
DasEiso first of april is gone, what are we gonna do today ?01:08
HardikAnybody has recorded yesterday's dholbach session on "Packaging Training: Fixing an Ubuntu bug"?02:29
HardikHobbsee: Thanks :)02:31
=== __Purple__ is now known as _Purple_
=== noodles775 is now known as noodles775-afk
peedyjoin #suse07:38
=== noodles775-afk is now known as noodles775
thisfredhi embrik09:04
=== croppa_ is now known as croppa
=== bac` is now known as bac
Mamarokembrik: there are no classes today, check the topic13:38
embrikI would really like to use ubuntu on my workstations - but I can't figure out how to setup server with "roamin profile" - oops ok13:38
embrikbut - even if there aren't any classes - does anybody know a solution to my question? I've got 150 workstations I'd like to install ubuntu on, instead of skolelinux (debian-edu)13:40
BUGabundotrying to make my 1st patch22:15
BUGabundoneed help branching in LP https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~network-manager/mobile-broadband-provider-info/mobile-broadband-provider-info.ubuntu22:16
BUGabundowhat do I need to do?22:16
nhandlerBUGabundo: 'bzr branch lp:~network-manager/mobile-broadband-provider-info/mobile-broadband-provider-info.ubuntu' but this is also the wrong channel to ask in22:18
BUGabundonhandler: sure that does it for offline! how can I do it on LP?22:19
* BUGabundo launchpad22:19
nhandlerBUGabundo: Your branch will show up on Launchpad if you do a 'bzr push' to a different location.22:20
BUGabundothanks nhandler22:21
BUGabundotaking it to #lp22:21

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