
dtchen/stats p isn't revealing ubuntu-related/member freenode staff; is there a better approach? i have a question concerning my cloak.01:02
LjLdtchen: ask in #freenode01:06
LjLstaff are voiced01:06
LjLdtchen: or try asking here if you like01:06
LjLbut i doubt there's anything i can do about it myself01:06
dtchenok, i'll pop over to #freenode, thanks01:06
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ubot4In #ubuntu-uk, daubers said: ubot4: tea is a very British beverage made from infusing leaves of various tea plants in hot water.13:48
* Myrtti fails to see the need for that factoid14:12
jpdsEveryone loves tea.14:13
MenZaI don't. :(14:13
MyrttiI love coffee, milk and home made squash14:13
MyrttiI still don't think they need factoid14:13
MenZaI want coffee now.14:13
MenZaThanks, Myrtti.14:13
MenZaAnd I can't get any until I go to work in a bit.14:14
jpds!coffee | MenZa14:14
ubottuMenZa: coffee is a caffeinated beverage made by filtering hot water through ground up roasted beans of the coffee plant. Flavouring to taste such as milk or cream, sugar or sweetener are often added afterwards. Not to be confused with !java14:14
* Myrtti rolls eyes14:14
NafalloMyrtti: see... that's why they want tea. they already have coffee ;-)14:37
jpdsNafallo: But is it from the Cafe Brera?14:37
Nafallojpds: I didn't write it.14:38
jpdsThe coffee I meant ;-)14:38
* Nafallo sees lost of small vans with large dishes ;-)14:43
LjLCafe Brera?14:44
NafalloLjL: jpds favourite cafe :-)14:44
LjLBrera is a neighborhood in my city14:44
jester-LjL: i navigli?14:45
LjLjester-: eh? since where is brera at the navigli? :P14:45
LjLjester-: well, at the *ex*navigli perhaps14:45
LjLi mean my geography is... well, it sucks, but i never thought of brera as being near the navigli :(14:50
jester-LjL: nvigli intendevo un'aaltro posto figo o presunto tale15:16
LjLah ok15:19
LjLposto puzzolente piĆ¹ che altro :P15:19
jester-LjL: zanzare non le conti?15:27
LjLjester-: tanto le zanzare oramai ci sono tutto l'anno e dappertutto... ce ne ho una in camera giusto adesso15:28
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MellieI would like to how how to become monderator16:45
LjLmonderator - of what?16:45
Melliethe ubuntu channel16:45
LjL!guidelines | Mellie16:45
ubottuMellie: The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines16:45
LjLyou asked that before16:46
LjLand i think you were answered16:46
MellieOkay i am gonna be away while reading16:46
naliothshould have asked Wednesday - we were giving out ops to anyone that asked17:11

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