
=== ScriptRipper_ is now known as ScriptRipper
shade34321so i have two problems Im trying to solve today.....my audio for my USB headphones is not working, the mic is and my audio is for regular headphones and my speakers, and I cant get DVD's to play00:32
shade34321any idea on how to fix either of these two problems would be greatly appreciated00:32
dtchenshade34321: let's start at the bottom of the stack.00:33
dtchenshade34321: please run http://www.alsa-project.org/alsa-info.sh00:33
dtchenshade34321: it's a bash script, so don't use sh but bash00:33
shade34321i'm sorry....i'm a bit new to linux....please explain how i'm supposed to do this a bit more....do you want me to copy the text to a file and save it, as what....then what00:34
dtchenwget -O ~/Desktop/alsa-info.sh http://www.alsa-project.org/alsa-info.sh00:35
dtchenbash ~/Desktop/alsa-info.sh00:35
dtchenthose are Terminal commands00:35
shade34321ok....one sec...running them now00:36
shade34321ok....here you go00:36
dtchenok, please install pavucontrol00:38
dtchenthen use it to migrate your desired audio streams to the usb device00:38
shade34321ok....where can i get that from....ok00:38
dtchenyou can use Synaptic/apt-get/aptitude to install it00:39
dtchene.g., sudo apt-get install pavucontrol00:39
shade34321got it....installing now00:39
shade34321thanks for helping00:39
shade34321do you know anything about my DVD playback problem?00:40
dtcheni lack troubleshooting details. what application are you using to try to play DVDs?00:40
shade34321ive used vlc, totem, mplayer.....each give me a different error00:41
shade34321on one the movie starts to play00:41
shade34321but then stops and gives me an error00:41
shade34321while the other's wont even play it00:41
Skiessiis it normal for 'ls -s' to show the file sizes quantized to every 4kB?00:42
dtchen       -s, --size00:43
dtchen              print the size of each file, in blocks00:43
dtchenIOW, yes00:43
dtchenshade34321: are you using the medibuntu repository?00:44
shade34321ummm...i would say no since i havent heard of that00:44
DasEithe increasement in time to bootup is really awesome, gg, installed on a 5mhz clereron; runs fine...00:44
dtchenshade34321: http://www.medibuntu.org00:44
dtchenDasEi: do you mean the decrease in bootup time?00:45
Skiessiis there a way to see the size of the content?00:45
dtchenfor most people, 9.04 boots in less time, not more time00:45
DasEidtchen:decrease, less time, sure00:45
dtchenDasEi: not trying to be pedantic. some people are extremely sarcastic, and that isn't conveyed well over text. i'd rather be certain.00:46
Skiessiok -l does enough00:47
DasEintfs support still didn't work for usb (tried to format with gparted) and gparted comes up with no root - auth, though it's still beta;;; was just a human expression error, dtchen00:47
DasEithx for correcting00:48
dtchennp. again, not trying to be snarky.00:48
DasEisamll decrease from hardy to ibex, good hit from ibex to jaunty00:49
shade34321dtchen: that's a no go on the DVD playback00:53
shade34321on VLC it'll reconize the dvd is there and open a screen to play it00:53
shade34321and then automatically close it out00:53
shade34321which is what it did before00:53
dtchenshade34321: do you need to (re)set the region for the drive?00:54
shade34321and then Movie Player starts to play it....gets passed the legal stuff and says it cant read from source.....it did it on 2 dvd's....what do you mean?00:54
shade34321my laptop is from the US....and i'm trying to play DVD's i bought here00:54
dtchenhmm, it should be fine if it passed the copyright notice(s)00:54
dtchenwhat's in `dmesg'?00:54
shade34321it just tells me it cant read from the source....my other computer can play them though00:55
shade34321using vlc and other applications....it's windows though00:55
dtchenright, we can't rule out the possibility that there's a hw issue, like dirt00:55
sbeattiewhat's the solution to the 'pycentral: pycentral rtinstall: installed runtime python2.6 not found'? Niether python-central nor python2.6-minimal will successfully install because of it.00:55
shade34321true...let me see if i have a non movie cd and try to read from it00:56
dtchenshade34321: or one that's not region-locked00:57
shade34321also i dont know how to use this audio stuff i installed....but i cant seem to get it to come out of the USB headphones.....00:57
dtchenshade34321: do you have pavucontrol running?00:57
shade34321my laptop used to have windows and i could get the same DVD's to play00:57
shade34321yes sir...00:57
dtchenshade34321: do you see your usb headset in the Output Devices tab?00:57
joshjtlhey folks00:58
joshjtldoes anyone use preload or prelink?00:58
shade34321yes sir00:58
joshjtlshade34321: which?00:59
dtchenshade34321: ok, use Totem to play a music file00:59
shade34321im watching a youtube video....it should be the same results though...but it's not working for my usb headset....my regular headphones and my laptop speakers both work01:00
dtchenshade34321: now switch to the Playback tab in pavucontrol. In the Totem stream, you can either click the dropdown arrow and choose Move Stream..., or you can right-click the sliders and choose the same01:00
shade34321got it....thanks:)01:01
shade34321im putting a picture DVD in....to make sure it's not a hardware issue and i can still use that drive01:02
shade34321that works01:03
shade34321*the pictured DVD anyways01:03
dtchensbeattie: ok, silly questions time. is python-minimal fully configured?01:04
sbeattiedtchen: no, it's not, it fails to do so when I do dpkg --configure python-minimal with the same error.01:04
mxboy15uanyone have any aspire one experience in here?01:05
sbeattiedtchen: sorry, I lied, it's claiming it is fully configured.01:05
bazookatoothacademic earth is amazing01:06
sbeattiedtchen: mind you, python-minimal is version 2.5.2-1ubuntu1 not 2.6 something.01:08
dtchenwas this using apt-get/aptitude and not do-release-upgrade?01:09
sbeattiedtchen: nope, via do-release-upgrade01:09
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dtchensbeattie: sorry, i'm kinda short on time, but i'm surprised that the postinst didn't expose more debugging messages01:12
kindofabuzzwhat is the panel app for system update notification called? It's not showing up for me. or is it broken?01:12
bjsniderit's not there for me either. the envelope01:13
kindofabuzzoh it's an envelope for that too now?01:13
kindofabuzzlike when pidgin is open?01:14
kindofabuzzi guess still not implemented or broken?01:14
bjsniderthe omnipresent envelope o' doom01:14
shade34321so my DVD's wont play...i've installed the medibuntu repo, and it still wont play...vlc will open a window to play it and automatically close it out.....MPlayer looks like it's trying to play it but the picture is garbled then it goes crazy....Totem starts to play it and gets through the legal stuff when it tells me it cant read the resource anymore01:18
shathanwith jaunty are the input devices moved out of xorg.conf?01:24
imachinecwillu_clone, is it 100% done ?01:24
imachineI had issues with deleting files!01:24
shade34321I cant get DVD's to play...most of the players give me an error....it states it cant read the resource01:28
sbeattiedtchen: thanks for your help; I filed bug 354217 ; hopefully mvo can straighten me out.01:29
ubottuLaunchpad bug 354217 in update-manager "do-release-upgrade to jaunty failed on python2.6-minimal" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35421701:29
eseven73hi does Jaunty support ext4?01:36
eseven73ok thanks01:37
joshjtli dont know whats going on here, i recently reinstalled jaunty kubuntu, and kde is running super super slow01:37
joshjtlive dist-upgraded too01:37
thiebaudeim unable to load x , i'am using a 81815 intel graphics card, is there a workaround for this problem?01:38
joshjtlthis is really really not cool01:39
QPrimejoshjtl: KDE or video in general?01:40
joshjtlQPrime: KDE01:40
eseven73The gparted live CD i have doesn't have a ext4 option, how do i format my hd  to ext4?01:41
QPrimejoshjtl: ok.  not running KDE here, so I don't even have a frame of reference to make suggestions :(  Video in general has been tricky on the Jaunty pre-releases tho.01:41
fosco_eseven73: with the ubuntu liveCD01:41
eseven73fosco_, i dont see options for partitioning, or do i have to use guided?01:42
eseven73or non guided i mean01:42
eseven73i ususally use guided01:42
fosco_manually partition01:42
QPrimefosco_: is ext4 an option on the regular live cd?  I know its an option in the alt. cd.01:42
fosco_QPrime: an option on desktop liveCD01:43
QPrimefosco_: cool, thanks.01:43
eseven73fosco_, ok so if i do non guided, what partitions do i need? I'd like to do a separate /home if possible01:45
fosco_one for / and one for swap01:45
fosco_the rest is up to you01:45
QPrimeeseven73: depending on the system hardware I usually do 12GB+ for '/' an extended partition with logical partitions for swap (2GB+) and home (the rest).  of course you can do anything you like however.01:52
eseven73ok ty, im attempting to do a separate /home for the first time, kind of sick of always having to redo all my email settings and what not every time i reinstall ubuntu01:54
fosco_backup is a good alternative :-)01:55
bjsnidereseven73, in fact that is how most linux distros are set up. fedora or suse for instance. i don't know why ubuntu isn't set up that way by default01:55
eseven73yeah i do that too but still nice to have a separate home01:55
eseven73yeah and Fedora uses ext4 by default now01:56
bjsnidersince it's completely transparent to the user it makes no sense to have /home on the same partition as /. no sense at all.01:58
bjsnideryou could have it on a separate physical drive and it would still be transparent.01:59
sbeattieIIRC, if you don't ask it to format /, ubiquity saves /home on a reinstall.01:59
* sbeattie prefers a seperate /home anyway.01:59
bjsnidermaybe they mount home with root because debian does it that way or something02:00
QPrimebjsnider: I think a single mount makes things easier for new users.  If you want to get 'fancy' with your partition structure then chances are you already know how to do it (or will learn).  I can understand why canonical when with the single partition.02:00
QPrimebjsnider: actually Debian follows a more traditional layout.02:01
sufficeim tryin to install support to enter korean characters kubnutu.  In gnome its just scim and off you go.  so far ive had a tricky time doing this in kde.02:01
bjsnideri don't see how it's easier for new users02:01
kindofabuzzthey'll learn =)02:02
sufficeanyone had to install an asian language and got it to work in kde 4.2.1?02:02
QPrimebjsnider: fewer partitions to deal with  = fewer possibilities for user mistakes  it also makes it easier to setup ubuntu on a system with an existing partition structure.02:03
eseven73how do i create a /home partition on a newly formated hd? i see a million HOW to's about separate /home partitions assuming you had one to begin with from an old install or whatever02:04
QPrimeeseven73:create the partition that you want to use as home then tell the installer to mount it as /home02:04
eseven73QPrime, ok and i just use like a live cd to tell fstab about /home?02:06
QPrimeeseven73: if you are installing fresh the installer will handle fstab for you.02:07
eseven73orly?! nice02:07
QPrimeeseven73: thats what you should expect... settle for nothing less ;)02:08
bjsniderQPrime, tell me where nautilus or anywhere else in gnome starts complaining about multiple partitions02:09
QPrimebjsnider: look, for most desktop systems it comes down to personal preference.  don't like it?  change it!  By the time you start asking about multiple partitions you should be well on your way to knowing how to do it 'manually' from an installer or retro fit a running system manually.  I fully understand why canonical went with a single partition so they could shoehorn ubuntu into an existing partition structure without much fus02:11
afallenhopeare there specific modules I have to blacklist to get my webcam working?02:13
afallenhopehttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=272328&page=5<-- followed that (my old tutorial) and still doesn't work02:14
QPrimeQPrime: you try telling the end user why 'ubuntu killed their system' after rearranging 3 existing partitions (all with different possible filesystems on them) just to create the standard *nix partition layout.02:14
QPrimeerr... that was directed as bjsnider...02:14
eseven73does the new partitioner automatically set boot flag? I didnt see a option for setting flags02:15
QPrimeeseven73: grub does not need a partition boot flag to boot a native linux partition02:16
eseven73i knew that! :P02:16
QPrimeeseven73: ok :)02:16
QPrimeDanaG: welcome, fellow charter victim!02:19
eseven73I'll have to say if this works, it will be the first time since Ubuntu 7.04 that I've ever had a separate /home :D02:20
QPrimeeseven73: yummy.02:20
* QPrime has trouble dealing with ~1400 people in #ubuntu and usually crawls into +1 and offtopic for relief?02:24
mindframeAre there any daily ISOs available?02:25
bjsniderQPrime, but linux doesn't rearrange partitions, it needs to start with a certain amount of unpartitioned space.02:33
QPrimebjsnider: you're right, linux doesn't re-arrange the partitions (the installer does - with various fs packages) and no... you don't need to start with free space.  most installers will happily resize a partition (or three) to create space on an existing drive.  I'm simply saying that you remove possible installation issues if you only have to create a single partition for 'joe-user' install his/her shiny new version of ubuntu.02:37
tomazjust did an dist-upgrade, that installed the 180.44 nvidia driver02:38
tomaznow my video doesnt works.02:38
bjsnidertomaz, what card is this?02:38
tomaznvidia 8400GS02:39
bjsniderthat's the right driver02:39
tomazbjsnider: the .37 version worked like a charm02:39
bjsnider.44 is better02:39
tomazbut with this one X doesn't starts and I need to use the low res mode.02:39
tomazbjsnider: I'm sure that when it works, it's better.02:39
bjsniderthen the driver isn't properly installed02:40
tomazwhat can I do?02:40
bjsniderare you at a console?02:40
sufficeto the lo res mode i just went to console then sudo dpkg-reconfigure -a and it worked02:40
sufficenow things are smooth02:40
tomaznope, graphical mode, 800x600 ( on a flat screen that holds 1600x1050 -.- )02:40
billybigriggerif im trying to remote assist a buddy's laptop, is there any native apps i can use with ubuntu? do i have to walk him through setting up a vnc?02:40
tomazlet me see02:40
bjsniderwell can you open a console02:40
sufficehte options for 'use low res mode' aslo says log into console02:41
QPrimebillybigrigger:  System->Preferences->Remote Desktop02:41
tomazdoing the dpkg-reconfigure -a02:41
tomazthis happened to you too suffice?02:41
sufficeafter my daily update yesterday yes it did02:42
billybigriggerQPrime, what port does that use? he's going to need to open it up on his router no?02:42
tomaznice to know that I'm not the only one02:42
sufficeit says to try something like dpk-reconigore -phigh or something..but i just went for the -a02:42
ghindoMy bootchart directory is full of .tgz files - is this normal?02:42
QPrimebillybigrigger: (its vnc) to make sure he port forwards tcp 5900 to his inside machine.02:43
billybigriggerQPrime, k thanks02:43
QPrimebillybigrigger: np02:43
eseven73ghindo, yes they are compressed archives of logs/images i think02:43
ghindoeseven73: Ah, okay thanks02:43
eseven73ghindo, in fact i think almost everything in /log eventually gets turned into a compressed file after X amount of days/weeks/months02:44
nandemonaiQuick question.. is it possible to install kde fully without actually using the meta-package kubuntu-desktop?02:45
bjsniderof course it is02:46
bjsniderjust install everything that metapackage pulls in02:47
nandemonaiMain reason I ask is because I just want to install it without replacing the usplash and such.02:47
nandemonaiJust want to poke around in the beta to check out any changes.02:48
tomaz  this -a will take more than one hour?02:48
White_Pelicanhow do I put the folder view on the desktop? it seems to have disappeared02:49
DanaGoh, somebody ping me?02:50
DanaGoh, never mind, I was misinterpreting colors, I think.\02:50
White_Pelicancan someone answer my question?02:51
White_PelicanI am using kde 4.2.2 under jaunty02:51
White_PelicanI also noticed that when I try to "get new themes" I install them but they don't show up in the list02:52
tomaz White_Pelican: have you tried to right click, add widgets, and drag the folder view from the list to the desktop?02:54
White_Pelicanyes it won't let me02:54
tomazcan you ckeck if your desktop02:54
tomaz( right click, properties )02:54
tomazis of type 'desktop' or folderview?02:55
White_Pelicanok that worked02:55
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White_Pelicannow, what about the problem with adding splash screens?02:57
eseven73QPrime, got the separate /home and ext4 working, thanks a ton :D03:00
tomazWhite_Pelican: I dont know about that one03:02
White_Pelicanprolly another bug they didn't fix03:04
White_Pelicanadmittedly, I don't think I filed a bug report03:04
tomaz well, my splash screen works03:05
tomazbut I compiled kde from trunk03:05
White_Pelicanso maybe it's jaunty?03:05
tomazjust a moment,03:06
BBHoss_has anyone else had problems switching users03:13
philsfis it more apropriate for testers who will download a ISO now, to get a daily imge, or the beta and get the upgrades?03:17
BBHoss_i just upgraded from my 8.10 box03:17
BBHoss_and then you get the newest upgrades every day03:17
philsfBBHoss_: is your answer to me?03:18
mindframephilsf, daily image would be more convenient... where to get them though?03:18
BBHoss_why would that be more conveinient03:19
BBHoss_downloading ONLY the updated packages is faster and easier03:19
philsfBBHoss_: I'm assuming the tester (my case, really) will like to use the LiveCD/DVD instead of upgrading03:19
BBHoss_oh ok03:20
philsfhmm, no jigdo support for either beta or daily. is this on purpose?03:20
syockitdo we have a working gnome-session manager in jaunty?03:21
mindframeaw damn no alternate dailys03:23
dtchenphilsf: hmm? i see jigdo.03:24
dtchen(for beta at least)03:24
philsfdtchen: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/9.04/beta/ ?03:24
dtchenand for /daily/current03:25
philsfdtchen: I must be missing something. isn't it supposed to show *.jigdo files?03:25
dtchenphilsf: it does. you're looking at cdimage, which is ports. use releases.03:26
dtchenphilsf: beta andRC use releases.u.c for the supported flavours and platforms, not cdimage.u.c03:27
philsfdtchen: got it, thanks!03:27
philsfso, I see some call for tests in the -devel list. Is there a centralized page (wiki?) that people can look to see what to look for? maybe some tag in LP?03:30
dtchenno, but that might be worth raising on the ubuntu-devel{,-discuss} list{,s}03:32
dtchenand/or in #ubuntu-bugs03:32
White_PelicanI have a problem in kde 4.2.2, but I was in the kde channel and it turns out to be distro related. I am using jaunty beta 1. where do I file a bug report?03:33
syockitlaunchpad all the way03:33
syockitif 4.2.2, then probably under +source03:33
dtchenWhite_Pelican: the same place as other kubuntu bugs03:34
White_Pelicanoh ok03:34
syockitthe problem is selecting the package name, because kde has lots of components03:34
White_Pelicanwill do03:34
White_Pelicancan't fix it if they don't know there's a problem :)03:34
White_Pelicandoes kubuntu-restricted-extras tell firefox where javascript and flash is?03:40
White_Pelicanor am I going to need symbolic links?03:40
DanaGOh yeah, a Sharp Zaurus is ARM-based; is that considered supported (as in, at the bare minimum, installable and bootable)?03:41
White_Pelicanis there any way to get the "old" adept in kde 4?03:48
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BluesKajWhite_Pelican, restricted-extras and flashplugin-nonfree , should work ok on FF03:56
White_Pelicanit does for flash, BluesKaj but a website that requires java does not03:57
White_Pelicanand I installed restricted extras03:57
White_Pelicanyoutube, which requirs flash does work03:57
White_Pelicanlooks like I need to still create a symbolic link for java03:58
kindofabuzzturn off java =)03:58
joshjtlwhat would be a good way to decide on what ppa repo to use for packages not available elsewhere, but that are available in multiple ppa repos?03:58
DanaGlook at versions and changelogs.03:59
ajanusim having issues with the ieee80211 module and crypto modules in jaunty, driver ipw210004:00
ajanusby default, tkip modules wont load, tried installing backports modules as per a bug/thread, now i get :04:01
joshjtlDanaG: what if they are the same?04:01
ajanusroot@mangle:~# modprobe ieee80211.............FATAL: Error inserting ieee80211 (/lib/modules/2.6.28-11-generic/kernel/net/ieee80211/ieee80211.ko): Invalid module format04:01
DanaGBeats me.  Flip a coin?  Use both?04:02
joshjtlhehe ok04:02
joshjtlhey does anyone use preload or prelink in here?04:03
dtchenajanus: odd. seems usable here.04:05
White_Pelicanok I created the symbolic link and it worked04:06
ajanusyeah as soon as i remove the backports deb it inserts fine04:06
dtchenajanus: you're using linux-backports-modules-jaunty?04:07
ajanusdtchen, i can only connect to unsecured network, when i try to connect via WPA, it mangles my password04:07
ajanusyeah, i tried it due to another bug report04:07
joshjtlinteresting no one uses prelink/preload ?04:08
QPrimeeseven73: no problem.  enjoy, and spread the wealth :)04:13
ajanusno dice, i removed backports04:19
ajanusit will only load the ieee80211 and ieee80211_crypt modules04:19
ajanusnot ieee80211_crypt_*04:19
ajanusif i modprobe them manually it doesnt seem to work04:19
ajanusoutput of lsmod shows ieee80211_crypt next to ieee80211_crypt_* when i insert them, and dmesg says ieee80211_crypt: registered algorithm 'TKIP'04:20
shade34321dtchen.....i got my DVD playback to work( you were helping me with it earlier)04:21
dtchenwhat's the error?04:21
dtchensigh, major nick-completion fail04:21
ForgeAushey all... uh can't dofsck (or some kinda replacement for it) wait until after booting to scan/check a disk in the background?...04:25
ForgeAuspeople turn their computer on to use it, not to wait for a scan before they can log in...04:26
ForgeAusI realize dofsck likes a disk not to be mounted in order to work... which is problematic... anyhow I'm just annoyed that I have to wait some days before my PC lets me log in...04:27
dlynch hi, this morning my jaunty install hard locked up without warning, and it no longer boots from the ext4 partition in which it was installed. This seems like a serious bug worth investigating, but to be frank, I don't know how to approach this the best way. Should I boot from the most recent live CD of jaunty and try to take a look at some log files or something?04:36
QPrimedlynch: ext4 has problems with HARD locks and loss of data due to the way it commits the journal and cache.  chances are you should not be running ext4 unless you are running a server in a stable environment04:39
dlynchQPrime: point noted. Is there potentially some useful information that could be gathered from the partition to aid in bug fixing?04:41
QPrimedlynch: possibly. if it was a totaly hard lock ther emay not be any info in the logs... worse yet. the logs *may* even be zerod out due to the ext4 issue.  I'd still boot a live cd and look, ther emay be something interesting there04:43
dlynchQPrime: should the first place I look be /var/log ? and is there someway I can do a journal recovery from the live CD environment?04:44
QPrimedlynch: no way that I know to recover that cached (and uncommitted data) possibly a way to recover some data from zeroed files with a block recovery tool.  if it gets to that point tho I'd just as well not do it.  try an ext3 install and see if you get another hard lock - that might point to another issue either with you hardware or with the beta distro.04:46
QPrimeQPrime: lots of people (including me) were/are hoping that ext4 would be another evolution for desktop fs reliability like ext3 was.  but i think its really a more specialized fs.  you can make it work more like ext3 by changing commit times, etc, and still get some of the other advantages of ext4, but I'd wait for more community feedback on ext4 before i use it as a primary fs on a desktop.04:51
QPrimeooops... that was for dlynch04:51
dlynchQPrime: thanks... me too. I am very glad that it was only my / partition that is ext4, as that is easy enough to recover from. I'04:52
dlynchI'm very glad none of my critical data is there04:52
QPrimedlynch: i feel you on that score.04:53
syockitsometimes my gnome session fails to resume from sleep and starts back at login. where do I look for clues?04:57
Rieshso i compiled kde from svn and would like to test it out ... how to add it as option in KDM ? ... a desktop file in /usr/share/xsessions and in /usr/share/kde4/apps/kdm/sessions/ does not give me an option to run KDE-devel05:02
Rieshanybody an idea ?05:03
bluefoxicyis openoffice recently broken or is this an old change05:14
bluefoxicyctrl+{up,down} doesn't move the paragraph up and down anymore05:14
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[MindVirus]I have an Intel 945GME and I don't have direct rendering. Any suggestions?05:29
syockit[MindVirus]: is this with default xorg.conf-less xorg?05:32
[MindVirus]No, I have an xorg.conf file.05:33
syockitunless there's a specific setting to disable it, xorg would still try to load direct rendering automatically. pastebin your xorg.conf05:34
matrixblueany experts on ext4 in here?05:34
[MindVirus]syockit, http://pastebin.com/m799a0c2305:35
syockitmatrixblue: cwillu was here hours ago, dunno if he's still here05:35
OldGuestafter upgrading, flashplayer 9 stopped working. how to fix thanks05:35
syockit[MindVirus]: what if you start without xorg.conf, do you still get no direct rendering?05:36
[MindVirus]I'm almost sure that will be the case.05:36
matrixblueoh, basically I wanna know if using ext4 to do a full install on a flash drive is better than using ext2 or ext305:36
[MindVirus]Can we save that for last?05:36
syockitoh, mine is a 945gm/gms . i always forgot the version number05:38
syockit[MindVirus]: what's output of ls -l /dev/dri ?05:39
[MindVirus]For some reason it's still 660.05:40
[MindVirus]crw-rw----+ 1 root video 226, 0 2009-04-02 16:49 card005:40
syockityup, that always happen. anyways, that shouldn't make direct rendering show up as no in glxinfo05:40
syockitso it might not be related05:40
syockityou can try chmod it, and see if it's still no or not05:41
[MindVirus]Here's the thing.05:41
[MindVirus]It says that it's rendering directly but it's not.05:41
crdlbXorg troubleshooting failure!05:41
crdlbthe first step is always to pastebin the /var/log/Xorg.0.log05:42
syockitoh yeah, forgot that05:42
[MindVirus]I'll do that right quick.05:42
OldGuestis it just me or sound quality in jaunty improved ?05:43
[MindVirus]Thanks a lot, BTW, syockit.05:43
syockitmindframe: btw, have you installed libdrm for intel?05:44
[MindVirus]libdrm-intel1 or something like that.05:44
crdlb[MindVirus]: how have you determined that it's not "rendering directly"?05:45
syockitoh, i didn't know dri2 required uxa. maybe I can try that on my other pc05:45
crdlbthere have been severe performance regressions in jaunty's intel driver05:45
crdlbwhich may or may not be improved by using UXA05:45
[MindVirus]In Intrepid with Compiz enabled, the frame rate wasn't 1950s cartoon.05:45
[MindVirus]Minimizing and maximizing windows looked *good*.05:46
crdlbok, so that's got nothing to do with direct rendering05:46
[MindVirus]Playing StepMania in Intrepid didn't require 320x240.05:46
crdlbbtw, compiz cannot run with the mesa software renderer, so if you have compiz at all, 3d acceleration is working05:47
syockitah, that's actually a problem in the latest intel video. they're still working on it05:47
[MindVirus]I see.05:47
[MindVirus]Will it work for the release of Jaunty?05:47
crdlblet me get out my crystal ball05:47
syockitso it's bad on both exa and uxa?05:47
crdlboh wait, those don't exist05:47
[MindVirus]You could also use your awesome powers of reason and inference.05:48
crdlbhopefully, the ubuntu X people can come up with a simple workaround for this05:48
[MindVirus]Thanks by the way.05:48
syockiti don't like betting, but I think it won't make it. they are probably going to disable gem05:48
[MindVirus]What is this GEM BTW?05:48
crdlbwell, would disabling gem fix it?05:49
crdlbif so, that seems like a reasonable solution :>05:49
[MindVirus]Can I disable GEM now?05:49
[MindVirus]I already don't like it.05:49
crdlbit's part of the kernel05:49
syockit[MindVirus]: you have to install the gem-removed kernel05:49
[MindVirus]I'm running an Eeepc.05:49
syockitsearch in launchpad for it05:49
[MindVirus]I don't think they have that.05:49
[MindVirus]But I will check.05:49
syockiti just came across it in some of the eeepc related bugs yesterday05:50
syockithttps://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/349314 this one has something called andy's deb, dunno what it fixes, but someone from other bug report claims to have some problems fixed05:53
ubottuLaunchpad bug 349314 in linux "[i915] allocate MCHBAR space & enable if necessary" [Low,In progress]05:53
amon__whats wrong with the intel driver, for me it runs quite well, i just watched a hd 720p movie with compiz enabled and everything was smooth05:56
syockitbtw this is the main bug thread https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-intel/+bug/30301105:56
ubottuLaunchpad bug 303011 in xserver-xorg-video-intel "[i945] 2.5.1 driver poor performance" [Unknown,In progress]05:56
syockitamon__: yes, for some people like you and me, they happen to have the hardware that works. sadly, the driver still doesn't work equally correctly on all 'supported' hardware05:57
syockiteven though some have similar naming (945GME and 945GMS)05:58
amon__i am just wondering, because in the main bug thread they talk about an intel gma 945, thats exactly what i have05:58
amon__a ok05:58
amon__its an intel gml 950 with the problems05:59
OldGuesthey i got a crash report about python minimal install05:59
DanaGhah, I'm stuck with a choice between using this butt-fugly version of some vhdl tools... or having to use an evaluation version for 10 days SHORTER than the course I need it for... or having to use the old version in -- oh wait, it doesn't work in Vista.06:03
DanaGIf you thought Wine apps were ugly... check out that screenshot.06:03
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[MindVirus]DanaG, which screenshot?06:04
DanaGthought I linked it.06:04
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frybyeMorning: how do I switch to the neat GUI <with thumbnails of films etc.-> in Vuze in Jaunty??06:07
DanaG!info xcs3prog06:09
ubottuPackage xcs3prog does not exist in jaunty06:09
DanaG!info xc3sprog06:10
ubottuPackage xc3sprog does not exist in jaunty06:10
OldGuest_when i select restart system, it logs me off to login screen. is this new jaunty restart feature ?06:10
amon__not a bug at all06:12
OldGuest_fast restart ?06:13
bluefoxicyI have restored proper performance in Jaunty :D06:16
bluefoxicynow my apps don't horribly lag anymore :D06:16
OldGuest_jaunty is fast06:17
bluefoxicyOldGuest_: yeah, except for the fact that if there's anything trying to happen all the apps freeze and any app that touches the disk struggles to get any work done ever.06:17
bluefoxicyopenoffice.org was completely unusable06:17
bluefoxicyI disabled tracker and still could barely move along06:18
bluefoxicyright now tracker's molesting my disk and I have e-mail downloading and everything's fine though06:18
* bluefoxicy cheated. He put 'elevator=as' on the kernel command line. Apparently somebody royally fucked up CFQ >:O06:18
OldGuest_my experience is, every new release plays well atleast for 3 days, then loads of ups n downs till the dist get stable.06:20
OldGuest_heh, system test crashed on launch :)06:24
bluefoxicywhile we're at it, firefox always asks me if I want to save my tabs when I close it06:25
bluefoxicyI say yes, and it loads up an empty tab on next start06:25
OldGuest_bluefoxicy: i didn't get save option06:27
OldGuest_bluefoxicy: only two options, close tabs and cancel06:27
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syockithow do i lock session when suspending?06:32
frybyehi - when using the azureus vuze gui - it tells me I need to d-load the flash plugin - but I already have the adobe 64bit native flash - what to do?06:42
coz_frybye,  not sure but you may want to ask in #azureus06:46
QPrimefrybye: consider using Deluge06:49
frybyecoz - that is where I first went..  what is Deluge all about?06:50
frybyeI c now - it is a completly different torrent client- not the point pal - I am interested in the specifics of the vuze application that are not avail with other torrent clients...06:51
DanaGI like the things such as auto-speed in vuze.06:52
QPrimefrybye: minimalist (but very nice) bt client.  supports try application client/server  model so you can run a headless server on a spare machine without having to dedicate your desktop pc06:52
QPrimeand its not bloatware! ;)06:52
frybyeQPrime: just this time it is the -bloat- in vuze that I find cool - in generaly of course slim software is good - but in the case of vuze I make an exception to this conviction...06:53
QPrimefrybye: *grin* as you wish.06:53
frybyeone can just ignore the lack of flash and there is still a fair bit of function in the GUI - just a bit annoying that the f-thing works in the environ. from the evil empire and not in ubuntu with this feature up to now - for me at least...06:54
QPrimefrybye: but if you have a chance check out Deluge. it really is a cool little bt client.  lets me run torrents 24/7 dedicated, on a low powered spare debian box.06:54
frybyeok - I will note your tip - perhaps some other kind soul can tell me how to teach vuze that flash is available already???06:55
frybyeI suspect that it is just a matter of changing a "0" for a "1" in the right config file - but which - where etc...?06:56
dupondjeHellow, is there a way to run VirtualBox full screen on like 'Window2'07:06
dupondjeand linux desktop on window1 ?07:07
siriusnovai like the new jaunty themes07:24
siriusnovathey are pretty win07:24
Jordan_UYay! Redirected Direct Rendering for intel works in Jaunty!07:34
jhass840Does anyone else get white noise when hovering over music files?07:37
siriusnovalemme check07:38
jhass840I doesn't happen all the time, just sometimes07:38
siriusnovaworks fine here with mp3s07:38
siriusnovai like the new notifications and themes07:39
siriusnovathey are pretty slick07:39
jhass840yeah, that's awesome.  Now I don't have to worry about missing anyone's IM07:40
jhass840It also makes it easier to stalk AIM buddies07:40
jhass840I want the Pidgin notification one to go away now.  All it does is confuse me07:41
jhass840I'm going to run all the system tests again, see if anything comes up07:42
siriusnovahmm k07:45
jhass840hah!  The problem came up in the sound test07:46
jhass840not that it's a good thing, but at least now nobody can say I'm crazy07:47
Amaranthhrm, python broken again07:47
frybyere: I am trying to move a script (libflashplayer.so) into /usr/lib64/xulrunner- but it tells me (in the gui) that i dont have the permissions - how to fix??07:47
frybyesorry - this is very basic linux stuff but my memory is fried sometimes...07:48
frybyeQPrime: give me a hand with this perhaps???07:49
jhass840frybye: In a terminal type: chmod 777 <file name>07:49
frybyeok thanks...07:49
topylichanging the file's permissions won't help you copy it there07:50
jhass840frybye: however, don't get into the habit of using 777 with chmod.  Try man chmod to learn more about it07:50
dlynchI have installed the the latest beta from the CD, but for some reason it didn't install grub, and I'm having trouble getting it installed07:50
frybyeok - i get the point - but if i change the permissons with chmod then I can use the gui to shift it there right or..07:51
dlynchI ran grub-install, but there is no menu.lst07:51
Cezar since i installed jaunty, amsn wont connect, can u help ?07:51
frybyedo i need to do a gksudo <name of the file manager in jauty?>07:51
topylifrybye: for example. faster perhaps if you just copy it in the terminal and use sudo07:52
dlynchis there some kind of command I can run to generate the menu.lst and whatever else needs to go in the /boot/grub directory?07:52
Cezaryes reinstall kernel07:52
frybyeso it is cp filename /destination right - after doing the chmod?07:52
Cezarany help with amsn ?07:53
eagles0513875does anyone know whats gonna be used instead of knetwork manager in jaunty. i got an email saying that it was goign to be removed07:56
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Jordan_Udlynch, sudo update-grub07:57
Cezarany help with amsn ?07:57
eagles0513875!patience | Cezar07:57
ubottuCezar: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines07:57
Jordan_Ueagles0513875, DId you get that email yesterday?07:57
eagles0513875!ask | Cezar07:57
ubottuCezar: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)07:57
eagles0513875Jordan_U: ya it was sitting in my inbox this morning07:58
eagles0513875let me find out what time it was sent07:58
Jordan_Ueagles0513875, Look at the date ;)07:58
eagles0513875405am lol07:58
Cezarit wont connect anymore (sorry)07:58
eagles0513875Cezar: try using kopete instead you can still connect to msn that way07:58
eagles0513875Jordan_U: i got it at 4am this am07:59
joetheoddIs there a way to start downloading the packages I'll need to upgrade to Jaunty, and then do daily upgrades until release?07:59
Cezaryes but it doesnt work well with cams , and i love gnome ;)07:59
Jordan_Ueagles0513875, Well it's BS07:59
eagles0513875joetheodd: ya check out on kubuntu.org and click on the jaunty beta link there is another link that will take you to instructions on how to update over the internet to jaunty08:00
eagles0513875Jordan_U: i dont think it is tbh knetworkmanager is rather buggy when it comes to static ips08:00
joetheoddeagles0513875, I know how to switch apt sources etc, but I don't want to upgrade yet. Just download the debs08:00
eagles0513875joetheodd: then i dont know08:00
topyliCezar: like the #gaim channel's topic used to say, "when having problems with msn, assume the server to be at fault"08:00
Cezaryes but kopete, emesene connnect ...08:01
joetheoddOr, "When using Microsoft services with a Linux program, blame Microsoft for issues, cause Linux is g0d, 4m3n."08:01
Jordan_Ueagles0513875, If there were any plans to replace network-manager it would have been announced and implemented long before the beta, and I don't think network-manager is going anywhere soon even after jaunty08:01
eagles0513875what do you mean Cezar08:01
Cezarmaybe tk/tcl is broken08:01
eagles0513875Jordan_U: who knows lol08:02
Cezarkopete connects fine08:02
Cezarbut not amsn anymore08:02
topyliCezar: in that case, amsn probably hasn't updated to the latest server-side quirks but the others have08:02
joetheoddFor what it's worth, I'm connected to MSN fine on pidgin 2.5.2 (intrepid)08:02
Cezaryes but i need the cam ... thnx anyway08:03
topyliCezar: use SIP :)08:03
joetheoddWell, night guys. /afk08:03
sebsebseb 08:12
jhass840So is it a design feature that sliders no longer have the orange highlight, or is that a bug?08:24
jhass840This would be a gnome bug if it were one08:24
HTorquehello guys! the package pybootchartgui has two (imo important) fixes committed upstream but they haven't yet been released for jaunty. can i do something to make sure they will find their way in?08:26
topyliHTorque: file a bug, request it08:29
siriusnovadoes the java6 in jaunty have a 64bit java plugin?08:29
siriusnovafor the browser?08:29
HTorquetopyli: those fixes are actually reported at launchpad and marked "fix committed"08:30
sebsebsebfrogonwheels: hi08:30
sebsebsebyeah so  either my KDE 4.2 is messed up08:31
sebsebsebor it's meant to be like that08:31
sebsebsebno panels08:31
sebsebsebtop right,  get some options08:31
sebsebsebI don't really care enough about KDE 4  to try and fix it yet :d08:31
sebsebsebthe KDE apps I use work in Gnome nicely still anwyay08:31
frogonwheelsI've got panels08:31
sebsebsebit completly messed up for me it seems08:31
frogonwheelsthey're looking quite nice now .08:32
sebsebsebafter I upgraded from  8.10 to alpha608:32
sebsebseband then to the beta, which made no difference08:32
jhass840siriusnova: aparently not, but see here http://derickrethans.nl/firefox_and_64_bit_java_plugin.php08:32
sebsebsebhwoever I did have the 8.10  ppa for KDE 4.208:32
frogonwheelsI'm using 8.10 + 4.2 beta08:32
sebsebsebyeah I used to do that08:32
sebsebsebthen things got messed up when I upgraded to 9.04 alpha608:32
frogonwheelsah. Think I'll hold off on the alpha08:32
sebsebsebit's beta now08:32
sebsebseb,but I started with alpha608:33
frogonwheelsstill. holding off :)08:33
sebsebsebah well I have to clean install for proper Ext4 suppourt anyway08:33
sebsebsebI am waiting for when the time is right, there has been dataloss issues and such with Ext408:33
sebsebsebso beta on 9.04  on Ext308:33
sebsebsebthen clean install when time is right, put the final on, on Ext4,  waiting for good Ext4 reviews08:33
frogonwheelsI tried reiser4 for a while.08:33
sebsebsebmurderfs :d08:33
sebsebsebthese channels are so dead in the morning08:34
sebsebsebit's kind of beautiful08:34
sebsebsebtime zones :D08:34
frogonwheelsI really should be working. still mid-afternoon.08:34
sebsebsebwhere are you from?08:34
sebsebsebah ockj08:36
sebsebsebwell  9.04  and  Ext408:36
sebsebsebwhen that's more stable that should be great08:36
frogonwheelsI've not been following the ext4 thing08:36
sebsebsebthen  this  being forced to use fusa thing in Gnome, unless... thing08:38
sebsebseb,but by  the sounds of it you use KDE anyway08:38
sebsebsebby the way KDE 3 was nice, you could virtual machine 8.04 for it08:38
sebsebsebshame KDE 3 is dead/dieing :(08:38
frogonwheelsYeah - maybe.  kde4 is a pretty thick layer..08:38
HTorquei agree but maintaining both is just not reasonable08:39
frogonwheelsstill - I actually quite like good UIs with a good cli - so happy with 4 .. well 4.2 more so than 4.`108:39
frogonwheels.. now that the taskmanger is sane.08:39
HTorquejust hope we won't see KDE5 when KDE4 becomes usable :P08:40
frogonwheelsof course we will :)08:41
sebsebsebwhen I tried  4.2  ppa in 8.1008:41
sebsebsebI didn't even notice a difference from 4.`08:41
sebsebseb,but not  like I gave it a proper try08:41
frogonwheelsI noticed.  The kicker um.. panel is much  nicer08:42
o0Chris0o!enter | sebsebseb08:42
ubottusebsebseb: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!08:42
sebsebsebo0Chris0o: right yeah08:43
jhass840Has anyone tried the new graphics enhancement yet?08:56
Jordan_Ujhass840, Which?09:00
jhass840Jordan_U: UXA or something like that09:02
methril|workit's possible that jaunty never boots again?09:02
Jordan_Ujhass840, Using it right now, redirected direct rendering rocks :)09:03
methril|workhelp to solve the problem. At the beginning i guess it was only X's, but now, the ethernet is not working09:03
methril|worki try to start at runlevel 3 passing 3 as boot argument, but doesn't help09:03
methril|workand the machine never responses to ping09:03
jhass840Jordan_U: What is its effect on Wine?09:04
methril|workif i start the system in "recovery mode" i could acces the disk, and i could modify the network itnerfaces.09:04
Jordan_Ujhass840, Don't use wine so I don't know, it's supposedly unstable so running graphics heavy games might cause crashes09:04
methril|workbutn then the tty's never responses09:04
jhass840Jordan_U: I might try it this afternoon, see if it's possible that it fixes some games that don't work in wine currently.  It's doubtful, but just maybe09:06
methril|worklooks like some service (or the Xs) give the system to a unusable state09:06
methril|workok, forget it, ii put another ip addr :$09:08
_StelaNinja_Anyone who can tell me how to change the preferences for the new notifications??09:08
jhass840_StelaNinja_: of the graphics?09:10
_StelaNinja_Is there a gui?09:11
jhass840_StelaNinja_: if that's the case then run "sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf", and adding Option "AccelMethod" "UXA" to the Device section of your xorg.conf09:11
_StelaNinja_Shall i change Option "NoLogo" "True" or add?09:14
syockiti don't understand how this conversation managed to continue as if it was related...09:15
methril|worksomeone expert in graphics could take a look on this? http://pastebin.com/m2146362709:15
syockitwow, never seen that assertion before... but i do not use ati09:16
_StelaNinja_"You can now use a menu to set up preferences for notification icons and where they should pop up." it says on all sites talking about the new features of Jaunty..09:17
mnemomethril|work: do you have a consistent way of reproducing that crash??09:18
methril|workmnemo: yes, allways09:18
methril|workwhen i start x09:18
methril|workwait a second. I'm going to pastebin my xorg.conf09:18
mnemomethril|work: any error printed in "dmesg" after the crash?09:18
methril|workno one09:19
mnemomethril|work: please join #ubuntu-x channel and explain you bug there09:19
methril|workthank you mnemo09:19
syockit_StelaNinja_: hmm, i thought notification-properties would work, but it still pops up at top right no matter what I chose09:22
_StelaNinja_Yes, same here.. But I also thought I could tweak more things..09:22
syockitmaybe it's still a wip09:25
ActionParsniphey all09:26
Jordan_Usyockit, notification-properties isn't even included by default now, I wonder if they just plan to play it off like non-configurable was the plan from the start ( to go with the non interactive of course :)09:36
syockitgnome style?09:36
sebsebsebhappydaisy: ok hi09:42
sebsebsebhappydaisy: a half upgrade?  so you can log in?09:42
happydaisyThe system works fine09:45
happydaisyStill Intrepid09:45
sebsebsebok just09:46
happydaisyI was forced to cancel while downloading the Jaunty packages09:46
sebsebsebrun the upgrade procedure again though09:46
sebsebsebthe beta of 9.04 well09:46
sebsebsebthere will be bugs and such09:46
sebsebseb,but if you know what you might be getting yourself into, then ok upgrade09:47
happydaisyI've heard that Jaunty is quite a step up performance wise from Intrepid09:47
happydaisysince it is my work computer, I figured, why not =P09:47
sebsebsebif  you do Ext4 I suppouse so, but that has a dataloss issue etc09:47
sebsebsebwork computer then wait for final09:47
happydaisyNah, they love me breaking their machines all the time09:47
sebsebsebyou don't want a unstable system for work09:47
happydaisyIt does give me something to do during the dull moments though09:48
Jordan_Usebsebseb, The big data loss issue has been fixed ( not sure I like the way it was fixed but that's another story... )09:48
sebsebsebJordan_U: fixed enough for a clean install of 9.04 final  to be done with Ext4, and then use that partition for well untill Ext5?09:48
sebsebsebJordan_U: or untill the PC dies09:49
happydaisyIt was fixed by creating workarounds to handle applications that aren't written very well right?09:49
sebsebsebhappydaisy: your a woman aren't you?  the name  says you might be09:49
Jordan_Usebsebseb, I'd think so09:49
happydaisynope, just comfortable with myself09:50
sebsebsebJordan_U: I  upgraded 8.10 to  9.04 alpha6,  then to beta.  and well  KDE4 is still weird, but I don't care enough to fix.  no  log in sound on the beta.    so  I think  upgrades borked.09:50
aya_is the jaunty release will delaY?09:50
sebsebsebJordan_U: and I think wait untill final before clean installing and putting Ext409:50
sebsebsebJordan_U: ,but I want a file system that is nice and stable,  because I want to then just keep on upgrading  Ubuntu  with that partition09:51
Jordan_Usebsebseb, I think it is a very safe bet that something other than ext4 will be the cause of any data loss / upgrade problems :)09:52
popeysebsebseb: i asked in #ubuntu because you said - in #ubuntu - that ext4 has issues09:53
popeyi wondered what issues you'd seen09:53
sebsebsebpopey: only read09:53
sebsebsebpopey: not  tried myself09:53
popeyAIUI these aren't ext4 issues, but issues with the desktop environments09:54
popeythe same thing happens under xfs also, and nobody calls it "xfs data loss issue"09:54
nhasianpopey, see thats what i said in #ubuntu09:54
sebsebsebyeah that's what I thought as well,  the desktop environments have been made for Ext3, not Ext409:54
sebsebsebor the file system is bad, one or the other09:55
nhasiansebsebseb, well they just took shortcuts in the code that is coming back to bite them now hehe09:55
popeymight want to get that story straight before giving advice in #ubuntu then :)09:55
sebsebsebI was thinking this earlier????   do  / as  Ext4.   do  home as  Ext4.   have a Ext3 data partition  that is used to backup some stuff, so if I got dataloss  on  Ext4's home oh well?   or have I misunderstood most of the stuff I read about  Ext4, hence that idea all of a sudden09:56
nhasiansebsebseb, if i'm not mistaken you should make your home directory ext3 and your data partition ext409:56
popeyits generally the home partition that would have the issue as that's where the .gnome and .kde folders would be09:56
popeynhasian: yup09:57
sebsebsebit's when stuff is about to be saved, but like powerloss,  the data goes?09:57
sebsebsebok well my current home partition is Ext3 :d09:57
nhasiansebsebseb, right!  and gnome/kde are always saving lots of open files to the home directory.  thats where the problem lies09:57
sebsebsebsounds like I won't have to move loads of data around after all09:57
sebsebsebok maybe I should start saying stuff like this in #ubuntu instead of saying that Ext4 is bad basically, because of some dataloss issue09:58
popeyext4 isnt bad in and of itself09:59
nhasianits never fun to have data loss.  but at least we know the cause and how to fix it09:59
nhasianor at least work around it for the time being09:59
Mulderi want to file a bug report but the problem is these crashes i'm having related to the video driver are so severe the system doesnt even get a chance to respond/log errors09:59
sebsebsebso small files on  Ext3 home well so what, I mean I woudn't  get some big speed improvement anwyay if it was on Ext4?09:59
sebsebsebit's the big files, that will want on Ext4?10:00
nhasiansebsebseb, i dont remember all the benefits of EXT4 but i remember two that caught my attention10:01
sebsebsebis that correct?10:01
nhasiansebsebseb, faster with big files (which i use multigigabyte mkv files) and faster chkdsk10:01
sebsebsebnhasian: right so small files, no difference from Ext3?10:02
nhasiansebsebseb, not for data read/write but for filesystem check it still would be faster10:02
sebsebsebnhasian: well it's only every 23 boots or so that it wants to check my file systems anyway10:03
nhasian<-- my cat is snoring10:04
slytherinanyone running jaunty on non-i386 machine?10:04
sebsebsebnhasian: small Ext3 home,  big  Ext4  data partition,  16GB or so for / also in Ext4.  yeah that set up makes sense, altough   / could be even smaller10:07
nhasiansebsebseb, yes that sounds good to me.  i dont know if you need a / more than 10GB though10:08
sebsebsebnhasian: and people that want Windows to be able to access their data as well,  can use the driver for Windows, on the seperate home partition.  I don't think  Windows should ever really have access to  /  or /home10:08
sebsebsebnhasian: uh the data partition I meant10:09
sebsebsebnhasian: don't want a windows virus say deleting the hidden .folders from home10:09
nhasiansebsebseb, i read that ext2ifs in windows allows it to read ext3 partitions.  i dont know if it will work with ext410:09
sebsebsebnhasian: and people  aren't meant to store it all on a data partition anyway, for stuff they want to keep for ages10:09
nhasiansebsebseb, oh but i'm sure you can set ext2ifs to read-only so it cannot write to the ext3/4 volume10:10
sebsebsebnhasian: yeah I used this on Ext3  http://www.fs-driver.org I guess it would need to be updated for Ext4 suppourt10:10
sebsebsebnhasian: ,but that driver makes that file system be like Ext210:10
nhasianext3 is the same as ext210:10
nhasianjust with journaling10:11
nhasiandont ask me what journaling means though hehe10:11
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about journalling10:11
sebsebsebnhasian: maybe it's just, because of a borked upgrade, but 9.04 on Ext3 does not seem that  great for me so far.10:12
nhasiansebsebseb, you mean ext4?10:13
=== happydaisy is now known as happy
sebsebsebnhasian: no  I upgraded from  8.10  to alpha6, to the beta. so  yeah running Ext3.   I will clean install the final10:13
sebsebsebnhasian: and then do Ext410:13
nhasiansebsebseb, good idea :)10:14
sebsebsebnhasian: your on Ext4 or 3?10:14
nhasiandang when you stay up till 2am you get hungry again10:14
sebsebsebnhasian: indeed10:14
sebsebsebnhasian: I kept on staying up all night for ages, but then this week 3 of those nights, I  hae slept at night, bed about midnight. heh10:15
nhasiansebsebseb, actually i'm still only using ubuntu 8.10.  i'll do a fresh install after 9.04 is released10:15
sebsebsebnhasian: so  yeah here I am at 10:15am awake,  instead of  sleeping or trying to get to sleep at an odd time10:15
nhasiansebsebseb, same filesystem as you /home ext3, and root & /data ext410:15
sebsebsebnhasian: yep10:16
nhasiansebsebseb, its only 10am in the UK?10:16
sebsebsebnhasian: can make a rather tiny home with that set up,  the .folders won't  take up that much space10:16
sebsebsebnhasian: yep we went forward the hour  last weekend for summer time10:16
nhasiansebsebseb, that always screws me up.  we dont change time in Arizona10:17
nhasiansebsebseb, where in the UK are you at?10:17
sebsebsebnhasian: yeah some of the USA does and other parts don't.   and Costa Rica don't etc10:17
sebsebsebnhasian: near Bristol10:17
sebsebsebnhasian: I think it's nice when USA  and Canada are an hour less behind10:18
nhasiani'd like to visit the UK sometime.  i went through heathrow airport once, it was a nightmare.  so many queues to stand in...10:18
sebsebsebnhasian:  #ubuntu and #ubuntu+1 are so quite at this time10:19
sebsebsebnhasian: heh10:19
nhasiancourse if you tell am american about standing in a queue they wont know what the hell your talking about10:19
sebsebsebnhasian: yeah same for us once,  on the way to Tenerife10:19
sebsebsebnhasian: it was really bad weather very foggy,   4 hours  or so queieing10:20
sebsebsebnhasian: well  not quite true, without a fastpass in Florida and quee10:20
nhasiansebsebseb, i think it would be cool to visit someplace south of the equator.  where summer & winter are reversed10:20
sebsebsebnhasian: at the theme park.   my first time to USA last year Florida :D  last August10:20
sebsebsebnhasian: yeah you mean Aussieland and New Zeland10:21
nhasiannice.  i went to disney world when i was very young.  i dont remember anything except for that dumbo ride for kids hehe10:21
sebsebsebnhasian: I guess we are off topic now :D, but that no one really cares in here,  espesailly now when it would otherwise be  dead10:21
nhasianor south america where my US dollars go a long way10:21
sebsebsebnhasian: how old are you?  the £  used to go a long way all over the place, but not so much anymore10:22
nhasian32 now but i tell all the ladies i'm 2710:22
sebsebsebnhasian: Disney Land Paris when young,  Orlando when older10:23
sebsebsebnhasian: lier :d10:23
nhasiansebsebseb, for some reason 20 year old girls wont give you the time of day if you tell them your over 30, but if your 27 then its go time10:24
sebsebsebnhasian: oh ok10:24
nhasianmaybe its different in Bristol10:24
o0Chris0o!ot | nhasian and sebsebseb10:25
ubottunhasian and sebsebseb: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!10:25
sebsebsebo0Chris0o: yeah, but this is #ubuntu+1  not #ubuntu  :D  plus  I  was about to PM him anyway10:25
o0Chris0osorry guys, but this is a lil bit too much off topic10:26
o0Chris0osebsebseb→ you should of done that awhile ago :)10:26
sebsebsebo0Chris0o: yep it's off topic :D10:26
rconanthat's kinda a bug in ubottu... it should use the relevant channel name for !ot10:26
nhasiani didnt think anyone else was awake :)  i was just about to go to bed anyhow10:26
o0Chris0oI know its dead, but its the channel rules, incase someone does need help, it will be confusing to them10:26
o0Chris0orconan→ yeah :(10:27
nhasianthanks for the heads up10:27
sebsebsebo0Chris0o: sure, but then we would probably stop anyway10:27
o0Chris0osebsebseb→ indeed, but be best to just PM :)10:27
o0Chris0oor join #ubuntu-offtopic, we discuss a lot of things there10:28
o0Chris0onhasian→ np :)10:28
rconanthere... 35439010:33
rconanoh... needs a #? #35439010:33
sebsebsebo0Chris0o: I am there again now!10:33
rconanhmm... what triggers ubottu to parse a number as a bug number?10:34
rconanah... bug 35439010:34
ubottuLaunchpad bug 354390 in ubuntu-bots "!ot command should have info on the current channel not always #ubuntu" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35439010:34
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!10:37
o0Chris0othats what I mean10:38
=== asac_ is now known as asac
rconano0Chris0o: I just reported it :p10:38
o0Chris0orconan→ cool, I am talking in #ubuntu-ops too :)10:39
elkymind you even #ubuntu-offtopic has standards -- and discussions about scoring tactics does not meet them10:42
ActionParsnipif i use partimage to create an image of a partition, does the destination partition i put the image onto need to be the same size as the original?10:42
rconanActionParsnip: if it isn't I would imagine it has to be bigger10:43
rconanand it wont fill the partition... I would imagine the filesystem will remain the same size10:43
rconanbut that is guessing...10:43
ActionParsniprconan: ok, thanks. i'll have a play10:44
slytherinanyone running jaunty on non-i386 machine?10:44
rconanslytherin: if amd64 counts...10:44
Do``anyone experienced "noisy" playback in rhythmbox and vlc in jaunty?10:44
slytherinrconan: yes, it does. Is DVD playback working for you?10:44
slytherinDo``: I did, few days ago.10:45
rconannot tried... haven't got any *actual* DVDs to try with but I can try a DVD image10:45
Do``slytherin: did you find a solution,10:45
ActionParsnipslytherin: yep, i am on AMD64 jaunty kubuntu10:45
ActionParsnipslytherin: not tried dvd playback yet10:45
rconanslytherin: what app are you using for playing DVDs?10:45
ActionParsnipslytherin: if you are here in 5 hours i'll let you know10:46
slytherinDo``: Nope. I didn't find time to look for solution. :-(10:46
slytherinActionParsnip: I will be here.10:46
slytherinrconan: totem, vlc, mplayer10:46
rconanDo``: what format are you playing etc...10:46
rconanslytherin: ok then... anything10:46
Do``rconan: mp3, flac, ogg10:46
Do``rconan: everything has plays with a noise to it10:46
rconanslytherin: mine's probably a bad test case since I'd be using an image not a DVD and I have libdvdcss2 from medibuntu10:47
slytherinrconan: Do you have any real DVDs lying around, specifically ones with menu.10:48
rconanDo``: hmm...10:48
Do``rconan: correction, only flac has noise10:48
rconanslytherin: I'll go and hunt10:48
rconanslytherin: did you upgrade from intrepid? if so did dvd playback work in that?10:49
rconanif so... was it with the same DVD?10:50
rconanseems to work for me10:51
slytherinrconan: yes, it did in intrepid. I am actually looking for more responses on bug 342890 so that I can decide in what cases the playback is broken.10:51
ubottuLaunchpad bug 342890 in libdvdread "Cannot play DVDs - Could not open location; you might not have permission to open the file" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34289010:51
slytherinrconan: using which player?10:51
boxhey, i can't upgrade to 9.04 with upgrade-manager -d, it doesn't recognize that a dist upgrade is available. i did try to upgrade last night and it was working but i cancelled while it was downloading packages (hadn't started installing yet). Now it doesn't work. what can i try?10:52
WortmanI think new wave should be the default theme upon release it is just so beautifully done10:52
slytherinrconan: and what version of libdvdread?10:52
Jordan_Ubox, Can you pastebin your sources.list?10:52
rconanwill vlc be using libdvdcss2?10:53
ActionParsnipbox: sudo apt-get clean; sudo update-manager -d10:53
Wortmanhuman is just so... brown and I am sick of it honestly a new theme would be awesome this is the most amazing release of ubuntu to date10:53
Jordan_UActionParsnip, box Don't run update-manager with sudo10:54
slytherinrconan: yes, it does10:54
rconanWortman: i like the ubuntustudio theme10:54
Wortmanhow come audio doesnt work in virtualbox? yeah same here the US theme rocks which is why new wave should be default at the very least10:54
rconanslytherin: that might be the difference between mine and yours then if I'm using the one from medibuntu10:54
boxJordan_U: http://pastebin.com/m6f5bd07910:55
slytherinrconan: no, that is not the difference. The problem is that libdvdread4 itself is broken for some DVDs10:56
rconanslytherin: sounds like you'll just have to wait for a fix10:56
Wortmandust is cool it just feels under done compared to new wave the only thing I dont like about new wave is the ugly bar at the bottom10:56
WortmanI think a mix between the two would be awesome10:56
slytherinrconan: I am the one trying to fix it. I have a solution in my PPA, but till now I have found only one other person facing same problem.10:57
mvoupgrade from intrepid->jaunty are currently disabled10:57
rconanthey all have the horrible pale grey windows10:57
Wortmananyone else try running 9.04 in virtualbox? the sound doesnt seem to be working10:57
mvobecause of bug #35422810:57
ubottuLaunchpad bug 354228 in python-central "package python2.6-minimal 2.6.1-1ubuntu8 failed to install/upgrade: " [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35422810:57
rconanslytherin: ah... it all makes sense now10:57
slytherinWortman: aren't you complaining in wrong channel?10:57
slytherinWortman: I mean regarding the theme.10:58
Wortmanno because I am not complaining I am saying what I like and what I dont like in the BETA of Ubuntu10:58
Wortmancomplaining without merit would be wrong10:58
Mulderlooks like exa support in ati driver will need to be disabled in 9.04 before release10:59
Wortman:( why mulder?10:59
slytherinWortman: oh, I thought you wanted new wave theme to be default.10:59
crdlbMulder: huh, why?10:59
mvobox: see above, currently the releae upgrades are disabled10:59
Wortmanwell, slytherin, I do want it default upon release10:59
Muldermy constant soft & hard crashed induced by the video driver are not something you want other users to experience11:00
WortmanI think a face lift will bring new proponents you know first impressions and all11:00
boxmvo: above where?11:00
crdlbmvo: just let people upgrade, it's more fun that way :>11:00
crdlbMulder: um, what GPU?11:00
Muldertheres a bug lodged upstream with the the driver developers, but it's still unresolved11:00
mvobox: disabled  because of bug #35422811:00
ubottuLaunchpad bug 354228 in python-central "package python2.6-minimal 2.6.1-1ubuntu8 failed to install/upgrade: " [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35422811:00
crdlbok, they can just blacklist that model if it comes to that11:00
boxmvo: oooo... where should i go to check later and see if release upgrades are reenabled?11:01
mvobox: yes please, it will probably take some hours though, new python needs to be build and tested11:02
* crdlb wonders if there are any ops around11:03
crdlbwould be nice to have that in the topic11:03
Wortmanis the audio working in virtualbox for anyone else because it simply doesnt work here?11:05
boxthat would probably be a good idea11:05
Mulderit's not just r300. other people are reporting problems with other models too (6 page thread on phoronix about it )11:07
Wortmanmay I make a suggestion? a "run as administrator" or "run as root" from the interface honestly having to drop to command prompt to simply install some scripts is getting old11:07
eagles0513875Wortman: for suggestions submit them to launchpad.net11:08
crdlbMulder: only 6? that's nothing :)11:08
cwillu_cloneWortman, there's always alt-f2, gksudo <command>, but ya :p11:09
Wortmanok done11:09
PrebenRwhen I run acpi_listen and press the sleep button on my Eee 1000H then it works. if I don't run acpi_listen the sleep fails and leaves the machined locked so I have to keep power down until it shuts down11:09
GhabitHello. where I can find minimal cd of jaunty?11:09
Muldercrdlb, relatively small thread compared to other issues maybe, but still not nothing.11:09
PrebenRis there some acpi program I need to start as user or through rc?11:09
Wortmanit is annoying to run a .run script to have it come up saying "needs root privelages" but there is no clickable button to do so11:09
slytherinChanServ: theer is no such CD afaik11:09
slytherinWortman: complain with the person who wrote the script11:10
crdlbWortman: well, don't use .run scripts :>11:10
boxthe amd64 release is compatible with intel64 right?11:10
crdlbbox: yes11:10
ActionParsnipWortman: sudo <scriptname>11:11
Wortmancant have too many like unreal tournament 2004, drivers, stuff to simplify tasks and some need root privelages11:11
Wortmanright but laziness here and just a little annoyance across all distros I have11:11
eagles0513875ActionParsnip: he wants a root acount11:11
GhabitGuys, help me - I am searching some way to install jaunty from a local mirror, advise me please.11:11
ActionParsnipWortman: its rare you will use sudo once your system is configured11:11
Wortmanno I want a button saying run as root then ask for my password11:11
ikonia!upgrade > Ghabit11:11
ubottuGhabit, please see my private message11:11
ActionParsnipeagles0513875: he's not getting it off me11:12
eagles0513875Wortman: if you want a root console type sudo -s and ur pass then u dont need to type sudo all the type11:12
Wortmanoh my lawd11:12
crdlbany time you need to use a .run file, the distro failed :)11:12
Wortmanno kidding11:12
ikoniaWortman: thats a simple script to write - if you can't write it, I'd strongly suggest you not use root11:12
Ghabitikonia: There is no way to make network install of jaunty without upgrading?11:12
ActionParsnipWortman: you can run    gksudo or kdesudo   which will ask for a command to run as root11:12
crdlbexcept maybe for proprietary software, but there should be a better system for that11:12
ActionParsnipeagles0513875: sudo -i is advised11:12
ikoniaGhabit: yes, and no,11:12
Wortmanok seriously nvm you all are over complicating it11:12
eagles0513875ActionParsnip: whats the difference between -s -i11:13
Wortmanwith -s you have to exit11:13
Wortmanor logout11:13
eagles0513875-i interactive mode11:13
Jordan_UGhabit, Looking for a minimal image now, here is a jigdo link which you can use to create an install CD from the mirror: http://releases.ubuntu.com/releases/9.04/ubuntu-9.04-beta-alternate-i386.jigdo11:13
crdlbikonia: could you add a note to the topic that upgrades from itnrepid have been temporarily disabled due to a python problem?11:13
ActionParsnipeagles0513875: -s uses the root profile  -i uses the user profile11:13
eagles0513875crdlb: O_O python problem11:14
crdlbbug 35425811:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 354258 in ubuntu "HP Deskjet D2530 won't print from Inspiron Mini 9" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35425811:14
slytherinWortman: install package nautilus-gksu, logout and login again. right click on the file and you should have the menu itm.11:14
crdlbbug 35422811:14
eagles0513875thanks for the heads up ActionParsnip :) i just learned something new11:14
GhabitJordan_U: What is jigdo? X)11:14
ubottuError: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: timed out (https://launchpad.net/bugs/354228/+text)11:14
eagles0513875uhoh thats not good11:14
ActionParsnipWortman: root is disabled for a great many good reasons surrounding security11:14
Wortmanslytherin ty so much man11:14
=== ikonia changed the topic of #ubuntu+1 to: Welcome to the Ubuntu Jaunty Jackalope (beta) discussion channel | Jaunty is NOT RELEASED and NOT SUPPORTED. Upgrades from Ubuntu 8.10 intrepid are currently suspended due to a Python issue. Jaunty ill most certainly break your system. Jaunty Beta CD's are at http://releases.ubuntu.com/releases/9.04/ | Kubuntu: http://www.kubuntu.org/news/9.04-beta. | Join #ubuntu for non 9.04 support
Wortmanactionparsnip you dont know me so I forgive you but I am no novice11:15
ActionParsnipWortman: you didnt have to put the "you dont know me" ghetto stuff11:15
Jordan_UGhabit, http://www.debian.org/CD/faq/#why-jigdo11:15
Wortmanikonia spell check change "ill" to "will"11:15
ActionParsnipWortman: i treat everyone identical to save hastle11:15
Wortmanright but its insulting to my intelligense11:16
ActionParsnipWortman: i assume nothing11:16
Wortmanyou assume I know nothing11:16
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!11:16
eagles0513875too late for that11:16
=== ikonia changed the topic of #ubuntu+1 to: Welcome to the Ubuntu Jaunty Jackalope (beta) discussion channel | Jaunty is NOT RELEASED and NOT SUPPORTED. | Upgrades from Ubuntu 8.10 Intrepid are currently suspended due to a Python issue. Jaunty will most certainly break your system. Jaunty Beta CD's are at http://releases.ubuntu.com/releases/9.04/ | Kubuntu: http://www.kubuntu.org/news/9.04-beta. | Join #ubuntu for non 9.04 support
ActionParsnipWortman: as you say, i have no idea of your level of knowledge so i have to start somewhere dont I , most ubuntu users are fairly new to linux so i start low. its not aninsult to your intelligence at all11:16
ikoniacrdlb: acceptable ?11:16
ActionParsnipwhat a clown shoes11:16
eagles0513875ActionParsnip: he left11:17
eagles0513875i havent run into any python problems yet11:17
crdlbeagles0513875: it only breaks on upgrade11:17
crdlbikonia: looks fine to me11:17
eagles0513875crdlb: i did an upgrade from intrepid to jaunty and i have had no issues11:17
ikoniaeagles0513875: and with respect your famous for breaking/not knowing what you're doing11:17
eagles0513875well i havent so far ikonia11:17
ActionParsnipeagles0513875: thats how i did it, a clean install was problematic for me11:18
ikoniaeagles0513875: as I said - your famous11:18
eagles0513875ActionParsnip: interesting i did a clean install of intrepid then internet upgrade to jaunty11:18
ActionParsnipeagles0513875: snap11:18
ikoniaeagles0513875: without knowing the details of the bug it's imporrible to be certain but I suspect it's only upgrading after a specific point when python was released to the jaunty repo11:18
eagles0513875could be11:19
Milos_SDhi all... I can update python2.6-minimal... here is the error: http://pastebin.com/m45320ab011:21
ikoniaMilos_SD: check the topic11:22
ikoniacrdlb: pays dividends already, thank you11:22
Milos_SDso it is in the work?11:24
Milos_SDgreat :)11:24
Milos_SDhow can I reverse python to 2.6.1-1ubuntu7?11:26
Milos_SDI can't do it from synaptic with "Force version"11:26
ikoniagoing to be tough if you've started an upgrade from what I can see11:26
Milos_SDI have Jaunty for some time now... I got that error when doing update last night :)11:28
Milos_SDnot upgrade, just update :)11:28
ActionParsnipMilos_SD: can you recreate the error and pastebin the output please11:31
GhabitJordan_U: I am not shure I am understand how to use jigdo...11:32
GhabitCan you advise me?11:32
Jordan_UGhabit, Follow these directions: http://www.debian.org/CD/jigdo-cd/ except when prompted for the debian mirror put your free Ubuntu mirror11:35
GhabitJordan_U: Ah, understood! Cool tool X) How to tell jigdo which mirror to use?11:36
Milos_SDActionParsnip, http://pastebin.com/m45320ab011:36
Jordan_UGhabit, It will ask you11:36
Jordan_UAnd the .jigdo file to process is: http://releases.ubuntu.com/releases/9.04/ubuntu-9.04-beta-alternate-i386.jigdo11:38
ActionParsnipMilos_SD: sudo apt-get -f install; sudo apt-get clean11:44
ActionParsnipMilos_SD: then do what you did to recreate the error11:45
ActionParsnipMilos_SD: any good?11:52
aboSamoorIs there any tutorial to learn how to use the mic in ubuntu, my friends bring their laptops to fix. Usually I face the problem with Ekiga or Skype. I don't know how can I diagnose the problem with the mic ! Some of the problems are due to bugs but others a misconfiguration.11:54
ActionParsnipeww @ skype11:58
IenorandaboSamoor: what I did was just enable all options in volume control and then fiddle about till I heard sound from mic, same with skype... But I don't know if that will help you...11:59
Milos_SDActionParsnip, I'll try that ...11:59
aboSamoorlenorand: this is not practical, I want to know what the configuration supposed to be12:01
slytherinaboSamoor: most of the times the mic is mute by default.12:01
aboSamoorslytherin: The idea for each laptop I have many new options, how am I supposed to think about them to figure what is the correct configuration.12:02
Milos_SDguys... I fixed it by creating old-site-packages directory manualy :)12:02
aboSamoorslytherin: For example, I don't know now if my mic should work or it is not detected at all12:03
slytherinaboSamoor: that is where the new sound options UI comes into picture. It simplifies the devices users is shown. Sadly it will not be installed by default in jaunty. :-(12:03
aboSamoorslytherin: what is the package name ?12:04
slytherinaboSamoor: I haven't yet come across a mic that is not detected.12:04
slytherinaboSamoor: gnome-volume-control-pulse12:04
aboSamoorslytherin: the idea I want a diagnosing process so I know that the situation is {HW not detected, Software Bug, Misconfiguration}12:05
slytherinaboSamoor: I am not aware of any such process. I told you the first thing I look at (mute or not).12:07
aboSamoorslytherin: I installed that package. Now in the input tab the mic seems ok. I am trying to record using the recorder without any use12:10
JMFTheVCII use 8.10 but I have tested this in 9.04 - The Mic can be turned on using the Volume Control but as soon as you close the Volume Control the mic is muted again. To get the mic to stay open you have to open Volume Control, go into the recording tab and then unmute your mic device. Do not close Volume Control but open Skype.12:10
aboSamoorJMFTheVCI: I am trying this with sound recorder and the sound recorder is giving me pulses of the sound12:12
JMFTheVCIaboSamoor: You will find that you may have to change the device type (ALSA, PulseAudio, Intel Hxxx etc) until you get one that gives you good audio.12:13
aboSamoorJMFTheVCI: how can I change them ?12:14
JMFTheVCIaboSamoor:from Sound Recorder: File>VolumeControl> Recording tab. At the top is Device. Pull down and test each one until you get good recorded audio.  If you do not have a Recording tab then click on the preferences button and tick the box next to the first item that is a recording item.12:16
JMFTheVCIaboSamoor: My recording device is called Capture.12:16
aboSamoorJMFTheVCI: I am trying everything, nothing works12:18
aboSamoorI am using ubuntu for more than two years, I am happy with the experience, lately I am outside my country so text chat is not enough and I wanted to use my mic and I am shocked how it is hard to make this possible12:19
JMFTheVCIaboSamoor:If nothing works then it is most likely a driver issue. Whatever hardware you have is just not working with the Jaunty drive. I would suugest you open a bug report.12:20
JMFTheVCII have two differing items of hardware running Ubuntu. Both have different Recording settings. And both Mic inputs are muffled/muted compared to the same kit running WinXP (I have dual-boot). This has to be a driver issue also.12:21
aboSamoorJMFTheVCI: on this desktop the mic was working before 2 weeks ! on my laptop I have driver problem for a year !!! One of my friends has a dual boot and using his XP as telephone ;)12:23
JMFTheVCII have found that Linux & Sound have never really matched that of Win & Sound.12:24
aurel42jaunty + nvidia + twinview + compiz = window manager may die at any time when moving the mouse across displays.12:28
aurel42actually, it only happens when I move the mouse pointer from the second (rightmost) to the first (leftmost) monitor. I guess I need a second mouse so I can have one pointer per monitor and never have to cross that magical line.12:30
rconanaurel42: translated to mean nvidia drivers are a huge pile of fail12:31
rconanI have so many issues related to nvidia drivers with Xinerama12:32
aboSamoorI think this must be clear that recording in ubuntu is just an experimental feature12:32
aurel42rconan: should I try legacy drivers or will I run into different trouble there? On 8.04 or 8.10 I've never seen any problems like these.12:33
XiXaQinstalling jaunty beta and then installing all the updates; is that equal to downloading yesterdays daily image and installing that?12:33
rconanaurel42: I don't know... what version are you running? there was a new one today12:33
rconanXiXaQ: yeah12:34
amon__aboSamoor: why that12:34
aurel42rconan: *-180-*12:34
XiXaQrconan: is it recommended to install the updates between beta and rc, or is it better to wait for state changes?12:34
rconanXiXaQ: I install the updates12:34
XiXaQthanks :)12:34
rconanthere are a lot of fixes to things happening all the time but you might find things break too12:34
aurel42rconan: 180.37-0ubuntu212:34
XiXaQJaunty beta is finally working out of the box without any driver installs! And my webcam is finally working with cheese too :)12:35
rconanaurel42: there was a new 180.x release in the repos today... you could try that12:35
aurel42rconan: omw12:35
aurel42rconan: from past experience, I'd say there's a good chance that my system will freeze completely during the upgrade (it happened 2 out of 4 times since upgrading from 8.10 to 9.04)12:36
rconanaurel42: is it just X crashing or the whole system?12:36
aboSamooramon__: I faced many problems with mics on many different laptops and desktops. For a two years user it is not clear what is the diagnosing process that I should follow to know what is the type of the problem12:37
aurel42rconan: not sure, both times I failed to try to ping the machine after the freeze. I couldn't zap X, though, nor switch to a text console (yes, I disabled "dontzap").12:37
amon__ok, i understand, my mic is not working either12:37
rconanaurel42: I'd selectively upgrade the linux-image and nvidia-glx12:38
rconanaurel42: then reboot and do the rest12:38
aurel42rconan: nah, someone has got to test it. ;) I'm getting used to running dpkg --configure --pending after the freeze. ;)12:39
XiXaQI need some help with a bug. Gnome or X.org crashes when I run a certain application. It always happen, but I don't know how to find out why. I'm also not close to my computer. But if someone could install "alarm clock" for gnome, and run it to find out why it crashes, I think it could be useful.12:40
rconanaurel42: I'd certainly try and make sure you're using latest X, kernel and nvidia drivers12:40
aurel42rconan: looks like I'll survive this time, the nvidia stuff is upgraded now.12:40
aurel42Rebooting, as Ubuntu advises.12:41
rconanaurel42: cool...12:41
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aurel42rconan: display problems that started with the last upgrade are still present: heavy black horizontal lines in themeable window areas, flickering pixels and lines, all on the second display.12:46
aurel42well, perhaps the crashing compiz wm is gone. Hope dies last.12:46
rconanaurel42: sounds nasty... I haven't used twinview in a while but there are certainly others around using it12:47
aurel42.o( I really should revert to 8.10 on my main desktop machine. I'm not getting any work done anymore... )12:47
rconansame here... spending too much time managing bugs and talking on IRC and not enough doing coursework12:47
aurel42let's explain to each other that we're really doing it for a good cause and better karma. :D12:48
rconanI'm doing it because when jaunty is release I want my peculiar desktop to be stable (not many people use 4 monitors with nvidia drivers and xinerama)12:49
aurel42why would you use xinerama instead of twinview? are there advantages to xinerama?12:50
rconanaurel42: *twin*view only supports two monitors12:50
aurel42good point!12:50
mhikuis there a quick fix howto for python breakage?12:51
* aurel42 tries to remember why he didn't use xinerama. I think it bothered me that maximizing a window would make it span both displays.12:55
crdlbthat doesn't happen with xinerama12:55
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crdlbat least not xinerama working properly on a desktop that supports it12:56
aurel42I guess I messed up setting it up, then.12:56
crdlbin fact, XRandR 1.2 uses the XINERAMA extension to convey the locations of the physical monitors in the screen12:56
crdlb(as does twinview)12:56
aurel42It's been a while since I tried xinerama, must've been when 8.04 was released.12:57
rconanaurel42: for dual screen twinview is far superior since it works with compositing12:57
aurel42rconan: can you translate that for me, please? "less cpu load"?12:59
rconanaurel42: you can use compiz!13:00
aurel42wobbly windows ftw!!13:01
rconantwinview and composite extensions wont load at the same time... since compiz needs the composite extension it wont work with xinerama13:01
aurel42s/twinview/xinerama/ ?13:01
rconanaurel42: yeah13:02
aurel42gotcha, thanks13:02
unixdawgso what is broken now13:13
Exilanti sometimes get complete lockups, no ctrl-alt-backspace, no ctrl-alt-f1 etc, any idea what is causing those?13:15
Exilantor how to find out what is causing them?13:16
unixdawgok there are soem timestamp issues on files13:16
unixdawgit says there 8 hours into the future13:17
skylwhere is the path to the  Python 2.5.4 interpreter?13:21
skylthe one that runs when I just type python!13:21
mnemoskyl: type "which python"13:22
skylmnemo http://dpaste.com/23074/ that doesn't make sense does it?13:24
D3RGPS31How do I upgrade to 9.04, update-manager -d doesn't allow me13:24
crdlbskyl: command -v python13:24
crdlbthat's a bash builtin to tell you the exact path it has chosen to use13:25
crdlbas opposed to 'which', which is an external tool that happens to use the same algorithm13:25
jck_D3RPS31: You should wait till it allows you. read the topic of that channel.13:26
mvoD3RGPS31: currently disabled because of a critical upgrade problem13:26
jck_I tried manually this morning without using the manager and my system is a bit messed up now :(13:26
D3RGPS31mvo: thank you13:27
Do``anyone experienced "noisy" playback in rhythmbox and vlc in jaunty?13:27
skylcrdlb thanks, all clear now13:27
crdlbskyl: I assume you just removed a python install from /usr/local and didn't start a new shell?13:28
skylcrdlb hmm, not that I know of, just have a bunch of site-packages for python2.5 but now /usr/bin/python is 2.6 so that path has nothing on it13:29
crdlbwhat did command -v python say?13:30
mvoD3RGPS31: we re-enable it later today13:30
D3RGPS31mvo: thank you again :D13:31
EruaranI updated Kubuntu 9.04 a short while ago13:31
EruaranAnd I've noticed that some Kwin effects are no longer working13:31
EruaranDesktop Grid has stopped working13:32
sufficeanyone know how to get input for korean characters working in kubuntu 9.0413:32
EruaranCover Switch13:33
EruaranAnd alt+F1 (for example) to switch desktops has stopped working also13:33
jck_mvo: is there already a fixed python2.6minimal package? I tried to upgrade by editing sources.list13:33
EruaranAll I've done is install Kdenlive and latest updates13:33
EruaranThere was an error message about orphaned files that mentioned alerting package maintainers13:34
mvojck_: not yet, its in the works13:37
mvojck_: I would not recommend upgrading at this point13:37
skylalias python='python2.5'13:38
jck_mvo: I upgraded my home computer yesterday evening and it worked fine, so I tried in office today bevore knowing about the problem.13:38
coz_anyissues with current updates?13:39
coz_ah oh13:39
EruaranWell I'm using Kubuntu here13:39
jck_mvo: so I'll wait and hope everything will work fine if your fix is in the repositories.13:39
EruaranBeen brilliant13:39
Eruaranlatest updates have killed some kwin effects though13:39
coz_Eruaran,  just some effects?  no boot problems etc13:40
Eruarancoz_: just some effects13:40
mvojck_: please wait a bit, the problematic upload was done ~10h ago. extra care is taken to ensure that the problem is really fixed before we re-enable theup grades13:40
EruaranI installed Kdenlive, but I don't think that did it13:41
EruaranHad a bunch of updates13:41
jck_mvo: ok thanks13:41
crdlbmvo: this only affects release upgrades? ie the package is harmless for existing jaunty users?13:41
Eruarannoticed desktop grid, cube, cover switch and switching desktops stopped working after that13:41
Eruaranother effects still work fine13:42
coz_Eruaran, these are the KDE effects correct not compiz13:42
Eruaranso some minor breakage looks liek13:42
Eruarancoz_: correct, I don't use compiz13:42
mvocrdlb: yes, only release upgrades. the problem is basicly the unpack ordering (or rather the fact that the old intrepid python-minimal package is installed and not yet the new jaunty one). so for everyone on jaunty with the jaunty package of python-minimal (python-minimal != python2.6-minmal) its all right13:43
coz_Eruaran,  mm  wouldnt compiz give fewer problems for you?  or are the kde effects that much better?13:43
Eruarancoz_: I'm using Kubuntu with KDE 4.2, kwin effects are much better.13:44
EagleSnif I format an ext3 filesystem as ext4, is it possible to recovery any file from the old ext3 filesystem?13:53
ExilantEagleSn: hm?13:54
Exilantyou can mount it as ext413:54
Exilantpreserving all the files13:54
Exilantor format it, and everythings gone, if there are no backups13:55
EagleSnI have fotmatted it and I forget to copy an important file13:55
ExilantEagleSn: a textfile?13:55
EagleSnit is a .odt file13:56
EagleSnOpenOffice.org document13:56
Exilantif so, you can cat and grep the partition13:56
Exilantodt might get a lot more complicated13:56
EagleSncat the partition_13:56
EagleSnwhen you cat binary data, text is displayed as text true_13:57
ephoenixhey everyone13:57
Exilantthere are other tools13:57
Exilantlike strings13:57
EagleSnI think an .odt is an .xml13:57
Exilantstrings /dev/sda2 or so13:58
virtualdis there any way to find out why my computer completeley froze and didn't respond to magic sysrq?14:10
mnemovirtuald: can you ssh to it? also check in /var/log/*14:13
ephoenixAfter I upgrade to 9.04 I had problems with audio from the browsers. And the browsers freezes up once video comes up sometimes.14:21
virtualdmnemo: i didn't have a sshd installed14:22
wirechiefaboSamoor have you tried asking in #alsa  about your sound issues ?14:23
aboSamoorwirechief: yes, they are not answering usually.14:23
virtualdthe screensaver was frozen. may have to do with compiz on the open radeon driver.14:24
wirechiefaboSamoor: that is true. gnubien or wishy are the ones to chat with14:24
wirechiefaboSamoor last time i checked wishy was the expert on pulseaudio14:24
wirechiefaboSamoor wishy is usually around in the early am with gnubien around 11am14:25
wirechiefaboSamoor: good luck14:25
aboSamoorwirechief: the problem the I am actively installing ubuntu on many machines. At least I am supposed to give the user indication why his mic is not working {Software Bug: Alsa, Pulseaudio, ... OR misconfiguration}. I read the community diagnosing wiki page and I think it is old and not clear14:26
aboSamoorwirechief: I will try another time in  #alsa14:27
wirechiefaboSamoor: ok, i see that gnubien is on the channel but dont know if he is active ;)14:27
wirechiefaboSamoor: they have a script use can use that helps pinpoint the issues with sound14:28
Miloszis it possible to adjust the duration of the notification bubbles?14:28
Miloszthey disappear almost when I'm done only checking what it actually is14:29
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bazhangapril 0915:02
lovrewhen is 9.04 comming out?15:02
bazhangsee above lovre ^^15:03
lovredoes it have a habbit of releasing in the beginning, end, middle?15:03
bazhangapril 23 iirc or thereabouts lovre15:04
lovrebazhang: ok thank you15:04
BluesKajHowdy all15:05
maxblovre: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyReleaseSchedule15:07
lovremaxb: ok, thanks15:08
gnomefreakbazhang: 24th i thought15:10
bazhanggnomefreak, thus the 'thereabouts ' :)15:11
gnomefreakah good point :)15:12
gnomefreakit is 23rd15:12
gnomefreakat least planned date15:12
zeltak2hi all. any one have any idea what apart form dragon player all other players (vnc.smplayer,kplayer etc..) cant play video (no sound and stutters) in kubuntu jaunty?15:14
eagles0513875Exilant: actually15:16
eagles0513875Exilant:  nm sry i wasnt scrolled all the way down here15:17
ubottuUbuntu 7.04 installs multimedia codecs automatically. For older versions of Ubuntu, or if you can't use the automatic installer, see https://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - For multimedia applications, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MultimediaApplications15:17
eagles0513875zeltak2: see above15:17
eagles0513875zeltak2: the 2nd link should have what you are looking for15:17
hackelSo how does one find out about new updates in Jaunty?15:20
eagles0513875hackel: type in sudo apt-get update then once that runs run sudo apt-get upgrade15:22
hackeleagles0513875, that's really not helpful.15:22
mbeierlhackel: what sort of update info are you looking for?15:23
eagles0513875mbeierl: wants to find out about new jaunty updates15:23
mbeierlyes, but there are updates daily15:24
hackelI'm not getting any of the usual notifications about updates anymore, that's what I'm referring to.  update-notifier is running, and it does download packages in the background, I just never get notified.15:24
eagles0513875mbeierl: even every few hours15:24
mbeierlminor ones, but even more than daily rightnow15:24
mbeierlthat's true there seems to be a bug in the update-notifier15:24
mbeierlI noticed that too15:24
eagles0513875same here15:24
eagles0513875same issue15:24
mbeierlI just run update-manager periodically and manually scan the changes15:25
mbeierlI figured it's just part of the beta cycle15:25
mbeierl'spose I should check to see if there's a bug report filed already....15:25
hackelOh, I thought I had read something about the process changing for jaunty, but if it's just a bug then it's not a big deal.15:25
eagles0513875hackel: if there isnt a bug filed im more then welcome to confirm it for you15:25
mbeierlI *think* it's a bug15:26
mbeierlI'll go check...15:26
mnemoim also not getting update notifications15:26
BluesKajhackel, i have the same issue with the notifier , but if you do sudo apt-get update in the cli the indicator that updates are availble are the lines that begin with "hit" . They describe the packages that can be upgraded with adept or synaptic.15:28
BluesKaj!adept notifier15:29
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about adept notifier15:29
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about notifier15:29
hackelBluesKaj, no, that just refers to list files that it was able to download.15:29
BluesKajyes , but it indicates an upgrade is available15:30
hackelBluesKaj, no, it doesn't.15:30
BluesKajclick on the adept changes , and you'll see what i mean15:31
mnemoread this:15:31
mnemo* When there are non-security updates, Update Manager will open and15:31
mnemo    show them *one week* after it was last opened (whether it was last15:31
mnemo    opened manually or automatically, and regardless of whether updates15:31
mnemo    were actually installed then).15:31
hackelI don't use any graphical package manager.15:31
mnemomaybe its by design actually?15:31
hackelmnemo, hmm, that's what I was wondering.  It makes sense, I suppose.  If people see the icon all the time, then they learn to ignore it. :)15:32
BluesKajhackel, well too bad for you , being a purist can be difficult15:32
hackelBluesKaj, true, I'm not a purist, I'm a pragmatist.  And aptitude and apt-utils are far superior for most of these things.15:33
BluesKajwell aptitude does the same thing as apt in this case15:33
BluesKajanyway hackel , do what you want . I was merely trying help :P15:35
hackelIndeed, thanks...15:35
ubuntuI'm just testing jaunty beta15:35
ubuntuKubuntu, actually15:35
ubuntuit looks like the installer, even when pressing advanced, does not let you choose to install the boot loader on a partition15:36
ubuntubut only on the mbr15:36
mbeierlhackel, not sure I understand your question then...15:37
hackelmbeierl, my question is simply about update-notifier no longer showing a notification icon that I have new updates waiting to install.15:38
mbeierlupdate-notifier is a GUI program... so what do you mean by not wanting to use a gpm15:38
mbeierloh I see15:38
mbeierlyou want the notifier, but then want to run the update from aptitude safe-upgrade15:38
mbeierlor something along those lines15:38
crdlbyou can re-enable the icon15:39
mbeierl'cos it's possible to check from the cli for pending updates:15:39
mbeierlsudo aptitude update15:39
hackelmbeierl, yes, this is what I have done for the past few years.15:39
mbeierlCurrent status: 41 updates [+15].15:39
mbeierlshows up for me at the end15:39
mbeierlI can then go do the upgrade15:40
mbeierlbut right now I guess there is a change somehow to the update-notifier15:40
hackelmbeierl, heh, yes I know that.  I just don't want to have to check myself, when it can do it for me.15:40
mbeierlwhich (I /think/) someone said now waits a week before notifying?15:40
BluesKajcrdlb, how ?15:40
crdlbgconf-editor /apps/update-notifier/auto_launch15:41
hackelcrdlb, update-notifier is still running, that isn't the issue.15:41
mbeierlfor example, I stop my autostarted up-not then start it from the cmdline and I see:15:42
crdlbhackel: but update-notifier doesn't display the icon unless you disable that setting15:42
mbeierl** (update-notifier:17423): DEBUG: /usr/lib/update-notifier/apt-check returned 38 (security: 0)15:42
mbeierlwhich means there are 38 updates pendind15:42
crdlbit's update-notifier that does the auto-launching of update-manager15:42
mbeierlbut I do not see any visual notification15:43
hackelOh I see!  I thought auto-launch was referring to startup.  Wow, I can't imagine *ever* wanting update-manager to auto-launch!  That is terrible!15:43
hackelcrdlb, unsetting auto_launch did indeed bring the icon back, thanks.15:44
mbeierlyou're right!15:45
mbeierlthat is different!15:45
mbeierlI bet this is even written up somewhere that I didn't bother to read :)15:46
* BluesKaj wonders what the kde equivalent might be15:46
bjsnideri've been using jaunty more than a week, and i still haven't seen update-manager tell me anything15:47
mbeierlgo into gconf-editor like crdlb mentioned15:48
mbeierluncheck auto_launch15:48
hackelThis should really be mentioned in the release notes.15:48
mbeierlit actually puts back the old-style behaviour15:48
joshjtlhi folks15:49
jsphillips86Dropbox just magically QUIT working on 9.04 beta. Anybody experienced with it15:49
joshjtlI'm having lock ups that require manual shutdown, the cursor is still moveable but nothing else is15:49
joshjtlthe only thing i've done differently of late that i can think of is using preload, and booting without "splash", and with "vga=791" in kernel line...15:51
billybigriggerhas anyone written a howto on shaving secs on boot with kernel options?15:53
billybigriggercan't seem to find much except that jaunty itself boots fast15:53
comingsoonso what excatly the sum of ram do I need to run 9.0415:56
mbeierlbtw... if anyone's having problems with pptp under jaunty - I had a working config under intrepid, but just could not recreate it under jaunty.  Also found out that you cannot 'export' a pptp connection so there is no bringing it forward15:56
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mbeierluntil... I realized I could just copy the config from under the .gconf/network/connections directory from my intrepid home to my jaunty home15:57
mbeierl(ie: I did not do an upgrade, I did a new install with a new home partition)15:57
mbeierljust thought I'd throw that out there :)15:57
mikedep3331hey, I'm on Jaunty. How can I test the notification system?15:59
CarlFK1HP p1505n "/usr/lib/cups/filter/foomatic-rip failed"  pretty sure it was working a week ago16:00
abhishekiitdhey dudes i have a problem here.i just installed 9.04, and the first thing i wanted was compiz, so i typed compiz in terminal ..but the terminal hung after that and i just closed it...after that any window (for eg, this firefox window) i open, gets on top of the menus aand i cant acces them when i am runing an application16:01
hackelcomingsoon, a whopping 256M.16:01
mikedep3331abhishekiitd: to enable compiz, you use preferences > appearance > visual effects16:02
hackelabhishekiitd, you need to run "compiz --replace".  Try hitting alt-F2 and running it.16:02
mikedep3331you may need to install the proprietary graphics driver16:02
comingsoonawhopping ?16:02
abhishekiitdmikedep3331:but before that how do i solve my current problem16:02
mikedep3331restart X16:02
mikedep3331log out and log back in16:02
abhishekiitdhackel:why replace?16:02
hackelcomingsoon, sorry, stupid expression.16:03
hackelabhishekiitd, because it is replacing metactiy, the default window manager.16:03
mikedep3331or hackel can help you further16:03
abhishekiitdhackel:ok thanks..leme try it16:03
CarlFK1http://launchpadlibrarian.net/20007155/troubleshoot.txt  how do I make that?16:05
abhishekiitdit didnt help16:06
abhishekiitdi got the same hung terminal16:06
abhishekiitdand yet again firefox is pasted on top left of the screen16:06
abhishekiitdand i cant access the menus16:06
mbeierlthat sounds like a bad video driver16:06
mbeierlwhat card do you have?16:06
abhishekiitdnvidia 9200 gs, 512 mb16:07
mbeierllsmod | grep nv16:07
abhishekiitdwell if i dont try compiz command at all its fine16:07
mbeierlwhat's that say?16:07
abhishekiitdmbeier: and compiz ran fine on 8.04\16:07
mbeierlcan you confirm you've got the same nvidia driver installed on jaunty that you did on hardy?16:08
abhishekiitdmbeierl: as i said, i cant access terminal until i log out again and then ut16:08
mbeierlok, log out then, please16:08
abhishekiitdmbeierl:well i havent installed any dfriver yet16:08
bjsniderabhishekiitd, are you using the nvidia 180.44 driver at the present time?16:08
mbeierlas an aside, I'm using 180.44 on Quadro NVS 110M/GeForce Go 7300 and compiz works well enough16:09
mbeierlstill have the refresh problem16:09
abhishekiitdbjsnider:i presumed that ubuntu 9.04 installed it for me automatically, becasue i am kinda gettting good resolution16:09
bjsniderworks fine here too16:09
bjsniderno, it did not16:09
mbeierlwhere parts of a window do not update16:09
bjsniderit's a restricted add-on sir16:09
abhishekiitdbjsnider:so right now i need to log out..i will be right back16:09
joshjtlI'm getting lockups that are causing everything to freeze except my cursor, i have to manually shutdown machine. Is there anywhere I can look at a log perhaps where I might figure out whats causing this?16:10
mbeierlwe will wait for you :)16:10
bjsniderit will install automatically if linux changes the linux license16:10
mbeierlbjsnider: not a chance ...16:10
bjsnidermbeierl, what refresh problem is this now?16:11
abhishekiitdmbeier: now m back16:11
Ienorandbjsnider: Or if nvidia would release it under a free license, not very likely atm either...16:11
mbeierlbjsnider: I'll have a terminal, and type say ls -al16:11
bjsniderabhishekiitd, i would make sure i had the nvidia blob installed at this point16:11
abhishekiitdmbeierl: how can i check if nvidia drivers are correctly installed?16:11
hackelI'm unable to upgrade nvidia-glx-180 at the moment.16:11
mbeierlthe screen only shows part of the update, then nothing until I cause a refresh16:11
mbeierlby moving the window16:11
mbeierlabhishekiitd: justa sec16:11
bjsniderabhishekiitd, execute at the terminal sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx-18016:12
mbeierlabhishekiitd: go under System -> Administration -> Hardware Drivers16:12
abhishekiitdmbeier|:ya it doesnt show nvidia there16:12
bjsniderthere's your problem, sir16:13
mbeierlabhishekiitd: there are no greyed out nvidias listed?16:13
abhishekiitdmbeier|:..there is no mention of nvidia at all16:14
abhishekiitdmbeier|:when i was trying it by using live cd, i can remember nvidia listed, though it asked for activation16:14
bjsniderthat may be a jockey bug16:14
mbeierlabhishekiitd: you can try manually downloading it from here http://www.nvidia.com/object/unix.html16:15
abhishekiitdbjsnider:and moreover i cant access net on either synaptic or termial, i guess i will have to fix that first16:15
mbeierlah, yes16:15
bjsnideryou what?16:15
abhishekiitdmbeier|:ok i will try that, but isnt it an improper way16:15
bjsniderwhatkind of a system is this?16:15
mbeierlwell, it's how I've been doing it...16:15
bjsnidermbamford, wait, you installed using nvidia's installer?16:16
abhishekiitdbjsnider:actually i use a proxy authetication, in my colege16:16
bjsnidermbeierl, , wait, you installed using nvidia's installer?16:16
bjsniderabhishekiitd, yes but the drivers are there for the lan card right?16:16
abhishekiitdbjsnider:lan card, yes...but i think i will need to input username and passwords at more than one places16:17
bjsniderabhishekiitd, if you can get that thing on the internet i can get your nvidia driver working quickly16:17
abhishekiitdbjsnider:ya got it...i am trying to fix it.16:18
EruaranOk things are worse than I thought16:18
EruaranI've lost themes and icons have regressed to KDE 3.5 icons16:18
bjsnidermbeierl, are you using kde?16:19
EruaranSo... some kwin effects not working, icons not right, themes missing... this happened after the most recent updates16:19
abhishekiitddoes anyone else need to use proxy authetication with a static ip to connect to the internet16:20
gundam_rx78nt1Ok, I have downloaded the iso image and when booting up from the cd, I get kstartupconfig4 does not exist or failed.  Has anybody had this happen to them?16:20
JMFTheVCIupdate-manager -d is currently not working, yes? And from the intro this is due to python. Is the python bug a showstopper for the upgrade or for the system after the upgrade?16:21
abhishekiitdcz i have got a problem here..i need to apply the proxy system wide, and i clicked on system wide, but it doesnmt seem to help16:21
gnomefreakJMFTheVCI: yes it is16:23
gnomefreakgundam_rx78nt1: the md5sum seems to be wrong (at least that is 1 reason)16:23
JMFTheVCIno point in asking for a timescale for a fix...?16:24
gnomefreakgundam_rx78nt1: run md5sum something.iso  replace something with name of iso and see if they match from the site you downloaded it from16:24
gundam_rx78nt1gnomefreak: Thanks. I will do that once I finish downloading a fresh copy.16:25
bensteduring installation with alternate CD (LTSP server) I got an error saying that I have to config manually the devices DHCP should listen on eth0, how should I modify /etc/ltsp/dhcpd.conf  to do so?16:25
gnomefreakgundam_rx78nt1: also burn the slowest you can16:26
cjaeok so ext4 will be available in jaunty, is it ready? someone told me to wait, so IF there is a security flaw in it how would it be patched or can this happen with a filesystem?16:26
rconancjae: ext4 is officially stable16:26
gnomefreakcjae: its a bit buggy from what i have seen in bug reports16:26
benstecjae, ext4 works fine on my 9.04 system16:26
rconanit's an option in jaunty but not default16:26
cjaeand I would be using kubuntu and someone told me that it causes kde to crash16:27
* gnomefreak stays away from words like "stable" and "officially"16:27
cjaeis there #kubuntu+1?16:27
ActionParsnipbenste: how do you find it stacks up against ext316:27
QPrimecjae: ext4 has issues with commit times and *hard* locks on systems.  I would generally only use it on *servers* that are known to be rock solid.  ext4 has been known to loose data and zero out files if the system goes down hard.16:27
ActionParsnipcjae: try it16:27
bensteActionParship: it's 18sec faster bootable on my laptop :-)16:28
mbeierlbjsnider: yes, I pretty much always install using nvidia's installer16:28
mbeierlbjsnider: and I use gnome16:28
bensteActionParship:and I didn't have a loss of data even with battery empty16:28
ActionParsnipbenste: not bad16:28
bjsnidermbeierl, you didn't use the nvidia-xconfig command at the end did you?16:28
ActionParsnipbenste: i'll look into it next install for kicks16:28
ActionParsnipbenste: could look into hdparm too if your drive sucks16:29
bensteit works fine so no need for loking something up :-)16:29
cjaebenste, what window manager or DE?16:29
mbeierlbjsnider: I use my own xorg16:29
bjsnidermbeierl, i thought the window refresh issue for the 7k cards was fixed a few months ago16:29
benstecjae - default isntall16:29
mbeierlbjsnider: I like to have it know about my second monitor when it's not connected to the laptop so I have to keep a hand-rolled config16:30
mbeierlbjsnider: nope.  I have not seen it go away ever16:30
rconanjust to check something:16:30
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!16:30
rconan!not offtopic is #ubuntu+1 is the Ubuntu development branch discussion channel. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!16:31
benstedoes no one know how to modify /etc/ltsp/dhcpd.conf to listen on eth0 ?16:31
cjaedoes anyone hear use 9.04 with kde and know if the Nvidia installer works yet? or with gnome?16:31
ikoniarconan: ?16:31
ActionParsnipcjae: im on 64bit kubuntu jaunty + nvidia16:31
rconanikonia: the offtopic message for this channel should mention the channel it's in not #ubuntu16:31
benstecjae: nvidia + gnome too16:32
cjaeActionParsnip, beta or daily build?16:32
ActionParsnipcjae: i use the 180.44 from the reop, works fine16:32
ActionParsnipcjae: beta16:32
cjaecool I tried awhile back and it didn't16:32
ActionParsnipcjae: but im getting about 40 sets of updates a day16:32
cjaeActionParsnip, would you use daily or should I steer clear of it16:33
MTecknologySo, I want to use debootstrap, but I don't know where to grap the stuff for a mirror to keep the files on my system - anyone know where to get these files?16:33
ActionParsnipcjae: i'm no fan of dailys or alpha, i like a good solid freeze point to install16:33
rconancjae: beta with updates is the same as a daily16:34
mbeierlok, what sort of "backing store/triple buffer/use events/?" do people generally use here for their xorg with nvidia16:34
cjaeActionParsnip, I see daily is about 15 to 20 megs smaller than beta16:34
mbeierland for compiz do you use copy or direct?16:34
ActionParsnipcjae: strange16:34
mbeierlmaybe that's why I still get the window refresh bug16:34
BluesKajdo we need all these older versions of Python below 2.6 ?16:35
rconanBluesKaj: some things are incompatible with newer python versions I believe16:36
ActionParsnipBluesKaj: if they are deps of stuff, yes16:36
ActionParsnipBluesKaj: could try deborphan16:36
miikplease update GDM16:37
benstedid so try 9.04 in Vbox with guest additions? after guest additions I alwas fall back to low grafics mode16:37
miikwhy the hell Ubuntu uses 100 year old GDM 2.20 ??16:37
rconanmiik: 2.20 is not old16:37
ActionParsnipbenste: then you need to configure xorg.conf16:37
mbeierlQPrime: ext4 has *hard* locks?  Do you mean to say that it locks up the kernel hard, or that it cannot properly recover yet from hard lockups?16:37
rconanit's the current release16:37
miikrconan, yes, its old..16:37
miikrconan, no its not the current release16:37
bensterconan: ubuntu is using 2.26 atm !!16:37
miikrconan, 2.24.1 is the current16:37
rconanmy bad...16:38
miikbenste, but GDM is still 2.20 :(16:38
cjaeActionParsnip, sorry I must have been looking at wrong one it is only 5 megs or so diff16:38
mbeierlbjsnider: do you use the damage events flag for nvidia?16:38
miikhow can i tell the guy who is the boss of ubuntu to upgrade GDM to latest?16:38
rconanbenste: i assume you mean 2.25 since 2.26 is not out16:38
bjsnidermbeierl, no16:38
rconanbenste: 2.25 being 2.26 development branch16:38
ActionParsnipmiik: log a bug, you may be able to find a ppa with  the new version on. Is the current one not working for you?16:39
ActionParsnip!info gdm16:39
ubottugdm (source: gdm): GNOME Display Manager. In component main, is optional. Version 2.20.10-0ubuntu1 (jaunty), package size 1933 kB, installed size 15980 kB16:39
bjsnidermbeierl, but the refresh issue doesn't exist for my card, and never did16:39
bensterconan regarigin GDM possibly, I think they're waiting for the new one with facebrowser: http://anotherubuntu.blogspot.com/2008/12/no-facebrowser-for-jaunty.html16:39
crdlbmiik: they use an old gdm because the new one is full of regressions16:39
bensterconan, jaunty uses 2.2616:39
miikActionParsnip, yes it works, but i dont want old.. i want new... heard the old is slow, and new is better16:39
mbeierlbjsnider: lucky...16:39
rconanmiik: what's the problem with 2.20?16:39
ActionParsnipmiik: well if what you have works, why fix it16:40
miiki heard its slow16:40
bensteActionParsnip which config should I enter in xorg.conf?16:40
MTecknology!info gdm jaunty16:40
ubottugdm (source: gdm): GNOME Display Manager. In component main, is optional. Version 2.20.10-0ubuntu1 (jaunty), package size 1933 kB, installed size 15980 kB16:40
bensteActionParsnip even dpgk-reconf... results in low grafic16:40
miik!info gdm feisty16:40
ubottu'feisty' is not a valid distribution ['dapper', 'gutsy', 'gutsy-backports', 'hardy', 'hardy-backports', 'intrepid', 'intrepid-backports', 'jaunty', 'jaunty-backports', 'kde4-ppa', 'kubuntu-experimental', 'kubuntu-members-kde4', 'medibuntu', 'partner']16:40
bjsnidermbeierl, no, the issue doesn't affect any card => geforce 8k series16:40
miik!info gdm dapper16:40
ubottugdm (source: gdm): GNOME Display Manager. In component main, is optional. Version 2.14.10-0ubuntu1.1 (dapper), package size 1682 kB, installed size 11592 kB16:40
ActionParsnipbenste: http://tombuntu.com/index.php/2008/05/23/install-virtualbox-additions-for-an-ubuntu-804-guest/16:40
jonathan__how stable is jaunty?16:40
ActionParsnipmiik: newer isnt always better16:40
rconanmiik: they will have considered the update to 2.2{4,6} but have decided against it for a reason16:41
mbeierlbjsnider: what sort of compiz settings do you use? indirect, copy, etc?16:41
ActionParsnipjonathan__: works ok here, yours may be different16:41
jonathan__good to here16:41
miikrconan, oh okie16:41
rconanalthough it does seem odd16:41
bjsnidermbeierl, default settings, with redirect fullscreen unchecked16:41
benstejonathan__ it's unstable - but works fluently for me16:41
cjaeanyone know of any issues dual boot (?)ubuntu and windows 7?16:41
QPrimembeierl: didn't mean to imply that ext is the *cause* of the hard locks. just relating the fact that if a your hardware locks before a commit you lose data, after a metadata commit but before a data commit you zero files.  due to the length of the commit times, it's much more of a problem than ext3.16:41
mbeierlQPrime: ok, just wanted to clarify.  I've been having the odd hard lock lately on 9.04 and was looking at how to narrow it down16:42
rconancjae: no... I do it on my laptop, although not on the same hard drive16:42
rconannot reason it shouldn't work though16:42
ubuntuI'm trying to install Jaunty, and I went to resize a partition, it's been going for about 30 minutes or more, how could I check that it is still going?16:42
mbeierlQPrime: and, of course, I'm using ext4 for the root partition16:42
rconancjae: just don't let ubuntu shrink your win7 partition16:42
mbeierlQPrime: /home is reiserfs16:42
bjsnidermbeierl, don't you mean ninafs?16:43
cjaerconan, I was just making sure the bootloader was the same and stuff :) thank you16:43
QPrimembeierl:  good luck with the root.  home should be ok (just keep the knives away from it) *sigh*16:43
mbeierlbjsnider: /dev/sda4 on /home type reiserfs (rw)16:43
cjaerconan, I have two drives as well ;)16:44
mbeierl/dev/sda1 on / type ext4 (rw,relatime,errors=remount-ro)16:44
rconanmbeierl: it was a joke about reiser murdering his wife :p16:44
cjaerconan, is does 7 have winfs?16:44
rconancjae: no... just updated ntfs which ubuntu can't resize (AFAIK)16:44
ActionParsnipcjae: plan your partitions and you will never have to resize16:45
bjsnidermbeierl, excuse me but who's joking?16:45
cjaeActionParsnip, two hdds16:45
bjsnideroh, sorry i meant that for rconan16:45
ActionParsnipcjae: still has partitions on them for storage16:46
ubunturconan: Gutsy resized my NTFS Vista.16:46
rconanbjsnider: i don't really get how you arrived at ninafs so I couldn't say16:46
rconanubuntu: vista != win716:46
cjaeActionParsnip, ?? sorry not following you but I am not fully awake yet either16:47
ubunturconan: I know, you said NTFS, not Win7 NTFS16:47
mbeierlmbeierl: I had no clue ... I didn't catch the reference, and I'm culturally challenged :)16:47
rconanubuntu: i said "updated NTFS" and we were already talking about win716:47
ubunturconan: I was just multi-tasking, sorry didn't read all the previous stuff.16:48
mbeierlbjsnider: I meant you, not me :)16:48
ActionParsnipcjae: if you plan your partitions for both  drives when you first install and leave unpartitioned space to install other OSes instead of accepting the default to use the entire drive you will never have to resize partitions as they will already be sized up16:48
* QPrime thinks reiserfs is a prime example of why filesystem names should be independent of their developer :(16:48
gundam_rx78nt1Ok, I have downloaded the the 386iso image and none of the md5sums match the ones listed on the file on the download site.16:48
gundam_rx78nt1This is the third time I downloaded and from different sources.16:49
bjsnidermbeierl, a lot of people think reiser's name should be taken off the file system as a tribute to his murdered wife16:49
rconanActionParsnip: I follow a one disk per OS rule and never put storage on the same disk as an OS16:49
rconanbjsnider: i was not aware of that16:49
mbeierlbjsnider: wow.16:49
ActionParsniprconan: me too, swap on a different drive with user data, then OS16:49
cjaeActionParsnip, I always use manually paritioning and I would be 40 gig = win7 and 300 gig=(?)ubuntu16:50
bjsniderhe strangled her while the kids were in another room and then drove her out to a ditch and buried her16:50
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!16:50
rconanbjsnider: to be fair it was reiser who wrote the filesystem and he was pretty damn good at that even if he was a little uncooperative16:50
bazhangplease take that to another channel thanks.16:50
ActionParsnipgundam_rx78nt1: use torrents, they have good error checking stuff which can help get a good image16:50
QPrimeyeah, getting offtopic with the details there...16:50
gundam_rx78nt1be back after the download has completed.16:51
rconanhilights the problem with the offtopic message again16:51
cjaeis anyone up keeping reiserfs? cause I find it much faster than ext3 and have not seen anything in ext4 that would dramatically speed it up or am I wrong?16:51
spaceBARbarianhey for some reason i am seeing white lines around my panels when using the cube16:52
spaceBARbariananyone know how to fix that ?16:52
rconancjae: ext4 is much faster than ext316:52
rconancjae: reiser3 is supported by mainline kernel developers16:52
ActionParsnipspaceBARbarian: do you mean compiz?16:52
bensteActionParsnip, your link didn't work16:52
QPrimecjae: reiser4 development is currently slow/stalled.16:52
rconanreiser4 is probably going to die an ugly death16:52
bensteActionParsnip ideas how to escape low grafic mode?16:53
spaceBARbarianActionParsnip: yeah compiz cube rotation gives me white lines around my top and bottom panels16:53
ActionParsnipbenste: do you mean the content or the page didnt load?16:53
ActionParsnipspaceBARbarian: then head into #compiz16:53
cjaerconan, when you install ubuntu there is only one reiserfs option now which reiser is it?16:53
rconancjae: that's reiser316:53
bensteActionParsnip: eh I'm taliḱing about gdm woun't load cause of ubuntu in low grafic mode popup16:53
rconanthe other one you have to patch your kernel for16:53
ActionParsnipbenste: try running: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg16:54
bjsnidercjae, xfs is faster than any filesystem in the kernel right now16:54
ActionParsnipbenste: then restart x16:54
bensteActionParsnip already tried it with -phigh16:54
benstedidn't work16:54
bensteconfigured manually with vboxvideo driver now - doesn't work16:54
spaceBARbariani installed jaunty with ext3, is it worth it to go back and switch to ext4 ?16:54
QPrimebjsnider: never used it, but it has a 'reputation' for data loss issues as well.16:55
god-mokhi, after upgrading the system to kernel 28-11, my system freeze and after that i boot into the root shell. the system says it's on "read-only" i can't change any settings, but the config files are not corrupted or anything16:55
benstespaceBARbarian : bootup 10 sec faster !!16:55
defryskspaceBARbarian, if you have time and resources, its worth it16:55
bjsniderspaceBARbarian, for me, ext4 has been a huge performance boost over ext316:55
defryskfscheck is retardidly fast done16:55
ActionParsnipbjsnider: with XFS: Creation and deletion of directory entries can be a much slower metadata operation than other file systems.16:55
defryskon ext416:55
spaceBARbarianso more than just faster boot ? because i always used hibernate anyway16:56
bjsniderActionParsnip, yes, deleting sometimes is slow16:56
ActionParsnipbjsnider: and they cannot be shrunk16:56
defryskspaceBARbarian, minor chance of dataloss during major crashes16:56
bjsniderspaceBARbarian, when applying new packages, the write operations go, i dunno, 100 times faster or something16:56
cjaehow is fsck with xfs?16:57
spaceBARbarianbjsnider: can i hold you to that 100 * performance boost ?16:57
defrysk2.6.29 kernel seems to have solved some of the bugs, not sure if its patched to the ubuntu kerenl ?16:57
bjsniderActionParsnip, ok, but i'm just going to switch to btrfs for koala, so it doesn't matter much16:57
bjsniderdefrysk, i'm sure those things will be backported if it really is fixed16:58
defryskbjsnider, would be cool ;016:58
bjsniderspaceBARbarian, you can haveme killed16:58
spaceBARbarianbjsnider: will do16:58
abhishekiitdbjsneider: i have managed to get my synaptic running...now tell me what was command for installing nvidia 180, please!17:03
abhishekiitdhey anyone here, what is the command for installing nvidia drivers?17:04
abhishekiitdsomething like sudo apt-get install nvidia-180?17:04
bjsnidersudo apt-get isntall nvidia-glx-18017:04
abhishekiitdbjsneider: ok thanks...but nvidia isnt listed in my hardware drivers, but i should proceed with this command right?17:05
bjsnideryes, proceed17:05
ActionParsnipabhishekiitd: sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx-180; sudo nvidia-xconfig17:05
bjsniderno, not nvidia-xconfig17:05
ActionParsnipabhishekiitd: what nvidia card is it?17:05
bjsniderthat command will create a parochial xorg.conf17:05
ActionParsnipbjsnider: why not nvidia-xconfig?17:05
abhishekiitdActionParnship:NVIDIA geforce 9200 gs17:05
ActionParsnipabhishekiitd: ok install the 180 driver as we've said, bjsnider knows some jiggery pokery17:06
bjsnidernvidia hasn't updated that command in awhile17:06
abhishekiitdbjsneider: is nvidia 8600 gt better than mine?17:06
ActionParsnipabhishekiitd: what ram on both is a factor, as well as the chip17:06
bjsniderabhishekiitd, you're spelling my name wrong17:07
abhishekiitdbjsnider:sorry mate!17:07
ActionParsnipbjsnider: so whats the deal to get the nvidia driver enabled once installed?17:07
mahfiazwhy doesn't the ubuntu live-cd contain estonian tranlation anymore?17:07
mbeierlActionParsnip: install nvidia-glx-180, eh?  I always used to try the Hardware Drivers thing and it would always hang on me17:07
abhishekiitdActionParnship: MY vram is 512 mb, while my frnd's is 256 8600 gt17:07
bjsniderabhishekiitd, it probably is. the low numbered cards ae generally worse than high numbered ones, so the 8800 will be better than the 9200, but not better than the 980017:07
ActionParsnipabhishekiitd: then the 9200 is a later chip and has more vram so will perform better17:08
abhishekiitdmbeier|:even i wanted to use that but my nvidia didnt show up on hardware drivers17:08
bjsniderabhishekiitd, vdpau needs vram, so yours is prefereable17:08
bjsnidernow pastebin the contents of your /etc/X11/xorg.conf file17:08
abhishekiitdbjsnider: well, u just said lower numbered are worse, and then u say 8800 is better than 9200!17:09
abhishekiitdbjsnider: it is still installing17:09
bjsniderabhishekiitd, it's the second number that counts, more than the first17:09
mahfiazwhy doesn't the ubuntu live-cd contain estonian tranlation anymore?17:09
abhishekiitdbjsnider: well!that's a news...i never knew!17:09
ellari have problems with my sound on t21 after suspend-to-ram . Which information should i include for the bug report?17:09
hilthis is true for last 3 numbers. first number is generation17:09
ActionParsnipmahfiaz: you can apt-get it if you need it (and you have www access)17:09
ActionParsnipbjsnider: here's mine http://pastebin.com/f2826e27d17:10
ActionParsnipon a nvidia 615017:10
mahfiazActionParsnip, sure, I know this, ubuntu even has graphical tool for it, but I as a translator want to know what was the reason. Lack of space on cd?17:10
abhishekiitdbjsnider: should i restart?17:11
bjsnideryou need to replace that file17:11
abhishekiitdbjsnider: now i can see my nvidia on hardware drivers...and how should i replace?with what17:11
ellaris there anything like #ubuntu-sound?17:11
bjsniderabhishekiitd, use hardware drivers to activate the driver, and then check the xorg.conf file again17:12
ActionParsnipmahfiaz: not sure, log a question as a bug. it may get answered17:12
mahfiazActionParsnip, ok thanks17:12
abhishekiitdbjsnider: i activated it, and now it asks me to restart17:13
bjsniderabhishekiitd, pastebin your xorg.conf again17:13
bjsniderActionParsnip, http://pastebin.com/f2826e27d that's what the xconfig command gets you. You'll get an error and no gui from the freetype line at the very least17:15
bjsniderabhishekiitd, perfect. restart and enjoy compizzy goodness17:15
eseven73does brasero not work on jaunty? It's in the menu, but it wont start17:15
abhishekiitdbjsnider:ok thanks, lleme reboot17:16
tgpraveenellar: no ask wht u want hear17:16
tgpraveenmaybe there is a developer team who work on pulseaudio17:17
tgpraveenin ubuntu17:17
cjaeum is alsa outdated and pulseaudio is the now?17:17
bjsnideralsa is sound drivers, pulseaudio is a userspace sound system that uses those drivers17:18
BluesKajcjae,  i was informed that alsa uses HAL ,sees and enables the drivers that run ontop of the pulseaudio structure17:18
cjaeok so what is the point of OSS? or does OSS support some cards that ALSA doesn't17:20
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about oss17:22
fosco__ops :)17:22
fosco__oss is the old sound system, it doe not support more hardware than alsa or pulse, but some old apps only work in oss mode17:22
BUGabundoguud afternoon peeps17:25
cjaethanks to everyone who answered my questions :)17:26
keisangihi there17:30
keisangi i have a problem with kde (jaunty beta, latest kde) "moving files to trash" is extremely slow17:30
keisangidelete is as fast as usual, but move to trash is very slow17:30
BUGabundokeisangi: someone already mention that during the weekend17:30
keisangiis there a way to fix it ?17:30
BUGabundoI guess two, make that bug confirmed17:30
BUGabundocan you please see if there is a bug already, and if not, file it on launchpad?17:31
keisangicuriously, the computer i use at work, (same jaunty, same kde version) do move to trash normaly .. (isn't slow)17:32
keisangithe computer is an old dog17:32
keisangibut the one i use right now is a quad core extreme, with 2 gb ram17:32
keisangianything could be done to restore17:33
keisangi"moving file to trash" to reasonnable/normal speed17:33
BUGabundokeisangi: did you read what I said???17:35
eseven73Ok im trying to backup my ext4 /home using partimage but it reports it as ext3, but gparted reports it as ext4, My question is if i use partimage to back up the partition will it ruin it being that it says ext3 when its really ext4?17:35
keisangiBUGabundo: i'm reporting the bug on launchpad17:35
BUGabundoeseven73: maybe partimage is not compatible with ext417:35
eseven73it says it is17:35
eseven73on their website17:36
eseven73its actually SystemRescueCD-1.1 that im using17:37
eseven73and it says:17:37
eseven73The kernel supports most of the important file systems (ext2/ext3/ext4, reiserfs, reiser4, btrfs, xfs, jfs, vfat, ntfs, iso9660), as well as network filesystems (samba and nfs).17:37
BUGabundook I take it back17:37
BUGabundotry #ubuntu-devel17:37
BUGabundoand see if any FS experts are around17:37
keisangiBUGabundo: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/35461717:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 354617 in ubuntu "(jaunty) kde4.2.2 slow moving to trash" [Undecided,New]17:42
mib_zdkuel1chi, i am using ubuntu 8.10 , its great and all but i cannot get my wireless to work, can any please help17:49
s0undt3ch_hello ppl17:50
s0undt3ch_I'm trying to install compizconfig-settings-manager=0.8.2 from jaunty which then says it will upgrade a lot of packages which worries me since I'm on intrepid. Can I know which is pushing all the packages?17:50
eseven73BUGabundo, ok i just found out apparently partimage doesnt support ext4 yet.. :/17:50
BUGabundoI thought so17:50
eseven73systemrescue cd does support it, but not partimage17:50
BUGabundoits too *new*17:50
BUGabundomib_zdkuel1c: 8.10 support is in #ubuntu17:51
BUGabundos0undt3ch_: use mvo or compiz ppa instead of messing with your sources!17:51
s0undt3ch_BUGabundo: mvo?17:52
BUGabundobut try the compiz ppa 1st17:52
Brandiehttp://img8.imageshack.us/img8/2776/dscf2478.jpg I get that when i try to boot into 9.04 :\17:56
* BUGabundo checks17:56
BUGabundoBrandie: what GPU?17:56
BrianR___Any opinions on using i386 vs lpia installer on an atom-based netbook?17:56
BUGabundoaka grafic card17:57
Brandiehd 485017:57
BUGabundoBrianR___: sure. should work!17:57
BUGabundoBrianR___: is it a sub 7" ?17:57
BrianR___I did my 8.10 install with the MID installer, then installed various other packages to get a roughly UNR type system.17:57
BUGabundoor bigger one?17:57
BrianR___BUGabundo: Nah. It has a 9" screen. But I'm more concerned about the architecture than the package set. Isn't the LPIA architecture built with a different compiler?17:58
BUGabundoBrandie: hum did you had the closed driver or used a large resolution for TTY?17:58
BUGabundoBrianR___: go for 386! it works!17:58
abhishekiitdqi have installed compoz17:58
BrandieI had the newest ati driver in 8.1017:58
BUGabundoyes it is17:58
abhishekiitdqhow can i edit settings17:58
Brandieand I had my res at 1680x105017:58
BrianR___When I did my 8.10 install, I used the MID installer, then installed regular gnome and compiz desktop stuff17:58
BUGabundoBrandie: check the rellease notes! you will see that many ati cards won't work properly with closed driver now17:58
BUGabundoBrianR___: the packags are the same, of course17:59
BrandieI had it working in the alpha's, but i cant remember how i got it woring >_>17:59
BrianR___BUGabundo: I found that not every package available for i386 was available for lpia17:59
BrandieMy bud did it for me, So eh.17:59
BrandieSo, I cant use my card with the new ubuntu?....17:59
BrandieHow am I gunna play games? D=18:00
BrianR___BUGabundo: pretty close, but not everything.18:00
BUGabundoBrianR___: those are mostly FTBFS18:00
abhishekiitdqplease tell me how to edit settings for ubuntu18:00
abhishekiitdqfor compiz18:00
Brandieinstall cssm in add/remove18:00
BUGabundoBrandie: you can... just have to try the -ati (opensource) one18:00
BrianR___BUGabundo: Yeah. I'm guessing since not only is the architecture different, but it's a different major version of gcc.18:00
Brandiewell uh, how to i get passed that screen? :318:00
BUGabundoabhishekiitdq: instal compizconfig-settingmanager18:00
BluesKajBBL , errands in the rain :P18:00
BrandieI'm in root back up right now18:00
BUGabundoBrianR___: gcc should be the same, but I can't be sure....18:01
BrianR___BUGabundo: was hoping someone had done like usability checklist and battery runtime type tests already. I suppose I could run my own, but...18:01
BrianR___BUGabundo: it wasn't in 8.1018:01
BUGabundoBrandie: run in recovery and select XFIX18:01
BrianR___BUGabundo: (the gcc version wasn't in 8.10 anyway)18:01
Brandiefix x server?18:01
Brandiealready did that18:01
abhishekiitdqbugabundo: that doesnt work, please spell it properly18:01
BUGabundoguys and galls calm donw!! I'm alone here!!eheh18:01
BUGabundoBrianR___: as I said, I can't be sure18:02
Brandiealready did that:P18:02
BUGabundoabhishekiitdq: instal compizconfig-settingmanager18:02
Brandieer, I  just get a screen thats less corrupted. go to add/remove and search for compiz and install compiz icon and cssm  >:U18:03
BUGabundoBrandie: sorry if that failed too18:03
BUGabundoI'm not an X guru18:03
Brandiemm :\18:03
BUGabundoguess there's something else in there18:03
Brandieis there a way to st it to safe graphiccs mode?18:03
BUGabundocan you pastebing you xorg.conf?18:03
BUGabundoand grub menu.list?18:03
Brandiehow would I do that?...18:04
BUGabundoI want to see if you have a resolution bigger then 800 on the TTY18:04
s0undt3ch_BUGabundo: aquainted with compiz?18:04
BUGabundos0undt3ch_: yes18:04
s0undt3ch_BUGabundo: does it *require* python-2.6?18:04
BUGabundos0undt3ch_: don't know18:04
BUGabundoask to apt-cache18:04
Brandiemy res is 1680x1050, and my monitor says it's 1600x1000 when it's booting18:04
s0undt3ch_BUGabundo: it pushes it18:04
BUGabundoBrandie: yeah I thought so18:05
BUGabundothat could be it18:05
s0undt3ch_just wondering if it's really necessary18:05
BUGabundoBrandie: can you came with me to #ubuntu-x ?18:05
BUGabundos0undt3ch_: don't know18:05
BUGabundomost packages were migrated to it18:05
BUGabundoon #X  now18:05
=== Brandie is now known as everyone
=== everyone is now known as Brandie
BUGabundoeveryone done?18:06
wolfganghey guys.. i installed kubuntu 9.04 (beta) (cause network was messed up in 8.10).. and now my printer (canon i80) doesn't work - any ideas?18:07
BUGabundowolfgang: check LP for bugs with cups on it18:08
Milos_SDwhere can I find changelog of updates?18:08
wolfgangBUGabundo: what's lp?18:09
BUGabundo !launchpad18:09
ubottuLaunchpad is a collection of development services for Open Source projects. It's Ubuntu's bug tracker, and much more; see https://launchpad.net/18:09
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu  -  Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots18:09
White_PelicanI remember in kde 3, if you right clicked in a folder in Konqueror and even in Dolphin, there were certain items in the menu that pops up, inclusde cut, cop move delete, etc. I see this does not exist in kde 4. Is there something I need to configure to allow this?18:10
wolfganghm, can't find nothing there18:11
s0undt3ch_dam, I'm still required to push alot of packages....18:12
hggdhwolfgang, have you updated your beta? (dist-upgrade)18:12
hggdhafter the beta went out I think we had some printer-related updates already18:12
wolfganghggdh: i did.. daily18:14
BUGabundowolfgang: I do it 5x a day18:15
BrandieBUGabundo: did I mention i can hear the start up sounds and stuff?18:15
wolfgangBUGabundo: kk.. i just checked.. there only were 3 updates18:15
BUGabundonice! oh wait18:15
joshjtlokay i have discovered the source of my lockups (require manual power off) Gimp! when I'm using gimp I get these unrecoverable lock ups..18:15
BUGabundoso its not after grub, but way until GDM?18:15
joshjtlproblem is I need gimp right now...18:15
BrandieIt is after grub18:16
BUGabundojoshjtl: ext4?18:16
BrandieIt's after the ubuntu loading screen.18:16
joshjtlBUGabundo: no ext318:16
Brandieusualy it should go to the login screen after it, but it gives me corrupted screen18:16
BUGabundoBrandie: I still suspect that your grub was some option to use a bigger resolution18:16
BUGabundojoshjtl: Intel GPU?18:16
joshjtlBUGabundo: yes18:16
BrandieProbably, But it works fine in 8.20....18:17
Brandieer 8.1018:17
wolfgangi'll try rebooting.18:17
wolfgangthanks for now18:17
joshjtlBUGabundo: any thoughts for fix?18:18
BUGabundojoshjtl: doesn't your X freeze after a few secs, after login?18:19
Brandiesudo apt-get remove gimp ? D=18:19
joshjtlBUGabundo: maybe a split second...18:19
* BUGabundo likes Brandie jokes18:19
joshjtlBrandie: im building a web site right now, i really need gim18:19
BUGabundoyeah it's the intel bug joshjtl18:19
BUGabundonot gimp18:19
BUGabundojoshjtl: jaunty is BETA!!!18:19
joshjtlBUGabundo: hrmmm is the bug on launchpad somewhere?18:20
BUGabundoit can and will cause breakage18:20
White_Pelicanvery beta :)18:20
BUGabundodepends on your card18:20
BUGabundo865, 945, etc18:20
joshjtlBUGabundo: has anyone found a work around?18:20
BrandieWell, I was seriouse. remove than reinstall?..18:20
BUGabundoits an intel bug18:20
BUGabundobryce is working hard on it18:20
BUGabundoBrandie: its not a gimp bug.... it's a driver one18:21
joshjtlBUGabundo: do you happen to know where that particular bug is located on launchpad?18:21
BUGabundotell me your card version18:21
BUGabundothe last comment from bryce there18:22
ubottuLaunchpad bug 304871 in xserver-xorg-video-intel "[i845G] Fatal server error: Couldn't bind memory for BO front buffer (Jaunty)" [High,Fix released]18:22
BUGabundohas most of the bug IDs18:22
Brandiewhats the name of the proprietary ati driver?18:22
joshjtlarggh do i really need to reinstall intrepid to get some work done... i just got used to jaunty happily (other than this of course)18:23
BUGabundoglrfx or somethijng18:23
BUGabundojoshjtl: you can boot from CD or liveUSB18:23
BUGabundoand get work done too18:24
joshjtlmmm i suppose :/18:24
joshjtlhmm im going to upgrade my kernel... i have another problem that machine wont shutdown/reboot until on last screen i ctrl+alt+delete out... maybe it will help this too18:25
joshjtlwould adding Option "DRI" "false" to xorg stop desktop effects?18:26
BUGabundobut at least it works!18:27
thiebaudeis there a workaround to fix my x session so it can start?18:27
joshjtlyeah im going to try using later kernel first18:27
BUGabundothiebaude: what gpu card?18:27
thiebaudeintel 8181518:27
thiebaudei can log into fluxbox18:28
BUGabundoguys time to go! be back later! hand on to the jaunty waves18:29
BUGabundoahh thiebaude I remember18:29
BUGabundocan you boot from livecd?18:29
sirderigo_after a upgrade texlive-base get broken, it only happened to me o it happened you too?18:32
joshjtlrebooting to try 2.6.29 on this thing18:34
aurel42Downgrading from jaunty to intrepid fixed all my problems, only Evolution refuses to work with data that has been touched by the new version from jaunty.18:42
sirderigo_how you downgrade?18:42
aurel42I'll soon know whether jaunty's Evolution builds on intrepid.18:42
aurel42I did a fresh install from 8.10 iso and restored my $HOME18:43
aurel42jaunty had way too many problems on my system.18:43
joshjtlokay, installed rebooted with kernel 2.6.29 ... lets see if this fixes my problem18:46
aurel42jaunty's libical and evolution-data-server builds on 8.10. Now for evolution itself.18:51
aurel42Wish me luck.18:52
DanaGargh, no wonder the volume control thing laaaags: it's a "feature".19:01
DanaG"Gauge If a notification bubble has a gauge, the gauge should display the old value for 500 ms before switching to the new value for the remainder of the time, as a visual indication of what the change was. "19:02
DanaGer, delete first word.19:02
nighstalkerHas the nvidia driver been fixed in Jaunty?19:02
joshjtlso far so good with my lockup problem...19:03
geniijoshjtl: Good to hear19:04
geniijoshjtl: So the preload was causing it ?19:05
KelloggsFrostieshi there!19:05
joshjtlgenii: no, intel bug apparently... but changing kernels seemed to fix it, also fixes my reboot/shutdown issue19:05
geniijoshjtl: Ah, OK19:06
Tumiehi, i'm at jaunty now, but aMSN doesn't sign in19:11
joshjtlBUGabundo: my intel issue was resolved using 2.6.2919:15
BUGabundojoshjtl: nice19:18
sirderigo_BUGabundo, texlive-base is bugy19:19
joshjtlBUGabundo: you should try it19:19
sirderigo_BUGabundo, it fails to install19:20
bjsniderTumie, my understanding is that app is currently broken19:23
Tumiebjsnider: ok, are they trying to fix it ?19:23
bjsniderTumie, i think it's broken upstream, so the amsn devs would have to fix it19:24
Tumieok, thank you for the information :)19:24
bjsniderTumie, pidgin works and emesene probably does19:25
HalowPidgin connects to msn just fine.19:26
VorboteAnd msn-pecan is in the repos if you can't live without those annoying voice-clips and whatever.19:29
gon<gon>: Hi <gon>: I have some problems connecting to wireless network in some place <gon>: In 8.10 works fine, but in jaunty can't connect19:45
BUGabundohi gon19:45
BUGabundowhat's up?19:45
gon<gon>: i got this from dmesg: <gon>: [ 351.136971] wlan0: disassociating by local choice (reason=3) [ 353.136063] wlan0: privacy configuration mismatch and mixed-cell disabled - disassociate19:45
gonusing b4319:45
gon+ knetworkmanager plasmoid19:46
BUGabundoknm is utterly broken19:46
BUGabundocan you try gnome's networkmanger?19:47
gonemmm, i don't want gnome :B19:47
gonbut, from command line19:47
BUGabundothen try cli19:47
goni got the same issues19:47
mnemothere is tons of hits on that error in launchpad: https://launchpad.net/+search?field.text=disassociating+by+local+choice+reason%3D3&field.actions.search=Search19:47
BUGabundoI know mnemo19:48
BUGabundonot even asac will touch them19:48
gonsudo dhclient wlan0 <= this step fail19:48
BUGabundonot really19:48
BUGabundoI aren't linked to the network yet19:48
gonthe wireless network is in my university, protected by wep shared key19:49
gonin my home, I use wpa+aes, and works fine...19:49
rippsHow do you do xdcc downloads with irssi?19:49
BUGabundoripps: wrong place to ask19:50
void^ripps: /help dcc19:50
Vorboteripps: Ask in #irssi, although I think their channel in EFnet is more active.19:51
eseven73is there a fix for Nautilus crashing on boot up?19:51
BUGabundoeseven73: do you have a bug for that,19:52
BUGabundothat I can look at?19:52
mnemoeseven73: did you use apport to report the bug into launchpad? if so, please paste the URL to the bug19:52
eseven73the auto bug report doesnt work19:53
eseven73it just hangs when i try to report anything19:53
mnemoeseven73: hang as in the apport-gtk UI becomes gray and unresponsive?19:53
eseven73it just doesnt work19:54
BUGabundoeseven73: try the cli19:54
eseven73i dont recall if it turns grey or not19:54
BUGabundo$ apport-cli -fp PACKAGE19:54
BUGabundoor to just send the actual crush that you have19:54
thiebaudewhere can i download 2.6.29 kernel, maybe that will fix my intel lockup, also19:54
BUGabundo$ apport-cli -c /path/to/crash19:54
BUGabundosomething like19:55
eseven73donno where to get crash info19:55
BUGabundo$ apport-cli -c /var/crash/_usr_nautilus......19:55
eseven73but if i find something ill post it19:55
mnemothiebaude: ubuntu has a clean version of 2.6.29 available as a .DEB ... google for "ubuntu mainline kernels"19:55
BUGabundoeseven73: its in /var/crash19:55
thiebaudethanks mnemo i'll go for it19:55
mnemothiebaude: DEBs for are here --> http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v2.6.29.1/19:56
thiebaudekewl, wish me luck everyone19:56
eseven73oh nice BUGabundo i didnt know about /var/crash  :D19:56
mnemothiebaude: good luck :)19:56
joshjtlhey who was it that told me about a dolphin fix including HOME= something... ?19:58
eseven73BUGabundo, http://paste.ubuntu.com/143649      sorry took me so long, some reason i cant copy from vim since i dont have the .vimrc that lets me use copy/paste20:02
eseven73new install and all that :D20:02
BUGabundotell me when come back20:02
Turlhi, can you explain me how does this 'indicator applet' does any good?20:03
thiebaudei'am able to log in now, but with the 2.6.24-24 generic kernel only20:12
mnemothiebaude: another more interesting thing to test for you is xorg-edgers +
ephoenixanyone running ubuntu on ext4 and how is it?20:13
thiebaudemnemo: you got a link for that20:13
picklesworthanyone know what the status is on updating monodevelop? Jaunty still has the beta for some reason :/20:14
mnemothiebaude: add this PPA inside /etc/apt/sources.list       --> https://launchpad.net/~xorg-edgers/+archive/ppa20:15
mnemothiebaude: and then install updated versions of mesa, xserver, libdrm and intel ddx driver20:15
mnemothen you20:15
mnemor on the very latest versions20:15
mnemogood for bug reporting etc20:15
thiebaudemnemo: im running 9.04 now20:15
mnemothiebaude: yeah, but this is the upstream versions straight from git... they are much more recent than jaunty20:16
mnemobut more unstable as well ofc20:16
joshjtlhey who was it that told me about a dolphin fix including HOME= something... ?20:16
syockitit solved some problems on mine too, was using it until jaunty's xorg got fixed20:17
mnemothiebaude: then to revert from xorg-edgers PPA back to normal jaunty packages... you can use something like this --> http://pastebin.com/m1409f44 (not exact commands but I think you will get the idea)20:18
joshjtlsyockit: was it you who told me about how to restore dolphin?20:18
syockitnope, it wasn't20:19
thiebaudemnemo: thanks20:19
syockitjoshjtl: btw, restore in what way?20:19
joshjtlsyockit: well i had used it to log into ftp, and since then moving things to trash took a very long time, so i had to restore it somehow using HOME= something mytempdir... and it worked, but i forgot what it was20:20
syockitjoshjtl: you can check the logs at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/20:21
joshjtlthanks syockit20:22
eseven73where do i look up Jaunty bugs?20:26
joshjtldamn cant find it anywhere :(20:27
syockiteseven73: until release, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/20:27
eseven73ok ty20:28
syockithmm, since many things are frozen, maybe can start reporting at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/jaunty ?20:29
eseven73my report has several duplicates20:29
eseven73so im not going to post it20:30
eseven73its the Nautilus crashes on boot bug20:30
IenorandHow come I can't acces this: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/32195520:30
ubottuError: This bug is private20:30
cjaeok who was the person who told me that they had win 7 and kubuntu 9.04 installed, when I try to manually partition with win =/dev/sda and kubuntu =/dev/sdb the installer tries to add grun at (hd1) =/dev/sdb which is dumb, what can I do to make this work?20:30
eseven73bug #27311420:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 273114 in nautilus "Nautilus crashes on boot, even though I'm not running nautilus" [Medium,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/27311420:31
eseven73also brasero refuses to boot, and also the weather widget crashes a lot too20:32
eseven73so i had to use k3b :(   (was trying to avoid using kde libs on this install) ah well20:33
GodfatherofEireSo, whats gonna be new in Jaunty?20:33
GodfatherofEireVery nice20:34
eseven73yea using it now :)20:34
GodfatherofEireNotice any efficiency difference?20:34
eseven73too soon to tell i think20:34
eseven73just installed last night20:34
GodfatherofEireAnythin else new?20:35
eseven73im sure there are a ton of new stuff, but i havent seen anything really20:36
mnemoGodfatherofEire: new notification popups, new GDM theme, new versions of most apps20:37
GodfatherofEireBreak of compatibility?20:38
eseven73oh yea firefox has new popup notifiers forgot to mention that20:39
eseven73kind of annoying though20:39
joshjtl_can I downgrade intel drivers back to intrepid?20:41
joshjtl_can I downgrade intel drivers back to intrepid?20:41
eseven73bug #35472020:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 354720 in nautilus "Nauilus crashes when I boot into Jaunty" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35472020:43
eseven73I found out there was no other bug like mine so i went ahead and posted a bug report, there are some that are similar but they date back to 2007-2008 and for a different release20:44
joshjtl_BUGabundo: upgrading kernel to 2.6.29 did NOT fix my intel issue :(20:52
BUGabundoI read20:52
eseven73bug #35472020:53
ubottuLaunchpad bug 354720 in nautilus "Nauilus crashes when I boot into Jaunty" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35472020:53
joshjtl_I was considering downgrading intel package but... it looks like it would be a huge pain20:53
eseven73BUGabundo, ^^^^^^^^^20:53
BUGabundothanks eseven7320:53
BUGabundojoshjtl_: DON'T20:53
BUGabundoyou will have more trouble to keep userspace in sync20:53
* BUGabundo has bad memory20:54
joshjtl_BUGabundo: so for now the only fix is turn off effects? (can I just do it in my kde system settings is that enough, or do i need to do it xorg) or is there anything else i can do to workaround this issue.20:54
BUGabundojoshjtl_: what was your prob again?20:54
joshjtl_BUGabundo: intel driver causing unrecoverable lockup20:54
BUGabundoahh yes20:54
joshjtl_real bummer20:55
BUGabundoso far acccorgding to bryce only dri false half solves that20:55
joshjtl_this is since beta20:55
BUGabundonot sure it will get fixed until release20:55
joshjtl_alpha didnt have this20:55
bjsniderBUGabundo, does bryce say the intel driver is broken right now?20:57
joshjtl_BUGabundo: just read downgrading kernel can help20:57
joshjtl_BUGabundo: any idea what I need to do to downgrade kernel to 2.6.27?20:58
BUGabundodon't, please don't!20:59
BUGabundoif you really need that, use ibex then20:59
bjsniderjoshjtl_, that's crazy20:59
joshjtl_BUGabundo: according to the bug it fixes the issue20:59
BUGabundotry it!21:00
BUGabundobut Its not Advised or supported21:00
joshjtl_might as well give it a shot21:00
bjsniderwhy not try 2.6.2921:00
joshjtl_bjsnider: i have21:01
joshjtl_no fix21:01
joshjtl_anyone know where 2.6.27 is located?21:02
BUGabundojoshjtl_: did you at least let bryce know about it?21:02
BUGabundoor any X devs?21:02
joshjtl_BUGabundo: no, there is a bug report for it...21:03
BUGabundodid you comment there?21:03
joshjtl_not yet21:04
matrixblueI want to do a full install of Jaunty on my flash drive. Which file system should I be using? and is the wear on the drive significant?21:04
BUGabundoso who was the one with nautilus crashs??21:04
BUGabundomatrixblue: you don't! use usbcreator21:05
BUGabundoit uses fat3221:05
BUGabundoeseven73: ping21:05
matrixblueBUGabundo: the usb creator installs is too slow to boot and can't update21:05
BUGabundodid nt you report via apport??21:05
BUGabundoyes it can matrixblue21:06
BUGabundoif you reserv the space for it21:06
BUGabundoa persistent install21:06
matrixblueBUGabundo: the boot time is still too slow21:07
BUGabundonot for me21:07
matrixblueBUGabundo: how long does it take for you?21:07
BUGabundoI boot my 8GiBs kington with jaunty21:07
BUGabundoin 35 secs on my laptop21:07
matrixbluethat's worth considering21:08
BUGabundoof course this is a fast PC and fast pen21:08
BUGabundoon slower PCs it takes longer, of course21:08
eseven73ok i got an email that says my apport wasnt good enough or what not, i donno what else they expect21:09
DeepBgrrr.... bug #354228 when d-u21:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 354228 in python2.6 "package python2.6-minimal 2.6.1-1ubuntu8 failed to install/upgrade: " [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35422821:09
=== genii is now known as evilgenii
BUGabundoyes eseven7321:10
BUGabundoyou need to sent the crash21:10
BUGabundoas I told you21:10
eseven73i did21:10
BUGabundono you didn't21:10
BUGabundoyou just run apport to colect data21:10
=== evilgenii is now known as genii
BUGabundonot send your crash21:11
eseven73it sent me to the bug site and i filled out everything21:11
BUGabundolets do it again!21:11
BUGabundono no, bleive me21:11
BUGabundo$ apport-cli -c /var/crash/NAUTILYUSCRASHERE21:11
eseven73look i did everything it said on the website21:11
eseven73im not going through this again21:11
BUGabundoreplace the last part with the crash file name21:11
BUGabundook.... that way we can't help you more then we already did21:12
eseven73they closed it already21:12
joshjtl_brb rebooting21:12
BUGabundono no21:12
BUGabundojust do what I sain21:12
BUGabundothat is basicly what pedro asked u too21:12
BUGabundoeseven73: its just on line21:13
eseven73they got my bug report, they deleted it, why do it again?21:13
BUGabundoyou can even dupe it to the other bug21:13
BUGabundobecause it didn't contain the cras21:13
BUGabundothat is what the devs need to help you21:14
eseven73i did apport-cli -fp nautilus21:14
picklesworthand it doesn't look deleted on my end :/21:14
BUGabundothat bug, did not contain anything helpful21:14
BUGabundoeseven73: that's only to open new bugs... not to report crash21:14
BUGabundopicklesworth: its marked invalid?21:14
picklesworthit is, indeed :)21:15
eseven73o well i don tcare21:15
eseven73i use thunar instead of nautilus21:15
picklesworthalthough something tells me that should say "incomplete," but best avoid making traffic21:15
bmungerI am a bit confused on how to use the GUI in Kubuntu 9.04 beta to configure a static IP address for my ethernet card.  It seems I have to create a new connection or something.  Does anyone know how this is supposed to work?21:16
joshjtlok back... lets see if 2.6.27 works for me21:16
BUGabundoeseven73: you are a bad user :p21:18
bjsniderjoshjtl, if it doesn't, throw a chair thru the window21:18
joshjtlbjsnider: think that might help?21:18
eseven73no i did what you told me to do before you went AFK21:18
bjsniderindeed it would, unquestionably21:18
joshjtlbjsnider: if it does maybe i should add it to the bug report?21:18
bjsniderdo that thing i say21:19
joshjtli will damn it21:19
BUGabundoeseven73: I told you both ways..  maybe I should have been more cleae21:20
joshjtlyou know so far i swear things seem more responsive with 2.6.2721:20
bjsniderjoshjtl, what problem is it exactly?21:20
joshjtlbjsnider: its an intel bug that causes unrecoverable lockups21:20
bmungerI guess I really dont understand the deal with the multiple wired connection options if I only have one ethernet device.. especially since it doesnt seem like I can use it to select one type or another..21:21
eseven73BUGabundo, you are a bad bug fixer then....... haha we're even now! :P  I'll do it the other way then just for you :D21:21
BUGabundothank you!21:22
BUGabundowe appreciate!21:22
BUGabundoyou are making Ubuntu better21:22
eseven73lol "Your computer does not have enough free memory to automatically analyze thhe problem and send a report to developers."21:22
* eseven73 bangs head on keyboard21:23
bmungerthanks for the help21:24
BUGabundoeseven73: that's a big crash!!21:25
BUGabundowhat is the crash size?21:25
lilacI have an ATI Radeon Mobility X1400. Starting X in jaunty i get a black screen with some corruption at the top and a hang (using ati or radeon drivers)21:26
sirderigo_BUGabundo, do you reported what i bug you?21:26
BUGabundosirderigo_: what?21:26
lilacthe fglrx driver fails with "no screens found". is there anything i can do to get X working (other than downgrading to intrepid)?21:26
eseven73the weather applet that crashed is 3.1M21:26
BUGabundoeseven73: $ free -m21:27
eseven73260 free, something is goobling up all my ram :(21:27
BUGabundoatop 321:28
BUGabundothen press 'm'21:28
lilacsome googling hints at a beta fglrx driver, but i can't see any links to it. anyone know where i can find that?21:28
yow|x2BUGabundo - i had the first freeze on my laptop in days earlier today. im pretty sure its intel related. im booted into the default kernel now to see if that helps21:29
BUGabundook yow|x221:29
eseven73i donno BUGabundo bug htop reports it as 259/2011 now21:30
BUGabundonot that much21:30
BUGabundounless you have a memory leak21:30
BUGabundoI like atop21:30
BUGabundoit really helps ordering21:30
eseven73free -m reports it as totall 2011            used 1666             free 34521:30
sirderigo_BUGabundo, texlive fails to update and broke up gnome-panel i guess21:30
BUGabundoit could21:31
sirderigo_because the gnome panel isnt loading applications or system21:31
sirderigo_only places21:31
eseven73BUGabundo, System Monitor (the GUI) one says 264 mib (13%) of 2 gigs21:32
sirderigo_i explain my self, the menu entreis fro applications and system bit are empty21:32
BUGabundoeseven73: what is taking it all??21:33
eseven73i think free -m  misreporting my ram21:33
BUGabundodon't count cache!! LOL21:33
eseven73system monitor says i have a lot of ram21:33
BUGabundoeseven73: can you try sending again?21:33
BUGabundoI'm sorry for all the trouble you are having21:33
sweeneyI am trying to upgrade to Jaunty.  I ran "update-manager -d" and there is no upgrade button.  I went and checked my release upgrade and made sure it was set to "normal release" which it is.  Any ideas?21:34
eseven73same error21:34
Lint01sweeney: read topic21:34
sweeneyNvm should have read topic21:34
bjsniderthere's a lot of intel driver bugs right now: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-intel21:34
sweeneyyes sorry21:34
sweeneyThat was silly of me to ask21:34
Lint01I don;t understant, is there english-only release at April 13th?21:35
BUGabundoeseven73: please paste exact command21:35
ryanakcaIs it normal that I receive messages like ``[ 2105.931183] Out of memory: kill process 10065 (zsh) score 1218884 or a child'' on the command prompt21:36
BUGabundoLint01: thanks for the heads up... didn't know about that21:37
eseven73BUGabundo,  i think my swap is not activated21:38
eseven73when i made partitions i just made a swap partition thats it, i think i missed a step :(21:39
BUGabundoyou may!21:39
BUGabundoit would be strange, but maybe that could be the reason21:39
eseven73can i just do sudo swapon -a?21:39
BUGabundostill it is a bug21:39
eseven73i think thats the command21:39
eseven73or does swap need activating in fstab i think21:39
BUGabundonot sure!21:41
BUGabundonot my strong point21:41
mvosweeney currently disabled, will be back again soon21:41
eseven73BUGabundo, actually swap is in my fstab so i donno lol21:43
BUGabundoeseven73: pastebin $ sudo fdisk -l21:43
BUGabundoalso install pastebinit21:43
BUGabundoit makes it much easier21:43
eseven73ok how to use pastebinit?21:45
BUGabundoman pastebin21:47
BUGabundo$ sudo fdisk -l | pastebin21:47
BUGabundoshould work21:47
BUGabundo$ sudo fdisk -l | pastebinit21:47
eseven73yeah pastebin doesnt say how except switches like -b for URL21:47
eseven73thats why i asked :P21:47
BUGabundoeseven73: that swap looks like small!21:50
BUGabundoakgraner: *21:50
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eseven73i thought i made it 1 gig at least :/21:51
aciculaeseven73: how much memory do you have?21:51
eseven732 gigs21:52
BUGabundorule of tumb: 2,5 times the RAM21:52
BUGabundoto allow the PC to hibernate21:52
aciculawell two anyway21:52
eseven73dont need that21:52
eseven73not a laptop21:52
aciculathen you are fine21:53
BUGabundoI do hibernate and suspend PCs21:53
eseven73well i dont use hibernate21:53
bensteubutnu still boots up in low grafiic mode in my VM what can I do?21:53
BUGabundobenste: what VM?21:54
bensteand a 9.04 alternate 32bit LTSP guest install21:55
aciculaguest mods geinstalleerd?21:55
bensteyip afeter installing guest models i wasn't able to boot up normal21:55
bensteBugabundo + manually fixing xorg.conf to use vbox grafic driver didn't work21:56
BUGabundobenste: can't help much21:57
aciculadid you install them from the cd or via apt-get (try the other one)21:57
benstefrom CD21:57
BUGabundoI know that ibex needed some pooling to get there21:57
BUGabundomaybe jaunty needs it too21:57
benstei did that already21:57
benstebut I wonder why there was already something with vbox in restricted manager before installing guest utils from CD21:58
aciculai used the driver from the repos, it works, sortof anyway21:58
bensteacicula, and how can I revert to the state before installing guest utils?21:58
badpenguin86Dropbox quit working for me on jaunty. Anyone have some experience with it?21:58
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aciculabenste: if you used the tools from the vboxcd, not a clue21:59
bensteacicula, but using the repos seemles mode doesn't work or?22:00
aciculabenste: it didnt for me no22:00
benstebut it did with guest utilis cd in ibex !22:00
bensteso what can I do in general if Xserver fails to load and returns to low grafic,22:01
benstecan't I copy the failsafe to the normal session?22:01
bensteacicula got it, just cp'ed the failsafe xorg to norm xorg :-)22:10
BUGabundodon't you hate when the PC doesn't detect cd burner after hibernate?22:12
eseven73Originally I had Ubuntu then I installed ubuntu-desktop... but even with gnome selected as default session, i still get an Xubuntu startup splash screen and Exit screen, how can I change it to Ubuntu and why doesn't it do it automatically?22:12
BUGabundoAdri2000: hi22:17
Adri2000anyone here affected by the amsn bug?22:17
BluesKajyup, mine doesn't login22:18
BUGabundoa few of you guys are reporting a bug with it22:18
BluesKajbut I don't use it much22:19
BluesKajit just sits there trying to load22:19
Adri2000BluesKaj: ok. I'm preparing a fix and looking for testers22:20
joshjtlwell I don't want to say for sure yet, but by this time with the 2.6.28 & 2.6.29 kernels intel drivers were causing unrecoverable lockups, where on 2.6.27 I've yet to get one.22:20
eseven73how do I mount my hd in a live CD so i can modify my fstab file?22:22
BluesKajAdri2000 , I removed amsn22:22
SectionOneIs there a second cd needed for the 9.04 beta server install? I keep reaching about 77% completed and then it asks for "Ubuntu-Server 9.04 _Jaunty Jackalope_ Beta i386 (20090324.2)"22:23
BUGabundoSectionOne: what cd are you using?22:24
SectionOnethe 9.04 beta i386 server iso.. the install said the media checked out..22:25
BUGabundowho did you downloaded it?22:25
SectionOneI burned the iso to a cd and have tried installing it about 10 times.. stops the same place every time..22:25
BUGabundodid you check md5?22:25
Adri2000BluesKaj: do you have some time to test a package I give you?22:26
SectionOneI downloaded the torrent version from the download section of the Ubuntu website...22:26
badpenguin86Why does the chat say not to upgrade Intrepid to Jaunty? I just did a few days ago and it went marvelously22:27
SectionOnethe byte size matches the normal download version size but no, I have checked the md522:27
SectionOnehave *not* checked22:27
BUGabundobadpenguin86: news to me! I think a new bug was found22:28
BUGabundoSectionOne: can you do it ?22:29
BluesKajsorry Adri2000, I don't ..it's almost dinnertime and then I have a gig to do afterwards22:29
joshjtlanyone know how to use raptor plasma widget? kde?22:29
SectionOnethe iso or the cd itself?22:29
Adri2000BluesKaj: ok, no problem22:29
thiebaudejoshjtl: im having success with the 2.6.24-24 generic kernel22:29
joshjtlthiebaude: why did you go down so far?22:30
BUGabundoSectionOne: iso 1st22:30
thiebaudewith the newer kernels x freezes up22:30
lilachow far back does one need to go to get x working?22:31
SectionOneBUGabundo: is there an md5 utility in ubuntu to use ( i have the 64bit version of 9.04 on the machine I am using now)?22:32
joshjtlthiebaude: you tried everything after 2.6.24 ?22:32
joshjtlthiebaude: so far so good with 2.6.27 for me22:32
BUGabundoSectionOne: $ md5sum ISONAME22:32
thiebaudejoshjtl: yup everything above what im using now22:32
thiebaudeeven 2.6.2922:32
joshjtlthiebaude: and 2.6.27 ? what intel version22:33
BUGabundoSectionOne: then check against the site where you download it or cdimage.ubuntu.com22:33
thiebaudei think its part of the 304871 bug22:33
joshjtlthiebaude: and you tried 2.6.27 ? a few people found this kernel to work for them22:34
showersso anyway, i downloaded dolphin and kate last night and though they work fine, the font size of the apps is so small that it is almost indecipherable. anyone have a similar problem?22:34
thiebaudeyes i tried 2.6.27 also,22:34
joshjtlhuh must be different per version of card22:34
thiebaudeafter login x freezes and gnome is not even reconizable22:34
thiebaudei've used 81815 since ubuntu 6.0622:35
SectionOneBUGabundo: the terminal said command not found22:35
showerskate is a nice editor but only if you can see it.22:36
BUGabundoyou don't have md5sum?22:36
SectionOneI typed this in the terminal window in the proper directory           $ md5sum ubuntu-9.04-beta-server-i386.iso22:36
BUGabundo*it should* work22:36
showersso close your eyes and picture this. you have just installed a new app, and instead of having the app fonts (menu fonts etc) the right size, they are the size of tiny ants22:37
SectionOneI'll check if md5sum is installed and install it if it is not..22:37
thiebaudeshowers: i've had that happen before22:38
SectionOnedoesn't exist for me.. there is a utility called jacksum that I could install I ?22:38
thiebaudei hope my problems are solved on april 2422:39
showersso go to preferences>appearance>fonts and make changes in the font size for applications. but nothing changes. (sort of like some two party governments)22:39
showersThiebaude, so what fixed it?22:39
BUGabundoSectionOne: its in coreutils package22:40
BUGabundoyou *should* have that22:40
BUGabundoSectionOne: pastebin  apt-cache policy coreutils22:40
SectionOneI opened Synaptic and put md5sum in the search window.. it was *not* listed..22:40
thiebaudeshowers: i had to go back to 8.10 then22:41
BUGabundo$ dpkg -S md5sum22:41
thiebaudefinally im enjoying 9.0422:41
bensteI installed LAMP onto a VM with 9.04, ist there a way to use FTP and HTTP from host to the VM server'?22:42
showersthiebaude: you mean you had to re-install to a different version?22:42
thiebaudeshowers: what graphics card do you have?22:42
thiebaudeshowers: yes, many times22:42
SectionOneBUGabundo.. don't laugh at me.. but I in fact did have it.. I thought the $ was part of the command.. ;-)22:42
thiebaudeshowers: but you know what, i stuck with 9.0422:43
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SectionOneI a windows guy.. so not real up on command lines but learning.. ;-)22:44
MenZaHmmm. Apparently Flash isn't installed, even though flashplugin-nonfree is installed on my system. :(22:44
thiebaudeMenZa: try the adobe web site if you want to, they have the .deb22:45
MenZaKnown issue?22:46
BUGabundoSectionOne: I know its not always easy22:46
MenZathiebaude→ shall do22:46
BUGabundofeel free to ask22:46
BUGabundothis is not DOS, though!22:46
BUGabundodon't fear the shell!!! its much more powerful than you can imagine22:47
SectionOneBUGabundo: thnx.. I have been getting the hang of it little by little.. been running Ubuntu 9.04 64bit desktop for awhile now along with Windows 722:47
BluesKajMenZa, you have to install the libflashplayer.so file in /usr/lib/xulrunner-addons/plugins in oreder for flash to run globally22:47
SectionOneThe md5's match what is on the website..22:48
BUGabundogreat SectionOne22:48
BluesKajinstall = copy to22:48
BUGabundook so image is goo22:48
BUGabundonow to check the cd22:49
BUGabundoput it in22:49
MenZaBluesKaj→ I'm fine with Firefox support22:49
BUGabundo$ cd /cdrom22:49
BUGabundo$ md5sum -c md5sum.txt22:49
joshjtlBUGabundo: what info do I need to add to my comment on the intel bug?22:50
BUGabundodon't know22:50
BUGabundoplease refresh my bad memory!22:50
joshjtlBUGabundo: oh intel bug thats causing my unrecoverable lockups22:51
BUGabundoyou just need to find the bug for your card22:51
joshjtlapparently similar to bug 30487122:51
ubottuLaunchpad bug 304871 in xserver-xorg-video-intel "[i845G] Fatal server error: Couldn't bind memory for BO front buffer (Jaunty)" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/30487122:51
BUGabundoand maybe mention your hw22:51
BUGabundono no22:51
BUGabundothat's for 845 ALONE22:51
BUGabundoI think you have another card, right?22:51
thiebaudejoshjtl: i think there are many vaiants22:51
BUGabundobryce wants to separate them22:52
joshjtlhow do i get my hw info including intel card version? do i need to install hwinfo?22:52
DanaGargh, what's with update-manager not having any changelogs?22:53
BUGabundojoshjtl: $ lshal or lspci -vv22:54
joshjtlhmm how can I find the bug report for this for my card22:54
BUGabundojoshjtl: better yet, pipe it to a text file and attach it22:54
BUGabundojoshjtl: via LP search or google?22:55
joshjtlyeah been trying unsuccessfully22:55
BUGabundothat bug above has a comment from bryce stating where all known bugs about this are22:55
joshjtlBUGabundo: to be honest I dont really know this is an intel bug... I only know what it does and what fixes it22:56
ryanakcaIs it normal that I receive messages like ``[ 2105.931183] Out of memory: kill process 10065 (zsh) score 1218884 or a child'' on the command prompt22:57
joshjtlim just going to file a new one...22:58
BUGabundojoshjtl: use apport22:58
joshjtlBUGabundo: whats that?22:58
joshjtlcan you think of where if the error is with the intel driver it would be logged?22:58
BUGabundo$ apport-cli -fp xserver-xorg22:58
BUGabundothis will attach pretty much all you need22:59
afallenhopeI get the following: v4l2: open /dev/video0: Permission denied22:59
afallenhopetrying to load my camera.. should I just sudo it??22:59
ubottuInstructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras22:59
thiebaudehi ActionParsnip23:00
ActionParsnipyo yo yo thiebaude23:00
BUGabundoafallenhope: no sudo23:01
BUGabundoyou just don't have the driver23:01
afallenhopeBUGabundo, wrong23:01
BUGabundoyou do have it?23:01
afallenhopeI sudo'd and it worked..23:01
BUGabundowhat does cheese or canomaran ?23:01
BUGabundoyou did sudo once and manage to damage it?23:01
afallenhope... no23:02
jhal2965Just installed jaunty beta and everytime i try to install synaptic or add remove it gives me an error and says use dpgk --configure any ideas?23:02
BUGabundono ideas then23:02
BUGabundofile a bug23:02
afallenhopeI just installed the ov51xx-jpeg driver.23:02
showerslet's address connecting then. Can anyone tell me; in reasonably plain English, how to get firefox connected using the (trumpets!) 'Network Manager?23:02
joshjtlBUGabundo: before using apport do i need to reboot into the kernel that allows the problem to exist?23:02
BUGabundojhal2965: some install package is incomplete23:02
BUGabundorun exactly that23:02
dtchenjhal2965: what happens when you use `sudo dpkg --configure -a' in a Terminal?23:02
BUGabundo$ sudo dpkg --configure -a23:03
jhal2965hold on let me try it23:03
BUGabundohey dtchen good evening23:03
BUGabundodo you have time for one question?23:03
afallenhopeBUGabundo, I'm guessing maybe it has to do with "video" group perhaps?23:03
BUGabundomaybe afallenhope23:03
mvo_jhal2965: did you upgrade or fresh install? if it was a upgrade, please file a bug aobut the failure23:03
jhal2965nothing happend23:03
dtchenBUGabundo: sure, but i may not answer immediately23:03
BUGabundoeheh dtchen23:03
dtchenjhal2965: now resume the dist-upgrade23:03
jhal2965It will jus install missing packages not the whole thing again right?23:04
dtchenjhal2965: correct; state is preserved23:04
jhal2965aight thanks bro23:04
BUGabundodtchen: I use gdm auto login... and that is fine. but if I end my session and try to login again, I hear this load noise until a few secs after I enter my password23:05
afallenhopeBUGabundo, how do I know if my user is apart of the "video" or "usb" groups/23:05
joshjtlBUGabundo: before using apport do i need to reboot into the kernel that allows the problem to exist?23:05
BUGabundoafallenhope: $ groups23:05
showersthe whole point, in my furry little brain, was to spend LESS time messing with the OS. To be fair i've probably wasted years on windows.23:06
BUGabundojoshjtl: it helps.... but the bug is X, so its not required23:06
afallenhopeBUGabundo, okay.. I'm not.. so how do I add myself?23:06
dtchenBUGabundo: sorry, but i have no idea of such a symptom. can you get it on video?23:06
afallenhopeusermod -g video MYUSER?23:06
joshjtlBUGabundo: but if the problem is X why does downgrading kernel fix problem?23:06
BUGabundoafallenhope: $ man groupadd ?23:06
afallenhopeBUGabundo, that's to add agroup..23:07
BUGabundodtchen: I guess I can! I'll do it some day! not a very pressing issue since I don't see ppl suffering from it, and I just use autologing23:07
MenZaadduser, people23:07
BUGabundoMenZa: humm no? that's to add a new user, right?23:08
* BUGabundo goes read MAN23:08
BUGabundono... not that23:08
BUGabundoGUI is easier! afallenhope do you have GUI ?23:09
MenZaadduser can add you to a group, BUGabundo23:09
MenZae.g. adduser <user> <group> should do it23:09
MenZathen log out and back in23:10
BUGabundo$ adduser --group video afallenhope ?23:10
BUGabundohey rww23:10
afallenhopeI did usermod -a -G video afh23:10
afallenhopedid nothing still getting: v4l: open /dev/video0: Permission denied23:10
BUGabundothat should work too23:10
BUGabundoend session and relogin23:10
BUGabundoor ssh to your own manchine23:11
jfSBx00 Azalia = no sound? :(23:12
afallenhopewoot that worked ty23:13
BUGabundoyou are welcome23:14
afallenhopemight want to add that to the bug list though23:14
BUGabundotoo much user intervention23:14
afallenhopeI did it via GUI and It was already checked..23:14
BUGabundoyou did manually instaled a driver23:14
joshjtlBUGabundo: how can I save the output of apport?23:14
BUGabundothat is certanly a bug23:14
BUGabundojoshjtl: you don't23:14
BUGabundoits does, or sends to LP23:14
afallenhopeso what I did was uncheck then recheck.. and still didn't work.23:15
DanaGugh, anyone else getting odd freezing on opening new windows of any sort, with fglrx?23:15
joshjtlBUGabundo: how can I use the info for my bug report?23:15
DanaGIt seems to be a recent thing -- last few days.23:15
afallenhopethen I tried to do it via command line and it worked.23:15
BUGabundojoshjtl: running what I told you, offers an option to send to laucnhpad23:15
BUGabundoisn't it working for you ?23:16
joshjtlBUGabundo: yeah it gives me that option, but how can I attach it to this bug so that I can get answers about it23:16
BUGabundoafallenhope: ok, bug then (althougt recently many of those groups stuff is handle in a diff way)23:16
BUGabundoI would recoment to either file 1st and then talk to pitty, or even talk to him, *before* sending23:17
dazjorzHey all23:17
BUGabundojoshjtl: currently you can't!23:17
BUGabundoopen a new and mention that on the other bug23:17
BUGabundomaybe mark on dupe of the other23:17
afallenhopeBUGabundo, do you know how I can edit the Xubuntu menu? I want to remove a few things and I can't seem to get int here23:17
BUGabundothe one that has more information23:17
dazjorzHey all23:17
BUGabundoafallenhope: I don't23:17
MenZahello, dazjorz23:17
BUGabundodazjorz: hey23:17
dazjorzI need MySQL embedded and qtscript-qt, but I can't find them in the Jaunty reps23:17
dazjorzhey MenZa and BUGabundo :)23:17
dazjorz(at least, Amarok's cmake process says they aren't installed...)23:18
eseven73BUGabundo,  ok I think I fixed my ram issue (i made the swap 5 gigs LOL) and it shows I have 1525 ram out of 2011 free but it still says I dont have enough memory to report the bug23:18
BUGabundoeseven73: yeah I got some feed back on that, but it didn't lead any further23:19
BUGabundomvo_: still around?23:19
dazjorz* s i g h * why do these packages seem to be missing :S23:22
dtchendazjorz: instead of using apt-get build-dep amarok ?23:22
dazjorzdtchen: already did that, after that it couldn't find mysqld and qtscript-qt23:23
dazjorzI'm thinking about commenting them out in the cmake file in case I have them but cmake thinks I don't23:23
mvo_BUGabundo: yes23:23
mvo_BUGabundo: but pretty tired23:23
dtchendazjorz: have you consulted debian/rules?23:23
themiddlemanI'm trying to install jaunty on ext4, I have a partition formatted with it but in the installer, in the manual partitioning there is no ext4 option23:23
dazjorzdtchen: hmm, let's see, yeah23:23
BUGabundomvo_: can you help eseven73 jump start ?23:24
BUGabundoKDesk: hey23:24
temporarytaoanybody got issues with their sound after yesterday's update?23:24
dtchentemporarytao: what sort of issues?23:24
temporarytaono sound23:24
dtchenmore specifically?23:24
mvo_BUGabundo, eseven73: if that is a apport bugreport problem, then pitti is probably the right one23:25
dazjorzdtchen: looking at the source package, debian does some weird things with amarok23:25
BUGabundomvo_: yeah! but apport won't even file it23:25
temporarytaodtchen, the system has no sound at all. used to work the day before but after the latest updates, it's gone.23:25
dtchentemporarytao: it would help if you ran http://www.alsa-project.org/alsa-info.sh23:25
dtchentemporarytao: it's a bash script, so invoke it explicitly with bash, not sh23:26
BUGabundodtchen: still no package for it?23:26
dtchenBUGabundo: i already mentioned that in my latest blog entry23:26
KDeskI have 3D performance probelms in jaunty. I think those are relatet to the intel video driver, so I was trying to downgrade intel 2.6 to intel 2.2 or 2.4 (from hardy and gutsy) But I have conflicts with xorg-xserver-core which conflicts with xserver-xorg-video-2 and -4. What are those? Who can I install and older version of the intel driver?23:26
BUGabundowget, chmod, run, copy link, file, is too many steps for noobs23:26
temporarytaohmmm....updates just finished installing and it machine needs restart.23:26
temporarytaohowever, tried the sound and its back on again!!! :D23:26
BUGabundodtchen: I have a big backlog on feeds....23:26
temporarytaothat was quick!23:26
dtchenBUGabundo: (no, it doesn't/won't ship in jaunty's alsa-driver due to lack of auditing, and i'm not going to put the current git version in alsa-driver now)23:27
crdlbKDesk: I suggest seeing if the regression is resolved before release23:27
crdlbif that doesn't happen, then you can try something drastic ...23:27
temporarytaoubuntu is awesome!!!23:27
dtchenluke and i will be rewriting it23:27
BUGabundook dtchen23:27
BUGabundonice to know23:27
KDeskcrdlb: With the intel 2.5 and 2.6 and 2.7 is this performance regresion, there are also some bugs. I read it will be fixed with GEM and maybe with intel 2.8. So, my latest working driver was the one of Hardy. Are the older drivers incopatible with the newer xserver?23:30
crdlbKDesk: without a recompile, probably23:30
crdlbactually, I guess it's possible that not even a recompile would be enough23:31
* crdlb is not sure how much they change the xserver driver apis23:32
bjsnidercrdlb, i think with all of the gem/dri2/uxa stuff, that there's really a lot more different between the old x-server and 1.6 don't you?23:32
badpenguin86If there are any devs in here.. Thanks for all your hard work! Love Jaunty23:32
KDeskcrdlb: oh, so its more complicated that what I thought... I will see If I have some luck, thanks for the help crdlb!23:33
gundam_rx78nt1upon installation of 9.04, it say I have 300 updates to do. I tried to do them and it fails on the download.23:33
gundam_rx78nt1Is there any way to get this fixed?23:33
crdlbbjsnider: well, that's generally optional (or entirely part of the intel driver)23:33
BUGabundogundam_rx78nt1: close all update apps23:33
BUGabundoand try to run from clu23:33
BUGabundoif the error popsup again, pastebin it and let us know23:34
Jordan_Ucrdlb, If you remember yesterday I asked if with UXA in jaunty you would get Redirected Direct Rendering, I tried it and you do :)23:34
crdlbJordan_U: cool23:34
BUGabundogundam_rx78nt1: $ sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade23:34
gundam_rx78nt1BUGabundo: Thanks.23:35
BUGabundogundam_rx78nt1: np23:35
KDeskJordan_U: but it is more buggy than windows...23:35
Jordan_UShould I not submit info from System > Administration > System Testing from pre-release versions of Ubuntu?23:36
gundam_rx78nt1BUGabundo: here is the error I get: http://pastebin.com/m7d86698923:38
BUGabundoyour mirror is failing23:39
BUGabundotry to change the mirror and try again23:39
gundam_rx78nt1Ok... newbie alert :)23:39
themiddlemananyone know anything about my problem?23:40
BUGabundogundam_rx78nt1: System-> Administration->software sources23:40
BUGabundothen choose another mirror, on the list below23:41
BUGabundothemiddleman: what is it?23:41
gundam_rx78nt1Ok, I am doing that right now.23:41
eseven73BUGabundo, are you good with having atop make logs? I'm trying atop -w logname -a 15:42 -e 16:0023:44
BUGabundonever tried it23:45
themiddlemanI'm trying to install jaunty on ext4, I have a partition formatted with it but in the installer, in the manual partitioning there is no ext4 option23:45
BUGabundothemiddleman: is it a recent image?23:46
BUGabundothat's strange23:47
MenZaThat's a bug if I ever saw one ;o23:48
oskar-themiddleman:  can grub already handle ext4?23:48
BUGabundoif you reboot and test again, does it happen again?23:48
BUGabundooskar-: yes23:48
BUGabundofor some time now23:48
themiddlemanno I didnt, I just am installing it with ext3 and will convert it since it seems to be a easy process23:48
BUGabundobut after install test to see if it works or fails23:49
BUGabundoif it fails, please open a bug23:49
themiddlemancould be a scratch in my cd23:49
MenZaI... doubt that23:50
themiddlemanare they still disabling ctrl-alt-backspace?23:50
MenZayup, themiddleman23:50
MenZaI fixed mine with dontzap23:50
BUGabundomine doesn't work23:50
BUGabundodon't know why23:50
joshjtlis there a kde 4 sound recorder?23:50
BUGabundoI did run $dontzap -d23:50
themiddlemanI will do the same, but I disagree with the decision23:51
Ienorandthemiddleman: Replaced it with ALT+PrntScrn+K, a much better compination in my opinion, provided it works just as consistently... (Not to confuse with SysRq combinations)23:52
themiddlemano, they did?!23:52
IenorandI think that is the plan.23:52
themiddlemanthat was my thought - that is change it to a less obvious key combo23:53
IenorandMore importantly, less natural combination.23:53
BUGabundoIenorand: doesn't work on my laptop23:54
lilacif anyone is keeping score, X seems reliable on 2.6.27 with a radeon mobility X1400 (as long as you keep DRI and Xinerama disabled)23:54
lilacenable DRI or xinerama and it segfaults on startup23:54
Ienorand..although alt+PrntScrn is used for screenshots of separate windows...23:55
MenZaWell, yes23:55
MenZaBut I doubt a lot of people press 'k' accidentally23:55
IenorandBUGabundo: And CAB does?23:55
themiddlemansadly on my laptop I would have to hold down fn also, so I will have to use my nose for k23:56
BUGabundoIenorand: doesn't either23:56
afallenhopeis there a reason as to why when I hit a certain key it repeats itself a thousand times?23:56
BUGabundothemiddleman: eheheheh me too23:56
themiddlemanthough (it's done installing) the combo isn't working for me23:57
themiddlemanI took a lot of screenshots though, and screenshots of the screenshot window23:59
Ienorandthemiddleman: My guess is that A+P+K should work whenever CAB would've worked, but that's just my experience...23:59

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