
=== jbarnes_ is now known as jbarnes
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philsfI see some call for tests in the -devel list. Is there a centralized page (wiki?) that people can look to see what to look for? maybe some tag in LP?03:34
philsfsorry, I forgot the background - I meant for people downloading the jaunty beta03:35
dtchenmaybe release notes page on the wiki03:36
dawnHello! I am a new user to Ubuntu. :) I just tried to update my system (to 7.10) using the Update Manager, and it told me to report a bug. I'm not sure how to navigate the online forums for Ubuntu bugs, so I thought I would bring the report here and see if anyone could help me.04:58
nelhageWhere should I report a bug on the Intrepid->Jaunty upgrade?06:27
sbeattienelhage: launchpad, same as for any other bug in ubuntu.06:31
nelhageSorry; I meant is there a specific place for upgrade bugs, or does it go against the relevant package?06:31
sbeattienelhage: the relevant package is a good place to start; update-manager may be appropriate as well if it's a dependency ordering issue.06:33
nelhageAh, after some digging it looks like my bug is #354228. Great timing!06:34
nelhage(I suspect that was caused by the fix to #353251, which went in literally hours ago)06:35
anderskCan someone on bugcontrol please mark bug 354228 as importance Critical?  It completely breaks Jaunty installs and upgrades.06:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 354228 in python2.6 "package python2.6-minimal 2.6.1-1ubuntu8 failed to install/upgrade: " [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35422806:43
dholbachgood morning06:46
YoBoYgood morning :)06:48
drcookiehello, anyone that is awake07:11
drcookieI'm interesting in learning how to triage bugs, and wondered if anyone could possibly walk me through the process?07:13
YoBoYdrcookie: hi, have you read the documentation on the wiki?07:19
YoBoYdrcookie: if you can participate on a bug jam also, it's a good way to begin07:29
drcookieYoBoY: I have read the documentation07:46
drcookieit just seems a little daunting at first07:46
YoBoYyes it is :)07:47
drcookieI've kind of cherry picked a little, and done 2 bugs07:47
YoBoYyou can always ask here for advice on a bug, simply put bug NUMBER and your question and someone will help you (perhap's :p)07:48
drcookiewell, I'm off to bed for now07:50
drcookienight, and thanks07:50
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TENThe startup order is wrong between LIRC, lcdproc and VDR - a manual fix is easy once known, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/vdr-plugin-lcdproc/+bug/250107 but next to impossible for new users to figure out. IMU the order should be handled automagically by init dependencies anyway, but I couldn't find a way to fix/implement these.09:35
ubottuLaunchpad bug 250107 in vdr-plugin-lcdproc "vdr should start after lcd" [Undecided,New]09:35
mvobdmurray: woah, congracts for becoming a motu - thats excellent news \o/ (I'm a bit late, but its never too late to cheer :)10:19
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Hobbseemmm, tasty pidgin and new notification bug12:15
Hobbseeso, now that it's got the envelope thing that works for pidgin and evolution and whatnot, i told it to hide the icon at all times12:17
Hobbseeso thus, it doesn't appear in the notification area directly12:17
Hobbseeand when you hit x, it quits the program.12:17
savvasFYI: I've marked several bugs in python2.6 and pytho3.0 as duplicates of bug #354228 (sorry if I made a mistake)12:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 354228 in python-central "package python2.6-minimal 2.6.1-1ubuntu8 failed to install/upgrade: " [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35422812:50
XiXaQI need some help with a bug. Gnome or X.org crashes when I run a certain application. It always happen, but I don't know how to find out why. I'm also not close to my computer. But if someone could install "alarm clock" for gnome, and run it to find out why it crashes, I think it could be useful.12:52
XiXaQI'm running ubuntu jaunty with all updates installed, btw.12:52
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savvasXiXaQ: package name?12:56
savvasah, alarm-clock :)12:57
savvasouch.. that's a bad bug :P13:01
savvasXiXaQ: please file a bug for it, or see if you can find a bug report about it: http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+filebug13:02
savvasXiXaQ: did you find one?13:18
fader_Can anybody tell me the proper package to report sound bugs against?  (Specifically things like recording/microphone issues)13:29
savvasXiXaQ: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/alarm-clock/+bug/32117613:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 321176 in alarm-clock "[Jaunty] alarm-clock causes screen to freeze" [Undecided,Confirmed]13:31
XiXaQsavvas: thanks! Do you have a logfile to attach? I'm not at home, so I can't get mine, but there was an error in /var/log/Xorg that said something about it.14:09
savvasXiXaQ: only an strace14:13
savvasstrace -o test.txt alarm-clock14:13
savvasXiXaQ: it needs to be killed from ctrl+alt+f2 though :\14:15
savvasI can't see anynothing in /var/log/Xorg.0.log14:16
XiXaQsavvas: as I said, I don't have access to it from here, but there was a line saying something like the screen area doesn't exist, or something like that.14:16
savvashere's the Xorg.0.log: http://paste.ubuntu.com/143474/14:19
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ubottuLaunchpad bug 352959 in paman "paman crashed with SIGFPE in pa_cvolume_avg()" [Undecided,New]15:00
yann__I think I found the culprit line15:00
yann__(see last comment in bug)15:00
yann__but I have no idea how to fix it...15:01
yann__some clues?15:01
bdmurraymvo: thanks!16:14
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ubottuLaunchpad bug 352959 in paman "paman crashed with SIGFPE in pa_cvolume_avg()" [Undecided,New]17:23
yann__I found the bug and add a patch17:24
lunartearlogcheck is reporting the same system and security events every hour which are from older dates such as Mar 22. I noticed a bug similar to this on debian's bug tracker http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=296096  is there something i can do to fix this?17:28
ubottuDebian bug 296096 in logcheck "logcheck shows the same month old logs again and again" [Normal,Closed]17:29
lunartearim using logcheck 1.2.4117:29
lunartearaffected version on the bug report is 1.2.34 and fixed version was 1.2.3617:30
hggdhlunartear, then it sounds like a regression17:34
hggdhlunartear, what Ubuntu version are you running?17:34
lunartearhggdh: 6.0.6 TLS if im not mistaken17:35
lunartear6.06.1 LTS Dapper17:36
BUGabundohggdh: lol there was no 6.0417:38
hggdhBUGabundo, before my time ;-)17:38
hggdhlunartear, http://packages.ubuntu.com states Dapper logcheck is 1.2.42ubuntu117:38
BUGabundoI thought you were and old dog too17:40
hggdhreally... if I remember correctly. Since I am an old dog, my memory has been failing ;-)17:40
hggdhI think I started on Ubuntu end of 2006/beginning of 2007. Before that it was SUSE for a few years17:41
BUGabundoI started with 5.04 brefelly17:41
BUGabundoand with 6.06 full time17:42
hggdhI went straight to the "E"...17:42
hggdhneeded it because of my sound card and wireless17:43
lunartearhggdh i did a --reinstall of logcheck. 1.2.42ubuntu1  guess i'll be back in an hour if it continues17:46
hggdhlunartear, thank you17:46
lunartearhggdh i just recieved another18:04
lunartearperhaps its another package that needs updating such as syslog or rotate?18:05
hggdhlunartear, it might... meanwhile, it would be good if you could open a bug on that18:07
hggdhlunartear, actually, can you try and see if there are updates to syslog, or rotate (since you use them)?18:07
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mdzogasawara: you set 348275 to triaged but forgot to set importance19:08
ogasawaramdz: oops, thanks.  I'll fix it up.19:09
mregisterok sorry to seem dumb but i just joined the bugSquad five a day program. so now what do i do?20:15
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maxriskfactormregister, have you installed 5-a-day application?20:24
mregisterno i have not. i just joined the group on launch pad and that's it.20:25
lacquianyone here know why no bug announcements are on #ubuntu-bugs-announce?20:26
maxriskfactormregister, this can help you a lot: http://people.ubuntu.com/~dholbach/patch20:26
maxriskfactormregister, this has everything you ever need for 5-a-day programme20:26
hggdhlacqui, I will have a look at it20:26
maxriskfactormregister, by the way your questions wasnt dumb :)20:26
hggdhlacqui, it seems there simply was no new bugs (or they were not announced by the LP link) in this interval. But I went ahead, corrected a smal logging issue, and restarted eeebotu20:30
mregistermaxriskfactory, that page was jsut some code on a white background20:30
lacquithe reason i was asking was because launchpad was showing bugs on the web page20:31
maxriskfactormregister, code in white background?20:31
maxriskfactormregister, that's the 5-a-day wiki page20:31
maxriskfactormregister, try again -- https://wiki.ubuntu.com/5-A-Day/20:31
maxriskfactormregister, its https not http :)20:32
hggdhlacqui, there is a delay between direct access to LP and eeebotu. It does not make sense to continuously probe LP20:33
hggdhusually ~5 minutes, or less20:34
mregistera much better maxriskfactor. thanks!20:34
maxriskfactormregister, opened? got it?20:34
lacquilol ok, i was idling for a bit, the bugs (which seem to be all related) were all reported in a block20:34
* lacqui is obviously too impatient20:35
hggdhno probs20:35
mregisteryes, maxriskfactor i got it. so i need to learn the process for bug reporting and go from there it seems.20:39
maxriskfactormregister, yes.. you better learn how to file bugs properly20:40
maxriskfactorso that you know what is required for troubleshooting a bug20:41
maxriskfactorso that you can ask people what is required20:41
maxriskfactoryou can troubleshoot a bug only if you know what all info is required for a dev to fix it.20:41
maxriskfactorgo and see the TraigingBugs and Bug BackTrace  wiki pages20:42
mregisteryes i am doing that now.20:43
mregisterso the long term goal for me is to develope for Ubuntu. this seems like a good place to start cosidering i am just starting out in CS and really learning to program20:43
maxriskfactormregister, for contributing you dont need programming20:47
maxriskfactoryou can be a bridge between users and developers20:47
maxriskfactormregister, though knowledge of programming surely helps and gives you an edge20:48
mregisterright but as i udnerstand the contributing is the first step, and while i work on that my skills will increase20:49
maxriskfactormregister, correct. nor am I a big contributer, nor do I file much bugs20:50
maxriskfactordo one thing, install apport if not installed20:50
mregisterwhat is apport?20:52
maxriskfactorits the crash handler20:52
maxriskfactorif am correct :)20:53
maxriskfactoronce enabled, it would run in background20:53
maxriskfactorwhen your application crashes, it would show up in the top right corner20:53
maxriskfactorwhen you click on it, it creates an exhaustive report of the crash, everything it can...20:54
maxriskfactorif you allow it to be submitted20:54
maxriskfactorthen it uploads itself to launchpad and you are greeted on the screen on launchpad to file the bug20:54
BUGabundomaxriskfactor: you can also call it from CLI or the Help menu in gtk20:54
maxriskfactoryou can add comments on the bug you submitted. This is actually the correct way to file bugs20:54
maxriskfactorBUGabundo, ubuntu-bugs ?20:55
BUGabundothat too20:55
BUGabundonot the "correct" way , but the "recommend" way20:55
maxriskfactorBUGabundo, :)20:56
maxriskfactormregister, read this: http://mdzlog.wordpress.com/2009/03/31/please-dont-report-ubuntu-bugs-directly-to-launchpad/20:56
maxriskfactormregister, and this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs20:56
BUGabundodidn't read his blog!20:56
BUGabundojust the email to devel ML20:56
maxriskfactorBUGabundo, this post even showns on ubuntuforums.org20:56
maxriskfactorBUGabundo, why didnt read this blog?20:57
mregisterok collecting a nice reading list.20:59
BUGabundotoo many already maxriskfactor20:59
maxriskfactormregister, reading never harms :)20:59
BUGabundo300 feeds is too much to read20:59
maxriskfactorBUGabundo, 1000+ for me21:00
BUGabundobut feel free to follow my shared one21:00
BUGabundomaxriskfactor: not 1000+ unread... 300+ different sites/sources!21:00
maxriskfactorBUGabundo, its really like "WTF"21:00
BUGabundomaxriskfactor: pvt please21:00
maxriskfactorBUGabundo, I cant cope up with so much traffic21:00
maxriskfactorBUGabundo, you use Google Reader?21:01
maxriskfactorBUGabundo, how do I get your shared items?21:01
BUGabundomaxriskfactor: this is off topic for this #21:01
BUGabundocome to pvt please21:01
mregisterno reading is great. what i do more than anything21:04
maxriskfactormregister, keep going.. and try it out side by side :021:05
BUGabundois this normal21:50
BUGabundoapport crashing out of memory?21:50
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hggdhnot, it oes not seem good21:59
hggdhI wonder if Nautilus got all memory...21:59
BUGabundoI found it strange too hggdh22:00
BUGabundowhere would I ask for help to start my 1st patch? need to branch a code in LP!22:00
dtchenhggdh: your debdiff for 352959 is odd. what is the base against which you diffed?22:03
dtchenhggdh: i'll redo it for jaunty22:03
bdmurraydtchen: you confirmed bug 210394 do you have a test case for it?22:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 210394 in snownews "opml2snow not working because the package is missing the dependencie libxml-simple-perl" [Low,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/21039422:04
dtchenbdmurray: not at the moment; it was reproducible when i marked it22:06
dtcheni'm triaging audio stuff atm, will look in a bit22:06
BUGabundohggdh: is this any good https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~bugabundo/network-manager/bug353957/+merge/5210 ?22:30
BUGabundome 1st patch! yay22:31
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hggdhdtchen, it was diffed against Jaunty paman23:07
dtchenhggdh: err, no?23:07
hggdhdtchen, or, at least, what apt-get source gave me as such. I wondered about the changelog23:08
hggdh(was marked as Intrepid...)23:08
dtchenthe patch is wrong23:08
dtcheni have consulted with upstream and will attach a new debdiff23:08
hggdhthank you, I could not find anything as an active upstream23:09
dtchenbuilds and operates fine locally23:09
dtchenpaman uses the same trac as pulseaudio23:09
hggdhperhaps we should, then, update the ./debian/watch (or this was the bloody old entry for the paman I sourced off)23:10
dtchenhggdh: there has been no new upstream release23:11
dtchen0.9.4 is the current upstream release23:11
hggdhdtchen, then I am really confused... the diff was against 0.9.423:11
hggdhdtchen, I have to go out for 40 min23:12
dtchenhggdh: it's no big deal23:12
nhandlerhggdh: apt-get source doesn't get the latest ubuntu version. It uses the deb-src entries in /etc/apt/sources.list. I would advise you use pull-lp-source from ubuntu-dev-tools instead23:14
dtchennhandler: do you mind uploading http://launchpadlibrarian.net/24772522/paman_0.9.4-1ubuntu2.debdiff, please?23:15
nhandlerdtchen: Do you have a bug to go with that?23:16
dtchenbug 35295923:16
ubottuLaunchpad bug 352959 in paman "paman crashed with SIGFPE in pa_cvolume_avg()" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35295923:16
dtchen(the bug is listed in the debdiff)23:16
* nhandler saw that after he made the comment23:17
joshjtlhi folks, trying to report a bug, i don't know what information to attach to it23:20
dtchenuse ubuntu-bug23:20
BUGabundojoshjtl: you are spamming every channel23:21
dtchene.g., ubuntu-bug quassel23:21
dtchenwill report a bug about quassel23:21
BUGabundodtchen: I already told him that on +123:21
joshjtlyou told me to ask in here23:21
BUGabundothat on on "lp23:21
joshjtli'm confused23:21
BUGabundoI told you on +1 how to use apport to file bugs23:21
joshjtlBUGabundo: but i'm trying to find out what to attach to my bug report23:22
BUGabundodo that on LP23:22
BUGabundo*after* apport file it23:22
joshjtlright i'm reporting a bug on launchpad.net ... but how do I know what info to attach to the bug there?23:23
BUGabundowell apport collects pretty much all you need23:23
BUGabundoif something is missing triager or devs will ask for it23:23
BUGabundowhat is the bug id'23:23
joshjtli see it opens a page in launchpad after I run and send apport23:24
joshjtlthats what i wasnt understanding23:24
joshjtli thought it just sent it and... that was it23:24
BUGabundook glad to see it clear now23:25
BUGabundoI just needed to ask the proper question!23:26
joshjtlBUGabundo: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/35482223:26
ubottuLaunchpad bug 354822 in ubuntu "[Jaunty] Unrecoverable Lockups Dell 1525 Intel GM965" [Undecided,New]23:26
joshjtlhow does that look23:26
nhandlerdtchen: Uploaded23:27
joshjtlBUGabundo:  hmm i wonder if i should have run apport while logged into 2.6.29 since the problem is solved by booting into 2.6.2723:27
BUGabundoplease mention that on the bug23:27
joshjtlBUGabundo:  I did... could you have a look at it and tell me if it looks ok?23:27
dtchennhandler: thanks!23:28
* BUGabundo looks23:28
nhandlerdtchen: You're welcome. Thanks for the patch23:28
BUGabundojoshjtl: that doesn't have a package!23:28
BUGabundoshouldn't it be xserver-xorg?23:29
dtchennhandler: heh, i used to sponsor these patches ;-)23:29
joshjtlBUGabundo: It wanted to add a package, yes xserver-xorg, but i didnt know if that was what was causing the error23:29
joshjtlBUGabundo: do you think i should add it?23:29
BUGabundook I did it now23:29
joshjtlBUGabundo: you added it?23:30
joshjtloh thanks23:30
joshjtli'm an old linux user, but new to bug reporting23:30
nhandlerdtchen: Why don't you re-apply to the teams?23:31
BUGabundohey joshjtl we all learn!23:31
dtchennhandler: i will if i find that fixes are being dropped on the floor23:32
dtchenbesides, everyone needs experience sponsoring patches23:33
dtchenit's like drinking sewage - you learn to weed out crackful bits23:33

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