c: Daemon already running.05:38
LoungeE: main.c: pa_pid_file_create() failed.05:38
Loungeeven though i forced a reload on alsa05:38
DanaGoh yeah, I hope 2.6.29 will get the PA / ALSA fixes.05:39
dtchenit's already started.05:39
dtchenpa autospawns05:39
dtchenthat was an intentional and deliberate change i made several alphas ago05:39
Loungethis is odd now its working05:39
dtchennothing's really odd, but there sure is brokenness05:40
Loungeim trying to figure out what was going on05:40
Loungewhen i booted in - sound level was all the way down05:41
dtchenlook at your mixer levels, and try `paplay /usr/share/sounds/alsa/Front_Center.wav'05:41
screamI note the jaunty release change in the topic, where is the official news located?05:41
Loungeyeah strange sound works now05:41
dtchenLounge: is this a fresh install of Jaunty Beta or a dist-upgrade from Intrepid?05:42
Loungethis is a fresh install of alpha 505:42
dtchenLounge: aha05:42
dtchenLounge: can you reproduce the symptom with a fresh user?05:42
Loungeor was it 605:42
dtcheni bet it's ~/.gconf* screwage05:42
dtchenand it almost inevitably involves ~/.pulse* screwage05:43
screamI don't see any announcement on the mailing lists for a release delay on jaunty.05:44
DanaGhint: look at the date.05:44
Halow! schedule05:45
* DanaG wishes somebody would help fix this danged thing: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/28431905:45
ubottuA schedule of Jaunty Jackalope (9.04) release milestones can be found here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyReleaseSchedule05:45
ubottuLaunchpad bug 284319 in linux "mute, brightness buttons on new HP 6930p laptop" [Undecided,New]05:45
Loungei don't think alsa and ym intergraded sound card get along all that well05:45
HalowLounge: Is it Intel? My Intel sound is fickle. =/05:45
Loungehow can i check?05:46
dtchenhead /proc/asound/card0/codec*05:46
LoungeSigmaTel STAC9221 A105:46
Loungethat's it05:46
dtchenyeah, you poor soul05:46
screamubottu, I know.  But I don't see a release delay like the topic here states on that page you linked.  Why did you link it?05:46
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)05:46
dtcheni have no love for sigmatel HDA codecs05:47
Loungeso yeah i think its an issue with this hardware05:47
dtchenwhat "issue"?05:47
Loungeafter a full boot up - sound is scratchy in the left ear05:47
* Halow nods emphatically.05:48
HalowSame happens to me.05:48
Loungeso it gets fixed after 'sudo alsa force-reload'05:48
HalowReboot usually fixes it? Ohhh... never tried that.05:48
dtchencan you guys try enable_msi=1 ?05:48
DanaGoh yeah, I am using enable_msi=1.  =þ05:49
dtchenecho options snd-hda-intel enable_msi=1|sudo tee -a /etc/modprobe.d/test.conf05:49
dtchenthe effectiveness is highly dependent on bios and mainboard05:49
DanaGMy laptop really does have interesting hardware.  =þ05:49
dtcheni.e., i can't enact that workaround for everyone, but it may help on your hardware05:50
dtchenoh, and you'd need to power-cycle to test it05:50
HalowHm... OK, let me do up a cold boot.05:51
=== ZehRique is now known as ZehRique-OFF
Halowdtchen: Still static on the left side. =/06:00
DanaGwow, the HP MIE has some really odd boot parameters.06:01
DanaGht=on clocksource=hpet reboot=a acpi_os_name=Symphony acpi_osi=video_repost06:02
DanaGthat last one seems invalid to me.  =þ06:02
Loungei blame sigmtel and its lack of support for linux06:03
Loungefor me that is and the scratchy sound in the left ear06:03
HalowLounge: And you said sudo alsa force-reload would fix it for you?06:03
Loungeyes but i have to do it everytime after a cold bootup06:04
HalowLounge: Seems I have the same codec as you, as well.06:04
HalowLounge: Hm. Didn't fix it for me. =(06:04
Loungehmm it works forme06:04
* Halow shrugs06:04
HalowReboot works for me. Off I get. ;P06:04
* DanaG wishes somebody would make a nise cancellation plugin for ALSA.06:04
dtchenHalow: interesting. Can you pastebin your dmesg?06:08
HalowUh... OK!06:08
DanaGYou are unable to play in 3D mode due to the following problems:  No Python OpenGL support   No Python GTKGLExt support  Please contact your system administrator to resolve these problems, until then you will be able to play chess in 2D mode.06:11
DanaGI AM my system administrator!06:11
DanaGgive me _package_ _names_!06:11
DanaGoh, at least the packages are named sanely now.06:12
Halowdtchen: http://paste.ubuntu.com/142551/06:12
dtchenHalow: ok, other things to try in that test.conf: instead of enable_msi=1, use position_fix=106:17
dtchenHalow: we can also look at bdl_pos_adj06:18
Halowdtchen: OK, I will do some trial and error with that when time allows for it. Thanks again.06:21
yofelhas anybody here got an idea how to translate 'modprobe usbserial vendor=... product=...' into something that can be used with the jaunty kernel? (Since usbserial is compiled into the kernel now)06:22
dtchenon the kernel command line06:23
yofeldtchen: thanks06:27
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TommyBres_my sound07:05
o0Chris0ohey guys, how do I install flash on 64bit machine? I tried google, but I can't find the linux version for 64bit07:21
=== Guest88015 is now known as Tommy_Bres
enterneoif I do a fresh ubuntu 9.04 beta install, do I need to separately keep a ext3 /boot partition for grub (i am going to partition the filesystem as ext4)07:25
HalowThe new grub included in Jaunty will boot from ext4.07:26
enterneo'JAUNTY RELEASE HAS BEEN DELAYED TO AUGUST DUE TO PROBLEMS' - are we also playing april fool jokes on IRC, or is this real, because i don't see any such updates on ubuntu website07:27
eagles0513875hey guys im trying to mount a remote windows share using the following command sudo smbmount // /mnt/WindowsShare -o -username=jonathan,password=623xvnqh48, rw for some reason it keeps telling me i type the command and execute ount error: can not change directory into mount target /mnt/WindowsShare07:28
eagles0513875what am i doing wrong?07:28
crdlbenterneo: what do you think? :/07:30
enterneoi am reclining towards it being a joke, heh07:31
crdlbdon't fall out of your chair07:31
eagles0513875any of you guys know what my issue is im not sure itf its a bug in jaunty or me being half awake this am07:34
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znullhello,on ubuntu 9.04 can I encrypt my hard disk? ( on windows I use trucrypt... I know that they support linux too ) but it's that safe?07:48
lanoxxdoes bash by default not search . for the program to execute? when i run ./<myprogram> is works, but <s08:10
lanoxx<myprogram> doesnt work08:10
crdlblanoxx: indeed, it does not08:11
lanoxxcrdlb, is that considered a bug?08:12
lanoxxon intrepid . is included as first parameter of $PATH08:12
RieshHi, am on jaunty, but would like to know howto compile kde from anonsvn.kde.org ... seems the instructions on the techbase.kde.org are a little outdated. When i try to install the development packages i get errors about versions and so08:13
lanoxxso was that changed deliberately08:13
crdlblanoxx: not unless you changed it ...08:13
Rieshlike libsvn-dev: Depends: libaprutil1-dev but it is not going to be installed08:13
lanoxxcrdlb, you mean the default for intrepid is also to no include . and i changed this? maybe i did and just forgot ;)08:14
crdlblanoxx: yes08:14
lanoxxcrdlb, so is this done for security reasons?08:14
crdlbas long as only the user path was modified, I don't see how that'd be a huge security risk08:15
crdlbit would just be weird08:15
lanoxxcrdlb, including the . would be weired? why?08:16
crdlbbecsuse i wouldn't expect an executable in the working directory to shadow a real one08:16
crdlbnot to mention that bash caches path lookups08:17
RAOFIt's somewhat of a security risk if it's set by default.  User-folders with malicious ls binaries, and such.08:17
lanoxxRAOF, ok, so thats probably why it isnt set08:18
crdlbwell, executable code on the system is already a security problem :)08:18
crdlb~/bin is enabled by default, isn't it?08:18
crdlbor did I add it?08:19
lanoxxthats what i get08:19
RAOFcrdlb: Pretty sure you added it.08:20
crdlbhmm, I guess I did add it08:20
eagles0513875Riesh: i get turned around with that stuff as well08:20
RAOFI've added it (well, actually ~/.local/bin).  But that's not as bad as . in path.08:21
lanoxxi guess having . in the first place is not a good idea then, but i can find where its added, surely not in my .bashrc08:21
Riesheagles0513875: where to ask then ? ....08:21
crdlbRAOF: hmm, it's in /etc/skel/.profile08:21
RAOFWith . in path, and a multi-user environment, you can accidentally run _other people's_ code.08:21
crdlbRAOF: lol at ~/.local/bin08:22
eagles0513875Riesh: kde08:22
crdlbthat's nice ;)08:22
Rieshmmmm ... they probably say to check with kubuntu groups :-)08:22
eagles0513875Riesh: they will tell you to check the kde tech base which confuses the living day lights outa me08:23
lanoxxcrdlb, what other location could i have added the . if not in .bashrc?08:24
Riesheagles0513875: Seems that techbase is a little old with it's instructions08:24
Riesheagles0513875: they still talk about 4.108:24
crdlblanoxx: ~/.profile ?08:24
crdlbheh, due to the .profile, I had it in two places :D08:25
lanoxxthats the same as /etc/skel/.profile, but there is also no .08:25
crdlbboth in front of the PATH and at the end of it08:25
crdlblanoxx: well, you don't have it now, do you? :)08:25
crdlbI don't know why you would have lost it on upgrade though08:26
crdlbunless this wasn't an upgrade08:26
lanoxxin intrepid i still have it, and i only run jaunty in virtualbox08:26
eagles0513875Riesh: the concepts i think will be the same08:26
eagles0513875Riesh: kde channel is best place to ask08:26
lanoxxwhich is a bit of a pain, because it only runs at 800x60008:26
lanoxxit would be interesting to find out where i added that . to the PATH08:27
Riesheagles0513875: ok ok ... going there then08:27
eagles0513875im there as well08:27
lanoxxcrdlb, if you know any other file excapt ~/.profile and ~/.bashrc let me know08:29
crdlbwell, there are the system versions08:29
lanoxx/etc/profile and /etc/bash.bashrc i also check those08:30
crdlb/etc/profile and /etc/bash.bashrc08:30
crdlbmaybe you're just hallucinating08:30
lanoxxsudo grep PATH /etc/* --> revealed /etc/environment08:31
lanoxxi just removed it08:32
lanoxxbtw. in jaunty i have the local debug symbols now08:32
crdlbI hope you mean you just removed the '.:' :)08:32
lanoxxhaha, sure08:33
lanoxxhow do i reload /etc/environment?08:33
lanoxxoh nvm, source worked08:34
lanoxxis there an equivalent to scp for ftp?08:38
ubottuFTP clients: !Nautilus, !gFTP, FileZilla (for !GNOME); !Konqueror, !Kasablanca, !KFTPGrabber (for !KDE); FireFTP (for !Firefox); ftp, lftp (for !cli) - See also !FTPd08:38
eagles0513875lanoxx: hopefully those help08:38
lanoxxwell i was more looking for a program that is not interactive08:40
eMaXanyone here has experiences with 3g connections (hsdpa, umts, etc.) on linux?08:40
kopertoneMaX: what's about that?08:42
lanoxxeagles0513875, isnt there something that can cp over ftp? cp is for local only and scp only used ssh so how can i copy with a single command over ftp if i dont want to run interactive commands08:45
eagles0513875im not sure lanoxx :(08:45
eagles0513875!info securecopy08:45
ubottuPackage securecopy does not exist in jaunty08:45
eagles0513875!info secure copy08:45
ubottu'copy' is not a valid distribution ['dapper', 'gutsy', 'gutsy-backports', 'hardy', 'hardy-backports', 'intrepid', 'intrepid-backports', 'jaunty', 'jaunty-backports', 'kde4-ppa', 'kubuntu-experimental', 'kubuntu-members-kde4', 'medibuntu', 'partner']08:45
lanoxxeagles0513875, well nevermind, i just figured that the server has ssh :p08:46
lanoxxstupid me08:46
corinth Wait what?08:50
corinthI'm in California, and it's even past midnight for me08:50
corinthSomeone forget to change the topic?   >_>08:50
* corinth calls for a vote for not loving Hawaii08:51
eMaXkoperton, I've a sierra 850 and under xp I've 1.5 mbit downstream while under linux I have 400 kbit08:52
lunie2ns-linuxcan anyone tell me why the screen keeps fading into grey and out?08:52
crdlbwow, it's really quiet now08:53
crdlb(my hdd just spun down)08:53
corinthI have a 250GB ssd08:54
corinthIn my dreams. :-(08:54
corinthAm I the only one that has a weird alternate wallpaper in the Jaunty beta?08:54
corinthThe mac-ish human wallpaper08:54
corinthOn the left side, a brown line08:55
corinth(sorry for flooding, slap me)08:55
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about slap08:55
kopertonhere is 9.56 am08:56
methril|worksomeone with a MacBook Pro here?09:20
methril|worki'm not able to start the Xs after a reboot09:20
methril|workneither with standard xorg.conf09:20
mnemomethril|work: when X hangs, log into that machine and save the xorg.log and also dmesg output and also do "sudo gdb -p $(pidof X)" and inside gdb run "bt full" and attach all of that to a bug report09:22
mnemoalso include "lspci -nn | grep VGA" so we know what chipset you have09:22
methril|workok mnemo, i'll try this afternoon, through an ssh session09:23
methril|workthe chipset is an ATI mobility radeon09:23
mnemothat's not very specific09:24
mnemoplease include the pci IDs09:24
mnemothey are at the end of they lspci -nn output09:25
mnemothey usually look like "[8086:2e22]" or so09:25
methril|worki know, i was only guessing if someone else reported one error like this09:25
methril|workfirst i try to update the packages09:26
mnemogood idea09:26
[Vex]I could have sworn that topic from yesterday was an April Fools joke.....09:35
crdlbit's still yesterday :)09:35
[Vex]oh sry, didn't realize that :P09:35
[MindVirus]Hi. I am not getting direct rendering on an Intel GMA945.10:20
[MindVirus]Any suggestions?10:21
[MindVirus]Sorry, GME.10:21
fosco_intel cards have some problems with X server 1.610:24
holdenssanyone here know if there has been any updates in regards to jaunty and macbook 5,1 restarting properly and the heat issue?10:25
ubottuError: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: timed out (https://launchpad.net/bugs/304871/+text)10:26
methril|workholdenss: what's the heat issue?10:26
lanoxxhow do i see the reason why an update has been kept back?10:29
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cwillulanoxx, did update-manager ask to do a partial update?10:33
cwillulanoxx, if so, you need to answer yes10:33
lanoxxi used aptitude update10:34
lanoxxand no it didnt ask10:34
cwilluaptitude should say what conflicts then10:34
lanoxxit didnt tell me10:35
lanoxxis there any command i have to use?S10:35
cwillupastebin the output10:35
cwilluwait, aptitude update, or aptitude upgrade?10:36
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cwilluYou installed jaunty on a machine that you rely on, did you? :p10:38
DamienCassouthe very latest update (yesterday evening) break the dual screen support in some ways. The Gnome bar is now on the laptop screen but it was on the main screen before. Clicking on the maximize button of a window in the main screen does not maximizes it (in fact, it does vertically but not horizontally)10:39
lanoxxcwillu, its in the virtualmachine, can copy it at the moment, but it only says: has been kept back...10:40
DamienCassoushould I report that on launchpad or is there a more direct way?10:40
jonaskoelkerHi all.  I upgraded my laptop (T43p) to Jaunty and now it won't boot: "ALERT! /dev/disk/by-uuid/f0207247-[...] does not exist. Dropping to a shell!"  (and I get busybox).  What do I do?10:40
DamienCassouit worked yesterday10:40
jonaskoelkerbefore "ALERT! [...]", it said "\tCheck cryptopts=source= bootarg cat /proc/cmdline\n\tor missing modules, devices: cat /proc/modules ls /dev"10:40
DamienCassoujonaskoelker: did you change the partitions?10:41
lanoxxThe follow packages have been kept back: ekiga ... and 1 not upgraded.10:41
cwilluDamienCassou, launchpad is the right place10:41
jonaskoelkerDamienCassou: not that I know of10:41
lanoxxcwillu, thats all, its not important actually i was just currious why it woulnt update this package10:41
jonaskoelkerDamienCassou: you mean the partition table?  then "Dear god no!" :)10:41
DamienCassoucwillu: thank you10:41
* cwillu suggests aptitude --help to lanoxx :P10:42
* cwillu notes the existence of the --why and --why-not10:42
DamienCassoujonaskoelker: edit /etc/fstab and look for the missing uuid.10:42
jonaskoelkerDamienCassou: okay... how do I mount my encrypted volume where /etc/fstab is on?10:43
DamienCassoujonaskoelker: don't know, sorry10:43
cwillujonaskoelker, a livecd is probably the easiest way to figure out what went wrong10:43
DamienCassoucwillu: what package should I feel the dual screen bug into?10:45
kholerabbiwill jaunty have OO.o3?10:45
cwilluDamienCassou, if it was the panel breaking, gnome-panel is probably a good start10:45
scizzo-kholerabbi: 3.0.1 is installed here at least10:45
cwillu!info openoffice-writer10:46
ubottuPackage openoffice-writer does not exist in jaunty10:46
jonaskoelkerthis is rich... Jaunty is delayed until august.  "We release every six months, except whet It's Not Ready" ... :D10:46
cwillu!info openoffice.org-writer10:46
ubottuopenoffice.org-writer (source: openoffice.org): OpenOffice.org office suite - word processor. In component main, is optional. Version 1:3.0.1-7ubuntu1 (jaunty), package size 5478 kB, installed size 21220 kB10:46
cwillusilly .org10:46
lanoxxcwillu, why and why not only tell me there is no reason to remove it and that its recommended by gnome-desktop10:46
cwillujonaskoelker, you know what day it is/was, right?10:46
lanoxxno mention on why its kept back, anyway i gotta go10:46
jonaskoelkerI thought that might be it10:46
jonaskoelker... is it still that day somewhere in the world?10:47
holdensswhy is jaunty being delayed till august?10:47
jonaskoelkerI'm having timezone arithmetic fail right now10:47
jonaskoelkerholdenss: because it was the first of april ;-)10:47
cwillufor a few more hours I believe, yes10:47
jonaskoelkercwillu: it can't be much more than one; it's 12:00 minus epsilon at GMT+1, and timezones stretch over +- 12 hrs10:48
cwillujonaskoelker, I'm at -6:00, and it's only 3:50 or so here10:48
cwilluby my worst case arithmetic, that implies two more hours :p10:49
jonaskoelkerah yeah, DST10:49
jonaskoelkerI hate time10:49
* cwillu lives where there is no dst10:49
cwillu<3 saskatchewan!10:49
bobyhello to all10:59
Le-Chuck_ITAGood morning all11:00
bobyi need help11:00
Le-Chuck_ITAI can't find the localisation packages of kile in jaunty, where did they go?11:00
holdensswell whats your question then?11:00
Le-Chuck_ITAboby: in IRC you never ask to ask, you just ask :)11:01
bobymy microphone doesn't work in skype but it works in audacity11:01
Le-Chuck_ITAboby did you take a look at the skype audio configuration?11:01
nperryMeh, neil@neil-desktop:~$ ndiswrapper -l11:01
nperryWARNING: All config files need .conf: /etc/modprobe.d/ndiswrapper, it will be ignored in a future release.11:01
Le-Chuck_ITAboby and what distribution are you using by the way11:01
bobyit is kubuntu 8.10 upgraded to 9.04 with alternate cd11:02
Le-Chuck_ITAboby: what is the selected device for audio input in skype?11:02
bobylet me check...11:02
bobysound in and sound out are: HDA ATI SB (hw:SB,0)11:04
bobyI tried others but problem persist11:04
bobyit is integreted mic 'couse it is laptop11:04
Le-Chuck_ITAok I may be wrong but I think that you have the pulseaudio server running, while skype is trying to access the device directly (that's the meaning of the hw: part)11:05
Le-Chuck_ITAwe have 2 different tries11:05
Le-Chuck_ITAah no11:05
Le-Chuck_ITAsorry you are using kde11:06
Le-Chuck_ITAI don't know anything about recent developments, anyone else?11:06
Le-Chuck_ITAjust try to close all audio applications and killall pulseaudio as root11:06
Le-Chuck_ITAthat's what I would blindly do :)11:06
bobyI can select as sound in "pulse" but nothing happend (still don't work)11:07
Le-Chuck_ITAalso make sure that pulseaudio is not running (ps aux|grep pulse)11:07
Le-Chuck_ITAboby: I know, so let's try the other way round, disabling pulse and seeing if that helps11:08
BUGabundoguud morning11:09
Le-Chuck_ITABUGabundo: to you! So you are in europe?11:10
Le-Chuck_ITAor in africa?11:10
Le-Chuck_ITAah yes I suppose I can tell it from your nick :)11:10
bobyI killed pulseaudio process and now I dont't heve sound :)11:11
Le-Chuck_ITAboby: that proves that kde is using pulseaudio, I am sure you can change it in kde settings, but does skype work now?11:11
GSMXthe MOTD still thinks it's April 1st...11:12
bobywhat do you mean "does skype work now"?11:12
Le-Chuck_ITAboby: did you try if the skype mic is working?11:13
Le-Chuck_ITAwithout pulseaudio I mean11:13
bobyyes I have11:13
BUGabundoLe-Chuck_ITA: Portugal11:13
bobyand no it is ont working11:13
Le-Chuck_ITABUGabundo: I was there once, in Braga and Lisbon... nice towns11:13
Le-Chuck_ITAI must change my nick as I don't live in italy right now...11:14
BUGabundoPici: can you please update /topic ? thanks11:14
BUGabundoLe-Chuck_ITA: don't you ? I thought you did!11:14
Le-Chuck_ITABUGabundo: I moved to madrid last month and will be in holland next year :)11:14
BUGabundoso you going to UDS?11:15
Le-Chuck_ITAdidn't consider the possibility where is it?11:15
methril|workLe-Chuck_ITA: i'm in Madrid too11:15
cwilluBUGabundo, heh, we're talking about jaunty in -offtopic right now, and you're talking about -offtopic stuff in +1 :)11:15
* BUGabundo goes11:16
bobywhen I killed pulse and try test call in skype I don't hear sound (ringing)11:16
Mulderheh nice april foolsl11:16
Le-Chuck_ITAwhat's the offtopic channel? #ubuntu-offtopic?11:17
Le-Chuck_ITAboby: that's quite strange, what is the currently selected audio in and out in skype again? however I fear I can't help you more11:18
bobybut I don't unerstand me11:19
BUGabundoboby you may need to restart skype11:19
bobyI don't have sound if  I kill pulse11:19
BUGabundoor to change its settings to use other sound systemm11:19
Le-Chuck_ITAboby: I know you don't have sound in other applications, because they think that pulse is running. Making them not use pulse is a separate problem11:20
Le-Chuck_ITAnow just let's concentrate on skype :)11:20
BUGabundoyou can't11:20
jonaskoelkerHi folks.  I upgraded my laptop (T43p) to Jaunty and now it won't boot: "ALERT! /dev/disk/by-uuid/f0207247-[...] does not exist. Dropping to a shell!"  (and I get busybox).  What do I do?11:20
BUGabundoeither the system has sound or it doesn't11:20
BUGabundoskype will be equially affected11:20
BUGabundojonaskoelker: boot livecd/usb11:21
jonaskoelkerI found this thread, it might be related http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=916726&page=511:21
BUGabundoand fix the UUID11:21
BUGabundoon fstab or grub11:21
jonaskoelkerBUGabundo: please elaborate on "fix the UUID"11:21
bobyjonaskoeler after restart try booting recovery mode and then select try to fix X it worked for me11:21
syockitboby: he cannot even boot to disk11:22
BUGabundoboby: $ ls /dev/disk/by-uuid/ -la11:22
BUGabundojonaskoelker: : $ ls /dev/disk/by-uuid/ -la11:22
BUGabundosee the proper UUID there11:22
bobyhe said it drops to shell11:22
bobyso it boots11:22
BUGabundothen check /etc/fstab and /boot/grub/menu.list11:22
syockitboby: and also said busybox11:23
jonaskoelkerboby: I said it drops to busybox...11:23
BUGabundoas I said... use a livecd to fix11:23
jonaskoelkerdoes 7.04 livecd have the cryptographic foo required to mount my stuff?11:23
syockitjonaskoelker: chances are slim... dunno if you can apt-get it11:24
bobyok ok i didn't read don't kill me :)11:24
jonaskoelkermy computer with a CD burner in it can't boot, so I can't burn a CD so I can boot a live CD so I can fix that the box with a CD burner can't boot11:24
jonaskoelkerboby: ok, we'll spare you :P11:25
cwillubut yes, this does fall under the category of 'don't run pre-release if you can't afford to lose stuff' :p11:25
jonaskoelkerI can, I just don't wanna11:26
jonaskoelkerone would think I had the ability to learn from last time ;)11:26
syockitjonaskoelker: you don't got no thumbdrive or something?11:26
syockittwo of them, at least11:26
jonaskoelkerif I say "yes", doesn't that not not negate the double negation?11:27
jonaskoelkerI have a thumbdrive11:27
bobyafter restarting skype audio in and out are chaged to pulse and when I try test call I still don't have sound11:27
BUGabundojonaskoelker: can't you use USB?11:27
jonaskoelkerBUGabundo: for what?11:27
jonaskoelkera live USB11:27
syockitof course, you can try booting with the old cd and see if it can download the required soft for the cryptie thing11:28
Le-Chuck_ITAthat's strange: seems like skype is "fixed" on pulse11:28
bobyI got to go, thx anyway11:32
Le-Chuck_ITAboby if you understand that there's a bug somewhere please report it11:32
jonaskoelkeryay, I luksOpen'ed my disk11:39
jonaskoelkernow mount /dev/mapper/crypto_home /mnt/crypt fails "mount: unknown filesystem type 'lvm2pv'"11:39
jonaskoelker(as it happened, I already had fedora10 on my usb stick)11:40
SwedeMikejonaskoelker: what does pvscan say?11:41
SwedeMikejonaskoelker: because it might indicate that the filesystem is not directly on the crypted device but it's got lvm on it11:41
jonaskoelkerPV /dem/dm-2   VG bianca   lvm2 [55.65 GB  / 0 free]11:41
jonaskoelkertotal: 1 [55.65 GB] / in use: 1 [55.65 GB] / in no VG: 0 [0  ]11:42
SwedeMikejonaskoelker: and "lvscan" ?11:42
jonaskoelkeryeah, I figured out I have [physical partition] -> [encrypted layer] -> [lvm] -> [root and swap]11:42
jonaskoelkerinactive '/dev/bianca/root' [53.33 GB] inherit'11:43
jonaskoelkerinactive '/dev/bianca/swap_1' [2.32 GB] inherit'11:43
SwedeMikeok, so you want do lvchange -a /dev/bianca/root to activate it, then you can mount /dev/bianca/root11:43
jonaskoelkerinvalid argument /dev/bianca/root11:43
SwedeMikeah, well, you need to mount it somewhere as well11:45
SwedeMikeso /dev/bianca/root is your root device, instead of "mount /dev/mapper/crypto_home /mnt/crypt" as you did before11:46
SwedeMikeso you need to do "mount /dev/bianca/root /mnt/crypt"11:46
jonaskoelkerthere is no /dev/bianca/root11:46
jonaskoelkerthere is no /dev/bianca11:46
jonaskoelker(in the file system, that is)11:46
jonaskoelkerSwedeMike: what to do?11:48
SwedeMikewhat does "lvscan" say now?11:49
jonaskoelkersame as before11:49
SwedeMikeso you didn't run "lvchange -a /dev/bianca/root" ?11:49
jonaskoelkerI did11:49
jonaskoelkerit said invalid argument /dev/bianca/root11:49
SwedeMikeah, "lvchange -a y /dev/bianca/root"11:49
mrb__hello. anybody got the VMware installed ? I need some help ?11:50
jonaskoelkeryay, my files!!! :D11:50
jonaskoelkerokay, so now the interesting question: why doesn't /dev/disk/by-uuid/f[...] exist during bootup and luks?11:56
eagles0513875anyoone else in here experiencing samba shares or opening stuff ona  remote machine to be rather sluggish on dolphin12:04
eMaX_anyone using here a sierra umts card?12:11
[Vex]hmmm still yesterday, ey...12:15
eMaX_nyone here has experiences with umts cards?12:31
ActionParsnipyo yo yo12:41
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about intel12:42
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about uxa12:42
[Vex]no one does12:42
[Vex]about intel ;)12:42
knittlXorg is still munching my cpu :( doesn't matter if i'm using nv or nvidia driver …12:43
knittlit was ok the other day … but i don't know what i changed12:43
rconanknittl: is this while running firefox?12:43
knittlargh … don't killall dbus-daemon xD12:48
TorganHello, I upgraded 8.10 to 9.04beta, and don't have deb and deb-src commands any more12:50
Torganis it normal ?12:50
void^deb commands?12:51
rconanwas there ever a deb command?12:51
Torganthe commands did thinks right before :)12:53
Torgannot any more though12:53
void^i don't think so. those are repo lines for /etc/apt/sources.list12:53
nandemonaiThose are repo entries.12:53
ActionParsnipTorgan: deb and deb-src are entries in /etc/apt/sources.list12:53
ActionParsnipTorgan: they arent commands12:54
TorganI think I'm getting old12:54
Torganyou're right12:54
TorganI was sure I typed that in a terminal once12:54
Torgansorry, really sorry for being stupid12:54
jonaskoelkerWhen I get dumped into busybox at boot, there's no /dev/disk12:54
void^i'm sure you did, the terminal was running vi at the time :)12:54
Torganand thanks for pointing it out :))12:54
jonaskoelkerWhy not?  I think there should be...12:54
nandemonaiPerhaps you echoed those lines to /etc/apt/sources.list? ;)12:54
jonaskoelkerHow can I find out what's wrong?  Is it a bad initramfs, missing modules, ...?12:55
TorganI think that's what I did12:55
topylihmm i just opened about 50 terminals :-o12:55
hil.oO( uɐƃɹoʇ oʇ sǝoƃ ɹǝǝq punoɹ ʇxǝu )     ;)12:55
ubottuПожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke12:55
topylii pressed my "open terminal" keyboard shortcut, but didn't expect fifty of them12:56
rconanjonaskoelker: /dev/disk files are just symlinks to normal disk device nodes12:56
rconanActionParsnip: did you not recognise the upside down letters?12:56
jonaskoelkeroh; also, /dev/sd* are not there12:56
jonaskoelkerrconan: got an idea why that might be?12:56
Aberration2I got two small bugs to repport and I don't know what to do :-D12:56
Aberration2should I speak here?12:56
rconanActionParsnip: go to bugs.launchpad.net and post them there12:57
topyliAberration2: go to http://launchpad.net and report them12:57
rconanif you say them here we might have heard of them12:57
vegafirst thing would be to search if someone already reported them12:57
rconanoh... ActionParsnip I meant Aberration212:57
ActionParsniprconan: hehe, bad tab12:57
rconanstupid tab-completion12:57
rconanjonaskoelker: are there no disk nodes at all in /dev12:58
jonaskoelkerrconan: no sd*, no hd*12:59
rconanjonaskoelker: when is this?12:59
jonaskoelkerrconan: when boot fails and puts me in busybox12:59
rconanthat's in the initramfs, the liklihood is it failed because it doesn't have drivers for the storage controller13:00
rconanhence no disk nodes13:00
jonaskoelkerrconan: cool.  How do I fix this?13:01
joneskoowoots, I didn't expect this rapid developmeny cycle in 9.04. a bug I filed yesterday has apparently been fixed since nautilus doesn't crash at least on vmware. yay. :)13:01
knittlcould it be that vino-server makes Xorg use a lot of cpu-time?13:01
rconanjonaskoelker: what IDE/SATA controller is it?13:02
rconanknittl: when are you seeing the excessive load? is it while browsing with firefox?13:02
jonaskoelkerhow do I tell?13:03
knittlrconan: all the time, after logging in13:03
rconanjonaskoelker: pastebin the output of the command :lspci13:03
rconansorry... random : in there13:03
rconanignore it13:03
knittlvery well … but strange, i don't even have connection to my machine13:04
rconanknittl: I had some issue with Xorg using massive amounts of CPU due to bug #3813113:05
ubottuLaunchpad bug 38131 in firefox-3.0 "Firefox causes massive Xorg CPU usage" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/3813113:05
rconanbut if it's not just while you're running firefox then it might be unrelated13:05
knittlno, firefox is running and it's down atm13:05
knittlthere are several bugs related to Xorg using too much cpu13:06
rconanknittl: can you identify what it is which causes it to go up?13:06
knittlvino-server … after killing it it goes down13:06
knittland Xorg only uses 1–2% again (the usual)13:06
knittloh yes, started vino again: Xorg > 10%, 1 core working on 100%13:07
jonaskoelkerrconan: pastebin.com/m71c1774213:08
knittldisabling remote desktop … cpu usage down to 2%13:08
rconanknittl: search for it on the bug tracker and report it if it isn't there13:09
knittlrconan: yup, i'm at it13:09
rconanjonaskoelker: your controller is this one: #13:09
rconan00:1f.2 IDE interface: Intel Corporation 82801FBM (ICH6M) SATA Controller (rev 03)13:10
knittlhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/vino/+bug/31037 :D13:10
rconanI would have thought that should just work...13:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 31037 in vino "Vino-server takes 90% of cpu when only listening for incoming connections" [High,Fix released]13:10
knittlalthough it's for 6.0613:10
jonaskoelkerrconan: cool.  So how do I check whether the initramdisk has support for it?  And if not, how do I add it?13:10
rconanknittl: odd... perhaps a regression13:10
knittland seems fixed …13:10
knittlbut a few days ago it didn't happen … though it happens like 90% of the time13:11
rconanjonaskoelker: I'm not sure, the controller should be well supported13:11
rconanknittl: I assume you've got all the available updates13:11
knittlrconan: yop, i update every day (several times :D)13:11
joneskoocan someone give me a hint? on debian I could do modprobe usbserial vendor=0x1e0e product=0x9200, on 9.04 usbserial is apparently not a module. how do I tell usbserial to support this USB ID?13:11
jonaskoelkeryes, and my box "should" just boot :)13:11
rconanjonaskoelker: indeed... I don't know anything about the initramfs in ubuntu13:12
rconanjust thought i'd see if it was anything obvious13:12
nperry1Hey guys, need some help. Just did a clean install of 9.04 AMD64, Can't seem to get wireless networking13:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 340515 in gnome-session "Consumes all CPU, logs a lot of output" [High,Fix released]13:13
knittlshould look into my logfiles13:13
nperry1ive got a pci and a usb, Both of the drivers work on i386 9.04, and the drivers are 64bit.13:13
rconanwas than vino related too?13:13
nperry1I'm getting error "Apr  2 13:08:52 neil-desktop loadndisdriver: loadndisdriver: load_driver(358): couldn't load driver blkw"13:13
rconannperry1: what wireless chipset if it (if you know)13:14
knittlApr  2 14:07:53 kbook gnome-session[3685]: WARNING: Not able to stop app from its condition: Not running13:14
knittlone line of my syslog13:14
nperry1rconan, My PCI is 03:05.0 Ethernet controller: Marvell Technology Group Ltd. 88w8335 [Libertas] 802.11b/g Wireless (rev 03)13:14
rconanknittl: well if it's the bug you linked there shuld be many many lines of log13:14
knittlit is, i just pasted one13:15
hilknittl: how much cpu% should vino-server use?13:15
rconannext to none if there are no connections13:15
knittlhil: virtually nothing13:15
knittlrconan: my logfiles are just below one megabyte though13:15
rconanknittl: look at the timestamps? are there 100s every second?13:16
rconanif not then it's not that that's eating CPU13:16
knittlok, then it's not13:16
nperry1rconan, Ive got it working.. ignore me :p13:16
knittlbut it is vino-server13:16
knittlor related13:16
rconanknittl: it could be a regression on that first one you linked13:17
rconandoes the CPU time drop if you make a connectino to it?13:17
knittlcan't test that right now13:17
IenorandIs it normal to have 11 zombie status "sh" processes?13:17
hilknittl: 15% here when connected, 1% idling13:18
knittlrconan: the second report is just from march, that seems like it's the right one13:18
rconanknittl: but we just checked that gnome-session isn't logging a lot of output...13:19
knittlbut still … enabling vino-server makes my cpu go wild13:19
knittldisabling it let's it idle13:19
rconanand gnome-session isn't the process which is hogging your CPU it's vino-server13:20
rconanknittl: you need to check if it goes down when you connect... that would pin it as a regression on the first bug13:20
ubottuLaunchpad bug 340515 in gnome-session "Consumes all CPU, logs a lot of output" [High,Fix released]13:20
knittli can see a process restart all the time in gnome-system-monitor (nameless)13:20
frybyewhat do other folks thing - I get the feeling that jaunty is already making a good impression...?13:20
rconanknittl: I should have read the bug more...13:21
|ns|nR8whats a good xchat font to use13:21
rconanknittl: although that says there was a fix released 2 days ago13:22
knittlhm yeah, strange13:22
hil|ns|nR8: i use monospace 713:22
rconanfrybye: it shows promise but it's still rather buggy, I've never used a beta for my main OS this early before though13:23
|ns|nR8thats not bad13:23
|ns|nR8think i like FreeSerif better13:24
knittlrconan: i still have remote desktop in my startup applications list, maybe there are really two instances fighting over cpu13:24
rconanknittl: it doesn't say what package the fix is in or what version it was in so there's no way to tell13:25
knittlrconan: at least i know how to avoid it, i'll see in a few days if it is fixed13:25
hil|ns|nR8: depends on taste ;) Serif-Fonts dont fit my theme-settings13:25
rconanknittl: if it isn't fixed after most recent updates and restart X you might want to reopen the bug13:26
knittlrconan: yup, will13:26
|ns|nR8your monitor must be huge to use 7 sized font13:26
hil24" 1920x1200 (2 of them)13:26
rconanI use 8 size a lot13:26
rconanmy terminals run at 913:27
joneskoowhat's the simplest way to install 9.04 to boot from a Debian Lenny NFS server? I have the setup  running for debian and old ubuntu but I don't remember exactly how I built it13:28
joneskoodebootstrap, likely, but since I have Debian Lenny and not ubuntu, is the debootstrap recent enough?13:28
joneskooor should I take an image from vmware and rsync it to NFS?13:29
makdaI just updated jaunty on my laptop... my KDE session keeps freezing up... I can move the mouse pointer and I can still ssh into the box... I just can't get interact with the session that I have running... any suggestions?13:30
makdaits basically like my screen is not repainting13:30
unknown_hello, one small question... in ubuntu 9.10 doesn't seems to work anymore ctrl+alt+backspace to restart X server.. can somebody tell me how to fix it? :)13:31
hilunknown_: its a feature ;)13:32
unknown_so how can I do this now? :P13:33
hilunknown_: terminal -> dontzap --disable13:33
unknown_hil: Thanks a lot :)13:34
unknown_hil: maybe you know also program like ethtool to enable wakeonlan for wireless network? :)13:35
unknown_I'm trying to google for it, but no success : /13:36
hilunknown_: sorry, no wlan here, cant help u there13:36
unknown_hil: okey, thank you13:37
Le-Chuck_ITAhi there, is it a bug if installing imgseek it depends on python < 2.6 and 2.6.1 is installed? Or how does one proceed in this case?13:39
vegadontzap --disable ... what about zap --enable?13:39
vegaalways funny these "double negative" phrases13:39
hila program called zap did already exist ;)13:40
penguin42All of the 'do things when I put media in' seems to have got disabled during the upgrade to current Jaunty - is that on purpose?13:40
vegahil: ok :)13:40
hilunknown_: maybe this helps.. bottom part http://blog.dustinkirkland.com/2009/02/ubuntu-server-suspendhibernateresume.html13:41
Le-Chuck_ITAI don't understand: I have the python2.5 package installed, why does apt refuse to install imgseek which requires python<2.6??13:42
Le-Chuck_ITAfor this reason :) https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/imgseek/+bug/34245013:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 342450 in imgseek "Please sync imgseek 0.8.6-3 from debian unstable" [Medium,Confirmed]13:46
unknown_hil: yes, i found how to do this on ethx interface, but this ethtool doesn't support wlan..13:46
IenorandIs it normal to have 11 zombie status "sh" processes? Or would I need to get the shotgun out and start a killing spree?13:47
frybyehil: I am running jaunty but when trying dontzap --disabled it says dontzap is not installed???13:51
Leon_NardellaAnybody else having freezes with ext4 on Jaunty under heavy IO ( 'make clean', 'rm -rf' on 1GB source trees ) ?13:52
hilfrybye: so install it ;)13:52
frybyeok - I just thought this might be indicative of some bigger problem..13:53
hilfrybye: nope, all ok. thats the way it should be ;)13:53
crankharder"the printer 'brother' requires the '/Library/Printers/Brother/Filter/rastertobrother5240' program but it is not currently installed -- ???13:53
miik2.6.28-11, my computer froze and it said "ata2.0 revalidation error errno=5" and "SRST"14:01
hilcrankharder: is the package brother-cups-wrapper-laser installed?14:01
unknown_btw guys, is it bug that every time when I use sudo rmmod iwl3945 I'm getting kernel panic?? :/ (leds starts blinking)14:05
penguin42unknown_: Yes14:06
penguin42milk: Do you see any other lines?14:06
miikpenguin42, not today, but it has crashed before with other lines that i forgot, maybe inode error14:10
penguin42milk: It's probably important to see the rest of the errors - especially if any of todays just before the ATA revalidation - that's something at the level of the disc interface or drive - not really enough information there14:11
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BluesKajhowdy all14:15
matrixblue_ikonia: Do you work for Canonical?14:26
matrixblue_What's your involvement in Ubuntu?14:26
miikwhere i can see the ubuntu kernel changelog?14:26
ikoniamiik: isn't there a file in the source package ?14:27
jtheuerWhat is the difference between starting X with kdm or startx? KDM goes to the failsafe mode, while startx works fine.14:27
ikoniamiik: it also shows in update manager when you update14:27
miikyeah, i know... but now i already updated..and i want to check it now..14:27
ikoniamiik: there are some brief notes in synaptic when you select the package14:27
jpdsjtheuer: Try checking /var/log/Xorg.0.log to see why it fails.14:28
miikikonia, thanks14:28
jtheuerjpds: isn't it the kdm.log?14:28
jpdsmiik: /usr/share/doc/linux-image-generic/changelog.gz14:28
ikoniajpds: nice14:29
Exilantsomeone knows if resolvconf still bites networkmanager?14:29
Exilantvpnc now wants it14:29
scizzo-Exilant: bites networkmanager?14:29
jpdsjtheuer: Either one ought to give you some clue about what's wrong.14:29
miikjpds, thanks14:29
Exilantused to make things complicated in alpha<5 or so14:29
bjsnidermy system gets to a login screen after 10 seconds, and to the desktop after 15 more14:30
jpdsmiik: Or something like /usr/share/doc/linux-image-2.6.28-11-generic/changelog.Debian.gz might give you mre details.14:30
Exilantscizzo-: resolvconf wanted /etc/resolv.conf to be a symlink, networkmanager didn't14:30
jtheuerjpds: the first error is: (EE) Failed to initialize GLX extension (Compatible NVIDIA X driver not found)14:30
giarcaI have strange a problem with shiretoko's font but not the fonts of web page but font of firefox's windows (File,Edit,View...)14:30
matrixblue_jpds: did you try dpkg-reconfigure to repair Xserver?14:30
giarcait seems to use the same font of 3.0.8 but in bold style :)14:31
jtheuermatrixblue_: I you meant me: I didn't because startx works fine....14:32
matrixblue_jtheuer: try repairing KDM then14:32
matrixblue_jtheuer: When you use startx what desktop manager starts?14:33
jtheuermatrixblue_: kde14:33
matrixblue_jtheuer: and it starts with full graphics?14:34
aapzakanyone else still got serious scrambling of kde4 windows?14:34
penguin42aapzak: Yeh I've seen a bit of that14:35
jtheuermatrixblue_: yes, glxgears works for example14:35
matrixblue_jtheuer: Have you checked your default login session?14:35
jtheuervideo is fine and the window skin has a nice gradient ;-) It is significantly nicer than using the "nv" driver14:35
jtheueryou mean if there is a default login session for kdm?14:36
aapzakpenguin42: is there a solution? is it driver related?14:36
jtheuerno, there isn't I have to login manually14:36
penguin42aapzak: Don't know14:36
penguin42aapzak: I'd agree it's probably driver issues14:37
matrixblue_jtheuer: Sorry I'm out of ideas then14:37
aapzakpenguin42: too bad isn't it, kde 4.2 looks fairly mature ... I'd like to give it a chance14:37
aapzakI already switched off effects, cause this Intel X3100 can't handle it14:38
aapzakgnome/compiz runs smooth though14:39
jtheuerHere is my full logfile, there are a few stracktraces inside: http://pastebin.com/m3dfdfe4114:39
penguin42aapzak: I'd assumed it was effect related - but then if you are still seeing it without that it must be something more basic14:41
gaelfxI'm having troubles connecting to Skype, and also having MANY troubles loading websites (connection interrupted numerous times before it goes through). I'm using UNR on an MSI Wind U120, the wireless card is using Atheros chipset, can anyone commiserate with or enlighten me?14:57
jonaskoelkerHi all.  I just upgraded to Jaunty.  When I boot, I get told "ALERT! /dev/disk/by-uuid/<some uuid> <words to the effect of `not found'>".  Then I get dupmed to busybox.  There are no /dev/[hs]d* files.  What gives?14:57
matrixblue_gaelfx: Are you on the same computer now?14:58
MTecknologywhat channel do bugs come in on?14:58
MTecknologyerr - what channel does ubottu report them?14:59
gaelfxmatrixblue_: yes, I am14:59
matrixblue_gaelfx: Are any other PCs on the network affected14:59
gaelfxwhoa, is that Release Delayed message a remnant from April Fool's or something?14:59
gaelfxmatrixblue_: no, it doesn't seem that they are15:00
jonaskoelkerWhat might be wrong?  For each potentially wrong thing, how would I test for it?15:00
jonaskoelkergaelfx: yeah; that's what I heard15:00
gaelfxmatrixblue_: in fact, I seem to have no problems controlling my VLC and uTorrent on another computer connected to the same network15:00
penguin42jonaskoelker: Is there anything odd about your disks or your computer that you know about?15:00
Le-Chuck_ITALeon_Nardella: cwillu is git-bisecting the problem15:00
jonaskoelkerpenguin42: not really15:01
Le-Chuck_ITALeon_Nardella: it's a kernel bug15:01
jonaskoelkerpenguin42: I'm doing LUKS encryption...15:01
MTecknologygaelfx: the topic was last set by LjL - so no, don't trust it to be accurate at all15:01
gaelfxjonaskoelker: that must be one of the most cruel jokes I've ever heard of15:01
LjLoh, i forgot to change it back15:01
penguin42jonaskoelker: Ah I guess that's the most likely culprit isn't it15:01
jonaskoelkerpenguin42: yeah...15:01
matrixblue_gaelfx: try setting a static IP address, or if you're using wireless connect via ethernet for a moment15:01
penguin42jonaskoelker: I've not tried setting that up on root15:01
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu+1 to: Welcome to the Ubuntu Jaunty Jackalope (beta) discussion channel | Jaunty is NOT RELEASED and NOT SUPPORTED. It will most certainly break your system. Jaunty Beta CD's are at http://releases.ubuntu.com/releases/9.04/ | Kubuntu: http://www.kubuntu.org/news/9.04-beta | Please read Beta release notes: http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/jaunty/beta. | Join #ubuntu for non 9.04 support | The delay was an April's fool, for those fools who fell for it
MTecknologygaelfx: yup...15:02
jonaskoelkerpenguin42: well, I can mount the encrypted volume (which has lvm inside it) on fc10 (live usb)...15:02
Le-Chuck_ITALeon_Nardella: bug #33082415:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 330824 in linux "Soft lockups (freezes) when deleting files from ext4 partitions on 2.6.28" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33082415:02
jonaskoelkerpenguin42: well...15:02
jonaskoelkerpenguin42: why aren't there any /dev/hd* files? ... I mean, encryption of /dev/sda5 would only be a "problem" if /dev/sda5 exists...15:03
matrixblue_jonaskoelker: sda5 is normally for swap15:03
Leon_NardellaLe-Chuck_ITA: I had seen that report.. It seems to be something other than what I am experiencing.15:03
jonaskoelkermatrixblue_: well, sda<whatever>, it's not there :)15:03
matrixblue_jonaskoelker: check the partition editor to see what all is on your disk15:04
penguin42jonaskoelker: Yeh I don't know why they aren't there - if you cat /proc/partitions what do you see?15:04
jonaskoelkerI have [/dev/sda5] -> [encryption layer] -> [lvm] -> [root and swap] and then I have /dev/sda1 -> /boot15:04
Le-Chuck_ITALeon_Nardella: perhaps report a new bug, but then double-link the two bugs if they have similarities so that developers will take a look... or ask cwillu what he thinks :)15:04
gaelfxmatrixblue_: sorry, I had troubles finding my cord15:05
matrixblue_yeah I've never come across that15:05
Leon_NardellaLe-Chuck_ITA: Yeah.. Already filed a new bug.. There are actually 2 a-little-bit similar bug reports, but I didn't realy know whether I should link them.15:05
matrixblue_gaelfx: no prob15:05
jonaskoelkermatrixblue_: fdisk -l /dev/sda (from fc10) shows /dev/sda 1, 2 and 5.  They have their expected sizes: ~256 meg I think for sda1 == /boot, 53 G for sda2 (extended), 53G for sda5 (on sda2)15:06
matrixblue_gaelfx: if it works with the ethernet then you need to check your wireless driver15:06
Le-Chuck_ITALeon_Nardella: then the developers will likely decide15:06
jonaskoelkerpenguin42: cat /proc/partitions says nothing interesting that fdisk -l didn't say15:07
matrixblue_jonaskoelker: I'm lost on that one, sorry15:07
efefppoHow can I tell if I have the prop ati drivers installed?15:07
jonaskoelkercould it be a badly generated initramfs?  How do I remake it?15:07
penguin42jonaskoelker: So do any sd's appear in /proc/partition?15:08
jonaskoelkerpenguin42: yeah, all of them15:08
jonaskoelkerpenguin42: but that's from fc10 liveusb, not busybox15:08
penguin42jonaskoelker: Look from the busybox - see if the discs appear in there15:09
gaelfxmatrixblue_: still getting this in ff:The network link was interrupted while negotiating a connection. Please try again.15:09
jonaskoelkerpenguin42: will do; rebooting...15:10
jonaskoelkerby the way, it takes a good few minutes to go from bootsplash to boot failure.  Can I somehow hurry that up?15:10
matrixblue_gaelfx: try pinging the same address in terminal15:10
penguin42jonaskoelker: Oh that's interesting15:10
penguin42jonaskoelker: I bet the two are related15:10
gaelfxmatrixblue_: command?15:11
matrixblue_ping www.xxx.com15:11
penguin42jonaskoelker: I think if you edit the command line in grub you can take the splash off and see what's happening15:11
jonaskoelkerpenguin42: I can also just press Ctrl-Alt-F1, right?15:11
jonaskoelkerpenguin42: if I do that, it just says "Starting up ...\nLoading, please wait..."15:11
penguin42yeh, it shouldn't take that long15:12
timinghey i just downloaded the 9.04 alfa iso and burned it15:12
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gaelfxmatrixblue_: reported 4% packet loss over 30s15:12
timingit's not booting when i chose that live CD option15:13
jonaskoelkertiming: don't install it on production system if you use LUKS... or SATA :p15:13
jonaskoelker(not sure)15:13
matrixblue_gaelfx: Try pinging www.google.com15:13
timingjonaskoelker: not going to install it, just want to boot15:13
jonaskoelkersure :)15:13
gaelfxmatrixblue_: yeah, that's what I did15:13
timingbut that's not even working15:14
jonaskoelker/proc/partitions is empty from busybox15:14
jonaskoelker:O *empty* ...15:14
penguin42jonaskoelker: OK, I'd say that's not your encryption then - nothing to decrypt!15:14
penguin42jonaskoelker: Is it a normal SATA disc? On what sort of controller?15:14
jonaskoelkerthat's my lspci15:14
jonaskoelkerI think "yes, normal" is the answer15:15
matrixblue_gaelfx: you did disconnect from the wireless network right?15:15
penguin42yeh normal type of boring stuff15:15
jonaskoelkeris there some kind of pager or editor in busybox?15:15
jonaskoelkerI'd like to look at /init15:15
penguin42jonaskoelker: You might be right then that it's just your initram screwed up somehow - bit odd though - I mean can you watch the boot if you disable the splash and see it prodding the IDE controller?15:15
gaelfxmatrixblue_: no, but the eth0 is default15:15
matrixblue_gaelfx: disconnect and try again for good measure15:16
jonaskoelkerpenguin42: how do I disable the splash?15:17
jonaskoelkerI guess delete "quiet" and "splash" from grub cmdline15:17
penguin42jonaskoelker: yeh I think so15:17
jonaskoelkerokay, I'm at "Begin: Waiting for encrypted source device... ..."15:18
jonaskoelkerI see "Cannot allocate resource for EISA slot 1"15:19
jonaskoelker(and for 2 through 7)15:19
jonaskoelkerat 1.6008 through 1.60011 seconds into the boot15:19
penguin42jonaskoelker: I wonder if it's either not bothered putting the (s)ata modules in or if it's just an ordering issue?15:19
jonaskoelkerand I get "device-mapper: uevent: version 1.0.3" at 1.754415:19
jonaskoelkerhow do I check for this?15:20
penguin42jonaskoelker: Not sure; I'd consider seeing if the modules are actually there in /lib/modules/* and if they are try modprobing them15:21
jonaskoelkermy /proc/modules has some dm_ stuff, crypto_blkcipher, thermal, processor, fan, fbcon, tileblit, font, bitblit, softcursor, fuse and that's about it15:21
jonaskoelkerthat'd be /lib/modules/2.6*/kernel/drivers/ata, right?15:22
penguin42jonaskoelker: Something like that - I'd look for an ata_piix module15:23
jonaskoelkerI have sata_{vsc, via, uli, sx4, svw, sis, sil24, sil, qstor, promise, nv, mv, inic162x}.ko (without spaces)15:23
jonaskoelkerata_piix is there15:23
jonaskoelkerthat was just a list of sata*ko15:23
penguin42I'd try insmod'ing ata_piix and see if /proc/partitions suddenly gains a drive15:23
jonaskoelkerthe module goes in fine, but no partitions15:24
jonaskoelkerATA-6: HTS721060G9aT00, MC3Ia51A, [...]\n ata1.00: 117210240 sectors, multi 16: LBA15:25
jonaskoelkerit seems like there's a drive15:25
jonaskoelkerand MATSHITADVD-RAM UJ-822S15:25
jonaskoelkerwe get signal :)15:25
penguin42so if the modules are all in there it sounds like an ordering screw up?15:27
jonaskoelkerI don't know15:27
jonaskoelkerI'm like "ordering?  Of what?  Where?"15:27
jonaskoelkerfor the presence of devices?15:28
gaelfx1can anyone read this?15:29
penguin42gaelfx1: No15:29
jonaskoelkergaelfx1: I can :)15:29
penguin42jonaskoelker: I'm thinking it's trying to set up the encryption before loading the devices it needs to get to it - there should be something that says load the disc first I would have thought15:29
jonaskoelkerwhat is trying to do this?15:30
jonaskoelkeris it /init?15:30
jonaskoelker(that is, the initramfs /init)15:30
penguin42not sure - I think the thing that builds the initramfs should set it up15:30
jonaskoelkerso I should rebuild the initramfs?15:30
penguin42jonaskoelker: You could try - if you are lucky it might fix it, but not if there is a bug in the logic which sets it up15:31
jonaskoelkerhow do I rebuild the initramfs?  I guess I reboot into fc10 liveusb; do I need something fancy like rebind-mounting /proc in /mnt/chroot/proc?15:32
penguin42hmm that's going to be 'interesting'15:32
jonaskoelkersounds like fun :D15:32
penguin42probably dev as well - I wonder what else?15:33
jonaskoelkerlike burning a CD from a liveCD distro15:33
* penguin42 hates initramfs with a passion - they're always a pita to debug15:36
fenn_Hi - I am thinking of taking the plunge into Jaunty - anyone run it on a t60 laptop?15:38
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jonaskoelkerfenn_: I installed it on t43p15:39
jonaskoelkerfenn_: first X wouldn't start, now it won't boot15:39
jtheuerfenn_: Its running on a t61 more ore less gine15:40
jtheuerJust the nvidia driver sucks a bit....15:40
jonaskoelkerI might have botched the upgrade process, though15:41
fenn_should I try a boot-from-cd or boot-from-pen-drive first ?15:42
fenn_Or just upgrade from the CD15:42
hilfenn_: testing live cd or stick first is always a good idea15:43
jtheuerfenn_: I just started this upgrade program directly from my running systen15:43
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danbeckNew updates today!  Let's see if compiz finally doesn't suck on my Dell Mini 9.15:44
danbeckNegative, still a pile of horse crap.  /cry15:45
jonaskoelkerhey... it just strikes me I'm running the old initrd... maybe that's the problem?15:45
penguin42well it can't help15:45
jonaskoelkerwell, let's see15:46
* jonaskoelker sings "shake that booty--- shake that re-booty"15:46
jonaskoelkeryay, I get a different error15:47
jonaskoelkerFATAL: Error running install command for fuse15:47
jonaskoelkerand a lot faster ALERT!, now saying "/dev/mapper/bianca-root does not exist. Dropping to a shell"15:47
jonaskoelkerand /dev/disk/by-uuid/ is there15:48
jonaskoelkerand /dev/sd* are there15:48
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jonaskoelkerlet me try again; I *did* press C-M-F1 a little early15:49
penguin42what fuse stuff has it got?15:50
jonaskoelkerbut /proc/modules lists fuse15:50
BluesKajjonaskoelker, install fuse-utils15:52
jonaskoelkerwait, no; /proc/modules doesn't list fuse15:52
jonaskoelkerI think the old initrd had fuse15:53
penguin42seems a bit excessive for an initrd15:53
jonaskoelkerbut hey, I can cryptsetup luskOpen /dev/sda5, lvm lvchange -ay /dev/bianca/root and mount /dev/bianca/root /mnt15:53
jonaskoelkerso I think I just got less broken15:54
penguin42now if you can just persuade it to do that for you15:54
BluesKajsudo ls -l  /proc/modules15:54
jonaskoelkerBluesKaj: there's sudo in busybox?15:55
BluesKajyou'll see that it's root all the way15:55
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fenn_you are in a maze of twisty passages, all different15:58
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fenn_how is wifi in Jaunty?16:00
jonaskoelkerBluesKaj: I installed fuse-utils and rebooted.  I still die waiting for the root device16:03
jonaskoelkerif I cryptsetup, lvm, mount manually, how can I boot into jaunty?16:05
penguin42not sure - what happens if you just ctrl-d at that point?16:05
FFEMTcJIs there any reason if I dont use bluetooth not to remove it? (I dont know if its tied into other things at all)16:06
jonaskoelkertarget file system doesn't have /sbin/init16:07
jonaskoelkerI think whatever's saying that is seeing the "old" /-mount16:07
penguin42I'm not sure how the swap over happens16:08
jonaskoelkermaybe the end of (busybox)/init says that?16:08
jonaskoelkerfun times16:10
cwilluLeon_Nardella, ext4 currently is seeing an issue where rm'ing causes temporary hangs and/or hard lockups.  make clean and rm -rf both are exactly the sort of thing that trigger it :)16:20
torkel_I've recently upgraded from 8.10 to 9.04 (new install) and h16:20
fenn_jonaskoelker: you could burn a custom grub rescue CD (or even floppy)16:22
torkel_I've recently upgraded from 8.10 to 9.04 (new install) and are having big problems with the new xorg display architecture or something. If I enable uxa acceleration it's so unstable that it's practically unusable, without uxa the performance is much lower than I had on 8.10. Is  there some way I can set up xorg to replicate the settings in 8.10? im on a macbook v1.1 with intel gma graphics adapter16:22
cwillutorkel_, there are known issues with intel right now, fixing are being worked on16:23
cwillufor what it's worth, the release notes _did_ say that intel had major issues and that holding off was recommended :p16:23
fenn_how big a pen drive would I need to make a bootable Jaunty pen16:24
cwillutorkel_, bug #30301116:24
ubottuLaunchpad bug 303011 in xserver-xorg-video-intel "[i945] 2.5.1 driver poor performance" [Unknown,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/30301116:24
cwillufenn_, a gig or so, maybe less16:24
torkel_cwillu: hehe, ok thanks. I'm well aware of issues running alpha/beta software, just wondering if there is some temporary solution to get back the 8.10 performance :)16:25
fenn_so it doesn't fit on a CD?16:25
fenn_torkel_: try renaming your X conf and letting X rebuild it on the next boot16:26
cwillufenn_, re: x, no, that won't help him :p16:27
cwillutorkel_, what kernel flavour are you running?16:27
torkel_cwillu: generic16:27
cwillutorkel_, I've had success with uxa while running the xorg edgers repository (it's linked on that bug), might give that a try16:27
cwillutorkel_, I think there's a patch in the works to work around the exa slowness16:28
torkel_cwillu: uxa works "ok", but with external monitor on/off it crashes all the time.16:28
cwillutorkel_, and running a mainline kernel out of the mainline repository may or may not help16:28
cwillutorkel_, by 'success' I mean 'I haven't had a crash I could attribute to it' :p16:28
torkel_cwillu: just noticed that /dev/dri/card0 is not writable by mu desktop user, will I get better performance by fixing that?16:29
cwilluI've had compiz die and restart once or twice, but nothing that killed the machine16:29
cwillutorkel_, that'll should help, what are the current permissions and owner?16:29
torkel_just starting gdm with uxa and and external monitor connected freeze to me, and that combined with the ctrl+alt+backspace disabled is... hurting me patience :P16:30
torkel_cwillu: root/video, 66016:30
cwillutorkel_, you should already be a member of video though16:30
cwillutorkel_, verify that /var/log/xorg.0.log actually complains about being unable to open it due to permissions16:30
torkel_cwillu: no complaints in the log, brb i'll restart this x session16:33
thmhi! is there a way of putting the 9.04 beta usb image on an usb stick without wiping the stick's data?16:34
cwilluthm, -> #ubuntu, and pretend that you're asking about doing the same with 8.10 :p16:37
thmcwillu: max reurcsion limit reached.................boom.16:38
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torkel_cwillu: exa acceleration is the default one when not specifying other AccelMethods ?16:41
cwillutorkel_, believe so, yes16:41
cwillutorkel_, again, xorg.log will tell you what's being used (just search for uxa vs xaa vs exa)16:42
cwilluthm, mailing list is probably a better place to get a good answer to an in-depth question :)16:42
cwilluthm, and switch to a tail-recursive language, those recursion limits are pointless :p16:43
* cwillu suggests stackless python or pypy16:43
nperryCan't seem to get synergy to work in 9.04. Whenever i go to move over to my netbook the mouse goes to the top left hand corner..16:44
nperryCould be new xorg?16:44
Machtinyo guys, how to turn off that kubuntu-loading-bar?16:51
Machtini want to see the messages and so on.. because when i boot, i have to enter my password, which is shown as "****.." and when i switch to ctrl+alt+f1, i can read my password unencrypted.16:52
Machtinwhich i don't like at all.16:52
Machtinbecause it also auto-switches to ctrl+alt+f1, since i messed something up with my encrypted /tmp, i think16:53
hilnperry: synergy works fine here, but is already a bug filed for your problem. Saw that few days ago.16:54
ati555Can Some 1 Help me ... ?16:54
hilati555: just ask16:54
ati555hil:  k16:54
cwilluati555, and no, if you install jaunty on a machine that you need to be working :p16:55
ati555i wnt a a proper driver for my vga , radeon HD 260016:55
ati555cwillu:  lol16:55
ati555i have this prob in all distros :S16:55
ati555i think the answer is here : https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RadeonDriver16:56
ati555but this is so hard 4 me cuze i am kinda n00b16:56
cwilluati555, search bugs.launchpad.net for bugs relating to that card16:56
nperryhil, I saw it aswell, Now cant seem to find it again..16:56
dan457I gave up on ati for now.  I'm sure it'll be fixed by the release, if last year is any indication....16:56
nperryhil, Are you using quiksynergy?16:57
hilnperry: no16:57
cwilluati555, afaik, ati is behind in getting their driver available for the new xorg release.  I have no idea if the radeon (i.e., the open source driver) or radeonhd will do anything for you16:57
nperryThat's why then :D16:57
ati555cwillu:  i have't tried the open source one16:58
ati555and i am lost in this page16:58
ati5552D modesetting only : HD 3xxx / R600 based cards16:58
ati555HD 4xxx / R700 based cards16:58
ati555Accelerated 3D support (r300, r400 and r500 series)16:58
cwilluati555, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-ati/+bug/27976216:58
ubottuLaunchpad bug 279762 in xserver-xorg-video-ati "[R600 HD 2600] R600/R700 does not support composite - "Desktop effects could not be enabled"" [Wishlist,Triaged]16:58
ati555and i am RV63016:59
cwilluati555, there's very little relevant documentation for jaunty yet, because it hasn't been released yet.  Unfortunately, you can't assume that any particular page (even on ubuntu.com) will be relevant yet16:59
ati555cwillu:  i have tried kubuntu 8.10 too16:59
cwilluati555, go read that page I just linked though (generally, launchpad has up to date information)16:59
ati555same prob17:00
cwilluati555, kubuntu is identical to ubuntu as far as drivers are concerned17:00
ati555ubunbtu , opensuse , fedora all wont work :S17:00
cwillustop talking, and read the link I posted :p17:00
ati555lol ok :D17:00
cwilluit might actually help17:00
ati555i hope so17:00
* cwillu cheers, his bisect is almost done!17:00
Sqyberhow can i install graphics card drivers to my kubuntu 9.04 beta ?17:01
cwilluSqyber, gotta give us more information than that17:01
Sqyberwhat information you want ?17:02
hilnperry: it is bug #32144417:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 321444 in xserver-xorg-input-mouse "cursor with synergyc client is stuck in upper left corner" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32144417:02
Sqyberthe orginal way (popup at taskbar ) doesnt work17:02
cwilluSqyber, have you read the release notes?17:02
ati555cwillu: thx 4 page but it's not useful17:03
cwilluati555, then you're probably out of luck until ati releases a driver17:03
cwilluSqyber, you should probably read the release notes :(17:03
ati555every time i download driver from system>hardware drivers after installing n restart it gives me a blank screen :S17:03
ati555cwillu:  it's not new nor old vga17:04
ati5552006 -> 200717:04
cwilluati555, yes, because ati's driver doesn't work with xorg 1.6 yet afaik17:04
funkyHatDiscovered a problem with pulseaudio. I logged out and back in again and nothing could connect to it, although it was still running17:04
ati555cwillu: omg so wt i have to do nw17:04
cwilluSqyber, http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/jaunty/beta#Known%20issues <- relevant section17:05
cwilluati555, that card should work under 8.10, with the proprietary driver.  Consider re-installing 8.10, and then seeking support in #ubuntu17:05
cwilluati555, note, you _don't_ want to download the driver directly from ati17:05
funkyHat*not sure if I mean still, I don't know whether it was left running from the previous session, or just didn't start up correctly17:06
kadyKDM stopped working17:06
kadyor to be more specific17:06
kadyWhen you login it doesn't seem to start X17:07
Le-Chuck_ITAanyone knows how to convince kile (jaunty) to complete my own macro that I defined in the project? I am sure it used to do that!17:07
* cwillu apologizes for his shortness, he just had a root canal done and is rather bitter about it :p17:07
Machtinkady: so you login in a shell?17:07
ati555cwillu: can i ask about something else :D ?17:07
Machtinnot via graphical surface?17:07
cwilluati555, sure :)17:07
cwillukady, did you just upgrade/install the beta?17:07
kadyIt drops me to a login shell17:07
ati555cwillu:  how to remove quite splash from boot alwayz17:08
cwillukady, did you read the release notes first?  there are a few big known video problems right now17:08
ati555cuze it gives me a blank screen17:08
nperryhil, Are you synergy with two desktop?17:08
kadycwillu: there are release notes per upgrade ?17:08
nperryusing **17:08
kadycwillu: Where?17:09
Machtinstill: how do i disable that kubuntu logo with the loading bar while booting? i want to see the messages, not that picture17:09
cwilluati555, edit /boot/grub/menu.lst, search for the section '# defoptions=...', remove splash, and do an update-grub17:09
cwillukady, sorry, I meant, did you just upgrade from intrepid?17:09
kadyOh no17:09
kadyA while back17:09
cwilluokay :)17:10
kadywhere are the notes that you are talking about?17:10
cwilluthere are releases notes for each alpha and beta which might have relevant info17:10
ati555cwillu:  Warning: unknown mime-type for "/boot/grub/menu.lst" -- using "application/octet-stream"17:10
cwillukady, the link is in the channel topic17:10
cwilluati555, use a real editor :p17:10
ati555real :D ?17:10
kadynow to figure out ho w to pipe that into w3m :-)17:10
cwilluvim or something :p17:10
kadyati555: emacs17:10
ati555u mean press "e" when booting17:10
ati555kady:  where is that :D ?17:11
ati555i am n00b :(17:11
cwilluati555, no, I mean 'sudo vim /boot/grub/menu.lst/ :p17:11
kadyati555: interwebs!17:11
ati555aha ok :D17:11
cwillukady, what video chipset?17:11
kadyhold on17:12
cwillukady, install pastebinit if you haven't already, and then run pastebinit /var/log/Xorg.0.log17:12
ati555cwillu:  The program 'vim' can be found in the following packages:17:12
ati555 * vim17:12
ati555 * vim-gnome17:12
ati555 * vim-tiny17:12
ati555 * vim-gtk17:12
ati555 * vim-nox17:12
cwilluno, _don't_ do that17:12
cwilluati555, just use a text editor17:12
ati555cwillu:  sorry about my n00by question17:12
topyliati555: don't take me wrong, but maybe you should not be running a system that is known to be broken17:12
hilnperry: server on vista, 1x jaunty dualscreen desktop, 1x intrepid desktop, 1x jaunty notebook und 1, intrepid eeepc ;)17:12
ati555topyli: broken oO17:13
* cwillu huggles hil for having the good sense not to run jaunty on his only machine :17:13
kadyati555: I would honestly think that unless you are very willing to learn not knowing text editors is a good sign you should not be on jackalope as it is now17:13
cwilluwell, even if you are very willing to learn, getting experience working with a stable release will make you far more productive and useful :)17:13
topyliati555: ubuntu systems are always broken, or can break at any time, until they are released as stable17:14
kadySeriusly it takes good knowledge of text editors just to use linux when it works17:14
ati555topyli:  that's right17:14
hil cwillu: yeah, work needs to be done also ;) jaunty is toy for now ;)17:14
topyliati555: beta really means beta. it's not gmail17:14
ati555kady: thx for ur care and i am tryin to learn17:14
kadyati555: having said that if you are willing to learn and be without a computer for a week or two Jaunty may be baptism in fire17:14
ati555topyli:  lol i tried 8.10 have same problem too17:14
ati555kady:  :D17:15
topyliati555: oh that's different then17:15
kadycwillu: Was the don't do it aimed at me?17:15
cwilluintel:  broken for many people.  ati:  broken for many people.  ext4:  broken for many people.... :p17:15
cwillukady, oh, no, not you, sorry :p17:15
cwillukady, pastebinit, and then pastebinit /var/log/Xorg.0.log :p17:15
topylicwillu: i don't have ati stuff, thank heavens, but yes intel and ext4 are both broken :)17:15
ati555i missed windows vista :D17:15
ati555it wz so good17:15
ati555everything is easy17:16
ati555but oh god i dun have enough money to buy windows :(17:16
nperryhil,  Thats odd as it does seem to be the clients with touchpads are failing :/17:16
kadycwillu: http://pastebin.com/f40f8be3617:16
topyliati555: running unstable linux systems will certainly not make it better17:16
ati555i spent about a week every day i try and alot of distros17:16
kadyati555: This is easy as well. just a very different easy17:16
kadyYOu spent a week every day o_O17:17
ati555topyli: i've tried all openSUSE , Fedora , ubuntu 8.10 , kubuntu 8.10 , mint kde17:17
kadyI need your time managmement skills17:17
cwillukady, nothing looks wrong there.  pastebinit /var/log/messages17:17
kadyI'll trade you for LInux knowledge :)17:17
ati555kady:  lol ops17:17
topyliati555: sounds like you have some hardware that linux just doesn't like17:17
ati555*spent a week "and" every day ...17:17
topyliati555: changing linux distributions doesn't help if the kernel is broken on some exotic/proprietary/broken hardware17:18
kadytopyli: liked it just fine (aside from no composite) till this week17:18
ati555topyli: i have cor2duo E8400 @ 3.0 Cache 6MB , Asus P5Q , 4GB of rams kingston , 320 W.D , ATI HD 260017:18
kadytopyli: oh wait. thought you were talking to me :)17:18
ati555topyli: yea that's right17:18
kadyati555: do a search on the MB17:19
ati555how can i get 2D modesetting only ?17:19
kadythat's the only thing i can think of that might throw up issues17:19
ati555kady: i spent hourz 4 searchin maybe got something17:19
cwillukady, nothing weird there either17:19
kadyati555: oh good. what did you get17:19
kadycwillu: want ~/.xsession-errors ?17:20
ati555kady:  delete "quiet" and "splash"17:20
cwillukady, x isn't firing up though you said?17:20
cwillukady, (he wanted to disable the splash screen)17:20
kadycwillu: it is17:20
kadyI'm in X now17:20
cwilluati555, seriously, you should get 8.10 running, it should be straightforward to get that card to run17:21
cwillukady, sorry, back up a step, what was the problem you were having again?17:21
ati555cwillu: maybe i will do this after and try the delere splash and quite part17:21
kadycwillu: as in X& export DISPLAY=:0.017:22
cwilluati555, but trying to get it running on 9.04, while 9.04 is known to have broken things, and while you're still fairly inexperienced, that's just asking for far too much confusion :p17:22
ati555cwillu:  lol yea :(17:22
kadyWhne KDM comes up I login and then it flickers and dumps me back to the login on the console17:22
kadyKDM doesn't restart17:22
kadyX doesn't come up17:22
cwilluooh, k17:22
kadyI ran X by itself and it works17:22
ati555be right back17:22
cwillu(x is up if you see the login screen, but ya)17:22
kady I ran a xterm in tehre and ran start KDE and taht works17:22
cwillukady, ya, pastebin xsessionerrors17:22
=== ikonia changed the topic of #ubuntu+1 to: Welcome to the Ubuntu Jaunty Jackalope (beta) discussion channel | Jaunty is NOT RELEASED and NOT SUPPORTED. Before using ask yourself can I deal with the issues, can I deal with losing data asit will most certainly break your system. Jaunty Beta CD's are at http://releases.ubuntu.com/releases/9.04/ | Kubuntu: http://www.kubuntu.org/news/9.04-beta. | Join #ubuntu forvnon 9.04 support | The delay was an April's fool, for those fools whovfell for i
=== ikonia changed the topic of #ubuntu+1 to: Welcome to the Ubuntu Jaunty Jackalope (beta) discussion channel | Jaunty is NOT RELEASED and NOT SUPPORTED. Before using ask yourself can I deal with the issues, can I deal with losing data asit will most certainly break your system. Jaunty Beta CD's are at http://releases.ubuntu.com/releases/9.04/ | Kubuntu: http://www.kubuntu.org/news/9.04-beta. | Join #ubuntu for non 9.04 support | The delay was an April's fool, for those fools who fell for i
vonkleisthttp://kde.org/announcements/announce-4.2.2.php  <--- hahaha... Now I know where that kde 4.2.2 came from...17:24
LjLikonia: just scrap the delay thing, meh17:24
cwilluikonia, unfortunately, by the time they see the irc topic, they're already in trouble, that's why they're here in the first place :(17:24
=== ikonia changed the topic of #ubuntu+1 to: Welcome to the Ubuntu Jaunty Jackalope (beta) discussion channel | Jaunty is NOT RELEASED and NOT SUPPORTED. Before using ask yourself can I deal with the issues, can I deal with losing data asit will most certainly break your system. Jaunty Beta CD's are at http://releases.ubuntu.com/releases/9.04/ | Kubuntu: http://www.kubuntu.org/news/9.04-beta. | Join #ubuntu for non 9.04 support |
rockywow, skype and pidgin are crashing like crazy on my netbook running jaunty+netbook-remix17:25
cwillukady, how does this happen? "/etc/X11/Xsession: line 67: /dev/null: Permission denied"17:26
kadycwillu: good question that's what happened this morning17:26
kadyoh it might have been looking for /proc17:26
kadyI didn't have one this morning17:27
cwilluah, k17:27
cwillukady, sorry, I'm really not sure how to interpret that file,17:27
cwillunot a kde guy :p17:27
penguin42cwillu: Ooh I've heard of other people have that17:28
cwillukady, might try making a new user and seeing if they can login though17:28
kadypenguin42: what was the proposed solution ?17:28
penguin42cwillu: Can you do an ls -l /dev/null17:28
cwillukady, ^^^17:28
cwillupaste the line17:28
kadycrw-rw-rw- 1 root root 1, 3 2009-04-02 02:27 /dev/null17:28
penguin42oh that looks OK17:29
kadycharacter device17:29
kadylooks normal17:29
penguin42kady: So the thing is I've seen multiple people saying their /dev/null is created with rw only by root17:29
kadybut isn't X started by root anyway?17:29
kadyso why would that be an issue?17:29
penguin42only the server itself17:30
cwillukady, yes, but x is starting fine, it's something in the session breaking it17:30
cwilluwhich happens under your login17:30
kadycwillu: ah hmm17:30
cwillukady, try making a new user, and login17:30
penguin42kady: Now you managed to start it, if you kill off X, restart kdm can you login OK?17:30
kadyI can start X17:31
kadyand then start my session17:31
kadyand it works17:31
cwillukady, but then can you close x, and restart kdm?17:31
kadybut if I go through KDM and run the whole xinit startkde kdeinit route it dies17:31
penguin42kady: Login on another console, quit X and restart kdm and then ctrl-alt-f2 and ls -l the /dev/null?17:31
kadyyeah let me do that now17:31
kadypenguin42: ok I'll try that17:31
EvilAIMI'm going to be installing the beta tonight, should be interesting.17:35
=== seinfeldrox is now known as tgpraveen
penguin42EvilAIM: It's not too bad - still a few rough edges17:38
penguin42normal problems of X and audio17:38
kady_penguin42: looks the same17:39
=== kady_ is now known as kady
kadyshuld I try and login ?17:39
penguin42I'm not sure how you get a permission problem with rw-rw-rw17:39
kadythrows me to TTY117:39
kadyand X is dead17:40
kadyas expected17:40
kadykdm is running17:40
penguin42and just do that ls -l again -  and has it put another moan about /dev/null in the log?17:40
kadypenguin42: no I think that the /dev/null came from this morning when I had no /proc17:42
penguin42kady: Bah!17:42
kadyso it was looking for the /proc redirect to log and couldn't find it so it went to /dev (which if course I didn't have)17:42
kadypenguin42: look at the pastebin that I have there are quite a few more errors in there to pick through :)17:43
penguin42kady: Problem is it's pretty normal for there to be a load of errors in the .xsession-errors - no one seems to take care to make it clean17:44
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=== neoblaster is now known as NeoBlaster
kadyYeah I noticed17:45
penguin42kady: If you can start kde by hand then I think the thing to do is to compare the log for a bad startup and the one that works17:45
kadyI am ignoring ones like the font or QPixmap painting onto a null bitmap17:45
kadyah hmm17:45
kadycwillu: Can you give me back the last pastebin I gave you?17:45
jonaskoelkerHi all.  I upgraded to jaunty.  When I startx, I get a static image of white/green/brown/black bars, wrapping around the horizontal edges of the screen17:46
jonaskoelkerWhat's up?  How do I fix this?17:46
kadypenguin42: Oh right new user :)17:46
jonaskoelkerI can't C-M-F1 out of X when it happens, but mplayer running inside screen still plays sound17:47
kadypenguin42: nope dies for new user as well :(17:47
jonaskoelker... so it's probably not a hung kernel; maybe a hung X.  Right?17:47
kadyjonaskoelker: how much CPU is X using ?17:47
jonaskoelkerdunno, let's see if I can ssh into my dead box17:47
kadyif it's a hung X you mot likely can17:48
kadyssh fts!17:48
jonaskoelkerkady: about 0.0%17:48
jonaskoelker(yeah... the kernel can still task switch...)17:49
penguin42kady: Not really sure what to suggest I'm afraid17:49
kadyjonaskoelker: can you restart X ?17:49
kadypenguin42: nice nick I just got it17:50
jonaskoelkerthis is interesting: "/usr/bin/X11/X: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/xorg/modules/extensions//libdri.so: undefined symbol: atiddxAbiDixLookupPrivate"17:50
jonaskoelkerit appears X isn't even running17:50
jonaskoelkerwhen I "chvt 2" from the ssh connection, the screwed-up display changes a little, but I don't return to vt 217:50
jonaskoelker(`ps -Fe | grep X` returns no lines17:51
giacoI've got some time to fight my xorg super hunger, I need help to find out which component of my system is actually the guilty one.17:51
penguin42jonaskoelker: look in your /var/log/Xorg.0.log17:51
ikoniajonaskoelker: it wont run with a symbol error17:51
kadypenguin42: Ok interesting note. The new user gets .bash profile and rc files but no xsession-errors17:51
cwillukady, http://pastebin.com/f4902986117:51
ikoniajonaskoelker: it's basiclly saying it can't load the xorg library for dri17:51
jonaskoelker(EE) RADEON(0): [dri] RADEONDRIGetVersion failed to open the DRM17:51
penguin42jonaskoelker: Not normally fatal I don't think - 3D probably wouldn't work17:52
giacoxorg is always > 40% of cpu occupation, how can I trace back the responsible?17:52
kadygiaco: probably compositing and all the apps you are running plus X tax17:53
giacokady, I've no compositing enabled, I'm using plain xfce, moreover I've a clean desktop + xchat running17:54
giacoI'm going to clone one by one all the applications17:54
jonaskoelkerhere's my xorg log: http://rafb.net/p/DzIkac74.html17:54
bjsnidergiaco, what graphics driver isthis?17:56
giacobjsnider, intel17:56
=== kalpik_ is now known as kalpik
giacobjsnider, OpenGL renderer string: Mesa DRI Intel(R) 965GM GEM 20090114 x86/MMX/SSE217:57
jonaskoelkerso... what do I do about it?17:57
giaco(==) intel(0): Using EXA for acceleration17:57
giaco(II)         Composite (RENDER acceleration)17:57
bjsnidertheintel driver is probably going to be a lot better in the next few weeks than it is now17:58
giacobjsnider, that's a very good news, probably I should wait instead of trying to repair it now. the problem is that is a kind of difficult to work in this state, so what I'm looking for is a workaround, not a solution, just for the next days18:00
bjsnidergiaco, you chose to use an unstable distro instead of intrepid18:00
giacoI've disabled the composite extension, I'm going to restart X, I'll back in a minute18:00
giacobjsnider, we all have done it, inside this channel :-) I'm not complaining about the current working state, I'm testing like you18:01
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kadygiaco: vesa ?18:06
giaco_kady, do you mean driver: vesa inside xorg.conf?18:11
giaco_I haven't tried it18:11
kadytry :)18:11
giaco_rebooting X :-)18:12
giaco_kady, whoa :-D horrible resolution18:14
kadygiaco_: does it work :-P18:14
giaco_kady, it's faster, but still not normal18:16
kadyworkarounds don't have to be normal they just have to work while going around18:17
giaco_absolutely right18:17
giaco_if only I could resize the monitor to a normal aspect ratio18:18
giaco_vesa brought a 4:3 resolution on my 16:9 monitor18:19
kadyget to editing Xorg.conf :)18:19
kadyor xrandr18:19
kadythat's probably the fastest way18:19
giaco_the problem is that according to xorg I'm already using 1024x76818:21
IenorandI'm using an alias "get" for "sudo apt-get install", but tab-completion doesn't work, ideas?18:24
kadygiaco_: ignore that what does xrandr say ?18:25
kadyIenorand: Write the auto complete code ?18:25
giaco_$ xrandr --size 1024x76818:26
giaco_$ xrandr --size 1280x72018:26
giaco_Size 1280x720 not found in available modes18:26
Teknotry --output something --mode 1024x76818:27
Teknooutput can be VGA etc18:27
Teknoor DVI18:27
giaco_it doesn't do anything18:29
giaco_$ xrandr --output VGA --mode 1024x76818:31
giaco_$ xrandr --output DVI --mode 1024x76818:31
jonaskoelkermeh, if I use the vesa driver in my xorg.conf, I still get a screwed up display, but this time the bars are thicker and chunkier18:31
jonaskoelkeroh well, the boot failure has magically gone away18:31
bjsnideri wonder if the beloved intel driver is working for anybody right now18:32
giaco_working but slow and choppy18:32
penguin42bjsnider: Ish18:32
penguin42bad on video (quite slow), occasional X crashes and quite a bit of corruption in KDE (I mainly use Gnome)18:33
amon__my intel driver works quite well18:34
Ienorandkady: Do you know where I could find any guides for the autocompletion code (have  done some ogling...)18:34
amon__but i installed some updates and now i fear the restart18:34
kadyIenorand: look in /etc/bash_completion18:35
ghindoDoes anybody know what changes came with the kernel update today?18:36
penguin42isn't it in the changelog?18:36
bjsnideri read the changelog. it was nothing too earth-shattering18:39
ghindoWhere's the changelog?18:39
nemoopen source virus18:39
penguin42Has anyone else noticed an increase in dropped characters from typing - or is it that just my typing getting worse?18:40
luminosohello. any easy way to install realplayer? adding software sources maybe?18:40
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/8.10/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats18:41
* giaco_ is restarting X18:41
bjsniderluminoso, does anyone still use that garbage?18:41
luminosothere is any other program that reas rmbv?18:41
Carutsudamn spell checking in OOo is not working even tough it seems I have the propoer packages installed and the language is properly selected in OOo!18:41
bjsniderluminoso, ffmpeg18:42
jonaskoelkerthis is interesting18:42
jonaskoelkerthe reboot splash works fine, even though x is fucked18:42
jonaskoelkersorry, s/fucked/made love to/18:42
luminosobjsnider, dragon player?18:43
bjsniderwatch your language. i'll wash your mouth out with hydrochloric acid18:43
jonaskoelkerbjsnider: gotcha18:43
jonaskoelkeris "made love to" acceptable?18:43
bjsniderscrewed, pooched, borked18:43
jonaskoelkerI see18:44
jonaskoelkerwhy no love for making love?18:44
bjsniderfunctioning at less than optimal efficiency18:44
bjsnidereg. the intel graphics driver18:45
bjsnideror the screenplay for star wars episode 218:46
jonaskoelkerfuctioning undesirably, continuously for killer extended durations18:46
bjsniderfunctioning undesirably works for me18:46
jonaskoelkerso if it's made to function undesirably, it's beed "fu'ed up"?18:47
bjsnidereffed up, yes18:47
jonaskoelkeroh well, enough about how to express the brokenness of my system, and more about how to unfu my box18:49
jonaskoelkerlet's see if the `xfix' recovery mode thingy can do something useful18:50
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about spell18:50
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about aspell18:50
ubottua free and open source office suite that includes word processor, spreadsheet, presentation, vector drawing and database components. To install: "sudo apt-get install openoffice.org". For (unofficial) repositories containing OpenOffice.org 3, see https://launchpad.net/~openoffice-pkgs/+archive/ppa. User help available in #openoffice.org.18:50
jonaskoelkernope, still screwed...18:51
jonaskoelkeralthough the bars just flashed on for a brief while, then my monitor went black18:51
jonaskoelkerhey... it works18:52
jonaskoelkereveryone who helped me: thanks a lot :)18:55
* bluefoxicy bets jaunty is being delayed for Firefox 3.5 ... which is quite awesome.18:58
bjsniderjaunty isn't being delayed18:59
frybyeHi - please remind me how to stop the repeated requests to enter the keyring password???19:01
nemotype in the right password?19:01
dan457Use a blank password?19:01
MrKeunercan't you disable that? which I would not choose to do anyways19:02
frybyenemo - you missunderstand me - when oppening certainly apps it asks me - I know there is a way to disable/quieten it - just forgot how to do it?19:02
nemofrybye: System->Preferences->Encryption and Keyrings19:02
nemoI think19:02
nemono. that's not right19:03
penguin42hmph tracker indexing is eating 100% cpu even though it's disabled19:03
nemothat's my GPG info :(19:03
nemohuh. I thought there was a keyring manager gui19:03
MrKeuneris tracker better in 2.26?19:03
nemoMrKeuner: well. it sucked up 100% of my CPU, for one day19:03
nemoMrKeuner: on an almost empty evolution mail spool.19:04
nemokilled it, wiped tracker directory... 2 days later was repeating this19:04
nemoso I turned it off19:04
penguin42nemo: I've got the damn thing turned off it's still eating 100% cpu19:04
frybyenemo - at that locaion on the gui I only seem to se reference to encryption and nothing about keyrings?19:04
nemofrybye: yeah. wasn't what I thought it was19:04
frybyesorry.. just read further now..19:05
nemomeh. not finding it. thought there was a keyring manager thingy19:05
zhuraiVMware install notes: http://paste.ubuntu.com/142973/19:06
zhuraididn't go too well post install19:06
frybyei have found a thing for privaliges.. eh in German Zugrifsberechtigung - is gui but rather complex.. hmmm...+19:06
frybyehmm- that does not seem to be it either...19:08
MrKeunerhow is sleep hibernate stuff? can I expect miracles?19:08
zhurai...why the hell does it open _so many_ apt-checks for?19:09
frybyenemo - checking on seahorse ...19:10
nemoMrKeuner: miracles like what? :)19:12
nemoMrKeuner: my session has always come back ok, although I've gotten some errors in jaunty.19:12
nemoMrKeuner: I made sure my swap partition was big enough for my memory, plus hibernate image, plus a couple of gigs of swap.19:13
nemofor memory + regular swap that is19:13
frybyenemo: thats it - the key <sorry!> to solving that problem is the command    seahorse19:13
nemosince I had 2 gigs of memory, I made 4 gigs of swap.19:13
nemofrybye: ahhh. that's the gui19:13
nemofrybye: it is in the menus somewhere though. I know I've found it before.19:14
frybyeand then ones does not have to be a rocket scientist to figure what to do -... ;=)19:14
MrKeunernemo, I have a thinkpad my sleep works OK most of the time. My friend has a vaio and he cannot sleep.19:14
MrKeunerthat 8.1019:14
nemofrybye: Applications->Accessories->Passwords and Encryption Keys19:14
nemothat was it19:15
nemoMrKeuner: his swap big enough? I guess there could be some issue with his BIOS19:15
MrKeunernemo, I thought that was Ubuntu's fault but you may be right, I'll suggest him check for a bios firmware update19:16
zhuraizhurai> VMware install notes: http://paste.ubuntu.com/142973/19:16
zhurai<zhurai> didn't go too well post install   <--  no desktop shown,  only panels (useable), apt-check opening _a lot_ of windows, nautilus crash19:16
nemoMrKeuner: well. just thinking could be an APM/ACPI compatibility issue19:16
nemoMrKeuner: could look his laptop model up, ubuntu has some compatibility pages, and there is linux on laptops19:16
MrKeunernemo, I seldomly find there the specific laptop I am looking for19:17
* zhurai is totally ignored :|19:18
zhuraioh and19:20
zhuraicomputer info19:20
zhuraiCompaq Presario19:20
zhuraiC771US Notebook PC19:20
nemozhurai: don't get what your question is19:20
zhuraion VMware workstationn 6.519:20
zhuraiz.z I'm asking what's all the apt-checks for19:20
zhuraiand why is it crashing (?) nautilius (sp?)19:21
zhuraiafter I say ok to the crash message19:25
zhuraiall the other windows of apt-check disappeared19:25
zhurai...and then the computer  (VM) goes uber slow19:25
Ienorandzhurai: Try unmounting the iso of the vm19:26
Ienorandzhurai: Or run "sudo apt-get remove libbrasero-media0"19:26
zhurai_just weird19:29
zhurai_<Ienorand> zhurai: Try unmounting the iso of the vm <-- it is unmounted19:29
zhurai_another thing.... after it showed the crash message19:30
zhurai_VMware was grabbing my mouse19:30
zhurai_and then VMware crashed19:30
zhurai_making it I couldn't switch to another tty to kill it >_<19:30
zhurai_I hope that those errors doesn't happen when I try to install it on my real computer....19:32
zhurai_O_o my old connection didn't die -_-19:32
zhurai_^ kay19:32
Ienorandzhurai_: Is that a livecd you're using or an installed system?19:33
zhurai_<Ienorand> zhurai_: Is that a livecd you're using or an installed system? <-- I ran VMware, made new VM, used the desktop beta live CD on it, installed it (no errors), then restarted, unmounted iso, then that happened19:36
zhurai_...and I'm hella lagging19:36
=== yofel__ is now known as yofel
Ienorandzhurai_: Hmm, do you have the "nautilus show_desktop" value in gconf  set to false?19:38
zhurai_no idea z.z19:38
zhurai_it didn't let me -do- anything19:38
zhurai_...and I'm going to have to reinstall, cause if I run it again, it's going to crash VMware again O_o19:38
Ienorandzhurai_: can you use alt-F2 and run gnome-terminal?19:39
zhurai_like I said earlier, after nautilus crashed, it crashed VMware somehow, and since VMware was holding my keys+mouse, I had to restart the whole computer19:39
Ienorandzhurai_: If you want I could send you a reasonably working vmware config file which I've used for jaunty...19:40
zhurai_eh, sure.. but I'll still reinstall it (shouldn't take long) once I get home19:41
Ienorandzhurai_: Ok19:45
topylihmmm does the inbuilt evolution mail-notification work? for me it does make a sound but doesn't display an icon in the notification area20:09
burghello. do you know if 9.04 will fix the issue with nvidia 8200 chipset?20:10
Ienorandburg: what issue?, bug link? symptoms?20:13
burgi can not install, it crashes20:14
Jimi_NeutralHI all, i just installed 9.04 and everything was fine until i went to log in and got this message http://paste.ubuntu.com/143027/20:15
aapzakhmmm that kinda sucks20:15
Jimi_Neutraland guess what this is my first time installing linux20:16
Jimi_Neutralwell second by the first was for work this is for me20:16
aapzakI do some major upgrading, switching from ubuntu to kubuntu and vice versa, never had that particular problem20:16
Jimi_Neutrali did notice that when it was finished and it said to take disc out and restart a load of error codes popped up on the screen real quick20:16
burg8.10 crashes. as for 8.04 and/or 7.10 , i can install it, but after i install nvidia driver, i can only see black screen20:16
burgplus: shut down is giving error in 8.1020:17
Jimi_Neutralso is there anything i can do or is it pretty much start all over again20:17
aapzakJimi_Neutral: almost anything can be fixed, but if you're new to this and you don't have any important data, you might want to just reinstall20:18
Jimi_Neutralaapzak, i have an xp installation on one of the partitions20:19
LordKowand dont use jaunty until it's released if this is your first time using linux.20:19
Jimi_Neutralok i was told to i might as well use it20:20
LordKowi will slap whoever told you that20:20
Jimi_Neutralhmm ok well that doesnt matter now, i just wanna get this sorted20:20
burgso you have no idea. then, the only thing i can do is wait 3 more weeks and then test it myself20:20
aapzakLordKow: jaunty beta is pretty good, isn't it? Don't know the installer though20:20
LordKowaapzak, um. it's test software. i would never ever never ever ever ever ever recommend it to someone using linux for the first time.20:21
Jimi_Neutralso download hardy and start again?20:21
topyliJimi_Neutral: intrepid is current stable20:21
LordKowJimi_Neutral, i would recommend intrepid.20:21
cwilluJimi_Neutral, intrepid probably20:21
topyliaapzak: jaunty is broken20:22
Jimi_Neutralwell i am using intrepid server at work...dont ask, too much to explain, but its not an LTS is it20:22
LordKowno but it is still supported.20:22
cwilluJimi_Neutral, whoever told you that you might as well use jaunty "because it's practically released" needs a good slap upside the head :)20:22
LordKowjust not for as long of time as intrepid. you can keep upgrading to the latest supported version. ie when jaunty comes out you can upgrade from intrepid->jaunty and then keep getting the support.20:23
Jimi_Neutrallol ok, so i guess download interpid it is then, im glad i got a fast connection20:23
* cwillu offers head upside slapping services at low monthly rates20:23
LordKowthe amount of updates in the last couple of days should be a good indicator of how far away from release-ready jaunty is.20:23
LordKowkernel freeze hasn't even occurred yet... if it has then it was only within the last couple of days.20:23
aapzaka kernel a day :)20:24
burgthanks for help, guys20:24
aapzakburg, we did not help you at all, did we?20:25
aapzakany jaunty kde users here?20:25
burgaapzak: well noticed20:26
aapzakI keep on installing it, but after a short while I find myself removing it, I used to be a genuine kde fanboy ... whats going on?20:26
Jimi_Neutralthanks guys, downloading....again....now20:27
aapzakburg: your question was not really clear to me, and you're discussing < 9.04 ubuntu I guess20:27
aapzakburg: this is the 9.04 channel atm20:27
ghindoaapzak: KDE4 came along?20:28
* ghindo shrugs20:28
aapzakI'm very sorry to say that I'm removing kde again :(20:29
burgaapzak: yeah, that`s why i asked if i can install 9.04 on a pc with nvidia 8200 chipset or there will still be compatibility issues20:29
aapzakburg: ah! I jumped in after that :)20:29
macsimhi, am I the only one who can't play .m3u files in rythmbox ?20:30
burgaapzak: well, do you have any idea?20:30
=== zhurai_ is now known as zhurai
aapzakburg: I'm sorry20:30
MTecknology!76 is <reply>System 76 offers some free material such as flyers and stickers. http://knowledge76.com/index.php/76er_Program20:31
zhuraiIenorand> zhurai_: If you want I could send you a reasonably working vmware config file which I've used for jaunty...    <-- sure, if you are there still, I had to go to the next class20:31
Ienorandburg: are you seeing this https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/342926 by any chance? (how much memory do you have, what version 32/64bit?)20:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 342926 in linux "No PCI IOMEM space available below 4GB" [Medium,In progress]20:31
aapzakburg: is there a report on 8200 not being compatible?20:32
aapzakthere was a similar remark on the intel chipset I'm using, thatone seems to be working fine, I just tried it20:33
burgi tried to install and failed. and i googled and find out from forums that many people with my chipset got the same problem20:34
aapzakI wonder how they fix that before the release20:35
IenorandWhoever asked for the config file (can't find nickname): http://www.mibbit.com/up/KxPUyXIF.vmx You will have to manually create the empty disk file to accompany it, and set CD mount...20:37
Jaymacare there any issues with the partition resizer in the  beta cd?20:44
Jaymaca quick google didn't locate any... but this is the 3rd time i've attempted to install on a new laptop in a dual bootup setup and the partition resizer hasn't moved from 0% in the last 20 minutes20:44
Jaymacnever mind it just jumped to 100%20:46
benstedid someone manage to get skype working again?20:55
benstemine goes up to nearly 100% cpu on testcall and auto smalls the record volume20:55
Halowbenste: The only way I ever get Skype to behave well is to use it with pasuspender. It refuses to play nicely with pulseaudio after a few minutes for me.21:00
bensteHalow it worked fine with pulse and 8.10 but how can I use this pasuspender - and what is that?21:01
Halowbenste: For me it was funny in the beginning of the Intrepid cycle, started working, worked OK in most of alpha and now doesn't. But when I launch Skype I run it in terminal as "pasuspender skype". That will pause pulseaudio until you close Skype (or the terminal).21:03
[MindVirus]Hi. I am not getting direct rendering on an Intel 945GME. Any suggestions?21:03
benstehalow, thanks for the idea but that's no solution for me cause I'm running skype and otther apps all the time ;-)21:04
bensteok I'll come back tomorrow21:04
HalowHeh. Usually the same for me too. Been trying to talk people into using Ekiga forever now, which doesn't give me those problems. =/21:05
[MindVirus]Any suggestions?21:05
topyli[MindVirus]: intel drivers are funky right now21:06
[MindVirus]topyli, yeah?21:06
Halow[MindVirus]: It did work for me with UXA... for a while. Then didn't.21:06
[MindVirus]topyli, when will they be unfunky?21:07
topyliwho knows! :)21:07
[MindVirus]When is the "funk" status going to be dropped?21:07
[MindVirus]I see.21:07
[MindVirus]Halow, how do I use this mystical UXA?21:07
Halow[MindVirus]: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=666899621:07
topyli[MindVirus]: fix it :)21:07
[MindVirus]I've never done driver dev.21:07
[MindVirus]I'd be happy to help if I could.21:08
HalowIt started crashing X randomly, so I quit using it. Had to get a new card for dual monitors, so I haven't been keeping up with it.21:08
[MindVirus]What is UXA?21:09
marlunWhy does the php5 package depend on libapache2-mod-php5? What if I don't want to use apache isn't it very unnecessary?21:16
cwillumarlun, php5 is a metapackage. What are you planning on deploying against?21:17
cwillu(well, not really a meta-package, but it's not the only way of installing php afaik)21:17
marluncwillu: lighttpd21:18
GSMXmarlun: php5-common ?21:21
GSMXoh, that's an example pack :P21:22
cwillumarlun, my bad, php5 depends on one of libapache2-mod-php5, libapache2-mod-php5filter or php5-cgi21:23
cwilluany one of those will satisfy the dependencies21:23
[MindVirus]UXA is not ready.21:24
[MindVirus]Definitely not.21:24
marluncwillu: Ah, much better. Added php5-cgi to the aptitude install and it didn't add the apache stuff :) Thanks!21:24
cwillu[MindVirus], yes, that's exactly what the beta release notes say21:25
[MindVirus]I know.21:25
cwilluJaunty is not released.  Definitely not :p21:25
[MindVirus]How do I enable EXA?21:26
cwilluhaving said that, I've found the xorg edgers repository more stable with an intel 945gm in uxa21:26
cwillu[MindVirus], uxa isn't enabled by default afaik21:26
[MindVirus]I know.21:27
cwilluyou're running exa if you didn't explicitly change it (although check /var/log/Xorg.0.log to be sure, it'll have references to one or the other21:27
[MindVirus]Seems to be EXA.21:27
[MindVirus]but everything is tired and slow.21:27
cwilluyes, known bug21:27
[MindVirus]It doesn't seem like direct rendering.21:27
cwillutry uxa :p21:27
[MindVirus]I did...21:28
[MindVirus]It explodes.21:28
cwillu-generic kernel?21:28
cwilluso, -generic kernel...21:28
[MindVirus]I guess.21:28
cwilluthe UxaTesting page on the wiki might have some useful info listed, and again, I've had success with xorg-edgers, but the eeepc I'm responsible for is out of the province for another month, so I can't do much testing on it yet :(21:29
cwillubug #303011 might have some more useful information too21:30
ubottuLaunchpad bug 303011 in xserver-xorg-video-intel "[i945] 2.5.1 driver poor performance" [Unknown,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/30301121:30
cwillu(you know a bug is encountered often when you've memorized the number :p)21:30
=== snjix is now known as z_sasan_j
aapzakanyone, is /etc/resolv.conf a link or a file?21:33
cwilluaapzak, ls -l /etc/resolv.conf will tell you21:33
bobyned help21:33
cwillulrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 31 2009-01-20 22:49 /etc/resolv.conf -> /etc/resolvconf/run/resolv.conf21:34
bobymy mic doesn't work in skype but it work in audacity21:34
bobyI have laptop HP6735b and kubuntu 8.10 upgraded to 9.0421:34
aapzakcwillu: great, thanks, mine is a regular file, probably explains why my ppp dns is not being used21:34
cwilluboby, did you have to do anything in intrepid to get it to work, or did it just work out of the box with a completely stock configuration?21:35
[MindVirus]I'm going through the suggestionss.21:36
bobyi did't try it while it was 8.10 ver if that is what you ask21:36
[MindVirus]Setting the card to 666 didn't help.21:36
bobysorry my english is poor21:36
cwillu[MindVirus], probably best to read all the comments before you start trying anything21:36
[MindVirus]I am.21:36
cwilluthe permissions on dri, for instance, was fixed already :p21:37
aapzakcwillu: that was it, thanks21:37
bobyI have upgraded my kubuntu with alternate cd21:37
cwilluboby, any chance you could get an intrepid cd and test if it worked there?21:37
cwilluwait, skype...21:37
bobyI have interpis dvd21:38
cwilluboby, you'll need to look on pulseaudio's site about how to configure skype to use it properly21:38
eternal_pgood afternoon all..I apparently am running openjdk as my java version, I would rather switch that for the actual sun java, although I am not too sure what to apt-get remove and apt-get install.....21:39
caeroehmm seems like an update fixed the freezing gnome panel, i just ran it and restarted, didn't even look  :)21:39
aapzakbyebye guys, sleep time21:43
Tumieis the server beta, fully compactable with a LAMP server ??21:45
imachinesup, anyone can't update ekiga?21:49
imachineI have it in the updates manager, but it's unchecked, and I can't check it.21:50
imachinecheckbox it.21:50
larsemilusing kubuntu i have a problem with some plasmoids suddenly not working21:51
spaceBARbarianspaceBARbarian: in the volume control panel is there a way to bind the volume of one stream to another ?21:54
cwilluwoot, bisect complete!21:54
cwillutake that, ext4-hanging-the-system-bug21:54
bjsnideri don't know that there are any ext4 bugs21:55
cwillubjsnider, there are, I can tell you the patch that caused it even :p21:55
cwillubug #33082421:56
ubottuLaunchpad bug 330824 in linux "Soft lockups (freezes) when deleting files from ext4 partitions on 2.6.28" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33082421:56
bjsnideryes but why would files be deleted from the root partition?21:56
cwillubjsnider, why would you delete files?  are you really asking that?21:57
cwilluit's not files in /21:57
ghindoI'm still experiencing the laptop hard drive issue from previous ubuntu releases - the hard drive head parks way too often.  Is anybody else experiencing this?21:57
cwilluit's files anywhere in an ext4filesystem21:57
bjsniderfrom home, not from root21:57
[MindVirus]Will Intel drivers be ready for the release?21:57
cwillubjsnider, you don't install and remove packages?21:58
bjsnidersure i do21:58
spaceBARbariananyone know how i can bind my laptop volume buttons to two separate devices ? for some reason ubuntu has the headphone jack and internal speakers show up on separate devices21:59
bjsniderpulseaudio can send audio to two devices at once22:00
cwilluspaceBARbarian, set the volume control to pcm out or equivilent, not the particular output device22:00
spaceBARbariancwillu: thanks that worked22:01
cwilluUBUNTU: SAUCE: (revert before 2.6.28.y update) [PATCH] ext4: don't use blocks freed but not yet committed in buddy cache init22:03
cwilluUBUNTU: SAUCE: (revert before 2.6.28.y update) [PATCH] ext4: Use EXT4_GROUP_INFO_NEED_INIT_BIT during resize22:03
cwilluUBUNTU: SAUCE: (revert before 2.6.28.y update) [PATCH] ext4: cleanup mballoc header files22:03
[MindVirus]Will Intel drivers be ready for the release?22:03
cwilluone of those is the cause22:03
cwillu[MindVirus], firm maybe22:04
cwillu[MindVirus], you saw the bug report, it's being worked on, what more can I tell you?22:04
[MindVirus]Can you link to it again?22:04
cwillulaunchpad and/or the mailing lists are more authoritative than this channel :p22:04
cwillubug #30301122:05
ubottuLaunchpad bug 303011 in xserver-xorg-video-intel "[i945] 2.5.1 driver poor performance" [Unknown,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/30301122:05
bjsniderdriver poor performance hahaha22:05
bjsniderthat's a good one22:05
[MindVirus]What about my Firefox plugins? They don't seem to work at all.22:07
[MindVirus]Flash, video player.22:07
bjsniderdoes anything related tot he intel driver work?22:07
bjsniderpity the intel folks22:07
[MindVirus]Well, I have a desktop.22:07
cwillubjsnider, uxa works fine on my 94522:07
bjsnidercwillu, hold on a minute22:08
bjsnidercwillu, uxa is now enabled by default in jaunty? i read that was not the case22:08
[MindVirus]It isn't, but GEM is.22:08
cwillubjsnider, didn't say it was22:08
[MindVirus]Whatever GEM is.22:08
cwillureplacement video memory manager22:08
bjsnidergraphics execution manager. uses the kernel to manage graphcis memory22:09
bjsnidercwillu, if uxa isn't enabled by default then how is joe six-pack supposed to make use o' it?22:10
cwillubjsnider, add AccelMethod "UXA" to an otherwise spartan xorg.conf?22:10
spaceBARbarianwhats a good lightweight IDE for some systems programming ?22:10
cwillubjsnider, you asked if anything related to intel works, and I named one thing that works :)22:10
cwilluuxa, on my system :p22:10
bjsnidercwillu, gotcha. at least there's that.22:11
bjsniderspaceBARbarian, visual studio22:11
cwillubjsnider, there's progress being made on it22:11
josh-lokay big problem here... i've had to power down manually, because i've been getting lock ups cursor still moves, but nonthing else is functional (kubuntu jaunty)22:13
josh-lhow can i find out whats going on? a log somewhere?22:14
josh-lthis only started happening today22:14
bjsniderjosh-l, your browser problems of last night would have been solved by today's updates22:17
spaceBARbarianbjsnider: isnt that for windows ?22:17
spaceBARbariani was thinking geany22:17
josh-lbjsnider: right that was solved, but this current problem is worse22:17
bjsniderspaceBARbarian,  what's your point?22:17
spaceBARbarianbjsnider: you want me to use wine ?22:18
bjsniderspaceBARbarian, you can use windows in a virtual machine22:19
josh-lhuh my problem might be related kwalletmanager... i get a crash notification every time i shutdown my machine and log back in22:19
bjsnideryouneed one anyway to make sure your software runs on all platforms22:19
bjsniderjosh-l, file a bug22:20
josh-lbjsnider: is it possible its causing this disaterous lock up?22:20
spaceBARbarianbjsnider: visual studio is not exactly lightweight ...22:20
bjsnideryes, because if youc  an still move the mouse, the kernel hasn't locked up, so i'd bet on the desktop environment, or some aspect of the x server22:21
LjLbjsnider: this is an Ubuntu support channel, "Visual Studio" isn't a really appropriate answer to the question that was asked.22:21
bjsniderLjL, but was the question appropriate22:22
josh-lbjsnider: is there a log somewhere i can make sure whats happening?22:23
LjLbjsnider: i don't see why not, but if it had not been, then "try asking in #ubuntu-offtopic" would have been a much more appropriate answer22:23
bjsniderLjL, i was not aware of that channel22:23
bjsniderLjL, i thought you could build visual studio apps that would run on linux through mono22:25
LjLbjsnider: that's likely, still visual studio is not ubuntu software22:25
bjsniderLjL, he asked for a good IDE, not for ubuntu software specifically22:26
LjLbjsnider: this is an Ubuntu channel so Ubuntu software is *implied*, i think you're arguing pointlessly about this - your answer was clearly in jest22:27
bjsnideri didn't think so at the time, but i suppose vs isn't lightweight22:29
josh-lbjsnider: is there a log somewhere i can make sure whats happening?22:29
bjsniderprobably, but i'm not a kde guy22:29
holdensskde sucks :P22:29
bjsniderit would be great if it worked22:30
topylinice jaunty discussion here, i see22:30
darkfile1hi there22:32
darkfile1i did something a bit unusual and apt does not behave as expected22:32
darkfile1maybe you can help me?22:32
darkfile1i installed jaunty with alternate CD22:32
darkfile1using whole disk encryption22:32
spaceBARbariandoes anyone use lastfm with rythmbox ? i cant get it to scrobble properly22:33
darkfile1and as /boot and grub are unencrypted, i placed both on a USB stick for extra paranoia22:33
darkfile1now there was a kernel update and it simply created a new /boot instead of asking me to plug in the stick :(22:33
adefigo|afkboot with the usb-stick to the old kernel, mount the /boot on usb and reinstall kernel22:34
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josh-lsomething in kde is crashing and causing kde to lock up... does anyone know if there is a log somewhere i can check to find out what it is??22:35
ghindospaceBARbarian: Yes, I use last.fm and Rhythmbox.  What isn't working for you?22:36
spaceBARbarianits not scrobbling :P22:37
charlie-tcajosh-l: just a guess, I don't use kde, but is there anything in /var/log?22:37
spaceBARbarianghindo: im using the external lastfm app , not the plugin22:37
charlie-tcajosh-l: You could always ask on #kubuntu also, they would probably know.22:38
topylispaceBARbarian: use the plugin of whatever player you're using22:39
topylithe lastfm application doesn't know what you play in any other player afaik22:39
spaceBARbariantopyli: im using rythmbox, where do i get the plugin ?22:40
topylispaceBARbarian: it's right there in rhythmbox, just enable the plugin22:40
topylipreferences -> plugins22:40
topylior edit -> plugins22:41
spaceBARbariantopyli: do i need the last.fm app running too ?22:41
bjsnidertopyli, what does srobbling mean?22:41
topylispaceBARbarian: no22:41
spaceBARbarianstill no scrobbling :P22:41
topylispaceBARbarian: you don't need it at all, rhythmbox both scrobbles and plays last.fm stations just fine22:41
topylispaceBARbarian: scrobbling happens when you have played half the song or at least 2 minutes, not instantly22:42
bjsnideri don't think scrobble is a word22:42
spaceBARbarianbjsnider: last.fm, go check it out22:42
topylibjsnider: your player reports to the last.fm website what you're listening to. over time, it builds a musical profile of you22:42
topylibjsnider: it can then suggest new music to you that you might like22:42
spaceBARbariantopyli: in windows it shows me on my profile what song i am playing, regardless of how long i have played it22:42
topylispaceBARbarian: perhaps22:43
topylibjsnider: like this: http://www.last.fm/user/topyli22:43
topyliit's pretty cool22:43
topylibjsnider: not my profile necessarily, but the system :)22:44
bjsnidertopyli, how accurate do the suggestions turn out to be? do you actually dig them?22:44
topylibjsnider: it's surprisingly good22:44
topylibjsnider: gets better over time, once it knows more and more about you22:45
bjsnidertopyli, too much information that could be used by fbi or homeland whatchamacallit22:47
ghindoIs anybody else having difficulty with updating the cupsys-driver-gutenprint package?22:47
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aboSamoorWhy new mail pidgin notification is not integrated with the new notification system from 9.04 ?23:23
ActionParsnipaboSamoor: not something i use, sorry23:27
aboSamoorActionParsnip: you mean you don't use pidgin ?23:27
ActionParsnipi use pidgin, just not the notification thing as I use kde23:28
savvashello, does anyone know how to read the --prefix path variable from distutils while processing a custom command in setup.py?23:36
jonaskoelkerhi all.  My keycode/keysym mapping has changed in the intrepid->jaunty upgrade.  Now 111 and 116 are Up/Down.  On my debian box, Up/Down are 104 and 98.  Synergy transmits them as 104 and 98 as well (which has worked Just Fine before jaunty), so this means except the alphanumeric keys, I can't use my desktop's keyboard on my laptop (through synergy), which makes me a Sad Panda :(23:48
jonaskoelkerhow to fix?23:48
jonaskoelkerISTR this happening in the hairy->intrepid upgrade as well, and having to do with evdev and hal and all sorts of things that are Really Great(tm) and Incompatible(tm) and Breaks Your Current Setup(tm)23:49
unixdawghey guys23:49
unixdawgwhats the command to change timezones23:50
unixdawgI am in est but the computer thinks I am cst23:50
jonaskoelkerthe most unixy one would be chtz ;-)  but I think it isn't that one23:50
unixdawgdpkg-reconfigure tzdata23:55

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