[00:10] Seeker`: Only in Europe. Now that works over, us Americans without a social life will work. [00:12] was just frustrating sitting there not being able to do anything [00:14] I know the feeling [00:16] where are you an op? [00:20] just #u, apparently putting ops in other places takes forever to go through whatever bureaucracy there is. Since its been at least a few months since other places were discussed, etc. [00:21] fair enough [00:21] * Amaranth is glad he got in before the bureaucracy [00:21] what bureaucracy is there? [00:21] I should probably poke around and see what's up with that. Since... yeah, its rediculous/. [00:22] Seeker`: No idea. But apparently there's tons if it takes multiple months for approval of an operator for additional channels. [00:23] Flannel: did you submit the form gpg signed to the council address along with 3 cheers? [00:23] Flannel: I'm not even an op in #u, so I wouldn't know about additional channels :P [00:26] Pricey: No. The person who I was talking to was just going to take care of whatever magical process had to be gone through. Didn't say anything about that. [00:27] do you have to have a form signed by 3 mythical beings, including the yeti and the loch ness monster to be an op? [00:28] Seeker`: I'm still working on Nessy, the others aren't an issue. [00:29] Flannel: ah ok, we'll wait for that person then. [00:30] * Seeker` has the tooth fairy and nessy [00:31] the yeti doesn't like me :( [00:57] 'yet' ....i [00:57] ...? [00:58] doesnt like you yet.....i [00:58] ... [00:58] ... [00:58] ugh [00:58] ... [00:58] that "joke" should be taken out and shot [00:59] :P [01:01] ah thefeds to greet me in the a.m. [01:19] he has more than enough warning to stop trolling. [01:20] Howdy wgrant, How can we help you today? [01:21] Flannel: I was going to ask somebody about a bot, but I found the information I needed elsewhere. [01:22] I suppose I should leave. [01:35] maaan, this lag is killing me [01:35] lag sucks [01:35] this is somewhere between me and linode or linode and freenode [01:36] i'm connected to kubrick -- does it have issues the past few weeks or something? [01:36] or both [01:37] Nafallo, both maintain a 178-182ms ping time for the connections. [01:37] even in the middle of the multi-minute lag sessions [01:37] /☹\ [01:39] that for ping time between australia and the US is *good* [01:39] it's a lot of ocean the inters have to web [01:40] yeah [01:40] where is kubrick? the US? i might have to reconfig bip to use a better link [01:40] I think so... [01:41] yeah, LA [01:41] that is, LA in CA [01:43] anyway, i have to go shoe and chair shopping. if thefeds says anything else stupid, add a +b to the /remove [01:44] :/ [01:48] you seriously require a gpg signed form and cheers from people to add an op to more channels...? [01:48] heh [01:48] three mythical creatures not people [01:48] good thing i haven't read the past irc council meetings logs [01:48] it'd have probably hurt my stomach [01:49] LjL: No [02:22] LjL: it was my form of sarcasm as to why we hadn't approved anything. [02:22] entmoot [02:23] It is most likely my bad memory as to why it has been forgotten. [02:23] there should be more ops in -ot and +1 [02:23] Pricey: and thanks god. [02:24] perhaps stating it now will mean by 10.04 it will happen. [02:24] bazhang: sarcasm ftw! [02:24] bazhang: or were yo ubeing serious...? [02:24] :P [02:24] Pricey, actually not being sarcastic in the slightest [02:24] Pricey, this has been an issue for a very long time. [02:27] telling someone to stop is not persecution. and __mikem needs to stop PM'ing when called on bad behaviour. [02:27] ie suggesting violence towards others etc [02:28] ? [02:33] i see [02:34] He doesn't normally quit does he/ [02:35] Pricey: well no he does sometimes [02:36] not particularly often === evilGary is now known as Gary [04:07] Huufarted called the ops in #ubuntu (UbbyCD) [04:20] tritium: evenin' [04:20] Hi mneptok! [04:20] * bazhang huggles mneptok [04:20] tritium: how's the oven bun? [04:20] mneptok, !!! [04:21] bazhang: ???!!! :) [04:21] mneptok: getting very close to done [04:21] tritium: we're listening for the *ding* [04:21] bazhang: tritium is a baker by trade, didn't you know that? [04:22] mneptok: I'll keep you posted :) [04:22] tritium: tell her she's doing a great job carrying that 10lbs in the uterus and 170lbs in the passenger seat ;) [04:22] I'll tell her you said that ;) [04:22] * mneptok guess tritium weighs ~170 [04:23] Eh, 150 or so. [04:23] Flannel: :) [04:23] tritium: OK, adjust comment to match, please :) [04:23] Will do. When do you or woowoo arrive? [04:23] tritium: we're hoping for splashdown pre-May 1 [04:24] No airfare yet? Or are you driving a moving truck? [04:24] tritium: so we *should* be able to back you guys up. grocery runs, etc. [04:24] getting qoutes from movers and then deciding [04:24] mneptok: thanks! [04:25] most likely we'll just hire company, one of us will fly, and the other will drive the car down [04:25] Ah, ok. [04:25] You'll be here in time to work on a presentation for NM LinuxFest. [04:26] Flannel: you should come and present too. [04:26] Hmmm? [04:26] tritium: dates? [04:26] mneptok: it's looking like November [04:27] OK, i'll try to get it booked soon so Monty doesn't throw me somewhere else [04:27] Awesome, thanks, mneptok. [04:27] Flannel: http://nmlinuxfest.ning.com/ [04:28] It would be nice to try and get LaserJock down here for it too. [04:34] excuse me for a bit... [04:36] 30 minutes for WTFsure-- [04:41] yes. [04:41] Aww, bazhang is a ninja [04:41] that was pure serendipity Flannel ; I tabbed to that channel just as he spoke. [04:42] op-sense [04:42] more like didnt want to see non-sense in -ot [04:42] erm [04:42] cytoplasm =?= thefeds [04:42] yep [04:44] elky: you about? [04:44] pleia2: She's shopping for chairs and shoes. [04:45] darn :) [04:45] borderline troll in #ubuntu-women, but he hasn't done anything ban-worthy yet [04:45] and it's bedtime for me! [04:47] thought half or more of you had ops there :) [04:47] half or more of us are in the US and EU [04:47] sleepytime :) [04:47] * pleia2 found an active op though [04:47] hehe [04:47] US? It's only 9! [04:47] eastern us, it's almost midnight! [04:47] s/almost/only/ [04:48] and I'm ooold [04:48] :P [04:48] nah. [04:48] still learning = young [04:48] hehe [04:48] true. [04:48] well then, I need my beauty sleep ;) [04:48] good point! [04:49] bazhang: Wrong... way to agree to that. [04:49] uh sowwy [04:49] heh [05:40] * [firiansbabymomma] (n=chris@cpe-024-074-052-096.carolina.res.rr.com): purple ubbycd , entered as musikgoat | second [05:41] thought impersonating other users was frowned upon (ie musikgoat |main/musikgoat) [05:44] What? [05:45] or this only for ops [05:45] ie ikoniaz ljlop etc trolls of recent vintage [05:45] No, no, where/when was this? [05:45] in #ubuntu [05:46] ubbycd (formerly) entered as musikgoat|second, then morphed to firiansbabymomma [05:46] There we go. [05:47] Yeah, he's just trying to be annoying about it now. [05:47] wow that is really annoying; whoever he is helping (ie rvns) newnicks to rnvshomie etc [06:49] if anyone sees ikonia this morning, please tell him to check his pm's from me :) [07:01] ultimatix [07:49] psywiped has been warned many many times about telling folks to google it and random offtopic comments. next time is a ban [07:50] o0Chris0o, how may we help you [07:50] is "themolester" considered a proper nick name? [07:52] a guy in #ubuntu is using it, just thought I would ask [07:52] o0Chris0o, thanks for bringing it to our attention. [07:53] np [08:20] ikonia: Much better answer than mine. [08:20] ikonia: Also, check your queries from jussi-01 [08:21] oh right, not seen anything from him, ta [09:21] * jussi01 waves in ikonia's direction [09:24] * jussi01 is feeling old [09:55] jussi01: i just deleted a couple of feeds from your google reader :( [09:56] jussi01: you were logged in on my eeepc and was starting to go through my feeds, thought "this is all screwed up" [09:57] topyli: meh... [09:57] then realized i'm you and logged out [09:58] i didn't buy anything as you :) [09:58] should have :p [09:59] hehe [09:59] topyli: not yet :D [09:59] :P [09:59] you should have logged into amazon :) [10:00] and bought "interesting" videos [10:00] just for the lawls [10:01] i wonder how often this happens in libraries and such [10:02] I once rented a "alternative lifestyle" film from blockbusters on a mates card, and was purposefully late on returning it, so he'd get told off [10:03] heh [10:05] which surprised him more? that he had rented it, or that he had eventually returned it? [10:06] Gary: you are a nasty person... [10:06] :P [10:07] he argued the case in the middle of the shop floor, until the memeber of staff, loudly, said what movie it was, then shut up in shame [10:07] hehehe [10:07] I got so much stick for it, but it was worth every bruise :p [10:16] Kimi called the ops in #ubuntu () [10:17] *sigh* [10:18] bazhang: lol [10:18] wth [10:18] right after I said that too [10:18] Gary, sorry too much idiocy today [10:19] a_n_d_r_e_w called the ops in #ubuntu () [10:19] I ought to turn the highlight off, even grawity (who is being helpful) is highlighting me [10:20] :/ [10:20] Lovely. [10:20] Gary: Same here. [10:20] grawity, how may we help you [10:21] hello? [10:21] I need help in #ubuntu-es please [10:21] he is TORtuga|O_O| flooding [10:21] hASDhaQ: #ubuntu-irc ;) [10:21] ok, thx [10:22] jpds: ^ [10:22] he was kb/d from #ubuntu [10:22] and here as well at one point [10:22] hASDhaQ: anything else you need from us? [10:22] !idle | hASDhaQ [10:22] hASDhaQ: Please keep in mind that this channel is for operator/abuse questions only; we ask you to part when you have no further business here in order to keep track of users with pending inquiries. [10:24] ok, he is banned, thx:) [10:38] In ubottu, grawity said: upgradeproblem =~ s/is// [10:38] In ubottu, grawity said: upgradeproblem =~ s/is// [10:38] ok, who is grawity? [10:38] * grawity raises hand. [10:38] So that's how ubottu works. [10:39] part time helper much time user of /me in #ubuntu [10:39] been asked several times not to [10:40] how did he know the bot that well though? [10:40] strangely quiet on the stalker front; only yamata seems to be accounted for [10:42] * jussi01 is really digging this mpd+icecast setup... [10:42] :D [10:45] elky: maybe he just knows supybot? or read the manual on the wiki? [10:45] bazhang, he popped up again? [10:46] elky, briefly in -ot yesterday, he hangs mostly in #freenode [10:47] (well one more ot thing) goodnight all brain is flashing the capslock at me so i need to reset it for 8hrs and reindex parts of it have fun. [10:47] saywha? [10:47] he was almost nothing but offtopic; telling people to google it, then complaining when called on it [10:47] no seriously, what the hell does that *mean*? [10:47] and randomly weirdly offtopic; 'but I helped for an hour!' [10:48] he claims that he gets the linux bsod that is flashing capslock [10:49] icebuntu is now umakant (in #k yesterday briefly) and groovyorange is app1e, only in ##english afaict [10:50] and what did mr umakant have to say in #k? [10:52] not much; just /me yawns and goes back to sleep or somesuch [10:53] * elky greps some logs [10:54] whats the channel if i want to spam? [10:55] me resists temptation.. [10:56] where was that? [10:56] main channel he left [10:57] a polite spammer. a rarity these days :) [10:57] or, a troll [10:58] or a little from column a, a little from column b [10:58] heh [10:58] well he went to #politics in all likelihood [11:20] okey try colinux anki1 or qemu : icebuntu? [14:40] Do I need to have the samba service running to share a printer? [14:43] thefeds: you do realise where you are? [14:45] @login [14:45] The operation succeeded. [14:46] thefeds: are you there? [14:46] soz [14:47] oh, so he kept on going after my warnings, eh? [14:52] fyi: I forwarded thefeds here as there is more going on that seems [14:53] * jussi01 waves at ikonia [14:53] he is trolling channels as thefeds - then changing nicks to cytoplasm which is a registered and cloaked nick [14:53] jussi01: hello [14:53] jussi01: happy birthday weekend [14:53] ikonia: I assume you will not make it here... [14:53] ikonia: thansks :) [14:53] I'm at my parents, I bounced you an email last night [14:54] you did? [14:54] I havent seen the email... which address? [14:54] yeah, when I got to my parents [14:54] your jussi.com [14:54] infact - I've just realised I sent it to jussi.com not jussi01.com [14:54] idiot [14:54] I dont have a jussi01.com email address.... [14:54] sorry [14:54] ahh that may explain it then [14:54] justt gmail one that is jussi01@ [14:55] heh [14:55] nope, my fault then [14:55] it was late [14:55] sorry, was on autopilot [14:55] hows your dad? [14:55] jussi01 = jussi01.com [14:55] * jussi01 should set that up... [14:55] errrr "ok" seems much better, although tests are non-clonclusive at this time, so there are more tests going on at the moment [14:56] waiting for results, which are again late [14:57] good to hear he getting there, though frustrating that you dont know [14:57] jussi01: how goes the birthday weekend plans so far ? [14:57] ikonia: what happened? [14:57] jussi01: he "seem" better, but that doesn't count for much until test results back it [14:57] Seeker`: dads got a superbug [14:58] :( [15:00] just waiting now... [15:02] how did he manage that? [15:03] he had an operating on his leg a few weeks ago, it is suspected he caught it then and it's taken a week or two to wake up enough to be detected [15:03] nothing confirmed though [15:03] ah [15:03] I hope he recovers quickly [15:03] thank you [15:04] we've been warned it could take a while due to his age/health and how adaptive the bug is [15:05] ugh, will green-dragon be yesterday's troll who was haunting me [15:06] LjL: what's going on ? [15:06] ahh I see [15:06] ikonia: just a little flood, but the nickname rings that bell, not sure [15:06] yeah, he joined here yesterday then parted [15:06] oh, wait, that was green ranger [15:06] he wanted megazoid power [15:07] yep [15:07] greenranger was definitely that troll [15:07] might just be a coincidence [15:07] probably is [15:07] or not. [15:07] there we go - bang on que [15:10] meh [15:12] Please help! Is someone seeing everything I do on my computer? Green-Dragon: stop flooding !paste > Green-Dragon (Green-Dragon, see the private message from ubottu) Sorry. I have a Bluetooth mouse but no Bluetooth keyboard. But it says a bluetooth keyboard is connecting.... and my mouse is not connecting but it says another mouse is connecting. Green-Dragon: people are not [15:12] seeing what you type now. AHH! Green-Dragon: can you assure me that you won't flood the channel like that again, and use the pastebin instead? How do I do that? !pastebin | Green-Dragon !pastebin |Green-Dragon test Green-Dragon: no, not like that. Green-Dragon: READ the message you just got. [15:42] ikonia: What's your opinion on the scrollback in #u-uk? [15:42] let me have a look [15:42] jpds: I assume you mean sebsebseb ? [15:43] ikonia: All of them. [15:43] Well, most, they're getting quite silly. [15:44] jpds: I think it sucks to be honest [15:44] (just scimmed through the last 15 minutes) [15:45] ? [15:45] elky: have a scroll back though -uk it's kiddie central [15:45] * elky hunts for the logs [15:45] !logs [15:45] Official channel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ - For LoCo channels, http://logs.ubuntu-eu.org/freenode/ [15:46] elky: http://logs.ubuntu-eu.org/freenode/2009/04/04/%23ubuntu-uk.html [15:46] jpds is well prepped [15:46] As always. [15:47] time for a break [15:49] i've found the aussie chicks convo, and them telling hippychick girls dont exist on the intarwebs [16:22] um... [16:25] that bot is in ubuntu [16:26] or whatever it(?) is [16:26] Tcl? [16:26] not a bot afaik [16:26] just a fancy ident i suppose [16:28] he was interactive the other day [17:09] give me access there LjL I will do it. [17:09] you mean op - i don't have the access to give you access [17:10] aha [17:10] that convo is getting a bit o4o imo [17:10] yeah i think it's turning away from that now though [17:11] or not, thanks to netytroll [17:11] windows vs linux is much better [17:31] 12:31 [Freenode] CTCP VERSION reply from Tcl: xchat 2.8.6 Ubuntu [17:32] great [17:33] I'll give him a nudge [17:36] bazhang called the ops in #ubuntu-offtopic (spiel_mit_feuer) [17:37] I now need a tissue to mop up the drink I've just dribbled laughing, thank you ljl [17:37] sorry [17:38] it was worth it [17:38] good chuckle [17:38] I am happy to stay that way for a bit, kind of like +m [17:56] ok topyli is back [17:57] -ChanServ- You are not authorized to perform this operation. [17:57] aww [17:59] hmm /cycle did it [17:59] err... [17:59] /mode #channel -o nickname [17:59] or often simply [17:59] /deop nickname [17:59] bazhang: what is it? [17:59] nope did not work [17:59] bazhang: cannot "not work" [17:59] i'm back, and i'm the cleanest man on the channel! [17:59] if you're opped, you can deop yourself [18:00] topyli, just wanted to be de-opped [18:00] and so I did [18:00] bazhang: huh? are you retiring or what? [18:00] topyli, your sauna has confused you, shush. [18:01] in -ot [18:01] aaaaaaaah [18:01] sorry [18:01] seems that chanserv.py looks for access [18:01] LjL: that's what it's *for* [18:01] of course if you aren't in the access list you can't ask chanserv to deop you [18:01] but you can still just deop you! [18:01] yep [18:02] pray with me: please make a goal now kärpät [18:02] topyli: i couldn't care less [18:02] :( [18:02] for me! [18:03] as i said [18:03] :( [18:03] whoa [18:03] !prayer [18:03] Dear $DEITY, Give me strength to understand and work with users who question my logic, the rules, netiquette and common sense. Give me resilience to teach them the basics of Linux, Ubuntu, Community Guidelines and IRC. Allow me not to stray to nitpicking, argument, foul language, or leisurely op abuse. Deliver me my daily xkcd, User Friendly, LWN, /. and Planet Ubuntu, and guard over my encrypted drives. Let it be so. [18:04] we need to add something there. like "please let kärpät win their hockey games" [18:04] heh myrrti would throw a fit [18:04] "(more often than not)" [18:04] haha [18:04] bazhang: oh yeah, i forgot the other finns :) [18:05] i'd also like to add "please let people who have an obsession for games involving goals and people chasing a ball find peace" [18:06] LjL: that's too much to ask im afraid :( [18:06] * ikonia_test (n=Mr_Darcy@alesi.projecthugo.co.uk) has joined #ubuntu :0 [18:06] it's me [18:06] it's fine [18:06] botnet! [18:06] yes, I'm about to attack with me 2 users [18:07] hehe [18:07] still waiting for those 64 years worth of PM's from dingding [18:07] how can it be so difficult to score? i should go there myself [18:07] he's long gone [18:07] klined? [18:08] nah, just couldn't get past the ban so not bothered [18:08] (frmo what I've seen) [18:08] aha [18:08] from [18:11] freenode policy of only opping when needed is wise [18:11] didn't think that was freeenode [18:12] just ubuntu [18:12] it is freenode [18:12] didn't know that [18:12] bazhang: oh? [18:12] felt odd like that in -ot [18:12] only because you are'nt used to it :P [18:12] funny how fast netyire quit though [18:13] one minute to go. we're losing :( [18:14] gooooooooooooooooool [18:14] pfui [18:14] yey [18:16] overtime! [18:16] i'm not sure if you are all very interested though :) [18:17] hehe [18:19] finland sucks at football, so we sort of have to be proud of sports we're good in, like hockey, ski jumping and rally. you know, sports that almost nobody else does [18:20] wife carrying used to be strong here, but the estonians have sort of taken over [18:22] estonians... [18:22] leave that thought Nafallo. srsly. [18:23] greatest wife carriers in the world currently! [18:23] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wife_carrying [18:34] no response from tcl [18:34] gave him a few pm prods [18:47] chaps whats the deal with tcl - it is acting "bot like" again even though it was human earlier, it's ctcp'd my test account when I signed in and mneptok earlier [18:47] I've tried to contact tcl in a pm but not had a response, and he's ideling in two channels that are known to have problem users ubuntu-ro and ubuntu-il although thats obviously not a crime [18:49] ikonia: it did not CTCP me. i CTCP'ed it. [18:49] ooh, it hit my test account eazrlier [18:49] earlier [18:50] it did appear to be a human earlier though, eg: talked [18:50] interactively [18:50] keep an eye on it ? [18:51] ryanakca: what's up ? [18:54] ikonia: irssi is segfaulting. I disabled autojoin while I'm sorting it out [18:54] sounds fun [18:54] not really ;) [19:06] ikonia: Hmmm... restored my ~/.irssi/config to an older backup, doesn't seem to be segfaulting every few times I change channel windows, hopefully it's fixed :) [19:06] good good [21:01] nalioth: can we get an update on mootbots logs please [21:49] * nalioth gets his pencil out [21:50] nalioth: need a laser pointer? [21:51] mine is just a bit modded, the light power is probably not really lethal [22:11] Not sure if necessary (the floodbot kicked him), but should blkgmrgrl666 get +b so that he doesn't return (Was link spamming in #ubuntu)? [22:11] ryanakca: he was using mibbit [22:11] so he already got an automatic ban [22:11] Ah [23:02] bueno bienvenido soy creo [23:02] ebo hablar en ingles o en español [23:02] ? [23:03] bn sin dar nombres sobre la organizacion [23:04] devo colabroaER con el projecto [23:04] bn [23:04] bienvenidos a la charla [23:04] estamos mas +30 en deustche belle [23:04] k [23:04] bn [23:04] bienvenidos [23:05] Like: Que quieres exactamente? [23:05] jpds, bn yuou quiero teclear unas palabras para el aporte de la casa GNU UNIX:) [23:05] pero [23:06] OK; en este canal se hable ingles. [23:06] are you one of those clones i banned the other days? [23:06] djam un tabaco ¬¬ [23:06] ah, no [23:07] bn estoy hablando de la libertad de escritores [23:07] y colaboradores de nuestras librerias [23:07] pùes bn [23:08] que significa compilar ej descargar librerias hacer make i make install [23:08] bn esto es *** un debate *** mas treinta de lo que podemos llegar a escribir en nuestros teclados via vim [23:08] like mira [23:08] ok [23:09] estoy demasiado mal para hablar ingles, imaginate para hablar español [23:09] no se verdadement que estas dicendo [23:09] para viper tengo mi ekipo mas treinta ranger rci 2970 [23:09] pero... porque estas en este canal? [23:09] bien [23:10] estoy aki en el canal para informarte sobre el indice linux [23:10] bueno [23:10] y lo que es el plan ceibal en uruguay [23:10] pero este canal es para operadores [23:10] bn [23:10] no para discusion general [23:10] pues yo eh sido escogido entre una malloria [23:10] bn en discusion generqal ps [23:11] mas treinta con audio ? [23:11] like, tienes preguntas para los operadores de #ubuntu? (no #ubuntu-es o otros canales locales) [23:11] pss espera que atienda la llamada [23:12] como operadores que somos que nos planteamos /*** [23:12] de la situaqcion [23:12] pss bn [23:13] estamos mas treinta aki en un debate [23:13] sobre el indice Linux [23:13] LjL, [23:14] Hear hear. [23:16] the last 15 mins were total rubbish [23:17] besides, i've just told you i cannot really speak spanish well [23:17] you don't keep talking in abbreviations and slang [23:17] that's just rude. [23:31] anyone familiar with rbot? [23:40] nope