
chrisccoulsonasac - those messages go away with the qdbm backend00:02
chrisccoulsonand i've figured out why the numbers in the tooltip seem quite random00:04
chrisccoulsonit's indexing my evolution mail too00:04
asaci didnt opt in for that ;)00:43
asacok off ;)00:44
pittiGood morning08:08
JanCis there any chance that the many bluetooth keyboard/mouse problems in Ubuntu will be fixed before jaunty release?  ;)08:16
JanC(I have some people naging me about this--with lots of bugs dating back to 2006 and maybe earlier...)08:17
JanCe.g. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/3241508:18
ubottuLaunchpad bug 32415 in bluez "Apple Bluetooth Mouse and Keyboard pairing broken in Dapper/Edgy/Feisty" [Medium,Fix released]08:18
seb128good morning there08:22
crevettehey seb128, already wake up ?08:22
seb128lut crevette, "already"? I'm up for over an hour, I just start working now08:23
* pitti hugs seb128, bonjour08:23
* seb128 hugs pitti08:23
seb128pitti: I see that you already cleaned the locks after the launchpad shutdown for upgrade of the night08:23
crevetteseb128, I see un upload from you at 4:20, so that why I wondered why you were already wake up08:23
pittiseb128: hm, didn't touch it this morning yet, but I'll have a look08:24
seb128crevette: launchpad was down from midnight to 3am so it's probably just a delayed accepted08:24
seb128pitti: oh weird, they are running08:24
pittiseb128: ah, LP rollout08:24
pittiall just 503 errors08:24
seb128pitti: yes, weird that the i386 one didn't crash08:24
seb128pitti: I cleaned lock for amd6408:25
pittithe i386 one crashed as well08:25
seb128pitti: but ps ax | grep 386 shows one running08:25
pittiah, that was the hardy one08:25
* pitti removes lock08:25
seb128I guess it's stucked08:25
pittiok, should be good now08:25
pittiright, it's stuck in debian/rules patch again08:26
pittipatch -f --no-backup-if-mismatch -p0 is hanging08:26
* pitti kills08:26
seb128grrrr at bzr08:26
* pitti wonders why patch application causes so much trouble08:26
pittiseb128: what's up?08:26
seb128it keeps telling me to bzr upgrade08:26
seb128I've run the command a zillion time08:26
seb128seems it make no difference08:27
seb128it keep telling me to upgrade08:27
seb128on the current desktop nautilus08:27
seb128it prints starts conversion and that the conversion worked08:28
seb128but then on next pull I still get the warning08:28
seb128and now it tells me that tags are not supported in this format08:29
pittihang on08:30
pittiseb128: did it warn about the *local* or *remote* branch being out of date? and which one did you upgrade?08:30
seb128bzr get lp:~ubuntu-desktop/nautilus/ubuntu08:31
seb128you get the warning08:31
seb128I did08:31
seb128cd ubuntu08:31
seb128bzr upgrade08:31
seb128bzr push ... nothing to push08:31
pittiseb128: no, that will only upgrade the local branch (which shouldn't be necessary in the first place)08:32
seb128is that supposed to work differently?08:32
pittiseb128: what did the warning say?08:32
pittiI bet it said that the remote branch should be upgraded08:32
pittibzr upgrade lp:~ubuntu-desktop/nautilus/ubuntu08:32
seb128it says that the format for file:///...../ubuntu is deprecated08:32
seb128" please use 'bzr upgrade' to get better performance"08:32
seb128which I've been doing08:32
* seb128 tries that one08:33
seb128yeah for great error messages again08:33
seb128it describe the local path and tell you to run a command which doesn't work08:33
seb128(taking ages)08:34
pittiseb128: can you please report this as a bug against bzr?08:36
seb128pitti: that worked thanks08:36
seb128pitti: will do08:36
pittiseb128: I guess it wants you to use bzr upgrade --1.6 or so, but that should be the default then08:37
pittiwow, really cool new features in this LP release08:37
seb128pitti: no I tried to specify formats08:37
seb128it wanted the lp: url08:37
seb128and not just "upgrade"08:37
pittiah, so it was the remote branch after all08:42
pittithat takes a while, yes08:42
seb128mvo: hi08:46
seb128mvo: can you review robert_ancell's change on bug #333284?08:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 333284 in compiz "With focus_on_map = FALSE, window still opens in front" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33328408:47
mvoseb128: sure08:48
loolseb128, davidbarth: rather here08:56
looldavidbarth: seb128 isn't on -mobile08:56
davidbarthlool: ok08:56
davidbarthlool: are you sure that you can modify the environement early enough for it to be taken into account?08:57
davidbarthlool: notify-osd is started by dbus, as part of the auto-activation service08:57
looldavidbarth: in Xsession yes08:57
loolThat's before gnome-session and dbus-launch are started08:57
seb128davidbarth: it's activated when a bubble is displayed for the first time no?08:57
seb128which should be late in the login08:58
davidbarthseb128: yes08:58
loolI'd prefer an UNR specific place rather than Xsession.d, but I can't think of one08:58
loolThe thing is that UNR launches gnome-session like GNOME, so I don't see how to make the distinction08:58
seb128use UpdateActivationEnvironment to propagate your environment to the dbus session?08:58
loolAnyway this Xsession.d file will only be there on UNR installs08:58
davidbarthlool: yes, the second question was how to make the difference between UNR & a normal gnome session08:58
seb128that would work and be easy to do yes08:59
davidbarthseb128, lool: i have to go for ~1h (doing a pres at SLOS)08:59
looldavidbarth: k08:59
seb128davidbarth: later08:59
mvoseb128: it reverts the entire commit, I'm not sure that is the right way, it does code cleanup and probably fixing in this commit too. let me check a slightly different approach08:59
loolseb128: The thing with a C version is that I can't think of an UNR process which starts early enough so that there's the guarantee of no bubbles08:59
loolOh there's one: maximus08:59
mvoseb128: robert is US based?09:00
loolBut it might not be using dbus09:00
seb128mvo: no, .au, he said he would be online around 10pm his time, ie in some hours09:00
seb128mvo: wait for him if you have questions or comments09:00
loolThere's a dbus bdep, but I don't see any dbus code in maximus09:01
seb128lool: your Xsession.d script is probably the easier way09:04
seb128ok, changing computer and doing some testing, brb09:06
loolnjpatel: notify-osd works fine here (compositing not enabled), but there's no fading, it just disappears when I mouse over and reappears when I remove the mouse09:35
looldavidbarth: Your patch wasn't needed!  :)09:36
njpatellool: right, there isn't fading without rgba, but it works pretty well imo09:37
looldavidbarth: The fallback code works without the override09:37
loolnjpatel: Ok09:37
loolnjpatel: Just to make sure what I was seeing was normal09:37
loolseb128: There was actually nothing to change in code for that notify-osd bug after all!09:38
seb128lool: there was a misunderstanding on the composite manager detection thing?09:38
loolIt works apparently09:38
seb128ok good09:38
seb128so that was a non-bug ;-)09:39
pittihey seb12809:39
seb128pitti: re09:39
loolseb128: Exactly09:41
seb128hey chrisccoulson09:45
chrisccoulsonhi seb12809:46
seb128how did the non sqlite run go?09:47
chrisccoulsonmore successfully. it definately seems that the sqlite support is broken09:48
chrisccoulsoni'll report that upstream shortly when i get the chance09:48
asacseb128: in the meantime, 3.5 binaries ended up in the NEW queue ;). thanks!09:57
asacseb128: urgh. armel hasnt build yet. nevermind09:58
seb128asac: I can new for other archs if you want09:58
asacseb128: let me look how long the builder queue is09:58
asacseb128: ok 277 waiting in queue for armel ... so yes, please poke what exists now ;)09:59
seb128asac: done09:59
asaccool, cool, cool; one more thing to scratch from essential jaunty list10:02
seb128asac: do you have an opinion on bug #349850?10:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 349850 in libgnome "Autohinter should be enabled by default in Jaunty to avoid font rendering inconsistencies" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34985010:02
asaclet me read their arguments10:04
asacseb128: so keith packard writes in his debconf form on this topic:10:11
asac#Select 'Native' if you mostly use Bitstream Vera (the default in Debian) or any of the Microsoft fonts. Select 'Autohinter' if you  │  │ mostly use other TrueType fonts. Select 'None' if you want blurry text.                                                             │10:11
asacso we use Native10:11
asacfrom what i understand Autohinter is good for inferior fonts10:11
asacwhile good fonts should be better with what we have now by default10:11
asac"Select 'Native' if you mostly use Bitstream Vera (the default in Debian) or any of the Microsoft fonts. Select 'Autohinter' if you mostly use other TrueType fonts. Select 'None' if you want blurry text."10:12
asacpersonally, i dont by the argument that "full" hinting has to look better than "slight"10:13
asacif that was true, there would be no need for anything different from "full" ;)10:13
asacso i think its a none-issue. also we use "slight" by default10:13
seb128ok, can you comment about that on the bug? ;-)10:13
asaclet me paste that10:14
=== asac_ is now known as asac
=== eeejay is now known as eeejay_afk
seb128_hey robert_ancell12:48
=== seb128_ is now known as seb128
robert_ancellseb128: hey seb12:49
* robert_ancell looks for his list of questions for seb128 :)12:49
seb128robert_ancell: how was your day? I see you managed to fix the compiz issue12:49
robert_ancellseb128: yes, made a patch to revert the behaviour.  I have a fix for the Rhythmbox issue but it's failing testing so going to finish that before going to bed12:50
robert_ancellseb128: what was that panel calendar resize bug?  I can still reproduce it (in a slightly different way)12:51
seb128robert_ancell: bug #188422?12:52
ubottuLaunchpad bug 188422 in gnome-panel "date/time applet gets too large" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/18842212:52
robert_ancellseb128: yeah - it's not reoccurring now but my country list is taller than my screen and it was triggering on the bottom one12:55
robert_ancelli'll keep an eye and log if I can do it again12:55
seb128tseliot: hi12:58
seb128tseliot: is bug #337926 a duplicate of the issue you are tracking?12:58
ubottuLaunchpad bug 337926 in xfree86-driver-synaptics "vino: mouse cursor stays in upper left corner" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33792612:58
tseliotseb128: no, I think it's a different issue13:17
seb128tseliot: it's also a synaptic bug, comment say that downgrade the synaptic driver fix the issue13:18
tseliotseb128: well, a lot of things changed between 0.99.3-2ubuntu3 and 0.15.2-0ubuntu713:19
seb128tseliot: well, they both mention the corner issue so I though it might be the same bug13:20
tseliotseb128: what's the other bug you're referring to?13:20
seb128tseliot: https://launchpad.net/bugs/32063213:24
ubottuLaunchpad bug 320632 in xfree86-driver-synaptics "tap-to-click and edge-scrolling broken in Jaunty" [Medium,In progress]13:24
seb128tseliot: I just read "edge" in the description so I figured I would ask ;-)13:25
tseliotseb128: ah, ok so it was the one I was thinking of. They are different bugs. In one bug edge refers to the edge of the touchpad in the other it refers to the edge of the screen13:26
* robert_ancell wishes string manipulation wasn't so tedious in C13:26
tseliotseb128: but thanks for reporting13:26
seb128ok, thanks13:27
seb128robert_ancell: yeah, C is no fun compared to python for that ;-)13:27
=== sabdfl1 is now known as sabdfl
kenvandine_wkseb128: any idea why the ekiga update is held back?13:53
kenvandine_wkbug 35376813:53
ubottuLaunchpad bug 353768 in ekiga "Upgrade from 3.0.1-1ubuntu2 to 3.2.0-0ubuntu1 held back" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35376813:53
seb128kenvandine_wk: cf the other channel13:54
robert_ancellnight all!14:19
mvokenvandine_wk:  apt keeps it back because it thinks that libpt2.4.2 is more important than 2.614:19
mvokenvandine_wk: I have no good workaround yet14:19
kenvandine_wkmvo: ok..14:20
Nafallokenvandine_wk: any news on the python bindings for gajim? if not, can you push it to the branch and I can work on some other bugs based on that? :-)14:39
kenvandine_wkNafallo: i will do it in just a few minutes :)14:39
Nafallokenvandine_wk: ta. enough time for me to figure out what password I used on this ssh-key :-P14:40
kenvandine_wkNafallo: attached the debdiff and requested sponsorship :)15:13
kenvandine_wkNafallo: i made indicate-python Recommends15:13
kenvandine_wkso you only get the indicator if it is installed, but it works fine without it15:13
kenvandine_wkand indicate-python is still waiting to be sponsored as well15:14
Nafallokenvandine_wk: you, my friend. rock! :-)15:14
Nafalloasac: go sponsor indicate-python :-)15:15
asacwhere is it?15:16
Nafallokenvandine_wk: ^-- :-)15:17
kenvandine_wkasac: bug 34493615:17
ubottuLaunchpad bug 344936 in indicator-applet "initial packaging of indicate-python" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34493615:17
kenvandine_wkNafallo: after this gets some use... we might want to patch gajim to behave more like the default pidgin setup is now15:18
kenvandine_wkNafallo: like not showing the notifiation icon by default15:19
kenvandine_wkbut i didn't go that far yet :)15:19
* kenvandine_wk doesn't actually use gajim15:19
Nafallohmm. I use rightclick on that icon all the time personally.15:19
Nafallolet's see what the community have to say ;-)15:19
asackenvandine_wk: no packaging branch?15:21
kenvandine_wkasac: no... i guess i should have done that from the get go :/15:22
kenvandine_wklet me do that quick15:22
kenvandine_wkshould be a good exercise for me15:22
asackenvandine_wk: yeah ;)15:23
asackenvandine_wk: is there an upstream branch?15:23
asacah good15:23
kenvandine_wkshould i put the packaging branch there or on ubuntu-desktop?15:24
kenvandine_wkok, looks like indicator-applet packaging is in the same project15:26
asackenvandine_wk: you can put it on your own account15:28
asackenvandine_wk: i can push it to ~ubuntu-dev (if its universe)15:28
kenvandine_wkasac: it will go to universe15:28
asacor put it on ubuntu-desktop if thats the Maintainer15:28
asackenvandine_wk: is Desktop or MOTU maintainer?15:28
kenvandine_wki assumed desktop... it will eventually probably move to main15:28
kenvandine_wkasac: can i just put it in the indicator-applet project?15:29
* kenvandine_wk is following the applet as an example15:29
kenvandine_wkfor consistency :)15:29
asackenvandine_wk: yes. usually we use ~team/upstream-project/ubuntu15:29
kenvandine_wkok... the applet is like this15:29
asackenvandine_wk: use the same project the upstream branch is in15:30
kenvandine_wki am a member of that team15:30
asackenvandine_wk: well. we will push the branch to the Maintainer: area imo15:30
asacso ~ubuntu-desktop or -dev15:30
asacyou can maintain that packaging as part of the upstream team too15:30
kenvandine_wki can just commit them in the team area for now15:30
asacbut imo we should have it somewhere were all team members can commit15:30
kenvandine_wkyeah... so you can just merge it right?15:31
asackenvandine_wk: right. maybe add the Vcs-Bzr header so one can spot it easily15:31
asacin debian/control15:31
kenvandine_wkwill do15:31
kenvandine_wkasac:  Vcs-Bzr: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-dev/indicate-python/ubuntu15:39
kenvandine_wkasac: right?15:39
asacthat looks good.15:39
asackenvandine_wk: so its MOTU?15:40
asackenvandine_wk: ok15:40
* Nafallo converts all patches against gajim to dpatches :-P15:42
=== thunderstruck is now known as gnomefreak
=== thunderstruck is now known as gnomefreak
kenvandine_wkasac:  lp:~indicator-applet-developers/indicator-applet/indicate-python-packaging16:01
kenvandine_wkasac: pushed :)16:01
asackenvandine_wk: first look is quite good. i think it should depend on python-gtk2 .... also the test files have no license (upstream); also use Maintainer: Ubuntu MOTU Developers (look at other packages) and use you as the Original-Maintainer if you want16:27
asacor isnt gtk2 python needed at all?16:28
kenvandine_wkasac: it isn't16:31
kenvandine_wkasac: the test files shouldn't be in the tarball16:32
* kenvandine_wk updates maintainer16:32
asackenvandine_wk: why not ship the testfiles with proper licenses as "docs" ?16:33
kenvandine_wkdunno... that is a question for eeejay_afk16:33
kenvandine_wkasac: i pushed the maintainer update16:34
asackenvandine_wk: so maybe python-gobject is required?16:34
kenvandine_wkah... yes16:35
asacat least you build depend on gtk2-dev16:35
kenvandine_wki think something in the autotools chain there needed that to build in pbuilder16:36
kenvandine_wklooking at the code... i don't see anything that directly imports from it16:37
asackenvandine_wk: maybe gobject-dev? or are there some tools in it?16:37
kenvandine_wkasac: not sure16:38
kenvandine_wki think some of this stuff was copied from indicator-applet16:38
kenvandine_wkso might be able to be cleaned up16:38
kenvandine_wktedg: i found an easy fix for raising the pidgin blist window with dbus-send :)16:39
tedgkenvandine_wk: Oh, what's that?16:39
kenvandine_wkPurpleBlistSetVisible int32:116:39
kenvandine_wktedg: raises it if it is closed, min, or in the background16:40
=== thunderstruck is now known as gnomefrak
=== gnomefrak is now known as gnomefreak
tedgkenvandine_wk: Cool!16:41
kenvandine_wktedg: i hate that clicking pidgin in the indicator the first time doesn't raise it...16:41
kenvandine_wkif it is open, and not focused16:41
kenvandine_wkit hides it16:42
kenvandine_wkon first click16:42
kenvandine_wksecond click raises it16:42
kenvandine_wkdrives me bonkers16:42
tedg?  I don't think we're doing anything odd there.16:42
kenvandine_wktedg: is that the desired behavior?16:42
tedgNo, we're just calling purple_show().  Not doing anything exciting.16:42
asacsounds like a bug for an outsider ;)16:42
kenvandine_wktedg: mind if i take a stab at fixing it?16:43
tedgkenvandine_wk: No problem, I'm guessing that'll be in Pidgin not in the plugin though.16:43
tedgkenvandine_wk: See what happens with the notification area plugin first.16:43
kenvandine_wki will look16:43
asackenvandine_wk: i run out now16:43
kenvandine_wkasac: ok16:43
* kenvandine_wk goes to lunch16:43
asackenvandine_wk: let me know when the depends are fixed :) ... also fix the license of the tests please and ship them as part of the package i would suggest16:46
* Nafallo uploads gajim to his PPA16:47
dobeypitti: do you know if/how i can get at the name= argument to setup() from distutils.core.Command()?17:08
pittidobey: sorry, I don't17:08
* Nafallo uploads gajim to Jaunty17:13
dobeyhrmm. i guess testing distutils commands is kind of difficult17:29
pittiseb128: hm, if I plug in my camera now, I don't get the "what do you want to do with it" dialog any more; does that work for you?17:45
seb128pitti: what nautilus version do you run?17:46
seb128pitti: I broke that yesterday and fixed it this morning normally17:46
pittidist-upgraded this morning, rebooted 2 hours ago17:46
seb128pitti: upgrade17:46
seb128-0ubuntu7 you want17:46
pittiah, thanks17:46
seb128pitti: btw while you are there17:47
pittiseb128: I'll tackle gthumb/f-spot now17:47
pittiI think gthumb doesn't unmount any more (bug 351122)17:47
pittiI'm here all the time :)17:47
seb128how often is ddebs.ubuntu.com updated?17:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 351122 in gthumb "gthumb doesn't work with gphoto (was please disable gphoto2 backend for Jaunty)" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35112217:47
seb128pitti: what about f-spot?17:48
* pitti upgrades and hugs seb12817:48
seb128pitti: that should unmount correct17:48
pittiseb128: I'll check both17:48
* seb128 hugs pitti17:48
seb128pitti: and about ddebs update?17:48
pittiseb128: ddeb.u.c.> every 8 hours17:48
seb128ok, I will wait a bit then17:49
pittiit's darn slow, sorry17:49
* pitti wants ddebs in soyuz17:49
seb128that's ok17:49
seb128I just want to get a debug stacktrace for a gvfs crash I ran into17:49
* pitti handholds his retracers a bit more17:49
seb128I uploaded the new version this morning17:49
pittithey seem to not fall over right now17:49
pittiseb128: just in case you have to look up/quick fix something while I'm not there next week: the version in the retracers is lp:~pitti/apport/api.launchpadlib/17:50
chrisccoulsonseb128 - some upstream tracker developers commented on the merge request i did yesterday. the debian maintainer has suggested we enable the new evo plugin. what do you think?17:50
pittiI filed a MIR for python-launchpadlib and a FFE for merging this into the jaunty package17:50
seb128chrisccoulson: that's a good idea17:50
chrisccoulsonthe current evo plugin only indexes the old summary files apparently, so doesn't work now17:51
seb128pitti: ok thanks17:51
seb128chrisccoulson: right, I though the new one was installed but not working in debian17:51
seb128chrisccoulson: that was mentionned in the changelog but not clear17:51
pittieww, killall nautilus doesn't auto-respawn any more17:51
chrisccoulsonseb128 - the new one doesn't get installed unless the build-depends are installed17:51
* pitti remembers the workaround hack17:51
seb128pitti: nautilus --browse &17:52
chrisccoulsonthe old one is installed conditionally, but upstream are talking about just completely removing that now17:52
chrisccoulsonconditionally - unconditionally17:52
seb128get us the new one ;-)17:52
seb128any news about the sqlite issue?17:52
chrisccoulsonboth the debian and ubuntu versions actually use sqlite it seems, so it's not that.17:52
chrisccoulsonthe build flag we pass in debian/rules is obsolete ;)17:53
chrisccoulsonso i've removed that now17:53
chrisccoulsonthe difference is between system libqdbm (debian) and trackers internal libqdbm (ubuntu)17:53
chrisccoulsoni'm going to run an index again later and get some debug info for the upstream bug17:53
seb128the tracker copy should be working if that's what upstream use ;-)17:54
chrisccoulsonupstream use system libqdbm by default ;)17:54
chrisccoulsonwe have to explicitly pass a build flag to use trackers own copy17:54
mvoseb128: will you be around when robert comes online again (or to put it in other words, how good are the chances?)17:59
seb128mvo: I will probably be around (80% of chances)17:59
seb128I will go for dinner and sport soon but I've still some uploads I want to sponsor and bugs to clean tonight17:59
seb128so I will probably be there when he starts17:59
mvoseb128: just that he tests the fix for #333284 :)18:00
mvoseb128: and if its good, we can upload that right away18:01
mvoseb128: the compiz focus stuff18:01
seb128mvo: I guess he tested it yesterday if he asked for sponsoring no?18:02
mvoseb128: I modified the diff, it was a full revert of the git commit and that will be hard to maintain in the future, my diff is smaller, this is why I ask him to re-test18:04
mvo(just one line)18:05
Nafallomvo: got that fix for the terminal-emulator in/ :-)18:05
mvoNafallo: no, I was fighting with python upgrade bugs :(18:05
Nafallomvo: good excuse! :-D18:05
Nafallomvo: can we find a way to blame seb128 ? ;-)18:06
mvoNafallo: there is always a way for this ;)18:06
Nafalloseb128: so... gnome-terminal opens when I want another terminal. considering g-t is yours... ;-)18:07
seb128mvo: ok18:07
seb128Nafallo: no, it's robert_ancell nowadays ;-)18:07
pittivuntz: wrt "gnome-shell 0wns you all without fallback", what's your thought about this?18:07
Nafallohihi :-)18:07
Nafalloseb128: you're going seb64 on us? :-O18:08
pittivuntz: I can't believe that the entire GNOME release team is so narrow-minded, so I hope I misunderstood something18:08
seb128Nafallo: no, mvo was taking care of this one before ;-)18:08
Nafalloseb128: your new nickname is now seb16 :-P18:09
seb128maybe soon I will be "seb" and be able to get sleep during nights while other fix bugs ;-)18:09
Nafalloseb128: during busy times like that we upgrade you to seb2048 ;-)18:09
seb128yeah I noticed!18:10
* Nafallo watches his eeepc chew on upgrades18:10
Nafalloehrm. pidgin installed :-(18:10
Nafallowhat the...18:10
pittiseb128: while I'm at it, mind if I update gthumb to 2.10.11?18:15
seb128pitti: not at all, thanks18:17
* pitti bzrizes it while at it18:17
seb128we should perhaps move it to universe18:17
seb128would be easier for contributors to update it etc this way18:17
seb128I've to run for sport, see you tomorrow18:18
dobeyhmm, i need to get intltool moved over...18:19
sabdflmvo: did mpt discuss launching the update manger minimised with you?19:18
pittikenvandine_wk: reviewing indicate-python now19:27
pittikenvandine_wk: good job wrt. bzr bd and debian/watch :)19:27
chrisccoulsonasac - you there?19:27
mvosabdfl: yes, I'm working on the code right now (should be straightforward to add)19:27
kenvandine_wkpitti: thx19:28
mvosabdfl: the compiz stacking problem is fixed in bzr now btw19:28
sabdflthat's great, thanks mvo. did upstream agree, or grumble?19:28
mvosabdfl: they did not agree, it is a distro patch19:29
mvo(but a small one)19:29
pittikenvandine_wk: reviewed, I commented in the bug report; sorry for the delay19:35
* pitti waves to sabdfl, a seldom guest in this channel :)19:35
sabdflpitti: always lurking, though!19:36
pittisabdfl: as you should, as SABDFL!19:36
pittisabdfl: how's jaunty beta working for you so far ?19:36
sabdflreally beautifully. delightfully!19:36
pittigood to hear :)19:40
chrisccoulsonpitti - would you mind sponsoring a tracker update?20:35
chrisccoulsonshould fix bug 33591120:36
ubottuLaunchpad bug 335911 in tracker "Tracker's Evolution mail indexation hangs Evolution" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33591120:36
james_wthanks chrisccoulson20:46
pittichrisccoulson: can you please sub me? will do tomorrow morning20:49
* pitti -> bed, good night everyone20:50
pittichrisccoulson: many thanks for fixing this20:50
=== bratsche is now known as br_away
dobeyare there any microblog apps that support multiple accounts in a sane way? ie, i don't want to have the same tweet/dent/whatever go to all the accounts, only some21:01
james_wdobey: gwibber, as long as you don't want to do it per-tweet would be a pain.21:13
james_werr, gwibber, as long as you don't want to do it per-tweet21:13
dobeyjames_w: i don't think it actually does what i want21:17
seb128Ampelbein: hey, want to do an update?21:36
ubottuLaunchpad bug 349607 in gnome-codec-install "Codec manager does not find "bad" codecs" [Medium,Triaged]22:43
YokoZar(regression since Intrepid)22:43
YokoZarBasically our prized automatic codec install feature is broken22:43
Ampelbeinseb128: sorry, just came back home. is the update still needed?23:06
seb128Ampelbein: hi, no I did it since23:06
Ampelbeinok, np.23:06
Ampelbeinmaybe next time. we have a exhibition in town this weekend where my employer is taking part. so my free time is somewhat limited.23:07
seb128yeah no problem that was just in case you were looking for one update to do23:08
chrisccoulsonasac - you tried the tracker update?23:43

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