[00:00] that's not the file that it is complaining about though? [00:00] no, I assumed that's where it was happening at [00:01] would you be willing to help me fix this in a query? - like I said - /me is noob to this stuff [00:01] in here is better [00:01] I want to learn how this whole process works and I figured practice is the best place :) [00:01] partly so others can help or learn [00:01] ok [00:01] so - the chroot [00:02] and partly because I'm supposed to be doing something else :-) [00:02] do you understand what conffiles are? [00:02] oh [00:02] in the dpkg sense that is [00:02] I've never seen the word conffiles before [00:02] ok, no problem [00:02] a package can mark certain files as "conffiles" [00:03] this means that dpkg will handle them differently to any other file [00:03] normally when a package is upgraded all the old files are overwritten with the new versions [00:03] this means that if you modify them your changes will be lost when you upgrade [00:04] if that was to happen for configuration files that you are *supposed* to edit, then it would be bad [00:04] so dpkg treats these files differently [00:04] ok - I know where you're going now :) [00:04] when it installs the first version of the package it records the md5sum of the file that it puts on disk [00:05] it does that in /var/lib/dpkg/info/*.conffiles [00:05] have a look at that now [00:05] then when it upgrades the package it first checks if the new version of the file in the .deb is different to the old one. If it is the same it does nothing with it. [00:05] if it has changed then it starts the process of installing it [00:06] but first it has to check if you modified the file [00:06] it gets the md5sum of the file on disk [00:06] if that matches what it recorded originally then it overwrites the file, as you haven't modified it [00:06] and writes the new md5sum in to the .conffiles file so that it can do the same next time [00:07] so the md5sum that it's keeping for what the old copy was is probably wrong? [00:07] if the md5sum doesn't match then you have modified it [00:07] so it prompts you [00:07] exactly, the file isn't modified, but what is on disk isn't what is recorded [00:07] that could be a few things [00:08] I have the md5sum of what the old file should be [00:08] such as another package editing the file in its upgrade scripts(which is forbidden) [00:08] or the sequence of upgrades that Steve did led to inconsistency for other reasons (such as a mistake when changing the "owner" of the file) [00:09] you are in an intrepid chroot? [00:09] no - no idea how [00:09] but I did have this same error happen to me and I saw it pop up a few other places - jsut fyi [00:09] that's fine [00:09] when was the last time you installed fresh? [00:10] about a month ago w/ 9.04 [00:10] I did a fresh 9.04 vm today [00:10] and you saw it upgrading that? [00:10] no updates to it yet [00:11] I'm interested because Steve started from hardy, and the more we can narrow it down, the less work that it is [00:11] you said that you saw this prompt? [00:11] I'll do updates on the vm [00:11] ya [00:12] I'm botting up the vm [00:12] I'll do updates to it [00:14] dloading 270 updates [00:19] james_w: anything I should grab an md5sum of prior to letting the update finish? [00:20] MTecknology: extract the md5sum recorded in /var/lib/dpkg/ and md5sum of the file on disk [00:22] james_w: I just grabbed /var/lib/dpkg/info/* === Snova_ is now known as Snova [01:14] should I add a line to my changlelog for every bug I fix or are minor bugs not worth a changelog entry? [01:15] Put 'er all in [01:15] No need to have one per line though [01:15] You can have multiple on one line [01:15] thanks for the info cody-somerville :) [01:15] np [01:18] james_w: ran off for supper - apparently things went good this time [01:18] ah [01:20] hi. i need help with a package upgrade, gnome-nds-thumbnailer to version 1.2.1. the current version is synced from debian and got a patch in debian/patches which doesn't seem to get applied. 'debian/rules patch' gives an error (dh: Unknown sequence patch (chose from: binary binary-arch binary-indep build clean install)) should i ask the debian-maintainer if that's intentional or just add the patch-target in the new version myself? [01:21] james_w: so... how should I handle that bug report? [01:22] james_w: do I need to now do a dist-upgrade from 8.10 -> 9.04 ? [01:22] I think that would be useful [01:22] if you install an intrepid chroot and then grab the information, then dist-upgrade, that will start to help [01:23] have a look at debootstrap for creating a chroot [01:23] create a chroot for an entire installation? [01:23] do that, chroot in, and then install ubuntu-desktop [01:23] they don't install everything by default [01:23] actually, you may not need ubuntu-desktop [01:23] james_w: (thanks again for package-import- quite time-conserving) [01:24] ubuntu-minimal ? [01:24] dtchen: ah, cool, what do you use it for? [01:24] minimal is pulled in by bootstrap [01:24] james_w: everything [01:24] MTecknology: ubuntu-standard perhaps [01:24] ok [01:24] dtchen: ah, cool :-) [01:24] MTecknology: you need at least vim-tiny installed :-) [01:24] james_w: any idiots guid to doing it? [01:25] there's probably lots on debootstrap, it's pretty old and well used [01:25] nothing to hand I'm afraid [01:25] and I'm heading to bed [01:26] g'night all [01:26] james_w: but but but... what about when I get to the error? :P [01:26] heh [01:26] g'night - thanks for the lessons :) [01:26] np [01:26] thanks for working on the bug [01:31] bigon: Ampelbein has a question regarding dh7 and not-applied 01schema.patch in the cdbs -> dh7 conversion [01:31] bigon: err, for gnome-nds-thumbnailer [01:31] Ampelbein: probably a missing /rules hunk [01:32] oh. didn't see he was in here, sorry. === Sikon is now known as LucidFox === Snova_ is now known as Snova [01:54] I used debootstrap to install 7.04 - but networking isn't working [01:55] I used debootstrap to install 7.04 - but it's not working right - http://pastebin.com/mb8317b2 *** [01:55] that's a better question [02:07] dtchen: thanks. i changed debian/rules to http://paste.ubuntu.com/143206/ , is this ok or is there a new "way to go" with dh7? [02:37] I'm curious - is there a point where people that are motu's start getting revenue from their work? [02:46] MTecknology, motu is a volunteer job as far as I know [02:46] MTecknology, looks good on a resume though :) [02:46] MTecknology: 7.04 is long out of support. [02:47] binarymutant: how can people devote so much time to ubuntu and still have a job? [02:47] ScottK: right? [02:47] MTecknology, love of the community? or love of code maybe [02:47] A lot of the people involved are students. [02:48] I'm sophmore in college [02:48] So you've got lots of free time. [02:48] :P lols [02:48] ya... a whole lot of it... :S [02:48] oh! sarcasm :P [02:49] * ScottK works a ~60 hour a week job and has a wife and 3 kids. Trust me. He has a lot of free time. [02:49] oh! sarcasm :P [02:49] * imbrandon yawns [02:50] an hour a day could go a long way I think [02:50] sry for repeat [02:50] I've been pushing about 8+hr/day on this - blowing off work and homework [02:50] and working on crap during classes [02:50] :/ [02:51] MTecknology, made motu yet? [02:51] nope [02:51] MTecknology: thats not sustainable though [02:51] :) [02:51] imbrandon: it has been for about 1yr :P [02:51] binarymutant: I'm not going for motuy [02:51] MTecknology, have you applied for it yet? 8+ hours seems like a lot [02:51] OTOH, stuff that used to take me an hours or two is sometimes the work of minutes now that I know more. [02:51] binarymutant: not working on motu [02:51] ScottK: :) [02:52] MTecknology, oh [02:52] ScottK: work smarter, not harder ! right ? [02:52] launchpad.net/ubuntu-drupal launchpad.net/drupal-projects launchpad.net/~mtecknology [02:52] binarymutant: ^ [02:52] Absolutely, but you've got to get up the learning curve first. [02:52] MTecknology: It seems very strange to me to call something ubuntu-drupal when it's not in Ubuntu? [02:53] binarymutant: I'm going for bug control [02:53] ScottK: hm? [02:53] MTecknology: good work, i'd love to see ubuntu's drupal support come upto snuff before the next LTS, lord knows its sadly lacking [02:53] would make my package management for work manytimes lighter :) [02:53] imbrandon: ScottK: wiki.profarius.com/UbuntuDrupal [02:54] This topic does not exist yet [02:54] MTecknology, the TOS on your site is pretty long :/ [02:54] binarymutant: profarius.com? [02:54] ya [02:55] err..... [02:55] bad link [02:55] wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDrupal [02:55] * imbrandon wonders why he got pointed to the wiki [02:55] heh [02:56] explaining that ubuntu-drupal isn't it's own package [02:57] great goals , only one huge huge huge missing one that keeps fortune 500 companies like the one i work for from using the Drupal in Ubuntu vs a Ubuntu Server + Drupal from drupal.org [02:57] MTecknology: yea i'm pretty familiar with how ubuntu packages drupal, its my "day job" per se [02:58] basicly that its 7 major revisions behind, a no no for security. so we roll our own for our clients like cartoonnetwork.de that just launched [02:59] and others [03:00] imbrandon: my drupal installs use latest source [03:00] imbrandon: but ubuntu-drupal is an installation profile [03:00] Which gets back to a thing called ubuntu-drupal that doesn't use the Ubuntu Drupal. [03:00] It seems wrong to me. [03:01] hrm, yea very wrong [03:01] ScottK: oh, that's what you meant [03:01] Yes. [03:01] ScottK: it doesn't matter whether use use latest or ubuntu version [03:02] * ScottK suspects that if all the people doing work to not use the Ubuntu Drupal package put a small fraction of that effort into maintaining the Ubuntu package, it'd be quite usable for everyone. [03:03] ScottK: what? [03:03] ScottK: exactly, one thing i've had on my "todo" for 6 motnhs [03:03] bus alas back to the time thing :) [03:03] s/bus/but [03:03] I hear pretty regularly about "We use upstream drupal because the Ubuntu package is x, y, z ..." [03:04] ScottK: yea, its not even useable [03:04] If those people would help out with the Ubuntu package, they would save time and effort in the long run and make things better for everyone. [03:04] I think you're confused - the Ubuntu-Drupal package is a set of modules and a theme (installation profile) for drupal sites - aimed at LoCo teams [03:04] MTecknology: yes we did at first, i think thats a very wrong name [03:05] It used to be called Drupal-LoCo [03:05] MTecknology: You also mentioned using upstream drupal for your installs and not the Ubuntu package. [03:05] but it's not a loco thing anymore so that's the name that everyone agreed on [03:05] it should be like ubuntu-drupal-modules and ubuntu-drupal-themes , and be targeted to the version in the repos [03:05] for ubuntu-drupal [03:05] Agreed. [03:06] ScottK: I moved most of my drupal hosting to 1&1 [03:06] right but your project is just some modules and themes, thus a very wrong project / package name has been choosen [03:06] IMHO [03:06] launchpad.net/ubuntu-drupal-theme ; code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-drupal-modules [03:07] ok so it looks like its been started [03:07] whats the problem ? [03:07] ? [03:07] i never said there was [03:07] you guys started attacking it :P [03:08] not attacking, dont take it that way [03:08] irc is hard to convey feelings, no feelings, just sugestions [03:08] not exactly the word I meant [03:08] but that project/wiki for /UbuntuDrupal is named wrong IMHO, makes confusion [03:10] hrm, all this talk has me motivated to update the package [03:10] \o/ [03:10] ScottK: what point are we in the freeze/cycle ? i've been out for a few months [03:10] imbrandon: Post beta. Feature Freeze. [03:11] k, i'll make the updates now, but an upload looks like it will have to wait [03:11] imbrandon: For a drupal update I can wave a magic wand over it and make it OK. [03:11] ahh nice , ok [03:11] lol [03:11] yea 6.3 is far too old to be usefull [03:11] imbrandon: Just file a bug asking for a feature freeze exception with a little whining about how broken the current package is an ping me. [03:12] ScottK: kk [03:15] imbrandon: fyi - 99.999% of the time, I'm a "go with repo" guy - but with drupal, the way I set it all up just made more sense [03:16] MTecknology: understood, just trying to give a little advice from a long time ( and reciently inactive ) core-dev :) [03:17] nice its actually broken out into drupal{5,6} for jaunty :) makes updates MUCH easier it looks like [03:17] imbrandon: ya, I figure you know your stuff when every single change to the wiki gets emailed to you [03:17] MTecknology: hahah you noticed ? [03:17] ya [03:17] did you actually sign up for (.*) ? [03:17] actually i think i deavtivated all but a few pages a week or so ago [03:18] no not .* but i had ALOT [03:18] any reason for all of them? [03:18] I'm guessing you didn't read them all [03:18] at one point in time ( about 8 months ago ) i was a very active dev [03:19] easy to keep tabs in email IMHO [03:19] oh [03:19] almost done dloading updates for 8.10 [03:19] job stole alot of my time, and i've slowly been ramping back up to speed [03:20] job in a year is going to rip away all my time [03:20] I've been trying to learn to code for drupal professionally so I can find a job either there on in it admin when I graduate [03:21] * ScottK imagines 'guy who maintains drupal for Ubuntu' would be a decent resume bullet. [03:21] yea, i'm a "professional" drupal module develoepr and wordpress plugin developer, if you can call it that, i get paid to code custom modules/plugins , so i guess i'm a "pro" [03:21] ScottK: Bullet as in a way to kill it? [03:22] Bullet as in item on a list, but maybe. [03:22] wgrant: bullet , as in a UL item [03:22] err
    [03:22] I know, I know, I was just expressing my dislike of PHP. [03:22] ahhh :) [03:22] I like php [03:23] php pays the bills, so i cant compalin ( much ) [03:23] i wish it would fix my typing [03:25] Our development platform at $WORK is a nice combination of Python, PostgreSQL and Ubuntu. No PHP. It is good. [03:25] isnt ajmitch still makin a living with php too ? [03:25] wgrant: dislike/realistic assessment [03:25] I don't like pgsql [03:25] ScottK: Perhaps so. [03:26] MTecknology: Why not? [03:26] ours is ubuntu LTS + apache + php5 + mysql/oracle ( and a standard eclipse ide with pdt installed ) [03:26] wgrant: ^^ [03:26] It is hugely better than MySQL. [03:26] wgrant: they way it works feels akward [03:26] I've consulted on some projects with really serious SQL people and they always prefer pg over mysql. [03:26] wgrant: Consider he likes php and it all falls into place. [03:26] ScottK: That's what I thought. [03:26] MTecknology: How? [03:27] yea , mysql is still really young, its getting better with Sun's support, but still has a year or so to catch up to pg [03:27] wgrant: when I played with it everything I read was talking about creating a user for it and using a certain user to interact with it, etc [03:27] MySQL claimed that it was a relational database for years before it had reasonable foreign key or transaction support. [03:27] MTecknology: It happens to have a pluggable security model, the default mode of which uses local user accounts (ident) authentication. [03:28] yea no transactions and/or stored proc was a killer for a long time [03:28] wgrant: oh - so if I changed that it woulda behaved the same? [03:28] * ScottK recalls being in a conversation with a customer that was an all mysql shop and the project was being prototyped using pg. They wanted to switch. The answer was double the development time and the number of developers essentially. [03:28] wow [03:29] IIRC it was lack of a CIDR data type that was the killer for that project. [03:29] MTecknology: It can behave almost identically to MySQL with regard to authentication, but it's more flexible. [03:29] oh [03:29] maybe someday I'll play with it again [03:29] atm - mysql does the job very well for me [03:29] wget http://ftp.drupal.org/files/projects/drupal-6.10.tar.gz [03:29] errr [03:29] Oh, forgot. Also twice as much hardware too. [03:30] why more hardware?? [03:30] is'mt pgsql supposed to be lighter/faster? [03:30] Because pg was substantially faster at what we were doing. [03:31] Does anybody know of any benefits that MySQL has over PostgreSQL? Apart from some rumoured PG speed issues that go away with tweaking... [03:31] Plus, until yesterday, there weren't a dozen approximately equal PostgreSQL forks. [03:31] wgrant: project support, if your not doing it from scratch most everything support ( only sometimes ) MySQL [03:31] wgrant: You can only install one version at a time in Debian, so those multiple version transition issues go away. [03:32] ScottK: What version issues? [03:32] wgrant: That was sarcasm. I think a great feature of the pg packaging in Debian/Ubuntu is you can have multiple versions installed at the same time. [03:32] ScottK: Ahhh, I see. [03:32] I think the mysql packaging is more basic. [03:33] ScottK: well yea but MySQL runs multi instances with one ( set of ) binaries [03:33] so no real need for more than one [03:33] MySQL packages are versioned, but 4.1 and 5.0 weren't coinstallable IIRC. [03:33] Yes. [03:33] That is, the package names are versioned. [03:34] That was very WTFy. [03:34] And 5.0/5.1 are in Ubuntu, but not Debian and I doubt that will last. [03:34] ahh you ment diffrent versions not just diffrent instances of it [03:34] Yes [03:34] debian has no 5.x ? [03:34] ouch [03:34] Debian has 5.1 in experimental. [03:35] wow, now i rember why i run ubuntu lts vs debian [03:35] 5.x has been out and stable for AGES [03:35] I have asp.net - it makes idiots think they have a clue how to write code [03:35] http://pastebin.com/d3647f3b3 [03:36] what does that code do? :) [03:36] asp.net isnt too bad [03:36] savvas: right now, it breaks horribly [03:36] savvas: nothing, thats the html markup , the real code is in the accompanying .cs filer [03:36] files* [03:37] http://www.dsustuff.com/cbarne/Lab8/Default.aspx [03:37] imbrandon: so there's a