
lifelessspiv: so am I booking for 3, 4 or 5?00:03
lifelessjml: ping me when you leave home00:04
jmllifeless: will do00:06
johnjosephbachirif i merge in some changes from the parent branch, and they all come in smoothly and their own commit messages are sufficient to describe the changes, and then i want to commit them to my branch without my own log comments, is there slick/standard way to do this, or must i type "merging in some changes"00:06
spivlifeless: good question, just a sec00:07
Peng_johnjosephbachir: Well, I think it's good practice to give a short (one-line) description in the merge commit.00:09
Peng_You can always copy and paste it from one of the revisions you're merging. :D00:11
spivlifeless: 5, I think00:25
garyvdmI'm getting an error in some qbzr code that I'm working on - that I just can't figgure00:45
garyvdmI'm expecting a InvalidRevisionSpec to be raised, but I get the TypeError displayed ing the pastebin00:46
garyvdmPlease can someone help me out00:47
lifelessgaryvdm: TypeError: 'NoSuchRevisionSpec' object is not callable00:48
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lifelessgaryvdm: you have something called NoSuchRevisionSpec which isn't a class (callable) or function(callable)00:49
garyvdmthere is errors.NoSuchRevisionSpec - but I'm not calling it00:49
garyvdmIt's not getting called anywhere00:50
lifelessrun with BZR_PDB=100:50
lifelessthen you can debug00:50
garyvdmexport BZR_PDB=1 ?00:50
lifelessor just BZR_PDB=1 ./bzr foo00:51
garyvdmlifeless: I just get the same traceback written to the console.01:01
lifelessgaryvdm: uhm01:01
lifelessput a pdb import and trace at the point its raised then, perhaps01:01
garyvdmlifeless: fixed :-)01:07
garyvdmI had except errors.NoSuchRevisionSpec, errors.InvalidRevisionSpec:01:07
garyvdmchanged to01:08
garyvdmexcept errors.NoSuchRevisionSpec:01:08
garyvdm   ...01:08
garyvdmexcept errors.InvalidRevisionSpec:01:08
garyvdm   ...01:08
lifelessmeoblast001: hi01:23
igclifeless: I've started on the process of preparing brisbane-core patches for landing into bzr.dev01:23
lifelessigc: cool01:24
igclifeless: I just want to check how you want it done ...01:24
lifelessigc: theres nearly 800 commits in bbc, I was thinking we might want to just cherrypick bits01:24
igcme too01:24
lifelessuntil the branch has no content01:24
igcso my plan is ...01:24
igcmerge bzr.dev into bbc (done)01:24
igcbranch bzr.dev xxx01:24
lifelessand iterate01:24
lifelesslets start with chk_map01:25
igcmerge ../brisbane-core/x ../brisbane-core/y ../brisbane-core/z ...01:25
lifelesslets start with the knit changes to support autogenerating the keys from the sha01:25
lifelessthat will lead into chk_map01:25
lifelesswhich leads into the inventory changes01:25
igcso first patch with be gc + chk as that's all new stuff + some tweaks to setup.py & tests/__init__.py01:25
igcknit stuff is knit.py + what else?01:26
lifelessgc and chk are separate things01:26
lifelessI'm not sure you should land them together if you want to be doing specific patches01:26
lifelessknit stuff is knit.py/weave.py/versionedfiles.py and their tests01:27
igcok, I'll do that one first, then gc, then chk_map01:27
igclifeless: and you can review/approve them :-)01:28
lifelesssure thing01:29
lifelessI'd be inclined to do knit stuff, chk_map, chk_inventory, gc, new-format. With anything not covered by that list as soon as it can be done topologically.01:30
lifelessPeng_: ping01:46
Peng_lifeless: pong02:05
lifelessPeng_: did you send a bundle to the list or just push your branch02:05
Peng_lifeless: Both.02:06
lifelesshmm, I can't see the bundle02:06
Peng_lifeless: Although my email client and/or IMAP server are screwy, so I can't *read* the list.02:06
lifelessI'll merge your branch to another branch fleshing out the config stuff I have02:06
Peng_Oh, really?02:06
Peng_Well, according to the list archive, there's *something* attached to my message.02:06
lifelessanyhow, I'll incorporate it :)02:07
lifelessthough your pushed branch is missing the test changes02:07
Peng_Oh, really?02:07
Peng_lifeless: BundleBuggy found it fine.02:07
Peng_lifeless: Oh, LP is, since it won't mirror the branch for a couple more hours. My server has them, though.02:08
lifelessah k02:08
Peng_Hey, I think that's the first bug that got assigned to me. :D02:14
spivlifeless: hmm, actually, just 4 for dinner; Mary can't make it after all.  Sorry about the late notice.  I'm still in.02:31
* lifeless books02:33
* igc lunch03:50
lifelessspiv: your books are here04:03
spivlifeless: funny you should say that, I was just about to head out the door to join them :)04:04
spivlifeless: see you soon!04:04
CessenIs there a reason that stacked branches require access to the stacked-on branch, even for operations that don't involve history prior to the branching?04:40
CessenFor example, I can't commit locally without access to the stacked-on branch.  This seems really weird to me.04:40
CessenI'm wondering if there is a rationale for this, or if it's just something that hasn't been gotten to yet.04:41
lifelessCessen: stacked branches federate the bzr database; they are not intended for disconnected operation.04:42
lifelessCessen: We plan to have a thing called'history horizons' which would permit that, but its not in any developers current todo list that I know of04:43
lifelessCessen: we're bringing in a massive improvement to history size though - a 60% reduction in disk and network utilisation, over the next few releases.04:44
lifelessCessen: which should make the need for '--stacked' when making local branches a lot less04:44
Cessenlifeless: so are stacked branches mainly intended as an alternative to shared repos, then?04:45
CessenOkay.  Thanks.  That's where my misunderstaning was, then.04:46
lifelessalso for publishing branches, so you don't have to upload a lot of data when giving someone your branch04:46
lifelessas uplinks are usually even smaller than downlinks04:46
CessenWhen I read descriptions of it I thought it was like "history horizons" that you mentioned above.  So I was very confused when I tested removing the branch I branched from, and then couldn't do anything.04:47
lifelessCessen: ah yes, I can understand that04:47
CessenAnyway, thanks for your help. :-)04:47
CessenI like to abuse bzr for revision control of media files.  History horizons would make it viable for collaborative online media projects, too, which would be cool.04:49
CessenI can always dream. :-)04:49
CessenI suppose bzr dev is focused more on code vcs, though.  Which makes sense.04:51
lifelesswe're certainly open for improvements for all history needing projects04:52
lifelessbut yes, code is the primary goal :)04:52
Cessenlifeless: thanks very much for your time. :-)04:54
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jfroyI just pulled bzr.dev05:12
jfroyand, erm... I can't seem to be able to pull anything :p05:12
spivjfroy: bug 354036?05:13
ubottuLaunchpad bug 354036 in bzr "ErrorFromSmartServer - AbsentContentFactory object has no attribute 'get_bytes_as' exception while pulling from Launchpad" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35403605:13
jfroybzr just errors out with "bzr: ERROR: Not a branch" giving me the path of the cwd.05:13
spivOh, something different :)05:13
jfroyNo matter which protocol I give it :p05:13
jfroyspiv: yeah, was trying to do the http pull.05:13
jfroyrevno 4241 on bzr.dev05:14
jfroyanyone else seeing something similar?05:14
jfroyGetting something like05:14
jfroyjfroy:Projects bahamut$ bzr pull lp:rivenx05:14
jfroybzr: ERROR: Not a branch: "/Volumes/Crossroads/bahamut/Documents/Projects/".05:14
spivjfroy: things seem normal for me so far05:14
spivjfroy: what's the traceback in ~/.bzr.log?  (pastebin it)05:15
jfroyIt makes no sense to me :p05:17
spivjfroy: do you mean s/pull/branch/ ?05:18
spivjfroy: or is /Volumes/Crossroads/bahamut/Documents/Projects/ meant to be a branch of lp:rivenx already?05:18
* jfroy rams head in wall05:19
jfroyYou are, of course, right on.05:19
jfroyhttp puling is sooooo slow05:20
jfroywell, slower05:20
jfroyOK, the pull worked fine through http.05:23
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kfogelwhew. Python PEP 0374 ended up on O'Reilly Radar blog.06:42
vilahi all07:33
Peng_Good morning.07:33
vilaPeng: good morning :) Did your quota get restored ? :-P07:34
Peng_Yes, but then I traded it for some cold pizza.07:35
igchi vila07:55
igclifeless: shall I land the chk_map code into bzr.dev or leave that bit to a proper merge of the main bits?07:58
fullermdWait.  I can get cold pizza just for handing over my quota?08:02
igcspiv: can I get a quick review of http://bundlebuggy.aaronbentley.com/project/bzr/request/%3C49D59D2E.50500%40internode.on.net%3E08:10
igcspiv: vila wrote this code so he could approve it (given I think it's ok) but if you're still around, it will only take a minute or two08:11
igcvila: I think spiv and lifeless might be offline for a few hours08:25
igcvila: can I request a review of http://bundlebuggy.aaronbentley.com/project/bzr/request/%3C49D5B919.9090700%40internode.on.net%3E please?08:25
igcI'm landing all the trivial, next-to-zero risk stuff out of brisbane and I need a vote to keep pqm busy :-)08:26
vilaigc: the diff by itself doesn't make much sense, I'm a bit concerned that landing pieces like that screw the annotations badly and will make debugging harder :-/09:00
vilaigc... oh wait !09:00
vilaigc:  may be there is a way to still merge the bbc branch once everything has landed...09:01
vilaigc: regarding your request above, I approved it, but that doesn't carry much weight, except that I remember having seen that modifications and I'd say they come from at least 3 different sources09:09
lifelessigc: the one that got approved is good to land09:25
* awilkins is interested in this "cold pizza" that is spoken of09:45
visik7when I merge from a branch do I need to put a insigniful comment in the commit after the merde ?09:48
vilavisik7: was there anything interesting brought in by that merge ? That's what *readers* want to know09:55
visik7I mean I usually  merge instead of update09:57
visik7'couse I can see and revert if something goes wrong (usually I forgot at which revision I was)09:57
visik7but if I would commit I need to put a meaningless message09:58
visik7nevermind I run a revert and update09:59
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joieHi - I'm moving over from baz to bzr (gradually) and reading a lot about cherry picking changes, and how bzr doesn't support such things as "skip present" and so on, that baz did. I was wondering if there had been any improvements in this area in recent times (the discussions I've found about it are rather old). Ta!11:04
james_wjoie: no improvements, but a bit more discussion recently11:07
james_wI'm not sure how close anyone is to working on it right now11:08
joieI essentially have a situation identical to this one as discussed some time ago "Cherrypicking workflows with bzr": https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/bazaar/2006q1/007591.html11:10
joieSo looks like for the forseeable future I'll have to live with more conflicts between branches/trunk, unfortunately. It's not all bad news - bzr is better in lots of other ways, I'll just have to be careful with merging!11:11
joieEven if we can't track cherrypicks, one thing that would be really useful is to be able to "pretend" to have merged all the changes from one branch to another - rather like baz sync-tree - do you know if something like this is possible in bzr? Thanks again!11:18
james_wjoie: I'm not familiar with baz, so I don't know what the command does11:23
james_win bzr it's possible to merge in all the changes from a branch, without actually making any of the changes11:24
james_wso that a further merge would not do anything, but your branch content hasn't changed ata ll11:24
Stavrosi have some local commits, how can i push them upstream?11:28
Stavrosbzr up shows them as local merges and asks me to commit again11:28
joiejames_w: that sounds perfect!11:28
james_wStavros: if you commit they will be committed upstream as well11:28
james_wjoie: to do that you do the merge and then run "bzr revert ."11:29
Stavrosbut i have already committed them locally, i just want to push them11:29
james_wthe "." means just revert the tree changes, not the pending merges11:29
joiejames_w: I'll try that - thanks for the tip!11:29
james_wif you then run "bzr status" you will see no files changed, but there will be pending merges11:30
james_wyou then commit11:30
james_wand then try "bzr merge" again and it will say "Nothing to do"11:30
Stavrosjames_w: is that for me?11:30
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james_wStavros: it's not possible to "just push" as upstream had also done some work, so you had diverged11:31
Stavrosjames_w: i don't think it had, as i'm the only person working on this11:31
Stavroshow can i check?11:31
james_wah, then perhaps "bzr up" with local commits and no changes to the master branch does something different to what I expect11:31
james_wrun "bzr log -r -10.." and see what those revisions are11:32
james_wif they are things that were already there when you did your local commit then I am confused11:32
Stavrosthere were, all i see is my changes11:32
Stavrosi committed revision 50, then 51 locally, and tried to commit 52 upstream11:33
Stavrosbut now i get odd messages about pending merges and inability to do select-file commits11:33
fullermdI'm pretty sure update with local commits always turns them into pending merges.11:33
Stavrosprobably, yes11:34
Stavrosbut what do i do?11:34
Stavrosi can't commit, i have pending file changes11:35
SamBcan you stash?11:36
Stavroshmm, yes11:36
Stavrosbzr shelve?11:36
fullermdWell, there's not much point in committing if you DON'T have pending file changes  ;p11:36
Stavrosi have changes i don't want to commit11:37
Stavrosi only want to commit a file11:37
Stavrosbut it doesn't support it, apparently11:37
fullermdYes, if you have pending merges, you can only commit the whole tree.11:37
fullermdNo way to record a partial-tree merge.11:37
Stavrosbzr: ERROR: Selected-file commit of merges is not supported yet11:37
Stavrosokay, i'll shelve then11:37
SamBwhy does bzr up do that without asking for any kind of okay ?11:39
SamBbzr merge requires --force to get you into this sort of mess ...11:39
fullermdI'm not the guy to ask  ;p11:42
ronnybzr log in a svn workdir is painfull11:46
ronnyat least the initial one11:47
fullermdI do that sort of thing in CVS workdirs sometimes.  That's not painful.  Just depressing.11:55
SamBisn't using CVS painful though?12:01
* SamB remembers CVS getting stuck on his old 56k connection ... having to abort with only half of the files updated ...12:02
OllieRHey I am trying to revert a branch to exactly how it was at revno 9. I added a whole load of files to do an upgrade, but now want to go back. I did bzr revert and all the files that were versioned have been reverted. Great! But there are a whole load of unknown files when I do bzr st. Can I issue a command to remove all these new unknown files so I am completely back at revno 9 as if I did a checkout?12:52
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OllieRjust wondering before I go off an do a long rm session12:55
igcabentley: can you poke BB soon please? Seems to be down12:57
james_whi igc12:57
james_wOllieR: bzr clean-tree can do that12:57
james_wrm $(bzr unknowns) as well12:57
OllieRclean tree is not a core command right?12:58
james_wonly recently12:58
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igchi james_w: how was your holiday btw?12:59
OllieRso i will go for the command substitued rm route12:59
james_wigc: very nice thanks12:59
james_wyour city is very pleasant :-)13:00
OllieRjames_w: thanks a lot13:00
igcjames_w: it is. Did you get to see much outside the city?13:01
ronnyjelmer: sup? does dulwich have a own api for building commits by now?13:24
ricardokirknerhi jelmer, I just wanted to tell you that everything went fine after your last commit13:29
ricardokirknerthanks a lot for the help13:29
james_wigc: I didn't unfortunately, but I had a very relaxing time.13:47
jelmerronny: hi13:51
jelmerronny: You can build and serialize the various objects and add them to a git repo13:51
jelmerronny: but there's no function yet that you can tell "please go and do a commit in this working tree" yet13:52
ronnyjelmer: but it should just work via bzr's workingtree for now?13:52
ronny(i want an reasonable way to build in-memory commits in memory)13:53
jelmerronny: no, bzr's workingtree doesn't work on git indexes yet13:53
jelmerronny: you can commit in bzr working trees and dpush into git though13:54
ronnyjelmer: i dont need an index, just commit13:54
jelmerronny: So you need to do in-memory commits?13:54
ronnywell, more something like a commitbuilder13:54
jelmerronny: and you have a tree in memory that you'd like to commit?13:55
ronnyjelmer: yeah, this is supposed to be a simple backend for a cms/wiki - i want simple support for all dvc's, and no possibility of concurrent fuck up in workdirs13:56
jelmerronny: so, while we don't have a commit builder it's trivially possible to create one yourself in a few lines of code13:57
jelmerand specific to your problem13:58
jelmerI'm happy to help, but it's hard to comment without looking at the code13:58
ronnyhmm, ok, then i'll just try to do one in anyvc13:59
ronnybascially build blobs, build trees, build commit13:59
ronnywell, and update refs ^^13:59
abentleyigc: restarted.14:07
igcabentley: thanks14:09
igcnight all14:27
jelmerronny: cool14:32
ronnyjelmer: btw, is subvertpy able to do commits without workdir?14:38
ronny(and is there a simple example ican steal)14:38
jelmerronny: yes, it can14:40
jelmerronny: I'll add an example to examples/14:41
vilaigc: really gone ?14:44
ronnyjelmer: btw, do you see any way to have the svn log as iterator instead of callback?14:48
jelmerronny: not really14:48
jelmerronny: in C it's a callback14:48
jelmerronny: so the only way to do that is to use threads14:48
jelmerronny: bzr-svn has a wrapper that does that14:48
ronnyso threads + queue14:49
ronnyi wonder if greenlets could do14:49
jelmerronny: yeah, that's a limitation of the svn unfortunately14:50
jelmerSVN *API* I mean14:50
jelmerronny: I've committed an example of using ra.get_commit_editor()14:50
ronnyok, looks like a bearable startingpoint14:52
ronnyjelmer: btw, does svn actually have anything to reliable figure branches/tags ? last time i asked the svn people about the actual structure they told me random gibberish about a dag and needing to read the api14:53
* maxb wonders what it means to "figure branches/tags"14:54
ronnymaxb: well, in svn branches/tags are bascialy copy's14:56
ronnyso one needs to figure whats a normal copy,and whats a branch/tag14:56
maxbWell, the only way to do that is by conventions / naming scheme14:56
jelmerronny: yeah, conventions are the only way14:57
ronnyi know of projects that break them awfully nasty14:57
maxbMost svn users accept the advised trunk,tags,branches idea, some..... really don't :-)14:58
jelmerronny: yeah, there's no way around that14:58
ronnywell, i know of people that switched around conventsions various time in the early days of svn14:58
jelmerronny: bzr-svn looks at the changes in the last 2k revisions and uses that to determine if one of the standard layouts is being used14:58
jelmerthat seems to work pretty well14:59
ronnyi'd like to take a look at the usual complete graph of copy's + deletes to see whats up in my absraction14:59
ronnyjelmer: do i understand it right, that editor.close generates the commit?15:47
jelmerronny: yeah15:49
ronnyany exceptions for remote commits?15:50
ronnyhmm, and i should figure how to deal with workdir status15:50
jelmerronny: no, just specify a different URL to RemoteAccess() :-)15:50
ronnyjelmer: sorry, bad workding, i mean what exceptions may it throw when i do conflicts15:51
ronnyim preparing for a anyvc sprint over the weekend, parital history view + branches support + creating history15:51
ronnythen later maybe merges and deal with local branches15:52
ronnysince im not going for isomorph mappings, but just access its damn much more easy than bzr's stuff15:53
jelmerronny: SubversionException15:55
jelmerronny: is the only class of exception it will raise, with different error numbers15:55
ronnyjelmer: so its bascially just a errno alike?15:58
vilafwiw bbc pass the full test suite under python 2.[456]16:02
jelmerronny: yeah; "pydoc subvertpy" has the most common ones16:03
jelmerronny: it also includes a (localized) error message16:03
ronnyjelmer: how would i get the workdir status via subvertpy?16:10
jelmerronny: subvertpy.wc.WorkingCopy16:13
jelmerallows you to open and inspect the working copy16:14
ronnyhmm, looks weird, lets see if i can get it usefull in anyvc16:15
mgedminawesome!  I'm in the middle of an editor writing a message for bzr commit, but I can run bzr log in a different window16:55
mgedminI didn't expect I could do that16:56
jelmerhmm, can we use --parallel on the PQM machine ? (-:17:10
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vilajelmer: hmmm, I don't think so :) Did you use it locally ?17:19
jelmervila: no, I haven't tried it yet17:19
vilaA lovely side-effect, IMHO, is that traceback for failing or erroring tests is now displayed as soon as it occurs17:20
vilaunfortunately it's a bug that we should fix :)17:21
vilaI confess that I'm not very motivated to fix it17:21
jelmervila: Hmm, it looks like lp:testtools doesn't export the right objects; do I need to use something else?17:51
jelmerah, I was using the wrong branch18:04
jelmer--parallel is pretty quick compared to serial..18:04
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antoranzI need some help18:41
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antoranzafter having imported from a git (imported from svn, by the way), I ended up with no room in my home18:41
antoranzthere I had two directories: git-svn and master18:42
antoranzso I deleted them18:42
antoranzI moved .bzr to another partition, I "packed" the repo18:42
antoranzand now I want to see those two branches18:42
antoranzhow can I "rebuild" them?18:42
jelmerantoranz: I'm not sure I understand completely what you mean18:43
jelmerbut I think "bzr heads --all" is what you are looking for18:43
antoranzlet's see18:43
antoranzI imported from git18:44
antoranzthat, ok?, right?18:44
antoranzat the end of the import, I was told I had two branches: git-svn and master18:44
antoranzthere were two directories with those names in the sahed repo18:44
antoranzbut I had no room left in the partition18:44
antoranzso I moved .bzr (nothing else) no another partition18:45
antoranzto, I mean18:45
antoranzI packed it18:45
antoranzand now I want to be able to recreate those two branches in the shared repo18:45
antoranzhow can I do that?18:45
jelmerjust copy them over18:45
antoranzI deleted them18:45
jelmerrun "bzr heads --all"18:45
jelmerand then you should be able to recreate them18:46
antoranzhow about just a branch?18:46
antoranzheads is not in the bzr commands18:46
antoranzbzr: ERROR: unknown command "heads"18:47
jelmerI think you need bzrtools18:47
antoranzI can see the last revision (I think). What's next?18:50
antoranzjelmer: ok... so how do i recreate them?18:57
jelmerbzr init trunk18:58
jelmerbzr pull -d trunk -rrevid:<somerevid>18:58
antoranzfrom the base of the shared repo?18:58
jelmerat least I think that's how you do it, I've never done this before18:59
jelmerabentley: I see your patches still use the dirstate-with-subtree format rather than something newer, is that intentional?19:00
abentleyjelmer: No, that's just what they've always used.19:01
antoranzjelmer: doesn't work19:02
beunoso, I'm going crazy here. I have a specific revision deep down in history, that does a bunch of changes to a bunch of files, that I want to revert19:02
antoranzbzr: ERROR: No pull location known or specified.19:02
jelmerantoranz: perhaps try this:19:02
jelmerantoranz: bzr pull -d trunk -rrevid:<somerevid> trunk19:02
antoranzjust in case.. the <> are your remaks or they are necessary?19:03
jelmerantoranz: they're my remarks19:03
beunohow would I do that?19:04
jelmerbeuno: reverse merge  ?19:06
antoranzjelmer: Could not determine revno for {konold@283d02a7-25f6-0310-bc7c-ecb5cbfe19da-19990503013312-xiqgf956oal5i62} because its ancestry shows a ghost at {konold@283d02a7-25f6-0310-bc7c-ecb5cbfe19da-19990503013312-xiqgf956oal5i62}19:06
beunojelmer, bzr merge -r $oldrevno?19:06
beunoit says "nothing to do"19:07
james_wyou need $oldrevno..$oldrevno-119:08
antoranzor 0..oldrevno?19:08
beunohrm, this gets complicated because the revno is burried inside a merge19:08
james_wwe could do with a "parent:" revspec19:09
abentleyjames_w: We have one.19:09
james_weven better19:09
abentleyjames_w: It's "before:"19:09
antoranzso, what do I do? Slash my wrists with a sharpless spoon? :-D19:09
james_wone that also allowed you to select which parent would be peachy, but that covers 99% of cases, thanks19:10
beunoso:  bzr merge -r:before:..7578 ?19:10
james_wbzr merge -r 7578..before:757819:10
abentleybeuno: "bzr merge -r:before:7578..7578 ."  Remember the .19:11
james_wwon't that try and make the same changes again?19:11
beunobzr: ERROR: No namespace registered for string: u':before:7578'19:11
abentleybeuno: Sorry, should be "bzr merge -r 7578..before:7578 ."19:12
beunonew error!19:12
beunobzr: ERROR: No namespace registered for string: u':7578'19:12
abentleybeuno: Are you sure you didn't put an extra colon?19:13
beunobeuno@dell-desktop:~/canonical/lp-branches/blueprints_kill_portlet$ bzr merge -r:7578..before:7578 .19:14
jelmerantoranz: probably easiest to redo the import19:14
* beuno hides19:14
antoranzoh, man... don't say that... not even playing. :-)19:14
beunoabentley, jelmer, james_w, thanks19:14
antoranzbut come on.... if the import ca recreate the branches, so should I right?19:15
jelmerantoranz: well, I'm not sure how the import determined the revno19:15
jelmerantoranz: how was the import done?19:16
james_w"bzr branch trunk temp -r revid:whatever" might work?19:16
jelmerjames_w: that gives an error about not being able to termine revno because of ghosts19:16
james_woh, missed that error, sorry19:16
rbriggsatuiowaI did a bad bzr revert19:16
rbriggsatuiowais there a way to undo a revert?19:16
james_wrbriggsatuiowa: it will have left backup files in the tree19:17
beunobeatiful, this bzr thing is really amazing19:17
rbriggsatuiowaTHANK YOU!19:17
AnMasterI'm trying to find a way to copy a directory (and all files in it) and keep it's history, but I can only find bzr mv to move, bzr cp doesn't seem to exist.19:19
abentleyAnMaster: That's correct.  bzr does not support copies at present.19:20
AnMasterI need this because I'm splitting a certain sub-library of the projects in two diverging variants, which will be diverging and tuned/specialised for different loads (if project was in C I would probably use the preprocessor instead)19:20
LeoNerdA file in bzr just exists. It has revision controlled properties. One such property is its filename.19:20
AnMasterabentley, oh... any plans to add such support?19:21
LeoNerdA file can therefore only have one such name19:21
AnMasterhm ok19:21
abentleyAnMaster: There are some ideas, but no firm plans.19:21
NfNitLoopAnMaster: Is that not a case for a new branch?  `bzr branch` works well. :)19:22
AnMasterNfNitLoop, both will be used in the same build, but for different tasks19:22
NfNitLoopAnMaster: aah.19:22
AnMasterNfNitLoop, need two very differently tuned internal hash libraries basically.19:22
antoranzjelmer: I tried heads --tips and bzr exploded19:23
jelmerantoranz: how did you do the original import?19:25
antoranzwell.... I exported from git and gzipped ther result19:25
antoranzthen i zcat | bzr fast-import - (basically)19:26
jelmerantoranz: I think you've hit a bug in bzr-fast-import19:26
jelmerantoranz: afaik it should never create ghosts19:26
antoranzwait till I recover from laughing on the floor at the sight of wasting so may CPU hours importing this. :-S19:28
antoranzI'll try to reimport to see if it just finishes the job.19:28
jelmerantoranz: please file a bug against bzr-fast-import19:28
jelmerantoranz: igc may also be able to help you further, I'm not very familiar with it19:28
BasicOSXlp speed today is making me cry19:34
BasicOSXJust posted to the mailing list as well, lifeless  are you awake? Looking for the 1.14 branch Ian claims is available for me :-)19:34
BasicOSXI see vila's 1.14 branch but that is it19:35
antoranzthe import did recreate the branches19:44
jrwrenI have a bound branch. is there a way I can tell what rev my branch is on?  bzr log -r -1 . is telling me latest rev of the branch to which I am bound, not my branch.20:34
beunojrwren, bzr revno20:35
jrwrenis that new?20:36
* fullermd stabbies bound branches.20:38
jrwrenI like my bound branch workflow :)20:39
beunojrwren, no, it's as old as I can remember  :)20:39
jrwreni fail for not finding it sooner.20:39
fullermdIf revno is telling you the revno of your local branch rather than the branch you're 'bound' to, I'd call it a bug.20:39
jrwrenno, revno is fine.20:40
jrwrenlog -r -1 is showing me the bound rather than local.20:40
fullermdThat's what it should do.  Sorta.20:40
jrwrenI'd think revno should (and does) show me local rev.20:40
fullermdUnless we had bound branches, which we don't.  Quite.20:40
fullermdWe have checkouts.  Almost.20:40
jrwrenbasically, i'm just trying to detect when a branch is out of date.20:41
jrwrenwhile : ; do myrev=...; serverrev=... ; if [[ $myrev -lt $serverrev ]]...20:41
fullermdWhy not missing :bound?20:41
Peng_I forget, does bzr use "Fix Committed" or "Fix Released" when a bug fix gets merged to bzr.dev?22:08
beunoPeng_, my instict says "committed", so probably "released"22:09
beunoI remember bzr does it the opposite of everything else22:09
beunoso, if IIRC, fix committed == it's committed "somewhere"22:10
beunofix released == in trunk22:10
beunobut maybe jam or abentley can confirm22:10
abentleybeuno: confirmed22:10
meoblast001i just had someone commit source into his launchpad account... i'd like to merge it into my project... how do i do that?22:14
beunomeoblast001, bzr merge LOCATION22:15
meoblast001ok thanks22:15
meoblast001how would i know where he's putting it22:15
Peng_meoblast001: https://code.launchpad.net/~him22:15
Peng_meoblast001: Then find the branch.22:15
Peng_meoblast001: The page gives an lp:~him/project/branch URL for the branch; bzre that.22:16
meoblast001and that will just import his code in with mine?22:16
Peng_"bzr merge that"22:16
Peng_meoblast001: Yes. (Don't forget to commit.)22:16
meoblast001bzr merge lp:blahblahblah && bzr ci && bzr push....22:17
meoblast001except i won't use the && just incase of an error22:17
meoblast001Peng_: this just pulls his code and throws it into mine right? it doesn't copy his commits too22:21
meoblast001oh no.... i'm so lost22:21
Peng_meoblast001: By default, yes, it copies the commits too.22:23
meoblast001Peng_: i think he had an outdated version22:23
* meoblast001 is having a panic attack22:25
Peng_Outdated version of what?22:28
meoblast001Peng_: he had revision 10 when i have 15 revisions22:28
meoblast001i don't think i'm liking this merging stuff22:32
meoblast001>>>>>>> MERGE-SOURCE is going to cause compiler errors22:32
Peng_meoblast001: There were conflicts. Get out your text editor and fix them.22:32
Peng_Or fancy diff/merge software or whatever.22:32
meoblast001Peng_: i don't even think i want the guys changes anymore... it's not well commented22:35
meoblast001i don't understand any of it22:35
Peng_meoblast001: Well, you could "bzr revert" to throw it all out.22:41
Peng_meoblast001: You could also tell him to merge your branch and fix all of the conflicts so it'll be less work for you.22:41
meoblast001Peng_: so now am i not allowed to edit my source until he fixes his code?22:41
Peng_meoblast001: What? Why?22:42
meoblast001i just found out he did merge my branch22:42
meoblast001Peng_: if i change my code, wont his overwrite my changes?22:42
meoblast001idk... i've never merged before22:42
Peng_meoblast001: The point of merging is so that both side's changes will be preserved.22:42
Peng_meoblast001: Of course, if you both modify the same code, the computer won't be able to figure it out, it'll result in conflicts and one of you will have to fix them manually.22:43
Peng_s/same code/same lines of code/22:44
* Peng_ goes /away22:46
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