
LjLand just what is the point of using PM?00:00
gnorriswhen people are talking in the main windows when someone says something it moves on the screen00:00
gnorrisand make them have to foll that00:00
LjLyes, that's a problem with some of the more involved support sessions00:00
LjLbut it's not really a problem in most instances, with proper highlighting00:01
Tm_Tgnorris: that is not an issue much when you use hilight properly00:01
LjLif a question can be answered - or at least an answer can be attempted - in one line or two, then please do it in the channel00:01
gnorrisim listing to LjL only00:01
LjLyou're listing?00:01
Tm_TI guess he meant "listening"00:02
LjLi hope not00:02
LjLbecause that would be very rude of him00:02
LjLgnorris, are you familiar with the channel guidelines and the Ubuntu Code of Conduct?00:02
gnorriswell i dont want to have 2 people talking to me at the same time00:03
gnorrisno offence00:03
LjLit's called an IRC channel.00:03
LjLand you should listen to operators.00:03
LjL!etiquette > gnorris    (gnorris, see the private message from ubottu)00:03
LjLplease check these00:03
LjLespecially the guidelines and CoC00:03
LjLrejoin #ubuntu when you're pretty sure you're ready and willing to follow them00:04
gnorrisif i ask a person if they would like to solve the problem in im and they accept 00:04
* Tm_T assumes gnorris isn't in 50 different channels like me these days00:04
LjLgnorris: ... any op will immediately think you intend to give them dangerous commands or break into their system, or something like that.00:07
Tm_Tunless there seems to be proper reason to that ofcourse00:07
LjLgnorris: that's what one is lead to think when someone spams the channel with "does anyone need help?" messages, and then "i'll PM you help" to anyone who asks.00:08
gnorrisOk well im sorry it seamed like that sorry for the inconveince00:08
gnorrisbut i have one question00:08
gnorrisHow do you become an operator00:08
LjLthe guidelines talk about that part too.00:08
gnorriscan you give me a link00:09
LjLi did.00:09
LjL[01:03:44] <LjL> !etiquette > gnorris    (gnorris, see the private message from ubottu)00:09
LjL[01:03:46] <LjL> please check these00:09
LjL[01:03:50] <LjL> especially the guidelines and CoC00:09
gnorrisIs it ok for me to become an operator if i understand the rules and guidelines, and can i stay in as an operator for whenever im on the chat?00:11
LjLno, you don't become an operator by asking - as the guidelines explain.00:12
LjLplease read them.00:12
LjLcome back if you've got more questions *after you've read them*.00:12
gnorrisi cant find them00:12
ubottuUnsure how you should behave on this channel? See (in a private message with the bot, /msg ubottu <keyword>): !AskTheBot, !CoC, !Guidelines, !Offtopic, !Language, !Attitude, !Repeat, !Enter, !Paste, !Caps, !NickSpam, !PM, !English - And most importantly, use common sense...00:12
ubottuThe guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines00:12
ubottuThe Ubuntu Code of Conduct to which we ask all Ubuntu users to adhere can be found at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct/00:12
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu-ops's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots00:12
gnorrisi have to put in a code like this right /msg chanserv op #channel-name your-nic00:12
LjLcome back when you've read the guidelines and the rest.00:13
* LjL is not convinced (he already rejoined #ubuntu)00:17
LjL@mark #ubuntu-ops gnorris Asperger's or troll's - that is the question00:17
ubottuThe operation succeeded.00:17
gnorrisWell i read the rules and guidelines!00:21
gnorrisI read the rules00:22
Seeker`bedon: how can we help you?00:22
bedonnothing for now00:22
gnorrisLet me see if i understand00:23
Seeker`bedon: please don't idle in here00:23
gnorrisYou can only become an operator by being hand picked from the Staff. Correct?00:23
bedonwhat do you mean00:23
gnorrisHow do they go about doing that00:23
Seeker`bedon: if there is nothing we can help you with right now, please leave00:24
LjL!idle | bedon00:24
ubottubedon: Please keep in mind that this channel is for operator/abuse questions only; we ask you to part when you have no further business here in order to keep track of users with pending inquiries.00:24
bedonHo !!  sorry 00:24
LjLgnorris: they keep an eye on people who've been helpful, balanced and generally positive00:24
LjL... and who don't ask about op privileges.00:24
bedongot the wrong chan i gess00:24
gnorriswhat do people like have ratings00:24
gnorriscan people give other people ratings00:25
bedonHo !!  i am not an op   00:25
gnorrisme niether00:25
LjLgnorris: no00:25
bedonHo 00:25
LjLbedon: please, leave.00:26
gnorrishea bedon00:26
bedoni am not a spy 00:26
gnorriscan you please leave00:26
LjLbedon: leave anyway00:26
bedonwhat is this    00:26
LjLgnorris: if you don't have any more questions for us, please follow suit00:28
gnorrisfroze up00:28
LjLgnorris has a clone online, btw00:29
LjLnot sure if that's relevant to anything but just thought i'd mention it00:29
Seeker`LjL: how do you know that?00:29
LjLSeeker`: /who his-host00:30
LjLbedon: Welcome to the home of the Ubuntu IRC Team operators | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcTeam | This channel is for operator/abuse questions in the IRC Team domain only | Support in #ubuntu, #kubuntu etc... | LoCo channel discussion/issues etc to #ubuntu-irc | We reserve the right to remove idlers from the channel | Channel is logged at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | Be good!00:30
Seeker`bedon: anything we can help you with yet?00:31
bedonmerci de votre aide Thank for your help  gone 00:32
=== the_mechanic_ is now known as madtinhatter
madtinhatterhey can someone tell me how to install a linux os alongside intrepid so that you can choose which one to boot into when you start up?01:18
* LjL keeps wondering whether chronic1 is chronic banevading01:19
LjLmadtinhatter: this is not a support channel, try asking ##linux01:20
madtinhatterk thanks01:20
the_mechanic_hey can someone tell me how to install a linux os while already running intrepid so that i can choose which system to boot into when i start up my comp?01:29
=== tritium_ is now known as tritium
RDovehey, i can't get in to ubuntu yet, i am connected on port 800103:35
FriendlyEaglei got it working03:43
AmaranthLjL: Someone was hopping through mibbit hostmasks03:46
AmaranthWas supposed to be for an hour or so, forgot about it03:46
ubottuCircs called the ops in #ubuntu-offtopic ()04:40
ubottuAtomicSpark called the ops in #ubuntu-offtopic (JustKemp)04:40
=== bluesmoke_ is now known as Amaranth
ikonia@bansearch Nephilus06:19
ubottuNo matches found for nephilus!n=nephilus@adsl-75-63-5-239.dsl.austtx.sbcglobal.net in any channel06:19
bazhangikonia, nephilus ban evading?06:27
ubot3In ubot3, jzmer said: !operator is channel operator08:30
FlannelHi jzmer, how can we help you?08:31
ikoniabazhang: yup08:32
jzmeri was just testing "is" with the bot and accidentally entered "! operator is channel operator" is there anything inappropriate about this?08:32
FlannelInappropriate? what?08:32
FlannelNo, nothing inappropriate.08:33
jzmeroh, thought this might show up somewhere on the list of requests08:33
FlannelYeah, it shows up here.08:33
FlannelWouldn't be the first time someone has accidentally done something like that08:34
jzmerFlannel: erh, wait a second, I assume u r a human?08:34
jzmerFlannel: I mean, not a bot?08:34
Flanneljzmer: You'd have to ask ikonia that.  I'm not self aware yet.08:34
ikoniaflannel is human yes08:35
ikoniajzmer: is there anything you actually need/want ?08:35
jzmerikonia: just need to make sure if i did anything wrong08:36
ikoniajzmer: nope, no problem08:36
jzmerFlannel: sorry for my doubts, coz i noted u said something like "Hi jzmer, how can we help you?" when I just logged in, so  . . .08:37
ikoniajzmer: it's not a problem08:37
jzmerikonia: thanks anyway, have a good night to ya08:38
* Flannel is a well programmed chat bo... ERROR ERROR.08:39
ikoniaFlannel: you're very interactive 08:39
Flannelikonia: How does my being very interactive make you feel?08:40
ikonia</typical response>08:41
Flannelikonia: What else?08:41
ikoniaFlannel: 11010011001001110011008:41
ikoniaFlannel: it makes me feel happy08:41
Flannelikonia: And what do you think of 110100110010011100110?08:41
Flannelikonia: what else makes you happy?08:42
ikoniaFlannel: your momma08:42
Flannelikonia: How does my momma make you feel?08:42
ikoniaha ha ha08:43
FlannelI'm doing a rather poor job at being a chat bot.08:43
ikoniano no, not bad08:43
ikoniaI've had worse converssations with real people08:43
elkyi agree with ikonia08:43
topyliFlannel will soon be turing complete08:44
ikoniawhat is the ! trigger for flannel bot ?08:44
elky'oi, you'08:45
FlannelAccording to jzmer, [X] has joined #ubuntu-ops08:45
ikoniaI see a bug, can someone disconnect flannel please08:46
FlannelNooo.... my bits.08:46
topyliyay locke is back on -ot09:32
ikoniaI thought he was banned ?09:33
elkydid he get unbanned?09:33
elky@bansearch |_ocke09:34
ubottuNo matches found for |_ocke!n=locke@ in any channel09:34
ikoniaI could just be wrong 09:34
elkynope, no ban currently there09:39
elkyhe'll mess up soon enough though09:39
ikoniaprobably just mistaken 09:39
elkypossibly, but we're stuck with him now until he starts being inappropriate again09:40
bazhangikonia, nephilus joined from an entirely different isp right after you did that bansearch10:31
bazhango0Chris0o, how may we assist you10:31
elkyo0Chris0o, what edit do you want to suggest?10:32
ubottuAnd the magical fairies came in and stole the crown from underneath the apple tree...10:32
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)10:32
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)10:32
* Myrtti kicks ubottu gently10:33
o0Chris0owell I was in #ubuntu+1 and it referenced #ubuntu as the support channel instead of #ubuntu+110:33
MyrttiI only work here!10:34
o0Chris0oanyway to have ubottu reference ubuntu+1 as a support channel as well?10:34
o0Chris0ohope thats not confusing to you guys10:35
bazhangnhasian in +110:36
o0Chris0obazhang→ him and another was having a OT conversation when I called the offtopic tag (!ot) it referenced as if we were in ubuntu, not ubuntu+110:37
o0Chris0ohope that makes sense, its late here10:37
bazhang<nhasian> sebsebseb, for some reason 20 year old girls wont give you the time of day if you tell them your over 30, but if your 27 then its go time10:38
o0Chris0ooh yeah10:39
Myrttispank him10:40
Myrttispank him hard10:40
bazhangthat is beyond offtopic imo10:40
elkywell beyond10:40
o0Chris0obazhang→ yeah I agree10:40
bazhangkb'able imo10:41
elkynot quite10:41
elkyif persistant, yes. but not straight off.10:41
bazhangthefeds now ranting about not wanting to install ubuntu because it promotes religion; am going to remove if he continues10:41
bazhangin #ubuntu ; he seems to have taken the !ot to heart for a short while at least10:44
ubottuJuhaz called the ops in #ubuntu (thefeds)12:23
Myrttirenicked to cytoplasm currently12:29
Myrttiit's lovely how sebsebseb gives us advice on how to IRC12:33
* elky really should stop biting12:40
elkyum... what's the sed syntax for the bot?12:41
elkyMyrtti, halps?12:42
ubot3Factoid s/word/newword not found12:42
elky!ops is ~s/word/newword12:43
ubottuBut ops already means something else!12:43
elky!ops ~s/elkbuntu/elky/12:43
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)12:43
elkyikonia, me dum12:44
Myrtti!ops ~= /elkbuntu/elky/12:45
ubottuI'll remember that Myrtti12:45
ikoniaahhh ~=12:46
ikoniasorry 12:46
ikoniais elkbuntu dead now ?12:46
elkyi'll bring it out next time i want to be asked what DE i run12:46
elkyplus, i never used 'elky' on OFTC, and maintaining multiple nicks is annoying12:47
ikoniaelky it is12:49
elkyanyway, i'm going to pike early. want to go shoe and chair shopping tomorrow12:50
ikoniaoooh shoe12:55
bazhangany reason to allow thefeds access to continue trolling?12:55
ikonianot any more, he's had enough warning12:56
bazhangfirst it was root autologin, then ubuntu is promoting religion, now put cigarettes in with every cd...12:56
elkynext stuffup, please ban him to kingdom come12:58
bazhangokay elky 12:58
ikoniait's an issue - he's a cloaked user since 2008 november, yet chose to use multiple non-cloaked nicks to be an issue12:58
bazhangerr seamonkey is not a chatzilla irc client?14:18
ikoniaapparantly it is ?14:18
bazhangmozilla-chatzilla in the repos14:19
bazhanglooks like a pizza topping :)14:19
bazhangsebsebseb seemed to be improving, but is getting back to old ways again imo14:20
LjLelky: that was pretty gratuitous really.14:20
bazhangie telling everyone that it is *him* and *him* alone that triggered the bot (thus due the thanks)14:21
ikoniaI know I know, I'm speaking to him 14:21
bazhangLjL, the mailing list?14:21
ikoniaI'm trying to cut him slack as his social illness can be hard to control 14:21
LjLbazhang: mhm14:21
bazhangthat convo got too meta for me14:22
* genii sips14:30
ubottuTips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RaidConfigurationHowto and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO14:36
LjLthat wiki page is broken, does anyone know where it ended up? in a metro train, under a bridge?14:36
ubotturaid is Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID wto and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto14:36
ikoniaLjL: check that one, I re-wrote it14:36
LjLikonia: and you deleted the previous one?14:36
ikoniathe previous one was gone for a while, hence why I refreshed that one14:37
ikoniaI need to do an "ubuntu lvm" one to make it in the official wiki rather than a 3rd party14:38
ikoniaI'll do that this weekend 14:38
* ikonia makes a note on todo list14:38
LjLikonia: talk to hateball, he wants to do the same (check -ot)14:38
ubottulvm has no aliases - added by Seveas on 2006-07-21 06:17:5414:38
LjL!no lvm is <alias> raid14:38
ubottuI'll remember that LjL14:38
ikoniaLjL: if you see me on line over the weekend nudge me to remind me, I've just put an entry in my calander 14:39
* mneptok waves from Boston15:00
LjLmneptok: you're finding more places to scare people off?15:01
mneptokLjL: visiting family before moving west15:01
bazhangwow NM has a boston?15:01
mneptokbazhang: Oregon would have, if the coin toss had gone to the guy from Boston, and not Portland, Maine ;)15:02
bazhangmneptok, haha15:02
mneptokbazhang: true story15:04
bazhangmneptok, still funny though :)15:04
ErriettaHello :)15:10
ErriettaUm i was wondering if we could like have a little talk about a little channel ban? :)15:11
LjLi think so15:12
ErriettaUh i got banned from #ubuntu some time ago15:12
ErriettaBecause i behaved a bit badly and all and i was wondering if you could be so kind to remove that at so me time15:12
bazhang@bansearch Errietta 15:12
ubottuMatch: *!*@ by LjL in #ubuntu on Mar 25 2009 16:35:27 (ID: 11587)15:12
LjLErrietta, that wasn't a bit badly15:12
ErriettaYeah, that one.15:12
LjLthat was very badly15:12
Errietta1024 bits badly?15:13
bazhangextremely badly15:13
Errietta1 yotta byte kk?15:13
bazhang@banlog Errietta 15:13
ubottu#ubuntu: 2009-03-25T16:31:59 <Errietta> hello15:13
ubottu#ubuntu: 2009-03-25T16:32:12 <Errietta> can u plz tell me why writing a disk screws it up and my cdplayer wont play it15:13
ubottu#ubuntu: 2009-03-25T16:32:16 <Errietta> ive wasted 2 disks already15:13
ubottu#ubuntu: 2009-03-25T16:32:19 <Errietta> im not willing to waste another15:13
ubottu#ubuntu: 2009-03-25T16:32:31 <Errietta> no15:13
LjLErrietta, aside from the reasons that led to the (several) bans themselves15:13
ErriettaOk 1024 yottabites15:13
LjLyou insulted and threatened operators15:13
LjLin PM15:13
LjLon #freenode15:13
LjLjust about everywhere you could come up with15:13
bazhangdeath threats15:13
LjLbe thankful you're still on the network, seriously15:13
ErriettaI'm sorry15:13
ErriettaI did get klined but im back now as the support said15:14
bazhangban wont be lifted.15:14
LjLbut, nothing15:14
bazhangbye bye.15:14
LjLnext time you don't do death treaths15:14
LjL... on the next channel you join15:14
LjLwhich won't be #ubuntu15:14
ErriettaI didn't make any death threats here did i15:14
LjLwho cares whether you did them here or elsewhere15:15
LjLyou did them15:15
ErriettaI learned my lesson now though :(15:15
LjLbit too late15:15
bazhangErrietta, please part the channel now.15:15
ErriettaIm not gonna argue about it15:15
Erriettaits ur choice15:15
bazhangthought he was a ubuntu-wide ban15:16
bazhangie all namespace15:16
LjL#ubuntu-ops isn't part of "all namespace" bans for what i'm concerned15:16
bazhangnot here.15:16
bazhangkubuntu, xubuntu, etc etc15:17
LjLwell she's nowhere else currently15:17
bazhangso far15:17
Erriettawhat if i promise ill be nice15:17
ErriettaJust one more chance15:17
ErriettaOk i get it15:18
LjLErrietta: you've had your fair share of chances.15:18
bazhangdeath threats dont get another chance.15:18
Erriettai wont bother u here either.15:18
LjLbazhang: neither does having a shitload of bantracker entries, for that matter15:18
LjL[16:18:32] <Errietta> I WAS GOING TO LEAVE15:18
LjL[16:18:33] <Errietta> U know what15:18
bazhang<bazhang> so far15:18
LjL[16:18:47] <Errietta> if u dont give ppl chances15:18
LjL[16:18:50] <Errietta> they wont give u a chance15:18
LjL[16:19:02] <LjL> is that another threat?15:19
LjL[16:19:05] <Errietta> no15:19
LjL[16:19:10] <Errietta> im just saying15:19
LjL[16:19:13] <Errietta> it's a fact of life15:19
bazhanghow is he still even allowed on freenode15:19
LjL[16:19:34] <Errietta> W/e15:19
Myrttiklines arent permanent15:19
LjL@mark #ubuntu-ops Errietta Seems like another threat to me.15:20
ubottuThe operation succeeded.15:20
bazhangzloy got a longer one for posting goatse and trolling -women15:21
LjLstill pm'ing me15:23
LjLafter being told a number of times to stop15:23
bazhangnow he is pm'ing me :(15:25
LjLErrietta: stop sending unwanted private messages to people.15:25
LjLstop it NOW.15:26
ErriettaWhat was the last time someone asked you to be your friend15:26
ErriettaIf you say "10 years ago" or "never" obviously there's something wrong with the way you treat people15:26
bazhangdeath threats preclude that.15:26
ErriettaI'm not a bad person15:26
ErriettaI just want to have a chance to prove it15:26
ErriettaI wouldn't kill anyone15:26
LjLErrietta: you have been told you won't get another chance.15:27
ErriettaI don't have guns15:27
LjLErrietta: not stop sending people unwanted PMs.15:27
bazhangprove it elsewhere15:27
Erriettaur not in anhy other channels15:27
ErriettaThat's not fair15:27
LjLErrietta: answer this question - will stop sending people unsolicited and unwanted PMs *right now*?15:27
Erriettai dont mean to annoy u15:27
LjLErrietta: answer this question - will stop sending people unsolicited and unwanted PMs *right now*?15:27
Erriettaim just a friendly person unlike u15:27
Erriettai like talking to people15:27
Erriettai sometimes feel lonely15:27
ErriettaIs that bad too?15:28
ErriettaIs having feelings really such a horrible thing15:28
LjLErrietta: answer this question - will you stop sending people unsolicited and unwanted PMs *right now*?15:28
ErriettaYes ok jesus15:28
ErriettaI just want a chance to prove that im a nice personm15:29
Erriettawhy dont u give me that chance15:29
Erriettaim not gonna do any harm15:29
LjL[16:29:22] <Errietta> Hi15:29
LjL[16:29:27] <Errietta> i cant kill over the internet15:29
LjL[16:29:29] <Errietta> u know that right15:29
LjL!staff | I believe Errietta may need some more time to think about her attitude on this network, please review that15:30
ubottuI believe Errietta may need some more time to think about her attitude on this network, please review that: Hey nalioth, jenda, rob, SportChick, seanw, Dave2, Christel, tomaw, Gary, Vorian or PriceChild, I could  use a bit of your time :)15:30
LjLi wasn't in #defocus but i suspect there might be some review needed in there too about her15:32
LjLalso, i don't think #erry is a valid on-topic channel15:32
LjLbazhang, are you sure asking about how much memory you need for stuff is a support question to begin with?15:41
LjLmethinks -ot is bad enough that some semi-support discussions are unlikely to hurt anybody15:41
Amaranth@bansearch comingsoon15:42
bazhangseems he is trolling15:42
bazhanghe joined ubuntu then quit15:44
bazhangnow he claims he cannot join15:44
LjLhe's on mibbit, might be confused15:45
ubottusebsebseb called the ops in #ubuntu (aloneinthedark)15:46
jpdsHm, what did he do wrong?15:46
bazhangnot much really. grawity was much worse imo15:46
bazhangoh no! closet monster JDONG15:46
LjLgrawity, since you're here15:47
LjLhow's about not feeding the trolls15:47
grawityLjL: Which one?15:48
LjLfor starters there's no need to *say* in the channel that you've put someone on ignore15:48
LjLjust ignore15:48
* grawity notes15:48
bazhangand avoid the excessive /me please15:49
LjLresponse to my request to join here was15:49
LjL[16:47:00] <aloneinthedark> :)  [16:47:38] <aloneinthedark> it is not possible to ignore the truth!15:50
LjLso banned15:50
LjLoh, and he's got multiple hosts!"15:50
LjLugh, ugh, ugh15:52
* ikonia watches the erry moron show15:59
ikonia"I'm a bad person" etc etc16:00
ikoniadon't know why the staff in there are not just kicking off the network 16:00
LjLi recommend staying out of the... discussion, though16:00
ikoniahe's admiting he's a pain and will continue to be an issue16:00
ikonianot saying a word16:01
ikoniano interest to discuss anything 16:01
ikoniajust watching with confusion16:01
LjLbazhang: cxole might be aloneinthedark again, fyi16:01
LjLmight - not sure16:01
LjLerr, more sure now16:02
* genii makes more coffee16:03
ikoniagenii: poor me one, I'll take one for once16:04
* genii prepares ikonia a large Ubuntu mug of coffee just how he likes it16:05
ikoniaI think this week as official been ubuntu troll week16:07
ikoniaeach year we should celbrate it16:07
ikonia"has" not as16:08
LjLi think the previous troll is coming back with some clones16:08
LjLnot many, but some16:09
ikoniawhich one ?16:09
ikoniathere have been so many this week16:09
ikoniaI see them in -it16:09
LjL(memame and mnk namely)16:09
LjLsemame even16:09
ikoniaLjL: forget that, read it wrong16:09
LjLikonia: i know i am in -it, but i would never warn about myself :(16:10
LjLyou know i'm in #ubuntu all the time anyway16:10
ikoniaLjL: I was just being wrong16:11
LjLand i was right about semame16:12
LjLhi GreenRanger16:12
LjLcan we help you somehow?16:13
GreenRangerI call upon the power of the dragonzord16:13
LjLi guess not16:13
ikoniawell that made my laugh16:13
* ikonia wonders if it is morphin time16:13
LjLgoing +r16:14
ikoniaokey dokey16:14
ikoniais Iceman_B^Ltop icebuntu (I saw him yesterday)16:15
LjLi dunno16:15
ikoniabazhang: as the icebuntu expert.....16:15
bazhangikonia, hehe16:16
bazhangwish I wasnt :(16:16
ikoniadont think iceman_b is icebuntu, he formed logical questions in #ubuntu-server16:17
bazhangno I dont think so16:18
bazhanghe says okay and not okey for one16:18
ikoniaPicipod: come back......16:18
ikoniabazhang: yeah, sensible questions in #ubuntu-server16:18
LjLlook at latest ban i did16:19
bazhangikonia, also he is saying things like 'that wont fly' which icebuntu never would16:19
LjL(i did suspect of anseim a bit earlier but he didn't show as a proxy...)16:19
ikoniaLjL: I don't recognise the IP 16:19
LjLikonia: he's using a lot of different ips, mostly drones16:19
Picipodikonia: annoying troll is annoying16:19
ikoniaPicipod: ha ha ha16:20
ikoniaPicipod: wondered how long you'd take it16:20
bazhangkind of like ikoniaz16:20
ikoniagary delt with him quick sharp16:20
LjL[17:23:17] [Who] nvstp is n=edwin@ (yandong)16:23
LjL[17:23:17] [Who] edwin is n=edwin@ (Török Edwin) (Away)16:23
LjL[17:23:17] [Who] edwinb is n=edwin@proteus.green-dragon.org (Edwin Brady)16:23
LjLwill this be him again?16:23
LjLgiven the "green dragon" host16:23
LjLnick registered a bit too far in the past to be a troll, though16:24
ikoniamy bet is yes16:24
LjLwell, edwinb was registered in 2004 though16:24
bazhanggrawity getting too offtopic?16:24
LjLjesus christ now i have to ban myself16:25
ikoniajust about to say16:25
ikoniathat will hit you16:25
bazhangthat is grawity second warning with !ot16:26
LjLwon't hit me16:26
LjLthe ? prevents that16:26
ikoniayour op'd16:26
ikoniahow does the ? prevent it ?16:26
LjLit will hit ljl-temp, but i don't have it online anyway16:26
LjLikonia: ? *must* match one single character16:26
ikoniayou fall into the ? with ljl don't you 16:26
ikoniaahh so it would have to be ljl$16:26
ikoniaI thought it was ljl AND lgl$16:26
LjLi need to have something after LjL16:26
ikoniayup, I see16:26
bazhang* [umakant] (n=umakant@ Umakant Chaudhari  bingo16:27
bazhangin #kubuntu16:27
ikoniabazhang: thats ice isn't it ?16:28
bazhangikonia, yep16:28
ikoniawhich one is he16:28
ikonianot banned in #k so nothing to do16:31
ubottuIn #ubuntu+1, rconan said: !not offtopic is #ubuntu+1 is the Ubuntu development branch discussion channel. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!16:31
bazhangikonia, no he is not banned there, just wanted to point out he is switching nicks (again)16:32
ikoniano no, good to see16:32
bazhang20th time or so16:32
ikoniaicebuntu is asues tek yes/no ?16:32
ikoniaI lose track ?16:32
bazhangasustek, hynix, umakant, anand, icebuntu16:32
ikoniaso much to remember16:36
LjLi think [Whois] LJIEVK is n=lskasj@ (sadñlk) is still him but, who knows16:37
ikoniajust keep an eye on 16:38
LjLok it's him16:38
ikoniawhat gave it away, the nick change ?16:38
LjLhe's trying to circumvent my ban while still making clear he's using my nick16:39
bazhangwhat the heck16:39
LjLtypical nick-troll16:39
bazhanghe wants to spread the truth that much?16:39
LjLbazhang: wait... he's ntfs?16:39
bazhangLjL, this is aloneinthedark?16:40
LjLbazhang: i think so yeah16:40
bazhangthought he wanted to spread the 'truth' about windows being so great16:40
LjLbazhang: ah ok. 'cause there was another one yesterday wanting to "spread the truth"16:40
LjLhe talked in all caps, though16:40
ikoniathe truth is out there16:41
bazhangthe hello sinners guy?16:41
LjLno, no16:41
LjLa new one16:41
bazhangseekingtruth iirc16:41
LjLwanting to spread the truth about needing to turn off computers to save power16:41
geniiIf the truth is windows, i don wanna know16:41
bazhangso much truth out there :(16:42
* LjL just hopes ljlane doesn't try to join #ubuntu16:42
LjLikonia: oh by the way, just to prove ljievk *was* him16:42
LjL [Who] lJlOpP is n=lskasj@ (sadñlk)16:42
ikoniadon't doubt you 16:42
LjLikonia: why not - detecting ban evaders isn't an exact science :)16:43
ikoniano, but you normally have sound judgment16:43
LjLwell, nobody dangerous-looking online for l*j*l* right now16:44
LjLhope he's taken a break16:44
ikoniaprobably tired16:45
LjLzero tolerance mode is in effect, if you don't mind ;P16:46
ikoniaokey dokey16:47
bazhangzero tolerance for urinating friends mode16:47
ikoniaI wanted to be his urinating friend16:47
LjLfound a channel with him about that :P16:47
ikoniaLjL: bet you've filled up the ban list !16:48
LjLquite likely...16:48
LjLi'll remove them, but i prefer to wait a bit16:48
ikoniaof coruse16:48
bazhangsave one space for umakant16:49
LjLi'll try16:49
LjLalright, i know where the guy was taking proxies from16:54
LjLi'll make a few bans, don't go "huh"16:54
bazhangnice work ljl16:54
LjLnah i can't do it, there's too many ones that actually work, i *would* fill up the banlist16:58
bazhangthat is a funny factoid !jding17:13
ubottujding has no aliases - added by Pici on 2008-01-24 03:35:00 - last edited by Seveas on 2008-01-27 23:04:0117:15
LjLmethinkgs jbl_whateverhescalled is a troll regardless of being aloneinthedark17:17
Priceyspelling error on bantracker, "descuss"17:19
bazhangwants everything in terminal17:19
LjLbazhang: i think you're mistaken though17:25
LjL!info mldonkey-server17:25
ubottumldonkey-server (source: mldonkey): Door to the 'donkey' network. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.9.5-1ubuntu0.1 (intrepid), package size 2436 kB, installed size 6164 kB17:25
LjLthis works fine in the terminal17:25
ubot2_LjL: mldonkey-server (source: mldonkey): Door to the 'donkey' network. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.9.5-1ubuntu0.1 (intrepid), package size 2436 kB, installed size 6164 kB17:25
bazhangLjL, my mistake then17:25
bazhangnot the first time btw17:25
bazhang<sTuPidLS> net gnutella for ubuntu ?17:27
geniiLjL: I was so tempted to remark that the #ubuntu-offtopic room is directly under #ubuntu17:34
bazhanggrawity trolling?17:36
LjLbazhang: .-- .... --- -.- -. --- .-- ...17:37
bazhangmorse for yes I am guessing17:37
LjLbazhang: no morse for "who knows"17:38
bazhangready to kick grawity from #ubuntu17:48
bazhanghe has been warned many times about ot17:48
bazhanghe never threatened anything; o0---0o is imagining it18:00
bazhango0Chris0o, how may we help you18:01
o0Chris0oIs it right for an op to say something degrading in a way about a program in a support channel? Then after after I replied to the op saying "please keep idiotic comments to yourself, this is a support channel, not a bashing channel"  He opped himself and threatens me with "excuse me" I think thats uncalled for. 18:04
Priceyo0Chris0o: Which channel?18:05
bazhangexcuse me is a threat?18:06
o0Chris0obazhang→ no, he opped himself, than he said excused me, threatend me with his op power18:06
o0Chris0oexcuse* sorry18:07
bazhangpower mad operator?18:07
o0Chris0oI would say so18:07
Priceymneptok: are you around?18:10
Priceyo0Chris0o: Have you talked to him in /query?18:11
o0Chris0oPricey→ no, kinda was afraid to talk to him to tell ya the truth, I come here to get support a lot, I don't want to ruin it18:12
Priceyo0Chris0o: Would there be any chance for you to try and catch him in PM when he's available and attempt to sort it out there?18:13
bazhanghe's not *that* scary :)18:13
o0Chris0oPricey→ Sure.18:14
PriceyWe have a funky little https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcTeam/AppealProcess written up.18:14
bazhanghe was never kicked or anything Pricey ; should that apply?18:14
o0Chris0oPricey→ alright, I will remember that, for the most part, there wasn't any harm done accept threatening with op power, but I'm sure he knows that now by looking into this channel18:15
Priceybazhang: its a dispute and I don't think that following its advice/steps can cause any harm?18:16
Priceybazhang: I'm very hopeful that it can be resolved in PM too.18:16
bazhango0Chris0o, is there anything else?18:17
tsimpsonbtw, it would be better not to call people idiots in the channel (re: "please keep idiotic comments to yourself...")18:17
tsimpsonthere are better ways to phrase that18:18
o0Chris0obazhang→ nope that will be it thanks :)18:18
o0Chris0otsimpson→ I agree, better ways to phrase what he said as well18:18
tsimpsonsure :)18:18
bazhangliticovjesac? was that one of the trolls id's?18:31
LjLdoesn't ring a bell to me18:38
bazhanghe was mentioned in the Troll-archlinux hq18:38
LjLbazhang: yamata joined #freenode first, been in there for a while, and he appears to be connected from a proxy.18:46
bazhangyamata in -ot18:46
bazhangLjL, heh sorry18:46
bazhangyamata is fujisan btw18:47
LjLbazhang: you know that how?18:48
bazhangstalking el ky in oftc18:48
bazhangLjL, put together by her and i k o n i a iirc18:49
bazhangonly in #freenode now19:08
bazhangowen9376, how may we help you20:16
TORtugawhy you kick me?20:18
bazhangTORtuga, you were spamming the channel and offtopic20:18
TORtugano, I am only spamming suport channel, no offtopic20:19
bazhang<TORtuga> can you suck my ass?20:19
bazhang<TORtuga> FloodBot1: are you firl or woman?20:19
TORtugaI prefer don't do this :S20:20
bazhangthat is spamming and against the code of conduct20:20
bazhang!coc | TORtuga 20:20
ubottuTORtuga: The Ubuntu Code of Conduct to which we ask all Ubuntu users to adhere can be found at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct/20:20
TORtugaubottu: you here too!!!!!!!?20:21
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:21
TORtugaubottu: ?20:21
bazhangTORtuga, stop that20:21
bazhang@bansearch shadeslayer20:23
ubottuNo matches found for shadeslayer!n=010101@unaffiliated/shadeslayer in any channel20:23
ikonianote shadeslayer in ##windows bragging about logging into peoples routers and rebooting them as he has now "learnt to hack"20:32
bazhanghe is in #ubuntu also20:32
ikoniathats fine - it's just to be aware of his latest claims20:32
ikoniapersonally I don't belive them - and I'm not interested but I'm sure some of his questions in #ubuntu will end up leading towards "how do I hack" style questions20:33
ikoniajust put it in here for context20:33
bazhanggot to take a break, see you all in a while20:34
geniiikonia: He was asking extensivle yonce about WEP cracking and got an earful20:39
geniiBleh typos20:39
ikoniagenii: sorry, missed that, keep an eye on him, his questions in ##windows are leading to suggest his motives are not good20:40
ikoniashadeslayer just ctcp pinged some people in ##windows, then changed his nick to root_b to pretend it wasn't him20:48
ikoniadenied doing it20:48
geniiHe's an idiot and annoying, I know20:52
ikoniaI'm just logging it in here as I feel he's building up to something again20:53
ikoniathis was his behaviour last time with the nick changes to bandodge/do things20:53
ikoniaI know he reads the logs in here too "hi shadeslayer" just so he knows we are on to him and not to try anything 20:54
* Gary is in a mood20:54
=== Gary is now known as evilGary
ikoniawhats up?20:54
Seeker`whats wrong?20:54
evilGaryI see dumb people20:54
ikoniait's been a week of it20:56
geniiWhats this evil trend? Everyone in -offtopic went evil or so21:09
ikoniagary is a trend setter21:09
Seeker`thats scary isn't it21:09
=== genii is now known as evilgenii
=== evilgenii is now known as genii
LjLis this a freenode meme now?21:33
Seeker`i think its banworthy21:33
ikoniameme ?21:34
evilGarySeeker`: banworthy?21:41
evilGarythats made of fail21:41
LjLlike this21:41
LjLyeah yeah i know21:41
Seeker`LjL: :(21:43
evilGaryaww, I failed at chanserv quieting myself21:43
ikoniaI just failed21:43
Seeker`i just lost the game21:43
ikoniaat least you where in the game21:44
* LjL is always out of the games21:46
Seeker`eugh some people need to get a ****** clue22:56
Seeker`etfb: how can we help you?23:09
etfbIs this the place to let an op know about some (minor) stupidity in the #ubuntu channel?  User name gift_ is making intermittant stupid comments there.23:10
Seeker`we'll look in to it23:10
Seeker`ikonia: ping23:11
ubottuMenZa called the ops in #ubuntu (gift_)23:12
* Seeker` wonders where everyone has gone23:15
evilGaryto the fair23:15
Seeker`ah, thats useful23:16
Seeker`we need ops that don't have a social life on fridays :P23:20
ubottuIn #ubuntu-offtopic, MenZa said: !nou-#ubuntu-offtopic is <alias> !no\ u-#ubuntu-offtopic23:22

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