
aragood morning :-)07:05
mvosbeattie: thanks for finding the python bug08:07
aramvo: which bug? (I am just curious)08:15
ubot4Launchpad bug 354228 in python-central "package python2.6-minimal 2.6.1-1ubuntu8 failed to install/upgrade: " [High,Triaged]08:24
mvoI disabled upgrades for now08:24
mvoit hits *everyone*08:24
mvo(well, every upgrade from intrepid->jaunty)08:25
aramvo: ouch!08:39
aramorning jcollado, davmor208:40
jcolladoara: Buenos días08:40
davmor2Morning all08:40
* mvo grumbles about python08:40
* davmor2 passes mvo his snake hitting hammer 08:41
arathekorn: thanks for testing ubuntu-desktop-testing and all of the useful bug reports ;-)08:51
thekornara, no problem, I've some more ideas, so expect more bug reports over the weekend ;)08:54
arathekorn: cool!08:54
arathekorn: I will be on holidays next week, so expect little response from me until the following weekend ;-)08:55
thekornara, cool, have fun08:56
davmor2ara: Have a nice time :)08:58
arathekorn, davmor2: thanks!08:58
thekornara, so maybe it is time for me to ask just another question: are there plans to make ubuntu-desktop-testing and apport work together smoothly, e.g. what should happen if a testcase causes an application to crash09:01
davmor2sbeattie: When you get this any idea why the download script includes things like >>>>>>>>>merge <<<<<<<<<tree  every time I update the master I get these and the script fails.  It works if I delete them which is what I've been doing but I'm not sure if I'm meant to so I thought I'd bring it up while I remembered :)09:01
arathekorn: we want ubuntu-desktop-testing to be integrated (sooner or later) to checkbox. And checkbox has plans to have apport hooks to report failures.09:04
thekornara, so the ubuntu-desktop-test script is not meant to be a standalone script in the long term09:08
arathekorn: yes, we want to keep it standalone while we integrate with checkbox if wanted09:17
thekornthat's interesting09:20
mvosbeattie: btw, for your upgrade tests, do you run them in real HW? in a vm? are you interessted in setting up a kvm based auto-upgrade tester?09:35
mvosbeattie: and does the newt fix work for you (i.e. does update-manager-text not crash anymore?)09:35
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davmor2mvo: update-manager -d isn't working on intrepid :(11:34
aradavmor2: that's expected11:35
aradavmor2: upgrades have been disabled due to a python bug11:36
aradavmor2: mvo just announced it in the -devel list11:37
aradavmor2: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2009-April/028039.html11:37
davmor2ara: thanks :(11:37
aradavmor2: np11:38
davmor2humph that's bugger that test up11:38
mvodavmor2: yes, sorry for that12:06
davmor2mvo: Never mind hay12:07
davmor2hey even12:07
* ara reboots12:26
jtholmesdavmor2, ping12:31
davmor2jtholmes: Hello12:32
jtholmesgood morning could you look at  http://testcases.qa.ubuntu.com/Applications/Kate  and see if it adheres to the rules for test cases12:32
jtholmesi put it up last night12:33
davmor2jtholmes: expected results was dropped and you need to add #endcases to the end of the case other wise it borks out the desktop test when it's added.  Other than that looks good ara^12:39
davmor2ara: anything to add^12:40
* ara reads12:40
jtholmesah ok forgot that12:41
arajtholmes: also, we are trying to keep the name of the page like the application menu name (i.e. we have Applications/TextEditor for gedit)12:44
jtholmesok so noted12:44
jtholmeswill do12:44
arajtholmes: other than that (and davmor2's comments) it looks great. Thanks for contributing!12:45
davmor2jtholmes: you might want to add context highlighting to it also kmenu isn't called kmenu any more12:45
jtholmesdavmor2 please elab on context highlighting and what is kmenu referred to  Launcher?12:46
davmor2jtholmes: right it you type in some basic html and then save it as test.html.  reopen it the text should now be highlighted in different colours12:48
jtholmesok i will try it12:49
davmor2right need to go BBL12:50
jtholmesduh!! now I get it  highlighting as in (the  test case === Syntax Highlighting=== )  double duh13:09
jtholmesara what is the new name for kmenu?13:20
davmor2jtholmes: kickoff14:18
jtholmesdavmor2, thanks14:29
sbeattiedavmor2: hrm, that's a merge conflict. Not sure why that's happening.14:47
davmor2sbeattie: I only noticed it because it threw up a line 29 error trying to run it :)14:48
davmor2line 29 expression error even14:48
sbeattiemvo: yes, live hardware and yes, I'm very interested in setting up an auto-upgrade tester.14:57
* sbeattie is trying to wake up, feed his kids, resume conversations from last night, and prep for the release meeting in, uh, two minutes.14:58
davmor2sbeattie: Meh show off ;)15:01
sbeattiedavmor2: it'd be showing off if I wasn't failing at all of it. :-/15:01
sbeattiedavmor2: hrm, line 29 is (currently) the BASEURL, aka the rsync:// definition. If you hit it again while bzr updating, make a copy of the result and ping me.15:23
davmor2sbeattie: on the version I got it was >>>>>>>merge15:23
davmor2Once I removed merge it was15:24
sbeattieright, there should >>>>>> and ======= and <<<<<<<< which separate your version from the bzr version.15:25
davmor2sbeattie: I am using bzr correctly aren't I.  Currently I go into the master folder on my drive and type bzr pull is that correct?15:25
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Aleksey_Shello all17:36
Aleksey_Shave someone problems with portaudio as i?17:40
mvoif someone could do a sru verification of bug #349725 - that would be most appreciated20:02
ubot4Launchpad bug 349725 in doc-base "8.04->9.04-beta updgrade: Could not install 'base-passwd'" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34972520:02
mvo(should be *very* simple, just ensuring there are no regressions)20:02
Aleksey_Ssru verification?20:03
Ironic_VHow can i join the tesing day ?20:35
sbeattiemvo: I'll try to get to it later today.21:06
mvothanks sbeattie21:08
nagappancr3, ping21:39
nagappancr3, while Ubuntu is booting, how can I see the booting console ? instead of splash screen ?21:39
nagappanpressing 'Esc' key doesn't help21:40
cr3nagappan: edit the grub line, either at boot or in menu.lst, to remove the "splash" parameter21:41
cr3nagappan: you might also like to remove "quiet" depending on the level of detail you're looking for21:41
nagappancr3, after booting, I'm taken to initramfs prompt21:42
nagappancr3, so I could not debug whats the issue21:42
nagappancr3, also I forgot to tell you one thing, this was an image taken on slightly different hardware configuration, planing to deploy on new machine21:43
nagappancr3, using Altiris21:43
cr3nagappan: could the problem simply be a different uuid, as passed to grub?21:43
nagappancr3, how to fix that ?21:44
nagappancr3, I don't get a grub prompt at all21:44
cr3nagappan: are you on a mac or something? if you're on pc, you must have grub unless you manually decided to go with lilo21:45
cr3(by the way, I have no idea with this "altiris" is)21:45
cr3according to wikipedia: Altiris Inc. is a subsidiary of Symantec21:45
cr3doesn't sound promising...21:46
nagappancr3, :D21:46
cr3have you tried #symantec :)21:46
nagappancr3, its grub loader, but I remember Ubuntu doesn't show the grub prompt at booting ? correct me, if I'm wrong21:46
nagappancr3, ah ! no, does it exist ?21:46
cr3nagappan: I'm kidding man, as if companies like Symatec or VMware would have any presence on irc... oh wait, VMware does: you!21:48
cr3seriously though, you should be able to troubleshoot some from initramfs21:48
cr3nagappan: so you're at the busybox prompt, right?21:48
nagappancr3, right21:48
cr3nagappan: is the drive(s) mounted?21:48
nagappancr3, got the grub prompt21:49
nagappancr3, how do I debug from here ?21:49
nagappancr3, its Ubuntu 8.04.1, kernel 2.6.24-21-generic21:49
cr3nagappan: dude, you're being confusing. first you said you had no grub. now you say you have grub. second I ask if you're at busybox. now you say you're at the grub prompt.21:49
cr3how about we agree to take this one step at the time?21:49
nagappancr3, sorry, I rebooted the machine and got the grub prompt21:50
cr3nagappan: ok, lets start troubleshooting from grub then. type 'e', I think, to edit the first grub line which used to work21:51
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nagappancr3, sure21:51
nagappancr3, I'm in line kernel ....21:51
cr3nagappan: then, you should see a line like: root=UUID=[some alphanum]21:51
cr3nagappan: I'm quite sure the UUID is the problem, so we'll proceed based on that assumption if you don't mind21:52
nagappancr3, sure21:52
cr3nagappan: so, take down that UUID number so that we can confirm from busybox that it's right or wrong21:52
nagappancr3, yes I could notice the alphanumeric one21:52
nagappancr3, sure21:52
cr3nagappan: you could basically just take down a few of the first or last characters, just to confirm it's the same or not21:52
cr3nagappan: you won't need to type that uuid21:53
nagappancr3, noted down the complete one21:53
nagappancr3, just incase :)21:54
cr3nagappan: then, either boot from a live cd or into busybox again (I think that will have enough tools to fix the problem)21:54
nagappancr3, sure21:54
cr3nagappan: let me know when you're at a prompt21:55
nagappancr3, sure21:55
nagappancr3, its taking more time to boot, now booted with out quiet and splash option21:56
nagappanwaiting after attaching scsi generic drive21:57
cr3nagappan: first thing you'll want to do is either check that your drive is already mounted (df) otherwise try to mount it somewhere (mkdir /mnt; mount -t ext2 /dev/sda1 /mnt)21:57
nagappanvirtual disc 221:57
nagappancr3, sure21:57
nagappancr3, the error message before shell was21:58
nagappancr3, /dev/disk/by-uuid/... does not exist21:58
cr3nagappan: that sucks, because that's precisely what I was going to ask you to ls -l :)21:58
cr3nagappan: I presume that your drive wasn't automatically mounted then?21:59
nagappancr3, automatically mounted ?22:00
nagappancr3, I don't get that22:00
nagappancr3, oh ya22:00
nagappancr3, now, mounted manually22:00
cr3nagappan: excellent, was /dev/disk/by-uuid created and, if so, could you should me the output of ls -l /dev/disk/by-uuid22:01
nagappancr3, it shows 2 diff uuid, one is for sda1 and second for sda522:02
nagappancr3, sda5 I swap I guess22:02
nagappancr3, yes I'm right, its swap22:02
cr3nagappan: does the uuid for sda1 correspond to the value you saved earlier?22:02
nagappancr3, no22:03
cr3nagappan: you found your problem then! so, you can either take down the new uuid and replace it in grub everytime you boot22:04
cr3nagappan: or, since your drive is already mounted, you can edit boot/grub/menu.lst and replace every instance of the old value with the new value22:04
nagappancr3, ok22:04
cr3nagappan: reboot and you should be fine22:04
nagappancr3, cool, also I need to modify /etc/fstab ?22:04
cr3nagappan: by the way, there might be an easier way to do this, I've given you the low level tour22:04
cr3nagappan: oh right, might as well edit that too :)22:05
nagappancr3, ok22:05
cr3nagappan: if you're lazy and if busybox comes with gnu sed, you could do: sed -i 's/[old uuid]/[new uuid]/' /mnt/etc/fstab /mnt/boot/grub/menu.lst22:06
nagappancr3, would like to hear the easier way22:06
cr3nagappan: where the variables in brackets should be replaced accordingly, of course :)22:06
nagappancr3, sure22:06
nagappancr3, I don't have an option to edit the file directly22:06
nagappancr3, no edit / vi22:06
cr3nagappan: how come? nano should be available22:06
nagappancr3, nano is also not there22:07
cr3nagappan: yeah, I've been disappointed on numerous occasions that vi wasn't available22:07
cr3ed perhaps? :)22:07
cr3nagappan: aha! you know, you could chroot /mnt :)22:07
cr3nagappan: then, assuming your PATH environment variable is sane, you could use vi or whatever from the mounted filesystem :)22:08
nagappancr3, no ed22:08
nagappancr3, cool, let me try22:09
cr3no ed! seriously though, I wouldn't subject ed even to the most seasoned solaris sysadmin22:09
nagappancr3, I get some error message, when I do chroot 'sh: no job control in this shell'22:09
nagappancr3, wow ! I can use the editor though22:10
nagappancr3, let me try editing the file22:10
cr3nagappan: that error message rings a bell, did you use the su command?22:12
cr3not a big deal though, if you can edit your files, I guess that's the important part22:13
nagappancr3, I haven't used su22:13
nagappancr3, anyways, I have edited the file22:14
nagappancr3, the swap file UUID haven't changed22:14
nagappancr3, am I missing something here ? or its ok ?22:14
cr3nagappan: excellent, now try rebooting and cross your fingers (that's the important part)22:14
nagappancr3, sure22:14
* nagappan rebooting22:14
cr3nagappan: might as well try, we could always revise if we find we missed something22:14
nagappancr3, sure22:15
nagappancr3, wow ! it booted :D22:16
nagappancr3, unbelievable :D22:16
cr3nagappan: rock and roll!22:16
nagappancr3, thanks a lot !!!22:16
Adri2000hmm I wanted #ubuntu+1 actually :p22:16
cr3nagappan: no problem man. hopefully, you won't have to do this too often :)22:17
nagappancr3, I will create a new image of it :)22:17
nagappancr3, using Altiris22:17
cr3and I think I'm going to reimage a cigarette...22:18
nagappancr3, :D22:18
nagappancr3, oops on reboot It again struck there !22:19
nagappancr3, let me figure it out, what the issue is22:19
nagappancr3, is there an alternate method without uuid !?!22:20
cr3nagappan: if you're just going to have a single drive in there, you could safely replace the whole uuid thing with the actual device: root=/dev/sda[number]22:32
cr3nagappan: did you run an update or something?22:33
nagappancr3, no, currently running the update22:34
nagappancr3, we will always have single drive for the automated testing22:34
cr3nagappan: I suspect the reason why rebooting broke everything is that you might not have substituted all instances of your old uuid in the menu.lst file. for example, I bet you didn't change: # kopt=root=UUID=...22:35
nagappancr3, true, the uuid, have changed now than the last boot22:36
nagappancr3, that surprised me :)22:36
nagappancr3, after the update, let me try rebooting, once again22:36
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sbeattienagappan: is this scsi or some other hardware that might likely have a long timeout before the disks get detected? You might see if adding "rootdelay=90" to your kernel boot line works (I've got a machine here that does that).23:03
nagappansbeattie, its ide drive23:09
sbeattienagappan: hrm. Might still be worth trying rootdelay=90 to see if it's a slow-to-detect disks situation.23:10
nagappansbeattie, based on cr3 suggestion, I have modified to /dev/sda1 instead of using uuid, now things are working fine :)23:10

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