
ubottuabstrakt called the ops in #ubuntu ()00:10
* genii sips04:10
geniijussi01: ping04:11
geniiIs ubuntuforums still lime green and neon pink or is it finally finished with? 04:13
jdongit's been gone for several hours04:24
jdongthe theme could be changed in the bottom left 04:24
geniiThank goodness. I didn't want to have to wait til after noon in Samoa or something04:25
Flannelubottus still dead05:12
FlannelFigures.  As soon as I ban someone05:28
nickrud#ubuntu is an addiction. It doesn't matter what else is going on in my life, I have to have a fix05:50
Flannelnickrud: First support request is free....05:53
PriceyFlannel: council are able to restart it06:10
PriceyFlannel: i didn't this time, but if it dies, prod one of us06:10
=== Ubotwo` is now known as Ubotwo
=== rnM_LFml is now known as LjL
elkyFlannel, you at least marked it, yes?07:18
Flannelelky: ubottu wasn't in the room, how could I mark it?07:19
FlannelI intend to go back and annotate the ban, yes.07:19
elkyFlannel, i meant after ubottu returned. with @mark etc07:26
Flannelelky: That doesn't make sense.  I'm supposed to mark the log with almost no scrollback?07:26
FlannelBut, ubottu picked up the ban from the list, and I gave some background for it.07:27
elkyoh, it picks up from the list now? nice07:30
tsimpsonwith a little manual intervention07:31
tsimpsonand (apparently) treats @mark's as bans...07:32
tsimpsonand so marks those as removed07:32
Tm_Tany #k ops awake?09:18
Tm_Tbeside me ofcourse (:09:18
Mezbug 09:19
Mezbug 35073209:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 350732 in asterisk "IAX2 encryption: calls end abrutly due to normal packet loss" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35073209:19
* genii wanders in with a coffee09:28
geniiTm_T: I just got here but not too awake09:28
Tm_Troger, see logs of that troll? might return I believe09:28
geniiTm_T: underbyte ?09:29
Tm_TI rarely see that obviously a troublemaker09:29
Tm_Tthough I could be wrong as always09:29
geniiOK, I'll keep an eye out. although it's about 4:30 am 09:29
Tm_Tnp, I'm here for a while still09:29
geniiI seem to miss all excitement :( #k is rarely a problem usually09:30
elkyikonia, sometimes i think it'd be a good idea to have something like #ubuntu-dont-try-this-at-home to direct people who ask for instructions to break their computer09:54
ikoniaelky: I'm watching him as he was just removed from #fedora/#centos for the same thing09:54
ikonia"I want it to run like windows" etc09:54
ikonia%90 certain it's a troll attempt09:55
elkythe nick *is* familiar09:55
Tm_Twhat nick?09:55
elky@bansearch thefeds09:55
ubottuNo matches found for thefeds!n=user@c122-106-176-2.belrs3.nsw.optusnet.com.au in any channel09:55
elkyhe's in BT from 2 weeks ago09:59
ubot3In #ubuntu-cn, iNutshell said: !jaunty is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyReleaseSchedule10:17
ikoniajyf1987_: hello there ? 10:24
ikoniajyf1987_: how can we help10:24
* jussi01 waves in ikonia's direction10:26
ikonia@bansearch jyf1987_10:26
ubottuNo matches found for jyf1987_!n=jyf1987@ in any channel10:26
Tm_Ttopyli: you failed (:10:31
topyliTm_T: irssi's auto_bleh.pl doesn't use remove automatically :(10:32
* topyli learns10:32
Tm_TI know (:10:32
topyliteh sev eas is wiser!10:35
tsimpsonyou don't need the space if he's not here ;)10:36
topyliyou never know!10:37
Tm_Tthat's a real circus, that -ot10:41
elkytopyli, time for some sed action then11:03
jussi01!search jussi0111:04
ubottuFound: ops-#ubuntustudio, ops, ops-#kubuntu-devel, ops-#kubuntu, jussi01, owner, ops-#kubuntu-offtopic11:04
jussi01!no, jussi01 is <reply>Careful!11:05
ubottuI'll remember that jussi0111:05
topylielky: nah, it's an user error. /ak versus /ar11:09
elkytechnical solutions to social problems are not always bad11:10
topyliheh. chanserv.py is more topyli friendly. it thinks ahead: "he really means remove even tough he says kick"11:11
elkyrealias time instead ;)11:12
* ikonia phones x_'s isp that he works for to tell him he's on IRC during the working day :)11:45
* Myrtti slaps her hands for wanting to toss in !offtopic to #ubuntu11:46
ikoniadone it11:48
* jussi01 prods ikonia11:53
ikonia12:01 -!-          * ikoniaz   H   0  n=x@ [x]12:02
ikoniauser I've just banned clearly going to try to be an issue12:02
ikoniahe was x_ - now has come back as ikoniaz12:06
ikoniawell, not that I know of12:07
Garyis his ip muted?12:07
ikoniahe was in #ubuntu as x_ got banned came back as ikoniaz (ban obviously blocked him)12:07
ikoniaGary: ip banned12:07
ikoniano doubt he's pm'ing people in #debian or something else12:08
ikoniadon't mind as long as it's on record it's n ot me12:08
ikonianot me12:08
Garyikonia: pm'd it12:08
ikoniaif he's doing nothing I don't care, just good chance of naughtyness after telling me I couldn't ban him as he worked at an ISP - then logged straight back in as "me" 12:09
bazhang<Yamata> is ikonia a troll DLange?  wth12:09
bazhangpot meet kettle :/12:09
Myrttihello Bambi03, how can we help you?12:09
Myrttilulz at #freenode12:10
bazhangthat yamata is fujisan?12:11
Bambi03Myrtti, im looking for a Ubuntu channel were i can search for people to interview for our master thesis about Ubuntu, without getting kicked out 12:11
Myrttiis he?12:11
bazhangnew ip and ident if so12:11
ikoniaBambi03: I'm sure if you asked in #ubuntu-offtopic a few people would let you pm them for an interview12:11
Bambi03when i try joining ubuntu-offtopic im ending at this channel12:12
ikonia@bansearch Bambi03 12:12
ubottuMatch: *!*@!#ubuntu-ops by jussi01 in #ubuntu-offtopic on Apr 01 2009 09:26:56 (ID: 11905)12:12
Bambi03so i joined that channel and posted our notice, but i guess they felt i was floating12:13
ikoniaahh you flooded/spammed the channel 12:13
MyrttiBambi03: the last time you asked in -offtopic, you used a cut and paste and spammed the channel with flood12:13
Myrttithe notice isn't very cut'n'paste IRC friendly12:13
GaryBambi03: it might be more effective to actually talk to people, not paste a premade script12:14
Myrttiif I take the ban off, would you mind rewording it to shorter, about 160char long thing, with a link to the notice of yours?12:14
Bambi03no i realised afterwords, been along time since i used IRC, not sinse Counter strike12:14
Bambi03I will do that, thanks, 12:15
Myrttiyou can enter the channel now12:15
Bambi03thank you for your help12:15
bazhangikoniaz is now known as ikonia_  <-- ikonia 12:16
ikoniagary is all over it though12:16
ikoniajust leaving well alone12:16
MyrttiBambi03: can we help you in any other way?12:16
Garyikonia: on it, I don't like impersonation12:16
ikoniaGary: not even batting an eyelid - I can see you're on it12:17
* Myrtti gives Gary cookies and tea12:17
Bambi03only if you want to get interviewet :) 12:17
Bambi03my Ubuntu is working fine12:17
ikoniaha ha, he couldn't use ikonia_ as it is my linked nick with nickserv protection on 12:18
bazhanghe wants a cloak haha12:18
ikoniahe doesn't hes just messing around12:18
bazhangshades of panarchy12:18
ikoniaalthough clearly not the l33t ISP guru he said he was, as hes not managed to change his IP / ident yet12:19
Garyalso is not a new user, as they know ip bans ignore cloaks12:19
topyliBambi03: if there is nothing else, please leave this channel. ops need it for work12:20
ikoniais rich serious ?12:20
elkywho where?12:20
geniiwhat? when?12:20
Garyikonia: lol12:21
bazhangthey're stealin' ur nicks12:21
Garynom nom nom12:21
jussi01!idle | Bambi0312:21
ubottuBambi03: Please keep in mind that this channel is for operator/abuse questions only; we ask you to part when you have no further business here in order to keep track of users with pending inquiries.12:21
elkyGary, Yamata *IS* panarchy12:21
ikoniathat ended that argument12:21
ikoniaelky: ooh rally that's panarchy's 3rd kline evade12:21
ikoniaelky: how do you know that12:21
elkyGary, he stalked me over to OSDC and swapped to that nick after being told to go away12:21
elkyer, oftc12:22
bazhanghe impersonated fujisan (yamata)12:22
ikoniaelky: do you mean fujisan - not panarchy12:22
elkyoh, i'm confusing panarchy fujisan12:22
* elky headdesks12:22
elkyalthough, i'm yet to be convinced they're not the same12:22
ikoniaGary: "thanks" 12:22
elkythey both think cloaks give them free access12:23
elkyGary, ignore me. i'm not lucid12:23
Garyelky: sure :-)12:23
elkythey're all freaks. confusing them for each other cannot be helped12:24
Garysorry did elky say something?12:25
bazhangand somewhere they meet and plot..12:25
* jussi01 plots against bazhang :P12:25
elkygee, that freenode staffer gary is so silly, dont you all agree?12:26
bazhang<thefeds> tell me how to autologin root12:27
Myrttihe, again?12:28
Myrttiwget is such a lovely thing12:30
geniijussi01: I had to laugh. Even in his apology he had to use a short form12:31
jussi01genii: yeah...12:32
jussi01I tell you he is gonna get a 24h ban soon.12:32
jussi01cause it just keeps happening...12:32
bazhangchowder and fogobogo are known archlinux-offtopic trolls fyi12:36
ikoniafogobogo is ban evading12:37
ikonia@bansearch fogobogo12:37
ubottuNo matches found for fogobogo!n=fogobogo@port-92-202-112-3.dynamic.qsc.de in any channel12:37
ikoniaI banned him the other day from #ubuntu12:37
ikoniaahh he's in -ot - sorry 12:38
elkyyou know, we could take the #debian-fr approach (re #ubuntu*) to this and just ban on-sight anyone from that channel in ours12:38
bazhangand chowder is being a bit rude imo12:38
elkyoh, it's not april 1st any more? darn.12:38
bazhangtalking about trolling #debian12:39
ikoniaI'll change fogobo's ban to a nick ban rather than IP as he's changed that12:39
elkyand micca just appeared in #debian12:39
bazhang<micca> lol ok so shall we head over and all ask somethign silly with ubuntu? ;)12:40
jussi01oh dear...12:43
Garyelky: yes12:43
jussi01genii: say something nice to eagles... I cant... 12:43
bazhangI'm ready to kb him and chowder and fogobogo from #ubuntu just on general trolling planning12:43
geniiI'm actually tempted to visit there now12:43
ikoniabazhang: fogobogo isn't in #ubuntu12:44
bazhangikonia, oh right my mistake12:44
ikoniajust made the same12:46
bazhang* [JustKemp] (n=matt@d58-110-93-184.rdl2.qld.optusnet.com.au): purple12:46
bazhangwth is this trolling day?12:46
elkyi can *feel* my intelligence dropping just watching that crap12:46
MyrttiAustralia FTW \o/12:47
geniiI think there might be some gentoo troll in #u12:47
elkyGary, are all these twits in the same channel somewhere?12:48
Myrttiit looked like a bot12:48
elky(other than -ot)12:48
geniiMyrtti: I realised after a couple more comments by it that it was indeed a bot12:49
elkyi think it's time to op up as a general warning, yes?12:52
ubottubazhang called the ops in #ubuntu-offtopic (JustKemp)12:53
bazhangwoops sorry elky 12:53
bazhangdid not see you op up12:53
ikoniaseems a bit of a stupid day today 12:54
geniiDarn. I was hoping he'd regale us of his insightful discusssion with the bot 12:55
elkyi am quite sick of all this lag12:55
elkyi wonder if it's the server i'm connecting to, or australian latency12:55
bazhangready to ban thefeds12:55
elkyi think it's time to reconfig bip and restart12:56
Myrttibazhang: yup12:56
geniiBah "how hard is it to get permabanned" etc etc etc12:56
Garycan I mute him yet?12:58
geniiWell, 8AM and I'm still up from the night before. Time for sleep. Have fun.12:59
bazhangnight genii 13:00
bazhangthefeds reminds me of [2]/another nick; also spent some time in #kubuntu iirc13:01
bazhangcant remember the other nick though13:01
bazhang[I> So here you aSo here you are, talking to a robot.  (via PM)13:02
elkybed for me too. ciao13:02
ikoniabazhang: close the window, forget about it13:03
bazhangikonia, ban it first?13:03
ikonianot seen him, dunno13:04
bazhanghe's back after being removed13:04
ikoniagetting tired of curtis knowingly trying to ban dodge13:12
bazhangah wondered who that was13:12
ikoniahis "school changed it's ip"13:13
ikoniayet he's banned by nick13:13
ikoniachanged his nick from curtis to "cuti" then joined ubuntu, 13:14
ikoniaI watched him do it, came onto the server as curtis, then changed to "curt" to dodge the ban, nothing to do with ip13:14
bazhangat least be a bit more clever, sheesh.13:14
bazhangremoving a single letter is not exactly great spycraft13:14
ikoniaI wonder if it's worth getting staff to take a look at it as the ban dodging must be on like his 10th attempt13:16
bazhangentering sken/dingding territory there13:17
ubottuThe operation succeeded.13:20
ikonia@mark #ubuntu curt curtis ban dodgine again, tried curti to get past nick ban, then "james" to get past nick ban, still picked up on ident, although he has changed IP again13:21
ubottuThe operation succeeded.13:21
ubottuNo matches found for!*@* in any channel13:22
tsimpsonbansearch only searches for bans on online (or recently online) nicks13:38
Mez!tea is a very British beverage made from infusing leaves of various tea plants in hot water.14:04
ubottuI'll remember that, Mez14:04
ubottuHuufarted called the ops in #ubuntu (magishen)14:08
prince_jammysnick: Magishen, shouting, cursing, HELP ME HELP, etc.14:08
prince_jammysoh, at #ubuntu14:08
ikonia14:16 -!- Tcl [n=EggDrop@bzq-84-108-200-162.cablep.bezeqint.net] has joined #ubuntu14:16
ikoniabot ?14:16
Myrttitcl and eggdrop... matches...14:17
ikoniaaction ?14:17
ikoniamute ?14:17
Myrttididn't respond to !list14:17
Myrttiok, it's not a b ot14:18
tsimpsonlooks human14:18
ikoniaresponds like a human14:18
ikonia@mark #ubuntu jarie 14:19 <ikonia> you're muted in the channel until you can learn to discuss things properly and objectivly14:20
ubottuThe operation succeeded.14:20
ikonia14:19 <Jarie> fuck you bitch14:20
ikoniaI feel loved14:24
ikonia@bansearch miik14:28
ubottuNo matches found for miik!n=lolcat@c-e313e455.041-5-73746f7.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se in any channel14:28
ikoniaahh I'm sure he was a problem in #ubuntu the other day14:28
bazhanghe was14:28
bazhangkget? linuxrevolution14:33
PicipodNot actually on the ipod, just don't want to remove my other connection15:05
PicipodI could be ZarroBoogs again, but that confuses people and scares LjL15:06
jpdsLjL: us.archive is in London.15:07
jpdsCurious, isn't it'15:07
bazhangbetter he be scared Picipod :)15:07
Picipodjpds: quite15:08
LjLjpds: i know, but not my fault, it's *supposed* to be the mirror "closest" to US residents...15:08
popeybut nobody has stepped up to run a US wide mirror though have they?15:12
popeybecause they'd get flooded on release day15:12
popeyhence why us. still points to the box in the uk15:12
=== thunderstruck is now known as gnomefreak
=== thunderstruck is now known as gnomefreak
ubottuIn ubottu, spapawan said: hi this is pawan saxena. my business web is www.spaindia.net  let us chat business !!16:07
LjLbanned already16:07
Picipodlet us chat business!16:09
LjLPici: how long did it take you to type that?16:10
PicipodLjL: very quickly. I just read it.16:10
LjLnalioth, could you set keeptopic/topiclock for #ubuntu-proxy-users? the channel had no topic and we ṕrobably aren't looking at it very often16:22
LjLPicipod: you're actually trying to give support in #ubuntu from an ipod? you're crazy16:23
PicipodLjL: I'm actually on mibbit.  I don't want to sacrifice my logs on my other nick.16:23
PicipodPlus my ZarroBoogs nick scared you.16:23
LjLPicipod: yeah well zarro means something i think might be akin to "chav", but scarier, in italian :P16:24
PicipodLjL: That is scary.16:24
PicipodLjL: If you search for something on Bugzilla, and no results are returned, it says "Zarro boogs found"16:25
LjLis Mellie known? (realname reminds me of something)16:36
LjLuhm, yes they are.16:37
=== thunderstruck is now known as gnomefrak
=== gnomefrak is now known as gnomefreak
topyliPicipod: oh "zarro boogs" is a bugzilla thing? i thought it was just gnome's bugzilla16:41
Picipodtopyli: indeed16:41
LjLPicipod: #ubuntu - [17:41:07] <n2diy> anybody suggest a good time tracker suitable for billing customers?16:41
LjLshould be your realm :P16:41
topyliPicipod: meh, and here i've been thinking all these years "oh those gnome hackers are so funny"16:42
LjLhi mellie16:43
LjLcan we help you?16:43
MellieI wil16:44
MellieSorry wrong channel16:44
LjLwrong channel my pants16:44
LjLMehdi: Mibbit is currently banned from #ubuntu-offtopic16:50
LjLdue to abuse, i guess16:50
Mehdiactually, I've never entered that channel before16:50
LjLMehdi: wait a minute please16:50
LjLMehdi: i've set a temporary exception for you to join16:51
Mehdiawesome, i appreciate it16:51
LjLhi thiebaude16:51
thiebaudehi ljl16:51
LjLMehdi: if you have no other issues to enquire operators about, please part this channel16:53
LjLAmaranth: any specific reason you banned the whole of mibbit from -offtopic?16:56
Myrttibecause mibbit is iiiiivil16:56
LjLis not16:56
topylimibbit will be wonderful when i setup my giant firefox-only web-appliance in the living room16:57
ikoniaPicipod: best nick of the day, thank you17:12
LjLi'll just remove the ban on mibbit for now, and change it into an ident ban on the actual offender17:12
topyli*sigh* lots of newbies on +1 again17:20
topylialong with smartasses who tell them they're using an inferior text editor to edit their menu.lst17:21
ikoniaI wonder17:22
LjLtopyli: well, it's well known that inferior text editors produce inferior quality config files which may more easily break17:22
LjLtopyli: are you often doing support in +1?17:23
topylii try not to17:24
topylii sometimes go there to talk about, you know, what the channel is for. but i end up trying to tell newbies nicely to use a stable system17:24
LjLtopyli: eh well you might consider asking for op privs in there, it's neglected by a majority of the ops me included17:25
ikoniaI'm active in there a fair bit 17:25
topylican't blame you LjL 17:25
LjLikonia: i said a majority, not all of them17:26
LjL!etiquette > xs67634    (xs67634, see the private message from ubottu)17:30
ikonia7/whois xs6763417:33
ikoniais he known ?17:33
ikoniaoh, he's well gone17:33
LjLikonia: he was on something that might have been a proxy, too17:33
LjLikonia: whowas him17:34
ikoniadid - hence how I know he's gone17:34
LjLikonia: and you also know that comcast address wasn't really his own17:34
ikoniayou can see it maps to something else in the whowas17:35
LjLtopyli: meh, he can't even ask the right question *which he already asked us previously*17:43
LjLtopyli: of course you know why he can't register?17:44
topylihe's banned of course17:44
LjLtopyli: no, well maybe, but i don't think so17:44
LjLtopyli: /msg nickserv help register gives you /msg nickserv register <password> <email>17:44
LjLhe's putting the < > there17:44
LjLcould bet on it17:45
topylivery advanced17:47
LjLtopyli: oh god, it's even worse than i thought17:49
LjLtopyli: alright, that's one more highlight for me *sigh*18:00
topylii wonder if poor ubuntucop lives long18:01
ikoniagentlemen, I will leave you to the nut house 18:02
Tm_Thmmmm, I notice snuxoll has joined to our channel, welcome18:06
snuxolloh, am I still in here18:09
snuxollhehe, oops18:09
LjLsnuxoll: go away18:09
snuxollLjL: fine, be that way ):18:09
LjLyou want a ban? UH? YOU WANT A BAN?18:09
Tm_TI do?18:10
jussi01that Tm_T guy should have been baned long ago...18:11
Tm_TI agree18:11
MyrttiI believe all the trolls aree from  Australia18:23
Myrtti(and Italy)18:24
LjLMyrtti: you only say that because you use an inferior operating system.18:25
LjL-ot is becoming the troll pit, and club the serious channel18:57
jussi01oh dear...19:02
jussi01where the heck has facebook hidden the make a new event now?19:02
ubottuIn ubottu, bimberi said: ooo3 is OpenOffice.org 3 packages are available via https://launchpad.net/~openoffice-pkgs/+archive/ppa20:25
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ooo320:25
ubottua free and open source office suite that includes word processor, spreadsheet, presentation, vector drawing and database components. To install: "sudo apt-get install openoffice.org". For (unofficial) repositories containing OpenOffice.org 3, see https://launchpad.net/~openoffice-pkgs/+archive/ppa. User help available in #openoffice.org.20:25
bimberiHi.  Please ignore my !ooo3 request.  LjL has applied the cluebat to me appropriately :)20:30
ubottuIn #ubuntu+1, MTecknology said: !76 is <reply>System 76 offers some free material such as flyers and stickers. http://knowledge76.com/index.php/76er_Program20:31
LjLnah, that wasn't a cluebat20:31
* LjL won't add that factoid unless someone knows more about that20:33
Seeker`someone should make a bot that bans anyone with an unhealthy amount of 'l's in their name20:35
LjLlike me?20:36
topyliwell it's 66%, so...20:37
LjLcwillu: how may we mess with you today?22:20
cwillubjsnider in #ubuntu+1 is kinda disturbing the peace I think22:20
LjLlemme see22:20
cwilluI mean, "visual studio" isn't really a good answer for "what's a good editor for systems programming", no?22:21
cwilluof course, now he's stopped, so nevermind :p22:21
ikonia@bansearch Iceman_B^Ltop22:26
ubottuNo matches found for iceman_b^ltop!n=ice@41-163.surfsnel.dsl.internl.net in any channel22:26
ikoniaicebuntu ?22:26
sllidei'm banned from #ubuntu22:33
sllidebut i never joined 0.o22:33
ikoniahi core22:33
LjLlet me check something22:34
sllideoh lol22:34
LjLnot sure what's funny, but ok22:34
LjLsllide: you can join now22:35
sllide<22:31> <LjL> sllide: ask about that in #ubuntu-ops please22:35
sllidethats funny22:35
sllidei lol @ everything22:36
LjLwell, try to avoid doing that too much in #ubuntu please :)22:36
ubottuPlease don't use "LOL" and "OMG" and so forth on a regular basis. This is IRC, not IM, and using those lines on their own is not required, and it is rather annoying to the rest of the people in the channel; thanks.22:36
sllidei lold at it XD22:37
LjLsllide: well, sorry for the inconvenience, and enjoy #ubuntu22:40
sllidei wasnt going to talk anyway22:40
Tm_Tonly lol?22:41
* Tm_T hides22:41
sllideno nothing22:42
sllidei was so bored i joined the channel with the most users22:42
sllideto read22:42
sllidei not even have ubuntu XD22:42
Seeker`sllide: please leave if there isn't anything else you need22:42
sllidedoes that one person mind?22:43
sllidei'm reading and trying to learn about ubuntu22:43
sllidebcuz i'm maiby going to download it22:44
ubottuPlease keep in mind that this channel is for operator/abuse questions only; we ask you to part when you have no further business here in order to keep track of users with pending inquiries.22:45
sllideoh you ment this channel22:46
_VIM_Hi if anyone was wondering if gnorris is up to no good, he's ok... he asked a few times in #Ubuntu if anyone needed help and to PM him, i kind of thought that was suspicious, like maybe he's telling people to sudo rm -rf stuff, So i told him i needed help with evolution, he really does help. ok thats all i wanted to say, bye :D23:25
LjLstill, malicious or not, he needs to stop that...23:31
LjL(Flaret is me and i'm trying to find out whether gnorris might actually be malicious, i've not gone crazi[er])23:43
Seeker`LjL: don't worry, didn't think that was possible23:45
LjLSeeker`: i *might* just hit the +b button by mistake, though23:45
LjL[00:45:36] <-- eros331 has left this server ("Signal to noise ratio too high.  Thanks anyhow.").23:46
LjLdidn't he mean "too low" there?23:46
Tm_Tno, things was getting too clear, making trolling harder?23:47
LjLhi gnorris23:53
LjLthe rude rude person who "parted" you was me23:53
LjLyou were told several times to stop spamming the channel with offers to help23:53
gnorristhats nice i was in the middle of helping someone23:53
LjLit's fine to help23:53
LjLit's not fine to spam the channel with such pointless messages23:53
LjLit's a help channel23:53
gnorrisim im the midddle of helping some one23:53
Tm_Tthat's.... 23:54
LjL... a banforward23:54
LjL@mark #ubuntu-ops gnorris Very uncooperative here.23:54
ubottuThe operation succeeded.23:54
Seeker`he'll be back then?23:54
LjLif he tries to join again.23:55
LjL[00:55:11] <gnorris> What23:55
LjL[00:55:32] <LjL> you won't be allowed back into #ubuntu until we're finished with that discussion.23:55
LjL[00:55:47] <gnorris> Are you an administrator23:56
LjL[00:55:56] <LjL> administrator of what?23:56
LjL[00:56:02] <LjL> please join #ubuntu-ops23:56
LjLhi again23:57
LjLgnorris, as i was saying23:57
LjL1) spamming the channel, even if it's with offers to help, is not acceptable23:57
LjLit's nice that you help - but it wouldn't be at all nice if everyone spammed the channel continuously with "does anyone need help?" messages23:58
LjL2) helping users to solve problems in PM isn't normal practice23:58
gnorrisyou let me say23:58
gnorrisi had stop saying23:58
LjLhelping them in the channel, instead, lets other people find any mistakes or things that went unnoticed23:59
gnorrisi had to ask again because i needed to find the person that asked me23:59
gnorrisbut i was parted23:59
LjLfeel free to ask whether you can PM someone when a support issue becomes very complicated, or so23:59
LjLbut i'm not a fan of PM-by-default23:59
gnorrisi do ask them23:59
Tm_Talso when talking in channel, some others may learn from it too23:59
gnorristhey usually accept23:59

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