
kikothewrath, did you get your problems sorted?00:02
thewrathi believe so00:08
thewratheverything seems to be working00:08
thewrathyou mean with pushing hte code, etc out to launchpad.net?00:08
thewrathkiko: is that correct? and also do you have a pgp or a gpg key?00:09
kikogpg rocks00:12
kikobut the keys are the same00:12
thewrathi ahve that all working but want to test it00:13
thewrathcan you help me test it?00:13
thewrathhow long does it take for an admin or someone else to change the name of a project00:15
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thewrathkiko: ?00:34
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kikothewrath, sorry, I gotta dash, catch you tomorrow01:54
Hobbseeway cool.  it really does die.02:31
Hobbseeand OOPS-1189D145 for production.02:32
Hobbseefor https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/konversation02:32
HobbseeWhat's the intended workaround?02:34
jameshHobbsee: maybe try looking at a different page?02:43
jameshHobbsee: for what it is worth, that page appears to be spending a lot of its time looking up email addresses (probably to linkify changelogs)02:55
wgrantHobbsee: There's no workaround to see that page, but you can sometimes check the version history at +publishinghistory02:59
VK7HSEI've made a small blunder! I'm currently uploading packages for Me Tv (both into my own PPA and the Me Tv PPA) where I have gone wrong is that as of the current version it was decided to include the bzr build number into the package name. So the initial upload was called me-tv (0.8.0-0ubuntu1~ppa1) but then we decided to rename to me-tv (0.8.0-0ubuntu1-beta-bzr386~ppa1) so now the problem is that the beta side of testing is 03:06
UrsinhaHobbsee, bug 35356803:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 353568 in soyuz "ubuntu/source/package/+index timing out" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35356803:07
Ursinhapeople are working on it03:07
wgrantVK7HSE: The correct version would have been 0.8.0+bzr386-0ubuntu1~ppa1 or similar03:10
wgrantThe bzr revision is part of the tarball version, surely.03:11
wgrantBut your message got cut off, so I don't quite know what you're asking.03:11
VK7HSEthe bzr pull created me-tv-0.8.0.tar.gz ...03:11
VK7HSEhang on I'll paste it....03:12
VK7HSEI'm still relatively new to the build process! so I was sure to make a mistake! :-/03:13
wgrantVK7HSE: The correct thing to do was to use 0.8.0~beta or similar.03:14
wgrantAs ~ is less than anything else.03:14
VK7HSEso to rectify, requsting a new release would then fix?03:14
wgrantFor now you can use, or 0.8.0+something03:14
wgrantOr get them to do a new release.03:15
wgrantAnd research version sorting thoroughly in future.03:15
VK7HSEI'll give the suggestions a try thanks...03:15
=== matsubara is now known as matsubara-afk
DBO2so what do I have to do to get access to the launchpad api =)  I'd like to rework our plugin for GNOME Do04:50
wgrantDBO2: http://help.launchpad.net/API04:51
DBO2so I need to become a launchpad beta tester04:54
DBO2is it possible for me to do that or is that a closed group?04:57
wgrantDBO2: There are more than 2000 members - it's quite open.05:01
wgrantJust request to join.05:02
wgrantAnd somebody will generally approve you within a day or two.05:02
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MTecknologyheh - I found a bug in launchpad design :)05:43
MTecknologyI feel special05:43
dlynchwgrant: I was able to use the API in a simple way from a python script, and I didn't join the beta group05:47
=== noodles775 is now known as noodles775-afk
MTecknologyDoes launchpad offer private branches for proprietary software?05:57
MTecknologyeveryone sleeping?06:00
spmMTecknology: I believe so. for $ aiui06:01
MTecknologyspm: you mean it's something that they pay for?06:02
spmAIUI. I'm a sysadmin, not a sales/marketing person. :-)06:03
noodles775-afkMTecknology: https://answers.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad/+faq/20806:03
wgrantLaunchpad developers seem to be very good at long-range typing.06:03
spmnoodles775-afk: ta. I keep forgetting about the faq... :-)06:03
noodles775-afkwgrant: just getting away from the keyboard now :)06:04
noodles775-afkspm: np!06:04
spmwgrant: the rumours about the canonical-sponsored-proprietary-keyboard-control-via-thought software; are just that. mere rumours. no truth to it at all. honest. cross my heart etc.06:05
wgrantsinzui: Hmm, if all map checkboxes are driven by the same piece of code, why are the in different places on person and team pages?06:07
wgrantspm: Damn.06:07
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jameshwgrant: because person and team pages use different templates?06:17
Hobbseejamesh: they all seem to be like that06:54
Hobbseewgrant: ah, right06:54
HobbseeUrsinha: thanks, hope to see it fixed soon06:55
wgrantjamesh: They're not in the templates.07:03
wgrantjamesh: they're generated by JavaScript.07:03
MTecknologyDoes staging.launchpad.net actually host bazaar branches? ie - can code be uploaded there?07:40
wgrantMTecknology: Yes.07:41
MTecknologyHobbsee: hi07:48
MTecknologyHobbsee: it seems to be months between times when I see you around07:48
HobbseeMTecknology: greetings.  And I don't frequent here so much anymore, which is probably why07:48
MTecknologyHobbsee: only other channels I sit in that you're also in right now are -bugs and -meetings07:53
Hobbseesounds about right07:54
jameshMTecknology: don't expect uploads to bazaar.staging.launchpad.net to stick though.07:56
=== noodles775-afk is now known as noodles775
MTecknologyjamesh: I was curious because of this - https://answers.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/6592708:01
wgrantIndeed, the branches don't seem to be there any more.08:04
wgrantBut I'm fairly sure I was able to use even private codebrowse on there a month ago.08:04
wgrantBut maybe that was only for a new branch.08:04
speakmanHi LP folks! Can I create a "superproject" myself, or is it something launchpad admins has to create for you?08:09
RAOFThat needs an LP admin, IIRC.08:09
wgrantspeakman: Ask at https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+addquestion08:12
noodles775Yeah, best to put a request like one of the others here speakman :08:12
noodles775wgrant: too quick!08:13
wgrantnoodles775: Only by a fraction of a second :(08:13
* wgrant laments the lack of a 'Nearby' part of the breadcrumbs.08:14
wgrantThere used to be menus that almost fulfilled that purpose, but they got culled for 2.0.08:14
noodles775wgrant: what do you mean by a 'Nearby' part? What's an eg on another site?08:15
wgrantnoodles775: I don't know of any examples08:16
wgrantBut I should be able to click on an arrow next to my PPA in the breadcrumbs, and it will drop down a list of my other PPAs.08:16
noodles775Ah... neat idea...08:16
wgrantFor a source package in a distroseries it should drop down links to that source package in its other distroseries.08:16
noodles775Sounds like it'd be worth chatting with beuno when he's around!08:17
wgrantThat's what I thought.08:17
wgrantBecause at the moment you have to hack URLs or perform an awful lot of clicks.08:17
wgrantDo you remember the old breadcrumb menus? They might have gone before you appeared on the scene.08:20
speakmanwgrant: noodles775: thanks! (just curios: why do you link primarly to edge..?)08:20
mdkeedge comes up automatically in urls for those using it08:21
noodles775speakman: it happens by default if you sign up as a beta tester...08:21
mdkeit's difficult to remember every time to remove it from urls08:21
wgrantMaybe we need an irssi plugin to strip 'edge.'08:21
mdkeso, on the subject of project groups, is it possible to set single milestones and series for projects in a particular group, or do they need to be kept up to date individually?08:22
* mdke goes back and erases the "so," part of the question for popey's benefit08:22
wgrantI don't think you can do it globally.08:23
wgrantSince it doesn't make sense, in most cases.08:23
wgrantIn Launchpad's case it does, but that's because Launchpad's usage of Launchpad is somewhat wrong.08:23
popeyhaha mdke08:24
popeytis okay, it's not a blog post :)08:24
mdkewgrant: that's what I figured08:24
mdkepopey: ;p08:24
jameshMTecknology: the branches uploaded to staging are not available, but if you push a new branch to bazaar.staging.launchpad.net, it will be listed on code.staging.launchpad.net08:25
popeyi used to think I had no irrational OCD behaviours, now I realise I have quite a few08:25
jameshMTecknology: at least until the database gets wiped the next day08:25
wgrantjamesh: Is this a new thing?08:25
mdkewgrant: I suppose that really there should be a further subdivision, so that there are project groups, projects, and then components of projects08:25
wgrantmdke: I think that last case can be fulfilled by supercharged tags.08:26
jameshwgrant: not particularly new.08:26
mdkewgrant: for bug reporting only, surely?08:26
speakmannoodles775: i meant your link in here :)08:26
mdkewgrant: how can tags be used for translations or code?08:26
speakmanwgrant: noodles775: btw, here's my question: https://answers.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/6631608:26
wgrantmdke: I'm not quite sure how translations or code need to be kept separate.08:27
wgrantjamesh: I recall using private codebrowse, and I would only have done that on staging (as it was during a session of poking holes in lp-bzr, which I would only have done on staging)08:27
noodles775speakman: yeah, I know... as the others mentioned, it had 'edge' in it because I copy-n-pasted it from my browser (as a beta tester, my lp account defaults to edge). I'll try to remember to remove it before pasting links :)08:28
mdkewgrant: it can be convenient to have a separate lp shortcut, so "bzr branch lp:malone" and "bzr branch lp:rosetta", as for translations, you might have components which use similar templates with different content08:28
wgrantmdke: In Launchpad's case it's actually all in one branch.08:29
wgrantAlthough that will change soon.08:29
mdkewgrant: I'm speaking hypothetically08:29
wgrant(although not to the extent of the current proliferation of projects)08:29
mdkeI used the example of Launchpad because you said that its use of group projects is wrong08:29
mdkeand I can see what you meant by that08:29
wgrantI can see rationale for splitting a project's bugs, but splittiing the code would seem to split it into multiple codebases, which means multiple projects make sense.08:29
speakmannoodles775: oh, I see! :D08:29
mdkewgrant: ok, that's clearer08:30
jameshwgrant: Launchpad code isn't split between the historic malone, rosetta, etc projects.08:30
mdkewgrant: in that case, a feature to set single series and milestones across projects would make sense for some projects08:30
jameshyou'll see things split up a bit more closer to the release though08:30
wgrantjamesh: 'In Launchpad's case it's actually all in one branch.'08:30
wgrantI did just say exactly that, I think.08:31
jamesh[some infrastructure bits have already been separated and released]08:31
noodles775speakman: I've assigned your question to kiko :)08:31
wgrantjamesh: It won't be split up apart from the infrastructure and non-free bits, will it?08:33
jameshwgrant: there are plans to make the codebase more modular.  I don't know how much will be in separate branches though.08:33
jamesha lot of the infrastructure will be in separate branches though.08:34
speakmannoodles775: thanks, but why did it move from "Launchpad-itself" to one of our projects? :D08:34
wgrantAs we already have in /lazr, right.08:34
noodles775speakman: Sorry, my mistake :D Set back to launchpad.08:39
speakmannoodles775: The email just arrived :D08:39
* wgrant feared that the Blueprint bug had hit Answers too.08:40
speakmannoodles775: There was one swedish talking person @ launchpad according to the question form. Is that "kiko"?08:40
noodles775speakman: kiko loves languages, but I don't think he's started swedish yet. Not sure who it might be.08:41
speakmannoodles775: i see :)08:43
speakmanAnother Launchpad question; When doing Merge Proposals, how do I know which one actually does the merge? The "Status:" might changes from "Needs review" to "Approved", but it's not clear wheter the person changing the status also should be the one who do the merging.08:44
noodles775speakman: I guess that depends on the project... and who has permission to merge into the parent branch.08:50
speakmannoodles775: oh, okay. It's up the team to have policys like if the approver also makes the merge? There's no way for Launchpad to tell if the merge has been completed?08:51
RAOFspeakman: Some people run a daemon that automatically merges approved branches into trunk, too.08:51
wgrantLaunchpad will notice when the branch is merged, but someone (or a robot, as RAOF suggested) needs to do the actual merging once it's approved.08:52
speakmanwgrant: is the merge proposal closed when merge is committed?08:54
wgrantspeakman: Yes.08:54
speakmanoh great. then two people doing the same merge is not so likly :)08:55
wgrantI'd be a bit suspicious if I did a merge and there were no revisions to merge, I think.08:56
wgrantSo it's not likely in any case.08:56
tormodis lp b0rked? some pages only return OOPS, like https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xorg-server/11:24
wgranttormod: Bug #35356811:25
ubottuLaunchpad bug 353568 in soyuz "ubuntu/source/package/+index timing out" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35356811:25
pvandewyngaerdehow can i prevent my membership in a team to expire ?11:51
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jpdsAnyone know how I can remove a bug watch?14:03
MrKanisterjpds: just assign the project to "nobody"14:05
wgrantjpds: You can't remove a watch, but you can unlink it from the task easily.14:06
jpdswgrant: That's a shame, I just set it as "None" and marked as invalid.14:07
wgrantjpds: You wanted to remove the whole task, not just the watch?14:08
wgrantAh, you can actually delete the watch if it's not linked to a task.14:08
jpdswgrant: That too would be preferable (it's bug #335715).14:08
ubottuError: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: timed out (https://launchpad.net/bugs/335715/+text)14:08
* wgrant resolves to port ubottu to launchpadlib tomorrow14:09
wgrantjpds: Oh, you can't actually delete tasks.14:09
wgrant(yet, hopefully)14:09
vorianthanks for the million karma points guys <314:09
wgrantYou might as well delete the bug watch (hit the edit icon in the portlet)14:09
wgrantvorian: Wow. Literally.14:10
* wgrant remembers the days when 10 million was commonplace.14:10
* vorian chuckles at "it's fixed"14:10
wgrantBut... that's a bit extreme now.14:10
wgrantvorian: I don't think they ever fixed the karma bug.14:11
vorianit's not karma, it's rosetta14:11
wgrantI mean the karma-giving bit of rosetta.14:11
voriani used a filter this time to auto-delete all the rosetta spam14:11
wgrantIt's not spamming you 20000 times any more, is it?14:11
vorianonly about a 10th this time around14:12
wgrantdanilos: ^^14:12
vorianI'm still got a ton of successful import emails14:12
vorianand they are still hitting my trashbin14:12
wgrantbeuno: Did you see my UI suggestion here about 6 hours ago?14:14
beunowgrant, I didn't14:21
beunowgrant, care to copy'n'paste it?14:22
wgrantbeuno: Basically, I'd like the breadcrumbs to have 'nearby' links, as a sort of restricted version of the dropdowns that were removed for 2.0.14:23
wgrantI could navigate between a user's PPAs by clicking on an arrow next to one of their PPA breadcrumbs. Down would drop links to their other PPAs.14:24
wgrantOn a distribution series source package breadcrumb, I would get links to the source package in other distro series.14:24
wgrantAt the moment there's no way to do that sort of thing without going most of the way back up the hierarchy, then all the way down again.14:24
beunowgrant, oh, I have plans for something like that  :)14:24
wgrantbeuno: Ah, good.14:25
beunosomething among the lines of having arrows on all breadcrumbs14:25
beunoand being able to jump between that object14:25
wgrantLike we had until a year ago.14:25
beunoyes, but better14:25
beunoa smart "top 5 list" and a search box that will jump directly if there's an exact match14:25
wgrantIIRC that was more focused on things related to the breadcrumb in question (eg. milestones for a product), rather than alternatives.14:26
wgrantHmmm. interesting.14:26
beunoI'll poke you when I manage to see this through a little bit more14:27
=== gary_poster changed the topic of #launchpad to: https://launchpad.net/ | Help contact: gary_poster | Join https://launchpad.net/~launchpad-users | Channel logs: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com
mvohm, https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/python-central gives me a timeout :/ (both edge and normal) - OOPS-1189A140715:36
gary_poster_mvo: looking15:38
gary_poster_mvo: yeah, duped...looking further15:39
gary_poster_mvo: the fix for this is currently running through our build system.  That means it will be on edge tonight and possibly cherrypicked for production even sooner.  I'll ping you if I hear more.15:47
matsubaramvo, it's bug https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/bugs/353568 and cprov fixed. we're waiting on tests to finish and that will be included in today's batch of fixes to lp.net15:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 353568 in soyuz "ubuntu/source/package/+index timing out" [High,Fix committed]15:47
mvogreat, thanks for the quick response matsubara and gary_poster_15:47
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seiflotfyhi guys16:13
seiflotfywe want to remove a team form launchpad16:13
seiflotfyhwo do we do it16:13
beunoseiflotfy, you have to request it via Launchpad answers:  https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad16:15
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danilosvorian: hey, I've been pointed at how much trouble you are having with Launchpad Translations; please email me or update bugs (eg. 337313 and 353648) appropriately so we can evaluate impact of them and prioritize based on that16:43
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nhandlerIs it still possible to copy a package from a private ppa to a public ppa?17:34
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gary_posternhandler: not sure, will check for you17:37
nhandlergary_poster: Thanks a lot. I know it used to be possible, but now Launchpad keeps throwing an error17:37
cprovnhandler: hi, copy from private to public PPAs is not possible17:45
cprovnhandler: I think before 2.2.2 we didn't raise an error on the UI but the files could never be published in the repository.17:46
nhandlerI am almost positive that it successfully copied the files for us. Or at least people were able to install using the public ppa after the copy17:46
cprovnhandler: P3A files are stored in a separated (private) librarian instance.17:47
cprovnhandler: the only way it could work was if the file was already public, i.e uploaded to a public PPA, then copied to a P3A then copied back to a public location.17:48
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maxbooi, what criteria does Launchpad apply to discriminate "Incomplete (without response)" and "Incomplete (with reponse)"18:27
beunomaxb, I guess when there's a comment?18:29
maxbAny comment since the status was last changed?18:29
maxbI suppose I could answer this myself by messing around on staging18:30
beunoBjornT, intellectronica, gmb, ^18:30
maxbOr I could wait until 3.0 :-)18:30
intellectronicamaxb: incomplete (with response) means there was a new comment on that bug since it was last put in the incomplete state18:31
intellectronicaso the workflow is: you say "this bug is incomplete, please provide more info", then you wait for a comment...18:32
=== gary_posterLUNCH is now known as gary_poster
=== kiko-fud is now known as kiko
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thouhi!  if i add a PGP key to my user, is it possible to remove it later?19:39
kikothou, you can, yes -- but why would you want to?19:40
kikoor thou canst, more appropriately :)19:40
thoukiko, my team has a code-signing pgp key; it's not my personal one19:40
kikothou, hmmm. and why do you wanna associate that with your account?19:41
thoui am exploring the best way to manage uploading source packages to a PPA, signed by the team's key19:41
thoui don't want to sign the packages with my personal key19:41
thoui'm not sure if i should add a new launchpad user for the team, and associate the key with that user19:42
kikocprov, can you advise thou on the best course of action19:43
thoui thought, if the team's key is associated with any user that is a member of the project, then it would work19:43
cprovthou: let me catch up quickly19:44
thoufyi, we build our software on a lot of platforms; trying to use launchpad for handling ubuntu packages, but we use a common user on our build farm to build everything, and we have a single host that has the private key for signing all of our packages19:46
cprovthou: okay, if the key signing a source belong to a member of the team owning the PPA the upload will be accepted.19:46
cprovthou: I just don't understand why you don't want the person responsible for a source change to sign it.19:46
kikothou, gpg keys are pretty personal things :)19:47
thouthat's why i *don't* want my key used for this19:47
thouthere might be 5 different people working on building a release19:47
thouand 100 people who made code changes19:47
kikothou, right, but any of those people can sign the source and it will be accepted19:47
kikothat's cprov's point -- not using a shared gpg key makes a lot more sense19:48
thoubut we use a shared account19:48
kikoa shared account.. where?19:48
thouand we have a single code-signing key that is well known (build@mysql.com)19:48
thounot a launchpad account, but ... hrm, i'm not explaining well19:49
kikothou, I think I'd create a separate LP account for that address, then.19:49
kikothou, we do that for our PQM account for instance19:49
kiko(not for the same reason, I'm just giving the rationale for having an account for a robot)19:49
thouok, and subscribe that account as a member of the project team19:49
thouthat "feels" better to me19:50
kikofor launchpad the pqm bot can write to our branches19:50
thoui was concerned if launchpad users are meant to be real people19:50
kikoand in fact it is the only thing that actually does (USUALLY, though sometimes we break the rules)19:50
thouok, great19:50
kikothey mostly are, but this is an acceptable violation of that guideline19:50
kikousually people ask that bots be created as teams19:51
kikowhich often works, but for this case, obviously doesn't19:51
thouand it's not a bot, really19:51
thoualthough we will script it, of course, someone will have to push the button to say "yes, it's OK, publish this"19:52
thoukiko, cprov: thanks a lot for your advice19:53
kikothou, a pleasure talking to you by the way, haven't seen you asking around here before19:54
thouno, i'm trying to take over from mordred19:54
kikothou, yeah.. pqm is similar in that it is email controlled19:54
kikothou, the main difference is probably that while I don't know your script I absolutely HATE pqm19:54
kikooh-oh said it out loud again19:55
* kiko gets in trouble19:55
thoui don't know my script either.  not sure it exists yet.19:55
kikothou, there's this autoppa thing that jamu wrote. have you seen it?19:56
thoutoo limited for me19:56
kikonot extensible enough, or just the wrong design?19:56
thouthe template thing only handles different ubuntu releases (hardy/intrepid/etc.)19:56
cprovthou: I'm glad to help, let me know if you guys need help with multiple-ppas (just released in 2.2.3).19:56
thoui need to be able to create some packages that, e.g., don't include innodb at all19:57
thouso my files listing will or won't include some sets19:57
jkakarthou: You mean not including innodb in a Depends: line?19:57
thoui'm planning to use m4 to generate the real debian/*19:57
jkakarThat sounds weird. :)19:58
jkakarIt sounds like you want different packages that pull in different things.  Like a myproject-common for the common stuff and a myproject-innodb for the InnoDB extensions.19:58
kikojkakar, hey, some people use m4 to generate .procmailrc files19:58
jkakarkiko: Sure, m4 is great.  From knowing nothing about thou's problem I get the sense he may be generating different Debian packaging files and using them to build packages with the same name, which is a bad idea.19:59
kikowith the same name?!19:59
thouwe'll have mysql-enterprise-classic-gpl, mysql-enterprise-pro-commercial, etc.20:00
jkakarthou: You can specify more than one package in your control file.  AutoPPA can build more than one .deb at a time for the same release.20:00
thouwhere classic, pro, advanced, etc. include different sets of features20:00
jkakarThose sound like different packages with different inputs.  Perhaps all relying on some shared core package.20:00
thoujakwell, that's like building client, server, libs, test packages20:01
thoulike sub-packages, right?20:01
thouso we have libmysqlclientVER-dev.deb, mysql-client-VER.deb, mysql-common-VER.deb, mysql-server-VER.deb20:02
thouthose are all defined in the control file20:02
jkakarCool, then you can build them all at once with AutoPPA.20:03
thoubut i need the option of building all of those in the 'pro' or 'classic' configuration20:03
thouand 'pro' and 'classic', etc., are almost identical20:03
thoubut have different features sets defined, which means different ./configure --foo, resulting in different files and directories lists20:04
thouand of course build those for dapper, hardy, intrepid, ...20:04
jkakarRight.  All possible permutations of terribleness. ;)20:04
thouafaiks autoppa handles the hardy/intrepid mess20:05
jkakarthou: Your idea to generate the debian directory doesn't sound so bad now.20:05
thoubut doesn't handle the pro/classic mess20:05
jkakarthou: Yep.20:05
cprovthou: the classic/pro mess could be handled in the debian/rules, as "a single source generating multiple debs", but it may get *too* complex for managing20:07
jkakarIn which case AutoPPA templating system will work for you (though, yeah, it could get pretty hairy).20:07
thoucprov: yes, i can see that for rules (it could be any executable, after all) but how to handle the .files and so forth, which are text files?20:07
thoui can use wildcards, perhaps20:08
thoubut that is kind of sketchy it seems20:08
jkakarI wonder how common this problem is.  I think it wouldn't be too hard to extend AutoPPA to handle "custom keys" that one could use to make the templating magic work more magically.20:09
jkakarBut it feels a bit special-cased... which makes me wonder about supporting plugins for this kind of thing.20:09
jkakarThough, implementing a plugin is probably too much work for most people.20:09
adrian15555Hi. I had a problem on uploading a package named: fai to PPA. Unknown distribution: fai. More details here: http://www.gulic.org/pastebin/27    Can you please help me? Thank you.20:10
cprovadrian15555: it's a broken debian/changelog entry, use one of the ubuntu series (intrepid, jaunty, ...)20:11
thou... e.g., the .files for our mysql-server* package may include some things in usr/bin (mysqld_safe, mysqladmin for example), and our client .deb includes other things (mysql, etc.).  I don't see how to handle that with wildcards, but also be able to leave out usr/bin/innochecksum if innodb isn't included20:12
thoujkakar: from a 30-minute glance at AutoPPA, my opinion (and remember I'm very new to this area) is that it's great for the normal (99%) case where you need to manage different debian versions automatically. I think that is what I would focus on.  It's really quite simple regarding what it does, and i see that as a positive thing.20:14
thoueven for mysql, community packages only have a single flavor20:15
thouit's just our crazy sales/marketing (and some weird licensing issues) that make us have these different flavors that i'm worried about, and i think it's a very special case20:16
jkakarthou: Cool.  AutoPPA needs some love (to fix a variety of small issues), but it does work fairly well for that typical case, yeah.20:16
jkakarthou: Yeah.20:16
jkakarthou: it sounds like you could still use m4 (or whatever) to generate the packaging files and get benefit from AutoPPA for the build-for-every-release use case.20:16
adrian15555cprov, Do you mean that "fai (3.2.4+svn4837-0ubuntu2~ppa1) intrepid; urgency=low" is wrong?20:17
thoujkakar: yep, what i have to determine is ... do i want one more tool in my toolchain? does it buy me anything, when i'm already generating everything?20:18
cprovadrian15555: no, this one looks correct.20:18
adrian15555cprov, So what did you mean then?20:18
thoujkakar: at the very least, i'll steal some code from you :-)20:18
jkakarthou: Please do. :)20:19
jkakarthou: Also, patches welcome. :)20:19
adrian15555cprov, I can give you more details if you want to.20:19
cprovadrian15555: the upload path is the problem,  '~adrian15/ppa/fai/'20:20
thoujkakar: i certainly will, if i manage to get that far20:20
cprovadrian15555: if you are aiming you ppa named 'fai' it should be '~adrian/fai/' only20:21
adrian15555cprov, "Change the incoming entry to the path to the PPA you're working with" That's what I read at: https://help.launchpad.net/Packaging/PPA How am I supposed to20:21
adrian15555cprov, ok.20:21
adrian15555cprov, This howto needs improvement then20:21
adrian15555cprov, I am going to try your suggestion. Thank you very much.20:21
adrian15555Whenever you upload a package to your PPA. If it gets accepted. How long are you supposed to wait until the Accept message? Thank you.20:36
mwhudsonadrian15555: i think it's the next */20 in cron-speak20:40
mwhudson(though that might be something else)20:40
cprovadrian15555: the process runs */5, so if you are unlucky up to 10 min ;)20:41
maxb*/20 is the publisher?20:44
adrian15555cprov, ok. I am going to upload two more packages and tomorrow I will check it20:45
cprovmaxb: exactly20:46
adrian15555Thank you much everyone. Bye.20:49
cprovmaxb: btw, I've just run queue-builder to create builds for the binary P-a-s lines, it's done.20:50
cprovmaxb: let me know if there are other missing builds.20:50
maxbLooks good, I see the hppa builders just finishing up those builds :-)20:52
cprovmaxb: very nice, -1 problem.21:00
Tieffliegerhi, anyone else having problems connecting to https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-games ?21:16
beunoTiefflieger, yes, we're working on fixing it21:16
beunowell, cprov is  :)21:16
Tieffliegerok, thanks :-)21:17
cprovTiefflieger: the fix will be released very soon.21:17
Tieffliegeri just wanted to ask because it's been hours since it first occurs... and like the header of 'edge' says: 'please report all bugs' ;-)21:18
beunoTiefflieger, sure, thanks for letting us know21:19
AgafonovHi, I wish to know the status of launchpad bug I've submitted - https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/353950 - anyone cares?21:23
ubottuLaunchpad bug 353950 in launchpad "Timeout while approving large group membership" [Undecided,New]21:23
beunoAgafonov, of course we care!21:24
beunoAgafonov, we've just been busy rolling out a new version of Launchpad these past days21:25
beunoI've re-assigned it to the correct sub-project, and the right people will look at it early next week21:25
AgafonovI've noted some changes :)21:26
Agafonovbeuno: how can I learn which sub-project?21:26
beunoAgafonov, well, anything to do with people/teams/projects is the "registry" sub-project21:27
beunobut it's hard to guess21:27
beunowhich is why we ask people to file it against launchpad, and we re-jiggle them later on21:27
Ursinhabeuno, catch me in midair, just opened that bug for triage :)21:29
Agafonovbeuno: oh, already re-assigned, thanks.21:31
beunoUrsinha, :)21:34
mdkeany rosetta developers around?21:38
beunomdke, unlikely, but maybe danilos is21:39
* mdke tickles danilos 21:39
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=== Snova_ is now known as Snova
=== gary_poster changed the topic of #launchpad to: https://launchpad.net/ | Help contact: - | Join https://launchpad.net/~launchpad-users | Channel logs: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com
BUGabundotrying to make my 1st patch22:20
BUGabundoneed help branching in LP https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~network-manager/mobile-broadband-provider-info/mobile-broadband-provider-info.ubuntu22:20
BUGabundowhat do I need to do?22:20
SnovaYou're trying to create a branch?22:20
beunoBUGabundo, aren't the instructions right on the page?22:21
BUGabundoto fix a string and then request a merge22:21
beunobzr branch lp:~network-manager/mobile-broadband-provider-info/mobile-broadband-provider-info.ubuntu22:21
BUGabundofrom ubuntu archive version22:21
Snovabzr branch lp:~network-manager/...22:21
BUGabundodone that!22:21
BUGabundobut that just takes if offline, correct?22:21
beunoBUGabundo, that gets you the code22:21
BUGabundonot to my LP branch!22:21
SnovaModify it, the push it to your own branch: bzr push lp:~<username>/network-manager/<branch name>22:21
BUGabundoahh ok22:21
beunoBUGabundo, then you want to push the cahnges22:21
BUGabundoso I need to push *everything*22:22
beunohave you committed them?22:22
BUGabundoI thought I could just push the changes22:22
BUGabundoif LP branched everything internally22:22
SnovaNo, you have to commit them first: bzr commit -m "Description of change"22:22
SnovaThen push to the new branch. How you request a merge, I don't know.22:22
BUGabundolocal commit done22:23
SnovaI know how to use Bzr reasonably well, but I don't get a lot of opportunities to learn other features...22:23
BUGabundonow to push it22:23
SnovaOk, then I believe the next step is to push it, and then request the merge (not sure where that is).22:24
BUGabundowhat is the correct command?22:24
Snovabzr push lp:~<username>/network-manager/<branch name> # I think22:24
BUGabundoNo handlers could be found for logger "bzr"22:25
beunoBUGabundo, ignore that for now22:25
BUGabundo[ 3589] 2009-04-03 22:25:48.100 INFO: Created new branch.22:26
BUGabundoCreated new branch.22:26
SnovaWhat does it mean? I've never seen it.22:26
BUGabundoI don't know22:26
BUGabundobut its there22:26
BUGabundomerge request done22:27
BUGabundois this any good https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~bugabundo/network-manager/bug353957/+merge/5210 ?22:30
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mterryI can't find the 'register a release' link anymore off the series page...  Am I being stupid?22:53
beunomterry, no, I'm sorry about that22:53
beunowe changed something22:53
beunowe will fix it soon22:53
beunoin the meantime, register a milestone22:53
mterrybeuno: Ah.  So right now I can't?22:54
mterrybeuno: OK.  Will that have a side-effect of registering a release?22:54
beunomterry, yes  :)22:54
mterrybeuno: Sweet.  Thanks22:54
mterrybeuno: I see, I then 'Publish a release' from the milestone page?22:55
beunomterry, yes22:56
=== sabdfl1 is now known as sabdfl_home
joshjtlhi folks23:18
joshjtltrying to report a bug... need to know what info to attach to it23:19
BUGabundojoshjtl: this is not the place to ask23:20
BUGabundo#ubuntu-bugs tends to be better23:20
joshjtlok thx23:20
MTecknologyjoey: HEY!23:35
BUGabundohey MTecknology.... no I remember from where I used to talk to you23:36
MTecknologyjoey: you made me report a bug.... bug 354823 - I was retargetting that the exact same time you were....23:36
ubottuLaunchpad bug 354823 in launchpad "No redirect for retargetted bugs" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35482323:36
MTecknologyBUGabundo: oh?23:36
BUGabundofrom #lp23:37
MTecknologyand where did we talk last?23:37
BUGabundoon +123:38
MTecknologyI'm in a lot of channels, I don't bother remembering where I know somebody from, only who they are23:39
BUGabundoI also have bad memory23:40
MTecknologyWork at 01:00 - so it's bed time before a long night23:42
joeyMTecknology, lol23:47

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