
=== siekaczx_ is now known as siekacz
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vegas513hi everybody, i'm having a little bit of trouble with using a second monitor with kde, wondering if somebody can help00:15
ubottuInformation about dual-head on linux can be found on http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/DualHead - See also !Xinerama00:15
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ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about 9.04.100:59
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about 9.0300:59
ubottuJaunty Jackalope is the codename for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 23rd, 2009 -  Schedule in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyReleaseSchedule - Lots of breakage between now and April 23rd - Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support.00:59
Andre101Hello people.. I have dist-upgrade'ed to 9.04, when I log in now all I get is a black background.. anyone know where to start to troubleshoot this?01:08
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Andre101btw, kdm starts, the login screen is displayed01:09
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Legosimilar to me Andre, i just installed 8.10 and kdm boots put my password in then it freezes on the kde4.1 splash01:11
RieshAndre101: first i dod not really recommend upgrading to a new distribution like that (especially not because it is BETA) ... But you can move the old ~/.kde dir to ~/kde-old-dir ... and see if a newly made .kde dir makes a differentce01:14
LegoRiesh, mefisto__ had me do that for my situation, and it didn't work, and he not online so what would you suggest trying after that?01:15
RieshLego: maybe a reconfigure of Xorg would make a difference ? ... not really sure ... when did your problem start?01:16
Legofrom the first boot on the fresh install.  he did have me run a reconfigure aswell01:16
Legothe sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg is what he had me do.01:17
Rieshwhat kind of harware you have ? ... sure it is not broken ?01:17
RieshLego: that indeed i would also want you to do :-)01:18
sufficei didd a sudo dpkg-reconfigure -a and it got rid of that unable to start graphics thing01:18
Legoyes i know its not broken.. its an intel board using the onboard video. I runs BSD/KDE3.5/Compiz fine.. so im wondering if it just can't handel xorg7.4 and kde4.101:18
LegoI do have a radeon 2400HD installed but when i installed kubuntu with it being the primary card, i couldn't even get kdm to boot01:19
RieshMmmm maybe you can indeed try the way suffice points to, it will ask you a lot of questions though01:19
Legowill i be able to answer them :S01:20
RieshOK ... try it01:20
Legoits running now01:21
Legoum ca-certificates.. trust new ones from authorites ? yes no ask?01:22
Legopicking ask01:22
Legohehe ok.. not sure what i did.. but it looks like crap now...01:24
Rieshreally ?01:24
Rieshwhat you mean?01:24
Legowell it changed from a nice looking config (clean lines bright colors) to a dull dos looking screen01:25
Legoit did it right after a font setup01:25
Rieshdon't mention dos :-P please01:25
Rieshbash is really a lot different01:26
Legolol but thats what it looks like, the easiest way to describe it01:26
Legothe dull blue and gray with 'tall' characters01:26
Rieshbut can X run, thats the question :-)01:26
Andre101Riesh: I have moved the .kde dir, didn't help :(01:27
Legoisn't x running if kdm log in boots?01:27
RieshAndre101: what kind of hw you have ?01:27
RieshLego ... yes01:27
RieshDoes kdm run?01:27
Legoso x runs it freezes after i try and log into kde01:27
Andre101Riesh: laptop, nvidia graphics card01:28
Legolike i boot the system.. kdm shows up i put my password in and it freezes on the kde4.1 splash screen right after it loads the hdd image01:28
RieshLego: sorry, then i am out of ideas01:29
Rieshanything you can find in .xsession-errors?01:29
Rieshor in /var/log/Xorg.log.001:29
RieshAndre101: you had nvidia module loaded before you upgrade ?01:30
Legosee, when i had bsd isntalled i ran kde3.5/compiz-fusion fine on the intel card. but when i upgrade the xorg 7.4 it skips the xorg-drivers 7.4, and x would boot but compiz would crash, and after forcing the drivers install all of it crashed...01:30
Legoi will have to wait to check the xorg.0.log01:30
Legowait is it xorg.log.0 on ubuntu?01:31
RieshLego: ... uh, let me see01:31
Legoits cool :P01:32
Legoso how long does this reconfigure take?01:32
Rieshum :-) ... not so long i think01:33
Legolol you don't sound ver re-assuring :P01:33
Rieshit's just going from one menu option into the other ... and at the end it will writeout the config files01:33
=== Riddell changed the topic of #kubuntu to: Official Kubuntu support | Kubuntu 9.04 Beta http://kubuntu.org/news/9.04-beta | Jaunty/9.04 support only in #ubuntu+1 | FAQ: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/FAQ | Free 8.10 (KDE 4) CDs https://shipit.kubuntu.org | Pastes: http://paste.ubuntu.com | Chat in #kubuntu-offtopic | KDE 4.2.2 out http://kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.2.2
* Andre101 is thinking of just doing a clean install of 8.10, it's been a very long time since I have done a clean install01:34
Riddell4.2.2 is out01:34
Rieshand in Jaunty01:34
dwidmann_yup, yup it is01:34
Legoit keeps spitting out unknown formats for fonts and stuff01:34
RieshLego: hmmm ... that doesn't sound good01:35
Legounknown media type in type 'uri/rtspu'01:35
Legowas one i could catch before they flew off the screen01:36
Rieshhmmm ... this last error you got from dpkg-reconfigure ?01:38
Legoyes but it keeps going.. it spits out like 6 of those in a row and keeps going 'dpkg-reconfigure -a'01:39
joshjtli dont know whats going on here, i recently reinstalled jaunty kubuntu, and kde is running super super slow01:39
joshjtlive dist-upgraded too01:39
joshjtlthis is really really not cool01:39
Rieshsorry ... maybe you can break that off01:39
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Laeborg-lapis there any big chances from 4.2 to 4.2.2 ?01:40
Legook its done01:41
fosco_Laeborg-lap: lots of bugfixes01:41
RieshLego: -a is standing for all  ... and in the manpage it says Reconfigure all installed packages that use debconf. Warning: this may take a long time.01:41
Legoits done im rebooting and hopeing for the best.. but i dont' think it will work.. i think they dropped support for my card in xorg 7.4 or it just can't handle kde4.101:42
Legonope, same thing.. freezes, right after it loads the hdd logo,01:44
Rieshmmm, so then check Xorg.0.log01:45
Legoyup just waiting for it to reboot.01:45
Legonano /var/log/xorg.0.log01:46
Rieshand ~/.xsession-error01:46
Rieshor cat01:46
Rieshor less01:46
Legoxorg.0.log is empty01:46
Legonew file01:46
Rieshthere are more01:47
Legoso is ~/.xsession-error01:47
Legoold is empty aswell :S01:47
Rieshdoes /var/log/messages give any hints ? .... or /var/log/syslog ?01:48
Legoam i opening them wrong? nano /var/log/xorg.0.log.old ; nano ~/.xsession-error01:48
Rieshjust use "cat"  first01:49
Legomessages has tons of info01:49
Rieshinstead of nano01:49
Rieshnano is more for editing01:49
Legocat /var/log/xorg.0.log no such file or diretory01:49
Rieshwith Capital01:49
Legoah that worked01:50
Legowhat kind of error am i looking for01:50
WazmynJust got a whole pot full of updates, mostly KDE, is this the 4.2.2 update?01:50
Rieshlines beginning with (EE) ... or (WW)01:50
Lego(WW) intel(0): Failed to allocate texture space01:51
RieshLego: mmm ... you working on a other computer now ?01:53
Lego(WW) intel(0): PIPESTAT after: status:01:53
Legoand thats the only three i can see with as high as i can scroll01:54
Lego(WW) intel(0): The directory :/usr/share/fonts/X11/cyrillic" does not exist. Entry deleted from font path01:55
dwidmann_Riesh: particularly the lines with (EE), and if you're having trouble scrolling, "less /var/log/Xorg.0.log"01:56
Lego(WW) intel(0): Register 0x70024 (PIPESTAT) changed from 0x80000207 to 0x000000$01:56
dwidmann_errr, crap ... meant to say lego ...01:56
Legothats all of them01:56
tsimpson!paste | Lego01:56
ubottuLego: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)01:56
Legothats all of them01:57
Legoi can't paste bin sorry, that system is not on the net01:58
Legoim trying to do this from one computer to the next01:58
Legobut thats all of them01:58
RieshLego: You do not see any lines beginning with (EE) ?01:59
Legoall are just those 4 or 5 WW rest are == ** -- and II02:00
RieshDoes you xorg.conf have in the Device section "Driver      "intel" " ?02:00
Legoum /etc/X11/xorg.conf right?02:01
Legono it doesn't02:01
Rieshcan try to add that02:01
Legoi think mefisto had me try this aswell02:02
Legobut here goes nothing :)02:02
Rieshrestart X02:03
Rieshfrom the kdm menu02:03
Legodone, now try and log in again02:04
Legonope ...02:04
Rieshmmm ... guess i am out of ideas02:05
Legowhat the command to pull up the vga information lspci | vga02:06
Rieshgrep VGA02:06
Rieshlspci |grep VGA02:06
Legowell it found both and they are named correctly02:06
Rieshwell they won't be named incorrectly in lspci02:07
Lego00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 82845/GL[Brookdale-G]/GE Chipset Integrated Graphics Device (rev 01)02:08
Legoand how can we check the driver its using?02:10
Legopkg_info|grep xorg doesn't work :P02:10
Rieshi am just googling with the lspci info ... btw did you install from LiveCD ?02:11
Legoum. I installed from the 8.10 download straight from the kubunut site02:11
Rieshupgraded ?02:12
Rieshfrom 8.04 ?02:12
Legono straight 8.10 install02:12
Legoand didn't check the box right below the download button02:13
Rieshthere are two CD's .... livecd and alternate02:13
Rieshlive is goving a complete desktop running from cd02:13
Rieshalternate just starts the debian installer02:13
Legoyes i had the live cd then.. it was full graphic installer02:14
Legowith live cd..02:14
Legodoes that make a difference?02:14
Rieshwell, .... then X should be working02:14
Rieshthe X version from cd02:14
LegoX is working :P we've established that :P its kde thats not working02:15
Legodidn't you say that kdm wouldn't boot up if x wasn't working02:15
Rieshwell if it is running in the live cd then there should be no problem with the installed one02:15
Legono live cd wouldn't boot to the kde desktop02:16
Legoit did the same thing02:16
Legokdm worked no kde02:16
Rieshyou have network working on the comp.02:17
Legowould you like me to try again, booting the live cd, and just see exactly what happens02:17
Legono lol, we couldn't get me connected to my wireless over the command prompt02:17
Rieshno ... if it did not work it doesn't work now02:17
Legobut just to see if its gunna give a different error?02:17
Rieshok can try :-)02:18
Legolike i said im down to try anything to get it working :)02:18
Rieshmaybe just download the Jaunty beta live cd ... and try that one :-)02:19
Legowell im downloading the 8.04 right now. it has xorg 7.3 and kde3 and i know both of those should work, because i ran both under bsd with compiz (again only on the intel card since radeon doesn't have 3d support) but I guess it does under ubuntu.. so i plan on using it.. if it works.02:20
Legobut the intel or radeon don't want to work on 8.10 (intel atleast boots kdm)02:20
Legoim just glad i have 3 computers so i can mess around and not have to worry about not being on the net :P02:21
RieshLego: just depends on which driver you use i guess for the radeon card ... there are 3 options i think ... the ati driver, the radeon driver ... and the binary driver fglrx02:22
Rieshthe last one has 3D support02:23
Legowell live cd is running and on kde4.1 splash and moved past were it has been locking up.. loaded the ah wrench and nut driver / globe / looks like an envelope and now .... not sure what its doing..02:23
Rieshloading from cd is slow02:23
Legoi think it froze up again02:24
Rieshnot cd activity ?02:24
Legono hdd activity aswell02:25
Rieshthen maybe it is a bug in X ... would maybe have been solved if you could update02:25
Rieshyou don't have a cable which you can use for eth0 ?02:25
metelliushow come KDE 4.2.2 was released today, but when I went to upgrade it, it was already done automatically just with the automatic upgrade set to "security only"?02:25
Legohehe nope.. im way to far from the router, all my computers are wireless.. and i have a bridge just to get to that router02:26
Legoyea it froze..02:26
RieshSo ... you can see if 8.04 works ... boots to a complete kde environment ... and maybe after that you can try this also with 9.04 which will be release 3 weeks later02:27
LegoLOL yea.. thats what i want to do.. if i get 8.04 installed and working.. its staying put !02:28
Riesh:-) ... your missing the fun of kde 4.2.2 then02:29
Legocompiz runs :P02:29
Rieshkde 4.2.2 is much more then the wobbly windows and cube effect02:29
LegoUM im F*&$I&O Pissed.. the download for 8.04 just finished.. and nero popped up... and i just closed it.. and now i can't find the 8.04 download..02:30
Legoalmost like nero deleted it02:30
Rieshwindows ?02:30
Wazmynlego i feel yer pain, I had firefox stash it in some temp folder one time and ended up haveing to re-download02:31
Rieshwhat you used to download it ?02:31
Legoyes but ff is like 50mb max.. 8.04 is 700....02:31
Riesh:-( ...02:31
LegoIE8 even worse.. since im in Windows Seven02:31
Wazmynlego, no Firefox goofed up the download for 8.1002:32
Rieshuse torrent next time02:32
Legoah.. i see what you mean02:32
Legoi should considering i have utorrent installed02:32
* Wazmyn suggests using opera and it's nice download manager02:32
Rieshbut nero should not delete stuff ...02:33
Legomakes me wonder if i can find it in my temp folder if i accidently hit open instead of save02:34
RieshLego: can you do a search and try to find it ?02:34
Legothat was the first thing i did.. no luck02:34
Legoyea its gone.... :(02:35
RieshDoes IE not ask where save a download ?02:35
* Riesh staying away from IE already a long time 02:35
Legoit does but i may have hit open instead of save...02:35
Legough... 3 more hours.../02:36
Rieshmaybe it is then indeed saved in the temp dir02:36
Legoi looked dont' see it02:36
Rieshsearch the whole c drive ?02:36
Legoyup found just 302:37
Legonone are 8.0402:37
Legofigures... its my luck man...02:38
Rieshmmm ... looks like your out of luck then02:38
Legohehe i totally put the "It just works" outta wack02:38
Legobecause it doesn't :P02:38
Rieshwindows 7 is beta02:39
Legoyea but its not the issue.. been running it great for over a month02:39
Legogaming, surfing, downloading, torrents.. everything.02:39
Legomind you i never had an issue with vista...02:39
Rieshyeah ... ... until you download a torrent with IE and it suddenly disappears02:40
Legouptime 4days 5hrs 34mins02:40
Rieshi mean an iso02:40
Legohehe thats my probably stupidity which is why nero tried to open the file.. instead of the download dialog just closing..02:40
Legowell i figured i'd let the live cd boot again.. and it froze just after the blueish envelope appeared...02:41
RieshLego: sorry, i can't help you02:42
Legothats cool.. im just gunna hope that 8.04 works..02:43
Legowell im out for now.. thanks for the help man02:45
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BluesKajevening folks03:00
tanderson_anybody know the status of the nvidia driver *7103:15
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BluesKajtanderson_ , what's your card?03:26
tanderson_riva tnt203:26
tanderson_product: NV5M64 [RIVA TNT2 Model 64/Model 64 Pro]03:28
tanderson_I tried to get the nvidia driver going..maybe 4 months ago and there was a conflict between the driver and xserver.03:28
tanderson_I was wondering if anybody knew anything new.03:28
BluesKajdunno about the 64 bit version , but he riva tnt2 driver is known as , xserver-xorg-video-nv03:31
BluesKajit's in adept or apt03:31
ubottuScanning software: XSane, the GIMP (GNOME), Kooka (KDE). For instructions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ScanningHowTo and to see supported hardware: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsScanners - See also !OCR03:37
margaretjust install xsane with aptitude, anything else I should know03:37
ubottuOCR software for Ubuntu includes Tesseract, Ocrad and GOcr. GNOME users can use 'gocr-gtk' as a front-end to GOcr, while KDE users have Kooka available as a front-end to Ocrad and GOcr.03:38
margaretkooka is kde?03:38
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garrett_Hea LjL03:43
garrett_Remember me i used to be norrisg03:44
garrett_Can anyone read me03:48
garrett_can anyone see my messahe03:49
calamarianyone know of a kubuntu fork that retains kde 3?03:53
solifugusWhat was the file you specify package sources in?  (I forgot)03:55
calamarisolifugus: /etc/apt/sources.list03:56
solifuguscalamari: thanks.. need to comment out the source for openoffice 3, as that version of it really sucks.. I sure wish there were a proper version of openoffice 3 for kubuntu somewhere..03:57
calamarisolifugus: not a big fan of kde 4 myself :)03:58
slerderHey guys is there any way to how long a network interface card has been up and running? thanks04:04
joshjtlhey does anyone use preload or prelink in here?04:05
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ForgeAushey all04:15
ForgeAusuh I'm having some apt-get problems04:15
ForgeAusits trying to fix a problem but it won't let me fix it for it... the package kpresenter-kde4_1 (etc) is having an issue where it doesn't want to "overwrite" (even if I remove the file) /usr/share/pixmaps/kpresenter.xpm ...04:16
ForgeAusit says thats also in a package kpresenter-data...04:16
ForgeAusbut apt-get won't let me remove kpresenter-data, it wants to keep fixing kpresenter-kde4 instead04:17
ForgeAusis there something I can do about it?04:17
ForgeAusalso *buntu needs background disk health checks... I don't think anyone wants to turn their computer on to wait for a long disk scan before I can use it...04:20
esdanielanyone notice the recent update from repos is making Plasma gorge processor usage?04:20
ForgeAuserm they not I lol04:20
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esdanielhmm, seems it's still an issue with calendar plasmoid, removing solves the proc utilisation04:27
solifuguscalamari: no.. kde 4 sucks beach balls through straws..  I am tungue in cheek, hoping it'll get better in a year or so..04:42
solifuguswondering if somebody shouldn't just upgrade the old kde 3 to qt 4, without the redesigns.04:43
solifugusthe hideous redesigns04:43
joe__hello all04:59
asobiipod not mounting05:13
|toadcan anyone help me in here?05:13
slerderHey guys i just ran rkhunter and i got two warnings, one in /usr/bin/dpkg-query  and one in /usr/bin/dpkg . What could it be? What should i do? thanks05:32
jithinehi guys any one facing system freezes on kubuntu jaunty05:36
Rieshslerder: Please check the log file (/var/log/rkhunter.log)05:41
Legojust finished installing 8.04 and it booted fine first time.. it did give me a pop up for using the restricted driver for the ati card.05:55
tweakedehI installed a virtual box and now it says I need to slect mixer for my sound on linux, How would I fix this?06:02
Legorunning the adept updater now..06:10
=== keisangi is now known as freaks
alFoXhi all. Can anyboody halp me to submit bugreport for kmail?07:39
timboy_I just updated my intrepid drivers to the latest nvidia now they're not loading properly... Here is xorg.conf: http://pastebin.ca/1380648 here is the end of Xorg.0.log: http://pastebin.ca/138066107:40
draik_I'm looking for a way to fileshare what I have on this laptop with someone else in another state07:54
draik_How can I set that up?07:54
draik_I know there was something in 8.04 to do it, but got taken away in 8.10 for some odd reason07:55
michael_I want to install Kubuntu, and since I've had many problems with KDE 4.2 I am eagerly waiting for the newest stable edition of Kubuntu. But I don't want to wait until the 23rd, I want to start use it now. Can I install it now, and then at 23rd do an update so it is the same as the stable release?08:01
timboy_I just updated my intrepid drivers to the latest nvidia now they're not loading properly... Here is xorg.conf: http://pastebin.ca/1380648 here is the end of Xorg.0.log: http://pastebin.ca/138066108:03
frogonwheelsI've got that problem where hibernate  works perfectly - except that it reboots my machine instead of powering down...08:04
frogonwheelsanybody got any suggestions (8.10 kubuntu)08:04
larsemilany way to get same behaviour in konq on tabs as in firefox? with an x to close the tab at the tab instead of at the right side of the screen08:05
frogonwheelserm.. using open source ati x drivers..08:05
frogonwheelslarsemil: yes.08:05
larsemilfrogonwheels: how?08:06
frogonwheelscan't remember.08:06
larsemilfrogonwheels: found it. was easy. :)08:06
frogonwheelsfigured 'yes' would be sufficient :)08:06
larsemilhmm i dont get flash to work in konqueror even though i installed flashplugin-nonfree08:11
frogonwheelslarsemil:  not recognised? not working?08:19
frogonwheelslarsemil:  check  about:plugins08:19
frogonwheelsI have:  Shockwave Flash  Shockwave Flash 10.0 r15  flashplugin-alternative.so08:20
JohnDoe365Hi! Today i got this waring after apt-get update: W: GPG error: http://ppa.launchpad.net intrepid Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 9423A34CCA96763408:31
JohnDoe365and adept wants to uninstall a great deal of KDE4 packages .... even kwin ...08:32
larsemilfrogonwheels: i had to search for it in konq settings08:33
JohnDoe365I'm on kubuntu 8.10 btw08:38
JohnDoe365any experienced the same or does now whats going on?08:38
larsemilJohnDoe365: sudo apt-get update could help you maybe?08:39
JohnDoe365larsemil: Yeah, I get this warning after running apt-get update08:47
JohnDoe365I havent messed with repositories so i'm wondering whats going on08:48
JohnDoe365I'm reulctant to do a apt-get upgrade as it will leave me with a defunct kde408:49
larsemilwell try doing another update.08:51
MarkieMark1JohnDoe365: have you added medibuntu to your repos?08:53
MarkieMark1medibuntu 'needs' key verification08:54
MarkieMark1JohnDoe365: https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/4703908:55
JohnDoe365MarkieMark1: I have added it right after 8.1008:56
MarkieMark1though the key ID listed there is different to the one you list in your error message08:56
JohnDoe365and already installed packages from medibuntu08:57
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MarkieMark1so it could be a different repo that's raising the error?08:57
JohnDoe365so i have the feeling this is sthg. different08:57
kyle__Hi, Has any one else noticed that http://za.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/x/xorg/x11-common_7.4~5ubuntu17_all.deb is missing?08:58
JohnDoe365MarkieMark1: maybe ... what really bothers me is adept: If I would allow to run it, i would have a cripled system09:00
JohnDoe365MarkieMark1: amongst others it would uninstall dolphin and kwin09:01
MarkieMark1JohnDoe365: you get that with changing releases09:02
JohnDoe365I think its somehow related to kde 4.2 update09:02
MarkieMark1I remember breaking my system trying to update my Open Office to gutsy's version of Open Office from Feisty09:02
MarkieMark1It's similar to how the update manager suggests removing packages when you upgrade the 'normal' way09:03
JohnDoe365but i have the feeling that i shouldnt get it ... i issued no dist-upgrade and added no repo of jaunty ...09:03
MarkieMark1JohnDoe365: quite possibly as you say specifically linked to KDE4.209:05
MarkieMark1I'm no specialist in KDE though there should be, around :)09:05
=== guido is now known as Guest95056
marie_blubbhey guys, I try to configure my firewall for samba. I'd like to close port 137-139, 445 and 901 but allow it füor a couple of IPs i'm using. doesn't work. is gufw the right plattform for that?09:38
ubottuUbuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).09:39
ActionParsnipthen use guarddog to set the rule to allow the traffic, all other requests will be denied09:39
ToreadorVampireHey all - what's the general feeling of the Kubuntu Hardy » Kubutu latest upgrade path at the moment for desktops?  I remember when Intrepid first appeared on the scene it came with a footnote along the lines of "Hey, Intrepid/KDE 4.x is the latest and greatest, but - maybe you want to stick with Hardy for now if you run a production environment"10:01
ActionParsnipToreadorVampire: runs fine10:01
ActionParsnipToreadorVampire: if you have a usb stick spare you could install to that to try it10:01
ToreadorVampireMmm, that's not a bad idea actually ... My current USB stick is a bit small for that (512MB, but hey, it was a freebie) but I should probably get a new one someday - and it's not like they're expensive10:03
ActionParsniptrue and they are great for testing new releases as you do not touch your internal drive10:03
ToreadorVampireMmm, I do remember also that when Intrepid first appeared it said that a lot of settings for Hardy aren't likely to survive the transition to a KDE 4.x based environment ... is that still the case or has the upgrade process been improved since then?10:04
jmasponsHello. Maybe you somebody already said it but with the new kde 4.2.2 plasma eats all the CPU. It's a packaging problem or it comes from kde?10:05
ToreadorVampireIt's only that - I'm mid-project at the moment (but should be finished in a few weeks) - I don't want to change my production machine while I'm mid-project, but I don't mind trying out a quick switch just before I start a new project10:05
wizkoderanybody succeeded in listening to music with the mbs-100? a bluetooth speaker? I get an error message when I try to pair it with my computer10:05
ToreadorVampireAnyway, thanks - will probably skip Intrepid and try Jaunty in a few weeks ... thanks for the suggestion :)10:07
sgroverJust installed the Jaunty beta to a USB stick.. a little slow (meaning a lot slow) in terms of data transfer, but otherwise Jaunty is looking rather slick10:09
cuznti got jaunty juandice workin fine10:11
=== rraphink is now known as raphink
marie_blubbActionParsnip puh thats really complicated i allowed dns, ftp, http https do you know what samba needs because It#s not workking anymore10:13
ActionParsnipmarie_blubb: looks like 44510:15
ActionParsnipmarie_blubb: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=36599010:16
wizkoderyesterday jaunty made its way on my laptop. today I will install it on my desktop. next week I guess (when all tests are passed) it will move to the computer in my company. great work!10:17
=== nicola is now known as HamidReza
wizkoderor should I wait until final is out? beto to final should work right?10:18
ActionParsnipwizkoder: its out but the final release has been pused back to august due to issues. it does however run ok on my stystem byt your systm will e different10:19
HamidRezai need an a software for call wating10:23
HamidRezawith dial up10:24
jmasponsIn the new version of kde 4.2.2 plasma eats many CPU (around 80%). I am using intrepid in a x386 and it worked fine before this upgrade. What happen?10:26
marie_blubbActionParsnip sorry me again, i read in the oreily doc that i have to closes these ports, but just for trying I cannot find  where to change that in the guarddog (I read the website of guarddog)10:26
ActionParsnipmarie_blubb: not something i use but its my next project so you'll have to feel around10:28
HamidRezahi.... in need a software for call wating in dial-up connection10:29
HamidRezai need a software for call wating in dial-up connection10:34
HamidRezai need a software for call wating in dial-up connection10:36
HamidRezahelp me10:36
HamidRezaanswer me10:37
HamidRezahelp me10:39
HamidRezahelp me10:39
ActionParsnipHamidReza: clearly nobody can or they would have answered by now10:39
ActionParsniptry again later in the day10:39
marie_blubbhow do I deactivate guarddog? I dont get it10:40
ActionParsnipguarddog is only a gui tool fo iptables10:41
frogonwheelsHamidReza: you mean to disable call waiting while on dialup?10:56
=== forge is now known as ForgeAus
ForgeAushow to fix apt-get?... I have a problem with koffice packages... kpresenter-kde4 wants to install a pixmap into /usr/share/pixmaps/kpresenter.xpm where another package kpresenter-data apparently also installs it to and doesn't like to overwrite it ... (even if I delete the file, oddly)...11:14
ludanhi guys11:14
ludanI was wondering if you know what is the application that shows you the level of the volume when you use FN keys combinations11:14
ForgeAusbut it won't let me apt-get remove kpresenter-data and all apt-get -f install does is keep trying to install kpresenter-kde411:14
ForgeAusvolume, uh kmix?11:15
ForgeAusnot sure if it dynamically updates when you use FN keys tho11:15
ludanForgeAus: no man, kmix is something, I'd like to be notified when I press FN+F311:15
ForgeAusthere might be a monitoring app to show something like that... but if there is I don't know what its alled11:15
ludanor F4 whatever11:15
ForgeAusf4 for changing volume? hmmm I don't think Kubuntu is set up that way anyway... is it?11:17
ludanyes it does11:17
ludanat least with the live-cd11:17
ForgeAusok sorry I havn't much experience with audio stuff, I tend not to use it alot11:17
ForgeAusthe F keys I tend to use for switching virtual terminals or whatever its called (ie control + alt + f7 for x-server display, and the ones before that generally for tty1, 2, 3, etc cli logins)11:19
ForgeAusmany apps assign a function to the F keys11:19
ForgeAusso like I said I'm not familiar with Fn keys for audio11:20
ForgeAusbrb, I just had an idea to find out something11:21
ForgeAuswait Fn as in a notebook PC?11:21
ForgeAus(rather than just an F key like F1, F2, F3?11:21
ludanFN as in a sony laptoop11:21
ForgeAusahh ok well thats probably based on what sony (lots of other companies that make notebooks also use an FN key in a similar way)... decides it does11:22
devilsadvocatethere is some laptop keys package, and some laptop-detect stuff11:22
ForgeAus(often they use a diff colour like blue)11:22
ForgeAuson the keyboard directly to show what the function does...11:22
ForgeAusone common use for an Fn key is to switch between LCD display and external VGA connector...11:23
ForgeAusaudio volume is obviously something Sony have done custom for their notebooks, which is fine, but how the software recognises that is a whole other question, unfortunately I don't know if it even does...11:24
ForgeAuswhat I do know is in system settings the keyboard and mouse applet can show you KDE's combinations11:25
=== Lavandergirl{kc} is now known as Ciylana
Ciylanadoes anyone know how to stop kopete sending light grey text to my msn buddies?11:29
ibrarI am getting nothing when trying to share file using dolphin11:30
ibrarso i have tried it manualy11:30
ibrarsudo kcmshell4 fileshare11:30
ibrar> Error: "/var/tmp/kdecache-ibrar" is owned by uid 1000 instead of uid 0.11:31
ibrar> findServiceByDesktopPath: fileshare.desktop not found11:31
ibrar> ibrar@ibrar-laptop:~$11:31
lindaanyone here that uses amarok2?11:34
hutchDoesanyone know how to mount a drive and keep it mounted at startupon ubuntu server?11:36
hutchlinda I do11:37
devilsadvocatehutch, put it in /etc/fstab11:48
hutchdevilsadvocate thanks.11:52
hutchI passed the info onto Saturn 2888 in #linuxmint11:53
hutchHe says that that dir doesn't exist. He's on Ubuntu server11:53
esdanielyep Linda, wassup?11:54
Mad_DudHello everyone. (K.8.04.2) i've noticed that yesterday new update appeared. But it's different than others, because it contains installation of several packages. can someone confirm, that it's ok?11:55
devilsadvocatehutch, thats not a dir, thats a file11:55
devilsadvocateand it probably exists11:55
hutchk thanks11:56
hutchdevilsadvocate do U knnow what the UUID is?11:59
etfbIs there a video driver that's generic, like the vesa one, but supports higher resolutions than 1024x768?12:00
devilsadvocatehutch, uuid is sort of a replacement for /dev/hda1, etc12:03
devilsadvocatehutch, you can just use the /dev/hdxn etc for it instead of the uuid12:03
hutchK thnx12:03
devilsadvocateim not sure how to find out the uuids12:03
ubottuTo see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in a !shell: « sudo blkid » (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LibAtaForAtaDisks for the rationale behind the transition to UUID)12:05
ibrarI am getting nothing when trying to share file using dolphin12:06
etfbIs there a way to use Intrepid or Jaunty with KDE 3.5?12:06
ForgeAusyes, uninstall kde4 and reinstall kde3.5 from source! lol12:07
ForgeAusor use kde3 packages from feisty or hardy repos?12:07
hutchThanx for the help guys Saturn2888 thinks he's sorted now12:07
cuzntkdesu dolhin12:09
ForgeAusI personally did an upgrade of Hardy (with KDE3 and a kde4 alternative parallel to it) to Intrpid now I have some kinda hybrid that runs by default KDE4 but kde3 stuff still works12:09
cuzntkdesu dolphin12:09
=== jeltsch is now known as jeltsch_
ibrarMy file sharing not working12:46
ibrarcan any body help12:46
yaa_anybody could12:47
yaa_which way should it work12:47
ibrarRight click on folder and shar this folder12:48
ibrarin dolphin12:48
ibrarin sharing tab it has configure file sharing12:48
ibrarwhen i click this button nothing happends12:49
yaa_type smb://ipadress/share in browser12:49
ibrartime out on server error12:50
yaa_share is on linux or owindows12:51
MarkieMark1check windows firewall settings?12:52
yaa_is the share available for others12:53
MarkieMark1in gnome it's system->places->network->windows network etc12:53
ibrarLet me explain: I have to share folder in linux and want to access from windows12:53
MarkieMark1ibrar: http://2tap.com/2007/04/22/sharing-files-between-a-windows-guest-and-ubuntu-host-using-vmware-and-samba/12:54
MarkieMark1though you won't need the vmware bit12:54
ibrarno VM12:55
ibrarI need to copy data over network12:55
MarkieMark1right so simply follow the instructions as far as they are relevant, ignore the VMware instructions, it'll work12:55
yaa_configure smb12:56
ibrarok doing12:56
war10cktesting konqueror on janty12:59
war10ckwith flash12:59
noaXesshas anybody also updated to kde 4.2.2?12:59
ForgeAusow to fix apt-get?... I have a problem with koffice packages... kpresenter-kde4 wants to install a pixmap into /usr/share/pixmaps/kpresenter.xpm where another package kpresenter-data apparently also installs it to and doesn't like to overwrite it ... (even if I delete the file, oddly)...13:00
noaXessjust one little problem i have.. in the moment.. if i run kickoff application launcher the cursor isn't focused in the search field..13:00
ForgeAusnoaXess I don't think its in my repos as yet... if so once I fix my kpresenter problem I'll ug to it13:00
ForgeAushehe I'm no fun I use legacy application launcher (menu-style)13:01
noaXessi use kicko app launcher cause so i can search for a installed app that has a link in kmenu13:01
ForgeAusyeah I like the searchbox13:02
noaXessnormaly i press ALT+F1 and then search.. now i need to click into the search field..13:02
ForgeAusyeah 4.2 (the one I have, not .2.2) autofocuses the search field13:04
war10ckso, does the youtube.com flash video play in your konqueror?13:09
war10ckthey work in firefox but not in konqueror13:11
war10ckwonder if it is a bug13:11
iambellosanii'm trying youtube on my conqueror now, get back to you soon - just installed kubuntu!13:11
war10ckit works on my intrepid but not on jaunty13:12
jmasponsForgeAus the 4.2.2 is in experimental repos (http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.2.2)13:12
war10ckwhat do you have jambellosani?13:12
jmasponsBut I have some problem with this version: plasma use 80% of CPU all the time!13:12
iambellosanidoesn't work!13:12
iambellosanicomplains about java turned off or old flash player!13:13
war10ckgreat success13:13
war10ckiambellosani, what kubuntu do you have?13:13
war10ckfrom intrepid or jaunty?13:14
war10ckit works on mine13:15
war10ckit doesn't work on jauntuy13:15
war10ckwonder what is the problem13:16
iambellosanimaybe i should try downloading the flash player to see if it will work13:16
iambellosanidid you have to download it before you could use youtube? war10ck?13:17
war10ckiambellosani i use flash either from adobe-flash or flash-nonfree13:21
ephoenixhey everyone13:24
war10ckdoes it work?13:25
iambellosanistill downloading!13:26
cuznti can not find my disk back up13:28
ephoenixIs there anyone having problem with audio from the browsers. And the browsers freezes up once video comes up sometimes.13:29
ubottuFor Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk13:29
cyzthank you13:30
=== fontknocker is now known as fontknocker|zzzz
war10ckiambellosani what are you downloading? the packages or the macromedia site?13:32
iambellosanithe package - have a slow connection13:39
iambellosanii'm from nigeria!13:40
u-guardI m a kubuntu user from Greece an d I d like to make a question13:42
u-guardI ve upgraded from kde 3.5 to dke 4.213:42
u-guardand I can t install and download any plasmoids13:43
u-guardcan anyone help me plz13:43
Mamaroku-guard: I suppose you use Intrepid?13:43
u-guardMamarok: yes i do13:44
Mamarokin KDE 4.2 there aree widgets instead, those are not called plasmoids anymore13:44
u-guardMamarok: I follwed the instructions here http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.2.2 skipping the first and the 4th step13:45
u-guardbecause I didn t know how to do this13:45
* devilsadvocate liked the name plasmoids13:46
Mamaroku-guard: you don't have to explain :)13:46
u-guardI see what you say but i can t add any plasma widgets13:46
u-guardMamarok:  can i do something to fix this?13:47
Mamaroku-guard: did you update your repositories?13:47
u-guardMamarok: could you help me with this?13:47
Mamaroku-guard: you will have to remove the plasmoids13:47
u-guardMamarok: how ?13:48
Mamaroku-guard: use your package manager13:48
u-guardMamarok: adept package manager?13:48
u-guardMamarok: and type what?13:48
u-guardMamarok: sorry for being such an ....13:49
Mamaroku-guard: you newer di install things yourself before?13:49
=== ubuntu is now known as EagleSn
u-guardMamarok: yes i ve installed but ...should i type plasmoids in search box of adept?13:50
Mamaroktry it13:51
EagleSnif I format an ext3 filesystem as ext4, is it possible to recovery any file from the old ext3 filesystem}13:51
u-guardMamarok: IT SAYS NO MATCHES FOUND13:51
Mamaroku-guard: no need to shout...13:51
u-guardMamarok: yes sorry13:52
u-guardI tapped by accident13:52
Mamaroku-guard: did you check if you have all necessary repositories?13:52
u-guardMamarok: no because I dont know which ones are the needed ones13:53
Idhanady: hi13:53
adyeres espaniol13:53
Mamarok!es | ady13:53
ubottuady: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.13:53
chris-rc1is there a way to set the HAL values for the temperature at which the fan starts spinning?13:54
Mamaroku-guard: could you please tell me which repositories are active for you?13:54
Idhanady: no, I'm not, no lo soy13:54
Idhanady: pero puedo hablar espanol13:54
adyno pasa nada13:54
MamarokIdhan: English please!13:54
lun4ticis there a way to set plasmoids to dashboard only?13:55
Mamarok!es | Idhan13:55
ubottuIdhan: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.13:55
IdhanMamarok: take it easy!!!13:55
renanHi, I've updated my kubuntu 8.10 and the x server isn't working. Someone could help me?13:55
* Idhan is away: Gone away for now13:56
* Idhan is back.13:56
u-guardMamarok: the deafult of Kubuntu and I ve added restricted extras13:56
MamarokIdhan: there are rules, like avoiding public away messages...13:56
bazhang!away > Idhan13:57
ubottuIdhan, please see my private message13:57
IdhanMamarok: ok..  I disable the away..sorry, my mistake13:57
u-guardMamarok: ??13:58
u-guardMamarok: so/?13:58
Mamaroku-guard: the needed repositories are given in the website for kde 4.2.2 IMHO, did you follow these steps?13:58
Mamaroku-guard: patience :)13:58
u-guardMamarok: I ll check it now13:59
u-guardMamarok: could you give me the link?14:00
Idhanon linux which is the format for icons?? png?14:00
Mamaroku-guard: you gave it yourself previously, but here it is:14:01
=== Tonio__ is now known as Tiono_
pucko-renan, what's the problem?14:03
u-guardMamarok: ok I ve already have the right repositories14:03
Mamaroku-guard: let me try, I don't use Adept usually14:04
=== Tiono_ is now known as Tonio_
u-guardMamarok: ok thanks a lot14:06
renanpucko-: I updated my system, using the package manager, yesterday. After reboot my X Server don't start. Even after a startx command14:06
pucko-renan, you could try to generate a new Xorg config.. unless it's a driver issue. what card are you using?14:07
Mamaroku-guard: sry, don't have Adept anymore here, running Jaunty on this machine14:07
Mamaroku-guard: you should be able to find by typing *plasmoid IMHO14:07
renanpucko-: It is an intel onboard card14:08
renanpucko-: how do I generate a new Xorg config14:08
ubottuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution14:10
pucko-renan, sudo Xorg -configure, from console14:10
etricworst carse you could try to rename xorg.conf to something else. the xserver should start in failsafe mode *hopefully*14:10
pucko-etric's suggestion might be better though14:10
pucko-not sure exactly how ubuntu handles all that14:11
pucko-renan, and it's always a good idea to look for error messages in /var/log/Xorg.0.log"14:11
renanThanks, It happened at my notebook that isn't here. I'm gonna try it soon14:13
DarkTanare there any good/east to use programs for linux i can use to remove the lryics from songs?14:14
lovresince i installed Amarok2, all problems, bugs, crashes etc. What alternative do you suggest? Is SongBird any good?14:16
DarkTanyou can use the "Movie Player" that comes with Xubuntu, but it has little in the way of features. other than that, Amarok is all i've ever used14:17
lovreDarkTan: i love amarok, but its freaking me out since i installed version 2. Looks better, but thats all, other is just a bunch of bugssssssssss.14:18
lovreDarkTan: ok, ty14:18
DarkTanactually, i haven't used version 214:21
* DarkTan installs now14:21
MamarokDarkTan: there is a gstreamer add-on, but not implemented in any of the current media players14:22
Mamarokneither Intrepid nor Jaunty14:23
DarkTan*eye twitch* my mom paid for Audacity for windoze and it's free for linux -_-14:23
DarkTanWell, Mamarok, i'll be using Audacity 'cause I'll already know how to use it. just can use the windoze version, cause windoze got eated by trojans14:24
MamarokDarkTan: you will have to be patient, it's not ready for Jaunty neither14:24
DarkTanwhat is't ready? Audacity or gstreamer?14:25
Mamarokno, the karaoke function for gstreamer14:25
DarkTanthat ok, don't need it. Audacity does everything i need and then some14:26
DarkTanand it does it quite well14:26
ubottuIn den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.14:27
lovrehow do i update locate?14:38
Idhanlovre: sudo updatedb14:38
lovreIdhan: thanx14:39
Idhanlovre: np14:39
sitaram(please no flames or discussion; just a straight yes/no) does the default install of kubuntu install/require mono?  (Over on #ubuntu they said ubuntu does so I'm asking here about kubuntu)14:42
Mamarokyou are welcome :)14:43
=== hasnain[dead] is now known as Hasnain
victimhow do I install a particular version of an application? I find Konversation 3.5.10 to have a few bugs and I want to use 3.5.9 again14:52
sitaramI think it's called "pinning", which you mught google for, but I'm sorry I don't know more than that14:53
geniisudo apt-get install packagename=version              version is as reported by apt-cache policy packagename14:53
geniipinning is another thing14:54
ubottupinning is an advanced feature that APT can use to prefer particular packages over others. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto14:54
sitaramgenii: thanks...14:57
geniisitaram: You're welcome14:57
=== cthompson_ is now known as tyler_d
gerrit_hi there14:57
ubottuHi! Welcome to #kubuntu!14:58
gerrit_does anyone know why I always get "http://www.%t.com/" in my firefox address bar when klicking on a link in KMail ?14:59
gerrit_kinda annoying :)14:59
=== gerrit_ is now known as catch-22
=== catch-22 is now known as catch-33
Unksiis there any way to diagnose a usb harddisk health in linux?15:00
Unksilike software that ultimateboot disk has but running directly from ubuntu15:00
sitaramcatch-33: most such URL handlers use %s (or so I thought).  Might you have made some config changes and typed in %t instead, and -- that being unrecognised -- is getting carried straight to firefox?15:01
sitaram(warning: I'm just a wanderer who wanted to ask something here; I don't actually know much about kubuntu)15:01
geniiUnksi: Why not just use the UBCD, it already has all the tools on it from the manufacturers etc15:01
Unksigenii: because i dont have any cd's and am lazy to go buy them atm :p15:02
lovrewhen is 9.04 comming out?15:02
catch-33@sitaram that's what I was thinking, too. but I didn't  do any config/template hacking15:02
geniilovre: Ask in #ubuntu+115:02
geniiUnksi: There is an old but still interesting article on the subject here: http://ubuntuguru.wordpress.com/2007/04/06/digital-forensics/15:04
Unksiok, thank you15:04
BluesKajHowdy all15:05
* genii hands BluesKaj a coffee15:05
BluesKajthanks genii  :)15:05
geniiBluesKaj: Anytime :)15:06
=== jtechidna is now known as JontheEchidna
twisted_ghi, does anyone here use LyX? I've tried their main irc channel but all 4 people are idle.15:16
victimhow do I find the right version number for konversation 3.5.9? sudo apt-get install konversation=3.5.9  gives  E: Version ‘3.5.9’ for ‘konversation’ was not found,  I appear to have version 1.1-0ubuntu2.115:17
noaXess!info mixxx15:18
ubottumixxx (source: mixxx): Digital Disc Jockey Interface. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.6.0~beta3-2ubuntu1 (intrepid), package size 1689 kB, installed size 3164 kB15:18
fabrohey, I've got a problem, a few days ago I installed Ubuntu Intrepid and when trying to set some packages in the sistem I must have messed up15:18
fabroi'm gettin an error in this archive:  /etc/apt/sources.list.d/medibuntu.list15:18
fabrois it safe for me to erase the file or do I have to do something else?15:19
fabro(i've tryed editing the file by hand, as I've read in some forums)15:19
fabro(now I can't open synaptic without getting an error)15:20
geniifabro: The exact error might be useful15:20
fabrook, just a sec15:21
ubuntujust testing jaunty beta15:21
ubuntulooks great :)15:21
geniivictim: I explained already. Use : apt-cache policy packagename to derive the number/version to use for the apt-get install directive15:21
fabroPor favor, informe de ésto como un fallo en el paquete «update-manager» e incluya el siguiente mensaje de error:15:21
fabro'E:Tipo 'http://www.medibuntu.org/sources.list.d/intrepid.list' desconocido en la línea 1 de lista de fuentes /etc/apt/sources.list.d/medibuntu.list, E:No se pudieron leer las listas de fuentes.'15:21
fabro(my sistem is in spanish)15:22
geniifabro: Put in the file:   deb http://wherever                          instead of just: http://wherever15:23
geniifabro: No, wait. Please use pastebin website to show us the contents of your /etc/apt/sources.list15:24
fabrowow, i was about to do it, how do use that?15:25
fabrowhere is pastebin?15:25
ubottupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)15:25
geniifabro: The bot explains it , just above15:25
cuzntbut there is also a pastebinit program to15:26
cuzntit auto pastes it15:26
cuzntthough i forget how to do it15:26
=== Hasnain is now known as hasnain[dead]
fabro(is the link right?)15:28
fabrook, this is one of the only two things to have the sistem fully functional15:29
geniifabro: Hm. Not to paste the error, but the contents of file. Do:  cat /etc/apt/sources.list        and then pastebin that, please15:29
fabrothe error is not on that file15:29
fabrothe error is in etc/apt/sources.list.d/medibuntu.list15:30
fabrodo I paste the content of that file anyway?15:30
geniifabro: Whichever file the malformed line is in15:31
fabrothat's the one15:32
geniiWork is needing me here on and off right now, please excuse lag15:32
fabrosure, no problem, I can fully operate my comuter15:32
fabrothe only thing is that synaptic crashes everytime I open it15:33
fabroso, there's no rush15:33
fabro(i'm not sure if I'm flooding you with so many posts, If so I'm really sorry)15:33
geniifabro: So:   cat /etc/apt/sources.list.d/medibuntu.list       and then pastebin results of that15:35
geniifabro: It seems malformed line which needs "deb" or "deb-src" in front but would like to make sure15:35
geniifabro: Yes, cat15:35
fabroI don't know what that means15:36
geniifabro: It means to type in:   cat /etc/apt/sources.list.d/medibuntu.list                ...which will put the contents of the file ont he screen. Then copy fromt he screen to the pastebin website so we can all see the file.15:37
geniifabro: cat=concatene15:38
fabrohere it is: http://paste.ubuntu.com/143513/15:41
geniifabro: I do not know why it seems to want to go to the internet when you are doing the "cat" command. Maybe this is output from a different console appearing or from stdout. But here is the result of same command on my computer for instance (hardy and not intrepid): http://paste.ubuntu.com/143515/15:48
geniifabro: Note it puts " deb"  before the url.15:49
fabroso you're saying I should edit the file and put "deb " before the url?15:49
geniifabro: Yes, now you are beginning to understand15:51
fabrook, great, i'll do that, thanks15:52
geniifabro: Or instead you could just move the directory somewhere for backup, then follow the instructions of: http://winehq.org/download/deb15:53
fabrook, I'm reading it (I added the "deb " but I got another error15:56
geniifabro: The url you have in there is not correct, aside from the no "deb" at beginning of it. Best to read the site and follow it15:57
fabroI got this one http://paste.ubuntu.com/143518/15:57
fabrook, then I'll read it though out15:58
fabrothanks a lot and sorry for the time wasted15:58
joshjtlI'm having lock ups that require manual shutdown, the cursor is still moveable but nothing else is16:00
joshjtlthe only thing i've done differently of late that i can think of is using preload, and booting without "splash", and with "vga=791" in kernel line...16:00
geniijoshjtl: I'd suspect the preload16:02
joshjtlgenii: ok, so my only recourse would be uninstalling preload then?16:03
geniijoshjtl: PErhaps try that and see if it is the cause. If it isn't, reinstall it and return for more help on same subject16:04
joshjtlgenii: good idea, i will do just that16:04
geniiWork, AFK16:05
joshjtlgenii: do you know if i need to do anything16:05
joshjtlother than just uninstalll preload16:05
joshjtlgenii: for example do i need to reboot or anythingg?16:06
lovrewhy do my applications allways forget the dimensions i set? Example, i want to open dolphin in fullscreen, but it allways opens as window16:09
geniijoshjtl:A reboot would be best to make sure. Did you use some directive in grub like "profile"  or such?16:10
joshjtlgenii: no just removed splash, and added vga=79116:10
geniijoshjtl: OK.16:11
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joshjtlgenii: is there anywhere i can look, a log maybe where i might be able to find info on what is causing this?16:11
fabrosorry genii, but I've read it twice and don't seem to get the point, what links the site you gave me to my problem?16:13
geniijoshjtl: There are many logs in /var/log     the usual ones to look at are: messages boot faillog      and so on16:13
geniifabro: It seems fairly self-explanatory16:13
geniifabro: http://winehq.org/download/deb16:14
geniifabro: They may also be able to assist you better in channel #ubuntu-es  if you prefer Espanol16:15
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Legohey guys, i just installed the compiz stuff from the desktop effects, and rebooted.. how do i use the cube and all the other features of compiz?16:25
Legolike the wobbly windows, fire, snow, cube, all that fun stuff?16:26
=== vic is now known as Guest84098
Legoin bsd it installed e ccsm and emerald theme manager but i don't see either of those16:28
* umakant yawns and goes back to sleep 16:28
Legoand when i go into the desktop effects, it ust give me the 4 options, none, some, more, custom, i have it set to custom.. but don't know were to customize them16:28
fosco__Lego, execute ccsm in a terminal16:29
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Legohmm seems it didnt' install that part16:30
fosco__if ccsm is not installed it will tell you hot to install it16:31
lovreplease help, in what repository can i find this: gtk-qt-engines-kde416:31
Legoyes it did, thanks, but why didn't it install it when it installed the compiz stuff from the desktop effects, and i assume i will have to do the same with the emerald theme manager?16:31
fosco__lovre, aptitude show gtk-qt-engines-kde416:32
fosco__Lego, yes16:32
lovrefosco__: with default repos16:33
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Legook one more question now.. why does my cube only have a front and back ? and they are tight upagainst each other.. instead of showing a cube?16:53
fosco__because you have two desktops only16:54
fosco__use ccsm to set 4 desktops16:54
Legoi tried and it won't change it just sits at one16:55
fosco__make sure you do it in the right place16:55
fosco__ccsm - general options - desktop size16:56
Legogeneral -> desktops -> 216:56
Legoccsm, is locked at 1, and the kicker shows 2, and when i configure kicker and set it to 4 it does nothing16:57
Legook so i got the kicker showing 4 desktops but when i enable the cube again, all i get is front and back16:59
Legoccsm won't let me change the number of desktops, is blue and locked at 116:59
|PaperTiger|Why do I have to restart X, then restart my computer every time I boot up just to get my second display working?17:00
ActionParsnip|PaperTiger|: what video card?17:02
|PaperTiger|ATi Radeon X1600 PRO17:02
Legohmm nope no luck.. i changed it to 4 and it put 8 and when i re-inable copiz, it drops the planes to 4 again, but he cube only shows front and back17:02
|PaperTiger|ActionParsnip, I don't know if I have to restart X, but that's the first thing I try, so I don't know if I HAVE to do it to get it to work17:03
ubottuInformation about dual-head on linux can be found on http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/DualHead - See also !Xinerama17:04
ActionParsniptry that to evaluate settings17:04
ubottuIn den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.17:04
amgarchingwhat is the easiest way to install gcc 4.4 snapschot on ubuntu Intrepid?17:04
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Legook i've set the desktops to 1 and still when i enable compiz my cube is just front and back :S17:14
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Legosorry 4*17:14
spiel_mit_feuerhey.. i used to come into this room long ago17:14
spiel_mit_feueris anyone here?17:16
amgarchingdoes it make sense trying to install gcc-snapshot (20090327-0ubuntu1) from Jaunty repos onto Intrepid?17:17
spiel_mit_feueris this the room id come into if i was actually running kubuntu, and opened x-chat?17:18
geniiamgarching: Perhaps ask them questions of this nature in #ubuntu-devel or #ubuntu-motu17:18
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fosco__amgarching, no need to do that17:20
fosco__spiel_mit_feuer, this room is for kubuntu assistance, if you have any kubuntu question this is your place17:21
spiel_mit_feueryeah? so? i might install kubuntu soon17:21
amgarchingfosco__: ? I want most recent GCC 4.4, what do I do instead?17:22
spiel_mit_feuerim getting a new computer on monday, comes pre-equipped with windows XP home SP3, and what id assume will be a few gigs of trailware.. so im getting rid of that installation17:22
spiel_mit_feuernot sure what i will put on in its place17:23
=== ubuntu is now known as legolasfa
legolasfai have a problem with GRUB17:28
legolasfaat boot it repeats recursivly "GRUB"17:28
keisangihi there, i have a problem with kde (jaunty beta, latest kde) "moving files to trash" is extremely slow17:29
geniispiel_mit_feuer: I usually dd the factory Windows install to some backup as well. A lot of companies won't honour the warranty if it's not running the OS they supplied it with (or that they are not familiar with)17:29
keisangidelete is as fast as usual, but move to trash is very slow17:29
geniikeisangi: #ubuntu+1 please for 9.04/Jaunty17:29
mat69does anybody know why kde nightly did not get updated the last weeks?17:29
keisangigenii: k, tnx17:29
BluesKaj!grub | legolasfa17:30
amgarchingkeisangi: do you delete them from your home directory?17:30
ubottulegolasfa: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto17:30
geniilegolasfa: This sometimes happens if you chainload a second drive and then THAT drive also has grub installed17:30
fosco__keisangi, are deleted files and trash dir located at the same partition?17:31
tdstrongHey everyone.  Just wondering if anyone can tell me what reasonable CPU usages would look like for xorg and plasma when viewing them in 'top'.  My xorg is eating up 10% CPU and plasma is using 6%.  Reasonable?17:45
cuznti think so17:45
etricsounds normal tdstrong17:46
cuzntmy x varies between 1 and 5 but i have 2g ram17:46
tdstrongSame here.2GB RAM, intel c2 duo @ 2.66Ghz17:47
cuznt@ 136 processes i am @ about 11 % to fity %17:47
tdstrongnVidia drivers, as that probably makes a difference.17:47
cuznti killed fity men so you could have gigrams17:47
cuznti am single athlon17:48
tdstrongWow.  Seems like my load should be closer to yours.17:48
tdstrongYou using compositing & desktop effects?17:49
fmkhi, i've a question belonging to the k-menu!After the last update (wednesday) the fokus in the menu is not at the search box!? how can i get the fokus back at it?17:49
cuzntand i am running furthur and amarok17:49
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about fokus17:50
cuzntnor do i fmk17:50
cuzntdid you try right clicking?17:51
fmkat the kmenu?17:51
cuzntit might have been turned off for a reason though17:51
fmkyes but there is no property for the search box17:51
cuzntan inrelated conflict somewhere17:51
ml9c'è qualcuno italiano?17:51
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)17:52
tdstrongfor what it's worth, my xorg cpu usage has gone back to toggling between 2 and 6.  Thanks again for all the help!17:54
|PaperTiger|How do I install the radeonhd driver for my graphics card?17:54
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto17:54
ml9porco cane nn riesco ad aprire messenger17:56
DarkTanhow does one go about installing programs from .bin files?17:57
geniiDarkTan: It is some app which was not in the (k)ubuntu repositories which you manually downloaded instead, to install?18:01
BluesKajBBL , errands in the rain :P18:01
DarkTanyeah, Adobe AIR18:01
joshjtldoes anyone how to reset dolphin... something to do with HOME= something or other i forgot18:02
|PaperTiger|If I've used Adept to download the latest ATi Driver, do I just edit the driver information in xorg.conf?18:02
geniiDarkTan: Make the file executable. eg: sudo chmod +x filename.bin      then run it by :  ./filename.bin          (may need sudo depending )18:05
wolfganghey guys.. i installed kubuntu 9.04 (beta) (cause network was messed up in 8.10).. and now my printer (canon i80) doesn't work18:05
wolfgangany ideas?18:06
geniiwolfgang: Ask in #ubuntu+1 for 9.04/Jaunty please18:06
DarkTanok, tried "./AdobeAIR.bin" got "access denied" gonna try to make is excutable18:06
DarkTanthat did ti18:07
geniiDarkTan: Welcome18:07
jirka_good evening, I have one problem, today apt upgraded my instalation to KDE v 4.2 (I had one activated respository with amarok and I forgot to check which version it wants to instal). Is there any easy way how to downgrade it to KDE 4.1?18:13
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joshjtlokay i have discovered the source of my lockups (require manual power off) Gimp! when I'm using gimp I get these unrecoverable lock ups..18:16
joshjtlproblem is I really need gimp right now...18:16
Guest58909any one know how apply the especific propierities windows18:17
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jhunCoucou tout le monde18:19
fosco__!hi | jhun18:19
ubottujhun: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu!18:19
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DarkTanare there any other /good/ image editing programs besides gimp?18:24
UnksiDarkTan: theres a software called krita in koffice, no idea how it compares to gimp though as ive never tried it out18:25
DarkTanok, i might check that out18:27
geniiCinelerra also18:28
ActionParsnipopen office draw18:28
genii(but more for video)18:28
ActionParsnipkolourpaint ;)18:28
* genii kolourpaints ActionParsnip!18:29
ActionParsnipits awesome :)18:29
ActionParsnip!info kolourpaint18:31
ubottukolourpaint (source: kdegraphics): Transitional package. In component universe, is extra. Version 4:4.1.4-0ubuntu1~intrepid1 (intrepid), package size 21 kB, installed size 60 kB18:31
ActionParsnipDarkTan: think mspaint but for kde :D18:31
PhilippePhmmmm , I'm trying to upgrade to beta but update-notifier-kde -d answers that ther is no upgrade available (with kdesudo it just stalls)18:31
* DarkTan was looking for something a little more....advanced18:31
cuzntthe back up program seems to no longer be in kubuntu 9.04 Beta?18:35
ubottuThere are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning18:35
ActionParsnip!jaunty | cuznt18:35
ubottucuznt: Jaunty Jackalope is the codename for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 23rd, 2009 -  Schedule in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyReleaseSchedule - Lots of breakage between now and April 23rd - Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support.18:35
geniiActionParsnip: Yer a factoid maniac today! ;)18:36
cuznti was told from a peep in #quassell that from dmesg my hd was crapping the p00p00 platter18:36
ActionParsnipgenii: just lazy18:36
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genii!info backup-manager18:41
ubottubackup-manager (source: backup-manager): command-line backup tool. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.7.7-1 (intrepid), package size 111 kB, installed size 612 kB18:41
=== c is now known as donerightit
genii!info backup-manager jaunty18:41
ubottubackup-manager (source: backup-manager): command-line backup tool. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.7.7-1.1 (jaunty), package size 118 kB, installed size 632 kB18:41
cuznthmm is what i said18:42
cuznti dropped my whole /jome/faydriss into /opt/comby/private a 500g storage18:42
cuzntbut im sweating bullets i tell ya18:42
PhilippePhmmmm , I'm trying to upgrade 8.10 to beta 9.04 but "update-notifier-kde -d" answers that ther is no upgrade available !!!18:43
ActionParsnipPhilippeP: kdesudo update-notifier-kde -d18:45
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PhilippePActionParsnip: if I use kdesudo ... in a terminal it just stalls after reading packagelist ...18:47
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nighstalkerIs anyone having trouble with their programs disasppearing at random in Ibex? Every since I've upgraded, programs just randomly turn off and disappear with no errors or anything. I've done a reformat and reinstall to see if that would fix it, but no luck.18:48
ubuserHow do I change the home in dolphin kde 4.2?18:50
yoritomohello all18:51
Mamarokubuser: how that, change the home?18:51
ubuserDolphin starts in /ho18:51
Mamarokubuser: did you try changing the default folder in the settings?18:52
ubuserDolphin starts in /home/myname/documents. I wish to start it in /home/myname18:52
yoritomoanyone got success installing a Lexmark printer 2300 series on ubuntu or kubuntu 8.10  with the propriétary driver?18:53
Mamarokyoritomo: never tried that, sry18:54
ActionParsnipPhilippeP: try sudo instead18:54
PhilippePubuser : first thing you see when you go to dolphin config is what you need18:54
MamarokPhilippeP: guess what I answered :)18:54
ActionParsnipPhilippeP: sudo update-notifier -d18:54
PhilippePjust tryed no upgrade available .18:55
PhilippePMamarok: :)18:55
ActionParsnipPhilippeP: http://www.ubuntu-unleashed.com/2008/12/howto-upgrade-to-jaunty-jackalope.html18:56
yoritomodriver installation is launching but at the time to connect the printer, no detection, still requesting18:56
ActionParsnipPhilippeP: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/upgrade-ubuntu-810-intrepid-ibex-to-ubuntu-904-jaunty-jackalope-beta.html18:56
g_dolphin keeps crashing in the fully updated intrepid, I can't even copy pictures from a memory card into a file folder without the damn thing crashing18:56
PhilippePActionParsnip: I'll try ...18:57
ActionParsnipPhilippeP: you could try reinstalling the upgrade manager18:57
PhilippePupdate-manager not on my system :/ ok18:58
ActionParsnipPhilippeP: sudo apt-get install update-manager; kdesudo update-manager -d19:00
PhilippePActionParsnip: isn't update-manager supposed to be Gnome related ?19:01
ActionParsnipPhilippeP: its all ubuntu at the end end of the day19:04
PhilippePActionParsnip: yeah I know ... :)19:05
ActionParsnipPhilippeP: see what deps are needed for it, if you use firefox you will have most of them already no doubt19:05
ActionParsnipPhilippeP: better?19:09
PhilippePActionParsnip: not really, update-manager installed and guess what my system is up to date  ...19:11
ActionParsnipPhilippeP: try a reboot19:12
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noren_hi all19:13
noren_got stuck in the konsole mode how to get back to the kdm login window19:13
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about kdm19:14
ubottuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution19:14
noren_oh tahnks got it19:15
joshjtlis there anyway I can ctrl+tab through apps that are on all desktops?19:16
cuzntoops wrong winder19:19
subcoolHey- i would like to back up my DVD's, anyone know of a good App?19:27
MadDudHello everybody.19:28
MadDudGuys, kubuntu 8.04 (kde3.5) last update crashed my kde, and i can not bring it back...19:28
thedmanIs there any way to have the taskbar panel on desktop 1 but not on desktop 2 ?19:29
MadDudthis update containet lots of "uninstall" options :-/19:30
MadDudis there any way to roll back last update?19:30
almoxarifado-2O QUE E ISSO??19:35
almoxarifado-2ALGUEM PODE ME AJUDAR19:35
fosco__!pt | almoxarifado-219:36
ubottualmoxarifado-2: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.19:36
administrator_I was wondering if you guys could give me a quick help with kubuntu?19:40
almoxarifado-2what's your names?19:40
administrator_!nick help19:41
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about nick help19:41
administrator_!nick Arminius19:41
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about nick Arminius19:41
ubottuInformation about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname . Registration help available in #freenode19:41
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)19:41
almoxarifado-2sorry, I don't know19:41
ubottuYum! Err, I mean, APT!19:41
administrator_my problem is with the "MPlayer"19:41
* cuznt is sometimes known as19:42
ubottumplayer is a media player. It resides in the mutiverse repository and can easily be installed via applications -> add/remove. For codecs try !codecs19:42
=== administrator_ is now known as Arminius
=== Arminius is now known as Arminius_
cuzntwhats the difficulty admin19:42
Arminius_well when I start it I get an error message19:43
Arminius_AO pulse could not connect to server19:43
almoxarifado-2my problem is with the "Amarok"19:43
Arminius_but I can still read the video I want19:43
Arminius_it's just a bit annoying...19:43
cuzntdo you use pulse?19:43
fosco__Arminius_, try -ao alsa or -ao arts19:43
fosco__more info with -ao help19:44
cuzntor maybe that feature needs to be unchecked19:44
Arminius_well I don't really know what pulse is :$19:44
Arminius_I am pretty new to kubuntu19:44
cuzntso am i19:44
Arminius_for the -ao thing, it tells me  command not found...19:45
almoxarifado-2more info with help19:45
fosco__Arminius_, wow, mplayer -ao help19:45
fosco__Arminius_, we were talking about mplayer19:46
cuzntmplayer -ao help  why -ao and no mplayer --help19:46
Arminius_ah ok sorry :s19:46
almoxarifado-2do you think??19:46
cuzntmplayer -ao help  why -ao and not mplayer --help ?19:46
fosco__cuznt, mplayer -ao help <-- gives you help on sound only19:46
mtavareshello all!19:46
Arminius_ok that works19:47
Arminius_I get a list of options19:47
mtavarescan anyone tell me how come havin two computers with the same apt source.list they don't have the same updates available?19:47
geniimtavares: A lot depends on whats installed on each.19:47
Arminius_and what do I have to do now?19:48
geniimtavares: It won't grab updates for something you don't have installed, for instance19:48
mtavaresgenii: well.. I want to update to kde 4.2, but this computer is stuck on 4.119:48
cuzntkick it!19:48
cuzntjust kidding19:48
mtavaresgenii: the other comp updated just fine to kde4.219:49
toby_My 8.10 system today notified me of a whole slew of updates, but it also wants to remove a *lot* of packages, e.g. adept, akregator, amarok-kde4, dolphin... seems like most of KDE! Any idea what that's about?19:49
mefisto__cuznt: the fonzie method19:49
cuzntit is.... i must whack it to get my old dvd to read @ times....19:49
Arminius_because there are a lot of options and I don't really know which one to choose :s19:49
* cuznt waits to upgrade pc19:50
fosco__Arminius_, mplayer -ao "whateveryouget" file.avi19:50
mtavaresgenii: and shouldn't I be able to see that there are updates available for dolphin (for example)?19:50
fosco__for example: mplauer -ao alsa file.avi19:50
Arminius_ok thanks, just a sec... testing19:51
eagles0513875!pt | almoxarifado-2:19:51
ubottualmoxarifado-2:: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.19:51
bazhangalmoxarifado-2, please dont PM me19:51
eagles0513875bazhang: he did same thing to me19:51
Arminius_yeah now it works without any bug :D19:53
Arminius_but will work also if I start it the normal way?19:53
Arminius_(without konsole)19:53
geniimtavares: You'll only see that "updates are available" when it's for something you're currently using. Otherwise just the list of what versions of what are updated19:54
mefisto__Arminius_: you can set it to use alsa (or whatever is working for you) in preferences. right-click on mplayer, preferences19:54
Arminius_thanks a lot for your help everyone!!!19:55
Arminius_works great now19:57
toby_I removed http://ppa.launchpad.net/kubuntu-members-kde4/ubuntu from the repos and it seems to be okay now... I think I added that for Amarok2 ages ago19:57
Arminius_just 2 questions....19:58
Arminius_do you suggest updating from KDE 4.1 to 4.2?19:58
Arminius_or doesn't it change a thing19:58
Arminius_and I am programming aps windows, can I help programming Kunbuntu by any chance?19:59
Arminius_in windows19:59
Arminius_I mainly programmed in Object pascal (Delphi (yeah I know, everyone tells me not to...)) and have some bases in C++20:00
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Arminius_is there a devellopers channel?20:02
cuznti think so20:02
Heigouhi any help? availiable?20:02
cuzntgo to kde.org20:03
cuzntnose around20:03
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)20:03
Heigoumy first day of kubuntu20:03
rickestArminius_: #kubuntu-devel and a host of others20:03
Arminius_Heigou great change ;)20:04
HeigouI have BT Voyager 1040 wireless and atm i am using an ethernet cable, i have ndiswrapper, what do i do from here?20:04
mtavaresgenii: found out what was happening. I had a /etc/apt/preferences that was making apt ignore the packages from the kde 4.2 launchpad20:04
Arminius_I am gonna quit the channel tschau ;) and thanks a lot for you help! you are great guys!20:05
Heigouof the many people on here i am surprised no one replies20:05
mtavaresHeigou: well... what do you do from here... Don't know. Where do you want to get?20:06
yaa_nobidy knows which way to help you20:06
Heigoui want to get wireless working20:07
ubottuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs20:12
almoxmy probl is Amarok.....not work MP320:13
mefisto__almox: do other players play mp3?20:16
=== proteus is now known as panproteus
joshjtlhey who was it that told me about a dolphin fix including HOME= something... ?20:17
cuzntit was that other guy he said it20:19
joshjtlcuznt: you remember?20:20
cuzntno i was being a smart ass20:20
cuzntit should be /home/joshjtl in your case20:21
cuzntwhat exactly was the problem?20:21
cuzntmine is not my nick20:21
* cuznt is a tricky guy20:21
joshjtlcuznt: well i logged into ftp from dolphin and it messed up moving things to trash (started taking for ever) then i fixed it using something from cli HOME= somthing mytempdir... but i forgot what i did20:22
cuzntwith dolphin?20:22
cuznti did not know you could do that20:22
mefisto__almox: try installing libxine1-all-plugins then restart amarok20:23
mefisto__!info libxine1-all-plugins20:23
ubottulibxine1-all-plugins (source: xine-lib): the xine video/media player library, meta package. In component universe, is extra. Version 1.1.15-0ubuntu3.2 (intrepid), package size 54 kB, installed size 84 kB20:23
almoxhow are you?20:28
almoxmirin: hello20:30
mirianhawar you20:31
luis_alguien habla español20:33
ubottuHi! Welcome to #kubuntu!20:33
genii!es | luis_20:33
ubottuluis_: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.20:33
rafalI'm testing all programs and i connected here :)20:33
siekaczhow to upgrate to beta when update-notifier-kde -d doesn't work?20:36
donatellohi all! whi launching knetworkmanager don't need of "sudo" password?20:37
mirianummmm good20:37
* genii hands out more coffees20:45
wizardslovakalways when i type "apt-get install file" i am getting error:Couldn't find package file20:45
wizardslovaki just installed kubuntun on laptop and cant install any other software20:45
wizardslovakcould it be that i have wireless20:46
wizardslovakanyones here??20:47
mefisto__wizardslovak: are you connected with wireless? are you using the wireless to connect here for example?20:47
wizardslovakyes i do20:47
mefisto__wizardslovak: ok what are you trying to install?20:48
wizardslovakso i've decided to install firefox from .tar.bz2 but for that i need to get "build-essentials"20:48
wizardslovaki am using this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware as my source20:49
mefisto__wizardslovak: sudo apt-get install firefox <-- that doesn't work?20:49
wizardslovak"package firefox is not available,but is reffere to another package"20:50
wizardslovaki got firefox.tar.bz2 and i want to install it from it20:50
mefisto__wizardslovak: kdesudo software-properties-kde20:51
mefisto__wizardslovak: go to the "third-party software" tab and make sure the cdrom is NOT enabled20:52
wizardslovakCDrom is not enabled20:53
=== Gary is now known as evilGary
wizardslovakhmm i wonder if wireless has something to do with it20:55
mefisto__wizardslovak: in the first tab, try changing to a different download server20:57
wizardslovaki changed  "server of USA" to "main server"20:57
mefisto__wizardslovak: when you close it, it should do an update. after that try to install firefox again20:58
wizardslovaksame think20:59
Dragnslcr!info firefox21:00
ubottufirefox (source: firefox-3.0): meta package for the popular mozilla web browser. In component main, is optional. Version 3.0.8+nobinonly-0ubuntu0.8.10.2 (intrepid), package size 67 kB, installed size 124 kB21:00
DragnslcrSomething must be wrong with your software sources21:00
mefisto__wizardslovak: can you ping archive.ubuntu.com21:00
wizardslovakwhats the command?21:01
mefisto__wizardslovak: ping archive.ubuntu.com21:01
wizardslovakok its pinging ,what am i looking for?21:01
mefisto__wizardslovak: ok if it's working that's ok. ctrl-C to stop it21:02
=== Authority_ is now known as Authority
mefisto__wizardslovak: can you pastebin your /etc/apt/sources.list ?21:02
wizardslovakok i did stop it21:02
ubottupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)21:03
wizardslovakhow do i view sources.list?21:03
DragnslcrOpen it in kate21:04
mefisto__wizardslovak: kate /etc/apt/sources.list    will open it in kate21:04
mefisto__seems ok to me. anyone see anything wrong there?21:08
wizardslovakwell i just installed fresh copy of kubuntu21:08
wizardslovaki can browse internet normally i just can't get apt-get command21:09
mefisto__wizardslovak: sudo apt-get update <-- does that work?21:09
=== administrator_ is now known as Arminius_
=== genii is now known as evilgenii
=== evilgenii is now known as genii
almoxgenii: hello21:11
yoritomoi have big big problems suddenly after launching the automatic update, nothing works anymore due to broken packets21:11
geniialmox: Hi21:11
sylvarI'm having trouble with viewing a Java applet in Firefox 3 on kubuntu intrepid. One public example of the applet is at -- is there anyone out there who can actually see the streaming video rather than just a gray box?21:11
yoritomono more konsole, no more source list utility ......21:12
yoritomohow to start to fix it ?21:12
__-osh-__Hi. I have an old 6.06 that I thought I'd upgrade since it's no longer supported (or won't be soon?). How do I go about it? Trying a "sudo do-release-upgrade -p" but that fails... space requrements on /boot it seems.21:12
wizardslovak_so naything people?21:12
yoritomoeven adept and synaptic not working :s21:12
geniisylvar: I see there a variety store counter with a cooler next to it21:12
wizardslovak_maybe it cant find route to internet21:12
__-osh-__Is there some other way of upgrading that won't download everything to /boot?21:12
__-osh-__sylvar: I get some sort of control-panel with zoom, pan, tilt and stuff...21:14
wizardslovak_mefisto__: ??21:14
__-osh-__sylvar: but that's in konqueror. sorry. didn't read properly. but is that what's supposed to be there?21:14
mefisto__wizardslovak_: sudo apt-get update <-- does that work?21:14
bmungerI am a bit confused on how to use the GUI in Kubuntu 9.04 beta to configure a static IP address for my ethernet card.  It seems I have to create a new connection or something.  Does anyone know how this is supposed to work?21:15
wizardslovak_this works21:15
mefisto__!jaunty | bmunger21:15
ubottubmunger: Jaunty Jackalope is the codename for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 23rd, 2009 -  Schedule in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyReleaseSchedule - Lots of breakage between now and April 23rd - Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support.21:15
sylvargenii: OK, that's what I want to be able to see.  If you sudo update-alternatives --config java, what package is selected to handle java?21:15
geniialmox: Please don't PM me. I assist in public channel only. Also it is just generally rude to message people without first asking21:15
__-osh-__sylvar: In firefox there's a video of some kind of box...21:15
__-osh-__sylvar: which appears zoomable...21:16
sylvar__-osh-__: really? dang... I get the controls but not the video...21:16
wizardslovak_ok i tried apt-get install wine and it works too21:16
__-osh-__bmunger: I could tell you how to do it in a console.21:17
wizardslovak_now it works21:17
__-osh-__bmunger: but not in gui.21:17
mefisto__wizardslovak_: try installing firefox now21:17
wizardslovak_i typed apt-get install firefox and its installing21:17
wizardslovak_what was wrong??21:17
sylvarat the moment I'm using /usr/bin/gij-4.321:17
raccoon_what's that?21:17
bmunger__-osh-__: oh i already know how to use ifconfig, im just curious so I can help others that will have this question21:17
__-osh-__sylvar: firefox 3.0.8. And now there's someone moving about in the picture...21:17
sylvarI also have /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-cacao/jre/bin/java and /usr/bin/cacao and /usr/lib/jvm/java-gcj/jre/bin/java available21:18
raccoon_yeah i heard about ifconfig21:18
geniisylvar: (/usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun- Nothing to configure21:18
__-osh-__bmunger: it's also in /etc/network/interfaces if you want it to be permanent... =)21:18
mefisto__wizardslovak_: the apt-get update did it, it seems. but when you changed download servers, that should have done the same thing21:18
sylvargenii: thanks. hm. perhaps i should download it directly from sun.21:18
norenhi there how to know the cpu temp21:19
wizardslovak_lol you see i am newbie lolz21:19
bmunger__-osh-__: yea i read about that too... thanks21:19
wizardslovak_is there command to update all drivers on my laptop?21:19
sylvaroh, and i maybe should have mentioned i'm using 64bit. didn't realize that might have anything to do with it. (might it?)21:19
raccoon_hi wizard you can use a program named envy21:20
__-osh-__noren: /proc/acpi/thermal_zone or similar...21:20
raccoon_that configures all drivers wothout getting worried21:20
geniisylvar: Quite possbily. This box is 32bit21:20
wizardslovak_raccoon_: envy? never heard of it21:20
mefisto__wizardslovak_: sudo apt-get upgrade  will upgrade everything you have installed that is upgradeable21:20
ubottuEnvyNG is a program to install newer version of nVidia drivers, which can be found in !Universe as "envyng-gtk" or "envyng-qt". It is NOT a supported method to install them; please only use it at your own risks if standard methods fail - See !nVidia21:20
raccoon_i only install the core21:20
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about temp21:20
genii!info lm-sensors21:20
ubottulm-sensors (source: lm-sensors-3): utilities to read temperature/voltage/fan sensors. In component main, is extra. Version 1:3.0.2-1ubuntu2 (intrepid), package size 121 kB, installed size 564 kB21:20
__-osh-__noren: I already answered you.21:20
mefisto__wizardslovak_: if you see a message about some things being "held back" do this: sudo apt-get dist-upgrade21:21
sylvargenii: which package should i install to get the correct version of java for applets in firefox, then?21:21
geniinoren: You want lm-sensors and sensord    and some panel app like Kima or Ksensors to monitor them21:21
noreni dont know how to use that to find out is that something i have to run in konsole21:21
__-osh-__Is there a recommended way of upgrading from 6.06 to 8.04 on a headless system?21:21
norengenii: i got lm sensor and sensord but cant fig out which of them is cpu temp21:22
geniisylvar: Don't know, offhand, sorry21:22
mefisto__!upgrade | __-osh-__21:22
ubottu__-osh-__: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading21:22
sylvargenii++ __-osh-__++ for the help!21:22
wizardslovak_lol its upgrading 150mbs21:23
__-osh-__mefisto__: right, is it a problem that I don't have the directory /etc/update-manager/ as the instructions say?21:24
norenthere are so many different temp values,, which one is cpu temp http://paste.ubuntu.com:80/143675/21:25
wizardslovak_what program to use to open jpg?21:25
raccoon_wizard: gwenview for example21:26
mefisto____-osh-__: I don't see where it says that. what page? hardy upgrades?21:27
BOZGnoren: The four core temps are your cpu temps.21:27
__-osh-__mefisto__: Network Upgrade for Ubuntu Servers (Recommended)21:28
__-osh-__mefisto__: step221:28
__-osh-__mefisto__: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading21:28
norenBOZG: cud u please tell me wat are others for, and why four core tem, ??21:28
BOZGnoren: What CPU do you have?21:29
BOZGI'll assume it's a Core 2 Quad21:29
BOZGOr a Phenom X421:29
wizardslovak_i always wanted to know ubuntu server but couldnt find any courses21:29
=== solid_li` is now known as solid_liq
doug_fhay peeps got something goofy going on knetwork manager is killing my computer I think. . . It takes at least 5 minutes to respond and there is a root process taking up 98.6% time on one of my CPUs. Process name [events/1] any ideas?21:30
norenBOZG: product: AMD Athlon(tm) 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 4000+21:30
noren          vendor: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD]21:30
__-osh-__mefisto__: the problem is that following those instructions will have me deleting even the running kernel in /boot. Not a good option.21:30
__-osh-__mefisto__: I only have two kernels in there now but it still sais it needs more space.21:30
BOZGMost new processors have a number of cores.21:31
BOZGRather than just a single core.21:31
BOZGSo, you get the core temperatures of all the cores.21:31
mefisto____-osh-__: you sure you don't have /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades ?21:31
norenBOZG: wats the safe core temp??21:31
BOZGThough I would have assumed that it would only give 2 temps if you've an X2, though I don't know all that much about CPU structures.21:31
__-osh-__mefisto__: yep. only /etc/updatedb.conf which isn't related. =)21:32
mefisto____-osh-__: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HardyUpgrades  has different instructions. have you looked at that?21:33
BOZGnoren:  I think it depends on the chip but normally, 60C is warning level.21:33
BOZGAnd 70C causes an automatic shutdown.21:33
BOZGDepending on your BIOS.21:33
doug_fany ideas what [events/2] is?21:34
mefisto____-osh-__: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HardyUpgrades#Network Upgrade for Ubuntu Servers (Recommended)21:34
BOZGYour temperatures are fine.21:34
__-osh-__mefisto__: yeah, but 6.06 isnt' listed there yet so perhaps the support hasn't run out yet then?21:34
__-osh-__mefisto__: maybe I should hang on to dapper for now...21:34
mefisto____-osh-__: that page says "Upgrade from 6.06 LTS to 8.04 LTS"21:35
__-osh-__mefisto__: I thought dapper was running out of support around now. It's been on my machine for quite a while.21:35
doug_falso my virt terminals are hosed. Any ideas?21:36
__-osh-__mefisto__: NOW is see it. They've hidden it after 7.something...21:37
mefisto____-osh-__: dapper *server* is supported until June 2011 according to this: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases21:38
geniiWell, -server is21:38
geniiServer is 5 years, desktop is 321:38
__-osh-__mefisto__: And yes, I've followed those instructions "sudo do-release-upgrade"  but that only lands me in "free up some more space in /boot and come back". And the space it wants me to free up is * in /boot. Not an option. :-)21:39
__-osh-__mefisto__: but if it's supported for another 2 years then I should probably forget about it and worry 2011 if the machine hasn't broken down by then. =)21:40
yoritomohow to get the list of broken packets by tty ?21:41
garthounetje cherche un jerome21:41
yoritomoKonsole does and synaptic does not works21:41
genii!fr | garthounet21:42
ubottugarthounet: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr21:42
garthounetyes i do21:42
garthouneti am a good boy in bed21:42
yoritomoJerome is in Bob & Bobette :D21:43
__-osh-__mefisto__: thanks for helping me figure out that I can be lazy for a few more years. =)21:44
garthounetand i love lot of   girly's with me in mein bed21:44
mefisto__garthounet: go away21:44
garthouneti love fucking the military's and the fbi21:45
norengarthounet: ???21:45
yoritomothe only way i have is to repair my broken packets by tty , how to list them please ?21:46
wizardslovak_i have a question to those who use server21:46
wizardslovak_i want to make web server but it will be connected to router21:46
norenyoritomo: sudo apt-get dist-upgrade21:46
wizardslovak_how should i set up router/server so i can actually use it?21:47
garthounetii can notice that the american are bad21:47
wizardslovak_i mean if computer writes web site ,it changes to ip and then finds computer with that ip21:47
=== chalcedny is now known as chalcedony
wizardslovak_how Pc will find my computer if router has wan ip    and server had lan ip atc
garthounetich ficke jeden montag ubd jeden samstag ihren familie21:48
noren!ot | garthounet21:49
ubottugarthounet: #kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!21:49
yoritomonoren thanks, but it did not resolve my problems :(21:50
mefisto__yoritomo: what's the problem exactly?21:51
yoritomoi did an automatic update by the icon in taskbar, then adept opened and made the updates, but after , horror, everything going bad, no more konsole, no more synaptic or even adept, and everything going bad21:52
yoritomothen i tryed to reinstall konsole by tty and i saw it has broken packets21:53
mefisto__yoritomo: sudo apt-get install -f21:53
yoritomoi did already, it just answer, 0 packet removed, 0 newly installed, 4 update not installed21:55
mefisto__yoritomo: was there any message when you did dist-upgrade ?21:57
yoritomoi had strange windows for a few progrmas requesting to enter password21:58
yoritomoit said if not the old one will still be used :s21:58
yoritomoha sorry21:59
yoritomono i got it when i made the auto update21:59
yoritomoyes i got message on dist-upgrade, but nothing major21:59
mefisto__what message?22:00
yoritomoi can't read it anymore under tty :(22:01
yoritomobut looks like no erros22:01
=== garrett is now known as Guest7847
yoritomotrying to install adept it says about a broken kdebase-runtime22:04
mefisto__sudo apt-get remove kdebase-runtime && sudo apt-get install adept22:05
mefisto__yoritomo: installing adept will probably install kdebase-runtime again22:05
yoritomothanks i try now22:06
BluesKajyoritomo, install synaptic , click on edit /fix broken packages, click apply22:07
gng16mnothing cool ??22:09
=== solid_li` is now known as solid_liq
gng16mwtf !!!22:11
BluesKajhi gng16m , just ask your question22:11
fat_rat!ohmy | gng16m22:11
ubottugng16m: Please remember that all Ubuntu IRC channels share the same attitude of providing friendly and polite interaction with all users of all ages and cultures. Basically, this means no foul language and no abuse towards others.22:11
gng16mahm i just wanted to know if somebody is alive here22:11
BluesKajnope , were all dead :)22:12
BluesKajziombie kubuntu22:12
gng16mwher r u from ? me -> AuT22:13
ubottu#kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!22:13
mefisto__gng16m: just a boring help channel here22:14
yoritomoeach things i try to reinstall it said about broken package which i am not able to réinstall because depending about other broken packages :s22:15
BluesKajyoritomo, reboot into grub , choose the recovery kernel , thenwhen the dialog asks you about your bootup , choose "fix broken packages"22:17
yoritomooh ok, good idea thanks22:18
yoritomoi come back soon22:18
moniqueme ves?22:19
BluesKaj!es | monique22:21
ubottumonique: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.22:21
wizardslovakhow should i install openoffice?22:22
wizardslovakapt-get install ??22:23
mefisto__wizardslovak: should already be installed22:23
wizardslovakooo yea i didnt see it22:23
joshjtlanyone know how to use raptor plasma widget?22:29
norenwar is that22:31
mefisto__raptor is an alternative menu/program launcher. doesn't seem very useable22:35
eliboggshi all22:46
yoritomohe i am under windows, kubuntu just start on console mode :s22:47
yoritomoeverything broken22:47
yoritomothe recovery packet fixer did not works in this case :(22:47
yoritomomefisto__ i don't know what to do more :(22:48
TheriexHow do I access Kubuntu's automount configuration 8.10?22:49
flohHi. do anyone of you know how to add ntfs-parition into dolphin (left part, called "locations")?22:50
yoritomowhat to do ?22:50
flohThere is already "WinXP", but I want to add 2nd Partition, which is also ntfs.22:50
=== fontknocker|zzzz is now known as fontknocker
mefisto__yoritomo: you're on the same pc in windows?22:51
TheriexNobody knows how I can access automount options?22:51
yoritomodual boot22:52
yoritomowith access to the ext2fs partitions by efs driver22:53
=== brunocqc is now known as brunoqc
mefisto__yoritomo: can you still boot to kubuntu desktop?22:53
yoritomothen from here i can check some logs or other things22:53
yoritomono more gui nor the log screen22:53
yoritomo though when i do startx it is working22:54
FabParmaHi, I just installed Kubuntu, I am very happy, but I can't make changes in the "system setting". It seems that to edit needing a different user level. How to enter and make changes in  "system setting". Thank You22:54
yoritomobut only blank screen in graphic mode22:55
mefisto__yoritomo: so when you do startx it is NOT working, right?22:55
picketfenceIs it not possible to put a laptop to sleep with Kubuntu?22:56
FabParmaHow to make changes in the "system setting" (control panel like). Thanks22:57
yoritomoi tryed to use themefisto__ startx give me a high resolution grey screen with a little cross as mouse pointer22:58
DragnslcrFabParma- it should ask for your password if you change anything that requires root privileges22:58
Theriexawesome support in here, really22:58
FabParmaDragnslcr: no botton to elevate permission or insert password. it is normal?22:59
etfbI want my laptop to work with a screen resolution of 1280x800, because that's its default.  I don't want to use the proprietary ATI driver, because it's broken and stupid.  What are my options?23:00
FabParmaDragnslcr: have i to launch  "system setting" by console?23:00
FabParmahow to get full access in  "system setting"23:01
yoritomomefisto__ anyway when i try an apt-get , not working looks like no more connection23:01
ActionParsnipyoritomo: can you pastebin the output of sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade23:03
yoritomosorry i am under windows, when i reboot on ubuntu, no internet connection then it can't do anything23:04
yoritomobut if necessary i can get the log23:04
FabParmai need to change setting in  "system setting", but i can read it only. No way to modificy23:04
ActionParsnipthen we can guess the output23:04
TheriexCan anybody tell me where I can access Kubuntu's automount configuration/options???23:05
etfbI just tried dpkg-reconfigure and all it did was set up the keyboard.  WTF?  How do I reconfigure my video???23:05
mefisto__FabParma: what setting do you want to change?23:05
Theriextheres nothing under system setting sofr automount23:05
yoritomoActionParsnip can you describe me waht to do , how to copy it in a file under terminal?23:06
FabParmamefisto__: login23:06
ActionParsnipyoritomo: you need to get web access sorted in the system23:06
FabParmalogin screen23:06
yoritomowhat do you mean?23:07
ActionParsnipyoritomo: check ifconfig for an ip address then check nslookup of web addresses and see if you can web browse to you routers ip. can you ping web based ips and web based names to see if dns is failing23:07
mefisto__FabParma: so when you go to Login Manager, it doesn't ask for your password?23:08
FabParmano bottons23:08
FabParmanothing to elevate my level23:09
DragnslcrFabParma- is your user a member of the admin group?23:09
FabParmaDragnslcr: no idea, i installed it as default23:09
ActionParsnipyoritomo: you need to work out what you can and cant do23:09
FabParmai go to check23:09
mefisto__FabParma: alt-F2 and type: kdesudo kcmshell4 kdm23:10
mefisto__FabParma: does that work?23:10
TheriexCan anybody tell me where I can access Kubuntu's automount configuration/options?23:10
yoritomoi type ifconfig , i note the result, then i type nslookup followed by an ip ?23:11
amgarchIn9how do I disable transparency of the task panel in KDE 4.2? I would like to keep other eye candy tough23:12
FabParmamefisto__: i go to try right now, thanks23:13
flohCan somebody tell me whats wrong here. I entered "sudo mount /dev/sda1 Daten/". I got back following output "mount: unknown filesystem type „linux_raid_member“". /dev/sda1 is ntfs, why do I get "linux_raid_member"???23:14
flohfdisk -l /dev/sda tells me it's a "HPFS/NTFS" which is correct.23:14
Theriexyou didn't specify a filesystem type23:14
yoritomoActionParsnip i don't know how to use nslookup can you give me an exemple please ?23:15
Theriexsudo mount -t ntfs /dev/sda1 /Daten23:15
dazjorzHey all23:16
dazjorzI need mysql embedded and qtscript-qt, but can't find them in the reps for Kubuntu Jaunty...23:16
flohTheriex: Sure this should work, but I want to fix the partition. :(23:16
dazjorzoh. just read the topic :)23:16
Theriexfloh: i'm not sure what you are trying to do, but you need to specify the filesystem type if you are trying to mount the device23:18
Dragnslcryoritomo- nslookup www.example.com23:19
ActionParsnipyoritomo: nslookup www.google.com23:19
flohTheriex: My problem is following. I can mount another NTFS-Partition (sdc1) without using "-t ntfs". With sda1 not. I think this is the cause, why sda1 doesn't appear in "location" in dolphin (kde4). :(23:19
yoritomoah ok then i try this both things23:19
Theriexflog: is the device part of a raid?23:19
FabParmamefisto__:  i'm sorry, dont works23:19
ActionParsnipfloh: use ntfs-3g23:20
flohTheriex: It *was* a part of software-raid.23:20
yoritomohow may i save the text on it ? should i use wim and how?23:20
Theriexya try the 3g23:20
flohntfs-3g is already installed.23:20
Theriexsudo mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sda1 /Daten23:21
flohTheriex: Sure... but I want to put sda1 into "locations" of dolphin.23:21
ActionParsnipfloh: instead of -t ntfs  use -t ntfs-3g23:21
Theriexit won't show up unless its mounted afaik23:22
Theriexi could be wrong23:22
flohTheriex: WinXP (=sdb1) is showing in Dolphin even if it's not mounted.23:22
ActionParsnipfloh: sudo mkdir /media/sda1; sudo mount /dev/sda1 /media/sda1 -t ntfs-3g -o uid=100023:22
flohIf I click on it, a dialog appears, where I have to enter sudo-password for mounting.23:23
yoritomoDragnslcr ActionParsnip how may i save my messages on text mode ?23:23
ActionParsnipyoritomo: you can use >> to output to a text file23:24
flohActionParsnip: This would add sda1 into "locations" of Dolphin?23:24
ActionParsnipyoritomo: e.g.  nslookup www.google.com >> ~/output.txt23:24
DragnslcrOr just select what you want and use copy/paste23:24
yoritomoyes but how ? i don't know how to use vi and wim23:24
flohI don't mean in browse-window, but in the left tab. Here it's called "Orte" (=Locations).23:24
ActionParsnipfloh: it would mount it to /media/sda1 which you can then drag to places23:24
yoritomoha using >> ?23:25
yoritomoi come back soon thanks i will give you these  texts23:25
mefisto__FabParma: does the login manager window appear?23:26
flohActionParsnip: Yes, then a folder appears in "Places". But it wont mount if I click on sda1 in "Places". :(23:26
Theriexfloh: what happens when you click on it?23:26
raccoonhi there can someone tell me what's the path of the linux source?23:26
|PaperTiger|I managed to delete my task bar, how do I get it back?23:26
flohTheriex: An empty folder is opened. :(23:26
flohInstead of prompting for sudo-password.23:27
flohTheriex: Do you think the MBR is broken so "autodetect" fails?23:27
KDeskI am using quassel, but I have a small problem, how can I delete the old log in the chat window?23:27
Theriexfloh: does it show up in mtab?23:28
floh"/dev/sdc1 /media/WinXP fuseblk rw,nosuid,nodev,allow_other,blksize=4096 0 0"23:28
flohThis is sdc1 which works. sda1 is not in mtab.23:28
Theriexok so it still isn't mounting23:29
flohTheriex: right.23:29
=== fontknocker is now known as fontknocker|shop
flohTheriex: sdc1 is mounted by dolphin (after clicking on WinXP (=sdc1)).23:29
Theriexfloh: is this going to be permanently mounted?23:29
Theriexfloh: or just on the fly?23:29
flohTheriex: No, if I boot my PC. It's not mounted. It's mounted on the fly (by dolphin).23:30
Theriexfloh: could always put an entry in fstab so its mounted at boot23:30
Theriexfloh: unless you don't want it that way23:30
flohIf I would try to access WinXP with terminal it won't be mounted. With Dolphin it'll be mounted.23:30
flohTheriex: I don't like this way. I would prefer: "Mount only if needed".23:31
flohTheriex: But thank you.23:31
Theriexfloh: ok i understand23:31
Theriexfloh: i've never actually tried doing it on the fly through dolphin...23:31
flohTheriex: Maybe I have to try fixmbr sda, maybe master boot record is broken (by software-raid) since the harddisk was used as a part of raid1 in the past.23:32
Theriexfloh: hold on gonna give a try23:32
flohTheriex: No problem. Thank you very much. @ActionParsnip, you too. :)23:32
flohTheriex: What do you mean?23:33
Theriexmounting through dolphin23:33
vladiciao a tutti. ho un problema molto fastidioso con kubuntu. L'ho installato su mac mini e il monitor ogni circa 5 secondi si spegne per mezzo secondo, questo continuamente tipo intermittenza. cosa posso fare?23:34
flohTheriex: I found a posting in internet. Somebody told this would help: "mdadm --zero-superblock /dev/sda"23:35
ActionParsnip!it | vladi23:35
ubottuvladi: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)23:35
Theriexfloh: sorry my desktop is crashing now :(23:37
flohTheriex: No problem.23:37
ubottuThere are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning23:38
vladithank's, sorry.23:38
=== coreymon is now known as coreymon77
ubottuTo replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate23:38
Theriexfloh: what version of kubuntu r u running just out of curiosity?23:39
twisted_gis anyone here an aptitude guru, and if so, how'd you become one? anyone have a good aptitude resource?23:40
flohTheriex: I found a posting in internet. Somebody told this would help: "mdadm --zero-superblock /dev/XXXXXXX"23:40
ubottuKDE (http://kde.org) is the !desktop environment used natively in !Kubuntu. To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop », or see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE . See http://kubuntu.org for more information. For more information on KDE 4, see !kde423:40
ubottuKDE 4.2 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. Packages can be found at http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.2 - Support in #kubuntu23:40
flohTheriex: Kubuntu 8.1023:40
ubottuA desktop environment is what "puts the pieces of a !GUI together". The available desktop environments in Ubuntu are !GNOME (ubuntu-desktop), !KDE (kubuntu-desktop), !Xfce (xubuntu-desktop), IceWM, !Fluxbox, WindowMaker (wmaker), FVWM and others - See also !Flavors23:40
megomegsorry for the stamp"23:41
ActionParsnip!jaunty | megomeg23:41
ubottumegomeg: Jaunty Jackalope is the codename for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 23rd, 2009 -  Schedule in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyReleaseSchedule - Lots of breakage between now and April 23rd - Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support.23:41
Theriexfloh: never used that command, looks like something for raid...23:41
flohTheriex: Sure it has somewhat with raid since somewhat from raid is left on sda respective sda1. :(23:41
flohTheriex: As I said sda1 was used for software-raid.23:42
megomegtnx very kind :D23:42
Theriexfloh: are you trying to access data on that drive?23:42
flohTheriex: With WinXP it works fine. Here in Linux it works fine too (if I mount it manually with "-t ntfs").23:43
yoritomoActionParsnip Drangnslcr http://pastebin.com/d726f2e02 http://pastebin.com/d4b5af43d23:43
Theriexfloh: ok so its not an mbr problem then23:43
flohTheriex: Only "autodetection" is not working since it thinks its a software-raid. :(23:43
yoritomothe result of lookup and ifconfig23:43
Theriexfloh: i can't even figure out how dolphin automounts drives...  i unmounted one of mine and can't mount it through dolphin, can't even get in in under places23:44
Theriexfloh i've always used fstab23:44
yoritomoDragnslcr sorry23:44
flohTheriex: I'm backing up the content of sda1, then I'll try with mdadm --zero-superblock.23:44
yoritomothe links above23:44
flohTheriex: If this won't help, I'll reformat it with mkfs.ntfs.23:44
ActionParsnipyoritomo: looks like you have an ip, thats a good sign23:45
flohTheriex: But thank you. :)23:45
Theriexfloh: np, sorry i couldn't help more23:45
flohTheriex: It's ok. :) Thank for trying to help. :)23:45
ActionParsnipyoritomo: and the name is resolving right23:46
TheriexAnybody able to tell me where I can configure automounting options?23:47
yoritomoyes i don't know why it does not want to update23:47
mefisto__floh: I'm also wondering how dolphin mounts from "places". what is the location (right-click the button in places, edit)?23:47
joshjtlis there a kde 4 sound recorder?23:47
flohmefisto__: The WinXP-Partition was already there. I didn't do anythin. It seems it automatically added while booting(?) respective login(?).23:48
flohmefisto__: I already tried with 'grep -r WinXP .kde4' same in /etc/. But nothing found.23:48
mefisto__floh: ok, if you right-click the WinXP button in places, and "edit WinXP" what is in the "location" field?23:49
flohmefisto__: I believe it autodetect ntfs partitions.23:49
ActionParsnipyoritomo: can you web browse ok?23:49
=== eliboggs is now known as IPHATE
yoritomoActionParsnip on console mode ?23:50
flohmefisto__: If I right-click, there is only ""WinXP" ausblenden" (not sure how ausblenden is called in English).23:50
ActionParsnipyoritomo: and other web based stuff, anything23:50
Theriexfloh: what if you put an entry in fstab for the device with noauto option23:50
flohmefisto__: If WinXP is mounted, then there is 2nd choice which I can umount it.23:50
Theriexfloh: then it doesn't mount automatically, should show up in dolphin and only mount when you click on it??23:50
flohTheriex: right. It mount if I click on WinXP in "Places".23:51
yoritomoActionParsnip i will make some aptget trial and submit the results ok ?23:51
Theriexfloh: nod i'm curious if the WinXP device is in fstab with noauto set aswell23:51
flohTheriex: in /media/ there wasn't WinXP-Folder before mounting. After mounting it appears automatically.23:51
ActionParsnipyoritomo: can you web browse and stuff too?23:51
flohThere is no such entry in fstab.23:51
flohTheriex: Really.23:51
Theriexhrmm ok, just a thought :)23:51
yoritomohow to do that ?23:52
flohTheriex: I already looked into it, because I wanted to add sda1. But there is nothing about WinXP nor sdb1 in fstab.23:52
Theriexfloh: thats curious, i thought you always had to have the floder pre made23:52
flohTheriex: I already tried to add sda1 into fstab, but it still doesn't appears in "Places".23:52
flohTheriex: floder?23:53
flohTheriex: lol. :)23:53
yoritomoActionParsnip how can i browse on console mode ?23:53
flohTheriex: The folder /media/WinXP appears first, if I clicked on "WinXP" in "Places" and entered sudo-password.23:54
ActionParsnipyoritomo: w3m23:54
flohTheriex: If I rightclick on "WinXP" and press on "Umount", then /media/WinXP disappears. This is useful for me.23:54
flohTheriex: Do you have NTFS-Partition?23:54
Theriexfloh: yes i have a Win-XP as well23:55
joshjtlis there a kde 4 sound recorder anyone?23:55
flohTheriex: And these Partition is not in "Places" right?23:55
Theriexyes it is23:55
flohTheriex: Can you mount these partition without '-t ntfs'?23:56
Theriexfloh: most likely since it is defined in my fstab23:56
yoritomoActionParsnip w3m www.google.com ?23:56
flohTheriex: Just 'mount /dev/sdXY /media/mountpoint"23:56
ActionParsnipyoritomo: indeed23:56
flohTheriex: Ok... would it work if you commented out the line in fstab?23:56
Theriexlet me try23:57
flohTheriex: Ok.23:57
yoritomook let me try i will come soon23:57
* cale_ kikoo23:57
Theriexfloh: yes and no23:59
flohTheriex: What yes what no?23:59
Theriexfloh: i can as long as the directory that I am mounting to exists23:59
flohTheriex: You mean the directory as mountpoint?23:59

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