
jcastrohey asac/fta00:02
jcastroif we're shipping google gmail and cal prism stuff00:02
jcastrowouldn't it make sense to bundle offline support (gears) with that?00:02
asacjcastro: whats the license of that?00:03
ftai wanted to do that more than a year ago00:04
jcastrobsd afaict00:04
ftai don't remember what stopped me00:04
asacso thats a xulrunner extension ?00:05
jcastrobecause I just set up gears with fta's 3.5 package, and it's pretty awesome00:05
asacjcastro: can you copy the extension into xulrunner-addons and flip the targeta pplication to toolkit@mozilla.org00:05
asacand then see if it just works?00:05
jcastroyeah it's an extensiion00:05
asacjcastro: or give me the xpi ;) ... they dont offer it to me00:06
asacas i run trunk ;)00:07
jcastrohow's that?00:08
ftaso many third_parties in the source tree :P00:11
asacjcastro: http://people.ubuntu.com/~asac/tmp/gears.tgz00:11
asacunpack that in /usr/lib/xulrunner-addons/extensions/00:12
asacand check whether it "just works" ;)00:12
* asac installs prism-gmail00:12
jcastrook, one moment00:12
asacjcastro: oh. also touch /usr/lib/xulrunner-1.9.0*/.autoreg00:12
ftaasac, do you want to just ship a repackaged xpi blob? or build it from source?00:13
asacfta: obviously from source00:13
asacits just for testing00:13
asacnot sure how offline would work in prism ;)00:13
asacguess prism could deserve a offline switch00:13
asacfta: is there a way to access about:config ?00:14
asacjcastro: does that work on amd64 at all?00:14
asacor just 32 bits?00:14
jcastroI am 90% sure it does not00:14
jcastroit's 32 bit only00:14
asacso my test failed00:14
jcastroI am on 32 bit00:14
jcastroone moment00:15
asacjcastro: try it then00:15
asacjcastro: howveer for setting to offline we might need a trick00:15
asachmm ... i guess network-manager _should_ work00:15
jcastrowell, the gmail will tell me if it works00:15
asacthat doesnt work for extensions ;)00:15
asacjcastro: how?00:15
asacjcastro: you can check whether the extension is properly setup in the bottom right menu of prism00:16
jcastroyou click the button and if it doesn't work it tells you you can't go offline00:16
asacthere you can access tools -> addons00:16
asacwell. the source seems to come with full v8 and so on ;)00:16
asacthats ridiculous ;)00:16
fta$ du -sm gears-read-only00:17
fta670     gears-read-only00:17
asacwhat a mess00:17
ftai think that's what stopped me00:18
asacjcastro: so from here i would say its afe to say, that this wont happen for jaunty ;)00:18
jcastroasac: !!!! it worked!00:18
jcastroasac: oh no dude, I was thinking ppa00:18
asacjcastro: cool. thats good news at least ;)00:18
ftahttp://paste.ubuntu.com/142406/ pfff00:19
asacat some point ppa folks will hunt us down for putting tera-bytes of sources in it ;)00:19
jcastroasac: I was just thinking that 3.5+gears in a ppa for laptop users for gcal/gmail would be sweet00:19
asacjcastro: i think we should write a simple how to00:20
jcastrowhat did you do to make that tgz?00:20
asacand ppa when we manage to figure out the packaging00:21
asacjcastro: magic ;)00:21
asacjcastro: poked install.rdf00:21
asacand created a proper top level dir00:21
asacmatching the extension id00:21
jcastroah, I saw people doing that on blogs00:21
asacnot sure if they poked it the way i did though00:22
asaci will look if its submit worthy00:22
asacmaybe we can make it "just" work with upstream .xpis00:22
asacjcastro: do we know anthing about gears release cycle?00:22
asacupdate-cycle actually00:23
asacgood :-P00:23
jcastrolet me hunt down stuff00:23
asacnah. no need to00:23
asacif it makes sense we should submit the generic install.rdf i guess00:23
jcastroI know they keep a copy of it in chromium00:24
asacsome captchas are really ridiculous00:26
ftalp is back00:44
asacthats too late for me ;)00:45
asaci am down00:45
Jazzvaasac: rev 52 pushed. I'll ask for merge so you can see it when you get up :)00:50
ftaarmin76, did you fix that on sparc? http://paste.ubuntu.com/142423/00:59
asacJazzva: its not there yet01:01
asacJazzva: you forgot to push as it seems01:02
asaceven ssh doesnt have it01:02
Jazzvaasac: No new revisions to push.01:02
Jazzvamaybe it's LP lag or something...01:03
Jazzvahmm... I suppose it will be visible soon :/01:03
Jazzvayep, that's the one01:03
asacreally odd. i go through bzr+ssh ... whihc accesses a not mirrored machine i think01:04
Jazzvaasac: http://paste.ubuntu.com/142428/01:04
Jazzvathat's what I get on "bzr push"01:05
asacbzr log -l1 ;)01:05
asacis that 52?01:05
asacso no luck today01:10
asacguess "code" didnt like the maintenance today01:10
asacJazzva: can you paste the diff?01:10
Jazzvaumm, sure01:10
asaci mean the latest patch ;)01:10
JazzvaI think you have the rev 5001:11
asacthat or just the .diff of the patch01:11
asacthe rest is probably good ;)01:11
asaci mean cat debian/patches/yourpatch.diff | pastebinit01:12
Jazzvayeah, just reworded changelog :)01:12
Jazzvaoh, also edit to the Makefile, to include glib for npw-config.c01:12
asacoh that wasnt there. hmm01:13
asacwe can also look tomorrow01:13
asacmaybe the push made it through by then ;)01:13
asaccu. and thanks!01:13
Jazzvaasac: no problem, sorry for the delay :)01:14
asacif we still can gt that fixed in jaunty, the world will be better01:14
asacnot your fault ;)01:14
Jazzvahere's the paste in case you want to inspect01:14
JazzvaI guess this can make it to jaunty01:14
asacJazzva: GLIB_CFLAGS + GLIB_LDFLAGS dont work?01:16
asaci guess we should use those there01:16
JazzvaUmm... not sure, I just tried to copy what npw developers used for other npw-*.c files01:17
asacok. if they use that for glib its probably fine01:18
asacJazzva: they also use GLIB_CFLAGS and _LDFLAGS01:19
Jazzvaasac: hmm, I'll check01:19
asacok.const char **dirs = malloc((n_default_dirs + n_env_dirs + 2) * sizeof(dirs[0]));01:20
asacshouldnt that be env_dirs[0] ?01:20
Jazzvaasac: I left what he used before. And sizeof(dirs[0]) will be sizeof(char *), just as size of(env_dirs[0]) (which is gchar *, which is the same as char *) IIRC01:22
asacok. wonder why he just doesnt do char* but ok01:23
JazzvaI wondered that too01:24
asaci mean it dereferences an unintialized pointer somewhat01:24
asacmeaning: *0xRANDOM01:24
asacof course sizeof isnt runtime01:24
Jazzvaasac: Well, we can always change that and submit upstream :)01:25
asacJazzva: i think we should cache the split array in the get_ function01:25
Jazzvathough, I think this way works too (though, a little bit confusing :))01:25
asacits const char01:25
asacso folks shouldnt free it and we can reuse it01:26
asacJazzva: or does get_mozilla_plugin_dirs cache things?01:26
asacif not dont bother01:26
asacit leaks mem anyway then.01:27
asaci will check the bzr branch tomorrow in detail01:28
Jazzvaok, cu01:28
ftaasac, https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~fta/+junk/ppa-confs10:04
armin76fta: i haven't tried 1.9.1 on sparc lately, so haven't seen that10:06
ftaarmin76, according to http://popcon.ubuntu.com/, we just have 39 sparc users10:10
ftaso, well...10:10
asacarmin76: you are lacking and slacking ;)10:19
asacbundle your sparc builders to our daily build;)10:19
asacgentoo dailies10:19
ftaarmin76, https://edge.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-mozilla-daily/+archive/ppa10:20
* armin76 yawns10:25
ftaasac_, https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/jaunty/+queue?queue_state=0&queue_text=firefox  ???10:36
asac_fta: yeah we pushed it in10:37
=== asac_ is now known as asac
ftafta@ix:~ $ apt-cache madison firefox-3.510:39
ftafirefox-3.5 | 3.5~b4~hg20090401r24201+nobinonly-0ubuntu1~umd1 | http://ppa.launchpad.net jaunty/main Packages10:39
ftafirefox-3.5 | 3.5~b4~hg20090330r24021+nobinonly-0ubuntu1~fta1 | http://ppa.launchpad.net jaunty/main Packages10:39
ftafirefox-3.5 | 3.5~b4~hg20090330r24021+nobinonly-0ubuntu1 | http://archive.ubuntu.com jaunty/universe Sources10:39
ftafirefox-3.5 | 3.5~b4~hg20090330r24021+nobinonly-0ubuntu1~fta1 | http://ppa.launchpad.net jaunty/main Sources10:39
ftafirefox-3.5 | 3.5~b4~hg20090401r24201+nobinonly-0ubuntu1~umd1 | http://ppa.launchpad.net jaunty/main Sources10:39
ftacan't see the bins10:39
ftai thought they were still in the NEW bin queue10:40
asacfta: they are waiting for a publisher run most likely ;)10:40
asacwe bin NEWed them not long ago10:40
asac40 minutes10:41
asacprobably just missed that run10:41
ftastrange i didn't get any email for that whole thing10:41
asacfta: you get a NEW in the beginning thats it10:42
asacwe dont send any "now NEWed" mails10:42
asacirritating, but known :)10:42
ftadidn't get the initial, accepted but delayed for approval, as usual10:48
BUGabundoguud morning11:09
ftafirefox-3.5 | 3.5~b4~hg20090330r24021+nobinonly-0ubuntu1 | http://archive.ubuntu.com jaunty/universe Packages11:14
ftagood, it's in11:14
asacjcastro: does epiphany also have gears for you now?11:40
jcastroasac: nope, doesn't work there14:30
asacjcastro: running epiphany-gecko?14:33
asacmaybe you are on -webkit?14:33
jcastronope, gecko14:33
jcastroI don't see why it would work, it's a firefox extension?14:34
asac_the_bumberi bumb!14:34
asac_the_bumberasac: you guys bumb hppa to?14:35
asachppa is ready for action for us14:36
asacjcastro: its a xulrunner extension14:36
asacephy runs xulrunner14:36
armin76asac: [reed]: under which category should i fill bugs about the configure file?14:38
armin76oh, nvm14:41
Jazzvaasac: I'll set char *'s as const and push a new revision. Then you can release it :)14:42
Jazzva(that is if you reviewed everything else14:42
jtvasac: good news for you—I worked up a sweat last night and fixed all those unreported exceptions with the XPI imports.  Fix is waiting for review.14:44
asacjtv: great14:50
Jazzvaasac: I pushed up to rev 54 https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~jazzva/nspluginwrapper/ubuntu.1.2.2-0ubuntu3/+merge/514015:04
asacJazzva: use GLIB_LDFLAGS too please15:06
asacJazzva: also have you checked that get_plugin_dirs is run just once?15:06
asacotherwise we should cache it15:06
asacand dont do the env parsing over and over again15:06
Jazzvaasac: you mean instead of GTK_LDFLAGS?15:10
Jazzvaasac: I think it's called only once, AFAICS from the code. It's called only to get the list and then it just iterates through it (in auto_{install,remove,update}_plugins and process_list)15:12
asacJazzva: yes15:14
asacJazzva: ok.15:14
asacbut fixing GLIB_LDFLAGS makes more sense for what we are trying to do15:15
Jazzvaasac: fixing? what do you mean?15:15
asacJazzva: using it ;)15:16
Jazzvaasac: instead of GTK_CFLAGS? just checking if I understood correctly15:16
JazzvaI'm running a test build15:17
Jazzvaasac: done, pushed15:19
asacok rejected the previous merge15:20
Jazzvaand proposed a new one for rev 55 :)15:21
asacodd ... there is no diff :(15:22
asacmaybe that takes a bit to generate?15:22
Jazzvahmm, it's generated now15:22
asacno look at the other merge page15:23
asacyou can review the diff directly there15:23
asacits not visible on the new merge for unknown reasons15:23
Jazzvawhere should it be on that page?15:23
Jazzvaok, just to change UNRELEASED to jaunty in changelog15:25
JazzvaI forgot to do that15:26
Jazzvaasac: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~jazzva/nspluginwrapper/ubuntu.1.2.2-0ubuntu3/+merge/5143 sorry for the reproposal15:28
asacJazzva: hold on :) ... so *count = 0 is missing i guess15:28
asacdepending on having that set to 0 is not good i think15:29
Jazzvaasac: int n_env_dirs = 0;15:30
Jazzvaasac: const gchar **env_dirs = get_env_plugin_dirs(&n_env_dirs);15:30
JazzvaI just thought it shouldn't be the get_env_plugin_dirs' job to  set that to 0, since I'm passing it as a parameter. But in this case it wouldn't change anything if it was reset there to 0.15:31
asacyes the problem is inside the get_env_plugin_dirs15:31
asacyou shouldnt depend on whatever the caller sets15:31
asacso just int n_dev_dirs; is enough15:31
Jazzvaaha... so to set it inside the get_env?15:32
asacits best practices that the caller doesnt need to set the value for call by reference. caller is only responsible that the mem is allocated15:32
asacJazzva: right15:32
Jazzvamhm... ok15:32
asacJazzva: so what caller has to do is:15:32
asacint *n_dev_dirs = malloc (sizeof (int));15:32
asacor (int n_dev_dirs;) of course15:33
Jazzvayeah, the second is already there, and then get_env...(&n_env_dirs)15:33
Jazzvaasac: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~jazzva/nspluginwrapper/ubuntu.1.2.2-0ubuntu3/+merge/514615:40
=== thunderstruck is now known as gnomefreak
asacJazzva: merged15:45
Jazzvaasac: noticed, thanks :)15:46
JazzvaI'll mark branch as merged... or is that done automatically...15:46
thunderstruckoh what the fuck15:49
=== thunderstruck is now known as gnomefreak
asacJazzva: should be automatically i think15:52
* asac_the_bumber has patches, asac doesn't15:56
gnomefreakasac: what version of pango is used in TB3 and FF 3.5 3.6?16:25
asacgnomefreak: the current version16:25
gnomefreakmakes me wonder why they dont fail to build since it is a core bug16:27
gnomefreakthis is the upstream patch https://bug478871.bugzilla.mozilla.org/attachment.cgi?id=36964816:28
asacbug 197911 bug 19569816:29
ubottuLaunchpad bug 197911 in firefox-3.0 "Multiple Software Security Device popups" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/19791116:29
ubottuLaunchpad bug 195698 in firefox "Password asked separately for each tab that requires it " [Unknown,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/19569816:29
=== thunderstruck is now known as gnomefrak
=== gnomefrak is now known as gnomefreak
gnomefreakanyone getting keyring errors in Gwibber?16:47
gnomefreaklooks like it froze now16:48
gnomefreakits nokeyringdaemonerror  when trying to retrieve messages and replies16:50
gnomefreakand it keeps crashing16:51
MirvWas there a reason http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~asac/ubufox/main/revision/141.1.1 resetted browser.throbber.url and app.update.url.details to the English version instead of localized ones? No in Jaunty only English is shown even though localized versions would be there. (when offline)17:09
asacMirv: which language was reset?17:13
Mirvasac: all that had the localized version in use before that commit, eg. fi, lt. In the bug report the changes are claimed to come from, I submitted a tarball that did use the localized version URL.17:15
MirvI now wrote details at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubufox/+bug/35392417:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 353924 in ubufox "Offline home page URLs resetted to English version for all languages" [Undecided,New]17:15
MirvIn that commit, all files under "files modified" title are the same: release notes changed to 810 and URLs resetted from the localized ones to the English one (even if in the bug report #283517 localized URLs would have been offered)17:16
asacseems to be a bug17:17
asacseems lots of translations were added17:17
asacand the modified ones have regressions17:17
asacbut not all17:17
asacactually havent found any other language than FI ;)17:17
asacbug 28351717:18
ubottuLaunchpad bug 283517 in ubufox "ubufox 0.6pre lacks translations for new strings" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/28351717:18
Mirvpt-BR, lt, uk, cs_CZ17:18
asacMirv: those are already in intrepid, arent they?17:19
Mirvel_GR, it_IT, ru_RU, sl_SI, sv_SE. and that fi.17:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 283517 in ubufox "ubufox 0.6pre lacks translations for new strings" [High,Fix released]17:20
asacisnt that what we have now?17:20
asacseems saivvan didnt do it right17:20
Mirvasac: probably. I think I never checked if that bug was really fixed for intrepid, since normally I am not offline :)17:20
asacbut those should be in intrepid or is it just jaunt?17:20
Mirvlet me check with my intrepid to make sure17:21
asacseems we have to rereview that commit17:22
asacand fix regressions17:22
asacbut tomorrow17:22
asachave to run17:22
Mirvinteresting, looks like it works in intrepid for some reason or another17:22
asacit ws committed before 0.6 final17:24
asacwhich should be what we have in intrepid17:24
MirvI'll check it a bit more17:25
asacMirv: maybe intrepid still has the alternative which is right for you for fi17:25
asacso in theory you would always get fi even if you used one of the other languages that point to that generic path now17:25
Mirvasac: in intrepid the starpage.html constructed the URL by itself17:29
Mirvso that's why the URLs in ubufox.properties did not matter. somehow that same thing doesn't now work in jaunty17:30
asacgood point17:31
Mirvand it's probably related to http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~asac/ubufox/main/revision/149 somehow ("drop localizable general.useragent.locale pref from ubuntu-mods.js to unbreak mozilla usage stats")17:31
asaci will check that17:31
asacyeah. i have to check17:32
asacthought i fixed everything17:32
Mirvthere is some code still there, but it doesn't work at the moment17:32
Mirvok, thans17:32
gnomefreakasac: where is the profile kept for gwibber? i dont see a .gwibber17:32
asacgnomefreak: have to run17:32
asaci would think there17:32
asacor in .gnome2/gwibber17:32
asacor in .config/gwibber17:32
gnomefreakok ill look17:33
gnomefreakits .gconf/apps/gwibber/ and its not being very helpful17:37
BUGabundo_asac ping17:53
BUGabundo_asac https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mobile-broadband-provider-info/+bug/35395717:55
ubottuLaunchpad bug 353957 in mobile-broadband-provider-info "wrong APN" [Undecided,New]17:56
Mirvasac: ok added some more details to bug #353924 ... it seems there is zero way in jaunty to get the user's language otherwise than Accept-Language HTTP header, since everything is hard-coded to en-US.18:22
ubottuLaunchpad bug 353924 in ubufox "Offline home page always English (browser language hard-coded to en-US)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35392418:22
MirvI believe it also breaks all pages that expect to show correct language via javascript instead of PHP18:23
MirvI now reopened bug #11791518:25
ubottuError: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: timed out (https://launchpad.net/bugs/117915/+text)18:25
=== jetsaredim2 is now known as jetsaredim
asacMirv: i have attached a patch. you can just apply it after apt-get source ubufox and build with debuild -b19:55
jcastroasac: hey so sorry I dropped out early last night, what was the plan as far as prism/gears? (I am assuming you have no time to look at it until past release)20:07
asacjcastro: yeah. we can investigate then. just wondered if it works for epiphany too now that you installed it in system xulrunner20:07
jcastroyeah it definately doesn't20:07
asacbut you already denied it ;)20:07
asaci will check with the prism guy then if he did something to make this happening20:08
jcastroasac: I am unsure if it would make sense to ship it with xulrunner unless one installs a prism app20:08
jcastroso like, only install it if I install prism-google-mail or something20:08
asacjcastro: i need to figure out if it would work in all xulapps20:08
asacepiphany is a bit special because its not a xulapp, but rather just an embedder20:09
asacjcastro: it would be a separate package for sure20:09
asaci will dig out a simple browser xulapp for you to check ;)20:10
Mirvasac: tried the patch, does not seem to help. did you read the updated description? it's en-US everywhere, so there's not much to get something else out of20:11
jcastroasac: I think this whole thing is FF specific tbh20:11
asacMirv: you sure you didnt manually tweak your preferred lanaguages list in firefox?20:12
asace.g. the one in preferences -> content20:12
asacjcastro: well. prism doesnt have much with firefox in common ;)20:12
asacat least not more than any other xulapp ;)20:13
Mirvasac: there is Finnish (fi) first, English (en) second...20:13
jcastroasac: ah ok, fair enough20:13
Mirvasac: I have touched those, though20:13
Mirvasac: I also tried with mv .firefox test20:14
Mirv.mozilla, that is20:14
asacMirv: can you run that in tools -> error console please20:14
asac(e.g. hit clear first)20:14
Mirvasac: en-US20:15
Mirvalso the bug report has the .html attachment which gives en-US for everything in jaunty and fi-FI in intrepid20:16
asacyeah obviously kind of sucks ;)20:16
Mirvand that's why I reopened bug #117915 now20:17
ubottuLaunchpad bug 117915 in firefox-3.0 "Firefox navigator.language always return en-US" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/11791520:17
asacMirv: err. the ubuntu starpage online works right20:17
Mirvasac: it probably uses PHP to get Accept-Language, but it's not receivable via javascript20:17
asacso we need to fix the other bug which was made wontfix upstream because we shouldnt use the other mechanism20:20
asacMirv:  can we close the old bug please and open a regression bug instead?20:25
Mirvasac: yes I'll do that.20:26
Mirvso what has changed since intrepid?20:27
asacMirv: lets keep it ;)20:27
asacMirv: we dropped localized pref for user locale20:27
Mirvso no closing of the old bug? :)20:28
asacMirv: its fine20:29
asacusually i dont like reopening old bugs20:29
asacif its a regression its a different bug20:29
asacthis is different because its an upstream bug20:29
Mirvok. I have to flee now, but good that the problem is becoming understood20:30
gnomefreakok its fixed :)20:55
[reed]asac: upstream bug?21:00
gnomefreakasac: bug 347972 is fixed debdiff attached21:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 347972 in ubufox "Does not work with Shiretoko Web Browser (Firefox 3.5)" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34797221:12
gnomefreakdamn it21:26
gnomefreakits fixed im working out kinks in branching21:26
gnomefreakok fixed i can go eat dinner now its already 4:30pm21:32
armin76fta: from what i can tell, that sparc failure its because its using a solaris function, yay...21:33
armin76[reed]: mozilla bug 476042 uses a solaris function, should i open a new bug or comment there?21:39
ubottuMozilla bug 476042 in JavaScript Engine "Integrate sparc nanojit intro tracemonkey" [Normal,Resolved: fixed] http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=47604221:39
[reed]new bug21:39
armin76k, thanks21:39
[reed]mark dependencies correct21:39
armin76mozilla bug 48658421:54
armin76have fun21:54
ubottuMozilla bug 486584 in JavaScript Engine "tracemonkey uses Solaris-only code on SPARC" [Normal,New] http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=48658421:54
ftaarmin76, thanks22:00
gnomefreakasac: ok i provided a fix for the above ubufox bug, it was easy and fast so i didnt do anything else to it.22:05
gnomefreakim gone ;)22:06
=== rzr is now known as rZr
ftaasac, SEAMONKEY_1_1_16_RELEASE23:40
rZrasac: i'll be back for FB tomorow k ?23:41

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