
gabyahem, somebody know how to forcefully mount something?00:00
oCean_gaby: mount has a force option, but the preferred/recommended way is to go through windows00:00
_Whippergaby: so.. you are changing From ub ?-)00:00
gabyi cant access windows00:00
ActionParsnipcaleb_: nice, sometimes they take a while to connect00:00
gabyill probably have to go back to factory settings00:01
caleb_ActionParsnip: It's kind of weird, seeing how I had this open all night.00:01
gabybut i need my files first00:01
thewrathdoes anyone want to help me test the stuff with my pgp key?00:01
caleb_ActionParsnip: I guess it's a good thing I didn't uninstall.00:01
cypher1does anybody have the same problem of cpu usage being 95-100% with flash in firefox ?00:01
ActionParsnipgaby: sudo mount /dev/<partition anme> /mount/point -t ntfs-3g -o uid=1000,force00:01
BuckyBunnyEvening everyone.00:01
ActionParsnipcypher1: firefox is a memory hog imho00:01
oCean_gaby: Ok, you can try the forced mount, but when it still gives the "..in use" or "..not cleanly shutdown" message, you have to go through windows anyway, or install ntfs progs00:01
gabythanks a lot, im going to try this, hold on00:02
cypher1ActionParsnip, ok.. what is the better alternative then ?00:02
_Whipperand there went another win.. :)00:02
BuckyBunnyI'm loking for a bit of help if anyone can assist a noob.00:02
SrEstronciowhat's the problem?00:03
cypher1!ask > BuckyBunny00:03
ubottuBuckyBunny, please see my private message00:03
ActionParsnipcypher1: i rate opera personally00:03
QaDeS_whoa, this is becoming a pretty private chanel as it seems ^ ^00:03
BuckyBunnyI need help turing on to turn on “Automatic kernel module loading”00:03
`Borg`oh yay. ee is not available for intrepid? how crappy is that00:03
cypher1ActionParsnip, ok.. thanks and i am assuming you have not had any problem with flash in opera00:03
BuckyBunnyI'm pretty sure I have to recompile the kearnel but I'm not sure00:03
zagabarHi guys.00:04
zagabarI have problem with mounting my iso00:04
zagabarIt says:00:04
zagabarwrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/loop000:04
gizmobayAnyone have freenx installed on Intrepid?00:05
Iceman_B^Ltopwhat is the default sudo timer set to ?00:05
kiljDoes anyone know why the proprietary drivers in Intrepid causes my ATI graphics card to overheat?00:05
jpubuntunubanyone know the code to get the latest nvidia drivers?00:05
soreauIs there any reason why VLC settings aren't being saved in Hardy?00:06
zambai want to set up a nfs server.. which package should i use for that?00:06
georgy_28zagabar mount -t iso9660 /where/file.iso  /media/somewhere -o loop00:06
unopIceman_B^Ltop,  15 minutes unless 15 overridden in sudoers00:06
zambai see three options.. nfs-user-server, nfs-kernel-server and unfs300:06
ActionParsnipcypher1: runs fine00:06
ActionParsnipcypher1: try it, you can always uninstall00:07
Sylphiddoes anyone know of a program that will do popup reminders of upcoming events00:07
=== thiago__ is now known as thedoor
unopSylphid, evolution can do that00:07
soreauThe keybindings aren't working like 'f' for fullscreen and settings for keybindings aren't being saved. No relevant terminal output or permission issues00:07
soreau(in VLC on Hardy)00:07
kiljDoes anyone know why the proprietary drivers in Intrepid causes my ATI graphics card to overheat?00:08
BuckyBunnycan anyone assist me turning on Automatic kernel module loading00:08
ActionParsnipSylphid: mozila sunbird maybe00:08
ryan1I am a total beginner with a dell inspiron 6000 newly installed, but I'm having problems with my graphics can anyone help me?00:08
OmniDrinkWhenever I plug my Zen in, Banshee closes. I went to the Banshee irc channel, but no one was there.00:08
ActionParsnipBuckyBunny: its already on, just add the module name in /etc/modules and it will be loaded at boot00:08
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cypher1BuckyBunny, yes as you thought it looks like you have to recompile kernel..but you can checkout kerneld also00:09
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ActionParsnipOmniDrink: what if banshee isnt running?00:10
cypher1ActionParsnip, thanks i will try opera00:10
OmniDrinkBanshee works, but it closes as soon as I plug it in.00:10
ryan1I am a total beginner with a dell inspiron 6000 newly installed, but I'm having problems with my graphics can anyone help me?00:11
ActionParsnipOmniDrink: does it re-eun ok?00:11
kiljAnyone here able to help me with a overheating issue on my ATI card?00:11
ActionParsnipryan1: in terminal run: lspci | grep -i vga00:11
ActionParsnipryan1: that will tell you your video card, you can websearch from there00:11
ryan1where do i run the search from?00:11
ubersoldatbefore I go to sleep... is monobuntu some April's fool joke or is it for real?00:12
ActionParsnipryan1: terminal00:12
popeyubersoldat: joke00:12
ubersoldatthank god!00:12
georgy_28zamba, : on the server : nfs-kernel-server, on the client nfs-common00:12
zambageorgy_28: ok, thanks :)00:12
ryan1thank you00:12
`Borg`why was the ee package for intrepid removed? that was retarded.00:13
OmniDrinkAre alot of people of people having this problem with Banshee?00:13
=== tyfoo2 is now known as tyfoo
jpubuntunubdoes anyone no where to get the code to grab the new nvidia drivers?00:15
ActionParsnipOmniDrink: https://launchpad.net/bugs/267922&ei=2UbVSZa6CYOqjAfQ1dz6Dg&usg=AFQjCNFTqZaQ6ykNawzE4Yz15Ui0uxDNzw00:15
ActionParsnipOmniDrink: looks like it00:15
Iceman_B^Ltopwhat is the default time that sudo remembers my password?00:16
jpubuntunubhey gnorris00:16
jribIceman_B^Ltop: 15 minutes00:17
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Iceman_B^Ltopjrib: thanks00:17
ActionParsnipIceman_B^Ltop: i think 5 mins after a quick web search00:17
jpubuntunubgnorris: where should i look for the code to grab the new nvidia drivers do you think?00:17
space_cadetcan't you set that length of time??00:17
gabyActionParsnip, Im trying this instructions http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-535808.html because the problem is similar00:17
ActionParsnipIceman_B^Ltop: http://www.securityfocus.com/archive/1/395107/2005-04-03/2005-04-09/000:17
gnorrisI dont know the answer to that question sorry.00:18
jribActionParsnip, Iceman_B^Ltop: « man sudoers » says 15 minutes is default, though I suppose it could have been compiled differently.  15 minutes sounds right from experience though00:18
jpubuntunubits alrighty00:18
ActionParsnipjrib: i was just going by that site00:18
space_cadetdoesn't it also matter if you use seperate terminals?00:18
ActionParsnipgaby: looks good, you need to use ntfs-3g for write access00:18
SrEstroncioActionParsnip: I am talking to gaby, and It seems to me that the issue is that she cannot access her NTFS partition and she is getting a "not clean shutdown in windows" message even thought that is not the case.00:20
zagabarWhat is the terminal command for unmounting?00:20
ActionParsnipSrEstroncio: you'll need to use -o uid=1000,force00:20
space_cadetActionParsnip, Iceman_B^Ltop if you use two different terminals, and you sudo in both, both will ask for a password00:20
Iceman_B^LtopActionParsnip / jrib: thanks00:20
georgy_28zagabar : umount00:20
SrEstroncioCould you post the whole command?00:20
Iceman_B^Ltopspace_cadet: I noticed in screen :)00:20
usuarioalguem fala portugues?00:20
|toadhi, i just got a dell mini with bluetooth, and i00:20
Iceman_B^Ltopwhere can I change the sudo timer ?00:20
ActionParsnipzagabar: sudo umount /mount/point00:20
ActionParsnip!pt | usuario00:21
ubottuusuario: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.00:21
jpubuntunubwhen I startx it gives me a fatal server error: no screens found00:21
SrEstroncioActionParsnip: Could you please post the whole command to forcefully mount an NTFS partition?00:21
zagabarI have a game that I run with wine. It needs a CD to be started. How can I mount the ISO so that it recognize it as a CD?00:22
barboSrEstroncio: you usually cant force an NTFS partition, if its unclean you'll have to chkdsk it and try again00:22
ActionParsnipSrEstroncio: sudo mount /dev/<partition name> /mount/point -t ntfs-3g -o uid=1000,force00:22
space_cadetsudo mount -t ntfs-3g -o force /dev/sdx0 /media/mountpoint00:22
barboforcing it is dangerous still00:22
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ActionParsnipzagabar: sudo mount -o loop /path/to/file.iso /media/cdrom000:22
space_cadeto loop?00:23
space_cadetaah cd rom00:23
zagabarActionParsnip: Thanks.00:23
matt434i just installed ubuntu for the first time in a couple of years.  i have dual ubuntu and windows partition.  In the past I was used to the GRUB screen coming up so I could select which OS to boot.  but that is not happening now!   i do not have a way to get into ubuntu.  only by loading the livecd.  but i can see fro mthe live cd that the parition is full of linux files.  tell me what to do please!00:23
space_cadetmatt434, install grub to the MBR instead of the Ubuntu partition00:24
barbomatt434: recovery the mbr00:24
miccaok so my firefox greyed out.. is there a chance of it recovering or do i just kill it? its been grey for a while00:24
jpubuntunubwill i have problems with a pci and pcie card(s)00:24
ActionParsnipmatt434: make sure your bios points to the drive you installed grub to00:24
space_cadetmicca, kill it00:24
matt434space_cadet, barbo, how00:24
miccaok thank space_cadet : will it like in windows give the option to restore session?00:24
matt434ActionParsnip: huh?  i only have 1 hard drive00:24
ActionParsnipmicca: killall firefox00:24
ActionParsnipmatt434: oh thats cool00:25
space_cadetyep micca00:25
barbomatt434: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=22435100:25
space_cadetmatt434, alternatively... you could also00:25
OmniDrinkHow would I get my zen to work in Ubuntu? I tried Banshee, but it closes it self when I plug in my zen.00:25
space_cadetmatt434, if you have xp00:25
ActionParsnip!grub | matt43400:25
ubottumatt434: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto00:25
zagabarActionParsnip: Hmmm, it still doesn't think the game CD is in.00:25
space_cadetmatt434, get bootpart00:25
m4rkhav] ylku tried zen fogru00:25
ActionParsnipmatt434: install grub again using that guide00:25
un2himgood robot00:25
space_cadetmatt434, vista and greater is a little trickier, but possible.00:25
ActionParsnipzagabar: run the installl .exe file with wine00:26
matt434it was never installed in the first place.00:26
matt434space_cadet: vista is my other partiton00:26
space_cadetcheck this out... then00:26
matt434is this guide no good for vista: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows?action=show&redirect=RestoreGrub00:27
ActionParsnipmatt434: part of the install process is to install grub00:27
zagabarActionParsnip: I did. I mounted the install CD to "/media/mnt". Then I mounted the play disc to /media/cdrom0 but it doesn't recognize it.00:27
space_cadetmatt434, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=99198700:27
space_cadetmatt434, read through it before attempting anything.00:27
matt434ActionParsnip: i believe you, but it was definitely not installed00:27
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gnorrisOk people im back00:28
ActionParsnipmatt434: then use that guide to install grub to the disk and you will then be bootable00:28
matt434this shouldn't be so hard to install grub00:28
ActionParsnipmatt434: its simple enough00:28
space_cadetmatt434, that is taking advantage of windows bootloader00:28
space_cadetmatt434, grub is already installed00:28
ubunttuhi , i need a data (picture) recovery software00:28
ActionParsnipzagabar: you will need to mount the play and instal disk to the same place00:29
gabybrb guys, thanks for the help00:29
matt434ActionParsnip, space_cadet, the find /boot/grub/stage1 fails00:29
matt434so does find /grub/stage100:29
zagabarActionParsnip: Okay. I will try to reinstall it then.00:29
space_cadetmatt434, did you sudo ?00:29
matt434it says file not found00:29
space_cadetyou did sudo grub?00:29
ubottuUbuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).00:30
matt434shouldn't need sudo to run find though00:31
space_cadetMine was a slightly different story. I couldn't get grub to find the stage1 file or even recognize my drive. So I borrowed some knowledge I picked up while using Gentoo:00:31
space_cadetYou have to mount your root partition using the livecd:00:31
patrlckHi. I've asked a question here earlier today about my laptop's fan running fast all the time. It looks like /etc/fancontrol doesn't exists. I guess this is not normal .. is there a way to generate one?00:31
space_cadetto access partitions other than the live cd?  yes00:31
space_cadetit should require root perm00:31
matt434yes, i need to mount it first00:31
matt434makes since00:31
matt434i don't remember how to do this00:32
matt434been a while00:32
ubunttui need deleted data recovery tools00:32
shadowbladecan anyone help me do port forwarding with iptables?00:33
enigmaI just helped my friend convert from Windows to Ubuntu. However, she's complaining about not being able to watch Ugly Betty from the ABC website because the website tells her that it's not the right operating system (has to be Windows or Mac). I tried using user agent switcher with Firefox, but then it's just a blank page. Anyone have a solution?00:33
matt434i think it is at /media/disk00:33
oCean_!recover | ubunttu00:33
ubottuubunttu: Some tools to recover lost data are listed and explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery - Recovering deleted files on !ext3 filesystems can be virtually impossible, although methods that might work is some cases are described at at http://www.xs4all.nl/~carlo17/howto/undelete_ext3.html and http://projects.izzysoft.de/trac/ext3undel00:33
miccahmm listenign to music , means I cant use audio and mic in amsn? sigh00:34
miccastill not able to run multichannels or ?00:34
gnorrisenigma : firefox.com may be able to help you with your problem00:34
ubunttuubottu : ok i going00:34
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ok i going00:34
enigmagnorris, how so?00:34
cachedHow would I make a printer connected to my server a network printer?00:34
zagabarHow can I remove a program from wine? I tried the default uninstaller for the game, but it did nothing. Then I removed the files in program files manually, but it still thinks the program is installed.00:35
cachedor just somehow allow clients from multiple operating systems print to it00:35
ubunttui'll go to see your links :p00:35
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CyberSurferIs there anyway to setup the 8.10 iso on a usb stick?00:35
KeithBillyI have 8.10 and i need vlc 0.8.6e  - i. The mosaic function has a memory leak in every .9 version. I found https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/intrepid/i386/vlc/0.8.6.release.h-1ubuntu1 but when i download and install it with dpkg -i file and then apt-get -f install to get teh dependencies the second command replaces the vlc with the new one. How can i lock it down to 8.6?00:36
gnorrisgot to go everyone have a good day/night see you all later!00:36
space_cadetCyberSurfer, you in a windows machine?00:36
space_cadetCyberSurfer, get unetbootin00:36
space_cadetCyberSurfer, unetbootin makes it persistant00:36
CyberSurferspace_cadet, I'm in linux box00:36
space_cadetCyberSurfer, got a windows box?00:36
space_cadethas a linux build00:37
jonathan__I opened a .ram file in totem, used Fn keys to raise volume, and then: X went black and unresponsive and the virtual terminals became scrambled to the upper third of each screen. I'm using 82852/855GM00:37
enigmaI just converted my friend to Ubuntu from Windows. She can't watch Ugly Betty from the ABC website any longer on any of the web browsers I've tried in Ubuntu. Any help would be appreciated.00:37
space_cadetCyberSurfer, IMO   use your iso, instead of downloading a distro...00:37
gnorrishea can someone please help me?00:37
jonathan__enigma: is flash installed?00:37
space_cadetCyberSurfer, takes too long to download a distro, unless you have 'too much time on you hands'00:38
porter1Anyone know how I would recursively remove files with a certain extension. I've tried rm -r *.ext00:38
CyberSurferspace_cadet, I don't have any spare cd00:38
phaergnorris: help you with what?00:38
cordeliaI want to mirror a ubuntu repo to my local machine what would be the best command to do this with rsync? Would -auv suffice?00:38
oCean_enigma: using adobe's flashplugin, it seems I can watch the shows in firefox00:38
space_cadetCyberSurfer, it uses an ISO file, and extracts it to a USB flash disk00:38
gnorriscan someone please help me: i was just about to get out of the chat and i got this message: Unknown message 'x10;'00:38
gnorrisThe IRC server received a message it did not understand00:38
CyberSurferspace_cadet, 1gb is enough right?00:38
enigmajonathan__, I would think so. I thought 8.10 installed flash automatically with ff3.00:38
gorlakgot a question. not really ubuntu specific i guess, so i am doing a cpu intensive task, gziping up some 30gigs of data and as i watch the cpu meter, i see each core swapping off in load every few seconds, why is that?00:38
space_cadetCyberSurfer, yep00:38
space_cadetCyberSurfer, and remember, it'00:39
space_cadets persistant00:39
nadoenigma, ABC installs a damn player.. unfortunately i don't know a way around that00:39
space_cadetso don't try to save too much on there..00:39
jtaji!info apt-mirror | cordelia00:39
ubottucordelia: apt-mirror (source: apt-mirror): APT sources mirroring tool. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.4.5-1ubuntu1.1 (intrepid), package size 12 kB, installed size 120 kB00:39
zagabarHow can I remove a program from wine? I tried the default uninstaller for the game, but it did nothing. Then I removed the files in program files manually, but it still thinks the program is installed.00:39
megloHey I recently hooked up my ethernet card to my non-working modem and it set up that interface as the standard one, but I did my dialup(ppp0) connection and all my apps ignored it and tried to use the non-working ethernet. I had to unplug the ethernet and redial... how do I get gnome to choose between different internet connections on my machine00:39
enigmanado, what do you mean by that?00:39
CyberSurferspace_cadet, if I do that I won't be able to use my usb stick?00:39
oCean_enigma: First see if you have installed flashplugin-nonfree00:39
nadoenigma, on windows, when you go to their website they ask to install a software00:39
shadowbladegorlak: could be the design of the processor - you might want to try googling for high cpu usage for your cpu00:39
jonathan__enigma: it doesn't, i don't believe.  You can get a .deb package from adobe's website.00:39
space_cadetCyberSurfer, backup your usb stick, then install with unetbootin, you'll get the idea...00:39
enigmaoCean_, alright.00:40
CyberSurferspace_cadet, ahhh, what I meant is instead of burn the ISO to a cd, burn it to a USB stick00:40
enigmanado, what software?00:40
enigmajonathan__, alright.00:40
nadoenigma, it's a player they provide that you need to install before you can view their videos00:40
jonathan__enigma: or install restricted-extras00:40
oCean_enigma: it is in the repos, so no need to download deb from any site00:40
Nephilusikonia: am i unbanned or is this a server error?00:40
nadoenigma, and they only have it for windows and mac00:40
jimi_hendrixi dled a .deb and am about to install it, but it says i am advised to dl it from the channel, what does that mean00:40
enigmanado, what is the name of the player?00:41
space_cadetCyberSurfer  well... this use is possible for that, but you will have a different menu at the start00:41
nadoenigma, although flash is necessary, in the case of ABC it is not enough :(00:41
CyberSurferspace_cadet, I see, how different?00:41
oCean_nado: yes it is, I can see abc shows00:41
jtajijimi_hendrix: all you need to do is: sudo apt-get install pan00:41
Tophuis there a tool I get get to scan an IP range like say and return which IP addresses are in use?00:41
enigmajonathan__, I already have that.00:41
phaerjimi_hendrix: that means the same program is also in a repository, install it trough the jannel, updating will be easier00:41
jtajijimi_hendrix: no need to download the .deb seperately00:41
landanimalwtf is an MiB (data size) ?00:41
CyberSurferI want to update my Ubuntu 8.04 to 8.1000:41
space_cadetCyberSurfer, instead of the ubuntu screen with 4-5 options, you get a grub00:41
CyberSurferspace_cadet, ah00:41
Nephilusor maybe bit00:42
jriblandanimal: wikipedia knows00:42
landanimalnot a man in black?00:42
oCean_enigma: I can see the shows00:42
TophuI have a remote client that I reboot on occasion and don't want to give it a static IP so I need to be able to scan for it so I can connect to it00:42
Nephiluslandanimal: it is a megabit00:42
CyberSurferNephilus, I think it's bit00:42
nadooCean_, through their website ? how00:42
Nephilusbyte would be Mb00:42
Nephilusi think00:42
oCean_nado: flashplugin, that's it.00:42
space_cadetCyberSurfer, this may be a little bit better...  http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-install-ubuntu-linux-from-usb-stick.html00:42
jriblandanimal: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mebibit00:42
enigmanado, oCean_ jonathan__ it would appear that I have everything installed that I need. But whatever the deal is with that player ABC requires, I am just missing that. Do you know a way around this?00:42
CyberSurferspace_cadet, okay, thanks00:42
enigmaoCean_, you can watch Ugly Betty without problems?00:42
myselftion_hellow, anybody can help me? i need to know how is my disk distribution (i'm a ubuntu begginer)00:43
space_cadet!topic enigma, oCean_00:43
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)00:43
oCean_enigma: have you checked for the "flashplugin-nonfree" ?00:43
Nephilusdoes ikonia ever shut down his comp?00:43
space_cadet!topic | enigma, oCean_00:43
ubottuenigma, oCean_: Please read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic00:43
oCean_space_cadet: don't. This is clearly an ontopic issue00:43
enigmaoCean_, yes I checked. I have it installed.00:43
Nephilusah support00:43
jtajimyselftion_: try applications > accessories > disk usage analyzer00:43
space_cadetugly betty is a topic issue oCean_00:44
oCean_enigma: ok. one moment00:44
phaerspace_cadet: they are discussing how to watch abc series *on ubuntu*00:44
nadooCean_, no that is not enough. I have flash player installed. ABC says : Our new video player is only available for Windows (IE Firefox) and Mac(Firefox,Safari). Please download the appropriate browser.00:44
phaerspace_cadet: so thats on topic, if you ask me ;)00:44
nadooCean_, what do you get when you go here : http://fep.abc.go.com/fep/player?src=abccomjs&show=186439  ?00:44
space_cadetaah... srry oCean_ enigma00:44
shadowbladecan anyone help me set up port forwarding with iptables?00:45
enigmaspace_cadet, we are on topic. Don't worry. It's about trying to get ABC videos to work with firefox on Ubuntu.00:45
space_cadetoCean_, enigma have you tried hulu.com?00:45
oCean_nado: I get "only viewers withing US can watch blah blah"00:45
nadooCean_, ah sad00:45
NephilusI have a problem with my dock. i found the command for my pandora app. and added it and it doesn't have an icon so i gave it one. Now everytime the dock starts i have to reapply the image (i use AWN and i have tried png and ico)00:45
Nephilusany ideas?00:45
enigmaspace_cadet, my friend, whom I just recently converted to Ubuntu from WIndows watches Ugly Betty on ABC.com every day. This is the issue. To allow her to keep viewing in Ubuntu.00:46
KeithBillycould someone please offer some direction to replacing vlc 0.9 with vlc 0.8 on intrepid? This isn't b/c of some silly interface issue but rather a very bad memory leak in the streaming wizard that was introduced in 0.9, we need to be able to run our stream with 0.8.6 until vlc can fix this.00:46
space_cadetoCean_, try a proxy service00:46
nadooCean_, so where do you watch the shows if not on ABC ?00:46
CyberSurferspace_cadet, hehe sorry for being a noob but, "Copy the installer kernel and the initramdisk into this folder (Download source below.You need the files ?vmlinux? and ?initrd.gz?)." what does he mean with kernel?00:46
ozzloyi'm looking to move my company from visual source safe to bazaar.  i tried contacting canonical about this and haven't heard back.  any suggestions on support for this?00:46
oCean_enigma: ok. Also make sure, the flashplugin-nonfree is set as default.00:47
zagabarHow can I remove a program from wine? I tried the default uninstaller for the game, but it did nothing. Then I removed the files in program files manually, but it still thinks the program is installed.00:47
Nephilusgo to wine config00:47
Nephilusit is in the wine section in applications00:47
enigmaoCean_, set as default? Is that a setting in Firefox?00:47
Nephilusand i htink there is also an add or remove application00:48
oCean_enigma: Use the 'alternatives' method: "sudo update-alternatives --config firefox-flashplugin"00:48
space_cadetCyberSurfer, scroll down, you will see images of the files that need to be on the usb00:48
CyberSurferah okay00:48
nadooCean_, enigma : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=67916 that's it. No other solution00:48
CyberSurferthat's not what I mean space_cadet00:48
space_cadetthe "installer kernel" is what he's referring to...00:49
CyberSurfershould I just cpy ?vmlinux? and ?initrd.gz?to install?00:49
oCean_enigma: you will get a list of available plugins. And you can set the default there. Mine is set to the flashplugin-nonfree00:49
CyberSurferor I need to do something else with it00:49
enigmaoCean_, alright. It's default. But it was already default. Do you know why online videos are so freaking choppy in fullscreen mode?00:49
UKGentj/ #xubuntu00:49
stallonPLease can somebody give me and idea how to set up my skype audio00:49
zagabarNephilus: What to do in the config?00:49
zagabarI tried the wine unintall utility. It didn't work.00:49
enigmanado, that link you gave doesn't work.00:50
a5x7stallon; try going to system > synaptic package manager and download/install from there00:50
space_cadetFrom the installation iso image you downloaded, copy the folder “isolinux” to the root directory of your USB device (right-click on the .iso file, choose “extract here”). Rename “isolinux” into “syslinux”. Go inside the directroy “syslinux”. There, rename the file “isolinux.cfg” into “syslinux.cfg”.00:50
oCean_enigma: sorry, no. Mine seem pretty ok00:50
space_cadetCyberSurfer, ^^00:50
nadoenigma : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=67916500:50
nadosorry missed the last 500:50
CyberSurferspace_cadet, okay...00:50
zagabarNephilus: That application does not exist in the list00:50
CyberSurferspace_cadet, thanks00:50
enigmaoCean_, I've had that problem on every single Ubuntu box I've run. Online video runs way better in reduced mode. Sometimes even the case with Totem. But in fullscreen, it becomes unbearably choppy.00:51
CyberSurferspace_cadet, but that's not what I meant, I'm talking about step 100:51
ComputerWhy is all of my audio at such a low volume, even when turned up all the way?00:51
a5x7(Noob question) Does linux offer something simular to windows batch programming? like can i write a .bat type of file in linux ?00:51
jtajia5x7: you are after Bash shell scripting00:51
jtajia5x7: http://tldp.org/LDP/Bash-Beginners-Guide/html/index.html   http://tldp.org/LDP/abs/html/index.html00:52
a5x7jtaji: ok thanks i will look into that :-)00:52
space_cadetcopy the two files you downloaded to that folder... :)00:52
CyberSurferah, okay thanks00:52
shadowbladecan anyone help me set up port forwarding with iptables?00:52
space_cadetCyberSurfer, sorry, i got sidetracked ... :)00:53
jonathan__a5x7: I like: http://linuxcommand.org/00:53
CyberSurferspace_cadet, no problem man, thanks :D00:53
hmsimsanyone know how to make the /boot bigger on backtrack 3  want to run the nessusd and get not enough space error00:53
shadowbladehmsims: you can resize partitions  with gparted00:54
enigmanado, jonathan__, space_cadet, thank you for your help.00:54
a5x7jonathan_:  i will check it out, thanks.. i've been trying to learn the CLI more and this looks perfect00:54
stallona5x7: pls what do i download from synaptic manager?00:54
hmsimsits not the partition - there is only one00:54
nadoenigma, welcome00:54
DasEi hmsims: backtrack 3 ? /gparted le's you alter partitons, or create a new /boot00:54
a5x7stallon: you needed to install skype correct?00:55
shadowbladehmsims: then the only thing limiting it should be the drive size. or am i missing something?00:55
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jonathan__enigma: not that I did much.00:55
zagabarNo one knows how do force a removal of a wine application? D:00:55
dn4my prompt says00:55
dn4dn4@dn4-desktop:~/.wine/drive_c/Program Files/Warcraft III$ mv Download/ Maps/00:55
dn4mv: cannot move `Download/' to `Maps/Download': Directory not empty00:55
enigmajonathan__, I still appreciate the effort to contribute.00:55
stalloni installed it correct the only thing is that when i talk no one hears me00:56
DasEidn4: try with cp and delete afterwards (option -r for subdirs)00:56
dn4dn4@dn4-desktop:~/.wine$ cp -r Maps/Download/ drive_c/Program\ Files/Warcraft\ III/Download/00:56
a5x7stallon: does the mic work with other programs? or only not with skype, if not only with skype then its program a setting in skype00:57
shadowbladedn4: add ./ to the beginning of your paths00:57
shadowbladenot a guarentee, my best guess00:57
CyberSurferspace_cadet, with this I'll be able to boot like a live cd right?00:57
hmsimsmissing something...this is the code to get pentoo to accept some saves   What you can do is creating a bigger root ext2 fs :00:57
hmsimsdd if =/dev/zero of=root2.img bs=1M count=5000:57
hmsims[i]this will create a 50 Mb file[/i]00:57
hmsimsmke2fs -q -F -m 0 root2.img00:57
FloodBot1hmsims: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.00:57
stallonit works well with other00:57
hmsimsmount -o loop root2.img /some/dir/00:57
stallonthough i never tested pidgen00:58
a5x7stallon: make sure your audio settings in skype are right00:58
shadowbladedn4, did that work?00:59
stalloni have done all i could but no result00:59
d33dis there an ubuntu "lounge"?00:59
dn4shadowblade: no01:00
jtajid33d: #ubuntu-offtopic01:00
shadowbladedn4: same error or a different one01:00
landanimallol....... don't use Enter..... as........ punctuation........ I like that01:00
goukiAnyone mind sharing the debootstrap script for jaunty?01:01
BadHorsi1hi, I have a package that fails on apt-get remove complaining about some files in a directory, so it will never remove it and apt-get upgrade will always fail because of it, I tried -f and all... any ideas?01:01
hmsimsthe root ext2 not partition needs to increase in size.  there is only one partition, the entire disk01:01
dn4shadowblade: same error the maps have not been put into the Maps/Downloads directory01:01
zagabarHow can I remove a program from wine? I tried the default uninstaller for the game, but it did nothing. Then I removed the files in program files manually, but it still thinks the program is installed.01:01
space_cadetCyberSurfer, yep.01:01
shadowbladedn4: what command are you using? cp or mv?01:01
kanzieok, I have a 8.04LTS installed with LAMP-package, anyone know a good ftpserver?01:01
CyberSurferspace_cadet, thank you man01:01
CyberSurferI'm gonna do that right now, see you.01:02
patrlckl'm still trying to figure out my laptop's fan problem .. I've installed sensors and it has detected the fan, now I'm trying to run pwmconfig but I get this msg :pat@pat-laptop:~$ sudo pwmconfig01:02
patrlckFile /var/run/fancontrol.pid exists. This typically means that the01:02
patrlckfancontrol deamon is running. You should stop it before running pwmconfig.01:02
patrlckIf you are certain that fancontrol is not running, then you can delete01:02
patrlck/var/run/fancontrol.pid manually.01:02
FloodBot1patrlck: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.01:02
goukikanzie, give vsftpd a try.01:02
stallonin the sound control i notice that at RECORDING, is disabled , i have enabled it several times but it will still go back to disable01:02
jtajikanzie: vsftp is popular, and in the main repo01:02
stallonwhat do i do01:02
dn4shadowblade: basically I have to go from /home/dn4/.wine/drive_c/ <-- right here is where when I try to alt-tab I cannot get Program Files01:02
ubottuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.01:03
dn4wait I mean just tab01:03
kanziejtaji: you reckon that is easier to set up for me than going with proftpd01:03
patrlckis it safe if I kill fancontrol.pid while I generate the configuration file?01:03
dn4so what I did was move all the files to .wine01:03
dn4then moved them to Maps/Downloads01:03
shadowbladedn4: tabbing only works when theres one directory in a folder or when you've already typed part of something01:03
jtajikanzie: not sure about that..  do you really need an ftp server? because ultimately ssh/scp/sftp is easier if only users with system accounts need to upload01:04
space_cadetdn4, hit tab twice?01:04
jtajikanzie: s/upload/access/01:04
lbayasubuntu rocks!01:04
landanimalbestbot is missing from #ubuntu-bots01:05
dn4I figured it out01:05
kanziejtaji: nah, sftp would be perfect...does that not require any additional software to be installed?01:06
raylukanzie: as long as openssh-server is installed, you're good to go01:07
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dn4try this cd /home/Username/.wine/driver_x/Program Files <-- why is program files spelled differently01:08
shadowbladecan anyone help me set up port forwarding with iptables01:09
jtajikanzie: just openssh-server01:09
dn4cd /home/dn4/.wine/drive_c/Program\ Files/Warcraft\ III/Maps/01:09
jtajikanzie: and then the credentials are already set up since it uses system accounts, you can do anything you can do locally01:09
kanziejtaji: thanks01:10
dn4see those '\' slashes01:10
dn4what do those do?01:10
rayludn4: they're escape characters01:10
rayludn4: if you wanted to rename "a" to "a b", you would either have to do01:10
rayludn4: mv a "ab"01:10
rayludn4: sorry, mv a "a b"01:10
rayludn4: or: mv a a\ b01:10
dn4ahh thank you01:11
jonathan__dn4: in other words \ is used to escape the normal meaning of a space01:11
rayludn4: what you were trying to do was cd into .../Program and passing in some random extra "Files" thing which it ignored01:11
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kanzieIm reading a guide for installing 8.04LTS and it recommend me disabling AppArmor, is this really wise?01:13
Sylphidis there any way i can generate a list of packages that come in a clean install to compare against whats currently installed01:13
Lenin_Cathow do I use a disc label image to burn on my disk I have lightscribe btw01:13
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NithrinHow do I move a file from one folder to another in Ubuntu?01:14
Shivamyou click and drag01:14
Nithrinin command line01:15
rayluSylphid: dpkg -l, i think01:15
NithrinSorry, I should've mentioned commandline rofl. my bad01:15
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rayluNithrin: mv01:15
NithrinI know about the mv part, but the help makes it confusing01:15
landanimalsudo mv?01:15
Knirghmv /folder/file.x /destinationfolder/file.x01:15
rayluSylphid: though i'd try "dpkg -l | grep -v ii" on the newer system01:15
landanimalsudo mv /home/buttface/Desktop/mug.jpg /home/yourstuff/Desktop/haha.jpg01:16
rayluSylphid: that's a list of not automatically installed packages... i think. this also means that it doesn't include additionally installed dependencies01:16
KnirghNithrin: the first argument of mv is the original file, the second argument is the destination01:16
Sylphidraylu, thanks ... so grep ii should show me packages i have installed that are not defaults01:17
gnorrisI have a question, is there a program for Ubuntu that is like a automatic file sync. so when i plug in a USB FLASHDRIVE it will add files that i dont have yet?01:17
oggr u can help me?01:17
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rayluSylphid: grep -v ii01:17
gnorrisI also have onemore question is there a way or program to password protect a program on Ubuntu?01:18
rayluSylphid: i can't really understand what's going on, but it seems 'ii' marks an automatically installed package01:18
gnorrisOgg : i can help you01:18
raylugnorris: should it also remove files that don't exist anymore?01:18
NithrinWhat is the destination operand in moving a file with mv? I can't seem to solve it01:18
ogggnorris Not starting ipcad (not enabled)01:18
gnorrisyea i guess i dont care if thats a feature01:18
KnirghNithrin: it's the second argument01:18
raylugnorris: then you could just write a script that cps01:19
Metatroni just did a dist upgrade on jaunty, now ndiswrapper is broken, command line ndiswrapper -l just hangs, the gui utility hangs, i can remove the driver with -r name, and add it back, but it still hangs....clues?01:19
KnirghNithrin: the arguements are seperated by a SPACE character01:19
rayluMetatron: sudo dmesg | tail01:20
Sylphidraylu, this seems to explain the 1st column  https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/kubuntu-users/2006-July/006993.html01:20
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oggblin po russki nikto ne govorit01:20
kanzieIm trying to connect to my newly installed LTS-server using sftp but connection is refused. What should I start by looking at01:21
Metatronraylu, ill have to get back to you, im in xp now...bbiab01:21
oggI cant start ipcad01:21
oggwho can help me?01:21
dn4anyone know how to change my resolution from 24 back ot 1601:21
Knirghkanzie: what port are you using?01:21
landanimalwow that's a low res!01:22
rayluSylphid: oh. hrm01:22
kanzietried default in my ftp-software, which port should it be running on?01:22
raylu!ru | ogg01:22
ubottuogg: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke01:22
Knirghkanzie: default is port 22 for sftp01:22
kanzieI have openssh-d up and running (checked that package as I was installing) and working with the server through ssh right now01:22
oggraylu 10x01:22
kanzieKnirgh: much better, thanks...worked as planned01:22
Knirghkanzie: np :)01:23
gnorrishea i need help with one more thing01:23
dn4also does anyone know how to use a command to check the current resolution?01:23
ubottuGRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto01:23
kanzieshuld I download phpmyadmin from their page or install through apt-get?01:23
patrlckI tried generating a fancontrol conf file using pwmconfig but I get this msg: /usr/sbin/pwmconfig: There are no pwm-capable sensor modules installed .. is there another way to generate the fancontrol conf file?01:23
Knirghkanzie: i downloaded it from the website.01:24
kanzieok... Ill wget it form the page then....thanks01:24
gnorriswhenever i try to download something from the add/remove button it gives me an error. i am connected to the internet though. this is the error: E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem.           E: _cache->open() failed, please report.01:24
gnorrisdoes anyone know what that means01:24
Titan8990gnorris, did you already do what it says?01:24
Knirghgnorris: have you tried opening the terminal and type in that command?01:24
Titan8990gnorris, run: sudo dpkg --configure -a01:25
gnorrisi belive so let me try it again01:25
rayluSylphid: aptitude search '~i' | grep -v 'i A'01:25
rayluSylphid: from http://www.wezm.net/2009/01/20/determining-non-automatically-installed-debian-packages/01:25
ubottuIrssi is a terminal based IRC client. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Irssi for help.01:25
so20fmy apt-get upgrade is b0rk3d, can someone help me? http://pastebin.com/m39ee2c4a01:26
dn4why doesn't ubuntu come with irssi auto installed?01:26
gnorristitan8990 : thanks so much it worked! i will add you as a buddy. thanks01:26
Titan8990so20f, try: sudo dpkg --configure linux-image-2.6.27-13-generic01:26
dn4ok I am going to test out this resolution01:26
rayludn4: xrandr01:27
jribdn4: it has pidgin for irc already01:27
poseidonWhats a good ipod manager?01:27
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Knirghposeidon: gtkpod01:27
kanzieKnirgh: hmm...the 2.x release is newer than the 3.1.x release...01:27
Titan8990gnorris, good to hear it worked01:28
so20fTitan8990, no, good, lemme paste bin it.01:28
so20fTitan8990, http://pastebin.com/m17045fe301:29
Titan8990so20f, sudo apt-get install linux-image-
kanzieshoot... what do I use to unzip .zip-files, do I use tar with a flag?01:31
lstarneskanzie: unzip01:31
Sylphidraylu, hmm that doesnt seem to work either as it is grabbing mrxvt (my terminal emulator) that i know is not a standard package01:31
kanzieno installed01:31
kanzieand couldn't find in repos either01:31
lstarneskanzie: sudo apt-get install unzip01:31
jonathan__kanzie: it is installed by default01:31
kanziemy bad01:31
kanziejonathan__: not in HH 8.04LTS it isn't01:31
Titan8990so20f, after that try: sudo aptitude full-upgrade01:32
so20fTitan8990, still pukes. http://pastebin.com/m19109b8601:32
Sylphidraylu, im thinking i may have to pop in a live cd and do a list comparison01:32
jonathan__kanzie:  I just logged in to my 8.04 box and its there.  try: man unzip01:33
Titan8990so20f, ehh01:33
rayluSylphid: um, that's what it should do then01:33
patrlckif there is no fancontrol file does it mean my system uses the BIOS settings to control the fan?01:33
Titan8990so20f, continue with trying the full-upgrade command but that is my last idea01:33
rayluSylphid: the  -v means 'not'01:33
so20fTitan8990, it's working, i'l llet you know01:33
Sylphidraylu, understood01:33
BadHorsi1Hi, friend changed "intrepid" to jaunty at work and then did apt-get update && apt-get upgrade, went through the screens configuring stuff but the system is pretty broken01:34
so20fTitan8990, well, not 'working' it's 'in the process'.... :) appreciate the help though.01:34
marcus_Was just wondering how to change interface language on a per user basis?01:34
marcus_nm I think I know how. Sorry.01:35
BadHorsi1there's an unconfigured package, linux-image-2.6.27-7-generic (which couldn't be removed) and fails with cpio ./sbin/udevadm No such file or directory01:35
Sylphidraylu, maybe my explanation was unclear .... im looking to generate a list of packages that are installed in a clean ubuntu install01:35
actonperform a clean ubuntu install and then do dpkg -l01:36
Iceman_B^Ltopive been wondering for a while, how come SCREEN doesnt terminate when you close your terminal ?01:36
actonbecause it detaches01:36
Iceman_B^Ltopany other program halts immedeately when I close putty01:36
actonthat's the point of screen. you can recompile to make it close when you close the terminal01:36
Iceman_B^Ltopnono, its cool the way it works. Its just something Ive been wondering01:37
Iceman_B^Ltopwhat does it do to detach01:37
actonnods. it just detaches. you can use screen -r to reattach01:37
actonI'm not sure. same principals as nohup.01:37
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about udevadm01:37
rayluSylphid: oh, then take off the -v01:38
rayluSylphid: except that's not quite what you want01:38
rayluSylphid: that's a list of automatically installed packages. so when you installed something on top of the base system, any dependencies it pulled in are in that list01:39
Sylphidraylu, right because it doesnt include packages i may have removed01:39
rayluSylphid: oh...01:39
rayluSylphid: i think ubuntu-desktop depends on01:39
rayluSylphid: everything in the base system. maybe.01:39
MK-ubuntuhi, i was wondering01:40
OrbixxIs there any support for Jmicron raid drivers?01:40
MK-ubuntuhow do i select boot settings?01:40
Tokenekiehi, how can I search for core utility commands using wildcards?01:40
jonathan__MK-ubuntu: you mean in grub?01:40
Sylphidraylu, so do i need to reinstall ubuntu-desktop to get the list or is there a way to determine the entire dependancy tree without installing?01:40
miccaLOL earlier abt the problems with all the audio programs01:41
MK-ubuntui heard i could change that from gdm.01:41
TokenekieHow do I search for commands using wildcards?01:41
OrbixxSylphid: If you just do a "apt-get install -s ubuntu-desktop"01:41
kanziehow can I apt-get install the GD2-plug for my php01:42
jonathan__MK-ubuntu: I don't know about from gdm. however you can edit /boot/grub/menu.list to change them, but be careful.01:42
Orbixxkanzie: apt-get install php-gd01:42
MK-ubuntuany links i could look into?01:42
gabyhello, i just finished mounting an external hard drive that ¨couldnt be mounted¨ (because of windows, but it really wasnt on windows) and now i got this message: The folder contents could not be displayed. You do not have the permissions necessary to view the contents of "sdb1".01:42
kanzieOrbixx: thanks01:42
jonathan__MK-ubuntu: you can also access them on boot, normally with escape.01:42
QblablaWhy are all desktop launchers in the guest session "not trustworthy"? (Jaunty, edited /skel/ to put starters on the guest session desktop)01:43
Orbixxkanzie: apt-get install php5-gd actually01:43
kanzieOrbixx: could not find package :-(01:43
gaby:cc please?01:43
ChotaZ|IdleHow can I use MySQL tools with Ubuntu 8.10?01:43
Tokenekiegaby: try putting sudo before what you are trying to do. You need to be root.01:43
kanzieOrbixx: is there anyway to tab to see what is available in the repos?01:43
TokenekieHow do I search for commands using wildcards?01:44
MK-ubuntujonathan__, i know but right now, i installed 8.10 from vbox in xp but when i ran01:44
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MK-ubuntuapt-get update/upgrade01:44
Tokenekiegaby: or you can use chmod somehow to change the permissions on what you are trying to view01:44
MK-ubuntuit also updated the kernel to 2.6.27-1101:44
MK-ubuntuthats y01:44
SylphidOrbixx, raylu, thanks that gets me what i need01:45
TokenekieHow do I search for commands using wildcards?01:45
kanziewhich user should /var/www have?01:45
Qblablawhere are the positions for the desktop icons stored (appearantly not in /home/)?01:45
kanzieI created a user and chown -R www to that01:45
gabyim supposed to be ¨root¨, i think01:45
TokenekieHow do I search for commands using wildcards?01:46
jasballzqblabla: i think /home/your_user_name01:46
SylphidOrbixx, raylu, hmm thats odd and doesnt sound right .... apt is showing up in the list of post install apps01:46
fosco_Tokenekie: many ways, ls /bin/*command* or ls /usr/bin/*command* for example01:46
lstarnesTokenekie: or type part of the command then press tab01:46
jonathan__MK-ubuntu:  running sudo update-grub will regenerate the config file based on what ever kernels etc you have.01:47
Tokenekiefosco_: Are those the only two places to find core commands?01:47
OrbixxWhat did you expect?01:47
Tokenekielstarnes: Omg Im so stupid. Thanks01:47
jasballztokenekie: i know the "locate" command automatically ascribes wildcards to w/e word you have after it01:47
fosco_Tokenekie: yes for most of them01:47
fosco_Tokenekie: use find path -name *command* to seacrh wherever you want01:47
kanziehow can I set up my webserver to use https?01:47
fosco_whereis command01:48
fosco_locate command01:48
Qblablajasballz you be right, but than a guestsession seems to handle the desktop specially (re-/notarranged icons and all starters are "not trustworthy")01:48
Tokenekiefosco_: Yeah, I tried it with whereis but it doesnt let you use wildcards01:48
lakeofteai have a question.  i have 150gb drive but for some reason it seems ubuntu is taking up 70gigs which i know isnt true01:48
alexmhsoi need help mounting/managing my media library. I am converting from windows so i have an itunes library consolidated onto an external harddrive01:48
Qblablajasballz "you might be right" was what I wanted to say01:49
Tokenekiefosco_: But anyway, problem solved. just use tab complete. Maybe Ill try locate too, dunno if I have yet01:49
lakeofteai can't find any big files on my drive using gnome-search-tool01:49
lakeofteahow can i figure out where all of this disk space has gone?01:49
jasballzlakeoftea: try running applications/disk usage analyser01:49
jasballzlakeoftea: or "sudo apt-get gparted" / "gparted"01:49
Qblablalakeoftea: use the diskspace explorer01:49
fosco_lakeoftea: type df -h in a terminal01:50
lakeofteadiskspace explorer?01:50
jasballzalexmhso: since its itunes its already nicely organized so it should be just a matter of connecting it to your pc01:50
kanziewhat steps do I need to take to have my server allow https?01:50
Qblablado whaat  jasballz said lakeoftea01:50
QblablaI mixed up the names01:50
lakeofteai have gparted, it just tells me what % is used01:51
lakeofteai wanna know where it's at01:51
alexmhsojasballz: well for one, i havent mounted the harddrive, so i just have it sitting on my desktop in gnome. banshee isnt letting me drag/drop into it's library, and they're consolidation file organization is different to some extent.01:51
Qblablalakeoftea use the /disk usage analyser01:51
lakeofteawhen i search w gnome-search-tool for files over 100mg it dont pull nothing up!01:51
jasballzalexmhso: you may have a problem of permissions when you try to access them if its hfs / mac01:51
Qblablalakeoftea use the disk usage analyser...01:51
lakeofteahow do i do that?01:52
alexmhsojasballs: ntfs doesnt have permissions right?01:52
Qblablaapplications  - accesories (or something simmilar) - disk usage analyser01:52
lakeofteathere it is01:52
alexmhsojasballz: ntfs doesnt have permissions right?01:53
lakeofteaword up this program looks pretty cool lol ;)01:53
Jeruvyalexmhso: sure it does.01:53
alexmhsookay well is it worth mounting a dedicated folder within my external drive to /home/username/music?01:53
alexmhsocan i even mount a folder to another folder?01:53
bonez46I have 8.10 installed.. I need to run xp pro.. er.. install it so my boys can play a few games.. should I a) install it natively with dual boot and if so, how, when linux is the first OS on the drive, or b) install virtual box and then load XP into it?01:54
Qblablalakeoftea found the evil?01:54
dan457for games, boot.  VB is not so hot for gaming01:54
jonathan__lakeoftea: how bout something like "ls -R /your/dir | du | sort -nr | less"01:55
lakeofteano it didn't i'm in even more confused01:55
Jeruvybonez46: ask ubottu about !dualboot and !wubi, take your pick :)01:55
lakeofteathe program worked very nice01:55
alexmhsojeruvy: well should i mount the drive with permissions or can i use it sort of like an external drive in windows?01:55
ubottuWubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php for troubleshooting. Please file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug.01:55
lakeofteabut it doesn't add up to approx 70ish missing gigs01:55
Qblablalakeoftea no big chunk anywhere?01:55
hhp2kHey everyone!01:56
Jeruvyalexmhso: I would mount it as a cifs or nfs drive.  You can also use ntfs3g01:56
Qblablalakeoftea what does the small text under the toolbar say how much space is used?01:56
dan457Using ext3?  then a it will format with some missing.....01:56
lakeofteait says my / is 7.4 gig01:56
bonez46Jeruvy: but.. see.. I only have UBUNTU on my hard drive.. not I have windows and want to install unbuntu..01:56
alexmhsoyeah i was told to use fstab01:56
alexmhsojeruvy: yeah i was told to use fstab by a friend.01:56
lakeofteaand my home is 4 gig01:56
dan457fstab will mount things for you automaticaly at boot.01:56
Jeruvyalexmhso: thats a good way to do it automagically, but your choices remain01:57
lakeofteamaybe i'll just wait til 9.04 stable comes out and reformat lol01:57
Qblablalakeoftea maybe you did what I did: deleting files as root and not emptying the trash?01:57
alexmhsoi dont want to do it auto so i was going to use noauto, but so that it would end up at the same folder all the time.01:57
hhp2kI have a quick question:  Since recently reinstalling Ubuntu 8.04 after some time not using it, I've spent the last couple of days customizing it to my liking.  If I ever needed to reinstall Ubuntu, would there be a way to save all of the packages, commands, and settings into an executable/archive that would make my system fully customized right out the door?01:57
Jeruvybonez46: well then don't even bother..I'm kinda confused what you need help with?01:57
lakeofteahow do i empty trash as root01:58
jonathan__hhp2k:  you could keep a copy of all the config files in your home directory as a start01:58
alexmhsojeruvy: can i just add noauto to the command and mount it to the same folder everytime?01:58
hhp2kjonathan__: I've got that down, yes.01:58
lakeofteasudo take out the trash plz01:58
bonez46Jeruvy: I have only ubuntu installed.. my boys want to play SOME windows based pc games.. so I want to figure out whether to natively install xp pro. and if so HOW.. or whether to set up virtual box and install xp in there?01:58
Jeruvyhhp2k: your /home folder should have most of the important stuff, but you should verify with any packages you were using for any specific locations of any possibly important files.01:59
lakeofteai know how to empty it from .local in my home dir01:59
Qblablalakeoftea if you dont know how to empty the trash as sudo you probably did not fill it with sudo or gk sudo either01:59
jonathan__hhp2k:  have a list of the packages you just installed, and write a script that installs them and restores your config files01:59
Jeruvybonez46: ah, sorry I missed that.  Depending on 'what' games, wine may be a better idea than virtualboxing or dualbooting01:59
bonez46oh, these are games that I have already looked up in wine...02:00
bonez46they require win xp..02:00
Jeruvybonez46: then you don't have a question. You have a direction :)02:00
Tophuis there any way to get an ideazon MERC ZBoard and a 7 button logitech mouse working like they do in windows?02:00
hhp2kjonathan__: Good enough. :) Thanks!02:00
lakeofteai's like disk anayiser helped me find approx 13 gigs but wheres the like other 55 gigs i cant find lol02:00
Jeruvybonez46: virtual boxing is not ready for gametime in most cases02:00
Qblablalakeoftea: you could type "gksudo nautilus" in the terminal and search for the trash bin and empty it (but dont delete anything, in this window you can do much harm)02:01
bonez46ok, then.. how would I proceed installiing xp pro.. to the hard drive then? it wants to see the MBR as all its own.. how can I install it?02:01
lakeofteatrue what would it be called? trash?02:01
Jeruvybonez46: either: dualboot.  That means installing xp first, then ubuntu, or use wubi, which is install xp, then install wubi.02:02
lakeofteacouldnt i do a gnome-search-tool for it too?02:02
Qblablalakeoftea: maybe the 55GB are many smaller files, what would you search for?02:03
lakeofteais there some sort of strange temp directory like in windows?02:03
JeruvyTophu: mine is seen as a keyboard, and actually works.02:03
jonathan__lakeoftea:  trash is sometimes stored in .Trash.  You can use Ctrl-H in nautilus to see files starting with .02:03
JeruvyTophu: but I've only alpha tested it with jaunty.  So I don't know if it's properly supported at this time.02:04
bauruinei am trying to run a miredo server but i always get "Error (87.98.244.xx): Cannot assign requested address." :-/02:04
bonez46I wont' rip ubuntu out and reinstall just to put xp pro on here.. I guess I won't install it then..02:04
Qblablalakeoftea: guess I cant help you any further and I need to sleep02:04
Jeruvybonez46: backup /home, trash the rest and go.  Unless your running server apps you should be ok02:05
Qblablalakeoftea: good night and luck02:05
lakeoftealol k thx02:05
thebestthere are some one?02:05
gabyhow can i change the ¨permission¨ on a hard disk? i get this http://img3.imageshack.us/img3/5710/screenshottrashfilebrow.png02:05
Qblablathebest no, 1333 = 002:05
Tophu@Jeruvy: my keyboard works fine but the special gaming area on the left with the QWEASD area doesn't want to work02:05
Tophuwhat file would I edit to change these keymaps (or add them)02:06
JeruvyTophu: which version of ubuntu are you using?02:06
bauruinegaby, open a terminal and type sudo chown youruser:youruser -R /path/to/folder02:06
cory8092Ubuntu 8.10: Nvidia GeForce 6150 LE uses nvidia-glx-177, but i cant get it to work anyone?02:06
NephilusI how do i open up metacity? is it like emerald?02:07
Tophu@Jeruvy gimme a sec let me reboot to ubuntu .... get off this nasty vista ;-)...then we can propperly troubleshoot this02:07
lucas__anyone already has used msnshadow ?02:07
cory8092Ubuntu 8.10: Nvidia GeForce 6150 LE uses nvidia-glx-177, but i cant get it to work anyone?02:08
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JeruvyTophu: I'm not sure I'm still working on keymap changes.02:09
cory8092Ubuntu 8.10: Nvidia GeForce 6150 LE uses nvidia-glx-177, but i cant get it to work anyone?02:10
lakeoftealol Qbabbla was right it was in my root trash haha a sudo find / -type f -size +10000k figured it out02:10
lakeofteaall hail ubuntu!02:10
Tophuok back02:11
Tophuso what file do I need to edit to manually map the "gaming" area of my merc zboard?02:11
TophuI just got warhammer online working in wine and I'm itching to play ^_^02:12
Sememmon=\ too bad WAR gets boring quickly..02:12
patrlckcould anyone tell me which part of linux tells the fan which speed to run?02:13
Tophunot as a choppa ^_^ ofcourse I'm not quite 40 yet02:13
gabyhello bauruine? this tells me that ive been made owner and its read only now but i cant see at the files in the hard drive, much less write into it02:13
cory8092Ubuntu 8.10: Nvidia GeForce 6150 LE uses nvidia-glx-177, but i cant get it to work anyone?02:13
lakeofteawhat's the best way to install vlc 0.9.8 on ubuntu 8.10?02:13
Tophu@cory8092 if you go to www.nvidia.com you can download and compile the latest drivers02:14
jonathan__patrlck:  I don't know, but there some interesting stuff about it in /proc/acpi02:14
JeruvyTophu: hmm sorry I have killed my alpha test.  Thought I had it still.  :(02:15
cory8092Tophu: Thank you02:16
Brandon_wow i finally got this working02:16
TunnlRatis there a way to use the Synaptic Package Manager to download the newest ATI video card drivers?02:16
cory8092Tophu: hopefully this will help me problem02:16
kanziewhere do I change the home-path for a user02:16
ooodi've heard about this zeitgeist tool. does anyone know about similar thing? is there something out there with same functionality?02:16
Tophuif you need help message me I just went through all that today ;-)02:17
janedoe_will ubuntu's installer create and size a new partition to allow an existing OS (e.g. Vista) to be left in place and functional?02:17
Brandon_man i've been getting so frustrated with this os02:17
Brandon_every time i try to add somthing i get a new error02:17
TunnlRatJanedoe_: Yes it will you can set it to dual boot when you first install02:17
chris__how can I make firefox spoof ie7 for login purposes02:18
TunnlRatit gives you the option to change the sizes of the partition before it does anythin02:18
jonathan__Brandon_: why?02:18
janedoe_so no need to remove existing OS then, right? (to restate pretty much the same darn thing;) )02:18
TunnlRatJane: no you don't have to, it can be left alone so that if you want to be able to chose to boot in windows you still can02:18
ooodi've heard about this ZEITGEIST tool. does anyone know about similar thing? is there something out there with same functionality?02:18
TunnlRatIt will setup a bootloader for you so that you can select either Vista or Ubuntu to start up02:19
janedoe_great, thanks TunnlRat!02:19
cypher1chris__: try user agent switchers02:19
chris__cypher1 how do i get there02:19
cypher1chris__: check here https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/5902:20
mattgyver83how can i find out what version of ubuntu im running?02:20
chris__thanks cypher102:21
Jeruvy!version | mattgyver8302:21
ubottumattgyver83: To find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell - To know the available version of a package, « apt-cache policy <package> »02:21
TunnlRatKanzie: you still here?02:21
kanzieTunnlRat: yes02:21
Jeruvy!ot > HardDisk02:21
ubottuHardDisk, please see my private message02:21
TunnlRatKanzie: System>administration>user settings02:21
TunnlRatyou can change your home paths there02:22
cypher1chris__: wc02:22
kanzieTunnlRat: :-) LTS, server... its in /etc/passwd02:22
TunnlRatahh yeah02:22
pymikehey, I'm having problems locating the Adobe directory on ubuntu. I need to access its Classes folder02:22
mattgyver83How can i get Adhoc networking to connect using a BCM43xx driver?02:22
mattgyver83Wifi works fine, but i cant see my tethered mobile phone02:22
mattgyver83windows does, and connects fien02:22
JeruvyHardDisk: Take it to #ubuntu-chat02:22
kanzieBut loggin in with sftp does not throw me to the new home I provided02:23
miccasigh i installed LAMP on ubuntu.. and when I run mysql -u root i get an acees denied.. this also happens when i run it with sudo... but if i run it as mysql -u myusername it works (or wihtout -u flag)... this is a problem as once im in mysql i can't set the root password.. what to do?02:23
miccado I try adding -p and using my sudo password?02:23
wonderpoopi just installed xubuntu for a friend and she wanted me to make a login type screen like windows has, but i clicked to login to a remote server02:23
kanzieanyone familiar with home-paths02:24
wonderpoophow can i get rid of it?02:24
Linuxeriohola a todos en especial a los que hablan español jijiji02:24
miccasigh i installed LAMP on ubuntu.. and when I run mysql -u root i get an acees denied.. this also happens when i run it with sudo... but if i run it as mysql -u myusername it works (or wihtout -u flag)... this is a problem as once im in mysql i can't set the root password.. what to do?02:24
miccado I try adding -p and using my sudo password?02:24
wonderpoopand go back to regular login02:24
Tophuwhat file do I edit to manually set up my gaming keyboard? I need to get the WASDQE section working ^_^02:24
Linuxerio oigan una preguntita si tengo un Disco duro de 250GB y quiero instalar ubuntu con /home separado ¿que espacio me recomiendan para dejar a cada una de las particiones?02:24
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.02:24
miccalinuxerio , creo que es un ubuntu es02:25
micca!info ubuntu-es02:25
ubottuPackage ubuntu-es does not exist in intrepid02:25
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ubuntu-es02:25
miccathank you eseven73  :P02:25
miccasigh i installed LAMP on ubuntu.. and when I run mysql -u root i get an acees denied.. this also happens when i run it with sudo... but if i run it as mysql -u myusername it works (or wihtout -u flag)... this is a problem as once im in mysql i can't set the root password.. what to do?02:25
pymikebop? any answers?02:25
wonderpoopne1 know how i can go from remote host login back to regular user login?02:25
Jeruvymicca: try #ubuntu-es :)02:26
miccapymike.. have u tried going to your homefolder (then ctrl+h) so that hidden folders appear perhaps .adobe will show?02:26
pymikeI'll try02:26
miccano no Jeruvy , it was for linuxerio :p02:26
miccasigh i installed LAMP on ubuntu.. and when I run mysql -u root i get an acees denied.. this also happens when i run it with sudo... but if i run it as mysql -u myusername it works (or wihtout -u flag)... this is a problem as once im in mysql i can't set the root password.. what to do?02:26
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Brandon_WOOT i finally got somthing to work02:26
* micca scratches me behind with chilli fingers.. arse on fire!02:26
eseven73micca, slow down on that repeating02:26
pymikemicca: yeah the adobe dir is there, no class directory though02:27
miccaok eseven73 sorry.. just seemed no one noticing x02:27
Jeruvymicca: ah sorry02:27
miccahmm ok pymike im not used ot ubuntu so not sure where classpaths of adobe might be set02:27
pymikeany chance they might not be installed? ^_^02:28
kanziecan anyone help me set homepath for a user in my new 8.04LTS02:28
Brandon_so is every one having as much fun as i am with all this??? (sarcasm)02:28
Jeruvymicca: mysql root doesn't have a password by default install, So if you set one, explicitly tell it 'mysql -u root -p'02:28
eseven73micca, you should try channels with 30 people like #puppy, you'll never get help, #Ubuntu is a paradise for help compared to that, why i switched back to Ubuntu ;)02:28
pymikewoah .macromedia/ has a ton of crap02:29
miccahehe eseven73 .. ye thx.. and Jeruvy : hence I am confused why I can't start it with mysql -u root (I havent set any password.. i can run it wihtout specifying root but if i try to run as root it gives me access denied)02:29
Jeruvymicca: you have to specify -p02:29
TunnlRatCan ubuntu scan for wifi networks like windows and if so how? i can't seem to see my wifi router had to hardwire in02:29
Gnomiewow, there's a lot of new people in here02:29
jonathan__kanzie: explain more02:29
GnomieI don't 'know anyone :o *cries*02:29
kanziejonathan__: I want /var/www to be the home-dir of one user02:30
miccaeseven73, does that mean I must forget about all the root stuff in ubuntu? and just set a pssword for me as the admin user? (jeruvy.. if i specify -p wihtout having set a password I wont be able to log in)02:30
MenZaTunnlRat→ nm-applet on the panel should list all available networks when you click it (in a drop-down)02:30
Gnomieoh cause im in the wrong channel sorry02:30
miccaTunnlRat, yes it does.. but the wireless driver must be enabled and working02:30
pymikeno projects though02:30
Jeruvymicca: correct, but it's one or the other, it cannot be both :)02:30
jonathan__kanzie: try "man adduser"02:30
TunnlRathrmmm i don't think my wifi card is working then02:30
kanziejonathan__: I changed /etc/passwd to link to /var/www instead of home/username, howdever it does not trigger... still end up in the /home/username-foder when I log in over sftp.02:30
MenZaTunnlRat→ which wifi card do you have? (Check with 'lspci' in terminal, if required)02:30
kanzieThinking now of removing the folder and symlink /var/www to /home/username02:30
miccano true.. but Jeruvy , did you see what I wrote? I CAN log in as myusername but not as root!02:31
Tophuwhat file do I edit to manually set up my gaming keyboard? I need to get the WASDQE section working ^_^02:31
miccashouldn't i on a default install be able to log in as root?02:31
MenZaWhich keyboard is this, Tophu?02:31
TophuMerc ZBoard from ideazon02:31
TunnlRatEthernet controller: Atheros Communications Inc. AR242x 802.11abg Wireless PCI Express Adapter (rev 01)02:31
MenZayou're in luck, TunnlRat02:31
Tophu@micca: I think root is "hidden" by default02:31
TunnlRatgood lol i hate being out of luck02:32
MenZa!ath5k > TunnlRat02:32
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ath5k02:32
Mobius_thoughthello.. can someone tell me how to put the required tools to install from source? I think I need stuff like "make" and "gcc" ?02:32
kavehhey guys im a completely new to ubuntu (im using Xubuntu)02:32
Jeruvymicca: ok, so did you try user@host?02:32
MenZaTunnlRat→ are you on a wired network right now02:32
kanziegot it02:32
MenZaTunnlRat→ I have the same controller, I can guide you through the setup :)02:32
Jeruvymicca: ie: root@localhost02:32
MenZaTunnlRat→ just to confirm, you're on intrepid, right?02:33
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wonderpoopwhen i boot into xubuntu it asks for a server host and i don't want that screen how can i go back to regular login typing in just a regular l/p?02:33
TunnlRatMenza i have no idea02:33
miccajeruvy: lets say my username is plonker : when i run this: mysql (it starts), if i run : mysql -u plonker... it works.. but absoilutely NOT if i specify root02:33
jonathan__kanzie: or you go to system => administration => Users and Groups and edit Properties for the appropriate user02:33
MenZaMobius_thought→ sudo apt-get install build-essentials02:33
miccacan i just disregard root account or will this be a security hole (i.e. root with no password set )02:34
miccaim not used to not being able to go root with sudo02:34
MenZaTunnlRat→ try cat /etc/lsb-release - that should say02:34
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about HIDpoint02:34
TunnlRatyeah i am02:34
TunnlRatUnbuntu 8.1002:34
MenZaTunnlRat→ perfect. Just to describe the process - you need to install the ath5k module (which suits your card), blacklist the old ath_pci module and set the new one up to load automatically on boot. I'll guide you through it02:35
miccayou are the best02:35
miccayup.. it needed the host appendix to accept it... cheers mate!!!02:35
MenZaTunnlRat→ start by running sudo apt-get install linux-backports-modules-intrepid-generic and wait for that to install02:35
Jeruvymicca: thanks, you got it?02:35
ChaorainI'm trying to use HidPoint with my MX Revolution but I get "No Mouse Found" help?02:35
kavehsomeone at my place decided to update my xubuntu from 8.04 to 8.10 - firefox started not working properly, the back and forward would be greyed out, it wouldnt put proper home page etc.. - so i googled, several solutions said to remove "xyz.default" and profiles.ini in the .mozilla/firefox folder and then remove / install firefox again. i did that and now firefox wants to make a profile, i dont know how to edit the permissions02:36
kaveh so that it can make the profile folder in the .mozilla/firefox folder and when i make the profile elsewhere it says the profile is in use. then i made the profile on a folder on desktop, firefox loads but it wont work at all and a message pops up telling me "Could not initialize the applications security component"02:36
Jeruvymicca: see bind-address for details on that02:36
miccaJeruvy, yup it needed the suffix of host as you say.. sorry havent run a mysql server in 7 years :P02:36
kavehany help?02:36
type_genericHey, I'm having trouble settin up a static IP on one of my computers running ubuntu, I'm starting to try my hand at servers and such. I managed to get it to be a static IP, but I cant get out of my local network (ping google.com fails)02:36
micca(yes i already read it jeruvy.. but was silly enough to just blindly follow an ubuntu LAMP install guide)02:36
Jeruvymicca: hehe I hear that :)02:36
MenZaTunnlRat→ done?02:36
TunnlRatMenza: yes just finished02:37
lakeofteaubuntu is so cool lol ;) i run windows on 1 comp and ubuntu on the other and i want to never have to use my windows again !!! (well, except for cs3 lol)02:37
jonathan__type_generic: did you restart networking with "sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart"02:37
Tophuok last time I'll ask before I'm off for the night, anyone know how to get the "gaming section" of a Merc ZBoard from Ideazon working (secifically the WASDQE keys), or does anyone know which file I can edit to manually map these keys?02:37
type_genericjonathan_: yes, then I typed sudo reboot to see if that would help, nothing02:37
SeaPhorlakeoftea, cs3?02:37
Othorwhat is a good IRC client? i am using XChat-Gnome is there anything better to use?02:38
kavehanybody able to help my problem?02:38
TunnlRatmenza: it wants me to reboot now02:38
ice-nineCounterStrike 3?02:38
MenZaTunnlRat→ perfect. now you need to blacklist the old module - use nano /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist - you want to go down to the bottom, add blacklist ath_pci02:38
lakeofteaadobe lol02:38
Jeruvy!poll | Othor02:38
MenZaTunnlRat→ just a second02:38
ubottuOthor: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.02:38
jonathan__type_generic: can you ping the ip of google02:38
Tophu<---I use pidgin cause that's what I had at my fingertips02:38
lakeofteano, not counterstrike 3 lol02:38
MenZaTunnlRat→ it may work now, but just to be sure, let's make sure we don't have modules trying to dominate each other02:38
miccalol Jeruvy , strike that though ;) in mysql .. even if i logged in as root. i now can't set password with thias ocmmand : mysql> SET PASSWORD FOR 'root'@'localhost' = PASSWORD('hideyhidey');02:38
miccaERROR 1044 (42000): Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' to database 'mysql'02:38
ice-nineIs there a CounterStrike 3?02:38
type_genericjonathan_:well my ssh to it just crashed for some reason02:38
miccalmao ice-nine  nothing to do with ubuntu02:39
Jeruvymicca: hehe that looks wrong  use 'grant'02:39
OthorJeruvy: thanks02:39
Chaoraincan any one help with HIDpoint configuration02:39
TunnlRatMenza: i don't even see that in the list02:39
ice-ninemicca WIne 4 Sure would run it if it existed :)02:39
MenZaTunnlRat→ no, I want you to /add/ it to the list02:39
type_genericjonathan:  the command "ping google.com" results in "ping: unknown host google.com"02:39
MenZaTunnlRat→ :)02:39
TunnlRatmenza: ahhhh understoo02:39
MenZaTunnlRat→ save the file with ctrl + w02:40
MenZaTunnlRat→ when you're done with that, edit /etc/modules in the same manner, and just add ath5k to the bottom of that list. then reboot and remove your ethernet cable. feel free to pop in and let me know if that worked after :)02:40
miccaJeruvy.. but grant optipon is for new users no? i mean given I can log in as root@localhost , surely I must create a password for that account by set password no?02:40
jonathan__type_generic: I was thinking that perhaps dns isn't working, so you could try which is google and see what happens02:41
miccaalthough even back years ago.. i think PASSWORD was somewhat obsolete or osmething.. and rather use a simila rocmmand hmm02:41
MenZasetting the root user password should be done with the following, micca: SET PASSWORD FOR 'root'@'localhost' = PASSWORD('yourpassword');02:41
type_genericjonathan_: yeah, just thought to do that, and it works. I noticed the problem when it couldn't resolve stuff in synaptic02:41
TunnlRatmenza: aight one problem lol it won't let me save it says permission denied02:41
kavehanyone having absurd problems with firefox since updating to 8.10?02:42
MenZaTunnlRat→ ohh, my bad - you need sudo in front02:42
miccaMenZa, that is what I pasted and it said.. access denied :/02:42
MenZaTunnlRat→ so sudo nano <files>02:42
TunnlRatmenza: ahhhh okay02:42
Jeruvymicca: Menza has the right syntax for root mysql may want you to use ` instead of ' tho02:42
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dotkitehey anyone know how i can send a message to another person on my WAN network via terminal?02:42
=== Ubuntu_Noob is now known as SvenZ
ice-nineMenza, I used a 2 step process for setting root password.   "sudo su" and then "passwd"02:42
MenZamicca→ and mysql -u root -p gives you an error?02:42
MenZaice-nine→ that's for Ubuntu, not MySQL. and it's awful practice.02:43
MenZa!root > ice-nine02:43
ubottuice-nine, please see my private message02:43
dotkite*hey anyone know how i can send a message to another person on my WAN network via terminal?*02:43
type_genericjonathan_: what would stop the DNS from working?02:43
miccaERROR 1044 (42000): Access denied for user ''@'localhost' to database 'mysql' is what i get in reply inside mysql MenZa  after running mysql -u root@localhost02:43
|toadhas anyone paired the blackberry remote stereo geteway successfully?02:43
miccaso it seems as root returns an empty field.. so root isnt recognized internally?02:43
MenZamicca→ if it's still not doing as you might want it to, try this link: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MysqlPasswordReset02:43
andy_good day to all02:43
jonathan__type_generic: a dns server can be specified in /etc/network/interfaces.  but I'm not sure02:43
SvenZanyone with patience willing to Private chat with me to get me up and running?02:43
dotkite*hey anyone know how i can send a message to another person on my WAN network via terminal?*02:43
jonathan__type_generic: why it would stop working in your case.02:44
miccaok MenZa but i just installed LAMP through the apt-get something something tesl?02:44
SvenZneed help mounting partitions with NTFS and getting audio to work02:44
TunnlRatMenza: will that stop my wired network from working?02:44
miccaI could only enter with root user to mysql by specifying root@localhost02:44
MenZaTunnlRat→ no, not at all - they're seperate adaptors.02:44
MenZaTunnlRat→ I have that wireless card, and I'm on a wired network right now :)02:44
Jeruvymicca: try 'root'@'localhost'02:44
wonderpoopdoes anybody know how i can change login options from terminal?02:44
jonathan__type_generic: I had a similar problem in FreeBSD but it just solved itself after a reboot and I never bothered with it.02:44
dotkite*hey anyone know how i can send a message to another person on my WAN network via terminal?*02:45
MenZaTunnlRat→ basically, ath_pci is the name of an old module for that card. It just doesn't work in Intrepid.02:45
type_genericjonathan_: so I should append my interfaces file to include the DNS servers as supplied by my ISP? Would I just put "DNS 123.456.789.10"?02:45
MenZa!patience > dotkite02:45
ubottudotkite, please see my private message02:45
TunnlRatMenza: Good cause i got so tired of my stupid windows machines not working i just spent the last two days converting them all to Ubuntu and getting world of warcraft up and going02:45
ubottuDo not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo02:45
TunnlRatwhich worked on my desktop may not work on laptop02:45
andy_im about to do a dual boot on my pc.with xp and ubuntu..i already did it before on my old pc..i was just inquiring on issues with regards with 2 sata hdd02:45
MenZaTunnlRat→ good plan! let me know how the reboot goes :)02:45
miccalol at ice-nine 's solution: why so bad to set a root password ;p02:45
MenZaandy_→ there shouldn't be an issue. I have two.02:45
wonderpoopnobody knows do they?02:45
TunnlRatAlright hopefully my computer doesn't go up in smoke if not i'll be back in a couple mins lol02:46
MenZawonderpoop→ that depends what login options you're talking about.02:46
andy_ok..thanks..and with dual monitors?02:46
MenZaandy_→ should work excellently - which graphics card do you have?02:46
type_genericjonathan_: alright, found some info on the internet, thanks for the help!02:46
andy_ati 3450 HD02:47
wonderpoopwell all this waiting i probably could just redo the entire thing from scratch again eh?02:47
Iceman_B^Ltop!root | Iceman_B^Ltop02:47
ubottuIceman_B^Ltop, please see my private message02:47
MenZaandy_→ ATI I don't know much about. I suggest a quick Google with the terms 'ATI 3450 HD ubuntu dual' or similar02:47
SeaPhorandy_, for dual monitors, i have a few in my channel that can help if you need02:47
miccahmmm, where are alternative lampo installations of mysql MenZa , because now when I follow that guide.. I cant start mysqld as its not in user/sbin or so02:47
jonathan__type_generic: well I hope it works, I am no expert, perhaps you did not specify your gateway correctly or something?02:48
SvenZI have a Soundblaster Audigy 2 soundcard, how do I configure it to work on ubuntu?02:48
andy_ok thanks..02:48
YellowRedWould someone be able to assist me with a printer issue?02:48
MenZamicca→ it should be in /etc/init.d/mysql02:48
MenZaYellowRed→ Might want to ask the question stating which printer, which issue, and what you've done to resolve it first02:48
MenZaYellowRed→ that way, people can buy in if they know anything about it02:48
miccastill command not found :/02:49
andy_seaphor channel pls?02:49
kavehanyone able to help me with firefox? it wouldnt save any user data, a few googled solutions said to delete a folder "leters/numbers.default" and "profile.ini" then completely remove and install firefox. i just updated ubuntu from 8.04 to 8.10 and my graphics driver was removed - reinstalling it will remove xserver-desktop and firefox is now not working because it wants to create a user profile, once created (wont create in its02:49
kaveh intended place, had to create on desktop) it fails to initialize security components02:49
|toaddoes anyone know how to troubleshoot bluetooth?02:49
MenZamicca→ um, sudo /etc/init.d/mysql start should start it02:49
TunnlRatYaaaay my wireless networking is enabled lol02:49
MenZaTunnlRat→ huzzah!02:49
MenZaTunnlRat→ happy WoW'ing :)02:49
miccaMenZa, negative: commmand not found02:49
TunnlRatlol one question now though02:49
MenZamicca→ ...where did you install mysql from?02:49
miccaone sec02:50
MenZamicca→ assuming you installed it from the repositories, that is where the binary should be.02:50
TunnlRathow do i tell the wireless card what network to connect to i have the wpa key for my router02:50
miccaMenZa, I used this command: sudo tasksel install lamp-server02:50
MenZaTunnlRat→ you click it and press the wireless network you wish to connect02:50
MenZaTunnlRat→ then you insert the key when asked for it02:50
MenZahttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP?action=fullsearch&context=180&value=linkto%3A%22ApacheMySQLPHP%22 <- micca, I don't know much about tasksel, but I've used this guide numerous times to get MySQL, Apache and PHP running.02:51
TunnlRathrmm there are no wireless networks showing and i know there are at least 4 within range including mine02:51
miccaokidokie.. cheers02:51
JeruvyMenZa: mysqld02:51
MenZaJeruvy→ positive?02:51
MenZaI'm pretty sure it's not mysqld02:51
SvenZI have a Soundblaster Audigy 2 soundcard, how do I configure it to work on ubuntu?02:51
MenZa!soundblaster | SvenZ02:51
ubottuSvenZ: soundblaster is If you need help with setting up your soundblaster card, then visit https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundcardsWithHardwareSynth02:51
SvenZthanks MenZa02:52
MenZaTunnlRat→ and... you're connected how, currently?02:52
TunnlRatstill wired02:52
MenZaTunnlRat→ can you connect to your wireless networks if you connect to one specifically?02:52
miccaMenZa, this is the one I used: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP the one you linked didnt give a specific goot hit02:52
MenZamicca→ well, that's what I mean02:52
TunnlRati could with windows though maybe not this way02:52
MenZaTunnlRat→ you should have a list of networks when you click it.02:53
miccayup but according to that one MenZa I use the ocmmmand I gave you.. then it says to do mysql -u root (which I couldnt until I added @localhost) then I can get in.. then when I try to set the password witht hat command SET PASSWORD etc.. it just wont work :/02:53
MenZaTunnlRat→ could you pastebin the following: output of `dmesg`, as well as /etc/modules and /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist02:53
MenZasudo vim /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist-ath_pci.conf02:53
TunnlRaton the front of my laptop there is a slide button that you can us in windows enable/disable the wifi02:54
miccaand when I went to that reset page.. I could stop the daemon.. but for some reason02:54
MenZaignore that02:54
MenZaTunnlRat→ and it's enabled?02:54
miccaI do whereis mysqld it is indeed in /usr/sbin, yet it doesn't want to start from there02:54
ghangwhat should i do when this hapen ? ---->  mount: /media/cdrom0 is not a block device02:54
lakeofteamuch love to ubuntu lol02:54
miccai guess maybe my shell has wrong start02:54
miccaok brb02:54
MenZathe only real advice I can give you is to remove the task, micca02:55
MenZaand install each package manually02:55
TunnlRatyou want me to paste that in a private window right02:55
MenZaTunnlRat→ no, use a pastebin02:55
lstarnesghang: flip /dev/devicename and /media/devicename in the command02:55
MenZa!pastebin > TunnlRat02:55
ubottuTunnlRat, please see my private message02:55
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TunnlRatohhhh okay02:55
MenZameh, I'm up at 4 am, may as well get me some coffee02:55
miccaAHA!!! it was cos the site specified usr/bin not usr/sbin where it got installed into02:55
MenZaTunnlRat→ make sure you highlight my nick with each paste - I'll be back in a second.02:55
ghanglstarnes, what i  do was  , ---> mount -t iso9660 /media/cdrom0 /***.iso02:56
alaaalaa:السلام عليكم02:56
Jeruvymicca: mysqladmin -u root -h host_name password "newpassword" for sure works.02:56
lstarnesghang: mount -t iso9660 /path/to/filename.iso /media/cdrom002:56
lstarnesghang: the mount point comes after the device or image02:57
Jeruvymicca: then /etc/init.d/mysql restart, then try to login02:57
ghangdebian:/home/ghang# mount -t iso9660 /depot/debian-500-amd64-DVD-1.iso /cdrom ||||||||||  mount: /depot/debian-500-amd64-DVD-1.iso is not a block device (maybe try `-o loop'?)02:57
linduxed1is there a way to prepend a certain string to filenames?02:57
SvenZMenZa | it told me to type "aplaymidi -l" into the terminal, but im still not hearing any audio. Preferences | Sound --> is set to Autodetect...02:57
ghanglstarnes     debian:/home/ghang# mount -t iso9660 /depot/debian-500-amd64-DVD-1.iso /cdrom ||||||||||  mount: /depot/debian-500-amd64-DVD-1.iso is not a block device (maybe try `-o loop'?)02:57
miccaJeruvy,  NOW THAT REMINDS ME OF SOMETHING INDEED (i think i agree it will work.. let me give u a feedback here)02:57
ubottuFor instructions on how to set up bluetooth, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup02:58
linduxed1right now im going through a ton of files going "mv file1.txt appfile1.txt02:58
lstarnesghang: add '-o loop' (without ' marks) between '-t iso9660' and the .iso's path02:58
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miccaLOL Jeruvy : it says error: access denied :/02:59
miccaand i did the reset thing02:59
linduxedi just want to add that "app" thing in front to everything in a folder02:59
miccait just went back to how i just had it when i got it default installed02:59
ghangi think i done , thanks for help Istarnes02:59
miccaok nvm.. I will brb @ gonna figure this out hopefully02:59
Jeruvymicca: try prepending it with 'sudo'02:59
miccai did02:59
MenZaTunnlRat→ back.03:00
miccaOK progress03:01
TunnlRatmenza: alright when i did dmesg it comes up with so much stuff i couldn't even see it all03:01
miccaI did instead03:01
miccasudo /usr/bin/mysqladmin -u root@localhost password "password" then I got a reply: /usr/bin/mysqladmin: Can't turn off logging; error: 'Access denied; you need the SUPER privilege for this operation' ideas Jeruvy ?03:01
MenZaTunnlRat→ a word of advice; you can output the stuff from dmesg to a file with `dmesg > filename.txt` - then you can open it in gedit (gedit filename.txt)03:01
etzerdhello all03:02
MenZahi, etzerd03:02
miccalla olleh03:02
Jeruvymicca: sudo /usr/bin/mysqladmin -u root -h localhost -p "password"03:02
etzerdI have a USB modem from Verizon Wireless, I can use it to browse the internet wherever I go. How can I get it to work using ubuntu?03:03
MenZaetzerd→ It doesn't work out of the box?03:03
miccabut Jeruvy : NO password has been SET yet03:03
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ipmasq03:03
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about cries03:03
micca!giving up03:03
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about giving up03:03
Jeruvymicca: did you restart mysql?03:04
TunnlRatmenza: do i just give you the url it gave me for the pasted item?03:04
MenZamicca→ please, don't trigger the bot when you have no point03:04
MenZaTunnlRat→ yup03:04
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miccasorry MenZa , was just getting frustrated03:04
MenZaTunnlRat→ I just realised - in the future - there's a package you can install (pastebinit) which will help you pastebin things directly from the terminal.03:04
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etzerdmenZa: I know. It comes with a cd that included the drivers from Verizon. My question is can it works with ubuntu? because saturday I'm traveling to LA I will like to use it using ubuntu instead of windows.03:04
SeaPhormicca, its /me typehere03:05
TunnlRatokay so to send this only to you i just have to have your named highlighted right03:05
MenZaetzerd→ good question, let's find out - first, do lspci in a terminal and give me the name of the device03:05
MenZaTunnlRat→ just paste the link here. :)03:05
lxdhello everyone03:05
MenZaTunnlRat→ it contains no private information or anything of that sort.03:05
etzerdmenZa: give me one second03:05
FrozenFireIs it possible to, using SSH, launch a session on a remote system, and then use Gnome? X11 forwarding seems to work quite well on a single application basis, but I want to launch my entire workspace.03:05
TunnlRathehe true03:05
MenZaFrozenFire→ No. You need VNC for that.03:05
TunnlRathttp://paste.ubuntu.com/143222/ and http://paste.ubuntu.com/143223/03:06
Doonzhey guys im having troucble mapping a drive from my ubuntu server to my ubuntu lapto03:06
miccaSeaPhor, no i know.. I just put words into the bot's mouth03:06
Doonzsomeone point me to a tutorial?03:06
SeaPhorFrozenFire, Tightvnc works well03:06
FrozenFireMenZa: Are you sure? If I cannot do it via Gnome, I'll just launch single applications with X1103:06
miccaok Jeruvy : what is the name of the grant table in which root resides? I ll try to update the fricking entries manually03:06
FrozenFireI don't want to use VNC, in this case.03:06
MenZaFrozenFire→ For what reason?03:06
CHCi'm having a strange problem in ubuntu 8.10 where some programs because full screen and i cannot exit it without alt-tabbing because there is no exit, etc, this happed to me on firefox(its not using its full screen option) and KRDC, the only way i got firefox out of it was going to view > fullscreen then unsetting it, because F11 seemed not to do anything, as for KRDC i don't know what i can do about it03:07
MenZaFrozenFire→ Security?03:07
MenZaTunnlRat→ one second.03:07
FrozenFireMenZa: There are a few, but I'd rather not get into them.03:07
MenZaFrozenFire→ Right. If it's security you're worried about, you can tunnel VNC through ssh.03:07
Jeruvymicca: I'm out of ideas.   Maybe the experts in #mysql can be more help.03:07
FrozenFireMenZa: It's not a security issue. The systems will be on a closed network, via a switch03:07
* micca hits his head... thanks for all the help Jeruvy and MenZa 03:07
miccaeh.. i cant join the channel???03:08
MenZaTunnlRat→ It appears to time out when attempting to connect to your hardware. Try running sudo iwconfig and pastebin the output (you can, like I mentioned before, run sudo apt-get install pastebinit, then simply run: sudo iwconfig | pastebinit)03:08
Jeruvymicca: you need to be identified to join certain channels on freenode03:08
FrozenFireNext question. Is there a simple interface for setting up and managing a router from within Ubuntu. That is, Ubuntu running a DHCP server, firewall, etc.03:08
miccagot ya03:08
MenZathere's ipcop, FrozenFire, but I'm not sure how it works.03:10
SeaPhorTunnlRat, just type the fiest 3-4 letters of the nick you're talking to and hit the Tab key, example: type tunn and hit the Tab key03:10
MenZaFrozenFire→ oops, apparently, it's a distro. My bad.03:10
bobbob1016Anyone know if powertop saying Ihave 150+/- interrupts per second is a bad thing?  And how I can fix it?  It gives me U - USB Suspend, but when I hit U it stays there.03:10
SvenZMenZa, I entered some lines in gedit for the audio device, and saved and exited, but got this response03:10
eseven73FrozenFire, i think theres specific distros just for firewalls check distrowatch.com03:10
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SvenZ(gedit:14516): WARNING **: Could not write gedit state file: Failed to create file '/root/.gnome2/gedit-2.S55VRU': No such file or directory03:10
FrozenFireAlso, is there a way to configure my wireless connection as the preferred connection? Whenever I have my wireless network active, and my wired network active, network manager insists on using the wired connection.03:10
MenZaSvenZ→ I don't know anything about SoundBlaster cards, personally - sorry :(03:11
MenZaSvenZ→ try using a different editor - like nano.03:11
MenZa(and make sure you run it as sudo)03:11
TunnlRatMenZa, http://paste.ubuntu.com/143225/03:11
SeaPhorFrozenFire, thats because the wired is supposedly faster03:11
SvenZi have no idea what im doing03:11
FrozenFireSeaPhor: In this case, wired is 256Kb/s, whereas wifi is 2MB/s03:12
MenZaTunnlRat→ is the name of your wireless network "i see you"?03:12
TunnlRatMenZa, lawl no thats my neighbours mine is "Masterrat"03:12
DoonzOk not sure exactly what i need here. What is the best way to share folders from my Ubuntu-Server to my Windows machines and my Ubuntu laptops?03:12
miccahmm by the way.. when one is browsing through files with the GUI and wants to open them as root (sudo) how can I add that as an option within the gui?03:12
MenZaTunnlRat→ Ah. And you're positive nothing comes up when you press the networking icon on the top panel?03:12
MenZaTunnlRat→ your hardware seems ready to connect03:12
UbubeginI intend to upgrade from fiesty to gutsy.... do I need to backup my data... and are there any potential problems to take note of03:12
miccaDoonz, Samba perhaps?03:12
ubottuSamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.03:12
mrwesmicca, run gksu nautilus03:12
Doonzis that the best one?03:13
MenZamicca→ you could write a script, or you could run nautilus with sudo - gksu nautilus03:13
MenZaabsolutely, Doonz03:13
Doonzmicca: is that the best option for me?03:13
MenZaDoonz→ samba is excellent.03:13
ubottuPrinting in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows03:13
juanjohi : )03:13
MenZahello, juanjo03:13
thewrathcups sometimes can be difficult03:13
SeaPhorFrozenFire, do they both connect to the same router?, same default gateway/dhcp-server?03:13
TunnlRatMenZa,  when i left click the wireless networks thing is greyed out03:13
Doonzso now that i have samba installed and running on my fileserver. and i can access my share no problem on my vista/xp computers. How can i get it mapped on my ubuntu laptop03:13
JeruvyUbubegin: upgrades are never recommended, but backup your /home directory to ensure nothing important dies.  If your running server you may need to be aware of other dirs in /var or /usr for instance.03:13
miccacheers mrwes and MenZa : and how do i Add that tha option as I only have the folders through the places in the taskbar (do i change it in my profile file or osmething?)03:14
MenZaTunnlRat→ interesting...03:14
Iceman_B^Ltophow do I display memory usages /03:14
MenZaTunnlRat→ could you give me one second - I need a reboot03:14
FrozenFireSeaPhor: No, one goes to a very slow cable connection, the other goes to a business-grade connection.03:14
MenZaTunnlRat→ (Just upgraded to Jaunty Beta)03:14
TunnlRatMenZa, for sure03:14
MenZaTunnlRat→ shouldn't be a minute03:14
FrozenFireSeaPhor: They are two independent networks.03:14
UbubeginJeruvy: never recommended.. O_O .... so you are saying i stick with fiesty03:14
JeruvyDoonz: Plces -> Connect ot server, enter details.03:14
micca! I do not know what it means to ever have a break.. these ubuntu guys are killing me!03:15
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)03:15
mrwesDoonz, or you can mount the samba share in your /etc/fstab file03:15
etzerdMenZa: when I do lspci in a terminal the name of the USB Modem doesn't show up. It seem like Ubuntu does not identify the device03:15
miccaok ok ill stop03:15
SeaPhorFrozenFire, interesting, i will lookinto that,,,, looking---03:15
Doonzmrwes can you point me to the tuorial03:15
JeruvyUbubegin: not at all, but thats a choice you need to make.03:15
JaPiFeiSsany NTFS file recovery for Ubuntu03:15
Jeruvy!upgrade | Ububegin03:16
ubottuUbubegin: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading03:16
mrwesmicca, add a desktop launcher to your desktop running gksu nautilus03:16
miccayou're a star mrwes03:16
Phrozen_OneHow can I determine the usb speed capabilities of my hardware, and what connection speed my usb devices like my external hdd are currently at?03:16
mrwesDoonz, ok...from a terminal in your home directory; type mkdir SharedFiles03:17
Doonzmrwes: done03:17
mrwesDoonz, then alt + F2 gksu gedit /etc/fstab03:18
dotkite*hey anyone know how i can send a message to another person on my WAN network via terminal?*03:18
Doonzmrwes: done03:18
mrwesDoonz, then add the following lines, changing the information to match yours03:19
mrwes# Mount Shared DVD From Ubuntu Server03:19
mrwes# // /home/bill/SharedDVD cifs credentials=/home/bill/.creds,_netdev,uid=bill,gid=users 0 003:19
MenZaTunnlRat→ back.03:19
mrwesDoonz, wait...hold on03:19
SvenZhow am i supposed to watch porn without sound? ffs03:19
mrwes# Mount Shares From Ubuntu Server03:19
mrwes/ /home/bill/SharedFiles cifs credentials=/home/bill/.creds,_netdev,uid=bill,gid=users 0 003:19
TunnlRatMenZa, welcome back it appears i can try TELL it to join a hidden network and seems to find mine but i don't think its connecting03:19
mrwesDoonz, what did you call your share in samba?03:20
MenZaTunnlRat→ hmm, this seems like an odd query, but try a reboot03:20
TunnlRatMenZa, alright will do03:20
mrwesDoonz, then change MyFiles to server03:20
SeaPhorFrozenFire, can you look a this file and make sure your wireless is first in the list?  sudo gedit /etc/network/interfaces03:20
mrwesDoonz, and change the IP to match your server IP03:20
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miccaAH CRAP .. now I see why I could log in as root@localhost.. cos mysql will let me log in as any user with -u EXCEPT root lol03:21
mrwesDoonz, and of course change the path of /home/xxx to match your username03:21
FrozenFireSeaPhor: I'm messing around with the network interfaces at the moment. I'm pretty sure network manager has a separate configuration file for wireless. I might disable network manager.03:21
ezzieyguywufmy xorg is consuming 95% of one of my cores. I'm running 8.10 with an ATI V5200. I've tried both the open source and the proprietery drivers and the problem persists. any help?03:21
ezzieyguywufjust one of my cores03:22
Nephilussorry zagabar i was afk03:22
Doonzmrwes: now do a mount -a03:23
mrwesDoonz, nope..we need to make the creds file03:23
mrwesto login03:23
* Doonz waits patiently03:23
mrwesDoonz, alt + F2 again... gedit .creds03:23
mrwesDoonz, add the two following lines username=03:24
mrwesDoonz, and add your information accordingly03:24
mrwessave the file03:24
mrwesDoonz, lets make sure that file is ONLY rw by you -- for security03:25
mrwesDoonz, you know how to do that?03:25
Doonzchown something03:25
Doonzchmod 600 file03:26
mrwesDoonz, chmod 600 .creds03:26
TunnlRatMenZa, I don't think its accepting my wpa key properly03:26
mrwesDoonz, now sudo mount -a03:26
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monkeybjoin #ruby03:26
prm67how to browse chat03:27
monkeybHow do I open a process by ID? (i just to check if a mongrel.pid file is valid)03:27
TunnlRatMenZa, when i click up in the tray should it show under wireless networks, the name of the adapter like it does under wired network?03:27
KeyserSozesorry for the stupid question, but is there a qt 4.5 package available somewhere for ubuntu?  i only see 4.4.3?03:28
Doonzmrwes: its giving me a bad fs03:28
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KeyserSozei don't know how ubuntu package repositories work, like if there's an 'experimental' switch i can throw to get that package03:28
MenZaTunnlRat→ Aye, it should.03:28
MenZaTunnlRat→ let me check something03:28
spaceBARbarianwhats the package name for datadisplaydebugger ?03:28
eseven73!latest | KeyserSoze  (that is not a stupid question either...)03:28
ubottuKeyserSoze  (that is not a stupid question either...): Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are: fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports.03:28
TunnlRatMenZa, under wired network it says Auto eth003:29
mrwes# Mount Shares From Ubuntu Server03:29
mrwes/ /home/bill/SharedFiles cifs credentials=/home/bill/.creds,_netdev,uid=bill,gid=users 0 003:29
Doonzmrwes: http://pastebin.com/m1adfbc6803:29
mrwesyou changed this to match your information?03:29
mrwesok hold03:29
YellowRedlet's try this again: I have recently installed a canon ip3500 printer, along with the linux drivers from canons website. When i print anything with colour, the colours are not aligned whatsoever. i plugged the printer into a xp machine, and it prints fine. I thought doing an alignment while plugged in to the windows machine would fix it, but after reconnecting the problems are the same. Help?03:29
Doonzyou want me to paste my fstab as well03:29
YellowRedreally quiet now...03:30
mrwesDoonz, pastebin the /etc/fstab03:30
Doonzthink i found it03:30
MenZaTunnlRat→ can you press 'Connect to a Hidden Wireless Network...'?03:30
TunnlRatMenZa, yes i can03:30
MenZaTunnlRat→ ok. Try putting in the information it asks for on your network.03:30
Doonzmrwes: nope didnt here is everything http://pastebin.com/m21c6dd9503:31
mrwesDoonz, there are two //  in front of your IP03:32
TunnlRatMenZa, it shows at the top its trying to connect but never does03:32
MenZaTunnlRat→ I thought as much.03:32
MenZaTunnlRat→ hmm, that's... quite odd.03:32
MenZaTunnlRat→ let me look around03:32
MenZaTunnlRat→ one second03:32
TunnlRatMenZa, it does pop up03:33
mrwesDoonz, and when you did a mkdir you used SharedFiles or Server ?03:33
Doonzmrwes: the extra / must be something pastebin03:33
Doonzi used Server03:33
MenZaTunnlRat→ try right-clicking the icon, choose 'Edit Connections', hit wireless. is anything listed?03:33
TunnlRatMenZa, and say Authentication required by wireless network and asks for my wpa key03:33
progenitusHello folks, what is the channel for Ubuntu developpment?03:33
mrwesok  sudo mount -a03:33
MenZaTunnlRat→ oh?03:33
RopechoborraI got a lot of entrys in my /var/log/message that say pr  2 23:32:20 RopHierr kernel: [ 3618.636309] eth0: PHY reset until link up.. What is that?03:33
progenitusI want to contribute03:33
TunnlRatMenZa, only thing listed is the masterrat one i just tried to get on03:33
MenZaprogenitus→ there's about 20 of them. Depends what kind of development you're interested in contributing to :)03:34
TunnlRatMenZa, maybe my router needs to be changed03:34
Doonzmrwes: still doesnt like it03:34
eseven73progenitus, i believe its #Ubuntu-devel or -dev03:34
mrwesDoonz, same error?03:34
dcamp25anyone see java say Applet JVMDetect notinited03:34
MenZaTunnlRat→ do you see *any* wireless networks when you press the icon? If not, that sounds like the card to me... or the configuration.03:34
TunnlRatMenZa, nope i don't see any there at all its empty03:34
progenitusMenZa, programming :D03:34
MenZaprogenitus→ I think your best shot is checking out launchpad03:35
mrwesDoonz, what fs is the share? ntfs or ext3?03:35
MenZa!launchpad > progenitus03:35
ubottuprogenitus, please see my private message03:35
progenitusMenZa, thank you03:35
Doonzi think03:35
Doonzlet me check03:35
TunnlRatMenZa, shouldn't it automatically show every network within range?03:35
mrwesDoonz, hrmm..same here03:35
MenZaTunnlRat→ sounds like the card to me. The funny thing is, it appears to find a network with iwconfig03:35
MenZait should, TunnlRat03:35
RopechoborraMenZa, is there other way of contributing besides programming ?03:35
progenitusMenZa, thank you sir. Will check that out thoroughly :)03:35
MenZaTunnlRat→ try disabling the security on your router, temporarily03:35
Iceman_B^Ltopwhat file logs SSH remote connect attempts ?03:35
MenZaRopechoborra→ there's marketing, translation, helping in here...03:36
eseven73progenitus, when you get famous, remember us ;)03:36
TunnlRatMenZa, well in windows the way this laptop is setup there is a spring switch to enable/disable the wifi and the light would come on the light is out and stays out03:36
adfevim going to use ubuntu, should i get 9.04 beta or 8.10?03:36
Doonzmrwes:  i can connect to the share through places -> connect to server03:36
mrwesDoonz, lets test your samba share by connecting via Nautilus   File | Connect to server03:36
TunnlRatMenZa, aight i will disable my wifi security for now and try03:36
MenZaTunnlRat→ I have a similar switch, only mine is on... do you have an Fn keyboard shortcut that toggles it?03:36
Iceman_B^Ltopadfev: I'd say stick with 8.10 unless you're an expert linux user03:36
jonathan__adfev: probably 8.1003:36
Doonzcan i get you the info somehow03:36
MenZaTunnlRat→ alternatively, is it off in your BIOS?03:36
RopechoborraMenZa, and where can i look for more info?03:36
dcamp25any one seen Applet JVMDetect notinited in firefox03:36
Iceman_B^LtopI'm not upgrading until Jaunty is out :)03:36
MenZaRopechoborra→ the wiki is a good place to check out, as well as launchpad.net :)03:37
progenitusJaunty runs great03:37
MenZa!wiki | Ropechoborra03:37
ubottuRopechoborra: http://wiki.ubuntu.com - Ubuntu development documentation wiki. If you are looking for system help, please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community - the Ubuntu community documentation.03:37
progenitusthe beta is very stable03:37
TunnlRatMenZa, i don't believe i can shut it off in this bios if it is i didn't do it03:37
progenitusand much faster than intrepid, imho03:37
MenZaprogenitus→ as long as you don't have an intel card :P03:37
progenitusnvidia :D03:37
MenZa(like I do)03:37
adfevi have amd03:37
mrwesDoonz, look in dmesg | tail for error messages03:37
progenitusATI is starting to realize they need to put more effort into GNU/Linux03:38
mrwesDoonz, and also pastebin your /etc/samba/smb.conf03:38
MenZaprogenitus→ Indeed - and as interesting a topic that is, it's not really relevant for #ubuntu - try #ubuntu-offtopic :)03:38
kitcheprogenitus: ATI is not realizing it AMD is but that's off topic03:38
Doonzoh samba needs to be installed on my laptop03:39
Doonznot jsut the server03:39
TunnlRatMenZa, even with the security disabled it doesn't connect maybe i will shut down and check the bios03:39
Iceman_B^Ltopwhere can I see all the SSH login attempts ?03:39
progenitusMenZa, certainly.03:39
mrwesDoonz, [ 4198.612818] CIFS: UNC Path does not begin with // or \\   you sure there's not a space in front of // ?03:39
MenZaTunnlRat→ humm, how about the keyboard shortcut I talked about before?03:39
TunnlRatMenZa, lol what keyboard shortcut don't remember that03:40
adfevhow do wacom tablets work in 9.04?03:40
mrwesIceman_B^Ltop, /var/log/auth.log03:40
MenZaTunnlRat→ look at your F-keys. one of them might have a beacon-like indicator which works with your Fn key.03:40
MenZaTunnlRat→ tell me, which laptop is this?03:40
syockitack, they're all only 100cm wide. can't do much to cover me and my bag when cycling03:40
TunnlRatMenZa, its an acer aspire 505003:40
TunnlRatMenZa, honestly it was a pain in the arse to get the wifi card back up and runing when i removed vista and went to xp03:41
MenZaTunnlRat→ er, could you just paste your *whole* lspci in a pastebin? I think we may have gone compleeetely wrong here.03:41
TunnlRatMenZa, kk one sec03:41
margaretok i use kde in kubuntu I have a all in one hp do I need xsane when I have hplip toolbox?03:42
TunnlRatMenZa, how do i use that pastebin addon to past it up there now03:43
Iceman_B^Ltopmrwes: thanks. how big does the log usually grow for ?03:43
ghcaican a microkernel do proper parallellism? or microkernel has nothing to do with that?03:44
MenZaTunnlRat→ lspci | pastebinit03:44
ezzieyguywufmy xorg is consuming 95% of one of my cores. I'm running 8.10 with an ATI V5200. I've tried both the open source and the proprietery drivers and the problem persists. any help?03:44
MenZa!offtopic | gchai03:44
ubottugchai: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!03:44
TunnlRatMenZa, http://paste.ubuntu.com/143235/ alright thats where it is03:44
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MenZaTunnlRat→ My line in lspci is 100% identical to that. I really cannot understand why it won't just. work.03:45
MenZaTunnlRat→ um, try doing sudo iwlist scanning03:45
Iceman_B^Ltopis there a norton commander like tool for the linux CLI ?03:46
TunnlRatMenZa, that came back "no scan results"03:46
jrib!info mc | Iceman_B^Ltop03:46
ubottuIceman_B^Ltop: mc (source: mc): midnight commander - a powerful file manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 2:4.6.2~git20080311-2 (intrepid), package size 2085 kB, installed size 6256 kB03:46
MenZaTunnlRat→ right. I have one last thing to try, even if it is a little bit dirty. first, remove the ath5k in /etc/modules03:47
MenZaTunnlRat→ no wait, one thing first03:47
MenZaTunnlRat→ try sudo modprobe ath5k03:47
TunnlRatMenZa, sudo modprobe ath5k did nothing03:48
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MenZaTunnlRat→ it shouldn't give you any output. it just means it succeded in loading it03:48
MenZaTunnlRat→ try pressing the network icon again - anything? if not, try sudo iwlist scanning again03:48
addisoncan anyone help me with a grub and raid problem?03:49
TunnlRatMenZa, still same thing03:49
slhommedhaha, I have a raid problem as well, nothing to do with grub though03:49
slhommedanyone know mdadm and raid5?03:49
jdrakeWhat is the name of the application that allows you to install applications in gnome without the use of synaptic? I am not on linux presently to find out on that end, I am mainly after screenshots.03:49
MenZaTunnlRat→ alright. try sudo apt-get install ndiswrapper ndisgtk03:49
TunnlRatMenZa, if the wifi card was turned off in the bios would it even show up in the lspci?03:49
MenZaTunnlRat→ that's a good point03:50
TunnlRatMenZa, LAWL i just used the Synaptic Package manager to download that ndisgtk03:50
addisonI have vista and linux installed on my RAID 0 partition, but the vista boot loader is on my second drive (not sure why actually...) GRUB detected vista, but its not working right03:50
MenZaTunnlRat→ perfect :)03:50
TunnlRatMenZa, and wifi-radar03:50
MenZaTunnlRat→ try downloading the WINDOWS drivers from Acer's website03:50
TunnlRatMenZa, thats a bad idea03:51
TunnlRatMenZa, their drivers do not work03:51
TunnlRatMenZa, i actually have the working windows driver on a dvd that i burned before wiping the hd03:51
TunnlRatMenZa, i kept a windows copy of every driver specific to this laptop03:51
xunhello, could someone tell how I can check network activity in terminal?03:51
jonathan__xun: ifconfig03:52
TunnlRatMenZa, i will be right back i am going to reboot and check the bios even though i am sure the wifi card is enabled03:52
MenZaTunnlRat→ excellent. try opening ndisgtk and load the driver with that03:52
MenZaTunnlRat→ sure03:52
xunjonathan__, it shows real time network acitivity?03:53
jonathan__xun: no03:53
usserxun, sudo iftop03:53
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usserxun, sudo iftop -i interfacename rather03:54
hbxhey anyone know of a good rar cracker03:54
hbxbesides rarcrac03:54
xunusser, thank you!03:54
usserxun, np03:54
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jonathan__usser: that's cool.  I might have written a perl script to process output of ifconfig03:55
usserjonathan__, opensource it :)03:55
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jdrake... or make it free software :p03:56
TunnlRatMenZa, back03:56
MenZaTunnlRat→ wb03:56
Cashingoutwhat is this for03:56
CerberusChimeraHi I having a problem to install the ubuntu on hard drive. The Gnome crash. And there appears no error message.03:57
ubottuPlease read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic03:57
TunnlRatMenZa, lol the wifi radar doesn't even work just says "su-to-root" doesn't exsist03:57
MenZaTunnlRat→ ignore that for now :)03:57
D4nT3السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته03:57
MiraiWarren0_0Hello, can someone tell me how to mount an external hard drive disk to give me full access as a regular user?03:57
Cashingoutcan someone give me a great topic to look at wikipedia03:57
addisonhow do i launch the partition manager03:57
MenZaTunnlRat→ try opening ndisgtk and load the driver.03:57
MenZaadiktd→ gksu gparted03:57
MenZaaddison→ (or System → Administration → Partition Editor)03:57
Cashingoutwhat kind of help do you guys give03:57
MenZa!fstab ± MiraiWarren0_003:58
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)03:58
MenZa!fstab > MiraiWarren0_003:58
ubottuMiraiWarren0_0, please see my private message03:58
slhommedaddison "parted" is command line partition editor03:58
Cashingoutcan you people hear me03:58
MenZaCashingout→ Help related to Ubuntu. Anything else is for other channels. :)03:58
TunnlRatMenZa, shall i install my windows file??03:58
Cashingoutwhat  is ubuntu03:58
MenZaCashingout→ A free operating system. Check http://ubuntu.com for more information.03:59
MenZaTunnlRat→ using ndisgtk, yes03:59
CerberusChimeraMenZa: when I try to install the ubuntu the Gnome Crash03:59
ajanushow can i view the actual dmesg output in real time, not the watered down file in /var/log03:59
redwyrmhow do you make gnome-screensaver lock the screen on suspend-resume?03:59
slhommeddoes anyone have any experience with mdadm and raid5?03:59
ajanussomeone had given me a command once to do it, where i could see usb events and everything03:59
TunnlRatMenZa, interesting says Net5211 Hardware Present: yes03:59
MenZaTunnlRat→ I don't know what Net5211 is04:00
TunnlRatMenZa, thats the name of the 802.11 file that works with this network card in windows04:00
MenZaTunnlRat→ Well, that's good. Try running sudo modprobe -r ath5k && sudo modprobe ndiswrapper04:00
addisonhow does grub reference hard drives04:00
MenZa!grub > addison04:01
ubottuaddison, please see my private message04:01
the10nitroIs it possible to pull a single file in Git?04:01
TunnlRatMenZa, alright i ran both now i can't even try to connect to a hidden wifi netowkr04:02
MenZaTunnlRat→ alternatively, try echo "ndiswrapper" | sudo tee -a /etc/modules, then reboot04:02
ajanuscan i view true dmesg output, all events04:02
ajanusi need to see the output from this driver04:02
miccaok this must be a fooking stupid question but i just started using ubuntu... how can i find in the synaptics like phpadmin etc... when i do a quick search i never get anything up :/04:04
CerberusChimeraMenZa: can I install ubuntu via command line?04:04
MenZamicca→ you mean phpmyadmin?04:04
slerderHey guys is there any way to how long a network interface card has been up and running? thanks04:04
biggestchopsmicca: quick search is no good04:04
MenZaCerberusChimera→ you can install it using the alternate CD04:04
MenZa!alternate | CerberusChimera04:04
ubottuCerberusChimera: The Alternate CD is a classic text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD.  Look for the link on the Ubuntu download page - See also !minimal04:04
miccaye MenZa .. and ok biggestchops  so just how DO I FIND a package sigh04:05
biggestchopsmicca: instead of doing the quick search where you type in the field that is immediately present04:05
MenZamicca→ personally I use apt-cache search04:05
miccaye os far ocmmandline has seemed vastly better04:05
biggestchopsmicca: click search, and use the dialog box that comes up04:05
miccaok biggestchops04:05
MenZaTunnlRat→ status?04:06
biggestchopsi don't understand that quick search at all04:06
TunnlRatMenZa, still doesn't show the card under the wifi networks04:06
miccadoes the dialiogue search the hoghlighted sub settin on th eleft or if if im highlighting 'all' will it then search everywhere? also does * work as a wildcard?04:06
* MenZa collapses.04:06
TunnlRatMenZa,  though i can try connect to hidden wifi again lol04:06
CerberusChimeraThe gnome crash when I try to install ubuntu...04:06
MenZaTunnlRat→ let me google for a sec04:06
biggestchopsi think it only searches installed packages micca. i think if you use the drop down you can pick04:06
miccapoor MenZa , i really dont know how u do it? do u get paid for this? :pp04:06
TunnlRatdon't bother him04:06
miccainstalled? LOL i want to search anything BUT installed :p04:07
miccaoki biggestchops  cheers04:07
TunnlRathe's converting me from windows xpism04:07
biggestchopslater micca04:07
miccaTunnlRat, i meant in general keeping it up to all of us04:07
miccanot just you04:07
miccathanks biggestchops04:07
MenZamicca→ No, I just like the warm, fuzzy feeling I get when I resolve an issue.04:07
TunnlRatmicca, oh i know i wish with the help he's given me so far already i could at min hand that man a steak!!04:08
MenZaTunnlRat→ blacklist ath_pci is still in /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist, yes?04:08
TunnlRatMenZa, yup yup04:08
MenZaTunnlRat→ there's a list of things you could try. first, the switch on your computer. flick it. "on" might mean "off" and vice versa. it's fairl confusing.04:09
joshjtlhey all,  does anyone use prelink, or preload?04:09
TunnlRatMenZa,  yeah its a spring loaded switch04:09
TunnlRatMenZa, in windows it will spam on the screen in big green wifi enabled and the light comes on04:09
TunnlRatMenZa, there is a blue tooth one beside it both are dark and cold and mocking me04:10
MenZaTunnlRat→ another option could be the keyboard switch I mentioned earlier, which you press in addition to the Fn key04:10
miccaMenZa, you go girl!!!! :D good stuff04:11
MenZaTunnlRat→ and yeah, it won't do that in Linux04:11
TunnlRatMenZa, when i go to system>admin>hardware drivers there is an activated driver for my wifi card listed with a green light beside it04:11
miccaand wow.. the search thing is starting to come together woohoo04:11
miccalooks like comman line is not the only way to go04:11
MenZaTunnlRat→ aye, that should be deactivated by the blacklist-line in /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist - although I suppose it wouldn't hurt to hit 'deactivate'04:11
TunnlRatMenZa, ZOMG YOUR A GENOIUS!!!!!!04:11
biggestchopsmicca: watch your mouth!04:11
miccagosh TunnlRat  u been at that wifi for ages04:12
MenZaTunnlRat→ it worked?04:12
=== InZaN3_CrIcKet is now known as InZaN3_CrIcKeT
miccasorry ? it wasnt meant to be anything bad?04:12
TunnlRatMenZa, yeah!!! the function key reactivated it!04:12
MenZaholy moly, thank jebus04:12
biggestchopsi'm playing.04:12
slerderHey guys is there any way to how long a network interface card has been up and running? thanks04:12
MenZaTunnlRat→ excellent. :)04:12
miccait was meant as a frien04:12
TunnlRatYaaaaaaaaay all hail Menza master of wifi!!!04:12
miccahehe well you got me :p04:12
TunnlRatwoooooooot ty ty ty04:12
MenZaTunnlRat→ you're buying me a beer if I ever come around where you live. ;)04:12
MenZaTunnlRat→ not a problem. It's why I'm here. :)04:12
miccalol MenZa , that one deserves two beers!!!! ;)04:12
biggestchopsi guess mock consternation is something there is no emoticon for04:13
TunnlRatMenZa, oh for sure!!!!!!!!!!! if your ever in the calgary alberta canada area04:13
TunnlRatMenZa, i owe ya lol04:13
MenZaTunnlRat→ I'm glad it worked. Enjoy the fully-functional mobile laptop :)04:13
biggestchopsi think there is one for that... :o04:13
biggestchopsor thats my constipation face04:13
TunnlRatMenZa, oh i will now for the last and final very hard and probably not fun part lol04:13
MenZaTunnlRat→ I'm a bit sad you're running the ndiswrapper driver, though. If you're ever up for it, you could re-try the ath5k driver. It might've been the same issue causing it.04:14
TunnlRatMenZa,  i got Worldofwarcraft to run really well on my wife's desktop with an nvidia card this laptop however04:14
evilGUIAnyone ever heard of a Linux video exploit in mplayer or somthing?04:14
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TunnlRatMenZa, i've heard very bad things about ati video cards and wine etc04:14
evilGUII was wanting to know if it's safe to play a suspected infected file in Linux.04:15
MenZaTunnlRat→ Might want to continue the discussion in #ubuntu-offtopic - you see how busy this place is, it gets flooded pretty easily.04:15
Guest11196Hey guys am trying to install Office 2007 using crossover and i keep getting an error04:15
Guest11196can u please help04:15
MenZaevilGUI→ As long as you run it as a user, I don't see a lot going wrong04:15
evilGUIMenZa: Alright, good to know.04:15
chophey guys, i just installed open office 3.0. anyone know where the install path is? i can't find the executables :(04:15
TunnlRatMenZa, oh for sure from here i will probably end up on the winehq forums04:15
MenZaevilGUI→ The worst it could do is compromise your files, but I find it *highly* unlikely04:16
biggestchopslocate openoffice04:16
Guest11196anyone can help me with office 2007 with crossover04:16
Guest11196i want to install it04:16
Guest11196but i keep getting an error04:16
MenZaGuest11196→ Patience is a virtue. Give it time before you ask again. :)04:16
Guest11196ok ok04:16
SeaPhorTunnlRat, if your up for it, Cedega works great on WOW and COH04:17
MenZaSeaPhor→ so does wine.04:17
TunnlRatSeaPhor, i got it to work very well with wine but my laptop is running an ati card04:17
miccaim having iwne now hihi04:17
SeaPhorMenZa, i disagree04:17
biggestchopschop, did typing locate openoffice in the command line give you useful anything04:17
TunnlRatI got wow to run better with wine faster better looking that it ran in windows xp04:17
TunnlRati am very impress with ubuntu04:18
MenZaSeaPhor→ well, considering it has a Platinum rating on the appdb, I just think you're having an isolated bad experience. :)04:18
miccaevilGUI, if the file is a windows binary you shoudl be fine.. given you are not runnign it through wine.. even then it shouldnt really be toooo dangerous as such but04:18
SeaPhorMenZa, having compared them both, Cedega does a far better job04:18
MenZa!es | PARAPENTEMAN04:18
ubottuPARAPENTEMAN: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.04:18
chopwalk unafraid =)04:18
evilGUImicca: I don't even have wine installed =)04:18
redwyrmhow do you make gnome-screensaver lock the screen on suspend-resume?04:18
* evilGUI is so glad he doesn't have to worry about these things anymore =)04:18
miccaok then its fine to look at it.. in linux .. abt viruses.. you could look up bliss to get an idea04:19
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about bliss04:19
Jordan_Uchop, Try a dpkg -L on the package name to list all of the files04:19
ndshackerhis i need to find libnet.so.0, but i cant seem to find it anywhere04:19
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miccaredwyrm, you give it chocolate and ask it nicely (no i dont know sorry been drinking wine)04:19
kaveh_1yo any help on tuxguitar available?04:19
Guest11196so cedega supports office 2007?04:19
slestaki have a new 8.10.2 install that needs a kernel upgrade in order to fix the b44 module.  its broken in 2.6.27-9 and fixed in -1004:20
kaveh_1my audio works - warcraft 3 through crossover-games has sound - but tuxguitar has no audio04:20
ndshackerhis i need to find libnet.so.0, but i cant seem to find it anywhere04:20
miccandshacker: did you try whereis libnet.so.004:20
slestakbut without a nic, not sure how toupdate apt so it can see the newly selected intrepid-backports04:20
ndshackermicca: nope04:21
miccanope.. doesnt seem to work anyway ndshacker04:21
chopwhich java package do i need to run open office? sun-java5-jre?04:21
ndshackerit doesnt04:21
miccachop.. it should work without the need to install additional java binaries04:21
Guest11196guys does cedega support Office 2007?04:21
ndshackerand I cant install this program from source04:22
evilGUIAnyone know if it's possible to stream content to a PS3 from Ubuntu?04:22
miccawhich program? ndshacker04:22
ndshackerIts not in the repos04:22
TunnlRatMenZa, i can see the network and it even asks for the wpa password but still won't connect should i change the security type on the router?04:22
ndshackerI looked04:22
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miccahave you got a link for complemento ndshacker ? and lib.so is a lib file you will need to dl.. thats hwy maybe your source fails to compile04:23
InZaN3_CrIcKetHey all. In the terminal, is there a way to clear out my PATH?04:24
miccaim pretty sure lib.so. x are pretty standard lib files04:24
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ndshackeri think they are to04:24
ndshackerand ill get the site04:25
ndshackerits a network auditing tool set04:25
slestaki need to update apt on a fresh 8.10.2 install that has borked my nic driver.  how can up do an update with sneakernet04:26
rayluInZaN3_CrIcKet: export PATH=04:26
InZaN3_CrIcKetraylu: it would be that simple...04:27
nick_i dont understand why people come here and waste their time lol.04:27
nick_is there a way to list all the outgoing connections from a list?04:27
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raylunick_: from a list?04:27
nick_such as in a manner like netstat -a in windows04:28
raylunick_: netstat with the right flags will list all theoutgoing connections04:28
nick_ie. listing the ip:port and local:port04:28
raylunick_: but i don't know what you mean by from a list04:28
nick_oh nevermind! netstat -a works on linux too04:28
miccalol im sorry ndshacker , but im not gonna help you install a tcp attack prog04:29
ndshackerI dont need letdown04:29
ndshackerbut ok04:29
miccabtw.. MenZa , do you know where the phpmyadmin GUI launcher resides i cant seem to find it04:30
* SeaPhor believes netstat started on linux, and was stolen by dos!!!04:30
miccaok ndshacker04:30
krishnani have a domain name www.methanagar.org and i have installed a wordpress blog at http://methanagar.org/blog/. Can i install a second wordpress blog under the same domain name?04:30
MenZamicca→ localhost/phpmyadmin I believe.04:30
miccastill... i guess im too tired to start sorting it out right now04:30
miccaok ta04:30
MenZakrishnan→ this is not the right forum to ask - but yes, you can.04:30
ndshackerkrish: i think so04:30
MenZakrishnan→ Try #wordpress for future requests. (make sure you don't use the same table prefix for the two installations)04:30
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TunnlRatokay quick question, why when i join my wifi network does it work with security disabled but when i turn on the wpa key it won't conect04:31
krishnanMenZa: can u pls tell me how?04:31
MenZakrishnan→ ask in #wordpress04:31
MenZaTunnlRat→ Because you removed the security before? :)04:31
TunnlRatMenZa, yeah but lol i renabled it and when i put in the proper key it doesn't work, does ubuntu not like wpa personal keys?04:32
miccandshacker, there are nothing but webattacking tools ther etc.. not just letdown so spare me04:32
redwyrmmicca, well, your answer is better than silence :/04:32
MenZaTunnlRat→ They do - but perhaps ndiswrapper doesn't like it with your card. :/04:32
MenZaTunnlRat→ I had that issue with my old card. Perhaps you should try the ath5k module again?04:32
* redwyrm sticks chocolate in the heat exchange vent of his laptop04:33
TunnlRatMenZa, alright how do i change to the ath6k driver04:33
perlsyntaxHow do i update to the gcc 4.4.004:33
miccawhy do I find mysql-admiun but no sign of phpmyadmin aaarrrg ok need sleep :/04:33
perlsyntaxi mean to the new one04:33
TunnlRatMenZa, re the ath5k one04:33
krishnanMenZa: no one is responding in #wordpress04:33
perlsyntaxis there a link for it04:33
baba_b00iewhere does ubuntu install java by default ?04:34
Nom-Hi All.  I've got a box here which is mounting an NFS export with ~ 12TB of content.  I'm having issues with it intermittently taking a very long time to bring up direcotry listings (> 5-6 seconds).  During this time, no other host which has the same mount points is having the same issues, so it doesn't appear to be the server side - I was wondering if anyone had any thoughs on client-side things which might need changing.  The box itself is serving content, so w04:34
bcowando any of the install cds have ssh enabled by default, where i can ssh in and install?04:34
perlsyntaxdos anyone know where i can get the gcc 4.4.0 for ubuntu?04:35
miccababa_b00ie, if you instaklled java, you could try whereis java or whereis javac04:35
miccashould give you the locations04:35
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felixc_perlsyntax - have you tried apt-get install gcc4*04:36
slerderHey guys is there any way to how long a network interface card has been up and running? thanks04:36
miccaMenZa, lol i couldnt access it cos i was typing pjpmyadmin haha i sooo need sleep :o04:37
miccapjp was prolly for pyjamas ^^04:37
miramardesignany1 know how to disable the right-click menu in nautilus??04:37
TunnlRatMenZa, ahh interesting wpa does not work but wpa2 does04:38
perlsyntaxi what the new gcc04:38
miramardesignmicca try sqlbuddy --much better then phpmyadmin04:38
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bcowanslerder, best i could tell ya is to grep dmesg04:39
slerderbcowan just grep dmesg or grep dmesg ethx?04:39
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InZaN3_CrIcKetahhhh my path is screwed04:40
perlsyntaxfelixc i try that i get the old gcc04:40
jon23danyone have any experience with dual monitors?04:41
felixc_i see04:41
AnArrayfulOfPerldoes anyone know a good command line mp3 player?04:41
InZaN3_CrIcKetwhy is it that when i set my PATH, it doesn't want to stick?04:41
jtajijon23d: what's your question?04:42
redwyrmAnArrayfulOfPerl, mplayer04:42
jon23djtaji: I just got a new rig, 2 identical monitors & a GeForce GTX 260 -- I got it working using twinview w/ compiz04:42
AnArrayfulOfPerlk, mplayer04:43
jon23djtaji: however, the 2 monitors take up 1 desktop -- can I get each monitor to be one desktop?04:43
jon23djtaji: each with its own taskbar, etc.04:43
InZaN3_CrIcKetanyone know why my PATH might not want to stick when i set it?04:43
mike_\server localhost04:44
cdm101jon23d: not with twinview, twinview is meant to make 1 big desktop... I think the nVidia settings manager has options for what you want, though. Just not Twinview.04:44
bcowanslerder, what use would the uptime on a nic be?04:44
jon23dcdm101: I want it like the way windows works, but with the cube, etc04:45
slerderbcowan to make sure i fixed a problem with a usb modem that kept on disconnecting every few hours or sometimes minutes04:45
norman_can't drag windows without Twinview (or xinerama)04:45
jon23dahh, kk04:46
vetus6oohello can help04:46
commander_has anyone had a problem w/ jaunty jackalope beta04:46
AnArrayfulOfPerlsound does not work, f**king ubuntu! i could get gentoo to work fully, but not when i have to use f**king PulseAudio!04:46
commander_i need help04:47
jtaji!jaunty | commander_04:47
ubottucommander_: Jaunty Jackalope is the codename for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 23rd, 2009 -  Schedule in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyReleaseSchedule - Lots of breakage between now and April 23rd - Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support.04:47
jon23dokay, I've got one more.  I can't get .htaccess files to work at all -- I ran a2enmod rewrite, but I get a 505 when I visit a folder with one04:47
vetus6ooalguem que fale portugues ou espanhol??04:48
bcowanslerder, you could use `grep eth0 /var/log/messages`  that would probably show u it going up and down04:48
cdm101jon23d: on my system, on Windows, I have a desktop shared across the screens... not sure what you mean.04:48
c0l2ehow can use start-stop-daemon to start svnserve??04:48
jon23dcdm101: I kind of figured dual monitors would be like different sides of the cube04:48
cdm101jon23d: it's more like one big monitor you can drag stuff across. I'm fairly sure, though, that there was some option... something like "Separate X Screens"... that kinda did what you want to do.04:50
miccahmm whats the differencne between sqlbudy and phpmyadmin04:50
jon23dcdm101: yeah, that's what I'm finding.  I guess I'll just get used to it -- though it sure does cause a lot of clutter on my taskbar04:51
gabrielHi everyone04:52
ethen637hey any1?04:52
nadoc0l2e, http://benrobb.com/2007/01/15/howto-start-subversion-at-boot-on-ubuntu/04:53
aprilharehello: i have a "pdf" virtual printer but i don't know where the output is going: it doesn't give me a choice. where can i find out where its going, if anywhere?04:53
gabrielI have a question: I would like to know how to burn all the installed updates to a CD, so I dont have to download them in case of a crash04:53
norman_jon23d, you just need to turn off twinview (xinerama) and each monitor will be its own desktop (own cube)... I have three monitors set up this way.04:53
jasballzdoes anyone want to help dev Ubuntu Linux Edition // buddhabuntu.8m.net ??04:54
knoppixhello all04:54
knoppixany people speak spanish?04:55
ethen637hey any1?04:55
Sepheebearaprilhare: IIRC by default the generated pdf should go to ~/PDF04:55
BePhantomknoppix yes04:55
norman_d/l nvidia-settings (but must be run as root to write to xorg.config04:55
knoppixhola de donde eres?04:55
knoppixsoy nuevo con linux04:55
BePhantomknoppix join #ubuntu-es04:55
BePhantomfor spanish support04:55
gabrielYo hablo español04:56
BePhantomentra a #ubuntu-es04:56
knoppixTHXS MEN04:56
=== montaro_ is now known as Tunnlrat
knoppixHOLA GABRIEL04:56
gabrielI have a question: I would like to know how to burn all the installed updates to a CD, so I dont have to download them in case of a crash04:57
BePhantomknoppix join ubuntu spanish channel, here is english only04:57
gabrielknoppix>cual es tu pregunta?04:58
subsumeMy fresh debian install doesn't fill up all of my HD TV screen. I looked at resolution options in the GUI but no dice. Anyone recommend something?04:59
jtajisubsume: I'd recommend #debian04:59
gabrielknoppix> te recomiendo que instales Ubuntu mejor05:00
ussergabriel, aptoncd05:00
knoppixque vercion me recomiendas bajar?05:00
gabrielthanks usser05:00
sin|g|\nick tensor05:00
gabrielknoppix> la version 8.1005:01
GeorgeAScotthello.. i've got a lamp server..my first try where it's not just local.  i've installed wordpress on it, and i think the smtp is configured incorrectly on my machine because wordpress is not sending out password emails.05:01
DMCACan anyone tell me why my net install is getting corruption errors on files downloaded  from the ubuntu servers?05:01
keshahi can i see free disk space in bytes? can df show in bytes?05:01
gabrielkesha> go to Applications>Accesories>Disk Usage Analizer05:02
jtajikesha: df --block-size=105:03
sin|g|\join #phylosoc05:03
keshagabriel im using fluxbox sorry05:03
GeorgeAScottalso, i registered a domain with no-ip.  it is redirecting to the main page correctly, but any link and the address bar changes back to the old trial TZO address.  I could probably also use some information regarding server security... any takers?05:03
jtajikesha: 'df -h' is most commonly used05:03
keshathank you jtaji05:04
AnArrayfulOfPerlall of my audio is just a strange sound like a mixture of metal on metal screeching and a horse at full gallop! can someone help me?05:04
keshai needed it in bytes05:04
ravn1hi ppl, anyone using LabView on Ubuntu and managed to install VISA?05:04
DMCACan anyone tell me why my net install is getting corruption errors on files downloaded  from the ubuntu servers?05:04
zirodayDMCA: are you in the US?05:05
DMCAI tried USA and Canada servers05:05
zirodayDMCA: I would guess that your internet connection keeps breaking up, why are you doing a netinstall05:05
DMCANo, my connection is stable05:05
DMCAbecause Live CDs don't work for me05:06
DMCAAnd I can't boot CDs or DVDs05:06
FloodBot1AnArrayfulOfPerl: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.05:07
ladybugdoes any1 know how to install a virus scanner?05:07
|toadi want to know if anyone can help me.   here is what i05:07
|toadve done so far: http://mydellmini.com/forum/attemping-to-pair-to-the-bluetooth-blackberry-stereo-gateway-t6151.html05:07
enyawixlive cd?05:07
AnArrayfulOfPerlsorry *crys*05:08
zirodayDMCA: errors?05:08
zirodayladybug: install clamav05:08
DMCAIt say's the archive is corrupt05:08
DMCAand then it says it cant retrieve anything05:08
enyawixAnArrayfulOfPerl so Ubuntu has no live cd ?05:08
mortuis99hi Does anyone know how i can Dl and install torchat in commandline?05:08
gabrielenyawix>Ubuntu is a Live cd05:09
zirodayDMCA: livecd errors?05:09
DMCAUbuntu's gets stuck at the moving bar. Fedora can't mount a file system and Arch's can't mount my drives05:10
DMCABetter question05:10
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zirodayDMCA: you sound rather unlucky with all this05:10
DMCAWhy are the ubuntu repositories corrupt?05:10
zirodayDMCA: they aren't05:10
=== sww is now known as theweeks
DMCAI tell you they are05:11
TunnlRatAny idea why i can hear sound through headphone when i plug them in but not my laptops built in speakers?05:11
zirodayDMCA: and I'm telling you the rest of the US disagree's with you. Feel free to use the official mirror if you want to05:11
DMCAIt is the official mirror05:11
syockitladybug: i think there's alot of howtos for antivirus in ubuntuforums.org05:11
rabiesanyone home?05:11
gabrielhello rabies05:12
Dreamglider!ask |  rabies05:12
ubotturabies: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)05:12
zirodayDMCA: then its not corrupt. Its most likey a problem on your end05:12
ezsilly question...05:12
ezis there a #! chat on here?05:13
zirodayez: ask in #freenode05:13
Dreamgliderhe must have had some weird hardware or somthing05:13
ezyes of course sorry on freenode?05:13
zirodayDreamglider: he was a troll05:14
pschorfHas anyone had any issues using the side buttons on a microsoft intellimouse for compiz features like expo?05:14
Dreamgliderand that yes05:14
zirodayez: ask in #freenode about channels, and channel guidelines05:14
Dreamglider"Eitt trøll" in Faroese :)05:14
random12wow, that does not work well05:14
zirodayrabies: is there something we can help you with05:14
theweekswhen i try to boot ubuntu i get what looks like a monitor error (gibberish on the screen). I checked the CD before installing, and my vista partition boots fine. Anyone have any ideas?05:14
random12messing with irc over telnet05:14
random12for some reason its only sending 1 word at a time o_O05:15
zirodayrandom12: please test in #test. *Not* here05:15
zirodaytheweeks: what version of ubuntu?05:15
theweeks8.04.2 LTS05:15
zirodaytheweeks: what graphics card?05:15
zirodaytheweeks: and I presume you were trying to use the desktop cd, not the alternate one?05:16
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theweeksbecause im installing on a crappy laptop05:16
zirodaytheweeks: wait, alternate fails to start?05:17
james_what do I need to do to make the Kubuntu ISO bootable when I burn it from a Ubuntu system?05:17
theweeksi booted off the cd and installed fine05:17
james_hmm... I'm having a lot of trouble05:17
theweeksbut when i try to boot into ubuntu through grub i get the problem05:17
Dreamgliderjames_ nothing05:17
zirodayjames_: if you burnt it as an image nothing05:17
Dreamgliderjust burn it05:17
rabiesit works now =P05:17
pschorfHas anyone had any issues using the side buttons on a microsoft intellimouse for compiz features like expo?05:17
james_I might not have burnt it as an image05:17
james_I'll go mess with it again05:18
zirodayjames_: then you need to burn another cd with it burnt as an image :)05:18
zirodayjames_: make sure you select "Burn as image" and don't burn it as a file05:18
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rabiesmakin isos eh?05:18
Dreamgliderjames_ use k3b and > burn ISO image05:18
zirodaytheweeks: ah, when booting can you press alt+F1 and record down error messages05:18
rabiesor just use mkisofs05:19
zirodayDreamglider: he is on ubuntu, not kubuntu05:19
AnArrayfulOfPerlall of my audio is just a strange sound like a mixture of metal on metal screeching and a horse at full gallop! can someone help me?05:19
rabiesdisable pulseaudio05:19
eterna1I love the update proceedure i just updated from 7.10 to 8.0405:19
Dreamgliderziroday: he cah use k3b non the less !05:19
RatPackSopra-anyone know how to clear the the ignore list in mirc?05:19
zirodayDreamglider: but what is the point of installing a new app, when there are two inbuilt ones already?05:20
zirodayRatPackSopra-: ask mirc support05:20
frewsxcveverytime i log into ubuntu i get a message asking for the keyring to be unlocked for network manager...how do i stop this05:20
Dreamgliderziroday: sorry05:20
rabiesk3b is good...05:20
RatPackSopra-ziroday, I didn't know we had one. Thanks05:20
ubunttuhi, i need some recovery (pictures deleted)soft05:21
Heimarkalright, I don't know what I did, but it didn't give me the choice to burn it as an image before. I got it now.05:21
Dreamglideri never knew there is a built in cd burning tool in ubuntu, what is it ?05:21
grubisevili need to remove grub05:21
zirodayDreamglider: brasero and nautilus has a cd burning application as well05:22
theweeksi tried that but it did the same thing. during install i did notice the message 'hardware revision not supported' which i assume is related05:22
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zirodaytheweeks: is this a laptop?05:22
Dreamgliderziroday: Ok nautilus can burn iso's also ?05:22
zirodaytheweeks: how old is it?05:22
zirodayDreamglider: yep05:22
gabrielDreamglider> Its Brassero Disc Burning05:22
TunnlRatif your in gnome you can go to places and select cd/dvd creator05:22
theweeks~2m months05:22
zirodaytheweeks: hmm, model?05:23
gabrielThats the software05:23
grubisevili am running the live cd of ubuntu becouse windows 7 pre-beta will not load becouse of a grub error05:23
Dreamglidernever noticed it ! :P guess im to used to have k3b :P05:23
theweekstoshiba satellite05:23
zirodaytheweeks: the model of toshiba satellite?05:23
random12they are all the same, they just use growisofs and mkisofs05:23
grubiseviland i have removed grub in linux before but i forgot howto05:24
zirodaytheweeks: thanks, gimme a s ec05:24
random12grubisevil, grub is a bootloader, use lilo instead if you really want05:24
random12grubisevil, its not really run *in* linux05:25
grubisevilrandom12 i just want to use the built in windows bootloader05:25
random12grubisevil, then DO IT!05:25
grubisevili cant05:25
random12grub chain loads to the windows boot loader regardless05:25
Hakigrubisevil: have you tried supergrubdisk?05:25
random12so its using the windows boot loader whatever you do05:25
grubisevilno what is is05:25
zirodaytheweeks: hmm, its an intel graphics card so there shouldn't be much of an issue05:26
random12grubisevil, if the windows boot loader doesnt work, you're boned05:26
grubisevili deleted the ubuntu partitions and then restrated and it says grub error .....05:26
Hakigrubisevil: you can download an iso and boot from it, it'll restore windows boot loader or fix grub etc.05:26
random12grubisevil: well thats differnet =P05:26
grubisevilwhat is the iso05:26
random12grubisevil: grub uses files from the ubuntu partitions to boot properly05:27
random12grubisevil: google it05:27
Hakigrubisevil: www.supergrubdisk.org05:27
zirodaytheweeks: so you bootup, it doesn't even get to a login screen?05:27
zirodaytheweeks: no xorg errors?05:27
grubisevilbefore when this happened i just typed something in the terminal but i forgot what it was05:27
theweeksthats right05:27
theweeksit does the loadup screen with the moving bar05:28
theweeksthen gives some startup errors05:28
theweekserr, startup messages05:28
zirodaytheweeks: what are the errors?05:28
theweeksnot errors sorry05:28
random12supergrubdisc, sounds like a bad chinese translation05:28
theweeksthen it goes through a variety of rubbish on the screen05:28
zirodaytheweeks: what are those messages?05:29
theweeksblack/white backround with colored lines moving back and forth05:29
oOarthurOoI'm trying to encode a file using devede, I live in North America, should I use PAL or NTSC?05:29
goppI choose to install as per ubuntu the none open source drivers for my video card05:29
random12no private messages grubisevil05:29
goppbut know I can't see gnome05:29
goppbut I was able to login per audio sound of gnome login05:29
random12oOarthurOo: NTSC05:30
goppall I see is a black screen,  is there a way I revert back to my old drivers, and or get gnome and gdm to show up at boot05:30
goppvia cli05:30
theweeksreading files needed to boot05:30
theweekssetting preliminary keymap05:30
goppand revert back to my old usplash please anyone have a clue05:30
theweeksstuff like that05:30
zirodaytheweeks: okay, what are the last few messages?05:30
zirodaygopp: what card, what old driver what new driver and how did you install it?05:31
goppI used the gui install hardware driver in ubuntu05:31
goppand my card is hmm ati05:31
theweekswhen i hit the power button at the gibberish it stayed at a login for a few seconds before turning into more gibberish05:31
zirodaygopp: okay, what does lspci | grep VGA say?05:31
slerderHey guys i just ran rkhunter and i got two warnings, one in /usr/bin/dpkg-query  and one in /usr/bin/dpkg . What could it be? What should i do? thanks05:32
zirodayslerder: you're fine05:33
goppit says error code 1105:33
slerderziroday, whats it about, last time i ran rkhunter i didnt get that..05:33
zirodaygopp: err what? You are in a terminal right now right?05:33
zirodayslerder: its just a false positive. rkhunter is notorious for it. You can ignore it05:33
goppgeforce 440 ziroday05:34
zirodayslerder: and attempting to reinstall dpkg is dangerous05:34
bobbie4man this was a quick connect05:34
goppyea I am in a terminal window05:34
zirodaygopp: I thought you said you had an ati card?05:34
theweeksi couldn't read the last few messages - it changes very fast05:35
theweekslast thing i caught was05:35
gopp01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation NV17 [GeForce4 440 Go] (rev a3)05:35
goppsee ziroday05:35
goppI was wrong05:35
goppit not ati05:35
theweeksstarting hardware abstraction layer hald05:35
FloodBot1gopp: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.05:35
theweekssomething like that05:35
zirodaygopp: hmm, okay. What version of ubuntu?05:35
slerderziroday, thanks. is dpkg for installing things?05:36
zirodayslerder: yep, apt is a frontend to dpkg05:36
bimzeeerror while compiling gmake3.7405:36
zirodaygopp: can you please do sudo apt-get install install pastebinit and then do cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf | pastebinit05:37
zirodaybimzee: why are you compiling it?05:37
bimzeei dont have a gmake in my lap05:37
zirodaybimzee: what is gmake?05:37
bimzeehow can i install gmake05:37
doink1212I am trying to install SNACK on my computer but i always have issues installing from tar.gz files05:37
bimzeegnu make05:37
zirodaybimzee: err do sudo apt-get install build-essentials to install make05:38
zirodaydoink1212: whats snack, and there homepage?05:38
ynkis GIMPshop really worth it?05:38
zirodayynk: thats subjective05:38
bimzeebuild essential is installed05:38
theweeksi tried booting recovery and i actually got to a menu05:38
zirodaybimzee: then you make installed05:38
doink1212and i found instructions here: http://trans.sourceforge.net/en/install.php#Linux_installation_from_sources05:38
theweeksi don't know what the options mean though except for resume normal boot05:39
ynkziroday, well let me have your biased opinion on it at least. ;D05:39
zirodaydoink1212: that package is in the repo's05:39
bimzeei downloaded gmake05:39
bimzeeno error05:39
doink1212Ziro what do that mean?05:39
bimzeeerror occured05:39
zirodayynk: I dunno, never used photoshop before so I can't compare :)05:39
zirodaybimzee: why are you compiling make from source? You should uses packages instead05:40
ubottuYou can browse and search for Ubuntu packages using !Synaptic, !Adept, "apt-cache search <keywords or regex>", or online at http://packages.ubuntu.com - Ubuntu has about 20000 packages available, so please *search* for an official package before installing things in awkward ways!05:40
ynkziroday, i meant comparing GIMPshop to Gimp. =)05:40
bimzeeits not make05:40
bimzeeits gmake05:40
zirodayynk: oh, well its meant to photoshopify gimp. Personally I prefer it the other way around but thats just me05:40
zirodaybimzee: make *is* gmake05:40
zirodaybimzee: http://www.gnu.org/software/make/05:41
bimzeeplease check this05:41
bethiehow do i disable remote login from the terminal window?05:41
zirodaydoink1212: sorry, I forgot about you :)05:41
ynkziroday, yeah. i'll try my best to get used to gimp, i guess..05:41
bimzeeno i tried05:41
doink1212no problem05:41
zirodaybimzee: for the last time. make is gmake. You already have make installed. You should NOT compile make from source05:41
bimzeemake is not working05:41
doink1212i think ubottu might have helped me with the cache search05:42
gopphttp://pastebin.com/f13265700 ziroday05:42
nadobimzee, it's not make that is not working, it's what you are trying to do with it05:42
zirodaydoink1212: sorry, what are you looking for again?05:42
zirodaydoink1212: oh thats right, snack :). Its in the repo's. Doing apt-cache search snack will show a whole bunch of related libs05:42
bimzeei am trying to run rtems05:43
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bimzeeto compile the program i need gmake05:43
doink1212ya its called libsnack205:43
doink1212i found it05:43
zirodaydoink1212: awesome05:43
nadobimzee, you need 'make' that's all05:43
doink1212another question05:43
bimzeewill make work instead of gmake?05:43
doink1212what is a good program that converts wmv files05:43
zirodaybimzee: yes05:43
bimzeelet me try once more05:43
zirodaygopp: thanks, gimme a sec05:43
nadobimzee, and you seem to have make ... as ziroday said 10 times : make == gmake :)05:43
bimzeethanks ziroday05:44
zirodaynado: at least somebody gets me :D05:44
bethiei think05:44
bethiedoes wmv05:44
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zirodaygopp: okay, you installed the nvidia driver.05:44
goppusing the gui tools05:44
goppin ubuntu05:44
ynkwhat are the cons of installing Ubuntu inside windows?05:44
zirodayynk: its hard to fix and is more prone to breaking. Its also slower05:45
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theweekswhen i boot recovery, in the startup messages i get "BIOS handoff failed"05:45
doink1212devede is a disc burning utility05:45
doink1212not a file coverter05:46
ynkziroday, this is true. i did notice it's slower than i expected.. even though this is my real first experience with the OS.05:46
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zirodaygopp: okay, can you change the line that says Driver  "nvidia" to Driver  "vesa" please05:46
rayne_How do I connect to a SHH server with terminal?05:46
theweeksi can get to the root shell prompt05:46
goppssh host05:46
nadorayne_, ssh login@host05:47
theweeksthere some way to get info from here?05:47
rayne_nado, Thanks05:48
goppthanks let me try ziroday05:48
bethiene1 know?05:48
alexmhsookay i was on earlier and people were helping me but i still need help in regards to how to consolidate music onto an external drive but have banshee always use that file on the external drive as a library05:48
goppto restart x it is ctrl alt del right05:48
zirodaygopp: yes05:48
goppnothing no video05:49
bethiehave you ever enabled remote login from the login in ubuntu? and then when u got 2 the boot screen there was just a blank xdmcp window and nothing else not even a way to change session05:50
alexmhsoi have a lot of music on a large external drive that is consolidated the way itunes would do it, but now i have to put it into banshee. a few issues: 1) i cant drag/drop the music into banshee right now 2) i dont know if I should mount the drive to a specific file to synch with banshee05:50
Geoffrey2anyone know what the ubuntu equivalent of libxul-unstable and mozilla-plugin would be?05:50
bethiene1 here use ubuntu?05:51
nadoGeoffrey2, apt-cache search libxul05:51
ubottucron is a way to schedule execution of software/scripts. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CronHowto  -  There is also a decent Howto at http://www.tech-geeks.org/contrib/mdrone/cron&crontab-howto.htm05:52
nadoalexmhso, can't you point to that location in banshee... i'm guessing here i have no clue05:52
alexmhsonado: i created a folder on my external drive05:52
Geoffrey2nado, I see four different files, but libxul-unstable is not among them05:53
alexmhsonado: called banshee music, and i set banshee to keep it's library there, but im concerned that if i removed the drive and put it back, banshee wont find it in the same pathway. also, for some reason i cant copy the music from the drive in the itunes music folder into banshee05:53
nadoGeoffrey2 what do you need it for ?05:54
eternalHi Just updated to 8.04 should the java be updated or do i need to re-install it?05:55
nadoalexmhso, read the answer to the question here : http://www.nabble.com/Loading-media-from-an-external-drive-td19930780.html  . Is that what you are looking for ?05:55
Geoffrey2nado, building a program from source, the config file is looking for both of those, and can't find either05:56
John`1i installed kubuntu desktop earloer and uninstalled... now how do i get the original ubuntu splash back05:56
theweeksso, no ideas then?05:56
gbrlalguien que hable español?05:56
carliiihello, how to install nvidia9500gt on the ubuntu8.1005:56
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.05:56
alexmhsonado: yes except one small thing. if the drive autmatically mounted in ubuntu and it shows as an icon on my desktop, do i need to set any ownership or write-ability or is it good to go?05:56
nadoGeoffrey2, ./config should give you a minimum version for libxul05:56
carliiihello, how to install nvidia9500gt on the ubuntu8.1005:57
nadoalexmhso, it should be good to go05:57
nadoalexmhso, you can try.. nothing will break :)05:57
tom760Do any Linux antivirus apps work well to clean a Windows PC  (booting Linux from a DVD)?  I think my friends computer might be infected.05:57
theweeksi guess not05:57
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about hang05:57
alexmhsonado: thanks!05:58
nadoalexmhso, if it can't write to it.. come back here. We'll figure it out, but it should be ok05:58
John`1i installed kubuntu desktop over ubuntu didnt like it and uninstalled... now how do i get the original ubuntu splash back05:58
Geoffrey2nado, remind me, what file would have all that information in it?05:59
arunreddyMy System hangs for 3-4 secs pretty frequently what might be the problem.. As and when i open firefox its more frequent.!!! Using 8.10 ...05:59
krishnanJohn`1: relax its easy05:59
nadoGeoffrey2, the standard when building from source is to run ./configure05:59
nadoGeoffrey2, when configure has a failed dependency it should tell you what is missing and possibly the minimum version that is required for that specific library to meet the dependency05:59
ubottuTo install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository06:00
arunreddyMy System hangs for 3-4 secs pretty frequently what might be the problem.. As and when i open firefox its more frequent.!!! Using 8.10 ...06:00
krishnanarunreddy: ubuntu 8.10 has hanging problems and it is not stable i would advice u to stop using it and use ubuntu 8.0406:00
krishnanarunreddy: esp with firefox06:00
arunreddykrishnan: Any Better browsers ..!!06:01
arunreddyny idea about 9.0406:01
arunreddydid you give it a try06:01
John`1so Krishnan how do i do this?06:01
krishnanarunreddy: 9.04 will be LTS and hence it should be good06:01
Geoffrey2nado, the message is "No package 'libxul-unstable' found"06:02
idriszalright WTF06:02
zoerbHow does gcc search for include files?  I installed clutter, and the clutter-dev package, but I have to include the whole "clutter-0.8/clutter/clutter.h" in order to get it to compile.  How is this normally done?06:02
krishnanJohn`1: u need to relax, take deep breath and think hard,if u dnt get then search in google, if not ask here if everything fails, bang ur head on the wall and think if tht too fails, thant get over it buddy06:02
John`1krishnan thats not much help idiot06:03
alexmhsonado: thanks it's working...copying is going to take all night or longer, but thank you06:03
nadozoerb, -Ipath_to_include_files  (that is a big i at the beginning)06:03
mafsikrishnan: so 9.04 is LTS? good06:03
krishnanJohn`1 relax john i was cheering u up.06:04
theweeksso, no ideas then?06:04
nadoso zoerb you need to add something like -Iclutter-0.8/clutter/06:04
John`1im not upset and if u wanna joke maybe this isnt the room for u.. this is a support channel06:04
nadozoerb, but isnt there a configure script ?06:04
nadoalexmhso, no problem06:05
krishnanJohn`1: insert the ubuntu CD and restart and try to repair it. if that does nt work then i would suggest you to take back up and reinstall cos wen u remove some package the ones related to ubuntu might have been affected. this is the only possible way. and pls do not teach me manners. hope this solves ur problem06:05
eternalNado: If i have all up to date java is there a reason a applet isn't showing in firefox?06:05
zoerbI thought something should have been configured so that I could have just done #include <clutter/clutter.h>06:06
krishnanmafsi: it should be06:06
theweeksam i silenced or something?06:06
krishnanmafsi: cos LTS versions are more robust than other normal versions06:06
* eternal is running 8.04 LTS06:07
nadoeternal, no idea. Maybe check the error console in firefox06:07
nadoeternal, Tools->Error Console06:07
mafsikrishnan: sau v6 LTS | 7.10 | 8.04 LTS | 8.10 | 9.04 LTS ?06:07
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nadoyes zoerb that should be the way06:07
krishnanmafsi: didnt get u06:07
mafsikrishnan: are you saying that one version is short term support the next one  LTS? ==> 9.04 is LTS?06:08
nadozoerb, how did you install the clutter-dev package ?06:08
krishnanmafsi: yes06:08
zoerbthrough apt06:08
zoerbor synaptic, I should say06:09
eternalNado: all i got from that is ! Error: [Exception... "Component is not available"  nsresult: "0x80040111(NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE)"  location: "JSframe ::file:///usr/lib/firefox-3.0.8/components/nsSessionStore.js :: sss_saveState :: line 1909" data: no]Source File: file:///usr/lib/firefox-3.0.8/components/nsSessionStore.jsLine: 190906:09
nadoeternal, no idea06:10
eternalnado: ok thanx06:10
nadozoerb, do you have /usr/include/clutter ?06:11
zoerbno, just /usr/include/clutter-0.8/clutter06:11
nadozoerb, in your program have tried doing #include <clutter-0.8/clutter/include_file.h>06:12
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eternalFixed it didn't load the java-6 plugin for firefox06:12
nadoeternal, cool :)06:13
zoerbyes, that finds clutter.h, but then it can't find any other include files, included from clutter.h, for example clutter/clutter-color.h06:13
Guest14801my sound just randomly stopped working, what do i do?06:13
eternalGuest did you change any of the drivers?06:13
Guest14801I rebooted my machine06:13
nadozoerb, i would try creating a symlink in /usr/include to clutter-0.8/clutter06:13
nadozoerb, cd /usr/include && sudo ln -s clutter-0.8/clutter clutter06:14
NeonGreenPlease PM me if anyone knows of a good way to do a whole disk encryption similar to PGP for Windows.06:15
nadozoerb, and then #include <clutter/clutter.h> in your program06:15
zoerbokay, but it would be normal, to #include <clutter/clutter.h> correct?  Did it just install wrong or something?06:15
iden32hey all quick question i have been having a hard time with my wireless in 9.04 it cuts out all the time06:15
nadozoerb, i've never used clutter, but yes i would say there might be a problem in the paths06:16
zoerbokay, well thanks for your help06:17
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notitohow do I configure eclipse for php ?06:18
oOarthurOoNeonGreen: ?? Why pm, doesn't the ubuntu installer offer that as an option?06:18
mehmy sound doesn't work what should i do?06:18
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oOarthurOoNeonGreen: Also, it's better to hold conversations in the main room. There are 1300+ people here, maybe one person can help and maybe more than one can. Ask in the main room.06:19
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Guest7837what can i do about sound not working?06:20
Guest7837dont know why they took alsaconfig out:(06:21
oOarthurOoNeonGreen: If you just pm, mabye someone says something dumb. At least in the main room, there are people who can see that and tell you so. Even people who are trying to help you can offer bad advice unitentionally.06:21
Guest7837or alsaconf*06:21
defaultif i wanted a feature added to openoffice (looking for a dotted border) where would i go? how could i offer $$$ to implement that feature?06:21
oOarthurOodefault: I can do dotted borders. What are you talking about? Ask here, or in #openoffice.org06:22
Guest7837how would i go about reconfiguring sound06:23
defaultoOarthurOo: ok i'll ask there06:23
alwaysanoobwhy is an older version of deluge in the repos?06:23
oOarthurOoalwaysanoob: Versions tend to stay the same with each version of ubuntu. You can upgrade to a newer version, or add backports it something newer is available there, or install manually.06:24
Nephiluscan anyone help me get the snow plugin for compiz?06:25
coz_Nephilus,  what is the issue?06:26
defaultoOarthurOo: nobody responding in #openoffice.org :(06:27
coz_Nephilus,  are you still here?06:28
coz_mm apparently not06:28
oOarthurOodefault: I just joined hoping to see your question, ask it again06:29
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SunnyDPever since i deleted the panel at the bottom of my desktop, i cannot get my TRASH can back :(, anyone with solution?06:34
chikdwhi any female?06:34
bazhang!ot > chikdw06:34
ubottuchikdw, please see my private message06:34
eternalHi i am trying to move a folder into usr/local but haven't got right permissions do i need to login as root?06:34
coz_SunnyDP,  have you right clicked the upper panel and   click Add to panel?06:34
bazhangchikdw, not here. this is ubuntu support only.06:34
SunnyDPeternal: sudo mv file /usr/local06:34
eternalty sunny06:35
mhikui cannot install python minimal, please help06:35
SunnyDPcoz_: yes and nothing happens06:35
Chris8hey room06:35
Chris8wondering on opinions for a DOS emulator06:36
Chris8gonna be playing Hero's Quest :P06:36
Chris8just wondering what the simplest and most effective emulator was, in your opinions06:36
coz_Chris8,  DOSBox ?06:36
Chris8yeah saw that, any good?06:36
QPrimeChris8: set up a VM and run FreeDOS or install MS DOS.06:37
Chris8:thanks coz_06:37
coz_Chris8,  not sure I dont run dos applications anymore so I havennt really tryed it06:37
Chris8:Qprime I didn't want to go through the hassle just to play SYWTBAH06:37
Chris8is it much work?06:38
Chris8VM or HD partition?06:38
SunnyDPhey guys: the current record for longest uptime is 11 years, 303 days, 20 hours and 57 minutes on a computer running OpenVMS06:38
error404notfoundI restarted my system, mysql didn't start automatically, I tried to start it manually but it fails, daemon.log is being filled with: http://pastebin.com/m7a9cc13c06:38
QPrimeChris8: fair enough.  But I'd go the vm route. never have to leave the host OS.06:38
Chris8:Qprimw Thanks!   Wish me luck on Baba Yaga :P06:39
QPrimeVirtualBoxOSE should be a a good choice06:39
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QPrimegotta love drive-by irc.06:41
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mib_ab6d1eis there a way to automount flash drives before logging in - this is necessary for pamusb06:43
cappicardmib_ab6d1e: just setup autofs.06:44
corinthIs there a way to create shortcuts similar to the ctrl-enter , shift-enter, and ctrl-shift-enter shortcuts in Firefox, for Epiphany?06:44
mib_ab6d1eactually i just visited the pam_usb page - it says automounting isn't necessary, that it queries hal. must be a problem with that package or w/ my hardware06:45
Buissmib_ab6d1e: you can add it in /etc/fstab06:45
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mib_ab6d1eBuiss: it doesn't need to be automounted06:46
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Buissmib_ab6d1e:then what?06:48
mib_ab6d1eif i am not logged in and try to login at the shell, pamusb says something like "device is not removable"06:49
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mib_ab6d1eif i login @ gdm, then go back and try it again it works, no problem06:49
ross_how can i go about making fonts bigger06:49
kavoorcan anybody provide the svn co link of the kde4 version of konversation?06:49
George2ok, so i think i have a performance issue. i'm dualbooting, and windows appears to be considerably faster than ubuntu. atm, ubuntu is installed on a 7-8gb ish partition at the end of the disk with a swap space of over 2 gigs (1gb ram). being at the end of the disk is the only reason i can think it would be slower. would this be a drastic performance hit?06:50
ross_how can i go about making fonts bigger on screen06:51
SunnyDPross_: where ?06:52
ross_sunnydp: on my computer06:52
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ross_sunnydp: what's the command for changing the resolution06:52
ross_sunnydp: i would like to be able to change it using the termainl06:53
ross_sunnydp: terminal06:53
SunnyDPross_: system->preferences->appearances06:53
ross_sunnydp: do you happen to know the command06:53
SunnyDPross_: sorry no06:53
BuissWhat is wrong in installing at end of disk?06:54
SunnyDPross_: did you try google ? http://www.google.ca/search?hl=en&client=firefox-a&rls=com.ubuntu:en-US:unofficial&hs=1zH&ei=eqTVSbKzBo6eM__JofUO&sa=X&oi=spell&resnum=0&ct=result&cd=1&q=change+resolution+using+terminal&spell=106:54
ross_sunnydp: nevermind i got it06:54
SunnyDPBuiss: probably has something to do with MBR, boot partition,boot records,etc...06:54
SunnyDPross_: how do you do it ?06:55
bazhang!coc > sudo06:55
ubottusudo, please see my private message06:55
ross_sunnydp: changed the font size - but that's the easy way06:55
ross_sunnydp: changed the font size - but that's the easy way06:55
ross_sunnydp: i kinda wanted to do it using the terminal : (06:56
SunnyDPross_: thought you found the command from the terminal06:56
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ross_sunnydp: no lol i wish i know what it is ; (06:56
bazhangsudosucks, stop with the nickspam please06:56
lepassiveHi i got LXDE installed how can i set it's configurations -behaviour- to be more like my Gnome desktop ?06:56
ross_sunnydp: thanks for the help, though06:57
SunnyDPxrandr -s <resolution index from the resolutions list>06:57
SunnyDPxrandr -s <x_res>*<y_res>      ->>> man xrandr06:57
SunnyDPross_: :D06:57
showersHi, i want to install ubuntu in a unpartitioned area of my disk. there are 23 gigs of space. will there be any problems?06:58
showerswill the installer see the space?06:58
tyler_dtheweeks I don't think so?06:58
showersit is the slave disk. one 5 gig partion for data backup. will it have to be a manual partition?06:59
showersthanks. i'll have a go.06:59
o0Chris0oI registered a ekiga.net account and when I enter my information in, it says unauthorized...not sure what else to do?07:00
tyler_do0Chris0o: is it http or https?07:01
o0Chris0otyler_d→ I don't have to enter http or https, it registered fine on the website, the program isn't accepting it for some reason07:02
tyler_do0Chris0o: program?07:03
o0Chris0otyler_d→ yes Ekiga07:03
tyler_do0Chris0o: ok now were moving forward07:03
timboy_I just updated my intrepid drivers to the latest nvidia now they're not loading properly... Here is xorg.conf: http://pastebin.ca/138064807:04
o0Chris0otyler_d→ sorry I thought I was pretty much specific as I typed it in here07:04
lepassiveHello? I want to make LXDE's keybindings like the ones in Gnome07:06
tyler_do0Chris0o: just registering an account07:06
o0Chris0otyler_d→ ok, I entered my username and pass into ekiga app, and it says unauthorized07:07
k1enhi, i have an ubuntu client with several users, i want to mount smb shares on an ubuntu server, where shoiuld i mount them so that all users will have access to it ?07:08
mnkhttp://www.pastie.org/435675  does anyone know what the problem could be?07:09
tyler_do0Chris0o: so did you go through the wizard? or is this an after the setup that you registered?07:09
o0Chris0otyler_d→ I tried both to troubleshoot07:09
mhikuhow to install the latest python using apt-get???07:09
tyler_do0Chris0o: I just did the wizard, used my username and pass and it worked... does it produce any errors?07:10
tyler_dmhiku: try google.07:10
o0Chris0otyler_d→ next to my account details it says "could not register (unauthorized)07:10
tyler_do0Chris0o: have you tried a different username for registration?07:11
o0Chris0otyler_d→ not really, I want to keep what I have07:11
o0Chris0otyler_d→ odd, after I deleted the account on ekiga app and restarted, re-entered the information, it now works07:14
tyler_dok, o0Chris0o, from what I read, this is due to an invalid certificate ie. web related07:15
tyler_do0Chris0o: I would simply e-mail them and use the new account for a time being07:15
timboy_I just updated my intrepid drivers to the latest nvidia now they're not loading properly... Here is xorg.conf: http://pastebin.ca/1380648 here is the end of Xorg.0.log: http://pastebin.ca/138066107:16
tyler_do0Chris0o: sorry I couldn't be of more help07:16
k1enhi, i want to mount a network share so that many users can access it (some limited rights users) where is the best place to mount (obviously not my /home)07:16
MikeyPoohi mount all of my shares in the /media folder07:17
tyler_dk1en: /media/"nameoftheshare"07:17
SunnyDPk1en: on a sperate partititon07:17
k1enSunnyDP, hwo about the permission >?07:17
SunnyDPklen: a partition with -RW-R--R--07:17
mhikuhow can i make update-manager-core use python3 because python2.6 python2.6-minimal produce errors when installing07:18
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/8.10/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats07:18
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about mediaplayers07:18
ubottuxmms is no longer being developed, see http://bugs.debian.org/461309 for more details.  Consider using audacious, bmpx, or xmms2 instead.07:18
SunnyDPklen: it must have the same permsiions as the /tmp partition because you cannot execute anything from /tmp for security reasons, many exploits attack that way, they load temo files then execute07:18
timboy_anyone able to help troubleshoot nvidia/xorg.conf?07:19
MikeyPoohi am trying to setup Ubuntu server as a router for our lan in the /etc/hosts file there is a line that says gatekeeper.wow-stargate.net gatekeeper is this correct or should that be
k1entyler_d, SunnyDP  i will go with /media cause i don't have an extra partition07:19
tyler_dk1en: gl hf07:19
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jhass840Hi, what's the best way to file a bug report for the jaunty beta?07:19
timboy_jhass840, launchpad07:20
jhass840timboy_: thanks07:20
timboy_google ubuntu bugs07:20
k1enany tips on how to speed up intrepid (inb4 cancel compiz )07:23
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Kartagiswhy is my disk being filled up even though I don't do anything?07:25
Kartagisa minute ago i had 766m free and now i have 760m free07:26
TheFunkbombFor some reason, I have lost my pub_key07:26
landgreetings earthlings07:26
timboy_TheFunkbomb, no more getting smashed for you!07:26
TheFunkbombI can't figure out how to get it back07:27
landany tutorials for ubuntu cli?07:27
tyler_dland | !bash07:28
oliver_Hi all, just wondering am i able to share my Ubuntu's internet connection with my WM6.1 phone via bluetooth?07:28
timboy_When you get GPG key error : the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY FC6D7D9D009ED61507:28
timboy_you can use the following to add the key:07:28
timboy_sudo apt-key adv --recv-keys --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com FC6D7D9D009ED61507:28
ubottuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal07:28
timboy_TheFunkbomb, ^^^07:28
MikeyPoohi am trying to setup Ubuntu server as a router for our lan in the /etc/hosts file there is a line that says gatekeeper.wow-stargate.net gatekeeper is this correct or should that be
TheFunkbombokay, I'll try07:28
landtyler_d, what do you mean?07:28
KartagisMikeyPooh, is it your gateway?07:29
tyler_dland: commands in the cli(command line interface) are typically bash commands..... bash is a programming language07:29
MikeyPoohthe server is our gateway yes07:29
TheFunkbombnow it just keeps requesting a key07:29
TheFunkbomband nothing07:29
timboy_TheFunkbomb, wierd works for me...07:29
tyler_dland: my best suggestion is to google for specific commands... when in doubt google as well as from within the cli type man "command"07:30
timboy_are you getting a GPG error?07:30
KartagisMikeyPooh, it should bbe whatever IP you access it with07:30
TheFunkbomboh, it worked.  I just needed to be patient07:30
ellucehello everyone07:30
MikeyPoohsee, i am trying to setup Ubuntu server as the router so there is no other router07:30
timboy_awesome! TheFunkbomb07:30
krishnanelluce: hellp07:30
TheFunkbombthanks timboy_07:30
landi see07:30
frybyehow to tell azureus/vuze that i already have the 64bit flash installed???07:30
krishnanelluce: hello07:30
oliver_Hi all, just wondering am i able to share my Ubuntu's internet connection with my WM6.1 phone via bluetooth?07:31
timboy_frybye, yell at it07:31
tyler_dfrybye: talk slower07:31
frybyetimboy_: <--- is the person to yell at...07:31
unimatrix9hello all07:31
timboy_frybye, doubt that will work... ;)07:31
elluceone thing is killing me: i want ubuntu to restore all my windows after logging in. i can'ty find it!07:32
John`1how do i disable the splash during boot and when im shutting down the system on Ubuntu 8.04??07:32
unimatrix9is there an fix for the fact that synaptic quick search does not find packages?07:32
frybyeso who has a real tip - azureus yells at me that I need to download flash and i have the 64bit alpha von adobe already and generally it works fine..07:32
timboy_elluce, go to system preferences sessions07:32
Jordan_Uelluce, System > Preferences > Session07:32
frybyeso there is going to be a config some place that i need to alter or??07:32
timboy_elluce, in the options check that box07:32
timboy_frybye, probably more of an azureus mailing list question...07:33
ellucetimboy_, thanks. i am trying it now ;-)07:34
jhass840Does anyone else get white noise when hovering over music files sometimes?07:34
unimatrix9john'1 is it not in system / administr /   login , that you can set the options for splash?07:34
jhass840this is in the Jaunty beta07:34
unimatrix9for gdm07:35
timboy_jhass840, they're supposed to play a sample. check your sound settings make sure all the tests work...07:35
timboy_jhass840, #ubuntu+107:35
jhass840timboy_: Was it a bad idea to file a bug report?07:35
timboy_jhass840, not sure what the issue was... just know all jaunty questions should be in ubuntu+1 channel07:36
jhass840timboy_: oh, sorry07:37
timboy_jhass840, no need for an apology we've all been there07:38
Surlent777...wow. /names took almost five seconds to get through all of this...anyway, I found a Genesis emulator called Gens/GS, and it worked wonderfully. Now, it suddenly doesn't want to give me any sound, for no apparent reason. It also has an annoying habit of not showing any information whatsoever when running in a terminal. Does anyone have any idea of what I might do to fix this?07:40
timboy_Surlent777, gen/gs mailing list07:40
timboy_Surlent777, if normal ubuntu sound works we can't help07:41
Surlent777timboy_: I figured it was a long shot anyway07:41
timboy_Surlent777, sorry... one good question is did you install an ubuntu deb07:42
timboy_or did you do a source build?07:43
Surlent777timboy_: I seem to have had a deb file, as it shows up in Synaptic07:44
Surlent777timboy_: Is there a simple way for it to double-check whether all of the dependencies are met, in case I accidentally deleted something essential?07:45
timboy_Surlent777, if you have the deb installed then all the dependencies have to be met in order to install properly. I was just making sure it was the maintained version. You could try to install from source... or see if there is a newer version on the maintainer's site...07:46
Surlent777timboy_: What I find strange is that it WAS working. Now, when I go to tick off "Enable Sound", it refuses to be ticked07:47
timboy_Surlent777, sounds like an app bug to me. look for update or build from source07:48
Surlent777timboy_: ok, thanks for the advice07:49
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Cezarsince i installed jaunty, amsn wont connect, can u help ?07:50
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timboy_Cezar, please visit the #ubuntu+1 channel07:51
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timboy_Surlent777, if you have the deb installed then all the dependencies have to be met in order to install properly. I was just making sure it was the maintained version. You could try to install from source... or see if there is a newer version on the maintainer's site...07:52
timboy_I just updated my intrepid drivers to the latest nvidia now they're not loading properly... Here is xorg.conf: http://pastebin.ca/1380648 here is the end of Xorg.0.log: http://pastebin.ca/138066107:52
tazhello... i would like to know which one webcam will work with ubuntu??? so my webcam logitech pro 5000 it not work so....07:53
coagenthello my printer doesn't work07:53
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tazanyone know .... what kind of webcam will work with ubuntu ??07:55
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nhasiantimboy_, i used to upgrade my nvidia drivers manually in 8.04 it was a pain in the butt.  every time a new kernel would come out i would have to reconfigure he nvidia driver.07:55
timboy_nhasian, yeah well i have to have vdapu support. it should be smoother than this for sure...07:56
nhasianwhat's vdapu?07:56
joetheodd!info vdapu07:56
ubottuPackage vdapu does not exist in intrepid07:56
nhasiani did an apt-cache search and didnt find any vdapu either :)07:57
timboy_nhasian, awesome HD video support from nvidia cards07:57
nhasianwait i'm confused... doesnt my nvidia card already play HD video with the restricted drivers?07:58
joetheoddWhen did ubuntu stop shipping for PPC?07:58
hirangewhats the easiest way to upgrade my ntfs-3g support to the latest version on 8.04 hardy?07:59
arkanabarhirange : it isn't in the repos?07:59
joetheoddhirange: sudo apt-get upgrade ntfs-3g08:00
hirangejoetheodd: I believe 8.04.1 LTS was the last desktop release for PPC08:00
hirangeI run adept update relatively often and i believe the version i have is like 1. something, but i'm trying the upgrade right now08:01
hirangeyeah apparently the repositories only have 1.221608:01
hirangewhich is what i'm running08:01
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timboy_nhasian, sorry vdpau: http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=article&item=nvidia_vdpau&num=108:02
hirangethere are major bug fixes since 1.221608:02
timboy_I just updated my intrepid drivers to the latest nvidia now they're not loading properly... Here is xorg.conf: http://pastebin.ca/1380648 here is the end of Xorg.0.log: http://pastebin.ca/138066108:03
nhasiantimboy_, ah thats cool.  so it makes the GPU do more of the processing when playing video than the CPU.08:04
TheFunkbombokay, that gpg problem seems to be solved.  Next problem.  I cannot get Orca to launch08:04
timboy_nhasian, I have an xbmc ubuntu box and I wanted to get the newest driver to take advantage of the new tech. but ubuntu and upgraded nvidia drivers have never mixed well for me... probably because I'm shaking and not stirring...08:07
hirangei think this is an important bug to fix for jaunty and hopefully hardy https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ntfs-3g/+bug/34956908:07
nhasiantimboy_, did you follow starcannon's guide to upgrading nvidia drivers?08:08
timboy_nhasian, no but i'm googling right now08:08
ubottuJaunty Jackalope is the codename for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 23rd, 2009 -  Schedule in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyReleaseSchedule - Lots of breakage between now and April 23rd - Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support.08:08
nhasiantimboy_, i read it in the ubuntu forums a long time ago.  lemme see if i still have it bookmarked08:09
timboy_nhasian, ok thx08:09
nhasiantimboy_, here it is: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=5086971&postcount=608:10
oliver_Hi all, I am having an issue with kernels I did an update a while ago and ubuntu automatically installed the latest generic kernel and with this one the screen just goes black after ubuntu start up (splash screen with orangel oading bar), this ahppens with any new kernel released, only the original one is working.08:10
simplexiooliver_: did upgrade drivers for graphiccard ?08:11
nhasiantimboy_, the only tricky thing is to remember to mark the nvidia file executable with +x and to go to another terminal (CTL-ALT-F1) so you can shutdown the gdm08:11
loginhelpanyone know about edubuntu and ltsp?08:11
timboy_nhasian, yea that's what I did the first time08:11
oliver_simplexio, yes i did, but i replaced the xorg.conf with the original (vesa) and still no go with those kernels and works with the original installed with intrepid08:12
timboy_loginhelp, I believe the channel is #ubuntu-ltsp08:12
oliver_simplexio, could it be the kernels are corrupted from my source?08:12
oliver_simplexio, cause i actually reinstalled ubuntu and did the update and im still where i stand before the install08:13
nhasiani forgot, where do you go in xchat to highlight keywords?08:13
rambogerm22hello,i am trying to compile Mesa7.3 on ubuntu,but i am getting an error saying:glxheader.h:43:23: error: X11/Xlib.h: No such file or directory08:14
loginhelpthanks timboy_. not many people there.08:15
timboy_loginhelp, yeah when I was into ltsp there were more08:15
timboy_loginhelp, might be another channel...08:15
sin|g|\join #psoc08:15
rdwI confess that I can't tell the difference between the updater icons; is the spiky orange one more critical or is the red downwards arrow the critical one?08:16
Jordan_Urdw, Red arrow means security updates08:18
rdwThanks, Jordan_U!  I'd actually guessed the other way around.  :-/08:19
* rdw goes to apply some updates08:19
* oliver_ is angry cause he is capped08:19
kyledr_anyone know why ifconfig sees my wireless card but wpa_gui doesn't list any adaptors?08:20
eternalomg i love ubuntu i just installed tomcat php and mysql with all addons in under an hour with no hastle08:20
ahello, I need convincing that ubuntu is ready for the masses, I can't get my laptop resolution to go to 1440 x90008:21
eternalis their a cpanel type feature within ubuntu or do i have to register that my self?08:21
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Jordan_Ua: Have you seen if your graphics card needs any proprietary drivers via System > Administration > Hardware Drivers?08:21
frogonwheels(Crosspost from #kubuntu: >>) I've got that problem where hibernate  works perfectly - except that it reboots my machine instead of powering down... ideas?08:22
ajordan, only thing that shows up  in sys>ad>HWD is wlan card08:22
Jordan_Ua: And by the way, the "I need convincing that Ubuntu is ready for the masses" doesn't trick people into helping you, better to just ask your question and leave out the commentary :)08:23
Jordan_Ua: What graphics card do you have?08:23
kyledr_is it normal to use wpa_gui with ubuntu? it's not working for me08:24
afair enough jordan, but I'm open to ubuntu being great, but If I've to do a million sudo lines or whatever they are to get my display working properly like bloody vista does, then I'll probably be away from linux for another few years08:24
agraphics card in is laptop, so I'm not sure08:24
Jordan_Ukyledr, Network-manager should deal with wpa08:24
frogonwheelsa: the screen resolution stuff is a known area.  Some work is coming up in 4.208:25
kyledr_Jordan_U: does network manager work without gnome?08:25
afrog, cheers, when is 4.2 coming... approx?08:25
hirangea: open a terminal and type 'lspci' then hit enter to find what video card you're using08:26
sebsebseb 08:26
frogonwheelswell you can try it out now - I'm using it - but not sure when it comes out properly.08:26
Jordan_Ukyledr, Does the DE you are using have a pannel?08:26
afrog, how do I try it, ubuntu newbie here08:26
frogonwheelsa:  google  kubuntu 4.208:26
frogonwheelsthere's a howto somehow08:27
Jordan_Ua: Can you please pastebin the output of "lspci" from the terminal?08:27
kyledr_Jordan_U: don't think so, i use ion08:27
shivamiba: the problem with video cards is that the hw companies don't supply drivers08:27
sebsebseba: I just joined,  what do you want to do try  KDE 4.2?08:27
frogonwheelsa:  it might not solve your problem.  just saying it's a 'known area'08:27
sebsebsebJordan_U: KDE 4.2  is meant to have a penel?  I don't get in 9.04.08:27
hirangeah 4.2! seems exciting.  is KDE 4.2 going to be included with Kubuntu 9.04?08:28
sebsebsebhirange: yes08:28
Flannel#ubuntu+1 for Jaunty questions.  Thanks.08:28
sebsebsebhirange: 4.2 instead of 4.1  in 9.0408:28
hirangenice. i tried 4.0.1 or somesuch and didn't care for it08:28
hirangebut i'm sure 4.2 will be nicer08:28
acheers frog, if it's likely to be fixed, then fair enough, thanks again08:28
frogonwheelssebsebseb:  cool - I'm finding it quite stable even now - not really extending it but still..08:28
frogonwheelssebsebseb:  a few 'glitches' but nothing too untoward.08:28
kyledr_why is ubuntu so gnome-centric? so many things people just rely on it auto-working, and if you don't take the stock install, it won't work eaily at all, i mean gentoo is easier to get wireless working for christ's sake08:29
sebsebsebfrogonwheels: no my KDE went all weird after upgrading to the alpha and remians weird in the beta, but  this isn't really the channel to talk abot 9.0408:29
FlannelGuys, take Jaunty to the Jaunty channel.  Thanks.08:29
sebsebseb#ubuntu+1 to talk about Jaunty08:29
hirangeI'm wondering if i'm totally going to mess things up if i install the latest version of ntfs-3g from source on Kubuntu 8.04?08:29
frogonwheelsFlannel: np.08:29
Flannelkyledr_: #ubuntu-offtopic for non-support questions, thanks.08:29
zirodayhirange: at least remove your currently installed version of ntfs-3g first08:30
hirangeziroday: ok08:30
kyledr_Flannel: how do i get wpa_gui working?08:30
kyledr_Flannel: I can't use network-manager apparently08:30
sebsebsebI am in #ubuntu+1 so  join guys and we can continue08:30
Jordan_Uhirange, Why do you want to install the latest version?08:30
nadokyledr, install wicd08:30
kyledr_sudo apt-cache search wicd returned nothing08:31
swoop5713how can I install gimp-2.2 additionally on 8.10?08:31
Jordan_Ukyledr, Do you have universe enabled?08:31
kyledr_should, last i checked08:32
nadokyledr, add this line your /etc/apt/sources.list : deb http://apt.wicd.net intrepid extras08:32
nadokyledr, then : sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install wicd08:33
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ftabHi Where can I find the Ubuntu Humun Theme icons?08:35
hirangesweet.  i uninstalled ntfs-3g and installed the new one from source.  had to install libtool before the autogen.sh would work tho08:35
hirangenow to see if i can still use my ntfs drive08:35
kyledr_nado: is there a gui for this?08:35
DigitalKiwigui for package management? yuck08:35
nadoshould be in the top right once installed08:35
nadoor it's at reboot08:36
kyledr_top right of what? i'm using ion08:36
nadowell in your panel08:36
kyledr_my nonexistent panel?08:36
nadowhere your running programs are08:36
choicecan some help me- i have dependency problem installing smbfs : choice@choicegrow:~$ sudo apt-get install smbfs http://paste.ubuntu.com/143323/08:36
kyledr_i've tried running: wicd and it just says "/var/run/wicd/wicd.pid"08:37
kyledr_or wicd-client which does "attempting to connect tray to daemon... success. done."08:37
hirangesweet. it's working.  I highly recommend upgrading your ntfs-3g on ubuntu if you use ntfs drives a lot.  I tried to do a backup to my ntfs drive the other day and after about 75GB it was using 100% of my CPU and copying maybe 0.5-1 MB/s08:37
kyledr_but it makes no programs show up08:37
hirangethe revision of ntfs-3g in the ubuntu repositories is way out of date08:37
kyledr_i have no tray first of all08:38
nadoit's in the "task bar"... no panel no gui .. you can uninstall08:38
hirangethere's been like 8 releases since the most current ntfs-3g in the repos and a couple fixed major bugs08:38
kyledr_nado: so can i get wpa_gui working?08:38
IronWilliamCashsimple question: is there a keyboard shortcut to open a terminal ?08:39
SrEstroncioumm, hello, I was wondering if someone could help me with something08:39
nadoi don't know what that is.. never used it08:39
RytmisIronWilliamCash: I don't think so, but I'm fairly sure you can configure one.08:39
kyledr_does anyone know if it's possible to get wpa_gui working with ubuntu?08:39
kyledr_IronWilliamCash: in ion it's f2 :P08:39
RytmisIronWilliamCash: or, if you feel like typing, alt+f2 opens the run dialog08:39
IronWilliamCashRystmis: thx I'll look into that08:39
hirangeironwilliamcash:  if you run KDE i recommend katapult08:39
IronWilliamCashoh oki that might do it08:39
nadokyledr_, did you try installing it ?08:40
IronWilliamCashhirange: nah I'm on gnome08:40
nadokyledr, i mean what's the problem with it ?08:40
jbu311hi all, i recently changed my linux user's password, and now everytime I log in, it asks me to type in my (old) password for the keyring for the wireless...how do I get it to stop asking?08:40
mib_t625dkcan someone running 8.10 or 9.04 confirm if pmount works with removable media such as a flash drive. it seems to be broken under 8.1008:41
c0l2ehow can i check who's connecting my ubuntu using netstat ??08:41
kyledr_nado: i uninstalled wicd. i figured out my problem, wpa_supplicant needs to be running for wpa_gui to work, duh08:41
wartalkerwhen i log out then log in, the knetworkmanager icon not dock in tray, but become a widget, why?08:41
LostChaindoes anyone know why i cannot see my ubuntu share in windows08:41
johnfanyone have any tips for upgrading a feisty box using do-release-upgrade? I somehow need it to use old-releases for backports rather than $country.archive.org08:42
hirangeironwilliamcash: you might try gnome + do - do.davebsd.com08:42
sebsebseb!upgrade | johnf08:42
ubottujohnf: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading08:42
Flanneljohnf: yes, you do.  Switch your repos over to old-releases and do a fully update, and then you can use the regular upgrade tools08:42
hirangec0l2e: type 'sudo netstat -an | more'08:42
IronWilliamCashhirange: thx mate :)08:43
nadoLostChain, more details please ? Are you trying to access over the network. Or on the same machine ?08:43
jbu311ok, how do I configure the password used to access my keyring?08:43
LostChainover the network08:43
hirangeironwilliamcash: you're welcome :)  i use katapult for kde and I find it way useful08:44
LostChainnado: i have made my share folder shareable in ubuntu but windows doesnt reconize08:44
LostChaindawg LOL08:44
IronWilliamCashhirange: I'm on the do website now and downloading :) Hope it works well08:44
sebsebsebLostChain: Samba is more for viewing WIndows partitions  in  Linux, than the other way round08:45
ubottuSamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.08:45
LostChainnado: well doesnt that suck08:45
sebsebsebLostChain: partitions?  I meant shared folders08:45
shivamibLostChain: nope it's quite alright08:45
LostChainnado: yea i can see windows shares from ubuntu but i just cant do it the other way around, i thought maybe someone else knew08:45
SrEstroncioUm, I have a problem, I want to save some files from a dual boot box (XP and ubuntu), right now windows is dead, I wanted to take out the data using a an external HDD, but ubuntu mounts the drive as Read only and I can't move the data, could someone help me please?08:46
shivamibLostChain: you need to have smbd running08:46
shivamib(samba daemon)08:46
sebsebsebLostChain: why would you want Windows to have access to Ubuntu anyway?08:46
hirangeSrEstroncio: to clarify, ubuntu is mounting your external HDD as read only?08:46
jbu311anyone know how to change a keyring password?08:46
swoop5713is gimp 2.2 still in the repo?08:46
LostChainshivamib: ok...08:46
SrEstronciohirange: Yes08:46
jbu311you can access your linux partitions using the program explore2fs (I think that's how you spell it)08:47
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hirangesrestroncio:  you may need to unmount it and then use a command line switch to make it mount as read/write.  I believe the reason it is mounted as read only by default is because the devs weren't certain the ntfs support in ubuntu was stable when they put that feature in.08:47
xunhello, I have dual monitors, when I play flash video full screen in a browser(such as youtube), it always goes to the secondary screen, is there a way for me to change that?08:47
simplexioSrEstroncio: ntfs3g is magic word08:47
hirangesrestroncio:  i'll see if i can find you a webpage that explains it08:48
shivamibmount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sda1 /media/hda1 -o force08:48
gamla_kossanhai guise :>08:48
LostChainsebsebseb: well i have an hp touchsmart in the other room, and i use it as a tv and movie viewer08:48
gamla_kossanis there a metapackage for installing kde4?08:48
simplexioSrEstroncio: assuming that hd is in ntfs format, i could be also fat32 which is another magic word08:48
gamla_kossan(I'm running gnome atm)08:48
glitsj16swoop5713: according to packages.ubuntu.com gimp 2.2.x is only available for dapper .. gimp 2.6 not working for you ?08:48
SrEstroncioSimplexio and hirange: What do you mean by "magic word"?08:48
LostChainsebsebseb: i want to make my ubuntu system be my movie server for the house08:48
sebsebsebgamla_kossan: yes of course08:49
Flannelgamla_kossan: Which version of Ubuntu are you using?08:49
gamla_kossanFlannel: 8.1008:49
gamla_kossansebsebseb: sweet :>08:49
SrEstroncioWould you mind guiding me step by stem through the process of mounting it as read/write?08:49
Flannelgamla_kossan: then install the kubuntu-desktop package08:49
sebsebsebgamla_kossan: gamla old in Swedish, are you Swedish?   you can  sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop  for  KDE  4.1   or  get the  PPA for KDE 4.208:49
gamla_kossanFlannel: ah, right, thanks :>08:49
shivamibLostChain: no problem, just make sure you have samba installed08:49
gamla_kossansebsebseb: yep :>08:49
swoop5713glitsj16, I need it too, because I read a book about it.08:49
shivamibLostChain:  service samba status08:50
yazdenihave a question as i am new to ubuntu08:50
LostChainshivamib: how would i be able to determind that08:50
sebsebsebyazden: ok just ask the question08:50
sebsebseb!ask >  yazden08:50
ubottuyazden, please see my private message08:50
NimbleRabitAnyone know how I can "lock" my mouse into one monitor while using TwinView?08:50
gamla_kossanoh, I thought 4.2 was in the standard repos08:50
yazdeni am havin trouble with my wifi card08:50
kworkcan i mark package installed somehow, when it failed at configuration because i removed some files, but otherwise the application is working okey, but when i try to add something that depends on it, it yells at me because of "broken dep" can i mark that packet working somehow ?08:50
gamla_kossanso if I want to run 4.2, I need to add another repo?08:50
LostChainshivamib: i checked my processes and smbd is running08:50
sebsebsebgamla_kossan: no Ubuntu only does security updates,  4.2 does not class as one08:50
simplexioSrEstroncio: google search word08:50
b3rz3rk3rNimbleRabit, have u tried synergy. i know how to do so with that08:50
gamla_kossansebsebseb: ah08:50
sebsebsebgamla_kossan: no you do the PPA08:51
sebsebsebgamla_kossan: or  wait untill 9.04 where you get KDE 4.2 by default08:51
hirangesrestroncio: try this http://www.swerdna.net.au/linhowtontfs.html08:51
shivamibLostChain: so the easy way now is you right click on a folder, choose sharing options08:51
shivamib(the folder you want to share, a-la windows)08:51
gamla_kossansebsebseb: hm...... nah, wanna try it out right away actually.08:51
glitsj16swoop5713: fair enough .. i don't know if it's possible to have both 2.2 and 2.6 side by side on the same ubuntu though, try to get it from packages.ubuntu.com from dapper section (usual dependency hell warning activated)08:51
NimbleRabitb3rz3rk3r: isn't synergy a thing for going between more than 1 computer?  I'm wanting to lock into one monitor on the same computer08:51
shivamibshare this folder, guest account08:51
gamla_kossanso PPA huh? *googles*08:51
LostChainshivamib: done.   the folder is shared08:52
shivamibsee if it works08:52
sebsebsebgamla_kossan: i'll get a link hold on08:52
shivamibnow try to find it on windows08:52
hirangesrestroncio:  the 'rw' and umask flags on the mount commant are important to make sure it is writable08:52
lepassivehow can i set metacity instead of openbox in LXDE ?08:52
yazdenis it my driver?08:52
FitchHi guys I just installed ubuntu on a laptop never used it before, and I have some questions about wireless connections, drivers, and management of hardware in general08:52
b3rz3rk3rNimbleRabit, ah.. i thought thats what twinview did.. n/m then.. sry08:52
sebsebsebgamla_kossan: and if you don't know what a ppa is, well08:52
gamla_kossansebsebseb: 's alrgight, just found it :)08:52
sebsebseb!ppa >  gamla_kossan08:52
ubottugamla_kossan, please see my private message08:52
sebsebsebgamla_kossan: yeah on the Kubuntu site some where etc yeah08:53
hirangesrestroncio:  the relevant part of that link is the 'Temporary Mounts for Internal Drives' section08:53
b3rz3rk3rNimbleRabit, power down the monitor when u want it locked?08:53
swoop5713glitsj16, ok, thanks! what do you mean by dep hell warning activated?08:53
shivamib!ask > Fitch08:53
ubottuFitch, please see my private message08:53
gamla_kossansebsebseb: I'm really a fedora guy, but am switching to ubuntu.08:53
b3rz3rk3rNimbleRabit, have u tried asking on the twin forums?08:53
gamla_kossanso no, I'm not really familiar with ppa.08:53
shivamibLostChain: did it work?08:53
SrEstronciohirange: Wait, what?08:53
LostChainshivamib: windows can see the server but the folder does not apear08:53
sebsebsebgamla_kossan: how come?  and yeah  I started with   Fedora Core 2 and 4, then went Ubuntu, and been with since the second release08:53
kyledr_why does sudo iwlist scan give me no results?08:53
NimbleRabitb3rz3rk3r: haven't tried asking there yet no, thought I would come here first.08:54
hirangesrestroncio:  before you get started you might want to run 'sudo fdisk -l' which will give you a list of all your drives and partitions so you can identify what linux has named the external drive08:54
sebsebsebgamla_kossan: we are starting to go off topic,  plus I wanted to since your a Sweed :D  I  was going to pm you, or you can pm me first08:54
LostChainshivamib: this is what i have been dealing with, i feel i am forgetting somethig08:54
glitsj16swoop5713: well, if you have gimp 2.6 already installed, it will probably complain when you try to install 2.2 ... dependency hell refers to things that might crash if you mix packages for dapper on intrepid08:54
shivamibLostChain: hang on08:55
LostChainshivamib: ok08:55
FitchHow do I get my wireless card to work?  The option to find networks in my area is always greyed out.  I have tried using ndiswrapper to get the drivers installed using information from 3 different tutorials I found and it still wont work08:56
yazdeni cant get my built in wifi to work on my Eee pc?08:56
glitsj16swoop5713: only alternative i see is trying to build gimp 2.2 manually and giving it a slightly different package name via the checkinstall package08:56
marcel1607yazden, what kind is it?08:56
yazdenwhat kind is what?08:56
nhasiandang both of you guys messaged at the same time about wifi adaptors? :)08:57
marcel1607yazden, brand of wifi08:57
yazdenidk its built in08:57
Fitchheh its been really bugging me today, and I just installed Ubuntu so Im not up to speed on it08:57
nhasianyazden, Fitch open a terminal and type "lshw -C network"08:57
swoop5713glitsj16, well I will try it. but I have no idea of checkinstall08:57
Fitchok hand on let me get my laptop in here08:57
marcel1607yazden, can you do "lspci -v"  and lookup the exact wifi info08:57
kyledr_my network interface eth1 is up but it won't give any scan results, any ideas?08:57
nhasianyazden, Fitch also are you running ubuntu 8.04 or 8.10?08:57
yazdenhow do i do that?08:58
nhasianOpen a Terminal from the menu Applications → Accessories → Terminal08:58
marie_blubbI changed the rights of smb.conf to 644 to work in it how do I return to the attributes that were entered before. which number was that (just the owner was allowed to write & read)08:59
glitsj16swoop5713: checkinstall is used to replace the usual "sudo make install" step (with "sudo checkinstall) .. you will get extra options in that step to change package name, version # etc. and the added benefit of being able to uninstall via the regular command or synaptic integrate in dpkg09:00
yazdenwhat am  looking for?09:00
LostChainshivamib: do you think maybe this problem i am having has anything to do with the fact that my share on ubuntu is an ntfs partition09:00
c0l2ehow can I check connected clients to my machine using netstat ??09:01
Equsyazden this may help you a lot:http://www.array.org/ubuntu/09:01
swoop5713glitsj16, ah, thanks that helped I will give it a try.09:02
BrixSatanyone here with eggdrop experience?09:02
glitsj16swoop5713: that way actually it would be possible i believe to have both gimps side by side if you rename gimp 2.2 package to something like swoop-gimp or anything, goodluck09:02
shivamibLostChain: it is?09:02
shivamibLostChain: probably not, but i'd recommend using ext309:03
LostChainshivamib: yes, i have a dual boot system and my 1.5 terabyte is an ntfs partition09:03
swoop5713glitsj16, ok ty09:03
shivamibLostChain: you can repartition it on the live cd using gparted09:03
Fitchok typed in lspci -v, what am I looking for?  it says access denied by capabilities fuessing thats not good09:03
creator-cdsci am currently using gnome, which are the good pdf readers available?09:03
Fitcher guessing09:03
LostChainshivamib:  yes but that would become a problem if i need to access that drive in windows xp09:03
wakwei'm confused by an aspect of python, maybe you all can help.  I have a set of objects in a list.  these objects have an instance var count.  for some reason when i try to decrement the count var by a class method, it'll update inside the class, but the changes won't be passed back to the array.  if i just call element.count=0, in the main fn, the changes are reflected.  why is this?09:04
Flannelwakwe: Try ##python or #ubuntu-offtopic09:04
wakweFlannel: will do09:04
shivamibLostChain: no, they're separate partitions, it's how it's supposed to be09:04
rbo_what's the difference between Hardy and Gutsy?09:04
shivamibyou shouldn't have to access ubuntu partition under windows...09:04
Flannelrbo_: Gutsy is 7.10, Hardy is 8.04.  Hardy is an LTS, supported for 3 years on the desktop.  Gutsy isn't.  It's also actually just about to go end of Life.  You definately should not be installing Gutsy at this point in time.09:05
yazdenshould i copy and paste the whole thing?09:06
nhasianmarie_blubb, does this help? -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 11653 2009-01-05 23:44 smb.conf09:06
glitsj16creator-cdsc: evince and epdfview are some of your options09:06
BrixSatanyone here with eggdrop experience?09:06
rbo_Flannel: LTS?09:06
nhasianBrixSat, that sounds familiar... is that an irc thing?09:07
Flannelrbo_: Long Term Support.09:07
rbo_Flannel: why is it supported for 3 years?09:07
_StelaNinja_Anyone here who knows how to set the preferences for the new notifications in Jaunty??09:07
Flannelrbo_: Because it's an LTS release.09:07
Flannel_StelaNinja_: #ubuntu+1 for Jaunty support, thanks.09:07
rbo_Flannel: what's going to happen after 3 years?09:07
Fitch:nhiasian running 8.1009:08
Flannelrbo_: well, the server is supported for 5.  But, when stuff goes EOL (end of life, at the end of the support term) it's not updated anymore.  No more security fixes, etc.  Non-LTS versions are only supported for 18 months.09:08
sebsebsebrbo_: no more security updates09:08
BrixSatnhasian yes09:08
k1enwhere are the desktop wallapers located in ubuntu?09:08
LostChainshivamib rocks09:08
LostChainlater all09:09
BrixSatnhasian it is a bot that connect's to irc09:09
rbo_sebsebseb, Flannel: and if i reinstall it, i will have an updates again?09:09
shivamibin 3 years duke nukem forever should be released09:09
PeddyHow do I open a .jar file with openjdk?09:09
Flannelrbo_: If you reinstlal what?09:09
nhasianBrixSat, i thought so.... man i havent heard eggdrop since i ran bitchx via telnet like 15 years ago09:09
shivamibeggdrop is da bomb09:10
rbo_Flannel: the new copy of it09:10
Flannelrbo_: Oh, a newer version?  Yes.  Although most people upgrade instead of reinstalling.09:10
rbo_Flannel: or it doesn't matter as it's term of Hardy?09:10
marie_blubbnhasian sorry I#M beginner I wanted to use udo chown root:admin /etc/samba/smb.conf and then  sudo chmod 664 /etc/samba/smb.conf. and instead of 644 I need a number with less rights09:10
BrixSatnhasian wooowwww to many years man09:10
rbo_Flannel: term of life09:11
Flannelrbo_: Hardy will be supported until 2011 (April).  10.04 will come out, and also be an LTS in April of 2010.  You can upgrade straight from LTS to LTS, so you can upgrade to 10.04 in a year when it comes out.09:11
shivamibrbo_: by then you'll be using a newer release09:11
rbo_Flannel: ok, i go for Hardy09:11
sebsebsebrbo_: I  would recommend staying with 8.0409:11
k1enhow can i find out where is the wallpaper directory in ubuntu?09:11
sebsebsebrbo_: and then  doing a clean install for the next LTS09:11
rbo_sebsebseb: i need ec2 version09:11
Flannelk1en: It's... /usr/share/artwork/?  /usr/share/ definately.  After that its hazy.09:12
rbo_sebsebseb: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EC209:12
sebsebsebrbo_: then Ext4 the new file system, should be nice and stable :d.    anyway I missed some of your chat09:12
Fitchnhasian: did you want me to copy and paste you the information from putting lspci -v into the terminal?09:12
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Flannelrbo_: Go with Hardy, yes.09:12
rbo_Flannel: tnx09:12
nhasianklen usr/share/backgrounds09:12
BrixSati cant telnet to my bot :(09:12
rbo_Flannel: i'd go for Gentoo, but we don't have a time09:12
nhasianFitch, no we dont need all the info, just the line that says what chipset your wifi is09:12
k1enFlannel, thanks backgrounds...09:13
shivamibrbo_: you can always go with debian ;)09:13
rbo_shivamib: we did09:13
yazdenwhat line am i looking for, for the chipset?09:13
Fitchnhasian: oh its a broadcom BCM431109:13
nhasianthe command "lshw -C network" might be easier to work with than lspci09:13
nhasianFitch, good thats what we needed.  did you say what OS you were running?09:14
Fitchyeah 8.1009:14
c0l2ein awk09:14
c0l2ehow can I get $5 and $6 ??09:15
c0l2ewith spaces in between them?09:15
nhasianFitch, just out of curiosity, have you tried the new beta of ubuntu 9.04?  just boot off the livecd and see if your wifi works09:15
c0l2elike awk {'print $5   $6'}... but with space between them09:15
FitchI have the driver .inf and tried to apply it that way using ndiswrapper09:15
zagibuis anyone skilled with kvm? I have a problem that a just-installed winxp guest can't find it's disk at boot09:15
zagibuits disk, i mean09:15
yazdenis it the hardwre lister linee?09:16
Fitchno I havent would probably have to downlad it and mount it to install again09:16
nhasianFitch, since we're only 2-3 weeks away from the next version of ubuntu you might give it a shot.09:16
creator-cdscin linux, are there any applications available which install a software for you? (like windows installer in windows)      (apart from Synaptic packet manager or apt or aptitude)09:16
nhasianFitch, no you dont need to install it.  you just burn it to a blank CD or put it on a thumbdrive and boot directly off the media.09:16
amigo_richmarie_blubb: 0600 would just be read and write for the user that owns the file09:16
shivamibcreator-cdsc: synaptic is apt, and apt is your manager09:17
knati cant seem to install apache, i uncommented all the repos in /etc/apt/sources.list09:17
nhasianyazden, did you find your chipset?09:17
yazdeni am wondering what line to look at09:17
marie_blubbamigo_rich thanks and what would it be if the owner can read and write and the others just read (thats how it was before09:17
Fitchwhere do I find the download?  only see 8.10 and 8.04 on the site09:17
georgghello,i have a question about dedicated server hosting...i have a dedicated server at rackspace , i am veery very pleased with the quality but i cant afford the bill anymore...any other cheaper but reliable solution?09:17
joneskooon the main page there's a huge try 9.04 beta09:18
nhasianyazden, it will says product:something09:18
Fitchoh lol09:18
amigo_richmarie_blubb: 064409:18
sebsebsebFitch: not much point bothering with 9.04 Beta for various reasons09:18
dixon_I have a wierd problem with my screen. *Sometimes* on keyboard input the screen goes black. It have been working correctly for years. But suddenly this happens. When I boot to windows I have no problem with this... Any ideas?09:18
FitchIll bother with it if it gets my wireless working09:18
nhasianyazden, like product: PRO/Wireless 4965 or product: RTL811109:18
glitsj16creator-cdsc: gnome-app-install is another option, all of the above are tied in with dpkg, the central un/install system used in many linux distros09:18
sebsebsebFitch: probably not09:19
sebsebsebFitch: if it won't work in 8.10 just like that, it probably won't in 9.04 either09:19
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creator-cdscshivamib: ok, there are a lot of packages which are not available in the repositories, so if i download their source code from the net, are there any applications which would give me a GUI to install the software?09:19
marie_blubbamigo_rich but I just changed it to 644. the group shouldnt be able to read and write. they can do that at the moment09:19
yazdenwhats the command prompt again?09:19
nhasianFitch, if you have a fast wifi you can download the iso in like 5 mins, burn it in 5 mins, and boot up and test it.  worst case scenario you just lost a blankCD and half an hour09:19
shivamibcreator-cdsc: you just compile and run09:19
amigo_richmarie_blubb: what does ls -l show you for the file?09:20
Fitchyeah doing it already worth a shot for sure09:20
yazdenthe network controller?09:20
shivamibcreator-cdsc: but see if you can find a .deb package, it's usually better09:20
nhasianyazden, yes09:20
Fitchthanks for your help btw09:20
nhasianyazden, also please put my name before each reply to me or i may miss your message.  (it auto highlights)09:21
creator-cdscshivamib: yes i just have to compile and run, but is there any application availabe which would let me just click on a button and do it? for example in windows, you just have to click on the install icon and it does the rest for you09:21
yazdenralink uknown device 0781 sub system ralink uknown device 279009:21
shivamibcreator-cdsc: no09:21
Fitchoh while Im here what does the Hardware Drivers applet do?  I cant seem to figure out any options for installing drivers, or really doing much with them at all09:21
nhasianyazden, you may have more than one network line.  do you have any others?09:21
shivamibcreator-cdsc: on windows you're not compiling from source09:21
nhasianFitch, its for restricted drivers09:22
shivamibcreator-cdsc: that's what a debian package would be, more or less09:22
yazdenpci bbridg?09:22
nhasianFitch, meaning if nvidia, or broadcom or some company provides proprietary drivers that are not open source09:22
shivamibyou install it using dpkg -i package.deb09:22
creator-cdscshivamib: right, you don't get the source, but then what does the install do in windows?09:23
shivamibinstalls the binary09:23
Fitchso how do you install drivers manage hardware etc?  is there an equivalent to the management applets in windows?  disk manager device manager etc?09:23
shivamiband messes with registry09:23
yazdenim not to sure what im looking for09:23
nhasianyazden, so you dont flood the channel, why dont you just /msg me the output09:24
shivamibcreator-cdsc: but you dont really need to "install" anything09:24
shivamibcreator-cdsc: usually you put those programs on /var/opt/09:24
Crazylinkdoes anyone know how to run Power ISO ?09:25
nhasianCrazyguy, you dont need powerISO in linux09:25
creator-cdscshivamib: i was thinking of a project idea for the summers, and i started thinking about why people in general don't use linux. they don't want to type in commands, so if there is some GUI for that as well, then it would be useful09:25
Crazylinknhasian: what can i use to run FFXI on?09:25
nhasianCrazylink, try gmount-iso09:25
shivamibcreator-cdsc: that's what synaptic is about. but once you leave the repositories, you're on your own09:25
shivamibcreator-cdsc: and really, the console is your friend09:26
shivamibcreator-cdsc: you'll get used to it09:26
abchirkhi, is there a way to install intrepid kernel on Hardy? I only found 2.6.24 as newest kernel.09:26
sebsebsebCrazylink: what do you want to do? burn an ISO?09:26
nhasianouch yazden got kicked for flooding me09:26
sebsebsebabchirk: no not really, and you should just use the kernel that  hardy repo has given you09:27
creator-cdscshivamib: yes, but can something be built which would make it easier for the not-so-familiar-console guy to install applications not availabe in the repositories?09:27
Crazylinksebsebseb: no i want to run final Fantasy 11 ISO files from my comp09:27
nhasianCrazylink, you already installed wine right?09:27
sebsebsebCrazylink: that might not even work in Wine or commercial versons of it09:27
shivamibcreator-cdsc: yes, you build a deb package for that specific app09:27
shivamiband if it's useful it could be integrated to the repository09:28
sebsebsebCrazylink: and those games are 3D?09:28
creator-cdscshivamib: oh ok, can you tell me some project idea if you hace a09:28
Crazylinksebsebseb: yes09:28
creator-cdscshivamib: oh ok, can you tell me some project idea that i could pursue? it should be somethign that would make it easier for a normal person to use linux09:28
nhasianCrazylink, http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=version&iId=273909:29
sebsebsebCrazylink: ok I don't think your going to gert much luck with those games in Ubuntu or any other Linux distro, at this stage.  ,but apparnatlly Codeweavers Games a commercail version of Wine, will soon have proper Directx10 supopurt09:29
nhasianaccording to winehq FFXI works great in wine09:29
Crazylinkthanks i will read this link09:29
FitchI would imagine FFXI would use DX9 its not that new a game09:29
raylucreator-cdsc: by 'normal person,' you mean windows user09:30
creator-cdscraylu: yes09:30
raylucreator-cdsc: which translates to someone infected with the notion that the mouse is some sort of universal tool for manipulating the computer09:30
creator-cdscraylu: precisely09:30
nhasianyazden, hey did you get kicked when you messaged me?09:30
raylucreator-cdsc: if you want windows, use windows. why are you looking to linux for something that duplicates windows?09:30
sebsebsebcreator-cdsc: people that aren't that good at computers, can get on rather nicely with Ubuntu, from help with someone that knows :)   ,but yeah it can take 3 weeks09:31
shivamiblinux is not that hard. the concepts are different but the make a lot of sense09:31
abchirksebsebseb hm but my wlan stick is only supported on newer kernels...09:31
shivamibit's a real operating system09:31
nhasiancreator-cdsc, usually you can just download a program (with an .deb extention) right click and install.  its really easy09:31
ActionParsnipshivamib: depends what you are gauging as hard09:32
sebsebsebshivamib: well by the majority of computer users, so is Windows :D09:32
creator-cdscraylu: i don't want windows, i am happy with linux. the only reason people use windows is that it is easy to use. but it does cost a lot of money. so if you can get a windows type functionality on linux, it would be good09:32
sebsebsebabchirk: well you could get a later kernel in hardy, but  it might be a bit complacted to install, and usauly woudn't be recommended09:32
ActionParsnipcreator-cdsc: depends on what the system is for09:33
nhasiancreator-cdsc, but you should invest some time in learning how to install programs via synaptic package manager.  its very powerful.  i dont know why we have add/remove program tool.  its like synaptic lite09:33
raylucreator-cdsc: no. what you're looking for is http://www.reactos.org/en/index.html09:33
ActionParsnipcreator-cdsc: if windows suits our needs better than linux, why change09:33
abchirkhm sebsebseb or should I upgrade to intrepid? Is it possible over synaptic?09:33
raylunhasian: which in turn is like apt-get/aptitude lite09:33
nhasianabchirk, which os do you have now?09:33
abchirknhasian hardy09:33
sebsebsebabchirk: staying  with  8.04 has it's advantages, and upgrading to 8.10  dosan't have that much advantages really09:33
abhishekiitdkushiitd:i will be here monitoring!09:34
sebsebsebnhasian: he is on 8.04, wants a later kernel, so his wireless will apparnatly work09:34
abchirksebsebseb but my wlan stick. :(09:34
sebsebsebabchirk: well that's native sure, what about ndiswrapper?09:34
nhasianabchirk, then yes, you can upgrade to 8.10 or 9.04 when it comes out.  go to system/admin/software sources and change the upgrade option09:34
sebsebsebAbracadabra: hi09:34
sebsebsebabchirk: you can also get a later kernel in hardy though09:34
abchirkhm sebsebseb sure.. but ndiswrapper... and on my other pc on intrepid its working09:35
abhishekiitdwhois kushiitd09:35
nhasianabchirk, go to the updates tab, then change it to say normal releases09:35
abchirknhasian so only use instead of hardy intrepid there?09:35
pretenderCreated DVD from AVI with DeVeDe in the repo's running ubuntu 8.10and the DVD has no sound09:35
sebsebsebabchirk: well  ok upgrade to 8.10.  also  kind of off topic, but   for the optional  Ext4 file system, that is an option in  9.04, but had a data loss issue etc.  for  it's full functioantly peole have to start over, and get rid of Ext3.  or do something to Ext3 for limited suppourt09:36
nhasianabchirk, you can upgrade your existing installation by changing the upgrade option in the software sources from LTS to normal releases09:36
Abracadabrahello sebsebseb09:36
sebsebsebAbracadabra: what do you want help with?09:36
sebsebseb!upgrade |  abchirk09:36
ubottuabchirk: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading09:36
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about whoise09:37
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about whois09:37
abchirkok thank you09:37
Aperculumis it possible to control networkmanager from commandline or from python?09:37
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about kushiitd09:37
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about abhishekiitd09:37
sebsebsebAperculum: not really since it's just a GUI  for command stuff, as far as I know09:37
rayluabhishekiitd: stop spamming. use /whois or msg the bot09:37
nhasianalright i got to get to sleep09:37
Aperculumsebsebseb: shame09:37
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rayluAperculum: sort of...09:38
sebsebsebAperculum: you can open it via the command line though09:38
Abracadabrasebsebseb: for once, none .... but it may come later :)09:38
rayluAperculum: http://vidner.net/martin/software/cnetworkmanager/09:38
rayluAperculum: but it's pretty bad09:38
rhalffhi I installed lvm2, shouldn't there be an init script in /etc/init.d ? there is none..09:38
sebsebsebtavi: hi09:39
dotchhello all. I would be grateful for some advice on how to disable the network connection notification bubble in intrepid. thanks09:39
tavidoes someone know how to midify the tension where modem fail?09:39
aya_hello, is the JJ release will be delayed until august?09:40
sebsebseb!jaunty > aya_09:40
ubottuaya_, please see my private message09:40
raylucreator-cdsc: ah ha, found it. http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm09:40
happydaisy... When upgrading from Jaunty to Intrepid (using update-manager -d) I was forced to quit halfway through downloading the packages. Now I can't figure out how to get back to the upgrade program again09:41
Aperculumraylu: what I want is more highlevel09:41
rayludotch: do you reconnect often? or are you on a stable wireless connection09:41
Aperculumlike changing my network profile09:41
sebsebsebhappydaisy: uh you meant from Intrepid to Jaunty?09:41
rayluAperculum: yeah, same here. i've gone back to using nm-applet :(09:41
sebsebsebhappydaisy: wrong channel go to #ubuntu+109:41
zagibuhas noone got a winxp guest running in qemu?09:41
rayludotch: *wired09:41
sebsebseb!jaunty >  happydaisy09:41
ubottuhappydaisy, please see my private message09:41
magnetronzagibu→ several has.09:42
dotchraylu, im on a laptop so i switch between wired ethernet and wifi a lot and its annoying popping up all the time, the swirling connection thingy is quite enough for me-no need for the huge bubble09:42
zagibui get a problem after installation, it can't find its disk09:42
Aperculumalso, does ubuntu 9.04 fix the ubuntu networkmanager so that it does remember my fixed ip settings09:42
Aperculuminstead of always falling back to dhcp on reboot09:42
rayluAperculum: where did you set those settings?09:43
abchirkok its upgrading sebsebseb and nhasian :)09:43
sebsebsebAperculum: probably not and you can find out more in #ubuntu+109:43
nhasianabchirk, great.  you know its gonna upgrade again in like two weeks right?  hehe09:43
sebsebsebnhasian: nah only if he says to intall 9.04.09:43
abchirknhasian hmmm, I guess I will stay with intrepid. :P09:43
rayludotch: no easy way comes to mind. we were talking about http://vidner.net/martin/software/cnetworkmanager/ , but it's pretty disappointing09:43
sebsebsebabchirk: I think staying with  8.10 untill  9.10 would be a good idea for many people, for various reasons09:44
rayludotch: i suspect there's a way to configure it with knotify... if you were using knetworkmanager09:44
nhasianabchirk, i cant wait to upgrade to 9.0409:44
sebsebsebabchirk: only major imporvement in 9.04 is optional Ext4 suppourt. and  that's not exactly stable.  ,but by 9.10 :d09:44
abchirknhasian yes.. but thats only my laptop.. on my desktop I will try it.09:44
sebsebsebnhasian: I am using the beta now, I am not exactly impressed09:45
ubottuJaunty Jackalope is the codename for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 23rd, 2009 -  Schedule in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyReleaseSchedule - Lots of breakage between now and April 23rd - Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support.09:45
dotchraylu, thank you for your contribution. I'm afraid its gnome for me :)09:45
abchirkmaybe the same as with 8.10 :P09:45
sebsebsebabchirk: 8.10 was ok09:45
sebsebsebabchirk: no KDE 3 in the repo though :(09:45
rayludotch: you can still use it. i use amarok in gnome09:45
abchirksebsebseb but when it was released it was very buggy here.09:46
nhasiansebsebseb, its not gonna be a major revolution in a six month development cycle.  think of it more like a windows service pack :)09:46
Palace_Chanim able to connect to the internet wirelessly but only local apparently when i use ethernet cable (happens to me both in ubuntu & windows) and started randomly today after my laptop came back from sleep mode, any ideas what it could be ?09:46
nhasiansebastien, newer versions of gnome, xserver, faster boot times, latest kernel ext4 filesystem support, etc.09:47
nhasianwoops i meant sebsebseb09:47
abchirkbut ext4 isn't stable yet?09:47
SalagirHello. I have the 7.10 and today i wanted to share a folder for windows xp. It was easy and all: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpSamba#Graphical%20Configuration    But when I want to access to it, it asks for a password (althought the doc said it won't). I've been searching the net for an hour... Can you help me ?09:47
sebsebsebabchirk: there are still issues with Ext4 yes09:48
nhasianabchirk, its been moved from the development branch to the stable branch of the linux kernel09:48
choicehi, i'm editing fstab to mount smb shares on boot, under "server" can i put an IP?09:48
Abracadabralooks like I do have a question in fact :). I can't understand lzm. Can someone shed some light ?09:49
nhasianabchirk, there is an issue about losing data when the power goes out due to the way gnome/kde handles files in the home directory09:49
=== star is now known as Guest89937
Jimi_NeutralHi all09:49
nhasianhello Jimi_Neutral09:49
chaphi I'm tying to install gimp 2.2 on 8.10 besides 2.6. is this possible?09:49
abchirkhehe ok I'll wait with ext4 then...09:50
tavicommand to see the name of the modem?09:50
ActionParsnipchap: to have 2 versions of gimp do you mean?09:50
Jimi_Neutralnhasian: I finally got 8.10 fully installed and am exploring the new and exciting world of lINUX :)09:50
popeysebsebseb: what issues?09:50
chapActionParsnip, exactlly09:51
UbuntuUserhi all09:51
Jimi_NeutralIs there a general chat room?09:51
nhasianJimi_Neutral, congrats!  it is fun and exciting to learn a new OS.  try to be patient and not get frustrated, we will be happy to help09:51
dotchraylu, true that! I shall think about it and the download is not too hefty. I appreciate your input09:51
popeyJimi_Neutral: #ubuntu-offtopic :)09:51
Jimi_Neutralnhasian, Ty :)09:51
UbuntuUsercould you help me resolve my memory stick problem?09:51
Jimi_Neutralpopey, ty :)09:51
ActionParsnipchap: hmm, not sure about that, you could use a chroot to have the other version on the chroot. that could work09:51
funginHi. I have written a script http://paste.ubuntu.com/143353/ that should update local copy of svn repo and it does when launched manually from shell, yet it won't work while triggered by cron. It seems that performing svn update >> file.log stucks/is not performed/i-don't-know-what but the result file is empty (filled with \n characters, one per each launch) and no update is performed. Anyone can help how to correct that script so that it would work. Restarti09:51
sebsebsebpopey: lol at asking me here,  anyway apparantly it maybe isn't quite the case anymore according to #ubuntu+109:52
sebsebsebpopey: apparnatlly the major dataloss issue got fixed, but maybe not in the best way09:52
nhasiansebsebseb, but it wont be merged into the kernel till 2.6.30 right?09:52
UbuntuUsermy card reader in my notebook can`t detect my memory stick card in lastest ubuntu relase09:52
chapActionParsnip, I got the hint to install 2.2 from etch from source with checkinstall. but configure failed09:53
sebsebsebnhasian: nah therre will be optional supourt in 9.04  find out mroe in #ubuntu+109:53
ActionParsnipchap: etch is debian, this is #ubuntu09:53
chapActionParsnip, I know, but this could be my error09:54
pyxi good day, i am having trouble connecting redhat to tiscali ADSL.09:54
pyxi              I have put the modem in to bridge mode and have tried pppoe but i09:54
pyxi              think the connection needs to be pppoa, i have tried the module09:54
pyxi              but no success, has anybody tried this before (and yes i should09:54
pyxi              upgrade but this is for something that i need the old redhat for)09:54
FloodBot1pyxi: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.09:54
popeypyxi: this isnt a Red Hat support channel :)09:55
ActionParsnipchap: i'd say it was, debian debs are compiled for debian, ubuntu debs are compiled for ubuntu. do not mix them or you WILL get trouble with yuor system09:55
rayluchap, ActionParsnip: chroot is overkill. you can compile it from source without 'install'ing it and just run it from your home directory09:56
ActionParsnipraylu: thats another option too09:56
ActionParsnipraylu: always more than 1 way to skin a cat09:56
chapraylu, so where do I get a gimp 2.2 for ubuntu?09:57
funginplsorry, did anyone answer my question, my connection broke down09:57
rayluchap: the source from here: http://www.gimp.org/downloads/09:58
Palace_Chanif my ethernet stopped providing me with more than a local connection but my wireless still works (in both windows and ubuntu) and my roomates are not facing the same issue, should i guess some sort of hardware failure is most likely ?09:58
abhishekiitdwill i be able to upgrade to 9.04 final from 9.04 beta?without actually downloading 9.04?09:58
spaceboyhi all09:58
ubottuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation.  Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - see also !automate09:58
pyxi_good day, anybody know how to get pppoa running on linux ? i have  tried google and i have tried it but i can not get it up and running09:59
pyxi_i wanted to get it running on tiscali uk ADSL09:59
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about pppoa09:59
chapraylu, ActionParsnip ok, thanks to you two. I will give it a try!09:59
spaceboycan anybody answer a question about the command 'dig'09:59
pyxi_spaceboy: whats the question ?10:00
popeypyxi: what modem?10:00
ActionParsnipabhishekiitd: yes, as you update your system you will update into final as yuo have jaunty repos enabled10:00
ubottuYou want to connect via dial-up? Read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DialupModemHowto - Also try disabling/removing KNetworkManager if KDE applications cannot connect using dial-up10:00
[SilverFox]Hello I'm worried about switching to Ubuntu. Reason is I have a Video card crupption issues maybe in memory or something maybe cpu.. Anyways what I have been doing in windows is using rev tuner to underclock my video card by about 5%... Since then I have had windows running almost 30 days now not one crash.. Before I was crashing 5-10 times a day.10:00
spaceboyif i dig a remote site and the answer comes back localhost whats going on10:00
zagibuspaceboy: got an entry in /etc/hosts?10:01
popeypyxi: which specific modem10:01
amigo_richfungin: Is the svn command in your path for the crontab?10:02
spaceboyzagibu: yes10:02
zagibulike what?10:02
spaceboyzagibu: this is from multiple boxes10:02
zagibuwell, it sounds like a dns problem, then10:03
spaceboyzagibu: i guess my ? is why would thet change thier A record10:03
pyxi_ubottu: running it in console based  and ADSL10:03
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)10:03
g33k_gir1i can't get my windows share to be writeable... any ideas?10:04
g33k_gir1!windows share10:04
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about windows share10:04
ubottuSamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.10:04
zagibuspaceboy: i have no idea, i'm not exactly savvy when it comes to dns10:04
zirodayg33k_gir1: how did you share it?10:04
spaceboyzagibu: cool10:05
g33k_gir1@ziroday erm -- I edited the samba conf file10:05
ekenixwhen i boot up, i got this msg 'unable to enumerate USB device on port 1'. did anyone encounter the same situation?10:05
zambai have made a mistake in the /etc/sudoers file.. so when i now try to issue 'sudo su' i'm given an error.. how can i fix this?10:05
zirodayg33k_gir1: can you pastebin that please?10:05
ekenixi had my ubuntu installed in my usb disk10:05
chapActionParsnip, same error here on configure10:06
zagibuzamba: you can always boot from a live cd, mount your disk and edit the file there10:06
Ubersoldatzamba: or reboot on level 110:06
ActionParsnipchap: do you have the -dev dependancies?10:06
g33k_gir1ziroday: http://paste.ubuntu.com/143362/10:06
ActionParsnipchap: and have you install build-essential10:06
ActionParsniphi g33k_gir110:06
g33k_gir1ActionParsnip: hey :D10:06
zagibuif you can't boot from a live cd, you can try to hit esc at grub menu, hit e to edit boot entry and change init=bla to init=/bin/bash, then hit enter and b to boot into a shell10:07
zambazagibu: aki10:07
zambaUbersoldat: 'telinit 1'?10:07
zirodayg33k_gir1: try writeable = yes10:07
zambaUbersoldat: won't that prompt for a password?10:07
zambaUbersoldat: the root password hasn't been set, since this is ubuntu :p10:08
Ubersoldatwait, not telinit 1, if you start the server on init 1 it wont ask for a password10:08
chapActionParsnip, dont know what you mean for deps. here is the error http://paste.ubuntu.com/143363/10:08
zambaUbersoldat: i have to do this in grub?10:08
ActionParsnipchap: well clearly you need the glib development package10:08
Tausg33k_gir1, also make sure that the windows share actually has ticked "users can change files in this folder" option in the settings pane10:09
GhabitHello. Is it ok to try ext4 or reiser4 fs? Or they are not really ready?10:09
ActionParsnipchap: just like firefox depends on xul-runner, you need the development packages for the source code for all the things needed to compile the app10:09
g33k_gir1ziroday: I did it just like this, which works perfectly (although its a different drive): http://paste.ubuntu.com/143366/10:09
g33k_gir1Taus: I'm working from the command line only?10:09
UbersoldatTo temporarily boot on runlevel 1, append 1 as kernel parameter by editing grub menu before you execute a boot target.10:09
zambaUbersoldat: ok10:09
asfjiohello, how can i tell apt-get to install older version of program?10:10
zirodayGhabit: they are both not used by default, if its system critical then don't trust 'em10:10
ActionParsnipchap: what is the output of: dpkg -l | grep libglib10:10
chapActionParsnip, yes. what are their names, so I can install them throug apt-get?10:10
zirodayg33k_gir1: heh, this is why I hate samba. NFS is soo much easier10:10
ActionParsnipchap: yes but you need to know what to get with websearching10:11
g33k_gir1ziroday: lol, well, I'm willing to do it any way. its the office server, running ubuntu server...10:11
Rytmisg33k_gir1: I don't suppose you have "security = user" set in your samba config?10:11
zirodayg33k_gir1: sharing to just unix computers? Or are windows computers involved too?10:11
chapActionParsnip, the output is here http://paste.ubuntu.com/143368/10:12
g33k_gir1Rytmis: its commented out...10:12
Rytmisg33k_gir1: try replacing that with "security = share"10:12
Rytmisg33k_gir1: apparenlty, user is the default value.10:12
pyxi_g33k_gir1: if you put the security to share ?10:12
Rytmisapparently, too10:12
g33k_gir1ziroday: unix, serving our internet, sharing to 1 ubuntu machine and 5 windoze10:13
ActionParsnipchap: ok well you are compiling and its looking for glib, you have libglib2.0 installed so you need: sudo apt-get install libglib2.0-dev10:13
pyxi_in the new config there was something else you need to change to before windows could see the share10:13
g33k_gir1Rytmis: but still leave it commented?10:13
=== happydaisy is now known as happy
zirodayg33k_gir1: wait, samba over the internet?10:13
ActionParsnipchap: and you will need this for ALL the things it moans about until you satisfy it10:13
Rytmisg33k_gir1: no, I mean replace the commented-out line with an uncommented "security = share"10:13
Rytmisg33k_gir1: I suspect changing comments alone would do little to help. :)10:14
g33k_gir1ziroday: no, samba over the internal network10:14
zirodayg33k_gir1: right, well I have no idea why the first share works and the second doesn't. Sorry.10:14
xieUbtl can not start my netbeans,who have met this problem?10:15
g33k_gir1ziroday: yes, neither did my "gentoo expert" I have on hand10:15
zirodayxieUbt: errors?10:15
zirodayg33k_gir1: sounds like a fun workplace10:15
RytmisSamba has a lot of moving parts10:15
kushiitdhi i am new here.I want help to make my windows default operating system.I edited menu.lst file and now when i choose windows i get error 12 invalid device requested.Please provide a solution for this10:15
zirodaykushiitd: you broke it10:16
chapActionParsnip, can you help me about that, I am new to this.10:16
zirodaykushiitd: okay, you can either a) Recreate your grub or b) try to repair it from within grub10:16
xieUbtwho can help my netbeans problem?10:16
magnetronkushiitd→ please restore the original menu.lst, then give it to us10:16
Jimi_NeutralIm having major trouble with Clonezilla still. As far as  I can tell everything was set up right but when I start the process on the laptop that the image is to be taken from I get a fatal error stop. 'Failed to mount root file system!!' anyone come across this before10:17
RytmisxieUbt: nobody if you won't tell us what the errror is.10:17
zirodaymagnetron: I don't think he can even boot into his machine10:17
g33k_gir1ziroday: no. its not. its soul destroying. because i "know a bit about computers", I provide low level tech support. I think i might scream the next time someone asks me to show them, once again, how to burn a C10:17
ActionParsnipchap: you need to attempt the ./configure again and see what is missing, then websearch the error you get to see what -dev you need10:17
g33k_gir1ziroday: CD, that is10:17
Rytmisg33k_gir1: gack!10:17
zirodayg33k_gir1: heh, probably #ubuntu-offtopic is the best place to whine about it :)10:17
Rytmisg33k_gir1: I'm a software developer, been doing this for about eight years now, and whenever I tell that to a person I've never met, they assume I find it interesting to fix their borked, ancient Windows machine :P10:18
ActionParsnipchap: this is why i suggested the chroot, as you can use packages but compile will allow you to have one version of gimp installed with package and one sat compiled but not installed to /etc  and the like10:18
pyxi_g33k_gir1: whats the permissions on the shared folder (the one that does not want to be shared)10:18
xieUbtthe netbeans just doesn't show and l got a exception BufferUnderflowException10:18
amigo_richkushiitd: What did you change in menu.lst? Could you post the file someplace?10:18
UbersoldatxieUbt: are you using sun's jvm?10:19
xieUbtl got the exception when l run netbeans --help in terminal10:19
xieUbtyes.you are right10:19
xieUbtbut my environment is correct10:20
Fitchnhasian: Well I upgraded to 9.04 and the option to view wireless networks is still greyed out10:20
xieUbtUbersoldat:you think l should change another jvm?10:20
kushiitdhttp://www.mibbit.com/up/PoQNCysv.menu file kushiitd10:21
xieUbtUbersoldat:use openjdk?10:21
Ubersoldatno, I think you should use sun's jvm10:21
g33k_gir1pyxi_: 075510:21
abhishekiitdkushiitd: please paste the file at nopaste.org10:21
Ubersoldatif you're, then it's something else10:21
g33k_gir1Rytmis: changing security to shared gives me "unable to retrieve mount share from server" or something liek that10:22
Ubersoldatanyway, I'll try to download and reinstall netbeans since the error it's kind of weird10:22
nhasianFitch, there are no restricted drivers available for you?10:22
kushiitdhere is the file http://www.nopaste.org/p/aNT51ACeY10:23
Fitchwhoa hey there is now10:23
Rytmisg33k_gir1: OK, well, it was guesswork anyway. Be a lot easier if I actually had an Ubuntu machine here to try things with. :)10:23
Rytmisg33k_gir1: sorry :)10:23
Ghabit_Is there some way to do sort of a network installing without CD-ROM?10:23
zirodayGhabit_: yep!10:23
ziroday!install | Ghabit_ one of these links should have it10:24
ubottuGhabit_ one of these links should have it: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation.  Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - see also !automate10:24
g33k_gir1Rytmis: :)10:24
dotchhello all. I would be grateful for some advice on how to fix an error with samba that leaves me unable to connect to windows shares. i get the following error "Unable to mount location-Failed to retrieve share list from server".  thanks10:24
kushiitdmagnetron: here is the file http://www.nopaste.org/p/aNT51ACeY10:24
erwin_Very mysterious 8.10 issue: windows no longer focus when clicked on (except the title bar), nor can I alt-click to drag them except on the title bar. I don't recall changing anything and have not JUST installed upates. Any ideas?10:24
Fitchnhasian: Woot! thanks a ton got it working10:25
nhasianFitch, your welcome10:25
zirodayGhabit_: in fact the first link does10:25
Fitchpretty cool community you guys got here10:25
Jimi_NeutralIm having major trouble with Clonezilla still. As far as  I can tell everything was set up right but when I start the process on the laptop that the image is to be taken from I get a fatal error stop. 'Failed to mount root file system!!' anyone come across this before10:25
nhasianFitch, you had the broadcom wifi right?10:25
Ghabit_ziroday: Thanks a lot! X)10:25
Rytmiserwin_: I've seen that issue, something to do with window manager settings. Can't recall the specifics, though. :(10:25
Fitchok this was driving me nuts all day and I have been up way to long, time to crash.  Thanks again10:27
kushiitdamigo_rich: menu.lst file http://www.nopaste.org/p/aNT51ACeY10:27
xieUbtwho can help my netbeans problem,l just update my linux kernel,when l click the netbeans execute file.the netbeans show one second,and no more action.l run neabeans --help in terminal and it shows me an exception:bufferunderflow.10:27
xieUbtl use netbeans 6.110:27
magnetronkushiitd→ is this the original file, or the modified one?10:27
xieUbtany one meet this problem?10:28
kushiitdmagnetron: original10:28
|_ockeso i cant get my new 7900gs working in ubuntu 8.0410:29
pyxi_g33k_gir1 try putting this in the smb.conf "usershare owner only = False" under usershare ?10:29
o0Chris0oany ops in here able to edit ubottu?10:30
xieUbtwho can help my netbeans problem.l just update my linux kernel,when l click the netbeans execute file,the netbeans show one second,and no more action,l run neabeans --help in terminal and it shows me an exception:bufferunderflow.10:30
erwin_Rytmis: Hmm can't find anything under /apps/metacity/general except raise_on_click setting -- which is already set.10:30
|_ocketried restricted manager and envyng higest and sedond versions10:30
magnetronkushiitd→ just edit the line that says "default 0" to "default 6"10:30
ziroday|_ocke: what drivers do you have installed currently and where has it failed at?10:30
chapActionParsnip, do I have to add supprt for every fileformat?10:30
Rytmiserwin_: just checking, but are you sure you're running metacity, and not, say, compiz?10:30
kushiitdmagnetron: ok thanks let me try it.10:31
ActionParsnipchap: ive never compiled gimp, nor do i use it so I couldnt comment10:31
ActionParsnipchap: you could ask in #gimp maybe10:31
erwin_Rytmis: Just metacity is running, yeah.10:32
|_ockecurrently i used envyng to install the 96 drivers and its the same with the 179 or whatever,  i have compiz, but when i rotate the cube i just see the outline and its all white with the apps projected off the planes but also all white10:32
|_ockeat the login screen it shows up but onnly displays the top left 800x600 p[ixels the rest are nowhere and cant scroll with mouse10:32
ziroday|_ocke: so you are suffering from an nvidia bug?10:32
|_ockebut i can see the login and password window10:33
freinhardhow do i replace all tabs at the beginning of a line by 4 spaces with a regular expression?10:33
chapActionParsnip, I got errors about jpg and tiff, and cant find anything through websearch10:33
|_ockeziroday, pparently i've been tryng to get an nvidia card for a couple years now10:33
freinhard2 tabs => 8 spaces10:33
ziroday|_ocke: which version of the drivers are you using?10:33
|_ockecause i had ati x1300 and compiz fusion worked perfect10:33
thefedsGPL license requirement of Linux make it illegal for graphic card manufacturers, printer manufacturers, sound card manufacturers, and various other device manufacturers to develop and distribute closed source binary drivers.10:33
|_ockebut nothing else10:33
thefedsGPL license requirement of Linux make it illegal for graphic card manufacturers, printer manufacturers, sound card manufacturers, and various other device manufacturers to develop and distribute closed source binary drivers.10:33
FloodBot1thefeds: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.10:33
|_ockei wanted nvidia for that and everything else10:33
|_ockebut i nstal it and i dont have any real hardware accel now lol10:33
thefedsI can't use the NVIDIA driver legally.10:33
ActionParsnipchap: try: sudo apt-get install libtiff4-dev10:34
Nom-Hi All... can anyone point me to any doco on tuning NFSv4 on hardy?  I only seem to be getting ~ 8MB/sec on 100Mbps network10:34
thefedsdamn it!10:34
|_ockean\d its a really big bad card10:34
thefedsI hate this....10:34
ActionParsnipthefeds: why not?10:34
thefedsdid you read what I posted10:34
|_ocketakes 2 ide power connectors into one 6 pin connector for power on the vidcard10:34
thefedsscroll up10:34
ziroday|_ocke: this isn't a soapbox. We are trying to help you. What drivers do you have installed currently?10:34
clearscreenthefeds: that's incorrect10:34
ActionParsnipthefeds: why would that make it illegal?10:35
thefedsI was thinking of going a different distro because ubuntu supplied religious software10:35
thefedsI don't agree with it10:35
clearscreenthefeds: GPL license only prohibits the development of closed-source software when GPL-licensed source is being used, which is clearly not the case10:35
rhalffthefeds: so go.. :p10:35
ActionParsnipthefeds: nvidia have been making closed binary drivers for years and have had no action taken on them10:36
clearscreenActionParsnip: because it's not illegal10:36
ActionParsnipthefeds: then dont install the religious software, simple (surely)10:36
no-goany1 knows how to solve creative xfi soundcard problem in intrepid ibex ?10:36
ActionParsnipthefeds: i think you are over thinking this whole thing dude10:36
thefedsI won't support a distro that advocates religion10:37
melikanyone here use deluge?10:37
bazhangthefeds, stop that10:37
tel0sno-go: please be a bit more specific. There are plenty of things that can go wrong with sound. what exactly is your issue with the card?10:37
ziroday!anyone | melik10:37
ubottumelik: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?10:37
rhalffthefeds: so create your own distro10:37
clearscreenActionParsnip: not only that but he's factually wrong too... it is not illegal to develop closed source drivers for an open-source operating system.. it's just not true10:37
bazhang!ot > thefeds10:37
ubottuthefeds, please see my private message10:37
ActionParsnipif I use partimage to create a backup of a partition, do I need to create the destination partition the image is going to be used to the same size as the source?10:38
ActionParsnipclearscreen: true10:38
rhalffthefeds: you would have to scan the developer and volunteer lists also, to filter them from religous contributions.10:38
no-goanyone solved creative XFI soundcard problem in Intrepid Ibex ?10:38
ActionParsnipno-go: yep, dont buy creative products10:39
clearscreenAnd if he's such an idealist.. I welcome him to improve hardware acceleration in the open-source alternatives, because im sure as hell not going to use xorg-nv, and nouveau is too premature10:39
tel0sno-go: please be a bit more specific. There are plenty of things that can go wrong with sound. what exactly is your issue with the card?10:39
no-golove creative, but can't find a solution to get it working on my vaio 4GB system10:39
bazhangclearscreen, please take chat to #ubuntu-offtopic thanks10:39
melikanyone who uses deluge here; my deluge just lost all it's torrents10:40
no-goit is only partially recognised10:40
melikhow can i retreive them back10:40
ActionParsnipno-go: creative have difficulty supporting windows10:40
no-gosound in preferences sees it10:40
zirodaymelik: are they partly downloaded or completely downloaded?10:40
no-gobut only get any sound when all options are OSS10:40
no-gotried to solve all Alsa solution I could find10:40
melikziroday, no i meant my deluge is completely empty now10:40
meliki still have al lthe files10:41
zirodaymelik: okay, then just re add the .torrent files10:41
meliki'd have to re-DL them :/10:41
no-goup to now all solutions I could find in any forum did zilch to get it to work10:41
zirodaymelik: if the files are still there deluge will start where it left of10:41
IronWilliamCashmelik: yes but they will resume automatically where they were10:41
melikthey were all tmp files; does deluge have a folder where they store it10:41
ActionParsnipno-go: maybe jaunty will help, personally i boycott creative due to sucky support10:41
no-go@parship they do have a beta driver for ubuntu though tested at the 7.10 version10:42
zirodaymelik: its where you requested the file be saved10:43
ActionParsnipno-go: if you can get the source, yuo can compile it10:43
no-golol am to newbie to compile anything10:44
no-gowish I could it would save a lot of problems most likey10:44
ActionParsnipno-go: then you'll have to learn, oh the joys of creative eh (NOT)10:44
HamidRezai need a software for call wating in dial-up connection10:45
no-gowell the joys of creative are more as those of microsoft10:45
linduxedif ive got a company that needs a new WiFi AP that should cover 2 floors, each somewhere around 200m^2 or more, how much should one pay? (or do you guys know a must buy AP?)10:46
ActionParsnipno-go: i use neither10:46
linduxedOT - if ive got a company that needs a new WiFi AP that should cover 2 floors, each somewhere around 200m^2 or more, how much should one pay? (or do you guys know a must buy AP?)10:46
zirodaylinduxed: ask in #hardware10:46
ActionParsnip!ot | linduxed10:46
ubottulinduxed: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!10:46
EagleScreen_hello I need some program to recovry a file from a past ext3 filesystem10:46
linduxedziroday: kthx10:47
linduxedActionParsnip: got it10:47
melikziroday, http://i40.tinypic.com/fdu0km.png10:47
melikthats what i mean all my torrents are gone10:47
no-goActionParship, I understand you don't but still it won't help me solve the problem :D10:48
oCean_!recover | EagleScreen_10:48
ubottuEagleScreen_: Some tools to recover lost data are listed and explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery - Recovering deleted files on !ext3 filesystems can be virtually impossible, although methods that might work is some cases are described at at http://www.xs4all.nl/~carlo17/howto/undelete_ext3.html and http://projects.izzysoft.de/trac/ext3undel10:48
zirodaymelik: yes, re-enter the .torrent files and it will be fine10:48
ActionParsnipmelik: you use ktorrent as well as deluge?10:48
melikno ActionParsnip10:48
melikjust deluge10:48
no-goand I hate not having my music, or being able to watch a movie with decent sound10:48
ActionParsnipmelik: its in your dock ;)10:48
melikwhere ActionParsnip10:48
ActionParsnipmelik: and running10:48
melikoh thats xchat10:49
ActionParsnipmelik: blue arrow pointing down10:49
melikthats deluge10:49
melikanyways ziroday i dont have the .torreent files10:49
ActionParsnipmy bad, its also the icon for ktorrent10:49
boxhey, i can't upgrade to 9.04 with upgrade-manager -d, it doesn't recognize that a dist upgrade is available. i did try to upgrade last night and it was working but i cancelled while it was downloading packages (hadn't started installing yet). Now it doesn't work. what can i try?10:49
melikbox its update-manager -d10:49
bazhangbox #ubuntu+1 for that10:49
meliknot upgrade-manager10:49
zirodaymelik: take a peek in ~/.config/deluge/torrentfiles10:50
boxmelik: that's what i meant ;)10:50
|_ockek im outta here10:50
zirodayActionParsnip: he's using the breathe iconset which nicks stuff from oxygen10:50
melikno such folder :/10:50
boxmelik: update-manager doesn't see the dist upgrade10:50
meliku can try10:50
hetthey, guys. can anyone help me with this keyring thing?10:51
meliksudo apt-get dist-upgrade10:51
hettI need to remove anything connected to it :)10:51
zirodaymelik: in deluge go to Edit > Preferences, where does it say it stores your torrent files?10:51
hettespecially for my wireless connection.10:51
boxmelik: tried that too10:51
ActionParsnipziroday: gotcha10:51
hetthow can I switch it off?10:51
melikziroday, it doesnt copy the torrent files10:52
melikill turn it now for future cases10:52
no-gohett try to delete the keyring10:52
meliku got any other ideas?10:52
zirodaybox: do gksudo update-manager -c10:52
hettno-go: how?10:52
zirodaymelik: what?10:52
hettwhere is it?10:52
IronWilliamCashmelik: hahahaah so how did you enjoy x-men origins: wolverine ( couldn't help but notice on your desktop ) :P10:52
no-gohett use terminal10:52
melikIronWilliamCash, it was good ;P10:53
hettyep...but where is it located...?10:53
no-gosomething like ~rm nameoffile10:53
mib_2ozkgxvlHow can I give a user SUDO access via terminal/10:53
melikziroday, it didnt save the torrent files; because it wasnt checked on10:53
zirodaymelik: well then you need to redownload the torrent files10:53
no-gohett try searching for it10:53
hettno-go: hmm...thanks man, it's in .gnome2/keyring folder...10:53
PrebenRhi. I need to change the Fn-F1 function on my Eee 1000. Do I then do it through acpi ? /etc/acpi I mean10:54
PrebenRsleep doesn't work and I want hibernate10:54
no-gohett I hope deleting it would solve your probs10:54
mib_2ozkgxvlHow can I give a user SUDO access via terminal?10:54
no-go(though it should)10:54
melikdamn it :(10:55
melikok thanks ziroday10:55
no-gomib do you mean root or just sudo10:55
GhabitAnyone can help me with no-cd installing? I have some troubles during installation.10:55
mib_2ozkgxvlWell, access to all settings10:55
hettno-go: yep, it helps. It's on my laptop. I've rebooted. now it's working perfect. thanks a lot10:55
PrebenRGhabit, tell your problem10:55
no-gohett yw10:55
no-gomib that is root10:55
no-gomib use regular command sudo -i10:56
no-gouse a standard pw, you don't mind sharing10:56
funginHi, once again about that scrip http://paste.ubuntu.com/143353/ . Does anyone knowhow tomake it work when triggered in cron? It does work when launched manually from shell, yet when launched by cron the redirected output of command svn update is empty, mogeover no update is made. How to make svn work in cron in taht script?10:57
GhabitPrebenR: I have downloaded initrd.gz and vmlinuz files from http://ftp.mgts.by/pub/ubuntu/dists/jaunty/main/installer-i386/current/images/hd-media/ . Then I've booted it using grub. Then I set up language, then dialog tryes to search some ISO, but I have not it.10:57
ActionParsnip!adduser | mib_2ozkgxvl10:57
ubottumib_2ozkgxvl: To add new users to your Ubuntu system, follow the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddUsersHowto - For administrative privileges, users need to be made members of the group "admin" - See !sudo10:57
mib_2ozkgxvlThat doesnt work no-go it says i am not in the sudoers list10:57
no-gomib ??10:57
mib_2ozkgxvlI did what you said10:57
mib_2ozkgxvlAnd it says the user is not in sudoers list10:58
hybr1derhello i get an error when i try to open one of my disks it says: no mount object for mounted volume, it still mounts it but its a bit annoying since no service can access it before i double click on it10:58
no-gomib that is a problem I have not encountered yet, maybe Action Parship can help here10:58
mib_2ozkgxvlWhat? what is that10:58
no-gosomeone in the chat here10:58
mib_2ozkgxvlWell basicly I need to find a way to edit the sudoers file10:59
no-gobesides he did if I read correctly10:59
no-gohe said !adduser |10:59
ActionParsnipmib_2ozkgxvl: please direct you text, see how your name highlights when i address you. thats not an accident11:00
no-gouse adduser option11:00
ActionParsnipmib_2ozkgxvl: you need to read the factoid and how to add the user to the admin group, this will allow them to use *sudo11:00
ubottuTo add new users to your Ubuntu system, follow the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddUsersHowto - For administrative privileges, users need to be made members of the group "admin" - See !sudo11:00
mib_2ozkgxvlThing is, I cant adduser because i dont have the rights11:01
ActionParsnipmib_2ozkgxvl: again, target yor speech11:01
no-gomib then let the admin user do this11:01
ActionParsnipmib_2ozkgxvl: you could boot to recovery root console and edit the users there11:01
PrebenRGhabit, what are you trynt to install jaunty on?11:02
mib_2ozkgxvlno-go i AM the admin user, i just naffd the admin user to heck11:02
GhabitPrebenR: Sorry?11:02
PrebenRGhabit, I mean why do you do it that way?11:02
ActionParsnipmib_2ozkgxvl: fine, boot to recovery root console, promote a new user to be able to use sudo then you can resolve the issue11:02
PrebenRGhabit, if it is a netbook (like the asus eee) then it is easier to make a usb stick to install11:03
GhabitPrebenR: Because of I have very expensive internet traffic and cannot download live cd or alternate cd here. But I have mirror for rree.11:03
mib_2ozkgxvlHow do I do that ActionParsnip?11:03
PrebenRGhabit, ah11:03
ActionParsnipmib_2ozkgxvl: reboot, press esc LOADS and then select recovery mode for your kernel, you will see the boot messages then a menu, choose root console and you will then be dumped to a root prompt, you can then promote a user there11:04
PrebenRGhabit, so you want to install from the mirror? Not sure I understand how you avoid the internet traffic11:04
Jordan_UGhabit, Have you considered shipit?11:04
ActionParsnipmib_2ozkgxvl: reboot to logon screen, log on as the NEW user then yu will be able to sudo and fix the OLD user11:04
mib_2ozkgxvlactionparsnip so when I get to that console, what is the command for promting user/11:04
GhabitPrebenR: I have free access to the mirror here.11:04
ActionParsnipmib_2ozkgxvl: read the factoid that ubottu gave you11:05
ubottuTo add new users to your Ubuntu system, follow the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddUsersHowto - For administrative privileges, users need to be made members of the group "admin" - See !sudo11:05
GhabitJordan_U: Just looking for network installation X)11:05
PrebenRGhabit, so all traffic to the mirror is not charged?11:05
Jordan_U!minimal | Ghabit11:05
ubottuGhabit: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD11:05
PrebenRGhabit, could you then download an image to the mirror ?11:05
mib_2ozkgxvlthanks actionparsnip11:06
ActionParsnipmib_2ozkgxvl: np man11:06
PrebenRGhabit, as ubottu says MinimalCD is probably what you want. If you want Jaunty then you do an upgrade after installing 8.1011:06
Jordan_UGhabit, You can get a minimal CD for jaunty too, though for any jaunty talk please use #ubuntu+111:07
GhabitPrebenR, Jordan_U, thanks a lot for info and help!11:08
Jordan_UGhabit, np11:08
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about apt-cacher-ng11:10
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about apt-cacher11:10
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about apt-cache11:10
ubottuAPT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome) or !Adept (KDE)11:11
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about gates11:11
GhabitGuys, help me - I am searching some way to install jaunty from a local mirror, advise me please.11:11
GhabitOups, wrong channel, sorry )11:11
dayohmmm. i'm trying to understand the difference between apt-cacher and apt-cacher-ng. is ng the upgrade?11:11
dayoGhabit: #ubuntu+111:11
funginanyone can help?11:11
Ghabitdayo: Sry, wrong channel.11:11
boxis greater support for 32-bit specific code planned for future releases of ubuntu amd64?11:12
dayoGhabit: no problem11:12
D4Thi all, im trying to install hardy server on a Apple Xserve but when I get to the installer I don't seem to have power to the USB keyboard :(11:16
D4TIs there a livecd version or anything I can try?11:16
rafael_hello i am reading https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery i dont know which option to use for my case11:16
rafael_I had an ext3 partition and I formatted it with ext4, losing an important file inside it, I only want to recover one file, it is small, around 1-2 MB11:17
zagabarI have troubles with uninstalling a wine application. It runs the applications uninstaller, but nothing seems to happen.11:18
roger_i am new11:19
ActionParsnipzagabar: are you running   uninstaller   from terminal?11:19
stjepanI'm going to buy a laptop... what do you think about resolution 1920 x 1200 on a 15'' screen? is it too high?11:19
roger_what are you doing?11:19
ActionParsnipstjepan: i'd imagine its possible11:20
zagabarActionParsnip:  No, I tried to uninstall it with the applications uninstall.exe, then I tried the wine remove application utility.11:20
stjepanActionParsnip: any problems if I just increase DPI?11:20
sciboticHi, I'm having a bit of trouble with XFCE and XRANDR, I want to switch off the in-built LCD on my laptop and switch on the VGA output, which works fine the issue is when I maximise any windows on the VGA monitor, it still scales to 800x480 instead of the monitors 1280x1024, anyone know what's wrong?11:21
ActionParsnipstjepan: no idea, i dont use higher than 1024x76811:21
dayohmmm. i'm trying to understand the difference between apt-cacher and apt-cacher-ng. is ng the upgrade?11:21
crdlbscibotic: what video card?11:21
ActionParsnipstjepan: you'll have to look at each laptop on an individual basis to see if it can perform as you wish11:21
ActionParsnip!info apt-catcher11:22
ubottuPackage apt-catcher does not exist in intrepid11:22
dayo!info apt-cacher11:22
ubottuapt-cacher (source: apt-cacher): Caching proxy for Debian package and source files. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.6.4ubuntu1 (intrepid), package size 73 kB, installed size 304 kB11:22
sciboticcrdlb, Intel 915GM11:22
dayo!info apt-cacher-ng11:22
ubottuapt-cacher-ng (source: apt-cacher-ng): Caching proxy for distribution of software packages. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.2.1-1 (intrepid), package size 230 kB, installed size 620 kB11:22
dayoActionParsnip: thanks!11:23
mason_I love Gnome-Look11:23
mason_My Ubuntu looks awesome now :D11:23
sciboticcrdlb, The desktop scaled fine to the screen, it's just the windows that like maximizing to the original res.11:23
rafael_I need to recover a file from a formatted partition11:23
dayoActionParsnip: what's the difference between "Caching proxy for Debian package and source files"   and "Caching proxy for distribution of software packages" ?11:23
=== sam_ is now known as dougasam
crdlbscibotic: yeah, that's a function of the xinerama hints, which you can check with: xdpyinfo -ext XINERAMA | grep head11:24
ActionParsnipno idea11:24
crdlbscibotic: that should give one line, maybe two11:24
=== serenity_ is now known as s3r3n1t7
Jimi_Neutrali need to format my old laptop hdd to clone an image i just taken off it to see if i got clonezilla working right....i dont have an xp disc tho...is there any other way i can do it?11:24
saergdayo: read the long description. "Apt-Cacher is more than a simple rewrite of Apt-Cacher. It was redesigned from scratch and is written in C++ with main focus on maximizing throughput with low requirements on system resources."11:25
Saturn2888I need to mount a drive in Ubuntu Server. Seems it will not mount any NTFS drive I have11:25
sciboticcrdlb, head #0: 1280x1024 @ 0,011:25
ActionParsnipJimi_Neutral: ubuntu cd or ultimatebootcd will help11:25
Saturn2888Jimi_Neutral: use GParted or a Linux LiveCD11:25
Jimi_Neutralty both11:25
s3r3n1t7So i'm trying to run a 64bit VM on my 32bit host with a 64bit CPU. According to what i've read here ( http://it.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=08%2F12%2F22%2F167238 ) I should be able to do this. Virtualbox OSE is telling me I can't. Am i missing a vital part?11:26
mason_64bit should definitely be able to run a 32bit Virtualbox11:26
mason_What exactly is Virtualbox saying?11:27
s3r3n1t7mason_, read again please. My host is 32bit, my guest is 64bit.11:27
Jimi_Neutraland that will do an NTFS format so i can put the image of xp back on?11:27
dayosaerg: so ng *is* the upgrade?11:27
mason_You can't then11:27
s3r3n1t7mason_, read the link please.11:27
Saturn2888Any way to mount a drive and have it mount at boot from then on?11:28
buzzinhinstall webmin! do it from there11:28
s3r3n1t7!webmin | buzzinh11:28
ubottubuzzinh: webmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system. See !ebox instead.11:28
Saturn2888buzzinh: I use eBox11:28
saergdayo: ng == next generation11:28
erUSULs3r3n1t7: which version of VBOX are you running?11:28
Saturn2888lol s3r3n1t711:28
dayosaerg: upgrade. right? come on. put me out of my misery. lol11:28
s3r3n1t7erUSUL, 2.1.411:28
sciboticcrdlb, All I did was : xrandr --output LVDS --off --output VGA --mode 1280x102411:29
mason_S3r3nlt7, apparently you still need 64-bit hardware11:29
c0l2ecan I install novell iManager in ubuntu?11:29
erUSULs3r3n1t7: if you are sure your CPU is 64 bit  ask in #vbox11:29
s3r3n1t7mason_, please read the question again, twice if you don't mind. As said, my CPU is 64bit capable, my host is 32bit, my VM is 64bit. It should work, however VBox will not start it up.11:30
s3r3n1t7mason_, and don't PM please.11:30
sebsebsebc0l2e: maybe11:30
sebsebsebc0l2e: what type of program is it?11:30
sebsebsebc0l2e: and it does not have a Linux version?11:30
c0l2eIt's a eDirectory Manager11:30
mason_Eh, whatever then11:30
s3r3n1t7erUSUL, hmm i guess i don't have that many options other then that. I'll do that, thanks for your time.11:30
c0l2eeDirectory is novell's  LDAP11:30
buzzinhlol i got web min on my vm machines and it works fine!?11:31
sebsebsebc0l2e: what's a LDAP?11:31
sebsebsebc0l2e: if there's a Linux version you can install it, if not  well it dosan't sound like the kind of app people would run under Wine11:31
s3r3n1t7buzzinh, it _can_ cause unexpected issues, i've seen them happen more then once. You might be the lucky guy who has no problems.11:31
buzzinhsaturn2888 is ebox easy to install???11:32
ubottuebox is a web-based GUI interface for administering a server. It is designed to work with Ubuntu/Debian style configuration management. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/eBox11:32
c0l2ewell it's sure a linux app but for suse and opensuse in support description11:32
sebsebsebc0l2e: ok is there a  .tar.gz?11:32
Saturn2888buzzinh: Yeah. The forums are very helpful, but eBox has a different application11:32
sebsebsebc0l2e: and I guess there is no deb11:32
s3r3n1t7c0l2e, if you can find a deb for the package, just grab it from them. Otherwise you might be very lucky and grab the .rpm and convert it, but it won't be the same and might break. Best bet probably is call your supplier and ask for it.11:33
c0l2esebsebseb: yeah it's an rpm and can easily alienate it11:33
Saturn2888Webmin is GUI in brower. eBox is server/router/fileserver/webserver in browser11:33
buzzinhlol well i only use webmin to ease apache horrors11:33
sebsebsebc0l2e: alien isn't really recommended11:33
Saturn2888buzzinh: I used that in Gentoo, but eBox is better for what I was using11:33
ubottuRPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu uses !APT, not RPM. RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous and unsupported)11:33
=== tiagofalcao[AWAY is now known as tiagofalcao
buzzinhwill ebox manage apache?11:33
c0l2ewell my problem is that I've tested it few times before and I failed.. maybe there's a better way to make it work in ubuntu11:33
marie_blubbsamba-question. I entered # none in the host allow line of SWAT, now I cannot enter SWAt (god I'm stupid) I cannot go straight into the smf.conf as if I try to cange something I dont have the rights for it, and I cannot change the rights in Konquerer. I guess I have to deinstall samba and install it again, right?11:33
Saturn2888buzzinh: yep11:34
sebsebsebbuzzinh: yeah is there a .tar.gz or something like that for it?11:34
Saturn2888buzzinh: what DO you need?11:34
saergdayo: upgrade implies some kind of compatiblity. it don't know if that's true. let's say successor11:34
c0l2ewell iManager is free when your using their eDirectory11:34
buzzinhwant it for managing apache / etc we b service ftp etc11:34
c0l2ebut as I've said.. not tested in ubuntu nor any debian based distro11:34
dayosaerg: ok thanks11:34
sebsebsebc0l2e: right well,  is there only a RPM for it? or is there like .tar.gz as well?11:35
c0l2eit's rpm11:35
crdlbscibotic: hmm, it seems ok :/11:35
sebsebsebc0l2e: I think there is some way to convert a RPM to Deb without using Alien.  well  if I remember correctly Alien only runs RPM's on Ubuntu anyway11:36
s3r3n1t7c0l2e, you're trying to make a novell app work on ubuntu right?11:36
c0l2ewell gotta check chatroom again if there's some story that they installed is successfully in ubuntu11:36
crdlbscibotic: you're using xfce, right? I guess this is a bug in xfwm411:36
Saturn2888ok bye11:36
sciboticcrdlb, I'll look into it.11:36
c0l2ewell that's my problem... coz I wish to work with ubuntu.. but tied up to that iManager that's why still using suse/opensuse for that app..11:36
sebsebsebc0l2e: if  you got enough RAM, you could always Virtualmachine  a RPM based distro,  but  for that app hummmm11:36
s3r3n1t7c0l2e, don't bother, it'll break. there's too many issues with that stuff to get it working, licensing networking configurations dependencies11:37
c0l2es3r3n1t7: yeah.. that's what I've encountered11:37
buzzinhwell thanks for your help guys!11:37
buzzinhill check out ebox11:37
sebsebsebc0l2e: opensuse/suse in a vm for the app?11:37
s3r3n1t7c0l2e, best bet is to either contact your supplier for a .deb or source, or as sebsebseb suggested run it in a VM (which is what we do here at my place)11:37
c0l2ethanks guys.. as they said.. if it ain't work... it ain't work11:37
c0l2eyeah problem in VM is that the iManager itself need 512 ram...11:38
c0l2emy laptop runs with 2GB total ram only11:38
sebsebsebyou will be fine11:38
sebsebsebto do it in a vm11:38
s3r3n1t7c0l2e, Vbox runs it rather smoothly, you'll be fine.11:38
sebsebsebvm  meory isn't quite  like  psyical anyway11:38
c0l2ehmm thanks then11:39
s3r3n1t7c0l2e, best of luck. Gotta run11:39
antiPoPHI, I have an issue, I run df -h and I get this11:39
antiPoPc/dev/sdb1 917G 204M 871G 1% /home211:40
Jimi_Neutralcan anyone recommened a good cd burner for ubuntu?11:40
antiPoPthisi is I have a toltal 917 GB and I have free 871 GB, but I'm using just 204MB11:40
antiPoPso, where are the 40GB difference??11:40
sebsebsebantiPoP: hummmmm not sure, but  you can always  use pydf to find out about your  partitiosn in terminal,  or  use a graphical program such as gparted11:40
sebsebsebJimi_Neutral: K3B is nice, but that needs KDE stuff on there, if it's not already11:41
erwin_antiPoP: There's a certain percentage of the disk reserved for root11:41
sebsebseb!burner |  Jimi_Neutral11:41
ubottuJimi_Neutral: CD/DVD Burning software: K3b (KDE), gnomebaker, brasero, serpentine, graveman, Nautilus-CD-Burner, GToaster, xcdroast (GNOME), wodim (terminal-based). Burning .iso files: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto11:41
EugenAi want to send mails from command line... but i get message: Mailing to remote domains not supported11:41
antiPoPwell, i'm loged in as root...11:41
Jimi_Neutralty guys11:42
antiPoP[erwin_] and 40GB is a lot of reserved space....11:42
erwin_antiPoP: The default is 5%. see man tune2fs.11:42
sebsebsebJimi_Neutral: more like thank me :)  ,but yeah no problem11:42
Jimi_Neutralsebsebseb: i said ty guys...plural11:43
sebsebsebJimi_Neutral: ok11:43
Jimi_Neutralsebsebseb: sorry i didnt realsie you wroe bith things lol11:44
Jimi_Neutralsebsebseb: both things*11:45
sebsebsebJimi_Neutral: yep  I triggered the bot11:45
sebsebsebJimi_Neutral: heh nevermind11:45
sebsebsebJimi_Neutral: by the way Ubuntu already has a resoanble burner built in11:45
antipop2-m reserved-blocks-percentage11:45
Jimi_Neutralsebsebseb: so which one works well with ubuntu, i d ont mind what it looks like or anything just so long as it works...and i dont have any kde stuff on here i removed it after installing it11:46
Jimi_Neutralsebsebseb: ah whats it called11:46
sebsebsebJimi_Neutral: the default    Brasero  Disk Burner should do the trick.   have you looked in the applications menu, at what you got installed?11:46
Jimi_Neutralsebsebseb: just looking now, my apologies11:47
sebsebsebJimi_Neutral: nevermind11:47
sebsebsebJimi_Neutral: and some of the KDE apps are pretty nice, and so worth having in Ubuntu/Gnome11:47
sebsebsebJimi_Neutral: ,but you don't need the whole of Kubuntu installed for them11:47
Jimi_Neutralsebsebseb: well i installed kde desktop last night but then uninstalled it....i have ly just gotted used to the new ubuntu desktop, i dont need anything else compliating this at the moment! ;)11:48
sebsebsebJimi_Neutral: you did a puregnome remove? of Kubuntu11:49
sebsebsebJimi_Neutral: if not you got KDE stuff left on there11:49
ubottuIf you want to remove all !KDE packages, type « sudo apt-get remove kdelibs4c2 ; sudo apt-get remove kdelibs5 ; sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop »11:49
Jimi_Neutrali just follwed an online thing and did this line sudo apt-get purge kdelibs511:50
Jimi_Neutral and yeah i have still seen some things left on there11:50
sebsebsebJimi_Neutral: well then the command the bot gave11:50
sebsebsebJimi_Neutral: that I triggered :d11:50
dayoi'm following this guide: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=7004774#post7004774  2. Add a proxy entry to the apt system. This is for the gui Synaptics. How do I add a proxy entry on the server?11:50
yakobmatrixcan anyone tell me how to install matlab in ubuntu?11:50
Jimi_Neutralsebsebseb: ty will do that now :)11:51
sebsebsebyakobmatrix: what's matlab?11:51
yakobmatrixmatlab for computation11:51
sebsebsebyakobmatrix: if it's in the repo    sudo apt-get install matlab11:51
yakobmatrixmatlab is only for windows11:52
sebsebsebyakobmatrix: have you tried Wine?11:52
[pablo]use freemat then11:52
dayoyakobmatrix: have u tried Scilab or Octave?11:52
sebsebsebyakobmatrix: or  by the sounds of it have you tried freemat11:53
sciboticcrdlb, The solution is to kill xfwm4 and restart it after the monitor has been set.11:53
sebsebsebyakobmatrix: sounds like there are a few alternatives :)11:53
sciboticcrdlb, Works perfectly with no ill-effects, adding that to my script. =P11:53
crdlbscibotic: nice :/ may I suggest using another WM? :)11:53
sebsebsebyakobmatrix: running  Windows apps inside a Linux Distro, should be a last resort11:53
sebsebsebNasra: hi11:53
saergyakobmatrix: they even sell a linux version11:53
sciboticcrdlb, What would you suggest? Although I'm likely to just stick with this one.11:54
crdlbscibotic: and file a bug against xfwm4 if you'd like11:54
Jimi_Neutralsebsebseb: you know which app i sue on this ultimate boot cd to format this disk....thee is dariks boot and nuke, copywipe, killdisk, pc inspector and HDDErase11:54
Nasrasebsebseb: good morning sir11:54
Nasrahow are you?11:54
NasraI got VM installed and running11:54
sebsebsebJimi_Neutral: why not the standard Ubuntu Desktop version?11:54
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crdlbscibotic: there are lots of choices: openbox if you want something light, metacity if you want something similar to xfwm411:54
sebsebsebNasra: oh right11:54
Jimi_Neutralsebsebseb:  sorry?11:54
sciboticcrdlb, Some people seem pretty enthusiastic about E1711:54
Jimi_Neutralsebsebseb: i need to format it so XP can be imaged back onto it11:55
abchirkwith which program I can scan windows partitions.. and MMC / SDD cards for viruses?11:55
sebsebsebJimi_Neutral: the ultimate boot cd????11:55
Nasrasebsebseb: it took forever11:55
Nasrabut I gotit11:55
Jimi_Neutralsebsebseb: yes that was one that was mentioned11:55
sebsebsebNasra: yeah tell me in PM or  Pidgin, since  your off topic here11:55
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!11:56
IenorandJimi_Neutral: Do you have gparted on there? (It is probably the easiest way...)11:56
sebsebsebJimi_Neutral: so your not on  the Ubuntu Desktop Live CD?  and yes you would use gparted11:56
sebsebsebNasra: go on Pidgin or  pm me11:57
mozhi! I need a language check to a text I wrote in english. I know that this isn't the right channel to ask, but can anybody tell me if there is a channel where this request wouldn't sound off topic?11:58
sebsebseb!ot |  moz11:58
ubottumoz: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!11:58
sciboticcrdlb, Thanks for the help.11:58
Jimi_Neutralsebsebseb: this laptop is using ubuntu, this is my laptop and is not being touched...i also have a ubunut server box here which has clonezilla on it....i have just taken an image off an old laptop and now i want to format that laptop and then image it with the image i took off it to see if i have clonezilla working....i dont have an XP disc to do the format of that old laptop.....so basically i am looking for something to NTFS format that old HDD11:58
etfbIs there a video driver that's generic, like the vesa one, but supports higher resolutions than 1024x768?11:59
sebsebsebJimi_Neutral: gparted should be ok11:59
ubottugparted is a !GTK/!Gnome !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php11:59
Jimi_Neutralsebsebseb: ok ty bud11:59
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ubutto11:59
dayoi'm following this guide: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=7004774#post7004774  2. Add a proxy entry to the apt system. This is for the gui Synaptics. How do I add a proxy entry on the server?11:59
Jimi_Neutralsebsebseb: inly have the 8.10 server edition disk with me, will it be ok to use that11:59
sebsebsebJimi_Neutral: and it's on the normal Ubuntu CD11:59
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots11:59
sebsebsebJimi_Neutral: it won't be on there11:59
sleepy_catsex !ubottu12:00
sebsebsebJimi_Neutral: you could partition with commands I expect though, but I don't know the commands12:00
sebsebsebJimi_Neutral: you may be able to install on  the server thingey12:00
sebsebsebJimi_Neutral: ,but gparted needs a GUI12:00
sebsebsebJimi_Neutral: so then it would install gnome to12:00
crdlbetfb: what GPU do you have?12:01
sebsebseb!botabuse | sleepy_cat12:01
ubottusleepy_cat: Please investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".12:01
Nasrano,  it did not crash.....it was working fine12:01
etfbcrdlb: ATI Radeon Mobility something-or-other.  The proprietary driver crashes randomly and is a piece of crap.12:01
Jimi_Neutralsebsebseb: hmm im kinda knackered12:01
sebsebsebNasra: your not meant to talk to me about offtopic stuff in here!12:02
crdlbetfb: the specific model would be helpful :)12:02
etfbcrdlb: 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc Mobilitiy Radeon HD 365012:03
etfbcrdlb: But I've already found the specific driver, and it's flakey.  That's why I want one that's generic.  I don't care about Compiz and high speeds, I just want 1280x800x24 and the ability to run software without it rebooting randomly.12:04
crdlbetfb: well, the radeon driver in jaunty should support that with 2d EXA and XVideo acceleration12:04
crdlbbut I guess intrepid's version is too old12:04
etfbcrdlb: I'm on Hardy.  Intrepid was awful.  I won't be upgrading for at least another six months.12:04
crdlbetfb: well, you're pretty much stuck then12:04
crdlbetfb: jaunty will only be another month unless you have determined that it is "awful" too12:05
mason_Intrepid was the first Ubuntu to automatically recognize all my drivers without my tinkering12:05
mason_Not awful12:05
etfbcrdlb: I'm on Kubuntu.  I'm not interested in downgrading to KDE 4, so I'm not shifting.12:05
Jimi_Neutralsebsebseb: i rally dont wanna have to download desktop again....ilol12:06
crdlbetfb: have you tried the radeonhd driver? the one in hardy is quite old, but I guess it might work12:06
sebsebsebJimi_Neutral: no on the server live cd you install it or whatever12:06
staar2i got  problem with vlc player, how to add the subs there ?12:06
Jimi_Neutralsebsebseb: oooo ok12:06
sebsebsebJimi_Neutral: or find out how to partition with commands, from someone else. yeah the server CD has no GUI????12:06
anurag08priyamhas anyone used PyWM?12:07
Jimi_Neutralsesebseb: it does if u install it12:07
etfbcrdlb: I'm not entirely sure how to activate it.  Is there an explanation anywhere?12:07
Jimi_Neutralsebsebseb: sod it i will do that ty seb12:07
sebsebsebJimi_Neutral: well Gparted needs Gnome12:07
crdlbetfb: install xserver-xorg-video-radeonhd and set Driver to "radeonhd"12:07
anurag08priyamhas anyone used PyWM?12:08
etfbcrdlb: OK, trying that now.  Thanks.12:10
steveccchi all - since updating my ubuntu box the sound has stopped working - I seem to remember someone mentioning that it was a service which had changed to be started by default and needed to be stopped which related to sound - can anyone advise please12:11
thefedsCan ubuntu please remove the religious software from the repositories. It's totally unnecessary.12:15
Ubersoldatreligious software?12:15
thefedsreligious software.12:16
crdlbthefeds: it's there for people who want it; please ignore it if you don't12:16
sebsebsebthefeds: lol you atheist, you12:17
=== meffe is now known as meff
sebsebsebthefeds: get some religion  install  Ubuntu Christian or Muslim  edition :D12:17
thefedsno thanks12:17
crdlbsebsebseb: please don't12:17
=== meff is now known as Guest12883
Ubersoldatoh! that kind of religious... I thought you we're talking about vim and emacs12:18
sebsebsebUbersoldat: ha ha12:18
=== antipop2 is now known as antiPoP
Ubersoldatthose are the onyl religions I know of that can be installed with aptitude :)12:18
thefedsUbuntu has Bible software.  Hey please install my Flying Spagetti bible software too canonical.12:19
Ubersoldatthefeds: I don't think that if you made it, they wouldn't include it12:19
ubottuPost your ideas for ubuntu at http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com and vote for the ones you like!12:19
Preplexedu wat do you call that thing (It in the right hand corner of the upper screen) and it tells you the strength of you wireless via them bars12:20
Ubersoldatnot under "religion" thought12:20
grawityapt-get install god12:20
thefedsI was being sarcastic12:20
etfbHmmph.  That didn't work.12:20
thefedsThere is such thing as separation of church and state, which should apply to software too.12:20
crdlbPreplexed: the command is nm-applet, it's a tray icon that runs in the Notification Area applet12:20
etfbWhat's the maximum resolution of the bog-standard Vesa driver?12:20
mapetohelp to install wireless toolkit 2.5.2 on ubntu 8.012:22
Ubersoldatthefeds: in 10 years of using Linux and IRC, you're the first one to bring this issue12:22
Juhazdon't feed the troll12:22
sebsebsebthefeds: Ubuntu Linux for human beings as their saying goes, and religions are a big part of humanity, so ony right to have some religious software available in the repo as well12:22
* Ubersoldat takes his hands of the cage12:22
Preplexed???????????? still cant get wireless12:22
UbersoldatPreplexed: buy a better wifi nic12:23
crdlbPreplexed: you only needed one of those12:23
Preplexedwata nic12:23
crdlbPreplexed: are you using gnome or another desktop?12:23
sebsebsebthefeds: as their slogan above.  maybe you should  read about  Ubuntus ideology and philosphey and such,  and find out abou the circle of friends12:23
thefedsSmoking is a big part of humanity, lets give out cigarettes in the free cd packages12:23
Juhaz!ops | thefeds12:23
ubottuthefeds: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu,  imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, Madpilot, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso,  PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!12:23
Preplexedcrd i had a wireless receotoptor indicator and now it gone12:24
prince_jammysthefeds: don't be silly.12:24
=== RaNdY is now known as RaNdY^
crdlbPreplexed: right, but are you using gnome? (ie ubuntu)12:24
Jimi_Neutralscunizi, hey you awake?12:24
tlm2024hi all12:25
xukunI,m having some strange issue with sound. I have a perfect sound when playing dvd or 720/180p movies but I have no sound what so ever when I play audio file like flac or wav. I,m using pulseaudio . Any Idea's?12:25
=== parth is now known as Guest1721
steveccchi all - since updating my ubuntu box the sound has stopped working - I seem to remember someone mentioning that it was a service which had changed to be started by default and needed to be stopped which related to sound - can anyone advise please12:26
mapetohello you all12:27
mapetoandre are you alright12:27
=== andre is now known as Guest7164
=== RaNdY^ is now known as RaNdY
=== thefeds is now known as balh
=== balh is now known as cytoplasm
lelenetany chance to hook up 4 monitors to ubuntu?12:28
ubottuPulseAudio is a sound server intended as a drop-in replacement for !ESD - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PulseAudio for information and installation instructions12:28
Ubersoldatanychance you've got the proper, supported video card?12:29
Ubersoldatvideo cards in this case12:29
Myrtticytoplasm: what are you up to?12:29
lelenetubersoldat, nVidia (2 cards 6200, 7300)12:29
lelenetmonitors of different kind 2x24, 1x19" 1x17"12:30
Ubersoldatnice setup12:30
Ubersoldatwhat are you going to do with so many pixels in front of you?12:31
sebsebsebw3bcamm: hi12:31
lelenetis it possible? with windows everthing goes well12:31
w3bcammhow can i view my webcam? what application should i use?12:31
sebsebsebw3bcamm: depends, where do you want to use your web cam?12:31
w3bcammthrough my web based chat program12:31
elkycytoplasm, you are not contributing anything of value at all. please leave.12:31
sebsebsebw3bcamm:  for example do you want people to see it on MSN?12:31
w3bcammi need to know if this webcam is detected by ubuntu 8.1012:32
sebsebsebw3bcamm: which chat program?  or more specifically which network?12:32
lelenetubersoldat, i actually have had it for a quite a long time but with windows as my OS12:32
w3bcammfirst i need to grab some screenshot from my webcam12:32
Ubersoldatlelenet: check this out, it should answer your question: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=brG3-yyvv9Q12:32
lelenetI wish to switch totally over to debian or ubuntu12:32
w3bcammany viewer12:32
xukuncan somebody tell me why I have sound when playing dvd movie but not when I play a audio/stereo file?12:32
sebsebsebelky: yes he named changed, but he is not saying anything now, so  I  guess just ignore him12:33
sebsebsebelky: he may  have gone away from his computer12:33
wookienzi have a 4 disk raid 5 setup with 4x 250gb drives. I am presently swapping them out to 500gb dirves one at a time once the raid set has rebuilt. The time it is taken it would be wuicker to copy all the data off to a one Tb drive... rebuild a brand new 4x 500gb set nd then transfer it all back on again!12:33
w3bcammsebastien: any application to use so i can do grab screenshots from this webcam?12:34
sebsebsebw3bcamm: first of all does it work?12:34
elkysebsebseb, he's had enough chances now. no, i will not ignore him.12:34
sebsebsebw3bcamm: some web cams need configuring in Ubuntu12:34
w3bcammsebsebseb: that i dont know if it works or not.i just plugged the usb of that webcam12:34
sebsebsebelky: be careful or you will get kicked maybe, if your not ignoring him in here12:34
sebsebsebelky: when he is not saying anything12:35
elkyw3bcamm, install a package called 'cheese' and see if it can show you12:35
w3bcamm16.967581] input: UVC Camera (046d:08c7) as /devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1a.7/usb3/3-4/3-4:1.0/input/input612:35
sebsebsebelky: cheese?????12:35
elkysebsebseb, please join #ubuntu-ops12:35
w3bcammi got that from dmesg12:35
w3bcammok elky12:35
sebsebsebelky: no  I am ignoring all of that stuff now :)   I am  here to help others, not to get invovled with some nonsense12:35
Myrttisebsebseb: that's what you are doing, getting involved12:36
Myrttisebsebseb: take a step back and continue with the helping12:36
elky!ops > sebsebseb12:36
ubottusebsebseb, please see my private message12:36
Jimi_Neutralok i have a novatech generic laptop with a bison cam in it. any idea where i can get the drivers for this?12:36
lelenetubersoldat, that was cool, though, i'm not much of a player; time will come for me to dive into it; watch this with the HD option http://www.onlive.com/12:36
Jimi_Neutralfor 8.1012:37
mamchon26Hello, can someone recommend me on good browser (internet) other than mozilla firefox12:37
elkysebsebseb, look at those names. there are two ops from that list active right now. please leave the issue completely alone.12:37
sebsebsebMyrtti: indeed12:37
sebsebsebelky: ok12:37
w3bcammcheese can display the result of my webcam12:37
elkysebsebseb, oh, and ^^ is why i suggested cheese.12:37
sebsebsebelky: yeah, but didn't think a package would be called cheese of all things12:38
steveccchi all how can i stop pulse audio12:38
elkysebsebseb, what does a photographer ask you to say before taking a picture?12:38
Jimi_Neutralcan you stop moving please?12:38
Ubersoldatelky: now it makes sense12:38
mrwesAnyone know how to set the backspace key in Epiphany Browser? Or where the Gnome Control Center is?12:38
sebsebsebelky: good point,  but  on a web cam they don't12:39
sebsebsebelky: that's for normal photography, not web cams, anyway off topic12:39
Ubersoldatwhat do you say for webcams then?12:39
UbersoldatI know it's offtopic, but now I'm curious12:39
caferrariluanlmd, ae12:40
timmytherawI have 2 directories, music1 and music2.  is it possible to create a symlink 'music' which merges both directories?12:40
elkysebsebseb, webcams can operate as normal cameras too12:40
w3bcammnow im puzzled how to use this webcam in this web based chat with webcam using this dimdim application12:40
jribtimmytheraw: no, that's not what a symlink does12:40
sebsebsebelky: ok good point,  by  the way regarding the op thing, no wonder I coudn't see your name before, because  your using a differnet one12:40
timmytherawjrib, is there any other way to do it?12:40
jribtimmytheraw: other than actually copying the files of one into the other, I don't know12:41
ynkhow does one unmount a disk? can't i just delete the folder i created to mount the thing?12:41
jribynk: umount12:41
elkysebsebseb, ah, i'll update that then12:41
timmytherawjrib thanks12:41
sebsebsebelky: ok12:41
jribynk: or right click -> eject12:42
mrwesWhere is the 'GNOME Control Center' ?12:42
jribmrwes: « gnome-control-center » in a Terminal12:43
ynkjrib, wow, the director went away on its own. that is awesome. thanks!12:43
crdlbmrwes: all its entries are just in system > preferences by default though12:43
mrweshrmm..I'm trying to set the backspace key for Epiphany12:43
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jribmrwes: what does that mean?12:44
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mrwesjrib, set the backspace key to navigate Epiphany browser 'back' one page, like in Firefox12:44
crdlbmrwes: alt+left isn't good enough?12:45
jribmrwes: are you sure it's possible by default?12:45
dassoukimy grub only gives me 2 options to go on ubuntu, the first and tehsecond issue a kernel panic, how can i update initramfs if i can't even get on linux12:45
mrwescrdlb, no it's not, that requires two hands :) and according to the help file it's possible12:46
jribmrwes: what help file?12:46
crdlbmrwes: not if you use the right alt :)12:46
jribmrwes: if you really want it, writing an extension to do it should be trivial12:47
mrwesWell it's not a 'help' file, but an online FAQ for Epiphany12:48
Jimi_NeutralHi guys, i have a webcam built into this cheap ass generic laptop, which is surprisingly nice now ubuntu is installed on it. Anyways i need to find a driver for it but having no luck....anyone come across the same thing?12:49
jribmrwes: system -> preferences -> appearance -> interface -> editable menu shortcut keys12:50
Jimi_NeutralIts a bison built in cam by the way12:50
* anja` add my Msn mira_reja@live.com live webcam ;)12:50
jrib!ot | anja`12:50
ubottuanja`: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!12:50
abchirkok sebsebseb update was succesful and stick is working fine! :)12:52
sebsebsebabchirk: ok good12:54
=== bac` is now known as bac
Xpticalhi all13:05
Xpticali have a need to run ubuntu on a standalone system; no connection to the internet13:05
sebsebsebXptical: ok get the xubuntu  Live CD13:05
Xpticalcan I somehow download the entire repository (rsync?) and then change my system to apt-get from localhost?13:06
sebsebsebXptical: and updates can be installed offline13:06
ubottuIf you need to download Ubuntu packages using another machine or OS, check the desired packages in Synaptic and select File > Generate package download script. Alternatively, try http://apt.alturl.com/ - See also !APTonCD13:06
Xpticalthanks guys13:06
sebsebsebXptical: nope no guys, just me :)13:06
sebsebsebXptical: ubottu is a bot and I triggered him13:06
erwin_Has anyone experienced clicking being unable to raise the window? Using metacity, raise_on_click is set. This has occurred weirdly and suddenly; restart makes no difference. I see this has possibly to do with core pointer configuration, i.e. something else than my mouse is the source of "core events" but that seems like a long shot.13:06
sebsebsebXptical: so only one guy helped you, anyway good luck,  why Xubuntu though?13:07
Iceman_B^Ltopis it possible to mount a new harddrive in an existing dir, thereby expanding the dir in size ?13:07
Iceman_B^Ltopor do you always need to mount it in a dir at the minimum ?13:07
sebsebsebXptical: nevermind I read wrong13:07
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)13:08
grawityIceman_B^Ltop: You can mount disks anywhere - but always on an empty dir. (I think)13:08
Iceman_B^Ltophm, okay13:08
=== parth is now known as Guest34718
erUSULIceman_B^Ltop: yu can mount a filesystem in any directory you want but the contents of the directory will be not accessible while the fs is mounted... they get overlayed by the contents of the fs13:10
Iceman_B^LtoperUSUL: can you rephrase that?13:12
erUSULIceman_B^Ltop: suppose a dir a/ with two files a/b and a/c and suppose a hd with files d and e on the root... if you mount the hd on a b and c become unaccessible and you get a/d and a/e13:13
Iceman_B^Ltopoh, I see13:13
erUSULIceman_B^Ltop: when you umount the hd b and c become visible again13:13
maginotwhere are the localization packages for firefox on 8.10 /13:13
Iceman_B^Ltopwhat if I want all the files b-e visible ?13:13
Iceman_B^Ltopis that possible ?13:13
erUSULIceman_B^Ltop: copy them to the hd before mounting it?13:14
erUSULIceman_B^Ltop: do you want to expand your home dir? just move all home to its partition/hd13:14
Iceman_B^Ltopwell, suppose the primary hdd is already full13:15
Iceman_B^Ltophence the need to add a new hdd13:15
Midgetwithamatchhow do I install gtk, glib and bmp? Trying to install xmms scrobbler and says all three of those aren't installed13:15
skylar_where is that second version of python coming from?13:15
erUSULIceman_B^Ltop: moving /home/ to its partition can free a lot of space if home has many media files13:15
skylar_Midgetwithamatch get the -dev 's maybe13:16
Iceman_B^LtoperUSUL: I dont unmderstand trhat last bit13:16
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erUSULIceman_B^Ltop: you have first to know what is eating the space on your partition based on that we can decide what is the best way to procceed13:17
buzzinhhye guys i was in here earlier and was advised to use eboxxxxx rather than webmin13:18
buzzinhbut when i try to install it its says that the package is not installaable and i should file a bug report13:18
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu  -  Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots13:19
ubottuebox is a web-based GUI interface for administering a server. It is designed to work with Ubuntu/Debian style configuration management. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/eBox13:19
Iceman_B^LtoperUSUL: that would most likely be my home folder, I download shows there. but thanks. I guess the answer is that any new media needs to be mounted into a dir at the very least13:19
vekpos_Hi! Is there a comand to get the current northbridge temperature?13:19
ZiggiZahhello all. how do i remove kubuntu desktop and stick with gnome after installing it? meaning all apps and not just kubuntu-desktop. thanks!13:20
Iceman_B^Ltopdoes Ubuntu provide functionality to merge multiple harddrives into a single "file" or volume without the use of RAID ?13:20
Iceman_B^Ltophardware raid that is13:20
erUSULIceman_B^Ltop: http://ubuntu.wordpress.com/2006/01/29/move-home-to-its-own-partition/13:20
erUSULIceman_B^Ltop: yes there is lvm13:20
ubottuTips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RaidConfigurationHowto and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO13:20
erUSULIceman_B^Ltop: but i don't use it myself so i can help much13:21
Iceman_B^Ltopn/p. I'll look around myself, thanks :)13:21
D3RGPS31How do I upgrade to 9.04, update-manager -d doesn't allow me :D13:21
erUSULD3RGPS31: go to #ubuntu+113:23
vekpos_cat /proc/acpi/thermal_zone/THRM/temperature returns the temperature of the cpu, but is there a possibility to access the temperature of the northbridge?13:24
mgi want to increase the memory virtually for live CD . is that possible13:24
erUSULIceman_B^Ltop: i find this solution to be better http://ubuntu.wordpress.com/2006/01/29/move-home-to-its-own-partition/13:24
dnet1 kllllllllllllllllll13:25
mgi ve tried to run monodevelop several times but crashes13:26
mgso i think i should increase the  virtual RAM for the live CD13:26
jotikhello. When will the next LTS be out?13:27
crdlbjotik: 10.0413:27
jotikcrdlb: that's not the 10th April, right?13:28
prince_jammysapril 201013:28
jotikyeah I figured. :)13:28
jotiki have ubuntu on my parents' computer and i just don't want to update it very often :)13:29
prince_jammysyou're set for a while13:29
prince_jammysif you're doing LTS's13:30
misterbreencan anyone help with my sound on a Dell D420?13:30
ubottuTo reset the panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »13:31
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=== Guest8744 is now known as syssan
syssanis there a way to controll the bass and trebel levels from ubuntu? my subwoofer gets cray loud when i turn up the volume, and tonight is partynight13:35
=== aa is now known as Guest23811
benchewif i want to search certain content, what should i type in terminal? thanks13:36
prince_jammysbenchew: elaborate13:36
d0ohanHello everyone!13:37
d0ohanAnyone have any thoughts on why an ssh session to a box running ubuntu would freese when running ls or less or more?13:38
Oli``How can you find out which video driver is being used?13:38
dust_tHi i want to install ubuntu 8.04 on a server running intel xeon processor. I want the 64 bit version from here http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/downloadmirrors#bt Which torrent should I download ?13:41
grawitydust_t: I guess server-amd64?13:43
amigo_richOli``: lsmod will show you a list of modules being used by the kernel13:43
dust_tgrawity, ok cool. I got confused thinking its only for AMD13:43
Oli``amigo_rich: cheers13:43
grawitydust_t: from what I know, amd64 == x86_64 (I might be wrong though...)13:44
oCean_dust_t: grawity that is correct13:44
dust_tgrawity, the download page doesn't say anything.13:44
benchewif i want to search certain content, how do i type in terminal(if i already inside the directory that i want to search)? thanks13:44
grawitydust_t: What page, and what shoud it say?13:44
dust_tok ok found this page http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.04/ which clearly mentions EM64T Xeon13:45
amigo_richxdriinfo might work too.13:45
n8tuserbenchew-> look into using grep13:45
grawitydust_t: Anyway, http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.04.2/ubuntu-8.04.2-server-amd64.iso.torrent is probably the one you want.13:46
grawitybenchew: maybe: grep -ir "text" *13:47
oCean_dust_t: it's just a name. The x86-64 specification was designed by amd. It has been renamed amd6413:47
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=== edthefox_ is now known as edthefox
dust_tthankyou oCean_ grawity13:47
oCean_benchew: generally, "grep <string> <file>" will search for string in file. (And output if found)13:47
* grawity looks at ubuntu13:48
sebsebsebubuntu: hello what would you like help with?13:48
oCean_benchew: there are some more options to grep you might need. Like -R for recursive (searches subdirectories also) and -i (for case insensitive grep)13:48
sirderigogood morning13:49
ubuntuif I format an ext3 filesystem as ext4, is it possible to recovery any file from the old ext3 filesystem}13:49
sebsebsebsirderigo: afternoon here13:49
=== ubuntu is now known as EagleSn
sebsebsebubuntulog: Ext4 is in 9.04 not 8.1013:50
benchewoCean_,  grep -R " content " ?13:50
sebsebsebubuntu: see above13:50
sirderigosebsebseb, oops here is 7:50 AM13:50
grawitybenchew: grep -R -i "content" *13:50
sebsebsebsirderigo: 2:50pm here13:50
sirderigoyou are from somewhere in europe right?13:50
sebsebsebsirderigo: UK13:51
sebsebsebubuntu:  I think you want #ubuntu+113:51
oCean_benchew: no: "grep -i -R  benchew   *.txt"   will recursively search for the string (case insensitive) benchew in every *.txt file13:51
erUSULEagleSn: no if you reformat the fiels are lost. you can mount an ext3 partition as ext4 without reformatting it thought or so i heard13:51
ephoenixIs there anyone having problem with audio from the browsers. And the browsers freezes up once video comes up sometimes.13:52
fudanchii@erUSUL: yeah, but a lot of ext4 feature wont be there, so it's practically useless13:52
sebsebsebephoenix: sure,  Flash in Firefox, can have such issues13:52
erUSULfudanchii: i know. but EagleSn is more worried about his files that the fs speed :P13:53
benchewoCean_, why does it so long? i still haven't got the result13:54
EagleSnyes, I forgot copy an important file before format >D13:54
oCean_benchew: I don't know in how many files you are searching, nor how large the files are13:54
ephoenixsebsebseb: This problem happen after I install Kubuntu 9.04 beta13:54
oCean_benchew: besides that, if you don't have the right syntax, it might sit there all day13:54
EagleSnI think there are special programs that recovery files from old filesystems, I ised tham years ago for FAT32 and NTFS13:54
ubottuJaunty Jackalope is the codename for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 23rd, 2009 -  Schedule in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyReleaseSchedule - Lots of breakage between now and April 23rd - Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support.13:55
sebsebsebephoenix: your in the wrong channel see above13:55
erUSULEagleSn: try photorec from testdisk package13:55
erUSUL!info testdisk | EagleSn13:55
ubottuEagleSn: testdisk (source: testdisk): Partition scanner and disk recovery tool. In component universe, is optional. Version 6.9-1.1 (intrepid), package size 1196 kB, installed size 3768 kB13:55
benchewoCean_, do i need to type .txt?13:55
oCean_benchew: only if the files you want to search in have the extension .txt13:56
grawitybenchew: You can use an * to search in all files.13:56
sebsebsebchris-rc1: hi13:56
chris-rc1 is there a way to set the HAL values for the temperature at which the fan starts spinning?13:56
* grawity greets chris-rc1.13:56
ephoenixsebsebseb: thnx13:56
benchewgrawity, grep -R -i "contain.txt" ?13:56
grawitybenchew: grep -R -i "sometext" *13:57
grawitybenchew: with the asterisk13:57
benchewgrawity, i found it. thank you and oCean as well13:58
ynkgrep only searches in the current dir, right?13:58
EagleSnI am already playing with testdisk, is there a better application that you know_13:58
grawityynk: Unless you use -R13:58
oCean_ynk: using the -R option makes grep recursive13:59
ynkgrawity, oCean_, oh ok. thanks.13:59
bazhang!undelete > EagleSn13:59
ubottuEagleSn, please see my private message13:59
SSL9can anyone help me with an issue?14:00
* grawity greets SSL9.14:00
super_JohnnyHi, I am having a problem with a vista ntfs in Intrepid Ibex: I can't write to it, even being root! help please ;)14:00
bazhanggrawity, please dont do that.14:00
ivan81do you know asterisk?14:00
grawitybazhang: May I ask why?14:00
bazhanggrawity, creates a lot of unnecessary noise in a busy channel.14:01
SSL9can anyone help me with a lil issue?14:01
s3r3n1t7SSL9, as long as noone knows the issue none can help14:01
SSL9I've updated here from Ubuntu 8.04 to 8.1014:02
SSL9and no more sound14:02
SSL9how do I fix the sound?14:02
* ynk chuckles at bazhang.14:02
bazhang!ot > ynk14:02
ubottuynk, please see my private message14:02
s3r3n1t7!sound | SSL914:03
ubottuSSL9: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP314:03
SSL9all my drivers are for windows vista14:03
SSL9when I click volume control it says14:03
s3r3n1t7SSL9, calm down on the enter button\14:03
SSL9No volume control GStreamer14:03
Jeruvy!enter | SSL914:03
ubottuSSL9: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!14:03
defryskSSL9, try removing the sound-button from panel and then re-add it14:03
SSL9plugins and/or devices found14:04
SSL9ill try that14:04
sebsebseba  seperate home partition, can be used by any Linux distro no problem?14:04
SSL9damn... i've removed it... but now from where do i add it?14:04
defrysksebastien, yes, only skeletons may very14:05
SSL9please tell me im a noob on this14:05
sebsebsebdefrysk: what????14:05
defryskSSL9, rightclik panel > add14:05
defrysksebsebseb, they way the /home/username is setup by default14:06
mugwort13Hi all, just installed 8.10 .. I was wondering if anyone could adivse me how to get gnome to stop controlling my xorg properties.  I'd rather just have my settings come from xorg.conf14:06
kreouzisWhat is the best irc client for ubutu;14:06
sebsebsebdefrysk: yeah so need the same user on both distros, and then no problem?14:06
mafsikreouzis: weechat :)14:07
sebsebseb!best |  kreouziz14:07
ubottukreouziz: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.14:07
randum_userkreouzis: irssi is the best client.14:07
Kartagisthis morning i had 3,2gb free and now i have 2,6gb free. i haven't saved anything. why is my disk being filled up?14:07
defrysksebsebseb, some ditstos dont like this and then you have to chown the homedirectory manually14:07
sebsebsebkreouzis: did your name wrong, see above at  the bot, and Konversation is rather nice14:07
mafsirandum_user: weechat :)14:08
sebsebsebdefrysk: I am thinking about maybe, helping someone get set up with a   Ubuntu,  CentOS dual boot.   hell if he could get Asterisk working in Ubuntu :)  ,but no14:08
neo_hi, how to install modules for python2.6 ? I have python 2.5 default by system and 2.6 set up by me for development. I installed python-mysqldb, but 2.6 does not detect it!!!14:08
grkblood1hey guys, im currently at work trying to ssh -X -Y into my home box which works but i cant get audio14:09
grkblood1any1 know why?14:09
kreouziskonversation is good but is using kde libraries14:09
defrysksebsebseb, i expect no issues from centos14:09
defrysksebsebseb, likely to wrk fine14:09
sebsebsebdefrysk: just need the same user name, on both  Ubuntu and CentOS and should be good?14:09
s3r3n1t7I'm looking for a way to convert indesign documents to a format readable by ubuntu. Any suggestions on how to find a working program that is able to read it?14:09
Nasralet me pming14:09
sebsebsebNasra: pming who?14:09
defrysksebsebseb, probably but no guarantees14:10
sebsebsebdefrysk: it's Nasra by the way14:10
crdlbneo_: the binary python module packages are built against the official python packages14:10
yann2is there any way to upgrade back to intrepid in case of a failed upgrade to jaunty? :]14:10
sebsebsebyann2: no14:10
sebsebsebyann2: clean install14:10
yann2damn ^^14:10
defryskyann2, backup ;p14:11
neo_crdlb: yes, then how do i install modules for python2.6? thanks.14:11
yann2in case a dev is around https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/354488  :)14:11
filip89hi i need help14:11
yann2i wanted to upgrade to report bugs, I'll report at least one ^^14:11
crdlbneo_: why do you need to?14:11
VibeFmme 214:11
VibeFmi need help14:11
SSL9it says something like this when i click on volume control14:11
crdlbneo_: jaunty has 2.6, but what's the rush?14:11
grawityVibeFm: What's your problem?14:11
SSL9The volume control did not find any elements and/or devices to control. This means either that you don't have the right GStreamer plugins installed, or that you don't have a sound card configured.14:11
SSL9You can remove the volume control from the panel by right-clicking the speaker icon on the panel and selecting "Remove From Panel" from the menu.14:11
FloodBot1SSL9: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.14:11
yann2if I'm very lucky my suspend works and I can wait for that bug to be fixed14:11
VibeFmi want pls somebody to help me14:12
ikoniaVibeFm: what's up ?14:12
filip89Unprivileged user can not mount NTFS block devices using the external FUSE library. Either mount the volume as root, r rebuild ntfs-3g with integrated fuse support and make it setuid root14:12
filip89need help14:12
grawityVibeFm: We can't help until you tell us what is the problem.14:12
SSL9and I have some Gstream plugins installed14:12
Jimi_NeutralIm testing clonezilla....i have taken an image of an xp laptop succesfully, i have then formatted that drive so its clean, i am now trying to get that image back onto that same laptop....any idea how anyone?14:12
defryskSSL9, privating is not appreciated, specially when not invited14:12
ikonia!pm > SSL914:12
ubottuSSL9, please see my private message14:12
filip89this wrote me whenever i plugged usb key, external hardware...14:12
filip89any idea?14:13
dayohas anyone ever used Trackmen from Logitech on Ubuntu? -->  http://lsearch.logitech.com/search?q=trackman&site=logi_gb_en_products&client=logi_gb_en&output=xml_no_dtd&proxystylesheet=logi_gb_en&lr=lang_en&hl=lang_en&ie=utf8&oe=utf8&getfields=*&filter=p&cl=GB%2CEN&country=gb&language=en&accept-charset=iso-8859-1&rq=0&charset=utf-8&la=en&style=gb_en&region=EMEA14:13
SSL9im sorry... but I didn't wanted to sound as flood... when I copy&paste the msg14:13
neo_crdlb: I have set up DJango, that is not a reason enough...but did it.. thinking should have 2.6 atleast.. it was recommended somewhere...14:13
ikonia!pastebin > SSL914:13
ubottuSSL9, please see my private message14:13
crdlbneo_: 2.5 is fine14:14
wookienzi have bought a pci to 2 sata card, with a silicon image 3512 controller on it. how can i tell if it is support with my kernel?14:14
SSL9now can u help me?14:14
ikoniawookienz: read the docs on it to see if it has linux kernel support14:14
ikoniawookienz: check the internet if it needs a specific kernel to run it14:14
wookienztrying, nothing as yet.14:14
filip89i cannot mount usb drive14:15
neo_crdlb: thanks. I will remove 2.6 then. But can't I install modules for 2.6?14:15
space_cadetVirtualBox running in an Ubuntu Intrepid Host, with a Windows XP pro K edition Guest, the Guest takes control of sound, and no audio from the host is played.14:15
crdlbneo_: only if you compile them from source manually14:15
ikoniaSSL9: what ?14:15
SSL9here is the link http://paste.ubuntu.com/143470/14:15
amigo_richfilip89: You can mount the partition as root: i.e. sudo mount -t ntfs /dev/<device> /<mountpoint>14:16
melisahi all14:16
happygrueHello!  Query: is there a simple way of importing my old (win XP) chatzilla preferences? (I have 8.10 installed as an app)14:16
SSL9this is what it says when I click volum control14:16
dayohas anyone ever used Trackmen from Logitech on Ubuntu? ---> http://tinyurl.com/cw5gp714:16
ikoniahappygrue: chatzilla is a windows application, it's not supported on linux14:16
neo_crdlb: oops. Thanks for the help. I will see which way is better and follow that. :)14:16
filip89amigo_rich: i dont would like to do it everytime, when i will plug camera, usbdrive...14:16
filip89any idea?14:16
SSL9should I delete all gstream plugins from synaptic manager and reinstall them?14:17
sebsebsebikonia: no it's a firefox add on14:18
happygrueyes, it is14:18
sebsebsebhappygrue: chatzilla is a firefox add on and yes you can use it on Linux14:18
ugliefroganyone here using a eee pc....?14:18
happygrueand it appears to be working fine ;)14:18
amigo_richfilip89: I'm not sure-I dont have any device with NTFS formatted partitions.14:18
ikoniasebsebseb: so it is, thank you14:18
sebsebsebikonia: yeah not much good if an op says wrong info :D14:19
g4lt-lappyhmm, i just found that my laptop has like three microphones built-ion.  any cool speech recognition stuff?14:19
ikoniasebsebseb: errr no, being an op is not about being right all the time14:19
sebsebsebikonia: ok14:19
ikoniasebsebseb: and I'd appreciate you stop mentioning I'm an op ever time you say my name14:19
sebsebsebikonia: ok14:19
g4lt-lappyand also, any toys for the accelerometer?14:19
happygrueikonia: I would also be interested in recommendations for other IRC clients14:20
happygruebut chatzilla has worked quite well for me in the past14:20
sebsebseb!irc |  happygrue14:20
ubottuhappygrue: A list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines14:20
ikoniahappygrue: irssi, xchat, quassel all in the ubuntu repo, pleanty to chose from14:20
VibeFmsomebody can help me ?14:20
defryskhappygrue, for gnome xchat is very common14:20
happygrueI see, thank you.14:20
ikoniaVibeFm: you need to ask a question if you want help14:20
ikoniaVibeFm: you've asked for help 3 times and not asked a question14:20
happygrueI am also having problems with my sound setup14:20
amigo_richfilip89: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions/ThirdPartyNTFS3G seems like it could be of assistance.14:21
perlsyntaxIs there a man page for libssl-dev?14:21
happygruewhere would be a good place to start looking at drivers?14:21
perlsyntaxanyone know?14:21
kitcheperlsyntax: man 2 I believe opensolaris14:21
kitcheperlsyntax: openssl I mean14:21
space_cadetVirtualBox running in an Ubuntu Intrepid Host, with a Windows XP pro K edition Guest, the Guest takes control of sound, and no audio from the host is played.14:21
filip89amigo_rich: this i tested and i have allready installed ntfs-config... it did not help me14:21
kitche!patience | perlsyntax14:21
ubottuperlsyntax: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines14:21
pqbJust installed Ubuntu on a PC, and cannot get it to connect to Internet. I cannot configure the gateway, which is necessary, I think. The connection I have here is a network, as the ISP has a server in a housing estate and then sends the signal to individual apartments via ethernet. Any help gratefully received.14:21
filip89amigo_rich: i am also in grup fuse14:22
erUSULperlsyntax: if there are man pages they would be one for each function of the library not for the lib as a whole14:22
IHS_InternI'm an intern at this high-school, and setting up a bunch of computers using xubuntu, however even using the "choose best mirror" option downloading anything is too slow for it to be practical to have each machine download updates and packages independently, so I want to setup a mirror. I see a tutorial for Ubuntu 6.04, will that apply to 8.04/8.10 as well, or have things changed for mirroring the repos since then?14:22
perlsyntaxi talking about ssh.h14:22
eternalhi i am trying to setup an irc host from my machine i have installed dancer-ircd and done all the edits and have a running system But it isn't showing for other people to join any help?14:22
erUSULperlsyntax: and there are just do "man -k ssl"14:22
s3r3n1t7IHS_Intern, most of them are the same. Give it a shot and shout if you  run into trouble.14:23
IHS_Interneternal, have you forwarded ports in your router/DSL or cable modem?14:23
zvacethappygrue: http://support.amd.com/us/Pages/drivers.aspx14:23
eternalIHS i do have a running apache tomcat server and they can see that14:24
happygruezvacet: thanks!14:24
IHS_Internand is the port your IRC server above 1024, and if not, are you running it with root privs?14:24
amigo_richfilip89: You could possibly do something with udev rules (man udev) to automount the partition when the device is connected-I don't know if that is the best way or not though.14:24
tlm2024what sort of fps should i get from glx-gears for a 8800 ?14:24
Kartagisthis morning i had 3,2gb free and now i have 2,6gb free. i haven't saved anything. why is my disk being filled up?14:24
eternalyes running it as sudo path/to/dir14:24
zagabarI am trying to play Tony hawks pro skater 4 in wine. It should be possible. I mounted the installdisk to cdrom0 and installed the game to the wine C: drive successfully. Then I mounted the playdisk in cdrom0 and tried to play it. But then it complains that the game disk is not inserted. How can I mount it so that it recognizes it?14:24
filip89amigo_rich: ok, i will try14:24
eternalit is running on port 666714:25
DreamgliderKartagis: did you update your system ?14:25
KartagisDreamglider, no14:25
zvacetKartagis did you sync or backup something14:26
Kartagiszvacet, np14:26
IHS_InternOh, another question, when mirroring the repos, all I have is an 80GB drive spare, I'll have to spend out of my own pocket, maybe share the cost with my supervisor, if I want a bigger drive... is 80GB large enough?14:26
IHS_Internyou're doing it wrong, TecnicoDPC14:27
grawityTecnicoDPC: /join #linuxjournal14:27
FSGeofsHi, I want to mount a partition wich is a LVM -- any hints how to start?14:27
FSGeofsI already installed "lvm2"14:27
hateballFSGeofs╶ http://www.howtoforge.com/linux_lvm14:28
s3r3n1t7!lvm | FSGeofs14:28
ubottuFSGeofs: Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RaidConfigurationHowto and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO14:28
geniiIHS_Intern: repo is about 35Gb14:28
DJonesIHS_Intern: From memory, the last info I'd heard for the size of teh ubuntu repo was about 35Gb14:28
s3r3n1t7IHS_Intern, should be enough. It's roughly 40 if you do it large14:28
sascha_deutsche hier ?14:28
maxbIHS_Intern: Don't mirror, use a caching proxy - that way, you only download each file the first time that any host behind your proxy requests it.14:28
s3r3n1t7!de | sascha_14:29
ubottusascha_: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.14:29
DJones!de | sascha_14:29
L3dPlatedLinuxhey in firestarter what icmp traffic is good to let through?14:29
zirodayL3dPlatedLinux: the traffic you want?14:29
maxbDJones, s3r3n1t7, IHS_Intern: But www.ubuntu.com says: A "full archives" mirror is around 210 gigabytes and is slowly increasing.14:29
s3r3n1t7maxb, that's including source files and other by default not enabled repo's, including those for other versions.14:30
FSGeofss3r3n1t7, funny, the page which the bot suggested does not exist ;-)+14:30
Nasrajoin #hardware14:30
pablo__[L3dPlatedLinux] if you do not have a server , i think icmp is not necessary, it could be a problem14:30
julian___anyone here familiar with irssi?14:30
s3r3n1t7FSGeofs, hmm? let me check that. Also, i've been told from offtopic that http://www.howtoforge.com/linux_lvm is still valid and works.14:30
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zirodayjulian___: the folks in #irssi are14:31
FSGeofss3r3n1t7, no, the other one is missing14:31
Eric|HelpplzCan someone help me? I can't hear anything from my Rhythmbox, but I can still hear the system sounds14:31
zirodayEric|Helpplz: can you hear stuff from totem?14:31
FSGeofsand, most tutorials about LVM want to create a new device but I already have partitions14:31
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zirodayEric|Helpplz: movie player14:31
pablo__[Eric|Helpplz] totem is another software to use14:31
s3r3n1t7FSGeofs, just said that to the ops. Will be looked into.14:31
Eric|HelpplzYeah. I tried the movie player. Doesn't work.14:32
zirodayEric|Helpplz: okay, can you open rhythmbox or movie player, try play an audio file and pastebin the output please14:32
Eric|HelpplzHow do I get the output?14:32
grkblood1im sshing into my homebox and trying to install esd, what would it be from the command line? ive tried sudo apt-get install esd and that didnt work14:33
zirodayEric|Helpplz: you run it in a terminal, you open a terminal and type in "totem"14:33
zvacetEric|Helpplz : run mplayer from terminal14:33
zirodaygrkblood1: libesd0?14:33
grkblood1thanks, ill try that14:34
zirodaygrkblood1: note doing apt-cache search esd is a good way to find what you are looking for14:34
s3r3n1t7FSGeofs, don't create new ones but use your current ones.14:34
Eric|HelpplzHow do I play music from the terminal?14:34
grawityEric|Helpplz: mplayer14:34
pablo__[Eric|Helpplz] just put the name of the program in the terminal14:34
Eric|Helpplzwhich is totem. I've done that, I type mplayer. Nothing happens.14:35
Jeruvygrkblood1: http://packages.ubuntu.com/intrepid/alsaplayer-esd14:35
sitaram(please no flames or discussion; just a straight yes/no) does the default install of ubuntu install/require mono?  How about kubuntu?14:35
zirodayEric|Helpplz: no, type in totem into your terminal. It will open movie player. Play a sound file with movie player, stuff will be written to in the terminal. Take that and stick it in pastebin. Make sense?14:35
Eric|HelpplzI played music from the movie player14:36
Eric|HelpplzNothing comes up14:36
McQueenhow i can change to the german ubuntu channel?14:36
zagabarI am trying to play Tony hawks pro skater 4 in wine. It should be possible. I mounted the installdisk to cdrom0 and installed the game to the wine C: drive successfully. Then I mounted the playdisk in cdrom0 and tried to play it. But then it complains that the game disk is not inserted. How can I mount it so that it recognizes it?14:36
achadwicksitaram: it contains it. I typically de-mono myself afterwards using some equivs magic14:36
space_cadetVirtualBox running in an Ubuntu Intrepid Host, with a Windows XP pro K edition Guest, the Guest takes control of sound, and no audio from the host is played.14:36
space_cadethost audio is gone14:36
grkblood1Jeruvy: why did you link me to that>14:36
zirodayEric|Helpplz: okay, but you still can't hear anything?14:36
defryskMcQueen, /j #ubuntu-ge14:36
sitaramachadwick: thanks; I'm not sure what equivs magic is though :(14:36
zirodayEric|Helpplz: okay, can you open the volume control and make sure the PCM volume is set to the max14:37
defryski hope :S14:37
grkblood1Jeruvy: im just trying to pass audio through ssh14:37
Eric|HelpplzYes. Master for PCM playback is at max14:37
dayo!virtualbox |14:37
ubottu: virtualbox is a x86 !virtualizer. A !free edition is available from !Gutsy as 'virtualbox-ose'. A non-free edition is available at http://virtualbox.org for most Ubuntu releases (help in #vbox) - Setup details at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox14:37
dayo!virtualbox | zagabar14:37
ubottuzagabarplease see above14:37
zvacetEric|Helpplz : type   gmplayer14:37
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Eric|HelpplzOkay done.14:38
achadwicksitaram: geeky Debian stuff; can be used to make a package that conflicts with mono. The point is, it can be done - you just miss out on apps like tomboy or the random photo manager.14:38
zagabardayo: I don't understand. What is virtualbox?14:39
sitaramachadwick: is kubuntu the same?14:39
UbuntunewbieeeeHi when jaunty jacklob will be realesed14:39
Eric|HelpplzZvacet. What do I do now?14:39
achadwicksitaram: not sure. Not a KDE person.14:39
sitaramok thanks achadwick14:39
dayozagabar: it's virtualization like wine. but better, imo.14:39
ziroday!jaunty | Ubuntunewbieeee14:40
ubottuUbuntunewbieeee: Jaunty Jackalope is the codename for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 23rd, 2009 -  Schedule in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyReleaseSchedule - Lots of breakage between now and April 23rd - Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support.14:40
McQueenvirtual box is a emulator so you can run programms for windows mac usw.14:40
maxbachadwick: What does using equivs does that removing the mono core libraries wouldn't?14:40
sitaram(I'm looking to install it on a few "non-tech" people's machines, and I don't want to spend too much time messing around, hence the question)14:40
zvacetEric|Helpplz : did you get any error or does it work?14:40
IHS_Internvirtualbox is a program that makes a "fake" computer in software. you can install anything to it that you can install on a "real" computer.14:40
Eric|HelpplzIt constantly says gmplayer is currently not installed. Is that my problem?14:41
* dayo need to go pee14:41
ikoniadayo: didn't need to know thanks14:41
cafreeDoes anyone know of any good tools that would allow me to validate an xml file against a schema?14:41
ikoniaIHS_Intern: some virtualisation tools allow you to import disk images og machines14:41
zagabarBut do I really need virtualbox? The only problem is that it doesn't recognize my playdisc.14:41
ikoniacafree: www.w3.org has some solid validations tools14:41
zvacetEric|Helpplz : you don´t have sound in totem too did you installed codecs14:42
achadwickmaxb: http://tim.thechases.com/mononono/ (not mine, but I've adapted it for my own use) - forces you to address the issue as a conflict, and enforces it on upgrade, amongst other things.14:42
cafreeikonia: didn't find much there, thanks though14:42
Eric|HelpplzI installed the ones that Rhythmbox got me to install when it said to search for codecs14:42
Ubuntunewbieeeedoes ubuntu 9.04 will support EXT414:42
GustaveGerhardti'm having a problem with brightness on my lenovo x61 thinkpad with intrepid. It worked fine when I installed intrepid, but after updating it no longer properly auto-dims when on battery.14:43
defryskUbuntunewbie yes14:43
s3r3n1t7Ubuntunewbieeee, ye14:43
IHS_InternIn the event I need larger disk space.. and can not afford a new server(current one that I will be using is a 2x 600mhz P3 Dell Poweredge 1300, PATA drives only, 256MB of PC133 SDRAM) is it better to get a bigger IDE drive, or a PCI SATA controller and larger, cheaper SATA drive with it?14:43
defrysksilly names14:44
lcruz-0hey guys how can i force mount14:44
lcruz-0my windows is deleted but i have another parition with files i want to access but it wont mount14:44
UbuntunewbieeeeI hope the new realese be much faster than intrepid special on boot14:44
eternalwhat is the command to see if a port is open netstate -a |grep 8000 ?14:44
lcruz-0sudo mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sda4 /media/New Volume -o force14:44
lcruz-0didnt work14:44
s3r3n1t7lcruz-0, give us the error please.14:44
simpleIs there a way to install the full ubuntu OS without creating a bootable disc? CD-Drive is not working14:44
kworkIHS_Intern,  what on the earth could you be running on that hardware ?14:44
s3r3n1t7lcruz-0, there should be a \ before volume to escape the space.14:44
zvacetEric|Helpplz : in mplayer preferences under codecs& demuxser choose ffmpeg14:44
kushiitdHi i am new here.I want to make windows my default os.I edited my menu.lst file and now both ubuntu and windows are not working.On choosing windows i get error 12 invalid device requested.14:44
IHS_Internkwork: a mirror of a few of the ubuntu repos.14:44
s3r3n1t7lcruz-0,  sudo mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sda4 /media/New\ Volume -o force14:44
zvacetI have to go.See you soon14:45
erUSULkushiitd: revert the changes you made to the file14:45
kworkIHS_Intern,  i would go for the SATA, but i dont really member what was the throughtput of PCI14:45
IHS_InternMore than our network allows, I know that much.14:45
defryskIHS_Intern you are ot , but usually sata is the choicest14:45
maxhax14HI, i have a problem with my external hard drive I'ts an HP Pocket Media Drive 160 GB. when i plug it in it says: Cannot mount wolume14:45
kushiitderUSUL: i cannot open even ubuntu so icannot edit the file now.14:45
lcruz-0devil@DEVIL:~$ sudo mount -t /sbin/mount.ntfs-3g /dev/sda4/media/New Volume -o force14:46
lcruz-0mount: mount point Volume does not exist14:46
erUSULkushiitd: from the livecd14:46
lcruz-0$LogFile indicates unclean shutdown (0, 0)14:46
lcruz-0WARNING: Forced mount, reset $LogFile.14:46
lcruz-0fuse: failed to access mountpoint /media/New Volume: No such file or directory14:46
erUSULlcruz-0: sudo mount -t /sbin/mount.ntfs-3g /dev/sda4/media/New\ Volume -o force14:46
Eric|HelpplzOdd. I don't have a codecs option once I go into preferences.14:46
IHS_Intern10/100mbit switches is all we have, and I think PCI is at least 133Mbyte.14:46
maxhax14 HI, i have a problem with my external hard drive I'ts an HP Pocket Media Drive 160 GB. when i plug it in it says: Cannot mount wolume14:46
kworklcruz-0, missing space between dev and and mountpoint14:46
erUSULlcruz-0: also do not paste here please14:46
kushiitderUSUL: i dont have a live cd of ubuntu14:46
simpleIs there a way to install the full ubuntu OS without creating a bootable disc? CD-Drive is not working14:46
erUSULkushiitd: the install desktop cd is a livecd too14:47
maxhax14 HI, i have a problem with my external hard drive I'ts an HP Pocket Media Drive 160 GB. when i plug it in it says: Cannot mount wolume14:47
snakedoghello why is my windows machines backups 0KB big when its actually 17GB?14:47
kworksimahawk,  if you have second pc then PXE netboot14:47
bazhang!usb > simple14:47
Knirghsimple: get USB edition14:47
ubottusimple, please see my private message14:47
maxhax14can some one help me?14:47
kworksimple,  if you have second pc then PXE netboot14:47
erUSUL!install | simple14:47
ubottusimple: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation.  Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - see also !automate14:47
lcruz-0erUSUL,  it gaveme list of options of mount14:47
maxhax14 HI, i have a problem with my external hard drive I'ts an HP Pocket Media Drive 160 GB. when i plug it in it says: Cannot mount wolume14:47
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kushiitderUSUL: actually i dont have the cd with me now is there any other way without the cd14:48
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simpleokay I am thinking about getting those cheap laptops for less than 40014:49
simplethey dont have CD-rom drives14:49
umarn #drupal-support14:49
Eric|Helpplzzvacet. I can't find any codecs in preferences in totem.14:49
erUSULkushiitd: you can try to edit the entry from the grub menu if you really now what you are doing. when in the menu highlight the entry you want to edit press "e" edit it (the device name) and when done press "b" to boot it14:49
FlynsarmyAre the ATI or the Nvidia graphics drivers better atm?14:50
KnirghFlynsarmy: I had many problems with ATI, and would not recommend it14:50
Flynsarmynvidias ones work perfectly btu require a restart in x every time you go in and out of dual screen mode. i dunno anything about ATI but heard they're open source so woudl have thought they were pretty good...14:51
kinnaz|wnvidia drivers have always been better on linux as far as i know14:51
lcruz-0can someone help please14:51
grawitylcruz-0: I think you don't need the "/sbin/mount." part -- just use mount -t ntfs14:51
yann2work on ATI opensource drivers still going on i think, since they released the specs a while back.. wonder how that's doing though..14:51
manhvvgi the14:51
lcruz-0grawity> could u give me the full command please14:52
jtajiFlynsarmy: they've only just recently released specs and documentation and started with the open-source drivers.. so it'll be a bit before they're up to snuff14:52
kushiitderUSUL: thank you! i have got ubuntu started now.But how can i get windows started?14:52
IHS_InternATI is moving to open source. they released the specs on a lot of their chips, allowing the creation of opensource drivers without as much trouble.14:52
kinnaz|wlcruz-0,  mount -t ntfs /device /location14:52
jtajiFlynsarmy: they being ATI14:52
Eric|HelpplzCan someone help me please? I can listen to music through Rhythmbox or Mplayer.14:52
grawitylcruz-0: sudo mount -t ntfs /dev/sda4 "/media/New Volume" -o force14:52
erUSULkushiitd: now you can revert the changes you made to menu.lst...14:52
Flynsarmyit just sucks needing to restart x when i go in and out of twinview - which i do quite often14:52
kinnaz|wFlynsarmy, have you googled it around ?14:53
lcruz-0fuse: failed to access mountpoint /media/New Volume: No such file or directory14:53
lcruz-0still no luck14:53
kinnaz|wlcruz-0, can you read ?14:53
=== freenode is now known as Guest7375
FSGeofsI still have no idea how to mount an existing LVM voloume. All suggested tutorial start with "creating an empty volume". The "pvcreate" tool e.g. for example wipes the volume, right?14:53
Eric|HelpplzCan someone help me please? I can listen to music through Rhythmbox or Mplayer.14:53
mrweslcruz-0, I posted a modification14:53
mrweslcruz-0, did you do a mkdir in /media14:53
sunapi386Flynsarmy; yeah, thats where init-ng comes in14:53
IHS_InternI would think it would be... lcruz-0: sudo mount -t ntfs /dev/sda4 "/media/New\ Volume" -o force14:54
Flynsarmysunapi386, i'm a relative newbie...not sure what that means14:54
IHS_Internor am I just a bit off here14:54
mrweslcruz-0, well you can't mount something if the mount point doesn't exsist, no?14:54
kushiitderUSUL: well actually i did not saved a original copy of menu.lst before making chahges to it.So how should i proceed with it?14:54
Guest7375is there a way to "all in one" install theme with "window borders" "menus style" and "icons"???? with emerald it only install window border.....14:54
Guest7375how can i do that????14:54
kinnaz|wwouldnt it be just easier to use directory without space in it ?14:54
* IHS_Intern is used to having to use a \ to get spaces to work in CLI...14:54
grawityIHS_Intern: You don't need to escape twice. Quotes is enough.14:54
crdlbGuest7375: it's possible for a theme to include everything other than emerald14:54
mrweslcruz-0, sudo mkdir /media/My\ Volume14:54
erUSULkushiitd: .... where the changes that large that you do not remember what you did? to change the default os to boot you only need to change the line that says "default 0"14:55
lcruz-0then mrwes14:55
Guest7375but how can i install complete themes and where can i found them????14:55
UbersoldatGuest12883: try with metacity themes14:55
mrweslcruz-0, I posted a change to your mount command in pastebin -- go look at it14:55
lcruz-0got it14:55
lcruz-0thanks guys14:55
FloodBot1lcruz-0: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.14:55
Guest7375but how can i install metacity themes????14:56
Eric|HelpplzCan someone help me please? I can listen to music through Rhythmbox or Mplayer.14:56
mrweslcruz-0, it mounted?14:56
quibblerGuest7375-> look here: http://www.gnome-look.org/14:56
UbersoldatGuest35315: google it14:56
Lkq_hello, where I can get linux version video driver for my videocard?14:56
crdlbEric|Helpplz: that doesn't sound like much of a problem14:57
Guest7375i know this website but there isn't any documentations14:57
kushiitderUSUL:yes actually i remember the changes i made and i reverted them but still windows is not working.14:57
crdlbLkq_: for what video card?14:57
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neo_Eric|Helpplz: So where is the problem?14:57
Eric|HelpplzI can hear other sounds. Just not mp3's or anything I play in it. I can hear videos through youtube.14:57
SSL9I still can't solve the problem with the sound card...:(14:57
neo_Eric|Helpplz: did you mean you "can't" listene?14:58
Lkq_for GeForce 960014:58
Eric|HelpplzYeah sorry14:58
Eric|HelpplzIt's late.14:58
roger_what are you doing?14:58
neo_Eric|Helpplz: you need to install GStreamer plugins14:58
Eric|HelpplzHow do I do that? through terminal?14:58
mrwesEric|Helpplz, sudo apt-install ubuntu-restricted-extras14:59
neo_Eric|Helpplz: try GStreamer in Synaptec Package manager14:59
mrwesget it all in one shot14:59
SSL9How can I downgrade from Ubuntu 8.10 to Ubuntu 8.04 without losing any stuff?14:59
ubottuAttempting to downgrade to an older Ubuntu version is explicitly not supported, and may break your system.14:59
neo_Eric|Helpplz: System -> Administration -> Synaptic Package Manager14:59
bazhangSSL9, you cant14:59
UbersoldatSSL9: reinstall without formatting your /home partition15:00
filip89SSL9: i suggest to remove system and than install clean 8.0415:00
neo_Eric|Helpplz: Synaptic is easy for people in transition period15:00
Eric|HelpplzAh ok15:00
SSL9then I will never ever uplgrade to 8.10 any longer...15:00
psicobrawow guys i got given a old compaq proliant DL380 server has 2 x pIII 933 CPU's 1 GB RAM and 2 x 9.1 ulta 2 scsi's was faulty just got it working and installed ubuntu it is runnign sweet for and old server15:00
SSL9when I update the sound card doestn work any more :((15:00
filip89SSL9: what was your problem with 8.1915:00
=== Jacopo_ is now known as slash5000
UbersoldatSSL9: isn't it easier to troubleshoot your problem and fix it?15:01
SSL9Ive updtated yesterday from Ubuntu 8.04 to 8.10 and the sound card doesnt work any longer...15:01
psicobraSSL9, what card do you have?@15:01
Eric|HelpplzAnything specific I need to get thats GStreamer?15:01
kushiitderUSUL: i just tried it again i restored the menu.lst file and still windows is not working?15:01
filip89Ubersoldat: i used also 8.10... for me there were to much problems, that was easily downgrade to 8.0415:02
SSL9something Conexant it says on dell.com15:02
mrwesEric|Helpplz, sudo apt-install ubuntu-restricted-extras  <----- just install that from the terminal15:02
erUSULkushiitd: post your menu.lst to a pastebin please15:02
psicobrais it installed ok you just have no sound or is it not installed?15:02
SSL9its integrated on board... It a laptop15:02
SSL9Dell vostro A86015:03
UbersoldatSSL9: so?15:03
BoltClockwindows xp setup is seeing only 131 gb of empty space on my disk, but gparted correctly sees 231 gb of space. is it ok to use gparted to format it as ntfs then install windows?15:03
psicobraSSL9, run alsamixer from console and make sure it's not muted15:03
Eric|Helpplzmrwes, It says - sudo: apt-install: command not found15:03
mrwesEric|Helpplz, sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras  <----- just install that from the terminal15:03
SSL9how do I run it?15:03
psicobraEric|Helpplz, sudo apt-get install15:03
mrwesmy bad :(15:03
psicobraSSL9, open terminal15:03
psicobratpy e alsamixer15:04
=== Knirgh_ is now known as Knirgh
SSL9alsamixer: function snd_ctl_open failed for default: No such file or directory15:05
psicobrahmmm no sound card then15:05
neo_Eric|Helpplz: or search for Gstreamer Extra Plugins in Add/Remove programs dialog15:05
psicobraSSL9,  type lspci and paste output to pastebin15:05
SSL9but i have on Ubuntu 8.04 it worked verry nice... how do i fix this? I even downloaded the audio driver15:05
Eric|HelpplzI'm trying to use the commands in terminal. but they won't let me. Says that something is already using a process.15:06
zaggynlHow do I boot the Ubuntu livecd without sound? I'm at work and don't want to startle my colleagues.15:06
psicobraSSL9, make/model of dell laptop?15:06
mrwesEric|Helpplz, you have synamptic package manager running?15:06
mrwesEric|Helpplz, you can't run apt-get and the synaptic manager at the same time15:06
kushiitderUSUL: http://pastebin.com/m6066e10415:07
BoltClockcan anyone advise me on my gparted question?15:07
SSL9oki here is the link http://paste.ubuntu.com/143502/15:07
icerootzaggynl: turn of the boxes/speaker15:07
SSL9dell laptop15:07
Eric|HelpplzAh I did have it open. It works now. So once this downloads and installs it should work?15:07
psicobraSSL9, what model15:08
jimiI would just like t let you all know that I have just succesfully imaged a laptop and restored that image using clonezilla on ubuntu within my first week of using linux...I thank you! lol15:08
zaggynliceroot: It's a laptop, I only have the mediakeys15:08
mrwesEric|Helpplz, should :)15:08
zaggynlClicking those only types some characters15:08
SSL9Vostro A 86015:08
Eric|Helpplzokay thanks Mrwes15:08
=== Knirgh_ is now known as Knirgh
icerootzaggynl: disbale the soundcard in bios15:09
zaggynlheh, I could do that15:09
zaggynlno boot or kernel option eh?15:10
icerootzaggynl: dont know, never wanted to do that15:10
icerootzaggynl: plug a headset into the notebook :)15:10
erUSULkushiitd: which one does not boot?15:11
kushiitderUSUL: http://pastebin.com/m6066e104 here is the menu.lst file15:11
zaggynlhmm no BIOS option for sound of any kind (except microphone)15:11
kushiitderUSUL: windows15:11
* zaggynl grabs a headset15:11
zslashzhello everyone15:11
icerootzslashz: hi15:11
erUSULkushiitd: you have two listed on menu.lst15:11
zslashzgot an odd problem...15:11
zslashzi discussed it on ubuntu forums but got no answer15:11
icerootzslashz: then post your problem here15:11
kushiitderUSUL: vista15:12
SSL9Dell Vostro A860 << this the model of my laptop15:12
psicobraSSL9, do you have mixer (speaker) icon by clock top right of screen15:12
ubottuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal15:12
erUSULkushiitd: which partition it is installed on?15:12
zslashzummm...my laptop....detects mounts burns to cd..in a very normal way15:12
zslashzbut it doesnt detect dvd15:12
SSL9I had that... before but now no15:12
zslashznot talking about running a movie from a dvd15:12
zaggynlheadset worked15:12
SSL9when I try to add it it say15:12
icerootzaggynl: great15:12
kushiitderUSUL: it is installed on c partition.15:13
erUSULkushiitd: can you paste "sudo fdisk -l" output aswell ?15:13
psicobraSSL9, click system preferences then sound15:13
zslashzmy laptop just doesnt detect the dvd...15:13
psicobraSSL9, on the devices tab you will have sound playback click the dropdown arrow and tell me what devices are listed15:14
zslashzany ideas?15:14
icerootzslashz: its a dvd-drive? or just cd-drive?15:14
amigo_richman tmpfile15:14
amigo_richdoh ><15:14
SSL9ALSA , ESD, OSS and Pulse Audio Sound Driver15:14
auraxhello, i need help with weird problem that i'm experiencing in my network. i have two juniper 4200EX switches (48-poe) i have random disconnect of client from the switch and it's looks like negotiation problems. some times the connection breaks and sometime it re-negotiate at 10mbit, i have disabled stp,rstp protocols just to make sure that if there's a network loop stp won't disconnect clients. any idea?15:15
filip89amigo_rich: i solved it15:15
psicobraSSL9, and at the bottom is says Device15:15
psicobrawhat is in list there15:15
SSL9AudioSoundServer not driver15:15
amigo_richfilip89: Good to hear-how did you fix it in the end?15:15
kushiitderUSUL: http://pastebin.com/md5d49215:15
SSL9at device none15:15
SSL9nothing at device15:15
filip89the mistake was... that i have in fstab line, which directly mout sdb1 as ntfs...15:16
tyler_dhow do I show the progress of an rm operation on 2 files?(terminal)?15:16
filip89and when i add usbdisk it could not mount... it is vfat15:16
filip89so i comment that line in fstab and now it is working15:16
amigo_richAh-cool. Glad you got it working!15:16
erUSULkushiitd: instead of (hd0,4) should be (hd0,2) afaics15:17
SSL9there is nothing at device15:17
SSL9at default mixer tracks at device is nothing15:17
SSL9and down below there is nothing listed15:18
kushiitderUSUL: in both vista and xp?15:18
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about srl15:18
erUSULkushiitd: well you said both where the same?15:18
psicobrain terminal type15:18
Knirghanyone know how to recompile php with extra packages?15:18
SSL9im here15:18
psicobracd /usr/src15:18
psicobrathen sudo module-assistant update15:19
UbersoldatKnirgh: you could try reading the README file included with the source files15:19
BoltClockis it ok to write an ntfs partition with gparted? i dont trust that windows setup sees 131 gb of unallocated space while gparted correctly sees 232 gb of space15:19
SSL9it says command not found15:19
psicobraSSL9, then type sudo module-assistant prepare15:19
psicobraSSL9, witch one?15:20
kushiitderUSUL: actually i dont have xp installed but i have vista15:20
SSL9both of them15:20
erUSULkushiitd: edit the vista entry then15:20
kushiitderUSUL: Thank you! it is working now.15:20
psicobracd /usr/src does not work?15:20
erUSULkushiitd: no problem15:21
SSL9that works15:21
SSL9im in src15:21
mathmechAnyone know how to configure irssi a little bit, kinda messy reading whats on the screen atm15:21
iljmezhow do i include a file list in a tar archive?15:21
KnirghUbersoldat: i installed LAMP server so i dont have the source i guess15:21
SSL9sudo: module-assistant: command not found15:22
Ropechoborramathmech, I loke irssi, but if only i could see the users in a column..15:22
Huufartedquestion, folks.  New eee laptop (sortof, it's a refurb).  I changed CONCURRENCY to shell in /etc/init.d/rc and now it doesn't boot.  It gets just past the splash screen, then just a single _ cursor.  No HDD activity.15:22
psicobraSSL9,  sudo apt-get install module-assistant15:22
clearscreenBoltClock: just resize your ext3 and leave enough space for vista, in vista config create a 'New' partition, hit SHIFT+F10, and run diskman to set your new vista partition to 'active', then refresh vista's disk view and you should be fine15:22
clearscreenBoltClock: ran into the same shit 2 days ago15:23
BoltClockclearscreen: huh?15:23
=== strike is now known as strikesam
Eric|Helpplzmrwes, I downloaded everything. I restarted. Still not working.15:23
SSL9now says Reading database15:23
BoltClockclearscreen: im trying to install windows xp, and ubuntu isnt on the same disk at all. this disk im looking at is completely empty15:23
clearscreenBoltClock: short story: dont use gparted to create your ntfs partition15:23
SSL9ok done15:23
=== Nartt is now known as Nart
SSL9now what I have to do?15:24
mrwesEric|Helpplz, does the track play andyou just don't have sound ?15:24
BoltClockclearscreen: well theres no ext3 at all...15:24
psicobraSSL9, when you have installed module-assistant type "sudo module-assistant update"15:24
Eric|HelpplzTrack plays. No sounds.15:24
psicobraSSL9, then type "sudo module-assistant prepare"15:24
mrwesEric|Helpplz, right click on the volume manager in the upper right corner of the notification area and 'open volume contro' -- make sure no channels are mutted15:25
clearscreenBoltClock: aha, well earlier windows xp install disks were unable to detect the big harddisk sizes we have this day.. just use whatever it can find and resize it later15:25
psicobraSSL9,  then "sudo module-assistant auto-install alsa"15:25
RopechoborraIs there a way to activate the Desktop effects with only a 2D driver installed?15:25
psicobraSSL9, then "sudo shutdown -r now"15:25
SSL9ok now something is working there15:26
Knirghis there any way to recompile PHP5 if u installed it with LAMP server at boot with ubuntu-server15:26
Ropechoborrapsicobra, whats the difference with ' sudo halt ' ?15:26
Eric|Helpplzmrwes, nothing is muted.15:26
Mathmech_Okay, installed X-Chat, looks alot better :)15:26
iljmezremove P then recompile P15:26
mrwesEric|Helpplz, you are using ALSA or pulseaudio?15:26
iljmezanyhow, how do you include a file list with tar?15:27
psicobraRopechoborra, i don't understand what your asking me15:27
SSL9and after this it shall work?15:27
paragounthello, I have installed xubuntu but it does not give me the awaited yield15:27
psicobraSSL9, only one way to find out15:27
mrwesEric|Helpplz, switch is over to ALSA and see if that helps15:27
paragountany ideas?¿?15:27
Ropechoborrapsicobra, ' shutdown -r nw' stops the system right? what is the difference with the comand 'halt' ?15:27
zslashzhey any help? laptop cd/dvd drive.......cds only detected..dvd not detected..15:27
=== Hasnain is now known as hasnain[dead]
SSL9ok thank you for ur time... I hope it shall work :)15:27
psicobraRopechoborra, shutdown -r reboots the system instead of switching off15:28
space_cadetshutdown -r is reboot shutdown -h is shutdown15:28
shawn_sudo halt is easier15:28
mangilimichello everybody!15:28
Ropechoborrapsicobra, Thanks15:28
psicobraRopechoborra, no problem15:29
jakeriveris it possible to install ubuntu over network?15:29
psicobraSSL9, you done15:29
g4lt-lappyjakeriver, probably.  is it easy?  probably not15:29
FoorI have a horrible complex problem I have an HP Elitebook 8530w i want to run duel external monitors but when i install the nvidia driver the hdmi no longer works any ideas im running ubuntu 8.10 i have tried both nvidia drivers on that release and i have tried installing 180.4415:29
SSL9nope not yet only 57%15:30
Mathmech_Anyone know how to get microphone working?15:30
mrwesjakeriver, I've heard of that using the alternative installation CD15:30
mrwesjakeriver, google it :)15:30
=== sawyer is now known as sawyer__
jakeriverbeen trying to but there is no info on that15:30
psicobraSSL9, 57% of installing alsa?15:30
sawyer__hey everyone, i'm having a weird mount behavior, i thought maybe someone could shed some light on this15:30
g4lt-lappyMathmech_, which micorphone?  most should just work if your soundcard works and sees it15:30
psicobraok no worries15:30
jakeriverjust on older versions15:30
g4lt-lappyjakeriver, you could install an older version then update to intrepid/jaunty15:31
psicobrasoon i am moving house will loose my 20 meg broadband:(15:31
zslashzany ideas regarding my problem people?15:31
Mathmech_Idk what mic, it's a logitech headset15:31
sawyer__i had a USB disk mounted and the cable got disconnected, and now i won't recognize the partitions on that USB unless i restart15:31
psicobraonly get 6 meg where i will be living15:31
BoltClockclearscreen: the same way windows xp doesnt see my 4 gb of ram?15:31
shawn_sawyer__: do they show up in dmesg15:31
BoltClockall of it*15:31
aloneinthedarkhello, I have installed xubuntu but it does not give me the awaited yield.any ideas¿?¿15:31
sawyer__shawn_, it does15:31
g4lt-lappyMathmech_, look around the web for your particular headset, see if anyone has any sikmilar problems and workarounds15:31
sawyer__[ 1502.887005]  sdd: sdd115:32
psicobrasawyer__, fsck?15:32
sawyer__this is the only occurrence of it15:32
shawn_sawyer__: I have a similar issue, after my computer has been on a while it refuses to mount new USB drives15:32
sawyer__psicobra, it won't let me fsck the whole drive, it wants a partition.. rightfully so :)15:32
clearscreenBoltClock: 32bit OS wont be able to address all of your ram15:32
shawn_sawyer__: they show up in dmesg but lsusb seems to be broken so it doesn't show up there15:32
sawyer__psicobra, don't scare me :)15:32
g4lt-lappyBoltClock, 4GB implies a 564 bit kernel, you have to get a special version of windows todo 64 bit kernel15:32
sawyer__it's also NTFS *sigh*15:32
shawn_sawyer__: are you able to run lsusb without it freazing?15:33
thebayppcan anyone please assist me - i need to add www-data to the sudoers so it can run sh scripts from createpassword.php15:33
BoltClockg4lt-lappy: funny, i thought 4 gb was just the max for 32bit15:33
aloneinthedarkdo they know any operating system linux without graphic interface?15:33
Ubersoldatthebaypp: visudo15:33
g4lt-lappybol2G is the effective limit15:33
shawn_BoltClock: the max for 32 bit is 3.5 GB15:33
sawyer__shawn_, yes, and it's shown there as well15:33
Ubersoldatthebaypp: sudo visudo15:33
BoltClockshawn_: ah! i am so hammering the idiot who told me 4 gb was max15:33
thebayppUbersoldat: yes i am using that - and have got so far...15:33
shawn_sawyer__: ok weird, we have different problems then, so I can't help you sorry15:33
sawyer__shawn_,  Bus 005 Device 010: ID 1058:1010 Western Digital Technologies, Inc.15:33
sawyer__thanks anyway15:33
Foor:( i hate just hitting a channel and askign a question does anyone have any idea on my HDMI problem15:34
shawn_BoltClock: haha, well you could put in 4 GB but you won't technically be able to use all of it15:34
keystr0kin Ubuntu, I can run wget just fine to pull from an FTP location. On my centos server, wget with the same parameters returns a "No such file" error (even though I am looking for a directory.  any ideas?15:34
hooloovooYo, i'm getting some kernel crashes when using the 2.6.28-3-rt kernel and ubuntu 9.0415:34
hooloovooAnyone know what could be the cause?15:34
grawityBoltClock:I believe 32-bit OSes can use more than 4 GB of RAM - it's just that a _single_program_ won't get more than 4 GB.15:34
eternalhi i have been tryin to setup irc for a hour now and it isn't showing to anyone outside my network netstat shows "0"15:34
shawn_grawity: no, the way 32 bit processors is set up, their limit is 3.5 GB15:34
shawn_grawity: they don't know what to do with more15:35
grawityshawn_: Ever heard of PAE?15:35
Ubersoldatthebaypp: so... you've got pretty good examples in the sudoers file15:35
thebayppUbersoldat: www-data        ALL=NOPASSWD: ALL - however this gives the user sudo access what all scripts15:35
aloneinthedarkdo they know any operating system linux without graphic interface?15:35
BoltClockshawn_: 32-bit processor? mine's intel c2d, which from what i heard is 64-bit, is it still up to the OS?15:35
psicobrayes SSL915:35
thebayppUbersoldat: i only want to accept sudo calls from one specific php scirpt15:35
SSL9thank you the sound works like charm... but I still have one more problem15:35
shawn_grawity: that's not very well implemented in 32 bit, its mostly done in 63 and only goes up to about 6 GB in 3215:36
hooloovooNo one?15:36
grawitythebaypp: then I don't think that's possible.15:36
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psicobraSSL9, that is?15:36
shawn_BoltClock: well its more about the OS than the CPU, if you're running 32 bit Ubuntu then you're limited to what a 32 bit processor15:36
SSL9tiny one... I can't add volume control... it gives me an error when i try15:36
aloneinthedarkdo they know any operating system linux without graphic interface?15:36
Mathmech_What MSN-Client would you recommend? I don't really liek aMSN, cuz it's buttugly xD15:36
psicobrajust use alsamixer from terminal15:36
Ubersoldatthebaypp: maybe you're asking the wrong question15:36
grawityMathmech_: Pidgin.15:36
Jeruvy!ot | aloneinthedark15:36
ubottualoneinthedark: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!15:36
grawityshawn_: Quoth the Wiki, "In computing, Physical Address Extension (PAE) is a feature of x86 and x86-64 processors that enable the use of more than 4 gigabytes[1] of physical memory to be used in 32-bit systems, given appropriate operating system support.'15:37
BoltClockgrawity: 'given appropriate operating system support' my windows is 32-bit...15:37
shawn_grawity: yes I know, its technically possible, but its virtually unnecessary15:37
sipioraloneinthedark: sure, you can install linux without an attached graphical interface, if you want. grab the server version of the ubuntu cd, or whatever linux you like.15:37
psicobraSSL9, if not there are a million and one gui mixers you can install brows package manager15:37
SSL9so I can't use the last controler?15:37
grawityBoltClock: Well, my 32-bit XP *does* have the PAE-compatible kernel installed... I think.15:38
hooloovoohere's some logs15:38
shawn_BoltClock: Windows XP has the feature he's talking about, its just not fully implemented in all of them15:38
SSL9thank you man ! :)15:38
grawityBoltClock: But yes, XP has a limit of 4 GB itself - it just uses PAE for other things.15:38
psicobraSSL9, no problwems glad i could help15:38
BoltClockgrawity: ah i see15:38
s3r3n1t7grawity, xp is around 3.5 actually.15:39
psicobraany one want to buy a server15:39
SSL9:) have a nice day15:39
Mathmech_Oh, aMSN has skins xD15:39
thebayppUbersoldat: I will explain. I am running apache2 with www-data as it's user. I have a php script that has a line "exec(udo sh /home/seren/seren_drop.sh 2>&1)" - which uses iptables commands... currently I can use these files fine with the ALL notation in the sudoers... however, I'd rather not leave www-data to run wild. So, how can i make sure that either www-data can only run that .sh file (and iptbales) - or only execute comm15:39
grawityBoltClock, shawn_: I think if the CPU suports PAE, then instead of ntoskrnl.exe you will have ntkrnlpa.exe (it's the kernel with PAE support). And WIndows uses that for NX support (google for "data execution prevention"). </offtopic>15:40
hooloovooNo one is brave enough to fix my kernel krashes?15:40
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!15:40
Familie_sorry i dont know anything about the kernel15:40
aloneinthedark the graphic interfaces and effects are a shit15:40
aloneinthedarkthe effects is for noobs15:41
grawityaloneinthedark: shut up. If you don't want a GUI, just REMOVE it >:|15:41
shawn_grawity: meh, but I think its still only technically mapped out to about 4 GB15:41
shawn_grawity: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Physical_Address_Extension#Microsoft_Windows15:41
s3r3n1t7grawity, calm down please.15:41
grawityshawn_: Like I said, Windows XP has a limit of 4 GB too - but technically PAE does allow using more than that.15:41
s3r3n1t7shawn_, you can use up to 64GB with PAE.15:42
sawyer__shawn_, for some reason i now have the partition again...15:42
sawyer__sometimes, usb ca be weird15:42
sawyer__thanks for the help :)15:42
grawityshawn_: For example, the table you just pointed to says Win Server can use up to 64 GB.15:42
shawn_sawyer__: weird, same here15:42
grawitys3r3n1t7: Sorry. I'm not troll-resistant.15:42
shawn_s3r3n1t7: its dependent upon processor architecture and OS support, not just theoretical limits15:42
s3r3n1t7grawity, it happens. Would you be so kind to try that for me?15:42
Ubersoldatthebaypp: http://www.linuxhomenetworking.com/wiki/index.php/Quick_HOWTO_:_Ch09_:_Linux_Users_and_Sudo#Granting_Access_To_Specific_Users_To_Specific_Files15:42
Familie_does anyone know anything about graphics cards with ubuntu? please private chat me15:42
sebsebsebFamilie_: to some extent I do15:43
=== eternal is now known as eternal-ub
grawityshawn_: If it has PAE, it allows up to 64 GB. Then it's just the matter of having a capable OS (such as WinServer.)15:43
sebsebsebFamilie_: what's your problem?15:43
Iceman_B^Ltopwhen I run "gpg --fingerprint staff@irssi.org" I get "gpg: error reading key: public key not found" what am I doign wrong? i'm trying to verify the sig on the downloaded irssi source15:43
aloneinthedarkhaha and vista too15:43
s3r3n1t7grawity, shawn_, Please take the whole discussion about this to offtopic.15:43
Familie_9.04 doesnt see my graphics card15:43
Familie_but 8.04 does15:43
shawn_grawity: yes, like I said, dependent upon architecture and OS15:43
bazhang!ot > grawity15:43
ubottugrawity, please see my private message15:43
s3r3n1t7aloneinthedark, please stay on topic.15:43
HuufartedSomeone know of a decent live CD that will allow termainal access that is a SMALL download?  Hosed a boot file (/etc/init.d/rc) and need to restore it from external media.15:43
sebsebsebFamilie_: ok 9.04 has not been properly released yet15:44
* grawity pokes shawn_ to #ubuntu-offtopic15:44
Neaaihooloovoo: What line describes the crashes in those logs ?15:44
sebsebsebFamilie_: 8.04  is  alright :)  and what about 8.10????/15:44
Lint01how can I upgrade my kernel to 29?15:44
psicobraHuufarted, puppy linux15:44
Familie_doesnt to15:44
UbersoldatHuufarted: puppylinux is live15:44
Huufartedthanks to both of you.  :)15:44
psicobraHuufarted, maybe DSL there the 2 smallest distros15:44
hooloovooNeaai: You prolly knows better than me. Which of those lines could cause a crash?15:44
sebsebsebFamilie_: ok 8.10 has a completly differnet version of Xorg from 8.0415:44
lewenchI have an Asus EEE PC 1000, when trying to insert an SD card, its not mounting (or atleast i think its not) is  there something special I have to do to make the SD card automount? Or mount in general?15:44
hooloovooThere's just 13k of them to scroll though.15:44
Familie_yeah... and the card is pretty old15:44
BoltClockgrawity: lol15:44
Huufartedpsicobra: what does DSL stand for with that?15:45
psicobrai  do liuke puppy linux15:45
psicobraDamn small linux15:45
sebsebsebFamilie_: yep there we go then :)15:45
HuufartedOh, gotcha.  Thanks psicobra15:45
Neaaihooloovoo: to what I saw, there didn't seem to be any crash there. Reporting messages during the boot/start process.15:45
sebsebsebFamilie_: your card it to old for 8.10 and  9.0415:45
s3r3n1t7hooloovoo, check the last 50 or so, that should be a good start. Neaai15:45
aloneinthedarkthe topic is interesting :)15:45
hooloovooNeaai: The crashes are more like freezes.15:45
aloneinthedarkxp is a lamentable OS15:45
grawityBoltClock: Eh?15:45
hooloovooNot sure if it has time to log it.15:45
grawityaloneinthedark: Ignored.15:45
digiforHow can I use wget to download a file that is https and needs a username and password?15:45
sebsebseb!ops |  aloneinthedark15:45
ubottualoneinthedark: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elky,  imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, Madpilot, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso,  PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!15:45
jpdssebsebseb: What?15:46
digiforSpecifically the SANS Investigative Forensic Toolkit (SIFT) Workstation: Version 1.215:46
* gnomefreak wonders how "ok" called ops15:46
LjLaloneinthedark: please join #ubuntu-ops15:46
zirodaygnomefreak: there was alot above :)15:46
grawitydigifor: wget should support https. As for the password, try one of these ways: 1) wget https://user:pass@site/file  2) wget --user=youruser --password=yourpass https://site/file15:47
lewenchI have an Asus EEE PC 1000, when trying to insert an SD card, its not mounting (or atleast i think its not) is  there something special I have to do to make the SD card automount? Or mount in general?15:47
comingsoonat last, I thought it was dead15:47
digiforthanks grawity I'll give it a go15:47
comingsoonso how much ram do ppl use to run 9.0415:47
Neaaihooloovoo: At which part occur the freezes? And how are you currently managing these freezes ?  I mean, do the freezes occur during the booting, or while you work.. ?15:47
shawn_lewench: when you insert the sd card, does it show up in dmesg15:47
amigo_richcomingsoon: Depressingly 512m.15:48
jsphillips86Dropbox just magically QUIT working on 9.04 beta. Anybody experienced with it15:48
zirodayshawn_: looking for it in fdisk -l might give you more luck :)15:48
Familie_i dont15:48
lewenchshawn_, loos like Im getting [ 6898.664141] hub 5-0:1.0: connect-debounce failed, port 5 disabled15:48
zirodayjsphillips86: jaunty in #ubuntu+115:48
shawn_ziroday: not always, especially if its not recognizing the sd card15:48
thebayppUbersoldat: thank you for the link, i have read the section i require and have added this line to visudo15:49
thebayppwww-data ALL= NOPASSWD: /sbin/, /usr/sbin, /home/seren/seren_drop.sh15:49
LjL!9.04 | comingsoon15:49
ubottucomingsoon: Jaunty Jackalope is the codename for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 23rd, 2009 -  Schedule in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyReleaseSchedule - Lots of breakage between now and April 23rd - Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support.15:49
* psicobra is using 9.0415:49
thebaypphowever... the response from the php exec() is [sudo] password for www-data15:49
shawn_lewench: hmm, I'm not sure what to do with that15:49
Familie_need some help with graphics card15:49
psicobraFamilie_, what is the problem15:49
lewenchshawn_, lol15:49
comingsoonamigo_rich: how is it15:49
comingsoonLjL: ...15:49
Familie_please pm15:50
Lint01how can I upgrade my kernel to 29? I'm on Intrepid15:50
lewenchshawn_, now that I know what the error is I can atleast work with that. Thanks a bunch shawn_15:50
sebsebsebFamilie_: yes as I explained you will be better off on 8.0415:50
shawn_lewench: well my sd card reader has issues at times and it seems like we have different problems15:50
sebsebsebFamilie_: since your card is so old15:50
=== aloneinthedark is now known as tenbduy
Familie_an ATI 9500 pro15:50
digiforwhen I do the wget all I seem to get is login.php15:50
amigo_richcomingsoon: It is okay, the CPU on this box is only 600Mhz though so video and other pretty things are out of the question.15:50
Familie_but 1 thing is weird15:51
Familie_ubuntu uses in 9.04 desktop effects standart15:51
zirodayLint01: why?15:51
Familie_but the driver installer doesnt see the card15:51
psicobraamigo_rich,  on this box i have 2 x PII 933's and flash video sucks15:51
sebsebsebFamilie_: yes and you said  same issues in 8.1015:51
batfastadHi everyone. Got an Ubuntu 8.04 VPS running as a remote private relay with postfix. How do I get the mail logs rotating? Is it something to do with syslog.conf?15:51
comingsoonamigo_rich: ah, no name the flash things of the webpages15:51
=== TwoD_ is now known as TwoD
sebsebsebFamilie_: your not really meant to talk about 9.04 here, but since you have the same issues in 8.10 as well...15:51
Lint01ziroday: because it's latest stable release?15:52
Familie_aah ok15:52
sebsebsebFamilie_: and since 8.04 works :)15:52
shawn_sebsebseb: with that logic, I shoulda stuck with fiesty15:52
sebsebsebshawn_: lol15:52
Familie_but 9.04 is só cool XD15:52
amigo_richpsicobra: Yes, flash seems to suffer from a mosy unhappy CPU addiction.15:52
zirodayLint01: well you have to wait for it to be packaged, considering its not even in jaunty yet unless you compile it yourself you cant15:52
sebsebsebshawn_: well completly differnet version of xorg in 8.10 and 9.04  than the one in 8.0415:52
shawn_sebsebseb: the only thing that's changed since then is enabling fglrx has become a HELL of a lot easier15:53
sebsebsebshawn_: also  8.04 is still suppourted and long term supopurt, so not really a downgrade even15:53
zirodayLint01: is there something specifically you wanted from .29?15:53
psicobrai need to sell this server the mrs is going m,ad at mke for all the computer junk i have15:53
zirodaypsicobra: you can't sell it here.15:53
bazhangpsicobra, please take to another channel15:53
psicobra*mad at me15:53
shawn_sebsebseb: true, but I still know people on dapper15:53
psicobrai have no intention of selling it here was just making conversation15:53
abhishekiitdhey how do i take snapshot of screen?15:54
sebsebsebshawn_: which is nearly not suppourted anymore15:54
zirodaypsicobra: you can chat in #ubuntu-offtopic15:54
bazhangpsicobra, #ubuntu-offtopic for chat thanks15:54
shawn_abhishekiitd: print screen button? or are you asking from terminal15:54
comingsoonab3: printscreen15:54
zirodayabhishekiitd: press print screen, or run the gnome-screenshot app15:54
Lint01ziroday: it's said to be much faster15:54
zirodayLint01: well there is no easy way to get it :)15:54
ziroday!latest > Lint0115:54
ubottuLint01, please see my private message15:54
Familie_i got to go15:55
abhishekiitdziroday:actually i have a problem with all windows which open, i want to show u all15:55
Familie_many thanks for the help!15:55
zirodayabhishekiitd: okay, well press print screen then15:55
shawn_abhishsekiitd: yeah then upload it to something like imageshack15:55
abhishekiitdziroday: i could press print screen but i cant start the terminal or access any of the menus, and thats precisely the problem,...any window i open gets on top of the menus15:56
abhishekiitdziroday:i just installed 9.0415:56
zirodayabhishekiitd: okay, you need to restart your session. Press ctrl+alt+bkspace. Any unsaved work will be lost15:57
zirodayabhishekiitd: oh. You're on jaunty. In that case you should be in #ubuntu+115:57
abhishekiitdziroday:hey but that happens every time i type compiz in terminal, because i want to download it15:57
shawn_abhishekiitd: ooooh, you're trying to enable desktop effects15:57
dimebarabhishekiitd: 'compiz --replace'15:58
shawn_abhishekiitd: its possible your card isn't supported or the driver is incompatible15:58
evantanderseni want to use pwmconfig with this motherboard: Biostar TF720. Will it be able to control the fans15:58
abhishekiitdshawn: but it worked fine on 8.03..and btw i have nvidia 9200 gs15:58
ziroday!jaunty | abhishekiitd15:59
ubottuabhishekiitd: Jaunty Jackalope is the codename for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 23rd, 2009 -  Schedule in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyReleaseSchedule - Lots of breakage between now and April 23rd - Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support.15:59
zirodayabhishekiitd: note the last part15:59
shawn_abhishekiitd: 8.04 and 9.04 use different xorg15:59
shawn_abhishekiitd: that and nvidia drivers just plain suck15:59
Picipodshawn_: 9.04 support is in #ubuntu+1 only.15:59
evantandersenshawn_ do 8.10 and 9.04 use diff xorg?16:00
abhishekiitdok thanks16:00
zirodayevantandersen: yes, and jaunty discussion is in #ubuntu+116:00
=== saurabh1403 is now known as saurabh1403|away
shawn_picipod: he's just asking some quick questions and comparing to 8.04, it'll be done soon16:00
shawn_evantanderson: that's what I've seen16:00
evantandersenshawn_ thanks16:00
shawn_evantanderson: it uses the same as with 8.10 though16:00
evantandersenusually will motheroboards have heat sensors and the ability to control the fans?16:02
=== cxole is now known as alonebs
zirodayevantandersen: it depends on your motherboard. Ask in ##hardware16:02
evantandersenziroday thanks16:02
thebayppUbersoldat: any further ideas?16:02
Ubersoldatthebaypp: try taking sudo from the whole thing and use permissions of groups to accomplish it16:04
michael_2009* I know this is "lethal" :), but I'd like to remove my file system before I restore an backup.tar.16:06
michael_2009will sudo rm -rf16:06
michael_2009do the job?16:06
michael_2009(im in a test environment)16:06
zirodaymichael_2009: no16:06
thebayppUbersoldat: not sure what you mean by taking sudo...16:07
amigo_richmichael_2009: You could just reformat the partitions-unless you actually want to erase all of the information on the drive.16:07
mattgyver83When I try to connect to an ADhoc network in ubuntu no connection is made, Windows seems to work fine.  Using BCM43xx drivers, anyone know about this issue?16:07
Ubersoldatthebaypp: don't use sudo16:07
cadman21what codec do I have to download to watch dvds in movie player?16:08
Ubersoldatapache is running with a www-data user?16:08
erUSULmattgyver83: you have to installl b43-fwcutter package16:08
zirodaymichael_2009: have pm'd you a link with dangerous commands if you want to run them16:08
semamehi :) how 're you?16:08
thebayppUbersoldat: I get permission denied then...16:08
mattgyver83erUSUL, i think i already have that installed, i think it was the only way i could get the network connection working anyway16:09
pumpkinseedPlease Help16:09
mythrilwhy can I play some .flv files in vlc but not all, and yet I can still play them in MPlayer?16:09
Ubersoldatthebaypp: change group permisssions to the binary the script executes16:09
thebayppUbersoldat: on the .sh?16:09
zirodaypumpkinseed: we need to know what is wrong first16:10
Ubersoldatyes... the sh is executing iptables, right?16:10
erUSULmattgyver83: ooops i missrad the question... are you using NM ?16:10
pumpkinseedCould someone in Ubuntu 8.10 32bit please upload me a file called libQtWebKi.so.4.4.3 from their /usr/lib folder16:10
mattgyver83erUSUL, yes16:10
cadman21can anyone to me how I can get totem movie player to play DVDs?16:10
pumpkinseed(sorry... i accidentally pressed enter before I wrote what I needed)16:10
thebayppUbersoldat: yeah - that just seems a messy way to do it... i hope to use a whol load of binaries... will i have to add each one?16:10
LjLsemame: this is not a social channel. please only speak if you have an ubuntu support question.16:11
pumpkinseedCould someone in Ubuntu 8.10 32bit please upload me a file called libQtWebKit.so.4.4.3 from their /usr/lib folder16:11
mrwescadman21, did you install the ubuntu-restricted-extras package?16:11
mattgyver83erUSUL, it recognizes the connection and i can try to attach to it, however it doesnt connect and goes onto the next network.  However in windows the connection works fine so its not on that end.16:11
Ubersoldatthebaypp: well, it's messy to do system calls from a PHP script16:11
pumpkinseedlibQtWebKit.so.4.4.3 is the filre name16:11
cadman21mrwes: yes16:11
thebayppUbersoldat: hmm, point.16:11
=== semame is now known as alonewonder
pumpkinseedanyone running Ubuntu 8.10 32 bit?16:12
Iceman_B^Ltop how do I display the properties of ~/.gnupg/gpg.conf when Im in a different dir ?16:12
Iceman_B^Ltoppumpkinseed: I am(server ed.)16:12
pumpkinseedI just need a file... (Its a long story, and simply getting the file from someone will solve my issue)16:12
erUSULIceman_B^Ltop: properties? ls -al ~/.gnupg/gpg.conf16:12
cadman21mrwes: when I put a dvd in the drive I get an error "could not read from resource16:12
mrwescadman21, the dvd is in OK condition?16:13
=== Deevzz is now known as Deevz
Iceman_B^Ltopoh wow, thanks erUSUL. I tried the -la switch but that didnt work16:13
Iceman_B^Ltopdidnt know -al is different from -la16:13
grawityIceman_B^Ltop: Actually, -la and -al is the same...16:13
erUSULIceman_B^Ltop: it is not16:13
pumpkinseediceman_B^Ltop: could you upload me libQtWebKit.so.4.4.3 from your /usr/lib directory?16:13
krammer_if i forgot my password to log in how can i get in?16:13
rspanyone got ati 9.3 driver working?16:13
grawityIceman_B^Ltop: With 'ls', at least, it's same thing: ls -la, ls -al, ls -l -a, ls -a -l.16:13
erUSULkrammer_: boot into recovery mode and change the password16:14
grawityIceman_B^Ltop: Same applies to many other Unix commands.16:14
lordofthestrings /msg CineHAwK-27 XDCC SEND #1916:14
cadman21mrwes: yeah I have tried some other dvds too just to make sure..16:14
Iceman_B^Ltopgrawity: thats what I thought too, but apparantly in this case, that doesnt fly16:14
umar i have just installed imagefield, imagecache, imageapi etc16:14
krammer_erUSUL,  thanks16:14
grawityIceman_B^Ltop: Well that's weird.16:14
asmaccubuntu is so awesome. <316:14
umarbut when i try to add a new content type, it does not give me the option to select an image type16:14
mythrilwhy can I play some .flv files in vlc but not all, and yet I can still play them in MPlayer?16:14
umarany ideas why?16:14
Iceman_B^Ltoppumpkinseed: If you tell me how, I can. Is it a seciruty risk for me though ?16:14
mrwescadman21, did you try VLC ?16:15
pumpkinseediceman_B^Ltop: no security risk. could you simply email it to jacqueslaroche@hotmail.com ?16:15
Iceman_B^Ltopim afraid I cant.  have no idea how to from the commandline16:16
cadman21mrwes: no, is that another player?16:16
s3r3n1t7pumpkinseed, this channel is logged publicly. Don't post email adresses in here, they get spammed.16:16
pumpkinseediceman_B^Ltop: i need it to get my Google Earth 5 running in Ubuntu, but I am running the 64bit version.... like I said, long story)16:16
mrwescadman21, yah plays just about anything; from a terminal type sudo apt-get install vlc16:16
michael_2009I'm looking for a command that will remove all files on my file system, while I'm running it live.16:16
pumpkinseeds3r3nlt7 that is my junk mail16:16
LjLmichael_2009: cannot be done, i believe16:17
cadman21mrwes: ok I give that a try. Thanks for the help16:17
grawityLjL: How about the rm one?16:17
Iceman_B^Ltoppumpkinseed: set up a temporary user for me, I'll scp it to you16:17
michael_2009i thought rm *16:17
LjLgrawity: i don't think it'd work, because after it removes some core system files, the system will go down16:17
pumpkinseediceman_B^Ltop: I have no idea what that means16:17
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pumpkinseediceman_B^Ltop: is emailing it too difficult?16:18
cemerickI've got vnc set up through xinet.d just fine, but it looks like it keeps sessions persistent, so that if a user closes their vnc connection, the next user gets dropped right into their X session.  Where might the problem lie?16:18
=== anseim is now known as LjLoP
Iceman_B^Ltoppumpkinseed: I dont have an email client, I am running a server. also, I seem to be missing that file, so someone with the desktop version will have to help you out16:19
grawityLjL: I have read many Unix horror stories (from before Linux was created), and they say The Command easily wipes everything. (I'm not sure about modern systems though.)16:19
eseven732 questions, I have a separate /home, how do i back that up to a DVD or external hd, and how would I copy it back over when/if I need to reinstall?16:20
geniicemerick: Since the desktop needs to be logged in before vnc can access it for remote, it will always be whoever connects in is getting that desktop16:20
LjLgrawity: it wipes most of the stuff you wouldn't want wiped, but it is unlikely to wipe the *entire* filesystem16:20
* grawity wants to test on some VM... if only Ubuntu worked in VirtualPC :(16:20
pumpkinseedAgain. Could any single person in here running Ubuntu 8.10 32bit check to see if they have a file called libQtWebKit.so.4.4.3 in their /usr/lib directory (if you don't, could you install it in synaptec) and then simply send it to me?16:21
s3r3n1t7grawity, safe graphics mode ought to start it in VPC (wfm)16:21
julian_eclipse frikkin just sucks16:21
eseven73grawity, what's wrong with VirtualBox?16:21
Iceman_B^Ltopjulian_: I think eclipse looks purty. BUt thats on windows. and I havent devved much with it....16:21
grawityHow would I make Ubuntu LiveCD boot in textmode :/16:21
cemerickgenii: I'm hoping to replicate behaviour I saw in a solaris/gnome environment I saw over the weekend, where multiple users could be logged in via vnc to their own X sessions, and new connections are always challenged for system-level creds16:21
pumpkinseedI need it for Google Earth 5 to work on my 64bit Ubuntu 8.10 installation. Google Earth apparently only uses 32bit files (even on a 64bit system). I need that file to make it work16:21
pumpkinseedplease help16:21
julian_i try to use it on ubuntu but it just sucks16:22
pumpkinseedthis should be quite simple16:22
dokuhebigrawity: Virtualbox works fine. That's what im using.16:22
grawitydokuhebi, eseven73: Dunno. Last time I used it, it BSODed. And I generally just collect old Windows/DOS/OS2 systems, so VirtualPC is more than enough for me.16:22
geniicemerick: You want to set it up to allow vnc access to the login then. something about it here might be useful for you: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=12240216:22
grawityeseven73: Yes, I do have a Windows 1.03 VM :)16:22
nvstpHello, everyone16:23
cemerickgenii: that's actually the tutorial I followed to get where I am now :-(16:23
evantandersenhow can i unload and reload modules when i sleep ubuntu 8.1016:23
mrwescadman21, you get VLC working with your DVD ?16:23
dokuhebigrawity: Windows 1. Nice.16:23
evantandersenerr suspend16:23
cemerickThe greeter is displayed properly, but all vnc users are sharing the same X session.16:23
pumpkinseedso no one in here is running ubuntu 8.10 32 bit16:23
jonathan__pumpkinseed: yes16:23
grawitydokuhebi: Want the disk ima....wait, I'm on freenode. No "illegal trading". :(16:23
cjaeok so ext4 will be available in jaunty, is it ready? someone told me to wait, so IF there is a security flaw in it how would it be patched or can this happen with a filesystem?16:24
jonathan__cjae: from what I heard there is no security problem, but it can cause kde to crash16:24
eseven73cjae, ask that in #Ubuntu+116:24
dokuhebigrawity: Isnt that abandonware? :)16:24
ikoniagrawity: bring it back a little more ontopic please16:25
ikoniagrawity: ubuntu support, remember please16:25
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!16:25
bazhang!ot | grawity dokuhebi16:25
ubottugrawity dokuhebi: please see above16:25
eseven732 questions, I have a separate /home, how do i back that up to a DVD or external hd, and how would I copy it back over when/if I need to reinstall?16:25
dokuhebieseven73: Are you looking for a specific tar command?16:26
ActionParsnipeseven73: if its on a seperate partition you could use partimage to create an image of the unmounted partition and burn to dvd16:26
ActionParsnip!backup | eseven7316:26
ubottueseven73: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning16:26
cadman21mrwes: no... it acts like its going to run it the screen flashes a couple of times then closes. it didn't give me an error message so I don't know whats going on with it..16:26
bensteduring installation of LTSP server I got an error proclaiming that I have to config manually the devices DHCP should listen on eth0, how should I modify /etc/ltsp/dhcpd.conf  to do so?16:27
eseven73ok :/   was hoping for actual commands, but i guess that will work16:27
geniicemerick: There is a fedora-centric howto you could adapt (init stuff would be different, other stuff too. But still maybe useful to you for process): http://www.fedoraforum.org/forum/archive/index.php/t-1606.html16:27
scaporDOes someone know a way to know how much of different partitions are used with a commandline script ?16:28
oCean_scapor: use "df -k" command (or "df -h")16:28
jonathan__eseven73: you can use dd to make an image: eg: dd if=/dev/sda5 of=/media/disk/home.img16:28
scaporoCean_: that's for mounted partitions only16:29
=== msdjmn is now known as jlun_pl
scaporI'll redo my question16:29
scaporDOes someone know a way to know how much of different partitions (all, not only mounted) are used with a commandline script ?16:29
=== jimdb_ is now known as ubuser
dokuhebieseven73: The nice thing about home directories is that you can tar and compress them.16:30
nikiis there any good open source gps software with maps included?16:30
dokuhebiThen you can burn or copy the file where you want.16:30
eseven73jonathan__, yeah i knew about that dd commands but, i need to know how to burn it to dvd, and then from dvd stick it on a new hd16:30
=== niki is now known as Guest30643
LjLGuest30643: try RoadNav16:30
LjLGuest30643: it can use both USGS maps for the US, and maps from www.openstreetmap.org16:30
jonathan__eseven73: you can loop mount the image and then copy everything off of it.16:31
=== arvind_k is now known as arvind_khadri
eseven73jonathan__, that kinda sounds scary, is there a how to for that somewhere?16:31
MarfiIs there a shockwave player for ubuntu?16:32
=== jlun_pl is now known as LJIEVK
jonathan__eseven73: yes, I don't know where exactly now16:32
Guest30643LjL, do you have to download the maps separately?16:32
=== shawn_ is now known as shawn|afk
oCean_scapor: I think there is no such tool. The information on usage is in the filesystem (not in the partition) So any system would need to read the filesystem's metadata to know how much of the filesystem is in use16:33
eseven73jonathan__, ok ill google it thanks :)16:33
oCean_!away > shawn|afk16:33
ubottushawn|afk, please see my private message16:33
eseven73oCean_, beat me to it :P16:33
* eseven73 hates away nicks16:33
* Marfi licks ubottu 16:33
jonathan__eseven73: google is how I found it.16:33
aspoorset +v+o16:36
erwinHas anyone experienced clicking being unable to raise the window? Using metacity, raise_on_click is set. This has occurred weirdly and suddenly; restart makes no difference. I see this has possibly to do with core pointer configuration, i.e. something else than my mouse is the source of "core events" but that seems like a long shot.16:36
SixtyFoldwhat version of ubuntu?16:37
=== berat is now known as hellues
Iceman_B^Ltopwhen I run "gpg --fingerprint staff@irssi.org" I get "gpg: error reading key: public key not found" what am I doign wrong? i'm trying to verify the sig on the downloaded irssi source16:37
erwinSixtyFold: 8.10. Odd thing is I don't recall doing anything like upgrades or config changes that caused this to start.16:37
MarfiIceman_B^Ltop: just sudo apt-get install irssi16:37
erUSULIceman_B^Ltop: you do not have the key in your keyring16:37
SixtyFoldhrm, im using 8.04 still on both my linux machines16:37
Iceman_B^LtopMarfi: the latest irssi hasnt yet been added16:38
Iceman_B^Ltopor has it ?16:38
=== LJIEVK is now known as LjkieL
SixtyFoldso I'm not probably help on that16:38
=== saurabh1403|away is now known as saurabh1403
MarfiIceman_B^Ltop: what's the latest version?16:38
MarfiIceman_B^Ltop: Irssi: Client: irssi 0.8.12 (20071006 0939)16:39
Iceman_B^Ltopreleased a few days ago16:39
MarfiIceman_B^Ltop: I would say just to wait a few more days. 8.12 has been fine for me, and it should hit the repos16:39
stewIceman_B^Ltop: you don't have the key in your keyring yet,  you have to run --recv-keys with the key id to get it from a public server first, see http://www.irssi.org/download16:39
Iceman_B^Ltopoh, right16:40
Iceman_B^Ltopdoes Ubuntu create a standard keyring upon install?16:40
Iceman_B^Ltopaka do I have akeyring somewhere or do I need to create one16:40
defrysk <Iceman_B^Ltop> does Ubuntu create a standard keyring upon install? yes16:40
=== jimdb_ is now known as ubuser
aryahhi ppl! do ppl here use gmail's imap service? has it been running fine the last two days?16:42
jon23dI can't get htaccess to work on my new ubuntu install16:42
Marfiaryah: I just use web access16:42
SixtyFoldi use it but with not window ubuntu16:42
Iceman_B^Ltoparyah: same16:42
defryskaryah, never had any issues16:43
SixtyFoldi check my mail with outlook16:43
SixtyFoldits been fine16:43
Ian999I was wondering if anybody might be able to help me figure out what kind of Realtek driver I need for this laptop in Ubuntu16:43
Link4Hi, is it safe to boot into windows while ubuntu is hibernating (I'm dual booting)?16:43
SixtyFoldtry it and let us know16:43
aryahhm.. then i must have messed something up. I just managed to set mutt to work with gmail fine.. i cant understand, I cant believe i changed anything..16:44
MTecknologySo, I want to use debootstrap, but I don't know where to grap the stuff for a mirror to keep the files on my system - anyone know where to get these files?16:44
Iceman_B^LtopMarfi: Im getting a gpg: can't open `/home/ravi/.gnupg/secring.gpg' message16:44
Iceman_B^Ltopis that bad ?16:44
Mathmech_Can someone help me install my Microphone? Its a logitech headset, sound works in em, but not mic. My drivers not working?16:45
benchewi have installed my alsa driver, but my sound card still not working, my sound card is Intel Corporation 82801FB/FBM/FR/FW/FRW (ICH6 Family) AC'97 Audio Controller (rev 04)16:45
benchew. Need for help. Thanks16:45
defryskbenchew, thats a very common driver and should work by default16:45
offenderwould someone of you like to be my urinating friend?16:46
ikoniaoffender: stop now16:46
LjLikonia: he will16:46
Link4Hi, does anyone know if it is safe to boot into windows while ubuntu is hibernating (I'm dual booting)?16:46
ikoniaLjL: should be fine,16:46
ikoniaLjL: sorry16:46
ikoniaLink4: should be fine16:46
wirechiefLink4 you have to do a normal shutdown, dont invite trouble16:47
Link4ikonia: Thanks.16:47
Link4wirechief: Is it is risky then?16:47
wirechiefLink4 well when you break your fs  you will realize that it wasnt worth the short cut to just try and reboot from an active sesssion16:48
Link4wirechief:  But I don't mount my ext3 filesystem from windows.16:49
SixtyFoldI say try it.16:49
=== hasnain[dead] is now known as Hasnain
JbL_Soundi need  help16:49
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)16:49
JbL_Soundok LJL16:50
=== enric_ is now known as Anarcxpoll2
ikoniaJbL_Sound: what's up ?16:51
JbL_Soundi need download of youtube16:51
cemerickgenii: thanks for the links, but so far, I've not been able to impact the behaviour at all.  In general, I'm confused why xinetd doesn't kill the Xvnc process once the connection is broken...16:52
ikoniaJbL_Sound: you want to download videos off youtube ?16:52
benchewdefrysk, but it didn't function since i install ubuntu, then i tried out alsamixer. It's didn't change. Anything i can look into it?16:52
JbL_Soundyes i do16:52
LjL!info youtube-dl | JbL_Sound16:52
ubottuJbL_Sound: youtube-dl (source: youtube-dl): download videos from youtube.com. In component universe, is extra. Version 2008.03.22-1 (intrepid), package size 8 kB, installed size 64 kB16:52
geniicemerick: It requires logout, I would think16:52
=== eternal is now known as eternal-ub
defryskbenchew, doubleclick the speakericon in your panel and check if all settings are correct16:53
defryskbenchew, ac97 is very very common driver16:53
cemerickgenii: what I mean is, shouldn't xinetd kill any process it starts to respond to an incoming connection when that connection is dropped?16:53
JbL_Soundthanks it works!16:54
geniicemerick: Since it's being called by a local app (vncserver or so) ?16:55
abhishekiitdhey people...i cant access internet from synaptic or terminal16:55
cemerickgenii: xinetd is what's invoking Xvnc, not the other way around...16:55
abhishekiitdthough i can use firefox... i actua;;y use a proxy authetication on a static ip16:55
ubuntuI'm resizing a disk with gparted, it's taking a while.  Is there any way I can view the progress?  It just says resizing, nothing about progress.16:56
palmjeabhishekiitd: there are proxy settings in synaptic and also global gnome proxy settings that you can use16:56
geniicemerick: I would suspect if it's not getting input it will just idle, go to screensaver, etc until more input is received. Unless specifically told to shutdown16:56
abhishekiitdpalmje:but i have done it and still cant install anything from there16:57
genii( X itself)16:57
palmjeabhishekiitd: which have you tried?16:58
palmjeabhishekiitd: the synaptic proxy or the gnome one?16:58
benchewdefrysk, checked. found out PCM is the one that disabled. Now my sound card is working!!! Thanks a lot!!16:58
abhishekiitdpalmje:i have put in my proxy informtion in synaptic...and i cant still search for programs, or install them16:58
abhishekiitdpalmje:what is the gnome one?16:59
thebayppok - i am totally stuck... can any one think why this line in my sudoers file would still ask www user for password when doing an iptables command? www-data ALL=  NOPASSWD: /home/seren/, /sbin/, /bin/16:59
benchewdefrysk, didn't know what is PCM, so didn't unmute PCM16:59
riwaWhen i try to connect to msn with pidgin it says: "The root certificate this one claims to be issued by is unknown to Pidgin". Is that dangerous?16:59
defryskbenchew, a muted channel can spoil a lot ;)16:59
palmjeabhishekiitd: you can't even search for programs?16:59
abhishekiitdpalmje:hey i got it i had to edit apt.conf and bash.bashrc file, and now i cant...thanks anyway!17:00
palmjeabhishekiitd: the gnome proxy settings are in: System->Preferences->Network Proxy17:00
abhishekiitdpalmje:yah but doing that didt help17:00
defryskbenchew, some apps use pcm for more volume , others master , 100% master and 100% pcm might destort sound a bit , better to keep them <= 90%17:01
bitterblackaleHallo! Has anybody managed to fix Kompozer on 8.10?17:01
abhishekiitdpalmje:only when i edit those 2 files i could access them17:01
glaksmonoi got this error17:01
glaksmonoW: Failed to fetch http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/o/openssl/libssl0.9.8_0.9.8g-10.1ubuntu2.1_i386.deb17:02
glaksmono  404 Not Found17:02
glaksmonoi'm trying to update this thing17:02
defryskglaksmono, try another mirror ?17:02
glaksmonohmm.. kk thanks defrysk17:02
ActionParsnipglaksmono: if you look in http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/o/openssl/   you will see the file doesnt exist17:03
JbL_Soundwhere download the file?17:03
glaksmonokk downloading now, thanks guys :)17:04
palmjeabhishekiitd: did you change the file from their defaults at all before the problem?17:04
amgarchingwhat is the easiest way to install gcc 4.4 snapschot on ubuntu Intrepid?17:04
bitterblackaletry this: http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/o/openssl/libssl0.9.8_0.9.8g-10.1ubuntu2.2_i386.deb17:05
bitterblackaleanyone use Kompozer?17:07
SilvenessI've never used this before....what do I do now?17:07
sosoi use ubuntu first time :)17:08
bitterblackaleIf you have a question - ask and hope that someone happens to know the answer ;)17:08
bitterblackale - or just have fun chatting with Linux folk!17:09
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)17:09
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!17:09
sosocan i install winamp on ubuntu?17:10
jduanyone know a reason why virtual terminals might get scrunched up and unreadable?17:10
starsunfloweri think i saw winamp listed in wine-doors17:10
palmjesoso: you can try using wine, but the question is why?17:11
starsunflowerinstall wine, then wine-doors and it will bring up a little programs list of things you can install17:11
bignosxmms is pretty much a clone of winamp17:11
starsunfloweraudacious is very similar17:11
bitterblackaleIf you like winamp, you might have more luck with xmms17:11
starsunfloweryeah, and i think you can skin it with winamp skins17:11
grawityxmms isn't being developed anymore, I think.17:11
palmjesoso: amarok is probably a better choice17:11
starsunflowerit's called audacious now17:11
jdusoso: audacious is more update that xmms, I think17:11
RogirWhen trying to install Kile through the add/remove interface, I get an "another synaptic is running" error17:12
hbx_songbird is better17:12
Rogirwhat does this mean?17:12
nicklas_is the Point-to-point tunneling protocol (PPTP) a good protocol?17:12
starsunfloweryeah songbird is hot!! I just installed it last week!!!!17:12
grawitynicklas_: It isn't very secure.17:12
jduRogir:  is another running?17:12
starsunflowervery similar to the new winamp17:12
RogirI don't know, what does synaptic mean?17:12
JbL_Soundamule  in  terminal?17:12
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nicklas_grawity, ok, howcome?17:12
jdusynaptic is a program that can be used to manage packages17:13
bitterblackalehas anyone figured out why Kompozer crashes in 8.10 when inserting into tables?17:13
nicklas_grawity, im gonna set up a vpn connection, and im trying to get some info17:13
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JbL_Soundbittorrent  in terminal?17:13
sosothank you17:13
RogirI probably still have one running I suppose, how do I close them?17:13
chaosfactoryhi - was wondering if anyone could help me get my touchpad working on my acer aspire one on ubuntu?17:13
Rogirthe only other program I have running are firefox and gaim17:14
palmjeRogir: find the window(s) and close them17:14
jduRogir: close out the ones you aren't using or let them finish and then start up the one you want17:14
grawitynicklas_: I would recommend using OpenVPN if possible ... or L2TP with IPsec (which is unfortunately quite hard to configure). PPTP isn't very bad, but on some setups it lacks security.17:14
Rogirright now I have three windows: firefox, gaim (this one) and Add/Remove applications17:14
thantalosI wanna give Ubuntu 9.04 a try - do I still have to use the alternate install in order to encrypt the hard drive or is this now integrated into to the desktop cd?17:15
grawityRogir: Gaim? :o (Not related to your problem, but it's been renamed to Pidgin long ago)17:15
JbL_Sounddownload manager in  terminal?17:15
nicklas_grawity, ok, because it seems like most vpn services that i find on the net, only supports PPTP17:15
grawitynicklas_: PPTP is supported by all Windows systems from Win95.17:15
Rogirwell, I still use 7.04..., will upgrade when the new cd arrives here17:15
chaosfactorysorry for asking again, could anyone help me with a touchpad problem im having on my acer aspire one on ubuntu17:15
nicklas_grawity, and its too much work to set up your own vpn server, and plus i dont have a server17:16
jduJbL_Sound: wget ?17:16
grawitynicklas_: What are you trying to do, then?17:16
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)17:16
chaosfactoryah k17:16
JbL_Soundis good?17:16
nicklas_!ask @ chaosfactory17:16
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)17:16
jduRogir: only Add/Remove applications would be a problem.  It could be that an update is happening in the background?17:16
nado__JbL_Sound, rtorrent for terminal torrent application17:16
JbL_Soundin terminal17:17
JbL_Soundis good rtorrent?17:17
grawitynicklas_: it's like this: !factoid | user (for channel messages) or !factoid > user (for PMs)17:17
Rogircould be, where do I check whether an update or something else disruptive is happening in the background, and how do I quit it if needed?17:17
nado__JbL_Sound, no man it's crap, that's why i'm recommending it :D17:17
palmjenicklas_: if you want it to be addressed to someone try !ask | username17:17
nicklas_grawity, set up an encrypted connection which hides my identity totally17:17
amgarchingdoes it make sense trying to install gcc-snapshot (20090327-0ubuntu1) from Jaunty repos onto Intrepid?17:17
nicklas_ok, ty17:17
chaosfactoryMy touchpad stopped working unexpectedly but is still being logged in the config file, does anyone know how to get it working again?17:18
bikesoh em gee17:18
=== JbL_Sound is now known as sTuPidLS
grawitynicklas_: How about using Tor? It *does* hide your identity - not even the Tor node operators can find out who is using what.17:18
pirothezerois there a ubuntu mac chatroom by chance ?17:19
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oasisfaiIn ubuntu, which software package provides prstat command?17:19
nicklas_grawity, is that easy? and secure? but i have heard that tor is slow, id rather pay for a service lilke 5 dollars a month than have a slooow connection17:19
jdusTuPiDLS: If what you want is to download stuff in a robust manner, wget is great.  It can also do stuff like recursively downloading websites etc.17:19
chaosfactoryMy touchpad stopped working unexpectedly but is still being logged in the config file, does anyone know how to get it working again?17:20
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CyberSurferI was following a tutorial to install ubuntu from a USB stick, this one http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-install-ubuntu-linux-from-usb-stick.html, when I boot it, it starts normally, but when I choose the option "Try ubuntu without any changes to your computer" or just install ubuntu, it's gives me a message17:20
grawitynicklas_: Well... in that case, VPN might be better for you. (Tor isn't as easy as VPNs.)17:20
CyberSurferI think it's "Boot Loader: /boot/vmlinuz"17:20
nicklas_grawity, and plus, we have 2 computers on the same router, will it work? im using ubuntu, but my girlfriend is using vista17:20
sTuPidLSjdu and...for client edonkey?17:21
CyberSurferI click okay and it stays on the menu17:21
nicklas_grawity, ok, ty then, very good to know17:21
nicklas_grawity, it was hard to find the info on the net, ty17:21
sTuPidLSterminal ,ok?17:21
CyberSurferI think it's a problem with step 117:21
bazhangsTuPidLS, no such thing17:21
mrTr0uthas anyone here successfully installed the drivers for a Sound Blaster X-Fi on ubuntu 8.10?17:21
lunartearlogcheck is reporting the same system and security events every hour which are from older dates such as Mar 22. I noticed a bug similar to this on debian's bug tracker http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=296096  is there something i can do to fix this?17:22
frenchi am new to ubuntu and linux, i was wondering if i need any virus protection or if that is uncessary17:22
grawitynicklas_: Just wondering, what service are you going to use?17:22
nado__french, nop you don't need virus protection17:22
nicklas_grawity, i guess it will be an vpn tunnel solution17:23
mrTr0utcan I paste an error I'm getting? I believe it's a single line17:23
frenchthen why is there virus protection for linux machines? if it is not needed why do ppl write it?17:23
nicklas_grawity, where are you from btw?17:23
mib_6tz5c49ahi can some one help me get my wireless (wlan0) working17:23
chaosfactoryhey does anyone know of a way to get my touchpad working again - i can't use it at all and have to connect a usb mouse?17:23
grawitynicklas_: Lithuania. Also, #ubuntu-offtopic please (before I get kicked :) )17:23
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)17:23
nicklas_grawity, what?17:24
nado__french, viruses for linux can exist but will only have a limited impact on the system17:24
bazhangnicklas_, chat in #ubuntu-offtopic not here thanks17:24
mib_6tz5c49ai have a wireless problem, ubuntu cannot see it when i type "ifconfig" in the terminal17:24
nado__french, you might want to read this : http://linuxgazette.net/issue48/tag/7.html17:24
Rogirwhen trying to add/remove applications (specifically, adding Kile) I get this error: "There is another synaptic running in non-interactive mode. Please wait for it to finish first." I don't have any windows running that are a synaptic so where is this thing running that is blocking me from adding programs?17:24
grawitynicklas_: Eh, #ubuntu is support channel, and offtopic chat is better for #ubuntu-offtopic.17:24
JeruvyRogir: it's possible a daily update is running.17:25
mrTr0utokay..well I installed the drivers for my sound card (the X-Fi), and under System>Preferences>Sound I switched the device to the X-Fi (ALSA) and clicked on Test...then I got this error: audiotestsrc wave=sine freq=512 ! audioconvert ! audioresample ! gconfaudiosink: Could not open audio device for playback.17:25
chaosfactoryDoes anyone know how to get the touchpad working on the Acer Aspire One - my touchpad has stopped working?17:25
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sTuPidLSml-donkey is better what amule?17:26
RogirJeruvy, if so, where do I see whether that is the case, how long it will take and how could I quit it if needed?17:26
hydetserhi.  i am trying to disable compiz to run an app.  i read that i can do metacity --replace to turn it off and compiz --replace to turn it back in.  the problem is that doing this hangs the script.  besides running it in the background via &, is there a more elegant way to do this?17:26
Jeruvy!touchpad > chaosfactory17:26
ubottuchaosfactory, please see my private message17:26
nado__chaosfactory, look into synaptics17:26
Iriswill i get infected if i watch porn site ?17:26
chaosfactoryive looked into synaptics17:26
JeruvyRogir: ps ax | grep {synaptic|apt} should show any instances17:26
sTuPidLSnet gnutella for ubuntu ?17:27
spiel_mit_feuerhey.. is this the ubuntu room id come into right away if i had ubuntu installed and used its version of x-chat?17:27
mneptokIris: not appropriate17:27
mneptoksTuPidLS: sudo apt-get install gtk-gnutella17:27
nicklas_hydetser, you dont have to do it in terminal, right click desktop, click desktop effects, and choose none17:27
sTuPidLSis good?17:27
RogirJeruvy: as entered in a terminal? (I'm nowhere near an experienced Linux user)17:27
Lint01spiel_mit_feuer: no, not right away17:27
LjL!p2p | sTuPidLS17:27
ubottusTuPidLS: Peer-to-peer filesharing clients are available for several networks/protocols, including !BitTorrent, !Gnutella, !eDonkey, !DirectConnect, !SoulSeek - Multi-protocol engines include !MLDonkey and !giFT - See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/P2PFileSharing for general information17:27
LjLsTuPidLS: please test programs for yourself and don't poll in this channel17:27
LjL!bot > sTuPidLS    (sTuPidLS, see the private message from ubottu)17:27
LjL!good > sTuPidLS    (sTuPidLS, see the private message from ubottu)17:27
hydetsernicklas_: i want to do it in a script since i want a script to do this for me.  turn off compiz, run program that doesn't like compiz, then turn it on when i exit the  program17:28
spiel_mit_feuerwell i used to have ubuntu, and i came into a room for it, but i dont remember which one17:28
JeruvyRogir: yup.  You could try again in a couple minutes, update checks don't typically take very long17:28
nicklas_hydetser, ahh, that i dont know how to do, sorry, but it shouldnt be so hard17:28
chaosfactoryhow do i list all the mice on the system using xinput in the terminal?17:28
sosoi have downloaded audacious please help me install17:29
hydetsernicklas_: i'll just resort to:  metacity --replace&17:29
hydetsernicklas_: i just was hoping there was a native option to do that17:29
RogirJeruvy: "bash: apt}: command not found"17:29
spiel_mit_feuerso i was just wondering if this was the same ubuntu room i was in before?17:29
spiel_mit_feueri dont have ubuntu anymore.. that laptop i had died17:29
Picipodspiel_mit_feuer: This is the official Ubuntu support channel.17:30
rsppackage error with Python 3 http://pasteall.org/486817:30
nado__chaosfactory, cat /proc/bus/input/devices17:30
MathmechAnybody know the simplest way to play games with Wine? Tried with PlayOnLinux, but only got "Couldn't find CD" or something... Is wine-doors good?17:30
sebsebsebMathmech: I don't think many people use winedoors anymore, in fact maybe that's no longer made17:31
sebsebsebMathmech: which games?17:31
nado__chaosfactory, xinput list17:31
chaosfactorythnx nado17:31
chaosfactorygot it :)17:31
spiel_mit_feuerfrom my experience.. ubuntu worked better with compiz.. and compiz worked almost flawlessly with my geforce card.. are there any issues with compiz on intel GMA950 graphics17:31
sTuPidLSgtk-gnutella nodes?17:31
LjLsTuPidLS: this is not a filesharing channel.17:32
chaosfactoryhow do i get back to the prompt if something is running in the terminal - i';17:32
aafdsfcould someone point me in the direction for install wireless on my ubuntu laptop?17:32
fosco__!wifi | aafdsf17:32
ubottuaafdsf: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs17:32
nado__chaosfactory, Ctrl+Z bg17:32
MathmechGoddamn, how do you reply to someone in Xchat17:32
mneptokMathmech: without expletives.17:33
mneptokMathmech: or, at least, you don't use them in this channel17:33
MathmechOk Sorry17:33
spiel_mit_feuerdoes anyone know where the ubuntu offtopic room is?17:33
MathmechBut how do you?17:33
LjL!ot | spiel_mit_feuer17:33
ubottuspiel_mit_feuer: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!17:33
defrysknext door17:33
mneptokMathmech: no idea. i use irssi,17:34
nado__chaosfactory, if you want to bring the running program back to foreground type : fg17:34
JeruvyRogir: ok bash isn't reading that so do each separate, just | grep synaptic17:34
mneptokMathmech: but /msg is pretty standard17:34
spiel_mit_feuerits not in the server list17:34
chaosfactorythanks nado thats gr817:34
nado__Mathmech, /msg nick message17:34
mneptokor /query17:34
Foloexhello to all17:35
sebsebsebverme hi   and  Foloex hi17:36
vermehi sebsebseb17:36
sTuPidLSweb browser of  terminal?17:36
sebsebsebsTuPidLS: a terminal web browser you mean?17:37
Foloexlynx ?17:37
fosco__sTuPidLS, links, lynx, links2, elinks...17:37
o0Chris0ohey guys, how can I open a .rar file?17:37
sebsebsebsTuPidLS: Lynx and Links   text only17:37
sebsebsebo0Chris0o: unrar17:37
ubotturar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free17:37
mneptoksTuPidLS: w3m is what you want17:37
nicklas_hateball, wasnt it you who had kids?17:38
FoloexI made a script that launches synergyc, I put the script in the folder /etc/network/if-up.d/ but my script is not launched when the pc is connected to the network. Is there something else to do ?17:38
sebsebseb!ot |  nicklas_17:38
ubottunicklas_: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!17:38
nicklas_lol sorry, wrong channel17:38
sebsebsebnicklas_: or just use pm, since they probably don't care in that channel, if that guy has kids or not17:38
sebsebsebnicklas_: :D17:38
nicklas_sebsebseb, :-P17:39
sTuPidLSnice w3m17:39
o0Chris0osebsebseb→ I know what I need to do, but the rar file wont open up in Archive Manager17:39
sebsebsebo0Chris0o: why are you using a RAR anyway?  RAR's are a bad closed source format from the Windows world.  also WinRAR itself is not that good17:40
WaSrDmay i inquire about a wireless issue here?17:40
o0Chris0osebsebseb→ because thats how I received a file I got from a friend17:40
sebsebsebo0Chris0o: 7-zip or whatever could open them.  only for  the terminal  in  Linux, but the GUI version would run in Wine17:40
mib_zdkuel1chi can i get help for my wireless problem? ubuntu is not noticing my card when i type "ifconfig"17:41
Foloexmib_zdkuel1c: maybe it's not up try "ifconfig -a"17:41
mneptok!info unrar17:42
ubottuunrar (source: unrar-nonfree): Unarchiver for .rar files (non-free version). In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1:3.8.2-1 (intrepid), package size 96 kB, installed size 244 kB17:42
mneptok!info unrar-nonfree17:42
ubottuPackage unrar-nonfree does not exist in intrepid17:42
mneptoko0Chris0o: ^^^^^17:42
o0Chris0omneptok→ ahh ok17:42
sebsebsebmneptok: well I already got the bot to tell him about rar before17:42
mib_zdkuel1cthe ones that it show is pan0,lo and eth017:42
mneptokand may i say, for the record, .rar files are oretty much a license plate on your computer that read "I=IDIOT"17:42
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o0Chris0omneptok→ please keep idiotic comments to yourself, this is a support channel, not a bashing channel17:43
Lint01mneptok: rar files have best compression around17:44
sebsebsebo0Chris0o: maybe you should get your  friend to send you stuff as a .zip  or  a tar.gz :D   then you woudn't have these kind of issues.  and he can create both files  in  7-zip  http://www.7-zip.org  and that programs is so much better than WinRAR on Windows17:44
nikitisHow do I get roadnav to use my gps17:44
o0Chris0osebastien→ indeed17:44
sebsebsebmneptok: indeed RAR's are bad I know,  but saying it like that hummm17:44
mneptoko0Chris0o: excuse me?17:44
sTuPidLSweb browser  faster complete?17:44
sebsebsebmneptok: ,but I guess you can get away with it no problem, since your an op :D17:44
mneptokLint01: the problem is that the format is being used to compress data *that is already compressed*17:45
MathmechIs it possible to make it so that when you press a icon on the tray, you get taken to that workspace, instead of the application popping ut at the current workspace?17:45
grawitysebsebseb: Did I miss something? :/17:45
mneptokwhy put a .avi in a .rar? the AVI container is *already compressed*17:45
chaosfactoryhey again - xinput is recognising my touchpad but the touchpad isn't working17:45
mib_zdkuel1cim on ubuntu but using a wired connection, my driver is in "Hardware Drivers" and active, but i still have no option to go wireless17:45
o0Chris0omneptok→ offtopic now, sorry just replying to what you sent to me17:45
grawitymneptok: avi is a container, like you said - the data isn't always compressed much.17:45
sebsebsebgrawity: [17:42] <mneptok> and may i say, for the record, .rar files are oretty much a license plate on your computer that read "I=IDIOT"17:46
mneptokgrawity: 99% of the time .avi is containing DivX or Xvid. that's MP4. MP4 is compressed.17:46
sebsebsebgrawity: and Chris didn't agree with that comment.  and  then it shows who has the op etc.   see above17:46
grawitymneptok: Xvid != MP4 ...17:46
chaosfactoryhey again - xinput is recognising my touchpad but the touchpad isn't working17:46
mneptokgrawity: so you end up speding massive CPU cycles to shave 5MB or so off a 1GB file. what's the point?17:46
grawitymneptok: Probably none.17:47
* grawity rars mneptok17:47
Lint01checksum ;)17:47
mib_zdkuel1ci typed in "ifconfig -a" and it dont show the wirless card17:47
LjLsTuPidLS: will you stop being random? if you want opinions about programs, join #ubuntu-bots and ask the bot.17:47
s0undt3ch_Hello ppl. I'm trying to install compizconfig-settings-manager=0.8.2 from jaunty which then says it will upgrade a lot of packages which worries me since I'm on intrepid. Can I know which is pushing all the packages?17:48
Picipods0undt3ch_: #ubuntu+1 for Jaunty support please.17:48
FoloexI trying to launch a script when my computer reach a network, I try to put the script in /etc/network/if-up.d/ and add a post-up line in /etc/network/interfaces but it's not working... What else can I try ?17:49
Picipods0undt3ch_: Err... You shouln't be installing Jaunty packages on Intrepid period.17:49
chaosfactoryhey again - xinput is recognising my touchpad but the touchpad isn't working - how should i enable / initialize it?17:49
nado__Foloex, have you set your script to be an executable ?17:49
s0undt3ch_Picipod: yes, I know :)17:49
Lint01what is the difference between i386 and i686 architectures?17:49
s0undt3ch_Picipod: still doesnt solve what I really want :)17:49
Foloexnado__: yes, but the owner is my login not root does it matter ?17:50
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mneptokLint01: ~10 years ;)17:50
grawityLint01: I think there isn't any, for most purposes. i686 is newer though.17:50
nado__nado__, no, these scripts are run as root... and root > all17:50
nado__Foloex, sorry.. talking to myself now.. tired17:50
maginothi... anyone can tell me how to block gnome wallpaper?17:50
mneptokLint01: 686 builds will use Pentium-specific instruction sets (e.g. MMX)17:50
Foloexnado__: what else can I try ?17:51
grawityFoloex: No matter what you're logged in as, the shell won't let you execute something that isn't +x.17:51
chaosfactoryhey again - xinput is recognising my touchpad but the touchpad isn't working - how should i enable / initialize it?17:51
Foloexgrawity: it's +x alright17:51
geniiFoloex: Write a scipt then call it from /etc/network/interfaces   as a post-up directive17:51
Foloexgenii: I tried, it doesn't work neither17:52
=== aaronLb is now known as aaronLBorg
mib_zdkuel1chi can anyone please help i have been trying to get wirless for the past 3 days now, i am using version 8.10 of ubuntu17:52
ActionParsnipmib_zdkuel1c: usb or internal?17:53
ActionParsnipmib_zdkuel1c: what does lspci say it is?17:53
BrianR___Any opinions on using i386 vs lpia distribution on an atom-based netbook?17:53
LjL!offtopic | BrianR___17:53
ubottuBrianR___: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!17:53
geniiFoloex: Does the script even try to execute, or just not runs at all?17:53
mib_zdkuel1cdo you want me to past the result here ?17:53
ActionParsnipmib_zdkuel1c: just the 1 line that identifies the device17:54
Foloexgenii: it won't launch at all17:54
LjL!paste | mib_zdkuel1c17:54
ubottumib_zdkuel1c: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)17:54
L3dPlatedLinuxhey is system cleaner in ubuntu something good and safe to install17:54
ActionParsnipmib_zdkuel1c: pasting huge lumps of text is not groovy and you can use pastebin for that, single lines are fine though17:54
geniiFoloex: And the file properties show it is executable?17:54
L3dPlatedLinuxI mean I dont want to use it and mess up my sys17:54
Foloexgenii: yep17:55
nado__Foloex, does the script work if you run it yourself ?17:55
chaosfactoryhi xinput is showing 'BadDevice' when I try to initialize my touchpad. does anyone know the problem?17:55
ubottuFor a comprehensive Synaptics Touchpad guide, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticsTouchpad17:55
mib_zdkuel1chere is the url for the pastebin http://paste.ubuntu.com/143588/17:55
geniiFoloex: If it's a shell script add as first line of it:    #!/bin/bash17:55
BrianR___LjL: More specificly, has anyone done meaningful benchmark or usability comparison between Ubuntu UNR i386 and the same package set on LPIA (MID installer). I'm trying to figure out what's best to use on an atom-based netbook like the Dell Mini 917:55
Brandiehttp://img8.imageshack.us/img8/2776/dscf2478.jpg I get that when i try to boot into 9.04 :\17:55
LjLBrianR___: i don't know, you could try asking #ubuntu-mobile17:56
ActionParsnipmib_zdkuel1c: http://www.google.com/url?sa=U&start=1&q=http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-get-atheros-ar5007eg-or-ar242x-wireless-cards-may-be-other-models-working-in-ubuntu-810-intrepid-ibex.html&ei=mj_WSb2DAd3RjAfCkIn5Dg&usg=AFQjCNFzY46ib8_HJFfXBzPbDlcfoLp9jw17:56
LjL!9.04 | Brandie17:56
ubottuBrandie: Jaunty Jackalope is the codename for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 23rd, 2009 -  Schedule in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyReleaseSchedule - Lots of breakage between now and April 23rd - Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support.17:56
Foloexgenii: I did #/!/bin/sh, could that be the problem ?17:56
nikitisLjL,   i ca't get roadnav to use my gps unit17:56
Brandiethanks ;17:56
Foloexgenii: I meant #!/bin/sh17:56
nikitisljl lsusb shows the unit17:56
geniiFoloex: If it was #/!   at start and not #!/ then yes17:57
LjLnikitis: roadnav uses gpsd, install that17:57
ActionParsnipmib_zdkuel1c: ubuntugeek kicks ass17:57
mib_zdkuel1cthanks, i am trying now , ill say the result at the end of it17:57
furenkuI am not being able to install the flash player; I already installed the downloaded .deb from Adobe, compiled the sources, and installed the flash-plugin-nonfree. Does anybody know something about this?17:57
nikitisljl it is17:57
ActionParsnipfurenku: 64bit or 32bit linux?17:57
nikitisbut it still says gps is disabled17:57
furenkuActionParsnip 32bit ubuntu17:57
Foloexgenii: no, it was just a typo, could my problem come from it using sh instead of bash ?17:58
chaosfactoryhi xinput is showing 'BadDevice' when I try to initialize my touchpad. does anyone know the problem?17:58
geniiFoloex: Also if you are running it from somewhere like rc.local or as a post-up directive, runs as root. Might want to specify user whic to run it as in the script itself.17:58
ActionParsnipfurenku: you can download the 32bit tar.gz and extract the .so file to ~/.mozilla/plugins17:58
geniiFoloex: sh instead of bash shouldn't matter17:58
ActionParsnipfurenku: you will need to create the plugins folder17:58
furenkuActionParsnip, thanks, I'll try that!17:58
nikitisljl how do i know gpsd is working?17:59
ActionParsnipfurenku: mkdir ~/.mozilla/plugins17:59
furenkuActionParsnip, if I was in 64bit, would it be idfferent?17:59
LjLnikitis: well, is gpsd running for a start? ps aux | grep gpsd18:00
ActionParsnipfurenku: theres a 64bit beta flash which is pretty decent, same method different file to download18:00
chaosfactoryshould i just post a bug report?18:00
ActionParsnipchaosfactory: did the link ubottu gave not help?18:01
chaosfactoryit did but i've encountered another problem18:01
nikitisljl, it says gpsd start18:01
chaosfactorythe touchpad won't initialize as the default mouse18:01
LjLnikitis: ok, you can try stopping it ("sudo invoke-rc.d gpsd stop") and then running it manually with debug enabled, i.e. "sudo gpsd -N -D 1"18:02
chaosfactoryim getting this error message "X Error of failed request:  BadDevice, invalid or uninitialized input device"18:02
emilienhow can i download of sever with shh i can only upload to it using scp, I could use telnet but not great security =(18:03
nikitisljl, gpsd: can't run with neither control socket nor devices18:03
pronoyi cannot run my audio18:03
nikitisljl, lsusb shows Bus 001 Device 002: ID 091e:0003 Garmin International GPSmap (various models)18:04
chaosfactory@ActionParsnip im getting this error message "X Error of failed request:  BadDevice, invalid or uninitialized input device"18:04
ryanCHi got a theme, file "gtkrc" where do i put the file at?18:04
LjLnikitis: ah yes, you need to specify the device in /etc/default/gpsd18:04
coolmadmaxanyone good with networking18:05
nado__chaosfactory, do a cat /proc/bus/input/devices18:05
nikitisljl, do i put the exact name that lsusb lists?18:05
chaosfactorynado_ - will do18:05
LjLnikitis: no18:05
LjLnikitis: it'll probably be /dev/usb/something18:05
nado__chaosfactory, get the event# that is listed for your touchpad .. then check if it is the same in your /etc/X11/xorg.conf18:05
coolmadmaxanyone good with networking?18:05
=== Brandie is now known as everyone
=== everyone is now known as Brandie
ActionParsnipchaosfactory: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-263816.html18:06
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NastXHello i have a problem^^ i am getting segfaults in x1118:06
ActionParsnip!anyone | coolmadmax18:06
ubottucoolmadmax: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?18:06
spaceBARbarianwhy cant i drag and drop applications between workspaces using the panel plugin ?18:07
nikitisljl, no /dev/usb dir18:07
LjLnikitis: not sure then, try "lshw -C usb" and see if it gives any hint18:07
happygrueQuestion: I am looking at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions/ThirdPartyNTFS3G, and in the configuration section it doesn't say what happens after I have run ntfs-config.  What do I have to do after that to actually mount something?18:07
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furenkuActionParsnip, i already tried it, but there's no change; do you think there are any additional steps I should take?18:07
spaceBARbarianwhy cant i drag and drop applications between workspaces using the boxes in the panel ?18:08
sTuPidLS  what is the best irc client in console mode?18:08
Number7__sTuPidLS, irssi18:09
coolmadmaxI try to make crossover connections local area Network between laptop- fedora10 and system ubuntu but systems couldn't see each other18:09
chaosfactorynado_ : i can't see the event# for my touchpad18:09
coolmadmaxanyone know how to do it?18:10
ActionParsnipfurenku: whats the output of:  file .mozilla/plugins/libflashplayer.so18:10
jelly-beanis there a way to force an app to run on the second monitor when twinview is enabled? i've got rdesktop running in full screen mode but it always shows on the first monitor and i want it on the 2nd. using gnome.18:10
nikitisljl, command not found18:10
chaosfactorynado_, the only entries in my xorg.conf file are for device, monitor and screen18:11
ActionParsnipcoolmadmax: set the ips to  and with a subnet mask of
mrTr0utI'm switching over from windows to ubuntu...I have two 250GB HDDs on my motherboard raid controller..and windows picked this up fine(it's formatted in NTFS)..gparted detects the hdds but as separate hard drives...how can I get ubuntu to recongize the raid and use that, without formatting18:11
LjLnikitis: lshw is not found?18:11
furenkuActionParsnip, do you mean file ~/.mozilla/plug...18:11
LjLnikitis: you didn't include the quotation marks, did you?18:11
ActionParsnipfurenku: no, ~/.mozilla/plugins/libflashplayer.so18:11
nikitisnope i just installed it via apt18:12
chaosfactorynado_ : the only entries in my xorg.conf file are for device, monitor and screen18:12
ActionParsnipfurenku: if the file doesnt exist then you've done it wrong18:12
furenkuActionParsnip, I see! i get "Segmentation fault"18:12
=== Poseidon is now known as David1991
nikitisljl, i ran it, it went over pci etc, but then returned nothing18:13
ActionParsnipfurenku: you could run: ls ~/.mozilla/plugins18:13
LjLnikitis: try without the -C usb then (though you'll then have to go through a lot of output)18:14
furenkuActionParsnip, then I get "libflashplayer.so"18:14
ActionParsnipfurenku: thats great18:14
ActionParsnipfurenku: killall firefox; firefox &18:14
gentubuntuCan somebody help me??? My computer is royally messed up.  I tried everything to no avail.18:15
ActionParsnipfurenku: you need firefox to completely close so the plugins are reloaded18:15
ActionParsnipgentubuntu: can you give details18:15
lewenchWould anyone know what this message is? I keep inserting my SD card into my media reader on my EEE PC1000 ubuntu 8.10? http://pastebin.com/d6d92410e18:15
furenkuActionParsnip, I'll try rebooting, because nothings happening. brb18:16
gentubuntuI can not access add remove or install using the terminal and im pretty sure i can not acess synaptics either18:16
soulinxhey..Trying update-manager -d in I.I to upgrade to JAunty doesn't give me any option for dist upgrade.Any ideas?18:16
chaosfactorynot sure if anyone can help me with this - but my xorg.conf file doesn't have any entries for input devices (just monitors and screens) and my touchpad is no longer working18:17
gentubuntuAnd opening certain programs I get errors18:17
mrkhtoncan  anybody tell me if you intsall and run adobe cs3 products such as dreamweaver and flash?18:17
ActionParsnip!fixapt | gentubuntu18:17
ubottugentubuntu: If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »18:17
mrkhtondo they work in ubuntu?18:17
nikitisljl, i see *-usb0 - 418:18
ActionParsnipmrkhton: try wine18:18
ActionParsnipappdb | mrkhton18:18
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ActionParsnipmrkhton: or you could try native linux equivelants18:18
NastXCan somebody help me i am keep getting segfaults18:18
gentubuntuIt is telling me to enter install -f but that doesn't it has something to do with pythongtw2.618:18
mrkhtonok...ive bin told that b418:18
nikitisljl, no logical name though18:19
gentubuntuActionParsnip: ubottu bot can't help me I have done everything to the book18:19
ActionParsniplewench: https://bugs.launchpad.net/linux/+bug/8853018:19
ActionParsnipgentubuntu: can you pastebin the output of: sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade18:20
gentubuntuActionParsnip:  Do you want me to give you the pastebin when I do what add remove and terminal tell me to do?18:20
ActionParsnip!paste | gentubuntu18:20
ubottugentubuntu: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)18:20
ActionParsnipgentubuntu: that too18:20
soulinxhow can I upgrade to Jaunty Jackalope18:21
mib_j2wo6fdlhi, i following that link and the tutorial it now shows in the ifconfig but i cannot get wirless to turn on now , (thanks to the guy/girl who submitted the url to me :) )18:21
ActionParsnip!upgrade | soulinx18:21
ubottusoulinx: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading18:21
rafa_hey, please what are the UUID numbers in fstab ?18:21
tmbigriggdoes anyone have any idea how to install KDE4.2 in Ubuntu 8.04?18:21
ubottuTo see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in a !shell: « sudo blkid » (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LibAtaForAtaDisks for the rationale behind the transition to UUID)18:21
ActionParsniprafa_: they make sure the same disks are mounted to the\ same places every time18:22
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ActionParsniptmbigrigg: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=636071618:22
coolmadmaxActionParsnip: i try but getting message it is all ready use ip from another users18:22
ActionParsnipcoolmadmax: then its not on crossover, it sounded like you had a cable between the 2 pcs for p2p connection. am i right?18:23
mib_j2wo6fdlhi  can someone help me, ? my laptop is Fujitsu Siemens Amlio 1718 , the problem is i now  have wifi working but cannot turn it on,18:23
ActionParsnipcoolmadmax: or do you have a router giving dhcp out and both pcs are getting ip info that way18:23
nikitisljl, i see the usb controllers, but no device18:24
rbo_hi! what is the pass for default 'ubuntu' user?\18:24
ActionParsnipcoolmadmax: then there can't be a conflicting IP as both PCs have no IP config18:24
coolmadmaxi do't have router18:24
spaceBARbarianwhy cant i drag and drop applications between workspaces using the panel plugin ?18:24
coolmadmaxi try directly connect with cable18:25
ActionParsnipcoolmadmax: then the ips will be fine18:25
ActionParsnipcoolmadmax: try: sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart    on both systems18:25
quibblerrbo_-> are you on a live cd?18:26
tmbigriggIthanks I will try it tonight18:26
gentubuntuActionParsnip, Yeap when I did upgradge I get the same message to do the same command as I do w/ add remove and apt get install.. let me give you the pastebin18:26
coolmadmaxok i try again18:26
ActionParsnipcoolmadmax: you need 2 different ip addresses that are nearly the same except the last number18:26
coolmadmax look like it looking for gateway?18:26
rbo_quibbler: it's EC2 machine18:26
ActionParsnipcoolmadmax: no as you havent specified one18:27
oshua86hello guys, when I tried to set up a vpn connection from teh network connection manager it all comes grey out18:27
rbo_quibbler: what is pass on livecd?18:27
oshua86do I have to do something?18:27
ActionParsnipcoolmadmax: you could set the gateway to
coolmadmaxi didn't18:27
ActionParsnipgentubuntu: can you pastebin the output please18:27
quibblerrbo_-> there is no pass it auto inlogs18:27
ubuntuя вернулся)18:29
ubottuПожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke18:29
genii!ru | ubuntu18:29
ubottuubuntu: please see above18:29
satyajithello guys does any body have EVDO usb modem drivers for ubuntu18:29
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spaceBARbarianwhy cant i drag and drop applications between workspaces using the panel plugin ?18:29
PerryArmstrongcan anyone tell me how i can schedule my system to restart after sometime and then login automatically18:29
ActionParsnipsatyajit: run lsusb to find out what identifier it has and websearch that18:30
fosco__PerryArmstrong, gshutdown will make it easy18:30
satyajitthanks Actionparsnip18:31
PerryArmstrongfosco__; can you tell me the full command18:31
rolianneim here to ask a question18:31
roliannecan anybody help me?18:31
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)18:31
grawityrolianne: Then please ask your question :)18:31
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots18:31
coolmadmaxActionParsnip: i try but getting message "the format of the specified IP address is not valid"18:31
Brandiecan somone tell me the exact name of the ati driver packages?18:31
ubottuAvoid your questions being followed by a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !patience18:32
Brandieso i can type in sudo apt-get remove __________18:32
krammer_I have an acer netbook and I need to install ndiswrapper how can i withought connection18:32
ActionParsnipcoolmadmax:  something like that18:32
roliannewhy cant i connect my 8.10 newly installed to internet18:32
sebsebsebrolianne: ,because your using wireless, and it needs to be configured?18:32
ActionParsniprolianne: network drivers or netwwork config18:32
gentubuntuActionParsnip: <!-- pastebin1 --> http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/143603/   <!-- pastebin 2 --> http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/143600/18:32
ActionParsnipcoolmadmax: http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/setting-up-an-network-interfaces-file/18:33
BrandieI just need the named of the packages...18:33
nikitisljl, you nthere3?18:33
roliannehow do i configure?18:33
rolianneim using a desktop18:33
nyaahey =)  is there a way to set an application as a higher priority so that it runs faster?18:33
rolianneno wireless18:33
PerryArmstrongcan anyone tell me how i can schedule my system to restart after sometime and then login automatically18:34
nikitisLjL, hello?18:34
ActionParsnipgentubuntu: sudo apt-get --purge remove boa-constructor; sudo apt-get -f install18:34
roliannei even entered the ip in the "edit connections" in the panel\18:34
grawitynyaa: Find out the application's PID (using 'ps'), then use: sudo renice <change> <pid>18:34
coolmadmaxActionParsnip: i try but getting message again "the format of the specified IP address is not valid"18:34
ActionParsniprolianne: lspci will identify the network device18:34
oruworki downloaded jailkit-2.6.tar.bz2 , how can i install it ?18:34
Brandienyaa: You can do it in the task manager18:34
nikitiscan someone hellp me figure out what my gps usb device is plugged into?18:34
Steeley@nyaa use nice value in gnome-system-monitor > right click the process and change the priority value18:35
grawityBrandie: Ubuntu has a task manager now? :o How do I access it?18:35
nikitisthe /dev name18:35
Brandieyou know what I meant18:35
nyaacool, thanks everybody =)  giving it a try18:35
ActionParsnipcoolmadmax: use the link to specify ip in /etc/network/interfaces   remember not to add spaces18:35
BrandieSystem monitor18:35
Brandieit shows thats running18:35
BrandieWhat is the name, of the ati driver packages? D=18:35
gentubuntuACTION I LOVE YOU18:35
BrandieI need to uninstall them in a root shell prompt18:36
mrwesnikitis, from a terminal type lsusb18:36
Steeley@Brandie fglrx?18:36
gentubuntuActionParsnip: I worship you my dear leader18:36
nikitismrwes, Bus 001 Device 004: ID 091e:0003 Garmin International GPSmap (various models)  But this isn18:36
ActionParsnipgentubuntu: the errors were pointing to it18:36
Steeleythats the proprietary one anyway18:37
nikitisthis isn18:37
Brandiebut they have more comples names than that :318:37
mrwesnikitis, sudo fdisk -l18:37
nikitisthis isnt what i'm looking for18:37
mib_j2wo6fdli have a wirless (internal) problem, i do not no how to turn it on (it originaly need application to run the wifi button)18:37
BrandieIs there a way to show the package list in the shell prompt?..18:37
ActionParsnipgentubuntu: boa-constructor: Depends: python-wxgtk2.6 but it is not installed    you need to get the packages square before you can add more packages18:37
Steeley@Brandie type 'apt-cache search fglrx' to list them all18:37
icerootBrandie: apt-cache search your-search-string18:38
nikitismrwes, i cannot seem to tell gpsd where my device is located18:38
spaceBARbarianis there an equalizer in rythmbox ?18:38
Steeleygstreamer has one but Rhythmbox doesn't implement it18:38
krammer_how to log in as root sudo/passwd?18:38
Steeleynot likely to get one soon either18:38
spaceBARbarianwhats a good media player then ?18:39
Brandiekramer, You shouldnt need to log in as root18:39
icerootkrammer_: use sudo instead of a real root-account18:39
Brandieyou can use sudo, and for managing files as root18:39
iceroot!sudo | krammer_18:39
ubottukrammer_: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE)18:39
Brandiesudo nautilus18:39
icerootBrandie: wrong18:39
PerryArmstrongActionParsnip; can you tell me how i can schedule my system to restart after sometime and then login automatically18:39
psychicany one know why computer only detects only 470 megs of ram when it has a 512 card?18:39
mrwesBrandie, gksu nautilus18:39
krammer_I am trying to install ndsiwrapper but I dont have internet connection18:39
BrandieI WAS CLOSE18:39
=== Yoda is now known as Guest63441
ActionParsnipPerryArmstrong: you can configure autologin easily18:40
BrandieI'm trying to be a linux nerd ;_;18:40
Guest63441Hey i got a simple question, can i use vmware for Linux ubuntu instead of Virtualbox ? :)18:40
icerootpsychic: onboard grafic with shared memory18:40
ka6soxis this the right place to ask about broken dist-upgrades?18:40
icerootka6sox: yes18:40
icerootGuest14136: hi18:40
PerryArmstrongActionParsnip; i want to do this autologin for just on time..that is during this restart18:40
ka6soxI have a number of Xen instances that are on edgy and I'm trying to take them to hardy.18:40
icerootGuest63441: yes you can but vmware is not in the repos18:40
ActionParsnipPerryArmstrong: sudo shutdown -r +m 20      will reboot the system in 20 mins18:41
ka6soxI have done dist-upgrades manually to get to gutsy but I'm getting circular unmet dependencies on console-common and console-setup18:41
psychicthat means something is continuously and neccassarilly using 42 megs at all times?18:41
Guest63441iceroot:  What do you mean by its not in the repos ? :)18:41
PerryArmstrongActionParsnip; thank you and the autologin that follows after this?18:42
icerootGuest63441: that vmware is not in the repos (apt-get) you have to download it from the website18:42
spaceBARbariancan i download banshee from apt ?18:42
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about autologin18:42
nyaawow there is a graphical version. I can see why the command line is better when you accidentally give something -20 priority!18:43
icerootspaceBARbarian: apt-cache search banshee   will tell you18:43
Guest63441iceroot:  Okay, but if i install windows 7 in it, can i play call of duty and such games in it then ?18:43
icerootGuest63441: of course not :) because there is no good 3d vga emulation18:43
rolianneis there an UBUNTU development team here in this channel?18:43
ActionParsnipPerryArmstrong: http://www.watchingthenet.com/how-to-enable-automati-logon-in-ubuntu-or-kubuntu.html18:43
quibblerPerryArmstrong-> system-adnubustration-login window18:43
Steeley@rolianne - go to #ubuntu-devel18:43
Jimbo__Is there a way to display multiple shell tabs in one window?18:44
nyaaI know that virtualbox has 3d accell now, but its not the best18:44
Guest63441iceroot: ohhh daaamn it , well thanks for your help my friend :)18:44
ActionParsniprolianne: /j #ubuntu-devel18:44
icerootnyaa: never heard of that18:44
Steeley@Jimbo press Ctrl + Alt + T18:44
Steeleyor Ctrl + Shift + T18:45
Steeleycan't remember which, I've edited my profile in Bash18:45
nyaaiceroot: I have it on mine, I could semi play halflife 2 but it wasn't that good18:45
krammer_I am trying to configure ndiswrapper just installed the package what do I need to do next?18:45
nyaakramer you need to find the .sys and .inf files for the driver you want to use18:46
krammer_nyaa, where do i start18:46
nyaaJimbo__ do you mean a tty or the gui terminal?18:47
chaosfactorynot sure if anyone can help me with this - but my xorg.conf file doesn't have any entries for input devices (just monitors and screens) and my touchpad is no longer working18:47
Jimbo__nyaa, gui18:47
Steeleyxorg doesn't have input sections for devices anymore18:47
PerryArmstrongquibbler; I have seen the post link ActionParsnip has posted...and when i opened the login preferences...i see one option with timed login..what is this and how does it work..can you explain that18:47
mrTr0utwhat are some popular media players for ubuntu? for playing mp3s mainly...18:47
nighstalkerIs anyone having trouble with their programs disasppearing at random in Ibex? Every since I've upgraded, programs just randomly turn off and disappear with no errors or anything. I've done a reformat and reinstall to see if that would fix it, but no luck.18:48
nyaakramer_: I'm not a total pro at it, but what equipment do you want to install a driver for exactly?18:48
nyaaJimbo__ may try ctl + shift + T18:48
harpreetHow do I make USB work in virtual machine XP?18:48
nyaakramer_: I know there is a place within windows that will have it, but I don't remember where (I had to show hidden files in windows to get mine there), I had an easier time googling for the .sys and .inf files in my case lol18:49
=== xxx__ is now known as _iron
icerootharpreet: virtualbox?18:49
grawitynyaa: Maybe %SystemRoot%\inf (usually C:\WINDOWS\inf)18:49
Jimbo__nyaa, well that gives me an extra tab.  What I'd really like to do is split the window into thirds so that I can have three terminals open18:49
nyaaJimbo__ then press it again lol18:50
harpreeticeroot: u dont know what that is?18:50
Dreamgliderharpreet: i have been trying tha same thing today, my solution: Run VirtualBox as root! :P18:50
nyaaJimbo__ you can do it as many times as you like18:50
icerootharpreet: i have asked if you are suing virtualbox18:50
harpreeticeroot: yes18:50
Jimbo__nyaa, that doesn't split it though.. It adds a tab18:50
icerootharpreet: usb only works in the nonfree version of virtualbox18:50
mib_9u3wglzchi , i need help on turing on my wlan0, none of the usual buttons work, is there a work around ?18:50
harpreetDreamglider: how do i run it as root?18:50
Dreamgliderharpreet: in terminal sudo VirtuaBox18:51
SteeleyJimbo_ the only thing gnome-terminal can do is open new windows or new tabs, you'd have to find a different shell to do that18:51
Jimbo__I'dlike to cut the window in half/thirds/quarters and have 2/3/4 terminals open in one window18:51
nyaaJimbo__ I'll open a dialogue since I don't fully understand the problem and don't want to spam the channel18:51
nighstalkerharpreet: http://www.davidgrant.ca/virtualbox_usb_windows_xp_guest_ubuntu_hardy  <--That works for intrepid18:51
harpreetDreamglider: let me try18:51
quibblerPerryArmstrong-> i have not used that, just the auto login...but i think it is self explanatory18:51
Dreamgliderharpreet: you have to use the VirtualBox not virtualbox-ose as far as i know.18:51
PerryArmstrongquibbler; but this autologin  always works..i want it to work only once...any shell program to be written for this??18:52
nighstalkerDreamglider is right18:52
mib_9u3wglzchi , i need help on turing on my wlan0, none of the usual buttons work, is there a work around18:52
nighstalkerDL Virtualbox from their site, not out of the repos18:52
quibblerPerryArmstrong-> check it...use it once ....then uncheck it18:53
harpreetnighstalker: thank you, i have to try it18:53
Dreamgliderto the ose it "os" so it's just a matter of time till someone adds the usb thingie (I hope)18:53
quibblerPerryArmstrong-> why only once?18:53
harpreetDreamglider: nightstalker suggested a solution18:53
PerryArmstrongquibbler; ha i did know that..but i was trying to get a program do this...18:53
tgunrI just recently installed ubuntu and cannot get the network interfaces to accept manuals settings, After I close the window and reboot, they have reverted back to DHCP. Am I doing something wrong?18:53
rmhHi... I am trying to upgrade from 8.10 to 9.04 but the update manager never display the upgrade is available18:54
mib_9u3wglzccan someone please tell me hwo to turn on my wifi18:54
rmhany idea18:54
mib_9u3wglzcthe buttons dont work, none (well for the wifi)18:54
quibblerPerryArmstrong-> oh...i'm sorry then...i can't help!18:54
rmhto disable the wireless, you can use the command line as sudo18:55
PerryArmstrongquibbler; why only once is..i am doing an upgrade from 8.04 to 8.10...and the upgrade finishes in 2 hours and i need to go to sleep now..as its already late..and i wanted that restart to happen...anyways i wanted to know the program so that i can learn something new....like increase my knowledge that something like this can be done18:55
openjsnorah jones... great voice..18:55
rmhsudo ifdown ath0 (or whatever is called the wireless device)18:55
rmhNorah is exceptional18:56
rmhAny idea how to ugprade from 8.10 to 9.04 manually?18:56
rmhthrough the GUI it doesn't display the upgrade is ready18:56
hhlprmh What version of ubuntu are you using ?18:57
Steeleyit won't until release time18:57
tgunrwell, can anyone tell then, where are the files that hold the network settings?18:57
rmhand is it possible to upgrade using the prelease?18:58
mib_9u3wglzci need help on turing on my wlan0, none of the usual buttons work, is there a work around18:58
ThomsenUsing intrepid on my desktop, how can I write the jaunty image on a usb to install to my eee-pc?18:58
rmhthey are in /etc/network18:58
fosco__!usb | Thomsen18:58
ubottuThomsen: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent18:58
tazhow i can remove it  application problmes    "apt_check.py"  ???18:59
LjL!jaunty > rmh    (rmh, see the private message from ubottu)18:59
nikitishow do i find the path to my kernel sources?19:00
nighstalkerLjL: can you hit me with that PM too? I'm up for trying anything19:01
nikitisLJL, your back19:01
marccWHOA a .deb file just put an icon on my desktop after the install...is this the beginning of the end??19:01
nikitisLjL, i found my usb, it19:01
LjL!bot > nighstalker    (nighstalker, see the private message from ubottu)19:01
mib_9u3wglzci need help on turing on my wlan0, none of the usual buttons work, is there a work around19:01
TaijiquanI downloaded some game CDs and I want to burn them.  I have them in 3 different files for each; .ccd .img and .sub what can I do to burn them to CD?19:01
LjLmarcc: ugh.19:02
Steeleytry sudo ifup wlan019:02
LjLmarcc: hopefully not an official .deb package from ubuntu?19:02
nikitisljl, it is /dev/bus/usb/001/001  now i have a problem with it saying garman gps is not activated19:02
marccLjL: Akirad repository .deb....it's otherwise very slick; I'm sure the method will get picked up by other vendors19:02
mib_9u3wglzci tried "sudo ifup wlan0" and i got this "Ignoring unknown interface wlan0=wlan0"19:02
LjLnikitis: uhm i'm not *entirely* sure that's the right device to be honest19:03
Steeleyare there any networks showing in Network Manager?19:03
ka6soxare there known problems with upgrading from edgy to hardy via Gutsy?19:03
MrElendigmib_9u3wglzc: iwconfig  will tell you the device name19:03
nikitisLjL, when i do gpsd -N -D 6 /dev/bus/usb/001/001 all this gps stuff works19:03
mib_9u3wglzcthe device is called "wlan0"19:03
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LjLnikitis: but it doesn't when you just put it in /etc/default/gpsd?19:04
nikitisljl, gpsd: Can't open /proc/bus/usb/devices19:05
LjLnikitis: that's correct because there's no /proc/bus/usb in current versions of ubuntu... let me see why it might be trying to access that19:05
bobbob1016For some reason, I can't get grub booting after a reinstall.  I get error 22.  I'm installing on sdb, since sda is data.  When I tried grub install hd1,2, since /boot is on sdb3, it says not found, but I can browse the partition, and I see things installed there.  Any ideas?19:06
nikitisLjL, http://rafb.net/p/jJOzjr80.html  And it19:06
nikitisLjL, its a usb gps device garmin 18 i believe19:06
maxbIs the deprecation of /proc/bus/usb an upstream or distro thing? I've previously tried to find upstream declarations of deprecation and not been able to.19:07
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japanfredhey everyone, got a problem with nautilus showing the previous name of a drive. I basically renamed them under the /media folder, but Nautilus still thinks they are the same19:08
phuzionHow can I tell which version of Ubuntu I have installed?19:08
mib_9u3wglzcis there a program to emulate a button being pressed for the wifi switch19:08
japanfredi've even deleted the .nautilus folder in my home directory, logged in as root it works fine.19:08
geniiphuzion: lsb _release -a19:08
ravenhi - i have to access my pocketpc via terminal - it is recommended to use MTTY - which one can i use in LINUX - any substitute??19:09
fenn_anyone know where 9.1 tomex pkg files live?19:09
phuziongenii, thanks.19:09
spaceBARbarianhow do you specify arguments when running in kdbg ?19:09
geniiphuzion: lsb_release -a                     rather (I put a space by accident before)19:09
harpreetnighstalker: your suggestion worked19:10
noren_hi all, i got a simple question? i loggend into Konsole mode now how can i get back the GUI/KDM running19:10
phuzionNow, I'm trying to upgrade to 9.04, and update-manager -d seems to think 8.10 is the newest version and won't update for me.19:10
magicalnoren_, sudo /etc/init.d/kdm start19:10
_CommandeR_ctrl alt and f7- or 919:10
_CommandeR_if its not started then type gdm19:10
jdfoote3Hi - if anyone wants to help diagnose a network problem, I will be forever grateful :)19:10
LjLnikitis: uhm well but that "can't open" thing doesn't seem like a fatal error19:10
mib_9u3wglzcis there a way to turn on wifi in terminal??19:10
maxbphuzion: As per ubuntu-devel@lists.ubuntu.com, upgrades are currently disabled.19:10
harpreetnoren , simply type gdm19:10
icerootmib_9u3wglzc: sudo ifup devicename19:11
quibblerbobbob1016-> try  edit hd1,3   1,4 and see if one of those works19:11
phuzionmaxb, reason being?19:11
maxbreason being explained in the email19:11
phuzionI'm not in the list19:11
mib_9u3wglzc@iceroot: when i typing in that i get this "Ignoring unknown interface wlan0=wlan0"19:11
phuzionso I didn't get the email.19:11
noren_well it says kdm already runing but i cant get back to GUI19:11
maxbphuzion: Then read it in the mail archives19:11
nikitisLjL, roadnav is still saying no gps detected19:11
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noren_how can i get back to the kdm login window19:12
japanfreddoes anyone know where i can go to get help on my problem, please?19:12
jdfoote3My network does great most of the time, but maybe 20% of the time, it just crawls - I'm no network guru, but I'm suspecting an IP conflict - is there a way to check?19:12
phuzionmaxb, when did they announce the disabled updates?19:13
ravenhi - i have to access my POCKETPC via TERMINAL - it is recommended to use MTTY - which one can i use in LINUX - any substitute??19:13
icerootjapanfred: depending on your problem of course19:13
fungnoren_: try startx?19:13
bobbob1016quibbler: I think it was that it was mounted by accident, I installed, hopefully it'll work, thanks19:13
maxbphuzion: Can't you find the email?19:13
japanfrediceroot: i don't think its too big, it's a nautilus issue.19:13
mib_9u3wglzc"Ignoring unknown interface wlan0=wlan0" what does that mean ? please help (been trying 3 days, this day would make it 4 when ends)19:13
cybertexxhello all19:14
iceroot!ask | japanfred19:14
ubottujapanfred: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)19:14
Steeleymib, right click on network-manager icon and select 'enable wireless'19:14
geniijapanfred: When you renamed the drive folders under /media you added fstab entries for these non-standard mount points?19:14
SteeleyI should say uncheck 'enable wireless'19:14
geniiiceroot: He already asked earlier19:14
phuzionmaxb, thanks dude.19:14
mib_9u3wglzcsteeley: it is already ticked19:14
japanfredgenii: i didn't rename the folders under media, as they were fine, i just edited the fstab file to mount the correct drive to the correct folder19:14
ka6soxis there a better place to ask questions about dist-upgrade issues?19:15
Steeleyuncheck it :-)19:15
icerootgenii: i dont scroll the whole text to search his question19:15
cybertexxLinksys WMP54gs and 8.1019:15
geniiiceroot: Then don't berate him for not asking a question when he already did19:15
mib_9u3wglzcsteeley: unticked now19:15
nyaamib what I would think that means is that it does not have a driver that lets it recognize your wifi19:15
cybertexxI got a question on wifi with ubuntu19:15
nikitisLjL, the proc/bus/usb needs to be accessed because that19:16
Steeleyright, now try sudo ifup wlan0. it seems that NM takes priority over the scripts that allow bringing up interfaces19:16
Tiffer9000hello can anyone help me with using my usb stick in ubuntu19:16
nikitisLjL, is the way the data comes from the gps19:16
Steeleywhen I try to ifdown wlan0 on my computer, I get the error as you unless network-manager isn't managing the connection19:16
mib_9u3wglzcnyaa:it sees my wifi as it has the name, and last time the option "Wirless" was not then19:16
geniijapanfred: So they are mounting under correct folders but also the old mountpoints are also appeaing?19:16
cybertexxNeed some help, anyone?19:17
Tiffer9000how  can i access my usb stick anyone19:17
japanfredgenii: in Nautlis as my user, yes. If i do a gksudo nautilus, they appear correctly... Which made me think it was a setting in the .nautilus folder under my user, so i deleted it, rebooted, same problem.19:17
Tiffer9000please help19:18
geniijapanfred: Well, /media dirs are also auto created by same name as devices it finds19:18
japanfredgenii: i noticed, i commented out the mount in fstab, and the Storage/Download folder appeared, along with a another folder with an underscore appended19:19
Tiffer9000can anyone help me here19:19
japanfredgenii: but why is it OK when i do it under gksudo in nautilus? hmm.19:19
japanfredTiffer9000, it should appear in Nautilus when you insert it19:19
mib_9u3wglzcwhen i type in the terminal "iwconfig" it shows me my wifi, but i still cant use it, or turn it on using the command given to me19:20
Tiffer9000im new to ubuntu and still on 7.04 tl new   cd comes19:20
geniijapanfred: A curious issue. I have no immediate answer for it.19:20
japanfredgenii: Hehehe, no worries, i'm going to keep digging myself, it has to be something related to my profile...19:20
japanfredgenii: it's not a huge problem, it's just a little annoyance19:21
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network). If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »19:21
Preplexedgrowl  firefox has gone larger then the physical screen so need to resize it what numbers do i need  to put in please19:21
ravenhi - i have to access my POCKETPC via TERMINAL - it is recommended to use MTTY - which one can i use in LINUX - any substitute??19:22
quibblerTiffer9000-> paste the output of  lsusb19:22
ksaterCould someone assist me with an internet connectivity issue?19:22
japanfredksater, seems to be working fine :p19:22
insan_is there a way to play .pls files on ubuntu?19:22
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japanfredinsan_, VLC19:23
the10nitroHow do you mound an image of a floppy disk/what format does it need to be in?19:23
Tiffer9000blank when i tpe it in terminal19:23
ksaterwell this is a different system19:23
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japanfredksater, sorry :) whats the problem19:23
ka6soxhow much can you paste in here before the floodbot kills you?19:23
ka6sox4 lines?19:23
insan_@japanfred, the vlc-player don't play .pls files!?19:24
jachredI did something to my Xubuntu install, now the "Start Menu" is gone (right click menu works) and the "Open windows manager" to switch between open windows is gone, but alt-tab still works.. anyway to get that back or point the right dirrection?19:24
quibblerTiffer9000-> you have no other usb devices?19:24
jaggedspherespeak your question ksater19:24
ksaterwell, it used to work fine with the connection set to dhcp, but it stopped working all of a sudden.  Coincidentily (I hope) the router it used to be on also died19:24
japanfredinsan_, it should... what is it? a playlist of MP3s? a Radio Station?19:24
grawityinsan_: .pls files are simply _lists_ of other files. Open them in a text editor.19:24
insan_a radio station19:24
eseven73!panels | jachred19:24
ubottujachred: To reset the panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »19:24
jdfoote3Can anyone tell me how to tell if I have an IP conflict on my small home network?19:24
Tiffer9000i have mouse and keyboard plugged in usb19:24
ksaterAnyways, with the new router I have, the DHCP setting no longer works so I set a static ip19:24
Tiffer9000i have tried 3 usb sticks19:25
quibblerTiffer9000-> you should see them with that command19:25
ksaterthe system shows in the router list, but I cannot access any domain nor can I access the router's ip19:25
japanfredinsan_, try opening the pls in a text editor, and just feed the final url into vlc19:25
Tiffer9000all i get is blank19:25
jachredeseven73: Do you need a reboot after that?19:25
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network). If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »19:25
eseven73jachred, I think just a restart of X , not a full reboot19:26
jachredThank you!19:26
jaggedsphereksater, what did you enter for the statis ip?19:26
quibblerTiffer9000-> then i haven't a clue where to begin19:26
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jaggedsphereksater, netmask?19:27
gartralhttp://www.davidshrigley.com/articles/calcutt.htm <-- what does the aditional 404 mean? the site's error page could not be located?19:27
insan_japanfred, thank you very much :)19:27
Tiffer9000the  ss19:27
jaggedsphere(im no expert) ksater, what is the ip of the router?19:27
japanfredinsan_, no worries :)19:27
japanfredclearly VLC doesn't like your playlists.19:28
japanfredbrb all19:28
aurel42Howdy. I went 8.10/386 -> jaunty -> 8.10/x86_64, now audio output is kinda gone. I can hear faint crackling and when I play audio, it can hardly hear it even though all sliders are at maximum (alsa mixer and pulseaudio).19:28
jaggedspheredid you enter dns entries for the static ip?19:28
aurel42Any advice?19:28
quibblerTiffer9000-> ask again and see if anyone has an answer19:28
ksateryeah, the gateway's ip and the two ip's listed in my router config19:28
lewenchWould anyone know a suggested solution too http://pastebin.com/d6d92410e this is driving my crazy. Its an already existing bug, but this goes back 3 years!! I have not found a solution19:29
quibblerTiffer9000-> please don't pm me.19:29
maxbjdfoote3: (as root) arping -b ipaddress-to-test      - if you see replies from more than one MAC address, you have a conflict (or a machine with multiple physical network cards advertising both)19:29
DefienceIs system-admin-networking the same as networking tools?19:29
Tiffer9000quibbler ii sent A ss19:29
jaggedsphereand you can't ping ?19:29
gartralaurel42: do you you have OSS or ESD installed?19:29
ksaternope I can't ping it19:29
jaggedsphereis it a wireless interface?19:30
ksaterno, eth019:30
ksater it's wired19:30
Tiffer9000anyone here who can help with usb flash support19:30
jaggedsphereI've had difficulties in static ip on my interfaces with 8.1019:30
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jaggedsphereand it works with a DHCP address assigned by your router?19:31
jdfoote3maxb: Hmm - maybe this has something to do with it - it says that it's ARPING from the IP assigned to eth0, but I think my IP is the one that on wlan019:31
Tiffer9000no worries i will try a different linux19:31
ksaterno, the DHCP doesn't work, that's why I'm using a static IP19:31
goatboyCan anyone help me reinstall from disc, I have downloaded Gusty for ppc and inserted and held down C on reboot - I got nothing19:31
geevhow do i safely remove usb dongle for internet or which command do i use to unmount any usb dongle which is not a storage device19:31
jaggedspheredid you try a different cable?19:31
ksaternot yet... one sec19:32
grawitygeev: If it isn't a storage device, you don't need to unmount it.19:32
Guest4293wonder if anyone has had this happen ? on update it says 11 days old ( i update all the time19:32
ravenwhat TTY-CLIENT can i use instead of mtty for windows???19:32
Tiffer9000how can i access usb storage19:32
quibblerTiffer9000-> i did not accept ss ....i asked you to pastebin the output....as there was no output you had nothing to paste...also in the future use nicks so everyone knows who you are talking to19:32
tgunrI'm having the opposite GHP rpoblem, want to use static and can only get DHCP19:33
Tiffer9000ok quibbler19:33
gartralgrawity: what do you do with cameras that have thier own internal storage that isnt "shown" to the os?19:33
Tiffer9000quibbler, i am new so accepting the adivice19:33
ksaterit still doesn't work19:33
jaggedsphereksater, are you on 8.10?19:34
quibblerTiffer9000-> thank you19:34
=== Guest4293 is now known as kronos
grawitygartral: You mean those which use PTP instead of mass storage? PTP doesn't have "delayed writing" support, I think, so all data is written immediately.19:34
emiliencan i download files off a sever using ssh ? tried scp seems one way.?19:34
jaggedspherepower cycle the router...and first see if you can get dhcp to work19:34
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quibblerTiffer9000-> ask again and see if anyone has an answer19:34
Tiffer9000well anyways noone can help me here so catch ya all later19:34
Tiffer9000quibbler #> i tried19:35
eseven73emilien, just use filezilla, it can handle sftp19:35
jasballzwould someone mind trying to connect to my ip via places/connect to server, I'm trying to debug proftpd19:35
ksaterI don't think I am on 8.10, and this router was just installed yesterday, but I'll try power cycling19:35
dergringoHow do I connect to a upnp source using rhythmbox or banshee?19:35
eseven73emilien, that's assuming you have a GUI19:35
quibblerTiffer9000-> try in ubuntuforums.org19:35
geevgrawity: i hav a wireless usb dongle once unplag it all the usb stop to work for other usb device so am looking which way will be safe for removing the usb dongle and leave other usb device working properly19:35
Steeley@eseven73 > go to the plugins section and select the UPNP plugin19:36
Tiffer9000quibbler#> i tried there19:36
fortunevI have a laptop with a built in19:36
eseven73Steel__, i dont need help, was that directed to someone else?19:36
SteeleyUPnP shares should show up automatically, I think19:36
carlos_dergringo, do an apt-get install coherence and then go to plugins in rhytmbox and enable UPnP19:36
Steeleyoh sorry19:36
jasballzI need help with proftpd19:36
gartralhmm, i cant get VLC to use the right sound card, it ignores both the gnome and KDE settings for sound...19:36
jasballzWho would like to try connecting to my ftp host to help me debug?19:36
emilieneseven73, at the moment but i don't all the time are there ways of doing on through terminal ?19:36
ravenwhat TTY-CLIENT can i use in 8.1 instead of mtty for windows???19:36
eseven73emilien, yes man ssh19:37
naftilos76hi guys, i've got a pci rt25xx wireless adapter which is constantly at 1Mbit/s which as you can imagine in a speed up/down of a few kilobytes/sec even if theory says that 1Mbit/s == 125Kbytes/sec. If i do 'sudo iwconfig wlan0 rate 54M' then the speed is boosted and we're back in normal. Is there a way to force the wireless adapter into 54Mbits/s without entering into .bashrc the 'sudo iwconfig wlan0 rate 54M' ???19:37
geevgrawity: do you know how?19:37
grawitygeev: Sorry, no :/19:37
Tiffer9000anyone  know what good servers  there are fr ubuntu with an admin panel19:37
kronos84I get a error after updating , says ensure the repository address is correct, ihavent changed a thing and its not a network problem any ideas?19:37
quibblerTiffer9000-> see that you are on 7.04...i would advice you to install a new version19:37
dergringocarlos_, I assume you mean python-coherence. That one is already installed and plugin is activated.19:37
jdfoote3Does anyone know why I have eth0 and wlan0 showing up on ifconfig?19:37
Tiffer9000quibbler im waiting for the new cd19:37
gartralraven: firstly, 8.1 doesnt exist, its 8.10, thats specific, and secondly what service are you trying to connect too, the TTY is only a transport of types of data19:38
emilieneseven73, ok thanks19:38
jasballzwho wants to give a shot to connecting to my ftp host?19:38
* grawity raises his hand.19:38
x|Y|shave anyone configured mail server? :P19:38
grawityjasballz: ?19:38
fortunevlet me try that again: I have a webcam built into my laptop. I can see the device in /dev/video0 but the webcam app says Cant open video device. How can I get the webcam working?19:38
quibblerkronos84-> can you paste the error please19:38
ravengartral i am looking for a substitute for mtty (windows) to connect to my pocketpc19:38
gartralraven: using ssh, telnet, what protocol, your terminal acts as a TTY19:39
insan_i look to a messenger like windows live messenger. very important feature for me, to make video conferences. is there any program?19:39
gartralinsan_: try aMSN19:40
ravengartral thought i need a special tool!?19:40
gartralraven: only in windows :)19:40
fortunevinsan_: for ubuntu?19:40
ravenok i am trying something19:40
kronos84quibbler I cna not paste it is large19:40
jasballzgrawity: if you'Re in Ubuntu goto Places/connect to server then try logging in as user2 pword developers. select "requires login"19:40
naftilos76hi guys, i've got a pci rt25xx wireless adapter which is constantly at 1Mbit/s which results in a speed up/down of a few kilobytes/sec even if theory says that 1Mbit/s == 125Kbytes/sec. If i do 'sudo iwconfig wlan0 rate 54M' then the speed is boosted up and we're back to normal. Is there a way to force the wireless adapter into 54Mbits/s without entering 'sudo iwconfig wlan0 rate 54M' into .bashrc???19:40
jasballzbtw I'm having problems with cairodock19:40
ravengartral http://www.geocities.com/ipaq41xx/19:41
geevany body knows how should i remove USB dongle for wireless internet in safe way because for me once i unplug the device other usb stop to work for other devices until i restart the system19:41
jasballzsomeone want to help debug my proftpd host? I need connections19:41
coolmadmaxi try to make local network but ubuntu on my system could not establish connection19:41
jasballzcoolmadmax: r u trying to connect to me or some1 else?19:42
kronos84it say at beginning " could not download all repository indexs"19:42
jasballzgeev: is this in ubuntu?19:42
jasballzWhy does cairo love to hate me?19:42
geevjasballz: yes in ubuntu19:42
jasballzWho would like to give connecting to my IP: via places/ connect to server user1 developers as login a shot? I need debuggers to see how proftpd works at this ISP19:42
kronos84that is in a 3 month old install of ubuntu19:43
jasballzgeev: Running 8.10 or development Jaunty 9.04?19:43
x|Y|shas anyone configured mail server yet? :P19:43
coolmadmaxjasballz: to anyone19:43
jasballzcoolmadmax: give me a try.19:44
naftilos76Has anybody got anything to propose for the pci rt25xx wireless adapter???19:44
kronos84that is in a 3month old install of xubuntu19:44
jasballzcoolmadmax: i'm running proftpd and need help debugging using my laptop as an ftp host19:44
gartralraven: thats a pretty useless page, unfortuently, i dont know what needs to be done, though, i would assume using USB would be easier, i dont know how to do connect to the device19:44
geevjasballz: Ubuntu 8.04 the Hardy Heron19:44
jasballznaftilos76: idk if ur having problems with wifi in ubuntu but try out ndiswrapper or madwifi and download the winxp drivers19:44
jasballzgeev: does this problem only happen with your dongle or with other USB devices as well?19:45
ravengartral that's why i am looking for a special tool ;) because i cannot connect with synce of course and because of that i have no ip...19:45
coolmadmaxjasballz: i set ips manual but ubunut could not establish connections always disconnect19:45
naftilos76jasballz - i'd prefer to stay to the native support19:46
CrueltyI can't login to gnome...19:46
CrueltyIt freezes on botting after it has loaded the wallpaper.19:46
CrueltyAny ideas?19:46
gartralraven: all the tools you'll need are in the termina, that much i know, its just configuring the right protocols and settings that the page is USELESS with19:46
sstodolaI am trying to update 8.10 to 9.04 beta, on my home machine it went fine using update-manager -d, at work I don't get the update button. What gives?19:46
bitterblackalewhat's your video card?19:46
geevjasballz: even with other device example if i unplug usb flash without unmounting the problem occurs19:47
ravengartral ok i'll try some things. but thanks for the moment19:47
jasballzcoolmadmax: did you try running in terminal "ftp the_ftp_or_ip_address_u_want_to_connect_to">19:47
x|Y|shas anyone configured mail server yet?19:47
jasballzgeev: okay, good, that means that its not specific to your dongle19:47
gartralhmm, i cant get VLC to use the right sound card, it ignores both the gnome and KDE settings for sound...19:47
xianHi, I'm trying to run urxvt with Terminus (the font) enabled. I can enable Terminus for all kinds of applications, but urxvt complains with the following error message: unable to deduce codeset, ignoring font '-xos4-terminus-medium-r-normal--14-140-72-72-c-80-bulgarian-mik'19:47
jasballzgeev: what are you running Hardy Heron on? whats your make and model?19:47
quibblerkronos84-> can you paste the error please19:47
quibblerkronos84-> if we don't know the exact error how can we help?19:48
geevjasballz: Hardy Heron19:48
jasballznaftilos76: I know Jaunty has an expanded native wifi support. Its complete release is in Apr 24th. Ndiswrapper is a debian package that enables the use of windows wireless drivers in ubuntu or debian linux19:48
kronos84quibbler can not paste, wont let me grab string from updater19:48
jasballzgeev: I mean, what desktop/laptop are you using?19:49
geevjasballz: laptop19:49
coolmadmaxjasballz: once i run what then?19:49
jasballzgeev: toshiba? dell? acer?...?19:49
cbonegood afternoon.......Can I use a broadband "aircard" to wirelessly connect to internet in ubuntu?19:50
geevjasballz: toshiba satellite19:50
gartraljasballz: be glad it aint my computers, i built all my desktops and laptops19:50
MenZageev→ There's an awful lot of different Satellite models. A more specific model would be helpful; check underneath your laptop.19:50
cbonewithou a lot of setup?19:50
quibblerkronos84-> in a terminal do:  sudo apt-get update   and paste the error19:50
jasballzcoolmadmax: so say you were trying to connect to me you'd try in terminal "ftp" then login with user2 and developers19:50
jasballzgartral: what are you talking about?19:51
kronos84quibbler , end of error strings says "failed to fetch cdrom: [ xubuntu8.10  (it cant find the repository to get indexs19:51
jasballzgeev: whats your model number?19:51
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MenZakronos84→ sounds like you need to remove the CD from your Software Sources (System → Administration → Software Sources)19:51
ShinyHattroubles with virtualbox- when installing guest additions i get a 'connection timed out' error19:51
quibblerkronos84-> listen to MenZa19:52
MenZaquibbler→ Sorry to take all your credit. ;)19:52
gartraljasballz: i build my own systems, i dont trust corporations to do it right, and i dont trust them to not break more than they fix... so i build and maintain my own, but im about to connect to your ftp, ok?19:52
keystr0kit might sound a little 'anal', but is there a way so that when I double click my title bar on a window, it resizes but not nearly full screen... poorly formed question, I know.19:52
shane__cbone: You can on most aircards, but usually you half to use a dial up tool so its not really that great. I sent my sprint aircard back because it was hit and miss to get it working19:52
quibblerMenZa-> no problems...we are all here for the same thing19:52
jasballzShinyHat: I can relate, for some reason in VMWare I couldnt use my host wifi for XP in Ubuntu19:53
kronos84menza have been there no luck identifying that area where I  can issdue that command19:53
keystr0kWhen I double click the title bar or click the Maximize window button (middle) I'd like it to be a smaller sized window... it comes up just barely smaller than fullscreen.19:53
jasballzgartral: sounds gr8 thx19:53
naftilos76jasballz - Do not instist on ndiswrapper. I've tried it extensively and it worked ok but the return value of the signal indication was 10% instead of 90% which of course is not a problem but as i said i'd rather stay with module rt2500pci! Anyway, the problem is not really of crucial importance! All i'm facing is that i have to do 'sudo iwconfig wlan0 rate 54M', every time i boot, in a terminal. What i'm asking is whether anybody knows19:53
naftilos76how i can force 54Mbits in a constant manner!19:53
keystr0knevermind. duh. heh19:53
quibblerMenZa-> you are just a faster typist!!;)19:53
ShinyHatjasballz: wow, i'm glad i don't have that problem- that would suck19:53
jasballzkeyst0k: very poorly performed...What is your question?19:53
cbone<shane__> Thanks...that's why i asked first :)19:53
geevjasballz: PS192E-00G1N-IT    S1900-30319:54
MenZaquibbler→ It has its advantages. :)19:54
jasballznaftilos76: I've had good experiences with ndiswrapper for my artheros AR5006EG, while slower than XP pretty good19:54
naftilos76Has anybody got an idea regarding the above???19:54
MenZajasballz→ Why don't you use the native ath5k driver?19:54
MenZajasballz→ I have an AR242x chip; it works like a charm.19:55
jasballzShinyHat: Yah, but VMware is better than virtualbox since it can run WIn7Beta and MacOs (still working on the MacOs) most of the time, I have no problem with that19:55
shane__no prob man, there great inventions but honestly 5Gb cap, 2 year contract plus lack of linux support, not to great19:55
jasballzMenZa: I do, now that I'm running Jaunty Alpha 6 or 7, but b4 I had to use Ndiswrapper, at least in Heron19:55
gartraljasballz: im sure you have, but for clarities sake, did you open up your firewalls too allow FTP BOTH ways?19:56
ShinyHatjasballz: is windows 7 worth running though?19:56
MenZajasballz→ the ath_pci module worked fine for me back in Hardy. Intrepid forced me to use the ath5k driver, though.19:56
geevMenZa: PS192E-00G1N-IT   Toshiba S1900-30319:56
elikI just booted Unbutu 8.10 and was asked for a pw.. thought it was weird. I rebooted and landed right in ubuntu (what I expected it to do)... Searching the web, I see that some ppl had mem issues.. could it be why it acted wierd first time? or could it be an option...19:57
geevjasballz: PS192E-00G1N-IT   Toshiba S1900-3019:57
gartraljasballz: connection timed out19:58
naftilos76jasballz - You are absolutely right! Atheros works great with ndiswrapper! You can say that again...It's just that the only thing i must do is force it to 54Mbits. Be reminded that the desktop is one meter from the wireless router which implies that i can use a god dam utp cable which i have done and it works flawlessly but as i said, i need to do this work..It's not a crime, is it?19:58
* grawity thought Ubuntu is supposed to ask for a password...19:58
gartralgrawity: not if you set up automatic login19:59
quibblerelik-> you are on a live cd?19:59
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jasballzgartral: that's all? what if you ping me?20:00
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about sebsebseb20:00
jasballzgeev: google your make and usb problems and see if it isn't specific to Ubuntu or not and get back to me20:00
jasballznaftilos76: are you talking about "overclocking" your wifi? How do you do that?20:00
frankie_--Hello, I'm having some problems with my wlan card. I've got the drivers, it's functioning properly (of sorts), but the button for turning it off/on isn't working, any tricks to turn if on manually?20:00
jasballznaftilos76: i know that with madwifi-tools you can mod the hex in your wlan adapter, but beware of bricking! IDK if that helps20:01
jasballznaftilos76: what's a crime?20:01
naftilos76jasballz - of course not - it's a natige G wireless adapter!20:01
gartraljasballz: nothing, are you SURE your firewalls are OPEN?20:01
kronos84MENSA thnx thats got it redmoved from list of sources , was somewhat baffled by failure ass system install had been up with no problems for 4 months then suddenly whack20:01
gartraljasballz: and you allow ping requests20:01
naftilos76jasballz - thanks for the ndiswrapper tips but no thanks20:02
elikquibbler, I am20:02
jasballzgartral: no, not at all, that problems been haunting me all over this town. I've tried Saint Bonaventure, Linger Longer Cafe, and now the Library, best place was Linger Longer, but another user couldn't login20:02
jasballzgartral:ill scan for open ports. Probably not. From what I've heard, ftping and torrent seeding is IMPOSSIBLE behind open ports but I need a solution fort this as my main ISP is firewalled20:03
gartraljasballz: ohh, your trying this from public access points, its nearly impossible unless you set up a tunnel rout20:03
quibblerelik-> the live cd default user has no password ...you wait 10 seconds and it auto inlogs20:03
jasballznaftilos76: yah, idk / have any clue what you're trying to do, lol What are you trying to do?20:03
elikquibbler, your -> keep my highlighter from working :(20:03
elikquibbler, ah, ok20:03
elikquibbler, I thought you landed on desktop automatically20:04
naftilos76jasballz - Have you read the initial msg? That says it all...20:04
kronos84jasballz hack thru DNS20:04
gartraljasballz: its the other way around, i think, its impossible to get any net communication from behind a CLOSED port20:04
mattgyver83i cant connect to an Adhoc network in ubuntu, but can in windows.  Anyone able to lend a hand (Broadcom 43xx drivers)20:04
jasballzgartral: Ill google that. I heard SSH is good but haven't started that. I've tried Launchpad.net / bazaar, but it locked me out after I restarted my laptop after it froze commiting to bazaar20:04
jxzq007my first enter irc20:04
jasballzkronos84: how to?20:04
quibblerelik-> normally yes but if for some reason it can't get straight to gui it tries agin from inlog screen20:05
naftilos76jasballz - What's that?20:05
jxzq007wow,all english to talk20:05
elikquibbler, ok, cool, thx20:05
kronos84jasballz go to hak5 video recent episode20:05
jasballzgartral: a tunnel rout is a forwarded port right? I have to get faculty sponsorship in order to open a port at Bonas, and at home I had open ports but I downloaded too much so my folks banned me from wifi lol20:05
quibblerelik-> no problem20:05
Doonzhey guys need a little help writing a command to search in a directory for a file the move it. Main Directory -> Sub-directory -> file20:05
gartraljasballz: you said your home connection is firewalled, dont you know how to configure your router?20:06
quibblerelik ->  highlights back?20:06
kronos84jaballz that will get you started in your research20:06
jasballzgartral: so if i'm at an closed port and your open you can access? or other way?20:06
gartraljasballz: no, a tunnel is a traffic foreward from one IP to another20:06
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jasballzkronos84: i'm bookmarking googled hack dns for l8r attempts20:06
gartraljasballz: if any ports are closed for the network type, no communication will take place, period.20:07
jasballznaftilos76: my bad is not reading ur first post i guess20:07
elikquibbler, oh yes20:07
elikquibbler, much better :)20:07
gartraljasballz: your folks banned you, what are you, 12?20:07
elikquibbler, that's xchat btw20:07
kronos84jasballz go look at video its very friendly and will help you set up test20:07
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quibblerelik ->  ;-)20:08
jasballzgartral: yah, I've forwarded my ports at home b4, if I had access to these people's routers I could do that20:08
syockithow do select certain windows with shortcut keys, for example ctrl-shift-1 to select window 1 etc.20:08
jasballzgartral: like proxies, I know there are proxy services like that around. Would that solve my problem?20:08
jasballzgartral: thx20:08
kantoron a LAN network with 10 machines for instance and a switch if I send data's to for instance not all the machines would receive the packet ?20:08
gartraljasballz: well... you could always try the20:08
jasballzgartral: lol, 21 our ISP disallows downloading over a certain amt of gigs and I surpassed that and pissed my dad off who pays for it20:09
jasballzkronos84: you got it20:09
gartraljasballz: "perforation" method... but i dont know how to start that from ubuntu20:09
gartraljasballz: time to switch to a ral ISP and stop taking the Toll Road20:09
jasballzgartral: whats perforation method?20:09
insan_hi, how can i extract .rar files ?20:10
jasballzgartral: ok ,20:10
gartralpunch a hole through the firewall... but its veiwed as more than slightly illegal in some countries20:10
macman_how do i make a folder bootable .. what command do i need ?20:10
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jasballzI googled "tunnel route" and got something about "St James" and some "route" help?20:11
gartralmacman_: you need to flag partitions as bootable, if your asking how to set the path to the bootloaders, im not sure20:11
jasballztho dns hack and hak5 are good googles looking at that now20:11
jasballzgartral: so in US is it illegal, and if it is how likely is it that I'd get caught? or, how would I do it?20:11
gartraljasballz: try googling ipv4 tunnel20:12
kronos84jasballz its a good exercise in dns, and is not a punch20:12
jasballzgartral: okey20:12
NasraCan any1 tell me how do I find out my computer spec using Ubuntu?20:12
maverick340hey , to use ekiga as a SoftIP phone , what all configurations will i need?20:12
jasballzi got a good tutorial on dns hacking in windows, but nothing in ubuntu20:12
TORtugacan you suck my ass?20:13
FloodBot1TORtuga: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:13
* grawity decides not to reply.20:13
maverick340i already have a SoftIP phone in my college room, was wondering if i could use ekiga or wengo or similar to do the same function20:13
geevjasballz: i dont find any helpfull document by googling my problem on internet20:13
jasballzNasra: try running in terminal LSPCI or something like that20:13
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Nasrajasballz: how  you do that?20:14
gartraljasballz: i was pointing out a firewall punch, the DNS hack is a more legal way, but isnt guaranteed to work20:14
NithrinAnyone know how to get CMUD or ZMUD working with Ubuntu?20:14
TORtugaFloodBot1: are you firl or woman?20:14
kronos84jassballz ignore the OS type and then it will come to you20:14
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bazhangTORtuga, stop that20:14
Nasrajasballz: just type that?20:14
jasballzNasra: go in terminal and type "lspci"20:14
Nasrajasballz: thanks20:14
ephoenixanyone running ubuntu on ext4 and how is it?20:14
TORtugabazhang: what?20:14
jasballzNasra: it will describe devices on your PCI bus, which are a lot of them20:14
XB23hey guys have something really odd with ubuntus apt-get of openssh-server20:14
XB23/etc/ssh/sshd_config: line 15: Bad configuration option: ServerAliveCountMax20:15
jasballzkronos84: ommmm, gassho. thx20:15
XB23i dont understand it20:15
gartralNasra: for a complete loadout overveiw, try "sudo lshw > ./desktop/lshwout.txt" that will create a text file with all your info on hardware20:15
TORtugaI SAY WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?????????????????????20:15
Nasrajasballz: looking at right now....let me this20:15
Nasragatral: thanks20:15
bcgrownanybody have experience using DAAP with itunes 8 and amarok 1.4?  I can see the shared library but when I try to play I get "no suitable input plugin."  I have libxine1-all-plugins installed.20:15
syockitHow do I select windows with key numbers, just as how I'm able to select tabs in firefox with alt-<number> and in gnome-terminal with ctrl-<number>?20:15
bazhang!ot > TORtuga20:15
ubottuTORtuga, please see my private message20:15
jasballzgartral: so basically I need to do some homework on DNS hacking in ubuntu and I should be good to go after application. Any other specifics or relevent keywords I should look at?20:15
jasballzNasra: what are you looking for specifically?20:16
gartraljasballz: im not the one to ask that20:16
anurag08priyamhow do i put my ubuntu system to a standby using the CLI?20:16
XB23anyone had this error before -> /etc/ssh/sshd_config: line 15: Bad configuration option: ServerAliveCountMax20:16
kronos84jassballz you bet pal be back tomorrow this time , convertint  to warlock bailing out  now shutdown20:16
jasballzgartral: "youre not the one to ask that" because of legality issues, or just because.20:16
gartraljasballz: i simply dont know20:17
dschulzhi all..  anyone running jaunty with screen tearing due to flaky intel video driver?20:17
TORtugaubottu: sorry, I deleted you msg, can you send again?20:17
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:17
bazhangTORtuga, this is ubuntu support only; chat in #ubuntu-offtopic20:18
Nasrajasballz: what I want to find out what is inside my computer in terms of hd, ram...etc.20:18
gartralNasra: for a complete loadout overveiw, try "sudo lshw > ./desktop/lshwout.txt" that will create a text file with all your info on hardware20:19
gartralor simply "sudo lshw" to show it all in the teminal window20:19
Nasragatral: I did that....I see nothing much in there20:19
Nasragatral: and if so....where did it go?20:19
gartraloh, oops, my bad, Desktop is capitolised; sudo lshw > ./Desktop/lshwout.txt20:20
Nasragartral: is that for me though?20:21
XB23anyone had this error before -> /etc/ssh/sshd_config: line 15: Bad configuration option: ServerAliveCountMax20:21
gartralNasra: yes20:21
jasballznasra: what are you looking for?20:21
Nasrawhatever is under compter20:22
dschulzubottu: R2D2, when will intel release a functional video driver ??  no, you don't have to repeat you're just a bot.20:22
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:22
FloodBot1TORtuga: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:22
shadeslayerbazhang: look up20:22
jasballzNasra: oh, why not try installing windows on another partition? or something. It should be in your box that you purchased it in. Gpartd for HD size, idk, system info for ram and speed20:23
NithrinIs KDE Ubuntu or Kbuntu or whatever?20:23
grawityNithrin: Kubuntu is Ubuntu with KDE.20:23
NithrinThen I imagine 99% of people end up using the K one tho20:23
NithrinSeems like everything needs KDE20:24
* verme has to go20:24
grawityI use the Gnome one :/20:24
NithrinI like Gnome, but it lacks a really kickbutt MUD program20:24
mason_I love Gnome20:24
mason_All the other desktops I've tried just don't cut it for me20:24
NithrinI am looking for a nice program to play MUDs with.20:25
* shadeslayer looks at everyone,he uses every DE,where does that put him?20:25
syockitNithrin: that usually happens because some kde packages are recommended by others, although not really needed. I get to use many qt apps without installing kde parts at all20:25
grawityNithrin: How about tt++ on terminal?20:25
Nasrajasballz: gartral: the " sudo lshw" did that trick ....thanks alot all20:25
Enigmashadeslayer, i use gnome, ldxe and xfce20:25
Nithrindoes tt++ allow you to make travel scripts and fighting scripts and whatnot?20:25
shadeslayerEnigma: add KDE to that20:26
jasballzi got lost, idky but ubuntu has been crashing on me like windows. lots20:26
Enigmai could do it20:26
Enigmanot a big fan of KDE, i tried using it, but i couldnt bring myself to do it20:26
jasballzEnigma: I like KDE except for the fact I can't get wifi from kcmwifi! so I'm stuck in GNOME20:26
dschulz!info xserver-xorg-video-intel20:26
ubottuxserver-xorg-video-intel (source: xserver-xorg-video-intel): X.Org X server -- Intel i8xx, i9xx display driver. In component main, is optional. Version 2:2.4.1-1ubuntu10.4 (intrepid), package size 411 kB, installed size 900 kB20:26
lenswipehiya can someone help me choose a screen resolution from terminal?20:26
NithrinWhat is MXP support?20:27
lenswipemy screen resolution has gone massive and the normal one isnt listed in the GTX menu20:27
lenswipemy screen resolution has gone massive and the normal one isnt listed in the GTX menu20:27
jasballzlenswipe: why can't u just do it from system/preferences/display?20:27
FloodBot1lenswipe: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:27
lenswipeaccident with lag -.-20:27
IenorandHow come I can't acces some bugs in launchpad?20:27
Enigmajasballz, for some reason, network manager from gnome worked in KDE20:27
slash5000hi guys20:28
lenswipejasballz: when i open the GTX reslution selector the normal resolution isnt there, the only ones i get are weird ones that make the screen go weird20:28
Bam_BamHey folks20:28
jasballzto the guy who wanted his system specs from ubuntu: i ran lshw and it shows more than youd probably ever even need to know,20:28
jasballzlenswipe: weird.20:28
gartralEnigma: that's because the network manager is a seperate app, and doesnt rely on much to run20:28
jasballzlenswipe: i've never tried changing resolution via terminal20:28
lenswipejasballz: well i know the resultion that i need (1280 x 1024) but its not in the list20:28
jasballzlenswipe: google it and tell me what you find20:28
lenswipei did20:28
gartrallenswipe: xrandr?20:28
lenswipeand i found what technitians tend to call f*** all lol20:28
Enigmaoh okay, i was wondering about that, i thought i'd have to redo my wireless again, and i do NOT want to do that20:28
Bam_BamDoes anyone know of a control panel or such that I can use to modify the brightness of my webcam?20:29
arisHey !20:29
lenswipegartal: xrandr? continue???20:29
jasballzEnigma: that's the shi**! how in the world did that happen? that sux 4 me lol working on an Ubuntu Distro right now http://buddhabuntu.8m.net where I want the main window manager to be KDE but can't use it because of darned kcmwifi20:29
jasballzlenswipe: massive like 600x400?20:29
jasballzBam_Bam: howdy20:29
lenswipejasballz: no its only 1024x768, but its still pretty crappy20:29
jasballzTaijiquan: harrow.20:29
Bam_Bamhi jasballz20:29
arisQui connait l'équivalent de NBSTAT -A de windows sous Linux ?20:29
gartrallenswipe: X R and R "Resize and Rotate"20:29
Taijiquanharrow :I20:30
Enigmaoh and why the hell is my name grayed out? does anyone know?20:30
gartral!xrandr | lenswipe20:30
ubottulenswipe: XRandR 1.2 is the new method of running dual screens in !X.  Information/HowTo here: http://wiki.debian.org/XStrikeForce/HowToRandR1220:30
lenswipegartal: right.....20:30
jasballzEnigma: howd you manage wifi? or what are you trying to do?20:30
lenswipegartal: im not running dual screens....20:30
shadeslayerEnigma: what are you using for IRC client?20:30
jasballzBam_Bam: what's up?20:30
gartrallenswipe: it can be used for single displays as well20:30
crdlblenswipe: there's not that much difference between the two ...20:30
lenswipegartal: im having enough problems with one screen never mind two!!!20:30
crdlblenswipe: what video card do you have?20:30
lenswipegartal: ok20:30
lenswipeuh i have the built in intel one20:30
crdlbyou made it sound like you were running at 320x240 :)20:31
lenswipeXD, thank god no20:31
jasballzaris: on peut utiliser VMware Fusion virtualizer Windows...je ne sais pas, ou je ne connaitre pas le NBSTAT, qu'est-ce que?20:31
crdlblenswipe: pastebin your /var/log/Xorg.0.log20:31
lenswipeits still pretty shit though these days20:31
kantorsomebody used, heard abot mausezan ?20:31
shadeslayeri run 640X480 on my desktop :P20:31
jasballzgartral: how was your proftpd connect to me?20:31
arfmarfNexuiz 2.5 Is out! :D Get it now! http://alientrap.org/nexuiz/ http://thepiratebay.org/torrent/482167720:31
arisUnder Windows i used NBTSTAT -A xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx , Which command can I use under LINUX ?20:31
jasballzkantor: no, what's mausezan?20:31
lenswipeshadeslayer: i would never run anything below 1024x768 and i dont like even that >=[20:31
gartraljasballz: i stopped trying, hold on one moment20:31
jasballzshadeslayer: i tried that the other day to get a good zoom on some vids..snicker...why do you use it all the time?20:32
jdfoote3aris: nmblookup -h?20:32
GodfatherofEireSo any word on whats new In Jaunty, and is there any channel where I should ask that instead of in here?20:32
shadeslayerlenswipe: 1440X900 of pure bliss on notebook20:32
arisSomeone can answer toe me please ?20:32
gartraljasballz: still nada20:32
jasballzanyone know how to get the gnome wifi manager in KDE?20:32
quibblerGodfatherofEire-> #ubuntu+120:32
dergringoI'm trying to mount a samba share: sudo mount.cifs //nas/public/ /media/nas-public/ -o guest  Bit I always get "mount error 13 = Permission denied". It works fine with Gnome and Windows. Where am I wrong?20:32
shadeslayerjasballz: if you get a answer tell me too :)20:32
Enigmajasballz, mine "just worked"20:32
kantorjasballz, a network traffic generator (flooding program) I'm just asking because I've created a for for mausezahn . . . and I wanted some opinions . . .20:32
GodfatherofEireQuibbler, thanks20:32
jasballzgartral: thx for trying, definitely firewallled ISP, will do some homework on dns hacking, etc. Hopefully I can get a faculty member to sponsor my distro so Bonas opens a port for Linux FTP from my laptop20:32
lenswipethat because you dont use the CIFS protocol, you need to use the SMB protocol....20:33
quibblerGodfatherofEire-> you are welcome20:33
Bam_Bamjasballz, I dialogged you20:33
jasballzkantor: is it to test network bandwidth?20:33
aryahhi! regarding imap service of gmail im having trouble with, if I try telnet imap.gmail.com 993 i also get Connection refused. This shouldnt be happening i presume?20:33
jasballzshadeslayer: you got it. Funny thing is kcmwifi works in gnome, but not the other way around. I like the acoustic scanner. lol, its like metal detecting for wlans20:33
arisHow to know if the network is shared20:33
arisLike under Windwos20:33
arisI can make NBTSTAT -A
mrwesAris: Places | network -- do you see anything?20:34
Bam_BamAlso, is there some sort of graphic EQ I can use to modify ALSA output?20:34
shadeslayerjasballz: my wifi works under GNOME but not under KDE,tho it has the same settings20:34
arisBut under Linux which command can I use ? Please answer20:34
gartralBam_Bam: see the speaker in the corner?20:34
kantorjasballz, not exactly, it is used for Dos attack (of course only for testing purposes), to test OS security, cpu load n the target machine and such things . . .20:34
cccharlesaris: please be patient.20:35
jasballzBam_Bam: shadeslayer: same for me, idky.20:35
Bam_Bamgartral, mine doesn't have an EQ in there that Ive seen20:35
gartralBam_Bam:  theres a drop box at the top with all availible sound drivers20:35
jasballzanyone know how to get Ubuntu to stop crashing like its windows? I'm running alpha dev versions of Jaunty20:35
arisMrwes: I'm just a biginner under Linux20:35
cccharlesaris: jdfoote3 made a suggestion above20:35
gartraljasballz: ask in ubuntu+120:36
Bam_Bamgartral, those are only input / output gains though20:36
jasballzor how to have firefox stop freezing when uploading heavily >4g to megashares or bazaar?20:36
Bam_BamI want to cut frequencies20:36
Flanneljasballz: You're running a development version.  To have it be stable, run a stable version.20:36
jasballzgartral: ok, I'm guessing it has to do with the devving, I'm sure by Apr 24 the the kinks will be ironned out20:36
jasballzFlannel: thx20:36
gartralBam_Bam: ohh, no, EQs are handled by programs, youll have to set them all up yourself20:36
ariscccharles: what suggestion ?20:36
shadeslayerbye all20:36
aryaharis, if you want a console comamnd, perhaps try smbclient on yourself? smbclinet -L hostname ?20:37
mrwesBam_Bam, there is not a system wide EQ20:37
cccharlesaris: <jdfoote3> aris: nmblookup -h?20:37
jasballzkantor: whats dos attack exactly?20:37
administrator_I got black screen after I enable proprietary and restart ubuntu, and i have to go to recovery mode to do xfix.. i have ati 960020:37
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jdfoote3aris: Don't know if that is what you are looking for - I just got it from a Google search :)20:37
GodfatherofEireBam_Bam. problems with Bass/lack thereof?20:37
gartralmrwes: um... didnt ESD have a "master EQ plugin" or some such?20:38
jasballzadministrator_: why'd you get a black screen? trying to run heavy graphx or what?20:38
administrator_jasballz x server doesnt run20:38
administrator_at all20:38
XpistosHey can somebody help me figure out why I can't get to my linux shares from my windows box. says I don't have permissions20:39
jasballzadministrator: Im having trouble with apache and dropbox. Whats x server20:39
gartraladministrator_: silly question, but what happens when you hit ctrl+alt+F7?20:39
jasballzXpistos: linux "shares"? what do you mean by shares?20:39
gartraljasballz: X.org server, you wouldnt have ANY guis without it20:39
goukiHi. Anyone has a debootstrap script for jaunty?20:39
arisI have to try20:39
Bam_BamGodfatherofEire, I just wanted some control over the mix20:39
kantorjasballz, denial of service when you flood a machine where a server is running and the server could not answer to valid requests because it is overwhelmed with invalid, "malicious" packets20:39
Xpistosjasballz: I have some folders set to share to the network, but when I try to access them from a windows box, it won't take my user password20:39
GodfatherofEireBam_Bam, ah20:39
Bam_Bamand to tweak a mic input20:39
Bam_Bamlike suck out the mids a bit20:40
administrator_gartral nothing happens now, do you meen after i install that driver and get black screen20:40
Xpistosjasballz: I can go into the windows folders from my linux box but not backwards20:40
Bam_Bamits this screachy awful sounding cacophony of everything20:40
arisAfter a trace rout of the server or a ping of the server how can you do to exploit the results ?20:40
jasballzXpistos: so you have two computers, ext3/4 or Linux Ubuntu and Windows and you want to access the ext3 filesystem via a network in Windows? Tell me if I'm wrong, but it might be a problem of filesystems?20:40
PicassotamusBam_Bam: r u using alsa/tried alsamixer?20:41
joshjtl_can I downgrade intel drivers back to intrepid?20:41
Bam_Bamyeah I am20:41
Bam_Bamits a creative xfi xtremegamer card20:41
jasballzXpistos: you might have to download w/e drivers or software you may need to access ext3 filesystems in windows. I've never tried it20:41
Bam_Bamwhich has really poor linux support20:41
usserjoshjtl_, why would you do that, intel driver in jaunty is wonderful20:41
Xpistosjasballz: Yes. hm. So you think I ned to have the ext convert in windows?20:41
administrator_is there better driver fxgrl in jaunty than in intrepid now20:42
joshjtl_usser: not on my machine its not... causing unrecoverable lockups20:42
joshjtl_usser: theres a known bug20:42
PicassotamusBam_Bam: so u tried alsamixer, and it didn't work?20:42
jasballzXpistos: definitely. ITs worth a shot. Probably'll work after that I'm guessing, and you shouldn't have problems with permissions after either.20:42
Finnishadministrator_: Yeah20:42
administrator_Finnish, how can i get that20:42
ogredo I need to run ubuntu server to setup an asterisk pbx? will regular ubuntu work for this if I have all the packages?20:43
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jasballzadministrator_: Jaunty is the shi**. I'm running it now, you want it. But I guess moderators told me not to suggest "sudo update-manager -d" in terminal so I won't.20:43
FinnishI guess you should first have jaunty, and then check repos or hardware drivers-section20:43
Bam_BamPicassotamus, it doesn't have even a two band eq20:43
SvenZmighty quiest20:43
Bam_Bamjust gain control20:43
erUSULogre: the later should be true20:43
Bam_Bamfor the different channel20:44
quibblerXpistos-> look here: http://www.fs-driver.org/20:44
jasballzadministrator_: then again, you could always just try a clean install. Maybe back up with remastersys but dont install from that livecd, just back up w/e data you need20:44
lenswipe  lol20:44
Xpistosquibbler: Thanks, I was just looking at it myself.20:44
themiddlemanare the isos on this page daily builds?  http://releases.ubuntu.com/releases/9.04/20:44
arisI have Terminal Server Client I tried to connect to a computer on the network but it's ask me to enter login and admin password. How can i pass out this without putting password and login ?20:44
apadoxthis is clean install so i have all the data backuped20:44
apadoxthan i will try jaunty and see what happens20:44
arisAnswer please !20:45
jasballzthemiddleman: IDK, but you can get daily builds thru "sudo update-manager -d" in terminal20:45
SvenZid pick yalls brains, but im about to head out20:45
Xpistosaris: You can't20:45
themiddlemanjasballz, yeah, I want to do a clean install though20:45
jasballzaris: IDK, if it requires a password you have to put one in, if not, you shouldnt have to. Did you try Places/connect to server?20:45
jasballzapadox: I love jaunty, but thats just me.20:46
gartrali cant get VLC to use the right sound card.... i hvae two, i've supposedly blacklisted the internal one (whicj i dint really want to do, but that was the only way) and STILL VLC wants to use the blacklisted card, and ignores the working one20:46
themiddlemanI found it anyway, here http://releases.ubuntu.com/releases/9.04/20:46
jasballzSvenZ: okey20:46
jasballzthemiddleman: we are talking about?? I'm sorry I am comming with like 10 different ppl. Clean installs are always good.20:46
Xpistosjasballz: I think I have some kind of password problem.20:46
jasballzXpistos: What are you trying to do?20:47
Enigmawhere do i put new icons in gnome?20:47
Xpistosjasballz: but it is more of a "why doesn't this work" then a oh man it does work issue20:47
jasballzthemiddleman: my bad. I back tracked our conversation. Definitely. IDK, my 'unstable' jaunty is more stable when I run update manager often20:47
themiddlemanjasballz, we were talking about the daily build isos for jaunty but I found em, thanks20:47
Martyr2k6can anyone help with backing up an installation?20:48
* gartral has an emberrassing caps lock20:48
jasballzanyone know the name for the GNOME wifi panel icon, and how do I start it in KDE via terminal?20:48
matrixblue_I want to do a full install to a USB flash drive. Which file system will cause the least wear to it?20:48
Martyr2k6or rather just plain old backing up?20:48
Xpistosjasballz: I have the folder showing up in windows, when I try and connect it says it is not accessable and I might not have permission. I am trying to login with the same usr and pwd as my laptop, but no luck20:48
erUSULMartyr2k6: what do you want to bckup? personal data? package selections?20:48
jasballzmatrixblue_: Most USB flashes don't have to worry about wear since they're flash. They're peanut linux. I don't think file system type matters but  Iwould go with plain FAT or FAT3220:48
gartralmatrixblue_: your kinda restricted to the vfat thats alrady on the drive, though a loopback etx2 will probably suit your needs20:49
Xpistosjasballz: I was trying to play a podcast from my gpodder folder on my wife's windows box while I was cleaning the bed room20:49
MrElendigjasballz: flash is horrible when it comes to wear....20:49
gartralmatrixblue_: ext2*20:49
Xpistosjasballz: I can just move the files and do it that way. No big20:49
jasballzmatrixblue: *I would use peanut linux fat32 or something like that*20:50
jasballzXpistos: ok20:50
Martyr2k6well put it this way, my wife is bringing me home a new laptop tonight, and I want to basically mirror my current installation (all files, programs, downloads, etc) to that unit so that I don't have to spend all the time reconfiguring everything20:50
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Xpistosbtw - gpodder is using real names now instead of the numbers. Awesome20:50
eseven73!away > tiagofalcao[AWAY20:50
ubottutiagofalcao[AWAY, please see my private message20:50
MenZaMartyr2k6→ for your configuration, I suggest you copy over your home dir. for the programs, use dpkg --get-selections and load the packages from that file20:51
egchey guys, anybody have a recommendation for what is best filesystem to use on external disk being used with both mac and ubuntu?20:51
MenZaegc→ if you can settle for filesizes <4GB, FAT3220:51
gartralMartyr2k6: take the drives out, put them in a desktop, and copy the partition from one to the new, lol20:51
Martyr2k6I just spent the past week learning my way around ubuntu and customizing everything to my liking, and I don't retain much information20:51
jasballzWhy does Apache love to hate me? As well as dropbox? I've installed them both and they still won't 'run'?20:52
egcMenZa: is there a fs that both support that can allow files >4GB?20:52
jasballzMartyr2k6: thats ok thats what we're here for ;-)20:52
Martyr2k6I would like to think that I have linux setup in an almost perfect way for me, as I am a hard-core windows user20:52
egcMenZa: btw, i'm using fat32 now, so im good so far ;)20:52
Martyr2k6appreciate the help20:53
MenZaMartyr2k6→ ah. Well, you can copy your /home/ directory to the new computer. You can get a list of your currently-installed packages with dpkg --get-selections, copy that file to the new drive, use dpkg --set-selections and download the packages from that. There's a factoid for it, but I don't remember it.20:53
jasballzegc: Use HFS journaled but not extended I think, theres something about it, don't "index" it when format, that allows Linux to mod the files, but if its "indexed" or "extended" or something like that it can view but not mod.20:53
arisjasballz: yes, when I put a distance computer IP it's moves me on the Terminal Server Client ask me to Log On to Windows Server 2003 Standard Edition: User name:.......... ; Password I try with my Linux user name and password but it does not work. What can  I do please ? Can you propose me something please ?20:53
DJones!cloning | Martyr2k620:53
ubottuMartyr2k6: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate20:53
jasballzanyone here know how to program c for compiz plugins and want to dev a new plugin?20:53
egcjasballz: cool thanks20:53
Martyr2k6so, for instance, right now I am using "simple backup" to backup everything to a 8gig flash drive20:53
arisIs it possible to contourne it ?20:53
matrixblue_I almost succeeded with a ext4 install but grub failed to install at the end20:54
jasballzMartyr2k6: nice. Whats ur setup? R u running KDE or GNOME?20:54
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Martyr2k6kde and I don't get along as well as I had liked20:54
eseven73MenZa, what do you use to copy /home to a new hd? Ive tried clonezilla and partimage with no luck20:54
jasballzaris: try going Places/Connect to server. Or did you already try that? If its FTP and theres an IP do "ftp that_address" in terminal20:55
Martyr2k6I prefer the setup as it stands from intrepid ibex20:55
jasballzaris: are you in Ubuntu right now or XP / Vista / 7?20:55
MenZaeseven73→ I'd use scp or rsync.20:55
Martyr2k6plus, throw in the mods I have put into it thus far20:55
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jasballzanyone here emulate mac in vmware?20:55
arisjasballz: i'm under UBUNTU 7.1020:55
Stormx2Hi. Swapped out hard drives into new machine. Xorg is complaining "No drivers found" then a fatal error: "No screens found". How can I fix it? The new machine has a newer video card in it20:56
jasballzMartyr2k6z: You don't get along with KDE or GNOME, i thot u said you had a sweet setup20:56
jasballzMartyr2k6: nvm. Yah, I have probs with KDE too, specifically kcmwifi, tho other than that I like20:56
Martyr2k6I mean, don't get me wrong, I am a noob, but in under an hour, I was able to clean install ubuntu on this comp, update it fully, redownload all my apps, config my email, config compiz, setup cairo-dock, network with my vista puter, and install xp with all its updates20:56
gustavehcomo estas20:56
el_matuhola che20:56
jasballzaris: why's that? why not upgrade to Heron 8.10? That may present the problem.20:56
el_matuq haces??20:57
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.20:57
Martyr2k6installed xp under virtual box20:57
jasballzMartyr2k6: nooooob, uh huh. I believe you... lol ;-)20:57
Martyr2k6this machine simply cannot do all I want it to20:57
Martyr2k6lol I am, I have been using linux for a week20:57
jasballzMartyr2k6: if you're trying to connect wifi / net in vmware xp make sure to use host not nat. That should work20:57
Martyr2k6but I have been fighting with it since bigslack and redhat20:57
arisjasballz: i do it soon20:58
gustavehse j0dio20:58
Martyr2k6jas, already have that done20:58
jasballzaris: did you try my fixes?20:58
Martyr2k6hell, my linux box right now is connected to my windows network and using my printer on the network share20:58
Martyr2k6I am good with gui, but command line rapes me20:58
arisjasballz: I have lunch a window to try it20:59
arfmarfNexuiz 2.5 Is out! :D Get it now! http://alientrap.org/nexuiz/ http://thepiratebay.org/torrent/482167720:59
Martyr2k6wtf is nexuiz?20:59
eseven73another shooter20:59
MenZa!nexuiz | Martyr2k620:59
ubottuMartyr2k6: Information about games on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php20:59
jasballzaris: well try them b4 u start complaining again ;-)21:00
Martyr2k6but here is my goal, I want linux as my core os, and I want to run vista 64 ultimate, windows xp pro sp2, and leopard 10.5.5 all under one hood. the latter os's in vm21:01
CaptainObiousI cannot do a gem update --system21:01
CaptainObiousit is disabled in debian21:01
CaptainObioushow do I enable it?21:01
Martyr2k6I have about 8 gigs of ddr3, and an intel quadcore q6600 with a geforce 8800 gt oc21:01
Martyr2k6so I think I might be able to hand the work load21:01
MathmechShould I use PlayOnLinux or Wine-Doors? Or just google everytime I wanna install a game?21:01
Martyr2k6not sure though21:02
jasballzMartry2k6: Nice. My goal is virtualization / liveswitch for Windows 7 or XP and Mac Os Leopard, running Ubuntu Linux // Buddhabuntu (.8m.net home) on one 110gb partition21:02
arisjasballz: no reaction of the terminal it just clinoting21:02
Bam_BamMartyr2k6, you should be able to handle the load21:02
kazaLitehi all21:03
jasballzMathmech: idk, depends on the game. I've tried forever to get Assassin's Creed to run in linux, with no luck, even tho Wine Forums says you can21:03
Bam_Bamjasballz, I want to get seamless virtualization running21:03
jasballzaris: what do you mean "no reaction"?21:03
geniiCaptainObious: You may need sudo with that21:03
Martyr2k6see, my thing is that I need to learn mac, because I am on the geeksquad, and everytime I am brought a mac for all their various issues, I don't want to look like a moron21:04
Martyr2k6but I can't afford to buy a mac21:04
kazaLitei have installed kdevelop on ubuntu ... but when i run it as an ordinary user and compile it i get error message saying you have no permissions to use xwindwos.....how i can edit access rights for kdevelop?21:04
n8tuserMartyr2k6 -> looks like you have a very good system there, which Virtualization engine will you be using?21:04
ubottuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)21:04
thinkamaphi... I have a tar file with *.so files for linux 32 bit, but I am running ubuntu amd64... is there any issue if I install those *.so files?21:04
Martyr2k6no clue, I am up for suggestions though21:04
Martyr2k6currently using virtual box, it's impressive for what it is, but it's not as good as microsoft virtual pc 2007 in my book21:05
Martyr2k6either that or I just don't know how to use it21:05
n8tuserMartyr2k6-> i dont know, try to look into parallel? vmware?21:05
arisjasballz: sorry i'm not good in English, I speak well french. The Terminal just clinoting there no suite (show data) like you're connected21:05
dodai am try to install gnome desktop in xubunto but in medl install may hapen internet error .. and i try from the zero ..21:05
Martyr2k6dumb question, can I get parallel's on torrent?21:06
jasballzBam_Bam: nice. Are you talking about VMware:Unity here? Me too.21:06
dodaany help21:06
kazaLiteany idea?21:06
IenorandMartyr2k6: Since it would be illegal afaik... yes dumb question.21:07
Bam_Bamjasballz, I haven't gotten it working yet vbox was fail21:07
sylvarI'm having trouble with viewing a Java applet in Firefox 3 on kubuntu intrepid. One public example of the applet is at -- is there anyone out there who can actually see the streaming video rather than just a gray box?21:07
IenorandMartyr2k6:  as far as I know21:07
aris ftp
Bam_BamIs vmware:unity better?21:07
arisftp: connect: Connection timed out21:07
Martyr2k6oh damn21:07
Martyr2k6sorry not with the times21:08
jasballzmartyr2k6: I think, for me, mac os use is more of an aesthetic thing, if you want there are x86 isos that you can run after torrent downloading (kdebneb, iatkos, jas, kalyay) legally on a PC if you purchase a lisecne21:08
geniiCaptainObious: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RubyOnRails#Known%20Problems21:08
Martyr2k6the last system I built was this one21:08
arisJasballz: You can see the response ftp
aris ftp: connect: Connection timed out21:08
aris ftp>21:08
Martyr2k6and it's specs aren't pretty21:08
Martyr2k6but they are pretty funny21:08
kazaLitehow can i set/edit access rights for programs?21:08
thinkamaphi... I have a tar file with *.so files for linux 32 bit, but I am running ubuntu amd64... is there any issue if I install those *.so files?21:08
doda i am try to install gnome desktop in xubunto but in medl install may hapen internet error .. and i try from the zero ..21:08
dodaplz help meeeeeeeeeeeeee21:09
Martyr2k6ati radeon 9600 pro, 1 gig of ddr400 ram, 40 gig pata hdd, amd athlon xp 2900+ 2.01ghz21:09
Martyr2k6but this thing handles linux with full graphics pumped with no hangups amazingly, unless I try to be productive in xp21:09
jasballzaris: parlez vous francais? je parle une peut si il serait aider.21:10
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jasballzBam_Bam: mac or win?21:10
dodahi all any help21:10
arisJasballz: Oui je parle français21:10
Bam_BamI need to get photoshop / fireworks running21:10
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arisen fait je ne sais pas bien parler anglais21:11
jasballzBam_Bam: I think VMWare is def. better than virtual box, and unity's kind of like wine. The desktop is hidden and the windows run over your ubuntu laptop21:11
Bam_Bamvbox supposedly has that feature but it hasnt worked21:11
Bam_Bamand mines not a laptop :P21:12
Martyr2k6any way to run leopard under ubuntu?21:12
Martyr2k6by any chance21:12
jasballzaris: je ne peut pas telecharge a ton connection.21:12
Igglyboocan someone help me with my wifi card?21:12
jasballzaris: i am getting nothing running that in terminal21:12
IgglybooThe wifi card works perfectly under GNOME but it doesn't work at all under KDE.21:13
zleapuse gnome then21:13
frostburnBam_Bam, jasballz mine has worked fine, infact i prefer vbox to vmware on linux21:13
arisjasballz: Je veux me connecter sur un ordinateur distant via l'IP de la machine, cependant il me demand un login et un mot de passe pour me permettre la connection. n'est-il pas possible de contourner cela ?21:13
jasballzMartyr2k6: yah, google osx86 vmware. I've tried iatkos and kalyway installing under vmware to no avail but I guess jas is good. If you an get iatkos or kalyway to install let me know21:13
jasballzIgglyboo: sure, I have the same prob21:13
arisJasballz: essaie avec ça
casper_Can any one help me?21:14
jasballzfrostburn: what macos iso are you running?21:14
Igglyboojasballz:  how did you fix it21:14
annoiaI am trying to rescue a broken disk with dd_rescue. However, at some point I get "Input/output error!", and the disk is inaccessible until I reboot. Is there some way to make it accessible without rebooting?21:14
frostburnjasballz, i read windows, don't run mac21:14
Martyr2k6well I went to osx86 project and downloaded ideneb like it told me to21:14
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jasballzaris: si? est-ce que "Erreur 530". J'avais ca probleme aussi.21:14
jasballzaris: je ne peut pas essaier.21:14
casper_can some 1 assist me i cannot change my sources back >.<21:14
jasballzcasper: with what?21:15
casper_i cannot download nething anymore21:15
arisjasballz: pourquoi ?21:15
arisJe suis vraiment nul sous Linux21:15
jasballzIgglyboo: fix your wifi? I have no idea, I've been trying to figure that out myself. If you can get the name of the GNOME panel wifi icon and run it in terminal in KDE that should work. If you figure it out email me raymonjc at sbu.edu21:15
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frostburnIgglyboo, jasballz nm-applet21:16
jasballzfrostburn: why come? windows runs fine for me. mac is legal if you buy a liscence21:16
ikoniacasper_: anyone what ?21:16
casper_help me....?21:16
ikoniacasper_: with what ?21:16
arisI have gFTP how can i use it ?21:17
mercutio22I would like to get some help on how to image an entire HD. CAn someone suggest a really easy and detailed how to?21:17
kiljI am having a problem with my graphics card overheating.  Does anyone know of any software in Intrepid that may help it?21:17
frostburnjasballz, the license is only valid on mac hardware, don't need to pay the mac tax when I can do all my day to day operations on linux and a windows vm21:17
jasballzmartyr2k6: ahhhh, Idk. I haven't tried idebneb. I am biased to iatkos 5i but not for vmware. The guides are for Jas, so download that instead, i reccommend you do that. 3 gig downloading via torrent or w/e is too long for a bad install. email me if you get a good vmware virtualization raymonjc at sbu.edu since I've been trying to for weeks21:17
jasballzaris: je ne sais pas.21:17
casper_I cannot download anything on teminal21:17
ikoniacasper_: what command are you using ?21:17
jasballzfrostburn: thx21:17
casper_sudo apt-get install audacity21:18
ikoniacasper_: what does it say21:18
Bam_Bamok, thank you jasballz21:18
arisjasballz: merci, t'es gentil21:18
Bam_Bamwhat is the sh command btw?21:18
frostburnsh shell21:18
Martyr2k6k jas, I am on fiber optic so speed and time are all on my side21:18
Martyr2k6believe it or not, I am not mad of money :)21:19
nadoaris, you want to install it ?21:19
Lint01how can I display ACLs in file properties in Nautilus?21:19
casper_This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or21:19
casper_is only available from another source21:19
casper_E: Package audacity has no installation candidate21:19
Martyr2k6I just work at bestbuy and get alot of toys on the cheap21:19
Martyr2k6as does my wife21:19
arisnado: No i already install it21:19
Guest53596hello all.21:19
vegetarianshrimphello everybody21:20
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arisnado: i want know how to use it21:20
Martyr2k6I gotta figure out how to get rid of 4 computers before next friday and somehow manage to make money off of it21:20
jasballzfrostburn: will that run in kde if I type in terminal?21:20
nadoaris, Applications->Internet->gFtp21:20
nadoaris, or gftp in the console21:20
frostburnjasballz, i know not, haven't run kde in several years21:20
ikoniacasper_: that means the package is not available21:20
arisnado: And ?21:20
casper_no it is21:20
ikoniacasper_: not "you can't download anything"21:20
vegetarianshrimpanyone need help with something?21:20
casper_i changed my sources on accident21:21
ikoniakb9tui: pass pass21:21
casper_cuz i was trying to update pidgin21:21
nadonado, and what ? Your quesiton is how to run it .. are you having a problem with it ?21:21
Martyr2k6I do have a question though21:21
ikoniacasper_: ok - so why did you not sasy that if you know thats the problem, instead of saying I can't download anything21:21
arisNado: Application>Internet>gFTP is made after ?21:21
kb9tuiikonia: thanks. :-)21:21
casper_cuz i dont know wtf to do21:21
ikoniacasper_: control your language , we know what wtf means21:21
frostburncasper_, check /etc/apt/sources.list   make sure you have the standard repos enabled21:22
Martyr2k6as grat as linux is, is it possible for me to use windows vista with full functionality in vmware? (ie gpu drivers and all that)21:22
ikoniacasper_: you'll get better responses if say what the problem is, you know you've modified your sources - yet you said the problem is you can't download anything21:22
MrElendigwhat the frugalware?21:22
meoblast001how do i get evolution to notify me of new email even when it's not open?21:22
MathmechI run gnome, and just now the top of all windows disappeared :O I cant move em or close/minimize/enlarge, whats wtrong?21:22
jasballzaris: domoarigatso gassho, connection timed out. try my ip21:22
jasballzMartyr2k6: you lucky bastard21:22
kiljDoes anyone know what maybe causing a graphics card to overheat in Intrepid?  It did not do that until I upgraded.21:23
jasballzLint01: what are ACLs?21:23
frostburnaccess control lists?21:23
casper_math mech u got compiz???21:23
jasballzon that note, nautilus? why won't dropbox interface even tho I downloaded it.21:23
Martyr2k6jas, lols... it's all my wife's doing21:23
jasballzvegetarianshrimp: fish isn't meat?21:23
frostburnLint01, what do you want to open it with?21:23
Martyr2k6she asks me what my goals are, what I want to do in life and with my  money, and she helps me make it happen... she is my own personal life hacker21:24
jdukilj: are you using compiz?21:24
jasballzfrostburn: ur a GNOMEr?21:24
ravenanyone here who could help me with LINUX on POCKETPC? please pn me...please21:24
kiljI removed compiz.21:24
Martyr2k6I am too disorganized to do anything on my own21:24
dust_ti have ubuntu 8.04 installed. Suddenly it stopped detecting my onboard lan and mii-tool is saying operation not supported.21:24
Lint01I want Nautilus to show ACLs in file properties, not just standard Unix rights21:24
Igglyboofrostburn: is there a way to install nm applet without internet connection?21:24
dust_thow can i confirm this is a hardware error and not a software error?21:24
jasballzMrElendig: What IS frugalware?21:25
Igglybooim kinda new to linux and idk how to install things without using add/remove21:25
jdukilj: then I don't know21:25
Enigmais there any way to shrink the size of the top window bar21:25
jasballzmeoblast001: yah I cant get evolution to interface with my college email.21:25
frostburnjasballz, yes21:25
kazaLitewhat should i use insteas of sudo to run kde programs?21:25
Martyr2k6iggly, what are you wanting to install21:25
jasballzanyone know how to get evolution to run a sited host like webmail.sbu.edu?21:25
MrElendigjasballz: a distro that is fun take fun of21:25
prince_jammysMathmech: probably something to do with compiz. you can revert temporarilly to metacity with ALT+F2 and type: metacity --replace21:25
jduIgglyboo: look up apt-get21:25
kiljHehe.  I do not think anyone knows itleast from what I have seen.  It is getting old using a cooling system and ice gel packs.  Well thank you.21:25
jasballzMathmech: what the heck? Did you run compiz or something? Try installing compiz and running it21:25
Lint01try kdesudo21:26
frostburnIgglyboo, yes, but that would require the ubuntu cd and adding the cd to your repo21:26
casper_hey can any give me there sources for ubuntu21:26
jduIgglyboo: or perhaps you would be more interested in the Synaptic Package Manager21:26
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jasballzdust_t: uh, I have no idea. Maybe try another OS on another partition and see what luck you have21:26
prince_jammyscasper_: use the 'software sources' app in the menus to enable the right repositories.21:27
Igglyboocan i throw the file on a flash drive?21:27
casper_how the hell u do that21:27
jasballzIgglyboo: you can add software sources in system/admin and synaptec. Also in terminal "sudo apt-get install" w/e. Google what you want and generally there are terminal commands for them21:27
Igglybooim not really sure how to install programs outside of the add/remove21:27
Igglyboojasballz: without the internet tho21:27
prince_jammyscasper_: you click on it, type your passwords, and enable 'universe' for audacity21:27
Martyr2k6iggy, I am new as well, but you need to not be affraid of using command line (makes me squeemish thinking about it) and also using synaptic. there are many different ways to install different applications in linux21:27
jasballzkazaLite: IDKy, but all my KDE programs show in my applications menu after I installed KDE21:27
jasballzMrElendig: what distro? hopefully u r not talking about buddhabuntu.8m.net ?? ;-)21:28
Martyr2k6unfortunately, as far as I have found, there is no ONE way that is RIGHT for all applications.. correct me if I am wrong, anyone21:28
casper_wat if i just click them all?21:28
Martyr2k6aside from in terminal21:28
jasballzIgglyboo: you have no wifi? i always recommend ndiswrapper but thats me21:28
MrElendigjasballz: http://frugalware.org/21:28
casper_w/e u clicked everything but restricted21:29
jasballzMartyr2k6: i have no idea what u r talking about21:29
Martyr2k6yeah installing things in linux are a big wooky, but you get used to it21:29
jduIgglyboo: packages are simply .deb files.  You can transfer them as any file.21:29
Igglyboojasballz: i have wifi, but it does not work while using KDE, only while using GNOME21:29
prince_jammyscasper_: that's ok. restricted is fine too. you probably don't want 'backports'21:29
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Igglyboowell how can i download the package and put this on an sd card21:29
Igglyboousually it just installs21:29
grim2hi all!21:29
casper_ahh shit too late21:29
Martyr2k6Jas, talking about installing applications/programs... i.e. in windows, there is one unified way of installing all programs, but in linux there are many different ways21:29
jdubut the linux ways are better21:30
Martyr2k6iggly, download the file from the interwebz, save to desktop, then copy to sd card or flash drive21:30
* ajox is back.21:30
watcasper_ you need meM?21:30
watwhats the problem21:30
casper_pm me21:31
prince_jammyseven wat can spell what21:31
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sweeneyI am trying to upgrade to Jaunty.  I ran "update-manager -d" and there is no upgrade button.  I went and checked my release upgrade and made sure it was set to "normal release" which it is.  Any ideas?21:31
watsomething might be wrong with your system21:32
defrysksweeney, wait till its stable might be a good idea ?21:32
Jeruvysweeney: thats because it's not a release yet21:32
MaelaianAre there any plans for a 64bit JeOS?21:32
sweeneyusually you can still update if its in beta21:32
watwhats jaunty?21:32
ubottuJaunty Jackalope is the codename for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 23rd, 2009 -  Schedule in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyReleaseSchedule - Lots of breakage between now and April 23rd - Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support.21:33
defrysksweeney, go to ubuntu+121:33
watthey are already on 9.04?21:33
casper_nothing just worked21:33
annoiawat - Well, it IS April, 200921:33
watannoia so?21:33
Jeruvyannoia: did you read that factiod?21:33
annoiawat - That would be 9.04 :)21:33
watubuntu 8.04 works perfectly fine21:33
annoiaJeruvy - Sure21:34
wati personally prefer fedora but whatever21:34
kb3ientrying to install freepbx on ubuntu ibex. I'm not finding my php/session file, where does ibex put it?21:34
Picassotamusannoia: makes sense... nvm knew that :) ( partly cos I'm from us to 4/09 to me )21:34
sweeneydefrysk: thanks21:35
casper_i like xubuntu21:35
wati like sabayon and fedora21:36
casper_does neone know of recording software?21:36
mrwesI like scotch21:36
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casper_llike music ish21:36
* defrysk likes archlinux, but i'm lazy21:36
* wat likes windows21:37
Picassotamuscasper_: Ardour21:37
casper_there is another 121:37
casper_i can remember21:37
casper_its like a mixing thing21:37
casper_audacity and sumthing else21:37
prince_jammysah, no sorry, audacious is a player21:38
prince_jammyscasper_: look at the stuff provided by ubuntu studio21:38
jduEnigma: did you get your answer?21:38
prince_jammyscasper_: you'll see the different media software21:38
Picassotamus!enter | casper_21:38
ubottucasper_: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!21:38
showershello uuuubuuuntuuu!21:40
showersall however, is not joy. i can't get connected from firefox in ubuntu21:41
joe-macso say you accidentally nuke /etc/apache2. When you re install apache2.2-common the mods-available folder is empty, yet dpkg -s or whatever the switch is says the folder is owned by apache2.2-common. Is there something other than a standard re install you need to do to re-populate the available modules directory?21:41
frostburnjoe-mac, you can extract the modules from the deb21:41
joe-macfrostburn: i appreciate your suggestion and it is valid, however it's more of a workaround21:42
Lordievadershower, you mean you can't connect to the internet through FF?21:42
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joe-macshouldn't a re install re-populate the empty foldeR?21:42
casper_how can i update pidgin21:42
joe-maclike there were no .confs or .loads at all21:43
ikoniacasper_: if there is an update available ubuntu will offer one21:43
joe-maci had to actually copy them over from another wwwserver21:43
casper_it didnt21:43
ikoniacasper_: then there is not an update available from ubuntu21:43
showerswhat kind of connection do you have? you ask. ethernet. hooks to a wire at the back of the computer. said wire leads to a square ariel thing on the roof. which points at a tower over on the hill. maybe there is a group just for getting connected21:43
jducasper_ is the version outdated?21:43
ikoniacasper_: current ubuntu stable is
jducasper_: It could be that a newer version is in backports21:44
casper_they have 2.021:44
sagredoYO YO YO - who can recommend someway to record X?21:44
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jduor you could compile it yourself21:44
ikoniacasper_: ubuntu has not packaged it yet21:44
frostburnjoe-mac, the /etc/ directory structure is still there, there's a apt-get option to force reinstall, but i don't recall what it is21:45
starsunflowersagredo you talking about something like "recordmydesktop"?21:45
showersthe only time i did manage to get connected was when i edited the connection and set everything manually. that was last night. today when i fired it up it had reset to automatic and even when i reset to manual and punch in all those delightful numbers it still won't connect.21:46
joe-macfrostburn: sweet, i'll look into that, i just kinda wanted reassurance that i could do it with the PM and that it wasn't a bug21:46
casper_any program that works with ubuntu itll pop up as a package21:46
frostburnsagredo, ffmpeg -f x11grab -s wxga -r 25 -i :0.0 -sameq /tmp/out.mpg21:46
sagredofrostburn: hot tip my friend, much abliged21:46
ikoniacasper_: thats right, you'll find anything thats available in the package manager21:47
frostburnsagredo, http://www.commandlinefu.com/commands/browse/sort-by-votes21:47
ikoniacasper_: if you open synaptic and browse21:47
casper_thats nice21:47
ikoniano problem21:47
sagredofrostburn: I follow the top 10 feed on twitter :)21:47
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RickXcan anyone tell me how to resolve lan hostnames so I can ping using hostnames?21:48
mazza_sounds like a dns error, or you just aren't connected to the internet21:49
jduRickX: one way is to define them in /etc/hosts21:49
RickXmazza_: I am connected to the internet, but the Internet knows nothing of my internal lan Ips or hostnames.21:49
RickXjdu, hod do I define them in /etc/hots if they are dynamic?21:50
RickX how do I define them in /etc/hots if they are dynamic?  :-)21:50
jdubut they don't have to be dynamic in your house.21:50
jatthi, I do ls -altr | less21:50
jattbut the output is not colored. Is there an option to show the colors?21:50
RickXbut they do at work.21:51
frostburnRickX, you need to add those ip addresses in your dns server, assuming this is in your house, see if your router allows for static dhcp addresses21:51
RickXand I want them to in my house.21:51
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ikoniajatt: it's because you're piping it21:51
jattikonia: sure, without piping I get the colors but I want to scroll the output with less21:51
RickXfrostburn: how can IPs be static and dynamic?21:52
jattI want to see the colors to distinguish broken symbolic links21:52
ikoniajatt: less will remove the colours21:52
ryanakcaIs there a way I can set a limit to the amount of memory a certain process uses? I know of nice, but that only affects scheduling / CPU usage, no?21:52
scherenhaendensomeone knows why the plugin of firefox for adobe doesnt work right? sorry for my english21:52
jduabobe flash?21:52
frostburnRickX, the dhcp server gives the same ip address to the same mac address each time there's a request21:52
MrElendigor adobe pdf?21:52
ikoniajatt: ls has --alias colour, but less doesn't so the results get nomralised through less21:52
scherenhaendenadobe flash...21:52
scherenhaendenfirefox pluging nonfree21:52
scherenhaendenwas working really gut21:53
frostburnRickX, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dynamic_Host_Configuration_Protocol#IP_address_allocation21:53
scherenhaendengood... gut is german...21:53
scherenhaendenbut now... it doesnt work21:53
jdudid firefox get updated?21:53
casper_hey how do u install tar.gz files21:53
Lint01to 3.0.8, yes21:54
scherenhaendenyeah it was that problem21:54
scherenhaendenit was working good.. that came that update...21:54
Lint01casper_: extract them into new directory and read README21:54
scherenhaendenthen was the light out21:54
RickXfrostburn: thanks, looking21:54
casper_yah i know but like do u do every file .?/configure21:54
Lint01you do ./configure, and watch for errors21:55
scherenhaendeni will say something... im really really sad with ubuntu... cuz i mean, it is a great project... but on my computer...21:55
casper_if there is an error how would u stop it21:55
mazza_the error stops it21:55
Lint01if you have all tools and libraries, you can issue 'make' and 'make install'21:55
casper_how do you get all tools and libs21:56
Lint01configure will stop if your system is missing something required for the build21:56
casper_then your download wat you need??21:56
Lint01install the required packages, they ususally have '-dev' suffix21:56
jduscherenhänden:  I would suggest reinstalling flash21:56
pumpkinseedi'm having some strange issues in ubuntu 8.10 - All of a sudden my firefox 3.0.8 and pidgin 2.5.5 dont work anymore. When I run firefox from command line it says "Couldn't load XPCOM." and when I run pidgin from a command line it says "Segmentation fault"... Anyone have any clues, see this before?21:57
Lint01why my xorg.conf has no video modes defined?21:58
Kasperwhats the main language that people program in Linux?21:58
frostburnpumpkinseed, did you recently update your system and not reboot?21:58
frostburnKasper, english21:58
derrichI'm trying to run a 32-bit binary on a 64-bit system and I'm getting a "permission denied" error (running the file as root, even after chmod a+rwx , doesn't get around this)21:58
derrichIs there something I'm missing, or is this just not going to work?21:59
Kasperfrostburn, good one21:59
pumpkinseedforstburn: the only thing I did was uninstall Google Earth 4.3 and then install Google Earth 5.021:59
pumpkinseedforstburn: I have restarted many times since then21:59
TaijiquanHow do I find OpenAL on my computer?21:59
jdupumpkinseed: my first though is rouge plugins causing the problem in firefox, but that doesn't explain the other symptoms.21:59
Kasperlet me rephrase that question21:59
Kasperwhat is the main programming language that most linux developers use?22:00
derrichKasper: C22:00
scherenhaendenmein komputer is not really fast now22:00
doglinoxKasper DElphi22:00
Kasperare those difficult?22:00
frostburnpumpkinseed, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=967284 check that out, might be related22:00
nibsi need some help22:00
doglinoxscherenhaenden it is "my computer"22:00
nibsi installd ubunut22:00
pumpkinseedfrostburn: unfortunately I have no browser22:01
nibsand when i wboot up i just get a grub command prompt22:01
pumpkinseedfrostburn: i'll load something though22:01
derrichKasper: they require a fair amount of learning, I would recommend buying a book if you're looking to learn it.22:01
pumpkinseedi tried reinstalling firefox and pidgin, but no luck22:01
Kasperderrich, i was looking up on google about Delphi, and they said its for Windows?22:02
macman_dumb question22:02
derrichKasper: ignore that Delphi remark, they were being sarcastic.22:02
moussaouiprb sur carte sat pincal22:02
derrichKasper: what are you looking to do?22:03
macman_i have a desktop computer with no monitor connected to it .. i have a vga cable and a laptop with a vga cable .. is there anyway i can plug it into the laptop and see the boot options ?22:03
moussaouiubuntu reconue pas cette carte22:03
nightrid3r!fr | moussaoui22:03
ubottumoussaoui: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr22:03
frostburnmacman_, not unless you have a kvm or a network kvm or a remote access card22:03
scherenhaendeni wrote mein komputer... cuz i was thinking on german22:03
Kasperlearn something new, i've completed everything i have to do for school, and i have nothing to do22:04
scherenhaendenmy english is not so great22:04
pumpkinseedthere is one more weird thing happening: whenever I startup I get an Error message "The panel encountered a problem while loading "OAFIID:GENOME_ClockApplet".22:04
xFluxis there a 'seconds' hack for cron in Ubuntu?22:05
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pumpkinseedare there viruses for ubuntu?22:06
Flare183pumpkinseed: Of course not22:06
pumpkinseedi'm starting to think I may have a virus22:06
Flare183!virus | pumpkinseed22:06
ubottupumpkinseed: A/V software is available, however read this to understand why Linux does not have a virus problem: http://librenix.com/?inode=2122:06
Cpudan80pumpkinseed: you dont22:07
pumpkinseedi would love to, unfortunately my browsers are busted22:07
Cpudan80busted how22:07
Flare183pumpkinseed: Explain22:07
pumpkinseedwe.... i'm having some strange issues in ubuntu 8.10 - All of a sudden my firefox 3.0.8 and pidgin 2.5.5 dont work anymore. When I run firefox from command line it says "Couldn't load XPCOM." and when I run pidgin from a command line it says "Segmentation fault"... Anyone have any clues, see this before?22:07
signornessunohi to all the chan22:07
pumpkinseedthe only thing I did was uninstall Google Earth 4.3 and then install Google Earth 5.022:07
pumpkinseedwe = well22:08
Flare183pumpkinseed: Google your Firefox error22:08
Cpudan80pumpkinseed: segfault != virus22:08
signornessunoi have a question... what utility should i use to convert from iso to img22:08
Cpudan80pumpkinseed: delete your .purple folder22:08
pumpkinseedlinux people don't seem to listen sometimes22:08
Flare183!lol | pumpkinseed22:08
ubottupumpkinseed: Please don't use "LOL" and "OMG" and so forth on a regular basis. This is IRC, not IM, and using those lines on their own is not required, and it is rather annoying to the rest of the people in the channel; thanks.22:08
Cpudan80rm -rf .purple22:08
DigitalKiwiubuntu does too have viruses! http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=72598 <-- still makes me chuckle22:08
pumpkinseedmy browser doesn't work so I can't google the issue22:08
Cpudan80use wget lol22:08
MrElendigpumpkinseed: you could use another browser22:08
Flare183pumpkinseed: Yes you can, get another browser22:08
BigMoopieshello, my sound isn't as loud as it is in Windows.  Would it be possible to fix this ?22:09
Flare183pumpkinseed: For example, Galeon (I think I spelled it right)22:09
pumpkinseedCpudan80: where is the .purple folder?22:09
Lint01signornessuno: what's img for?22:09
Flare183pumpkinseed: Open your home folder and press Control + H22:09
Cpudan80in your home directory pumpkinseed - its hidden22:09
Flare183You'll see it then22:09
Cpudan80pumpkinseed: rm -rf ~/.purple22:09
pumpkinseedgot ya... its hidden in the home22:10
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pumpkinseedone moment22:10
Cpudan80Do not type that wrong - you'll be upset if you do ;-)22:10
signornessunoi have to install puppy but i don't want to use a cd and so i want to use dd if=...img of=/dev/...22:10
slestakcrap, using usermod -G, i accidentally removed myself from being a sudoer, now I cannot do user maintenence to fix it.22:10
slestakam I going to have to boot off a livecd to fix this?22:11
MrElendigslestak: that is one solution22:11
Flare183slestak: Go into Recovery mode22:11
MrElendigslestak: if you don't have another user to fix it from22:11
DigitalKiwiMrElendig: stop trolling22:11
ugliefroga bootable usb format to fat16 or 32...tring to make it bootable so i can install ubuntu on my daughters eee pc..i get error unrecognized string during boot22:11
Flare183DigitalKiwi: How is he trolling?22:11
pumpkinseedi did an rm -rf ~/.purple but pidgin and firefox still don't work22:11
slestaki have already booted into grub recover mode, but it prompts for root passwd.  i didnt set one, i have been relying on just sudo22:11
DigitalKiwihe's always trolling22:11
DigitalKiwihe's a robot22:12
DigitalKiwiwith one objective22:12
Flare183DigitalKiwi: Then call the ops, get him out.22:12
neuratixi'm having a problem with x using my gamepad as mouse, it's annoying, -its not a mouse for gods sake!- how do i make it stop and instead appear as a js ?22:12
DigitalKiwito troll22:12
Flare183I guess22:12
kiheikevany help here I cannot download updates22:12
signornessunolint01:(23:11:13) signornessuno: i have to install puppy but i don't want to use a cd and so i want to use dd if=...img of=/dev/...22:12
glenrocki'm having trouble making qt apps look good.  the font rendering looks fuzzy.  I tried changing the fonts in qtconfig, but it seems like there is some antialiasing setting for QT apps that i'm not taking into account22:12
glenrockgtk apps look fine22:13
slestakFlare183: if i didnt set a root passwd, recovery mode will not help will it?22:13
MrElendigDigitalKiwi: #ubuntu-ops22:13
MrElendigor soemthing :p22:13
Flare183slestak: Yes it will22:13
kiheikevThe security updates give 404 errors but my internet is working22:13
Flare183kiheikev: open a terminal and type in sudo apt-get upgrade22:13
slestakFlare183: it is prompting my to Give root password for maintenance.22:14
Flare183slestak: just press enter22:14
slestakkiheikev: maybe choose a different repo in your sources list22:14
kiheikevOk will do  but does that upgrade the version or just updates on the ubuntu ver I am using22:14
Flare183kiheikev: It will upgrade just the packages, not Ubuntu itself22:14
kiheikevok here goes22:14
slestakFlare183: pressing return says Login incorrect22:15
Flare183!root | slestak22:15
ubottuslestak: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo22:15
eternali setup a fedora install with no user or password couldn't do a thing22:16
kiheikevHeres a sample  Failed to fetch http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/c/cupsys/libcupsimage2_1.3.7-1ubuntu3.2_i386.deb  404 Not Found [IP: 80]22:16
kiheikevFailed to fetch http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/c/cupsys/cupsys_1.3.7-1ubuntu3.2_i386.deb  404 Not Found [IP: 80]22:16
kiheikevFailed to fetch http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/c/cupsys/cupsys-bsd_1.3.7-1ubuntu3.2_i386.deb  404 Not Found [IP: 80]22:16
kiheikevFailed to fetch http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/c/cupsys/cupsys-client_1.3.7-1ubuntu3.2_i386.deb  404 Not Found [IP: 80]22:16
FloodBot1kiheikev: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.22:16
kiheikevFailed to fetch http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/x/xulrunner-1.9/xulrunner-1.9-gnome-support_1.9.0.5+nobinonly-0ubuntu0.8.04.1_i386.deb  404 Not Found22:16
Flare183!paste | kiheikev22:16
ubottukiheikev: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)22:16
signornessunohow to convert an .iso to .img?22:17
MK-ubuntuis anyone here?22:17
Flare183MK-ubuntu: Yeah22:17
Flare183!hi | MK-ubuntu22:17
ubottuMK-ubuntu: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!22:17
Flare183eternal: Its a .img file22:17
signornessunoyes .img to write with dd22:18
Flare183signornessuno: I know there is a small program that can do it, search for IMG on synaptic22:18
MK-ubuntufirst, im using ubuntu thru vbox from xp22:18
eternalnever herd22:18
signornessunoi'm using sabayon22:18
MK-ubuntuand was wondering how do i set it so if i install apm,22:18
MK-ubuntui would be able to use..?22:18
jpdskiheikev: Check your network.22:18
kiheikevwhy the 404 errors do I have to add some repositories22:19
MathmechHow do you reply to someone in X-Chat?22:19
* Flare183 facepalms22:19
Flare183!tab | Mathmech22:19
ubottuMathmech: You can use <tab> for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.22:19
SectionOneIs there a second cd needed for the 9.04 beta server install? I keep reaching about 77% completed and then it asks for "Ubuntu-Server 9.04 _Jaunty Jackalope_ Beta i386 (20090324.2)"22:19
BigMoopiesPCM is all the way up, Master is almost all the way up, Front is all the way up, Front Mic Boost is all the way up , Surround, center , LFE, Side, line, is down , CD is all the way up , mic is down,  Mic Boost is all the way up along with PC Speaker, and digital is all the way up.22:19
BigMoopiesI have a  Realtek ALC888 HD Audio (sound card?).22:19
eternalwow i didn't know about <tab>22:20
Flare183!hi | James_N22:20
ubottuJames_N: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!22:20
slestakFlare183: good information, but in my case it is not helping.  in single user mode, my password will not help, and enter dosnt either22:20
oCean_SectionOne: since jaunty is still beta, all issues/discussions go in #ubuntu+1 channel, please22:20
slestaki am using 8.10.222:20
SectionOneoCean_: thnx22:20
Flare183!patience | MK-ubuntu22:21
ubottuMK-ubuntu: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines22:21
kiheikevwondering about my repositories I seem to have full internet22:22
oCean_MK-ubuntu: you might want to try to elaborate a little on your question. (in general I mean, to the channel) since your question isn't very clear I think. What is it that you want to accomplish?22:23
_Whipperkiheikev: lucky you :) most of us dont have the whole thing :)22:23
eseven73how do I mount my hd in a live CD so i can modify my fstab file?22:23
oCean_kiheikev: can you ping the mentioned ip? (
jasballzanyone know how to dev a new AMOR character?22:24
jdueseven73, mount -t ext3 /dev/sda1 /mount/point22:24
MK-ubuntuoCean_, i would like to access my ubuntu (virtualbox)22:25
casper_can some one help me install a tar.bz2 file22:25
matrix_hello iam using gnomebaker to burn 2 movies when i add the first one then i add the second one and the gnome baker cd dvd burner program just closes byself22:25
jdueseven73, assuming /dev/sda1 is correct22:25
oCean_!details > MK-ubuntu22:25
ubottuMK-ubuntu, please see my private message22:25
MK-ubuntuso when i set up apm, i would be able to access it22:25
casper_anybody help me with a tar.bz2 file22:26
kiheikevyes I can ping
matrix_hello iam using gnomebaker to burn 2 movies when i add the first one then i add the second one and the gnome baker cd dvd burner program just closes byself22:26
MK-ubuntuI have problem w/ virtualbox, im running on 8.10 from virtualbox in Windows XP,22:26
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ioncube22:26
oCean_casper_: use "bunzip2" first. Then tar22:26
MK-ubuntui want to make it so that when i setup apm, i would be able to access22:26
matrix_hello iam using gnomebaker to burn 2 movies when i add the first one then i add the second one and the gnome baker cd dvd burner program just closes byself22:26
oCean_MK-ubuntu: APM is the advanced power management under linux. What do you want to setup?22:27
oCean_MK-ubuntu: ah, that is LAMP22:27
oCean_!lamp | MK-ubuntu22:27
ubottuMK-ubuntu: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)22:27
MK-ubuntuits not that...22:27
oCean_casper_: yes "/bin/bunzip2 file.tar.bz2"22:28
MK-ubuntusorry ocean.22:28
MK-ubuntui have ubuntu as guest in virtualbox22:28
casper_idk wat ur talking about22:28
eternalMK-ubuntu: What exactly you need a VPN gateway?22:28
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about bzip222:28
MK-ubuntuor i heard link between my windows and ubuntu22:28
FloodBot1Flare183: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.22:28
Taijiquanhow do I find a file using a terminal?22:29
Flare183Taijiquan: Use locate22:29
Flare183locate <filename>22:29
Taijiquanthanks Flam522:29
Taijiquani mean Flare18322:29
eseven73jdu I get "wrong fs type, bad option[...]" blah blah blah22:29
Flare183Taijiquan: Your welcome22:29
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oCean_MK-ubuntu: really, I have no idea what you are asking. LAMP are the tools for a webserver. Once setup, you can reach the webserver and/or application though your browser22:30
Taijiquani'm looking for OpenAL22:30
eseven73jdu is there a way to force mount it?22:30
jdueseven73, you shouldn't have to, probably /dev/sda1 is not right22:30
oCean_eseven73: not if you got that error22:30
MK-ubuntubut i cant because im using ubuntu thru virtualbox22:30
eternalMK-ubuntu: There is connect to server in the places menu on which you can manage a shared hd like windows22:30
eseven73yea I changed it to sda322:30
|toadi'm wondering if theres any way to have a global audio equilizer22:30
jdueseven73, did that work?22:30
|toador any way to add an equilizer to rythymbox22:30
Mathmech_I tried to install Soldat (Platinum), both manually and through Wine-Doors, but i just get the sound and no text ocly the background of the menu... My Graphix Drivers bad or something. I have a ATI Radeon.22:31
BigMoopiesShould I try the manufacturers linux drivers ? would that make a difference perhaps ?22:31
MK-ubuntuIts me who is not explaining right...22:31
eseven73its ext4 (sheepish grin)22:31
jdueseven73, that explains it22:31
eseven73yeah darn it22:31
MK-ubuntulet me start from beginning..(maybe u guys could understand)22:31
oCean_MK-ubuntu: try to keep it all in 1 line22:31
Guest29148I'm trying to fix the Verilog syntax highlighting in gedit - can someone identify the folloing regex syntax:  http://rafb.net/p/cVUuGj98.html22:31
eternalioncube is a pain22:32
eseven73there's gotta be a way to mount ext4 partitions22:32
rocco#join #moin22:32
kiheikev>ocean I was able to ping that and now I am looking for a mirror test in the software22:33
casper_errr dumb gambas22:33
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jdueseven73, are using a livecd22:33
casper_does neone know how to get gambas?22:33
eseven73yea using Gparted Live CD, trying to fix my swap partition22:33
_Whippereseven73: i would experiment on some machine, that is not for everyday-use...22:33
MK-ubuntui currently have Ubuntu installed inside the Virtualbox (Windows XP), and i want to (loop?) so that when i want to access remote (Apache+PHP+Mysql+ssh) it will automatically connect to ubuntu, instead of windows22:33
jdueseven73, it probably doesn't support ext422:34
eseven73but If I remove the swap or make it changed, fstab will not be happy, so thats why I need to edit fstab before rebooting22:34
jdueseven73, ext4 is still new22:34
oCean_casper_: gambas2 is in the repositories22:34
casper_wats that22:34
Mathmech_I tried to install the game Soldat (Platinum on db.Winehq.com ), both manually and through Wine-Doors, but I just get the sound and no text ocly the background of the menu... Something similar happened when i tried running Wc3... My Graphix Drivers bad or something? I have a ATI Radeon.22:34
_Whippergparted does not support ext422:34
eseven73ok ill try the Jaunty live cd then22:35
casper_nevermind u can apt get it22:35
eseven73ty guys22:35
oCean_casper_: are you familiair with methods of installing packages in ubuntu?22:35
casper_yah i got yah22:35
Guest29148gparted does support ext422:35
jdueseven73, you can boot and enter recovery mode, then edit it.22:35
casper_i never knew there was a 222:35
eseven73Guest29148, well my gparted disk is bout 6 months old22:35
Guest29148You'll need to get the latest version (as used in the 9.04 beta)22:35
eseven73jdu ok ty22:35
Enigmadoes anyone use the Transmission client?22:35
_WhipperGuest: ...22:35
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casper_lol neone bittorrent much22:36
Enigmahow do you keep the upload limit to 1 kb/s instead of having to keep limiting it for each torrent22:36
Enigmawow, i'm an idiot22:37
Guest29148Edit | Preferences | Network, to be precise.22:37
magnetroni think it's in the "network" tab22:37
casper_then go to peers and its at bottom22:37
Scenari0anyone found the latest version of rtorrent really unstable?22:38
Enigmaofftopic, i think we should shoot down the NKorean "telecommunications satellite"22:39
oCean_Enigma: Don't start that here.22:39
Enigmayes sir22:40
LordMetroidWhy is only xchat working?22:41
LordMetroidSeems like my entire network just died except for Xchat and teamspeak22:41
a_n_d_r_e_wirssi is the best22:41
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LordMetroidI recognize this, if I try to restart the computer nothing will work afterwards22:41
magnetronLordMetroid→ your description is slightly vague and sparse22:42
LordMetroidWhat else can I tell?22:42
Mathmech_I tried to install the game Soldat (Platinum on db.Winehq.com ), both manually and through Wine-Doors, but I just get the sound and no text ocly the background of the menu... Something similar happened when i tried running Wc3... My Graphix Drivers bad or something? I have a ATI Radeon.22:43
happy-dudehiya -- I need some help regarding how to compile swiftweasel: http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=195473&package_id=230717 -- ... How do I compile?22:43
Enigmai blame your problem LordMetroid on my lagging network, I'm used to downloading at 800+ kb/s, now it's runnin at 160 kb/s22:43
IenorandI there a dedicated support chan for wine here?22:43
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oCean_Ienorand: there is #winehq channel22:44
magnetronEnigma→ you download torrents? there used to be alot of swedes seeding, now there's a new law against filesharing in Sweden22:44
IenorandoCean_: cheers22:44
happy-dudecan anyone help me with compiling Swiftweasel?22:44
magnetron!wine | Ienorand22:44
ubottuIenorand: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu22:44
LordMetroidping works like normal22:44
Enigmaeh, there are a lot of seeds connected, I just blame it on LordMetroid22:44
LordMetroidHowever going through the browser to the server I just pinged does not work...22:45
LordMetroidThe network interface looks normal22:46
LordMetroidWhat more can I test?22:46
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oCean_!away > Zeeded22:47
ubottuZeeded, please see my private message22:47
etfbHow do I disable the proprietary (and broken) fglrx video driver and go back to the vesa one?22:47
kamikazehey there, i got the problem that i can't activate either windows or ubuntu in my dualboot system. I'm trying to restore grub with super grub disc. Windows was first instlaled and ubutnu after.22:49
GNU\colossusanyone using Jaunty with intel UXA enabled?22:49
jdukamikaze, did you do anything after installing ubuntu, or was this on next boot?22:50
Marcelinho87some here ?22:51
kamikazeafter installing ubuntu after every boot simply windows booted, and after that I installed grub and now I can boot only windows with a option in super grub disc, but I don't know how to make this work, I also tried to activate and restore the OS but that didnt work I allways get an error22:51
SPFkamikaze: what kind of error do you get?22:52
happy-dudecan anyone help me with swiftweasel?22:52
eseven73how do I edit fstab from live cd? its letting me mount my hd, but the fstab is not the same as whats was in the regular ubuntu22:53
kamikazeerror 13 unsupported executable format22:53
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SPFkamikaze: are you using windows vista?22:53
kamikazeerror 13 -> windows // error 17 -> ubuntu ... I'm using xp home eiditon22:53
eseven73oh nvm I was in wrong directory heh22:54
kamikazeand there are actually 2 hd (1 raid 0 array -> ubuntu and another hd for windows)22:54
thebackwashhello all22:54
thebackwashanyone use screen?22:54
oCean_happy-dude: instead of compiling, you might look for a repository with swiftweasel22:54
ron2010recently installed ubuntu on my dell studio 1535, but i'm getting an error when i try to put the laptop on suspend or sleep22:54
ron2010can anybody help22:54
the10nitrojust ask the question22:55
thebackwashron2010: is acpi on?22:55
ron2010how do i know it's on22:55
ron2010is it a bios issue22:55
SPFkamikaze: do you use any raid configuration. Did you need to load drivers before installing windows?22:55
happy-dudeoCean_ : new version (3.0.8) was finally relesaed, so its fresh -- but when you say look at a repository, would I be able to find a .deb package?22:55
thebackwashit would be in your bios settings22:55
ron2010an options on ubuntu22:55
ron2010i believe it is b/c when i boot into windows it has no problem22:55
FabParmaHow to make changes in the "system setting". It seems that to edit needs a different user permission. Thanks22:56
thebackwashsometimes windows handles non-standard versions of acpi better than linux22:56
kamikazeit went automatically, I installed it with the alternative ubuntu 8.10 cd and super grub disc is also recognizing the raid and the partitions in it22:56
ron2010also havent change bios since i got the laptop22:56
the10nitroin a shell script, how can I loop through all the files in the current directory and subdirectories22:56
thebackwashron2010: try turning acpi off22:56
ron2010on bios?22:56
thebackwashron2010: that may (or may not) enable apm which you might have more luck with22:56
thebackwashron2010: yeah in the bios22:57
gift_hie hitler22:57
SPFkamikaze: hmm, unfortunately I have not experience with raid. But you might want to try #grub22:57
coolmadmaxHello anyone know how to establish connections between Laptop and system with local area Network ( both have network cards and network cable connect each other)22:57
oCean_happy-dude: well, a repository provides packages and their dependencies. If it's that new, I don't think there is a 3.0.8 in any repo22:57
bo7amnykubuntu live cd is asking me for a user name and a password . what should i but ?22:57
ryanakcaIs there a way I can set a limit to the amount of memory a certain process uses? I know of nice, but that only affects scheduling / CPU usage, no?22:57
FabParmaHow to make changes in the "system setting" (control panel like). Thanks22:57
kamikazehm I think it doesnt make any difference but I simply can't even get my windows partition to wkr22:57
etfbI want my laptop to work with a screen resolution of 1280x800, because that's its default.  I don't want to use the proprietary ATI driver, because it's broken and stupid.  What are my options?22:58
happy-dudeoCean_ -- yeah-- I believe that's the case too-- think you can personally look into the tar.bz file and check it out if you know how to compile ?22:58
ryanakcabo7amny: try Ctrl-Alt-Backspace, see if it'll fix it for you22:58
oCean_happy-dude: I found http://download.tuxfamily.org/ has swiftweasel/swiftdove repo. See this http://www.kubuntuway.net/forum/showthread.php?t=241 how that would work.22:58
ron2010blackwater: so in bios turn off apci or turn on apm?22:58
bo7amnyi will try22:58
ryanakcabo7amny: if not, go Ctrl-Alt-F1, type in passwd<enter>, set a password, and then go Ctrl-Alt-F7 and login with ``ubuntu'' as the username and the password you just set22:59
thebackwashron2010: it's really a matter of fiddling with it22:59
thebackwashron2010: yes though22:59
MK-ubuntuI guess ill have to wait..22:59
coolmadmaxHello anyone know how to establish connections between Laptop and system with local area Network ( both have network cards and network cable connect each other)22:59
thebackwashron2010: that would be a good first step22:59
thebackwashcoolmadmax: how old are the computers?22:59
oCean_!pt | roxo22:59
ubotturoxo: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.22:59
bo7amnyok thanks22:59
coolmadmax the backwash laptop 2 year and system 6 years23:00
cerrdor_I need help fixing postfix so i can send emails from mutt anyone know how to work this?23:00
oCean_happy-dude: let me have a look. There should be some install/compile documentation in the archive though23:00
happy-dudeoCean_ :: I believe the i386 intel pgo package from http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=195473 is more suited for me23:01
FabParmahow to get full access in  "system setting"23:01
thebackwashcoolmadmax: i'm willing to bet that both computers have sufficiently modern networking hardware to be able to treat a patch network cable as a crossover cable23:01
thebackwashcoolmadmax: but23:01
FabParmahow to get root access in  "system setting"23:01
SPFcerrdor_: what's the problem?23:02
cerrdor_postfix: fatal: open /etc/postfix/main.cf: No such file or directory23:02
jattvim-gnome is compiled with "a GNOME2 GUI", vim-gtk is compiled with a "GTK2 GUI", which is the difference?23:02
thebackwashcoolmadmax: there's always the chance that the old computer needs a crossover cable to connect directly to another machine23:02
unkoguys ineed serious help. i just reorganixed my desk and moved stuff around. i have a external 250gb drive formated to ntfs. when i was plugging in the power i mounted it and it worked fine. than i noticed that it was unmounted and making some clicking sounds.. so i unpluged the drive and pluged it back in. after that i noticed the disk wasn't mounting right. so i started up gparted and look at it and i tryed to look at the flags a23:02
unkond what not. here's what it says... http://www.lookpic.com/files/Shutter_008_thumb.png23:02
happy-dudeoCean_ :: Thanks very much for looking into this :) (the package I downloaded has been also downloaded by many others, so it might just be a problem with how I'm doing it [-_-])23:02
thebackwashcoolmadmax: are you familiar with the difference?23:02
unko^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^please help me23:02
kitchejatt:one has gnome libs most like and the gtk one uses gtk23:02
gift_where are you from?23:02
SPFcerrdor_: google an example and put it there23:03
h4ck3rs0nlyneed some help with graphics card...23:03
glaksmonoi just saved a file through emacs, but idk where's the file is located?23:03
glaksmonoi just save it on the default23:03
jattdoesn't gnome2 use gtk2 does it?23:03
glaksmonodefault location23:03
coolmadmaxhow to know?23:03
h4ck3rs0nlyneed some help with graphics card... plz pm me23:03
oCean_!it | honduras23:03
ubottuhonduras: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)23:03
glaksmononeed some help with emacs23:03
kitchejatt: yes your sort of overthinking it23:03
h4ck3rs0nlyneed some help with graphics card...23:04
thebackwashcoolmadmax: well you would have to ask for one at the store23:04
unkoh4ck3rs0nly, wait....you'll get a reply23:04
jattit's not clear to me why there are to vim- versions then.23:04
thebackwashcoolmadmax: you're connecting them directly to each other, without a router in between?23:04
jacoblylesI bought an external hard drive and I need sudo to write to it. How can I change this?23:04
themiddlemancan I install jaunty on ext4?23:04
kitchejatt: because one is built with gnomelibs and the otehr gtk what's so hard to understand that?23:04
happy-dudejacobyles :: try changing its permissions?23:04
jdujatt, it would take a lot of space for vim-full to be included by default23:04
jacoblyleshappy-dude: how would I do that?23:05
FabParmai need to change setting in  "system setting", but i can read it only. No way to modificy23:05
SPFcerrdor_: http://pastebin.com/d5ebafe6623:05
hans-rudolfhackersonly:it helps to just ask the question23:05
jattkitche: I am not familiar with gnomelibs, that's the reason of my confusion.23:05
h4ck3rs0nlyow ok...23:05
oCean_happy-dude: apparently, there is no need to compile. Unpack the archive (tar xvfz filename.tar.gz) See the README.txt - it seems mozilla specific- chapter "installing mozilla" and the paragraph called "To install Mozilla by downloading the tar.gz file"23:05
h4ck3rs0nlyi got an old radeon 950023:05
happy-dudejacoblyles: (I'm no expert, but check out its right click and hit properties)23:05
h4ck3rs0nly8.04 works perfect...23:05
h4ck3rs0nlybut 8.10 and 9.04 dont23:05
MK-ubuntuoCean_, so i guess no one knows... huh.23:05
glaksmonoi created a new file using emacs, and idk where did i put that file. i just have it on the default location.23:06
h4ck3rs0nlythe weird thing is23:06
themiddlemanhow can I install jaunty to ext4, it's not an option in the partitioner23:06
glaksmonoanybody know where is it?23:06
cerrdor_Reading state information... Done23:06
cerrdor_postfix is already the newest version.23:06
cerrdor_so i know its there but mutt wont send and sudo postfix sendmail gives me the no such file error23:06
oCean_happy-dude: after unpacking, I can "cd" into the directory called 'swiftweasel' and then start it by executing ./swiftweasel23:06
ron2010hey blackwater: i check bios for setup23:06
the10nitroIn the shell, how do I determine if something is a file or folder.  Also, how do I tell if it is a symlink?23:06
kitchejatt: gtk can be used everywhere the gnome interface is built using gnome specific stuff really I have never heard of it myself but think there is one23:06
ron2010but my bios doesnt have that options23:06
h4ck3rs0nly8.10 and 9.04 dont see the card but use it with desktop effects23:06
thebackwashglaksmono: search for it using whatever search tools you know how to use23:06
ron2010it has power management23:06
glaksmonothebackwash, example?23:06
happy-dudeoCean_ alright -- which package did you get?23:06
ron2010but no apci or apm23:06
jacoblyleshappy-dude: the permissions window says I can't change the permissions on it because I'm not root23:06
h4ck3rs0nlyso what do i have to do?23:06
etfbI just tried dpkg-reconfigure and all it did was set up the keyboard.  WTF?  How do I reconfigure my video???23:06
oCean_happy-dude: swiftweasel-3.0.8_intel-pgo_x86_ubuntu.tar.gz23:06
thebackwashglaksmono: either the gnome or kde search features23:07
gift_palestina free!!23:07
happy-dudejacoblyles: try to sudo nautilus to open nautilus in root23:07
thebackwashron2010: if it says power management, that's the one23:07
happy-dudeoCean_ :: ./swiftweasel-bin: Symbol `SSL_ImplementedCiphers' has different size in shared object, consider re-linking Illegal instruction -- should I download another tar.gz ?23:07
ron2010well i went into power management and nothing to change23:07
thebackwashron2010: i really can't guarantee that it will do anything specific23:07
oCean_gift_: DON'T start that here23:07
h4ck3rs0nlyany suggestions?23:07
ron2010is there way to copy and paste the error23:07
thebackwashron2010: power management is one of those things again that you just have to mess with23:08
glaksmonolol i found 883 file by just using test as a keyword23:08
unkoSOMEONE please take a look at this is have hard drive problems!!!! http://www.lookpic.com/files/Screenshot53.png23:08
ron2010but i do get an error when i try to go to suspen or sleep23:08
glaksmonoi just don't know where is the default location of emacs' file23:08
thebackwashron2010: i probably wouldn't be able to help you with the error23:08
oCean_happy-dude: I got same warning message. I don't know if it's a problem, sorry.23:08
thebackwashron2010: i don't have a methodical way to fix that problem23:08
ron2010if i can get the error. at least i can google it or ask in this channel23:08
happy-dudeoCean_ -- so swiftweasel was able to start with that command?23:09
ron2010how do i view errors logs in ubuntu23:09
h4ck3rs0nlydo i have to tell again what my problem is?23:09
thebackwashglaksmono: you know what you named the file, correct?23:09
oCean_happy-dude: i did not use the -bin, just ./swiftweasel (that did run, yes)23:09
cory8092EVerytime i restart my nvidia driver fails to load, so this time it got stuck in 800x600 can someone help me out please23:09
unkoguys ineed serious help. i just reorganixed my desk and moved stuff around. i have a external 250gb drive formated to ntfs. when i was plugging in the power i mounted it and it worked fine. than i noticed that it was unmounted and making some clicking sounds.. so i unpluged the drive and pluged it back in. after that i noticed the disk wasn't mounting right. so i started up gparted and look at it and i tryed to look at the flags a23:09
unkond what not. here's what it says... http://www.lookpic.com/files/Screenshot53.png23:09
NoIdeaManneed help cant figure out how to use the wireless internet thing (on windows atm)23:10
happy-dudeoCean_ :: what browser are you on? (because Firefox and optmized builds don't run with each other)23:10
oCean_h4ck3rs0nly: No, there is no need to repeat your questions frequently.23:10
thebackwashunko: do you have a backup?23:10
jacoblyleshappy-dude: when I try to change the owner of the external harddrive from "root" to "nobody" I get an error dialogue that says "Sorry, couldn't change the owner of "Iomega HDD": Error setting owner: Read-only file system"23:10
cory8092unko, what do you use for your dock23:10
oCean_happy-dude: I run Firefox23:10
unkothebackwash, no...23:10
glaksmonothebackwash, yes, i called it test and test223:10
themiddlemanis it a bad idea to install ubuntu on ext4 right now?23:10
unkocory8092, ....AWN23:10
thebackwashunko: well look for test223:10
happy-dudeoCean_ :: so I just cd swiftweasel --> ./swiftweasel?23:11
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unkothebackwash, ?23:11
thebackwashunko: sorry, talking to someone else23:11
cory8092themiddleman: I THOUGHT EXT4 WAS NOW STABLE?23:11
jacoblyleshappy-dude: I would like for my friends with windows boxes to be able to copy files from here too23:11
thebackwashglaksmono: search for test223:11
oCean_happy-dude: that's what I did. The README.txt file explains more I guess23:11
thebackwashglaksmono: likely test will be in the same place23:11
h4ck3rs0nlyok thank23:11
unkothebackwash, oh ok. but i only have one 250gb and my 60gb main for my os and a 20gb23:11
happy-dudeoCean_ :: is libxul.so a broken link for you?23:12
gift_we need to be listened.Palestina free!!!23:12
Seeker`gift_: please stop that23:12
thebackwashunko: if you think it's a hardware problem, *don't let it run on and on*23:12
coolmadmax the backwash: yes23:12
glaksmonohmm i can't find test223:12
glaksmonook i don't get it23:12
georgy_28gift_, : offtopic23:12
glaksmonoso when i do new file in emacs, it writes a blank file right?23:12
MenZa!ops | gift_23:12
ubottugift_: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elky,  imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, Madpilot, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso,  PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!23:12
unkothebackwash, i don't know what to do...all my music man23:12
zealiodi am trying to enable www-data run a script that involves iptables. the script is in a home directory. I have visudo'd the following line - but the php exec still asks for password... what am i missing? This is the line [www-data ALL=  NOPASSWD: /home/seren/, /sbin/, /bin/23:13
coolmadmax the backwash: do i need one23:13
thebackwashunko: before you run it anymore23:13
thebackwashunko: go to a place that offers data recovery services23:13
unkothebackwash, you think i wanna spen money doing this? ....23:13
thebackwashunko: talk to them and see what options are available23:13
ron2010is there way to view error log when i try to put laptop on sleep or suspend mode?23:13
thebackwashunko: it may be better than losing all your files23:14
thebackwashunko: again, talk to them23:14
thebackwashunko: get their opinion23:14
oCean_happy-dude: nope, that's part of the xulrunner-1.9 package (sudo apt-get install xulrunner-1.9)23:14
unkothere's none around really...23:14
unkobut whatever ill find a way to fix it23:14
=== Sadok is now known as Korfox
thebackwashunko: because frankly it's better to talk to someone like that right now than to plug it in and risk further data loss by trying something that anonymous strangers on the internet tell you23:14
* MenZa concurs with thebackwash 23:15
MenZaIf it's something that's really important to you, leave it to professionals, instead of risking mocking it up even further.23:15
happy-dudeoCean_ :: that link is broken for me: /usr/lib/libxul.so.0d apparently isn't there23:15
thebackwashglaksmono: did you save the file in emacs?23:15
the10nitroIf I symlink to another symlink, does it follow them both, or automatically link to the final target?23:16
MenZathe10nitro→ without knowing, I would *assume* the former23:16
coolmadmax the backwash: do i need one router ?23:16
|f|how do I switch to the 2.6.27 kernel? I have 2.6.24 now even after upgrading from 8.04 to 8.1023:16
thebackwashcoolmadmax: well you could either try a router or a crossover cable23:17
glaksmonothebackwash, i just do a new file23:17
thebackwashbut you don't hit C-x C-s?23:17
glaksmonothebackwash, i type a file and then press enter, i'm not sure whether emacs create a blank file already or not, but i didn't do save after that23:17
temporarytaohi, just want to know; is anybody else's internet connection spotty?23:17
WhyteWolfAnyone got problems with Alsa in 9.04?23:17
thebackwashglaksmono: you should make sure you save the files23:18
temporarytaomy internet is kind of slow23:18
thebackwashglaksmono: that's why you might not be able to find them23:18
Seeker`WhyteWolf: 9.04 is still beta, not supported here yet23:18
happy-dudeoCean_ :: oh, and xulrunner is installed (with firefox and is at 1.9)23:18
WhyteWolfOK Tks23:18
glaksmonothebackwash, hmm.. well actually i just wanted to try out using emacs, but i'm not sure on how it works23:18
metalfan_why does "sudo aptitude search avrdude" not find avrdude? its listed here: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/intrepid/+source/avrdude/5.5-323:18
oCean_happy-dude: oh, indeed23:18
thebackwashglaksmono: there's a definite possibility that emacs saved a backup file23:18
temporarytaoi'm kind of thinking, maybe its got something to do with conficker. not that i think i'm infected. i'm in ubuntu after all23:19
glaksmonothebackwash, so basically i create a new file, it ask me to type a name. i'm wondering if emacs write a file at that time.23:19
recon69WhyteWolf: think you need #ubuntu+123:19
MenZametalfan_→ might need to run sudo apt-get update23:19
thebackwashglaksmono: look for a filename with a ~ appended at the end, or surrounded with # marks23:19
temporarytaomaybe there's some congestion going on because of the conficker "hosts" trying to contact their webhosts and being blocked23:19
metalfan_MenZa, its in there since 200823:19
WhyteWolfTks will try there23:19
MenZametalfan_→ maybe you haven't updated since 2008.23:19
metalfan_WhyteWolf, tks?23:19
thebackwashglaksmono: are you using xemacs or console emacs23:19
glaksmonothebackwash, can't find ~test223:20
metalfan_MenZa, no23:20
glaksmonothebackwash, i'm using emacs, not xemacs23:20
MenZametalfan_→ It's the best I can suggest.23:20
thebackwashglaksmono: it would be test2~23:20
metalfan_WhyteWolf, thx is the shortcut23:20
glaksmonothebackwash, it got GUI23:20
thebackwashor #test2#23:20
oCean_happy-dude: sorry, I don't know. You could try to create a link called libxul.so.0d to the actual /usr/lib/xulrunner-
glaksmonocan't find it either23:20
WhyteWolfHam radio speak easier in morse code23:20
thebackwashglaksmono: make sure you use the save feature to save a file23:20
thebackwashglaksmono: honestly23:20
thebackwashglaksmono: emacs is overrated23:21
_Brun0_Anyone help: I changed some compiz settings using the GUI and now my program windows are placed initially with the title bar out of the screen. I have to move windows back to screen area using Alt+Drag everytime. How can I fix that?23:21
oCean_happy-dude: but it's getting a bit over my head. That's why we try to encourage people to stay with the software provided in our repositories23:21
blue112Hello everyone23:21
thebackwashglaksmono: it's nice, but it's not the deliverance from computing insanity some make it out to be23:21
blue112How can I create a vfat filesystem on my device ?23:21
blue112(actually, fat32)23:21
glaksmonoi thought that gedit is much easier to use lol..23:21
themiddlemanI'm trying to install jaunty on ext4, I have a partition formatted with it but in the installer, in the manual partitioning there is no ext4 option23:22
oskar-blue112:  mkfs.vfat -F 3223:22
thebackwashglaksmono: yeah for simple text editing, definitely23:22
blue112I'm trying.23:22
tazi try to bet 8.10 to 9.04   i been try and but couldnt get upgrade or update23:22
happy-dudeoCean_:: hm ... my /usr/lib/xulrunner- directory does not have a libxul.so file [o.O] ... shall I reinstall xulrunner?23:22
blue112Fine, it seems to work :)23:22
thebackwashglaksmono: if you want a lightweight environment which lets you remotely connect to another machine via ssh then it's good23:22
oCean_themiddleman: since jaunty is still beta, all discussions/issues go in channel #ubuntu+1 please23:23
thebackwashglaksmono: but i believe it's more out of sentimentality for the old days that people cling so tightly to emacs23:23
thebackwashglaksmono: not that it doesn't definitely have its merits23:24
oCean_happy-dude: I don't know, my xulrunner-1.9 has.23:24
happy-dudeoCean_ :: the terminal command for reinstall is sudo apt-get reinstall xulrunner-1.9 right?23:25
thebackwashglaksmono: it's good if you become proficient in the command line tools that are available23:25
glaksmonokk, thanks a lot thebackwash23:25
thebackwashglaksmono: np23:26
glaksmonobtw i just delete the bottom panel, how can i add it again?23:26
glaksmonoi'm sucked at linux23:26
thebackwashglaksmono: right click on the top panel and go to "add panel"23:26
gift_join #ubuntu-it23:26
oCean_happy-dude: sudo apt-get install --reinstall packagename23:26
jatthi the Software Sources screen shows that the multiverse repository is activated however I cannot apt-get acroread, why?23:26
glaksmonothebackwash, there's only add to panel23:26
isismelting_if you use wubu from windows to install ubuntu, how can you change the order on the boot menu so ubuntu is default?23:27
thebackwashhmm not on gnome right now, so i can't quite remember23:27
thebackwashglaksmono: but it's not too hard to find23:27
glaksmonohaha there's new panel23:27
poppahi can someone help me? xubuntu cant see my wireless network even though my wireless card driver is installed and working23:27
happy-dudeoCean_ :: trying that now23:27
cory8092poppa: is your SSID on your router invisable?23:27
|PaperTiger|I managed to delete my task bar, how do I get it back?23:28
poppacory8092: no its visible, i was just using it on xubuntu, but i reinstalled everything now it cant find it23:28
XenoPhoenix|PaperTiger|, you could remove your panel config, which will reset the panels back to default after you restart X23:28
|PaperTiger|XenoPhoenix, how do I remove config?23:29
oCean_!panels | |PaperTiger|23:29
ubottu|PaperTiger|: To reset the panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »23:29
cory8092poppa: open terminal and do "ifconfig" without teh quote pastebin.com your results23:29
XenoPhoenix|PaperTiger|, you can use: rm -r ~/.gconf/apps/panel23:29
glaksmonohow do you switch workspace? i can't click the workspace switcher for some reason23:29
happy-dudeoCean_ :: ah, I've found it, how can I make a link to it/ correct the existing link?23:29
cory8092poppa: also whats your manufacturer for your wireless card23:29
|PaperTiger|XenoPhoenix, then restart X (ctrl+alt+bkspc)?23:30
blue112My ipod shuffle seams to be dead. How can I restore it on ubuntu ?23:30
cory8092blue112: you cant23:30
jattcan I install acroread with apt-get ?23:30
king1help me pleace23:30
poppacory8092: its a broadcom 43.xx, the driver works and wireless turns on but shows no network23:30
cory8092king1: whtas your issue, ill see if i can help23:30
blue112cory8092: Are you sure of that ?23:30
isismelting_does anyone know how to set ubuntu as your default when you installed it thru windows?23:30
oCean_happy-dude: well, it really is a long shot, this way. However creating the link: "ln -s /usr/lib/xulrunner- /usr/lib/libxul.so.0d"23:30
Mathmech_I tried to install the game Soldat (Platinum on db.Winehq.com ), both manually and through Wine-Doors, but I just get the sound and no text ocly the background of the menu... Something similar happened when i tried running Wc3... My Graphics Drivers bad or something? I have a ATI Radeon Gigabyte HD4670.23:31
oCean_happy-dude: or whatever it was, you missed in /usr/lib23:31
oskar-jatt, afaik not. but there is a deb package from adobe, install it with sudo dpkg -i23:31
cory8092poppa: if you use windows, see if it works on windows, else if you cant see your network, sounds liek your wqifi card might have failed, that happened to me before23:31
king1oky I have a cinema off rar archiv i dont have a password23:31
poppacory8092: I took windows off this machine thats why i was reinstalling everything23:31
mrwesisismelting_, maybe you need to edit the boot.ini by running msconfig23:32
diskinhi people. can I install the latest kernel into 8.04 system? will it work?23:32
|PaperTiger|XenoPhoenix, will the CL be different if I'm on KDE?23:32
isismelting_mnrwes: from ubuntu or from windows?23:32
king1win rar pw hack23:32
XenoPhoenix|PaperTiger|, yeah, that will only work for gnome panel, not KDE, you'll have to wask someone else for KDE23:32
Flare183!ot | king123:32
ubottuking1: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!23:32
mrwesisismelting_, are you dual booting using GRUB or you installed with WUBI and sitll using windows boot loader?23:32
cory8092king1: yes, whats your issue23:32
|PaperTiger|Okay, thanks anyway, XenoPhoenix23:33
goppanyone gotten video working on a dell insprion 8200023:33
XenoPhoenixheh not a problem23:33
goppnvida drivers, just seem not to show anything when i reboot with  gdm23:33
jattoskar-: thanks23:33
cory8092poppa: usb, or PCI?23:33
happy-dudeoCean_ :: awesome :: link repaired23:33
poppacory8092: PCI23:34
cory8092poppa: ubuntu or Xubuntu23:34
oCean_happy-dude: yay! Happy browsing! (I hope)23:34
poppacory8092: xubuntu23:34
isismelting_mrwes - i used wubi to intall from XP23:34
happy-dudeoCean_ :: [-_-] ... but browser won't start23:34
isismelting_mrwes - so i'm not sure if i'm using windows booter or ubuntu/linux booter23:34
isismelting_how can i check?23:34
dr_dasosrunning 8.10 amd64; i can't seem to get the upgrade prompt to install jaunty beta when i run the command "update-manager -d"23:34
cory8092Poppa: sorry, try #ubuntu23:34
Ienorandgopp: drop to terminal? low-graphics mode?23:34
|PaperTiger|XenoPhoenix, what's the likelyhood of it working if I just restart X?23:34
=== Deevz_ is now known as Deevz
cory8092poppa: do #xubuntu23:35
oCean_happy-dude: arg :(23:35
goppIenorand:  how23:35
goppI know how to get terminmal23:35
cory8092poppa: /join #xubuntu23:35
Lint01isismelting_: do you see Windows boot menu first, which has "Ubuntu" line?23:35
goppand I changed to vesa drivers23:35
poppacory8092: thanks alot man23:35
goppresoultion so litte23:35
cory8092poppa: sorry i couldnt help23:35
Ienoranddr_dasos: updates has been diabled temporarily: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/update-manager/+bug/35476523:35
XenoPhoenix|PaperTiger|, It should take effect imediatly if you restart X, on GNOME That is23:35
mrwesisismelting_, when you boot does it say loading GRUB stage 1.5 on the screen?23:35
XenoPhoenixyou should get the default 2 panels23:36
dr_dasosIenorand, okie dokie, thanks for the link23:36
happy-dudeoCean_ :: right now, I'm talking to see if teh GetDeb guys can do a request (right now, they're seeing if its all really worth it-- benchmarks) -- so after -- if a no go, I'ma see if they can help me out too23:36
isismelting_lint01: the boot menu gives me Windows Media Center XP or whatever & Ubuntu under that -- after that i get the "press ESC in 9.8.7....."23:36
Ienorandgopp: Oh, sorry, I was asking for the symptoms, what happens?23:36
mrweshey guys...WUBI still uses windows boot.ini correct?23:36
isismelting_does that indicate the answer?23:36
goppno xwindow23:36
goppIenorand:  all I see is black screen23:36
goppI can do alt f2 and such23:36
Lint01isismelting_: yes, you have Wubi install then23:36
oCean_happy-dude: ok. Good luck with that23:36
goppbut f723:36
goppjust keep black23:36
isismelting_lint01 - yes, wubi install23:36
goppI had to change setting to vesa23:36
goppbut it didn't seem to help23:37
isismelting_lint01 - so how can i change the order so that ubuntu is default?23:37
dust_ttrying to install ubuntu 8.04 on sun fire x4150 there was a bug filed for cdrom not getting detected https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/cdrom-detect/+bug/211340 according to this the bug is fixed but i am getting the same issue. what should i do ?23:37
mrwesisismelting_, then from windows you can run msconfig and edit the boot.ini to make Ubuntu the default23:37
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about nvida23:37
unkohey guys whats the best format for a driveif im only gonna use it with ubuntu?23:37
ActionParsnipdust_t: did you md5 check the iso you downloaded as well as check the cd for defects once burned as slowly as possible23:37
Lint01isismelting_: you still want be able to launch windows after it?23:37
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto23:37
happy-dudeoCean_ :: thanks for sticking with me :D !!23:38
Lint01unko: ext323:38
dust_tActionParsnip, did that the cd showed no defects23:38
isismelting_lint01: yes, ideally - i just want to reverse the order on the menu23:38
Jordan_Uunko, Right now ext3, after 9.04 is released possibly ext423:38
isismelting_lint01 - i just want it to pick ubuntu by default23:38
gopp01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation NV17 [GeForce4 440 Go] (rev a3)23:38
unkoLint01, what about reiserfs?23:38
unkoJordan_U, ok23:38
|PaperTiger|Sorted :)23:38
|PaperTiger|Not from X restart, but Widgets XD23:38
Lint01ext3 is more universal23:39
XenoPhoenix|PaperTiger|, ah! well glad you solved it :)23:39
ActionParsnipgopp: use nvidia-glx-7123:39
Mathmech_I tried to install the game Soldat (Platinum on db.Winehq.com ), both manually and through Wine-Doors, but I just get the sound and no text ocly the background of the menu... Something similar happened when i tried running Wc3... My Graphics Drivers bad or something? I have a ATI Radeon Gigabyte HD46723:39
Ienoranddoes "cat /var/log/Xo* | grep NVIDIA" Give you stuff about failed to load nvidia?23:39
goppActionParsnip:  how23:39
gopphow do i use that ActionParsnip  please apt ???23:39
Lint01isismelting_: edit file \boot.ini while logging as Administrator23:39
ActionParsnipgopp: sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx-7123:39
|PaperTiger|XenoPhoenix, thanks. I'm getting used to Ubuntu now :)23:39
glaksmono_guys i have question23:39
glaksmono_how can i switch workspace?23:39
glaksmono_can't use simple click?23:39
|PaperTiger|XenoPhoenix, also trying to learn more about CLI too23:40
thebackwashglaksmono: it shouldn't require anything more than a click23:40
Ienorandgopp does "cat /var/log/Xo* | grep NVIDIA" Give you stuff about failed to load nvidia?23:40
glaksmono_thebackwash, hmm.. for some reason i couldn't click other box23:40
ActionParsnipgopp: then run: sudo nvidia-xconfig and hit ctrl+alt+backspace23:40
thebackwashglaksmono: does the problem persist through logouts?23:40
BigMoopieshttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/217789  , I see I am not the only one23:40
Ienorandglaksmono_ Ctrl+Alt+arrow23:40
SixtyFoldi love ubuntu23:40
thebackwashglaksmono: or restarts?23:40
Lint01isismelting_: or just go into Control panel, System, Advanced, <third button>23:40
glaksmono_Ienorand, that one doesn't work too23:41
isismelting_lint01 - from windows?23:41
glaksmono_but i got 4 column of workspace23:41
rdzhi all. is there some simple music player such as xmms, that plays over jack?23:41
Lint01isismelting_: through Control panel - yes, direct boot.ini editing is universal23:41
goppIenorand: (II) NVIDIA GLX Module  96.43.09  Mon Oct 27 14:37:08 PST 200823:41
gopp(EE) Failed to initialize GLX extension (Compatible NVIDIA X driver not found)23:41
Ienorandglaksmono_: what are you using... compiz? metacity?23:41
glaksmono_thebackwash, yeah i used compiz and i make it on the default configuration23:42
ActionParsnipgopp: try the 71 driver if 96 doesnt work23:42
mrweso/ ActionParsnip23:42
glaksmono_Ienorand, i just don't want to use it anymore lol23:42
thebackwashglaksmono_: oh, you were using compiz23:42
Lint01isismelting_: if you edit file manually, just copy "c:\wubildr.mbr" to the right of "Default=", without the quotes23:42
goppActionParsnip:  thanks23:42
Ienorandgopp: was this after a recent upgrade?23:42
thebackwashglaksmono: that's a whole nother ball of wax23:42
goppIenorand: yea23:42
XenoPhoenix|PaperTiger|, Always useful to know :), I'm fairly new myself23:42
glaksmono_lol yeah, i thought it's useless23:42
glaksmono_ok i just removed it, but it still doesn't work lol23:43
goppafter I upgrade to nvida drivers which I was told by ubuntu to upgrade23:43
patapouf_is it the right place to ask for some help ??23:43
Cl0p1nI believe so :P23:43
thebackwashglaksmono_: it sounds like something's interfering with gnome's normal operation.  sorry i can't be of more help, because i never used compiz23:43
Lint01patapouf_: no, try forums23:43
|PaperTiger|XenoPhoenix, I've moved from a Windows Dual-boot to a full Ubuntu install23:43
thebackwashglaksmono_: i might consider trying xcompmgr and other such utilities23:43
glaksmono_ah kk..23:43
oCean_patapouf_: if you have an ubuntu-related technical question, this is the place23:44
thebackwashglaksmono_: you can get a composited desktop and drop shadows without having to whore out your graphics card23:44
Cl0p1nI could actually use some help: Im currently looking on some files from a DVD, and appearently the files (the icons of the files) have got some kind cross in the upper right corner, what does that mean?23:44
Ienorandgopp: I got problems recently with the 180.37 driver and the 180.44 getting jumbled up, removing all nvidia packages and then reinstalling the same driver seemed to work for me...23:44
goppIenorand:  will try that23:44
XenoPhoenix|PaperTiger|, Yeah I've been using various distros on and off for a while but mainly windows, just switched to ubuntu main about 4 months ago though23:44
Ienorandgopp: dunno if that could be your problem though23:44
goppIenorand:  what syntax would remove all of them23:44
goppk thanks23:44
glaksmono_thebackwash, i can't find xcompmgr from add/remove application23:45
Cl0p1nI could actually use some help: Im currently looking on some files from a DVD, and appearently the files (the icons of the files) have got some kind cross in the upper right corner, what does that mean?23:45
thebackwashglaksmono_: type xcompmgr from a terminal23:45
patapouf_So, here my question then. Witch kernel module I'm supposed to have to support my bluethoot headset ?23:45
oCean_XenoPhoenix: |PaperTiger| this is ubuntu support, you're welcome to channel #ubuntu-offtopic to continue these matters23:45
oskar-Cl0p1n:  maybe that you have no write permission (because it is impossible)?23:45
glaksmono_is not currently installed23:45
thebackwashglaksmono_: it should come with it23:45
thebackwashglaksmono_: ok then try sudo apt-get install xcompmgr23:46
glaksmono_ah i got it23:46
crdlbglaksmono_: xcompmgr shouldn't be used except as a last resort23:46
Cl0p1noskar-: Could that be the reason why I can't open the .exe in Wine? (Trying to install WoW Lich King)23:46
thebackwashglaksmono_: i was going to say what crdlb just said23:46
crdlbglaksmono_: if you're using metacity, there's a builtin XRender compositing manager thant you can enable in gconf-editor23:46
W4N73Dhey whats up room im having some problems with ubuntu... its not picking up any devices such as mp3's flash cards or flash drives. can anyone help me?23:47
thebackwashglaksmono_: it's buggy and unmaintained, and there are better ways to composite, but i forget what they are23:47
oskar-Cl0p1n:  starting a file in wine requires read and not write permissions... check, if you have these23:47
gartraloskar-: depends, it might be a game...23:48
|PaperTiger|oCean_, sorry.23:48
Lint01Cl0p1n: run it from terminal and read output23:48
Ienorandgopp: I did something like "apt-get purge nvidia-*" or just use tab completion and look for all packages starting with nvidia, and remove separately... (take care to look thorugh the list that apt says it's going to remove).23:48
glaksmono_lol this is funny23:49
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gartraloook, i have a monitor, hooked up to the internal vid card of my mobo, and would like to start using it as a clone display23:49
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Cl0p1nLint01: moller@ubuntu:/media/cdrom$ wine Installer.exe23:49
Cl0p1nwine: could not load L"E:\\Installer.exe": Module not found23:49
glaksmono_so if i enable the rotate cube, then it works23:49
glaksmono_if i disable it, then it doesn't work23:49
glaksmono_is there a way to make the setting for this to be original default again?23:50
glaksmono_some type of restore23:50
Lint01Cl0p1n: there should be more23:50
Cl0p1nIm afraid not. Appearently it cant find the installer.exe or what?23:50
zslashzproblem with cd/dvd drive....cds are detected normally....(EMPTY) DVDS ARE NOT DETECTED  plz help23:50
gartralglaksmono: compiz has a recovery package... but ive never used it23:51
Lint01Cl0p1n: it seems some dlls the installer relies on is missing23:51
jason_ /Nick jascase23:51
gartralzslashz: first, are you sure the drive is a burner?23:51
Cl0p1nLint01: I've tried 2 different DvDs (we've got 2 copies) and both of them had the same error. But perhaps I should install them manually. I think I read something about it once.23:52
zslashzi burn cds with and used to burn dvds on windoze23:52
glaksmono_ah nvm, let's just use it lol.. nice to customize it23:53
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Jordan_Ugartral, I think that you can go back to defaults from System > Preferences > Appearance ( just re-select "normal" ) or you can remove the gconf keys. There is also a feature of ccsm for saving and restoring preferences23:53
Lint01Cl0p1n: what are the rights on /media/cdrom?23:53
gartralJordan_U: that isnt my question.... mine was how do i use 2 gfx cards at once23:54
Cl0p1nLint01: All rights I believe.23:54
Jordan_Uglaksmono_, I think that you can go back to defaults from System > Preferences > Appearance ( just re-select "normal" ) or you can remove the gconf keys. There is also a feature of ccsm for saving and restoring preferences23:55
Lint01type sudo chmod 777 /media/cdrom , just to be sure23:55
grkblood13does any1 know how to get esd to work with vlc?23:55
grkblood13some1 told me earlier thats why i wasnt able to heard sound when X11 forwarding23:56
glaksmono_Jordan_U, i can't see the "normal" that you're talking about23:57
Cl0p1nLint01: Just did so, and it tells me this:23:58
Cl0p1nLint01: v23:58
Cl0p1nchmod: ændrer rettigheder på './Installer.exe': Read-only file system23:58
Cl0p1nLint01: Translated: chmod: changing rights on 'blabla'23:58
khcunder what situations would 'update-manager -d' not show me the jaunty update?23:58
MK-ubuntuanyone speak korean?23:58
ubottu도움이 필요하시면 다음 채널에 조인하십시오. /join #ubuntu-ko23:59
Lint01Cl0p1n: that's bad, try to copy Installer on your HD23:59
Jordan_Uglaksmono_, In the Desktop Effects tab23:59

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