
* Tm_T hides00:09
EagleScreen_I have done a clean install of 9.04 today over ext400:09
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EagleScreen_I think Intel graphic drivers are bad, they have freeze my computer two times after X crash00:10
EagleScreen_tty consoles does not has the Ubuntu clear fonts, they have the traditional fat fonts00:12
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=== siekaczx_ is now known as siekacz
jad-pauX sucks :)00:33
ScottKThis is shaping up to be a particularly poor release for Intel and X.  #ubuntu-x is a better channel for X related issues.00:35
dtchenwell, take heart. at least Kubuntu doesn't have the audio headaches.00:36
NCommanderScottK, no kidding.00:36
dtchenor at least if it does, i'm saying lalalala00:36
jad-pauwell currently I'm having visual headaches00:36
jad-pau KDE logs out before it starts00:36
ScottKWell we certainly have fewer of them.  jjesse was saying he was having trouble earlier.00:36
dtchenjjesse and i keep playing identi.ca/irc tag00:37
dtcheni still don't have a full description of his symptom00:37
ScottKRight.  All I know is "No sound".00:41
* vorian spies many new fancy plasma widgets that will need to go in karmic asap00:45
dtchenvorian: thanks for your assistance yesterday00:47
voriandtchen: no problemo00:47
vorianthere are _some_ things i can help with ;-)00:47
dtchenwait, you're MOTU!00:47
joshjtlhey folks01:02
joshjtldoes anyone use preload or prelink?01:02
vorianrock on Riddell :)01:08
jad-paudtchen: identi.ca has an IRC plugin?01:16
dtchenjad-pau: err? not that i'm aware.01:16
jad-pauwhat's identi.ca/irc tag ?01:16
dtchenit means we keep missing each other on identi.ca and on irc01:16
dtchenaka "phone tag" but on identi.ca and on irc01:17
joshjtli dont know whats going on here, i recently reinstalled jaunty kubuntu, and kde is running super super slow01:37
joshjtlive dist-upgraded too01:37
joshjtlwow this is really not cool01:39
ScottK-desktopjoshjtl: Intel graphics?01:41
jad-paudtchen: ah slash eye arr cee01:42
seelei've been seeing a lot of quassel users lately02:04
jad-pauyes people have been encouraging quassel use in #kubuntu02:07
LjLwasn't it even the default client in Jaunty? someone said so.02:08
seeleyes it is the default02:09
seelethe quassel devs did a lot of good work to get it ready for jaunty02:09
jad-paustill needs more02:12
jad-pau but it's quite usable now02:12
jad-pauhip hip hooray for quassel devs :)02:12
LjLwell, it's not really a KDE app, but...02:19
jad-pauLjL: It tries02:20
jad-pauit has optional KDE integration. is that right seele ?02:21
jad-pauclose enough :)02:21
jad-paubetter than OO.o :(02:21
LjLbut - while i admit i don't know about it - adding "KDE integration" to code hardly makes something a KDE app02:21
LjLwell, OO.o is pretty much a special case02:21
LjL(and then there is SpeedCrunch...)02:21
metelliushow come KDE 4.2.2 was released today, but when I went to upgrade it, it was already done automatically just with the automatic upgrade set to "security only"?02:21
seeleLjL: it has the ability to make use a kde services such as the notification system.. otherwise it falls back on standard qt stuff02:23
seelemetellius: are you sure you don't have experimental enabled as a source?02:24
LjLseele: yeah, well for instance, if i want to DCC someone something, will i see a KDE file dialog and will i be able to use a kioslave address for the file?02:24
seeleLjL: i'm not sure dcc is working in quassel.. i know it was an issue a while ago dunno if it was fixed02:24
metelliusseele: I do, I have a lot of sources, but they cannot possibly be meant to be for security updaes can they02:25
seelemetellius: i dunno, ask in the support channel, #kubuntu02:25
LjLalright - was just an example to show that serious "KDE integration" might be tricky to achieve, anyway02:25
seeleLjL: something like that would be easy now that it has notification integration02:26
seelekde has a very standardized notifcation system02:26
seelequassel has notifications for when your name is mentioned in a chat and the window is out of focus02:26
seeleand it would be the same kindof call for a notification about a file transfer02:26
jad-pauLjL: Sort of like Marble?02:30
jad-pauseele: Wrong discussion I think :)02:30
seelejad-pau: ?02:39
seelewas he not talking about quassel?02:39
jad-pauseele: yes but not notifications02:40
seeleno, but kde integration. notifications in quassel are an example of kde integration02:40
seeleand the file download process monitor uses the same notification system as the name ping02:41
Gonhow can i run a plasmoid from sources (in a personal directory) ?02:41
Goni want to run the systemservices plasmoid, but i don't know some things :s02:42
ScottKseele: No dcc in quassel.  It's not implemented yet.02:44
seeleScottK: right, i knew that from a month ago, but didnt know if they were working on it yet02:44
ScottKIt's not in 0.4.1.  I don't think it's in their trunk yet either.02:45
ScottKmetellius: The security only updates bit only kicks in after release.  'security updates only' means the main repo (which freezes at release) and security updates.02:46
seeleGon: #plasma can help you with your plasmoid from source question02:48
metelliusScottK: oh, I see. that makes sense.03:02
ScottKmetellius: You do ark development, right?03:03
metelliusScottK: yes03:04
ScottKmetellius: I'm loving tar.gz support in 4.2.  Thank you.03:04
metelliusScottK: thanks :)03:05
metelliusbut is there something special about the tar.gz support?03:05
ScottKIt's just that we use tar.gz a lot.03:05
metelliusmost linux people do03:06
jad-pauOh yeah that was painful in 4.003:06
ScottKA .deb is essentially two tar.gz wrapped in .ar.  When I need to inspect a .deb I like to open it with ark.03:06
metellius4.0 ark was abandoned03:06
ScottKIn 4.1 we had a patch from you that allowed tar.gz to work in some cases, but not that one.03:07
ScottKSo with 4.2 I have everything I used ark for in 3.5 and am happy.03:07
metelliusI see03:07
ScottKWith 4.1 I needed to (holds nose) use file-roller.03:08
ScottKSo I appreciate the work and the resulting progress.03:09
joshjtlanyone know if there is a kde4 ftp client even if not fully released yet?03:38
dtcheni presume you mean "more featureful than konqueror"03:39
JontheEchidnayeah, dolphin and konq will work fine for a lot of stuff03:39
joshjtlJontheEchidna: yeah i want something with more features though03:40
JontheEchidnahmm... kftpgrabber always served me well, but that's KDE303:41
joshjtljust was hoping there was a kde4 app i could try03:41
JontheEchidnathere isn't one that I know of :(03:41
joshjtlapparently kasablanca... but i dont like kasablanca one bit03:41
nixternalwas ext4 taken off of the beta release image?03:57
nixternalhrmm, it isnt showing up on the cd03:58
* nixternal wonders if he grabbed beta or a daily by accident03:58
gnomefreaknixternal: it should give you a choice. However i havn tried it yet, but will after Jaunty releas03:59
nixternalmy desktop is using ext4, but this cd doesn't have it on it03:59
nixternalI must have grabbed the wrong iso03:59
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blizzzafter booting, a message pop ups, that a kontact instance is running, when the session is restored. If you answer with quit (or exit or don't run, cannot remember the label), the session is not respawned thus no kontact is running. Clicking on Run anyway leads to a running instance for kontact, but the tray icons (and notifications) are doubled06:33
blizzzis this known?06:34
blizzzkde 4.2.2 on jaunty :)06:34
m4vi noticed it once, after restarting the xserver, but I didn't think much about it, I'll check again later06:38
blizzzhm, plasma consumes about 390MB of RAM, isn't this kinda much?06:41
blizzzhowever, x.org eats 25% of cpu....06:42
mvoRiddell: are the UI debug message in the kde dist-upgrade like "pop widget QLabel label_status"  still relevant? if not, I would like to comment them out07:47
markeyhrm, we had to give out gnome ubuntu CDs as the ubuntu booth again08:11
markeythis has to change08:11
markeyalways we get these freaking gnome CDs08:11
markeyand KDE people are handing them out08:11
markeyslightly odd08:12
markey(talking about OpenExpo)08:12
markeythey usually send us like 80% gnome CDs08:13
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freeflyingany core-dev would do me a sponsor upload? thanks09:43
freeflyingdebdiff is here: http://paste.ubuntu.org.cn/1374509:45
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Riddellmvo: I don't see anything which says "pop" in DistUpgrade10:14
mvoRiddell: I see items like http://paste.ubuntu.com/143373/ in the logs10:17
mvoRiddell: if those are useful for you, I'm fine keeping them of course10:17
mvoRiddell: but if not, I would like to remove them to make the log less cluttered10:17
Riddellmvo: if you find out what causes those feel free to remove it10:20
mvoRiddell: ok, thanks. its not high priority for me, but I wanted to ask before doing it :)10:21
Riddellmvo: thanks for looking into bug 34972510:23
ubottuLaunchpad bug 349725 in doc-base "8.04->9.04-beta updgrade: Could not install 'base-passwd'" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34972510:23
mvoRiddell: cheers, the SRU for those are uploaded, I'm waiting for accept/test now10:23
mvoRiddell: the python problem should also be dealt with (also its much harder than anticipated)10:24
Riddellhave I ever said you're a genius?10:25
mvonot sure, but if you do, that makes me happy10:26
Mamarokcould we please, please get rid of that pulsaudio stuff? here comes another bug: 33079711:54
MamarokI don't understand why it has to be installed in the first place...11:54
freinhardpulse would be great.. in case it did just work™ :/11:55
MamarokI have no sund on my system most of the time because pulseaudio gets itself on top of the Phonon list over and over again, even if I push it to the bottom11:55
Mamarokthere is a packaging problem somewhere, I removed almost everything pulse-related, but can't get rid of libpulse0, it tries to remove half of KDE11:56
Riddellwe don't install pulseaudio in the first place11:56
Riddellonly gnome apps do11:56
MamarokRiddell: well, then why can't I remove it withpout removing half of KDE?11:56
freinhardRiddell: you do not need to get rid of libpulse11:57
freinhardsry, Mamarok11:57
Mamarokfreinhard: I have to, it kills my sound11:57
Mamarokread what I said above11:57
Mamarokwhen I upgraded the kdegraphics package it installed like 10 something gnome packages with it, including language packages I just removed before11:58
freinhardMamarok: nope, you don't have to ;) got libpulse, got sound, can use phonon with sound even with my onw apps.11:58
Mamarokso somwhere there is a problem11:58
Mamarokfreinhard: well, I don't have sound, and I find Pulseaudio on top of the phonon list everytime I log into KDE11:59
Mamarokthat is more than weird!11:59
Mamarokand no way to get any sound back, without pusing pulseaudio back to the bottom, restart KDE12:00
Mamarokthen start any app with sound like dragonplayer it works, start it a second time it doesn't find the soundcard anymore and pulseaudio is on top again12:01
Mamaroksame behaviour with Amarok, VLC, etc...12:01
Mamarokand this is an Intel connexant that work fine in Intrepid and Jaunty Alpha, so I consider this a serious regression in Beta12:02
Riddellhmm, I wish I understood this issue better12:08
Mamarokso do I12:08
Riddellit seems to work well for me with or without pulseaudio12:08
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Riddellif you don't have the pulseaudio server installed though, I can't see how it could be using pulseaudio12:09
Mamarokwell, the only thing installed is libpulse0, but pulseaudio still shows in Phonon, so maybe this is a phonon problem?12:10
NightroseMamarok: did you try removing your phonon config?12:11
Nightrosei had a similar problem before with gstreamer12:11
Mamarokhm, let me try...12:11
Nightroseremoving the phonon config helped12:11
Mamaroksry, this might take more time, my X server crashed and I can't activate the display anymore...12:23
Mamarokthere are days...12:23
a|wenMamarok: also check that pulseaudio is not just removed but purged ... seems to cause havoc just having it configured12:25
Mamarokit is (of course...)12:26
Riddellwhat languages shall I put on the CDs?12:28
Riddellru overtaken it for fourth spot with intrepid installs12:30
Riddellwow, langpacks are large these days12:33
Riddellde and fr is about all we can fit12:36
a|wenRiddell: update to kdemultimedia pushed to bzr ... the changes was in the 4.2.2 in the ninjas ppa at some point, but got lost somehow12:39
* Riddell looks12:41
Riddella|wen: going to send these upstream?12:43
a|wenapachelogger committed them to svn i believe12:43
Riddelluploading to jaunty12:44
davmor2Riddell: what kmenu called now?12:46
Riddelldavmor2: kickoff is the applet12:47
davmor2jtholmes: ^12:47
Riddellwhich is part of plasma which is from the kdebase-workspace source package12:47
davmor2Riddell: just needed the name for jtholmes12:49
RiddellI don't know what user documentation calls it though12:49
Riddellnew plasma-widget-network-manager in my PPA for testing  https://edge.launchpad.net/~jr/+archive/ppa12:54
freinhardbug in kpackagekit, debfile.py, def open... self.pkgname => self.pkgName13:00
MamarokPulseaudio s13:01
MamarokPulseaudio still shows on to of the list in Phonon, even after I removed .kde/share/config/phonondevicesrc13:02
Riddellfreinhard: that sounds like packagekit, kpk doesn't use python itself13:02
Mamarokwhere else could this be stored? I don't have pulseaudio installed...13:03
a|wenMamarok: is pulseaudio purged?13:03
freinhardRiddell: sry, didn't look up where debfile.py comes from. kpackagekit gave me some errors on commandline.13:03
Mamarokyes, of course!13:03
Mamaroka|wen: ^^13:03
freinhardbtw, error handling in kpackagekit isn't that nice yet?13:04
a|wenhmm, good question then13:04
a|weni have pulseaudio in phonon as well ... just at lowest priority13:06
jtechidnaI don't think that it's actually pulseaudio, since pulseaudio isn't actually installed on my system13:07
jtechidnalibpulse0 != a working pulseaudio install, but maybe it's enough to fool phonon?13:10
freinhardRiddell: what to do with that debfile bug? report upstream and wait till it's fixed or do a patch for debian/patches ?13:16
Mamarokjtechidna: well, if you followed the thread a bit earlier, updating kde to 4.2.2 reinstalled pulseaudio for me...13:17
Riddellfreinhard: if you have a patch send it to glatzor and ask if he wants you to patch the package or if he'll take care of it13:17
Mamaroksomewhere there is a packaging error...13:17
jtechidnanothing changed that much13:17
jtechidnain the KDE packages13:17
jtechidnait could be that pulseaudio was a recommends of something else that got updated13:18
jtechidnabut that it's so easy to infect your computer with pa is annoying13:18
Mamarokhm, on first try, kdegraphics was hold back, when I selected it it came with a0+ gnome packages13:19
jtechidnawhich package manager were you using?13:19
jtechidnathere should be a way to dist-upgrade stuff without installing recommends for apt-get13:20
jtechidna--no-install-recommends for apt-get13:20
Sputdoes pa support intel-hda nowadays?13:20
jtechidnaI wouldn't know how to do it with synaptic13:20
Mamarokwhich at least shows all the additional packages going to be installed, a thing kpackagekit doesn't...13:21
Sputor are they still trying to force something down our throats that doesn't support the most popular hardware?13:21
a|wenRiddell: have you seen this? https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=188655 ... really a usability annoyance13:21
ubottuKDE bug 188655 in general "kickoff menu doesn't get keyboard focus when opened (4 2 2 regression)" [Normal,New]13:21
jtechidnaMamarok: if an update wants to install new packages, kpackagekit can't do it at all :P13:21
jtechidnait whines about it being a blocked update and sits there and pouts13:21
Mamarokjtechidna: I haven't used it since some days, since I find it not really usable13:21
jtechidnaI find myself either using the terminal or adept13:22
Mamarokbut back then (about 2-3 weeks) it did install dependcies without telling me13:22
Mamarokwell, synaptic really is good, and far more readable than apt-get13:23
jtechidnaI'm just not used to synaptic tbh... scared of trying something new I guess13:23
MamarokAdpet is not as bad as kpackagekit, a bit more usable,  but still...13:23
jtechidnabut apt-get + adept serves me, personally well enough, so....13:24
Mamarokhm, aptitude is not bad neither, I'm simply not used to it13:24
Mamarokfor me it's either synaptic or apt-get when I have errors in the former13:25
Riddella|wen: I have not13:25
* a|wen uses aptitude exclusively13:25
Riddella|wen: although focus is in the search box when I open kickoff13:26
a|wenRiddell: it doesn't work here13:26
a|wenhow is your focus-stealing prevention settings?13:26
Riddella|wen: I've no idea, I've not set anything13:27
a|wenRiddell: just tested with a new user ... same problem, at least for me13:30
Riddella|wen: I believe you :)13:32
* a|wen uploads a new kdebase-workspace to k-e with a fixed startkde script13:34
ScottKmvo: Will the Python fix correct existing upgrades that were broken or just prevent the problem for future upgraders?13:34
mvoScottK: just for future upgrades for now, I think for exisiting upgrades the fix might be as easy as running all the /usr/share/python/runtime.d/*.rtinstall scripts13:36
mvoScottK: but I'm not the python maintainer, I'm just a fire fighter13:37
ScottKUnderstand.  Appreciate the effort.13:37
jjessei know this is more a #kubuntu question but real quick with the new networkmanager applet in jaunty how do i connect to a hidden wireles ?13:40
jtechidnaaccording to the bug reports you can't :(13:41
QuintasanHmm Shaman is indeed very good package manager, can't wait for packagekit frontend13:43
mvoScottK: I will talk about it, I think we need to send out a mail at least to explain what happend and how affected people can fix their systems13:45
ScottKmvo: That sounds sensible.13:46
* ScottK has one sitting here unfixed waiting to test the procedure.13:46
mvoScottK: if you have a test machine, that is execellent, I perpare instrcutions and ask you to test. thanks13:47
mvoScottK: for s in /usr/share/python/runtime.d/*.rtinstall; do if [ -x $s ]; then $s rtinstall python2.6; fi; done - should is the fix I think will work13:59
* ScottK tries13:59
* Quintasan got into Polish translators team14:00
Tiono_hi there14:02
Tiono_Riddell: just received your email, I'll investigate this WE...14:02
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ScottKmvo: It ran without error, but I still don't have /var/lib/python-support/python2.6/dbus/mainloop/qt.so.14:06
Tonio_agateau: hey :) dodn't got time to come and see you during SL2009.... sorry for that :)14:08
jefferaiRiddell: the kubuntu-members-kde4 PPA seems down14:09
mvoScottK: hm, thats bad14:09
* vorian pats his 1.6 million karma14:14
Riddelljefferai: what's down with it?14:14
jefferaiand in apt-get I get a 40414:15
vorianjefferai: do you have apt-transport-https installed?14:15
jefferaidoes that affect the website? :-)14:16
jefferaibut yes, I do14:16
Riddellit's not an https archive14:16
Riddelljefferai: works here, what's in your sources.list ?14:16
vorianjefferai: sorry, ignore me.  I'm just a rodeo clown14:16
jefferaideb http://ppa.launchpad.net/kubuntu-members-kde4/ubuntu jaunty main14:17
jefferaideb-src http://ppa.launchpad.net/kubuntu-members-kde4/ubuntu jaunty main14:17
jefferaialthough it appears (now that the website is working) that there is no jaunty14:17
* jefferai pokes Nightrose14:17
jefferaiYou said there was jaunty!14:17
* Nightrose hides14:18
jefferaiRiddell: I was looking for e.g. the taglib-extras package you said was available to jaunty users14:18
Riddelljefferai: that's in the main archive  https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/taglib-extras14:19
jefferaiHm.  I just did an apt-get update and it's not showing up for me14:19
Riddelljefferai: oh it's still in New, needs an archive admin to approve it14:20
Riddelljefferai: did you release a new version?14:21
jefferaiare you not on amarok-packagers?14:21
jefferaiI updated the license text for clarity14:21
jefferaiand some build fixes for (mainly non-linux) people14:21
mvoScottK: does /usr/sbin/update-python-modules -v -a help?14:21
Riddelljefferai: I see it.  really must get round to reading my e-mail sometime14:21
* ScottK tries14:22
ScottKmvo: Nope.  It didn't even touch python-qt-dbus.14:25
ScottKRiddell: It seems kde3bindings source is still in Main.  Would you please demote it.14:26
ScottKmvo: That seems to only touch .py -> .pyc.  I didn't see any .so in the output.14:27
Quintasannixternal: ping14:29
mvoScottK: :( sorry, I need to investigate in more detail then14:29
ScottKmvo: No problem.  I appreciate you working on it.14:29
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rickspencer3hey guys14:57
rickspencer3how's it running down to final freeze next week?14:57
ScottKFor me everything seems pretty good except for X + Intel is exremely unpleasant.14:59
rickspencer3ScottK: bummer15:00
rickspencer3did you see that bryce has some mitigations for 8x5 chipsets?15:00
ScottKI did.15:00
rickspencer3I know he still has some hope for 9x5 perf, but it seems like we're going to have stable, but not fast by default :(15:00
ScottKI can be understanding about older stuff, but my 965 laptop is not happy either.15:01
rickspencer3ScottK: yeah, that's an intel thing15:01
rickspencer3they are targeting that to run off of uxa, but uxa is crashy15:01
ScottKI'm using uxa and that's what I'm experiencing.15:01
ScottKI'm seriously reconsidering future purchase decisions at this point.15:02
rickspencer3ScottK: I kind of feel responsible, in a way'15:02
ScottKI have all Intel here and I'm paying for it.15:02
rickspencer3I'm kinda new to the job, and I didn't realize ...15:02
ScottKWe need to do better in the future.15:02
rickspencer3that I could have engaged Intel earlier and directly on the problem :(15:02
ScottKOK.  Fair enough.15:03
rickspencer3yeah, I'm hoping that it goes better in Karmic, if we're working together15:03
rickspencer3because Intel does do their work in the open15:03
ScottKFrom my perspective Gutsy was the last release where all the pieces came together.15:03
rickspencer3for x, you mean?15:03
a|wengutsy was the worst release for me regarding suspend/resume15:04
rickspencer3do you mean for Kubuntu specifically15:04
ScottKFor me, Intrepid was good for X, but seriously broken in the kernel15:04
ScottKHardy was good kernel and good X, but none of the tools worked with X, so stuff like trying to give a presenation using my laptop was totally out.15:04
* a|wen doesn't like to shut down his laptop15:05
jtechidnayeah, I'm still running a hardy kernel...15:05
rickspencer3I saw a ton of change mails for Kubuntu a couple of nights ago, so it looks like the Kubuntu team has been really productive15:05
rickspencer3Riddell: kudos ^^^^^15:05
* ScottK would like for us to really have a release where all the pieces come together.15:05
vorianScottK: I don't think that will ever be possible with the segmentation *buntu has now15:06
ScottKI hope that's wrong.  It'll take work, but it's work needs doing.15:06
jtechidnavorian: nhandler's pimpi- er, MCin' hand is strong, you say? :D15:06
=== jtechidna is now known as JontheEchidna
vorianJontheEchidna: hehe15:07
* Mamarok want's her sound back :(15:07
JontheEchidnanever let's an MOTU get out of line ;-P15:07
freinhardMamarok: did you try a new user?15:07
Mamarokoh, nice idea, let's see...15:08
rickspencer3scottK: I've been thinking about "all the pieces coming together"15:09
rickspencer3it's an interesting problem, because *buntu is all about shipping the latest and coolest features in FOSS15:09
rickspencer3one of those features being "it actually all works together"15:10
rickspencer3which is a paradox15:10
rickspencer3if you really want things to be totally integrated and solid, you stop updating and just bake and test, bake and test15:10
rickspencer3I suppose you could always stay a version or two behind though15:11
Mamarokrickspencer3: this sounds so like Debian :)15:11
rickspencer3you mean "stable" versus "unstable"?15:12
rickspencer3Still, I think Kubuntu would be less interesting of a distro if the Kubuntu team wasn't always pushing the envelope wrt latest and greatest15:13
* Mamarok tries another user15:13
ScottKrickspencer3: I agree, but there's a balance and I think in some respects we've either tipped to far or we aren't expending enough effort on making sure it all comes together at the end.15:15
rickspencer3well, I'm still new on the team, but as a user it seemed like there was some oscilation ...15:16
rickspencer3some releases would be too aggressive, and some seemed to conservative15:16
ScottKYes.  I think, as an example, the kernel team leaned too far forward in Intrepid and so backed off for Jaunty.15:16
Mamarokfreinhard: no sound neither, and still Pulseaudio showing up15:17
ScottKIt'd be good to get some distro wide agreement on which ones are agressive and which ones should work.15:17
MamarokPhonon bug?15:18
ScottKKubuntu doesn't use pulseaudio15:18
MamarokScottK: I have *no* pulseaudio installed!!!15:18
ScottKOdd then.15:19
Mamarokit has been installed by the KDE 4.2.2 update in Jaunty and I can't remove it without removing half of KDE, and my sound is gone :(15:19
ScottKMamarok: What does aptitude why pulseaudio tell you?15:20
Mamarokactually, I have removed pulseaudio, the only thing remaining is libpulse015:20
Mamarokand I purged it too15:20
MamarokScottK: I have been over this with others earlier today already15:20
ScottKOK.  then why on that one.15:20
* Quintasan was wondering why whole Kubuntu depends on libpulse015:20
Mamarokit's just driving me mad that there is pulseaudio even showing up15:21
ScottKIt's libxine1-misc-plugins15:21
Mamarokcan't remove that neither, it removes half of KDE15:22
Mamarokand that definitely is not normal15:22
* ScottK waves his arms and announces 'someone' should look into that.15:24
* Mamarok waves too15:26
ScottKrickspencer3: Speaking of synchronization ....  It may be that the Dx folks are going to be working on the wrong cycle (by the current plan) for KDE.  KDE 4.3 is right now entering feature freeze.  It seems to optimize upstream collaboration, the schedule for Dx with Karmic and KDE 4.3 is out of sync.15:31
jjesseMamarok: i have no sound in jaunty kubuntu as well with no pulseaudio installed15:32
jjessei had sound in intrepdi lost it in the upgrade15:33
rickspencer3ScottK: okay15:33
ScottKrickspencer3: Just a thought.15:33
rickspencer3I know they're 110% consumed with Jaunty right now, but I'll make sure they synch up with you guys regarding Kubuntu and KDE version in Karmic15:34
ScottKThey did have time for a Karmic planning sprint.  It'd be nice to have some information on what's already been decided.15:38
joshjtlhi folks15:53
joshjtlI'm having lock ups that require manual shutdown, the cursor is still moveable but nothing else is15:53
joshjtlthe only thing i've done differently of late that i can think of is using preload, and booting without "splash", and with "vga=791" in kernel line...15:53
ScottKgtk-kde4 is uninstallable if some motu might have a look ....16:01
joshjtlScottK: was that to me? if so when i search with aptitude i only see kcm-gtk-kde4 which is not installed16:03
ScottKjoshjtl: Not to you, no.16:03
joshjtloh ok16:03
RiddellScottK: kde3bindings is in main for libsmoke1 used by perl-qt used by debconf16:20
ScottKOh.  OK.16:20
agateaujoshjtl: looks like an uxa problem to me16:56
agateauit often happens on my machine when uxa acceleration is enabled16:56
joshjtlagateau: what is that? how do I know if its enabled?17:04
joshjtlagateau: I'm thinking i may have been using gimp every time... not positive but at least a couple of times17:05
agateaujoshjtl: it is an acceleration mode of xorg17:05
joshjtlagateau: how do i know if its enabled?17:05
agateauit is not supposed to be enabled unless you did it yourself (or did this change?)17:05
agateauI enabled it by editing the xorg.conf file17:05
joshjtlagateau: i didnt do anything to X17:05
agateaujoshjtl: ok, so it's probably not the same bug :/17:06
agateaudo you have an intel video card?17:06
joshjtlagateau: i do as a matter of fact yes17:06
joshjtlagateau: whats odd though is i've been running jaunty for a while... this problem just started17:06
agateaui have this bug on an intel card with uxa17:07
agateaumaybe uxa is enabled by default now?17:07
joshjtlagateau: but you enabled uxa yourself?17:07
agateaujoshjtl: yes i did17:07
ScottKIt's not by default.17:08
agateauScottK: ok, then it's another problem17:08
agateauso much for "let's buy intel cards to avoid troubles" :(17:08
Sputmy intel card works fine nowadays :)17:09
Sputwith bleeding edge stuff though17:09
joshjtlI recently turned off preload to see if that was causing my lockups... if not i'm going to see if it had anything to do with using gimp heavily17:09
Sputso it's probably all gonna work out for karmik or whatever you call that poor animal in fall :)17:09
ScottKSput: Using uxa?17:16
SputScottK: yes17:17
SputI don't think the current intel driver has EXA support anymore17:17
Sputor XAA, for that matter17:17
ScottKWell UXA is fine except for occassional display flashes and when it just falls over and dies.17:18
Sputdoesn't happen here17:18
Sputbut well, bleeding edge17:19
Sputthis means intel driver and X11 from git master17:19
Sputthat way I can even run desktop effects very smoothly17:19
* a|wen prepares to log out and in again to switch from EXA to XAA17:22
ScottKjpds: kubuntu-artwork-kbfx is currently uninstallable due to kbfx being removed.  Would you please look at it and either fix it or ask for removal?17:33
jpdsScottK: I'll ask for it to be removed.17:35
ScottKjpds: Thanks.17:35
rgreeningUXA is solid here on my GM4517:36
rgreeningand I think the recent Mesa updates will help alot.17:36
alex-weejjaunty font settings in vanilla ubuntu are wrong in Qt apps for some reason17:41
alex-weejup until a few weeks ago, Qt apps were using the fully "native" hinted rendering17:41
alex-weejthen it changed to autohinter17:41
alex-weeji can't find any way to change it, it certainly doesn't respect fontconfig settings in /etc/fonts17:41
alex-weejthe rest of my system (even Java SWT) uses unhinted17:42
smarteralex-weej: install qt4-qtconfig17:44
smarterthen launch qtconfig17:44
smarteryou should be able to change the fonts17:44
alex-weejsmarter: already have it, and there's no setting for font hinting17:47
alex-weejonly font faces17:47
a|wenshould "report bug" in konqueror go to b.k.o; shouldn't it go to LP instead?17:47
joshjtldoes anyone how to reset dolphin... something to do with HOME= something or other i forgot18:03
a|wenjoshjtl: reset in which way?18:06
joshjtla|wen: hard to explain, but once i logged into a ftp site with dolphin and it messed up sending files to trash since (even after logging out of ftp) someone told me a trick of running HOME= something mytempdir, and then running dolphin with that and it fixed the issue18:07
* a|wen knows nothing about that, sry18:09
gonI have some problems connecting to wireless network in some place18:27
gonIn 8.10 works fine, but in jaunty can't connect18:28
goni got this from dmesg:18:29
gon[  351.136971] wlan0: disassociating by local choice (reason=3) [  353.136063] wlan0: privacy configuration mismatch and mixed-cell disabled - disassociate18:29
joshjtlis there anyway I can ctrl+tab through apps that are on all desktops?19:18
nixternalhey, how is 'choqoK' pronounced? I am getting poked fun at here because of the way they are saying it19:54
joshjtlhey who was it that told me about a dolphin fix including HOME= something... ?19:58
Pollywogis that Klingon?20:02
Pollywognixternal: it looks Klingon, if you ever watched Star Trek20:03
QuintasanArminius_: hi20:06
Arminius_I was just wondering if I could contribute programming Kubuntu? ^^20:06
seeleArminius_: what languages do you know?20:07
Arminius_well I programmed a lot under windows in Object Pascal (Delphi)20:08
Arminius_and I have basics in C++20:08
Arminius_I know Delphi is not great in Linux because Lazarus is a bit bugged and Kylix is not developped anymore...20:09
seeleagateau (isnt on) is a kubuntu dev, rgreening also does some coding20:09
seeleRiddell could probably help you out too20:09
seelemost of it is bug fixing i think.. dunno20:10
Arminius_well I must confess, I never programmed in any way on an OS ^^20:10
a|wenArminius_: your C++ skills will be of great help in coding/bugfixing when we talk KDE20:10
Arminius_I don't know what level of programming you need in C++20:11
Arminius_in delphi I am sure I could help, in C++ I don't know :s20:11
* Quintasan started learing Qt4 but it seems he needs more c++ practice20:12
* a|wen is a total C++ novice ... but general understanding of programming principles helps a lot20:12
smarterArminius_: learn Qt :)20:13
Arminius_don't knoww what that is ^20:13
smarterhah :p20:13
Quintasanomg looks like KDE4 BasKet port is in beta20:13
Arminius_wikipedia will help me :p20:13
smarterArminius_: it's the graphical toolkit used by KDE, and so by Kubuntu20:13
smarterit's a C++ lib20:13
Riddellhi Arminius_20:14
Arminius_hi ;)20:14
Riddellworth looking through the tutorials and other information on techbase to get into KDE programming20:14
smarterapart from GUI stuff it also comes with XML support, WebKit support, etc20:14
smarterbasically, it has everything you ever want to do, and it has it in a nice, cross-plateform, well-documented API :)20:14
a|wenQuintasan: me want :)20:14
Arminius_oh great looks like delphi :D20:15
Arminius_(sorry, I just really like delphi :p)20:15
Quintasana|wen:  trying to compile, need kdepim dev libs :P20:15
smarterRiddell: KDE tutorials are great, but without Qt knowledge not that useful imho20:15
Arminius_with c++ syntax :p20:15
RiddellArminius_: in Kubuntu we do lots of packaging (compiling other people's apps), bugfixing (c++ and other languages) and some original development (mostly Python Qt)20:15
a|wenQuintasan: could've guessed that20:15
Arminius_thanks :)20:16
smarterArminius_: http://doc.trolltech.com/4.5/how-to-learn-qt.html20:16
a|wensmarter: you talked about an update of qdevelop?20:16
Riddellsmarter: the tutorials should cover that, hello world and so forth20:16
smarterArminius_: that should get you started ;)20:16
QuintasanArminius_: http://doc.trolltech.com/4.3/tutorial-t1.html  <--- good introduction to Qt20:16
joshjtlhey who was it that told me about a dolphin fix including HOME= something... ?20:16
smarterQuintasan: nop20:16
smarterthat's for 4.320:16
RiddellArminius_: just now in Kubuntu we are three weeks from release so we're mostly interested in testing and fixes20:17
smarterQuintasan: and the link I posted already link to the tutorials20:17
smarterArminius_: just follow the how-to-learn-qt link I posted :p20:17
Arminius_thanks a lot... do you have a dev forum?20:17
smarternop, IRC is the way :]20:17
Quintasansmarter: oh, I couln't find 4.5 doc :P20:17
Quintasansmarter: thanks :)20:17
smarterArminius_:  but if you need Qt help, there's http://qtcentre.com which has a forum20:18
smarternot to mention #qt20:18
smartera|wen: yup, new upstream release has been out since a few days after FF, uploaded an svn snapshot before and didn't have time to fill an FFe20:18
smartera|wen: no packaging changes should be needed20:18
Arminius_that lnk is not valid20:18
Arminius_the qtcentre link...20:18
smartera|wen: additionaly, people have been having problem with QDevelop which might be related to the fact that it was built with 4.4, so that should fix it too20:19
smarterArminius_: http://www.qtcentre.org/20:19
a|wensmarter: looks and run well here at least20:19
Arminius_that one works ;)20:19
Arminius_thanks :)20:19
Arminius_so there is not "kubuntu dev" special forum?20:20
smarterArminius_: almost all communication happens on IRC20:21
smarterwe also have a mailing-list, which you might consider subscribing too20:21
Arminius_how do you do that?20:21
smarter^ could someone point it to the link ? :]20:24
* smarter be back in a bit20:24
Arminius_there is another question that bothers me... why is everyone using C++ (even Qt is based one it :p), instead of Object Pascal for example?20:24
QuintasanArminius_: https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/kubuntu-devel20:25
QuintasanArminius_: most used programming language? :320:25
Arminius_thanks for the link!20:26
Arminius_so it's just because everyone uses it... that everyone follows ^^20:26
QuintasanArminius_: first of all, it's multi-platform20:26
QuintasanArminius_: C++ with Qt4 can be compiled for Window, Linux, Mac OS X and many others without (or little) changes in code.20:27
Arminius_Your subscription request has been received, and will soon be acted upon.  :)20:27
Arminius_well delphi too :p just the api20:27
QuintasanI can't tell anything more because I learned Pascal three years ago and I don't rember anything and I've recently picked up C++ :P20:28
Arminius_I kindof prefer the Pascal structure... but it's a question of taste ^^20:29
Arminius_but thanks for the try :)20:30
smarterC++ Is The Way © :>20:31
Arminius_hehe ^^20:32
Arminius_cout<<"Got to go now, will be back soon (I hope). Thanks for your help."<<endl;20:33
Arminius_:p bye ;)20:33
QuintasanArminius_: bye :320:33
Quintasana|wen: want the package?20:35
a|wenQuintasan: does it build on jaunty?20:36
Quintasana|wen: yup20:36
Quintasanjust finished :P20:36
a|wenQuintasan: then to a PPA with it :) ... or if you send it to me i'll throw it at a ppa, he20:37
Quintasankk will do it in a second20:37
joshjtl_can I downgrade intel drivers back to intrepid?20:41
smarterjoshjtl_: that probably won't work20:42
smarterdue to the new Xserver in Jaunty20:42
smarterbut you can always try20:42
smarteranyway, we're not X expert here ;)20:42
a|wensmarter: FFe requested in bug 354716 ... go find some motu-release to approve it20:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 354716 in qdevelop "[FFe req.] update qdevelop from snapshot to stable release" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35471620:42
joshjtl_smarter: would happen to have an idea how i could do that?20:42
smarterdownload the package for intrepid from http://packages.ubuntu.com, install it20:43
joshjtl_ok thx20:43
smartera|wen: yay, thanks :)20:43
joshjtl_smarter: another question... did you tell me a few days ago about restoring dolphin using HOME= something mytempdir?20:44
smarterjoshjtl_: that wasn't me, sorry ;)20:44
joshjtl_k thx20:44
joshjtl_smarter: would you happen to know what the package might be called? (intel)20:45
* Quintasan wonders where he put his pendrive with GPG keys20:45
smartera|wen: no (filtered) debdiff? ;)20:45
* a|wen re-reads the FFe wiki page20:46
a|wensmarter: according to the wiki, that is not what they want20:47
joshjtl_smarter: ok you were right... errors downgrading... can I figure out if I can downgrade other packages to be able to use this intrepid package? Or can I add the repo perhaps so it can do it automatically?20:48
ScottKNo that I've completely disassembled and re-assembled my laptop to install a replacement touchpad, things are much better.20:49
a|wenjoshjtl_: adding (all) the intrepid repos and trying to get aptitude to do some calculations might work ... but look at the list of changes before applying in such a case20:49
joshjtl_okay a|wen will do20:50
smarterjoshjtl_: adding the repo will have no effect since apt only upgrades, no downgrade20:50
smarterdowngrading lots of package is generally a bad idea20:50
smarterbetter idea is to report the bug, maybe poke the Ubuntu X guys, and hopes it get fixed20:50
ScottKJust as a warning, downgrading is often somewhat doable, but it's completely unsupported.20:51
joshjtl_argh, well its either downgrade or go back to intrepid, this is a pretty big issue20:51
Quintasanoh god, why debuild has problems with linked files?20:52
smartera|wen: if we consider https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FreezeExceptionProcess#FeatureFreeze%20for%20bug%20fix%20only%20updates%20(process%20agreed%20by%20motu-release) it looks like I can just upload the package and mark the bug as fixed20:53
joshjtl_stupid intel driver problem :(20:54
a|wensmarter: someone put in one feature ;)20:55
smarterapparently they want a diff of the changelog though :p20:55
* a|wen can upload as well you know20:55
smarterRiddell: bug #354716 << can you handle it? (last time I filled a FFe for a KDE app, these guys simply reassigned it to you, not sure what's their policy with Qt stuff :])20:56
ubottuLaunchpad bug 354716 in qdevelop "[FFe req.] update qdevelop from snapshot to stable release" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35471620:56
joshjtl_i just read my intel issue can be fixed downgrading to kernel 2.6.27 what do I need to do to downgrade to that on jaunty?20:59
smarterinstall the 2.6.27 kernel from intrepid20:59
smarterreboot, choose 2.6.27 at boot time21:00
QuintasanI forgot to add cdbs :/21:02
joshjtl_smarter: do i need to install 2.6.27 headers and source?21:09
Arminius_hey there21:10
Arminius_I am back ;)21:10
QuintasanArminius_: that was quick :321:10
smarterjoshjtl_: headers are needed if you plan to compile modules (like nvidia driver blob)21:10
Arminius_tried to install kt via adept21:10
smarterjoshjtl_: sources aren't needed21:10
smarterArminius_: kt?21:10
Arminius_there was a small internet interruption21:10
Arminius_qt sorry ;)21:10
smarterah :]21:10
Arminius_and now I get that error when I install qt4 (there was also qt3 awaylable but I guessed that 4 is better :p)21:11
joshjtl_Quintasan: did you tell me that fix for dolphin using HOME= something mytempdir ?21:11
Quintasanjoshjtl_: hmm I don't remeber saying anything like this, sorry21:12
joshjtl_ok thanks21:12
joshjtl_brb rebooting21:12
Arminius_APT Error. Context:21:12
Arminius_ Package download failed,21:12
QuintasanArminius_: dont paste it here21:12
QuintasanArminius_: use pastebin.ca21:12
smarterArmedGeek: well, error message is pretty clear ;)21:13
* Quintasan was expecting something larger21:13
Arminius_there :)21:13
smarterdownload failed, because of a connection problem on your part, or because the mirror you're downloading from is not up to date/not online21:13
Arminius_(that's the whole one)21:13
Quintasan404 Not Found21:14
smarteronly answer is: try again21:14
Arminius_I tried it 3 times...21:14
smarterclick the "reload" button or something like that21:14
Arminius_and obviously I am online right now21:14
Arminius_I reupdated the whole package list21:15
Arminius_work again ;)21:15
Arminius_reading the whole qt sections, looks nice :)21:16
Arminius_and I registred to the mailing list...21:16
joshjtlok back... lets see if 2.6.27 works for me21:16
Arminius_what kind of things will I get in the mails?21:16
Quintasanjoshjtl: what are you testing?21:16
joshjtlQuintasan: trying to find a workaround for an intel bug21:17
QuintasanArminius_: everthing but no *cough*pr0n*cough* ;)21:17
smarterArminius_: mails sent by everyone to the list21:17
smarterlook at the archive21:17
Arminius_ok ;)21:17
Arminius_thanks for the info :)21:17
* Quintasan wants to get the ext4 delete bug fixed21:17
Arminius_and stupid question... :p why don't the dev have a special forum? ^^21:18
ScottKWe do and this is it.21:18
Quintasana|wen: https://launchpad.net/~quintasan/+archive/ppa21:18
Arminius_^^ hehe21:18
a|wenQuintasan: cool :)21:21
joshjtlneat i love being able to alt+tab to another desktop21:21
Quintasana|wen: hope it works :>21:21
joshjtlQuintasan: do you use stasks?21:22
Quintasanjoshjtl: yes21:22
* Quintasan put some m4d h4xz in basket package21:22
joshjtlQuintasan: me too, i like it a lot, i find the expanding tasks really useful but i also find it really annoying to switch between tasks... i wish the expanding could be slowed down past 150... or something else could be implemented21:23
Arminius_ok great qt is installed :)21:23
joshjtlexpanding tasks really keeps my taskmanager from getting full21:24
Quintasanthe plasmoid is just win21:24
Quintasanno more comments needed :P21:24
joshjtlQuintasan: huh?21:24
joshjtljust win21:24
* Quintasan wonders if he should stop browsing 4chan21:24
Quintasanjoshjtl: It's just great21:25
Arminius_I was wondering, what kind of application are more developped or need to be more developped?21:25
joshjtlQuintasan: do you use the expanding tasks?21:25
Quintasanjoshjtl: yeah, it saved my life yesterday21:25
joshjtlthen yeah its good21:26
Quintasana|wen: how's new/old basket?21:26
seeleheh.. love how my boss is supposed to give a talk about current trends in interface design, and then asks me what the current trends are21:27
Quintasanseele: lol21:27
Arminius_lol seele he know where the trends come from ;)21:27
a|wenQuintasan: just re-adjusting the versioning ... so when i forget that i installed a pre-release version i will still get the new one when it arrives21:27
Quintasana|wen: ok :321:28
Arminius_O was wondering, is qt also based on event in the form design? (like OnMouseOver, OnClick, etc...)21:34
smarter_Arminius_: Qt has event but what you're looking for is probably the signal/slot system21:37
smarter_just read the qt tutorials, that'll be explained ;)21:38
Arminius_well gotta go then, got a  lot to read :p21:39
Arminius_bye ;)21:39
smarter_bye ;)21:39
* kb9vqf wonders what software the Kubuntu devs use to create the Kubuntu LiveCD21:41
kb9vqfreconstructor is getting on my nerves ;)21:42
a|wenbye smarter21:44
a|wensmarter: you got your new qdevelop ... we should look at backporting it to intrepid (maybe hardy) at some point21:44
* smarter_ feels like his TODO list will collapses on itself one day :]21:45
smarter_(and create a black hole which will sucks everything)21:46
* a|wen considers if organizing his to-do's would help21:47
Quintasank, night guys21:50
mvoScottK: if you are still here, could you please run "dpkg -L python-qt4-dbus" and tell me if that claims that the mainloop/qt.so file is there?22:05
a|wenRiddell: fix for bug 353678 uploaded to bzr22:20
ubottuLaunchpad bug 353678 in kdebase "Konqueror does not appear as a choice in update-alternatives" [Low,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35367822:20
joshjtlwell I don't want to say for sure yet, but by this time with the 2.6.28 & 2.6.29 kernels intel drivers were causing unrecoverable lockups, where on 2.6.27 I've yet to get one.22:20
ScottKmvo: I will22:22
ScottKmvo: It does claim it's there and I checked and it's not there.22:24
mvoScottK: its ever scarier than expected then22:24
joshjtlanyone know how to use raptor plasma widget?22:26
ScottK-laptopScottK: Ping22:29
ScottK-laptopScottK: Ping22:29
ScottK-laptopScottK: Ping22:29
ScottKTesting.  Sorry22:29
ScottK-laptopScottK: Ping22:29
ScottK-laptopScottK: Ping22:29
ScottK-laptopScottK: Ping22:29
ScottKSput: I think that fixed it.22:29
Sputyeah, oughta22:29
Sputhint: when using an iterator-based while loop, actually incrementing the operator is a good thing to do22:30
joshjtli do not get how to use raptor menu22:32
ScottKSput: Thanks.  I've uploaded it.22:32
a|wengoodnight everyone22:43
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joshjtlis there a kde 4 sound recorder?23:47

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