
cjwatsonI don't mind, I can easily munge it to fix that. More interested in the question about the other shadow tools00:00
NCommanderLooking at them now00:00
NCommanderDon't see anything that jumps out at me, I just need to skim usermod before I say yes00:00
cjwatsonwell, put it this way, I know that some of them will suffer from the same kind of bug, but want to know whether we care :)00:01
NCommandercjwatson, usermod doesn't, userdel doesn't care00:01
NCommanderpasswd is the only other one00:02
NCommanderIt probably has the same issue00:02
cjwatsonwe use that in the installer00:02
NCommanderno, just regular password00:02
NCommanderILet me check both00:02
cjwatson./src/chpasswd.c:324:   long now = time ((long *) 0) / (24L * 3600L);00:02
NCommanderAnything that will update the password field might be affected00:02
cjwatsonand later on:00:02
cjwatson                        newsp.sp_lstchg = now;00:02
NCommanderYeah, that would do it00:03
NCommanderSame with passwd.c00:03
NCommanderSorry, I had a brainfart and forgot to check the rest :-/00:03
cjwatsonlibmisc/pwd2spwd.c, src/newusers.c, and src/pwconv.c too00:03
cjwatsonthough I doubt that those would actually be used in practice00:04
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cjwatson(in this kind of context)00:04
NCommanderDoes GDM gracefully handle password changes?00:04
cjwatsonwell, not used in the installer, but of course somebody could call them by hand00:04
cjwatsonno idea but it uses PAM00:04
NCommanderif you change your passwd on 01-01-1970, it could be a problem00:04
NCommanderBecause it could get stuck always prompting you to change the password until the clock is changed00:05
* NCommander would run into that problem on a Babbage board with a broken RTC00:05
NCommanderLet me respin the patch00:05
NCommanderThis probably should go upstream00:06
cjwatsonchange your password> well, right, hence why passwd needs to be fixed00:06
cjwatsongo upstream> yes, please do send it00:06
NCommandercjwatson, I've got passwd, and chpasswd fixed00:16
slangasekdendrobates: who's responsible for bug #347622?  marked critical, no assignee?00:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 347622 in eucalyptus "in SYSTEM mode, VM ips are not automatically discovered by CC or NC on switched networks" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34762200:31
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NCommandercjwatson, here's my current debdiff http://paste.ubuntu.com/143165/00:34
* NCommander is not sure how that bug meets the definition of an Ubuntu critical bug ...00:35
cjwatsonNCommander: still has the tab damage00:39
cjwatsonNCommander: and the duplicate patch file00:40
slangasekpitti: would it be reasonable/appropriate to work around bug #336055 by forcing an iwlist wlan0 in pm-utils resume.d?  (I've considered doing this locally, since it's what I end up typing at the commandline after each resume anyway :P)00:40
ubottuLaunchpad bug 336055 in linux "Wifi driver fixes for age scan" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33605500:40
NCommandercjwatson, WTF? ...00:41
NCommandercjwatson, are we looking at the same patch?00:42
NCommanderoh wait00:42
NCommanderI'm a freaking idiot00:42
NCommandercjwatson, http://paste.ubuntu.com/143171/ - I apologize, I'm freaking fried. Tab damage properly fixed, testing now00:47
cjwatsonNCommander: couple more bits of tab damage in passwd.c and newusers.c, but I can fix those - just in case you're sending upstream00:51
NCommandercjwatson, I'll get it. I thought I nailed all the tab damage. What are you using to see it? (I turned on the vi tab ... thingy which highlights the difference)00:52
cjwatsonNCommander: rest looks fine00:52
cjwatsonNCommander: I'm just looking at the URL you posted, you can see it by the alignment00:53
NCommanderIts been too many hours in the day :-/00:53
cjwatsonno worries00:54
cjwatsonlike I say, can fix it up at my end if your tests pass00:54
NCommanderas a general rule of thumb, I perfer to fix it on my end.00:54
* NCommander hates pushing work onto other's people plates00:55
cjwatsonsure, I don't like making people respin for trivial whitespace changes either though :)00:55
NCommandercjwatson, where is upstream for shadow anyway?00:55
cjwatsonNCommander: a list on alioth.d.o apparently; README has details00:56
cjwatsoncalc: can you explain to me the difference between myspell-en-us and hunspell-en-us?00:56
* NCommander orders dinner while this builds00:57
cjwatsoncalc: bug 327821 appears to be because (a) myspell-en-us is installed as part of desktop, presumably due to a dependency from (lots of stuff) -> hunspell -> myspell-en-us | myspell-dictionary | hunspell-dictionary; (b) language-support-writing-en Depends: hunspell-en-us which Replaces: and Conflicts: myspell-en-us00:58
ubottuLaunchpad bug 327821 in livecd-rootfs "residual config in myspell-en-us after fresh install" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32782100:58
cjwatsoncalc: the Replaces and Conflicts seems to suggest that hunspell-en-us is considered better in some way, but in that case I'm curious why it isn't hunspell's preferred alternative00:59
NCommanderI'm really fried, I just put my name where the credit card number supposed to go ...00:59
* NCommander found a bug ...01:02
reduzdudes! dudes! I've been trying out the latest version of ubuntu 9.04 beta, which i upgraded to some days ago.. and out of nowhere the mouse went crazy and started to move around all by itself clicking everywhere! it even copypasted text all around between windows!!01:04
directhexreduz, physical mouse, or laptop touchpad?01:05
reduzphysical regular everyday mouse01:05
reduzthe pointer, of course, i'm not drunk :)01:05
reduzkilled X (exited session) and started again and now it's fine01:05
NCommanderreduz, I think he meant was it a normal mouse or trackpad; I've had that issue with trackpads, but I haven't seen it with a normal mouse01:05
cjwatsonI find that once in a blue moon a mouse button gets stuck, and I need to whack random buttons a few times to unstick it01:06
reduzah yeah it's a regular standard $10 optical mouse01:06
* NCommander does a rmmod psmouse && modprobe psmouse to get his laptop's trackpad going again01:06
* TheMuso has had control/shift/alt buttons sticking, not physically, but in the computer's memory a fair bit, but thats often been a11y related./01:06
reduzbut here it's like, the mouse cursor starts moving by itself pushing all buttons01:06
reduzonly restarting X fixed it01:06
NCommanderTheMuso, can't be as bad my old laptop01:06
NCommanderTheMuso, having -8 memory errors is a bad thing :-)01:06
TheMusoNCommander: SOunds like it.01:07
reduzif it happens again, any idea what kind of info i can collect to pinpoint the problem?01:07
NCommandercjwatson, chpasswd works, but it spits out a warning each time it updates a user so I need to move the warning code; same with pwconv. Will ubiquity freak out if there is any strerr output?01:08
cjwatsonNCommander: if ubiquity cares about the presence of stderr output in any way, it's a bug and I'll fix it01:08
cjwatsonit shouldn't01:08
NCommandercjwatson, also, recommendations on how to better phrase the warning?01:08
NCommander(or print it?)01:08
cjwatsonit seemed OK to me01:08
NCommanderIt comes out like:01:08
NCommanderystem clock set to Januar01:08
NCommanderield will be omitted from01:08
NCommanderl be disabled on this acc01:08
NCommandercopy and paste failure01:09
nohupHey, is this the right channel to ask about packaging a certain open source program?01:34
ScottKnohup: #ubuntu-motu is better.01:36
nohupScottK, what does motu mean?01:40
ScottK-desktopIt means that's a better channel to ask about packaging a certain open source program.01:41
Snovanohup: Masters Of The Universe. :) Packagers, though I'm not certain exactly what they do.01:42
nohuphaha, thanks Snova.01:43
akgranernohup: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU01:45
nohupthanks akgraner01:47
akgranernohup: your welcome..01:48
* TheMuso likes Xubuntu's login artwork/layout change.01:50
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NCommanderTheMuso, your running Xubuntu?02:40
NCommandercjwatson, if your still awake, I posted a revised debdiff, tested to make sure it works as expected, and testbuilt in pbuilder. I also made sure the warning one printed once :-)02:41
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TheMusoNCommander: just looking at a few things a11y wise.02:48
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calccjwatson: looking04:22
calccjwatson: the only difference appears to be that myspell-en-us has iceape/icedove/iceweasel in the dictionary04:26
calccjwatson: looks like we could drop hunspell-en-us afaict04:27
calcwell there is also a file naming difference in /usr/share/myspell/infos/ooo/(blah)-en-us04:27
calccjwatson:  4 files changed, 7 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)04:29
calccjwatson: that was after deleting the doc dir which had the debian changelog, etc04:29
calccjwatson: i messaged rene to see if he knows why it still exists as a package, doesn't seem to have any real use04:30
calcone of the two probably should cease to exist, but i am not sure which one he would choose, heh04:30
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pittiGood morning06:13
keespitti: any thoughts on 346846 ?  hal shows my esata luks partition, but I don't get prompted for it.  *scratch head*06:13
pittikirkland: I'll get to it today06:13
keespitti: oh!  I wasn't expecting you to be up yet!  :)06:14
keesgood morning.  :)06:14
pittislangasek: ah, I'm bitten by this as well; an iwlist is fairly harmless (as opposed to some ifdown/ifup hacks we did in the past), so I'm all for it06:15
pittikees: good morning! early bird catches the worm :)06:15
keespitti: indeed!  :)06:15
pittiand I still have a ton of stuff to do before I leave for the LF summit06:15
pittikees: ah, you can reproduce it?06:17
pittikees: is that only for esata, or also for USB disks?06:17
keespitti: yes.  if I plug in this drive via USB, I am prompted.  via esata, I'm not.06:17
pittikees: od you get an icon on the desktop/computer place?06:17
pittikees: my gut feeling is that it is detected as an internal, non-removable disk06:18
pittikees: look at the lshal stanza, .hotpluggable/.removable06:18
keespitti: I don't get any icon for esata.  (lshal shows the raw luks partition, though)06:18
ka6sox-workkees, do you work on update-manager?06:18
keeska6sox-work: nope, sorry.06:19
keespitti: I don't see those two items.06:19
bluefoxicyso guys06:19
bluefoxicyI put elevator=as on my kernel command line in Jaunty06:20
keespitti: I can't say if it worked in earlier alphas (as the original reporter says)06:20
bluefoxicyJaunty now has ceased to behave like Windows Vista on a 486 with 32 megs of RAM06:20
pittikees: these are on the device (sda), not on the partition (sda1)06:20
bluefoxicyi.e. it's actually usable and not lagging like hell06:20
keespitti: if I try "gnome-mount" from the command line, it always fails.06:20
pittikees: storage.hotpluggable and storage.removable06:20
keespitti: ah! one sec06:20
bluefoxicyapparently CFQ is now total garbage.  Should I file this as a bug?06:20
keespitti: har har:    storage.hotpluggable = false  (bool)06:21
kees  storage.removable = false  (bool)06:21
kees  storage.removable.media_available = true  (bool)06:21
pittikees: that's it then06:21
pittikees: can you please paste this to the bug?06:21
keespitti: the sde stanza?06:22
pwnguinbluefoxicy: you'd proably get more traction on kernel performance in #ubuntu-kernel, during whatever counts as business hours06:23
pittikees: does gnome-mount -vbd /dev/sde1 work?06:23
bluefoxicypwnguin: possibly06:23
pittikees: (please paste the output to the bug, too)06:23
keesrg.freedesktop.Hal.Device.PermissionDeniedByPolicy : org.freedesktop.hal.storage.crypto-setup-fixed auth_admin_keep_always <-- (action, result)06:24
keespitti: oh, dur.  "sudo gnome-mount ..." worked06:28
sbeattiekees: are you watching bug 352779? Mind if I assign it to you for now?06:30
ubottuLaunchpad bug 352779 in dhcp3 "Bad MTU for eth0 in 9.04 amd64" [High,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35277906:30
pittikees: argh, DSL reconnect; did you say something after my "please attach hal debug output"?06:31
keessbeattie: sure, no problem.06:32
keespitti: yeah, I realized I needed to do "sudo gnome-mount ..." after seeing:  org.freedesktop.Hal.Device.PermissionDeniedByPolicy : org.freedesktop.hal.storage.crypto-setup-fixed auth_admin_keep_always <-- (action, result)06:32
pittikees: you shouldn't really06:35
pittikees: it should ask you for admin password through policykit06:35
keespitti: it doesn't seem to do that -- it just wanted the luks password06:36
pittikees: it works with sudo?06:38
keespitti: yup06:38
pittikees: I'm interested in the hal output for both cases (sudo and user)06:38
keespitti: hal output from what?06:39
pittikees: the hal debugging output06:39
pittididn't that come through any more?06:39
keesyou mean the gnome-mount output?06:39
pitti<pitti> kees: can you please do this again with a hal debu06:39
pittigging output (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHal#How%20to%20file) and attach i06:39
keesoh! I never saw that.06:39
pittikees: tomorrow I have to get up at 4:30 am, good time to reset my dsl router to have the reconnect in the middle of the night henceforth :)06:40
pittikees: I just tried mounting an unencrypted internal partition as user, and it worked (through PK), so it seems the issue is only with luks encrypted ones06:41
pittithat sounds tractable to fix06:41
pittikees: so, please submit the hal debugging output, for both non-sudo and sudo gnome-mount06:41
pittikees: and also supply the output of "gnome-mount -vbud /dev/sde1" (-u -> unmount), which should work as normal user; if not, try again with root06:42
keesokay -- is it sane to restart hal several times while I have Xorg running?06:42
pittikees: yes, you can restart hal without problems06:42
pittikees: but once in debugging mode you can just leave it running06:42
pittino need to restart between above attempts06:42
pittikees: just don't touch dbus06:42
keesokay, let me collect that stuff.06:42
showersEven as we speak, ubuntu is downloading (utorrent, pretty good speed) and I may need just a little assistance06:46
dholbachgood morning06:46
showersTo set up the dual boot06:46
showersBasically, there are two hard drives - one win xp and the other empty except for my data backup files06:47
showersi partitioned the almost empty drive into the data backup (5 gigs) and the unused space06:48
showersit would be nice if ubuntu would install into the unused part of the backup disk06:48
showerswill there be any problems?06:48
showersBecause it is going into only part of a drive it will probably be a 'manual install.'06:49
showersfrom my previous experience with linux it needs three partitions. Still True?06:50
dholbachshowers: did you try asking in #ubuntu?06:50
showerswill have to do the iso burn thing first, and all that. The only thing which gave me trouble ... eh? asking in ubuntu, you say? Well, to be sure.06:51
showersjoin #ubuntu06:52
dholbach /join #ubuntu06:53
showersof course. thanks06:53
keespitti: okay, everything attached.06:54
dholbachbryce, tjaalton: will you guys take care of 352335 and bug 326050?06:57
ubottuLaunchpad bug 326050 in xserver-xorg-input-vmmouse "vmmouse is out of date" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32605006:57
dholbachbug 35233506:57
ubottuLaunchpad bug 352335 in xserver-xorg-input-acecad "FTBFS due to xserver-1.6" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35233506:57
brycedholbach: timo has been afk due to ill children07:01
tjaaltondholbach: sure07:01
tjaaltonback :)07:01
brycewb :-)07:01
Amaranthill children will almost certainly end up with an ill timo07:01
* dholbach hugs the dynamic duo :)07:02
tjaaltonAmaranth: maybe after the incubation time is over ;)07:02
dholbachbryce, tjaalton: and bug 317127 too :)07:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 317127 in xf86-input-evtouch "evtouch calibrate tool does not detect mouse position" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/31712707:09
dholbachivoks: do you know who usually takes care of ebox stuff?07:10
dholbachivoks: it seems the upstream maintainer is looking for a sponsor: bug 345150 and bug 35045207:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 345150 in network-manager-openvpn "network-manager-openvpn fails if "System setting" checked in Intrepid" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34515007:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 350452 in ebox-usersandgroups "custom LDAP ACLs are not set properly" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35045207:10
dholbachivoks: he seems to be a good guy, knowing his way around07:10
brycedholbach: why these bugs in particular?07:11
dholbachbryce: they're all on the sponsors list07:11
tjaaltonbryce: I guess because they have patches07:12
ivoksdholbach: hm...07:12
tjaaltonthe FTBFS' should be synced, although they need a FFe07:12
dholbachivoks: sorry, the first one should have been bug 35415007:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 354150 in ebox-samba "samba tries to start TLS on unix socket" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35415007:12
brycehum, weird, I *just* went through harvest yesterday top to bottom sponsoring patches, odd I didn't run across those07:12
dholbachhiya ttx07:12
ttxhey dholbach !07:13
dholbachttx: do you know anything about bug 345562 and the progress there?07:13
ubottuLaunchpad bug 345562 in netbeans "Add important patches for NetBeans 6.5 in Jaunty" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34556207:13
ttxdholbach: no, but I can have a look.07:14
ivoksdholbach: server team does it, there's no one particulary responsible for it, iirc07:14
dholbachah ok07:14
brycetjaalton: you doing evtouch and vmmouse both, or should I take one or the other?07:15
tjaaltonbryce: I can take care of them07:15
ivoksdholbach: javier is upstream, so i would trust his patches :)07:17
dholbachivoks: yeah, I noticed - so will you sponsor them? :)07:17
ivoksdholbach: sure07:17
dholbachI'm trying to get  http://people.ubuntu.com/~dholbach/sponsoring/  down to 0 :)07:18
dholbachwe're doing quite good actually07:18
ttxdholbach: re:netbeans at first glance it looks relatively harmless but I don't know anything about netbeans... I know persia does07:18
dholbachttx: I think he's travelling atm07:18
ttxdholbach: ok. i'll put that on my TODO.07:18
slangasekpitti: ok; if rtg & pgraner don't have a better idea how to fix it for release, then let's do that07:19
* ttx is just back from a 3-day presence at the Paris SolutionsLinux expo07:19
ttxdholbach: so I have a large backlog.07:19
pittislangasek: do you have time to work on that? I'm on the LF summit next week, and still have a ton to get done today07:19
* dholbach hugs ttx07:19
slangasekpitti: I can probably poke at it over the weekend; as I said, I was already pondering hacking it together for myself :)07:19
pittiah, splendid07:20
dholbachsuperm1: does bug 352572 make sense?07:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 352572 in mythtv-status "Please move mythtv packages that depend on libmyth-perl (multiverse) to multiverse" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35257207:21
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slytheri1cjwatson: not sure if you have noticed already, but grub-pc package is not on alternate CD images. Let me know if I should file a bug for this.08:04
slangasekslytheri1: it's intentional to only include in on the DVD; does this cause a problem?08:16
RAOFlifeless: Do you remember when I was complaining about evolution thrashing the disc for 30 minutes at a time, and you said (a) that there was a bug filed upstream and (b) that it was fixed in trunk?  I can't seem to find the bug, and it's not fixed in Ubuntu :)08:38
Unggnuhi all08:40
Unggnupitti: You there?08:40
pittihi Unggnu08:40
UnggnuIs it possible that apport doesn't mark the whole bug report private but only the private relevant parts like backtraces?08:40
UnggnuThe problem is that often your bug report is marked as a duplicate but you can't see the original report because of the private tag08:41
UnggnuSo it is still possible to add information for the duplicate reporter.08:41
slytheri1slangasek: I haven't yet tried installation yet. But since grub-installer is supposed to give an option to install grub2 in advanced mode, I thought it will cause problem if it is not included on CD.08:43
Unggnupitti: What do you think? Should I add a feature request/bug report?08:44
pittiUnggnu: that would be nice, but unfortunately isn't possible with LP08:44
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pittiyou can't make attachments private at all08:44
Unggnupitti: atm?08:44
pittiif you know their URL, you can read them08:44
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UnggnuSo a bug against launchpad?08:44
pittiUnggnu: right08:44
Unggnuok, thx08:45
pittiif we had private attachments, we could redesign this to be much more friendly08:45
pittitseliot: bug 320632> seems you did it, great job! Can you please connect with bryce to get this sponsored?08:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 320632 in xfree86-driver-synaptics "tap-to-click and edge-scrolling broken in Jaunty" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32063208:47
tseliotpitti: sure, I'll talk to him08:47
mvojust FYI I disabled upgrades to jaunty temporarely because of bug #35422808:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 354228 in python-central "package python2.6-minimal 2.6.1-1ubuntu8 failed to install/upgrade: " [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35422808:49
RAOFTheMuso: You might be happy to learn that pulseaudio from the test PPA is no longer totally crazily crap.  It seems to work fine, and not even make HDA Intel a world of crackling underruns.08:51
slangasekslytherin: it /should/ automatically download from the network to install it08:51
slangasekslytherin: if you don't have a network, then the DVD is the only way to get grub2 currently08:51
Unggnupitti: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/35434508:52
ubottuLaunchpad bug 354345 in launchpad "Launchpad needs private attachments" [Undecided,New]08:52
slytherinslangasek: hmm. I can understand, considering that only advanced users will install grub2. Are we targetting for grub2 to be default for karmic?08:52
brycepitti, tseliot: done08:53
pittibryce: awesome08:53
tseliotbryce: thanks. I didn't think you were still awake ;)08:53
slangasekslytherin: we don't currently have such a target, no; grub2 will need more attention yet before we'll be able to make it default, and no one's committed yet to making that happen08:53
brycetseliot: pshaw it's barely 1am08:53
slytherinslangasek: ok.08:54
pittibryce: sounds like a good time to go to bed :)08:54
* pitti hugs bryce08:54
loolslangasek: Please do change texlive-bin, thanks for looking into it08:55
slangaseklool: ok - done ;)08:55
bryceooh, slangasek's up too, and he's my same timezone08:55
loolISTR Matthias had done some changes to texlive though08:55
loolOh no, it was djvulibre08:55
slangasekbryce: yes, and I have to be up in 6 hours for a release meeting; I'm a masochistic idiot, what's your excuse? :)08:55
loolI have to be up in 6 hours for a release meeting as well!!08:56
slangaseklool: you'd better get to bed soon then08:56
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brycelool:  done today just for you...08:58
bryce   def append_comment(self, message):08:58
bryce        for m in self.bug.messages:08:58
bryce            if m.content == message:08:58
bryce                return08:58
bryce        self.bug.newMessage(subject = "Re: "+self.title, content = message)08:58
bryce        return True08:58
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mvolool: what TZ are you in currently :) ?08:58
loolbryce: \o/09:01
* lool hugs bryce 09:01
loolbryce: TBH I've been a bit annoyed by the rate at which the scripts were asking for useless stuff; I'm sure they'll improve and that'll eventually be history09:02
loolmvo: I'm in Disneyland/Mickey + 209:03
pittibryce, tjaalton: did you happen to see bug 349127?09:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 349127 in mesa "Elisa displays video with greenish/purplish colors" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34912709:03
tjaaltonpitti: yes, I've got mesa 7.4 in my ppa09:04
pittiI mean the backported patches09:04
mvolool: heh :)09:04
pittitjaalton: I don't suppose 7.4 is targetted at jaunty?09:04
tjaaltonpitti: it is09:04
tjaaltonI'd rather get it instead09:04
mvolool: I'm in GreenTeaLang/Sencha09:04
tjaaltonit's a bugfix release09:04
pittitjaalton: this sounds like a high regression potential?09:05
loolmvo: Sweet, received your order? :)09:05
tjaaltonno it doesnt'09:05
pittiI was just looking at the backported patch09:05
brycelool: yes, getting them tuned perfectly will take some time but I plan to keep at it09:05
mvolool: yes - you too?09:05
tjaaltondid I not send an email to the list about it?09:05
loolmvo: No, and it's looking bad; order was refused and they don't pick up the phone so I couldn't switch credit card in time, it's going to expire today   :-/09:06
looltjaalton: I didn't see it09:06
pittitjaalton: I haven't seen it, but I might have missed it (I'm not on ubuntu-x@)09:06
brycetjaalton: don't think so09:06
loolI'm not on -x either09:06
pittiso, the backported patch looks reasonable to me09:06
pittiand it is confirmed to fix elisa09:06
bryceI think maybe I'm on -x by myself, that would explain the lack of replies to some of my emails ;-)09:06
tjaaltonI mean to send it to u-d09:06
brycehere I've just been assuming everyone must be agreed ;-)09:07
pittitjaalton: when is that scheduled to land? can we have it ASAP theN?09:07
brycepitti: I also reviewed mesa 7.4 and agree it is worth a FFe on09:07
pittialso, that means I shouldn't bother to apply/test the backported patch then?09:07
pittibryce: FF? I thought it was bug fix only?09:07
tjaaltonpitti: sure, it's basically ready, I've just been adding some backported commits that have been verified to fix some bugs09:07
pittiah, great09:08
tjaaltonwell, new upstream version09:08
pittitjaalton: mind if you close the bug above in the changelog?09:08
mvolool: oh :(09:08
tjaaltonpitti: sure09:08
pittigreat, thanks09:08
pittitjaalton: new upstream versions by themselves don't need an ack; new features do09:08
brycepitti: yes bug fix only; but whatever paperwork is required for a new version of a package, I +1 it for mesa 7.4 ;-)09:08
slangasekdoes 7.4 also close the mythbuntu bug?09:08
pittiI don't think so09:08
pitti7.4 from ppa was said not to fix that one09:09
tjaaltonwhich bug was that?09:09
slangasek(who's upstream for mesa these days? someone who knows what "bugfix only" means?)09:09
pittitjaalton: bug 34189809:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 341898 in mesa "Mythtv frontend does not display any fonts" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34189809:09
tjaaltonslangasek: brian paul @ vmware, they are pretty strict ;)09:09
slangasekstill, taking a new upstream release that only manages to fix one of two release-critical bugs on the package, vs. just cherry-picking the fix we know and care about?09:10
tjaaltonI proposed a patch that bumps the texture size on i965 and it was rejected from 7.409:10
tseliot tjaalton: can I see that patch?09:11
tjaaltontseliot: it's in the ppa version09:12
davmor2bryce: should a built in nvidia 6100 gfx card have a higher res than 800x600 using the nv driver or is it likely to be using the vesa mode? 00:0d.0 VGA compatible controller [0300]: nVidia Corporation GeForce 6100 nForce 405 [10de:03d1] (rev a2) id from lspci -vvnn09:12
pittiadmittedly I'm still nervous about getting large changes in now, even if they are declared bug fix only09:12
wgrantdoko: Should python2.6's distutils really be inserting local/ even when it's nowhere near /usr?09:13
tjaaltonpitti: I'll open a new tracker bug for it with all the confirmed fixes, diffstat and shortlog etc09:13
bryceslangasek: shipping ubuntu with a version number on mesa that is a stable version number will give people more warm fuzzies than if we shipped with an unstable version number + patches.  For whatever warm fuzzies are worth, there's that ;-)09:13
tjaaltonyeah, like um, hardy?-)09:14
pittitjaalton: thanks09:14
tseliottjaalton: ok, thanks09:14
brycedavmor2: check your Xorg.0.log to see what driver is loaded09:14
brycedavmor2: in general if you're stuck at 800x600 it usually means either you booted vesa, or your monitor's EDID was invalid for some reason09:15
looltjaalton: Weird, that max texture size bump didn't seem too risky; it was even tested09:15
davmor2bryce: where was the nv device list too I can check if it is listed in there too09:15
tjaaltondavmor2: nv is fail, try nouveau09:15
loolI was actually about to ask whether we'd get that fix09:15
slangasekbryce: oh, 7.3 reads as an unstable version number in the case of mesa?09:15
lool(Cause currently you can't have a big screen on the side of your laptop and use compiz)09:15
brycedavmor2: /usr/share/xserver-xorg/pci/09:15
bryceslangasek: yes09:16
loolslangasek: yes09:16
tjaaltonlool: it might get in 7.4.1, but idr said it should need another commit which broke r30009:16
slangasekah, well, in that case.. :)09:16
davmor2bryce: ta I'll look at both of those09:16
brycetjaalton is right that nouveau is a good option, however we're not officially supporting it yet, so it's still sort of buyer beware for now09:17
tjaaltonRAOF does support it though :)09:17
directhexcrazy boy that he is09:17
davmor2bryce: Meh xorg.log and xorg.log.old both list nvidia and glx however the card id isn't listed in nv.  Should I try adding it and do sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg09:23
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tseliotdavmor2: isn't it something similar to what I reported here (albeit with a different card)? http://www.mail-archive.com/xorg@lists.freedesktop.org/msg04430.html09:25
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tseliotdavmor2: have a look at Aaron's reply09:25
tjaaltonoh, 6100 doesn't work09:25
tjaaltonwrong model :)09:26
RAOFtjaalton: 6100 doesn't work with nouveau?  There are some kernel fixes there I'm considering pulling in.09:27
tjaaltonRAOF: no, I meant -nv09:28
davmor2tseliot: Ah makes sense09:28
tjaaltonI filed a bug about GF7050 not being supported by -nv, but failed to remember the model09:28
RAOFdavmor2: Really, try nouveau.  It's faster and more featureful than the binary nvidia driver.09:28
RAOFdavmor2: Well, barring 3d, of course :)09:28
lifelessRAOF: uhm09:29
lifelessRAOF: http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=564339 was one09:32
lifelesswhich I patched09:32
ubottuGnome bug 564339 in Mailer "imap syncing performstoo much local I/O" [Normal,Unconfirmed]09:32
tjaaltonpitti: so, there's bug 347171 already, I've updated it09:35
ubottuLaunchpad bug 347171 in mesa "[FFe] Allow mesa to be updated to 7.4" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34717109:35
tjaaltonslangasek: ^^09:35
lifelessRAOF: but I can't right now find the other; it was linked from the lp bug I filed on evolution though, if you care to search for it09:36
RAOFlifeless: Looks like your patch should be in Jaunty's package.09:37
tjaaltonpitti, slangasek: oh and it seems to fix my problems on resume :) (bug 347871)09:39
ubottuLaunchpad bug 347871 in mesa "[LENOVO 7674E68] suspend/resume failure" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34787109:39
cjwatsoncalc: ok, thanks; I was more wondering about dictionary compatibility than about the contents, I think09:47
directhextracker's "about to index" notification message seems inappropriate10:12
directhexsaying "you can pause it by clicking here" doesn't help much given the contextless nature of the new notifications10:12
directhexand unclickability too10:12
tkamppeterAny USB/kernel expert around? Can you have a look at bug 348316? Seems to be a low-level USB problem.10:30
ubottuLaunchpad bug 348316 in linux "Printer (HWModel Name) May Not Be Connected" [High,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34831610:30
mnemotkamppeter: try #ubuntu-kernel as well10:34
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james_wI need to do a split() with and re in perl, but also retain the text that was split on, is there a way to do this?10:44
james_wi.e. split on "[ \t]+" and get back the exact spacing that was used as well as the bits either side10:44
cjwatsonjames_w: put parens around the thing you're splitting on10:46
cjwatson               If the PATTERN contains parentheses, additional list elements10:46
cjwatson               are created from each matching substring in the delimiter.10:46
james_wah, wonderful, thanks10:46
tkamppetermnemo: Thanks, but it seems that there is currently no traffic on #ubuntu-kernel.10:58
ogratkamppeter, the kernel team is at a sprint at the US eastcoast ... they will be up later10:59
tkamppeterogra, thanks, did not know that they are having a sprint now.11:00
juanjehi, anyone here maintain the grub package? I've added a branch to a bug 347790 to fix it last week. I've been testing it and it's working, but I don't know if it's the best approach. It is a problem with the UUID device name and splashimage path11:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 347790 in grub "Splash image not shown when using device UUID as root" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34779011:19
mnemojuanje: use "aptitude changlog grub" to see how usually uploads it and contact one of those guys11:22
juanjemnemo: thanks11:22
jpdsjuanje: You could subscribe the ubuntu-main-sponsors to the bug too.11:24
juanjejpds: Thank, good idea. I will11:25
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juanjemnemo: actually I now the people who touch the package, the problem is nobody said nothing in more than a week and the bug is confirmed and make the splashimage feature fails, so for me it's quite important.11:29
cjwatsonjuanje: I'll look at it, thanks11:30
juanjecjwatson: Thanks to you :-)11:30
cjwatsonjuanje: please don't modify existing already-released changelog entries11:31
cjwatson-grub (0.97-29ubuntu51) jaunty; urgency=low11:31
cjwatson+grub (0.97-29ubuntu51guada1) jaunty; urgency=low11:31
cjwatsonvery confusing11:31
juanjecjwatson: sorry, this was for our ppa so we could use in the main time. I didn't mean to change for the patch :-/ Sorry11:32
cjwatsonthis all seems quite wrong though. There'll be all sorts of problems caused by putting a root command in there.11:33
juanjecjwatson: yes, I was looking for that problem (I'm still doing it) but i didn't find yet the place11:33
cjwatsonjuanje: oh, also, never use a file in debian/patches/ to patch files in debian/11:34
cjwatsonjust change the file directly11:34
juanjecjwatson: ok, it was just because it was a script which will be installed on /usr/sbin/ not a debian file11:36
cjwatson(ubuntu_update_grub.diff does this, I know; that's a bug and not one to be imitated)11:36
cjwatsonjuanje: that doesn't matter, the fact is that it's in debian/ and not in the .orig.tar.gz11:36
juanjecjwatson: yes, that was the one I looked to make mine..11:36
juanjeI undertand11:37
cjwatsonubuntu_update_grub isn't actually applied, it's apparently just kept there for future reference or something11:37
juanjeyes, I saw it11:37
cjwatsonI'll remove it since it's preserved in revision control11:37
juanjecjwatson: I guess that is better to avoid confusions like mine11:38
lifelessRAOF: my fix is in yes11:40
lifelessRAOF: there are other issues, and thats where I got bored11:40
lifelessI'll get annoyed enough some day to come back to it11:40
RAOFlifeless: I'd be happy enough with a workaround such as a recommendation for a better mail client :)11:40
lifelessRAOF: I hear tinymail works11:41
juanjecjwatson: I was trying another approach in another branch. Doing it by fixing the real bug (splashimage should allow UUID paths), but I'm still looking in the code... :-/11:42
cjwatsonjuanje: the syntax would be a bit tricky. What did you use?11:43
juanjecjwatson: syntax? what syntax?11:43
juanjefor the path?11:44
juanjeI didn't put any. The updated-grub did11:44
cjwatsonjuanje: in order to allow for opening images by UUID and path, the syntax of the splashimage command would need to be extended, would it not?11:45
juanjeI just put the file in the right place (/boot/grub/splash.xpm.gz) and the update-grub did the work11:45
cjwatsonand there is a fundamental problem with that because grub_open supports no syntax which allows UUIDs11:47
juanjecjwatson: yes, I saw it. But other files are opened with that with success. I think because they open first the device (or set the root device) and the open the file11:48
juanjecjwatson: well, I think... I'm not totally sure...11:49
cjwatsonI'm talking about the syntax "(hd0,0)/foo/bar/baz"11:50
cjwatsonif you mean the kernel and the initrd, then yes, they do so by first setting the uuid, and then opening a file relative to that11:50
cjwatsonit would probably make sense to use 'uuid foo\nsplashimage /relative/path'11:50
cjwatsonassuming that that actually works, mind :)11:51
juanjecjwatson:  what I did in the branch was setting the root to the uuid device before (but in the menu.lst) and then putting just the relative path for the splashimage. And in that way works11:52
cjwatsonjuanje: there's a separate command for setting root by uuid11:53
cjwatsonjuanje: you should use that, not the 'root' command11:53
juanjecjwatson: I guess the thing is doing something similar, but in the code. Just before the grub_open, setting the uuid root11:53
cjwatsonjuanje: well, no, it wouldn't be necessary to do that in grub_open if it were done properly in update-grub11:53
cjwatsonnot strictly necessary anyway11:54
juanjecjwatson: yes, I know11:54
cjwatsonbut using the 'root' command in update-grub as a workaround is right out11:54
cjwatsonyou need to use the 'uuid' command11:54
cjwatsonat least, if $grub_root_device is a UUID11:54
juanjecjwatson: well the documentation says it's almost the same command11:54
RAOFlifeless: Hm.  Tinymail (or, at least, the 'modest' client built on it) is certainly fast; it just doesn't actually work, though :)11:55
juanjeand if you are not using uuid it will working anyway11:55
cjwatson"almost the same" is not "the same"11:55
juanjecjwatson: hehe, ok11:55
cjwatsonjuanje: the whole *point* of the exercise is to fix things for people using UUIDs11:55
cjwatsonso saying "it'll work if you aren't using UUIDs" is a bit fatuous11:55
cjwatsonit works right now with no changes if you aren't using UUIDs :)11:56
juanjecjwatson: yes, probably, no one uses non uuid path, but if what if this happen?11:56
cjwatsonyou use the 'root' command for such cases11:56
cjwatsonlook at lines 799-806 of update-grub11:57
lifelessRAOF: :)11:57
lifelessor should I say :(11:57
juanjecjwatson: yes, know those lines, I used them11:58
cjwatsonjuanje: not properly, though11:59
pittiKeybuk: I'd like your opinion on bug 347370 (last comment)11:59
cjwatsonjuanje: your version of it never emitted a 'uuid' command11:59
ubottuError: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: timed out (https://launchpad.net/bugs/347370/+text)11:59
juanjecjwatson: the case didn't work well for me11:59
cjwatsonjuanje: that needs to be made to work11:59
juanjeyou mean to change the "root" command there for the "uuid" one?12:00
cjwatsonjuanje: if the root device is (hdX,Y), it should produce a 'root' command. If it is a UUID, it should produce a 'uuid' command - just as in the lines I referred to above12:02
juanjecjwatson: I thought about it, but I didn't because what I told you before. but I guess you're right, it must be uuid because with other paths wont get into the case12:02
juanjeyou are right12:02
cjwatsonactually, if the root device is (hdX,Y), there is no need to produce a 'root' command, because the 'splashimage' command's syntax can already cope with that12:02
juanjethat's why i didn't in that cases12:03
juanjeactually, putting root comand was an error....12:03
cjwatsonin other words, if the root device is (hdX,Y), emit 'splashimage=(hdX,Y)/relative/path'; if the root device is a UUID, emit 'uuid foo-bar-baz' and 'splashimage /relative/path'12:03
cjwatsonor splashimage=/relative/path I guess. I don't think it matters12:03
juanjeso, the patch could be the same, but changing the root command for the uuid one, couldn't it?12:04
cjwatsonyes, probably12:04
juanjeand changing directly in the update-grub, instead of using the debian/patches12:05
juanjedo you like i change the branch and readed? or you like to change it yourself?12:06
Keybukpitti: if you want unmangled, use ID_FS_LABEL_ENC12:11
cjwatsonjuanje: I'd appreciate it if you could do it - I'm not going to have time to test changes and I have a depressing number of RC bugs of my own :/12:11
juanjecjwatson: I've just attached patch for the current main branch12:12
juanjecjwatson: I'll testing again with this code and I'll write update on the bug12:13
juanjecjwatson: thank you so much for your time. I really appreciate. I know you're quite busy...12:14
Keybukjust for _once_, I'd like usb-creator to work12:20
Keybuk"invalid compressed format (err=2)" ?12:23
cjwatsonI don't think that's from usb-creator itself. gzip or something?12:24
Keybukcjwatson: it's from trying to boot the USB keys it's making today12:25
Keybuk(of 9.04 beta)12:25
cjwatsonoh, right, that's the kernel12:25
Keybukusing trunk seems to have solved it12:29
Keybukooh, today London has moved to the North coast of France \o/12:31
cjwatsonlet me see if I can do an upload12:31
cjwatsonit has? it was in the right place for me12:31
Keybukstuck in a "The installer has detected that the following disks have mounted partitions: /dev/sdb" loop12:32
cjwatsonerr, is this beta or a daily?12:33
cjwatsonKeybuk: there's nothing in usb-creator trunk that isn't in the beta12:33
cjwatsoncould you try a daily please?12:33
cjwatsonI want to make sure that both of those bugs are dead and gone12:34
KeybukI'm using beta deliberately for the testing I need to do12:34
KeybukI'm not sure whether I'll have time to play with a daily12:34
Keybukheading to SF over the weekend12:34
cjwatsonthen I'd appreciate if you didn't scare me by talking about installer bugs we've already fixed?12:34
Keybuksure, but I did *start* this by saying 9.04 beta ;)12:34
Keybuk?! "Input/output error" now12:35
cjwatsonI'm still confused about you talking about usb-creator beta vs. trunk, which AFAICS are identical12:35
Keybukusb-creator in current jaunty didn't work for me12:35
Keybukthis is failing again due to squashfs errors12:36
cjwatsonlp:~usb-creator-hackers/usb-creator/trunk is 0.1.1512:36
Keybukwhy aren't these images working?12:36
cjwatsonare you using some different trunk? I think Evan has moved it a couple of times12:37
Keybukno, definitely the one you say12:37
RiddellArneGoetje: how come language-pack-kde-fr contains translation files?  shouldn't they all be in language-pack-kde-fr-base?12:40
superm1dholbach, added a comment, that's for raising that12:40
dholbachsuperm1: rock on!12:41
cjwatsonRiddell: language-pack-kde-fr's purpose is to contain deltas on top of language-pack-kde-fr-base, to save us the expensive -base respin all the time12:42
Riddellcjwatson: and isn't that post-release only?12:43
cjwatsonRiddell: sometimes during a development release too, since the full export is expensive (days of runtime, IIRC) at any time. They'll be back down to size for final12:44
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dokowgrant: where does it to this?13:21
wgrantdoko: I'm trying to get virtualenv working, but it's proving non-trivial becauuse python2.6 insists on sticking local/ after Python's prefix even when it's not in /usr.13:26
dokowgrant: do you use python2.6_2.6.1-1ubuntu8?13:27
wgrantdoko: Yes.13:27
pittiKeybuk: is there a standard function for decoding that by any chance?13:28
juanjecjwatson: tested and updated the bug. Thanks for the help and the time :-)13:28
Keybukpitti: it's just standard escaping no?13:29
pittiKeybuk: right, I just wondered if there's some existing function to decode that, or whether I need to write it13:30
dokowgrant: please update and rehcheck. this should address the problems. Had a discussion with Larry Hastings at PyCon, who emailed about these on the distutils-sig13:30
wgrantdoko: Update to what? 2.6.1-1ubuntu8 is the latest.13:31
dokowgrant: hmm, I misread. do you use the package, or the virtualenv upstream directly. in any case please file a bug report.13:34
Riddellmdeslaur: would you have an opinion on updating the lcms package to 1.18?13:48
mdeslaurRiddell: I guess we should13:50
mdeslaurRiddell: for jaunty13:50
Riddellmdeslaur: trouble is I can't see a changelog13:51
Riddellmdeslaur: oh here's a sort of one http://www.littlecms.com/whatsnew.htm13:52
mdeslaurRiddell: heh...great changelog13:52
mdeslaurRiddell: when I looked at 1.17 to 1.18beta2, it was mostly the security fixes, along with a few other things13:52
superm1mdke, thanks for that hack.sh in the interim re bug 353981. i'll just integrate that for now in new import target in my Makefile until rosetta is fixed13:53
ubottuLaunchpad bug 353981 in rosetta "File names of exported PO files are non-standard." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35398113:53
smagounslangasek kees: Hey guys, would you take another look at bug 316756 when you get a chance? It's a conffile prompt for login.defs on upgrade to Jaunty; I figured out how to reproduce it.14:01
ubottuLaunchpad bug 316756 in shadow "conffile prompt on upgrade to jaunty" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/31675614:01
m4vRiddell: bug 35449314:05
ubottuLaunchpad bug 354493 in lcms "security update breaks lcms" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35449314:05
ahasenackhi guys, I prepared an FFe request for smartpm (it's in main), it's here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/smart/+bug/349866 I think it's complete. Who can I ping to take a look at it?14:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 349866 in smart "Update smart to 1.2" [Undecided,New]14:07
pittiKeybuk: oh, if it's really just \x00 style, then of course there is a decoding function --- printf() :)14:08
* pitti RTFS udev14:08
Keybukpitti: heh14:09
james_wahasenack: the release team are subscribed, so they'll get to it soon14:09
ahasenackjames_w: ok, thanks14:10
Keybukpitti: does printf really decode those?14:10
pitti$ printf 'Pitti\x20USB'14:10
pittiPitti USB14:10
pittiI'm checking volume_id_encode_string()14:10
cjwatsonpitti: I'd be worried about %s in the string14:11
Keybukthat's the shell printf surely?14:12
pitticjwatson: hm, true that14:12
pittimeh, why can't I just get the label as it is..14:12
Keybukcjwatson: well, if you trust udev, you know there's no % in there14:13
cjwatsonand yeah, what Keybuk said, in C \x is decoded by the compiler's lexer14:13
cjwatsonor lexical analysis pass or whatever the proper name is :)14:13
Keybukpitti: because labels can include \0, and C strings (and therefore udev's db) can't :p14:13
Keybukactually those don't come from udev, they come from vol_id (blkid soon)14:14
Keybukand anyone can overwrite them with a udev rule14:14
pitti./extras/volume_id/lib/libvolume_id.c, yes14:14
Keybukpitti: the ones you get from volume_id are *not* escaped or encoded14:15
Keybukthey're raw14:15
Keybukyou only get an escaped or encoded copy if you use udevadm14:15
pittiKeybuk: hal braindeadly calls udevadm info -e instead of just calling the volume_id_() functions for those14:15
Keybuksee, you're running a program intended to output for humans ;)14:16
Keybukso it has to escape characters that can't be output14:16
Keybukactually, it's pretty paranoid and just escapes everything14:16
Keybukthere really is random crap in these strings ;)14:17
Riddellmdeslaur, m4v: bug 354493 updated with FFe request14:17
ubottuLaunchpad bug 354493 in lcms "security update breaks lcms" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35449314:17
mdeslaurRiddell: I don't think we were affected by that bug, I didn't use that "untrusted" patch, I pulled the patch out of 1.18beta114:21
mdeslaurm4v: did you get affected by the lcms update?14:21
pittiKeybuk: I'm writing a decode_escape() function now; can't be more than 10 lines anyway14:22
m4vmdeslaur: yes, as soon as it was updated14:22
m4vRiddell: great, I will try to update from your ppa14:22
mdeslaurm4v: do you have steps I can use to reproduce the issue?14:23
m4vmdeslaur: only if you have koffice2 compiled from kde's svn, basically Krita asserted when opening any .kra file14:26
* Riddell notes that koffice2 is in jaunty14:27
Keybukpitti: that should go in libudev I reckon14:27
Keybukalongside the encode one14:27
pittiwould be handy14:27
pittiKeybuk: if you are using libudev, you can just use the non-encoding functions in the first place14:27
m4vah, i didn't know, that should work, just open krita, paint something, save as kra, and try to open it again, I'll try it mysql14:28
Keybukpitti: things like the labels don't come from udev though14:28
Keybukudev *gets* them encoded from blkid14:28
Keybukand never decodes them itself14:28
Keybukso a decode function would be useful14:28
pittiah, I see14:28
Keybukerr, vol_id in this case14:30
Keybukbut the same holds true in the future14:30
mdeslaurm4v: work for me with the version in jaunty. Do you have color profiles configured in it?14:36
ttxpitti: remember when joining a domain with likewise-open would break desktop things by aggressively restarting DBUS ? we fixed it by reloading instead...14:37
ttxpitti: but likewise-open5 *requires* (according to upstream) DBUS restart to pick up nsswitch changes14:37
pittittx: I don't, I haven't looked into likewise-open at all14:38
Riddellmdeslaur, m4v: I confirm krita crashes using current lcms and doesn't with 1.1814:38
pittittx: why woudl dbus be affected by an nsswitch change?14:38
Riddellwhen opening a .kra file14:38
Riddellmdeslaur: are you using krita-kde4  ?14:39
m4vRiddell: yep, I get it too, if you open krita from a console, you should see an assert14:39
mdeslaurRiddell: oh, no, sorry14:39
ttxpitti: good question. Not restarting DBUS results in "Failed to initialize HAL" when logging in as a domain user14:39
ttxpitti: upstream says it's required for glibc to pick up the nsswitch change14:39
ubottulobugs.likewise.com bug 17 in domainjoin-core "DBUS should not be restarted in ConfigureLogin.in" [Normal,New]14:40
ttx"DBUS is not able to resolve the user's id"14:40
pittioh, for enforcing the policies14:40
m4vmdeslaur: not that i know of, i use the sRGB built-in (lcms internal) if that's what you mean. and I delete krita stuff in ~/.kde regulary14:40
pittittx: that's just an one-time problem after installation, no?14:41
pittittx: perhaps you should just trigger the 'reboot requried' notification in likewise's postinst then?14:41
ttxyes. And Windows requires to reboot as well.14:41
ttxpitti: I suppose yes. What is the proper way of doing that ?14:41
ttxhhhmm no.14:41
ttxpitti: it's a one-time thing after domain join, not package install.14:42
ttxpitti: but I have a script run (the one mentionned on http://lobugs.likewise.com/show_bug.cgi?id=17) on which I can execute things rather than restarting/breaking DBUS14:43
ubottulobugs.likewise.com bug 17 in domainjoin-core "DBUS should not be restarted in ConfigureLogin.in" [Normal,New]14:43
ttxpitti: so perhaps I could trigger the reboot required notification from there ?14:44
pittittx: sure14:44
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pittittx: just call /usr/share/update-notifier/notify-reboot-required14:44
ttxpitti: sounds simple enough :)14:44
facundobatistaHello all14:45
facundobatistatkamppeter, ping14:45
ttxpitti: many thanks :)14:45
pittifacundobatista: I think you should probably just followup on bug 348316; Till reads it, and he needs some tests (especialy with older kernels)14:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 348316 in linux "Printer (HWModel Name) May Not Be Connected" [High,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34831614:46
mdeslaurm4v: oh, yeah, I see the problem14:47
mdeslaurRiddell: I was fixed between beta1 and beta2, I can either fix the patch, or we can go to 1.1814:47
m4vw00t, both my build and krita-kde4 works with Riddell's lcms14:48
facundobatistapitti, ok, thanks14:49
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m4vmdeslaur: probably up to 1.18 is better, it seems is going be a requirement for koffice214:57
ttxpitti: won't notify-reboot-required only notify you if update-manager is running ? I need to ask for a reboot after the domain is joined (triggered by domainjoin-cli or domainjoin-gui) so update-manager is not running at that time. Anything I should/could plug into ? notify-send ?14:58
pittittx: update-notifier, not manager14:58
mdeslaurm4v: ok, great14:58
pittittx: if you aren't logged into GNOME, you won't get it, right14:58
m4vmdeslaur: from koffice maillist, http://lists.kde.org/?l=koffice-devel&m=123874884601650&w=214:59
ttxpitti: I'll test some more, it doesn't seem to trigger on my test rig.14:59
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mdeslaurm4v: ok, let's go to 1.1815:02
ttxpitti: the /var/run stuff is created but update-notifier doesn't trigger anything. Maybe it still sleeps.15:02
pittimvo: ^ hmm15:05
ttxpitti: yep, running an apt-get afterwards triggers the notification.15:06
ttxso it's not really usable in my case15:07
mvottx: it needs a touch to /var/lib/update-notifier/dpkg-was-run too15:08
mvottx: its designed to be part of the upgrade process and that file is touched when the upgrade is finished15:09
ttxmvo: testing that, thx15:09
calccjwatson: i think they should be compatible in this case since they appear to be the same files in two different packages15:29
pittiKeybuk: would you mind eyeballing this? http://paste.ubuntu.com/143509/15:29
pittiworks well for me15:29
cjwatsoncalc: ok, thanks - can you take responsibility for changing hunspell based on the discussion?15:29
calccjwatson: hmm rene wants me to look at it again15:30
cjwatson(once you've agreed it etc.)15:30
calccjwatson: and he thinks that myspell-en-us should be the one going away15:30
cjwatsoncalc: right, if that's the case, hunspell's dependencies should change to list hunspell-en-us as the first alternative15:31
tkamppeterfacundobatista: Hi15:34
facundobatistatkamppeter, hi, I was just about to offer you my PC to test the printer issue in #348316, but then I found that I need to try some of what you wrote there15:36
pittiKeybuk: I fixed a thinko in the UTF-8 validation, it's http://cgit.freedesktop.org/hal/commit/?id=97b023f94f1d79a19bc0489c0d167bdaebb765fd now15:49
NCommandercjwatson, Good afternoon15:51
cjwatsonNCommander: it's open in my browser :) looks fine, I just want to do a couple of final checks and then I'll upload it15:52
* NCommander wonders when cjwatson installed telepathy and thus read my mind15:53
calccjwatson: do you remember that bug number? i need to add a few packages to it16:00
siretartmvo: are update-manager's dist-upgrades to jaunty re-enabled yet?16:02
cjwatsoncalc: bug 32782116:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 327821 in livecd-rootfs "residual config in myspell-en-us after fresh install" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32782116:03
calccjwatson: ok thanks16:04
pittiseb128: wow, the retracer caught up and didn't crash \o/ *phew*16:05
calccjwatson: ok this seems to only affect hunspell and thunderbird, and thunderbird is not of the cd so isn't critical to fix before release16:06
calccjwatson: i'll fix up hunspell16:06
cjwatsonplenty of time to fix tb still :)16:07
UsamaAkkadhello, I've something needs a bit intention16:08
ubottuError: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: The read operation timed out (https://launchpad.net/bugs/251378/+text)16:08
UsamaAkkadlets say I don't have internet and I want to update my system16:08
UsamaAkkadthe synaptic generate download script worked for me fine when I had Dial-up connection16:09
UsamaAkkadbut what if someone has no connection at all16:09
UsamaAkkadany one interested ?16:09
seb128pitti: excellent ;-)16:12
calccjwatson: done16:15
Riddellmdeslaur: I'll upload lcms 1.18 then16:22
mdeslaurRiddell: thanks16:23
facundobatistatkamppeter, ok, I tried everything on the mentioned bug (#348316 in lp), and now I can't even see my printer (see the bug for full details)16:26
facundobatistatkamppeter, just let me know anything you want to test16:26
keessmagoun_: oh good!  I can't tell you how many upgrade I've run trying to find that one.16:39
tkamppeterfacundobatista: Have you done "sudo aa-conplain cupsd"?16:39
tkamppeterfacundobatista: Did you unload the usblp kernel module and did you blacklist it?16:41
james_wkees: thanks for looking at it. I have an idea for a patch to system-tools-backends to stop it doing that. I fear I may not want to show it to you though16:41
facundobatistatkamppeter, yes to both16:41
facundobatistatkamppeter, in the other order, though (modified the blacklist file first, then unloaded the moldule)16:42
tkamppeterfacundobatista: That is all OK.16:43
tkamppeterDid the module actually unload ("lsmod | grep usb")?16:43
tkamppeterfacundobatista: What is the output of /usr/lib/cups/backend/usb16:44
facundobatistatkamppeter, modules loaded: there's a usbhid, and the rest are all modules for usb sound16:44
facundobatistatkamppeter, but no usblp16:45
tkamppeterfacundobatista: Yes, then the module got correctly unloaded.16:45
tkamppeterCan you run /usr/lib/cups/backend/usb now?16:45
facundobatistaDEBUG: list_devices16:46
facundobatistaDEBUG: usb_find_busses=216:46
facundobatistaDEBUG: usb_find_devices=516:46
facundobatistaand then it gives me a "symbol lookup error"16:46
facundobatistaundefined symbol: _ppdGet1284Values16:46
keesjames_w: haha, I'm curious to see it, regardless.  I figure I'll have to patch shadow to do a preinst change on the file itself.16:47
tkamppeterDid you install all binary packages of the CUPS from my PPA? Especially also the new libcups package is needed.16:47
james_wkees: well the patch is sensible I think, it's what it implies about the existing code that worries me16:47
facundobatistatkamppeter, mmm... let me see... I just installed the .deb you mentioned16:48
slangasekcalc: I swear we had a conversation about when the next OOo upload was going to be, and now I can't find it in my logs at all... :)  did that conversation happen, and what was the answer? :)16:48
facundobatistatkamppeter, oh, I didn't install any libcups...16:49
tkamppeterfacundobatista: Install also the new libcups2 package.16:49
keesjames_w: well, you already know my opinion of that code-base.  :)16:49
james_wit's not as bad as the other issue thankfully16:50
facundobatistatkamppeter, what about libcupsimage2, and libcupsys2?16:50
james_wkees: bug 354378 is quite a fun one I found today16:50
facundobatistatkamppeter, cups-client? cups-common?16:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 354378 in policykit "Deadlock when PAM_TEXT_INFO is used" [Unknown,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35437816:50
james_w'cos I'm sure you haven't got much to do and can spend time looking at random bugs :-)16:51
tkamppeterThey are not needed. All *cupsys* are even only transitional package which do not contain any files or maintainer scripts.16:51
keesjames_w: oooh, owchy.16:51
keesheh, nah, I like knowing the reality of a situation.  :)16:52
facundobatistatkamppeter, ok16:52
james_wkees: I also noticed that while the policykit design is pretty sane generally it does actually pass an unencrypted password over a file descriptor at one point16:53
james_was you can see, the user in that bug had to redact it from the strace16:53
james_wis that a concern? It seems like it doesn't open too much of a hole.16:53
slangasekwell, as opposed to doing what with it?16:53
keesjames_w: well, a fd's not totally crazy.16:54
UsamaAkkadany one can tell me who should I ask about this ?16:54
slangasekunless policykit is running as root, it has to pass it over a pipe to unix_chkpwd16:54
slangasekfor unix auth16:54
ubottuLaunchpad bug 251378 in synaptic "Synaptic's Generate download script does not update package lists" [Undecided,New]16:54
keesjames_w: I mean, passwords float through the tty fds, so it's not much different16:54
james_wslangasek: yeah, I'm not sure there's an alternative, I thought it was worth asking16:54
james_wslangasek: in this case it passes it to a process running as root which can communicate with pam, so it's equivalent16:55
tkamppeterfacundobatista: Does CUPS now detect your printer?16:55
slangasekjames_w: hrm, that's... odd. :)16:55
slangaseksecond-guessing PAM?16:55
slangasekwell; you have to do that if your process is non-root and not running as the user you want to auth16:56
james_woften it is, but not always16:56
james_wand it needs to add an entry to polkit's auth db anyway, which needs to be root controlled for obvious reasons16:57
facundobatistatkamppeter, yes! wee...16:57
facundobatistatkamppeter, let me see how it goes16:57
facundobatista...searching for controllers...16:57
facundobatistaselecting "Foomatic/foo2xqx"16:57
facundobatistasending test page print16:58
facundobatistaprinter state: "processing"... and nothing happens16:58
facundobatistait just stays there...16:59
facundobatistatkamppeter, and one process, from "lp" user, is taking 100% of one processor17:00
tkamppeterfacundobatista: what is the name/command line of the process ("ps auxwww | grep '^lp '")?17:03
facundobatistatkamppeter, that is strange... the command, or at least what appears in the ps or top is:17:04
tkamppeterfacundobatista: Looks like that thgis backend principally works but does not fix the bug. So it is really as I assumed, the backend is not the culprit.17:04
facundobatista"usb://HP/HP%20Laserjet.... 152 facundo Test Page 1 job-...17:04
tkamppeterfacundobatista: That is the USB backend, it tries to feed the data into the appropriate port of the kernel but the kernel does not let the data in.17:05
facundobatistatkamppeter, damn17:05
facundobatistatkamppeter, do you want me to comment something in the bug?17:06
tkamppeterfacundobatista: So your next step is to try running Jaunty wityyh the kernel of Intrepid.17:06
tkamppeterfacundobatista: Comment these results in the bug. So people who are not here on IRC in the moment (kernel developers perhaps) know what happened.17:06
tkamppeterfacundobatista: Did you update from Intrepid to Jaunty?17:07
facundobatistatkamppeter, question... when I boot, GRUB offers me two kernels: 2.6.28-11, and 2.6.27-11, but both as "Jaunty"17:07
facundobatistatkamppeter, yes I did17:07
tkamppeterfacundobatista: Then you did a fresh Jaunty installation and not an upgrade from Intrepid, or you played around with strange tools like computer-janitor.17:08
facundobatistatkamppeter, I upgraded, and didn't run the janitor17:08
tkamppeterStrange that all the old kernels go away when you upgrade.17:10
facundobatistatkamppeter, don't remember what happened when upgraded from hardy to intrepid...17:11
tkamppeterfacundobatista: Perhaps you could do the following: Find the kernel package of intrepid on Launchpad and install it onyour system. It should not have dependencies or only dependencies on kernel components. All what you need to install should be packages with version numbers in their names, so nothing of Jaunty should get overwritten. If you reboot then, the old kernel should appear in the boot menu.17:13
facundobatistatkamppeter, ok, I'll try that17:14
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cjwatsonslangasek: http://paste.ubuntu.com/143572/ look OK to you? there's only one difference in its output, and it's a bug in ruby's gettext parser :-)17:16
facundobatistatkamppeter, (but later)17:16
slangasekcjwatson: <laugh>17:16
cjwatsonslangasek: (it misparses \\r in the middle of multibyte strings as \ \r rather than \\ r)17:16
m4vRiddell: mdeslaur: when lcms 1.18 will be available in jaunty repos?17:16
slangasekcjwatson: looks good to me!17:17
slangasek(and way better than the ruby looked :P)17:17
cjwatsonslangasek: oh, the only difference is that it needs to be run on .mo rather than .po17:17
cjwatsonok, I'll upload it17:17
slangasekcjwatson: ...which saves us a step, so. :)17:18
mdeslaurm4v: Riddell uploaded it, so it should be on it's way once it's built...in the next hour or two maybe?17:19
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slangasekcjwatson: does python's gettext module automatically give you utf8, or does it just happen to not be an issue?17:19
m4vmdeslaur: ah, thanks! :D17:20
amgarchingdoes it make sense trying to install gcc-snapshot (20090327-0ubuntu1) from Jaunty repos onto Intrepid?17:20
cjwatsonslangasek: the ugettext method gives you a Unicode string17:26
slangasekcjwatson: spiff17:26
cjwatsonthere are a few charset=EUC-JP .po files in there17:27
* slangasek nods17:27
alex-weejany Qt maintainers/experts here? got a bug in Jaunty wrt font settings17:39
jpdsalex-weej: Maybe #kubuntu-devel might be able to help.17:40
alex-weejjpds: ta17:40
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calcslangasek: hopefully later today or by end of weekend at latest17:58
calcslangasek: i was holding off on the upload until after lp 2.2.3 came out wed night17:59
slangasekah, right17:59
* calc wishes bugs were harder to file, keep getting duplicate bug reports, argh18:00
ScottKcalc: How about LP had a better U/I for moving people to accepting something is a dupe?18:01
calcScottK: that might help too... though the percentage of non apport bugs suggests they would still try to file bad bugs :\18:01
ScottKI think the current 'would you like to subscribe to one of these' approach is not an appealing alternative to filing a new bug.18:02
maxbDidn't update-manager used to keep its progress window open if you'd expanded the embedded terminal view?18:04
maxbIt seems to have stopped doing that for me.18:04
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macoJaunty has version 2.4.12 of Openswan, but the current 2.4.x (which has security fixes) is 2.4.14.  Aside from that there's a 2.6.21.  Would it make more sense to grab last week's security patch and apply it to what we've got or to update to the latest release of the 2.4.x line?18:33
ScottKmaco: If it's bugfixes only, probably just update.18:34
macoyep, memory leaks and security bugs18:38
roliannehi.. why is my newly installed 8.10 cant connect to the internet? what should I do?18:48
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phaidroshi, I have seen in launchpad as well in package names that there is a hardy version 8.04.3 and 8.04.4 .. all my uptodate machines are 8.04.218:55
phaidrosis .3 and .4 planned? or virtual?18:55
LaserJockphaidros: have a look at the bottom of https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyReleaseSchedule18:57
phaidrosah ic, thanks LaserJock18:57
NCommandercjwatson, how'd your testing w/ my shadow patch go?19:13
BUGabundohi guys19:40
BUGabundowhere would I redirect bug 354682 ?19:40
ubottuLaunchpad bug 354682 in casper "Casper advance option for edubuntu" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35468219:40
BUGabundomaybe evan?19:40
gon<gon>: Hi <gon>: I have some problems connecting to wireless network in some place <gon>: In 8.10 works fine, but in jaunty can't connect19:41
hyperairgon: wrong place to ask. head to #ubuntu.19:42
hyperairi mean #ubuntu+119:42
BUGabundohyperair: we won't be able to help him much there either19:45
hyperairBUGabundo: really?19:45
BUGabundolets see19:45
hyperairBUGabundo: what be up anyway19:45
BUGabundoif it is user stuff we can19:46
BUGabundoif it is packages stuff, most of us in there won't be able to help much19:46
BUGabundowhich seem to be the case19:46
hyperairdoes it really?19:46
hyperairwhat seems to be the issue then19:47
BUGabundohe is using knetworkmanager19:47
BUGabundowhich is broken badddddd19:47
* hyperair quickly backs away.19:47
* hyperair hides in the corner19:47
* hyperair waves a flag saying "network-manager-gnome banzai!"19:48
BUGabundopop up on +119:48
BUGabundoall help is appreciated19:48
hyperairbut i've never even used kde before19:48
hyperairwell i ahve, but not more than a week.19:48
hyperairnever got past configuring it.19:48
LaserJockBUGabundo: what do you mean by "when booting with casper"?19:49
BUGabundoI don't use it either19:49
BUGabundobut I do help on anything users trow at me19:49
BUGabundoLaserJock: humm the boot from CD/USB19:49
hyperairBUGabundo: i would help, if my accounts exam isn't in 10 days ;)19:49
BUGabundoisn't that casper?19:49
hyperaircasper's a friendly ghost19:49
LaserJockBUGabundo: from the Desktop CD, yes19:49
* BUGabundo makes some voodoo and gets hyperair exams reschedule19:49
hyperairBUGabundo: if only that worked =(19:50
BUGabundoLaserJock: then that's what I'm trying to say19:50
LaserJockBUGabundo: what specifically does the F6 menu say?19:50
BUGabundoShow extra options19:50
BUGabundolike acpi off, etc19:50
BUGabundogo buntu19:51
LaserJockand there is one that says "Edubuntu"?19:51
BUGabundoone of them is for Edubuntu19:51
BUGabundobut its badly worded19:51
BUGabundojust says edu=on19:51
LaserJockhow odd19:51
BUGabundono oned guess what that is19:51
BUGabundoI ask on the bug to re-write it with19:51
BUGabundojust Edububuntu19:51
BUGabundoand then the Flag enabled by the user19:52
BUGabundoLaserJock: does it makes any sense to you ?19:52
LaserJocknot yet, no19:52
BUGabundoif it is an option, just saying what it is, should be enough19:53
BUGabundono need for "edd=on"19:53
LaserJockis it edd or edu?19:54
BUGabundono sure now19:55
BUGabundoyou got me confused19:55
mnemothiebaude: what intel chipset is it you're having problems with btw? (you can tell using "lspci -nn | grep VGA")20:28
thiebaude00:02.0 VGA compatible controller [0300]: Intel Corporation 82815 Chipset Graphics Controller (CGC) [8086:1132] (rev 0420:30
thiebaudei can log into gnome only using 2.6.24-24 generic kernel20:30
thiebaudeubuntu 9.04 works, but only with the older kernel20:31
mnemohmm, so its some sort of regression then :(20:31
thiebaudeyea, i've had no problems with alpa's and beta's and i've been using ubuntu since 6.0620:32
thiebaudei've had this 81815 since 6.0620:32
mnemothiebaude: can you please open a bug in LP explaining this?20:32
mnemouse the command "ubuntu-bug xorg" to file it20:32
mnemothen it will attach lots of interesting data automatically20:33
thiebaudeubuntu web site says bug 30487120:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 304871 in xserver-xorg-video-intel "[i845G] Fatal server error: Couldn't bind memory for BO front buffer (Jaunty)" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/30487120:33
mdkesuperm1: no worries :)20:35
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pjwafflehey how do you base a distribution off of another distribution eg. ubuntu20:46
pjwaffleI would like to use the init scripts and maybe apt-get to create a rolling release distro20:46
pjwaffleIMHO ubuntu needs a rolling release distro to test really early development packages eg. kernel 2.6.2920:50
pjwafflelike debian's sid20:50
BUGabundopjwaffle: go try fedora20:50
mnemofedora is not rolling release20:50
BUGabundowe need some time to stablize20:50
mnemotry rawhide20:50
pjwaffleI know they have rawhide but I use apt-get and debian packages20:50
BUGabundoand then the next cycle begins again20:50
BUGabundofor cutting edge use bzr or PPAs20:50
pjwaffleand sid is not so driver-friendly20:50
mnemopjwaffle: ubuntu offers the ability to test mainline kernels and latest xorg bits though20:50
pjwafflewell you know my question is how do you base off another distro?20:52
pjwaffleI would consider myself an intermediate/early-experienced user20:52
BUGabundoeither use what is available to you or package your own newer versions20:52
pjwaffleI mean do you just use cp and copy the init scripts to your chroot or what? isn't there a version control for the entire ubuntu distro?20:53
savvasany main sponsors here? I would like your opinion on bug #315679 - should I try to merge the new version of libmtp from Debian?20:53
ubottuLaunchpad bug 315679 in libmtp "Please merge libmtp 0.3.0-1ubuntu3 (main) to 0.3.6-1 from Debian (experimental)" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/31567920:53
pjwafflewell ok fine what is the ubuntu repo for the initscripts on bazaar20:54
BUGabundoLaserJock: ping20:56
LaserJockBUGabundo: yeah?20:56
BUGabundohow can I make the bug clear?20:56
cjwatsonpjwaffle: unfortunately not everything is in revision control (yet)20:56
BUGabundoyou seemed to have some questions about it?20:56
cjwatsonBUGabundo: that casper bug? it's invalid.20:56
pjwaffleoh :(20:57
cjwatsonedd has nothing to do with edubuntu20:57
BUGabundocjwatson: :(20:57
LaserJockthat's what I was trying to figure out20:57
BUGabundook that makes it clear20:57
BUGabundowhat is it then?20:57
LaserJockI couldn't see why there would be anything Edubuntu in the menu20:57
cjwatsonI replied to your bug20:57
* BUGabundo looks20:57
cjwatsonpjwaffle: we hope that this will be rectified over the next release cycle or two, though20:57
BUGabundoBIOS Enhanced Disk Drive Services 3.0 (EDD)20:58
BUGabundogot it20:58
BUGabundostill its bad wording, no?20:58
cjwatsonpjwaffle: merges.ubuntu.com helps us to deal with the six-monthly merge from Debian20:58
BUGabundono need to have the ON there!20:58
cjwatsonBUGabundo: it's advanced options. I don't care.20:58
cjwatsonBUGabundo: the kernel option is literally "edd=on"20:58
BUGabundook ok20:58
BUGabundothen never mind20:58
BUGabundosorry for the noise20:58
cjwatsonNCommander: uploaded21:13
cjwatsonsorry for the delay21:13
NCommandercjwatson, no problem21:14
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mvokirkland: I updated #35230721:58
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kirklandbug #35230721:58
ubottuLaunchpad bug 352307 in ecryptfs-utils "update-notifier message about recording mount passphrase" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35230721:59
mvokirkland: you probably cover the server use case already with update-motd? I'm not sure if kde supports this feature of update-notifier though22:00
kirklandmvo: i don't ...  we don't have per user messages in update-motd ...  i'll need to think about this22:01
* mvo nods22:01
kirklandmvo: actually, for intrepid, we handled it in the alternate/server case in the installer22:05
kirklandmvo: there was a page that popped up, and showed the user their password, and told them to record it22:05
kirklandmvo: for some reason, that page isn't getting displayed in Jaunty22:06
mvoright, I remember this page I think22:06
kirklandmvo: i've ping cjwatson about turning that back on22:06
* mvo nods22:06
keesjames_w: is there actually a bug open for the g-s-t UID_MIN rewriting?22:09
james_wkees: nope22:09
Amaranthmvo: Do you think the nvidia workaround should be on by default?22:09
james_wkees: do you think a task on the existing bug would be appropriate, or a new bug?22:10
AmaranthAlthough I don't think the workaround is included in the packages right now...22:10
keesjames_w: probably a task, keeps it all in one place22:10
keesjames_w: which src pkg should I open it against?22:10
mvoAmaranth: which one?22:11
keesjames_w: okay, cool.  assign it to you?22:11
Amaranthmvo: bug 26990422:11
james_wkees: sure22:11
ubottuLaunchpad bug 269904 in nvidia-graphics-drivers-180 "Screen refresh problems with nvidia on intrepid" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/26990422:11
Amaranthmvo: It's a pretty simple patch but it causes a small performance loss22:11
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Amaranthmvo: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/23889138/compiz-fusion-plugins-main_0.8.2-0ubuntu2.debdiff is the relevant bit22:12
mvoAmaranth: I remember seeing the commit in git, but that does make everything pretty slow dosn't it. or is the nvidia HW fast enough to deal with this kind of syncs?22:13
Amaranthmvo: nvidia hardware is plenty fast to handle it, not sure how other systems will22:13
Amaranthmvo: I don't think there is that much of a slowdown but the only people that have tested it are nvidia users22:14
AmaranthI don't really have time to play with it until tomorrow but I can try it on intel then22:14
mvoI'm pretty sure we have the half-fix from aaron, this workaround a bit scary. also having it sounds fine22:14
AmaranthJust wanted to make sure you saw it22:14
mvoenable-by-default hmmmmm22:15
mvoAmaranth: please try22:15
mvoAmaranth: we could add more magic to compiz-manager to enable it only for peole with -18022:15
mvoAmaranth: my intel system had a mainboard meltdown, I can test this at monday afternoon (then I should get a replacement)22:16
goukiAnyone has a jaunty debootstrap script?22:17
mvoAmaranth: thanks a lot for raising it!22:17
keesgouki: I also just use mk-sbuild-lv, but that's pretty LVM/sbuild-specific22:17
Amaranthmvo: true, we already detect nvidia in there22:17
Amaranthmvo: I guess I've got a couple minutes, let me get it built22:17
mvoAmaranth: I apply the diff, having it is certainly good and will not do any harm22:18
goukikees, I wanted to create a jaunty file system for user-mode linux.22:18
keesgouki: hrm, in that case, I'd just use debootstrap directly22:19
Amaranthmvo: I've got it enabled now on X3100, seems fine22:20
Amaranthmvo: seems to make Xorg CPU usage go up a couple percent though22:21
goukikees, but I still need the specific options for jaunty present on the /usr/share/debootstrap/scripts, right?22:21
keesgouki: nah, just symlink intrepid to jaunty22:22
keesthey're mostly already symlinks.  :)22:22
Amaranthmvo: should probably put out a call for testing after a package with the fix is uploaded, see if anyone notices problems with various hardware after a couple days use22:22
mvoAmaranth: right, I will just upload the fix with the enables "false" default for now so that people can at least enable it22:23
mvoAmaranth: and ponder about it some more later22:23
goukikees, but there isn't even a hardy (nor intrepid, for that matter) script on the debootstrap package. :S22:24
jpdsgouki: There are, they all link to hardy's.22:25
maxbgutsy's, actually22:25
keesyeah, link to gutsy.22:26
kees$ dpkg -L debootstrap | grep hardy22:26
maxbgouki: Are you using a really out of date debootstrap?22:26
kees$ ls -la /usr/share/debootstrap/scripts/hardy22:26
keeslrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 5 2009-03-19 17:17 /usr/share/debootstrap/scripts/hardy -> gutsy22:26
goukimaxb, I was under the impression I tested with debootstrap from jaunty, but that clearly isn't the case.22:27
goukiWell, thank you all very much for the help. :)22:27
goukiIt's there indeed :) My bad.22:28
picklesworthHey folks! What's the status on appending notifications for Pidgin? Any way I can help that along?22:34
YokoZarpicklesworth: what kind of notifications22:35
YokoZaryou mean like more than one at once?22:35
picklesworth( Speaking of Pidgin, it's being hopelessly unstable today :/ )22:36
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maxbmvo_: I think update-manager used to not auto-close its progress window if you display the embedded terminal - was this a deliberate feature? It seems to have broken.23:15
mvo_maxb: there is a checkbox for this that should remember its state23:15
mvo_maxb: assuming you mean normal update and not release upgrades ?23:16
maxbyes, normal updates. Where is this checkbox? I've not seen it! :-)23:16
mvo_maxb: did you every switched it when running synaptic normally?23:16
mvo_maxb: give me a sec, i check the name23:17
mvo_maxb: /root/.synaptic/synaptic.conf - there is a option called "closeZvt" - what values does that have?23:18
maxbNot present in the file23:18
maxbon one of my machines, that is. Set to "false" on the other, but it still closed.23:19
mvo_maxb: hm, odd. let me try to reproduce23:22
mvo_maxb: heh :) turns out this was changed back in intrepid, the key to control it is /apps/update-manager/autoclose_install-window23:25
* mvo_ has faulty memory23:25
* maxb fires up gconf-editor23:25
maxbIt's on... but not in my per-user gconf23:26
maxbAlso, IIRC it didn't always close or always not-close - it depended on whether you expanded the Details terminal or not23:27
mvo_oh, I see now what you mean. I don't think it was that clever, but actually that would be a good feature23:27
* mvo_ is a bit tired already23:27
maxbHow puzzling. Surely I can't have hallucinated this feature? :-)23:28
* maxb boots intrepid for some comparative testing23:28
mvo_maxb: let me know, but I will have to crash soonish. just poke me when I'm online again23:34
maxbHuh. It doesn't work on Intrepid either, which suggests I may have somehow managed to totally confuse myself23:36
maxbI will grab a colleague who's still running Hardy on Monday for further experimentation.23:36
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