
thorwilgood morning!08:30
thorwilkwwii: i think this is no good: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuTitle08:30
thorwili would rather discourage any use of it08:31
SiDithorwil: you fooled n scared me :O09:18
kwwiithorwil: yeah, no doubt but it is all we have12:43
kwwiithorwil: do you know if anyone built packages of the new murrine svn?12:43
kwwiiCimi_: do you know if there are packages for the new murrine svn anywhere?12:43
thorwilno idea12:44
thorwilkwwii: i would simply remove https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuTitle12:44
kwwiithorwil: well, the package is in universe as well12:45
thorwilkwwii: can't stop people from getting and using it, but we can make it a bit less likely that more people find out about it ;)12:46
thorwili've send a mail to the list about wiki cleanup, but i hasn't made its way back to me, yet :/12:49
thorwilquite unusual, as normally i receive my copy almost immediately12:50
kwwiiwell, in the end, we are working on rebarnding things anyway, so I think things will change in that regard anyway12:56
thorwilkwwii: could you please have a look if "Tricky Wiki" somehow made it into moderation?12:57
kwwiithorwil: I don't see anything in the email queue if that is what you mean13:10
kwwiithorwil: which list?13:10
thorwilkwwii: that's what i meant, thanks. plain ubuntu-art13:10
kwwiiright, nothing in the queue13:11
* thorwil sends again after tripple checking address13:11
thorwilah, worked13:20
* thorwil goes for a walk13:20
kwwiithorwil: nice stuff, great ideas13:50
thorwilkwwii: thanks!14:45
Cimi_kwwii, no idea15:04
kwwiiCimi_: found it already, thanks15:40
Cimi_kwwii, ok15:40
Cimi_I still need ideas for the treeview15:40
Cimi_before releasing 0.90.315:40
Cimi_with a couple small fixes15:40
kwwiiCimi_: yeah, sorry about that, I am in bed most of the day :(15:41
Cimi_no problem15:41
thorwilkwwii: so GutsyIconReview to Incoming/Gutsy and NewHumanTesting to Incoming/Intrepid(?), or would you prefer a "Feedback" section?17:14
kwwiithorwil: I think Incoming makes most sense, although the NewHumanTesting might be better off somewhere were it doesn't get lost17:17
thorwiloh, the archive is incomplete: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/Archives17:30
thorwilkwwii: were the meetings all in 2008?17:36
thorwilkwwii: where's the NEXT ARTWORK MEETING date defined?18:15
* thorwil runs with scissor in hands through the wiki19:03
thorwilis this good for anything? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/Guidelines/InBzr19:04
thorwilkwwii: solved that19:27
kwwiithorwil: hey, sounds like you are busy19:27
thorwilyes, no captives!19:28
thorwil"Internal Server Error" during a rename for all Kyudo pages, ouch!19:33
miikubuntu looks professionalism19:33
miikit seems people have no clue about usability19:33
miikthe GDM theme looks like the result of nepotism19:33
_MMA_Well that's a great entrance.19:33
thorwilmiik: would you like to be kicked?19:33
miikand the scrollbars lack contrast19:33
miiki want you to fix this -- http://launchpadlibrarian.net/24705138/scrollbar.png19:34
_MMA_miik: How about you start up a chat rather than starting off by being insulting?19:34
miiklacks professionalism*19:34
_MMA_*friendly chat19:34
miikwell, i need tell people whats up19:34
miikand truth is, usability is horrible19:34
miikthe GDM theme looks like the result of nepotism19:34
miikseriously, you seen the GDM theme in Jaunty?19:35
miiknoway that shit would pass at Apple or Microsoft19:35
_MMA_Seriously, you gonna chill or leave?19:35
miikyou gotta fix the scrollbars19:35
miikso the OS is actually useable19:35
miiki told you whats wrong with it19:36
miikand proposed a solution19:36
miiknow fix it19:36
miikmicrosoft and apple have people who look at stuff19:36
thorwilmiik: you seem to have an entirely wrong concept of what this channel is about ... and on how to communicate with people in a constructive manner19:36
miikand fix stuff19:36
miikthats why their stuff is nice19:36
miikthis linux and open source, they cant do anything19:36
miiknot even when i tell them what todo19:36
miikits no wonder linux has been 15+ years and nobody gives a shit about it, when they cant even get scrollbars right19:37
miikdude, you're so noob, you cant even ban anyone19:37
miikwtf? lol19:37
miiklook, fix the colors19:38
miikits no wonder linux has been 15+ years and nobody gives a shit about it, when they cant even get scrollbars right19:38
_MMA_Maybe this is more fun? :)19:38
miikgod damn communist hippies19:38
miik15+ years, and they cant even make usable scrollbars19:38
miikwith good colors19:38
miikmac os x and windows have better scrollbars and usability19:39
miikhonestly, what kind of idiot is the guy responsible for the artwork?19:40
miiki want to talk to the guy responsible19:40
_MMA_He's a wizard19:40
miikfuck this shit19:40
thorwilliving in a tower19:40
miikfucking open source communist hippie asshole19:40
miikgo suck a dick19:40
SiDiHello people19:41
thorwilhis suggestion looked alright, I have to say ;>19:41
thorwilhi SiDi19:41
_MMA_thorwil: I couldn't give a crap if he had the cure to Cancer. He was an ass.19:42
thorwil_MMA_: of course, that's why i said that now he's gone19:42
SiDi(i think im more or less a communist hippie, tho)19:42
* _MMA_ has become more of one.19:43
thorwili know a canadian who calls himself a nazi-hippie19:43
SiDiquite weird19:43
kwwiihey, nazi-hippies are people too19:43
SiDithorwil: gz on your april fool19:43
SiDiyou're the one who caught me this year19:43
thorwilSiDi: always pleased to entertain ;)19:44
kwwiii didn't think it was funny one bit :p19:45
thorwilkwwii: maybe your perspective was more head-on, less sideways like mine ;)19:45
kwwiithorwil: no doubt...the pills made things seem very real to me19:46
kwwiiyou should keep the email I sent you though, it is probably funny to read19:46
kwwiiat least now you know people care about you :)19:47
thorwilkwwii: it was funny and weird. and it's all archived :)19:49
kwwiithorwil: to clear things up, the entire specs part can go I think19:49
kwwiiunless we find a good use for it19:49
thorwilkwwii: WarningThemes and Powder shall go there19:49
kwwiithorwil: good idea19:50
_MMA_thorwil: "WarningThemes" isn't gonna happen. I don't think we should waste our time. There's technical reasons why it wont work.19:52
thorwilkwwii: tell me and i will delete the old specs pages19:52
kwwiithorwil: just sent you an email saying to delete them19:53
thorwilkwwii: heh, ok19:53
thorwil_MMA_: i'm still hesitant about removing WarningThemes.19:54
_MMA_I just wouldn't move it to a new spot.19:55
thorwil_MMA_: without moving, it takes space on the start page19:56
_MMA_"thorwil: kwwii: WarningThemes and Powder shall go there" sounds like you're moving it to some new spot so we can work on it.19:56
_MMA_thorwil: Got that link handy?19:57
_MMA_And https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/Specs is the "Start" page?19:59
thorwilno, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork is19:59
thorwilnow it's https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/Specifications/WarningThemes20:00
_MMA_thorwil: Well where's it taking up space you don't like?20:00
thorwil_MMA_: in the link list20:00
thorwil_MMA_: it looked like something important, being on one level with BreatheIconSet ;)20:01
_MMA_Oh. I see what you mean.20:01
_MMA_I'd still kill it. Or archive it somewhere. We need a spot for deprecated/abandoned ideas.20:02
thorwilSpecifications now needs to be changed to not be all about LP blueprints :/20:03
_MMA_thorwil: You can add some <<BR>> in there to space some things out.20:04
thorwil_MMA_: do you feel like asking Ryan Prior?20:04
* _MMA_ looks around as he notices Cimi has taken throwil's body.20:05
_MMA_thorwil: About the WarningTheme? Im not that nice. I would just move it. We can bring it up on the Ml I guess.20:06
kwwiiit is technicaly not possible to do it at this time20:06
thorwilheh. actually i'm just a logic markup fascist ;p20:06
kwwiiso I think there needs to be more of a discussion around how ot do it than how it should look20:06
thorwilyeah, bring it up man!20:06
_MMA_kwwii: It sould involve the ability to set a theme for root, then everyone else. Currentlt, everyone just gets "default user".20:07
_MMA_Damn I should look before hitting Enter.20:07
kwwii_MMA_: right on both20:08
_MMA_hahaha He filed a bug. :) bug 35401820:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 354018 in human-theme "Lack of contrast in scrollbar results in poor usability" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35401820:09
kwwiithe human theme? who uses that anymore?20:10
thorwilgotta love that "poor usability". instead of "makes it hard to see", or something20:11
* _MMA_ comments20:11
_MMA_(makes it sound like Troy) :P20:11
SiDinot seeing a scrollbar hugely decreases my productivity.. huhu20:12
thorwilTroy is a good man. gifted me with "The Elements of Typographic Style" ;)20:12
thorwilSiDi: right, without enough contrast there, i totally lose orientation, any sense of where in the world i am!20:13
SiDii'd prefer borderless windows but black/white 50px scrollbars20:14
SiDibecause i lose productivity, and you know, this sinks me into a quite hard depression20:15
_MMA_kwwii: His issue (the bug) can be changed in Murrine I know. I do it in Studio's theme. Looks like DarkRoom does also. If it's Human with Ubuntu looks I'd mark "Won't Fix".20:16
* _MMA_ wants to mark "Invalid" just to be a tool but then realizes it's a waste of time.20:20
thorwilkwwii: say, do have that wildcard in your wiki settings and do you see all my actions?20:23
thorwiljust wonder if said wildcard works reliably20:23
kwwiithorwil: no, I am not subscribed to all the pages or such20:28
kwwiiI probably should be20:28
kwwii_MMA_: :p20:29
kwwiilol, I like the MY Pages link in the wiki20:31
kwwiiit does absolutely nothing20:31
kwwiiexcept break, of course20:31
thorwilMy pages? -> oh, Lost something?.20:35
kwwiiyeah, I lost my pages, apparently :p20:46
kwwiiwell, time for a film, bbl20:50
kwwiihave fun20:50
thorwilmust have looked like vandalism to those guys who receive notification on everything in the wiki :)21:08
thorwilgood night!21:08

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