
=== tritium_ is now known as tritium
m4vjpds: hay alguna razón porque ubuntu-es no tiene un bot de factos? que pasó con botijo?15:42
jpdsbotijo went away ages ago.15:43
LjLno hay ubotu-fr?15:44
[NikO]it can do factoids15:44
[NikO]uBOTu-fr: list factoids15:44
uBOTu-fr[NikO]: change, forget, info, learn, lock, random, search, unlock, and whatis15:44
[NikO]!learn test as this is a test15:45
uBOTu-fr[NikO]: ok15:45
uBOTu-fr[NikO]: "test" > this is a test15:45
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)15:45
ubottusigh... again? I'm busy here, I already told you it failed.15:45
[NikO]uBOTu-fr: forget test15:45
uBOTu-fr[NikO]: ok15:45
m4vjpds: is botijo old base available somewhere?15:45
LjL[NikO]: peut on avoir un database dans une autre langue?15:46
m4v[NikO]: spanish friendly plugin prefered ;)15:46
[NikO]i can do alias15:46
[NikO]in fact there is just 2 action to translate, learn and forget15:46
jpdsm4v: No.15:47
m4vin any case, getting a bot is not the issue, at k-es I already have a working spanish bot, that one can be used too. but I was wondering if there was a particular reason there wasn't a bot already in u-es, caused too much trouble?15:48
[NikO]did you talk with owner of #ubuntu-es ?15:48
m4vthe owner i mia currently, i'm talking with their opers15:49
m4vis mia*15:49
[NikO]anyway it s just take 2 seconds to add translated alias for factoids.15:55
m4vk-es's bot is already translated and with 100+ spanish facts, that's why I said getting one isn't a issue, I was more wondering about botijo's whereabouts16:02
[NikO]ok, so i can lobotomize uBOTu-fr on #ubuntu-es16:12
[NikO]it will no responds to !action16:12
m4v[NikO]: thanks, i'll tell you if they do put a bot, we need to dig up the channel's owner first16:20
=== Gary is now known as evilGary

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