
=== pollywog_ is now known as Pollywog
amarcan i setup a server on my jaunty desktop for experiment purposes ..like .. checking my php and mysql skills.. using websites..etc...?05:31
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brand0conUpcoming: 2 Apr @ 06:00 UTC: Fixing an Ubuntu bug... isnt that now?06:14
cel_in 45 minutes, I think ^_^06:14
brand0conoh sry mixed up06:14
dholbachrun     date -u      in a terminal06:14
dholbachit'll tell you what UTC time it is06:15
brand0condholbach: thx.  clearly shows my need for the classroom ^^06:16
balarkadholbach, hello06:31
dholbachhiya balarka06:31
balarkadholbach, the presentation is going to start in few minutes right?06:32
balarkai am sorry if i disturbed you06:32
balarkabut just want to confirm it didnt start already :)06:32
dholbachno worries :)06:33
balarkadholbach, a quick ques.. this presentation is aimed at fixing an ubuntu bug.. and i am very dumb at open source and wanted to start from first06:39
balarkadholbach, am confused if this is for me06:40
balarkadholbach, as i am completely a novice programmer for ubuntu06:40
PollywogI think it is okay, balarka, I am also confused06:40
balarkaPollywog, :)06:41
dholbachdon't worry guys - we can't cover everything in much detail but as long as you get an idea from it and have fun and know which questions to ask later, we're all good :)06:42
balarkathat sounds good06:42
decumanus_how long will the presentation take? I have to go to work some time...;)06:44
dholbachdecumanus_: we'll try to stay within the hour with questions06:44
dholbachbut if there are followup questions, I'm happy to take them06:45
decumanus_ok thanks!06:45
akgranerdecumanus_: your in the CZ aren't you?06:45
akgranerI love it there...06:46
decumanus_akgraner: so do I:-)06:47
akgranerI got to stay in Brno for about 2 months...06:47
dholbachoh... who of you guys is multilingual?06:47
dholbachif you are, could you hang out in #ubuntu-classroom-<languagecode> (like #ubuntu-classroom-fr) too and translate questions for team mates that are not too familiar with English yet?06:48
decumanus_akgraner: Prague here, but also like Brno:-)06:50
akgranerdecumanus_: I love Prague as well06:51
akgranerdecumanus_: I spent all day on the Charles Bridge06:52
sianistime is up!07:00
dholbachok my friends... the bells are tolling 8 o' clock here, so it's 6:00 UTC - ready to start!07:00
dholbachwho's here for some packaging training action?07:00
silentsnome 207:00
hassanibraheemme too :)07:01
dholbachok... so we're going to take a look at a few bugs I selected beforehand07:02
dholbachand try to see what we can do about them07:02
dholbacha category of bugs that is predestined for doing that is what you get when you click on the "xxxxx bugs fixed elsewhere" link on https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu07:03
=== dave_ is now known as pkpdjh
dholbachthese are bugs that were filed in Ubuntu, our Bug Squad identified they were upstream problems (so no bugs that we introduced ourselves), forwarded those bugs to the upstream bug trackers and they were fixed there07:03
dholbachbefore we get started, we need to set up a few things07:03
dholbachcould you please either 1) use the "Software Properties" dialogue to enable Sources or 2) add something like "deb-src http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ jaunty restricted main multiverse universe" to /etc/apt/sources.list and run sudo apt-get update07:04
PollywogI am running Hardy and Intrepid, not yet Jaunty07:05
dholbachonce you're done with that, please install the following packages:07:05
dholbach   cdbs bzr ubuntu-dev-tools devscripts07:05
dholbachPollywog: OK, then please adjust that line07:05
dholbachnext please add something like this to your ~/.bashrc file07:06
dholbachexport DEBFULLNAME='Daniel Holbach'07:06
dholbachexport DEBEMAIL='daniel.holbach@ubuntu.com'07:06
dholbach(if you use a different shell, please use whatever config file that shell has, bash should be the default)07:07
posingaspopularwhere do we ask questions?07:07
dholbachjust in here07:07
dholbachafterwards either restart your terminal, or run    source ~/.bashrc07:07
posingaspopularoh nvm, Pollywog asked it i guess. apt-get complained about dist parse07:07
dholbachposingaspopular: can you put up the log of that at  http://paste.ubuntu.com ?07:08
balarkadholbach, so i put this line deb-src http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ hardy restricted main multiverse07:08
balarkadholbach,  is this correct ?07:09
balarkadholbach,  i am using hardy07:09
dholbachbalarka: add universe to the end of the line too07:09
balarkadholbach,  oh ok07:09
balarkadholbach, done07:09
dholbachso what we did up until now 1) tell apt where to get source code of packages, 2) install a few tools we're going to need, 3) tell the packaging tools who you are (that simplifies a bunch of things later on)07:09
posingaspopulardholbach: http://pastebin.com/d56816cc07:09
dholbachposingaspopular: try removing the space in front of the last lines07:10
balarkadholbach, you mean add export lines at the end of bashrc file?07:10
dholbachbalarka: yes07:10
posingaspopularah no, i didnt add it correctly. didnt add the actual (universe, mulitverse, etc) at the end of the line07:10
balarkadholbach, ok07:10
hassanibraheemdholbach: should the .bashrc changes reflect the launchpad account settings?07:11
dholbachposingaspopular: I guess "  deb...." instead of "deb....." is the problem07:11
dholbachhassanibraheem: it's generally a good idea to have that email address registered with Launchpad, but not relevant now07:11
hassanibraheemdholbach: ok07:11
dholbachhassanibraheem: your preferred one will do07:12
dholbachok... who's not set yet? :)07:12
balarkadholbach, regarding the 3 point07:13
brand0conuhmm i may be outa luck.  running debian and unable to get ubuntu-dev-tools07:13
balarkadholbach,  you meant to say we need to put07:13
balarkaour name and address07:13
dholbachbrand0con: ignore ubuntu-dev-tools for now then07:13
balarkain the export lines?07:13
brand0coneverything else is good07:13
dholbachbrand0con: rock on07:13
dholbachbalarka: yep07:13
dholbachjust add something like this to the end of the file07:13
dholbach export DEBFULLNAME='Daniel Holbach'07:13
dholbach export DEBEMAIL='daniel.holbach@ubuntu.com'07:13
balarkadholbach, so we dont have any @ubuntu.com address07:13
balarkadholbach,  so any outside email address should be fine?07:14
dholbachthat's not necessary now07:14
balarkadholbach, got it07:14
balarkadholbach, sure07:14
dholbachsuper, so let's crack on07:14
dholbachI thought we'd pick https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/subvertpy/+bug/323270 first07:14
dholbachthe problem is in a python module, when used with python 2.6 (default in jaunty) it emits a warning about the deprecated use of another python module07:15
dholbachluckily the problem has been solved by upstream already07:15
* ara reads the bug report07:15
dholbacheverybody who is on jaunty, please run07:16
dholbach  apt-get source subvertpy07:16
dholbacheverybody else, please run07:16
dholbach   dget -xu https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/jaunty/+source/subvertpy/0.6.1-1build1/+files/subvertpy_0.6.1-1build1.dsc07:16
dholbachthis will download the source package for you07:16
macowhat does the u do?07:16
dholbachso what's a source package?07:16
* sianis is done07:16
Pollywogdget?  is that a typo?07:17
dholbachPollywog: no07:17
Hobbseemaco: it allows unauthenticated sources to be downloaded and unpacked07:17
macoHobbsee: thanks. ive only used -x07:17
dholbachmaco: (if you don't have the GPG key of the person who signed it)07:17
balarkadholbach, it says dget is not installed07:17
dholbachbalarka: install devscripts please07:17
balarkadholbach, sure07:17
* silentsno downloaded the source for subvertpy.07:17
dholbacha source package is what we need to build .deb packages07:18
balarkadholbach, it says unknown option u07:18
balarkawhen i type dget command07:18
balarkaas above07:18
silentsnoQuestion: so is the upstream patch already uploaded into this source package that we just downloaded?07:18
dholbachit consists of 1) the .orig.tar.gz which is the unmodified tarball the upstream authors released on their homepage, 2) the .diff.gz: the compressed set of changes we need to make to build it "the debian/ubuntu way" and 3) .dsc file which is meta data like md5sums and so on07:18
dholbachbalarka: just use dget -x then07:19
dholbachsilentsno: no, that's our job :)07:19
dholbachwe'll get to that in a sec07:19
dholbachdoes everything I said above make sense?07:19
dholbachany questions right now?07:19
* silentsno nods his head.07:19
Hobbseesilentsno: the stuff that's just been unpacked is what ubuntu currently has in jaunty for that package, fyi07:20
dholbachok perfect07:20
balarkadholbach, yes.. got the downloaded things07:20
dholbachthe great thing is: this works for every package in Ubuntu07:20
PollywogI got 404's07:20
dholbachyou have all the source code just seconds away from you07:20
balarkadholbach, quick ques.. so can i treat a package as a class or module?07:20
balarkadholbach,  or any spl entity?07:20
Pollywognvm I think I had a typo07:20
dholbachPollywog: can you put up the log at  http://paste.ubuntu.com ?07:20
Pollywoglooks good now07:21
dholbachbalarka: a package is just a piece of software, it can be an end-user application, a small tool or a library that other tools use07:21
balarkadholbach, ok07:21
dholbachin our case it's a "python module", so a piece of code that other packages written in python make use of07:21
balarkadholbach, got it07:22
dholbachif you run07:22
dholbach  cd subvertpy-0.6.107:22
dholbach  less debian/copyright07:22
tashuiwuhen_what's the use of the command?07:22
dholbachyou will see information about the copyright and everything - right now we're just interested in "where do we get the sofware from?"07:22
dholbachtashuiwuhen_: which command do you mean?07:23
dholbachit will display the content of   debian/copyright  in a "pager"07:23
dholbachwhich means you can scroll up and down using arrow keys, etc07:23
dholbachonce you're bored, you can type 'q'07:23
dholbach"more" or "cat" would have worked too :)07:24
tashuiwuhen_0,got it,thanks07:24
dholbachwe're interested in this line07:24
dholbachIt was downloaded from http://launchpad.net/subvertpy.07:24
dholbachif you don't know where a particular package has its code from, debian/copyright should always tell you07:24
dholbachso subvertpy is hosted on Launchpad, just like Ubuntu is07:25
dholbachthe great thing is, we can now do something like07:26
dholbach   bzr branch lp:subvertpy07:26
dholbachto get the source code07:26
dholbach(maybe run    cd ..     beforehand)07:26
balarkadholbach, didnt we get the code already?07:26
balarkaby dget command?07:26
dholbachbalarka: that's what's in Ubuntu right now07:27
cel_Question: lp is because of "launchapd"?07:27
dholbachbalarka: now we get the current tip of what the upstream developers have been working on07:27
dholbachcel_: exactly07:27
cel_ok, thanks07:27
PollywogI get unknown repository format07:27
Crusherme too07:27
balarkadholbach, ques.. who are the upstream developers?07:27
dholbachbalarka: the software authors of "subvertpy"07:28
balarkadholbach, oh ok07:28
dholbachok, let's take a different approach then07:28
JanCPollywog: you need a newer bzr07:28
PollywogI am running Intrepid how old could it be07:28
balarkadholbach, it says bzr is not installed07:28
pkpdjhI get the same error (using Intrepid)07:28
balarkadholbach,  which version is preferable to install07:28
dholbachbalarka: install the bzr package then please07:28
arabalarka: sudo apt-get install bzr07:29
balarkadholbach, i get parse error at the end07:29
balarkadholbach, for sudo apt-get install bzr07:29
balarkadholbach, command07:29
dholbachbalarka: anything wrong in /etc/apt/sources.list then?07:30
balarka/var/lib/scrollkeeper/C/scrollkeeper_extended_cl.xml:5852: parser error : Extra content at the end of the document07:30
JanCpeopel with older distros might need the https://launchpad.net/~bzr/+archive/ppa repository07:30
macoPollywog: basically anyone not on jaunty needs that ppa07:30
dholbachbalarka: that's an unrelated problem07:30
Pollywogmaco: ty07:30
spych102I get Unknown branch format on hardy07:30
balarkadholbach,  i dont think so.. as sudo apt-get update went fine07:30
balarkadholbach,  without any errors07:30
dholbachok... hold off from running    bzr branch lp:subvertpy    then07:30
maco***** NON JAUNTY USERS: see the PPA JanC linked07:30
dholbachwe'll use a different approach07:30
balarkadholbach, sure07:31
dholbachno PPA needed then :)07:31
dholbachso if you head to http://launchpad.net/subvertpy - it takes you a few clicks to get to https://code.launchpad.net/~jelmer/subvertpy/trunk-mirrored07:31
dholbachwhich shows the revision history of what the upstream developers of subvertpy been up to07:31
dholbachif you click on the "Source Code" link, it will show you the source code07:32
posingaspopulardholbach: what is the syntax in /etc/apt/sources.list for the ppa?07:32
dholbachposingaspopular: forget about the PPA for now07:32
silentsno"Please try again" Sorry, there was a problem connecting to the Launchpad server.07:33
Adila01ha ha, I am having the same problem too07:33
balarkame too07:33
silentsnoThats from clicking on the SourceCode link07:33
dholbachfirst packaging training session - everything needs to go wrong now07:33
balarkathats the spirit!07:33
dholbachI just told the developers :)07:33
silentsnoit just came up for me07:33
dholbachok, so back to https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/subvertpy/+bug/323270 for a minute07:33
dholbachthe first comment says:07:34
dholbachUsing Python 2.6:07:34
dholbach...Lib\site-packages\subvertpy\delta.py:21: DeprecationWarning: the md5 module is deprecated; use hashlib instead07:34
dholbach  import md507:34
balarkawe shldnt leave me too!07:34
dholbachwhat we need to check out now is subvertpy/delta.py - this seems to be where the problem is right now07:34
sianisdholbach: the source line at line 2107:35
dholbachI'll fast-forward a bit for now07:35
dholbachshows the changes which have been done to the upstream code repository for that file07:35
dholbachdoes anyone see which revision number might solve our problem?07:36
sianisdholbach: 201607:36
Pollywogyes 201607:36
dholbachdoes everybody see the connection there? :)07:36
dholbachok, so let's head over to http://bazaar.launchpad.net/%7Ejelmer/subvertpy/trunk-mirrored/revision/201607:36
dholbachand click on the "Download diff" link07:37
balarkadholbach, i could see someone used a deprecated method i guess07:38
balarkadholbach, i am not good at python07:38
dholbachin this case we'll trust upstream07:38
dholbachif you cd into subvertpy-0.6.1/ again07:38
dholbachand (if you have ubuntu-dev-tools installed) run   what-patch07:38
dholbachcan anyone see the message it puts out?07:39
silentsnowhere should we put the diff file07:39
dholbachsilentsno: just save it somewhere you can find it again :)07:39
sianisdholbach: It says patchless?07:39
posingaspopularcommand not found?07:39
Crusherdholbach: patchless07:39
dholbachCrusher, sianis: exactly07:39
dholbachso what does what-patch do?07:40
macoposingaspopular: you have ubuntu-dev-tools installed?07:40
Crushertell you patching system its using07:40
posingaspopularoh, the command is 'what-patch' not 'run what-patch' :P07:40
dholbachit tell us, if the package maintainer decided to store additional patches on top of the regular code07:40
tashuiwuhen_got it07:40
dholbacherr, in which way the maintainer decide to store patches07:40
macodholbach: you mean as in a patch management system?07:41
balarkadholbach, what are we trying to achieve07:41
dholbachin our case the maintainer decide to just patch the source directly07:41
dholbachmaco: exactly07:41
balarkadholbach, i am kind of lost07:41
dholbachbalarka: so the packgae in Ubuntu right now is broken07:41
balarkadholbach, ok07:41
Pollywogyou mean they patched it rather than give us the patch to use?07:41
macowell that's much cleaner than the grepping in debian/control dtchen told me to do07:41
dholbachbalarka: we found out that it's fixed by the software authors already, we found out what the fix is and downloaded it07:41
dholbachbalarka: now we need to apply it to the package07:41
hassanibraheemdholbach: so, in that case, the ubuntu source is just the upstream code with no additional ubuntu changes... right?07:42
balarkadholbach, so the diff we downloaded has the patch?07:42
sianisdholbach: Deprecation is a warning and not an error, isn't it?07:42
dholbachhassanibraheem: that we can not tell, you're right "patchless" is a bit misleading there - I'll make a note07:42
dholbachhassanibraheem: what it means to say is "patches are directly applied on the source and not stored separately"07:42
JanCPollywog: they can't just send the patch to everybody on the internet ;)07:42
blfgomeswhat other valid output could I expect, other than "patchless?"07:43
PollywogI was not sure if I understood07:43
dholbachsianis: yes, but may become an error in the future - also the warning might be a bit disturbing if you get it every day :)07:43
hassanibraheemdholbach: oh, ok07:43
dholbachbalarka: yep07:43
sianisdholbach: you got roght :P07:43
Pollywogproblem here will be the patch level if we all did not put our patch file in the same place, I think07:44
macoblfgomes: quilt, cdbs, yabba...i assume it just spits out their names directly07:44
balarkadholbach, so how do we know that. .that the patch is seperate and the patch has not already been applied to the code07:44
Crusherblfgomes: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide/PatchSystems07:44
blfgomesmaco, Crusher: thanks07:44
dholbachbalarka: exactly07:45
Hobbseebalarka: because if it had been applied already, the bug wouldn't exist, right?07:45
silentsnobalarka: the code that ubuntu has is older and without this updates that we will apply07:45
balarkaHobbsee, but if the bug is already there.. why dont the devs fix it07:45
balarkaand give?07:45
Hobbseebalarka: and you know that the bug still exists, thus, it's not been applied.  Also, when you later use patch (or similar tools), it will warn you if it's already been applied, and ask you if you want to revert it07:46
macobalarka: it has been fixed upstream in a new version. we're backporting the fix.07:46
Hobbseebalarka: because you're "the dev" in terms of ubuntu, and you're fixing it.07:46
balarkamaco, Hobbsee thanks07:46
Pollywogmaco: thanks that answers my puzzlement as well07:46
dholbachso I just tried applying the patch and this is what I got:07:47
dholbachpatching file subvertpy/delta.py07:47
dholbachHunk #2 FAILED at 86.07:47
maco(note: you'll sometimes see pulling commits back into an older version referred to as "cherrypicking")07:47
balarkaHobbsee, so if i am the dev.. why would i put the patch someone else done already?07:47
JanCto say it simple: some people write software, and others make sure it works in their distro  ;)07:47
balarkaHobbsee, i am little confused here07:47
Hobbseebalarka: right, so there are two types of developers, right?07:48
Hobbseebalarka: there's the people who write the software, and the people who package the software to get it into ubuntu07:48
balarkaHobbsee, you mean core and MOTU?07:48
sianisdholbach: mee too07:48
dholbachbalarka: what Ubuntu does is integrate software from lots of other projects, subvertpy being one of them07:48
Pollywogam I correct that the upstream authors submitted the patch and it is our job to apply it to the version in Ubuntu?07:48
dholbachPollywog: exactly07:48
Hobbseebalarka: like authors who write a book, and librarians, who sort books and organise them in their libraries07:48
balarkaHobbsee, that was perfect example07:48
Hobbseebalarka: but, if an author changes their book, and republishes it, it doesn't mean that the library shelves magically change07:48
balarkaHobbsee, thanks07:49
balarkaHobbsee, got the point07:49
Hobbseethe librarian still has to do the work in finding another book, etc07:49
Hobbseecool :)07:49
dholbachok... cool - are we all clear on where we stand right now07:49
nanbanjinnice explanation Hobbsee, ty07:49
PollywogI think I have it07:49
Hobbseenanbanjin: :D07:49
pkpdjhI'm good.  Thanks, Hobbsee for the analogy.07:49
balarkaHobbsee, appreciated!07:50
dholbachok great07:50
brand0conthe dead horse has been beaten07:50
dholbachI just tried applying the upstream patch, this is what I got:07:50
dholbach patching file subvertpy/delta.py07:50
dholbach Hunk #2 FAILED at 86.07:50
dholbachyou get this every now and then when there have been a lot of changes in the upstream code and we didn't catch up yet07:50
balarkadholbach, so how to apply the patch?07:51
dholbachwhat we'd need to do is apply the changes manually or at least parts of them07:51
dholbachbalarka: I'll get to that in a sec07:51
balarkadholbach, any specific command?07:51
Pollywogwhen you patch, is there still a "--dry-run" option in patch?07:51
balarkadholbach, sure..07:51
dholbachI just updated the patch to work properly :-)07:51
dholbachso if you run07:51
dholbach  wget http://people.ubuntu.com/~dholbach/patch07:51
dholbachyou should get the patch file that's going to work for us07:52
HobbseePollywog: yes07:52
dholbachif you07:52
dholbachcd into subvertpy-0.6.1 again07:52
dholbachand run07:52
dholbach  patch -p1 < ~/patch07:52
dholbach(or wherever you downloaded the "patch" file to)07:53
dholbachit is going to apply the updated changes07:53
dholbachyou should get something like this as the output07:53
dholbachpatching file subvertpy/delta.py07:53
dholbachdid that work for everybody?07:53
Pollywoglooks like that worked here07:53
decumanus_yes, worked07:53
macoperhaps an explanation of how to figure out and manually update patches would be in order at some point...even just as a blogpost on that packaging howto blog you've got, dholbach?07:53
balarkadholbach,  is patch a command?07:54
* silentsno patched file delta.py07:54
dholbachmaco: definitely07:54
dholbachbalarka: yes07:54
dholbachit should be in the patch package07:54
balarkait gives No such file or directory07:54
Pollywogdoes the patch level depend on where we put the patch file?07:54
macoPollywog: it depends on how deeply into the source package it needs to go07:55
dholbachsudo apt-get install cdbs bzr ubuntu-dev-tools devscripts                 (should give you all the tools)07:55
macoPollywog: i'm told "count the slashes"07:55
Pollywogmaco: ty07:55
tashuiwuhen_i'm told "No such file or directory"07:55
silentsnodholbach: what is the difference between the revision we downloaded from LP and your patch we downloaded07:55
aladinI want to package a java-library. It was called xtvd-lib by upstream and was placed at a directory called xtvd-lib.  My control-file says "Source: xtvd-lib" and "Package: libxtvd". How can I use the same name for the source- and the binary-package?07:55
dholbachPollywog: it depends on from where the "diff" was run07:55
dholbachaladin: can we please cover that later on?07:55
Pollywogdholbach: ty07:55
balarkadholbach, it gives me No such file or directory07:55
dholbachaladin: we're in the middle of a session07:56
balarkadholbach, when i try the patch -p1 command07:56
macosilentsno: one will apply cleanly, and one won't07:56
balarkadholbach, as above07:56
macoaladin: #ubuntu-motu maybe better07:56
dholbachPollywog: where did you run         wget http://people.ubuntu.com/~dholbach/patch    ?07:56
Pollywogdholbach: it worked for me, I put the patch in ~07:56
macosilentsno: you can compare the patches visually to see how he changed it and compare to the source to try to figure out why07:56
Pollywogand put in the path in the patch line07:57
Pollywogit worked07:57
dholbachsilentsno: as I said before: the upstream developers put quite a bit of work into subvertpy and we didn't catch up yet, so the revision we downloaded from launchpad did not "apply cleanly on our source" - I updated it to apply cleanly07:57
balarkadholbach, it worked too07:57
dholbachbalarka: perfect07:57
dholbachare we all patched up now?07:57
PollywogI am patched07:57
Adila01Same with me07:57
dholbachanyone without the ticket? :)07:57
balarkame too07:57
dholbachyou need devscripts installed for the next step07:58
pkpdjhSo, if we run into a situation like this where the patch doesn't apply cleanly, what is usually the next step?07:58
balarkadholbach, can we apply the patch twice?07:58
dholbachwhat we'll do now as every good package maintainer in the making is: document what we did07:58
dholbachbalarka: no, it will fail07:58
balarkadholbach, ideally it shoudl suceeed07:58
Pollywogdholbach: that is why we can use --dry-run, right?07:58
dholbachpkpdjh: review the patch and apply the "hunks" that failed manually07:58
dholbachbalarka: yep07:58
balarkadholbach, if it is a piece of code replacing another one?07:58
dholbachPollywog: yes, exactly07:59
pkpdjhI was afraid that was the answer.  I hate reading patch files manually.07:59
dholbachbalarka: that's exactly what patches do: replace other code07:59
balarkadholbach, ok07:59
Crusherdholbach: what is a "hunk"?07:59
dholbachpkpdjh: remind me of that later on and we chat a bit about it07:59
pkpdjhdholbach: ok08:00
dholbachCrusher: if you take a look at ~/patch (or whever you put it beforehand)08:00
macoCrusher: parts between lines that have @ in them08:00
dholbachyou'll noticed "stanzas" that start with something like "@@ -18,7 +18,16 @@"08:00
balarkadholbach, where?08:00
Crusherso each one is a different hunk08:00
Crusherdidn't know the terminology :)08:01
balarkadholbach,  wehre are the stanzas?08:01
dholbachCrusher: exactly, it basically says "in lines X to Y make these changes"08:01
macobalarka: all those lines that start with @@ either start or end a stanza08:01
balarkamaco, you mean in the diff file we downloaded?08:01
macobalarka: yes08:01
balarkaoh ok08:02
dholbachso let's document the changes we did08:02
dholbachplease run (after you've installed devscripts):08:02
dholbach   dch -i08:02
dholbach(in subvertpy-0.6.1)08:02
Pollywogdch is a new one for me08:02
balarkame too08:02
PollywogI have used a different command to do this08:02
dholbachdch is a nice tool which makes editing  debian/changelog  easy08:03
dholbachthis is where package maintainers document what they do and why08:03
dholbachthis is particularly important where a lot of people work on packages together08:03
dholbachyou don't want others to guess why you made a change08:03
dholbach... and you don't want to have to guess half a year later :)08:03
cel_everybody hates documenting, but's it's important to do! :P08:04
balarkadholbach,  so what all things we need to put here?08:04
dholbachso I'll put something like this in there:08:04
dholbach  * subvertpy/delta.py: apply revision 2016 from upstream to fix python2.608:04
dholbach    deprecation (LP: #323270)08:04
dholbachnote a few things:08:05
dholbach - I specify exactly which file we changed08:05
dholbach - we say where the change came from (we didn't invent it ourselves)08:05
dholbach - we say what exactly it fixes08:05
dholbach - we say which Launchpad bug it fixes08:05
maco(in cases where the patch is attached to a bug, not from upsteram. the 2nd bit can be "patch by Joe Smith")08:06
araall that in just one line ;-)08:06
dholbachif you use something like "(LP: #323270)", it will automatically close the bug report, when the new source package gets uploaded08:06
dholbachmaco: exactly - give credit where it's due :)08:06
macodholbach: uploaded? or successfully built?08:06
dholbachmaco: uploaded to the build daemons - I'll get to that later if you remind me08:07
dholbachalso please replace "0.6.1-1build2" (or whatever changelog version is up there) with "0.6.1-1ubuntu1"08:07
balarkamaco, dholbach i didnt understand where the patch is attached to a bug08:07
macobalarka: if instead of grabbing a patch from upstream, someone has written a patch and attached it to the bug report in launchpad, you should give their name08:08
balarkamaco, so they have got the patch and give it to the users to apply08:08
macobalarka: yes08:08
balarkaoh ok08:09
dholbachbalarka: somebody who proposes a solution on a bug report08:09
balarkausers apply themselves and use08:09
dholbachbalarka: in our case we chased up the solution somewhere else08:09
PollywogDoes putting ubuntu1 there mean this patch was not brought here from Debian, that it came from Ubuntu?08:09
dholbachPollywog: it means: on top of the debian version 0.6.1-1 we put an Ubuntu change08:09
nanbanjinwouldn't a person that proposes solution and supplies a patch build the package himself?08:09
balarkananbanjin, i guess he can or cannot depening on his interest08:10
dholbachnanbanjin: they probably do, but as part of the overall bug fix discussion they might propose it to others on the bug report08:10
maconanbanjin: not necessarily. when i started submitting patches, i didnt know how to package, just how to write C08:10
macobuilding a package and putting it in your PPA on launchpad is a *great* way to help users who don't know how to or don't want to deal with patching and compiling manually test proposed fixes08:10
balarkamaco, what is PPA?08:11
dholbachbalarka: let's get to that later08:11
balarkadholbach, sure..08:11
dholbachall done editing the changelog? everybody put some text in there? changed the version number?08:11
macodholbach: sorry :P08:11
dholbachmaco: no worries08:11
balarkadholbach, me too08:11
balarkajust few moments08:11
PollywogI finished editing the changelog08:12
dholbachnow save the file08:12
dholbachand for those of you running Ubuntu and having ubuntu-dev-tools installed, please run     update-maintainer08:13
macodholbach: is update-maintainer smart enough to do nothing when the debian version is 0?08:13
dholbachit will make a change in the packaging indicating "we changed the package for Ubuntu, don't send emails to the Debian maintainers about this please" :-)08:13
dholbachmaco: I think it's so dumb that it doesn't care, but I might be wrong08:13
macodholbach: heh ok08:14
balarkadholbach, after editing i tried dch -i08:14
posingaspopularLatest changelog entry has no Ubuntu version number.08:14
balarkait says dch fatal error08:14
balarkathe backup file already exists08:14
dholbachposingaspopular: did you change the version number to 0.6.1-1ubuntu1?08:14
balarkaplease move it before trying again08:14
macobalarka: you only run dch -i once08:14
dholbachposingaspopular: just change it in debian/changelog08:15
balarkamaco, what exactly is the purpose of it?08:15
silentsnoyou meant if we are running Jaunty, to run update-maintainer08:15
Pollywogso running dch more than once is like running dh_make more than once?08:15
balarkamaco, what if i want to change the log again later?08:15
dholbachsilentsno: should work in intrepid too08:15
macobalarka: well you could manually type a new chunk into debian/changelog if you want, but dch adds the your name, version number, what time it is, your email address junk for you automatically08:15
dholbachPollywog: it will introduce a new changelog every time you run it and save the file afterwards08:15
macobalarka: then you do it manually. there should be only 1 changelog entry per package version08:16
posingaspopulari dont follow dholbach08:16
macoposingaspopular: in debian/changelog, what's the first line?08:16
dholbachposingaspopular: when you edit debian/changelog - which version number does it say?08:16
balarkamaco, got it08:16
posingaspopularsubvertpy (0.6.1-1build2) jaunty; urgency=low08:17
macoposingaspopular: see how it says build2? change that to ubuntu108:17
dholbachposingaspopular: change it to 0.6.1-1ubuntu1 then, please08:17
macoposingaspopular: "build" is used when ubuntu has not changed anything but the package has been rebuilt anyway08:17
macoposingaspopular: "ubuntu" is used when you make changes08:17
dholbachsave the file and try again08:19
posingaspopularokay now that works08:19
posingaspopularyup thanks maco and dholbach08:19
dholbachnow please run (when you installed devscripts and cdbs):08:19
dholbach     debuild -S -us -uc08:19
dholbachremember what I said about source packages in the beginning (orig.tar.gz, diff.gz etc)?08:20
dholbachnow we're updating the source package for our new version08:20
dholbachif you cd .. and run ls08:20
dholbachyou should see a bunch of new files there08:20
dholbachso not just subvertpy_0.6.1-1build1.dsc and subvertpy_0.6.1-1build1.diff.gz08:20
dholbachbut subvertpy_0.6.1-1ubuntu1.dsc and subvertpy_0.6.1-1ubuntu1.diff.gz too08:21
dholbachI can't cover it in this session, but if you take a look at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PbuilderHowto you'll learn about a tool that test-builds packages for you08:21
dholbachit will expect such .dsc files from you08:21
dholbachok, let's crack on08:21
balarkadholbach, i didnt find any files there08:22
balarkaon debuild command08:22
Pollywogis pbuilder an alternative to chroots for this?08:22
dholbachPollywog: it will set up a chroot :)08:22
dholbachPollywog: automatically08:22
dholbachbalarka: were you in subvertpy-0.6.1 when you ran debuild?08:22
balarkadholbach, yes08:22
blfgomesI got this warning: "Exception: apr-config not found. Please set APR_CONFIG environment variable"08:23
dholbachbalarka: then    cd ..   and    ls    there08:23
balarkaoh ok08:23
dholbachblfgomes: safe to ignore for now08:23
dholbachok... another handy tool in devscripts is debdiff08:23
dholbachif you run           debdiff subvertpy_0.6.1-1build1.dsc subvertpy_0.6.1-1ubuntu1.dsc08:23
dholbachdebdiff subvertpy_0.6.1-1build1.dsc subvertpy_0.6.1-1ubuntu1.dsc08:24
balarkadholbach, oh got it08:24
dholbachit will show you the differences between the two source packages08:24
macoand order matters!08:24
dholbachcan you all please put the output into http://paste.ubuntu.com and give us the link here so we can review them together?08:24
balarkadholbach, maco so what is the purpse of this step?08:25
balarkato confirm ourselves abt the change we did?08:25
balarkaby generating diff between two versions?08:25
dholbachbalarka: show the differences between the original source package (we downloaded initially) and the new source package08:25
macobalarka: many developers in ubuntu prefer debdiffs for updating packages08:25
dholbachbalarka: it's what you'd attach to a bug report saying "this is how I fixed it"08:25
macobalarka: this includes the debian/* changes as well as the patch08:26
macoit just cuts a few steps out for the people who can actually upload this stuff08:26
maconamely, all the steps you just did08:26
balarkadholbach, when i run the command it says debdiff: fatal error at line 266:08:27
balarkaCan't read file: subvertpy_0.6.1-1ubuntu1.dsc08:27
dholbachsilentsno: "0.6.1-1ubuntu2" -> "0.6.1-1ubuntu1",  "intrepid" -> "jaunty", I'd also line wrap the changelog entry - other than that: great work!08:27
dholbachblfgomes: perfect08:27
balarkadholbach, i didnt get the mistake i did08:28
dholbachPollywog: "0.6.1-1ubuntu" -> "0.6.1-1ubuntu1", also the linewrap to 80 characters per line would be nice, other than that: GREAT08:28
posingaspopularerror http://paste.ubuntu.com/142609/08:28
dholbachbalarka: what's the last 5 lines of output?08:28
dholbachposingaspopular: just do   debdiff subvertpy_0.6.1-1build1.dsc subvertpy_0.6.1-1ubuntu1.dsc08:28
balarka debdiff subvertpy_0.6.1-1build1.dsc subvertpy_0.6.1-1ubuntu1.dsc08:29
balarkadebdiff: fatal error at line 266:08:29
balarkaCan't read file: subvertpy_0.6.1-1ubuntu1.dsc08:29
balarka1st line is the comand i typed08:29
dholbachbalarka: is there a file named subvertpy_0.6.1-1ubuntu1.dsc?08:29
macobalarka: did you run debuild -S -us -uc as above?08:29
balarkadholbach, nope08:29
balarkamaco, i did08:30
balarkamaco, i can do it again08:30
dholbachbalarka: then something must have gone wrong there before08:30
macobalarka: what .dsc's *do* you have?08:30
dholbachthat debdiff output is what you'd attach to the bug report as a solution, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SponsorshipProcess explains how to get your patch uploaded to Ubuntu!08:30
dholbach(after you test-built the package and tested the package a bit)08:30
balarkamaco, i can see only one 1build1.dsc08:31
macothen it sounds like debuild failed08:31
posingaspopularright that worked08:31
dholbachI'd like to invite you all to #ubuntu-motu and ubuntu-motu-mentors@lists.ubuntu.com to ask questions you have about everything related to packaging stuff08:31
balarkamaco, so what do i do now?08:31
macobalarka: try it again and see if it errors at all08:31
dholbachposingaspopular: can you pastebin it?08:31
dholbachthere were a bunch of other questions before08:31
balarkamaco, so i try the debuild command inside subverty dir08:31
dholbachanything you'd like to ask?08:31
dholbachbalarka: yes08:32
macodholbach: the LP: #123456 syntax, it closes on upload, but what if its a FTBFS?08:32
dholbachmaco: the bug will be closed on upload (when the uploaded source package is accepted)08:33
Pollywogis this all different when the sources use cmake instead of automake?08:33
balarkamaco, this is what i get http://paste.ubuntu.com/142612/08:33
balarkamaco, dholbach after debuild command08:33
dholbachbalarka: I guess you didn't save the changes you made to debian/changelog08:33
dholbachbalarka: I'd suggest reading up in the log again and re-try - sorry08:34
balarkadholbach, sure..08:34
dholbachPollywog: that's a great question08:34
balarkadholbach, i will do that08:34
dholbachbalarka: thanks08:34
PollywogI have had trouble making debs for KDE4 due to cmake08:34
dholbachPollywog: the great thing about the way that Ubuntu and Debian packages are built is that we have one build process wrapped around all kinds of upstream software08:34
balarkadholbach, so whats next then?08:35
balarkadholbach, we got the diff generated08:35
dholbachbalarka: we're answering a bunch of questions08:35
balarkaoh ok08:35
macodholbach: ok so the order of things that happen is fuzzy for me. helpful sponsor uploads the debdiff, buildd does stuff, then accept, then close?08:35
balarkadholbach,  i mean in the process of sending upstream08:35
dholbachso no matter if it's a python distutils package, or it uses autotools or cmake, there's always a way to build the package08:35
macobalarka: in this case, the patch came from upstream, so nothing to do08:36
dholbachPollywog: I'd suggest taking a look at similar source packages (that use cmake already) and compare08:36
balarkamaco, oh ok08:36
PollywogI will do that, thanks08:36
balarkamaco, but if we invent the bug fix08:36
balarkamaco,  how to proceed from here?08:36
dholbachposingaspopular: looks great, there's just one thing I'd change a bit:08:36
dholbach  * subvertpy/delta.py apply revision 2016 from upstream to fix python 2.6 depreciation. (LP #323270)08:36
dholbach  * subvertpy/delta.py: apply revision 2016 from upstream to fix python 2.6 depreciation. (LP: #323270)08:36
dholbachposingaspopular: (note the colons)08:37
macobalarka: in that case, send the patch to upstream (some will want a but + attachment, others want mail on their mailing list, it varies) and give them a link to the LP bug of people saying it works08:37
dholbachmaco: so the way things would work from here would be something like:08:37
Pollywogand the debian/rules seem to be different for KDE4 packages, but I suspect that will be covered in a future session  <hint>08:37
dholbach - test-build the package08:37
dholbach - test the package08:37
posingaspopularwhat colons dholbach?08:37
macoposingaspopular: after the filename08:37
dholbach - attach debdiff to bug report08:37
macodholbach: yeah the two steps everyone forgets :P08:38
dholbach - subscribe sponsors team who review the patch08:38
dholbach - they review it08:38
dholbach - upload it08:38
dholbach - bug gets automatically closed08:38
dholbach - build attempted08:38
dholbach - fix delivered to the world08:38
dholbachsure the package could fail to build08:38
dholbachbut that's usually a new bug ;-)08:38
macook then08:38
balarkamaco, thanks08:38
posingaspopulari dont follow, what is wrong there?08:38
dholbachposingaspopular: also the colon in (LP: #323270)08:38
balarkamaco, what is LP btw..08:39
macohrm that reminds me that i got a build failure email...08:39
dholbachposingaspopular: it's the syntax08:39
macobalarka: launchpad in two letters08:39
balarkaoh ok :P08:39
dholbachPollywog: can you follow up with that suggestion at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Packaging/Training ?08:39
dholbachpkpdjh: you had a question too?08:39
macodholbach: if i got a build failure email due to "its beta, the repos were broken when the buildd went through" how do i try to get it rebuilt for that architecture?08:39
Crusherdholbach: did my debdiff look alright? (http://paste.ubuntu.com/142607/)08:40
Pollywogk I thought that was for the ppl who present the trainings08:40
dholbachmaco: ask in #ubuntu-motu for somebody to attempt a rebuild for you08:40
PollywogI will do that08:40
dholbachPollywog: there's a "suggested sessions" or somtehing08:40
macodholbach: ok thanks08:40
dholbachCrusher: sorry, must have missed it - checking it out08:40
dholbachCrusher: that looks perfect08:40
dholbachwow... great work everybofy!08:40
macopbuilder one? please? i have no idea how to make a new pbuilder when i reinstall :(08:41
dholbachfeel yourselves clapped on the shoulder08:41
dholbachmaco: please put it on the wiki page08:41
balarkai did :P08:41
dholbachok... any other questions?08:41
Pollywogdholbach and others: thanks for the session.  It was great08:41
Crushergreat session dholbach, thankyou08:41
posingaspopularwhat syntax?08:41
dholbachposingaspopular: (LP: #123456)08:42
cel_dholbach: many thanks for your time08:42
silentsnothanks dholbach.08:42
dholbachthanks a lot everybody for participating and helping out08:42
aradholbach: thanks for the session!08:42
dholbachI hope you found it fun and helpful and I'll see you in the next sessions too08:42
brand0condholbach: thanks for the session.  look forward to more of them08:42
cel_See ya all in the next one!08:42
dholbachhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/GettingStarted has some reading material until the next session!08:42
nanbanjinsomebody mentioned some blog of yours dholbach...08:42
dholbachnanbanjin: you mean http://daniel.holba.ch/blog ?08:43
dholbachnanbanjin: or http://ubuntupackaging.wordpress.com/ ?08:43
macothe latter08:43
macothat was me that mentioned it08:43
dholbachah ok08:44
pkpdjhMy question before was about what to do when patches don't work the first time.08:44
dholbachpkpdjh: ah yes...08:44
pkpdjhdholbach: I was just curious if there's a way to track changes and find the disconnect.  (Sorry, I'm a noob.)08:44
dholbachpkpdjh: that's where revision control systems are really helpful - they make it much much easier to either merge a complete branch (plus its history) or just cherry-pick a certain change08:45
dholbachpkpdjh: when you just work with the diff and patch tools, you have to live with their limitations08:45
pkpdjhdholbach: I had one other problem.  I had some syntax errors or something in my debian/changelog file.08:46
dholbachpatch is quite clever when thing just moved around a few lines or something like that, but if the context around it changed, it simply gives up and you need to merge manually08:46
dholbachpkpdjh: what happened there?08:46
pkpdjhI got an error that said "unrecognized line"08:46
blfgomesdholbach: Thank you for your time and patience! The whole concept of having a session like this is really incredible.08:46
dholbachpkpdjh: can you put up the log of it somewhere?08:47
dholbachblfgomes: I'm very glad you enjoyed it - there's more to come and I hope we'll have a lot of people fixing bugs soon :)08:47
pkpdjhdholbach: In my noobness, I will have to find time to learn how everyone was pasting their logs before I get too deep over my head.08:49
dholbachpkpdjh: oh, don't worry, just load up http://paste.ubuntu.com and paste the log of the error in there08:49
dholbachright now I can't tell where the "unrecognized line" error comes from08:50
nanbanjinthank you very much dholbach. I ran all in the sandbox of my imagination but will go through the logs later and try it on my own08:50
dholbachnanbanjin: awesome... hope you enjoyed it08:50
pkpdjhdholbach: okay it is there.08:50
dholbachpkpdjh: can you post the link here?08:50
dholbachpkpdjh: can you paste the top entry of debian/changelog ?08:51
dholbachpkpdjh: try putting two spaces instead of one in front of the "*"08:53
dholbachso "  * bla bla bla" instead of " * bla bla bla"08:53
dholbach(if that makes sense)08:53
pkpdjhdamn whitespace!08:54
pkpdjhThat fixed it.08:54
dholbachit's very picky, I agree :-)08:54
* maco bets guido van rossum had a hand in this08:54
dholbachno, I doubt it08:54
dholbachmost of the machinery behind devscripts etc is written in perl08:55
pkpdjhdholbach: Okay.  Now I have to play catch up on the rest of the tutorial.  I followed along, but I couldn't do the steps.08:55
* maco hides08:55
dholbachpkpdjh: just let me know how it goes08:55
dholbachonce you figured out dch, debdiff, debuild, etc. and used them a couple of times, you'll see that that's just "tools"08:55
posingaspopulardholbach: you are going to have to point out this syntax you are talking about, i dont see it08:55
dholbachand the interesting part is the "detective stuff" like chasing down where to find the patch and so on08:56
pkpdjhdholbach: I'm sure it will go fine, but it will probably go tomorrow. I'm in the western U.S.A. ;)08:56
dholbachposingaspopular: what I meant is: if you want the bug to be automatically closed, you have to use the "(LP: #123456)" syntax08:56
dholbachposingaspopular: and can't use "(LP: 123456)" because the build daemons don't understand it08:57
dholbachposingaspopular: actually it's    LP: #<number>08:57
macoas in teh open parenthesis, L, P, colon, space, hash, ....08:57
* maco slaps self08:57
dholbachpkpdjh: enjoy it and sleep tight08:57
macono more lex!08:57
dholbachI'll put up the logs in a bit08:57
dholbachhave a great day everybody08:57
posingaspopularoh okay, that makes sense :P08:57
posingaspopular# is the bug number08:57
dholbachor the bug number is after the "#" sign08:58
posingaspopularim sitting here getting all worked up because i couldn't figure out what you were talking about08:58
dholbachdon't get worked up just because of that :-)08:59
dholbachok... take care and see you in #ubuntu-motu09:02
=== _Purple_ is now known as _Purple_away
henuxgood day11:12
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Andphehey guys, there is in somewhere the logs from the session of today ?14:24
macoAndphe: they should end up being linked on the wiki page about training sessions14:31
Andphemaco, thank you14:34
Hobbseeit's linked off planet.ubuntu.com and off http://ubuntupackaging.wordpress.com/2009/04/02/first-packaging-training-session/14:34
AndpheHobbsee, thanks14:36
=== _Purple_away is now known as _Purple_
iktis there any archive for the class this morning?16:46
iktor log16:46
blfgomesikt: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Packaging/Training/Logs16:46
iktcheers :)16:47
PollywogI forgot to ask the question I wanted to ask last night17:12
Pollywogwhat if a package has no dbg package?17:13
Pollywogfor example, I cannot find a dgb or dbgsym package for konqueror but konqueror has an annoying bug17:14
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dapatrickToday's training happened already, correct?18:52
pleia2dapatrick: yes, you can find logs here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Packaging/Training/Logs/2009-04-0218:53
=== pleia2 changed the topic of #ubuntu-classroom to: Ubuntu Classroom || https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Classroom || https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-classroom | Upcoming: 9 Apr @ 00:00 UTC: Q&A Session: Linux Permissions; 9 Apr 2009 @ 12:00 UTC: bzr builddeb --in-15-minutes | Run 'date -u' in a terminal to find out the UTC time
dapatrickpleia2: Thanks. I totally spaced on the time.  For some reason I was thinking 6:00p.m. UTC.19:00
pleia2oops :) we list all times as 24 time, so that would be 18:0019:01
pleia2s/24/24 hour19:01
alexander_Hy , I need informations about packing lessons20:38
alexander_date -u20:38
alexander_can someone help-me ? I need informations about ubuntu packing lessons20:42
=== foursixnine is now known as santiago-ve

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