
dtchenamitk: thanks, looking00:08
dtchenamitk: it looks like a dupe of 315971. note from your alsa-info.sh output that 'Front' is muted.00:26
dtchenamitk: please test combinations of unmuting 'Front' and 'Surround'00:27
dtchenamitk: i'll leave it unduped for now00:27
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bluefoxicyHas anyone noticed horrible, horrible performance in Jaunty, which is quickly and easily solved by switching to AS via elevator=as on the kernel command line?06:24
bluefoxicysomebody broke CFQ :|  it worked fine in the last release06:24
pwnguinwhich, kernel, speficially, is "the last release"?06:26
bluefoxicybluefox@icebox:~$ uname -a06:28
bluefoxicyLinux icebox 2.6.28-11-generic #39-Ubuntu SMP Thu Apr 2 04:39:54 UTC 2009 x86_64 GNU/Linux06:28
bluefoxicypwnguin:  oh, last release?06:28
pwnguinyes, as in not the current current ;)06:29
bluefoxicywhatever 8.10 was running 3 days before Jaunty went Beta06:29
pwnguinyou removed it already?06:29
bluefoxicyitgot removed automatically when I upgraded.  I wound up with 2.6.27 and 2.6.28 somehow06:29
pwnguinit's probably still in dpkg06:30
bluefoxicyI'm pretty sure 8.10 wasn't running 2.6.2706:30
pwnguinit was at the very start06:30
pwnguini think so06:30
bluefoxicyhuh.  I thought they got through 2 or 3 releases between versions...06:30
bluefoxicyeither way, yeah, then I removed it.06:31
pwnguinyou probably still have some kernels around but not in grub?06:31
bluefoxicythey're not in dpkg06:32
bluefoxicybluefox@icebox:~$ ls -l /boot/*.img*06:32
bluefoxicy-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 7891804 2009-04-03 01:04 /boot/initrd.img-2.6.28-11-generic06:32
bluefoxicybluefox@icebox:~$ 06:32
bluefoxicyanyway i need a shower real quick06:32
pwnguinhow do you feel about git-bisect?06:32
bluefoxicy#*$& where'd i put the timer06:33
bluefoxicywhat's git bisect06:33
bluefoxicyoh there it is06:33
pwnguingit bisect is a way to sort of binary search for things in the revision history06:33
bluefoxicyI have 40 minutes before bread has to be pulled from oven so I'll bbiab.  Mind you this behavior's been around since I started using Jaunty, there wasn't a single minor kernel update that set it in play for me06:33
pwnguinhave you by chance done anything with ext4?06:34
pwnguini was watching ted t'so give a talk about ext4 and he mentioned something about ext4 being able to use ext3 filesystems, im not sure if that comes into play or what06:37
pwnguinwell, im gonna play some video games and sleep06:38
bluefoxicyyes I started on ext3 and changed fstype to ext4, which helped a bit06:47
bluefoxicyit was worse on ext3, but ext3 has more real disk IO06:47
dholbachhi guys07:20
dholbachthere's a few linux / git items on http://people.ubuntu.com/~dholbach/sponsoring/ - not sure if you're going to consider them, but could you take a look?07:21
tkamppeterAny USB/kernel expert around? Can you have a look at bug 348316? Seems to be a low-level USB problem.10:35
ubot3Malone bug 348316 in linux "Printer (HWModel Name) May Not Be Connected" [High,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34831610:35
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Kanohi rtg , could you update karmic to
rtgKano: I will continue to follow Linus throughout the -rc series. There is no guarantee that Karmic will even compile until after I upload the first Karmic package.14:20
Kanoso 2.6.30-rc1 next? 14:21
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tytso1stupid question.   I'm at http://kernel.ubuntu.com/git.   Which is the official Ubuntu kernel git tree for Jaunty?18:00
ivoksone n too much18:01
tytso1hmm, I don't see that on the list of repo's at kernel.ubuntu.com.  i'll try going there directly and see what I get.18:02
ivoksso... ubuntu/ubuntu-jaunty.git18:02
tytso1Oh, there it is, yeah, I found it.   Thanks!!18:02
ivokstytso1: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/KernelGitGuide18:03
tytso1Thanks, I'm trying to work https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/33082418:04
ubot3Malone bug 330824 in linux "Soft lockups (freezes) when deleting files from ext4 partitions on 2.6.28" [Undecided,Confirmed] 18:04
nxvlmy sound just died 2 days ago (in Jaunty)18:04
nxvland i've been following all the Debugging documents in the wiki18:04
nxvlbut nothing seems to be wron18:04
tytso1ubot3: #330824 seems pretty serious.   I'm trying to work it, but some help from some canonical kernel devs would be appreciated.18:05
ubot3tytso1: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)18:05
nxvli've an Intel Corporation 82801H card18:05
smb_tptytso1, Just scanned over the bug. Seems like we would have to get into contact with Ted about his latest comment18:19
smb_tptytso1, Err drad. Seems like its you18:22
tkamppeterAny USB/kernel expert around? Can you have a look at bug 348316? Seems to be a low-level USB problem.18:54
ubot3Malone bug 348316 in linux "Printer (HWModel Name) May Not Be Connected" [High,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34831618:55
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sladenwas anything changed between -9 and -11 to make {u,e}hci_hcd nonmodular?21:08
sladenhave somebody claiming that they are built in21:09
sladenhence they can't unload the21:09
sladengrepping .config shows *=y  ... 21:10
dtchensladen: yes, it happened for 2.6.28-10.3321:32
manjosladen, I think its built in21:32
dtchensladen: LP: #296710 is the reference21:33
* sladen reads21:38
sladenso now, when a module is misbehaving, how does one now force the drive/blacklist the other21:39
sladentdg: <whinge-mode> when making a module built-in (cf. *_hcd), please (pretty please), could you mention it in the changelog21:44
sladendtchen: ta for the bug #21:44
dtchensladen: i pulled it directly from the changelog21:44
sladendtchen: oh.  apologies due.  I'd been (thought) I'd been through the changelog twice21:46
sladenah, I'd grepped for  -E (built.in|USB|hcd)  ... which cunningly doesn't match21:48
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tkamppeterAny USB/kernel expert around? Can you have a look at bug 348316? Seems to be a low-level USB problem.22:05
ubot3Malone bug 348316 in linux "Printer (HWModel Name) May Not Be Connected" [High,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34831622:05
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mkrufkyim trying to build a LUM for lpia and its complaining about a missing version.h .......23:13
mkrufkyi know i have the linux-headers installed23:13
mkrufkyim a bit baffled .....  i bet this is a simple one that im forgetting23:14
maxbA LUM for which distroseries?23:31
maxbLUM is rolled into the main image packages now23:31
mkrufkyi see the problem now -- there is no /lib/modules/`uname -r`/build symlink23:33
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