[00:00] Lint01: Permission denied. :( [00:00] Lint01: OH wait, sudo [00:01] hi when I try to watch a movie using totem the sound does not work what can I do? [00:01] khc: it'll need gksudo [00:01] hmm [00:01] Jordan_U, thanks a lot! :) [00:01] ActionParsnip: that's not the issue I am having [00:01] anyone know why sometimes in ubuntu sound stop working after awhile? === dkwhit is now known as paradoxfox93 [00:01] I would leave my comp on 24/7 usually [00:02] how do i use two monitors hooked up to seperate video cards? [00:02] but sometimes sound stop working the next day when I use the computer [00:02] a reboot fixes it [00:02] glaksmono_, np === glaksmono_ is now known as glaksmono [00:02] has anyone read 'Ubuntu Kung Fu'? just wondering whast people thought - is it a worthwhile read? [00:03] Lint01: I tried using sudo, but it tells me it's Read-Only file system. Any suggestions? [00:03] ActionParsnip: hmm, or maybe it was, nevermind [00:03] khc: ;) [00:03] acidicbase, Probably some program that doesn't play well with pulseaudio. You can try forcing everything to use pulseaudio or disable pulseaudio entirely [00:04] Cl0p1n: copy installer.exe to oyur home dir and run it from there [00:04] it should at least tell me why [00:04] any1 have any experience with esd? [00:04] you're welcome..... === strigoi is now known as zmeul [00:04] Jordan_U: how do you configure what can use pulse and not? i know wine doesnt like pulse at all [00:06] does nyone know how to get a itouch to work on ubuntu [00:06] hi. on 8.10, what do i need to do to make memtest selectable on boot? [00:06] gartral, There are some ( very few now ) that simply cannot use pulseaudio, I think that wine can but I am not sure how buggy it is ( as I understand it though any bugs would effect only wine, and not the rest of the apps using pulse ) but needs to be configured to use pulseaudio [00:07] or, put differently, hw do i start memtest86+ at all? [00:07] Piet: use the livecd [00:07] !ipod | cory8092 [00:07] cory8092: For information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - For the iPhone and the iPod Touch, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod [00:07] Jordan_U: right, but in any case, how do i do that configuration? === jedimindtricks is now known as maha [00:07] hey, i've got really annoying problem with codecs, I just can't play any videos, black screens only, errors like configuration item decoder.external.real_codecs_path points to a non-existent location [00:07] on debian, when i install the package, a grub boot stanza is added automatically, and i just need to reboot and select it form the grubmenu [00:07] apparently that doesn't work on ubuntu? [00:08] cory8092: if its an older IPod.. use Rockbox! :P [00:08] Piet: reboot, press esc to view grub menu, its there [00:08] crdlb: is this the only usable way? [00:08] ActionParsnip: thanks [00:08] ok new developments on the postfix mail deal anyone actually use this mutt client that can help? [00:08] and if I locate "codecs" directory where a lot of players points to, there is no one like this [00:08] Piet: I guess not :) [00:09] any ideas please ? [00:09] I've installed as many codecs as possible [00:09] lo all is there a nxclient channel? [00:09] and it is a fresh installation [00:09] does anyone know how i can check the temperature of my intel dual core e5200 processor in ubuntu? [00:09] i have tried lm-sensors but it gives me a false value [00:10] audio forwarding any1? [00:10] nasso: http://www.bradtrupp.com/ubuntu-cpu-temperature.html [00:10] if i want to tag music with grip do i use id3 or id3v2 for like ipod playback? [00:10] I need to downgrade package cryptsetup, on an encrypted computer, i was just going to remove it via synaptic and then compile the version i need from source...while also 'make distclean'...is there a better way to do it? [00:11] gartral, I am not sure which is the best way for wine. You can try running "asoundconf set-pulseaudio". That should prevent wine from grabbing the sound card from pulse but it may not work, if it doesn't you can try setting wine to use OSS in winecfg and start wine with padsp, or try just setting wine to use esd which is compatible with pulse [00:11] ActionParsnip, sensors gives me a bad value [00:11] I'm trying to install Rise of Nations under Wine and it says that it has a problem starting pidgen.dll. Is there a workaround or is this a common problem? [00:11] ActionParsnip, it tells me that the temp is about 54 degrees. a reboot and check in bios tells me 40 degrees [00:11] gartral, By may not work with the asoundconf set-pulseaudio I mean that wine may not be able to play sound, it almost certainly will prevent wine from grabbing the sound card [00:12] Jordan_U: part of it, is that i have two cardsd, and the intergrated one really doesnt work, but everything wants to use that [00:12] nasso: thats all i got [00:13] ActionParsnip, okay. thanks anyway [00:13] JorgeJorgesson: try channel #winehq [00:14] gartral, You might just need to set the correct sound card as default with "asoundconf list" ( to find the names of the cards ) and "asoundconf set-default-card " [00:14] hi all i ahve a problem with nxclient... i am runing ubuntu 8.10 and i have installed the .deb nxclient and in trying to connect to my ubuntu 8.10 server desktop but when the server starts to load the screen closes and it disconects but this works fine if i run it from my xp machine? [00:15] it dose the same if i try to connect from remote desktop viewer from ubuntu [00:16] hi. i spilled a liquid on my new eee pc. any hopes a technician can fix it? [00:18] jabbaJOE: probably, try asking in #hardware or #eeepc [00:19] Jordan_U: ive blacklisted the internal, and it still insists, on being the main card, even though it isnt really loaded [00:19] gartral, Have you tried asoundconf set-default-card ? [00:20] ok thanks === fff is now known as Mecyoung [00:20] how do I set my network name on Ubuntu? [00:21] Jordan_U: the top displayed one is the defaul with asoundconf, right? [00:21] Jordan_U: if yes, then the right one is supposedly selected as default [00:22] gartral, I don't think that the order has any relation to which is currently the default [00:23] anyone familiar with Soundblaster Audigy 2 sc's? [00:23] i need assistance [00:23] por favor [00:23] !french \ SvenZ [00:23] Sorry, I don't know anything about french \ SvenZ [00:23] !french | SvenZ [00:23] SvenZ: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr [00:24] !network [00:24] Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs [00:24] i dont know french gartal [00:24] gartral [00:24] how do I set the name of my home network? [00:24] SvenZ: you got me with "Por favor" [00:24] thats spanish [00:24] hey guys [00:25] Jordan_U: ok, the asound set worked, now i gotta restart the sound daemon? [00:25] im a spanish-american-scandinavian-ubuntu-noob [00:25] Nexuiz 2.5 Is out! :D Get it now! http://alientrap.org/nexuiz/ http://thepiratebay.org/torrent/4821677 [00:25] hey i have trouble running flac on my ubuntu system. I have installed banshee, grip, and ripperx to see which one i like best, but on each i can not rip/encode because the programs cannot find the executable path? [00:25] Hi, i just installed ubuntu, but now windows gives me Starting up... how can i fix this [00:25] gartral, I don't know [00:26] corinth, You have to edit the grub config ( /boot/menu/grub.conf ) [00:26] (use root privilegies with sudo ) [00:26] !grub | cory8092 [00:26] cory8092: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto [00:27] can someone help me in ripping with flac on any program? as of now none are allowing me to rip since it cant find the executable, and i cant find the executable path. [00:27] Ropechoborra: i didnt loose grub, windows just gives me Startinh up... [00:27] cory8092, Anyway, it might be a bad config of the menu.lst [00:28] Ropechoborra: cant i just edit menu.lst withte h proper windows starting point? [00:29] cory8092, yes, you can edit the boot parameters pressing the E letter when you foucus on "Windows" in the grub [00:29] I just had a small question, I've been searching and it's really important, I've got a Sigmatel 9200 soundcard I cannot record sound, could someone please helP? [00:31] Jordan_U: no help, all apps are STILL trying to use the stupid internal card [00:32] can anyone tell me how I can count the number of results returned by `ps` ? [00:32] gartral, Odd, can you pastebin your ~/.asoundrc and ~/.asoundrc.asoundconf ? [00:32] anyone familiar with Soundblaster Audigy 2 sc's? [00:32] for those wondering how to access wifi in KDE run in terminal nm-applet [00:33] FOR THOSE WHO WERE WONDERING ABOUT ACCESSING WIFI IN KDE run in terminal NM-APPLET; i think this information should be posted as from what I've seen a lot of people have asked about this. [00:33] Jordan_U: ok, where are those? [00:33] jasballz: go post that in #kubuntu [00:33] gartral, They are in your home folder ( ~/ is a shortcut for your users home directory ) [00:34] jasballz, You are free to do a Howto :) [00:34] Jordan_U: ahh yes, i didnt see the Tilda symbols [00:34] How would one type "Horse" in baby talk? [00:35] jasballz, A lot of people may ask it in #kubuntu but I don't see it often here, and nm-applet should be running by default [00:35] !ot | Athenon [00:35] Athenon: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks! [00:35] jasballz, Or the KDE equivelent applet [00:37] I recently tried to ssh into my server, but it hung. Doing 'ssh user@ uptime' revealed that the load average was in the teens. I never found out which process was eating up the CPU. Is there a package I can install to monitor/prevent this? === SixtyFold is now known as MoronicBeauty [00:37] a [00:38] Hey guys [00:38] Hello [00:38] Nomexous: I've had trouble doing ftping want to try to connect to me? [00:39] I need to troubleshoot my proftpd host. will someone try to connect? Im at a new isp. [00:39] Jordan_U: ~/asoundrc is... empty [00:39] jasballz: My issue isn't with remote connections. [00:39] when filling package name on bug report, what do I fill when I have problem with "NVIDIA graphics driver version 180"? just "NVIDIA graphics driver 180"? thanks [00:39] Jordan_U: well, not quite, theres three comments and a link to the other file [00:39] jasballz: It's with processes mysteriously taking over my cpu. === MoronicBeauty is now known as SixtyFold [00:39] oCean_: Thanks, that did the trick! [00:40] gartral, That is normal , the other file should be the .asoundrc.asoundconf [00:40] michal_: package for that would be nvidia-glx-180, what kind of problem? [00:40] Nomexous: thats weird. would u mind trying to "ftp _myipaddress_" to hlp me debug? [00:40] is there a way to have dreamscenes on ubuntu, kind of like vista? [00:40] I think I'm having an ACPI problem. When I start up my Ubuntu 8.10, it refuses to work and hangs at the blinking cursor until I see "Not responding" and possible PC restart unless I choose the 'ACPI workaround' option, as well during that I get an I\O errorspam, all i remember of it was "DRIVER_OK, SUGGEST_OK" on it. And then it just hangs. And after a few minutes, the screen goes completely black and cannot be recovered. Any ide [00:40] this? === paul42 is now known as imag1narynumber [00:42] #soluxione [00:42] * Archoniam patiently waits [00:42] Jordan_U: http://gar.pastebin.com/d1629ef54 [00:42] Hey anyone know how to get plasma to do desktop cube in KDE im having trouble with that in plasma vs compiz [00:42] i have intel gm965 chipset [00:43] Archoniam: weird. ACPI, why do you think its ACPI, because it says so? [00:43] Enigma: hmm, I've been wondering that myself, like mach_dekstop for mac, except for ubuntu. I know at Compiz Forums they're thinking about doing something like that. I don't think so [00:44] Would someone try to connect to my ftp? [00:44] i think it'd be pretty cool, it'd give ubuntu a little more flare [00:44] Ienorand: firefox freezes for 30 seconds to 1 minute at different times, then continues running. When I put full screen on you tube video, the effect for opening window freezes in the midst of it and after while finishes-the same when closing full screen. And other issues [00:44] for the end user [00:44] jasballs: It can't work unless I choose the 'ACPI workaround' option, then it gives me an I\O error which I'm sure is because of the ACPI devices. [00:45] jasballz: It can't work unless I choose the 'ACPI workaround' option, then it gives me an I\O error which I'm sure is because of the ACPI devices. [00:45] whoops [00:45] back to House, be back in an hour [00:46] Hello, my question is is there a media player compattible with windows media player metadata album art etc.? [00:46] any word on what the conflicker worm is oding? [00:46] dn4, who cares [00:47] gartral, I assume that CS46xx is the card you want to be default? [00:47] does anybody know how to make xchat2 stop opening this channel everytime i join the server? i tried removing it from the favorites but as soon as the program is restarted it is in the favorites again. i'm on updated intrepid. [00:47] Jordan_U: yes [00:47] I want to download the worm [00:47] and watch it [00:47] !ot | dn4 [00:47] dn4: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks! [00:47] Jordan_U: would a lshw or lspci output help you at all? [00:47] dn4, so you came to the Ubuntu support channel to ask that? sigh.... [00:48] get'em oCean_ [00:48] Hello, my question is is there a media player compattible with windows media player metadata album art etc.? [00:48] * Archoniam patiently waits again [00:48] ok in ubuntu how do I view the public network I am connected to? Or how do I view my ISP and where they are? [00:48] jamieleshaw: you want VLC. [00:49] jamieleshaw: apt-get install VLC && apt-get install restricted-formats [00:49] dn4: Places | Network [00:49] gartral, No, and I am pretty much out of ideas at the moment [00:49] hey, how do you compile and run C++ in ubuntu? [00:49] dn4: http://nmap.org/ is a helpful command line tool [00:49] Hi guys, anyone here with dalouradius or freeradius knowledge? [00:49] Ienorand: firefox freezes for 30 seconds to 1 minute at different times, then continues running. When I put full screen on you tube video, the effect for opening window freezes in the midst of it and after a while unfreezes and continues running-the same when closing full screen. And other issues [00:49] dn4: or traceroute :) [00:49] dn4, ifconfig will tell you the local network and you can use tracepath to find the ISP [00:50] guys, i try this but doens't work [00:50] http://pastebin.com/d495dc359 [00:50] Does It organise media [00:50] Jordan_U: i dont even know why the internal card keeps coming up, ive blacklisted it, and the sub node its on... its like a mutant that wont die [00:50] michal_: Sorry, I don't know what could be the issue... [00:50] jamielshaw: naw, but you have the option of right clicking folders and opening with it [00:51] IS there one that does? [00:51] helppppppppppp [00:52] how do you compile and run the C++? [00:52] http://pastebin.com/d495dc359 [00:52] glaksmono: ./hello [00:52] ah [00:52] exactly! [00:52] totally forgot lol [00:52] glaksmono, install esstential-build [00:52] thanks Nomexous [00:52] what other uses does Samba have besides linking Windows and Linux files together via a network ? === Lectus_ is now known as Lectus [00:53] configuring a share that integrates seamlessly into Windows XP is becoming a bit tiring :/ [00:53] yet there are countless books out there about Samba.... [00:53] hello, how can i install adob photoshop CS4 in ubuntu using my msi installer [00:53] Iceman_B^Ltop, hrmm....should be pretty straight forward [00:53] anyone know of a good irc channel to talk about search engines? eg. google, yahoo ... [00:53] ? [00:53] hello, i am connecting to internet with a wire, but i want to connect with my wireless. But when i clik [00:54] right button, wireless is inaktive [00:54] how can i aktive this ? [00:54] mrwes: well I can get a share to work, but thats also evberything it does [00:54] Iceman_B^Ltop, what else do you need or want to do? [00:54] there is no user seperation, no file locking that I know of [00:55] I recently tried to ssh into my server, but it hung. Doing 'ssh user@ uptime' revealed that the load average was in the teens. I never found out which process was eating up the CPU. Is there a package I can install to monitor/prevent this? [00:55] for instance, I just downloaded a zip file. I wanted to a file directly onto the share, I got an error [00:55] Iceman_B^Ltop, that tells me nothing :) [00:55] Hi guys, anyone here with dalouradius or freeradius knowledge? [00:55] hmm, well I'll come back with details later [00:55] Iceman_B^Ltop: Samba's main purpose is file and printservices, but can also integrate with a windows server domain, as PDC or domain member. [00:56] when i click connection with right button, enable wireless is inaktive :( [00:56] Iceman_B^Ltop, I'm not trying to be rude, but I don't know how to help you with what your provides [00:56] provided * [00:56] mrwes: no thats cool, dont worry :) [00:56] help xorg probleme [00:57] nod [00:57] I'll have to think this out a bit more, I'll get back on this [00:57] Hasanibrahim: I do not think wireless can activate when wired is in use. [00:57] Iceman_B^Ltop, maybe you don't have the proper permissions to write to the samba share [00:57] hey can ssh work behind closed ports? [00:58] Hi I moved to a new ISP the other day and now my netbook seems to be having a lot of trouble with using the internet yet my windows computer works fine what are the starter steps in checking out the issue? [00:58] I have problem getting my A-data flash drive to work on Ubuntu 8.10. [00:58] xorg.conf empty === crus0r is now known as crus [00:59] Tha company information about the a-data usb flash drive says it will work with Linux, but it doesn't, not on my laptop or my desktop. [00:59] someone help me troubleshoot proftpd my ip is plz try conneect user2 developers pusername and pwrod [01:00] mattias: what is an A-data flash drive? [01:00] I want delete a partition but it has a key next to it [01:00] It works without problem on three different Windows XP computers and the memory is formated in FAT32. [01:00] in GParted [01:00] jasballz: Wait a minute... [01:00] root@xero-desktop:/usr/src/Alsa-1.0.19/alsa-tools-1.0.19# make -j4 && make install -j9001 [01:00] How do I remove a partition with a key next to it? [01:00] mosiac: hmm...obviously its your ISP and maybe obtaining and IP address or something like that? what are you running? [01:00] in GParted [01:01] i need help badly...last two days ive been trying to get my usb to be bootable but it still says that it isnt [01:01] How do I remove a partition with a key next to it in GParted? [01:01] Im running ubuntu eee basically ubuntu with a different look [01:01] jasballz: http://www.adata-group.com/EN/product_show.php?ProductNo=AP14ZZZSV [01:01] if it wasnt for all other devices on my network working flawlessly i would assume its the isp [01:01] How do I remove a partition with a key next to it in GParted? [01:01] jasballz: I meant this flash drive. [01:01] thefeds, umount the drive [01:02] how. [01:02] ? [01:02] thefeds, that is the /dev ? [01:02] what [01:02] ? [01:02] ugliefrog: "what" says it isnt? did you configure your bios? === mattias is now known as Sourcy [01:02] /dev/sda2 abd /dev/sda6 have a key next to them [01:03] thefeds, in gparted, what is the name of the device, as in /dev/sdb1 ,etc [01:03] thefeds: in gparted, right click and choose unmount === Sourcy is now known as Swede [01:03] can't unmount [01:03] jasballz:When i boot off it, it says device is not bootable [01:03] thefeds: then that's probably because it is currently busy [01:03] mattias: but what's the difference between an "a-data" and normal one? [01:03] thefeds: as in, there are processes running on that filesystem [01:03] thefeds, then in a terminal type sudo umount /dev/sda2 or /dev/sda6 -- are these currently in use? [01:04] ugliefrog: ok, what os are you trying to boot? [01:04] oCean_, exactly :) [01:04] Well, anyone have a clue what's wrong when I don't get an icon nor a folder in /media when I connect my A-data 8GB USB memory? [01:04] alguem ai fala portugues? [01:04] !pt | BoSs [01:04] BoSs: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado. [01:04] umount: /dev/sda2: not mounted [01:04] jasballz:An iso so i can install it on my daughters eee pc [01:05] any1 have any experience with audio forwarding? [01:05] thefeds: then there is no lock on that partition, I assume [01:05] jasballz: a-data is only the name of it. I don't think it's a difference, it's just a name of the memory. [01:05] Swede: and what are you trying to do? [01:05] grkblood13, as in forwarding over a network? [01:05] ugliefrog: did you expand the iso to the usb drive or did you just move it to the usb drive? what is the iso of? [01:06] jasballz: Well, I'm trying to use it. But when I connect it to my desktop computer or laptop, nothing happens. [01:06] yes [01:06] Evening all. [01:06] jasballz:I expanded it. I used Unetbootin to do it [01:06] apologies in advance for the unoriginal question but, [01:06] jasballz: I use Ubuntu 8.10 on both my computers. [01:06] Does anyone know of a repo for e17 under Intrepid? [01:06] what's easier adding server apps to the desktop edition or vice versa? [01:06] grkblood13, look into mt-daapd --- it's a music sharing network, and I currently run that on my network [01:06] mrwes, ive been tryin esd but it wont work [01:06] #buntu-br [01:06] swede: what os are you running? [01:07] jasballz: Ubuntu 8.10 [01:07] How do I manually partition my drive [01:07] mrwes, i really interested in forward all audio for X11 purposes if possible [01:07] How do I manually partition my drive for ubuntu [01:07] ? [01:07] <`brandon`> how do i get gnome and KDE [01:07] ugliefrog: idky but I guess its important to have boot instructions laid out there, or a boot manager, maybe "boot" or "chain0" or something like that, is there a file like that or "bootcfg"? [01:07] <`brandon`> could i do it like this [01:07] grkblood13, this is for mp3's only [01:07] Swede: have you tried it on a windows pc or a mac? [01:07] as in music [01:07] thefeds, i'd do it with gparted [01:07] <`brandon`> sudo apt-get insall desktop-gnome [01:08] jasballz:ill look [01:08] jasballz: Yes, on three different Windows XP computer, it works without any problems on all of them. [01:08] What's a primary and logical partition? [01:08] what's the difference? [01:08] <`brandon`> windows | brandon [01:08] <`brandon`> !windows | brandon [01:08] brandon: For discussion on Microsoft Windows, or help with same, please visit ##windows. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and /msg ubottu equivalents [01:08] swede: i thot it might. hmmm...what filesystem is it? and does your ubuntu computer recognize other usb devices? [01:08] What's a primary and logical partition [01:08] what should I make it? [01:09] i can't decide which version to download just for a test drive [01:09] i'm a jr sysad but i enjoy a nice windowing system etc [01:09] any thoughts [01:09] Which is faster? [01:09] neruda, try 8.04, it's long term support [01:09] jasballz: It is FAT32. Yes, the computers recognize all other usb-devices, maybe not a modem correctly, but I think that depends on a driver issue. [01:09] i currently have a multiple screens setup with one x-session in each screen. does anyone know if it is possible to have one window list in each screen that shows only the windows in that screen? [01:09] mrwes: basically everythings stable on it? [01:10] jasballz: So, all usb devices work. [01:10] how do i access and download updates in kubuntu [01:10] neruda, very..that's why it is long term support [01:10] swede: so you get most usb devices recognizes, yah i think you're right. Jauny has an expanded driver package database. Ok, so all but this work. so its specific to the usb drive? [01:10] mrwes: any complaints about 64-bit problems/compatibility issues? [01:10] sagaci: I do "sudo update-manager -d" in terminal [01:11] neruda, hrmm...64 bit seems pretty stable now, dunno what gains you'll get from it unless you have like 4gb of RAM [01:11] jasballz: Yes, I absolutely think it is specific to this drive. [01:11] Sagaci: make sure you have KDE installed first "sudo apt-get install kde" [01:11] ok, and how do i get applications on my taskbar so i can switch betwen them [01:11] mrwes, so ur not really sure on anything else? my main goal is to kick off vlc remotely via ssh and then forward the audio with it [01:11] anyone install mandriva on the acer aspire one aoa150 ? about to go and buy one, want to make sure it works [01:12] mrwes: even though i'm testing it at home it might make its way onto a production system later that'll be maxed out as far as ram is concerned [01:12] mrwes: that's why i ask about 64-bit [01:12] Hello [01:12] phocus: im running ubuntu linux on acer aspire 4720z, i don't know about mandriva [01:12] or any distro, lol [01:12] Swede: well, maybe google your drive make and ubuntu and see what comes up [01:12] Sagaci: did you lose your lower GNOME panel or something? [01:13] Sagaci: theres a number of dock packages. I use cairo [01:13] grkblood13, you can stream with VLC, but mt-daapd will do the same...sorta [01:13] jasballz: One strange thing is that when I put the memory in one slot then lsusb give me a name of something that wasn't there before. But when I put the memory in another usb-port, then lsusb doesn't show the info. [01:13] guys!who are familiar with wumi [01:13] because i have a question [01:13] Hey, does anyone know of an application that will let me (from the command line, not a GUI) take an MP3 file and export a copy of it that is only 20 seconds from a specific starting point? E.g. from 60 seconds to 80 seconds, export clipped.mp3 [01:13] neruda, how much ram do you have? [01:13] mrwes: so you recommend 8.04 (64bit) server edition to get an accurate picture? [01:13] hi, i just inserted a command using crontab -e, can anyone tell me where this command is stored? [01:13] it's not in /etc/crontab as i expected [01:13] shingouz: i think mplayer will do it [01:13] neruda, are you planning on running a server? headless per se [01:13] mrwes: 4 on home, 16 at work [01:14] mrwes: sr admin wants to move to ubuntu eventually [01:14] neruda, 64 bit then [01:14] any help me please? who used wumi to install ubuntu here? [01:14] l7: in /var/spool/cron/crontabs/YourUserName [01:14] jasballz: Another strange thing is that it sometimes used to work the first 10 times I connected it, but then suddenly it stopped showing up. The drive worked sometimes, sometimes not, but now it never works. [01:14] l7: however, the preferred way to "see" it is "crontab -l" [01:15] hi. can anyone tell me why my SATA disk (ok, 2.5" but still?) has about 2.5mbyte/s read speed max? hdparm -I http://pastebin.com/m26c60fce here. This is an AMD SB700 SATA controller running Ubuntu Hardy, 2.6.24-23-generic kernal, x864_64. [01:15] neruda, I run the 32 bit on my home server [01:15] How can i see wich internet DNSs i got? [01:15] Ropechoborra: cat /etc/resolv.conf.auto [01:15] neruda, you want a good how to? [01:15] Ropechoborra: er, /etc/resolv.conf [01:15] LSD200, Thanks :) [01:15] oCean_: aha, i see it now, thanks :) [01:16] mrwes: you probably don't utilize the server aspect as much though right? [01:16] neruda, yah correct, mainly file and print server [01:16] neruda, http://www.howtoforge.com/perfect-server-ubuntu8.04-lts [01:16] USB flash disk to make it bootable does it need to be vfat16 or 32 [01:17] I don't feel safe using ubuntu [01:17] thefeds, chat in #ubuntu-offtopic [01:17] thefeds: you're just sturing the bot [01:17] swebe: that's goofy. It sounds like maybe Ubuntu is listing or recognizing all your ports. Whats your window manager? Kde, gnome...? [01:17] mrwes: thanks, that looks great [01:17] because of the SSL keys exploit [01:17] neruda, sure. np [01:17] thefeds, fixed long ago [01:18] who's to say it won't happen again [01:18] jesus [01:18] thefeds, stop it. [01:18] raVen1: what's wumi? [01:18] Amyone-------------> USB flash disk to make it bootable does it need to be fat16 or 32 [01:18] neruda, BTW...it's rock solid :) [01:18] heh [01:18] ugliefrog: I don't think it makes a difference [01:18] I'm trying to use gcc, and it says unrecognized option when i Copy paste from a file written from someone else... [01:18] gcc -O2 -o ventriloctrl ventriloctrl.c -lX11 [01:18] Shirow: so you're looking for a sound clipper? thats neat. IDK, did you try google? tell me what you find. [01:18] l7: what do you mean "where the command is stored"? [01:19] jasballz, yes, that's what I'm looking for. Used google, everything I found is gui based. Guess maybe I am looking wrong. Thanks for the tip though. [01:19] raVen1: what's wumi? [01:19] scunizi: Well dangit...this simple task isnt working out for me [01:19] nvm just figured out from pasting that the -lX11 was done wrong [01:19] Swede: when did it first work? and what has changed since it has stopped (like what have you installed or modded?) if youre really desperate it sounds like a clean install will fix [01:19] jasballz: i wanted to see which text file my new cron job was written to. it turns out it was in /var/spool/cron/crontabs/ === Commie_Cary is now known as Lenin_Cat [01:20] chx: hmmm, I have SATA and I don't have a problem. IDK if 2.5 mbytes is fast but I'm pretty sure that I can ge tup to 10 [01:20] thefeds: y not? [01:21] mrwes: i'm coming from a gentoo background where pkg mgmt is derived from FreeBSD's "ports", how well does ubuntu resolve package dependencies etc when upgrading to newer versions of programs? [01:21] Shirow: why does it have to be from terminal? just wondering. [01:21] l7: nice [01:21] neruda: very well. [01:21] jasballz, because I need to script it to parse 45 gigs worth of MP3s [01:21] hey guys [01:21] why this doesn't work [01:21] glaksmono@glaksmono-laptop:~$ deb http://download.skype.com/linux/repos/debian/ stable non-free [01:21] bash: deb: command not found [01:21] flannel: experiences? [01:21] glaksmono: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [01:21] ok FloodBot2 [01:21] glaksmono: that isn't a command. You're supposed to add it to /etc/apt/sources.list [01:21] neruda: pretty sure that if you run update-manager it takes care of itself, but if you download from repositories you have to find depencies and download those too [01:22] Shirow: what for? [01:22] jasballz, creating short clips of files for my website. [01:22] galksmono: bad source? did you try wget? [01:22] neruda: We don't do ports though. Just use the repos and you won't have any issues. Ubuntu isn't a rolling release type thing. Each version of Ubuntu has a set version of each package, which only gets fixes, not upgrades. [01:22] http://smekaren.mybrute.com [01:22] neruda, well if your using the apt-get package manager all dependencies will be met [01:22] glaksmono: sounds like theres nothing there there's another thing, ekiga if you're looking for voip [01:22] jasbaltz: gentoo portage system would automatically find and download and compile those dependencies (which is sometime not the best thing) does pkg mgmt in ubuntu compare? [01:23] flannel: i see [01:23] neruda: When you try and install something, it automatically installs the depends, yes. [01:23] flannel: good [01:23] jasballz: Well, it worked sometimes from the very first beginning. Just after I bought it. Then I formatted it but after a while it stopped. It didn't work well from start. Sometimes it did, sometimes it didn't. Now it doesn't work at all. [01:23] Shirow: ahh. Thats nice, i might do that for something...thats why you want terminal, right, to automate it? [01:23] jasballz, right, I want to run a script that parses through directories, finds all the mp3s, creates a 20 second 64k clip and outputs it to my web server [01:24] that's what I said :) [01:24] heh [01:24] Anothe rquestion. Is it possible to use a portable mp3-player that Ubuntu recognize as a mp3-player as a USB drive to boot from? [01:24] 8.04 server download is a LiveCD right? [01:24] hi, i have Gateway tablet CX200X with ubuntu 8.04 but the stylus does not work [01:24] neruda: hmmm, I don't think theres a pkg mgmt binary, but I do know that using apt-get or software sources or update manager takes care of them, but not if you download from http depositories thru firefox [01:24] where can i find the driver? [01:24] neruda, don't think it's a LIVE CD, no === vij_ is now known as v-p [01:25] Swede: so, did you format in win or ubuntu? other than formatting it did you do anything to your distro? like install new packages? is it run consistently on other computers? [01:25] jasballz: I formated it in both Ubuntu and then Windows. [01:25] shirow: thats pretty neat. Are you hosting mp3s clips? neato. hmmm, well there are ways...let me think [01:26] how do you uninstall program? [01:26] using command line? [01:26] mrwes, jas: gentoo has what's called a "portage tree" which is just a list of currently installed packages and their interconnectedness, so a sysad can look before leaping and also get a concise picture of what's on the system, any counterpart in ubuntu? [01:26] swede: yeah, Ive had ubuntu recognize mp3 players as harddrives. But idk if you could boot from it. Probably [01:26] glaksmono: sudo apt-get remove [01:26] jasballz, I run an Internet radio station, looking for a way to add low quality 20 second clips to my request system [01:26] my cat /proc/bus/input/devices show two of the same mice and two of the same keyboard i only have one of each hooked up ... how to fix? [01:26] mrwes: shit i wanted a LiveCD [01:26] jasballz: I installed updates and maybe some other software, can't remeber, but something got installed. It didn't stop working right after an install though. [01:26] Jolinatum: neato. IDK if ubuntu has tablet capabilities. Prolly? Maybe google tablet, packages, and ubuntu or touch screen and tell me what you find. [01:26] glaksmono: or ... purge to remove settings as well [01:27] jasballz: It runs good on Windows XP, no problem at all. [01:27] Swede: obviously your problem started after formatting it in windows. Can you back up the data and reformat in ubuntu on next good read? [01:27] swede: not the best solution, but I suggest maybe booting from a livecd and seeing if it recognizes it [01:27] Jolinatum: it does support tablets.. depends on the tablet as to how easy or difficult it will be [01:27] neruda: it is, virtually all linux (installation) cd's are "live" cd's [01:27] glaksmono: there's add/remove in applications [01:27] is it possible to get the new 9.04 notification icon style in 8.10? [01:28] my cat /proc/bus/input/devices show two of the same mice and two of the same keyboard i only have one of each hooked up ... how to fix? [01:28] kk thanks jasballz [01:28] thanks Ienorand [01:28] ocean: thanks i was trying to think what it was if not a LiveCD (thinking back to Slackware 1.1 install many years ago) [01:28] jasballz: About boot from mp3-player. I want to reinstall Linpus on my netbook. The mp3 player have 512MB of memory but the Linpus guide says Linpus needs 1GB. Do you think it will work? === chris__ is now known as Can0CCAC [01:28] neruda: that's a nice feature. I may want to port that or have something for my ubuntu distro buddhabuntu at buddhabuntu.8m.net ... hmmm, idk there's synaptec package manager but its not a tree thing. Anyone else know? Ask around, and plz google and let me know what you find. I dont thinks [01:29] neruda, yah I don't think the server editions come as a LIVE CD [01:29] gparted wont make a usb bootable right?...is it a terminal command then [01:29] scunizi: thanks. i checked gateway website but there is no linux driver for the pen [01:29] ocean: how does a sys ad or power user get a complete list of currently installed programs/libraries etc [01:29] jasballz, I think mencoder might do it actually [01:29] mrwes: then what is it? [01:30] jasballz: [17:21] chx: hmmm, I have SATA and I don't have a problem. IDK if 2.5 mbytes is fast but I'm pretty sure that I can ge tup to 10 <= i would say 2.5 mbytes is unbearable slow? [01:30] shirow: I like it. Do you have any Macs? If you could write it to a CDRW or DVD RW and pop it in a mac, you could write a quick 'macro' with automator. Automator's ok, sometimes itworks, its alittle goofy. IDK if theres an analogue in ubuntu...let me check [01:30] mrwes; im downloading an iso [01:30] does anyone still use windows here? [01:30] neruda: commandline: "dpkg -l" to list all your packages. "dpkg -L packagename" to list content of a package [01:30] what is the preferred way to do a dist upgrade to jaunty nowadays? [01:30] neruda, goog luck! [01:30] mrwes: i assume its got to boot\ [01:30] thefeds: unfortunately, yes [01:30] jasballz, nah, I need to be able to run it frequently anyway so don't wanna have to move the files.. I am trying with mencoder right now, it outputs a file but its 0bytes, not sure why [01:30] jasballz: The mp3-player use FAT16. [01:30] thefeds: I'm only running Ubu off a usb stick so yes, core is still win [01:31] Swede: I knew that much. Its pretty obvious to me that you modded something on accident that makes it no longer work. Can you google ubuntu drivers for it and tell me what you find? [01:31] jasballz: Maybe the USB memory have to be formatted in FAT16, not FAT32? [01:31] bernhard, #ubuntu+1 for jaunty and see the topic when you join [01:31] neruda, yah it's bootable :P [01:31] Nexuiz 2.5 Is out! :D Get it now! http://alientrap.org/nexuiz/ http://thepiratebay.org/torrent/4821677 [01:31] Jordan_U: ty [01:31] * neruda is relieved [01:31] bernhard, np [01:31] ok [01:31] heh [01:32] Shirow: that'd be nice...google mp3 parser ubuntu , maybe include package and tell me what you find [01:32] jasballz: Well, I don't think so. The usb memory started to fail on three different computers, two Ubuntu 8.10 and one Ubuntu 8.04, so then it had to be something that comes with automatic updates? [01:32] ocean: thanks for the command btw [01:32] damn, this has always been a problem for me [01:32] i couldn't setup Skype correctly [01:33] i could hear but i can't record my voice [01:33] jasballz: I can use another usb memory without any problems on two of the computers (one 8.10 and one 8.04) [01:33] Swede: hmmm, obviously not. I recommend peanut linux, or the smallest linux you can find, I know one will fit... there are other things... [01:33] Shirow: ok, tell me how it goes! [01:34] jasballz: Well, I tought that Linpus say 1GB but 512Mb maybe willl work too? [01:34] chx: hmm, IDK about unbearably slow...I mean, it depends on your expectations, I know that for me 2.5 mybts can transfer 8 g in about 30 min to an hour, thats pretty fast... [01:34] could anybody help me? [01:34] !ask | glaksmono [01:34] thefeds: I virtualize windows and am going to install it temporarily to try spherexp [01:34] glaksmono: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) [01:35] !skype | glaksmono [01:35] glaksmono: To install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto - Please use open protocols instead if you can, see !Ekiga [01:35] neruda: there's automatix, but IDK...what's the package you ran in your other linux? maybe you could easily port to ubuntu? idk [01:35] bernhard: I do in terminal "sudo update-manager -d" [01:35] bazhang, i'm reading that already [01:35] i need help ;_; [01:35] neruda, automatix? [01:35] Shirow: have you seen http://www.wains.be/index.php/2007/11/23/cut-mp3-under-linux-ubuntu/ yet ? it mentions a command mp3cut inside package poc-streamer ... [01:35] !ask | Taijiquan [01:35] Taijiquan: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) [01:35] jas: ebuild [01:35] what's your problem Taijiquan? [01:36] I'm out! [01:36] jasballz: I have to use Linpus on my 512MB or get my usb to work, because I have to use the distro on my netbook. [01:36] jas: emerge, eix [01:36] jasballz, i don't think automatix exists for ubuntu anymore [01:36] jasballz: No, there isn't automatix. Don't ever suggest that. [01:36] jasballz: [01:36] Swede, how does linpus relate to ubuntu? [01:36] jasballz: well, the problem is , i cant watch an 1080p film with that [01:36] while doing ./configure for Warzone 2100 source I get this error: configure: error: Package requirements (openal >= 0.0.8) were not met: [01:36] jas: all tools that compromised "portage" in gentoo [01:36] comprised [01:36] jasballz: well, i will make a try with my mp3-player, but I still want the usb flash drive to work on my Ubuntu computers. [01:36] Taijiquan: did you try installing those dependencies? [01:36] yeah [01:36] they're already installed [01:37] although my original sentence might be considered a freudian slip to gentoo haters [01:37] lol [01:37] Kålrot...ehm Swede: Linpus Lite seems to require only 512mb: http://www.linpus.com/products_1.php?pid=4&gid=1 [01:37] Taijiquan: have you checked if Warzone 2100 is available in a .deb anywhere? [01:38] no i will now [01:38] hey, anobody knows bash/sed here? I need some help... === justin_ is now known as badpenguin86 [01:38] Taijiquan: that is usually a good idea to do first [01:39] how do I figure out what version of Ubuntu I'm running? [01:39] i think it's the latest [01:39] Roland-: Bits and pieces, what are you after? [01:39] is it 8.10?? [01:39] I need some help I need to create a script that should extrat ip adresses from a file with this format: http://pastebin.com/m6e79b733 [01:39] Taijiquan: lsb_release -a [01:39] In the jaunty installer Oslo is in the wrong timezone (GMT+2), should be +1, has this been fixed? [01:39] basicaly is a simple thing to do but I don't know anything about scripting. [01:40] thanks mrwes, jas, ocean, flannel [01:40] running beta === bjames is now known as Guest55096 [01:40] comradekingu: #ubuntu+1 [01:40] my version is 8.04 [01:40] bazhang: That's a long story, but I use Ubuntu 8.10 rightnow and I can't get my usb flsh drive to work so that I can reinstall linpus. [01:40] glitsj16, thanks for the link, I will check it out [01:40] Does anyone know why I would have files that I can see in Nautilus and not in BASH? [01:40] Guest55096: starts with "."? [01:40] Nope [01:40] ls -al [01:41] iceroot: thanks [01:41] Guest55096: ls -all [01:41] sorry i got disconnected [01:41] Shirow: very welcome, goodluck with the project [01:41] Ienorand: I have the install guide in front of me and it says that I need a usb drive with at least 1GB of memory. [01:41] iceroot: That gives the same output as ls -al [01:42] Swede: its your usb drive [01:42] swede: idk, try linpus. I don't think that it will work [01:42] please help xorg.conf wot change always [01:42] swede: dvd-rs are only 5$ for 10 === Commie_Cary is now known as Lenin_Cat [01:42] hi is there anyone on here who is like a ubuntu god [01:43] need help badly [01:43] !anyone | linux_ [01:43] sorry but please help xorg.conf wot change always empty [01:43] linux_: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? [01:43] bazhang: what i meant is really that i my voice doesn't come out on the "test call" [01:43] linux_: just ask your real question [01:43] hi guys ive rented an ovh server with a static kernel could someone direct me to some info on how to recompile to the vanilla ubuntu modular kernel ? [01:43] Guest55096: give an example which file is not shown in bash [01:43] some1normal, xorg.conf is used for hardly anything, atleast that I know of, in 8.10 [01:43] Roland-: it is allways the second "word" ? « awk '{print $2}' file » [01:43] ok i have ubuntu 8.10 installed and i cannot get it to boot, it wont boot using hd or using live cd [01:44] anyone have any ideas what to do [01:44] glitsj16, that worked perfectly, thanks a ton! now I just have to find something to fade in the audio at the beginning and end :) [01:44] linux_: ha ha, what do you need help with? [01:44] !kernel | linny1 [01:44] linny1: The core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - See also: /msg ubottu stages [01:44] linux_: thats weird. how did you install it? [01:44] The file is called Atomix, Nautilus was opened from the command line with "nautilus . &" and the directory was listed with "ls -al" [01:44] !kernel | linny1 [01:44] I've just built the file [01:44] linux_: did you check the md5 checksums? maybe you got a bad iso? [01:44] i installed it using live cd [01:45] i cant boot into any of the kernels, yeah i checked the md [01:45] linux_: but if you have vista download bcdedit and add an entry for neolinux and see if that works [01:45] linux_, do you get any error msgs ? [01:45] no boycott it just hangs [01:45] linux_: So the livecd booted? or did you use xp to install? you cant boot into linux if you installed in vista or higher. [01:46] linux_, does it get past trying to boot into it, does it hang while its loading? [01:46] shows the boot from hdd 0,0 then hangs from there === v-p is now known as codelearner [01:46] Alright I need somebody to PM me if they know how to use and setup proftpd and I really would preffer it to be PM than public so if anyone knows please PM me. [01:46] jasballz: I don't have a CD/DVD drive on my netbook. That's why I have to use usb flash drive too boot from. [01:47] cant even boot ubuntu using live cd, im currently usin different distros live cd just to try and c if anyone can help [01:47] linux_, are you booting any other OS's? [01:47] iceroot: Interestingly enough, when I do "touch Atomix" I get another file called Atomix (two as seen by Nautilus). [01:47] Roland-: ooops i forgot about port numbers.... this time with cut « cut -d' ' -f2 test.txt | cut -d: -f1 » [01:47] no waffle, just ubuntu [01:47] jasballz: And I also want to use my completely new flash drive on my Ubuntu computers, not only on Windows. [01:47] the ubuntu method of kernel update/recompiling documented in the wiki will that work even tho i dont have a standard ubuntu kernel atm ? [01:47] Roland-: test.txt is the file in question [01:48] Anybody have some experience of a-data usb flash drive on Ubuntu 8.10? [01:48] linux_, did you format your hard drive? if its hanging right after the boot, then it could be a problem with the boot sector. [01:48] linux_, did you say you can't boot off the livecd anymore? [01:48] linux_: If you can't boot the liveCD, have you tried the "check CD for defects' or "verify integrity of the cd" options on the CD boot menu? [01:48] yeah waffle and yeah flannel [01:48] linux_: And what happened? [01:48] the liveCD should start unless it's damaged [01:48] linux_: i would use the base install to get a terminal the use apt to install the desktop [01:49] i find it strange how i cant even boot from live cd [01:49] linux_: did you check your bios to make sure booting from cd is enabled [01:49] linux_, do you have any other liveCDs to try to boot from ? [01:49] linux_, when you say you can't even boot from the livecd, do you mean you can't even get to the menu, or you can't get to the live ubuntu from the CD? [01:49] sorry waffle got confused, i havent formatted, trying to see if there is a way of fixing first [01:49] yeah number7, i currently using opensuse now just to get online [01:50] so this CD works [01:50] linux_: it's entirely likely that the Ubuntu CD you have isn't a good CD. Try reburning, verify the md5, etc. [01:50] linux_:sounds like bad media [01:50] then I guess you have a bad image [01:50] yup opensuse works [01:50] yh, or just a bad disc [01:50] :) we all agree [01:51] :( lol there is nothing else you guys can think of trying at the boot screen or editing on the boot parameters [01:51] hi all. how do I make sure I have the latest possible packages? i want zend-framework 1.7.8, but apt-cache search gives me 1.5.3.... [01:51] Shirow: SoX does fade in/out, besides a ton of other stuff .. http://www.linux.com/feature/57897 mentions some fade in/out commands using sox [01:51] sorry this is the 3rd time ubuntu has crashed on me lol but love it too much [01:51] glitsj16, you are awesome, thanks again for the link [01:52] swede: well Im thinking i hope you have the receipt and you should see if you can return it [01:52] https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions linux_ [01:52] Swede: if you need to you should be able to do network install or boot [01:52] linux_, how can you fix it if you can't even get it to boot [01:52] vampirefrog: youll need to install it manually if you want a version later than in the repos [01:52] linux_:having the same problems myself [01:52] blah [01:52] My wife is currently running Ubuntu live from the cd, I am wanting to transfer files from her computer to mine, but they can not see each other on the network. However I can ping her IP. How do I get them to share documents? [01:52] jasballz: I tried, but they checked it at the store and they said it wasn't something wrong with it. [01:52] okay thanks [01:52] vampirefrog, have you done aptitude update to make sure youre getting the most recent [01:52] waffle, i did [01:52] I'll install it manually [01:52] thanks [01:53] glitsj16, sox looks like exactly what I need and will do both, thanks a ton for your help [01:53] jasballz i feel for ya, i'm in a pickle lol [01:53] how can I prevent dhclient from renewing the lease once it expires? [01:53] vampirefrog: also you could check if the software site has its own repo [01:53] just feel lucky ppl are cool enough to help in the ubuntu community, i'm really grateful guys [01:54] linny1, good idea but nah :D [01:54] jasballz: Mhm, maybe, but does it work on all laptops? [01:54] Shirow: very welcome, sox really is a gem indeed [01:54] jasballz: network boot, I mean? [01:54] kpuljek, you could terminate the dhclient process. [01:54] linux_, check the iso image again, if it's good then burn it and reinstall [01:54] unop: when i terminate it, my net goes down O.o [01:55] unop: it used to work like that in ubunu 8.10, but in 9.04 it kills my net [01:55] kpuljek, that's strange [01:55] I have ubuntu running on my PC, my wife has Ubuntu live running on hers right now but we can't see each other on the network to transfer files between our computers? Anyone know a quick fix? [01:55] kpuljek: i think #ubuntu+1 is for 904 [01:55] lighttitan, scp is the easiest to setup [01:56] guys, i'm using embedded microphone on the webcam on my laptop, would that be a problem for Skype in Ubuntu? [01:56] scp? look for it in Synaptic? [01:56] ok guys, will reburn and give that another try [01:56] my laptop is Sony VGN-FZ4000 [01:56] thank u guys for all your help [01:56] unop: i'm on a dorm network, our admin is an idiot, and we have very specific instructions on how to connect. after i do what he says, i can get online, but once my lease expires dhclient starts to request like crazy, repeating the request 20, 30 times per second. and the admin warned me that if that happens, he'll disconnect me as i'm dos-ing the network lol [01:56] hello, i am having problems with drag and drop, as well as a sudo mv command, even when root, and moving from ubuntu to xp partition, it only seems to be moving about half the files [01:56] well, there is a problem that i cannot hear back my own voice on the test call.. [01:56] i'm wondering if anybody could help me? [01:57] Jordan_U: scp? How do I install it, I don't see it in Synaptic? Do I need to DL it and install manually? [01:57] im moving files unzipped from a 7z, ive tried unzipping onto the xp part as well, and still missing alot of files [01:57] nigtv: do you get any errors retuened in the terminal [01:57] no, said everything is okay [01:57] I cant seem to boot my ubuntu off live cd.. when it does that thing where the orange box bounces back and forth before booting, then it actually loads, it stops right before the 3rd group and the disk stops spinning :< [01:57] nigtv: try mv or cp then unzip [01:57] the disk is fine, as it worked before [01:57] tried both of those [01:57] cp and mv, as root and as normal [01:58] hold on you know what [01:58] lighttitan, No, install openssh-server on the computer you want to get files from and then run: "scp /path/to/file remote_username@remote_ip:/path/to/destination" [01:58] kpuljek, i'm not sure this behaviour your experiencing is normal .. can you request your admin extend the DHCP lease for your machine? or use a static assignment? [01:58] hey i upgraded my ubuntu to 8.10 and reatarted...after i login i get this error http://pastebin.com/m1c5fc8f8...i restarted the system more than once now but still i get this error...can anyone help me [01:58] aha i think i just figured it out whats the syntax for recursive move again [01:58] nigtv: so are you losing files in the cp or mv or on the unzip ? [01:58] mv -t dest source [01:58] right [01:58] -R [01:58] well i dont think im doing recursive mv [01:58] that would explain it [01:58] lighttitan, I think you can also setup samba graphically and that might be easier for you but I don't personally have much experience with it [01:58] unop: i can't request anything from him :S ... i just need to make sure that, once my lease expires, dhclient doesn't swarm my syslog with requests, so that he doesn't disconnect me [01:58] so mv -R dest source [01:59] i think so [01:59] man mv [01:59] righteo ;) [01:59] tx [01:59] Jordan_U ok I will try, thanks for your help [01:59] lighttitan, np [01:59] unop: i had the same issue with ubuntu 7.10, 8.04, 8.10 and now 9.04 [02:00] unop: but previous ubuntu's did it since the first connection, and this one does it after the lease expires [02:00] I cant seem to boot my ubuntu off live cd.. when it does that thing where the orange box bounces back and forth before booting, then it actually loads, it stops right before the 3rd group and the disk stops spinning :< [02:00] the disk is fine, as it worked before [02:00] Harry``: maybe it's not fine anymore? [02:00] kpuljek, what could have happened? I didnt touch it [02:01] Harry`` yea hes right in 99% of these cases its bad disk [02:01] Harry``, i have discs die for no reason al the time [02:01] glitsj16, just got exactly what I needed with sox+lame, i really appreciate your help, it's working perfectly and very easy to implement :) [02:01] Harry``: i don't know, just guessing [02:01] hey i upgraded my ubuntu to 8.10 and reatarted...after i login i get this error http://pastebin.com/m1c5fc8f8...i restarted the system more than once now but still i get this error...can anyone help me [02:01] okay [02:01] well I didnt even move it [02:01] it was in [02:01] working fine [02:01] Harry``: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [02:01] Harry``, try checking the disc from the boot options [02:01] okay [02:01] thanks [02:01] PerryArmstrong: 404 on pasebin [02:02] Hi.. In Gparted, I want to format my flash drive.. When i run it using sudo, I find that the flash drive is locked. How do I unlock it? [02:02] abs, unmount it [02:02] will try laxvegas [02:02] one sec [02:03] Shirow: glad it works :) ... if you have a url for your mp3 site feel free to drop it in pm, always nice to check out new music [02:03] dist-upgrade to jaunty is not working ... is that something to do with my 64-bitness? [02:03] rather, it's just not happening, no response [02:03] thanks laxvegas [02:03] works great [02:03] :) [02:03] linny1;you see 404 on that page...thats strange because i just pasted it and copied the link...anyways i pasted it at otherplace http://paste.ubuntu.com/143792/ [02:03] abs, np [02:04] kpuljek, look at the dhclient.conf manpage - there seem to be quite a few options you can use in your dhclient.conf file to control dhclient. [02:04] okay, there is no -R option [02:04] i guess there is no way to recursively mv, but uhm [02:04] maybe if i find -exec mv [02:04] but im thinking that would put them all into one big directory [02:04] nigtv, why would you want to recursively mv something .. if you move the parent dir, you move all children anyway [02:04] well no, not exactly [02:05] ive unzipped this 7z, its about 8.6gb, otherwise i would love to try things out [02:05] but it takes about an hour whether it works or not [02:05] and im moving it from the ubuntu part to the xp part [02:05] even as sudo, mv only moves with depth 1 [02:05] nigtv, so, wait, you want to move all files in subdirectories into a single destination? [02:06] no [02:06] mv and preserve path [02:06] nigtv, mv folder NewLocation [02:06] and if i find -exec mv /media/disk/blahblah [02:06] no, tried that [02:06] doesnt work [02:06] hey i upgraded my ubuntu to 8.10 and reatarted...after i login i get this error http://paste.ubuntu.com/143792/...i restarted the system more than once now but still i get this error...can anyone help me [02:06] not like you think it would [02:06] PerryArmstrong: hmm i found a thread on forums http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=577946 [02:06] nigtv, mv is recursive [02:07] well, then why isnt it moving recursively on my machine, argusususus [02:07] nigtv, but it moves the whole folder, with all file paths [02:07] nigtv, find -depth path/to/somedir | cpio -pdumv path/to/another_dir [02:07] linny1; thanks..i am checking that thred [02:07] *thread [02:08] nigtvit could be the way the win drive is mounted is it the first ime you mounted it ? is it ntfs etc [02:08] lemme check that out [02:08] yea, its mounted the same time every time [02:08] by me by hand === XenoP is now known as XenoPhoenix [02:09] unop: i might need a little more specific example, as i cant really just try it, you know? because its 9~gb, maybe in pm, i could give you more specific information [02:09] This is insane. When I connect my mp3-player the keyboard stops working. If I boot from the CDROM, then I can't connect the mp3-player and install a LiveCD on it because the keyboard stops working! [02:10] nigtv, perhaps .. [02:10] how come the mic settings suck so bad.... im using KMIX and I have to eat my mic to talk into it... [02:10] Can someone help me out: I cannot upgrade to Jaunty! [02:10] on windows I hit 20DB boost and its good [02:10] nigtv: so let me get this str8 you mentioned unziping ate you losing files moving them or unziping did you check the integrity of the files in windows ? [02:10] on this i cant find that. [02:10] coreyman, open a terminal and type: alsamixer [enter] [02:11] ok tekteen [02:11] im there === XenoPhoenix is now known as XenoP === XenoP is now known as XenoPhoenix [02:11] coreyman, use the arrow keys to scroll over to the bar labeled mic [02:12] coreyman, is it at 100? [02:12] its already at 100 [02:12] ok [02:12] when i hit boost my speakers start buzing [02:12] Jordan_U: Samba did the trick for me. Thanks :) [02:12] coreyman, then I do not know, I tend to find that works [02:12] lighttitan, np [02:12] tekteen :( [02:13] !sound > coreyman [02:13] coreyman, please see my private message [02:13] this stuff may help [02:15] tekteen it says double click volume control, i double click kmix and it does nothing [02:15] coreyman, I do not know, you may want to ask on #kubuntu for kmix [02:16] well i want to make kmix not my default sound thing. [02:17] Swede: network boot works on all laptops, u just have to figure out the configuration [02:19] jasballz: Ok, I have never done that. But first I will try to boot fron Linux Mint and see if the usb flash drive works on Mint. If not then I'm trying to get a new one at store (from another company). [02:20] Can anyone help with sound issues. === Tonio__ is now known as Tonio_ [02:22] the floodbots are competing with each other? lol [02:23] coreyman, what's the prob? [02:24] linny1; there?? [02:24] I have forgotten the samba password. How do I get it on the "server" conmputer? I can't connect because I can't rember my password, but I have both the computers in the LAN here. [02:25] I have to connect two computers, but I have lost the samba password and username. Is there any way to recall it? [02:25] hey i upgraded my ubuntu to 8.10 and reatarted...after i login i get this error http://paste.ubuntu.com/143792/...i restarted the system more than once now but still i get this error...can anyone help me [02:26] durt i have to eat my mic to talk [02:27] how to get plasma cube working for intel? [02:27] coreyman, it's not being amped for some reason. trouble shoot it, right jack?, mic input selected? [02:28] mic input selected, right jack [02:28] coreyman, mic input vol up? [02:28] yes. [02:28] when i hit boost, my speakers start buzzing and i sound worse [02:28] I need some help with proftpd, my server can upload around 1MB/s but proftpd is only uploading to me around 400KB/s and that's pretty much it, you think it could be a problem with proftpd or the network the server is on? [02:29] coreyman, analog selected not digital? [02:29] EGLN|R|Spunky, yes =p [02:29] Shirow, yes to what part of the question? [02:29] either [02:30] can your server upload to you at 1MBps using some other protocol directly when proftpd can only upload at 400KBps? [02:30] i am trying to lower my mouse sensitivity but when i do so under System > Preferences > Mouse , only the acceleration slider has affect, and my mouse is still way too fast [02:30] Yeah ktorrent will use 1MB/s just fine, just proftpd doesn't like to [02:30] but you have tried it within seconds of each other right? [02:30] e.g. you know it's not an issue of you can do 1MBps at 9am but not at 4pm or whatever [02:31] yes i have [02:31] spaceBARbarian: yea... thats been a problem since 6.04 [02:31] durt im not sure. [02:31] gartral: any fix for it lol ? [02:31] then I would say it appears to be an issue with FTP, whether it's proftpd or not, I don't know.. I use vsftpd personally [02:31] i thought it was an analog jack [02:31] coreyman, what card? [02:31] spaceBARbarian: buy a mouse with hardware acceleration controll [02:31] onboard realtek alc888 [02:32] gartral: i have one but i cant find any way to control the hardware settings in ubuntu [02:32] coreyman, does it have IEC958 capabilities? [02:32] would anybody direct me to the correct chat room for help setting up VPN client [02:33] durt how do i find that out [02:33] TimReichhart, maybe ##network [02:33] spaceBARbarian: if your mouse has built in controll, there should be a screw by the eye, thats HARDWARE, ubuntu's controlls are software [02:33] coreyman, open up a mixer application [02:33] k nvm i thought you meant drivers that let me control the mouse [02:33] durt that chat room dont work [02:34] I want to run desktop cube from plasma instead of compiz, how to? [02:34] how can i blacklist a folder from rythmboxes scan without hiding it, i have a folder of MIDI sounds, and the pue massivness of it causes rythmbox to freeze and crash on every scan [02:34] TimReichhart, sry ##networking [02:35] durt yes. [02:35] coreyman, disable it. [02:35] already disabled [02:35] coreyman, playback works ok? [02:36] yep [02:36] but like i said.. add boost speakers buzz and i sound like shasta [02:36] as a side question, what does IEC958 standfor/do? [02:37] Hello all. [02:37] gartral, I don't know but it's digital not analog === evilGary is now known as Gary [02:38] Anyone here that can help me with my graphics issue? [02:38] How can I use sed or awk to remove the beginning of a string through the first - [02:39] the10nitro: 's/this/that' will substitute this with that [02:39] test it first though [02:39] this is very annoying... evolution refuses to download my email, even though when i log into the isp's website, i got 150+ emails sitting there [02:39] echo this | sed 's/this/that' [02:40] Anon: the string may contain multiple dashes. I need to get everything after the first dash. [02:41] =\ my sound card works with ubuntu but i can only hear sound when i plug in headphones, the laptop speakers work fine in window xp, any ideas?? [02:41] coreyman, have you tried raising the vol on line in? [02:41] the10nitro: that command I gave you was basically everything I know about sed. Sorry. [02:41] TunnlRat, enable jack sense on your sound card [02:42] ohh, IEC958 is S/PDiF control [02:42] glxgears doesn't run for me. Could someone help? [02:42] durt yes :( [02:42] gartral, ah so... [02:42] Anon: that about the limit of my knowledge too. [02:43] coreyman, put everything to 80% see if that works.... [02:43] k [02:43] is there a way to check what memory type i have un ubuntu 8.10? [02:44] ok so i have a good plasma desktop cube but no warping cylender or sphere [02:45] Could someone help me with my glxgears issues? [02:45] Anon, just ask... [02:45] Alright. [02:45] cappicard, how do i do that, i am brand new to linux, only been using it two days now [02:45] This is what glxgears throws at me: Xlib: extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0". [02:45] Error: couldn't get an RGB, Double-buffered visual [02:46] Anon, what card/ [02:46] ? [02:46] durt: I have an intel chip (laptop) [02:46] Anon: pastebin your /var/log/Xorg.0.log [02:46] Anon, hrmm, though 3d was supported automatically [02:47] it should be :) [02:47] hi.. I want to create an ubuntu persistant install on a usb disk. the flash drive i have is fat32 formatted. but the usb installer doesnt detect it. How should i fix this [02:47] durt i fixed it, no clue what i did [02:48] crdlb: http://paste.ubuntu.com/143813/ [02:48] is there a wireless survey replacement for netstumbler ? [02:48] coreyman, take the vols down one by one, should give you a clue. [02:48] durt just messed with a few volumes [02:48] k [02:48] Anon: you have the nvidia driver installed [02:48] coreyman, output master might be 'analog front' not 'master'. [02:48] crdlb: So I should remove it? What should I install? [02:48] Anon: specifically, nvidia-glx-177 [02:48] Howdy, basic newbie here: How do you check how much ram and what speed it is in Ubuntu 8.10? [02:48] durt goodday [02:49] cya [02:49] Anon: there's nothing to install, 3d acceleration works out of the box [02:49] Anon: but the nvidia driver breaks it :) [02:49] crdlb: removed. [02:49] I'll try now... [02:49] now log out [02:49] Ah, ok. [02:49] isaac : system -> administration -> system monitor [02:50] See you all in a second. [02:50] isaac_, : system -> administration -> system monitor [02:51] How do I check speed of ram? [02:51] abs that only tells you the amount, not the type/speed of ram [02:51] Hello all. === shameless is now known as rasu [02:51] :) [02:51] It works [02:51] SoldierOfTheCros: sudo lshw -c memory might have the info you need [02:52] thank you crdlb, I must have spent half an hour here Wednesday night to no avail. [02:52] hi, how can i installed flash into firefox? [02:52] Anon: np [02:53] Jolinatum easily. [02:53] hi.. I want to create an ubuntu persistant install on a usb disk. the flash drive i have is fat32 formatted. but the usb installer doesnt detect it. How should i fix this [02:53] thx SoldierOfTheCros [02:53] anyone know how to scan for wireless network channels [02:53] Jolinatum: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=766683 [02:53] here what it says: We have checked your operating system: It does not meet our minimum requirements [02:53] If you are having difficulties, please upgrade or switch your operating system. [02:53] isaac_, sudo lshw -c memory [02:53] Go to system>admin>synaptic and......... [02:53] Or just follow what Anon said [02:53] Yes. I swear by that guide. [02:54] How do I share a printer with samba? [02:54] dcamp25_: via? [02:54] how can I eleminate the buzz on my recording? [02:54] Can anyone tell how to or direct me to a guide that will show me how to enable jack sensing for my sound card? [02:54] crdlb, are you saying 3d acceleration runs better without nvidia drivers? [02:54] I have a printer connected and I want to share it with samba [02:54] broadcom wireless adapter [02:54] waffle: I didn't have an nvidia card. [02:54] So they sort of hindered me. === Shirow is now known as shirow[sleep] [02:54] Anon, oh, yeah thats understandable. [02:55] something like netstumbler [02:55] How do I share a printer with samba? [02:55] How do I share a printer with samba? [02:55] How do I share a printer with samba? [02:56] thefeds: what :) [02:56] stop spaming the channel [02:56] how [02:56] where is the xorg mouse config > === Laruft is now known as Laruft|AFK [02:56] thefeds: google? [02:56] thefeds: going linux podcast [02:57] they tell you how thefeds [02:57] any cisco people out there ? [02:57] I can't seem to make my SSH server work for public/private keys, can anyone help? [02:58] ldiamond: yes what have you tried? [02:58] anyone try to use a meetingplace plugin ? [02:58] will someone please help me write the ISO file to a CD? [02:58] Hello. Can anyone tell me which version of edbrowse Ubuntu currently supports? [02:58] psywiped, I generated a pair of key, uploaded id_rsa.pub to the server and put it in authorized_keys [02:58] mib_cefy8a: apt-get install brasero [02:59] ldiamond: copy it to ~/.ssh/authorized_keys in one line [02:59] mib_cefy8a: i will [02:59] will someone please help me write the ISO file to a CD? the thing is i downloaded ISO recorder (i use windows) but when I clik Copy Image to Disk it doesn't give me an option for ISO recorder in the recorder options [02:59] when I play mp3 via totem it crashes any ideas [02:59] mib_cefy8a: This is a ubuntu support channel. [02:59] spaceBARbarian: since ubuntu 8.10 input devices are configured through HAL rather than in xorg.conf ... more info @ https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Input [03:00] ldiamond: and thats the file on the server not your computer i made that mastack at first [03:00] mib_cefy8a: If you used ubuntu or linux, you could use brasero. [03:00] why is it when i press both left and right mouse button it counts as mouse button 3... "middle wheel press down" [03:00] wil someone please help me? [03:00] no mib [03:00] I have a wireless PCIMIA card. If I plug it in, ubuntu may eventually find it, and it will start working. Is there a command that will cause ubuntu to reload PCI cards and wireless drivers so I don't have to wait. [03:00] mib_cefy8a: I just told you what to do. [03:00] psywiped, what do you mean by "in one line"? [03:01] But i don't have ubuntu yet! [03:01] ldiamond: no word wrap its the key as one line dont break it up [03:01] mib_cefy8a: Well, then, this place is not for you. [03:01] It is loaded automatically on boot, so maybe there is hardware detection in rc? [03:01] where do i go then? [03:01] i wish I knew how to whisper! [03:01] ubuntu.com/download [03:01] This is the "whites-only" Ubuntu channel. [03:01] ok [03:02] mib_cefy8a: google. [03:02] can anyone tell me how i can access my windows directories...when i try accessing those directories..i am prompted for my password, but still i didnt get to access it [03:02] mib_cefy8a: following [03:02] Mikaze: thats not funny [03:02] what do you want? [03:02] burn an iso to a cd? [03:02] you open the terminal via: ALT+F2 [03:02] then entering gnome-terminal [03:02] pressing RETURN [03:02] akurei: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. === Nasra is now known as maximo [03:02] PerryArmstrong, windows directories on ntfs partition? === maximo is now known as Nasra [03:02] Hi all, I need to get a video driver installed for my laptop, it has a GM965 integrated video. Anyone know where I can get a Linux driver? Or failing that how to get the regular driver for it to work? [03:02] So isn't the "You don't belong here" statements. [03:02] psywiped, it is 1 line already [03:02] hello can someone please help me get kasteroids back on my computer?? [03:03] jdu; exactly..i have the ntfs configuration tools installed [03:03] hello can someone please help me get kasteroids back on my computer?? [03:03] hey all [03:03] agreed [03:03] PerryArmstrong, all you need to access the partition is ntfs-3g which is already there [03:03] I was trying to do a full install to my USB drive and got the error message message saying, "GRUB failed to install-- this is a fatal error!" [03:03] anyone here know about PXE? [03:03] PerryArmstrong, so what is the error more exactly? [03:03] ldiamond: so you copied the key from the .pub file to your server? [03:03] I just need a PXE boot file [03:04] psywiped, yes [03:04] jdu; no error is displayed..when i go to places--> windows directory..i am asked to enter my password...though i enter the password and wait a long time...i dont get anything... [03:04] PerryArmstrong, hmm [03:04] PerryArmstrong: Can you momunt manually? [03:04] mount** [03:04] hello can someone please help me get kasteroids back on my computer?? [03:04] jdu; how do ido that?? [03:05] when I upgraded to 8.10 it disappeared [03:05] So, does anyone know which version of "edbrowse" Ubuntu supports? [03:05] now it's all deprecated [03:05] and the kde-games src package does NOT include kasteroids [03:05] ldiamond: have you tried loging in again? [03:05] psywiped, yes [03:05] i am gonna lose it if i cannot drive my spaceship around soon [03:05] PerryArmstrong: sudo mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/ /path/to/mount/point [03:05] PerryArmstrong, I am unfamiliar with "Windows Directory" in places. Did you set it up? [03:05] ldiamond: whats it doing? [03:05] hwilde: you can try asking in #kubuntu [03:05] Permission denied (publickey,gssapi-with-mic). [03:05] hwilde, 'sudo apt-get install kasteroids' in a terminal [03:05] I don't have kubuntu [03:06] ldiamond: what are you loging in with what program? [03:06] durt, I suggest you try your own suggestion. [03:06] hwilde: well, people in that channel may have answers [03:06] what system requirements do i need for an 64 bits ubuntu? [03:06] Can anyone help me? [03:06] hwilde, that not do it? [03:06] SantiG: 64 bit processor [03:06] PerryArmstrong, try "mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sda1 /mount/point" where /dev/sda1 is the windows partition and /moun/point is the mount point [03:06] lol [03:06] durt, try it yourself :/ [03:07] durt, you think i am asking here for something that easy ? [03:07] is core 2 quad an 64 bit processor? [03:07] hwilde, what? lot's of deps? [03:07] !help | matrixblue [03:07] matrixblue: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots [03:07] oops [03:07] * hwilde stares at durt [03:07] lol [03:07] no santiG its 128 [03:07] !ask | matrixblue [03:07] matrixblue: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) [03:07] jdu; should i enter the point point as it is?? [03:07] oh thanks [03:07] I was trying to do a full install to my USB drive and got the error message message saying, "GRUB failed to install-- this is a fatal error!" [03:07] or is it 256 [03:07] PerryArmstrong, no you should create a directory that is empty and give the "path" to it [03:07] networking question. I have a gigabit NIC. ethtool sees it's capable of 1000 mbit. It's only negotiating to 100 mbit. Cat6 cable and gigabit switch on the other end. Any ideas? You can see this thread for further details. http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-networking-3/gig-nic-only-connection-100-mbit.-connecting-to-gig-switch.-716341/ [03:07] SantiG: Yes, it should support amd64. Intel specifies that on their product pages. Look up your model. Any recent processor (2004 onward?) should support it. Don't listen to the 128 bit thing.... [03:08] anyways the core2 quad can run 64bit stuff [03:08] PerryArmstrong, eg /home/yourusername/windowsharddrive [03:08] hehe well thank you very much [03:08] hwilde, then explain what you're trying to do. [03:08] i'm changin my widnows for linux ubuntu [03:08] When I play a mp3 totem crashes [03:08] i want to play kasteroids. [03:08] it tends to be called amd64 because the were first [03:08] I think I explained my position pretty clearly [03:08] hwilde, from what? a tarball, a .deb? [03:08] psywiped: actually it's because the 64-bit code is owned and licensed by AMD. [03:09] PerryArmstrong, sorry I can be back in at most ten minutes. [03:09] hwilde: it was sporatic, try limiting it to one line [03:09] do u think it is a good idea changing from windows vista to linux ubuntu 8.10 [03:09] for others to help you [03:09] durt is not helping [03:09] huuf so they were first? [03:09] i don't ownz anybody [03:09] SantiG, changing from Vista to anything is a good thing. [03:09] hey guys, am not able to start ubuntu in gnome, can someone help me fix it? [03:09] he just says apt-get install kasteroids like that works [03:09] jdu; i got it,,..thank you very much [03:09] How do I share a printer with samba] [03:09] ? [03:09] hehe === Nasra is now known as maximo [03:09] psywiped: correct. AMD owns the 64-bit architecture, just like Intel owns the x86 architecture [03:09] hwilde: but he's not the only one reading your statements [03:09] jdu; i never got this problem till i upgraded my system to 8.10 [03:09] psywiped: right now, they need each other. [03:09] How do I share a printer with samba? [03:10] can someone help me figure out how to lower my mouse sensitivity, the settings in system-preferences-mouse do nothing [03:10] musikgoat|main, do you know how to get kasteroids or what [03:10] How do I share a printer with samba? [03:10] PerryArmstrong, i'm back. ok good! [03:10] jdu; and here's my blog http://ossarchives.blogspot.com [03:10] spaceBARbarian: have you tried restarting X after the change? [03:10] hwilde: if i did, i'd have told you === maximo is now known as Nasra [03:10] http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-780179.html my problem is similar to this, i need a way to fix it! [03:10] fthefeds carfuly [03:10] is it hard to start learning to use ubuntu? [03:10] PerryArmstrong, ok [03:10] Huufarted: how do i do that ? [03:10] jeeez: explain your situation. [03:10] How do I share a printer with samba? [03:10] spaceBARbarian: try Ctrl-Alt-Backspace [03:11] spaceBARbarian: IT WILL LOG YOU OUT, save your work first. [03:11] didnt work [03:11] thefeds did you install samba [03:11] okay so i forwarded port 21, is it tcp or ucp for proftpd? [03:11] !repeat > thefeds [03:11] thefeds, please see my private message [03:11] jasballz: tcp [03:11] spaceBARbarian: system->preferences->mouse [03:11] spaceBARbarian: yeah that doesnt change anything [03:11] I don't know [03:11] I just installed ubuntu [03:11] spaceBARbarian: or what gigabites2 said. :) [03:11] 8.10 [03:11] gigabites2: that doesnt change anything [03:11] does it come with samba? [03:11] thefeds listen to this podcast http://goinglinux.com/shownotes.html#glp055 [03:12] thefeds, I'd recommend reading up on Samba on the web. Look for setups in help.ubuntu.com [03:12] spaceBARbarian: Define nothing. [03:12] thefeds: not samba server, not by default [03:12] !samba > thefeds [03:12] thefeds, please see my private message [03:12] thefeds, no you need to install it [03:12] how do I install it [03:12] !samba > thefeds [03:12] apt-get install samba [03:12] Huufarted: i ran into a HDD problem due to loose connections in the power cord, some data corrupted [03:12] thefeds: these are all questions you can find by a simple google search, bud. "samba install ubuntu" and "samba setup ubuntu" [03:12] gigabites2: when i moved both acceleration and sensitivity bars to 0 and my mouse is still ridiculously fast [03:12] thefeds listen to this podcast http://goinglinux.com/shownotes.html#glp055 [03:12] Huufarted: once i fixed it, its been working fine but i ran fsck on a mounted partition once [might be a problem?] [03:13] when I play mp3 via totem it crashes any ideas [03:13] thefeds it explains it all for you [03:13] jeeez, are you still seeing issues? Or is the issue that you can't load Gnome? [03:13] Huufarted: no issues now [03:13] exit [03:13] spaceBARbarian: Maybe there's a setting somewhere in x? I'm not sure since they stopped using xorg.conf. [03:13] Huufarted: it was just a loose power cord, i stuck it to place now, i dont get HDD errors anymore [03:13] dcamp25_: you can try running it in a terminal [03:13] oh [03:13] jeeez: so I guess my question is, what problem(s) are you having right now? Or questions? [03:14] ldiamond: get it working? [03:14] hey guys, i have a couple of distros set up on my harddrive and now i want to install xp again (already exists on a partition). but when i boot up the cd it says "setup is inspecting your hardware configuration. i looked this up and apperently linux is causing that. is that possible? [03:14] Huufarted: gnome doesn't start! [03:14] jeeez: any error messages? [03:14] Huufarted: how else can i restart X ? [03:14] Huufarted: i tried KDE too, that doesn't either, but e16 and fluxbox work [03:14] jeeez: sudo apt-get install ubuntu [03:14] i forwarded ports for proftpd, thats all i should do right? [03:14] I have a wireless PCIMIA card. If I plug it in, ubuntu may eventually find it, and it will start working. Is there a command that will cause ubuntu to reload PCI cards and wireless drivers so I don't have to wait. [03:15] spaceBARbarian: the easiest way is to just do this from a terminal (because I'm lazy with describing GUI solutions): sudo reboot (will reboot your computer entirely) [03:15] so nobody knows how to get kasteroids back? I am going to downgrade to 8.04 then [03:15] psywiped: wont that make me lose everything i already got? [03:15] if i upgrade to the juanty beta when it becomes official will i have to change my sources.list or will it just install updates as if i already am using jaunty [03:15] psywiped, not yet, I'm trying to log from Cygwin, but I cant remove the .ssh folder because I dont have permissions [03:15] spaceBARbarian, sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart [03:15] jeeez: Try booting into recovery mode in grub and try to repair packages. [03:15] jeeez: no it just installs the gnome desktop [03:15] Huufarted: An error occurred while loading or saving configuration information for firefox. Some of your configuration settings may not work properly. <-- replace firefox with most gnome app names [03:15] spaceBARbarian, this will restart gnome display manager [03:15] so just opening ports 20-21 should allow proftpd right? === Richard is now known as Guest42241 [03:16] jasballz: forwarded ports in what, are you trying to allow ftp access to ubuntu from the internet? [03:16] Huufarted: i tried that, dint work! [03:16] jeeez: i now have gnome kde and xfc or somthing like that on my system [03:16] jeeez: I'm not an expert, but it still sounds like you have some filesystem issues. And like psywiped said, his command won't hurt anything. You can try: sudo apt-get install gnome-desktop [03:16] hehe that works to ^ [03:17] Huufarted: did that already, no effect! [03:17] when i watch a movie using smb and burn a disc on my ubuntu box it just kills smb how do i fix that? [03:17] jeeez, you did: sudo apt-get install gnome-desktop ?? [03:17] yeah, i tried that a while back [03:17] hello i have a question, i am currently using ubuntu 9.04 with encrypted lvm, i encrypted home also, now i am using vmware and there is disk activity in the machine, it automatically spikes my cpu to 100% all the time resulting in slow performance. [03:17] jeeez: as psywiped said, try: sudo apt-get install ubuntu [03:17] hi! how can i keep my ubuntu from doing ipv6 auto configuration and/or accept configurations from router advertisements? [03:18] hey i am in need of some assistance... How do i install Geektool in Ubuntu 8.10?? [03:18] sudo apt-get install geektool [03:18] madman, you might try #ubuntu+1 [03:18] thx!! [03:18] gigabites2, Huufarted: restart didnt doo anything, mouse still crazily ssensitive :( [03:18] thanks jdu [03:18] Hi I have a problem with ubuntu, it hasn't crashed yet! [03:18] np [03:19] heardcameron: try this also: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=526728 [03:19] Question regarding volume control and default setting [03:19] richard_, you're doing something wrong [03:19] spaceBARbarian: It's configured that way somewhere. If not in gnome, then in HAL. [03:19] spaceBARbarian: have you tried the 'Mouse' settings in your Preferences menu? [03:19] !yey | richard [03:19] Sorry, I don't know anything about yey [03:19] lol [03:19] richard to simulate a crash hit ctrl+alt+bakspace [03:19] What is the best way to collect *all* of the meta-data about a file (e.g. if you wanted to restore it later from a backup)? [03:19] I could always make my desktop background a blue screen. [03:20] mdmkolbe: restore it from where? [03:20] Huufarted: yeah thats the first thing i said, that setting doesnt have any reflection on the device for some reason [03:20] I think I have a bug from 9.04b, I unmute my capture from the volume control box, but when I close it, it reverts back to being muted. [03:20] spaceBARbarian: sorry, I'm out of suggestions then. I apologize [03:20] acce2451: #ubuntu+1 [03:20] Huufarted: sudo apt-get install gnome-desktop. . . E: Couldn't find package ubuntu [03:20] musikgoat ok [03:20] acce2451: the 'b' in that version means beta. :) Them's the brakes when playing with betas! [03:20] need kasteroids please [03:20] How do I share my printer connected to ubuntu to a windows computer [03:20] hi anyone here use gxmms2? thx [03:21] thefeds, cups [03:21] jeeez: sudo apt-get install ubuntu [03:21] !cups > thefeds [03:21] thefeds, please see my private message === CoJaBo-Dell_ is now known as CoJaBo-Dell [03:21] * Mikaze wonders if Ubuntu has edbrowse v3.41 yet. [03:21] Windows doesn't use CUPS [03:21] it uses SAMBA [03:21] Huufarted: a file containing the meta-data and the actual file data. that is to say that the meta-data must berecorded inside the backup file as bytes and not as meta-data on the backup file [03:21] psywiped: same error! [03:21] thefeds: windows does not use samba. it uses File and Print Sharing. Linux uses Samba. [03:21] cups is the answer [03:21] thefeds have you listend to the podcast yet? [03:21] duan! [03:22] jeeez are you connected to the net? [03:22] thefeds, you can share a printer from ubuntu to windows by enabling printer sharing on ubuntu and then adding the printer on windows [03:22] psywiped: er how else would i be on IRC? :( [03:22] mdmkolbe: a tar.bz2 file is probably your best bet. /shrug... try looking into rsync as well [03:22] jeeez: if the problem was on another PC. We're only trying to help you. [03:22] jeeez another computer like i do [03:22] rsync rocks. [03:22] Mikaze: Oh so true. :) [03:23] thefeds, when you add the printer, you'll have to enter the ip address like or something like that [03:23] jeeez try apt-get install gpg [03:23] jeeez, reinstall Ubuntu over your current installation. [03:23] psywiped, Huufarted: no, i've got only one pc! [03:23] Anyone know where to download pgp v2.6.2? [03:23] jeeez: with data corruption like you've got, I think your only safe alternative is to get an Ubuntu live CD and reinstall over top of the currently existing one. [03:23] jeeez i have a clasic ibm laptop i can send you whats your address [03:24] psywiped: lol [03:24] Mikaze: why don't you use gpg from the repositories? [03:24] Mikaze: gpg is the open source version of pgp [03:24] Huufarted: heh, I've been wrangling tar file formats all night. Every different implementation seems to support only some subset of the meta-data (e.g. acls) so I was coming here in hopes I might find an easier to just do it myself [03:24] just wire 45.95 for shiping and handling [03:24] Because I want the one the govt is hiding from the public. [03:24] psywiped: Uhh.. no. [03:24] mdmkolbe: help a noob out. What's 'acls'? [03:25] Mikaze: Probably out there on sourceforge [03:25] Mikaze: you watch too much X-Files [03:25] can someone help me convert a xorg.conf file to the HAL/fdi format ? [03:25] mdmkolbe: the metadata of linux files? there are flags in tar to keep the permissions and ownerships intact [03:25] hey guys can you tell me how to burn a disc without interrupting samba everytime? [03:25] spaceBARbarian: that doesn't really make sense [03:25] Huufarted: acls = access control lists [03:25] thefeds: cups has a nice browser-based admin interface at http://localhost:631/ to set things up according to your liking [03:25] mdmkolbe: *files on a linux filesystem [03:26] Yeah, and WinXP didn't have their firewalls turned off when browsing microsoft.com. [03:26] mdmkolbe, gotcha. tar will preserve all permissions and ownerships on files. [03:26] jrib: i mean the contents, i am trying to confgire my mouse but all i can find from googling is xorg.conf settings, which no longer apply [03:26] Mikaze: do you have a question about ubuntu support? [03:26] spaceBARbarian: what exactly do you want to configure? [03:26] hi im here to help im an intermediate user [03:26] mdmkolbe: example: tar cvjf ~/backup.tar.bz2 /etc (this will back up your entire /etc directory, including perms and ownership, into the compressed tarball) [03:27] Huufarted: I don't think the version of tar that comes with ubuntu will do acls (/me double checks) [03:27] can anyone help me with this: http://i40.tinypic.com/2f054s2.png [03:27] Huufarted, psywiped: thanks for the help guys, need to leave! adios [03:27] jrib: my razer mouse, it is way to sensitivity and so i am trying to lower the DPI (resolution) using the xorg.conf settings [03:27] damn it... evolution keeps giving me a core dump when i try starting it [03:27] Yes. Which version of 'edbrowse' is supported. I'm blind and can't use Firefox via gnome-orca, since it's crap. [03:27] jrib: mouse settings in preferences or "xset m" command dont bring the sensitivity down low enough [03:27] cappicard guess thats better than kernel panics [03:27] can someone help me with this whine problem: http://i40.tinypic.com/2f054s2.png [03:27] i can't get it to start... it's my primary email client [03:27] spaceBARbarian: logitech? [03:28] mdmkolbe: I'm not sure, but as far as I know, the only metadata you need are the permissions, owner, and group. What else is there? This is an honest question. [03:28] jrib: no its a Razer Diamondback [03:28] mdmkolbe: acl's? as in AD acl's? isn't that stored in the ntfs filesystem? [03:28] jrib: trying to utilize information from this thread http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=539180 [03:28] Huufarted: umm, ACLs and xattrs [03:28] !X | spaceBARbarian [03:28] spaceBARbarian: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution [03:29] spaceBARbarian: erm, you want: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X [03:29] !cups [03:29] Printing in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows [03:29] hehe you broke english [03:29] musikgoat|main: most modern Linux have ACLs and extended attributes [03:29] spaceBARbarian: note evdev is probably being used by default now [03:30] jrib: whats evdev ? [03:30] Just wanna know if the latest version of edbrowse is being supported by Ubuntu, because I'm ditching Debian...the last distro to support the handicapped. [03:30] Huufarted: ACLs are not part of the standard permissions. So unless your tar was specifically compiled to support acls, they will not be preserved. (Ubuntu's version doesn't appear to be.) [03:30] spaceBARbarian: an input driver different than "mouse" [03:30] Ubuntu+1 is dead, we are back. [03:30] Huufarted: also if you are on SELinux, you need to store the security context for the files that are stored in the extended file attributes. These won't be saved by a naive tar either. [03:31] acce2451: ubuntu+1 is where you can get jaunty support [03:31] jrib: yeah id rather go out and buy a different crappy mouse than go through a 500 page ubuntu manual for something so elementry [03:31] Hello, I am currently having a few problems with my graphics card *Laptop onboard intel* not running correctly, If somebody could /msg me would be great [03:31] mdmkolbe: understood. I guess it's fairly obvious I don't have a solution for you, then. :) [03:31] Mikaze: version 3.3.4 is in jaunty [03:31] musik: right now, we can't get any support. [03:31] Trying to decide to go with you guys now, or GRML. [03:31] spaceBARbarian: not sure how one page is the same 500 but ok [03:32] Mikaze, you could've had the livecd running by now man [03:32] rember to salt hashes with the username [03:32] acce2451: i'm simply stating that this channel doesn't support beta releases, it can take a little time to get responses, but you can also try google [03:32] GRML it is. Thanks, guys. [03:32] jrib: the link you sent me is for xorg.conf files, soemone here told me they have no effect anymore [03:32] Let's take a wider approach. [03:33] spaceBARbarian: the link I gave you is not for xorg.conf files... [03:33] what wider than his mom? [03:33] acce2451: musikgoat|main is right. Most people in here (not all) don't use the betas. [03:33] ive got a list of repairs made by e2fsck, how do i find out which files were affected, all i see is inodes [03:33] jrib: the resolution link ? or the wiki..X link ? [03:33] what's my hostname? [03:33] how do I find my hostname? [03:33] thefeds_laptop: type "hostname" [03:33] thefeds_laptop: type 'hostname' [03:33] thefeds its your ipaddress [03:33] spaceBARbarian: the one following "erm, you want:" [03:35] jrib: yeah i am not sure where to go from that wiki page about X [03:36] spaceBARbarian: k, well it tells you how to use fdi files. I thought that was what you wanted, wasn't it? [03:36] if anyone wants to see what im doing right now go to justin.tv/psywiped [03:36] !ot | psywiped [03:36] psywiped: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks! [03:36] !ot | psywiped [03:36] jrib, beat you to it. :) [03:36] jrib: yeah i already read like two pages about fdi files and how to covert xorg.conf, but its not exactly a trivial task so i was asking for help :P [03:37] spaceBARbarian: it is a trivial task. Did you see the examples on the wiki? [03:37] Anybody know a good place to find Ubuntu video tutorials [03:37] spaceBARbarian: If you want a general xorg.conf, dpkg-reconfigure xorg-xserver [03:37] networking question: Have a gigabit ethernet card that's only negotiating to 100 mbit. Any suggestions? [03:37] ok, sorry got disconnected fixed ports i think [03:37] !screencasts | badpenguin86 [03:37] Sorry, I don't know anything about screencasts [03:37] !screencast | badpenguin86 [03:37] badpenguin86: Some programs to capture your screen are recordmydesktop, Istanbul, Wink, Gvidcap, Xvidcap, vnc2swf, demorecorder. Also see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ScreenCasts. [03:37] THanks [03:37] huuf its your network make sure that all other devices are gigabit [03:37] Huufarted: have you tried forcing the negotiation? [03:38] psywiped: cat6 cables and a gigabit switch. === meanburrito920_ is now known as zigggggy [03:38] musikgoat|main: I've tried using: sudo ethtool -s eth1 speed 1000 duplex full [03:38] musikgoat|main: and the link goes dead 5-10 seconds, then comes back as 100 mbit again [03:38] Is there documentation for the fields pam-auth-update expects in its config files (under /usr/share/pam-configs)? === zigggggy is now known as meanburrito029_ [03:38] whats the diffrence between cat 6 and cat 5e === meanburrito029_ is now known as meanburrito920_ [03:39] musikgoat|main: if I try and additionally set autoneg off, it stays dead [03:39] Huufarted: and you have other devices that connect to this switch at 1000/full? [03:39] its a switch that doesnt effect it [03:39] Cat 6 is 250MHz, cat 6a is 500MHz [03:39] musikgoat|main: yes. Correction, only one other PC is currently gigabit and it connects just fine. [03:39] user2 / developers [03:39] [03:39] please connect so i can debug proftpd [03:39] jasballz: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [03:40] psywiped: yes it does [03:40] spaceBARbarian: is there anything in particular that you aren't sure about? [03:40] hello guys..i need help here..or what i mean..a question... [03:40] musikgoat|main: only the switch needs to negotiate with the NIC [03:40] !ask | raven [03:40] raven: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) [03:40] jrib: is this what i should be looking at ? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Input [03:40] Huufarted: i understand that [03:40] spaceBARbarian: yes [03:40] musikgoat|main: either way, this NIC used to connect at gigabit just fine [03:40] hehehehe...ok ubottu...guys..if i installed ubuntu 8.10 using wubi, can i update ubuntu to 9.04? [03:41] yes raven [03:41] raven when its out sudo apt-get distro-upgrade [03:41] "update-manager -d" [03:41] raVen: ubottu is just a bot that tells people things that get asked very frequently. Please don't think it's intelligent. [03:41] Huufarted: i would start to guess drivers, but I wouldn't know what to suggest, take a look into what module is controlling your nic, and make sure its best [03:42] please take note psywiped, i installed it using wubi...it wont affect my old windows xp os?..camradekingu: is that for me? huufarted..sorry..coz im new to ubuntu and irc chatting [03:42] musikgoat|main: where can I find information on modules? I don't know what a module is in Ubuntu [03:42] hey, i use urxvt and for some reason it autostarts in a directory in my home dir. what is the deal? it used to start in ~ and now it is this other dir. I haven't touched any config files [03:42] how do i make a cron job? [03:42] Huufarted: its just a supplicant to the kernel [03:42] raVen: just trying to keep you from looking funny, that's all. :) [03:42] raven it cant touch your xp install only you can [03:42] !cron | psywiped [03:42] psywiped: cron is a way to schedule execution of software/scripts. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CronHowto - There is also a decent Howto at http://www.tech-geeks.org/contrib/mdrone/cron&crontab-howto.htm [03:43] Huufarted: Then you should probably wait till the final release comes out (in about two weeks time) [03:43] musikgoat|main: how would I determine which module is associated with it? [03:43] Hello, I am currently having a few problems with my graphics card *Laptop onboard intel* not running correctly, however works pefect in root but could do with some help using it in wine games If somebody could /msg me would be great [03:43] comradekingu: what are you talking about? I don't use beta. [03:43] FloodBot1: thx [03:43] Would someone mind trying to connect so I can debug proftpd? [03:43] Huufarted: lsmod [03:43] aw i was hoping the bot would tell me [03:43] NickUK: No one will pm you. This is a public channel. [03:43] jasballz pm [03:43] ok [03:43] However, you may get regular help. [03:43] Anon - Well could somebody lend me a hand [03:43] Huufarted: But updating now would mean getting the beta [03:43] psywiped: he did tell you [03:44] comradekingu: You can't dist-upgrade to a beta, can you? [03:44] NickUK: try running glxgears as regular user. [03:44] doesnt count if someone invokes it [03:44] huufarted: thank you so much from saving me from embarrassment..lol...psywiped: ok..thank you so much.because im worried that i installed wubi 8.10 for ubuntu 8.10..i thought that having wubi 8.10 and updating ubuntu to 9.04 would cause some problems [03:44] Huufarted: you can look at lspci to see what nic card is being used [03:44] comradekingu: you lost me. My issue is with networking, has nothing to do with that. [03:44] I have an issue with autodownload on Doom 3, when I try and download files from my server i get an error saying "cannot cd to home" the server OS is ubuntu and I am using pro ftpd with the filepath /home/FTP-doom3/annihilationx if anyone could help that'd be great [03:44] psywiped: that's the only way ubottu speaks [03:44] Yes Anon - That works [03:44] Huufarted: which nic manufacturer? [03:44] musikgoat|main: checking those now [03:45] k [03:45] Oh, wine games. Sorry. [03:45] musikgoat|main: Realtek RTL8169 [03:45] huufarted: thank you so much from saving me from embarrassment..lol...psywiped: ok..thank you so much.because im worried that i installed wubi 8.10 for ubuntu 8.10..i thought that having wubi 8.10 and updating ubuntu to 9.04 would cause some problems. [03:45] musikgoat|main: actually the mfgr is Netgear [03:45] raven all wubi does is make a vrutural partition on you computer and put ubuntu onto it [03:45] Huufarted: then type, lsmod | grep rt [03:45] NickUK: the fact is, lag in wine is commonplace. It's rare for a game to play without lag in wine. [03:45] Anon - This had a problem with linux native games [03:45] openarena would not work unless i ran it under root [03:46] i am in need of some help agian... i am running Ubuntu 8.10...how do i get 4 desktops and compiz? [03:46] psywiped: oh ok..so..except that it is a virtual partition, what else are the restrictions or disadvantages of using wubi?and a comparison to the real installation and repartition... [03:46] NickUK: perhaps post the terminal output? [03:46] raVen: Slow. [03:46] nickUK check if the regular user is missing any groups [03:46] Huufarted: sorry, the nic chip is different than the manufacturer, i used the wrong name [03:46] gigabites2: may i beg your pardon? [03:46] How would i do that? [03:46] is there a group for gfx access? [03:46] musikgoat|main: none of them relating to that. :( http://paste.ubuntu.com/143834/ [03:46] its slower and if windows breaks it can to and if you dont exit windows corectly you have to boot into it first [03:46] the realtek is what you want [03:47] musikgoat|main: I know. [03:47] Gruelius: he runs glxgears fine as regular user. [03:47] Huufarted: whats the output of lsmod [03:47] raVen: Wubi is slow. You take a performance hit by having to run off a file in an ntfs partition? [03:47] ah k [03:47] musikgoat|main: stand by (and thanks a ton for the help. :) [03:47] Huufarted: sure [03:47] jrib: how bad will it be if i configure the fdi badly and try to run it ? [03:48] and if windows crashs before you can go into ubuntu you have to boot and shutdown windows again [03:48] RTFM...lol [03:48] musikgoat|main: http://paste.ubuntu.com/143835/ [03:48] j/k [03:48] happens on my laptop alot [03:48] psywiped: oh ok...so..the chance of messing is up is low,right? [03:48] gigabites2: yeah...but i havent noticed any slowing down or performance problems (for now)... [03:48] and you cant make ubuntu autoboot [03:48] Hello, my Firefox on Ubuntu simply crashes (no warnings, etc, nothing on stderr either) when I try to install ANY Firefox Add-on. What could be causing this problem? I have tried clearing my ~/.mozilla folder but to no avail. [03:48] spaceBARbarian: X might not start? (I don't see how that could happen though) Worst case scenario, you drop to a shell and delete your custom fdi... [03:48] raVen: Fair enough. [03:48] ok so how do i get 4 desktops on my Ubuntu 8.10 OS? [03:49] yea windows can break the ubuntu install but ubuntu cant break windows [03:49] I use Ubuntu with KDE4.1.2 and Firefox is 3.0.8 [03:49] Intrepid Ibex [03:49] heardcameron: in the lower-right corner of the default desktop and panel setup, you have 2 rectangles. right-click, choose properties, and choose 4 columns instead of 2. [03:49] Huufarted: r8169 is the driver [03:50] musikgoat|main: understood. So what do I do with that info now? [03:50] heardcameron: install compiz and goto compiz-settings / general and increase desktop size [03:50] qwertymaniac: weird. IDK, what version of ubuntu are you running? [03:50] Huufarted: so i would suggest looking for ways to either update that, or recompile [03:50] musikgoat|main: understood. [03:50] jasballz: Intrepid Ibex, 8.10 [03:50] did we just get gentoo spill over? [03:50] musikgoat|main: another piece to the puzzle that MIGHT have bearing... http://paste.ubuntu.com/143837/ [03:50] psywiped: oh...thank you so much for your help..to summarize it..i can update/install or do anything to this ubuntu OS just like a real installation? [03:50] gigabites2: it took me hours to know how to install ubuntu without repartitioning my drives. trial and errors. someone told me about wubi....so finally... [03:50] Huufarted: what kernel do you have (uname -r) [03:51] musikgoat|main: I have a second NIC also RTL. Getting uname -r for you now [03:51] musikgoat|main: 2.6.27-11-generic [03:51] yep raven thats why you have to reboot to get into it [03:51] qwertymaniac: did you always have this problem? [03:51] Huufarted: do you have the negotiation problem on the other NIC? [03:51] musikgoat|main: yup... :( [03:52] just like pinico its a real os [03:52] hi, it;s very serious now . i installed some ubuntu lcd patches which is said can improve font renderring, but now it just fucked my fonts renderring ... even if i uninstall all of them , things don't change ... how to i go back to my font config ? [03:52] jasballz: no, been facing it since yesterday [03:52] psywiped: well...im new to all of this stuff..so i dont know much... [03:52] only windows makes it ride on the short buss [03:52] whats gentoo? [03:52] how do i find port ownership with netstat? [03:52] ok thx for that jazzballz... but how do i get them in a cube?? [03:52] jasballz: Updating the kernel was my last apt action. [03:53] who uses a lexmark printer here?how did you install the driver for it? [03:53] any buddy could help ? [03:53] jasballz an install that takes a year from your life in exchange [03:53] musikgoat|main: booting up my other laptop as well so I can start screwing with the NICs in this PC and not have to worry about losing IRC [03:53] Huufarted: comradekingu suggests this link, have you seen it? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=579312 === heyuxiang is now known as iamjustin [03:53] jrib: is this output from "cat /proc...devices" in hex ? "I: Bus=0003 Vendor=1532 Product=0002 Version=0110" or do i have to convert it ? [03:54] musikgoat|main: no, I have not but I'm reading it now. [03:54] spaceBARbarian: you shouldn't need any of that really [03:54] iamjustin: try clearing ~/.fontconfig folder and go back to the font options of your DE and set it to the desired ones? [03:54] jrib: well im just doing what it said in the example [03:55] Huufarted: it could be a bug with realtek drivers, but its odd that you say that it worked in the past [03:55] maybe it worked before a kernel update? [03:55] QwertyManiac: ok,i'll try [03:55] spaceBARbarian: I don't remember needing to convert anything, but I'm not sure [03:55] musikgoat|main: that's kinda what I'm thinking, but I'm not sure exactly when I upgraded the kernel. === heardcameron is now known as heardcameron|BRB === Huufarted is now known as Huufarted_ [03:56] Huufarted: do you keep old kernels? catch the grub prompt and test the old kernel [03:57] musikgoat|main: The nic was also reportedly running at non gigabit speeds in the past [03:57] musikgoat|main: good call. [03:57] hmm, i thought Huufarted said it worked at gig speeds in the past, is this not the case? [03:57] Huufarted: kernel version? [03:58] Hi. I run out of free HD space in my main partition. This is weird. /tmp and /home use other partitions. How can I find why I run out of space? [03:58] If I have several lines of text, each with a number, how can I use a shell script to find the biggest number? === heardcameron|BRB is now known as heardcameron [03:58] is there a way to reconfigure my keyboard settings in Jaunty? I think something went wrong during keyboard detection [03:58] musikgoat|main: it did work in the past. That's why I miss my 50-60 MB/sec transfer speeds. :( [03:58] Huufarted: what was a good call? [03:58] i need some help how do i get my Ubuntu 8.10 desktop into the cube [03:58] musikgoat|main: Huufarted: The posters in the thread reported 10Mbit and 100Mbit speeds [03:59] comradekingu: unfortunately there is no resolution in that thread [03:59] musikgoat|main: good call about bumping back to an older kernel. My PC is also making me out to be a liar. lol the on-board NIC is linking up at gigabit... *sigh* [03:59] weell that was a big deadzone [03:59] Huufarted: interesting [03:59] it doesn;t help removing ~/.fontconfig [04:00] musikgoat|main: As a last resort you could try ndiswrapper if all else fails. [04:00] musikgoat|main: so I could have been wrong about that NIC connecting at 100 mbit. I'm not 100% [04:00] any body know where does ubuntu lcd patches changes the whole system ? [04:00] comradekingu: an ndiswrapper seems like a cop-out solution. :( It doesn't seem proper to me [04:00] Huufarted: well, its something to keep an eye on, expansion cards can sometimes be a problem, if IRQ assignments are not properly used [04:01] musikgoat|main: gotcha [04:01] Hi. I run out of free HD space in my main partition. This is weird. /tmp and /home use other partitions. How can I find why I run out of space? [04:01] iamjustin hua? [04:01] man froze [04:01] gasull: du -h [04:01] iamjustin please run an expanson function on your question [04:01] gasull: graphically applications -> accessories -> disk space analyzer [04:02] anyone tried updating to 9.04? are there any bugs? [04:02] *disk usage analyzer [04:02] gasull its probly /var [04:02] gasull: musikgoat|main has a solution better than mine. :) [04:02] musikgoat|main: thanks. I can't run X [04:03] psywiped: libxft-ubuntu or something fucked up my fonts [04:03] HI ALL! im trying to install server 8.10 from a usb drive, I can boot into the setup as per usual then it tells me it cant find a cd drive, so i made a syslink to /dev/sdb (usb drive) called /dev/cdrom/cdrom0 but it still wont work.... anyone got any idears... i thought it mite be becasue the file system is fat32 but so is the install cd. [04:03] raVen: join #ubuntu+1 [04:03] * gasull is running du -h [04:03] ok comradeking [04:03] raVen, you might ask over in #ubuntu+1 [04:03] gasull: sorry, then i would suggest du -h --max-depth=1 [04:03] iamjustin sudo apt-get uninstall libxft-ubuntu [04:03] heardcameron: install "Advanced Desktop Effects Settings (ccsm)" from the Add/Remove... menu. I can't identify the package name for apt-get. [04:03] hoe [04:04] oe [04:04] gasull: then you can traverse down the folders that are the culprits [04:04] thanks guys [04:04] ./quit linux [04:04] the10 just install it from there [04:04] gasull: you may want to do it as root though [04:05] musi it asks you for your sudo password [04:05] psywiped: you aren't on the same page as me [04:05] musikgoat|main: he's on page 42. Which page are you on? [04:05] oh god.. this made my day [04:05] * gasull is running sudo du / -h --max-depth=1 [04:05] thats how i did compiz and the icon [04:05] Appendix B [04:05] you guys have to see this === vita is now known as santi [04:06] como instalo et on linux [04:06] just make sure your on ubuntu lol its some kind of windows tom foolery it made me lol http://scanner.av1-best-click.info/scan.php?campaign=mmb_934922303&landid=4 [04:06] oh noooeeezzzz im infectd [04:06] !ot | UbbyCD [04:06] UbbyCD: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks! [04:07] !ops | UbbyCD [04:07] UbbyCD: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elky, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, Madpilot, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia! [04:07] huh? [04:08] Can an op take care of that tool. He's trying to spread nasty links.... My NoScript and Adblock went nuts with that link [04:08] how do i install enemy territory in opensuse 11 [04:08] UbbyCD: watch it [04:08] its not nasty [04:08] its a joke [04:08] need gelp w proftpd [04:08] WTFsure--: you're in the Ubuntu channel, bud. [04:08] Anyone try ubuntu portable yet? [04:08] really is that not funny as heck to see on UBUNTU [04:08] jeesz yeh [04:08] sorry :S [04:08] i was browsing and that popped up and i about died laughing [04:08] jasballz: explain the problem [04:08] WTFsure--: no worries. :) It's all good [04:09] UbbyCD: it's offtopic. Please stop. [04:09] guys...are these 283 updates for ubuntu 8.10 safe? [04:09] jrib: this hal stuff doesnt work :P tried a whole bunch of different settings but mouse is still sensitivity as hell [04:09] raVen: yes [04:09] raVen: as long as you're not using third party repositories, you should be good to go [04:09] it is recommended to install it right now?this is not ubuntu 9.04 right? [04:09] raVen: if you haven't touched your repositories, then you are only getting updates from ubuntu [04:09] what do you mean by 3rd party repositories? [04:09] raVen: if you have 8.10 installed, it will not bump you to 9.04 [04:09] spaceBARbarian: check your /var/log/Xorg.0.log . You restarted hal and X? [04:10] raVen: if you don't know what a third party repository is, then you're in the clear. :) [04:10] wahahahaha...lol..just for the sake of being ignorant...what is it [04:10] !repo | raVen [04:10] raVen: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories [04:10] hmm hello , is it possible to install ventrilo in ubuntu 8.10 32 bits yet? [04:11] WTFsure--, use wine.. [04:11] raVen: 3rd party, of course, means not ubuntu [04:11] oh my...there are a lot of things to learn about linux T_T [04:11] how about wubi?is it one? [04:11] raVen: wubi is just a method of installing [04:11] i managed to install with wine , but it wont open, its just shows me the ventrilo main window and wont run [04:11] raVen: the best explanation is, it's a server you pull programs from. In Windows, you find a company's website, download a package, hope it installs. In Linux, you run one command and it's installed. It downloads it from these repositories. [04:11] dang heck of a time for the battery to go dead [04:12] oooooooooohhh....ok i get it..thanks guys..hope you are not mad.. [04:12] raVen: mad for what? Every single person in here had limited knowledge in here at one point. Asking is the best way to find that info. [04:13] did anyone else get a kick out of that link? [04:13] except jrib :-) [04:13] my pc died [04:13] *battery [04:13] therefore, i should accept these 283 updates... [04:13] Huufarted: thank you..because im a newbie..its my very first time to touch linux, specifically ubuntu... [04:13] UbbyCD: no. You're attempting to link malware infested links and that's not tolerated. [04:13] UbbyCD: Again, it's offtopic for this channel. [04:13] raVen: I would recommend installing those updates. I doubt it will hurt anything. [04:14] musikgoat|main psywiped Huufarted: 5.7G /var, 7.6G /usr . Should I empty /var? How? [04:14] lighten up were on ubuntu .. it was poling fun at windowz [04:14] ok then..^_^ thank you again huufarted and musikgoat [04:14] raVen: any package that makes it into the official repositories (where the updates come from) are deemed stable. [04:14] UbbyCD: please stay on-topic here [04:15] gasull: your apt cache could be taking up alot of space [04:15] oh..so the update manager releases ONLY stable updates and stuff.. [04:15] raVen: correct... UNLESS you've added third party repositories, which you have not done and therefore don't need to worry about that quite yet. :) [04:16] gasull: you can run sudo apt-get clean [04:16] gasull: then check the size of /var [04:16] alas! now i get it ^_^ is it true that every installation in ubuntu doesnt require any reboots... [04:16] seriously though im skeered i have viruses now [04:16] What version of nautilus does Ubuntu use? [04:16] musikgoat|main: OK. Thanks [04:16] * gasull running sudo apt-get clean [04:16] raVen: no thats incorrect... any kernel update requires a reboot [04:16] also is there some kind of exploit in firefox now? [04:16] Ashfire908: Which version of Ubuntu? [04:16] raVen: no. If you upgrade the kernel, it will require a reboot [04:16] UbbyCD, stop that [04:17] raVen: but kernel updates are very rare. [04:17] Flannel, 8.10 [04:17] uhm..and what is a kernel now ^_^ [04:17] like it was kinna hijacking my firefox a bit [04:17] !kernel | raVen [04:17] raVen: The core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - See also: /msg ubottu stages [04:17] asked if i wanted to download a bunch of stuff without me even clicking on things [04:17] musikgoat|main: It changed from 5.7G to 5.6G [04:17] Ashfire908: 2.24 [04:17] raVen: the kernel is just the very core of Linux. It's something that's transparent to most users. They don't know it's there. [04:17] i felt violated is there a patch for firefox to fix that [04:17] UbbyCD: stay on topic. #ubuntu-offtopic for chat [04:18] im on topic [04:18] so kernel is like the system32 of windows? [04:18] UbbyCD: /join #firefox [04:18] UbbyCD: no, you are not [04:18] gasull: hmm then something else is it up, change your du command to /var instead of / [04:18] raVen, no. [04:18] hehe one more user for my ignore list [04:18] Ashfire908: er, 2.24.1 [04:18] gasull: and work your way down to determine what sub directory is the culprit [04:18] raVen: it's way lower level than that, but you've got the idea. :) [04:19] I got a question, everytime I download wubi to install ubuntu, it downloads ubuntu 8.10 -64 bits, and gives me no chance to choose another one, I want a wubi-like program to download and install ubuntu 8.04 -32bits?? from windows xp, thanks for help. [04:19] hello there, my ubuntu installation seems to be broken ;( I cna boot into single mode, but not regular [04:19] raVen: when you install these updates you're doing now, it will require a reboot because one of those updates will be the kernel, being the first time you've updated since installation [04:19] Ubutntu 9.04 beta: compiz: missing transparency effeccts on all windows. everything else in compiz works great. any ideas? [04:19] intel graphics [04:19] WTFsure--: you need to download the 32-bit .iso, not the 64-bit [04:19] aw..ok then...coz i hate reboots..hehehe...well..no choice...thank you so much [04:19] quantumkenny: #ubuntu+1 [04:19] ashfire,huufarted and musikgoat..thanks [04:19] quantumkenny: just FYI, you won't find much help on betas in this channel. [04:20] i see [04:20] thanks [04:20] huufarted, yeh but i didnt downloaded it by .iso just download the program wubi [04:20] musikgoat|main: I see the problem now: /var/backup and /var/backups. I was using sbackup for trying to back up my system, unsuccessfully [04:20] in synaptic package manager, when I click reload, I get this: W: GPG error: http://ppa.launchpad.net hardy Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY FC66403D8670A035 [04:20] ouch] [04:20] gasull: ahh, then delete what you need to :-) [04:20] musikgoat|main: I will just delete those directories [04:20] hello there, my ubuntu installation seems to be broken ;( I cna boot into single mode, but not regular [04:20] musikgoat|main: Thanks a lot :-) [04:20] sure [04:20] What do you guys use for backups? [04:20] raVen: our pleasure. :) Linux is a great operating system, especially once you start learning it more. This is really nerdy... but I daresay it's fun. [04:20] tar [04:20] tar [04:20] gasull: I use rsync [04:21] Its two against one :p [04:21] isnt there a direct download for wubi-8.04-32bits? [04:21] guy waht is the best boock to learn linux [04:21] ndshacker: would you tar up 360 GB of music? :) [04:21] yeah..that is why this got my attention because it requires a lot of things before understanding it Huufarted.. [04:21] Ubuntu Kung Fu [04:21] in synaptic package manager, when I click reload, I get this: W: GPG error: http://ppa.launchpad.net hardy Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY FC66403D8670A035 <-- why? [04:21] o man i just had a picture in my minde of raven trying to install gentoo [04:21] huufarted: id add a exclude [04:22] psywiped...now..what is gentoo [04:22] kidding? [04:22] isnt there a direct download for wubi-8.04-32bits? [04:22] ndshacker, why an exclude? The music is what I'm backing up. :) [04:22] raVen: that is offtopic, its another version of linux [04:22] raven its a do it yourself linux distro [04:22] !ppagpg > ariqs [04:22] ariqs, please see my private message [04:22] huufarted: then id use tar [04:23] raVen: You're correct. Linux requires a lot of knowledge to really master (far more than I've got) but requires virtually none to be an end-user of. [04:23] isnt there a direct download for wubi-8.04-32bits? [04:23] Huufarted: rsync is great for making mirrors, but most people aren't looking to back that up, they want to backup the OS [04:23] yes thereis [04:23] check the sourceforge page [04:23] wtf no you chose it inside of wubi [04:23] hhhiiiii [04:23] musikgoat|main: will tar backup all of the files on the mounted primary partition? [04:23] that wasnt very nice.. I rly had serious question [04:23] nah it gives no option to choose [04:23] pwd [04:23] Huufarted: yes [04:23] so musikgoat...coz psywiped mentioned it...psywiped: oh...well..if i have time..il check on it..il get to know ubuntu 1st....Huufarted: yeah..i first heard of linux at my school. coz our school made its own version of linux..its called Lorma Linux [04:24] wtf just make a 30gig partiton on your hdd and install it there [04:24] oops..that's "sorry musikgoat" [04:24] Last questions guys: I still use Ubuntu 8.04. Is it worth the headache to upgrade to the latest one? It wouldn't be the first time I screw up my system in the upgrade the the latest Ubuntu, and I end up doing a clean install :-) [04:24] no worries [04:24] hp bruto mas obio no pues weon [04:25] gasull that upgrade has no issues just do it [04:25] gasull: upgrades can be troublesome sometimes, but mostly, 8.04 -> 8.10 is painless [04:25] gasull: stick with 8.04 [04:25] its an LTS [04:25] ndshacker: doesn't 8.10 become LTS when 9.04 hits? [04:25] ofc it does [04:25] Huufarted: No. [04:25] I tried to lighten the atmosphere with a something I saw as being funny but who cares I didnt realize this room was so uptight.. I seriously want to know if all those popups that happened without me asking was some kind of exploit in Firefox and if it is fixable [04:25] ndshacker: Yeah, that's why I'm still w/ 8.4 [04:25] thats only a good thing in a corprate viro [04:25] Flannel: what determines if a version is LTS or not/ [04:25] (I meant 8.04) [04:25] huufarted: no [04:25] ofc it does [04:25] psywiped: oh...well..if i have time..il check on it..il get to know ubuntu 1st....Huufarted: yeah..i first heard of linux at my school. coz our school made its own version of linux..its called Lorma Linux [04:26] Huufarted: Theyre decided beforehand. 6.06 is LTS, 8.04 is LTS, 10.04 will be the next one. [04:26] canonical decides, usually every 3rd release [04:26] musikgoat|main: fourth [04:26] or 4th? [04:26] every fourth i think [04:26] Flannel: understood. Why are some LTS? [04:26] 4th] [04:26] 3v3 et med+ server on [04:26] because it would be a waste of resources to make them all that way [04:26] huuf for corprate viros [04:27] psywiped: viros? [04:27] Huufarted: Because some people don't want to upgrade every few months. LTS allows you to upgrade once every few years. [04:27] enviroments [04:27] UbbyCD, and why are so many non LTS instead of a few LTS ? [04:27] Flannel: gotcha [04:27] cubicals make me sick so viro [04:27] wow, t3rra its 3v3 et med+ serv on [04:27] because some people like cutting edge [04:27] i have a busted dvd/cd drive how can is it possible to install ubuntu [04:27] its cutting edge vs stability [04:27] WTFsure--: Please stop that. [04:28] ok [04:28] cast use a usb loader [04:28] was a private question anyways [04:28] ok [04:28] cast do a search for install ubuntu from usb drive [04:28] ofc it does [04:28] um, is there a way too look at active memory, and get a live map of the alignments? [04:28] non lts versions are basically so they can give you the cutting edge without wholly commiting to it [04:28] WTFsure--: if it was private, why announce it in a channel, open a pm [04:28] or yahoo if your into that sort of thing [04:29] Guys, can we take the LTS discussion to #ubuntu-offtopic? Thanks. [04:29] UbbyCD: didn't follow all your messages, but i take it you have your firefox preferences set to block popup windows ? [04:29] Castawayz: you might be able to install from a USB drive [04:29] ubbycd was a troll [04:29] someone is in a pissy mode [04:29] mood [04:29] !gnome icons [04:29] Sorry, I don't know anything about gnome icons [04:29] is it bad to always reboot and switch from one OS to another OS? [04:29] im trying to help and i get flamed [04:29] !installing icons [04:29] Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) [04:30] heh [04:30] no raven [04:30] raVen: no [04:30] hi [04:30] just timeconsuming [04:30] how do i install icons on gnome? [04:30] lol im a troll... [04:30] I must have misconfigured my keyboard when I installed Jaunty and some keys do not work. Is there a way to fix it without a reinstall? [04:30] you send me dirty pictures psywiped [04:30] black have your tried google? [04:30] Flannel: it's on-topic, IMO. If there's a valid enough reason for 8.04 over 8.10, it may be beneficial to downgrade [04:30] UbbyCD: stop [04:30] I am running Ubuntu in virtualbox [04:30] raVen: since they are on separate partitions or disks, it is fine [04:30] t3rra [04:30] Pollywog i'm runnning ubuntu on host :) [04:31] psywiped:if i'm here it's perhaps i'm not able to goole for some reason [04:31] blackcoffee just put it in /usr/share/pixmaps [04:31] I run Hardy on the host [04:31] oh...thanks psywiped and musik...well..one is a virtual partition....ok then ^_^ and one more question guys...what causes RAM to be malfunctioning...(hardware) [04:31] what should /var/www be owned by? [04:31] pollywog k [04:31] racecar:thanks man [04:31] raVen: just life of the ram [04:31] blackcoffee no problem :) [04:31] raVen: if it's defective hardware is the first guess. You can boot to a LiveCD and use memtest [04:31] I must have made a mistake during kb detection [04:31] for any additional help type in: sudo google.com [04:31] what should /var/www be owned by? it's owned by root currently [04:32] woot..i can learn a lot in here ^_^ thank you again guys [04:32] racecar56, that's normal. [04:32] no i think its sudo apt-get install google.com [04:32] Huufarted, lol, k [04:32] haha [04:32] racecar56: just make sure it's got 755 permissions [04:32] psywiped: please don't do that. [04:32] racecar56: if you don't like it, make a new user wwwuser and appoint it to that user: sudo chown -R wwwuser:wwwuser [04:32] do what? [04:33] damn that was suposed to be a private msg sorryz [04:33] psywiped: google type things. [04:33] installed system updates, system restart required. now cannot boot computer--setup and boot menu's stall--cannot access command prompt, any ideas? [04:33] ok then sudo apt-get install yahoo.com [04:33] for reals, though... sudo apt-get install w3m [04:33] then: w3m http://www.google.com [04:33] Huufarted: It's already installed, actually. [04:34] i like the links more [04:34] mountainma1: are you using ubuntu 9.04? [04:34] Flannel: I dont' know why... but I love that program. it makes Ubuntu that much more useful. And 'irssi' [04:34] no [04:34] huufarted...may i know what program is that [04:34] Huufarted, psywiped: Please take offtopic things elsewhere. This channel is for Ubuntu support. "Go google it" (or whatever search engine you prefer) is not proper support. [04:35] savvas - no, hardy heron i think...unless it was updating to 9.04 [04:35] they have been helping people too [04:35] raVen: w3m is a command line interface (otherwise known as CLI) web browser. 'irssi' is an IRC client, kinda like you're probably using XChat right now. [04:35] raven w3m is a text web browser for command line and irssi is a irc program [04:35] mountainma1: well it doesn't by default, did you click to upgrade to a new release? [04:35] anyone have suggestions for games I can install for my 7 year old sister on Kubuntu? [04:36] savvas: no, just upgrades. i usually do new distro's from scratch [04:36] gonorrea sacame otra vez y te mando a zicario [04:36] must resist bad idea [04:36] gotcha huufarted and psywiped..hmm...correct me if im wrong..everytime a message is for me, (with my nick) the color of your names become brown? [04:36] Heimark: I only use more advanced games, but just do a google search for "Top 25 linux games" and see which ones are more appropriate for a younger audience. :( [04:36] well I guess it will be a reinstall :( [04:37] raVen: its called highlight [04:37] mountainma1: when you boot you are prompted with several kernel options, did you try "recovery console" ? [04:37] raven thats because i type your name at the start of the the message [04:37] raVen: you've got it. Here's another tip in Ubuntu Command line and IRC. Start typing a name and press Tab and it will auto-complete it [04:37] Huufarted: thank you [04:37] raVen: tab at the command line will auto-complete filenames and directories. Comes in VERY handy [04:37] Huufarted thanks i didnt know that [04:37] Huufarted: WTF! i was manually typing your name guys T_T now i know.... [04:37] psywiped: one single button that makes so many lives that much easier. ;P [04:38] ctrl+v was my friend tll now [04:38] savvas: no i get the DELL screen, and it shows progress bar and stalls at last little bit. If I use F2, F12 for Setup or Boot Menu--it stalls further [04:38] thanks psywiped...^_^ [04:38] wahahahahahaha.....lol psywiped [04:38] hi all, downloaded and trying simdock but when i try to add an icon say for firefox launcher I get an "no handler found for image type" and the image type is png (firefox icon) [04:38] many programs in Ubuntu are TAB key friendly [04:38] Huufarted: into the first hour of Kubuntu, and only a month or so into Ubuntu on my own computers. Get to have fun on the young ones a little before I install it on my netbook when 9.04 comes out. [04:38] uhh whoops [04:39] Heimark: there's a package called edubuntu-addon-young with educational software and games for children that might have some .. [04:39] is there an iso recorder for ubuntu? [04:39] mountainma1: reboot it, and press "Esc" every second or so [04:39] what is that doing [04:39] and "error could not load image"...this on ubuntu studio 8.10 [04:39] hu5h_huff3r huxtxu Huufarted [04:39] what the heck is that [04:39] Heimark: I honestly don't know of games for younger audiences, though. :( I apologize [04:39] savvas: ok, at boot: [04:39] mountainma1: it will show up the boot options, where you can choose the recovery option, at least to debug what went wrong :) [04:39] UbbyCD: its showing you all the nicks starting with hu [04:39] redfish where areyou trying to do that? [04:40] thats sick i didnt know that [04:40] anyone know how to enable the gnome splash for ubuntu? [04:40] UbbyCD: Now you do. :) And knowing's half the battle! [04:40] i always thought you were typing in the name when you did that [04:40] intrepid* [04:40] no way, laziness ftw [04:40] Huufarted: that will help [04:40] yeah, I had some on my netbook. She only gets to play those when I'm around though, using Ubuntu on here though. [04:40] Hello all [04:40] ? [04:40] Are you people religious? [04:40] etzerd: hey [04:40] Anyone here already tested the version 9.04? [04:40] Can I get a poll? [04:40] netbooks ftw [04:41] how do i get root privileges if i'm not logged on as root.can't copy files to a folder,it says that i'm not the owner :\ [04:41] !ot | thefeds [04:41] thefeds: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks! [04:41] thefeds, I worship Tux. [04:41] I am [04:41] UbbyCD: what's up? [04:41] BlackCoffee sudo [04:41] lol [04:41] etzerd: #ubuntu+1 for Jaunty questions, thanks. [04:41] savvas - it takes me to "The default installation issuitable for....and a boot: " [04:41] psywiped, i right click and type edit launcher, then I click on the current icon (a question mark) and it opens and lets me browse for icon I want...firefox.png. Then when I select it, for a minute it works in the icon window but ones I close...I get the error messages [04:41] just sudo? [04:41] etzerd: chillin chililin [04:42] Thanks Flannel [04:42] BlackCoffee open your file navagater from the command line with sudo [04:42] mountainma1: is this hardy heron downloaded from ubuntu.com or is it a dell pre-installed image? [04:42] Does anyone use Mail Notification? Mine just stopped working [04:42] join /ubuntu+1 [04:42] join [04:42] etzerd: /join #ubuntu+1 [04:42] guys is this real?and configuring Gentoo can take days or weeks. [04:43] join /ubuntu+1 [04:43] savvas: I assume the dell pre-installed image that came with the Windows before I started using linux on it?? [04:43] t3rra who what hua? [04:43] !ot | t3rra, Yes [04:43] t3rra, Yes: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks! [04:43] how to encode chinese in rhythmbox music player [04:43] is there a way to make it so you can choose either gnome,xfce,kde when loading ubuntu? [04:43] t3rra: you can ask in #gentoo [04:43] !cn | benchew [04:43] benchew: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw 或者 #ubuntu-hk [04:43] xi_: Yep. Just install kubuntu-desktop, ubuntu-desktop, and xubuntu-desktop [04:43] you do that in the login screen somewhere [04:44] xi_: and then you choose at the login screen under "sessions" [04:44] t3r [04:44] hey guys i'm trying to get my 3d acceleration working on 8.10 and i have a 8800gt when i enable the propietary drivers i then reboot in terminal [04:44] no im jist asking look this http://polishlinux.org/choose/comparison/?distro1=Gentoo&distro2=Ubuntu [04:44] Flannel: thanks [04:44] ubottu, noted [04:44] Sorry, I don't know anything about noted [04:44] t3rra is in gentoo she missed her window [04:44] benchew: I'm not trying to be rude, I'm just letting you know there are channels dedicated to other languages where you may find better help [04:44] one more thing [04:44] /server irc.efnet.net [04:44] which wifi program would you suggest? [04:44] Huufarted, i understand. i am still new. thanks anyway [04:44] mountainma1: ok, that's fine :) I'm out of ideas though, try filing a bug report at http://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+filebug [04:44] psywiped did you see my reply? [04:44] benchew: no worries. :) [04:45] no guys i realy want use but scareme about that page said === Dopppp is now known as Doppp [04:45] mountainma1: sorry, http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+filebug [04:45] savvas: so you don't know how i can boot from the "boot: " command line? [04:45] t3rra: Ask the people in #gentoo about gentoo. Thanks. [04:45] t3rra: my suggestion is to run the LiveCD without installing it and see how it goes [04:45] t3rra is in #gentoo shes good [04:45] is there an easy way to convert mp3s to wavs? [04:46] grkblood13: for what reason? [04:46] grkblood13: that is off topic, but I will suggest Audacity [04:46] grkblood13 whatever for? [04:46] ok i will some boddy add me hoe friend if i need some help [04:46] grkblood13: you are converting a lossy format into a lossless format, you will not gain any quality, just empty size [04:46] yes, i know [04:47] does anyone know how to hook up your blackberry to your linux box, and utilize the keyboard to do stuff on the BB? or is that not possible? [04:47] can anyone help me with my 8800gt issue? [04:47] but aplay and arecord only accept wav format [04:47] t3rra: Just ask your Ubuntu questions, you don't need to find someone to ask first. [04:47] mountainma1: nope, I don't know your version of linux kernel nor where it is installed :\ [04:47] im trying to figure out how to audio forward [04:47] Erasmus: ask away, if someone knows, they might answer [04:47] and some suggested this [04:48] hehe t3rra keeps geting lost in windows [04:48] gnubien> vlc: no sound: sudo alsaconf [04:48] vlc: DISPLAY=:0vlc--alsadev 'hw:0,0' /path/to/video.file.avi [04:48] play to another box using ssh tunnel: arecord -t wav -f cd | ssh host 'cat | aplay' [04:48] netcat arecord to aplay on another box: ssh host 'nc -u -l -p portnum | aplay' && arecord -t wav -f cd | nc -u host portnum [04:48] grkblood13: from my notes ^^^^ [04:48] grkblood13: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [04:48] Linux updates have left me unable to load system --help anyone? [04:48] Where do I put libflashplayer.so? [04:48] mountainma1: if you are prompted with an option and it allows you to edit it, remove "ro quiet splash" and replace it with "ro single" [04:48] the 64 bit one [04:48] from adobe [04:48] mountainma1 use a live cd [04:48] ok i just installed ubuntu 8.10 and i have a nvidia 8800gt boots up fine and all but then i wanna activate my 3d accel but when i do in the hardware drivers i reboot in text mode === _Purple_ is now known as _Purple_away [04:48] can anyone to tell me after i establish LAN connection how to share files between systems [04:48] Where do I put the libflashplayer.so? [04:49] Erasmus: you can install the 177 drivers from synaptic [04:49] saavas - no options presented, only "boot: " [04:49] coolmadmax: all Ubuntu machines or Windows with it? [04:49] anyone here comp[ile the gspca module === ziroday` is now known as ziroday [04:49] !samba > coolmadmax [04:49] coolmadmax, please see my private message [04:49] ubuntu and fedora 10 [04:49] psywiped: I put a live CD in, but it won't load [04:49] any1 here have experience with audio forwarding? [04:49] ;-; [04:50] coolmadmax: You can use Samba, Rsync, NFS, FTP, or SFTP (ssh). use SFTP if it's over the public internet instead of FTP. FTP is ok if it's on a LAN. [04:50] I'm running Ubuntu from the disk trying to see how it works. [04:50] musikgoat|main: yeah when i choose to activate it, it downloads and installs the 177 drivers [04:50] coolmadmax: the easiest method is scp, it is likely built into both distros [04:50] Unfortionly... [04:50] cytoplasm: in /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/ ? [04:50] i keep getting error : no handler for image type when trying to change an icon for simdock launcher [04:50] hey i upgraded my system to 8.10 and after i restarted my system i no longer get back my GUI...can anyone help [04:50] the image type is png [04:50] "Loading Firefox" *waits 5 mineuts* nothing is happening. [04:51] is there a way to revert back to i can boot back in xwindows? [04:51] Ubuntu from the Live CD is kinda crappy. Really slow. [04:51] im at the command prompt [04:51] Erasmus: you can install the nvidia drivers manually [04:51] hey i upgraded my system to 8.10 and after i restarted my system i no longer get back my GUI...can anyone help..right now i am using my live cd [04:51] Erasmus: try sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start [04:51] Heimark, due to running of off CD, HD install is much faster. [04:51] when i try to establish ftp asking for server what to put in? [04:52] hey guys, I'm looking for a how-to on packaging icon sets ... anyone point me in the right direction please? [04:52] coolmadmax: the IP address of the other PCs [04:52] No. [04:52] Em3raldMcSquizzy: http://www.gnome-look.org [04:52] musikgoat|main: command not found [04:52] "Loading Firefox" *dissappears on task bar* *5-10 mineuts* *nothing* [04:52] musikgoat|main; hi long time [04:53] ah nvm hold on [04:53] thanks [04:53] nobody has ever remotely stream audio from one desktop to another? [04:53] Perry__: hello [04:53] grkblood13: what are you trying to do? Listen to music with the music stored on another PC? [04:53] musikgoat|main; i need a solution to my problem [04:53] Perry__: ask away, if i don't know, someone else may [04:53] musikgoat|main: just says GNOME Display manager [OK] [04:53] im trying to remotely access vlc which i can do via ssh -X and bring the audio with it [04:53] musikgoat|main i upgraded my system to 8.10 and after i restarted my system i no longer get back my GUI...right now i am using my live cd [04:53] Linux failed to boot after updates, no boot options, only "boot: " [04:54] Erasmus, try this: Ctrl-Alt-F7 [04:54] it possible to play windows media files in ubuntu [04:54] Huufarted: hehe, yeah, but I can't find a how-to on that page. I know it should be there somewhere, but I can't find the appropriate link. Any help would be great ... I mean, I co0uld be blind ... it's gotta be there somewhere. [04:54] fixed it myself, copy icon info from gnome panel [04:54] TAL: yes. [04:54] how? [04:54] !medibuntu | TAL [04:54] TAL: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org [04:54] Em3raldMcSquizzy: that is off topic, so I won't go into details, but I ahven't found that info there, either. [04:54] can i still use it? [04:54] Huufarted: blinking cursor now [04:54] Huufarted: hmm, thanx. I'll keep looking. [04:55] Perry__: you could try sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg [04:55] Erasmus: Sorry. I won't be much help to you. :( I apologize. [04:55] k how hard is it to manualy install the drivers [04:55] just gonna reinstall will take 4 minutes or so [04:55] Erasmus: go back to ctrl+alt+f1 [04:55] musikgoat|main musikgoat|main; will that surely resolve the problem [04:55] Huufarted, any ideas? [04:55] Perry__: no [04:55] but its a start [04:55] grkblood13: you didn't answer me. Are you trying to listen to music that's hosted on another PC? [04:56] Erasmus: just a sec, someone had instructions typed up, let me go back in my history [04:56] musikgoat|main then i have to restart my system and do that?? [04:56] grkblood13> im trying to remotely access vlc which i can do via ssh -X and bring the audio with it [04:56] so not just music [04:56] but mainly that [04:56] musikgoat|main: im just gonna reinstall will a few moments wanna know how to install drivers manualy like you said [04:56] so yes kinda [04:57] grkblood13:sorry I can't help you there, but I do have an offtopic discussion I will pm you with [04:57] ok [04:57] why is turbolister so slow in virtualbox [04:57] Erasmus: i'm looking for the instructions to manually install the nvidia provided driver [04:57] because turbolister is for windows... [04:57] hehee [04:58] also when i look at the task thing in the windows guest of virtualbox it shows only swap and not ram [04:58] what is turbolister ? [04:58] not sure if thats normal.. [04:58] musikgoat|main then i have to restart my system and do that?? [04:58] ebay tool [04:58] dewman: lol [04:58] so do all video cards have a problem like this to get 3d accel working? [04:58] for listing 100000 items at once. =P [04:58] Perry__: no, just run the command, logout and log back in [04:58] that would take a 10 lifetimes on my setup [04:59] musikgoat|main; i suppose i have failed in making you understand clearly [04:59] it takes hours to list 25 items.. not very turbo [04:59] sorry Perry__ your in livecd, what happens when you attempt to boot? [04:59] without live [04:59] is it normal to see only swap as ram in the guest os on virtualbox xp [04:59] musikgoat|main; right now i am on my live cd....and with the live cd session i have no GUI probelm......the problem is with the ubuntu installed on my disk.... [05:00] nope got my 9600's working just fine [05:00] musikgoat|main; okk...when i boot from disk....it takes me to the command prompt...no GUI [05:00] should i use 8.04 instead i know i didn't have any problems with that one [05:00] Erasmus: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NvidiaManual [05:00] Erasmus, no. I did have trouble myself when I first tried ubuntu. Problem was my monitor used DVI instead of VGA [05:01] Perry__: then to answer your earlier question, you will have to run that command after you login [05:01] Anybody here that uses irssi that can tell me how to close an un-needed chat window in the background? [05:01] huufarted [05:01] UbbyCD: yes? [05:01] musikgoat|main; and any other commands to run??? [05:01] musikgoat|main: thanks i will try that === madmax is now known as Guest9761 [05:02] Huufarted: /wc [05:02] tonyyarusso: thanks. :) [05:02] * psywiped is now HungRy [05:02] Perry__: you should try reading through your hd's logs to see why it couldn't load the gui [05:02] tonyyarusso: that rocks, thanks a ton [05:03] Huufarted: np :) (also, in the future if you don't get an answer here, there's also an #irssi) [05:03] musikgoat|main; okk.. so now i am gonna restart the system [05:03] Perry__: when you are in there... [05:03] Perry__ sudo restart [05:03] tonyyarusso: oh snap! Thanks again [05:03] musikgoat|main; ?? [05:04] Perry__: "less /var/log/messages" and read through it for errors to give you more information [05:04] musikgoat|main; is there no way that i cn read it from here?? [05:05] Perry__: yes, if you mount the hard drive (unless it automounted) [05:05] musikgoat|main; i am able to access the files... === UbbyCD is now known as ifarted [05:05] Perry__ can you ssh into it? [05:05] musikgoat|main; but the only problem would be surpassing the permissions [05:05] Perry__: sudo [05:06] psywiped; how to ssh?? [05:06] psywiped: wrong page again [05:06] Perry__ you have read permissions just not right [05:06] no im on the the write one [05:07] psywiped; i tried to copy the files from ubuntu to windows and i got a message that some files cannot be copied due to permissions [05:07] Perry__: you don't need to ssh [05:07] this is #skanks right? [05:07] musikgoat|main; okk.. now should i run as sudo gedit /var/log/messages ?? [05:07] gksudo gedit ... [05:07] yep [05:08] musikgoat|main; but i think it'll show the messges from the live cd session [05:08] Perry__: yes, sorry. check in /media for your hard drives mount name [05:08] psywiped: no this is ubuntu support for ubuntu support only if you dont have ubuntu support or need ubuntu support then why are you on ubuntu support this is for support of ubuntu and supporting others [05:08] Perry__: then gksudo gedit /mount/thatname/var/log/messages [05:09] musikgoat|main; ya its just disk [05:09] k [05:09] everytime i boot i have to select my wireless network, how to i make it auto connect upon boot? [05:09] ifarted: stop trolling [05:09] tacoma949 right click on the icon and hit prefrencres [05:10] english is my first languge but i still suck at it [05:10] any1 have any experience using ssh as a proxy? [05:11] psywiped, ty got it [05:11] musikgoat|main; its empty...and i doubt that it existed..because when i tried to close it i got the message.. want to save?? [05:11] musikgoat|main: a little late? === ifarted is now known as musikgoat|second [05:12] how can i install kde? can i do it threw apt-get? [05:12] !file managers [05:12] Sorry, I don't know anything about file managers [05:13] Perry__: you should have a /media/disk/var/log/messages use the file manager to check whats in the var/log direcory [05:13] *directory === John is now known as Guest34639 [05:16] hello my question is i have installed ubuntu and now want to get rid of it snd put vista on there? [05:16] Guest34639: just install vista over it then [05:17] What's a good app for ripping to flac? I heard abcde is good but I'm not sure how to get it going [05:17] jrib: I try and it gives me this message is setup was unable partition or locate and existing system partition [05:17] Hello, where can I get buzztard for ubuntu hardy? Is this package not in the repos? [05:18] Guest34639: ##windows for windows help [05:18] Guest34639: ask in ##windows. this channel is solely for ubuntu [05:18] musikgoat|main: and again this doesn't work [05:18] musikgoat|main: followed the manual install step by step and the same problem [05:18] musikgoat|main; http://paste.ubuntu.com/143861/ [05:20] i want to make my x session boot up into a commandline that will stay in the background, i.e., desktop-level, while still allowing windows to exist and be used on top of it [05:21] musikgoat|main; i coulldn't amke out anything from it [05:21] should i use envy? [05:22] Is buzztard pre made for ubuntu? [05:22] anyone tell me to install b4 driver? [05:22] b43* [05:22] I have googled and can't find a ubuntu package of Buzztard. [05:25] do all linux distros have problems with nvidia drivers? [05:26] i have xubuntu and my system is 512 mb ram and 1.8ghz processor and am trying to watch streaming vids through firefox on netflix but it says its only mac or win compatible i also have WINE installed anyone got any advise [05:26] try mono [05:26] I have not heard any been successful at setting up logitech webcam... [05:27] has any1 ? [05:27] mono ? [05:27] i heard that netflix is using silverlight as of recent [05:27] was tyea [05:27] yea* [05:27] im trying to ssh tunnel to a blocked site, i blocked a site to a local box through my router and ran ssh -D 8080 -Nf from that box that has the block site and i got this: channel_setup_fwd_listener: cannot listen to port 8080 [05:27] any advise? [05:27] any1 know y? [05:28] I don't know a whole lot about it... [05:28] http://www.mono-project.com/Main_Page [05:28] is that for me? [05:28] anyone used envy for installing drivers? [05:28] there's something compatible that reads silverlight [05:29] i have no idea why netflix is adopting silverlight....NO ONE uses silverlight [05:29] but its on mono? [05:30] oh it's called moonlight [05:30] http://www.mono-project.com/Moonlight [05:30] moonlight is the interface i need? [05:30] i wonder if there is a way to petition netflix to ditch the silverlight [05:31] i've never run it, but worth a try [05:31] hmm === mattias is now known as Swede [05:31] ... [05:31] anyone know how to remove the bootloader so i can keep my vista [05:32] hi, i'm using intrepid but I would like to install a package from jaunty (since it is more up to date and has fixes i need). how can i do this? === Nasra is now known as maximo [05:32] Is it possible to connect to Internet using a Sony Ericson k610i mobile phone? I want to connect using the phone because I can't get the icon 225 modem to work? [05:33] The k610i is a 3G phone, but is it possible to use Internet through the phon in Ubuntu 8.10? [05:33] try it with usb === Zaraphrax is now known as Zaraphrax|Laptop === Zaraphrax|Laptop is now known as Zaraphrax|Deskto === Zaraphrax|Deskto is now known as Zaraphrax|Laptop [05:35] Erasmus, did you get that driver working? [05:35] Hi please help me install b43 drivers [05:35] is there texas holdem for ubuntu [05:35] can someone help me with firefox format problem === maximo is now known as Nasra [05:35] where you can play actual people === musikgoat|second is now known as firians [05:36] mM94: no :P === firians is now known as firiansbabymomma [05:37] Erasmus, what happens when you boot? [05:37] brings me to command prompt [05:37] thought this was a place to get help not to be made fun of [05:37] doesn't load the desktop at all [05:37] i can help [05:37] i even tried the manual install [05:37] followed every steps [05:37] i uncheck the wireless connection box and now i don't know how to reenable it [05:38] i wonder if i try 8.04 [05:38] firian: whats your problem with firefox [05:38] ? [05:38] last time i tried that one i didnt have any problems [05:38] sorry for the double post [05:38] was easy as a cake [05:38] some pages are formatted badly [05:39] how do i check if i need 32 or 64 bit? [05:39] my messages are under advertisements and stuff like that [05:39] what is the page style set to === |GuS| is now known as [GuS] [05:40] how do i check? [05:40] you should take a screenshot of something that has no personal data in it [05:40] psychic how much ram do you have? [05:40] and upload it to imageshack.us and post the url [05:40] ok [05:40] i have a 512 meg card but it only detect 470 [05:41] just hit the print screen button [05:41] i guess its got somthing to do with on board hardware or somthing [05:41] installing 8.04 well see what happens with that one [05:41] you got an onboard graphics? [05:41] laptop [05:41] anyone know a good video converter? Im trying to get all sorts of different formats into my psp and phone. Im maily looking for the basic formats and flv and mp4. Its driving me nuts, ive tried so many different ones its not even funny :( [05:42] so the graphics uses that ram [05:42] its normal [05:42] Hi--I'm having difficulty mounting some new partitions I created. I'm working on installing Arch Linux, and I created several new partitions for it. I ran the Arch live CD and installed, and everything seemed to go fine. Now I'm trying to mount my new partitions under Ubuntu. I haven't added them to my fstab. The problem is that running "sudo mount /mount/arch /dev/sda7" results in "mount: /mount/arch is not a block device". "sudo fsck /dev/sda7" says that [05:42] nch has one [05:42] flv/mp4 [05:42] stealth try handbrake [05:42] Erasmus, okay. I'm new to linux myself. I was trying to find the command to reset the xorg file so you could at least get the display back [05:42] firian: it would be under view page style [05:42] psychic , him89: thanks ill check those out [05:42] jebdm, how does this relate to ubuntu [05:42] /view / page style [05:43] @bazhang: I'm trying to mount the partition in Ubuntu [05:43] hi... i've got problems running blender with ati drivers (desktopeffects are disabled) - blender starts, but the whole desktop is messed up with black areas, does anyone have any ideas? [05:43] jebdm, why not use gparted live cd [05:43] yea the graphics use that but it is detecting on netflix even after moonlight install its not compatible [05:43] mM94: lol im just reinstalling everytime [05:44] @bazhang I did, to create the partitions, and it worked fine. Arch accesses them fine as well. I want to access the partition from Ubuntu, though, and that doesn't work. [05:44] its on basic page style [05:44] i tried to upload a file and its not in a supported format. its a png file how to change [05:45] hola me podrian ayudar a hacer una aplicacion sencilla en mono pero usando un formulario [05:45] Erasmus, wow sorry to hear that. It took me 3 days to find out why my nvidia driver didn't show up [05:45] Im not sure.. gimp can probably do it [05:45] jebdm: does it not show up in places? [05:45] if you open it in gimp and save it as jpg [05:45] solo necesito saber como capturar datos de una caja d texto [05:45] how do ya use a .fon file in ubuntu? === firiansbabymomma is now known as rvns [05:46] about mono === rvns is now known as rvnshomie [05:46] !es | phanter [05:46] phanter: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es. [05:46] !nickspam > rvnshomie [05:46] rvnshomie, please see my private message [05:46] Erasmus, my monitor was DVI instead of VGA. that's what my problem was [05:46] hola gente :D [05:46] tengo un problema con el emesene no me deja hacer nada ni agregar contactos y sale este cartel [05:46] @him89 I don't use Gnome, so I don't know, but I'm going to assume it doesn't. Is there any way to check without restarting my session? [05:46] "Federated query failure http://pvt-applications.edge.messenger.live.com/FederatedUserQueryService/V1". [05:46] mM94: k so what did you do? [05:47] tengo un problema con el emesene no me deja hacer nada ni agregar contactos y sale este cartel: "Federated query failure http://pvt-applications.edge.messenger.live.com/FederatedUserQueryService/V1". como lo soluciono [05:47] my monitor is DVI as well [05:47] type in mounts [05:47] !es | nacco [05:47] nacco: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es. [05:47] Erasmus, oh really? [05:47] ya [05:47] jebdm and does it display the mounted dirs? [05:47] nope, doesn't show up [05:47] Erasmus, you have to add a line to your xorg file [05:48] type in sudo mount /dev/sdxy /media/sdxy [05:48] k [05:48] @him89 it's not listed under mount, but mount does list everything i would expect [05:48] x is the hard disk number and y is partition number [05:48] and the /media/sdxy should exist [05:49] @him89 nope, it doesn't work, that was my problem [05:49] HI! I'm having a very hard time booting Ubuntu from the Live CD. [05:49] hi.... How do they design Ubuntu penguin icons or image [05:49] Erasmus, yes in the "Screen" section you have to add....Option "UseDisplayDevice" "DFP" [05:49] what it says? [05:49] @him89 I did try to mount it under a different directory, though (/mount/arch/, which does exist). Should that make a difference? [05:49] you need to have a dir name /media/arch [05:49] or it wont work [05:50] type in mkdir /media/arch [05:50] and then the mount [05:50] @him89 I did, but for some reason mounting it under media seems to work [05:50] do a chmod 0777 /mount as root [05:50] What do I type in the command line to see what the code names for my programs are? [05:50] and then mkdir /mount/arch [05:50] @him89 oh, yeah, shit, that was the problem, thanks [05:51] works now? [05:51] @him89 i just forgot to give /mount the right permissions [05:51] @him89 yeah, great, thanks [05:51] NP [05:51] ok i got it uploaded http://img512.imageshack.us/img512/9716/badfomat.jpg [05:52] How do I know if GRUB is installed on my MBR or on my boot sector? [05:52] whats the reason im trying to get this ubuntu running? and not using windows? [05:52] can anyone help me about game..? [05:52] is there anyway for me to check? [05:52] gunbound.. [05:52] Hi, everyone. [05:52] hehe [05:52] artscience MBR and Boot Sector is the same thing [05:53] i want to paste the problem at pastebin..? [05:53] anyone can help..i forget the website.. [05:53] !pastebin > omzig [05:53] omzig, please see my private message [05:53] omzig: pastebin.com [05:53] omzig: it's in the topic message of this channel (http://paste.ubuntu.com) [05:53] ok2.. [05:53] him89 oh? that's not my understanding. [05:54] maybe ubuntu dont support for gamers? [05:54] This command will install the GRUB boot loader on the Master Boot Record (MBR) of the first drive. If you want to put GRUB into the boot sector of a partition instead of putting it in the MBR, specify the partition into which you want to install GRUB: [05:54] I mean the boot sector of the partition Ubuntu is on [05:54] oh yeah [05:55] artscience are you trying to install it now? [05:55] can anyone check this for me -> http://paste.ubuntu.com/143878/ [05:55] no [05:55] actually I'm considering installing a boot manager called PLoP [05:55] can anyone help with firefox format issue [05:55] I'm having trouble getting Ubuntu to recognize a new data partition I created. Can anyone help me in my ignorance? [05:55] omzig, ask a question first [05:55] firian whats wrong? [05:55] but it gives me this warning [05:56] Warning Linux users: Install LILO or GRUB to the boot sector of your Linux instead of the Master Boot Record (MBR). The PLoP Boot Manager is not a Linux loader and cannot start Linux without LILO, GRUB, Syslinux and similar! [05:56] look up this pic http://img512.imageshack.us/img512/9716/badfomat.jpg [05:56] i d/l gunboud game...after i download ..i install and the report come out.. [05:56] so can you check for me the problem -> http://paste.ubuntu.com/143878/ [05:56] I've written iso to four disks of three different brands, tried both 64 bit and 32 bit isos on two machines (one running Vista 64 and the other Win XP.) Burnt isos with two different software packages. I get to the Ubuntu menu, but cannot get the cd to boot after that no matter what I try. I'm out of ideas. Can anyone help, please? [05:56] hmm ok [05:56] artscience you just reinstall grub on a partition boot sector [05:56] is there a way to test if 3d accel works good? [05:56] and then continue with the PLoP setup [05:57] Erasmus run glxgears and if the FPS > 1000 3d accel is good [05:57] Could someone please help set up Alltray so that it loads at startup and forces Thunderbird into the tray? [05:57] how do I hide my computer name from windows networks ? [05:57] psitticus i had similar issue try using boot option pnpbios=off [05:57] omzig: what command are you running? [05:57] omzig, it's an .exe, d/l a linux version. [05:58] I'll try firian. Thanks. brb [05:58] 13370 fps good? LOL [05:58] its pretty good [05:58] what card you got? [05:58] I am trying to install a program Buzztard, and I have the dependencies for it, yet when i compile in Hardy, I get this error No package 'gstreamer-base-0.10' found I have this package installed, what can I do to get this program to see it when i run ./configure? [05:58] i have 2 8800gt in sli [05:58] not sure if they work in sli in linux tho [05:58] thats pretty good :) [05:58] him89 how do I do that? and is GRUB installed onto the MBR by default? [05:59] for some reason i couldn't get that card running in 8.10 [05:59] Erasmus they will work if you got the right drivers [05:59] installed 8.04 and boom they work [05:59] yes GRUB installed on MBR by default [05:59] him89 you are quite the multi-tasker, bravo [05:59] :) [05:59] almark1: what about libgstreamer0.10-dev ? [05:59] :) [06:00] Erasmus what problem on 8.10? [06:00] i have 169 i think [06:00] omzig: if it is a .exe, you need to use wine to run it in linux [06:00] get 177 [06:00] k [06:00] do a sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx-177 [06:00] how do I hide my computer name from windows networks ? [06:00] lstarnes: I think I have that installed too. [06:00] k i hope it doesnt screw me again like in 8.10 [06:00] Anybody? I assume I need to mount the new partition (ext3 formatted), but can't figure out how. [06:00] what happened in 8.10 [06:00] Majishn PM me [06:01] lstarnes: ah, its not installed [06:01] i was installing them and couldn't start the desktop interface [06:01] any error? [06:01] and dont install it manually [06:01] not really [06:01] use the ubuntu repos [06:01] i tried manualy [06:01] and i tried from the restricted drivers thing [06:01] dont its not recommended with ubuntu [06:01] dont do that way either [06:01] lstarnes: Because Ubuntu's naming of deps are not obvious, I don't know what to install when it calls for it. [06:01] lol k [06:02] so i just do that command? [06:02] type in a sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx-77 [06:02] Could someone please help me set up Alltray so that it loads up and docks Thunderbird once I login? [06:02] and restart [06:02] it should work [06:02] almark1: generally, just search for a -dev package with a similar name [06:02] do i get out from xwindows? [06:02] OK, him89, I just need to figure out how.... [06:02] lstarnes: And install till it works then ;)? === airwalk is now known as Airwalk [06:02] Majishn paste the output of sudo fdisk -l [06:02] how do I hide my computer name from windows networks ? [06:03] At menu I hit F6, added pnpbios=off to boot options, and it's just hanging. [06:03] dcamp25: are you using samba? [06:03] Erasmus key in ctrl+alt+F1 at one [06:03] yes [06:03] lstarnes: so its usually just dev packages? [06:03] and type in /etc/init.d/gdm stop [06:03] what does ctrlaltf1 do"? [06:03] take to console no 1 [06:03] is it like altf2 [06:03] i.e. tty0 [06:03] lstarnes yes [06:03] Nephilus: it switches from the active terminal or desktop to the terminal [06:03] him89: can't find package [06:03] sudo apt-get update [06:04] can I shut down samba after startup ? [06:04] dcamp25: you could try not running samba. There may be another way to stop broadcasting your hostname when using samba but I'm not sure if there is one or if it is recommended [06:04] dcamp25: sudo invoke-rc.d samba stop [06:04] lstarnes: I have another one its called gstreamer-controller, is that in apt-get? [06:04] Erasmus : sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx-177 this worked for me [06:05] how do you get out of ctrl+alt+f1? ctl+alt+f7? [06:05] lstarnes will that command will it restart when I do ? [06:05] Nephilus: yes [06:05] thank you. [06:05] dcamp25: could you please rephrase that? [06:05] almark1: I'm not sure [06:05] lstarnes so if I run that command it will stop samba, when I restart will samba start again [06:06] dcamp25: yes and yes [06:06] thanks [06:06] him89: cant find package [06:06] dcamp25: also, sudo update-rc.d -f samba remove [06:06] im using 8.04 btw [06:06] does it matther [06:06] him89, I'm actually not running Ubuntu right now. I couldn't get a network connection, so had to do this from Windows. I'll have to come back. Besides pasting the "sudo fdisk -l", anything else? [06:06] it should not [06:06] lstarnes: When I compile this program, I would like it to be made into a deb, is this possible? [06:06] Aren't Linux users satanists? Why else would they call services daemons? [06:06] lstarnes got it [06:06] why can't they call it services... [06:06] Majishn type in sudo mount /dev/sdxy /media/disk-4 [06:06] my kde applauncher used to be a kde symbol but now its just an arrow pointing to the left with a line (|<-- [06:07] x is the hard disk number and y is partition number [06:07] srry * |<---- [06:07] how do i change taht? [06:07] and check if the disk-4 exists [06:07] cytoplasm: please stay on topic [06:07] does anyone have experience installing windows xp after linux? I've found a tutorial from apcmag that requires you to reinstall GRUB to the MBR after the windows installation. Is there an easier way? [06:07] nm i'll figure it out [06:07] does anyone know where i can get a broadcom driver? [06:08] cytoplasm: It's a reference to Maxwell's demon. [06:08] !broadcom | sauce [06:08] sauce: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx [06:08] artscience no other easier way [06:08] OK, I'll be back--thanks! [06:08] lol ok thanks him89 [06:08] not sure about moonlight doesnt do anything [06:08] him89: that command doesn't work anything i should do before i did the sudo apt-get update before\ [06:08] your on top of it dude, props === _Purple_away is now known as _Purple_ [06:09] Erasmus i dont get you [06:09] dcamp25: this may or may not result in you being unable to access windows shares [06:09] artscience you can use the Ubuntu live disk to restore the MBR [06:10] So, I've got a question concerning a new installation my laptop [06:10] excess^ just ask [06:10] lstarnes understand at i switch to ubuntu 8.10 so the constantly scan my machine by name === Nephilus is now known as stick1 [06:11] Well, I installed Ubuntu without a problem, something I did notice though, is that when I change the screen brightness using the function keys on the keyboard, the LCD flickers [06:11] lstarnes I only use shares at home === stick1 is now known as stickhead5^ [06:11] And the small GUI that represent the screen brightness in bars is all screwed up. [06:11] are you allowed to have spaces in your nick? === stickhead5^ is now known as stick1 [06:11] what laptop are you using excess^? [06:11] Gateway NX500XL === stick1 is now known as nephilus [06:12] dcamp25: do you use a router? [06:12] old thing, just installed linux to extend its life some. [06:12] it might not have proper ACPI support(to control brightness) [06:12] lstarnes yep network engineer [06:12] I can change the brightness, but it's not very smooth. [06:12] dcamp25: in that case the hostname broadcasting should only be visible within your home network [06:13] tritium: i cant get anything to work this is so frustrating [06:13] thats what i am telling too excess^ if its not very proper it wont work good [06:13] Ah, got it. Thanks him89. [06:13] dcamp25: engineers have engineering degrees, and can pursue a P.E. license [06:13] sauce: which chipset, specifically? [06:13] np excess^ [06:13] lstarnes true but go to alot of customer sites, they can see the name [06:13] tritium: bc4318 airforce 54g [06:14] sauce i have had the same thing and it works [06:14] tritium got a P.E dont use it anymore [06:14] dcamp25: which hostname? Your hostname in your local network or the hostname given by your ISP? [06:14] sauce do a sudo apt-get install b43-fwcutter [06:14] him89: i had it working before, but i reinstalled xubuntu now it doesnt work [06:14] him89: i have fwcutter [06:14] lstarnes local networks [06:14] him89: it cant see my wireless network [06:15] yes you need the firmware [06:15] HOW DO I INSTALL UBUNTU OVER XUBUNTU WITHOUT LOOSING my files? [06:15] did you install the firmware right? [06:15] psychic: lose the caps, please [06:15] no i cant find it anywhere [06:15] him89 I don't know if your familiar with ubuntustudio but I'm actually running the 8.10 of that. Should using a vanilla ubuntu live cd work just as well for restoring the MBR? [06:15] psychic: you could just use sudo aptitude install ubuntu-desktop [06:15] psychic do a sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop [06:15] from the cd rom that is.. and sorry bout the caps [06:15] yes atscience any live cd will work [06:15] him89: where do i get the bcm firmware? [06:15] thanks a bunch [06:16] sauce do a sudo apt-get install b43-fwcutter [06:16] lstarnes problem comes into play when at certin customer sites, the see my system on there network and try to push software to my system [06:16] it will auto download the firmware [06:16] him89: i have fwcutter ,it still doesnt work [06:16] dcamp25: like which sites? [06:17] Anyone have any ideas why some of my downloads/installs lock up? Ubuntu 8.10. Just installed a couple of days ago and things were OK but now they're freezing on me. [06:17] sauce: you can also install b43-firmware from http://ubuntu.cafuego.net/ [06:17] lstarnes internal customer networks mostly banks [06:18] do i have to restart or somthing after [06:18] ? [06:18] lstarnes is there a native firewall in 8.10 ? [06:18] dcamp25: iptables/netfilter and ufw [06:18] psychic yes you need to log out [06:18] and log back in [06:18] lstarnes apt-get ufw ? [06:19] dcamp25: iptables/netfilter and ufw installed by default [06:19] +are [06:19] lstarnes how do I get to them ? [06:19] dcamp25: man iptables and man ufw [06:19] dcamp25: they are administered from the terminal [06:19] lstarnes got it [06:19] dcamp25: there are graphical frontends like firestarter though [06:20] musikgoat|main; there?? [06:20] dcamp25: gufw is a graphical frontend for ufw that's pretty cool too [06:20] dcamp25: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo has instructions for iptables [06:20] lstarnes thanks I will check it out [06:21] hey does anyone know why i cant play dvds with vlc i installed libdvdcss2 from medibuntu [06:21] but when i play it it still doesnt play the disc [06:21] do i have to restart or something? [06:22] so i tried the command logged out and in and everything still the same [06:24] ever seen totem die on playing mp3 when you press viz [06:24] can anyone tell me how to get my screen fit automatically...i upgraded my system and now my screen is not fitting in autoatically...can any help?? [06:24] PerryArmstrong: fit? [06:25] does anyone know how i can get dvds to play? [06:25] !dvd | glick [06:25] glick: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/8.10/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats [06:25] ziroday; i mean its not according to my screen resolution....the screen appears smaller than my monitor size [06:26] PerryArmstrong: what card, what driver, what resolution are you at currently, what resolution should it be at, where did you upgrade from and where did you upgrade to [06:26] anyone know what gnome-settings-daemon-helper is? I know gnome-settings-daemon, but not this -helper... what does it do and if I can safely disable it? (it doesn't appear to have a man page) [06:26] PerryArmstrong: oh, and I also need your /etc/X11/xorg.conf and /var/log/Xorg.0.log [06:26] ziroday; before: 8.04... after: 8.10 [06:27] witam Panowie i Panie [06:27] mam mały problem [06:27] How do I install gnome-vfs-2.0 it not in synaptic? [06:27] !pl | pawel [06:27] pawel: Mozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl [06:27] need help to config evolution email [06:28] Host lookup failed: yahoo: Name or service not known [06:28] Host lookup failed: yahoo: Name or service not known [06:28] almark1: why do you need it? [06:28] ziroday; http://paste.ubuntu.com/143894/ [06:28] What would cause the latest update to freeze? I have to log out to close the window. [06:28] almark1: what wrappers do you need? [06:28] gerber: you nee to use the full domain name (e.g. yahoo.com), not part of it (e.g. yahoo) [06:28] almark1: gnome vfs has been deprecated in favor of gvfs btw [06:29] what are the packages I will need to use ndiswrapper in hardy [06:29] ziroday; http://paste.ubuntu.com/143896/ === Zaraphrax_ is now known as Zaraphrax [06:29] I want to downoad them onto my windows partition [06:29] so I can install them [06:29] I have no way of using wired ethernet on this computer [06:29] I have to have it for compile of Buzztard [06:29] PerryArmstrong: okay, what card, and what resolution is at currently, and what should it be at [06:29] I busted the port [06:30] ziroday; card in the sense...graphic card?? [06:30] PerryArmstrong: the output of lspci | grep VGA [06:30] ziroday; 00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 82945G/GZ Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 02) [06:30] Is it not around, do I need to compile it too? [06:31] ziroday; is Integrated Graphics controller the card you were asking for?? [06:31] PerryArmstrong: is there any other outputs? [06:31] ziroday: I need these deps http://buzztard.org/index.php/Building [06:31] ziroday; no [06:31] PerryArmstrong: then thats the card I am after [06:31] PerryArmstrong: now if you give me a sec [06:31] ziroday; ok === Milos_ is now known as Milos [06:32] almark1: try the libgnome-vfs-2.0-cil package [06:32] ziroday; and i dont remember the resolution...its 1240x____ dont remember exactly...and i dont know the resolution it is right now [06:33] ziroday: thanks. I wish I knew what these pkgs where called so I wouldn't have to ask silly questions [06:33] PerryArmstrong: okay, can you go to System > Preferences > Screen Resolution and try change it from there [06:33] nick cow [06:33] w [06:33] ww [06:33] wr [06:33] arnas: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [06:33] almark1: I just did apt-cache search gnome-vfs to see what might be related [06:34] ziroday: thats how I do that, with apt-cache, thanks :) [06:34] almark1: or with aptitude [06:34] thanks [06:34] lstarnes: I find aptitude search's not as comprehensive for some reason [06:35] lstarnes: they turn up less then apt-cache search, and sometimes ommit what I'm looking for [06:35] I have not been able to find info about this online, but I need to change my default audio device to plughw:0,3 (which is my hdmi) instead of hw:0,0 - how do I do this globally for gnome/everything? [06:35] hey, ive got a small issue. just purchased an acer aspire one, loaded ubuntu, works great, but the screen is small, so often times windows end up outside the viewable area, is there a fix to prevent this from happening? [06:35] libgnome-vfs2.0-cil is already the newest version. [06:35] :( [06:36] marshall007 have you got the right desktop resolution [06:36] almark1: libgnome-vfsmm-2.6* ? [06:36] ziroday; i selected the 640x480..but icons appear very big..and when i set upthe resolution...i get logged off automatically [06:36] him89_: yes [06:36] Is there a wine channel on here? [06:36] NoobGuest: #winehq [06:36] NoobGuest: try #winehq [06:36] PerryArmstrong: logged of automatically? [06:36] NoobGuest; no just join here #wine [06:36] ziroday: nope [06:37] Thanks all [06:37] doh jaunty broke [06:37] what is the native resolution? [06:37] thsi is what i get when i try to update to ubuntu Failed to fetch cdrom:[Xubuntu 8.10 _Intrepid Ibex_ - Release i386 (2008 [06:37] ziroday: these are the pkgs i'm missing No package 'gnome-vfs-2.0' found [06:37] No package 'gnome-vfs-module-2.0' found [06:37] him89, I'm back. Paste URL is http://paste.ubuntu.com/143897/ [06:37] ziroday; ya i got logged off when i saved the resolution settings [06:37] yeah there's a python problemo [06:37] PerryArmstrong: sounds odd, do you 915resolution installed? [06:37] psychic: edit /etc/apt/sources.list and comment out the "deb cdrom" line [06:37] hi majishn i ll just check up and let you know [06:37] wait [06:37] well actualy that was only some of the message [06:38] majishn which partition are you trying to mount? [06:38] almark1: yea, I think its been phased out for gvfs [06:38] him89_: native resolution is 1024x600 [06:38] do i type that inb the terminal [06:38] sda11 [06:38] question [06:38] ziroday; it isn't in my repos [06:38] keep in this lines : [06:38] mkdir /media/sda11 [06:38] grrr [06:39] sudo mount /dev/sda11 /media/sda11 [06:39] whats a good sega emulator for the amd64 systems [06:39] and it should work [06:39] ziroday: how can I remedy this? [06:39] PerryArmstrong: hmm, okay. one sec [06:39] marshall007, it should be fine, Ubuntu will auto check the resolution and windows according to it [06:39] which side is going out? [06:39] majishn, did you get the 2 commands? === Kwitschibo_ is now known as Kwitschibo [06:40] almark1: I don't think you can. Best bet is to ask the buzztard developers how to fix it [06:40] sorry how do i get to that edit thing? [06:40] him89_: windows start in the correct positions, however often times the default (and non resizable windows) end up either being cut off on the top or bottom [06:40] ziroday: is this an issue on other distros too. [06:41] psychic: try gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list [06:41] marshall007, what windows are they usually [06:41] almark1: I would presume so, unless the distro's still use older version of gnome with gnome-vfs [06:41] ziroday: this program is really hard to compile, a real pain [06:41] that are cut off? [06:41] how can I turn a relative address into a absolute address in the shell? [06:41] anyone know of what sega emulators there are for amd64 ? [06:41] PerryArmstrong: hmm, I have no idea. sorry [06:41] almark1: unfortunately I don't know enough about gvfs and gnome-vfs to help you more [06:41] ziroday; will a new install solve this problem; [06:41] him89_: a couple examples that i have noticed would be the compiz preferances and evolution mail setup [06:41] the10nitro, what address? [06:42] ziroday: I noticed that they buzztard has pre compiled pkgs for open-suse and RPM's as well, but that isn't a deb file. [06:42] PerryArmstrong: if it works on a livecd then yes [06:42] well you cannot change them, since they are un-resizable [06:42] ziroday: though I'm not a developer just a compiler, I don't know what I need, I just know when i need it. [06:42] marshall007, there is no such workaround i know of to get this done [06:42] him89_: like ./some_file -> /home/the10nitro/some_file [06:43] filename, rather [06:43] the10nitro, you want it auto change or something? [06:43] him89_: alright, thanks i was hoping there might be a way to force windows to not be over a specific length and instead use scrollbars but i guess not [06:43] ziroday; it didnt work on the live cd...and the surprising fact is i installed with the same live cd on my friends lappy and it installed perfectly with no resolution problems [06:43] I have a script that will not work with relative addresses [06:43] i got my source list but its blank [06:44] you will have to change the script and define the relative functions in it [06:44] ziroday; didnt work on the live cd in the sense..the same screen resolution appeared on this system [06:44] relative address functions [06:44] PerryArmstrong: I don't know sorry [06:45] ziroday..okk now i want to downgrade...do you know how?? [06:45] PerryArmstrong: you can't [06:45] I need something like "_ab ", that outputs the absolute address [06:45] ziroday..ohhh === nicholas is now known as Guest74616 [06:46] i've had enough of ubuntu [06:46] ziroday; do you know why it doesn't get my resolution?? [06:46] im gonna return to windows [06:46] the10nitro, you will need to write the script [06:46] JustKemp: what happened? [06:47] yes JustKemp what happ? === Guest74616 is now known as tacosarecool [06:48] nothing will work with it. === him89_ is now known as him89 [06:48] JustKemp: do you mean hardware or software? [06:48] software [06:48] hardware is fine [06:48] What program do you want? [06:48] JustKemp, what software? [06:49] fucking hundreds that i used to have i cant use, plus i download hundreds of freeware apps [06:49] him10nitro; can you help me get my right screen resolution to come up...i upgraded and i can't get the right resolution [06:50] PerryArmstrong, PM me [06:50] JustKemp: Please mind your language. [06:50] sorry [06:51] JustKemp: run this, then install WINE, it will make most Windows programs run: [06:51] wget -q http://wine.budgetdedicated.com/apt/387EE263.gpg -O- | sudo apt-key add - [06:51] sudo wget http://wine.budgetdedicated.com/apt/sources.list.d/$(lsb_release -cs).list -O /etc/apt/sources.list.d/winehq.list [06:51] sudo apt-get -qq update [06:51] the10nitro: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [06:51] him89: That did the job; thank you! So I guess I had a partition but no directory in the partition that could be mounted? [06:51] yes majishn that was it [06:52] Now...can you tell me how to give it a more meaningful name? "data" would describe it much better than "sda11"! [06:52] make a few change in the commands change sda11 to data [06:52] majishn, it should read like mount /dev/sda11 /media/data [06:53] Do I have to unmount it before I can mount it again? [06:53] ok one more time on the command to get the ubuntu desktop [06:53] yes [06:53] majishn, key in umount /dev/sda11 [06:54] I tried a "umount /dev/sda11" earlier, and it told me it was busy. I don't have anything open that I can think of that could be accessing the volume. [06:55] are you on ubuntu right now or windows? [06:55] does ubuntu 8.10 not recognize floppy drives by default?\ [06:55] I'm in Ubuntu now. I was able to get my network connection working. [06:55] thats great [06:56] try the sudo umount /dev/sda11 now [06:56] artscience: by default no, but try running "sudo modprobe floppy" and adding "floppy" to /etc/modules [06:56] I just did--it still tells me it's in use. [06:56] where can i go to find these "theme packages" ubuntu mentions in the appearance tab ? [06:56] If I reboot, will it be automatically remounted now? [06:56] no [06:57] you will need to edit fstab [06:57] when I run modprobe floppy as root I get this: root@art-soundstudio:~# modprobe floppy [06:57] FATAL: Error inserting floppy (/lib/modules/2.6.27-11-generic/kernel/drivers/block/floppy.ko): No such device [06:57] artscience: that likely means you have no internal floppy drive [06:58] I haven't tried adding it to /etc/modules yet [06:58] hm I suppose it could be a hardware issue [06:58] artscience, are you sure you got a floppy drive in? [06:58] well yes there physical is a floppy drive right in front of me...does it work? that's up for question [06:58] where can i go to find these "theme packages" ubuntu mentions in the appearance tab ? [06:58] whats the terminal command to upgrade to ubuntu from xubuntu [06:59] How would I do that, him89? Add the entry manually? I could copy the entry for sda9 or sda10, but don't know what to put in for UUID. [06:59] psychic: sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop. That will install xubuntu's packages along with the ones used by ubuntu [06:59] I bought this server second hand and I haven't run anything natively except ubuntu [07:00] majishn, enter this line in : [07:00] /dev/sda11 /media/data ext3 defaults 0 0 [07:00] psychic: ubuntu and xubuntu are the same OS when installed. The only difference is in what is installed by default. They all use the same repositories === mike is now known as Guest13500 [07:00] 9.04 beta will upgrades work when 9.04 is released [07:01] Guest13500: try asking in #ubuntu+1 [07:01] That's all? OK, I'm leaving to do that.... [07:01] moins [07:01] yes thats it majishn [07:02] ok im just trying to get ubuntu because moonlight only works with that i guess and not xubuntu [07:03] #python [07:05] psychic, you need to run sudo apt-get instal ubuntu-desktop [07:06] psychic: xubuntu is essentially ubuntu [07:09] is there a way to remotely connect to my desktop ubuntu from windows vista? [07:09] !rdp | joop [07:09] Sorry, I don't know anything about rdp [07:10] :/ [07:10] joop, use VNC [07:10] !vinagre | joob [07:10] Sorry, I don't know anything about vinagre [07:10] VNC will work [07:10] thank you..i'll try VNC [07:11] someone say [07:11] randsabcdeee [07:12] I think I hit a bug with the wireless driver ath5k... lspci reports AR242x chip, but dmesg says AR5414... I can't even scan networks [07:12] joop: Also be sure to check out Vinagre, which comes preinstalled on Ubuntu [07:12] joop: It's installed under Applications -> Internet -> Remote Desktop Viewer [07:12] Am I right when I assume that lspci and dmesg should report the same? [07:13] nvm got it [07:14] ghindo, he wants a server on Ubuntu not viewer [07:14] him89: Oh, right. My mistake. [07:18] joop, you can enable your ubuntu desktop for remote access at System->Preferences->Remote Desktop [07:19] hello ubuntu [07:19] hello xiaobai [07:21] anyone tried playing a bluray in a windows vm yet? === john is now known as Guest93352 [07:23] eclipse rocks [07:23] ui is a bit off though [07:23] Hello all [07:23] Why can't I acces my NTFS partition with windows on it? [07:23] It gives me an T/O error or something [07:24] Pretty quiet for ~1200 users :O [07:25] Guest93352: What version of Ubuntu are you using, and what is the exact error message you are receiving? [07:27] Why can't I acces my NTFS partition with windows on it? [07:27] Can somebody read what I am saying? :O [07:27] KillGutza: What version of Ubuntu are you using, and what is the exact error message you are receiving? [07:27] hheeemmm [07:27] ghindo: 8.10 [07:27] need help with setting up my vps; x-server on my windows machine and vps as a client - any help? [07:28] how do i use a GTK theme ? [07:28] Something like "I can't mount volume" [07:28] I have it in another language [07:28] DBus error org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NoReply: Did not receive a reply. Possible causes include: the remote application did not send a reply, the message bus security policy blocked the reply, the reply timeout expired, or the network connection was broken. [07:29] I also get that one with a lot of CDs [07:29] I am forced to use an wine'd windows app :( [07:29] KillGutza, maybe you can help me [07:30] vkab, with what? lol [07:30] KillGutza: Some CDs or all CDs? [07:30] KillGutza do you have anti-virus install in your windows ? [07:30] need help with setting up my vps; x-server on my windows machine and vps as a client [07:30] i don't know if i should install it on my vps [07:30] ghindo, most of them; mashman, I don't think it would matter since I am not running that app [07:30] vkab, can you tell me what is vps ? [07:30] virtual private server [07:31] WoW? [07:31] vkab→ you need to ask your VPS provider about that. [07:31] what's so wow about it? [07:31] nevermind [07:31] http://www.pluswedding.co.kr/   [07:31] oh.. sorry.. [07:32] magnetron, the point is: do I have to install x-server on one machine to be clinet on another one? [07:32] i wish my lawn was emo so it would cut its self [07:32] !ot > psywiped [07:32] psywiped, please see my private message [07:32] KillGutza i got the same situation to you when i install ubuntu inside windows my existing window is crash down and reformat it and i install ubuntu successfully [07:33] motherfuckers [07:33] BilokShem, stop that [07:33] ok [07:33] !language | BilokShem [07:33] BilokShem: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly. [07:34] to whoever told me to disable grub timeout by setting to 0 ... you actually just comment it out [07:34] I have tourettes [07:34] blinking capslock because a big blue screen was aready taken [07:34] I've gone to the Ubuntu site and downloaded the Jaunty beta netbook remix, but it's just a .img file...what do I do with it? [07:34] I know this is a stupid question, btw [07:34] Auslegung burn it to a cd [07:35] Auslegung: I think .img files go on USB drives [07:35] how do i install a GTK theme / [07:35] I don't have a CD drive, I've got an eeePC1000 [07:35] Auslegung burn it i think :) [07:35] Auslegung get an external one [07:35] ghindo do I just put it on the USB, or do I need to run Unetbootin? [07:35] mashman: I doubt that would work... [07:35] KillGutza, your access problem can happen due to access rights (are you having admin group ?) [07:36] Can anyone help a newbie set up Ubuntu to connect to the Internet? [07:36] !users [07:36] To add new users to your Ubuntu system, follow the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddUsersHowto - For administrative privileges, users need to be made members of the group "admin" - See !sudo [07:36] !users | KillGutza [07:36] KillGutza: please see above [07:37] Ugh, how can I make the file manager always SUDO? [07:37] Auslegung: There are instructions here, but it looks like the site might be temporarily down: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MobileTeam/Mobile/HowTo/ImageWriting [07:37] if u want nautilus to open in sudo mode, edit menu entry for that to have "gksudo" prefix (this is how I would do it) [07:37] ok, thanks [07:38] I just installed Ubuntu but for some reason it's not detecting my Internet. Any thoughts? [07:38] HawkLion→ more details, please. [07:38] HawkLion cables unpluged? [07:39] Cables are plugged -seems like Ubuntu detects my ethernet card, but it seems like I'm missing something here... [07:40] HawkLion dhcp? [07:40] psywiped don't know? [07:40] HawkLion: Are you using a router? Do other machines work on this network? [07:41] yes, I do have a wireless router hooked up. I'm running my laptop off it right now. [07:41] dam this road is bumpy [07:41] hello, any good mount manager that would allow me to mount nfs shares? [07:42] or permanently adding them to fstab? [07:42] ghindo: do you think my disconnect has to do with my Linksys router? [07:42] gona have to ask google akuma [07:42] HawkLion: If your other machine is working fine, then probably not. I was just asking to get more details. [07:43] No sweat...what other details might be helpful in troubleshooting? [07:43] HawkLion: Try opening up a terminal on the machine that doesn't work and write ping "google.com" and let me know what you get back [07:43] psywiped: yea, didn't give me any good answers, people tend to be more reliable than machines as far as knowledge goes [07:43] run ipconfig [07:44] ghindo: OK, just a sec... [07:44] psywiped, please stop that [07:44] hua? [07:44] what [07:44] psywiped, you were asked not to tell people to google earlier. [07:44] lol, ipconfig to mount nfs shares, that's a good one [07:45] psywiped, and ipconfig is not a correct command. [07:45] !ifconfig [07:45] Sorry, I don't know anything about ifconfig [07:45] bazhang OK whats the right one then? [07:45] ghindo: ping: unknown host google.com [07:45] guido [07:45] psywiped, dont recommend google. [07:45] bazhang and why is that? [07:46] psywiped, people know about google already. stop it. [07:46] cuil.com them [07:47] HawkLion: Hrm. What makes you think that Ubuntu detects your ethernet card? [07:47] hello [07:48] hi... === anonymous1112 is now known as luqman [07:48] ghindo: went to System>Administration>Hardware Drivers [07:48] how do i setup my intrepid ubuntu to join my windows workgroup..? [07:48] well anyhow is it a fts drive or ntfs? [07:48] morning all [07:49] hi Mez [07:49] !hi | Mez [07:49] Mez: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! [07:49] HawkLion: What happens when you click on NetworkManager? [07:49] make it === mafsi is now known as mafsi_ [07:50] HawkLion type in the command line ipaddr [07:50] can someone please explain how i can install emerald themes ? [07:50] ghindo: it says no networks available [07:50] yea i rembered the command [07:50] psywiped, what is that command going to do? [07:51] HawkLion: What happens when you type "ifconfig" into the terminal? [07:51] make sure you install samba first HawkLion [07:51] tell if he has a ip address [07:51] HawkLion type: sudo apt-get install samba [07:51] HawkLion: Post the output into past.ubuntu.com [07:51] ghindo i think the same thing ipconfig does in windows [07:51] luqman: That's not really his problem. He doesn't have internet access [07:52] psywiped: bash: ipaddr: command not found [07:52] oh sorry... so his network drivers arent working? [07:53] luqman were not sure [07:53] luqman: I'm not sure at this point. [07:53] ghindo: lo Link encap: Local Loopback [07:53] inet addr: Mask: [07:53] inet6 adddr: ::1/128 Scope:Host [07:54] !paste | HawkLion [07:54] HawkLion: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) [07:54] oops! Sorry. [07:54] HawkLion: No problem. [07:54] ghindo, maybe he should download the samba package onto his desktop and then transfer it to a USB drive [07:55] and then on to the machine that has no internet [07:55] him89; there?? [07:55] hmm [07:55] luqman why whould that help if he doesnt have a ip address? [07:55] PerryArmstrong, yes i am here [07:55] luqman: He isn't really asking about Samba [07:56] him 89; i restarted but to no effect..wait my system is asking me restart again...i'll do that and then get back to you [07:56] what is Samba? [07:56] !samba | HawkLion [07:56] HawkLion: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT. [07:56] maybe we have language miscommunication. because you say he has no internet but he is on internet. it is strange that he is trying to get onto a 'microsoft' network if he is unable to get a local ip address. [07:56] PerryArmstrong, sure np [07:56] because first priority is getting a ip address for local computer... [07:56] luqman OR HE HAS 2 COMPUTERS [07:56] luqman: He's using another laptop to chat with us now [07:57] Ah...my desktop has Ubuntu completely installed on it. [07:57] can't be on internet with no ip [07:57] I have a Motorola modem to a Linksys Wireless router...thus, my internet connection on my laptop right now. [07:57] oh ok, my bad, i was thinking something different. i assume because he was on here that he had internets on that computer and wanted samba.... [07:58] HawkLion what do you get back for ifconfig -a ? [07:58] so your linksys router doesnt give an IP address to your computer, is it hard wired or wireless? [07:58] HawkLion: Also, if we are unable to help you here today, try your luck on the Ubuntu forums [07:58] luqman were not even sure right now if ubuntu is seeing his nic [07:59] ghindo: thank you. Everyone has been so very helpful to this newbie. [07:59] Hey, guys. I am installing ubuntu 8.10. After I configuring the keyboard layout, I press "forward". A window pop out saying "partman failed with exit code 10" and a lot of stuff. What am I gonna do? [07:59] I will pastebin my ifconfig -a results....just a minute.... [07:59] HawkLion: Hey, no problem. [07:59] Any suggestions why my package installer would hang? [08:00] Qrius its compiling? [08:00] What type of computer is it??? maybe the ethernet driver wasnt bundled. [08:01] psywiped, Not sure. How would I tell? [08:01] Qrius, what were you trying to do when it started hanging ? [08:01] Qrius whats your proc doing? [08:01] Qrius if its at 100 then its doing processing [08:02] Any idea about my problem? I googled but got nothing. [08:02] bluer maybe try doing a complete format before you start the process [08:02] hey all gnome-do is realy nice, just to bad it dousnt run fluently :( [08:02] bluer whats the question? [08:02] Process bar is frozen right now. Trying to install a Brother printer that I Dl'd. CPU is at 17%. [08:02] bluer: i would suggest using 8.0.4 as 8.0.10 isn't stable [08:03] him89; still no improvement [08:03] psywiped: I am installing ubuntu 8.10. After I configuring the keyboard layout, I press "forward". A window pop out saying "partman failed with exit code 10" and a lot of stuff. What am I gonna do? [08:03] eternal→ they are called 8.04 and 8.10 , and they are infact both stable and supported [08:03] eternal: you mean 8.10 not stable? so better the lts 8.04 ? [08:03] bluer: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=765958 [08:03] Running a 2 day old 8.10 if that helps. [08:03] stevendc→ 8.10 IS stable. [08:03] i'm a starter so i can take any tips [08:03] i've been running 8.10 for months [08:03] PerryArmstrong, you will need to force the resolution [08:04] 9.04 is out in a couple of weeks [08:04] eternal→ 8.10 is stable [08:04] bluer can you format the whole drive? [08:04] him89; how?? [08:04] yeah tried 9.04 but i installed 8.10 again deu to some errors i didnt know the solution for [08:04] magnetron: ha i was told different 2 days ago on here sorry. i am still only 3 days old to ubuntu [08:04] so i will wait till the realese off the full version [08:04] http://paste.ubuntu.com/143935/ [08:05] psywiped: I am installing via wubi [08:05] you will need to edit xorg.conf it should be in /etc/X11/xorg.conf paste the file on paste.ubuntu.com and give me links [08:05] Qrius, if you are able to launch a terminal (press Alt+F2, type gnome-terminal in the dialog), you can use top command to see cpu usage [08:05] !conky [08:05] Sorry, I don't know anything about conky [08:05] need help!!! Cnat isntall UBUNTU! [08:05] HawkLion: are all the lights on your router for the machine you are trying to connect lit up. [08:05] o0Chris0o i dont know 8.10 is the first time ive goten the linux bsod the blinking caps lock [08:05] Alex_, whats the problmem? [08:05] luqman: yes [08:06] HawkLion: Are you using wireless? [08:06] psychosmose_→ have you tried another keyboard? [08:06] bluer what os are you doing it inside of? [08:06] HawkLion: Hrm. I'm really stumped. I would definitely recommend the Ubuntu Forums. [08:06] psychosmose_→ sorry [08:06] psywiped→ have you tried another keyboard [08:06] HawkLion: is there a "network" connection status icon on your gui anywhere [08:06] eternal: for my laptop right now yes -but my desktop is wired to the router [08:06] psywiped: Now I am under ubuntu. [08:06] downlaoded iso, burned to cd, boots up ok. when i choose install, i see the loading screen, then when the bar fills up the screen goes black, i hear the intro music then it stays black [08:06] psywiped: ubuntu is inside of windows xp [08:07] HawkLion: From your pastebin looks like ur ethernet device is not recognized. [08:07] o0Chris0o a blinking capslock indicats a kernel panic [08:07] i can see and move the white mouse but that is all [08:07] him89; http://paste.ubuntu.com/143938/ [08:07] Alex_, is the md5 sum alrgiht? [08:07] yes [08:07] HawkLion: can u paste lspci o/p for me ? [08:07] luqman: yes, and it says 'No network devices available' greyed out then VPN Connections [08:07] debia: here's what I got: usage: top -hv | -bcisSH -d delay -n iterations [-u user | -U user] -p pid [,pid ...] [08:07] HawkLion: i am on a wireless connection to router and it took me about a day just to get a stable connection, I was told some routers don't like linux but yer [08:07] i have also tried choosing to run ubuntu directly of cd , same result [08:08] HawkLion: then you need to figure out what type of card you have in your machine and then manually install the drivers. you'll need to see if you can find a debian package for the device and get that package on to the system somehow (usb) [08:08] debia: sure, just a minute... [08:08] !top [08:08] Sorry, I don't know anything about top [08:08] PerryArmstrong, is this all the xorg.conf file is? [08:08] Qrius, just type the one word "top" (without quote), at the prompt [08:08] him89; ya why?? [08:08] just after the loading screen, it loads the background(orange) and its shows me a little black X in the center of the screen, then it goes black [08:08] its pretty incomplete [08:09] HawkLion try seting up the connecion manuly it may be dhcp issue on the router [08:09] nothing defining it right [08:09] Alex_: usually it takes a while to load. if you are running it off a CD [08:09] left it for 1 hour at a time. on both options [08:09] Alex_, what Graphics card have you got? [08:09] debia: I'm at around 31% [08:09] him89; dont know much about that..i upgraded from 8.04 to 8.10 by using the terminal [08:09] command [08:09] also i have a brand new clean unpartitioned HDD in there [08:10] well i am trying to get ubuntu on a Compaq nx9010 laptop [08:10] PerryArmstrong, wait i ll find you a good config file [08:10] Qrius, is your package manager still hanging [08:10] give me the to the bug report again [08:10] i think that may be the problem, it runs WIndows XP just fine on the other HDD [08:10] that you uploaded on the ubuntu site [08:10] debia: There's nothing specific in 'lspci o/p', just command options?... [08:10] debia: yep [08:10] Alex_, that cannot be a prolem [08:10] problem [08:10] bluer try runing wubi again [08:11] him89; ya but make sure you send me soon because i am going to have a power cut....and in case if you dont manage to...just mail me to jose_roshan@yahoo.com [08:11] HawkLion, sorry my mistake: just type lspci [08:11] Hi guys. Does anyone know how to create a network boot? because my old laptop crashed and wont boot from cd or hard disk [08:11] luqman: from what I remember, the ethernet card was just a generic one from Circuit City way back when...I don't even have the disk for it anymore. [08:11] PerryArmstrong, are you indian? [08:11] just after the loading screne, at the top of the screen i just showed me a scramble of green red and other coloured pixels with about the bottom 80% of the screen still black [08:11] waht is with all the road work [08:11] psywiped: OK, thanks. [08:11] debia: I see 2 zombie tasks what are those? [08:11] Qrius, can u give me the names of the tasks [08:11] *this just happened after i set it to install the 2nd time [08:11] psywiped: how do I set up the connection manually? [08:12] problem in my firefox plugin code. Problem--> No video display(just a blank screen) , i need to create yuv image buffer in shared memory using X11 library. and display it [08:12] *currently waiting on the black screen again [08:12] I have pasted my code here--> http://paste.ubuntu.com/143932/ [08:12] Hi guys. Does anyone know how to create a network boot? because my old laptop crashed and wont boot from cd or hard disk.. [08:12] debia: ah...I'll try to paste the details from 'lspci' [08:13] Can anyone go thru my code ? and help me to resolve [08:13] should i perhaps try to download and install the alternative version instead of Desktop Ubuntu?? [08:13] him89; this is the bug error https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-intel/+bug/299007 [08:13] and dont forget my email id: jose_roshan@yahoo.com [08:14] Yeah i have it [08:14] just to ask are you Indian? [08:14] him89; because i am not sure when the power cut will be... [08:14] him89; ya..how do you know that?? [08:14] roshan is an indian name === charles is now known as thebackwash [08:14] i am an indian too :) [08:15] him89; ohh..whats your name?? [08:15] Hiemanshu Sharma :) [08:15] I can also try and make a new partition on my desktop pc not the laptop, which is only 1 year old and is more likely to be able to handle it? [08:15] debia: I've got over 100 sleeping. 1 or 2 running. Should I be looking for a particular task? [08:15] him89; you must be from the north...UP?? [08:16] Qrius, you said u had 2 zombie tasks. can u give me the name of these tasks ? [08:16] i am from delhi staying in B'lore u? [08:16] Qrius, btw what is a "Brother printer" [08:16] him89; my native is Kerala...but i am in hyderabad [08:16] ahhhh [08:17] HawkLion: if it is too big, you can run a shorter version : lspci -C network [08:17] thats nice :) [08:17] ok you 2 back on topic [08:17] him89; and i have been facing this problem since long [08:17] him89; yup [08:17] debia: http://paste.ubuntu.com/143944/ [08:17] i ll check it up :) [08:17] him89; :)thanq [08:17] ikonia; [08:18] PerryArmstrong: yes? [08:18] Hi all..how can I get Ubuntu repositories with rsync ?? I want to get only ubuntu hardy and Intrepid repositories. [08:18] luqman: what did you mean by debian package for the card? [08:18] ikonia; see my pm [08:18] Natilous: have a look at apt-mirror [08:18] debia: Not sure how I'd identify the two zombie tasks. Everything in System Monitor is sleeping. Brother is the brand name of the inkjet printer I'm trying to install. [08:19] debia: The only task that continuously uses CPU is compis.real [08:19] how comei went to #ubuntu--proxy--users [08:20] ikonia: I use it but apt-mirror can't delete unuseful files ! the partition of mirror is limit. [08:20] mib_oygbxj: you're using a proxy ? [08:20] mib_oygbxj: Because you're on mibbit. [08:20] Natilous: rats, ok then use rsync with the --exclude option [08:20] debia: ...besides Pidgin and System Monitor, that is. [08:20] is it ok to mibbit? [08:21] Qrius, package manager is synpatic right ? running ubuntu or kubuntu ? [08:21] Anybody know how I can run VirtualBox after I installed it from an official .deb? [08:22] ikonia: debian repositories haven't distinctive folders. [08:22] HawkLion have you tried restarting? [08:22] Qrius, in any case I dont see any option but to force quit it [08:22] Natilous: the dirctory layout is standard === mafsi_ is now known as mafsi [08:23] ikonia: sorry for bad english . what do mean ? [08:23] psywiped: I did earlier, but I can do it again. [08:23] Natilous: why can't you use the --exclude option ? [08:23] or mibbit is notok? [08:23] ikonia: would you please give an example? === sukke_ is now known as sukke [08:24] HawkLion have you tried restarting? [08:24] rsync rsync://location --exclude hardy $target [08:24] How do I find out what ethernet card I have? [08:24] psywiped: restarting now [08:24] HawkLion: if you do an "lspci" you'll see the chipset [08:24] debia: I'm not sure if this is the synaptic package manager. The recent security update took a bit of time, but it installed OK. I force quit this several times but when I re-try, it asks if I want to re-install. The latest flash player does the same hang. [08:24] ikonia; my synaptic says that my network is not configured correctly but still i get my internet. [08:25] ok ubuntu rocks realy great but why is the driver for a 3d card never good enough? [08:25] stevendc: because that is nothing to do with linux - ask your hardware vendor [08:25] thats the only one thing i need to search for [08:25] ikonia: because the packages are in Packages.list files and apt select any package from a folder !! [08:25] PerryArmstrong: check things like your sources.list are fine [08:25] ikonia: Chipset is VIA Technologies, Inc. VT6105/VT6106S [Rhine-III] (rev 86) [08:25] ah...so that's why debia wanted me to lspci... [08:26] Natilous: you can edit Packages.list once you've mirrored [08:26] HawkLion: One more paste for me pls, this time: lshw -C network [08:26] ikonia: but I don't get it...Ethernet controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT6105/VT6106S [Rhine III] (rev 86) [08:26] HawkLion: what don't you get ? [08:27] ikonia; whats the command to check it [08:27] hiii [08:27] debia: sure...just a minute...still rebooting [08:27] PerryArmstrong: open it with a text editor and make sure the URL's are vaid/active [08:27] ikonia: see this link http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/liba/libapache-mod-auth-kerb/ this link content for ubuntu (i386,amd64) for ubuntu hardy and gutsy and ... [08:27] ikonia: is that my Ethernet card? [08:27] HawkLion: yup [08:27] ikonia: I have'nt enough space to get all packages. [08:27] Natilous: ok, I see what your saying now [08:27] hallo. i need some live cd with diagnostics cause i am about to buy a used pc. anyone knows any? [08:28] ikonia; sure i do know that...but its located /etc/... somewhere..i dont know the exact location?? [08:28] Natilous: let me grab apt-mirror as I have done this with apt-mirror [08:28] Hello. Simple question. How do I know if my Ubuntu server supports UTF8? [08:28] ah...so I can track to the manufacturer to get driver? [08:28] PerryArmstrong: /etc/apt/sources.list [08:28] ikonia: thank you ! [08:28] what kind of chicken in my server? [08:28] mib_oygbxj: don't mess around [08:29] ikonia; there's a mention of intrepid backports...except thati dont find anything unusual [08:29] PerryArmstrong: are the urls valid and alive ? [08:29] HawkLion: do you have an additional card, or are you trying to bring up the "on-board ethernet" ? [08:30] How do I run .php files on my Ubuntu machine? [08:30] ok after upgrading to 8.04 apache2 has been acting stupid a thread is already open about this but nothing there fixed it http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=248324 [08:30] Natilous: first question have you looked at /etc/apt/mirror.list [08:30] ghindo: I suggest using a php5 enabled webserver === mafsi is now known as mafsi_ [08:31] ikonia: yes . I look at it . [08:31] him89; hit upon something?? [08:31] is there any live distro with diagnostic tools. i am about to buy a used pc and i would like to have a check on it before i buy it [08:31] Natilous: ok - so you can just select the repos you actually want to mirror from that [08:31] debia: My desktop didn't have an "on-board ethernet", so (years ago) I picked up one from Circuit City. [08:31] kosnick: try in ##linux [08:31] PerryArmstrong, Nothing much yet [08:32] ikonia: aha..Clean script remove old packages ??? [08:32] that is one option [08:32] him89; i dont know..this problem comes only to my monitor..i installed it in my friends system this week and never got any such problem [08:32] Natilous: but if you just selct the repo's you want you shouldn't have to [08:33] PerryArmstrong, the xorg.conf is wrong [08:33] i suppose maybe ikonia can also help upon this screen resolution issue.. [08:33] Newb seeking assistance. [08:34] debia: http://paste.ubuntu.com/143950/ [08:34] hi [08:35] how can i call out the view with all active windows in tiles? [08:35] ikonia: ok,but some testing repos maybe update per week like debian sid or testing !!! [08:36] Natilous: so ? [08:36] Natilous: mirror them on a regular basis [08:36] HawkLion: if you type the command "cat /etc/network/interfaces" do you see any line with eth0 on it ? [08:36] ikonia; i upgraded my system from 8.04 to 8.10 and its not getting the right screen resolution...for my windows i use 1024x768...any idea....here's a bug i reported..and here's my xorg.conf http://paste.ubuntu.com/143938/ [08:36] PerryArmstrong: what video card do you have? [08:37] ikonia; 00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 82945G/GZ Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 02) [08:37] debia: bash: cat/etc/network/interfaces: No such file or directory [08:37] ikonia: thank you a lot for your help and suggestion,Have nice times. [08:37] what the sudo-apt get command for PUTTY ? [08:37] PerryArmstrong: add the line Driver "intel" to the section device configured video device [08:37] HawkLion: please give an empty space after the word "cat" [08:37] HawkLion: cat /etc... not cat/etc.... [08:38] CrIp: if you do apt-cache search putty you'll find the package name [08:38] ah...ok [08:38] ok i found it ikonia TY ! [08:38] hi 2 all [08:38] CrIp: sudo apt-get install putty [08:38] pls how can i call out the view with all active windows in tiles? [08:38] cheeers iceroot ! [08:38] how to install Xubuntu on samsung nc10 with flash drive? have a link? [08:38] debia: auto lo iface lo inet loopback [08:38] PerryArmstrong, try this : http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=6869183&postcount=10 [08:39] hi guys...i have pidgin with a lot of accounts ..... i have to format my pc and i would like to know if is there a way to save all the settings to set up pidgin rapidly in the new pc....thanku!!!! [08:39] signorinimatteo: look in your .pidgin folder in your home directory [08:39] copy /.pidgin [08:39] him89; i am having a look at it [08:39] HawkLion: that is the all the text that came out of it ? [08:39] debia: yes [08:39] so i have to copy my pidgin folder and then paste it in the new pc???? [08:39] PerryArmstrong, let me know if it works [08:39] yes [08:40] Uhg wow, I must be tired. I spent 30 minutes trying to find the ` key. I kept trying to use ' :-( /wave [08:40] HawkLion: For some reason, the eth0 is not present in it, you need to edit the file as super-user and restart. that might make it work [08:40] wow....so easy.....thank you!!!! :D [08:40] whats the best media player for ubuntu ? sad that rythmbox doesnt even have an equalizer :( [08:40] btw, is it normal that now my pidgin consumes 60MB + ?? [08:40] (of RAM) [08:40] debia: ok...restart I got, but how do I edit the file as super-user? [08:40] HawkLion: press Alt+F2 and type "gksudo gedit /etc/network/interfaces" (without quotes) [08:41] OK [08:41] HawkLion: this will open text editor [08:41] ikonia; will it llok like this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/143953/ [08:41] HawkLion: u will see a the lines of text you saw with "cat /etc/..." [08:42] whats the best media player for ubuntu ? sad that rythmbox doesnt even have an equalizer [08:42] can I remote desktop to my mac leopard from my ubuntu 8.10? [08:42] ok...I think I'm there [08:42] spaceBARbarian, get VLC [08:42] HawkLion: go to the end of the file press enter key once to get to a blank line and add the below 2 lines of text [08:42] error404notfound, yes you can using VNC [08:42] HawkLion: auto eth0 [08:42] him89: sorry phrased that badly, i meant best audio player [08:42] HawkLion: iface eth0 inet dhcp [08:43] yes you can use VLC [08:43] spaceBARbarian, sudo apt-get install vlc [08:43] him89: and for that do I need any special setup on ubuntu or mac? [08:43] error404notfound, you need to install VNC server on MAC only [08:43] HawkLion: a blank line more at the end would do no harm. save the file and restart. [08:43] him89; should i restart?? [08:43] im trying to fix my windows system with ubuntu but accessing it but my system is encrypted ive attempted to mount it in truecrypt but it wants me to force to mount it because it hasnt been shutdown correctly yet when i try it it says only root can perform this and when i put sudo in the front it says that it found no such hard disk [08:43] PerryArmstrong, yes restart [08:43] debia: auto eth0 bash: auto: command not found [08:43] him89: well im a total audiophile so i need good media player like itunes [08:43] him89: and this doesn't need mac to be on a live/static ip? [08:43] isnt vlc concentrated for video ? [08:43] him; ok i m restarting [08:44] space, you said video... [08:44] spaceBARbarian, VLC can play both audio and video pretty good [08:44] spaceBARbarian, you using GNome only right? [08:44] error404notfound, yes it has to be static ip [08:44] him89: yeah [08:44] it is over laptop? [08:44] HawkLion: you are to type those lines in the "Text Editor". do you have a "text editor" window open ? [08:45] might i add im running a live cd of 8.10 [08:45] spaceBARbarian: try songbird [08:45] Using Gparted , should I install ubuntu into a primary or logical partition [08:45] him89: hmmm, any other solution? coz I have that mac in my office... [08:45] spaceBARbarian, if you can give amarok a try. its pretty good but use KDE libs [08:45] debia: Looking at it now...I don't think so... [08:45] error404notfound, thats the best way [08:45] error404notfound, what do you plan to do? [08:45] him89: yeah i saw the kde thing and decided not to go with that [08:45] HawkLion: ok, let's take a few steps back. [08:45] spaceBARbarian: give songbird a go [08:45] error404notfound, you will need a static ip no matter what [08:46] luqman: i tried song bird, NO EQUALIZER! just like rythmbox, so weird [08:46] debia: ok [08:46] HawkLion: press Alt+F2 and type "gksudo gedit /etc/network/interfaces" [08:46] him89: I have to do some iphone development, I am on laptop at home, and mac is in office, so was thinking if I could just do a remote desktop and work.. [08:46] HawkLion: u would be asked for password, pls provide your password [08:46] debia: is there a space between gedit/etc [08:46] yes [08:47] can anyone help me? [08:47] error404notfound, you will need to have a proper live ip to connect no matter what method you use [08:47] HawkLion: yes. there are three parts separated by space: gksudo gedit /etc/network/interfaces [08:47] debia: do i want to Run in terminal? [08:47] HawkLion: no [08:47] spaceBARbarian, try : http://www.exaile.org/trac [08:47] hi. can anyone help me with getting this file installed? error while loading shared libraries: libgnome-desktop-2.so.2: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory [08:48] ikonia, him89; no improvement after adding the intel [08:48] debia: ok...it brought up interfaces (/etc/network) - gedit [08:48] PerryArmstrong, that is very odd to say [08:48] sagredo: when running what? === deniz is now known as Guest689 [08:49] crdlb: circular-main-menu [08:49] him89: would it be a bad idea to just use itunes with wine ? === anonymous1112 is now known as yourfather [08:49] spaceBARbarian, you can do that [08:49] i had it running fine [08:49] HawkLion: good. now move to the end of file and press enter to get to a blank line. [08:49] debia: got it [08:49] him89;i dont know what to do [08:49] him89: cool i think itunes has all the features i need so might as well do that [08:49] hi === bah_ is now known as bah [08:49] HawkLion: type these 2 lines of text there: auto eth0 [08:49] can ı ask a question [08:49] spaceBARbarian, yes you can do that [08:49] PerryArmstrong, wait lemme check hold on [08:49] iface eth0 inet dhcp [08:50] him89;ok [08:50] HawkLion: iface eth0 inet dhcp [08:50] sagredo: what version of ubuntu are you using? [08:50] ı want to do film [08:50] debia: got it [08:50] crdlb: 9.04 [08:50] HawkLion: ok, pls save the file and exit. [08:50] but with a wihich prog. ı dont know [08:50] before u restart, I'd like to check 1 more thing, [08:50] debia: done [08:50] Hawklion: before u restart, I'd like to check 1 more thing, [08:50] hard disk wont force mount :/ [08:50] debia: sure [08:51] sagredo: please go to #ubuntu+1 [08:51] PerryArmstrong, open this link : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=677841 and add the section Device Monitor and Screen [08:51] to your xorg.conf [08:51] HawkLion: do u get a network manager icon on top bar on the screen [08:51] I downloaded the .img file for Jaunty Netbook remix, but don't know what to do with it. I've searched the web for a couple hours and the websites that will help are down. Can someone give me a quick how-to? [08:51] debia: yes [08:51] PerryArmstrong, and replace i810 with i915 [08:52] HawkLion: ok, if you _right-click_ on it what options do you get ? [08:52] debia: Enable Networking Edit Connection... About [08:52] HawkLion: is enable networking ticked ? (I suppose it would be). [08:53] in terminal, is it possible to skip down to the end of a block of text that is only being displayed line-by-line using the *enter* key? [08:53] him89; you mean i have to copy that code and do the replacement [08:53] debia: there is a check mark in the box [08:53] Auslegung: Gimmie a second and I might be able to help you out [08:53] PerryArmstrong, yes that is correct [08:53] ok, thanks again ghindo [08:53] and then a reboot [08:53] HawkLion: check mark is what it should be. if you click on Edit connection... you would get a dialog [08:53] him89; do i have to overwrite or just add those lines [08:54] PerryArmstrong, add those lines [08:54] debia: yes [08:54] HawkLion: do you see a Tab called "Wired" in the dialog ? if you select that tab do you see any connection name listed ? [08:54] Auslegung: I'm not sure if this will work, but the guide on the Arch Linux wiki may apply to Ubuntu [08:54] Auslegung: http://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Beginners_Guide#USB_stick [08:54] debia: no [08:54] him89; i mean do i have to erase the contents in the file and then place this code?? [08:55] Auslegung: If you don't care what happens to the data on your USB, then you may want to try that out [08:55] HawkLion: there is no "Wired" Tab ? Or, it doesn't have anything listed below it ? [08:55] help... having trouble with suspend and sleep on my laptop [08:55] ghindo I have an empty USB, but I don't think those codes will work in the terminal, will they? [08:55] debia: sorry, there is nothing listed under the Wired tab [08:56] him89; ?? [08:56] how do i see the error i receive when i try to suspend/sleep/hibernate my laptop [08:56] HawkLion: no worries, I am also not familiar with what happens so had to double-check. I think we are ready for a restart [08:56] Auslegung: Well, the "archlinux....img" will be replaced with the location of your .img file, but it should be the same [08:57] debia: no sweat! [08:57] PerryArmstrong, no just add the linex [08:57] ghindo sorry, stupid statement, I saw the "if=" and thought they meant to type that, but I'm supposed to replace that with a string [08:57] to the end of the file [08:57] debia: restarting.... === pete_ is now known as Guest91773 [08:57] HawkLion: goodluck [08:57] how can I create a .patch file? (donno how to better express myself) [08:57] debia: yeah -cross your fingers! [08:58] Auslegung: Give it a shot and let us know how it goes [08:58] ghindo k, thanks [08:58] him89; i added those lines from the forum to that file...anything else?? [08:59] ghindo ok, I found one problem, when I was downloading the .img it wasn't actually downloading anything for some reason...I thought something was odd [08:59] replace i810 with i915 [08:59] him89; yes i did that also... [08:59] ghindo I just clicked to download it again and it's telling me it's ~700mb, which before it was an instantaneous download [08:59] then just cross you fingers and restart [09:00] Auslegung: Weird. Download it again and try the USB install [09:00] ghindo yeah, I'm getting it now. So I'm not as stupid as I thought, haha [09:00] him89; okk i am restarting [09:01] PerryArmstrong, yes let me know [09:01] debia: no dice. [09:02] HawkLion: If you right-click network manager icon and choose "Edit Connection..." is it any different now ? [09:03] debia: oh yeah..under the Wired tab there is something listed... [09:03] debia: ifupdown (eth0) never [09:04] Hello. I have problems with mounting cifs network share and make utf8 to work properly. What am I doing wrong with the iocharset option? I have tried utf8, iso88591-1 and cp850 but they don't work any of them [09:04] clear [09:04] him89; still no improvement [09:04] anybody can help me? [09:04] HawkLion: ok, can u select and choose "Edit" to the right-side [09:04] PerryArmstrong, did it work before? [09:04] how to connect j2me with mysql? [09:04] debia: ok [09:04] It should have worked this way [09:05] PerryArmstrong, can you download a 8.10-iso and check if that works fine? [09:05] him89; before in the sense?? [09:05] PerryArmstrong, before the upgrade [09:05] him89; ya it was excellent that time [09:05] HawkLion: connect automatically should be selected (ticked), under IPv4 Settings tab ... [09:05] PerryArmstrong, can you download a 8.10-iso and check if that works fine? [09:06] him89; i have 8.10 cd's and they are the same for mew [09:06] debia: Method: Automatic (DHCP) [09:06] *me [09:06] HawkLion: against "Method:" the choice should read "Automatic (DHCP) [09:06] debia: yep [09:06] ok, just select ok [09:06] PerryArmstrong, so it does not work with 8.10 Live CD too? [09:06] Is xubuntu support available here? [09:06] HawkLion: ok just select OK [09:07] avishek, yes just ask [09:07] him89; yup [09:07] HawkLion: now if you _left-click_ on netowrk manager icon do you see any network name ? [09:07] then its some other problem [09:07] debia: Updating connection failed: nm-ifupdown-connection.c.82 - connection update not supported (read-only).. [09:07] not an xorg config [09:07] him89; and look at this roshan@roshan:~$ xrandr -s 1024x768 [09:07] Size 1024x768 not found in available modes === nicholas is now known as tacosarecool [09:07] PerryArmstrong, but we added the modes [09:08] if the Live CD did not work it ll be difficult to get it towkr [09:08] thank you him89. I'm experiencing what i think is a bug in the network manager. For the wired connection, the ip details must be manually set everytime on reboot [09:08] to work [09:08] him89; when did we add the modes and how?? [09:08] PerryArmstrong, its added in the xorg.conf file [09:08] when I remove a file in command can i recover it back? [09:08] It's happening on every machine that i've installed xubuntu [09:08] avishek, thats not a bug thats how it works [09:09] HawkLion: nvm the "Updating connection failed" error since we didn't change any setting. [09:09] debia: left-click on network manager icon shows no network name...No network devices available is grayed out. [09:09] if you dont have a DHCP you need to enter manually [09:09] debia: ok [09:09] him89; ohh yes...but i am surprised why...is there no way now [09:09] HawkLion: the last thing I can think of doing now is to restart networking service [09:09] it much be compatability with some software [09:09] Are there other Virtual Machines instead of Virtual Box? [09:09] him89, is there anyway to save the ip addresses once manually entered ? [09:10] HawkLion: pls open a terminal and type : sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart [09:10] debia: ok [09:10] yes right click on the network manager and edit connections [09:10] HawkLion: do mind the spaces, there are 3 parts separated by space [09:10] and edit the connection to make it static ip [09:10] and it should work if configured properly [09:11] him89, yes, i edit connections, enter ip, gateway, netmask, dns, and close. everything works fine, but when i reboot, all settings are cleared off [09:11] him89; so no alternative [09:11] HawkLion: if you can paste the output I can see if there is more I can do [09:11] anybody know how to get power management to work properly on laptop [09:12] ikonia; any help?? [09:12] avishek, did you save it right? [09:12] but this problem doesn't happen with the wireless settings, only the wired connections [09:12] Hello. I have problems with mounting cifs network share and make utf8 to work properly. What am I doing wrong with the iocharset option? I have tried utf8, iso88591-1 and cp850 but they don't work any of them. I man mount.cifs is claims that iocharset option is not used if the server doesn't support utf8. How can I check if the server supports utf8? [09:12] him89, yes [09:12] PerryArmstrong, nope nothing i can think of [09:12] avishek, wireless have names so there is no problem [09:12] debia: ok just a minute... [09:12] him89; thank you very much...for putting your effort to help me [09:12] wired connections dont [09:12] PerryArmstrong, NP [09:12] you might wanna get back to 8.04 or wait for 9.04 :) [09:13] him89, but on ubuntu and kubuntu, once saved, i don't have to set them again. [09:13] hmmmm then looks like something is wrong [09:13] him89, very sorry to trouble you, but i'm out of my league here. [09:14] avishek, not a problem [09:14] is there any config file that i have to update now that i have swapped my dual core cpu for a quad core? [09:14] should i report this as a bug? what's the procedure? [09:14] go to lanuchpad [09:14] and report a bug there [09:14] can anyone help me with my graphic displays...ubuntu 8.10 is not able to get the screen resolution set right...any idea?? [09:14] PerryArmstron: What's your hardware? [09:14] simula_, no you dont need to [09:15] thank you him89 for all your help; appreciate it very much. God bless! [09:15] thanks him89 [09:15] avishek: try configuring the interface in /etc/network/interfaces as static [09:15] simula_, linux will automaticaly notice them [09:15] simula_, are you on the comp right now? [09:15] yup [09:15] virtualbox was acting funny though [09:15] PerryArmstrong: do you have an ati or nvidia card, or what's your hardware? [09:16] simula_, paste the output of cat /proc/cpu here : paste.ubuntu.com and give me a link [09:16] ghindo, when I type dd if=/home/jason/Desktop/ubuntu-9.04-beta-netbook-remix-i386.img of=/media/KINGSTON/dev/sdx I get this: /media/KINGSTON/dev/sdx/': No such file or directory. [09:16] natschil, he has a Intel 82945G [09:17] Auslegung, you need to change of=/dev/sdx [09:17] where x is the number of harddisk +1 [09:17] lvlefisto, the interfaces file says: "auto lo [newline] iface lo inet loopback" where should i place the static? [09:17] its should be 2 if you have one hard disk and the USB is only other thing connected [09:18] ghindo change it to what? [09:18] Auslegung: It should just be something like this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/143970/ [09:18] natschil; 00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 82945G/GZ Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 02) [09:18] him89: PerryArmstrong: as far as I know, intel cards don't really have a lot of driver problems. I remember that installing a package (something like i915) from apt fixed a minor resolution problem once in hardy or so [09:18] avishek: you should add the interface you are using e.g. eth0 or eth1 [09:18] natschil, he has i915 running [09:19] it was shown in lsmod [09:19] debia: http://paste.ubuntu.com/143972/ [09:19] lvlefisto: i'm not familiar on this procedure; i'll google it up. many thanks for your help [09:19] him89: PerryArmstrong: what is the resolution now? [09:19] does somebody know if it is possible to install anjuta 2.26 on hardy(officially it install anjuta 2.4.1)? [09:19] he is getting 640x480 [09:20] here is the link him89 [09:20] ghindo, thanks that worked, be looking for more inquiries from me soon, but hopefully not. [09:20] HawkLion: saw the paste bin. pls try this in terminal: sudo ifup eth0 [09:21] HawkLion: for password, use your password [09:21] http://paste.ubuntu.com/143975/ [09:21] simula_, link? [09:21] avishek: i have it something like this, http://paste.ubuntu.com/143976/ [09:21] simula_, its shows up proper [09:21] Dose linuxbios suppurt Biostar 780G [09:21] you got a AMD Phenon [09:21] thanks him89 [09:21] debia: error...no such device [09:21] simula_, shows up all 4 cours [09:21] cores* [09:23] HawkLion: ok, lets try a couple more things.. type in terminal: ls /dev/eth* [09:23] ?? [09:23] sophia: ?? [09:23] lvlefisto: Thank you so much! How do I specify multiple dns ? [09:23] Dose linuxbios suppurt Biostar 780G [09:23] do i use commas to separate? [09:24] debia: ls: cannot access /dev/eth*: No such file or directory [09:24] avishek: wait [09:25] lvlefisto: will do [09:25] help... trying to get my laptop power management to work [09:25] Auslegung: Yeah, no problem. Glad I could help! [09:25] grawity: I have pasted my code here--> http://paste.ubuntu.com/143932/... i am not getting proper output after changing the implementation from xv to X11 library.. No video display, [09:26] Hello... I just installed Ubuntu 8.10 on my laptop and I got a default resolution of 1600x1200 (my laptop supports only 1024x768 maximum)..... How can I install the video drivers? [09:28] HawkLion: checking a few things, pls hold on [09:28] ana→ go to the System menu and start the "hardware drivers" application [09:28] debia: no sweat... [09:29] hmm.. there's nothing... I have a VIA Unichrome Card... [09:29] sophia: this doesn't really seem like the right channel for that. have you looked on mozilla's irc server? [09:30] magnetron, I am also stuck with 1600x1200 at 0hz refresh rate.. if i change it, the screen destroys [09:30] crdlb: ok [09:30] ana→ did you start the Hardware Drivers application or not? [09:30] avishek: i guess you should add a line prefixed with nameserver keyword and then your nameserver address [09:30] the same with gateway [09:30] magnetron, yes, and it is empty [09:31] lvlefisto: ok, will do. I don't know how to thank you enough. [09:31] avishek: check this: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-15057.html [09:32] avishek: thank me only if it works [09:33] HawkLion: this is a bit of a long-shot, but can you try in a terminal: sudo ifup etha [09:33] paste the output in a private message to me or on pastebin [09:33] how can i change stuff to PATH in .bashrc ? [09:34] debia: Ignoring unknown interface etha=etha [09:36] natschil;sorry i had gone for lunch...didnt see your message...right now my resolution is 640x480 [09:36] hi [09:37] whats the elegant/proper way to mount an sshfs drive at system bootup [09:38] natschil; i have posted my problem at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=7010757#post7010757 [09:38] can anyone help with my problem... i have posted the problem and certain outputs of commands at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=7010757#post7010757 [09:38] HawkLion: ok can again edit the file /etc/network/interfaces ? this time instead of eth0 we will put etha in it [09:39] press Alt+F2 and enter the command: gksudo gedit /etc/network/interfaces [09:40] hehe [09:40] HawkLion: press Alt+F2 and enter the command: gksudo gedit /etc/network/interfaces [09:40] debia: I'm there [09:41] debia: auto etha [09:41] HawkLion: I find it unusual that "physical id: a" in the output from "lshw -C network" command - never seen it before [09:41] HawkLion: right, auto etha [09:41] anyone can help me get the screen resolution?? [09:42] omg my head! what ever you do dont import msg into python! [09:42] debia: don't know...you might as well be speaking French right now [09:42] psywiped: from __future__ import braces [09:42] debia: but I'm slowly getting up to speed [09:43] grawity that would be a backport for me [09:43] hi what is the default root value supposed to be in proftpd to jail them in to their home folder? [09:43] psywiped: What do you mean? [09:43] HawkLion: iface etha inet dhcp [09:43] can anyone help me get my screen resolution on 8.10 [09:43] HawkLion: lol, [09:44] i thought it was supposed to be ~ but it doesnt work :( [09:45] debia why are you using gksudo? [09:45] grawity been there done that [09:45] HawkLion: gksudo is when you want to run GUI apps as super-user [09:45] debia: got it [09:46] debia: saved [09:46] how can i change an mp3 to a wav copy [09:46] ? [09:46] Hello, I am having problems with my sound being low in *buntu . As noted here , https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/217789 . It seems others have the same issue with realtek ALC888 ? is there any hope of that being fixed and the sound being that good as windows ? [09:46] HawkLion: ok, sorry to say, but desktop needs to be restarted [09:46] debia why doesnt sudo work? [09:46] gotta q about raid5, can i import a pre-existing ntfs raid 5 into ubuntu server? [09:46] dubia: no sweat. [09:46] GnuSeb whatever for? [09:46] Hello i need to change an mp3 file to wav format how can i do it? [09:47] debia: restarting [09:47] GnuSeb: convert it [09:47] for my phone to have a voice answer option the file i have as ringtone has to be wav or midi [09:47] HawkLion: sudo blocks until the called program is completed. [09:47] a_n_d_r_e_w, how? [09:47] magnetron, so? I am ana :p [09:47] avidemux or audacity [09:47] audiadicy or whatever its called [09:47] HawkLion: you could use sudo if you were launching the same command from terminal I guess. [09:47] debia: ok, thus the restart? [09:47] what can i do? [09:48] a_n_d_r_e_w, how do you do it on audacity? [09:48] yes, audacity [09:48] GnuSeb: i don't have audacity [09:48] GnuSeb look at the help files [09:48] hi, i'm looking for a SQL modeller ? [09:48] a_n_d_r_e_w, ok how do you do it with avidemux [09:48] i have that [09:49] GnuSeb read the handbook [09:49] avidemux is not a sound converter [09:49] what is? [09:49] what program can i use to convert files [09:50] video converter [09:50] sound [09:50] GnuSeb: audacity [09:50] from mp3 to wav [09:50] audacity [09:50] audacity [09:50] audacity [09:50] a_n_d_r_e_w: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [09:50] HawkLion: partly so. also the changed config file (/etc/network/interfaces in which you typed 2 additional lines) is read at startup - I don't know how to make it take effect manually. [09:50] HawkLion: without restarting [09:51] debia: oh... [09:51] debia: speaking of restarting...done, no change. [09:51] GnuSeb read this http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&ct=res&cd=1&url=http%3A%2F%2Fubuntuforums.org%2Fshowthread.php%3Ft%3D196680&ei=cx_XSc69OqnslQeQqvzgDA&usg=AFQjCNGXIuC13e-_kREW_LKhSW6LXifmzg&sig2=aQkpXGIpECkqADsNCBiNHA [09:52] anyone for a SQL modeller ? [09:52] !ati [09:52] For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto [09:52] HawkLion: ok that was expected. but can you try in a terminal : sudo ifup etha [09:52] !vis [09:52] Sorry, I don't know anything about vis [09:52] can anyone help me get ubuntu fix my resolution...i am not getting the right resolution [09:52] !via [09:52] Sorry, I don't know anything about via [09:52] :( [09:52] !unichrome [09:52] Sorry, I don't know anything about unichrome [09:52] :'( [09:52] !amd64 [09:52] AMD64 and EMT64 are fully supported architectures on Ubuntu. See http://tinyurl.com/3jkole and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amd64 for more information. [09:52] !openchrome [09:53] Sorry, I don't know anything about openchrome [09:53] !gpg [09:53] gpg is the GNU Privacy Guard. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GnuPrivacyGuardHowto and class #8 on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ClassroomTranscripts [09:53] What do I install for ATI cards? help ubuntu is down. [09:53] !ati [09:53] For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto [09:53] debia: etha: ERROR [09:53] !msgthebot [09:53] Please investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots. Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid". [09:53] anyone can tell me how can i enable the via graphic card? [09:53] perscitus: start "Hardware Drivers", and it should do the rest for you. [09:53] HawkLion: were you asked for password ? [09:53] debia: yes [09:53] any RAID5 gurus? [09:53] nathan7-> Doesnt work. probably due to nvidia card. switching :P [09:54] !raid5 [09:54] Sorry, I don't know anything about raid5 [09:54] HawkLion: in that case, I guess I am out of options. [09:54] can anyone help with my problem... i have posted the problem and certain outputs of commands at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=7010757#post7010757 [09:54] HawkLion did it work with the live cd? [09:54] debia: no worries mate! Thank you so much!! [09:54] HawkLion: I can only recommend searching in forums or with the device manufacturer [09:55] natschil-> i probably have to use ATI website drivers. One in repo doesnt support card. [09:55] HawkLion: you are welcome [09:55] psywiped: never tried the live CD [09:55] HawkLion: goodluck [09:55] psywiped - i have an ntfs 4 drive raid in my 2k3 server and i would like to migrate to ubuntu server. possible? [09:55] debia: thank you [09:55] debia; can you help with my problem... i have posted the problem and certain outputs of commands at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=7010757#post7010757 [09:55] is their a good todo application for ubuntu ? [09:55] linky0ne hardware or software [09:56] soft [09:56] no [09:56] pura vida [09:56] thanks [09:56] psywiped, [09:56] natschil-> whats command to check x version? [09:56] thanks! [09:56] linky0ne its because windows is doing the heavy lifting and its drivers doing it [09:57] 请教大家一下,virtual和ose版能不能共存啊? [09:57] Hey, how can I configure IP tables to block all traffic bar to the port 123? [09:57] whats command to check x version? [09:57] percitus: X -version [09:57] * Dvyjones_ waves to grawity [09:57] * grawity waves at Dvyjones_ [09:57] !languge | myth [09:57] Sorry, I don't know anything about languge [09:57] anyone ? [09:57] got it, i know i can import a foreign dynamic disk array into another 2k3 system, i was hoping i can do the same in *nix [09:58] linky0ne your better geting a card that has the raid5 on it [09:58] natschil-> X.Org version actually [09:59] linky0ne its more stable and faster pluss no chance of windows causing it to break [09:59] ok, i read somewhere that the *nix software raid was excellent and sometimes out performed hw raid5 [09:59] natschil; did you see my message [09:59] ciao [09:59] PerryArmstrong: which one? [10:00] italian === bruno is now known as Guest71666 [10:00] Hi all [10:00] "windows causing it to break" too late for that. i am re-synching as we speak! i guess ill find 2TB somewhere to back up all data and recreate raid in ubuntu [10:00] server film emule [10:00] linky0ne maby on a dedicated system but not on user systems [10:00] PerryArmstrong: I saw ur post. in the xorg.conf, there are 2 screen sections. 2 monitor sections, 2 device sections etc [10:00] it will be a dedicated file server [10:00] can the virtualbox 2.14 edition and the ose 2.0 edition exits the same time ? [10:01] i just purchased an intel server grade board for this system [10:01] linky0ne im a little supprised that it doesnt have onboard raid5 [10:01] PerryArmstrong: the 2nd Screen section has more info than first, so can u delete the first ? (from Section "Screen" until EndSection) [10:01] can the virtualbox 2.14 edition and the ose 2.0 edition exits the same time ? [10:01] Can someone give me a clue on uninstalling virtualbox properly? I removed it with apt-get uninstall virtualbox* --purge, but even if the software is gone, at startup I still have the kernel trying to load a module and failing to do so, and I still have users and groups generated by the vbox installer. [10:02] PerryArmstrong: the same for monitor and device [10:02] is there a way to use the macbooks multitouch guesteres like to fingers for scrolling etc. on ubuntu? [10:02] myth keep asking the same question and the answer will endup being no [10:02] ok [10:02] with HW raid controller failures is it possible to "see" raid on a replacement system? [10:02] PerryArmstrong: I mean Section "Device" and Section "Monitor" [10:02] ghindo, quick question, after doing the dd there's nothing on my usb drive. Why is that? [10:02] can the virtualbox 2.14 edition and the ose 2.0 edition exits in a computer the same time ? [10:03] myth: yes [10:03] linky0ne yes because it is set up as one drive before the os loads [10:04] um wait [10:04] linky0ne you mean if the card breaks? [10:04] exactly [10:04] rio,i get the ose editon from the apt-get, and the 2.14 edition from the webdite [10:04] Auslegung: Wait, I thought you said that you had got the image onto the USB drive? [10:04] i know sw, you can re-import cause raid info is stored on all drives [10:05] debia; done i think even InputDevice is also repeated [10:05] linky0ne im not sure i guess it depends on how it tells the raid setup [10:05] i am nervous that hw raid is proprietary [10:05] PerryArmstrong: InputDevice is repeated only for "wacom" a few times, the kbd and mouse should be there [10:05] debia; i actually copied the second part of code fromubuntuforums...which one of friends provided me [10:05] ghindo well, I ran the code and didn't check in the USB, I assumed it worked [10:05] debia; ok..now whats to be done.... [10:06] linky0ne yea cause the windows implamntation totaly isnt [10:06] PerryArmstrong: wait. InputDevice is not repeated [10:06] Auslegung: I thought you had mentioned that the USB drive was empty to begin with? [10:06] debia; there are 2 input devices..but the identifiers are different [10:06] ghindo yeah, it was, and it still is [10:07] PerryArmstrong: only the Screen, Monitor and Device has duplicate. pls backup ur xorg.conf first. then edit xorg.conf as root remove duplicate sections and save and exit [10:07] psywiped - ok, well thanks for clearing that up, now im off to find 2TB extra of storage! thanks again! [10:07] Auslegung: Hm. Have you tried viewing hidden files or booting from the USB drive? [10:07] PerryArmstrong: second set in the duplicates has more detail, so I suggest remove the first one for each [10:08] debia; i have done that as you said before [10:08] ghindo, yeah, both, and there's nothing there. When booting from it says cannot locate file Linux or something to that effect [10:08] nathan7-> I installed ati driver from their site and Hardy works perfectly. Works better then nvidia actually [10:09] debia; now whats to be done? [10:09] PerryArmstrong: restart X-server [10:10] debia; it says command not found [10:10] PerryArmstrong: after closing all programs and saving all data etc, as a shortcut to login/logoff you can try Ctrl+Alt+Backspace [10:10] hi, how can i solve a font problem? not a big deal, but after installing word processor software some font settings are now changed and i don't like it, how do i perform some detailed font configuration with nice gui? [10:10] Auslegung: I'm not sure. I'll look around a bit, but I'm almost out of ideas [10:11] debia; so should i just logoff [10:11] debia; and then login back?? [10:11] PerryArmstrong: for the new config to take effect, you have logout and login (shortcut as above) [10:11] debia; ok i'll do that then [10:12] Can someone give me a clue on uninstalling virtualbox properly? I removed it with apt-get uninstall virtualbox* --purge, but even if the software is gone, at startup I still have the kernel trying to load a module and failing to do so, and I still have users and groups generated by the vbox installer. === AliTarihi_ is now known as AliTarihi [10:13] Auslegung: Yeah, I'm not sure what to tell you. I think your best bet would to be to wait for wiki.ubuntu.com to go back up, and follow the instructions there. [10:14] How to make samba work? I have network card all right working but when stat samba message tell me that unable to find any workgroup inlocal area network [10:14] السلام عليكم يا عرب ويا مسلمون [10:14] NICK vicky [10:15] b: Telnet? [10:15] يا اخوان هل منكم من يتكلم عربي [10:15] Hi..! [10:15] !arabic | aziz [10:15] aziz: For Arabic language support, please : /join #ubuntu-arabic : للحصول على الدعم باللغة العربية [10:15] HawkLion: you still there ? [10:16] ghindo thanks for being patient and trying to help, I appreciate it [10:16] i need to know which is the alternate to "trackmania" game [10:16] !equivalents [10:16] A comprehensive list of of Windows-equivalent applications in Linux can be found at http://www.linuxrsp.ru/win-lin-soft/table-eng.html and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WhatWindowsUsersWant - Try also joining #ubuntu-bots and asking BestBot [10:16] hello everyone. could anyone tell me if i zeroed out my superblock on my mdadm raid0 setup, would all data be lost? i'm running xfs FS on it atm, but during re-install of OS, it's come up with bad SB when trying to mount it. [10:16] xbmc [10:16] Auslegung: Yeah, no problem. Sorry I couldn't help you more. [10:16] حصول على الدعم باللغة العربية [10:16] !ops [10:16] Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elky, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, Madpilot, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia! [10:17] !ops > kimi [10:17] Kimi, please see my private message [10:17] منكم من يتكلم [10:17] !arabic | a_n_d_r_e_w [10:17] a_n_d_r_e_w: For Arabic language support, please : /join #ubuntu-arabic : للحصول على الدعم باللغة العربية [10:17] Kimi: please don't abuse ops [10:17] :| [10:17] How to make samba work? I have network card all right working but when stat samba message tell me that unable to find any workgroup in local area network [10:17] Kimi: Please don't do that. [10:17] Kimi, why did you do that [10:17] i want to know what will ops do [10:18] is it not allowed ?? ! :O :O [10:18] it'll get you kicked out [10:18] Kimi: !ops is allowed - but only when you REALLY NEED it. [10:18] linky0ne to be able to restor a harware raid5 you need the same controler [10:18] Hi :'( [10:19] :( [10:19] linky0ne so back up your data [10:19] Kimi: !ops is allowed - but only when you REALLY NEED it. [10:19] * grawity makes a note to unignore kicks on #ubuntu. [10:19] grawity ok. i didnot really know that [10:19] nicodarious, it's possible to rebuild superblocks without hosing the array [10:19] i just don't remember how [10:19] ok, thats what i thought. as soon as this resync completes i will [10:19] !ops [10:19] Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elky, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, Madpilot, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia! [10:19] grawity.. i saw that ops in logs of this.... so tried it [10:19] a_n_d_r_e_w, stop! [10:20] sorry :( [10:20] the ops trigger is reserved for spammers and such [10:20] Kimi: /query ubottu, and you can test there. === Laruft|AFK is now known as Laruft [10:20] nooooo you broked the interwebs [10:21] : /query ubottu [10:21] Kimi: Without the : [10:21] grawity ok.. i just did a copy - paste :P .. thanks for it [10:21] i do have a question though. I have a Motorola RAZR v3a cell phone, trying to use it under either moto4lin or bitpim under ubuntu 8.10. However, it seems the usb dsl modem driver (the modem part of the phone uses this driver) is not getting loaded [10:22] and i'm trying to figure out what module that was [10:24] Hi everyone, I have this weird problem.. when I boot (Kubuntu) I don't have any internet/network connection.. [10:24] almost any cell phone hooked up through usb uses this same driver, which NetworkManager can pick up on, just trying to remember the module name [10:24] grawity: (with the /remove command, it's the same as /kick - but it isn't intrepreted by the client as one) [10:24] however, KNetworkManager sais I have connection... and it also sais DHCP is configured [10:24] when I do "sudo /etc/init.d/networking stop" in terminal.... everything works just fine... [10:25] debia; vow thanks....it worked [10:25] hello everyone: can someone help me help a noob on the ubuntuforums? [10:25] Tidus: to rebuild superblocks, do all i have to do is zero them out or is there something more i must do? i'm new to this part of recreation of md arays [10:25] Mind if I ask a somewhat off-topic question? It'll just take a moment. [10:26] nicodarious, zero them out, then hand-assemble the array *in the same order* as it was before [10:26] want to know any alternate to "trackmania" game [10:26] PerryArmstrong: glad to hear that, world looks much better at hi-res [10:26] He can't boot, grub does nothing - he booted a livecd and got a sudo fdisk -l output, which showed that the partitions don't end on cylinder boundary. Dualboot. His 2nd partition is the NTFS, and bootable one. 1st partition is ext3. Is it possible that there is some 'overlap' and the MBR has been inadvertently overwritten? [10:27] debia; but before the main screen came..it showed me that ubuntu is running in low graphics mode nd i saved the log file [10:27] The first and 2nd partitions ended/started on same partition [10:27] . [10:27] PerryArmstrong: sorry not clear to me [10:30] debia; after logging in i got a message that ubuntu is running in low graphics mode === whip is now known as Whipper_ [10:31] Nexuiz 2.5 Is out! :D Get it now! http://alientrap.org/nexuiz/ http://thepiratebay.org/torrent/4821677 [10:32] http://newth.net/eirik/2008/04/29/howto-install-trackmania-nations-forever-on-ubuntu-804/ Kimi [10:32] I have a quick question. It's a tad off-topic. [10:33] #ubuntu-offtopic then TheFlyingGlueGun [10:33] Your wish is my command. [10:33] Thanks! [10:33] How can I set the language of gnome applications? [10:34] hi guys...I wonder if you can help me. When I want to download a new theme for Ubuntu, some of the themes tell me that I have to have the latest murrine, aurora and pixmap engines....how are these installed? [10:34] bonjour, y a-t'il des gens parlant français ? [10:34] i cant wait to get back to working on my gentoo install [10:35] ?? french | noir [10:35] !french | noir [10:35] noir: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr [10:35] noir, #ubuntu-fr pour francais [10:35] !ot > psywiped [10:35] psywiped, please see my private message [10:35] !ot > psywiped [10:36] whoops [10:36] !ot > shadearg [10:36] shadearg, please see my private message [10:36] I'm sorry, I can't seem to tab well @ 2:36am [10:36] !ot > Shinu [10:36] Shinu, please see my private message [10:37] you guys are harsh i do one ot message in an hour and you hit me with that [10:37] wtb bluetooth runthrought? deadmines? [10:37] Salut [10:37] psywiped, this is a busy channel; please take offtopic chat to #ubuntu-offtopic [10:38] héhé okey okey ! [10:39] my blue tooth need to be reset every time I restart... is there an easy way around this? [10:39] great i post 1 line ot and get 7 lines back [10:39] heh [10:40] Heimark what do you mean by reset [10:41] I need to uninstall my mouse and reinstall it [10:42] having the same issue with my parents computer with Vista... but Vista vs Jaunty Alpha.... [10:42] I was installing Xubuntu to my usb drive and grub gave me a fatal error. Is there a way to install grub manually? [10:42] Heimark did you check the forums yet because thats not a common issue very few people use a bluetooth mouse === _ is now known as Guest64456 [10:43] Heimark, this is for jaunty? #ubuntu+1 for that please [10:44] ty [10:44] I'll check it out tomorrow.. GF isn't happy with Ubuntu chat. Just looking for a quick fix [10:45] does any one have a good make file how to [10:45] install [10:46] (well one more ot thing) goodnight all brain is flashing the capslock at me so i need to reset it for 8hrs and reindex parts of it have fun. [10:46] or how to compile page [10:46] johnslaptop, google does [10:47] how do i enable xdmcp without graphical mode being started yet ? [10:47] oh hello ... how are u ... fine ... we should have klones [10:48] blah [10:49] psywiped, trying to help is not an excuse for breaking the rules of the channel. [10:49] :) [10:49] http://tazbuntu.blogspot.com/2008/04/compile-and-install-from-source-code.html [10:50] i have installed an ubuntu desktop as a file server in my office. It is on LAN with static ip address. It connect to internet through a modem which connects directly to the network switch of the LAN. In this setup is it possible to access the file server from my home? [10:50] anybody xdmcp enabling while being on a prompt bash ? [10:50] whats the channel if i want to spam? [10:50] #spam [10:50] and #politics [10:51] so any idea what module that would be? [10:51] shavinder: yes if u forward 999999 ports [10:51] whazilla: There are only 65565 ports -_- [10:52] ;) [10:52] whazilla: i am a lay user. could you please explain more? [10:52] shh thats top secret [10:52] 65535 even. [10:52] shavinder: if ur net router thats connected to ur modem blocks the port then u need to forward the port numbers the service is running on [10:53] make a dyndns.org and test till ur inside from the net [10:53] netbreak instead of jailbreak [10:54] anybody xdmcp enabling while being on a prompt bash ? [10:54] Hello people! i have a little stupid problem :D i can't found openoffice-formula, also if i have already installed it [10:54] apt-get install openoffice-forpmula [10:54] apt-cache search openoffice [10:55] whazilla, are you using tightvnc? [10:55] id like to [10:55] but this is the situation [10:55] vista and colinux [10:55] it tells me that is unable to found openoffice-formula [10:55] being ubuntu [10:56] empires wher did u hear of that package ? [10:56] however i dont have to install it, i just have to found a way to open the program [10:56] enpires, what happens if you type openoffice-formula in a terminal? [10:56] whazilla, you need to edit the runlevels rc.d http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-16953.html [10:56] maybe it inst in mainstream [10:56] it says command not found [10:56] on ap^t-get ? [10:56] same [10:56] thanks mrwes [10:56] enpires, if it doesn't says anyting about apt-get, it probably isn't installable [10:57] nono is installed [10:57] apt-get says command not found ? [10:57] i just saw if from the install/unistall section [10:57] whazilla, yah...look towards the end of that thread for the solution [10:57] enpires, have you tried the gnome menu? [10:57] whazilla no, apt-get says that is unable to find that program [10:58] ah [10:58] not mainstream then [10:58] yeah sure i tried, i can find onle oo-word/xls and so on [10:58] *only [10:58] enpires apt-get install wordperfect5.1 [10:58] enpires, and have you only looked under office tools or have you tried the other menus too? [10:59] 1 second :) [10:59] hm [10:59] new bot [10:59] every menu [10:59] same... impossible to find wordperfect [10:59] try synaptec as root [10:59] or is it synaptic ? [10:59] ok just a second [10:59] nono i did in a terminal [11:00] Hi guys.I just installed Ubuntu 8.10 on my EeePC. My question is how I change the background that flashes by during the login? I [11:00] now i try with synaptic [11:00] syn press tab now [11:00] no... ther's no wordperfect* packages on my synaptic [11:01] salut tout le monde [11:01] o enable XDMCP: [11:01] It's fairly easy to set up. If you are using Gnome, you go to System->Administration-Login Window. [11:01] this is not so simpel without X [11:01] mrwes: any clues ? [11:01] why is my vim not loading python mode automatically when I open a python file? [11:02] whazilla,,, no solutions? :P [11:02] what provides tune2fs ? [11:02] (e2fsprogs doesn't have it?) [11:02] enpires: wher u at ? [11:02] i mean how far are u progressed ? [11:04] i got no X server running due a lack of screen ... how do i enable xdmcp without x active ? [11:05] xming doesnt wanne connect to colinux ... its blocked somehow on vista [11:05] so i need an alternative to xming [11:05] witch is an xservers backend screen on windows ==w xming [11:05] whazilla: I managed to change the ugly lime-green color that also flashes by during the login. Didnt find where to change that background picture though. [11:05] or how to run x ? [11:06] blackline: seems to be easy enough to edit xdm gdm or kdm [11:06] and grub for boot loadern images [11:07] blackline cant u allso change it on the login screen itself ;;; left lower corner [11:07] blackline, are you trying to change the login screen background or the booting background? [11:08] armornick: its not the login screen, nor the boot background i think. if im correct its a backround image that flashes by while i enter my password. [11:09] can anyone help a newbie with getting a usb wifi stick to work please [11:09] of a flash kit [11:09] Eeepc background to be exact, the same that was originally the desktop background after install. [11:09] webography: witch stick ? [11:09] dildoweb tm [11:10] it is the zydas 1211b [11:10] whazilla, maybe you need to try to start it from /etc/gdm/PreSession/Default [11:10] i dunno [11:10] id like to reinstall from scratch [11:10] but colinux dont like that [11:10] as it dont let me mount a cd to boot [11:11] i need ~qemu for that unfortunatly that does not run well on mi vista [11:11] http://opensource.bureau-cornavin.com/belkin/index.html [11:12] webography: i hope it helps [11:12] i will take a look whazilla, but i have been reading everything i can get my hands on all morning to no avail [11:13] this link to ? [11:13] it was the google lucky link [11:13] the stick is recognised, the driver is installed but no connection [11:13] unplug ... rub it in vagina ... plug it in again ... succes [11:14] wiki of ubuntu is down? [11:14] thats how software should work [11:14] or its just my stupid isp? [11:14] hello everyone [11:14] i hav ubuntu 9.04 beta iso image [11:14] webography: try to remove and reinstall if it doesnt recognise and try to follow that link i pasted [11:15] its extaclty what u want [11:15] hmm is there any ways to setup ubuntu if i dont have a cd-rom drive? [11:15] hw can i boot using that iso without a cd . I want to use hdd as cdrom [11:15] ? [11:15] THAT a GOOD question === marcin is now known as oqular [11:16] lol both with same question [11:16] !install | SliderMan [11:16] SliderMan: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - see also !automate [11:16] webography: try this [11:16] # modprobe zd1211b [11:16] # ifconfig wlan0 up [11:16] # iwconfig wlan0 [11:16] ty!!! [11:16] whazilla: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [11:16] !usb | SliderMan [11:16] SliderMan: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent [11:16] got it web ? [11:17] hey I want to use that iso just like the live cd [11:17] what iso .. what live cd ... just like what ? [11:17] i dont need to install coz that is still a beta [11:17] yeah but my stick is actually the ZyDas LA-54L WiFi and the modprobe comes back with not installed for zd1211 [11:17] anki1, jaunty in #ubuntu+1 [11:18] SliderMan : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ubuntu is up [11:18] good job! [11:18] thanks [11:19] webography: well that sounds abit more tricky [11:19] @whazilla--- i want to boot using the iso file as a live cd from my hard disk [11:19] now get it [11:19] what ! [11:19] okey try colinux anki1 or qemu : [11:19] lets u boot livecd while in system [11:19] anki1: eerm.. and then install another disk ?? [11:19] i hav already tried qemu [11:20] both links you gave me dasei dosent load for me [11:20] then dont try colinux ;) [11:20] maybe from grub [11:20] SliderMan: something wrong with your connection ? ping google.com ? [11:20] google loads [11:20] is there any way of booting into a live cd from grub [11:21] anybody tried installing ubuntu remix netbook ver,. on an ascpjre witb xp delivered... `=''havning some troubless when booting it from usb key [11:21] Hi. my old laptop crashed so i'm using ubuntu live cd to restore data, but it wont let me access the old HDD. does anyone know the command in terminal to fix its errors? [11:21] SliderMan: try to tunnel , if you think it's a filter [11:21] http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=92327 [11:21] tunnel? [11:21] SliderMan: right to pm you ? [11:21] yeah thanks [11:22] http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=92327 [11:22] hi all, i am wanting to play mp3 from command line how can i do it i have vlc installed [11:22] http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=92327 [11:23] Hi. my old laptop crashed so i'm using ubuntu live cd to restore data, but it wont let me access the old HDD. does anyone know the command in terminal to fix its errors? [11:23] thats for zydas1211 [11:23] Webu: [11:23] im running ubuntu studio and i cant get my lappy to connect to the internet... theres no icon in the tray or anything [11:23] natrixnatrix89: sudo mkdir /media/hdd && sudo mount /dev/sdXY /media/hdd -t ntfs-3g (replaceX by the letter of your hdd ans Y bu the number of the partition) [11:23] and there seems to be no eth0 or ath0 or wifi0? how do you list connections? [11:24] MusicGenious: ifconfig lists the network interfaces [11:24] yeah.... ifconfig just gives me lo [11:24] and iwconfig lists wireless devices [11:24] geffem: thanks [11:24] hi all, i am wanting to play mp3 from command line how can i do it i have vlc installed [11:25] noren: vlc song.mp3 ? [11:25] it! [11:25] iwconfig gives me lo - no wireless extensions, eth0 no wireless extensions, pan0 no wireless extensions [11:25] geffen: i am looking for a cli version not the gui version [11:26] #ita [11:26] * majnoon thinks mpg123,mpg321,or mplayer be better choices [11:26] #it [11:26] !it [11:26] Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare) [11:26] MusicGenious: you can make wireless with ndiswrapper or madwifi, you will see tutorials for tose programs [11:26] !install sliderman [11:26] Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) [11:26] !wireless [11:26] Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs [11:27] !install [11:27] Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - see also !automate [11:27] noren: I'm not sure that vlc can play in command line ... mplayer can [11:28] geffen how can i use mplayer to do the same i want to play mp3 in cli only [11:28] apparently, you have to run cvlc song.mp3 [11:28] does ubuntu studio come with ndiswrapper or madwifi geffen? [11:28] i don't know MusicGenious ^^ [11:29] where would i find binaries online for either of those? [11:29] and will the binaries include dependancies? [11:29] I have a serious problem: much (not all) of the system text have been replaced by squares (black border, white inside). I have tried rebooting several times. It's not just my user, its the same thing for the label text when logging in. [11:29] noren: ok, cvlc is working :) [11:29] !wireless [11:29] Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs [11:30] cvlc is working but it does not open the file i need to open [11:30] you can go there to find out what to do exactly, i'm not a specialist of wireless connections [11:30] guest_visitor: Have you deleted something before it happens ? [11:31] anyway to use a usb to boot up and download the setup files after reformating my hd? [11:31] geffen: No, it happend after a normal reboot [11:31] noren: euh ... i think ot's more a problem of your mp3 song ^^ [11:31] that doesnt display on my computer for some reason [11:31] geffen: oh got it working >>> vlc -I ncurses ~/Music/*.mp3 [11:31] guest_visitor: Try to post on ubuntu forums ... maybe someone had the same problem before ! [11:32] any nautilus experts in? god a problem with what appear to be cached drive labels [11:32] I've tried upgrading from 8.10 to 9.04 beta in the hope that it would fix it, but no [11:33] i'm not upgrading anymore to beta versions ... to much problems [11:33] ah now i need a good CLI browser [11:33] noren: links [11:33] noren: you have w3m included in ubuntu :) [11:33] or links [11:34] I thought it was worth a try... :-) [11:34] i tried using w3m but its confusiing browsing thru it any help file posted any where to howto browse through it [11:34] any ati -gfx card owners here, running latest intrepid? [11:34] its hard to enter the test to search i n google search also [11:35] noren: i just move the cursor with arrox keys, and i press enter when i want to follow a link, and when i want to enter a text in a form [11:36] following with arroow and following links is easy but i cant figure out how to enter text as i type nothing happens [11:37] press enter when your cursor is in the text field ... you will see the bottom line of your screen written with : TEXT : [11:37] anyway to use a usb to boot up and download the setup files after reformating my hd? [11:37] and here you can type your search, when it's done, enter again [11:38] i dont understand your question SliderMan [11:38] hmm i wanna boot from a usb but i only have 128mb one. [11:38] anyway to download the setup files after booting? [11:38] from the internet [11:39] Hello! [11:39] hey it werks [11:39] :D [11:39] i dont think so SliderMan [11:39] geffen; thanks , can we open new tabs and is there a back feature in it [11:39] have to have enough space on my usb? [11:39] #soluxione [11:39] i've never tried it noren, but maybe [11:39] My Synaptic doesnt see any packages expect that which i have already installed. Its fresh install of Ubuntu. Help me please [11:40] bercik, did you do an update ? [11:40] geffen: yes === lipsin_ is now known as lipsin [11:40] hum ... i don't know :/ [11:40] i'm not using synaptics ..; [11:41] ah [11:41] is there a way to load ubuntu setup through LAN boot? [11:42] SliderMan: It's possible for debian with 2 floppys, so ... it must be possible with Ubuntu too [11:42] allah akbar brothers! [11:42] thanks allah he give us ubuntu! [11:42] i dont have a floppy drive [11:42] gave* [11:42] SliderMan: if ot's possible with a floppy, that's possible with an usb drive ;) but you must go on the forums to find help [11:43] no one really post in my threads there [11:43] kinda annoying [11:43] how can i install a skin for my desk? [11:43] blahblahh: Mark Shuttleworth is allah? [11:43] and do u know where can i download a skin wich is a cube [11:43] ? [11:44] does anyone know if nautilus caches drive labels? my storage appears as downloads and vice versa since i swapped them, Root shows them perfectly... [11:44] but google is our friend right ? ;) [11:44] SliderMan gave? yeah my inglish is bad [11:44] nlh : You want a cube desktop ? You need to activate compiz [11:44] english [11:44] lol [11:44] SliderMan: u can get the minimum boot alternate cd i think its 80 mb only [11:44] how can i make this geffen ?. [11:44] mind if i PM you noren? [11:44] https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation SliderMan [11:45] the site dosent load for me [11:45] no [11:45] yay i finally got the new ubuntu lol [11:45] congraz =) [11:45] yes [11:45] now time to work out how to use it all lol [11:45] System > Preferences (i think that's his name in english) and then appareance, [11:45] and where can i download it? [11:45] anyone know if you can get BF2 for ubuntu? [11:45] visuals effects, and then you tick extra, if you have a powerfull graphic card [11:46] noren where can i get min alternate cd? [11:46] Tiffer9000: See from the side on Wine (winehq.org) [11:46] !minimal | SliderMan [11:46] SliderMan: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD [11:46] thanks! [11:46] !Alternate CD [11:46] The Alternate CD is a classic text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD. Look for the link on the Ubuntu download page - See also !minimal [11:47] nlh, wompiz is already on your Ubuntu ;) [11:47] !minimal [11:47] The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD [11:47] i gotta go [11:47] bye :) [11:47] have a great day [11:47] geffen #> Thanks [11:48] mam wiele plików o tym samym rozszeżeniu [11:48] jak zmienić im je na inne zbiorczo [11:48] !pl | Cyr4x [11:48] Cyr4x: Mozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl [11:48] aaa [11:48] !mount [11:48] For help with partitioning a new install see: https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/switching/installing-partitioning.html - For partitioning programs see !GParted or !QtParted - Other partitioning topics include !fstab !home and !swap [11:49] anyone knows why help.ubuntu.com dosent load? [11:49] SliderMan: did u get the minimum cd [11:49] how do i open the network manager from terminal? [11:49] noren i dont know where to download it [11:50] noren currectly downloading the alternate cf from a torrent [11:50] noren its 700mb [11:50] https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD SliderMan [11:51] bazhang, help.ubuntu.com dosent load up for me. [11:51] is ubuntu wiki down? [11:51] ... [11:51] probbably. [11:52] ill try googling for a mirror [11:53] SliderMan, odd it loads here [11:53] mind finding me a mirror? [11:53] SliderMan, for the iso? [11:53] hi, how can I chroot to a kubuntu system from a gentoo ? [11:53] for the minimal one [11:54] SliderMan: https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+cdmirrors [11:54] ty! [11:54] <33 - i love you. [11:55] hi everybody.. i'm new in ubuntu and I love it, but sadly I hardly understant anything.. would you nice people may help me..? [11:55] !ask | Dew [11:55] Dew: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) [11:55] Dew: Sure, that's what we're here for, what's the problem you're having? [11:55] any ideas how to turn of screen on ubuntu-server (e.g. without xset) ? [11:56] ah wierd no minimal cd mirrors there. [11:57] i found one, thank you verymuch guys <3 [11:58] ;) [11:58] SliderMan: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD [11:58] well. I want to get rid of the awful Vista that came with my computer. I want to use only ubuntu with windows XP app with it, bacouse I need Adobe CS3 to work properly.. I need to know how to do all that.... [11:59] dasei it still dosent load for me. [11:59] !dualboot | Dew [11:59] Dew: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - MACs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot [11:59] oh it does! [11:59] thanks!! [11:59] !appdb | Dew check here [11:59] Dew check here: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help [11:59] Dew: that won't work, consider a dual-bott, if hd is big enough [11:59] *boot [11:59] i'm running a gentoo system right now but I want to do some work in parallel on my kubuntu I can i use the kubuntu terminal ? [12:00] lyhana8: run a vm.. [12:00] DasEi how do i burn it to my usb ? [12:00] DasEi: I just need a terminal [12:01] I've been told that it can work.. why should't it? [12:02] SliderMan: differnet possibs; you said you don't a cd-drive ?? another pc, I assume, well usb-creator is one solution or google for syslinux [12:02] hi,my friend is using ubuntu netbook remix 9.04. he is able to ping www.google.com but is not able to browse with firefox to google.com [12:02] hi all. i am trying to create a tunnel between two machines for testing purposes.it went well in opensuse (command openvpn --config /etc/openvpn/server.conf )but failed in debian system http://paste.ubuntu.com/144077/ [12:03] thanks dasei [12:03] lyhana8: gentoo has a terminal, too, I don't get your intention .. [12:03] wompy, #ubuntu+1 for jaunty [12:04] <`[o_0]`> :) [12:04] bazhang thx [12:04] is there a tool that turns off monitor on ubuntu-server without Xorg? [12:05] DasEi so this cd will only load the setup and download the files i need later? [12:05] niravana: you could use bios for that [12:05] SliderMan: yes [12:06] DasEi: yep they have one, but i want to update my kubuntu while i'm running into gentoo [12:06] DasEi: bios has't such an option [12:06] thanks thats what i need! [12:06] hi all. i am trying to create a tunnel between two machines for testing purposes.it went well in opensuse (command openvpn --config /etc/openvpn/server.conf )but failed in debian system http://paste.ubuntu.com/144077/ [12:06] lyhana8: you have dualboot ? [12:06] rexwin, and ubuntu? [12:07] can i load my vista from ubuntu? i have installed both now... [12:07] ? === Guest50046 is now known as [CrashServ] [12:07] <[CrashServ]> ? [12:07] <[CrashServ]> anyone [12:08] can someone tell me where the `/etc/resolv.conf` go ? [12:08] lyhana8: ... in /etc I guess [12:08] lyhana8: /etc/network/... ?! [12:08] can anyone help me install cube 2? [12:09] Hello, is there any SSH client in repository with an account manager feature? because when i use SSH using console i have to copy/paste the password and all that [12:09] grawity: DasEi it's a seem link, and mine point into `/etc/resolvconf/run/resolv.conf` that doesn't exist -.- [12:09] any one knows of a free virtual machine software in a ubuntu package? [12:09] so i would like to have one with account manager that saves SSH password .. etc [12:09] <[nitro]> 'žđđž [12:09] <[nitro]> đž [12:10] SliderMan, virtualbox [12:10] SliderMan, virtualbox-ose [12:10] rakan: How about using SSH public key authentication? [12:10] SliderMan→ virtualbox-ose, qemu [12:10] hey, wonder if someone can help I have tried to change the appearance of ubuntu and received the following error http://paste.ubuntu.com/144082/. [12:10] thanks [12:10] rakan: Saving SSH passwods would be very insecure, and I don' tthink there's any client that does it. [12:10] grawity unfortunatly, the server uses password auth [12:10] hi, ive a question about the ubuntu update-manager: how can i prevent it from pulling in all dependencies marked "recommended"? [12:10] rakan: do you know about ssh keys? [12:11] lyhana8: (for ubuntu) /etc/resolv.conf or /etc/ppp/resolv.conf , do you dualboot ? [12:11] erm, /me is late [12:11] jrib, not so much [12:11] DasEi: yep i've a dual boot [12:11] but i know there is public/private key auth and password auth [12:11] here is waht I do into kubuntu to use my gentoo term : http://pastebin.com/d38c6c314 [12:11] rakan: you should try using ssh keys. It's ussually enabled by default. And I also don't see why an admin wouldn't want you to use them (so you can ask if it isn't) [12:11] rakan: You still can use public key auth as long as the server lets you... Two questions. 1) Do you get a shell (bash/sh/zsh/whatever) after connecting? 2) What type of server is it? (I guess OpenSSH) [12:12] lyhana8: so from your gentto you could chroot into ubuntu to do updates [12:12] yes OpenSSH [12:12] bazhang, debian and opensuse [12:12] * grawity PMs. [12:12] rexwin, #debian for that [12:13] how do you change your rights in ubuntu? i can't copy files to certain folders... :( [12:13] grawity, please dont /me [12:13] My Synaptic doesnt show me any packages except that, which are already installed. I.e. i cant see audacious. Its fresh install of 9.04b. That is going on? [12:13] jacob_95: what files exactly to what folders? [12:13] DasEi: does a `chroot /mnt/kubuntu` is enough to use the kubuntu bash environnemt ? [12:13] bercik: #ubuntu+1 for jaunty help [12:13] thanks [12:14] lzef: add the line « APT::Install-Recommends "0"; » to the en do of file /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/70debconf [12:14] ok i think it made it ima go try [12:14] ill be back!! [12:14] jacob_95: please keep the conversation in the channel [12:14] ok [12:14] lyhana8: yes, you change the root-dir to that then, and all cmd's will be executed there, like gnome-terminal [12:15] i want to paste /home/jacob/Skrivbord/sauerbraten into / [12:15] DasEi: ok [12:15] Everybody who tells me how to build deb package that he would set up a couple of scripts in the users home directory? [12:15] jacob_95: sauerbraten is in the repositories. Why aren't you using APT to install it? [12:15] anyone know the write settings for 22" monitor [12:16] jrib: and how do i do that? [12:16] !software | jacob_95 [12:16] jacob_95: A general introduction to the ways software can be installed, removed and managed in Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoftwareManagement - See also !Packages, !Equivalents [12:16] jacob_95: system -> administration -> synaptic, then install sauerbraten [12:17] DasEi: I haven't access to the net... that's why i need to update the /etc/resolv.conf [12:18] erUSUL: didnt make a difference. i also put this line into /etc/apt/apt.conf and apt recognizes it but do-release-upgrade doesnt [12:18] lyhana8:how do you connect ? [12:19] DasEi: with a cable [12:20] can I install epiphany 2.26 for intrepid? [12:21] lyhana8:+direct to modem, via dhcp .... [12:21] Cannot allocate TUN/TAP dev dynamically [12:22] DasEi: I'm behind a routeur with an IP associated to my mac adress [12:22] rexwin, on ubuntu? [12:22] lzef: then i dunno [12:22] hmm ok [12:22] does this option work for u? === mdx is now known as Guest80072 [12:23] lyhana8: if interfaces is in order, rename resolv.conf to something else (backup) and start without it [12:23] nnn [12:23] lzef: not checked with do-release-upgrade... i thought it would affect all dpkg/apt operations... [12:23] привет всем [12:23] !ru [12:23] Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke [12:23] !ru [12:23] hey all i have a quick question about triple (or more) booting my system [12:24] Empathy, just ask [12:24] how can I get kernel sources by apt-get? [12:24] I want to run Ubuntu, Vista, and 7 all on my computer [12:24] erUSUL: ok thanks. then ill just go the apt-get update && dist-upgrade way [12:24] Lint01: sudo aptitude install linux-source [12:24] Empathy, so what's the problem? [12:24] I'm confused by the Windows Vista bootloader and how it works. It seems like 7 and Vista share the same bootloader [12:25] theres no boot data for 7 stored on its partition that i can find === jean is now known as Guest82206 [12:25] Well Grub is going to be the bootloader in the end [12:25] and I really dont wanna mess things up [12:25] So I don't see the problem [12:25] should it be relatively easy to get grub to load both vista and 7? [12:26] Empathy: just install ubuntu last of the three [12:26] and you can always use Windows' recovery console to restore the Windows bootloader [12:26] Empathy, yes [12:26] Chowder: h opefully i can do that from my 7 disc if i need to, Vista came preinstalled >< [12:26] Empathy: key things you need are an Ubuntu live CD [12:26] other OS cd's [12:27] This is how I do it [12:27] Install Ubuntu first [12:27] Load live CD after Ubuntu and resize partition to give free space to other operating systems [12:27] Windows usually takes up the rest [12:27] i dont have the luxury of installing Ubuntu first [12:27] lyhana8: Je suis fatigué, so leaving now.. [12:27] true [12:28] my lappy is a Vista preinstall :) === Guest82206 is now known as Jean [12:28] well then just resize the Vista partition [12:28] same thing, different order [12:28] ubuntu should be last [12:28] okay. [12:28] bazhang, it doesn't matter === Jean is now known as Guest1153 [12:28] Chowder, sure it does. [12:28] I've multibooted many times. In the end the outcome is the same [12:29] you reinstall GRUB [12:29] I'm chopping off my 7 partition right now, do i just leave it unformatted? [12:29] hi [12:29] can anyone help with the following error message [12:29] gedit has not been able to detect the character coding [12:29] im trying to install ET [12:29] Empathy, you could make an NTFS partition if you wanted to but I personally prefer it if the OS does it on its own [12:30] well i dont wanna format it since im probably going to use ext2 [12:30] Could not open the file /home/XXXXXX/Desktop/et-linux-2.60.x86.run using the Unicode (UTF-8) character coding. [12:30] anyone help? [12:31] Empathy, why would you format your whole drive? [12:31] Windows doesn't use ext2 [12:31] nono just the portion opened up by the partition shrink lol [12:32] you can use an ext2 driver [12:32] Chowder: Windows can use ext2, fs-driver.org [12:32] grawity: not for the boot! [12:32] exactly [12:32] also, what is a suggested size for a minimal install of Ubuntu? [12:32] Lint01: I have heard fs-driver supports booting... [12:32] Empathy, a minimal install? [12:32] hi all, i got this irritating prob lem, my internet connection dies after every 10 or so mins.....i have not configured it as susch it auto detects the setting [12:33] how to solve this prob [12:33] Empathy: as in no GUI. [12:33] no [12:33] just for minimal use [12:33] Lint01: Ah, wait. it doesn't. [12:33] Empathy: how big is your hard drive? [12:33] i.e. im only going to be booting into it to do a few things, but i do need a GUI [12:33] 320GB, Currently 120 Vista (mostly Used) 120 Seven (little used) [12:33] !minimal [12:33] The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD [12:33] er [12:33] sorry [12:33] 160 160 [12:34] im thinking ill chop 10 off the Seven partition to give to Ubuntu [12:34] should be fine [12:34] remember that you're going to need a swap partition, though [12:34] Hi there, can someone help me get my system running? [12:34] how much for Swap? [12:34] vixus, please explain your problem in detail [12:35] Empathy, how much RAM do you have? [12:35] 4GB (if I use a 64 bit install im not sure if i will yet, my school network is a little peculiar) [12:36] Empathy, in that case you probably don't even need a swap. If anything make the swap space small like 256MB [12:36] Nexuiz 2.5 Is out! :D Get it now! http://alientrap.org/nexuiz/ http://thepiratebay.org/torrent/4821677 [12:36] can anyone help me [12:36] Tiffer9000, just ask [12:36] I've got both the generic and rt kernels installed. Of course there's that issue with nvidia drivers where they can only work on one kernel at a time. This is fine as I'll only be using the rt kernel for music production. Problem is it keeps booting in low graphics mode and I want to stop this. I'd love to use my second monitor as well, but I'm not getting my hopes up :) [12:36] tiffer@CADDY:~$ dir Desktop [12:36] et-linux-2.60.x86.run windows_vista_with_service_pack_1_x86_dvd_x14-29594 [12:36] my\ new\ os [12:36] tiffer@CADDY:~$ sudo sh ./et-linux-2.60.x86.run [12:36] sh: Can't open ./et-linux-2.60.x86.run [12:36] Tiffer9000: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [12:37] tiffer@CADDY:~$ dir Desktop et-linux-2.60.x86.run windows_vista_with_service_pack_1_x86_dvd_x14-29594 my\ new\ os tiffer@CADDY:~$ sudo sh ./et-linux-2.60.x86.run sh: Can't open ./et-linux-2.60.x86.run [12:37] Chowder: okay thanks for the advice [12:37] vixus, I'm not really familiar with your issue [12:37] So if anyone can help me get this setup I'd be thankful. [12:37] Empathy, np [12:37] vixus, google [12:37] Chowder, yeah, well I was messing with nvidia drivers all last weekend [12:37] im trying to install Enemy Terrortry [12:37] Tiffer9000, use the pastebin next time. [12:37] territory [12:38] i just did [12:38] i didnt know [12:38] Chowder, I'm thinking there probably is no solution.. I might just dual-boot ubuntu, one with the rt kernel and one with the generic. [12:38] im new sorry [12:38] its ok [12:38] vixus, you could do that [12:38] but im thinking, as im running on 64bit that ET wont run at all [12:38] I'm just currently weighing the pros and cons of reinstalling everything :P [12:38] have a second root partition for one kernel [12:39] and share a /home partition inbetween the two [12:39] yeah [12:39] my whole system's a mess right now though. I need to do something about those windows partitions. [12:39] i just got warcraft going on ubuntu took me only 15min! [12:39] Tiffer9000: Enemy Territory? [12:39] erUSUL #> yes [12:39] Also I have to ask a bit about driver support in the 9.04 beta... I couldn't get my wireless driver (Atheros N wireless) working in 8.10, in all my ASUS M50 had pretty sketchy driver support, how's things looking in 9.04? [12:39] just make sure the /home/$USER dirs are different so you don't get any errors regarding config files [12:40] ok [12:40] Tiffer9000: at least with nvidia should be no problem. install the 32 bit comp libs [12:40] ok so im having skype issues in 8.10 my quickcam messenger wont work [12:40] how do i do that as im new to ubuntu [12:40] Empathy, I only use the LTS releases so I really wouldn't know. However you might try reading the release notes. [12:40] thats for erUSUL [12:40] mkay. [12:41] Tiffer9000: when you install flashplugin-nonfree they get installed to. [12:41] hopefully i can access the package libraries from behind my school's access restriction agent with the beta, its a bit of a pain :\ [12:41] Empathy, also try searching the wiki for how-to's on wireless [12:41] alright, well I'm going to give my PC setup a good long think. Cheers guys [12:41] erUSUL #> you mean flash plugin like for firefox? [12:42] Tiffer9000: yes; that plugin is 32bit too [12:42] erUSUL #> i have that installed [12:42] Tiffer9000: then you should be ok [12:43] ho un problema con evolution che fino a ieri sera riceveva correttamente la posta mentre ora nn ne vuole saper [12:43] e [12:43] !it [12:43] Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare) [12:43] Hello. Can I now how to get usb(pendrive) access to virtualbox?. [12:43] erUSUL #> its telling me something about unicode [12:43] Tiffer9000: what is telling you that? [12:44] What it's shit!? [12:44] erUSUL #> hold on im going to try reboot and try again [12:45] debia; there?? [12:45] !language | int_ [12:45] int_: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly. [12:46] hello, me = winblows user. i've just discovered this thing called 'Portable Ubuntu' it runs as a windows app... anyone know about this? does it have/can-have GCC installed ? [12:47] debia; are you there?? [12:47] i think XChat it is ICQ client [12:47] !wubi | zap0 you mean this? [12:47] zap0 you mean this?: Wubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php for troubleshooting. Please file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug. [12:48] int_: no xchat is an irc client [12:48] hi [12:48] !hi [12:48] Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! [12:48] already avowedly [12:49] erUSUL, http://portableubuntu.sourceforge.net/index.php [12:49] how do i open up the compiz effects window thing? [12:50] like compiz is running, but i wanna set it to 4 desktops and edit all of that stuff [12:50] zap0: i never used it. but i do not see why you cold not installl gcc on it [12:50] !ccsm | MusicGenious [12:50] MusicGenious: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz-fusion [12:50] erUSUL, thanks. [12:51] I need to simulate a mesh network I'm developing and for that I'd want one or two virtual machines running it. but I want that in my laptop, an acer aspire one (no VT extensions in an atom, and also it has 1gb of memory only), so I can't use KVM. should I use XEN, or probably it's easier just to use virtualbox, or..? [12:51] was anyone in Russia? [12:52] salut [12:53] !ru | int_ [12:53] int_: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke [12:54] Good morning all, quick question, is a .sh file the same as a .bat? [12:55] a5x7, similar. [12:55] zap0; whats different? [12:56] one of them was designed with the OS in mind, the other is a pile of crappy hacks cobbled toghther in an afternoon some time in the 80's. [12:56] Question, are there any applications (think Gedit) that actually support open and editing files over sftp without it being mounted prior? [12:56] Brucevdk: well vim... [12:56] hey can anyone help me get 4 desktops in ubuntu..i have compiz installed..i tried to set up 4 desktops..but then i am not getting it... [12:56] debia; are you there [12:56] PerryArmstrong: tried in ccsm? [12:57] jrib; i installed compiz.. [12:57] jrib: I'm unable to use vim :-) [12:57] Does anyone have a good learing place for .sh ? (now that you are on the point) [12:57] a5x7: a .sh file is a 'shell script' - shell scripting is actually very powerful [12:57] PerryArmstrong: great... Did you try using ccsm to configure what you asked about? [12:58] jrib; i didnt use ccsm...how do i do that?? [12:58] !ccsm | PerryArmstrong [12:58] PerryArmstrong: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz-fusion [12:58] heres something i found helpful http://tldp.org/LDP/Bash-Beginners-Guide/html/index.html [12:58] * MSmith <3 CLI [12:59] I guess maybe I should just use a shorthand that mounts it and then uses the gvfs location to open it [12:59] a5x7: bash is bash, and shell is shell [12:59] is there a certain format that has to be used for all the commands? or do I just put a chain of them in gedit and name it .sh and launch it? [12:59] irmandos: I'm not very sure it's a good place to *start*, but a comprehensive bash guide can be found at http://tldp.org/LDP/abs/html/ [13:00] salve [13:00] a5x7: the shebang (e.g. #!/bin/bash or #!/usr/bin/env bash) determines what is used to interpret whatever is in the file [13:00] a5x7: that's one way, but you can do much more [13:00] Piople,exist compiler Visual C++ for Linux? [13:00] int_: there's no "visual c++" language [13:01] how do you spin the cube? [13:01] int_, there's gcc however [13:01] MusicGenious: after enabling the cube, ctrl-alt-leftclick and drag [13:01] MusicGenious: control+alt+left mouse trigger [13:01] ,gcc not is visual [13:02] a5x7: you can do a script very straighforward, just specifying the commands in a .sh file. However, since the bash shell is very powerful - you can also create extensive scripts. In that case you might want to follow some scripting conventions [13:02] that didnt work [13:02] int_: both gcc and Visual C++ use THE SAME language -- C++ . [13:02] int_, of course its not.. but it compiles the c++ source [13:02] MusicGenious: make sure you goto the settings and turn the cube on [13:02] clearly [13:03] Yes, i clearly see how much more powerful the bash shell is compared to DOS [13:03] i got it, and now i dont.... hmmm [13:03] a5x7: bash is a shell - dos is an operating system [13:04] ikonia: And DOS shell is command.com [13:04] ok, so a shell script could operate the same as bash? say I could create my own "bash shell"? [13:04] a5x7: You know .bat/.cmd files? They are shell scripts for DOS. [13:04] grawity: I didn't say it wasn't === peter_ is now known as Guest47858 [13:05] grawity: yes i am new to linux though [13:05] a5x7: a script is just a set of commands that the shell executes, there is a good guide on http://www.tldp.org [13:05] a5x7: a shell is merely an interpreter. Use the interpreter of your choice to create a script [13:05] Can I get some help. I'm totalt newb in using ubuntu [13:05] whats super button? [13:05] Guest47858: sure, it helps if you feed the channel some details of your issue :) [13:06] per la chat in italiano cosa bisogna fare? [13:06] !it | giordano [13:06] giordano: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare) [13:06] I <3 Ubuntu [13:06] MusicGenious: it's the "windows" key [13:06] jrib; okk i installed simple-ccsm...can you tell me what to do next [13:06] !ccsm > PerryArmstrong [13:06] PerryArmstrong, please see my private message [13:06] My MD96640 I can get the wireless network to work. [13:07] PerryArmstrong: check the pm from ubottu [13:07] Or my sound [13:07] goto system > preferences > advanced desktop settings [13:07] ikonia; i installed simple-ccsm..as per the message...but now how do i set 4 desktops?? [13:09] PerryArmstrong: did you read the factoid ? [13:09] PerryArmstrong: what did it say will appear ? [13:09] oCean, ikonia: so a .sh file is a script that runs in the bash shell, hence a "shell script" its not actually a shell? [13:09] Guest47858: there are some helpful links with documentation on sound and wireless. [13:09] a5x7: exactly [13:09] !wireless > Guest47858 [13:09] a5x7: spot on [13:09] Guest47858, please see my private message [13:09] !sound > Guest47858 [13:09] Like I said, I'm a newb, and using danish ubuntu, so I can't find it [13:09] ikonia; whats a factoid...never heard of?? [13:09] PerryArmstrong: the information ubottu sent you [13:09] Lint01; thanks that clears a little up for me [13:10] a5x7: but take care that there's many shells incompatible with bash or shell [13:10] im catching on slowly but surely lol [13:10] Guest47858: see the PM's ubottu send. See if they are useful to you. If not, feed the channel all the details of hardware and what you've done sofar [13:10] ikonia; yes i installed as per ubottu said...simple-ccsm.... now what should i do?? [13:11] Lint01; Thanks, im not trying to download them though but create my own [13:11] PerryArmstrong: what did the factoid say would happen [13:11] ikonia; a a new option will appear in your appearance properties [13:11] PerryArmstrong: ok - so have you looked at that new option [13:12] ikonia; i didnt find it... [13:12] PerryArmstrong: where did you look ? [13:12] in compizconfig settings manager [13:12] PerryArmstrong; are you trying to get the cube? [13:12] ikonia; in compizconfig settings manager [13:12] a5x7; no 4 desktops [13:12] PerryArmstrong: 4 desktops is nothing to do with compiz [13:13] PerryArmstrong: right click on the switcher int he bottom right hand side of the screen [13:13] PerryArmstrong: you can add more desktops [13:13] I have 8 desktops on my cube :-) [13:13] hey all, I am having problems playing a DVD can anyone offer some help/advice. [13:13] !dvd > bach [13:13] bach, please see my private message [13:13] bach: thats a good starting point [13:14] ikonia; but i did and i got it thanks...but back in 8.04 i used compiz to get more desktops [13:14] PerryArmstrong: no you didn't [13:14] Hello. How "stable" is jaunty right now? [13:14] PerryArmstrong: compiz controls the effects, such as the cube, which you can add more desktops to [13:14] yacoob: not stable - its a beta release, disscussion is in #ubuntu+1 [13:14] right. [13:15] yacoob: it is still beta. Join channel #ubuntu+1 for discussion/support [13:15] yacoob: I don't know but I am sure my 8.04 is pretty stable ;) [13:15] yacoob: but there are still a lot of version conflicts / package conflicts (esp. with python) [13:15] ikonia; i do remember and i have seen it in a blog and i have put that in my blog too...but now it doesn't seem to work that way in 8.10 [13:15] thanks for your helps guys, im outty have a great weekend [13:15] PerryArmstrong: show me your blog post [13:15] ikonia; http://ossarchives.blogspot.com [13:16] PerryArmstrong: where is your blog post about compiz [13:16] !wireless > usr13 [13:16] usr13, please see my private message [13:17] hellow [13:17] hello [13:17] hello evry body [13:17] 나는 한국사람입니다. [13:17] does anyone know if there is a terminal command to see which releasse of ubuntu u r on. [13:17] bach: lsb_release -a [13:17] It's a Railink 2860 wireless network card build in [13:17] bach: you can also work it out from the kernel version [13:18] ? [13:18] webterror_, english only please [13:18] ikonia; http://ossarchives.blogspot.com/2008/12/desktop-effects.html [13:18] !ko [13:18] 도움이 필요하시면 다음 채널에 조인하십시오. /join #ubuntu-ko [13:18] yes [13:18] PerryArmstrong: that is the cube [13:18] ikonia; and you'll see some usual visitors names of our IRC in my post [13:18] PerryArmstrong: it even says it in your post [13:19] so if I recompile the kernel, it would be automatically gzipped and installed instead of current? [13:19] ikonia; you didnt read it i specified some values inside [13:19] Lint01: no [13:19] PerryArmstrong: where ? [13:19] hi guys [13:20] would like some advice concerning bluetooth adapter detection on ubuntu 8.10 [13:20] under the heading additional explanation [13:20] ikonia; just above the pictures [13:21] PerryArmstrong: yes, and it shows the settings for the cube [13:21] are there utilities to install the compiled kernel? [13:21] PerryArmstrong: in your "3 values" [13:21] hi, does sombody know if ubuntu 9.04 will be an LTS? [13:21] !bluetooth > ohletmeinnowjesu [13:21] ikonia; but i did get 4 desktops by changing those settings [13:21] ohletmeinnowjesu, please see my private message [13:21] Lint01: no [13:21] PerryArmstrong: yes, because they are THE CUBE settings [13:21] lonejack: no it wont [13:22] PerryArmstrong: Horizontal virtual size : set this value to 4 - "virtual desktop" eg: the cubes sides [13:22] lonejack: the next LTS is Karmic Koala, coming in October 2009 [13:22] ikonia; ohh...so if i enable cube then it gets so...so without the cube we have to try this way....now i understand [13:22] PerryArmstrong: correct [13:22] SiDi: thx [13:22] ikonia; thank you....i had the wrong info before [13:22] greetings earthlings [13:22] PerryArmstrong: no problem, thats why I went through this to explain [13:23] land: Greetings from planet earth. How can we help you? [13:23] * land smiles [13:24] is there any way i can create a minimalist version of linux from scratch? [13:25] Lint01: this is not LFS support [13:25] Lint01: this is ubuntu support [13:25] hey guys well, my ubuntu 8.10 is installed on a dell vostro and the adapter doesnt show up in the system tray blueetooth manager [13:25] whois land [13:25] i am [13:25] land: I realise that [13:25] the link that ubottu gave says this early on in the article : "For Gutsy Gibbon (7.10) and above most of the instructions below are obsolete" [13:26] ikonia? [13:26] what LFS has to do with it? === Mud|afk is now known as Mud|lerenfietsen [13:26] Lint01: sorry - I meant that from lint01 [13:26] land: sorry, I meant that for lint01 [13:27] sure [13:27] * land smiles [13:27] land: You might be interested in Xubuntu. It is lighter, and more efficient than Ubuntu with GNOME or KDE, since it uses the Xfce Desktop environment, which makes it ideal for old or low-end machines, as well as thin-client networks. [13:27] What does this mean? ou just need to have mplayer, mencoder and ffmpeg binaries on your path (the more recent, the better) [13:27] christian_: those commands have to be in the $PATH enviornment variable [13:28] usr13, what DE does xUbuntu use? [13:28] land: xfce [13:28] oki [13:28] i see [13:28] christian_: if you install them they will automatically be put in the path [13:28] Hi [13:28] no other way i can create a minimal version? [13:28] land: use minimal iso [13:29] land: remove the packages you don't want [13:29] scunizi: oki. thanks! how do i chack if i have them or not? [13:29] http://rafb.net/p/HKijcT58.html please look at my fglrx problem [13:29] land : there also are lxde / awesome / openbox / e17 / fluxbox available [13:29] ikonia; i need you to have a look upon this from the second post onwards...http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=7011467#post7011467 [13:29] land : but xubuntu has official canonical support [13:29] tech0007, where can i get one? [13:29] christian_: System> Admin> Synaptic Package manager and search for those names [13:29] ikonia; remember the second post...the 1st is solved [13:29] land: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD [13:29] is there any stupid reason UBUNTU is not finding the directory to restart the cups server via /etc/init.d/cupsys restart ? !!!! [13:30] great thanx! [13:30] hi @all [13:30] need to check that out! [13:30] how to create a bootable flash disk drive from XP? [13:30] Agiofws: "sudo" ? [13:30] land: You can roll your own, but it's difficult. You have to open the ISO image and start editing and redoing and experimenting. [13:30] scunizi: is this the same as the add/remove menu ? [13:30] i want to know the main difference between antivir and clamav [13:30] i will [13:30] christian_: more flexable.. more detail.. etc.. === cloud__ is now known as cloud [13:31] w/ minimal iso [13:31] land: You copy the ISO image to your hard drive and mount it and start working with all the many various files therein. [13:31] Marcelinho87: clamav is an antivirus [13:31] yeah [13:31] scunizi: oki.. i can install the packages from here too? [13:31] christian_: yes [13:32] scunizi: and it is normal that i get a list of many things to install? [13:32] i have a squid proxy and want to filter malware in the net at the proxy? i have only a local solution at the moment === patrick is now known as Guest83203 [13:32] christian_: those are called dependancies.. in add/remove they just don't show them to you. [13:32] land: But there is some info about just that... let me see if I can find it. BRB [13:32] okay, clamav is an antivirus, but antivir too, isn't it ? [13:33] usr13, what do you mean? [13:33] Marcelinho87: maybe.. never heard of antivir.. google has though :) [13:33] scunizi: ok.. and if i search up the names i showed you in the first "post" and install them like this. Everything os ok? [13:34] okay, what do do you think which antivirus software should i take ? [13:34] christian_: yes.. search tag for install, search for the next, tag. etc.. and then click the apply button [13:34] i have a proxyserver (ubuntu server distibution with squid) [13:34] Marcelinho87: if you need an antivirus for a router for a network containing windows machines, i'd say you block the ports used for blind attacks, and voila [13:35] Marcelinho87: but i think clamav has the ability to scan local windows networks === duff is now known as dt3k [13:35] scunizi: is it ok to search up name, mark for installation, search up new name, mark, and press apply in the end? [13:36] christian_: yes.. that's what I was getting at in the last post. [13:36] i want to block www.virus.com for example [13:36] scunizi: oki.. thanx for the help! [13:36] so that the users aren't allowed to go to the website [13:36] christian_: np :0 [13:36] land: See: http://www.fwlug.org/fwlug-forum/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=347&p=1243&hilit=+iso#p1243 [13:36] :) [13:36] Marcelinho87: use DNS rules for that [13:36] usr13, k [13:36] christian_: :) I'm typing in the dark.. [13:37] Marcelinho87: or IPTABLES if you want to block port ranges [13:37] is there a better program than brasero for burning audio cds? it just crashes everytime on two different computers [13:37] Tetsuo: k3b [13:37] dns rules ? [13:37] what is it ? [13:38] Marcelinho87: i wouldn't be able to explain you as i never did that myself, but if your linux box is the router, then you can have it forward the DNS requests to your ISP's DNS server [13:39] Marcelinho87: (this is something related to bind9, i let you search), and then you can add DNS rules on your linux box, that will forward www.virus.com to localhost/forbidden.html for instance [13:39] no, my linux box isn't the router [13:39] i have the proxy between the clients and the rouer [13:39] Marcelinho87: /sbin/iptables -A INPUT -i eth1 -p tcp -s ###.##.###.## -j DROP [13:39] whats the best applet program to use ? [13:39] for desktop eyecandy goodness? [13:39] screenlets probably [13:40] Xlib: extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0". How to fix it please? [13:40] Marcelinho87: Where eth1 is the ethernet port from which your unwanted url is coming. [13:40] does anyone know how ubuntu implements hardware detection on boot? [13:40] jdu: basiclly through the kernel probing your hardware [13:40] sorry usr13, what do you mean ? [13:40] jdu: same as most other distros [13:41] ikonia, is there a way I can manually do it [13:41] jdu: just load the modules you want [13:41] ikonia, thanks [13:41] clients --- switch -- proxy -- router --inet [13:41] jdu modprob [13:41] Marcelinho87: Was just giving you a command that would implement a firewall rule to block a specific URL. [13:41] usr13: thanks for the tip :) didnt know we could filter domains with iptables [13:42] Marcelinho87: You might be interested in firestarter [13:42] ablyss, thanks modprobe is what I need, I think [13:42] jdu: dmesg | grep to see if the system loaded it [13:42] SiDi: you can't filter domains with iptables [13:43] why isn't it possible with clamav ? [13:43] Marcelinho87: Firestarter will create and enable a firewall script for you, and you can go from there and edit the script as you so desire. [13:43] Marcelinho87: clamav is for virus detection. [13:43] bandung [13:44] Xlib: extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0". How to fix it please? [13:44] hey guys, having a hard time detecting my bluetooth adapter on my vostro 1400, can someone help me out? [13:45] yes and when i go to www.badscript.com the clamav will block the site, correkt ? [13:45] can anyone help me setting up my USB to load my miniiso setup? it fails. [13:45] SliderMan: what miniiso ? [13:45] can clamav block sites, which have viruses ? [13:45] ohletmeinnowjesu: that's one of the things that I've never tried on my vostro.. not even sure I opted in for that option. :/ [13:46] Marcelinho87: If you use IPcop or Smoothwall there is a URL filter add-on [13:46] hi all, does anyone know if there is some java channel? I can't find any [13:46] MrSoundless: ##java [13:46] ohletmeinnowjesu: usb adapter? bypassed any usb hubs? [13:46] ikonia someone gave me this to setup since i dont have a cd-rom device https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD [13:46] d some help over here-- [13:46] !install > SliderMan [13:46] SliderMan, please see my private message [13:46] when i install an ATI driber i get this --> ./ati-driver-installer-9-3-x86.x86_64.run -c|--check [13:47] no wait [13:47] ty ikonia, but it says You need to be identified to join that channel where can I do that >_< [13:47] SliderMan: that is the wrong URL - that URL ubottu has just sent you will show you have to make a bootable image [13:47] !register > MrSoundless [13:47] MrSoundless, please see my private message [13:47] Error: ./default_policy.sh does not support version [13:47] default:v2:i686:lib::none:2.6.28-11-generic; make sure that the version is being [13:47] correctly set by --iscurrentdistro [13:47] what schould i do? [13:47] tyvm :) [13:47] !ati > h4ck3rs0nly [13:47] h4ck3rs0nly, please see my private message [13:47] ok... [13:47] scunizi: its built in if you have a rletively new vostro [13:47] i use ubuntu server [13:47] Marcelinho87: You only need to worry about virus if you are a MS Windows user. [13:47] ablyss: its a a built in card [13:48] and a normal telekom router [13:48] ablyss: it doesnt show up on bluez [13:48] ohletmeinnowjesu: yep.. christmas '07 .. 1400. windows use to blow up on it regularly.. but the ubuntu side was always stable.. now no issues with the win side.. weird.. [13:48] ikonia mind if i PM you? [13:49] yes, windows vlients surf about the proxy (squid) [13:49] SliderMan: just ask in the channel, more people will see it then [13:49] ok thanks anyway ;) [13:49] scunizi: yeah thats about the same time when i got my vostro, so you dont know if yours works? [13:49] ohletmeinnowjesu: never tried it.. [13:49] ohletmeinnowjesu: i've had more luck using Kde bluetooth software than gnomes. if it's realistic, try kde [13:50] ablyss: well [13:50] ohletmeinnowjesu: ablyss or just add the kde bluetooth stuff to gnome.. :) [13:50] ohletmeinnowjesu: or try blueman [13:50] ikonia for the setup you gave me i need 700mb usb which i dont, i only have 128mb [13:50] hi, when using smtp.web.de i get smtp: "401 - sorry, server maintenance". is this true? web.de status page lists no outages. this happens since hours. [13:50] ablyss: well how do i know if linux is even recognizing the hardware? [13:50] scunizi: that's always possible too :) [13:51] SliderMan: DSL Linux or puppy linux might fit on that [13:51] SliderMan: ok - so apply the same technique with the minimal cd [13:51] Marcelinho87: What kind of firewall router do you have? [13:51] does this mean I need to upgrade my bios: [ 0.436109] weird, boot CPU (#0) not listedby the BIOS. [13:51] brasero sucks, and whoever recommended me K3b before, it doesnt even support mp3 files [13:51] how to check what 3d drivers do i have installed [13:51] ablyss: before i go kde splunking i wanna know if its not just a linux-bluetooth compatibility issue [13:51] ikonia UNetbootin will work? [13:51] scunizi thanks but i am interested in ubuntu [13:51] SliderMan: apply the same technique in the URL ubottu sent you with the minimal cd [13:51] Tetsuo: it does.. maybe you don't have the right libraries installed.. [13:52] SliderMan: then if the minimal ubuntu install will work.. ikonia is the one to guide you properly.. I haven't played with it. [13:52] I've been trying to configure a static ip address in network manager in 8.10 and network manager initially forgot the static configuration. Then it appeared to bring the interface up, but there wasn't a connection. I pinged my gateway, but it told me it was unreachable. The light on my gateway is showing a connection - lshw is telling me I'm connected - I,ve filled in resolv.conf with the necessaries. Can someone tell me where I've go [13:52] ne wrong [13:53] scunizi, thanks for your replay anyway <3 [13:53] arborhelp: what static IP did you set ? [13:53] ohletmeinnowjesu: 'dmesg | grep Bluetooth' [13:53] arborhelp: Are you sure you did the configuration for the right interface? [13:53] arborhelp: does your router WANT to give you a dhcp address ? [13:53] hi all [13:53] ohletmeinnowjesu: could be just a bluetooth thing.. [13:53] Did you type in the IP address correctly? [13:54] it was a static ip for my laptop [13:54] arborhelp: does your router WANT to give you a dhcp address ? [13:54] tech0007: the grep doesnt return anything [13:54] anyone know what channel to find help with a ext3 problem? [13:54] arborhelp: what static IP did you set ? [13:54] dijenerate: are you using ubuntu ? [13:54] yes [13:54] the static ip was [13:54] dijenerate: see if we can help [13:54] arborhelp, NetworkManager in 8.10 ignores /etc/network/interfaces which would be a usual place to define static ip addresses [13:54] jaunty amd64 [13:54] alles scheisse [13:54] ohletmeinnowjesu: did u enable bluetooth in the bios? what vostro is it? [13:54] arborhelp: ok - so thats a private address, is that reserved in your routers dhcp pool ? [13:54] ohletmeinnowjesu: don't forget that there is an on/off switch for lots of stuff on the vostro in the bios [13:54] Someone knows a good video-cut-software for Linux? [13:54] arborhelp: see if the correct interface is using it. Go to CLI terminal and type: ifconfig eth0 [13:55] trying to format a 16TB volume in ext3 as a single LUN using 4k bs [13:55] Cruelty, I have found it all somewhat flaky [13:55] no it's not reserved in my dhcp routers pool [13:55] bad idea or good idea or what should I look out for as far as problems go? [13:55] Cruelty, might be that I ran it on a ca. 700 MHz pc [13:55] arborhelp: ok - so first thing, can you ping the address on your localhost eg: ping [13:55] arborhelp: (where eth0 is the device that is connected to your network) === Aegiron is now known as Virk [13:55] arborhelp: eg: ping [13:55] i ifconfig'd already and it's happily telling me i'm connected on [13:56] dijenerate: do you need a 16TB volume ? [13:56] I just need some simple shit where I can add Text to a Video... Like an URL as an Watermark. ;) [13:56] dijenerate: that's what will dictate if it's a good idea or not [13:56] arborhelp: Are you using a IP that is outside of the DHCP pool? [13:56] yes I can ping localhost [13:56] it's in a Drobo http://www.datarobotics.com so don't want to have to break it down [13:56] arborhelp: no - not localhost, can you ping [13:56] tech0007 & scunizi: i. its enabled ii. its "binded" to the wireless switch(ie turning on the wifi adapter should turn it on) [13:56] arborhelp: from your localhost [13:56] dijenerate, you might try a different filesystem all together [13:56] Cruelty: title software.. [13:56] being lazy but if that will cost me... I'll do 8TB [13:57] yes I can ping [13:57] title software? [13:57] What does that mean? [13:57] dijenerate: it won't cost you anything, don't understand what being lazy has anything to do with it [13:57] Is it a name? [13:57] arborhelp: and what is your gateway address ? [13:57] it lets me format it, but I want to make sure I'm not setting up for disaster [13:57] dijenerate: it supports 16TB so thats fine [13:57] [13:57] Cruelty: you want to put "titles" on the video.. text. watermarks etc.. [13:57] ext3 does? [13:57] arborhelp: And you can not ping the router? If so, check your cable. [13:57] arborhelp: and from localhost that can't be pinged [13:57] dijenerate: yes [13:57] ok... cool [13:57] oooaaaooo: a [13:57] thanks [13:58] tech0007: i. its enabled ii. its "binded" to the wireless switch(ie turning on the wifi adapter should turn it on) [13:58] nope 100% packet loss [13:58] I just saw a lot of chatter on the web about the max being 8TB with 4k bs, but I was allowed to do 16TB without even a warning so just wanted to be sure [13:58] arborhelp: Is your router [13:58] arborhelp: ok, please pastebin the output of "netstat -rn" [13:58] can I backup my home folder of ubuntu 8.10 and use it with 9.04? [13:58] Tetsuo: yes, [13:58] dijenerate, wikipedia says 16tb is max [13:58] ok [13:59] thanks a lot [13:59] my router is on - can you tell me how to pastebin [13:59] [04/04/09||14:57:27] Cruelty: you want to put "titles" on the video.. text. watermarks etc.. <- Yes, right... [13:59] !pastebin > arborhelp [13:59] arborhelp, please see my private message [13:59] hi all... is there any way to add sound effects to cairo dock actions? [13:59] ohletmeinnowjesu: 'hcitool dev' -> this will list your bt device === Virk is now known as register [14:00] Cruelty: there are tools to do that.. I was just cruzing Synaptic Package manager to locate something however I think that ubuntuforums.org or www.google.com/linux might be quicker to find what you need. [14:00] arborhelp: SO you can not ping the router, If so, check your cable connection. [14:00] hey guys [14:00] how can i install a .run on ubuntu? [14:00] macvr, i think there is a cairo channel on this server [14:01] is it #cairo? === register is now known as Virk [14:01] Tetsuo: is it #cairo? [14:01] tech0007: [14:01] hcitool dev [14:01] Devices: [14:01] nlh: Please restate your question. === Virk is now known as register [14:01] nlh, .run from what? [14:01] tech0007: nothing shows up === register is now known as help [14:02] ohletmeinnowjesu: your bluetooth is off. [14:02] macvr, its cairo-dock === help is now known as Virk [14:02] nlh, ditto usr13 [14:02] tech0007: not according to my bios [14:02] Tetsuo: ok thanks... [14:02] ohletmeinnowjesu: what vostro is it? [14:02] usr13: ./run.sh (where run.sh is the executable script). [14:02] Virk: /msg nickserv help register [14:02] tech0007: 1400 [14:03] nlh: ./run.sh (where run.sh is the executable script). [14:03] tech0007: theres a bt led next to my wifi led [14:03] i have download a game (called RTCW:Enemy Territory) and i don't know how can i installe a .run [14:03] (i'm new at linux) [14:03] nlh, is that a windows game? [14:03] yeah but its a linux game too [14:04] jdu, all quake3 based games run great on linux [14:04] yeah Tetsuo :) [14:04] nlh: Open a terminal window and cd to the directory and do ./run.sh (where run.sh is the executable script). [14:04] Ive pasted the output of netstat -rn - http://paste.ubuntu.com/144150/ - I've also checked my physical connection [14:04] Tetsuo, obviously I don't do gaming much [14:04] Hi, is there any way to "transfer" podcasts from itunes (winXP) to banshee? theire on a drive mounted to /data - and my current banshee library just loads from teh same location as itunes... but it doesn distinguish between podcasts and songs etc..... ? [14:05] arborhelp: ifconfig eth0 [14:05] tech0007: thers not much help on the internet other than some "enable it in windows and then it works" advice(I dont have the money to buy windows...hence why im on gnu linux!) [14:05] usr13 i donno in witch part must i write "et-linux-2.60.x86.run" [14:06] nlh, so to run anything in linux, it needs to be executable. Then if you go into the directory where it is, you can type ./thing_you_want_to_run [14:07] nlh: ./et-linux-2.60.x86.run [14:07] do you want me to type ifconfig eth0 or paste the output of it? === john is now known as Guest22713 [14:08] arborhelp: Just see that the proper interface that is connected to the router has the IP address you think it does. Is the eth0 interface connected? [14:08] arborhelp: Is that the only network device you have? eth0 ? [14:08] hi [14:09] stupid ubuntu again [14:09] !jaunty [14:09] Jaunty Jackalope is the codename for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 23rd, 2009 - Schedule in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyReleaseSchedule - Lots of breakage between now and April 23rd - Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support. [14:09] TaTiaNaki root@taty-desktop:/home/taty# apt-cache search imagemagick ? [14:09] TaTiaNaki E: Regex compilation error ? [14:09] ???? [14:09] Agiofws: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [14:09] tech0007: LOL the firmware for the vostro 1400 device isnt installed by default, and is only installed IFF the windows' driver is downloaded and installed prior to linux!! [14:09] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/37288 [14:09] . / et-linux-2.60.x86.run.sh: no file or file of this type usr13 [14:09] no I have pan0 - which is unclaimed [14:10] hello everybody :) [14:10] . / et-linux-2.60.x86.run.sh: no file or file of this type usr13 [14:10] arborhelp: If that eth0 is the only one, and it is connected to the router with a good cable, it should just work and that is that. [14:10] arborhelp, pan0 is bluetooth [14:10] sorry - eth0 has the ip address I want - but no connection [14:10] nlh: No spaces [14:10] when i write it, it was no spaces [14:11] arborhelp: Are you sure you have the correct IP address for the router? [14:11] Oh - what does pan stand for? [14:11] arborhelp: And is it actually a router? [14:11] nlh, so you are sure you have the right file name or are in the right directory? [14:11] my file is on the desktop [14:12] arborhelp: Are you connected to a router or some other type of device? [14:12] Hi all... anyone has any suggestion on how to configure Jaunty + Radeon X1550 + radeon-xorg open source driver to support a dual head setup with different resolution? I can get it to work in clone mode but no luck with extended desktop mode. It also seem the older monitor resolution is not detected properly [14:12] nlh, so type cd ~/Desktop first [14:12] !jaunty | aaime [14:12] aaime: Jaunty Jackalope is the codename for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 23rd, 2009 - Schedule in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyReleaseSchedule - Lots of breakage between now and April 23rd - Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support. [14:12] yes i do have the correct address - my other machines are all configured with the same gateway address [14:12] aaime, your on the wrong channel [14:12] #ubuntu+1 for that aaime [14:12] cool, thanks [14:12] nlh, first was obviously not part of the command [14:13] same when i type cd ~/Desktop [14:13] arborhelp: Then your interface must be bad or the cable is bad or the port you are connected to is dead. You could try switching cables with another working machine. Or switching ports to one that is known to be working, etc. [14:13] nlh, what happens if you type ./et [14:14] hi i got serious problems with my maildrop / postfix cinfiguration, can you recommend me an irc channel to issue the problem ? [14:14] nlh, will autocomplete the filename [14:14] nothing [14:14] hello, there guys. i wanna find a mp3 player for ubuntu, with a specific plugin, which can make my song faster or slower...? [14:14] im having a little trouble with the 9.04 install, my asus laptop has an ambient light sensor and the installer seems to activate it and then turn my monitior's birghtness to dead minimum, causing the screen to be nigh impossible to see [14:14] cremetorte: #linux [14:15] hett: audacity [14:15] oh [14:15] nlh, do you see the file if you type: ls [14:15] thanks, usr13 [14:15] I will try it :) thanks man [14:15] Empathy, Try installing from a 8.10 upgrade :x [14:15] no, i only see desk doc ... [14:15] hm i guess i could do that. just wanted to take less steps if i could help it heh [14:15] Emapthy? I installed it once, but couldn't find that plugin [14:16] oh, ok...sry [14:16] yo what can i use thats like windows live messenger for a webcam [14:16] :P do you have ubuntu 8.10 on your lappy already Empathy ? [14:16] nlh, then try again: cd ~/Desktop [14:16] no, but i do have the iso. runnin short on CDs so ill have to pop it onto my USB [14:16] austin: I don't know what live messenger is, but there's skype [14:16] That works Empathy :P [14:17] cd: /home/nlh/Desktop nothing file or file on this type [14:17] the 9.04 disc didnt cooperate with my USB unfortunately though [14:17] austin: also see: ekiga [14:17] can someone help me with getting my bluetooth adapter on my vostro 1400 detected? All the help ive seen on the web points to installing windows and then installing the windows drivers to enable bluetooth support before it can be detected by linux. I dont have the $$ to buy a copy of xp just to enable something that I already paid for ...Ive enabled it in the bios but it doesnt show up on "bluez" or most of the cli comman [14:17] Empathy, That sucks =[ [14:17] usr13: as I see audacity is converting my pl3 file right? [14:17] austin, amsn has webcam support [14:18] yeah it just stalled out after my screen went dark, ill give it a shot from 8.10 though [14:18] *crosses fingers* [14:18] hett: Sorry, I don't even know what a pl3 file is. [14:18] :P good luck Empathy [14:18] usr13: uh, sorry, mp3 I mean :) [14:18] nlh, so is "Desktop" not in your home directory? [14:18] jmz: yeah ill need it, im going to be trying to boot Vista, 7, and Ubuntu 9 on here [14:18] :0 [14:19] i think i might try the 9.04 on my desktop but use fluxbox instead of gnome : [14:19] usr13: like winamp has...it's just a plugin for that goddammed player [14:19] /home/nlh/Bureau jdu it is right [14:19] Empathy, I don't discrase my systems with the evul M$ softwarez [14:19] xD [14:19] i donno if i understand right [14:19] hett: What are you talking about? [14:19] nlh, oh sorry [14:19] i do, theyre a necessary evil for me being a regular lan-party attending gamer lol [14:19] nlh, I was assuming english addition of ubuntu [14:19] :P [14:20] Empathy, my system is a gaming desktop :o [14:20] usr13: i'm talking about a plugin which can make my song run 2x faster, for example [14:20] oh CRUD. my 8.10 disc is X86, and my 9.04 is AMD64 [14:20] woops [14:20] rofl [14:20] redownload time eh [14:20] nlh, so if you go in the Bureau, where I assume the .run file resides, then type ./et ... [14:20] i think you can play songs faster 2x 4x etc in VLC [14:20] yep [14:21] hmm...k, will try that dt3k, thanks. [14:21] np [14:21] nlh, you said you don't know if you understand: what do you need to know? [14:21] hett: If you are just wanting an mp3 palyer that will speed up ar slow down the playback, I do not know of one. Sorry. [14:22] Nautilus does not recognize this type of place. jdu [14:22] ^bump [14:22] nlh, I was assuming english addition of ubunt [14:22] usr13: ok, thanks, anyway :) [14:22] I'm trying to configure my firewall without learning iptables [14:22] any suggestions? === ninstaah is now known as ninstaah-at-koen [14:23] thesnark: firestarter [14:23] jmz: welp got unetbootin doing its thing now :) [14:23] People that have the PulseAudio Manager installed, could you tell me how much latency you get on your sink inputs? [14:23] Empathy: what is that unetbootin?> how does that work? [14:23] thanks usr13 [14:23] :P [14:23] thesnark: Are you talking about firewall on your desktop computer? Or a stand alone firewall router? [14:23] hi folks - Is anyone else having trouble accessing the Ubuntu wiki [14:23] unetbootin makes your usb thumb drive a bootable live disc [14:24] ScotEng: yeah it's down [14:24] Only thing im doing atm is messing with GIMP and listening to music :x [14:24] empathy.. cool.. [14:24] usr13 my own pc [14:24] I have a project to finish up later though rofl [14:24] nlh, sorry, I just assumed, since you said ~/Desktop doesn't exist but ~/Bureau exists, that you weren't using english version of ubuntu [14:24] thesnark: Ok, try firestarter [14:24] Oli``:thanks, any idea how long? [14:24] right jdu i use french version [14:24] wiki.ubuntu down? [14:25] yeah error404notfoun1 === MadMax is now known as Guest42606 [14:25] daftykins: hmm, strange... [14:25] can someone help me with getting my bluetooth adapter on my vostro 1400 detected? All the help ive seen on the web points to installing windows and then installing the windows drivers to enable bluetooth support before it can be detected by linux. I dont have the $$ to buy a copy of xp just to enable something that I already paid for ...Ive enabled it in the bios but it doesnt show up on "bluez" or most of the cli comma [14:25] Mornin' folks [14:25] nlh, so since you downloaded it to the desktop, it should be in the appropriately named directory. Once you are in it, you can make sure it is there by typing: ls [14:26] !firestarter > thesnark [14:26] thesnark, please see my private message [14:26] anyone know if there's a way to set a max size on the trashcan and/or disable it all together? [14:26] ohletmeinnowjesu, is there any kind of wireless switch which turns off wireless LAN and bluetooth at the same time? [14:26] ScotEng: it's hopefully just a reboot. I'm sure somebody's on it [14:26] hett usr13: are you talking about an application to play MP3s or a physical portable media device? if you just want an a application to speed up/slow down playback, VLC and ALsaplayer will do the job. For a portable media device, my Samsung U3 had the ability to change playback speed. pretty crap in every other regard (horrible sound quality) but I'm guessing it's not the only samsung MP3 player to include such a feature [14:27] I assume audacity can do it? [14:27] Aquahallic: you can add an option to your right click menu to delete a file immediately [14:27] etnlIcarus: Thanks for the info. [14:27] If I have a fold not permited to I read,execute or write: "---" But inside the fold there are files with permition: -rx for me.. Can I read this file??? how could I do it? if I'm not permited to read the fold where the file is [14:27] daftykins: ive "softwired" the wifi and bluetooth into a single switch command via the bios options [14:27] henry_BR: no [14:28] nlh, did you get it to runN? [14:28] daftykins: and i currentyly have that switch in the on position but only my wifi adapter is showing up in "network manager" while nothing is showing up in "bluez" [14:28] jrib: so, why does exist the comand: chmod -R ? [14:28] how is it "softwired" exactly? [14:29] henry_BR: to recursively set permissions. I don't see how it's related to your question [14:29] henry_BR: sudo chmod +w file.name.here [14:29] kodok_terantok_pintu [14:29] jrib: the problem with that is... I have a frontend program that runs on the box as an appliance and when deleting stuff it just fills the trash up... I don't use a mouse with this appliance so I can't exactly right click... would be best if there was a way to just disable everything from going to the trash [14:30] Aquahallic: umm, I'm not sure I understand. Why don't you use « rm » then? [14:30] henry_BR: But what file is it? [14:30] henry_BR: You can use sudo to read it. [14:30] Aquahallic: you mean you press the delete button after highlighting a file? [14:31] henry_BR: sudo less file.name.here [14:31] ohletmeinnowjesu, i always disconnect the battery and mains from a laptop so it has no power source to reset all internal features, see if that makes it reappear. obviously have your switch in the "on" position once you restore power [14:31] henry_BR, or you can change permissions of directory. In order to enter a directory, it must have executable permissions [14:31] no JDStone i was smoking [14:31] can u repeat all step to make it run pls? [14:32] jdu: But that directory had better be one of his own. [14:32] jrib: no... I have mythtv running on a box... so there's no mouse connected to it.. .only an IR remote.. so when you highlight a movie and delete it you have a 3 or 4 gig file that sits in the trash [14:32] usr13, sure [14:32] Hi. I accidentally modified the file associations for fonts. How can I make the fonts automatically open with the standard font viewer? [14:32] nlh, first cd into directory, then type: ./name_of_file_you_want_to_run [14:32] jdu: A novice user can wreck a system just by changing permissions. [14:33] cd what's that? [14:33] daftykins: it never appeared in the first place... ive never used it... [14:33] sry i didn't understand, i'm a newbie of linux [14:33] usr13, but a user can also fix the system... [14:33] usr13: like -x /bin/chmod ? [14:33] jrib: i'm trying say(i speak portuguese :\ ).. for example. If I set /home/henry/Docs "go=" and "u=wrx"... The file.odt is in Docs. But the file.odt is set to ugo="wrx". Can another account write or read the file.odt? Because if none can acess the files in home... why would I use to the chmod -R? [14:33] nlh: And use the tab key to auto complete. In other words, use ls to verify the name of the file and start typing it in but use tab key to finish. [14:33] nlh, its alright. cd is a command to move into a directory (folder) when you are at the command line [14:34] join /#rails [14:34] nlh, it means change directory [14:34] grawity: hahah, yea. [14:34] henry_BR: Directory permissions don't apply to files inside. If directory has +r, you can list files. If it has +w, you can create/rename/delete files. That's all. [14:35] henry_BR: no, no one can read file.odt that doesn't have execute permissions on the parent folder I believe. chmod -R means change the permissions on this directory and everything under it. [14:35] ohletmeinnowjesu, it's possible you've got a laptop without bluetooth but the motherboard BIOS etc etc refers to it due to other laptop variations of the same model possessing it [14:35] grawity: Yea, that is correct. Unless you use -R switch. [14:35] nlh, once you are in /home/nlh/Bureau or where ever you saved the file. From the command line, you can type: ./name_of_file [14:35] jdu: i must write in on terminal ? [14:35] nlh, yes [14:35] usr13: But then it will apply permissions to files too, so it's still correct. [14:35] then i just must write cd? [14:35] it say nothing when i do it [14:36] nlh, sorry cd alone will move you to /home/nlh [14:36] nlh: Where is this file? [14:36] on my desk [14:36] nlh: ls -l [14:36] daftykins: ok, how do i know whether i do indeed have a bluetooth adapter on my laptop mobo? [14:36] henry_BR: what are you actually trying to accomplish? [14:36] nlh, so you want "cd /home/nlh/Bureau" right? [14:36] nlh: See that it is actually executable. [14:36] Aquahallic: ok, well I understand now but I don't know how to do what you ask [14:37] jrib: ok, thank you :) I'm set wrx --- --- to my logs folds. But I ask me if I create a new file log.. if it will be permited or not to group and others [14:37] yeah jdu [14:37] nlh, as usr13 said "ls -1" will allow you to see if the file is actually executable [14:37] nlh: If not, first do chmod +x file.name.here [14:37] nlh, I mean "ls -l" [14:37] ohletmeinnowjesu, i used to remove the small covers underneath the laptop to locate a bluetooth module, but i wouldn't recommend that really. it sounds like you should've checked all hardware was working in the Windows install before nuking it? if it came with it... i guess you got it with ubuntu preloaded or something? [14:37] nlh: sudo chmod +x file.name.here [14:37] henry_BR: it will not [14:37] i write l -l or smth and it make it : drwxr-xr-x 3 nlh nlh 4096 2009-04-04 14:36 Bureau (bureau = desk) [14:38] jrib: ok, thank you :) [14:38] what must i do now? [14:38] nlh: Where is the file? [14:38] nlh, you want to run "chmod +x file_name" on the file [14:38] on the desk [14:38] nlh: cd to the directory where you saved the file. [14:38] nlh: cd Desktop [14:38] daftykins: no i got it without windows [14:39] usr13, he's using french version [14:39] Aquahallic: I have a semi-solution: you can go to edit -> preferences -> behavior -> include delete command that bypasses the trash and then use shift-delete to delete the file (I think this works) [14:39] what must i write after it? [14:39] does ubuntu have big mem kernel support for rt [14:39] daftykins: and when i looked at the invoice it says clearly BLuetooth [14:39] daftykins: so [14:39] nlh, after you are the right directory, check to see that it is there with the command: ls [14:39] Aquahallic: actually, you don't even need to enable the menu, shift-delete seems to work anyway [14:39] when i write cd desk it say /Desk$ [14:40] daftykins: i think its a linux thing, not being compatible with the bluetooth adapter on this mobo [14:40] nlh, if it is there, you can run it. [14:40] jrib: the problem with that is... there's no mouse or keyboard connected... it's all controlled by an IR tv remote [14:40] DarkSideRemix2.tar.gz et-linux-2.60.x86.run mumble-1.0.0 xchat-gnome.desktop [14:40] nlh, thats from "ls", right? [14:40] does ubuntu have big mem kernel support for rt? [14:40] yeah jdu [14:40] ohletmeinnowjesu, do you see it under 'lspci' or relevant terminal command? [14:41] nlh, so now run "./et-linux-2.60.x86.run" [14:41] nlh: ./et-linux-2.60.x86.run [14:41] permision denied usr13 [14:41] nlh: sudo ./et-linux-2.60.x86.run [14:42] does ubuntu have big mem kernel support for rt? [14:42] Good evening / morning. [14:42] nlh, but you might need to run: chmod +x et-linux-2.60.x86.run first [14:42] how can I remove unused old kernels from system? [14:42] when i write sudo ./et-linux-2.60.x86.run it ask for my pw but i can't write nothing :x [14:42] usr13: [14:43] ubuntu wiki dead? [14:43] nlh: Type in your password [14:43] nlh, you can, it just doesn't show up [14:43] ah ok [14:43] erle-: yes [14:43] daftykins: http://pastebin.com/m2db571b0 === LjL-Temp changed the topic of #ubuntu to: Official Ubuntu Support Channel | Be patient and read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FAQ | Support options: http://www.ubuntu.com/support | IRC info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC | Pastes to http://paste.ubuntu.com | Install Ubuntu: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/download | The wiki is temporarily down [14:43] sudo: ./et-linux-2.60.x86.run: command not found [14:43] error404notfounl: rm /boot/old_kernel_version [14:43] no : [14:44] nlh, what is the output of "ls -l" [14:44] nlh: Must be wrong file? [14:44] nlh, just the line that contains et-linux-2.60.x86.run [14:44] nlh@ubuntu:~/Bureau$ ls [14:44] DarkSideRemix2.tar.gz et-linux-2.60.x86.run mumble-1.0.0 xchat-gnome.desktop [14:44] nlh what other files are there? [14:44] nlh_, rather ls -l [14:44] not just ls [14:45] Does it dangerous set "chmod go= /home/myhome"? (my computer login automatically when starts and ask me just my password after start all my apps...) [14:45] Hello. Please help me. Sound disappears completely after some moment [14:45] miiki [14:45] nlh@ubuntu:~/Bureau$ ls [14:45] DarkSideRemix2.tar.gz et-linux-2.60.x86.run mumble-1.0.0 xchat-gnome.desktop [14:45] usr13 JDStone [14:46] daftykins: i dont see anything related to bluetooth in the lscpi [14:46] neither do i, how about "lsusb" ? [14:46] you may need to uncompress DarkSideRemix2.tar.gz. [14:47] How can I limit what files a user can read? I'm trying to create a user with only access to home directory, will I have to edit permissions for my whole filesystem for that? [14:47] ohletmeinnowjesu, neither do i, how about "lsusb" ? [14:47] I just took an update that had a kernel update.. this always breaks my nvidia driver install.. .I'm doing this remotely so I can't bounce the box until I compile the kernel driver for the new kernel... isn't there a way for me to be booted into kernel X and then repoint to my newer kernel sources and compile my driver for my new kernel? [14:49] Hi. I accidentally modified the file associations for fonts. How can I make the fonts automatically open with the standard font viewer? [14:49] daftykins: nope [14:50] hey guys is there any problems with 177 drivers for nvidia 8800gt ? [14:51] some people get problems Erasmus but i find it works fine for my 8800GT on two DVI displays [14:51] hello there [14:51] how are u [14:51] k for some reasons with 8.10 and 177 drivers i can boot in gdm [14:51] brings me to prompt [14:52] if i use 8.04 with the 169 drivers it works fine [14:52] what is ur name [14:52] one way i tried was to install from the hardware drivers app [14:53] and activated it from there that didnt work [14:53] so next step i tried to install all 177 packages from synaptic [14:53] ohletmeinnowjesu, if you got it with ubuntu i'd recommend pursuing support [14:53] then did sudo apt-get nvidia-glx-177 [14:54] restarted and boom same thing [14:54] you restarted after installing from hardware drivers yeah? [14:54] yes [14:54] what's your card? [14:54] then it wont let me in gdm [14:54] 8800gt [14:54] works fine in 8.04 with 169 drivers [14:55] should i try 180 drivers instead [14:55] there's 'nvidia-glx-173' as well [14:55] that doesn't work either [14:55] what about ATI 3200 driver in 8.04 [14:55] daftykins: no i got it with freeDOS [14:55] I'm trying to figure out how to automount a partiton the "ubuntu way" i.e. not using fstab. currently it mounts as soon as I click it in nautilus, but I'd like to automate that on login so that other programs can access it immidiately as well... How to do? [14:56] Ienorand: using fstab what do you mean by "ubuntu way" ?? [14:56] you may as well try every version Erasmus , though why change if 169 works? === Sepheebear is now known as sephee [14:57] erUSUL: Think it uses FUSE in some way, since there is no entry in fstab, but it's still able to automount on nautilus-click. [14:57] dt3k: thanks man, I've done it with VLC and scaletempo audio filter. [14:57] Hey, I want to do a full install to a flash drive and it seems to go well but at 94% I get a grub fatal error. Anyone knows how to fix this? [14:58] dt3k: see ya. gtg [14:58] Ienorand: if you want something mounted without you mounting it (by using double click on nautilus you are mounting it under the hoods) you either use fstab or kernel automounter afaics [14:58] Any way to do something like this? [14:58] find . -name '*.txt*' | rm [14:58] Python1320: by doing it? [14:59] jrib, how would I put the find results there? [14:59] daftykins: hey if the drivers dont work it there a way to revert back without reinstalling ubuntu? [14:59] Python1320: what you probably actually want to do is use the -exec switch with find [14:59] thats what i do everytime lol [14:59] hmm thanks [14:59] Erasmus, sorry i've no idea, i've never tried running more than one driver at once [14:59] hi everyone [15:00] Hello Starlong. [15:00] Python1320: rm *.txt [15:00] like how do i uninstall a driver from prompt [15:00] Python1320: rm *.txt* [15:00] usr13, resursively from directories [15:00] and rm was the first command that pooped up on my mind [15:00] *popped [15:01] daftykins: well? [15:02] ohletmeinnowjesu, i have no idea. i'd borrow a copy of Windows and diagnose it further that way - but if it's new you should request support from Dell [15:02] usr13, thanks for your help with nlh [15:02] im having a problem with the ubuntu installer both 8.10 and 9.04, both of them black out the screen after the ubuntu load bar screen reaches 80% [15:02] and never come back [15:02] daftykins: no i got it in 2007 === LjL changed the topic of #ubuntu to: Official Ubuntu Support Channel | Be patient and read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FAQ | Support options: http://www.ubuntu.com/support | IRC info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC | Pastes to http://paste.ubuntu.com | Install Ubuntu: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/download [15:03] Empathy, what do you get if you try: [15:03] i dont know id have to reboot to check it out :( [15:03] Empathy, it is probably going to screensaver, you may be able to run the screensaver settings and disable it from kicking in when 'idle' [15:03] daftykins: besides theyd probably just tell me they never tested it : http://linux.dell.com/wiki/index.php/Tech/Wireless#Bluetooth [15:04] then i've no idea ohletmeinnowjesu , sorry [15:04] daftykins: screensaver in the installer? [15:04] in the LiveCD environment, yes? [15:04] sigh [15:04] I have a simple question : I try to install package "php4-mysql", but I do it with "apt-get install php4-mysql", it says it will remove a lot of packages including "apache" or "subversion" (lol ?) [15:04] I'm looking for a program way how I can create a random playlist from my mp3 collection and put it on a usb stick, suggestions ? [15:04] alright well here goes again [15:04] I just need the mysql.so lib for php4, and it wants to remove useful package =) [15:04] what it does something like that ? [15:04] how do i solve that problem? [15:05] Mar 29 12:32:24 diviron kernel: [ 5593.112494] CPU0 attaching NULL sched-domain. [15:05] Mar 29 12:32:24 diviron kernel: [ 5593.112519] CPU1 attaching NULL sched-domain. [15:05] Mar 29 12:32:24 diviron kernel: [ 5593.127614] CPU0 attaching sched-domain: [15:05] Mar 29 12:32:24 diviron kernel: [ 5593.127628] domain 0: span 0-1 level MC [15:05] Mar 29 12:32:24 diviron kernel: [ 5593.127640] groups: 0 1 [15:05] Mar 29 12:32:24 diviron kernel: [ 5593.127654] domain 1: span 0-1 level CPU [15:05] Green-Dragon: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [15:05] thx a lott jdu and usr13 for ur help usefull [15:05] :) [15:05] nlh, no problem [15:05] can someone tell me why curl is giving me this error curl: option -F: requires parameter http://rafb.net/p/v8hJyh66.html ? [15:05] ur rly nice guys :) [15:05] Hi guys, need help getting my bluetooth up and running in ubuntu 8.10 on a vostro 1400 : http://pastebin.com/m521683e9 [15:05] Enter text here...hi === Vaylor is now known as Lacriole [15:06] ti ginetai edv?? [15:06] alright guys I needing some help getting a vpn client installed and working [15:07] Hello all [15:07] Mar 29 12:09:51 diviron kernel: [ 4240.077119] CE: hpet increasing min_delta_ns to 22500 nsec [15:07] Mar 29 12:32:24 diviron kernel: [ 5593.112494] CPU0 attaching NULL sched-domain. [15:07] Mar 29 12:32:24 diviron kernel: [ 5593.112519] CPU1 attaching NULL sched-domain. [15:07] Mar 29 12:32:24 diviron kernel: [ 5593.127614] CPU0 attaching sched-domain: [15:07] Mar 29 12:32:24 diviron kernel: [ 5593.127628] domain 0: span 0-1 level MC [15:07] Green-Dragon: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [15:07] How would I change the deafult theme, and wallpaper for a new user? [15:07] How can I view a linux partition after installing Windows XP? [15:07] Please can anyone help with the lockout plugin for squirrelmail. Have been testing and have locked out user. How do you then enable that use so that they can login? [15:08] how do i solve the screen going blank on the livecd? [15:08] KillGutza, from xp? [15:08] 9.04 [15:08] jdu, yes [15:08] temporarely :) [15:08] who got it? [15:08] how can you disable 3d accel from command prompt [15:08] alright guys I needing some help getting a vpn client installed and working [15:08] Green-Dragon: stop flooding [15:08] KillGutza, yes you can mount ext3 filesystems from xp as ext2 filesystems [15:09] I tried to install the game Soldat (Platinum on db.Winehq.com ), both manually and through Wine-Doors, but I just get the sound and no text ocly the background of the menu... Something similar happened when i tried running Wc3... My Graphics Drivers bad or something? I have a ATI Radeon Gigabyte HD4670.' [15:09] !paste > Green-Dragon (Green-Dragon, see the private message from ubottu) [15:09] timr: What seems to be the problem? [15:09] KillGutza, but you must first find the software to do it [15:09] Rytmis, u there? Today it booted up properly twice, without a problem, and I thought it was the wifi switch (it was off both times) but the third time it failed again. [15:09] Hi guys, need help getting my bluetooth up and running in ubuntu 8.10 on a vostro 1400 : http://pastebin.com/m521683e9 [15:09] The problem is that I can't boot to Ubuntu and can't see any partitions :( [15:09] I'm reinstalling the kernel right now [15:09] Green-Dragon: people are not seeing what you type now. [15:09] i cant get any vpn clients to work I was able to get openvpn work on my windows xp but I cant get a vpn to work on ubuntu [15:09] Do you know sugh software, jdu? [15:09] *such [15:09] Green-Dragon: can you assure me that you won't flood the channel like that again, and use the pastebin instead? [15:10] !pastebin | Green-Dragon [15:10] Green-Dragon: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) [15:10] Green-Dragon: no, not like that. [15:10] Green-Dragon: READ the message you just got. [15:10] KillGutza, I think this is it: http://www.fs-driver.org/ [15:10] i have mounted an ntfs drive in ubuntu and it shows all folders with 777 permissions, is there any way to secure this? [15:10] LjL: Just wondering. He's PMing you, or is that some kind of mute that ops still see? [15:10] Thank you so much jdu ^_^ [15:10] KillGutza, however, I have never need to use it [15:10] !vpn > timr [15:10] timr, please see my private message [15:11] How would I change the deafult theme, and wallpaper for a new user? [15:11] !modes > grawity (grawity, see the private message from ubottu) [15:11] KillGutza, so I can't really speak for it [15:11] hello folks [15:11] im having problems with a wired connection on ubuntu laptop [15:11] !vpn | timr [15:11] timr: From more information on vpn please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Gaming_VPN_Using_PPTPD [15:11] i connect the cable but theres no internet [15:12] dn5a-b, have you tried restarting with the cable plugged in? [15:12] the manual says i should be using RJ-11 or RJ-45 cable [15:12] nevermind [15:12] the one I have is CAT 6, not sure whats the difference between them [15:12] is there a way to cache the gpg password for debuild? [15:12] Can anybody take a look at this post and help me? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=7011836#post7011836 [15:12] how to i disable 3d acceleration from the command prompt so then i can start gdm again? [15:12] swiftarrow: i tried [15:12] Green-Dragon: you can talk now [15:12] ö.ö [15:12] dn5a-b: do you have proper cable connected to the router or modem? [15:12] Green-Dragon: ask your question, in one line, in the most complete possible manner, and include a link to your paste [15:13] keiner deutsch? :o [15:13] Thanks. Can anyone help? I think someone is connecting to my computer via Bluetooth. v [15:13] http://paste.ubuntu.com/144194/ === Mud|lerenfietsen is now known as Mud [15:13] sorry that is not what im looking for sorry [15:13] usr13: is there a difference between RJ-11/45 and CAT 6 cable? [15:13] !de | G0Ldjunqe [15:13] G0Ldjunqe: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis. [15:13] And messing with my audio, internet, etc. [15:13] dn5a-b: What country are you in? [15:13] thx :o [15:13] usr13: something that isnt gonna make them work properly [15:13] hi all. I have created a folder with mkdir and changed its permissions with sudo chmod 777 /media/share2 but i am still getting the following permissions in the terminal drwxr-xr-x 19 root root 16384 1970-01-01 01:00 share2 . Any ideas? [15:13] Germany [15:13] ^bump [15:13] usr13: Poland [15:13] for some reason mail-notification keeps asking me for my mail account password. i keep telling it to remember forever, but it doesn't. any ideas? [15:13] still need answer to solving blank screen on the ubuntu live cd [15:14] Should just be a cat5 cable. [15:14] Green-Dragon: bluetooth has a range of a couple of meters. is that possible at all? [15:14] usr13: you mean it ought to be working? [15:14] dn5a-b: What type of modem or router is it? [15:14] http://paste.ubuntu.com/144197/ [15:14] cable [15:14] usr13: cable [15:14] Click Please -> http://magikarp1.mybrute.com/ <- And battle me! FAST! [15:14] Click Please -> http://magikarp1.mybrute.com/ <- And battle me! FAST! [15:14] Click Please -> http://magikarp1.mybrute.com/ <- And battle me! FAST! [15:14] Erasmus, from virtual terminal out side of x: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop [15:14] boyd3: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [15:15] dn5a-b: sudo dhlcient [15:15] Erasmus, then: export WINDOW_MANAGER=/usr/bin/*name of Window Manager [15:15] Empathy, something that sometimes solves my black screens is Ctrl+Alt+F2, then Ctrl+Alt+F7, sometimes going back and fourth [15:15] Can anybody take a look at this post and help me? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=7011836#post7011836 [15:15] usr13: command not found [15:15] Erasmus, where *name of Window Manager is not compiz fusion [15:16] Hi, trying to get 3d to work properly in Hardy on an HP2133 with 2.6.24-23-generic kernel. I've used the following instructions http://ubuntuforum-br.org/index.php/topic,%2040174.0.html but I keep getting libGL error: UNIX signal already caught; glxgears work fine and direct rendering is activated [15:16] dn5a-b: sudo dhclient [15:16] dn5a-b: Sorry, typo [15:16] so what do i put [15:16] is there anymore vpn clients that I could use? because I tried cisco and that didnt work. tried kvpnc that didnt work. [15:16] Erasmus, then: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start to restart X and gnome with different window manager [15:16] Can anybody help me please? [15:16] Erasmus, just a sec [15:17] actualy my main problem is i installed the 177 drivers and i cant start in x anymore anything i should have in my xorg.conf? [15:17] i need help how do i run dgen ubntu [15:17] as for device i have Driver "nvidia" [15:17] Mathmech: it's best to ask your question and wait for a response than keep asking every few minutes [15:17] Erasmus, prabably metacity is the best choice [15:17] hi all... is there any way to add sound effects to cairo dock actions? i'v tried in vain the cairo-dock channel! [15:17] Erasmus, yes [15:17] usr13: http://pastebin.com/da56bfe3 [15:17] and i also have DVI cable someone said i had to change something for that too in the xorg [15:18] so nvidia is right? [15:18] ^bump [15:18] ohletmeinnowjesu: bump what ? [15:18] iknoia, Yeah, but i have been trying to get this working for two days :/ Sorry, i'll be patient [15:18] Erasmus, I'm not sure. You might try a basic driver like vesa so that you can temporarily access X and make necessary changes [15:19] ping the router or just see if it works? [15:19] Mathmech, what was your problem? [15:19] dn5a-b: ping the router or just see if it works? [15:19] dn5a-b: ping [15:19] so i just put vesa instead of nvidia in there? [15:20] for some reason mail-notification keeps asking me for my mail account password. i keep telling it to remember forever, but it doesn't. any ideas? [15:20] Erasmus, yes I believe [15:20] swiftarrow, I typed it here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=7011836#post7011836 [15:20] k trying [15:20] Hi, I'm hearing my harddisk on my laptop spinning down for no reason, only to spin back up a few seconds later. How can I stop this? (I'm plugged in currently) [15:20] Erasmus, its been a while since I messed with it [15:20] Erasmus, vesa is bound to work with just about any hardware [15:21] and its not wtf [15:21] ikonia: (12:39:23 AM) ooaaooaa: Hi guys, need help getting my bluetooth up and running in ubuntu 8.10 on a vostro 1400 : http://pastebin.com/m521683e9 [15:21] Erasmus, its really just a temporary solution [15:21] ohletmeinnowjesu: yeah, so how is saying "bump" going to make me see that, you're not on a forum [15:21] Okay. Strange things have been happening with my Ubuntu. One was that my private encrypted harddrive was unmounted. I did not do this. I started looking through my system logs and finding strange things. Can someone please explain what http://paste.ubuntu.com/144203/ means? Is someone else on my computer? [15:21] 3 times now ive heard my computer play PC speaker beeping sounds for about a minute [15:21] and apparently.. shutdown [15:22] i have no idea why [15:22] usr13: it does [15:22] Green-Dragon: no-one else is on your computer [15:22] Mathmech, sorry, I have no Idea. Way way beyond me. [15:22] usr13: 7 received, time 5999ms ;p [15:22] swiftarrow, Ok, thanks anyway :) [15:22] How can I make my PC boot into Ubuntu? I can't boot in it since I installed XP [15:22] I have not done anything in Terminal... [15:22] hi everyone [15:22] hey gays,i m a new man [15:22] Green-Dragon: ok [15:22] KillGutza, did you install xp after ubuntu [15:23] Yes Jdu [15:23] But through the logs it says someone else has done things through terminal. [15:23] hi all [15:23] Green-Dragon: where do the logs say that ? [15:23] And then why was my encrypted partion unmounted? [15:23] Let me show you my user logs. [15:23] pandajs, i'll kiss you! [15:23] dn5a-b: Very good. [15:23] ikonia: thats why i repasted it for your perusal [15:23] KillGutza, then you have a problem. Either xp deleted ubuntu and/or it rewrote the mbr [15:23] pdl: this channel is for ubuntu support discussion only [15:23] hey Padzman [15:23] Green-Dragon: May be something wrong with the drive. [15:23] pdl, don't do that! [15:23] usr13: how can i make it work? [15:24] dn5a-b: Not working yet? [15:24] jdu, It ubuntu is still there, you will have to reinstall grub [15:24] usr13: meaning the net connecton [15:24] no [15:24] How can I rewrite the MBR? [15:24] can i get some help [15:24] http://paste.ubuntu.com/144206/ [15:24] i am having issues with my download speed via wireless in jaunty [15:24] KillGutza: re-write it with what [15:24] Master Boot Records? :D [15:24] dn5a-b: Can you ping the router? [15:24] usr13: unfortunately [15:24] Padzman: whats up? [15:24] KillGutza, by reinstalling grub [15:24] Greetings again "u" people. i am wondering if there is a wireless tool that will tell me more about my wireless connections? any recommendations? [15:24] dn5a-b: ping [15:24] usr13: yes i can [15:24] Padzman: just ask your wuestion [15:24] ikonia, i know [15:24] dn5a-b: host av.com [15:24] it is only downloading at 700 when it should download at 2500 [15:24] jdu, so how can I install GRUB? [15:24] KillGutza, run grub and type setup [15:24] KillGutza: i think sudo dpkg-reconfigure grub works [15:24] KillGutza, as root [15:24] Green-Dragon: what makes you think someone is on your computer [15:25] From an live CD? [15:25] https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows KillGutza [15:25] usr13:im connected to wireless right now [15:25] KillGutza: what do you want to put on it - what boot record [15:25] dn5a-b: host av.com [15:25] Hello [15:25] I think someone got into my router (it used to be unsecured) - and today when I tried to put the Linux router software on it it is not a supported router. [15:25] KillGutza, yes [15:25] i am very new installed last night and cant get my usb head set to work on youtube and help? [15:25] usr13: it was handled [15:25] Thank you everyone [15:25] Someone would like to help me install binary fglrx please? [15:25] Green-Dragon: your router is nothing to do with ubuntu -forget that, why do you think someone is on your computer [15:25] <[2600]> how to make that work .(?/) <---- button near the right-shift in rdesktop??? [15:25] usr13: i mean it worked [15:25] can anyone recomend a program that will record and replay keystrokes? [15:26] I will get an live CD [15:26] Because someone is logging in as root damnit! And I have not been. [15:26] Green-Dragon: control your language [15:26] dn5a-b: Use the network manager to disconnect from the wireless and then use the wired connection. [15:26] i've looked around a bit and haven't seen anything [15:26] Green-Dragon: ok - please show me the output of "uname -a" [15:26] Green-Dragon: what kind of router? [15:26] e3co: forget the router - that is not ontopic for this channel === Skiess is now known as Skiessi [15:26] Greetings again "u" people. i am wondering if there is a wireless tool that will tell me more about my wireless connections? any recommendations? [15:26] It would be an ubuntu system setup to be a router... I'm just making sure [15:27] Let me see the router - one second. It's from TCom. [15:27] LargePrime, iwconfig [15:27] LargePrime: what do you want to know [15:27] usr13: what is network manager? [15:27] bercik: http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu [15:27] LargePrime, try netstat? [15:27] Green-Dragon: forget the router [15:27] Green-Dragon: please show me the output of uname -a [15:27] Speedport W502V [15:27] Green-Dragon: goto the TCom IRC [15:27] usr13: where is it? [15:27] does one of you kow a tool to write windows autoruns on linux? [15:27] k [15:27] PsynoKhi0: i tried it [15:27] Linux diviron 2.6.27-11-generic #1 SMP Thu Jan 29 19:24:39 UTC 2009 i686 GNU/Linux [15:27] can anyone recommend a program that will record and replay keystrokes? [15:27] i've looked around a bit and haven't seen anything [15:27] ikonia: stuff like why a connection failed. more data [15:27] PsynoKhi0: there is an problem with glx [15:27] a* [15:28] Green-Dragon: no-one can login as root unless YOU have unlocked the root password as ubuntu locks the root user by default [15:28] swiftarrow: is netstat a terminal command? [15:28] dn5a-b: Do you know if the Cable Modem has a built in router with a running DHCP server? [15:28] LargePrime: look in the syslog, or use wirless-tools (iwconfig for example) to configure your wirless card [15:28] LargePrime, yes [15:28] bercik: what problem? === hasnain[dead] is now known as Hasnain [15:28] Well.. Here is the thing. Since they had control over the router I logged into last.fm (which is unsecured). And I used the same password. [15:28] i am having issues with my download speed via wireless in jaunty [15:28] They saw that password, then logged into root. [15:28] usr13: no idea. It works on all my non-laptop pcs and on desktop Ubuntu [15:28] PsynoKhi0: Xlib: extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0". [15:28] it is only downloading at 700 when it should download at 2500 [15:29] Now I think they installed packages on my computer which were not their before. [15:29] Green-Dragon: no they didn't - the root password is locked unless YOU set it [15:29] does one of you kow a tool to write windows autoruns on linux? [15:29] Hi guys, need help getting my bluetooth up and running in ubuntu 8.10 on a vostro 1400 : http://pastebin.com/m521683e9 [15:29] dn5a-b: If the router does not have a built in router with a DHCP server, you will need to contact the Cable Company and ask for IP connection information. [15:29] philipp: autoruns ? [15:29] usr13: it was, "requesting network address" and it didnt connect [15:29] Hey all [15:29] usr13: im still on wireless [15:29] bercik: when do you get that? [15:29] Green-Dragon, change your password [15:29] ikonia windows autorun datas [15:29] PsynoKhi0: i.e. while glxgears [15:29] I use the same password for everything... aka they saw my last.fm password and tried it on my computer. [15:29] ohletmeinnowjesu, I have the same problem... [15:29] philipp: I have no idea what a windows autrun data is [15:29] And it worked as root. [15:29] Looking for somebody to test my remote log in [15:29] Green-Dragon: the root password is NOT enabled unless YOU enabled it [15:29] Green-Dragon: what is your question? [15:30] Green-Dragon: did you enable the root password ? [15:30] PsynoKhi0: and then i start Ubutu i see that libglx couldnt load [15:30] bercik: did you do "sudo aticonfig --initial -f"? [15:30] Green-Dragon, you mean with sudo [15:30] PsynoKhi0: yes [15:30] ikonia a autorun.inf file [15:30] dn5a-b: Alternately check to see that you have proper cable connected between your PC and the Cable Modem. [15:30] ikonia: can i change my MAC with iwconfig? [15:30] I think I am having a NVIDIA driver problem. I had to install a NVIDIA driver to get elisa media center to work. The problem is that I only get 640x480 resolution. If I remove the NVIDIA driver then the screen looks fine, but Elisa is veeeery slow. Everything is so much bigger on the screen with the driver installed. What can I do? [15:30] LargePrime: no [15:30] LargePrime: there is no reason to change your mac [15:30] I changed my password already but their packages are still on my computer. [15:30] thanks [15:30] Green-Dragon: root is disabled by default on ubuntu [15:30] Green-Dragon: the root password is not enabled [15:30] bercik: what version of ubuntu and what card model are you using? [15:30] you have to activate it [15:30] ikonia: ther are lots of reasons [15:30] so can i get any help with my usb head set [15:30] ikonia, do you mean things that start at boot? [15:30] Green-Dragon: I will ask you one last time did YOU enable the root password [15:30] hi, i have been trying for 4 days now, to get my wireless to work, it says "interface unknown" can any help me get it up by today please ?? [15:30] dreamcoder: no [15:31] PsynoKhi0: 9.04b and mobile radeon x300 [15:31] swiftarrow: well maybe if the both of us keep pestering long enough maybe we'll get somewhere? [15:31] !wireless | mib_ocd07ecd [15:31] mib_ocd07ecd: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs [15:31] can anyone recommend a program that will record and replay keystrokes? [15:31] dn5a-b: Use the network manager to disconnect / dissable the wirleess connection. [15:31] Eimhin: search for keyloggers [15:31] bercik: uh... that's your problem I think [15:31] done [15:31] i look, that does not help [15:31] no luck [15:31] What is meant by enable? [15:31] Eimhin, a keylogger? [15:31] mib_ocd07ecd, what is the output of iwconfig [15:31] Eimhin: did you google for one? [15:31] Pressed the "enable" button on the password thing? [15:31] Green-Dragon: you cannot use the root account by default - it's locked [15:31] Green-Dragon: no [15:31] yeah [15:31] Is there any method to "burn" windows iso to a usb stick and use it to install windows, but from linux [15:31] Green-Dragon: That says you didn't... [15:31] let me look a bit harder [15:31] dn5a-b: Use the network-manager to connect to the wired connection. [15:31] Oh.. I am the root account. [15:32] bercik: oh wait [15:32] Green-Dragon: how did you become the root account ? [15:32] Eimhin: xnee, xmacro? [15:32] Green-Dragon, In other words you have sudo rights? [15:32] Your safe on that part. Meet me in private chat, we will figure this out, outside of the room [15:32] jdu: http://www.mibbit.com/pb/10kggZ [15:32] Eimhin, http://pykeylogger.wiki.sourceforge.net/ [15:32] usr13: i already did. Pretty much the whole conversation leads back to my initial question, if there's any difference between Cat 6 (which works fine on desktop Ubuntu, etc) and RJ-11/45 (manual says its required for wired laptop connection) [15:32] ? My username is owner. My password for owner is the same as root. [15:32] jdu: the output is in the pastebin (link above) [15:32] Hi, I'm looking for a why to get all the computers home (7 or so) to log into a server and get their permissions and storage from there. Is this a samba domain thing? How should I go about it? [15:32] Green-Dragon: there is NO root password [15:32] bercik: 8.04 comes with X 1.6, correct? [15:32] Their is only one account. [15:32] I set a root password... [15:32] bercik: oops 9.04* [15:33] Green-Dragon: how did you set a root password ? [15:33] usr13: its kinda hard to find requested info online [15:33] PsynoKhi0: yes, as i remember good [15:33] anyone else having issues with download speeds via wireless in jaunty === serenity is now known as s3r3n1t6 [15:33] when I sudo the password I entered their is the same as my account and the same on last.fm (well, used to be) === Virk is now known as virk === s3r3n1t6 is now known as s3r3n1t7_ [15:33] Green-Dragon: how did you set the root password [15:33] mib_ocd07ecd, what does NetworkManager say when you try to connect to a wireless network or does it do anything at all? [15:33] dn5a-b: I can not help you with cable issues, only Ubuntu. Sorry. [15:33] dreamcoder: jaunty chat is in #ubuntu+1 [15:33] Hi guys, need help getting my bluetooth up and running in ubuntu 8.10 on a vostro 1400 : http://pastebin.com/m521683e9 [15:33] dn5a-b: cat 6 is a wire spec, rj 11 and rj45 are connector specs [15:33] oh yeah sorry i totally forgot [15:33] lol [15:34] dn5a-b: But what you more than likely need is cat5 cable. [15:34] jdu: it does nothing at all, the option for wireless is there but nothing happens [15:34] bercik: ok then, that's your problem: fglrx won't support anything older than the HD2xxx series in X 1.6 and later... X 1.5 and fglrx 9.3 is the best you cen get, or go for the opensource drivers === Hasnain is now known as hasnain[dead] [15:34] ?? I think I am confused... what do you mean? When I sudo that password used to be the same as my user password. [15:34] dn5a-b: cat 6 is gigabit enet cable [15:34] Green-Dragon: what did you do to set the root password [15:34] n.it [15:34] okay, maybe root password was the wrong word. [15:34] Green-Dragon: you cannot use the root account - so tell me what you did to use the root account [15:34] mib_ocd07ecd, so it doesn't show any wireless networks etc? [15:34] LargePrime: is there a chance there's something wrong with the cable? [15:34] Hi, has anyone gotten a2dp bluetooth audio to work on jaunty? I could pair fine at first, but never connect, even though pavucontrol displayed the bluetooth headset. Now however, I can't even pair at all! [15:34] The password for when I sudo. [15:34] PsynoKhi0: how could i downgrade to 1.5? [15:34] jdu: nope, not a single thing [15:34] bercik: btw AMD doesn't support X 1.6 in their official releases yet afaik [15:35] Green-Dragon: right - then the root password is disabled - and no-one is using the root account [15:35] mib_ocd07ecd, and networks aren't hidden? [15:35] Hey all, I have a question about bluetooth. I have never been able to run bluez-utils, although my bluetooth seems to be detected. It works in another OS. I'm using 8.10, on a vostro 1510 [15:35] hola algun latino?, [15:35] Press "unlock" on the little box. [15:35] Green-Dragon: what little box [15:35] dn5a-b: But what you more than likely need is cat5 cable, and not a crossover cable but just standard cat5 straight cable. [15:35] dn5a-b: i have not read your question, i just answered cause what i saw you asked. let me read up or pm me you posts [15:35] Green-Dragon: your changing your story every minute [15:35] dreamcoder, will PyKeylogger play things back in a different app? [15:35] jdu: nope, it can be found by anyone using a wireless device [15:35] Can anybody help me please? [15:35] i dont know read the manuals [15:35] Green-Dragon: let me assure you the root password is locked by default, so no-one is using it, [15:35] bercik: I'd stick to Hardy Heron or Intrepid Ibex, running X server 1.5 on top of Jaunty is well beyond my knowledge, sorry [15:36] Green-Dragon: if you feel your machine has been compromised re-install your OS [15:36] System -> Administraton -> Users and Groups [15:36] !ask |mathmec [15:36] mathmec: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) [15:36] The box their. But that was unimportant. [15:36] hehe [15:36] Green-Dragon: if you are worried - you have to re-install your OS [15:36] ikonia: he's looking at the users and groups window, i believe [15:36] LargePrime: He is trying to connect via wired connection to a cable modem and is in Poland. [15:36] bercik: but as I said, the open source ATI drivers should work just fine [15:36] PsynoKhi0: oh. Thank You for help :) [15:36] mib_ocd07ecd, the output of iwconfig suggests to me that your wireless card works. if you run "sudo lshw" what information does it show about your wireless card? [15:36] I considered that. And I proabally will. [15:36] bercik: np [15:36] What is the command to reverse dns from the cli [15:36] ? [15:36] But here is the thing: Why is my encrypted partion unmounted? [15:36] Green-Dragon: then there is nothing more to discuss, I assure you though no-one is logging in as root on your machine [15:36] LargePrime: But he also has a WiFi connection going at the same time. [15:36] PsynoKhi0: i dont think so.. i need good 3D for games [15:36] e3co: same as a forward lookup [15:37] e3co: host [15:37] e3co: like normal DNS -- 'host', 'nslookup', 'dig'. [15:37] LargePrime: So he has eth1 and eth0 [15:37] im trying gnomeboy advance but it says error: dependency is not satisfiable: python [15:37] thanks [15:37] Let me look for some of the strange things in the system log. [15:37] Green-Dragon: there is nothing strange in your system log that you pasted [15:37] I have restricted ubuntu how do I install from it? [15:37] bercik: meh... I feared I was about to get that kind of comment heh [15:37] dn5a-b: can you try another cable?. i dont know if ubuntu will use two connections [15:37] LargePrime: See: http://pastebin.com/da56bfe3 [15:37] Green-Dragon: and even if there is - it doesn't matter you have to re-install [15:37] jdu: http://www.mibbit.com/pb/LulDGl [15:37] PerryArmstrong: u there ? [15:37] I've copied my .tomboy folder over to a new installation. My notes aren't showing up in the new Tomboy. I've still got the backups in .tomboy/Backup, how do I restore those? [15:38] LargePrime: you mean disconnect the one connected and connect a different cat cable? [15:38] Green-Dragon, everythign seems fine. Ubuntu sometimes acts up. Perhaps re-install and see if that fixes your strange unmount? or try updating. [15:38] bercik: Hardy Heron, HD4830 and fglrx 9.3 here... it screams! compiz, wine, mplayer at the same time, not a sweat [15:38] LargePrime: just wanna clarify [15:38] LargePrime: And he is not sure if he has proper cable installed. [15:38] mib_ocd07ecd, thats pan0 you want ath0 [15:38] I would like to use the dell BH200 bluetooth headset, is it still not supported ? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=804607 [15:38] dn5a-b: i am thinking it will show if cable is the problem [15:38] PsynoKhi0: pretty nice [15:39] jdu:mine has never been pan0 [15:39] modem shows theres a weak or non existant pc link [15:39] LargePrime: [15:39] Rytmis, u there? Today it booted up properly twice, without a problem, and I thought it was the wifi switch (it was off both times) but the third time it failed again. [15:39] dn5a-b: look at end of cable how many copper pins/bits/shiney parts [15:39] thanks for all your help i thing i will just check the net out have a good day all [15:39] Apr 3 22:50:33 diviron avahi-daemon[5080]: Withdrawing address record for fe80::21f:3bff:fe9a:cee5 on wlan0. Apr 3 22:50:33 diviron kernel: [ 2593.422951] psmouse.c: TouchPad at isa0060/serio1/input0 lost synchronization, throwing 5 bytes away. Apr 3 22:50:33 diviron kernel: [ 2593.434449] iwlagn 0000:0c:00.0: PCI INT A disabled [15:39] LargePrime: but ping works [15:39] mib_ocd07ecd, or rather the output you gave me from lshw was about pan0 [15:39] What the hell is that? [15:39] jdu: sorry i meant, it was different from the "ifconfig" [15:39] Green-Dragon: you have been warned to stop flooding the channel [15:39] LargePrime: 8 of them [15:39] Hi guys, need help getting my bluetooth up and running in ubuntu 8.10 on a vostro 1400 : http://pastebin.com/m521683e9 [15:40] dn5a-b: ping works cable is good. try big ping and constant ping [15:40] Green-Dragon: that is just your touchpad/mouse having a problem [15:40] Green-Dragon: please do not flood the channel again [15:40] LargePrime: just one question, how do i know if im not pinging the router im connected to wirelessly but the eth0 from wired connection? [15:40] Green-Dragon: just re-install, there is nothing more to discuss [15:40] Okay - but what is that? [15:40] Green-Dragon: do you happen to have a PS2 mouse? [15:40] Green-Dragon: that is your mouse having a problem [15:41] <`[o_0]`> hey i need a little help installing amarok 2.xx i adding the thingy in the update manager, but i stuck on getting the authentic key [15:41] mib_ocd07ecd, I am going to look something up [15:41] I am going to reinstal but how do I keep all my information [15:41] Green-Dragon: back it up [15:41] ohletmeinnowjesu: did you try blueman? [15:41] xmacro seems to work, thanks for the help [15:41] dn5a-b: 8 = rj45. i think cable is good. try big ping and constant ping. shut off wirelessconnection and ping? [15:41] and that is a lot of work... Can't I just stop all remote connections? [15:41] Hi, I have sun fire x4150 server and ubuntu 8.04 amd64 can't find the CD drive. This bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/cdrom-detect/+bug/207431ls / talks about the issue and gives the solution as adding all_generic_ide at boot options. [15:41] How do I do that ? [15:41] LargePrime: im not pinging my router at all [15:41] Green-Dragon: no - you need to re-install if you think you have been compromised [15:41] can you ping and specity a connection to ping thru? [15:41] LargePrime: my modem actually [15:41] Why can I not just stop remote connections?!/ [15:41] <`[o_0]`> wow [15:41] LordMetroid: just route [15:41] <`[o_0]`> moving fast here Lols [15:41] I managed to get Ubuntu back :D [15:41] dn5a-b: say again? [15:41] LargePrime: im pinging the wirless router at somebodys house [15:41] c0p3rn1c, I have the same problem as ohletmeinnowjesu, is blueman different from bluez-utils? [15:41] mib_ocd07ecd, what is the essid of the network you want to connect to? [15:41] Green-Dragon: because you don't know what has been done to your machine if it has been compromised [15:41] KillGutza: nice [15:42] hi guys [15:42] LargePrime: because i disconnected the cable and ping still works [15:42] c0p3rn1c: no [15:42] just wondering if anybody know any rubyonrails channels [15:42] ? [15:42] dn5a-b: i am not getting the whole picture. can we start over? [15:42] adnanvvvvvvv: not here [15:42] Okay. But also - shoudn't I save the information so you guys can fix the vulnerablilities? [15:42] swiftarrow: 1 sec I'll check to be sure [15:42] adnanvvvvvvv: check the freenode site [15:42] I want to delete the windows partition and allocate it to Ubuntu, how do I do it? [15:42] Or would you rather just have people start over and let it happen again? [15:42] ikonia, thanks ! [15:42] hello can someone tell me how to login a root [15:42] !root > Tiffer9000 (Tiffer9000, see the private message from ubottu) [15:43] ikonia, alright... [15:43] LargePrime: sure. Thank you for willingness to help. [15:43] ikonia, for what? [15:43] k i got this running i think i installed 177 drivers for nvidia through synaptics package manager then ran sudo nvidia-xconfig in terminal rebooted then i have 3d accel running but was getting 13000 fps with 169 drivers and not only getting 4800 fps with glxgears === atari_ is now known as atari [15:43] Tiffer9000, once you logged in, type sudo su [15:43] c0p3rn1c, blueman: package not found? [15:43] dn5a-b: i am just trying to help a brother [15:43] Trying to get 3d to work properly in Hardy on an HP2133 (chrome9) with 2.6.24-23-generic kernel and VIA's drivers. I've used the following instructions http://ubuntuforum-br.org/index.php/topic,%2040174.0.html to recompile the agp and drm modules but I keep getting libGL error: UNIX signal already caught; glxgears work fine and direct rendering is activated [15:43] or grant same permissions as root on a user [15:43] hi all. I have created a folder with mkdir and changed its permissions with sudo chmod 777 /media/share2 but i am still getting the following permissions in the terminal drwxr-xr-x 19 root root 16384 1970-01-01 01:00 share2 . Any ideas? [15:43] jdu: sorry if you sent me something i did not get it, i lost Internet connection [15:43] swiftarrow: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/blueman-bluetooth-manager-for-ubuntu.html [15:43] Green-Dragon: if you have been compromised re-install - its that simple [15:43] ohletmeinnowjesu: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/blueman-bluetooth-manager-for-ubuntu.html [15:43] Can someone help me with this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=7011836#post7011836 ? [15:43] Tiffer9000: "sudo adduser username admin" to give a user access to sudo [15:43] dn5a-b: remember you get what you pay for [15:43] KillGutza, Format the windows partition and mount the free drive space? [15:43] c0p3rn1c, thanks [15:43] in hardware drivers the 177 is not activated but i have the visuals affect should i activate it and risk again no more gdm [15:43] mib_ocd07ecd, ok what is the essid of what you are trying to connect to? [15:43] swiftarrow: np, pass it forward ;-) [15:44] Talk to you guys later. [15:44] I need to go. [15:44] says im already admin [15:44] jdu: what is that ? is it the name of the router ? if so its a SKY625989 [15:44] but im trying to install nvidia drivers but it says need to install with root [15:44] LargePrime: He wants to connect via wired connection instead of the Wireless one. [15:45] c0p3rn1c: it doesnt make a diff [15:45] c0p3rn1c: just installed it, didnt do anything... [15:45] Tiffer9000: you mean you are logged in as root? [15:45] Is KDE faster then Gnome? [15:45] mib_ocd07ecd, its the name of the wireless network. eg SK... sounds reasonable [15:45] LargePrime: Maybe: sudo ifconfig eth1 down ? I told him to try and use the network-manager to disconnect / dissable the wireless connection (eth1), but... guess that didnt' work. [15:46] PsynoLhiOi think thats what i need to do, to be able to install NVidia drivers [15:46] jdu: then its the one i supplied, that is the name of the network [15:46] usr am in chat with him. wanna join? [15:46] c0p3rn1c: sorry, just realized i had installed bluemOn and not bluemAn === mdl-unit is now known as mdl-unit_ [15:46] ohletmeinnowjesu: np :) [15:47] Tiffer9000: well, yes and no, you need root _privileges_, that's what your first user gets to use with the "sudo" command, though you don't _need_ to be logged in as root [15:47] PsynoKhi0 #> is says ERROR: nvidia-installer must be run as root [15:47] c0p3rn1c: im following the instructions, see if it makes a diff [15:47] sudo -i [15:47] mib_ocd07ecd, so far I don't see why it shouldn't be working. I would suggest trying to manually connect with iwconfig. Eg: "iwconfig ath0 essid SKY625989" You may need more depending on your network. === mdl-unit_ is now known as mdl-unit [15:47] usr13: am in chat with him. wanna join? [15:47] PsynoKhi0 #> is says ERROR: nvidia-installer must be run as root [15:47] LargePrime: Ok [15:47] KillGutza: gnome is probably faster [15:48] Tiffer9000: yes I saw that first time ;) [15:48] mib_ocd07ecd, for more information on that: man iwconfig [15:48] Tiffer9000: 1) why aren't you using the official ubuntu nvidia drivers 2) why aren't you using sudo [15:48] ohletmeinnowjesu: ok good luck [15:48] LjL #> im new to ubuntu [15:48] Tiffer9000: well then please read the stuff i've had the bot send you about root and sudo. [15:49] Tiffer9000: I hope you are NOT using the nvidia.com installer [15:49] Tiffer9000: don't mess up your system gratuitously, please. [15:49] !nvidia > Tiffer9000 (Tiffer9000, see the private message from ubottu) [15:49] so when drivers installed for nvidia should i be looking in the hardware drivers even if i have 3d visual affects, my nvidia settings says everything is good but in the hardware drivers its not active [15:49] !root > Tiffer9000 (Tiffer9000, see the private message from ubottu) [15:49] yes [15:49] i installed from synaptis package manager [15:49] Tiffer9000: I don't know what you are doing but you should use your package manager [15:49] I have openssh-server and openssh-client installed on my machine, sshd is running, and I can ssh from my machine to others. However other machines cannot ssh into my machine. Do you know what might be blocking incoming ssh traffic? [15:50] Tiffer9000: aren't there some instructions on how to install them? AMD/ATI provides a PDF and there is even a wiki with instructions for several distros [15:50] Tiffer9000: else your system will be broken on new kernell updates [15:50] KenYoung - firewall? [15:50] KenYoung, Port issue ? [15:50] KenYoung: WHat type of error are they getting? [15:50] all i did on 32bit was double click and it installed [15:50] KenYoung: do thay have route ( you arent behind NAT ), or do you you have sshd running / sudo /etc/init.d/ssh start [15:50] if you activate a vpn connection, do you need to do something with your firewall in ubuntu? [15:50] usr13: how do i invite you to a chat? [15:51] Tiffer9000: all you did on what? [15:51] LargePrime: Type /invite usr13 #channel.name [15:51] double clicked the package [15:51] usr13, No error. Connect attemps just hang, with no message in /var/log/messages . [15:51] !nvidia > swiftarrow [15:51] swiftarrow, please see my private message [15:51] KenYoung: Wrong IP? [15:51] usr13, Nope. [15:52] jdu: i read it but, i dont get it, [15:52] Tiffer9000: uh ok... seems weird to me but if you say so... [15:52] KenYoung: Test to see if sshd is actually running. Try to connect from your own box. [15:52] !nvidia > Tiffer9000 [15:52] Tiffer9000, please see my private message [15:52] i tried to add xfdesktop to my .xinitrc since it wasn't running thru sessions for some reason after i added it [15:52] it made my x session terminate after less than a second [15:52] so i deleted the .xinitrc i made [15:52] KenYoung: ssh user@192.168.x.x [15:52] and now it errors with gdm internal error [15:52] KenYoung: Where 192.168.x.x is IP of your own box. [15:52] usr13, I can ssh from my box to itself, using the numeric IP (not the loopback IP). sshd is definately running. [15:52] it says 177 activated [15:53] but when i go in Enemy Territory i get a popup [15:53] KenYoung: Do you have firestarter running? [15:53] Tiffer9000: do you have a driver problem ? [15:53] mib_ocd07ecd, yeah it is rather complicated stuff. Basically, after iwconfig ath0, you type a series of key words like essid or key and then their values. [15:53] usr13, I don't think so. No such program shows up in the ps ax list. [15:54] must have c0p lol [15:54] brb [15:54] Is Ubuntu the best for streaming radio & tv, or is Kubuntu better. [15:54] does ubuntu come with anything in its .xinitrc that is necessary? [15:54] i deleted mine and now it cries [15:54] jdu: is there a way i can obtain my essid [15:54] I would like to use the dell BH200 bluetooth headset(only 35 euro), is it still not supported ? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=804607 [15:54] mib_ocd07ecd, eg iwconfig ath0 essid Your.Network.Name key key.if.your.network.is.encrypted [15:55] tony___, theres no major diffrence between ubuntu and kubuntu the main diffrence is the desktop enviroment [15:55] wats the link of ubuntubot ? [15:55] Tcl: ubuntubot? [15:55] KenYoung: Tell the client to check to see if your port 22 is open. nmap -p 22 [15:55] Can somebody help me please? [15:55] KenYoung: Tell the client to check to see if your port 22 is open. nmap -p 22 192.168.x.x [15:55] mib_ocd07ecd, if it hasn't appeared, You can login to your router and see what you set it to. [15:55] !ubottu > Tcl [15:55] Tcl, please see my private message [15:55] usr13: how do i invite you to a private chat. it does not seem to have a channel name [15:56] jdu: oh i think i understand, so essid is the name of the router/network ? [15:56] what packages includes libGL please? [15:56] LargePrime: you don't invite, you just send messages [15:56] mib_ocd07ecd, eg. would be your router location or perhaps [15:56] LargePrime: /query nickname [15:56] Mathmech: What do you need? [15:56] LargePrime, /invite usr13 #nameofthechanyouwant [15:56] usr13, I don't understand - there does not seem to be a nmap command on my machine. Is that a standard utility shipped with ubuntu? [15:56] yeh something like that [15:56] mib_ocd07ecd, quoting "ESSID (or Network Name - in some products it may also be called Domain ID). The ESSID is used to identify cells which are part of the same virtual network" [15:56] that 1 thx c0p3rn1c [15:56] mib_ocd07ecd, so yes [15:56] KenYoung: I thought so. but you can install it. apt-get install nmap [15:57] LjL jmz so you cannot invite someone to a private chat? [15:57] np Tcl [15:57] Oh [15:57] if you want to pvt them [15:57] type /query usr13 [15:57] I would like to change the default group of a new file/folder I create with Nautilus. In the terminal it is easy to change the default group. I simply type chgrp and all folders I create with mkdir will have the new default group. But how can I change the default group for a nautilus session? [15:57] *sigh* [15:57] i was able to get the ubuntu installer to start but then it crashed with an IO Error at setting up partitions [15:57] :( [15:57] so how to i open it in terminal using the sudo command [15:57] file name is NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-180.44-pkg2.run [15:58] LargePrime: jmz I use irssi [15:58] Tiffer9000: if your driver is activated, install nvidia-settings manager, and start it in the command line, sudo nvidia-settings and save your config there [15:58] badpenguin86, Can oyu take a look at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=7011836 [15:58] irssi is a nice client [15:58] I prefure xchat though [15:58] i dont get why ubuntu is giving me such problems to install right now, i have had it installed on this system before >< [15:58] <_bam> whats the best video editing software? [15:58] usr13, Thanks. I get "PORT STATE SERVICE" "22/tcp open ssh" [15:59] Oh Empathy Still no joy ? [15:59] Empathy, Linux is strange :) [15:59] who has ubuntu 9.04 [15:59] jmz: nope. it crashed after the drives got partitioned [15:59] KenYoung: FYI you can also check on your own machine: netstat -pantu [15:59] I used it [15:59] !9.04 > commander_ (commander_, see the private message from ubottu) [15:59] Didnt like it [15:59] And Empathy thats gay =/ [15:59] Mathmech: Wish I could help, but that is not an area I am experienced in [15:59] Empathy, try the alternate cd [15:59] usr13 is irssi in your applications list? i installed it and cant find it. prolly have to command line right? [15:59] badpenguin86, Okay, thanks anyway :) [16:00] I tried 9.04 but i didnt like it [16:00] KenYoung: Then it should work. I do not know why not. Did you run nmap from the client machine? [16:00] jdu: then from what i just read the essid would be the name of the network but on the side of the router it is called ssid [16:00] the loading screen looks better though [16:00] Tiffer9000: after that you can just logoff and your video drivers should work like that [16:00] rofl === ROSHA is now known as RoozbehOnline [16:00] How can I transfer some unpartitioned space to my current partition? [16:00] jmz: and i had to use the graphics safe installer for the first time ever, the last time i installed it i didnt need the graphics safe version [16:00] ok all saved [16:00] <_bam> Could someone recommend video editing software? [16:00] mib_ocd07ecd, same as far as I know [16:00] who has timevault? [16:00] so i just need to logout and log back in? [16:00] and my laptop hasnt changed one bit since i last installed ubuntu [16:00] _bam: "best" is too vague :) [16:00] LargePrime: irssi is a CLI irc client. Runs from console or terminal. [16:00] I tried different software, but it makes another partition [16:00] I want my main one to grow [16:00] Empathy, Just stick to 8.10 ? :P [16:00] Aynone have a good guide to making my ATI Radeon Drivers work... I have problems when I try running Games in Wine [16:01] KillGutza have you tried gparted ? [16:01] my laptop has poor support under 8.10 :\ [16:01] Awh [16:01] debia, that's what I am using :D [16:01] jdu: oh right ok then , the network essid/ssid is called SKY62856 [16:01] maybe try a diffrent distro Empathy ? [16:01] any other good software to install in ubuntu for performance ???? [16:01] I would like to change the default group of a new file/folder I create with Nautilus. In the terminal it is easy to change the default group. I simply type chgrp and all folders I create with mkdir will have the new default group. But how can I change the default group for a nautilus session? Anybody knows? [16:01] KillGutza with that you can grow existing partition to include adjacent empty space [16:01] c0p3rn1c, I installed it, but can't find the blueman icon in the menu. what do i type? [16:01] usr13, no I ran nmap on the server machine. However I know outgoing ssh works on the client - I have numerous open sessions on it. [16:01] mib_ocd07ecd, good now you know what you are trying to connect to. [16:01] Matmech if you come across any links could you please forward them to me as well? I am having some headaches with it as well. [16:01] _bam: I use Kino for simple tasks and cinelerra for more advanced stuff [16:01] cant access the software repositories for any other distro on my campus network [16:01] unless im logged in [16:01] so id need sun java installed by default [16:01] !gparted [16:01] gparted is a !GTK/!Gnome !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php [16:01] in another distro [16:01] I have kubuntu & ubuntu loaded on the same computer. I have sound out of kubuntu, but no sound out of ubuntu. Will they clash, or should they both work. [16:01] swiftarrow: it should be in your sys tray [16:01] KenYoung: Did you do: netstat -pantu [16:02] how can i install a bigmem kernel? [16:02] <_bam> PsynoKhi0: Thanks. I will research them. [16:02] Should I turn to 9.04 beta or wait for official ? [16:02] swiftarrow: system -> preferences -> bluetooth manager [16:02] so jmz: if you know another distro that has sun java installed by default i'd like to give it a shot :) [16:02] jdu: i knew what i was trying to connect to , the thng that is the probelm is that it says "unknown interface" for "ath0" [16:02] !pastebin [16:02] pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) [16:02] I don't think I can demount the running partition [16:02] KillGutza which way do you want ur partition to grow ? [16:02] _bam: otherwise avidemux (only heard of it) [16:02] mib_ocd07ecd, you might try NetworkManager again and act like you are connecting to a hidden network [16:02] _bam: np [16:02] mib_ocd07ecd, hmm [16:02] hi, how can i run .jar files [16:02] debia, the main one [16:02] usr13, "sudo netstat -pantu | grep ssh" returns "tcp6 0 0 :::22 :::* LISTEN 7031/sshd" [16:02] Empathy, it isnt to hard to get java installed :P [16:02] It has everything installed in it [16:03] jmz: it is when you cannot download it due to your school's absolutely ridiculous network policies [16:03] KillGutza "the main one" has ubuntu installed already ? is that one you are booted into ? [16:03] debia, yep [16:03] mib_ocd07ecd, .... a hidden network called SKY62856 [16:03] KillGutza what size is it currently ? [16:03] how can i direct firefox to use a specific net connection to retreve a page? [16:03] cant access package managers for any other distro w/o being logged in (requires sun java) except for ubuntu [16:03] c0p3rn1c, walmis, nope. do you know the command line? Perhaps I should mention that I'm using Xfce, but it's not showing up in settings, or in system [16:03] Empathy, how do you download the Ubuntu ISO's then ? :o [16:03] ~25GB [16:03] hi, how can i run .jar files [16:03] does ubuntu not use inetd or xinetd? [16:03] any good server packages that install php, apache, phpmyadmin ect (AUTOMATIC) [16:03] jmz; im logged into the network from my windows boot right now ;) [16:03] KillGutza is there free space next to it ? how much ? [16:04] KenYoung: Run nmap -p 22 from client. [16:04] Ahh [16:04] swiftarrow: blueman-applet then [16:04] jdu: no the network is not hidden, i cannot find other networks as well, there should be a min of 3 networks i should find [16:04] Tiffer9000, for development, use xampp [16:04] something like Xampp [16:04] swiftarrow: blueman-manager [16:04] 1.7GB [16:04] KenYoung: Your firewall could be blocking incomming port 22 [16:04] Aynone have a good guide to making my ATI Radeon Drivers work... I have problems when I try running Games in Wine [16:04] jdu: my computer is a amilo 1718 [16:04] c0p3rn1c, cool! that worked... [16:04] i just want to run a little website on my server which requires php, mysql ect [16:04] It has an minimum space requirement? [16:04] KillGutza you can't modify size of partitiion when you are booted into it [16:04] hi, how can i run .jar files [16:04] swiftarrow: great :-) [16:05] KillGutza because it is in use. You need to use the gparted "live" CD for that [16:05] mib_ocd07ecd, did you try though, NetworkManager is quirky sometimes and it may be that it simply isn't showing them but you could connect if you acted like they were hidden networks [16:05] debia, would booting on a live CD and using Gparted work? [16:05] nevermind :D [16:05] !gparted ! KillGutza [16:05] Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) [16:05] ohletmeinnowjesu, has it worked for you? try installing blueman, then run blueman-applet [16:05] Thank you debia :) [16:05] Mathmech: which drivers? [16:05] hi, how can i run .jar files? [16:06] can enybody help me plz [16:06] have 2gb of ram and for some reason everything dumped into ram and filled swap too [16:06] insan: java -jar filename [16:06] !of [16:06] Sorry, I don't know anything about of [16:06] usr13, I think it probably is a firewall issue, but I don't know which of the 6000 different firewall Unix-familly firewall schemes Ubuntu uses be default. What type of firewall does Ubuntu active with a plain-vanilla installation? [16:06] !ot [16:06] #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks! [16:06] PsynoKhi0, I have a ATI Radeon Gigabyte HD4670, and I tried installing 9.3 from ATi's website. [16:06] Tiffer9000: just google "ubuntu apache php mysql" [16:06] KillGutza, gparted has it's own live CD, if you want. It is available as a small ISO online... just search. Also, most Ubuntu install cds also have a live part, which has gparted, though not perhaps the latest version [16:06] KillGutza be sure to unmount this partition. make a note the name of the disk and the partiton before shutting down, you cna check this using command: "mount" (without quotes) and checking what device is mounted at / [16:06] swiftarrow: no, did it you? [16:06] I would like to change the default group of a new file/folder I create with Nautilus. In the terminal it is easy to change the default group. I simply type chgrp and all folders I create with mkdir will have the new default group. But how can I change the default group for a nautilus session? [16:06] KillGutza you are welcome, goodluck [16:06] KenYoung: Do you have firestarter installed? [16:07] Mathmech: ok, what's wrong? [16:07] ohletmeinnowjesu, yes, or I think so. I have no bluetooth device to check it with right now. [16:07] ohletmeinnowjesu, have you installed blueman? [16:07] swiftarrow: then how do you know? [16:07] swiftarrow: yeah [16:07] PsynoKhi0, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=7011836 [16:07] swiftarrow: do i need to restart/. [16:07] try hitting alt-f2 and type blueman-applet [16:07] So, I am completely a rookie to linux based anything. Presently I have downloaded a bunch of programs and have been using them but what areas would be most helpful to learn? [16:07] ohletmeinnowjesu, try hitting alt-f2 and type blueman-applet [16:07] usr13, I have no idea. I certainly didn't explicitly install it, or any other firewall, but if it comes with Ubuntu by default, I have it. ps ax does not show any process named firestarter running. [16:07] Help please [16:08] KenYoung, iptables [16:08] swiftarrow: yeah the applet is running, but nothing shows up [16:08] s3r3n1t7, Thanks. [16:08] hey, how do i stealth a port? [16:08] ohletmeinnowjesu, ok, you have the icon in your systray? [16:08] KenYoung: Well, you could just flush all iptables rules: sudo iptables -F [16:08] have 2gb of ram and for some reason everything dumped into ram and filled swap too i have tryed already sudo swapoff && sudo swapon -ae [16:08] mib_ocd07ecd, unfortunately I have little experience with amilo. Probably the end of my help is: 1) try to use iwconfig or (2) act like they are hidden networks or (3) disable/reenable wireless from NetworkManager or (4) kill NetworkManager or (5) you may need to ask someone else [16:08] swiftarrow: well i had bluez launched and it hasnt changed to a diff icon [16:09] usr13, OK, I'll look into what iptables is doing. Thanks very much for your help! [16:09] swiftarrow: ill try to restart [16:09] ohletmeinnowjesu, close bluez. [16:09] KenYoung: It would not show a firewall in running processes. [16:09] can I boot ubuntu server from a cd on a headless server and then ssh into it and do the install? [16:09] KenYoung: iptables -l [16:09] ohletmeinnowjesu, and then re-launch using blueman-applet [16:09] Mathmech: the drivers look fine [16:09] hello [16:09] Mathmech: what version of Wine are you using? [16:09] KenYoung: But if you type firestart you should find out if firestarter is installed. [16:09] how do I add servers in xchat on ubuntu? [16:09] I would like to use the dell BH200 bluetooth headset(only 35 euro), is it still not supported ? (http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=804607) Would you recommend another stereo bluetooth headset ? [16:10] jdu: sorry aagain, if you sent something in the last 3 mins i did not get, my broadband likes to thing its a dialup when the phone is picked up [16:10] sorry, just figured it out ^_^ [16:10] i have problem with ubunto [16:10] LjL: thanks for the answer, but java -jar filename don't work [16:10] How do I install the latest Java Runtime Env. on ubuntu 8.04? [16:10] i have problem with ubuntu [16:10] have 2gb of ram and for some reason everything dumped into ram and filled swap too i have tryed already sudo swapoff && sudo swapon -ae [16:10] insan: define don't work [16:10] oh [16:10] !java | smurf_ [16:10] smurf_: To install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository [16:10] ok, thanks Slart [16:10] usr13, firestart does nt complete to any executable code's name. Nor is the a command firestart in my path. [16:10] __HELLO__What type of financial programs are best? (Anyones) [16:11] mib_gq9fdptn, sorry. unfortunately I have little experience with amilo. I suggest 1) try to use iwconfig or (2) act like they are hidden networks or (3) disable/reenable wireless from NetworkManager or (4) kill NetworkManager or (5) you may need to ask someone else [16:11] PsynoKhi0, I just typed Apt-get install Wine [16:11] hi, i set up a postfix mailserver with virual users saved in mysql, everything works fine, except the "forwarding" . log say unknow user , but there is a foo@domain.tld forward rule in database [16:11] !swap [16:11] swap is used to move unused programs and data out of main memory to make your system faster. It can also be used as extra memory if you don't have enough. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq for more info [16:11] hi, i know you should answer this everyday, but i'm writing a tutorial, and I want to know exactly which codec pack I should download to run .mkv (matroska) files without having future problems. :-) [16:11] xsbyme: after a fresh boot? [16:11] Jgouldie: I only know of 2.. gnucash and.. ahem.. one other that I can't remember the name of right now [16:11] Jgouldie: depends on your application, I use Homebank and have used Gnucash in the past [16:11] mib_gq9fdptn, you may want to look up information specific to your wireless card. [16:11] Jgouldie: search in synaptic for finance, money or something like that [16:11] even afther a reboot yes :/ [16:11] !alternatives [16:11] To change the default applications system-wide, use 'sudo update-alternatives --all' in a terminal. [16:11] !windows [16:11] For discussion on Microsoft Windows, or help with same, please visit ##windows. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and /msg ubottu equivalents [16:12] jdu: its ok , i think ill need to do #(5) as as i tried the other numbers, also, i no this works as other people have the same wireless card as me, [16:12] sorry closed on my [16:12] Slart or debiaI have seen GNU Cash, Homebank, Kmoney but with KMoney the screen is larger than my screen on the computer [16:12] PsynoKhi0 even afther a cold reboot its the same [16:12] right i have downloaded Xampp but have trouble with install ect [16:12] tar xvfz xampp-linux-1.7.tar.gz -C /opt [16:12] KenYoung: You could intall firestarter then and use that to control what is allowed and not allowed. [16:13] wont allow me to exec that command [16:13] Mathmech: so Wine 1.0 or so... http://www.winehq.org/download/deb [16:13] KenYoung: But you might also have a router on your network that is blocking prot 22 [16:13] mib_gq9fdptn, sorry for not being able to really help. good luck! [16:13] please, does anybody know the answer to my question? [16:13] hello I am using Ubuntu 7.10 and I like it a lot. I really don't want to upgrade. [16:13] PsynoKhi0, I checked, it's 1.0.1 [16:13] But, is there a way I can get the latest packages for it? [16:13] usr13, Would that disable iptables? THe last thing I want to do is run two firewall systems, since I don't know how to configure one. [16:13] is there a stream for it? [16:13] hai [16:13] KenYoung: If so, you could have sshd listen on another port. Maybe 222 [16:13] swiftarrow: no [16:14] Jgouldie: why don't you check http://www.linuxrsp.ru/win-lin-soft/table-eng.html [16:14] swiftarrow: i see the applet, but none of the buttons/options are selectable [16:14] Led_Zeppelin, you may need to enable unofficial repositories / backports [16:14] PsynoKhi0 i also tryed sudo swapoff && sudo swapon -ae [16:14] Mathmech: Guild Wars worked like junk in 1.0.1 for me, upgraded to the latest development version and it's fine [16:14] Led_Zeppelin, 7.10 is getting pretty old though [16:14] KenYoung: YOu probably do not have even one. [16:14] Led_Zeppelin: you can add new repos in /etc/apt/sources.list [16:14] PsynoKhi0, Okay, I'll try uppgrading :) [16:14] Check to see if you have a firewall script. If you don't, then chances are that you do not have a firewall. [16:14] i uninstalled pulseaudio and now X is crying, how can i remove that from my session ;p [16:15] I would like to change the default group of a new file/folder I create with Nautilus. In the terminal it is easy to change the default group. I simply type chgrp and all folders I create with mkdir will have the new default group. But how can I change the default group for a nautilus session? [16:15] Heh, found a fix for my problem. It was a stupid mistake. I forgot to switch over a motherboard setting for primary video. It was set to PCI but the only video I had was onboard. [16:15] why can I get my wireless network activated. I did install the driver via ndiswrapper, but when it try to connect, nothing happens. [16:15] I'm a total new in using ubuntu. Before I was a vista guy. :-S [16:15] swiftarrow: what do you see that makes you think it works now/. [16:15] usr13, Then why don't incoming ssh sessions work? If there's no firewall, what is blocking ssh from a remote machine? [16:15] KenYoung: I do not think that the defalut install of Ubuntu includes a firewall package. [16:15] whats the link for multi line [16:15] xsbyme: does "top" show anything specific burning up your RAM? [16:15] no [16:15] jdu, its old but everything simply works for me. I upgraded to 8.10 lots of things were broken such as Virtualbox which hangs my windows xp. Which is def a no go for me... [16:15] KenYoung: Search me...??? It should work. Did you run nmap -p 222 from a client machine? [16:16] KenYoung: Sorry, I meant -p 22 [16:16] ohletmeinnowjesu, actually, I just see an applet in the task bar, that provides me with a window that I can use to scan for (nonexistant) bluetooth devices. I can scan, but there's nothing around. [16:16] debia, that is helpful [16:16] xsbyme: where do you see you ram and swap are full? [16:16] Take care folks and have a great day. [16:16] hi all [16:16] tiffer@CADDY:~$ dir Desktop windows_vista_with_service_pack_1_x86_dvd_x14-29594 xampp-linux-1.7.tar.gz tiffer@CADDY:~$ tar xvfz xampp-linux-1.7.tar.gz -C /opt tar: xampp-linux-1.7.tar.gz: Cannot open: No such file or directory tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now tar: Child returned status 2 tar: Error exit delayed from previous errors [16:16] thanks [16:16] Jgouldie: goodluck [16:16] I need it [16:17] help me please [16:17] i have installed mysql in ubuntu via command "sudo apt-get install mysql" but i dont know where is mysql.sock ? [16:17] usr13, Yes, on the client machine namps said "Host seems down, if it is really up, but blocking ping probes, try -P0" [16:17] swiftarrow: if you can scan that means your bt adapter's detected [16:17] Led_Zeppelin, then you want to research the correct repositories to add to /etc/apt/sources.list. When you are done with that, run "sudo apt-get update" to update your sources. [16:17] KenYoung: Again, you can flush all iptables rules with command: /sbin/iptables -F [16:17] ohletmeinnowjesu, yes, my adapter has always been detected. isnt yours? [16:17] Debia, i tried to log into a classroom this morning using Xchat on fedora but I could not get in. Is there a particualr reason why it might have not worked? [16:17] anyone help with server package install??????? [16:17] swiftarrow: no...that was my problem to begin with [16:17] KenYoung: Then port 22 is being blocked somwhere. [16:17] i uninstalled pulseaudio but it still tries to start when i login, throwing errors and not letting me in, how do i get rid of the session reference to it? [16:18] jdu, thanks. [16:18] usr13, Yes, I tried iptables -F, but that didn't fix the problem. [16:18] KenYoung: And it could also be a router that is between you and the client machine. [16:18] Trying to get 3d to work properly in Hardy on an HP2133 (chrome9) with 2.6.24-23-generic kernel and VIA's drivers. I've used the following instructions http://ubuntuforum-br.org/index.php/topic,%2040174.0.html to recompile the agp and drm modules but I keep getting libGL error: UNIX signal already caught; glxgears work fine and direct rendering is activated [16:18] Led_Zeppelin, np [16:18] swiftarrow: did you have bt running on windows? [16:18] Jgouldie: no idea, I am new to IRC myself. [16:18] i uninstalled pulseaudio but it still tries to start when i login, throwing errors and not letting me in, how do i get rid of the session reference to it? [16:18] KenYoung: Is there a router involved? [16:18] ok [16:18] anyone good with Xampp installs? [16:18] i uninstalled pulseaudio but it still tries to start when i login, throwing errors and not letting me in, how do i get rid of the session reference to it? [16:18] debia, one more question if you do not mind... [16:18] Jgouldie: sure, no problems [16:18] does any one know about amilo 1718 laptops [16:18] ohletmeinnowjesu, oh dear. then you need to find the kernel module. My bluetooth works in windows. do you see it in lsusb | Bluetooth ? [16:19] ohletmeinnowjesu, sorry: lsusb | grep Bluetooth [16:19] i uninstalled pulseaudio but it still tries to start when i login, throwing errors and not letting me in, how do i get rid of the session reference to it? [16:19] note the capital [16:19] KenYoung: If so, connect via crossover and try. Or, try a switch or hub instead. [16:19] i uninstalled pulseaudio but it still tries to start when i login, throwing errors and not letting me in, how do i get rid of the session reference to it? [16:19] anyone help with Xampp [16:19] When I try to open several different types of programs often times they are larger than the my screen but my screen is oversized [16:19] usr13, I doubt it's a router. I have the client and server are on the same LAN, for testing. It seems like the server machine is blocking the request. [16:19] is there a simple answer to this? [16:20] Tiffer9000, it's really easy. You dont need to install it. www,lmgtfy.com/?q=xampp [16:20] KenYoung: Check sshd's config file to see what port sshd is listening on. [16:20] swiftarrow: http://pastebin.com/f7abffd8f [16:20] Jgouldie: do you mean that the title-bar and some parts of the program, go out of the screen ? [16:20] yes [16:20] KenYoung: /etc/ssh/sshd_config [16:20] usr13, It's listening to port 22. [16:20] Jgouldie: do you use compiz ? if that doesn't make sense, have you enabled desktop effects ? [16:20] ohletmeinnowjesu, try lsusb [16:21] i'm writing a tutorial and I want to know exactly which codec pack I should download to run .mkv (matroska) files without having future problems. can someone tell me which i should download or what i need to do? thank you :-) [16:21] If I say I do not know would that mean you would think less of me? [16:21] Something is blocking port 22 [16:21] I'm having a strange problem with synaptics touchpad in xorg, ubuntu hardy. lshal, dmesg, Xorg.0.log all seem to recognise it, but I can't move the pointer. What can I be missing [16:21] KenYoung: Switch to 222 [16:21] when I try to run firefox 3.0 I keep getting, "./run-mozilla.sh: 442: ./firefox-bin: not found" [16:21] Jgouldie: of course not. which version of ubuntu are you using ? [16:21] has anyone seen this before? [16:22] xbuntu [16:22] usr13, OK, I'll try that. [16:22] what verizon do you use? [16:22] version [16:22] someone here know how to install the Glabal Menu Applet http://gnome2-globalmenu.googlecode.com/svn/wiki/GlobalMenuWindows.png I was in this page but I don't understand the instrution very help, can someone help me? [16:22] Jgouldie: ubuntu [16:22] KenYoung: Something somewhere must be blocking port 22 Switch to 222 But first test to see if 222 is open. nmap -p 222 192.168.x.x from client. [16:23] swiftarrow: what am i looking for? [16:23] Kattollikisd, it's really easy. I did it awhile ago, and it's gotten easier. you can install it from synaptic, I believe. [16:23] I feel like I have jumped into the open source pool and I am drowning [16:23] Jgouldie: again I have little experience with xubuntu and don't think I can help much. In my case it used to happen because of some settings in "desktop effects" [16:23] desktop effect? [16:23] s [16:23] KenYoung: Edit /etc/ssh/sshd_config and change Port 22 to Port 222 and connect with: ssh -p222 user@192.168.x.x [16:23] Jgouldie: which is relevant only if you are running ubuntu. 3-d effects [16:23] !compiz [16:23] Compiz (compositing window manager), for a howto see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager and more help #compiz-fusion [16:23] hmm [16:23] !compiz | Jgouldie [16:23] Jgouldie: please see above [16:23] anyone know of an app that can take a long mp3 and break it into segments? [16:24] how do you force eject a cdrom drive? [16:24] (what us compiz [16:24] ) [16:24] oh [16:24] KenYoung: But remember to restart sshd [16:24] hi guys, my server is very slow lately and I'm trying to decide if it needs upgrading.. It's an Intel Core-Duo 1.6Ghz with 1GB of ram, i'm running apache2 and mysql.. can someone explain about the columns on "top"... VIRT = swap memory usage? what about RES? [16:24] keres-> eject [16:24] keres, typing eject is a terminal will usually do it [16:24] swiftarrow, I don't think so, but i gonna check it out, brb [16:24] VIRT 126m RES 18m SHR 5144 (my "top" values for mysqld) is this bad? [16:24] I would like to change the default group of a new file/folder I create with Nautilus. In the terminal it is easy to change the default group. I simply type chgrp and all folders I create with mkdir will have the new default group. But how can I change the default group for a nautilus session? [16:24] KenYoung: etc/init.d/ssh restart [16:25] swift then how do i run it [16:25] the reason i want pulseaudio gone: alsamixer doesn't let me tweak all of the volume settings when it is enabled - i've removed pulseaudio and now can't log in - either tell me how to get ubuntu to stop trying to start pulseaudio automatically or else tell me a tool that can raise the front speaker volume from 80 to 100 while running in pulseaudio [16:25] usr13, Sadly, that doesn't work either. I changed the port to 222 in ssh_config, did "sudo /etc/init.d/ssh restart" and then tried ssh -p 222 xxx.xxx.xx.xxx on the client. No joy. [16:25] ezerhoden__: well it always says device busy. I'm installing a game in wine that has a platinum rating, i assume this is a problem with ubuntu as i am _sure_ you can force eject it [16:25] What can cause a touchpad not to work when xorg.log reports that the driver is loaded? synaptics_drv.so [16:25] Kattollikisd, otherwise, it should be just downloading the file and adding it to the panel using the add applets window [16:25] KenYoung: Did you do nmap -p 222 from client? [16:25] usr13, The most frustrating part is that this used to work smoothly. It just stopped working a few months ago. [16:26] how do i kill my wired network ? [16:26] i cant put the files in opt as it says i dont have permissions [16:26] usr13, Yes, nmap -p 222 xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx on the client times out, with the same message as before. [16:26] how can i direct firefox to use a specific net connection to retreve a page? [16:26] mib_kq8tyhzf: ifconfig eth0 down? [16:27] Good morning [16:27] swiftarrow, add applets windows? it is a program? [16:27] dings: says permission denied [16:27] mib_kq8tyhzf: yes, needs to be root [16:28] dings: thanks just realised [16:28] how can one change the default group for new files/folders? [16:28] hi [16:29] KenYoung: Try sudo /sbin/iptables --flush ; sudo /sbin/iptables --delete-chain [16:29] how can i direct firefox to use a specific net connection to retreve a page? [16:30] the firefox guys have no idea [16:30] does my wired network need to be down for my wireless to work ? [16:30] dudette: help umask [16:30] KenYoung: Are you sure you are using the right IP address? [16:30] I need a program that obtain who ip that my computer connected to it and obtain speed of live sent/receive , how can I do that?(terminal or apache and php base) [16:30] dudette: err, you said group? no [16:30] mib_kq8tyhzf: if you get an answer will you let me know [16:30] KenYoung: Can the client PC ping that IP? [16:31] i have installed mysql in ubuntu via command "sudo apt-get install mysql" but i dont know where is mysql.sock ? [16:31] largePrime: sure, whats the problem you are having ? [16:31] rvn: what version of ubuntu are you running? [16:31] usr13, ping works from the client machine, pinging the server. [16:31] dudette: you can use "newgrp" to log yourself into another group... you can probably also change your default group somehow, but are you sure that would be a good idea? [16:32] hello [16:32] LargePrime: look at about:config network section [16:32] Mark_ILB: hi === nathan7 is now known as ``` === ``` is now known as ` === ` is now known as `|` === `|` is now known as `-` [16:34] KenYoung: And what about nmap -p 222 192.168.x.x ? [16:34] * grawity kicks `-` [16:34] what does "unknown interface" mean, is it to do with the .inf file ? [16:34] KenYoung: from client? [16:34] usr13, That just times out. [16:34] mib_kq8tyhzf: i am trying to get firefox to look at my wired router for setting it up while wireless connected to inet === `-` is now known as nathan7 [16:34] ezerhoden__: egads ! greeks in my firefox [16:34] KenYoung: Then you just need to open a port, or find one that is open and use it. [16:35] got some simple quetsions... i am currrently running smoothwall as firewall appliance... what compares that I can setup on ubuntu that is not overly challenging [16:35] KenYoung: Did you flush iptables rules? [16:35] usr13, How do I open a port? [16:35] Mark_ILB: firestarter [16:35] usr13, Yes, I issued both of the commands you suggested. Still no joy. [16:36] usr13, Is it possible that the server machine has bad keys? [16:36] thats not an overly simple on is it [16:36] LargePrime: i just read some on a site, that both connat be up, but i dont no how true it is [16:36] i like some granular control [16:36] like my smoothwall [16:36] KenYoung: But what did nmap -p 222 say, from client? [16:36] hey folks... quick quesiton [16:36] mib_kq8tyhzf: this seems like the place to check [16:37] basically its a gateway/firewall [16:37] KenYoung: You first need to find out if something is blocking the port you are trying to use. [16:37] LargePrime: well i have been trying for 4 days to get my wifi working and still no luck [16:37] ezerhoden__: i opend about:config and got a "network filter" [16:37] quick question, I'm using xubuntu 9.04 beta, and when I plug my iPod in, nothing happens, with lsusb it shows it is connected, but it doesn't automount or show up in banshee [16:37] usr13, It sat for a while, and finally said "Note host seems down. If it is really up, but blocking our ping probes, try -P0" . But pings work. [16:38] !jaunty | lukeqsee [16:38] lukeqsee: Jaunty Jackalope is the codename for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 23rd, 2009 - Schedule in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyReleaseSchedule - Lots of breakage between now and April 23rd - Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support. [16:38] KenYoung: Ok, then the keys are not an issue because you haven't gotten that far. [16:38] mib_kq8tyhzf: took me a few days to get mine. i had to update synaptic and install a propriety firmware. but it worked [16:38] KenYoung: From client try: nmap -p 113 192.168.x.x [16:38] KenYoung: Where 192.168.x.x is correct IP of server. [16:39] mib_kq8tyhzf: if you find an answer let me know. very curious here [16:39] usr13, If I add -P0 to the nmap command, I get "PORT STATE SERVICE\n22/tcp filtered ssh" (I have changed the port back to 22). [16:39] KenYoung: Sounds like your firewall is blocking it. Find out what firewall you are using and open. [16:39] morning all [16:39] im having some problems with sensors. when i run it i get this output: http://pastebin.com/m4a485f5e . but when i reboot and check the temperature in bios i read about 30.0C [16:39] is there a textfile or something that keeps a log of all applications installed on my PC? [16:40] ook... I have a silly Hardy issue. Trying to install sun-java6-jdk, but it's expecting a newer version of sun-java6-bin. However, sun-java6-bin won't upgrade. anyone else solve this problem? [16:40] usr13, I have not installed any firewall, and I guess by default Ubuntu uses iptables, right? [16:40] does anyone know what might be causing this? its as if systemp and cputemp is switched but then the coretemps is just wrong and wierd [16:40] KenYoung: Did you try sudo /sbin/iptables --flush ; sudo /sbin/iptables --delete-chain ? [16:40] shutterbc: did you reload synaptic? [16:40] usr13, Yes, I issued both of those commands. [16:41] did apt-get update before trying this, yes [16:41] !sensors | nasso [16:41] nasso: You might find something useful at: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SensorInstallHowto [16:41] KenYoung: All linux distos use iptables, (if it is isntalled), a firewall package is just a front end that writes iptables rules for you. [16:41] erUSUL, how does that answer my questing? [16:41] LargePrime: and I'm pointed to the Hardy repos (this was upgraded from Feisty) [16:42] KenYoung: Check to see what has been installed on that system in the period of time in question. [16:42] usr13, So is all of that hosts.allow and hosts.deny stuff inactive by default? [16:42] shutterbc: did you reload synaptic [16:43] usr13, I'll never figure that out. I think I'd bebetter off doing a clean install of Ubuntu. [16:43] LargePrime: I ran apt-get update, reloaded synaptic -- yes. [16:43] KenYoung: Install firestarter [16:43] KenYoung: No need for that, just fix what you have. [16:43] usr13, OK, I guess that couldn't make it any worse. [16:44] LargePrime: oh wait, I think I misread my problem. Looks like sun-java6-jdk depends on an OLDER java bin than is installed: "sun-java6-jdk: Depends: sun-java6-bin (= 6-06-0ubuntu1) but 6-07-3ubuntu2 is to be installed" [16:46] hi, i set up a postfix mailserver with virual users saved in mysql, everything works fine, except the "forwarding" . log say unknow user , but there is a foo@domain.tld forward rule in database [16:49] bah [16:49] hi [16:50] how do I use sed to turn : ar jeu = "Overlord II" [16:50] into only "Overlord II" [16:52] Hey anyone able to help with an issue i am having with storing display settings / [16:53] usr13, firestarter doesn't seem to do anything helpful. I think I'll do a clean install of Ubuntu. Then I'll at least be at a known starting point. Re-installation will take less time than I've already spent on this problem. Thanks again for your help! [16:53] хэй! [16:54] !ru [16:54] Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke [16:54] has anyone been able to run Firefox directory from firefox.org? I keep getting, "./run-mozilla.sh: 389: ./firefox-bin: not found" [16:54] hey led [16:54] LargePrime: no worries, I'll muck around with this or force install despite dependencies... thanks for trying to help [16:55] is it recommended to perform a partial upgrade while intrepid-backports updates are enabled? [16:56] wtv: with backports shoudn't be any problem... with proposed things can brake [16:56] erUSUL: ok thanks [16:57] Led_Zeppelin, I've seen that problem as well -- ubuntu installs firefox as "firefox", not firefox-bin [16:58] heyguys and girls anyone have sata install issue on xfx 8200 board [16:58] !anyone | amigaman2 [16:58] amigaman2: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? [16:58] it doesn't see the sata drive [16:59] shubuntu_, but I am using the binary from firefox.org though [16:59] ok ;how to get by the sata drive not seen issue [16:59] shubuntu_, it should all be independent [17:00] i even tried 9.04 [17:00] no luck [17:00] amigaman2: driver for sata drives shoudl be loaded by default [17:01] i see it in the bios but ubuntu when grub loads no sata drive at all [17:01] Does anyone know why I don't have access to write to /etc/X11/xorg.conf [17:01] ? [17:02] su [17:02] bach, use sudo before the editor , gksu for X11 apps [17:02] amigaman2; search http://www.google.com/linux for xfx 8200 sata will get a lot of hits [17:02] can you bind an application to specific resources? [17:03] bach: type and enter "gksudo nautilus" in terminal. then navigate to any file and edit :) [17:03] thank you:) [17:03] hi [17:03] can anyone help me with networking please [17:03] l8r [17:03] wtv, thats not needed [17:03] need my nix fix [17:03] !anyone | media [17:03] media: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? [17:03] ok I'll try [17:04] arvind_khadri: bach seems to be a newbie to me. and what i told was the easiest way. [17:04] I keep getting cut off [17:04] хэээээээээй! [17:04] !ru | mrded [17:04] mrded: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke [17:04] media: try typing larger sentences [17:04] every few seconds [17:04] media: cut off from what. And keep your comments on one line. [17:05] Hello ! [17:05] media: What type of connection is getting cut off. And Cut off from what? Is it wired, or wireless? etc. [17:05] Someone is here ? [17:05] да! [17:05] aa.. sorry [17:06] About what can we speak ? [17:06] arvind_khadri: wtv is right i am new so please bar with me lol [17:06] well the problem is am using netgear wg111 v2 adpter and aslo have another unknown tpe but the problem is I see signal go up and down on wireless [17:06] media: Are you very far from the AP? [17:07] I get few pages on google at boot then it cuts off, can't connect to anything [17:07] room question: can you bind an application to specific resources at the OS level? [17:07] media: Sound like a weak signal problem. [17:07] no, but it seems that I am [17:07] in sginal bar [17:07] arvind_khadri: that seems to have worked cheers , could store resolution amendments so was causing issue when ever machine rebooted. [17:07] no the sginal is full on my windows machine [17:08] bach, welcome :) [17:08] I've tried google and all sorts still the same [17:08] media: what does iwconfig say? [17:08] Any using amarok [17:08] when i reboot, it works [17:08] !pastebin | media [17:08] media: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) [17:09] I'm having problems geting it to recognise disc [17:09] media: iwconfig [17:09] I need help with synaptic, It won't refresh the updates because it says the public key isn't availible [17:09] does anyone know how to use cpuburn to stress test a intel core duo processor? i have installed but dont know what program to run [17:09] ok I'll paste it there [17:09] I think it is me, I configured it for mysql but not no CD will play on it. [17:10] hello, I have ubuntu 8.1 and I need to configure my sound card that is a reltek x/ ac'97 codec, I already have downloaded the codec from realtek, but i dont know how to replace the existing codec that doesn't allow my microfone to work) can a nyone help me please? [17:10] W: A error occurred during the signature verification. The repository is not updated and the previous index files will be used.GPG error: http://ppa.launchpad.net intrepid Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 778978B00F7992B0 [17:10] Is the error I get with snaptic [17:10] synaptic* [17:10] hi [17:11] Buckybunny: sudo apt-key adv --recv-keys --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com 778978B00F7992B0 === iaWeiP is now known as PieWai [17:12] http://paste.ubuntu.com/144269/ [17:12] W: GPG error: http://dl.google.com testing Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY A040830F7FAC5991 [17:12] W: A error occurred during the signature verification. The repository is not updated and the previous index files will be used.GPG error: http://wine.budgetdedicated.com intrepid Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 58403026387EE263 [17:13] Hello all i upgraded java " using apt-get upgrade java" and the kde dont start anymore anyone can help me ? [17:13] wtv: I get that now [17:13] it's pasted there [17:13] Buckybunny: sudo apt-key adv --recv-keys --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com 58403026387EE263 [17:13] hmm [17:14] media: Your problem is weak signal. [17:14] Is there a way to lock icons from going into a certain area on the desktop? [17:14] hola sala [17:14] how can I fix this? [17:15] media: This is mine: Link Quality=88/100 Signal level=-51 dBm This is yours: Link Quality=48/64 Signal level=21/65 [17:15] wtv: so it's basicly the number at the end the public key number at the end with the same command? === Mud is now known as Mud|afk [17:15] Buckybunny: yes [17:15] media: Notice the difference? [17:16] wtv: Thanks man [17:16] Buckybunny: you're welcome :) [17:16] <_CommandeR_> when is Ubuntu 9.04 comming ? [17:16] in like 19days [17:16] <_CommandeR_> so soon ? [17:16] or 18 now [17:17] usr13: Microwave requires line of sight. Improve the location of the client radio or the AP and try again. [17:17] wtv: Now I can get all the updates I've missed for the last 765 days [17:17] media: Microwave requires line of sight. Improve the location of the client radio or the AP and try again. [17:17] <_CommandeR_> nice, wonder if it will work better than 8.10 on my laptop [17:17] wtv: 165 packages to be updated [17:18] yeah _CommandeR_ ; ubuntu has fixed release dates [17:18] Buckybunny: cool [17:18] * chisiyuan [17:19] * chisiyuan [17:19] тутурутутутутууууууу! [17:19] <_CommandeR_> hm hope that 3d acceleration will work better on 9.04 than on 8.10 [17:19] * wtv will brb [17:19] what part to you mean _CommandeR_ ? [17:19] DRI enabled by default and such ? [17:19] <_CommandeR_> well inteldrivers suck [17:19] <_CommandeR_> got the 965chipset [17:19] m yeah [17:19] <_CommandeR_> dri enabled [17:20] intel isn't that open source if I'm not mistaken [17:20] <_CommandeR_> dri enabled and glxgears gives me 70fps [17:20] anyway, running 9.04 here and it runs likea charm [17:20] 70 fps + [17:20] my god :p [17:20] whats the release date for 9.04 [17:20] gonna check how much it's here [17:21] I know in ubuntu the signal is weak, but how can I fix this? [17:21] I seem to disconnect alot, even when am typing here [17:21] <_CommandeR_> fusion works like charm but when it comes to rotating it its gets under 25fps and wine works likes crap === mrded is now known as mrded|Sleep [17:21] 21333 fps here [17:21] yeah, wine runs super here too [17:21] <_CommandeR_> what gpu you got [17:21] how do i get the ip of an wlan point? [17:21] 8600 gts i thought [17:21] <_CommandeR_> heh well lol [17:22] <_CommandeR_> 965 is kinda worse [17:22] wine didn't work on my debian 5 64 bit [17:22] slacker_-> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyReleaseSchedule [17:22] Hey all [17:22] something about the 32 bit libs conflicting with the 64 bit ones [17:22] <_CommandeR_> hm [17:23] <_CommandeR_> well wine worked perfect in 8.04 [17:23] anyone can point me to any good gnome programming books? [17:23] p.s using hardy [17:23] <_CommandeR_> but 8.10 everything stopped, audiosurf didnt work good etc. [17:23] how would i share my home folder in virtualbox with the OS running in virtualbox? [17:23] media: Microwave requires line of sight. Improve the location of the client radio or the AP and try again. [17:23] anyone know if Concurrent booting is worth it? like does it really optimize dual coreprocessors? [17:23] darkvertex : learnC++ and looks for stuff on GTK [17:23] i want to bind an instance of firefox to a specific net connection. Anyone tell me how? [17:24] <_CommandeR_> learn c++ lol [17:24] Anybody have experience using portable ubuntu on windows? [17:24] philipp, are you connected to the access point at all? [17:24] why would you want to do that LargePrime ? [17:24] hi guys [17:24] has anyone here upgraded their dell firmware from linux cli [17:24] LargePrime: You just want firefox to open to a certain page? [17:25] seven: cause i want to configure routers with one instance while i look stuff up with another instance [17:25] usr13 thanks have done as much as I can, but then how come xp works if thats the case [17:25] and showing full signal [17:25] usr13 i am thinking i want it BOUND to the connection [17:25] slacker_ _CommandeR_: well I know a little bit about c++, its the gnome specific libs usage that I'm trying to find out :P [17:26] media: Does XP have the same type of wireless adapter? What wireless card is it? [17:26] wtv: Do you know anything about Concurrent booting? [17:26] yes same card in xp, it's netgear wg111 v2 [17:26] LargePrime: Sorry, I don't know what you mean. [17:26] Buckybunny: putting both boots on at the same time? [17:26] <_CommandeR_> i wasnt directed at you :P was loling to that answer :P [17:26] media: I don't know. You might try another card. [17:27] unop no [17:27] LargePrime: Nah it has to do with something to do with dual core support [17:27] <_CommandeR_> im a newb to Ubuntu so i dont know ;) [17:27] usr13: i am looking to configure my wired router while browsing the net wirelessly, for example [17:27] usr13 it's a usb [17:27] _CommandeR_: np, thanks anyway :) [17:27] LargePrime, you'll have to configure routing and set one of the default routes (the one that gets you on the net) with a lower metric [17:27] usr13 have done that sginal is even weaker on that [17:27] CODE [17:27] sudo gedit /etc/init.d/rc [17:27] [17:27] and find the line CONCURRENCY=none and change it to: [17:27] [17:27] CODE [17:27] Buckybunny: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [17:27] unop: um, ok? [17:27] it's hardy or fault with it [17:28] LargePrime: That one [17:28] where can i get a lot of truetype fonts for free? [17:28] need to increas signal, but don't know how [17:28] stpanish please [17:28] <_CommandeR_> from windows install [17:28] darkvertex: you need to learn the system language first that would be C++ and then anything you can on GTK+ cause thats the frame ork most commonly used in gnome [17:28] no hablo [17:28] unop can you explain what you meant? [17:28] LargePrime, route add -net default gw $GATEWAY_ADDRESS metric 0 # that should get you started [17:28] !es | juan [17:28] juan: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es. [17:29] where can i download a crap load of fonts for free? [17:29] !es | juan [17:29] LargePrime, maybe you ought to clear the default routes first tho .. route del -net default ... [17:29] <_CommandeR_> datafonts [17:29] LargePrime: That should not be a prolblem, just log into the wired router with your borwser ond configure away. [17:29] quizme-> google [17:29] <_CommandeR_> this one is good for fonts = http://www.dafont.com/ [17:29] LargePrime: Is the wired router one and the same with the wireless one? [17:30] ok thanks guys, guess it's no solution [17:30] LargePrime: Either way, just put the IP address of the wired router into the address bar of your browser and there you go. [17:30] Hi, i'm having some trouble connecting to a samba share using nautilus. [17:30] media: Sorry, but I gave you the only 3 possible solutions I have. [17:31] usr13: no they are different. but the wireless connection gateway is the same address as the wired routers address === PieWai is now known as iaWeiP [17:31] I've manage to do it with a command: mount.cifs // /mnt/cofre -ouser=ratman,pass=1q2w3e,uid=1000,ro [17:31] usr13 what wirless card are you using? [17:31] _Commander_ thanks. i'm there. [17:31] unop can you explain what this is doing to send me to the docs? [17:31] Sorry for the pass, I'll change it!!! [17:31] <_CommandeR_> quizme, np [17:32] slacker_ : I went to gnome.org and saw "GTK+ / Gnome Application Development". Are there any better or newer books that you can recommend? [17:32] LargePrime: Shouldn't matter. If you are connected diretly to the router. [17:32] When I try with nautilus using: smb:// it just fails and it says there's an error, but not which error [17:32] hi [17:32] Any idea on how to debug the problem? [17:33] LargePrime: Do you have the ethernet device that is connected to the router set to an IP that is in the same subnet as the router? If so, that is all that is needed. [17:33] unop: if my wireless connection gateway is the same address (say as my wired router that i want to configure, how does it know i want my wired router and not my wireless gateway [17:33] darkvertex ... im not aware of many development books for linux/oss stuff [17:33] hey, how to boot ubuntu into command line mode? its version 8.10 [17:33] kinda expect that if your going to do it on these platforms you already know how to dev [17:33] un canal en español [17:33] _Commander_ is truetype the standard? [17:33] usr13: can you see my posts to unop [17:34] LargePrime: Again, it does not matter. Your are pointing your browser to a specific IP address. [17:34] <_CommandeR_> quizme, standard for what [17:34] juan: #ubuntu-es [17:34] but the address are the same [17:34] _commander_ the standard font type? [17:34] thanck [17:34] usr13: but the address are the same [17:34] juan /join #ubuntu-es [17:34] <_CommandeR_> quizme, for windows ? [17:34] _commander_ for everything [17:34] _commander_ linux i guess [17:35] LargePrime: Is the wired router and the wirless router the same device? [17:35] slacker_ : right ... thanks anyway [17:35] anyone know why there is a delay when you set the desktop background via firefox? [17:35] <_CommandeR_> quizme, dont know what the standard is because i changed it right away :) [17:35] darkvertex : what are you wanting to accomplish any how [17:35] usr13: no, but they have the same address on different connections to my machine [17:35] LargePrime: Then you will need to change the IP address of one or the other. [17:36] LargePrime: You are trying to saddle a dead horse. [17:36] usr13: unop suggested a soluition [17:36] Hello [17:36] slacker_ : I like to learn how to convert a program from SDL to gnome is all [17:36] How to update xorg-server 1.6.0 with Hardy 8.04? any idea? [17:36] LargePrime: What is unop suggesting? [17:36] LargePrime: 2 devices on the same subnet cannot use the same IP address. full stop. [17:37] slacker_ : a smallish game [17:37] mneptok: Thank you :) [17:37] WHY? SDL will work fine in gnome [17:37] darkvertex: and what 2D graphics library from GNOME are you looking to port to? [17:37] mneptok: usr13 unless the connect to a macine thru DIFFERENT interfaces [17:37] LargePrime: no. the interface on your machine makes no difference. [17:38] then you need to bind requests to a specific interface [17:38] mneptok: LargePrime Knows something we do not know. [17:38] LargePrime: if 2 people have the same phone number, does using 2 different phones in your house to dial the number help? [17:39] usr13: mneptok perhaps i do not. i know i have used servers with many nic in them and one needed to be specific what nic a connection was using to get what you wanted done [17:39] LargePrime: Why don't you just change the IP address on one of the devices? [17:39] LargePrime: You can not have two devices on the same network with same IP address. [17:39] usr13: because i learn nothing that way? I should just do that [17:39] Hi everyone ! [17:39] usr13: agreeded [17:40] LargePrime: you're confusing the interfaces in your machine with actual physical devices on your network [17:40] slacker_ : There is this an old game called netwalk, which runs fine under SDL when compiled in ubuntu. I just want to learn to convert it into gnome, since there is a KDE based netwalk in kubuntu. [17:40] Query: I am trying to configure my USB modem with ubuntu intrepid. It detects the modem as a Mass Storage device and wvdial isnt able to detect it. Its supposed to use a driver ´ztemt´ but i´m not able to compile this driver. Can someone help? === maximo is now known as Nasra [17:40] shrugs [17:40] darkvertex : what dev skills you got that you are good with to work with [17:41] LargePrime: Then just change the IP address on one of the devices and your good to go. [17:41] mneptok: i dont think i am. i am distinguising between to seperate networks my machine can connect to [17:41] I have a dual monitor configuration, but when I know right click links in firefox; the context menu appears on the other monitor; suggestions ? [17:41] slacker_ : Just as an exercise. I already know c and c++. Did some programming under wind0ze and such [17:42] LargePrime: What part of "You are trying to saddle a dead horse." do you not understand. :) [17:42] usr13: on, then i have a soluition. but i still want to know IF i can have two seperate networks attached to my machine and address them differently [17:42] LargePrime: and the two devices you refer to are on se[parate networks? [17:42] I've found an appliance of ubuntu that i would like to install on a 2.5 harddrive... it's possible or ? [17:43] hey, how to boot ubuntu into command line mode? its version 8.10 [17:43] LargePrime: yes, you can connect to 2 different subnets [17:43] mn correct. sorry if i was not clear before [17:43] Hello [17:43] darkvertex: if your just looking for a frame work to convert it to your going to hav to learn GTK and if you looking for a more updated solution to SDL your gonna have to learn OpenGL [17:43] LargePrime: If you have two seperate networks attached to your machine they will have different IP address subnets. [17:43] Xorg 7.4=1.6? [17:43] mneptok: not subnets. networks [17:43] usr13: they do not have to [17:43] vermin: just edit /boot/grub/menu.* and remove the word "splash" [17:44] Hi folks, anyone care to try and help me work out a video card / driver issue with a new setup? [17:44] LargePrime: If you have two devices connected to your machine and both have the same IP address, then you will have an IP conflict. [17:44] question: how do I enlarge window vewing for VM VirtualBox in a biger size so I can read better? [17:45] slacker_ : I wish you could point me to some books on GTK+ and gnome, for reference purposes [17:45] Which one offers better performance fglrx or binary ATI driver? [17:45] vermin: you'd better back up the file before you do this. [17:45] sebsebseb: hello there... [17:45] mneptok: usr13 imagine i have two broadband connections, which i connect to two seperate nics in my machine. the modems assign their respective nics the exact same ip. no confict right? [17:46] darkvertex: hit barns and noble and search these is litterly only 4 books on the subject [17:46] screen does not have colors :( [17:46] LargePrime: You can have one router at with netwmas of and the other with with netmask of and that is perfectly ok. [17:46] Kelen: sry, but I meant using the live boot cd. Trying to boot into runlevel 1right now since runlevel 1 doesnt boot gdm [17:46] How to update xorg-server 1.6.0 with released Hardy 8.04? Is there any idea for me? [17:46] hi [17:46] how do you force eject a cdrom even when it is busy? [17:46] darkvertex: http://search.barnesandnoble.com/Foundations-of-GTK-Development/Andrew-Krause/e/9781590597934/?itm=1 word press normally does good job [17:46] src/main.c:23:35: error: libgnomevfs/gnome-vfs.h: No such file or directory [17:46] src/main.c: In function ‘main’: [17:46] src/main.c:98: warning: implicit declaration of function ‘gnome_vfs_init’ [17:46] LargePrime: You can NOT have to devices on a network with same IP. [17:46] slacker_ : will do that. thanks for your info [17:46] make: *** [src/main.o] Error 1 [17:46] what gives ubuntu friends [17:46] sagredo: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [17:47] usr13: that is a soluition. but i could also address the specific nic card. my question is how do i do that [17:47] hey howw do i get summin betta than a cup? [17:47] 2 girls [17:47] LargePrime: man route [17:47] EL OH EL! [17:47] irc.winbet.aorg [17:47] HELLO [17:47] LargePrime: /sbin/ifconfig eth0 192.168.1.x [17:47] hi :) [17:47] HOWW DO I GET SUMMIN BETTA THAN A CUP? [17:47] usr13: i am not trying to fustrate you, but that is not what i am saying. i m saying two seperate NETWORKS [17:47] sagredo: this is still the wrong channel, but I was about to give you a suggestion in #ubuntu+1 before you dropped off :) [17:48] anyone experienced problems with GNU screen and color? [17:48] crdlb: I'll jump back in [17:48] mneptok: man route? please clarify? [17:48] LargePrime: route add default gw xxx.xxx.x.x or route del default gw xxx.xxx.x.x [17:48] Does anyone know how to get vista to boot the installer.. It keeps skipping the cd drive and starting windows? [17:49] usr13: please clarify? [17:49] jordanskii_, 2 girls! [17:50] LargePrime: To see what route you are using now: route -n To delete it: route del default gw xxx.xxx.x.x To add a new one: route add default gw xxx.xxx.x.x [17:50] mneptok: should i google "man route" [17:50] LargePrime, type that in console [17:50] i got crossover connections and systems find local area network but once i try to connect to each other i got massage could not connect to server [17:50] LargePrime: If you want to see the manual of "route" simply type "man route" in a terminal window. [17:51] ok [17:51] how do you force eject a cd rom even if it is busy [17:51] keres: sudo eject [17:51] hello, I have ubuntu 8.1 and I need to configure my sound card that is a reltek x/ ac'97 codec, I already have downloaded the codec from realtek, but i dont know how to replace the existing codec that doesn't allow my microfone to work) can a nyone help me please? [17:51] keres: use "lsof" to see what's holding it open [17:51] keres→ open up nautilis and click on your cd-rom drive and click on eject [17:51] but route cannot help me get one application to use eth0 and another to use eth1 [17:52] keres: But if you have a terminal cd'd into it, close it or if you have a file manager viewing the contents, move it to another directory or close it. etc. [17:53] Query: I am trying to configure my USB modem with ubuntu intrepid. It detects the modem as a Mass Storage device and wvdial isnt able to detect it. Its supposed to use a driver ´ztemt´ but i´m not able to compile this driver. Can someone help? [17:53] LargePrime: So you want to stay connected to both networks at the same time? [17:53] usr13: yep [17:54] LargePrime: man route === RoAk is now known as RoAkSoAx [17:54] LargePrime, the linux kernel doesn't provide a way for a specific application to be 'bound' to a network interface [17:54] i got crossover connections and systems find local area network but once i try to connect to each other i got massage could not connect to server [17:55] LargePrime, but since you want to configure a router via one interface but still be able to get on the internet using another .. you'll have to give the first interface a higher metric .. that way you can still access the router but all traffic to the internet is sent down the second one. [17:55] LargePrime: Not sure what advantage you would get from this. Are both these routers connected to the same internet? Or what are they connected to? [17:55] unop: i thank you. is there a doc for that? [17:55] LargePrime, the route manpage .. man 1 route [17:56] hi [17:56] usr13: one net is iner, the other is intra [17:56] popey: i know what is holding it up [17:56] o0Chris0o: doesnt work === sale_ is now known as sale [17:57] LargePrime: Then just use the ip address of what you want to connect to, becuase the nameserver you use will resolv domane names from the internet and you only have to use ip addresses for other connections. [17:57] how do i exit man route [17:57] LargePrime: Press q [17:57] LargePrime: Okay [17:57] I have a system running nvidia drivers 180 fine with the onboard 8200 nvidia video but will not load the nvidia drivers when I install a 8400gs PCIe card, same results with 8.10 and 9.04. System defaults to low graphics mode with PCIe card. xorg.config that works with 8200 is at http://paste.ubuntu.com/144298/ Any ideas what I should be looking at? Or is there a better place to ask for help working this out? === solid_li` is now known as solid_liq [17:57] how do you force eject the CD-ROM when you KNOW that something is using it, i am installng a game and i need it to be FORCED eject. 'sudo eject' and ejecting through nautilus DOES NOT WORK [17:58] i have a question conserrning the dedveloppment of ubuntu [17:58] keres: if you have a terminal cd'd into it, close it or if you have a file manager viewing the contents, move it to another directory or close it. etc. [17:58] usr13: both connections have full dhcp. both think they can resolve. only on can tho [17:58] only 1 can tho [17:58] I have updated my ubuntu version to 8.10 from 8.04, now my network (either wifi or wired) doesn't work, any idea what might go wrong ? [17:58] usr13: thats not it! [17:58] unop what does man 1 route mean? [17:59] usr13: it's another app that is holding it up [17:59] LargePrime, a command. [17:59] keres: Then close that other app [17:59] usr13: no. it's installing a game, dude. i just said [17:59] Can anyone help? I've just added a drive to an AFA raid array after having removed it.. I need to re-add it with mdadm --add but I don't know which device node is the new one.. I'm told syslog and dmesg should say the new device has been found and should list the dev node name but I've tried `dmesg | grep [found|device]` and `cat /var/log/syslog | grep [found|device]` but neither gave me any... [17:59] ...good results.. Anyone know another way to find the new dev node name? [17:59] keres: Then you need to wait until it is finished. [17:59] what command can i use to find out what OS some1 is running? [17:59] LargePrime: man = manual pages. learn to read them, type man man [18:00] usr13: duh? you're obviously not catching me. It's asking for CD 2, what else would it bew? [18:00] LargePrime: Use the nameserver that works. [18:00] unop says no manual entry [18:00] LargePrime, ok, try. man route [18:00] keres: sudo eject [18:00] usr13: already tried [18:00] unop ok i go read [18:01] keres: The installer must be broken. I dono... [18:01] keres: What does it say when you issue command sudo eject [18:01] ? [18:01] usr13: his desk chair just launched him through the ceiling [18:02] keres-> are you using wine to install the game? [18:03] how to cnnect to with ftp [18:03] coolmadmax: ftp xxx.xxx.xxx.x [18:03] how to connect to with ftp [18:03] l337ingDisorder, I don't think grep likes those patterns .. take [ and ] off and escape | sudo grep "found\|device" /var/log/syslog [18:03] Is there a way I can adjust how much ubuntu decreases the volume each step? [18:04] coolmadmax: Do you want to do it via CLI or throgh your browser? If it anonymous login, you can simply use the browser. [18:04] like I have volume buttons on my computer and well the first step like takes the volume half way down [18:04] usr13 both [18:04] Firestarter says I got an active connection from www.11.07.facebook.com. How do I get rid of that? I don't think facebook should have an open connection to me if I do not have my browser open [18:04] coolmadmax: Then the choice is yours. [18:05] unop: I tried individual greps as well [18:06] l337ingDisorder, why not just review the output of dmesg ? dmesg | tail -n 100 | less [18:06] user 13 i got this message ?Invalid command [18:06] coolmadmax: You know the IP address to your ftp server? [18:07] that is problem [18:07] Greetings all have an issue with flicker using the ati driver. I see this issue in both 8.10 and the latest 9.04. What I have found is that its related to tsc timers. If I set notsc on my kernel in grub and then turn off ondemand cpu the flicker drops dramatically. Additionally with those settings I can run dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/null to load the system.. and the flicker then completely dissapears. [18:07] coolmadmax: At the terminal, type: ftp 192.168.x.x [where 192.168.x.x is the IP address to your ftp server] [18:07] Is there a way I can adjust how much ubuntu decreases the volume each step? [18:07] usr13: it says unmount of /media/cdrom0 failed or something [18:07] like I have volume buttons on my computer and well the first step like takes the volume half way down [18:07] Nithrin: Firestarter says I got an active connection from www.11.07.facebook.com. How do I get rid of that? I don't think facebook should have an open connection to me if I do not have my browser open [18:07] keres-> are you using wine to install the game? if so try wine eject d: [18:08] unop: thanks, tried that but it doesn't list any devices being found. [18:08] how to i did and got that message [18:09] l337ingDisorder, did you plug the card in before starting linux? [18:09] keres: Check to see that you do not have a terminal or browser open and accesing the CD [18:09] hi [18:09] usr13: dude, i do have a program using it. I NEED to have it ejected while this program is working. [18:09] Nithrin: Firestarter says I got an active connection from www.11.07.facebook.com. How do I get rid of that? I don't think facebook should have an open connection to me if I do not have my browser open === shirow[sleep] is now known as Shirow [18:10] coolmadmax: If your ftp server has anonymous login, you can simply point your browser to it's IP address. [18:10] RAW_NAME variable contains "ggg ggg" (without the "") , im trying to remove the space with sed , but its not working to me [18:10] NAME=`sed 's/[[:space:]]/_/g' "$RAW_NAME"` [18:10] any idea? [18:10] keres: stick a paper clip in the pin hole on the front of the cd drive. [18:10] keres: What are you installing? [18:10] hello [18:10] NEED HELP WITH A H9601 PROLINK USB MODEM [18:10] usr13: counter strike [18:10] twolane: are you freaking kidding? [18:10] what the best games for ubuntu? [18:10] twolane: two lane from UrbanTerror? [18:10] twolane: NAME=`sed s/[:space:]/_/g <<< "$RAW_NAME"` [18:10] mib_ai9x0g2o: Please don't shout. [18:11] rocky: urban terror, true combat elite, quake2world [18:11] unop: this is in a server that's been running for years [18:11] can anybody pls help me with compiling adsl modem drivers [18:11] rocky: tremulous [18:11] what is the simplest way to test to see if midi works? I have timidity, etc., installed, but no sounds. regular sound files work fine [18:11] Hi, can someone help me fix my time and date? I did something to mess it up when I first started using Ubuntu and now i'm paying the price for it. [18:11] are those all in the default repos? [18:11] Firefox can't establish a connection to the server at [18:11] hi, will ext4 be ok for productive environments when jaunty final releases? [18:11] keres: If it is an older CD player, it may need to be replaced. [18:12] usr13: it's a $1200 laptop bought less than 6 months ago [18:12] Though the site seems valid, the browser was unable to establish a connection. [18:12] Hello...? [18:12] grawity : thanks for the help!!! (sed) [18:12] trippsss: System>Preferences>Sound, there is a test on that. [18:12] Can anyone help me? [18:12] unop: it has an AAC-based raid array. I pulled a drive yesterday but it was the wrong drive so now I need to re-add it, let it sync, and then pull another drive (there's a bug that makes all the drives light up with amber lights so I'm not sure which one failed) [18:12] Artelus: We can help you only if you tell us what happened. [18:12] unop: but I need to know which device node to pass to mdadm --add [18:12] cya [18:12] Ah, wait :/ [18:12] I just did, but noone said anything [18:13] keres: Are you using wine? [18:13] I'll repeat it [18:13] usr13: yes [18:13] Buckybunny: Applications -> System Tools -> Configuration Editor ... navigate to /apps/gnome_settings_daemon/volume_step and experiment with a few values [18:13] Artelus: Sorry, I didn't notice that [18:13] usr13: but i'm assuming the problem is with ubuntu not iwne [18:13] keres-> are you using wine to install the game? if so try wine eject d: [18:13] can someone help me with tinyproxy? [18:13] OT [18:13] glitsj16 Thanks ma [18:14] Will ext4 be stable and ok for productive environments once jaunty releases end of april? [18:14] how difficult is to wait for jaunty ... [18:14] Artelus: see that /etc/timezone points to your correct location [18:14] glitsj16: I can't find config editor [18:14] grawity: My time keeps resetting itself back one hour every time I reboot my computer, it's been like this since the DST change, then I somehow did something to fix it, but now it's back to displaying it an hour back [18:14] !jaunty | homy [18:14] homy: Jaunty Jackalope is the codename for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 23rd, 2009 - Schedule in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyReleaseSchedule - Lots of breakage between now and April 23rd - Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support. [18:14] keres: You may need to copy the iso's to the HD and then install I just don't know. [18:14] how can I rewrite GRUB to a boot sector on my partition? as opposed to being on my MBR? [18:14] can anyone help me with USB modem drivers [18:14] keres: Can you get it on a DVD? [18:14] usr13: no [18:15] usr13 Firefox can't establish a connection to the server at [18:15] darkvertex: Can you show me how to do that on the terminal? [18:15] homy: http://www.h-online.com/open/Kernel-developers-squabble-over-Ext3-and-Ext4--/news/112937 [18:15] glitsj16: Can I just gedit/apps/gnome_settings_daemon/volume_step ? [18:15] coolmadmax: [18:15] Buckybunny: what ubuntu version are you on ? the gconf editor launch menu item might be in another place .. [18:15] I'm about to install a boot manager that will be recorded on the MBR but it states the following: [18:15] Warning Linux users: Install LILO or GRUB to the boot sector of your [18:15] Linux instead of the Master Boot Record (MBR). The PLoP Boot Manager [18:15] is not a Linux loader and cannot start Linux without LILO, GRUB, [18:15] Syslinux and similar! [18:15] artscience: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [18:15] Quelqu'un peut me dire comment supprimer définitivement le gestionnaires d'utilisataires de WINDOWS ? [18:15] glitsj16: I'm on ultimate [18:15] Is anyone helping me? [18:15] does wubi actually run in windows or does it install linux on a harddrive from windows, and then you reboot into linux? [18:16] !fr | aris [18:16] aris: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr [18:16] imachine: second one [18:16] artscience: Try the WUBI? [18:16] Artelus: what does cat /etc/timezone says? [18:16] imachine: But it installs it into a big virtual disk file on your NTFS partition [18:16] anyone have a guide on IDENTD for irc [18:16] imbezol: wubi only installs Ubuntu. Once you reboot, it's pure Linux. (There _are_ some changes though) [18:16] Buckybunny: i see, not familiar with that myself, hang on, looking into something [18:16] WUBI I'm unfamiliar [18:16] can anyone tell a good ide for programming in c in the lines of devcpp [18:16] Mais Comment rejoindre ubuntu fr? [18:16] darkvertex: I set it to America/Mexico_City, which should be -6, i think [18:16] !wubi | Artelus [18:16] Artelus: Wubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php for troubleshooting. Please file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug. [18:16] glitsj16: I'm pretty sure it's not supported but it's easyer than taking it all down i think it's just the same as heron though. [18:16] cylex: IDENTD is evil, don't use it. [18:16] Have a nice day~! [18:16] segin: what do you recommend [18:17] grawity: ah, ok. i was wondering if it was like colinux or something [18:17] cylex: Don't use anything. Most people IRC just fine without any form of ident daemon. [18:17] usr13 igot this message :Firefox can't establish a connection to the server at [18:17] How can I join Ubuntu Fr ? [18:17] aris: /join #ubuntu-fr [18:17] aris: /join #ubuntu-fr [18:17] Buckybunny: it could be you haven't got the package gconf-editor installed .. if so, sudo apt-get install gconf-editor [18:17] Artelus: does it point to your location? if it is then your computer should show the correct time [18:17] I don't want to use WUBI because I'm not running windows [18:17] how about [18:17] I need to use ident to stay in this one chan [18:17] <[> hi everyone! [18:17] korean/ [18:18] darkvertex: Yeah, it points to my location, but my computer is showing the wrong time [18:18] cylex: No. === [ is now known as Guest13287 [18:18] Artelus: hwclock -w or hwclock --systohc [18:18] how do I force the 'mv' command to overwrite directories? [18:18] imbezol: The only differences between Wubi and a normal Ubuntu install is that you don't need to repartition -- Wubi makes Ubuntu use a big file instead of a partition. [18:18] http://rafb.net/p/zv1XIt65.html could You help me to fix my fglrx? [18:18] cylex: You need to identify to services using IRC commands. [18:18] cylex: /msg NickServ HELP [18:18] no I mean oidentd [18:18] Artelus: sudo hwclock --systohc [18:18] glitsj16: working [18:18] hello [18:18] Buckybunny: after installing that, you can launch it via terminal and navigate to the relevant section manually [18:19] darkvertex: Alright, now what? [18:19] cylex: You do not need any identd to IRC in a channel, just make sure you are registered to services [18:19] sunflower: just make sure, you are not moving directories that are in use.. [18:19] I have a *.tar.bz2, how do I install? [18:19] sunflower: if they are in use, reboot the machine and then move it [18:19] cylex: I'm ssh-ing into a remote server and I cannot reboot [18:19] glitsj16: Okay it was installed I'm going to mess with it now [18:19] I'm trying to upgrade a version of the OpenGoo webapp [18:20] Artelus: Set the time correctly and then set the hardware clock to same: sudo hwclock --systohc [18:20] cylex: See /msg NickServ HELP and /msg NickServ REGISTER [18:20] rocky, very probably tar jxvf file.tar.bz2; cd directory; ./configure; make install [18:20] sunflower: then u gotta killall the proccesses that directory is running [18:20] Buckybunny: okay, mine is set to 3, just checked, goodluck [18:20] :O [18:20] segin: I'm not talking about this net work [18:20] http://rafb.net/p/zv1XIt65.html could You help me to fix my fglrx? [18:20] usr13: Can you tell me what UTC time is right now? [18:20] if i have an amd athlon 64 computer, should i install i386 or amd64? [18:20] usr13: I think my hardware clock is reading UTC time wrongly [18:20] rocky: bunzip2 filename.tar.bz2 then [18:21] artscience: http://grumpymole.blogspot.com/2007/05/ubuntu-how-to-edit-grub-boot-parameters.html [18:21] rocky: tar -xvf filename.tar [18:21] rocky-> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingEasyHowTo [18:21] Artelus: I'm sure the ntpdate function in /etc/network/if-up.d should take care of your time setup while ubuntu boots [18:21] cylex: I'm on a restricted username. [18:21] glitsj16: just set it it works great on 3 [18:21] lol [18:21] :) [18:21] I'm not even sure which processes are utilizing the folders [18:21] sunflower: ps -aux |grep binary [18:21] cylex: "mv: cannot overwrite directory `../application'" [18:21] Buckybunny: nice, one less thing [18:21] darkvertex: I don't understand what that is [18:21] Artelus: 17:22 === Laruft is now known as Laruft|AFK [18:22] sunflower: can't u remove that directory and then copy it [18:22] anyone know how to use ident on irc [18:22] hey [18:22] cylex: I can re-install but I'm trying to do an upgrade. [18:22] Artelus: 17:23 [18:23] Artelus: everytime ubuntu starts, ntpdate shell script got executed to connect your computer to an ntp server, to synchronize your computer's cleck setting [18:23] usr13: But when I do "sudo hwclock --utc" on my terminal it returns with: Sat 04 Apr 2009 05:22:19 AM CST [18:23] sunflower: so kill the running application.. that directory has [18:23] I can't get tuxguitar to play any sounds - could someone help? [18:23] cylex: It is a php application, so would I have to kill the webserver? [18:23] http://rafb.net/p/zv1XIt65.html could You help me to fix my fglrx? [18:24] Artelus hwclock --set --date [18:24] sunflower: naah then it shouldn't have any problems [18:24] usr13: What about that? [18:24] cylex: I'm getting this 'error': mv: cannot overwrite directory `../application' [18:24] usr13: "hwclock: option '--date' requires an argument [18:25] unop have you a minute? [18:25] sunflower: try chmod 777 -R /home/user/appdirectory ( I know its not advisable but try it) [18:25] i'm having a hard time in general getting midi to work on my laptop running ibex [18:25] Artelus hwclock --set --date=MMDDhhmm [18:25] cylex: ok thx [18:26] Artelus hwclock --set --date=04041727 [18:26] you get less programs with the 64-bit version right? [18:26] Artelus: I think [18:26] usr13: I put sudo hwclock --set --date=04041226 [18:27] windio00: no, but some programs like Adobe Reader doesn't get built in to mozilla like you want it to [18:27] windio00, and more problems with 64 bit :) [18:27] Yes [18:27] usr13: I got: No usable set-to time. Cannot set clock. [18:27] how can i pair my laptop with a bluetooth device from the terminal ? [18:27] they fixed most of the problems now its not even that much of a problem using 64bit Ubuntu [18:27] trippssss -> try timidity [18:27] I'm using 64bit ubuntu [18:27] cylex, would i be able to run LaTeX? [18:27] Artelus: So just set your system time and then set hwclock from that. [18:27] windio00: let me install it, and find out heh [18:27] -.- [18:27] Artelus: sudo hwclock --systohc [18:27] quibbler, I have that installed and loaded but not getting any sound from it. what's the best way to test a midi sound? [18:27] Can someone help me troubleshoot my computer's time!? [18:28] cylex, do the full install it is only like 700MB [18:28] Is it possible to share a folder with symlinks and have the symlinks work on a remote machine, a remote windows machine to be more specific. [18:28] usr13 have you a minute? [18:28] im just doubtful if 64 bit is there yet [18:29] windi00: I know ppl had problems install java [18:29] looking for a stable desktop system [18:29] so if you do alot web design [18:29] 32 bit is best bet [18:29] trippssss -> i installed it also with the interfaces extras and it just works with mid files === Juliiiie is now known as antoine[maison] [18:30] trippssss -> i'm using hardy ubuntu [18:30] usr13: Alright, My hardware clock is in sync with my system clock, but i've done this before [18:30] usr13: It's just going to change back when I reboot [18:30] usr13: How do I fix that? [18:30] Artelus: sudo apt-get install ntpdate [18:31] Artelus: ntpdate time.windows.com [18:31] quibbler, yeah running ibex here. timidity shows things happening on the terminal but no sound [18:31] -.- are you sure that would help? [18:31] that would set the clock to the right time [18:31] But it keeps changing back when I reboot! [18:32] sudo apt-get install ntp [18:32] try that [18:32] do you have the timzones set correctly? [18:32] I have that installed, and it's the newest version [18:33] Artelus: edit /etc/default/ntpdate to include NTPSERVERS=""ntp.ubuntu.com pool.ntp.org" [18:33] anyone in the chat? [18:33] trippssss -> install the timidity interface extras and you have a gui ...i just downloaded acdc highway to hell works fine here [18:33] any actual girls in here? lol [18:33] quibbler, yeah did that too - no dice. i'll try updating/rebooting [18:34] justsmokedank: !OT [18:34] how can i pair my laptop with a bluetooth device from the terminal ? [18:34] Hello can anyone tell me command line command to force my cd/dvd device eject? [18:34] trippssss -> ok good luck [18:34] darkvertex: Do I cahnge NTPSERVERS="ntp.ubuntu.com" to NTPSERVERS="ntp.ubuntu.com pool.ntp.org" [18:34] anyone familiar with fstab here? [18:34] lanoxx-: what's up? [18:34] rain: type eject [18:34] http://rafb.net/p/zv1XIt65.html could You help me to fix my fglrx? [18:34] Artelus: What does cat /etc/adjtime say? [18:35] Artelus: yes [18:35] ikonia, i set umask to 077 for my ntfs-3g mounted partition and now i can not access it anymore [18:35] it dont do anything [18:35] ... eject [18:35] ikonia, although i specifically added user= [18:35] rain: eject [18:35] rain, eject /dev/x , where x is the device name [18:36] usr13: 1.143043 1238869770 0.000000 1238869770 LOCAL [18:36] lanoxx-: what are the permissions on the files on that drive ? [18:36] i dont have cd in it.. but its locked for some reason [18:36] Artelus: Do you have your time on the PC set correctly now? [18:36] oh not sure, can you tell me in what way that impacts the ntfs-3g driver? [18:36] i would have to reboot windows to have a look [18:36] usr13: YES, but it KEEPS CHANGING BACK when i REBOOT. [18:37] Artelus: Go to a terminal and type: sudo hwclock --systohc [18:37] lanoxx-: look at the file system permissions, lanoxx- open a shell and do "sudo ls -la /media/$place_your_drive_is_mounted" === nicolas_ is now known as Guest8884 === cmdshftn is now known as cmdshftn|afk [18:37] bercik: what card do you have ? [18:37] !/away > cmdshftn|afk [18:37] cmdshftn|afk, please see my private message [18:37] Artelus: Now check to see that hardware clock have same time: sudo hwclock ; date [18:38] usr13: It is the correct time, but It will change back when i restart my computer [18:38] usr13: Are you listening? [18:38] ikonia, oh you meant on linux, well there i have 700 (because umask is 077) and root:root [18:38] Artelus: No, not listening. I'm reading :) [18:39] also strangly files have 700 too eventhough the should be 600??? [18:39] lanoxx-: ok - forget the umask, actually show me the permissions on that file system [18:39] Artelus: Should work ok now. Try and see. [18:39] usr13: How do I make it stop changing backwards when I restart the computer then? [18:39] lanoxx-: no - the umask doesn't set permissions on existing files, === cmdshftn|afk is now known as cmdshftn [18:39] usr13: Alright, I'll reboot, brb === elementz is now known as elementz_afk [18:39] lanoxx-: you have to cown the permissions to what you want [18:39] !away > elementz_afk [18:39] elementz_afk, please see my private message [18:39] hey guy's i got a ubuntu server 8.1 a,d he does not want to get IP address (i tried dhco and static) [18:40] zilleplus: should it be able to get a dhcp address ? [18:40] glitsj16: radeon mobile x300 === elementz_afk is now known as elementz [18:40] zilleplus: try /etc/init.d/networking start [18:40] ikonia, seems it did, before i added the umask entry all files were mounter with 777 permissions, i considered that a security risk and added the umask with 077 and now all files and folders show 700 (rwx------) since owner is root:root i can not access it anymore [18:40] zilleplus: ifconfig -a [18:40] lanoxx-: so chown the file system [18:41] /dev/sda6 /media/E ntfs-3g user=,group=,umask=077 0 0 [18:41] ikonia, how do i do that? [18:41] cylex [18:41] Hello all [18:41] usr13: Alright, I restarted [18:41] The application that you are trying to install requires a 1.6 version or later of the Java platform. [18:41] lanoxx-: why are you showing me the fstab - chown the permissions [18:41] How can i update the java ? [18:41] usr13: On the login screen, the time was correct [18:41] usr13: But after I logged in, the time is an hour back [18:41] Artelus: very good [18:42] usr13: So like i said, the time changed back [18:42] Artelus: Really? [18:42] ikaros, because i added the user=...,group=... option, shouldnt that mount the partition specifically for my user? [18:42] The application that you are trying to install requires a 1.6 version or later of the Java platform. how can i upgrade the java platform pliz ? [18:42] You must be set to wrong time zone. [18:42] http://rafb.net/p/zv1XIt65.html could You help me to fix my fglrx? [18:42] usr13: My time zone is -6 [18:42] XeNiX -> sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre [18:42] Artelus: sudo hwclock ; date [18:42] usr13: so I set it to mexico city, which is Central time and -6 [18:43] Artelus: -5 not -6 [18:43] I'm trying to make my own Certificate Authority and create my own certificate, however, how can I do it for the same website? am following: http://www.tc.umn.edu/~brams006/selfsign.html - but it says I can't have the same CN for both certificates, yet it has to be the website's name for it to work, can anyone help me with that? [18:43] root@localhost:/pentest/enumeration# java --version [18:43] java version "1.5.0" [18:43] gij (GNU libgcj) version 4.3.2 [18:43] nothing changed [18:43] :s [18:43] usr13: Ah, then what city is -6??? [18:43] XeNiX: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [18:43] Artelus: Centeral / Mexico City [18:44] Artelus: Oh no... it would be .... [18:44] Artelus: NYC is -5 [18:44] Daremonai: thats not an ubuntu issue [18:45] usr13: Here's what I got when i put "sudo hwclock ;date" [18:45] ikaros, so what am i doing wrong? [18:45] ikonia, well i'm on ubuntu.. anyway, where do i ask? [18:45] Artelus: Mountain time would be -6 right now, Right? [18:45] usr13: Sat 04 Apr 2009 12:44:07 PM CST -0.794873 seconds [18:45] usr13: Sat Apr 4 11:44:21 CST 2009 [18:45] Daremonai: try ##linux or contacting the person who wrote the guide [18:45] quibbler : sun-java6-jre is already the newest version. [18:45] ikonia, ok [18:45] usr13: I'll just make it completely clear: It is 12:45 PM right here. [18:46] Artelus: Were they the same after you issued command hwclock -w ? [18:46] XeNiX -> you said you needed java 1.6 ...that is how you install it [18:46] when i do a search via apt-cache search , how do i find out the version # of the packages returned? [18:46] vluther: apt-cache policy PACKAGE. You may want to consider aptitude for more refined searches [18:46] usr13: What???? I never issued hwclock -w [18:46] quibbler: i did it it said it is updated , but i still have 1.5.0 [18:46] :s [18:47] usr13: You never told me to. Be more clear. [18:47] ciao [18:47] jrib: kewl thanks [18:47] Artelus: sudo hwclock -w ; sudo hwclock ; date [18:47] XeNiX: maybe you have more than 1 Java installed. Type "sudo update-alternatives --list java" to see [18:47] !away > lanoxx [18:47] -.-!!!! [18:47] ALRIGHT, HERE"s WHAT I GOT [18:47] !away > lanoxx- [18:47] lanoxx-, please see my private message [18:47] usr13: Sat 04 Apr 2009 12:44:07 PM CST -0.794873 seconds [18:47] usr13: Sat Apr 4 11:44:21 CST 2009 [18:47] it possibile assign a PID number that I want? [18:48] /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun/jre/bin/java++/etc/alternatives/kaffe-system/bin/java++/usr/bin/gij-4.3++/usr/bin/gij-4.2++/usr/lib/jvm/java-gcj/jre/bin/java [18:48] it possibile assign a PID number that I want? [18:48] XeNiX -> go into synaptic uninstall java 5 completely including configuration files [18:48] Artelus: what are you trying to do? [18:48] Greetings all have an issue with flicker using the ati driver. I see this issue in both 8.10 and the latest 9.04. What I have found is that its related to tsc timers. If I set notsc on my kernel in grub and then turn off ondemand cpu the flicker drops dramatically. Additionally with those settings I can run dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/null to load the system.. and the flicker then completely dissapears. [18:48] ikonia, what am i doing wrong? [18:48] how do I force login into root? I changed my user uid, didn't take into consideration that sudoers had the uid for identification [18:48] XeNiX: now type "sudo update-alternatives --config java" (not list but config this time) and choose the java-6-sun [18:48] mneptok: I'm trying to fix my computer's time. it is wrong. [18:48] lanoxx-: chown the file systems to the correct permissions, or use chmod to set the permissions [18:48] ideas? [18:49] usr13: are you there? [18:49] Artelus: sudo ntpdate tick.usno.navy.mil [18:49] Akuma: are you using Xwindows? [18:49] as I have 6 gigs of ram would it be advisable to switch to 64 bit and how much trouble would it be [18:49] oldgeek: are you having flicker viewing videos? [18:49] well the permissions are right, i just need to own all the files, i though i can do that with the user= parameter in fstab, is that not the case? [18:49] yea [18:49] Someone just help me troubleshoot this!!!!!!!~! [18:49] oCean_ thanks work [18:49] ;) [18:50] Artelus: i just did!!!!!!!111111!!!!!!! [18:50] it possibile assign a PID number that I want? [18:50] XeNiX: nice [18:50] This is so simple! I just want to change the time and NOT have it set back every time I restart [18:50] twv -- yes, but worse than that.. my desktop "no effects" enabled flickers horribly [18:50] pretino: no [18:50] Artelus: sudo ntpdate tick.usno.navy.mil [18:50] http://rafb.net/p/zv1XIt65.html could You help me to fix my fglrx? [18:50] I've done what you told me to do over and over again and It keeps changing back [18:50] Akuma: look it up .. its somewhere in System-> Administration or System->Prefrences [18:50] what no? [18:50] I've done that before [18:50] pretino: no to your question [18:50] Artelus: so install and run ntpd [18:50] hey :) [18:50] °.° [18:51] Why?!?! HOw!?!? [18:51] why no? [18:51] oldgeek: i have issues with ati card and compiz enabled. no problems when 'no effects' is enabled though [18:51] oCean_: why no? [18:51] wtv: oddly as I state I can stop the flicker completely by loading the system and setting notsc in the kernel [18:51] pretino: It is not possible to change process IDs. They always are assigned at random. [18:51] watched 1280x1024 clear as crystal [18:51] via hulu [18:51] pretino: because the PID administration is done by kernel, not in userspace [18:52] I've been trying to get help here for an hour [18:52] can someone please just help me? this is so simple [18:52] What package includes libglx? [18:52] !ask | Artelus [18:52] Artelus: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) [18:52] Art whats the question again? and an hour is a short time to wait .... [18:52] ikaros, using chown has absolutely no effect on the mounted files!!! [18:52] Artelus: if it's simple why have you not fixed it [18:52] Artelus: i just told you what to do. if you'd like me to take your hand and do it all for you, i'll give you my PayPal info. [18:52] lanoxx-: please pastebin the output of "mount" [18:52] You aren't being clear, what am I installing? Why do I need to install it? [18:52] Artelus: you want to install ntpd [18:53] !info ntpd [18:53] Package ntpd does not exist in intrepid [18:53] /dev/sda6 on /media/E type fuseblk (rw,nosuid,nodev,allow_other,default_permissions,blksize=4096,user=) [18:53] What is that...? [18:53] ohyeah [18:53] lanoxx-: why do you keep ignoring what I said [18:53] !info ntp [18:53] ntp (source: ntp): Network Time Protocol daemon and utility programs. In component main, is optional. Version 1:4.2.4p4+dfsg-6ubuntu2.2 (intrepid), package size 431 kB, installed size 1080 kB [18:53] hey what's up ppls ? [18:53] oCean_ -> what you told XeNiX worked for him ..however he still has the java 5 installed i take it [18:53] wtv: I am opening a bug report now. this all seems related to dual/quad core timings and cpu ondemand. [18:53] yup_: not much, what do you want? [18:54] lol [18:54] alright well [18:54] Artelus: sorry, i don't have the time or inclination to play Google for you [18:54] !lol | yup_ [18:54] i need help [18:54] yup_: Please don't use "LOL" and "OMG" and so forth on a regular basis. This is IRC, not IM, and using those lines on their own is not required, and it is rather annoying to the rest of the people in the channel; thanks. [18:54] I typed in "sudo ntpd" and nothing happened [18:54] It just went to a new line [18:54] what does that mean? [18:54] wtv: may be that will help. you may also check out the ati wiki [18:54] quibbler: i just set the default java to java 6 coz i have already 5 installed and was the default java path [18:54] Artelus: sudo ntpdate tick.usno.navy.mil [18:54] Artelus: open the package manager - search for the package ntpd - mark it for install [18:54] oldgeek i mean [18:54] hey how do you get to a pure console to install the Nvidia Drivers 180.** [18:54] anyway [18:54] quibbler: yes. That's where the "alternatives" method come in *very* handy. It lets you install various versions of software and through 'alternatives' you can choose which one to use. [18:54] coffee|_|D: single user or "recovery" mode [18:55] ikonia: looks like the daemon is just "ntp" and the client is "ntpdate" [18:55] mneptox: "4 Apr 11:54:55 ntpdate[5715]: the NTP socket is in use, exiting" [18:55] wtv: heh do go there with me... I have scoured the wiki, google for days... none of those options clear this up.. heck none of them describe my problem. [18:55] aah wow geez i should've thought of that LOL [18:55] mneptok: daemon should be ntpd [18:55] If I have home on a separate partition can I just install ubuntu64 over the top of reg ubuntu [18:55] thanks ikonia :) [18:55] Artelus: then you are running the NTP daemon [18:55] yup_: your in an Ubuntu suppourt channel, so why's that? [18:55] mneptok: client is ntpd [18:55] all i want to do is change my existing rt2500pci driver to rt2500. i don't know how to do it. [18:55] mneptok: just checked [18:55] !info ntpd [18:55] Package ntpd does not exist in intrepid [18:55] mneptok: well "daemon" is [18:55] !info ntp [18:55] ntp (source: ntp): Network Time Protocol daemon and utility programs. In component main, is optional. Version 1:4.2.4p4+dfsg-6ubuntu2.2 (intrepid), package size 431 kB, installed size 1080 kB [18:55] quibbler: See "ls -al /etc/alternatives" - it's actually a system of linking to various installed versions. Like I have 3 versions of flash, and Adobe's nonfree set to default [18:55] mneptok: what does that have to do with my time being an hour backwards? [18:55] !info ntpdate [18:55] ikonia, http://pastebin.com/f3949a6a [18:55] ntpdate (source: ntp): client for setting system time from NTP servers. In component main, is optional. Version 1:4.2.4p4+dfsg-6ubuntu2.2 (intrepid), package size 60 kB, installed size 216 kB [18:55] sjust1216: yes, u can overwrite the ubuntus [18:55] wtv: these are horizontal underscan/overscan lines? black lines stemming from the left of the monitor. [18:55] ikonia: ^^^^ [18:55] mneptok: Is that a problem? [18:55] !info ntp [18:55] ntp (source: ntp): Network Time Protocol daemon and utility programs. In component main, is optional. Version 1:4.2.4p4+dfsg-6ubuntu2.2 (intrepid), package size 431 kB, installed size 1080 kB [18:56] mneptok: package name is ntp - that installs ntpd [18:56] ikonia: as i said ... ;) [18:56] mneptok: oops, sorry [18:56] oCean_ -> it can't screw things up?.....i'll have to look into that...thanks [18:56] ok thanks [18:56] * mneptok tootles off fr a haircut [18:56] Is there a way to set up raid / lvm partitions using the 9.04 graphical installer? [18:56] quibbler: nope, it's actually designed to make it possible to have various versions [18:57] it only gives me choices for traditional filesystems as far as i can tell. [18:57] jack|ass: #ubuntu+1 for jaunty discussion [18:57] i downloaded the rt2500 driver via wget. i just don't know how i install it. [18:57] Artelus: You simply need to set the hardware clock to same time as your system clock. [18:57] ikonia: hokay. [18:57] jack|ass: you could always set up the raid by hand, and then tell the installer to use those partions [18:57] usr13: I've told you four times already. I have done that 3 times, and it keeps resetting itself after I reboot. [18:57] wtv: the good news is I can stop all of this distortion by loading the dual core with "nice dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/null" [18:57] yup_: is it a deb file? [18:57] it is a tar [18:57] Artelus: sudo hwclock --systohc ; sudo hwclock ; date [18:57] oCean_ -> great..like i said i'm going to look inti that...thanks again! [18:57] MrElendig: yeah, but the gui is very very shiny. Someone spent a lot of time making it look nice, I feel like I should use it. :P [18:57] Artelus: See that both have same time. [18:58] Hi all, I have a problem with streaming videos on Ubuntu 8.04. When I try to watch movies on youtube, I see a few secounds and slider jump to the begin, then video is paused and I've to refresh it. [18:58] wtv: keeps both cpus at 50% and flash and other videos, my desktop and all clear up [18:58] usr13: I DID THAT, IT CHANGES BACK AFTER I RESTART [18:58] Artelus: calm down please [18:58] Artelus, what time zone did you set the system to? [18:58] He won' t listen. -.- I told him 3 times and he keep telling me to do it again and again [18:58] -6 [18:58] Artelus: What does command: sudo hwlcock show now? [18:58] Artelus: are you running ntpd ? [18:58] it is supposed to be 12:58 in -6 right now, right? [18:59] Artelus: hwclock [18:59] usr13: Sat 04 Apr 2009 11:59:09 AM CST -0.397039 seconds [18:59] What is your sysem time? [18:59] The same as that [18:59] witek23: wait untill the movie is compleatly buffered before you try to play it [18:59] Are they still an hour different? [18:59] Artelus: are you running ntpd ? [18:59] ikonia, i just read the man page of ntfs-3g again, its also writen there that umask should only affect files that are NOT there, but is seems that it very much does affect the files that ARE there. [19:00] ikonia: How do I check if I am running ntpd? [19:00] usr13: No === gaintsura_ is now known as gaintsura [19:00] i guess 8.04 uses the new rt2500pci driver and i want to use the rt2500. i have looked for a tutorial on google but i have had no success [19:00] lanoxx-: I'm not going to help anymore as you continue to ignore what I'm telling you to do to resolve your issue [19:00] usr13: but my time is supposed to be 1:00 right now, [19:00] Artelus: ps -ef | grep ntp - does that show anything ? [19:00] usr13: They both say 12:00 [19:00] Artelus, where in daylight savings now. You time zone should be CDT (if central is the right name). === unruly is now known as ndegruchy [19:01] ikonia: Yes: [19:01] ikonia: root 5709 1 0 11:53 ? 00:00:00 ntpd [19:01] ikonia: desmond 5801 5579 0 12:00 pts/0 00:00:00 grep ntp [19:01] Artelus: looks good, thank you [19:01] hi all [19:01] how do i test IOPS on linux ? [19:01] Artelus, try 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure tzdata' to select a time zone description that follows daylight savings. [19:02] ikonia, i tried everything you said, to no success... [19:02] lanoxx-: where is the output of mount I asked in a pastebin ? [19:02] durt: Can you tell me which timezone to pick? [19:02] Artelus: where do you live? [19:03] cylex: Dallas, Texas === alexc is now known as Guest83648 [19:03] hey i was wondering how to "source a file" in the current shell? I'm getting an error that tells me a file must be sourced in the current shell [19:03] ikonia, http://pastebin.com/f3949a6a [19:03] Artelus, One with letters like est or cst. What ever your's is. [19:03] lanoxx-: got it - thank you [19:03] how to make script to firefox, i want when i run it it restart ff 10 times and 10 quit [19:03] I have an asus eee pc 1000 with ubuntu custom array kernel. I was wondering if anyone has issues with the build in media card reader on the laptop. When i insert a media card (in this case 1G SD card formatted NTFS) I get this message when I use the 'dmesg' command "[ 362.860140] hub 5-0:1.0: connect-debounce failed, port 5 disabled" anyone might know what the problem is? [19:03] durt: I tried that. :( All it has are city names! [19:03] ikonia, posted it 10min ago ;) [19:03] lanoxx-: can you please confirm which mount point is having the problem ? [19:04] ikonia, /media/E [19:04] Artelus: Do you know what timezone you are in? [19:04] the other 2 are just binds to for my home and my chroot [19:04] lanoxx-: they are bind mount points [19:04] Artelus: like Pacific, Eastern, etc [19:04] lanoxx-: they are not true mounts [19:04] cylex: I thought it was -6 Central, but appearently I'm wrong [19:05] lanoxx-: (the two that are above /mnt/E) [19:05] ikonia, yes, /dev/sda6 is a true mount point using ntfs-3g [19:05] any one help me with installing the rt2500 driver ? [19:05] How am i supposed to choose my freaking timezone? All it shows are city names! I don't even have a choice [19:05] Artelus, you are but your system is somehow not obeying daylight savings. [19:05] ubuntu 9.4 I can't see update notify on panel but there are too many files for downloading [19:05] lanoxx-: ok - so unmount the bind mount points, then we can debugg it [19:05] durt: So what do i do? [19:06] !jaunty > Linuxrevolution [19:06] Linuxrevolution, please see my private message [19:06] Artelus, which says to me that you've picked the wrong timezone description. [19:06] MrElendig, If I'm waiting, it works. Does exist any other solution? I haven't had this problem before. [19:06] Artelus: it is.. but currently we are on daylight savings time.. so its CDT -5 [19:06] durt: How to i pick the "right" timezone when they are all cities? [19:06] i used synaptic to install warsow, but i can't start it. what am i supposed to do? [19:06] Artelus: and you can change the time from Xwindows [19:06] have problem with ubuntu server 8.10 IP address can explane the problem i private chat its to mutch for here [19:06] ikonia, ok, its unmounted [19:06] cylex: I have no option of "CDT -5" on this list [19:06] lanoxx-: ok so give me the name of a file on /media/E [19:07] <{g}> Hey People! What does it mean, when "mount" outputs nothing? This might be a virtualized os, but I dont know. [19:07] have problem with ubuntu server 8.10 IP address can explane the problem i private chat its to mutch for here, can someone help me??? [19:07] Artelus: try doing it from xwindows [19:07] witek23: yes, get a faster internet connection, or reduce the load on your current one. [19:07] {g}: it mounts you have a problem [19:07] cylex: What is xwindows, doing what? and how? [19:07] {g}: does "df" show anything [19:07] I have an asus eee pc 1000 with ubuntu custom array kernel. I was wondering if anyone has issues with the build in media card reader on the laptop. When i insert a media card (in this case 1G SD card formatted NTFS) I get this message when I use the 'dmesg' command "[ 362.860140] hub 5-0:1.0: connect-debounce failed, port 5 disabled" anyone might know what the problem is? [19:08] ikonia, /media/E/MyDocuments/winetricks [19:08] U96401: /leave [19:08] <{g}> ikonia: yes. /dev/md5 mounted on / and /dev/md7 mounted on /some_dir [19:08] hi, i upgraded ubuntu, and now i can't run starcraft w/ opengl rendering [19:08] Hello everyone. I have a HP Pavillion dv2000. I installed the latest Nvidia drivers for my notebook, but the backlight button (FN+ f8) still doesn't work. Any way I can get this to work without a new kernel? [19:08] Cylex: Are you there? [19:08] ikonia, -rwx------ 1 root root 71K 2009-04-05 02:08 winetricks [19:08] i have one of those intel graphics chips, but everything else is working fine, besides direct3d stuff in wine [19:08] Cylex: If i do it from dialog, all it gives me are city names [19:08] Artelus: the GNOME interface [19:08] witek23: it's rather simple math, say, if the video stream is 8mb/s and you have a 3mb/s connection, there is no way that you can play it without buffering almost the whole movie :) [19:08] witek23: (speeds not accurate, just used as an example) [19:08] cylex: I have city names, so what now? [19:08] can any 1 say how 2 configure php apache2 at ununtu [19:08] lanoxx-: please do "sudo chmod 755 /media/E/winetricks" [19:09] can any 1 say how 2 configure php apache2 at ubuntu [19:09] purvesh: the ubuntu wiki probably have a page about that... [19:09] ikonia, the command executes but has no effect [19:09] cylex: Are you there?!?! [19:09] Artelus: pick the one closest to you [19:09] Artelus, 'sudo dpgk-reconfigure tzdata' and pick chicago for cst. (I'm pretty sure chicago's cst) [19:09] will the method explained on this site work on 8.04 for installing the rt2500 driver ? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/RalinkRT2500 [19:09] lanoxx-: exactly the same permissions ? [19:10] ikonia, yes, it says 700 [19:10] i get errors like this: fixme:d3d_surface:flush_to_framebuffer_drawpixels >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> GL_INVALID_VALUE (0x501) from glDrawPixels @ surface.c / 1335 [19:10] i already tried chmod, same thing [19:10] lanoxx-: so now "touch /media/E/testfile [19:10] Artelus, sry that's 'dpkg' [19:10] Alright, I think this is right [19:10] I'll try restarting [19:10] be right back [19:10] MrElendig, but on Windows youtube is working fine [19:10] -rwx------ 1 root root 0 2009-04-05 02:10 test [19:11] lanoxx-: interesting, can you please unmount that file system and just mount it with "sudo mount /dev/sda5 t ntfs-3g /media/E" [19:12] MrElendig: other then wiki [19:12] durt: Yes Chicago and Mexico City are both CST [19:12] I use kubuntu 7.10, and kde's automounter is broken. any idea how I could fix it? [19:12] help [19:12] witek23: then try to find out why your network is slower under ubuntu [19:12] purvesh: tldp? [19:12] ikonia, that mounts it with 777 but still owned by root:root [19:12] purvesh: google? [19:12] lanoxx-: thats ok - it's just testing, not going to leave it like that [19:13] help me, please [19:13] lanoxx-: can you now chmod/chown the test file ? [19:13] ikonia, its was like this all the time before i added the umask in fstab [19:13] king1, just ask [19:13] king1, please go ahead and state your problem [19:13] MrElendig: if u hav some good & easy links then send me pls [19:13] lanoxx-: ntfs or fat? [19:13] king1: we will not help you hack a rar file [19:13] purvesh: www.google.com [19:13] lol === natschil_ is now known as natschil [19:13] king1: you have been told once, please don't ask again [19:13] ok my problem is. [19:13] MrElendig, ntfs-3g [19:13] what is the most easy tool to split a blueray rip file ? [19:14] king1: do not ask again about your rar file [19:14] MrElendig, its an ntfs partition [19:14] durt: But his problem is that his hardware clock is an hour off. So when he reboots, it will again re-set his system time. [19:14] c0p3rn1c: split [19:14] wtv: Bug report for the ATI issues I was talking about. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/355262 [19:14] ikonia, same thing, no chown, no chmod [19:14] lanoxx-: that's worrying [19:14] can anyone help with installing the rt2500 driver ? [19:14] alguem sabe algum canal q possa informa sobre jogos [19:14] ikonia: wll it rebuild the index? [19:14] ikonia, it is [19:14] usr13, I think he set the timezone to gmt -6, which does not obey dayligh savings. [19:14] c0p3rn1c: for the two files, yup [19:14] daylight even [19:14] lanoxx-: take a look at uid and gid, see `man mount.ntfs-3g` [19:14] usder [19:14] iser [19:15] user [19:15] king1: stop [19:15] addit usser [19:15] durt: O === hfsdo_ is now known as hfsdo [19:15] MrElendig, look at that, but i dont understand it, how do i find out my own uid? [19:15] ikonia: ok thx [19:15] Alguem sabe informa uma sala pra duvidas de jogos no linux [19:15] s/look/looked [19:15] lanoxx-: echo $UID [19:15] MrElendig, I think this this is problem with flash plugin, also on my firefox undo bar is always frozen. [19:16] lanoxx-, id [19:16] lanoxx-: just pondering this...... [19:16] MrElendig, haha thats easy [19:16] !english | cybernet-servido [19:16] cybernet-servido: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat [19:16] lanoxx-: or id, as attis84 said [19:16] lanoxx-, id -u is the most exact answer [19:16] Hello all. I have a quick question. Is it generally easy to update to the full release of 9.10 from the beta? I'd like to try the beta out but not if I'll have to re-install everything again afterwards for the full version. [19:16] Hi, how can I tell OO.o to decrease the font size of the selected text by X? (selected text is in multiple sizes and I don't want to simpyl use the dropdown as that sets them to a unified size) [19:16] *uniform === Brandon_ is now known as SKippy === SKippy is now known as Skippy [19:17] StevenX: wrong channel you want #ubuntu+1 [19:17] lanoxx-: mount -t ntfs-3g -o uid=1000,gid=100,umask=0077 or something like that [19:17] sebsebseb: 9.10 doesn't exist [19:17] sebsebseb: sorry - not you [19:17] \j ubuntu [19:17] StevenX: 9.10 doesn't exist [19:17] how does kde automounter work? can anyone give me some pointers? [19:17] sebastien, thank you. [19:17] oh yeah i had a fun time getting a usb ntfs to mount but i did get it to mount [19:17] ikonia: maby he is from the future? [19:17] StevenX, 9.04 final will be just an update away [19:18] ikonia: it does not exist, but obviously he wants to upgrade 8.10 to 9.04 [19:18] sebsebseb: why is that obvious ? [19:18] MrElendig, ah thats more like it, i just set uid to 1000, that works, can you tell me why you set gid only to 100 or was that a typo? and whats the 4th digit in umask doing? i have only seen 3digits so far, e.g. 077 [19:18] sebsebseb: people ask abuot 9.10 a reasonable ammount [19:18] ikonia: what else would he want to do? [19:18] first thing to try would be using the ntfs config tool [19:18] ikonia: ok [19:18] ikonia: i see., [19:18] ikonia: I guess I am wrong then [19:18] StevenX, it's unlikely if you've already got it installed (like myself) that you'd have to do anything out of the ordinary to 'upgrade' [19:18] Any idea how to 'reset' dpkg? Everytime I try to run apt-get I end up getting an error about how dpkg is unable to install initramfs ... [19:19] lanoxx-: gid = group id, if you don't set it, then the group will be set to root [19:19] ndegruchy, K. ty. [19:19] #biglinux [19:19] theDigitalAngel: apt-get -f [19:19] who know how to install a driver ? i need help [19:19] MrElendig, i understand that, but why 100, not 1000? [19:20] lanoxx-: I don't know what you GID is, it was just an example. the 'users' group is often gid 100 on systems that uses it [19:20] because i sure don't know how to install a driver. [19:20] What software would be best suited for extracting an audio clip from a video file? [19:20] Can someone help a newbie walk through installing drivers for an ethernet card on 8.10? [19:20] I have an asus eee pc 1000 with ubuntu custom array kernel. I was wondering if anyone has issues with the build in media card reader on the laptop. When i insert a media card (in this case 1G SD card formatted NTFS) I get this message when I use the 'dmesg' command "[ 362.860140] hub 5-0:1.0: connect-debounce failed, port 5 disabled" anyone might know what the problem is? [19:20] yup_: apt-get install [19:20] how can i do pairing from the terminal in Ibex, since passkey-agent doesn't exist anymore? [19:20] derrich: mplayer works nicely [19:20] yup_, what kind of driver? Normally, drivers that aren't included with Ubuntu have instructions on how to do it [19:20] i tried doing that Mrelendig. [19:20] why doesn't warsow start when i click it? [19:20] MrElendig: I wasn't aware that I could use it to dump an audio stream [19:21] derrich: you can' [19:21] theDigitalAngel: sudo apt-get install -f [19:21] I guess I'll start reading the docs :) [19:21] ndegruchy.. a wifi driver. rt2500pci to rt2500 [19:21] jacob_95, it's telling you to go outside! ;) [19:21] derrich, mplayer does the trick, see man mplayer, look for --dump-audio or sg. like that [19:21] thanks [19:21] jacob_95, who knows, try starting it in a terminal, you'll get some error messages. [19:21] derrich, -dumpaudio [19:21] Artelus Never came back, Gues it's fixed. [19:22] usr13, I guess so. [19:22] https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/RalinkRT2500 will this method work for 8.04 ? [19:22] does anyone know why I can't change filenames on a Samba share? I only have one user defined in Ubuntu [19:22] MrElendig, hmm, how do i find out whats the gid or the users group? echo $GID doesnt work btw, strange [19:22] attis84: thanks for the pointer [19:22] from within windows that is [19:22] lanoxx-: id £username [19:22] lanoxx-: `id` will show you the name and id of the groups you are in [19:22] Iceman_B|SSH: what is wrong with the filenames? [19:23] whats a good light weight file browser for an X Session [19:23] I was using 7.04 and it used rt2500 out of the box but i installed 8.04 and it uses rt2500pci driver [19:23] lanoxx-: while $GID is usually set to the gid of your primary group [19:23] Iceman_B|SSH: if you have write permissions I think you should be able to change the name as with any other file [19:23] yup_, more than likely, it can't hurt to try it [19:23] paragonc, pcmanfm, thunar etc. [19:23] Iceman_B|SSH: Just do it from the localhost, should be no problem. [19:23] I simply want to rename a file from within Windows, since I have a GUI there. but I get an error saying "Access is denied" [19:23] paragonc: thunar is what xfce uses afaik [19:23] how can I get openssl-0.9.8j ? [19:23] MrElendig, echo $GID results in an empty string :s [19:24] ndegruchy... hurt to try what ? [19:24] MrElendig, anyway, it works now exactly how i wanted it to [19:24] it's not always set [19:24] MrElendig, so thank you very much [19:24] ibeekman: what version is in the repos? [19:24] yup_, the directions on that page ... otherwise you could try a newer version of Ubuntu like 8.04 or 8.10 [19:24] don't remember if it's required by POSIX or not [19:24] I've been trying to get my new install of ubuntu to connect to the Internet, but no can do so far....any thoughts? [19:24] How to remove pending talks for dpkg? [19:24] HawkLion: can you ping your router? [19:25] I have a pending package that is causing a lot of problems... [19:25] MrElendig, one more question, the manpage of ntfs-3g says umask only affects files and folders that are NOT present, but infact it affects all the files and folders present or newly created [19:25] MrElendig: ah...haven't tried that yet... [19:25] !info openssl [19:25] openssl (source: openssl): Secure Socket Layer (SSL) binary and related cryptographic tools. In component main, is optional. Version 0.9.8g-10.1ubuntu2.2 (intrepid), package size 389 kB, installed size 836 kB [19:25] The pending triggers are causing a lot of problems. [19:25] usr13: thats the thing, I want my share to integrate seamlessly into Windows. THis is hardly seamsless. anyway, the file permissons are "-rw-r--r-- 1 ravi ravi 121651200 2009-04-04 19:41 Majora's Mask Orchestrations(2000)" [19:25] slart: openssl-0.9.8g [19:25] ndegruchy... i don't want to install 8.10. im just a newbie when it comes to installing drivers [19:25] *Slart [19:26] I need it to connect to some HPC resources [19:26] hi, i try to configure canon pixma mp630... i have installed the drivers . but when i try to print something, i have only the printer display, that the data are beeing printed, but the printer doesn't do anything [19:26] brb [19:26] Iceman_B|SSH: You need to change to writeable = Yes in samba share in file /etc/samba/smb.conf [19:26] ibeekman: if it's an important fix it will show up in the regular repos.. you could try find a package with the newer version but it's not recommended [19:26] for some reason nautilus doesnt work over ssh -X [19:26] and i cant get nomachine working either [19:27] Iceman_B|SSH: there are permissions in samba too.. the most restrictive is what you will see as a samba user [19:27] lanoxx-: I think it refers to files that don't already have a access bitmaks set (that is the case of all files in ntfs, since it don't store unix style bitmask permissions) [19:27] anyone running a comcast 1 megabit line out there? [19:27] MrElendig, ah i see, quite missleading [19:27] how do you get warsow to work with pulseaudio? [19:27] !anyone | kronos84 [19:27] kronos84: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? [19:28] jacob_95: if it only uses alsa you can try running it with "padsp" [19:28] jacob_95: so in a terminal you'd run "padsp warsow" or something like that [19:28] Slart: I think the file creation permiisons are set to 0644, isnt that enough to change filenames [19:28] MrElendig: tried to ping router, but got connect: Network is unreachable [19:29] i read on wiki that files are usually masked against 666 and folders by 777, but since i set umask to 0077 both files and folders have 700 permissions, thats strange [19:29] tar -xzf what do i put for the driver name ? [19:29] lanoxx-: why is that strange? [19:29] can anyone please help? I'm kinda new to ubuntu... how do I see the configuration options that the packages I 'apt-get' were compiled with? [19:29] hi!, i'm currently using vista, but i dont like it at all i've used linux ubuntu a couple of times.... and it convinced me.... i'm going to change to linux.... but first i think i should learn the basics.... does anyone know any tutorial i could read on the internet? [19:29] Iceman_B|SSH: I don't really know.. there are lots of settings in samba, perhaps you've missed one or two.. I had it working on my server so I know it can be done.. it's just a matter of doing the configurations correctly [19:30] MrElendig: I think when I installed ubuntu completely on my desktop I lost the ethernet driver. [19:30] Iceman_B|SSH: unfortunately I can't give you any more specific advice since I don't really remember it all any more [19:30] SantiG, you should probably do some research on your hardware to make sure the transition is smooth [19:30] gb-or: apt-get source packagename will give you the full source for a package including the stuff that compiles it [19:30] in gnome, I click 'places' and then click on 'sq...' to mount my windows partition. if I wanted to search through my windows partition through the terminal, how would I do that? [19:30] jrib, because the wiki article gives the impression that even you a umask of 077 is used, files would still be masked agains a maximum of 6 which would turn exection right of, but thats not the case [19:30] santiG... ubuntu is way easy now for most common stuff [19:31] SantiG, also, the Wiki is a good place to look for common tasks to get yourself situated [19:31] what u mean? i need some good hardware to be able to run ubuntu? [19:31] Slart: alright, thanks anyway [19:31] Iceman_B|SSH: you're welcome [19:31] I think Ive found the prolem though [19:31] SantiG, no. it is just recommended that you check it works _before_ you install. You can do this by booting and using a LiveCD. [19:31] LjL, thanks, I'll try that [19:31] lanoxx-: is this for a mounted drive? [19:31] SantiG: Download or order an Ubuntu CD - it acts as an LiveCD - and start your computer from it. Then look around, test programs, etc. Check if the internet connection works (wireless is still a little problematic.) [19:31] I keep getting the error update-initramfs: failed for /boot/initrd.img-2.6.27-11-generic everytime I try to use apt-get [19:32] yup_: i believe the rt2500 driver is available in ubuntu by default, with no need to compile it from a tarball...? [19:32] i've told to download the 64 bits ubuntu 8.10... [19:32] I keep getting the error 'update-initramfs: failed for /boot/initrd.img-2.6.27-11-generic' everytime I try to use apt-get [19:32] i got an intel core 2 quad processor [19:32] ikonia; there?? [19:32] jrib, yes im mounting a nfts drive [19:32] lanoxx-: no, umask sets the mask on both files and directories. If you want something different to happen, use fmask and dmask instead of umask [19:32] SantiG: Should be more than enough. [19:32] SantiG: if this is your first time messing with linux I'd suggest the 32bit version [19:32] SantiG: unless you've got more than 3GB of memory [19:32] i've got 4gb ram [19:33] hey all, I'm having a problem with permissions and neither myself or two other friends can figure it out [19:33] jrib, ok will do that, it seems more secure to have no execution on files set [19:33] I keep getting the error 'update-initramfs: failed for /boot/initrd.img-2.6.27-11-generic' everytime I try to use apt-get. [19:33] SantiG: then go with 64bit, that way you'll be able to use that last GB too =) [19:33] SantiG: just go for 64bit, there isn't really any reason not to do it now [19:33] lanoxx-: yes, it makes more sense to do that [19:33] How do I install ethernet drivers? [19:33] Any idea? [19:33] HawkLion: for what card? [19:33] can someone pm me with some help? [19:33] !pm | Slick666 [19:33] Slick666: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first. [19:33] ok perfect, i'll start downloading the 64 bits then :P [19:33] HawkLion: you have an unsupported ethernet card? [19:33] ok [19:34] HawkLion: if it is a wired card, then there is a 95% chance that the driver you need is included in the kernel [19:34] where is my windoze XP partition located in the filesystem? [19:34] ghi [19:34] so there's this partition on my harddrive that I want to mount everytime I log in [19:34] free1_: it isn't, unless you mount it [19:34] HawkLion: Do you know for sure it is not working? [19:34] can you set a "create mask = 0644" parameter in a Share definition in the Samba config ? [19:34] MrElendig: right [19:34] radau: add it to /etc/fstab [19:34] what command should I add to startup apps? [19:34] I have a binary I want executed only by a group of users, the file is marked 750, owned by root and part fo the special group I made [19:34] ok [19:34] free1_: if you've mounted it in the gui, it usually ends up in /media somewhere [19:34] HawkLion: What do you see listed in the network manager? Anything? [19:35] Any idea? [19:35] MrElendig: VIA Technologies VT6105 [19:35] I keep getting the error 'update-initramfs: failed for /boot/initrd.img-2.6.27-11-generic' everytime I try to use apt-get. [19:35] free1....have fun mounting that lol [19:35] I added myself and root to the group and I can't execute [19:35] whats the "wiki" site someone told me about? [19:35] i'll take a look so i learn some stuff [19:35] is there ay reason why? [19:35] theDigitalAngel: pastebin complete output [19:35] jrib: can I mount it in the terminal? [19:35] usr13: There are no connections in the connection manager. [19:35] free1_: sure [19:35] SantiG, in the topic [19:35] hello, could someone please tell me what package in ubuntu provides the default wallpapers? [19:35] free1... yes you can [19:35] jrib: can you kindly tell me how? [19:35] Slick666: you don't need to add root to the group, just the user [19:35] SantiG, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ [19:35] thanks!! [19:35] !ntfs| free1_ [19:35] free1_: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE [19:36] Slick666: also, you need to logout and login again for the group change to take effect [19:36] MrElendig, jrib, why can't i modify permissions with chmod when i used a {u,f,d} mask [19:36] anyone know of a good app to apply ID3 tag files to mp3s? [19:36] free1_: basically: mount -t ntfs /dev/whatever /mount/point [19:36] HawkLion: Go to the terminal and type: lspci |grep ernet [19:36] lanoxx-: because ntfs doesn't have unix style permissions [19:36] free1.. also try downloading ntfs config gui. [19:37] jrib: thanks I will try it [19:37] jrib, so i have to decide on what i want and then stick with it? [19:37] jrib; any idea as to this post.. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=7011467 ikoni can you also check [19:37] lanoxx-: the permissions are set at mount time, since ntfs don't support unix style permissions [19:37] lanoxx-: yea [19:37] lanoxx-: yeah. Or use a different filesystem [19:37] theDigitalAngel, do a 'sudo apt-get install -f' then try again. [19:37] ubottu: thanx [19:37] You're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-) [19:37] !es \ Nasra [19:37] Sorry, I don't know anything about es \ Nasra [19:37] paragonc: try mp3info [19:37] usr13: how do I make the vertical line? [19:38] PerryArmstrong: not really. Check that the package that provides that module is installed [19:38] marrow: does it auto lookup? [19:38] HawkLion: hold Shift, then press the key with \ | written on it. [19:38] !info id3 [19:38] id3 (source: id3): An ID3 Tag Editor. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.15-1 (intrepid), package size 10 kB, installed size 64 kB [19:38] HawkLion: Probably above the Enter key, upper case. [19:38] jrib, guess i will do that some time, do you consider unix style permissions supperior to the nfts style btw? or is that not comparable because the concept is so different? [19:38] paragonc: I don't remember. I haven't used it for quite some time [19:38] if i want to convert ma4 to mp3 do i have to rename every song ? [19:38] jrib; which package?? [19:38] having an issue, Well I have a dual system linux on one hdd and windows on another drive, I had to reinstall windows(go figure) and windows wiped grub and I was wondering what you all would suggest? I tried trowing in a livecd but when I reinstall grub no changes are really made? [19:38] HawkLion: It looks like a colon : but it's lines instead of dots. [19:39] HawkLion: It is the pipe command. [19:39] usr13: Not always - in many keyboards it's a solid line. [19:39] lanoxx-: I don't know anything about ntfs permissions. But if I am using linux, I definitely want to stick to unix permissions ;) [19:39] ubottu: are you sure about that link? [19:39] Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) [19:39] ah...thanks. [19:39] PerryArmstrong: I don't know offhand [19:39] devin.... don't use windows..... [19:39] jrib, thats for sure ;) [19:39] HawkLion: grawity says that on some keyboards it is just a vertical line. [19:39] jrib; what does offhand mean?? [19:39] jrib: Well, permissions must be supported by the filesystem, so if NTFS doesn't support them... [19:39] PerryArmstrong: it means I would have to look it up [19:40] HawkLion: What ethernet card do you have? [19:40] jrib; okk thanks i'll try [19:40] easytag looks promising too [19:40] Slart: I need openssl-0.9.8j in order to connect to the clusters I need to work on. [19:40] PerryArmstrong: is there a reason you are using a custom xorg.conf? My macbook has an intel card and I didn't have to muck about with the xorg.conf [19:41] devin... why do you need windows ? [19:41] I can't find any .deb packages [19:41] PerryArmstrong: xserver-xorg-video-intel is my guess [19:41] jrib; i am in desperation to get my desktop work well...dont want to see it clumsy..... [19:41] HawkLion: ifconfig eth0 (What does that say?) [19:41] ibeekman: then you either get the source directly and compile or find a packaged version.. have you checked what jaunty uses? [19:41] PerryArmstrong: what do you mean by "clumsy"? [19:41] i cant find any tutorial to start learning how to use ubuntu :S [19:41] yup_ I run software that doesn't run well on wine yet and I game [19:42] no how do I do that? [19:42] SantiG: help.ubuntu.com [19:42] VIA Technologies, Inc. VT6105/VT6106S [Rhine - III] [19:42] SantiG: hang on.. I've got a url for you [19:42] Devin.. just givin ya a hard time [19:42] Slart: the problem was that I had put the share as "read-only". of course, then I shouldnt have been able to save the file there in the first place, but I downloaded it from linux, so that was no problem. [19:42] Iceman_B|SSH: ah.. good [19:42] I think this is the driver for it http://www.viaarena.com/default.aspx?PageID=2&OSID=45&CatID=3160 [19:43] HawkLion: What ethernet card do you have? [19:43] Devin... so grub is gone ? and ubuntu boots ? [19:43] usr13: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT6105/VT6106S [Rhine - III] [19:43] SantiG: take a look at this.. it's downloadable for free http://www.ubuntupocketguide.com/ [19:43] Why does ubuntu fall back to the 'don't show window contents when resizing' when upgrading to proprietary video drivers (and enabling compiz effects in the process)? [19:43] yup_ nope ubuntu doesn't boot at all boots into windows [19:43] slart how do I check what version jaunty has? [19:43] jrib; when you install XP and you dont install your drivers..and you find that your screen resolution is not matching and every icon looks large making the desktop look clumsy....here desktop doesn't mean just what you get when you finish logging in but it means your OS screen [19:43] ibeekman: packages.ubuntu.com would be one way [19:44] HawkLion: ifconfig eth0 (What does that say?) [19:44] PerryArmstrong: so you have a problem changing the resolution? [19:44] DeviN: ok you need to restore Grub [19:44] !grub | DeviN [19:44] DeviN: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto [19:44] when I try to run something in System Tools, I keep getting 'Error' 'Could not launch menu' 'Failed to execute child process...No such directory' [19:44] what do I do? [19:44] usr13: bash: ifconig: command not found [19:45] HawkLion: /sbin/ifconfig [19:45] HawkLion: ifconfig [19:45] jrib; that package is installed already..xserver-xorg...intel....... but when i checked...packages only upto i810 is available i910 is not available as i put in the code [19:45] HawkLion: Yes /sbin/ifconfig [19:45] HawkLion: /sbin/ifconfig eth0 [19:46] Hello, has somone time to answer a quick question? [19:46] In samba, I have added 7-8 options to a share I defined, but testparm only retuns 4 of those. Does that mean Samba disregards the others ? and can I remove them from my smb.conf ? [19:46] devin... i had that prob once, when i used windows. it seemed to be the way my hard drives were set up, if i configured them from slave to master or vice versa it did the trick but i don't know if that's that problem with u [19:46] PerryArmstrong: the -intel driver should support all intel cards [19:46] PerryArmstrong: why don't you start over with the default xorg.conf [19:46] pqb: yep just ask [19:46] Slart: no openssl-0.9.8j in any ubuntu packages [19:46] !ask > pqb [19:46] pqb, please see my private message [19:46] HawkLion: What does that say? /sbin/ifconfig eth0 ? [19:46] Hm, has anyone ever experienced a problem like this before? I install the proprietary FLGRX video driver then reboot. Then when I reboot and use hardware testing it fails the test. "Resolution impossible for flgrx" and etc. [19:46] Slart: for any distros [19:46] im using filezilla to download some files from one computer to another on my LAN. the transfer is reported to be going on at about 10MB/sek in filezilla. if i use iostat to check how much is written to the harddrive each second i get 2.44MB/sek. How is that possible? [19:46] but if I disable and restart the test goes through without a hitch. [19:46] disable the driver+ [19:47] usr13: I will pastebin it...hold on a bit... [19:47] Slart: maybe I should go to the debian website and check there? [19:47] ibeekman: then you would have to download the source and compile it yourself.. you'll have to take care of updates, keep up to date on security issues and such yourself after that, ubuntu cannot update stuff you've compiled yourself [19:47] jrib; thats what i said in the beginning of the thread...my ubuntu screen doesn't fit in the monitor screen...the ubuntu screen appears much smaller.... [19:47] HawkLion: The important thing is that the card is working. [19:47] nasso, probably the hard drive cache swallows the data as long as it can [19:47] what do I do when I try to run something in System Tools and it says 'Error' 'Could not launch menu' 'Failed to execute child process...No such directory'? [19:47] PerryArmstrong: that's fine. We willl try to fix the resolution instead of trying to load a non-existant driver [19:47] MrElendig; if you check this thread http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=7011467 [19:47] ibeekman: debian packages shouldn't really be installed on an ubuntu system.. there might be differences and if stuff stops working it might be hard to find out why [19:48] usr13: The card worked before I did the complete Ubuntu install. [19:48] sebsebseb: Thanks, I'm using Ubuntu for the first day, and it's goign well. just I'd like to know how to instal new programs from terminal. [19:48] HawkLion: Do you have it connected to a router that is turned on? If so, just do /sbin/dhclient eth0 [19:48] pqb, see 'man apt-get' [19:48] Slart: so no hope of finding a package somewhere? The security stuff should be OK, I need it to connec t to some very powerful machines so if a vulnerability is found they will make me upgrade (probably by hand again before anyone packages it :( [19:49] pqb: sudo apt-get install programname [19:49] pqb, you have more options; if you know the package name, sudo apt-get install package-name; if not, sudo aptitude or sudo dselect [19:49] anyway, i need help installing the rt2500 driver. [19:49] If i install Ubuntu over XP, will i lose the files i have on that partition? also, will I lose files on my D, E, and F, partitions? [19:49] HawkLion: If you have a good cable connected to a working router you should be able to get a connection, (that is if the DHCP server is turned on). [19:49] SVB: yes [19:49] sebsebseb: this is for progs I have already downloaded? [19:49] i lose it all? [19:49] Slart: the DoD has an rpm of the package I need but I don't think that will help me on Ubuntu... [19:49] jrib; i think you where trying to a few hours back....the problem is that i need it to be fixed in a few hours because i need to start preparing for my exam....and i can't keep fixing this system all time.....i hope you can understand my plight [19:49] SVB: yes if you go over XP, it goes bye bye [19:49] pqb, try synaptic from the applications menu first. [19:49] HawkLion: sudo /sbin/dhclient eth0 [19:49] how do i make it not go bye bye?? [19:50] usr13: I was working on this earlier this morning with some folks...and in checking things, we did something to change eth0 to etha...don't know how to change it back [19:50] jrib; i can't think of more than an hour to fix it... [19:50] SVB: by dual booting? [19:50] ibeekman: the internet is a big place.. but if you're being security concious you really shouldn't trust some 3rd party to build your software [19:50] jrib; but i am desperate to get it fixed [19:50] HawkLion: What did you do? [19:50] ibeekman: rpms can be more problems than they're worth.. [19:50] PerryArmstrong: I really have no control over that. I would fix it in a second if I could... [19:50] oh, i see [19:50] life sucks [19:50] durt: I read about synaptic, but it isn't there...\ [19:50] HawkLion: Paste what /sbin/ifconfig /sbin/eth0 says [19:50] jrib; anyways i kept a backup of this code...so where do we start from?? [19:50] SVB: in fact if your compuer has enough RAM, and depending on if you need XP, and what exactly you need it for. you could just back up your data, and run XP inside Ubuntu, fine for everything pretty much except 3D games [19:50] !pastebin | HawkLion [19:50] HawkLion: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) [19:51] PerryArmstrong: if I were you, I would restore the default xorg.conf and then follow ubottu's advice. If that doesn't work, go study for your exam and fix this after you pass [19:51] ibeekman: download the source, read the instructions, compile, install http://www.openssl.org/source/ [19:51] !fixres > PerryArmstrong [19:51] seb, i ran Avira Rescue CD on my XP, now i cant log in to it [19:51] PerryArmstrong, please see my private message [19:51] Slart: that's been my experience..... well I'll be wary and probably end up building from source [19:51] it automatically logs me out [19:51] pqb, yes it is, it's under system or system tools. [19:51] I gotta run thanks for your help [19:51] SVB: I see ok [19:51] HawkLion: Did you try: sudo /sbin/dhclient eth0 ? [19:51] ibeekman: good luck [19:51] I'm trying to install Ubuntu. Every time the install finishes, it fails boot and says: mount: mounting /dev/sda1 on /root failed: No such device [19:51] cheers [19:51] i also ran Combofix and malwarebytes [19:51] to clean it up [19:51] attis84, what do you mean? istat doesnt report what is written to cache? [19:51] SVB: Avira resuce CD, heh that's kind of interesting [19:51] and that worked like a charm [19:52] It's supposed to get the root system from /dev/sdc1, not /dev/sda1 [19:52] but i figured for good measure id run Avir [19:52] How can I switch it? [19:52] SVB: ok you don't need to worry about maliciosu programs if you run Ubuntu [19:52] jrib; i saw the ubottu message..now how do i get the default code?? [19:52] SVB: as long as you got a hardware firewall and a good user account password [19:52] tar -xzf what do i put in for the driver name ? this is the drive i downloaded rt2500-cvs-daily.tar.gz [19:52] PerryArmstrong: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg [19:52] it drops me to BusyBox, so if I can get help with that that would be most appreciated. [19:52] hardware firewall as in router? [19:52] Durt: ah yes, I was looking in programs... many thanks. [19:52] usr13:http://paste.ubuntu.com/144368/ [19:52] sebsebseb: thanks too. [19:53] SVB: yeah hardware firewall in the router will do it. make sure you got one of those, and a good password for UBuntu, keep the crackers/blackhats out (using the correct terms here, media have it wrong with hackers) and you will be fine. otherwise someone bad could come in and put a rootkit on or something really nasty [19:53] pqb, in a general sense it's a bad idea to install stuff manually, only as a last resort and only if you know what you are doing. [19:53] #testy [19:53] HawkLion: But what does /sbin/ifconfig eth0 say? [19:53] Hmm, so anyone here have any experience with multiple OS's installed on a system? [19:53] pqb: and you can access the Windows XP partition, using the Ubuntu Live CD [19:53] ok [19:53] brb [19:54] !lastlog nkei0 [19:54] Sorry, I don't know anything about lastlog nkei0 [19:54] i downloaded this driver rt2500-cvs-daily.tar.gz how do i install it anybody ? [19:54] SVB: above that was for you [19:54] slart What's lastlog? [19:54] durt: yes, I wd rather use the installer for the moment. cheers [19:54] jrib; i did it and i only got the code which i had modified [19:54] oh [19:54] i will need to figure that out soon [19:54] Anyone know of good packet sniffing software for ubuntu? ( for my home network) [19:54] nasso, sorry, I don't know... it's just the only thing I could think of. BTW 2MB/s is not much of a hard drive [19:54] jdu: Wireshark is pretty sweet. [19:54] i wish i could just have a friend come over and fix my computer for me [19:54] jdu... for wifi ? [19:54] nkei0: nevermind that.. it's just a command to show what you've said so far in the channel.. did you have a "real" question about multi-os machines? [19:54] jdu: wireshark [19:55] jdu: google shields up [19:55] jdu: wireshark [19:55] sebsebseb: thanks... I have ditched Windows, though, so that won't be necessary :-) [19:55] SVB: ok pm me [19:55] yup_, yes [19:55] jdu... aircrack-ng is cool [19:55] attis84, i know it seems wierd. downloading in 10MB/sek and only writing to the disk at 2MB/sek. seems impossible :P [19:56] wireshark and aircrack-ng it is then, thanks!! everyone [19:56] Anyone? [19:56] does ubuntu need any antivirus programs [19:56] PerryArmstrong: right. You got an xorg.conf without your modifications, correct? [19:56] jedi06, no [19:56] Slart: Yeah, I've been running Ubuntu 8.10 and my wife needed to use a new printer she got but it doesn't work. I partitioned 15GB for an XP install. I installed it and it turns out I have to unload some drivers to it to get the internet and all of that to work. I went to restart to boot into Ubuntu so I could D/L them to a thumbdrive but it doesn't give me the option to choose. It just... [19:56] ...goes right back to XP. I'm currently running off of the live cd. [19:56] yup_, jdu: specifically, airodump to log packets, aireplay to inject & do known wifi attacks, and aircrack to recover passwords from logged traffic by airodump [19:56] pqb: yeah I messaged wrong guy I think [19:56] jrib; no with the modifications [19:56] also if i were running windows in a vm would that vm need antivirus? [19:56] usr13:http://paste.ubuntu.com/144372/ [19:57] PerryArmstrong: what was the output? [19:57] nasso, try running sync in a tight loop, like while true; do sync; done ... then the caching will make no difference [19:57] clearscreen.... can you help with installing a driver ? [19:57] clearscreen, awesome [19:57] does that mean ubuntu is immune to viruses? [19:57] jrib; i just got the xorg.conf file [19:57] i sneazed on ubuntu once and gave it some antibiotics [19:57] yup_: what driver? [19:57] rt2500 [19:57] where can I find mkvsplit ? [19:57] jedi06, it is much more secure, not immune. [19:57] HawkLion: lsmod |grep rhine [19:57] nkei0: installing windows probably wiped grub.. windows does that (no respect for other software=).. type !grub here in the channel to get some links with howtos.. it's a pretty common problem [19:58] jedi06: It's not immune, it's just that no one currently writes them for it. Also, being as that no one normally logs in as root, most viruses can't do anything. [19:58] yup_: isn't that a wireless PCI card? I think it works out of the box, at least it does for me [19:58] clearscreen... this is what i downloaded rt2500-cvs-daily.tar.gz [19:58] Slart: Thanks. [19:58] !grub [19:58] GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto [19:58] oksc, antibiotics don't kill viruses ;) [19:58] HawkLion: lsmod |grep rhine Tell me what it says. [19:58] Bye, thanks for help. [19:58] jedi06, I run AV in my virtual Windows XP box [19:58] jedi06, linux is well enough designed that it is unlikely that a virus could spread very well. [19:58] jdu name one virus that is even somewhat widespread for linux [19:58] hello all, i have just installed ubuntu 8.10 and i have a problem with my sound card, it seem like it loaded its drivers but it wont play music. [19:58] PerryArmstrong: pastebin your terminal session [19:58] usr13: via_rhine 30216 0 [19:58] mii 13440 1 via_rhine [19:58] i know attis84 it was a jox [19:59] oksc, there are none [19:59] clearscreen... i know but, 8.04 uses rt2500pci driver and i want to use the rt2500 driver === zero is now known as Guest38845 [19:59] jrib; terminal session?? [19:59] oksc, for linux, you have rootkits rather instead of viruses [19:59] HawkLion: Ok, good. Show us what /sbin/ifconfig eth* says. [19:59] PerryArmstrong: yes, the commands you ran and the output [19:59] attis84 i didnt know this [19:59] usr13: ok [20:00] HawkLion: Or just: /sbin/ifconfig eth0 [20:00] yup_: why? :P [20:00] how can I link https://mysite.com to https://www.mysite.com so it can use the same certificate? (apache) [20:00] SliderMan, Do you hear the login sound? [20:00] attis84, running sync didnt help. its at 3.02 MB/sek [20:00] Daremonai, serveralias should work [20:00] jordan_u thanks for replay, no i dont hear any sound. [20:00] attis84: are these rootkits common? [20:00] Shirow, it's not for 443 [20:00] what do these rootkits do? [20:01] attis84, is it possible to write something to disk, unlimited ammount of times. like cat /dev/random > testfile (that didnt work) [20:01] clearscreen... cause that driver won't let me do what the rt2500 will let me do [20:01] joran_u its not muted as well. [20:01] SliderMan, Do you have more than one sound card on your computer? ( if you don't know you can check with asoundconf list ) [20:01] SliderMan: What kind of Sound card do you have? With the one I have installed I had to disable digital sound. [20:01] usr13: /sbin/ifconfig eth0 returns eth0: error fetching interface information: Device not found [20:01] For sound to work.+ [20:01] nasso, it should have, why not? [20:01] nasso: like appending the same file ? [20:01] HawkLion: Tru: /sbin/ifconfig eth1 [20:01] HawkLion: Try: /sbin/ifconfig eth1 [20:01] nasso, If you want all random then use /dev/urandom not /dev/random [20:01] Jordan_U, yes i have more then one ( i know one of them is broken ) but i already changed the mixer to work with the one that SHOULD work. [20:01] jrib; i just cross checked..it was the original one [20:02] Hello there, I have a problem of my ATI Xpress 1100 graphic card. I have installed ATI graphic driver for my graphic card but there is problem when I play 3d game, 3d chess & also google map [20:02] Hariharakadan ess 1938 or something. [20:02] yup_: unpack it first.. tar -xzf driver.tar.gz [20:02] usr13: same error [20:02] nasso: if you want to write something over and over again - you have to do it in a loop, catting /dev/random gives you one random number ... [20:02] oksc, I don't think you will have a problem if you don't go around giving random people and programs root access. [20:02] Jordan_U, what's the difference? [20:02] clearscreen... ive downloaded rt2500-cvs-daily.tar.gz driver just don't know the steps involved in installing it [20:02] oh. ok [20:02] HawkLion: sudo /etc/init.d/networking start [20:02] jrib; http://paste.ubuntu.com/144379/ [20:02] Hello there, I have a problem of my ATI Xpress 1100 graphic card. I have installed ATI graphic driver for my graphic card but there is problem when I play 3d game, 3d chess & also google map [20:02] yup_: unpack it: tar -xzf rt2500-cvs-daily.tar.gz [20:02] SliderMan, How did you change it ( You may have change which card's levels are controlled but not which is used for output ) [20:03] jdu i dont always use repository programs [20:03] oksc, rootkits don't exist to crack your system, but rather to provide easy access to an already cracked system, and do it in an unobtrusive manner [20:03] usr13: Configuring network interfaces... [OK] [20:03] attis84, /dev/random just gives one small chunk of randomness, /dev/urandom gives an unending stream [20:03] PerryArmstrong: right. that file has none of your modifications, right? For example, there is no mention of "intel" or whatever [20:03] Jordan_U, there is a speaker icon on top of my screen, i duble clicked it and it opened the mixer and there i choosed the one that should work. [20:03] jrib; yes [20:03] Anyone know of a home design (or something that can be used as a home design) app that can run on an ubuntu web server? [20:03] clearscreen... ok did that now what [20:03] need to make simple floor plans [20:04] Hello there, I have a problem of my ATI Xpress 1100 graphic card. I have installed ATI graphic driver for my graphic card but there is problem when I play 3d game, 3d chess & also google map, anyone please help me.. [20:04] attis84: how would these systems be already cracked? [20:04] SliderMan, That just changes which card's volume is controlled [20:04] jordan_U how should i change it then? i didnt see anything else. [20:04] yup: go into the extracted folder, cd rt2500-cvs-daily [20:04] attis84, this is so wierd. i copied i big file from my desktop to another place on the same harddrive. iostat still didnt report more then 3MB/sek written [20:04] gylan1979, did you get a message at some time saying that restricted drivers were available? [20:05] HawkLion: Did it acquire IP information and start working? [20:05] SliderMan, There may be a graphical way, but via the terminal you do "asoundconf list" and find the names of the cards then "asoundconf set-default-card name" [20:05] usr13: it hasn't done anything else [20:05] jrib; so whats next?? [20:05] PerryArmstrong: k, now see what your X is lik [20:05] like [20:05] nasso, What file system? [20:05] Jordan_U how do i open a terminal? [20:05] oksc, the idea is to exploit security problems in services running on the system; usual way is feeding it malformed input crafted in a way so that arbitrary code can be injected; then, you get access to the system with the privileges of the cracked service [20:06] HawkLion: /sbin/ifconfig eth0 (What does it say now? Same error?) [20:06] jrib; how do i see x is like?>> you mean restart it?? [20:06] Jordan_U, it should be ext3 [20:06] PerryArmstrong: yeah [20:06] SliderMan, Applications > Accessories > Terminal [20:06] i have success running google sketchup under wine on intrepid 64bit [20:06] nasso, when you copy files on the same filesystem, they don't actually move [20:06] jdu: thanks for help, yes i do. and I downloaded and installed the vendor driver and it seems ok... [20:06] nasso, I begin to distrust this iostat :) [20:06] HawkLion: If so, do: /sbin/ifconfig eth0 up [20:06] usr13: same error [20:06] jrib; Ctrl+Alt+Backspacekey ?? [20:06] clearscreen... what do you mean ? [20:06] PerryArmstrong: if you want [20:06] attis84 so you have to be running services and have a bad firewall? [20:06] gylan1979, good [20:06] yup_: exactly what i said: 'cd rt2500-cvs-daily' [20:06] I just installed Ubuntu Jaunty on my laptop and can not get my webcam to work. Cheese crashes, Camorama crashes, skype crashes. [20:06] usr13: ERROR while getting interface flags: No such device [20:07] Jordan_U, its the default ubuntu 9.04 [20:07] Jordan_U OK, i did it, how can i verify its done? [20:07] clearscreen... i did that and it says cd: rt2500-cvs-daily: No such file or directory [20:07] jdu, okay. but it didnt copy faster then 3mb/sek. i cant understand why. i checked with du -sh too. its really slow [20:07] jdu: but whenever I tried up the 3d my screen is blinking....what is the problem then? [20:07] nasso, For 9.04 help ask in #ubuntu+1 ( you are correct that ext3 is the default though ) [20:07] HawkLion: Ok, we probably need to take a look at /etc/network/interfaces [20:08] usr13: ok [20:08] HawkLion: Just look at the file: less /etc/network/interfaces [20:08] Jordan_U it still wont play any sound =( [20:08] Heres dmesg after i plug in my webcam http://pastebin.com/m5bca81a8 [20:08] gylan1979, unfortunately, you are going to have to ask some else about that. [20:08] yup_: do an ls -l and check what new directory you got.. I dont know the actual name [20:08] SliderMan, Try logging out and logging back in, I am not sure if it is immediate or not [20:08] nasso, so the copy was slow on the same filesystem? [20:08] usr13: auto lo [20:08] oksc, in my understanding, yes; a machine with all ports closed or filtered is not vulnerable unless it downloads something nasty; but attacks like cracking the router/gateway/ISP to trick the system into, say, downloading updates from a malicious repository are possible [20:09] HawkLion: You should see auto eth0 & auto eth1 etc. [20:09] usr13: iface lo inet loopback [20:09] Jordan_U OK, thanks. [20:09] jrib; yes i did...and screen is as i got initially === kalpik_ is now known as kalpik [20:09] hi, i have 2 version of libtorrent installed (/usr and /usr/local) .. how to I tell rtorrent during comilation which one to pick? [20:09] usr13: no, nothing else. [20:09] jdu, yes [20:09] oksc, do a sudo hdparm -t [20:09] Ill be back! =) [20:09] nasso, actually I should correct myself: when moving files from one directory to another, they do not physically move on the hard drive. [20:09] oksc, sorry [20:09] HawkLion: sudo cat >> /etc/network/interfaces [20:09] nasso, do a sudo hdparm -t === Mr is now known as Guest14406 [20:09] jdu: ic, any suggestion on where should i go for help, any website for that? [20:10] clearscreen... brb i need some pain killers got a massive headache [20:10] HawkLion: and then hit enter and on the next line type: auto eth0 [20:10] HawkLion: And to Ctrl-D [20:10] HawkLion: Ctrl-D [20:10] jrib; there?? [20:10] what's the most secure distron of linux? is it ubuntu or debian or neither? [20:10] gylan1979, this is with compiz fusion, right? [20:11] jdu: yes... [20:11] HawkLion: But enter after typing auto eth0 and then Crl-d on the new line. [20:11] PerryArmstrong: yes, now try ubottu's directions for making a custom resolution [20:11] attis84, 62MB/sec [20:11] usr13: ok lost me...do I do this in the terminal? [20:11] jrib; i lost it while restarting the system..can i have it again if you don't mind?? [20:11] nasso, can you do iostat while hdparm -t is running? [20:11] jdu: but before I installed compiz fusion, it is also the same.. [20:12] gylan1979, so its not just 3d accelerated graphics? [20:13] !fixres | PerryArmstrong [20:13] PerryArmstrong: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution [20:13] gylan1979, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fglrx [20:13] attis84, it doesnt affect the output of iostat at all [20:13] oksc, It's not really easy to compare security as a whole, and there is usually a trade off between security and usability. That said, the most secure ( that is fairly usable ) would probably be RHEL / CENTOS but it won't have the latest versions of programs [20:14] HawkLion: Get it? [20:14] hi [20:14] gylan1979, did you have this problem in previous versions of ubuntu too? [20:14] nasso, that is strange... no more ideas, I'm afraid :( === YedekNick28967 is now known as fataldrubal [20:14] usr13: yes, I'm there.... [20:14] clearscreen... alright im back [20:14] well. the ftp transfer is soon finished. will do more testing after that [20:14] jdu: ic, since 7.04, 7.10, 8.04 and 8.10 all are same... [20:15] yup_: k [20:15] gylan1979, have you googled the problem. It may be that something can be changed in: /etc/X11/xorg.conf [20:15] jdu: even the 3d chess which is provided by gnome...same case too [20:15] clearscreen... drwxr-xr-x 5 yup yup 4096 2009-04-03 14:35 rt2500-cvs-2009040315 [20:15] that's what i get [20:16] yup_: just hit 'cd rt25[tab][enter]' [20:16] LOLOLOL WAT R UBUNTO? [20:16] gylan1979, does the blinking occur mostly when two or more applications are both trying to use 3d acceleration? [20:16] !ot | Imperfection [20:16] Imperfection: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks! [20:16] jdu: i never try to change it because i am not that expert on it....mind to tell how to change [20:17] hi, please help where do I modify ubuntu locale settings?, I use Español (Mexico) here we use "." as decimal separator but I got "," [20:17] gylan1979, xorg.conf? [20:17] jdu: yes... [20:17] clrearscreen... im confused what . [20:18] yup_: exactly what i said :P [20:18] jdu: i never try to open more than one 3d accelerated programs simultaneously. [20:18] does the 9.04 UNR USB image install to a usb stick and run like a proper installed linux, and not like a live cd each time? [20:18] gylan1979, there are a lot of examples on line. In your case, I would look at lines regarding your video driver and AIGLX [20:18] Jorndan_U this is sliderman, i restarted my computer, still same problem. [20:19] jdu: ic.... [20:19] gylan1979, not even 3d chess and compiz together? [20:19] hey how do I check my version I again I was forget it's nano something soemthin [20:19] jdu: yes.. [20:19] clearscreen... copy and paste what u said ? [20:19] yup_: no, apply common sense to what I said [20:20] yup_: type 'cd rt25' hit TAB, hit ENTER [20:20] clearscreen... haha got it [20:21] i just installed ubuntu 10.8 and i have a problem with my sound card, it seem to load up its drivers but it wont play any music, any help? [20:21] haha... [20:21] clearscreen... im a newb @ this. now what ? [20:21] yup_: I'm not really familiar with rt2500, but there usually is a 'Module' or 'module' driver.. just check if there is with 'ls' [20:21] jrib there?? === nates is now known as a [20:21] 'Module' or 'modules' directory** [20:21] module** [20:21] jrib;i tried this roshan@roshan:~$ xrandr --addmode S-video 1024x768 [20:21] xrandr: cannot find output "S-video" === a is now known as takhoosch [20:22] jdu: any idea? do i need to public my x.config for ur reference? [20:22] SliderMan, Do I guess changing the default card didn't help? :( [20:22] Jordan_U welcome back. and no it didnt help or maybe i just didnt do it corrently [20:22] it didnt say anything after [20:23] SliderMan, That's normal [20:23] gylan1979, my suggestions are: pick different drivers until one works ( there is fglrx and opensource alternatives), and sadly realize that 3d applications AND compiz will cause flickering. [20:23] gylan1979, sure [20:23] PerryArmstrong: and? [20:23] Jordan_U anything else i could do to make it work again, when i used winxp it worked. [20:23] clearscreen... i dont know what a module is [20:23] Jordan_U its a working sound card 100% sure. [20:24] yup_: cd 'Module' [20:24] yup_: 'cd Module'** [20:24] jdu: where should i put my x.config to u? [20:24] i have nothing running (except for xchat) and everything seems quiet in top but when i run iostat it reports that 3.75MB/sec is written to my harddrive. This number doesnt change if is start copying files. can anyone understand this? [20:24] gylan1979, in paste.ubuntu.com [20:24] be right back [20:24] jrib; i tried only upto that command...the other commands before this one didn't give me any output.. [20:24] can someone help me mount a windows network drive to my music folder in ubuntu [20:24] jrib; i saw the code..should i put it in xorg.conf?? [20:25] PerryArmstrong: sure [20:25] jdu: done... please check...thank you [20:25] MrElendig, i have just set gid=1000 (my used it) but files are still own by group root, is that normal? uid works though [20:25] clearscreen.. i did that and no file or directory [20:25] does anyone know if there is any application (besides iostat) that can monitor how much a hdd writes/reads each second? [20:25] jdu: http://paste.ubuntu.com/144397/ [20:26] nasso: iotop [20:26] jrib; what abou the startup scripts [20:26] jrib; what about the startup scripts [20:26] jtaji, thx [20:26] yup_: that's why I told you to check for a Module directory, make a pastebin of the output of 'ls' [20:26] PerryArmstrong: you have to read what it says [20:26] hi, please help where do I modify ubuntu locale settings?, I use Español (Mexico) here we use "." as decimal separator but I got "," [20:26] gylan1979, I am back, did you send me a link? [20:27] SliderMan, In System > Preferences > Sound try playing a test sound ( it will probably fail ), then try The test with the drop down menu set to ALSA instead of automatically detected ( which means pulseaudio by default ). If it doesn't play the test sound the second time then I am out of ideas [20:27] when I try to run something in System Tools, I keep getting 'Error...Could not launch menu...Failed to execute child process...No such directory' [20:27] jdu: yes....http://paste.ubuntu.com/144397/ [20:27] clearscreen.. how do i make a pastebin ? [20:27] !pastebin [20:27] pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) [20:27] I try to set the screen resolotion in nvidia x server setting, but I can't get it right... All that happens when I set a higher resolution is that the width and height of the screen is increased. I have to scroll to see all of the desktop....What do I do wrong? [20:28] jtaji, wow. thats an awsome applications :) it tells me 0B/s both read and write. iostat tells me 0.74 MB read/s and 3.68 write/s. cant understand this [20:28] jrib; i didnt understand that Modeline in adding resolutions [20:28] PerryArmstrong: then try using xrandr first. [20:28] hi, I have an installation issue - the alternative installer is asking for media change [20:28] jdu: yes....http://paste.ubuntu.com/144397/ [20:28] gylan1979, sadly, recent versions of ubuntu put so little in xorg.conf [20:28] gylan1979, yes [20:28] it froze Oo [20:28] Slart: Heya man, I looked at that grub howto and got grub back on my master boot record so now I can boot Ubuntu. However, it doesn't give me the option to boot to the windows partition now and I'm not sure which option would work for me after that... [20:28] jrib;i tried this roshan@roshan:~$ xrandr --addmode S-video 1024x768 [20:28] xrandr: cannot find output "S-video" [20:28] can someone help me with my system tools problem? I can't get programs to run [20:29] PerryArmstrong: you aren't reading the page [20:29] jdu: so, u mean it must be the problem of my x.config, isn't it? [20:29] nasso: iotop is instantaneous, iostat is since you booted or last ran iostat [20:29] Jordan_U the irq 16 one works how to setup ubuntu to use this one? [20:29] nasso: check the man page for iostat [20:30] it asks for the cd which is actually in the drive and no reaction [20:30] gylan1979, as you can see, the module glx is loaded. What happens if you change glx to aiglx and restart X. Just an idea? [20:30] jtaji, that explains alot. lol. thanks :) [20:30] gylan1979, that may break X as that is really just an experiment [20:30] nasso: no prob.. and actually you can get iostat to run continuously [20:30] nkei0: you have to add a couple of lines to the grub configuration file for that [20:30] SliderMan, To be clear, did the test sound with "automatically detected" fail and the one with ALSA succeed? [20:31] clearscreen... hey thnx for trying to help me. i will figure this garbage out somehow [20:31] gylan1979, the other option is to change the driver line "flgrx" to something else [20:31] nkei0: try running this in a terminal "gksudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst" you should get an editor window with the grub configuration file [20:31] yup_: just make a pastebin :P [20:31] Jordan_U both failed but i tried more, and the 7th one worked [20:31] Jordan_U somewhy it gives an error, and then freeze. [20:31] jdu: ic, then...i try to change it now? do i need to restart my linux? [20:31] clearscreen.. i don't know how to. === christian_ is now known as Chris__ [20:32] gylan1979, I mean: from what you told me, it would seem that it might be possible to solve with xorg.conf === Chris__ is now known as Chris_123 [20:32] jdu: flgrx? change to what? [20:32] how do i set up duel head accross 2 seperate gfx cards [20:32] gylan1979, you could do that. but you wouldn't have to restart [20:32] Slart: Oh alright, what lines do I add? [20:32] Jordan_U youtube.com still dosent play anything. [20:32] jdu: ic.. [20:32] gylan1979, some other driver. But it is best to make one change at a time [20:32] I'm having problems compiling qtractor 1.4.1 in hardy. It keeps saying checking for Qt library version >= 4.1... no; Qt 4.1 or greater is required yet I have this package 4.0 what do i what apt-get package is this? [20:32] gartral, what kind of graphics cards do you have? [20:32] nkei0: browse through that file.. I Think there is an example for booting a windows partition [20:33] !pastebin | yup_ [20:33] yup_: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) [20:33] jdu: so ur suggestion is.... [20:33] it's a simple copy paste ;x [20:33] gylan1979, to restart x: hit [20:33] gylan1979, log in [20:33] Trying to make a dvd with devede (uses mplayer, mencoder,..) on ubunbtu, but it gives an error (SPUMUX bug) with some subtitle files. [20:33] jdu: ic, i get it...thx. [20:33] Hello everyone. I have a HP Pavillion dv2000. I installed the latest Nvidia drivers for my notebook, but the backlight button (FN+ f8) still doesn't work. Any way I can get this to work without a new kernel? [20:33] jdu: actually, to restart X: ctrl+alt+backspace... ctrl+alt+f4 will only put you in a different runlevel [20:33] gylan1979, then you can manually restart it. [20:33] yup_, the idea is you copy the relevant data/error message etc. Paste it at pastebin.com or paste.ubuntu.com etc. then copy the URL and paste that here for us to see. [20:34] clearscreen, good point, I was going to suggest editing xorg.conf, then restarting x from command line. [20:34] jdu: ah, alright [20:34] jrib; i have seen the PowerStrip also....but i dont have a graphic card.. [20:34] Jordan_U somewhy ubuntu play sound but youtube wont. [20:34] clearscreen, also ctrl+alt+backspace won't work in jaunty [20:35] nkei0: did you find anything? [20:35] when i go 2 the /var/www folder 2 try test.php 2 config my php so there is an error come permission denied pls help. [20:35] Jordan_U i just noticed that when i get messages in that chat thing it play sounds. [20:35] durt.. i get it... i am a lil loopy today. thnx [20:35] gylan1979, so where are you? [20:35] jdu, isn't it diabled until the final version of 9.04 ? [20:35] yup_, me too, head cold n'all. *cough* [20:36] mrwes, I was under the impression that starting with 9.04, it will know longer be accessible. [20:36] jdu: this is #ubuntu though, people should be in #ubuntu+1 for jaunty support [20:36] Slart: I saw one example, but I'm not sure about it yet, going to look at some google results. [20:36] clearscreen, I meant: it is best not to teach something that will stop working [20:36] hi all [20:36] jdu: it seems like working good now....i am testing with the 3d chess game...it do not blinking anyway.. :) thx so much [20:36] jdu: hrmm.. I thought it was just during alpha and beta stages..shrug [20:36] nkei0: ok, let us know if you need any help [20:36] purvesh, there is a wonderful word in english : "to". you cant create files onn your own in /var/www since you're not root. use "sudo cp" command, or give your user some write rights over /var/www [20:36] jdu: well, if it fixes their problem :P [20:36] =\ [20:37] mrwes, maybe you are right, i'm not sure? [20:37] gylan1979, I'm glad! what exactly were the steps you took? === whuffor_ is now known as whuffor [20:38] jdu: the simple step that u ask me to change glx to aiglx only [20:38] gartral, you didnt answer but i have to leave now. if you use two nvidia cards it is possible to setup a dualhead display with the application nvidia-settings. make sure you install the nvidia drivers from system -> administration -> hardware drivers. then just run "sudo nvidia-settings" from a terminal or click nvidia settings in system -> administation -> nvidia [20:38] jrib; http://paste.ubuntu.com/144406/ [20:38] gylan1979, good! then I will suggest that only, next time someone asks. [20:40] should I assume that there is no gui available in ubuntu to change the locale settings? [20:40] jdu: thank you anyway for help... :) i am still doing testing with other 3d accelerated programs n c 1st.. [20:40] PerryArmstrong: read from the top [20:40] nasso: one nvidia, one internal no name [20:40] SliderMan, I need to go, I will probably be here 1:00 UTC tomorrow, and there are other smart people in this channel that can probably help you before then :) [20:40] jesusra: I don't know of one.. I might be wrong though [20:40] \server localhost [20:40] PerryArmstrong: you need to choose teh output [20:40] Jordan_U have a great day! thanks for helping ;) [20:40] hello all...anyone experience with the ALSA update script (to 1.0.19) [20:41] jrib; there's no newmode?? [20:41] SliderMan, np, and good day to you to :) [20:41] PerryArmstrong: I don't know. Does the help say there is? [20:41] i have two monitors, ide like to setup duelhead, my computer has one internal card, and one old nvidia card [20:42] Slart: Okay, one quick question... How do I tell which drive/partition my Windows install is on? I've only got one HD (laptop) and I've got two partitions. sda1 is linux and sda2 is windows, but how do i translate that into (hd#,#)? [20:42] gylan1979, aiglx stands for accelerated indirect glx, so it makes since that it would make a difference. [20:42] Slart, thanks for your feedback [20:42] jrib; the man pages say it exists [20:42] gartral, okay. i dont think you can use nvidia-settings then. install the driver anyway if you havnt had look around in nvidia-settings. if you cant configure it there you probably have to edit your xorg.conf. do a search for xinerama on google. i have to leave now. sorry that i cant help you more. [20:42] nkei0, from linux's perspective? [20:42] nkei0: sda1 = hd(0,0) [20:42] jrib; can we have an ssl connection?? [20:42] nkei0: grub starts counting at zero.. first drive, first partition is hd0,0 the first number is driver number, second is partition [20:42] (hd0,0) ** [20:43] nkei0: so sda2 would be hd0,1 [20:43] Slart: yes... [20:43] and sdb4 would be (hd1,3) [20:43] jdu: ic, I just finish tested my google earth....i doesn't work....it blinking and quit itself...it that cause by the google program itself? [20:43] nasso: already looked through nvidia-settings, i might se if xinerama has anything, thanks [20:43] Slart: Thanks, I'll give this one a go and I'll be back soon hopefully! [20:43] ok, im starting to think kubuntu sucks compared to ubuntu [20:43] nkei0: If there is any question, the breakout is shown in /boot/grub/device.map [20:43] nkei0: good luck =) [20:43] gylan1979, for google earth, I would suggest not using compiz with it. [20:43] How do I find my default runlevel when there is no /etc/inittab? [20:44] glick: It is not as polished [20:44] Slart: sorry....thought you asked about the hd0,1...it was nkei0...:) [20:44] toomai: =) [20:44] like in kubuntu i cant just right click on files and folder and select add to archive [20:44] jdu: ic, so how to turn compiz off n on? [20:44] what the hell? [20:44] where can i get a mirror file for my package manager ? [20:45] PerryArmstrong: then you probably need to specify an output [20:45] Hi [20:45] Is there a french ubuntu community ? [20:45] are you guys running ibex or jaunty beta? [20:45] gylan1979, go to preferences => appearance => visual effects [20:45] !fr [20:45] Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr [20:45] Thanks [20:45] glick: this is 8.04/8.10 support [20:45] SUP NIGGGGGGGGGGGGGGAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS [20:45] glick: this channel is pretty strict when it comes to language.. try to keep the bad language from reaching the keyboard [20:45] Stupendoussteve: Thanks [20:45] Oops [20:45] Wrong channel [20:45] join #ubuntu-fr [20:45] jrib; didnt get you [20:46] what bad language? [20:46] hi [20:46] what are you talking about? [20:46] nkei0, in what context were you asking about hd# [20:46] Majoke -> /join #ubuntu-fr [20:46] PerryArmstrong: you have a bad habbit of not reading what's been given to you, try to really take in th info thats being offered [20:46] glick, imperfection used the N-word. [20:46] i know, thks [20:46] just forgot the slash [20:46] i'm setting up a new bluetooth cell phone and it told me to enter 2382...... where do i enter it at? i typed it in on my keybaord and nother happened [20:46] glick: "what the hell" is considered bad language in here.. even wtf is considered bad [20:46] ikonia; thank you... [20:46] someone know why i've got a version of ubuntu with french and english word ? [20:46] what the heaven! [20:46] is that considered bad? [20:46] franglais [20:46] join #hm [20:47] lets not be childish people, i understand certain words are impolite but wth is not one of them [20:47] glick: I don't make the rules.. but I would guess you're safe there =) [20:47] man. bluetooth in Ubuntu sucks [20:47] slart: Work Time Fun is bad language? lol [20:47] ikonia, jrib i read the whole thing, but i didnt get certain parts they explained... [20:47] WEBCAM on IBEX:: intrepid 64bit on dell laptop [20:47] w/e [20:47] bye [20:47] PerryArmstrong: ok, then ask specifics [20:47] WEBCAM on IBEX:: sony dcr-trv260 camcorder connected via usb [20:47] PerryArmstrong: run 'xrandr' [20:47] gartral: yes.. "work" is always a bad word =) [20:47] jdu: ic....it is not blinking anyway....but my google earth quit itself again... [20:47] Hi. I just installed Ubuntu 8.10 on my Toshiba Satellite, and I can't get the wireless to work. Can someone help me? [20:47] WEBCAM on IBEX:: would like to use sony dcr-trv260 as webcam [20:47] gylan1979, on start up? [20:47] WEBCAM on IBEX:: need to first verify if device is recognized... [20:47] As one shepherd said to the other, "what the flock?" [20:48] WEBCAM on IBEX:: any utilities for that? [20:48] WEBCAM on IBEX:: or is there anyone here that may have some experience setting it up? === jason_ is now known as Jascase [20:48] jrib; http://paste.ubuntu.com/144420/ [20:48] gylan1979, if it only got as far as the splash screen, it might not be an accelerated graphics problem [20:48] xcv: is it a USB or card interface? [20:48] jdu: after starting up.... just stand for few secs....i do not have chance to c anything clear... [20:49] (21:47:47) cpeek: Hi. I just installed Ubuntu 8.10 on my Toshiba Satellite, and I can't get the wireless to work. Can someone help me? [20:49] I can help you ! [20:49] WEBCAM on IBEX:: gartral -- it's usb [20:49] xcv: err, whih are you prefixing everything you say with "webcam on ibex"? [20:49] Majoke: Awesome. What have you got for me? [20:49] xcv: try lsusb in a terminal [20:49] jdu: after the splash screen...the main window...but only stand for few secs and quited [20:49] SiDi: i tried but not done there is they r asking for cp help in terminal [20:49] gylan1979, on 8.10 there is a library shipped with google earth that has to be renamed, or google earth won't start properly [20:49] PerryArmstrong: what resolution do you want? [20:49] gylan1979, ie. it will quit right away [20:50] LjL makes it easier to find messages in the wash [20:50] hello.. i have forgot my password but are able to access the disk from another system... how can i change the /etc/passwd file to a known password? [20:50] xcv: also spams the channel a little in my opinion... [20:50] jrib; 1024x768 this is my XP's resolution [20:50] igge, rather: enter recovery mode and use the passwd command [20:50] LjL acknowledged [20:50] PerryArmstrong: try: xrandr --addmode VGA 1024x768 [20:50] igge, sure, chroot into the system and use passwd [20:50] gartral post here? [20:51] jdu: oic....so mind to teach me how to solve it? [20:51] xcv no, pastebin it [20:51] jdu: problem is there is no recovery mode.. it's an nlsu2 i'm booting from a usb stick [20:51] purvesh, you should create a group and put the users allowed to modify the websites in this group, and chown /var/www to this group. I guess there are plenty of tutorials about that on the web [20:51] !pastebinit | xcv [20:51] Sorry, I don't know anything about pastebinit [20:51] he [20:51] !info pastebinit [20:51] pastebinit (source: pastebinit): command-line pastebin client. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.10-1 (intrepid), package size 9 kB, installed size 88 kB [20:51] jdu: but i have the usb stick here with the whole filesystem on [20:51] how come some sounds will play on my comp , but youtube wont work? [20:52] you need the latest flash plugin. [20:52] SliderMan: flash might be using alsa instead of pulseaudio... or it's set to use the wrong output [20:52] i did install flash plugin. [20:52] jrib; roshan@roshan:~$ xrandr --addmode VGA 1024x768 [20:52] xrandr: cannot find mode "1024x768" [20:52] igge, there's no grub? [20:52] SliderMan: do you get other sounds from firefox? [20:52] Slart how can i check? [20:52] gylan1979, what version of google earth are you using? [20:52] slart i noticed only oss works for me. [20:53] jdu: nope no grub.. there is no graphics card or anything [20:53] My sound works fine in windows, and it works in ubuntu so long as i have my headphones plugged in, someone said to enable jack sensing but i can't figure out how any ideas? [20:53] Install aoss. [20:53] Anybody know how to solve the wireless issues with my Toshiba satellite? I read that a lot of other people have had similar issues on the forums, but I can't find a solution. [20:53] gartral / eseven73 figuring out pastebin (1st time) [20:53] SliderMan: two sound cards? [20:53] SliderMan: you use plain oss in ubuntu? [20:53] Hi, trying to get 3d to work properly in Hardy on an HP2133 (chrome9) with 2.6.24-23-generic kernel and VIA's drivers. I've used the following instructions http://ubuntuforum-br.org/index.php/topic,%2040174.0.html to recompile the agp and drm modules but I keep getting libGL error: UNIX signal already caught; glxgears work fine and direct rendering is activated [20:53] SliderMan: you can start a program in the terminal with "aoss". [20:53] that might play sounds. [20:53] SiDi: der is "cp: missing file operand" error come i'm only user at ubuntu os i dont have multipul user [20:53] PerryArmstrong: ok. Use gtf to create a modeline for the resolution you want [20:53] gartral, yes one onboard it dosent work and another one is a pci sound card [20:53] slart yes oss works [20:53] drmelon ok let me try. [20:54] igge, but you can boot off of it? [20:54] jrib; i saw about the gtf in that link but they didnt explain how to use gtf [20:54] SliderMan: try disabling the onboard card from inside the BIOS: that helped me when I had the problem of two sound cards. [20:54] jdu: i could not remember, but i know it is the latest version... [20:54] jdu: yep.. and then ssh into it, that's the only way to access it [20:54] gartral http://pastebin.com/d7a4c423d [20:54] purvesh, let's say your file is hello.php, and it's in your "Desktop/" folder [20:54] drmelon , good advise thanks. [20:54] SliderMan: we are quite literally in the same boat, i found reconfiguring asound and blacklisting the internal card help quite a bit [20:54] :) [20:54] purvesh, the command is : "sudo cp Desktop/hello.php /var/www/" [20:55] SiDi: ya [20:55] jdu: and it boots from a usb stick which i can plug into my desktop and there i have the /etc/passwd file [20:55] <[-D35P14D4D0-]> hablan espanol [20:55] <[-D35P14D4D0-]> spick spanish [20:55] <[-D35P14D4D0-]> ? [20:55] gartal thanks. =) [20:55] !es [20:55] En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es. [20:55] thanks anyone for the help, ill be back =P [20:55] SiDi: thanx i'll try it [20:55] gylan1979, so enter the install directory and rename libcrypto.so.0.9.8 to libcrypto.so.0.9.8-dont-use [20:55] purvesh, this command copies the file hello.php in www/, you can also use a custom name (sudo cp hello.php newname.php) [20:55] !es [20:55] SliderMan: no problem! [20:55] igge, so you are in with ssh? [20:56] jdu: no because I have forgot the root password [20:56] jdu: ok...i try 1st. [20:56] jdu: but i can edit the /etc/passwd file... it says root:F1CMP5WlDPU/o:0:0:root:/root:/bin/sh [20:56] drmelon: what do you do with tottaly crap bios that dont aknowledge an onboard anything except the clock [20:57] gartral: you flash your BIOS to a new version :P [20:57] igge, there is no password set for root [20:57] jud: i just want to something i can put as encrypted password there to become a known password so i can ssh in later [20:57] igge, you sholud change your regular user password then use sudo [20:57] drmelon: at the latest for this board [20:57] gartral: darn, that's an old board. [20:57] jrib; i tried this as i got from man pages; roshan@roshan:~$ gtf h-1024 v-768 75 [20:57] # 0x0 @ 75.00 Hz (GTF) hsync: 0.08 kHz; pclk: 0.00 MHz [20:57] Modeline "0x0_75.00" 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 1 4 1 -HSync +Vsync [20:57] roshan@roshan:~$ [20:57] gartral: perhaps blacklisting is the only way then to get ubuntu to ignore it. [20:57] PerryArmstrong: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [20:58] yeah kubuntu is definatly NOT polished at all compared to ubuntu [20:58] jdu: hm sorry.. it's not a ubuntu system this.. it's a nlsu2 (a NAS device) maybe i'm in the wrong channel [20:58] PerryArmstrong: now use it to add a new mode [20:58] there are bad integration issues [20:58] gylan1979, it doesn't really matter what you rename the lib to. it just has to be something different [20:58] xcv: you said you wanted your handy cam as a webcam? [20:58] igge, oh sorry [20:58] * drmelon whistles. [20:58] hello, hope someone here can help me out, some of my mp3-files skip during playback, like every sec ... some play alright .. they all play very well in Ubuntu 8.4 but not in 8.10 [20:58] jrib; still can't find it [20:58] gartral yes [20:58] drmelon: not really, 2002, it just bites [20:58] PerryArmstrong: can't find what? [20:58] gartral: I see. [20:58] igge, then you are right, it is defined, and you might edit it. === geo is now known as geo05 [20:59] This is the lspci output for the wireless card: 14:00.0 Ethernet controller: Atheros Communications Inc. AR242x 802.11abg Wireless PCI Express Adapter (rev 01) [20:59] igge, I have always used passwd [20:59] Is it just that I need to locate the proper driver and install it? [20:59] jrib; roshan@roshan:~$ xrandr --addmode VGA 1024x768 [20:59] xrandr: cannot find mode "1024x768" [20:59] mwh: sounds strange that only some of them skip [20:59] mwh: have you got the latest version of the music player you are using? [20:59] drmelon: I use totem [20:59] PerryArmstrong: did you use xrandr --newmode MODELINE? [21:00] its a shame there are some really nice high quality kde apps out there [21:00] gylan1979, because google earth can't use its own lib, it will use /usr/lib/libcrypto.so [21:00] jdu: ic..i'm on the way solving it :) [21:00] i bed kde is more polished on distros where kde is the default desktop [21:00] like suse [21:00] mwh: Totem should work. [21:00] g2g all, i hope mwh can fix his prob [21:00] ./join #Ubuntu-es [21:00] bed = bet [21:00] SiDi: copied thanx for help now i'm configuring php or apache so if any help i want then u can help me i'm new user. [21:01] xcv: well, your system sees it, do you have cheese or camorama [21:01] oh well, looks like ill be installing ubuntu later [21:01] I guess what I really want to know is how to install drivers, since I've never done it before. [21:01] * glick sighs [21:01] jrib; http://paste.ubuntu.com/144427/ [21:01] purvesh, i'm not *really* available but feel free to highlight me and i'll see if i can help [21:01] igge, you might look at boot options to pass to linux [21:01] glick: Maybe, I didn't experience more polish with kde on suse though [21:02] really Stupendoussteve? [21:02] igge, basically all you want is to run in single user mode [21:02] thats a shame === joop is now known as joo_p23 [21:02] PerryArmstrong: I assume you need to use the entire line for the modeline. Look at the help output [21:02] maybe its because kde is MUCH more complex than gnome [21:02] igge, if you have root, you can do that by running telinit, but as you don't, you can enter single user mode on start up [21:02] so its harder to polish [21:02] cause there are so many components [21:02] hmm .. I can import the mp3 to Audacity and it plays okay there .. let me see if I can convert it back to mp3 and see if I can play it [21:02] jdu: do u have any idea how to search it's directory...i can't remember where I installed it.. [21:02] gartral no cheese. installed camorama but haven't launched it yet... http://paste.ubuntu.com/144428/ [21:02] gylan1979, it will be in your home directory [21:03] PerryArmstrong: i'll be back later [21:03] gylan1979, find -name libcrypto.so.0.9.8 ~ [21:03] jdu: but i don't think i can make it enter single user mode either.. there is no keyboard or screen on the device [21:03] jdu: :O is it.... ic ok...then [21:03] jrib; ok [21:04] jdu: i tried to just remove the password.. will see if it works.. [21:04] its a shame, cause kde looks very pretty in screeshots [21:04] igge, good idea. [21:04] glick, it still looks pretty on ubuntu, what version do you have? [21:05] xcv: i know aMSN will support the cam, so will kopete if your not against using kde code [21:05] Slart: Thanks man, everything is working now. [21:05] glick, of ubuntu and kde? [21:06] jdu: of kubuntu [21:06] glick, sure [21:06] gartral, not against kde, or even wine if a win client can access the hardware... [21:06] Anyone have any scripts to run a command when a machine detects it is no longer on the network? When I reboot my router my server (Ubuntu Desktop edition) doesn't reconnect. [21:06] gartral launched camorama, get error "Could not connect to video device (/dev/video0). Please check the connection. [21:06] I am trying to do a minimal command-line install from the alternate installation CDROM for 8.10 . . . all the sources I can find on the net seem to indicate that there's a menu option to do this, but I can't seem to find anything like it. Does anyone have an idea about this? [21:07] jdu: yeah it looks pretty but lacks polish and has serious integration issues [21:07] gartral this machine *also* has integrated cam at top of screen [21:07] jdu: no damnit.. it won't let me log in still... [21:07] glick, is it 4.2? [21:07] !language | igge [21:07] igge: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly. [21:07] igge, from ssh? [21:07] My ipod isn't being recognized by ubuntu as far as I can tell, anyone have any documentation on this? [21:07] 4.1 jdu [21:07] So, someone sent me a copy of a cd they have and it's one of the ones that is saved like 18 files to make the whole cd (.r00 .r01 etc) What is the proper way to burn that or view it? [21:07] Hi. I'm running intrepid desktop and want advice on the best/easiest ftp server I can install. Just package name is fine, I'll google the rest. [21:08] korogiannos: proftp [21:08] glick, 4.2 is better (still not perfect) [21:08] jdu: exactly [21:08] Flare183: many thanks [21:08] xcv: do you have the V4L package(s) [21:08] korogiannos: best and easiest rarely equals the same thing [21:08] yeah proftp [21:08] korogiannos: Np [21:08] gartral no idea [21:08] or throw together your own ftp using python and twisted :) [21:08] get em [21:08] igge, does it boot? [21:08] ftp server that is [21:08] !v4l [21:08] Sorry, I don't know anything about v4l [21:08] it now looks like: root::0:0:root:/root:/bin/sh in /etc/passwd so it shouldn't even ask for a password [21:09] korogiannos: proftp has a good reputation when it comes to security.. I use pure-ftp myself since I found that easier to setup.. [21:09] !webcam [21:09] Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras [21:09] you could prolly write an ftp server in half an hour [21:09] jdu: yeah it boots and I can connect to it by ssh.. but it still asks for a password [21:09] glick: why not do it in assembly once your started === Eghie is now known as Eghie`afk [21:09] python is hardly assembly [21:10] id rather use perl [21:10] gartral, loading those urls now. ty [21:10] igge, why don't you put the usb stick/hard drive in a different computer that has a keyboard? [21:10] no default server menu... weak... [21:10] jdu: that's exactly what i have done [21:11] jdu: i fail to find it...i seems like do not appear in my home dir... [21:11] jdu: so now i can edit the /etc/passwd file to change the password [21:11] jdu: problem is i don't know what to put there [21:11] jdu: i mean the lib file.. [21:11] igge: If you chroot to your ubuntu install you can change the password using passwd [21:12] igge, can you get to the file where the kernel is started by the boot loader? [21:12] igge: /etc/passwd does not contain any passwords [21:12] xcv: np, easycam might be useful in your case particular [21:12] igge, it may be that my ignorance of /etc/passwd shows then [21:13] igge, still if you add Single to the kernel parameters, you'll be root [21:13] Stupendoussteve: hmmm.. interesting.. how would i do that if the usb stick is in /media/disk/ [21:13] I'm looking for a simple GUI tool that can record webcam and audio to avi (etc), I've tried cheese and camstream, neither works. [21:14] alaz: yes it does.. it contains encryped passwords unless /etc/shadow is used.. isn't that right? [21:14] gylan1979, sorry. where have you looked? [21:14] igge: chroot /media/disk, or whever your install is. You will want to be root first (sudo su) [21:14] igge: try cat /etc/passwd [21:14] jdu: i fail to find it...i seems like do not appear in my home dir... [21:14] ubuntu 8.10 started hanging a few days ago, only thing changed are updates. when i try to restart i get a screen with showing http://paste.ubuntu.com/144435/ [21:14] jdu: i mean the lib file.. [21:14] jdu: but how can i change the kernel parameters? there is no keyboard when i boot [21:14] Thanks, disabling the sound card through the bios helped. [21:14] igge, but if you put in a different computer. [21:15] iggi: on my ubuntu production server theres no passwords there only users with their respective parameters [21:15] !info dvr | LeeJunFan, don't know if it's simple, but here it is [21:15] LeeJunFan,: dvr (source: dvr): Digital Video Recorder. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.2-9.1 (intrepid), package size 315 kB, installed size 960 kB (Only available for i386 amd64) [21:15] igge: Ubuntu uses shadow passwords [21:15] jdu: i mean in my home directory i search.. [21:15] Stupendoussteve: it says "chroot: cannot run command `/bin/bash': Exec format error" .. the usb stick is for a nslu2 with a totally different CPU :( [21:15] igge: Oh. Yes that will prevent you from doing it [21:15] can't do execs [21:16] gylan1979, look in ~/google-earth/ [21:16] Stupendoussteve: it's not ubuntu on the usb stick.. it's OpenSLUG for a nslu2 [21:16] any idea where i can find good ubuntu mirrors for my package manager? [21:16] Help please. I plugged in an external 250Gb HD into an Ubuntu Machine, safely removed it but now it wont show up in windows? It worked just fine before I plugged into Ubuntu? Any reason why? [21:16] LjL: thanks. [21:16] i'm using 64bit flash and when I go full-screen my CPU temps skyrocket, does anyone else have that issue? [21:16] hey i think i have that conficker thing what do i do to get rid of it. [21:16] acerone, you are sure you safely removed it? [21:16] how do I find out what version of ubuntu I have installed [21:16] hajmola: Linux + flash causes cpu usage to skyrocket period [21:16] mike12: what operating system are you running? [21:16] acerone if you changed the partion it wont show in windows [21:16] jdu yes [21:16] linux [21:17] Stupendoussteve, that sucks. [21:17] dn4: lsb_release -a in a terminal [21:17] alaz: yeah i can do that... it says "root::0:0:root:/root:/bin/sh" [21:17] acerone windows dosent have a support for ext partions type [21:17] https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nautilus/+bug/349794 -> how can I find the bug referenced here? I can't seem to find it [21:17] acerone, its ntfs? [21:17] SliderMan: I didnt change the partition, It is an NTFS partition, I wrote one file, and then safely removed it and now it doesnt show up in windows [21:17] Slart linux [21:17] alaz: i thought that would disable the password for the root user.. but apperantly there has to be a password or something... [21:17] slacker_nl, I installed 8.04 but upgraded to 10 something why does it not show it [21:17] acerone linux dosent even have a support for ntfs [21:17] mike12: didn't know if infected linux machines.. what makes you think your computer is infected? [21:17] how to make sed replace anything that appears in <> (including the <>) with space???? [21:18] SliderMan: yes it does [21:18] SliderMan: yes it does, you can read and write to NTFS [21:18] hajmola: thats normal. your cpu can handle high temps and still last 100 years [21:18] xcv: heads up, i looked for your device in the USB Drivers registry, and it didnt show up directly, but there are other handycams there, so may hit some small bug somewhere... [21:18] acerone: indeed that guy was wrong [21:18] mike12: conficker is a windows worm [21:18] gylan1979, try the command: mv ~/google-earth/libcrypto.so.0.9.8 ~/google-earth/libcrypto.so.0.9.8-bak [21:18] alaz: before it said "root:F1CMP5WlDPU/o:0:0:root:/root:/bin/sh"... can u crack that for me? :) [21:18] acerone you can try rewriting the partion but you might loss your data [21:18] SliderMan: ntfs-3g works well [21:18] how to make sed replace anything that appears in <> (including the <>) with space???? [21:18] alaz, thanks. It's just annoying because my fans get loud [21:18] sudo mount -t ntfs /dev/sdb1 /mnt <-- ntfs support [21:18] it might be somthin else but all my anti spyware, anti malware and firewalls are goin off and everytime it tries to fix the problem it shutsdown [21:18] SliderMan: I dont need to, everything is fine, it shows up in ubuntu, but nwo it doesnt show up in windows [21:18] thats neat :p [21:19] jdu: yes i did look into the .googleearth in my home dir....but didn't c the lib file.. [21:19] gartral, acknowledged. no support for it in vista either, not even sony released drivers :P [21:19] mike12: What are you using for anti-syware, anti-virus and firewalls? [21:19] xcv: is this an older one? [21:19] acerone i bet its soemthing about the partion type [21:19] mike12: anti adware? for linux? what software are you running? [21:19] gylan1979, paste the output of : ls ~/google-earth [21:19] igge: aye. your passwords is indeed in shadow [21:19] gylan1979, ":" is not part of it. [21:19] gartral one page says it was released in 1999. I bought it at walmart in 2005 [21:20] igge, explain again exactly why you can't use the keyboard? [21:20] igge: they are hashed and unretrivable. [21:20] Slart AVG [21:20] Slart Kaspersky [21:20] alaz: there is no /etc/shadow file... and no "x" in the /etc/passwd [21:20] mike12: a enabled hardware firewall, and a good Ubuntu password, and you will be alright. You have to know what your doing to install bad programs into a Linux distro such as Ubuntu, or had someone crack into your computer [21:20] jrib; here http://paste.ubuntu.com/144440/ [21:21] PerryArmstrong: you keep on spamming the channel with links for jrib, I guess he is away [21:21] can someone remind me what the channel for ubuntu 9.04 is? [21:21] sebsebseb ok thanks [21:21] SliderMan: I plugged it into a windows xp machine and it showed up fine, so it must be my vista machine. Ill just try a reboot, thanks tho [21:21] ubuntu 8.10 started hanging a few days ago, only thing changed are updates. when i try to restart i get a screen showing http://paste.ubuntu.com/144435/ [21:21] Can someone assist me in getting Grub to work? I have Windows 7 installed on the first partition of the slave drive (primary drive is my storage) and when I install Ubuntu onto the other partition on the same drive as Windows 7, only Windows 7 loads directly. There's no OS list =\ [21:21] alaz: i don't need to retreive it.. i just want to set it to something known.. whatever.. it could be "hello" for example or whatever [21:21] yeason: #ubuntu+1 [21:21] yeason: #ubuntu+1 [21:21] jdu: http://paste.ubuntu.com/144441/ [21:21] thanks guys [21:22] jdu: here it is....http://paste.ubuntu.com/144441/ [21:22] igge: what is your output from ´: cat /etc/shadow [21:22] andrewaclt: You can't find the original? [21:22] jdu: because the device is a nslu2.. like this one: http://www.ostertag.name/HowTo/NSLU2_USB-SD_GPS.jpg [21:22] yeason: come apr 14 it will become the channel for 9.10, and 9.04 will fall too this channel [21:22] jud: no where to plug in a keyboard.. or screen [21:22] Stupendouss: I found the original and it's marked as fixed but I just downloaded the 9.04 beta and it's still messing up for me [21:23] gylan1979, it needs to be exactly google-earth not .googleearth [21:23] andrewaclt: Have you updated yet? [21:23] been trying #linuxtv, but they don't talk.... anyone know why a kworld 120 isn't being detected with a very recent kernel? it supposed to be supported for some time now [21:23] gylan1979, .googleearth is where the configuration files are. google-earth is where things are installed. [21:23] alaz: on the root line it is: "root:F1CMP5WlDPU/o:0:0:root:/root:/bin/sh" [21:23] hey all [21:23] jdu: oic.... [21:23] igge: if you just want to change your root password type: sudo passwd root some pass [21:23] !noroot | alaz, igge [21:23] alaz, igge: We don't support a root password so don't suggest one unless you are going to be here 24/7 to help someone who has problems as a result of having one, many thanks ;-) [21:23] jdu: sorry i find 1st.. [21:23] andrewaclt: "This bug was fixed in the package nautilus - 1:2.26.0-0ubuntu5" - if you haven't updated to that one or past then you will still have the bug [21:23] !hi | thewrath [21:23] thewrath: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! [21:24] Stupendoussteve: Would it not be fixed in the latest install cd? [21:24] thank you Flare183 [21:24] andrewaclt: Nope, the cds aren't updated daily or whatever [21:24] alaz: i changed it to "root::0:0:root:/root:/bin/s" and hoped it would disable the password.. but it didn't [21:24] i know this is a ubuntu channel but is anyone good with mysql [21:24] ? [21:24] thewrath: Your very welcome [21:24] igge, and it is installed on the card? [21:24] igge: `sudo passwd -l root` (thats a lowercase L) [21:24] igge, or rather a usb stick/ [21:24] ? [21:24] thewrath: I would goto #mysql for that [21:24] hehe [21:25] Would some body please be so kind and review my code ? i would like to see some comment on it http://code.google.com/p/snipporama/source/browse/trunk/shell_scripts/mkproj [21:25] Would some body please be so kind and review my code ? i would like to see some comment on it http://code.google.com/p/snipporama/source/browse/trunk/shell_scripts/mkproj [21:25] jdu: exactly, it's installed on a usb stick [21:25] igge: There's almost never a reason to manually edit system files [21:25] Stupendoussteve oh okay, thanks, updating now [21:25] !repeat | xxtjaxx [21:25] xxtjaxx: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience [21:25] igge: you cant change passwords in passwd file. passwords is stored in shadow. to disable it you simple change it to nothing [21:25] !ot > xxtjaxx [21:25] xxtjaxx, please see my private message [21:25] alaz: No, you don't. [21:25] andrewaclt: Good luck, please comment if there are more issues [21:25] igge, if you have another computer that supports booting of off usb sticks, I would use that so that you can have a keyboard [21:25] igge, then I would get into single user/ recovery mode [21:26] Flare183 sorry was by mistake [21:26] igge: I have the same problem, I can't boot off Flash drives either [21:26] xxtjaxx: Np [21:26] igge: and just disable the shell for the root account. [21:26] jdu: no won't work.. i can't boot that usb stick in a "normal" pc because the nslu2 has a different processor [21:26] igge: As far as the original problem, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LostPassword will walk you through resetting your password [21:26] igge, duh [21:26] alaz: Please stop giving bad advice. [21:26] igge, arm? [21:27] igge, its clear to me now. [21:27] Flannel: why is that bad? [21:27] Flannel: you are missunderstanding me.. it's not on my desktop PC i have lost the password... it is on a nlsu2 like this one: http://www.ostertag.name/HowTo/NSLU2_USB-SD_GPS.jpg [21:27] would it be difficult to increase my swap size? [21:27] alaz: Because if your advise is not correct, then you could totally mess up their machine [21:27] alaz: Because that's the wrong way to do it, and can cause problems with other normal operations [21:27] ariqs, use gparted [21:27] !gparted | ariqs [21:27] ariqs: gparted is a !GTK/!Gnome !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php [21:28] But it works [21:28] Flannel: sorry if i'm in the wrong channel (this is not a ubuntu problem) but there are knowledgeable people here so i thought i would try [21:28] igge: This channel is for Ubuntu support. It's assumed that we're doing support on Ubuntu machines, try #ubuntu-offtopic instead (or a myriad of other channels) [21:28] !worksforme | alaz [21:28] alaz: Common Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should (and especially recommend to others). Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability. Please see http://geekosophical.net/random/worksforme/ [21:28] hi [21:28] !hi | abbas [21:28] abbas: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! [21:29] Hi Guys....i just installed ubuntu on a partition which i have done before with no problem...but this time im not getting a choice of boot, its just going straight to my windows partition [21:29] Stupendoussteve: This is my real bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/brasero/+bug/329146 disconnecting the mounted iso fixed the issue [21:29] jdu: oic...it is ok now....thanks agains for ur help... :) [21:29] well, that is probably happening due to improper partitioning setup... while installing [21:29] jdu: oic...it is ok now....thanks agains for ur help... :) [21:29] how can i sort that out? [21:29] jdu: oic...it is ok now....thanks agains for ur help... :) [21:29] gylan1979: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [21:30] which boot loader is it booting from? [21:30] jdu: ....thanx [21:30] Hi i just installe dubuntu 9.04 beta and i'm looking for a good movie/video editor for ubuntu can yall recommend any ?? [21:30] gylan1979, i'm glad. so google earth works? [21:30] abbas: Who are you referring to? [21:30] gylan1979, no problem [21:30] jdu: yes...it is working so good now... [21:30] xsg: I would recommend Avidemux [21:31] i did it the same as i did it on my laptop...i shrunk the windows partitin, added 3 parts for linux, set the names formatted and installed but it is just booting into windows [21:31] Flare183: to Jimi_Neutral [21:31] abbas: Oh Alright [21:31] ok ill install Avidemux and what about games any good games for it ??? [21:31] Without showing the grub ? [21:31] !games [21:31] Information about games on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php [21:32] yup without showin grub [21:32] Slart: Out of curiosity, is there a list of ubottu commands somewhere? [21:32] !bot [21:32] Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots [21:32] my dvd plays but the screen is scrambled,, any help [21:32] Thanks [21:32] did you change the settings which say install boot loader into the first sector of the hard when it detects the partitions [21:32] thnx ubottu and what about programing in ubuntu where do i go for that caus ei know some c++ but what for ubuntu ??? [21:32] Stupendoussteve: you're welcome [21:32] *the windows OS, when it says [21:33] !code [21:33] Programming editors/suites: Terminal-based: vi/vim, emacs - KDE: Kate, KDevelop, Quanta+, Umbrello - GNOME: gvim, gedit, anjuta, pida, monodevelop, geany - Others: eclipse, netbeans [21:33] you can leave that to default .. simply when it detects another OS there and proceed [21:33] no, i have never seen that before, didnt do anything like that on my laptop and it was fine [21:33] JED is a good editor :) [21:33] OK well thanks guys i will come back here if i need any more help [21:33] xsg: I would look at anjuta for C++ or eclipse [21:33] thnx slart [21:33] xsg: or just use a plain editor.. that's what many recommend [21:33] same here.. i didn't do anything like that to my two acers and it works fine [21:34] must have been something done with the partitioner ;) [21:34] having a problem with ubuntu hanging then freezing during the shutdown [21:34] gparted has resize/Move greyed out for my swap partition... [21:34] so im gonna have toi install again? [21:34] yes (if you don't want to run the recovery mode from the boot cd, that is) [21:35] and try to reconfigure grub [21:35] Jimi_Neutral, do you see grub? [21:35] will the recovery mode sort out ggrub? [21:35] no i dont see grub, if i saw that wouldnt i have the chjoice to choose OS? [21:35] Jimi_Neutral, yes assuming grub was set up right. [21:35] how is gparted useful for dealing with my swap being too small if I can't use it to resize it? [21:36] Jimi_Neutral: revcovery mode won't sort out Grub, you can reinstall Grub though [21:36] Jimi_Neutral, you could however reinstall grub only [21:36] !Grub > Jimi_Neutral [21:36] Jimi_Neutral, please see my private message [21:36] well i have never set up grub, it was all ayuto when i dinstalled on my laptop [21:36] more than likely i think, either the installer missed to install the grub or its not installed properly [21:36] yes, it does [21:37] but i would say to backup the windows partitions before proceeding ;) [21:37] so how can I check if a cron job actually ran? [21:37] how do i find out why my video is scrambled on my dvd [21:38] one more question. to change the default group of a user i can use "usermod -g" right? that will change the group in /etc/passwd, right? [21:38] wizared: Do you have libdvdcss2? [21:39] Mr_Orange, its /var/log/syslog [21:40] mode spam [21:40] Hi, I have laptop DELL XPS 1530. My multimedia buttons work sporadically-volume up and down works only when pressed right after log in. How should I fix this? The keyboard shortcuts are all set up. [21:40] michal what bios ver you got? [21:40] Stupendoussteve: nnew ubuntu user dont know. downloaded what synaptic told me to [21:41] wizared: Ah I see. You cannot out of the box play encrypted dvds [21:42] anyone know of a free ftp to setup? [21:42] wizared: An easy way is detailed at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Medibuntu [21:42] wizared: libdvdcss [21:43] Stupendoussteve: i have seen people who use ubuntu and can play anything [21:43] wizared: Yes, you have to install restricted things [21:43] wizared: If you set up the medibuntu repository by those directions, installing the ubuntu-restricted-extras package should also pull in what you need [21:44] !ftp [21:44] FTP clients: !Nautilus, !gFTP, FileZilla (for !GNOME); !Konqueror, !Kasablanca, !KFTPGrabber (for !KDE); FireFTP (for !Firefox); ftp, lftp (for !cli) - See also !FTPd [21:44] !ftpd [21:44] FTP servers: ftpd, proftpd, pure-ftpd, twoftpd, vsftpd, MuddleFTPd, wzdftpd - Graphical front-ends: PureAdmin, GProftpd (for GNOME), KcmPureftpd (for !KDE) - See also !FTP [21:44] How to INSTALL HP DESKJET D1330 Drivers with Ubuntu 7.10 ? [21:44] SliderMan: if you dont really need it to be FTP, use SFTP. [21:44] Sftp as a secure one? [21:44] to change the default group of a user i can use "usermod -g" right? that will change the group in /etc/passwd, right? [21:44] alaz which is the best to use? [21:45] dudette: man usermod will probably tell you the answer === danopia` is now known as danopia [21:45] SliderMan: the one allready on your system. openssl supports filetransfer. [21:45] Someone can answer [21:45] me [21:45] !printer aris [21:45] Sorry, I don't know anything about printer aris [21:45] blah [21:45] aris: what do you want help with? [21:45] I am learning the box, excuse me ;) [21:45] bot even [21:45] alaz how do i configure it? [21:45] SliderMan, just connect to your ssh server on port 22 with a file client [21:45] Slart: there is the -g and -G option. i don't want to screw up my system [21:45] stupendoussteve: yes printer [21:45] i don't understand which one it is [21:45] Ive got a question, how can I improve sound volume on my netbook? Audio playback is quite a bit quieter in linux than windows xp on my Acer Aspire One netbook. [21:45] !printer > aris [21:45] aris, please see my private message [21:45] alaz username/pw? === Laruft|AFK is now known as Laruft [21:46] Stupendoussteve: do you happen to know what they are.. my system says i have libdvdread3 [21:46] Hi everyone! For some reason when I load up ubuntu it doesn't automatically connect to a wireless network. Does anyone know what would cause this? [21:46] SliderMan, it uses the same users as on your system [21:46] wizared: You need libdvdcss [21:46] alaz and home dir? [21:46] alaz as my desktop or /home? [21:46] SliderMan, its the homedir of the user. for example /home/sliderman [21:46] wizared: the package is actually libdvdcss2 [21:47] alaz thanks alot. [21:47] SliderMan: aye. and you can creat symlinks with ln to public things [21:47] halycon: yeah your wireless not being detected at all, or you needing to set it up [21:47] wizared: It is possible to install without adding the repo, but the repo includes other codecs you're likely to need at some point [21:47] dudette: are you running ubuntu without X ? [21:47] alaz any way to connect to a share in a windows box? [21:48] SliderMan: um you could smbmount and then create a link to this mount in your home [21:48] dudette: or rather, are you running regular ubuntu with gnome? [21:48] xcv:description: BIOS vendor: Dell Inc. physical id: 0 version: A09 (07/14/2008) size: 64KiB capacity: 1984KiB capabilities: isa pci pcmcia pnp upgrade shadowing cdboot bootselect int13floppy720 int5printscreen int9keyboard int14serial int17printer int10video acpi usb agp smartbattery biosbootspecification netboot is this what you're asking for? [21:48] alaz, how do i do that? i am really new to ubuntu [21:48] hi [21:49] fds08d8f09s: hi [21:49] !samba | SliderMan [21:49] SliderMan: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT. [21:49] need some help, upgraded to 8.10 and now my boot is extremely slow [21:49] thanks [21:49] SliderMan: i thinks its something like mount -t smbfs -o username=,password= //sambashare /mountpoint [21:49] SliderMan: no problem [21:49] michal_ upgrade the bios. i think i'm at a14 and i think applies also to 1530. do you see my private message? [21:49] Ive got a question, how can I improve sound volume on my netbook? Audio playback is quite a bit quieter in linux than windows xp on my Acer Aspire One netbook. [21:49] sebsebseb, hey yeah it is setup properly the weird thing is sometimes it does connect and other times it doesn't [21:50] anyone get google earth working wih 8.10 ? [21:50] Stupendoussteve: thank you [21:50] halycon: wireless? [21:50] Netbook-Remix: Turn up PCM volume as well as master [21:50] wizared: You're welcome, good luck :) [21:50] I want to install the driver of HP DESKJET D1330 Printer who can help me ? [21:50] How to do ? [21:50] Stupendoussteve: it is all the way up, the max volume is too quite, is there a way I can tweak the driver? [21:51] alaz, my brother using flashfxp and he couldnt connect to my box on port 21 [21:51] aris: have you looked at http://linuxprinting.org ? there might be instructions there [21:51] sebsebseb, yeah my wireless sometimes it connects automatically and other times I have to manually go and connect to it [21:51] SliderMan, thats because he have to use port 22 [21:51] aris, it isn't already there? [21:51] Netbook-Remix: Does the app you're using have it's own volume control? [21:52] tlm2024: there's a nice howto on that at http://tombuntu.com/index.php/2009/03/20/how-to-install-google-earth-5-on-ubuntu/ [21:52] jdu: It's not there [21:52] alaz, thanks alot. [21:52] halycon: I am not sure, but maybe the page the bot will give is useful [21:52] Stupendoussteve: uh no, I mean can I configure alsa to put out more volume? The voltage to the speakers is too low [21:52] !wireless | halycon [21:52] halycon: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs [21:52] Netbook-Remix: Not that I know of [21:52] alaz, he still cant connect in port 22 ;( [21:53] samba [21:53] I have juste DESKJET D1300 [21:53] glitsj16: kk cheers [21:53] how do I search my local irssi buffer ? [21:53] SliderMan: is your router forwarding port 22, and is his client sftp compatible? if not tell him to download filezilla. its free and fast. [21:53] aris, I'm not sure about installing a third party driver, however hpijs should probably work [21:53] Maybe somebody else knows how I can get more audio volume out of my laptop? [21:53] s [21:53] alaz, how can i know abotu his client? and i dont use a router. [21:53] Iceman_B|SSH: /lastlog whattosearchfor [21:53] no with x [21:53] Slart: yes ubuntu with gnome, why? [21:53] alaz we connect through the ineternet [21:54] aris, you can set it up at: http://localhost:631/ [21:54] dudette: why not use the gui in system, administration, users and groups? [21:54] need some help, upgraded to 8.10 and now my boot is extremely slow [21:54] olleorama: how much RAM? [21:54] Slart: thanks. the /lastlog command prints N lines to my current buffer though, any wya to remove them again ? [21:54] Iceman_B|SSH: /lastlog -clear [21:54] Jdu: I want to add a Printer it's On a Windows sytem in the network [21:55] 3seb: around 2 gigs? === hypnos is now known as |MaNoWaR| [21:55] SliderMan: he has to look for SFTP protocol in his client. [21:55] Iceman_B|SSH: /lastlog -clear [21:55] aris: 2 or 3GB? which any idea? [21:55] Slart: because i want to know how to do it on the command line [21:55] alaz. i think its giving him connection refused error. [21:55] good evening! i've been having some problems with gnome-desktop-environment & vnc. anyone care to help? :) [21:55] aris, hmm. I have always done it with an ubuntu computer sharing it. [21:55] alaz, let me check brb. [21:55] olleorama: whoops. 2GB or 3GB? [21:55] <|MaNoWaR|> i installed xchat but how can i start it from terminal [21:55] by using it's name [21:55] just type xchat in the terminal [21:55] 3seb: 2 I think [21:56] Sliderman: probably a protocol mismatch then. [21:56] |MaNoWaR|, xchat & [21:56] olleorama: if you got 3GB... ,but 2GB you probably won't have that issue [21:56] Slart: many thanks again :) [21:56] dudette: fair enough [21:56] Iceman_B|SSH: you're welcome [21:56] 3seb; what issue? [21:56] AD233AD: whats up? [21:57] when i login to my ubuntu i see a windows saying 'warning ....' something but i can't see the complete error because the windows disappears very quickly anyone knowks what log file i have to see to find that error ? [21:57] AD233AD: vnc + gnome = failure ? [21:57] olleorama: i had the same problem. reformatted the hard drive the reinstalled and now works perfect [21:57] olleorama: apparnatly Ubuntu can be pretty laggy on 3GB RAM [21:57] alaz, it can connect it gives the debian banner. and then he gets connection lost. [21:57] alaz. flashfxp does have ssl support [21:57] alaz, we are trying to download filezilla [21:57] !slow [21:57] The Ubuntu repositories and ISO mirrors are currently under heavy load due to the release of the latest edition. Please consider using !torrents to download ISO images, and be patient with APT updates. [21:57] what was the chanel for jaunty? [21:57] wizared; reformat? But I have tons of stuff! And all the settings and stuff, dude, that's like the last option [21:58] razius: #ubuntu+1 [21:58] thanks [21:58] SliderMan: aye do that its the best. SSL can mean it only supports FTPS too. two different protocols [21:58] Cpudan80 : running Ubuntu Server 8.10 to which i am connected via ssh. i installed gnome-desktop-environment, rebooted, than used this tutorial ( http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=122402 ) to set up VNC [21:58] sebsebseb, hey thanks bud [21:58] alaz, thanks for helping ;) [21:58] halycon: ok got it working better? [21:58] Cpudan80 : when i try to connect i get vncviewer: unable to open display "" [21:59] AD233AD: how are you connecting ? [21:59] olleorama: go to adrive.com back up the do it [21:59] <|MaNoWaR|> i can start xchat from gnome but i cant start it from xchat [22:00] <|MaNoWaR|> how can i start it from terminal [22:00] |MaNoWaR|: just type xchat into the terminal and enter [22:00] Cpudan80 : i'm connected to the server from a windows computer using putty (ssh). i tryied using a windows vncviewer as well (tight vncviewer) and i get : ReadExact : Socket error while reading [22:00] xchat ? ;) [22:00] |MaNoWaR|: doesn't just typing "xchat" work? [22:00] <|MaNoWaR|> lol [22:00] <|MaNoWaR|> i tried that know [22:00] <|MaNoWaR|> but it said its not installed yet [22:00] <|MaNoWaR|> lol [22:00] make sure you are not root as it wont find a display probably [22:00] sebsebseb, hey no not yet but hopefully something will be in there that will help [22:00] AD233AD: Oh ok ... so if you connect through putty you need to tunnel X [22:00] jdu: I have 3 PC 2 with Windows XP sytem and 1 with Ubuntu system. They are all connected in the network. The Printer is installing in the Windows Computer it's share And I want to add it in Ubuntu system. When I try to add a new printer I can go on network, in the pc which the printer is installing and add when I clic on next it's show me a list of manufactured company and i choose HP it's propose me some model and my model is not there. What can I do ? [22:00] probably something like gnome-xchat then [22:00] |MaNoWaR|: perhaps you're confusing xchat with xchat-gnome [22:01] AD233AD: and you need an X server thing on your windows box [22:01] <|MaNoWaR|> i did sudo group [22:01] |MaNoWaR|: tab is useful for autocompleting too [22:01] AD233AD: you should be able to avoid that by using VNC directly on windows ... [22:01] aris what is your model [22:02] aris: If its a laser printer select Laserjet 4 [22:02] dantel123: My model is HP Deskjet D1330 [22:02] Cpudan80 : could you please give me some more details, as what i want to do is to be able to connect remotely to the server - not the windows box [22:02] AD233AD: right so ehh ... are you trying to use VNC over SSH or plain (unsecure) VNC ? [22:03] Cpudan80 : plain unsecure vnc for now. [22:03] I made my swap partition only 1.3 gigs, and I need 3 gigs of swap. Can I make ubuntu use my regular partition for swap? [22:03] AD233AD: OK and you have no firewall in front of the server? [22:03] ???? [22:03] AD233AD: Port 5900 (TCP) needs to be opened for it to work [22:03] Cpudan80 : there is no firewall on the server yet. [22:04] Cpudan80 : unless the OS comes preinstalled with one ... [22:04] AD233AD: OK - so when you fire off tightVNC on windows and hit your server IP - you get unable to open display? [22:04] AD233AD: no firewall in the default config [22:04] how do i setup hebrew lang in my ubuntu ? it somewhy installed russian instead. [22:05] No solution for my problem ? [22:05] AD233AD: that would be AppArmor haha *feels the chill up my back* [22:05] Printer problem [22:05] i have a ps/2 to usb convertor for mouse and keyboard into one usb port, and an old set of ibm peripherals that i use with this. they work fine under windows, but only the mouse works under ubuntu, while both are detected via dmesg as generic usb k/b and mouse. [22:05] Cpudan80 : when i opne tightVNC viewer and I try to connect I get "ReadExact : Socket error while reading" [22:05] I made my swap partition only 1.3 gigs, and I need 3 gigs of swap. Can I make ubuntu use my regular partition for swap? [22:05] socket error while reading ? [22:05] thats odd ... [22:06] any good source for nice themes for ubuntu? [22:06] gnome-look.org, SliderMan [22:06] ty =) [22:06] np [22:06] aris you should see the d1300 and the d1400 ( I would try one of those starting with 1300) [22:06] ariqs: you can use a partition or a file on an existing partition for swap [22:06] alaz & Cpudan80 : when installing the gnome, i do remember seeing something about AppArmor if that helps... [22:06] ariqs: but why need 3gig swap? [22:06] iceroot: how do I change it? [22:06] AD233AD: in tightVNC you need to type the server IP as something like [22:07] Did you add the :5901 bit ? [22:07] is there an offical svn-app for gnome? maybe an extension for nautlius? atm i am using rapidSVN but it doesn't integrate nicely with Gnome apps (GEdit etc) [22:07] Cpudan80 : sure. [22:07] SliderMan: try this program sudo apt-get install gnome-art [22:07] Does anyone know how I can check to see if any programs have been installed recently on my system? [22:07] AD233AD: you add the 5901 and still get that error ? [22:07] iceroot: because I'm running out of memory and swap [22:07] SliderMan: has some nice themes readily avaliable [22:07] <|MaNoWaR|> !theme [22:07] Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy [22:07] How would I install Kubuntu (or Ubuntu, since this is #ubuntu) in a chroot? debootstrap and then apt-get install kubuntu-desktop ? [22:07] I have created a script that dials a 3g connection my question is how can i make the icon appear in the taske tray? [22:07] aris, I have a brother 1435 and it did not show up on list, but the same driver for the 1430 worked fine (and actually is the recommended driver for a few brother printers)...give it a shot. [22:07] alaz, thanks =) [22:07] ariqs: look if this his helping you http://www.redhat.com/docs/manuals/linux/RHL-8.0-Manual/custom-guide/s1-swap-adding.html [22:07] <|MaNoWaR|> how can ppl fallow this room [22:07] <|MaNoWaR|> lol [22:08] <|MaNoWaR|> lots of flood [22:08] http://blackslashstar.mybrute.com/ any of you guys played this before? [22:08] |MaNoWaR|: by typing the name of the person you want to speak to [22:08] Cpudan80 : i used a different port when installing. but yes, i've added that port as well and that's the error i'm getting [22:08] hmm [22:08] interesting [22:08] <|MaNoWaR|> iceroot : i know [22:09] iceroot: I can use two swap partitions at once? [22:09] AD233AD: what happens when you vncviewer localhost:1 on the server itself? [22:09] http://blackslashstar.mybrute.com/ [22:09] http://blackslashstar.mybrute.com/ [22:09] http://blackslashstar.mybrute.com/ [22:09] <|MaNoWaR|> but i think this room should block the bot messages [22:09] http://blackslashstar.mybrute.com/ [22:09] blkgmrgrl666: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [22:09] AD233AD: like open a gnome terminal window and do that [22:09] Cpudan80 : VNC Viewer Free Edition 4.1.1 for X - built Apr 16 2008 13:23:14 [22:09] Copyright (C) 2002-2005 RealVNC Ltd. [22:09] See http://www.realvnc.com for information on VNC. [22:09] vncviewer: unable to open display "" [22:09] AD233AD: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [22:09] aris look at http://h20000.www2.hp.com/bizsupport/TechSupport/SoftwareIndex.jsp?lang=en&cc=us&prodNameId=1827318&prodTypeId=18972&prodSeriesId=1841071&swLang=8&taskId=135&swEnvOID=2020 [22:09] alaz, it says i am not root [22:10] Could anyone help me debug a fluidsynth/qsynth setup? When I use pmidi to send qsynth midi input, I see in the Qsynth messages window and on the input indicator that Qsynth is receiving messages, but no sound comes out. [22:10] Cpudan80 : or to make it short : vncviewer: unable to open display "" [22:10] SliderMan: put sudo infront. === abbas_ is now known as bassu [22:10] aris http://hplipopensource.com/hplip-web/index.html [22:10] !vncfix | AD233AD [22:10] AD233AD: If you are getting errors like "could not open default font 'fixed'" when running a VNC server: 'sudo ln -s /usr/share/X11/fonts /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts' [22:10] alaz, it asks for my password, should i type it in? [22:11] nomopofomo: synaptic has a nice history feature that you could check ( under the file menu-item) [22:11] what other dvd programs are there besides vlc [22:11] glitsj16: worked a charm, cheers - did you get the fonts sorted inside the app ? look quite untidy [22:11] i have a ps/2 to usb convertor for mouse and keyboard into one usb port, and an old set of ibm peripherals that i use with this. they work fine under windows, but only the mouse works under ubuntu, while both are detected via dmesg as generic usb k/b and mouse. [22:11] Thank to all [22:11] please help me [22:11] A have to try with D1300 [22:11] what do people here think of hackers? [22:11] SliderMan: yes, you are just installing a program with apt-get instead off the other methods :) [22:11] aris did it work? [22:11] alaz, thanks for your help :P [22:11] aris dont forget that last link http://hplipopensource.com/hplip-web/index.html [22:12] Netbook-Remix: ok movie, why? [22:12] no tthe movie, I mean hackers in general? [22:12] good guys? bad guys? [22:12] what do you think? [22:12] Netbook-Remix: I think the general concensus is that it's a topic best discussed in #ubuntu-offtopic [22:12] glitsj16, assuming my system has been compromised (e.g. software was installed remotely) how could I check the root account for that same thing? [22:12] oh, my bad [22:12] Netbook-Remix: Hackers are good, Crackers are bad [22:13] rvn_: you dont have the right program and is going to be hard to find. [22:13] ok dantel123 [22:13] Cpudan80 : could there be a problem with gnome-desktop-environment? [22:13] alaz, its done. where do i find it now? [22:13] AD233AD: so that would imply that the config file isnt right [22:13] AD233AD: I dont think so [22:13] wizared: i dont even know what im looking for, gimme some search terms? [22:14] rvn_: google it and then find the sister ubuntu of it in synaptic pagage manager [22:14] AD233AD: you copied the file exactly ? [22:14] SliderMan: it should be on your menus. on your top bar [22:14] nomopofomo: if you are refering to possible rootkits, there's rkhunter and chkrootkit that you can use, both are in regular ubuntu repo's [22:14] AD233AD: and did those xinetd stop ... lines after you were finished ? [22:14] wizared, google *what*? [22:14] i know how to install things [22:14] that isnt the prob [22:14] dual control mouse keyboard drivers [22:14] why lilo in jaunty? (just performance?) [22:15] hi [22:15] alaz, cant find it =( [22:15] has anybody had ever any success with a wired network with a vista machine (ubuntu - vista connection) [22:15] Cpudan80 : yes, I copied that files exactly. looking closer at it now it seems to be calling an inexisting folder [22:15] Execute gnome-art in a shell then. [22:15] rvn_: it will propably give you the windows drivers but there has to be a ubuntu version [22:15] thanks [22:16] can someone share their xorg.conf for the Microsoft Wirless Ergonomic 4000 (or anything above that) Keyboard and Mouse? [22:16] AD233AD: yeah make sure Xvnc hasn't moved [22:16] any good cd bootable distro that allows web surfing. should be able to boot QUICKLY but no need for anything else like writing to hard disk etc.. [22:16] wizared: there are no drivers, it is the sort of device that is automatically picked up by every OS, including ubuntu [22:16] AD233AD: yeah make sure Xvnc hasn't moved' should tell you where it is [22:16] as i said, the mouse works, both are detected [22:16] Cpudan80 : the folder /usr/share/X11/fonts/misc doesn't exist. could that be it ? [22:16] here is someone else with the same problem: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=6002204#post6002204 [22:16] AD233AD: hmmm [22:17] rvn_, what happens when you just plug them in one at a time? [22:17] same results [22:17] mouse works, kb doesnt [22:17] dmesg detects both, as its an active converter [22:17] rvn_, no kbd? [22:17] AD233AD: did you restart X after you did all this? [22:17] AD233AD: no the font thing isnt a big deal [22:17] anyone :/ ? [22:17] Cpudan80 : i rebooted the whole server [22:18] hmm [22:18] rvn_: what is your settings for the keyboard in bios? emulation etc? [22:18] rvn_, brand of converter? [22:18] durt: dynex, works on windows with same kb/mouse [22:18] btw alaz thanks for the help, filezilla is really great ;) [22:18] ill be back! [22:18] alaz: dont think that is the prob, same gear works under windows, unless ubuntu expects a certain setting in the bios [22:19] AD233AD: check to see if XVnc is goin [22:19] Can anyone suggest a distro for basic web surfing? [22:19] hello, my fonts get completely transparent as soon as opacity changes in compiz, even if 1%, this started after installing the new intel driver, is there a solution for this ? [22:19] AD233AD: ps -ef | grep Xvnc [22:19] temp01: Ubuntu [22:19] thanks, iceroot. extremely helpful [22:19] can anyone tell me what the + sign mean if I run update-alternatives --list ? === glass-ey1 is now known as glass-eye [22:19] thht: "should be able to boot quickly" [22:20] rvn_: it might. windows takes alot of crap that ubuntu dont. [22:20] dont need anything else [22:20] temp01: Puppy Linux [22:20] Cpudan80 : root 7872 5181 0 23:20 pts/0 00:00:00 grep Xvnc [22:20] alaz: if nobody comes up with anything else to try ill check then [22:21] mk ill go look in bios :/ [22:21] AD233AD: doesnt look like its running on 1 [22:22] temp01: you also can customize an existing Ubuntu installation(i e using a different window manager) [22:22] AD233AD its not running then. thats your grep proccess [22:22] alaz & Cpudan80 : this is the tutorial i followed http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=122402 [22:22] what should i do? [22:23] thht: puppy linux looks a good option. thanks [22:23] AD233AD: that font thing might actually kill it when it starts [22:23] temp01: you're welcome [22:23] AD233AD: is your server even running? service vnc start [22:24] i recently partitioned my hard drive with xubuntu and win xp "xp is on the smaller drive sector 1.4gb" and now i cant get it to show the other partition with xubuntu on it [22:24] glass-eye: according to "man update-alternatives" current choice is marked with a '*' and the choice with the highest priority with a '+' [22:24] its as if my hard drive is only 1.4 gb with xp and thats it [22:24] Is launchpad down? [22:24] aptitude search shows : c cnijfilter-mp630series . how can i install it? [22:25] alaz : vnc: unrecognized service. this is what i get. sorry, i kinda new to this. [22:25] AD233AD-> do you have vnc installed? [22:25] How would I install Kubuntu (or Ubuntu, since this is #ubuntu) in a chroot? debootstrap and then apt-get install kubuntu-desktop ? [22:26] did anyone responde to my issue? [22:26] ryanakca-> no, just sudo aptitude install kubuntu-desktop, you don't want a chroot really [22:26] graingert : yes. apt-get install vnc4server, as instructed. after that xinetd and the config [22:26] I try to install hplip with konsole [22:26] AD233AD: yeah its been a while since I setup a VNC on ubuntu, I vaguely remember having to add some font path to the config file ... but I don't remember where ... [22:26] It's on [22:27] LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded: ignored. I keep getting this [22:27] Cpudan80 : i was told to run this as well : apt-get install xfonts-base xfonts-75dpi xfonts-100dpi [22:27] trying to put libdsocks in preload [22:27] anyone have any idea how I would go about fixing that? [22:28] AD233AD: yeah ... did you do that? === Maximo is now known as Nasra [22:28] Cpudan80 : yes [22:28] i am having trouble with a missing partition can someone help me ill take a number just tell me to wait in linelol [22:28] Cpudan80 : but same thing - same problem. [22:29] hmm [22:29] dunno [22:29] anyone who knows a good lightweight alternative to mythtv ? [22:29] I need to go though [22:29] sorry :-( [22:29] Cpudan80: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [22:29] Cpudan80 : thank you very much anyway for the patience. [22:30] i just want to play stored media files, no tv or anything like that.. but i would like a more "media themed" like ui than for example totem [22:30] i've heard of a program like that but can't remember what it was called.. [22:31] is it odd that my laptop fan doesnt turn on much with a new version of ubuntu installed? [22:31] igge: you can use vlc player with themes i think [22:31] excess21: probably nothing else than code thats been rewritten demanding less cpu power [22:31] excess21 is your system running better with ubuntu [22:31] ? [22:32] ubuntu_, yes. overall much better, it gave life to an old laptop. but it does seem to get hot. [22:32] thats because the os is probably perfect on it [22:33] i dont know much about it but the motherboard itself regulates the fan [22:33] its running smoother keeping it cool [22:33] what kinda laptop? [22:34] ubuntu doesn't have any built in temperature monitors does it? my observations are just from touch. [22:34] its a gateway nx500xl [22:34] !sensors | excess21 [22:34] excess21: You might find something useful at: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SensorInstallHowto [22:34] acpi -t [22:34] sorry im kinda turning thing into a chatroom lol i havn't gotten any responses to my tech questions tho where is everyone [22:35] can someone help me with my system tools problem? I can't get programs to run [22:35] u might be able to find a plugin that checks the temp u might be able to customize its paremiters [22:35] when I try to run something in System Tools, I keep getting 'Error...Could not launch menu...Failed to execute child process...No such directory' [22:35] Ned__: what happens when you try running something from a terminal? [22:35] Ned__: oh.. that one.. I have no idea really [22:36] i keep getting an error message when trying to install packages was wondering if someone could help me? I can type word for word the error message [22:36] mogul218_: if it's one (1) line you can paste it here.. but only if it's one line only.. if it's more use a pastebin [22:36] !pastebin | mogul218_ [22:36] mogul218_: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) === _Rolanditu\Afk is now known as Rolanditu\Afk [22:37] Have got an AVI i am wanting to convert to DVD have tried DeVeDe but the final iso gets no sound and avidemux gets error in pass 1. What is another way i can convert an avi to DVD [22:38] hello... I screwed up my alsa... then I tried to reinstall alsa-utils, alsa-tools, alsa-base but no help. There is no alsaconfig tool also in xubuntu... What can I do to reinstall/reconfigure everything? Can't find any utility in setup either. [22:38] graingert: No, I actually want to make a chroot with kubuntu in it. I'm running Kubuntu at the moment, but for various reasons, I want to install it into a chroot too :) [22:38] pretender_: if devede doesn't work there is probably something wrong with the avi.. it's never failed me [22:39] pretender_: try catching that error message.. it might help diagnosing the problem [22:39] dpkg: parse error, in file '/var/lib/dpkg/available' near line 394 package fado0': [22:39] field name 'V' must be followed by colon [22:40] how many tech people arehere? [22:40] slari: ok how can i fix the source avi as devede seemed to work ok for other avi's i had [22:41] ubuntu__: plenty.. I think they have a counter in #ubuntu-offtopic [22:41] i have been getting this error ever since i tried to compile flash player in jaunty beta [22:41] pretender_: do you get sound playing the avi in question ? [22:41] mogul218_: oh.. you're running jaunty? [22:41] ok so im trying to get assistance with something its a xubuntu partition problem [22:42] pretender_: not really sure... you might be able to convert it using mencoder or something.. depends on what the problem is [22:42] @ Slart on this particular box yes [22:42] mogul218_: try asking in #ubuntu+1, if it's known problem with jaunty they would probably know about it [22:42] k will do ty [22:42] mogul218_: you're welcome [22:43] ubuntu__: what is the problem? [22:43] Anyone know why launchpad is down and eta on up? === Dvyjones_ is now known as Dvyjones [22:44] what's the adress of the gnome IRC ? [22:45] i installed a partition with xubuntu 38 gb and win xp 1.4 gb approximatly and my larger partition is gone so its as if my hard drive is only 1.4 gb [22:45] benste: it's probably listed somewhere on gnome.org [22:45] benste: irc.gnome.org [22:45] rww: that one didn't work :-) [22:45] benste: http://www.gnome.org/support/ [22:45] Slart, ok thx [22:46] ubuntu__: hm.. what makes you think it's "gone" ? [22:46] benste: works for me =/ [22:46] rww, sry you're right, just didn't change the .com to .org from ubuntu default entry [22:46] sry [22:47] Ienorand: have you tried asking in #launchpad? [22:47] it doesn't show up anywhere and i cant boot into it [22:47] Slart: No one there to answer. [22:48] Slart: Just a bunch of equally wondersome people [22:48] do u know how i can find and boot back into my larger drive sector witch has xubuntu on it [22:49] I get an error when trying to install my printer (server-error-internal-error) and I am not sure why. I installed the drivers from Lexmark, but still having no success. Can anyone help? [22:49] ubuntu__: I was looking for an answer more like "I tried using program X when I booted in Y and it's not in the partition list" or "I don't get a menu when I boot any more".. things not "showing up" doesn't give me a lot to work with [22:50] aptitude search shows : c cnijfilter-mp630series . how can i install it? [22:50] has anyone used nilfs? === mcj is now known as mcj2k9 [22:50] wll boys im know in ubuntu es [22:51] when I connect to localhost:631/printers it shows 0 out of 3 printers and I am not sure why [22:51] ok i booted into program xp and now i cant boot back into program "xubuntu" [22:52] ubuntu__: ahh.. so you installed windows after you install xubuntu and you don't get the fancy grub prompt you were expecting? === Yoda is now known as Guest75866 [22:52] yea [22:52] Can someone please help me install my Lexmark Z2300 printer? [22:53] Help Please. After upgrading alsa my function keys no longer control my volume? What do I need to do to fix them? They worked fine before I upgraded alsa. [22:53] ubuntu__: that's because the windows installer overwrites the grub mbr.. basically replacing it with it's own bootup routine [22:53] ubuntu_, you need to reinstall Grub, because windows erased it. [22:53] !grub [22:53] GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto [22:53] i was realy expecting a os menu or somthing to choose from but then when i boot into xp and check my computer it just shows drive E "as hard drive" [22:53] ubuntu__: it's a very common problem, try typing !grub here in the channel for some bot advice.. it will give you links to howtos [22:53] Hi someone knows how to install Real player in terminal :) ? [22:53] keith, if it is supported. Plug it in and go to system > administration > printers and add it. [22:53] ubuntu_, check the link https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub [22:53] even tho its in 2 seperate partions? [22:54] ubuntu__: mm, I don't think windows shows "weird" partitions.. and anything not fat or ntfs is by definition weird in windows afaik [22:54] jdu, if it was that simple, do you think I would be in here? :-p [22:54] keith, sorry [22:54] ubuntu_, the boot loader is located in the very beginning of the HDD, so unless you install windows on another HDD, it will erase grub which is in the beginning of your HDD [22:54] so is there about specific to that [22:54] ? [22:54] ubuntu__, read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub [22:54] ubuntu__: but your partition is probably still there waiting.. it's just a couple of quick commands and you'll be back in ubuntu [22:55] jdu, Lexmark has drivers for it, but it doesn't seem to work after I install them. and Adding through the method you suggested causes an error. === Vaylor is now known as Lacriole [22:55] hi! Question: how can I make it so that a certain USB drive always shows up in /dev/ with the same name? [22:55] ah ok thats what im looking for thats like a linux restore program right? [22:55] I've done it before, but I can't remember how... [22:55] mlissner: edit the partitions label.. there are different tools for different file system types [22:55] mlissner: easiest is probably to edit the label using gparted [22:56] mlissner: NOTE!!.. there are two labels.. editing the wrong one will erase everything on the drive [22:56] what is there on http://localhost:631/printers [22:56] ubuntu__ a grub restore program :) there are several ways (with ubuntu livecd), and there even is a grub livecd [22:56] Help Please. After upgrading alsa my function keys no longer control my volume? What do I need to do to fix them? They worked fine before I upgraded alsa. [22:56] Howdy [22:56] okis it on that link === Guest75866 is now known as Yodas [22:57] Slart, so that name determines where it shows up in /dev? [22:57] Hi someone knows how to install Real player in terminal :) ? [22:57] mlissner: if you want to use a command line I think it's "mtools" for editing ntfs/fat labels.. [22:57] mlissner: yes [22:57] Slart, Huh. That doesn't sound familiar for some reason. [22:57] grub === Eghie`afk is now known as Eghie [22:57] mlissner: if you give it the label "usbdrive" it will be mounted as /media/usbdrive [22:57] to get a bot? [22:57] ubuntu__: !grub.. [22:57] Slart, this is for ubuntu server, so I think I have to edit fstab as well? [22:58] mlissner: nope [22:58] mlissner: you could of course edit fstab too.. that's another way [22:58] Slart, odd...I /have/ edited fstab. [22:58] keith, yeah I am not sure how to help with that. You might use the http://localhost:631/ interface rather than the ubuntu pygtk one [22:58] Slart, (I'm trying to recreate my old steps) [22:59] Has anyone used nilfs with ubuntu? [22:59] Slart, I have this line in fstab: /dev/IOMEGA /media/IOMEGA ext3 defaults,errors=remount-ro 0 0 [22:59] mlissner: I think it first checks fstab... if it doesn't find anything in there it uses the label [22:59] Slart, I assume that means fstab knows to find the disk at /dev/IOMEGA? [22:59] !grub [22:59] GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto [22:59] mlissner: mm.. that depends on the drive getting detected as /dev/IOMEGA [22:59] ok thanks [22:59] mlissner: you might have done some fancy stuff with udev to make that work.. not sure [23:00] jdu, it shows 0 of 3 printers when I click to manage [23:00] Slart, hmm...I might have. Anyway to tell? [23:00] Help Please. After upgrading alsa my function keys no longer control my volume? What do I need to do to fix them? They worked fine before I upgraded alsa. [23:00] mlissner: if it doesn't work any more the file might have been replaced by a newer version in some upgrade [23:00] if i do sudo ifconfig wlan0 up i get resource unavailable error? [23:01] Slart, it works, but I want to convert the disk to TrueCrypt, and I have a feeling I'm going to have to sort this out again when I do. [23:01] one more thing can i change these grub commands while i am using a ubuntu cd in my drive [23:01] mlissner: when I edit system files like that I always make sure to add a comment with my name, date and what I changed.. then you can search for that later on [23:01] its how i am not on xp right now [23:01] okey ubbun [23:01] you live cd distro [23:01] Slart, yeah, I generally do too, but this was a while ago, plus, I'm not sure even which files to look for my traces in. [23:01] well you ar welcome here [23:02] keith, what model number was it? [23:02] im know contact live op [23:02] mlissner: I don't really know how truecrypt does it's magic so I can't say if you'll have to edit it again, sorry [23:02] mlissner: grep is wonderful for doing searches like that [23:02] jdu, Lexmark Z2300 [23:02] can someone help me fix my wirelss i did "sudo ifconfig wlan0 down" and now woreless wont come back up again get a resource error [23:02] Slart, you over estimate my ability to comment consistently. [23:03] Slart...and in a consistent fashion. [23:03] Slart, udev rules would be in /etc/udev, right?/ [23:03] Is there anywhere I could ask low level questions about ext2? [23:03] mlissner: hehe.. [23:03] mlissner: yes... somewhere down there [23:04] Hi someone knows how to install Real player in terminal :) ? [23:04] keith, did you install from a .deb? === hasnain[dead] is now known as Hasnain [23:04] jdu, yes [23:04] * Strike[out] wonders if anyone around here is familiar with portable ubuntu [23:04] keith: you're welcome to try here.. but I've got a feeling you might get better answers somewhere else.. #linux perhaps? [23:04] keith, did you run: sudo /etc/init.d/cups restart [23:04] Yodas: mplayer can play pretty much everything, once you got the codecs installed [23:04] Help Please. After upgrading alsa my function keys no longer control my volume? What do I need to do to fix them? They worked fine before I upgraded alsa. [23:04] Yodas: Banshee is also a nice video and music player [23:04] jdu, don't think so... but the system has been restarted. Shouldn't that do the same thing? [23:05] keith, yes === segin|kvirc is now known as segin [23:05] Slart, good thinking. thanks. [23:05] sebsebseb: Okay, but its just cause i want a program there can download video's from facebook , that the only reason i want that program cause i have heard that it can do that. [23:05] My Ubuntu hotkeys dont work with alsa anymore, its the same problem as this guy: http://forums.fedoraforum.org/showthread.php?t=156845 [23:05] help please? [23:05] ok so when i do as the help tells me i get this "rub> find /boot/grub/stage1 [23:05] (hd0,0) [23:05] " [23:06] Slart, well, there's a file called /etc/udev/rules.d/z60_usbmout.rules that was modified at a different time than all the others, it doesn't look like my handiwork, but it could be. [23:06] mlissner: that sounds like a likely candidate.. I can pastebin my version if you want something to compare with [23:06] Slart, maybe I should broaden my question, and ask if people know how to automount truecrypt so it's always mounted in the same place. [23:06] Slart, that'd be great. [23:06] yodas if you use firefox downloadhelper addon can download videos from several different sites like youtube [23:07] keith, so I am not sure, as far as I can tell, it should be working . Perhaps uninstall and then use the .tar.gz instead. [23:07] fusa_: Hi, yes i got that, but it cant download videos from facebook :( [23:07] yea yodas there are plenty of firefox addons to download streaming vids [23:07] keith, the website only mentions support for 8.04, but I wouldn't think it would matter [23:07] good ny people.. i m newb here....and wanna know howto upgrade by back port? [23:07] !backport [23:07] If new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they may go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports - See also !packaging [23:07] ubuntu__: But which ones, i mean i have tried a few [23:08] jdu, I didn't see that, I'll give that a shot perhaps. And yeah, I didn't think version should matter. How do I clear the three printers in there? [23:08] okkkkkkkkkk [23:08] Does anybody know how to mount a truecrypt drive automatically on boot to the same location every time? [23:08] mlissner: hmm.. I don't have a usbmount.rules file at all.. might be something you created yourself [23:08] hi [23:08] me to i only used them for youtube [23:08] !packaging [23:08] The packaging guide is at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/NewPackages for information on getting a package integrated into Ubuntu - Other developer resources are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment - See also !backports [23:08] Slart, intriguing. [23:08] mlissner: I have 60-persistent-storage.rules though [23:08] hy bin nutzer [23:08] try using some other ones think outside the box use win based downloaders with WINE [23:09] Slart, me too. === erle64- is now known as erle- [23:09] ubuntu__: Hmm... i think.. [23:09] keith, normally you click on Delete Printer, but you said it didn't show any right, but rather 0 of 3 printers [23:09] keith, ie I'm not sure === Hasnain is now known as hasnain[dead] [23:10] yodas did you try greasemonkey + facebook video script at https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/9614 ? [23:11] Call me stupid, but I have never seen the option to install only free software when installing Ubuntu. Where is it? [23:11] !backport [23:11] If new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they may go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports - See also !packaging [23:11] yodas hmm what? [23:12] hi [23:12] i'm trying to pair my bluetooth phone with ubuntu but can't figure it out [23:12] could someone help me === Aizawa_ is now known as Aizawa [23:12] wait [23:13] i think i just figured it out [23:13] fusa_: thanks ill try that, thanks ! [23:13] Just to clarify, I have read that Ubuntu is supposed to have an option during the installation which, if enabled, only installs free software (as in fsf.org), but I have never spotted this, when, during the installation, is this option given you? [23:13] now i just need to figure out how to send files [23:14] meoblast001, do share [23:14] Aizawa, isnt that gobuntu? [23:15] deany: do you know any progrmas that file transfer with it? [23:15] Aizawa, are you using the alternate install cd? [23:15] Nah, since they gave up Gobuntu (the latest version of Gobuntu is a beta of 8.04) they've included an option to install only free software. (Read this on the Gobuntu wikipedia page) [23:15] I'm not, I'm using the live cd. [23:15] Am I supposed to use the alternate one? [23:15] yes [23:15] nope.. im at a loss with bluetooth... ubuntu lets me down again === Mud|afk is now known as Mud|ZzZzZ [23:16] Aizawa: wouldn't that be the same as only using the main repository? [23:16] "Firefox is already running, but is not responding. To open a new window, you must first close the existing Firefox process, or restart your system." any ideas how I do that.. :) as I dont wanna restart the system [23:16] Aizawa: I'm not sure though [23:16] luckily I dont need it.. but its a stain that needs cleaning.. windows has no trouble.. [23:16] Downing: run "pkill -9 firefox" in a terminal [23:16] Aizawa, pretty sure at any rate. It has a number of options such as ltsp, command line, free software only [23:16] hi all [23:16] Slart: I guess, but by default it installs things that aren't free software.. [23:16] Aizawa: isn't that under "Boot options" ? (select language and press F6 twice if my memory isn't gone completely) [23:17] thanks [23:17] glitsj16: Ah, perhaps. I'll check it out! Thanks! [23:17] Aizawa: ah.. it does? are you sure? [23:17] slart: Positive [23:17] segin|kvirc, connection trouble? [23:17] Is there any benefit to compiling a custom kernel with standard options, or would it be more or less the lame as using the generic kernel? [23:17] Aizawa: hmm.. then I don't really know of a way.. perhaps there is a customized version somewhere [23:18] deany: yes [23:18] anyone got an easy way to run a shell script at startup? preferences > sessions doesn't want to work properly === segin|kvirc is now known as segin [23:18] keith: unless you're trying to squeeze extra battery time out of a laptop.. or running something very special I doubt you'll gain much by compiling your own [23:18] Slart: As said, and as someone replied, there IS an option to only install free software, I just had trouble finding it. Apparently it's a boot option, I'll check it out. [23:18] Bobbino, rc.local? [23:18] * Aizawa waves [23:18] Bobbino: it does it you do it right =) [23:18] Slart: Thanks [23:18] !session | Bobbino [23:18] Bobbino: To add programs to start up when you log into your Gnome session go to System>Preferences>Sessions and use the Startup Programs tab. For more information, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddingProgramToSessionStartup - See !boot for starting non-interactive programs at boot [23:18] Bobbino: be more specific [23:19] is their a boot disk with a very new kernel? my laktop is not supported by the kernel current Ubuntu is using [23:19] i'd like to file transfer via bluetooth with my phone... what applications can help me with that? [23:19] it's a script that starts up my conky on my desktop. it runs the script and puts the info on the desktop, then about 5 seconds later it dissapears [23:19] <|MaNoWaR|> how can i install theme's ? [23:19] meoblast001: obexftp or something like that [23:19] meoblast001: and of course, the regular bluetooth packages [23:19] Slart: is that a GUI... i don't want some Nautilus binding [23:20] Bobbino: that's probably because nautilus draws over it [23:20] yeah [23:20] Bobbino: so tell nautilus not to do that [23:20] how? [23:20] meoblast001: I'm not really sure.. nautilus uses it.. but I don't know if obexftp is just a background service thing [23:20] How would I install Kubuntu (or Ubuntu, since this is #ubuntu) in a chroot? debootstrap and then apt-get install kubuntu-desktop ? [23:20] Bobbino: in gconf-editor unclick show_desktop for nautilus preferences [23:20] Bobbino: sounds like the script is running as intended.. it's probably a conky configuration problem [23:21] ok i'm in [23:21] thanks [23:21] Slart: it runs find when I run the script manually... just not at startup [23:21] Bobbino: can you pastebin the script? [23:21] yes [23:21] and jrib - going to try that... [23:22] does anyone know if this is legitimate? http://digg.com/d1ntd2 [23:22] http://pastebin.com/m446f1c12 [23:22] Slart: won't let me copy files [23:22] How do I do a forced quit in terminal? [23:22] looking for assistance with bind9 and ubuntu [23:23] were can i get the PhysicsFS-dev package? [23:23] how can I change the priority for update-alternatives [23:24] meoblast001: hmm.. not sure what else might be needed.. I thought that was it [23:24] I have nano with a + next to it, and my default is vim, so when I do certain things, it uses nano [23:24] Slart: i looked up the error.... i think it's a nautilus problem [23:24] AD233AD: get your VNC fixed? [23:24] anyone have a knowledge of bind 9 on ubuntu server [23:25] does anyone know if this is legitimate? http://digg.com/d1ntd2 [23:25] Mark_ILB: what's your question? ...not that i'll be able to help, but without a a specific question, it's unlikely that anyone else can either. [23:26] tony2009: It is, but I couldn't get the dumb thing to work [23:26] badpenguin86: hehe ok ;) [23:26] i tovella i have a ubuntu server setup and am in the process of setting up bind9 on it... when i try and do a nslookup for anything local in my network it can't be found... when i try manually restart bind it keeps failing [23:26] badpenguin86: I got 8.10 running off my 1GB USB stick anyway [23:26] :( bluetooth doesn't like Ubuntu i suppose [23:27] were can i get the PhysicsFS-dev package? [23:27] tony2009: Yeah. This is like a mini virtual machine version [23:27] hows that tovella [23:27] jrib: if i turn draw background off, I don't get a background image though? [23:27] Mark_ILB: i'm not all that familiar with bind9 installation/configuration, but does the log file give any indication as to why it failed? [23:27] badpenguin86: ok cheers big ears :) [23:27] Hello, i'm having a small problem [23:27] no clue where to find the log files [23:28] Manny2268: do you really want everyone to know about your "small problem"? :) [23:28] No, i'm being serious [23:28] were can i get the PhysicsFS-dev package? [23:28] !ask > Manny2268 [23:28] Manny2268, please see my private message [23:29] no idea where the log files are tovella... do you know where they are? [23:29] Mark_ILB: probaly in /var/log/syslog. ...try the command, "tail -n 25 /var/log/syslog" [23:29] <_mnemonic76> Does the ubuntu installation process build a kernel, or just install a default one that is pre-compiled for the architecture you choose? [23:29] hello [23:29] _mnemonic76: the second option [23:29] problem regarding my cd/dvd devide [23:29] device [23:30] anyhelp please [23:30] hai zslashz [23:30] hey [23:30] hello, how can i share a file with virtualbox. I installed addon and shared a file [23:30] but i couldn't see shared file :( [23:30] glen_: i think that's in the regular repo's, libphysfs-dev [23:30] cd is detected normally/ dvds are not detected [23:30] mind that i do have a dvd read write [23:31] Okay well, i got a new 320gb Western Digital MyBook external Hard Drive,and i'm going to install Ubuntu into a partition on it. Well, i booted up my 8.04 Live CD, and GParted won't let me create a partition on the external Hard Drive, Can Ubuntu not be installed onto an External Drive or what? [23:31] <_mnemonic76> Ok, so if I would like to 'downgrade' to an older kernel (as a boot-time option) is there a howto that anyone is aware of for me to follow? I am using grub, so I understand there will be some configuration there... other than that is it as simple as downloading an old kernel and putting it in the right place? [23:31] glitsj16, ahh its called physfs :P [23:31] How would I install Kubuntu (or Ubuntu, since this is #ubuntu) in a chroot? debootstrap and then apt-get install kubuntu-desktop ? [23:31] glitsj16, thanks [23:31] tonsofpcs [23:31] this is my data using the lshw -class disk [23:32] glen_: apparently yes, confusing sometimes these differences [23:32] cdrom [23:32] description: DVD writer [23:32] product: DVD-RW GWA-4082N [23:32] vendor: HL-DT-ST [23:32] physical id: 0.0.0 [23:32] zslashz: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [23:32] bus info: scsi@4:0.0.0 [23:33] _mnemonic76: download the older kernel from the repos.. I think it will create the grub stuff for you [23:33] back [23:33] anyhelp regarding th cd/dvd problem [23:33] _mnemonic76: search for packages named linux-image-blablabla [23:34] Ubuntu hates cell phones i suppose [23:34] <_mnemonic76> Slart: ok, thanks! [23:34] Hi, very new linux user here, looking for help setting up my system, the online documentation isn't helping enough. [23:34] theantited: What do you need to know? [23:34] So can any one answer my problem? [23:34] i don't wanna switch to Fedora [23:35] meoblast001: They all (can) use the same software [23:35] Bobbino: your script seems to work nicely on my testbox [23:35] Stupendoussteve: what can? [23:35] meoblast001: Linux distros [23:35] bobbino: but it seems you've left already. =/ [23:35] is there a specific driver i can install for the cd/dvd [23:35] ? [23:35] Stupendoussteve: ok..... i thought Fedora was just by default the best with hardware [23:35] meoblast001: It uses the same kernel, which is where the majority of the drivers come from [23:35] Stupendoussteve: i googled my problem and it appears only Ubuntu users are having the problem [23:36] _mnemonic76: oh.. if you don't find a suitable kernel in the repos and you download your own, take a look at the command "update-grub".. it might help you with the grub configuration.. it needs to be run as root [23:36] meoblast001: have you tried blueman yet ? [23:36] zslashz: What is the problem? [23:36] theantited: I can help you with newbie questions [23:36] glitsj16: one sec let me find out [23:36] my cd/dvd [23:37] only cds are detected and mounted [23:37] dvds are not [23:37] :S [23:37] glitsj16: E: Couldn't find package blueman [23:37] i do have a burner [23:37] meoblast001: hang on, i'll check where i got that from [23:37] hi all, can you have python 2.5 and 3 installed at the same time ? [23:37] and i verified usinf lshw -class disk [23:37] Does transmission allow for traffic encryption? [23:37] sharperguy: afaik transmissions is pretty basic... so I doubt it [23:38] <_mnemonic76> Slart: Thanks again... I have tried to compile my own custom kernel, and I always do something wrong... I have two problem pieces of hardware and I think they're both kernel related... one I think may be solved by the downgrade, and the other may need a custom kernel.. [23:38] tlm2024, I believe so, although I'm not 100% sure on how the version is determined when you type "python" [23:38] sharperguy: but you can read all about it at their site, http://www.transmissionbt.com/ [23:38] Hello. === pheco is now known as david- === david- is now known as david0 [23:39] Slart, thanks [23:39] _mnemonic76: ouch.. well.. I hope jaunty brings some relief for you [23:39] meoblast001: its in a ppa at http://philip.magicalforest.se/ === david0 is now known as feekoh [23:39] glitsj16: found the PPA [23:39] I just purchased the retail copy of Enemy Territory Quake Wars. I can't get my dvd drive to mount the disc. Any ideas? [23:40] anyone knows a good c++ ide that i can compile win apps and dlls? [23:40] Ingsoc: worked nicely for me... bad dvd perhaps? does it work on other computers? [23:40] i only have one comp, dvd looks fine. brand new [23:41] SliderMan: take a look at anjuta.. or eclipse [23:41] glitsj16: blueman won't come up... appears i have to download the deb manually [23:41] slart, are they in ubuntu? [23:41] glitsj16: hmm... strange... Synaptic bug.... works in APT [23:41] SliderMan: sure [23:41] hello [23:41] !code | SliderMan [23:41] SliderMan: Programming editors/suites: Terminal-based: vi/vim, emacs - KDE: Kate, KDevelop, Quanta+, Umbrello - GNOME: gvim, gedit, anjuta, pida, monodevelop, geany - Others: eclipse, netbeans [23:41] meoblast001: turning into a real adventure your bleutooth heh [23:41] thanks [23:41] Ingsoc, what about other DVDs ? Does your drive read DVD-roms ? ET:QW's dvd works just fine here [23:42] glitsj16: i already have to sell my bluetooth headset and buy a new one because mine wont work [23:42] glitsj16: but i'm not selling my cell phone :P [23:42] Ingsoc: hmm.. do you get any error messages when you insert it? (the error messages can be seen by writing "tail -f /var/log/syslog" in a terminal.. ctrl+c to exit the log viewing thing [23:42] got it tovella [23:43] SLart let me check the logs. just a sec [23:43] when i play video in totem, i get a purple bar on the left side of the video, and it seems like one of the colors isnt aligned correctly. Anyone know how to fix? [23:43] Ingsoc, btw the linux isntaller isnt on the dvd, you have to grab it from enemyterritory.com (but you'll need the DVD in your drive in order for the install to work) [23:43] cez, you might be missing codecs [23:43] !codecs [23:43] For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/8.10/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats [23:43] meoblast001: i never used bluetooth before personally, just helped out a friends setup once, that's when blueman turned up in the conversations .. all the best [23:43] glitsj16: still won't work [23:43] Yeah i downloaded the latest full version client, i get to the part where it says to insert the disc and i click ok nothing happens [23:44] Ingsoc, go to /media/cdrom0, do you see the files there ? [23:44] Mark_ILB: great. [23:44] meoblast001: too bad, out of possible ideas here i'm afraid [23:44] glitsj16: i blame Ubuntu..... like i always do [23:45] meoblast001 what was the problem? Sorry just come in [23:45] slart, do you know if they have auto filling and stuff like vs2008 has? [23:45] SiDi ,no [23:45] susieemma: Ubuntu won't let me send files to my cell phone [23:45] meoblast001: heh, hopefully that'll stimulate someone into solving your issue ;) [23:45] meoblast001: is it detecting your phone okay? does sending files work on a different operating system? [23:45] meoblast001, my mother's phone and my mouse and my own phone work fine :P and i didnt install anything.. [23:45] glitsj16: i've wanted to get rid of Ubuntu many times.... but what options do i have..... no operating system works.... best i can get i'm afraid [23:46] rww: detects it [23:46] Ingsoc, can your drive detect *another* DVD-ROM ? [23:46] rww: haven't tried a different operating system [23:46] SliderMan: generally speaking development in linux is more "emacs" and less "visual basic".. some of the IDEs have these functions.. some don't.. you'll have to try them to see if they offer the right amount of hand-holding [23:46] meoblast001: some phones don't allow sending files (mine, for example). It's a limitation of the phone, not Ubuntu. [23:47] rww: but mine has FTP on it [23:47] rww: it even says it in the phone's settings [23:47] slart, visual studio not visual basic, and what is emacs? [23:47] meoblast001: So does mine. It only works one way for me. [23:47] SiDi: yes drive reads other dvds fine [23:47] got problems with a "one A110" netbook. it can not start firefox after "apt-get upgrade" but /var/cache/apt already deleted [23:47] SliderMan: That wasn't the point ;) [23:47] rww: oh.... how do i find out [23:47] SliderMan, emacs is an OS (this is a troll xD, its a very complete IDE, but i very dislike it) [23:47] Ingsoc, and do you have any friend who could test the DVD-ROM ? [23:47] SliderMan: emacs is a text-editor.. like a small fiat with a rocket engine.. nasty to look at but does a lot of things [23:48] Ingsoc, also, try to type "sudo mount /dev/scd0 /media/cdrom0" in a console [23:48] Oh noes... not emacs vs vim again :D [23:48] slart, i need debuging [23:48] meoblast001 there was a regression with lots of bluetooth stuff in Intrepid, there's a launchpad bug about it but LP is down at the mo [23:48] meoblast001: dunno. I ended up trying it on Ubuntu, OS X, and Windows. It didn't work on any of them, so I figured it from there. [23:48] clearscreen, i sometimes use vim but my preference goes to gedit :p i like graphical apps [23:48] gvim [23:48] SiDi: same here, I use gedit [23:48] SliderMan: I think you'll like eclipse.. give it a try.. if the version in the repositories doesn't work for you, try downloading a version from their website [23:49] Stupendoussteve, gvim doesnt have a latex plugin afaik ;P [23:49] Slart, thanks alot. [23:49] How do I know what my default window manager is? [23:49] SiDi: the only thing I dislike about gEdit is how it handles indentation when the width of a line exceeds the width of the gEdit window [23:49] SliderMan, directly get the site's version, the repo's one is quite outdated, and eclipse's auto update system usually fails. [23:49] SiDi, thanks. [23:50] clearscreen, i must agree :) [23:50] rww: won't let me copy from it either [23:50] anyone knows about the "one A110 netbook" configuration? [23:50] anyone knows of a good httpd i could use? or just use apache? [23:50] meoblast001 do you have the gnome-bluetooth package installed? [23:50] SliderMan, lighttpd, apache, and there are more lightweight ones but i dont remember the name [23:50] susieemma: i think [23:50] * Slart is off to bed.. good night everyone [23:50] Night, Slart [23:51] susieemma: yeah [23:51] Ingsoc, did you try that command ? [23:51] meoblast001 is there an app called Bluetooth File Sharing in Accessories? [23:51] Sidi, do lightttpd has php support? [23:51] SliderMan, its a very complete one, afaik, so it should have php5 [23:51] Sidi, apache is kinda lame to configure i like GUIs [23:51] Sidi, thanks ;) [23:51] susieemma: yes [23:52] SliderMan, good luck to find an httpd with a configuration GUI :) those things are designed for servers (and apache is easy to configure ;P) [23:52] SliderMan: i believe lighthttpd only offers cgi support for PHP [23:52] Sidi, I dont like wirting too much to a configuration files. [23:52] meoblast001 I'm guessing that doesn't help then :) [23:53] SiDi: this is what I mean: http://i43.tinypic.com/2rz8gf8.png :P [23:53] SidI & SLart : here is the logs http://pastebin.com/m6df12383 [23:53] susieemma: face it... ubuntu hatesm e [23:53] clearscreen, i know :) i agree with you its sometimes annoying (but sometimes practical, too :) ) [23:53] susieemma: not much stuff in the world likes me : [23:53] OP [23:53] annoys the hell out of me :P [23:53] susieemma: i guess my keyboard doesn't either [23:54] omg! [23:54] Sidi, do you know if eclipse is open sourced? [23:54] ok heres my setup [23:54] Does Anyone Know of a Fix for the ata1 exception Emask 0x10 error? [23:54] How do I know what my currentl window manager is? I have ubuntu 8.10 is there a command that tells me this [23:54] meoblast001 I'm sure ubuntu is indifferent, I had to buy a new dongle before bluetooth would work properly in Intrepid for me and it worked fine in Hardy [23:54] can i overide this?: configure: WARNING: Requested 'sqlite3 >= 3.6.10' but version of SQLite is 3.5.9 [23:55] I found a laptop LG x300 ati, 2 gig ddr2, centrino, its 2-3 years old [23:55] SliderMan: "A project aiming to provide a universal toolset for development. Open Source IDE, mostly provided in Java, but the development language is independent and .." [23:55] I didnt even have to click the link on google [23:55] currently has windows vista, c:\ and d:\ 2 partions 1 drive- I want to try out ubuntu [23:55] I dont care if vista gets nuked [23:55] any suggestions? [23:55] or things I shuoldknow [23:55] LOL [23:55] Ingsoc, i googled (very fast) about sr0, it can mean that your DVD drive is having failures / the DVD-rom is buggy / your DVD drive can't properly read some DVD-ROMs (this scenario is ofc the worse :p) [23:55] hi, I have a laptop & 2nd monitor, the laptop's lcd screen is broken, so I'm trying to force ubuntu to use the 2nd one only. I do have image on this, but I seem to have problems with anything 3D/full screen related, any tips on how to set it up? Monitor resolution tool won't recognize the screens either [23:56] lewench: What environment are you in? Default Ubuntu is gnome which uses metacity [23:56] SliderMan, eclipse is opensource (its from sun if i remember well). you'll need some plugins for c++, check their website [23:56] meoblast001 there are a couple of other packages that do help but you probably have the installed already - I normally go to synaptic package manager, search for bluetooth and install everything that comes up :) [23:56] can i overide this?: configure: WARNING: Requested 'sqlite3 >= 3.6.10' but version of SQLite is 3.5.9 [23:56] Sidi, thanks i am not going to compile it tho :P i just like reading sources. [23:57] hi good people [23:57] What is the per-user equivalent of /etc/xdg/autostart ? [23:57] SliderMan, i think they have .debs anyways [23:57] eazel7, hi there [23:57] eazel7: Hi. :) [23:57] Sidi, they do [23:57] SiDi: could it be a bad disk? I have a friend that has a copy and I could try his. Or is it definitely the drive? [23:57] Stupendoussteve, well I got some metacity themes, but I cannot add it when I go to appearence. So thats why I am asking, so I can make sure I have the metacity window manager [23:57] when i play video in totem, i get a purple bar on the left side of the video, and it seems like one of the colors isnt aligned correctly. Anyone know how to fix? --- after installing ubuntu-restricted-extras it hasnt made a difference [23:57] i like ubuntu :P [23:57] Ingsoc, i suggest you check both the drive (with a similar DVD-ROM) and the DVD, possibly return the DVD to your shop saying it's having failures. [23:57] does ubuntu has any kind of 'auto-shutdown the system if temperature gets too high' or sortof? [23:58] Ingsoc, try your friend's copy, it can come from the drive or DVD. And if he has an install, you can grab his install and put it on your PC (just dont forget the libSDL file in /usr/lib, for multithread binary) [23:58] eazel7: Unless it's a hardware feature, I don't think so. [23:58] eazel7, this is hardware-side feature ;) [23:58] eazel7: You could probably write a program to do that in software if you wanted. [23:59] wine source is really interesting [23:59] !codec | cez [23:59] cez: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/8.10/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats [23:59] erpo: I wouldn't want to [23:59] Hey i am running 9.04 beta and just did a large auto update when it rebooted my login username / pw box is stuck in like hebrew and changing the local from the options selection in bottom left does not help any ideas? [23:59] eazel7: Then no, there isn't such a feature in Ubuntu AFAIK. [23:59] SliderMan, i wish i could read it without headaches :P [23:59] Sidi, oh yeah, thats one of the problems reading sources i [23:59] Debug[NB], try #ubuntu+1